WEST COAST INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT OF FLORIDA w ~ I' ) I WUT OOAST INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT OF FLOR.IDA a political subdivi.ion of the State of Florida. CAHAL RIGtrI' OF WAY BASlUtBNT PBRPiTUAL .nd, WRBRIAS, tbe party of the first part 1. the oweer in fee .imple of certai. tracts of 1.ad .ituated in Pinel1as County, Stat of florida, ..re particularly de.cribed as follows,1D-wit: PARCBL NO. 29 That Part ofs "Be,ia at a poiftt 304.00 feet Weat of the inter- .ection of the ce.terline of Drew Street with the w..t line of Oaceola Str..tin the City 01 Clear- water. Florida: fta.ce West, 600.00 f..t to the Ba.t, adJeof the ch....l of Olear.ater Say, thence S2'-30'W, ".40 feet; thence Baat 600.00 feet; thence N29. 30' ll, 57.40 feet to the Point of Beli.ala,. Lyial and beiD, ift Section 16, ILl r'lv , -- ( ;' 1 "\ ~. j L . !f) I I I \'" \ To.ship 29 seuth. Ru,e 15 .But. Pine11u CoUllty, Plorida" lying withini2'O.OO feet either .ide, riaht and left of the center.. 1bl. of the W.st Co... Iatraco..t&! Waterway Can&!; which center- line is de...ibed .. folio.., to-wit: "B8,luDiDI at the intersection of the ceDter1lDe 01 tile Weat eout Iatracoutal Waterway Canal aad tile CeDter of 01<<".ator Causeway Bridge <a.idpoiat bel.DI 634.79 f.et aouth, ....3.148.10 ,..t.a. o.f the .ertbeaat corner of Section 16, Township 29 South, RaD,. 15 Bast, Pinel1.. County, P10rida); . th..ce 112""2t34nSJ, 1002.11 leet along the c.nter11.. of Cut P-35 01 .aid Water.ay to '. the Illter..etioD of Cut P...35 .i and 1'-361 Thence HO~S8t48ttB,2131.38 feet &1oD' the centerline ol Out P-36 to the intersection of Cut P-36 and P-310t s.i~ W.t.rw.y~ (said point belD, 2389.54 fe.inorth aad 2567.7' f.et west of the South- e.atcorner of Sectl08 9, Township 29 South, au,elS .B.at. tt AND, WHBRIAS, the s.id trac::ts of land are needed in cODnection with tbe ai.resaid iaprc>v...nt. ftOW,THlRiPORB, in consideratioD of the sum of One Dollar and other ,ood aD4 va1u&ble conaider.tioDs, the receipt of which is hereby aeknowled,ed and the beDefita to the party of the first part that wll1 r..ult from the propoaed improve.ent, the party of the flrat part do.s hereby ,rnt, bar,ain.. ael1 and conyey unto the part, of tbe ..cend part, ita a.cee..ors and aaai,.a, the "e"'Petua1 ri._t ad en..ent to enter upon aad to use any or all of tbe herei.before described tract of land that the party of the aeco1'ld part .., 11'08 ti.. to time I'e~uire for construction and/or maintenanee aad/or"en1arl...nt purpoaes in connection with the con.tructioD aDd/or a.inteDallce arad/or en1ar,esent of the improve- aent.propo.ed to be located Oil the hereinbefore described tract, and CQ..tit.tl., part .f the improveaents to said waterway project .a provided tor in the bereinbefore recited project document and ..end.ents and additio.s thereto, and 8raatin, further to the aecond party, ita .ucc...ora ad ..sians the rishtto remove gd II I o I "", diapoae of all apoil ..t.rial that aay be dr.d,ed froa tbe des- cribed preai... .. ..y be Dec...ar, in the construction and/or aalatenRace, aDd/or enlarle..at of said waterway project; and the further ri,ht to depOsit .ach spoil oath. portioD of the rilbt of wa, d..cr tbed 80t &otually .. cut away or reaovedt a,rad ,rutin, furtber to said ..oood party, its aucc.aaora and a..i'D8, the right to .aintain the portion of .aid ri.ht of way cut away and re~ve .. part of tbe .aYI,able waters of the United States, RB- SERVING, m&vu., to tOile party of the first part, its .ucce..ora and ..ai.as, all .acb r!lhts and pr!vile,e. in .aid tract of land a. aay be .s.d and a.joyed witbout interferin, with or .bridaio, the ri,hta aad ......at. hereby cODveyed to the party of the ..cond part. TO HAVS AND 10 HOLD tbe .aid ri.hta and .a....at. unto the party of tbe ..oad put, the WliST COAST INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT of Florida, aDd ita .ace.saora and ...i.as, for the pur- poa.. afor..aid, fo~.v.r. And the .aid party of the first part, for itaelf &lldior its .ucce.sora and asai,D8, d.oes hereby covenant with the party ot the secoDd part that it ia lawfully seized i. fe. oft.. afore,raated pr..is.., that tb. said pr..is.s are free fro. all encuabrancea. that it haa ,oad riabt to sell aDd CODvey the .... .. aforea.id. IN WIDBSS WIUUlIOPt the .aid party of the1irat part h.. c...ed theae pre...ts to be si'fted in ita a... by its Chief Bxeeutive Officer and its official corporate ae~ to be affixed. ,--' ~',:" " and atte.ted by it. city clerk the day and year above written. ofl a aU1!licipal Approved as correctness: . ~\ ,. I I -<.l..,..j e "\:' STATE OP PLORIDA CX)lJNTY OP PINELLAS II} I lDIlDY CUTIPT, Tbat on this L~ay of Nc;JYemlbcr~ A.D. l~~..&" ~'}\'11Y appear'" ?P~, ~..4....J. M.,.o~ild __iei:~~City Clerk, rUP'!ClUye1y, of the crrr OP'CLBARWATJR, a aUDicipal corporation under the la.. t My 00..1..10. Expire.: Notary Public. State of Florida at Large My Commission Exoires Dec. 27, 1961. S."e1ai 8~: .l\M.JilliR.Yru~ ~._.t!h~ \ '--".j.f .