FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION (2) -~ <!" KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRBSENTS, That the undersigned, in consid- erat10n of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable considerations, the receipt of which ie hereby aCknowledged, grants and conveys to FLORIDA P(JNER CORPORATION, its succeS80re and assigne, the right, privilege and easement to conatruct, operate and maintaj,n for such period ot time as it may uae the .... Or until the use thereof is abandoi:1ed, a single-pole line for the tranflll>>aon and d1stdbution of electrioity, including nlllCt$,ary COIlAun1oat1on and other wires, pOle., gUyi'J,anohors, ground OI)~.ctiOIUJ, at.tachments, fixture., equipment and .co..or;!... des:.b'able in connection therewith over, upon and across the tollCnd.ng described land in PineUo\la County, State of Florida, to wits Begin at the Center of See. 1$..29-1, and run thlllce along the kat anti We.t o.ent.er- line of ea1.d Seo. 1" N 89OS"1l" W,360' J tMnce N 000'120" X, 108.68' to an inter- Motion of the Northerly line orOw;rt St. and the W..t lb. ot Ewing .Ave. for P .O.B. ot a 16.,' ....ect area extendj,ng West of the West line of Bring .Ave.) .~ Ewing An. bearing N 000)120" E, 956.86' to the South line of Pierce 81'.. and end of eaae- MDt. together with the right to patrol, inspect, alter, ;improve, repair, rebuj.ld or renove suoh lines, equ1pnent arxi acoe.lllori.., inOlud:i.ng the right, to inorease or deorea.. the nUllbel' of wirea and voltage, together witb all rightll and pdv.:Uese., reasonably neoeslary or oonyenient .for the "njo;vm~mt or use tn.not for the purpose. above detlcribed, including tho right to trim, cut and keep clear such vees, l:iJnbs and undergrowth along said lines, and all treeIJ adjacent thereto that may endanger the proper operation of the same, and including the reasonable I'a.ght to enter upon adjoining land of the GRANTOR for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted. B1ght.o.f~ clearing is hereby restricted to the Ea$9m$nt ~ea ORANt'O:RheMbT agrees that no trees, other than citrus trees, and no buildings or structures, other than fences, .1i11 be located or con- etructed wi thin the bounds of said Easement Area by the Grantor herein) however I GRANTOR reserves the right to use Baid easement area for ~T other purpose which will not unreasonably interfere with the safe and proper con-. structton, installation, operation, maintenance, alteration, repair 01'1'8- mova! of said facUities of GRAHTEB. GRANTOR covenants that it has the right to convey the said ease- ment and that GWTg shall have qwlet and pe!ltceful possession, use and enjoyment of8Ud easement. AU knll', pronalon8 and cond1tioDS hereof shall :1nuN to the benef1 t Of and. be binding upon the pa.r:t.iell .llareto and their r..pe01i V$ 8UCQI!lSIOr8 ud "$180. INWlT!ESS WHEREOF.. the said GRANTOR haa cause these presents to be e1gned in it. nau by its yice. President, and its corporat.e seal d to be affixed, a't'lileeted or Us ,l'.ssistont Secret.ary.. this .l!!!..:. day of (' ttJ~.&v .. A.]). 1~59. Signed, s.ued and delivered in prell.nee of. ESTATE LOCATIONS, INC. ~t /!L~-.rv ,dJ~~ By ~~ OJ~~e$ident Attest. "-.. !~ , ' ~ ..~~.... ~~/t!-/, ~~,~ AssistantsMJ'$Gi7' STATE OF FLORIDA ) .. {i ( Sill. COUNTY OF /xJJ...-I}..(1..x.....) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this A.D. 1959, before me personally appeared , th. -: ,:1 , ' / d~ of ' I. ti,l); , , J:r..tJert" D. ;D~)'f-J":; and Thomas W. Bi~hl)D " respectively :.iroQ President and AS.!listdnt SIItn'et.aJov of FJi!TA'l'E LDCATTON~L TNC _ _ ... OA..nn""J>+.!n'n ...:1' +.h.. S'lia:t$ of Flor1,d$" to me known to be the persons desCrib$d in and who executed the foregoing instrument to the Florida Power Corporation and severally aoknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, tor the usee and plU'poses therein mentioned; and that they at- f1Xed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and the said instru- ment is the act and deed of said corporation. i~ITHIl8B 'IIl1 signature and official !!leal in said Count)' and State, the day- and )'ear lut aforesaid. (NOTARIAL SEAL) (.' '. , . ii. .ii ~' s.' x I A I I;: I Ii kkcT""iO~'\.-~l!<t \A.,.L~'H..\"C{ .I:{" , , My Commission Expire.' Notary pubnc, State of FlorIda at larR8 My commission 8l\plres July 7, 1962 . ,. ~:"" -"',:,,,<--. ,. ' I ;^J nm""_~_,_._--_._' ,-"- " 'w - - ""--".-'" '::J /C) ~ ,. .. "r ( '-Q . ..:: ~ C I.: /, ..~ ! r - -- - - - - - :J.l" ! II . /~::: if'I'. I l; I' ,: I r i I f, '<II I~I I~ .!~ '~i .~, ".1 ';_0 ~ ,-( " ! i 1...-, :,~ " l !\\ , -------1 ! i,1 ! f!< " I )j leG >\ ~. i:~ I '''':~~, ,;;>. J"~! \-- ._'~' /{.;.: ~--I \'" -:.....s>~". f" I,. \', ..... ,-. ...t'>. ~. ";0;: '-~. ----..'l ~ ! I .. /"/' P f1\..;" L.. (.' ! ~~{(-~~..;:'. ;~_:;;'._--", _':,~~ '.' /4 .E I', c'.' '~,_~::... /.: ' --"'-',~.,~~-~f;f:, -,;~---'--'.;b~. .~ .'t'.,;- FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION ISTRI8UTION .NOINIIRING DBPARTMIN EASEMENT PeR ESTATE LOC4 nOh:..5, /NC I..l~ CA-" 't.'V47ER, FL4 w. O. No. -&L.Zf1i.,Z/_.__ Date _Z'~t?.e::o.__ Drawn _~_"ci:'-'.,'.!.iJ.:"____ Checkecl..,_______..", Approved ____,____." _.________.________.______ Sc Ie l . ..' . r\.- N /....~:,;.,4 . ------.--~-~------ ."....v. o. L~Y_.H:-..J:.J._.