In reference to contract # 10-0023-UT dated g S( � berinreen City of Clearwater, the Ownar,
and �1! GoNsr�cTtrJ „�W� , the Contractor, it is further AGREED as folbws:
1. The Qwner has reserved ths ripht to p�urchase cerEain porrtio� ot the matetial for the Project directly
in order to save appiicable sales tax in compilenc�e with Fbride Law sinoa cw�mer ia exempt irom the payment
ot sates tax.
2. The attachments lettered "A', "B", and "C", attached hereto (as amended by notatipns therean) and
incorporated herein sha�li be execut+ed by the CanMacbr and appNcable Sub-contractars and the terms thereo#
shell govem the purch�se of materiais for the Project a� determined by the Uwner.
3. 7he contract price shalf be reducsd by the casi of the materials purchased by owner plus the
r�ormatiy applicabie saEes tax as bid by the Contractor even it the cost is in excess af the cost for the materials
as b�d by the Contrectar. HowQVer, for purposes af calculating erngineering fees, cantracfor fess, arch�tects
ieea, and any other amounts that �re hased on the contract amount, the originai contract amount �hall be
4. l`he Contractor reserves the right to a�tthorize paymenis far ►nva�ce�d matorials. �rm� �ca �°iwne; `;
aulhonzation process, as outiined in Attachment 'Q",
5. T►�e Cor�tracror wi11 assist Uwner �n owner's drreci purchase oi rnatenals tt�r the proJect. Nowovsr,
owner acknawledges that Contractor's Sub-contractors nonetheless each reserves the right to purchase
pra�eCt materiais directly, wrthout Owner's priar approval and consequsnt powet to eliminate �eimbursemeM ol
�ales tax.
ihis addendum, upon its execution by both pariies, is made an integral part of the afqremeniioned agreement.
Date: � C' � �_�-2� /�
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City Manager/Owner
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TO: �TZ1 ��►Si�.i �r�0'�I�T�t- (CONTRACTOR)
t. The Cc►ntract Price includes Fiorida sal�s and other applicabie taxes for materiai, aupplies,
and equipment which wiil be a part af the Contr�ctor's Work. The owner, being ex�mpt fram sales tax,
reserves the right to make direct purchases of various aanatn,iction materials inoluded in the Contractor's
contract. Owner-purchasing of construction material, if selected, will be a�dministered on a deducUve Change
Order basis. Additionally, Pu�chaee Orders wi{I include Owne�'s Certificate of Exemption number.
2. The Contractar ahall provide the Owner a iist of all intend�d �uppliers, vendors, and materiai
for Qonsideratlon as Owner-Furnlehed Materi�is. 7he Contractor shall submit p�ice quotes from the vendors,
as well as a description of the materials to be suppifed, estimated quantities, and prices.
3. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all matters relatin� to the receipt of mate�fals
furnished by the Owner in accordance with these Specfal Provisiong including, but not limited to, verifying
correct quantities, verifying documents of orders in a timely manner, caordinating purchases, providing and
obtaining all warrantfes and guarantees requfred by the Contract Documents, in�pection and acceptance of
the goods at the tlme of d�ilvery due to the �egligenoe of the Cdntractor. However, the owner assumes the
rfek of damage or loss duHng the tlme that the building materials are physioally stored at the job sfte
prior to their installetlon or incorporatlan into tfie project. 1'he Contractor shall coordinate dellvery
schedules, sequence of delivery, toading orientation, and other arrangements normally required by the
Contractor for the particular materiai fumished. 7he Contractor shall provfde all services required for the
unloading and handling af materfals. The Contractor agrses to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from
any and all claims of whatever nature resulting from non-payment of goods to suppiiers arfsing from the action
of the Contractor.
