12-11���a�uT�or� r�c�. ��-�� R R�St7�l1T1flN t7F 7HE CITf +�F �LE�RWATEFt, Fl.�.}i�ii�A AUTN(�i�iZING THE EXECUTtC3N CiF �UPP'LEMENTAI. JC}t1�T PARTICIPATI�N AGREEME[�T �JPA) NUMBER `I BET�N�EN THE CIT''+T C)F �LEARiNATER AI�L3 THE STATE C?F F�.�R1DA, C}EPA�TME�1T C3F TRAN�PC?#�TAT1C?�V ANIENC}It�G C4f�TRAGT AQJ�8 TC� IN�L.UDE ADDITIQN#�l� 1N�?RK CINDEFt THE JPA, �UCFi AS, �`HE COMP�.ETiC3N CiF GRUUNQVII�7ER GLEAI�UP> TH� PUFiCHASE At�Q tNSTA�LATI�7C� t3F AN AUTt�MATEl3 �EATMEFt C�P�RAT1t�G SYSTE�11 (AUV�a}, �"HE Pl1RCHA�E �F ,� F't7RTABE.E FUEI.ING TRAtLER, THE F'URCHASE +QF At� AIIXIL1AFtY i'+�iNEFt UNIT, AN`� THE PUI�CHASE C7F AN A��t��tAFT' TUG, AI.L UNDER T�-iE TE�M a C,�F THE (JF�IC',lh�A� FUNC311'+1G AGF�EEMEl�JT; PRC}illDt��G AN E�FE�TlVE'pATE. V1/HER�AS, �n Febrt��r�r 2, 20"12; the City of Gle�n�ra#er �City} au��c�riz��l the �xecution of a J�ini Parkic�pati�n A�reement (�tPA) AQJ2� beiw�en th� Gity �nd Flt�rida's Departmeni of Transpart�ti�n (FDGT} fQr � prt�ject ic� insta�l the ap�aropria�� lighti�g, markin�s, �n+d a Precision ApprQach Path Indic�tt�r (PAP!) Syst�m to the C[earwater Airpark runway, and exter�d the runway ta th� north to imprave s�fe#y; and 1NN�REAS, FaQT has agreed ta amend the JPA vi� St�pple�rtental J�in� Particip�ii�n Agr�+emen# IUumber 1 tt� ir��lude a�tditicrn�l w�rk such �s the comp�etic�n c�f �r�ur�dwate� cteanup, t�e purchas� and installatian r�f �n autom�tet� w�a�h�� c�peratir�c� sy�tsrn {AV11��}, and th�e p�rc}��s� af a perrtabl� fueling trailer, �uxi(iary pc�w�r unit, and aircraft tu� at na additi€�nal cast to eith�r p�rty; ar�d I�/HEREAS, �doptican of Res�alutit�n '12-1 � waul� authvrize th� appropriate c�ffici�ls to �xecute �uppf�mentai Joint P�rticipatir�n Agre�emer�t Nu�nt�er 1, which i� att��eci h�r�ta �s Exhi�it "A;" now, therefc�re, BE IT RESt7[.VED BY TNE ClTY GO'UNCIL C)F TNE CITY U� �LEf�Ft1iVATER, FLC}R[DA: ��cii4n 1. The City Gouncil hereby accepts and approv�s the �upplemental Jc�int Parkicipatic+n N�mber 1 betw�en tt�e Gity and th� Sta#e of Florida Department of Transp�rta�ic�n, Fin�r�cial Proje�t N�.: 42�55419401, Cc�ntr�ct No.: AC�J28, at t�e Cle�rwat�r �4irpark. sec#ion 2. T�is resoluti�n shall t�ke efifect imm�diately upc�n a���tion, Resaiuti�in tJo. 12-11 F'ASS�E� AND A��PTED this 2 o th �i�y of June , 201 �. C�milp� ��t�a Assistanf Cifi�+ Attorney 0 � G��,p�St�«C�t� George N.�re#ekc�s Mayor Attest: - �OF lHE Rcrs�mari� Call � �'��► City Ctet�t °� o �`�� 1 f : Q � � � �� °"' ��. �� ��� R�soluti�n I�o. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Number � Financial Project No.: Fund: 42255419401 Function: 683 (item-segment-phase-sequence) Federal No.: n/a 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 06/11 Page 1 of 4 FLAIR Category: 088719 Object Code: 750004 Org. Code: 55072020728 Contract No.: AQJ28 I DUNS No.: 80-939-7102 ( Vendor No.: F596000289002 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: n/a Catalog of State Financial Assistance Number: 55004 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and City of Clearwater P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33578 hereinafter referred to as Agency. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency heretofore on the 27th entered into a Joint Participation Agreement; and day of February ,2012 WHEREAS, the Agency desires to accomplish certain project items as outlined in the Attachment "A" appended hereto; and WHEREAS, the Department desires to participate in all eligible items for this project as outlined in Attachment "A" for a total Department Share of $1,500,000.00 NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that for and in consideration of the mutuai benefits to flow from each to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above described Joint Participation Agreement is to be amended and supplemented as follows: 1.00 Project Description: The project description is amended The scope of the