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THIS EA.SJXENT" made this -
dq ot No~ ~~ , 1957" be-
tween the CITY OF CLEARWATER" a IlUDicipal corporation n tbin the State ot
Florida, party ot the first part" herein called the GRANTOR" and FLORIDA
POWER CORPORATION" a corporation organized and existing under the laws ot
the State of Florida, nth it. principal place Qf business in st. Peters-
burg" Florida" party of the second part, herein called the GRANTEE.
I.. WHEREAS" the GRANTOR is the Owner in fee simple of a tract
of land in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, described as fol-
lows, to 1Iit:
A part of the Wi of Di of Section 16, Town-
ship 29 South, Range 15 Fast, further de-
scribed as follows: Begin at the northwest
corner of Osceola and Cleveland, run thence
Wes~r1y' aloDg the. north line of Cleveland
Street a distance of 685. feet; thence Borth-
er:b' along the 1f88t bOUllCiar7 line of the
Maas Bros. property a distance of 148 teet;
thence Easter17 along the north line of the
alley 113 feet to a Point of Beginni.J1g;
thence N'ortber17 along a line parallel to
the west line of B8l' Drive a distance ot
26.3 teet; thence Easter:b' along the south
line of Slmset Court Subdivision a distance
ot 255 teet; thence Southerly along a line
parallel to the _st line of Osceola Avenue
a distance of 270 feet to a point, the said
point being on the north line of an l8-foot
utilitY' easement; thence Westerly along the
north line of said easEllftent to Point 01' Be-
upon which property is preseB1;lJ' located the City Band Shell. In connec-
tion therewith GRANTOR has constructed a transformer Tal11t and underground
conduit for housing faci11 ties necessary to provide electric service to
said premises, the same being located and constructed as shown on GRANTEE'S
Drawing No. H-137-S, dated. October 22, 19,7" incorporated herein aM made
a part hereot, and
B. WRRR1l',A~, GRO'fEE is engaged. in the business of manufacturing,
tranaittiDg and distributing electric enera and has been requested b;r
the GRANTOR to provide certain facUi ties to SUPPlT electric service to
above-described premises J aDd
c. WHERIAS, GlUBfEI is desirous of obtaining an easement to
occupy and. utilize said transformer vault and said underground cond.uit
for the purpose of locating, operating and maintAining therein its dis-
tribution transform.ers and primary and secondary cables respect! Tel,y, for
the conveyance and distr11nLtion of el.ectric1ty, including fixtures, equip-
ment and aceessories necessary and desirable in cODnection therewith, same
to be located and constructed in accordance with said Drawing .0. H-137-S.
NOW, THmEFORE, for and. in consideration of the DlUtual benefits
hereunder, and of the lIlUtual covenants and conditions contained herein,
GRA.BTOR, its successors and. assigas, does hereby grant and con veT to
GlWfl'EE, its successors and assigns, the right, priv:Uege, right-of-wa;r
and easement, OD, OTer, across, through and under the tract and premises
described in Paragraph A above, the right to occupy and utilize said trans-
former vaal. t and said lUldergrcnmd condu:1 t for GJtAnm:1 S transfomers, fix-
tures, equipment, accessort.. and. priJlary and secondary' cables, respective-
11", and to repair, construct, maintain and remove the same, together with
the right of ingress and egress to and upon the said propertT for the pur-
pose of exercising the rights and privileges herein granted for such period
of time as it BI81' use the same or until the use thereof is abandoned by
GRABTEE, all in accordance with said Drawing No. H-137-S.
The parties hereto agree as tollows:
1. The Glt.AM'rEE shall have the right to inspect, alter, :improve,
repair, remove and rebuild. the said primary and. secondar.r cables, trausfor-
BIers, equiplll8Dt and accesaari.., together with the rights and privileges
necessary or convenient for the full use and enjoyment thereot.
2. The GRA.JJ'l'CIt shall Dot use said transfol'Jll8r Tau! t for arJ1' pur-
pose which will create aDT -.mreasonable interference with the installation,
reJIlOTal, repair or sate operation and sate maintenance of GRANTEE'S said
facilities in and to said transfomer ftUlt.
3. The GRANTOR shall not construct or locate 8.lJ7 buildings
or structures oyer a:tJ7 of said conduit Q'stelll, or vault, without
written no'Wication to the GRANTEE aDd submssion of writtea plaDs
of proposed c...t.rRc~_ ad said GB.&mOR agrees to reimburse the
GRANTEE tor 8.lJ7 relocation of 1.1D.dergrouDd tacilities necessitated
bY' construction over or adjaceat to .GWTEE' S tacili ties covered by
this easement. GR.OTOR shall Dot use or cause to be ued said un-
derground easement area, shown in said Drawing No. H-137-S, in 8.D1'
W8.7 or 'IUInner which would create a dangerous condition in respect
to said underground conduit, cables and facilities or create an un-
reasonable interference with the construction, reconstruction, re-
moval" repair or sate operation and safe maintenance thereof.
4. Should the GiAliTBI, its successers or assigns, remove
or abandon use of said transfomer vault and underground conduit, or
fail tor &nT reasonable period of time to exercise the rights herein
deSCribed, then in that eTeI1t all rights and privileges hereunder
shall cease.and the easement, privilege and rights herein shall re-
vert to the GROTOR.
S. The GlWrrOR covenants that it has the right to conveY'
the said easement, that the GWTEE, its successors and 88signs, shall
have quiet and peaceful possession" use and eJljoy.aent of said easement
and that the GRA.NTOR 1Iill aecute such farther assurances of and. tor
said easement as .ay be required.
All terms, pro'risions and condi tioDs hereof shall inure to
the beefi t of and be bil1diDg upon the parties hereto and. their respec-
ti ve successors and assigns.
II WITlESS ~F, the ern OF CT.QRr(lT1!2 has caused its
D8Ile to be hereunto subscribed by the City Manager of said CitY',
confirmed b7 the Hqor of said City- and attested. by- the City- Clerk,
on the dq aDd Tear first above wri tteD.
Signed, sealed am deli Tered
in the presence of:
Attest: ~
Approved as to form and. cor-
) 8S:
COUITY OF pnmr~.lS )
~ 4_I~SOnalJ,Y.~e~. ore -,
~~~of ,1951 ,
~. o~e e ,.. 'er, e or C, c-
t! vel,y, of the em OF CT.:RA~, F.LORID.l, and acknowledged that
they- executed the foregoing instrument as such for aDd on behalf' of
the said CITY OF CTJi'-AWATER, FLORlJ)J., for the uses aDd purposes there-
in expressed and that theY'did so UDd.er and by- virtue of authoriv
lavfully' conferred upon them uder the laws of the state of Florida;
and that the seal annexed thereto is the true and. genuine corporate
WITNESS JQ' hand and official seal the date aforesaid.
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