696 HARBOR ISLAND � O.M B NO. 30d7-0077 � ELEVATION CERTIFICATE E����^�31, ,�a FEDERAI EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Use of this certificate does not provlde a waiver ot the 11ood Insurance purchase requirement. This form is used only to prov�de elevation intormation necessary to ensure compllance with applicable communfty floodpiain management ordinances, to d.�ne the proper insurance premium rate, and/or to suppoR a request for e Letter o(Map Amendment or Revision (LOMA or I.OMR�. Instructlons for completing thls torm can be found on the following peges. SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMP�NV USE BU�LO�NG OWNER'S NAME PO�ICY NUMBER E . DIANE NUNES / ROBIN C. NUNES STQEET ApOAESS(�nclud�np Apt.,Unit,Suft�andlor Bldp.Numb�r)OR P.O.ROUTE ANO BOX NUMBER COMPANV NAIC NU1.18ER 696 HARBOR ISLAND OTHER 06SCRIVTION(l.ol snd Block Numb�rs.�lc.) UNITS 6D, 7A 7C, ISLAND ESTATES OF CLEARWATER, UNIT 7C, LOT 83, PB 64, PGS 1-2 ��T� S7ATE ZIP COOE CLEARWATER, FL SECTION B FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM)INFORMATION Provide the lollowing(rom the proper FIRM (See Instructions): � COMM�NITV NUMBEfi 2.PANEI NUMBER �.SUFfIX a.OATE OF FIRM INOEX S.fIRM ZONE 9 BASE FLO00 ELEVATION (�n AO Zones.use tleptn) 125096 0007 B 08-19-91 AE 11 ' 7. Ind�cate the elevation datum system used on the FIRM for Base Flood Elevations(BFE): �NGVD'29 ❑Other (describe on back) 8 For Zones A or V,where no BFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE for this building s�te, �nd�cate tne community's BFE:LL�.LL1.0 leet NGVD (or other FIRM datum—see Section B, Item 7) SECTION C BUIIDING ELEVATION INFORMATION � Us�ng the Elevation Certilicale Instructions, Indicat@ the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subject building's reference level '1 . �21 �. FIRM Zones At-A30, AE, AH,and A(with BFE). The top of the relerence level floor from the selected diagram is at an eievat�on �� i ! ? 3i feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum—see Section B, Item 7). (b) FIRM Zones vi-V30, VE, and V(with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horfzontal structural member ot the reference Ievel Ircm tne selected diagram, is at an elevatlo�01 l I i I I I.0 feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum—see Section B, item 7). (c). FIRM Zone A(without BFE). The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is �.iJ feet above �, or below❑ (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. (d). FIRM Zone A0. The floor used as the re(erenCe levei from the SeleCted diagram is W.�(eet above❑ or below,� icneck one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. It no flood depth number is available,is the building's Iowest floo� ;reterence Ievel) elevated in accordance wlth the community's floodplain manapement ordinance't ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 3. Ind�cate the elevation datum system used In determinin�the at�pve refer8nce level elevations:C NGVO'29 ❑ Other (descr�be under Comments on Pege 2). (NOTE: It the elevation datum used!n measuring the elevarions is dilterent than rhar used on ihe FIRM (see Section B, ltem 7J,then converl the elevatlons to the datum system used on the FIRM and show the convers�on equat�on under Comments on Page 2.) a. Eievation reference mark used appears on FIRM: ❑ Yes �No (See Instructions on Page 4) 5. The reterence level elevation is based on: � actual constructlon ❑ construction drawings � (NOTE: Use ol construction drawings!s only valid il the building does not yet have the re/erence level floor in place, �n wh,ch case Ih�s certilicafe will only be valid lor the building during the course ol construclion. A post-cons►ruclion Elevahon Ce,�i���cara w�u be required once construction is complete.) 6 The eievation of the lowest grade Immediately adjacent to the building is:l I I I I F,I.12J.teet NGVD (or other FiRM datum sea Section B, Item 7). SECTION D COMMUNITY INFORMATION � 11 the community ofticial responsible for verify(n�bulldinq elevatlons specl(les that the re(erence level indicated in Section C, Item � �s no� the "IOwest lioor'as defined in the community's iloodplaln manaqement ordlnance,the elevation ol the building's"lowest �or"as defined by the ordinance is: � I I ( I I.0 feet NGVO(or other FIRM datum—see Section B. Item 7), ate ol the start of constructlon or substantlal Improvement , . fEn�Fort„e l•31,n�wY 93 REPtACES All PREV10U5 EDITIONS SEE REvERSE S�pE FOa cO�rnr,uAnoN