4. As Owner-Furnished Materials are delivered to the job site, the Contractor shall visually
inspect all shipments from the suppliers, and approve the vendor's invoice for material delivered. The
Cont�actor shall assure that each delivery of Owner-Furnished Materials is accompanied by documentation
adequate to identify the Purchase Order against which the purchase is made. This documentatfon may consist
of a defivery ticket and an invoice from the suppiler conforming ta the Purchase Order together with such
additional information as the Owner may require. The Contractor wil� then forward the invoice to the Owner for
payment, pursuant to Attachment A of this Contract.
5. The Contractor shall insure that Owner-Furnished Materials conform to the Specifications and
determine prior to acceptance of goods at time of delivery if such materiais a�e patently defective, and whether
such materials ere identical to the maierials ordered and match the desc�iption on the bill of lading. If the
Contractor discovers defective or non-conformities in Owner-Furnished Materials upon suoh visual inspection,
the Contractor shail not utilize such nonconforming or defective materials in the Contractor's Work and instead
shall properly notify the Owner of the defective or nonconforming condition so thal repair or repiacement of
those rnaterials can occur withaut undue delay or interruptfon to the Project. (f the Contractor fails to perform
such inspection and otherwise incorporates into the Contractor's Work such defective or nonconforming
Owner-Furnished Materials, the condition of which ii either knew or should have known by performance of an
inspection, Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to the Owner, resulting from Contractor's
incorporation af such materials into the Project, including tiquidating or delay damages.
6. The Contractor shall maintain recards oi all Owner-Furnished Materials it incorporates into
Contractor's Work from the stock of Owner-Furnished Materials in its possession. The Contractor shall
account monihly to the Owner for any Ownar-Furnished Materials delivered into the Gontractor's possession,
indicating portions of all such materials which have been incorporated in the Contractor's Work.
App:,ndix A.cloc
04r2C,11 I
7. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and managing all warrantias and guarantees
for ail mate�ials and products as required by the Contr�ct pocumants. Ali repair, maintenance, or damage-
'� repair catls shall be forvvarded ro the Contiacto� for resolutian with the appropriate suppl(er, vendor, or
subcontractor. .
8. Notwithstanding the transfer of Owner-Furnished Materials by the Owner ta the Contractor's
possession, the Uwner shail retain tegal and equltable titie to any and ail Qwner-Furnished Materials.
9. The Owner shall indemnify and hold Contractor harmless fram any sales tax (and interest and
penalties incurred in connec�on therewtttt) in the event there is a flnal defermination th�t sales made by
Owner, which Owner treats as being exempt from sales tax, are st�Jeot ta salee tax. "fiinal determination"
shall mean an assessment by the Department of Revenue that is no longer subject to protest, or a
determination of a court having jurisdictia� over such matters tt►at is final and not subject to appeal. Contractor
agrees to promptiy notiiy owner of any audit. assesem�t, proposed assessment or noUce of deficiency issued
with regard to the Proiect arxl reieting to Owner-Furnished Materiais.
10. As invoices are recsived, Contractor shali b� required to reviauv invoices submitted by all
suppiiers of Owner-Furnished Materiai� delivered to the Proieci during that detivery fpr use by the Coritra�ctor
a�xl either concur or objsct to the l7wner's issuance ot paymeni to the suppliers. based upan Contractor's
records of materials delivered to the siie and any defects m such m�teriats.
� 1. In order ta arrange for the prompt payment to the suppiiar, the Contractor shali provide to the
C7wner a IisUng ind�cating the acceptance of the goods ar materials within thirty t30} days oi receipt of said
gc�ods or mate�ials. The �ist shall inckide a copy oi all apphcabie Purchase Orders wnich wiil tnclude ownsr's
Certiflcate of Exemption number, irnioices, delivery tickets, written acceptance o1 the delivered item. and such
other documentation as may be reasonably required by ihe Owner. The check will be reteased, detivered and
remitted directty to the &upplier. 7he Contractor ag�ees Io ass►st ihe Owner to immediately abtain partiai or
final release or wawers as eppropriate, At the end of the Project, Contractor wiil be provided with a deduct�ve
�hange 4rder tor the cost incurred by the py►mQ� �p p�ovfde alf pwner-Furnished Materyals. Salvage maiRrials
shall be stored or removed from the site by ihe Contractor at the Owner's di�ection, or may be iurnetl over to
ihe Contractor for salvage ar dispqsal at ihe Gontractor's option.
