INSTALLATION OF GAS MAINS AND SERVICE LINES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS - BID 30-11Clearwafer Gas S s tem Y CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR Clearwater Gas System Installation of G�as Mains, Serv�ce Lines and House Piping at Various Locations Bid Number: 3Q-11 Bid Due Date: September 7, 2011 Bid Time: 11:O�AM Prepared by: Clearwater Gas System 400 North Myrtle Avenue Clearwater, Flarida 33758 % TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Page 00020 00100 00100.01 00100.02 00100.03 00100.04 00100.05 00100.06 0010p.07 pp100.08 00100.09 00100.10 0010p.11 00100.12 Q0100.13 00100.14 00100.15 00100.16 00100.17 00100.18 00100.19 001 p0.20 00100.21 00140 INVITATION TO BID INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Qualifications of Bidder Bidder's Responsibility Site Conditions Omissions and Discxepancies Bid ICems and Estixnated Quantities Approved Materials and Equipment Sample of Materials Propasal Form Withdrawal of Proposals Bid Security Opening of Proposals Method af Award Execution of Contract Time af Completion Liquidated Damages Extensions af Time Certificate of Insurance Detailed Breakdown Sheet and Schedule of Prices Existing Materials and Equipment Qualifxcations of Bidders Standards SUMMARY OF INFORMATION TO SIDDERS 00140.01 Obtaining Plans and Speciiications 0014p.Q2 Owner p0140.03 Coz�tract 001�0.04 Sid Security 00140.05 Time of Com�letion 00140.OG Insurance Required 00140.07 Scape of Work 00300 BID FORMS 00310 Proposal Faz�m 00320 Sid Schedule 00020- l �0100-1. 00100-1 00100-1. 00100-2 00100-2 00100-2 00100-3 Op 1 p0-3 00100-3 OO1.00-4 00100-4 00100-4 00100-4 00100-5 Op 1 p0-5 00100-5 00100-5 00100-6 00100-6 Op 100-6 00100-6 00100-6 OO140-1 pp 140-1 00 ].40- Z 00140-1 00140-1 00140-1 00140- � 00140-2 00300--1 00310-1 00320- l TASLE OF CONTENTS Section Descriptian 00300 00330 00340 00400 0041p 00500 BID FORMS (Continued) Florida Trench Safety Act Acknowledgment Public Entity Critnes Statement SID SECURITY Certified Check, Cash or Sid Bond CONTRACT FORMS 00510 Agreeraent 00520 Contractor's Affidavit 00530 Contractor's Release 00540 Statement of Surety Company 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 OQ620 00700 00700.01 00700.02 00700.03 00700.04 00700.05 00700.06 00700.07 00700.08 00700.09 00700.10 00700.11 00700.12 00700.13 00700.14 00700.15 00700.16 00700.17 Performance - Payment Bond Certificate of Insurance GENERAL CONDITIONS Defin�tions Extent of Contract �bligations of Contractor Subcantracts Separate Contracts Bonds Additional or Substitute Bond Insurance Proof ofYnsurance Accidents and Claims Mutual Responsibility of Contractors Contractor's Liability Familiarity with Contract Requirement Patent Rights Permits and Licenses Laws and Regulations Dimensions and Elevations Page 00330-1 0034p-1 00410-1 0051 p-1 00520-1 00530-1 00540-1 00610-1 00620-1 00700-1 00700-2 0070Q-2 00700-3 00700-3 00700-3 p0700-4 00700-4 Q0700-5 00700-5 00700-5 p0700-6 007Q0-6 00700-6 007Q0-7 00700-7 00700-7 Section 00700 007p0.1$ 00700.19 00700.20 OQ700.21 00700.22 00700.23 0070Q.2�1 00700.25 00700.26 00700.27 00700.28 00700.29 00700.3� 00700.31 00700.32 00700.33 00700.34 00700.35 00700.36 00700.37 00700.3 S 00700.39 00700.40 00700.41 00700.42 00700.43 00700.44 OQ700.45 Q0700.4b 00700.47 00700.48 00700.49 00700.50 00$00 TASLE OF CONTENTS Description GENERAL CONDITIONS (Cantinued) Plans, Specifications and Shop Drawings Drawings and Speciiications Furnished to Contractors Warkxng Schedules and Progress Charts Supervision and Responsibility of the Cantractar Serving Notice Authority of Engi:neer Observation of the Work Examination of the Work Protection of the Worlc and Property Use of Completed Portions The Owner's Right to Do Work Alteratian of Plans Unautharized Work Claims for Extra Cost Changes in the Work Extra Work/Increased Compensation Suspension oi Work Defective Work or Mate�ia�s Abandonment of Work Forfeiture of Contract The Owner's Right to Terminate Co�ntract Contractoz's Right to Stop Work or Terminate Contract No Waiver of Contract No Estoppel Time �or Completion Cornpletion of Work Defined Delays and Extensions of Time Liquidated Damages Prices Partial Estimates and Payments Payments Withk�eld Liens and Final Payments Final Approval and Acce�tance oi Ck�e Work SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 00700-7 00700-8 00700-5 00700-9 00700-ZO 00700-10 00700-10 �0700-11 00700-12 Op7p0-13 00700-13 00700-13 007p0-14 00700-14 00700-14 00700-15 00700-15 00700-16 00700-16 00700-16 Q0700-17 00700-17 00700-17 007Q0-17 00700-18 00700-18 00700-1$ 00700-18 00700-19 00700-19 00700- Z 9 00700-20 00700-21 00800-1 00900 ADDENDA 00900- l TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01000.01 01000.02 p1000.03 01000.04 01000.05 01000.06 01�00.07 01000.08 p 1000.09 01000. lp 01000.11 01000.12 01000.13 01000.1�1 01000.15 01000.16 01000.17 01000.18 01000.19 o�000.2a 01000.21 02005 02221 02574 02685 Q2G96 02935 Traffic Cantrol Materials, Equipment and Labor Progress Photographs Standards Storage of Materials and Rights-of-Way Utilities Safety and Health Regulations Use of Chemicals By-Passing af Sewage Dewatering and Sewage Pumps Lines, Grades and Construction Surveying Tests Water and Power Monuments and Landznarks Detours Existing Utilities Sanitary Measures Cleaning Up Failure to Clean Up Restoration of SurFace Project Record Drawings MOBILIZATION TRENCHING, SACKFILLING & COMPACTING FOR UTILITY SYSTEMS PAVEMENT REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT NATURAL GAS PIPELINE INSTALLATIONS DIRECTIONAL DRYLL UTILITY PLACEMENT SODDING Page O1 p00-1 01000- l 01000-2 01000-2 01000-2 01000-3 01000-3 O 1000-3 01000-3 01000-3 01000-4 01000-4 � 1000-4 01000-4 O1QpQ-5 01000-5 01000-5 01000-5 010�0-6 01000-6 01000-6 SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO SID Sealed proposals will be received at Che City of Cleazwater, Purchasing Department, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756, in Pinellas Caunty, until 11:00 AM on September 7, 2011 at which time and place they will be publxcly opened and r�ad aloud in the Conference Room, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearrwater, Florida 33756, for furnishing necessazy labor, materials, incidental iterr►s, and equipment for the City of Clearwater: Gas System, Installation of Gas Mains and Service Lines at Various Locations. Specifications and Contract Dacuments may be obtained :fronn the City of Clearwater, Florida 33756, at no charge and are available on-�ine @ www.mycleazwater.com under the "Services" link at the top, or go directly to the following link ta view all active bxds: htt�://www.myclearwater.com/ap�s20/cityprojects/invitatiantobid. aspx Questions regarding Chis bid should be directed to Brian Langille, Operations Manager - (727) Sb2-49] 1. Sealed bids must be subrt�itted on propasal forms as provided (or exact copies thereo� marked Installation of Gas Mains, Service Lines and House Piping at Vaxious Locations, for the City of Clearwater, Florida. All proposals must be accompanied by a certified check, bank draft, ar bid bond in the arnaunt of ten percent (10�0) of the base bid, made payable ta the City of Clearwater. Which check, bank draft or bid bond shall guarantee that s�ould the proposal be accepted, the bidder will, within ten (10) days after the acceptance of his proposal, enter into a contract wxth the City of Clearwater for the services proposed to be performed and will at that time furnish performance and payrnent. bonds each in the a�n�unt of 30 percent (30%) oi the contract, made payable ta the City af Clearwater, Florida, which bonds shall be adeguate ta guarantee the faithful perfoz�ance of the contract. Propasals may be withdrawn prior to the date of opening, but no proposal rnay be withdrawn for a period af ninety (90) days after the date af the openxng of bids. Plans> specifications and bid forms may be obtained irom City of Clearwater, Purchasing Department, located at 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756, at no charge. The C�ty oi Clearwater reserves the right to waive any informalities or to accept or reject any or a�l bids in part or in total and award the contract in the best interest af the City. � Date: 1 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO SIDDERS 00100.01 QUALIFICATIONS OF SIDDERS Bidders shall have successfully completed two (2) contracts for similar work in an amount not less than one hundred per centuzn (100%) of the amount af the proposal contract during the past three years. Bidders shall have received Contract Documents from the Engineer. The Owner rnay rnake such investigations as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the wark, and the bidder shall furnish ta the Owner any additional information and financial data for this purpose as the Owner rnay require. The data shall include a detailed and up-to-date list of equipment the bidder pr�poses to use, indicating which portions he already passesses and a detailed description of the xnethod and prograrn of the work he proposes to follow. The bidder shall be disqualified from bidding, if he currently possesses a CGS gas main, service and underground house piping cantract. The purpose and intent of this bid, is to nnaintain two independently administered contracts for Installation of Gas Ma.ins, Service Lines and House Piping at Various Locations throughout the CGS gas distribution systena. If such an investigation fails to satisfy the Engineer or Owner that the bidder is properly qualified to complete the work descxibed in the drawings and speciiications or to meet the financial obligations of such a contract, the bid rnay be rejected. In the event the biddez fails, refuses, or neglects to submit the requested additional inforn�.atian within ten (10) days of the date of any request for submission, the bidder's proposal guarantee shall be forfeited to the use of the Owner, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. 00100.02 BIDDER'S RESPONSISILITY Each bidder shall fatniliarize himself with all the attached forms, Instructions, General Pz�ovisions, Specificatians, Drawings, etc., as he will be held responsible to fully comply therewith. Each bidder must visit the site of the proposed work and thoroughly acquaint hirnself with conditions affecting the work, all utilities in existence to which connections are to be made, all other requirements of the contract, and obtain all information necessary for completion of the work on or before the date specified. Each bidder shall also make himself fatz�iliar with all Federal, State, Local and Municipal laws, ordinances, rules and regulations which in any manner affect the work, those engaged or employed in the work, or the rnaterials or equxpment used in or upon the work. If the bidder or Contractor shall discover any pravision in the plan, specification, or other contract docurnents which is contrary to, ar incansistent with, any such law, ordinance, rule, or regulation, he shall immediately report it to the Engineer in writing. The Contractor sha�l nat at any time after the execution of his contract set up any claims whatever based upon insufficient data or incorrectly assuming conditions, nor shall he claim any nnisunderstanding in regard to the nature, canditions or character of the work to be done under the contract, and he � sha11 assume all risks resulting fram any changes in the conditions which may occur during the progress of this work. 00100.03 S�TE CONDITIONS Any information on site or soil conditxons made available to the prospective bidders through data collected by test borings and presented on the Engineer's drawings or available in preliminary reports prepared by the Engineer or obtained vexbally from a representative of the Owner or the Engineer does not guarantee that such site ar soil conditions will be as described, and are rnade available only upon waiver of all responsibility of the Owner and Engineer. It is the Contractor's sole risk and responsibility to verify such information in arder that he may complete the project as specified and shawn on the contract docurnents. Under no condition will a variation in the information obtained by the Engineer on site or soil canditions, including underground soil conditions at the job site, be accepted as a basis in any claim for extra compensation. 00100.04 OMISSIONS AND DISCREPANCIES Should a bidder find discrepancies in, or amissio�ns from the drawings or othex Contract Docurnents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once noti�y the Engineer. All notice of omissions ar discrepancies or request for clarification must be farwarded to the Engineer in writing not less than six (6) days before the advertised date of the opening of bids. Such clariiicatian and correctians as are necessary will be issued in the farm of an Addendum to the Contract Documents and will be forwazded to all prospecCive bidders. Any Addendum so prepared and forwarded shall be a part of the Contract Documents. Neither the Engineer nox the Owner will be responsible for any atk�er explanation or clarification of the Cantract Docurnents. OUl00.OS SID ITEMS AND ESTIMATED QUANTITIES The Owner rcxay increase, decrease or omit the estimated quantity of the work to be done under any item in the best interests of the project and the unit price as submitted in the praposa� shall be the unit price which the Contractor will receive for any work specified to be done under that item. All work herein specified or implied in any way in the drawings or specifications sha1� be done regardless of whether or not the work is specifically defined in any bid item. The Contractor agrees that the estirnated quantities shown in the Bid Schedule aare only for the purpose af camparing bids and that he/she is satisfied with, and will at no time dispute, the said estimates as means of comparing the aforesaid bids, that he/she will make no claim for loss of prafits or anticipated profits because of any di�ference between the said estimated quantities and the quantxties of various classes of work actually furnished or performed, that the Owner shall 3 not be held responsible if any of the said estimated quantities should vary by any amount fram those actually measured during performance af the work. 00100.06 APPROVED MATERiALS AND EQUIPMENT Whenever a material, article or piece of equipment is identiixed on the plans or in the specifications by reference to nnanufacturers' or vendors' names, trade names, catalog numbers, etc., it is intended to establish a standard of quality and it will be presumed, unless specifically excepted by the bidder, that the base bid includes the materials or articles so narned, and that the Contractor's proposal, if accepted, will constitute a contractual abligation to furnish the standard named materials or articles and no other. To assist the Engineer in making an adequate evaluation, the bidder shall subrnit with his proposal, at the time bids are received, detailed information and data on the items he praposes to furnish as equally acceptable to the named terms. The data furnished shall include as applicable and needed for evaluation, manufacturer's name, madel identification, descziptive brochures, specifications, performance data, guaranteed efficiencies, and list of installations in similar service. Such alternate material, article ar piece of equipment shall not be purchased or installed by the Contractar withaut the Engineer's written approval. Any revisions to the Drawings as a result of alternate equipment shall be at the expense of the Contractor. Q0100.07 SAMPLE OF MATERIALS Before any contract is awarded, the bidder may be required to furnish a camplete statement of the arigin, cornposition and rnanufacture of any or all materials to be used in the work, together with samples, which samples rnay be subjected to the tests provided for in these specifications ta determine their quality and conformity to the plans and specifications. 00100.08 PROPOSAL FORM All bids must be submitted on photocopies of the proposal forca� bound within these specifications. No proposal will be considered which is submitted otherwise than on the prepared proposal farm and in the designated rnanner. The blank spaces in the proposal shall be filled in correctly where indicated for each and every itern for which a description is given, and the bidder rnust state the prices for which he proposes to do each part of the work conte�nplated, and the total amount for all the parts included in any ar all af the combinations of the work. In case af discrepancy, the written words or "Unit Price", where stated, shall be considered as being the bid price. The bidder shall sign his proposal correctly. If the proposal is made by an individual in addition to his signature his past office address must be shown; if made by a�irm or partnership, the post afiice address of each member of the firm or partnership; if made by a corporation, the person signing the praposal must be President or Vice-President of the corporation. No proposal will be considered which is not based upon the complete plans and specifications, or which contains any qualifying letter or written memorandum not permitted in these specifications, or 4 which is not properly made out and signed in wxiting by the bidder. The propasal shall be submitted in a sea�ed envelope bearing the name of the Contractor and desc�ibing the project for which the proposal is being submitted. Pz'oposals will be accepted by registered mail, and thez� only if the proposal is enclosed in another sealed envelope contained within the mailing envelope and is delivered to the Ownex prior to the time established for opening bids. 00100.49 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS Bidders will be given permission to withdraw any proposal after it has been received by the Owner, pravided the bidder, or his agent duly authorized to act for him, personally appears before the Owner with a written request prior to the time set for Che opening of bids. At the time set %r the opening of proposals the withdrawn proposal will be returned unopened to the bidder. 00104.10 SID SECURITY Each proposal must be accompanied by the bidder's bid bond or certified check made payable to the Owner in the amount specified in the proposa� %rm, which sum will sez�ve as bid security and will be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated darnages in the event an award is made and the contract and bonds are not promptly and properly executed as z'equired in the specification,s. All certified checks, except those accompat�ying the two lowest bids, will be returned by certi£ied rnail to the unsuccessful bidders within seven (7) days after the dat� of the b,id opening. (If the signing of the contract be deferred for a period exceeding two (2) weeks, and the second low bidder desires to substitute a bid bond for his certified check and the bid band fully guarantees his bid, he shall be permitted ta do so). The certified checks accompanying the two law bids will be returned within three (3) days after the Owner and the successful bidder have execuCed the contract. In the event no contract award is made within the time limit specified; each certified check ar bid bond will be returned upon tk�e demand af the bidder. 00100.11 OPENING OF PROPOSALS All proposals will be publicly opened and read, on the date, at the place and cozn.znencing at the time stated in the advertisenneant. Sidders or their authorized agents shauld b� present. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts thereof. Proposals may be rejected if they show any omissions, alterations of form, additions or deductions not called for, conditional or uninvited alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind. Proposals in which the prices are unbalanced znay be rejected. The Owner reserves the right to accept the bid that will best serve his interests. 00100.12 METHOD OF AWARD 5 Bids will be compared on th� basis of the total costs of estirnated quantities established in the proposal form, constructed at the unit or lump sum prices bid for the various items listed. The contract will be awarded to that responsible bidder whose proposal totals the l�west number of dollars for a connplete installation. The successful bidder will be officially notified in writing by the Owner of the acceptance of his proposal and award of cantract. This notification will be rr►ade within the time limit set up in the contract documents. p0140.13 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT The bidder to whom the contract is awarded must, within ten (10) calendar days following Notice af Award, present himself to the place designated in the official Notice of Acceptance, for signing' of the contract, and to substitute for the bid security, a surety perfornnance and payment bond in the amount of thirty per centum (30%) of the contract price of the work, conditioned that the Cantractor will faith.fully perform all work of this contract and promptly pay for all rnaterials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the execution of all work. All bonds and insurance shall be issued by companies autharized to transact business in the State of Florida. If the lowest responsible bidder to whom the contract is awarded fails to give bonds or execute the contract within the tirne specified, the amount of the proposal guaxantee shall be forfeited to the Owner, not as a penalty but as li.quidated damages. 00100.14 TIME OF COMPLETION The successful Cantractor shall coxr►znence work under his contract an a date to be specified in a vvritten order from the Owner or his authoz�ized representative, which order will also establish the completion date in accardance with the total number of consecutive calendar days established as a working period in the proposal. The Contractor shall have at least two (2) weeks notice of this comtnencement date and shall fully complete the work described in these plans and specifications an, or prior to, the cvmpletion date. If the Contractor fails to commence work within seven (7) days of the announcement af the official starting date, this shall be just cause for the annulrnent of the contract. 00100.15 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Should the Contractor fail to complete his work on or befare the expiration of the date set for completian or as provided in the Contract Documents covering extension of tirne, then the Owner rnay retain as liquidated damages the amount established in the proposal form, which amount is agreed upan as the costs which the Owner will sustain per diem by the failure of the [� Contractor ta complete the wark at the time stipulated and the sum is noC to be construed as in any sense a penalty. 00100.16 EXTENSIONS OF TIME If the Contractor shall be delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any cause beyond the Contractor's control and without his iault or negligence, including but not restricted to any act or neglect of the Owner, ar of his ernployees, or by any other contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, acts of God or o� Che public enemy, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantines, strikes, lockouts, riots, civil cornmotions or freight embargoes ax by delay authorized by the Owner, or by any cause which the Owner shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completxan shall be extended for such xeasonable time as the Owner shall decide. No such extensions of time shall be deemed a waiver by the Owner of its right to tezx�ninate the contract for abandonment or delay by the Contractor as herein provided or relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for per�armance of his obligations hereunder. The Owner shall determine the number of calendar days, if any, that the Contractar is in default in cornpleting the work to be done under this contract. The decision of the Owner shall be final in the case and shall be binding and conclusive upon all parties to the contract. 00100.17 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE The successful bidder sk�all submit certificates or ather documentary evidence to the Owner for ap�roval, cavering Workmen's Compensation Tnsurance, Public Liabilxty, Pzoperty Damage �nsurance, and Special Hazard �nsurance, in the amaunts specified on the "Summary of Inforrnation to Sidders." 00100.].S DETAILED SREAKDOWN SHEET AND SCHEDULE OF PRICES The successful bidder shall submit, in a znutually acceptable form, a detailed breakdown sheet and schedule o� prices of the proposed construction work. Until the Owner approves the breakdown, the Owner will not be obligated to rnake any payments to the bidder. 00100.19 EXISTING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT All existing materials and equipment not specified for the complete construction of the project, or shown an the plans to be retained or xeused, shall remain the property of the Ownex and shall be placed on the project site as the Owner rt�ay direct. 00100.20 QUALIFICATIONS OF SIDDERS 7 In addition to qualifications previously set forth in these specifications, no bid will be considered unless the bidder, whether resident or non-resident af Florida, is properly qualified to submit a proposal for this construction in accordance with all applicable laws of the Municipality, County, and the State of Florida. OU100.21 STANDARDS This project shall be completed in accordance with these specifications unless ndted or otherwise directed by the Owner or his authorized representative. The decision of the Owner in interpreting these specifications shall be iinal. SECTTON 00140 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION TQ SIDDERS 00140.01- OSTAIN�NG PLANS AND SPECIFTCATIONS Specifications, Praposal Forms,.Drawings, and other contract documents may be examined at the City of Clearwater, Purchasing Department, 1p0 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwatez, Florida, 3375b. A complete set of bidding documents may be obtained at the office o£ City of Clearwater, Purchasing Department, 100 Sautk� Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756. 00140.02 - OWNER The Owner for this project is the City of Clearwater, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida, 33756. 00140.03 - CONTRACT The contract is entitled "Installation o�F Gas Mains, Service Lines and House Piping at Various Locations". 00140.04 - BID SECURITY Each Bidder must deposit with his bid a bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of th� bid total, made payable to the City of Clearwater. All bids �nnay be held for a period of _ days after receipt. 00140.05 - TIME OF COMPLETION The time of coinpletion for this contract is October 1, 2p11 to September 30, 2012. 40140.06 - INSURANCE REQUYREMENTS The insurance requirernents for this contract include but are not limited to the following: Liability Insurance. The fol�owi�g Liability Tnsurance shall be provided, paid for, and maintained during the entire contract period: � Comprehensive General Liability and Auto Liability Insurance on an "occurrence" basis in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property Darnage Liability Insurance. Worker's Compensation Insurance applicable to its employees, if any, for statutory coverage �limits in coznpliance with Florida Law. Professional Liability/Malpractice/Errors or Omissions Insurance, as appropriate for the type of business engaged in by the vendor, shall be purchased and maintained by the vendor with xnininnuz�n limits of $500,000 per occurrence. Additional Insured. The City is to be specifically included as an additional insured on all Liability Insurance coverage described above. Notice of Cancellation or Restriction. All Insurance policies must be endorsed and provided ta the City with thirty (30) days natice of cancellatian or restrictian. Certificates of Insurance/Certiiied Copies of Policies. The contractar shall provide the City with a certificate or cez�tificates of insurance showing the existence af the caverage described above. The contractor shall maintain this coverage with a current certificate ar certi%cates of insurance throughout the term of the cantract with the City. When specifically requested by the City in writing, the contractor will provide the City with certified copies of all policies af insurance as requued above. New certificates and new certiiied copies of policies shall be provided to the City whenever any policy is renewed, or abtained from ather insurers. The certified copies will be provided to: City of Clearwater Attention: City Clerk P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Flarida 34b1$-474$ The contractor shall defend, indemnify, save and hvld the City harmless from any and all claims, suits, judgments and liability for death, personal injury, bodily injury, or property damage arising diz'ectly or indirectly from any per%rmance under this contract, or a subsequent purchase order entered into by the City and the contractor, its employees, subcontractars, or assigns, including legal fees, court costs, or other legal expenses. The contractar acknowledges that it is solely responsible for complying with the terms of this contract or purchase order. In addition, the contractor shall, at its expense, secure and provide to the City, when requested all insurance coverage in this contract. Any party praviding services or products ta the City will be expected to enter into a written agx'eetnent, contract, or purchase order that incorporat�s, either in writing or by reference, all of the pertinent provisions relating to insurance requirements as contained herein. A failure to do so zx►ay, at the sole option o� the City, disqualify any contractor, bidd�r or provider of services and/or products ta the City. io 00140.07 - SCOPE OF WQRK The work to be performed under th�se contracts shall consist af the fuxnisl�xng o� all labor and equipment necessary to satxsfactorily cornplete the City of Clearwater: Installation of Gas Mains and Service Lines at Various L.ocatxons, including written logs, as-built dravving of gas main and gas service line piping installations and provide all required testing in accordance with these plans and specifications. All workmanship shall be fully guaranteed for a period of one year a�tez' date of acceptance by the Owner. All Testing shall be paid bv the Contractor. All Professianal Survevin� and iob stake ont includin�_placement elevations shall be_paid,by the.Contractor. ii , �� Ir � I�i�' li i � i :�C� �'� ����'�W►�� ,�; . ��'.'