CLEARWATER CLARIFIER REHABILITATION - NORTHEAST WRF CLARIFIERS 1-4 REHABILITATION - 10-0023-UT - ADDENDUM TO AGREEEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION - WALKER PROCESS EQUIPMENT',� ,� ''t � � ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTI4N C)F CLEARWATER CLARIFIER REHABILtTAT14N PROJECT CITY QF CLEARWATER CfJNTRACT #10-0023•UT: In reference ta contract # 10-0023-UT dated �8 � � , between Gity of Clearwater, the Owner, and �TA coNSrRUG'�oN�ldhe Contractor, �t �s further AGREEO as foifows: t. The Ow�er has reserved the right to p�rchase certain portions of the material for the Prajeci direetly in order to save applicable sales tax in compliance with Florida law since owner is exempt f�om the payment ot sales tax. 2. The attachments letlered "A", "B", and "C". attached hereto (as amended by �vtations thereon) and incorporated herein shall be executed by the Contractor and applicable Sub-contractors and the ierms thereoi shail govern the purchase af materials for the Project as determined by the C3wner. 3. The contract pcice stiall be reduced by the cost of the materials purchased try awner plus the narmai�y applicabis sa�es tax as t�id by the Coritractor evsn if the casi is in excess �f the cost for the materials as �d by the t�ontracfor. However, for purposas of �alcuiating engineering fees, contractor f�es. ar�t�itects fees, and any other amounts that are based on the contract amount, the origina� ccsnteact amount shail be ,aseci ;. Ttl� C:ontr,�Ctor �eSetv�s the right tq �uthor�ze payments ac.sr �„vciced materials. pr�n� tc> �';��vn��'s �utt�t�r+z;�tian process. as o�,thned in Aitachn��r�t �D`, 5. i he Contracior vv��l assist tawner �n c�wner's direct purchase �f n,aterrals �ar ttie �raJec,t. H�wever, c,wner ackr�owiedges that Contractor's 5ub-contractors nonetheless each r�serves the righi ta purchase pro�ect materials directly, wrthaut Owne�'s prior approvai and consequent power to eliminate rein�bursement ot sales tax. ihis addendum, �pon its execution by both parties, is rr�ade an mtegral part of the atorementioned agreement. CITY QF CLEARWATER: Date: �l' � � � � � ,�.-- .����.�%I.�y � , �ity Manager/Owner ATTEST: ,,�'�1Li lu Q,� �C. � City �(erk (Citys Cu ar S i APPR �ill�ii �IJt(} . a i2t��lti .� it� )'i*..n. } j�`Y�. .7 CONTRACTOR; Date. 9 g ��f __._____ (L'rA �o,�IS�UGTtO/� , ZrI � , Coniractor TNf^�� ATTEST; ! , �'���� � � a , �� , � } �� Secreta ��� /.,. , . �'�� `�' ,� �' , . ,J �y� . � � � , . �•'?. .. : � � � R+ . r_` ? a,tif �� � � �f��M ' �,� D s� t' _��k �(p � . � �Htt �; �' � iT .Y�^ �I' i���!tmWt�w�� �� a . : �' q4y"�. . V f 1.1 Y }'a �' . � ATTACHMENT "A" � t'� +• FROM: CITY OF CL�ARkj(ATEg (OWNER) TO: lZ� �oNsT'�ucrron� , r�t� . (CONTRACTORj OWNER-FURNISHEO MA7ERIALS PROJECT: CLEARWATER CLARIFIER REHABIL.ITA710N PROJECT CITY OR CLEAf�WATER CONTRACT #1Q-002;i-UT: 1. The Cantract Price includes Florida sale� and other applicable taxes for materiai, supplies, and equipment which wili be a part of the Contractor's Work. The owner, being exempt from sales tax, reserves the right to make direct pu�chases of va�tous cunstructi�n materials included in the Contractor's contract. Owner-purchasing of construction material, ifselected, will be administered on a deductive Change Order basis. Additionally, Purch�se Ordero will include Owner's Certificate of Exemption number. 2. The Gontractor shall provide the Owner a list af ail intended suppNers, vendors, and material for aonsideration as Owner-Fumishsd Materia(s. The Contractor shall submit prfce quotes from the vendors, as well as a description of the materials to be supplied, estimated quantities, and prices. 3. The Contractar shail be fuily responsible for all matters relating to the receipt of materials furnished by the Owner in accordance with these Speciai Provisions including, but not limited to, verifying correct quantit(es, ve�ifying documents of orders in a timely manner, coordinadng purchases, providing and obtaining all wa�ranties and guarantees required by the Contract Documents, inspection and acceptance of the goods at the time of delivery due to the ne�igence of the Contractor. However, the owner assumes the Nsk of damege or loss during the time that the building materials are physically stored at the job site prior to their instellation or tncorporation Into the pro)ect. The Contractor shall coordinate delivery schedules. sequence of delivery, loading orientation, and other arrangements normally required by the Contractor for the particular material furnished. The Coritra�tor sh�ll provide all services required for the unloading and handling of materials. