ORACLE SERVICES AGREEMENT (2)C��?ACLEs ORACI,E SERViC� S AGREEMENT OSA Reference Number: US-22�665-OSA-25-OCT-2011 A. tlgreement De�nitions "You" and "y<�ur" refers ta City of Clearwa[er, Florida, that has executed this agreement and ordered services from Ch�aele America, Inc:. ("Oraele"). Oracle wiil prc�vide services to yau under this agreement and an ordering dorument that you and Oracle sign. The term "serviczs" refers to technical suppoR, education, hosted/ouisourCina serviCes, c�nsWiing or other services which you have ordered. B. 'ierm of Agreement You may place orders under this agreement beginning on October 25, 201 1("eff�ctive date") and for three (.3j years thereafter. C. Rights Granted Upon payment for services you have the non-exclusive, non-assignable, royalty free, perpetual, limited ri�ht to use fur your internal business operations, anything developed by Oracle and delivered to you under this agreement; however, certain deliverables may be subject to additicmal license terms provided in the ordering document. You may ailow your agents and contracti�rs (includin�, without limitation, outsourcers) to use the deliverables far this purpose and you are responsible for their complianc:e with this a��reement in such use. For anyching develc>ped or delivered under this agreemznt that is spec;ifically designed to allow your customers and suppliers to interact with you in the furiherance of your internal business operations, such u.se is allowed under this agreement. D. Ownership and Restrictions O�acie retairts ali ownership and imellecivai property rights to anything develvped or delivered under this agreement. The services provided under this ap-eement may be related to yc3ar iicense to use programs owned or distcibuted by'Oracle which you acquire under a separate order. Thc agreement referenced in that order shali govern your use of such pr�grams. E. Warranties, D'esclaEmers and Exclasive Remedies Oracfe warrants that services will be provided in a prt�fessional manner cnnsistent with industry standards. You must n<>tify (�-acle. of any warranty deficiencies within ninety (:y0) days frc�m performance of the deticient services. FOR ANY SREACH OF TI-� WARRANTY, YOtiR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AiVD ORACLE'S Eti�'IRE LIaBILITY SHALL BE THE RF-PERFORMANCE OF THE DEFICIENT SERVICES, OR, IF ORACLE CANNOT SUBSTANTIALLY CORRECT A BREACH IN A COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE MANi'dER, YOU !�iAY E1VD THE RELEVANT SERVICES AND RECOVER THE FF.ES YOU PAID TO ORACLE FOR THE DEFiCIENT SERVICES. TO THE EXTENT VOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, TH3S WARRANTY iS EXCLUSIVE �ND THERE ARE NO OTHER EYPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITI�NS, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY A;VD FITNESS FOR A P,�,RTTCtiLAI2 PURPOSE. F. Indenmification If a third party makes a el�iim a�ain�t either you or Oracle (`RecipienP', which may refer tc� you or Oracle de}�encfing upon which party receiv�d the Materiai) that any informatian, d�sign, spe�ification, instruction, software, data, or material ("Material°`) Furnished by either you or Oracle {"Provider", whi<:h may refer to yo�i or Oracle depertding upon which party provided the Ntaterial} and usc�cl by the Recipient infringes it�s intellectt�al prope�ty righ�ti, the Provider. at its soie cost and expense, wilf ciefend the Recipient a�ainst the claim and indemnify the Recipient from the damages, fiabilities, costs and expenses awarded by the court to the third party claiming infringement c�r the settiement agreed to by the I'ro�ider, if the Recipient doe� the Following: � (PDlGCRi�: IS$;6i!'i(iE)fi�6 {vp5(Xi20f {) OSA._10??20l I Page I ut� 3 • notities the Pravider pmmptly in writing, r►ot later than thirty (30} days after t3�e Recipient ree:eiv� notice of the ctaim (or sooner if required by law); • gives the Provider u�1e conirol of the defense and any settlement negatiatians; and • gives the Prcrvider the infarmation, authority, and assistanc.e the Provider needs to de#end a�ainsi or settle the cla':m. If the Prc�r•ider believes or it is determined that any of the Material muy have vic>lated a third party's intellectuat property riahcs, the Prc�vider may choose to cither modify the Material tc> be ncm-infringing (while substantially preser�ing its utility or functior►a(ity) ar c�btain a license to atlow for continued use, or if these alternatives are not commercially reasonable, the Provider may end the iicense far, and require return af, the applicab4e i�laterial and refund any Fees the F�ecipient may have paid to ihe other party for it. If you are the Provider and such return materially affeits Oracle's ability to meet i�s c�bGgati<>ns under the retevant order, then Oracie may, at its option and upon thirty (30) days prior written notice, terminate the order. The Pr�vider wiO nc�t indemnify the Recipient if the Recipient atters fhe Material or uses it outside the scope of use identified in the order or if the Recipient uses a version of the Muterial which has been superseded, if the inFringement claim could have been avoided by using an unaltered current version of the Materiai which was provided to the Rec:ipient. The Provider wiq not indemnify the Rec7pient tc� the extent that an infringement