��� �'� ' �� , '��'�� �ot s3�aoa�i � � � � �. 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T�: c��vner�h'tp bv ��c pe�san r��'shrsres cc�nstitutkng a c�+ntrai%in�, [n�erest in at�ti�r �era�pr�„ �r ���oc+�ing c�f eq�ip�mer�t nr ir�com� am.c�n� p�rsar� �r�a��i nat fqr fa��' r��Q �r�tu� u�der �n �n"S l�r��,th r�^e��r►�trt, sim11 l� ��tirna facie case �t c�e persa�� cant��� aa�otl�er persoc�, �► p�r�n w}�a �:nowir�ly �t�srs i�ta a jcrint venture wi�h a pi�rsrna v�uha N�a� be�a cartv�eter� a�' a p�tic �nti.ty erime ir�, �'lok�� d.uria��; tha p�c�t�g 36 tt�t1� �la�ll � �id�r�,d �ra �i,li�d� 5, ��►da�at�d t�;t�f e,�.p�r�an" �.5 de��t! bn P�'�raph 287.i33�I�(e), ��o�r� �tatut�. r�e�ri� � ��'�1' R�r�, an e�ty' r�r���asd un��r !�� t�ws or any st�a !� ��':ai� Unit�d S� witi� �hc ��1 p�pwerr Ct� a�r inta a bire�dir�� r��i �n�i wfti�h b��3s �ar �i���.to b�c� prt cus�tr�s.�t�" t#� �ic►v�z�ia�a c�i � �at sctWi�es �ert %y�;�. ]��abli� �ntity, rar �hi'�� C+��"w!��� ��ts +ar �(i�i�s Ca �4 �a�asi�� �va�► � p�abiic �4`�: �^i� °Germ "p�rsan" ��'1� �dse a���rs; dir��t��s, �cuti+r�s, �, s�r�.a��h��d�t�, ea��la�y�s, merqbers;. �'d ��,e�iY� r�ho eure �c���e in ���er�t n�''��rt �ta�ity. �,; �3�re1 d� ���n, �and belic.t, d�� �t�t���wt rovinich ���e;m�1"l�lcr�r i� tru� in r���iot� to � ��errtit� s�i�ii� this swnrn s��at�t.. ��*��c� ic►di�� ►w��:'��t �pplieg.} � �I��P'"�'l� $]t��� �Ll�'l�17$ifiY� t�'StA�qT17 ��fiL"T11�T1�,, Tlif7[. �' .O��3W°i�4 di]�'L"�:ibTSy L3C�t1ilYBSr ,p�rm��;�, �k��o��r5, �►nplo�rew�s, �rie�i�ae�, or �ent� vviao ac� �tive ir� r��ag�men� af the �tity, nt�r ax� �Ii� a�,�,e �ntity'1��v� � ahasged witb a�d conviCted q�f � pulali� �c�i�ly. �e�s�b�r�e�,'�'�a 3uly 1, ,1���. �'d"ti� �ti`� .�rai�ti.�� thds �t�t� sta4�si�nt, oT a�e ar � mf t11e �i�'"ici�rs, flir�tar�, �a�tives; �er�, s�h�ld�rs, at�pi�y�es; i�aertr��, pe s�t� v�!ho �ra a�iv� i� rna��roa��� Im�f' t� ezxtt#1y�,, c�r � a�`"�1.�at� c�� �h� e�t�t±r � b�� ,�t�ar��d w�th �l c�rriv�ct�d o�' � p�blic etatl%t}' �ri�� s���t���'�p J�rly ] , I �6'�. ,�, T'h� �i�#� �:ik�nii�i��, th�s �r�a. �C�t�ernaea��� r�r tm� nr ta�are af iis �c,ers, dir�etats, �'�iiw�esn �+�, �h�a�hal��rs, �np�o��s, naetr�tiers vr a��s �ha �s active in the 1���,�em�IC ��'`,i� en�ity, :ar.e� afi���.'sq� �a�t��.e�tity h�s b�a �d. �;tk� �ad c�nvic8ed �pia ;p�!'�c ��y c�1cm� :�nt. tp .�ty �, C489. Hewev�t, t�'�'�� b�n � s�h�qu�nt. �}r� b�� a���g �ccr+xi"� �fa�e af Flvr�d� i�vi��is �af,4�rrt��rt'r�$�re }��i� �� ttr� F9ri�E �k;er 's�� liy tfts i�dar�r� El�i'�rser c�ters��d� +t�i�" it wa� a�c�t �� �a� pe�I�l� �tier��t tt� ga�s�� t�ae �tity saahrniittir��ia svu��� �t�tement or► t� convi�tal v��dnr 1i�t {�a�h � �+ �a�the f�� a���;a. � `��'i`�►�" "�,�1'A�' '!1"�. ��A���i�I Qp� T� �f�,i��d 'i� � C��+1TRA�TING DFF�4�R; �'"�".�.�tJ93L�'� �'l�"'t'�" ID�1�'1'�'1��7 ,[l!�.,PA����� I ��b�� ,�$Q�� ZS Fi)R 'I'HAT �UBL� �. ar�,� An��a, ��r �� �+c� rs ��� �r�c+c��� ���� �1 a� � �.� "�EA1� a�1 '►���' 'IT I'S �C.�. � �S� ��"�''� �fi I �'��!U�� � �"� `� P�`JH��C EN'CI`i�Y PRI,()1t TCl �"'if'"�F.�1� `.lNT1J �k ,�,�7" .�1 ���� �l�" 'l� �Q�.� A�tL7�J�1'i" P��JVIT�EI3 i1'� ���'�'��7�f ��'�.�,1;�� ��� �'C�k�., �l�"1"�;�iP" "�"�d�' C��F ANY IC.f-�:A,]rTGE i��l "� 11VF°d�T�i�!1�1 G���� Id� "�"I'�'I r�O�M. �� �.; , � � �.� � o _'�,�..�i�.� - ,�� r.�i a d'1&�a�.� �s �� �.i��e V�� .' ��d�.t , '�,;�.� I I� I �, � ' ; I , , , ,� � i� � ;, � � �i ��ucrr�i. ta �d st���ib� t��r� �!?�? �►�� �Y R� . >'��J t r I , I�""� ��I , , , I � A'errs�t�ly'ktaavvr� w�_ �! _�w�pT�`:,--_-.--� ' � -- I � �A �'��►�d ��t���s��� ' �iat�r� �"ub�i� - Sta�e.. 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' � ,,, I� ..� .. .:. �,; Pi�N:r,ill I. �'III'I.. .' I �. I,� � ,'' � y SECTIUN 00510 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered this lst day of October, 2011, by and between the City of Clearwater, FL, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "OWNER", and Mastec North America, hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH, That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by the Owner, the Contractor, at its awn cost and expense and with skill and diligence, will construct and complete all work shown an the Drawings and described in the 5pecificatians entitled "Installation of Gas Mains, Service Lines and House Piping at Variaus Lacations", Bid # 30-11. 1. The Contractor shall provide and furnish all labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transpartation service required to complete the work provided for in this contract. It is understood and agreed that said labor, materials, tools, equipment and service shall be furnished and said work performed and completed subject to the satisfaction of the Owner and subject to the �nal approval of the �wner and its authorized representatives. The term of this agreement shall begin October 1, 2011 and terminates September 30, 2012. Any amendment must be in writing and agreed to both parties. 2. The Contractor agrees to receive the prices stated in the Proposal attached in full compensation for furnishing material and labor and executing all the work contemplated in this Contract; the contract amount shall not exceed $1,Q39,050 based on the estimated quantities in the Bid 30-11. Owner reserves the right to purchase any amount up to the estimated quantities based on its needs as determined solely by Owner. Qwner and Contractar agree that there are no minimum requirements for purchase in this Agreement; the Cantractar, for such consideration, shall be respansible for all claims, causes of action, loss or damages arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid or from any action of' the elements; or frorn any unforeseen obstruction or diff culties which may be encountered of every description connected with the work, and furnishing the materials, until their �nal completion and accepCance. 3. The work on the site is to be commenced when directed by the Owner or his authorized representative. 4. To prevent disputes, it is agreed by and between the parties to this Contract that the Owner or his authorized representative shall in all cases determine the quality and quantity of the several kinds of work and materials which are to be paid for under this Cor►tract, and he shall determitte questions in relation ta lines, levels and dimensions of wark. The Owner shall determine questions in relation to interpretation of the plans and specifications. 2� T �� G� r� Payment shall be made in accordance with provisions as outlined elsewhere in these Contract Documents. The Contract Docurnents shall consist of the following all of which are familiar to the Contractor and which are incorporated herein by reference: 1 2 3 4 5 � Invitation to Bid Instructions to Bidders Summary af infarmation to Bidders Bid Forms Agreernent Forms Bonds and Certificates 7. S. 9. 10 11 12 General Conditions Supplementary Conditions Addenda General Requirements Specifications Contract Drawings This agreement, together with these documents, form the contract, and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereta attached or herein repeated. � 8. Contractor shall at all times furnish adequate tools, testing supplies, appliances, equipment, a sufficient number of properly OQ skilled workmen, and a sufficient amaunt of materials and supplies of proper quality to efficiently and promptly prasecute the work provided for herein and shall promptly pay for all material purchased and shall pay all workmen each week, and if required by the Owner, shall obtain and furnish Owner weekly with si�ned receipts from all workmen showing the date of payment, the amount paid, number of hours paid far, the days on which said work was performed, the classification of the labor so paid, and the rate of wage per hour paid and shall supply Owner we�kly with two (2) copies of the payroll verified by an affidavit. Contractor shall, as often as requested by the �Owner, furnish a sworn statement showing all parties who furnished labor ar materials to the Cantractor, with their narnes artd addresses and the amount due or to become due each. A like statement may be required from any subcontractor of the Contractor. 9. Should the Contractor default in any of the provisions of this cantract and the Uwner emplays an attorney to enforce or construe any provision hereof or to collect damages for breach of the ag;reement or to recover on any bonds provided for herein, the Contractor and/or his sur�ty agree to pay the Owner such reasonable attorney's fees as the Owner may expend therein. As against the obligations contained herein, the Contractor and his surety waive all rights of exernptiott. 10. The undersigned Contractor agrees that he has carefully inspected all contract documents and is familiar with the same, and agrees that he is responsible far having heretofore examined the site, the location and route of all proposed work, and for l�aving satis�ed hirnself as to the character of said route, the location of surfac� and underground abstructions and nature thereof, the nature of the ground water table conditions and other physical characteristics of the work and the work site in order that he rnay include in the price which he has bid and the price of this contract all costs pertaining to the work, and the contract price is based upan these inspections and examinatians. 28 1]. This contract shall not be construed for or against any party because that party wrote it. 12. The Contractor and the Owner for themselves, their heirs, ex�cutors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF THEY HAVE EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT. (CONTRACTOR SEAL) ,,�„�. . , y�,n �'�yy,"4 , '_ ` V"L�v�W��a�u`I G�y �. � ' M �' - u � � � � "i��"w .� ay _ � r"" �,l"�``. �'�y'; '�u 4� ��;:a _ �1 '�. � ° ,✓. �p�� : .� _- � d� / • (. y ` !,,y 0�� �W'I' % • �_ _ �y�4 �.�cFC•• L � ji� r W� Countersigned: � � Frank Hibbard Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Laura Mahony Assistant City Attorney �� FOR THE CONTRACTOR By: - Name : cr,aries �. ��ff 1'ltl� : Senior Vice President Wit ss for the Contractor CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA By: r� William B. Horne, II City Manager ATTEST: By: Rosemary Call City Clerk LC_. �Q--Q�. ��� �LOF ryF^/�� w•,�� 4 �v -�\ � /� � � - � �t� _ Q� °��er��a �C�. � �, s�cTxor� oosYo r$x�o�xc� - PA�xT Bo�vn Bond No. 105675168 Mas7ec Narth America, Inc. 7221 E. Martin Luther King Blvd. �NOW A,LY, AI�1�I HY THF.SE P�ESENTS: That we Tamoa. F,L,3,�s,�� ,� C.arporaYic� (Corpor�tion-Parha�rship-Sole Praprietor, Etc.j, hereina$er called "Princip�l" and Travelers Casusl and Sure;y Company af America (SUiBty) of __Hartford, CT ,"`'`' 'r�''�"�, hB�eiriAf�a c�lled tlte "Suxety," �re h�id �nd fumly bouiid unto the Ci of Clearwater hereitiaft�r called 'fOw��`" 1n the pG17�1 Sutti Of Thre� Hundred Eleven • bollars, in Iawful money of the United St�s fo� the p�yment of which sum w�ill and truly be mad�, we bind ourselves, our h�ir�, �ccecutars, �dministratars, and successors, ,jointly and severally fumly by the�e preserits. ' ihousand Seven Hundred Fifteen and N0/1Q0 ---($311,715.00) 1� COAIDiTIQNS �F THiS OBLxGATION is �sucl� tha# Whereas, the Princip� eabeered inta a cc�tz c�air�ct with ths Owuer, dated the �st day of Octaber . 2flI_ 7�,,,. a copy o£ which i� �:ed hereeto �nd madc a part hereof far t�e construction of: �J�►�.`;�_, • } � *�f_."�#T} � :' � W. : � �� • ' ► � � : � NOW. Ti�REFaRE, if the Princ,ipal shail, trttly and faithfully pexform its duties, all thc ut�dert�kin�,s, r�v�ais, ter�ns, camditions and agreemeai#s of s�,id contract during t�e original term thareaf, �nd �nny cactensians thereaf which may be granYed by the Owner, with ar without aotice to t}ae �urety, and if he s�ll satisfy all clairns and demands incurred vndar su�h contrac#, aaid �Il fully indeutn�'y and savc harmless t3�e Owner from all costs and damages which it may �uff�r by rsa�an of failure to do sa, and sh$11 re�imhurse and r�pay the awner a.11 ou�ay and e�pEnse w� the Ow�ner may incur in making gaad any deiault, and s�all promptly m$lce P�Ym�t to all per�ons, fums, subcontract,ors, and cwporations fumishing materials for or p�rforming labur in the proseoution o�the work provided far in such cantract� and any authari�ed e�ctcnsian a� mvdific�tion thereaf, includiz�g a11 amounts duc far matcrials, lubric�nts, oia, g�soline, re�irs a� tnachinery, e4uipment and tools, cansumed or �asec3 in connectian �vith th� �v�ctia�t of such wprk, ana a,li ir�sura,uce presniums on s�id work, and fqr �ll labor, perfa�rrned in � wark wia,eth��r by s�bcontr�ctor ar otherwise, then this obIigaticro sha�tl be void; atherwise to r�m�in in fi�il force and ef�Ct. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the s�ed Sureiy, far t�ie value received hereby stipulates and agrees f�at no c,�ange, w�sion of tame, alferatiar�s or additions to the terms of th� cantract ar to the waric to be performed hereund�r or the speci£catians accompany,ing th� same shall in anyway aff�t its obli�tiam on this bond, and it does hereby waive nvtice of any such chang�, e�cte�ian af time, alts�tion or addition to the tErms of the cantract or ta the work or to the �pecifica�aons. 33 � PR��, FLTR�ER, ihat no f.it�l settlemeni between the 4wner and the Contrt�cctror shall sl�rid� the right of �ny benef ci�ry hereunder, whase claim may be unsatisfieci. Il�I WTINESS W�OF, the said Princi}� snd Surety have duly executed this irasfrument ur�der s�. in �( 1 coun#erp:rt�, e�ch one af whic�h shail be cieaned an arigiwal, thi� the � st day af October , a011 . ATTFST: �d*.��. � �rin�i ) S�a�rY - - ;.-(:aroiine Santcmi, Regional Con�roller . - .... -.. _ - ($�.� ���,1.1� _ _'/. �. . �� �' .� (Witness as #o PrinciPat) 7221 E. Martin Luther King Blvd. t1�1t�r8S8� Tampa, F'L 33619 tC����� ,w � - .' �I ,i�i►r�i ��.i:. - MasTet Narth America Inc. (Princip�l) By Charles D.Duff, Sr..Vice ent 7221 E. Martin Luther Kin Blvd. (Address) Tam a FL 33619 (City/St�t�/Zip) Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America (Surety} By _ :. oe Martinea, Atto y-In-Fact - 7000 Main St. Ste. 3000 Houstan, 7X 77002 �(Addres,$) T�nnis Mattsan (Witness as to Surety) 1000 Main Stree� Ste. 3QOQ _ - �� — -- - - (Addre�s) Hou�ton� TX 7700a __ _ �� (Clfy/Stat�/"Gip) Note; Dttte o, f Bottd must rtot be prior to dQt� of Contrac�t. 34 WARNING: EY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER F a�I, POWER OF ATTORNEY TRAVELERSJ Farmington Casualty Company St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company 1�avelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. lravelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St. Paul Fire and IVlarine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company Attorney-In Fact No. 222gi 1 Certificate No. V O�} L o���� KNpW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, SC_ Paul Guardaan Tnsnrance Company and St. ,Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, that Farmington Casua]ty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Travelars Casualty and Surety Company of America are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecucut, that United States Fidelity and Guaranry Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maxyland, that Fidelity and Guaranry Insurance Company is a corporation duly organ�zed under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guazanty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., is a corporation duly organized under thc laws of the Statc of Wisconsin (herein collectively called Che "Companies"), and that the Cumpanies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Donald R. Gibson, Sandra R. Parker, Melissa Haddick, Joe Martinez, Gina Rodriguez, and Tannis Mattson of the City of HOUStOri , State of Texas , their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in theit separate capacity iF more than one is named above, to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in the'u business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the perfoxxnance o£ contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or percnitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and theix corporate seals tn be heretq affized, this day of May 2011 Farmington Casualty Coiµpgnq Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. 5t. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company 18th St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company 'Iravelers Casualty and Surety Companq Tkavelers Casualty and Surety Company o£ A.xnerica United States k'idelity and Guaranty Company (iAB�,�f} �pya���� yF\ E,��p O`�N_�NgG9 ,p,��NS�Aq �JP�tYANp� �W'6__"'iF� .Al Y"�� 0?��.I � Ql �y�,,� r � c� - ` y .:ti i �p 6 . � n la�! _.w'�w�w 4 wt O�Y�F�j�.y 4f:`OppORqTf'ffi � �iA(1TiDiiO, A ��ty�q�p� ��� if �gq,1,982� � � igJr1 * �.�SBNG e" �' SEAL;i� � CaaN. o OaiM.� e �n 896 t m' � N s c�m �r�� �`�•. ...�ae >r �p ���' � 1�� ��c�NCC !s . ►Mr iA.._.... di x� � . � �'ai ANId� . � State of Connecticut City of Hart£ord ss. By: Georg Thnmp4on, niox ice President On this the 18th day of May , 2�11 , beFore me personally appeared George W. Thompson, who acknowledged himself to be the Seniqr Vice President qf Farmington Casualty Cpmpany, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Cqmpany, Fidelity and Guaranty Tnsurance LTnderwriters, lnc., St. Paul Fire and Marina Insurance Company, St. Paul Guazdian lnsurance Company, St. Paul Mercury lnsurancc Company, Travclers Casualty and Surcty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Pidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. ��'��� In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and o8icial seal. � My Commission expires the 30th day of June, 2011. # p�4�0 * 584A0-4-09 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING: THIS `(�lc�n�.� � . � Mnrie C. Tet�•eault, Not�uy Public WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY PS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED 80RDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of. Farnungton Casualry Company, Fic:zlity - and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, I�ic., St. l�aul �ire and Marine Insurance Company, Sc. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercary Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Suraty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United SCaCes Fideliry and Guaranty Company, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vzce Chaicman, any ExecuCive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any �Vicc President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-in-Pact and Agents to act for and on behalf of tlte Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certiiicate of authority may prescribe to sign with che Compaziy's name and seul with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, connacts nf indemnity, and ot6er writings ohligatozy in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of D'uectors at any tizne may xemove any such appointee and [evoke the power given him or her; and it is FU�t'I'I-�ER RESOLVED, that the Chau�man, the President, any Vice Chairman, any 'Executive Vice President, any Senzor Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company, ptnvided that each such delegataon is in writing tuid a copy rhereof is filed an the of'Fice of the Secretary; and it is FURTHER RESOL'VED, that any bond, xecognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recqgnir.anee, or conditiona] undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, uny Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice 'President, the Treasurer, any AssistanC Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a 5ecretary pr Assistant 5ecretary; o[ (b) duly execuCed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certiticates o,f authority or by one or more Corapany offacers pursuazit to a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executi,ve Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any A,ssistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be afFixed by fac5imile eo any Power oP Attomey or to any certificate relaCing Chereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretarics or Attorncys-in-Fact fpr purposes ox�ly o'F executing and attesting bonds and undeztakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such Power of Attorney or certiiicate bz�ring such facsimile signature or facsi��ile �ea] shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shal] be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. I, Kori IVl. ]ohanson, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary, of Facmangton Casualty Company, Pidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Pidclity and Guuanty Insurance L7nderwriters,'lne., St. Paul Fire and Mazine Insurance Company, St. Pau1 Guardian Insurance Company, SY. Paul Mercury I�isurance Company,'fravelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United Stat'es Fidelity and C'xuaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorncy executed by said Compat�ies,-which'is in ful] fvrce and effect and laas not been revoked. s mp'anies this � duy of �,r� �-`Q � , 20 � IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a�zed the eals of said Cq . , , �-�� Kori M. 7ohans Assistant Secretary � �6l/ ��P��6 N INy� ,�,�' �xg� � P �� ANp � .y1jfY G �� j � ��*�......,G,Y pQ'.., •'V9 m� � a HW�1//Y � pr ,,pp�f L � �_�T �' xPOR � 4:• �''''�P � Gm � � 4�'� � ,�y � 0 �)'. 4` PaRAI':,��i S'% n � N�jEp z � W i paR � � 9 a 2 0 1977 � � s "' pq'r`�' :: �... �' : 5 a rwmwno, ���c� T� �"°°so� Y q, � # 1951 �' SE11L " �` `o' "' CONN. � �ONH. Y in 7898 � gy��aa � 1�� s� ^N �c°T �rd� _ ��!° 6�.SS1f.L,aD y �o � r. F, , c !S�'�,N� °�8•...... •F� yi Ap� � r� � A1N� To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney, call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at www.travelersbond.com. Pleasc refer to the Attorney-In-Fact number, the abnve-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. THE RED PROVIDED, FCTRTHER, that no final settlement between the Owner and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have duly executed this instrument under seal in counterparts, each one of which shall be deetzied an ariginal, this the _day of , 201_. ATTEST: (Principal) Secretary (SEAL) (Witness as to Principal) (Address) (City/State/Zip) ATTEST: (Surety) (SEAL) (Witness as to Surety) (Address) (City/State/Zi�) (Principal) By (Address) (City/State/Zip) (Surety) I� (Address) Note: Date ofSond must not be prior to date of Contract. 34 SECTION 00620 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (Attach insurance certificates here) 35 SECTI�N 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS 00700.01 DEFINIT�UNS The Contract Documents consist of the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Summary of Informatian to Bidders, Method af Payment, Fraposal (as accepted), Contract, General Conditions, the Technical 5pecifications and the Drawings, including all modifications and addenda thereof incorporated in the documents before their execution. These form the Cantract. The Owner as used herein shall refer to and designate a public body ar authority, corporation, associatian, partnership or individual for whom the work is to be performed, or his ar th�ir authorized representative or agent. The Contractor is the individual, partnership, carporation or other entity undertaking to do the wark herein specified, ar his or their heirs, legal representatives, successors or assigns. When znore than one prime cantract is awarded for a single project the general cantractor shall be sa designated by the Owner. The Engineex shall be Clearwater Gas System. The word Engineer shall include the officers, agents and employees of Clearwater Gas System. A Subcontractor shall be an individual, partnership, corporation ar other entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to iurnish material, work to a special design accarding to the plans and specifications of this work, or supplying specialized labor and materials for this work. This does not include one wha merely furnishes rnaterial or lab�r not particular to this project. Written Notice shall be deemed to have been fully served if delivered in person ta the individual, or to a mennber of the firm, or to an officer of the corporation, for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last business address knawn to him who gives natice. The term "Work" of the Contractor or the Subcontractor includes labor or materials, or both, equipment, transportation, or other facilities necessary to camplete the contract. All tirne lir�its stated in the Contract Documents are the essence of the Cantract. Whenever the ward "approved" is used herein, it shall be held, unless otherwise specified, to mean as approved by the Owner. Similar use will be made of the wdrds "directed," "required," "pernutted," and words of like import. c�, 00700.02 EXTENT OF CONTRACT The Advertisement �or Bids, Tnstructions to Bidders, Summary o� �nformation to Bidders, Method of Payrnent, Praposal (as accepted), Contract, General Conditions, the Technical Specifications, and the Drawings are, and shall be taken to be, parts af this Contract. All work and materials rnentioned in the specifications and not shawn on the drawings and all work arnd tnaterials shown on the drawings and not mentioned x�n the specifications, and all work and materials necessary for the completion of the woz'�C accarding to the true intent and meaning of the contract drawings and specifications, and all work and materials required to complete the entire �acility as described in the Advertisernent shall be furnished, performed and done, as if the same were both mentianed in the speci�"ications and shown on the drawings. The drawings which accompany the specificatiozas are herein designated contract drawings and are for the purpose of illustrating the general chazacter and extent of the work and are subject to such modifications and elaboration's by the Owner and Engineer as may be found necessary or advisable, either before or during the prosecution of the work, and the Contractor shall conforrn to and abide by whatever supplementary drawings and explanations that znay be furnished by the Engineer for the purpose of illustrating the work. The Engineer shall decide as to the true meaning or intention of any portion of the specifications and drawings where the same may be found unclear or in conflict. Should anything be ornitted from the contract drawings or specifications which xs z�ecessary for a clear understanding of the worrk, or should any error appear either in any of the various instruments furnished or in the work done by other Caz�tractors affecting the work inc�uded under this contract, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Engineer af such ornissions or errors, and in the event of the Contractor's failure to do so, he shall znake good any damage to or defect in his work caused thereby. He will not be aliowed to take advantage of any error or ornission an the contract drawings, as full instructions will be furnished by the Engineer, should such error or amission be discovered, and the Contractor shall carry out such instructions as if originally specified. 