SKYCREST RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM - KEENE ROAD AND CSX JACK & BORE - 10-0026-UTSKYCREST RCW SYSTEM — CSX & KEENE ROAD JACK & BORE (#10-UO2G-UT) CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPECIFICATIQNS Prepared for � � � � � ISSUE FOR BID SPECIFICATIONS MAY 2011 � ' ' lJ � EMERGENCY CALL LIST TU: Engineering; Police Communications; Tr�c; Fire Department; Utilities Dispatch/Gas; Public Service/ Road & Drainage; Assistan�,t Director Public Utilities; Public Utilities/Water; Public Utilities/Wastewater; Con.struction Project Coordinator; Construction Ynspectaz-, Public Utilities/WPC FRQM: Engineering PRO.TECT: SKYCREST RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM - KEENE ROAD AND CSX JACK & BORE 10-OQ26-UT LOCATION: KEENE ROAD, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 'The following Contractor has been awarded the abave project by the City Cornrnission action dated: AUGUST 1$, 201.1 PROJECT IS TO BEGIN: CONTR.ACTQR'S NAME AND ADDRESS: NAME: GREGORY ELECTRIC C�MPANY, INC. ADDRESS: 2124 C�LLEGE 5TREET, COLUMBIA, S. CAROLINA 292Q5 PH4NE NO.: 1-803-748-1122 FAX NO. 1-803-748-1102 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY - PLEASE NOTIFY: fPlease List 31 �e�l 1� il�ia�.rv�.S � rr�: � TTr�.E: ��- -p e c,� l� PHONE NO.: "1 _ � � � � �� a3Q �� NAME: �� �2c5� TI'TLE: �U� /�� PHONE NO.: � � ' V ` � (�U- gj1�� ��� �a� � .. N.AME: LI$� � �11 S TTIT,E: +_r,,,�-{- PHONE NO.; ���Q - �SIC�W 1 I ���� - L�p � EMERGENCY TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE PERSUN NAME: �e.1��j vv � ` `��s PHONE NO.: " a3�- �-�� - � ' NOTE: ' 1 IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE TRAFFIC ENG�NEERING DEPARTMENT & THE CLEARWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEN WORK CUMMENCES AND WHEN STREETS ARE TO BE CLqSED TO TRAFFIC. TO: City of Clearwater ATTN: Public Works Canstruction P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33758-4748 The fallowing personnel are authorized by me to sign submittals for SKYCREST RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM - KEENE ROAD AND CSX JACK & BURE 10-0026-UT � � . NAMES: $ I � � S ' COMPANY NAME GREGORY ELECTRIC COMPANY INC. � /I� /i L � • . . , �- , , � /, � 1 LJ 1 ' ' DATE: Jul 15 2011 Y , 1 1 ' 1 � 1 .� 1 1 , � r� L 1 � SUBJECi: Addendum No. 2 ADDENDUM NO. 2 for Skycrest Reclaimed Water System Keene Road and CSX Jack � Bore Clearwater, Florida Project Number 10-0026-UT TO: Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned Bidders on the above project are hereby notified that the following Addenda are made to the Contract Documents: 1. Scope Descriptian/Contract Period Clarificatian: Contrary to the discussion held at the pre-bid conference, it is anticipated that the Notice #a Proceed will commence an the date the pre-construction meeting is held. The project duration remains unchanged at 90 consecutive calendar days per Section Illa Article 2.3.3. The Contractor shall limit his time within the Pinellas County ROW to a maximum of three (3) weeks to perform the work identified on Drawing C-1. This time limit is not inclusive of performing the pavement markings. END OF ADDENDIJM #2 THE CITY OF CLEARWATER PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA B : /sNVilliam B. Horne II City Manager Addendum No.2-SkycrestRCWProject-KeeneRoad&CSXJack&Bore_071511.doc Pnge 1 ' ' LJ � 1 � , 1 1 �J ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 END O� ADDENDUM #1 THE CITY OF CLEARWATER PINELLAS COIJNTY, FLORIDA Bv: /s/William B. Horne, II City Manager 1 Addendum No.l-SkycrestRCWProject-KeeneRoad&CSXJack&Bore_0'70811.doc Page 2 ' ' � � � ' DATE � SUBJECT TO: 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 for Skycrest Reclaimed Water System Keene Road and CSX Jack & Bore Clearwater, Florida Project Number 10-0026-UT July 8, 2Q11 Addendum No. 1 Prospective Bidders and Others Concerned Bidders on the above project are hereby notified that the following Addenda are made to ' the Contract Dacuments: 1. Mandatory Pre-8id Meeting: ' The Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting was held an Thursday, Jun� 23, 2011, at 10:00 A.M, and a copy of the pre-bid meeting sign-in sheet may be obtained through the City's Plan Hause. l� 1 1 1 ' �-� � ' � 1 2. Pre-Qualificatian: Sealed proposals will only be accepted from those Contractors that are currently City pre- qualified Contractors in the construction category of Water 8� Forcemains with a minimum pre-qualificatian amount of 300 000. It is the Cantractor's responsibility to insure that they meet the pre-qualified minimum limit, and Contractors wanting to pre-qualify to bid this praject as a General Contractor must do so two (2) weeks/ten (10) workdays prior to the bid opening date. Pl�ase contact Alice Eckman af the City's Construction Services Department at (727) 462-6126 ta complete this process. See Section I— Advertisement of Bids & Notice to Contractors for more information. 3. Request for Information (RFI): All RFI's must be submitted in writing either by email (robert.maueCc�r7�myclearwater.com) or by fax (727-562-4755) to the attention of Robert Maue, and the RFI needs to include the company's name, cantact persan, and contact information in case clarification is needed on any issues. The last date to submit a RFI is Monday, July 11, 2011 by 5:OOpm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). All Addendums issued by the City will be sent via e-mail to all Plan Holders through the City's Plan House. All e-mails from the plan house will be from notice ,_desipnbidbuild,net and N�T the City of Clearwater. 4. Bid Proposal Forms: The Bid Proposal Forms must be camplete and all quantities and casts must be filled in. Please dauble check your figures. Proposal Bond — must be completely filled out with the 10% bid bond amount. Addendum No.l-SkycrestRCWProject-KeeneRoad&CSXJack&Bore_�70811.doc Page 1 1 ' r� CITY OF CLEARWATER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS � AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS � SKYCREST RCW SYSTEM -- CSX & KEENE ROAD � JACK & B�RE r � � � � � McKim 8� Creed, P.A. 1355 Hamlet Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33765 MAY 2011 - � � _ - - - -=� -- �. - - . Davi. C Wehrrer, PT �� 1� -� vil Eaginea� �,� _ � � _ � Florida'.�icer��~1�q-: S�t541 SKYCREST RCW SYSTEM — CSX & KEENE ROAD JACK & B Q RE (#14-002G-UT) CUNTRACT D�CUMENTS & SPECIFICATI�NS Prepared for � � � � � ISSUE FOR BID SPECIFICATIONS MAY 2�11 City ofi Clearwater, Florida SKYCREST RCW SYSTEM — CSX & KEENE ROAD ]ACK & BORE (10-0026-UT) SECTION I SECTlON II TABLE �F CONTENTS ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS & NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INSTRUCTlONS TO BIDDERS SECTlON II SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTIQN III� SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITI�NS SECTION IV ����1��d APPENDIX SECTTON V TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS QDP DQCUMENTS AND OTHER PROJECT DOCUMENTATION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Prepared in the Office of the City Engineer Cover.doc Page II 10/10/2008 SECTION I ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS & NOTICE TO C�NTRACTORS SKYCREST RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM — KEENE ROAD & CSX JACK & BORE CONTRACT # 10-0026-UT CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Copies of the Contract Documents and Plans for this Project are available for inspection and/or purchase by praspective bidders at the City of Clearwater's Plan Roorn - website address: www.m Clearwater.com/ci ro'ects, ON MONDAY, JUNE__6 2011,, until no later than close of business three (3) days preceding the bid opening. Price of Cantract Documents and Plans, as indicated on the website, reflects reproduction cast only. The work for which propasals are invited consists of installation of annroximatelv 170-LF of 12- INCH ductile iron pipe within a 20-INCH diameter and 0.344-INCH thick _steel casin� installed bv Jack & Bore beneath CSX railraad to�ether with necessary appurtenances includin� ni�sin� and flushin� aqqrOximately 7,000-LF of the Citv's existing 1G-�NCH reclaimed water main located within Keene Road Ri�ht-of-Wav (Pinellas Countv), MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference for all �rospecHve bidders will be held on THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2011 at lOAM at MSS CONFERENCE RUOM 130, 100 S. MYRTLE AVE� CLEARWATER FLORIDA. Representatives of the Owner and Consulting Engineer will be present to discuss this Project. Sealed propasals will be received by the Purchasing Manager, at the Purchasing Office, located at the Municipal Services Bldg.,100 S. Myrtle Ave., 3`� Floor, Clearwater, Florida 33756-5520, until 1:30 P.M. on THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2011, and publicly opened and read at that hour and place for SKYCREST RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM — KEENE ROAD & CSX JACK & BORE (10-UU2b-UT). A camplete bidders package containing plans, specifrcations, bond forms, contract form, affidavits and prapasal form is available to the general public (Contractors, Sub-contractors, suppliers, vendors, etc.) for review and purchase. However, sealed propasals will only be accepted from those Contractors that are currently City pre-qualified Contractors in the construction category of Water and Forcemains with a minimum pre-qualitication amount of 30,�„ p,000. Contractors wanting to pre-qualify to bid this project must do so two (2) weeks/ten (10) workdays prior to the bid opening date. A 10% bid bond is required for all City of Clearwater projects. The right is reserved by the City Manager of the City of Clearwater, Florida to reject any or all bids. The City of Clearwater, Florida George McKibben, Purchasing Manager (727) 562-4634 ' Sectioni.doc Page 1 of 1 8/27/2008 � SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Table of Contents: SECTIONII ................................................................................................................................... i 1 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS .......................................................................... ]. 2 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS .................................................................................. 1 3 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE .................................1 4 INTERPRETATYONS AND ADDENDA ....................................................................... 2 5 SID SECU1tTTY OR SID BOND .................................................................................... 3 6 CONTRACT TIME .......................................................................................................... 3 7 LYQUIDATED DAMAGES ............................................................................................. 3 8 SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT ......................................................... 3 9 SUBCONTRACTORS ......................................................................................................3 10 SID/PROPOSAL FORM ................................................................................................. � 11 SUBMISSION OF SIDS .................................................................................................. 4 12 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BTDS .................................................... 5 13 RE.�ECTION UF BIDS .................................................................................................... 5 14 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER .............................................................................. S 15 OPENING OF BIDS ......................................................................................................... 5 16 LICENSES, PERMITS, ROYALTY FEES AND TAXES ........................................... 5 17 IDENTICAL TIE BIDS/VENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLACE ............................. 6 18 AWARD OF CONTRACT ............................................................................................... 7 19 BID PROTEST .................................................................................................................. 7 2U TRENCH SAFETY ACT ................................................................................................. 9 21 CONSTRiTCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MEASURES ....................................................................................... 9 5ectionII.doc i 3/14/2011 Section Ti — �nstructions co Bidders COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 1.1 Complete sets of the Bidding Documents are available at the City of Clearwater's Plan Room — website address: www.m_�arwater.com/cityprojects. Price of Contract Docurnents and Plans, as indicated on the City's Website, reflects reproduction costs only, which is non-refundable. A complete bidder's package containing plans, specifications, bond forms, cantract fo�n, affidavits and bid/proposal form is available only ta pre-quali�ed bidders. Contractors, suppliers, or athers who are not pre-qualified but who may be a possible subcontractor, supplier, or other interested person may purchase a"Subcontractor" package consisting of plans, specifications, and list o f pay iterns. 1.2 Cornplete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing bids. Neither the City nar the Engineer shall be liable far errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incoznplete sets of Bidding Documents, by Bidders, sub-bidders or others. 1.3 The City, in making copies of Bidding Dacuments available on the above terms, does so anly for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Wark and does not confer a license or grant any other permission to use the documents for any other purpose. 2 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 2.1 Each prospective Bidder must pre-qualify to demonstrate, to the complete satisfaction of the City of Clearwater, that the Bidder has the necessary facilities, equipment, abzlity, financial resources and experience ta perform the work in a satisfactozy manner before obtaining drawings, specifications and contract documents. An application package for pre- qualification rnay be obtained by contacting the City of Clearwater, Engineering Department, Engineering Services Division at P.O. Box 47�8, Clearwater, Florida 33758- 4748 (mailing address); 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756-5520 (street address only) or by phone at (72'7) 562-4750. All qualification data must be completed and delivered ta the Director of Engineering at the above address not later than Fourteen (14) days prior to the time set for the receipt of bids. Bidders currently pre-quali�ed by the City do not have to make reapplication. 3 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 3.1 It is the responsibiliry of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly; (b) visit the site to become familiar with local conditions that may in any manner aff.ect cast, progress, performance or furnishing of the work; (c) consider and abide by all applicable federal, state and lacal laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; and (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 3.2 In reference to the Technical Specifications and/or the Scope of the Wark for identification of those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site which have been utilized by the Engineer in the preparation of the Contract Documents, bidder may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such reports but not upon non-technical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or for the completeness thereof for the purposes of bidding or constructior►. In reference to those drawings relating to physical conditions of existing surface and subsurface conditions (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site and which have been utilized by the Engineer in SectionII.doc Page 1 of 9 3/14/2011 5ection TI — Instructions to Bidders preparation of the Contract Documents, bidder may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such drawings but not upon the completeness thereof for the purpases of bidding or construction. 3.3 Information and data reflected in the Cantract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site are based upon informatian and data furnished to the City and Engineer by owners of such Underground Facilities or others, and the City does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof unless expressly provided in the Contract Documents. 3.4 Provisions concerning responsibilities for the adequacy of data furnished to prospective Bidders on subsurface conditions, Underground Facilities, other physical conditions, possible conditions, and possible changes in the Contract Documents due to differing conditions appear in the General Canditions. 3.5 Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall, at Sidder's own expense, make or obtain any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies and obtain any additional information and data which pertain to the physical conditions (surfac�, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which rnay affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing the work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3.6 On request in advance, City will provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such ' explorations and tests at Bidder's own expense as each Bidder deems necessary for submission af a Bid. Bidder shall fill all holes and clean up and restore the site to its former canditian upon completion of such exploratians and tests. 1 1 ' ' ' 3.7 The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by the Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Cantract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for ternporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment are to be provided by the Contractor. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing structures are to be obtained and paid for by the City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 3.8 The submission af a Sid will constitute an unequivocal representation by the Bidder that the Bidder has complied with every requirement of these Instructions to Bidders and that, without exception, the Sid is premised upon perfarming and furnishing the Wark required by the Cantract Docurnents by such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Cantract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions of performance and furnishing of the work. ' 4 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA , � 4.1 All questions as to the meaning or intent of the Contract Dacuments are to be directed to ths Engineer. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by the Engineer in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda, by the City's planroom to all parties recorded by the City's planroom as planhald�r's having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than ten the time frame specified at the pre-bid meeting prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Only information provided by formal written � Sectionll,doc ' Page 2 of 9 3/14/201 L 4.2 � Section II — Instructions to $idders Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations of clari�cations will be without legal effect. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by the City ar Engineer. BID SECURITY OR BID BOND 5.1 Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to the City of Clearwater in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the Bidder's maximum Bid price and in the form of a certifed or cashiers check or a Bid Bond (on form attached) issued by a surety �neeting the requirements of the General Conditions. A cash bid bond will not be accepted. 5.2 The Bid Security of the Successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required Payment and Performance bonds, whereupon the Bid Security will be returned. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute, deliver the Agreement and furnish the required Bonds within ten (10) days after the award of contract by the City Council, the City may annul the bid and the Bid Security of the Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of any Sidder whom the City believes to have a reasonable chance af receiving the award may be retained by the City until the successful execution of the agreement with the successful Bidder or for a period up to ninety (90) days following bid opening. Security af other Bidders wi11 be returned approximately fourteen (14) days after the Bid opening. 5.3 6 6. t. 7 7.1 S The Bid Bond shall be issued in the favor of the City of Clearwater by a surety company qualified to do business in, and having a registered agent in the State of Florida. CONTRACT TIME The number of consecutive calendar days within which the work is to be completed is set forth in the Technical Specifications. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Contract Agreement. SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 8.1 The contract, if awarded, wi11 be on the basis of material and equipment described in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideratian of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item may be furmished or used, application for its acceptance will not be considered by the Engine�r until after the effective date of the Contract Agreement. The pracedure for submittal of any such application is described in the General Conditions and as supplemented in the Technical Specifcations. 9 SUBCONTRACTORS 9.1 If requested by the City or Engineer, the Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so requested, shall, within seven (7) days after the date of the request, submit to the Engineer an experience statement with pertinent informatian as to sirnilar projects and other evidence of quali�cation for each Subcontractor, supplier, person and organization to be used by the SectionII.doc Page 3 of 9 3/l4/2011 � 1 9.2 � U] Section Il — lnstructions to Bidders Contractar in the completion of the Work. The amount of subcontract work shall not exceed fifly percent (50%) of the Work except as may be specifically appraved by the Engineer. If the Engineer, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any propased Subcontractor, supplier, other person or organization, he may, before recommending award of the Contract to the City Council, request the Successful Bidder to subrnit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Cantract Price or Contract Time. If the Successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, the City may award the contract to the next lowest and most responsive Bidder that proposes to use acceptable Subcantractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizatians. Declining to make requested substitutions will not constitute grounds far sacrificing the Bid security to the City of any Sidder. Any Subcontractor, supplier, ather person or organization listed by the Contractor and to whom the Engineer does not make written objectian prior to the recommendatian of award to the City Council will be deemed acceptable to the City subject to revocation of such acceptance after the Effective Date of the Contract Agreement as pravided in the General Conditions. No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, supplier, person or organization against whom he has reasonable objection. BID/PROPOSAL FORM 10.1 The Bid/Proposal Form is included with the Contract Documents and shall be completed in ink or by typewriter. All blanks on the Bid/Proposal Forms must be completed. Unit Prices shall be to no rnore than two decimal points in dollars and cents. The Bidder must state in the Bid/�'roposal Form in words and numerals without delineation's, alterations or erasures, the price for which he will perform the work as required by the Contract Documents. Sidders are required to bid an all iterns in the Bid/Proposal form. The lump sum for each section or item shall be for furnishing all equipment, materials, and labor far campleting the section or itern as per the plans and contract specifications. Should it be found that quantities ar amounts shown on the plans or in the proposal, iar any part of the work, are exceeded or should they be found to be less after the actual construction of the work, the amount bid for each sectian or item will be increased or decreased in direct proportion to the unit prices bid for the listed individual items. 10.2 Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice- president (ar other corporate offrcer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorparation shall be shown below the Signature. If requested, the person signing a Bid for a corporatian or partnership shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Ciry of the person's authority to bind the carporatian or partnership. 10.3 Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership narne and signed by a general partner, whose title shall appear under the signature and the offcial address af the partnership shall be shown below the signature. 10.4 All names shall be typed or printed below the signature. 11 SUBMISSION OF BIDS 11.1 Sealed Bids shall be submitted at or before the time and at the place indicated in the Advertisement for Sids and shall be submitted in a 8.5"xl1" manila envelope with the project name and number on the bottom left hand corner. If forwarded by mail, the Bid shall be enclosed in another envelope with the notation "Bid Enclosed" on the face thereof and Sectionil,dac Page 4 of 9 3/14/2011 3ection II — Instructions to I3idders addressed to the City of Clearwater, attention Furchasing Manager. Bids will be received at the offce indicated in the Advertisement until the time and date specified. Telegraphic or facsiznile bids received by the �urchasing Manager will not be accepted. 12 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 12.1 Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an apprapriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered as described in the Advertisement of Bids. A request for withdrawal or a modiftcation shall be in writing and signed by a person duly authorized to do so. Withdrawal of a Bid will not prejudice the rights of a Bidder ta submit a new Bid prior to the Bid Date and Tirne. After expiration of the period for receiving Bids, na Bid may be withdrawn or modified. 12.2 After a bid is received by the City, the bidder may request to modify the bid for typographical or scrivener's errars only. Th� bidder must state in writing to the City that a typographical or scrivener's error has been made by the bidder, the nature of the error, the requested correction ofi'the error, and what the adjusted bid amount will be if the correction is accepted by the City. The City reserves the right at its sale discretion to accept, reject, or modify any bid. 13 REJECTION OF BIDS 13.1 To the extent permitted by applicable State and Federal laws and regulations, the City reserves the right ta reject any and all Bids, and to waive any and all informalities. Grounds for the rejection of a bid include but are not limited to a rnaterial omission, unauthorized alteration of form, unauthorized alternate bids, incomplete or unbalanced unit prices, or irregularities of any kind. Also, the City reserves the right ta reject any Bid if the City believes that it would not be in the best inter�st of the public to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified ar of doubtful finaricial ability or fai1s to rneet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by the City. The City reserves the right to decide which bid is deenned to be the lowest and best in the interest of the public. 14 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER 14.1 Any or all bids will be rejected if there is any reason for believing that collusion exists among the bidders, the participants in such collusion will not be considered in future proposals for the same work. Each bidder shall execute the Non-Callusion Affidavit contained in the Contract Docurnents. 15 OPENING OF BIDS 15.1 16 Bids will be opened and read publicly at the location and time stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids. LICENSES, PERMITS, ROYALTY FEES AND TAXES 16.1 The Contractor shall secure all licenses and permits (and shall pay all permit fees) except as specifcally stated atherwise in the Technical Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State Laws, County and Municipal Ordinances and regulations, which in any manner effect the prosecutian of the work. City of Clearwater building permit fees SactionII.doc Page 5 of 9 3/ 14/2011 , , 1 L� Section II — Instructions to Bidders and impact fees will be waived except as specifically stated atherwise in the Technical Specificatior►s. 16.2 The Contractor shall assume all liabiliry for the payrnent of royalty f�es due ta the use of any constructian or operation pz'ocess, which is protected by patent rights except as specifically stated otherwise in the Technical Speci�cations. The amount af royalty fee, if any, shall be stated by the Contractar. 16.3 The Contractor shall pay all applicable sales, consumer, use and other ta.xes required by law. ' The Contractor is responsible for reviewing the pertinent State Statutes involving the sales tax and sales tax exernptions and complying with all requirements. 16.4 The City af Cl�arwafer is exempt from state sales tax on materials incorporated into the ' WORK. The City of Clearwater reserves the right to irnplernent the Owner Direct Purchase (ODP) Option, if indicated in the Scope of Work Description in Section IV — Technical Specifications and as defned in Section III — General Conditions. I 17 IDENTICAL TIE BIDSNENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLACE 1 fl ' 1 , 17.1 In accordance with the requirem�nts of Sectian 287.087 Florida Statutes regarding a Vendor Drug Free Workplace, in the event of identical tie bids, preference shall be given to bidders with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the City for the procurement of cornmodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certif es that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none or all of the tied bidders have a drug-free warkplace program. In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a contractor shall supply the City with a certificate containing the following six staternents and the accampanying certification statement: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees far violations of such prohibition. (2) Tnform employees as to the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy ' of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug caunseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon emplayees for drug abuse violations. ' (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities ar contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1), , (4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any convictian of, or ' plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation af chapter 893, or of any cantrolled substance law, of the United States, or of any state, far a violation occurring in the warkplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 1 (5) Impose a sanction on, or reyuire the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. ' Sectionll.doc � Page 6 of 9 3/14/2011 Section TI — Instructions to Bidders (6) Make a good faith effort to continue ta maintain a drug-free workplace through implementatian of this section. I certify that this firm does/does not (select only one) fully comply with the above requirements. � E��_\��%1:� �I�] ���] `� �:7_T� � 18.1 Discrepancies between words and �igures will be resolved in favor of vvords. Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum oF any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 18.2 In evaluating the Bids, the City will cansider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids camply with the prescribed requirements, unit prices, and other data as may be requested in the Bid/Proposal form. The City may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors, suppli�rs and other persons and organizations proposed by the Contractor for the Work. The City may conduct such investigations as the City deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and ta establish Che respoztsibility, qualifications and financial ability of Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and ather persons, and organizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to the City's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 18.3 If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive Bidder whose evaluation by the City indicates to the City that the award will be in the best interest of the City. 18.4 Award of contract will be made for that combination of base bid and alternate bid items in the best interest of the City, however, unless otherwise specified all work awarded will be awarded to only one Contractor. i�'S�1!]�:%����� 19.1 RIGHT TO 1'ROTEST: Any actual bidder who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a cantract may seek resolution of his/her complaints initially with the Purchasing Manager, and if not satisfied, with the City Manager, in accordance with protest procedures set forth in this section. 19.2 PROTEST PROCEDURE: A. A protest with respect to the specifications of an invitation for bid or request for proposal shall be subrnitted in writing a rninirnum of five (5) work days prior to th� opening of the bid or due date af the request for proposals, unless the aggrieved person could not have been reasonably expected to have knowledge of the facts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid opening or the closing date �ar propasals. Opening dates for bids or due dates for requests for proposal will be printed on the bid/request document itself. B. Protests in respect to award of contract shall be submitted in writing a maximum of five (5) work days after notice of intent to award is posted, ar is mailed to each bidder, which ever is earlier, Notice af intent to award will be forward�d to bidders upon telephonic or written request. Protests of recamrn�nded award should cite 5ectionII.doc Page 7 of 9 3/14/2011 1 1 Section II — Instructions to Bidders specific portions of the City of Clearwater Cade of Ordinances that have allegedly been violated. ' C. Exceptions to the five (5) day requirements noted in both A and B above may be granted if the aggrieved persan could have not been reasonably expected to hav� knowledge of the facts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid opening, posting of ' intent to award, or due date for requests for proposals. Request for exceptions should be made in writing, stating reasons for the exception. ' D. The Purchasing Manager shall respond to the formal written protest within five (5) work days of receipt. The Purchasing Manager's response will be fully caardinated with the appropriate Department Director and the Assistant City Manager. ' E. If the protestor is not satisfied with the response from the Purchasing Mana�er, he/she may then submit in writing within five (5) work days of receipt of that response his/her reason for dissatisfaction, along with copies af his/her original '' formal protest letter and the response from the Purchasing Manager, to the City Manager. F. The City Manager as Purchasing Agent for the City has the final authority in the matter of pratests. Th� City Manager will respond to the protestor within ten (10) work days of receipt of the appeal. 19.3 PROTEST FEE: When filing a formal protest, the protesting vendor must include a fee in the arnount of 5% of the selected vendor's total bid to offset the City's additional expenses related to the protest. This fee shall not exceed $2,500 nor be less than $50. If either the Purchasing Manager or the City Manager upholds the protest, the City will refund 100% of the fee paid. 19.4 STAY OF FROCUREMENT DURING PROTEST: In the event of a timely pratest, the Purchasing Manager shall nat proceed with the solicitation or award of contract until all administrative remedies have been exhausted or until the City Manager makes written determination that the award of contract without delay is necessary to protect the best interest of the City. ' SectionTl.doc ' Page 8 of 9 3/14/2011 SecCion Tl — lnstructions to I3idders 20 TRENCH SAFETY ACT 20.1 The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of the City of Clearwater's Ordinance related to trench digging (Ordinance Na. 7918-08) along with the Flarida Trench Safety Act (Sections SS3.60-553.64, Florida Statutes) and the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) excavatian safety standards, 29 C.F.R.s 1926.650 Subparagraph F, or current revisians of these laws. 1 1 ' ' 21 C�NSTRUCTIQN SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ' MANAGEMENT MEASURES 21.1 The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Eliminatian System (NPDES) stormwater permit and implement stornawater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP's) or stormwater manag�ment programs (both using best management practices (SMPs) that effectively reduce or prevent the discharge of pollutants into receiving waters. A. The control of construction-related sediment loadings is critical to rnaintaining water quality. The impleznentation of proper erosion and sediment control practices during the constructian stage can significant�y reduce sediment loadings to surface waters. B. Prior to land disturbance, prepare and implement an approved erosioan and sediment cantrol plan or similar administrative docurnent that contains erasion and sediment control provisions. NPDES Management Measures available at Ci of Clearwater En ineerin Environmental Division and EPA websites to help address construction-related Best Management Fractices. References EPA website SectionII.doc Page 9 of 9 3/14/2011 SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS Table of Contents: 1 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................1 2 PRELIMINARY MATTERS ........................................................................................... 5 2.l DELIVERY OF BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF 1NSURANCE ............................ S 2.2 COl'IES OF DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................ S 2.3 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME/NOTICE TO PROCEED; STARTING THEPROJECT ................................................................................................................ 5 2.4 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................... 5 2.5 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE ........................................................................ 6 2.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS ................................................................................................ 6 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INTENT ......................................................................... 7 3 .1 INTENT ........................................................................................................................... '1 3.2 REPORTING AND RESOLVING DISCREPANCIES .................................................. 7 4 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCEPOINTS ........................................................................................ ........ 8 4.1 AVAILASILITY OF LANDS ......................................................................................... 8 4.2 INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS ............................................................................ 8 4.3 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, LTNDERGROUND FACILITIES ..................................... 8 4.4 REFERENCE 1'OINTS .................................................................................................... 9 5 SONDS AND INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 9 S.1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND/CONTRACT SOND ............................... 9 5.2 IN SURANCE ................................................................................................................... 9 S.Z.1 WORKER'S COMPENSATIONINSURANCE ......................................................... 10 5.2.2 PUBLIC LIABILITYAND PROPERTYDAMAGE COVERAGE ............................ 10 5.2.3 COMPREHENSIVE A UTOMOBILE LIABILITY .................................................... 1 I 5.3 WAIVER OF RIGHTS .................................................................................................. 12 6 CONTRACTORS RESPONS�BILITYES .....................................................................12 6.1 SUPERVISION AND SUPERINTENDENCE ............................................................. 12 6.2 LABOR, MATERTALS AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................... 13 b.3 SUBSTITUTES AND "OR EQUAL" ITEMS .............................................................. 14 6.4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUBCONTR.ACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS........ 14 6.5 USE OF PREMISES ...................................................................................................... 15 6. 5.1 STAGING AREAS' ...................................... .. .......... ......................... . ...... ..... . . ........... 1 S 6.5.2 RESTORATION TIME LIMITS ................................................................................ 15 6.6 LICENSE AND PATENT FEES, ROYALTIES AND TAXES ................................... 16 6.7 LAWS AND R.EGULATIONS ...................................................................................... 16 b.8 FERMITS .......................................................................................................................16 b.9 SAFETY AND PROTECTION ..................................................................................... 17 6.10 EMERGENCIES ............................................................................................................ 1 S 6.11 DRAWINGS .................................................................................................................. 18 SectionIII.doc i 4/ 11 /2011 d.l l.l SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFIs, and SUBMITTAL REVIEW b.11.2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS ........................ ............................................. 6.11.3 CAD STANDARDS ............................. ............................................... 6..11.4 DEL.IVERABLES :............................ .... ........ .............................. 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE.... 6.13 CONTINUING TH:� WORK ................................................................. 6.14 INDEMNIFICATTON ............................................................................. 6.15 CHANGES IN COMPANY CONTACT INFQRMATTON ................... 7 OTHER WORK..... 8 � ........................ I S ....................... 19 ....................... 21 ....................... 23 ....................... 23 ....................... 23 ....................... 23 ....................... 24 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE .................................... ........... .......................................... 7.2 COORDINATION-----------------------... 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 12 13 14 13.1 13.2 13.3 13,4 13.5 13.6 l 3.7 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 ..... 24 ..... 24 ..... 25 OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY ...................................................................................... 25 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION .............. 25 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE ....................................................... ............................ 2S CLARIF�CATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS ........................................................ 25 REJECTING OF DEFECTIVE WORK .................................................... .................... 26 SHOP DRAWINGS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS .................................. 26 DECISIONS ON DISPUTES ........................................................................................ 26 LIMITATIONS ON OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S RESPONSIBILITIES ............. 27 CHANGESIN THE WORK .......................................................................................... 27 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE ................................................................... 28 CHA,NGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE .................................................................... 28 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENT ....................... 30 UNIT PRICE WORK .............................. ...................................................................... 30 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT TIME .................................................................... 30 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS, CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OFDEFECTIVE WORK .............................................................................................. 31 TESTSAND INSPECTION .......................................................................................... 31 UNCOVERINGTHE WORK ....................................................................................... 32 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MAY STOP THE WORK ....................................... 32 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK ......................................... 33 WARRANTY/CORRECTION PERIOD ...................................................................... 33 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK ....................................................... 33 ............ 34 �WNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK .................................................... PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND CUMPLETION ......................................... 34 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT ........................................................... 34 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITLE ............................................................... 35 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS ................................ 35 PARTIALUTILIZATION ............................................................................................ 36 FINALINS�ECTION ................................................................................................... 36 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT ................................................................... 37 FINAL FAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE ................................................................... 37 WAIVEROF CLAIMS ................................................................................................. 38 SeccionIII.doc w aii �izor i ' t 1S 15.1 15.2 15.3 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 22.1 22.2 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 24 SUSPENSION �F WORK AND TERMINATION .................................................... 38 OWNER MAY SUSPEND THE WORK .................................................................:.... 38 OWNERMAY TERMINATE ...................................................................................... 38 CONTRACTOR MAY STOP WORK OR TERMINATE ........................................... 39 DISPUTERESOLUTION ............................................................................................. 40 MISCELLANEOUS....................................................................................................... 40 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT FORMS ................................................................. 40 GIVINGNOTICE .......................................................................................................... 40 NOTICEOF CLAIM ..................................................................................................... 40 PROFESSIONAL FEES AND COURT C�STS INCLUDED ..................................... 41 ASSIGNMENTOF C4NTRACT ................................................................................. �1 RENEWALOPTION .................................................................................................... 41 ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS AND/OR DUMPSTERS ................................................. 41 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK .............................................................. 41 MATERIALUSED ......................................................................................................... 41 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 41 OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION ....................................................... 41 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION .......................... 42 GENERAL..................................................................................................................... 42 EXAMFLE..................................................................................................................... 42 PROJECT INFORMATYON SIGNS ............................................................................ 43 SCOPEAND PURPOSE ............................................................................................... 43 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, FIXED OR PORTABLE ................................................. 43 FIXEDSIGN ................................................................................................................. 43 PORTABLESTGNS ...................................................................................................... 44 SIGNCOLORING ......................................................................................................... 44 SIGNPLACEMENT ..................................................................................................... 44 SIGN MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................ 44 TYPICAL PROJECT SIGN .......................................................................................... �5 AWARD OF CONTR.A.CT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARA.NTEE .................. 45 ' SectionIIT,doc A iii 4/ 1 l /201 ] Section III — General Conditions 1 DEFINITIONS Addenda Written or graphic instruments issued prior ta the opening of Bids which clarify, correct or change the Bidding Requirements or the contract documents. Agent Architect, engineer or other outside agency, consultant or person acting on behalf of the City. Agreement The written contract between Owner and Contractor covering the Work to be performed; other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof as provided therein. Application for Payment The form accepted by Engineer which is to be used by Contractar in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting dacurnentation as is required by the Cantract Documents. Approve The word approve is defined to mean satisfactary review of the material, equipment or methods for general compliance with the design concepts and with the information given in the Contract Documents. It does not imply a responsibility on the part of the Engineer to verify in every detail conformance with the Drawings and Specifications. Bid The offer or proposal of the bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices far the work to be performed. Biddfng Documents The advertisement or invitatian to Bid, instructions to bidders, the Bid forrn, and the proposed Contact Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). Bonds Performance and payment bonds and other instruments of security. Charage �rder A written order to Contractor signed by Owner and Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time issued on or after the effective date of the Agreernent. Ciry The City oiClearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. Construction Inspector A persan wha is the authorized representative of the Construction Manager and inspects City construction projects in order to insure the Contractor's work complies with the intent of the Contract Dacuments. Construction Manager The person who is typically in responsible charge of City construction projects. The Construction Manager assumes responsibility for the management af construction contracts at the Preconstructian Conference. The Constructian Manager chairs the Preconstruction Conference and is the authority on any disputes or decisions regarding SectionIIl,doc Page 1 of 46 4/11/2011 1 , 1 L� � ' Saction III — General Gonditions contract administration and performance. The Construction Manager typically acts as the Owner's Representative during constructian. Contract Documents The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Cantract Docum�nts), Contractor's Bxd (including dacumentatian accompanying the bid and any post-Bid documentation submitted prior to the execution of the Agreement) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement, the Sonds, Instructions to Bidders, these General Conditions, any Supplementary Canditions, the Specifications and the Drawings, any other exhibits identified in the Agreement, together with all Madifications issued after the execution of the Agreement. Contract Price The Contract price constitutes the total cornpensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable by Owner to Contractor for performing the Work. Cvntract Tame Th� number of days or the date stated in the Agreement for the campletion of the Work. Contractor ' The �erson with whom the �wner has entered into the Agre�ment. For the purposes of this contract, the person, firm or corparation with whom this contract ar agreement has been made by the City of Clearwater or its duly authorized representative. � ' 1 Criticad Path Method Construction Schedule--CPM A graphic format construction schedule that displays construction activities as they relate to one another for the purpose of identifying the most efficient way to perform the work in a timely manner. The critical path identifres which activity is critical to the execution of the schedule. Day A calendar day of twenty-four (24) hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. Defective � An adjective which when madifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisiactory, faulty or deficient, or does not canforcn ta the Contract Documents or does not rneet the requirements of any inspectian, reference standard, test or approval referred to in the , Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to Engineers recornmendation of �nal payment. ' 1 , 1 ' � Drawings The drawings, which will be identified in Technical Speci�cations or the Agreement, which show the character and scope af the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or appraved by Engineer and are referred to in the contract documents. Shop drawings are not Drawings as so defined. Engineer The duly appointed representative of the City Manager of the City of Clearwater. For the purposes of this contract, the City Engineer of the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, or his authorized representative. For certain projects, the Engineer may serve as the Owner's Representative during construction. Engirteer's Consultant A Person having a contract with Engineer to furnish services as Engineer's independent SectionIII,doc Page 2 af46 4/11/2011 Sectipn III — General Conditions professional associate or consultant with respect to the Praject and who is identified as such in the 5upplementary Canditions. F.D.O.T Specifications The Standard Speci�cations for Raad and Bridge Constructian as issued by the Florida Department of Transportation (latest English edition). Furnish The words "furnish", "furnish and install", "install", and "provide" or words of similar meaning slaall be interpreted, unl�ss otherwise specifcally stated, to mean "furnish attd install complete in place and ready for service". Inspection The term "inspection" and the act af inspecting means exarnination of construction to ensure that it conforms to the design concept expressed in the Drawings and Specifications. These terms shall not ba construed to mean supervision, superintending ar overseeing. Laws and Regulations Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and orders of any kind af governmental bodies, agencies, authorities and courts having jurisdiction. Liens Liens, charges, security interests or encumbrances upon real property or personal property. Milestone A principal event specified in the contract Documents relating to an intez-mediate completion date or time prior to the fnal completian date. Notiee to Proeeed (NTP) A written notice given by the Owner to the Contractor fixing the dat� on which the Contract Titne will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform his obligations under the Contract Documents. Qrvner The City of Clearwater, Florida. For the purposes of this contract, the person who is the City's authorized representative fram the City's Departrnent with whom will bE responsible for the maintenance and operatian of the Work once the Work is completed. For certain projects, a designee of the Owner rnay serve as the Owner's Representative during construction. �wner's Representative Designee of the Owner with authority to act on behalf of the Qwner during construction. Person A natural person, or a corporation, partnership, �rrn, organization, or otk�er artificial entity. Project The total construction of which the Work to be pravided under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Cantract Documents. 5ectionIII.doc Page 3 of 46 4/11/2011 , r_� ' ' Section 111-- General Conditions Partial Utilization Use by Owner of a substantially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which is intended (or a related purpose) prior to Final Campletion oi all the Work. Rept�esentative of Contractor The Cantractor shall assign a responsible person or persons, one of whom shall be at the canstruction site at all times that work is pcagressing. The names and positions of these persons shall be submitted to the City Engineer at the time of the pre-construction conference. This person or persans shall not be changed without written approval of City Engineer. Request for Information (RFI) An official written request for clarification of the intent of the cantract documents from the Contractar to the Engineer. Shop Drawing ', All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and ather data which are speciiically prepared by or for Cantractor to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrarns and other ' information prepared by a supplier and subrnitted by Contractor to illustrate material or equipment for same portion of the Work. Specifications Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Wark and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor A person having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractar for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. Substantial Completion The Work (or a specified part th�reo� which has progressed to the point where, in the apinion of Engineer, as evidenced by Engineer's definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is suffciently complete, in accordance with the Contract documents, so that the Work (ar specified part) can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended; or if no such certificate is issued, when the Work is complete and ready for final payment as evidenced by the Engineer's recommendation of final payment. The terms "substantially complete" and "substantially completed" as applied to all or part of the Wark refer to Substantial Completian thereof. Supplementary Conditions The part of the Contract which amends or supplements these General Conditions. Supplier A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, material man or vendor having a direct cantract with Contractor ar with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorparated in the Work by the Contractor. Surety ' Any person, firm or carparation which is bound with Contractor and which engages to be responsible for Contractor and his acceptable performance of the Work by a Bid, Perfarmance or Payment Bond. , SectionIII,doc Page 4 of 46 4/11/2011 1 Section �II -- General Conditions Underground Facilities All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachrnents, and any encasements containing such faciliti�s which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials: electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other cornmunications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal or treatment, traffic or other control systems or water. Unit Price Work Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. Work The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is che result of performing or furnishing labor and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction, and performing or furnishing services and furnishing documents, all as required by the Contract Documents. Work Change Directive A written directive to Contractor, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by the Engineer, ordering an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is to be perform�d or emergencies. Wark Change Directive will not change the Contract Price or Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Frice or Contract Times. �� 2.1 PRELIMINARY MATTERS DELIVERY OF BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE When Contractor delivers the executed Agreements to the Owner, Contractor shall also deliver to the Owner such Bonds and Certificates of Insurance as Contractor may be required to furnish by this contract. 2.2 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS Engineer shall furnish to Contractor one (1) copy of Cantract Documents for execution. Additional copies will be furnished, upon request, at the cost of reproduction. 2.3 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIMEINOTICE TO PROCEED; STARTING THE PROJECT The Contract Time will commence on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. Cantractor shall start to perform the work on the date th� Contract Time commences Co run. No work shall be done at the site prior to the date that the Contract Time commences to run. 2.4 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION Before undertaking each part oi the Work, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable SectionIIl'.doc Page 5 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III — General Conditions field measurements. Contractor shall prornptly report in writing to Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy which Contractor may discover; and shall abtain a written interpretation or clarification fram Engineer before proceeding with any work effected thereby; however, Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Drawings or Specifications, unless Cantractor had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, Agent or employee of the Owner or Engineer's Consultant, either before or after the execution of this Contract, shall affect or rnodify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Contractor shall not commence any work at any time without approved insurance required by these General Conditions. Failure to obtain this insurance will be the sole responsibility af the Contractor. 2.5 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Within twenty (20) days of Award of Contract and before the start of the Work, the Owner's Representative shall schedul� a preconstruction conference to be attended by Contractor, Engineer, Owner and others as apprapriate to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedule of the Work and general Contract procedures. Typically, oversight of the project officially passes from the Engineering Department to the Canstruction Department at the preconstruction conference. In these cases, the preconstruction conference is run by the Construction Department and chaired by the City's Construction Manager. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative at the Preconstruction Conference a color Critical Path Method (CFM) Construction Schedule. This is to be a sequence of events including submittal review and procurement. Notice to Froceed is usually established at this conference and such date can be inserted into the schedule at that time. The Contractor shall also bring a Submittal Schedule for review by the Engineer. This is to make sure that the list is complete and this schedule shall be the basis of a Submittal Log. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative at the preconstructian conference a completed Emergency Call List and a completed Authorized Signature List. The Owner's Representative shall deliver to the Contractor at the preconstruction conference a project disk that has all of the necessary data and survey contral points for the purpose of construction stakeout and as-built survey. The Owner's Representative shall deliver to the Contractor at the preconstruction conference a ' Contractor evaluation package. This is for the purpose of rating the Contractor's performance for reference when considering future contracts and bid prequalification. 1 1 , ' '. 2.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS The Contractor is required to attend Progress Meetings. These rneetings will be scheduled on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis depending on the needs af the project. The Contractor shall bring to each meeting an updated subrnittal lag, an updated request for information (RFI) log, a look-ahead schedule to cover the project activity from the current meeting ta the next meeting, and all material test reports generated in the same time period. Sectionlii.doc Page 6 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III — General Conditions 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INTENT 3.1 INTENT The Contract Dacuznents comprise the entire Agreernent between Owner and the Contractor concerning the Work. They may be altered only by written agreement. The Contract Documents are complernentary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereo� to be canstructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work, materials or equipment which may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or from trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words or phrases, which have a well- known technical or constructian industry or trade meaning, are used to d�scribe Work, materials or equipment, such wards or phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with t1aat meaning. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code, Laws or Regulation of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual or code, or Laws or Regulations in ef£ect at the time of opening of Bids except as may be otherwise specifcally stated in the Contract Documents. However, na provision of any referenced standard specifcation, manual or code, whether or not specially incorporated by reference in the responsibilities of Owner or Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, shall change the duties and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor, Engineer or Owner's Representative, or any of their Agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in these Contract documents shall be deem�d to be inserted herein, and they shall be read and enforced as through it were included herein, and if through raistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or if not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, the Contract Documents shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion. 3.2 REPORTING AND RESOLVING DISCREPANCIES If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity ar discrepancy within the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and any provision of any such Law or Regulation applicable to the performance of the Work ar of any such standard, specifcation, manual or code or of any instruction of any Supplier, Contractor shall report it to the Owner's Representative in writing at once, and Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby (except in an ernergency) until an amendment or supplernent to Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods provided in these General Specifications, provided however, that Contractor shall not be liable to Owner, or Owner's Representative for failure to report any such conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy unless Contractor knew or reasanably shauld have known thereof. SectionlII.doc Aage 7 of 46 4/11/2011 , ' 4 , 1 � ' Sectiqn lIl -- General Conditions AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.1 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS The Owner shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon wkich the Work is to be Performed, rights-of-way, easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of contractor. The Owner shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of lands so furnished with which contractor will have to comply in performing the Work. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by the Owner, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 4.2 INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS ' Reference is made to the Supplamentary Conditions and Technical Specificatians for identification of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Wark which ' have been relied upon by Engineer in preparation of the Drawings and Specifications. Such reports are not guaranteed as to accuracy or c�mpleteness and are not part of the Contract Documents. Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative in writing of any ' subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site, or in an existing structure, differing materially from those indicated or referred to in the Contract Documents. Engineer will promptly review those conditions and advise if further investigation or tests are necessary. Owner or Engineer ' shall obtain the necessary additional investigations and tests and furnish copies to the Engineer and Contractor. If Engineer finds that the results of such investigations or tests indicate that there are subsurface or latent physical conditions, which differ materially from those, indicated in the ' cantract Documents, and which could not reasonably have been anticipated by Contractor, a worlc change or Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions. 4.3 PHYSICAL CONDITIqNS, UNDERGROUND FACILITIES The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Undergraund Facilities at or cantiguous to the site is based an informatian and data furnished to Owner or Engineer by the owners oi such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless otherwise expressly pravided in the Cantract Documents, Owner and Engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and the cost of all the following will be included in the Contract Price and contractor shall have full responsibility for: (i) reviewing and checking all such infarmation and data, (ii) locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, (iii) coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction, and (iv) the safety and protection af all such Underground Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting fram the Work. The Contractor is required to call the LOCAL PUSLIC UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER prior to any excavation per State regulations and to notify any utility owners who are not a rnember of the LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY NQTIFICAT�ON CENTER prior to any excavation. The LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER is an agency for the protection and location of utilities prior to any excavation and contact number is available in local telephone directary. SectionIII,doc Page 8 of 46 4/11/2011 Section lII — General Conditions 4.4 REFERENCE POINTS Engineer shall provide engineering surveys ta establish reference points for construction, which in Engineer's judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work. Contractar shall be responsible for laying aut the Work, shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of the Owner and Engineer. Contractar shall report to Engineer whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and sha11 be responsible for the accurate replacernent or relocation of such reference points by a surveyor licensed in the State of Florida. The Contractor is re%rred to the Technical Specifications for more specific information regarding the provision of construction surveys. If a City survey crew is assigned to the project and there is excessive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's forces after initial line and grade have been set, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor will be charged at the rate of $100.00 per hour. Time shall be cornputed for actual time an the project. All time sha11 be computed in one-hour increments with a minimum charge of one haur, 5 BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDlCONTRACT BOND Contractor shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of all Cozttractor's obligations under the Contract Documents. This bond shall remain in effect at least one year after tk�e date when final payment becomes due, unless a longer period of time is prescribed by laws and regulations or by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall also furnish such other Bonds as are required by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff, Bureau of Government Financial Operations, U.S. Treasury Department. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agents' authority to act. All bonds shall be deemed to contain all of the Conditians of Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, even if such language is not directly contained within the bond and the Surety shall be licensed and quali�ed to do business in the State oi �'lorida. Owner reserves the right to reject any surety. If the Surety on any Bond furnished by the Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right ta do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to rneet the requirements of these Cantract Documents, the Contractor shall within five days after notice thereof substitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to Owner. 5.2 INSURANCE Contractor shall purchase and maintain such liability and other insurance as is apprapriate for the Wark being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result frorn Contractor's perfornnance and furnishing of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed or furnished by Contractor, and Subcontractor ar Supplier, ar by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, ar by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable for the following: (i) Claims under worker's compensation, disability benefits and ather similar ernployee benefit acts; (ii) Claims for damages because of badily SectionIII.doc Page 9 of 46 4/'I 1/2011 Section lIl — General Conditions injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's employees; (iii) Claims far damages because af bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than Contractor's employees; (iv) Claims for damages insured by customary personal injury liability coverage which are sustained by any person as a result of an affense directly or indirectly related ta the emplayment of such person by Contractor, or by any other person for any other reason; (v) Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; and (vi) Claims for darnages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any rnotor vehicle. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner, with copies to each additional insured identified in the Supplernentary Conditions, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by the Owner or any other additional insured) which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with this paragraph. The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph to be purchased and maintained shall: (i) include as additional insured (subject to any customary exclusion in respect of prot'essional liability) Owner af Clearwater and any other persons or entities identifed in the Supplementary Conditions, all of whom shall be listed as additional insured, and include coverage for the respective officers and employees of all such additional insures; (ii) include cornpleted operations insurance; (iii) include contractual liability insurance covering Contractor's indemnity obligations in Article for Contractor's Responsibilities; (iv) contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days prior written notice has been given to the Owner, and Contractor and to each ather additional insured identified in the Supplemental Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued (and the certificates of insurance furnished by the Contractor as described in this paragraph); (v) remain in effect at least until final payrnent and at all times thereafter when Contractor may be correcting, removing ar r�placing defective Work in accordance with Article for Correction of Defective Work; (vi) with respect to completed operations insurance, and any insurance coverage written on a claims-made basis, shall remain in effect far at least two years after final payment. Cantractor shall furnish the Owner and each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued evidence satisfactory td the Owner and any such additional insured, of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one year thereafter and (vii) Name and telephone nurnber of the authorized insurance agent for the Insurer. The limits of liability for the insurance required shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by laws and regulations: 5.2.1 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE Contract Award Amount Cantract Award Amount LTnder $1,000,000. $1,000,000. and Over (1) Workers' Compensation Statutory Statutory (2) Employer's Liability $500,000. $1,000,0�0. 5.2.2 PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE Comprehensive General Liability including Premise/Operations; Explosion, Collapse and Underground Property Damage; Products/Completed Operations, Broad Form Contractual, Independent Cantractors; Broad Form Property Damage; and Personal Injury liabilities: SectionIII.doc Page 10of46 4/I1/2U11 Section III — General Conditions Contract Award Amaunt Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $1,000,000. and Over (1) Bodily Injury: $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each �ccurrence Occurrence $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual Aggregate Aggregate (2) Property Damage: $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual Aggregate Aggregate (3) Personal �njury, with $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual employment exclusian deleted A�gregate Aggregate 5.2.3 COMPREHENSIVE Al1TOMOBILE LIABILITY including all owned (private and athers), hired and non-owned vehicles: Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $1,000,000. and Over (1) Bodily Injury $500,000. Each Person $1,000,000. Each Person $500,000. Each Accident $1,000,000. Each Accident (2) Property Damage $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence 1 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 � 1 ' ' Receipt and acceptance by Owner of the Contractor's Certificate of Insurance, or other similar ' document does not constitute acceptance or approval af amounts or types of coverages, which may be less than required by these Contract Documents. The Owner shall not be responsible for purchasing and maintaining any property insurance to protect the interests of Contractor, ' Subcontractors or others in the Work. Owner may at its option require a copy of the Contractor's Insurance Policy(s). All insurance policies required within this Contract Document shall provide full coverage from the first dollar of exposure unless otherwise stipulated. No deductibles will be ' accepted without prior approval from Owner. Lon�shore and Harbor Worker's Comnensation Act: Sectian 32 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 932, requires an employer, with employees in maritime employment, to secure the payment o£ beneiits under the Act either by insuring with an insurance carrier authorized by the U.S. Departrnent of Labor, or to be authorized by the U.S. Department of Labor as a self-insurer. For General Contractors: Section 4(a) of the Act provides that every ernployer shall be liable for and shall secure the payment to his employees of the compensation payable under Sections 7, 8, and 9 of the Act. In the case af an employer who is a subcontractor, only if such subcontractor fails to secure the payment of compensation shall the contractor be liable for and be required to secure the payment of cornpensation. SectionIII.doc Page 1 l. of 46 4/11/2011 Section 111— General Conditians 5.3 WAIVER OF RIGHTS The Owner and Contractor intend that all policies purchased in accordance with Article on Tnsurance will protect the Owner, Contractor, Subcontractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insured or additional insured in such policies and will provide prirnary coverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby. All such policies shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of any lass or damage the insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of the insured or additional insured thereunder, the Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other and their respective officers, directors, emplayees and agents for all losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from any of the perils covered by such policies and any other property insurance applicable to the work; and, in addition, waive all such rights against Sub-contractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplernentary Conditions to be listed as insured or additional insured under such policies for losses and damages so caused. None of the above waivers shall extend to the rights that any party making such waiver may have to the proceeds of insurance otherwise payable under any policy so issued. In addition, the Owner waives all ri�hts against Contractor, Subcontractors, Engineer, Enginaer's Consultant and the ofiicers, directors, employees and agents of any of them for: (i) loss due ta business interruption, loss of use or other consequential loss extending beyond direct physical loss ar damage to the Owner property or the Work caused by, arising out of or resulting from fire or other peril, whether or nat insured by the Owner and; (ii) loss or darnage to the completed Project ar part thereof caused by, arising out of or resulting from �re or other insured peril cavered by any property insurance maintained on the completed Project or part thereof by the Owner during partial utilization, after substantial completion or after final payment. 0 6.1 CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES SUPERVISION AND SUPERINTENDENCE Contractar shall supervise, inspect and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereta and applying such skills and exp�rtise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of constructian. Contractor shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or specificatian of a specific means, rnethod, technique, sequence or pracedure of construction which is shown or indicated in and �xpressly required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be responsible to see that the completed work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall keep on the work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall n�t be replaced without notice to the Owner's Representative except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communicatians to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to Contractor. The Cantractor's superintendent shall keep a mobile cell phone on his person so he can be contacted whenever necessary. � Contractar shall employ only competent persons ta do the work and whenever the Owner's Representative shall notify Contractor, in writing, that any person on the wark appears to be incompetent, unfaithful, disorderly, or otherwise unsatisfactory, such person shall be remaved ' � SectionIII,doc Page 12 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III — General Conditions from the praject and shall not again be employed on it except with the written consent of the Owner's Representative. Contractor shall reimburse Owner for additional engineering and inspection costs incurred as a result of overtime work in excess of the regular working haurs or on the Owner normally approved holidays. At such times when Inspector overtime is required, the Contractor shall sign an overtime slip documenting such hours and the Contractar shall be provided a copy for k�is records. At the end of the project and prior to payment of withheld retainage funds, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a check made out to the Owner of ClearwaCer for full reinnbursement of all Inspector overtime hours. Withheld retainage shall not be released until the Owner has received this check. Miniraaum number of chargeable hours for inspection costs on weekends or holidays shall be four hours. The cost of overtime inspaction per hour shall be $60,00 per hour. Contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat and sanitary condition, such sanitary accammodations for the use of Contractor's employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements of Laws and Regulations and the Engineer. 6.2 LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Contractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey, lay out and canstruct the work as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all work at the site shall be performed during regular warking hours and Contractor will nat permit avertime work or the performance of work on Saturday, Sunday, or any legal holiday without the Owner consent given after prior notice to Engineer. Unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements, Contractor shall furnish and assume full responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephane, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, testing, start-up and cornpletion of the Work, All materials and equipment installed in the Work shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by Engineer, Contractors shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the quality of materials and equipment. The Cantractor shall provide suitable and secure storage for all materials to be used in the Work so that their quality shall not be imipaired or injut'ed. Materials that are improperly stored, may be r�jected by the Engineer without testing. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accardance with the instructians of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or distributor, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. The City of Clearwater, at its sale discretion, reserves the right to purchase major equipment to be incorporated into the WORK under the Owner Direct Purchase (ODP) Option, if indicated in the Contract Documents. In such event, the Contractor shall cooperate and assist the Owner of Clearwater, at no additional cost, to implement the ODP documents and procedures. SectionIII.doc Page 13 of46 4/11/2011 1 , Section III — General Conditians fi.3 SUBSTITUTES AND "OR EQUAL" ITEMS Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents ' by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or ' "ar equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material ar equipment or material or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by Engineer. If in Engineer's sole discretion an item of material or equiprnent proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that named and ' sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be cansidered by Engineer for approval. If in the Engineer's sole discretion an itern of material or equipment proposed by Cantractor does not qualify as an "or equal" item, it rnay be considered as a ' proposed substitute item. Contractor shall submit suf�cient infarmation as required by the Engineer to allow the Engineer to determine that the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and is an acceptable substitute therefore. Request for review ' of proposed substitute and "ar equal" will be not be accepted by Engineer from anyone other than Contractor. Request for substitute and "or equal" items by Cantractor must be submitted in writing to ' Owner's Representative and will contain all informatian as Engineer deems necessary to make a determinatian. All data pravrded by Contractor in support of any praposed substitute or "or equal" item wil1 be at Contractor's exp�nse. Engineer will be allowed a reasonable time to ' evaluate each proposal or submit�al rnade per this paragraph. Engineer will be sole judge of acceptability. ' 6.4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUBCONTRACTqRS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS ' Contractor shall be fully responsible to Owner and Engineer for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons performing or furnishing any of the work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor just as Contractor is respansible for Contractor's own ' acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the bene�t of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person any contractual relationship between Owner or Engineer and any Subcontractor, Supplier or ather person, nor shall it create any abligation on the part of ' Owner or Engineer ta pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person. Contractar shall be solely responsible far scheduling and coordinating the work of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons per%rming or furnishing any of the ' work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor. Contractor shall require all Subcontractors, Suppliers and such other persons performing or furnishing any of the work to cornrnunicate with the Engineer through Contractor. , The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control Contractor in dividing the work amang Subcontractors or Suppliers ar delineating the work to be performed by any specific trade. , All work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract ' Documents for the benef t oi Owner and Engineer, , Sectionlll.dnc Page 14 of 46 4/11/2011 ' 9action III -- General Conditions Contractor shall not pay or employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization whether initially or as a substitute, against whom Owner or Engineer may have reasonable objection. Contractor shall nat be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to furnish or perform any of the work against whorn Contractor has reasonable objection. Owner or Engineer will nat undertake to settle any differences between Contractor and his Subcontractors or between Subcontractors. 