385 MANDALAY AVEU.S. DEPARTMENI OF HGMEUUJD SECURITY FEDERAL ELteetnIj:CY AMrrjGEMU T AGENCY •..curt 1 R:a m+,kr FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE 10..t.e '.0 Icc0 L..C: J FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES E.°'` e'r`r'' `U 1 rho flouJprooIing of non-rosidelrlial buildings may be pernlilted as an alternative to elevating to or above the baso Flood Elevation: however, a tloodproofing design certification is required. This form is to be used for that certification. Floodproohng of a resident:al budding does not atter a community's floodplain management elevation requirements or affect the insurance rating unless the community has been issued an exception by FEMA to allow (loodprnofed residential basements. The permitting of a floorlproo(ed residential basement requires a separate certification specifying that the design complies with the local floodplain management ordinance. SUt1.DS %OWNER'S NAIL 387- 1 %f)cwor4LA,y AU +_. LL STREET AGGRESS tintltot14,4 Apt Uel. S•rle aaq•n• WIC Nural•en OR CP ROUIF AND 901 NUMBER 38 MA.> c LJ- 0 a., TOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE POLICY NIt•,1REP DINER plummy., dot aro Rt0.3 n hers et:.1 PAOle-tL_ 1 tot e,e3 Z_. 15 •C) 6 0 CUrIPa.0 UAIC MAIM* l-Q?S 2 6,2-7 6 ESLe eJc A afozeroonWincittRO44, SODbl ur it o Clry SIAIE ZIP COPF t..4�Ae.J A v 3376 SECTION 1 -FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION �:nBlron the pro0er _- coutertarrhutrete )2.5046 PAHA NUWER .I.2,lo3G-ofoA. Sof*. 6- ONE OF INN WOE, 8-1s-cz:.4 LIRA! /Of A E UK (5000 fLEYAIkri ti A0 lanai. V:e C.D.) 12 • SECTION II-FLOODPROOFING INFORMATION (By a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect) Floodprooling Design Elevation Information: Butldln615 Roodproored to an elevation of I feet NCVD. (Elevation datum used oust be the same as that on the FIRM.) Helgnt of boodplooIng on the building above the lowest adjacent grade Is feet. (NOTE: For insurance rating purposes. the building's noodproofed design elevation must oe at least one fool above the Baso Flood Elevallon lo Ioceive rating credit. II the building Is aoodprooled only to Ino Base rlood Ftevation. then the befitting's insurance rating o91 result in a higher plemlum-) SECTION III -CERTIFICATION (By a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect) Non -Residential Floodprooled Construction Certification: I certhy that. based upon development and/or review 0r structural design. speerkrations. and plans for construction. the design and methods of consUuction are M accordance with accepted standards of practice for veering the knowing provisions: The Mine lute, together with attendant utilities and sanitary facilities, Is watertight to Bre Iloodproofed design elevation indicated above, with walls that are substantially Impermeable to the passage of water All structural conipaaents are capable al resisting IrydrosISIIC anti hydrodynamic Rood forces. Including the effects of buoyancy, and anticipated debris impact forces. 