April 2, 2012
Present: Mayor George N. Cretekos, Vice Mayor Paul Gibson, Councilmember
Doreen Hock-DiPolito, Councilmember Bill Jonson, and Councilmember
Jay E. Polglaze.
Also Present: William B. Horne II - City Manager, Jill S. Silverboard - Assistant City
Manager, Rod Irwin - Assistant City Manager, Pamela K. Akin - City
Attorney, Rosemarie Call - City Clerk, and Nicole Sprague — Official
Records and Legislative Services Coordinator.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
Mayor George N. Cretekos called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. at City Hall.
1. Presentations - Given
1.1 Employee of the Month —Alex West, March 2012
Presentation deferred to a future meeting.
2. Economic Development and Housing
2.1 Approve the City of Clearwater's State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program
(SHIP) Local Housing Assistance Plan covering State Fiscal Years 2012-2015,
adopt Resolution 12-08 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
Florida statute 420.9079 requires counties and cities receiving State Housing
Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program funds to develop a 3-year Local Housing
Assistance Plan (LHAP) outlining strategies for how the funds will be utilized.
The City receives its allocation from the State of Florida through Florida Housing
Finance Corporation (FHFC). For fiscal year 2011-2012, the City received
$96,983 in SHIP funds. The City expects to receive $100,000 in program income.
The City expends SHIP funds per the strategies outlined in the LHAP. Our current
LHAP covers state fiscal years 2009-2012.
Work Session 2012-04-02 1
This new LHAP will cover state fiscal years 2012-2015. The strategies outlined in
the new LHAP are a continuation of our current LHAP. All changes made within
the 2012-2015 LHAP will be retroactive to the 2009-2012 LHAP to be able to use
prior year funds if available. The strategies Include:
• Down Payment and Closing Costs Assistance for Newly Constructed
Homes: The City will use SHIP funds to provide down payment and closing
cost assistance to eligible homebuyers purchasing newly constructed
• Down Payment and Closing Costs Assistance With or Without
Rehabilitation: The City will use SHIP funds to provide down payment and
closing costs assistance to eligible homebuyers purchasing existing
• Owner-occupied Rehabilitation: The City will provide funds for the
rehabilitation of owner-occupied single-family residences.
• Multi-Family Housing: The City will provide SHIP loans to support the
acquisition, rehabilitation and new construction of rental housing.
• Disaster Mitigation: In the case of natural or man-made disasters, this
strategy will utilize SHIP funding for emergency or interim repairs.
Resolution 12-08 outlines that since the City is receiving less than the minimum
allocation ($350,000) from the State, the City is electing not to form an Affordable
Housing Advisory Committee to conduct a triennial review of established policies
and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, etc. according to s.
420.9076. In addition, the City finds that it needs 10% of SHIP to administer the
program and will use the maximum sales prices established by the US Treasury.
Per Florida Statutes, the City Council is being asked to adopt the LHAP for State
fiscal years 2012-2015 by resolution. The LHAP is due to the Florida Housing
Finance Corporation on May 2, 2012.
In response to questions, Economic Development and Housing Director Geri Campos
Lopez said the SHIP program funds are derived from documentary stamp taxes. SHIP
funds have been used, in recent years, to balance the state budget. Funds may be
used for down payment assistance and rehabilitation. Funds may not be used for new
2.2 Endorse the application for Project 31612 and commit the City of Clearwater to
refund ten percent (10%) of the eligible tax refund upon certification by
Enterprise Florida, adopt Resolution 12-09 and authorize the appropriate officials
to execute same.
Work Session 2012-04-02 2
The Florida Legislature created Florida Statute, Section s.288.106 to encourage
the growth of Florida's high-wage, value-added employment. This program is
commonly known as the Qualified Target Industry (QTI) Tax Refund Program.
This law authorizes Enterprise Florida to accept, review and approve applications
for tax refunds to qualified target industry businesses. Pursuant to Florida Statute
Section s.288.075 and s288.106, the applicant for Project 31612 requests to
remain anonymous.
The tax refund is to be paid to the applicant each state fiscal year (July 1- June
30) for a period of six (6) years. The applicant will receive a refund for each new
job created that will equal $3,000 per job, times the number of new jobs created.
