809 BAY ESPLANADE �����' �.��v�� �N�AT�IONALFLOODINSURANC PROGRAMCY O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31, 2005 � �LEVATI4N CERTIFI�ATE __--. i i�rtairt: Read ihe instructions a�e�es 1-7. SECTION A-PROPERTY UWtdER INFORM.ATI()N �a Ir�uraix�C�rnFYary t�e �F3UILDING CYJVNER'S NAME ��T Policy Number � THE LEHIGI-I GF20UP, INC. ---------------------------_-------------------- ---____-----------------__ BUILDING STRFET AUURESS(li�cludiny Apt.,Unit,Suite,anci/or Bidg.No.)UR P.O.ROUTE ntJD BOX NU. Company NA�C Number 809 BAY ESPLANADF -------- ------ ------------ _._—�------------_---.. CITY STATE ZIP CUUE CLEl�RWATER FLOF2IDA 33767 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION(Lot and Block Numbers,Tax Parcel Number,Leyal Desr,riptiai,etc.) '~ � LOT 3,BLOCK 33,MANDALAY BUILDING USE(e.g.,Residential,Non-residential,Addfion,Acoessory,etc. Use a Comments area,if necessary.) RESIDENTIAL IATfTUDElLONGffUUE(OFTIONAI_) NORIZONTAL UATUM: SOURCE: �GPS(fype):_.__ ( ##"-##'-�Y#.##" or ##.#�t###°) ❑NAD 1927 ❑NAD 1983 ❑USGS Quad Map ❑Other: SECTION B-FLOOD INSUR/�1NCE RATE�MAP(FlRM)INFaRMATION -------�---- — --- — ------ - ----- � --_---------- Rt NF!F C(iuMUN�ry'NAME&COMMUN!TY NUU9ER �82.C0�_INT�'NAP�E —� R't cTAT�- � CITY�F CLEARWATER 125096 PINELLAS FI.ORIC)A ----- -------�-- -------------------------�-------------__------1 B4.MAP�ND PANEL � 67.FIRM PANEL � T 89.BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER B5.SUFFIX 86.FIRM INUEX DAT(� EFFECTIVFIRFVISED DATE B8.FLOOD ZONE(S) (Zane A0,use tleafi offlooding) 12103C0102 G 511712005 - -�� �-"""•9/312003 AE 11.0' ------- -------------- ----------------- --------- ------------ - B10.Indicate the sou�e af the Base Flaxi Elevatia�(BFE)data or base flood depih entered in B9. ❑FIS Profile �FIRM ❑Carimunity Determinetl ❑Other(Uescnbe): � B 11.Inctic�e the elevation datum used for the BFE in 69:Q NGVU 1929 �NAVD 19af3 ❑Other(Describe): B 12.Is the tw�tling la;ated in a Coaslal Barrier RPSa�r�es S stem(CBRS)area a Olhe►wise Prcate�cted A�ea OPA)? ❑Yes ❑t�o De��naticn D�fe SECTI4N C-BUILDING EL.�VATION INFpRMATlON�SURVEY REqUIRED) C1.F3uikling�I�vation�are based on:[]Consin�cti�n Drawings' (��uikiing Uncler Ca�struc�tiQn" []Fin�hed Caistrucfia� "A new Elevatian Ceitifr.,ate wiil be iequired when caistnx:4icx�of khs bu�ding is comp►�}e. �?.Buikiiny Diagram Number 1 (SQlect the buildng diayram most similar fo the buikling fix wli�;h this cerGficate��ing canpleted-see p��es 6 and 7. If no ctiayram acxurately represents the buiid'mg,provide a sketch or photograph.) C3.Elevalions-Zones A1-A30,AE,AH,A(with BFE),VE,V1-V30,V(with BFE),AR,AWA,ARIAE,AWA1-A30,AWAH,ARlAO Compl�te Iterr�s C3.-a+below according to lhe buldir�y c�agram specfied in Itern C?.State the dahim useci.If the dahim's dfierent fmm the datum��sed for tlie f3FE in Section B,convert the datum to that��seci for the f3FE.Shaav fieid measurernerds and daiu�n conversion ca�ulalion. Use the spac;e pmvided or liie Cornments ai�ea c� Section U or Sec,�tion G,as appropriate,to document tl�e datum conversion. Dalum NAVD 198a Comersion/CommenLs Elevatan refeience ma�c usecl AWL USCE 1941 Does lhe elevation refererwe mark used appear on the FIRM� ❑Yes �No a r��-` � �' Q };°S�i� � . ❑ a)Top of bc�tttom floor(including base�n?nt or enclosure) 11 . 1 ft.(m) � , x�1� c � ❑ b)Top of next higher fbor N/A ft(m) � ,^� w, ,4 �'.'�,.�''� ❑c)Botlan of lowest honzont�l struclural member(V zones aily) N/A ft(m) � � �..