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold ha�mless the Owne� from any and afl claims of whatever nature resuiting fram non-payment of goods to suppiiers arising from the act+on of the Contractor. 4. As Uwner-Furnished Materials are delivered to the job site, the Contractor shall visually inspect ali shipments from the suppliers, and approve the vendor's invoice for materiai delivered. The Contractor shali assure that each delivery of 4wner-Furnished Materials is accompanied by documentation adequate to identify the Purchase Order against which the purchase Es made. This documentation may consist of a delivery ticket and an invoics from the supplier conforming to the Purchase Order together with such additional information as the Owner may require. The Contractor will then forwarci the invoice to the Owner for payment, pursuant to Attachment A of this Contract. 5. The Contractor shali insure that �wner-Furnished Materiais conform to the Specifications and determine prior ta acceptance of goods at time of delivery if such materials are patently defective, and whether such materials are identical to the maie�ials orde�ed and match the description on the bili of lading. If the Contractor discovers defective or non-contormities in �wner-Furnished Materials upon such visuai inspection, the Contractor shall not utilize such nonconiorming or defective materials in the Contractor's Work and instead shall properly notify the Owner of the defective or nonconforming condition so that repair or replacement of those materials can occur without undue delay or interruption to the Project. lf the Contractor faiis to perform such inspection and otherwise incorporates into the Contractor's Work such defective or nonconforming Owner-Furnished Materiais, the condition of which it either knew or should have known by performance of an inspection, Contractor shall be responsible for ail damages to the Owner, resulting from Contractor's incorporation of such materiais into the Project, including fiquidating or delay damages. 6. The Contractor shall malntain records of all Owner-Furnished Materials it incorporates into Contractor's Work from the stock of Owner-Furnished Materials in its possession. The Contractor shall account monthly to the Owner for any Owner-Fumished Materials delivered into the Contractor's possession, indicating portions of all such materials which have been incorporated in the Contractor's Work. Appendix A.doc (�M1/?6/11 • � . ATTAGMMENT "B" FROM R� �NSrRu�Tioni , � c. (CONTRACTOR) TO W��k�E R PRo��s 5�.b� 1 PM�iVT (SUBC4NTRACTOR) UWNER-FURNISHED MATERIAIS PROJECT: CL�ARWATER CLARIFI�R REHABILRATION PROJECT Cil"Y OF CL�AHWAT�R CONTRACT #10-0023-UT: 1. The Cor�traci Price includes Fiorida sales and other appiicable taxes for material, supp�es, and equipment which will be a part of the Subcontraator's Work. The Owner, being exempt from sales tax, reserves the right to make direct purch�ses of various construction materials included in the Subcontractor's coMract. Owner-Purchasing of oonstructioh m�terial, if selected, wiU be administ�red on a deductive Change Order basis. Additionaily, Purohase Orders will inalude owner's Certifiaatlon of Exemption number. 2. The Subcontractor shall provide the owner a Ifst of ali lrnended suppliers, vendors� and material for consideration as Owner-Furnished Materials. The Subcontractor shall submit prlce quotes from the vendors, as well as a descripUon of the materials to be supplied, estimated quandties, and prices. 3. The Subcontractor shail be fully responsible for all matters relating to the receipt af materials furnished by the Owner in accardance with these Speciai Provisions including, but not Iimited to, verifying cotrect quantlties, ve�[fying documents of orders in a tlmely manner, coordinating purchas�s, providing and obtaining all warranti�s and guarantess required by the Cont�act Documents, inspection and acceptance of the goods at the time of delivery due to the negligence of the Subcontractor. Howeve�, the Owner assumes the risk of damage or loss du�ing the time that the buiiding materlals are physically stored at the Job site prior to their installation or incorporation irno the project. The 5ubcantractor shali 000rdinate delivery schedules. sequence of delivery, loading orientation, and other arrangements normally required by the SubcoMractor for the particular material fumished. The Subcontractor shall provide ail services required for the unloading and handling of mate�ials. The Suboontractor agrees to indemnify and hotd harmless the Owner from any and all claims of whatever nature resutting from non-payment of goods to suppliers arising fram the action of the Subcontractor. 