In addition, because the company is located in a Brownfields area, an additional
$2,500 is awarded per job, plus $3,000 per job because the applicant is locating in
an Enterprise Zone. The total refund the company will receive is $8,500 per job.
Project 31612 will relocate its out-of-state operations to create fifty (50) new jobs
over the next three years in the City of Clearwater (10 jobs by December 31,
2012; 20 by December 31, 2013 and 20 by December 31, 2014). Eighty percent
(80%) of this award is covered by the State of Florida, ten percent (10%) from
Pinellas County and ten percent (10%) from the City of Clearwater.
Under the full scenario, the City's maximum award commitment is $42,500 and
will be disbursed according to the following City fiscal year schedule. In summary,
25% of the award is paid out over a four-year period for each phase in which the
jobs are created.
Year 1 - $27125 (2012-2013)
Year 2 - $67375 (2013-2014)
Year 3 - $107625 (2014-2015)
Year 4 - $107625 (2015-2016)
Year 5 - $87500 (2016-2017)
Year 6 - $47250 (2017-2018)
The refund is verified by the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
(DOE). The DOE requests the portion of funding from the City. The DOE then
provides the disbursement to the applicant.
Funding for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 allocation is currently available from
Economic Development QTI line item account number 181-99846. Future year
funding will need to be allocated during the City's annual budget process.
Economic Development and Housing Director Geri Campos Lopez said downtown
Clearwater would become Project 31612's corporate headquarters. The jobs to be
Work Session 2012-04-02 3
created are in the high wage category; 10 will be in the management category, 25 will
be in the computer systems/design category, and 15 will be in the marketing/consulting
In response to questions, Ms. Campos Lopez said Project 31612 is a relatively new
company in Florida. The jobs created must remain for more than one year. The
application will go before Pinellas County on April 24.
2.3 Approve the modification of the Land Use Restrictive Covenant between the City
of Clearwater and SP Country Club Homes, LLC, replacing the 30-year
affordability period and the resale restrictions that were approved by the City
Council in June 2008 to the mandatory minimum requirement mandated by law
in accordance with the Community Development Block Grant Program
regulations, requiring 51% percent of the total project units be sold to
households at 80% of area median income or below, and authorize the
appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
On June 16, 20087 SP Country Club Homes, LLC received a $700,000 loan from
the City of Clearwater to build affordable townhome units. The loan documents
executed by SP Country Club Homes, LLC included a mortgage, note and land
use restrictive covenant. While the mortgage and note focused upon the terms
and conditions of the loan, the land use covenant restricted the property for
affordable housing purposes, among other things.
In consideration of the partial financing for the development project, SP Country
Club, LLC maintained that the property would include the following:
• a 30-year affordability period;
• 51% of the total units built will be sold to families with incomes of less than
80% of the area median income;
• the value of housing units shall not exceed 95% of the median purchase
price for that type of unit, and
• during the affordability period, the unit must be occupied by a low to
moderate-income family. If the unit is sold during this period, it must be
sold to another low to moderate-income family.
Staff recommends that two of the mandates listed above be waived to reflect the
minimum standards that are required by the CDBG program that provided the
funds. It is requested that the 30-year affordability period and the resale
provisions be removed to what is required by law in order to increase the
marketability of the project.
Work Session 2012-04-02 4
When this loan was originally approved to purchase the property, the developer
was still in the process of seeking outside financing. Since the City, at that time,
did not know if financing would include certain affordability restrictions, the City
placed the restrictions on the project to ensure that a thirty-year affordability
period was in place. Since Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2) funds
have since been provided to the project, the affordability period will be met.
Construction funding provided through the NSP2 by Pinellas County requires that
the units remain affordable for thirty years. For this purpose, a Land Use
Restrictive Agreement has been executed and recorded to provide for the NSP2
standards. Therefore, the need for the thirty-year affordability period is being met
and the need to bind the property for thirty years through the City is not warranted.
Program regulations from the NSP2 Program also ensure that the units remain
affordable to low to moderate-income families. The program mandates that all
homebuyers have incomes of less than 120% of area median income. This
includes the initial homebuyer and subsequent buyers to which the unit is sold
during the 30-year affordability period. This reduces the need for the City to
maintain the original income requirements after the initial purchase of 51% of the
units by homebuyers whose income will be 80% or less than area median income.
All resales in this development will be limited to buyers at 120% of area median
income or below.