00700.03 OSLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense unless otherwise specified, furnish all the necessary mat�rials, �abor, supervision, superintendent, tool.s and appliances, and shall construct, finisk�, test and purge in a safe, substantial and workmanlike manner the wo:rk oi this contract within the time and in tk�e �nanner specified and in accordance with the cantract drawings. The Contractor shall complete the entire work to the satisfaction and approval of the Owner and shall accept in consideration of, and as full cornpensation for th� woxk, the sums set opposite the respective classes oi work and �naterials named in the Contract and proposals herein contained, the said sums being the amaunt at which the Cantrract therefore was awarded to the Contractar. Acceptance ar approval of the work or �nnaterials by the Owner does not re�xeve the Contractor from liabilxty for poor or defective workmanshiQ and/oz znaterials and any such acceptance or 37 approval is understood to relate to work or materials which can be observed and does in no way pertain ta latent defects or defects ascertainable through testing. 00700A4 SUBCONTRACTS The Contractor shall not assign or sublet the whole or any part of the work without the written consent of the Owner and without the written approval by the Owner of the specific party to whom it is proposed to assign or sublet the sarne. No such consent and approval, and no approval of the form of such assignment or subletting, shall release or relieve the Contractor fram any af the obligations and liabilities assumed by him under this Contract, and, as between the parties hereto, the Contractor shall remain responsible and liable as if no such assignment or subletting had been rnade. Nothing contained in the Contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the Owner. The Contractor shall comply with the ASME B31Q Code, which rneets the requirements of Federal CFR 49 Part 192 Subpart N, particularly the "Span of Control" ratia which requires the supervision of non-qualified personnel by OQ certified individuals depending on the performance of the covered task 00700.05 SEPARATE CONTRACTS The owner reserves the right ta let other contracts in connection with this work. The Contxactor shall afford other contractars reasonable oppartunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. If any part of the Cantractor's work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any other contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and prornptly report to the Owner any defects in such wark that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. His failure to so inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other cont�ractor's work as fit and �roper far the reception of his work except as to defects which may develop in the ather cantractor's work after the executian af his work. To insure the praper executian of his subsequent work, the Contractor shall measure work already in p�ace and shall at once report to the Owner any discrepancy between the executed work and the drawings. Wherever work being done by the Owner's forces or by other contractors is contiguous to work covered by this Contract, the respective rights of the various interests involved shall be established by the Owner, to secure the coznpletion of the various portions of the wark in general harmony. 00700.06 SQNDS m The bidder to whom the Contract is awarded must, within ten (10) calendar days following notice of award, preseat h.iznself to the place designated in the official notice af acceptance, for signing of the Contract and the plans, and to substitute for the bid security, a surety performance-payment bond in the amount of thirty �er centrum (30%) o� the Contract price, conditioned that the ConCractoar will faithfully perform all work af this contract and promptly pay far all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the �rosecution of all work. All bonds and insurance sha11 be issued by cornpanies authorized to transact business in the State of Florida and acceptable to the Owner. 00700.07 ADDITIONAL OR SUBSTITUTE SOND If at any time the Owner shall be or become dissatisfied with any Surety or Sureties then upon the Performance, Maintenance, Material and Labor Sond, ar if for any reasan such Bonds shall cease to be adequate security to the Owner, the Contractor sha11; within five (5) days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable bond or bonds in such form and suna and signed by such other Sureties as may be satxs�actory to the �wner. The premium an such Bond or Bonds sHall be paid for by the Contractor. No further payments shall be deemed due nor sl�all be made until the new Sureties have qualified. 00700.08 INSURANCE A: General The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required, as specified on the "Summary of Information to Bidders," subznitted certificates for this insurance, and such insurance has been approved by the Owner; nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractar to cammence work on his subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been so obtained and approved. The Owner, hawever, may accept insurance covez-ing a subcontractor in character and amounts less tk�an the standard requirernents because of the charactex or the extent of the work to be perfarmed by such subcontractor, such acceptance by the Owner rnust be expressly stated in writing. B: Worker's Compensation The Cantractor shall take aut and maintain during the life af this contzact adequate Wor�er's Compensation Insurance for all his employees employed at the site of the project and in case any wark is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similat�ly to pxovide Warker's Compensation Tnsurance for the latter's employees, unless such ernployees are cavered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. Coverage shall include Employer's Liability, Voluntary Compensatian and U.S. Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers Act Coverage where applicable. The Contractar shall, at a�l times, indemnify and save harmless the Owner and the Engineer, of and from all clairns for Worker's Cornpensation which may be made by any of the emplayees of ��� the Contractor or by any of the employees of any subcantractor to whom the Contractar may have let the performance of any part of the work embraced by this Contract and the Contractor will appear for and defend the Owner and Engineer against any and all such claims. C: Public Liability and Property Da�nage Each Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect the Owner, the Engineer, the Contractor, and any subcontractor perfornung work covered by this Contract from claitns for damages for personal injury, including wrongiul death, as well as from claims for property damages, which may arise from performance related to this contract, whether such performance be by hiznself or by any subcontractor or any person d"uectly or indirectly employed on the project. D: Fire Insurance The Contractor shall, frorn commenc�ment of the Contzact and until iinal acceptance by the Owner upon completion of the entire contract, maintain insurance on all insurable items of the work included in the Contract against loss or damage by fire or lightning and those periods covered by the extended coverage endorsement. This insurance shall be listed in the names of the Owner; Trustee; Cantractar; and his subcontractors as their respective interests may appear, in such amounts as shall fully protect the interests of the Owner; Trustee; Contractor; or any of his subcantractors. The risk of loss or damage to the construction work due to the perils covered by the said fire policy with extended caverage, as well as any other hazards which might result in damage to the construction work, is that of the Contractor and Surety, and no claims for extra money by the Contractar far such loss ar damage shall be recagnized by the Owner nar will such loss or damage excuse the complete and satisfactory performance af the Cantract by the Contractor. E: Special Hazards Special hazards, if there is a possibility of such hazards existing in the work contemplated, shall be covered by rider or riders to the policy or policies. Twa such possible hazards are blasting and environrnental damage. 00700.09 PROOF OF INSURANCE Contractor shall, prior to executing the Contract, deliver to the Owner, proper evidence of carriage of the insurance required by this Contract. Certiiicates will be acceptable proof of public liability, property damage and Worker's Compensatian Insurance. An original policy of fire insurance must be submitted to the Owner as soan as an insurable interest exists. 00700.10 ACCIDENTS AND CLAIMS 40 The Contractor shall be held responsible for all accidents and shall indemnify and pratect the Owner and Engineer fram all suits, claiz�ns and actions brought against it, and all cost for liability to which the Owner or Engineer may be put for any injury or alleged injury to the person or property of another resulting from negligence ar carelessness in the perfarmance o� the wark, or in protection of the project site, or irom any improper or xnferior workmanship, or from inferior materials used in the work. 00700.11 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS Should a Contractor in the performance of his Contract cause damage to any �erson, any property, or work af another Cantractor working an this �roject, he shall, upon due notice to do so from the Owner or ather party to the damage, arrange for an amicable settlement thereon. It is agreed by all parties herein that such disputes shall not delay completion of tk�e work, nor be cause for clairn against the Owner or Engineer. Wark shall be continued by the party claiming damages at his expense, subject to such damages as rnay be abtained by due course oi law. 00700.12 CONTRACTOR'S LIALILITY The status of the Contractor in the wark to be performed by him under this Contract is that af an independent Contractor and that as sucl� he shall properly safeguard against any and all injury or damage to any person, ta public and private property, materials and things; and that, as such, he alane shall be responsible far any and all damage, loss or injury to pexsons or property that may rise, or be incurred, in or during the conduct or progress of said work without regard to whether or not the Contractar, his subcontractors, agents, or ezxaployees have been negligent; and that Contractor shall keep the Owner and Engineer free from, and shall discharge any and all responsibility and therefare of any sa:rt or lcind. The Contractor shall assume all responsibxlity for risks or casualties of every description, for any or all damage, loss or injury ia persons �r property arising out of the nature of the work, from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen or unusual difficulty, tk�e Cantractor shall assume and be liable for all bla�e and loss of whatsoever nature by reason of neglect or violation of any federal, state, county, or local laws, regulations or ordinances; that Cantractor shall indemnify and save hartnless the Owner and Engineer all their o�ficers, agents, and employees, from all suits or actions at law of any kind whatsaever in connection with this work and shall, if rec�uired by the Owner, produce evidence of settlement af any such action before final payment shall be made by the Owner. Contractar acknowledges receipt of one dol�ar as full and specific consideration for this inde�xinity agreernent. 00700.13 FAMILIARITY WITH CONTRACT REQUIREMENT It is the responsibility of, and it is hereby agreed that, the Contractor has, prior to signing of the Contract, satisfied himself as the nature and location of the work, the conformation of the �i ground, the character, quality, and the quantity of the materials which will be required, the chazacter of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, the general and local conditions, and of all other matters which can in any way affect the scope of the work under this Contract. InformaCian concerning the general condition of the project site existing at the time of bidding is presented in the plans and specificatians solely for infonmation and convenience in describing the work to be accomplished and the use by the Contractor of such information cannot in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities as outlined herein for deternuning the actual conditions existing at the site and %r basing his bid price upon such conditions. No vex'bal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, employee of the Owner, or the EngineEr, either befare oz' after the execution of this Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Failure to comply with any or all of the requirements will not relieve Contractor from the responsibility of properly estimating the difficulty or costs of successful completion of the work nor from the responsibility for the faithful performance of the provisions of this Contract. 00700.14 PATENT RIGHTS The Contractor shall obtain all necessary consents and shall pay all royalties, licer�ses, and fees for the use of any patented invention, articles, composit:ion or process in the work done or the materials furnished, or any part thez'eof embraced in this Contract. The Contractor sha�l be responsible for any claims rnade against the Owner, its agents and employees for any actual or alleged infringement of patents by the use of any patented articles, appliances, etc., in the construction and completion of the work, and shall save harmless and indemnify the Owner, its agents and e�nployees from all costs, expenses, and damages, including attorney's fees which the Owner rnay be obliged to pay by reason of any actual or alleged infringernents of patents used in the construction and cornpletion af the work herein specified. 00700.15 PERMITS AND L�CENSES Permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor unless otherwise specified. Fernr►its, licenses and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be secured and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise specified. Contractor will also be responsible for abtaining and maintenance of appropriate trade licenses to perform the specific scope of work described in this contract, including consumer's underground house piping and gas meter relacation piping and connectians. They also will be noted as contractor of record. The Cantractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bearing an the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that the drawings and specificatians are at variance therewith, he shall prornptly notify the Engineer in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. �f the Contractor performs any work knawing it ta be contrary to such laws, 42 ordinances, xules and regulations, and without such notice to the Engineer, k�e shall bear all costs arising there from. 93 00700.16 LAWS AND REGULATIONS The Contractor at all t�mes shall observe and coxnply with all Federal, State, Local, and/or Municipal laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations in any manner and those which may be enacted later, or bodies or tribunals having jurisdiction or authority aver the work and shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any claim or liability arising from, or based on, the violation of any such law, ordinance, rule, regulation, order, or decree. The bidder is assumed to have made himself familiar with all Federal, State, Lacal, and Municipal laws, ordinances> rules, and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials or equipment used in or upon the work, or in any way affect the work and no plea af misunderstanding will be considered an excuse for the ignorance thereof. The Contractor shall be licensed in the required discipline af installing gas mains, services and underground customer piping systerns. Q0700.17 DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS Figured dimensions on drawings shall take precedence over the measurements by scale, and detailed working drawings are to take precedence over general drawings and shall be considered as explanatory of them. In case of conflict between dimensions or scales the Engineer shall �ake all necessary final clarifications. 00700.18 PLANS, SPECXF�CATIONS AND SHOP DRAWINGS The speci�ications are intended to supplement and clarify the plans. Work is sometimes called for in the specifications that is not shown completely on the plans; and the plans sometimes indicate woz'k that is not mentioned in the specifications. Both plans and specifications must be complied with completely in order to fulfill the Contract requirements; and whether or not the work is specifically defined in any bid item> any wark called for by either is as binding as if it were called for by both. The construction drawings, as prepazed prior ta receiving bids, are intended to describe the general scape of the worrk and to form the basis of comparable bids and rnay be supplemented after award of the contract with manufactur�r's shop drawings, detailed working drawings and ather detailed data necessary to thoroughly describe the requirements of the finished facility. In no case, however, will such supplemental information form the basis of claitns by the Contractor for increased compensation and in no case will the rec�uired work described by the supplemental inforix�ation be consider�d as extra work. Tn case of conflict between plans and specifications, the Engineer shall be the sole judge of which shall prevail. The Engineer shall make all necessary explanatians as to the true meaning and intent of the plans and specifications. Any errors or omissions in the plans and specifications may be corrected by the Engineer when such corrections are necessary far the proper completian of the work. The Contractar shall sign and starnp approved all shop or setting drawings for items of equipment an which he has bid and proposes to install, to verify field dimensians, design criteria, 94 and materials. After the Contractor has signed and approved the sk�op drawings, they shall be promptly submitted to the Owner in c�uadruplxcate for review far conformance with the design concepts of the project. The Contractor shall call Owner's attention to any deviation in the shop drawings ar submittals from Clae xequirernents of the plans and s�ecifications. No deviation from the plans and specifications shall be a�proved without a written Change Order. Changes or corrections may be nated by the Owner and one copy will be returned to the ContracCoz'. The Contractor shall rnake any corrections required by the Owner and shall return the required number of corrected copies of shop drawings until no exception is taken. The Contz�actor shall direct specific attention in w�ting to revisians on resubmitted shop drawxngs other than the corrections called for by the Owner on previous subz�xssions. Contractar's stamp of approval on any shop drawings shall constitute a representation to the Owner that the Contractor has eith�r verified all c�uantities, dimensions, field constructian criteria, materials, catalog nut�nbers, and sxznilar data or he assumes full responsibility for doing so and that he has reviewed or coordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the work and the Contract docum�nts. The shop drawings in no way become a part of the Contract documents but are furnished for informational �urposes only. Regardless of corrections made in, review or approval given to such drawings by the Engineer, the Cantractor shall be res�onsible for the accuracy of such drawings and for their conformity to the Contract plans and specifications. 00700.19 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED TO CONTRACTORS The successful General Contractor sk�al� be entitled to receive from the Ovvner six (6) free sets of Contract drawings and specifications. 00700.20 WORKING SCHEDULES AND PROGRESS CHARTS The Cantxactar shall prepare and submit to the Owner for approval prior to initiating constxuction activities a working schedule showing the locations and the order in which the Contractor proposes ta undertake the construction. A schedule will include anticipated starting and completion dates for the various sectians and items included in this Contract and wi�l also indicate scheduled de�ivery date for all mechanical equipment. All work provided to the contractor, including service lines shall be scheduled within a 72 hour turn around; emergency vc�ork will have an immediate response. FDOT, County and Municipal permit utilizatian right of way and road crossing pernut installations shall be prioritized to recover from the delay associated with obtaining the pernut. Accompanying this schedule shall be a chart sufiiciently large to be suitable for recording the progress of the worlc. The Contractar will be required to indicate actual progress on this chart and printed copies shall be made available at the end of each manth. These progress cha�rts will be used in preparing the monthly estixxaates to the Owner. The contractor shall furnish an electranic copy of the dai�y work schedule in advance of the work being done preferably prior to the 45 beginning of the work day. Copies include Construction Inspection, Gas Sales and Senior Accaunt. 00700.21 SUPERVISION AND RESPONSISILTTY OF THE CONTRACTQR The Contractor shall give the work the constant attention necessary to facilitate the progress thereof and shall cooperate with the Owner and with other cantractors in every way possible. The Contractor shall at all tirnes have an OQ campetent supe�intendent, capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the drawings and specifcations, as his agent on the work, wha sha11, as the Contractor's agent, su�ervise, direct and otherwis� conduct the work. Such superintendent shall be furnished irrespective oi the amount of work sublet. The Contractor shall be solely and wholly responsible far delivering the completed work in a good, safe and workmanlike condition and for the good condition of the work and rnaterials until final acceptance and his iarmal rel�ase frorn his obligatians. He shall bear all losses resulting on account of the weather, fire, the elements, or other causes of every kind or nature. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless (to a limit of $10,000,000) the Owner and Che Engineer and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the wark, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expenses is: (a) attributable ta badily injury, sickness, disease ar death, ar to injury to or destruction af � tangible property (other than the work itselfl, including the loss of use resulting there from and, (b) is caused in whole ar in part by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyane for whose acts any oi them may be liable, regardless of whether ar not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. In any and all claims against the �wner or the Engineer or any of theu agents or employees by any emplayee of the Cantractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any af them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation shall not be limited in any way by any lirnitation on the amount or type of damages, campensation or beneiits payable by ar for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under Worker's Campensation Acts, Disability Senefits Acts or other employee benefit acts. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any violation of laws or ordinances affecting in any way the canduct of all persons engaged, or the rnaterials or methods used by him, on the work. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expense, in a sanitary condition, such accommodations for the use of his employees as are necessary to comply with the requirements and regulations of the State Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services or the County 46 Health Departznent. He shall comrnit no public nuisance. Sanitary facilities shall be at least 500-feet from the nearest water well. Privies shall have incorporated therein metal contaiz�ers which shall be txghtly caosed a�d a�l waste shall be transported away �rom the site of the work and disposed of properly. Any instructions, dixections, or orders from the Ovvner shall be given to the Contractor through his authorized representative. The Owner, except in tl�e absence of the representative, has no authority to give directions, arders or instructions directly to the Contractor. 00700.22 SERVING N�TICE Any notice to be given the Contrractor under this contract shall be deemed to be served if the same be delivered to the person in charge of any afixce used by the Cantractor or his superintendent or agent at or near the work, or deposited in a post office, postpaid, addressed to the Contractor at �.is place of business as set forth in this contract. 00700.23 AUTHORITY OF ENGINEER The supervision of the execution of this cantract is vested wk�olly in the Contractor. Tn the event the Owner has engaged the Engineer to repz'esent him during the construction phase the order, instructions, directions, or requests of the Owner are to be given through the Engirieer. The Engineer shall transmit them promptly ta the Contractor as coming fram the Owner and originating in the Owner. The Contractor shall designate a reparesentative to receive such instructions, directions or requests in l�xs absence, and failing to da so, will be held respansible for the execution of them. The Owner shall have the sale autharity to suspend the wor�C wholly or in part for such period or periads as may be deemed necessary due to failure on the part of the Contractor to carry out orders given to perform any or all provisions oi the cantract. The Cantractor shall not suspend the work and shall not remove any equipment, tools, lumber or other materials without the written permission of the Owner. The Engineer has no responsibility regaz'ding th,e Contractor's safe prosecution af the wark or his cotnpliance with any applicable safety codes or regulations. 0070U.24 OBSERVATION OF THE WORK The Owner or his authorized representative-CGS inspector shall have free access to the materials and the work at all times for measuring or observing the same, and the Contractor shall afford him all necessary facilities ar�d assxstance for so doing. The cantractor shall furnish to CGS a dai�y work schedule and list of cornpleted jabs. The notification shall be sent before the start of the work day and a distribution list shall be pz'ovided with necessary updates. After written authorization to praceed with the work and the Engineer has been engaged to act as the Owners representative, the Engineer shall: 47 A. Make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the variaus stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Cvntract Documents; he will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site observations to check the quality or quantity of the work, he will not be responsible for the construction m�ans, methods, procedures, techniques and sequences of construction and he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perfotm the construction work in accardance with the Contract Documents; he will not be responsible for safety precautions and procedures in connection with the work; and during such visits and on the basis of his on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional he will keep the Owner informed of the pragress of the work, will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deiiciencies in the work of Contractors and may disapprove work as failing ta conform to the Contract Docurnents. B. Review samples, catalog data, schedules, shop drawings, labaratory, shap and mill tests of materials and equipment and other data which the Contractor is required to subrnit, only for conformance with the design concept of the project and compliance with the infozxnation given by the Contract Documents, and assemble written guarantees which are required by the Cantract Documents. Review of shop drawings by Engineer shall not relieve Cantractar from his responsibility ta perform his work in accardance with the plans and speciiicatians. C. Consult with and advise the Ownez> act as the Owner's representative at the project site, issue all instructions of the Owner to the Cantractor and prepare routine Change Orders as required. D. Based on his on-site obsezvations as an experienced and qualified design professional and on his review af the Contractor's applications for payment, determine the arnount owing to the Contractor and approve in writing payment ta the Cantractors in such amounts; such approvals of payrnent ta constitute a representation to the Owner, based on such observations and review of the data cornprising such applications, that the wark has progressed to the point indicated and that, to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the work is in accordance with the Contract Docurnents, subject to the results of any subsequent test called for in the Contract Documents and any qualifications stated in his approval. Such partial and final payments will be as specified elsewhere h�rein except as modified in this paragraph. E. Conduct, in campany with the Owner, a final site visit of the project far general conformance with the design concept af the praject amd general compliance with the informatian given by the Contract Docuxnents, and recommend in writing final payment to the Cantractor. 