�,� `�"'�'na� , �a C.� d)Atta��hef!�3;=�(tnp Of SI2b) 7 . 6 ft(In) �� '�k� ± �."� '�y . � � ��� � C] e)Lovuest elevation of mac;hinery and/or equipmeni �j �,: '��,� "' ` � senricing lhe building(Describe in a Comments area) PllA fl.(m) ��•8v � r- ❑�Lowest adjacerd(finished)9rade(LAG) ?. a ft.��»� Z N , � _ °,�, 47�8i�;, -� �, g)High�t adjacent(finisheci)grade(tiAG) 10. 7 ft.(m) � . ❑ h)No.of peimanent openings(flood vents)within 1 ft.above adjac;ent grade 0 � � `�� '' ' • - • ` ;� .�� ❑ i)Total area of aA permanent openings(flood vents)in C3.h 0 sq.in.(sq.an) `�',,��� ,��'� )Jln9+ SECTIC�N D•SURVEYOR,ENGlNEER,QR AFtCNITECT CERTIFICATION Tfiis certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor,engineer,or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. 1 cerfify fhat fhe infonnation in Sectians A, B, and C on this ceitificafe represents my best e(forfs to interpref the data availablQ. 1 understand that any lalse stateme��t may be punishable by fine or imp�isonrnent under 18 U.S. Code,Section 1 U01. -------------------------------—___------------—------------___------ ------------------------------- CERTIFIEft'S NAMF t_ICENSE NUMBER ; . EDWARD G ELL.IOTT � 3983 ------- --------------------------�------. _ _.. .._... ___-------------- TITIE _ _ �'GUMf�'AI�Y NI�ML�------ r--, PROFFSSIONAI SURVEYOR&MAPPER E AGLF CONSULT/1HTS,INC. -------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- AqDRESS CfTY STA�E ZIPCOpE 2546 SUCCESS DR. 0(.)ESSA FL 33556 SIGNATURE---�-.'1 -� � 4 � DA1E ! TEIEPHONE -- ?L�.�;;.�---'�'�_ APRIL 18,2006 ` (727)375-1101 ---l---- IMPORTANT: In lhese spaces,copy the corresponding informadon irom Sec�an A Fa i�ura�car,�,ry use . BUILDING STREET ApDRESS(Includiny Apt,Unil,Sute,and�a Blcig.No)OR P 0 ROIITE ANb�X N� Policy Numbrx 809 BAY ESPLANADE ` CITY � STATE � � ZIP COUE Cc�nparry NAIC Nunt� 1 CLEARWATER FLORIDA 33767 + SECTIOtd D-SURVEYOR,EN61NEEft,OR ARCNIlECT CERTiFICATIQN(CONTINUED) � Copy both sides of tt�s Eleva6on CertiFicate for(1)community official,(2)insurance agenticanpany,and(3)buikiiny owner. COMMEKTS v � — --------------------------- — ❑Chedc he►e if attachments SECTION E-BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION(SURVEY NOT REQUIRED)FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A(WITNOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A(without BFE),complete Items E 1 fhrouyh E4. If the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as suppor6ng information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completed. E1.Building Diagram Number_(Select Bie buildng diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being canpleted-see pages 6 and 7. If no dagram accuralely represents the bu�ding,provide a ske{ch or photograph.) E2.The!op of the�l�m floor('!tf!udrlr�b����e�!or er,;.!c:�!!r^)of th,e builc��r!ca is __ft.;m)__in(cm)f]above o� �]telew(ctte�.k ene}the hi�hest aJ;�;c�;t�;ra�iP. iU�e natural grade,'rf available). E3,For Building Diagrams 6-8 wiih openings(see page 7),the next higher floor or elevated floor(elevation b)d the bu�ding's _fl.(m)_in.(an)above ihe highest acijacent grade. Canplete items C3.h and C3.i on froM o(fcxm. E4.The top of the p�atform of machinery and(or equipment senricing the building� _ft(m)_in.