SHIP LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN (LHAP) FISCAL YEARS COVERED 2012-2015NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT � � ' ". } ;< ° ,,. � ,=; U SHIP LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN (LHAP) FISCAL YEARS COVERED 2012-2015 Table of Contents Title Section I. Program Description: Section II. Strategies: A: Down Payment Assistance for Newly Constructed Homes B: Down Payment Assistance/Existing Homes C: Rehabilitation D. Multi-Family Housing E. Disaster Mitigation Strategy Section III. LHAP Incentive Strategies: A: Expedited Permitting B: Ongoing Review Process C: Affardable Housing Incentives Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Pa,ge No• Section IV. E�ibits: E�ibit A: Administrative Budget for each fiscal year covered in the Plan E�ibit B: Deadlines for Encumbrances and Expenditures Exhibit C: Housing Delivery Goals Charts (HDGC) for each fiscal year covered in the Plan Exhibit D: Certification Page Exhibit �E: Adopting Resolution E�ibit F: Information Sheet -2- �3 7 7 9 11 13 14 16 16 16 21 22 24 27 28 30 Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 SECTION I. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: A. Name of the participating local government and Interlocal if Applicable: CITY OF CLEARWATER Interlocal : Yes No X Name of participating local government(s) in the Interlocal Agreement; Not Applicable A Copy of the Interlocal Agreement is attached as Exhibit H. N/A B. Purpose of the program: Creation of the Plan is for the purpose of ineeting the housing needs of the very-low, low and moderate-income households, to expand production of and preserve affordable housing, to further the housing element of the local government comprehensive plan specific to affardable housing. C. Fiscal years covered b the Plan: 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 D. Governance: The SHIP Program is established in accordance with Section 420.907-9079, Florida Statutes and Chapter 67-37 Florida Administrative Code. The SHIP Program does further the housing element of the local govemment Comprehensive Plan. Cities and Counties must be in compliance with these applicable statntes and rules. E. Local Housing Partnership SHIP Program encourages building active partnerships between government, lenders, builders and developers, real estate professionals, advocates for low-income persons and community groups. The City of Clearwater continues to build partnerships through local housing providers and individuals that are involved in the development of affordable housing or resources related to affordable housing. Some of our key partners include: nonprofits, for-profit housing developers, lenders, realtors, builders/contractors, professional services providers and other government agencies. F. Leveragingc The Plans are intended to increase the availability of affardable residential units by combining local resources and cost saving measures into a local housing partnership and using public and private funds to reduce the cost of housing. SHIP funds may be leveraged with or used to supplement other Florida Housing Finance Corporation programs and to provide local match to obtain federal housing grants or programs. �C3.' Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 G. Public Input: Pubtic input was solicited through face to face meetings with housing providers, social service providers and local lenders and the City's Neighborhood Affordable Advisory Board. Additional public input was solicited through the St. Petersburg Times Notice of Funding Availability. H. Advertising and Outreach The City of Clearwater shall advertise the notice of funding availability in a newspaper of general circulation and periodicals serving ethnic and diverse neighborhoods, at least 30 days before the beginning ofthe application period. If no funding is available due to a waiting list, no notice of funding availability is required. L Discrimination: In accordance with the provisions of ss.760.20-760.37, the City of Clearwater finds it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, age, sex, marital status, familial status, national origin, or handicap in the award application process for eligible housing. J. Support Services and Counseling: Support services are available from various sources, for example, not-for profit agencies working as partners with the City. Available support services may include but are not limited to: Homebuyers Education Through Tampa Bay Community Development Corporation, Clearwater Neighborhood Housing Services and Community Service Foundation the homebuyer education and counseling programs are provided to homebuyers who purchase properties within the city limits of Clearwater. The goal of the education and counseling is to educate potential buyers regarding all aspects of the home buying process in an effort to increase the rate of successful homeownership. Fair Housing Gulfcoast Legal Services housing preservation project seeks to provides legal assistance for low to moderate-income residents of Clearwater who are victims of predatory lending practices, foreclosure rescue scams, persons experiencing or who have experienced discrimination and/or fraud in housing and to remedy these matters through negotiation, mediation or litigation and to assist residents in filing complaint regarding violations of Fair Housing Laws. Pregnancy Counseling Kimberly Home provides housing, education, case counseling, life skills training and other supportive services for pregnant youth. Elderly Services Pinellas Opportunity Council, Inc. promotes better livable opportunities by providing services to the elderly and frail elderly. The Chore Services program help to alleviate blight and create a sense of pride in their community by providing heavy household cleaning, yard work and minor repairs. Health Care Willa Carson Health Care Center provides accessible, quality, culturally-sensitive health care to the uninsured and underserved at no cost. -4- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Mental Health Directions for Mental Health, Inc. offers a wide array of services including outpatient therapy and substance abuse treatment to adults, children and families with an identified mental health disability, resource coordination for those who have a diagnosed mental health disability, and other related services. Directions for Mental Health assists two thousand (2,000) individuals and families annually. K Purchase Price Limits: The sales price or value of new or existing eligible housing may not exceed 90% of the average area purchase price in the statistical area in which the eligible housing is located. Such average area purchase price may be that calculated for any 12-month period beginning not earlier than the fourth calendaz year prior to the year in which the award occurs. The sales price of new and existing units, which can be lower but may not exceed 90% of the median area purchase price established by the U.S. Treasury Department or as described above. The methodology used is; Inde endentStud co attached X U.S. Treasu De artment Local HFA Numbers The purchase price limit for new and existing homes is shown on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts. L. Income Limits, Rent Limits and Affordability: The Income and Rent Limits used in the SHIP Program are updated annually from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and distributed by Florida Housing Finance Corporation. Affordable means that monthly rents or mortgage payments including t�es and insurance do not exceed 30 percent of that amount which represents the percentage of the median annual gross income for the households as indicated in Sections 420.9071 F.S. However it is not the intent to limit an individual household's ability to devote more than 30% of its income for housing, and housing for which a household devotes more than 30% of its income shall be deemed Affordable if the first institutional mortgage lender is satisfied that the household can afford mortgage payments in excess of the 30% benchmark and in the case of rental housing does not exceed those rental limits adjusted for bedroom size. M. Welfare Transition Program: Should an eligible sponsor be used, the city/county has developed a qualification system and selection criteria for applications for Awards to eligible sponsors, which includes a description that demonstrates how eligible sponsors that employ personnel from the Welfare Transition Program will be given preference in the selection process. N. Monitoring and First Right of Refusal: In the case of rental housing, the staff or entity that has administrative authority for implementing the local housing assistance plan assisting