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Nov 6 2 20 r'M tG9
THIS INDENTURE, Made and entered into this the /.9 n'/ day of
a?70I1t' '" ., 1969, by and between CHAMPION DEVEIDPERS, DC., A
Florida corporation, hereinaf'ter called Grantor, and the CITY
OF CIEARlDT!R, FICRIDt, hereinafter called Grantee:
WITNESSETH: 1'bat for and 1n _ideration of the sum of
One Dollar and other valuable co_."-ration in hand paid by
Grantee to Grantor, receipt whereot is hereby acknowledged,
Grantor does hereby grant aDd convey to the City ot Clearwater,
Florida, an eUeMJ1t UDder the tollowing described lands lying
and being in the Count;y of PWllas, State ot Florida, to wit:
Begin at the Northllest comer ot the Northeast 1/4
ot the Northwest 1/4 ot Section 2, Township 29 South,
Range 1,$ East, and run thence South 00 11' 37" East
along the 40-&01'$ line, 384,.,88 feet; thence South
8~ 1S' 19" East, So feet tor the point ot beginning;
thence continue South 890 1S' 19" East, 617.89 teet;
thence South 00 09' 26" East, 943.94 feet; thence
North 890 20' 06" West, 330 teet; thence North 00 09'
26" West, 664.39 teet; thence North 890 1S' 19" West
287.61 teet; thence North 00 11' 37" West, 10 feet;
thence South 890 1S' 19" East, 297.61 teet; thence
South 00 09' 26" East, 644.39 teet; thence South 890
20' 06" East, 310- teetj thence Korth 0' 09' 26" West,
903.94 teetj thence North 690 1S' 19" West, 607.89
feet; thence North ()O 11' 37" West, 10 feet to the
point of begi1wri ng,
for the purpose ot instaJJing, mainta:ln1ng, operating and repair-
ing pipes, mains, wires and conduits for the purpose of carrying,
conve;ying and transmitting water, sewage, gas, electrici t;y and
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other powerj
All such installations shall at all points be completely
underground, and shall be so constructed that the surface of the
land above same may be used as a driveway and for parking. Grantor
reserves the exclusi va use of the surface of the land under which
said easement is granted except such use as is needed by Grantee
for the installation, repair and maintenance of any such pipes.
:~;: en '3(, ~)"-:: 0 ~ \SUR TAX j;: r- DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX I
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;:V of) -8 i NOV-S'S9 j '\ 11 ~ 0 O. 5 5 ~ n:8 "-l ~ p.o. = 1I0V-6'69 ;;: 0 0, 3 0 I
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mains, wire, conduits as may be installedj provided, however, no
improvements shall be constructed by Grantor on the surface of the
ground over such easement other than paving. It is understood
between the parties hereto that Grantor plans to pave the surface
of such land and use the S8118 for driYeW~ and parking. After the
original installation, at such time or times as Grantee digs into
or disturbs the surface of the ground over such easemen t for
repairs, maintenance, ete., Grantee shall bear all the expense of
repairing same and replac~ it in its former condition.
The easement hereby granted is subject to easement and right-
of1~ over the South 2.5' feet ot the above described property, as
granted to Florida Power Corporation by instrument recorded in Deed
Book 1614, page 6.5', public records ot Pinellas County, Florida, as
released by instrument recorded in Vol. 3000, page 321, of the
Official Records ot Pinellas County, Florida.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this instrument to be
executed under seal the dq and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence ot:
Attest c20"{::c/f;.;'~. c-'
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly
authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments,
personall,y appeared George Champion, Jr. and Constance J. Miller,
well mown to me to be the President and Assistant Secretary,
respectivel,y, ot the corporation named as Grantor in the tore going
instrument, aDd they several.J.y acknowledged executing tlB same in
the presence ot tw subscribing witnesses, treely and voluntarily,
under authority duly vested in them by said corporation, aDi that ._
the seal atf1udtben:to:1s tb8 true oorporate seaJ. ot-s&1d corpora-
WITlESS IlV hanct tnd seal in the County and State last
aforesaid this ,/~ ~ day ot OctolHtr .1969.
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Not Publ:1c, State ot Florida +....i4r.~e~ ";
My c01Jlll1ssion expires ~, ~. ':,,/
;", F ,,:
Not<:ry Public, S~at<l of Florida at lar!l".,~
';.\'1 (crn,nts,;oo ExpirfrS Sept. 10. 1973, "<'.",
iQnd.d ih Americcn Fire &. Ca;ualty .C~ ~ 'r,-