00700.25 EXAMINATION OF THE WORK 48 The autharity and duties of the resident project representatives when provided and authorized as employees of the Engineer and wk�en the employment thereof is authorized and paid by the Ownex, are limited to examining the material furnished, observing the work done and reporting their findings to the E�gineer. The Engineer does not underwrite, guarantee or insure the work done by the Contractor. It is The Cantractor's r�sponsibility to perform the work in all details in accordance with the Contract Docurnents, and the Engxneer shall never be responsible ox liable to either the Owner or the Contractor ar any other party by reason of the Contractor's failure to do so. Failure by Che Engineer or by any project representative or other representative af the Owner engaged in on-the-site observation to discovex de�ects ax de�iciencxes in the work of the Contractor shall never, under any circumstances, relieve the Contractor from his responsibility therefore to the Owner, or subject the Engineer to any liability to the Owner, the Contractor, or any other party for any such defect or deficiency. Project representatives shall have no authori.ty to pe�tnit deviatian from or to modify any of the provisions of the Drawings ar Specificatians vvithout the written permission or instructxon of the Engineer, or to delay the Contractor by failure to observe the materials and work with reasonable promptness. The Engineer, his representatives, ernployees, or any �resident project representative in the em�layment of the Engineer will nat have authority to supervise, direct, expedite or otherwise control and instzvct orr vrder the Contractor or his employees in the fulfillment af the Contractor's obligation. The Owner's instructions, orders, directions and/or arders to the Contractor shall be given only through the Engineer, or his employees. The Engineer may only advise the Contractor when it appears to the Engineer that the work and/or materials do z�ot can�orm to the requirements of the Contract Documents, including the Drawings and Specifications. The payment of any cornpensation, irt'espective of its character ar %rm, or the giving of any gratuity, or the granting or any valuable favor, directly oz ir�directly, by the Contractor to any project representative, is strictly prohibited, and any such act on the part of the Cantractor will constitute a violation of the contract. If the Contract Docurnents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulaCions or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any work to specifically be inspected, tested, or a�proved by someone ather than the Contractor, the Contractor will give the Engineer timely notice of readiness therefore. The Contractar will furnish the Engineei the requued certificates of inspection, testing ar approval. All such tests will be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials, or such other applicable organxzation as may be required by law or the Contract Documents. Tf any such work required so to be inspected, tested or a�proved is covered without written approval of the Engineer, it must, if requested by the Engineer, be uncovered for observation at the Contractor's expense. The cost of all such inspections, tests and approvals shall be barne by the Contractor unless otherwxse provided. 00700.26 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY 49 The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his wark frorn darnage and shall protect the Owner's property from injury or loss arising in connection with this Contract. He shall make good any such damag�, injury, or lass, except such as rnaybe direct�y due to errors in the Contract Documents, or caused by agents or employees of the Owner. He shall adequately pratect adjacent property as provided by law and the Contract Documents. He shall provide and maintain all passage ways, guard fences, lights, and other facilities for protection required by public authority or local conditions. From the start of the work until the completion and acceptance of the wark, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the work covered by this cantract and for the rnaterials delivered at the site intended to be used in the work and all injury ar damage done ta the same frorn whatever cause as well as any damage done by him, his agents, ernployees and for subcontractors in the performance of the work, shall be made good by him at his awn expense before the final payment is rnade. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation af all trees along and adjacent to the work and shall use every precaution necessary to prevent damage or injury thereto. The Contractar shall nat willfully or maliciously injure or destroy trees or shrubs, and he shall not rernove or cut them without proper authorizatian fram the Owner. Any limbs ar branches of trees broken during such operations, shall be trimmed with a clean cut and painted with an approved tree healing compound. The Contractor will be liable for all damages or at the optian of the Owner rnay be required to replace ar restore at his own expense, all vegetation not protected and preserved that may be destroyed or damaged. The Contractor shall provide suitable rneans of protection for all materials intended to be used in th� work and for all work in progress, as well as for campleted work. The Contractor shall furnish all the necessary equipment, shall take all necessary precautions and shall assurne the entire cost of handling any sewage, seepage, storm, surface and flood flows which may be encountered at any time during the construction of the work. The manner providing far these occurrences shall meet with the approval of the Owner, and the entire cost of said work shall be cansidered as having been included in the unit prices submitted for the several items of the work to be done under this contract. 00700.27 USE OF COMPLETED PORTIONS The Owner shall have the right to take possession of and use any cornpleted or partially completed portions of the work, notwithstanding that the time for completing the entire work or such partians may not have expired but such taking possession and use shall not be deemed an acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. If such pri�r use increases the cast of or delays the work, the Contractor shall be entitled to such extra compensation, or extension of time, or bath, as the Owner may determine. 00700.25 THE OWNER'S RIGHT TO DO WORK 50 If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provision of this contract, the Ovvner, after three days' written notice to the Contractor r►�ay, without prejudice to any atk�er remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Contractor. 00700.29 ALTERATION OF PLANS The Engineer reserves the right to rnake such alterations in the plans or in the character of the work as may be considered necessary ar desirable from time to time to coxnplete fully the construction of the work, provided such alterations do not change znaterially the original plans and specifications, and such alterations shall not be considered as a waiver of any conditian of the cantract nor to invalidate any of the provisions thereof. No alterations in the plans ar in the character of the work shall be made without the previous written approval of the Engineer and/or Inspectaz'. 00700.30 UNAUTHORIZED WORK Work done without lines and grades being given, and gas pipe installed shallow or contrary to code requirements, and work done beyand the lines and grades shown on the plans or as given, except as herein provided, or any extra work done without written authority, will be considered as unauthorized and at the expense of the Contractor and will not be accepted or paid for by the Owner. The Owner rnay order that work so done be remaved and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 00700.31 CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST If .the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise involves extra cost under this contract, he shall give the Owner written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructians, and in any event before proceeding to execute the work, except in emergency endangering life or property, and the procedaxe shall then be as pravided for changes in the work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. 00700.32 CHANGES IN THE WORK If for any reason it be deemed necessary in the opinion of the Owner to make any variations in the scope or nature of the work, vvhich variations increase or decrease the quantities of the work specified, or change the location to an extent not unreasonably affecting the conditions of the work, and further interpreted by the Owner as involving no classes of vvark other than those called for by this contract, the Contractor shall, upon written order from the Owner to that effect, 51 make such variations. Ii such variations diminish the quantity of the work ta be done, no claim for damages or for anticipated pro�'its on the work that rnay be dispensed with shall thereby accrue to the Contractor, and the value of the work dispensed with will nat be included in any payments made to the Contractor. If such variations increase the amount of the work, the value of such increase shall be determined and fixed by the Owner in accordance with the quantity of such work actually done, and at the unit prices stipulated in the contract. All major changes will be issued in a standard form which will cantain a description of the work. involved in the change, a reference to the proper construction drawings or revised drawings and will not be effective until signed by the Owner and Contractor. Such alterations ar changes as aze mentioned in this section shall not vitiate or annul the obligations of the contract or the agreement for the work. Should, in the opinion of the Owner, any contemplated change in the quantities of the work, or alterations thereof, rnaterially affect the character of the work, or any part thereof, or materially affect the cornpensation for the same, then the work shall be classed as extra work. 00700.33 EXTRA WORK/INCREASED COMPENSATION The Owner rnay at any time, by a written order, without notice to the Surreties, and without invalidating the contract, require the performance of such extra work or substantial changes in the work as it rnay iind necessary or desirable. The amount of compensation to be paid to the Contractor for any extra work, as ordered, shall be determined as follaws: (a) By unit prices named in cantract and subsequently agreed upon. (b) By a lump surn mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Cantractor; or (c) If no such unit prices are set forth and if the parties cannot agree upon a lump sum, then by the actual net cost in money to the Contractarr of the wages of applied labor (including premiums for Worker's Compensation Insurance, and Social Security taxes); plus twenty per centum (20%) as compensation for all items of profit, administration, overhead, superintendence, insurance other than Warker's Campensation Insurance, materials used in temporary structures, allowances made by the Cantractor ta subcontractors, additional pre�niuzns upon the perfanmance bond af the Cantractor and the use of small tools; plus the net cost to the Contractor for the materials required in the extra work; plus the cost of rental far plant equipment (other than small tools) required and approved for the extra � work. 00700.34 SUSPENSION OF WORK 52 The Owner shall have the right to suspend the whole or any part of the work, when, in the apinion of the Owner, the Contractor is not doing the work xn accardance with the provisions of the contract and specifications. Tf, in the judgrn�ent of the representatives of the Owner, the Contractor is taking undue risk of damage to any part of the construction by praceeding vvith the work during unfavorable weather or other conditions, then th� Own�r shall immediately verbally notify the Contractoz' or his representatives on the site confirming the same in writing. The Ownex txaay thereupon suspend the work tempoxarily, either wholly or in part for such pe�ods as may be necessary on account of conditions unfavorable for the safe and proper prosecution of the wozk. In case of such suspension, a proper extension of time may be required by the Contractor but, regard�ess whetk�er it is granted or not, no allowance will be made of the Contractor for any expense resulting there from. The Owner shall not be liable to the Cantractor in any manner for any expenses, damages, loss a� profits, anticipated or otherwise, or any other charg�s whatsoever az�ising out of a suspension in the work of either this Cantractor or any Cantractor engaged an this project. It shall be clearly understaod tliat the failure af the Owner to so advise shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for compliance with the conditions of the contract. Should the Cor�tractox fail to comply with any orders of the Owner relative Co any particu�ar parts of the work, the Owner shall have the right to suspend the work on any ar all parts until its orders respecting the particular parts are comp�xed with. In case of such suspension, wk�ich shall be considered due to the fault of the Contractor, no extension of time shall be given and no allowance will be made for the expense of the Contractor on account of idle equipment or forces during the terms of such suspension. p0700.35 DEFECTIVE WORK OR MATERIALS If at any time any materials or warkmanship should be discoveared which do not comply with the plans, specifications and contract drawings, such defective wark and/ar material shall immediately be removed or corrected by the Contractor when notified to do so by the Owner, and such defects shall be replaced ar corrected at the Contractor's expense. Any work or materials condemned by the Owner as unsuitable or improper�y done shall be reznoved and repaixed or otherwise remedied, as the Owner rnay require. Any defective work regulated by an established OQ covered task shall require the individual, responsible for such failure, to be OQ recertified prior to performing such covered task. If the Contractor shall neglect or refuse ta remove or replace defective work or materials within seven (7) days from the date of the notice from the Owner to do so, then the Owner may remove or cause the same to be removed and satisfactorx�y replaced by contract or otherwise, as they may deem expedient, and they may and are empowered, ta charge the expense therea� to the Contractor. The expense so charged will be deducted and paid by the Owner out of such monies as are or may become due under this agz'eernent, or if such monies are not sufficient to meet said expense, the additional monies shall be furnished by the Contractor, and if he refuses or neglects to provide the necessary mo;nies they sha11 be provided by his Surety. 53 00700.36 ASANDONMENT OF WORK Should the Contractor abandon, or in any manner fail to carnplete the work, the Owner is hereby authorized and empowered to pay any workmen who may have been emp�oyed by the Contractor, for wark done, and to pay any claims against the Contractor for material furnished, out of any funds that would otherwise be due or become due the Contractor under this Contract, and in every such case the Owner is hereby authorized and empawered to ascertain the amount or amounts sa due or owning to the workmen, or for materials so furnished; and the amount or amounts so faund to be due and payable, shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor, and may thereafter be paid by the Owner to said labor, or to liquidated claims for materials furnished; and any partial or final payment may be vwithheld from the Contractor until all such claims for labar or material on his Contract have been satisfied. 00700.37 FORFEITURE OF CONTRACT The Owner, at any time during the continuance of the contract for the work herein provided far, and prior to the date af acceptance of the work as hereinafter provided, shall have the right and power to declare the whole or any part of the sarne iarfeited for the violation of any of the conditions, terms, requirements, or limitations herein contained, or if the performance af the Contract is unnecessarily oz unreasonable delayed, or if the Contractor is nat progressing with the work as fast as is necessary to insure its completion within the tirne speciiied and as required by his Contract, ar if the Cantractor is showing bad faith in carrying out the Contract, or if the work not be fully completed within the fixed tirne in this Cantract for its completian, or within the tirne to which such cornpletion may be extended as hereinafter provided, or further, if the Contractor shall fail to or refuse to remedy or repair de%ctive work or materials when so ordered as herein provided. If the Owner shall declaze the said contract forfeited, in whole or in any particular, such declaxatian af forfeiture shall in no way relieve or affect the liability of the Contaractor and his Sureties for breach of any of the covenants and conditions of said Contract. 00700.38 THE OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT If the Contractorr should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he shauld make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, ar if a receiver should be appointed an account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or should fail to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he should fail to make prompt payznent to subcontractors for material or labor, or persist�ntly disregard laws, ardinances or the instructions of the Owner, or otherwis� be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the Contract, then the Owner, upon determining that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor seven (7) days' written notice, terminate the ernployment af the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method he m.ay deem expedient. In such case 54 the Contractor shall �ot be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. lf the unpaid balance of the Contract price shal� exceed the expense of finishing the work, including compensatian for additioz�al managerial and administrative services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor or his 5ureties shall pay the difference to the Owner. The expense incurred by the Owner as herein pravided, and the damage incurred through the Contractor's default, shall be certified by the Engxneer. 00700.39 CONTRACTOR'S RYGHT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT If the work should be stopped under an order of any court, ar other pub�ic autharity, for a period of three (3) manths, thraugh no act or fault of the Contractor or of anyone employed by hirn, or if the Owner fails to make timely paynnents for completed work, then the Contaractor may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to the Owner, stop work or terminate this Contract and recover frozn the Owner payment �or all work executed and any loss sustained upon any plant or �naterials and reasonable profit and darnages. 00700.40 NO WAIVER OF CONTRACT Neither an extension of tizne, for any reason, beyond the date fixed herein for the completion of the Contract, nor the delivery and acceptance of any articles or materials, nor any payz�ent for, nor acceptance of the whole or any part of the work by the Owner, nor any possession taken by the Owner or its employees or agents, shall be deemed to be a waiver by the Owner of the right to abrogate this Contract for abandon�r►ent or delay or non- performance in the manner herein parovided, nor shall it operate to void or annul any of the terms of this Contract. OU700.41 NO ESTOPPEL Neither the Owner, nor any agent or officer thereof shall be precluded or estopped by any return or certificate made oz' given by the Owner or other officer, agent or a�pointee of the Owner under any prov�sion of this agreement at any time, either before or after final approval and acceptance of the work and final payment therefore, frorn showing the true and correct amount and chaxacter of the work dane and materials �urnished by the Contractor az' any other person under This agreement ar that any such return, or certificate, is untrue and incorrect or improperly made in any particular, or that the work and materials, or any part thereof, do not, in fact, conform to the specifications and Contract Drawings, and the Owner shall not be precluded or estopped notwithstanding any such return or certificate and payment in accordance therewith, from demanding and recovering from the Contractor such darnages as it may sustain by reason of his failure to comply with the specification and Contract Drawings. 00700.42 TIME FOR COMPLETION 55 Work on this Contract shall be commenced on a date specified in a written order af the Owner. The wark shall be carzied on with such force and in such manner and order and at such points that within the time limit designated in the Contract, or as rr►ay be modified or extended as hereinafte:r provided, and as computed frorn the date stated in the notice to comrnence wark, the whole work and its parts shall be performed in accoz'dance with the ternns of this Contract. 00700.43 COMPLETION OF W�RK DEFINED The tirne for the completion of the h�rein specified work is defined as that state when, in the opinion of the Owner or his authorized repr�sentative, all the work required to b� performed under the terms of the Contract plans, speciiications and extra woark orders has been completed and the entirre facility including appurtenances is ready for continuous pernnanent use for the purpose intended. After this date there may still remain some cleaning up of Contractor's plant or tninor work and/or adjustnnents, which do not prevent the permanent use of the project. 00700.44 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF T�ME If the Contractor shall b� delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any cause beyond the Contractor's control and without his fault or negligence, including but not restricted to any act or neglect of tl�e Owner, or af his agents or emplayees, or by any other Contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, floods, epidernics, quarantines, strikes, lockouts, riats, civil commotians or freight ernbargaes or by delay authorized by the Owner, ar by any cause which the Owner shall decid� to justify the delay, then the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable tirne as the Owner shall decide. No claim for increased compensation shall be paid for delays. No such extension shall be rnade for delay occurring more than seven (7) days bef�re claim therefore is made in writing to the Owner. In the case of a continuing cause af delay, only ane claim is necessary. 007'00.45 LIQLTIDATED DAMAGES It is rnutually agreed by and between the parties hereto that time is an essential part of this Contract, and that, if the Contractor shall fail to camplete the work or any part thereof within the time iixed in the Contract, the Owner will suffer damages the amount of which cannot reasonably be determined at this time, and therefore agree that the Owner may retain as liquidated damages incident to such delay, from the monies that are or which may become due said Contractor, such sum per day as speciiied in the Proposal for each and every calendar day the cornpletion of the work be delayed beyond the time speciiied herein for such completion. In addition to liquidated damages indicated herein, the Contractor will be responsible far additional casts of construction phase engineering services caused by his failuxe to complete work within the time specified. � 00700.46 PRICES The Owner will pay, and the Contx'actor shall receive, the prices stipulated in the proposal herein contained ar hereto annexed, as full compensation for furnishing all the equiprnent and materials, and performing all the labor which may be necessary in the prosecution of the work required to provide the complete facility as def�ned in this Contract. 00'70U.47 PARTIAL ESTiMATES AND PAYMENTS If the work progresses according to this Contract, the Owner will make partial �ayments ta the Contractor each month on the basis of a confirmed estimate of the work performed during the preceding calendar z�tonth by the Contractor. Upon such estimate being made and confumed and approved by the Owner, the Owner will �ay to the Contractor ninety per centurn (90%) of the amount established in suck� an estimate as the value of the work completed. Such payznenC shall be considered, hawever, only as an advance payment and not as part of the final payrnent to the Contractor; and the Owner may at all tiznes reserve and retain out of any or all of the said partial payments all such sums as it is or rnay be authorized to reserve or retain. It is understoad and agreed that, should the Owner at any time during the progress of the work consider the arnount withheld an monthly estiznates of payment to be in excess of the amount necessary to complete the wark ar necessary for the full and ample protection of the Ovvner, then the Ovvner, may reduce the percentage retained to an amount suf�cient for the Owner's proper protection. No estimates given, nor payments made, sha11 be conclusive of the performance of the contract either wholly or in part, and no estimates, payments ar certificates of final payment shall be construed ta be an acceptance of in�erior ar defective work or rnaterials. 00700.48 PAYMENTS WITHHELD The �wner rnay withhold or, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or a part af any certificate to such extent as may be necessary to protect himself from loss on account of: 1. Defective work nat remedied. 2. Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating �robab�e filing of claims. 3. Failure of the Contractar to rnake payments promptly to subcantractors, or for material, labor or equipment. ��� 4. A xeasonable doubt that the Contract can be completed for the balance, then unpaid. 5. Damage to another Contractor. 6. Failure af Contractor to clean-up or restore the proj�ct site or rights-of-way. 7. Insolvency of Contractor. 