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DEED14~67 PAGE-399
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ti. 1I1d_ture, 8f1e tbi. r" da7 01 Dee_ber, 1952, b7 ad
bet__ VI1'O AlfOIIO '1'A.GAP'D.T..I and IWlIA G. TAGAJl'RT.T.T, bi. vite, ot the
Oo\ll1t70t P1Del1Aa, 111 tile state ot norida, partie. ot the tint. pan,
&Bel the em or CLlAPWAUI, a a18l1cipa1 corporation exiat1l1g _der the
law ot the state ot norida, part7 ot the secoDCl part.
WIDIS8B!lh !bat tor aDCl 111 consideration of the sua ot <me
Dollar anel other goocl anel ftluable ccmsiderations 111 baDd ~d to the
parti.. ,ot the tim part b,r the part7 ot the second part, receipt. whereot
1. hereby" aelmovledged, saiel partie. ot the tint part here'b7 grant, bargain,
.ell and CODT87 to the partT ot the .econel part a right-ot-way 8Dd eas.ent
for the purpo.e ot l&JiDI, aaiDtaiDin&, operatin&, repa1rin& and removinl
drainage, .ewer and other pipe. through and over the tollowing d.senbed
real estate, to-1l1t I
The Hort.h three, (3) teet of Lot 9, Block 4,
T!GAur.T.T SUBDMSIOB, accorcliD& to the up
or plat thereot as recorded in Plat Book 'Zl,
Page 28, ot the hbl1c Records ot P1nel1u
Couat7, nonda.
Together with the right ot iqre.s IIDd egre.. to and O'98r aaiel
aboTe elescr1beel prem... at arrr anel aU tia.., tor the purpo.e ot la;rin&,
uintainiDg, operating, repairing and NaOv1D& the aboYe a.tiOl1ecl draiDage,
.ewer IIDd other pipes, aDd tor doiDI aDlthing n......17' or usetul tor the
enj07IRent ot the eas... herein graat..
D WImBSS WHB:iIOr, the part.1e. of the tint part bale hereunto
set their hande and seal. tile dq 8I1d ,-ear tint. aboYe writt-.
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I HEREBY CEIlnPI tbat. OIl this r'~ of Dec_ber, A. D. 1952,
before .e pereonaJ.lT appeared VITO ANTOIfIO TAG~R1rT,TJ md MAlIA G. TAGJRlrr.T.T,
hi. vite, to .e Imoa to be t.he persou descr1beci ill and vIl. executed t.he
foregoing convey8l'lce of eas__t to t.he City of Clearwater, aDd 8enral17
aelalovledpcl t.he execution t.hereof t.o be thc~ act. &Del deed for the '08_
- --'-
and purpose. t.herein _.tiOlled.
li.tT.DSS .. sipature and official ....1 at Clearwater, in the
CoUDtyof P1nellas, and the stat. of norida, the dq &Del 7e&r last.
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