301 LEEWARD ISLAND . � ELEVA7'ION CERTIFICATE O.M.B.No3067-0077 ExpiresMay31, 7993 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY r NAIIUN/1L I"LUOU WSUit/1NCL I'ItUGIinM �AI I EN l ION: U�c�ol tlils cortilicalo doc�s nol provicJc�a waivor ol llio Ilood Insuranco�urchaso rEjyuiromenL �his forrn is used only to �rovido elevation inlorrnalion nocessary to ensuro conipliance wilh applicable conununiry floodplain rnanayemont ordinances, lo determine the proper insurance premium rale, and/or lo support a request for a Letter ot Map Amendrnont or Revision(LOMA or LOMR). Instructlons ior completing thls form can be tound on the following pages. SEC I ION A pfiOPEfi TY INFURMATIUN FOfi INSURANCE GOMPANY USE BUIIDING OWNER'S NAME POLiCY NUMBER ANTONIA WALDON STREET ADDRESS(Including Apl.,Unil,Suite and/or Bldg.Number)OR P.O.ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER COMPANY NAIC NUMBER 301 LEEWARD ISLAND OTHER DESCRIPTION(Lot and Block Numbers,eic.) LOT 33, UIVIT 1 ISLAND ESTATES OF CLEARWATER CITY STATE ZIP CODE CLEARWATER BEACH, FLORIDA SECTION 8 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM) INFORMATION Provide the following from the proper FIRM (See Instructions): 1.COMMUNITY NUMBER 2.PANEL NUMBER 3.SUFFIX 4.DATE OF FIRM INDEX 5.FIRM ZONE 6.BASE FLOOD ELEVATION �� (in AO Zones,use depth) 125096 0007 "D" 08%1$/9� "A-E" - 11 .00 7. Indicate the elevation dalurn systern used on tt�e FIRM for Base Flood Elevations(BFE): ❑NGVD'29 ❑Other;describe on back) 8. For Zones A or V,where no BFE is provided on the FIRM, and the cornrnunity has established a BFE for this building site, indicate lhe community's BFE:�_.l�_�__L�.0 feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum—see Section B, Item 7), SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION .. Using the Elevation Certificate tnstructions, indicate the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subject building's reference level . 2(a). FIRM Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, and A (with BFE). The top of the re(erence level (loor trom fhe selected diagram is at an elevation of I I I 6 .88. J(eet NGVD (or other FIRM datum—see Section B, Item 7). (b). FIRM Zones V1-V30, VE, and V(with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference levei from the selected diagram, is at an elevation of LI I I I I.0 feet NGVD'(or other FIRM datum—see Secticn B, Item 7). (c). FIRM Zone A(without BFE). The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is ��.0 feet above❑ or below❑ (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference levei from the selected diagram is W.0(eet above❑ or below�(check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. If no flood depih number is available, is the building's lowest(lo nce level) elevated in accordance with the comrnunity's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ U 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used in determining the above reference level elevations:� NGVD'29 ❑ escribe z w under Comments on Page 2). (NOTE: Il the elevafion datum used in measuring the elevations is dillerenl than t t used d� �-. �' the FIRM (see Secfion B, Item 7J, then convert the e(evations to llie datum system u.sed on tl�e FIRM and show nve�on }_ ¢ equation under Comments on Page 2.) ^ � � 4. Elevation reterence mark used a ears on FIRM: � Yes �� °' w w PP ❑No (See Instructions on Page 4) � � � 5. The reference levei elevalion is based on: � actual construction ❑ cons t�uction drawings � � Q � (NOTE: Use ol constructron drawings is only valid il the building does not yet have tl�e relerence level lloor in pl , n whi� � � case this certi(icate wifl only be valid lor the building during tf�e course of construc(ion. A post-construction Elev ilicate z � �vill be required once construction is complete.) U v 6. The elevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building is:L1___I__l.