12. The CoMr2ctor shall be enlitted to the benefits of any discounts attributable to the early
payment of vendor invdces for materials furnished by the Owner pursuant to the Spedfications.
13. The Cantract berinreen Contractor and Owner is hereby amended to clanfy that Owner-
Furnished Material shall be inctuded in the Cosi of the Work for tha purpose of determining 1he Contract Su+n
due Contractor.
FROM �� � '��°'� � � C• (CONTRACTQR)
TO Mo�/J� lNcaa�mf.�t,� ��► �'f °�' �CG��i�-�� r��-• (SUBGONTRAC70R)
1. The Corrtract Prioe includse �lorida sales and other applicable taxes for m�terial, supplies,
and equipment which will be a part of the Sut�ntraator's Work. The Qwner, being �xempt from salea t�x,
reseNe� the right to make direct purchaaes of various construation materials includ�d in the Subcontractor"s
cont�act. Owher-Purchasing of conetruction materlal, N sele�ted, will be administ�red on a deductive Ch�nge
Order basis. Additianaliy, Puroh��e Orders wtll inaude owner's C�rtifioatian of Cxamption number.
2. The Subcontraator sh�il provide the owner a Iist of all intended suppliera, vendora� a�d
materiai for consideration as Owner-Fumished Materlals. Ths Subcontractor sh&II submit prica quotes from
the vendors, a$ well es a description of the matgriai� tv be supplied, estimated quantltiee, and prices.
3. The Subcontractor ahall be fully responsibla for aii maiters relaUng to the recefpt of materi�ls
turnfshed by the Owner in acoordance with theee Speolal Arovisions includfng, but not ilmlted to, v�rifyin�
correct quandties, ve�ifying documents of ordere in a timely manner, oaordinatfn� purchases, providfng and
obtaining all warranties and guarantees r�quir�d by the Contraci Documents, inspection �nd acceptanee of
the goads at the time of delivery due to th� ne�lig�noe of the 8ubcantractor. However, the Owner asaumes
the risk of damage ar lose durtng the ttme that the buildtng materlals �re physioatiy stored at the job site prior
to their instaliatlon or Inr�rporeti�n into the proJect. The Subcantractar shall 000rdinate delivery s4h�dul�s,
sequence of deiivery, loading orientation, and other �rr�tt�em�nts normaily r�quired by the Subconlractor for
the particular material furnished. 7he Subcontractor shall provide all services requlred for the unloading and
handling oi materials. 7he Subc�ontraotor apree� to indemnify and hold ha�mless the Qwner from any and all
claims of whatever nature resultinp from non•payme�t of goods to suppllers arising from the action of ihe
4. As Owner-Furnished Materials are delivered to the job site, the Subcontractor shali visually
inspect ail shipments from the suppliers, and approve the vendor's invoice for material delivered. The
Subcontractor shall assure that each delivery of Owner-Furnfshed Materlals is accompanied by documentation
adequate to identify the Purchase Order against which the purchase is made. 7his d�cumentation may consist
of a delivery ticket and an invoice from the supplier conformin0 to the Purchase Order together with such
additional information as the Owner may require. Tne Subcontractor will then forward the invoice to the Owner
for payment, pursuani to Attachment "A" of this Contract.