rental developments shall annually monitor and determine tenant eligibility or, to the extent another governmental entity provides the same monitoring and determination, a municipality, county or local housing financing authority may rely on such monitoring and determination of tenant eligibility. However, any loan or grant in the original amount of $3,000 or less shall not be subject to these annual monitoring and determination of tenant eligibility requirements. Tenant eligibility will be monitored for at least annually for 15 years or the term of assistance which ever is longer unless as specified above. -5- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Eligible sponsors that offer rental housing for sale before 15 years or that have remaining mortgages funded under this program must give a first right of refusal to eligible nonprofit organizations far purchase at the current market value for continued occupancy by eligible persons. O. Administrative Budget: A detailed listing including line-item budget of proposed Administrative Expenditures are attached as E�ibit A. These are presented on an annual basis for each State fiscal year submitted. CITY OF CLEARWATER finds that the moneys deposited in the local housing assistance trust fund shall be used to administer and implement the local housing assistance plan. Section 420.9075 Florida Statute and Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code, states: "A county or an eligible municipality may not exceed the 5 percent limitation on administrative costs, unless its governing body finds, by resolution, that 5 percent of the local housing distribution plus 5 percent of program income is insufficient to adequately pay the necessary costs of administering the local housing assistance plan." Section 420.9075 Florida Statute and Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code, further states: "The cost of administering the program may not exceed 10 percent of the local housing distribution plus 5% of program income deposited into the trust fund, except that small counties, as defined in s. 120.52(17), and eligible municipalities receiving a local housing distribution of up to $350,000 may use up to 10 percent of program income for administrative costs." The City of Clearwater has adopted the above findings in the attached resolution, E�ibit E. P. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION: Administration of the local housing assistance plan is the responsihility of the Economic Development & Housing Department of the City of Clearwater. Should a third party entiry or consultant contract for all or part of the administrative or other functions of the program provide in detail the duties, yualification and selection criteria. Q. Essential Service Personnel: Counties and eligible municipalities are required to include a definition of Essential Services Personnel as noted in Rule Chapter 67-37.002(8) F.A.C., Chapter 67-37.005(10), F.A.C. and Section 420.9075(3), F.S. Essential Service Personnel means persons whose household do not income exceeds 120% of AMI, as updated annually from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and distributed annually by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation and adjusted for family size, including: teachers and educators; other school district and university employees, police and fire personnel; health care personnel; construction industry personnel; Federal, State, County, and local government personnel, information technology industry personnel; food service personnel; service personnel; retait workers, tourism industry personnel; the occupation in demand with the most employees, the occupations in demand gaining the most new jobs according to the Agency of Workforce Innovation (AWI); and personnel in other industries deemed essential by the City of Clearwater based on the local economy. R. Section 420.9Q75(3)(d), F.S.: -6- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Requires counties and eligible municipalities to describe initiatives in their local housing assistance plans that encourage or require innovative design, green building principles, storm resistant construction or other elements that reduce long term costs relating to utilities or insurance. Provide a brief description as required: The City of Clearwater promotes the use of green housing construction and green print rehabilitation techniques. Below are excerpts from the City's comprehensive plan: C.1.10 Objective — Recognizing that sustaining building techniques contribute to keeping housing units affordable over the long term by reducing energy consumption, lowering utility bills and decreasing maintenance costs, the City of Clearwater will promote the use of green housing construction and renovation and rehabilitation techniques. Policies: C.1.10.1 Encourage affordable housing projects that are constructed consistent with US Green Building Council's (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principles or Florida Green Building Coalition's (FGBC) Green Land Development and Building Standards. C.1.10.2 Encourage construction of efficient and lasting homes by developing Green Building standards, using resources such as those available through Global Green USA. C.1.10.3 Provide "green building information" to local area housing providers. C.110.4 Work with the local chapter of the USGBC to provide information regarding LEED renovation techniques at Neighborhood Week and other outreach events. C.1.10.5 Develop prototypical xeriscape plans that can be provided to local area housing non-profits and neighborhood associations. Community Sustainability Plan Clearwater Greenprint is a community sustainability plan that identifies a series of tangible actions across eight topic areas that have the potential to reduce energy consumption, pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while stimulating the local economy and improving the quality of life. The topic areas include education and awareness, green energy and buildings, transportation, land use and urban form, water resources, waste management, food production, and green business and jobs. Through creating and implementing Clearwater Greenprint, the City of Clearwater government is leading a community-wide effort to understand the challenges of today with a view toward creating a sustainable future. The strategies included in Clearwater Greenprint provide a framework for government, resident and business actions in the short, medium and long term In addition the City's comprehensive plan, the department applies green principles in all new construction and rehabilitation projects. The City's specifications for new and existing homes are tailored to meet green standards. Whenever repairs are necessary and performed on a house, green initiatives will be used to include but not be limited to, low E windows, insulation is minimum R30, exterior doors are insulated, all windows and doors seals are in place, hot water heater is in good condition and operating properly and attic has proper ventilation to better control temperatures. Section II. LHAP HOUSING STRATEGIES: -7- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 A. Name of Strategy: DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COSTS ASSISTANCE FOR NEWLY CONSTRUCTED HOMES. a. Summary of the Strategy: The City of Clearwater through eligible developer and sub-recipients will use SHIP funds for the development of new housing units. 'The costs may include acquisition, site improvements, building costs and down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible very-low to moderate-income homebuyers. The City may use SHIP funds as a match for the H�ME program to loan funds to eligible developers for the construction of new housing units, and in some cases, acquisition of vacant properties and infrastructure costs for new housing development. Assistance will be repaid when the unit is sold to an eligible buyer. The City may also provide funding for assistance to homebuyers for down payment and/or closing costs, included, but not limited to, prepaid items such as prepaid interest, hazard and flood insurance. Interest rate buy-downs will also be an eligible activity under this strategy. b. Fiscal Years Covered: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 c. Income Categories to be served: The strategy will serve all eligible homebuyers with incomes at or below 120% of the area median income, adjusted for family size as published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and distributed by Florida Housing Finance Corporation. d. Maximum award is noted on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts: See Exhibit C: Housing Delivery Goal Charts for the maximum awards for FY 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. The ma�cimum award is not automatically provided. It is not the intent of the City to over subsidize a household, where in the absence of subsidy, a household would be able to afford the level of debt associated with the home that they are seeking to obtain, based on normal underwriting practices. e. Terms, Recapture and Default: Deferred payment and low-interest second or third mortgages will be available to eligible homebuyers for down payment and closing costs assistance with the following stipulations: • The assistance would be deferred for five years with monthly payments commencing on the beginning of sixth year and amortized over twenty-five (25) years. • City's loan term is not to exceed thirty (30) years • Loans will be secured by a mortgage and note with the executed documents recorded in the public records of Pinellas County until satisfied • Repayment of the entire principal balance of the loan is due and payable: -8- Title: LHAP Template 2009 NO. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 -Upon sale or transfer of title -Property is vacated and no longer the primary residence of the borrower -Property is converted into rental unit -Any refinancing with cash out or debt consolidation The City has determined the following terms and provisions for program income versus recaptured funds: • Program Income is a source of SHIP revenue received from the following sources: bank interest, amortized loan payments and any associated interest and penalties, loan proceeds due to repayment of a loan under the condition of refinancing, death of recipient, sale or transfer of title, property is no longer the client's primary residence and property is not maintained to housing standards. • Recaptured funds is a source of SHIP revenue, received when a SHIP recipient loses his or her house to foreclosure/tax deed sales or the City repays funds that assisted an ineligible client. All funds are deposited into the Local Housing Trust Fund and reported as Program Income or Recaptured Funds in the State Fiscat Year they are received as appropriate for Annual Reporting purposes. f. Recipient Selection Criteria: Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. All recipients will be income eligible and will be selected using the housing pool underwriting guidelines, policies and procedures. To qualify for assistance, the eligible program participant must meet the City's definition of a first time homebuyer: • A first time homebuyer is an applicant who has not owned a home in the last three (3) years, except in the case of a person who has experienced some form of hardship. Examples are health, medical and change in family status 1. The property is located within the city limits of Clearwater. 2. The applicant must have completed a Homebuyers Education class approved by the City. The homebuyer must submit proof of completion of the class. 3. The purchased property must meet all applicable building codes and a"Certificate of Occupancy" is issued prior to occupancy. g. Sponsor Selection Criteria All program sponsors or sub-recipients will be selected using the City's Consolidated Action Plan Application. Etigible sub-recipients or sponsors that provide assistance under this program will be required to contractually commit and comply with all SHIP program requirements. Criteria include: • The not-for-profit corporation must have received a tax-exempt ruling from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under section SOlc(3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. • The for-profit corporation must be organized and established under the laws of the State of Florida. • The not-for-profit ar for-profit corporation must have financial accountability standards that permit the Economic Development & Housing Department to verify organizational capacity for project implementation. h. AdditionalInformation Other state, federal, county, private and homeowners contributions may be leveraged with SHIP funds. -9- Title: LHAP Template 2009 NO. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 B. Name of Strate�v: DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COSTS ASSISTANCE FOR EXISTING HOMES WITH OR WITHOUT REHABILIATION a. Summary of the Strategy: The City of Clearwater through its housing programs and through its sub-recipients will use SHIP funds to provide down payment and closing costs assistance (including prepaid items) to eligible low and very low-income homebuyers. b. Fiscal Years Covered: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 c. Income Categories to be served: This strategy will serve all eligible homebuyers with incomes at or below 120% of the area median income, adjusted for family size as published annually by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and distributed by Florida Housing Finance Corporation. d. Maximum award is noted on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts: The maximum award is not automatically provided. It is not the intent of the City to over subsidize a household where in the absence of the subsidy, a household would be able to afford the level of debt associated with the home that they are seeking to obtain, based on normal underwriting practices. e. Terms, Recapture and Default. Include terms of recapture in the event of default (failure to make required payments on a loan secured by first mortgage which leads to foreclosure and/or loss of property ownership}. Deferred payment and low-interest second or third mortgages will be available to eligible homebuyers for down payment and closing costs assistance with the following stipulations: • The assistance would be deferred for five years with monthly payments commencing on the beginning of the sixth and amortized over fifteen (15) years. • City's loan term is not to exceed 30 years • Loans will be secured by a mortgage and note with the mortgage and note recorded in the public records of Pinellas County, Florida until satisfied. • Repayment of the entire principal balance of loan is due and payable: -Upon sale or transfer of title -Property is vacated and no longer the primary residence of the borrower -Property is converted into a rental unit -Any refinancing with cash out or debt consolidation The City has determined the following terms and provisions for program income versus recaptured funds: • Program Income is a source of SHIP revenue received from the following sources: bank interest, amortized loan payments and any associated interest and penalties, loan proceeds due to repayment of - ia- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 a loan under the condition of refinancing, death of recipient, sale or transfer of title, property is no longer the clienYs primary residence and property is not maintained to housing standards. • Recaptured funds are a source of SHIP revenue, received when a SHIP recipient loses his or her house to foreclosure/tax deed sales or the City repays funds that assisted an ineligible client. All funds are deposited into the Local Housing Trust Fund and reported as Program Income or Recaptured Funds in the State Fiscal Year they are received as appropriate for Annual Reporting purposes. f. Recipient Selection Criteria: Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. All recipients will be income eligible and will be selected using the City's Housing Pool underwriting guidelines, policies and procedures. 1. To qualify for assistance, the eligible program participant must meet the City's definition of a first time homebuyer: • A first time homebuyer is an applicant who has not owned a home in the last three (3) years, except in the case of a person who has experienced some form of hardship. 