__15i-.2 1 feet NGVD (or other�-see Seciion e, Item 7). SECTION D COMMUNITY INFORMATION 1. If the community official responsible for verifying building elevations specifies that the reference level indicated in Section C, Item 1 is not the"lowest floor"as defined in the community's floodplain management ordinance,the elevation oi the building's"lowest iloor"as defined by the ordinance is: �_1JJ.0 ieet NGVD(or other FIRM datum—see Section B, Item 7). 2. Date of the start of construction or substantial improvement . � FEMA form 81-31�MAY 90 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS SEE FEVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION SEC710N E CERTIFICATION • This certiiication is to be siyned by a land surveyor, enginoer,or architect who is aulhorized by state or local law lo certify elevalio`i inlorrnation when the elevation information for Zones A1—A30,AE,AH,A(with BFE),V1—V30,VE, and V(with BFE) is required. Comrnunity ofiicials who are autltorized by local law or ordinance to provide(loodplain management information, may also sign the certitication. In the case of Zones AO and A(without a FEMA or communiiy issued BFE), a building ofiicial,a property owner,or an • owner's representative may also sign the certification. Reference level diagrams 6, 7 and 8 - Distinyuishing Features—If the certifier is unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaway wall, enclosure size, location of servicing equipment, area use,wall openings,or unfinished area Feature(s), then list the Feature(s) not included in the certification under Comments below. The diagrarn number, Section C, Item 1, must still be entered. 1 certily that Ihe inlormation in Sections B and C on this certilica�e represents my best ellorts to interpret the data available. !understand that any lalse statement may be punishable by line or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER�or Aflix Seal) WILLIAM C. KEATING #1528 TITLE COMPANY NAME REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR ALLIED SURVEYING `—___ ..:..�'.s;,s.. AD�RE$'S : ` `' CITY � ' 212y�'" Y YDALE � CLEARWATER ��;E 3���i25 =,'�IGNAT,� .1 '„ — - — — --— , y,�� DATE P i . °" ���E3 ) 446-1263 .��pi. s,.�hou d b��n�¢�q�thls'C rtfii a or: 1)community ofiicial,2) insurance agent/company,and 3) bulld(ng owner. � � ��o , �; ;; =COMN�fJl��'.�`°' ";` :��-- �A _ -:� ,: ,. �.` � . .``\�„�r .. .. .» „\�` _— b�� ____"___._.'__.'___"_ . __ '___'_-_'_'—__'—..__—__'. • ON WITH ON PILES, SLAB BASEMENT PIERS,OR COLUMNS A v A A V ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES I;Y �EFERENCE qEFERENCE IE�EI BASE �E�E� -� - REFERENCE FLOOD LEVEL � ELEVATION i�!k: r a�jx�;a�� �fi� 7 4�7'��'�:� �� . �f �:7. � ��1f1. ':;.1 . :� . :�i',:' . . .:.�lr',�;i t,�3 BASE �:."�.'G.F. � i.)::�'rDl:: � ; ��.. �. . . i;,�1..h RdJD ""� �"' �AOJACENT.:����'�1' HEFEliENCE '� B�SE ElEV�7iOH •'.:-j�v;� S"�. FtOOD nEFENEI�CE �ADJACENT ORADE }fk LEVEI ELEVAnON LEVEL GMDE ��> ��}: n\•• : rnV��:rt'�: ��?:�'F��i�FR`��`��:' / . `.;�.ADJ�CEN7>. ,��.�.� . .�'�.� �'�. GR�OE �. The diagrams above illustrate the points at which the elevations shouid be measured in A Zones and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the top of the reference level(loor. � Elevations for all V Zones should be measured at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. r Page 2 u -_ ; _�p� ELEVATION CERTtF1CATE �presMay36i,i993 � EDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY t•�Al1UtJAL t'LUUU IN;Ult/1t�CL• I'11UG11/1M � nul pruviJu a waivor ol ll�o tluod Insuranw��urchaso ie�yuiroinant. �11iis lorm is usoJ only to t � tu�nsuro compllaiico wilh�����licabla conimunily Ilood{�laiii�nlnayo,nont o�di�iances.lo :��������u�o r����,�����5���„�o�,�o�,��������io,�n�/or to suppo�t a royuost(or a Lclter ol Map�mendmoirt or Fievis�on(LUM�or LOMfi). Instructlons lor compleUiiy thls Ior�n cnii bo �ound on U�o followin� payes. Sl.0 I IUN A N(iOPE(i TY INFURMATIUN -�J(�INSU1�AwcE CUMPa�Y USE �OUIIDIN(i OWfJER'S NAME POL�CY