November 29, 2011
Present: Chair Nathan Hightower, Vice-Chair Tom Jensen, Committee Member/Councilmember
John Doran, Committee Member/Councilmember Paul Gibson, Committee Member Brian De
Witt, Committee Member/Councilmember Bill Jonson, Committee Member Daniel Slaughter
Also present: Joe Roseto – Human Resources Director, Patricia O. Sullivan - Board Reporter
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. at City Hall.
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1 Approve the minutes of the October 13, 2011, Pension Advisory Committee meeting as
submitted in written summation.
Member DeWitt moved to approve Item 2.1. The motion was duly seconded and carried
3. Employees to be Heard: None.
4. Review and Action on Employee Requests for Regular Pension
4.1 Recommend approval of the request of employee Manuel Pe, Public Utilities
Department; Ted Dorman, Gas Department; Anthony Fanelli, Solid Waste/General
Services Department; John Oswald, Gas Department, and James Stephens, Public
Utilities Department, for a regular pension as provided by Sections 2.397 and 2.398 of
the Employees’ Pension Plan.
Manuel Pe, Senior Utilities Chemist, Public Utilities Department, was
employed by the City on February 25, 1991, and his pension service credit is
effective on that date. His pension will be effective November 1, 2011. Based
on an average salary of approximately $59,084 per year over the past five years,
the formula for computing regular pensions, and Mr. Pe’s selection of the 100%
Joint & Survivor Annuity, this pension will approximate $32,8845 annually.
Ted Dorman, Gas Technician II, Gas Department
, was employed by the City
on June 2, 1986, and his pension service credit is effective on that date. His
pension will be effective November 1, 2011. Based on an average salary of
approximately $44,681 per year over the past five years, the formula for
computing regular pensions, and Mr. Dorman’s selection of the Joint & Survivor
Annuity, this pension will approximate $31,217 annually.
Anthony Fanelli, Welder, General Services/Solid Waste Department
, was
employed by the City on February 11, 1991, and his pension service credit is
effective on that date. His pension will be effective February 1, 2012. Based on
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an average salary of approximately $45,594 per year over the past five years,
the formula for computing regular pensions, and Mr. Fanelli’s selection of the
Joint & Survivor Annuity, this pension will approximate $26,296 annually.
John Oswald, Gas Technician III, Gas Department
, was employed by the City
on November 11, 1974, and his pension service credit is effective on December
7, 1987. His pension will be effective January 1, 2012. Based on an average
salary of approximately $49,282 per year over the past five years, the formula for
computing regular pensions, and Mr. Oswald’s selection of the 100% Joint &
Survivor Annuity, this pension will approximate $32,363 annually.
James Stephens, Public Services Trainer, Public Utilities Department
, was
employed by the City on December 22, 1980, and his pension service credit is
effective on February 8, 1982. His pension will be effective March 1, 2012.
Based on an average salary of approximately $53,004 per year over the past five
years, the formula for computing regular pensions, and Mr. Stephens’ selection
of the 100% Joint & Survivor Annuity, this pension will approximate $43,037
Section 2.397 provides for normal retirement eligibility when a participant has
completed thirty years of credited service, has reached age 55 and completed
twenty years of credited service, or has reached age 65 and completed ten years
of credited service. Messrs. Pe, Dorman, Fanelli, and Oswald qualify under the
age 55 and 20 years of service criteria. Mr. Stephens qualifies under the 30
years of service criteria.