1 cerllfy that ma lnfomfation on this certilcate represents my best efforts to Interpret the data available. r understanu that any false statement may Oe punishable by line or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Cade. Section 1001. 0 CER*IFIER'SNA'aE /) IICF5.SF.N11A18ER(at Af(rSeal) e( ar co ;�. �. • 66' Z-9 11(1E COMPANY NAME �� Fes!/raj ADORES% /14a/9 S'ree►Il Dei vYr vrer-.�tjoc� StONAtUAE OAIE PtIO'if Copies should be made of this Certllicate Eur 1) community ofeclal. 2) Insurance agent/coin • n COI StatE iCeternr--/ Writ fEAI,t faun81 6S, Lim 09 REPLACES Al!. PREVIOUS moons IIP COOT OCT 1 0 2011 PLANNING u CEViit.t :::.; i'c' T DEPT CtTy_O!' CI EARWATER 'u1, U.S.DEp.1RTMEN�OFHOh1ELAkDSECURl1Y �LO�DPROOFING CERTI�'ICATE o.�.�.e:,ui•,���.o: � FEOERAL EL1ER(iF�VCY 61At1AGEMENT AGENCY En.rt:btatc;�;:-�U;: s.uu��ttt•;d�nS9S:riifPru;r.:�=� FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES ._`__,`;_f �he floaJprouCmg of non-residerr;ial buiWings maJ be pe�m�tted ds an alternative tu clev�ting to or abuve tne 6ase Fiood Fl�valiorr, no���ever,a tlauelpraufing tlesign certification is rec�uired.This fer+�i is to be used for tiiat certifieat�on.Floodpro��hng of a residw�GHl uudAirg does not alter a com�fiunity's(loodplain manage�»ent elevatirm rPquirements ar affect t�1e insurai�ce rating unl�ss the community h�s peC��is5ued 8�1 exception by FEMA to allor:iloodproufed res+dential basements.T1�e peuniiting o�a Ilootlproofecl resi�ential b�sement reyul�es e separate certificatiu�specifying ti�ar U�e Uesign comDlies�tiith the tocal(loodplain management ordinance. — --.__....__._--- -----•--- ____ ._._ — - _.__ _ .---- _ ---- ---..�_-— BUII.D�iGO�NER'S`!a AE FOA INSUII�INCE GOhIPApY USE 3�3T-�4��►aoca�ar av_�v�. •_ L,L-.G ..___._ ___ __ ._ --- ____— ______. STNEEiAO�RESSflrnliw{in�aG1 Ur+1.S��Ie.a:Qra,6!1,t.tlurii•cr�ORI!nROUlfh'i0B0�N11518ER POUCY.10'dAEP 38 5 (nA�O�uJy- t��. _ _.�. . .__. _ ��_-•_--...., ---------.-----------___..�_. r.ur:�Na.'fYlIAIC;:u!aeea OIHERDf5CP1PTq`1(LWardPl�;x;;::ne��s=�,.�P�� �p�o8'ZQ•IS•02.5'Q,Z'����o l�?'� 2 6.2..7' � ze_ BLC��k A �t3cx�r�.-/rb�w svaai i s!b��= _._._�__ _._____. Gt'� Sra�F tiPLat�F G4�Aic,J A't�'.. �L,. .3�S 7E] 7 �_�. SECTION I-FLOOD INSURANCE RAYE MAP(KIRM) IN�ORMATiON V�otieda Ihe lotlo�s:njlromllx praper FINA1: COIJM;f:IIYhU�M[R ix�:[lNllt'B[R SUFFu OAIEOi1W�!u1(iE� f1A�!l�1tlf OASEflC00FLEYAll01 (hAOl,z?�.UirGG��I 12.5 046 0 -o�o� G- -!�3-c� '� � j � SECTION 11-FLAODPROOFING INFORMATION(By a Registered Protessional Engineer or Architect) Floodproofing Desl$n Elavatlon Infornwllon: ButlOmg�S IlooOprooted to an elev�Uon ot..........�..3............teet NGVD.