(cm)Q abave or ❑below(check one)the hiyhest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade,iF available). E5.For Zone AO only: If no flood deQth number's available,'s the top af the bottom floor e�evaded in aocordance with the community's floodplain management orcFnance? ❑Yes ❑No []Unknown. The locai official must certify th's ir�ormation in Section G. SECTION F-PROPERTY OWNER(4R OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)CERTIFICATION � The property owner or owners authonzed repre.sentative who canpletes Sec6oris A,8,C(Items C3.h and C3.i only),and E for 7_one A(without a FEAM-issued or cc�nimunity- issued BFE)or 7_one AO must sign he�e. The staternerNs in C�ry��s A,B,C,and E a�coimcf to the besf ol my kno�aiedge. ------------------------ —__--- -- PROPERIY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME - -- - - — • ADDRESS CITY 5TATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DAT E TELFPHONE CUMMENTS � ^� ❑G�edc here if attachments � SECTION G-COMMUNITY INFORMATI�N(OPTIONAL) The Iocal official who is aull i���ized?�y law;,r or�inance to administer the canmunily's floodplain managemenl ordinance can canplete Sections A,B,C(or E),and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete khe�x,Scable item(�s)�n:i sign belo�v. G1.[]The��fam,�w�n in SPction G was t�l;en from other dcxurrienlation thai h�been siyned and ernbossed by a licensed surveyor,enyineer,ur ar�hitect who is autlioreeed by staie a la;�l law to cerlify e�:vaf��n inf�rn��ion. (Indic�te the sour�e ai�d date c#ihe elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2.[]A canmunfly�ft'xial completed E;x+�on E for a bu�ding located in Zone A(without a FEMA�ssued or community-issued BFE)or Zone A0. G3.[J The fo�wving i�om�a6on(Itc^u Ga-G9)is provideci for oommunii�r flaxiplain managemeM pu�pos�. G4.PERMIT NUhSE�Efz G5. DATE PERMIT ISSUED ^ G6. DATE CERTI�ICATE OF COPAPLIANCEJOCCUPANCY ISSUED C __ ---�__ _�________ ____ __� G7.Th�perm�has been ssued for.[]New Construction ❑Substantial Improvement G8.Elevation d as-buifl lovvest floor(induding basement)�f B�e building is: __ft.(m) Datum: G9.BFE or(in Zone AO)depth ck floockng at the building site is: _.,ft.(m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME — -- n� + -- TITLE � i _- —_ — -- _�L COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHUNF SIGNA7URE ►�Av UATE ----------- - ---------- -------------- _..___ m�� _ COMMENTS �----_ --- ------ --------- --------- ----------,- �����1V�SV`i� T— -- - r����k�"�1�IA�'EF� (-1 Chec�k her�if attachments CERTIFIED T0: THE IEHiGH cROUP, iNC. . . J08 NO.: 060023 SECTION 5� TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST PINELLAS COUNTY� FLORIDA �� � �� �S p����� N ABBREVIATION I.EGEND: � Q�S._- b � gS� F,I,R. = FOUND IRON ROD (SiZE INDICATEO) SEC. = SECTION �C � � S.I.R_ = SET IRON ROD t/2" L8 7240 TWP. = TOWNSHIP F.I.R. 1/2�� (�- -_ .� � F.�.P. = FOUND IRON PIPE (SIZE INOICATED) RGE. = RANGE I -'- — _. SOUTHERLY F.N.D. = FOUNQ NAI� & DISK (D) = OEED I ' --- — R�w LINE pF S.N.D. = SET NAIL & DISK LB 7240 {P) = P�AT � S 83•28%5$;, � � MAGNOL,Iq yyAY F.C.M. = FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT (M) = MEASUREO E �M � P.R.M, = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT C) = CALCULAiED - � ��•3,28' 1M "— — ._ P.C.P. = PERMANENT CONTROI POINT �F) = FIELD I^ � � �- -� P.i. = POINT OF IN7ERSECTION (R) = RAOIAL — � FOUND "X" I� CU T ON ECI wM = wA ER�ME ER� PG. = P GE 800K ' � SEAWALL R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY CONC. = CONCRETE M TYP. = TYPICAL COV. = COVERED RWM = REC�AIMED WATER METER ASPH, = ASPHALT � SCALE: 1" = 2O� OHW = OVERHEAD WIRES PVMT. = PAVEAAENT t �' P.S.M. = PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR dc MAPPER EIEV. = ELEVATION _ �� � �' LOT 4 '� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: � ^ BLOCK 33 Lot 3, Block 33, MANDALAY, occording to the plat s.i.R. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, Pa es 23 : j �F.�.R. ,/z- 9 - � ,.zs�N., o.�se.� through 35, of the Public Records of Pinellas County, 1 ,� rlorida. � R� , S 83'28'S8" , � 1 is 4. � �: �° E �M� 111' p !�� (F N.D. �y2937 ►� � SURVEYORS NOTES: m 103.27' (M� � � 2.»'s.. o.35'w.) � co �""�'�-....+,. �� ' Q ^ 40.4' o - ' � 1.) ALL CORNERS FOUND HAVE NO NUMBER DESIGNATING THE PRENOUS �l SURVEYOR OR COMPANY EXCEPT AS SHOWN. � o O� � , � ELEVGE F�60R � I 2.) ALl BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE MEASURED PER PLAT AND/OR DEED 19•6' 26'4 � Z "'� UNLESS OTHERWfSE NOTED. � 6�0' c� 3.) NO UNDERGROUND ENCROACHMENTS, FOUNDATIONS OR UTILITIES HAVE � Z !� o ; � `''� BEEN LOCATEO OR SHOWN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. � w O^ 1,5' � � � ^ 4.) NO INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD REFLECTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY � 3 � � o g 2^ �Z �. AND/OR OWNERSHIP HAVE BEEN FURNISHED EXCEPT AS SHOWN HEREQN. � � ��Q �` �6 8 N � �,� � 5.} ELEVATION DATUM: N.A.V.D. 1988, M.S.L. = O.Od � �OUNDATION 3Q I�� CQ a BENCHMARK: "AWL USCE 1941", ELEVATION = 7.21 • 15,4' WITH SlA(3 J 6.) BASIS OF BEARINGS: E. R/W UNE OF BAY ESPLANADE BEfNG �'� w- LOWEST (,IVING F � N 10'21'10" E (ASSUMED). LOOR � � -= �- � � ELEV. = 1� �� � � r �_�.-� �-�`�� 7.) THIS IS TO CERTIf Y THAT I HAVE CONSULTED THE FEDERAL INSURANCE � ADMINISTRATION FLO�JD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP, COMMUNITY N0. 125096, �-' `r^- ° � � �_ ��� ^ � Bpq T 7 PaNEL NO. Oi 02 G, PnNEL EFFECTivE DATE 9/3/2003, AND THE `� p ,N 4,7' 2 tr� � � L�Fr t HEREON DESCRIBED PARCEL APPEARS TO BE IN FLQOD ZONE AE, 'y V O LOT 3 � �� � WITH A BAS� FLOOD ELEVATION OF 11.0', M.S.L. � Z BLOCK 33 ° 8.2' '�= wooa -- r � � oocK � � ^ � ' � SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION: - — v� 5t•�� � „� CERTIFIED AS A BOUNDARY SURVEY S.I.R. � 20•0 f � UNLESS IT BEARS THE 51GNATURE /�NQ�+THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL 99�73� (M) b� OF A FLORIDA UCENSED SURUti6�' �1 1�} MrAPPER, THIS DRAWING, �l� N ��'2$'�8,s � � �!) SKETCH, PLAT OR MAP IS ,�*b�'I�O�tiY�N?tic PURPOSES ONLY � `W t� "'�+�....,. ` I ANO IS NOT VAUD. ' �` ' ' � � j` � � � � � ;.. 1;� con,c. 111' (p� �"'7' � ` � � �•. �� o F.N.D. � C�y �"�J'-g _'%/ � f�':. � � ': � �- �B #5408 Frr � '� �� ��� ,�1` ' _ - 1.� LOT 2 � ►�4 ._ �;�'�' �' �� ' ' � `� G� _ � a � - � L � �- _ BLOCK 33 = ° ��� � ;n � EDWARD C. ELLIOTT, P,�Ivt^r�#, 83 ��'°`,° � ^� � LAST DATE OF FIELD W0� � ��- ° , . =� ,`` .v a.�.?�° • ° T , t F,I,R. 1�2�� � _ � _ � TYPE OF SURVEY DATE`=:�a,;�TYP-'.�,��S�URVEY DATE -" '- -- BOUNDARY SURVEY 2/24/0& AOD FLOOR ELEV. 4/18/O6 NORTHERLY R -"' __ FpUNDAT10N SURVEY 3/17/06 UPOATE SURVEY /W LINE OF MANGO Sr— —' — — _.._ _ _ — EAGLECONSU LTANTS ING, CONSU�TING ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYC• 2546 SUCCESS DRIVE NOTE: ALL LOTS HAVE BEEN PRORATED BY 0.67' ODESSA, FLORIDA 33556 DUE TO AN OVERAGE IN TNE OVERALL BLOCK OFFICE (727) 375-1101 FAX (727) 375-iii6 CERTIFiCATE OF AUTHORIZATION l.B. N0. 7240