Customer Name: City of Cfearwater, Flor�da
Customer Address: 10(! S. Nlyrtte Ave., 3`d �loor Oracle Address:
Clearwater, FL 33756
Oracle America, Inc.
500 Oracie Parkway
Redwoal Shores, CA 94065
Oracle Services Agreement Number: US-225665-OSA-25-OCT-2011
4rc�ering Document Number: L`S-22SSG5-OD-25-OCT-2012
This ordering dacument incorporates by reference the terms of the agreement speci�ed above and all amendments
thereto (the "agreemeRt").
You have ordered the services listed below in the table and detailed in the attached exi�ibit(s), which are
incorporated herein by reference.
Al( fees on this ordering document are in US dollan.
Services Keference Fees*
Time and l�iaterials Services Exhibit t-TME-300304284 $45,920.00
Estirnated Ex nses $S,U()0.00
Totai Fees $50,920.00
`�Expenses are in accordance w�th the reterencec� exn�btt(s).
All fees payabEe to �racle are due within thirty {30) days from the in��oice date. Invoices for services performed
Einder separate exhibits may be provided separately. Fees for any time and materiais engagzmenis listed above are
estimated fees, as detailecf in the referenced time and material services exhihit(s).
The purchase of (i) hardware and/or related hardware support, (ii) programs and/or related technical support,
or (iii} other services are all separate offers and separate from any oiher order for (i) hardware and/or related
hardware support, (ii) programs andlor related technical s��pport, or (iii) other services you may receive or
have received from Oracle. You understand that you may purchase (i) hardware and/or related hardware
support, (ii) programs and/or related technical support, or (iii) other services independendy of any other
product or s�;rvice. Your obligation to pay for (i) hardware and/or related hardware support, (ii) pro�rams
andlor r�lated technical suppor[, or (iiij other s�;rvices is not contingeni on delivery of hardware or
performance af any othe�- strvice.
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2. Contact Information.
Oracle Contracts;Vlana er/Admi�istrzior:
Name: : LaTronza Dean
. ._.__............_...._.....�.._...._ ................_._.._................................_...................................
Address: ; Oracle America, lnc.
€ ?460 Warren Parkway, Suite 300
� Frisco, TX 75034
Phone: ; 972.963.2438
. . . ........_. ................_.__.._.......__._......__.._.........._................._..................__.............._.
. _........._ ...................:-..........._..........._............_..................._............_.....__.........._.......
�Email: : Latronza.deanC«�oracle.com
Your Bitling/Accoun[s Payable Contact:
Name: T Dan Mayer..........
..._....._._......_..._.._._.._..,. ___.........._..._.. ...__._...._..___........._..__.......
' Address: : City of Clear�vater, Florida
', ; 100 S. Myrtle Ave., 3"' Flaor
; Gearwater, FL 33756
Phone: : 727.562.�662
..._ .........................._........_:.._.._.,......__.....___...._......_.._........_._..._.._........................
, Fax: : 727.562.4696
� ......................_.............._:_........,...._.............................._.._................_..__....__..__.........
' Email: ` Dan.mayer@myclearwater.com
Your F'roiect iVlanager:
' Name: � .Dan Ma er
..._._. .............._.: ..._.._........ Y._.............._......_................................_...._.
', Address: : City of Clearwater, Florida
'� � 100 S. Myrtle Ave., 3"' Ftoor
€ Clearwater, FL 33756
'�. _......._ ................_...._...;........,_......................_,._..._..............._...................__.._.._. .
. ....
Phone: Phone: � 727.562.4662
....._...._.........._...........;-._....._ ......................._...........__.............__._.._......._._..........._....._............... _.......---..___._........_._.._..__...___.......__._.._................_....................._....___.....__._...........
Fax: Fax: : 727.562.4696
_.,_ ...............................�_..............._...........__..............................__............._.....,....._.._................._.... ..._..._............_............_...<......._..........__............._........_..............._.._...__._.__...............
Email: Email: � Dan.ma er@m clearwater.corn
3. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistencies between {i} the agreement and this ordering
document, this ordering document shall take precedence, and (ii) this ordering document (excluding exhibits)
and any attached exhibits, the exhibits shatl take precc:denee.
