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� � � �EL�V�TION�CCI�711=1C�TE . ��.ti�.11.N�1�� .: 1=EDEFtAL EME(�CCNCY MAN/1GEMC'NT AGL"-NCY � ��x�"'�'s ti�.�y J , • NATIONAL �LOOD INSURANCC PROGRAM ' ' n1T�N710N: Use ol this r.ertllic�to cloea not nfovide a waiver ol.lho Ilood insurance purchri:o roquiremenl. 'fhis lorm i� u<;ed only Io . provldo olovalion inform��ion nocoJJary'to ensure comnliance wilh'applicablo comrriunity floodpl�in mana�emenl ordinances, lo determine Ihe proper insur�nco•p�einium rate, and/or to supporl a requesl for a Lcller of Map Amendmenl or Revi�ion (LOM/1 or�OM • Instructlon_^. for comnleling tl�Is lor►n c�n be tound on ll�e lollowinq pages. . .• . SECTION A PfiOP[RTY IN�ORMA710N • - : ron w�unnNCr:cor,nrnrrY us� �vIIDING owNEn•S NnM[ -_.._,_______ DAVID S. & HEATHER L. CIAMPIN3 . �'o�.icvr•iur,mcn -'�-- __--------._.-----�- ---�_�.._------.._._..___._._�___---•-----..�_._..----•....__._..�._..__.--�- :il'fl�l:l'/1f)pRfE::;(Includln��Apl.�unn.;:�,�io:����vor rn<i��.ri�����n„��on r�.u.nourc:nriu�u,x�•iunniir;r� � ------•---.-_.--._.,__.__�•------•--- 1 3 6 WINDWARD I SLAND . cornr�nriv ianic iaur:�nr:n '� ____.........-----..._._._____...----------�----�- - -___._...__..._._.. ._.__..________�,.._......_._.. Ol'Flf:ll DI:.;C(111'710N(l.ol t�nd Oluclt Numbnr.:,ulc.) .....- . .. . --_..__. ------- � � LOT 66 � UNIT 4 ISLAND ESTATES OE CLEARWATER . .- -•--.._._......._.----.._....__.._.-- ------�----�-----------�- ..._. . . ._. .__._.__._..._.---_...._.............___.. . �:I7Y ..... .... ..._....__. _---....._...._..------.�._..___..-_--°--...---------------- '.CLEARWATER F�)�IRIDA ;,,,��„�: S�CI'ION I] I-LOOD INSUI?ANC[ R/17C Ml1f� (I'IRM) IN�ORMAI'101� �. ('rovicJe the following Irorn tho propur FIf1M (Sa�; Inc:Uucti ------ ; �.r.or,nn,wNrrv Nun,ror:n :r.i�nNr.i.Nunnnr.:n �.^urr•ix '� - . •t.Dnl"C:Oi Plfl�.�wi�r:x 5.f�I1M"l.ONI: G.OAE[FIOOD CLCVA7'ION . 1 25096 0008 D 8-1 9-91 "AE" 1��1�0`""'"'°`�°,,,�,� 7. Inclicale the elevalion datum sy:;lcin used on the I'IRM for[lnsc rlood f;lr�v:ilio (_ : �NG ? 0. for ?.ones n or V,where no E3�I= ie. providc�d �n th« I"IFlM, anc! Il�e cornnii�nity I�a�(esl::I�lis:heci�;.f�f'1'9c�f.��IOl��cicl i�u^`,leciroclic)il�I`' lh�:c,ornmur�il ° D1=1_:�.-•-�-•-�.._�.__�....�.�..._�.Ir�et NG\iQ (�r oll�er I-1RM d;ilunr::�:C �ecliun D, Ilern %) J ,, � �._ y'.. ^ _,_ ' A_ __ _S�CI'IOiJ C DUILI)II�G 1=LI;V/1'I'IOtJ INf=ORM/11'IOIJ I. Using lho 1=1i:vation CarliliCat� In�lri.iclion�:, indic:�lr� Ih�cli;:iqi,.