2. Property must be located within the city limits of Clearwater 3. The applicant must have completed a Homebuyers Education Class approved by the City. 4. The purchased property must meet all applicable building codes. Any deficiencies must be corrected prior to, or as part of, the purchase transaction. g. Sponsor Selection Criteria All program sponsors or sub-recipients will be selected using the City's Consolidated Action Plan Application. Eligible sub-recipients or sponsors that provide assistance under this program will be required to contractually commit and comply with all SHIP program requirements. Criteria include: The not-for-profit corporation must have received a tax-exempt ruling from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under section SOlc(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The for-profit corporation must be organized and established under the laws of the State of Florida. The not-for-profit or for profit corporation must have financial accountability standards that permit the Economic Development & Housing Department to verify organizational capacity for project implementation. h. AdditionalInformation: Other state, federal, county, private and homeowners contributions may be leveraged with SHiP funds. C. Name of Strategy: OWNER-OCCUPIED REHABILIATION a. Summary of Strategy: The City of Clearwater will provide funds for the rehabilitation of owner-occupied single-occupied residences located within the city limits of Clearwater. The City will award funds for rehabilitation to owner-occupied, income-eligible households on a first-come, first-served preference. Funds for assistance may be used by the homeowner for housing rehabilitation such as, but not limited to, the following. -I1- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F_A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 • Correct housing code deficiencies • Adapt the residence to meet to meet accessibility needs of a handicapped family member In certain cases, the work may be done as emergency repairs. In those cases where the health, safety and welfare of the household are in jeopardy, they shall receive priority. Such things that are considered "emergency repairs" are: • Structural components that show signs of imminent collapse • Inoperable heating systems during the winter months • Water leaks in walls or foundation • Inoperable toilet or hot water heater • Roof leaks causing electrical hazards, ceiling collapse or structural damage • Inoperable exterior doors and/or windows, preventing emergency egress • Exposed bare wires or other imminent fire hazard • Collapsed or inoperable chimney or flue • Falling ceiling • Lead-based paint • ADA modifications of an immediate nature Funding will also be available to modify elderly or special needs household homes that need renovations to allow them to remain independent in their homes, and prevent them from having to move into an assisted living type arrangement. Improvements may include such things as: • Wheel chair ramps • Widening of doorways • Lowering of cabinets • Installation of grab-bars • Visual guiding systems for the hearing impaired a. Fiscal Years Covered: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-201 S b. Income categories to be served: The strategy will serve all eligible recipients with incomes at or below 120% of area median income, adjusted for family size as published annually by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and distributed by Florida Housing Finance Corporation. c. Maximum award is noted on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts: d. Terms, Recapture and Default. Low-interest loan or deferred payment first, second or third mortgages will be available to eligible recipients. Deferred payment loans will be offered in the form of zero (0%) percent loans to households who are thirty percent (30%) or less of the Area Median Income (AMI). For households above 30% of Area Median Income (AMI), borrowers will be evaluated for their ability to repay the assistance. If a borrower's income is over 30 percent of the HUD's area median income, the bonower will be evaluated to ensure that the housing ratio does not exceed thirty (30) percent. The rehabilitation assistance will be deferred for the length of the construction -12- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 contract period, not to exceed one hundred & twenty days (120) days and amortized over a twenty (20) year period, with a zero (0%) percent interest. As stipulated in the City's loan documents, if a borrower does not remain as the owner occupant, or if all or any part of the property or interest therein is rented, sold, transferred or leased, the recipient will be required to pay off the loan in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the mortgage and note. The City has determined the following terms and provisions for program income versus recaptured funds: • Program Income is a source of SHIP revenue, received from the following sources: bank interest, amortized loan payments and any associated interest and penalties, loan proceeds due to repayment of a loan under the condition of refinancing, death of recipient, sale or transfer of title, property is no longer the client's primary residence. • Recaptured Funds is a source of SHIP revenue, received when a SHIP recipient loses his or her property to foreclosure or tax deed sale. e. Recipient Selection Criteria: Assistance will be on a first-come, first-served basis while funds remain available. Should funds not be available at any time, a City-created "Waiting List" will be utilized and eligible clients will be assisted when funds are available. Priority will be placed on correcting deficiencies that impair the health and safety of the household and for activities occurring in our Target Areas. f. Sponsor Selection Criteria, if applicable: N/A g. Additional Information: None D. Name of Strategy: MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING a. Summary of the Strategy: Funds may be provided as loans to support the acquisition, rehabilitation and or the new construction of multi-family housing, including single-room occupancy, transitional housing, or the housing portion of a mixed-use facility and or mixed income projects. Funds may be used as a match for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's HOME program and various other programs offered by the federal government and the State of Florida to produce and preserve multifamily housing. b. Fiscal Years Covered: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 c. Income Categories to be served: This strategy will serve all eligible recipients with incomes at or below 120% of area median income, adjusted for family size as identified on the Florida Housing Finance Corporation Income Limits Chart. d. Maximum award is noted on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts: e. Terms, Recaptured and Default Recapture will be in compliance with the SHIP Program requirements to ensure affordability. When HOME funds are used with SHIP, the most restrictive rules and regulations will apply. In accordance with the City's policy, the terms of the City's funding for multi-family acquisition, rehabilitation or new construction developments will vary from project to project, depending on the economics of the -13- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(I), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 development. Loans for eligible rental housing constructed, rehabilitated or otherwise assisted under this strategy must be reserved for eligible persons for at least term of the assistance. A restrictive covenant will be recorded to ensure that units remain affordable for the prescribed period of time. The City, eligible sponsor or appointed designee, shall annually monitor and determine tenant eligibility throughout the compliance period. For those developments that Florida Housing Finance provides the same monitoring and determination, the City may rely on such monitoring and determination of tenant eligibility. Eligible sponsors that offer rental housing for sale before the end of the compliance period or that have remaining mortgages funded under this strategy must give a right of refusal to the City or eligible nonprofit organizations for purchase at the current market value for continued occupancy of eligihle persons. The City has determined the following terms and provisions for program income versus recaptured funds: • Program Income is a source of SHIP revenue, received from the following sources: bank, interest, amortized loan payments and any associated interest and penalties, loan proceeds due to repayment of a loan under the condition of refinancing, death of recipient, sale or transfer of title, property is no longer the client's primary residence, and property that is not maintained to housing standards. � Recaptured Funds is a source of SHIP revenue, received when a SHIP recipient loses his or her house to foreclosure. f. Recipient Selection Criteria: The SHIP assisted units in a rental housing project will be occupied only by households that are eligible as very-low to moderate-income families. MaYimum monthly rent limits will be those established annually by HUD. g. Sponsor Selection Criteria: Eligible sponsors will be selected using the City's Conso}idated Action Plan Application. Applicants may apply for funding while funds are available. Eligible persons, sub-recipients or sponsors that provide assistance under this program will be required to contractually commit and comply with all SHIP program requirements. Criteria include: • The not for profit corporation must have received a tax-exempt ruling from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under