IPD/CiCRA:ljB%C}?i.'s6(Xi56 ODTME_E(i2�201{ Pa�eZ �
4. ChanQe Control Process. Any request for any change in services must be in wridng; this includes requests for
changes in project plans, scope, specifications, schedule, designs, requirements, service deliverables, software
environment or any other aspect of your order. Oracle shall not be obligated to perform tasks related to
claanges in time, scope, cost, or contractual obligations until you and Oracle agree in writing to the proposed
change in an amendment to this ordering document and/or appiicable exbibit{s).
This quote is valid through December 3l, 2Q1I and shall become binding upon execution by you and acceptance
hy Oracle.
City of Clearwater, Florida: Oracle America, Inc.:
Authorized Signature � � 1'�. �� Authorized Signat e:
Name: William B. Home II
Title: Citv Manager
Signature Date: � i•7. zo (/
.,�.�x r�� �'�.
�osemarie eall
City Cterk
Approved as to farm:
esiie Dougall-Si e
Assistant City Atto ey
Name: LaTronza Dean
Title: Contract ManaQer
Signature Date: � � • � �• � � �
v��� i � � ��
[�' �– �
�� _ — ���
Ordering Document Effective Date: October 25. 201 i
1PD�GCRA: 15876i%3G4b56 OD'1'�vlf:_i(i252(311 page 3
Customer Name: City of Clearwater, Florida
Urdering Document Number: US-225665-OD-25-OCT-2011
Exhibit Number: Exhibit 1-TNIE-3003U4284
This exhibit incorporates by reference the terms of the ordering document specified above.
Descri,ption of Services.
Oracle will assist you with the foilowing services:
A. Oracle will provide up to two hundred (200) hours of consulting services consisting of projec:t
management, technical and functional assistance relaied to your �racle Utitities Work and Asset
Management ("WAM") application. Such assistance will be at your direction and may be provided in any
or all of the activities described below.
I. Functional training related to the WAM application;
2. Facilitation of ad-hoc functional and technical workshops;
3. Faciiitation of business process evaluation and re-engineering;
4. Facilitation of configuration workshops as it reJates to the WAM application;
5. Identification, troubleshooting, rep(ication or dacumentation of issues related to the base software and
interacfiion with Oracle support to facilitate the addressing of these issues;
6. Designing, creating, and testing extensions as requested by you, and mutualty agreed to by you and
Oracle in writing; and
7. Other [asks as mutually agreed to by you and Oracle in writing.
Your Obligations and Projecc Assum�tions.
You acknowledge that your timely pravision of and access to office accommodations, facilities, equipment,
as.5istance, cooperation, complete and accurate information and data from your officers, agents, and employees,
and suitab{y configured computer products (collectively, "cooperation") are essential to the performance of any
services as set #�nrth in this exhibit. Oracle will not be responsible for any deficiency in performing services if
such deficiency results from your failure to provide full cooperation.
Yau acknowledge that Oracle's ability to perForm the services and any related estimate depends upon your
fulfillment of the fotlowing obligations and the foilowing projact assumptions:
A. Your Obliga[ions.
1. Maintain the properly configured hacdwarelopf:rating system plaCform to support the services.
2. Obtain licenses under separate contract for any necessary Oracle software and hardware programs
before the c�mmencement of services.
3. ,Viaintain annual tc:chnical support for the Oracle software and hardware undc;r separate contract
throiighout the term of th� services.
�. Provide Orac)e with futf access to re(evant f��netional, technical aad business resources with adequate
skilis and knowledge to support the performanee of services.
5. Provide, for all Qracle resources pt:rforming servic�s at your siie, a safe and healthful workspac�
(e.g., a workspace that is free from reco�nized hazards that are causinQ, or Iikely to cause, death or
IF'D/GC'RA: ii8'GSi3(itXi�(i OD'C�il�...11)?j2()I`t Fagr4 �
serious physicai harrn, a workspace that has proper ventilation, sound (evels acceptable for resources
performing services in the wor%space, and ergonomically correct woric stations, ete.).