4. As Owner-Furnished Materiais are delivered to the job site, the Subcontractar shall visually inspect all shipments from the suppliers, and approve the vendor's invoice for material delivered. The Subcontractor shall assure that each delivery of Owner-Furnished Materials is accompanisd by documentation adequate to +dentify the Purchase Order against which the purchase is made. This documentation may consist of a delivery ticket and an invoice from the supplier conforming to the Purchase Order together with such additional information as the Owner may require. The Subcontractor wiil then forward the invoice to the Owner for payment, pursuant to Attachment "A" of this Contract. 5. The Subcontractor shafl insure that Owner-Furnished Materials conform to the Spec'rfications and determine prior to incorporation into the Subcontractors Woi1c if such materials are paterrtiy defective, and whether such materials are identical to the materials ordered and match the description on the bill of lading. If the Subcontractor discovers defective or non-conformities in Owner-Furnished Materials upon such visual inspection, the Subcontractor shail not utilize such nonconforming or defecbve materials in the Subcontractor's Woric and instead shall properly notify the Owner of the defective or nonconiorming condition so that repair or replacement of those materiais can occur without undue delay or ir�terruption to the Project. If the Contractor fails to perform such inspection and otherwise incorporates into the Subcontractor's Worlc such defective or nonconforming Owner-Furnished Materials, the condition of which it either knew or should have known by performance of an inspection, Subcontractor shall be responsible for ai) damages to the owner, resufting from Subcontractor's incorporation of such materials into the Project, including liquidating or delay damages. 6. The Subcontractor shall maintain records of all owner-Furnished Materials it incorporates into Subcont�actor's Work from the stock of Owner-furnished Materials in its possession. The Subcontractor shall account monthly to the Owner for any owner-Furnished Materials delivered into the Subcontractor's possession, indicating portions of all such materials whfch have been incorporated in the Subcontractor's Work. Appendix A.doc �nb>> � � • f r 7. The Contractor shail be responsible tor obtairting and managing all warranties and guarantees for ali materiais and products as required by the Contract Documents. Ali repair, maintenance, or damage- repair calis shall be farwarded ta the Camracior for resolutian with tfie appropriate suppiier, vendor, or subcontractor. 8. Notwithstanding the transfer of Owner-Furnished Materials by the Owner to the Contractor's possession, the Owner shall retain legal and equitable title to any and all Owner-Furnished Materials. 9. Ths Ownar shall indemnify and hold Contractor harmiess from any sales tax (and interest and penaities incurred in connectio� th�rewith) in the evertt there is a final determination that sales made by Owner, which Owner treats as being exempt from sales tax, ate subject to sales tax. "Final determination" shail mean an assessment by the Qepartment of Revenue that is no Ronger subject to protest, or a determination of a court having jurisdictio� over such matte�s that is final and not subjecf ta appeal. Corrtractor agrees ta pramptly notiiy owner of any audit, assessment, proposed assessmsnt or notice of deficiency issued w+th regard ro the Project and relating to Owner-Furnished Materials. 10. As mvoices are received, Contractar shall be required to review invaices submitted by all suppliers af Owne�-Furnished Matenals detivered to the Project during that delivery for use by the Contractar and either concu� or abject io the Owner's issuance of payment to the suppliers. hased upon Coniractor's records of matenals deliv�red lo the site and any defects in such materials. 