section SOlc(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. • The for-profit corporation must be organized and established under the laws of the State of Florida. • The not-for-profit or for-profit corporation must have financial accountability standards that permit the Economic Development & Housing Department to verify organizational capacity for project implementation. h. Additional Information: N/A E. Name of the Strate�v: DISASTER MITIGATION STRATEGY a. Summary of Strategy: In the case of natural or man-made disasters, priorities will need to be -14- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 changed to meet emergency conditions. This strategy will only be used if a disaster, or a declaration by the loeal authorities, State of Florida and/or federal government of a disaster. SHIP funds wiil be used to leverage available federal, state and insurance funds to provide assistance to eligible households for the purpose of repairing eligible housing. Use of funds would be available for the following activities: � Purchase of emergency supplies to waterproof damaged homes • Interim repairs to avoid further damage, such as tree and debris removal • Payment of insurance deductibles for rehabilitation of homes cover under homeowners' insurance policies b. Fiscal Years Covered: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 c. Income Categories to be served: This strategy will serve all eligible recipients with incomes at or below 120% of area median income, adjusted for family size as published annually by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and distributed by Florida Housing Finance Corporation. d. Maximum award is noted on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts: e. Terms, Recapture, and Default: Assistance provided under this strategy will be in the form of a deferred payment or low-interest loan. Recipients must also abide by the City's loan documents, which dictate conditions that constitute repayment. The City has determined the following terms and provisions for program income versus recaptured funds: • Program Income is a source of SHIP revenue, received from the following sources: bank interest, amortized loan payments and any associated interest and penalties, loan proceeds due to repayment of a loan under the condition of refinancing, death of recipient, sale ar transfer of title, property is no longer the client's primary residence. • Recaptured Funds is a source of SHIP revenue, received when a SHIP recipient loses his or her property to foreclosure or tax deed sale. All funds are deposited into the Local Housing Trust Funds and reported as Program Income or Recaptured in the state fiscal year that they are received as appropriate for Annual Reporting purposes. f. Recipient Selection Criteria: Applicants must own and occupy the property as principal residence. The residence must have been damaged in a declared natural disaster. Appticants mtist be income-eligible, and will be served on a first-come, first-served basis, pending funding availability. The property must be located within the city limits of Clearwater. Applicants must be current on mortgage secured by the property, property taxes, and homeowners insurance. g. Sponsor Selection Criteria: Eligible sponsors will be selected using the City's Consolidated Plan Application, or any other method(s) that the City may develop to expedite the Selection of Eligible Sponsor during a disaster. -15- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 h. AdditionalInformation: This strategy will be implemented only in the event of a natural or man-made disaster declaration using any SHIP funds that have not been encumbered. The City will use the Florida Housing Finance Corporation's DISASTER SELF-CERTIFICATION OF INCOME FORM, attached as"E�ibit I". SECTION III. LHAP INCENTIVE STRATEGIES In addition to Strategy A and Strategy B, include all adopted incentives with the policies and procedures used daily for implementation as provided in Section 420.9076, F.S.: A. Name of the Strategy: Expedited Permitting Permits as defined in s. 1633164(7) and (8) for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects. The Planning and Development Department expedites the review process of any site plan, land use amendment, rezoning, or annexation application for an affordable housing project within the City of Clearwater. According to the City's Development Code, an affordable housing project (rehabilitation or new construction), can be approved through the City's Development Review Committee Process. If a public hearing is needed, the project is scheduled for the immediate next session of the Community Development Board (CDB). Some affordable housing projects (rehabilitation or new construction) are approved administratively; otherwise the project goes to the immediate next session of the Community Development Board. a. Provide a description of the procedures used to implement this strategy: Expedited Permitting. For Building Permit Applications, the City has a"Re.quest for Expedited Permit Processing for Affordable Housing Activity" available through the Economic Development and Housing Department. This form allows the application to be expedited through the review process. B. Name of the Strategy: Ongoing Review Process An ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. The City has a process in place by which it considers, before adoption, policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions that increase the cost of housing. a. Established policy and procedures: Provide Description: The Senior Executive Team of the City of Clearwater meets every two weeks to discuss and review upcoming agenda items on the City Council's meeting schedule. As part of this meeting, the City Clerk reviews with each department Director proposed items on the agenda, which includes policies, procedures, ordinances, resolutions and plan provisions for action by the City Council. Any actions that have the potential to affect the cost of housing are addressed as part of this process. Any determinations made by Economic Development and Housing Department and the affected Department will be included as part of the agenda summary to the City Council on -16- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 that particular item. The City Council agenda summary and all supporting materials are available on the city's website at www.myclearwater.com. C. Name of the Strategy: The allowance of flexibility densities for affordable housing. The City encourages flexible densities for affordabie housing development in both the Future Land Use Element and the Housing Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. a. Established policy and procedures: Provide Description: The following policy in the Future Land Use Element allows for flexible densities: "Policy A.2.2.7 — The City will provide density bonuses for affordable housing developments that demonstrate that a minimum of 15% of the total units are reserved as affordable housing units. Such bonuses shall not exceed 50% of the density permitted by the Future Land Use Map and shall not include properties located in the Coastal Storm Area. The density bonus shall be established by ordinance in the Community Development Code". The same policy applies to Housing Element as policy C.9.1: The City grants flexibility in densities to developers through the City's Community Development Code, which establishes flexibility criteria for specific uses requiring additional development review. Such uses fall into two categories: flexible standard development and flexible development. D. Name of the Strategy: The reduction of parking setback requirements for affordable housing. The City encourages the reduction of parking and setback requirements for affordable housing in the Housing Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. a. Established Policy and Procedures: Provide Description: The following policy in the Housing Element supports the reduction of parking and setback requirements for affordable housing. "Policy C.1.9.2 — Allow flexibility with regard to off-street parking to accommodate density bonuses associated with affordable housing developments provided the project design does not detract from the established or emerging character of immediate vicinity." "Policy C.1.9.3 — Allow flexibility with regard to off-street parking for projects containing affordable housing units located within 1,000 feet of a transit stop." The City currently allows flexibility in parking and setback requirements for affordable housing though the City's Community Development Code, which establishes flexibility criteria for specifc uses requiring additional development