In response to questions, Economic Development and Housing Director Geri Campos
Lopez said the initial 16 units must be sold to families at 80% of the area median
income. Thirty-one units must be sold to families at 120% of the area median income or
below. Ms. Campos Lopez said a family of four with an annual salary of$65,000 or
below would qualify to purchase a unit.
3. Fire Department
3.1 Appoint Gregory Newland as the fifth Trustee, replacing David Hogan, to finish a
four-year term ending December 31, 2014 on the Clearwater Firefighters
Supplemental Trust Fund in accordance with Sec. 175.061 of the Florida State
Statutes. (consent)
Mr. David Hogan requested to step down from his seat on the Supplemental Trust
Mr. Newland has indicated his willingness to serve the remainder of the four-year
term. The other four members of the Board of Trustees selected Greg Newland to
be appointed as the fifth member in accordance with Sec. 175.061 of the Florida
State Statutes.
Work Session 2012-04-02 5
The Clearwater Firefighters' Supplemental Trust Fund is the recipient of monies
obtained by the State of Florida from insurance companies doing business within
the community. These monies are required to be administered by a Board of
Trustees whose composition must consist of two legal residents of the City
appointed by the City Council; two City firefighters elected by the firefighters; and
a fifth member chosen by a majority of the other four members and submitted to
the City Council for appointment. The Board of Trustees is solely responsible for
administration of the trust fund.
It is recommended that the City Council, as a ministerial duty, affirm Greg
Newland as a trustee to the seat for the period of January 1, 2011 through
December 31, 2014.
4. Gas System
4.1 Approve a Purchase Order (contract) in the amount of$1,640,300. award bid 10-
12 to Florida Gas and Electric Corporation for the replacement of antiquated gas
mains and service lines for the period of April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013, and
authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
Florida Gas and Electric Corporation (FGE), located at 8011 Land O' Lakes Blvd,
Land O' Lakes, FL, was the lower of two (2) bidders on Bid 10-12, with an actual
bid amount of$1,640,300. This bid is separate from the existing two (2) gas mains
and service line extension contracts currently held by Mastec North America and
Florida Gas and Electric.
Under this agreement, the contractor will replace approximately 12 miles of
antiquated gas mains, to include all associated service line, gas meter and piping
connections at each customer location. The term antiquated represents all
uncoated steel gas mains and service lines, to include cast iron, that are currently
serving customers within the Clearwater Gas System service territory. These
materials were installed between the period of 1923 (start of the gas system) and
In total, the amount of antiquated mains to be replaced is approximately sixty (60)
miles. Most of these mains and service lines are located in highly congested
areas within Clearwater, Belleair and Dunedin. This replacement project is
estimated to take five (5) years to complete. Therefore, additional bids will be
conducted to complete the entire scope of the project.
Funds are available in 315-96377 Pinellas New Mains and Service Lines and the
Clearwater Gas System budget to support these requirements.
Work Session 2012-04-02 6
5. Parks and Recreation
5.1 Approve the Amended and Restated Agreement between the City of Clearwater
(City) and The Long Center Foundation, Inc (Foundation) regarding the Long
Center (Facility) until terminated by one of the Parties and authorize the
appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
On August 27, 2003, a Transfer Agreement between the Foundation and City was
approved for the City to take over the ownership of the Long Center, located at
1501 North Belcher Road. The City also took over the day- to-day maintenance of
the facility, oversight of recreational programs and providing certain
accommodations for Clearwater for Youth (CFY) and Upper Pinellas Association
for Retarded Citizens (UPARC).
A subsequent First Amendment to the Agreement provided additional terms
allowing CFY to utilize the Long Center and if for any reason the use agreement
was terminated the Foundation's annual funding of$200,000 would also be
terminated. In an effort to memorialize this agreement and provide for funding
support and stability for future generations of children in Pinellas County and for
clients of UPARC, the City and the Foundation desire to amend and restate this
Major changes from the original agreement and subsequent First Amendment
include the following-
1. The Foundation will provide annual funding to the City ($125,000 in the
current year) through the Long Center Foundation Endowment Fund
Agreement at the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, Inc. Based on a
calculation and frequency set from time to time by its Board of Trustees,
currently at 5% of the fund balance payable in March or September with a
minimum grant of$100,000. The City shall receive the larger of 3% of the
fund balance or$200,000 annual grant to use at its discretion in operating or
maintaining the Long Center. Annual grant amounts in excess of amounts
listed above shall be directed to the City to augment or fully fund programs at
the Long Center.