6.5 USE OF PREMISES Contractor shall can�ne canstruction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operatians of works to the site and land areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents on other land areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, right-of way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encutnber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility far any damage ta any such land or area, or to ihe owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any clairn be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, Contractor shall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute resolution proceed in or at law. Contractor shall, ta the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indernnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultant and their of�cials, directors, emplayees and agents fram and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting from any claim or action, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against Owner, Engineer or any other party indemnified k�ereunder ta the extent caused by or based upon Contractor's performance of the Wark, During the progress of the Work, Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulations af wast� materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work or at intervals established by the Engineer, Contractor shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all taols, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials. Contractor shall restore to original condition all praperty not designated for alteratian by the Contract Documents. 6.5.1 STAGING AREAS The Contactar shall obtain and deliver to the City written permission for the use of all staging and storage areas outside of the Limits of Construction. 6.5.2 RESTORATION TIME LIMITS The timely restoration of all impacted areas, especially right-of-ways, is very irnportant to the Citizens of Clearwater; therefore these time limits are imposed: • Debris piles shall be reznoved within �ve (5) consecutive calendar days. • Concrete driveways and sidewalks shall be replaced within ten (10) consecutive calendar days of removal. Resident access shall be maintained at all times. • All arterial and collector roadways shall be restored ASAP. � Local streets and asphalt driveways shall be restored as soon as a sufficient quantity is generated, however, this is never to exceed fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days. Local and resident access shall be maintained at all times. SectionlIl.doc Page 15 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III — General Conditions • Sod must be restared with ten (10) consecutive calendar days of a successful pipe pressure test. It rnust be watered for a period of thirty (30) days after it is placed. Erosion control and dust contral af denuded areas must be maintained at all times. If the project or a portion of it do�s not involve right-of ways, then a different schedule of sod restoration may be considered. 6.fi LICENSE AND PATENT FEES, ROYALTIES AND TAXES Contractor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the work or the incorporation in the Work of any inventian, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product or device is specified in the Cantract Documents for use in the perforrnance of the work and if t� the actual knawledge of Owner or Engineer its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment af any license fee ar royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by Owner or Engineer in the Contract Documents. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, lasses and darnages arising out of or resulting from any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance af the Work ar resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, praduct or device not specified in the Contract Documents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. ' Cantractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other taxes required to be paid by Contractor in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the State of Florida and other governmental agenc�es, which are applicable durmg the performance of the work. � fi.7 LAWS AND REGULATIONS Contractor shall give all notices. and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to ' furnishing and performance af the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither Owner nor Owner's Representative shall be responsible for monitoring Contractor's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. If Contractor ' performs any work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or arising out of such work: however, it shall not be Contractor's primary responsibility to make certain that the � Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contractor �f Contractor's obligations ta the Owner to report and resolve discrepancies as described above. ' When City projects include Federal or State funding, the requir�ments of Executive Order 11-02 shall be adhered to utilizing the Homeland Security E-Verify System to verify employment eligibility. ' 1 1 i 6.8 PERMITS Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, Contractar shall obtain and pay for all canstruction permits and licenses. The Owner shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for th� prosecution of the Work, which are applicable at the time of SectionIII.doc Page 16of46 4/11/2011 Section III -- General Conditions opening of Bids. Contractor shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the work, and the �wner shall pay all charges of such utility owners for capital casts related thereto such as plant investment fees. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, Owner of Clearwater Building Permit Fees will be waived. 6.9 SAFETY AND PROTECTION Contractar shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautians and pr�grams in connection with the Work. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: (i) all persons on the work sita or who may be affected by the work, (ii) all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, wh�ther in storage on or off the site; and (iii) other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Underground Facilities not designated for removal, ralocation or replacement in the course af construction. In the event of temporary suspension of the wark, or during inclement weather, or whenever Owner's Representative may direct; Contractor sha11, and shall cause Subcontractors, to protect carefully the Work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If, in the opinion of the Owner's Representative, any portion of Work ar materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure an the part ofthe Contractor or any Subcontractors to so protect the Work, such Wark and rnaterials shall be reznoved and replaced at the expense of Cantractor. The Contractor shall initiate and maintain an accident prevention program which shall include, but shall not be limited to the establishment and supervision of programs for the education and training of employees in the recognition, avoidance and prevention of unsafe conditions and acts. Contractor shall provide first aid services and medical care to his emplayees. The Contractor shall develop and rnaintain an effective fire protection and prevention program and good housekeeping practices at the site of cantract performance throughout all phases of construction, repair, alteration or demolition. Contractor shall require appropriate personal protective equipment in all operations where there is exposure to hazardous conditions. The Engineer may order that the work stop if a condition of immediate danger to the Owner's employees, equipment or if property damage exists. This provision shall not shift responsibility or risk of loss iar injuries of damage sustained fram the Contractor to Owner, and the Cantractor shall remain solely responsible for compliance with all safety requirements and for the safety of all persor►s and property at the site of Contract performance. The Contractoc shall instruct his employees required to haridle or use toxic materials or other harmful substances regarding their safe handling and use. The Contractar shall take the necessary precautions to protect pedestrians and motorists from harrn, and to prevent disruptians of such traffic due to construction activity. Cantractor shall coznply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for safety of persans or property and to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilitias and utility owners when prosecution of the work may affect them, and shall coaperate with them in tk�e protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or lass to any property caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the wark or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor. Contractor's duties and responsibilities for safety and far protection of tk�e Work shall SactionlII.doc Page 17 of 46 4/11/2011 , 1 1 ' 1 Section III — General Conditions continue until such time as all the Work is completed and Engineer has issued a natice ta Owner and Contractor that the Work is acceptable. 6.10 EMERGENCIES In emergencies affecting the safety or protection �f persons or the Wark or property at the site or adjacent thereto, Contractor, with or without special instruction or authorization from Owner or the Owner's Representative, is obligated to act ta prevent damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall give Engineer prompt written notice if Contractor believes that any significant changes in the Work or variatians fram the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If the Owner's Representative determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by Contractor in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action. 6.11 DRAWINGS , 6.11.1 SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFIs, and SUBMITTAL REVIEW Contractor shall submit Shop Dravvings ta Engineer far review and approval as called for in the Technical Specifications or required by the Engineer. The data shown an the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified perfarmance and design criteria, materials and similar data to shaw Engineer the materials and equipment Contractor proposes to provide and to enable Engineer to review the information. Contractar shall also submit Sarnples to Engineer for review and approval. Before submitting each Shop Drawing or Sample, Contractor shall have determined and verified: (i) all field measurements, quantities, dimensions, speciiied performance criteria, installation requirements, matarials, catalog nurnbers and similar information with respect thereto, (ii) all materials with respect to intended use, fabrication, shipping, handling, storage, assembly and installation pertaining to the performance of the Work, and (iii) all information relative to Contractor's sole responsibilities in respect to means, methods, techniques, sequences and pracedures of constructian and safety precautians and programs incident thereto. Cantractor shall also have reviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawing or Sample with other Shop Drawings and Samples with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. Each submittal will bear a stamp or specific written indication that Contractor has satisfied Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents with respect to Contractor's review and approval of that submittal. At the time of submission, Contractor shall give Engineer specific written notice of such variatians, if any, that the Shop Drawing or Sample subrnitted may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, such notice to be in a written communication separate frarn the submittal; and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to Engineer for review and approval of each such variation. The Contractor shall rnaintain a submittal log as mentioned in Article 2.5. The Engineer and Construction Services Department shall receive updated copies at each progress meeting, and the Engineer shall respond to each submittal within twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days. The Contractor shall maintain a request for information (RFI) log as rnentioned in Article 2.5. The Engineer and Construction Services Department shall receive updated copies at each progress meetin�, and the Engineer shall respond to each RFI within twenty-one (21) consecutiv� calendar days. The untimely submission of Submittal or RFIs shall nat be grounds for a delay clairn from the Cantractor. SectionIII.doc Page 18 of 46 4/11/2U11 Section III — General Conditions Engineer's review and approval of Shop Drawings and Samples will be only to determine if the iterns covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated the Contract Documents. Engineer's review and approval will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (except where a particular means method, technique, sequence or procedure af construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs ir►cident thereto. The review and approval of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the itern functions. Contractor shall make carrections required by Engineer, and shall return the required number of corrected capies of Shop Drawings and submit as required new Samples for review and approval. Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by Engine�r on previous submittals. Engineer's review and approval of Shop Drawings ar Samples shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements af the Contract Documents unless Contractor has in writing called Engineer's attention to each such variation at the time of submission and Engineer has given written approval of each such variation by speci.fic written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or Sample approval; nar will any approval by the Engineer relieve the Cantractor from responsibility for complying with the reQuirements af paragraph above discussing field measurernents by the Contractor. Contractor shall furnish required submittals with complete information and accuracy in order to achieve required approval of an item within two (2) submittals. Owner's Representative reserves the right to backcharge Contractor, for Engineer's costs for resubmittals that account for a number greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of first time submittals. Owner's Representative reserves the right to backcharge Contractor for all third submittals. The number of first time submittals shall be equal to the number of submittals agreed to by Engineer and Contractor. All costs to Engineer involved with subsequent submittal of Shop Drawings, Samples or other items requiring approval will be backcharged to Contractor at the rate of 3.0 times direct technical labor cost by deducting such costs from payments due Contractor for Work completed. In the event that Contractor requests a substitution for a previously approved item, all of Engineer's costs in the reviewing and approval of the substitution will be backcharged to Contractor, unless the need for such substitution is beyond the control of Contractor. 6,11.2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS The Contractor shall keep and maintain one set of blueprints, As-Built Drawings, in good order and legible condition to be continuously marked-up at the job site. The Contractor shall rz�ark and annotate neatly and clearly all project conditions, locations, con�gurations and any other changes or deviations which may vary from the details represented on the original Contract Plans, including revisions made necessary by Addenda, Shop Drawings, and Change Orders during the construction process. The Contractor shall record the horizantal and vertical locations, in the plan and profile, of all buried utilities that differ from the locations indicated or which were not indicated on the Contract Plans and buried (or concealed), construction and utility features which are revealed during the construction period. The As-Built Drawings shall be available for inspection by the Engineer, Engineer's Consultant, and the Owner's Representative at all times during the progress ofthe Project. Sectior�III.doc Page 19 of4b 4/11/2011 Section lIT — General Conditions The As-Built Drawings shall be reviewed by the Owner's Representative, or his designee, %r accuracy and compliance with the requirements of "As-Built Drawings" prior t� submittal of the monthly pay reyuests. The pay requests shall be rejected if the marked-up blueline prints do not conform ta the "As-Built Drawings" r�quirernents. As-Built Drawings shall be submitted to the Owner Inspector for appraval upon completion af the praject and prior to acceptance of fnal pay request. Final pay request shall not be processed until As-Built Drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer or the Engineer's Consultant for accuracy and completeness. Prior to placing new patable water rnains in service, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer intersectian drawings, as specified for the water mains. The Owner's acceptance of the "As-Built Drawings" do�s not relieve the Contractar af the sole responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the As-Built Drawings. General The Contractor shall prepare an "AS-SUILT SURVEY" per chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code (see definition below), sign�d and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor. The contractor will deliver to the Owner two hard copies of signed and sealed As-Built Drawings and an AutoCAD file. 61 G17-b.002 Definition: (10) (a) As-Built Survey: a survey performed to obtain horizontal and/or vertical dzmensionul data sa that constructed improvements may be located and delineated: also know as Record Survey. This survey sha11 be clearly titled "As-Suilt Survey" and shall be signed and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor. The survey must be delivered to the Owner of Clearwater Construction Divisian upon substantial completian of the project. If this condition is not met, the Owner will procure the services of a Professional Surveyor and Mapper registered in the State of Florida and will back charge the contractor a fee of $1,800 per day or any portion thereof to provide the Owner with the required As-Built Survey. Sanitary and Storm Sewer Piping Systems Nlanholes and inlets shall be located by survey coordinates (northing, easting and elevatian) based an the approved harizontal and vertical datum or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction plans. New sanitary service connections and replac�d sanitary service connections shall be dimensioned to the nearest downstream manhole. All manholes, cleanouts and catch basin invert and rim elevations, manhole and catch basin dimensians, pipe sizes, and pipe material shall also be noted on the plan view and also on the prof le if one exists. 2. Pipe materials and areas of special construction shall be noted. Pressure Pipe construction (Water, Reclaimed Water, Forcemain) All pipes shall be located by survey caordinates (northing, easting and elevation) based on the approved horizontal and vertical datum or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction plans. Coordinates shall be at all pipe bends, tees, valves, reducers, and deflectians. Also all new and replaced service connections for potable and reclaimed water will be located as described above. Additionally there must be survey coordinates no further than 100 feet apart on linear type canstructian and shall denote top af pipe elevation at those points. Sectionill.doc Page 20 of 46 4/11/2011 Section lIl — General Conditions Electrical and Control Wiring The as-built drawings shall include all changes ta the original Contract Plans. The as-built drawings shall also include the size, calor, and number of wires and conduit. For projects where this infarmation is too voluminous to be contained on the blueline prints, the Contractor shall prepare supplemental drawings, on same size sheets as the blueline prints, showing the additional conduit runs, 1-line diagrazns, ladder diagrams, and other information. The wiring schematic diagrams shall shaw termination location and wiring identification at each point on the ladder diagram. Horizontal and Vertical Control The As-Built survey shall be based on the original datum used for the construction design plans or if required by the Owner the datum shall be referenced to the North American Daturn of 1983/90 (horizontal) and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. The unit of ineasurement shall be the Unitad States Foot. Any deviation or use o�' any other datum, (horizontal and or vertical), must be approved by the Owner of Clearwater Engineering Department. Standards The As-Built survey shall meet the Minimunn Technical Standards per Chapter 61 G 17 and the Clearwater CAD STANDARDS set forth below. In addition to lacating all improvements that pertain ta the as-built survey it is the requirement of the Owner to have minimum lacation points at every change in direction and no more than 100 feet apart on all pressure pipes. Other The As-Built drawings shall reflect any differences from Che original Contract Plans, in the same level of detail and units of dimensions as the Plans. 6.11.3 CAD STANDARDS Layer Naming Prefixes and Suffix�s DI prefix denotes digitized or scanned entities EP prefix denotes existing points - field collecteci EX preftx denotes existing entities - line work and symbols PR prefix denotes proposed entities - line work and symbols FU prefix denotes future entities (proposed but not part of this cantract) - line work and symbols TX suffix denotes text — use for all text, na matter the prefix GAS ELEC PHONE SectionilI.doc �r Naming Definitions: gas lines and appurtenances power lines and appurtenances telephone lines and appurtenances Page 21 of 46 4/11/2011 ' 1 , ' , J ' Sectipn Tll — General Conditivns CABLE cable TV lines and appurtenances BOC curbs WALK sidewalk WATER water lines and appurtenances, sprinklers STORM starm lines and appu�tenances TREES trees, bushes, planters SANITARY sanitary lines and appurtenances FENCE all fences BLDG buildings, sheds, finished floor elevation DRIVE driveways EOP edge of pavement without curbs TRAFFIC signal poles, cantral baxes TOPBANK top of bank TOESLOPE toe of slope TOPSERM top of berm TOEBERM toe of berm SEAWALL seawall CONCSLAB concrete slabs WALL walls, except seawall SHORE shoreline, water elevatian CL centerline of road CLD centerline of ditch CLS centerline of swale CORNER property corners, monumentation BENCH benchmark, temporary benchmarks Other layers may be created as required, using above format. Layer Properties All layers will use standard AutoCAD linetypes, bylayer. All layers will use standard AutaCAD colors, bylayer. All text will use standard AutoCAD fonts. ', � Text Styles Text style for EX layers will use the simplex font, obliyue angle of 0°, and a text height of .008 ' times the plot scale. SectionlIl.dac Page 22 of 46 4/11/2011 Ll Section III — General Conditions Text style for PR and FU layers will use the simplex font, ablique angle of 22.5°, and a text height af .010 times the plot scale. 6.11.4 DELIVERABLES: The as-built survey sk�all be produced on vellum or bond material, 24" x 36" at a scale of 1"=20' unless approved otherwise. Th� consultant shall deliver alt drawing files in digital format. Acceptable iile formats include: DWG, DXF of a shape file. Please address any questions regarding format ta Mr. Tom Mahony, at (727) 562-4762 or e-mail address Thomas.Mahony a), ,m�clearwater.com. 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE Contractor warrants and guarantees to Owner, Engineer and Engineer's Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. Cantractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder includes defects or damage caused by abuse, vandalism, modification or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors or Suppliers. Until the acceptance of the Work by the Own�r, the Work shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every n�cessary precaution against injury or damage to any part thereof by action of the elements, or frorn any other cause whatsoever, arising from the execution ar non-execution of the Work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair and make good, at his own expense, all injuries or damages to any portion of the Work occasioned by any cause before its completion and final acceptance by the Owner. In addition, "the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work at his own expense and pay for any darnage to other work resulting therefrom which appear within a period af one year from the date of final acceptance". Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes improper maintenance and operation by Owner's employees and normal wear and tear under normal usage for any portion of the Work, which has been partially accepted by the Owner for operation prior to ftnal acceptance by the Owner. Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: (i) observatians by Owner's Representative, (ii) recommendation of any progress or �nal payment by Owner's Representative, (iii) the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by the Owner to contractor under the Contract Documents, (iv) use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by Owner, (v) any acceptance by Owner or any failure to do so, (vi) any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal or the issuance of a notice of Acceptance by the Engineer. 6.13 CONTINUING THE WORK Contractor shall carry on the work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with the Owner. No work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as the Owner or Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. 6.14 INDEMNIFICATION Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the officers, directors, emplayees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of SectionIIi,doc Page 23 of 46 4/11/2011 � 1 1 i Section III — General Conditians engineers, architects, attorneys and other prafessionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) caused by, arising out of or resulting from the performance af the Work, provided that any such claim, cost, loss or darnage: (i) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury ta or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itsel fl, including the loss of use resulting therefrorn, and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any persan directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, ar anyone for whose acts any of them rnay be liable, regardless of whether or nat caused in part by any negligence or omission af a person or entity indernnified hereunder or whether liability is imposed upon such indemnified party by Laws and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such person. If, thraugh acts of neglect on the part of Contractor, any other Contractor or any Subcontractor � shall suffer loss or darnage on the work, Contractor shall settle with such other Contractor or Subcontractor by agreement or arbitration if such other Contractor or Subcontractor will so settle. If such other Contractor or Subcontractor shall assert any claim against the Owner on such ', account of any damage alleged to have been sustained, the Owner shall notify Contractar, wha shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any such claim. In any and all claims against Owner or Engineer or any of their respective consultants, agents, afficers, directors, or � employees by any employee (or the survivor or personal representative of such emplayee) of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perfo►m or furnish any of ', the work, or anyone for whose acts any af them may be liable, the indernnification obligation und�r this paragraph shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or typ� of darnages, campensation or benefits payable by or far Contractor or any such Sub-contractor, ' Supplier or other person or organization under workers' compensatian acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. The indemnificatian obligations of Contractar under this paragraph shall not extend to the liability of Engineer and Engineer's Consultants, officers, ' directors, employees, or agents caused by the professional negligence, errors or omissions af any of them. 1 �J I� fi.15 CHANGES IN COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION Contractor shall notify Owner by US mail addressed to the City Engineer of any changes in company contact information. This includes: contact phone, address, project manager, email addresses, etc. 7 OTHER WORK 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE The City reserves the right perform work as necessary related to the project ar not. these purposes. to have its own forces enter the construction site at any time and in order to perform infrastructure repair or maintenance, whether The Contractor will allow complete access to all utility owners for The City may have its own forces perform new work relatad to the project, however, this work will be identified in the Contract Scope of Work and coardination will be such that this activity is denoted in the Contractor's CPM Schedule so as not to cause any delays or interference with the Cantractor's work or schedule. Sectionlll.dac Page 24 of 46 4/11/2011 Section ,iI,I — General Conditions 7.a cooR�iNa-rioN If the Owner contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the following will be set forth in the Scope of Work: (i) the person who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities amang the various prime cantractors will be identified; (ii) the specific matters to be cavered by such authority and responsibility wi11 be itemized; and (iii) the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, the Owner shall have sole authority and responsibility in r�spect of such coordination. 8 OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, the Owner shall issue all cammunications from the Owner to the Cantractar through Owner's Representative. The Owner shall furnish the data required of the Owner under the Contract Docurx�ents promptly and shall make payments to Contractor promptly when they are due as provided in these General Conditians. The Owner is obligated to execute Change Orders as indicated in the Article on Changes In The Work. The Owner's responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in the Article on Tests and Inspections. In connection with the Owner's right to stop work or suspend work, see the Article on Engineer may Stop the Work. The Article on Susp�nsion af Work and Termination deals with the Owner's right to terminate services of Contractor under certain circumstances. Owner shall not supervise, direct or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractar's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or far any failure of Contractor to cotxiply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. The Owner will not be responsible for Cantractor's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.1 �WNERS REPRESENTATIVE Dependant of the project type, the Owner's Representative during the construction period will either be the Construction Manager, the Engineer, or a designee of the Project's Owner. The duties, responsibilities and the limitations of authority of Owner's Representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of Owner and Engineer. 9.2 CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Engineer will issue with reasonable prornptness such written clari%cations or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents regarding design issues only, in the form of Submittal responses, RFI responses, Drawings or otherwise, as Engineer may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with the intent of and reasanably inferable from Contract SectionIII.doc Page 25 of 46 4/11/2011 1 , � 1 Sectipn III — General Conditions Documents. All other clarifiications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued form the Owner's Representative. Such written clarifications and interpretations will be binding on the �wner and Contractor. If Contractor believes that a written clarificatian or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price ar the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof, if any, Contractor may make a written claim therefore as provided in the Articles far Change of Work and Change of Cantract Time. 9.3 REJECTING �F DEFECTIVE WORK The Owner's Representative or the Engineer will have authority to disapprove or reject Wark which Owner's Representative ar the Engineer believes to be defective, or that Owner's Representative or the Engineer believes will not praduce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity af the design concept of the completed Praject as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. The Owner's Representative or the Engineer will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of th� Work whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. 9.4 SHOP DRAWIIdGS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS � In connection with Engineer's authority as to Shop Drawings and Samples, see articles on Shop Drawings and Sarnples. In connection with Owner's Representative autharity as to Change Orders, see the articles on Changes of Work, Contract Price and Contract Time. In connection with Owner's Representative authority as to Applications for Fayment, see the articles on Payments to Contractor and Cornpletion. �� 1 [� 9.5 DECISIONS ON DISPUTES The Owner's Representative will be the initial interpreter of the requirernents of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Cantract Documents pertaining to the perforrrtance and furnishing of the work and Claims under the Articles for Changes of Work, Changes of Contract Time and Changes of Contract Price will be referred initially to Owner's Representative in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph. Written notice of each such claim, dispute ar other matter will be delivered by the claimant to Owner's Representative and the other party to the Agreement promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the start of the occurrence or �vent giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to Owner's Representative and the other party within sixty (60) days after the start of such occurrence or event unless Owner's Representative allows an additional period of time for the submission af additional or more accurate data in support of such claim, dispute or other matter. The opposing party shall submit any response to Owner's Representative and the claimant within thirty (30) days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal, unless Owner's Repr�sentative allows additional time. Owner's Representative will render a formal decision in writing within thirty (30) days after receipt of the apposing party's submittal, if any, in accordance with this paragraph. Qwner Representative's written decision on such claim, dispute or other matter will be final and binding upon the Owner and Contractor unless (i) an appeal from Owner Representative's decision is taken within thirty (30) days of the Owner Representative's decision, or the appeal time which may be stated in a Dispute Resolution Agreement between Owner and Contractor for the settlement of disputes or (ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into, a written notice of intention to appeal from Owner Representative's written decision is delivered by the Owner or Contractor 5ectionIlI.doc Page 26 of 46 4/11/2011 5ection III — General Conditions to the other and to Owner's Representative within thirty (30) days after the date of such decision and a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in a farunn of campetent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such claim, dispute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations within sixty (60) days of the date of such decision, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Owner and Contractor. When functioning as interpreter and judge, Owner's Representative will not show partiality to the Owner or Contractor and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by Owner's Represantative with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter will be a condition precedent to any exercise by the Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter pursuant the Article on Dispute Resolution. 9.6 LIMITATIONS ON OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S RESPONSIBILITIES Neither �wner Representative's authority or responsibility under this paragraph or under any other provisian of the Contract Documents nor any decision made by Owner's Representative in gaod faith either to exercise or not exercise suc� authority or responsibility or the undertaking, exercise or performance of any authority or responsibility by Owner's Representative shall create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by Owner's Representative to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person or organization or ta any surety for or employee or agent of any of them. Owner's Representative will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be respansible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and pragrams incident thereto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing ar performance of the work, Owner's Representative will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform or furnish the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Qwner's Representative will not be responsible for the acts or ornissions of Contractor or of any Subcantractor, any Supplier, or af any other person or organization performing or furnishing any af the work. Owner Representative's review of the final Application for Payment and accampanying dacumentation and all rnaintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bands and certificates of inspection, tests and approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by the Contractor will only be to determine generally that their content complies with the requirements af the Contract Documents and, in the case of certificates af inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents. The limitations upon authority and responsibility set forth in this paragraph shall also apply to Owner Representative's CEI, the Engineer's Consultants, and assistants. 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK Without invalidating the Agreement and without notice to any surety, the Owner may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work. Such additions, deletions or revisions will be authorized by a Written Amendment, a Change Order, or a Work SectionIII.doc Page 27 of 46 4/11/2011 Section 111— General Conditions Change Directive. Upon receipt of any such dacument, Contractor shall prarnptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Cantract Documents (except as may otherwise be specifically provided). If the Owner and Contractor are unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjustment in the Contract Price or an adjustment of the Contract Time that should be allowed as a result of a Work Change Directive, a claim may be made therefore as provided in these General Conditions, Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price ar an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Cantract Documents as amended, modi�ed and supplemented as provided in these General Conditions except in the case of an emerg�ncy as provided or in the case of uncovering work as provided in article for Uncovering Work. The Owner and Contractar shall execute apprapriate Change Orders or Written Amendrnents recammended by Owner's Representative covering: changes in the work which are (i) ordered by the Owner (ii) required because of acceptance of defective work under the article for Acceptance af Defective Work or correcting defective Work under the article for Owner May Correct Defective Work or (iii) agreed to by the parties; changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties; and changes in the Contract Price ar Contract Time which �mbady the substance of any written decisian rendered by Owner's Representative pursuant to the article for Decisions on Disputes; provided that, in lieu of exacuting any such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisians of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any such appeal, Contractor shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in the article for Continuing the Work. If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the work or the pravisians of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be Contractor's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. ' 11 CHANGES IN THE C�NTRACT PRICE � � 1 � J 1 t 11.1 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE The Contract Price constitutes the total campensatian (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to Contractor for performing the Wark. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned ta or undertaken by Contractor shall be at Contractor's expense without change in the Contract Price. The Contract Price may anly be adjusted by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price shall be based on a written notice of claim stating the general nature of the claim, to be delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to Owner's R�presentative or promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the claim, Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (60) days after the start of such occurrence or event, unless Owner's Representative allows additional time for claimant to submit additi�nal or more accurate data in support of the clairn, and shall be accompanied by SectionlIl,doc Page 28 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III — General Cocaditions claimant's written statement that the claimed adjustment covers all known amounts to which the claimant is entitled as a result of said accurrence or event. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Frice will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this paragraph. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be determined as follows: (i) where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (ii) where the Work involved is not cavered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agreed lump sum (which may include an allawance for overhead and proft), (iii) where the Work is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement is reached to establish unit prices for the Work. Where the work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and where the Owner's Representative, the Owner, the Engineer, the Engineer's Consultant, and Contractor cannot mutually agree on a lump sum price, the City of Clearwater shall pay far directed changes in the WORK, on "COST REIMBURSEMENT" basis. The Contractor shall apply for compensation, detailing Contractors farces, materials, equipment, subcontractors, and other items of direct costs required for the directed work. The application for Cost Reimbursement shall be limited to the following items: 2. Labor, including foremen, for those houxs associated with the direct work (actual payroll cost, including wages, fringe benefits, labor insurance and labor taxes established by law). Expressly excluded from this item are all costs associated with negotiating the subject change. Materials associated with the change, including sales tax. The costs af materials shall be substantiated through vendors' invoices. 3. Rental or equivalent rental costs of equipment, including necessary transportation costs if specifically used for the WORK. The rental rates shall nat exceed the current rental rates prevailing in the locality or as de�ned in the rental Rate Blue Book far Constructian Equipment (a.k.a. DataQuest Blue Book), The rental rate is defined as the full-unadjusted base rental rate for the appropriate item of construction equipment and shall cover the costs of all fuel, supplies, repairs, insurance, and other costs associated with supplying the equipment for wark ordered. Contractor-owned equipment will be paid for the duration of time required to complete the work. Utilize lawest cost combination af hourly, daily, weekly, ar monthly rates. Do not exceed estimated operating costs given in Blue Book. Operating costs will not be allowed for equipment on stand-by, � Additional costs for Bonds, Insurance if required by the City of Clearwater. The following ftxed fees shall be added to the costs of the directed work performed by the Contractor or Subcontractor, A. A fixed fee of ffteen percent (15%) shall be added to the costs of Item 1 above. If work is performed by a subcontractor, the Contractor's fee shall not exceed five percant (5%), and the subcontractor's fee shall not exceed ten percent (10%). B. A fixed fee of ten percent (10%) shall be added to the costs of Item 2 above. C. No markup shall be added to the costs af Items 3 and 4. The fxed fees shall be considered the full compensation for all cost of general supervision, overhead, profit, and other general expense. SectionIII.doc Page 29 of 46 4/11/2011 � , Section III — General Conditions 11.2 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENT It is understood that Contractor has included in the Contract Pric� all allowances so named in the � Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be furnished and performed for such surns as may be acceptable to Owner and Engineer. Contractor agrees that: (i) the allowances include the cost to Contractor (less any applicable trade discounts) of rnaterials and equipment � required by the allowances ta b� delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and (ii) Contractor's casts for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included in the Contract � Price and not in the allowances and no demand far additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change �rder will be issued as recommended by Owner's Representative to reflect actual amounts due Contractar on account of Work covered by allowances and all the Work actually performed by the Contractor, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. 11.3 UNIT PRICE WORK Where the Contract Docurnents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the established unit price for each separately identified item of unit price work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are nat guaranteed and are solely for the purpose af cornparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor will be made by Owner's Representative. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. The Owner or Contractor may make a claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price if: (i) the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor differs materially and significantly from the estimated yuantity of such item indicated in the Contract Documents; and (ii) there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work; and (iii) if Contractor believes that Contractar is entitled to an increase in Contract Price as a result of having incurred additional expense or the Owner believes that the Owner is entitled to a decreas� in Cantract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase or decrease. On unit price contracts, Owner endeavors to provide adequate unit quantities to satisfactarily complete the construction of the project. It is expected that in the norxnal GOurse of project construction and completion that not all unit quantities will be used in their entirety and that a finalizing change order which adjusts contract unit quantities to those unit quantities actually used in the construction of the project will result in a net decrease from the original Contract Price. Such reasonable deductian of final Contract Price should be anticipated by the Contractor in his original bid. 12 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT TIME The Contract Time (or Milestones) may only be chattged by a Change Order or a Written Arnendment. Any claim for an adjustment of the Contract Time (or Milestones) shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to Owner's Representative promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the extent of SectionIII.doc Page 30 of 46 4/11/2011 9ection III — General Conditions the claim with supporting data shall b� delivered within sixty (60) days after such occurrence, unless Own�r's Representative allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in suppart of the claim, and shall be accompanied by the claimant's written statement that the adjusttnent claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time (or Milestones) shall be determined by Owner's Representative. No claim for an adjustmeni in the Contract Time (or Milestones) will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. Where Contractor is prevented fram completing any part of the work within the Contract Time (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of Contractor, the Contract Time (or Milestones) may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a claim is made therefore as provided in the article for Changes in the Work. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, acts by the Owner, acts of utility owners or other contractars performing other work as conternplated by the article for Other Work, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions or acts of God. Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control af Cantractor. Where Contractor is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of both the Owner and Contractor, an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones) in an amount equal to the Cizne lost due to such delay shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. In no event sha11 the Owner be liable to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person, or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of them, for darnages arising out of or resulting from (i) delays caused by or within the control of Contractor, or (ii) delays beyond the control of both parties including but not limited to fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, acts of God ar acts by utility owners ar other cantractors performing other work as contemplated by paragraph for Other Work. 13 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS, CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WQRK 13.1 TESTS AND INSPECTION Contractor shall give Owner's Representative and Engineer timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. Contractor shall employ and pay for the services of an independent testing labaratory to perform all inspections, tests, or approvals required by the Contract Documents. The costs far these inspectians, tests or appravals shall be borne by the Contractor except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work (or part thereo fl specifically to be inspected, tested or approved by an employee or other representative of such public body including all Owner Building Departments and Owner Utility Departments, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish Owner's Representative tk�e required Sectionlll,doc Page 31 of 46 4/11/2011 Section 11I — General Conditions certificates of inspection or approval. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Dacuments, Owner permit and impact fees will be waived. Contractor shall also be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests or approvals required for Owner's and Engineer's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials, rnix designs, or equiprnent subrnitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation of the Work. lf any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected tested or approved is covered by Contractor without written concurrence af Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered for observation. Uncovering Wark as provided in this paragraph shall be at Cantractar's expense unless Contractor has given Owner's Representative and Engineer timely notice of Contractor's intention to cover the same and Owner's Representative has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. 13.2 UNCOVERING THE WORK If any Work is covered contrary to the written request of Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered far Owner Representative's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. If Owner's Representative considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by Owner's Representative or inspected ar tested by others, Cantractor, at Owner Representative's request, shall uncover, expase or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as Engineer or Owner's Representative may require, that partion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is de%ctive, Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of ar resulting from such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory replacement ar reconstructian (including but not limited to all casts oF repair or replacement of work of others); and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price for the costs of the investigation, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, may make a claim therefore as pravided in the article for Change in Contract Price. If, however, such Work is not faund ta be defective, Contract�r shall be allawed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones), or both, directly attributable ta such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacernent and reconstruction; and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, Contractor may make a claim therefore as provided the article for Change in Contract Arice and Change af Cantract Time. 13.3 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MAY STOP THE WORK If the Wark is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled warkers or suitable materials or equipment, ar fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, Engineer or Owner's Representative may arder Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereaf, until the cause for such order has been elirninated; however, this right of Qwner's Representative to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of Owner's Representative ar Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any surety or other party. If the Owner's Representative stops Work under this paragraph, Contractor shall be entitled to no extension of Contract Time or increase in Contract Price. Sectionlll.doe Page 32 of 46 4/11/2011 Section Iii — General Conditions 13.4 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK If required by Engineer or Owner's Representative, Contractor shall promptly, as directed, either correct all defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or campleted, or, if the Work has been rejected by Engineer ar Owner's Representative, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such correction or removal (including but nat limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). 13.5 WARRANTY/CORRECTION PERIOD If within one year after the date of Substantial Campletion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Dacuments or by any specific pravision of the Contract Dacuments, any Work is found to be defective, Contractor shall prornptly, without cost to the Owner and in accordance with the Owner's written instructions; (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the Owner, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom. If Contractor does not promptly camply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, the Owner may have the defective Work carrected or the rejected. Work removed and replaced, and all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such rernoval and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by Contractor. In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Final Completion of all the Work, the conrection period for that item may start to run frorn an earlier date if specifically and expressly sa provided in the Specifications or by Written Amendment. Where defective Work (and damage to other Work resulting therefrotn) has been carrected, removed or replaced under this paragraph the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended far an additional period of one year after such carrection or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily completed. 13.6 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, the Owner prefers to accept it, the Owner may do so. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages attributable to the Owner's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work such costs to be approved by Owner's Representative as to reasonableness. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Owner Representative's recommendation of final payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect ta the Work; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, the Owner may make a claim therefore as provided in article for Change of Contract Price. If the acceptance occurs after the Owner Representative's recommendation for fnal payment an appropriate arz�ount will be paid by Cantractor to the Owner. SectionIIl.doc Page 33 of 46 4/11/2011 IJ � Section III — General Conditions 13.7 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK ' If Cantractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice from Owner's Representative to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by Owner's Representative in accordance with the article for Correction and Remaval of Defective Work ar ' if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, the Owner may, after seven days' written notice to Contractor, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph the Owner shall proceed expeditiously. 1 In connection with such corrective and remedial action, the �wner may exclude Contractor from all or part of the site, take possession af all or part of th� Work, and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the ,� site or for which the Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allaw Owner, Owner's Representatives, Agents and employees, the Owner's other contractors, and Owner's Representative, Engineer, and Engineer's Consultants access to the site to enable '� the Owner to exercise the rights and rexnedies under this paragraph. All claims, costs, lasses and damages incurred or sustained by the Owner in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against Contractor and a Change Order will be issued incarporating the necessary ', revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereo% the Owner may make a claim therefore as pravided in the article for Change of ,' Contract Price. Such claims, costs, losses and damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed ar damaged by correction, removal or replacement of Contractor's defective Wark. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension af the ' Contract Time (or Milestones) because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by the Owner of the Owner's rights and remedies hereunder. ' � ' � , �C�]_\'/►'�1�I►��-�%IfZ�]►��:7_[�%]:�_1►1�I�I�]►�il»��[�7►1 Requests for payment shall be processed in accordance with F.S. 218.735 and as described herein. Progress payrnents on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. 14.1 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT Contractor shall submit (not more often than once a month) to Owner's Representative for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the 25th af each month and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Owner's Representative and the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Dacuments, payment will not be made for materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work. Payment will only be made for that portion of the Work, which is fully installed including all materials, labor and equipment. A retainage of not less than �ve (5%) of the amount of each Application for Payment f�r the tatal of all Work, including as-built survey and Inspector overtime reimbursement, completed to date will be held until final completion and acceptance of the Work covered in the Contract Documents. No progress payment shall be construed to be acceptance of any portion oFthe Work under contract. � The Contractor shall review with the Engineer or the Constructian Inspector all quantities and work for which payment is being applied for and reach agreernent prior to submittal of an Official Pay Request. The Engineer or the Construction Inspectar will verify that the on-site 1 �_� SectionIII.doc Page 34 of 46 �/11/2011 Section iii — General Conditions marked up as-bui�t drawings are up to date with the wark and are in compliance with the Contract Documents. In addition to all other payme�t provisions set aut in this contract, the Owner's Representative may require the Contractor to produce £or Owner, within fifteen (15) days of the approval of any progress payment, evidence and/or paytnent afiidavit that all subcontractors and suppliers have been paid any sum or sums then due. A failure on the par� of the contractor to provide the report as required herein shall result in further progress or partial payments being withheld until the report is provided. 14.2 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITLE Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether (ncorporated in the Project or not, will pass to the Owner no later than the time of payment, free and clear of liens. No materials ar supplies for the Work shall be purchased by Contractor or Subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale contact or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. Contractor warrants that he has gaad title to all materials and supplies used by him in the Work, free from all liens, claims or encumbrances. Contractor shall indemnify and save the Owner harml�ss from all claims growing out o£ the lawful demands of Subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen, and furnisher's of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power tools, and all supplies incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this Contract. Contractor shall at the Owner's request, furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged, or waived. If Contractor fails ta do so, then the Owner may, after having served written notice on said Contractor either pay unpaid bills, of which the Owner has written natice, or withhold frorn the Contractor's unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to pay any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities have been fully discharged, whereupon payment to Contractor shall be resumed in accordance with the terrns of this Contract, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be canstrued to ir�pose any obligations upon the Owner to the Contractor or the Surety. In paying any unpaid bills of the Contractor, the Owner shall be deerned the agent of Contractor and any payment sa made by the Owner shall be considered as payment made under the Contract by the Owner to Contractor, and the Owner shall not be liable to Contractor for any such payment made in good faith. 14.3 REVIEW OF APPLICATI�NS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS The Owner's Representative will within twenty (20) business days after receipt authorize and process payment by the Owner a properly submitted and documented Application for payment, unless the application requires review by an Agent. Tf the Application for payment requires review and approval by an Agent, properly submitted and docurnented Applications for payment will be paid by the Owner within twenty-five (25) business days. Ii an Application for payment is rejected, notice shall be given within twenty (20) business days of receipt indicating the reasons for refusing payment. The reasons for rejecting an Application will be submitted in writing, specifying de�ciencies and identifying actions that would make the Application proper. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary correctians and resubmit the Application. The Owner's Representative or Agent may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment to Owner. Owner's Representative or Agent may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or test, nullify any such payrnent previously recommended, to such extent as may be SectionIII.doc Page 35 oi46 4/11/2011 � � � , �J Section III — General Conditions necessary in Owner Representative's or Agent's opinion to protect the Owner from loss because: (i) the Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacernent, (ii) the Contract Price has been reduced by amendment or Change Order, (iii) the Owner has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work, or (iv) Owner's Representative or Agent has actual knawledge of the occurrence af any of the events enumerated in the article on Suspension of Work and Termination. The Owner may refuse to make payrnent of the full amount recommended by the Owner's Representative or Agent because: (i) claims have been made against the Owner on accaunt of Contractor's perfortnance or furnishing of the Work, (ii) Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, except where Cantractor has delivered a speci�c Bond satisfactory to the Qwner to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, (iii) thEre are other items entitling the Owner to a set-off against the amount recommended, or (iv) the Owner has actual knowledge of any of the events described in this paragraph. The Owner shall give Contractor notice of refusal to pay in accardance with the time constraints of this section with a copy to the Owner's Representative or Agent, stating the reasons for such actions, and Owner shall promptly pay Contractor the amaunt so withheld, or any adjustment thereto agreed to by the Owner and Contractor, when Cantract�r corrects to the Owner's satisfaction the reasons far such action. 14.4 PARTIAL UTILIZATION , Use by the Owner at the Owner's option of any substantially completed part of the Work which ,' (i) has specifically been identified in the Contract Docurnents, or (ii) Owner, Engineer, Owner's Representative, and Contractor agree constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by the Owner for its intended purpose without significant interference � with Contractor's performance of the rernainder of the Work, may be accomplished prior to Final Campletion of all the Work subject ta the following: The Owner at any time may request Contractor in writing to permit the �wner to use any such part of the Work which the Owner believes to be ready for its intended use and substantially complete. If Contractor agrees that such part of the Work is substantially complete, Contractor will certify to Owner, Owner's Representative, and Engineer that such part of the Work is substantially complete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Contractar at any time rnay notify Owner, Owner's Representative, and Engineer in writing that Contractor considers any such part of the Work ready far its intended use and substantially cornplete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion far that part of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, Owner, Contractor, Owner's Representative, and Engineer shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status af completion. If Engineer does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, Engineer will notify Owner, Owner's Representative, and Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefore. If Engineer considers that part of the Work ta be substantially complete, the provisions of the articles for Substantial Completion and Fartial Utilization will apply with respect to certificatian of Substantial Completion of that part of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and access thereta. 14.5 FINAL INSPECTION Upon written notice from Contractor that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, Owner's Representative will make a final inspection with Engineer, Owner and Contractor and will within thirty (30) days notify Contractor in writing of particulars in which Sectioniil.doc Page 36 of 46 4/11/2011 Sectipn Iii — General Conditions this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. The Owner's Representative will produce a final punch list, deliver it to the Cantractor within five (5) days of completion and assign a date for this work to be completad not less than thirty (30) days from delivery of the list. Failure to include any corrective work or pending items daes not alter the responsibility of the contractar to camplete all the construction services purchased pursuant to the contract. Contractor shall imrnediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deficiencies. 14.6 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT After Contractor has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of Owner's Representative and has delivered in accordance with the Contract Documents all znaintenance and operating instructions, As-built/Record Drawings, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates or other evidence of insurance required by the paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, certificates of inspection, Inspector overtime reimbursement as required in the Contract Documents and other documents, Contractor rnay make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: (i) all documentation called for in the Contract Docurnents, including but nat limited to the evidence of insurance required by paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, (ii) consent of the surety, if any or if necessary, to final payment, and (iii) camplete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to the Owner) of all Liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or waivers of Liens and as approved by the Owner, Contractor may furnish receipts or releases in full and an affidavit of Contractor tk�at: (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be filed, and (ii) all payrolls, material and equipment bills and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or the Owner's property mi�ht in any way be responsible have been paid or otherwise satisfied. If any Subcontractor or Supplier fails to furnish such a release or receipt in full, Contractor may furnish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify the Owner against any Lien. Prior to application for final payment, Contractor shall clean and remove from th� premises all surplus and discard�d materials, rubbish, and temporary structures, and shall restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been damaged during the prosecution of the Work, and shall leave the Work in a neat and presentable condition. 14.7 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE If through no fault of Contractor, final completion of the Work is signiiicantly de1ayed and if Owner's Representative so confirms, the Owner shall, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for payment and recommendation of Owner's Representative, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by the Owner far Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Sonds have been furnished as required in paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, the �vritten consent of the surety ta the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to �wner's Representative with the Application for such payrnent. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions �overning final payment, except that such payment shall not constitute a waiver of claims. If on the basis of Owner Representative's observation of the Work during canstruction and final inspection, and Owner Representative's review of the final Applicatian for Fayment and SectionIII.doc Page 37 of 46 4/11/2011 1 1 1 ' ' ' Section III — General Condidons accampanying docurnentation, all as required by the Contract Documents, Owner's Representative is satisfied that the Work has been completed and Cantractor's ather obligatians under the Contract Documents have been ful�lled, Owner's Representative will indicate in writing his recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner for payment. Thereupon, �wner's Representative will give written notice to Owner and Contractor that the Work is acceptable subject to the provisions of this article. Otherwise, Owner's Representative will return the Application to Contractor, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recammend final payment, in which case Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. If the Application and accompanying documentation are appropriate as to form and substance, the �wner shall, within twenty (20) days after receipt thereof pay contractor the amaunt recommended by Owner's Representative. 14.8 WAIVER OF CLAIMS The making and acceptance of final payment will canstitute: a waiver of all claims by the Owner ' against Contractor, except claims arising from unsettled Liens, from defective Work appearing after f nal inspection, from failure to comply with the Contract Dvcuments or the terms of any special guarantees specified therein, or fram Contractar's continuing abligations under the , Contract Documents; and a waiver of all claims by Contractor against the �wner other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. ' 15 SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.1 OWNER MAY SUSPEND THE WORK At any time and without cause, Owner's Representative may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety (90) days by notice in writing to Contractor, which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. Contractor shall be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, directly attributable to any such suspension if Contractor makes an approved claim therefare as provided in the articles far Change of Contract Price and Change of Contract Time. 15.2 OWNER MAY TERMINATE Upon thE occurrence of any ane or more of the following events; if Contractor persistently fails to perform the work in accordance with the Cantract Documents (including, but not lirnited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to the pragress schedule as adjusted from time to time); if Contractor disregards Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; if Contractor disregards the authority of Owner's Representative; if Contractor atherwise vialates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents; or if the Work to be done under this Contract is abandoned, or if this Contract or any part thereof is sublet, without the previous written consent of the Owner, or if the Contract or any claim thereunder is assigned by Contractor otherwise than as herein specified, or at any time Owner's Representative certifies in writing to the Owner that the rate of progress of the Work or any part thereof is unsatisfactory or that the work or any part thereof is unnecessarily or unreasonably delayed. Sectionlii.doc Page 38 of 46 4/ I 1/2011 Section 111— General Condations The Owner znay, after giving Contractor (and the surety, if any), seven days' written notice and, to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of Contractor, exclude Contractor from the site and take passession of the Work and of all Coniractor's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by Contractor (without liability to Contractor for trespass or conv�rsion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the Owner has paid Contractor but which are stared elsewhere, and finish the Work as th� Owner may deem expedient. In such case Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is �nished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by the Owner arising out of or resulting from completing tk�e Wark 5uch excess will be paid to Contractor. If such claims, casts, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. Such clairns, costs, lasses and damages incurred by the Owner will be reviewed by Owner's Representative as to their reasonableness and when so appraved by Owner's Representative incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph the Owner shall rtot be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by the Owner, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of the Owner against Cantractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of rnoneys due Contractor by the Owner will nat release Contractor from liability. Upon seven (7) days' written notice ta Contractor and Owner's Representative, the Owner may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy o Fthe Owner, elect to terminate tha Agreement. in such case, Contractor shall be paid (withaut duplication of any items): for completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; for expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials ar equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; for all claims, casts, losses and damages incurred in settlement of terminated cot�tracts with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others; and ,for reasonable exp�nses directly attributable to termination. Contractor shall not be paid on account of lass of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting frana such termination. 15.3 CONTRACTOR MAY STOP WORK OR TERMINATE If, through, no act or fault of Contractor, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by the Owner or undar an order of court or other public authority, or the Owner's Representative fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted or the Owner fails for thirty (30) days ta pay Contractor any sum �nally determined to be due, then Cantractor may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to the Owner and Owner's Representative, and provided the Owner or Owner's Representative does not rernedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from the Owner SectionIII.doc Page 39 of 46 4/11/2011 Section TIl — General Conditions payment on the same terms as provided in the article for the Owner May Terminate. However, if the Work is suspended under an order of court through no fault of Owner, the Contractor shall not be entitled to payment except as the Caurt rnay direct. In lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if Owner's Representative has failed to act on an Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or the Owner has failed for thirty (30) days to pay Contractor any sum finally determined ta be due, Contractor may upon seven (7) day's written notice to the Owner and Owner's Representative stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due Contractor. The provisions of this article are not intended to preclude Contractor fram making claim under paragraphs for Change of Contract Price or Change oi Contract Time or otherwise for expenses or darnage directly attributable to Contractor's stopping Work as permitted by this article. 16 DISPUTE RESOLUTION lf and to the extent that the Owner and Contractor have agreed on the method and procedure for resolving disputes between them that rnay arise under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method and procedure will proceed. If no such agreement on the method and procedure far resolving such disputes has been reached, subject to the provisions af the article for Decisions on Disputes, the Owner and Contractor may exercise such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Cantract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect af any dispute provided, however, that nothing herein shall require a dispute ta be submitted to binding arbitration. 17 MISCELLANEOUS 17.1 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT FORMS The form of all submittals, notices, change orders, pay applications, logs, schedules and other � documents permitted or required to be used or transmitted under the Contract Documents shall be determined by the Owner's Representative subject to the approval of Owner. 1. � � 17.2 GIVING NOTICE Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving af written notice, notice will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a mernber of the firm or to an officer af the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address Icnown to the giver of the natice. 17.3 NOTICE �F CLAIM � Should the Owner or Contractor suffer injury ar darnage to person or property because of any error, omission or any act of the other party or of any of the other party's officers, employees or agents or athers for whose acts the ather party is legally liable, clairn will be made in writing to ' the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute oF limitations or repose. � ' ' SectionIlI.doc Page 40 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III -- General Conditions 17.4 PROFESSIONAL FEES AND COURT COSTS INCLUDED Whenever reference is made to "clainns, costs, losses and damages," the phrase shall include in each case, but not be limited to, all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs. 17.5 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereaf or any rights thereunder withaut the approval of Owner, nor without the consent of surety unless the surety has waived its rights to natice of assignment. 17.6 RENEWAL OPTION Annual Contracts issued through the Engineering Department may be renewed for up to two (2) years, upon mutual consent of both the Owner and the Contractor/Vendor. All terms, conditions and unit prices shall remain constant unless otherwise specified in the contract specifications or in the Invitation to bid. Renewals shall be made at the sole discretion of the Qwner, and must be agreed ta in writing by both parties. All renewals are contingent upon the availability of funds, and the satisfactory performance of the Contractor as determined by the Construction Department. 17.7 ROLL�OFF CONTAINERS AND/OR DUMPSTERS All City construction projects shall utilize City of Clearwater Salid Waste roll-off containers and/or dumpsters for their disposal needs. For availability or pricing contact Tom Glenn at the City of Clearwater, Solid Waste Departrnent, phone: (727) 562-4923 or email: tom. glenn@myclearwater.com. 18 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK Tk�e City reserves the right to accept and use any portion of the wark whenever it is considered to the public interest to do so. The Engineer shall have the power to direct on what line or street the Contractor shall work and order thereof. 19 MATERIAL USED All material incorporated inta the final work shall be new material unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish purchase xeceipts of all materials. 20 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The various Contract Documents shall be given precedence, in case of conflict, error or discrepancy, as follows: Modifications, Contract Agreement, Addenda, Supplementary General Conditions, General Conditions, Supplernentary Technical Specificatians, Technical Specifications, Drawings. In a series of Modifications or Addenda the latest will govern. 21 OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION The Qwner reserves the right, when identified during the bidding process as part of the project's docurnents, to contract with the Contractar to purchase certain portions of materials identified in SectionIll.doc Page 41 of 46 4/11/2011 �J �J � Section III — General Conditions the project as a sales tax savings option in compliance with Florida Law since the Owner is exempt from payment of sales tax. The Contract price includes Florida sales and other applicable taxes for rnaterials, supplies, and equipment, which will be a part of the Cantractar's work. The Owner, being exempt frorn sales tax, res�rves the right to make direct purchases of various construction materials included in the Contractor's contract. The Owner purchasing of construction materials, if selected, will be administered on a deductive Change Order basis. Additionally, Purchase Orders will include Owner's Certificate of Exemption number. See SECTION IV, ARTTCI,E 1.1 - SCOPE DESCRIFTI�N for QDP items included in the Contract Documents and the APPENDIX for ODP Documents. 22 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START �F CONSTRUCTION 22.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall notify all residents along the construction route or within a 500-foot radius, , unless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents, with a printed door hanger notice indicating the following information about the proposed construction work and the Contractor perforrning the work: City seal ar logo; the scheduled date for the start of canstruction; the type of � constructian; general sequ�nce and scheduling of construction events; possibility of water service disruption and/or colored water due to construction efforts; Contractor's name, the Superintendent's name, Contractor address and telephone number; Contractor's cornpany logo ' (optional); requirement for residents to remove landscaping and/or other private appurtenances which are in conflict with the proposed construction; and other language as appropriate ta the scope of Contract work. Sample door hanger including proposed language shall be approved by ', the City prior to the start of construction. Notification shall be printed on brightly colored and durable card stock and shall be a minimum of �4-'/4 by 11 inches in size. Notification (door hanger) shall be pasted to residences and businesses directly affected by the Contractor's ,� activities no later than seven (7) days prior to the start of constructian activity. Directly affected by the Contractor's activities shall mean all Contractor operations including staging areas, equipment and material storage, principal access routes across private property, etc. Contractor � cannot start without proper seven (7) day notice period ta residents. Contractor is required to maintain sufflcient staff to answer citizen inquiries during normal business hours and to maintain appropriate message recording equipment to receive citizen inquires after business hours. � ' ' ' Resident notification by the Contractor is a non-specifc pay item to be included in the bid it�ms provided in the contract proposal. 22.2 EXAMPLE CITY SEAL Qf CITY OF CLEARWATER NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION TODAY'S DATE: / / PLEASE EXCUSE US FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE We are the construction contractor performing (state type of contract) far the City of Clearwater in your area. The work will be performed in the public right-oFway adjacent ta your property. This natice is placed a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of construction to notify property owners of the endin start of construction. ' SectianlII.doc Page 42 of 46 4/11/2011 ' Section Ill — General Conditions (Brief description of the construction process to be expected by the property owners) The construction process may necessitate the remaval of certain items from the right-of-way. Typical items such as sprinklers, grass, and postal approved mailboxes will be replaced by the contractor within a reasonably short periad of time. The replacement of driveways and sidewalks will be made using standard asphalt or concrete materials. The property owner is responsibl� for Ithe expense and coardination to replace driveways and sidewalks which have customized colors, ,textures and/or rnaterials. Small trees, shrubs, landscaping materials, unauthorized mailboxes ar structures within the right-of way which must be removed due to the constructian process will not be replaced. The property owner is responsible to relocate any such items which the property owner wishes to save prior to the start af construction. Vehicles parked on the streets or within the right-of-way may be reyuired to be placed elsewhere. We are available to answer any questions you tnay have regarding the construction process or any particular item that must be relocated. Please contact our Construction Manager at (727) . We will be more than happy to assist you. Constructian is anticipated to begin on; Company Name Campany Address Contractor Phone Number 23 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS 23.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE The Owner desires to inform the general public on the Owner's use and expenditure of public funding for general capital improvement and maintenance projects. To help accomplish this purpose, the Contractor is required to prepare and display public project information signs during the full course of the contract period. These signs will be displayed at all location(s) of active work. Fayment to Contractor for the preparation, installation and management of project sign(s) shall be included in the cost of the work. The number of and type of signs will be stated in SECTION IV, ARTICLE 1.1 — SCOPE DESCRIPTION. 23.2 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, FIXED OR PORTABLE Sign type shall be "fixed" on stationary projects and "partable" on prajects which have extended locations ar various locations. The particular wording to be used on the signs will be determined after cantract award has beett approved. Contractor will be provided the wording to be used on sign at the preconstruction conference. 23.3 FIXED SIGN Fixed sign shall be 4-foot by 6-foot (4'x6') in size and painted on a sheet of extearior �rade plywood of the same size and a minimum thickness of 1/2-inches. Sign shall be attached to a minimum of two (2) 4-inch by 4-inch (4"x4") below grade pressure tr�ated (�.T.) wooden pasts and braced as necessary far high winds. Posts shall be long enough to provide secure anchoring in the ground. Bottam af sign must be a minimum of 24-inches above th� ground. Alternate mounting systern or attachrnent to fencing or other fixed structure can be considered for approval. Sign shall be painted white on both sides with exterior rated paint. 5ectionIII.doc Page 43 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III — General Conditions 23.4 PORTABLE SIGNS Portable sign shall be a minimum of 24-inches by 30-inches (24"x30") in size and will be attached to a standard sized portable traffic barricade. Sign material shall be aluminum, 0.080- inches or thicker, background of white reflective sheeting, and shall be silkscreen or vinyl lettering. Portable sign shall be two signs located and attached to each side of the traffic barricade. 23,5 SIGN COLORING Background shall be white. Project Descriptive Name shall be in blue lettering. All other lettering shall be black. Basic lettering on sign shall be in all capital letters, of size proportional to the sign itself. Each sign shall depict the City's sun and waves logo. The color of the sun shall be pantone yellow; the wave shall be process blue; and the text shall be black. 