817 MARK DR ------�---.__ . _ PL"UEIt/AL I=fV1L'12GLPJl:Y PV'IAI��\GLfdiElJl' '�aGL=f�ICY U.M.L3. NU. JUli1-U11T7 NAl IUNsAL PWUU IWSURANCE N130C:1�.AN1 Expires July 31, 2UU2 L LL='Ve�"9'I O tv �IEfZTi(=1�A�1'� — In>>o�lant: l2ca� tl�e iiislructiuus on �a es 1 - r'. SECl lUN A-PROPGRTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insuiance Conipairy Use: L3UI' �UWNLIt'S NAML Policy Nwnber " .__.�- _ " G �"�� �, F'LLY�`�_.---�-- UUILDI�Jti Sl(�EET ADDRESS(Includiny ANt.,Unil,Suite,�i1i1/ur Ul�y.No.)UR P.O.ROUfE ANU BUX NO. Cu�n{�aiiy NAIC Nwii�ei �'�7 ��1�2K � ��v� C;I I Y ,,,_,_ STAI E Zlf'�UUE C1,.FARwA � ��2 � __rt-o��oia .3 3"7S� - PI2UI'EI21 Y UESI;RIF'I IUN(L t and L31oi;k Nuni�eis, 1`ax 1'a�cel IJuiii�ei,Leya1 UesuipGon,elc.) �� ��--:����_.__�s�.�-�,��__`�r��'� �r���" ��� ------ E3UILUIIJ`U5E(e.y.,ResidenUal,Non-tesidenG�l,Ad�iGon,Ac;c;essory,elc. Use a Coirnrienls aroa,i nec;essaty.) -•----,��5�,���/,7"�.f�L.. ---•------�-----�-- --------- Ll�IIIUI.)E/LONI�IIUU�(OP�IIUNAL) IIUItIZ�)NInLUnIUM: :30UI10E: (_(GPS(tYUu).---.—.—_-.---_---------- _ � uri°-ruR�-�ru.urt° �� i�u.�uiuriiF") - 1_I���u ��z� �_�t�nu i�us �_I uscs uu��nndu I—I uu���:_------ _ . SECIIUN D-PLOOU INSUft�IJCE ItA'fE MAP(FIRM)INFORMATION _ (----lS 1.NI IP(,OMMUNI IY NAME 8�COMMUNI IY NUMUER Li2.CUU JlY IJAME F33.S I A I E ---/�150�l o ��--�.,�/1l�L L/� S" ,�-��.0 l��,Of� ___ L1�I.tvU�P AIJU PANLL 1�5.SUI'FIX Ei6.FIRM II�ULX til.FIRM PANEL BH.FLOUD k�9.k1ASE f-LUUU E:LEVnI IUIJ(Sj NUMI3ER D DAIE EI=FL=CIIVFJREVISEUUAIE ��ZUNE(S) �,� (Zon�AU,usedepU�ollluucliiiy) I___ o i �RI � � I �y a5 f3 f U_ IncJicate lhe sowce of tlie Base FIooJ Elevation(13F[)dala ur base Ilood deplh enlered in B9. �_�FIS Profile �FIRM �_�Cunununily Uelenuine� �_�Otlier(Uescribe): � ' • _ —_--_ 611. li��iic:alo U�e elevalion dalwn used(or tlie BFE in B9: (�)NGVD 1929 �_�NAVD 19E38 �+�011ier(Uescribe):_ _ !i 12.Is llie builcliny localed in a Coastal Bairier Resowces Sysleiu(CBRS)area or OU►erwiso Prulecled Area(UPA)? �_�Yes ��1Ju Desiynalion Uale:__ ____—__—_ SECTION C-BUILUIfJG ELEVAIION IWFOI2MAl lUN (SURVEY REQUIREU) C 1.kluileliny elevalions are based on: �_�Consliuclion Diawinys' �_�Duilcllny Under Cunsliuction" � Pinislied Constiucliun w Elevalion Ceiti(icale will be reyui�ed wlien cunstiucliun of Uie buildiny is coniplete. C2. • my Uiayrain Nwnber�_(Selecl lho buil�iny cliayiain inost siinilar lo lho buil�iny(vrwhicli lliis ceililicale is�eiiiy cuu�ulete�-see s G and 7. If no diayrani accuralely represents llie�uileliny,provicJe a slcetch or ptiotoyrapli.) C3. Elevalions-Zones A1-A30,AE,AH,A(willi BF�),V[,V 1-V3U,V(wilh BFE),AR,AR/A,AR/AE,AWA I-A3U,AWAI-I,AWAU Coiuplele Iteins C3.a-i below accordiny lo tlie buil�iny cliayiain sNecilied in Ileiu C2.Slale the Jatuni usecJ.I(llia�atuui is�i((�ient fiuni tlie cJaluni used for llie B1=E in Seclion B,wnverl llie dalun�lu ll�al used(or ll�e BFE.Sl�ow(ield nieasuren�enls ancJ claluni wnvcrsiun calculaliQn. Use lho space provide�or tlie Cununents area of Seclioi�U or Seclion G,as approNtiale,to clocunierd tlie daluni cunveisiun. Uatuni-`��- Conversion/Conuuenls _ ---- Elevation reference mark useJ Does ll�e elevation re(erence inark used appearon thQ FIRM7 �__�Yes �__�!Jv U a)l op of�oltom Iloor(includiny basenienl or enclvsure) • ___ a s •���.