2. If the City terminates the agreement or if the Use agreements with CFY or
UPARC are terminated, the annual funding subsidy will be directed to
recreational and sports program organizations for children and adults in the
greater Clearwater area.
3. The City will provide for a play pass for youth less than 18 years of age at a
discount rate of 50% ($41.25) for use of the Long Center in recognition of the
Foundation's annual subsidy.
Work Session 2012-04-02 7
Clearwater for Youth Founder Frederick Fisher, and individual responsible for spurring
idea of the Long Center, reviewed history of the Long Center.
5.2 Approve a new Capital Improvement Project entitled North Greenwood Athletic
Fields (CIP 315-93629) for $300,000, to be funded from Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG), and amend the project budget to recognize a
$25,000 donation from Clearwater for Youth (CFY), as well as any additional
funds available from CDBG, when either a written agreement is provided or
when the funds are received. (consent)
The North Greenwood Recreation and Aquatic Center (NGRAC) located on Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard has been in operation for the past 8 years and has
become a hub for recreational, social and leisure time activities for the residents in
the North West section of Clearwater. Recent improvements to NGRAC as well
as the North Greenwood Library (NGL) have allowed for new partnerships with
the MLK Jr. Family Center and the Boys and Girls Club to provide expanded
programming to the community.
Together, the NGRAC, NGL, Jack Russell Stadium and the large green space
used for parking offer a campus type atmosphere where many of the needs of the
community can be met.
The only green space for children in the North Greenwood area to play sports on
is at Phillip Jones Ballfield and property owned by Pinellas County School Board
behind Clearwater Comprehensive School.
Approximately two years ago, Phillip Jones field, home of the Greenwood
Panthers, was closed due to environmental issues.
Staff is proposing that the grass parking lot be retained as green space and that
practice fields be constructed for the youth of North Greenwood. Construction
would include raising the area with additional dirt, irrigation, grassing, fencing and
lighting. Staff has met with Winning Inning and they fully support the project,
realizing that some modifications to parking may have to be modified as well as
their agreement with the City regarding Jack Russell Stadium.
The first phase of this project is being requested now due to the availability of
unused CDBG funds. This phase will consist of the construction of one full size
multipurpose lighted football/soccer practice field. The second phase, which is not
a part of this item, will be to construct additional practice facilities on the site. The
main user groups will be the Greenwood Panthers Youth Football program and
the partner agencies at NGRAC.
Work Session 2012-04-02 8
In addition to the CDBG funds of$300,000, a donation of$25,000 has been
secured from CFY. Once these funds are received, CIP 315-93629 will be
amended to reflect donations.
5.3 Approve co-sponsorship and waiver of requested City fees and service charges
for Fiscal Year 2012/13 special events, including five annual City events and
twelve City co-sponsored events (an increase of four events), at an estimated
General Fund cost of$363,340 ($24,300 cash contributions and $339,040 in-
kind contributions) and Enterprise Fund cost and fee waiver of$103,790 for the
purposes of Fiscal Year 2012/13 departmental budget submittals. (consent)
According to City Council Policy Item M, Special Event Fees, there shall be an
annual review of City sponsored/co-sponsored events during the budget process.
An agenda item approving co-sponsorship and level of support for these events
will be brought before the City Council at the beginning of the budget process
each fiscal year. In the event additional money is requested beyond what is
included in the approved budget, City Council approval will be needed. Staff has
provided a chart that shows the recommended level of cash and in-kind
contributions to be included in the various departmental budgets for Fiscal Year
2012/13 for City sponsored and co-sponsored special events. The chart also lists
34 additional special events requiring some type of in-kind support from the Parks
and Recreation Special Events Division during Fiscal Year 2012/13. It should be
noted that this represents a total decrease in cost from Fiscal Year 2011/12 of
$41,800 in the General Fund.
Major decreases or event eliminations for Fiscal Year 2012/13 include the
1. Ironman 5150 - The original first year 5150 race was not held in Fiscal Year
2011/12 as planned and a new support agreement was approved with TriRock
Clearwater with the City sponsoring $30,000 for the event yielding a decrease of
$58,390 needed for Ironman 5150.