11. In order to arrange for the prompt paymenk to the supplier, the Conkractor shall provide ia the �wrler a Misling indicating the acceptance of the goods or materials w�thir7 thirty {30) clays vt receipt c�f saisi goads or materials, The lis! s17a11 inclu�e a copy oi afl appf�cable Purchase C►rders whlch will inc�ude owner's Gertiflcate ot Exemptian nurnber. invoices. deliv��y tiCkets. writt�� acceptance of the d�livered item, and such �ther documentation as may be reasonabl�r required by the Owner. 7he check wilt be released, detivered and remitted dir�ctfy 10 the supp(ier. 1'he Contra�tor agrees to assist the Owner to �mmediately obtain paRial or fina) release or wa�vers as appropriate. At the end of the Project, Contractor wilf be provided with a dedu�t�ve Change Order for the cost in�urred by the C�wner to provide au �wner-FUr�ished Materiais. Salvage mat�rials shall be stored or removed from the site by the �ontractor at the Owner's direction, or may be turned over to the Contt�ctar for salvage ar dispasal at the Contractar's optio�. 12, The Contractor shall be eMitled to the benefits �f any discounts attnbutable to the early payment of vendor invoices for materials furnished by the Owner pursuant to the Spec'rfications. 13. The Cantract between Contractar and Owner is hereby amended ta clanfy that Owner- Furnished Material shall be included in the Cost of the W ork for the purpose of determining the Contract Sum due Contractor. _ �) , , • � J , .. ... ATTACHMENT "C" From: �TD GoNS r�uc ri a�.► � z.N L_ (CONTRACTOR) 70: W�LIG E2 pRD��s'� F� 1�/N �NT" (SUBCONTRACTOR) Project: GLEARWATEFi CLARIFIER REHABILITATION PROJECT CITY OF CLEARWATER CONTRACT �70-0023-UT: This project qualifies the Owner to utilize its sales tax exemption for the purchase of materials used in the project. In order to do this, the Ciry of Clearwater, Florida, (Owner) must pay for the materiais directly. This shall be acxomplished in the foilowing manner: 1. Subcontracts wiii be issued by Contractor to Subcontractors in the usual rnanner, lncluding sales tax. 2. 5ubcontrectors wili prepare thair material orders and forvverd same ta Contractor so that City of Clearwater (owner) purchase orders may be placed for these materials. 3. Contract�r will retum to the Subcontractor a copy of the City of Ciearwate� (owner) purchase order on behalf of the City of Clearwater (Owner). It shail read: To: Supplier For: Material pe� attached Subcontractor order, 4. The materiai supplier will then bill the Ciry of Clearwater (Owner) c/o "Subcontracto�" clo Contractor. Subcontractor w111 approve invoice and send to Contractor who will submit same to Ciry of Clearwater (Ow�er) for payment. 5. City of Clearvvater (Owner) witl then pay the invoice directly and the Subcontractor will be issued a deductive change o�der for the amount of the invoice plus sales tax. it is imperative that the Subcontractor approve the invoices and forvuard them to Contractor by the �'�� of each month for payment by the . Those received after the Zs� will be processed in the next month's biliing cycle. Appendix A.doc (k3/26/1 1 . � � � � / ' 7. The 5ubcontractor shali be responsible for obtaining and managing ali warrarrties and guarantees for ali materials and products as required by the Contract Dpcuments. Atl repair, maintenance, or damage-repair catis shatl be fon+varderl to the Subcontractor for resolution with the appropriate supplie�, vendor, or sub-subcontractor, 8. No#withstanding the transfer of Owner-Fumished Mate�ials by the Uwner to the Subcontractor's possession, the Owner shaii retain legal and equitable title to any and ali Owner-Furnished Materials. 9. The Owner shall indemnify and hold Subcontractor harmless from any sales tax (and interest and penalties incur�ed in connection therewith) ln the event there is a final determination that sales made by Owner, which Owne� treats as being exempt from sales tax, are subJect ta sales tax. "Final determination" shall mean an assessment by the Department of Revenue that is no ionger subject to protest, ar a determination of a court having jurisdiction over such matters that is finaf and not subject to appeal. Subcontracta� agrees to promptly notify Owner of any audit, assessment, proposed assessmant or natice of deficiency issued with regard to the Project and relating to Owner-Furnished Materials. 10. As invoices are received, Subcontractor shall be required to review invaices submitted by a11 suppliers of Owner-Fumished Materials delivered ta the Project during that del�very fQr use b� ihe Subcontractor and either cancur or object to ihe Owner's issuance at payment ip the suppliers, based upt�n Subcontracior's records of materials delive�ed to the site and any defects in such materials. � t !n �rder to arrange tor the prompt payment tu tf�e supplier, t�ie Subcontracto� shaii pro�id� tc� the tJwner a iisting indicatir�g ti�� �ccepta�Ge of the c�c�ads or materiais with�n fifteen t� 5) d�ys c,f r�c!