����) �v ."' U �)�I u�of next liiyl�er floor _ N�—�•--fL(in) � ��;` iJ c)Bollon►o(lowesl horizonlal slructwal iueni�er(V zunes only) ____�_ � «•(���) o � U cl) Altacliecl yaiaye(lop of slab) ------�.�' (L(in) F � �j� �;_, ,''. �6 . w � � �. ;� U e)Lowesl ele"valion of machinery andlvr eyui�iuent � - �; � • - y serviciny the buildiny(Describe in a Conunenls.area.) �--�a5-�. 5 (t.(iii) E o �� ��(�Q,/ '��% �'� rade LAG �• C1 fL(in) z' .�� Q �, V'� , U f)Lowest adjacent(tirnshed)y ( ) �; U y)I-liyliesl adjacent((iiiished)yrade(I-IAG) ------��. �3 IL(ni) � ' ` � ��••, U li)Na of pennanerzt openiiiys(Iloucl venls)witliin 1 Il.a�uve aeljacent yracle /�A _ J �.� U i)�I atal aiea of all pern�anenl oNei�inys(floo�venls)in C3.1�_�A'_sy.in.(sy.cin) _ SECl ION U-SURVEYUR,ENGINEER,OR ARCHf�ECT CERTIFICA'lION Tliis cerlilication is lo be siyned and sealecl�y a land surveyor,enyiiieer,or arct�itect authorized by law to ceilify olevatiun in(urniatiun. !cerli�y tliat[he ir�formc�lior�in Secfions A,B,and C ai lliis certilica(e reprusents n�y best eltoiis to interp�el Ihe data available. 1 unders(and lhot arty false slafernent n�ay be�unishable by lii�c or iiii�risonrnent under 1 A U.S. Codv, Seclion 1 UU 1. !(;Efll IFIER'S NAME UCENSE NUMBER � Oc.�NA�.t7 W L►-►-inN1�;�� 5b4 I -- I.UMPAIVY NAME ►�-��� p�z�;s z�EN-r wr�.�zA►v�so�� �' .�s �� -r�5.�._ --�rv�:. ��uui��ss l ��� . tJ A�.C Ivl G 1 � I- 4J� . c.i iY--�Il i'v1 PF� �l..�RY 17t1 zi�c�u� 3��� I�.� -�• ���- UA I E I ELEPIIUNE �'` • � U�z) "�l Cr) ' /.ri ��C) �'I G.n:. Fr�rn,lll_31 .11II Illt . - - •! .' 1F Ff1R f:f1NfIN1IA71C1N RFPI Af:hC A1 I P{I{F\/IOI I.^.FI�I I Ir�W�: � � MAY 2 8 2002 , �f,.��VNING SVCS CITY OF CLEAR ATER �.__.__ ____ _g�.�.._�.__� �___�_.__ _ .,. :.. .u ._ ..____��__�__�.�_...._ ._ _..,.._., itV�POf2TA��i l': 6+� i�I4JFI S�SC$�.E.U�c:opy thcs co�eesp.+vEi�.s � ,,:�c, c�.-��: jE_sa� , s' i�or ir�suiaiicu c;ui���� i� �!c;,i: ! [3UILDING STREGT ADURESS(Includiny Apt.,Unit Suite,ai d/or E11dy.No.)OR P.O.ROUTE AND BOX NO.�� Policy Nurnber .� ,R�'7 f�AR/� �J 11� �i't: CI lY S fAl E r ` ZIP COUE Company NAIC Nuniber ��.,C�I��'�ni�i 7 F/� L �.�:.��� 3'1 SECTIOPd D-SURVEYOR,ENGINEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION(CONTINUED)' ' ° Copy bolh sides of this Elevalion Ce�tificate for(1)conununily of(icial,(2)insurance agenUcompany,and(3)building owner. - COMMENI S _ - � �__� Check here i(attachinents SECTION E-BUILDING ELEVATIQN INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIREU)FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A(WITHOlJ'T fiFE) =or Zone AO and Zone A(wilhout BFE),complele Iterns E1.lhrouyh E4. If tha ElevaUon Certificate is intended for use as supportiny nfonnation for a LOMA or LOMR-F,5eclioc�C must be complelod. " ' "% ' �' � � � • c1.Building Diagram Number � (Selsct the building diag�am niost similar to the buildi�y for which this cerUficalo is being completed– see pages 6 and 7. I(no diagrarn accurately represents the building,provide a sketch or photograph.) � E2.l�tio top of the bottom floor(includiny basement or enclosure)of tl�e building is ` I_�_)ft.