2. Dixieland Jazz Event at Sheraton - no longer needs co-sponsor for parking
meters. County manages parking meters.
3. Festival of Trees - This event is now held at the Long Center and is now a
class 2B City department sponsored event.
4. Clearwater Gas sponsorship of the fireworks ($40,000) for Clearwater
Celebrates America.
Major Increases and new events for Fiscal Year 2012/13 include the following:
1. TriRock Clearwater- This event takes the place of the Ironman 5150 Event.
Work Session 2012-04-02 9
2. Iron Girl - This event has been held in Clearwater in previous years and
continues to grow as a major athletic event for women in this region with over
6,000 participants and is the brand's signature event. Requesting minimal
support, as they will continue to pay all fees over the $7,500 being requested.
3. ASA Gold Softball Tournament - This is a major national softball tournament
sponsored by the County and City. It will bring 76 teams (over 1400 athletes) to
Clearwater for eight days and generate approximately 7,000 - 9,000 room nights
and a projected economic impact of$8 million to $10 million during the third week
in July. Increase $19,000.
4. USF Softball Series - This event has been in Clearwater for 6 years and has
grown to become the premier college women's fast pitch softball destination
during February and March, generating 5,000 room nights and a $4 million to $5
million economic impact. Increase $17,000 to fund infrastructure support for the
event. Cash Requests of$24,300 is the same as Fiscal Year 2011; Clearwater
Veterans Alliance ($5,000); Clearwater Jazz Holiday ($14,550) and the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day March and Rally ($4,750).
In response to questions, Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Dunbar said the
Clearwater Gas sponsorship of the fireworks for Clearwater Celebrates America
provides a General Fund cost decrease by $40,000. The overall proposed decrease for
city co-sponsored event costs is $11,240, which includes enterprise and general fund
In response to a concern, Mr. Dunbar said staff does not have control of the Clearwater
Veterans Alliance event but can provide input on program details.
5.4 Approve the grant agreement between the City of Clearwater and the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT)
for a Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant in the amount of$200,000 for the
construction of the Lake Belleview Trail and authorize the appropriate officials to
execute same. (consent)
The City has been awarded a matching grant in the amount of$200,000 for the
design and construction of a 10-foot wide trail for a length of 5,262 linear feet
encircling Lake Belleview in Ed Wright and Ross Norton parks. In the future, the
Lake Belleview Trail will connect to the Pinellas Trail through a trail that is
currently being designed along Lakeview Road. The approval of this grant and the
construction of this trail are supported by the 2006 Shifting Gears Bicycle and
Pedestrian Master Plan and the Lake Belleview Community. The trail will be
designed and constructed in a manner to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians.
Work Session 2012-04-02 10
The entire project is funded through the RTP grant of$200,000 and $200,000
available in the Recreation Trails CIP 93272.
Future maintenance of the trail will be provided through the adopt-a-park program
volunteers and existing park maintenance staff. There will be neither additional
FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) requirements nor additional operating impacts for this
project. The trail will be unlighted and open from sunrise to sunset.
In response to questions, Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Dunbar said city parks
are open from sunrise to sunset; police enforcement is provided as necessary.
A concern was expressed regarding the placement of variable message boards along
Court and Chestnut Streets; a tree blocks one of the signs. It was suggested that staff
look into the matter.
5.5 Approve funding, not to exceed $150,000, for preliminary design work including
site engineering, architectural, geotechnical, surveys etc. for the renovations of
the Sid Lickton Ballfield Complex and Fred Conover Center from Penny for
Pinellas funds and establish a new Capital Improvement Project entitled Sid
Lickton Complex Renovations (CIP 315-93630). (consent)
The Sid Lickton Ballfield Complex and Fred Conoyer Center located on Saturn
Avenue have been used for over 50 years by the youth of Clearwater for Little
League Baseball. This seven-field complex was developed over time, and has
been scheduled for renovations.
A Penny for Pinellas III project has been included in the CIP plan for Fiscal Year
2016/17 and 2017/18 (athletic field) to renovate the existing fields into a more
modern, secure and economical design for the playing of youth baseball and girls
The Utilities Department is currently working on a project to remodel and increase
the capacity of water at RO (Reverse Osmosis) Plant 1. This will necessitate their
using a portion of the little league complex to construct a new tank as well as to
provide a construction access zone for vehicles working at the RO Plant 1 project.
