978 BAY ESPLANADE �+.�T _ �q-q�, EI.EVAT�ON CERTIFICATE �"'`� � �D' FE�ERAi, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY �`� i+1AtIC�NAI F10001NSURANCE PRQC3RAN1 �ENTt01�:l3se ot this cenif�cate does nol provide a wa�ver ot tne ttood rnsurance purchase retauitement. This tvrm is�sed 4niy to 9�eva�ion intormation rrscessary to sr+su�e C0�'nplfarc9 wrh applic�ble community ikaaCpiain managen�ent wdinan�es.to �::the prop�r i�surdnct premium re�e, andror to supp�rt a rsquE�!for e Lerier of Map Amendme�t Or Re++ision(LOMA Ot LOMR). tnstruct�ons!or comp�eting tnrs torrri can De tound on ttre tollowl�g pagas. SECTION A PROPERTY INF�RMATiON ►oa tNBU��wGp GC►ar�rrr uSe iLDtNG OWyER'5 NI►ME � / ►OIICY kUMlEM '�`�"u�et r.� /�'?� Cl,.,.r�'.-r��/ �EET i3OORESS(Int�Udlnq Apt..UrNi,SvRe�nd�o�tpdq Nu�e�)OA v G a T�AND 80X NUAABEA GOMPANV NAtG NUMBER �_ 1�Q��5or�r�n� HE�1 OESG�+IPT10N(lot rnd BIOUt NuA1bWC.Yte.I/ / �.P�_��� c��G� (o!�► _ y gTATE ZtP COOE ��'L_/,�1�✓a r�ii' .��rr - BECTIpN 6 FLOOD�t+tiSUAA�lCE R47E MAP(FIqM)ENFORMATIGN �ide tl�e'olfOwing irom the p►oper F{aM (See Instruct�or,;: �.ca�s,avurrv rruM9E� i PM�I NVMBER 3.SUFfIx o.pA7�QF FfRM WDEX S,fIHM ZONE 6.$ASE FLC�OD ELEVA7WN iin AG ZOMi.UN d�QM) / � 4 � S"�'�'o�.. � �d+'cate t�e satvat;on datum system used on ihe�IRM tor Bese F►nocf Elevations(BFE): [��iGVD'29 ❑tlthe�{qoscribe on back} or Zones A or V,where n�BFE�s�o�dsd vn ths FlRM, snc the communiiy h85 85tablsshed A 8F� fa'th+5 bU�WinQ Site,ind�eate �s co�++mun�ty's BFE'��(_._�..+ �. �.0 teet NGVD(or o;her ��r�M datum—see 5ectian B, Item 7)_ SECTION C 8U1�,dING ELEVAT�ON INFpRMATION �s��g tho EJwsGon Cstiititate �nssruct�ons.mditate t►ss c��gr�n�nurnber trom 1he diagrams iound on Pagos 5 and 61hzt best �scribes th�subjett bullding's re�ere�ce tevel . �M Zonss, A1-A30,AE.AN, and A(w�th 8FE). The tap cf the retErence level tloar trOm thg selected diaQ�am is at an pievatiort �.�J.L�teet NGvp{or othar FfRlu datum—s�a Saction 8, ltem 7). , . FiRM Zvnes Vt•V30.VE,and V(with eFE). The bott�rrz or ttie tawest honzonta�sSructurai m�mber o(the referer�ce level Prom the selecte0 diegram.�s at an e�vation o�! i � I I .:�'veE NGVtS(w vther FIAM datum-aee Sectian B, Item 7). ,F1RP,A Zone A(witho�rt BFE�. 7he Noor used 85 fhe retererce levei lrom lhe selected diagram is W.U��+t atwvv� o� bebw❑ (check one) the h�ghe�t grade adjacent�o tria bu,��ng. . FIRM Zvne AJ. The fiaor used as the rete�o�ce leve�'�om the seiecte0 d�agrgm is �.U leet above❑ or beiow[�(theck one)the high`st grede adyacent to the Duiidinp, H no f�aod �eplh number is availab�e, is;he bu�lding'310wesi fiOCK(rBtBrenCe leve�)c�'avaled in accos�nce w;th the con�mun�ty's tlondpla�n rnanapement ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unlcno�n d�catc the etevauon dstum systerr�useQ in dolerrnining the atiove reior�nCe�ovel eievat►ons;� NGVn'29 C Other(cfescribe tdsr Cnmments on Pag�2}. (NOTE: 1f 1he eJev�ation d�turn used in measuring the eleveteons�s diNerent then thel used ort e FtRM fSfC S�CfFprt S, lrem TJ, ihen convert fhe s/ee��;rons to fha datum systam usCd on the FlRM Bnd Shaw fhe conrB►sron aua(�on ur�de�Comn,ents on Pepe?.) evat��n relv�e*�cs ma►k used appears on FIRM: � Ycs L� ,Vo (See(nstruttions an Page 4) �e rc�erence�eve�elevat;on is based a�: ,�J actuai consrruct:on ❑ conStruCtion dtawings lOTE: Use ol cor�5truclwn drawings �S only vAl,irJ it the�t1Jin+ng dves no1 ye�havs the�eterencv Jvv�l tivw in p�r,s, i�,Nh1ch Se ihrs cerfilital8 will only b�vslyd lor the buifditrs t/(tr�r,� Ih[�cowse o(construcJion. A post•construction EIBvBtrOr1 Cer'filiC8t8 t be requNad once canslructrori+S c+�mplete.) �e aicvaticx�of lho Fowost grade�mmediately adjncen:ta tnc bu�id�ng is:L_l_L_:_1�.J.U loat NGVD(ar oth�r FIRM d8tunt•See :ction B, ltem 7). SECT�QN� COMMlJ1�11TY tNFORIr1AYlON fhO Gptnmunity bNiCial�@$QO�&Ibl@ fp�VBtifylfl9 btJild��G E+�evdtiOR3 SpYGifie�th8f!h6�@fB�@t1C@ iqvEl IrldiCd�9d IR SPGtiOn G, ltom � �ot t��°'161NBSt tiOQr"as de��ned�n the commur+ity's tloodp,ain manapement ord�nance. lhe elevatian ot the buiiding'a"lowest �s delin�d by lhe ordinence�s: L.�LJ.0 tect NGVD{or other F1qM datum—sae Svction B,ltsm 7). the start a�cqnstruction or�ubsl8nUa1 irnprovement - .�_. '" .l4 Form 81-3T,MAY 93 �F�ES/1(�.�hO115�GiTi�S S[E���.���U�i