claim is based upon any information, design, speciFicaiian, instruetion, software. data, or material not furnished by the Provider. Oracle wiU nt�t indemnify you to the extent that an infringement claim is based upon the com�iination of Materiai with any products or services not provided by Oraele. Oracle will not indemnify you for any infringement claim that is based on: (1) a patent that you wete made aware of prior to the effective date of this agreemEnt (porsuant ta a claitn, demand, or notice): or (Z) your actions prior to the effective date of this agreement. This section provides the parties' exctusive remedy for any infringement clairns or daroages. G. End of Agreement If either of us breaches a material term of this agreement and faiis to correct the breaeh within thirty (30} days of written specification of the breach, then the breaching party is in default and the non-breaching par#y may terminate the affe�ted servites under the relevant order. If Oracle ends services as specified in the preceding sentence or under the Indemnification section, yon must pay wiihin thiriy (30j days all amounts which have accrued prior to such end, as wefl as all surns remaining unpaid for services received under this agreement plus related tuxes and expenses. Except for nonpayment of fees, tfie non-breaching parfy may agree in its sole dzscrefion io eztend tlie thirty f 30} day period fc�r so Iong as the breaching party c�ntinues reasonable efforts to cure the breach. You agree ihat if you have used an Oracle Financing Division contract to pay for the fees due under an order and yon are in defaul[ under ihai contract, you may not use the services that are subject ta sueh contract. Provisions ihat survive termination c�r expiration are those relating to limitation of iiabitity, infringement indemnity, payment, and others which by their nature are intended to survive. H. Fees, Taxes, Expenses All fees payable to Oracle are due within thirty (30) days from the invvire date. Yon agree to pay any sales, value-udded, or �ther similar taxes imposed by applicable taw that Oracle must pay based on the ser�ices you ordered, except for taxes based an Orac}e's incc�me. A}so, you will reimburse Oracle for reasonable expenses related ta providing the services. Fees for services fisted in an ordering document are exclusive c>f t�uces and expenses. I. Nondisclosure By vira�e of this agreement, the parties may have aeeess to infc�rmation that is ec>nfidential to one another ("contidential information"). We each agree to disclose only information that is required for performance of obli;ations under this agreement. Contidential informution shall be limiied to the terms and pricing under this agresment and al.l informatic>n clearly identitied as confidential at the time of disclosure. A party's confidential inforrnation shall n�t include information th�t: (�) is or becomes a part oF the publie domain through no act or omission of the other party; (b} was 'rn the other party's lawful possession priar to the disclosure and had not been obtained by the other party either directly or indirectly from the disclosing party; (c) is iawfufly disclosed to the other party by a third party without restriction on the disclosure; or (dj is independendy develc.�ped by the other p�rty. ��'e earh agree to hold each other's cant�dentiat informatie�n in confiidence ti>r a pe3•iod of three years from the date of diseic,sure. Also, we each agre.e to disclose contidantial information only to thc�se employees or agents who are required to protect it a�ainst nnauthorized disclosure. Nothina shali prevent either pany from disclosing the terms or pri�ing under this a�reement c�r orders sub�nitted under this agreement in any legai �rc�eeding arising from or in eonnectic�n ��ith this a=reernent or discic�sing the �onfidential infc.�rmation to a federal or ,tate ��overnmentai entity as rec�uired b� iaw. iPDiCCR.4: kiBiG>;3(i(N�jblvp5(Xi2�)t t? OSA__1(i?520i I Pa�e 2 oP4 .,,� ` e J. Entire Agreement You agree that this agreement and the information which is irx:orporated into this a`reement by u�ritten refereace (inclnding refere�e to information �ontained in a URL ur referenced pc�licy), together with the applicable orderin� document, are the comptete agreement fc�r services ordered by you, and that this a�*reemeni supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or represe�tatic�ns, written or orai, regarding surh services. If any term of this agreement is found to b� invalid or unenfarceabie, the. remaining provisic�ns wiil remain effective and such kerm shali be replaced with a term consistent with the purpose and intent of this aareement. It is expressly agreed that the terms of this agreement and any �racie ordering document shall supersede the terms in any purchase order or c�ther nc>n-Oracle dcxument and no terrr►s inclexled in any such p�rchase order or other non-Oracle document shall apply to the services. 