1339 PARK ST �ar cc uy �c:u�� ��� au�u� iu�ti� �c ��bi�a�i p. ic --- •--_--_ ._.�--�.�.,...��� � � , - ��� EVATI�lU CERTIFICATE °"�"°�'�°„ fxprresMay3t,r993 F�ERAL EMERCENCY MANAGF.��9EA1]'AG�NCY- =- - ----- - - - -=s7�_ N{iTtONAL F1f�4Q lI�ESUHANCE PHOGRAM _ - AT�NTION:Use of th�s cert�ficate doas r�t provlde a warver at�ie ftoocf u�surance purchase requ�recnent. i'ttis foRn ss used anly to prov�da e�evat�on�n{ormat{a►necessary to�ssu�compGance vnt�appifcabfe cflrs�munaY���►�+agement orcbnancBS.!o delerrrbrse ti�prope►tnsuranCe ptemlum rate,a�dJor b support a requesk for a Letler of Map Am�eM a i�e�ts�an(U�MA or LQMR)- Inst�f{ctlons for,completing tt}�torm can b� faund on ths foRow(ng page� ^ SECTtDN A P ROPEFt3Y tNFORMA710F} FoH�rosuwuvice tOMPnfin ube B11�DIIVG OWNER S NAAtE ���� Socie of St. Vxno�t pepaui, Coun,sel of P�].Zas Coun STREFT ADORESS(indudn3 Apt.UnR.SWts a�w 8mg.NumDer)Oa P D ROUT�AND BOX NUMBEA COUPANir NA�NUMBFA L339 ParlC 5 tr2et 07HER DESCRtPriOM(tat az��oac IW�inbers.otc.) - Offi.ca.a1 Recozds Book 344�,, Paqe 475 of the Pnblic R�ct�x�c3s of Pinellas Cacmty, F`lorida Cleazwater, ` �-- ' srA�- z�a cone � 33757 S�OM$ FLOOD�NSl1RANC�E RATE iUlAf►(FlANI}INFORNATION Prawde tJ�e foNowuig trom tAe proper FI�IYI(See InstrucUons). t ZQ�AI�q}NiIY i4tJA16F�i Z ppr(�Dp�ABEp 3,$UFFU( 4 OATE OF FiAM 1NDE7( 5 qqNl� - G,BASE FLDOQ 4�yE Atqt� 125095� ���. . -*t'0015�• -'F�l' Atk�St 18� 1992 + � +a . pn•�w�ues.uas d��.,. 1Feet 7 IredtCate th9 slevatt4n�dtusn yystem used on ih9 F3RM fvr Base Fload Elevations{BF� �NGVO'29 [Other(descrrbe on backy B For Zones A or V,where no BF��s pra�ndPd on the FtRI�,�d tha community has estab�ished a 8F£tur tMs bu�ldEng,s�te,�te u�e community�s eFE, ( � � I,_I teet iVGVfl(or other FIAM datucrt-sea Secbo�g,item 7� SECTlQN C 9UiLDING EL�VATtQN INF�RIaQT10N 1 k�ng the EEevaUon Cerhficate Instructtons,mdir�te the,�agram m�mber irom the d�agraxns tourtd an Pages 5 and 6 tifat besi d�scnbes tne sub�eci hwtdng's reiererxe�n�l�._ 2{a).FiRM Zartes A�-A3D,,4E,AH,and A(wdh BF� The top ot�hg�fersnce ievel 800r frpm�he selected d=agram rs at an s(evatron of t �21 �teet IVGVQ{or other FlRM datum-ses Secnon B.Itesn 7� - {b) FiRM Zones Vt-Y30,VE,arsd V(weth$FE) The battorrs of tlte bwest hodzorrta!structurai rr�emb�r of the reterenca fevei f�om ttse selected d:agram,�s dt an ele�atton of� I I 1 � U 19et NGVD(or othar FlRM datum-9ee SeCt�pn S Item 7j �c) FIRi1�2one A(wrthout BFEy The floor useC as Sha referenca�eve!irom tFre selected diagram�s !�I ��feet ab��e�] ar be�ow►� {cr:eck one} me hiyrresc grsde ad�acsrtit to tne bwtda,g (d).FiRM Zons Ap Tt1e Il4or used as thg rg{gdencg�a�re!Srpip�g g����agram is L�J U{��,e❑ or belnw�(ct+eck one)the tughest grads acllacent ta the bu�rsg. !t r�o Bood depth mxrst�r is avail�able.is ttte buUt�rx,�'s�Owest itnor{,al�rence levet�ela�ated in axordanca wdh the cammuruly's EfooCpiam�nanagpment ardinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 3 lndieate the elevaeon datum system used in dsterminutt,�the abava reFarence IQvgl efevabans:Q NGVD'29 [�ptlter{Cest�be �nder Cornmsnts on Page 2). (NOTE It the elevadan daivr»used�measw�rtg the alevabans�s cir�ferentllran ttrrat used on +Ure FIAM �Se9 SetiYlorr 8,rtem 7J,ttrsr:ce»ue:t U;e elevallons tv the oafvrn sysiam u5ad oR thB FlRM and show the carw�rsron equaann under COmr7rerrJS on F'age 2J d Etevatron ref6rencp ma►ie eised appaazs,on FlAM- ❑ Yss [}�Nn (See InstrucLOns an pgge q) 5 The referencs fsvei elevation�basad on. [� actuai cons�uctfon Q car�stcuctiion drawuegS {NOT� Use o!cw,strvcttw�draaa,rrys n anry.,,alr�rl tAe b�llding dvas rrot yet have lhe refererx�fevel I►oor u,pJ�ce,u�wt�r case thrs cerbficate wd1 anly be v�lid lar itte bmld►ng durrag fhB course of cnns�uCUarr A posi-mnstrrrc�on FJevahon Cert+Bcata wH!b9 requrred ortce r.aristr�ctl(M rs COmplete) 8 The eleva�on ot thQ low�st grade imrtsaCratey ac�a�erit to tha kudding�5 f I I.I�1 7 g,� leet i�GYD(or ott�er FlRM datum-sae Sechon B,Item 7) SECT[ON D COMMUiVITY tNFORMA170N i N th,e wmmanity attiaal rasponssbia ta ves�nrtg bu�fding elsvatons spaclnss that tha retersnce Fev�l�ndfcated u�Section C.Item 1 �s not thg'1ow�gt f�qor'aS deflrt8d IR the COrnmun�iy's Roodplem managamstn ardmance„tt+s elevaUan ot the bwldEng's"towest lbor as�sftned by�he ord�nanva�s � i I U feet NGYD{ar att�FfFIM dat�un-see Section 8,Item 7) =.oate at the stan dt Qo�cboa or substarmal arssprovement . EMA Fonn g�-3t•�MpY y4 RE�LACFS AlL PREVf0U5 ED1710N5 SEE R£VER�S�pp ppp CpptT�NUATION