existing a�reement is expanded to include the completion of groundwater cieanup, which wouid include field testing of monitoring wells, lab sampling and report production. It will also include the purchase and installation of an automated weather operating system (AWOS), consultant fees, engineering of he site preparation , construction of a pad, electricai installation, and the application process. The purchase of a portable fueling trailer to move Jet A fuel to aircraft, the purchase of an auxiliary power unit to assist aircraft powering up and the purchase of an aircraft tug to safely move aircraft in and around the airport. Exhibit A 2.00 Project Cost: Paragraph 3.00 of said Agreement is decreased by bringing the revised total cost of the project to $1,875,000.00 Paragraph 4.00 of said Agreement is decreased by bringing the Department's revised total cost of the project to 3.00 Amended Exhibits: Exhibit(s) B 4.00 Contract Time: Paragraph 18.00 of said Agreement June 5.00 E-Verify Vendors/Contractors: 1 2 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION O6/11 Page 2 of 4 E,� �� $0.00 $1,500,000.00 of said Agreement is amended by Attachment "A". 31 st , 2017 shall utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the Vendor/Contractor during the term of the contract; and shall expressly require any subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to the state contract to likewise utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the contract term. 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 06/11 Page 3 of 4 Financial Project No. 42255419401 Contract No. AQJ28 Agreement Date Except as hereby modified, amended or changed, all other terms of said Agreement dated February 27th ,2012 and any subsequent supplements shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above written. AGENCY City of Clearwater AGENCY NANii_ George N. Cretekos SIGNATORY (PRINTED OR TYPED) — �eO��e ^ C�t��s SIGNATURE Mayor TITLE Signature Rosemarie Call City Clerk FDOT See attached Encumbrance Form for date of Funding Approval by Comptroller S i�- LEG L REVIEW DEP RTMENT OF NSPORTATION Debbie Hunt DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Director of Transportation Development TITLE BY: Signature William B. Horne, II City Manager m;tiA Assistant City Attorney �ss-osao� PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 06l11 Page 4 of 4 Financial Project No. 42255419401 Contract No. AQJ28 Agreement Date , ATTACHMENT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT This Attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and City o.f Clearwater P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33578 dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT (Include justification for cost change): The intent of the supplemental agreement is to allow the airport to address a number of critical issues by expanding the existing project scope. There are no additional funds for this project. Project Cost: Total Project Cost II. Fund Participation: Department: Agency: As Approved $1,875,000.00 $1,875,000.00 As Approved $1,500,000.00 $375,000.00 As Amended $1,875,000.00 $1,875,000.00 As Amended $1,500,000.00 $375,000.00 Net Change $0.00 $0.00 Net Change $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Project Cost $1,875,000.00 $1,875,000.00 $0.00 Comments: There are no additional funds added to this contract through this supplemental agreement. 725-036-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION O6/11 Additional Page III. MULTI-YEAR OR DEFERRED REIMBURSEMENT PROJECT FUNDING If a project is a multi-year or prequalified project subject to paragraphs 4.10 and 17.20 of this agreement, funds are programmed in the Department's Work program in the following fiscal year(s): FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Project years may be advanced or deferred subject to Legislative appropriation or availabity of funds.