Construction is scheduled to start in July of this year and will take approximately
12 to 18 months to complete. Due to the requirement of the Utilities Department
to complete their project now, it makes both economic and operational sense to
do the ballfield renovations as part of the Fiscal Year 2012/13 budget while the
site is torn up from construction and to alleviate the additional inconvenience of
the Little League if done at a different time.
Work Session 2012-04-02 11
Staff is recommending that funding from the Penny for Pinellas project Youth
Sports Fields Renovations funded in fiscal years 2016/17 and 2017/18 be
advanced to perform the preliminary design work and design drawings so that the
project can be bid out in 2012/13 and thus construction of the RO Plant and the
ballfields can be completed at about the same time without causing undue burden
on either department, the neighbors and most importantly the youth of Clearwater.
The entire project is estimated at $3 million.
In order to proceed, staff is recommending that $150,000 of Penny for Pinellas
Funds will be provided at mid-year to establish project 315-93630, Sid Lickton
Complex Renovations. Public utility funds will pay some portion of the project at a
cost yet to be determined, representing the cost of replacing 2 of the existing
fields and land cost for the expanded utility footprint. The proposed six-year
capital improvement plan for the 2012/13 budget will reflect the redirection of$2.5
million from the Youth Sports Fields Renovation project to the Sid Lickton
Complex Renovation project. Final funding will be presented to Council once
final design and utility costs are determined.
In response to questions, Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Dunbar said in order to
redesign the fields, the fields must be shut down; three of the fields would be
immediately impacted during construction phase while the others remain open. Staff is
providing assistance with relocating games to other facilities when fields are closed.
In response to a concern, Assistant City Manager Jill S. Silverboard said Council will
have an opportunity to review the proposed Penny for Pinellas budget and priorities
during the budget process. Budget Director Tina Wilson said staff anticipates shifting
the monies for Ruth Eckerd Hall campus on McMullen Booth Road from 2014 to 2018.
6. Police
6.1 Authorize funding for Police and Fire related staffing and radio communication
requirements, in the amount of$2,849,305.44, in anticipation of the 2012
Republican National Convention (RNC); approve a contract (purchase order) for
$1,365,305.44 to Communications International of Tampa, FL for 300 P7350
Portable Radios and 143 M7300 Mobile Radios with accessories, in accordance
with Sec. 2.5640)(d), Code of Ordinances Other governmental bid; establish
project 315-94240, RNC Radio Replacements; authorize funding of$1,765,305
from Emergency Operations; authorize the allocation of$1,084,000 from
General Fund retained earnings; and authorize the appropriate officials to
execute same. (consent)
Work Session 2012-04-02 12
The 2012 Republican National Convention is scheduled to take place in Tampa
the week of August 27, 2012. Many activities and events will spill into Clearwater
that week and will impact City operations.
Overtime costs for the Police Department for the Republican National Convention
(RNC) are estimated to be $838,000. A mid-year budget amendment will establish
project, 181-99201, RNC Police Overtime, and transfer $838,000 from General
Fund retained earnings to fund these costs. Overtime and related costs for the
Fire Department for the same week are estimated at $246,000. A mid-year
budget amendment will establish project 181-99203, RNC Fire, and transfer
$246,000 from General Fund retained earnings to fund these costs.
In addition, $400,000 will be set up in a Special Program Project as a contingency
to fund costs for any outside support from other law enforcement agencies, as
well as funding equipment specifically for RNC use. A mid-year budget
amendment will establish project, 181-99202, RNC Support, and transfer
$400,000 from the City's Emergency Operation project 181-99927 to establish this
new project.
There is also a need to purchase P25 compliant radios for the Police Department.
The radios and accessories will be purchased through the Hillsborough County
Contract HCSO RFP26-10 and quote dated January 26, 2012 at a cost of
$1,365,305.44. The radio manufacturer, Harris, is offering an additional RNC
discount if the radios are purchased by September 30, 2012; total savings to the
City is $721,723.90.The portable P7350 radio is capable of communicating on
700MHz and 800 MHZ frequencies and P25 interoperability frequencies. The
M7300 mobile radio is capable of the same features. The portable radios will
replace several older models that the manufacturer does not support with parts.
