07/10/2012 - Topic Transportation
July 10, 2012
Present: Bill Jonson Councilmember
Doreen Hock DiPolito Councilmember
Also present: Jill Silverboard Assistant City Manager
Rod Irwin Assistant City Manager
Paul Bertels Traffic Operations Manager
Himanshu Patni Professional Engineer
Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter
The work session was called to order at 3:10 p.m. at City Hall.
2. Old Business
2.1. Advisory Committee for Pinellas Transportation & Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation
Authority meetings on Councilmember Calendars – Complete
Assistant City Manager Jill Silverboard said meetings for the ACPT (Advisory Committee
for Pinellas Transportation) and TBARTA (Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority)
have been added to the calendars of Councilmembers Jonson and DiPolito.
2.2. Timeline for Alternatives Analysis Project - Complete
Ms. Silverboard reviewed the timeline. Changes to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and
Code amendments permitting flexible development standards for transit oriented development
will be considered after light rail is approved.
A schedule for the entire project was requested, including an outline of the final product.
It was stated presentation of the referendum item must address the Howard Frankland Bridge
and SR 60 and include a bus plan, financing and accountability packages, revised alternative
analysis, and an extensive public outreach piece that is simple and understandable. It was
recommended that the public focus be on the vision rather than the referendum. Concern was
expressed that the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) was not scheduled to consider
the Alternatives Analysis document.
Councilmember Jonson will distribute information regarding the July 9, 2012, ACPT
(Advisory Committee for Pinellas Transportation) meeting, including his list of comments.
Councilmember DiPolito will volunteer to serve the new position representing the PPC (Pinellas
Planning Council) at ACPT meetings.
Traffic Operations Manager Paul Bertels will contact other municipalities regarding their
progress and provide a revised timeline. It was indicated that the directors of the Tampa
Airport, Clearwater/St. Petersburg Airport, and Sarasota Airport have been directed to work
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Discussion ensued regarding the ACPT, with questions regarding which boards the
ACPT advises. Ms. Silverboard expressed concern that no one appears to be coordinating the
county’s transportation efforts. Mr. Bertels agreed that staff for the MPO, Technical Committee,
etc. do not know who is steering local transportation efforts. He noted some have concerns that
the MPO may not follow through with its planned nationwide search for a new executive director
and that the Governor may combine local MPOs, which would affect efforts to combine the MPO
and PPC (Pinellas Planning Council).
Professional Engineer Himanshu Patni expressed concern that PSTA board members
seem to focus on improving bus service rather than discussing rail. It was stated that anti- and
pro-rail advocates attend PSTA meetings. Concern was expressed that if the referendum fails,
PSTA will have to increase millage or collapse and reduce services if it is to survive as a bus
network. Mr. Bertels expressed frustrations that the advantages of the public transportation
system in Germany, where trams and pedestrians share space, cannot be duplicated locally.
2.3. Draft Corporate Statement for Clearwater Position on Alternatives Analysis - Complete
Ms. Silverboard said Mr. Bertels had drafted an introduction to a City corporate
statement on transportation. She recommended the statement incorporate “One Bay” and not
be limited to the Alternatives Analysis. Staff will incorporate Councilmember Jonson’s written
comments into the statement.
2.4. Landscape Allowance in FDOT Funding Question - Complete
Ms. Silverboard said the City Council must approve acceptance of FDOT (Florida
Department of Transportation) landscaping due to resulting maintenance costs. Managing
volunteer groups to maintain landscaping is time consuming and staff must step in whenever
City standards are not met. Mr. Bertels said Missouri Avenue is the only State corridor in
Clearwater that may have room for additional landscaping.
The Council will discuss capturing available FDOT funds during its upcoming strategy
session. .
3. Ongoing Topics
3.1. Draft Corporate Statement for Clearwater on Alternatives Analysis in form of Resolution
Ms. Silverboard said staff is working on a resolution outlining the City’s position on the
Alternative Analysis. Concerns were noted that the Alternatives Analysis did not consider the
importance of premium bus service between Clearwater, its beaches, and the Tampa Airport. It
was felt this route should be tied to the One Bay initiative.
Mr. Bertels said the MPO is next scheduled to approve the updated LRTP (Long Range
Transportation Plan) in 2014 following the planned 2013 referendum on the Alternatives
Analysis project.
Assistant City Manager Rod Irwin said Clearwater residents may not support the
referendum if it does not connect Tampa Airport with Clearwater and Clearwater beach. The
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connection also is important to the City’s economic vitality, tourism, and US 19 plans. He
recommended that the final version of the Alternatives Analysis leave Clearwater in an
advantageous position should the referendum fail and that the statement reference the positive
impact of public transportation availability on economic development. He will put together
information regarding regional business planning.
Ms. Silverboard said the City Council will consider the City’s corporate statement of its
transportation policy in late August.
3.2. Pursue FDOT Landscape Funding for Missouri Avenue – Need Council Authorization
See Item 2.4.
3.3. Bus Passenger Access Along US 19 – Future Topic
Plans were reviewed that would provide express buses on US19 that pull off the main
road where skyways provide access to business complexes.
4. Other Business
: None.
5. Adjourn
The work session adjourned at 4:14 p.m.
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