(Elevalion datum usad nwst be the sama es lhet on the FIRAti.) H¢lanl pt daodpiooflnq on lBe Oultding aouve the Imnest adjacen[grade Is...........p-!..�r..............fee1. (NOTE:Fa Insurance ralinj pWposes.Ihe Duilding's 800dpro�ed des��n etevaUOn must tie at least one foot alwve tne B.ise Flvad Elevalfai�lo�ece��e raGng credit.If the bullAln�IS Iloadprooled only ln lAe B ise Fko�FteveNOn,tden tite GWldln�'s Insunnce�a6n;wql res��lt in a hig�r p�emfum.) SECTION III-CERTIFICA710N(By a iiegistered Protessional Engineer or Archltect) Non-ResManllal floodproofed Constructton Cer1111catlon: 1 cerfNy thal,basetl apon deveropment and/or mrie�•r ol slroctural Jesipn,spac�ir,ations.and plans foi conswCfron,fbe desipn an0 mefhods o/conslruCtion a�e In aocoMance wifh accepted srandards o/praclice for aieetinR lAe folfmving provisior�s: 1Da suuuure,togelher wiN altanJant unfiues aod sanilary IacAl�ies.Is�+atertigAt lo Ihe Aoodproo(ed deslpn elevalioo+adicated aCme,wiU+ wa1LS lhat are whstantl�ty in�pem�eable w the passage of Naler AH swclwal campoaents ara capable oI resisting hydrostatic anu h>drodynemle MoJ twc+�s,including the efiecls o(buoyaney,and anUclpatee debris impact(orces. !Ce�tlly thal tAe►Mo►maGOn on th;s certiACate represents rny Oesf Nta�s to tnrerp�et[he Aala avaltabta 1 unde�stana that any lalse statament may Oe punishab!e Dy�ine a�imp�isonment ur+0e�t8 U.S.C.ude.Sectlnn 1001. A CEROFIER'S NA!dE I IC:nSf.NUMBEA(or Alf.z Stal! �' �� ,R z�!��o C;�. .�• . 6�'z 9 Z ����� COWPAt11r NAR�E ��� AnoaiESS Cit� SratE ZIP COQf: �60�9 ,S'�ry.,ct+�,�Di-i v� �.�-��c�. 1+c�,�r 4/t �3G'�s .. --- - ---�-- S�GNAfUAE D�(F, otlUt:f . � a // ��3' 6 � Cuples ShuulU Ue ma�e of fl�is Cerli(icala luc q comi��n(ty olficlat.21 Insuronce agentJco�n �A 0 �n n . if.Altfu�m8165,�farOJ RfPlRCE5�.t1.1'REVIOO�EPIi�Qt;S F 6 'U9, OCT 1 0 2011 PLAN�VIiVG u L'��`r'r�LC}�=�:,.:::�DrPT GIT'v,f�'.CI_-Ak'JV�ITER uS. DEY.WIMENf aF NO�WEUWD SEqttlilY FEOERAL EY�[1�lC1f Ma11,GEMEN► AG£NCY `..�ip��t f R� I0.5DhYhC Yf4 Y.::fi ��� �I - �0I � FLOODPROOFtNG CERTIFICATE In+� u 1 ��< << � FOR NON•RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES E�R�` '++nt� s�_ �U�� i. .. fnes OouJprooGn¢ of �wnaesiderr.ial builclG�gs may be �x�m�tted ds an alternative +.a ��v�tM�g to a aUovo the 6ase Flood f_lovalron: i���e�, e tlo�xfproofui6 design certificalkHi is recauired. Thi� far�n is to be used trx tiiat certiliCation. Flood�xo+�8ng of e residei�Gal iHMAir.g does not auer a community's noodpta�n management elevati�M requirements or atfect tne �nsunnce rating unlsss tl�e com�rw�Wty has peeci is5ued en excoption by fEMA to allol: Noodproufed res+tlential b�sements. i he pemiitting o� a Hoonprooleu resitlential bASement requlres a Sep�ete certificatiuo specdying that Uce Uetslgn comdies ulth the local flood��lain maa�gemeni ordinance. _______ -- -. ... ..