�m riurnl��,r Irani Ilu:cli;.tqrcun� louricl oi� (�':igt:;; �;�ncl f, Ili;il b���t " de::cribes Ihe subject building':; rr(err:ncc Icvel_.l_._. . ' •?{�). �IRlvl 7_ones�t•�30, A�, �I•I, and� (with DFf:). "fhc lap o(Ilic refercnce I��vcl Iloc�r Irom llie seleclr:d diac�r.ini i^:il :�n elr�v:ilion i�l�.._�...�_.6. 75 ._I Ici�t NGVU (or ollicr ('lI1M �.L•ilun�-�:c:c: �i�clion l3, Ilr�rn %). (b). 1-1(lM Tonos V I-V�O, VI?, ,inct V (wilh fll't'). "I lu: b�illoni ol fht� lowc::l liori:c�iil:ll:;Ir�.ii:tur:ll nu�inl�cr u(Ilu:ri:(cr��nG: li:vi�l Irun� tlie sc:lactad dia�rui�, is al an clt:v,,��o„ oi I._L I._.I.....I_._1.1---I i���:� r,evr� �����u„�� rir�M�ialwn•-�:c�r� ;;i;clion !), Ilcrn %). c�). i-intii zo��� n �W�u,o��� nrr�. �ri,�� Ilc�or�i�:ed a�: lhc�ieli�rr,iicc:� lavitl Irqni Ilie �:crleclecl di:igr:im is �---�---�.�._�Ieel abuve��� or ' below�. � (cher,lc onr�) Ilie I�iqlie�:l r�r:ult� .�clj:�c��nt lo Ilu�I,uildinc�. (cl). 1-1RM "!_one 110. 7he Iloor�e:ecl :is tl�e rel�ren�:c I��vrtl Iron� tlic: selr.clecl ili::�grc�m i:s �__.I.._�.i __� fr:i�l abov�;(__f or I��lo�v�_..�(cher.lc one) the highest �r:ule adj.�r,enl lo Ihi� builclir�g. II no IloUCf depU� nurnhc�r i�:c�v;�ilc:�ble, i�: Ilicr I:�uilding'�:lowe^t Iloor(icicrcnce lavel) r,levated in acr.ord�nc��witli Ihc conu7iunily's Iloudplain rn�ri�qerni:nl ���c.lin:ince? ��_� Ye�:: � ] No �--) Unlcnown ;f. Indic�te the elevation daturri �ystr,n► used in dcicrrnining tlie above relerenc:e Icrvel elev��tionr.:� NGVD:?J ��) Otlu:r(desc�ibc� undcir Commonts on F'�c�� 2), (NO'tE: !I the;ele���lron dafun�usaU in»�c.isurinq llx�elev,�lions is dil/erent�l�an lha�usec!on Ihe FIRM (see Section Q, Iton► 7J, 11�en conve�l !he elev�tiom:ta fhe d,�lc�rn;y:;�eni used on Ilte FIl?til and;;l�ow Il�e converuion � r.qur�fron undei Conun��nf�on Pagr�?..) �I. �lev�lion referenca rn�rlc u::ed appa:v;: on f-1RM: �� Ye:: ( .�I�i� (`;,,c: I,i<:Iruc.tiori�:on f�:iqi; q) :;. l�hr. rclCronco Icvt:l clev:iliori i:t bc��:�td on: }� ;�c:lu:il conr:Ui.icticm �._.� CUrt�:Irur.liUn clr,�wings (NOTr: Use ol consUuclion d�,�wings fs on/y valhl il(!ie berilding doa�nnt yet li,:rve fha�e(c�rer�cc�Ievel/fuor iri pincc�, in �.yhicli ca;:a Ihi,corfilic��te will o►�ly bn valid(v�tlit�burldinq dur'inq�hc1�;pti���;c,ol%•o��sln�r,licm, fl��c��t-r.un;li�ucliori 1=1cv:ilinn Carlilic,i/�� ��vill bn rcquir•od once consUucfion i::CUR7�)I�?I�'.� G. "I'hc cloval(On ol the low�:c:l c�radc iinnt�.cli:ilcly aclj,�t:�:ril Ic� Ilie I.�uilclinc� i�::� �. .