LETTER TO EXTEND LEASE CREAT FUTURES STA T HERE.. November 12,2012 BOYS&GERLS CLUBS OF THE SUNCOAST City of Clearwater PINELLAS COUNTY CORPORATE OFFICE Parks c. t epartrtt nit 2300 Cali Pines f)r,, Ste. 150 Attn: Kevin Dunbar Largo, Florida 33771 P.0, Box 4748 (727) 524.2427 Dear Jater FL 33756 FAX(727)524-3090 Dear Kevin, Corporate Officers. Thank you for your on-going partnership and support of the Boys &Girls Clubs Larry Crowley of the Suncoast, This letter is a formal request to extend our lease for 5 years at Chairman Leroy the Wood Valle Center, The current 5 year lease is set to expire on November Chair Sullivan Y° � f<Irrtfr d€:�t 0, 2012u Bob lrtghaon Traasoror Boys&Girls Clubs charge and save the lives of young people most in need by Arny Magtjire providing dally access to a safe place, caring adult mentors, and high-impact w ecref'lry programs during critical non-school hours. Our partnership with the City of Clearwater allows us to serve over 100 youth at our Wood Valley Location, most Derek et r��r€.k�eirset of who are Hispanic heritage, Sheriff jinn Croats Aaron Cohn Leslie Daley Community partnerships are what makes it possible for Boys &Girls Clubs to be Simon Dawkins the best vehicle for creating great futures for thousands of young people most. tin i l�awsrur, Y p R4Pi Diner in need.'Thank you for supporting our Kirks,our Clubs, and our Cornrrsunity. Rolfe Dugyar Larry Gilhouseri Kathleen Guckenberger For the Kids, Ryan Hickey Ton)Hoof Greg Hughes Matti Johnson David Jolly Jahn Kamkatis Lori LeCarow Lourdes Mayorga Nita Smith Mary Melcer Marlon Merritt Presfident/ E l Ronald M, Ricaitlu AT FUTURES T HERE. Z Harm r Royston as Barbara� r� yst crr7, Duane D, Stain Robed F Swcv k erandi Winans Andrew Winkler Harold Winne, Buys&Girls Clubs of the 5r ncoast is a 501lr;l3 organization as determined byt tore lnterral Revenue Service. Gifts are tax-dedut ctibla. A coley of the,off idal reglstratirarr and firiarrcial information may be obtained from Lfe division of Consumer Servlces by calling Tall-Free(800-4335- 7352)within the stag. Regrstiadon does not innplf en,3utsernentr appf val, or recurnir endation im T bF the state Plecise refer to registrat? n rurnber CII219. sraizod way atlxma Bay ��llt F November 27, 2012 RAS, NRa SnAti-i My s&GW Ck*s A We SuncoasT Pi'W"'11"is U)unty Corporate Of lose 2300 Tall Poes Co. Re. 150 Largo, FIDFida 33771 Dear AW: 1 was ME= to recewe your k--ttx rype1q, to extew! amr hase t'he Oty foi 111111-,t-, Vvc-,,-,�d Vdley ReoreMbn CNAer for an addhonal five years, ThYs pannership has proven to be exceptimul in all ways and kwe look forviaird tci thc, Boy' and GWIS CWWs contimed presence at thIS Wathln LHONg We YUUU1 Or CIParWater pu0twe guidarne, [-'.�rogramn-i4ig and rnentorship, Please accept Him letter as approval from the My loextcnd the agreement under the san-ie ,-ondition's" f0fSrl additjOMA EVE-yearsfrorri December 1, 2012 to November 30, 201T Dir ctor', Parks and Recreata-tn Depatlnnier�t U: Me Lockwood, Reaeadon Supedvaendent Sa ndy Clayton, Recrear on Coordinator