610 ISLAND WAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION !. , .. 'u >- ~ ..c t-o:l '":l ..;-"'" (l.) ;.- t- ~..; ~ "'" ~-. ~:b c:.; . ~ t~ t'c ~ rz~ -c; E ~ ~ ---<:- ...-- C --,--- ~~-.:" --- ... ~ ~ ~ :; < -;: """' c.; c.; >. :; .~ J: ....." ~ _ ....;._ ~. Cl) E ~ U Z d - . _? rT."" U l:: ;:: ~ C'j :~ ~O ~ G I 86290214 I 0, R. 6 3 '7 6 PAGE 7 ~ 5 E A S E MEN T FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash in hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the benefits to be derived therefrom, 610 Island Way Development Corp~, a Florida corporation, -. does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, an easement over, under and across the following described land, lying and being situate in the County of Pinellas, state of Florida~ to wit: f' A Ten (10') foot water main easement lying 5' each side of all water mains up to and including all hydrants and meters, but excluding any water mains that may lie under buildings or with- in five (5) feet of buildings, AND an ingress and egress easement for refuse and garbage collections and City of Clearwater service and utility vehicles, all lying within the following described tract: A tract of land lying in Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Clearwater, pinellas County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: 1"1 l'i8'3b255 72 1. 05DC8/ ~,5(j G ,50 CASf 41 SEE ATTACHED TDTHL s~~ AiI~ 2/3/ K 7 This easement being for The CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, shall have the right to enter upon the above described premises and to construct, install and maintain thereon any utility lines and to inspect and alter such utility lines from time to time. IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the party hereto has caused these p~esents to be duly executed by its proper officers thereunto ~~hor~ and its seal to be hereunto affixed, this~daY of LL-to V , 19 ~L, · ' Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: 610 ISLAND WAY DEVELOPMENT CORP. Attest: 01 Cash 11 Chg 40 Rae ~ 41 OS ~ 43 Int Tot ,>oyt ~1 CHG 1~.Ofc1t 40 Ree-ll( tJ ~ 46 Pos ~ Total 77.~ ~ rn M "-""- ~~ '''~ ~~ :2 f~ 'f) -, - ~ ::... "-~ ':'t~ ;r"-.> - ~."~ -.. 0 " ~.~ ~ c ,~... ~" :~: ::.: 0'::' - .~.. ~~ t <..n 01 c N -0 = El<><um"'WY Tox N. l.....~/.-;.. ,.c."c-......'....... ..... Intl\ngi3le Tax Pel. J<arleco F. D~p"l<-er Clp" "r~-" ,. rounty By fJ. ",' r ~" e eo-. .. . . . . C:::> en / II- ,"1: '; _ C1 , ,,). J -,,~' ~-:;/" ~' -" ...-:;;.'i .~ o.R.6 376 PAGE 746 ....- I j , I I . t.--- IIN L,ol/ .1 // ["' I A or land lying In Section 6, Township 29 Soutb.. r..ange 15 E8.3t, Clearwater, i, ~ 1'lnellas COWlty, Plorida, being more particularly d..~ :ib-.d .. Collow.. y-' Commence at the Southwesterly corner o( Lot 1, or UNIT 8, lSLAND ES1'A TES OF CLEARWATER. a5 recorded in PIal Book 6., pages 73 and 74 at the Public Records or Pinellas County, Florida; thence S 72030'00" W, (Of' 100.00 reet, to a point on the westerly right~C-way line oC lSLAN 0 W A Yj thence, along said right~t-way line, along the arc or a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius ot 6202.29 (~t, and arc length or 56.21, a chord length oC 56.21 Ceet, and a chord bearing at SIr- 28'39" E to the POINT OF BEGINNINGj thence continue along said right-oC- way Une and along the arc at said curve having a radius or 6202.29 reEt, a.n arc length or 120.36 teet, a chord length at 120.36 (eet, and a chord bearing at S 18018'01" E to the point at compound eurvatUM! at a curve