06/20/1995 - Draft t NEIGHBORHOOD AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD '1 .1hi 2 3 1995 June 20, 1995 _ MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE CITY°( CLEM< DEPT Shirley Moran (P) George Konstantinidis (P) William Graham (A) Bertha Kelley (A) Ruth Hunter (A) Milly Joplin (P) William Turner Sr. (A) Howard Groth (P) Mayme Hodges (P) Also present: Alan Ferri, Michael Holmes, Pat Fernandez and Tire4cini, all City Staff, and citizen Don Moran. Chairman Moran called the meeting to order at 7:15 pmt:::`=`She asked that membe'sreview the Minutes of the May 30, 1995 meeting. Howard Groth`pade a mot on to approve the Minutes. It was seconded by Milly Joplin and the motion carried. There were no citizens to be heard. A City of Clearwater intern, Teresa Manciias..;g peaked talked about her role in a review of the housing component for Clwatesompreherste Plan. She explained the evaluation process and detailed the five steps c f the Pls 3 ' py; xe: 1) Take data in current plan and compare with current available data using ns0 2) Comparison of plan's objectives to see is they have been met; 3) Analsi€sof objectiv ''tat may or may not have been achieved and . investigate major trends in::t e'co m`unity; 4)4)"ttyocess to identify actions that are required to address the Plan issues:th t"have been raised hylltis process; and 5) identify the types of amendments needed ta..::astre the coal s <of evaltion of the appraisal process has been met. She is working on the sing element with< < lnal draft should be available by the end of July. Mr. Ferri advised.the.,.City ' nission has been asked by Central Permitting to appoint 10 different panels paggIctcertyk ,the various components of the Comprehensive Plan. NAHAB was recommen 'by Mr. . <::for re** and comment of the housing component of the Plan. ChairrrMoran asked wh ' AHAB'Nwas not listed as one of the ten committees. The Housing Authority `was listed instead a d staff will talk to Lou Hilton as to why NAHAB was not listed. Mr. Fern s ed..Ms. Mancini to speak to Mr. Hilton about this apparent error. It was pointed out the Consolidated Plan ( nual plan covering federal grants as well as SHIP and HOME funding) parallels t ;Co prehensive Plan (State document with 10 components that affects o zoning, housing, economic development, etc.). Ms. Mancini will present the draft to NAHAB when it is ready. When asked questions about the performance of subrecipients, Mr. Ferri informed members the agencies submit a monthly program review report which he will put in a spreadsheet advising what their target was and what they have done. This will start in October and NAHAB . members will review the spreadsheet each quarter. Changes will be proposed in point scores. Mr. Ferri advised that contracts for the next fiscal year will be written with an agency commitment for services and informing recipients of the need to commit one quarter of their funds by the end of the each quarter or monies would go back to the pool for whoever can produce more. This gives flexibility in the use of funds as conditions can and do change rapidly. Our aim is to meet the demands of persons needing assistance. Mr. Ferri believes productivity should be rewarded. The Board concurred. When asked about infill housing, it was pointed out the majority of home buyers were in the over 80% of median income. Lower income persons are needed in throgram. Community Services Foundation is not among those recommd ;:;for funding after the averaging of scores of the Technical Review Committee and ` A#. Their extensive work• in housing was not part of their application and City Staff ill help'llimtiipstructure their program so that they will rank better in future evaluations{::;::::Their services are•needed however they need to revise their presentation. Funding next Aar will come from inistrative funds. The Salvation Army submitted two funding requests mthe uation process one request did not receive sufficient points for CDBG funding but`'ea <get funds direct from the federal government. Discussion ensued by members on what a` : s` bg any.overcon ei tration or duplication, of Y !lam �•:.>:.;:.>:.» :.;:.;;:.;:.;:. � p funding to aid the homeless. The ultimate goalldbe to counteract homelessness rehabilitating persons and not fund programs tat wuuld are rarely a bandaid. Meals have been given at the soup kitchen to the tme individual`ft r 5 years. Transitional housing is provided by the agencies most person ott5 'e not transients trangtOpts. This problem is growing throughout the country. Ideally personN4pild be to turned into' roductive self-sufficient citizens. Help is provided as employment by Mustard ation. Some suffer substance abuse and agencies are dealing wttths need:> vlan •'p :;are a pay check away from homelessness and some live in their vehicles, We eed to assist`individuals get back into the main stream. The question was what:good are< udoing if you are not pinpointing the problem and working on its correction<t ?uttimf Oy__lead"tt uin;to productivity. Mr. Fern advised he would` # e to hold the NAHAB meeting at various locations in Clearwater. A sugge uon. is asking Duke DukOUtieman to host a meeting in South Greenwood where residents would feel )ore comfortable discussing problems that are in South Greenwood. Another meeting location could be,t >Martin Luther King Center or Condon Gardens. George Konstantinidssked for Board member's assistance in familiarizing himself with the various terminology and knowledge of city plans necessary to perform on this board. To assist him, staff will provide a bio on each of the various agencies requesting funds. Being a legal immigrant, he can assimilate with some of the difficulties encountered. NAHAB members expressed the view that agencies put their applications together in the same sequence and same page order as in the packets. It is much easier when members are attempting 2 to evaluate a request. Members would like to review the form for next year and make suggestions. The Consolidated Plan is a five-year plan to show future concerns. Public hearings give the input needed. Mr. Ferri believes the special-needs population has a source of funding and therefore does not request monies from the City. Follow-up training is needed for the new home buyer, perhaps one year later, as home ownership builds neighborlds. Downpayment assistance is available through TBCDC throughout Pinellas county.::Np swer to a question, CNHS has boundaries and can perform within those boundaries. Members were requested to review the priority needs sump* . tabkpiwhich is a five-year estimate on community needs. Please call Mr. Ferri, or mail iby comments .:as your input is desired. It is projected population increases will be slow>aClearwater is at : ;built out Because of bigger differences between the TRC and.N AB over last year, Mr. Fern averaged the scores as a fair way to get a feel as to how b ` roups felt:„pn'the funding issue. The next agenda item is setting a time and place of future firMfOi.Oetings. Chairman Moran asked what members felt about daytime meetings. The consensus ' s favorable. Absent members, Rev. Graham, Bill Turner, and Bertha lle < j_ll..be canvassed canvaS*411pr their views on a daytime meeting. Those present were for the second Wed ;yat 10:00:am Pat Fernandez will poll absent members and report at the next NAT I3 meeting A Change of venue was suggested to the City Commission chambers. Sometime likihoiftiture NAHAB meetings will be televised. Mr. Ferri reminded that abggi:eiltilfts will be polled and staff will inquire if the Commission Chambers are available on>each second Wednesda morning. Mr. Ferri advised members.that: ' th Huntea < as no longer employed in the banking industry and advised that Mary`'°Myh ll> oth a banker and Clearwater resident, had requested an application for.board membership.... She is familiar with Clearwater's housing issues. Mr. Groth concurred ,sh `voul be an xeehent choice. Members were asked if they knew a banker/Q*Water resident to submit the name to staff. We will send applications to each individual>:suggested. Na es will`then be submitted to the City Commission to pick a replacemet. The meeting c eluded atigi.05, pm on a motion by Howard Groth and second by Milly Joplin. The motion carried i U n e s'"the consensus is to change the meeting date, the next meeting will be Tuesday, July f :: 45 at 7:00 pm in the DRC room at the Annex. 3