� 5. 8 Si'Clian [3, IICnI %). .-.. ...,_- � I���:I NG�VI) (or c�ll�er I'IFifvt d:iluni•�:��� __ __ _ _ _ _ SECl�ION D CQMMUNI7'Y IIJI'ORM/�TIOIJ —'— _ ir----- .,.—_.- •t. II lhi� cummunity ollir,inl ri:s��on,:il�lir ►ol vi!ri(ying l,uildin� olev,llion� ;:��ecilie_: Ili:tl Ilx� reler�nc� I�vr.l incliCttled in Seclion C, Ilern 1--- is r�ol t►�e"lowc�t Iloor"a;dclined in lhc community's Ilooc(p(nim m�nngernenl ordin�nce, lhe elevation of Ihe buildinc's "lowesl Iloor"as;delined by the ordinance��;: I.._L..I---I__I_I.l._I Icel NGVD (or o�h��r �-�t1N1 dafum-,:r_i� Secfion [], Ilr�ni 7). 2. Dntc ol lhe �larl,ol con;:truclion or�:uU_;t:tnticil im��rovomenl ..._.__.--.- -.--.- ' . F[M 11 P o t m 111-J 1�M A Y 9 U ' ---�-"�'--"'— --- . .. . . Rf:PL/�CIiSl�LI.I'IlL'VIOU`�I:DI I ION`: Etl:l:(IfV(;(1���s:,pr r-ori.c;or�l71lJUA'I'ION _ _ _ � � - SLC710N L. C1=Fi71PICl�TION — "I'hi:; ccr(ifir,��lion i:, lo bc si��ncd by�i land;,i�rvcyor, enc�inecr. or arcl�itecl who is aulhorirect by;I�IIC Of IOC1I IcIW IO C.�i inlorni;ilion whcn Ihc clev,�tion infonnalion lar 7_onc:;/11-��0, ni�,.ni-i, � (will�(3f=L),V1-V;lO,VE, ,�ncl V (wilh DFL:) i�re�uired�llion Conimunily ollici;�l;who �rc ,•iulhorizcd by lor.�l Ic�w or ordin�ncc; lo providc� Iloodpl;�in inan�c�cmc;nl informalion, mt� al� . . cerlificalion. In lhi:'c;��e ol %�no;no,�,d n �w�►�,ou� ;� (=1=Mn o,•conimunily i;;;ued 13f=1::), ;i huildinr� r�llici�i,�:,��on�iy oW�e�r�.o���� ovrncr'; reprc;�:nl:ilivr m�iy.-il;o si�i� Ihe ccrlificalion. I�iolr,rencc Ievcl di;ic�r.�m� G, 7 and 0 - Di;linr�ui;hin� Foafurr.s-If Ihc� ccrtilicr is unablc lo cc:rtif lo l r� • • • enc{osure :ixe, localion o( ;r.rvicing equipmcnl, arr,;� ii��, w;�ll oponin�;, �r unfini,^,hr,�l;irea Fe ature(:�)?'Ihera l'i;,l the I oalu n(y)w����� included in Ihc; ccrlificaiion un�lr,r Comrnr..nt: bcic�w. 'fhr, dia�r.un ntimbcr, "c;cfion C, Ilnrri I, inu:,l �lill l>c cnlcrcd. /c.r.r(iJy 11iaf Iha inlorrn:iliorr in Sec(ions fJ and�;ni� (hi�:cr:rfilrc:.�le rc:�uesr:nl::rny bc:Y c:flvrl:, !a inlcrpref lhe d<tf:l av�ilaWe. L under::r:�,�d rn,<<�rny(tilsc 5(afr,ni�nf�n;�}�br:puni;h.�ibin, b��lnic��r impri::onni.r.nf undCr 1�1 U.S. Coclrt. SeC(ion 1001. Ci.nrn-n.ir;ninn,tt; _—_ --_-------•-----------------_-------------•�_..__-- -------- i ic�_r�:;l:PJUMI1Lf1(or nllir ;�,,;ij` --- - , _W.:.CLL.:C.11.M C. i;�:n�i�_r1��C, -----_ __.......---��-.__._.__..._.._ ._._....-- rrn.i.: --- ._ ..... .._.._. ...----..._.---....----- �--_ ...__1l1_5_�F3.. coMi'�NYhln�vtl: _.._..... ...._ __----.._.....