- - ----- -� ------- - BUILWK601�NER"SY�ME �".»....`.-. `__..-.~_ �i01tIN3W1al4CECOAI►ANtYSE 38?-34���oa�ar ��.�E. , l.L C., .._..._. Si�EEf AOORESS fIM Mrlin�jApt Ur�, S�It. d:q�m 611,t. ��umhe�l OR Cn FOWE t'iP 9�� %:tl �tBER ' 395 1 % W�1 Q �l�'\11} �1.�' ]� li � .. -- ._._.._.� '�f _._.. OIMER DESCPIrT�Ot11lW ar4 PMSx t:� :r6e•s. �k.l P�� ( �41' o8.Z4 f, •��r7TZ'�a ��� � wucr uina�ee _ _ CU51f:7'IYpAICh11.L1tER .—.... .-._. . ��' � , _ �,�+--+�—= r�— - - CI(+� 41.1fK EIPCOPF Gc�Ae,.� P►�c � ��. 33 76 7 SEC?IQN I-FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (pRM) INFORMATION �� P�OtW� IM la9or'a j Irom Me ProO� fIRY: C�It41�YlYNU�R ►ANIIWKNG SViFI� OA(LOFI�:WD[� fIP�!N�IE ��S[i1000fLEY11110'/ (Y+AOL6nt� Uie CeD:M 12s'o46 /�iO3G•o�az -- G -rg-c� A� la 8ECTION 11-FLOODPROOFING INFORMATION (By a Reglstend Proteasional En�neer or Architect) floodpraoRa` Dasl�r► EMwGon Infomwlbn: Buqu�a� 1s dooOtHOMad b aa Neralion W........... �._ ..�_J... _.._..... Ieat NGVO. (EleraUon Oaiam usad nwst be Ne smne ss Ihst on fAe Flf�1.! Nelyhl af �oodpiooGi� a� lhe DulbOln� soove Me IvNesl adl��l �� �......... .� •..�...-....-, feN. (NOTE: far Nirt�nte taW� purposlS. Ih! Ouildielg'a 11ood1uoded dea�gn elevNion mual a at kasl one �oot �1wre the Base FNad ElevaUox lo �ece�t pliira eredit. tl the GuNAMt Is Ibadpr0oled only l011�e Base Flaad Fflvalion. Ulen Uk orfWln�'f Mtswmc� /alin� hlll �e5uk m i bigMer wemWma SECTION 111-CERTlFICATION (By a lie�iste►ed Protessiona! Eoginee� or Archltent) Non-Rasld�nUN fbodprooMtl ConstruCtbn CerlMwtton: J cerNry fAal. Oased apon dew.ropnrenf arp�b� mriew W stroctwal deslpa. spuuira�o�. aAd P� �r coefwcUon. tAe Cesi�n sn0 methOds ol cauUuCtion m M aoroMance w&!� accested arandarde o! praclice for mrefinp! tAe faNrnvw�{ Pror+sioas: iIN SUuclura. OeplMt wIN allaml�M uli6tres and saniury IaUNties. ls nattrti�At W Ihe Il�ovtlproated dlsl� NEValfoe iad�ated �CO+Y. vilU� rr,►Ik U� xe suhstamWl�r kppermeable to Ma passa;e of wter !IN tWelwsl campoaemsara eapads ol rasisbng pydrostsuc ano nyOroA�memlo Aood torces, includNe tbe efiecl3 0! buoyancy, aatl snticlpatee Ik6rit i�npacl tartes. � eq1Ny Mat �Ae AYo►natron on this ceili+Ieate represents my best Nlvns co ln�erpal the Oala avaMabb.1 undrstaou Ihat sny lalse statament mslr 0a� pYMShable py qns o� inywisonmeru uaoai 18 U.S. Cnde. Sacffnn 1001. e CERIIFIEIti fM`.IE I IC./Ltf. NUMBEN (et Alf.� S!N! /�'� � .R s��o �;c. ,�.. I/flE COMPAMT NAMf i����� AflONESt c�t� SGtf tlr G00E /6Q/9 S'�kt�Dri v�� T.�-t�a. i�l.�,�r 4/t 33L i S _ � yy�„� � ,,� 04iE _ iNO�:E. /�. � i +'� o' // '_`/���. Coples sAuWd De made of ilus Cert!(icata loi_ 1) comirtrnity ol6clat. 211nswsnce fFAlAfum81�65, L1sr09 RfPlRCES Alf. PREWOUS EOIii01:5 � �� � � ipenyto�a A 0 n a. 6 ru9, OCT 1 0 2011 PLANNING G Cw`,i�LU;= :;�i�:T D�PT Y O" G ft'NATER