C D AND GLADYS MORELAND oJ This instrument was prepared by and should be returned to: Jonathan P. Jennewein, Esquire, of Hill, Ward & Henderson, P.A. Barnett Plaza, Suite 3700 101 East Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33602 TERMINA TION OF EASEMENT -.u...... THIS TERMINATION OF EASEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and as of the ~ day of~ ,1999, by CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation of the County of Pine lias and State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Clearwater"). Y:l I I N E SSE I H: WHEREAS, Clearwater was granted easement rights by c.n. Moreland and Gladys E. Moreland by virtue of the Easement dated November 9, 1939, recorded in Deed Book 841, at Page 119, of the Public Records of Pine lias County, Florida (the "Easement") over and across the following described property: The East Seventy (70) feet of the West One Hundred (100) feet of Lot Twenty-Three (23) of the PADGETT ESTATES SUBDIVISION of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 15, Township 29 S., Range 15 E., according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 11 of the Public Records of Pine lIas County, Florida. WHEREAS, the Easement granted Clearwater the following easement rights: a. Rights to operate and maintain its water pipes and water pump, together with the pump house in which the pump is housed, in their present location; b. Rights of all agents, servants and employees of Clearwater to enter upon said property at any time for the purpose of operating the pump, or to make necessary repairs to the pump, the pump house or the water mains; c. Right to remove said pump house and the pump and machinery contained therein from the above-described property at any time it so desires; d. Right to remove the said water mains at any time it so desires. /J('-o I ~ '-00 (j Il) '. WHEREAS, the Easement contains a provision for termination which states that the above-described Easement shall automatically terminate following a period of abandonment of six months or more; and WHEREAS, Clearwater abandoned the use of all its water facilities as authorized by the Easement in 1991 by virtue of the facilities being abandoned and the well being plugged; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Easement and all rights conveyed to Clearwater through the Easement are terminated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Clearwater has executed this Termination of Easement Agreement as of the date and year first above written. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA BY,] Michael J. Roberto City Manager Approved as to form: ~ Attest: ~~. Cyn E. Goudeau City erk ~. . ,(2pD. - ~~- John Carassas Assistant City Attorney ST ATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of ~, 19'iQ, by MICHAEL J. ROBERTO, City Manager of the City of Clearwater w~o is personally ~~ ~~. 41J'~'" DeNleA.WIIson ~ t~' 16t~'CC53lmlEXPIREf Print/TypeName: J i . Isot.J ~~ fIOQD1lAI~~~.IM: Notary Public F:\WP61 \ WORK\JPJ\JOHNSON\EASEMENT.DOC -2- 1~:2i ftSlJ 9il i61i . -"'~.;-.~.;:;;.:.:.:.' ~.:. DAT:\TR.\CE :':';".::: ~~ ~. '''~ .~1I'f;:.....~C'~, 't'" IIIRT ~~:--gnj--:-:"l'. UflO . . !lCt. EASE~E:lr tlJ; ~ . rHI~ :YDENTUAE. made th1s ~_da7 ot Hove.ber. 19~9. by and between C. D. ~O:-U:LA.'lD, Jo~r.ed 07 h1a wi:., GLADYS 1:. ~:OREI.A.N::), pllr':lu ot the C1rat part. and crn cr C:L\~'JA.T!R,. fLORIDA. a Hun!c~~nl Corporatlon or the County or ?1~eL18s and State o( F1orld~. party ?t tr.c iecond part, "1tne.s~~h: . nl CONSIDERA~ION ot thr. IU~ ot ~e Dollar and other good and valullble considerations 1n hA1:d oo.ld ;0 the part1u ot the !ir::t part b:r the ~arty ot the leeond plI.rt. :"ece1.,t o( whlch 11 hereby ackn.o\\'!.edcec1. partlea ot the fir::t ;'I1l:"t hl'lr?'oy'~r",.nt. oar.~...ln, .ell, c~nvey Lind "a.rre.nt to the part;' ot the seco~d p"..:"t, ~ tit lucce".~rs an~ ~!tl.ns forever, ~ r1~ht-~r_wll~ cr Qnge~p.nt CV~r and acrolS the rollo~~~~ descrl'oed .property. w~-w1~: Thl'l East Sev-.nty(70) reP.t or tne ~~~t O~ Hundred (100) fee: n! Lo: ~.~nt7-~~rec 20) - '.~'.......... ......-..-...... of ..be P.\4)(;1::1'l :..:),^,::'.: .:)"';:.... .:.~II.J.. or Ho n- "cst Quartl!r (l~t) 0: ~iu~ N)A.theut ~Arter (NE~) ot Sectlon l~. ':'o91n!lM!) ~ S.. ?.anfie 15 i., accor~ln~ to ;ne m~, or ~lAt :here~r recorded 1:1 Pl.!l C 90Jit 4., pIl:P. ll, .,f l;he Puol1c Records ot Pl~e:1As :ounty. rlor1da. Under t~11s eal.lP"'~fJt the C ttl or' Cll!.r~~tcr shall ilAv", :;h~ I - :-l~ht t(", Of)c:'ate and ~alnt!o1:a Hs w~:e.' ;,.1;)lS anu 'II tcr pu.":J!) , to.~ether r.ltil the !,ump no'.!s. in wh.1cil tnl! P'l";) 1lI ilousci, in their present locatloQ: And. all agents, .S!lrVII.:lts I\nd e':lol)7ees ot the Cit,. ot' Clear'f'llltel' shnli. have the rl..;.:'!t :0 g-~ ~::lO~ Jald ;,ro::ler:,. at any t1:le r~r the puro.,sp. ot opel"at 1:\(~ en.. l)1.\;lIP.' ~ ~e an)" noel slazoy re:;l41rl to the pump, th~ . pump hous.. or the wA~~r ~ll~.. The City otClear- .:':\ . ret~r oneIl hav~ th. right to remove .~1d ~l~p house And the pump and ~acllln"ry contained. tberflln troQ the a~ove .illcr1bed property at a.ny t10e lt so desir... and shnlt 81so ~AV~ th" rlgJt to rl20VI the sald WAt~r ~al:l9 at aDr time it 10 desires: aut .r and wben I.id.pu~p, 1'\\..':\1' house and water 15alna are r..ovel1 troll. the property. b,. tbe C1t)" ot ClearwAter. or ~. ue. thereot 11 abandoned by .tbeC1t7 tor a per10d ot .1x /Dontb. or .ore, than and th.ruupon th1e ea.ellent itball," " tal 002