5. The Subcontractor shall insure that Owne�-Furnished Materials conform to the Specifications
and determine prior to incorporation into the Subcontractor's Work if such materials are patently defective, and
whether such materials are identical to the materials o�dered and match the description on the bill of lading. If
the Subcontractor discovers defective or non•conformities in Owner-Furnished Materials upon such visual
i�spection, the Subcontractor shaii not utilize such noncanforming or defective materials in the Subcontractor's
Work and instead shall properly notify the Owner of the defective or nonconiorming condition sa that repair or
replacement of those materfais can occur without undue delay or interruption to the Projeot. If the Contractor
fails to perform such inspection and otherwise incorporates into the Subcontractor's Work such defective or
nonconforming Owner-Furnished Materials, the conditlon of which it efther knew or should have known by
performance ot an inspection, Subcontractor shail be responsible for al) damages to the owner, resufting from
Subcontractor's incorporation of such materials into the Projsct, including liquidating or delay damages.
6. The Subcontractor shali maintain records of all owner-Furnished Materials it incarporates into
Subcontractor's Work from the stock of Owner-fumiShed Materials in its possession. The Subcontractor shall
account monthly to the Owner for any owner-Fumished Materials delivered into the Subcontractor's
possessi�n, indicating portions of alt such materials which have been incarporated in the Subcontractor's
Appcndix A.dc�c CW2611 I
7. The Subcontractor shall be responsible tor obtaining and managing al) warrarrties and
guaranteas for all materials and products as requ(rad by the Contract Documents. Ail repair, maintenance, or
} damage-repair calis shall be forvvarded to the Subcontractor for rssolution with the appropriate supplier,
vendor, or sub-subcontractor.
8. Notwithstandi�g the transfer of Owner-Furnished Mat��iais by the Gwner to the
Subcontractor's possession, fhe Owner shall retain legal and equitable tiNe to any and all Owner-Furnished
9. The pwner shall indemnify and hoid Subcantractor harmless from any sales tax (and interest
and penalties i�curred In connection therewithj in the event there ts a final cbterminatlon that sales made by
C�nmer, wMich Owner treats as being exempt from seles tax, are sub)ect to sales tax, "Final determination"
shall mean an assessment by the Department of Revenue that is no longer subject to protest, or a
determination ot a court having jurisdiction aver such matters that is final and not sub)ect to appeal.
Subaontractor agrees to promptly noiify Owner of any audit, assessment, proppsed assessment or notice of
deticiency issued with regard to the Project and relating to Owner-Furnished Materials.
� �• As invoices are received, SubGpntraclor shall be r�quired to review invoices submitted by all
suppliers of Ownar-Fumished Materisi� deliver�ci b the Project during thaf delivery for use by the
Subco�tractor and either concw or object to the pwner's issuance at payment to ths suppliers, b8sed upon
Subcontractor's records of materials delivered to the site and any defects in such materiais.
� t in order to arranqe far ihe prompt payment to tlie supp►ier, the Subcontractor shali prov�qe tc�
ths {Jwne� � I�sting indicating tha acceptance of the goc,ds ar materiats within fittaen t� 5? days c,f rsce+pi �f
said goods �r m�terials. The list sha►1 include a copy �t ali applicab�e Purchase Qrders w1}iclr wUl incluciE�
owner's Csrtihcate o� Exemption number, mvoices, delivery ticicets, writien acceptance of the delivered hem.
and suc:ii ather ciar.umentation as m�y be �easunably required by the awner. The check wili be releSSgd,
delivered and remitted dirsctly to the 5upplie�. The Subcontractor agrees to assist ihe Qwner ro in�mediaf�ly
obtain part�al or finaf release or waivers as appr�priate. At the end vf the Project, SubCpntr�Ctar wif! hp
provided with a deductive Ct7ange Order for tha cqst incurred by the Owner to provide a{I t�wner-F�mished
Materials. Salvage matenals shail be stored o� removed from the site by the 5ubcantractor af the Own�r's
dire�tion, or may be turned over to the Subcontractor fior salvage or disposal at fhe Subcantractor's option.