----------- ..--- ...... _.._. .�ZI;G--.--S.U.LZVJ:�'ni: ... AI,LTI;I) :�U(:VI:Y:TNG; ..-----�— ---...__...__..___--------�- nn�rirs;; --- ----•--....._ �, _ ---- ------------_._._--------- _.._.__---- . �: c����• 21..1._II_._ f� ���, �-� , . -----.� � ------�--G , ''TAT[ ... _,�_1.___?l.L,_.J;.__ � ;iGr�nrUri'. ' ` - - --------- -C..LL[1T2_W.1.�.'.f.'..I;)::.._._ ..__.-- -------•----- ------i�'T,oz:.r.nn ___ 3��2 5 �—,�j// L — ��— � ---- — 6-03-2000 nnri= riiortr � _'— / �� �—•-•-- (_Cop cs should bc madc of Ihi:-�(;c"p If(c1t: (o��: I) cominuiilty o(fi<:ia(, 7_) in:urancc �irj�nl/cvn�p:�n , sind � buil ' � ---------. —_���.,/ _-----------� � Y ) dinq owncr. COAqMEN'1;;: ___ _ __ __ . . _ . .. ._. . (� ((� (� QQ/f . . �. 1�..-V�-..L4._U .�/ . .....-AUG..Q:.� 2OOQ-- - - --- .__--...---.._..__._._...._._. ......---. ._ ---------------------.._..._�- PLANNING DEVEL PMENTSVCS .._. __.......__._.__..__--- --... _._ __..----------..._-� --....._._.--------�----------�-=--��-----�---�- .... .CtT1f�OF-EtEARW�€fl�--�-----...._.._----....._--- __...--...____.__. _. . .. o�,— - - --- ������ :I.�n IIA;:I:Ml:lli � Otll'll(::. — �'ll:tTi.OII COI_U1.117$ � V ^ � V :OMIc i /.OFII.:: /.OtJI..:�. �N--__ 10hA:S 70riG �nr��.nr.nr,l' � ' ;"j'_ '_f�: iuu i tu:ucr . J�, . �rvn ••' ----- "—. .-` iu::iE _�cvr�. t �_�1 l�_ :.1--�. _ v: ,,,�E,,,:,H:�: �f��.:- - ,�.�„� . nnvniiroi iEVr:� - -........ ._ . .. ,_-_� i?�.l -�"_---• �_ -.�--� _ � —�— ..` ^-, �„r��-: , ,. ,� t; � --_� .� t ��I� n ;a; . . ..,,. t ._.... . =. - ....�.,.� — -1---� ....... �� ,s_ ��� ���.�.� , :.:.:_:,� , � — �= �,�:., ..: , – -- f1�Nqr �Y� 'I__' � �Al1.Inf,f;N ::71.�i � , IU:.Ii •: :::' � :: :.. III:I�I;III:N('.I; I'1lVAllll/l '--- ' f'.IIAI. l�l: ' � IF;Vf.I ' ' �lCY1D m.rrin.�na: no�n�'i:nt `�� rn:vniin�i �1 f VI:1 f.IlA11F � ''ti�: � '�: I � .�i j';� � . .. +,`�:i i.i:Ulr"'� . . � �'� .��t�,�„���` . . 1''•� '^���.%.::!:.'"t.i 1(�.�.�.��•. �1i' ::.'1�.::. •.: '.. ;lt�.:•.:�:1�1:�':;.���•�: '��r����i�.. /.�';�.:.:.:.:.::!.•;)...•::.::. .;'���A11.IAf,1:111.: � .. ..i+.h(!`'�i'.`::i::=li:�:CP::�:i�`i�:�]ft�:`•i>• r.�uuF — --��_ . �I'hc di��r�m;; ;il)qvr, illu>lr�Uc !hc poinl; al whiCh lhc cicvalion5;hotlld bt: mcasurccl in n lonc; and V 7_Onc:. — I_Icv;ilion: for t�ll!� Zon�;.:: :;hould bc rnca;urccl ;�! Il�c lop of Iho rclor�ncc I�vi:l floor. — 1=1��v;ition;; for ;.�II V lono;; ;hould I�e mcr�Surccl at Ihc bollom of 11�0 lowc;t horizonlal;:truclur,al mombcr. _ • .:�..,;.; . . f':�r.��;;