8. Manifest intent of Contractor nat to proceed diligently or to com.plete this contract. When the above grounds are removed, payment shall be rnade for amounts withheld becau�e of them. 00700.49 LIENS AND FINAL PAYMENTS Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor, if required, shall deliver to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, ar receipts in full in lieu thereof and, if required in either case, an affidavit that so far as he has knowledge ox infarnnation the releases and receipts include all the labor and material for which a lien could be �led; but the Contractor may, if any subcantractar refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full, furnish a band satisfactory to the Owner, to indemnify the Owner against any lien. If any lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the �wner all monies that the latter rnay be cornpelled to pay in discharging such a lien, including all adrninistrative costs and a reasonable attorney's fee. The ixnal payment shall not became due and payable until the Contractor shall have furnished the Owner with satisfactory evidence that all labor, materials, outstanding claims and indebtedness of whatsaever nature arising out of the performance of the Contract have been paid, and until the Contractor shall have furnished a written statement ta such effect executed by Contractar and Sureties, which will further provide that payment to the Contractor of the final estimate shall not relieve any Surety of its obligation to the Owner as set forth in the Surety Bonds. Where one ar rnore claims against the Contractor which are in controversy appear unsatisfied, the Owner shall have the discretion to direct final payment to be made, or a partial paymenC ta be made from the retained percentage, should it be deternuned that the withholding of the entire final payment would work a hardship on the Cantractor or delay the final payrnents of other Contractars or subcontractors on the project. In such cases, the Contractor and Sureties shall provide the evid�nces and statements required under this paz'agraph, but shall itemize the claims which remain unsatisfied, giving the reason therefore, and the statements of the Surety Companies shall provide that the iinal payment or partial payment, as the case may be, shall not relieve any Surety of any obligations to the Owner as set forth in the Surety Bonds. If only partial payment from the retained percentage is permitted under this paragraph, the iinal payment shall not be made until the Contractor shall have furnished satisfactory evidence and a staternent irom the Surety that all claims against the Contractor have been paid and that payment ta the Contractor of the contract 58 balance shall not relieve the 5urety of any of its obligations to the Owner as provided in the Surety's Band. 00700.50 FINAL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK Follawing the carnpletion of this Contract, as such completion xs defined in the Specifications and as soon thereafter as practicable, the Owner, his representative or the Engxneer will review the work and will make a final esti�xiate of the amount and value of woark done by the Contractor. If the said work appears to be satisfactory and appears to be done in accordance with the provisions and terms of the Cantract Documents, the Owner, upan notice of completion from his representative, and within forty-five (45) days after the final estirnate of wark is made and coniirmed as correct and unpaid and is approved, wi11 �ay to the Contractor the full value of the woz'k done under this Contract less any amounts pxeviously paid and less any advances whatsoever, and the Owner will certi�y the work as cornpleted and will accept it. Said acceptance will, however, be in all events conditional upon the subsequent remedying by the Contractor of defects in workrnanship or materials which may become apparent within a period of one (1) year (or a longer period as reyuired elsewhere in the Contract Documents) following the date of acceptance as herein required. In the event the Owner refuses or declines to certiiy the work as cornpleted and accepted and make final payment thexefore within forty-five (45) days after notice and certification, the Owner shall immediately set forth in writing to the Contractor the reasons for such non-acceptance of the work. After all valid reasons for non-acceptance have been removed, the Owner shall execute the final certificate of cornpletian and acceptance and shall rnake final payment. The certi:fication of completion and acceptance of the work will be a prerequisite to final payment hereunder. All prior estimates and payments, including those relating ta extra work, shall be subject to correction or adjustment by th,e final cost estirnate. Such final payment, hovvever, shall not serve as a release of the Contractor or of his Sureties frorn the previously required guarantee against defects in Contract performance for a period of one (1) year following the date of acceptance of the work by the Owner. The acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment, made as aforesaid, shall operate as and shall be a release ta the Owner and to the Engineer and every mernber and agent of both said parties fram all claims and liabilities to the Contractor for anything done or farnished for, or relatitag to the work, or for any act or neglect of the Owner or the Engineer or of any person relating to or effecting the wark, but thxs �nal payment shall not relieve the Cantractor from his indemnity, guarantee and/or warranty obligations under the terms of the Contract. As soon as is practicable after twelve (12) months have elapsed from the daCe of completion as herein defined, the Owner shall make a review and re-iz�spection of the work and perfarmance of this contract, or cause the same to be rnade. If the said performance and work shall be found satisfactory and vvork not to have deteriorated through defects in workmanship or materials, then the Owner shall certify the release of the Surety on tk�e Bond for Performance af Contract. If, however, the review and re-inspection, or any prior inspection, discloses defects due to the 59 non-Fulfilltnent of this Contract, or non-compliance with its requirements, the Owner shall so notify the Contractor in writing, and thereupon the Contractor shall, at his own expense, repair or replace and shall make good all defects in workmanship, materials, and guarantee, and shall rectify any non-compliance, and such repairs and fulfillnnent shall be a prerequisite ta the release af the Surety on the Bond. If, however, the Contractor shall, after due notice, refuse or neglect to make good the defects to the satisfaction of the Owner, then the Owner may, and is hereby empowered ta, proceed in the manner presc�ibed in the event of abandonment or forfeiture of the work by the Cantractor, in which case completion by the Owner and the payment of claims for material and labor and other expense as provided in such procedures, shall be a prerequisite to the release of the Surety on the Bond for Performance of Contract. Within thirteen (13) months after the date of acceptance of the work, or as soon thereafter as practical, as hereinbefore provided, following a re-inspection, and provided further that any repairs necessitated by defects in material or workmanship as determined by the Owner in the re-inspection shall have been made, the Owner will, in writing, iu�►ally release the Contractor, his Sureties and all parties hereunder. i�� SECTION 0080p SUPPLEMENTARY CONDYTIONS 00800.0� SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS PREVAIL The pravisions of this section amplify, amend, change and/or add to all other provisions of the Contract Documents. In the event of a conflict between these Supplementary Conditians and any ather Sections of the Contract Docu�ents, the Supplementary conditions shall apply. OOSQp.02 MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER Clearwater Gas System shall supply the following materials: piping (carrier and casing); valves and valve boxes; fittings; tracer wire; marker tape; zxaarker poles; and splice kits. The contractor sk�all supply the labor necessary for �oading the materials supplied by CGS. The contractar shall provide all ather znaterials necessary ta complete the wozk. Tlne contractor shall be responsible for a�l materials disbursed including accurately inventory of such materials. Contractor shall provide a trailer capable of transporting 40' or langer lengths of polyethylene pipe without danr�aging pipe. 00800.03 PERMITS The Contractor shall perform all work in strict accordance r�vith the requirements a� the %llowing permits which will be obtained by the Owner: Pinellas County Use Permit, Various City Use Permits, Florida Department af Transportation Utility Pezmit, Army Carps of Engineers permit and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Dredge and Fill Exennption. The contractor is responsible for obtaining any necessary permits with gas meter relocations and shall be listed as the contractor of recard for underground gas house piping installations. 00800.04 JOINING OF PLASTIC PIPE In amplification of Section 02685, Page 02685-4, Article 3.Ob, the Contractor shall get priar approval from Clearwater Gas System to use electric fusion couplings. Tf electric fusion cauplings are used, they shall be su��lied by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall provide either an Central, Innogaz ax Friatec universal electro fusion cantrol bax, capable of storing a minimum of 100 fusion records, pipe alignment clamp, tapping tee alignment clamp, tapping wrench, pipe scraper, and all other tooling specified by the Electro Fusion machine tnanufacturer in their respective installation procedures. Contt'actor shall provide the necessary power supply to �nneet the power requirements as specified by the manufact�rer of the fusion equipznent. Pipe support stands shall be utilized ta support pipe during fusion joining, directional boring pull in, and while lowering of the pipe into the 61 trench. Pipe support stands shall not be spaced greater than 1 S' apart for directional boring pull in. Pipe shall be supported with stands at all time it is placed on pavement to avoid scratching the pipe surface. The Contractor shall provide a pyronometer capable of testing the temperature of the heating iron, while at fusion temperature, to an accuracy of 0.5°Io (±3°F). The fusion temperature of the heating iron shall be verified each marning in the presence of the CGS Inspector. More frequent testing may be required at the discretion of CGS Inspector. Note: All equipment must be in good working order and properly maintained during project installation, The CGS will inspect the preceding items and reject those not in compliance. The CGS shall have the right to reject any or all equipment judged inadequate to properly fuse Polyethylene Pipe and its Fittings. 62 SECTIQN 00900 ADDENDA (Insert Addenda here) 53 SECTION 01000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01000.01 TRAFFIC CONTROL The Cantractor shall rnaintain traffic within the lirnits af the project for the duration of the construction period, in accordance with the requirements of FDOT Section 102 of the "Standard Specifications", as amended herein. The local streets shall be kept open to two-way traific for the duration of the construction period, except that one lane of traffic will be pern�itted provided that flagrnen are used. The Contractor will not be permitted to isolate access to residences or places of business. Traffic on County raads and State highways shall be controlled in accordance with the current standards of the appropriate agency. The contractor shall only utilize Florida certified MOT persannel when installing and maintaining approved work zone maintenance of traffic devices The Contractor shall furnish, erect and rnaintain all necessary traffic control and safety devices, in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation "ROADWAY AND TRAFFIC DESIGN STANDARDS", applicable edition, and State of Florida "MANUAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SAFE PRACTICE5 FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE AND UTILITY �PERATIONS", applicable edition, and shall take all necessary precautions for the parotection of the work force personnel and the safety of the traveling public for the duration of the construction period. 01000.02 MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND LABOR Unless oCherwise stipulated, the Contractar shall provide and pay for all rnaterials, labor, water, tools, equipment, light, powe:r, transportation and any other facilities necessary for the proper execution and completion of the work. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new. The Cantractor, if required, shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind of and quality of materials. Before any contract is awarded the bidder rr►ay be required to fumish a camplete staternent of the origin, compasition and rnanufacture of any or all materials ar equipment ta be used in the work, together with samples, which samples may be subject to tests provided for in these specifications to deternune their quality and fitness for the work. All materials and all workmanship shall be vf good quality and m�eet specification requirements. Failure of the Owner or Engineer to request material, samples or conduct tests on the sarme does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to furnish the material as specified. The Contractar shall furnish such equipment as is considered necessary for the prosecution of the work in an acceptable manner at a satisfactory rate o:F progress so as to insure completion by the date set forth in the Contract. The equipment used on any portion of the work 64 sk�all be used in such a manner so as not to endanger the lives of the operators or athers, nor cause damage to adjacent real propezty, roadways, structures, or any other property whatsoever. 01000.03 PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS The Contractor shall furnish photographs, 5" x 7", on standazd weight paper with negatives, as directed by the Owner, showing the job, before, during and upon completion of the construction. Smaller size (nat less than 3"x4") photographs shall be furnished to show unusual conditions encountered during construction. O1000.p4 STANDARDS Wherever in these Contract documents reference is made to any of the following, or other, specifications, codes, standards, and requirements, by abbreviation or name, it shall be understood that the specifications, codes, standards, and requirements in effect on the date af advertisement for bids shall govern. ASTM ASME ASA AWWA NEMA AIEE AA5HT0 NBFU NEC ACI AGA AISC AWPA Fed. 5pec 5BC FDOT NFPA 54 IFGC American Society for Testing Materials American Society for Mechanical Engineers American Standards Association American Water Works Association National Electric and Manufacturers Assaciation American Institute of Electrical Engineers American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Natianal Baard Fixe Underwriters National EZect�ic Code American Concrete Institute American Gas Association American Institute Steel Constxuction American Wood Preservers Assaciation Federal Specifications U.S. Government Southern Suilding Code Florida Department of Transportation. National Fuel Gas Code International Fuel Gas Code "Standard Specifications" - FDOT 5tandard 5pecifications �or Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, including all supplemental specifications, indices and other directives in effect. 01000.05 STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY [:� The Owner shall pravide the land upon which the work is to be done, with right of access thereta unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall anticipate requirements of space and land for the erection of temparary construction facilities, affice, and starage of rn.aterials. Should the Owner decide that the site of work is insufficient for such temporary facilities, the Contractor will be required ta arrange for such additional space and land as may be necessary at his expense. Tk�e Contractor shall make his ovvn arrangements for delivery and handling of equiprnent and materials as he nnay require for the prosecution of his work. In underground utility work all materials required in the work rnay be stored on the sides of the roadway or parking area of the street in which the utilities are to be constructed, as approved by the Owner and/or municipality having jurisdiction, but all such materials, tools and machinery shall be neatly and compactly piled in such manner as to cause the least inconvenience to the property owners and the traffic. Material shall be stored autside of the "Clear Zone" of roadways. All fire hydrants must at all times be kept free and unobstz�ucted and water and gas shut-off boxes rnust be kept uncove�ed. The materials shall be stored so as to insure the preservation of the quality and fitness fox the work. When considered necessary, they shall be placed �n wooden platforms or other hard clean surfaces and shall be placed under cover as directed. Stared materials shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspectian. Materials, tools, and machinery shall not be piled or placed against shade trees unless ample protection is provided for the trees. Lawns, g7rass plots, or other private or public property shall not be used for storage purposes without the written permission of the Owner. 01000.06 UTILITIES The Contractor shall have the complete responsibility of coordinating his wark with the owners of the various utilities now existing or to be constructed within the limits of this pr�ject so that a minimum delay in the construction shall occur there from. 01000.07 SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS The Contractor shall comply with the Department of Labor 5afety and Health Regulations for construction promulgated under the Occupational and Health Act of 1970 (PL596) and under Sec. 107 of the Contract Work Hvurs and Safety Standards Act (PL 91-54). The Contractor shall comply with the State of Florida Trench Safety Act. G�IZlilal%�i1•�1]�[ - '�I�K��•� All chemicals used during project construction or furnished far praject operation, .whether herbicide, pesticide, disinfectanC, polymer, reactant or of �ther classification, must show approval .. of either EPA or USDA. Use of all such chemicals and disposal of residues shall be in strict conformance with instructions. 01000.09 BY-PASSING OF SEWAGE The Contractor shall schedule his work sa as to either minimize or completely eliminate any by- pass of raw sewage during construction. p1000.10 DEWATERING AND SEWAGE PUMPS In general, all pumps utilized by Contractor dur�ng construction shall be electric motor driven. Internal combustion engine driven purnps may be used for a particular application only upo� approval of the Owner. 01000.11 LINES, GRADES AND CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING The Contractor shall emplay a coznpetent surveyor satisfactory to the Owner to lay out the work from the bench znarks, grades, dimensions, points and lines noted on the working drawings, established at the site, or supplied by the Engineer. Cost of lines, grades and construction surveying shall be paid fox by the co�tractor. All work of every descriptxon shall be laid out and checked by the Contractor who will be held solely responsible for its correctness, and all expenses in connection with this work shall be paid for by the Contractor. In the event batter boards are used the maxirnum allvwable interval for construction batter boards on sewers and pipe �ines wi�� be forty (40) feet far grades under 1.00 percent (1%) and fifty (Sp) feet for grades of 1.00 percent (l %o) and over. The work may be checked by the Owner and, in the event of discrepancy, his decision shall be final. No special compensation will be made to the Coz�tractor to defray costs of any of the work or delays occasioned by making surveys and measurements, tests or inspections, but such costs shall be considered as having been included in the price stipulated far the sevez�al ite�a�s of the work to be done under this contract. 01000.12 TESTS Tests of material, where required by the speciiications, shall be paid for by the Contractor. The selection of bureaus, laboratories, and/ar agencies for the inspection and testing of supplies, materials or equipmerit shall be subject to the appxoval of the Engineer. Satis�Factary 67 docu�nentary evidence th.at the materials have passed the r�quired inspections and tests must be furnished to the Owner. Steel Pipe Inspection Radiography Using X-Ray and Gamma �y Ray on Welds - Radiography is one of the rnost useful of the non-destructive tests which can be applied for assessing the quality of the welded joints. Radiograph has been used for the inspection oi welds ai all types and thicknesses ranging frorn minute welds in electronic components to welds up to half ineter thick employed in heavy fabrications. Radiography can detect flaws or discontinuities in welds such as: (i) Cracks. (ii) Porosity and blow hales. (iii) Slag, flux or oxide inclusians. (iv) Lack of fusion between the weld metal and the parent metal (v) Incomplete penetration O100Q:13 WATER AND POWER The cost of all water for construction and testing purposes, as well as the expense of having th� water conveyed to and about the work, rnust be borne by the Contractor and the cost of this work shall be considered as having been included in the unit or lurnp sum prices stipulated for the several items of work to be done under this contract. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Engineer, all water used for construction purposes shall be obtained from the public water supply main. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for electric light and power, as may be required for his work. Electric light and power and water shall not be utilized fronn any lacation without consent of the property owner. 01000.14 MQNUMENTS AND LANDMARK.S Monuments or landmarks shall not be xnolested or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees without written consent of the Owner. Any monument or landmark so removed will be replaced by the Owner at the expense of the Contractor. 01000.15 DETOURS The Contractor must so schedule his work that in na case are two adjoining parallel streets clased for utility construction at any one time. If, in the opinion of the Owner, a traffic hazard or an unreasanable long detour is caused by the Contractor's plan of wark, he shall immediately revise his working schedule and reopen whatever streets are required for maintenance of traffic. The Contractar will, in no case, be pernutted to start work in any new location without permission of C�: the Owner. If the Contractor shall disregard the instt'uctians of the Owner cancerning traffic control, it will be considerred sufficient cause to invoke that section of the specifications entitled "The Owner's Right to Terrninate Contract." The Contractor will be responsible �or placing and maintainxng "Detour" signs when required, or when directed by the Ownez'. The local fire department and 911 dispatch center shall be notified of any street closures in advance of suck� clasure. 01000.16 EXISTING UTILITIES The Contractar will be required, at his awn expense, to do everything necessary to locate, protect, support, sustain and avoid conflicts with existing water, gas and service pipes, stoarzn and sanitary sewers, existing structures, electric light and power lines, telephone poles, conduits, roads and other fixtures on the site of the wark. In case any of the said water, gas, and service pipes, storm and sanitary sewers, existing structures, electric ligk�t and power lines, telephone poles, conduits, roads and other fixtures be damaged, they shall be repaired, but the cost thereof shall be considered as having been included in the prices stipulated for the various items of woz'k to be dane under cantract. O1pQ0.17 SANITARY MEASURES Sanitary conveniences for the use of all persons employed on Che work shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor in sufficient number, in such manner and in such places as shall be approved by the Owner. All persons connected with this work sha11 be obliged to use them, and any employees fouz�d violating these provisions shall be discharged and not again employed without written consent. All necessary precautions, including the care of ernplayees, and prevention of any pollution of the existing watez' supply shall at all times be satisfactory to the goveming authorities. The Contractor shall promptly and fully camply with all orders and regulatians in regard to these matters. 01000.18 CLEANING UP As the work progresses, the Contractor shall remove from the site and dispose of debris and waste material. Particular attentian sl�all be given to rninirnizing any fire hazard fram combustibles as nnay be used in connection with the work. On ar before the date o� the final estimate for the work, the Cantractar shall tear down and remove all temporary structures built by him, shall remove all construction plant used by him and shall repair and replace all parts of existing embanktnents, fences, sidewalks, shrubbery or structures which were rernoved ar injured by the Contractor's operations ar by employees of the Contractor; shall thoraughly clean aut all sewers, drains, pipes, manholes and miscellaneous structures and shall remove all rubbish and leave ground, thoz'aughfares, and rights-af-way in a neat and satisfactory condition. .• 01000.19 FAILURE TD CLEAN UP Upan failure of the Contractor to keep the sites af his aperations clean, to the satisfaction of the Owner may upon twenty-faur (24) hours' natice to the Contractor, remove any �rubbish, materials, earth, etc., which the Owner may deem necessary, charging the cost thereof to the Contractor and may deduct the amount fr�rn any money that may be due him. 01000.20 RESTORATION OF SURFACE The Contractor shall replace all surface material, and shall restore paving (unless othervvise stipulated), curbing> sidewalks, gutters, shrubbery, fences, sod, and other surfaces disturbed to a condition equal to that before the work began, furnishing all labor and materials incidental thereto. In restaring paved surfaces, new pavement is required except that granite paving blocks, sound brick, or asphalt paving blocks may be reused. Restoration work should be expedited. 01000.21 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS The Contractor shall maintain continuous "record" data for the project, including accurate r�cords of location, length, and elevation of all pipe lines and piping installed and all architectural, mechanical, or structural features of the Contract and will provide specific information ta Clearwater Gas System as required. A set of drawings will be provided to the Contractor to be kept at the job site for this purpose. Promptly after completion af any partion of the job site, the Contractor shall deliver to the City Engineer or CGS the Owner a professional type drawings of completed work, with accurate notatians recorded thereon as necessary ta revise the drawings for record purposes. Information to be shown far GAS mains and service lines shall include the location of valves, tees, and offsets dimensions to the nearest permanent objector m�nurnent two road centerline measurements. Information to be shown an a submitted as built or service line installation card shall include the distance to the nearest crass street center line, length of service line, measurernent fram building corner, a north arrow and building nurnber served. The Contractar will be held responsible for the accuracy of sach data and shall bear any monetary costs incurred in finding gas utilities as a result of incorrect data furnished by the Contractar. �o SECTION 02005 MOBILIZATION PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. The work specified under this Section consists af the preparatory wax'k and operations in mobilizing to begin work on the project, including but not limited ta those operations necessary for the rnovement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to tl�e project site(s), and for the establishment of temporary offices, buildings, safety equiprnent and first aid supplies, sanitary and other facilities as required by these specifications, special provisions and state and local laws and regulations. B. The cost of bands and any required insurance, consideration for indemnificatian to the Owner and the Engineer, and any other pre-construction expenses necessary �For the start of the work, excluding the cost of construction materials, shall also be included in this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. Not Applicable PART 3 - EXECUTION A. Not Applicable PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT A. The quantity of Mobilization for which payment rwill be made shall be the actual number of units measured in place and accepted. The units measured shall be as listed in the Bid Schedule. If a payment iCenr� for Mobilization is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, the quantity for which payment wi11 be made shall be the quantity required to cornplete the work. 4.02 PAYMENT A. Payment for Mobilization shall be rnade at the prices stated in the Bid Schedule. If a payment itezn for Mobilization is not specifically xncluded in the Sid Schedule, payment for the work s�ecified in Chis Section shall be included in the several unit and lump sum prices for all applicable iterns of work. END OF SECTION �i sECTroN o2z21 TRENCHING, BACKFTLLING AND COMPACTING FOR UTILITY SYSTEMS PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. The work included under this Section consists af clearing, excavating, grading and backfilling as required for the constructian of the utility systems consisting of piping and appurt�nances as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BEDDING MATERIAL A. Sedding rnate:�al iar use below the water table or in wet trenches shall be pea rock, drain feld lime rock or similar rnaterial as approved by the Owner's Representative. Pipe bedding material far use in dry trenches shall be lime rock screenings, sand or other �ne inorganic material as approved by the Owner's Representative. 