�ipt �t ��id goods �r rnatenals. The list shail include a cc�py �1 al� applicable Purchase Qrders which w�A includ� c,wr�er's Ce�tificate of Exemption number, invoices. delivery tickgts. written acceptar,ce of the de�ivered item, a�jd such other doc�mentatian as may be reasonably required by 1he C3wner. The ch�ctc wili be �eieased. delivered and remitted directly to the supplier. The Subcontractar agrees to assist the Owner to immediately aGtain partial csr final release or waivars as appraprfat�. At the �nd of the Prqj��t, SubCOntra�tor will k�e provided wiih a deduct+ve Change Qrder Ior the cost incurred by the Owner ta provide ail Owner-Fu►nished P�fateria4s. Sa(vage materials shall be stored or remavsd from the site by the Subcontracto� at the Qwi�er's direction, ar may be turned over to the Subcontractor for salvage or disposal at the Subcontractor's aption. ) •� *� � � �� ATTACHMENT "D°' } PROCEDURE FOR GENERATING SUB-CONTRACTOR DIRECT PURCHASE ORDERS FOR SALES TAX CREDtTS t. General Contractor will submit requisition for materiais with vendor irrformatian required (see vendor applica�on form}� item description, quantity if appitcabie, price, etc. Also included wili be the sales tax savings amount. 2. Architect will review the requisition, and torward to the praject manager for approval and preparatfon of electronic purchase requisition. Requisition must �ontain projeci nurnber as well as correct account number. 3. Project Manager will then request requisition approval from the Finance �irector. 4. Purchasing will issue purcnase nrder and will mail, fax, or othennrise distribute purchase �rder as requested. 5. A purchase order summary report will be maintair�ed indicating the fallowing: p�rchass arder number, owner Certificate of Exemption number, vendor. rotat amaunt af P.O., tata! tax savings, amount previou$ly requested, amount of c�rrent request, a�ci rema�ning balance of P O. This report wilt be updated and issued with each group of payment �equests 1rt�orjU��y) �r Payment requests with �nvoices must have receiv�ng papenerark with authari4�d s�g�latures and must be subm�tt�c,i tor approvai as indicated betow� � Payment authorization sequence� invo�ces must be submitted f�r approva� in �hP t7lfnwir'1r� order: a. General Contractor b. Architect c. Project Manager d. Engineering/City Manager e. Purchasinglfor processing only f. Finance/for processing only I � ° at r y �w e r- U PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION REQUEST TO REQUISITION STANDARD PURCHASE ORDER Section 11225 — Clarifiers General Item Description: Vendor: Walker Process Equipment - Randy Stevenson, rstevenson@walker-process.com Street Address: 840 N.Russell Ave. (630) 264-5212 City/State/Zip: Aurora, IL 60506 Receiving Location (Ship to): City of Clearwater — Northeast WRF Plant — Clarifier Rehab Project Street Address: 1605 Harbor Dr. City/State/Zip: Clearwater, FI 33755 Requested by: RTD Construction Inc — Alex Zettle — Project Manager Email: AlexZettel@RtdConstruction.com Phone Number: 813-783-9119 Fax 813-783-9333 Date Needed by: Eight-Ten (8-10) weeks after formal approval of shop drawings and release of eauiament bv RTD. se Code: Line # 1a 1b Units Detailed Description s, g{C. (List shipping 8� handling charges, if applicable) LS (4) Walker Process Pier Supported Circular Clarifiers t e RSMTP for 100'-0" dia. x 12'-2" S.W.D. tanks. Equipment shall be in accordance with the applicable technical spec, and all other applicable provisions (shop drawings, O&Ms, warranties, etc.), of Wharton-Smith's contract (#11-0053-UT) with the City. Spare parts provided as per specifications. SIx (6) week for submittal re aration. Frei ht included. Start up services and training are included on the above lum sum rice. LS Sales Tax Savings on Equipment *** Hold 10% Retain Date: 8/10/12 Re Alex ettle. Project Manaqer - RTD. Title and Organization Price Per Each $365,930.00 $25,070.00 Tom Traina, Kinca Engineerinq ttraina@kingengineering.com Also copy Tara Kivett, City of Clearwater PM,tara.kivett@myclearwater.com Total i5,930.00 $25, 070.00 Date: 8/10/12 Completed forms are routed for approval to Engineering. Engineering will process and provide records retention according to City of Clearwater's Records Management Program. Page 1 of 1