The radios will give us the ability to communicate with all radios regardless of
brand through the P25 network that Pinellas County is building and Hillsborough
County has installed. These radios will be assigned to the Police Department.
The total number of portables is 300 and mobiles are 134. The department has
149 M7100 radios that will remain in the cars for several more years.
Funding for the radio purchase will be provided by a mid-year budget amendment
transferring $1,365,305.44 from the City's Emergency Operation project 181-
99927 to establish a new capital project 315-94240, RNC Police Radio
7. Public Utilities
7.1 Approve a Blanket Purchase Order to T. Wayne Hill Trucking, Inc., of Bartow, FL
in the amount of$1,425,306.96 for biosolids services for a one-year period with
two optional annual extensions and authorize the appropriate officials to execute
Work Session 2012-04-02 13
same. (consent)
The City of Clearwater's Water Reclamation Facilities (WRF) produces a residual
product (biosolids) that requires hauling and disposal. The City's current contract
for the hauling and disposal of these biosolids expires April 30, 2011.
In response to the request for proposal (RFP) 09-12, four (4) responses were
received February 23, 2012. T. Wayne Hill Trucking, Inc. represented the lowest
responsive bidder for Base Bid Services at $18.00/wet ton for stabilized biosolids
cake removal and disposal and $0.02/gallon for unstabilized liquid sludge
The contractor is required to provide two basic services, which are to remove and
dispose of stabilized (Class B) dewatered biosolids and to transport unstabilized
liquid domestic wastewater residuals from the City's East WRF to the Northeast
WRF for treatment and dewatering. In addition, alternate services as outlined in
the RFP, and for which unit prices were provided in the contractor's bid, may be
provided at the City's direction should specific emergency conditions develop at
one or more of our facilities.
The Contractor accepts full responsibility and liability for the hauling and disposal
of residuals from the points of loading from the source facility, in accordance with
Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., and shall be responsible to comply with existing Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) residuals treatment and disposal
regulations, and all other applicable Federal, State and local regulations and any
changes made in these regulations during the contract period.
Sufficient budget is available in the Water and Sewer Utility Fund operating cost
center 0421-01351-530300-535-000-0000, WPC Operations, to fund $199,334.52
of the current year cost of this contract and is planned in the budget request to be
brought forward for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 in the amount of$475,536.60, for
Fiscal Year 2013/2014 in the amount of$475,536.60, and for Fiscal Year
2014/2015 in the amount of$274,899.24.
7.2 Approve an increase and a one-year extension to an existing three-year contract
(BR504735) to Polydyne Inc., of Riceboro, GA, increasing the contract by
$197,300.00, for a new total value of$1,200,556.48 for the Polymer Services,
and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
Polymer is used at the City's three Water Reclamation Facilities (WRF) to thicken
biosolids and reduce the amount of water in the final cake; thereby, reducing the
cost required to haul and dispose of the biosolids.
Work Session 2012-04-02 14
Additional funds are requested to be added to purchase order BR504735 at this
time. The Water Reclamation Facilities are in the process of conversion from Belt
Presses to Centrifuges within in the next 12 months. This change in technology
will require a re-evaluation of the type and quantity of polymer used by the new
centrifuges when the new units are being readied to be placed into operation.
Until that re-evaluation is completed, it is impractical to prepare specifications for
and bid for a new contract.
Polydyne has agreed to hold their price the same ($1.04/lb) for another year.
The City advertised the Request for Proposal (RFP 12-08) and required that the
potential polymer suppliers perform trial runs with their proposed products when
the original contract was executed. The submitted price for the product and
dewatering effectiveness on Clearwater biosolids (as per trial results) combine to
make Polydyne the most cost effective provider.
Sufficient budget is available in the Water and Sewer Utility Fund operating cost
center 0421-01351-551000-535-000-0000, WPC Operations, to fund $32,241.91
of the current year cost of this contract increase and is planned in the budget
request to be brought forward for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 in the amount of
Staff was directed to provide cost information regarding the centrifuges.
7.3 Approve an increase and one-year extension to existing contract with Water
Specialists Technologies LLC, of Sanford, FL in the amount of$155,700.00
(BPO BR503870) for a new contract total of$1,005,483.49 for the purchase of
copper precipitant TR-50, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute
same. (consent)
The City of Clearwater owns and operates three Water Reclamation Facilities
(WRF) and must comply with regulatory requirements as set forth in the operating
permits issued through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(FDEP). TR-50 is a copper precipitant that is used to maintain permit compliance
for copper removal limitations in effluent discharged into receiving surface waters.