23.fi SIGN PLACEMENT Signs shall be placed where they are readily visible by the general public which pass by the project site. Signs are not to be placed where they may becorne a hazard or impediment ta either pedestrian or vehicular traffic. For construction projects autside of the Owner's right-of-way, the signs will be placed on the project site. For projects constructed inside of th� Owner's right-of- way, the signs will be placed in the right-of-way. Portable signs are to be moved to the locatians of active work on the project. Multiple portable signs will be necessary where work is ongoing in several locations at the same time. Fixed signs are to be placed at the start of construction and will remain in place until the request for final payment. 23.7 SIGN MAINTENANCE The Cantractor is responsible for preparation, installation, rnovement, maintenance, replacement, removal and disposal of all praject signs during the full course of the contract period. The Contractar will place and secure portable signs frorn dislocation by wind or other actions. Signs are to be cleaned as necessary to rnaintain legibility and immediately replaced if defaced. 5ectionIII.doc Page 44 of 46 a/11/2011 Section III — General Conditions 23.8 TYPICAL PROJECT SIGN 24 �_. � _� ��� PROJECT NAME (CONTRACT NUMBER) �DEPARTMENT NAME) PROJECT ���� CONTRACTOR: . . � COMPLETION DATE: __. . FUNDTNG: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: _. _ - ...._.LL �� ° - rwater U L 1 �--- - - ' � - ' - -�I' �, ��� -� �"x�" �.-. F r��>>E (?y�.) � E .� c� II AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE J It will be required that the work wil1 coznmence not later than �ve (5) calendar days a�er the Engineer gives written notice to proceed (NTP), which notice shall be given as outlined in Article 2 of these General Conditions. It is further required that all work within this contract be completed within the indicat�d number of__consecutive calendar davs as determined in SECTION IV, ARTICLE 1.1 - SCOFE DESCRIFTION. Contract date to cornmence at issuance o�' notice to proceed. If the Contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated time, the City will retain the amount stated in the Contract, per calendar day, for each day that the contract remains incomplete. The work shall be discontinued on Saturdays, Sundays, and appraved Holidays. If it becomes necessary for the Contractar to perform work on Saturdays, Sundays, and approved City of Clearwater Employee Holidays, that in the opinion of the Engineer, will require the presence of Inspectars, the SectivnIII.doc Page 45 of 46 4/I 1/2011 Section III — General Conditions Contractor shall pay the City oi Clearwater, Florida, the amount of Four Hundred Eighty Dollars ($480.00) per each eight-hour (S) day for each Inspector given such assignrnent. The Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work at his awn expense and pay for any damage to ather work resulting therefrorn which appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance. ' Sectionill.doc Page 46 of 46 4/11/2011 ' 1 1 � 1 SECTION Illa SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIQNS The General Conditions of the Construction Contract; Articles 1 through 24 inclusive; are a part of this contract. The following supplements modify, change, delete from or add to the General Canditians of the , Construction Contract. Where any article of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph, subparagraph ar clause thereai is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that articl�, paragraph, subparagraph or clause shall remain in eff�ct. IMODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 2 - PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.3 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME; NOTICE TO PROCEED; STARTING THE PROJECT 2.3.1 The Contract shall be substantially completed within 60 calendar days � after the date when the Contract Time commences to run as provided in t paragraph 2.3 af the General Conditions. ' 2.3.2 Substantial cornpletion is defined as having all components of the system installed and ready for daily operation. Substantial completion includes start-up, operation, testing, manufacturer's checks and services, operator ' training, and similar items. The fallowing items need not be campleted for Substantial Completion: c. Final applicatian for payment and final acceptance. 2.3.3 All work in the Contract shall be completed and ready for �nal payment in accordance with paragraph 14.6 of the General Conditians within 90 ' calendar days after the date when the Contract Time comrnences to run. ' 2.7 HURRICANE PROTECTION PLAN Within two weeks af the date of Notice to Praceed, the Contractor shall subrnit ' to the Owner a Hurricane Preparation Plan that outlines the measures that will be completed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner in the event of a hurricane warning. ' Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section llla 0992-0212 Supplementary General Conditions llla - 1 1 In the event af inclement weather, or when directed by the Owner, the Contractor will protect the Work and materials from weather related dannage. In the event that, in the opinion of the Owner, the Work or materials have been damaged due to �ailure on the part of the Contractor to protect the Work and materials, the Work and materials shall be replaced at the expense of the Contractor. ARTICLE 6 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.8 PERMITS The City has obtained the appropriate Right-of-Way permits from Pinellas County and CSX Railroad. These permits are provided in the Appendix of the Technical Specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for cornplying with any provisions or requirenaents which may relate to the conduct of construction activities. ARTICLE 9- OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.1 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE The Owner's Representative during ihe Bidding Phase is listed below. Robert Maue City of Clearwater Engineering 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Room 220 Clearwater, Florida 33756 Phone: 727-562-4758 Fax: 727-562-4755 Email: Robert.Maue@myclearwater.com END OF SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS Skycrest RCW System — CSX & K�ene Rd. Jack & Bore Section llla �992-0212 Supplementary General Conditions llla-2 1 1 � , , ' 1 � 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' , 1 ' �J SECTION IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATI�NS Table of Contents: 1 SCOPE OF WORK ...........................................................................................................1 1.1 SCOPE DESCRIPTION ................................ 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST ................. 2 K� 4 �� ................ 1 ................ 2 FIELDENGINEERTNG .................................................................................................. 3 2.1 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR ............... 3 2.1.1 GRADES, LINESAND LEVELS ............................................................................. 3 2.1.2 LAYOUT DATA ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY ................................. 4 DEFINITIONOF TERMS ............................................................................................... 4 3.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4 3.2 ASBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ........................................................................... 4 ORDER AND LOCATTON OF THE WORK ................................................................ 6 EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND WORK .......................................................... 6 6 CONCRETE ......................................................................................................................7 7 EXCAVATION AND FORMS FOR CUNCRETE WORK .......................................... 7 7.1 EXCAVATION ................................................................................................................7 7.2 FORMS ........................................................................................................................... 7 S 9 10 11 12 REINFORCEMENT......................................................................................................... 7 8.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 8 OSSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................................. 8 RESTORATION �R REPLACEMENT OF DRIVEWAYS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND STREET PAVEMENT ............................................................................................ 8 WORK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS .................................................................. 9 DEWATERING ................................................................................................................. 9 12.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................... 9 l 2.2 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 10 12.2.1 DEWATERING CONTROL ................................................................................... 1 D 12.2.2 GENERIC PERMIT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROMANYNON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY ........................... 10 13 SANITARY MANHOLES ..............................................................................................12 13.1 BUILT UP TYPE .......................................................................................................... 12 13.2 PRECAST TYFE .......................................................................................................... 13 13. 2.1 MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) ................................... .... . 13 13.3 DROP MANHOLES ..................................................................................................... 13 13.4 FRAMES AND COVERS ............................................................................................ 13 SectionIV,doc 4/11/2011 13.5 MANHOLE COATTNGS .............................................................................................. ]3 13.6 CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES ............................................................................. 14 1� BACKF�LL ......................................................................................................................14 15 STREET CROSSINGS, ETC . .......................................................................................14 16 RAISING OR LOWERING OF SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES................................................................................................................ 14 16.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 14 17 UNSUITASLE MATERIAL REMOVAL .....................................................................15 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 15 17.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 15 18 UNDERDRAINS .............................................................................................................15 18.1 SASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 15 18.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 16 19 STORM SEWERS ..........................................................................................................16 19.1 AS BUILT INPORMATION ......................................................................................... 16 19.2 TESTING ......................................................................................................................16 19.3 BASIS �F PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 17 20 SANITARY SEWERS AND FORCE MAINS ..............................................................17 20.1 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 17 20.1.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 17 20.1.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE ............................................................................................. 17 20.2 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 17 20..2.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 17 20.2.2 FORCEMAINPIPE .............................................................................................18 20.3 AS BUILT DRAWiNGS ............................................................................................... 18 20.4 TESTING ......................................................................................................................18 20.4.1 TESTING OF GRAVITYSEWERS ........................................................................ 18 2�. 4.2 TESTING OF FORCE MAINS .............................................................................. 19 20.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 19 2�.5.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 19 20. S. 2 FORCE MAIN PIPE ... .......... ...... . .................... . . . ... 19 ............................................... 21 DR.AINAGE .....................................................................................................................19 22 ROADWAY BASE AND SUBGRADE ..........................................................................19 22.1 BASE ............................................................................................................................ 19 22.1.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE ................... 21 22.1. 2 BASIS OF PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE ............................... 21 22.2 SUBGRADE ................................................................................................................. 21 22.2.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ................................................................................ 21 22.2.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................................ 22 23 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MATERIALS ................................................................... 22 23.1 ASFHALTTC CONCRETE ........................................................................................... 22 SectionIV.doc ii 4/11/2011 2 2 2 23.1.1 AGGREGATE ........................................................................................................2z 23.1. Z BIT UMINO LIS NIATERIALS . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .... . .... . . ... . . . ... .. .. . ... .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . 22 23.2 HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURES — FLANT, METHODS, EQUIPMENT & QLTALITYASSURANCE ............................................................................................ 22 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES .................................................................... 23 23.4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGNS AND LAYER THICKNESS ............................... 23 23.5 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 24 23.6 CRACKS AND POTHOLE PREPARATION .............................................................. 24 23.6.1 CRACKS ................................................................................................................24 ,23.6.2 POTHOLES ...........................................................................................................2� 23.7 ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOLES ............................................................................... 25 23.8 ADDITIONAL ASPHALT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 25 23.9 SUPERPAVEASPHALTIC CONCRETE ....................................................................26 23.10 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 26 23.11 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 26 4 ADJLTSTMENT TO THE UNIT BID PRICE FOR ASPHALT .................................. 27 5 GENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................. 27 2 5 .1 I RRI GATI ON . . . .. . . . .... . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. ... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 zs. r. r DESCRIPTI�N ..................................................................................................... 27 25.1..2 PRODUCTS ..........................................................................................................29 25.1.3 EXECUTION .........................................................................................................33 25.2 LANDSCAPE ...............................................................................................................3b 25.2.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................3G 25.2.2 PRODUCTS ..........................................................................................................41 25.z.3 EXECUTION ......................................................................................................... 44 6 HDPE DEFORMED - REFORMED PIPE LINING ................................................... 51 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.� 26.5 26.6 26.7 26. $ 26.9 27 28 29 INTENT.............................................................................................................. PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTASILITY .............. MATERIALS...................................................................................................... CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION .......................................................... TELEVISION INSPECTION ............................................................................. LINER INSTALLATION ................................................................................... LATERAL RECONNECTI�N ........................................................................... TIME �F CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................. PAYMENT.......................................................................................................... ........ 51 ........ 51 ........ 51 ........ 52 ........ 52 ........ 53 ........ 53 ........ 53 ........ 53 PLANTMIX DRIVEWAYS ........................................................................................... 53 27.1 BASIS OF MEASUREM�NT ...................................................................................... 54 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 54 REPORTING OF TONNAGE OF RECYCLED MATERYALS ................................ S4 CONCRETE CURSS ..................................................................................................... 54 29.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 54 , 29.2 BASIS 4F PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 54 30 CONCRETE SYDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS ......................................................... 54 1 SectionIV,doc iii 4/ I 1/201 l � 30.1 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS .......................................................................................... 54 30.2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS ......................................................................................... 55 30.3 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... 55 30.4 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 55 31 SODDING ........................................................................................................................ SS ��a 33 SEEDING......................................................................................................................... 56 STORM MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH SASINS OR OTHER STORM STRUCTURES................................................................................................................ S6 33.1 BUILT UP TYPE STRUCTURES ................................................................................ 56 33.2 PRECAST TYPE .......................................................................................................... 57 33.3 BASZS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 57 34 MATERIAL USED ......................................................................................................... 57 35 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICAT�ONS ...................................... S7 36 STREET SIGNS .............................................................................................................. 57 37 ALTDTO/VIDEO RECORDING OF WORK AREAS .................................................. S7 37.1 CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUDIO/VIDEO RECORDING ................................ 57 3'7.2 SCHEDULING OP AUDIO/VIDEO RECORI7ING ................................................... 57 37.3 PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHERS ....................................................................... 58 37.4 EQUIFMENT ............................................................................................................... 58 37.5 RECORDED INFORMATION, AUDIO ...................................................................... 58 37.6 RECORDED INFORMATION VIDEO ....................................................................... 58 37.7 VIEWER ORIENTATION ............................................................................................ 58 37.8 LIGHTING ................................................................................................................... 59 3'7.9 SPEED OF TRAVEL .................................................................................................... 59 37.10 VIDEO LOG/INDEX ................................................................................................... 59 37.1 l AREA OF COVERAGE ............................................................................................... 59 37.12 COSTS OF VIDEO SERVICES ................................................................................... S9 38 EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL ................................................................... 59 38.1 STABILIZATION OF DENUDED AREAS ................................................................. S9 38.2 PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION OF SOIL STOCKFILES ............................. 60 38.3 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEMS .................................... 60 38.4 SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES ........................................................................ 60 38.5 SEDIMENTATION SASINS ....................................................................................... 60 38.6 WORKING IN OR CROSSING WATERWAYS OR WATERBODIES ...................... 60 38.7 SWALES, DITCHES AND CHANNELS .................................................................... 61 3$.8 UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ....................................................... 61 3 8.9 MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................... 61 38.10 COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................................61 39 UTILITY TIE IN LOCATION MARKING ................................................................. 64 40 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE .................... 64 4l. POTASLE WATERMAINS, RECLAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES....................................................................................................... 64 SectionIV.doc iv 4/11/2011 41.1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 64 41.2 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ b5 41.2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 65 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALSAND FITTINGS ..................................................................... b5 41.2.3 GATE YALVES ...................................................................................................... 67 41.2.4 VALVE BOXES ...................................................................................................... 67 41.2.5 HYDRANTS ...........................................................................................................68 41.2.6 SERVICE SADDLES ............................................................................................. 69 41.2. 7 TESTS, INSPECTI4NAND REPAIRS .................................................................. 69 41.2.8 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS ................................................................................ 69 41.2.9 TAPPING SZEEVES ............................................................................................. 70 �11.2.10 BLOW �FF HYDRANTS ...................................................................................... 70 41.3 CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................70 41.3.1 MATERZAL HANDLING ....................................................................................... 70 41. 3.2 PIPE LAYING ........................................................ . 70 41.3.3 SETTING OF VALVES, HYDRANTSAND FITfINGS ......................................... 72 41. 3. 4 CONNECTI�NS TO EXISTING LINES ..................... ..... ..................................... 72 41.4 TESTS ...........................................................................................................................73 �l.�l.l HYDROSTATICTESTS .........................................................................................73 41.4.2 NOTICE �F TEST ................................................................................................ 73 41.5 STERILIZATION ......................................................................................................... 73 41. S. I STERILIZING AGENT .......................................................................................... 73 41.5.2 FL USH1'NG SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 73 41. 5. 3 STERILIZATION PROCED URE .................. ..... .......................... ...... ..... .............. 73 41. 5. 4 RESID UAL CHL �RINE TESTS .................... ..... ............. ...... ......... .................. ..... 74 41.5.5 BACTERIAL TESTS .............................................................................................. 74 41.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ........................................................................... 74 41. 6.1 GENERAL . ................................................. ....... .................................................... 74 41.6.2 FURNISHAND INSTALL WATER MAINS ........................................................... 75 41.6.3 FURNISHAND INSTALL FITTINGS ................................................................... 75 41. d. 4 FURNISH AND CNSTALL GATE VAL yES COMPLETE WITH BOXES AND CO VER S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 41. d.5 FURNISHAND INSTALL FIRE HYDRANTS ....................................................... 75 42 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 76 43 TENNIS COURTS .......................................................................................................... 76 43.1 PAVED TENNIS COURTS .......................................................................................... 76 43.1.1 SOIL TREATMENTS ............................................................................................. 7d 43.1.2 BASE COURSE ..................................................................................................... 76 43.1. 3 PRIME C�AT ....................................................................................................... 7d 43.1.4 LEVELING COURSE ............................................................................................ 7d 43.1. S SURFACE CO URSE ............................................................................................. 76 43.1. 6 COLOR CDAT ...................................................................................................... 77 43.2 CLAY TENNIS COURTS ............................................................................................ 78 43.2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 78 43. Z. 2 SITE PREPA.RATI�N ............................................................................................ 79 43.2.3 SLOPE ...................................................................................................................79 43.2. 4 BASE C�NSTR UCTION ....................................................................................... 80 SectionTV.doc v 4/11/2011 43.2.5 43.2. 6 43.2. 7 43.2.8 43.2.9 43.2.10 43.2.11 43.2.12 43.2.13 43.2.14 43.2.15 43.2.16 43.2.17 PER.IMETE'R C URBING ...................... . .. ........ ...... .......... SURFACE COURSE ....................................................... ROOT BARRIER ............................................................. FENCING........ . . . . ...................... ............... .. ................. ... WINDSCREENS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COURT EQUIPMENT .................................................... SHADE STR UCT URE ... . ......... .. ..... . . . ..... ......... ......... ....... WATER SOURCE (Potable) ............................................ CONCRETE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXISTING SPORT TENNIS COURT LIGHTING .......... WATER COOLER ........................................................... DEMONSTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARRANTY .................................... SQ .................................... 80 .................................... 80 .................................... 81 .................................... 81 .................................... $1 .................................... 83 ................... ............. 83 .................................... 83 .................................... 83 .................................... 84 .................................... 84 ........................................................................................................... 84 44 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ......................................................................... 85 44.1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK ZQNE TRAFFIC CONTROL ......... 85 44.2 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN .............................................................. SS 44.2.1 WORK ZONE SAFETY ......................................................................................... $5 44.3 ROADWAY CLOSURE GUTDELINES ....................................................................... 86 44.3.1 ALL R�ADWAYS ................................................................................................... 86 44.3.2 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS, LOCAL C�LLECTORS ................. 8d 44.3.3 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MIN�R ARTERIALS ......................................................... Sb 44.3.4 MAJOR ARTERIALS ............................................................................................. 8b 44.4 APPROVAL Ok' WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ................................... 86 44.5 INSPECTTON OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATION .................... 87 44.6 PAYMENT FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ............................................. 87 44.7 CERTIF�CATION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR............ $7 C�.� 46 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 45.8 45.9 CLTRED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING ....................................................... INTENT................................................................................................. PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY , MATERIALS......................................................................................... CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION ............................................. TELEVISION iNSPECTION ................................................................ LINER INSTALLATION ...................................................................... LATERAL RECONNECTION .........................•--.................................. TIME OF CONSTRUCTI�N ................................................................ PAYMENT ...................... 87 .... 87 .... S S .... 88 .... 88 .... 89 .... 89 .... 89 .... 89 .................................................................................................................... 89 SPECIFICATIONS FUR POLYETHYLENE SLIPLINING ..................................... 90 46.1 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................ 90 46.1.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS ........................................................................................... 90 96.1.2 QUALITYCONTROL ........................................................................................... 9(J 46.1.3 SAMPLES ..............................................................................................................90 46.1.4 REJECTT�N ..........................................................................................................90 46.2 PIPE DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................... 90 46.3 CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES ................................................................................. 91 46. 3.1 HANDLING �F PIPE ........................................................................................... 91 46. 3.2 REPAIR OF DAMAGED SECTIONS .................................................................... 91 SectionIV.doc vi 4/11/2011 46. 3. 3 PIPE JOINING ..................................................... 46. 3.4 HANDLING OF FUSED PIPE ............................. 4b.4 SLIFLINING PROCEDURE ........................................ 46.4.1 PIPEREQUIREMENTSANDDIMENSIONS...... 46. 4. 2 CLEANING AND INSPECTION . ..... ..................... 46. 4. 3 INSERTION SHAFT AND EXCAVATI�NS .......... 46.4.4 INSERTION �F THE LINER ................................ 46. 4. S CONFIRMATION �F PIPE SIZES ...... ..... ........... 46. 4. 6 UNDERDRAIN CONNECTIONS IF REQUIRED 46. 4. 7 BACKF7LLING ..................................................... 46.4.8 POINT REPAIR ..................................................... 4b.4.9 CLEAN UP OPERATI�NS ................................... 47 SPECIFYCATIONS FOR POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RISBED PIPE..... 47.1 SCOPE ......................................................................................................... 47.2 MATERIALS ............................................................................................... 47.3 PIPE ............................................................................................................. 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 47.5 FITTINGS .................................................................................................... 91 91 91 9.1 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 48 GUNITE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 94 A�8.1 4$.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 48.6 48.7 48.8 48.9 48.10 48.11 48.12 48.13 48.14 48.15 48.16 48.17 48.18 PRESSURE 1NJECTED GROUT ................................................................................ 94 REHASILITATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH GLTNITE ................. 94 COMPOSITION........................................................................................................... 94 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 95 MATERIALS................................................................................................................ 95 WATER......................................................................................................................... 9S REINFORCEMENT..................................................................................................... 95 STORAGE OF MATERIALS ....................................................................................... 95 SURFACE PREPARATION ......................................................................................... 96 PROPORTIONING....................................................................................................... 96 MIXING............................ .................................... ..... .. ........ .... . .... ................................ 96 APPLICATI ON ............................................................................................................. 96 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS ......................................................................................... 97 SLIRFACE FINISH ....................................................................................................... 97 CURING....................................................................................................................... 97 ADJACENT SURF'ACE PROTECTION ..................................................................... 97 INSPECTION............................................................................................................... 98 EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................... 98 49 SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLE LINER RESTORATION ........................... 99 49.1 SCOPE AND INTENT ................................................................................ 49.2 PAYMENT ................................................................................................... �19.3 FIBERGLASS LINER PRODUCTS ........................................................... 49.3.1 MATERIALS ................•--...................................................................... 49.3.2 INSTALLATIQNAND EXECUTION ................................................... 49.� STRONG SEAL MS-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM ............................... 49.4.1 MATERIALS ......................................................................................... 49.5 INFILTRATION CONTR�L ....................................................................... ....... 99 ....... 99 ....... 99 ....... 99 ..... 1 UO ..... 100 ..... 101 ..... 101 5ectionIV.doc vii 4/11l2011 49.6 GROUTING MIX ....................................................................................................... 101 49.7 LINER MIX ................................................................................................................ 101 49.8 WATER ....................................................................................................................... 102 49.9 OTHER MATERIALS ................................................................................................ 102 49.10 EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................. 102 49.11 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION .......................................... 102 49.11.1 PREPARATION ...................................... ...................................... �...................... 102 49.11..2 MIXING ...............................................................................................................103 49.11. 3 SPRAYING .......................................................................................................... 103 49.11.4 PRODUCT TESTING ......................................................................................... 103 49.11.5 CURING ..............................................................................................................103 49.11. 6 MANHQLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE ...................................................... X 04 49.12 INNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LiNER PRODUCT SYSTEM ....... 104 49.12.1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................104 49.12.2 MATERIALS .........................................................................................................104 49.12.3 INSTALLATIONAND EXECUTION .................................................................. 106 50 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS ..........................................................................108 51 IN-LINE SKATYNG SURFACING SYSTEM ............................................................108 51.1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................ 108 51.2 SURFACE PREPARATIONS ..................................................................................... 109 51.�.1 ASPHALT ............................................................................................................109 51.2.2 C�NCRETE ........................................................................................................109 51. 2. 3 CO URT PATCH BINDER MIX ...... . . . ... . . .............. .. ...................... . .............. ...... .. 109 51.3 APPLICATION OF ACRYLIC FTLLER COAT ......................................................... 109 51.4 APPLICATTON OF FORTTFIED PLEXIPAVE .......................................................... 110 51.5 PLEXIFLOR APPLICATION .................................................................................... 110 51.6 PLAYING LINES ....................................................................................................... 110 5 l.7 GENER AL .................................................................................................................. 1 l 0 51.8 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................... 110 52 RES�DENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CUNSTRUCTION ..........................111 S3 GASIONS AND MATTRESSES ..................................................................................111 53.1 MATERIAL ........................................................................... 53.1.1 GABIQNAND REN� MATTRESS MATERIAL ............. 53.1.2 GABIONAND MATTRESS FILLER MATERIAL: ......... 53.1. 3 MATTRE,SS WIRE .... ..... .. . ............. .. ...... . ........ ...... .. .... .... 53.1.4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC .................................................. 53.2 PERFORMANCE .................................................................. 54 LAWN MAINTENANCE SPECIFICAT�ONS ..................... 54.1 SCOPE ................................................ ............................... 54.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK .............................. 54.3 WORK METHODS .......................................... 54.3.1 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING ............. 54.3.2 DUTIES PER SERVICE V.ISIT ................. 54.4 LITTER ............................................................. 54.5 VISUAL CHECK ............................................. ...111 ... .r�r ...113 ...114 ...114 .. 114 ....................................115 ................................... 115 ................................... 115 ................................... 116 ....................................116 ....................................116 ................................... 116 116 SectionIV.doc viii 4/ 11/2011 54.6 PLANT TRIMMING AND PALM PRUNING .......................................................... 116 54.7 PHOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE, INDIA DATE, PYGMY DATE, ETC.)..... 116 54.8 DEBRIS REMOVAL .................................................................................................. 116 54.9 TRAFFIC CONTROL ................................................................................................ 117 54.10 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ............................................................................................ 117 54.11 1'LANT FERTILIZATION .......................................................................................... 117 54.12 WEED REMOVAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA ......................................................... 117 54.13 MULCH CONDITION ............................................................................................... 117 5�.14 IRRIGATION SERVICE AND REPAIR .................................................................... 117 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PEST CONTROL ..................................................... 117 54.16 PALM FERTILIZATION ............................................................................................ 117 54.17 FREEZE PROTECTION ............................................................................................ 118 54.18 LEVEL OF SERVICE ................................................................................................. 118 54.19 COMPLETION OF WORK ....................................................................................... 118 54.20 INSPECTION AND APPROVAL .............................................................................. 11$ 54.21 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 118 S5 MILLING OPERAT�ONS ............................................................................................119 55.1 EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION & MILLED SURFACE ...................................... 119 55.2 ADDITIONAL MILLING REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 119 55.3 SALUAGEABLE MATERIALS ................................................................................. 120 55.4 DISPOSASLE MATERIALS ..................................................................................... 120 55.5 ADJUSTMENT AND LOCATI�N OF LTNDERGROUND UTILITIES .................. 120 55.6 ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITY MANHOLES ............................................................ 120 55.7 TYPES OF MILLING ................................................................................................ 120 55.8 MTLLING OF INTERSECTIONS .............................................................................. 121 SS.9 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 121 55.10 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................................... 121 S6 CLEARING AND GRUSSING ................................................................................... 121 56.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 121 56.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................................... 121 57 RIPRAP .........................................................................................................................121 57.1 BASIS �F MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 1.21 5'7.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................................... 122 58 TREATMENT PLANT SAFETY ................................................................................122 S 8.1 HAZARD POTENTIAL ............................................................................................. 122 58.2 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR TRAINING ................................................................ 122 59 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ........................................... 122 59.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................... 123 60 SIGNING AND MARKING .........................................................................................123 60.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT ....................... � 61 ROADWAY LIGHTING .............................................................. .... 123 ....123 61.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................... 123 ' SectionIV.doc ' �x aii ri2oi r , 62 TREE PROTECTIDN ..................................................................................................124 1 62.1 TREE SARRICADES ................................................................................................ 124 62.2 ROOT PRUNING ....................................................................................................... 124 ' 62.3 PROPER TREE PRUNING ........................................................................................ 125 63 PROJECT WEB PAGES ..............................................................................................126 ' 63.1 WEB PAGES DESIGN ............................................................................................... 126 63.2 WEB ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES ..................................................................... 126 63.3 THE SUN AND WAVES LOGO AND ITS USE ....................................................... 126 ' 63.4 MAPS AND GRAPHICS ........................................................................................... l27 63.5 INTERACTIVE FORMS ............................................................................................ 127 63.6 POSTING ....................................................................................................................12'7 ' 63.7 WEB PAGES UPDATES ............................................................................................ 127 64 OVERHEAD ELECTItTC LINE CLEAR.ANCE ......................................................127 64.1 CLEARANCE OPTIONS ........................................................................................... 127 ' 64.2 REQUIRED MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCES ............................................ �27 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' , , � SectionIV.doc x 4/11/2011 ' ' 1 1.1 Section IV — Technical Specifications SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE DESCRIPTION Project Name: Skvcrest RCW Svstem CSX & Keene Road Jack & Bore Project Nurnber: 10-0026-UT Scope of Work: The work for which propasals are invited consists of the installation of approximately 170-LF of 12" ductile iron pipe within 20" diameter and 0.344" thick steel casing installed by jack-n-bore beneath CSX Railroad together with necessary appurtenances. The work also includes the pigging and flushing of the City's existing 16" reclaimed water main to rernove accurnulated sand from the system. This main is lacated within the Keene Road Corridor and has a length of approximately 7,�OQ LF. The Contractor shall provide 2 Fixed/Portable project signs as described in SECTION III, ARTICLE 23 of the Contract Documents. The final number of project signs will be determined at the beginning of the project based on the Contractar's schedule of work submitted for approvaL Additional project signs may be required above the indicated arnount due to the � Contractor's schsdule of work, which will be provide at na additianal cast to the Owner. CUNTRACT PERIOD: 90 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS $ec[ionlV,dac Paga 1 of 12$ 4/11/2011 Section IV —Teclmical Specifications 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST Praject Name: Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Road Jack & Bore Project Number: 10-0026-UT The %llowing Articles of the Technical Speci�cations will apply to this cantract if marked "X" as shown b�low: 1 X Sco e Of Work 2.1 X Line and Grade Shall Be Performed B The Contractor 2.2 ❑ Line and Grade Shall Be Performed B The Cit 3 X Definition Of Terms 4 X Order And Location Of The Work 5 X Excavation For Under round Work 6 X Concrete 7 X Excavation And Forms For Concrete Work 8 X Reinforcement 9 X Obstructions 10 X Restoration Or Re lacement Of Drivewa s, Curbs, Sidewalks And Street Pavement 11 X Work In Easements Or Parkwa s 12 X Dewaterin 13 Sanit Manholes 14 X Backfill 15 X Street Crossin s, Etc. 16 ❑ Raisin Or Lawerin Of Sanita Sewer, Storm Draina e Structures 17 Unsuitable Material Removal 18 Underdrains 19 ❑ Storm Sewers 20 Sanitar Sewers And Force Mains 21 X Draina e 22 X Raadwa Base And Sub rade 23 X As haltic Concrete Materials 24 X Ad'ustment To The Unit Bid Price For As k�alt 2S General Plantin S ecifications 26 ❑ Hd e Defarmed - Reformed Pi e Linin 27 ❑ Plant Mix Drivewa s 28 Re ortin Of Tonna e Of Rec cled Materials 29 X Concrete Curbs 30 X Concrete Sidewalks And Drivewa s 31 X Soddin 32 ❑ Seedin 33 Storm Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins Or Other Storm Structures 34 X Material Used 35 X Conflict Between Plans And S ecifications 36 X Street Si ns 37 X Audio/Video Recordin Of Work Areas 38 X Erosion And Siltation Control 39 Utilit Tie In Locatian Markin SectionIV.doc Page 2 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV —Technical Specifications 40 X Award Of Contract, Work Schedule And Guarantee 41 X Potable Water Mains, Reclaimed Water Mains and A urtenances 42 Gas S stem S ecifications 43 Tennis Courts 44 X Wark Zone Traffic Control 45 ❑ Cured-In-Place Pi e Linin 46 S ecifications for Pol eth lene Sli linin 47 ❑ S ecificatians for Pol vin 1 Chloride Ribbed Fi e 48 ❑ Gunite S ecifications 49 ❑ Sanita and Storm Manhole Liner Restoration 50 X Pra'ect Information Si ns 51 ❑ In-Line Skatin Surfacin S stem 52 X Resident Notification of Start of Constructian 53 ❑ Gabions and Mattresses 54 Lawn Maintenance S ecifications SS ❑ Millin O erations Sb Clearin and Grubbin 57 ❑ Ri ra 58 ❑ Treatment Plant Safet 59 ❑ Tra�c Si nal E ui ment and Materials 6Q Si nin And Markin 61 Roadwa Li htin b2 X Tree Protectian 63 Pro'ect Web Pa es E 2.1 FIELD ENGINEERING LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall provide and pay far feld engineering service required fvr the project. Such work shall include survey work to establish lines and levels and to locate and lay out site irnprovements, structures, and controiling lines and levels required for the construction of the wark. Also included are such Engineering services as are specified ar required ta execute the Contractor's construction methods. Engineers and Surveyors shall be licensed prafessionals under the laws of the state of Florida. The Contractor shall provide three (3) complete sets of As- built Survey to the Engineer prior to final payment being made as outlined in Section II� (General Conditions), Article b.11.2 of these Contract Documents. 2.1.1 GRADES, LINES AND LEVELS Existing basic horizontal and vertical control points for the project are those designated on the ' Drawings or pravided by the City. Control points (for alignment only) shall be established by the Engineer. T'he Contractor shall locate and protect contral points prior to starting site work and shall preserve all permanent reference points during construction. In warking near any ' permanent property corners or reference markers, the Contractor shall use care not to rernove or disturb any such markets. In the event that markers rnust be removed or are disturbed due to the ' 1 SectionIV.doc Page 3 of 128 a/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specitications proximity o£ construction work, the Contractor shall have Chem referenced and reset by a Land Surveyor qualified under the laws of the state of Florida. 2.1.2 LAYOUT DATA ' ' �l The Contractor shall layout the work at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. Survey notes indicating the information and measur�ments used in establishing ' locations and grades shall be kept in notebooks and furnished to the Engineer with the record drawings for the project. 2.2 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY At the completion of all worlc the contractor shall be responsible to have furnished to the project inspector a replacement of the wooden lath and stakes used in the construction of this project. Excessive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's forces, after initial line and grade have been set, as determined by the City Engineer, will be charged to the Contractor at the rate of $100.OQ per hour. Time shall be computed for actual tirne on the project. All time sha11 be computed in one-hour increments. Minimum charge is $100.00. The City will generate the project Record construction drawings. 3 DEFINITION OF TERMS For the purpos� of these Technical Specifications, the definition of terms from SECTION III, ARTICLE 1- DEFINITIONS of these Contract Documents shall apply. Far the purpose af the Estimated Quantities, the Contractor's attention is called to the fact that the estimate of �uantities as shown on the Proposal Sheet is approximate and is given only as a basis af calculation upon which the award of the contract is to be made. The City does not assume any responsibility that th� final quantities will remain in strict accordance witk� estimated quantities nor shall the contractor plead misunderstandings or deception because of such estimate of quantiti�s or of the character or location of the work or of other conditions or situatians pertaining thereto. 3.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference to the standards af any technical society, organization, or associate, or ta codes of local or state authorities, shall mean the latest standard, code, specification, or tentative standard adopted and published at the date of receipt of bids, unless specifically stated otherwise. 3.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS Abbreviations used in the Contract Documents are defined as follows: AA Aluminum Association, Inc. AAMA Architectural Alurrxinum Manufacturers' Association AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI American Concrete Institute AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AMA Acoustical Materials Association AMCA Air Maving and Conditioning Association, �nc. ANSI American National Standards Institute SectionIV.doc Page 4 oF 128 4/11/2011 1 �� 1 ' ' 1 ' � , 1 ' � � 1 SectianlV.doc 1 APA ASAE ASCE ASHRAE ASME ASSE ASTM AWG AWMA AWS AW WA CFR C1SPI CRSI CS DEP DOT EPA FAC FBC FFPC FGC FMC FPC FedSpec HI IBSM IEEE TPS MIL NAAMM NBFU NEC NEMA NFPA NPT NWMA PCA PCI SBC SBCCI SDI SFPC SGC SJI SMACCNA Section IV -- Technica) Specifications American Flywood Association American Society ofAgricultural Engineers Arnerican Society of Civil Engineers American Saciety of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning American Society ofMechanical Engineers American Society of Sanitary Engineering Arnerican Society for Testing and Materials American Wire Gauge Aluminum Window Manufacturer's Association American Welding Society American Water Works Association Code of Federal Regulations Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Commercial Standards and National Bureau of Standards Department af Environmental Protection (Florida) Department of Transportation (Florida) Environmental Protection Agency Florida Administrative Cade Florida Building Code Florida Fire Prevention Cade Florida Gas Code Florida Mechanical Code Florida Plumbing Code Federal Specifications Standards of Hydraulic Institute Iran Body, Bronzed Mounted Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Iron Pipe Size Military Specification National Associatian af Architectural Metal Manufacturers National Baard of Fire Underwriters National Electrical Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Fire Protection Association National Pipe Thread National Woodwork Manufacturers' Association Portland Cement Associatian Prestressed Concrete Institute Standard Building Code (SBCCI) Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. Steel Door Institute Standard Fire Prevention Code (SSCCI) Standard Gas Code (SBCCI) Steel Jaist Institute Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association Page 5 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV -- Technical SpcciF�cations SMC Standard Mechanical Cade (SBCCi) S�'C Standard Plumbing Code (SBCCI) SPTB Southern Pine �nspection Bureau SSFC Steel Structures Painting Council TCA Title Council ofAmerica UL Underwriters' Laboratories 4 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK ' ' ' 1 This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 1 S— ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE ' WORK. 5 EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND WORK The contractor is responsible to take all necessary steps to conduct all excavation in a manner which provides for the successful campletion of the proposed work while at all tirnes maintaining the safety af the workmen, the general public and both public and private property. The contractor's methods of work will be consistent with the standard practices and requirements of all appropriate Safety Regulatory Agencies, particularly the Occupational Safety and Health Adrninistration (OSHA) requirements for excavation. Unless otherwise speci�cally stated in these plans and specifications, the methods of safety control and cornpliance with regulatory agency safety requirements are the full and complete responsibility of the contractor. For the purposes of the Contractor's safety planning in the bidding process, the contractar is to consider all excavation ta be done in the performance of this contract to be in soil classified as OSHA "Type C". The Contractor's attention is called to specific requirements of OSHA for excavation shoring, employee entry, location of excavated material adjacent to excavation, the remaval of water from the excavation, surface encumbrances and in particular the requirement of a"Competent Person" to control safety operations. The Contractor will identify his Competent Person to City staff at the start of construction. City staff are required from time to time to perform inspections, tests, survey location work, or other similar activity in an excavation prepared by the contractor. City staff in conformance with the OSHA Excavation Safety Requirezx�ents are to only enter an excavation in cornpliance with these OSHA standards. The City's staff reserve the option to refuse entry into the Contractor's excavation if, in the opinion of the City's staff, the entry into the Contractor's excavation is unsafe or does not conform OSHA requirements. If this circumstance occurs, the contractor must either provide the necessary safety requirements or provide alternate means for the accomplishment of the City's work at the Contractor's expettse. The restoration quantities, if any, contained in the bid propasal for this contract to nat contain sufficient quantities to allow the contractor to perform excavation work using strictly the "open cut" method whereby no shoring systems are used and trench side slopes are cut to conform to OSHA safety requirements without a shoring system. In addition to safety reasons, the Contractor is required to use excavation and trench-shoring methods in compliance with all safety requirements which allow the Contractor to control the amount of restoration work necessary to complete the project. Nat more than one hundred (l00) feet of trench shall be opened at one time in advance of the completed work unless written permission is received from the Engineer for the distance specifed. For pipe installation projects, the trench shall be six (6) inches wider on each side than the greatest external horizontal width of the pipe or conduit, including hubs, intended to be laid SectionlV.doc Page 6 of 128 4/11/201 I Section IV — Technical Speciiications in them. The bottom of the trench under each pipe joint shall be slightly hollowed, ta allow the body of the pipe to rest throughout its length. In case a trench is excavated at any place, excepting at joints, below the grade of its bottom as given, or directed by the Engineer, the filling and compaction to grade shall be dane in such manner as the Engineer shall direct, without compensation. 6 CONCRETE Unless otherwise directed, all concrete work shall be performed in accordance with the latest editions af the Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures by the Portland Cement Association, the American Concrete Institute, and FD�T's Standard Specifications. All appropriate testing shall be performed according to the American Society of Testing Materials. Unless otherwise specified, all concrete shall have fiber mesh reinforcing and have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. The cement type shall be Type I and shall conform to AASHTO M-8S. The aggregate shall conform to ASTM C-33. All ready mix concrete shall conform to ASTM C-94. The slump for all concrete shall be in the range af 3" to 5", except when admixtures or special placement consideratians are required. The Contractor shall notify the Project inspector a minimurn of 24 hours in advance of all concrete placement. A11 concrete shall be tested in the following manner: Placement of less than 5 cubic yards (cy) shall be tested at the Engineer's discretion. Otherwise, for each class, for each day, for every SO cy or part thereof exceeding S cy, one set of 3 compressive strength cylinders will be required (1 at 7 days and 2 at 28 days). At the discretion of the Engineer, unacceptable test results may require the Contractor to provide further tests, as deterrnined by the Engineer, to determine product acceptability, or need far removal, and compensatian ar denial thereof. 7 7.1 EXCAVATION AND FORMS FOR CONCRETE WORK EXCAVATION Excavating far concrete work shall be made to the required depth of the subgrade or base upon ' which the concrete is to be placed. The base or subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted to a paint 6" autside said concrete work before the forms are placed. Concrete shall be poured "in the dn,�� ' 7.2 FORMS Farms for concrete work shall be either wood or metal (exc�pt curbs, rnetal only, unless by ' written permission from Engineer). They shall be free from warps or bends, shall have a depth equal ta the dimensions required for the depth of the concrete deposited against them and shall be of su�icient strength when staked to resist the pressure of concrete without moving or ' ' ' 1 springmg. 8 REINFORCEMENT When required, reinforcement shall be placed in the concrete wark. Bar reinfarcement shall be deformed: ASTMA-A 615, steel shall be billet Intermediate ar Hard Grade: Rail Steel A.A.S.H.T.O. M42. Twisted Bars shall not be used, Fabric Reinforcement shall conform to the SectionN.doc Page 7 of 128 4/11/2011 Sectinn iV — Technical Specifications requirements ofAASHTO M55 (ASTM A185). Welded deformed steel wire fabric for Concrete reinforcement shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 221 (ASTM A497). Epoxy coated reinforcing Steel Bars sha11 meet ASTM 775/A77 M-86 requirements. 8.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT Reinforcement shall nat be paid for separately. The cost of such work shall be included in the contract unit price for the item of work specified. 9 OBSTRUCTIQNS Any pipes, conduits, wires, mains, footings, driveways, or other structures encountered shall be carefully protected from injury or displacernent. Any damage thereto shall be fully, pronnptly, and prop�rly repaired by the Contractor ta the satisfaction oi the Engineer and the owner thereof. Should it become necessary to change the position of water or gas or ather pipes, sewer drains, or poles, the Engineer shall be at once notified of the locality and circumstances, and no claims for damages arising from the delay in adjusting the pipe, sewer drains or pales shall be made. Failure af the plans to show the location, nature or extent of any existing structures or abstructions shall not be the basis of a clairn for extra work. Any survey monurnent or benchmark which must be disturbed shall be carefully referenced before removal, and unless otherwise provided for, shall be replaced upon completion of the work by a registered land surveyor. Any concrete removed due to construction requirements shall be removed to the nearest expansion joint or by saw cut. Contractor shall cansult Inspector for the approvad means. 10 RESTQRATION OR REPLACEMENT OF DRIVEWAYS CURBS SIDEWALKS AND STREET PAVEMENT Driveways, sidewalks, and curbs destroyed or damaged during canstruction shall be replaced and shall be the same type of material as destroyed or damaged, or to existing City Standards, whichever provides the stronger repair. All street pavement destroyed or damaged shall be replaced with the same type of material, to existing City Standards, unl�ss the existing base is unsuitable as determined by the Engineer, then the base shall be replaced with City approved material. All replaced base shall be a minimum S" compacted thickness, or same thickness as base destroyed plus 2", if over 6", and compacted to 98% of maximum density per AASHTO T- 180. Unless called for in the proposal as separate bid items, cost of the above work including labor, materials and equipment required shall be included in the bid price per lineal faot of main or square yard of base. The bid price for street pavement, restoration or replacement when called for in the proposals, shall include all nnaterials, labor and equipment required to complete the wark, and shall be paid for on a square yard basis. When replacement is over a trench for utilities, the area of replacement shall be limited to twice the depth of the cut plus twice the inside dianneter of the pipe. All over this will be at the Contractor's expense. The bid price for restoration or placement of driveways, curbs and sidewalks, when called for in the praposals, shall include all rnaterials, labor and equipment required to complete the work and shall be paid for on the basis of the following units: Driveways, plant mix - per square yard: concrete - per square foot; curbs - per lineal foot; sidewalk 4" or 6" thick - per square foot. SectionIV.doc Page 8 of 128 4/1 U2011 Section TV — Technical Specifications Concrete walks at drives shall be a minimum of b" thick and be reinforced with 6/6 X 10/10 welded wire rnesh (alsa see Articles 8 and 30). The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a rninimum of 24 hours in advance of all driveway, curb, sidewalk and street restoration and replacement work. 11 WORK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS Restaration is an irnportant phase of construction, particularly to residents affected by the construction progress. The Contractor will be expected ta complete restoration Activities within a reasonable time following primary construction activity. Failure by the Contractor ta accomplish restoration within a reasonable time shall be justification for a temparacy stop on primary construction activity or a delay in appraval of partial payment requests. Reasonable care shall be taken for existing shrubbery. Contractor shall replace all shrubbery removed or disturbed during construction. No separate payrnent shall be made for this work. The contractor shall make provision and be responsible far the supply of all water, if needed, on any and all phases of the contract work. The contractor shall nat obtain water from local residents or businesses except as the contractor shall obtain written permission. Reuse water is available for the Contractor's use without charge from the City's wastewater treatment plants, provided the water is used on City of Clearwater contractual work. Details for Cantractor to obtain and reuse water from the treatment plants will be coordinated at the pre- construction conference. The Contractor's use af reuse water must conform to all regulatory requirements. 12 DEWATERING 12.1 GENERAL LTnless specifically autharized by the Engineer, all pipe, except subdrains, shall be laid "in the dry". The contractor shall dewater trench excavatian as required for the praper execution af the work, using one ar more of the following approved methods: well point system, trenched gravity underdrain system, or sumps with pumps. Well point systems rnust be ef�cient �nough to lower the water level in advance of the excavation and maintain it continuously in order that the trench bottom and sides shall remain firm and reasonably dry. The well points shall be designed especially for this type of service, and the pumping unit used shall be capable of maintaining a high vacuum, and at the same time, of handling large volumes of air as well as of water. ' The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of all water resulting from trench dewatering operations, and shall dispose of the water without damage or undue inconvenience to the work, the surrounding area, ar the general public. He shall not dam, divert, or cause water to flow in ' excess in existing gutters, pavements or other structures: and to do this he may be required to conduct the water to a suitable place of discharge may be determined by the Engine�r. 1 ' t The cost of dewatering shall be included in the unit price bid per lineal foot of pipe, or, in the case of other underground structures, in the cost af such structures. 5ectionlV.doc Page 9 of l28 4/11/2011 Section iV — Technical Specifications 12.2 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 12.2.1 DEWATERING CONTROL The City of Clearwater will hold the Contractor responsible for obtaining a Generic Permit for the Discharge of Produced Groundwater from Any Non-Contaminated Site Activity prior to dewatering or discharging into the City's streets, storm sewers or waterways. Prior to discharging produced groundwater from any construction site, the contractor rnust collect samples and analyze the groundwater, which must meet acceptable discharge limits. The following docunnent has been incarporated into this section for reference. ., 12.2.2 GENERIC PERMIT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER �ROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY Cit�Notification Frocedure - Contractor must provide the City of Clearwater Environmental Department with the following information prior to beginning dewatering activities: 1) A copy of all groundwater laboratory results 2) A copy of the FDEP Noti�cation It is recommended that the Contractor call or meet with the City Environmental staff if you have any questions. You rnay cantact the City at 562-4750 for direction or further assistance. STATE QF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PR4TECTION GENERIC PERMITOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY The facility is authorized ta discharge produced ground water from any non-contaminated site activity which discharges by a point source to surface waters of the State, as de�ned in Chapter 62- 620, F.A.C., anly if the reported values %r the parameters listed in Table 1 do not exceed any af the listed screening values. Before discharge of produced ground water can occur frorn such sites, analytical tests an samples of the proposed untreated discharge water shall be performed to determine if contamination exists. Minimum reporting requirements for all praduced ground water dischargers. The effluent shall be sampled before the commencement of discharge, again within thirty (30) days at�er commencement of discharge, and then once every six (6) months for the life of the project to maintain cantinued coverage under this generic permit. Samples taken in campliance with the provisions of this permit shall be taken prior ta actual discharge or mixing with the receiving waters. The effluent shall be sampled for the parameters listed in Table 1. TABLE l Parameter Screening Values for Discharges into: �resh Waters I Caastal Waters SectionIV.doc Page 10 of 128 4/I I/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications Tatal Organic Carbon (TOC) 10.0 mg/1 10.0 mg/1 PH, standard units 6.0-8.5 6.5-5.5 Total Recoverable Mercury — by Methad 1631E 0.012 µg/L 0.025 µg/1 Total Recoverable Cadmium 9.3 µg/1 9.3 µg/I Tatal Recoverable Copper 2.9 µg/1 2.9 µg/1 Total Recoverable Lead 0.�3 mg/1 5.6 µg/1 Total Recoverable Zinc 86.0 µg/1 86.0 µg/1 Total Recoverable Chromium (Hex.) 11.0 µg/1 50.0 µg/1 Benzene 1.0 µg/I 1.0 µg/1 Naphthalene 100.0 µg/1 100.0 µg/1 If any of the analytical test results exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, except TOC, the discharge is not authorized by this permit or b the Cd o Clearwater. (a) For initial TOC values that exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, which may be caused by naturally occurring, high rnolecular weight arganic compounds, the permittee may request to be exernpted from the TOC requirement. To request this exemptian, the permittee shall submit additional information with a Notice of Intent (NOl), described belaw, which describes the method used ta determine that these campounds are naturally occurring. The Department shall grant the exemption if the permittee affirmatively dernonstrates that the TOC values are caused by naturally occurring, high rnolecular weight organic compounds. (b) The NOI shall be subrnitted to the appropriate Department district office thirty (30) days prior to discharge, and contain the follawing information: 1. the name and address of the person that the permit coverage will be issued to; 2, the name and address of th� facility, including county locatian; 3. any applicable individual wastewater permit number(s); 4. a map showing the iacility and discharge location (including latitude and longitude); S. the narne of the receiving water; and 6. the additional information required by paragraph (3)(a) af this permit. (c) Discharge shall nat commence until notification �f coverage is received from the Department. ' For fresh waters and caastal waters, the pH of the effluent shall nat be lowered to less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units for coastal waters, or raised above 8.S units, unless the permittee submits natural backgraund data confirming a natural background pH outside of L� 1 SectionIV.doc Page 11 of 12& 4/ I 1 /2011 Sectinn IV — Technicul Specifications this range. If natural background of th� receiving water is determined to be less than 6.0 units for fresh wat�rs, or less than 6.5 units in coastal waters, the pH shall not vary below natural background or vary more than one (1) unit above natural background for firesh and coastal waters. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be higher than 8.5 units, the pH shall not vary above natural background or vary more than one (1) unit below natural backgraund of fresh and caastal waters. The permittee shall include the natural background pH of the receiving waters with the results of the analyses required under paragraph (2) of this permit. For purposes of this section only, fresh waters are those having a chloride concentration of less than 1500 mg/1, and coastal waters are those having a chloride concentration equal to or greater than 1 S00 mg/1. in accordance with Rule 62-302.500(1)(a-c), F.A.C., the discharge shall at all times be free frorn floating solids, visible foam, turbidity, or visible oil in such amounts as to form nuisances on surface waters. If cantamination exists, as indicated by the results of the analytical tests required by paragraph (2), the discharge cannot be covered by this Generic Permit. The facility shall apply for an individual wastewater permit at least ninety (90) days prior to the date discharge to surface waters af the State is expectEd, or, if applicable, the facility may seek coverage under any other applicable Department generic permit. Na discharge is pez�missible without an effective permit. If the analytical tests required by paragraph (2) reveal that no contamination exists from any source, the facility can begin discharge immediately and is covered by this permit without having to submit an NOI request for coverage to the Department. A short summary of the proposed activity and copy of the analytical tests shall be sent to the applicable Department district office within one (1) week after discharge begins. These analytical tests shall be kept on site during discharge and made available to the Department if requested. Additionally, no Discharge Monitoring Report forms are required to be subrnitted to the Department. All of the general conditions listed in Rule 62-521.250, F.A.C., are applicable to this Generic Permit. There are no annual fees associated with the use of this Generic Permit. 13 SANITARY MANHOLES 13.1 BUILT UP TYPE Manholes shall be constructed of brick with cast iron frames and covers as shown on the drawings. Invert channels shall be constructed smooth and semicircular in shape conforming to inside of adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of flow shall be made in a smoath curve af as large a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. Invert channels shall be formed by one of the following methods: form directly into concrete rnanhole base, build up with brick and mortar, lay half tile in concrete, or lay full section of sewer pipe through manhole and break out top half of pipe. The manhole floor outside of channels shall be made smooth and sloped toward channels. Free drop in manholes from inlet pipe invert to top af flaor outside the channels shall not exceed twenty four inclaes. Standard Drop Manholes shall be constructed wherever free drop exceeds twenty four inches. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Joints shall be completely filled and the mortar shall be smoathed from inside of manholes. SectionlV.doc Page 12 of l28 4/11/201 I Sectian 1V —Technical Specifcations The entire exterior of brick manholes shall be plastered with one half inch of mortar. Brick used may be solid only. Brick shall be laid radially with every sixth course being a stretcher course. 13.2 PRECAST TYPE Precast Sanitary Manholes shall canform to this specificatian unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. AASHTO M 85 Type II cernent shall be used throughout with a minirnum wall thickness of S inches. The precast sections shall conform to ASTM C 4781atest revision. Section joints shall be a tongue and groove with "ram neck" gasket or "O" ring to provide a watertight joint. Minirnum concrete strength shall be �000 psi at 28 days. Three sets of shop drawings and locatian inventory shall be submitted to the City Engineer %r approval. Approval of shop drawings does not relieve contractor of responsibility for compliance to these specifications unless letter from contractor reyuesting specific variance is approved by the City Engineer. Location inventory submitted with shop drawing shall detail parts of manhole per rnanhole as numbered on the construction plans. All manhole parts shall be numbered or lettered before being sent to the job site to permit proper construction placement. A plan ar list of the numbering system shall be present on th� job site when manhole components are delivered. Precast manhole dimensions, drop entry, grout flow of channel, etc., shall be as shown on City af Clearwater Engineering Detail #302 Sheet 2 of 3. Manhole sections shall be rejected if abused during shipping or placement and if pipe openings are not properly aligned. The "break in" to precast manholes for pipe entry will not be allawed. The rnanhole base shall be set on a pad of A 1 or A 2 Classification soil approximately five (5) inches thick to secure proper seating and bearing. 13.2.1 MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) Between the top of the manhole cone and the manhole cover frame, a manhole adjustment ring shall be installed. The intent af the manhole adjustment ring is to accomrnodate future grade changes without disturbing the manhole. See Section IV, Article 23.7 -� Asphaltic Concrete — Adjustment ofManholes. 13.3 DROP MANHOLES Standard drop inlets to manholes shall be constructed of commercial pipe, fittings and specials as detailed on the drawings. 13.4 FRAMES AND COVERS Manhale frames and covers shall be set in a full bed oF rnortar with the top af the cover flush with or higher than finished grade as directed. Refer to Detai1301. 13.5 MANH�LE COATINGS The exterior and interior af all built up manholes shall be coated with two (2) caats of Type TI Asphalt emulsion, moisture and damp proof (Specification ASTM D 1227 Type II Class i) as SectionIV.doc Page 13 of 128 4/11/2�11 Section IV — Technical Specitications manufactured by W.R. Meadows Sealtite or approved equal. Interior of built up manholes which have sewers entering with a free drop or which receive discharge from a force main shall have the inside plastered with 1/2-inch of grout and coated as precast manholes below, The exterior and interior of all precast manholes shall be coated with at least 15 mils dry thickness of Type Ii Asphalt emulsion, moisture and damp proof (Specification ASTM D 1227 Type II Class I) as manufactured by W.R. Meadows Sealtita. 13.6 CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES Connections to existing sanitary manhales using approved PVC sewer main shall be rxiade with a manhole adapter coupling by Flo Control, Inc., or approved water stop coupling. 14 BACKFILL Material for backfill shall be carefully selected from the excavated material or from other sourc�s as may be required by the Engineer. Such material sha11 be granular, free from organic matter or debris, contain no rocks ar other hard fragments greater than 3" in the largest dirnension and all fill shall be similar material. Sackfill placed araund pipes shall be carefully placed around the sides and top o� pipe by hand shovels and thoroughly compacted to 12" above the pipe by tamping or other suitable means. Backfll under all types of paving shall be compacted in layers not to exceed 12" in thickness unless alternate rr►ethod is approved by the Engineer. Backfill shall be a miniamum of 98% compaction as determined by the madi�ed Proctor Density Test to the bottam of pavement. Backfill outside of pavement areas shall be compacted the full depth ta the ground sur:face to a minimum ofi 95% compaction ofAASHTO T 180 Standard Density Test. The cast of backfill shall be included in the unit price bid per lineal foot of the pipe, or, in the case of other underground structures, in the cost of such structure. 15 STREET CROSSINGS. ETC. At such crossings, and other points as may be directed by the Engineer, the trenches shall be bridged in an open and secure manner, sa as to prevent any serious interruption of travel upon the roadway ar sidewalk, and also to afford necessary access to public or private premises. The material used, and the mode of constructing said bridges, and the approaches, thereto, must be satisfactory to the Engineer. The cost of all such work must be included in the cost af the trench excavatian. 16 RAISING OR LOWERING OF SANITARY SEWER STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Sanitary Sewer or Storm Drainage StructurES shall be raised ar lowered as indicated on the plans or as indicated by the Engineer. 16.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment, unless covered by a bid item, shall be included in the cost of the work, 3ectioniV.doc Page 14 of 128 4/1 I/201 l ' ' Section IV — Technical Specifications 17 UNSUITABLE MATERIAL REMOVAL ' All unsuitable material, such as rnuck, clay, rock, etc., shall be excavated and rernoved from the site. All material removed is property of the Contractor, who shall dispose af said material off- site at his expense. The limits of the excavation shall be determined in the field by the Engineer. ' 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the amount of cubic yards of unsuitable material excavated ' and replaced with suitable material as determined by either cross sections of the excavation, truck measure, or lump sum as specified in the Scope of Work and Contract Proposal. t 1 17.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for the remaval of unsuitable material shall include: all materials, equipment, tools, labor, disposal, hauling, excavating, dredging, placing, compaction, dressing surface and incidentals necessary to complete the work. If no pay item is given, the removal of unsuitable material shall be included in the most appropriate bid item. 18 UNDERDRAINS The Cantractor shall construct sub-surface drainage pipe as directed in the Contract Scope of Work and detail drawings contained in the Praject canstructian plans. In general, und�rdrain pipe shall be embedded in a bed of #6 FDOT crushed aggregate, located behind the back of curb and aggregate surface cavered with a non-degradable fibrous type filter material. A#57 aggregate may be used in lieu of #6 if it is washed and screened to remove fnes. The aggregate may be stone, slag or crushed gravel. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, underdrain pipe shall be 8" diameter, polyvinyl chloride pipe, in conformance with ASTM F-758 "Standard Specification For Srnooth Wall PVC Underdrain Systems for Highways" latest revision, minimum stif�'ness of 46 in canformance with ASTM D2412, perforations in conformance with AASHTO M-189 described in FDOT Section 948-4.5 or latest revision and in conforrnance with ASTM D3034 - SDR 35. Alternate acceptable underdrain pipe material is Contech A-2p00 which is a rigid PVC pipe exceeds ASTM Specifications D1784, minimum cell classi�cation of 12454B or 12454C, manufactured per ASTM F949-93a, minimum pipe stiffness of 50 psi, with no evidence of splitting, cracking or breaking when pipe is tested in accordance with ASTIVI D2412 at 60% flatting and with a double gasket joint. '' Underdrain pipe placed beneath existing driveways and roadways shall be non-perfarated pipe with compacted backfill. All poly-chloride pipe which has become deteriorated due to �xposure to ultra violet radiation shall be rejected. Where ductile iron pipe is specifed, pipe material shall '' be the sarne as specified for potable water pipe in these technical specifications. All underdrain aggregate shall be fully encased in a polyester �lter fabric "sock" (Miraf 140-N or approved equal) per the construction detail drawings. 1 18.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be th� number af lineal feet of 8" Sub-drain in place and accepted. 1 ' sectionlv.aoc �J Page 15 of 128 4/11/2011 Section iV —Technical Specifications 18.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be based upon the unit price per lineal foot for underdrain as measured above, which shall be full compensation for all work described in this section of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, and labor ttecessary to construct the underdrain (specifically underdrain pipe, aggregate and filter fabric). Underdrain clean-outs, sod, driveway, road and sidewalk restoration shall be paid by a separate bid item. 19 STORM SEWERS All storm drain pipe installed within the City of Clearwater shall be reinforced concrete unless otherwise specified or approved by the City Engineer. Said pipe shall comply with Section 941 of the current FDOT Specifications. All reinforced concrete pipe joints shall be wrapped with Mixafi 140N filter fabric or equivalent (as approved by the City Engineer). The cost for all pipe joint wraps shall be included in the unit price for the pipe. All pipe, just before being lowered into a trench, is to be inspected and cleaned. If any difficulty is found in the fitting the pieces together, this fitting is to be done on the surface of the street before laying the pipe, and the tops plainly marked in the order in which they are to be laid. No pipe is to be trimmed or chipped to fit. Each piece of pipe is to be solidly and evenly bedded, and not simply wedged up. Before finishing each joint, some suitable device is to be used to find that the inverts coincide and pipe is clear throughout. 