6. Provide any notices, and obtain any consenLS, re.quired for Oracte to perfot-m serviczs.
7. Limit Oracte's access to any production environment or shared developmenc environments to the
extent necessary for Oracle to perform services.
8. As required by ti.S. Department of Labor regulations (20 CFR 655.734), you witl allow Oracle to
post a Notice regarding Oracle H-IB employee(s) at the work site prior to the employee's arrival on
B. Project Assum,ptions.
1. The services de�ned under ihis exhibit will be performed at your Ctearwater, Ftorida faciliry and/or a
remote Oracle location.
3. Rates, Estimated Fees and Expenses.
A. The services specified above are provided on a time and materiats {"T&M") basis; that is, you shall pay
�racle for all of the time spent performing such services, plus materials, taxes and expenses.
B. For a period of one (1 } year from the effective date of the orderin:g document, the services specified above
shall be provided at Oracle's consulting rates beiow.
Consultant Level Rate ($/Hour)
Sr. Practice(Tech Director $ 292.82
PractieelTech Director $ 26b.2Q
Practice/Teeli 1VI'aria er � 229.60
Manaain Princi al Consultant $ 212.9b
Senior Princi al Consultant $ 2I2.96
Prinei al Consuitant $ ! 86,34
Senior Consultant � 153.07
Staff Consaltant $ 133. i 0
C. AIl fees and expenses witl be invoiced monthly. The fee estimate for labor performed under this exhibit
is forty-five thousand, nine hundred twenty dotlars ($45,920.00); the esrirnate for travei and out of pocket
expenses is an additional five thousand doltars (�5,000.00). These estimaies and any other estimates
related to this exhibit are intended oniy to be for your budgeting and Oracle's resource scheduling
purposes; these estimat�s do not include taxes. Oracle will invoice you for actual time spent performing
the s�rviccs, plus materials, taxes and expenses; such invoice may exceed the total estimated amount
documented above. Once fees for services reach the estimate, Oracle wift cooperate with you to provide
continuing services on a T&M basis.
D. The parties acknowledge that temporary living reimbursements ta Oracle provided resources(s) may be
deemed compensatory under federal, state, and local tax laws if a resource's assignment in a particular
location wilt �xeeed or has exceeded one ( I) year. Where reasonably possible, Oracle wi11 plan with you
to limit the duration of a resource's a�.5ignmeni in a particular location to less than one (!) year. If the
requirem�nts of the services are such that it becomes ��ecessary for a resource's services in a paiticular
location to continue for a year or more and as a result, the reimbursement of such resonrce's living
�xpenses are deemed compensatory for tax purposes, then, you agree to pay Oracie the amaunt of
additional compensation provided to such resouree to compensate for taxes imposed
1PD/GCRA: I�S?fi5;iii(ifi56 OI?'1"11�_.lt32��U11 Paee �
4. Project Mana eg ment•
You and Oracle f:ach agre�: to desi�nate a project manager who shall work together with the other party's
project manager to facilitate an effcient delivery of services.
5. Networic Access. In order for Oracle to perform services under this exhibit, you will provide virival private
network ("VPN") access to your systems through a network connection you create between Oracle and your
• You are responsible for ensuring that your net�vork and systems comply wiih specifications Oracle
provides prior to the commencement of the services and that ail components of your Oracle software
environment are accessible through the VPI�?,
• You are responsible for any equipment, labor and/or services necessary to set-up and maintain network
connectivity at and to your Oracle software environment.
• You will prov'sde and maintain user accounts for, and access to, the VPN for the Oracle team members,
including but not limited to, Oracle's onsite remote and offshore {i.e. located outside of Ehe United States)
team tnembers.
ff your VPN client software and/or VPN infrastructure fails to aitow Oracle access to perForm services under
this exhibit, you agree to pay for any inereased costs resulting from your failure to provide such access.
Oracle will pregare an amendment to this exhibit for the change in ihe services and fees resulting from such
failure. If you do not ceview and approve such amendment within five (5) days after your receipc thereof,
Oracle may terminate its perfornnance of services under this exhibit.
iPDiGC�iA: fi8'(i�; i6iHiili t7DT;�IF_l()252011 F�t�e6