The FDEP permitted effluent limit is 3.7 parts per billion and this product
effectively reduces effluent copper to maintain permit compliance.
This is a proprietary product. When the contract was originally bid, an extensive
study was undertaken to select the product best capable of allowing the City's
facilities to meet FDEP permit requirements. In 2007, when this product was
competitively bid, Water Specialists Technologies LLC was the lowest bidder.
Work Session 2012-04-02 15
They have agreed to extend the contract by one year at the same price and
terms. Given that the cost of manufacture and transport of chemicals has
increased since 2007, staff believes this is a good value for the City.
This product has been shown to allow the City to maintain permit compliance
since 2006. Given that the Marshall Street facility is currently under a Consent
Order with the FDEP, staff believes that it is not prudent to attempt to switch to a
different product at this time.
Sufficient budget is available in the Water and Sewer Utility Fund operating cost
center 0421-01351-551000-535-000-0000, WPC Operations, to fund $44,043.84
of the current year cost of this contract increase and is planned in the budget
request to be brought forward for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 in the amount of
The Council recessed from 2:59 p.m. to 3:04 p.m.
8. Official Records and Legislative Services
8.1 Amend the Community Development Code, Section 47.031(1) by adding an
alternate member to the Building Flood Board of Adjustment and Appeals and
pass Ordinance 8318-12 on first reading.
At the January 9, 2012 work session meeting, City Council expressed a concern
regarding the Building/Flood Board of Adjustment and Appeals could not hold a
meeting due to lack of quorum. Staff was directed to add an alternate member to
the board.
Ordinance 8318-12 amends the Community Development Code, Section
47.031(1), by adding an alternate member to the Building/Flood Board of
Adjustment and Appeals.
The Community Development Board reviewed the ordinance at their March 20,
2012 meeting and recommended approval.
8.2 Appoint one member to the Clearwater Housing Authority board with term to
expire September 30, 2016.
Discussion deferred to Thursday's council meeting.
8.3 Review Council Rules and provide direction regarding revisions. (WSO)
Work Session 2012-04-02 16
Staff recommends amending Rule 1(2) to reflect the 1:00 p.m. work session start
times. At the February 27, 2012 works session, there was consensus by Council
to move the work session start time from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
In response to a concern, the City Clerk said Council may deviate from the 1:00 p.m.
start time as needed.
There was consensus to pursue the recommended amendment.
Discussion ensued regarding Rule 8, Discussion of Agenda Items. It was suggested
that the rule be amended to require a motion on the floor before discussing the motion
on the floor.
There was consensus to follow the following procedure the next couple of meetings:
Motion Process for Agenda Items with Ordinances or Resolutions
City Manager reads agenda title
Staff provides presentation
Questions by Council
Public input
A motion and second on the agenda item
Discussion/Comments by Council
A motion and second on the Ordinance or Resolution
Discussion/Comments by Council
Motion process for other Agenda Items
City Manager reads agenda title
Staff provides presentation
Questions by Council
Public input
A motion and second on the agenda item
Discussion/Comments by Council
In response to a question, Mayor George N. Cretekos said questions raised by
councilmembers that are unrelated to the motion on the floor will be called out of order.
Work Session 2012-04-02 17
9. Legal
9.1 Adopt Ordinance 8323-12 on second reading, amending the operating budget for
the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2012 to reflect increases and decreases
in revenues and expenditures for the General Fund, Special Program Fund,
Water and Sewer Fund, Stormwater Fund, Solid Waste Fund, Recycling Fund,
Gas Fund, Marine Fund, Airpark Fund, Clearwater Harbor Marina Fund, Perking
Fund, Administrative Services Fund, General Services Fund, Garage Fund, and
Central Insurance Fund.
9.2 Adopt Ordinance 8324-12 on second reading, amending the Capital
Improvement Budget for the Fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 to reflect a
net increase of$8,509.771.
10. City Manager Verbal Reports — None.
11. Closing Comments by Mayor— None.
12. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 3:52 p.m.
Work Session 2012-04-02 18