VISION CABLE OF PINELLAS INC ,nAY-23-91 THU 10:18 ~ " ,. \ . ... ,~ . . '- ~ VISION CABLE JUf WALDO I FAX NO. 8137979629 I P,Ol 1 . r . INST t 9:L'<1.?473B JLY :L, :L99:L 5:40PM 1&8.K.." PINELLAS COUNTY FLA. OFF.REC.BK 7611 PO 2392 I'oa UD III COlf8IDD&'1IO.of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid to thElIa the receipt ot whioh is hereby acknowledged, and the benefits to be devised therefrom, VZBJ:OR CABLB 07 PZlOILLAS, IBC., A J'LOaZDA CORPORATZOIl 2530 DRn SDBft CLJlARWATU, n,ORZDA 3~e25 does hereby qrant and convey to the CITY OJ' CLBAR1rATBR, J'LORZDA, an easement over, under and across the followinq described land, lyinq and being situate in the County of Pinellas, state of Florida, to-wit:: Propose4 10' Drainaqe, utility and sidewalk Basement. commenoe at the Southeast oorner of SeotioD 7, ~OVD8hip 29 South, Range IG East, Pinellas County, Flor14a and qo Borth 89- 39' 14" west, 700.00 feet, along the South liDe of s~id section, 8a14 Soutb line also being knoWD as the centerline of County Rond 528, also tnoWD as the centerline of Drew stroet; thence Morth 00. 5~' 11" East, SO.OO feet for a Point of Beginning; thGnco North O~. 39' 14" Wost, along ~he Horth riqht-of~way lino of county Rona S?9 (Dre?! stroot), 39~.lG feet; thenoe North 00.041' 18" Enat, 10.00 feet; thence South 8go 3" 1~1I Bnst, 394.20 feet; thence south 00. 5~' ~1" West, 10.00 foot, to the Point of Beginning. Containing 3,943 square feet CO.O'O acres), lIlore or less. This easement being for drainage, utility and sidewalk installation and maintenance. The CITY OJ' CLEARWATER, J'LORIDA, shall have the right to enter upon the above described premises and to oonstruct, install and maintain thereon any drainage, utility and sidewalks and to inspect and alter suoh drainage, utility, sidewalk from time to time. IN WITNESS ~80P, the party hereto has caused these present. to be dUly executed by its proper officers thereunto authorized this 23 day of May , A.~., 1991. Signed, sealed and delivered o~;rq of: WITHIIS8 ~:l. """ilea ~1' -D A{)tid>> ,. '/~~ r .-Joe! &1:1:..1:. Reichard (CiiOrpo.rl.l~a~ . , . -' .! ':-.' ",..... STAT. 01' I'LORIDA COV1l'1'1' 01' :PIIIBLLU f~~~-T '1 Oi,:~ I (j. S1) '" ,:1 B~fore lie, _the undersigned authority, this day personallyappearid , Charles Di"et'z and Joel Reichard , to me well known and known to me to be the individual(sl desoribed 1n and who axecutedthe toreqoing ,i.nstrument aSVice President Operation and Asst . Secretary ~espeqt:lv~lY!Qf the Corporation named ill thli ioregoinqdinstrwnent-; and they severally acknowledqed to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in the name ot said corporation as such officers; that the seal affiXed to said instrument is the corporate 8ea1 ot said corporation and that i"t was aft lxed the1:'eto bvdll'land r~crnl,c~"'oo'r\l')f.)ra't~i~.9tl'\'m~nJ~,f',nd t~~t_3.8..j,g lristrUll\ent-is the tree act: and' deec1 "'ots~i~ cozoporafion.' . ..,'~.,'\::(' ,,' ..-::,..\:" -.0' ". I .', '* 4 f' ~~ 111 WITJQ:SS WllDBOJ' I have hereunto set my hand and aftix~'~l'\z ,?:fl'91,ct1 s~al thia 23 day of Hay 'k'J::;J;; :' - ...;. .0' _ '. ) 1 ~~ ______. , I NOTARY POBLI . '-- ,::' <~ My ~omaission Expires: Jep~ b-?v- /7, I tJ '7 / ~c;~~ 'il/feNj RETURN TO: CITY CLERK POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 34618-4748 ,I /"'\ {...