19.1 AS BUILT INFORMATION The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the stations and left ar right offsets of all rnanholes, inlet structures and terminals ends of subdrains, as measur�d from the nearest downstream manhole along the centerline of the sevver along with the elevations of the north edge of znanhole cover, inverts of all pipe in structures, and the flow line of inlets. (Gutter) 19.2 TESTING The Contractor shall take all precautions to secure a perfectly watertight sewer under all conditions. At the discretion af the City Engineer or his designee, the watertightness of a sewer which has a crown lying below groundwater level may be tested by measuring the infiltration. The watertightness of sewers having crowns lying above groundwater level rnay be tested by filling the pipe with water so as to produce a hydrostatic head of two feet or more above the crown of the sewer at the upper end of the test section af the water table outside of the sewer, whichever is higher, and then measuring the exfiltration. Tn no case shall the infiltration ar exfiltratian exceed 150 gallon per inch of diameter per mile per day. The Contractor sha11 furnish all labor, materials and equipment to test the amount of infiltration or ex�ltration under the Engineer's direction. Where the infiltration or exfiltration is excessive the Contractor at his own expense shall take the necessary steps to remedy such conditions by uncovering the sewer, remaking the joints or by replacing the entire length of sewer as required by the Engineer. No trench made joints may be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable. Care sha1T be taken to avoid flotation. The above tests shall be performed at the discretion of the Engineer on any or all sections af the line. SectionlV,doc Page 16 of 12$ 4/11/2q11 1 , 1 ' ' Section IV -- Technical Specificatians 19.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payrnent shall be the unit price per lineal foot far storm sewer pipe in place and accepted, measured along the centerline of the storm sewer pipe to the inside face of exterior walls of storm manholes or drainage structures and ta the autside face af endwalls. Said unit price includes all work required ta install the pipe (i.e. all materials, equiprnent, filter fabric wrap, labor and incidentals, etc.). 20 SANITARY SEWERS AND FORCE MAINS 20.1 MATERIALS � : � 1������i�I�l:��1;1� GRAVITY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PQLYVYNYL CHLORIDE OR DUCTILE IRON. , Polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings shall conform with ASTM specification D 3p34 for S.D,R. 35. Sewer pipe with more than 10 feet of cover shall be SDR 26. The pipe shall be plainly marked with the above ASTM designatian. The bell end of jaints and fittin�s shall have a rubber ' sealing ring to provide a tight flexible seal in conformance with ASTM D 3212 76. The laying length of pipe joints shall be a maximum of 20-feet. [l Unless otherwise noted in thes� specifications or construction plans, Ductile Iron pipe and fittings for gravity sewer shall canform to Secti�n 41 of these Technical Speci�cations %r DIF water rnain except pipe shall be interior "polylined" in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Where sanita.ry sewer main is to be placed between building lots in a sideline easernent, the sewer main shall, insofar as possible, be constructed without manhales or lateral connections within the side easement. The pipe material in the side easement between streets shall be C 900, SDR 1$ polyvinyl chloride water main pipe as described in Technical Section 41. A two-way cleanout shall be installed on each lateral at the property line. 2Q.1.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE '' FORCE MAIN PIPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE OR DUCTILE IRON. Unless otherwise noted in the specifications or construction plans, both polyvinyl chl�ride and ductile iron force main pipe and fittings shall conform to Section 41 of these Technical Specifications ',, for water main pipe except that DIP shall be "polylined" in accordance with manufactures recommendatians. All polyvinyl chloride pipe which has become deteriorated due to exposure ta ultra violet radiation shall be rejected. 20.2 INSTALLATION 2p.2.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE ' Installatian of gravity sewer pipe shall be in conformance with recommended practices contained in ASTM D 2321 and Unibell UNI B 5. The bottom trench width in an unsupported trench shall be limited to the minimum practicable ' width (typically pipe OD plus 8 to 12-inch an each side) allowing working space to place and compact the haunching rnaterial. The use of trench boxes and movable sheeting shall be ' ' ScctionIV.doc Page 17 of 128 4/I1/2011 5ection IV — Technical Specifications pert'ormed in such a manner that removal, back�ll and compactian will not disturb campacted haunching material or pipe alignment. Dewatering of the trench battom shall be accomplished using adequate means to allow preparation of bedding, placement of the haunching material and pipe in the trench without standing water. Dewatering shall continue until sufficient backfill is placed above the pipe to prevent flotation or misalignment. Where pipe bedding is insufficient to adequately support pipe, the contractor will be required to remove unsuitable material and bed pipe in Class I material (1/2" Dia. aggregate) to provide �rm support of pipe. Connections to manholes with sanitary pipe shall use a joint 2 feet in length and shall use an appraved water stop around pipe joint entry. The laterals shown on the plans do not necessarily reflect exact locations. The contractar is required to locate all existing laterals far reconnection and to coordinate with the construction inspector the location of all new laterals. 20.2.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE Installation of force main pipe shall be in conformance with Section 41 of these Technical Specifications for water rnain pipe. 20.3 AS BUILT DRAWINGS The contractor shall submit ta the Engineer a marked set of "As Built" construction drawings describing both the stations and left or right offset of all lateral terminal ends as measured from the nearest downstream manhole along the center line of the sewer main. The as built drawings will also describe elevations of the north edge of the manhole cover rings and inverts of all main pipes in manholes. 20.4 TESTING 2Q.4.1 TESTING OF GRAVITY SEWERS The Contractor shall take all precautions to secure a perfectly water tight sewer under all conditions. The water tightness of a sewer which has a crown lying below graundwatar level may be tested by measuring infiltration. The water tightness of sewers having crawns lying above groundwater level may be tested by filling the pipe with water so as to produce a hydrostatic head of two feet or more above the crown of the sewer at the upper end of the test section or the water table outside of the sewer, whichever is higher, and then measuring the exfiltra- tion. In no case shall the infiltration or exfiltration exceed Sp gallon per inch of diameter per mile per day. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment to test the amount of infltration or exfiltration under the Engineer's direction. Where the infiltration or exfiltration is excessive, the Contractor at his own expense shall take the necessary steps to remedy such conditions by uncovering the sewer, rennaking the joints or by replacing the entire length of sewer as required by the Engineer. No such repaired jaints may be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable. Care shall be taken to avoid flotation. The Contractor shall TV inspect all mains to verify the true and uniform grade and the absence of bellies or dropped joints prior to acceptance. Any in�ltration, dips or sags of more than 1/4- inches shall be cause for rejection. SectionlV.doc Page 18 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 ' Section IV — Technical Specifications The above tests shall be performed at the discretion of the Engineer on any or all sections of the line. 20.4.2 TESTING OF FORCE MAINS Force mains shall be tested under a hydrostatic pressure of 150 P.S.I, for two (2) hours, as described in Section �41.04 of these Technical Specifications for the testing of water rnains. 20.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT 20.5.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE , Payment for in place sanitary sewer gravity main pipe shall be the unit price per lineal faot per appropriate range of depth of cut as contained in the contract proposal. Measurement for payment shall be along the centerline of the sewer main from center to center of manholes. ' Payment for laterals shall be the unit price per lineal foot of pipe as measured from the centerline of the sewer main pipe to the terminal end of the lateral pipe including a two-way cleanout at the property line. ', t Payment for sewer pipe shall include all labor, eyuipment and materials necessary to complete the installation. This shall include clearing and grubbing, excavation, shoring and dewatering, backfill and grading. 20.5.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE Payment and measurement of force main pipe shall be the same as described in Sectian 41 of these Technical Speciiications for water main pipe. 21 DRAINAGE The Contractor shall provide proper outlet For all water caurses and drains interrupted during the progress of the wark and r�place them in as gaod conditian as he found them. 22 ROADWAY BASE AND SUBGRADE 22.1 BASE This specification describes the construction of roadway base and subgrade. The Contractor shall refer to Section IV, Article 1"Scope of Work" of the city's Contract Specifications for additional roadway base and subgrade items. Raadway base shall be 8" compacted minimum thickness unless otherwise noted on the plans or directed by the Engineer. The subgrade shall be 12" compacted minirnum thickness with a minimum Limerock Searing Ratia (LBR) of 40 unless atherwise noted on the plans or directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory a Proctor and an LBR for each type material. The Contractor shall also have an independent testing laboratory perfarm all required density testing. Where unsuitable rnaterial is found within the limits of the base, Section IV, Article 17 (Unsuitable Material Removal) af the city's Contract Specifications will apply. Once the raadway base is completed, it shall be prirned that same day (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) per Section 340 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Repairs SectionlV.doc Page 19 af 12& 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications required ta the base that result from a failure to place the prime in a timely rnanner shall be done to the City's satisfactiora, and at the Contractor's expense. No paving of the exposed base can cammence until the City approves the repaired base. The cost for placement of prime material shall be included in the bid item for base. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all base and subgrade placement or reworking. The follawing base materials are acceptable: SHELL BASE: Shell base shall be constructed in accardance with Sections 200 and 913 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest ed,ition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown an the plans. The shell shall be FDOT approved. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base. 2. L�MEROCK BASE: Limerock base shall be constructad in accordance with Sectians 200 and 911 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The limerock shall be frorn a FDOT approved certified pit. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base. 3. CRUSHED CONCRETE BASE: Crushed concrete base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 204 and 901 of �'DOT's Standard Speci�ications (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickn�ss as shown on the plans. The crushed concrete rnaterial shall be FDOT approved. The Contractor shall provide certified laboratory tests on gradation to confirm that the crushed concrete base material conforms to the above specificatians. The LSR shall be a minimum of 185. LBR and gradation tests shall be provided to the city by the Contractar once a week for continuous operations, or every 1000 tons of material, unless requested more frequently by the City Engineer or designee. The cast of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base. 4. SOIL CEMENT BASE: Unless otherwise noted, soil cement base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 270 of �'DOT's 2000 Standard Speci�cations, and shall have a minimum cot�apacted thickness as shown on the plans. An Asphalt Rubber Membrane Interlayer (ARMI) shall be included in the pavement design per Section 341 of FDOT's Standard Specifcations (latest edition) to minimize reflective cracking unless otherwise noted in the project plans and speci�cations. The ARMI layer shall be averlaid with asphalt on the same day it is placed for the Contractor to receive full compensation for the work. The soil cement base design shall be by a certified lot under the direction af a Registered Florida Professional Engineer, and must be approved by the City Engineer. Said design shall provide for a minimurn of 300 P.S.I. in seven days. All plant mixed soil cement shall be certified by a registered laboratory that has been approved by the Engineer. The only approved method for spreading the cement is the use of a spreader box. The use of a spreader bar for spreading cement will not be allowed. The applying of the cement shall not be allowed when the wind velocity is sufficient to jeopardize material interests (i.e. v�hicles, etc.) from airborne cement particles. The density testing frequency shall be at the discretion of the registered Florida Prafessional Engineer responsible far the soil cement design, SectionIV.doc Page 20 0£ 128 4/11/2011 1 ' ' ' Section IV — Technical Specifications 5. ASPHALT BASE: �'ull depth asphalt base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 280 of FDOT's 2�00 Standard Specificatians, and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The cost %r preparation, placernent and compaction shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. The cost of the tack coat shall be included in the bid item price for asphalt or base. 6. REWORKED BASE: When the plans call for the working of the existing base, the finished reworked base shall have a rninimum compacted thickness of S" unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, and be constructed in accordance with the applicable FDOT requirements for the type of material used. The density requirements (except for asphalt and sail cement base) shall be per Section 200 6 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Far asphalt, the density requirements are per Sectian 330-11, and for sail cernent per Section 270-5 of FD�T's 2000 Standard Specifications. I 22.1.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE ' ' The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of syuare yards of base in place and accepted as called for on the plans. The maximum allowable deficiency shall be a half-inch (1/2"). Areas deficient in thickness shall either be fixed by the Contractor to within acceptable tolerance, or if so approved in writing by tha City Engineer, may be left in place. Na payment, however, will be made for such deficient areas that are left in place. 22.1.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REW�RKED BASE The unit price for base shall include: all rnaterials, roadbed preparation, placement, spreading, campaction, �nishing, prime, base, subgrade (unless th� plans specify a separate pay item), stabilization, mixing, testing, equipment, tools, hauling, labor, and all incidentals necessary to cornplete the work. Payment for asphalt base shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 22.2 SUBGRADE All subgrade shall be stabilized and constructed in accordance with Sections 160 and 914 of I' FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition) unless otherwise noted herein. All subgrade shall have a minimurn compacted thickness of 12" unless otherwise shawn on the plans or directed by the Engineer. If limerock is used, it shall alsa meet the requirements of Section 911 of FDOT's Standard Speci�cations (latest edition). Where unsuitable material is found within the Hmits of '' the subgrade, Section IV, Article 17 (Unsuita.ble Material Removal) of the city's Contract Speci�cations wi11 apply. The extent of said removal shall be determined by the Engineer in accordance with accepted construction practices. The Contractar is responsible for clearing, ' grading, filling, and removing any trees or vegetation in the roadbed below the subgrade to prepare it per the plans. The cost af this work shall be included in the unit price for base or ' subgrade. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory the bearing value after the mixing of materials for the stabilized subgrade. 22.2.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square yards of stabilized subgrade in place and accepted as called for on the plans. The maximum allowable deficiency for mixing depth ' SectionlV.doc Page 21 of 128 4/11/2011 ' Section IV — Technical Specifications shall be per Section 161-6.4 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. Acceptable bearing values shall be per FDOT Section 160-7.2. Areas deficient in thickness or bearing values shall either be corrected by the Contractor to within acceptable talerance, ar if so approved in writing by the City Engineer, may be le� in place. No payment, however, will be made for such deficient areas that are left in place (latest edition). 22.Z.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for subgrade shall include: roadbed preparation, placement, spreading, compaction, finishing, testing, stabilizing, mixing, materials, hauling, labar, equipment and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. If no pay item is given, subgrade shal l be included in the bid item for base. 23 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MATERIALS This specification is for the preparation and applicatian of all S-Type Marshall Mix Design asphaltic concrete materials on roadway surfaces unless otherwise noted. 23.1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 23.1.1 AGGREGATE All aggregates shall be obtained froarxi an approved FDOT saurce and shall conform to Sections 901 through 919 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.1.2 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS All bituminous materials shall conform to Section 916 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.2 HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURES - PLANT, METHODS, EQUIPMENT 8� QUALITY ASSURANCE The plant and methods of operation used to prepare all asphaltic concrete and bituminous materials shall conform to the requirements of Section 320 of FDOT's Standard Speci�cations (latest edition). Unless otherwise noted, all acceptance pracedures and quality contral/assurance procedures shall conforrn to the requirements of Section 330 af FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. The Cantractor shall note that the City shall have the right ta have an independent testing laboratory select, test, and analyze, at the expense of the City, test specirnens of any or all materials to be used. Tests to be performed by the independent testing labaratory every 1000 tons include, but are not limited to, Marshall stability and flow, extraction/gradation and cores to determine density and th.ickness. The results of such tests and analyses shall be considered, along with the tests or analyses rnade by the Contractor, to determine campliance with the applicable specifications for the rnaterials so tested or analyzed. The Cantractor hereby understands and accepts that wherever any partion of the work is discovered, as a result of such independent testing or investigation by the City, which fails to meet the requirements of the Contract docum�nts, all costs of such independent inspection and investigation as well as all costs of removal, correction, reconstruction, or repair of any such work shall be borne solely by th� Contractor. Fa ment reductions for as halt related items shall be determined b the followin : SectionIV.doc Page 22 of 128 4/11/2011 , ' 1 5ection IV — Technical Speci�cations 1. Density per Sectian 330-11 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 2. Final surface or friction course tolerances per S�ction 330-13 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Speci�cations. 3. Thickness will be detertnined from core borings. Deficiencies of '/a" or greater shall be corrected by the Contractor, without compensation, by either replacing the full thickness for a length extending at least 25' frarn each end of the deficient area, or when the Engineer allows for an overlay per Section 330-15.2.3 of FDQT's Standard Specifications (2000 edition). In addition, for excesses of'/4" or greater, the Engineer will determine if the excess area shall be removed and replaced at no compensation, or if the pavement in question can remain with payment to be made based on the thicicness specified in the cantract. The Contractor shall notif,�the Proiect Insnector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the �lacement of all asnhalt. 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES All asphalt rnix designs shall conform to the requirements of Sections 331 and 33'� of FDOT's 2000 5tandard Specifications. All asphalt mix designs shall be appraved by the Engineer PRIOR to the commencement af the paving operation. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (R.AP) material may be substituted far aggregate in the asphaltic concrete mixes up to 25% by weight. 23.4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGNS AND LAYER THICKNESS All asphalt pavement designs shall conform to the following requirements: Table 1: Layer Thickness for Asphalt (Layers Are Listed in Sequence of Construction) COURSE LAYER THICKNESS (Inches) THICKNESS (Inches) Type S—I Type S—I with Type S—III FC-3 Type S—III Type S—I Type S—III with FC-3 with FC-3 Top Layer Top Layer Top Layer 1 st 2nd 1 st 2"a 1 st 2nd 1 st 2"d 1 st 2nd 1 st 2nd 1 1 1 11/z 1 %z 2 1'/a '/a * 1 1 2'/a 1'/a 1'/a 1%z 1 1%z 1 3 1%z 1%z 2 1 2 1 * At the Engineer's discretion, 2" of S-III is acceptable for use on residential streets Additional Notes: 1. Type S--III shall be limited to the final (top) structural layer (one layer only). SectionIV.doc Page 23 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Specifications 2. All asphalt pavement designs shall conform to the requirements of sectians 331 and 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 3. All pavernent dasigns shall include a rninimum of two inches of asphalt. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible ta review the project plans far coznplete pavernent design detail. 5. Unless atherwise specified on the plans, Type S—III per Section 331 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specificatians shall be used as final riding surface on stre�ts witk� the speed limit of less than 3S mph, streets with an average daily traffic (ADT) of less than 3000, and all residential streets. 6. An FC-3 friction course per section 33'7 af FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications shall be used on streets with a speed limit of 3S mph or greater, and streets with an ADT of 3000 or greater. 23.5 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The general construction requirements for all hot bituminous pavements (including limitations of operations, preparation of mixture, preparation of surface, placement and campaction of mixture, surface requirements, correction of unacceptable pavement, etc.) shall be in accordanc� with Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.6 CRACKS AND POTH�LE PREPARATION 23.6.1 CRACKS Cracks in roadway pavement shall be repaired prior to the application of asphaltic concrete by the following steps: 1. All debris to be remaved frorn cracks by compress�d air or other suitable method. 2. Apply a multiple layered application of bituminous binder and fine aggregate, as appropriate ta the depth of the crack until the vaid of the crack is completely filled to the level of the surrounding roadway surface. 3. If application of asphaltic concrete is not to be�in immediately after crack repair, cracks are to be sanded to prevent vehicular tracking, �. Payment for crack ftlling shall be included in the unit price for asphaltic concrete. 23.6.2 POTHOLES Potholes shall be repaired prior to the application of asphaltic concrete by the following steps: l. All debris is to be removed from potholes by hand, sweeping, ar other suitable method. 2. A tack coat is to be applied to the interior surface of the pothole. 3. The pothole is to be completely filled with asphaltic concrete, and thoroughly compacted. 4. Payment for pothole preparation shall be included in the unit price for asphaltic concrete. SectionIV.doc Page 24 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical 5pecifications 23.7 ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOLES The necessary adjustrnents of sanitary sewer and storm drain manholes and appurtenances shall be accomplished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be paid on a per unit basis for each item. The use of manhole adjustment risers is acceptable under the follawing conditions: The riser shall meet or exceed all FDOT material, weld, and construction requirements. The riser shall consist of an A-36 hot rolled steel meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements oi A.S.T.M. A-36. The riser shall be a single piece with a stainless steel adjustment stud and shall have a rust resistant fnish. The use of cast iron, plastic, or fiberglass risers is not permitted. In addition, the installation of each riser shall be per manufacturer's specifrcations. Each manhole shall be individually measured, and each riser shall be physically marked to ensure that the praper riser is used. Also, the ring section shall be cleaned, and a bead of chemically resistant epoxy applied to the original casting, prior to installation of the riser. It is the Contractors respansibility to ensure that the manholes are measured, the risers are physically marked, the ring sections are thoroughly cleaned, and that the epoxy is properly applied prior to installation of each riser. If risers are not used, the adjustment of manhales shall be accomplished by the removal of pavernent around manhole, grade adjustment oi ring and cover, and acceptable replacement and compaction af roadway materials priar to paving. A full depth backfill using asphalt is acceptable. The use of Portland cement for back�ll is not acceptable. All rnanhole and valve adjustments shall be accomplished prior to the application of final asphaltic concrete surface. Unless otherwise noted in the specs or on the plans, the paving aperation shall occur within seven (7) calendar days from the campletion af the adjustment. On arterial roadways, the rims manholes are to be ramped with asphalt during the tirne periad between initial adjustment and final resurfacing. Water and gas valves, sewer cleanouts, valve boxes, tree aeration vents, etc. will be adjusted by the Contractor with the cost for this work to be included in the unit cost of the asphalt. Care must be taken around said appurtenances ta ensure that they are not paved over. Tt is the Contractor's responsibility to inform the owners of all utilities of irnpending wark and caardinate their adjustments so they are completed prior to the scheduled paving. 23.8 ADDITIONAL ASPHALT REQUIREMENTS ' 1. All impacted radius returrxs within project limits shall be paved unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or Project Inspector, with payment to be included in the per ton bid item for asphalt. 1 2. All pavement rnarkings impacted by placement of asphalt shall be replaced prior to the road being open to traffic unless otherwise noted in the contract scope and plans. 3. All project related debris shall be hauled off the job site by the Contractor in a timely manner and at their own expense in canfarmance with all regulatory requirements. 4. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to sweeping when paving. The Broom ' Tractor way of sweeping will not be permitted. Prior to paving, all construction areas shall be swept with a Municipal type sweeper (either vacuum or mechanical type) that picks up and hauls off, dust and dirt. The sweeper must be equipped with its own water , 1 s��c►onrv.ao� Page 2S of 128 4/11/2011 3ection IV — Technical Specifications supply for pre-wetting to minimize dust. Moreover, the Contractor shall sweep debris off of sidewalks, driveways, curbs and roadways each day before leaving the job site. S. The application of tack and prime coats (either required or p1aced at the Engineer's discretion) sha11 be placed per Section 30p of FDOT's Standard Specifcations (]atest edition). Tack shall alsa be applied ta the face of all curbs and driveways. The cost (including heating, hauling and applying) shall be included in the per ton bid item for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 6. Leveling course and spot patching shall be applied to sections of the road as nated on the plans, ar as directed by the Engineer, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. The cost shal1 be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 7. If an asphalt rubber binder is required, it shall conforna to the requirements af Section 336 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Sp�cifications. 8. On all streets with curb and gutter, the final compacted asphalt shall be '/4" abave the lip or face of said curb per City Index 101. 23.9 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 1. Unless otherwise noted in this section, all of the asphaltic concrete specifications in Sections A through H above shall apply to superpave asphaltic cancrete. All asphaltic concrete pavement shall be designed and placed in accordance with the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (latest edition). 2. All aggregate shall be obtained from an approved FDOT source and shall conform ta Sections 901 and 902 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 3. All bituminous materials shall conform to Section 916 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Asphaltic binder shall be Grade PG 67-22 unless otherwise specifed in the Scope of Work. 4. All superpave mix designs shall conform to Sectians 320 and 334 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 5. All general construction requirements shall conform ta Section 330 of FDOT's Standard Specifcations (latest edition). 23.10 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Basis of ineasurement will be the number.of tons of asphaltic concrete completed, in place and accepted. Truck scale weights will be required for all asphaltic concrete used. 23.11 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be made at the contract unit price for asphaltic concrete surface as specified and n�easured above. This price shall include all materials, preparation, hauling, placement, tack and/or prime coat either required or placed at Engineer's discretion, laveling, spat patcl�ing, filling of cracks, pothole repair, sweeping, debris removal, labor, equipment, taols, and incidentals necessary to complete the asphalt work in accordance with the plans and speci�cations. SectionTV.doc Page 26 of 128 4/11/201 I Section IV — Technical Specifications 24 ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNIT BID PRICE FOR ASPHALT When this Article applies to the contract, the unit bid price for asphalt will be adjusted in accordance with the follawing provisians: 1. Price adjustment for asphalt shall only be made when the current FDOT Asphalt Price Index varies more than 10% from the bid price at the time of the bid opening. 2. The Biturninous Material Payment Adjustment Index published monthly by the FDOT shall be used for the adjustment of unit prices. This report is available on FDOT's internet site. The address is: http://wwwl l.myflorida.com. It is under the section "Doing Business with FDQT" in the "Contracts Administration" section under "Asphalt Index". For additional information, call FDOT @ 850-414-4000. 3. The FDOT Payment Adjustment Index in effect at the time of the bid opening will be used for the initial determination of the asphalt price. 4. The FDOT Payment Adjustment Index in efFect at the time of placement of the asphalt will be used for payment calculation. 5. The rnonthly billing period for contract payment will be the same as the monthly period for the FDOT Payment Adjustment Index. 6. No adjustment in bid prices will be made for either tack caat or prirne coat. 7. No price adjustment r�flecting any further increases in the cost of asphalt will be made for any month after the expiration of the allowable contract time. 8. The City reserves the right to make adjustments for decreases in the cost of asphalt. 25 GENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 25.1 IRRIGATION 25.1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The work specifred in this Section consists of the installation of an automatic underground irrigation system as shown or noted in tha plans. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, services and facilities required to perform all work in connection with the underground sprinkler irrigation system, complete, as indicated on the drawings and/or specified. Work noted as "NIC", "existing", or "by others" is not included in this pay item. B. The irrigation plans are schematic in nature. Valves and pipes shall be located in the turf/landscape areas except at raad/paving crassings. All piping under paving shall be sleeved. Changes in the irrigation system layout sh�ll be modified with the �pproval of the Engineer. 25,1.1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The irrigation work shall be installed by qualified personnel or a qualified irrigation subcontracting cornpany that has experience in irrigation systems af similar size, scope, mainline, system pressure, controls, etc. SectionIV.doc Page 27 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications B. All applicable ANSI, ASTM, �'ED.SPEC. Standards and Speci�cations, and all applicable building codes and other public agencies having jurisdiction upon the work shall apply, C. Workmanship: All work shall be installed in a neat, orderly and responsible rnanner with the recognized standards of workmanship. The Engineer reserves the right to reject material or work which does not conform to the contract docuaments. Rejected work shall be removed or cot-irected at the earliest possible time at the contractor's expense. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: The cantractor shall prepare and deliver to the Engineer within ten (10) calendar days prior to completion of construction a minimum of three (3) hard cover binders with three rings containing the following information: 1. Index sheet stating the contractor's address and business telephone number, 24 hour emergency phone number, person to contact, list of equipment witk� name(s) and address(es) of lacal manufacturer's representative(s) and local supplier where replacement equipment can be purchased. 2. Catalog and part sheet on every material and equipment installed under this contract. 3. Complete operating and maintenance instructions on a11 major equipment. 4. Frovide the Engineer and the City of Clearwater maintenance staff with written and "hands on" instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the Engineer at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. a. Four-hour instruction (minimum) for the Drip Emitter equipment aperation and maintenance. b. Two-hour instruction (minimutn) for autornatic cantrol valve operation and maintenance. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. The Irrigatian Contractor shall coordinate the work with all other trades, all underground improvements, the location and planting of trees and all other planting. Verify planting requiring excavation 24 in. diameter and larger with the Engineer prior to installation of main lines. B. Provide temporary irrigation at all times to maintain plant materials. C. The Irrigation Contractor is responsible to maintain the work area and equipment utttil final acceptance by the Engineer. Repairs and replacement of equipment broken, stolen, or missing as well as regular maintenance operations shall be the obligation of the contractor. D. The Irrigation Contractor shall submit a traffic contral plan (per FDOT specifications) to the Engineer prior to initiating construction on the site. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of traffic signs, barriers, and any additional equipment to comply with the FDOT standards and to ensure the safety of its employees and the public. WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer(s) shall warrant the irrigation system components to give satisfactory service for one (1) year period from the date of acceptance by the Engineer and the City SectionIV.doc Aage 28 of l2& 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications of Clearwater. Should any prablems develop within the warranty period due to inferior or faulty materials, they shall be corrected at no expense to the City of Clearwater ar FDOT. 25.1.2 PRODUCTS GENERAL A. All materials throughout the system shall be new and in perfect condition. No deviations frorn the specifications shall be allowed except as noted. PIPING A. The irrigation system pipe shall be as stated herein and shall be furnished, installed and tested in accordance with these specifications. B. All pipe is herein specified to be Palyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, 1120, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM D2665 and D1785. C. All nipples, pipe connections, bushings, swing joints, connecting equipment to the mainline is required to be threaded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, Schedule 80. F'k�iR+���l»��i�l►[�-�3 A. All pipe fittings for Schedule 40 PVC pipe shall be as follows: Fittings shall conform to ' the reyuirements of ASTM D2A�66, Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule S0. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark, material designation, size, applicable IPS schedule and NSF seal of approval. ' The connection of mainline pipe to the automatic control valve shall be assembled with threaded Schedule 80 fittings and threaded Schedule $0 nipples. 1 �' ' PVC PIPE CEMENT AND PRIMER A. Provide solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent weld pipe and fittings as recommended by the manufacturer. Pipe j�ints for solvent weld pipe to be belled end. B. Aurple primer shall be applied after the pipe and fittings has been cut and cleaned. The Prirner shall be of contrasting color and be easily recagnizable against PVC pipe. F'k�i�+���:1:��_1�7=1�Z•I+7►1►1rC+��[•]:E-�? A. Threaded PVC connections shall be made using Teflon tape or Teflon pipe sealant. GATE VALVES F��i�'��� �'i I_V l�I_1 ��7_� � =�%1 ��l �-�3'� I: R_l:l ��� �`i 1_1 �� �:7 A. Provide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: 1. 200-250 psi Ball Valve 2. PVC body - with Teflon Ball Seals 3. Threaded-Dual end Union Connectors 4. Non-Shock Safe-T-Shear Stem SectionlV.doc Page 29 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specitications 5. Safe-T Shear True Union Ball Valve as manufactured by Spears Manufacturing Cornpany , Sylmer, California, or approved equal. GATE VALVES 2'/z" IN. AND LARGER A. Pravide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: 1. AWWA-C-509 2. 200 lb. O. W.G. 3. Cast Iron body - ASTM A 126 Class B 4. Deep socket joints 5. Rising stetx� 6. Bolted bonnet 7. Double disc 8. Equipped with 2" square operating �Cey with tee handle B. Provide two (2) operating keys for gate valve 3" and larger. The "street key" shall be 5' long with a 2" square operating nut. SLEEVES A. Sleeves: (Existing by City of Clearwater) REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. The remote control valve shall be a solenoid actuated, balance-pressure acrass-the diaphragrn type capable of having a flow rate of 25-30 gallons per minute (GPM) with a pressure loss not to exceed 6.1 pounds per square inch (PSI), The valve pressure rating shall not be less than 150 psi. S. The valve body and bonnent shall be constructed of high irnpact weather resistant plastic, stainless steel and other chemical/UV resistant materials. The valve's ane-piece diaphragm shall be of durable santoprene rnaterial with a clog resistant metering oriFice. C. The valve body shall have a 1" inch (FNPT) inlet and outlet or a one inch slip by slip inlet and outlet for solvent weld pipe connections. D. The valve construction shall be as such to provide for all internal parts to be removable from the top of the valve without disturbin� the valve installation. E. The valve shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California, or approv�d equal. F. Identify all cantrol valves using metal I.D. tags numbered to match drawings. ✓k�i �1±��%1 A�/ � =I�):1 �3 A. For rernote contral drip valve assembly and iINiK control timer use a Brooks #36 concreta value bax with #36-T cast iron traf�fic bearing cover, or approved equal. B. For flush valve assembly use an Arnetek # 1 S 1014 (10") circular valve box with # 181 O 1 S cover comparable to Brooks, or approved equal. SectionIV.doc Page 30 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications C. For air relief assembly use an Ametek #182001 (6") economy turf box caver camparable ta Braoks, or approved equal. DRIP IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION with # 182002 A. Techline shall consist of norninal sized one-half inch (1/2") low-density linear polyethylene tubing with internal pressure compensating, continuously self-cleaning, integral drippers at a specified spacing, (12", 18", or 24" centers). The tubing shall be brawn in color and conform to an outside diameter (O.D.) of 0.67 inches and an inside diameter (I.D.) of 0.57 inches. Individual pressure compensating drippers shall be welded to the inside wall of the tubing as an integral part of the tubing assembly. These drippers shall be constructed af plastic with a hard plastic diaphragm retainer and a self- flushing/cleaning elastomer diaphragm extending the full length of the dripper. OPERATION A. The drippers shall have the ability to independently regulate discharge rates, with an inlet pressure of seven ta seventy ('7-70) pounds per square inch (PSI), at a constant flow and with a manufacturer's coefficient of variability (Cv) of O.Q3. Recommended operating pressure shall be between 1S-4S PSI. The dripper discharge rate shall be 0.4, 0.6, or 0.9 gallons per hour (GPH) utilizing a combination turbulent flow/reduced pressure cornpensation cell rnechanisrn and a diaphragm to rnaintain uniform discharge rates. The drippers shall continuously clean themselves while in operation. The dripperline shall be available in 12", 18" and 24" spacing between drippers unless otherwise specified. Techline pipe depth shall be under mulch unless otherwise specified on Plans. Maximurtt system pressure shall be 45 PSC. Filtration shall be 120 mesh or finer. Bending radius shall be 7". B. For on-surface or under mulch installations, 6" metal wire staples (TLS6) shall be installed 3'-5' on center, and two staples installed at every change of directian. LINE FLUSHING VALVES A. The sub-surface system shall utilize Autamatic Line Flush Valves at the end of each independent zon� area. This valve shall be capable of flushing one gallon at the beginning of each irrigation cycle. The valves shall match the dripline manufacturer and connect directly to the dripline. AIRNACUUM RELIEF VALVE A. Each independent irrigation zane shall utilize an Air/Vacuum Relief Valve at its high point(s). The air and vacuum relief valve shall seal effectively from 2 to 110 psi. PRESSURE REGULATORS A. The pressure regulator shall be designed to handle steady inlet pressures dver 150 pounds per square inch (psi) and maintain a constant outlet pressures of 25 psi. Regulating accuracy shall be within =/-6%. The pressure regulator shall be manufactured from high- innpact engineering grade thermoplastics. Regulation shall be accomplished by a fixed stainless steel compression spring which shall be enclosed in a charnber separate from the water passage. SectionlV.doc Page 31 of 12& 4/1 I/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications FILTERS A. The filter shall be a multiple disc type filter with notation indicating tk►e minimum partial size to travel through or the mesh size of the element being used. The discs shall be constructed of chemical resistant thermoplastic for corrosion resistance. FITTINGS A. All connections shall be made with barb or compression type fitting connections. Fittings and dripline shall be as manufactured by the manufacturer of the dripline to ensure the integrity of the subsurface irrigation system. AUTOMATIC CONTROL TIMER A. The irrigation controller (control module) shall be programmable by a separate transmitter device only. The program shall be communicated to the Control Module from the Field Transmitter via an infrared connection. The controller shall be of a module type which may be installed in a valve box undergraund. The controller shall function narmally if submerged in water and the communication from the transmitter shall funetion if submerged in water. B. The control module shall be housed in an ABS plastic cabinet and shall be potted to insure waterproof operation. The control module shall have two mounting slots for screws allowing the module to be securely rnounted inside a valve box. C. The controll�r shall operate on one nine volt alkaline battery for one full year regardless of the number of stations utilized. The controller shall operate 1, 2, or 4 stations either sequentially or independently. D. The controller shall have three independent programs with eight start times each, statian run time capability frorn one minute to twelve hours in one minute increments, and a seven day calendar. The controller shall turn on stations via latching solenoids installed on the valves. 1vTanual operations shall be initiated by attaching the Field Transmitter to the Control Module and pragramming a manual start. The controller shall be capable of manual single station or rnanual program operation. E. The contraller shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, CaliFornia USA. FIELD TRANSMITTER A. The irrigation controller shall be programmable by a separate transrnitter device (Field Transmitter) only. The Field Transmitter shall communicate to the Control Modul� via an infrared connection. The Field Transmitter shall be water resistant and housed in ABS plastic and have a removable, reversible protective sheath. The Field Transmitter shall operate on one 9V alkaline battery. B. The Field Transrnitter shall have a large LCD screen and a seven-key programming pad. A beep sound shall confirm every key stroke. The screen shall automatically turn off after ane minute when not in use. C. The Field Transmitter shall be capable of programming an unlimited number of LTNIK Control Modules. SectionIV.doc Page 32 of 128 4/11/2011 1 ' ' Section IV — Technical Specifications D. The Field Transmitter shall be as manufactured by Rain Sird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, Caliiarnia USA. LATCHING SOLENOID A. The Latching Solenoid shall be supplied with an installed, filtered adapter allowing ' installation af the solenoid onto any Rain Sird DV, PGA, PEB, PES-B, GB, of E�'S series valve. , ' 1 B. The Latching Solenoid shall be as manufactured by Rain Sird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendara, California USA. 25.1.3 EXECUTION GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Before work is commenced, hold a canference with the Engineer to discuss general details of the wark. B. Verify dimensions and grades at job site before work is commenced. ' C. During the progress of the work, a competent superintendent and any assistants necessary shall be on site, all satisfactory to the Engineer. This superintendent shall not be changed, except with the consent of the Engineer. The superintendent shall r�present the Cantractor ' in his absence and all directions given ta the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. ' 1 L� D. Obtain and pay far all irrigation and plumbing permits and all inspections required by outside authorities. E. All work indicated or notes on the Drawings shall be pravided whether or not specifically mentioned in these Technical Special Provisions. F. lf there are ambiguities between the Drawings and Specifications, and specific interpretation ar clarification is not issued prior to bidding, the interpretation or clarification will be made only by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall comply with the decisians. In event the installation contradicts the directions given, the installation shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost. G. Layout of sprinkler lines shown an the Drawing is di�grammatic only. Location of sprinkler equipment is cantingent upon and subject to integration with all other underground utilities. Contractor shall employ all data contained in the contract Documents and shall verify this information at the construction site to confirm the manner by which it relates to the installatian. H. Do not proceed with the installation af the sprinkler system when it is apparent that obstructions or grade differences exist or if conflicts in construction details, legend, or specific notes are discavered. All such obstructions, conflicts, or discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. I. The disturbance of existing paving will not be permitted. Install all required sleeving prior to roadway base. 5ectionIV.doc Page 33 af 128 ai1 ii2or r Section IV — Technical Specifications EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING TRENCHING - GENERAL. A. Dig sides of trenches straight. Provide continuous support for pipe on bottom of trenches. Lay pipe to uniforna grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on Drawings. � S. Maintain 6 in. horizontal and minimum clearance between sprinkler lines and between all lines of other trades. C. Do not install sprinkler lines directly above another line of any kind. D. Maintain 6 in. vertical minimum between sprinkler lines which cross at angles of 45 degrees to 90 degrees. E. Exercise care when excavating, trenching and working near existing utilities. BACKFILLING A. All pressure supply lines (mainline) shall have 18" of fill placed over the pipe. B. Initial backfill on all lines shall be of a fine granular material with no foreign matter largerthan % in. C. Cornpact backfill according ta Section 125 of FDOT Speci�cation Book, 1996 Edition. D. Do not, under any circumstances, use equipment or vehicle wheels for compacting soil. E. Restor� grades and repair damages where settling occurs. P � Compact each layer of fill with approved equipment to achieve a maxitnum density per AASHTO T 180 - latest edition. Under landscaped area, compaction shall not exceed 9S% of maximum density. Compaction shall be obtained by the use of inechanical tampers or approved hand tampers. When hand tampers are used, the materials shall be deposited in layers not more than six (6") inches thick. The hand tampers shall be suitable %r this purpose and shall have a face area of not rnore than l 00 square inches. Special precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to the irrigation system piping and adjacent utilities. ROUTING OF PIPING: A. Routing of pressure and non-pressure piping lines are indicated diagrammatically on Drawings. B. Coordinate specimen trees and shrubs with routing of lines. 1. Planting locations shall take precedence over sprinkler and piping locations. 2. Report to Owner any major deviation from routing indicated. C. Conf�rm ta Drawings layout without affsetting the various assernblies from the pressure supply line. D. Layout drip tube and make any minor adjustments required due to differences between site and Drawings. Any such deviations in layout shall be within the intent of the original Drawings, and without additional cost. SectionIV.doc Page 34 of 128 4/I1/2011 1 5ection IV — Technical Specifications ' E. Layout all systems using an approved staking nnethod, and maintain the staking of approved layout. ' INSTALL.ATION WATER SUPPLY A. Connections to the water sources shall be at the appraxirnate lacations indicated on the Drawings. Make minor changes caused by actual site conditions without additional cost to the Owner. ASSEMBLIES A. Routing or pressure supply lines as indicated on Drawings is diagrammatic only. Install lines and required assernblies in accordance with details on Drawings. B. Do not install multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. When used, the pressure relief valve shall be the last assembly. C. Install all assemblies in accord with the respective detail Drawings and these Technical Special Provisions. D. Plastic pipe and threaded fittings shall be assembled using Teflan tape, applied to the male threads only. SLEEVES: (EXISTING BY CITY �F CLEARWATER) A. The contractor shall verify the l�cation of all existing sleeves as shown on the roadway, utility and/or irrigation plans and notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. PLASTIC PIPE A. Install plastic pipe in accord with tnanufacturer's recommendations. B. Prepare all welded joints with manufacturer's cleaner prior to applying solvent. 1. Allow welded joints as least 15 minutes setup/curing time befare rnoving or handling. 2. Partially center load pipe in trenches to prevent arching and shifting when water pressure is on. 3. Do not permit water in pipe until a periad of at least four hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing, unless recommended otherwise by solvent manufacturer. C. Curing 1. When the ternperature is above 80 degrees F., allow saluble weld joints at least 24 hours curing time before water is introduced under pressure. D. Flushing the system: 1. After all sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, open the control valves and flush out the system with a full head of water. E. Installing piping under existing pavement: 1. Piping under existing pavement may be installed by jacking & boring. SectionIV.dac Page 35 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specitications 2. Secure perrnission from the Engineer before cutting or breaking any existing pavement. All repairs and replacements shall be approved by Engineer and shall be accornplished at no additional cost. CONTROLLERS A. �nstall all automatic controllers as shown in the plans. 1. The location of all controllers sha11 be approved by the Engineers representative prior to installatian. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Install at sufficient depth to provide not more than 6 in., nor less than 4 in, cover from the top of the valve to finish grade. B. Install valves in a plumb position with 24 in. tninimum mai,ntenance clearance from other equiprnent, 3 feet mininnum from edges ot'sidewalks, buildings, and walls, and no closer than 7 feet from the back of curb or edge of pavement along roadways. C. Contractor shall adjust the valve to provide the proper flow rate or operating pressure far each sprinkler zane. GATE VALVES A. Install where indicated and with su#�cient clearance from other rnaterials far proper maintenance. B. Check and tighten valve bonnet packing befare backfill. 25.2 LANDSCAPE 25.2.1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Contract Documents shall include the Flans, Details, Specifications, Bid Proposal, Contract Agreement, including Installation Schedule, all Addenda, and Contractual and Special Conditions when required. REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Comply with Federal, State, Local, and ather duly constituted authorities and regulatory agencies, without additional cost to the Owner in matters pertaining to codes, safety, and environrnental matters. B. Any permits for the installation or construction of any of the work included under the contract, which are required by any of the legally constituted authorities having jurisdiction, shall be arrangad for by the Contractar and paid for directly by the Contractor, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. SCOPE OF WORK A. All provisions of Contract, including Gen�ral and Special Provisions and Plans, apply to the work specified in this Section. The Scope of Work includes everything for and SectionIV.doc Page 36 of 128 4/11/2011 ' 1 Section IV — Technical $peci£ications incidental to executing and completing all landscape work shown on the Plans, Schedules, Nates and as specified herein. ' B, Furnish and provide all labor, plants and materials tools and equipment necessary to prepare the soil for plantings, to install and care for all plant rnaterials (including finish grading if necessary); to remove and/or transplant existing plants if indicated; to furnish, ' plant, fertilize, guy and brace, water, mulch and prune all new plant rnaterials; and ta execute all other Work as described herein or indicated on the Plans. ' 1 1 ' �� C. Wark under this Sectian shall include labor and materials far �inal grading and raking to prepare the site far sodding, sprigging, or seeding, so finished lawn or playing field will appear even and uniform, will drain adequately, and will camply with the intent of the landscape drawings. D. initial maintenance of landscape materials as specifed in this document. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Landscape work shall he contracted to a single firm specializing in landscape work, who shall in turn subcontract no more than 40% of the work specified. All subcontractors under the contral af the Contractor invalved in the campletion of the landscape work, shall be made known to the Owner and the Landscape Architect prior to their commencement af work on the project. B. All work of this Section shall conform ta the highest standard of landscape practices. C. The Plant Material Schedule included with these Plans is pravided only for the ' Contractor's convenience; it shall not be construed as to conflict or predaminate over the Plans. If conflict between the Plans and Speci�cations exists, th� Plan shall predominate and be considered the contralling document. ' D. During this work, the Contractor shall be responsible for rnaintaining safety among persons in his employ in accordance with the standards set by The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (and all subsequent amendments). Owner and Landscape ' Architect shall be held harmless from any accident, injury or any other incident resulting from compliance or nan-compliance with these standards. E. The Contractor shall cooperate with and caordinate with all other trades whose work is built into or affects the work in this Section. F. All appropriate utility companies and agencies shall be contacted 72 hours prior to excavation. Call "One Call" at 1-$00-�32-4770. G. The Contractor shall carefully examine the site and all existing canditions affecting the work, such as: soil, obstructions, existing trees, utilities, etc. Repart any conditions in conflict with the work to the Landscape Architect. SUBMITTAI.S A. The Contractor is required to submit prior to the expiration of the reyuired maintenance period, two copies of typewritten instructions recommending procedures to be established by the Owner for maintenance of landscape wark for a period of one year. B. �'urnish unit prices for all plant materials and inert materials, including labar for all specified work. SectionIV.doc Page 37 af 12S 4/11/2U11 Section IV — Technical Specifications ALTERNATES, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, SUBSTITUTIONS A. If there are additions/alternates included in these Plans and Specifications, the Contractor must propose prices to accomplish the work stated as additions/alternates at the time of bidding. B. The Owner, through his Project Representative, reserves the right to add ar deduct any of the work stated herein witk�out rendering the Contract void. C. The Contractor must have written approval by the Praject Representative for any substitutions not previously agreed to in the purchase agreement: installation without approval is entirely at the Contractor's risk. D. All material acquired through additions or substitutions shall be subject to all cottditions and warranties stated herein. ABBREVIATIONS/DEFINITI�NS o.A. o� �:. The over-all height af the plant measured from the ground to the natural, untied state of the majority of the foliage, nat including extreme leaves, branches or fronds. C. T.: C�� SPR.: Clear trunk is rneasured from the ground to the bottom of the first leaf or frond stem with no foliage from ground to specified height. For example, on Canary Island Date Palrns or similar, the clear tzunk measurement includes the "nut" at the base ofthe fronds. Clear wood is measured from the ground to the bottam of the base of the lowest leaf sheath or boot, trimmed in a natural rnanner. For example, on Canary Island Date Palms or similar, the clear woad measurement does not include the "nut" at the base of'the fronds. Spread, branches measured in natural untied position to the average crown diameter, nat including extreme leaves, branches or fronds. ST. TR. : Straight trunk. M.IN.: Minimum. GAL.: O. C.: DIA.: LVS.: Gallon container size, i.e., 1 gallon, 3 gallon, 7 gallon, etc. On center, distance between plant centers. Diameter. Leaves. SectionlV,doc Page 38 of 128 4/1 U2011 Section IV —Technical Specifications D.B.H.: Diameter or caliper of main trunk of tree as measured at breast height at 4-1/2 feet above grade. CAL.: B&B: PPP: FG: STD.. Caliper, the outside diarneter of up to a four inch tree is measured six inches above �;rade, larger trees are measured at 12 inches above grade. Balled and burlapped in accordance with horticultural standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. Plants per pot. Field grawn. Uwner: Standard, single, straight trunk. To be known as that entity which holds title or control to the premises on which the wark is perf�rmed. �wner 's Representative: Owner's on-site representative shall be respansible for approval of quantity and 9uality of materials specifaed and execution of installation. Contractor: Shall refer to that person or enterprise commonly known as the Landscape Contractor. ' Landscape Architect: This person or firm is the responsible representative of the Owner who produces the landscape Plans and Speciiications. PRODUCT DEL.IVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING PLANT MATERIALS A. Provide container grown ar, if appropriate, freshly dug trees and shrubs. Do not prune prior to delivery. Do not bend or bind trees or shrubs in such a manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy natural shape. Provide protective cavering during delivery. If plant delivery is made in open vehicles, the entire load shall be suitably covered. B. All plants are to be handled at all times so that roots or root balls are adequately protected frorn sun, cald, or drying winds. No root balls for trees and container plants that have been cracked or broken shall be planted except upon special approval. Plants shall not be pulled by th� taps or stems, nor handled in a rough or careless manner at any time. C. Balled and burlapped plants shall be moved with firm, natural, balls of soil, not less than 1 foot diameter of ball to every 1 inch caliper of trunk; root ball depth shall not be less than 2/3 of root ball diameter. S& B plants which cannot be planted upon delivery shall have their root balls covered with moist soil ar mulch. SectionIV.doc Page 39 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications D. Trees shall be dug with adequate balls, burlapped, and wire bound if needed. Root pruning to be done a minimum of 4 weeks before removal fram the �eld and planting at the site. Root balls may not be encased in "grow bags" or other synthetic rnaterial, except plastic shrink wrap for transport only. E. Remove all frands form sabal palms prior ta planting, but leave a minimum of 12 inches of new frond growth above the bud. Do not damage bud. On all other palms, anly a minimum of palm fronds shall be removed from crown to facilitate rxioving and handling. Clear trunk shall be determined afi�er minimum fronds have been removed. Boots shall be removed from trunk unless otherwise specified. Palms shall be planted within 24 hours of delivery. F. Deliver trees and shrubs after preparatians for planting have been completed and plant immediately. If planting is delayed more than 6 hours after delivery, set trees and shrubs in shade, protect from weather and mechanical datnage, and cover to keep the roots moist. G. Label at least one tree and one shrub of each variety with a securely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. H. Sod: Time delivery so that sod will be placed within twenty-four (24) hours after stripping. Protect sod against drying and breaking by covering palettes of sod ar placing in a shaded area. JOB CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE OF JOB CONDITIONS. A. The Contractor shall examine the sub-grade, verify elevations, observe the conditions under which work is to be performed and noCify the Landscape Architect or Project R�presentative in writing of unsatisfactory conditions prior to beginning work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Start of work shall indicate acceptance af conditions and full responsibility for the completed work. B. Proceed with and complete the landscape work as rapidly as portions of the site become available, working within the seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work and following the approved schedule. If seasonal limitations apply, notify the Landscape Architect for adjustments to the Schedule. C. Determine locations of all underground utilities and review for conflicts with planting procedures. D. When adverse conditions to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, drainage conditions or obstruction, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect in writing prior to planting. E. Plant trees and shrubs after final grades are established and prior to the planting of lawns, pratecting lawn trees and promptly repairing damages frorn planting operations. SCHEDULING OF WORK A. The work shall be carried out to completion with the utmost speed. Zmmediately upon award of contract, the Contractor shall prepare a construction schedule and furnish a copy SectionIV.doc Page 40 of 128 4/1'U2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications to the Owner's Representative and/or the Landscape Archit�ct far approval. The Contractor shall carry out the wark in accordance with the approved schedule. B. If the Cantractor incurs unforeseen costs, such as overtime hours, holidays, etc. in order to complete the wark within the time stated in the Contract, and/or to maintain the progress schedul�, all said costs shall be borne by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. C. The Owner's Representative's may request in writing work stoppage. Upon written request from the Owner's Representative, the Landscape Contractor shall suspend delivery of material and stop all work for such a periad as deemed necessary by the Owner, the Owner's Representative, or the General Contractor with respect to any additional costs which may result from work stoppage. UTILITIES A. The Contractor shall perform work in a manner which will avoid conflicts with utilities. Hand excavate, as required, to minimize possibility of darnage to undergraund utilities. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by all parties concerned. 25.2.2 PRODUCTS ' MATERIALS ' ' ' ' ' , PLANT MATERIALS: NOMENCLATURE A. Plant species, sizes, etc. shall be per Flans and Specifications on Plant Material Scheduled. Nomenclature is per Manual of Cultivated Plant, Standard Encyclopedia of Horticulture, L.H. Sailey, or Standardized Plant Names Dictianary, American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature (latest editions), ar conforms with names accepted in the nursery trade. PLANT MATERIALS: QUAL.ITY ASSURANCE A. Provide healthy, vigorous stock grown under climatic conditions similar to conditions in the locality of the project. Plants shall have a habit af growth that is normal for the species and be sound, healthy, vigorous and free from insect pests ar their eggs, plant diseases, defects and injuries. Flants shall be well brar►ched and densely faliated when in leaf and shall have healthy, well-developed root systems. B. Trees shall be heavily branched ar, in the case of palms, be heavily leafed. Some plant materials may be collected stock with the approval of the Landscape Architect. Provided tree species that have a single main trunk (central leader), unless otherwise stated. Trees that have the rnain trunk forming a"Y" shape or parallel branching are nat acceptable. C. Flant materials shall be specified and shall be Florida #1 or better as to shape and quality ' for the species as outlined in Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants Part 1 and li, Florida Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services (latest edition). ' D. The Owner or Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect plant rnaterials either at the place of growth or at the project site prior to planting for compliance with requirements for name variety, size quality, or designated area. ' SectionlV.doc ' Page 41 of 128 4/ I 1 /201 ! Section IV — Technical Spccifications E. Landscape materials shall be shipped with certificates of inspection as required by governmental authorities. The Contractor shall camply with all governing regulations that are applicable to landscape �nnaterials. F. Do not rnake substitutions. If specified landscape material is not available, subrnit Landscape Architect proof of it being non-available. in such event, if the Landscape Architect designates an available source, such shall be acquired from designated source. W}aen authorized, a written change order for substitute material will be nnade by adjustment to Contract amount. G. Height and/or width of trees shall be measured from ground up; width measurement shall be normal crown spread of branches with plants in the normal position. This rr►easurernent shall not include immediate terminal growth. All measurennents shall be taken afi�er pruning for specified sizes. All trees and shrubs shal] conform to measurements specified in the plant material schedule, except that plant material larger than specified may be used with the approval of the Owner or Landscape Archit�ct; with no increase to the Contract price. Plant materials shall not be pruned prior ta delivery. H. Plant Material shall be symmetrical, typical far variety and species. Plants used where symmetry is re9uired shall be matched as nearly as possible. I. Balled and burlapped plants shall have firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the %eding root system necessary for full development of the plant and to confarm with the standards of the American Association of Nurserymen. Root balls and tree trunks shall not be dannaged by improper binding and B& B procedures. J. Container-grown plants may be substituted for balled and burlapped plants or vice-versa provided the quality is equal or better than specified and the Landscape Architect approves the substitution. K. Container grown stock shall have been grown in containers for at least four months, but not over two years. If requested, samples must be shown ta prove no root bound condition exists. GRASSES: SOD OR SEED A. Sad or seed (as/if specified) shall be a species as stated on the Flan. Solid sod shall be of even thickness and with a good root structure, 95% free oinoxious week, freshly mowed before cutting, and in healthy condition when laid. It must not be stacked more than 24 hours be%re laying and it tnust be grown in soil compatible to that in which it will be installed. Sod rnust be kept moist prior to and after installation. B. Seed shall be delivered to the site in unopened bags with certification tags in plac�. Purity, germination and weed content shall be as certification requirements. 25.2,2.1.4 MULCH A. Mulch shall be 100% Grade "B" shredded cypress bark mulch, thoroughly mixed with a pre-emergence weed killer according to the label directions as specified on the plan. B. Install mulch to an even depth of 3" before compaction. SactionIV.doc Page 42 of 128 4/11/2011 ' ' 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications FERTILIZER A. Granular fertilizer shall be uniform in composition; free flowing and suitable for applicatian with approved equipment; rec�ived at the site in full, labeled, unopened bags bearing the name, trade name ar trademark and warranty af the producer; fully conforming to State of Florida fertilizer laws. B. All fertilizer shall bear the manufacturer's statement of analysis and shall contain the appropriate minimum arnounts of elements for the type of use specified herein. C. Agriform 2p-10-5 fertilizer tablets or approved equal, shall be placed in planting pit for all plant rnaterials at time of installatian and prior to campletion of pit backfilling. D. Ground cover and annual areas shall receive fertilization with Osmocate Time Release Fertilizer according to product instructions and rate. E. For sod and seeded areas, fertilize with a complete granular fertilizer on Bahia and St. Augustine grass at the rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet. Fertilizer shall be comrnercial grade, mixed granules, with 30% - SO% of the nitrogen being in slow �r controlled release form. The ratio of nitrogen to potash will be 1:1 or 2:1 far complete fertilizer formulations. Phosphorus shall be no more than '/4 the nitrogen level. They shall also contain magnesium and micronutrients (i.e. manganese, iron, zinc, copper, etc.). STAKES AND GUYS A. For trees, approved plastic or rubber guys shall be used between the stakes and the tree trunk. Galvanized steel guy wire shall not be used. B. Stakes shall be cut from 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock for trees over 2" caliper. Stakes shall be 2" x 2" pressure treated (p.t.) stock for trees 2" caliper and under. A minimum of 2 stakes per tree ar an optional 3 stakes per tree shall be used. C. For single trunk palms, stakes shall be cut from 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock, with a minimum of 3 stakes per palm. Batten consisting of 5 layers of burlap and 5- 2" x 4" by 16" wood connected with two - 3/4" steel bands shall be used around the palm trunk. D. Other tree staking systerns may be acceptable if approved. PLANTING 501L A. Unless stated on the plans or in the specifications, install plant material in tilled and loosened native soil backfill. It is the responsibility of the Landscape Contractor to test, prior to planting and at no additional cost to the Contract, any soils which may be unsuitable for the vigarous growth of plants. Unsuitable conditions shall be reported to the Landscape Architect immediately in writing. B. When required, planting soil media shall be provided by the Contractor and shall consist of 1/3 peat and 2/3 sandy loam, with no lumps over 1". C. Backfill and clean fill dirt pravided by the Contractor shall be in a loose, friable soil. There must be slight acid reaction to the soil (about 6.0 — 6.5 pH) with no excess of calcium or carbonate, and it shall be free frorn excess weeds, clay lumps, stones, stumps, roots and toxic substances or any other materials that might be harmful to plant growth or SectionIV.doc Page 43 of 128 4/11/2011 Section TV — Technical Specifications a hindrance to grading, planting, and maintenance procedures and operations. No heavily organic soil, such as nnuck or peat shall be used as fill dirt. D, Bed preparation for annual beds under 1 gallon container size shall consist of 3" of Florida peat or other approved organic soil amendment spread over full length and width of planting area. Rototil organic layer 6 inches to 8 inches into native soil. SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Terra-Sorb AG or appraved equal, soil amendnnent shall be rnixed with native or planting soil for all trees, shrubs, ground cover, and annuals according to manufacturer's recommended application rates and methods, if speci�ed on the Plans. TREE PROTECTION A. Wood fencing shall be 2" x 4" pressur� treated (p.t.) stock with flagging on horizontal members. Space vertical members 6 feet to 8 feet on center. The barricade shall be placed so as to protect the critical protection zone area, which is the area su�-rounding a tree within a circle described by a radius of one foot for each inch of the tree's diameter at breast height DBH at 4-'/2 feet above grade. ROOT BARRIER SYSTEM A. Root barrier fabric shall be installed when specified in the plans and/or specifications for protection of adjacent paved surfaces according to specific product name or equal. Install as directed by the manufacturer. PACKAGED MATERIALS A. Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis and name of rnanufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored at the site. PESTICIDES A. Pesticides shall be only approved, safe brands applied according to rnanufacturer's directions. 25.2.3 EXECUTION PREPARATION OBSTRUCTIONS BELOW GROUND A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate and mark all underground utilities, irrigation lines and wiring prior to commencement of the work. B. If underground construction, utilities or other obstructions are encountered in excavatian of planting areas or pits, the Landscape Architect shall be irnmediately notified to select a relocated position for any materials necessary. GRADING AND PREPARATION FOR PLANT MATERIALS A. All proposed landscape areas containing existing turf grass ar weeds shall be treated with Monsanto's "Round-Up" per manufacturer's specifications. All proposed landscape areas SectionIV.doc Page a4 of 128 4/l l/2011 1 �� Section IV — Technical Specitications adjacent to water bodies shall be treated with "Rodea" per the znanufacturer's speciiications. ' B. New plant rnaterials will not be installed until a 98% weed/turf eradication has been achieved. More than one application may be required to praduce an acceptable planting bed. , C. Pre-emergent herbicides are not a substitute for spray treatment of "Round-Up" �r "Rodeo", and may be used only with the written approval of the Landscape Architect. ' D. Should any plant material in the same, or adjacent beds be damaged by these chemicals, the same size, quantity and quality of plants shall be immediately replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. ' E. Any necessary corrections or repairs to the finish grades shall be accomplished by the Contractor. All planting areas shall be carefully graded and raked to smooth, even finish grade, free from depressians, lumps, stones, sticks or ather debris and such that they will ' conform to the required fnish grades and provide uniform and satisfactory surface drainage without puddling. ' F. The Contractor shall remove debris (sticks, stones, rubbish) over 1-'/Z inches in any dimensian form individual tree, shrub and hedge pits and dispose of the excavated material off the srte. PREPARATI�N FOR ANNUAL BED PLANTING A. Prepare native subgrade by rototilling ar laosening by hand methads. Spread 3 inches of Florida peat (1/3), sandy loam (1/3), or other approved organic soil amendment over the full length and width of planting area for annuals. Rototill organic layer 6 inches to 8 inches into the native soil. Grade the planting bed by "crowning' ta insure that surface drainage, percolation, and aeration occur at rapid rates. Add Osmocote time release fertilizer according to product instructions and rate. PREPARATION FOR SEEDING AND SOD AREAS A. All propased sod areas containing existing turf grass ar weeds shall be treated with Monsanto's "Round-Up" per manufacturer's specifications. All proposed sod areas adjacent to water bodies shall be treated with "Rodea" per the Manufacturer's Specifications. B. Limit preparation to areas which will be planted prornptly after preparation. Loosen sub- grade of seed and sod areas to a minimum depth af 4 inches. C. Immediately prior to any turf work, the Cantractor shall finish grade the soil to a smooth, even surface assuring positive drainage away from buildings and the subsequent turf flush to the tops of adjacent curbs and sidewalks. The surface shall be sloped to existing yard drains. D. A complete fertilizer shall be applied to St. Augustine or Bahia grass at a rate of ane (1) pound of nitrogen per 1000 syuare feet. Fertilizer shall be commercial grade, mixed granules, with 30% - 505 of the nitragen being in slow or controlled release form. Thoroughly work fertilizer into the top 4 inches of soil. ' se�cio►,�v.ao� 1 Page 45 of 128 4/I 1/2011 Section IV — Technical Specif cations E. Moisten prepared seed and sod areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoraughly and allow surface moisture to dry before planting lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition. 25,2.3.2 INSTALLATION BERM CONSTRUCTION (IF SPECIFIED) A. Install berms at location and design shown on Flans and at the height and slope indicated. Height stated is for �nished berm with soil at natural cornpaction. B. Exact location and configuration of berms may require modification to allow proper drainage; such ck�anges will be coordinated with the Landscape Architect. C. If shown on the Plan, construct berms using clean sandy loam fill dirt which is well- drained, free of rocks, roots, or other debris, with a soil pH of an acid Nature (about 6.0 - 6.5). No heavily organic soi1, such as muck or peat shall be used in berm construction. LAYOUT OF PLANT MATERIALS A. Unless otherwise stipulated, plant materials shall be approximately located per the plans by scale measurements using established building, columns, curbs, screen walls, etc. as the measuring reference point. Slight shifting may be required to clear wires, prevent blockage ofi'signage, etc. B. Shrubs and ground covers shall be located and spaced as noted on the plant material schedule (ii provided), otherwise plants will be placed in tk�e planting beds at the normally accepted spacing for each species. C. Leave an 18 inch (450 millimeters) border of mulched space between outer leaves of installed plant material and the bed line, curb, or building foundation wall for all plant sizes. D. Any necessary "minor" adjustments in the layout of planting shall be made by the Contractor with the approval of the Landscape Architect in order to conform as nearly as possible to the intent of the plans. 25.2,3.2.3 PLANTING PROCEDl1RES A. All shrubs, trees and ground covers or vines shall be planted in pits having vertical sides and being circular in autline. Planting pit shall be 3 to 5 times the width of the root ball. B. Plants shall be set straight or plumb, in the locations shown, at such level that after settlement normal ar natural relationship of the top of the root ball with the ground suriace will be established. With regards to proper nursery practices, plants under certain conditions (i.e. low and wet areas) will benefit from being planted "k�igh" with the root ball about 1 inch higher than the surrounding grade. C. All plant materials shall be fertilized with Agrifartn 20-10-5 planting tablets, or approved equal, at time of installation and prior to completion of pit backfilling. Agriform planting tablets shall be placed uniformly around the root mass at a depth that is between the middle and the bottom of the root mass. Application rate: SectionIV.doc Page 46 nf ]28 4/11/2011 1 gallan 3 gallon 5 gallon 7 gallan Trees Palms 5action N � Technical Speci�cations 1 - 21 gram tablet 2 - 21 gram tablet 3 - 21 gram tablet 4 - 21 gram tablet 3 tablets each'/z" (12 millimeters) caliper 7- 21 gram tablets D. Native sail shall be used in back-filling plant pits or as specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing additional soil for building tree saucers. E. When balled and burlapped plants are set, undisturbed native soil shall be left under the base of the root ball to prevent voids. Backfill tilled and loosened native soil around the sides of the root ball. Remove the top 4 inches (100 rnillimeters) of burlap wire, and all tie-dawn material from the root ball. Do not remove these materials from the bottom of the raat ball. Thoroughly water-in before bringing the back-fill up to the proper �rade Roots of bare plants shall be properly spread out, and planting soil carefully worked in among thern. Failure to comply is cause for rejection. F. Containerized plants shall be installed with undisturbed native soil left under the base of the root ball to prevent voids. Planting pit shall be 3 to 5 times the width of the root ball. Backfill tilled and loosened native soil around the sides of the root ball. Thoroughly water-in before bringing the backfill up to the proper grade. G. Plant spacing shall be "on center" and varies with the di�erent plant species. Space each variety of plant equally in the planting areas. Shrubs and ground covers adjacant to straight or curved edges shall be triangular - spaced in rows parallel ta those edges. Plant a rninimum of 18 inches from the back of the curb to the autside edge of the plant. H. All azaleas shall be placed into a prepared bed of amended soil containing 50% weed-free Florida peat or approved equivalent. Root balls shall be scarified vertically at 120 degree angles in a triangular pattern. I. Sabal palms may be planted deeper than normal if conditions warrant and if approved. SODDING A. During periods of drought, sod shall be watered suffciently at its origin to rnoisten the soil adequately to the depth to which it is to be cut. B. An application of 6-6-6, �40% organic, slow or controlled release fertilizer shall be made to all lawn areas just prior to the laying of the sod at a rate of one (1) paund af nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. The ground shall be wet down before the sod is laid in place. C. Salid sad shall be laid tightly with closely abutting staggered joints with an even surface edge and sod edge, in a neat and clean manner to the edge of all the paving and shrub areas. Cut down soil level ta 1 inch to 1-1/2 inches below top of walks prior to laying sod. D. Within 2 hours after installing sod and prior ta rolling, irrigate the sod. Sufficient water shall be applied to wet the sod thoroughly and to wet the sod to a depth of 2 inches (50 millimeters). Watering shall be done in a manner that will avoid erosion due to the application of excessive quantities, and the watering equipment shall be a type that will prevent damage to the finished sod surface. Watering shall be repeated as necessary to keep sod maist until rooted to subgrade. SectionTV.doc Page 47 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications E. The sod shall be pressed frmly into contact with the sod bed using a turf roller or other approved equipment so as ta eliminate air pockets, provide a true and even surface and insure knitting without any displacement of the sod or deformation of the surfaces of sodd�d areas. After the sodding operation has been completed, the edges of the area shall be smooth and shall conform to the grades indicated. F. If, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, top dressing is necessary after rolling, clean silica sand shall be used ta ftll voids. Evenly apply sand over the entire surface to be leveled, filling-in dips and vaids and thoroughly washing into the sod areas. G. On slopes steeper than 2:1 and as required, the sod shall be fastened in place with suitable wooden pins or by ather approved method. SEEDING A. Seed shall be installed per the specifications of the State of Florida Department of Transportation. See plan for type of seed. TREE GUYING, BRACING AND STAKING A. Tree guying, staking and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Contractar per sound nursery practices, and shall be done per details shawn on the Plans. For trees, a minimum of 2 stakes per tree or an optional 3 stakes per tree at 12p degree spacing shall be used. Stakes shall be driven in at an angle, then tightened to vertical supported by approved plastic ar rubber guys. Trees shall be staked wiCh a minimum of 4 feet height of stake above grade and a minimurr� of 30 inches of stake below grade. B. Por single trunk palms, a minimum of 3 stakes per palm at 120 degree spacing shall be used. Toenail the stakes to batten consisting of 5 layers of burlap and S- 2 inch x 4 inck� x 16 inch wood cannected with two '/4 inch steel bands. Palms shall be staked with a minimum af 5 feet of stake above grade. C. Contractor shall remove all tree guying, staking, and bracing from trees six (6) months after the date of final acceptance of the landscape work. D. Stake only trees that require support to maintain a plumb position or are in potentially hazardous areas. MULCHING A. All planting beds shall be weed-free prior to mulching, B. All curb, roadway, and bed line edges will be "trenched" to help contain the applied mulch. C. All plant beds and tree rings shall be mulched evenly with a 3 inch layer (before compaction) of 100% Grade B recycled cypress bark mulch, or other nnulch as specified on the Plans or General NoCes. D. Mulch shall nat be placed against the trunks of plant materials or foundations of ' buildings. Maintain a minimum 3 inch clearance for tr�es and shrub trunks and a minimum 6 inch clearance for the walls of buildings. E. For beds of annual flowers, a 12 inch wide x 3 inch deep band of mulch shall be installed in front of the first row of annuals. Maintain a minimum 6 inches of non-mulched clearance from the outside edge of annuals. SectionIV,doc Page 48 oF 12$ 4/11 /2011 ' ' ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 Section TV —Technical Specifcations PRUNING A. Pruning shall be done by an experienced certified Arborist to maintain the natural shape and form of the plant. S. Upon acceptance by the Owner, prune any braken branches, reznove crossed branches, and branches hanging below the clear trunk oFthe tree. CLEAN-UP A. During landscape work, store materials and equipment where directed by the Owner. B. The Contractor shall promptly remove any materials and equipment used on the job, keeping the area neat at all times. Upon completion of all planting, dispose of all excess soil and debris leaving pavements and work areas in safe and orderly condition. C. The clean-up of the site shall include the removal and proper disposal �f the tree guying, staking, and bracing materials as described in specifications. PROTECTION ' A. Th� Contractor shall provide safeguards for the protection of workmen and others on, abaut, or adjacent to the work, as required under the parameters of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O.S.H.A.) standards. B. The Contractor shall protect the Owner's and adjacent property from damage. C. the Contractor shall protect the landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. D. The Contractor shall provide protection (tree barricades) for all existing trees and palms as specified. REPAIR OF DAMAGES E. The Contractor shall repair all damage caused by his operations to other materials, property, or trades to a level equal in quality to the existing condition prior to damage. F. The Cantractor shall be held responsible for all damage done by his work or employees to other materials or trades' work. Patching and replacement of damaged work may be done by others, at the Owner's direction, but the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor who is responsible for the damage. �+����`i/_11►��=1�1_L`I1� A. The Contractar shall maintain all plant materials in a iirst class condition from the beginning of landscape canstruction until Final Acceptance. B. Operations: 1. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, watering of turf and planting beds, mawing, fertilizing, cultivation, weeding, pruning, disease and pest control, replacement of dead materials, straightening, turf or planter settlement corrections, replacement af rejected materials, staking and guying repair and tightening, wash-out repairs and regrading, and any other procedures consistent with the good horticultural practice necessary to insure normal, vigorous and healthy growth of all work under SectionlV.doc Page 49 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications the Contract. Mowing shall be consistent with the recommended height per the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Within the warranty period, the Contractor shall notify the Owner of any maintenance practices being followed or omitted which would be detrimental to the healthy, vigorous growth of the landscape. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the �nal watering of not less than one inch af water for all planted materials before leaving the site. INSPECTION, REJECTION, AND ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION A. Upon campletion of the installation, the Contractor will notify the Owner or the Owner's Representative that the job is ready for inspection. Within 15 days of notifications, the installation will be inspected by the Landscape Architect. A written and/or graphic inspection report will be s�nt to the Owner and/ar Landscape Contractor. REJECTIDN AND REPL.ACEMENT A. The Landscape Architect shall be final judge as to the suitability and acceptability of any part of the work. Plant material will be rejected if it does not meet the requirements s�t forth in Plans and Specifications. B. Replace any reject�d materials immediately or within 15 days and notify the Landscape Architect that the correction has been made. ACCEPTANCE A. After replacement of rejected plant material (if any) have be�n made, and completion of all other correction items, the Owner or Project Representative will accept the project in writing. B. Upon Final Acceptance, the Owner assumes responsibility for maintenance within the terms of the Contract. Acceptance will in no vvay invalidate the Contractor's warranty period. C. The Contractor's warranty period will begin after final acceptance of the project by the �wner. 1. If evidence exists of any lien or claim arising out of or in connection with default in performance of this Contract, the Owner shall have the right to retain any payment sufficient to discharge such claim and all costs in connection with discharging such claim. 2. Where the Speci�cations call t'ar any stipulated item or an "approved equivalent", or in words to that effect, the Contractor shall indicate the price of the type and species speci�ed in the proposal, giving the price to be added or deducted from his Contract price. The final selection rests with the Owner or his representative. 3. Where plants installed do not meet specifications, the Owner reserves the right to request plant replacement or an appropriate deduction from th� Contract amount to compensate for the value not received from the under-specified plant materials. No SectionlV.doc Page 50 oF 128 4/11/2011 Saction IV — Technical Specifications additional compensation will be made to the Contractor for plants installed that exceed specifications. WARRANTY A. The Contractor shall warranty all palms and trees furnished under this contract for a period of one (1) year and all shrubs for a periad af six (6) months. Material which is either dead or in poor health during this period or at completion will be replaced at no charge to the Owner. Should any af the plant materials show 50% or more defoliation during the warranty period, due to the Contractor's use af poor quality or improper materials or w�rkmanship, the Contractor upon notice, shall replace without delay same with no additional cost to the Owner. Should any plant require replacing, the new plant shall be given the equal arnount of warranty. ��� 26.1 HDPE DEFORMED � REFORMED PIPE LINING INTENT it is the intention of this specifcation to provide for the trenchless restoration of 8" to 12" sanitary sewers by the installatian of a high density polyethylene, jointless, cantinuous, fold and farm pipe liner which is watertight and chemically resistant to withstand exposure ta damestic sewage including all labor, materials and eyuipment to provide for a complete, fully restored and functioning installation. 26.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTORJINSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City requires that all contractors be prequalified. See General Conditions regarding contractor prequalification. In addition, the City requires a proven extensive tract record for the fold and form liner systern to be used in this project. All contractors submitting for prequalification approval for this praject must exhibit extensive satisfactory experience in the installation of the propased liner system and satisfactory evidence that the proposed liner system has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites States and the State of Florida. The installer must be certified by the liner system manufacturer for installation of the liner system. The City reserves full and complete authority to approve the satisfactory nature of the both the liner system and the installer. 26.3 MATERIALS , Pipe shall be rnade from P. E. 34Q8 palyethylene resins complying with ASTM D 3350, cell classification: P.E. 345434 D for High Density. It shall be Type 3, Grade 4, Class D, according to ASTM D 1248. The Contractor shall provide certified test results for review by the Engineer, ' from the manufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requirements. Material shall have a minimum thickness of SDR 32.5. Pipe specimens shall comply with the minimum property values shown below with the applicable ASTM requirernents: 1 1 1 ' Material Property ASTM Method Value HDPE Tensile Strength D 638 3,30Q psi Elasticity Modulus E=113,000 psi SectionIV.doc Page 51 of 128 4/11/2011 Sectivn IV — Technical Specifications HDPE �mpact Strength D 256 A 3.0 ft-lb/in Flexure Modulus E=136,000 psi Expansion Coeff. c=0.009 in/in/deg F At the time of manufacture, each lot oi liner shall be reviewed for defects and tested in accardance with ASTM D 2837 and D 1693. At the time af delivery, the liner shall be homogeneous throughout, uniform itt color, free of cracks, holes, foreign rnaterials, blisters, or deleterious faults. The Contractar shall provide, as requested, certified test results far review by the Engineer, from the manufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requirements. The Engineer may at any time request the Cantractor pravide test results from field samples to the above requirements. Liner shall be marked at 5-foot intervals or less with a coded number, which identifies the mataufacturer, SDR, size, material, date, and shift on which the liner was extruded. Lining manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer for approval as requested, complet� design calculations for the liner thickness. Th� criteria far liner design shall be HS-20 traffic loading, water table to the ground surface, rrainimum expected lifetime of 50 years, and no structural strength retainad from the existing pipe. Liner materials shall meet manufactures specifications of Pipe Liners, Inc. 3421 N. Causeway, Suite 321, New Orleans, LA 70002, 1-800-344-3744 or approved equal. Any appraved equal liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal system prior to receiving bids. Request for contractor prequalification and/or equal liner system approval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days prior to the date for receiving bids. 26.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clean and prepare the existing pipes for rehabilitation. The Contractor will thoroughly clean the interior of the sewers to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rock, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to liner insertion. Bypass pumping will be provided by the Contractor as part of the unit cost of restoration. Bypass operations are to be so arrang�d as to cause minimum disruptions to local traffic, residents and particularly to cammercial facilities. During the cleaning and preparation operations all necessary precautians shall be tak�n ta protect the public, all property and the sewer from damage. All material removed from the sewers shall be the Contractor's responsibility for prompt dispasal in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements. The Contractor may be required to control th� rate of sewer cleaning in the sanitary system to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatment plants. 26.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work an each section of the project is completed, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by means of closed-circuit color television, and recorded on VHS format tapes provided to the project engineer. The television system used shall be designed for the purpose and suitably lighted to provide a c1ear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. SectionIV.doc Page 52 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV � Technical Specifications 2fi.6 LINER INSTALLATIDN Liner shall be sized to �eld measurements obtained by the Contractor to provide a tight fit to the full interiar circumference of the existing sanitary sewer and shall be a continuous, jointless liner product from inside of manhole to inside of manhole. Contractor shall use installation rnethods approved by the liner manufacturer including lin�r placement, reforming to fit existing pipe, pressure and heat requirements and reconnection of laterals. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any construction delays taking place during the insertion operation. Contractor shall maintain a reasonable backup system for bypass purnping shauld delays or problems with pumping systerns develop. Liner entries at manholes shall be smooth, free af irregularities, and watertight. No pinholes, tears, cracks, thin spots, or other defects in the liner shall be permitted. Such defects shall be removed and replaced by the Contractar at his expense. OSHA requirernents for installation procedures, in particular, confined spaces are to be met. 2fi.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION Sanitary laterals shall be reconnected as soon as possible ta renew service. Laterals are to be reconnected by means of robotics, by internally cutting out the liner to 100% of the area of the original opening. All lateral reconnectians are to be grouted ta prevent leakage. Grouting method and material is to be approved by the Engineer. Any reconnections to laterals and connections to manholes which are observed to leak shall be resealed by the Contractor. All laterals discovered during the lining process are to be reconnected unless specifically directed otherwise by the City. The Contractar will be requested to reconnect any laterals discovered to not be reconnected at a later date. Contractor shall notify all local systern users when the sanitary system will not be available for normal usage by the delivery of door hangers with appropriate information regarding the canstruction praject. 2fi,8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. At no time will any sanitary sewer service connection remain inoperative for more than a eight haur period without a service bypass being operated by the Contractor. In the event that sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup, repair and property damage costs and claims. 2fi.9 PAYMENT Payment for sanitary sewer restoratian shall be made per lineal foot including all preparation, , bypass pumping, equipment, labor, materials, apErations, restoration, etc, to provide a fully completed and operational sewer. Payment shall be measured from center of rnanhole to center of manhale for the sanitary systems and from end of pipe to end �f pipe for starm systems. ' ' ' 1 1 27 PLANT MIX DRIVEWAYS New driveways or existing black tap driveways that rnust be broken back in widening the pavement (remave only enaugh to allow adequate grade for access to the street) shall be constructed or replaced in accordance with the specifications for paving the street with the exception that the base shall be six (6) inches. Use Sectian 23 G Asphaltic Concrete as specified for the street paving. SectionlV.doc Page 53 of 12$ 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications When finished surface of existing drive is graval, replace ment shall be of like material. Payment shall be the same as Plant Mix Driveways. 27.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be the number of square yard af Plant Mix Driveways in place and accepted. 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Fayment shall be the unit price per square yard for Plant Mix Driveways as measured above, which price shall be full compensation for all work described in this section of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 28 REPORTING �F TONNAGE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS This Article deleted. 29 CONCRETE CURBS Concrete Curbs shall be constructed to the line, grade and dimensions as shown on the plans. Unless otk�erwise noted, all concrete curbs shall have fiber mesh reinforcement and have a rninimum strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. Expansion joints shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 100 feet, and scored joints shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 10 feet. In addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all concrete curbs. 29.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be lin�al feet of curb in place and accepted. 29.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per lineal foot of curb, which price shall be full compensation for all work described in this and other applicable parts of the specifications and shall include al1 materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complet� tk�e wark. 30 30.1 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed to the line, grade and dimensions as shown on the plans ar herein specified. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete sidewalks shall have fiber rr�esh reinforcement and have a minimum strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. Unless atherwise specified, all concrete sidewalks shall have a minimurn width of four feet (4'). Concrete sidewalks shall have a minimurn thickness of four inches (4"), except at driveway crassings where a minimum thickness of six inches (6") is required. Also, 6/6 X 10/10 welded wire mesh reinforcement is required far all sidewalk that crosses driveways. The w�lded wire mesh shall be positioned in the middle to upper third of the placement. No compensation shall be given if the welded wire mesh is not properly placed. Expansion joints shall be placed at intervals of not SectionIV.doc Page 54 of 128 4/11/2011 Section iV — Technical Specifications rnore than 100 hundred fe�t, and scoring marks shall be made every 5 feet. Cancrete shall be poured only on carnpacted subgrade. In addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. 30.2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS Concrete driveways, whether new construction or replacement, shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in thickness with 6/6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh reinforcement and a minimurn horizontal distance between expansion joints af no less than faur (4) feet measured in any direction. The welded wire mesh shall be pasitioned in the rniddle to upper third of the placement. No compensation shall be given if the welded wire mesh is not properly placed. Concrete shall be poured anly on compacted subgrade. In additian, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall alsa apply. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minirnum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all concrete sidewalks and driveways. 3�.3 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurernent shall be the nurnber of square feet of �" concrete sidewalk, 6" concrete sidewalk, and 6" concrete driveways in place and accepted. 3�.4 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per square foot for each item as measured above, which price shall be full cornpensation for all work described in this section and oth�r applicable parts of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, toals, welded wire mesh where required, labor and incidentals necessary to camplete the work. 31 SODDING Unless otherwise noted herein, the contractar shall place all sod, either shown on the plans or at the direction of the Engineer, in conformance with Sections 575, 981, 982 and 983 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). The area for sod application shall be loosened and excavated to a suitable depth and finished to a grade compatible with existing grass and structures. Sod shall be placed with edges in close contact and shall be compacted ta uniform finished grade with a sod roller immediately after placement. In sloped areas, the sod shall be graded and placed sa as to prohibit erosion and undermining of the adjacent sidewalk. No sod that has been cut for more than 72 hours can be used unless authorized by the Engineer in advance. The sod shall be thoraughly watered immediat�ly after placement. The Contractor shall continue to water sad as needed and/or directed by the Engineer as indicated by sun exposure, soil, heat and rain conditions, to establish and assure growth, until termination of the contract. Dead sod, or sod not acceptable to the Engineer, shall be removed and replaced by the Contractar at na additional compensation. Any questions concerning the type of existing sod shall be determined by the Engineer. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, payment for sod (including labor, equipment, materials, placement, rolling, watering, etc.) shall be included in other bid items. Payment for these associated bid items may be withheld until the Contractor provides the City a healthy, properly placed stand of grass. When this work is given as a separate bid item, it shall cover all labor, equipment and materials, (including water) required for this work and shall be paid for on the SectionlV.doc Page 55 of 128 4/I1/20'1 I 5ection IV — Technical Speciiications basis of each square foot in place and accepted. No payment for sod shall be made until the Contractor provides the City a healthy, properly placed stand of grass. 32 SEEDING Seed, or seed and rnulch, shall only be used when specified for certain demolition projects. The seed and/or mulch shall be placed as called for on the plans in the following manner. The area to be seeded shall be brought to the required lin� and grade, fertilized and seeded in basic conformance with the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Speci�cations Sections 570, 981, 982 and 983. However, no wildflower seed shall be used, and Argentine Bahia Seed shall be used instead of Pensacola Bahia. No sprigging will be required. Also, the addition of 20 lb. oF Rye Seed (to tota160 lb, of seed per acre) will be required during the stated periods. It is also required that the Contractor maintain said seed until grawth is assured. When this work is given as a bid item, the item shall cover all labor, material, equipment (including water), required for this work, and shall be paid for on the basis of each square yard in place and accepted. If called for on the plans, but not shown as a bid item, then the cost of such work as stated above shall be included in the cost of ather work. 33 STORM MANHOLES INLETS CATCH BASINS OR OTHER STORM STRUCTURES For details on specific design of a type of storm structure refer to Part B Index Numbers 200 to 235. When required, inlets, catch basins or other structures shall be constructed according to the plans and applicable parts of the speci .fications, Section Numbers 7, 8, & 9, and as appraved by the Engineer. Said structures shall be protected and saved from damage by the elements or ather causes until acceptance of the work. 33.1 BUILT UP TYPE STRUCTURES Manholes shall be constructed af brick with cast iron frames and covers as shown on the Index Numbers 201 and 202. Invert channels shall be constructed smooth and semi circular in shape conforming to inside of adjacent sewer section. Changes in directian of flow shall be made in a smooth curve of as large a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. Invert channels shall be built up with brick and martar on top of concrete base. The storm structure floor outside of channels shall be made srtaooth and slaped toward channels. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Joints shall be completely filled and the rnortar shall be smoothed frorn inside of the manholes. The entire exterior of brick manholes shall be plastered with one half inch of mortar. Brick shall be laid radially with every sixth course being a stretcher caurse. In cases where � storm pipe extends inside a structure, the excess pipe will be cut off with a cancrete saw and shall not be removed with a sledge hammer. SectionIV.doc Page 56 of 128 4/11/2011 1 L1 1 Section IV �-Technical Specitications 33.2 PRECAST TYPE The manhole base shall be set on a pad of dry native sand approximately five inches thick to secure proper seating and bearing. Precast Manholes and Junction Boxes: Th� Contractor rnay substitute precast manholes and ' junction boxes in lieu of cast in place units unless otherwise shown on the plans. Precast Inlets will not be acceptable. When precast units are substituted, the construction of such units must be in accordance with ASTM C 478, or the standard speci�cations at the manufacturers option. ' Precast structures must also meet the requirement that on the lateral faces, either inside ar outside, the distance between precast apenings for pipe or precast opening and top edge of precast structure be no less than wall thickness. A minimum of four courses of brick will be ' provided under manhole ring so that future adjustment of manhole lid can be accommodated. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Manhole using O ring between precast sections will not be acceptable for storm structures. 33.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for Junction Boxes, Manholes or other structures shall be on a unit basis. 34 MATERIAL USED This article deleted. See SECTIDN III, ARTICLE 19 — MATERIAL USED. 35 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 20 — CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 36 STREET SIGNS The removal, covering or relocation of street signs by the Contractor is PROHIBITED. ' All street signs shall be removed, covered or relocated by the City's Traffic Engineering Division in accordance with Sections 700, 994, 995, and 996 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 1 1 r� ' The Contractar shall notify the City's Traf�ic Engineering Division a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the proposed sign relocation, covering or rernoval. 37 AUDIONIDEO RECORDING OF WORK AREAS 37.1 CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUDIONIDEO RECORDING Prior to commencing work, the Cantractor shall have a continuous color audio/video recording taken along the entire length of the Project including all affected project areas. Streets, easements, rights-of-way, lots or canstruction sites within the Project must be recorded to serve as a record of a pre-construction conditions. 37.2 SCHEDULING OF AUDIONIDEO RECORDING The video recordings shall not be made more than twenty-one (21) days prior to construction in any area. SectionIV.doc Page 57 of 128 4/ 1 I /2011 Section IV — Technical 5pecifications 37.3 PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHERS The Contractor shall engage the services of a professianal videographer. The color audio videotapes shall be prepared by a responsible commercial �rm known to be skilled and regularly engaged in the business of pre-construction color audio-video recording documentation. 37.4 EQUIPMENT All equipment, accessories, materials and labor to perform this service shall be furnished by the Contractor. The total audio video system shall reproduce bright, sharp, clear pictures with accurate colars and shall be free frorn distortion, tearing, rolls ar any other form of imperfection. The audio portion af the recarding shall reproduce the commentary of the camera operator with proper volume, clarity and be free frorn distortion and interruptions. In sozne instances, audio video coverage may be required in areas not accessible by conventianal wheeled vehicles. Such coverage shall be obtained by walking. 37.5 RECORDED INFORMATION, AUDIO Each recording shall begin with the current date, projecC name and be %llowed by the general location, i.e., viewing side and direction of progress. Accompanying the video recording of each video shall be a carresponding and simultaneously recorded audio recording. This audio recarding, exclusively containing the coznmentary of the camera operatar or aide, shall assist in viewer orientation and in any needed identification, differentiation, clarification, or objective description of the features being shown in the video partian of the recording. The audio recording shall also be free from any conversations. 37.6 RECORDED INFORMATION VIDEO All video recordings must continuously display transparent digital information to include the date and time of recording. The date information shall contain the manth, day and year. The time infarmation shall contain the haur, minutes and seconds. Additional information shall be displayed periodically. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, project name, contract number, dir�ction of travel and the viewing side. This transparent information shall appear on the extreme upper left hand third of the screen. Camera pan, tilt, zoom-in and zoom out rates shall be sufficiently controlled such that recorded objects will be clearly viewed during videotape playback. In addition, all other camera and recording system controls, such as lens focus and aperture, video level, p�destal, chrome, white balance, and electrical focus shall be properly controlled or adjusted to maximize picture quality. The construction documentation shall be recorded in SP mode. 37.7 VIEWER ORIENTATION The audio and video portions of the recording shall maintain viewer orientation. To this end, overall establishing views of all visible l�ouse and business addresses shall be utilized. In areas where the proposed construction location will not be readily apparent to the videotape viewer, highly visible yellow flags shall be placed, by the Contractor, in such a fashion as to clearly indicate the proposed centerline af construction. When canventional wheeled vehicles are used as conveyances for the recording systern, the vertical distance between the camera lens and the ground shall not exceed 10 feet. The camera shall be firmly mounted such that transport of the camera during the recording process will not cause an unsteady picture. SectionlV.doc Page SS of 128 4/11/2011 1 ' 1 1 ' Section IV — Technical Specifications 37.8 LIGHTING All recording shall be done during time of good visibility. No taping shall be done during precipitation, mist or fa�. The recording shall only be done when sufficient sunlight is present to properly illuminate the subjects of recording and to produce bright, sharp video recordings of those subjects. 37.9 SPEED OF TRAVEL The average rate af travel during a particular segment of coverage shall be directly proportional to the number, size and value of the surface features within that construction areas zone of influence. The rate of speed in the general direction of travel of the vehicle used during taping shall not exceed forty-four (44) feet per minute. 37.10 VIDEO LOG/INDEX ' All videotapes shall be permanently labeled and shall be properly identi�ed by videotape number and project title. Each videotape shall have a log of that videotape's contents. The log shall describe the various segments of coverage contained on the video tape in terms of the names of ' the streets or location of easements, coverage beginning and end, directions of coverage, video unit counter numb�rs, engineering survey or coordinate values (if reasonably available) and the date. 37.11 AREA OF COVERAGE Tape coverage shall include all surface features located within the zone of influence of '' construction supported by appropriate audio covera.ge. Such caverage shall include, but not be limited to, existing driveways, sidewalks, curbs, pavements, drainage system features, rnailboxes, landscaping, culverts, fences, signs, Cantractor staging areas, adjacent structures, etc. ' within the area covered by the project. Of particular concern shall be the existence of any faults, fractures, or defects. Taped cov�rage shall be limited to one side of the Site, street, easement or right afway at any one time. 37.12 COSTS OF VIDEO SERVICES ' The cast to complete the requireznents under this sectian shall be included in the contract items provided in the proposal sheet. There is no separate pay item for this work. � � : � � : �•�- � r • � , r_� � 1•�- � i � r_r � � • � , «• � , r � : z• � � 38.1 STABILIZATION OF DENUDED AREAS ', No disturbed area may be denuded for more than thirty (30) calendar days unless otherwise autharized by the City Engineer. During construction, denuded areas shall be covered by mulches such as straw, hay, filter fabric, seed and mulch, sod, or some other permanent ' vegetation. Within sixty (60) calendar days after final grade is established on any portion of a project site, that portion of the site shall be provided with established permanent soil stabilization measures per the ariginal site plan, whether by impervious surface or landscaping. 1 1 SectionlV.doc Page 59 of 128 4/11/2Q1 I 3ection IV — Technical Specitications 38.2 PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION �F SOIL STOCKPILES Fill material stockpiles shall be protected at all times by on-site drainage controls which prevent erosion of the stockpiled material. Control of dust firom such stockpiles may be required, depending upon their location and the expected length of time the stockpiles will be present. In no case shall att unstabilized stockpile remain after thirty (30) calendar days. 38.3 PROTECTION QF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEMS During construction, all storm sewer inlets in the vicinity of the project shall be protected by sediment traps such as secured hay bales, sod, stone, etc., which shall be maintained and madified as required by construction progress, ar►d which must be approved by the City Engineer before installation. 38.4 SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES Sediment basins and traps, perimeter berms, filter fences, berms, sediment barriers, ve�etative buffers and other measures intended to trap sediment and/or prevent the transport of sediment onto adjacent properties, or into existing water bodies; must be installed, constructed, or, in the case af vegetative buffers, protected from disturbance, as a iirst step in the land alteration process. Such systems shall be fully operative and inspected by the City before any other disturbance of the site begins. Earthen structures including but not limited to berms, earth filters, dams or dikes shall be stabilized and protected frorn drainage damage ar erosion within one week of installation. 38.5 SEDIMENTATION BASINS Areas oi 3 acres or rnore shall be required to have temporary sediznentation basins as a positive remedy against downstream siltation and will be shown and detailed an construction plans. During development, permanent detention areas may be used in place of silt basins, provided they are maintained to the satisfaction of the City. The Contractor will be required to prohibit discharge of silt through the outfall structure during construction of any detention area and will be required to clean out the detention area before installing any permanent subdrain pipe. In addition, permanent detentian areas must be totally cleaned out and operating praperly at final inspection and at the end of the one year warranty period. When temporary sedimentation basins are used, they shall be capable at all times of contain-ing at least one (1) cubic foot af sediment for each one hundred (100) square feet af area tributary to the basin. Such capacity shall be rnaintained throughout the project by regular removal of sediment from the basin. 38.6 WORKING IN OR CROSSING WATERWAYS OR WATERBODIES Land alteration and construction shall be minimized in both permanent and intermittent waterways and tlae immediately adjacent buf�'er of 25 feet from top af bank of the waterways and the buffer area whenever possible, and barriers shall be used to prevent access. Where in channel work cannot be avoided, precautions must be taken to stabilize the work area during land alteration, development and/or construction to minimize erasian. If the channel and buffer area are disturbed during land alteratian, they must be stabilized within three (3) calendar days after the in channel work is completed. SectioniV.doc Page 60 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 ' 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications Silt curtains or other filter/siltation reductian devices must be installed on the downstream side of the in channel alteration activity to eliminate impacts due to increased turbidity. Wherever stream crossings are required, properly sized temporary culverts shall be provided by the contractor and removed when construction is completed. The area of the crossing shall be restored to a condition as nearly as possible equal to that which existed prior to any construction activity. 38.7 SWALES, DITCHES AND CHANNELS All swales, ditches and channels leading from the site shall be sodded within three (3) days of , excavation. All other interior swales, etc., including detantion areas will be sodded prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ' 38.8 UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION The constructian af undergraund utility lines and other structures shall be done in accordance with the following standards: a. No more than 4001ineal feet of trench shall be apen at any one time; b. Wherever cansistent with safety and space consideration, excavated material shall be cast �' to the uphill side of trenches. Trench material shall not be cast into or onto the slope o�' any strearn, channel, road ditch or waterway. 1 ' , 1 , r� 38.9 MAINTENANCE All erasion and siltation control devices shall be checked regularly, especially after each rainfall and will be cleaned out and/or repaired as required. 38.10 COMPLIANCE Failure to comply with the aforementioned requirements may result in a f ne and/or more stringent enforcement procedures such as (but not limited ta) issuance af a"Stap Work Order". City of Clearwater Standard Detail Drawings No. 601 and 607 are examples of accepted methods that may be used or required to cantrol erosion and siltation. SectionlV.dac Page 61 af 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Specifications City of Clearwater - Erosion Control This notice is to inform the prime contractor that the City of Clearwater holds them responsible for soil erosion control on their site. The City of Clearwater Engineering Department has the responsibility to rninimize the amount of sail erosion into the City's streets, storm sewers and waterways. The construction of a new residence or comrnercial site and major remodeling of an existing site creates a potential for sail erosion. These instances are usually the result of contractars and subcontractors accessing the property with equipment or construction materials. Then rain storms redistribute the eroded soil into the adjacent streets, storm systems and waterways. When erosion takes place, a City Inspector will place a correction notice at the site. The procedure will be as follows: 1 st occu�-rence - Warning 2nd occurrence - $32 Re-inspection Fee 3rd occurrence - $80 Re-inspection Fee 4th occurrence - Stop Work Order Dependent on the severity of the erosion, the City's Engineering Department may elect to rectify the erosian problem and charge the contractor accordingly. The attached drawings and details are recommendations for the contractor to use as m�ans ta support the site from eroding. The contractor may elect to shovel and sweep the street daily or on an as needed basis. However, �rosion tnust be held in check. If the contractor would like to meet with a City inspector on any particular site, please contact Construction Services at 562-4750 or Planning & Development Services at 562-4741. Erosion Cantrol Required - City of Clearwater's Code of Ordinances requires erosion control on all land development projects. Erosion control must be in place and maintained througk�out the job. Failure to do so may result in additional costs and time delays ta the permit holder. Contact Engineering Department with specific questions at 562-4750. SectionIV.doc Page 62 of 128 4/11/2011 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Seciian IV — Technicai Specifications CITY OF CLEARWATER NOTICE UF EROSION VIOLATI�N UNDER SECTION 3-701 (DIVISION 7— EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL} OF THE C�TY O� CLEARWATER CODE OF ORDINANCES, THIS SITE HAS BEEN FOUND IN VIOLATION. THIS SITE MUST BE RESTORED TO AN EROSION CONTROLLED SITE PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER DEVELOPMENT TO CONTINUE. Warning $32.00 Re-inspection Fee $80.00 Re-inspection Fee Stop Wark Order DATE POSTED: Inspector's Name: Inspector's Signature: CITY �F CLEARWATER PLANNING & DEVELUPMENT SERVICES 727 562-4741 & ENGINEERINGICONSTRUCTION 727 562-4750 Recei�ed by: (Signature indicates only a copy of this notice has been recei�ed and does not in any way indicate admission of guilt or concurrence with findings of the inspector.} IT I5 A VIOLATIOM TO REMOVE THIS NOTICE ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON REMOVING THIS SIGN WILL BE PROSECUTED SectionIV.doc Page 63 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Specitications 39 UTILITY TIE IN LOCATION MARKING Th� tie in locations for utility laterals of water, sanitary sewer, and gas shall be plainly rnarked on the back of the curb. Marking placed on the curb shall be perpendicular with respect to the curb of the tie in location on the utility lateral. Marks shall not be placed on the curb where laterals cross diagonally under the curb. The tie in location shall be the end of the utility lateral prior to service connection. Markings shall be uniform in size and shape and colors in. conformance with the code adopted by the Arxierican Public Works Association as follows: SAF'ETY RED Electric power, distribution & transmission Municipal Electric Systems HIGH VISIBILITY SAFETY YELLOW Gas Distribution and Transmission Oil Distribution and Transmission Dangerous Materials, Praduce Lines, Steam Lines SAk'ETY ALERT ORANGE Telephone and Tele�raph Systems Police and Fire Communicatians Cable Television SAFETY PRECAUTION BLUE Water Systems Slurry Pipe Lines SAFETY GREEN Sewer Systems LAVENDER RECLAIMED WATER WHITE PROPOSED EXCAVATION Marks placed on curbs shall be rectangular in shape and placed with ihe long dirnension perpendicular to the flow line of the curb. Marks placed on valley gutter and modifed curb shall be 6-inch x 3-inch and placed at the back of the curb. Marks placed on State Road and vertical curb shall be �-inch X 2-inch and be placed on the curb face. 40 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SC,HEDULE AND GUARANTEE �_ This article not used. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 24 — AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE. 41 POTABLE WATERMAINS,_RECLAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES 41.1 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all plant, labar, materials ar�d equipment to perform all operations in connection with the construction of potable water mains, reclaimed water mains and appurtenances including clearing, excavation, trenching, backfilling and clean up. SectioniV.doc Page 64 of 128 4/11/2011 , 1 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications 41.2 MATERIALS 41.2.1 GENERAL Materials, equipment and supplies furnished and permanently incorporated into the project shall be of first quality in every respect and shall be constructed and finished to high standards of workmanship. Materials shall be suitable for service intended, shall reflect madern design and engineering and shall be fabricated in a frrst class workmanlike manner. All materials, equipment and supplies shall be new and shall have nat been in service at any time previous to installation, except as required in tests or incident to installation. Machined metal surfaces, exposed bearings and glands shall be pratected against grit, dirt, chemical corrosion and other darnaging effects during shipment and construction. 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALS AND FITTINGS !3�F#�i��1�L��l��l:l•]►�:71�� Ductile Iron Pipe shall be in accordance with ANSUAW WA C 151/A21.51 S 1 or latest revision. Pipe thickness class, wall thickness and working pressure shall conform to the following table; Size Class Thickness R�ted Water Working Pressure (In.) (PSI) �" S 1 0.26 350 6" 50 0.25 350 8" 50 �.27 350 12" 50 0.31 350 ThE trench laying condition shall be Type 2, Flat bottom trench backfill lightly consolidated to centerline of pipe. 1'ipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 81 or latest revision. Pipe shall be asphalt coated on the autside and standard cement lined and sealed coated with approved bituminous seal coat in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 80 or latest revision. 41,2.2.2 POLYVINYL. CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE Palyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 4-inch through 8-inch shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA ' C900 or latest revisian and the American Saciety far Testing Materials (ASTM) Standard D 2241 and PVC Resin Compound conforming to ASTM Specification D 17$4. ' 1 1 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe shall have the same O.D. as Cast and Ductile Iran Pipe and be compatible for use without special adapters with Cast Iron Fittings. Pipe dimensian ratio, working pressure and laying length shall conform to the following table: SectionIV.doc Page 65 of l28 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications Size Dimension Ratio Rated Water Working Pressure Laying Length (OD/Thick.) (PSI) (Ft) 4 18 150 20 6 18 150 20 S 18 150 20 Pipe larger than 8-inch shall be ductile iron. The City Engineer reserves the right to require the use of ductile iron in sizes 4-inch through 8-inch when needed due to laying conditions or usage. The bell of 4-inch and larger PVC pipe shall consist of an inte�ral wall section with a solid cross section elastomeric ring which meets the xequirements afASTM D 1869. Each length of pipe shall bear identification that will rernain legible during normal handling, storage and installation and so designate the testing agency that verified the suitability of the pipe material for potable water service. All polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be laid with two (2) strands of insulated 12 gauge A.W.G solid strand capper wire taped to the tap of each joint af pipe with about 1 S-inches between each piece of tape. It is to be installed at every valve box through a 2-inch PVC pipe to l 2-inches minimum above the top af the concrete slab. The 2-inch PVC pipe shall be the same length as the adjustable valve box, and the 2-inch PVC pipe shall be plugged with a 2-inch remavable brass plug with recessed nut. Tl�is wire is to be continuous with splices mad� anly by direct bury 3M brand splic� kit approved by the Engineer. This wire is to be secured to all valves, tees and elbows. FITTINGS AND JDINTS Fitting from 4-inch through 16-inch in size will be campact ductile iron cast in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C 153/A 21.53 with mechanical joint bells. Bolts, nuts and gaskets shall be in accordance with requirements ofANSI/AWWA C153/A 21.53. The working pressure rating shall be 350 P.S.I. Ductile iron fittings shall be coated and lined in accordance with require requirements af ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. Mechanical joint glands shall be ductil� iron in accordance with ANSI/AW WA C 111 /A 21.11. When reference is made to ANST/AW WA Standards, the latest revisions apply. Only those .f.tttitags and accessories that are of domestic (USA) manufacture will be acceptable. RESTRAINT Restraint of plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc., shall be accomplished by the use of approved mechanical restraining rings or glands installed per manufacturers recommendations. Hydrants shall be restrained by th� use of swivel connecting joints. Restraining mechanical joint glands on hydrants shall be used only where hydrant runout length precludes the use of swivel joint connectors. PIPE WITHIN CASING All pipe placed within casings shall be slip joint ductile iron restrained by the use of restraining gaskets designed for use with the particular joint being installed and have properly sized casing spacers (Cascade Series) installed on the pipe so that the pipe will be centered within the casing. SectionIV.doc Page 66 of 128 4/11/2011 [l 1 1 Sectipn IV — Technical 5pecifications Each end of the casing shall be prop�rly sealed to prevent the intrusion of soil, water, or debris within the casing itself. Tt shall be sealed by brick and mortar, cement or any approved rnethod by the Engineer. 41.2.3 GATE VALVES ' Discs of valves shall be aperated by methods which will allow operation in any position with respect to the vertical. Gate valves for interior piping or exposed above grade outside structures, shall be handwheel operated with rising stems. Valves 4-inches and larger, buried in earth shall ' be equipped with 2-inch square operating nuts, valve boxes and covers. Valves shall be ftted with joints suitable for the pipe with which they are to be used. The direction of opening for all valves shall be to the left (caunter clockwise). ' ' ' ' ' 1 Pressure Rating: Unless otherwise shown or specified, valves for high pressure service shall be rated at not less than 150 psi cold water, nonshock. The manufacturer's name and pressure rating shall be cast in raised letters on the valve body. Installation: Tnstallation shall be in accordance with good standard practice. Exposed pipelines shall b� so supparted that their weight is not carried through valves. Twa Inch Diameter and small�r: Not allowed. These should be approved ball valves. Three Inch Diameter: Not allowed. Four Inch to Sixteen Inch Diarneter: Gate Valves, 4 to 16-inch diameter, inclusive, shall be resilient seated gate valves encapsulated with EPDM Rubber in conformance with ANSI/A.W.W.A. Standard Specification C509-515 latest revision. These valves shall include the following features cansistent with C509-515, full opening unobstructed waterway, zero leakage at 200 p.s.i. differential pressure, all internal parts removable fram bonnet without removir►g body from pressure main, corrosian resistent bronze ar stainless steel nonrising stern with O ring bonnet seal with epoxy coated inside and outside cast iron or ductile iron valve body.. Larger than Sixteen Inch Diameter: Gate valves larger than 16-inch shall be suitable for the service intended and shall be resilient seated gate valves encapsulated with EPDM rubber in conformance with ANSI/AWWA. These valves shall include the following features consistent with C509-80, full opening unobstructed waterway, zero leakage at 200 psi differential pressure. All valves shall be equipped with steel cut bevel gears, extended type gear case and rollers, bronze or babbitt tracks and scrapers and valv�d by-pass. 41.2.4 VALVE BOXES Valve boxes shall be of standard extension design and manufacture and shall be made of cast iron. No PVC Risers or Derisers �re allowed as part of a valve box assernbly. They are to be 3- ' piece valve box assembles. The lawer part af the assembly can be ordered in variaus hei�;hts ta accommodate dif�erent depths. Suitable sizes of valve boxes and extension pieces shall be provided where shown. The valve box cover shall be of cast iron. Valve boxes and their ' installation shall be included in the bid price far valves. Refer ta City Index No. 402; Sheet 1 of 5& Sheet 2 af S for potable water valve pad detail, and City Index No. 502; Sheet 1 of 2& Sheet 2 of 2 for reclaimed water valve boxes and pad detail. �J ' SectionIV.doc Page 67 of 128 4/11/2011 Section iV -- Technical Specifications 41.2.5 HYDRANTS No other hydrants, ather than those listed below, may be used in extension to or replacement of the City of Clearwater potable water system: • Kennedy Guardian #K 8lD Fire Hydrant, � Mueller Super Centurion 25 Fire Hydrant • AVK Nostalgic 2780. � American Darling B-84-S. No substitutions shall be allowed without the approval of the City of Clearwater. Above hydrants shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the AWWA Speci�cation C 502 and include the following modifications: l. All shiprnents to be palletized and tailgate daliv�ry. 2. Hydrants shall conform to A.W.W.A. Standard G502 latest revision and must be UL/FM listed. 3. Hydrants shall be of the compressian type, closing with line pressure. 4. The operating threads will be contained in an operating chamber sealed at the top and bottom with an O-ring seal. The chamber will contain a lubricating grease or oil. 5. Hydrants shall be of the traffic rnodel breakaway type, with the barrel made in two sections with the break flange located approximately 2-inch above the ground line. Sreakaway bolts not allowed. 6. Operating nut shall be of one-piece bronze or ductile iron construction, 7. A dirt shield shall be provided to protect the operating mechanism from grit buildup and corrosion due to moisture. 8. A thrust washer shall be supplied between the operating nut and stem lock nut to fiacilitate operation. 9. Operating nut shall be a#7 (1-1/2-inch) pentagon nut. 10. Nozzles shall be of the tamper resistant, 1/4 turn type with O-ring seals or threaded into upper barrel. Nozzles shall be retained with a stainless steel locking device. 11. The main valve shall be of EPDM solid rubber. 12. The seat shall be of a bronze rittg threaded to a bronze insert in the hydrant shoe, with O- rings to seal the barrel from leakage of water in the shoe. 13. The main valve stem will be 304 or higher grade stainless steel and made in two sections with a breakable caupling. 14. Hydrant shall have a 6-inch Mechanical Jaint epoxy lined elbow, less accessories. 15. Hydrant shall have a 5-1/4-inch valve opening, and shall be a left hand operation to open. 1 b. Hydrant shall be without drains. 17. Hydrant shall have two (2) 2-1/2-inch hose nozzles and one (1) 4-1/2-inch pumper nozzle. Threads shall be in accordance with the National Standard Hose Coupling Thread Specifications. SectionIV.doc Page 68 of 128 4/11/2q11 [� ' l-1 ' 1 Section IV — Technical 5pecifications 18. Hydrant body shall have a factory finish of yellow paint. All paints shall comply with AWWA standard C-502-85 or latest revision. All hydrants will be shop tested in accordance with the latest AW WA Specification C 502, Constrained joint assemblies shall be used which have bolted mechanical and swivel joints from the hydrant tee through to the hydrant. Constrained joints shall absorb all thrust and prevent movement of the hydrant. All hydrants shall be provided with an auxiliary gate valve so that the water to the hydrant may be shut off withaut the necessity vf closing any other valve in the distribution system. No hydrants shall be installed on the reclaimed water system unless approved by the City af Clearwater's Engineering Department. r � r.��� : i � � t � �� � • � • � � �- � ' Service saddles shall be used on all sarvice taps to 4-inch P.V.C. water main. The largest service connection allowable on 4-inch rnain shall be 1-1/2-inch. Service saddles shall be used on all 2- inch service connections to 6-inch and larger mains. Service saddles (JCM 406 series or Ford FC ' 2p2 series) shall be wide bodied ductile iron with epoxy or nylon coating and shall have stainless steel straps. 1 1 L� 1 41.2.7 TESTS, INSPECTION AND REPAIRS 1. All rnaterials shall be tested in accordance with the applicable Federal, ASTM or AWWA Specification and basis af rejection shall be as specified therein. Certified copies of the tests shall be submitted with each shipment of materials. 2. All rnaterials will be subject to inspection and approved by the Engineer after delivery; and no broken, cracked, misshapen, imperfectly coated or otherwise damaged or unsatisfactory rnaterial shall be used. 3. All material found during the progress of the w�rk to have cracks, flaws, or other defects shall be rejected and promptly removed from the site. 4. If damage occurs to any pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants or water main accessories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to the Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall prescribe conective repairs or rejection of the damaged items. 41.2.8 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS 1 The City of Clearwater owns and maintains all backflow prevention devices that are installed within their system. Therefore, any and all devices must be purchased from the City and installed by City work forces. 1 1 ' 1 Backflow prevention devices installed on customer's service lines at the point of delivery (service connection) shall be of a type in accordance with AWWA specification C506 or latest revision. Two (2) different types of backflow prevention devices are allowed. Type of device, when required, is determined by the degree af hazard presented to the municipal water system from passible backflow of water within the customers private system. The types of devices allowed are: SectionIV.dac Page 69 af 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technic�l 3pecifications 1. Double Check Valve Assembly a device composed of two single, independently acting, approved check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the watertightness of each check valve. 2. Reduced pressure princip1e backflow prevention device a device containing a minimum of two independently acting, approved check valves, together with an automatically operated pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. The unit rnust include tightly closing shutaff valves locat�d at each end of the device, and each device shall be �tted with praperly located test cocks. 41.2.9 TAPPING SLEEVES Steel bady tapping sleeves shall be JCM �ndustries Inc., JCM 412 or Smith-Blair 622. All steel body tapping sleeves sha11 have heavy welded ASTM A 285, Grade C steel body, stainless steel bolts, manufacturer's epoxy coated body, and 3/4-inch bronze test plug, 41.2.10 BLOW OFF HYDRANTS Blow offs are not allowed. 41.3 CONSTRUCTION 41.3.1 MATERIAL HANDLING Fipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and accessories shall be loaded and unloaded by lifting with hoists or skidding so as to avoid shock or damage. Under no circumstances shall such materials be droppad. Pipe kaandled on skidways shall not be skidded rolled against pipe already on the ground. 2. Pipe shall be so handled that the coating and lining will not be damaged. If, however, any part of the coating or lining is damaged, the repair shall be made by the Contractor at his expense in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 3. In distributing the material at the site of the work, each piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where it is to be laid in the trench. 41.3.2 PIPE LAYING ALIGNMENT AND GRADE The pipe shall be laid and maintained to the required lines and grades with fittings, valves and hydrants at the required locations, spigots centered in bells; and all valves and hydrant stems plumb. All pipe installed shall be pigged and properly blown off before any pressure testing and sterilization af the pipe can be completed. The depth of cover over the water main shall be a minimum of 30-inches and a maximum of 42- inches below �nished grade, except where approved by the Engineer to avoid canflicts and obstructions. Whenever obstructions not shown on the plans are encountered during the progress of the work and interfere to such an extent that an alteration of the plans is required, the Engineer shall have the authority to change the plans and order a deviation from the line and grade or arrange with the Owners of the structures for the removal, relocation, or reconstruction of the obstructians. SectionIV.doc Page 70 of 128 4/11/2011 ' ' Section IV —Technical Specifications INSTALLATION Proper implements, toals, and facilities satisfactory to the Engin�er shall be provided and used ' by the Contractor for the safe and convenient performance of the work. All pipe, �ttings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by rneans of a derrick, ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment in such a rnanner as to prevent damage to materials ' and pratective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall materials be dropped or dumped in the trench. ' If damage occurs to any pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants ar accessories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to tha Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall prescribe corrective repairs or rejection of the damaged items. ' All pipe and fittings shall be carefully examined for cracks and other defects while suspended above the trench immediately be%re installation in final position. Spigot ends shall be exarnined with particular care as this area is the most vulnerable to damage from handling. Defective pipe ' or fittings shall be laid aside for inspection by the Engineer who will prescribe corrective r�pairs or rejection. All lumps, blisters, and excess coating shall be removed from the bell and spigot end of each t pipe, and the outside of the spigot and the inside af the bell shall be wire brushed and wiped clean and dry and fr�e fram oil and grease before the pipe is laid. Pipe joints shall be made up in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 1 1 ' ' Every precaution shall b� taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the line. If the pipe laying crew cannot put the pipe into the trench and in place without getting earth into it, the Engineer may require that, before lowering the pipe into the trench, a heavy, woven canvas bag af suitable size shall be placed over each end and lef� there until the connection is to be rnade to the adjacent pipe. During laying operation, no debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backiill material tamped under it except at the bells. Precautions shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint space. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be clased by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Engineer. The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fttings, or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe or cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of laying unless directed otherwise by the ' Engineer. Where pipe is laid on the grade of 10 per cent or greater, the laying shall start at bottom and shall proceed upward with the bell ends of the pipe upgrade. Wherever it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal ' plane to avoid obstructions or to plumb stems; or where long radius curves are permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that allowed under the latest edition of ANSI/AWWA C600-82 and C900 81 or latest revisions. lJ 1 No pipe shall be laid when, in the opinion of the Engineer, trench conditians are unsuitable. SectionIV.doc Page 7l of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV —1"echnical Specif cations 41.3.3 . SETTING OF VALVES, HYDRANTS AND FITTINGS GENERAL Valves, hydrants, fittings, plugs and caps shall be set and joined to pipe in the manner specified above for installation of pipe. VALVES Valves in water mains shall, where possible, be located on the street property lines extended unless shawn otherwise on the plans. All valves shall be installed at the tee in all cases, not to �xceed 18-inches from the main line. The valve box shall not transmit any shock or stress to the valve and shall be centered and plumb over the wrench nut of the valve, with the box cover flush with the surface of the �nished pavement or such other level as may be directed. Refer to City Tndex No. 402; Sheet 1 of 5& Sheet 2 of 5 for potable water valve pad detail, and City Tndex No. 502; Sheet 1 of 2& Sheet 2 of 2 for reclaimed water valve box and pad detail. HYDRANTS Hydrants shall be located as shown or as directed so as to provide complete accessibility and minimize the possibility of damage from vehicles or injury to pedestrians. All hydrants located 10-feet of more from the main shall have a gate valve at the main and another gate valve at the hydrant locatian. No valve can be located anywhere in the hydrant run to circumvent the use of two valves. Refer to City Index No. 402; Sheet 5 of 5 for potable water hydrants. No hydrants shall be installed on the reclaimed water system unless approved by the City of Clearwater's Engineering Department. All hydrants shall stand plumb and shall have their nozzles parallel with, or at right angles to, the curb, with the pumper nozzle facing the curb. Hydrants shall be set to the established grade, with nozzles as shown or as directed by the Engineer. Each hydrant shall. be connected to the main with a 6-inch ducCile iron branch controlled by an independent 6 inch gate valve. ANCHORAGE Movement of all plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc., unless otherwise specified shall be prevented by attaching approved mechanical restraining rings or glands and installed per manufacturers recomnnendations. Hydrants shall be held in placa with restrained swivel joints. Restraining mechanical joint glands on hydrants may be used where hydrant runout length precludes the use of hydrant connecting swivel joints. Where special anchorage is required, such anchorage shall be in accordance with details shown on Che plans. 41.3.4 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING LINES Where shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, the water lines constructed under this contract shall be connected to the existing lines naw in place. No such connection shall be made until all requireznents of the specifications as to tests, flushing, and sterilization have been met and the plan oithe cut in to the existing line has been approved by the Engineer. SectionlV.doc Page 72 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications Where connections are made between new work and . existing work, the connections shall be made in a thorough and workmanlike manner using proper mat�rials and fittings to suit the actual conditions. All iittings shall be properly sterilized and pipe will be properly swabbed befare connections to existing facilities. All cannections to existing facilities will be campleted under the supervision of the City of Clearwater Water Division. 41.4 TESTS 41.4.1 HYDROSTATIC TESTS After installation of water mains, complete with all associated appurtenances including service taps, all sectians of newly laid main shall be subject to a hydrostatic pressure test �f 1S0 pounds per square inch for a period af two (2) hours and shall conform ta AWWA C600 latest revision. All mains shall be pigged and flushed to remove all sand and other foreign matter before any hydrostatic test can or will be performed. The pressure test shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The pump, pipe cannection and all necessary apparatus, together with operating persannel, shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor shall make all necessary taps into the pipe line. The Owner will furnish the water for the test. Before applying the test pressure, all air shall be expelled from th� pipe line. 41.4.2 N�TICE OF TEST The Cantractor shall give the City of Clearwater's Owner Representative 48-hours advance notice of the time when the installation is ready for hydrostatic testing. 41.5 STERILIZATION Sefvre the system is put into operation, all water mains and appurtenances and any item of new construction with which the water comes in contact, shall be thoroughly sterilized in accardance with AW WA C651. 41.5.1 STERILIZING AGENT The sterilizing agent shall b� liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite solution conforming to F�deral Specification 0 S 602B, Grade D, or dry hypachlorite, cornmonly known as "HTH" or "Perchloron". 41.5.2 FLUSHING SYSTEM Prior ta the application of the sterilization agent, all mains shall be tharaughly flushed. Flushing shall continue until a clean, clear stream of water flows fram the hydrants. Where hydrants are not available for flushing, such flushing shall be accomplished at the installed blow off devices generally at the ends of the lines. 41.5.3 STERILIZATION PROCEDURE All piping, valves, fittings and all other appurtenances shall be sterilized with water containing a minimum chlorine concentration of 75 ppm at any point in the system. This solution shall then remain in the distribution system for a minimum contact period of eight (S) haurs and never more than 24 hours before it is flushed out. All valves in the lines being sterilized shall be opened and closed several times during the contact period. SectionIV.doc Page 73 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Spccifications 41.5.4 RESIDUAL CHLORINE TESTS After the sterilization outlined above has lieen accomplished, flushing shall cantinue until free residual chlorine tests not less than 0.2 ppm nor more than 3.0 ppm. Residual chlarine test shall be in accordance with standard methods using a standard DPD test set. 41.5.5 BACTERIAL TESTS After the water system has been sterilized and tharoughly flushed as specified herein, City of Clearwater Water Divisian or the Owner's Representative personnel shall take samples of water frotn remote points of the distribution system in suitable sterilized containers. The City shall forward the samples ta a laboratory certified by the Florida State Board of Health for bacterial examination in accordance with AWWA C651. If tests af such samples indicate the presence of coliform organisms, the sterilization as outlined above shall be repeated until tests indicate the absence of such pollution. The bacterial tests shall be satisfactorily completed before the system is placed in operation and it shall be the Contractor's respansibility to perform the sterilization as outlined above. If inethods of sterilization differ materially from those outlined above, such methods shall be in accordance with directives of the Florida State Board of Health and all methods �mployed shall have the approval of that agancy. Defnite instructions as to the collection and shipment of samples shall be secured from the laboratory prior to sterilization and shall be follawed in all respects. The City of Clearwater shall secure clearance of the water main from the Florida Department af Environmental Protection before the water distribution system is put into aperation. 41.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 41.6.1 GENERAL Bids must include all sections and items as specified herein and as listed on the Bid Form. Payment for the work of constructing the project will be made at the unit price or lump sum payrnent far the items of wark as set forth in the Bid, which payment will constitute full compensation For all labor, equipment, and materials required to complete the work. No separate payment will be rnade for the following items and the cost of such work sha11 be included in the applicable pay items of work: + Clearing and grubbing • Excavation, including necessary pavement removal + Sharing and/or dewatering • Structural �11 • Backfill � Grading • Tracer wire • Re�ll materials • Joints materials • Tests and sterilization • Appurtenant work as required for a complete and operable system. SectionIV.doc Page 74 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 , ' 1 1 41.6.2 Section IV — Technical Specifications FURNISH AND INSTALL WATER MAINS MEASUREMENT The yuantity for payment shall be the actual number of feet of pipe of each size and type satisfactorily furnished and laid, as measured along the centerline af the completed pipe line, including the length of valves and fttings. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full c�rnpensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials and equipment, and canstructing the water mains camplete and ready far operation. 41.6.3 FURNISH AND INSTALL FITTINGS � MEASUREMENT ' The quantity for payment will be the number of tons, or decimal part thereof, of ductile iron fittings satisfactorily furnished and installed. Fitting weights shall be based on weights stamped on the body of the fitting, provided such weights do not exceed the thearetical weights by more ' than the tolerances permitted in ANSI/AWWA C110/A 21.10 82, latest revision, in which case, the weight will be based upon the theoretical weight plus the maximum tolerance. � ' ' , L� ' ' ' 1 ' ' PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and equipment required ta Furnish and install ductile iron fittings. 41.6.4 FURNISH AND INSTALL GATE VALVES COMPLETE WITH BOXES AND COVERS MEASUREMENT The quantity far payment shall be the number of gate valves of each size satisfactorily furnished and installed. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price for each size shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, material and equipment and installing the valve complete with box and cover. 41.6.5 FURNISH AND INSTALL FIRE HYDRANTS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the number of fire hydrants satisfactorily furnished and installed. The only hydrants allowed to be installed in the City of Clearwater utilities system are listed in Section 41.2.5. No exceptians. PAYMENT Payment af the applicable unit price shall be full compensation far furnishing all plant, labor, material and equipment and installing the fire hydrant complete including necessary thrust SectionIV.doc Page 75 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Speci6cations anchorage, 6-inch pipe between the main and the hydrant and gate valve and valve box on the hydrant lead. 42 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS This article not applicable. 43 TENNIS COURTS 43.1 PAVED TENNIS CDURTS 43.1.1 SOIL TREATMENTS All soil under courts shall be treated with DSMA 184 at the rate of 2 pounds active ingredieant per 1,000 square foot. Materials shall be brought to the job site in tagged containers. Tags shall be retained and turned into the Engineer's Off'ice. 43.1.2 BASE COURSE Base Course shall be Limerock 6" thick a£ter compaction. Specifications for the base shall be the same as those for Limerock in S�ction TV - Article 22 of the City of Clearwater Technical Speci�cations. Subgrade stabilizing will not be required. Surface shall be cut to within 1/2" of true grade in preparation af 1" leveling course. Prior to applying prime caat, surface shall be approved by the Engineer. 43.1.3 PRIME COAT The material used for prime coat shall be cut-back Asphalt Grade RC-70 ar RC-250 and shall conform to Section 300 of the F'lorida State Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction". 43.1.4 LEVELING COURSE A.Leve1ing Course shall be a minimum of 1" af Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as specified in Section 331 af FDOT's Standard Speci�cation (latest edition). The Leveling Course shall be constructed running East and West. Finish surface of leveling course shall not vary more than 1/4" when checked with a 10 foot straight edge. If a de�ciency of mare than '/4" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial wark shall be without compensation. 43.1.5 SURFACE COURSE Surface course shall be a minimum of 1" of Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as specified in Section 331 of FDOT's Standard Specification (latest edition). The Surface Course shall be constructed running North and South. Finish surfaces shall not vary more than 1/4" in 10 feet. Priar to application of color coat, surface shall be checked for low areas by flooding the surface with water. Low areas shall be patched as approved by the Engineer prior to application of the color coat. No areas which retain water will SectionIV.doc Page 76 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 �J 1 , �..J Section 1V — Technical Specifications be approved. If a deficiency of mare than '/4" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such rernedial work shall be without compensation. 43.1.6 COLOR COAT MATERIALS Materials used in the patching and color coating af Tennis Courts shall be manufactured specifically for Tennis Court Application. All materials must be approved by the Engineer prior to the start of construction. Request for approval of coating materials may be submitted prior to the opening of bids. In requests for appraval, the Contractor shall present manufacturer's literature along with the name, address, and date o�three previaus Tennis Court applications of the praposed material. CONSTRUCTION SURFACE PREPARATION The surface to be coated must be sound, smooth, and free from loose dirt or oily materials. Prior to the application of surfacing materials, the entire surface should be checked for minor depressions ar irregularities. If it is determined that minor corrections are necessary, the Contractor shall make repairs using appraved tack coat and/or patching mix in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for use. After patching the surface shall not vary more than 1/S" in ten feet in any direction. If a ' deficiency of more than 1/8" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial work shall be without compensation. ' 1 1 1 1 ln order to provide a smooth, dense underlayment of the finish course, one �r more applications of resurfacer or patch mix shall be applied to the underlaying surface as deemed necessary by the Engineer. Asphaltic concrete Surface Course with a srnooth tight rnix and no ponding, will not require the resurfacing or patching mix. Asphaltic Cancrete Surface Caurse which is course and rough or is ponding water will require the use of the resurfacer or patch mix. No applications shall be cavered by a succeeding application until thoroughly cured. FINISH COLOR COURSE The finish course shall be applied to a clean, dry surface in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. A minimum oitwo applications of color coat will be required. Texture of cured color coat is to be regulated in accordance with manufacturer's recornmendations to provide a medium speed surface for tennis play. The color of application shall be dark green for the regulation double's playing area and red for all other others. The finished surface shall have a uniform appearance and be free from ridges and taal marks. PLAYING LINES �orty-eight (48) hours minimum after campletion of the resurfacing, 2 inch wide playing lines shall be accurately located, marked and painted with approved marking paint. SectionIV.doc Page 77 of 128 4/11/2011 Section iV -- Technical Specifications WEATHER LIMITATIONS No parts of the construction involving Tennis Court surfacing or patching products shall be conducted during rainfall, or when rainfall is irnrninent or unless the air temperature is at least 50 Degree's F and rising. NOTE: The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a rninimum or 24 hours in advance of all base and asphalt related work. 43.2 CLAY TENNIS CQURTS 43.2.1 GENERAL 43.2,1.1 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equiprnent necessary for the installation of clay tennis court(s) as set forth in these speci�cations and /or the construction drawings. The scope of work is indicated on drawings and specified herein. Basis of design for clay courts with sub-surface irrigation system is Hydrogrid Tennis, Inc. or prior approved equal. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS The Owner may make such investigation as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the Bidder to perfarm the work and the Bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any Bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigations of such Bidders fail to satisfy the owner that such Bidder is properly quali�ed to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to camplete the work contemplated herein within the time lirnit agreed upon. Factors to be considered in awarding the Bid shall include the successful completion of similar sub-surface irrigation clay tennis court installations of like value, scope, size and quality as this project, with in the last five (5) years. The Owner desires to award this cantract to firms that have been in business for a zx�inimum of five (5) years. The qualifications and experience of the personnel assigned to the project will be a determining factor in the award of the Bid. STANDARDS The Contractor shall perform all wark in a thorough, workmanlike manner and conform to standards for tennis caurt constructian as prescribed or approved by the United States (Lawn) Tennis Association and the United States Tennis Court and Tract Builders Association. The Contractor shall construct the tennis courts with laser guided equipment. BUILDING PERMITS AND TAXES The Contractor shall secure all construction permits required by law, the City of Clearwater will waive all permit fees. COURT LAYOUT The Owner shall establish twa horizontal control points and a constructian bench mark. The Contractor shall locate the four corners of each battery and shall layout the courts in conformance with the specifications and drawings. SectioniV.doc Page 78 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications BUILDING REQUIREMENTS The Owner shall pravide and rnaintain reasonable access to the construction site, as well as an ' area adjacent to the site for storage and preparation of materials. Adequate water outlets within �fly (50) feet of the site shall be provided. C ' k � + � i k �� a :1 � � 1 � 1 � � l The Owner desires to award the contract to �rms who will complete this praject in a reasonable time schedule. Consideration in awarding this bid will be given to frms wha may commence and cotnplete the project within a reasonable period af tirne after award of the bid. The Owner, in its sole discretion, will determine the reasonable schedule standard as it relates to the "Notice to Proceed." 43.2.2 SITE PREPARATI�N !���+�iE��J�I_1=31,��'1 The Contractor shall examine the site to determine its suitability for installation of the courts. 43.�.2.2 DEMOLITION The contractor shall derno the existing tennis caurts, remove the existing ten (10) foot high fence surrounding the tennis courts and all underground utilities within the limits of the construction area. Utilities extending outside the construction limits shall be capped and terminated. The existing tennis caurts shall be ground into millings suitable to be mixed into the sub-grade at the proposed locatian af the new clay tennis courts. Any sub-grade material beneath the existing tennis courts not suitable for planting beds shall be removed and also utilized as sub-grade material beneath the new courts. All demolition materials not utilized in canstructian of the new courts shall be removed and disposed from the project site. The Contractor shall provide documentation of any recycled materials. C' k�+�+� � -` � � 1= � � 3 :7_1 �] � I The sub-grade shall be graded to a tolerance af plus or minus one (1) inch ofthe final sub-grade elevation. The sub-grade shall be graded level. A compaction to a density not less than 95% of the maximum standard density as determined by AASHTO T 180 is required. The Cantractor shall provide documentation of testing to the Owner. FINAL GRADE The final grades outside the tennis court areas and within the construction limits shall be graded to a tolerance of plus or minus one (l) inch of the final grade elevations with positive drainage away from tennis caurts and towards drainage swales or outfall structures. A compactian to a density not less than 95% of the maximum standard density as determined by AASHTO T 180 is required. The contractor shall provide documentatian af testing to the Owner. 43.2.3 SLOPE SLOPE REQUIREMENTS Rate and direction af slape of the i►nished suriaces shall be one (1) inch in forty (40) feet, all in one plane, as indicated on the drawings. SectionlV.doc Page 79 of 128 4/11/2011 $ection IV — Technical Specifications 43.2.4 BASE CONSTRUCTION LINER Two layers of b mi1 construction plastic shall be installed over the sub-grade surface with a minimum overlap of five (5) feet where pieces are joined. Use only rnaterials that are resistant to deterioration wh�n tested in accordance with ASTM E 1 S4, as follows: a. Polyethylene sheet, Construction Grade. BASE COURSE The base coursa shall consist of six (6) inches of porous base material as supplied by Quality Aggregate of Sarasota Flarida. The surface of the base course shall be smooth and even, and it shall be within one-quarter (1 /4) inch of the established grade. IRRIGATION SYSTEM Perforated pipe shall be installed in trenches in the base course. These trenches shall be in on four (4) foot centers and shall be run perpendicular to the slope of the court. The pipe shall be two and one-quarter (2-1/4) inch diameter with a nylon needle punched sock surt'ounding the pipe. Six (6) water control canisters shall be installed per court with each canister controlling five (5) grid pipe trenches. Provide all required controls systems time clocks; float switches, control wiring and solenoids, etc. for a complete sub-surface irrigaCion system. 43.2,5 PERIMETER CURBING CURB Brick curb shall be installed around the entire perimeter of the court area with an elevation of one-quarter (1/4) to one-half (1/2) inch above the finished screening caurse elevation. 43.2.6 SURFACE COURSE COURT SURFACE A surface course of ISP Type II Aquablend or Lee Hyroblend tennis court material shall be installed over the screening course to a compacted depth af one (1) inch. The Aqua/Hydroblend material shall be watered to its full depth immediately after leveling and then compacted by rolling with a tandem roller weighing 600 to 1000 paunds. The Finished surface shall not vary from specified grade by more than one-eighth (1/8) inch. 43.2.7 ROOT BARRIER Root barrier (geo-tech fabric) eighteen (18) inches height shall be placed in a trench on the outside edge of the perimeter curbing eighteen (18) inches in depth with herbicide coating buttans to prevent plant root systems in entering the sub-surface base caurse of the clay tennis courts. SectionIV.doc Page 80 of 12� 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 43.2.8 FENCING DESIGN The contractor shall provide a total color coated fencing system as indicated on drawings and described herein. All components: frames, fabric and fittings shall be black. Basis of Design Ameristar HT 25 or prior approved equal subject to strict compliance with Ameristar published specification. POSTS All posts shall be a rninimum 2-1/2" Ameristar HT 2S pipe; top rails 1-5/S" Arneristar HT-25 pipe with manufacturers standard "Permacoat" color system. FENCE FABRIC Fence Fabric shall be 1-3/4" #6 gauge mesh throughout, manuiactures standard galvanized wire with PVC coating. All fabric to be knuckled on bath selvages. GATES Pravide gates at locations indicated. At service gates, provide a keeper that autamatically engages gate life and holds it in the open position until rnanually released. Provide gate stops for double gates consisting of a mushroom-type flush plate with anchors, set in concrete, and designed to engage a center drop rod or plunger-bar. Include a locking device and padlock eyes as an integral part of the latch, permitting both gate leaves to be locked with a single padlock. Provide latch, fork type or plunger-bar type to permit operation fram either side of gate, with padlack eye as an integral part of the latch. Gate Hinges — Size and material to suit gate size, non-lift-offtype, and offset to permit 180-degree gate opening. Provide ane and one-half (l-1/2) pair of hinges far each leaf over six (6) foot nominal height. 43.2.9 WINDSCREENS The contractor shall provide nine (9) foot high windscreens at all ten (10) foot high %ncing. Basis of design is Durashade plus by Sall Products, Inc. or equal by Putterman. Black high- density palyethylene, eight (8) oz, per squar� yard edges h�mmed with grommets at twelve (12) inch an center. Attach to chain link fencing at the tap and bottom with 50 LBS plastic ties. 43.2.10 COURT EQUIPMENT Cf��+�iG�i�I•�-���Y•1�1►1■7_��C•]`F-� Post foundations shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches in length, eighteen (18) inches in ' width and thirty (3(i) inches in depth. Foundations shall be placed to provide an exact distance between posts of forty-two (42) feet on a doubles court attd thirty-three (33) feet on a singles court. � NET POSTS & SLEEVES Net posts shall be galvanized steel having an outside diameter of not less than two and seven- ' eighths (2 7/8) inches with electrostatically applied enamel finish and shall be equipped with a reel type net tightening device. Past sleeves and posts shall be set plumb and true so as to support , 1 5ectionIV.doc Page 81 of 128 4/11/2011 SecCion IV —'Cechnical Spccitications the net a height of farty-two (42) inches above the court surface at the pasts. Post sleeves shall be Schedule 40 PVC to be set in concrete per net post manufactures recommendation. CENTER STRAP ANCHOR A center strap anchor shall be firmly set in accordance with the rules of the USTA. NET A tennis net conforming to the USTA regulatians shall b� installed on each court. The net shall hav� black synthetic netting, a headband of white synthetic material in dauble thickness with the exterior treated for resistance to mildew and sunlight, and bottam and end tapes of back synthetic material treated to prevent deterioration from the sunlight. A vinyl coated, impregnated steel cable, having a diarneter of ane quarter (1/4) inch and a length five (5) feet greater than length between the net post shall hold the net in suspension. The net shall have tie strings of a synthetic material at each corner. Basis of Design — Duranet DTS by Ball Products, Inc. CENTER STRAP Provide a center strap of white heavy duty polyester webbing with black oxide coated brass slide buckles and nickel plated doubl� end snap. Center strap shall be placed on the net and attached ta the center strap anchor. LINE TAPES Line tapes shall be 10�% nylon and shall be twa (2) inches in width. The tapes shall be firmly secured by aluminum nails with aluminum length of two and one-half (2 — 1/2) inches. Positioning shall be in accordance with regulations of the USTA. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Deliver the following equipment to the owner; 1. Ride-on Tandem Ro11er - Brutus AR-I Roller, automatic forward-neutral-reverse transmission; 24 inch wide drum; 3-horse pawer Briggs and Stratton engine. 2. Hand drag brooms (4 each) - 7' wide aluminum frame with 4-1/2" synthetic bristles; Proline. 3. Tow drag brooms (1 each) - 7' wide aluminum frame 4-1/2" synthetic bristles; Proline. 4. Deluxe Proline Line Sweeper (4 each) - friction-driven rubber sleeves; synthetic bristle brush; with fence hook cast aluminum. 5. Scarifier/Lutes (2 each) - 30" wide all aluminum; Praline. 6. T�nnis Shae Cleaners (2 each) - steel frame construction "Scrusher" exact installation location by Owner. 7. Tennis Two Step (2 each) - polyethylene construction with two rubber panels. 8. Court Rake (1 each) — six-faot length aluminum. SectionIV.doc Page 82 of 128 4/11/2011 1 ' Section IV — Technical Specifications r � � � �� � r_� •l�� i : � � r � � � i � Provide shade structures as indicted on drawings. Basis of design: Suntrends, Inc. "Cabana ' Bench 8" — 8'lang x 6' wide gable design with standard canvas canopy, direct burial installation. Provide concrete footing, size and reinforcement as requir�d by shade structure manufacture. 43.2.12 WATER SOURCE (Potable) The owner shall supply water line to within fifty (50) feet of the courts with 50 pounds per square inch runnirtg pressure at its terminus. This line shall have the capacity to supply 30 gallons of water per rninute for each court. 43.2.13 CONCRETE Provide cancrete consisting of portland cement per ASTM C 150, aggregates per ASTM C 33, and potable water. Mix materials to obtain cancrete with a rninimurn 28-day compressive strength of 3,500 psi. Use at least four sacks of cement per cu. yd., 1-inch maximum size aggregate, 3-inch maximum slump. 43.2.14 EXISTING SPORT TENNIS COURT LIGHTING SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall pravide signed and sealed electrical shop drawings by a professional electrical engineer for approval of the relocation and re-aiming af the �xisting tennis court sport lighting fixtures and electrical service to water coolers. The shop drawings shall include all necessary infarmatian accarding to local electrical codes in providing a carnplete operating system frorn the existing electrical panel. The shap drawings shall pravide data showing the rnaxirnurn foot candles the existing fixtures will provide at its new locations for tournarnent play. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department for approval. RE-LAMP The Contractor shall re-lamp and clean lens of all existing lighting fixtures after relacating the light pole and fixtures ta its new location. The City will provide the new lamps. 43.Z.14.3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT The Contractor shall submit electrical drawings to City of Clearwater Planning and Development Services to obtain permits for installation of the electrical works. 43.2.14,4 POI.ES 8� FIXTURES The Contractor shall install three (3) new sixty foot (60') poles and fourteen (14) new fixtures. ' The City will purchase and provide the new poles and fixtures for the Contractor to install, any other miscellaneous iterns required to provide a complete operable system shall be provided by the Contractor. ' ' �_J 1 Attached with this specification are the phatometric lumination charts for the eight-(8) tennis courts. This information is pravided by Musco Sport Lighting, 1838 East Chester Drive, Suite #104, High Point, NC 27265, phone (336) 887-0770 fax (336) 887-0771. Contact Douglas A. Stewart. Cotttractor shall install the poles and fxtures based on the following information: SectionIV.doc Page 83 of 128 4/ 11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications Pole T1 existing 5 fixture pole, remove one fxture and place on pole TS Pole T2 existing l2 fixture pole, remove six fixtures and place on pole TS Pole T3 existing 5 fixture pole, remove one fixture and place on pole TS Pole T4 new pole with new seven fixtures and two circuits Pole TS new pole w/existing sixteen fixtures (8 on one side and 8 on the other) and 2 circuits Pole T6 new pole with new seven fxtures and two circuits Pole T7 existing 5 fixture pole, remove two fixtures and place on pole T5 �'ole T8 existing 12 �xture pole, remove four fixtures and place on pole TS Fole T9 existing S�xture pole, remove two fixtures and place on pole TS Light levels ended up at 58+ footcandles. Existing poles have concrete footing approximately one foot wide on all sides Contractar shall plan relacation light poles accardingly. ELECTRICAL CONDUITS Existing electrical conduits are installed individually to the existing light pole, it is suggested the Contractor place electrical junction boxes at existing pole locations and utilize existing conduits. New conduits will be required for the three (3) new light poles and the Cantractor shall include the cost for these electrical conduits in the relocating of the new light poles. 43.2.15 WATER COOLER SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall provide shop drawings far the installation of water cooler in the cabana area of the tennis courts, electrical, water and drainage submitted to the Parks and Recreatian Department for approval. 43.�.15.2 WATER FOUNTAIN Basis fbr design: Halsey Taylar HOF Series — water cooler with sealed back panels, or equal. 43.2.16 DEMONSTRATION Instruct the Owner's personnel on proper operation and maintenance of court and equipment. 43.2.17 WARRANTY EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall supply warranty cards and operation and maintenance manuals for all equipment to the Owner upon completion of constructian of the project. WARRANTY The Contractar shall warranty the courts, fEncing, sidewalks and court accessori�s against defective materials and /or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion. SectionIV.doc Page 84 af 12$ 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications WARRANTY SUB-SUR�ACE IRRIGATION SYSTEM The Contractor shall warranty the sub-surface irrigatian of the clay tennis courts for a period of two years from the day of completion. ������c•�:�:r�•�,i��:�����«•�•�,��:r•�� 44.1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR W�RK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, operate, rnaintain and remove all work zane traffic control associated with the Project, including detours, advance warnings, channelization, hazard warnings and any other necessary features, both at the immediate work site and as may be necessary at outlying points. 44.2 WQRK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The Contractor shall prepare a detailed traffic control plan designed to accomplish the level af performance outlined in the Scope of the Work and/or as may be required by construction permits issued by Pinellas County and/or the Florida Department of Transpartation for the Project, incorporating the methods and criteria contained in Part VI, Standards and Guides for Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility and incident ' Managernent Operations in the Manual on Uniform Traffrc Contro U.S. Department of Transportation and adopted as amended by Transportation, or most recent addition. ' 44.2.1 WQRK ZONE SAFETY 1 Devices published by the the Florida Department of The general objectives of a program of work zone safety is to protect workers, pedestrians, ' bicyclists and motorists during canstructian and maintenance operations. This general objective may be achieved by meeting the following speci�c objectives: 1 , 1 ' 1 1 • Provide adequate advance warning and information regarding upcoming work zanes. � Provide the driver clear directions to understanding the situation he will be facing as he proceeds through or around the work zone. • Reduce the consequences of an out of control vehicle. • Provide safe access and starage for eyuipment and material. � Promote speedy cornpletion af prajects (including thorough cleanup of the site). • Promote use of the appropriate traffic control and protection devices. • Pravide safe passageways for pedestrians through, in, and/or around construction or maintenance work zones. The 2004 Design Standards (DS), Index 600 "When an existing pedestrian way or bicycle way is located within a traffic control work zone, accommadation must be maintained and provision for the disabled must be provided. Only approved temporary traffic control devices may be used to delineate a ternporary traffic control zone pedestrian walkway. Advanced notification of sidewalk closures and detours marked shall be provided by appropriate signs". 2004 Standard Specifications for Road and Sridge Construction 5ectionIV.doc Page 85 of 128 4/11 /2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 102-5 Trafiic Control: 102-5.1 Standards: FDOT Design Standards (DS) are the minimum standards for the use in the developrnent of all traffic control plans 44.3 ROADWAY CLOSURE GUIDELINES Raadway types: Major Arterials, Minar Arterials, Local Collectors, and Lacal Following are typical requirements to be accomplished prior to closure. The number of requirements increase with traffic volume and the importance af access. Road closures affecting business or sole access routes will increase in process requirernents as appropriate. �'or all but local streets, no road or lane closures are allowed during the Christmas holiday season and the designated "Spring Break" season with prior approval by the City Engineer. 44.3.1 ALL ROADWAYS Obtain permits for Pinellas County and Florida Department of Transportation roadways. Traffic control devises conform to national and state standards. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Standard property owner notification prior to start of construction for properties directly affected by the canstruction process. 44.3.2 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS, LOCAL C�LLECTORS Consult with City Traffic staf�' for preliminary traffic control options. Develop Formal Traffc Control Plan for Perrnit Submittal to Regulatory Agency as necessary. PUBL.IC NOTIFICATION Message Board Display, Minimum of 7-day notice period prior to road closure and rnaybe longer ' for larger highway. The message board is to be provided by the Contractor. 44.3.3 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS PUBLIC NOTIFICATION C-View Release 44.3.4 MAJOR ARTERIALS PUBLIC NOTI�ICATION News Release The Message Board may need to be displayed for a period longer than 7 days. 44.4 APPROVAL OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC C�NTROL PLAN The Contractor is invited and encouraged to confer in advance of bidding, and is required, as a specification of the work, to confer in advance of beginning any work an the Project, with the Traffic Operations Division, Municipal Services Building, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, telephone 562-4750, for the purpose of approval of the Cantractor's proposed detailed traf�ic control plan. SectionIV.doc Page 86 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 ' ' ' ' Sectiqn 1V — Technical Specif cations All maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer or an individual who is certified in the preparation ofMOT plans in the State of Flarida. 44.5 INSPECTION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTR4L OPERATION The Traffic Operations Divisian may inspect and monitor the traffic control plan and traffic ' control devices of the Contractor. The City's Construction Inspectar assigned to the project, may make known requirements for any alterations or adjustments to the traffic control devices. The Contractor shall take direction from the Project Engineer or Praject Inspectar. 1 1 ' 1 , ' 44.6 PAYMENT F�R WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Payment for work zone traf�ic control is a non-specifrc pay itern to be included in the construction costs assaciated with other specific pay items unless specifically stated otherwise in the Scope of Work in these Technical Specificatians and a bid item(s) is included for Work Zone Traffc Control in the proposal form. 44.7 CERTIFICATION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR The City may require that the Supervisor or Foreman controlling the work for the Contractor on the Project have a current International Municipal Signal Association, Work Zone Traffic Control Safety Certification or Worksite Traffic Supervisor Certification from the American Traffic Safety Assaciatian with additional current Certification from the Florida Department of Transportation. This requirement for Certificati�n will be nated in the Scope of Work and/or sections of these Technical Specifrcations. When the certified supervisor is required far the Project, the supervisor will be on the Praject site at all times while work is being conducted. The Worksite Traffic Supervisar shall be available on a 24-hour per day basis and shall review the project on a day-to-day basis as well as being involved in all changes to traffic cantrol. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall have access to all equipment and materials needed to maintain trai�ic control and handle traffic related situations. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall ensure that routine deficiencies are corrected within a 24-hour period. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall be available on the site within 45 minutes after notification of an emergency situation, prepared to positively respond to repair the work zone traffic control or to provide alternate traffic arrangements. Failure of the Worksite Traffic Supervisor to comply with the provisions of this Subarticle may be grounds far decerti�catian or removal from the project or both. Failure to rnaintain a designated Worksite Traffic Supervisor or Failure to comply with these provisions will result in temporary suspensian of all activities except traffic and erosion control and such other activities deemed to be necessary for project maintenance and safety. 45 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING 45.1 INTENT It is the intention of this specificatian to provide for the trenchless restoration of sanitary sewer ' and storm pipes by the installation if a cured in place jointless, continuous, thermosetting resin impregnated polyester flexible f�lt liner whieh is watertight and chemically resistant to withstand '1 1 SectionIV.doc Page 87 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specitications exposure to domestic sewage including all labor, materials and equipment to provide for a complete, fully restored and functioning installation. 45.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City requires that all contractors be prequalifed. See General Conditions regarding contractor prequalification. In addition, the City requires a proven extensive tract record for the liner system to be used in this project. All contractors submitting for prequalification approval for this project must exhibit extensive satisfactory experience in the installatian of the proposed liner system(s) and satisfactory evidence that the proposed liner systetn has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites States and the State of Florida. The installer must be certified by the liner system manufacturer for installation of the liner syst�m. The City reserves full and complete authority to approve the satisfactary nature of the both the liner system and the installer. 45.3 MATERIALS The liner shall be polyester �ber felt tubing saturated with a resin prior to insertion. Resin type and qualities shall be as specified by the manufacturer to obtain a cured liner with the following properties: Tensile Strength Flexural Strength Flexural Modulus of Elasticity Long Term Modulus of Elasticity (50 Years) ASTM Db38 3,000 psi ASTM D790 4,500 psi ASTM D790 300,000 psi ASTM D2290 150,000 psi I,iner shall meet strengths as shown in ASTM F 1216 unless atl�erwise submitted and approved by the Engineer. Lining manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer for approval as requested, complete design calculations for the liner thickness. The criteria for liner design shall be HS�20 traffic laading, water table to the ground surface, minimum �xpected lifetime af 50 years, and no structural strength retained frorn the existing pipe. Liner materials shall rneet manufactures specifications of Insituform of North Atnerica, Inc., 3315 Democrat Road, Post Office Box 181071, Memphis, Tennessee 38118; or InLiner USA 1900 N.W. 44th St,, Pompano Beach Florida 33064, 305-979-0802, or an approved equal. Any approved equal liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal system prior to receiving bids. Request far contractor prequalification and/or equal liner system approval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days priar to the date for receiving bids. 45.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clean and prepare the existing pipes for rehabilitation. The Contractor will thoroughly clean the interior of the sewers to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rock, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to liner insertion. Bypass pumping will be provided by the Contractor as part of the unit cost of restoratian. Bypass operations are to be so arranged as ta cause minimum disruptions to lacal traffic, residents and particularly to commercial facilities. During the cleaning and preparation operations all necessary precautions shall be taken to protect the public, all property and the sewer from damage. All material removed from the sewers shall be the Contractor's responsibility for prompt disposal in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements. The Contractor may be re�uired to control the rate of sewer cleaning in the sanitary system to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatment plants. 5ectionlV.doc Page 88 of 128 4/11/2011 ' , 1 1 Sectiqn IV — Technical Specifications 45.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work on each section di the project is completed, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by rneans of closed-circuit color television, and recarded on DVD, CD VHS format tapes provided ta the praject engineer. The television system used shall be designed for the purpase and suitably lighted to provide a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. 45.fi LINER INSTALLATION Liner shall be sized to field measurements obtain�d by the Cantractor to provide for a tight fit on the interior of the existing pipe to be lined. Contractor shall use installation methods approved by the liner rnanufacturer including operations for inversion, heat curing and reconnection af laterals. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any construction delays taking place ' during the insertion operation. Contractor shall maintain a reasonable backup systern for bypass pumping should delays or problems with pumping systems develop. Liner entries at manholes shall be srnooth, free of irregularities, and watertight. No pinholes, tears, cracks, thin spots, ',' excessive wrinkling or other defects in the liner shall be permitted. Such defects shall be removed and replaced by the Cantractor at his expense. ' ' [� , 45.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION Sanitary laterals shall be reconnected as soon as possible to renew service. Laterals are to be reconnected by means of robotics, by internally cutting out the liner to 95% of the area of the original apening. All lateral reconnections are to be grouted to prevent leakage. Grouting methad and material is to be approved by the Engineer. Any reconnections to laterals and connections to manholes which are observed to leak shall be res�aled by the Contractor. All laterals discovered during the lining process are to be reconnected unless specifically directed otherwise by the City. The Contractor will be rec�uested ta recannect any laterals discovered to not be reconnected at a later date. Contractor shall natify all local system users when the sanitary system will not be available far narmal usage by the delivery of door hangers with appropriate information regarding the construction praject. 45.8 TIME �F CONSTRUCTION Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contractar and �ppraved by the Engineer. At no time will any sanitary sewer service connection remain inoperative for more than an eight-hour period without a service bypass being operated by the Cantractar. In the event that sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup, repair and praperty damage costs and claims. 45.9 PAYMENT , Payment for sanitary sewer restoration shall be made per lineal foot including all preparation, bypass pumping, equipment, labor, materials, operations, restoration, lateral reconnection, etc, to provide a fully completed and aperational sewer. Payment sh�ll be measured from center of ' manhole ta center af manhole for the sanitary systems and from end of pipe to end of pipe for storm systems. '1 1 SectionlV.doc Page 89 of 128 4/11/2011 46 4fi.1 46.1.1 Section IV — Technical Specifications SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYETHYLENE SLIPLINING MATERIALS PIPE AND FITTINGS The pipe supplied under this specification shall be high performance, high molecular weight, high density polyethylene pipe (Driscopipe ] 000) as manufactur�d by Phillips Driscopipe, Inc., Dallas, Texas and shall canform to ASTM D 1248 (Type iZI, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34) or approved equal. Minimum cell classification values shall be 345434C as referenced in ASTM D 3350 latest editian. If fittings are required, they will be suppli�d under this specification and shall be malded or manufactured from a polyethylene compound having a cell classification equal to or exceeding the compound used in the pipe. To insure compatibility of palyethylene resins, all fittings supplied under this specification shall be of the same manufacture as the pipe being supplied. 46.1.2 QUALITY CONTROL The resin used for rnanufacturer of the pipe shall be manufactured by the pipe manufacturer, thus maintaining complete control of the pipe quality. The pipe shall contain no recycled campound except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant frorn resin of the satne specification from the same raw material. The pipe shall be hamogeneous throughout and iree of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects, and shall be identical in color, density, melt index, and other physical properties. The polyethylene resin used shall have all ingredients pre cornpound prior to extrusion of pipe, in plant blending is not acceptable. The Engineer may request, as part of the quality control records submittal, cartification that the pipe produced is represented by the quality assurance testing. Additionally, test results from manufacturer's testing or random sampling by the Engineer that do not meet appropriate ASTM standards or manufacturer's representation, may be cause for rejection of pipe represented by the testing. These tests may include density and flow rate measurements farom samples taken at selected locations within the pipe wall and thermal stability determinations according to ASTM D 3350, 10.1.9. 46.1.3 SAMPLES The awner or the specifying engineer may request certified lab data to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification or may take random samples and have them tested by an independent laboratory. 46.1.4 REJECTION Polyethylene pipe and itttings may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specificatian. 46.2 PIPE DIMENSIONS Pipe supplied under this specification shall have a nominal IPS (Iron Pipe Size) O.D. unless otherwise specified. The SDR (Standard Dimension Ratio) of the pipe supplied shall be as specified by the Engineer, on the construction plans and/or the scope of work. 5ectionIV.doc Page 90 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 46.3 CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES 46.3.1 HANDLING OF PIPE Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe. If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking shauld be dane in accordance with the pipe rnanufacturer's recornmendations. The handling of the pipe should be done in such a rnanner that it is not damaged 6y dragging over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment. 46.3.2 REPAIR OF DAMAGED SECTIONS Segments of pipe having cuts ar gouges in excess af 10% of the wall thickness of the pipe shauld be cut out and removed. The undamaged portions of the pipe shall be rejoined using the butt fusion joining method. 46.3.3 PIPE J�INING Sections of polyethylene pipe should be joined into continuous lengths on the job site above ground. The joining method shall be the butt fusion method and shall be performed by the manufacturer's representative and in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendatians. The butt fusion equipment used in the jaining procedures should be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, including, but not limited to, ternperature requirements, alignment, and fusion pressures. ��� � r�l,�•» �,��•1 � 1��� =�•» � i � Fused segments of pipe shall be handled so to avoid damage to the pipe. When lifting fused sections af pipe, chains or cable type chokers should be av�ided. Nylan slings are preferred. Spreader bars shauld be used when lifting long fused sections. Care should be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. 46.4 SLIPLINING PROCEDURE ' 4G.4.1 PIPE REQUIREMENTS AND DIMENSIONS 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 The liner(s) to be slip lined into the existing storm sewer shall have the following sizes: 12-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 15-inch existing sewer. 16-inch diameter liner (SDR 2d) into 1 S-inch existing sew�r. 18-inch diamater liner (SDR 26) into 21-inch existing sewer. 21 %z-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 24-inch existing sewer. 28-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 30-inch existing sewer. 34-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 36-inch existing sewer. 42-inch diameter litter (SDR 32.5) into 48-inch existing sewer. 46.4.2 CLEANING AND INSPECTION The existing line shall be cleaned of debris and other obstructians prior to TV inspections or insertion of the polyethylene liner. Cleaning can be accamplished with a high velocity cleaner, a bucket and scrapper, root saws, corkscrews, and rodding or balling ur►its. The method used will be determined by the condition of the existing line. Final cleaning may be required prior to inserting the liner. SectionTV.doc Page 91 af 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical 5peciiications 46.4.3 INSERTION SHAFT AND EXCAVATIONS All excavations shall conform to OSHA requirements and any additianal requirements as set by the specifying engineer or his representative. Insertion shaft excavations shall coincide with paints rec�uiring rernoval of obstructions or shall be determined by the engineer. An entry slope grade of 2 1/2:1 maximurn shall be us�d to provide a safe bending radius for the polyethylene. The bottom of the entry pit should provide a straight section for ease of entry of the liner into the existing pipe. The length of the level excavation should be at least twelve times the diameter of the liner being inserted. The width of the shaR should be as narrow as possible. The required width will depend on the location, type of soil, depth of the existing sewer line and the water table. 46.4.4 INSERTION OF THE LINER After cornpletion of the access shaft, the top half of the existing sewer shal� be broken or cut and removed for the full length of the access shaft. A fabricated pulling head shall be connected to the leading end of the liner pipe. A cable shall be connected to the pulling head so that the liner pipe can be pulled into the existing sewer. Power winches used for pulling in long lengths of polyethylene liner pipe shall be rated equal to the project requirements. Once started, the pulling operation should continue to completion. Insertion is normally done at about a slow walking speed. After insertion, a minimum of 12 hours shall b� allowed for the liner pipe to reach equilibrium with the sewer temperature and to allow the liner pipe to stress relieve iCself. The polyethylene liner pipe should protrude at least 6 inches into the manhol� where it terminates. After the 12-hour equilibrium period, the annular space between the original pipe and the liner shall be pressure grouted. Said grouting must be from the bottom up to prevent air pockets fram forming. Also the grout must be recommended for underwater application and have elastomeric properties. Products used shall be approved by the engineer. Tk�e liner shall not be displaced when the annular space is being filled. Spacers, inflatable plugs ar other methods approved by the Engineer must be used to prevent displacement. The length of fused pipe that can be pulled will vary depending on field conditians, the ease of access to the area, and the working space available. 46.4.5 CONFIRMATION OF PIPE SIZES The Contractor shall be salely respansible to confirm all pipe sizes prior to ordering, fusing and installation of the liner. 46.4.6 UNDERDRAIN CONNECTIONS IF REQUIRED After the liner has been pulled into place, allowed to recover and sealed at the manholes, pipe connections okayed by the engineer shall be reconnected to the liner pipe. SectionlV.doc Page 92 of '128 4ir liaor i Section iV — Technical 5pecifications Pipe connections shall be connected by the use of a pre-fabricated polyethylene saddle. A neoprene gasket shall ba installed between the saddle and the liner pipe so that a complete water seal is accomplished when the saddle is placed on the liner pipe and secured with stainless steel bands. 46.4.7 BACKFILLING All excavations shall be backflled using on site materials or as specified by the engineer. Cost for backfilling of access shafts and underdrain connections shall be including in the unit price bid for sliplining and reconnection of service laterals. Befare any excavatian is done for any purpose, it will be the respansibility of the contractar to contact the various utility companies and to determine the locations of their facilities. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate protection for utility facilities. Any ternporary construction right af way and/or storage areas will be arranged for by the contractor. 46.4.$ POINT REPAIR The engineer or his representative will determine if a point repair is necessary only after it has been demonstrated that a liner pipe cannot be pulled through the existing pipe. Payment will be made for each repair. The contractor will be expected to remove the obstructian and clear the pipe. If removin� the top of the existing pipe will accornplish the remaval of th� obstruction, the bottom of the existing pipe should remain in place to form a cradle for the liner. 46.4.9 CLEAN UP OPERATIDNS All materials not used in the backfilling operation shall be disposed of off site by the contractor. Finish grading shall be reyuired. In locations other than street right-of-ways, the surface shall be graded srnooth and sodded with the same kind of grass as the existing lawn. Excavation paints in street right-of-ways shall be repaired as specified by the engineer. 47 SPECIFICATIONS F�R POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RIBBED PIPE 47.1 SCOPE This specification designates g�neral requirements far unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic (spiral wound) pipe with integral wall bell and spigot joints for the conveyance of storm water. 47.2 MATERIALS All pipe and fittings shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with specification for "Poly ' (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large Diameter Ribbed Gravity Starm Sewer Aipe and Fittings Based on Controlled lnside Diameter". 1 1 1 ' The pipe and fittings shall be made of PVC plastic. 47.3 PIPE The bell shall consist of an integral wall section. The solid cross section fiber rin� shall be factory assembled on the spigot. Sizes and dimensions shall be as shown in this specificatian. 5ectionlV.dac Page 93 af 128 4/11/2011 SecCion IV — Technical Specifications Standard laying lengths shall be 13 ft. + 1 inch. At rx�anufacturer's option, random lengths of not more than 15% of total footage may be shipped in lieu of standard lengths. 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM Joints shall be either an integral bell gasketed joint. When the joint is assembled according ta manufactures recommendation it will prevent misalignment of adjacent pipes and form a silt tight joint. 47.5 FITTINGS All fittings and accessories shall be as manufactured and furnished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. 48 GUNITE SPECIFICATIONS 48.1 PRESSURE INJECTED GROUT Pressure injected grout shall be of cernent and water and shall be proportianed generally in the ratia of 1.5 (one and one hal fl cubic foot (one and one half bags) of cement ta 1(ane) cubic foot (7.50 gal.) of water. This mix shall be varied as the grouting proceeds as is necessary to provide penetration in the operator's judgment. Cement shall be Fortland Cement conforming to all of the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, latest edition serial designation C 1 SO for Portland Cement, Type I. Port1and Cement shall weigh not less than 94 pounds per cubic foot. Water us�d in the graut shall be fresh, clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, alkali, vegetable, sewage and/or organic matter. Water shall be consider�d as weighing 8.33 paunds per gallon. Grout pump shall b� of the positive displacement type and shall be capable of producing adequate pressure to penetrate the area. All pressure grouting will be at the direction of the Engineer. 48.2 REHABILITATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH GUNITE Guniting shall conform to all requirements of "Specifcations for Materials, Proportioning, and Application of Shotcrete (ACI 506.2 77)" published by the American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, except as modi�ed by those specifications. Steel reinfarcement shall be incorporated in the Gunite as required and shall be furnished, bent, set and placed in accordance with the provisions of these specifcations. The purpase of this speci�cation is to obtain a dense and durable concrete having the specifed strength. 48.3 COMPOSITION Gunite shall be cornposed of Portland Cement, aggregate and water so proportioned as to produce a concrete suitable for pneumatic application. SectionIV.doc Page 94 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications 48.4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS ' Concrete ingredients shall be selected, proportioned in such a manner as will produce concrete which will be extremely strong, dense and resistant to weathering, and abrasion. Concrete shall have a minimum 2$-day strength af 4,000 psi. ' 48.5 MATERIALS Portland Cement: Cem�nt shall be Portland cement conforming to all of the requirements of the ' Arnerican Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, Latest Serial Designation C150 for Portland Cement, Type I. A bag of cement shall be deerned to weigh not less than 94 pounds per cubic foot. ' Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall be natural siliceous sand consisting of hard, clean, strong, durable and uncoated particles, conforming to the requirements of Arnerican Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, Latest Serial Designation C33 for Concrete Aggregates. ' ' 1 ' 1 ' Fine aggregate shall not contain less than 3% nar more than b% of moisture. Fine aggregate shall be evenly graded from fine to coarse and shall be within the following limits: Fassing No. 3/8 Sieve Passing No. 4 Sieve Fassing No. 8 Sieve Passing No. 16 Sieve Passing No. 30 Sieve Passing No. 50 Sieve Passing No. 100 Sieve 48.6 WATER 100% 95% to 100% 80% to 100% 50% to 85% 25% to 60% 10% to 30% Z% to 10% Water used in mixing, at the nozzle shall be fresh, clean, and free from injurious arnounts of oil, acid, alkali, vegeta.ble, sewage, and/or organic matter. Water shall be considered as weighin� 8.33 pounds per gallon. 48,7 REINFORCEMENT Steel mesh reinfarcement shall be electrically welded, cold drawn, rnild steel fabric conforrning to the latest requirements of ASTM Standard Specifications, Serial Designation A 185 for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. Mesh can be fabricated frorn cold drawn steel wire conforming to the requirements of the latest ASTM Standard Specifications, Serial Designation A 82 and sized as shown on Plans Page 7 of 7. 48.8 STORAGE OF MATERIALS Cement shall be stored with adequate provisions for the prevention of absorption of rnoisture. It ' shall be stored in a manner that will permit easy access for inspection and identificatian of each shipment. � 1 Aggregate shall be stockpiled at points selected to provide maximum drainage and to prevent the inclusian of any foreign material during rehandling. SectionIV.doc Page 95 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 48.9 SURFACE PREPARATION Unsound materials of construction and all coated, scaly, or unsound concrete in manholes and inlets shall be removed by chipping witk� pneumatic hammers and chisels to sound sur�'ace, all cracks and cavities shall be chipped to such formation that their sides form approxiznately a 45 degree angle to the exposed surfac� for at least one (1) inch in depth. All areas to receive pneumatic concrete shall be cleaned by flushing or scouring with water and compressed air jets to assure removal of all loose particles. All areas oi existing surfaces tk�at do not require chipping shall be given a wet sandblasting with the gunite equipment and the air pressure at the cement gun shall not be less tk�an 50 psi. Surface preparation of existing metal surface of a corrugated pipe shall be lightly sandblasted to remove loose material. All sandblasted areas shall then be cleaned by a air/water blast to remove all particles from the cleaning operation. To insure perfect bond, the newly sandblasted surface shall be thoroughly rnoisten�d with water priar to application of gunite. In no instance shall gunite be applied in an area where free running water exists. 48.10 PROPORTIONING Prior to start of guniting the Contractor shall submit to the Owner the recommended mix as a ratio of cement to aggregate. R�commended mix shall be on the basis of' test data from prior experience. Provided data subrxi.itted is adequate no further testing of recommended mix will be required. If required, the Contractor shall provide a11 equipment necessary to control the actual amounts of all materials entering into the concrete. The types of equipment and methods used for measuring materials shall be subject io approval. 48.11 MIXING Gunite shall be thoroughly mixed by machine and then passed through a sieve to remove all large particles before placing in hopper of the cement �un. The mixture shall not be permitted to become damp. Each batch should be entirely discharged before recharging is begun. The mixer should be cleaned thoroughly enough to remove all adherent materials from the mixing vanes and frorn the drum at regular ,intervals. Water in any amount shall not be added ta the mix before it enters the cement gun. Quantities of water shall be controlled by a valve at the nozzle of the gun. Water content shall be adjusted as required for proper placement, but shall in no case exceed four gallons of water per sack of cement, including the water contained in the aggregate. Remixing or tempering shall not be permitted. Mixed material that has stood 45 minutes without being used shall be discarded. Rebound materials shall not be reused. 48.12 APPLICATION Gunite shall not be placed on a frozen surface nor during freezing weather. Gunite shall not be placed when it is anticipated that the temperature during the following 24 hours will drop below 32 degrees, Fahrenheit. Sequence of application may be from bottam to top or vice versa if rebound is properly r�moved. Corners shall be f lled �rst. "Shooting" shall be from an angle as near perpendicular to the 5ectionIV.doc Page 96 of 128 4/11/2011 Sectipn TV — Technical Specifications surface as practicable, with the nozzle held approximately 3 feet from the work (except in confined control). If the flow of material at the nazzle is not uniform and slugs, sand spots, or wet sloughs result, the nozzleman shall direct the nozzle away from the work until the faulty conditions are corrected. Such defects shall be replaced as the work progresses. Guniting shall be suspended if: 1. Air valocity separates the cement from the sand at the nozzle. 2. Temperature approaches ireezing and the newly placed gunite cannot be protected. Gunite shall be applied in ane or more layers to such total thickness as required to restore the area as detailed over the original lines of the adjoining surface, unless other wise specified. All cavities, depressions, washouts and similar failures shall be rebuilt to original lines by use of gunite reinforced with wire mesh. Where the cavity exceeds 4 inches in depth a layer of inesh shall be used for each 3 inchES of depth of gunite. In no case shall wire rnesh be placed behind existing reinfarcement. The time interval between successive layers in sloping vertical ar overhanging work must be sufficient to allow initial but not final set to develop. At the time the initial set is developing, the surface shall be cleaned to remove the thin film of laitance in order to provide a perfect bond with succeeding applicatians. 48.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints ar day's work joints shall be sloped off to a thin, clean, regular edge, preferably at a 45-degree slope. Sefore placing the adjoining work, the slopa portion and adjacent gunite shall be thoroughly cleaned as necessary, then moistened and scoured with an air j et. 48.14 SURFACE FINISH Nozzleman shall bring the gunite ta an even plane and to well formed corners by warking up to ground wires or other guides, using lower placing velocity than normal. ' After the body caat has been placed, the surface shall be trued with a thin edge screed to remove high areas and expase low areas. Law areas shall be properly filled with cancrete to insure a true, flat surface. [_l 1 1 1 1 After the concrete surface has been trued, the entire surface shall be given a flashcaat finish except where a special type finish is specified on the drawings. 48.15 CURING Curing shall be in accordance with either paragraph 3.7.1(d) or paragraph 3.7.5. ofACI 506.2 77' depending upan atmospheric condition. 48.16 ADJACENT SURFACE PROTECTION During progress of the work, where appearance is important, adjacent areas or grounds which may be permanently discolored, stained, or otherwise damaged by dust and rebound, shall be adequately protected sensitive areas, when contacted, shall be cleaned by early scraping, brushing ar washing, as the surroundings permit. SectionlV.doc Page 97 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 48.17 INSPECTION Because of the importance of workmanship a�ecting the quality of the gunite, continual inspection during placing shall be maintained, Any imperfections discovered shall be cut out and replaced with sound material. 48.18 EQUIPMENT Cement Gun: The mixing and delivering equipment shall be either the vertical double charaaber type or rotary type. The upper charnber of the double chamber type shall receive and pressurize the dry mix and deliver it to the lower chamber. The lower chamber shall force the pressurized mix into the delivery hose by means of a feed wheel. The type of feeder utilized should be of suf�icient capacity that the lower chamber may continuously furnish all required material to the delivery hase while the upper chamber receives the recharge. The rotary type cement gun shall have an enlarged hopper to feed material into a rotating multiported cylinder. Material shall fall by gravity into a port which shall then be rotated to a position in which the material is expelled by air into a moving stream of air. All equipnnent must be kept in goad repair. The interior of drums, feed gearing and valves shall be cleaned as often as necessary (at least once every 8 hour shift) to prevent material from caking on critical parts. Nozzle: Nozzle shall be the premixing type with perforated water feed ring inside the nozzle. The maxirnum length of material hose for the application of gunite shall be approximately 150 feet although it shall be permissible to use as much as 800 feet of material hose if the supply air pressure measured at the cement gun is increased to maintain proper velocity. The following table gives requirements for compressor size, hose size and air pressure using 150 feet of material hose: Comp. Cap Max. Hose Dia. Max. Size Nozzle Min. Air Press. (cfm) (�n.) (In.) �P51) 365 1 S/8 l 5/8 60 600 2 2 gp 750 2 1/2 2 1/2 90 For each 25 feet of material hose used in excess of 150 feet, the required air pressure shall be increased by 5 psi. Air Compressar: Any standard type oi compressor shall be satisfactory if it is of sufficient capacity to provide, without interruption, the pressures and volume af air necessary for thE longest hose delivery. The air compressor capacity determinations shall include allowances made for the air cansumed in blowing rebound, cleaning, reinforcing and for incidental uses. Compressor equipment shall be of such capacity so as to insure air pressures at the special mixer capable of producing the required material velocities. Water Supply: The water pressure at the discharge nozzle should be sufficiently greater than the operating air pressure ta assure the water is intimately mixed with the other materials. If the line water pressure is inadequate, a water pump or pressurized tank shall be introduced into the line. The water pressure shall be unifornaly steady (nonpulsating). SectionIV.doc hage 98 of 128 4/'l l/2011 1 1 1 ' 1 ' Section 1V — Technical Specifications 49 SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLE LINER RESTORATION 49.1 SC�PE AND INTENT It is the intent of this portion of the specification to provide for the structural rehabilitation of manhole walls and bases with solid preformed liners and made-in-place liner systerns used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and these speci�cations. In addition to these specifications, the Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's instructions and recomrnendations for work. Purpose af work is to eliminate infiltration, provide corrosion protection, repair voids and ta restare the structural integrity of the manhole. For any particular system the Contractor will submit manufacturer's technical data and application instructions. All OSHA regulations shall be met. 49.2 PAYMENT , Payment for liners shall be per vertical foot of liner installed from the base ta the top of the installed liner. Liners will generally be installed to the top of existing or new corbels. No separate payment will be made for the following items and the cost of such work shall be included in the ' pay item per linear foot of liner: Bypass pumping; Traffic Control; Debris Dispdsal; Excavation, including necessary pavement removal; Sharing and/or dewatering; Structural fill; Backtill and compaction; Grout and mortar; Brick; Resetting of the manhole ring and cover; Pipe extensions , and connectors necessary to the installation; Replacement of unpaved roadway and grass or shrubbery plot; Replacernent of roadway base and asphalt surface; and Appurtenant work as required for a complete and operable system. 49.3 FIBERGLA5S LINER PRODUCTS 49.3.1 MATERIALS LINERS Liners shall be fiberglass engineered to meet ar exceed AASHTO H 20 loading of 16,000 pound vertical wheel load. Manhole liners are to be of the integral carbel design unless otherwise stipulated. Manhole liners are to be as large in diameter as will fit into the existing manhole. The contractor shall measure the existing manhole imrnediately prior to ordering rnaterials and is solely responsible for the fitting of the liner. Contractor will be required to submit factory certification for fiberglass liners. The manhole liner shall meet all requirements af ASTM D 3753. MORTAR Mortar shall be composed af one part Portland Cement Type I and between two and three parts clean, well graded sand, 100% of which shall pass a No. 8 sieve. GROUTING Grouting shall be a cancrete slurry af four bags af Portland Cement Type II per cubic yard of clean, well graded sand. SectionIV.doc Page 99 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV -- Technical Specifications 49.3.2 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION Excavate an area around the top of the existing manhole sufficiently wide and deep for the removal of the manhole ring and corbel section. Remove the irame and cover and carbel section without damaging the existing manhol� walls. Care is to be taken not to allow brick or soil to fall into the existing rnanhole. Remove or reinsert loose brick which protrude more than one inch from the interior wall of the manhole and which could interfere with the insertion of the fiberglass liner. If the shelf of the manhole invert is not level around the perimeter, form a flat shelf with rnortar. Cut the liner to the proper length. Cutouts in the manhole shall be made to accommadate existing inlet and outlet pipes, drops and cleanouts. Lower the liner into the existing manhole and set the bottom of the liner into quick setting grout. Obtain a good bottom seal to prevent the loss of grout from the annular space between the outside of the liner and the inside wall of the existing manhole. Set the liner as nearly vertically as possible. Pour six inches of quick setting grout above the initial bottom seal in the annular void to insure an adequate battom seal. Bridge the gap from draps, laterals, force mains, cleanouts and all existing piping between the existing manhole wall and the new manhole liner with P.V.C. pipe. Use quick setting rnortar to seal the area around the manhole liner and piping. Fill the annular space between the rnanhole liner and the existing manhole interior walls with grout. Care must be taken not to deflect the manhole liner due to head pressure. Set the existing manhole ring and cover using brick to make elevation adjustments as needed. Observe watertightness and repair any visible leakage. Backfill around the new liner and compact the backfill. Sod the disturbed area. Match existing sod. Where manholes fall in paved areas, disturbed base shall be replaced twice the original thickness and campacted in 8" layers. Asphalt shall be replaced with 1 1/2" of Pinellas County Type II surface. 49.4 STRONG SEAL MS-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM This specification shall govern all wark to spray apply a monolithic .fiber reinforced cementitious liner to the wall and bench surfaces of brick, concrete or any other construction material; Strong Seal MS 2 product. Described are procedures for manhole preparation, cleaning, application and testing. The applicator must be approved, trained and certifed as having successfully completed factory training. The applicator/contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and rnaterials for applying the Strong Seal MS 2 praduct directly to the contour of the manhole to forna a structural cementitious liner of a minimum 1/2" thickness using a machine specially designed for the application. All aspects of the installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and with the following specifications which includes: 1. The elimination of active infiltration prior to making the application. 2. The removal of any loose and unsound material. SectionlV.doc Page 100 of 128 4/I1/2011 1 , Section IV — Technical Specifications 3. The spray application of a pre blended cementitious mix to farm a monolithic liner in a 2 coat application. ' 49.4.1 MATERIALS , PATCHING MIX Strong Seal shall be used as a patching mix according to the manufacturer's recarnmendations and shall have the following minimum requirements: ' 1. Compressive Strength (ASTM C-109) 15 min., 200 psi 6 hrs., 1,400 psi 2. Shrinkage (ASTM C-596) 28 days, 15Q psi t3. Sond (ASTM C-952) 28 days, 150 psi 4. Cement Sulfate resistant ' 5. Density, when applied 105 +/- 5 pcf 49.5 INFILTRATION CONTROL , Strang Plug shall be used to stop minor water in�ltratian according to the manufacture's recornmendations and shall have the following minimum requirements: ,' 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C-109) - 600 psi, 1 hr.; 1000 psi 24 hrs. 2. Bond (ASTM C-952) - 30 psi, 1 hr.; 8U psi, 24 hrs. 49.fi GROUTING MIX '� Strong-Seal Grout shall be used for stopping very active infiltratian and filling voids according ' to the manufacture's recommendations. The graut shall be volurne stable, and have a minimum 28 day compressive strength af 250 psi and a 1 day strength of 50 psi. 49.7 LINER MIX �, � Strong Seal MS 2 shall be used ta form the rnonalithic liner cavering all interior rnanhole surfaces and shall have the fallowing minimum requirements at 28 days: ,' 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C l09) 3,000 psi 2, Tensile strength (ASTM C 496) 300 psi ', 3. Flexural strength (ASTM C 78) 600 psi �. Shrinkage (ASTM C 596) 0% at 90% R.H. ,' S. Bond (A$TM C 952) 130 psi 6. Density, when applied 105 + pcf Product must be factory blended requiring only the addition of water at the Job site. Bag weight ' shall be 50 51 pounds and contents shall have dry bulk density af 54 ta S6 pounds per cubic foot. Fiberglass rods which are contained in the product shall be alkaline resistant and shall be 1/2" ta ,' S/8" long with a diameter of b35 to 640 microns. Products shall, in the un mixed state, have a lead content not greater than two percent (2%) by weight. ' SectionIV.doc Page 101 of 128 4/11/2011 1 Section IV — Technical Specif cations Strang Seal M5 2C shall be made with Calcium Aluminate Cement and shall be used according to the manufacturer's recor�nmendations in applications where there is evidence of severe sulfide conditions. Praduct must be factory blended requiring only the addition of water at job site. Bag weight shall be 50-51 pounds and contents must have a dry bulk density of SO 56 pounds per cubic foat. Cement content must be 65%-75% of tatal weight of bag. One bag of product when mixed with correct amaunt of water rnust have a wet density of 95 108 pounds per cubic foot and must yield a minimum of .67 cubic foot of volurne. Fiberglass rods must be alkaline resistant with rod lengths not less than 1/2" in length nor greater than 5/8" in height. Product shall not include any basic ingredient that exceeds maximum allowable EPA limit for any heavy metal. Manufacturer must provide MSDS sheets for product(s) to be used in reconstruction process. A rivo coat application of liner material will be required (no exceptions) with the first coat rough troweled to force rnaterials into cracks and crevices to set the bond. The second coat to be spray applied to assure zninimum 1/2" thickness after troweling or brush finishing to a relatively smooth finish. 49.8 WATER Shall be clean and potable. 49.9 OTHER MATERIALS No other material shall be used with the mixes previously described without prior approval or recornrnendation from the manufacturer. 49.10 EQUIPMENT A specially designed machine cansisting of an optimized progressive cavity pump capable of producing a miniznum of 250 psi pumping pressure, contra bl�nd mixer with twin ribbon paddles with discharge, and an air system for spray application of product. Equipment must be complete with water storage and metering system. Mixer and pump is to be hydraulically powered. Equipment is to be mounted to heavy duty construction tandem axle road worthy trailer complete with electric brakes and running lights. Internal combustion engine must be included to power the hydraulic system and air compressor. 49.11 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTI�N 49.11.1 PREPARATION 1. Place boards over inverts to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewer lines and ta prevent up stream line from flooding the manhole. 2. All foreign rnaterial shall be removed from the manhole wa11 and bench using a high pressure water spray (rninimum 1,20� psi). Loose and protruding brick, mortar and SectionIV.doc Page 102 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 1 ' ' 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications concrete shall b� removed using a masan's hammer and chisel and/or scraper. Fill any large voids with quick setting patching mix. 3. Active leaks shall be stopped using quick setting specially formulated mixes according ta the manufacturer's recammendations. Some leaks may require weep holes to localize the infiltration during the application aiier which the weep holes shall be plugged with the quick setting mix prior to the final liner application. When severe infiltration is present, drilling may be required in order to pressure grout using a cementitious grout. Manufacturer's recornrnendations shall be followed when pressure grauting is required. 4. Any bench, invert or service line repairs shall be made at this time using the quick setting mix and following the manufacturer's recarnmendations. 5. After all preparation has been completed, remove all loose rnaterial. 49,11.2 MIXING ' For each bag of product, use the amount of water specified by the manufacturer and mix using the Spray Mate Mode135C or 35D equipment for 30 seconds to a minute after all materials have been placed in the mixing hopper. Place the ►nix into the holding hopp�r and prepare anather ', , batch with timing such that the nozzlernan can spray in a continuous manner without interruption until each application is complete. 1 1 ' 1 49.11.3 SPRAYING The surface, prior to spraying, shall be damp without noticeable free water droplets or running water. Materials shall be sprayed, applied to a minimum uniform thickness to insure that all cracks, crevices and voids are filled and a somewhat smooth surface remains after light trow�ling. The light troweling is performed to compact the material into voids and to set the bond. Not before the �rst application has begun to take an initial set (disappearance oi surface sh�en which could be 1 S minutes ta 1 hour depending upon ambient conditions) is the second application made to assure a minimum total �nished thickness of 1/2 inch. The surface is then traweled to a smoath finish being careful not to over trowel so as to bring additional water to the surface and weaken it. A brush finish may be applied ta the �nished coat to remove trowel marks. Manufacturer's recornmendation shall be followed whenever more than 24 hours have elapsed between applications. The wooden bench covers shall be remaved and the bench is sprayed such that a gradual slope is produces from the walls to the invert with the thickness at the edge of the invert being no less than 1/2 inch. The wall bench intersection shall be rounded to a uniform radius, the full circumFerence of the intersection. The final applicatian shall have a minimum af four (4) hours cure time before being subjected ta active flow. 49.11.4 PRODUCT TESTING At some point during the application, at least four (4) 2 inch cubes may be prepared each day or from every 50 bags af product used, identi�ed and sent, in accordance with the Owner's or Manufacturer's directions, for compression strength testing as described in ASTM C 109. 49.11.5 CURING ' Ambient manhole canditions are adequate far curing so lang as the manhole is covered. It is imperative that the manhole be covered as soon as possible after the application has been completed. 1 ' SectionlV.doc Page 103 of 128 �/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 49.11.6 MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuum tested from the top of manhole frame to the manhole base. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely place the plug from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. A vacuum pump of ten (10) inches of rnercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves clased, the tirne shall b� measured for the vacuurn to drop to nine (9) inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than sixty (60) seconds for forty eight (48) inch diameter, seventy five (75) seconds for sixty (60) inches, and ninety (90) seconds for seventy two (72) inch diameter manholes. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be m,ade. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Tests shall be performed by the Contractor under the direction of the Praject Engineer. 49,12 INNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM 49.12.1 SCOPE Materials and application procedures for manhole rehabilitation for the purpose of restoring structural integrity, providing corrosion resistance, and stapping infiltration by means of: 1. Hydraulic grouting, where required, as a preliminary measure ta stop high volume infiltration 2. Hydrophilic grouting (positive side waterproofin�), where required, as follows: a. Hydrophilic faam-injected through wall of manhole to f'il1 voids and/ar b. Hydrophilic gel-injected through wall of manhole to stop active leaks 3. Cementitious waterproofing with crystallization (negative side waterproofing) 4. Calcium aluminate cement lining, minimum of 1/2 inch 5. Epoxy coating, minirnurn of 30 dry mils 49.12.2 MATERIALS REPAIRING CEMENT A quick setting hydraulic cement compound shall be used to plug all visible minor leaks and to instantly stop major leaks, so that further waterproofng processes may proceed unhindered. The repairing cement shall b� nonshrinking, nonmetallic, and noncorrosive. The campound shall have the fallowing properties: Set Time Tensile Strength ASTM C 307 Compressive Strength ASTM -C 109 1-3 minutes 1 day 510 psi 3 days 745 psi 28 days $55 psi 1 day 3,125 psi 7 days 7,808 psi 28 days 9,543 psi SectionlV.doc Page 104 of 128 4/11/2011 ' , r� 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications Flexural Strength ASTM C 78 C'�'�i i'1�'�+�: �-�•]:l•] �: � ��[+��3:Z•l�y � �, [�3 1 day 410 psi 3 days 855 psi 28 days 1,245 psi Based on conditions found in and around the manhole, the applicator shall pressure inject either one or both of the following materials: 1. An expansive foarn grout shall be used to stop major intrusion of water and fill cracks in and voids behind the structure's suriace. Physical properties are as follaws: Tensile Strength ' Elongation Bonding Strength 380 psi ASTM D 3574-86 400% ASTM D 3574-86 25�-300 psi 2. A hydrophilic gel grout shall be used for soil stabilization behind the manhole-to prevent ' seepage, ta provide a damming effect, and to place a hydrostatic barrier around exterior of rnanhole. Physical properties are as follows: 1 11 1 Density Tensile Strength Elangation Shrinkage Toxicity _ '�`I_� � �:7 �:T*I*7 y I `C�7 8.75-9.171bs/gal ASTM D-3574 150 psi ASTM D- 412 250% ASTM D-3574 Less than 4% ASTM D-1042 Non Toxic A waterproofing cornponent based on the crystallization process shall be applied. The system combines cementitious and silicate based materials that are applied to negative side surfaces to seal and stop leakage caused by hydrostatic pressure. A cornbination of five coats (using three companents-twa pawders and a special liquid) react with moisture and the constituents af the substrate to form the crystalline structure. It becornes an integral part of the structure and blocks the passage af water. With moisture present, the crystallization process will continue for approximately six months. Upon completion the color will be light grey. Physical properties are as follows: Slant/Shear bond Strength to Calcium Aluminate Cement ASTM (to be given) 1,200 1,800 psi Tensile Strength (7 day cure) ASTM C 190 Permeability (3 day cure) CRD 48 SS CEMENT LINING 380 psi (2.62 MPa) 325 psi (2.24 MPa) 8.1 x10 llcm/sec to 7.dx10 cm/sec at 100% RI I at SO% RH A self bonding calcium aluminate cement shall be applied to restore structural integrity and provide corrosion resistance qualities. The cement (befare adding frbers) shall have the following properties: Calcium Aluminate Cement 1Z Hrs 24 Hrs 7 Days 28 Days SectionIV.doc Page 105 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications Astm C 495 Compressive Strength, Psi 7000 11000 12000 13000 Ascm C 293 Flexural Strength, Psi 1000 1500 1800 2000 Astm C 596 Shrinkage At 90%Humidity -- c0.04 �D.O6 cO.Q$ Astrn C 666 F'reeze-Thaw Aft 300 Cycle No D�unage Astm C 990 Pull - Out Strength 200 - 230 Psi Tensile Astm C 457 Air Void Content (7 Days) 3% Astm C 497 Porosity/Adsorption Test 4- 5% Modules of Elasticity: 7.10 X 10 PSI after 24 Hrs moist curing at 68 F. The calcium aluminate cement shall be reinforced with inert fibers which comply with ASTM C 1116 and ASTM C 1018, added at the rate of one pound per cubic yard of concrete. The mixture shall be applied ta a thickness of at least one half inch, but no greater than two inches. It will have a dark grey color. EPDXY COATING A high build, flexible waterproofing epoxy shall be applied to a minimum of 30 dry mils. This epoxy will seal structure from moisture and provide protective qualities to the surface, including excellent resistance to chemical attack and abrasion. The epoxy shall be 100% solids, can be applied to damp surfaces, cures to a tile like fnish, is easy to clean, and has no toxic fumes. Its uses include sewage treatment plants and other sewer structures. The epoxy shall have the following praperties at 75 degrees F: Mixing Ratio (Parts A:B), by valume Color (other colors available on request) Pot Life, hrs Tensile Str�ngth, psi, rnin Tensile Elongation, % Water Extractabl� Substances, mg./sq. in., max Bond Strength to Cement (ASTM $82) psi CHEMICAL RESISTANCE 1:1 Light Gray 1 2,Q00 10 —20 5 1,800 Alcohals, Trichloroethylene, Nitric Acid (3%), Jet Fuels, Water, Sulfuric Acid (3% l0%), MEK, Wine, Butyl Acetate, Beer, Lactic Acid (3%), Gasoline, Corn Oil, Aluminum Sulfate, Paraffin Oil, Vegetable Juice, Sodium Chloride, Motor Oil, Hydrochloric Acid (3%), and many others. 49.12.3 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW Work shall proceed as follows: 1. Remove rungs (steps), iidesired by client. 2. Clean manhole and remove debris. a. Plug lines and/ar screen out displaced debris. b. Apply acid wash, if necessary, to clean and degrease. c. Hydroblast and/or sand blast structure. SectionIV.doc Page 106 of 128 4/11/2011 1 ' Section IV —'fechnical Specifications d. Remove debris from work area. 3. Repair minor defects in walls, benches, and inverts, as required, with repairir►g cement. ' (Note: Major structural repairs, such as rebuilding of benches, will also be made as required by client. , 4. Inject hydrophilic grout through all surfaces, as needed, to eliminate infiltration. 5. Apply cementitious/crystallization waterproofing agents to all suriaces, repeating steps as needed. 6. Spray and/or hand apply calcium aluminate cement lining to all surfaces. 7. Spray apply epoxy coating ta all surfaces. NOTE: Steps 1-5 shall b� executed consecutively with rninimal delays; calcium aluminate (Step 6) shall reyuire a cure time of at least twenty-four haurs far needed adhesion of epaxy (Step 7) to cement lining. PREPARATION An acid wash shall be used (if needed) to clean and degrease. Then, if the client desires, the rungs shall be rernoved. Next, the entire structure is thoroughly water and/or sand blasted to remove any loose or deteriorated material. Care shall be taken to prevent any loose material from entering lines and other areas by either plugging the lines ( where feasible) or inserting protective screens. � STRUCTURAL REPAIR Hand place or spray apply hydraulic cement material as necessary to prepared surface to fill cracks and voids in structure. Allow twenty (20) rninutes before applying waterproafing/crystall izatian. INFILTRATION CONTROL Pressure injection of hydrophilic gel and hydrophilic foam. 1. Dri115/8" holes through active leaking surface. 2. Install all zert fittings, as recommended by manufacturer. 3. Inject material until water flow stops. 4. Remove �ttings (if necessary). WATERPR04�ING/CRYSTALLIZATI�N PROCESS 1. Apply a slurry coat of powder #1 to moist wall using a stii�brush, forming an undercoat. 2. Apply dry powder #2 ta slurry coat by hand. 3. Brush or spray on sealing liquid during the application to penetrate and initiate the crystal forming process. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, until there are no visible leaks. 5. Apply powder #1 as an overcoat. 6. Allow one (1) haur to cure before applying cement lining. SectionIV.doc Page ]07 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Specifications 49.12.3,6 CEMENT LINING 1. Darnpen surface. 2. Mix material in mixer as recommended for spray ar hand trowel application. 3. Apply cement until required build up of at least one half inch (and no zrzore than 2 inches) has been achieved. 4. Trawel to smooth f'inish, restoring contours af manhole. 5. Texture brush surface to prepare for epoxy finish. 6. Allow for a 24-hour cure time prior to epoxy coating. NOTE: If conditions of heavy humidity prevail, a dry air blower shall be used to facilitate curing times. EPDXY COATING Spray apply epoxy coating using airless spraying equipment until surface is visibly covered and a thickness af at least 30 mils has been achieved. Manhole may be safely enter�d after six (6) hours, as epoxy will be hardened. Full cure strength will be achieved at forty eight (48) hours. CLEAN UP The work crew shall remove all debris and clean work area. MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuum tested from the top of manhole frame to the manhole base. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely place the plug from being drawn into the manhale. The test head shall be placed and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. A vacuum pump of t�n (10) inches of inercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves clased, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine (9) inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than sixty (60) seconds for forty eight (48) inch diameter, seventy five (75) secands for sixty (60) inches, and ninety (90) seconds %r seventy two (72) inch diameter manholes. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Tests shall be performed by the Contractor under the direction of the Project Engineer. WARRANTY All materials and workmanship shall be warranted to the Owner for a period af five (S) years, provided that all the above mentioned repair steps are used. 5� PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS This article deleted. See SECTIQN I�I, ARTICLE 23 -- PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS. 51 IN-LINE SKATING SURFACING SYSTEM 51.1 SCOPE l. These speci�cations pertain to the application of the Plexiflor Color Finish System over recreational areas intended for In-Line Skating activities. The materials specified in the SectionIV.doc Page 108 of 12& 4/11/2011 Section IV -- Technical Specifications site plans shall be of colars indicated and for application over the Plexipave Acrylic Latex System. 2. The work shall consist of suitable cleaning and preparation of the surface to assure a satisfactory bond af the system ta the existing surfac�. 3. All coverage rates are calculated prior to dilution. 4. Plexiflor In-line Skating Surfacing System • 1 Coat af Acrylic Resurfacer + 2 Coats of Fortified Plexipave • 2 Coats of Plexiflor • Plexicolor Line Paint 51.2 SURFACE PREPARATIONS 51.2.1 ASPHALT Allow new asphalt to cure a minimum of 6 months. The surfac� must b� checked for birdbaths, , cracks and other irregularities and repaired with Court Patch Binder according to California Specification Section 10.14. (Surfacing prior to six months may make the asphalt subject ta indentation). 51.2.2 CONCRETE Cancrete shall have a wood float or broom finish. DO NOT PROVIDE STEEL TROWEL , FINISH. DO NOT USE CURING AGENTS OR CONCRETE HARDENERS. Allow the concrete to cure a minimum af 30 days. Acid Etch the entire surface with Concrete Preparer according to California Specificatian Section 10.13. Check surface for birdbaths, cracks and , other irregularities and repair with Court Patch Binder according to California Specification Section 10.14. 51.2.3 COURT PATCH BINDER MIX Court Patch Binder Mix: 100 Lbs. #80-100 Mesh Silica Sand (dry) 3 gallons Cauth Patch Binder l to 2 gallons Fortland Cement. 51,3 APPLICATION OF ACRYLIC FILLER COAT I,, 1. Application of the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix shall be applied to the clean, dry, level surfaces to receive the Plexiflor Surfacing System. The rnix shall be applied according to , California Specification Sectian 10.8 using the following mix: , ' , Acrylic Resurfac�r Water (Clean and Potable) Sand (60-80 mesh) Liquid Yield 55 gallans 20-40 gallons 600-900 pounds 112-138 gallans 2. Over asphalt surfaces, apply the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix in one or two coats (depending on surface porosity) at a rate of .OS -.07 gallons per square yard per coat. 3. Non-coated concrete surfaces must be neutralized with concrete preparer and prim�d with California Ti-Coat according to Specification Section 10.17. The Acrylic Resurfacer Mix SectionIV.doc Page 109 of 128 LffI/f�I�IlI Section IV — Technical Specifications must be applied within 3 hours of the TiCoat application while the primer is dry but still tacky to the touch. Apply the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix in one or two applications at a rate of .OS-.07 gallans per square yard per coat. 51.4 APPLICATION OF FORTIFIED PLEXIPAVE After the f ller coat application has dried, apply two caats of Fortified Plexipave at an undiluted rate of.05-.07 gallons per square yard per coat using the following mix: Plexipave Color Base Plexichrorne Water 51.5 PLEXIFLOR APPLICATION 30 gallons 20 gallons 20 gallons 1. Plexiflar is factory premixed and ready to use from the container. The material may be diluted with one (1 ) part water to six (6) parts Plexiflor to improve flowability and provide uniform application. 2. Apply two coats af Plexiflar at a rate of .04-.OS gallans per square yard per coat. 3. Plexiflar is applied (in a similar manner to Plexipave) in windrows on the surface with sufficient quantity to cover as the squeegee is pulled over the surface. Apply only light pressure to the squeegee. Do not allow ridges to form between passes of the squeegee. Ridges existing after material dries should require corrective action. 4. Plexiflor and its preliminaty caatings should be allowed to thoroughly dry prior Co application of subsequent coats. 51.6 PLAYING LINES Four hours minimum after completion of the color resurfacing, playing lines shall be accurately located, marked and painted with Plexicolor Line Fai,nt as specified by The National In-Line Hockey Association. 51.7 GENERAL 1. The contractor shall remove all containers, surplus materials and debris upon completion of work leaving the site in a clean, arderly condition that is acceptable to the owner. Gates shall be secured and all containers shall be disposed of in accardance with Local, State and Federal regulations. 2. Materials speci .fied for the Plexiflor System shall tee delivered to the site in sealed, property labeled arums with California Froducts Corporation labels that are stenciled with the proper batch cade numbers. Products packaged ar labeled in any other manner will not be accepted. Mixing with clear, fresh water shall only be done at the job site. Coverage rates are based upon material prior to mixing with water as specified. 51.8 LIMITATIONS 1. Do not apply if surface temperature is less than 50°F or more than 1 40°�'. 2. Do not apply when rain or high humidity is imminent. 3. Do not apply when surface is damp or has standing water. SectionIV.doc Page 110 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 4. Plexiflor will not hide surface imperfections of previous coatings. 5. Keep from freezing. Do not store in the hot sun. 6. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. 7, Plexiflor will not prevent substrate cracks from occurring. 8. Plexiflor will mark slightly from normal use of some In-line Skates. 9. Coefficient of friction = 0.78 10. Coating Application Drying Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour at 70°F with 60% relative humidity. 11. Keep court clean. Excess dirt or foreign material can cause the surface to be slippery. In-Line hockey is a physical sport. Always wear NIHA recammended protective gear. 52 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 22 - RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION. 53 GABIONS AND MATTRESSES 53.1 MATERIAL � <r71= 3 C • ] : r�T `.1 �7 :7 � ` I • ] ► � i l _� t i : ��' 3 � _ 1:� G1 � PVC COATED WIRE MESH GABIONS 8� MATTRESSES ' Gabion & mattress basket units shall be of non-raveling construction and fabricated from a double twist by twisting each pair of wires through thrEe half turns developing the appearance of a triple twist. The galvanized wire core shall have a diameter of 0.1063 inches (approx. US gauge , 12). All wire used in the fabrication �f the gabion shall cornply with or exceed Federal Specifications QQ-W-�461H, possess a maximum tensile strength of 70,000 p.s.i. with a Finish 5, Class 3 zinc coating in accordance with the current ASTM A-641. The weight of zinc coating shall be determined by ASTM A-90. The grade of zinc used for coating shall be High Grade or I' Special High Grade, as prescribed in ASTM B-6, Table 1. Uniformity of coating shall equal or exceed four 1-minute dips by the Preece test, as dEtermined by ASTM A-239. , � , The PVC coating shall be extruded and adhere to the wire core prior to weaving. The PVC coated wire shall be woven into a double twisted hexagonal rnesh having uniform openings of 3 1/4 inches by 4'/z inches. The overall diameter of the mesh wire (galvanized wire core plus PVC caating) shall be 0.146 inches. Selvedge and reinforcing wire shall be of heavily galvanized wire core, 0.1338 inches in diameter (approx. US gauge lU), coated with PVC and having an overall diarneter (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) of 0.173 inches. Lacing and connecting wire shall be of saft tensile strength (75,000 PSI max), heavily galvanized wir� core, 0.087 inches in diameter (approx. US gauge 13 '/Z), coated with PVC and having an overal I diameter (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) of 0.127 inches. The use of alternate wire fasteners shall be permitted in lieu of tie wire providing the alternate fasten�r praduces a four (4) wire selvedge joint with a strength of 1200 lbs. per linear foot while remaining in a locked and closed condition. Properly formed interlocking fasteners shall be spaced from 4 ta 6 inches and have a minimurn 3/4 square inch inside area to properly confine the required selvedge wires. Tiger-Tite SectionTV.doc Pag� � i r of ras ai1 rizo� � Section IV — Technical Specifications Interlocking Fasteners are an approved alternate joint material. The Interlocking Wire Fastener shall meet stainless steel material specification ASTM A-313, Type 302, Class 1, or equal. All of the above wire diameters are subject to tolerance limit of 0.004 inches in accordance with ASTM A�641. PVC (POLYVINYL CHL.ORIDE) CQATING The coating shall be gray in colar and shall have a nominal thickness of 0.0216 inches but not less than 0.015 inches in thickness. The protective PVC plastic shall be suitable to resist deleterious effects from exposure to light, immersion in salt or polluted water and shall not show any material difference in its initial compound properties. The PVC compound is also resistant to attack from acids and resistant to abrasion. 1. Speci�c Gravity: a. According to ASTM D-2287 and ASTIVI D- 792; in the range of 1.30 to 1.34. 2. Tensile Stren�th: a. According to ASTM D-142; not less than 2980 psi. 3. Modulus of Elasticity: a. According to ASTM D-412; not less than 270� psi at 100% strain. 4. Resistance to Abrasion: a. According to ASTM 1242; weight loss �12% (Method B). 5. Brittleness Temperature: a. According to ASTM D-746, Procedure A; shall be at least 8.3 degrees centigrade below the minimum temperature at which the gabions will be handled or placed but not lower than -9.4 degrees centigrade. 6. Hardness: a. According to ASTM D-2240; shall be b�tween SO and 60 Shore D when tested. 7. Creeping Corrosian: a. Maximum corrosion penetration to the wire core from a square cut end section shall not be more than 25rnm when the specimen has been immersed for 2000 hours in a 50% SOLUTTON HC 1(hydrochloric acid 12 Be). ACCELERATED AGING TESTS Variation of the initial properties will be allowed, as specified below, when the specimen is subrnitted to the follawing Accelerated Aging Tests: 1. Salt Spray Test: a. According to ASTM B-117 b. Period of test = 3p00 hours. 2. Exposure to ultravialet rays: a. According to ASTM D-1499 and ASTM G-23 (Apparatus Type E). Feriod of test = 3000 hours at 63 degrees centigrade. SectionlV,doc Page 112 of 128 4/11/2Q1 I ' ' 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications 3. Exposure to high temperature: a. Testing period: 240 haurs at 105 degrees centigrade, when tested in accardance with ASTM D- 1203 and ASTM D-2287. PROPERTIES AFTER AGING TESTS ' After the above Accelerated Aging Tests have been performed, the PVC campound shall exhibit the %llawing praperties: 1 2 Appearance: a. The vinyl coating shall not crack, blister or split and shall not show any remarkable change in color. Specific Gravity: a. Shall not show change higher than 6% of its initial value. 3. Durometer Hardness: a. Shall not show change higher than 10% of its initial value. 4. Tensile Strength: a. Shall nat shaw change higher than 25% of its initial value. 5. Elongation: a. Shall not shaw change higher than 25% of its initial value. 6. Modulus af Elasticity: a. Shall not show change high�r than 25% af its initial value. 7. Resistance to Abrasion: a. Shall not shaw change higher than 10% of its initial value. 8. Brittleness Temperature: a. Cold Bend Temperature - Shall not be lawer than -2p degrees centigrade. b. Cold Flex Temperature - Shall not be higher than +18 degrees centigrade. 53.1.2 GABION AND MATTRESS FILLER MATERIAL: The filler stone shall be limestane from a source approved by the Engineer before delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples af the stane shall be submitted by the contractor or supplier for examination and testing by the Engineer. The stone shall have a minimum specific gravity of 2.3 and be af a quality and durability sufficient ta insure permanency in the structure. The individual stones shall be free of cracks, seams, and other defects that would tend to promote deterioration from natural causes, or which might reduce the stones to sizes that could not be retained in the gabion or mamess baskets. The stone shall meet the following physical requirements: � Absorption, maximum 5% � Los Angeles Abrasion (FM l OT096), maximum loss 45% • Soundness (Sodium Sulphate), (FM 1-T104), maximum loss l2% SectionIV.doc Page 113 of 128 4l11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications � Flat and elongated pieces, materials with least dimension less than one third of greatest dirnension shall not exceed 5% by weight. All filler material shall be uniformly graded between 4 inch and S inch (equivalent spherical diarneter) and shall be angular in forrn. Rounded stones shall not exceed 10% of the stane, by weight and 70% of the stone, by weight, sl�all exceed the largest dimension of the mesh opening. 53.1.3 MATTRESS WIRE Mattress wire shall conform to the same specifcations as gabions except as follows: 1. The norninal diameter of the wire used in the fabrication of the netting shall be 0.0866 inches minimum, subject to diameter tolerance in accordance with the curcent ASTM A 641, Table 3. 2. All wire shall be galvanized according to ASTM A 641, Table 1. The minimum weight of the zinc coating sha11 be 0.70 azs./sq. ft, for the 0.0866 inch wire used for mesh and lacing and 0.80 ozs./sq. ft. for the 0.106 wire used for selvedge. 3. Adhesion of the zinc coating to the wire shall be capable of being wrapped in a close helix at a rate not exceeding 15 turns per rninute around a cylindrical steel mandrel having a diameter 3 times the nominal wire diameter being tested. After the wrap test is completed, the wire shall not exhibit any cracking or flaking of the zinc caating to such an extent that any zinc can be removed by rubbin� with bare fingers. 53.1.4 GE�TEXTILE FABRIC Fabric shall conform to kDOT Standard Index 199, Type D-2, and FDOT Standard Specifcations, 1996 edition, Section 985. 53.2 PERFORMANCE Gabions and Reno Mattresses shall be installed according to the nnanufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the Drawings. Fabrication of gabion baskets shall be in such a manner that the sides, ends, lid and diaphragms can be assembled at the construction site into rectangular baskets of the sizes speci�ed and shown on the Drawings. Gabions and mattresses shall be of single unit construction; the base, lid ends and sides shall be eith�r waven into a single unit or one edge of these members connected to the base section of the gabian in such a manner that the stren.gth and flexibility at the connecting point is at least equal to that of the mash. Where the length of the gabion and mattress exceeds one and one-half its horizontal width, they shall be equally divided by diaphragms of the same mesh and gauge as the n�attresses shall be furnished with the necessary diaphragms secured in proper position on the base so that no additional tying is required at this juncture. The wire mesh is to be iabricated so that it will not ravel. This is defined as the ability to resist pulling apart at any of the twists or connections forrning the mesh when a single wire strand in a section of inesh is cut. Each gabion or mattress shall be assembled by tying all untied edges with binding wire. The binding wire shall be tightly looped around every other mesh opening along seams so that single and double loops are alternated. A line of empty gabions shall be placed into position according to the contract drawings and binding wire shall be used to securely tie each unit to the adjoining ane along the vertical reinforced edges and the top selvedges. The base of the empty gabions placed on top of a flled line of gabions shall be tightly wire ta the latter at front and back. SectionIV.doc Page 114 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV -- Technical Specifications To achieve better alignment and finish in retaining walls, gabion stretching is recommended. Connecting wires shall be inserted during the filling operation in the following manner: Gabians shall be filled to one third full and one cannectin� wire in each direction shall be tightly tied to opposite faces of each cell at one third height. The gabion shall then be �llsd to twa thirds full and one connecting wire in each direction shall be tightly tied to oppasite face of each cell at one two third height. The cell shall then be filled to the top. Filler stone shall not be dropped more than 12" into the gabions and mattresses. Geotextile fabric shall be installed at locations shown in the Drawings. The surface to receive the cloth shall be prepared to a relatively smooth condition free of obstructions which may tear or cut the cloth. The panel shall be overlapped a minimum of 30 inches and secured against movement. Clath damaged or displaced during installation, gabion work, ar backfill shall be replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the contractar's expense. The work shall be scheduled so that the fabric is not exposed to ultraviolet light more than the rnanufacturer's recammendations or �ve days, whichever is less. 54 LAWN MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS 54.1 SCOPE To remove trash and debris from landscape and paved area; maintenance and fertilization of plant beds and landscape materials; maintenance, repair, and operation of irrigation systems; arnarnental pest control; palm pruning; maintenance of traffic; and the cl�aning of hard surfaces at designated areas. The Contractor is to work with the City in coordinating maintenance activities and reporting irregularities in the wark zone. The Contractor(s) will provide the labor and materials required to maintain the landscaped street medians including: • Traffic safety and Maintenance of Traffic; • Trash and debris removal from the job site; • Rernoval of weeds in landscaped areas and hard surfaces; • Proper trirnrning and pruning of landscape plants and palms; • Proper fertilization and pest cantrol of landscape and palms (rnay be subcontracted); • Trrigation service and repair; • Mulch replacement; • Cleaning of hard surfaces; and the • Reporting of irregularities at the job site. 54.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK The Contractor(s) shall accomplish all landscape maintenance required under the contract between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, excluding observed halidays. The City may grant, on an individual basis, permissian to p�rform contract maintenance at other hours. All work shall be completed in a continuous manner, that is the cleanup, weeding, trirnming, etc., be completed before leaving the job site. SectionlV.doc Page 11S of 128 4/1 l/2011 54,3 54.3.1 Section IV — Technical Specifications WORK METHODS MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING The Contractor(s) will adhere to a work schedule provided by the City (sae Level of Service). Any variations to that schedule, requested by either party, must be approved, eith�r verbally or in writing by an authorized representative of the other party. 54.3.2 DUTIES PER SERVICE VISIT The contractor(s) shall provide the following service ac each scheduled visit to the designated locatian: 54.4 LITTER Remove trash and debris from the area to be maintained. Proper disposal of collected trash and debris is a requirement of the contractor. Extraordinary amounts of debris caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, vandalism, etc., would be the responsibility oi the City to clean up. The contractor should report such accumulations of debris when they are encountered. Sids for the extraordinary cleanup from the contractor would be considered. 54.5 VISUAL CHECK The site should be checked for irregularities, such as irrigation leaks, vehicle damage, dead or damaged plant material, vandalism, etc., which should be reported to the City within 24 hours after providing the service. 54.6 PLANT TRIMMING AND PALM PRUNING All plant material should be trimmed in a manner that promotes the natural shape and mature size of the particular specie. Trimming should be perfortned at intervals that will maintain plants in a neat appearance. Trimming should be perfot-rned to proznote fullness of the plants, while maintaining height restrictions in Clear Sight Zones as established on the landscape plans. Plants shall be kept trimmed to the back of curb. Brown foliage shall be removed from Liriope. Palm pruning to be performed at least once per year, preferably in late June or July following flower formation, according to the following specifications: 54.7 PHOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE, INDIA DATE, PYGMY DATE, ETC.) Remove all descending fronds, to the base af the frond; all parallel and ascending fronds are ta remain in order to leave a full, rounded head; seed heads may remain, but remove old faded heads that are encountered in the pruning process; remove loose frond boats; remove vegetation; such as strangler figs, Brazilian Pepper, Asparagus fern, etc., growing in the frond boots or on the trunk. Provide the rounded, classic cut on all Medjool palm boots. No climbing spikes allowed on palms. 54.8 DEBRIS REMOVAL A11 debris from pruning process is to be removed irom the job site and dispased of by the contractor. Work sites should be left in a clean and neat appearance upon completion. SectionlV,doc Page 116 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 54.9 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1'roper and safe work zanes in vehicular traffic areas are ta b� set up and maintained by the contractor, according to the attached Maintenance ofTraffic speci�cations. 54.10 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Contractar is respansible %r rnaintaining safe work zones in areas where pedestrian and park users are present. The City reserves the right ta limit the hours of operation in certain high pedestrian use areas. 54.11 PLANT FERTILIZATION All tree and plant rnaterial should be fertilized with the appropriate amount oi 20-6-12 sulfur coated, slow release, ornarnental fertilizer, three times per year. Applications shauld be made in mid-February, early June, and mid-September, for the i►rst two years. Fertilizer types and amounts will change with requirements of maturing landscape materials. 54.12 WEED REMOVAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA Weeds should be removed on a regular basis in order to keep thern from b�ing visibly noticeable. Weed control with the use of appropriate herbicides is allowable, given they are properly applied by a certified applicator. Herbicide damage to landscape material will be remedied by contractor at his/her expense. 