2.02 ADDITIONAL BACKFILL MATERIAL A. Additional backfill rnaterial shall be a noncohesive, nonplastic granular mixture of local sand and rock and shall be free from vegetation, organic mate�ial, marl, silt or muck. No stones or rocks shall be larger than 6-inches in diameter, and when plac�d within 1-foot of piping azad appurtenances stanes or rocks shall be no larger than 2-inches in diameter (1-inch for PVC). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CLEARING A. The Contractor shall pey-farm all clearing necessary for the proper installation af all piping and appurtenances in the locations shown on the Drawings. Plantings, shrubbery, trees, utility poles or structures subject to dar�xage resulting from the excavation shall be txansplanted, relocated, braced, shored, or otherwise protected, preserved and restared unless otherwise directed by the Owner's Representative. 3.02 EXCAVATI�N A. The Contractor shall perfozm all excavation of every description and af whatever substances encauntered, to the dimensions and depth shown on the Drawings, or as directed. The contractor shall e�nploy an OSHA competent persan at each excavation site to promote safe excavation practices. All excavations shall be � made by open cut. A11 existing utilities such as pipes, poles and structures shall be carefully supported and protected frozt� injury, and in case of damage, they shall be restored at no cost to the Owner's Representative. B. Tzenck� walls shall be kept to protect the safety of workrr►en, the general public, this or ather wdrk or structures, or to maintain trench widths witl�xn the limits hereinafter specified, shall be properly sheeted and braced in accordance with the Florida Trench �afety Act and Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) sa�ety standards 29 C.F.R.S.1926.650 Subpart P. Where waod sheeting or certain designs of steel sheeting are used, the sheeting shall be cut off at a level 2-feet above the top of the installed pipe and that portion below that level shall be left in place. If interlocking steel sheeting is used, it may be removed paroviding removal can be accomplished wiChout disturbing the bedding, pipe ar alignment of the pi�e. Any daznage to the sheeting shall be cause for rejection of the affected portion of the work. Not more than 100-feet of trench shall be opened ahead of pipe laying operations at one time unless the Owner's Representative approves a. greater length of open trench. C. In areas where trench widths are not lirnited by right-of-way, and/or easem�nt widths, property line restrictions, existing adjacent im�xovements, including pavements, structures and other utilities, and �naintenance of traffic, the trench sides xnay be sloped to a stable angle of repose of the excavated material. A substantially and safely constructed movable shield, "box" or "mole" may be used in place of sheetxng wk�e� the trench is opened imrnediately ahead of the shield and closed immediately behind the shield as pipe laying �roceeds iz�sxde the shield. D. Ladders or steps shall be provided �ar and used by warkrnen ta enter and leave trenches. E. Pipe trenches for utility �xz�es shal� be excavated to a width within the limits of the top of the pipe and tk�e trench bottozn so as to provide a cleazance on each side of the pipe barrel, measured to the face of the excavation or sheetzng, xf used, oi 8- inches to 12-inches. Where the pipe size exceeds 12-inches, the clearance shal� be from 12-inches to 18-inches. All pipe trenches sha11 be excavated to a level 8- inches below the outside bottom of the proposed pipe banre�. F. Excavation for appurtenances shall be sufficient to provide a clearance between their outer surfaces and the face of the excavation or sheeting, if used, of not less than 12-inches. Manhole excavations shall be carried to suificient depth to perimit their construction on the undisturbed bottom of the excavation. G. Materials removed fram the trenches shall be stored and disposed of in such a manner that they will not interfere unduly with traffic on public streets and sidewalks and they shall not be placed on private property. Tn congested areas, 73 such materials as cannat be stored adjacent to the trench ar used immediately as backfill shall be removed to convenient places of storage. H. All materials suitable for use as backfill shall be hauled ta and used in areas where not enough suitable material is available frorn the excavation. I. Suitable material in excess of backfill requirernents and all unsuitable material shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the work and disposed of by the Contractor at his expense. J. Excess suitable material shall remain the property of the Owner and shall be disposed of within the limits of the project as directed by the Owner's Representative. The disposal area shall be finish graded upon completion of the work. [c�lIc�C��u�1lil��I1�i/:11�1 �7 A. It is a basic requirement of these specifications that excavations shall be free from water before pipe ar structures are installed. However, it is realized that in certain sections of the work this cannot be accomplished economically and the Contractar may �lect to use the Alternate Method of Construction. B. The Contractor shall pravide all necessary pumps, underdrains, well-point systems, and other means for removing water from trenches and other parts of the wark. The Contractor shall continue dewatering operations until the backfill has progressed to a sufficient depth over the pipe to prevent flatation ar movement of the pipe in the trench and so that it is above the natural water table. C. Water from the trenches and excavation shall be disposed af in such a rnanner as will not cause injury to public health, to public or private property, to the work completed or in progress, to the surface of the streets, or cause any interference with the use of the same by the public. The Contractor shall submit his proposed nnethods of handling trench water and locations at which the water will be disposed of to the Owner's Representative for approval and shall receive approval before starting the excavation. 3.04 PIPE SEDDING A. As described above, all pipe trenches shall be excavated to a level 8-inches below the outside bottam of the propased pipe barrel. The resulting excavation shall be backfilled with approved pipe bedding materials, up to the level of the lower one- third of the proposed pipe barrel. This backf'ill shall be tamped and compacted to provide a praper bedding for the pipe and shall then be shaped to receive the pipe. Sedding shall be provided under the branch of all iittings to furnish adequate support and bearing under the fitting. Sedding material for piping shall be pea 74 rack, drainfield lime rock, or similar materials as approved by the Owner's Representative. Lime rack screenings, sand or other fine inorganic material from the excavation may be used £or bedd�z�g �xiatez�al when pipe is install�d above the natural water table. B. Any excavation below the levels required for installation of the pipe bedding, except for "Additional Excavation", as hereinafter specified, sha�l be backiilled with approved bedding znaterial, taznped, compacted and skZaped tv provide proper support for the propased pipe, at no additianal cost to the Owner's Representative. 3.05 BACKFILL UNDER MANHOLES AND METER VAULTS A. Any excavation below the levels required for the proper construction. o�F znanholes or :meter vaults shall be filled with Class I concrete. The use of earth, rock, sand or other materials for this purpose will not be permitted. 3.06 TRENCH STABILIZATION A. No clairn for extras, or additional payment will be considered for cost incurred in the stabilization af trench bottorns, which are rendered soft or unstable as a result of constructioz� methods, such as improper or inadequate sheeting, dewatering or other causes. Tn no event shall pipe be installed when such conditions exist and Che Cantractor shall correct such conditions so as to provide proper bedding or foundations for the proposed atnstallation at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.07 SPECIAL PIPE FOUNDATION A. General: When shown on the Drawings or when directed by the Owner, the Contractor shall provide the special type of pipe foundation in lieu of the pipe bedding as specified above and provide the additional excavation required. B. Type A Pipe Foundatian: Type A pipe foundation shall be used when and where directed by the Owner's Representative. Foundation material shall be crushed, graded, local limestone suitable for use as concrete aggregate. Gradation shall be such that 95-100 percent of the material will pass a 1-inch square opening laboratory sieve. Material shall be placed from 1-foot below the barrel of the pipe to 6-inches above the pi.pe and the width of the foundation material as placed around the pipe shall not be less than the outside diameCer of the pi�e, plus 12- inches. Construction of Type A pipe foundation shall be as shawn or indicated on Che Drawings. Foundation material shall be placed in the bottom of the trench and compacted to an elevation, which will provide firm bedding far the full pipe length, after which rnatez�al shall be placed and compacted evenly on both sides of the pipe and above the pipe to an elevatian 6-inches above the top of the pipe barrel. Pipe shall not be displaced or damaged during placement and cornpactxon of the foundation material. �s C. Type B Pipe Foundation: Where soft, yielding, unstable or other unsatisfactory material exists at the bottom of the trench, the Owner's Representative may direct the use of Type B Pipe Foundation. Only the pipe foundation ordered by the Owner's Representative will be paid for. Canstruction shall be in accordance with the details shown or indicated on the Drawings. Concrete shall be Class I. 3.0$ BACKFILL A. Sackfilling of utility trenches will not be allowed until the work has been approved by the Owner's Representative, pressure tested if required, and the Owner's Representative indicates that backfilling rnay praceed. Any work vvhich is covered ar concealed without the knowledge and cansent of the Ownez's Representative shall be uncovered or exposed for inspection at no cost to the Owner's Representative. Partial backfill may be made to restrain the pipe duri,ng pressure testing. Sight tubes will be installed on underground house piping installations as appropriate for inspection. B. Backf'ill material shall be nancohesive, nonplastic material free of all debris, organic rnaterial, lumps, clods and broken paving. Backfill material placed within 1-foot of piping and appurtenances shall not contain any stones or rocks larger than 2-inches in diameter (1-inch for PVC) and no stones or rocks larger than 6- inches in diameter will be permitted in any backfill. C. If a sufficient quantity of suitable back�ill material is not available from the trench or othex excavations within the site of the work, the Owner's Representative will order the Contractor to provide additional material suitable for this purpase. The additional material shall be installed as specified herein. No payrnent will be made for additional backf'ill rnaterial used to replace nonplastic material (rock) aver b-inches in diameter. D. Selected backiill material cantaining no stane or rocks larger than 2-inches shall be placed in 6-inch layers and thoroughly tarnped to a depth of 12-inches over the top of the pipe. Particular attention and care shall be exercised in obtaining thorough support for the branch of all service connection fittings. Care shall be taken to preserve the alignment and gradient of the installed pipe. E. After the backf'ill has been placed to a level 12-inches over the waterline or force main pipe, the remainder of the backfill shall b� placed in layers, not to exceed 9- inches, and compacted with mechanical vibrators ar ather suitable equipment to obtain a density of the backf'illed material of not less than 95 percent of its maxitnum density as hereinafter defined, unless otherwise specified on the plans. F. After selected backiill has been placed ta a d�pth of 12-inches over the sewer pipe, backfilling shall proceed to a depth vf 3�-inches over the pipe by placing the backiill material in 6�inch layers and thoroughly cornpacting it with mechanical 76 vibrators. Backfill in this portion of the work shall be compacted ta 90 percent of maximum density of the material as herexnafter defined, un�ess otherwise specified on the plans. G. Aiter the backfill has been placed to a level 30-inches over the sewer pipe, the remainder af the backfill shall be placed in layers, not to exceed 9-inches, and compacted with mechanical vibrators ar ather suitable equipment to obtain a density of the backfilled material of not less than 95 percent of its maximum density as hereinafter defi;ned, unless otherwise speci�ed on the plans. H. Within paved areas of trench excavation, the base and surfacing shall be reconstructed as specified under Section 02574 Pavement Removal and Replacement. I. No more than 800-feet of trench with pxpe in place shall be partia��y backfilled at any time. J. Shut Down of Work: When work has shut down for each day, all lines shall be capped, sealed, and pressured to 90 paunds with air. When a Paroject is not imrnediately tied-in, plug and seal all openings in the pipe and rnaintain a minimum of 90 pounds af aiar pressure. If a pipeline is ta be abandoned in place, then disconnect the gas sup�ly source, purge all of the gas utilizing nitrogen for all gas lines exceeding 1'OOO linear feet or 4" pipe size and larger; any length, from the abandoned system, and seal all of the ends. 3.09 COMPACTION AND DENSITIES A. Methods of cantrol and testing of backfill construction to be employed in this work are: 1 ►� Maximurn density of the rnaterial in trenches shall be determined by AASHTO Designation T-18p, unless othez�wise noted. Field density of the backfill material in place shall be determined by AASHTO Designation T-238. E. Laboratory and field density tests, which, in the opinion of the Owner's Representative, are necessary to establish compliance with the cozx�paction requirements of these speci�cations, wi11 be conducted at the Cantractor's expense. Tests will be made at depths and locations selected by the Owner's Representative. C. Trench backfill which does not comply with the specified densities, as indicated by such tests, shall be reworked and recompacted until the required compaction is �� secured, at no additional cost to the Owner. The Costs for retesting such work shall be paid for the Contractor. 3.1� ADDITI�NAL EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Where organic material, such as roots, muck, or other vegetable matter, or other material which, in the apinion of the Owner's Representative, will result in unsatisfactory foundation conditions, is encountered below the level of the propased pipe bedding material, it shall be wholly or partially ren��oved as directed by the Owner's Representative and wasted. Sheeting shall be installed if necessary to maintain pipe trenches within the specified limits. The resulting _ excavation shall be backfilled with suitable backfill material, placed in 6-inch layers, tamped and campacted up to the level oi the bottom of the proposed pipe bedding rnaterial. Suf£�icient campaction of this rnaterial shall be performed to protect the proposed pipe against settlement. Construction shall then proceed in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.04 Pipe Bedding. B. Additional excavation shall be performed only when ordered by the Owner's Representative. Where organic ar other unsuitable material is encount�red in the excavation, the Contractor shall bring the condition to the attentian of the Owner's Representative and abtain his determination as to whether or not the material will require removal, prior to preparing the pipe bedding. C. Additional backfill material, if required, shall be furnish�d in accordance with the provisions therefore in Article 3.08 Backfill. 3.11 ALTERNATE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION A. General: 1. A cambinatian of conditions in the substrata, water table, or method of disposal may be encountered during the course of the work, which make dewatering irnpossible, or anly possible through the use af unusual methods, the cost of which is excessive. When such conditions are encountered, but only after all reasonable rneans to dewater the excavation have been err►ployed withaut success, the Cantractar, with the concuGx�ence of the Owner's Representative, may elect to employ the following alternate method of construction. Th� concurrence of the Owner's Representative shall be obtained in writing and shall limit the use of the alternate methad of constructian to such specific portions of the work as the Qwner's Representatives shall determine. 2. The canstruction specifications contained in the preceding parts of this section shall establish the required standards af construction quality for this work. Use of the alternate methad of construction described 78 hereinafter shall in no way be construed as relieving the Contractar of his basic responsibility for satisfactory completian of the work. No additior�a� payment will be rnade to the Contractor for excavation, backfill, sheeting or any costs incurred for work ar materials, or any other costs incurred as a result of the use of this alternate method of construction. The unit and lump suxn prices establish�d in the Proposal shall be full paynnent for the various items of work. 3. Subject ta all of the requirements stated hereinabove, including written approval of the Owner, construction will be permitted in accardance with the following specifications. A11 requirernents of Article 3.01 through Article 3.09, inclusive, of these specifications shall apply to this construction unless otherwise specifically modified herein. B. Removal of Water: The installation of pipe, manholes and appurtenances under water will be permitted and the requirements of Article 3.03 Removal of water will be waived. C. Excavation: 1. Excavation of pipe trenches to the level o� the battam of the proposed pipe bedding shall be performed in accordance with Article 3.02 Excavation. if rock, such as linne rock or other similar hard; cernented material providing firm, unyielding trench bottoms is encountered at the �evel of the bottom of the proposed pip� bedding, no additional excavation will be required. If material such as sand, marl, or other rnaterial which cannot be classified as rock, as hereinabove defined, is encountered at the �evel of the bottom of the propased pipe bedding, the pipe trench shall be excavated to an additional depth of 10-inches minimum, below that level. This additional excavation, and the additional back filling made necessary ther�by, is an essential part of this altea�-inate construction method and no additional payment wx�l be made for this wark, regardless of the type of mate�al encountered. 2. Excavation for manhales to be installed under water shall be continued to a depth, below the outside bottarn af the proposed strucCure, which will provide a minimum space of 12-inches in rock, or 24-inches in sand, as the same are defined hexeinabove, for the placement of drainfield lime rock as hereinafter specified. 3. The excavation of pip� trenches at their junction with excavations for manholes shall be modified in the following manner: A longitudinally sloping, plane bottorn surface, for the placement of �i�e bedding material, shall be provided from the bottom of the manhole excavation, at xts extrez�ity, to a line of intersection with the bottom of typical excavatian af 79 10-feet measured harizontally, from the vertical plane of the manhole excavation. D. Pipe and Manhole Bedding: The pipe trench or rnanhole excavation shall be backfilled to rec�ive the pipe or manhale with drainfield lime rock as the sarne is commonly referred to in this area, up to the level af the lawer one-third of the proposed pipe barrel, or to the outside bottom of the propased manhole as applicable. This backiill shall be tamped and compacted to provide proper bedding iar the pipe or manhole, as also specified herein. Under no circumstances will material othex than drainfield lime rock be considered satisfactory for use as bedding material for underwater construction. E. Backfill: 1. After the pipe is installed, backfilling shall proceed in accordance with the provisions af Article 3.08 Backfill, except that drainfield lime rock shall be used to back fill around the pipe and to a level even with the top of the pipe bell. Under no circurnstances will material other than drainfield limerock be considered satisfactory for this purpose. 2. If the Alternate Methad of Construction is used, all backf�ill material, including drainfield lime rock, shall be carefully lifted into the trench and released to fall freely therein when the bucket or container is at or just above water level. Under no circumstances shall backfill material be dumped or pushed into trenches containing water. Below the existing water level, backfill material shall be carefully rammed inta place in uniform layers. Above the water level, backfill material shall be placed and compacted as specified in Article 3.08 Backfill and Article 3.09 Compaction and Densities. 3.12 RESTORATION UF EXISTING SURFACES A. Paved and grassed areas disturbed by the operatians required under this Section shall be restored as indicated an the Drawings and/or speci�ied herein. All materials required fox temporary and permanent street repairs shall include base materials. PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND FAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT A. The quantity of Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting far Utility Systems for which paynnent will be made shall be the actual number of units rneasured in place m and accepted. The units measured shall be as listed in the Bid Schedule. If a payzaaent item far Trenching, Back�illzng and Compacting for Utility Systerns is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, the quantity for wk�ich payment will be made shall be the qrxantity required to complete the work. 4.02 PAYMENT A. Payment far Trenching, Sackfilling and Compacting for Utility Systems shall be made at the p�.ces stated in the Bid Schedule. If a payment item for Trenching, Bac�Cfilling and Compacting for Utility Systenas is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, payment for the work specified in this Section shall be included in the several unit and lump sum prices for all applicable items of work. END OF SECTION s a. SECTIUN 02574 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT PART 1- GENERAL ]..Ol WORK INCLLTDED A. Work includes all labor and materials under this Section for cutting, removing, pratecting and replacing existing pavernents of the various types encountered including roadways, driveways and sidewalks. B. Pernuts: The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permits prior to any roadway wark. Additianally, the Contractor shall provide advance notice to the appropriate authority, as required, priar ta construction operations. C. Protection of Existing Improvements: The Contractor shall be resp�nsible fax' the protection of all types of pavexnents, sidewalks and other impravernents within the work area. All damage to such im.provements, as a result of the Contractor's operations, beyond the limits of the wark of pavement replacement as described herein, shall be repaiz'ed by the Contractor at his expense. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATER�ALS A. Materials, including lirne rock, bituminous prime and tack coat, and asphaltic concrete for the above vc�ork shall meet the requirements established therefore by the FDOT Specifications. 1. Lime rock shall be Miami or Ocala Lime rock. 2. Bituminous prime caat material shall be cutback asphalt Grade RC-70. 3. Biturninaus tack coat material shall be emulsified asphalt Grade RS-2. 4. Asphaltic concrete shall be Type S-I or S-III. 5. Concrete material shall be Class I or II, andlor as otherwise required ta meet FDOT specificatians. 6. Welded wire fabric, joint reinforcing welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM-A185 and ASTM-A615. $2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Pedestrian or schoal crossings: Where tk�e vvork crosses or interferes with school or pedestrian crossings, extreme care shall be taken by the Contractor to insure the sa�ety o� school children or other pedestrians. Contractor shall also rnake necessary accommodations to provide a safe path for handicap iz�dividuals traveling through the work zone, compliant to ADA. 3.02 PERFORMANCE A. Removals: 1. Pavement Removal: a. Where existing pavement is to be removed, the suxfacing shall be mechanical saw cut p�ior to trench excavation, leaving a uniform and straight edge, with minimum disturbance to the ren�aining adjacent surfacing. The width of cut for this phase of existing pavernent removal shall be minimal. b. �mt�nediately following the specified backf'illing and compaction, a temporary sand seal coat surface shall be applied to the cut areas. This ternparary surfacing sha11 pravide a sznooth traffic surface with the existing roadway arxd shall be maintained until final restoratian. Sazd surfacing shall rernain for 10 days in order to assure the stability of the backfill under normal traffic conditions. Following this period and �rior to 15 days aftez' application, the temporary surfacing shall be remaved a�d final raadway surface restoration accornplished. c. In. advance of final restoration, the temparary surfacing shall be removed and the existing pavement mechanically sawed straight and clean to the stipulated dimensions. Following the above operatian, the Contractor shall proceed irnrnediately with final pavement restoration in accordance with these requirements. 2. Sidewalk, Drive, & Curb Removal: Concrete sidewalks, curbs, combinatian curb and gutter, walks, drive ribbons, or driveways shall be xeznoved by initially sawing the structure, with a suitable power saw, as specified above for pavernent. When a fnrmed joint in the concrete is within 3-feet of the prapased saw cut and parallels tk�e pz'opased saw cut, 83 the rernoval line shall be extended to the formed joint. After sawing, the material shall be rernoved. B. Restorations: 1. General: Cut and remaved driveway or roadway pavernent in connection with trench excavation shall be replaced ox z'estored in equal or better conditian than the original and as may be shown on the Drawings. The Drawings indicate minimutn requirements. Backfill shall comply with the other sections of these Specifications or FDOT Standards, whichever are more stringent. 2. Pavement Restoration - Asphalt: a. Lirne rock base course shall be compacted for its full thickness to not less than 98 p�rcent of maxirnum density as determined by AASHTO Designation T 180. field density of lime rock base in place shall be determined by AASHTO Designation T 238. b. Construction methods and equiprnent shall generally meet the requirennents therefore as established in the FDOT Specifications. c. After the application of the prirtte coat on the base, the prime coat shall be allowed to cure without sanding for a period of 2�- hours. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect the primed surface against damage during this interval. If, at the end of 24-hours, it is not proposed to proceed at once with the application of the surface course, prim.ed surface shall be given a light application of clean sand and opened to traffic. d. 7oints with existing surface and base shall be sawed cut straight and neat. If necessary ta abtain a straight net joint, the contractor shall cut out sufficient existing rnaterial and replace it with new �x►aterial. e. The upper surface of the completed base caurse shall be cornpacted to an elevation to permit the full depth oi the surface course to be constructed without deviating fram the grade of the pavettxent surface. The completed surface shall match the line and grade of the existing surface. When pavement is rernoved to the edge of the roadway, the replaced base course shall extend not less than 6-inches beyond the edge of the surfacing. 