--' / /1 'C///: 1\ A F: L. E E N F. II E B L. A I~: E F~ ?" ~ . .,9._ .~. :.':.'J,.'\~. ;.: I. ~(I . RECOFm VERIFIED BY: )J. ..' ( ./ ----- ......".-.--. ---._--- T, Iud '-v v! lIiU 1U'''U vlblUti ~ABLE JIM WALDO FAX NO. 8137979629 . SECTIONi' TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH. RANGE 11EAST l"" , ~ -: . .. PROPOSeQjo' DRA'NAq~ .lrTlLlrC~NQ__.~lQ~ALK ~~EtyI~N!.... DESCRIPTION: Commence at the Southeast corner of Section 7, Townahfp29 South, Range 16 East, Pinellas County, Florida and go N.89 -39'..14"W., 700.00 feet, along the ~outh line of said section. said south line also being known as the centerline of Coun~y Road 528, also known as the centerline of Drew Street; thence N.OO -54'-4111E.. 50.00 feet for a Poin~ of Beginning; thence N.89o-39'-14"W. J along the north righ&-of-way line of County Road 528 (Drgw Street)t 394.16 feet. thence N.OO -41 '-lH"E. J 10.00 feet; thence 5,09 -391-l'IIIE., 394,20 feet; 'thence 5.00 -54'-4PW., 10.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Containing 3,942 square feet (0.090 acres), more or less. N.OOD 41' lauE. 10.00.' . ~ S.69a 39'14"E, 394.20' N.B9039'14"W. NORTH RIGHT-OT-WAY UNI 394.16' 8 d ~ DREW SrREET (COUNTY ROAD No. 528) ~....... P. 04 o ""Tj l'l ... '""!J ::VH filZ (jfT1 . r ttlr 7-::l> to '" ;)-.n :....:.0 :-r.C Z -! :;:!-( Q l'l t..,) r W~ '-0. W pi I - ~ ~- Q 0 O~. 00 . C . o. .0 " l"/)_ III. . ... · '8 .... ".89Cl38'1.".. k S Too.OO' lt (FORMERLY KNOWN, AS STA'J'~ ROAD No. 590) I SOUTH UNZ OF SflCTION 7, TOWNSIlIP 2' SOlJTlL RAllOE 18 tAST SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 7, '1'OW!~01ll1" QO COUTU, nANCE t' l:,AtT NOTE: THfS IS NOT A SURVEY VISION CABLE - CLEAR ATER PROPOSED 10' DRAINAGE, UTILITY AND ' .------SlDEWALKEASEMENT.-.--- -.----- - BOUNDARY PLAN AND DESCRIPTION CLEARWATER P1NELlAS COUNlY FlORIDA Preparl!d for: VJSfON CAatEOF-pfNEtlAS;1NC~~ < 2530 oncw CTnEET CLEARWATER, FlORIDA 34625 Phone: (813)-797-1818 llOVERAS, BAUR and STEVENS - SNGINeeR~UAVEVORS 29228 U,S.19 North Clearwater. Florida 34621 Phone: (813)-784-3965 F al(: (813) -764-6 153 Appro'/od by: ~Q4 ~andy. UOygrll3 FIe. Reg. Englr1sBr No. 8508 FIt. Reg. SUlVsyor No. 1782 "E"v.:5/~NI SCALE: 1-. GO' DATE: 5/21/91 Job No.:13090 = Sheet 1 of 1 MAY-23-91 THU 10:19 VISION CABLE JIM WALDO I FAX NO. 8137979629 I P. 03 - ~ . ,"wi.. .... ~ Al'JlIDAVI'l 0)' .0 LX'" BBJlOa. KB, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Charles D:.~etz VP' ~! Oper~ion~ and . Joel Re.ichard Asst. Se.cretary Vision Cab1 f" C"olnmllnic.atl."o.ns. Hie. - . . who, being first duly sworn, depose and say: 1. That they are ~he owners of legal and equitable title to the followingdesoribed property in Pinellas County, Florida, to wit: commence at the Southeast corner of S.c~ion 7, Township 2' South, Range 16 East, Pinellas Oounty, Florida and go North 89. 39' 1411 West, 700.00 feet, along the South line ot said section, sa14 Soutb liDe also being known a~ the centerline of County Road '28, also known as the centerline Qf DX'~~ street; thence rlortb 000 54' '3111 East, 50.00 feet for a Point Qf Beginning; thanco I-ro):th 09.39' ;l,1J1I 't'J'est, O),long tIle North right....QR...~i-\y ~i~e of County Road S28 (Drew street), 394.16 feet; thence North 000 4~' .1.811 East, '-0.00 feet; thl';,lnce South 8go :;19' 14" East, 394.20 feet; thence soutn 00" S~, o1:l." ~est, 10.