review. E. Name of the Strategy: The allowance of flexible Iot configurations, including zero-lot-line configuration for affordable housing. -17- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 The City currently allows far site plan flexibility through the development review process, as supported by the City's Community Development Code, which establishes flexibility criteria for specific uses requiring additional development review. Such criteria may allow for more flexible site plan configurations, but may also require an improved site plan to document how the flexibility will result in better design and /or appearance. For example, the flexibility criteria tied to residential infill projects within the High Density Residential (HDR") District include: a. Established policy and procedures: Provide Description "Article 2, Section 2-504 (F.6) The design of the proposed residential infill project creates a form and function which enhances the community character of the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development and the City of Clearwater as a whole; (F.7) Flexibility in regard to lot width, required setbacks, height and off-street parking are justifed by the benefts to community character and the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development and the City of Clearwater as a whole. F. Name of the Strategy: The preparation of a printed inventory of locally-owned public lands suitable for affordable housing. The City maintains an inventory of locally-owned public lands suitable for affordable housing. a. Established policy and procedures: Provide Description The City of Clearwater on May 21, 2010 adopted Resolution 10-12, which establishes the affordable housing inventory list per statutory requirements. A copy of the inventory list may he obtained by contacting city staff in Economic Development and Housing Department. The list will be posted on the City's web page. G. Name of the Strategy: The support of development near transportation hubs, and major employment centers and mixed-used developments. The Future Land Use Element of the of the City's Comprehensive Plan supports the location of residential uses within "mass transit and neighborhood-serving land uses" and near transit lines. a. Established policy and procedures: Provide Description Policy A2.2.2 — Residential land uses shall be appropriately located on local and minor collector streets; if appropriately buffered; they may be located on major collector and arterial streets. Residential land uses shall be sited on well-drained soils, in proximity to parks, schools, mass transit and other neighborhood-serving land uses." -18- Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Policy A.6.8.7 — Create mixed-use, higher density and livable communities through design and layout, near existing transit lines as well as proposed TBARTA lines and stations. Also support walkability concepts near projected TBARTA stations. In addition, the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Policy C.1.4.2 — Assisted housing should be located in close proximity to employment centers, mass transit services, parks, and commercial centers." IV. EXHIBITS �L� Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 A. Administrative Budget for each fiscal year covered in the Plan. Ezhibit A. B. Timeline for Encumbrance and Expenditure: Chapter 67-37.005, F.A.C. A separate timeline for each fiscal year covered in this plan is attached as E�ibit B. Program funds will be encumbered by June 30 one year following the end of the applicable state fiscal year. Program funds will be fully expended within 24 months of the end of the applicable State fiscal year. C. Housing Delivery Goals Chart (HDGC) For Each Fiscal Year Covered in the Plan: Completed HDGC for each fiscal year is attached as Exhibit C. D. Certification Page: Signed Certification is attached as Exhibit D. E. Adopting Resolution: Original signed, dated, witnessed or attested adopting resolution is attached as E�ibit E. F. Program Information Sheet: Completed program information sheet is attached as E�ibit F. G. Ordinance: If changed from the original ordinance, a copy is attached as E�ibit G. H. Interlocal Agreement: A copy of the Interlocal Agreement if applicable is attached as Exhibit H. -20- ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR EACH FISCAL YEAR Exhibit A Admin B Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Salaries and Benefits Office Supplies and Equipment Travel Perdiem Workshops, etc Advertising Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Salaries and Benefits O�ce Supplies and Equipment Travel Perdiem Workshops, etc Advertising Fiscal Year 'Salaries and Benefits 'Office Supplies and Equipment Travel Perdiem Workshops, etc Based on a distribution of � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(I), F.A.C. Effective Date: ll/09 9,298.30 100.00 200.00 100.00 9,698.30 9,298.30 100.00 200.00 100.00 9,698.30 9,298.30 100.00 200.00 100.OQ 9,698.30 $ 96,983.00 Exhibit A Exhibit B TIMETABLE FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 Name of Locai Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Directions: Type in the applicable years across the top line. Ust Program Activities down left hand side. Type in an "X" on applicable activity line under month and year the activity will be initiated or completed. At a minimum the following activities should be included: 1) Advertise availability of funds and application period 2) Encumbrance of funds (12 months following end of State Fiscal Year) 3) Expenditure of funds (24 months following end of State Fiscal YearJ. 4) Submit Annual Report to FHFC (September 15th) aree Exhibit B TIMETABLE FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Directions: Type in the applicable years across the top line. List Program Activities down left hand side. Type in an "X" on applicable activity line under month and year the activity will be initiated or completed. At a minimum the following activities should be included: 1) Advertise availability oi funds and application period 2) Encumbrance of funds (12 months following end of State Fiscal Year) 3) Expenditure of funds (24 months following end of State Fiscal Year). 4) Submit Annual Report to FHFC (September 15th) aree Exhibit B TIMETABLE FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Directions: Type in the applicable years across the top line. List Program Activities down left hand side. Type in an "X" on applicabie activity line under month and year the activity will be initiated or completed. At a minimum the following activities should be included: 1) Advertise availability of funds and application perlod 2) Encumbrance of funds (12 months following end of State Fiscal Year) 3) Expenditure of funds (24 months following end of State Fiscal Year). 4) Submit Annual Report to FHFC (September 15th) aioa FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION �..••�Kk•vWGaew,caium.oam.oti.M.r��mwr HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS CHART#2002 NawPlen: X STRATEGIES FOR THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR: 2012-2013 nmendment: - Fiseai Yr. Closeout: Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Available Funds: 5196,ss3.00 A B C D E F HOME OWNERSHIP V�I Max.SHIP LI Maz.SHIP MI Max.3HIP NewConstruetion RehablRapair WithoutConstrueHon TO�� Total Total STRATEGIES Units Award Units Award Units Award SHIP Dollan SHIP Dollars SHIP Dollan SHIP Dollars PercentaQe Units 1. DPCCAtorNewConstructionHomes 0 $11,250.00 � 2$11,250.00 0$11,250.00 �$22,500.00 . $22,500.00 11.42% 2 $�.0� �.��% 0 2. DPCCAforexistingHomas 1 $6,250.00 4 $6,250.00 0 $6,250.00 $25,000.00 $6,250.00 $31,250.00 15.86% 5 $0.00 0.00% 0 J.OwberOCCUpietlRehabilitation 5 �12;500.00 3$12,500.00 0$12,500.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 50.77% 8 $0.00 0.00% 0 4.Disaster M1litigation 0 $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 0��. $0.00 0.00% 0 Subtotal 1(Home Ownership) 6 9 0 $22,500.00 $125,000.00 $6,250.00 $153,750.00 78.05% 15 RENTAL VLI Maz. SHIP LI Max. SHIP MI Max SHIP Naw Construction RehablRepafr Without Construction Total Total TOtd� STRATEGIES Units Award Units Award Units Awa�d SHIP Dollars SHIP Dollars SHIP Dollan SHIP Dollars Pareantaga Units Muiti-Fzmily Housing 1 $14,000.00 1$14,000.00 0$14,000.00 $28,535.00 $28,535.00 14.49% 2 $�.�� �.�Q% � � $�.