84 f. After the base course construction in the trench area k�as been completed and primed, the surface shall be tack coated and the thickness of Type S-I asphaltic concz'ete shall be constructed in accordance with the plans or requirements specified above for �avement restoraCion. 3. Driveway Restoration - Asphalt: Driveway pavement with lirne rock base cut and removed in connection with trench excavation shall be replaced or restored as specified above for street or roadway pavernent, except the new lime rocic base course shall be equivalent the existing base course in thickness, except that in no case shal� new driveway base course be less than b-inches in thickr►ess. Muck or unsuitable materia� found under existing driveway construction will nat be removed and replaced. 4. Concrete, Sidewalk, Walkway, Driveway Ribbon and Curb Restaration: a. Concrete sidewalks, walkways, driveways, driveway ribbons and curbs required to be removed for the installation of facilities under this Contract shall be restored. Class I concrete shall be used in all cases. b. Replaced portions o f these iterns shall conform to the lines, grades and cross sections of the removed portxons. Concrete sidewalks and walkways shal� be of 4-inch rninimum thickness; concrete driveways and driveway ribbons shall be b-inch minimum thickness. Replaced concrete curb and/or gutter shall join neatly to the remaining sectian. 5. Pavement Restoration - Concrete: Rxgid pavement shall be replaced in kind with Class Z concrete, using high early strength cement. The subgrade course for rigid pavement shall be replaced with stabilized subgrade or cleanfill material and compacted to a thickn�ss to match the existing base. a. The Cantractor shall saw cut and remove the existing cancrete to the nearest joint as directed in the field by the Owner's Representative. Provision far expansion joints (minimum 1/z" preformed joint filler) and saw cut joints shall be a part of the restoration wark for the driveway and raadway. 6. Asphaltic Cancrete Surface Caurse Overlay: a. The work under this section inc�udes asphaltic concrete surface course overlay paving as and where directed by the Owner or his authorized representative. Where this paving is directed zt shall 85 take the place of asphaltic concrete pavement restoration as specified herein above. This surface course averlay shall exCend over the reconstrructed base course and the existing pavement ta the limits directed by the Owner or his authorized representative, which generally shall be full width of the roadway. b. After the base caurse construction in the trench area has been completed and primed, the surface shall be tack coated and the thickness of Type S-III asphaltic concrete shall be constructed in accordance with the plans �r requirements specified above for pavement restoration. 7. Nonsurfaced streets, alleys and driveways shall be restored with 6-inches of compacted lime rock base material placed in the top of the trench. PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT A. The quantity of Pavement Removal and Replacement for which payment will be made shall be the actual nurnber of units measured in place and accepted. The units measured shall be as listed in the Sid Schedule. If a payment item for Pavement Removal and Replacement is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, the quantity for which payment will be made shall be the quantity required ta complete the work. 4.02 PAYMENT A. Payment for Pavement Remaval and Replacement shall be made at the prices stated in the Bid Schedule. If a payment item for Pavement Removal and Replacement is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, payment for the work specified in this Section shall be included in the several unit and lump sum prices for all applicable items of work. END OF SECTION EI• SECTION 026$5 NATURAL GAS PIPELINE INSTALLATIONS PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. The work specified under this Section consists of all labor, services, equipment, materials, labor, testing and purging required to camplete the construction of the gas main consisting of, but not limited to, piping, appurtenances and ather accessories as shown on the Drawings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Clearwater Gas System will furnish all gas related material in connection with the installation of gas mains and service lines. Materials will be available for pick-up by the Contractor at 400 North Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida, 33755. Warehouse hours are 7:00 AM until 9:30 AM and 2:30 PM until 3:30 PM. The contractor may pick up materials during these haurs only. The contractor shall supply the labor and equiprnent necessary fox loading the materials supplied by the City of Clearwater. T�e CGS will not provide any iterns, unless specifically stated xn tk�e contract. The contractor is responsible for all materials obtained and must adhere to the zequxreznents of contractor vehicle and warehouse audits. Contractor will be responsible for all shortages and rnonetary rexrnbursement is required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LOADING, STORING AND STRINGING A. When loading oar unloading lengths of plastic pipe, a nylon sling will be used so as not to damage the pipe itself. When unloading lengths of plastic pipe, it shall be done by hand in such a manner as not to damage the pipe itself, nor to endanger the safety of the main. B. When storing, plastic material and fittings shall be placed on skids and covered with a sheet of polyethylene or like material to protect it from sunlight. C. When stringing pipe on the jab site, the area will be cleared of all sharp objects, and pipe will be placed in the ground in the same manner as unloading, so as not to damage the pipe itself. While stringing lengths of pipe, a nylon sling shall be s7 used in such a manner so as not to darnage the pipe itself. Pipe shall not be dragged along the ground surfaces. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall include excavation whether by trenching rnachine, backhoe, directional drilling, by hand or other rnethods which may be necessary to prepare a trench in which the pipe will be laid. The word "ditching" is used here and shall mean the maintenance of ditch, including temparary damming, pumping, bailing and draining and dewatering, wherever required, and the furnishing and placing of any temporary shoring used to maintain the ditch. When the gas line parallels other lines, not less than vne faot clearance will be pe�itted from other lines, but the requued clearance from parallel lines shall be obtained from moving the ditch lines laterally rather than thraugh reduction of normal minimum cover of the gas line. The foregoing clearances shall be minirnum clearances allowable unless owners of the interfering lines require greater clearances from gas lines. Then their requirements shall be met if at all possible. 1. Trench shall be free of debris, sharp rocks, etc., before adding the sand bed for the new gas main. Sand bed shall have a minimum thickness of 4" below and 12" above the gas main 2. Befare each sectian of pipe is installed in the line, internal surface shall be suitably clean. 3. The pipeline shall be pigged and safely purged prior to iinal acceptance. �. The open ends of all sections of joined and/or installed pipe (not in service) sha11 be closed at night to prevent animals or foreign material from entering the pipe line or pipe section. Extrerne care rnust be exercised when moving plastic pipe, support stands and rallers shall be used when fusing and lowering pipe inta the trench or bore hole. POLYETHYLENE PTPE SHALL NOT BE DRAGGED ON THE GROUND OR ON PAVED SURFACES. Support/Stands must be used at all tirne that pipe is placed on paved surfaces. 5. Waterproof nightcaps of approved design may be used but they will be so constructed that they will prevent the entrance of any type of natural precipitation into the pipe and wi11 be fastened to the pipe in such a manner that the wind cannot blow thern loose. b. The practice of stuffing cloth or paper in the open ends of the pipe will not be tolerated. 88 7. Where possible, the pipe will be raised and supported at a suitable distance from the open end such that tk►e open end will be below the level of the pipe at the �oint o£ support. 8. Plastic pipe must be installed below ground level and shall have a minimum 36-inch depth of cover unless shown atherwise. No gas line shall be installed at a depth of less than 36 inches or gxeater than 48" inches below finish grade without written approval of the owner. Unless otherwise specified a rninitnuzt� a� 12 inches vertically and 24 inches horizontally shall be maintained between the pipe surface and other utility lines or adjacent foreign structures. In the event that it is not possible to maintain required vertical clearance from other structures, the Cantractor shall case the gas main in steel pipe or concrete at the discretion of the CGS's inspector. 9. Width of ditch shall be no less than twice the pipe diameter. 10. Plastic pipe is not to be installed in a vault ar any ather below-grade enclosure. 11. Plastic pipe must be installed so as to minimize shear or tensile stresses. 12. Pipe that has scratches, notches, cuts or any other abrasioz�s that exceed 10% of the pipe wall thickness shall be disposed of. The Cantractor shall use pipe stands, rollers, spooling devices, or other means to avoid damaging the pipe during installation. Observe pipe during installation for scratches, gouges or othex defects. I£ defects are present, rernove and discard defective section of pipe. The CGS Inspector must be notified of all defects and subsequent repairs. 13. Thermoplastic pipe that is not encased must have a minimum wall thickness of 0.090 inches and labeled D 2513. 14. Any fittings, valves, crosses or laterals shall be accomplished with fusian welds and the installation shall be included in the unit cost of the pipe installation. B. All lines shall be rnarked by #12 insulated copper tracer wire installed 12 inches above the pipe. Gas mains, valves and locating stations shall also be marked by adhesive identification disk affixed to the permanent curb or pavement. In addition, all mains 4-inches or larger shall be znaxked by 4-inch wide non-rnetallic marking tape installed 1 S inches above the pipe. Tracer wire shall be looped-up, uncut, into every valve box xncluding main valves and sexvice valves. Installations where 500 feet af pipe is laid betvcreen valves, empty valve boxes �� shall be installed over the gas main with tracer wire looped up every 5pQ feet. Tn commercially zoned areas, plastic marker poles with tracer wire looped up and attached may be substituted for gas test station type valve boxes with the inspector's approval. All tracer wire splices shall be rnade by the use of a direct bury splice kit, electric and duct tape connections are prohibited. Upon completion of the praject, and before final payment, the inspector will check the continuity of the tracer wire to ensure that there are na separations, and the tracer wire can be used %r locating purposes. The Contractor shall be responsible far repairing any damaged, braken or otherwise separated tracer wire. All tracer wire, gas marking tape, valve boxes, marker poles and splice kits will be supplied by Clearwater Gas System and the installation cost shall be included in the unit cost �f pipe installation. C. Each plastic anain must be installed with sufficient clearance, or must be insulated from any source of heat, so as to prevent the heat frozn impairing the serviceability of pipe. Locating wire is to be considered a source of heat, with the exception af directional drilling placement. D. Valves shall be maintained and protected froxn outside damage throughout the length of the praject and shall be kept accessible. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing valves that are damaged by construction activities. The Contractor shall also make any adjustments to valve boxes that may be required to be flush with final grade. Valves and Valve Boxes: Install valves and valve boxes plumb. All boxes shall be installed flush with the finished grade. Support box with brick or other approved rnaterial. Adequate backfill shall be placed around the valve boxes and valve extension boxes to prevent any dannage or settlement ta the pipeline that may be transferred to the pipe through the valve box. Protective sleeves shall be installed over fusion jaints and extend through the valve boxes on the polyethylene valve installations. Gas valves shall be rnarked by adhesive identification disks affixed to the permanent curb or the permanent pavement and marker poles installed if warranted for visibility. Valves shall be installed at the design marked locations. Valve supports are required for 2" valves and larger. Valves shall be installed with the operating nut on top, facing vertically up. CGS will not accept valves that are cocked or oriented in any direction except up. E. Prior to joining, all individual gas rnain lengths shall be swabbed. All gas mains shall be pigged prior to initiation of gas service, but after joining has been complete. The pigs used shall be suitable for different size pipes and be designed for polyethylene pipe use. Any pig that could danr►age the pipe, such as wire brush type pigs, shall not be acceptable far use. Only use of coznpressed air to drive the pig thraugh the pipe shall be permitted. F. Marker Pales: As the pipeline installation has progressed and b�fore completion, the Contractor shall install rnarker poles and posts at the locatians designated by the CGS construction standazd of not to exceed 500 linear foat intervals and 90 prominent locations such as offsets and vale locations Sury the anchor end of all 5- foot posts appraxirnately one- foot deep ta attain a unifornr� height af 4- feet above ground exposure as recommended by the manufacturer 3.03 QUALIFICATION OF JOINING PROCEDURES A. Joining procedures shall be in accordance with Section 192.283 af the US Department of Transportation, Title 49, Pipeline Safety Regulations, Part 192. B. Procedures for rnaking joints in plastic pipe may be tested by the pipe and fitting manufacturers, and these tests may be acce�ted by the operatar for c�ualificatxon of the procedure used by the contractor. C. A capy of each written procedure being used �or joining plastic pipe must be available to the persons making and inspecting joints at the site where joining is accoznplished. D. The Operations Coordinator will furnish a copy of the manufacturers recommended Heat Fusion Joining Procedures Manual at the time of certification. Butt Fusions 1. All butt fusions must be performed by the person(s) qualified by CGS to butt fuse, as certified by testing pipe size categary. Contractor's supervisar shall be present during all pipe fusions to insure that all required procedures are adhered to and to witness the yuality a� each joint. 2. Pipe fusion shall be conducted in accordance with the "Clearwater Gas System Polyethylene Gas Pipe Training Procedures", Ambient temperature shall be between 55° F and 90° F prior to pipe fusion; otherwise pipe shall be protected from direct sunlight and cooled down until the ambient temperature falls within the above temperature range. 3.Q4 QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONNEL A. Any person joxning polyethylene gas pipe m.ust receive training in accordance with Sectian 192.285 of the US Department of Transportation, Title 49, Pipeline Safety �egulations, Part 192. B. No person shall make a joint in a plastic pipe u�less that persan has been certified thraugh knowledge, skills and ability evaluation. The Gas Construction Inspector will conduct suck� evaluation initially and on an annual basis. Records shall be maintained of personnel qualified to make joints. N�N-QUALIFIED CONTRACTQR EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM POLYETHYLENE JOINiNG. CGS fusion certi�ications shall remain in effect for up to ane calendar year. 91 C. Contractar ernployees and their sub cantractors must meet the requirements and intent of CFR 49 Part �92.801, 192.803, 192.805, 192.807, and 192.8Q9 relating to Operator Qualification issued on August 27, 1999 and eifective with mandatory training to be completed by October 27, 2002 and continued knawledge, skills and ability training, hands on task assessrnents, to comply with the current OQ requirements. The Contractor shall furnish for review ta the Operations Coordinator their current plan, so it can be reviewed for compliance. The Contractar must state in writing that their qualification plan is in conformance with the intent of Federal Operator Qualification Regulations and is at least equal to and applicable to Clearwater Gas System's Operator Qualification Plan. The Contractor's Operator Qualification Plan must also explain how their employees have the ability to identify and safely react to natural gas related Abnormal Operating Conditions that may be encountered. 3.05 INSPECTION OF PLASTIC JOINTS A. Each joint must be inspected to ensure that it is acceptable. The person who inspects joints in plastic pipes must be qualified by appropriate training and experience in evaluating the acceptability of plastic pipe jaints rnade under the applicable jaining znethad. The inspectar must be approved by the Operations Coordinator with concurrence af the Operations Manager. 1. CGS will have OQ certiiied; polyethylene qualified construction inspector r at the various gas construction job sites. The Inspector has the right to reject any fusions not meeting CG5 requirements. The Contractor shall replace all fusions not meeting CGS requirements at his own expense. 2. The Contractor shall alsa designate a polyethylene qualified supervisor who will be present on site at all times to observe pipe iuser(s). 3. The CGS's Inspector will employ nan-destructive testing methads on polyethylene fusions and reject all deficient fusions. The CGS inspector can request any amount of random fusion samples, cut away from a joined pipeline for dest�ructive t�sting JOINING PLASTIC PIPE A. In general, all plastic joining shall be in accardance with Arnerican Standards Code for 1'ressure Piping, as outlined. S. A plastic pipe joint that is joined by heat fusion may not be disturbed until it has been properly set. Plastic pipe may not be joined by a threaded joint. Miter joints are prohibited. C. Each heat iusian joint on plastic pipe must camply with the following: F� 1. A heat fusion joint must be joined by a device that holds the heater element square to the ends of the piping, compresses the heated ends together, and holds the pipe in proper alignment while the plastzc hardens. 2. Heat may not be applied with a torch or other apen flarne. 3.07 TESTING A. Each segment of a plastic pipeline must be pressure tested. The test procedure must insure discavery of all patentially hazardous leaks in the segment being tested. The plastic �ipeline installation sk�all be pressure tested to 9p pounds per square inch for PE 24p6, 150 lbs per square inch for PE 3408, or no less than the Maxiznurn Allowable Operating Pressure of the Distribution System. The temperature of thermoplastic material must not be maxe tk�a� 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the test. These tests shall be recorded on a chart-type pressure instrument. Test duration shall be a minimurn of 24 hours and longer as required. A 24-hour test shall be placed on the entire system of mains prior to inxtxatxon oi gas service. If a portion of the gas service has met the requirements of the leak test and it is possible for the other sections to be tested z;ndependently, then the CGS inspectox ox the designated representative of CGS rnay approve initiation of gas service for that partion. B. Each day's work shall be tied into the pz'eceding day's wark and tested overnight. A pressure-timeclock gauge with a range no greater than 0— 2p0 p.s.i.g. and in good working order shall be furnished by the Contractax. All testing shall comply with D.O.T. Title 49, Part 192, Transportation of. Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards." The lacation of the project along with the temperature at the time the test pressure is placed upon tk�e pipe sk�all be recorded on the pressure chart. The �ressure charts shall be given to the CGS inspector or the designated representative. In order to facilitate daily testing, appropriate testing apparatus shall b� used. Leaks shall be repaired in a manner appraved by the CGS ox the designated representative of CGS befare additianal lengths of pipe that need to be tested are added to the main. C. Fusion joints shall be a one-hal� inch moltez� bead of uniforrn appearance after completion. This bead shall be visible and examined far penetratian 360 degrees around the pipe diameter. D. Puxging Pipes and Fittings: A combustible gas indicator shall be used when purging mains, services and house piping. When purgxng gas froxxa. abandoned lines, the air and the gas rnust be discharged aboveground at a rninirnum height of 8' above grade, and directed away from electric power lines or structures. When purging air frorn new lirnes, installation of a 5/8 service saddle and a grounded metallic riser is required at the end ar within four (4) feet from each dead end on all new installations of pipe in order to purge air from all dead ends 93 simultaneously. Release gas into new lines at a rate that will prevent for�natian of a hazardous mixture of gas and air or precede natural gas with a slug of inert gas, such as nitrogen provided by the contractor at no additional cast to CGS. E. If service lines are installed at the same time as the mains, then service lines shall be included in the testing of the mains. If service lines are installed after gas service has been initiated, then the Cantractor shall test each service line individually to stand up to an air test of 90- p.s.i.g. for thirty (3p) minutes. If a leak is discovered, then the Cantractor shall immediately make the appropriate repairs, in a method approved by the CGS inspector or Che designated representative of CGS. All existing service lines that are disconnected frotn Che main temporarily shall be tested as if they are new lines before being placed back into service. The pressure shall nat decrease during the test period. Air pressure shall be held until after soap testing. Soap test the service connectian by brushing/ spraying an approved liquid leak detection salution around the tapping tee base at the main, both ends of the autlet coupling, the outlet connection of the excess flow valve, and the pipe to riser connection in the customer's yard or business location, and at the meter valve inlet and outlet, If any leaks appear, the CGS's Inspector will direct repair procedures. INSTALLATIQN - SERVICES Service Lines Connected to a Polyethylene Main. All hot taps shall be made by qualified fusers using self-tapping tees Contractor shall install tapping tees at the locations marked by CGS. Sell holes shall be excavated, if installing the gas znains by boring methads, at each tapping tee installation site to provide an adequate wark area for installation and inspection af tapping tees. The tapping tees shall be installed in accordance with the CGS Procedures by the person(s) qualified by CGS to install tapping tees. All tapping tee fusions must be left open to be inspected by the CGS Inspectar. TAPPING TEE5 SHALL ONLY SE INSTALLED ON THE TOP OF MAIN 2. The main shall be tapped after the tapping tee iitting and final connections has cooled for the time periad speciiied by the manufacturer and the service line has been soaped and pressure tested. The manufacturer supplied ta�ping wrench or fitting shall be the only tool used for turning the tapping tee cutter to avoid tapping the backside of the znain or lass of the cutter inta the rnain, allen wrenches shall not be used. 3. Mechanical7oints. Compression type mechanical jaints to cannect polyethylene pipe to steel pipe shall be designed for natural gas use and the gasket material in the caupling must be compatible with the polyethylene pipe. The coupling must be used in combination with an internal tubular rigid stiffener. The preferred method is the utilization of a transition iitting to allow a steel to steel connection � using a compression dresser style coupling that can be readily restrained from pull out by a mechanical or welding a rod type clamping device. Joints shall be designed and installed to effectxvely sustain the longitudinal pu��-out forces caused by contraction of the piping or by external loading. Cornpxessian couplings shall not be used in above ground installations. All mechanical jaint connections shall be nated on the submitted asbuilt drawing, including the coupling manufacturer's pertinent information 3.08 ANTI-DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM A. The contractor agrees that it has in place, or will implement a drug and alcok�ol training and testing program for its employees that cotnply with the requirements of the US Department of Transportation, Title 49, Pipeline Safety Regulations, Part 199, Drug Testing Program for Pipelzne Personnel. The Contractor iurther agrees to allow access to its properfy and records by the Human Resources Director, ar appointed designee, of th� City of Clearwater. The Contractor will permit representatives of state or federal agencies who monitor the compliance of Drug and Alcohol rules/regulations access to its property and records. The contractor shall furnish quarterly statistical reports to the Operations Coardinatar. B. Said program shall provide pre-ernployment, random, for cause and past accident drug training and testing (alcohol foz cause testing) for all of its employees as required by Federal regulations and who axe assigned to perform services for Clearwater Gas System. C. The contractor shall attest in writing, under oath, Che following: 1. That the contracting firm has an agreement with a drug test�ng �aboratory certified by HHS/NIDA and an alcahol testing facility; 2. The name and address of the Medical Review Officer retained by the contractor for the drug and alcohol testing program; 3. That all employees of the contractor have been dz'ug tested . pre- employment; and 4. That all employees covered by the US Department of Transportation Regulation 199 receive random, for cause and post accident drug testing and alcohol testing for cause purrsuant to such regulation. D. Prior to doing any work for the Clearwater Gas Syste�n, the contractor will submit a copy of their current Alcohol Testing Policy and Drug Testing Policy. This policy will be included in a response to the Request for Bid. �� PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT A. The quantity of Natural Gas Pipeline Installation for which payment will be made shall be the actual nurnber of units measured in place and accepted. The units measured shall be as listed in the Bid Sclnedule. If a payment itern for Natural Gas Pipeline Installation is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, the quantity for which payment will be rnade shall be the quantity required to complete the wark. 4.02 PAYMENT A. Payment for Natural Gas Pipeline Installation shall be rnade at the prices stated in the Bid Schedule. If a payment item for Natural Gas Pipeline Tnstallation is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, payment for tk►e work specified in this Section shall be included in the several unit and lump sum prices for all applicable items of work. NATURAL GAS HOUSE (PIPING) PLUMBING DESCR.IPTION It is a mandatory requirement of the Natural Gas House (Piping) Plumbing Section that the cantractor possesses either a Master Plumbers certiiied or registered with the State of Florida and locally or a Gas Contracror license registered locally with either PCCLS or Pasco Counties, depending where work will be perforrned. The work ta be performed shall consist of furnishing all necessary labor, tools, equipment, materials, pipe & fittings, supplies, manufactured articles, power, and essential custonner connmunication, labor, and other operations necessary for the modification of existing natural gas house plumbing to accommadate relocation oi gas meters including: obtaining required permits if applicable; installation af new house gas pipes by threading pipe, measuring/ fitting and assembling pipe and iittings, new shut off