THE SPARE ROOM CORPORATION ~t r ::" lp' . " , 74007609 V Ii 4121:. ' '1:11"'75'') I'" ~, ~J PA&l. ,c, ,~ .;..." ---7 ~; '? EASEMENT FOR AND IN COI'JSTD:E:RA TION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the benefjti:~to be derived thercfrorn, THE SPARE ROOM CORP.~, a Florida corporation, does bcreby grant arid COn\ y to the CITY OF CLEAR WATER, FLORIDA, an easernent over, lUHler and aeros S 1.11,: fc,llowing des cri bed land, lying and being situa.te i:'l tbc County of PL1clJa:,:>, State of Florida, to wit: Drainage and Utility Easement: The J:;ast 1U feet of the foUowmg des cribed real property: A parcel of land in the Southwest Quarter (S W 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 12, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, des cribed as follows: From the Southeast corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 12, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, run thence N 00 06 rOOl1 E along the 40-acre line, 40. 0 feet for the Point of Beginning; thence continue N 00 06'00" E along the 40-acre line, 200.0 feet; thence N 890 18'15" W, 230.0 feet to the Easterly right-of-way of Kapp Drive; thence S 00 06 roo" W along said Easterly right-of...way, 200.0 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of Pahnetto Street; thence S 890 18115" E along said Northerly right-of-way, 230.0 feet to the Point of Beginning. (I) <.:>- ~.!.- -'% '"'=> 20 o:u , O">@,'., %c;'-,;'''';;'',' ~" ~"'~-'-, ~DOCUMENTARY ~ 0' ?!~~:~<:'),'v"'-. ~ pe R T ~,X: ~>- = ~~~kiF;L_~~LORl~A \ ,- 1; ~~ N ";'~~, JA'II~'74 P.B.\ \I~ 0 0.55 J~ ~8 :: PEYEHUE \,o~N ' : r- STATE OF FLORIDAI DOCUMENTARY",,;;;''';'' STAMP TAX I ~EPT. o~ REVENU,E fl[t~, '<;.~ _ J == P.B. = JAN 16'74 \~:~f1:-'-" ::: 0 O. 3 0 I :::10534 '.......""~ 1 = ,,'_~J'/'./'/ _Af'-"'/"~'.A~-".A_"'_^ ,I< ^ . .~ drainage and This easement being for/utilities in!::tallation and maintenance. TIle CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, shall have the right to enter dWH1~;~~ g-R~ve describ~d premises ancfit~in:~?~~t~}}&t, .install and .mainta~~ thereon any/utJhty lInes a.nd to l11spect and alter. such7ubhty Imes from hme to orne. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party nereto has catwed these presents to be duJy executed by its proper officers thereunto authorized and its seal to be bereunto affixed, this 3f!:! day of })t.:CJ.=/t.f!~.'./J'( , 19-Z3-_, Signed, scaled and delivered in the presence of: ~ ..., t THE SPARE ROOM CORP. ~y_-7J;? ~i 'l~ )~-- ~4:. President Attest: /i2r/~ Its Secretary J" ~h~~ ". I"~ (qSr'p"6~>,~te;:Seal) c '_ v' , "":"":'.~' J ; - [~.~~).- . ~',' --::" ;~.:~w . ~':~ ~ ;,~'~ .:./ l" ....... ". \\\,~ ,.... ~ \ '. \.' RETURN TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 4748 CLEARW A TEn. FLA. :1315 18 T~is, instrument was, prepared by. LTG'i)EERT nr '. .t.L','" .. . 1>'.. BROWN (';i'" 'tt C';., , JH) J~ orney ."y ~f Clea;watcr. P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 "ECURlilO ".ILUS CO. FLORIDA ~~;~~~~ alS 4 l' r~ 'l~ - 1~~(2Lt=~)_Q3? . L , I ,- .., . u. R. 4125 PAGEl? 53 !'~ ^ '"," co'" Z ",-- --~ COtn'-JTY OF _ L~~ __ Before me, the undersigned authority, this da~")eraonally appeared __&L/!,prrf 1!1-...iL~,::- _~ _____and..____-.fU.I5,-:/?-r:_ arrO'_~~,.;-~_____"..__.'~_"'N..; tIo ITflE':. v.','el~ k!,':lwn c!nd .],~nown to, r:~:1.L!~~:h0 indi vpid.n;~~l ~ dt(~<;Ci~lj bP,2d iJ ;';)"l~." o. ex(:.c'J."t(~ci. t 10 oregolng lr:u:!trurncnt a.s .;....~~._-----___.M..... ..-':t':.mUen: ;;;.Hu _~~~_~_., S(;:Ct'ct~tl'y.A'J:;~lpf.:r.:Ji.. V(~.L)f. the C orpo:t ;;~tion na.rned :n the fox' egoing in:, txun:-Le6!f.~ and they 5evc}~ally acknowledged to and before nlc f:hat they executed said instru~':n(;nt _ on beh;:\li 01 a.nd in the name oi said corporation aB such offi.cers; that the ee,,,l affixod to said instrurnE:nt is the corpo:tQte seal of ;laid corpo:~:1),tion and thctt it V1Ci.1~ 21ffb-wd thC'1:'t::lto by due and regula:>: corporato' authority; that tb,ey are <11.1.1y authori&~ed by lJf:'Iid co:q.IO:t'atio::1 to execute said iustl:umcnt and that said inHt:curnE~:nt is the frec act and deed of said corpor.ation. IN VrITNESS VIHERI~OF I have hereunto act my hand and affixod my official. seal this ~ day of .c' ~. _1." "":! ~..~~_~. A, D. ~' J;J~ 'q . Notary Public..... .", .~.. ,,' .. My GommissionExpiroe: NoftT/ Public,~ta~ed Fbr~C1a ,j'r.,~",tI,i'; . - r:A<J COfhml5~~u:1 Ll.p:, '~J ,'.\c,} J~/_ .~ ."':' ~nrt",dby AeJ::::: (2_.:",;/; & :;,;,c:. ' d ~~,~ c/O" j :~~~IL_..~"..~ L i. ~\.," .. . .,'