54.13 MULCH CONDITION Shauld be maintained at a thickness that will discourage weed growth as well as help retain soil moisture, usually 3 inches. 54.14 IRRIGATION SERVICE AND REPAIR Should be performed at each visit to assure the systems pcoper operation and timing. Drip tubing ' should be kept covered with mulch. Tirner should be checked for proper time of day and operating schedule. Leaks or breaks in the system should be repaired before the next scheduled system running time. All repairs which will be charged at $20.00 or more must be approved in ' advance by the city. Minor repairs, less than $20.00, should be billed to the City in addition to the rnonthly maintenance fee. 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PEST CONTROL Should be performed by a properly licensed and certified applicator to keep pest populations at a less than damaging level. Landscape materials lost ta ar extensively damaged by pests will be replaced by the contractor at the contractor's expense. Diazinan products are not to be used on City properties. 54.16 PALM FERTILIZATION Apply three pounds of Magnesium sulfate and one pound of Potassium evenly, per tree, across the raot zone (typically within the dripline), annually in early February. SectionlV.doc Page 117 af 128 4/11/2011 Section TV — Technical Specifications 54.17 FREEZE PROTECTION The City will provide a freeze/frost protection fabric for the Contractor ta install over freeze/frost sensitive plants (Lantana and Pentas). The cavering material will be stored at a City facility (yet to be determined). Contractar will rexnove the coverin� material from storage and install over the sensitive plants, securely fastening edges of the material ta the ground per manufacturer's directions. The City will furnish metal pins needed far securing fabric to the ground. The City will notify the Contractor one (1) day or twenty-four (24) hours minimum prior to the need to protect plant material. After uses, the Contractor will prepare the fabric for storage and return it to the designated City facility. Protective covering shall be removed the following afternoan or remain in placed as directed by the City. The City shall notify the Contractor by 11:00 a.m, abaut removing the cover or keeping it in place due to continued freezing temperatures. The City may cancel the ireeze protection event at any time prior to the end af the scheduled installation day (5:00 p.m.) The Contractor will be compensated for the number of hours mobilization or on-site work at the contracted rate per man-haur unit price. The Contractor shall provide a unit price for the installation and removal of the covering fabric on a per event basis, as well as an hourly rate per employee required. The City and contractor will coordinate appropriate irrigation operations with weather conditions. Should freeze/frost damage occur, the Contractor shall perform rernedial work as per unit basis, as diracted by the City. 54.18 LEVEL OF SERVICE This location is to be serviced weekly. Repairs to damage or vandalism to be made within 7 working days of reported iriregularity. Weekly visits should occur no closer than six and no further than ten calendar days apart. 54.19 COMPLETI�N OF WORK Within 24 haurs of completing work the contractor shall notify the supervisor assigned to monitor the contract either in person or by phone of said completion. It is acceptable to leave a phone message. However, to make certain the message is received, it is advisable to call between 6:30 a.m. — 7:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 54.20 INSPECTION AND APPROVAL Upon receiving notification from the Contractor, the City shall inspect the serviced lacation the following business day. If, upon inspection, the work specified laas not been completed, the City shall contact the Contractor to indicate the necessary corrective measures. The Contractor will be given 48 hours frotn this notification to make appropriate corrections, If the wark has been cornpleted successfully then the City will pay for services billed. 54.21 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. This location will be newly installed and under warranty by the installar for a six month period on plants and 12 month warranty on palms. Landscape installer will coordinate irrigatian operation with the Maintenance contractor to assure adequate irrigation to the landscape rnaterials. Installer will also be responsible for the untying of palzn heads/fronds as he feels appropriate. 2. All listed acreage or square footage figures are estirnates. SectionIV.doc Page 118 of 128 4/11/2011 , � Section 1V —Technical Specifications 3. All maintenance shall be performed in a goad and warkmanlike manner, consistent with trade practices and standards which prevail in the industry. '' 4. The Contractor shall be respansibl� for damage to any plant rnaterial or site feature caused by the Contractor or his/her employees. The Contractor shall be notified in writing of the specific nature of the damage and cost of repair. The City shall, at its option, ' invoice the Contractor for the payment, ar reduce by the amount af the repairs the next regular payment to the Contractor. ' ' 1 ��� 5. Occasionally circumstances (standing water, prolonged inclement weather, parked vehicles, etc.) may make all or portians of a location unserviceable during the regular schedule. The Contractor shall notify the City Supervisor of such occurrences, and shall schedule to perform the required maintenance to the location as soon as the pertaining circumstances are relieved. MILLING OPERATIONS 55.1 EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION 8� MILLED SURFACE ' Unless otherwise noted in tha specs, plans or this Article, the milling operation shall be perfarmed in accordance with Sectian 327 of FDOT's Standard Specificatiotts (latest edition). The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 haurs in advance af all � milling. 55.2 ADDITI4NAL MILLING REQUIREMENTS � 1. If the milling machine is equipped with preheating devices, the cantractor is respansible to secure any necessary permits, and for complying with all local, state and federal , environmental regulations gav�rning operation of this type of equipment. 2. All milled surfaces must be repaved within seven days from the time it was milled, unless otherwise noted in the contract docurnents. ,' 3. Prior to paving, all milled are�s shall be swept with a Municipal type sw�eper either of the vacuum or the mechanical type, that picks up and hauls off, dust and dirt (the Broom Tractor way of sweeping is not be permitted). The sweeper must be equipped with its ' own water supply far pre-wetting to minimize dust. Moreover, the Contractor shall sweep debris off of sidewalks, driveways and curbs in addition to the roadways before leaving the job site. 1 4. In cases where concrete valley swales are present, the adjaining pavement shall be milled to allow for the new asphalt grade to be flush with the contract surface. � 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for remaving any asphalt that remains in the curb line and/or median curbs after the milling operation of a street is complete. The cost of this removal shall be included in the bid item for milling. 1 6. All radius returns on streets to be milled shall also be rnilled unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, with payment ta be included in the bid item for milling. 7. Any leveling or base replacement required after milling shall be applied to sections of the '' road as noted on the plans, or directed by the Engineer, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications for S-Type resurfacing projects or Section 330 (latest edition) for 1 1 SectionlV,duc Page 119 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Speciiications superpave resurfacing projects. The cost shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in th� project scope and plans. 8. Any roadway base material exposed as a result af the milling operation shall be prirned that same day (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard Speciftcations (latest edition). Repairs required to said base that result from a failure to place the prime in a timely manner shall be done to the City's satisfaction, and at the Contractor's expense. No paving of the exposed base can coramence until the City approves the repaired base. The cast of said prime shall be included in the bid item for milling. 9. Prior to the placement of asphalt, the face of all curbs and driveways shall be tac�Ced after the milling operation is camplete. 55.3 SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS All surplus existing materials resulting from milling operations shall remain the property of the City. The transporting and stockpiling of salvageable materials shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall contact the Public 5ervices Division at (727) 562-4950 to schedule delivery of material. 55.4 DISPOSABLE MATERIALS All surplus materials not claimed by the City shall become the property of the Contractor. The Contractor shall dispose of the material in a tizn�ely manner and in accordance with all regulatory requirernents in areas provided by the Coantractor at no additional expense to the City. 55.5 ADJUSTMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES All utilities and related structures requiring adjustment shall be located and adjusted by their owners at the owner's expense. The Cantractor shall arrange his schedule to allow utility awners the time required for such adjustments (minimum 48 haurs notice per State Statute). All utility adjustrnents shall be completed prior to the commencement of milling and resurfacing operations. 55.6 ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITY MANHOLES The necessary adjustments of sanitary sewer and stormwater utility manholes and appurtenances shall be accomplished by the Contractor in accordance with Section IV, Article 23.'1 of the City's Technical Specifications. 55.7 TYPES OF MILLING There are two types af milling used by the City: A. Wedge — This will consist of milling a six foot wide strip along the curb line af the pavement adjacent to the curb so the new asphalt will align with the original curb height and pavement cross section. B. Full Width — This will consist of milling the entire roadway (i.e. curb line/edge of pavement to curb Iine/edge of pavement). All existing horizontal and vertical geometry shall remain unless otherwise indicated or approved by the Engineer. SectionlV,dac Page 120 of 128 4/11/2011 , ' Section IV --Technical Specifications 55.8 MILLING �F INTERSECTIONS Intersections, as well as other areas (including radius returns) are to be milled and repaved to ' restore and/or improve the original drainage characteristics. Said work should extend appraxirnately 50 ta 100 feet in both directions from the low point of the existing swale. ' ' 1 ' 1 55.9 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The quantity to bE paid for will be the area milled, in square yards, completed and accepted. 55.10 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for milling shall include: all materials, preparation, hauling, transporting and stockpiling of salvageable materials, disposal of all surplus rnaterial, any required milling of radius returns and intersectians, prime and/or tack coat either required or placed at Engineer's discretion, removal of asphalt fram curbs, sweeping, labor, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the milling in accordance with the plans and specifications. 56 CLEARING AND GRUBBING The work included in this specifcatian includes the removal and disposal af all structures, appurtenances, asphalt, concrete, curbs, walls, trees, roats, vegetation, boulders, conduits, poles, pasts, pipes, inlets, brush, stumps, debris and other obstructions resting on or pratruding through the ground surface necessary to prepare the area for constructian. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in accardance with Section 110 of FDOT's Standard � Specifications (latest edition). Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, the Contractor shall take ownership af all removed material and dispose of thern off-site in accordance with all Local, State and Federal Requirements. 1 , ' , 56.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurernent shall be either a lump sum quantity or the number of acres cleared and grubbed as specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer. 56.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The pay item far clearing and grubbing shall include: all removal and disposal of materials and structures as well as all materials, hauling, equipment, tools, labor, leveling of terrain, landscape trirnrning and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. 57 RIPRAP ' The work included in this specification includes the construction of either sand-cement or rubble riprap as shawn on the plans. The riprap shall be canstructed per Section 530 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (lastest edition). , 1 ' 1 57.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement for riprap shall be the volume of sand used in cubic yards far sand- cement, or the dry weight in tons for rubble. SectionN.doc Page 121 of 128 4/11/2U11 Sectivn IV — Technical Specificatians 57.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The pay item for sand-cement riprap shall include: all rnaterials, testing, labor, grout, hauling, equipment, excavation, backfill, dressing and shaping for placement of sand-cement and all incidentals necessary to camplete the work. The pay item for rubble riprap shall include: all materials, r�quired bedding stone, dressing and shaping for placement of bedding stone, �ltex fabric, testing, hauling, excavating, backfill, dressing and shaping for placement of rubble, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. Na payment wil] be granted if concrete or stone that exists an-site is used as rubble riprap. 58 TREATMENT PLANT SAFETY This article applies to all City projects located at one of the City's Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) or Potable Water Reservoirs. 58.1 HAZARD POTENTIAL The Contractor shall be aware that hazardous materials are used at the WWTP's and the water reservoirs. These may include sodium hypochlorite, gaseous chlorine, sulfur dioxide and ammonia. Patential safety hazards associated with these substances include: � An accidental spill ar release can impair respiratary functions and result in severe burns to the skin and eyes. At the pre-construction conference, the contractor will be provided with a copy of the City af Clearwater Public Utilities Department Emergency Respanse Plan, and a copy of the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets. All employees of the cantractor and sub-coantractor assigned to this job shall be fanniliar with the content of these documents. 58.2 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR TRAINING Prior to issuance of a notice ta proceed, the contractor rxiust submit documentation regarding employee safety training relating to the items in Section A above. The documentation must include: � Veri�cation that all employees assigned to this job have received and understood training in the proper work practices necessary to safely perform the job while warking around gaseous chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas. • The date of the train.ing, and � The means used to verify that the ernplayee understood the training. 59 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS All traffic signal work shall be performed per the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications (Sections 603 through 699), unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. This specification includes, but is not limited to, the following items: all necessary equipment, materials, guaranties, acceptance procedures, signal timings, field tests, grounding, conduit, signal and interconnect cable, span wire assemblies, pull and junction boxes, electrical power service assemblies, poles, signal assemblies, pedestrian assemblies, inductive loop detectors, SectionIV.doc Page 122 of 128 4/11/2011 1 ' Section iV — Technical Specifications pedestrian detectors, traffic controller assemblies, controller cabinets and accessories, rernoval of existing traffic signal equipment, and internally illuminated signs. ' All trai�ic signal installations shall be mast arms and conform to the requirements of FDOT's Mast Arm Assembly standard, and shall be signed and sealed by a prafessional engineer registered in the state of Florida. All mast arm calculations, as well as the geatechnical report, ' shall also be signed and sealed by a prafessional engineer registered in the state of Florida. All mast arm colors shall be determined and approved by the City prior ta ardering from the manufacturer. ' [� ' All traffic signal indicators for vehicles and pedestrians shall be LED's and, approved by both the City and FDOT. In addition to this, all pedestrian signal indicators shall utilize countdown features. Contractor changes to the operation of an existing signal is PROHIBTTED unless directed by the City's Traffic Engineering Division. 59.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurement and payment shall b� specified in the contract documents and/or plans ' and shall include all equipment, preparation, materials, testing and incidentals required to complete the work per the plans. GO SIGNING AND MARKING All signing and marking work shall be performed per the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. This specification includes the following work: RPM's (Section 70�), painted trafFic stripes and markings (Section 710), thermoplastic stripes and rnarkings (Section 711) and tubular delineators/flex posts (Sections 70S and 972). The Contractor is responsible to ensure that striping is carrectly placed. Errors in striping or markings shall be "blacked-out" with paint, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. No payment will be mad� for these incorrect or "blacked-out" areas. Omissions in striping or rnarkings shall be corrected to the City's satisfaction prior to any payment being made. fi0.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis af ineasurement and payrnent shall be specified in the contract dacurnents and/or plans and shall include all equipment, preparation, materials and incidentals required to cornplete the work per the plans. G1 ROADWAY LIGHTING All roadway lighting shall be constructed per Sections 715 and 992 of FDOT's Standard Specifrcations (latest edition), unless atherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. 61.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ' The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contcact documents and/ar plans and shall include all equipment, materials, testing and incidentals required to complete the work per the plans. 1 ' SectionlV.doc Paga 123 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 62 TREE PROTECTION 62.1 TREE BARRICADES A. A pratective barrier shall be placed around all protected trees and palms prior to land preparation or construction activities within or adjacant to the work zone, including all staging and/or lay down areas. Protective barriers shall be installed as follows: 1. At or greater than the full dripline of all species of Mangroves and Cabbage Palms. 2. At or greater than the full dripline or all protected native pine trees and other conifer species. 3. At or greater than two-thirds af the dripline af all other protected species 4. At or greater than the full dripline of trees within a specimen tree stand. B. Protective barriers are to be constructed using no less than two-inch lumber for upright posts. Upright posts are to be at least four feet in length with a minimum of one foot anchored in the ground. Upright posts are to be placed at a maximum distance oi eight feet apart. Horizontal rails are to be constructed using no less than one inch by four-inch lunnber and shall be securely attached to the top of the upright post. The project City's representative must approve any variation frorn the above requirements. C. Whenever a protective barrier is required, it shall be in place until al1 construction activity is terminated. The area within the barrier limits shall remain undisturbed by any activity during construction. Native ground cover and understory vegetation existing within the barriers shall remain throughout construction. Exotic plant species may only be removed by manual labor utilizing hand tools or by other means if authorized in writin� by the City's representative. D. Prior to the erection of any required protective barrier, all surface foreign material, trash or debris shall be removed from the area enclosed by the barrier, and after erection of the barrier no such material or litter shall be permitted to remain within the protected area. No equipment, chernicals, soil deposits or construction materials shall be placed within such protective barriers. E. No signs, building permits, wires, ar other attachments of any kind shall be attached ta any prot�cted tree or palm. F. At all times, due care shall be taken to pratect the critical root zone of trees protected by this section, and root pruning requirements shall apply to such trees. 62.2 ROOT PRUNING A. Where proposed construction improvements involve excavatian and/or impacts to the critical root zane of protected trees, the Contractor shall be required to have an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist perfarm, ar directly supervise root pruning to reduce the impacts of construction. The critical root zone is equivalent to the tree's dripline. Prior to any clearing, grubbing or excavation activities, the affected roots must be severed by clean pruning cuts at the point where grubbing or excavation impacts the root system. Roots can be pruned utilizing specified root pruning equipment designed for that purpose or by hand digging a trench and pruning roots with a pruning saw, chain saw or other equipment designed far tree pruning. Root pruning by trenching equipment or excavation equipment is strictly prohibited. Roats located in the critical root zone that will be impacted by SectionIV.doc Page 124 of 128 4/11/2011 ' ' ' , 1 Section IV — Technical Specitications construction activities shall be pruned to a minimum depth oi 18 inch�s below existing grade or to the depth of the proposed impact if less than 18 inches from existing grade. Tim Kurtz, Senior Landscape Architect is the City's Representative on Public Works projects for raat Pruning issues and can be reached at (727) 562-4737, or through the canstruction inspector assigned ta the project. B. Root pruning shall only be preformed by or under the direct supervision of an International Society ofArboriculture (ISA) certifed arborist. C. Any proposed root pruning trenches shall be identified an site (i.e. staked or painted) inspected and appraved by the City's representative prior to actual root pruning. D. Root pruning shall be preformed as far in advance of other construction activities as is ' feasible, but at a rnini►num shall be performed prior to ANY impacts to the soil. Associated tree pratectian measures should be implemented upan completion of said root pruning. 1 ' E. If there is a likelihoad of excessive wind and/or rain exceptianal care shall be taken on any root pruning activities. F. Raat pruning shall be lirnited to a minimum of ten inches per one inch of the trunk diameter from the tree base. Any exception must be approved by the City's representative prior to said root pruning. G. Raats shall be cut cleanly, as far from the trunk of the tree as possible. Root pruning shall be done to a minimum depth of 18" from existing grade, or to the depth of the disturbance if less than 18". H. Root pruning shall be performed using a Doscocil Root Cutting Machine or equivalent. '� Alternate equiprnent or techniques must be approved by the City's representative, priar to any work adjacent to trees to be preserved. I. Root pruning shall be cornpleted, inspected and accept�d prior to the cammencement of any excavation ar other impacts ta the critical root zones of trees to be protected. J. Excavations in an area where root are present shall not cause the tearing or ripping of tree '' roots. Aoots must first be cleanly severed prior to continuing with the excavation, or tunneled around to prevent damage to the root. K. Tree roots shall not be exposed to drying out. Root ends shall be covered with native soil ar burlap and kept moist until final backfill or final grades has been established. L. When deemed appropriate (e.g., during periads of drought) the City representative may '' require a temporary irrigatian system be utilized in the remaining critical roat zones of root pruned trees. M. When underground utility lines are to be installed within the critical root zone, the root ' pruning requirement rnay be waived if the lines are installed via tunneling or directional boring as opposed to open trenching. ' 1 '1 1 62.3 PROPER TREE PRUNING A. All tree pruning and/ar raot pruning on existing trees ta remain shall only be preformed by or under the direct supervision of an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist. Furthermore, all tree work shall conform to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2001, American National Standard for tree care operations — Tree, Shrub and other Waody Flant Maintenance — Standard practices (pruning) ANS1 A-300. SectioniV.doc Page 125 of 128 4/11/2011 Section iV — Technical 5pecifications B, Proper pruning techniques for all lateral branches of protected trees are required. Flush cuts (pruning cuts that remove the branch collar) and stub cuts (cuts that leave a stub on the tree) are improper techniques. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Cades and Ordinances. C. No protected tree shall have more than 30 percent af its fa�iage rernoved. D. No protected tree shall be topped, bat racked or lion-tailed. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. E. Tree Trunks and limbs shall be protected. The use of tree spikes or other devicas that damage trunk and bark tissue on protected trees shall be prohibited. Any protected tree that has been damaged in such a manner will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement cansistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. 63 PROJECT WEB PAGES 63.1 WEB PAGES DESIGN If requested by the City, Engineer shall design the Project Web Site in accordance with the current City Web Site standards and styles. Project Web Site should include general project information as: Project Name & Number, Scape description, Lacation, Schedule, and Project Contacts. Note: Occasionally City modifies the general design of the City's Web Site, and the Engineer shall consult the City Webmaster for the current requirements, before designing or updating the Project Web Pages. 63.2 WEB ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES Project Web Pages should conform to the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines and US Section 508 guidelines whenever possible: http://www.w3.or�/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT 19990505/ http://www, section5 O8.�ov/ In particular, use of variable-width tables, user-adjustable/relative font sizes, ALT text for images, CSS whenever possible, etc. Accessibility should be a priority over design/aestlaetics. 63.3 THE SUN AND WAVES LOGO AND ITS USE The City's Sun and Waves logo should be used for everyday business, on all print and electronic material. It should be used on all internal correspandence, brochures, advertising, vehicles, apparel and signage. It should be used only in the rnanner presented here, in the proportion shown here, with no alterations. It should not be condensed, lengthened, or otherwise distorted to fit a space. The logo is appraved for use by city departments, and is nat to be used by outside vendors without the permissian o� the City Manager, Assistant City Manager or Public Communications office. Electronic versions of the logo should be obtained from the Fublic Comrnunications. This is for internal use only. SectionIV.doc Page 126 of 128 4/11/2011 �� ' Section IV -- Technical Specifications 63.4 MAPS AND GRAPHICS Use of maps and graphics is recorr►mended to illustrate the project; only appraved graphics ' shauld be posted to the Project Web Pages. 1 ' ' 63.5 INTERACTIVE FORMS The site should also include an interactive form or other options to allow Public's input sent back to the City regarding the Project. s3.s PosTiN� The site shauld be presented to the City's Webmaster for review and pasting to the City's Web Server. Posting af the Project Web Pages to a different than City's Web server, if approved, should be coordinated with the City's Webmaster for resolving all accessibility and conformity issues. 63.7 WEB PAGES UPDATES , Unless otherwise specified and agreed Engineer is responsible for keeping the posted Web Fages up-to-date, by sending revisions and updates through the City Project Manager to the City's Webmaster for posting. ' 64 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE CLEARANCE 1 1 ' 1 ' �� ' fi4.1 CLEARANCE OPTIONS When working in the vicinity of overhead power lines the Contr�ctor shall utilize one of the fallowing options: Option 1- Having the power lines de-energized and visibly grounded. Option 2- Maintaining a minimum distance of 20 feet of clearance for voltages up ta 350 kV an 50 feet of clearance far voltages more than 350 kV. Option 3- Determine the line voltage and pravide clearance in accordance with the table included in Section 64.2. 64.2 REQUIRED MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCES VOLTAGE MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCE (nominal, kV, alternating current) (feet) Up to SO 10 Over 50 ta 200 15 Over 20 to 350 20 Over 350 to 500 25 Over S00 to 750 35 SectionIV.doc Paga 127 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV —Technical Specifcations Over 750 to 1,000 45 Over 1000 (as established by the utility owner/operator or registered pro%ssional engineer who is a quali#"ied person with respect to electric power transmission and distribution) Note: The value that follows "td' is up to and includes that value. For exarnple, over 50 to 200 means up ta and including 200kV. SectionlV.doc Page 128 of 128 4/11/2011 ' � SECTION IVa ��� ' ' =1��1:i'�� �*3�1� lL�«�,.=C�11 � C�l:.ti � C•] � �`? '■ The Technical Specifications of the Construction Contract; Articles 1 thraugh 63 inclusive; are a part of this contract. ' The following supplements modify, change, delete frorn or add to the Technical Specifications of the Construction Contract. Where any article of the 7'echnical Specifications is ' modi�ed or any paragraph, subparagraph or clause thereaf is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that article, paragraph, subparagraph or clause shall rernain in effect. IMODIFICATIONS TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ' ARTICLES 1-63 Basis for measurement and payment for all Articles shall be superseded ,' by Divisian 01630 in Section IVa Supplernental Technical Specifications. ARTICLE 3- DEFINITION OF TERMS 3 Add to the de�nition of "Estimated Quantities" the following staterr►ent: The basis af p�yment far work and materials will be the actual amaunt of work done and materials furnished. Cantract�r agrees that he will make no clairn for darnages, anticipated profits, ar otherwise on accaunt of any difference between the amounts of work actually performed and materials actually furnished and the estirnated amounts thereof. ARTICLE 6 - CONCRETE 6 Add the following statements- Mixing time: Deliver concrete to site and discharge within 1-1/2 hour or before 3p0 revolutions of mixer drum, after introduction of rnixing water to cement and aggregates or cement ta aggregates. For cancrete joints: ' A. General: Pravide joints of types indicated, Hold locations and alignment to within plus 1/4 IN. Finish concrete surface adjacent to previous section to within plus 1/8 IN, with taoled radius of 1/4 ' IN. B. Metal keyway joints: Forrn by installin� metal parting strip, left in place. Stake and support like side form. Pravide dowels or tie ,' bars where indicated. C. Weakened plane joints; Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va ' 0892-0292 Supp/ementary Technica/ Speclfications IVa-1 ' 1. Tooled joints: Tool groove in freshly placed concrete. Groove dimensions: 3/S IN at surface and 1/4 IN at root. D. Canstruction joints: Install at end of day's work or wherever concreting must be interrupted for 30 minutes. Place timber bulkhead full depth af slab, securely staked. E. Expansion joints: Place 3/4 IN preformed expansian jaints at intervals as indicated and at all junctions with previously placed sidewalks, curb or other structures. Seal sidewalk joints with polyurethane sealant. Finishing concrete: A. As soon as placed, strike off and screed to crown and cross section, slightly above grade so that consolidation and finishing will bring final plan elevations. First pass of fist screed should maintain uniform ridge full width. B. Consolidate by vibrating screeds, internal units or a combination. C. Test with 6 FT straightedges, equipped with long handles and operated from sidewalk. Draw excess water and laitance off from surface. D. Float finish so as to leave no disfiguring marks, but to produce a uniform granular or sandy texture. Exteriar sidewalks at buildings shall receive light broom finish, E. Tool pavement edges with suitable edger. F. Final finish shall equal existing textures and conditions. Curing concrete: A. Cure for '7 days by method applicable to ambient conditions. Apply curing medium as soon as possible. Maintain to prevent detrimental loss of water from surface attd. edges of concrete during entire curing period. B. Burlap curing: Caver entire surface and edges. Keep continuously wet. After removal of forms, fold burlap over back of curb on slab, to subgrade. C. Curing compound: Spray on white-pigmented membrane forming compound. Use power driven spraying equipment, and spread at rate not to exceed 200 SQ FT/GAL. Concrete surfaces rnust be moist befare application. Recoat, if directed by the Engineer, to eliminate pinholes ar holidays. Do not use compound on surfaces ta which new concrete is to be bonded. Cold and hot weather concreting: 1. Cold weather (camply with ACI-306). a. Cease concrete placing when descending air temperature in shade fa11s below �0° �'. Do not resume until ambient temperature has risen to 40° F. b. If placing is authorized maintain temperature of mix between 60 and SO° F. Heat aggregates or water or both. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack S Bor� Section IVa 0992-0292 Supplementary Technical Specificatians IVa-2 ' ' � , 1 1 2 Water temperature may not exceed 175° F; aggregates, 150° F. c. When average daily temperature is belaw SO° F provide insulative protectian oi 12 IN mininnum thickness loose dry straw or equivalent, for 1Q days. d. Remove and replace all frost injured concrete. e. Never use salt or other antifreeze. Hot weather (comply with ACI-305). a. Cease concrete placing when plastic mix temperature cannot be maintained under 90° F. b. Aggregates or water or bath may be cooled. Cool water with crushed ice; aggregates by evaporation or water spray. c, Never batch cement hotter than 160° F. ARTICLE 9 - OBSTRUCTIONS ' 9 Add the following statement- "Any survey monument or benchmark which must be disturbed shall be carefully referenced before removal, and unless otherwise provided for, shall be replaced upon cornpletion of ,' the wark by a Flarida registered Frofessional Surveyor and Mapper (PSM)." ' /:�:�1 Y [y � af [S:��yC�9111� 14 Replace the third paragraph with- "Backfill under all types of paving shall be cornpacted in layers not to exceed 6" in thickness unless alternate method is approved by th� Engineer. Backfill shall be a minimum of 98% cornpaction as determined by AASHTO T 180 (Modified Proctor Density Test) to the battam of pavement." Backf ll under all pavement within Pinellas County ROW shall be a minimum 100% compactian AASHTO T-99. Replace the fourth paragraph with- "Backfill outside of pavernent areas shall be compacted the full depth to the ground surface to a minimum of 95% campaction as d�termined by AASHTO T 180 (Modified Proctor Density Test)." Sackfill outside of pavement areas within Pinellas County ROW shall be a minimum 100% campaction AASHTO T-99. Add the following staternent, "Backfill accardance with Division 02200 IVa Specifications." ARTICLE 22 -- R�ADWAY BASE AND SUBGRADE 22 Add the following statements- for structures shall be in Supplemental Technical ' Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Supplementary Technica/ Speclfications IVa-3 ' When in Pinellas County ROW: roadway base and subgrade, and all construction methods and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the Pinellas County, Florida Specifications for Hot Bituminous Mixtures, Plant Methods, Equipment and Construction Methods. When in FDOT ROW: roadway base and subgrade, and all constructian methods and workmanship shall conform to the requirernents of the FDOT. ARTICLE 23 — ASFHALTIC CONCRETE MATERIALS 23 Add the follawing statements- When in �inellas County ROW: asphaltic concrete material, and all canstruction methods and vvorkrnanship shall conform to the requirements of the Pinellas County, Florida Speci�cations for Hot Bituminous Mixtures, Plant Methods, Equipment and Construction Methods. When in FDOT ROW: asphaltic concrete material, and all construction methods and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the FDOT. ARTICLE 36 — STREET SIGNS 36 Replace the word "City" with "County", ARTICLE 38 — EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL 3$ Add the following statement- "See Sedi,rttentation and Erosion Control Notes and Details drawing, which states "Contractor shall prepare and submit a Stormwater Pollution Preveantion Plan (SWPPP) and National Pollutant Discharge Eliminatian System (NFDES) permit in accordance with FDEP criteria for an NPDES constructian activities permit. Visit www.dep.state.fl.us/water/stormwater/npdes for more information. Contractar shall obtain a FDEP generic permit for the discharge af produced groundwater. All soil erosion and sedinaent control measures shall be installed prior to disturbance and maintained thraugh project cornpletion." 38.9 Add the following statement- "No additional payment will be made to the Cantractor for the re-establishment of erosion control devices which may become damaged, destroyed, or otherwise rendered unsuitable for their intended function during the construction of the Project. Near completion o�the project, when directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall dismantle and remove the temporary devices used for sediment Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Supplementary Technical Specifications IVa-4 ' ' ' 1 ' ' control during construction. All erosion control devices in seeded areas shall be left in place until the grass is established. Seed areas around devices, and mulch after removing or filling ternporary control devices. Cleanup all areas." ARTICLE 41— WATER MAINS AND APFURTENANCES 41.2 Article � Ductile Iran Pipe shall be superseded by Division 15062 in Section IVa Supplemental Technical Specifications. Article Fittings and Joints shall be superseded by Division 15062 in Section IVa Supplemental Technical Specifications. Article Restraint shall be superseded by Division 1 SOb2 in Section IVa Supplemental Technical Specifications. Article Pipe within Casing shall be superseded by Division 02070 in Section IVa Supplemental Technical Specifications. , Article 41.2.4 Valve Boxes: All valve baxes within roadway right-of- way shall have heavy duty load rating meeting highway traffic loads (16,000 lb wheel loads). � ' ' Article Installation: �'or push-on joint connections, cut ends shall be ground smooth and beveled. Article Anchorage: See restrained joint table in drawings for length of pipe to be restrained. Article 41.4.1 Hydrostatic Tests shall be superseded by Division 15062 in Section IVa Supplemental Technical Specifications. Article 41.5.2 Flushing shall be superseded by Divisian 15062 in Section IVa Supplemental Technical Specifications. ARTICLE 44 -- WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL , 44.2 Add the following statement- "Right of Way (ROW) Utilization Pertnits with approved MOT plans and details for Pinellas County ROW have been received by the City. ' 1 ' 44.5 Article 44.5 shall be superseded by the following: The Office of the Traffic Engineer may inspect and monitor the traffic control plan and traffic control devices of the Contractar." ARTICLE 55 — MILLING OPERATIONS Skycrest RCW System CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack $ Bore Section /Va Q992-Q212 Supplementary Technica/ Specifications IVa-5 55.1 Add the following statements- When in Pinellas County ROW: milling operations and all construction methods and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the Pinellas County, Florida Specifications for Hot Bituminous Mixtures, Plant Methods, Equipment and Construction Methods. ARTICLE 56 — CLEARING AND GRUBBING Sb Add the following statement- "Strip topsoil to whatever depths encountered, in manner to prevent intermingling with und�rlying subsoil or objectionable material. Remove heavy growths of grass before stripping. Where trees are indicated to be left standing, stop topsoil stripping sufficient distance from such trees to prevent damage to main root system. Stockpile topsoil where directed. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water and seed or cover storage piles to prevent erosion. Do nat strip topsoil in wooded areas where no change in grade occurs. Borrow topsoil to be reasonably free of subsoil, objects over 2 IN diameter, weeds and roots." Add the fallowing statement- "Disposal of waste materials shall require the removal of all waste materials frorn site. Do not burn combustible materials on site or bury organic matter on site. All drill cuttings, water or other waste mat�rials caused by the drilling operations which are not re9uired to complete the work shall be removed by the Contractor and disposed o� at a location and in a manner in accordance with all Laws and Regulations." The Following divisions are included as part af supplemental technical specifications. DIVISION 1- GENERA,L RE UIREMENTS 01040 01045 01050 01300 01500 01505 �1630 01640 O1650 01670 01700 Coordination .................................................... Cutting and Patching . ...................................... Field Engineering . ........................................... Submittals........................................................ Ternporary Facilities ...................... Mobilization ................................... Measurement and Payment ............ Quality Control .............................. Testing Laboratory Services .......... Substitutions & Product Options ... Contract Closeout .......................... ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ........................0 l 040-1 - 1 ........................01045-1 - 2 ........................01050-1 - 2 ........................01300-1 - 4 ........................01500-1 - 2 ........................01505-1 - 2 ........................01630-1 - 9 ........................01640-1 — 3 ........................01650-1 -- 3 ........................01670-1 - 4 ........................O17�0-1 - 3 Skycrest RCW System CSX & Kcene Rd. Jack & Bore Sectian lVa ' 0992-0212 Supplementary Technical SpecifPcations IVa-6 ' DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK 02010 Subsurface Investigation .............................................................................02010-1 1 02070 Boring and Jacking .....................................................................................02070-1 - 5 02210 Excavation and Trenching ..........................................................................02210- 1-11 02Z11 Steel Sheet Piles ..........................................................................................02211-1 - 3 02220 Topsoiling and Finished Grading ...............................................................02220-1 — 2 DIVISION 9 - FIN�SHES 09900 Painting and Coatings .................................................................................0990Q-1 - S 09902 Pipe Painting ...............................................................................................09902-1 1 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 150d2 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings .....................................................................15062-1 - 8 15066 Tracer Wire and Alarming Tape .................................................................15Q66-1 — 2 15100 Valves and Appurtenances ..........................................................................15100-1 - 4 END OF SUPPLEMENTARY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIQNS Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Sectian IVa 0992-0212 Supp/ementary Technical Specifications IVa-7 1 ' SECTION 01040 - COORDINATION PART 1 — GENERAL 1.1 RROJECT CODRDINATION A. The Contractor shall provide for the complete coordination of the construction efforts. This shall include but not necessarily be limited to coordination of the following: 1. The work of subcontractors. :? C n 2. The flow of material and equipment from suppliers. 3. The interrelated work with public and private utility companies and CSX. 4. The interrelated work with the Owner where tie-ins to existing facilities are required and where existing equipment must remain in operation. 5. The effort of independent testing agencies. Wark within CSX Right-of-Way shall be in accordance with the Facility Encroachment Agreem�nt No. CSX662702 provided in the Appendix. Wark within Pinellas County Right-of-Way shall be in accordance with the Right- of Way Utiliaation Permit No. 10-0485U provided in th� Appendix. Contractor shall coordinate the pigging and flushing of the existing 16" RCW Main with the RCW needs of the City's Glen Oaks/Palmetto RCW Project which is currently under construction. E. The Contractor shall provide access to all public and private properties by their Owners when construction is blocking off the accesses to the properties. There shall be no construction work causing service interruptions to utilities customers, unless advance written approval is secured from the affected utility authority. PART 2 — PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 — EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Coordination 01 U�40-1 SECTION 01045 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 � li�a 1.3 DESCRIP710N OF WORK A. This Section establishes general requirements pertaining to cutting (including excavating), fitting, and patching af the Work required to: B. Make the several parts fit prop�rly. C. Remove and replac� Wark not conforming to requirements of the Contact Documents. D. Rework existing items to provide for new constructian. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pertorm all cutting and patching in strict accordanc� with pertinent requirements of these Specifications and, in the event no such requirements are determined, in conformance with the Engineer's written direction. B. Codes and standards for work of this section shall be the same as for the pertinent sections of this specification. SUBMIT7AL5 A. Request for Engineer's Consent: 1. Prior to cutting which affects structural safety, submit written request to the Engineer for permission to proceed with cutting. 2. Should conditions of the Work, ar schedule, indicate a required change of materials or methods for cutting and patching, sa notify the Engineer and secure his written permission prior to praceeding. B. Notice to the Engineer: Submit written notice to the �ngineer designating time the Work will be uncovered, to provide for the Engineer's observation. PARt 2 - PRODUCTS ' 2.1 MAT�RIALS ' A. Materials used in the replacement of existing work and the construction of work in conjunction with cutting and patching shall be new unless prior approval from the �ngineer has been obtained to re-use existing materials. ' 1 ,11 ' Skycrest RCW System - CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore 0992-0212 Sectinn IVa Cutting and Patching 01045-1 2.2 FABRICATION A. The materials and methods used in the fabrication of items required under this section shall comply with the individual sections of this specification that have to do with new construction. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONDITIONS A. �xamination: 3.2 3.3 1. Examine existing conditions, including elements subject to movement or damage during cutting, excavating, backfilling, and patching. 2. After uncovering the Work, inspect conditions affecting installatian of the new Work. B. Discrepanci�s: 1. If uncovered conditions are not as anticipated, immediately notify the Engineer and secure needed directions. 2. Do not proceed in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. PREPARATIQN PRIOR TO CUTTING A. Provide all required protection including, but not necessarily limited to, shoring, bracing, and support to maintain structural integrity of the Work. P�RFORMANC� A. PerForm all required excavating and backfilling as required under pertinent Sections of these Specifications. Pertorm cutting and demolitian by methods which will prevent damage to other portians of the Work and will provide proper surFaces to receive installation of repair and new work. PerForm fitting and adjustment of products to provide finished installation complying with the specified tolerances and finishes. END OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section lVa ' 0992-0212 Cutting and Patching 07045-2 1 SECTION 01050 - FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 DESCRI�TION OF WORK A. The Contractor shall provide and pay for field engineering service required for the praject. Such work shall include survey work to establish lines and grades and to Iocate and lay aut site impravements, structures, and controlling lines and levels required for the canstructivn of the work. Also included are such Engineering services as are specified or required to execute the Contractor's construction methods. Engineers and Surveyors shall be licensed professionals under the laws of the state wh�re the proj�ct is located. GRADES, LINES AND LEVEL.S A. Existing basic horizontal and vertical control points far the project are those designated on the Drawings. The Contractor shall locate and protect control points prior to starting site wark and shall preserve all permanent reference points during construction. In working near any permanent praperty corners or reference markers, the Contractor shall use care not to remove or disturb any such markers. Survey monuments, benchmarks or other reference points, which must be disturbed by construction operations, shall be witnessed, removed and replaced by a Prafessional Surveyor and Mapper (PSM), registered in the State of Florida. ,' B. Basic horizontal and vertical control points are indicated on the plans. These points shall be used as datum for the Work. All additional survey, layout, and measurement Wark shall be performed by Contractor as a part of the Work. The ' 1 contractor shall provide, install and maintain construction stakes for grades and measurements necessary for execution and control of the work. C. Contractor shall provide an experienced instrument man, competent assistants, and such instruments, tools, stakes, and other materials required to complete the survey, layout and measurement Work. In addition, Contractor shall furnish, without charge, competent men from his force and such tools, stakes, and other materials as Owner may require in establishing or designating control points, or in checking survey, layout, and measurement Work pertormed by Contractor. Surveyors shall be licensed professionals under the laws of the state where the project is located. 1.3 LAYOUT DATA A. The Contractor shall layout the work at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. Survey nates indicating the information and measurements used in establishing Iocations and grades shall be kept in noteboaks and furnished to the Owner with the record drawings for the project. ' Skycrest RCW System -- CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0272 Fleld Engineering 01050-1 1 1.4 � 14-� EXISTING STRUCTURES A. The locations for existing Drawings wer� taken from existing underground piping Drawings. underground piping the available record and structures may � , and structures shown on th� t s. 7he actual locations of the differ from that shown on the B. The Drawings may not show existing underground electrical conduits, small piping, or other piping and structures. Prior to starting excavations for structures ar the installation of underground piping, conduits, and other facilities the Contractor shall thoroughly examine the proposed locations and routes for possible conflict. C. The Contractor shall excavate and expose all existing underground piping, conduit, or other structures which may conflict with the new facilities or other improvements. The locations, bo#h horizontally and vertically, of all such existing facilities shall be shown on the rec�rd drawings. D. After completion of the subsurtace investigations the Contractor shall notify the Owner of any possible conflicts between the existing and new facilities. The Contractor, Owner, and the Engineer will then confer and resolve the potential conflicts prior to the start of the installation of the new facilities. RECORD DRAWINGS A. The Contractor shall keep one set of Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Modifications and Shop Drawings at the site in good order, and annotated to show all changes made during the construction process. Record drawings shall be up-to-date as the project progresses, will be subject to review on a monthly basis by the Owner, and, subject to the reui�w, be a basis for monthly payments. B. These documents shall be available at any time to the Owner and, together with copies of all 5UN8y notes, be delivered in final form to the Owner upon complefiian of the project. C. The location, both horizontally and vertically, of all underground piping, conduit, and other structures shall be shown on the record drawings. All fittings, valves, and other appurtenanc�s shall be located and shown on the record drawings in accordance with Section 6.11.2 "As-Built Drawings" in the General Conditions. PAR7 2 - PRODUCTS (N�T USED) PART 3 - EXECUtION (NOT USED) END OF SEC710N Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bare 5ection lVa 0992-0212 Field Engineering 01050-2 SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. At or before the preconstruction conference, Contractar shall submit for review a preliminary schedule of the proposed construction operations. The construction schedule shall indicate the sequence of the Work, the time of starting and completion of each part, and the installation date for each major item af equipment, and the time for making connections to existing piping, structures, or facilities. Within 10 days after receipt of the �wner's comments, the Contractor shall submit an updated Construction Progress Schedule. B. An updated schedule shall be submitted with each application for progress payment, or at least every 30 days, to reflect changes in the progress of the work. C. If the progress of the work falls behind schedule, the Contractor shall submit a report which includes sufficient narrative to d�scribe current and anticipated delaying factors, the factors' effect on the construction schedule and the Contractor's proposed corrective actions. Any work reparted complete, but which is not readily apparent to �wner, must be substantiated with satisfactory evidence. The Owner may require the Contractor tv add to his equipment, or construction forces, as well as increase the working hours, if operations fall behind schedule at any time during the construction period. 1.2 RROGRESS REPORTS A. A pragress report shall be furnished to Owner with each application for progress payment. If the Work falls behind schedule, Contractor shall submit additional progress reports at such intervals as Owner may request. B. Each progress report shall include sufficient narrative to describe current and anticipated delaying factars, their effect on the construction schedule, and proposed corrective actions. Any Work reported complete, but which is not readily apparent to Owner, must be substantiated with satisfactory evidence. C. Each progress report shall also include three prints of the accept�d graphic schedule marked to indicate actual progress. 1.3 SCHEDULE O� VALU�S ' A. After review of the tentative schedule at the preconstruction conference, and before submission of the first analication for oayment, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Owner a schedule of values covering each lum� sum item. The schedule of values, showing the value of each kind of work, shall be ',' acceptable to Owner before any application for payment is prepared. B. The sum of the lump sum items, plus the extended unit price items listed in the schedule of values shall equal the contract price. Such items as Bond premium, Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa '' 0992-0212 Subm7ttals 01300-1 1 1.4 1.5 7.6 temporary constructian facilities, may be listed separately in the schedule of values, pravided the amounts can be substantiated. �verhead and profit shall not be listed as separate it�ms. C. An unbalanced schedule of values providing for overpayment to the Contractor on items of work which would be pertormed first will not be accepted. The schedule of values shall be revised and resubmitted until acceptable to Owner. Final acceptance by Owner shall indicate only consent to th� schedule of values as a basis for preparation of applications for progress payments and shall not constitute an agreement as to the value of each indicated item. SCHEDUI.E O� PAYMENT A. Within 30 days after award of contract, the Cantractor shall furnish to Owner a schedule of estimated monthly payments. The schedule shall be revised and resubmitted each time an application for payment varies more than 10 percent from the estimated payment schedule. SURVEY DATA B. All field books, notes, and other data developed by the Contractor in perForming surveys required as part of the work shall be available to Owner for examination throughaut the construction period. All such data shall be submitted to Owner with the other documentation required for final acceptance af the Work. SHOP DRAWINGS AND ENGINEERING DATA A. Engineering data covering all equipment and fabricated materials that will become a permanent part of the work under this Contract shall be submitted to Owner, or the Owner's representative, for review. These data shall include drawings and descriptive information in sufficient detail to show the kind, size, arrangement, and operation of companent materials and devices; the external connections, anchorages, and supports required; performance characteristics; and dimensions needed for installation and correlation with ather materials and equipment. B. All submittals regardless of arigin, shall be reviewed, dated, stamped, approved, sealed (if required) and signed by the Contractor prior to submission. Each submittal shall be identified with the name and number of this Contract, the Contractor's name, and references to applicable specification paragraphs and/or Cantract Drawings. Each submittal shall indicate the intended use of the item in the work. When catalog pages are submitted, applicable items shall be clearly identified. The current revision, issue number, and date shall be indicated on all drawings and other descriptive data. C. Contractor's stamp of approval is a representation to the Owner and th� Engineer that the Contractor accepts full responsibility for determining and verifying all quantities, dimensions, field constructian criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, and that he has reviewed and coardinated each submittal with the requirements of the work and the Contract Documents. Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 099z-021 Z Submittals Q1300-2 ' '' D. All deviations from the Contract Documents shall b� identified on each submittal and shall be tabulated in Contractor's letter af transmittal. Such submittals shall, as pertinent to the deviation, indicate essential details of all changes proposed by , the Contractor (including madifications to other facilities that may be a result of the deviation) and all required piping and wiring diagrams. E. The Contractor shall accept full respansibility for the completeness of each submission, and, in the case of a resubmission, shall verify that all exceptions previously noted by the Owner and/or the Engineer have been address�d. In the event that more than one resubmission is required because of failure of Contractor to account for exceptions previously noted, the Contractor shall reimburse the Owner fior the charges of the Engineer for review of the additional resubmissions. F. Resubmittals shall be made within 30 days of the date of the letter returning the material to be modified or corrected, unless within 14 days the Contractor submits an acceptable request for an extensian of th� stipulated time period, listing the reasons the resubmittal cannot be campleted within that time. G. Any need for more than one resubmission, or any ather delay in obtaining the Owner's and/or the Engineer's review of submittals, will not entitle Contractor to extension of the Contract Time unless delay af the Work is directly caused by a change in the work authorized by a Change Order or by failure of the Engineer to return any submittal within 14 days after its receipt in Engineer's office. H. The Contractor's letter of resubmittal shall list the date of his original submittal letter, the date of the Engineer's letter returning the submittal, and the dates af submission and return of any previous resubmittals. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the Engineer in the amount of $2QO.p0 far review of the second resubmittal and each of any subsequent resubmittals. The Engineer's review of drawings and data submitted by the Contractor will cover only general conformity to the drawings and specifications. The Engineer's review does not indicate a thorough review of all dimensions, quantities, and details of the material, equipment, device or item shown. The Engineer's review of submittals shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors, omissions, or deviations, nor responsibiliry for compliance with the Contract Documents. Eight (8) copies of each drawing and necessary data shall be submitted to Engineer. Engineer will not accept submittals from anyone but Contractar. Submittals shall be consecutively numbered in direct sequence of submittal and without division by subcontracts or trades. Resubmittals shall bear the number of the first submittal fallowed by a letter (A, B, etc.), to indicate the sequence of the resubmittal. K. When the drawings and data are returned marked AMEND AND RESUBMIT or ' REJECT�D, the corrections shall be made as nated thereon and as instructed by the Engineer and eight (8) corrected copies resubmitted. ' ' Skycres# RCW System — CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Submittals 01300-3 1 1.7 1.8 1.9 L M When corrected copies are resubmitted, Contractor shall in writing direct specific attention to all revisions and shall list separately any revisions made other than those called for by Engineer on previous submissions. When the drawings and data are returned marked NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN, or MAKE CORR�CTIONS NOTED, no additional copies n�ed be furnished. MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENiATIVE A. Included in Bid shall be the cost of furnishing competenfi and experienced manufacturer's representatives who shall represent the manufacturer on products furnished, assist the Contractor to install products in conformity with the Contract Dacuments, and provide owner training and maintenance instruction. LAYOUT DATA A. Contractor shall keep neat and legible nates of ineasurements and calculations made by him in connection with the layout of the Work. Copies of such data shall be furnished to the Owner's Project Representative for use in checking B. Contractor's layout as provided under Lines and Grades. All such data considered of value to Owner will be transmitted to Owner by Engineer with other records upon completion of the Work, SUBMITTAL AND RFI LQGS A. Contractor will be responsible for the preparation of Submittal and RFI Logs. These logs are due no later than two (2) weeks from the Precanstruction Conference and are to be updated and brought to each Progress Meeting. The Submittal log should be a complete list of all proposed submittals required for the project. The RFI log will serve to ensure timely response to all Requests for Information. 1.10 SUBM171'ALS FOR COLOR SELECTION A. The following is a list of items which must be submitted together for color selection. No single item on this list will be appraved without the submittal of all other items. Exterior package: Paint for aboveground piping, velves, valve box covers, meter box cnvers, etc. PART 2 - PRODUCT$ (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT US�D) END QF S�CTION Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0292 Submittals 01300-4 ' 1 �J 1 1 1 �_l 1 SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES ' PART 1 - GENERAL � 1.1 SANITARY FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall provid� and maintain sanitary accommodations (to include ' portable toilets) for employees and official site visitors, to comply with the requirements and regulations of the 5tate of Flarida, the County Health Department and/or other regulatory agencies. ' �J B. Sanitary facilities shall be of reasonable capacity, properly maintained throughout the construction period, and obscured from public view to the greatest practical extent. If toilets of the chemically treated type are used, at least one toilet will be fumished for each 20 men. Contractor shall enforce the use of such sanitary facilities by all personnel at the site. ' 1.2 BARRICADES AND LIGH7S A. All streets, roads, highways, and other public tharoughfares which are closed to , traffic shall be protected by effective barricades on which shall be placed acceptable warning signs. Barricades shall be Iocated at the nearest intersecting public highway ar street on each side of the blocked section. ' r� 1 ' 1.3 B. All open trenches and lights to prov material pites and lights. Contractor area. and other excavations shall have suitable barricades, signs, �e adequate protection to the public. Obstructions such as equipment shall be provided with similar warning signs and shall be responsible for public safety within the construction C. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated with warning lights from sunset to sunrise. Material storage and conduct of the Work on or alongside public streets and highways shall cause the minimum obstruction and inconvenience to the traveling public. All barricades, signs, lights and other protective devices shall be installed and maintained in conformity with applicable statutory requirements and, where within railroad and highway rights-of-way, as required by the authority having jurisdiction thereov�r. D. Open trenches and ather excavations shall not be left open over weekends and holidays, or greater than one calendar day, except during adverse weather conditions. PROTECTION OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY A. Contractar shall protect, shore, brace, support, and maintain all underground pipes, conduits, drains, and other underground construction uncovered or otherwise affected by his construction operations. All pavement, surfacing, driveways, curbs, walks, buildings, utility poles, guy wires, fences, and other surFace structures affected by construction operations, together with all sod and shrubs in yards and parkings, shall be restored to their ariginal condition, whether within or outside the easement. All replacements shall be made with new materials. ' Skycr�est RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack S Bore Section IVa �99?-0212 Temporary Facilities 01500-1 ' 1.4 PARKING A. Contractor shall provide and maintain suitable parking areas for the use of all constructian workers and others pertorming work or furnishing services in connectian with the Project, as required to avoid any n��d far parking personal vehicles where they may interFere with public tra'Ffic, Owner's operations, or construction activities. 1.5 DUST CON7ROL ' 1 �� 1 A. Cantractor shall take reasonable measures to prevent unnecessary dust. Earth surtaces subject to dusting shall be kept moist with water. Dusty materials in ' piles or in transit shall be covered when practicable to prevent blowing. B. Buildings or operating facilities which may be affect�d adversely by dust shall be adequately protected from dust. Existing or new machinery, motors, instrument panels or similar equipment, shall be protected by suitable dust screens. Proper ventilation shall be included with dust screens. C. Contractor shall employ best management practices as specified in Sectinn IV Article 38. 1.6 SW��PING ' C_l ' A. The Contractor shall sweep loose material from the pavement at the end of each , workday. 1.7 POLLUTION CONTR�L A. Contractor shall prevent the pollution of drains and watercourses by sanitary wastes, sediment, debris and other substances resulting from constructian activities. No sanitary wastes will be permitted to enter any drain ar watercourse other than sanitary sewers. No sediment, debris or other substance will be permitted to enter sanitary sewers and reasonable measures will be taken ta prevent such materials form entering any drain or watercourse. 1.8 PROJ�Ct SIGN 1 1 ' A. Provide sign(s) for the Contract identifying the project and identifying the ' participants in the development of the project The Project Sign shall be provided and erected in accordance with Section II I Article 23. PAR"� 2 — PRQDUCTS (NOT USED) PAR7' 3 -- EX�CUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System -- CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Temporary Facilities 01500-2 ' ' 1 ' SECTION 01505 - MOBILIZATION ' ART 1 - GENERAL P ' 1 , 1 ' 1.1 DEFINITION AND SCOP� A. Mvbilization shall include, but not be limited to, compliance with the General Conditians outlined in Sectian III and the following principle items: 1. Indemnification 2. Preconstruction meeting as sp�cified in Section III Article 2.5. 3. Move onto the site all Contractor's plant and equipment required for first month operations. � 4. Install temporary construction power, water supply, wiring, and lighting facilities. 5. Establish fire protection plan and safety program. 6. Provide on-site sanitary facilities and patable water facilities as specified. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Arrange for, and erect, Contractor's work and storage yard and employees' parking facilities. Submit all required insurance certificates and bonds. Obtain all required permits. Post all OSHA, �nviranmental Protection Agency, SWFWMD, Department of L.abor, and all other required notices. Have Contractor's superintendent at the job site full time. Erect project sign(s) as specified in Sectian III Article 23. Submit storm water management/dewatering plan, schedule of values, list of shop drawings, and detailed construction schedule acceptable to Owner. Provide audio-video recording of existing conditions in accordance with Section IV Article 37. Notify residences in accordance with Section III Article 22. Demobilization 17. Submit a finaliaed schedule of submittals. ' 18. Construct, maintain, and restore any temporary access and haul roads. 19. Record drawing & record survey ' ' ' Skycresf RCW System — CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Secti�n IVa 0992-0212 MobflPzation 01505-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT US�D) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) �ND �F SECTION 5kycrest RCW System - CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0212 Mobilization 01505-2 SECTIQN Q1630 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. This section cov�rs methods of ineasurement and payment for items of Work under the Contract. 1.2 GENERAL A. The total Bid Price shall cover all Work required by the Contract Documents. All costs in connection with the proper and successful campletian of the Work, including furnishing all materials, equipment, supplies, and appurtenances; providing all construction equipment and tools; and performing all necessary labor and supervision ta fully complete the Work, shall be included in the lump sum and unit prices bid. All Work not specifically set forth as a pay item in th� Bid Form shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of Contractor and all costs in connection therewith shall be included in the prices bid. B. The Contractor shall not make claim for an item not identified within the bid item descriptions but should include this cast within the most appropriate Bid Item. ' 1.3 �STIMATED QUANTITIES A. See Section IV, Article 3— Definition of Terms 1.4 EXCAVATION A. The lump sum price bid for each item of Work which involves excavation or trenching shall include all costs far such Work. No direct payment shall be made for excavation or trenching. All excavation is unclassified and there shall be no separate paym�nt for excavation of rock or for backfill where rock is excavated belaw subgrade. 1.5 TAXES AND PERMITS A. The Bidder's attention is directed to the fact that the tax laws of the State of Florida, including but not limited to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, apply to this bid matter and that all applicable taxES and fEes shall be deemed to have been included in Bidder's proposal. 1.6 RETAINAGE A. Refer to Agreement. 1.7 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Also s�e Section III Article 14 for other requirements. Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Sectian lVa 0992-0212 Measurement and Payment 01630-1 B. Schedule of Bid Items 1. Lump Sum Bid Items �J 1 , a) The work for each Lump Sum bid item shall be constructed as ' shown and described an the Drawings and Specifications. b) Payment shall be made at #he lump sum price stated in the Bid for each item and shall be pro-rated for the actual work campleted based on an approved schedule of values detailing work to be campleted under the specific item. ' 1 c) �ach lump sum price shall include all of the contractors' costs to complete the construction �xclusive of payment items provided for ' elsewhere in the bid form. d) Each lump sum price shall include but not be limited to the following: 1) Excavation (excluding unsuitable soil excavation) 2) Shoring and bracing 3) Dewatering 4) Backfill (excluding select backfill) 5) Compaction 6) Maintaining traffic 7) Appurtenant work and materials as required for a complete and operable system 8) Testing, balancing, and adjusting including any material and equipment required for the tests 9) Submittals 10) Painting 11) Restoration 12) Cleanup Unit Cost Bid Items a) b) The work for each Unit Cost bid item shall be constructed as shown and described on the Drawings and Specifications. Payment for Unit Cost bid items shall be paid for each unit installed and accepted by the Owner. c) See Sectian III Article 11.3. 3. The Cantractor shall not make a claim for an item not identified within the bid item descriptions but should include this cost within the most appropriate Bid Item. Skycresf RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-p212 Measurement and Payment 01 fi30-2 C. Description of Bid Items: 1. Bid Item Na 1- Mobilization a) This bid item describes measurement and payment for the mabilization related to the installation of the reclaimed water transmission mains. b) The lump sum Bid I'rice for mobilization shall include the items noted in Section 01505 as required for the proper performance and completian of the work. G� d) E� Payment far mobilization will be made an an incremental basis in accordance with the following: Percent of Original Allowable Percent Contract Amount of the Lump Sum Earned Price far the Item 5 25 10 50 25 75 50 90 100 100 This item covers all mobilization necessary for completion of this project related to the transmission main. Bid price for mobilization shall not exce�d 10% of the total amount for the r�claimed water transmission system. 2, Bid Item No. 2- 20-inch x 0.344-inch Steel Casing by Bore and Jack and 12-inch Carrier Pipe a. This bid item describes measurement and payment for furnishing and installing 2p-inch steel casing and 12-inch carrier pipe by jack and bore within CSX Right-of-Way. The quantity to be paid for under this item is the length in feet of steel casing acceptably installed to the limits shown on the drawings or as directed by the Owner's Representative. b. Measurement will be horizontally, above the centerline of the steel casing. c. The unit bid price includes furnishing and installing all 20-inch steel casing by jack and bore and restrained 12-inch ductile iron carrier pipe including all labor, machinery, construction equipment, bore and jack equipment, maintenance of traffic; erosion contral; launching and receiving pits, exploratary pits; pigging, flushing, "hydrostatic testing of carrier pipe;" casing spacers, restrained Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Se�ctlon IVa pgg2-p2T2 Measurement and Paymeni 01630-3 3. C! joints; tracer wire; casing caps; dewatering, bracing, shoring, sheeting, bedding and backfill; adjusting, supporting or replacement of existing utilities; disposal of spoil; sod replacement; milling and resurfacing, asphalt pavement replacement; pavement striping and markings, concrete driveway, sidewalk and curb replacement; and all other related and necessary materials, work and equipment required to construct a complete operable pipeline. Bid Item No. 3— Compact Ductile Iron Fittings a. This bid item describes measurement and payment for compact ductile iron pipe fittings usEd in the construction and adjus#ment of reclaimed water mains. The quantity ta be paid for under this item is the weight in tons of compact ductile iron pipe fittings acceptably furnished and installed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Project Representative. This bid item includes, but is not limited to, tees, crosses, plugs and caps, and reducers and increasers. ' ' ' 1 1 ' 1 a) Measurement will be according ta the weight of each compact ' fit#ing as denoted in the manufacturers' catalogues. b. Th� unit bid price includes furnishing and installing all fittings and materials above or below ground alang the pipeline alignment; joints and jointing materials; thrust blocking; bracing, shoring, and sheeting; dewatering; clearing, grubbing, and stripping; trenching, bedding and backfill; constructing the specified protec#ion and adjusting af existing abave ground and underground utilities and service connections; disposal of spoil; hydrostatic testing; poly wrap and all ather related and necessary materials, work and equipment required to construct a complete, aperable pipeline. The bid item do�s not include ductile iron pipe or restrained joints. Bid Item Nos. 4& 5— Restrained Joints a) This bid item describes measurement and payment for retainer gland assemblies (Megalug or equal) or locking gaskets (American Fast-Grip, Flex-Ring, or equal) used in installing restrained joints on ductile iron and PVC pipe and associated ductil� iron fittings. The quantity to be paid for under this item is the number of retainer gland assemblies or Iocking gaskets acceptably furnished and installed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Project Representative. 7his bid item does not include restrained devices used far directional drilling PVC pipe. b) c) Measurement will be on an individual basis for each restrained joint installed and accepted by the Owner. Payment will be according to the diameter of the restraints furnished and installed, as set forth on the proposal. The unit bid Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-p212 Measurement and Payment ' 01630-4 ' ' 1 , price includes furnishing and installing all restraining devices above or below ground along the pipeline alignment, excavation, bracing, shoring, sheeting, dewatering, clearing, grubbing, stripping, bedding, backfill, disposal af spoil, bolts and nuts, hydrostatic testing, and all other related and necessary materials, work, and equipment required ta construct a complete, operable, restrained joint. 5. Bid Item Nos. 6-12" Gate Valve and Box ' a) This bid item describes measurement and payment for gate valves, valve boxes, and concrete valve pads for reclaimed water pipelines. The quantity to be paid for under this item is the ' number of valves acceptably furnished and installed where shown on the drawings ar as directed by the Project Representative. 1 b) Measurement will be on an individual basis for each gate valve and box installed and accepted by the Owner. c) Payment will be according to th� diameter of gate valves and , boxes furnished and installed, as set forth on the proposal. The unit bid price includes furnishing and installing valves, valve boxes and covers, concrete collar, concrete valve pad per City details, ' brass valve tag, locator wire, extension stems, painting of valve covers and incidental canstruction associated with these Items. 1 1 1 6. Item No. 7- Combinatian Air Release Valve Assembly a) ihis Bid Item describes measurement and payment for furnishing and installing combination air release valve assemblies an proposed reclaimed water mains. The quantity to be paid for under this item is the number of combination air release valve assemblies acceptably installed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the �wner's Representative. b) Measurement will be on an individual basis for each combination air release valve assemblies installed and accepted by the Owner. c) Paym�nt will be according to the size or type of air release valve assembly, and the operation to be performed, as set forth in the Proposal. The unit bid price includes furnishing and installing the tap, corporation stop, curb stop, isolation valve and valve box, automatic air release valve, enclosure cover, concret� pad, testing, and miscellaneous pipe, tubing, valves, fittings, all restoration including removal and replacement of sod, asphalt pavement, driveways, sidewalks, curb, gutter and under drains and incidental items required to install a new assembly. ' ,' Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Measw+ement and Paymeni 01630-5 1 r� 8 Item No. 8— 12" Ductile Iran Pipe a) This bid item describes measuremen# and payment for 12-inch ductile iron pipe furnished and installed by open cut. The quantity to be paid for under this item is the length in feet of pipe acceptably installed to the limits shown on the drawings or as directed by the Owner's Repr�sentative. � 1 ' ' b) M�asurement will be horizantally, above the centerline of the pipe, , and includes the length of any valves or fittings. c) The unit bid price includes furnishing and installing all pipe by open cut including all labor, machinery, constructian equipment, exploratary pits; dewatering, bracing, shoring, sheeting, bedding and backfill; maintenance of traffic; erosion control; adjusting, supporting or replacement of existing utilities; disposal of spoil; hydrostatic tes#ing; temporary blowoffs; pigging; flushing; tracer wire and tracer wire risers; alarming tape; polyethylene casing; all restoration including removal and replacement af sod, milling and resurfacing, asphalt pavement, pavement striping and markings, driveways, sidewalks, curb, gutter, and under drains and all other related and necessary materials, work and equipment required to construct a complete operable pipeline. Item No. 9— Pig and Flush Existing 16-inch RCW Main a) This lumps sum bid item describes measurement and payment for pigging and flushing the existing 16-inch RCW main located within the eastern Keene Road corridor from Cleveland Street northward to the existing blow off located on the south side of the CSX ROW (appraximately 7,000 LF-see Appendix for the City's RCW Atlas Map on the existing 16-inch RCW main). Available drawings indicate the main is approximately 4-ft deep at its southern terminus at Cleveland Street. It is anticipated that the RCW will be drained onto the City awned property located east of Keene Road and south of the CSX ROW. Contractor will be required ta provide temporary piping to discharge the RCW from the end of the existing 16" RCW Main to the field. Contractar shall coordinate the pigging and flushing of th� existing 16" RCW Main with the RCW needs of the City's Glen Oaks/Palm�tto RCW Project which is currently under construction. Contractor shall submit his pigging and flushing plan to the Engineer for review at least twa weeks prior to the schedule commencement. b) The lump sum bid price includes furnishing and installing all labor, machinery and construction equipment including temporary fittings, pipe and valv�s; pip launch�r and related materials,; exploratory pits; dewatering, bracing, shoring, sheeting, bedding and backfill; maintenance of traffic; erosion contral; adjusting, Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Sectian lVa U992-0212 Measurement and Payment ' 01630-6 �l �'a 10 11 12 supporting ar replacement of existing utilities; disposal of spoil; hydrostatic testing; temporary blowoffs; all restoration including removal and replacement of sad, milling and resurfacing, asphalt pavement, driveways, sidewalks, curb, gutter, and under drains and all other related and necessary materials, work and equipment required to acceptably pig and flush the 16-inch RCW main. Isolation of the 16-inch RCW main will be performed by the City via coordination af the Contractor. Bid Item No. 10- Unsuitable Material Excavation c) This bid item describes measurement and payment for unsuitable material excavated below the normal trench depth, as required by the Owner's Representative. d) Measurement shall be the volume in cubic yards of material removed as determined by field dimensions or survey. e) Payment will be for the number of cubic yards of material removed. The unit bid price includes labor, equipment, excavation, hauling, disposal, dewatering, bracing, shoring, sheeting, and incidental items necessary to accomplish the work. Bid Item No. 11 - Select Backfill a) This bid item describes measurem�nt and payment for select backfill below grade, ordered by the Owner's Representative in writing. b) Measurement shall be the volume in cubic yards of material furnished, placed and compacted as determined by field dimensions ar survey. c) Payment will be per cubic yard of material furnished, plac�d and compacted. The unit bid price includes labor, equipment, material, excavation, hauling, dewatering, bracing, sharing, sheeting, and incidental items necessary to accomplish the work. Bid Item No. 12- CSX Allowance a) This allowance is to be used for payment to the CSX for providing inspection and flagmen services. Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the work with CSX. Receipt of payment by Contractar will be required for reimbursement by the City. No Contractor markup will be paid for under this bid item. Bid Item No. 10 - Owner's Contingency a) Description: The work covered by this item consists af unforeseen items of work not included in other bid items but necessary for accomplishing the work and shall apply only to extra work as Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa pgg2.p,212 Measurement and Payment 01630-7 approved by the Owner, or additional items over and above those specified or shown on the drawings. The cost of this additional work shall be agreed upon in writing and approved by the Owner or his authorized representative prior to starting this additional work. b) The lump sum bid for contingency shall equal ten percent (10%) af the foliowing: The subtotal of the Bid Items 1 through 12 rounded up to the nearest cent. In case of mathematical error on the bidder's part, the Contingency Bid Item will be adjusted up or down to equate to 10% of this subtotal. Other Items Sod Replacement for Installation of all Pipelines a� No additional payment will be made for sod plac�ment for pipeline installation regardless of installation method, but all costs associated with this item shall be included in the unit prices bid for the linear feet of reclaimed water pipes installed. b) Sod replacement shall include soil preparation furnishing and installing sod, rolling, watering, and any ather measures necessary to establish and main#ain a healthy stand of grass until the work is accepted by the Owner. New sod shall be installed where existing lawn areas are disturbed by the operations of the Contractor, Sod type shall match existing sod removed and/or disturbed. c) Installation of sod shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, and all costs associated therewith shall be included in the unit prices for reclaimed water pipes installed. 2. Asphalt Pavement, Concrete Driveway, Concrete Sidewalk, and Concrete Curb and Gutter Removal and Replacement for Installation of all Pip�lines. d) No additianal payment will be made for asphalt pavement, cancrete driveway, concrete sidewalk and cancrete curb and gutter removal and replacement; but all costs associated with these items shall be included in the unit prices bid for the linear feet of reclaimed water pipes or service lines installed. e) Asphalt paving remaval and replacement shall include milling, remaval and dispasal of existing asphalt; furnishing and installing new asphalt, base material, sub-base material, compaction, miscellaneous equipment and materials, testing and incidental work items. Skycre�st RCW System -- CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0212 Measurement and Payment ' 01630-8 , f) 9) h) Concret� driveway removal and replacement shall include removal and disposal of existing cancrete; furnishing and ins#alling new farmwork, steel reinforcing, concrete, and finishing. Concrete sidewalk remaval and replacem�nt shall include removal and disposal of existing concrete; furnishing and installing new formwork, steel reinforcing, concrete, and finishing. Concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement shall include removal and disposal of existing concrete; furnishing and installing new formwork, steel reinforcing, concret�, and finishing. END OF SECTION Skycresi RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Measurement and Payment 01 fi30-9 SECTION 01640 - QUALITY C�NTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Quality assurance and control of installation. B. References. C. Field samples. D. Mock-up. E. Inspection and testing laboratory services. F. Manufacturers' field services and reports. 