valves, gas meters and regulators and connecting customer piping fram a new location and, subsequent pressure testing — leak check (Drop Test- utilizing a manometer))of the entire hause gas plurnbing system, and passing required inspections. CGS will reserve the right tv tnandate the turning on the gas and religk►ting the applicable appliances. Contractor shall immediately notify CGS dispatch of the "on gas" and complet� the required paperwork, including the drop test form, and submit, na later than the following business day. The work shall be complete and performed in strict accordance with the Contract specifications, and in compliance with all applicable codes, CGS requirements, Florida Fuel Gas Code and industry standards. All work, materials, and services not expressly shown or called for in the Cantract Documents, which may be necessary for the complete and proper GI:i construction of the work in good �aith, shall be performed, furnished, and installed by the Contractar as though originally so specified or shown, at no increase in cost to CGS. Gas pipe fitters and plumbez's shall be thoroughly trained and experienced in the skills required, a�d shall be completely familiar with the design and application of woxk described. EXISTING GAS( house piping) PLUMBING The m�dification of the existing gas house piping plumbing shall be performed by the contractor anly after receiving written approval from the CGS construction inspector. With the inspector's authorization the Contractor shall perform all modifications required for gas rneter set clearance cade compliance of existing natural gas plumbing. The Cantractor shall retnove and dispose of al1 abandoned existing gas plumbing. The � Contractor shall not cut into the existing gas plurnbing until the CGS inspector verifies the new meter stub-out location. TESTING Contractor shall pay for all testing and retesting required ta show compliance with the Cantract Specificatians, Codes, Regulations, and all other applicable laws. A. SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST The Contractar wxll conduct leakage tests at one and half tixnes the gas delivery pressuxe for minimum time of XS minutes on the new completed gas plumbxng or as required by the City- County Suilding Tnspector. The pressure shall not decrease or increase during the test period. B. CODE COMPLIANCE TESTING: Before turning gas on Before gas is introduced into a system of gas piping, the enCire system shall be inspected to determine that there are no apen fittings or ends and that all valves at unused outlets are closed and plugged or capped. Leak Detection methads The leakage shall be located by rneans af an approved gas detector, a noncorrosive detection fluid or other approved leak detection methods The following is an appxoved procedure far leak testing customer piping systems: 97 Leak tests are required any time there is an interruption of service meaning the flow of gas was stapped for any reason. Florida Fuel Gas Code 406.6.3 (NFPA 54 -$.2.3) states that "Immediately after the gas is turned on into a new system or into a syste�n that has been initially restored after an interruption of service, th� piping system shall be tested for leakage. If leakage is indicated, the gas supply shall be shut off until the necessary repairs have been made". The leak test will indicate any leaks within the propane piping system due to interruption of service vr out of gas situation. The leakage test is simply testing the integrity of the system plumbing joints and the seal of the pipe joint compound, piping fittings, pipe, gas equipment & appliances, valves etc. This is the safety reasoning behind leak testing. The real reason a leak test is performed is the life-safety factor "Protect Life and Then Property and because it is required by Florida Building Code law/ ordinance and none other. The leak check tests for leakage throughout the system of piping and appliances. It is used for new and existing gas systems. It is conducted aftec a system has been successfully pressure tested, inspected and approved. Normally, the leak check is conducted when one of the following occurs: • A system of new gas or modi�ed gas piping is placed into service for the first time (drap test) • A gas leakage is suspected (investigation of an odor complaint) • A gas meter is replaced • An appliance or appliance connector is replaced • An aut of gas condition accurs (interruption of service) The pressure test and leak check are often confused. A pressure test is required for new piping installations, while a leak check is required whenever the gas system is initially placed into service or when the gas is turned back on after it has been turned off. Leak checks differ iram the pxessure test in that it requires no special preparations. The medium used for a leak check is fuel gas at norimal supply pressure. The gas is applied to the total systern Leak Check Pracedur� The procedure for the leak check is not speciiied in the NFPA 54- National Fuel Gas Code or the ICC Fuel Gas Code- Florida Fuel Gas Code. Any rnethod can be used, as long as it iinds leaks. It is recammended that a written pracedure for the method be developed and the steps be taketa to ensure that all employees follow the methad sa CGS test every system identically Testing for leakage 98 This test can be done by one o� the fol�owxng methods: For Any Gas System- Ta an appropriate checkpoint attach a manometer ar an apprapriate pressure gauge between the inlet to the piping system and the first regulator in the piping system, momentarily turn on the gas supply and observe the gauging device for pressure drop with the gas supply shut off. No evident drop in pressure should occur during a period of 3 minutes. For Gas Systems Using Undiluted Liquefied Petroleum Gas System- Preparation for pro�ane. A leak check pecfor�ed on an L� Gas System being placed back into service should include all regulatars, including appliance regulators, and control valves in the system. Accordingly, each individual equipment shutoff valve should be supplying pressure to its appliance for the leak check. This check will prove the integrity of the 100 percent pilot shut off of each gas valve in the on position. Pilot not incorporating a 100 percent pilot shut off valve and all manual gas valves not incor�orating safety shutoff systems are to be placed in the off position prior to leak checking, by using the following methods: Sy inserting a pressure gauge between the container gas shutaff valve and the first regulatar in tk�e system, admitting full container gas pressure to the system and closing the container shutoff valve. Enough gas should be re�eased frazn the system to lower the pressure gauge reading by 10psi. The system should then be allowed to stand for 3 minutes without showing an increase or decrease in the pressure gauge reading. For systerns serving appliances that receive gas at a pressure o� 1/z psi ar 1ess, by inserting a water zx�anometer or appropriate Qressure gauge into the system downstream af the final regulator, pressurizing the system with either fuel gas or air to test pressure of 9 in. water column and observing the device for a pressure change. If fuel gas is used as a pressure source, it is necessary to pressurize the system to full operating pressure, close the container service valve, and then release enough gas from the system through a range burner valve or other suitable means ta drop the systern pressure to 9 in water column. This ensures that a11 regulators in the system are unlocked and that a leak anywhere in the system is communicated to the gauging device. The gauging device should indicate no lose or gain of pressure for a period of 3 minutes. When leakage is detected When pressure drops on the gauge or manameter is nated, all equipment or outlets supplied through the system should be examined to see whether they are shut off and do not leak. If they are found tight, there is a leak in the piping system. Where leakage is indicated, the gas supply at the meter shall be shut off, locked and slugged until the necessary repairs have been made. CGS dispatch shall be notified ASAP Where leakage ar other defects are located, the affected portion of the piping systera� shall be repaired or replaced and retested Matches, candles, open flames or other methods that cou�d provide a source of ignition shall not be used Placing equipment in operation 99 Gas utilization equipment shall be permitted ta be placed in operation after the piping system has been tested and determined to be free of leakage and purged in accordance with Section 406.7.2. af the Florida Fuel Gas Code The Contractor will conduct leakage tests at one and a half times the gas delivery pressure for minimum time of 1S minutes on the existing gas hause plumbing or as required by the City- County Building Inspector. The pressure shall not decrease or increase during the test period. Other inspections and tests required by the City — County Building Inspector, codes, ordinances, or ather legally constituted authority shall be the responsibility of and shall be paid for by the Contractor. Testing of the existing gas house piping plumbing shall be performed priar to connecting the new supply line. C. TESTING: Testing will be in accordance with the Florida Building Code and the CGS leakage testing requiz'ements. D. CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE TESTING: Inspection and testing pex�formed exclusively for the Contractor's convenience by CGS shall be at the convenience of CGS if available and normal labor rates may be applicable . E. SCHEDULE FOR TESTING: 1. If applicable, testing shall be scheduled with the Building Departrnent in advance. 2. At least 48 hours notice shall be provided to the Building Department, when permits and testing is required. COOPERATION WITH THE SUILDING DEPARTMENT: Building Inspectors shall have access to the work at all times and all locations where the work is in progress. Cantractor shall pravide such access to enable the Building Department to perform its functians properly. A. Revising schedule: When changes of construction schedule are necessary during construction, Contractor shall coordinate all such changes with the Building Department as required. B. Adherence to Schedule: When the Building Department is ready to inspect, but is prevented, correction notices fees will be paid for by the cantractor Natural Gas Distribution System Any incompleteness of the work, all extra charges for testing attributable to the delay will be back-charged to the Contractor and shall not be borne by the CGS. C04RDINATION WITH CUSTOMERS ioo Th.e Contractar is responsible for coordinating access to private property with the homeowners. The Contractor shall notify the property owner/ resident at least 14 days in advance of performing work. Prior to starting work at a specific location the Contractor shall schedule the work with the homeowner or resident, as the customer's presence during the meter upgrades/ change out work is required. The Contractor shall relight all pilot lights the same day a£ter they install tk�e new gas meter and regulator. No residence sk�all be shall be left out of gas service overnight. Each residence shall be reconnected and all pilot lights re-lit before the end o� the daily work day. END OF SECTION ioi SECTIUN 02�96 DIRECTYONAL DRILL UTILITY PLACEMENT PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. The work specified under this Section consists of furnishing and installing underground gas utilities by directional dz�ll methods. This work shall include all services, equipment, materials, labor and testing required to complete the gas utility installation and restore any disturbed areas to their existing or better conditians. The maximum depth of install�d gas facilities shall not exceed four feet unless prior approval is received, since CGS must readily access the facility for maintenance in t�e future . All underground utilities sh.al� be located and pqtholed prior to the start af boring. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Plastic pipe must zneet or exceed the following strength and compositioz� standards: PE (Polyethylene) ASTM D 2513 For all gas pipes over 1" diarneter a. Plastic Pipe 1. Couplings: Plastic pipe couplings shall rneet or exceed all applicable ASTM strength and composition standards for the patticular type pipe being used. 2. Joints: Plastic pipe joints shall be znade in accardance with applicable ASTM standards. In all cases, the joints shall be made sufficiently strong to withstand the stresses of installation, with joints completely set and cured prior ta placement of the pipe. B. Drilling Fluids shall consist of a mixture of patable water and gel-form.ing colloidal material such as bentonite, ar a polymersurfactant mixture producing a slurry of custard-like consistency. 2.02 EQUIPMENT 102 A. Al� equipment used in the execution of work shall have the built-in capacity, stability and necessary safety %atures required to fully cornply with these specifications without sk�owing evidence of undue stress oz' failure. It shall be the responsibi�ity of the Contractor to assure that the equipment ta be used in the crossing aperation is in sound operating condition. Backup equipr�ent may be required where job site conditions indicate that severe damage to the roadway or a hazardous condition may result in the event of an equipment breakdowri and where the condition af the equipment to be used indicates that routine cornponent replacernent or repair will likely be necessary during the crossing. 1. General Arrangement of Tunne� Boring System: The tunnel boring equipment sk�all consist of truck-rnounted fi�ld power unit and a trailer or dolly rnounter drill unit. A minimum crew a� three people is required to operate the units. a. Field Power Unit: The fi�ld power unit shall be a self-contained truck-mounted system designed to provide a supply of high pressure bentonite cutting fluid to the drill unit. It shall contain a 1,000 gallon (3,800 liter) fluid storage tank and a complete bentonite rnixing systern. The cutting fluid is ta be m.ixed on site wxthout the need for an �xternal water supply. It shall permit changes to be made to the bentonite concentration during tunne�xng in response to changing soil conditions. The ireld pawer unit shall contain the powez-takeoff-driven high pressure bentonite pumping system. b. Directional Drill System: A dolly mounted version of the drill system shall include a thrust frarne. Both the trailer maunted az�d dolly mounted drill system shall be designed to rotate and push 10-foat (3-rneter) tziinimurn hallaw drill sections into Che tunnel being created by the boring head. The drill sectians sha11 be made af a high strength steel which permits them to bend to a 30-foot (9-rneter) radius withaut yielding. Drill end �ittings shall permit rapid nr�ake-up of the drill sections while meeting the torque, pressure and lineal load requirernents of the system. The boring head itself shall hause a watertight battery-operated electronic system used to determine taol depth and location from sur�ace and to orient the head for steering. All Cunneling systetz►s shall be in sound operating condition with no broken welds, excessively warn parts, badly bent or oCherwise rnisaligned companents. All ropes, cables, claznps and other non- 103 mechanical but essential items shall be in sound condition and replaced immediately when need is apparent. Qther: Devices or utility placernent systems for providing horizontal thrust other than those previously defined in the preceding sections shall not be used unless appraved by the Engineer prior to commencexr►ent of the work. Cansideration for approval will be made on an individual basis for each specified location. The proposed device or system will be evaluated �rior to approval or rejection on its potential ability to complete the utility placement satisfactorily without undue stoppage and to maintain line and grade within the tolerances prescribed by the particular conditions of the project. Water sluicing methods, jetting with cornpressed air, ar boring or tunneling devices with vibrating type heads that do nat provide positive control of the line and grade shall not be allowed. 2. Spoils Equip�nent: Vacuum truck shall be a self-contained truck which has sufficient vacuum and capacity to remove excess bentonite mixture from the project site as required or directed by the Owner's Representative. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS A. Responsible representatives of the Contractar and Subcontractor(s) shall be present at all times during the actual crossing operations. A respansible representative as speciiied herein is defined as a person experienced in the type of work being performed and who has the authority to represent the Contractor in a routine decision making capacity concerning the manner and xr►ethod of carrying out the work specified herein. B. The Contractar and Subcontaractor(s) shall have sufiicient number of competent workers on the project at all tirnes to ensuz'e the utility placement is made in a timEly and otherwise satisfactory manner. Adequate personnel for carrying out all phases of the actual crossing operatian (where applicable: tunneling system operators, operator for removing spoil material, and labarers as necessary for various related tasks) must be on the job site at the beginning of work. A competent and experienced supervisor representing the Contractor or Subcontractor that is thoroughly familiar with the equipment and type of work to be performed, must be in direct charge and control of the operation at all times. Tn all cases the supervisor must be continually present at the project site during the actual crossing operation. 104 3.02 COORDINATION OF THE WORK A. The Contractor sk�all n�tify the Owner and Engineer at least 24 houxs in advance of starting worlc. In addition, the actual crossing operation shall not begin until the Engineer or his representative is present at the pz'oject site and agrees that praper preparations for the crossing have been made. The Engineer's approval for beginning the crossing shall in no way relieve the Contractar irom the ultimate responsibility for the satisfactory completion of the work. B. The Contractor and the Engineer shall select a t�nutually convenient time for crossing operation to begxn in order to avoid schedule conflicts. 3.03 PROCEDURE A. Erection or installation of appropriate safety and warning d�vices in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Manual on Traffic Control and Safe Practices shall be completed pria�' to beginning work. B. Subsurface Soil and Drainage Investigation: To correctly plan individual crossing procedures such as dewatering, use of cutting heads, positioning of auger within the casing and to accurately locate potential problem areas, an adequate subsurface investigation shall be made by the Contractor. C. Eguipment Set-Up: 1. The general operating sec�uence of the tunneling system shall be as follows: a. The trailer or dolly is positioned at the starting locatian. b. The taol head and first drill pipe are loaded onto the thrust frame. c. The proper cutting fluid pressure is set on the iield power unit. d. The tool is advanced and steered level at the �roper depth using the locator to sense tool pasition. e. More drill pipe is added as the tool is advanced. f. After each new drill pipe is advanced into the ground, the tool is located and a computer generates th.e steering comrnand for the next length of drill pipe to keep the taol on course. 105 g. Steps "e" and "fl' are repeated until the toal advances to the end of the run. h. At the end of the run the drilling head is removed and a reamer is attached ta enlarge (if necessary) the hole fax the utility. i. The utility is attached to the reamer. j. The drill pipe is withdrawn fram the hole pulling the utility. k. Utility connections ar� made. The area is restored. D. Crassing Operation: The actual crossing operation shall be accomplished during daylight hours and shall not begin after the hour pre-established as the latest starting tirne that will allow completion during daylight hours except as noted below: �. In emergency situations, or where delay would increase the likelihood of a £ailure, nighttime wark will only be allowed to complete a delayed crossing. In addition, where the obviaus hazards of nighttime work are carefully considered and determined to be insignificant, nighttime work will be allowed to complete a properly planned crossing if the Engineer agrees that the delay was caused by reasonably unavoidable circumstances, when such nighttime wark is necessary to avoid placing an undue hardship an the Contractor. Planned nighttime work is expressly prohibited and will not be allowed except for extenuating circumstances. Any nighttime work shall be in strict conformance with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Manual on Traffic Control and Safe Practices. E. Equiprnent Sreakdowns or Other Unforeseen Stoppages: If forward motian of the tunneling taol has halted at any time other than for reasans planned for in advance and prevention of voids under paved areas cannat be assured, the tunnel must be filled with bentonite by injectivn as soon as possible and abandaned. When an obstruction is encountered that cannot be passed or an existing utility is damaged, open cutting for inspectian may be allawed if approved by the Engineer when consideration of all pertinent facts indicate such action is warranted. Any such authorized excavation shall be repaired according to the apprapriate specifications herein or otherwise directed. io6 3.04 WAIVER OF REQUIREMENTS A. These specifications are appropriate for most cammon crossing situations. Under unusual conditions, not adequately covered herein, these requirements may be altered or waived when their strict adherence would increase the likelihood of crassing failure. Any such alteratian ar waiver shall be based on sound engineering judgment and must be fully documented as further specified herein. Any alteration or waiver must be a�proved by the Engineer. 3.05 REPORTING PROCEDURES A. An accurate log shall be kept by the Contractor on all crossings. The purpose of this log is to record and report the data necessary to isolate and identify all common factors associated with underground crossing failures. The log shall alsa be �ox the inspector's use as a checklist of essential items pertaining to the crossing. T'he data shall be recorded on the job site during the actual crossing operation. The lag shall include elevation readings of the utility every 10 feet along the crossing. PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT A. The quantity o� Directional Drill Utility Placement for which payment will be made shall be the actual number of units measured in place and accepted. The units measured shall be as listed in the Bid Schedule. If a payment itern for Directional Drill Utility Placement is nat specifically included xn the Bid Schedule, the quantity fox which paymez�t will be rnade shall be the quantity �equired to complete the work. 4.02 PAYMENT A. �ayznent for Directional Drill Utility Placement shall be made at the prices stated in the Bid Schedule. If a payment item for Directional D�ill UCility Placement is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, payment for the work specified in this Section shall be included in the several unit and lump surn prices for all applicable items af work. END OF SECTIQN ia7 SECTION 02935 SODDING PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 WORK �NCLUDED A. The work specified in this section consists of the establishing of a stand of grass, within the areas indicated on the Drawings and/or areas disturbed by construction activities, by the furnishing and placing of grass sad, fertilizing, watering and rnaintaining the sodded areas to assure a healthy stand of grass, until rooted. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GRASS SOD A. Grass sod shall match existing gxass type and shall be well matted with grass roots. The sod shal� be taken up in rectangles, preferably 12-inch by 24-inch, shall be a minimurn of 2-inches in thickness and shall be live, fresh and uninjured at the time af plan�ing. It shall be reasonably free of weeds and other grasses and shall have a soil �nat of suf�cient thickness adhering fixnnly to the roots to withstand all necessary handling. The sod shall be planted as soan as possible after being dug and shall be shaded and kept moist until it is planted. After sod is installed it shall be rnaintained until it is rooted, which will necessitate wate�.ng freyuently 2.02 WATER FOR GRASSING A. The water used in the sodding operations may be obtained from any approved spring, pond, lake, stream or municipal water system. The water shall be free of excess and harmful chemicals, acids, alkalies, or any substance which might be harmiul to plant growth or obnoxious to trafiic. Salt water shall not be used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION OF GROUND A. The area over which the sod is to be placed shall be scarified or laasened to a suitable depth and then raked smooth and free from racks or stones. Where the soil is sufficiendy loose, the Owner's Representative, at his discretion, may authorize the elimination of ground prepazation. 108 3.03 PLACING SOD A. The sod shall be placed on the prepared surface, with edges in close contact and sha�l be firmly and smoothly embedded by light tarnping with approp�iate tools. B. Where sodding is used in drainage ditches, the setting of the pxeces shall be staggered so as to avoid a cantinuous seam along the line of flow. Along the edges of such staggered azeas, the offsets of individual strips shall not exceed 6- inches. In order to prevent erosion caused by vertical edges at the Quter limits, the auter pieces of sod shall be tannped sa as to produce a featheredge ef�ect. C. On steep slopes, the Contractor shall, if so directed by the Owner's Representative, prevent the sad from sliding by means o� wooden pegs driven through the sod blocks into firm earth, at suitable intervals. D. Sod which has been cut for n�oxe than 72 hours shall nat be used unless specifically authorized by the Owner's Representative after his inspection thereof. Sod which is not planted vvithin 24 hours after cutting shall be stacked in an approved manner and maintained and properly moistened. Any pieces of sod which, after placing, show an appearance of extreme dryness shall be removed and replaced by fresh, uninjured pieces. E. Sodding shall not be performed when weather and soil conditions are, in the Owner's Representative opinion, unsuitable for proper results. 3.04 WATERING A. The areas on which the sod is to be placed shall contain sufficient moisture, as deternuned by the Owner's Representative, far aptimum results. After being placed, the sod shall be kept in a maist condition to the full depth of the rooting zone for at least 2 weeks. Thereafter, the Contractor shall apply water as. needed until the sod roots and starts ta grow for a minimum of b0 days (or until final acceptance, whichever is latest). 3.05 MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall, at his expense, xxaaintain the sodded areas in a satisfactory condition until final acceptance af the project. Such maintenance shall include repairing of any damaged areas and re�lacing areas in which the establishment of the grass stand does nat appear to be developing satisfactorily. B. Replanting ox z'epair necessaty due to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness or failure to provide routine maintenance shall be at the Contractor's expense. l09 Replanting necessary due ta factors determined to be beyond Che control of the Contractar shall be paid for under the appropriate contract pay items. PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 4.01 MEASUREMENT A. The quantity oF Sodding for which payrnent will be made shall be the actual � nurnber of units rneasured in place and accepted. The units measured shall be as listed in the Bid Schedule. If a payment item for Sodding is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, the quantity for which payrnent will be made shall be the quantity required to complete the work. 4.02 PAYMENT A. Payrnent for Sodding shall be made at the prices stated in the Bid Schedule. I� a payment itern for Sodding is not specifically included in the Bid Schedule, payment for the vvork speciiied in this Section shall be included in the several unit and lump sum prices for all applicable items of work. END OF SECTION iio