1'his agreement and ordering documents may not be modiTied and the rights and restrictions may not be altered or waived except in a writing signed by authorized representatives of you and Oracle. Any notice required under this agreement shail be provided to the other party in writing. K. Limitation uf Liability NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUEN'CIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, DATA, OR DATA USE. �RACLE'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR ANY DAib1AGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED 'i0 THi5 AGREEi�iENT OR YOUR ORDER, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AM�UNT OF FEES XOU PAID ORACLE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, AND IF SUCN DAMAGES RESULT FROM YOUR USE OF SERVICES, SUCH LTABILITY SHALT, BE LIMITED TO THE FEES YOU PALD ORACLE FOR TIiE DEFICIENT SERVICES GIVING RISE TQ THE LIABILITY. L. Exgart Export laws and regulatic�ns of the United States and any other relevant foeal expori laws and regulatic�ns apply to the programs and hardware (including any integrated software and operating system(s)). You agree that such export ]aws govern your use of the programs (including technical data)> hardware (inciuding any integrated software and operating s}�stem(s}) and any services deliverabl�s provid�d under ihis agreement, and you agree to comply with ali such export laws and reguiations f�ncludin� "deemed export-' and ' deemed re-export" regulations). You agree that no data> inftirmaticin, program, hardware {including any intea*rated software and operating system(s}) and/or materials resufting from services (or direct product thereo� wili be expor[ed, directly vr indirectly, in violation of these laws, or will be used for any purpose prahibited by these laws including, without limitation, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapc�ns pro(iferation, or development of. missile technotogy. You shall include the foilowing notice i�n packi�rg iists, cc>mmercial invoices, shippin� documents and other documenu involved in the transfer, export or re-export �f the programs and hardware (inctuding any integrated software and operating system{s)): `The�se cammodities, technology, software, or hardware were exported in accord�nce wxth U.S. Export Administration Re�*ulations. Diversion i;cintrary to U.S. 1aw is prohibited.' ?�i. Other !. Orac}e is an independent contractor and we a�ree that no partnership, jt�int venture, or agency reiatitmship exists betweeo us. We each will be responsib(e fi�r paying our own empl�yees, including employrnent refated taxes and insurarx;e. 2. If u-hile performing services Oracle requires access to c�ther vendors' products that are part of your system, you wil3 be responslble for acquiring a{I such products and the appropriate iicense rights necessary t��r Oracle [o access such products on your behalf. 3. This agreement is governed by the substantive and procedural laws of the State c�f California and you and Oracle agree to submii to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, the courts in San Franiisco or Santa Clara counties in Caliti�rnia in any dispute arising out of or relatin� to this a�reement. • 4. lf you have a dispute with Oracle or if you wish to provide a notice under the Indemnitication section of this a��'eement, or if you become subject to insol��ency or other similar le�ai proceedings, you witl pramptly send wt•itten notice to: Uracle America, Inc., St� Orscle Parkway, Redwood Shc�res, California, �(?FiS, Attention: Ueneral Counsei, I,ega1 Department. 5_ You may not assign this agreement or give or transfer any services deliverables or an interest in them tc> another indvidual or entity. If you <,rant a seeurity interest in any services d�liverables, the secured party has no ri�ht to use or transfer those defiverable� and if you decide to tinance y<�ur arquisition of the services, you wiki 1o!)c�w Oracle's policies regardin= tinancing whi�h are at http://w�ww_oraele.com/us/products/tinancing/le�ral-po] icies-068609.html. IPDr"GCRA: 158;65/3606i61�(1i06201 I i OSA__.It)2�Z011 Page 3 c�f 4 � 6. Except for actions for nonpayment or breach of Oracle's proprietary rights, no action, regardless of form, arising out of or relaring to this agreement may be brought by either party mare than two years after the cause of action has accrued_ N. Force?tiajenre Neither of us shall be responsible for failwe or delay of performance if caused by: an act of war, hostili .ty, or sabotage; act of God; pandemic; elecU-ical, intemet, or telecomtnunication outage that is not caused by the obligated party; governmeni restrictions (includin�; the deniat or cancellation of any export or other license); or other event outside tha reasonable control of the obligated party. R%e both will use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effect af a force majeure event. If such event continues for more than ninety (90) days, either of us may cancel unperformed services upon written notice. This section does not excusc either party's obligation to take reasonabte steps to follow its normal disaster recovery procedures or your obligation to pay for services provided. Signed by City of Clearwa#er, Florida: Authorized Signatur�Ei�S� �- �r ddd�� Name: William B. Home Ii T9tle: City Mana¢er Uate: /�. 0 %. ZO!/ Attest: k� t?�L��t �i �� ,�� Rosemarie Cali City Glerk Approved as to form: ��� Leslie Doa a - ides Assistant Cit,y ttorney � ---i �'�''.�. �. � Signed by Oraele America, Inc.: Autharized Sign ur •_ - Name: LaTronza Dean Title: Contract Mana�er Date: �� .t5 , � � � 11'D•'LiCRA: � 5L�?b5r'ifiG`fi5( (v{)jt}(:2p t l j E)SA_10252011 Pxge w c;f 3