201 PALM ISLAND SW -�iCPp �( - 0t547 FEDERAL 81AERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGEI�Y O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 NATIONAL FLOQD INSURANCE PROGRAM Expires December 31, 2005 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE trnportant Reaa n►e�or�s on 'i-7. SECTION A-PROPERTY OWNER IPIFORMATION Fa Insuranee Canpany Use: ING a1IVNER'S NAME ��Y M�� dBERT AND ROSEMARY LONGENECKER BUILDING STREET ADDRESS(Induding Apt.,Unit,SuRe,anci/or Bldg.No.)OR P.O.ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NA1G Number 20'!P�1La1�SW �Ry STATE Z!P CODE CLEARWATER FLORIDA PROPERTY DESCRIPTION(Lot and Blodc Numbers,Ta�c Parcel Number,Lega1 DescripUon,etc.) LOT 10 ISLAND ESTATES PB 60 PG 90 BUILDING USE(e.g.,Residerrtia�,Non-�r�esidential,Add'Rion,A�,etc. Use a Comments area,if�ary.) RESIDENTIAL LATITUDE/LONGITUDE(OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: ❑GPS(Type): ( ##°-##'-##.�R' or ##.#1(�°} �NAD 197T ❑NAD 19�i ❑USGS Quad Map �Other: SEC'T10N B-FLO�1NSURANCE RATE MAP�Ffii�INFORMATIOTd B1.NFIP COMl40.JRNTY NAME&COMMUNITY(�AA�ABER B2 COl1�JTY NAME B3.STATE CLEARWATER PINELLAS FLORIDA 84 MAP Af�PANEL B7.FIRM PANEL 89.BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER B5.SUFFIX B6.FIRM If�EX DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE 88.FLOOD ZONE(S} (ZoneAO,use depih offloafng) 0007 D &1&92 8�19-91 A E 12.0 B�o.�nc�he me sa�ce a�Ihe 6ase Flooa Etevation{BF�da�a ar bese tbod ciepm er�red in Bs. ❑FIS Ptofile �FIRM ❑Canmunily Determ�ned ❑C�r{Desa�be): 611.Irxf�e the elevation dahm u�d for the BFE in B9:�NGVD 1929 ❑NAVD 1988 ❑dlher(Desak�e): B12.Is�e buiding bcaled in a Caastal Bxrier Resar�es Sysbem(CBRS)area ar�Pr�ed Area(OP{�? ❑Yes �No Designation Dafie sECnoN c-sui�r�E�ranor�ir�oww►noN�su�r�caui�n� c1.euiaing elevations�e based«,:p cons�ctio�Drawing�' ❑Bu�dms lMder c«�tuc1ion• �F�Ca�tudia� *A new Elevation Ce�tifica�e wil be�ired when�of the bu�ng is carr�ple�e- •.Buikf�g Diagram t�unbe�8 (Select tl�e builcing d�ag�n rnost sintl�to tt�e buiking for which ttis certificate is being canpleted-see pages 6 and 7. If no ciagr�n aa�uatelY represenls the bu�g,praide a ske�ch or�ho�ogaph.) cs.�ra�or�-zones A�-a3o,�,�+.A M�,�,vE,v1 v3o.v�wrtn��,aR av�,aw�.awA�a�o,Awai,avao comp�ete Iterrs c3.-a-i belaar aocorcing to U�e b�ng dragarn s�fied n Iterr►c2.S�e rie dahrr►�sed�the daarr�is�erent iran the dahm�ed for C�e BFE in Section B,convat the da�urn fi�tFrat t�sed for Uie BFE.Shaw field rneasuranenQs and da�m con�sion c�CUlation. Use Uie space pro�ided or U�e Carmen��a� Secbon D or Section G,as appnpriate,to docunent tlie dabm conversion. Dahm � Elevation reference mark tsed LO(',AI..Does the eleva�on reference madc used appear an the FIRM? ❑Yes �No Xo a)Tap d t�otbm floor(ndu�ng b�rrient a�re} 12. 3 FEEf m � Xo bj Top of t�ct higher Aoor 71.9 FEET �' o c)Bottan of bwest haQatlal str�uct►aal membe�(V mnes only) NA._R(m) Xo r�A�h�9ar'age(ioP of slab) aa 8.7 FEET �� FL �t�A 4 r ''��36. � ; Xo e)Lawest eleration�machinery and�or eq�rr�ent m m ,;� ,��" , �= servicting the buik�ng{Des�e in a Carm�enls azea) 11.8 5 FEET E; � 6�T�.'�8 2�Q� � � _ � s Xo f}LoweSt a�a�t�9'dde(LAG} 5.7 FEET m N ; �y M �„ ;" r.,, � N t-� �, r.. � Xo 9)Hi�hest a�ac�t(fttished�9"ade(�G1 8.7 FEET � o h)No.of perrr�ar�ent openirgs(fl�d ver�sj wiEhin 1 ft abwe ac�acer�grade NONE '.�j . � �°r�� '�f �°� f, o )Total area of al permanent opeaings(flood venls)in C3.h N(N�E sq.in.(sq.an) ." W ' .�: '� `� "��,"'�w,.r...�� SECTtON D-�JRU�YOR,ENGINEER,OR ARCIiITECT CERTIFlCATION ��, `� W+��'' This cefification is to be signed and sealed by a land swveya`,engineer,or architect authonzed by law to cerfify elevation informa6�on. ;� , ` 1 ce►tify that the inform�ion in Sections A,B,�►d C on tfris ce►ti(�c�e represents my best elfoifs to interpret fhe data av�lable. f understand th�any false staternent rrray be puncslsabte by�rne or imprisanment under 18 U.S.Code,Secfia►fQQS. � ,..