FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION (2) -" I I DIJIiALL lID BY 'l_ PlUllft'S, That the uncI.aien", in con8ideratioD ot the NIl ot ODe DOllU' tll.OO) ... ot.b.er ftluable conll1del'.tiClD8, the receipt or wbleh 1It hereby lIOlmowllli...... don p'ant and con"q to FLClRIDA POtiER CORP.. 0&1101, . nor1daCorp,rM1.OJ1, and \0 it. lI1oc.8I1Or8, aBAcns and le88ees, the right, privile,. and ___t to tn.tall end ..1nta1n guy st.ube, CUT w1res, ancbors, gr9liDd oonneot.1Cl1l', at.taota.t.., ft.xt,V8S, .qui~t and acoe8.one. deelrabla in cCDll8OtiOl1 thehwltJl. 0'ftJ1", upClI1 and acroBs the tollovine de.oribed t~act of land1n Pi;n.u.a...,;.C~UI1.!f, Stat. of norida, to witt The W..'l.SO 1'..:.01 \,be..lal"thlO t..' Qt Lot 2, alao the But 1.S0 t..t ot the Horth 10 teet of Lo\ 3 :in R..dlS\lbdi..I'1~, ~ in 8eet.1QD.~. 'l<lR1fh1P 29 South, Ranp 1$ .But .. ~ec.rded in Plat look 9. Pap 109 ot tbe Publ1c Recorda ot PlneUa. COUIlV, n~. Grantee 8hal.l bave 'Uae. ,~Ib'; to patrol, 1napeCt, alter, blprove, repair, rebu1lcl and nan..uch i1V nUba, N w1ru, anchorB, ground CQlmecti<lllB, attacl8ents, fatun. and."ui....t.t and toget.bel" with all the righta and pridleg.. necea..".. or o_v.-.' tor the tuU us. and enjOllBent thereot, tor the purpo... above deaor1bed. All oo.,__t.a, te.., pr0Y1e1Cl1l8 and cClI'ldit1on. hereof Ihall inure to the bcet1t ot cd tie birutl,n...,. "-be )W't,i.. hel"8to and *1F l'upective succeasora and aseilP'. II WID_ WHiBlOl' ,1hu1c1 part.T of tbe fUo.t part, haBcaused thes. preBeta to b...cuted in it.; n.ae b7 ite City Mlmapr, Ci.Olerk, counter- signed DJ 1M Mqor.c-.1pico..-" ad approved .. to fom ad correctne8s by ita City At-tom." and lie, cOI"pOl'ate HAl to be J:uanunto attatlled, awe iIIK--JQDIIZ tdi.allbclb..... the 19th day of September, 1963. CITr or CLEARWATSli-, " FltORIDA --.. ........- BI> ~;i;;("~;7 ~ C1to. ,-Maina..'flt. ~ ~ ~. 6'.. .,- ---- "", """ '-".'::. . ,.t,.< / - Attests 81gned, sealed ~d dell v~ in ....,..,. of':l Approwd as to fora and correctness t V~~~., /if 0 Ii - .5 I I 51 ATE OJ' J'LORIDl rHl*tivel1 01. ~er,01_ At,~.,.. C1t7 Clerk ami Map""'O_l..icu.:r of tbeOity or Cle...ter. a au1~oorporatlC1lu18t1n1 \Iftder ... law8 of tn. State or nor14a, t.o.. ...,. be \be incli.Yldual. md .f.t1oer. de.cnbed in _dwho ea.,," .. ton..p.:....,ac. wPLORIDA POW. CORPORATION and ...enJ.l7 acllDowled&.stae"...\1Cl1l 1ihenot', t.o be tbe1r b.. act, Ed deed aa IftlOh ottia... tMre-._<'*ll .U,thoriMdJ _d that t.ae offioial seal of aa1d _.ld.pU corporau..s.. 4\t1.J.tU1ud tberek, and the aa1d conyqance 18 the act 8nd deed ot eaWS 0""'",_. WITIfISS rq .1Il.t.v, ..iottio1al aeal at, CleU'Watel" 1n the CO\1llt7 of Plne1.laa, Bute of n-ua. ~,_,8Dd "ear ~ abOYS vntWn. - ~ - - . ~ . ~~~~I!~ Kxp1re1' - _N!J.tary P.Utillr.=; Sf t . My Cooir.i's! a e.. of Flonda at [arg~ BOndetlb" ~n [Xi"res Dac. 2/, 1965 " .' .' ,__' Y Amerll:an Sutety Co. Qf/ll. Y.. .' ,/ ". ~ft'l'/ /!" 5~ /, "5.0' .o;l~1 )~-- .-, ,-.' r: C. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION DISTRIBUTION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT "c-C:7 C"""''''r~. r'T ...c;..,- LeJ<",^/tC,-', /'-'" --' /"" -/ ',..-'/' r ,- -r// "J'" /' /.~"') '-"'1//'7 ,1.......[- --.....,.... i'~.-, V , / 7 '-... '- (,./ ~ , . <.,/,' c- I' ./. ,- ,-/,' .'~' '-f W 0 N A R /,.(=,'e::; . . 0.. / / "-" / '- '.~' D ,...-,....:, Y...., /7 .'- rawn "',/,'/0,...,...".,."..' Approved Scale /' "'.-:- ":::';:" Date 9 -...:)-6......' Checked _"' r1,' .... ."1 DWl). No. ..) (/".;./' PRINTED ON CLEARPRINT lOOOH