(m)I—I—I�n.(crn) (._�above or �_�below • (cl�ock one)thQ hiyhest adjacent gradc�. (Uso nalural yrade,if avallablo.) ` ` E3.For Buildiny Diayrams 6-8 with openinys(see pago 7),the nex[hiyher tloor or elevated floor(elevalion b)of lhe buildiny is �—�—�(4(m)�—�,�in.(cm)above ttio highest adjacent grade. Complele Items C3.h and C3.i on front oF form. '' ' E4. For Zono AO only. If no ilood depth nurnber is available,is the top of the bottorn iloor olevaled in accordance wilh Uie cc�mmunily's Noodplain manayement ordinance?� �Yes � �No � �Unknown. The local offlcial must certify this information in Section G. _ SECTION F-PROPERTY OWNER(OR OWNER'S REPRESEN7ATIVE)CEitTIFICATION 7he proNeriy owner or owner's aulhorized represeniaUve who conipleles SecUons A,B,C,(Items C3.h and C3.i only),and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE)or Zone AO rnust sign here..The statements in SecGon,s A,.B, C,and E are correct to ihe best of m knowled e. 'PROPER'fY�R'S OR WNER'S AU HO ZED REPRESEN� fA1I�E'S NAM .. , _, . .. . ...... . AuDRESS , . CI ; , , S Al E ZIP COU SIGNAIUF� pq E .. E�EPI-TONE COMMENI"S ' , .. , ,;, ,, .:- , , - � . � �_� Check here if allachn�ents � � . 'SECTION G-COMMUNITY INFORMATION(OPTIONAL) � The local o(ficial who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's(loodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A,B,C(or E),and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s)and sign below.�-"�'+ ���• G1. �_�The informaUon in Soction C was taken irom other documentalion that has beon sic�ned and ombossed by a licansed surveyor, enyineer,or architect who is authorized by stalo or local law to cerGfy.elavaGon informalion.'(Indicato tha sourco ai7c1 dalo of tlie elevation cJata in tha Comments area below.) G2. �_�A community official completed Section E for a buildiny loc;aled in Zone A(wilhout a FEMA-issued or conununity-issued BFE)or Zone AO. , , G3.�_�Ttj�foilowing infonnation(Itams G4-G9)is providc�cl for coirnnunity iloodplain manayement purpuses. G4. PLRMIT NUMF�ER G5. DATE PERMIT tSSUED G6. DATE CERTIFICAiE OF,GOMPLIANCEJOCCUPANCY I ISSUED , , �� G7.This permit has been issued for. �_�New Construclion �_�Substantial lmprovement , ;, G8. Elevalion of as-built lowest floor(including basement)of the building is: ' _ �fL(rn)Datum: G9. ElFE or(in Zone AO)depth of flooding at the building site is: _ . _ �ft.(rn)Dalum: LUCAL OFFICIA�LS E TITLE ; _�. . . : COMMUNIN NAME - , , TELEPHONE , . SIGNATURE • DATE � , , . CU�o1h1E1J(S . � � � Check here if attachrnents F=F�;i�1 Fnrm fi1-R1 .II II (lfl RFPI A(:F�A1 I PRFVICII IR Ff1f�IC1NC , yA