ALFRED AND JESSIE MARSHALL .~ r~1 DEED 881 PAGE if, .: I J .~ , ,. ! r S E '" L H :c A S E ~;.;. E liT r~c IGJOi. lJ.J" :.3Y r.:;~iESE J?:FiliSl~l~TS: That we, the undersigned record title holders of the follow- ine descri b eel. pre:~:is es lyinF; and beirt? in PinelJe,s 'jaunty, ~lorid.8, more fully described as follows, to-wit: Lots One (1), Two (2), IJ:'hree (3), ]~ou:r (.4), Six (6) and Eight (8), Block "E", Oak dills :''3ubdi vision, according tOJap or plat thereof recorded in Plat Jook 7, page 66, Public ~leeords of IJinellas .Jounty, Florida, upon wilieh land, in that portion thereof cnarl;:ed";_rea A" upon the plat tllereo1', ~lereto attaelled as bxl1ibi t "I" and :-::tade a part ;18reof, the ~i ty 01' Clearwater has placed a stor:n sewer line; do, for and. in con- sideration of' tIle SUi'l of One (,,1.00) JollaI' tIlls day paid to us ~JY tlle ~i ty of Clearwater, :[.'lorido, a ;nunicipal corpore.tion, reeei ~Jt of which is ~lereby acknowledged, hereby grant unto said 8i ty an easetaent over 01' unclel' sc:id 1I};.rea ,t-,," for t,i:1e sole anci only purposes of' rel)airin:~;, renewinc or removing said sewer line at any time that it :'lay consider the saDe necessary or advisable, provided however, that the said City s118ll, on each entry upon t'.le land, care for surroundinc 1)re',1ises and re~)lace lav;~'1s, shrubb~1-~J~~a~1.dewalks disturbed by their entry UDon said"Area L.." v/llen the purpose of t;leir entry has been coYrnletecL ',\'e, the undersigned, acree at no ti~le to erect fLl1Y foundations or buildings on or over said "Area A". ~lle a.bove and fore.~oing covenants shall be covenants runninr wi t_l the land bindin": upon our 11eirs, successors end assi!~ns forever. n~';.i'J.'LL.8i:) .r::fJ;.;RiO]',-we have 'hereunto -set our hands ands eels on tnis L,;~e ~~_ day of ~ , H. '''. 1941. Ji~ned, Sealed 8Ld Delivered in t~e ~resence of: ( (~,--, 'J.. ) ...,h ' '-r'.;.....i....-. ( S":'::;J., ) 'N..OI3-0D- 3 j' DEED 881. PA'GE ,18 .! 1- I .", ". II ,-' ~ S':CA'l'i O:J' :;TLOLIDA ,JOUl,[II'Y O:F' PLT21LAS .L ..:;:::;:'T,EBY :;.:;z:;:~S.'IFY, ':'hat this dry in the next ebove naned strte and County before me, an officer duly authorized end acting, ~)ersonally appeared ALl"HED P. 1,!IARSrIALL and JESSIE C. I ,lA}1.Srul.I.Jo, his wife, to me well knO\\TI anrl knmm to me to be t;,le individuals described in ano, who executed tlle foree~oing deed, and they acknowledr:ecl then and t;lere be- fore .:le that they executed spid deed. JU;'J I :F'TJT,II'lILl{ ::;J.;;Ii.lj:T2Y, ~he.t t~le said J=~:.)SL~:::. "Ii~I:f:n;:~LI" kno;Nn to n.e to be the viife of the said LIJi'E:=D r .'J~HE)uL'J,,,jo, on E'c separate and private exa,lination, taken and ':lade in tho above na:ned State and Jaunty by and before ~;Je, separately and a:!)art 1'roln her said husbend, did this day acknowledge before me, an officer authorized to take acknovlledg- ,l(mts of' (leed::3, tllat sile execut.ed tlle I'uregoint; deed freely and volun- tarily 8:nd vIi thout any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from ller said husband. ',1T-2i:3SS :ny iland and official seal this ~~ d8Y of W , 1>.. D. 1941. =,'y cO,'J.:'1ission 2 ~~-L rAbt .....v 7 8 9 /8 " 16 6 '1 99 s, " $"1" ,'. ?It'(,'ii'':, ~I , ~ '" " .... : z ~ 3 liS" "p. I~nv 1~i'A~"~'i~rl'il:r 'i ~, " n-- ", '1J'W!'~~'~'!!" ", f!lf:~' '-i, 'lO . " "",>,.:":,,,.~ , , ,k liS" .- n , IlIlIil!1~r~,~"""".."._",,,",~'I''''''''.'''' ,'lr"r~!n""'i"'."":~ "" "".""""'""",, ." .,-.... .>I.d'..!!" ...~~~I.~t:;""""~,,-~ : " . , ~' I , '~""" ~..--:-- ~ '; ..~' FLOf\IU;\' C)':;~':' 8Tf'J1ENT .__ ,_i' \. ~ "I ~.,..".,~_r"__ - SCALE I ".IIIt) I_()" JO~NO. , "J;