From: %LTL3 Conr STT�-��J , .r�,tc _
To: �+j^�O � W � � ��' �� cI�%��_'�(SUBCONTRACTOR)
This project qualifies the Owner ta uUllze fts se�tes ta�c exemptlon for the purehase of materials uaed in the
projeat. In order to do thfs, the City of Clearwater, Florida, (Owner) muet pay for the materlals directly. This
shall be ac�compilahed in the followinp manner:
3ubcoM�acts wlll be issu�d by Contra�tor to Subcontractors in the usual manner, including
sales tex.
Suboontraotora w111 prepare their m�terial orders �nd forwarci ssme to Contractor so that Ciry
of Cle�rwater (owner) purCh�s� ord�rs may be placed for these materials.
Contractor wlll retum ta the 5ubcontractor a copy of the Clry of Ciearwater (owner) purchase
order on behalf of the City of Clearwater (Owner). It shall read:
To: Supplier
For: Material per attached 5ubcont�actor order,
The materlal supplier w111 then bill the City of Clearwater (Owner) c/a "Subcontractor" a/o
Contractor. Subaontraotor will apprave invoice and send to Contractor who will submit same
to City of Clearwater (Owner) for payment.
S. C(ty of Clearwater (Owner) wili then pay the invoice directly and th� Subcontractor wlll be
issued a deductive change order for the amount of the invoice plus sales tax.
It is imperative that the Subcontractor approve the invoices and fo�� them to Contractor by the ?''��� of
sach month for payment by the . Those recaived after the wili be processed in the next month's
bflling cycle.
Appendix A.dnc Oa/26/1 I
1• General Contractor will submh requisition fo� materials with vendor iMarmabon required (see
vendor appllcation form), item desorlpdon, quantity if apppcabk�, prica, eta Also inclu+ded will
be the sales tax savings amount.
�- Architect will review the requisiqon, and tarward to the project manager for approvai and
preparatlon of electronic purchase requisit+on. Requlsitian must contain project number as
well as correct account number.
3. Project Manager will then request requisition approval from the Finance Director.
4 Purchasing wi�l issue purchase order and wiil mail, fax, or othervvise distribute purchase orde�
as �equested.
5� A purchase order summary report wiU be maintained indicating the tollowing: purchase ordar
number, owner Certiticate of Exempt;on numbe�, vendor, total amount of P.O., total tax
sav�ng�, ampunt pr�viously requested, amount ot current request, and remaining batance ot
P O. This report wiil be updated and issued with each group af payment requests (mt�nihlyl
6 Payment requests with mvoices must have receiv�ng paperwork with autharized sign�turus
anti musf be submitted fof approvai as ind+�ated below�
7 Paymeni euthorizatian sequence: invaices must be submitied for �rova� in fihA f.,li�,w�ng
a. Qenerai Corstracta�
b. Architect
c. Project Manaper
d. Enaineering/City Manager
e. Purchasing/for pracessing only
f. Finance/for processing only
,- ,
CITY tit� �LBAIRWA►T�R CONT�ACT #10-00�3»UT:
„� • :. 1' !1 � <,� l�a= 11 = L. ° °.1 -� ' l
1. See separate instructlons for completing the Addendum to Agreement.
• ��, : . � .;;,. i. . . � . :
2. Completion of tha R�quest to Requisition forms by Contractor.
3. Approv�d by CEI. Approver(s):
4. Oriqinal to Own�r's Representative for processing af P.O. requisition.
5. Based on Request to Requlsfilon forms a sch�dule will be prepared for the City's Purchasing
Managar to reduce the Contractor's P,O. by the amount of the p.O.s to the Materials
Suppliers. It is import�nt t� prooesa as many material auppiler Requests ta Requisiibn as
possible at ana time thereby reducing the amount ot chan�es necessary to Contr�otor's P.O.