concave to the Northeast; thence along said dght~t-way line and along the arc of said curve having a rac11""':: at 708.43 teet, an arc length ot 299.89 teet, a chord length or 297.66 Ceet, a cho~ ~aa.ring of S 30.58'52" E to the point ot reverse c:urvliture at a curve concave to the Southwest; thence alOt\i the arc of 5&id curve havirlJ a radius of 700.00 teet, em arc length at 3.39 (eet, a chord length o( 3.39 te-et, a chord bearing or 5 4205a'lO"E; thence S 58000'00" W, Cor 33.12 feet to the point at curvature at a curve concave to the Northwest; thence along the arc or said curve having a radius ot 100.00 Ceet, an arc length at 71.54 Ceet. a chord length oC 70.02 reet, a chord bearing o( 578.29'36" W, to the point or reverse curvature or a curve concave to the Southeast; n thence along the arc or said curve having . radiU5 or 100.00 (eet, an arc length at 48.71 reet, a chord length or 48.23 feet, a"chord bearing o( S 85.01'~~. W to a point o( tangency; thence S 71004'44" W, ror 90.65 Ceet to the point or C\J~-ature or a curve concave to the North; thence along the arc at said curve having a radius or 110.00 reet, an arc length or 157.78 teet, a chcx-d length oC 152.18 teet, a chOf'd bearing or N 82.19'56" W to a point on the southeasterly line or CONDOMINIUM UNITS OF ISLAND POINT NO.1 as recorded in Plat Book 13, ~a.ges H-43; thence aloni' said line the (ollowing tiVG (5) course: 1) thenee N Jra 27'00" E, (or 98.44 teet to the intersectIon with the arc or a curve concave to the Northwest; 2) thence northeasterly along the arc at said curve having a radius ot 45.00 Ceet, an arc length oC l30.J1 (eet, a chord length o( 89.31 (eet, 11 chord bearing of N 32,027'00" E; J) thence N 12033'00" W, (Of' 156.7-\ reet, ~) thence N 7r- 21'00" E, Cor 70.98 feet; 5) thence N 12033'00" W, Cor 16.42 feeti thence N 17027'00" E, Cor 70.31 teet along 11 50-toot right~C-.....ay as described in O!!lcia.l Records Book 3940, page5 27 llnd 28 oC the Public Records oC Pinellas County, FIOf'ida to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and contains \.83 acre3y more or 1 esse ~ 1\ ! \ NOTE . "--"!1-~~.-.-. .. I I ~, O.R, 6 3 7 6 PAGE 7/j 7 ~ R = 6202.29' A= 56.2I':C C.B.: S 1702B'39"E '00' E. 'Z- 7702,7 . _ N 70."!l\ f'Jo 't:.. 0-.1 0.0l -i'p .. E. f'J. 02,7'00 . N 77 70.98 'OQ'~ 12,0"!l0 . S 00 \00. SW Cor Lot 7 Unit B, Island E states of Clearwater R = 6202.29' A= 120.36'=C - c.a=s IBo IB'OJ"E NOTE: This is not a survey! 'Z- -/ ~ ~ " R: 70B.43' A: 299.B9' C = 297,66' C.B.= S 3005B'52"E R= 45.00' A: 130.31' C=B9.9I' C.B.= N 32027'OO"E ~ )1,L. R= 170.00' A= 157.7B' C: 152.IS' C.B.: N B2019'56"W R = 700.00' A = 3.39': C C.B.= S 420SB'IQ"E .... , ,~ :!l ,'l, '00 ~ .000 t::,~'O R=IOO.OO' A=7L54' C: 70.02' C.B.= S 7B029'36"W R= 100.00' A= 4B.71' C : 4B.23' C.B.= S BSoOl'SB"W Novo 11/4/86 I I .. o.R.6 376 PAGE 71j 8 STATE OFFloy\dtL COUNTY OF 'P\ Y)~ \J C1- S Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared to me~\r~JwnL~~~~~Sto me to ~~dthe individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as: President and' Secretary respectively, of the Corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in the n~me of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that . they are duly authorized by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~I official seal this ~ -'I th day of DC. b2.h~ Y , AoD. 19 J2~. , .,,- ~. My Commission Expires: Natiuy 13UBllt.. ~tateof Florldi My Commission Expires Oct 29. illS' 'tloncleo Dy western Surety CornpallY.