�� 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 Subtotal 2(Non•Home Ownership) 1 1 0 $28,535.00 $0.00 $0.00 $28,535.00 14.49% 2 Administration Fees $9,698.00 4.92% Admin. From Pro ram Income $5,000.00 2.54% Home Ownership Counselin 0.00% GRAND TOTAL aa s�neo�ei. i s x, W�s au admi�. s Ho co��:win9 7 10 0 $51 035.00 $125 000.00 $6 250.00 $196 983.00 100.00% 17 Percentage ConstructionlRe Calculate Constr.IRehab Percent by addiny Gra�d Total Columns AbB, then divida by Annual Allocation Amt. 89o�p Maximum Allowable Purchase Price: �� Ne�At '::�i5��p0U:' . Existing. ;`. �_. ;=_$45�t,iftl�- i Allocation Breakdown AmOUllt °/a Projected Program Income: $1t3�,4Q4:00' Max Amount Program Income ForAdmin: $5,000.00 ! Very-LOw It1COme $82,750.00 42.0°/• Projected Recaptured Funds. LOW InCOf112 $85,000.00 43.2% Distribution: °$:96,983 T�4°:' i ModerateMcome 0.0°rb TotalAvailableFunda: �Q$"i�,9$3;i�S�i - TOTAL 85.2% 20-Mar 12 �___._ _...____.... ..,.,._�_ _ ...... _..�.-._,..��� � _�.__ �____.._��.�.... _�_ � _W___. �..�____� .....,_____....r__� _t FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION %«..�h�ckappUcabNbo;8ltAmentlm�n�,�Mbmlmber HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS CHART#2002 N�W P�an: X STRATEGIES FOR THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR: 2013-2014 Amandmant: - � Flseai Yc Closeout Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Available Funds: S�ss,sss.00 -- ------- --- A B C D E F. HOMEOWNERSHIP VLI Max.SHIP LI Maz.3HIP MI Max.SHIP NewConstruetion RahablRapair WithoutConstruction Total Total Total STRATEGIES Units Award Units Award Units Award SHIP Dollara SHIP Dollars SHIP Dollan SHIP Dollars Pareantaga Units 1. DPCCAforNewConetruetionHomes 0 $11,250.00 2$11,250.00 0$11,250.00 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 11.42% 2 $0.00 0.00% 0 2. DPCCAforoxistingHomes 1 $6,250.00 4 $6,250.00 0 $6,250.00 $25,000.00 $6,250.00 $31,250.00 15.86% 5 $0.00 0.00% 0 3.OwberOceupied RehabilitaGOn 5 �12,500.00 3$12,500.00 0$12,500.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 50.77% 8 $0.�0 �.��% 0 4.oisaster�mitigation 0 $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 Subtotai 1(Home Ownership) 6 9 0 $22,500.00 $125,000.00 $6,250.00 $153,750.00 78.05% 15 RENTAL VLI Max. SHIP LI Max, SHIP MI Max. SHIP NawConatruction RehablRepair WlthoutConstluction Total Total Total STRATEGIES Units Award Units Award Units Award SHIP Dollars SHIP Oollars SHIP Dollars SHIP D0118fS Parcentaga Units Multi•Family Housing 1 $14,000.00 1$14,000.00 0 $14,000.00 $28,535.00 $28,535.00 14.49% 2 $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 � $0.00 0.00% 0 Subtotal2 (Non-Home Ownership) 1 1 0 $28,535.00 $0.00 $0.00 $28,535.00 14.49% 2 Administration Fees $9,698.00 4:92% Admin. From Pro ram Incoma $5,000.00 2.54% Home Ownership Counseling 0.00% GRAND TOTAL dtl Sublotals 1 L t, qus all AOmin. i HO Counselln9 7 � 10 0 $51 035.00 $125 000.00 $6 250.00 $196 983.00 100.00% 17 � Percentage ConstructionlRe Caloulata Constr./Rehab Peresnt. by addiny Grand Total Columns A&B, than divida by Annual Allocation Amt. 89o�a Maximum Allowable Purchase Price: � Net� �� _ �, , �t54,{ltt�'_ �?ti��!.� ��-�'�50,�Q�?'��� Allocation Breakdown Am0u11t % Projected Program Income: _', �,_ '-$98Q t54pt�¢:; MaxAmount Program Income ForAdmin: $5,000.00 Very-LOW It1COme $82,750.00 42.0% Projected Recaptured Funds: Low lncome $85,000.00 43.2% Distribution: $96,:983:06 Moderate Income 0.0% Total Available Funds: $'19�,"�&�.OQ TOTAL s5.2% 2o-Mar-12 FLORIDAHOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION %wcedi�ekappYeabN�or,6lfAmendnrnt,�MOnumWr HOUSING DELIVERY GOALS CHART#2002 NQW P�en: X STRATEGIES FOR THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR STATE FISCAL YEAR: 2014-2015 Arrwndmant: Fiscal Yr. Closeout: Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER Available Funds: 5196,983.00 A B C D E F HOMEOWNERSHIP VLI Max.SHIP LI Max.3HIP MI Max.SHIP NawConstruetion Rehab/Repair WithoutConstruction TOt2� Total T0�2� STRATEGIES Units Award Units Award Units Award SHIP Dollan SHIP Dollars SHIP Dollan SHIP Dollars Pereantaya Units 1. DPCCAforNewConstruetlonHomes 0 $11,250.00 2$11,250.00 0. $11,250.00 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 11.42% 2 $0.00 0.00% 0 2. DPCCAforexistingHomas 1 $6,250.00 4 $6,250.00 0 $6,250.OQ $25,000.00 $6,250.00 $31,250.00 15.86% 5 $0.00 0.00% 0 3,OwberOccupiedRehabilitation 5 S12,500.00 3$12,500.00 0$12,500.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 50.77% 8 $0.00 0.00% 0 �4.DisasterMitigation 0 $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00 0 $5,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0,00% 0 Subtotal 1(Home Ownership) 6 9 0 $22,500.00 $125,000.00 $6,250.00 $153,750.00 78.05% 15 RENTAL VLI Max.SHIP LI Maz.SHIP MI Max.3HlP NawCOnstruction RehablRepair WithoutCOnatruction TO�� Total Total STRATEGIES Units Award Units Award Units Award SHIP Dollars SHIP Dollars SHIP Dollars SHIP Doliars ParcanWge Units �Multi-FamilyHausing 1 514,000.00 1$14,000.00 0$14,000.00 $28,535.00 $28,535.00 14.49% 2� $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 $0.00 0.00% 0 Subtotal 2(Non-Home Ownership) 1 1 0 $28,535.00 $0.00 $0.00 $28,535.00 14.49% 2 Administration Fees $9,698.00 4.92% Admin. From Pro ram Income $5,000.00 2.54% Home Ownership Counseling 0.00% GRAND TOTAL aa s�aot+i: i a¢, q�: v� aaM�. a rw coun:aioy � � � p 0 $51 035.00 $125 000.00 $6 250.00 $196 983.00 100.00% 17 Percentage ConstruetionlRe Caleulata Conslr.IRahab Pareant. by addiny Grend Totel Columna A88, then divida by Annual Alloeation Amt. 89% Maximum Allowable Purchase Price: ::.New. :�i5�,00{?.', Existi�tg .:' , ', �'t�O,Q�i�' i . .. Ailocation Breakdown AmOUllt % Projected Program Income. $�IttU,{t{30.�?Ui MaxAmount Program Income ForAdmin: $5,000.00 Very-Low Income 582,750.00 42A% Projected Recaptured Funds: ' ' � Low lncome $85,000.00 43.2% Distribution: °-.-�96,583.6Q'; Moderate Income o.o�io Total Available Funds: $"1��,�83.0�'. TOTAL 85.2% 20-Marv12 Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/�9 Exhibit D CERTIFICATION TO FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION Name of Local Government: (1) The local government will advertise the availability of SHIP funds pursuant to Florida Statutes. (2) All SHIP funds will be expended in a manner which will insure that there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, age, sex, familial or marital status, handicap, or national origin. (3) A process for selection of recipients for funds has been developed. (4) The eligible municipality or county has developed a qualification system for applications for awards. (5) Recipients of funds wilt be required to contractually commit to program guidelines. (6) The Florida Housing Finance Corporation will be notifed promptly if the local government (or interlocal entity) will be unable to comply with the provisions the plan. (7) The Local Housing Assistance Plan shall provide for the expenditure of SHIP funds within 24 months following the end of the State fiscal year in which they are received. (8) The plan conforms to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan, or that an amendment to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan will be initiated at the next available opportunity to insure conformance with the Local Housing Assistance Plan. (9) Amendments to the approved Local Housing Assistance Plan shall be provided to the Corporation with in 21 days after adoption. (10) The trust fund shall be established with a qualified depository for all SHIP funds as well as moneys generated from activities such as interest earned on loans. � (I 1) Amounts on deposit in the local housing assistance trust fund shall be invested as permitted by law. (12) The local housing assistance trust fund shall be separately stated as a special revenue fund in the local governments audited financial statements, copies of the audits will be forwarded to the Corporation as soon as available. Page 2 Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 1 ]/09 Exhibit D Certification 13) An interlocal entity shall have its local housing assistance trust fund separately audited for each state fiscal year, and the audit forwarded to the Corporation as soon as possible. (14) SHIP funds will not be pledged for debt service on bonds or as rent subsidies. (15) Developers receiving assistance from both SHIP and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program shall comply with the income, affardability and other LIHTC requirements, Similarly, any units receiving assistance from other federal programs shall comply with all Federal and SHIP program requirements. (16} Loans shall be provided for periods not exceeding 30 years, except for deferred payment loans or loans that extend beyond 30 years which continue to service eligible persons. (17) Rental Units constructed or rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be monitored at least annually for 15 years for compliance with tenant income requirements and affordability requirements or as required in Section 420.9075 (3)(e) (18) The Plan meets the requirements of Section 420-907-9079 FS, and Rule Chapter 67-37 FAC, and how each of those requirements shall be met. (19) The provisions of Chapter 83-220, Laws of Florida has or X has not beel] lmplemetlted. (note: Miami Dade County will check "has"} Wimess Chief Elected Official or designee Wimess Date 1' Attest: (Seal) E Type Name and Title Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Exhibit F � STATE HOUSING I1vITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM INFORMATION SHEET LOCAL GOVERNMENT: CITY OF CLEARWATER CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL (Mayor, Chairman, etc.): GEORGE CRETEKOS ADDRESS: 112 S. OSCEOLA AVENUE CLEARWATER FLORIDA 33756 SHIP ADMINISTRATOR: TERRY MALCOLM-SMITH ADDRESS: 112 SOUTH OSCEOLA AVENUE, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33756 TELEPHONE:( )727-562-4036 FAX:( ) 727-562-4037 EMAIL ADDRESS: terrv.malcolm-smith(�a,myclearwater.com ADDITIONAL SHIP CONTACTS: MICHAEL HOLMES ADDRESS: 112 SOUTH OSCEOLA AVENUE. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33756 EMAIL ADDRESS: michael.holmes@myclearwater.com INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT: YES/NO (IF yes, list other participants in the inter-local agreement): The following information must be furnished to the Corporation before any funds can be disbursed. LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYER FEDERAL ID NUMBER: 59-6000289 MAIL DISBURSEMENT TO: CITY OF CLEARWATER ADDRESS: OR:IF YOUR FUNDS ARE ELEC'I`RONICALLY TRANSFERRED PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTACHED FORM: X NO CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS ELECTRONIC FORM SUBMITTED. Provide any additional updates the Corporation should be aware of in the space below: Please return this form to: SHIP PROGRAM MANAGER, FHFC 227 N. BRONOUGH ST, STE 5000 TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 F�: (850)488-98Q9 Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Exhibit D CERTIFICATION TO FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION Name of Local Government: CITY OF CLEARWATER (1) The local government will advertise the availability of SHIP funds pursuant to Florida Statutes. (2) All SHIP funds will be expended in a manner which will insure that there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, age, sex, familial or marital status, handicap, or national origin. (3) A process for selection of recipients for funds has been developed. (4) The eligible municipality or county has developed a qualification system for applications for awards. (5) Recipients of funds will be required to contractually commit to program guidelines. (6) The Florida Housing Finance Corporation will be notified promptly if the local government (or interlocal entity) will be unable to comply with the provisions the plan. (7) The Local Housing Assistance Plan shall provide for the expenditure of SHIP funds within 24 months following the end of the State fiscal year in which they are received. (8) The plan conforms to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan, or that an amendment to the Local Government Comprehensive Plan will be initiated at the next available opportunity to insure conformance with the Local Housing Assistance Plan. (9) Amendments to the approved Local Housing Assistance Plan shall be provided to the Corporation with in 21 days after adoption. (10) The trust fund shall be established with a qualified depository for all SHIP funds as well as moneys generated from activities such as interest earned on loans. (11) Amounts on deposit in the local housing assistance trust fund shall be invested as permitted by law. (12) The local housing assistance trust fund shall be separately stated as a special revenue fund in the local governments audited financial statements, copies of the audits will be forwarded to the Corporation as soon as available. Title: LHAP Template 2009 No. 001 67-37.005(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/09 Exhibit D Page 2 Certification 13) An interlocal entity shall have its local housing assistance trust fund separately audited for each state fiscal year, and the audit forwarded to the Corporation as soon as possible. (14) SHIP funds will not be pledged for debt service on bonds or as rent subsidies. (15) Developers receiving assistance from both SHIP and the Low Income Housing T� Credit (LIHTC) Program shall comply with the income, affordability and other LIHTC requirements, Similarly, any units receiving assistance from other federal programs shall comply with all Federal and SHIP program requirements. (16) (17) Loans shall be provided for periods not exceeding 30 years, except for deferred payment loans or loans that extend beyond 30 years which continue to service eligible persons. Rental Units constructed or rehabilitated with SHIP funds shall be monitored at least annually for 15 years for compliance with tenant income requirements and affordability requirements or as required in Section 420.9075 (3)(e) (18) The Plan meets the requirements of Section 420-907-9079 FS, and Rule Chapter 67-37 FAC, and how each of those requirements shall be met. (19) The provisions of Chapter 83-220, Laws of Florida has or X has not been implemented. (note: Miami Dade County will check "has") Witness �� � �1Lrw �i �, � Z — Witness Date ,��Q�.nc..a,� �.. n a,� Attest: (Seal) ryF Chief Elected Official or designee �r�cn�<<�%'� George Cretekos, Mayor Appr ved as to form: �l I�-o� Laura Mahony, Assistant Ci ttorney ;- � � _�! � _� `� ' � � { '�,;, �;t� _ ,�9....'?: �.. <. F ,�. �`� � � � � o RESOLUTiON NO. 12-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE CITY OF CLEARWATER STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN COVERING STATE FISCAL YEARS 2012-2015; AMENDING STATE FISCAL YEARS 2009-2012 FOR CONSISTENCY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the State of Florida enacted the Wiiliam E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act, Chapter 92-317 of Florida Sessions Law, allocating a portion of documentary stamp taxes on deeds to local governments for the development and maintenance of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Act, ss.420.907-9079, Florida Statutes (1992), and Rule Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code, requires local governments to develop a one to three year Local Housing Assistance Plan outlining how funds will be used, and WHEREAS, according to Florida Statues, the City has elected not to conduct the triennial review and the appointment of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee because the city has received funds below the minimum allocation. In the event the City receives full funding from the SHIP Program, the city will perform the required duties in accordance with Florida Statutes 420.9076; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to make any and all changes within the 2012-2015 Local Housing Assistance Plan retroactive to the 2009-2012 Lacal Housing Assistance Plan for administrative consistency; and WHEREAS, Section 420.9075(7}, Florida Statutes, provides that the City may use five percent (5%) of its annual SHIP allocation for administrative expenses. Florida Statutes also pravides that if the City Council makes a finding, by resolution, that five percent (5%) is not sufficient to cover the administrative costs, the City may take up to ten percent (10%) of its annual allocation for administration plus five percent (5%) of program income; and WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater finds that five percent (5%) of the SHIP funds are insufficient to adequately pay the necessary costs of administering the City's SHIP program. The City of Clearwater finds it necessary to increase up to but not to exceed ten percent (10%} of local housing distributions deposited in the trust fund to cover administrative costs; and WHEREAS, the maximum sales prices and values for new and existing homes associated with the LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANGE PLAN covering Fisca� Years Resolution No. 12-08 2012-2015, shall be those as utilized by the U.S. Treasury, as amended and updated, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City of Clearwater hereby approves the Local Housing Assistance Pian, as attached hereto and incorporated herein (Exhibit "A") for submission to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as required by ss. 420.907- 420.9079, Florida Statutes, for state fiscal years 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of April , 2012. George Cretekos Mayor Approved as to form: Attest: ���z� Laura Mahony Rosemarie Call Assistant City Attorney City Clerk 2 Resolution No. 12-Q8