Member Doran moved to approve Item 4.1. The motion was duly seconded and carried
5. Approval of New Hires as Plan Members:
5.1 Recommend approval of new hires for acceptance into the Pension Plan as listed.
Hire Date Elig. Date
Gordon McTaggart, Police Communication Operator/Police 03/27/10 09/24/11
Michael Andrews, Custodial Worker/Library 04/04/11 09/24/11
Priscilla Murphy, Accounting Clerk/Marine & Aviation 09/26/11 09/26/11
Thaaer Altalagani, Public Utilities Technician I/Public Utilities 09/26/11 09/26/11
Raymond Kader, Field Service Rep./Customer Service 09/26/11 09/26/11
Elvin Carmona, Solid Waste Worker/Solid Waste/General Svcs. 09/26/11 09/26/11
Jennifer Shannon, Professional Engineer/Engineering 09/26/11 09/26/11
Carol Anding, WWTP Operator A/Public Utilities 05/31/03 10/10/11
Annejolina Darsey, Police Aide/Police 02/27/10 10/08/11
Shannon Kasparek, Police Officer/Police 10/10/11 10/10/11
Mercedes Bleattler, Librarian II/Library 10/10/11 10/10/11
Kelly Brinkman, Police Officer/Police 10/10/11 10/10/11
Jarrett Busa, Police Officer/Police 10/10/11 10/10/11
Lee Curtis, Police Officer/Police 10/10/11 10/10/11
Kurt Hentschel, Police Officer/Police 10/10/11 10/10/11
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Christopher Kakalow, Police Officer/Police 10/10/11 10/10/11
Guy Tellier, Parks Service Technician I/Parks & Recreation 10/24/11 10/24/11
Gordon McTaggart resigned August 15, 2011; rescinded resignation and pension
eligible as of September 24, 2011; hire date adjusted by days gone. Michael Andrews
originally was hired on April 4, 2011 as permanent part-time; status changed to full-time
and pension eligible as of September 24, 2011. Carol Anding originally was employed
May 31, 2003; resigned May 26, 2011; rescinded resignation, rehired, and pension
eligible as of October 10, 2011. Annejolina Darsey originally was hired as part-time on
February 27, 2010; status changed to full-time and pension eligible as of October 8,
Member DeWitt moved to approve Item 5.1. The motion was duly seconded and carried
6. Pending/New Business
6.1. Hearing for Louis Georgantas' disability request
Human Resources Director Joe Roseto said Louis Georgantas had applied for a job-
connected disability. None of the listed exclusions applies. Records indicate Mr. Georgantas is
totally disabled from performing the duties of a firefighter and is permanently disabled.
Member Gibson moved for the PAC (Pension Advisory Committee) to hear today Mr.
Georgantas’ application for a job-connected disability. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously.
Member Doran moved to accept into evidence the entire file, inclusive of the personnel
file, interrogatories, medical records, and the IME (Independent Medical Exam). The motion
was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
In response to questions, Mr. Roseto said there is no evidence that Mr. Georgantas had
a pre-existing condition. The City has no permanent light-duty positions for hazardous duty
employees. It was stated it is a shame the City is losing a talented employee.
Member Gibson moved that Louis Georgantas is disabled due to a job-connected
sickness or injury, such disability is likely to be continuous and permanent from a cause other
than those listed as general disability exclusions, and such disability renders the participant
unable to perform work as a firefighter. The motion was duly seconded.
Mr. Georgantas discussed his injuries and thanked the committee for considering his
Upon the vote being taken, the motion carried unanimously.
7. Director's Reports
Mr. Roseto referenced his discussions with the Pension Plan attorney and advocate
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regarding Daniel McCue's application for a job-connected disability, which will be
scheduled for formal hearing. Mr. McCue is a police officer. The State-mandated
threshold for hazardous duty employee disability is low and the attorney and advocate
agree that information provided indicates Mr. McCue's disability meets the threshold.
The City has no permanent light-duty positions for hazardous duty employees. The
committee has a fiduciary responsibility to the plan; approval would impact the plan. He
reviewed the process necessary for the City to modify the pension plan and budget
permanent light-duty positions for hazardous duty employees.
Concern was expressed that the condition may be pre-existing. Mr. Roseto said the
pension plan attorney had opined if the committee denies the request, the City must
provide Mr. McCue a position as a police officer.
Consensus was to continue discussion on the issue at the December meeting
8. Committee Members to be Heard
Members complimented Louis Georgantas' contributions to the City and wished him
9. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Attest 1 Pension Advisory Committee
Board Repo err
Pension Advisory 11/29/2011 4