ConstrucUon contra�t wlll nat chan�e and the sum af the P.O.s to the Mster+�als 3uppli�rs plus
the Contraator's P.O w(II represent the tatal contract commitment. B�fnr� �endtr,�a to the
- -- - — -- -
6. The estimated sales tax savings for each m�terials requisition will be deducted from the
primary lines of Contractor's P.O. A relates� Sale� T2�x 5avings Ifne for each charge code wiil
be added to the Contractor's P.O. No changes will be made to the sales tax savings lines
untll all mate�ials are purchased, received, accepted and paid far unless additional materials
purchases are necessary.
7. Closing of the sal�s tax savings line on the Contractor's P.O. oan only be done through a
change order (Recommendation is that it's done on the final C/O�.
Pracesa procadures far reaug�,t to reauisKion forms:
1. General description is a brief recap (sewer I(nes and manholes; water lines; etc)
2. Contracior should include their fax number as well as a contact number.
3. In the description section of the Request to Requisition inc�ude any special delivery
4. Indicate whether or not retainage is to be wilhheld. City's standard is 5�0.
5. Include lhe address where the supplier is to mail invaices.
6. Where applicabls, shipping and handling costs should be Iisted as a Iine item on the request
io requisition.
7. City staff will camplete the charge code line.
Procaduras Nhere a detafled Ilne item arQaosel hes been recaived trom the QDP suaplter.
a. Q� the request to requisition summarize the materials to be ordered by type of
system (stormwater, streets, water, sewer, reclaimad, etc) giving the total dollar amc�unt
per for each system. Leave 2 line spaces b�tween each system ta allaw for the addition
Appendix A.doc ���� �
° �wate�
Section 11317 — Waste Activated Sludge Pumps
General Item Description:
Vendor: Moyno, Incorporated - Chuck Lewis (937)327-3525/
Street Address: 1895 West Jefferson
City/State/Zip: Springfield Ohio, FI 45506
Receiving Location (Ship to): City of Clearwater — NE WRF Plant — Clarifier Rehab P
Street Address: 3290 SR 580
City/State/Zip: Safety Harbor, FI 34695
Requested by: RTD Construction, Inc. — Alex Zettel — Project Manager
Email: AlexZettelCa�
Phone Number: 813-783-9119 Fax 813-783-9333
Date Needed by: Eight-Ten (8-10) weeks after formal approval of shop drawings and release of
equipment by RTD Construction, Inc.
Ex ense Code: 0376-96654-563800-535 $19,435.08 0327-96654-563800-535 $20,564.92
Units Detailed Description Price Per
Llne # Qt $, etC. (List shipping & handling charges, if applicable) Each TOtal
1a 1 LS (2) Progressing Cavity Pumps designed to pump 200 $40,000 $40,000.00
1b I 1 I LS
gpm of sludge at 20 psi of TDH at a speed of 280 rpm
LOT Includes: Cast iron housings, mild steel internals,
chrome plated tool steel rotor, mechanical seal, Buna-N
stator, and gear joints. Pump will be driven by a 10 HP,
1800 rpm, TEFC, 230/460 VAC gear motors in v-belt
configuration. Pumps and gear motors will be mounted
in an L-shape configuration on a fabricated steel base
plate. Overpressure protection and spare parts will be
provided. All equipment shall be as specified in
accordance with the applicable technical spec, and all
other applicable provisions (shop drawings, 08�Ms,
warranties, etc.), of RTD's contract with the City Two (2)
weeks for submittal preparation. Freight included.
Start up services and training are included on the above
lump sum price.
Sales Tax Savings on Equipment
.klold 10% Retainaae �—� �—�
$2,450.00 � $2,450.00
Date: 8/10/12
Requet[ing Offi�ial ' - ''� Approving Official
Alex Zettel. ProjeCt Manager — RTD Construction. Inc. Tom Traina. Project Manager. King Engineering
Title and Organization C.E.I. Services,
Tara Kivett, City of Clearwater Engineering/Construction PM, 727-562-4758, tara.kivett(c�
Completed forms are routed for approval to contracted CEI Firm and to Engineering. Engineering will process and provide records retention
according to City of Clearwater's Records Management Program.
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