NUMOER `! ANTONIA WALDON : ___ r STREE7 ADU�iE55 pnc�uduiq Apt.,Utul.Suite a�u1lor Bldg.Number)Oil P.O.ROUTE ANU BOX NUMOER ^ �COMPAI�Y NAIC NUMBER � 301 LEEWAkD ISLAND OTHER OESCfiIPT10W(Lol and 81ock Numbors,etc.) LOT 33, UNIT 1 ISLAND ESTATES OF CLEARWAT�R CITY + SiA1L ZIP COOE CLEARWATER BEACH, FLORIDA � SECTION B FLO00 INSUAANCE RATE MAP(FIRM)INFORMATIQA! Provide the tollowing(rom tho proper FIRM(See Instructions): 1.COMIAUNITY NUMBER 2.PANEL NUfdOER �.SUFFIX 4.DAfE UF FI M INpEX S.FIRlA 20NE 6.BASE FLOOD EL:VATION �� (in AO Zones,us�O�p1A� 125096 0007 � "D" OS/1 /9a. "A-E" _ 11 .00 7. Indicate►he eleva�ion datum systern used on the�If�M lor Base Flood Elevations(E3FE): U NGV�'29 ❑Other;describe on back) 8. For Zones A or V,wiiere no EiFE is provided on tiie FIRM,and tlie cornmunity fias establislied a�FE tor this building site,indicate the communily's BFE:� I I I I (.LJ teel NGVD(or other FIRM dalum—see Seclion B,Item 7). SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1.Using the Elevation CQrtiticate Instructions,indicale li�e diagram number(rom li�e diagrams lound on Payes 5 and 6 Itiat best describes the subject building's reterence level . :a). FIRM Zones A 1•A30,AE,AH,and A(witti BFE). The top of the reterence level Iloor Irom Ihe selected d�ayrarn�s at an elevaUon of l I I 6 _88 J leet NGVD(or olher FIRM datum—see Section B, Item 7). (b). FIRM Zones V1•V30,VE,and V(with BFE). Tiie bottom ol tlio lowest liorizontal structural member ol the relerence tevel lrom tl�e selected diagram,is at an elevation ol�J.0 teet NGVD'(or other FIRM datum—see Secticn B, Item 7). (c). FIRM Zono A(without BFE). Ti�e tloor used as I��e reference level(rom tl�e selectod diagram is ��.0 feet above❑ or below❑ (check one) lhe highest grade adjacont to U�e building. (d). FIRM Zone A0. The Iloor used as ttie referonco level trom Ilie selected diagram is W.0 feet above❑ or below[�J(check one) tl�e t�ighest yrade adjacenl to the building. II no Ilood depth number is available,is the building's lowest Iloor(reference level)elevaled in accordance with tt�e community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 3. Indicate the elevalion datum system used in determining the aboye re(erence level elevations:� NGVD'29 ❑ Other(describe under Comrnents on Page 2). (NOTE: !1 tf�e elevafion dafum used in measuring llie elevations is dilferen�fhan d�a�used on fl�e FIRll1 �see Secfion B, Ifem 7], tf�en convort t1�e Blevafions!01lie dafum sysferri u.�ed on U�e FIAM and sf�ow the conversion equation under Commen(s on Page 2.) 4. Elevation reference mark used appears on FIiiM: � Yes ❑No (Soe Instruclions on Page 4) 5.Tt�e relerence level elevalion is based on: � aclual construction ❑ conslruction diawings (NOTE: Use of construction drawings is only valid il ll�o buildiny dvos no1 ye►l�avo Uie roleranco lovol Iloor in place, in►vluch case lltis cerli(icale tvill only be valid lor tl�e building during 1lio cou�so o!consfrucliori. /1 post-conslruclion Elevatiori Cerlilicate ►vill be required once consfruction is complete.) 6.The elevation ot lhe lowest grade iirimediately adjacent to tl�e buildiny is:I._I I. � t5 L,2 I leel tJGVU (or otlier FIRM datum•see Section E3, Item 7). � SECTION D COMMUNITY INFORMATION �1. If ttie community otticial responsible(or vorifying building elevations specities that tlio re(erence level indicated in Section C, Ilem t is not the"lowest Iloor"as delined in tt�e cornrnunity's tloodptain rnanagement ordinance,the elevation ol tlie building's"lowest Iloor"as delined by tlie ordinance is: LLLLU.LJ feet NGVD (or otlier FIRM datum—see Section B, Item 7). 2. Date ol the start ol construction or substantial improvement � FEMA form 81•3 t,MAY 90 REPlACES l�lL PItEV10US EUIl1UNS SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION ....,_ .._..... ,�s•�-pa►!ST':-� '*.. . . _ — _ . . • - ,. . __...'��� . . . . ...�_..._��E,'�'L:.:....���-�rarsra:-t.'�'°"'�a"� .ra!��'r:���'�_—_.�,._ � . . . -. .» ..