�_. . CERTIFIER'S NAME BILL HYATT LICENSE NUMBER 4636 TITIF PRESIDENT COMPANY NAME KNOW 1T NOW,INC. - ,qpp�� CITY STATE ZIP CODE (MAIL)1497 MAIN ST#K321 QUNEDIN FL 34698 SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE �� �28-0'� 727 415�i05(CELL?27 64127251 � IMPORTANT: In these spaces,oopy the comesponding information from Section A For ins�rance com�ry use Bi11LDI(Vl3 STREET ADDRESS(including Ap1,Un�,Suiie,andta Bia�.fJo)OR P U RGUi E AfJCi�sOri i'J0 Pdicy P3umber 201 PALM ISLAND SW GITY STATE Z�PCODE Compary NA1C Numb� CLEARWATER FL SECTION D-SURVEYOt�Et�INEER,OR ARCI�TECT CERIIFlCATION(CONTINUED) • Capy bdt�sides of ths Elevation Ce�tificate for(1)cormiunity ofiaal,(2)insuranoe agen�on'panY,and(3)bui�ing owner. COMMEM`S C3-E ELEV ON EQUIPMENT IS BOTTOM OF AC UNITS OUTSIDE OF BUILDING—ELECTRIC HOOKIJP MAY BE FNGHER WE DID NOT REMOVE COVERS TO CHECK HOOKUF'ELEVATIONS ❑Check here'rf attac�xnents SECTION E-BUILDING EL.E1/AT10N INF0IZMATION(SURVEIf NOT REQINRED)FOR ZOt�AO AND ZONE A(WITHOUT BFE} For Zone AO and Zone A(witha�t BFE),canple�e Iterrs E1�xough E4. If the Elevation Certi6cabe is in0erided fi�r use as s�porting infamation for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be carpl�ed. E1.Buiking D"ragam Nur�er_(Sefect tl�e buil�ing�iagarn most sKril�r to the btrlc�g for wtrch this�is being c�rnpt�ed—sce pages 6 and 7. If no ciagam aocuatey represen�the buiding,prwide a ske�ch or photogaph.) E2_The fiop of the bot�Om floor(mclucfing bas�neM or endosure)�the build�ng is _ft.(m)_in.{an)�abwe or ❑t�ow�r.n�o�)me►�t�,t srade. (u� natu�grade,if av�lable). E3.For Buildrg Diagarns 6-8 wifh opemrx�(sce page 7},the next h�floor or eleveA�d Aoor(elevation b)of the bwlding s _R(m)_in.(an)abwe the high�t a�acent gade. Cornplete�ans C3.h and�3_i on fror�of form_ E4.The bp of the pl�fam of machinery and'or e�ipment se�vicing the buddmg is _ft(m)_in.(an}❑�owe a ❑bebw(ct�ck a�e)the t�a�jacent gade. (Use nahral gade,iF a�r�lable). E5_For Zone AO only If no flood depth rnrnber is available,s ihe top of the bottom floor elevated in accadarxe with the communrty's floodplain managernent ord�rr�ce? ❑Yes ❑No ❑Ur�cnov�n. The bc�ofidal must certity Urs i�ortnation in Section G. SECTION F-PROPER'iY f)VVNER(OR 04VNER'S REPRESENTAl1N�CERTIFlCATION The propaty owner or owr�s aWia¢ed�preseni�re wha cmiple�s Sec6ar�s A.B,C(i�ms C3.h and C3_i antyj,anci E�r Zane A(without a FE{�Aa-ssued or carmm�atiityr- i�ued BF�a Zone AO must sign here. T'i►e statements in Sectias A,8,C,and E are carect to the best ofmy knowtedge. PROPERIY OWNER'S OR OVIMER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATNE'S NAME • B1LL HYATT—SURVEYOR -KNOW IT NOUV INC ADDI�SS CIN STATE ZIP CODE 1497 MAIN ST#'321 DUNEDIN FL 34698 SIGNATURE DATE TELEPH01� ���� &28-03 727�15�8.'i05 COMMEMS ❑Check here if attachments SECTiON G-CC)1w41tlMfY II�ORMATiOI�ii(OPTiONALj The local o�al who is authamed by law a orc6nance G�acinirus�r the carrriunily's flooc�ain mar�agerr�ent orcinance ca�corr�plete Sec�a B,C(or E),arxi G of this Elevation Certficate. Complt�e the app6c�le item(s)and sign bebw. G1.�The nfom�ation in Secti�C wes�aken from other docur�n Urat I�as be�sgned and�by a licer�sed sunreyor,en�neer,or ar�r�ct wtio s at�xx¢ed by sfate or bcal laur to c�rtify elevation ir�ortriation. (Irx�cate the sarce�d da�of�e ele►ration data in the Corrrnenls ar�bebw.) G2.0 A cmmuni�offiaal�Section E fa a bu�j bcated in Za�e A(vritlwut a FEFAA��ed or carmuniiy�ssued BFE�or Zone A0. G3.❑The foNowirx�i�tamation(i�err�s G4-G9)�s P►����Y���PuP�• G4 PERMtf NtJ�ABER G5.DATE PERMIT ISSUED G6.DATE CERTIFICATE GF COMPUANCFIOCCUPANCY ISSUED G7.Tt�s pertrit has been issued�r:�N�v Cor�struction ❑Substantial Improvanent �S.E�vabon d�I�+�t noor�ir�du�g ba�rnen�of the buiking s: _—tk(m) Daarr►: G9.BFE a(�n Zone AO)depth of 9oaing atthe 6�r�g site's: _._ft(m) Dahm: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE • SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS _ _ _ — _ __ � - —� — - __ -------- ----- --- ---�--