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Cont~ining 3,942 square feet (0.090 acres), more or less. 2. owner. That said property is now in the possession of the reoord 3. Tha~ there has been no labor performed or materials furnished on said property for which there are unpaid bills for labor or materials aqainst said property, except fif :Qone insert: "none"): NONE 4. That there are no liens or encumbrances ot any nature affecting the title of the property hereinabove described, except lif ~oDe insert IInone"): NONE 5. That it is hereby warranted that no notice has been reoeived for any PUblic hearing regardinq assessments tor improvements by any -government, and it is hereby warranted that there are no unpaid assessments against the above property for improvements thereto by any government, ~hether or not said assessments appear of record. 6. That there is no outstanding sewer service charges or assessments payable to any government. 7. That the representations embraced herein are for the purpose of inaucing OITY 0' OLBARWA7BR, its agents, suooessors and assigns to rely thereon. Q rrrS~}y,~ WXTlfB88 ~~fJMC!j) Asst. Q(m~ARY Sworn to and ~ub8oribed to before me this A. D., 1991. ( CORPOllU'!I8QL) 23 day of May IN:F~fdwjT-~ - My Co~ission Expires: Je/D/vvv, 1#,/q1 / -........../ ".-.- -"- I MAY-23-91 THU 10:19 VISION CABLE JIM WALDO FAX NO, 8137979629 <;' r-,' '. SECTIO~7. TOWNSHIP 29 SO~ RANGE 1t EAST -- ... P,02 - --:-. . ' PROPOSED 10' DRAINAG~ ,UTlLlTY AND SIDEWJ\LK ~SE~ENI-. OEseRI PTIO": Commence at the Southeast' cOrner of Section 7, Townahip 29 South, Range 16 East. P,inellas County, Florida and go N.89 ...39'-14"W., 700.00 feet, a10ng the south line of said section, said south line also being known as the centerline of CounsY ROBd 528, also known as the centerline of Drew Street; thence N.OO -54'-41'IE., 50.00 feet for a Point of Beginning; thence N.890-391-14"W., along the north righ~-of-way line of County Road 528 (DraW Street), 394.16 feet; thence N.OO -41'-lg"E., 10.00 feet; thence S.89 -39'-14"E., 39,.2~ feet; thence S.OO -54'-41"W., 10.00 foet, to the Point of Beg1nn1ng, Containing 3,942 square feet (0.090 acres)t more or less. N.890 39'14"W, 8 d '" DREW STREET (COUNTY ROAD No. 528) (FORMERLY KNOWN. AS STATE ROAD No. 590) ; I ~~.M.~8 O~Ofml':N~J: UI EAS1 SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 7. TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 16 EAST N.OOO 41' 18"E. 10.00" 5.6903S'14"E, . ~ ~ . ...c ...,. ~- Q 0 0.. 00 QY o . o. -0 ." t/J.., 394.20' NOlITU 1OOHr-Of-WAY UHfi Prepare$J lor. VISION CABLE OF PINEllAS. INC. 2530 DREW STREET CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 34625 Phone: (813)-797-1818 LLOVERAS, BAUR and STEVENS ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 29228 U.S. 19 North Clearwater, Florida 34621 Phone: (813)-784-3905 Fax: (813)-784.8153 394.16' ~: ~ '8 H.BV.3S.14..... g g 700.00' II! NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY VISION CABLE.. CLEARWATER PROPOSED 10' DRAINAGE, UTILITY AND . SIDEWALK EASEMENT BOU NDAAY PLAN AND DESCRIPTION ClEARWAn=R PINEllAS COUNTY FLORIDA Approved by: ~~ ~andY. Uoveras Fla. Reg. Engineer No. 8508 FlI. Reg. Surveyor No. 1782 == - K~: 5/rthl SCAlE: '.a 60' DAle: 5/21/91 Job No':13D51O Sheet 1 or 1