1.2 1.3 1.4 RELA7ED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Sectian 01650 - Testing Labaratory Services. QUALI7Y ASSURANC�/CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, Products, servic�s, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce Work of specified quality. B. Comply fully with manufacturers' instructians, including each step in sequsnce. C. Should manufacturers' instructians conflict with Contract Dacuments, request clarification from EnginEEr befare proceeding. D. Comply with specified standards as a minimum quality far the Work except when more stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. E. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. F. Secure Praducts in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibratian, physical distortion or disfigurement. REFERENCES A. Conform to reference standard by date of issue curr�nt on date of Owner Bids. B. Should specified reference standards conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Owner's Praject Representative before proceeding. Skycrest RCW System — C5X 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bor�e Section IVa 0992-0272 Quality Control 01640-1 C ' ihe contractual relationship of the parties to the Contract shall not be altered ' from the Contract Documents by mention ar inference otherwise in any reference document. 1.5 FIELD SAMPL�S A. B. C. Install field samples at the site as required by individual specifications Sections for review. Acceptable samples represent a quality level for th� Work. Where field sample is specified in individual Sectians to be remaved, clear area after field sample has been accepted by Owner's Project Representative. 1.6 MOCK-UP A. B. C. Tests will be pertormed under provisions identified in this section. Assemble and erect specified it�ms, with specified attachment and anchorage devices, flashings, seals, and finishes. Where mock-up is specified in individual Sections tn be removed, clear area after mock-up has been accepted by Owner's Project Representative. 1.7 INSP�CTION AND TES'�ING LABORATORY SERVICES A, B. C, D, � Contractor will appoint, employ, and pay for services of an independent firm to perForm inspectian and testing. The independent firm will perForm inspections, tests, and other services specified in individual specification Sections and as required by the Owner. Reports will be submit#ed by the independent firm to the Owner, Contractor, and the Engineer, in duplicate, indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non-compliance with Contract Documents. Cooperate with independent firm; furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment, tools, storage and assistance as requested. 1 2 Natify Owner and independent firm 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring services. Make arrangements with independent firm and pay for additional samples and tests required for Contractor's use. Retesting required because of non-conformance to specified requirements shall be perFormed by the same independent firm an instructions by the Owner. Payment for retesting will be charged to the Contractor. Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section lVa 0992-0212 Quality Contro/ 01640-2 1 I1.8 MANUFACTUR�RS' �IELD SERVICES AND REPORT'S '' A. Submit qualifications of observer to Owner's Project Representative 30 days in advance af required observations. Observer subject to approval of Owner. B. When specified in individual specification Sections, require material or Product ' suppliers or manufacturers to provide qualified staff personnel to observe site conditions, conditions of surfaces and installation, quality of workmanship, start-up of equipment, test, adjust, and balance of equipment as applicable, and �' to initiate instructions when necessary. C. Individuals to report observations and sit� decisions or instructians given to , applicators or installers that are supplemental or contrary to manufacturers' written instructions. D. Submit report in duplicate within 3Q days of observatian to Owner's Project ' Representative for review. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT US�D) ' PAR7 3 - EXECUTION (N�T USED) END OF SECTION ' , , , 1 1 ' ' Skycres# RCW System — CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa U992-0212 Quality Control 01640-3 1 SECTION 01650 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Selection and payment. B. Laboratory responsibilities. C. Laboratary reports. D. L.imits on testing laboratory authority. E. Contractor responsibilities. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Individual Specification Sections: Inspections and tests required, and standards far testing. 1.3 REFERENC�S A. ANSI/ASTM D3740 - Practice for Evaluation of Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction. B. ANSI/ASTM E329 - Recommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminaus Materials as Used in Construction. 1.�4 SELECTION AND PAYMENT A. The Contractor shall emplay and pay for services of an independent testing laboratory to perform specified inspection and testing. B. Employment of testing laboratory shall in no way relieve Contractor of obligation to perform work in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. 1.S QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of ANSI/ASTM E329 and ANSI/ASTM D3740. B. Laboratory: Autharized to operate in the state in which Project is located. C. Laboratory Staff: Maintain a full time registered Engineer on staff ta review services. D. Submittals: The contractor shall submit the name, address and qualifications of selected laboratary for Owner's approval prior to application for first payment. , Skycrest RCW System — CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bore 5ection IVa 0992-�212 Testing Laboratory Services 01 B50-1 1 E. Testing Equipment: Calibrated at reasonable intervals with devices of accuracy traceable to either National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Standards or accepted values of natural physical constants. 1.6 LABORATORY RESPONSIBILITI�S A. Test samples of mixes submitted by Contractor. B. Provide qualified personnel at site. Cooperate with Owner and Contractor in performance of services. C. Pertorm specifi�d inspection, sampling, and testing of Products in accordance with specified standards. D. Ascertain compliance of materials and mixes with requirements of Contract Documents. E. Promptly notify Owner and Contract�r of observed irregularities or non-conformance of Work or Products. F. PerForm additional inspections and tests required by Owner's Project Representative. 1.7 LABORATORY REPORTS A. Aft�r each inspection and test, pramptly submit two copies of laboratory report to Owner and to Contractor. B. Include: 1. Date issu�d, 2. F'roject title and number, 3. Name of inspector, 4. Date and time of sampling or inspection, 5. Identification of product and Specifications Section, 6. Location in the Project, 7. Type of inspection or test, 8. Date of test, 9. Results of tests, 10. Conformance with Contract Documents. C. When requested by Owner, provide interpretation of test results. 1.8 LIMITS ON TESTING LABORAT�RY AUTHORITY A. Laboratory may not release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirements of Contract Documents. B. Laboratory may not approve or accept any partion of the Work. C. Laboratory may not assume any duties of the Contractor. D. Laboratory has no authority to stop the Work. Skycr9est RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0272 Testing Laboratory Services 01650-2 1 1 1 ' 1.9 CQNTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITI�S A. Caoperate with laboratary personnel, and provide access to the Work and to manufacturer's facilities. B. Provide incidental labor and facilities to provide access to Work ta be tested, to obtain and handle samples at the site or at source of praducts to be tested, to facilitate tests and inspectians, storage and curing of test samples. C. Notify Owner and labaratory 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring inspection and testing services. D. Emplay services of a separate qualified testing laboratory and pay fiar additional samples and tests required by Contractor beyond specified requirements. PAR7 Z - PRODUCTS (NOT US�D) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) �ND OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va 0992-0292 Testing Laboratory Services 01650-3 SECTION 01670 - SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. General L"--a � 0 E F 2. 3. This section covers furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and pertorming all work and services for furnishing, submission, processing and handling of requests for substitution and product options. See items as indicated on drawings and as specified. Any substitution or aption shall be in accordance with pravisions of Contract Documents, and completely coordinated with wark af other trades. Although such work is not specifically indicated, furnish all supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation. See appropriate sections for specific items specified. See General Conditions for additional information. Procedure For equipment and materials which are listed in the proposal, observe procedures outlined in Information for Bidders. 2. For products, equipment, and materials which are named in drawings or specifications for which a request for substitutian is made, observe procedures outlined in these specifications. Cost incurred by requester in providing information, catalogs, and samples - including but not limit�d to labor, materials, freight postage, and transportation - are sole cost of "Requestor" with no cost assessed Owner or �ngineer. Although such work is not specifically indicated, furnish all supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances, and devices incidental to or necessary for a sound, secure, and complete installation. All communication with the City during bidding phase shall be in writing, either by e-mail or fax, and shall be directed to the City's �ngineering Department at: City of Clearwater, Engineering Department ATTN: Robert Maue 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Room 220 Clearwater, FL 33756 Fax: (727) 562-4i58 E-mail: Robert.Maue@MyClearwater.cam All communication with the City during construction shall be thraugh the City's �ngineering Department. The City's Project Representative shall be introduced at the pre-construction meeting. ' Skycrest RCW System — CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bore 5ection IVa 0992-0212 Substitutions and Product Options 01670 -1 , � 1.3 REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITU710N - GENERAL A. gase all bids on materials, equipment and procedures specified. B. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in specifications by means of trade names and catalog numbers and/or manufacturer's names. Where this occurs, it was not intended to exclude from consideration such types of equipment and kinds of material bearing other trade names, catalog numbers and/or manufacturer's names, capable of accomplishing purpose of types of equipment or kinds of material specifically indicated, unless specifically noted as such. C D � Other types of equipment and kinds of mat�rial may be acceptable ta Owner and Engin�er. Types of equipment, kinds of material and methods of construction, if not specifically indicated must be approved in writing by Engineer and be agreed upon by Owner prior to letting of Contract. Conditional bids will not be accepted. SUBMISSION OF REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTION A. After the bid date and prior to award of the Contract, the Engineer will consider requests for substitutions of products, materials, systems or other items. Requests must be received by Engineer within ten calendar days after the date of bid opening. All requests for substitution shall be completed as specified below. �. Substitute it�ms must comply with color and pattern of base specified items unless specifically approved otherwise. Submit four (4) copies af request for substitution. Include in request: 1 �a Name of product located by Drawing No. or Specification No., followed by a detail or line number the particular item(s) for which request for substitution is initiated. Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents. 3. For products: a. Product identification by schedule or tag no., including manufacturer's name. b. Manufacturer's literature, marked to indicate specific model, type, size, and options to be considered: 1) Product Description. 2) Pertormance and test data. 3) Reference standards. Skycrest RCW System - CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va , 0992-0212 Substitutions and Product Options 01670 - 2 ' u E. 4 5 6 7 4) Di�Ference in power demand. 5) Dimensional differences far specified unit. c. Submit samples, full size if so required. Engineer r�serves right to impound sample until physical units are installed on project for comparison purposes. All costs of furnishing and return of samples shall be paid by requester. Engineer is not responsible for loss of or damage to samples. d. Name and address of similar projects on which product was used, date of installation, and field performance data on installation. Itemized comparison of proposed substitution with product, materials, systems or oth�r items specified. Data relating to changes in construction schedule. Accurate cost data on praposed substitution in comparison with product, materials, systems or other items sp�cified. Include with any request a specific statement defining changes in cantract time or amount. In making request far substitution, or in using an approved substitute item, Supplier/Manufacturer represents: 1 �� 3 4 He has persanally investigated proposed product, materials, systems or other items, and has determined that it is equal or superiar in all respects to that specified, and that it will perform function for which it is intend�d. Will provide same or better warranty far substitute item as for product, materials, systems or other items specified. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into work, to include but not be limited to the following: a. Building and structure modifications as necessary b. Additional ancillary equipment to accommodate change c. Piping, valving, mechanical, electrical, or instrumentation changes d. All other changes required for work to be complete in all respects to permit incorporation of substitution inta praject Waives all claims far additional costs related to substitution, which subsequently becvme apparent. Written acceptance or rejection of items presented for alternative cansideration will be given within two weeks after request is r�ceived. G. In the event the acceptance of an alt�rnate results in a change in contract price or time, or is a deviation from the Contract Documents, a change arder will be issued to reflect such change. In the event the acceptance af an alternate does not result in a change in Contract price or time, a field arder shall be issued. Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 5ubstitutions and Product Options 01fi70-3 H. Rejection of alternates: 1. Acceptance will require substantial revision of Cantract Documents or building spaces. 2. If they are in Engineer's opinion, not equal to base product specified, or will not adequately pertorm function for which intended. 3. If request is not initiated by the Contractor in accordance with this specification section. 1.4 SUBSTIT'UiION AFTER CONTRACT AWARD A. Unavailability of specified item due to strikes, lockouts, bankruptcy, discontinuance of production, proven shortage, or similar occurrences are only reasons for substitution after Contract award. B. Notify Owner in writing, as soon as condition of unavailability becomes apparent; include substantiating data. Submit request for substitution sufficiently in advance to avoid delays. C. Submit data as required in paragraph 1.3 C abave. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NO7 USED) END OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bare Sectian IVa 0992-0212 Substitutlons and Product Options 01fi70-4 SECTIOId �1700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - G�NERAL 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 �l4�� SECTION INCI.UDES A. Final cleaning B. Adjusting C. Project record documents D. Warranties FINAL CLEANING A. Execute final cleaning prior to final inspection. B. Remove waste and surplus materials, rubbish, and canstruction facilities from the site. ADJUSiING A. Adjust operating Products and equipment to ensure smooth and unhindered operation. WARRANTIES A. Provide duplicate notarized copies of all applicable warranties and guarantees. B. Execute and assemble documents from Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. C. Provide Table of Contents and assemble in three D side ring binder with durable plastic cloth cover. D. Submit prior to final Application for Payment. E. For items of Work delayed beyond date of Substantial Completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start af warranty period. PROJ�CT RECORD DOCUM�N7S A. Record information cancurrent with construction progress as indicated in specifications. See Sectian III Article 6.11.2 for As-Built requirements. B. Record work with minority/women owned businesses as required in Southwest Florida Water Management District Cantract Form Exhibit E as follows: Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Sectian IVa 0992-0212 Contract C/oseout 01700-1 AGREEMENT N0. 05COIV000049 EXIBIT "E� MINORITYl1lVOMEN OWNED AND SMALL BUSINESS UTILIZATION REPORT Projects receNing $100,U00 ar more in coaperati�e funding from the Southwest Florida Wa#er Nfanagement Districf require the submission of the following information within 30 clays of any amendment increasing projec# funding and with the final in�oice. Questions regarding use o# this form shauld be direcfed to Contracts Administration, Phane �352} 796-7211 ext. 4132. INDICATE 7HE ONE CATEGORY THT BEST DESCRlBES EACH ORGAN4ZATIOAf LISTED' BU5INESS C�AS51FfCATfON CERT4FIED MBE NON-CERT�FEE� MBE UNKNdWiV Cooperator. m cDn (n y = D D = D z �� A � s � � � v = � m Agreement No.: z N � y z � rn � y z � < � � � Do Z n �' y D Z n D y D Z r N � � Z � z � � Z � Z O o_ m m � � m Project Name: � � z � +�T� a � p � +T� D � � _-� � m � � [� � � � C� � � �(n (� C) Iri D D � n m D D N� Z D � Z Z Z D �! Z Z Tatal Prflject Cast: Z Z Z Z NAMES OF CONTRACTORS Ah[D �OTAL AMOUNT PAID 5[iBCONTRACTORS UTI�IZED *❑ Oeu organization does not collect minority status da#a. Signature Date Print Name and Title C�earwater Harbor Reclaimed Water 5ystem 5ection !Va 0992-82?0 Contract C�oseo�t 01700-2 �� � � � r � � � � � � � � � r � � � � ' ' PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ' PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT US�D) ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' END OF SECTION , Clearwater Harbor Reclaimed Water System Sectian /Va 0997-0270 Contract C/oseout 01700-3 ' � ' SECTIDN 02010- SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION ' PART 7 - GENERAL 1.1 D�SCRIRTION OF WORK ' A. A soils investigation report has been prepared for the project by Driggers Engineering Inc. hereafter referred ta as the Geotechnical Engineer, dated June 9, Zp10 The soils-investigation reparts are included in the Appendix of this � Invitation for Bid package. — B. The report was obtain�d only for the Engineer's use in design. The report is available for bidder's information, but is not a warranty af subsurtace conditians. ' 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE i' A. Bidders should visit the site and acquaint themselves with all existing conditions. Prior to bidding, bidders may at their cost, make their own subsurtace investigations to satisiy themselves as to site and subsurFace conditions, but all such investigatians shall be perFormed under time schedules and arrangements '�, approved in advance by the Owner. ' PAR7 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 – EXECUTION (NO7 USED) 1 ' END �F S�CTION ' Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Subsurface Investigation 02010-1 , ' , 1 ' ' 1 SECTION �207� - B�RING AND JACKING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WQRK A. The Work of this Section includes all labor, machinery, construction equipment and appliances required to perForm in a workmanlike manner all boring and jacking of pipeline casings and installation of pipe therein. The overell work scope shall include, but not be limited to, boring and jacking pits and equipment, sheeting, dewatering, steel casing pipe, casing spacers, coatings, installation of the carrier pipe within the casings, miscellaneous appurtenances to complet� the entire work as shawn an the Contract Drawings, and restoration. Boring and jacking operations shall be performed within the right-af-way and/or easements shown on the Drawings. B. The equipment used in boring and jacking casings shal ' commercial size and satisfactory working condition for saf workmen experienced in boring and jacking operations pertarming the Work. r� , ' I be of adequate e operation. Only shall be used in C. Provide all structures, safety equipment, and professianal sErvices required ta provide for the health and safety of the general public and of p�rsonnel involved in pipe boring and jacking work in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. D. Take all measures necessary to protect surrounding public and private praperty, adjacent buildings, roads, drives, sidewalks, drains, sewers, utilities, trees, structures, and appurtenances from damage due to pipe baring and jacking work. Responsibility and payment for correction of such damage shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CASING PIPE A. Steel casing pipe shall be new prime steel pipe conforming to ASTM A-139, Grade B or AVWVA C200, latest edition. Steel casing pipe shall be seamless or have no more than one longitudinal weld, with a minimum yield strength of 35,000 psi and be of a thickness equal to or exceeding the minimum gauge indicated below. Casing pipe to be placed by jacking methods shall be of sufficient thickness and axial strength to withstand the forc�s to be encountered during the jacking process. The steel casing pipe exterior wall surFace shall be bituminous coated, to a minimum 16-mil thickness. B. Field and shop welds af the casing pipes shall conform with the American Welding Society (AWS) standard specifications. Field welds shall be complete penetration, single-bevel groove type joints. Welds shall be airtight and ' Skycr�est RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0112 Boring and Jacking 02070-1 ' L continuous over the entire circumference of the pipe and shall not increase the outside pipe diameter by more than 3/4-inch. Unless indicated on the drawings, minimum steel casing pipe size and wall thickness shall be as indicated in the following Table 2-1. TABLE 2-1 Carrier Pipe�Steel Casing_Pipe Diameter & WaII,Thicknesses Diameter (in.) Outside Diameter (in.) Wall Thickness (in.) Carrier Piqe Casina Pipe Casina Piqe 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 zo 24 2.2 JOINTS 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 42 0.188 0.188 0.25p 0.250 0.250 0.312 0.312 0.375 0.375 A. All section joints df steel casing pipe shall be full penetration welded with a continuous circumferential weld. Joints shall be electric-fusion (Arc) welded by aperators qualified in accordance with American Welding Society (AWS) Standard Pracedure. After welding, the Contractor shall wire brush the welded joints and apply Kop-Coat Interol Quick drying Primer 626 or appraved equal. 2.3 CARRI�R PIPE A. The carrier pipe material shall be in accordance with the Cantract Drawings and specifications and will be fully restrained with the manufacturer's restrained joints. Tracer wire, as specified in Section 15066, shall be continuous through the casing installation. 2.4 CASING SPACERS A. The carrier pipe shall be installed inside the casing pipe using the polyethylene ' support block assembly system with spacing as per the manufacturer's r�commendations. PART 3 - �XECUTION 3.1 GEN�RAL A. The installation of pipeline casings under the railroad or highway as shown on the drawings shall be in accordance with all the requirements of the railway company, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDQT), the Owner, or other governing regulatory agency. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Boring and Jacking 02070-2 1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 EXCAVATION A. A two-inch auger pilot hole shall first be attempted to determine if rock will prevent the installation of the casing. If the pilot hole is successfully made, the casing shall be installed. The leading section of casing shall be equipped with a jacking head securely anchored thereto to prevent any wobble or variation in alignment during the jacking operation. Excavation shall be performed entirely within the jacking head and no excavation in advance thereof shall be permitted. Every effort shall be made ta avoid any loss of earth outside the jacking head. Excavated material shall be removed from the casing as excavation progresses, and no accumulation of such material within the casing will be permitted. BORING AND JACKING A. The boring and jacking operations shall be done simultaneously with correct line and grade carefully maintained for the casing. Holes for casing shall be bored with an auger mounted inside the pipe with the auger extending a short distance beyond the lead end of the pipe to preclude caving. Excavating for jacking pits or shafts shall be in accordance with applicable sections of these specifications. Utility pipes shall have manufacturer's restrained joints and shall be supported to prev�nt damages to either utility pipe or casing pipe. The carrier pipe ends shall extend beyond steel casing pipe by 6-inches and the voids between the inside of the casing pipe and outside of the carrier pipe shall be sealed with brick and non- shrink grout mortar or end seal, PSI Model "C" with 304 SS bands or approved equal. B. The top of the casing shall maintain a minimum af 36-inch clearance under the roadway surFace or as indicated on the Drawings. The invert elevation of the st�el casing for the individual roadway crossings shall be set in the field by the Contractor and shall be based on the minimum vertical clearance between the top of the utility pipe, unless atherwise indicated on the Drawings, and the existing utilities on either side of the crossing site unless otherwise nated on the Drawings. Casing invert �levations which are proposed by the Contractor are subject to approval by the Engineer. GROUTING A. After jacking is completed, the Contractor shall drill holes in the casing at the locations of ground loss and elsewh�re where voids are suspected and shall force grout in to fill voids to refusal at satisfactory pressures, but not to exceed 50 psi. This shall be done only in casings with large enough diameter to provide adequate working roam. LOSS OF GROUND A. Should appreciable loss of graund occur during the jacking operation, the voids shall be backpacked pramptly to the extent practicable with soil cement consisting of a slightly moistened mixture of 1 part cement to 5 parts granular material. Where the soil is not suitable for this purpose, the Contractor shall provide suitable material at his expense. The soil cement shall be thoroughly mixed and rammed into place as soon as possible after the loss of ground. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Boring and Jacking 02070-3 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 TOLERANCES A. Extreme care shall be exercised by the Contractor to maintain line and grade during jacking operation, and the Contractor may be required to modify the manner in which he is conducting his jacking operation ta correct any deviatian when deemed necessary by the Engineer. RESPONSIBILITY � The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the placement of the casing. ihe details shown on the Contract Drawings are to be considered minimum only. The Contractor shall notify the awner having jurisdiction over the right-of-way (ROV� in accordance with the ROW Utilization Permit and before commencing work. INSTALLATIQN OF PIPE A. Th� pipe shall be installed in the casing on casing spacers of sufficient thickness to prevent the pipe bells from resting directly on the casing and to align the pipe to meet the grade specified. Casing spacers shall be secured to the carrier pipe at all pipe joints and intermediate supports as necessary. � C The pipe shall no# be pushed into the casing. The pressure of sliding in the casing spacers and pipe shall be applied to the casing spacers, not the pipe. Adjust the pipe grade as required by changing the thickness of the skids or casing spacer runners to compensate for any grade variations of the casing. D. If the alignment of the casing is such that the pipe grade cannot be met, the grade of the pipe shall, if required by the Engineer, be adjusted. If realignment is not deemed feasible by the Engineer, another casing meeting the required grade shall be installed. The abandoned casing shall be filled with sand and the ends plugged with 12-inch thick masonry plugs. Realignm�nt or replacement work shall in no way result in extra cost to the Owner. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS AND FEES A. �th respect to the railway line crossings, th� Contractor shall provide insurance in accordance with the Railroad Company requirements. B. All work perFormed within FDOT rights-of-way, Pinellas County rights-of-way, or within the railroad property limits shall be in accordance with the requirements of those agencies which are hereby made a part of these specifications. It is the responsibility of the Cantractor to determine all requirements of these agencies and to comply with said requirements including any necessary bands, cash deposit, insurance, flagger or observation fees. C. The Contractar will not be permitted to commence work on the railroad or highway crossing until bonds, cash deposits, or insurance furnished pursuant to the above by the Contractor is to the satisfaction of the Railroad Company, Pinellas County, or FDOT. Skycres# RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0212 Boring and Jacking 02070-4 '� ' I 3.10 DISPOSAL OF �XCAVATED MATERIAL A. The Contractor shall make adequate provisions for handling excess excavated material at the entry and exit pits. ' B. When the Contractor's provisions for storage of excess excavated material onsite are exceeded, these materials shall be hauled away to a suitable legal disposal site. 3.11 SUCCESSFUL COMPLETI�N A. The Contractor shall be considered as having completed the requirements of any one boring or jacking project when he has successfully completed the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. ' B. The locations of any second ar third attempts shall have the concurrence of the Engineer and shall be pe�Formed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. If, after thr�e attempts, the Contractor is nat able to complete a boring or jacking, he shall request authorization to use a trench. If such authorization is ',,' granted, the installation of the pipE and restoration of the surface shall be at no additional cost except that the Contractor shall be reimbursed for any casing ' abandoned in place at the unit price set forth in the Unit Price Schedule for � Change Orders. If such autharixation is not granted and the Contractor is required to utilize other approved methods, it shall be considered additional work. However, appropriate credit shall be givento the Owner for not having performed � the borings or trenching. �ND OF SECTION , Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bor�e Section /Va 0992-0212 Boring and Jacking 02070-5 ' 1 , SECTION 02210 - EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE ' A. This section covers excavation and trenching work as required; the handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of all excavated material; all necessary sheeting, shoring, and protection work; preparation of subgrades; pumping and ' dewatering as necessary or required; protection of adjacent property; backfilling; pipe embedment; surtacing and grading; and other appurtenant work. 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.3 � :� Excavations shall provide adequate working space and clearance for the work to be pertarmed therein and far installation and removal of concrete forms. In no case shall excavation faces be undercut for extended footings. Subgrade surtaces shall be clean and free of loose material of any kind when concrete is placed thereon. C. Except where exterior surfaces are specified ta be dampproofed, monolithic concrete manhales and other cancrete structures, ar parts thereof, which da not have foatings and extend beyond the outside face of exterior walls, may be placed directly against excavation faces without the use of outer forms, provided that such faces are stable and also provided that a layer of polyethylene film is placed between the earth and the concrete. D. �xcavatians for manholes and similar structures constructed of masonry units shall have such horizontal dimensions that not less than 6 inches clearance is provid�d for autside plastering. E. Backfilling and construction of fills and embankments during freezing weather shall not be done except by permission of the Engineer. No backfill, fill, or embankment materials shall be installed on frozen surFaces, nor shall frozen materials, snaw, or ice be placed in any backfill, fill, or embankment. RELATED WORK A. Soils Conditions: Detailed soils explorations to determine further soils conditions, including the extent of any unsuitable materials, are the res onsibili af the Contractor. Caordinate all soils exploration with the Owner prior to pertorming the work. B. Unsuitable Material: All unsuitable materials faund during excavation, which are not suitable for backfill or bedding, shall be completely removed and replaced with suitable sails, at na additianal cost to the Owner. ' Skycrest RCW System CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching 0221 D -1 1 1.4 1.5 1.6 � �� 1.8 1.9 BLASTING A. Blasting with any type of explosive is permitted only when approved by the City. UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A. �xcept where otherwise autharized, indicated, or specified, all materials excavated below the bottom of concrete walls, footings, slabs on grade, and foundations shall be replaced, by and at the expense of the Contractor, with concrete placed at the same time and monolithic with the concrete above. DEWAT�RING A. See Section IV, Article 12 SHEETING AND SH�RING ' � �_� 1 1 ' A. Except where banks are cut back on a stable slope, excavation for structures and ' #renches shall be sheeted, braced, and shored as necessary ta prevent caving or sliding, STABILIZATION ' A. Subgrades for concrete structures and trench battoms shall be firm, dense, and ' thoroughly compacted and consolidated; free from mud and muck; and sufFiciently stable to remain firm and intact under the feet of the workmen. B. Subgrades for concrete structures or trench bottams, which are otherwise solid but which become mucky an top due to construction operations, shall be reinforced with one ar more layers of crushed rock or gravel. The stabilizing material shall be spread and compacted to a depth of not more than 4 inches; if the required depth exceeds 4 inches, the material shall be furnished and installed as specified for granular fills. Not more than 1/2 inch depth of mud or muck shall be allowed to remain on stabilized trench bottoms when the pipe bedding material is placed ther�on. ' ' ' C. The finished elevation of stabilized subgrades for concreTe structures shall not be above subgrade elevations indicated on the drawings. ' EARTH FILLS AND EMBANKMENTS A. � To the maximum extent available, excess suitable material obtained from structure and trench excavatians shall be used for construction of fills and embankments. Additional material shall be provided as required. Wherever a trench passes through a fill or embankment, the fill or embankment material shall be placed and compacted to an elevation 12 inches above the top of the pipe before the trench is excavated. ' �J ' 1 Skycrest RCW System CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 09g2-�212 Excavation and Trenching ' 02290 - 2 �J 1.10 GRANULAR FILLS A. Granular fills shall be placed on suitably prepared subgrades and campacted by vibration. Granular fill material shall be crushed rock or gravel, shall be free from dust, clay, or trash, and shall be graded ta the requirements of FDOT section 901 No. 57 aggregate. Granular fill shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent relative density as determined by ASTM D698-70, Method C. Granular fills under concrete slabs shall be compacted with a minimum af 3 passes of a vibratory steel drum or plate rype compactor. 1.11 1'R�NCH EXCAVATION � 1:3 C See Section IV, Article 5—�xcavation for Undergraund Work No more trench shall be opened in advance of pipe laying than is necessary to expedite the work. 100 feet shall be the maximum length of open trench an any line under construction. Except where tunneling is indicated on the drawings, is specified, ar is permitted by the �ngineer, all trench excavation shall be open cut from the surFace. 1.12 ALIGNMENT, GRADE, AND MINIMUM CQVER A. Pipe shall be laid and maintained at the required lines and grades with fittings, valves and appurtenances at the described Iocations. All pipe shall be laid to the depth as shown on the plans. Grade lines shall be set by the Contractor. The tolerance af such grades shall not be more than that specified on the drawings. When no tolerance is indicated a tolerance of p.5 foot shall he used. All other realignments must be approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall have suitable survey equipment on the site at all times. B. The work shall at all times progress with cautian so as to prevent damage to underground obstructions both known and unknown. Should an obstruction not shown on the plans be encountered the �ngineer shall be immediately notified and he shall be responsible for alteratian to the plan should realignment be necessary. The Contractor shall natify the Engineer far enough in advance to allow the realignment to be accomplished by deflection in the pipe joints. 1.13 TRENCH WIDTHS /� I: Trenches shall be excavated to a width which will provide adequate working space and sidewall clearances for proper pipe installation, jointing, and embedment. Cutting trench banks on slopes to reduce earth load to prevent sliding and caving shall be done only in areas wh�re the increased trench width will nat intertere with surtace features or encroach on canstruction limits. C. Trench widths at and below the top of the pipe shall be the minimum necessary for proper installation. All trenching shall meet OSHA requirements for cut slope and/or trench shoring techniques. Overd�pth excavation shall be backfilled with Class I material. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Sectlon /Va '' 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching 02210 - 3 , 1.14 MECHANICAL EXCAVATION A. The use of inechanical equipment will not be permitted in locations where its operation would cause damage to trees, buildings, culverts, or other existing property, utilities, or structures above or below ground. In all such locations, hand excavating methods shall be used. B. Mechanical equipment used for trench excavation shall be of a type, design, and canstruction, and shall be so operated that pipe, when accurately laid to specified alignment, will be centered in the tr�nch with adequate clearance between the pipe and sidewalls of the trench. Undercutting the trench sidewall to obtain clearance will not be permitted. 1.15 EXCAVATION B�LOW PIP� SUBGRADE 1 ' , � 1 ' A. Except where otherwise required, pipe trenches shall be excavated per the detail ' in the plans. 1.16 ARTIFICIAL FOUNDATIONS IN TRENCHES � A. Whenever unsuitable or unstable soil conditions are encountered, trenches shall be excavated below grade and the trench bottom shall be brought to embedment ' grade with suitable material. 1.17 BELL HOLES A. Bell hol�s shall provide adequate clearance far tools and methods used in installing pipe. No part of any bell or coupling shall be in contact with the trench bottam, trench walls, or granular embedment when the pipe is jointed. 1.18 EM6EDMENT MATERIA�.S ' ' A. General: Use sails free of organic matter, refuse, rocks and lumps gr�ater than 4 ' inches in diameter and other deleterious matter. 1.19 UNIFIED SOII. CLASSIFICATION SYST�M. A. Symbols and descriptions for groups of soils classified by the Unified Soil Classification System, ASTMD-24$7, are listed below: Group S�,mbols Group Description CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. CL Inorganic clays af low to medium, plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. GC GM Clayey grav�ls, gravel-sand-clay mixtures. Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures. ' � , 1 Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa � 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching p221 p - 4 , GP GW MH ML OH OL P7 SC SM SP 5W 1.20 CLASSIFICA710N Poorly graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Well-graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceour fine sands or silts, elastic silts. Inorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands. O�ganic clays af inedium to high plasticity. Organic silts and arganic silty clays of low plasticity. Peat, muck, and ather highly organic soils. Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures. Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures. Poarly graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines. Well-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines. A. For the purpose of this specification, soils to be used as fill material are grouped into five classes according to soil properties and characteristics. Class I- Granular Material - angular bedding material well graded crushed stone meeting the requirements of ASTM D448 size No. 67. 2. Class II - Caarse sands and gravels with maximum practical size of 44 mm (1-1/2 in.), including variously graded sands and gravels containing small percentages of fines, generally granular and non-cvhesive, either wet or dry. Soil Types GW, GP, SW, and SP are included in this class. 3. Class III - Fine sand and clayey gravels, including fine sands, sand-clay mixtures, and gravel-clay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM, and SC are included in this class. 4. Class IV - Silt, silty clays, and clays, including inorganic clays and silts of medium to high plasticity and liquid limits. Soil Types MH, ML, CH, and CL are included in this class. These materials are not recommended for bedding, haunching, or initial backfill. Class V- This class includes the organic soils, OL, OH, and PT as well as soils containing frozen earth, debris, rocks, larger than 40 mm (1-1/2 in.) in diameter, and other foreign materials. These materials are not allowed for bedding haunching or initial backfill. 1 ' Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching 02210 - 5 1 1.Z1 DEPTH A. Trench to the lines and grad�s shown on the drawings. Where elevations are not shown, trench to a depth sufficient to provide at least 36 inches of cover above the top of pipe, unless atherwise specified. Grade trenches to provide a constant slope free of sags and high spots. 1.22 TRENCH BRACING , 1 1 1 A. Properly brace, sheet and support trench walls in strict conformance with all ' pertinent laws and regulations. Pravide adequate bracing and sharing to protect adjacent improvements. 1.23 BEDDING, HAUNCHING AND INITIAL BACKFILL A. Tamp subgrade to provide firm, even bedding. Excavate bedding material to match the shape af the bottom of the pipe and bell, as detailed in the Drawings. Place haunching material so as to provide full bearing around the bottom of the pipe. Place bedding, haunching and initial backfill as specified below. 1.24 DUCTIL,E IRON PIPE A. If no backfill is required after initial trench excavation, undisturbed earth may be suitable for bedding in cover less than 12 feet deep. Excavate to match bottom of pipe and bell. Pravide Class I material as bedding for pipe cover greater than 12 feet. Class I, II or SM, SC soil for haunching to pipe springline. Class II or III material and soil types SM and SC shall be used as initial backfill to 12-inches above top of pipe. 1.25 BACKFILL A. Backfill the remainder of the trench with soils free of organic matter, refuse, rocks and lumps greater then 4 inches in diameter and other deleteriaus matter compact to 100 percent AAShiTO T99. 1.26 COMPACTION TESTING AND CONTROL A. B. C. D. E. Moisture density relations required for all materials that are to be compacted to be as established by Engineer. Extent of compaction testing will be as necessary to assure compliance with specifications. Give adequate natice to Testing Agency when ready for compaction or subgrade testing and inspectian. Minimum of 24 hour advance notice to be given. Shauld any moisture density test fail to meet specification requirements, perForm corrective work as necessary. Pay for all costs associated with corrective work and retesting resulting from failing tesTs. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa , 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching 02210 - 6 ' � � 1 1 1 ' 1 ' C1 , 1 , 1 1 1 , 1.27 COMPACTION D�NSITY R�QUIREMENTS A. Pertorm compaction of sails and all work associated with that effort with equipment designed for and suitable to provide the compaction requirements. B. Obtain approval of Engineer with regard ta suitability of sails and acceptable subgrade prior ta subsequent operations. C. Provide dewatering system necessary to successfully camplete compaction and construction requirements. D. Remove frazen loose, wet or saft material and replace with suitable material as required by �ngineer. E. Stabilize subgrade with well graded granular materials as required by Engineer. F. Assure by results of testing that compaction densities comply with the requirements 1 2 3 Sitework: Location Under Paved Areas and Sid�walks: Unpaved Areas: Pipe trench Structures: Location Inside of structures under foundations, under equipment support pads, under slabs on grade. 5pecific areas: Locatian Outside structures under equipment support foundatians 1.28 FI.OWABLE FILL Compaction,Densitx 100 percent AASHTO T99 100 percent AASHTO T99 100 percent AASHTO T99 Com activn Densit 98 percent ASTM D698 Compaction Densitv 98 percent ASTM D698 ' A. Where shown on the Plans, or where ordered by the �ngineer, the Contractor shall backfill a void area or an excavation with flowable fill. Flowable fill may be , Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bor9e Section IVa 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching 02210 - 7 1 shown, or ordered, to fill abandoned pipes, abandoned undergraund steel storage tanks, trench backfill, washout area under structural slabs or behind walls, or other similar locations, B. Pipe trenching across roadways and driveways shall be backfilled and compacted as soon as pip� is installed. In areas where settlement shall occur, the Owner shall require the backfilling operations ta incorporate the installation of calor-coded "Flowable Fill", a I�an 750 PSI rat�d concrete mix and which shall be poured immediately follawing pipe installatian. Open trenches near traffic shall have the proper protective barricades, signage and traffic control personnel provided by the contractor. C. Flowable fill shall be produced and deliv�red to the site. Placing of flowable fill shall be by chute, pumping, or other approved methods. Flowable fill shall be placed to the designated fill line without vibration. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any damage caused by hydraulic pressure of the fill during placement prior to hardening. Flowabl� fill shall not be used for pipe bedding and backfill in the zone from the bottom of a pipe to 12 inches above the top of pipe. u E � L Flawable fill shall consist of materials conforming to DO7-SSRBC Sections as follows: 1. Cement (Type I or II) Section 921 2. Fly ash (Type F) Section 929 3. Fine aggregate (sand) Section 902 4. Water Section 923 The Contractor shall submit a praposed design mix that will produce a flowable fill meeting the strength requirements specified herein, using the following materials: Pounds er cubic ard 1. Cement (Type I or II) 50 - 200 2. Fly ash (Type F) 0- 2,000 3. Fine aggregate (sand) 2,500 - 3,000 4. Wat�r 325 - 550 Note: 6-inch ta 10-inch slump Flowable fill material shall be proportioned to produce a 28-day compressive strength approximately as follows: Pounds per sguar� inch 1. Pipe trench backfill 50 - 150 2. Fill abandaned pipes or tanks 30 - 150 3. Under slabs, behind walls 3pQ - 1,000 Note: Density in place 115 to 145 pounds per cubic foot Not more than 60 minutes shall elapse between the start of moist mixing and the placement of the flowable fill. Skycres# RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching ' 02210 - 8 1 H. I. J. K. 1.29 TESTS Flowable fill placed on slopes shall have a reduced slump with a reduction in water, and shall be able to be shap�d as required. The Contractor shall place the flowable fill in such a manner as to eliminate all cavities. Flowable fill shall nat be placed in salt water. When within a tidal area, the flowable fill shall be placed immediately after the salt water has receded. When flowable fill is used adjacent to ductile iron pipe, the pipe shall be polyethylene encased. A. All tests to ensure that embedment, fill, and backfill materials and their placement comply with specified requirements shall be made by an independent testing laboratory at the expense of th� Contractar. 1.30 DRAINAGE MAINT�NANC� A. Trenches across roadways, driveways or other trafficways adjacent to drainage ditches or water shall be constructed on the upstream side of the trafficway to prevent impounding water after the pipe has been laid. Bridges and other temporary structures required to maintain traffic across such unfilled trenches shall be c�nstructed and maintained by the Contractor. Backfilling shall be done so that water will not accumulate in unfilled ar partially filled trenches. All material deposited in roadway ditches or other water courses crossed by the line of trench shall be removed immediately after backfilling is completed and the original section, grades, and cantours of ditches or water courses shall be restored. SurFace drainage shall not be obstructed longer than necessary. 1.31 PROTECTION OF TRENCH BACKFILL IN DRAINAGE COURSES A. Where trenches are constructed in ditches or other water courses, backfill shall be protected from surFace erosion. Where the grade of the ditch exceeds one percent, ditch checks shall be installed. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, ditch checks shall be concrete. Ditch checks shall extend not less than 2 feet below the original ditch or water course bottom for the full bottom width and at least 18 inches into the side slopes and shall be at least 12 inches th ick. 1.32 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS EXCAVAT�D MATERIALS A. �xcept as otherwise permitted, all excess excavated materials shall be disposed ' of in on-site areas as directed by Owner's Representative. Excavated rock, debris encountered in excavation wark, and other similar waste materials shall be disposed of away fram the site of the work. 1.33 SETTLEMENT ' Skycrest RCW System C5X & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Excavati�n �nd Trenching 02210 - 9 1 I1 C�3 The Contractor shall embankments which General Conditions. , be responsible for all settlement of backfill, fills, and ' may accur within the correction period stipulated in the The Contractar shall make, or cause to be made, all r�pairs or replacements made necessary by settlement within 10 days after notic� from the �ngineer or Owner. 1.34 PROTECTION OF TREES A. See Section IV, Article 62 ' 1 1 1.35 BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR INSTALLATION OF HDPE AND PVC PIPE BY OPEN ' CUT A. Backfilling and compaction shall be conducted in a manner to preclude subsequent settlement and shall provide adequate support for the surtace treatment, pavement, pipelines, or structures to be placed thereon. See details of installation on Construction Plans. f�3 C Backfill material shall be common fill material, free from organic matter, muck or marl, and rocks exceeding 2'/z-inches in diameter. Common fill shall not contain broken concrete, masonry, rubble or other similar materials. The backfilling procedures outlined below shall be far pipe mains and related structures. The backfilling shall be done in three stages as follows: First Stage: The contracfior shall provide adequate suitable material fill to be compacted beneath the haunches of the pipe, using mechanical tampers. This campaction also applies to the bedding material placed in layers abave the pipe. 2. Second Stage: The confiractor shall obtain a well-compacted bed and fill and compact along the sides of the pipe and then to a point of at least 1- foot above the top of the pipe. 1'he width af backfill and campactian to be done under this second stage shall be the width of the portion of the trench having vertical sides, or when no portion of the trench has vertical sides, it shall be to a width at least equal to three times the outside diameter of the pipe. Fill material shall be placed in 12-inch compacted thickness layers, unless the trench is under the paved road, in which case the fill materials shall be placed in 6-inch compacted thickness layers. 3. Third Stage: The remainder af the trench up to grade shall be backfilled with suitable material fill in layers not to exceed 1-foot in thickness and compacted, unless the trench is under the paved road, in which case the fill materials shall be placed in 6-inch compacted thickness layers. D. The contractor shall adopt compaction methods which will produce the degree of compaction specified herein without damage to the new or existing facilities. The degree of compaction specified below shall be considered the minimum allowable. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keen� Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Excavation and 1'renching �2210 - 10 Compaction Density: For paved and unpaved roadways and traffic areas, from right-of-way line to right-of-way line, including all structures and railroad crossings, shall be 98% of the maximum density as determined by American Assaciation of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) T-180 (ASTM D1557 - Modified Practor) with a minus 3% tolerance. For outside of the right-of-way, but within dedicated utility maintenance easements, shall be 95% af the maximum density as deter- mined by AASHTO T-180 (ASTM D1557 - Modified Proctor) with a minus 3% tolerance. PART 2 — PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 — EXECUTION (NOT US�D) END OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Excavation and Trenching 02210 -11 SECTION �2211 - STEEL SHEET PILES PART 1 - GEN�RAL 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish and install steel sheet piles when directed by the Engineer and as required by these specifications or as shown on the Drawings. 1.2 SUBMIT7Al.S A. Submit shop drawings, full details of the construction and erection of the steel sheet piling, shoring and bracing and the procedure the Contractor intends to follaw in performing the work. B. Submit complete erection drawings showing bolt lacatians and details of openings, etc. �rection drawings shall show all necessary secondary steel framing members required to support the steel pilings. C. Drawings of the sheeting and bracing and design computations shall be submitted to the Engineer for file purposes, and construction shall not b� started until such drawings are received. The drawings and computations shall be prepared and sealed by an Engineer licensed in the State of Florida and shall be in sufFcient detail to disclose the method of operation for each of the various stages af construction, if required, for the completion af the substructures. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL A. Steel Sheet Piles 1. Steel Sheet Piles shall conform to ASTM A 328. Steel pile sections shall be the continuously interlocking deep arch equal to PLZ23. The section modulus per linear foot shall not be less than 30.2 cubic inches and the weight shall be not less than 22.6 pounds per square foot af wall. Sheet pile sections shall be not less than 3/8-inch thick. 2. All sheet piles shall be furnished with standard pulling holes Iocated approximately four inches below the top of the pile, unless specified otherwise. B. Wales and Caps Structural steel shapes and plates shall confarm to ASTM A 36. Bolts shall conform to ASTM A 307. PART 3 - �XECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION Skyc►�est RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-02211 Steel Sheet Piles 02211-1 A. The Cantractor shall furnish, put in place, and maintain such sheeting and bracing as may be required to support the sides of excavatians, to prevent any movement which could in any way diminish the width of the excavation below that is necessary far proper construction, and to protect adjacent structures or roadways from undermining or other damage. If the City's Representative is of the opinion that at any point sufficient or proper supports have not been pravided, the City's Representative may order additional supports put in at the expense of the Contractor, and campliance with such order shall not relieve or release the Contractor from his responsibility for the sufficiency of such supports. Care shall be taken to prevent voids outside of the sheeting, but if voids are formed, they shall be imm�diately filled and rammed. B. All sheeting and bracing shall be carefully removed in such manner as not to endanger the construction or other structures, utilities, or property. All voids left or caused by withdrawal of sheeting shall be immediately refilled with sand by ramming with tools especially adapted to that purpose, by watering or otherwise as may be directed. C. The City shall have the right to order sheeting and bracing left in place and this right shall not be construed as creating any obligation on the City's part to issue such arders, and the City's failure to exercise its right to do so shall not reli�ve the Contractor from liability for damages to persons or property occurring fram ar upon the work occasioned by negligence or otherwise, growing out of a failure an the part of the Contractor to leave in place sufficient sheeting and bracing to prevent any caving ar moving of the ground. D. Prior to setting, the sheet piles shall be thoroughly cleaned and inspected for defects and for proper interlack dimensions. The Contractor shall provide a tool , for checking the interlock dimensions. E. �ach sheet pile shall have sufficient clearance in the interlocks to slide, under its own weight, in the interlock of the sheet pile previously placed during the setting aperation until th� top of existing ground is reached by the tip of the sliding pile. In no case during the setting operation shall a vibratory or drive hammer be used to farce the interlack of a pile into the interlock of an adjacent pile. F. Before driving is started, check the sheet piles for pasition and alignment. Vertical alignment of each sheet pile shall be not more than 1/8 inch per foot from the vertical in all dir�ctions. Provide a plumb line or ather device far ch�cking vertical alignment. G I:I Excavation shall not be carried in advance of the steel sheet piling. Drive sheet piles in rotating stages such that the tip of any sheet pile is not mare than 5 feet b�low the tip of any adjacent sheet pile nor more than 8 feet below the tip of any other sheet pile in the bulkhead. Use a suitable driving head ta keep deformation of the driving end to a minimum. If any sheet pile is driven out of interlock, it shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's sole expense. Skycrest RCW System — C5X & Keene Rd. Jack & Bare Sectlon /Va 0992-02211 Stee/ Sheet Piles 02211-2 1 , J. Piles shall be driven with air, steam, or diesel hammer having sufficient energy ta achieve the required penetration. However, the means and methods selected by the Contractor shall be to prevent damage to any nearby structures. ' K. Obstructions encountered before the specified penetration for the piles is obtained shall be removed. Damaged piling or one with faulty alignment shall be , withdrawn and new piling driven properly in its place. The cost of such additional work shall be considered as part of the pile driving and shall be barne by the Contractor. ' L. Cut the tops of the sheet piles on a true horizontal line with a tolerance of plus or minus 1/2 inch by burning or other suitable method that will not damage the pile, For trench sheeting of pip�s, no sheeting is to be withdrawn if driven below mid- ' diameter of pipe. END OF SECTION ' ' 1 , 1 � Skycrest RCW System — CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa ' 0992-02211 Steel Sheet Piles 02211-3 1 ' ' SECTION 02220 - TOPSOILING AND FINISHED GRADING ' PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 ��+a 1.3 1.4 D�SCRIPTION A. General: 1. Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services for all topsoiling and finished grading, as indicated, in accord with provisions of Contract Documents. 2. Completely coordinate with work of all other trades. 3. Although such work is not specifically indicated, furnish and install all supplementary or miscellaneaus items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation. 4. See Division 1 for General Requirements. B. Location of work: All areas within limits of grading and all ar�as outside limits of grading which are disturbed in the course of the work. QUALI7Y ASSURANCE A. Finish grading tolerance: 0.1 FT plus/minus from required elevations. SUBMITTALS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Project data: Test reports for finished topsoil. JOB CONDITIONS A. Verify amaunt of topsail stackpiled and determine amount of additional topsoil, if necessary to complete work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Topsoil: Original surtace soil typical of the area, capable of supporting native plant growth. 1. Use existing topsoil stackpiled. 2. If amount of topsoil stockpiled is less than amount necessary for the work, furnish all additional topsoil required. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 �'opsoiling and Finished Grading 02220-1 PART 3 - EXECU710N 3.1 K)I+a 3.3 3.4 ROIJGH GRADE REVIEW A. Rough grading reviewed by Owner. PREPARATION A. Correct, adjust and/or repair rough graded areas. 1. Cut off mounds and ridges. 2. Fill gullies and depressions. 3. Pertorm other necessary repairs. 4. Bring all sub-grades to specified contours, even and properly compacted. B. Loosen surtace to depth of 2 IN, minimum. C. Remove all stones and debris over 2 IN in any dimension. PLACING TOP501L A. Do not place topsoil when subgrade is either wet or frozen enough to cause clodding. B. Spread topsoil to compacted depth of 4 IN for all disturbed earth areas. C. Make finished surtace free of stones, sticks, or other material 1 IN or more in any dimension. D. Make finished surtace smooth and true to required grades. E. Restore areas occupied by stockpiles to condition of rest of finished work. ACCEPTANCE A. Upon completion of tapsoiling, obtain Engineer's acceptance of grade and surFace. B. Make test holes where directed, to verify proper placement and thickness of � topsoil. END OF S�CTION ' , , ' Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa ' �99Z-0,212 Topsoiling and Finished Grading 02220-2 � ' �J 1 ' ' 1 SECTIQN 09900 - PAINTING AND COATINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The work includes furnishing all plant, labor, materials and equipment required to complete the painting and coatings as indicated on the Drawings and in these specifications. B. Surtace preparatian, paint and coatings materials, and their application shall be as recommended by the coating manufacturer and approved by the �ngineer. The Contractor shall take all health and safety precautions necessary to prevent accidents during the storage, handling, application, and drying of any of the coatings described. C. Paints and coatings used to finish the surtaces of structures or vessels which ' come into contact with potable water shall meet the applicable requirements of the County Health Department and the State Department of Environmental � Protection or other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. , ' 1.2 D. Related Work Specified �Isewhere: Section 09802 - Pipe Painting QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Contractor is responsiblE for a satisfactory paint application which will adhere withaut peeling, flaking, blistering or discoloration. Before application of any painting materials, the Contractor shall submit a letter afi Certification from the manufacturer of the materials selected far the application proposed. B. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers ofFering products which may be incorparated in the work include, but are limited to the following: 1. Ameron - Corrosion Control Division ' 2. Carboline Company 3. Glidden - Durkee Division of SCM Cdrparation 4. Indurall Caatings, Inc. ' 5. Koppers Campany, Inc. 6. Mobil Chemical Gompany 7. Porter Coatings - Division of Porter Paint Company 8. Royston Labaratories, Inc. ' 9. Rust-Oleum Corporation 10. Tnemec Company, Inc. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Data Sheets and Color Charts: , Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-0187 Painting and Coatings 09900 -1 1 The full name of each product and descriptive literature shall be submitted along with a list af water and wastewater plants in Florida where the product has been used. 1.4 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials to job site in new, original, and unopened containers bearing manufacturer's name, trade name, and label analysis. Stare where directed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. All paint materials used on the job shall be kept in a single place which shall be kept neat and clean. All oily rags, waste or debris shall be removed every night and all precautions taken to avoid the danger of fire. B. Extra Stock: At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor shall provide the Owner with a minimum of one quart from each 50 gallons or fraction thereof for each paint system used on the project. The paint or coating container shall indicate the applicable paint system as indicated in these specifications. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS A. ., Painting or coating and finishing of interior and exterior items and surtaces, unless otherwise indicated: Paint all new construction and portions af existing facilities disturbed by new construction. 2. Paint all exposed surFaces, except as otherwise indicated, whether or not colors are designated. If not designated colors will be selected by the �ngineer from standard colors available for the coatings required. 3. Includes field painting of bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), and hangers, exposed steel and iron work, and primed metal surtaces of equipment installed under mechanical and electrical work. 4. Painting shall be done at such times as the Contractor and Engineer may agree upon in order that dust-free and neat work be obtained. Painting shall be done strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and shall be performed in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 5. "Shop" painting as referred to defines the paint coat which shall be applied in the shap or plant immediately after manufacturer, fabrication or assembly and prior to shipment to the site af installation. "Field" painting defines the paint coats to be applied at the project site where the structure or equipment is completed, erected, or installed in place as specified. Materials and Application: 1. Obtain painting materials fram one manufacturer. Painting materials not obtainable from the prime manufacturer shall b� obtained from a second source recommended by the prime manufacturer. Skycrest RCW System - CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Sectlon /Va ' 0992-0187 Painting and Coatings 09900 - 2 ' �� � 2. 7here shall be a perceptible difference in shades of successive coats of paint so that the application of successive coats of paint can be properly and uniformly spread and inspected. Pipes, sheet metal ducts and other metal items which are to be installed in inaccessible locations shall be painted prior to installatian. 3. Each coat shall be allowed to dry for the period of time recomm�nded by the manufacturer before the next coat is applied. �quipment, Machinery, and Shop Fabricat�d Items: 1. Pumps, motars, machinery, equipment and ather manufactured items shall have surtaces prepared, primed and finish-caated in accordance with the standard practice of the manufacturer. Finish coat colors shall be as approved by the Engineer. 2, Shop-fabricated items and components for field as�embly shall have surfaces prepared and shop-primed. Finish caat colors shall b� as approved by the Engineer. Items for submerged service shall be field sandblasted and primed per Paint System B-3. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - ALL SYSTEMS A. B. C. The film thickness designated and/ar the number of coats to be applied shall not be decreased and shall be increased wh�re required to meet other manufacturer's recommendatians. There shall not be a change from the generic type of coating specified. Manufacturer's recommendatians as to which finish coat should be used with a particular primer shall be observed. In all cases, the prime coat and finish caat shall be from the same manufacturer. All paint shall be mildew resistant. 2.2 GROUP B- STRUCTURAL 5TEEL; CONCRETE AND STEEL TANKS; EQUIPM�NT AND PIPING (NOT IN CONTACT WITH POTABLE WATER) A. System B-1. For use on exterior exposed piping, equipment, structural and miscellaneous steel, - non-submerged, not exposed to splash, spray or corrosive atmosphere. 1 2 3 4 Surface Preparation: Commercial blast bare metal according ta the SSPC-SP-6. On bituminous caated cast iran pipe, clean and spot prime bared arEas. Ductile iron surtace prep- NAPF 500-03-p4. Prime: Madified Aromatic Polyurethane Tnemec Series 1 Purple Prime or equal, min. 3.0 mils DFT. Intermediate: Tnemec Series 6G at 3.0-4.0 mils DFT. Finish: Tnemec Series 73 at 2.5-3.0 mils DFT. Skycrest RCW System — CSX S Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0982-0187 PaTnting and Cpatings 09900 - 3 For bituminaus shop coated ductile iron pipe — prime with Tnemec Series 66 or equal at minimum 3.0 mils DFT. Allow bituminous coating to bleed through prime coat. Apply second caat of Tnemec Series 66 or equal at minimum 3.0 mils DFT. For outside areas, apply finish coat of Tnemec Series 73 or equal, at 2.5-3.0 mils DFT. 2.3 FINISH COAT OVER EXIS7ING FINISH A. The required painting shall consist of one coat of the system "Finish Coat" to provide continuity of texture and color over previously painted surtaces. 2.4 THINNING A. Where thinning is necessary, only the products for the particular purpose and by the manufacturer furnishing th� paint shall be allawed. All thinning shall be done strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and with the full knowledge and approval of the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SHOP PAINiING A. B. All ferrous and non-ferrous surFaces shall be solvent cleaned before priming. Primer shall be applied in the shap to protect surfaces fram rust during shipment and storage. Apply two caats of paint ta surtaces which are inaccessible after assembly or erection. 3.2 FIELD PREPARATION A. B. C. All surFaces to be painted shall be prepared in a workmanlike manner with the objective of obtaining a smooth, clean and dry surtace. No painting shall be done before the prepared surFaces are appraved by the Engineer. Surtace preparation for miscellaneous surtaces to be painted, not specifically covered in these specifications, shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the paint selected for use and as approved by the Engineer. Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in strict accordance with coating manufacturer's instructions for each substrate condition. D. Remove hardware and accessories, machined surtaces, plates, lighting fixtures and similar items in place and not to be finish-painted, or provide surFace-applied protection. Reinstall removed items after painting is completed. Measure moisture content af surFaces using an electronic moisture meter. Do not apply finishes to masonry walls unless moisture content of surfaces are below 12 percent. Skycrest RCW System -- CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bare Section IVa 0992-0187' Painting and Coatings 09900 - 4 3.3 APPLICATION A /_�I L� Mix, prepare, and store painting and finishing materials in accvrdance with manufacturer's directions. Apply painting and finishing materials in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for the mat�rial and surtaces ta which applied. C. Workmanship for applying paint shall be of professional quality. The painter shall apply each coat at the rate recommended by the manufacturer smoathly withaut runs, sags, ar holidays. If the material has thickened or must be diluted for use with a spray gun, the coating shall be built up to the same thickness as achieved with undiluted materials. In other words, ane gallon af paint as originally furnished by the manufacturer shall not caver a great square foot area when applied by spray gun than when applied by brush. Deficiencies in film thickness shall be corrected by the application of additional coat or coats of paint. On masonry, application of rates will vary according to the surtace texture; however, in no case shall the manufacturer's stated coverage rate be exceeded. On porous surtaces, it shall be the painter's responsibility to achi�ve a protective and decorative finish either by decreasing the coverage rate or by applying additional coats of paint. Before succeeding coats are applied to a surFac�, the preceding coat shall have been appraved by the Engineer. D. Drying time shall be construed ta mean "under normal conditions". Wh�re conditions are other than normal because of the weather or because painting must be done in confined spaces, langer drying times will be necessary. Additional caats of paint shall not be applied, nor shall units be placed in service, until paints are thoroughly dry. TABLE 099Q0-1 PAINTING SCHEDULE EXTERIOR PIPE AND VALVES 1. Exposed ductile iron and steel pipe, valves, valve boxes, meter boxes, fittings, and suppQrts- System B-1, END OF S�CTIDN Skycrest RCW System — CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-p187 Pain#ing and Coatings 09900 - 5 SECTION 09902 - PIPE PAINTING PART 1 - GEN�RAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This Section includes pipe painting and identification as required for this project. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PAIN7ING AND IDENTIFICATION A. Exposed piping shall be painted. Seal coats shall be used over bitum�n coated surFaces as applicable. Plastic pipe shall be painted in accordance with pipe manufacturer's recommendations. 2.2 PIPE PAINt COLORS A. Reclaimed Water: Purple (Pantone 522C). PART 3 — �XECUTION (NQT USED) END OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Pipe Painting 09902-1 SECTION 15062 - DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. Install within the project site all materials and incidentals including flanged joint, mechanical joint, push-on joint, and restrained joint ductile iron pipe and/or ductile iron restrained, flanged, or mechanical joint fittings, complete, as shawn on the project drawings. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall transmit (from the related Vendar) for submittal to the Qwner's Project Representative a list of materials ta be furnished, the names of the suppliers and the appropriate shop drawings for all ductile iron pipe and fittings. B. All ductil� iron pipe and fittings to be installed under this Contract shall be inspected and tested at the foundry as required by the standard specifications to which the material is manufactured. Furnish in duplicate to the Owner's Project Representative sworn certificates of such tests and their results. In addition, all ductile iron pipe and fittings to be furnished under this Cantract may be inspected at the foundry for compliance with these Specifications by an independent testing laboratory selected by the Owner. The manufacturer's cooperation shall be required in these inspections. The cost of foundry inspection of all pipe appraved for this Gontract, plus the cost of inspection af a reasonable amount of the disappraved pipe, will be borne by the Vendor, C. Shop Drawings including layout drawings shall be submitted to the Owner's Project Representative for approval and shall include dimensioning, methods and Iocations of supports and all other pertinent t�chnical specifications for all piping to be furnished. D � The Contractor shall transmit from the Vendor ta the Owner's Project Representative, the .pipe manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable sections af th� 5pecifications. The Contractor shall coordinate all submittals with the related Vendor in a manner not to impede construction on individual projects. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MAT�RIALS A. Ductile iron pip� pressure classes shall be a minimum of Class 350 for 4 to 12- inch, Class 250 for 14 to 20-inch, Class 200 for 24-inch, and Class 150 for 30 to 64-inch, except flanged or other unburied pipe which shall be thickness Class 53 and bridge crossing pipe which shall be thickness Class 54. Pressure class shall be greater if required by laad conditions or called out on the plans. ' Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va 0992-p2?2 Duc#ile Iron Pipe and Fittings 15062-1 1 B. Unrestrained joint pipe shall be supplied in lengths not in excess of 21-feet. Unrestrained joint pipe shall be either the rubber-ring type push-on joint or standard mechanical joint pipe as manufactured by the American Cast Iron Pipe Company, U.S. Pipe and Foundry Campany or appraved equal. Push-on Joints: Single seal gasket push-on type joints shall conform to the requirements of ANSI A21.11 and shall be U.S. Pipe "Tyton," American Cast Iron Pipe Company "Fastite," CLOW Corporation "Super Bell Tite," or approved equal. C. Pipe for buried service shall have an exterior bituminous coating in accordance with ANSI A21.51. Pipe interior shall have a cement mortar lining with an asphaltic seal coat conforming to ANSI/AVWVA C104/A21.4. The weight and class designation shall be painted in white paint on the exterior surtace of each pipe sectian. Manufacturer code or serial number shall be provided on the bell of each pipe joint. Ductile iron pipe for potable water shall be spirally wrapped by blue tape with adhesive backing, Ductile iron pipe for reclaimed water shall be spirally wrapped by purple tape with adhesive backing. i � � I �_ � ' ' D. Pipe and fitting gaskets, conforming to ANSI A21.11, shall be made of viton (fluorocarbon elastomer), EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) or SBR � (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber), and shall be suitable for int�nded use. E. Fittings for buried service from 4" through 24" in size will be compact ductile iron cast in accordance with ANSI/AVWVA C153/A 21.53 with mechanical joint bells. Bolts, nuts and gaskets shall be in accordance with requirements of ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53. The working pressure rating shall be 350 P.S.I. Ductile iron fittings shall be coated and lined in accordance with requirements of ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. Mechanical joint glands shall be ductile iron in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A 21.11. When reference is made to ANSI/AWWA Standards, th� latest revisions apply. F. All fittings, furnished by the approved manufacturer(s), shall be cast and machined at one foundry location to assure quality control and provide satisfactory test data. Fittings shall have distinctly cast an th�m the pressure rating, nominal diameter of openings, manufacturer's identification, the country where cast, and number of degrees or fraction of the circle. Ductile-iron fittings shall have the letter "DI" or "Ductile" cast on them. Cast letters and figures shall be on the outside body of the fitting and shall have dimensions no smaller than those shown in ANSI/AVWVA C110 and C153. The list of approved fitting manufacturers is as follows: 1. American Cast Iran Pipe Company 2. Clow Pipe Company 3. Tyler Pipe Industries, Inc. 4. United States Pipe and Foundry Company 5. llnion Foundry Company. G. Restrained joints shall be pravided for all buried ducfiile iron pipe as required on the drawings. Restrained joints shall not be of the type that requires field welding or grooves cut into the pipe barrel for restraint. The restraining joints far mechanical joint fittings and valves shall be ROMAC Industries Grip Ring, EBAA Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0212 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 15062-2 � ' [� r� 'i ' 1 1 ' Iron MEGALUG, or approved equal. Restrained joints for straight lengths of push-on ductile iron pip� shall be the locking gasket type such as Fast-Grip by American Ductile Iron Pipe, Field Lok by U.S. Pipe, or approved equal. H. Flanged ductile-iron pipe shall conform to current AN51 A21,15/AVWVA C115 with factory applied screwed long hub flanges except as otherwise specified hereinafter. Flanges shall be faced and drilled after being screwed on the pipe with flanges true to 90 degrees with the pipe axis and shall be flush with end of pipe conforming to ANSI B16.1, 125 pounds standard. Full face type 1/16-inch thick rubber �ing gaskets shall conform to AWWA C111. Mechanical jaints consisting of bell, socket, gland, gasket, bolts and nuts shall conform to ANSI Standard A21.11. Bolts shall be high strength low alloy steel, such as "Corten," or "U.S. Alloy," T-head type having hexaganal nuts. Bolts and nuts shall be machined true and nuts shall be tapped at right angles ta a smooth bearing surtace. J. I'ipe for use with split-type flexible coupling joints shall have radius grooved ends. K. Fittings shall be ductile as specifled herein. Flanges and flanged fittings shall be flat face and shall conform to ANSI A21.10 for 250 psi pressure rating. Full face type 1/16-inch thick rubber ring gaskets shall conform to AWWA C111. L. M Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings, either mechanical, restrained, or flanged jaints shall be used. Prior to commencing work, jointing systems far pipe shall be submitted to the Owner for approval. All buried ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be provided with a 4-mil thick crass laminated high density polyethylene encasement or an 8-mil thick polyethylene encasement per ANSI/AVWVA C105. Polyethylene casing shall b�: Reclaimed Water Service- Solid purple cvlor (Pantone S22C) with the following repeated message printed in white or black, "Reclaimed Water - Do Not Drink." N. Pipe and fittings exposed to view in the finished work to be painted shall not ' receive the standard tar or asphalt caat on the outside surtaces but shall be shop primed on the outside with one coat of Koppers No. 621 Rust Inhibitive Primer or approved equal, � O. Should portions of the pipe inadvertently be given th� outside coating of coal tar enamel instead of the rust inhibitive primer as required far expased piping the surtaces shall be sealed with a nan-bleeding sealer coat such as Inertol Tar Stop, or Mabil Anti-Bleeding Aluminum Sealer. Sealing shall be a part of the work of this Section. P. Bolts and nuts on flanged fittings shall be Grade B, ASTM A-307, cadmium plated and conform to ANSI B16.1 far Class 125. � Q. Pipe and fittings shall be provided with underground tracer wire and alarming tape as specified in Section 15066 — Tracer Wire and Alarming Tape. ' Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore SectPon IVa 0992-0212 Ductile Iron Pipe and FittPngs 15062-3 ' PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 HANDLING PIPE AND FITTINGS 3.2 3.3 A, Care shall be taken in loading, transporting, and unloading #o prevent injury to the pipe or coafiings. Pipe or fittings shall not be dropped. All pipe or fittings shall be examined before installation, and no piece shall be installed which is faund to be defective. Any damage to the pipe coatings shall be repaired as directed by the Owner. C-? C. All pipe and fittings shall be subjected ta a careful inspection and hammer test just prior ta being installed. If any defective pipe is discovered after it has been laid, it shall be removed and replaced with a sound pipe in a satisfactory manner at no additional expense to the Own�r. UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION A. Alignment and Grade: The pipelines shall be laid and maintained to lines and grades established by the Drawings and Specifications, with fittings, valves and hydrants at the required Iocations unless otherwise approved by the Owner. Valve-operating stems shall be oriented to allow proper operation. Hydrants shall be installed plumb. B. Underground Conflicts: Prior to excavation, investigation shall be made to the extent necessary to determine the location of existing underground structures and conflicts. Care shall be exercised to avoid damage ta existing structures. When obstructions that are not shown on the drawings are encountered during the progress of the work and intertere so that an alteratian af the Drawings is r�quired, the �ngineer will alter the Drawings or order a deviation in line and grade or arrange for removal, relocation, or reconstruction of the obstructions. When crossing existing pipelines vr other structures, alignment and grade shall be adjusted as necessary, with the approval of the Engineer, to provide clearance as required by federal, state, or lacal regulations or as deemed necessary by the Engineer to prevent future damage or contamination of either structure. C. Trench Construction � See Section 02210 — Excavation and Trenching. PIPE INSTA�.LATION A. Proper implements, tools, and facilities shall be provided and us�d for the safe and convenient p�rFormance of the work. All pipe, fittings, valves, and hydrants shall be lowered carefully into the trench by means of a derrick, ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage ta pipeline material and profiective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall pipeline materials be dropped ofF or dumped into the trench. The trench should be dewatered prior to installation of the pipe. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va ' 0992-0212 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 15062-4 1 � � r� 1 � B. All pipe fittings, valves, hydrants, and other appurtenances shall be examined carefully for damage and ather defects immediately before installation. Defective materials shall be marked and remaved from the praject site. C. All lumps, blisters, and excess caating shall be removed from the socket and plain ends of each pipe, and the outside of the plain end and the insid� of th� bell shall be wiped clean and dry and be free from dirt, sand, grit, or any foreign material before the pipe is laid. D E Foreign mat�rial shall be prevented from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the trench. During laying operations, no debris, tools, clothing, or other mat�rials shall be placed in the pipe. As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, the jaint shall be assembled and the pipe braught to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material. 1 F. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends af pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Owner's Project Representative. When practical, the plug shall remain in place until the trench is , pumped completely dry. Care shall be taken to prevent pipe flatation should the trench fill with water. � � L � Trench width at the tap of pipe, bedding conditions, and backfill placement and compaction shall be such that design loadings on the pipe will not be exceeded. Joint Assembly: Pipe joints shall be assembled in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions and the requirements af ANSI/AWWA C600. Pipe Deflection: When it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line in either the vertical or horizontal plane, or where long radius curves ar� permitted, the amount of deflection shall not exceed that shown in ANSI/AVWVA C600. ' J. Pipe Cutting: Cutting pipe for the insertion of valves, fittings, or clasure pieces shall be done in a neat, workmanlike manner without creating damage to the pipe or lining. Ductile cast iron may be cut using an abrasive pipe saw, rotary wheel cutter, guillotine pipe saw, milling wheel saw, or oxyacetylene torch. Cut ends 1 and rough edges shall be ground smoath and for push-on joint cannections, the cut end shall be beveled. � � � �� � K. Thrust Restraint: � All plugs, caps, tees, and bends shall be suitably restrained by attaching metal rods, clamps or restrained joints as specified. Thrust-restraint design pressure shall be equal to the test pressure of the line. 3. Restrained push-on joints or mechanical joints utilizing approved joint restraints shall be used in place of concrete backing. Tie rods clamps, or other components of dissimilar metal shall be protected against corrosion by hand application of a bituminous coating or by encasement of the Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section /Va 0992-Ox12 Ductl/e Iron Plpe and Fittings 15062-5 3.4 3.5 3.6 L. entire assembly with 8-mil thick, loase polyethylene film in accordance with ANSI/AUVWA C105. All ductile iron pipe shall be installed with solid or stranded copper tracer wire and underground alarming tape of the type specified. ABOV� GROUND PIPE INSTALLATION A. Install pipe in horizontal or vertical planes, parallel or perpendicular to building surtaces unless otherwise shown. Support pipe and fittings to prevent strain on joints, valves and equipm�nt. Install flanged joints so that contact faces bear uniformly on the gasket. Tighten bolts with relatively uniform stress. PIGGING, FLUSHING AND CL�ANING A. All mains and distribution lines shall be pigged, cleaned and flushed to remove all sand and other foreign matter. The Contractor shall be responsible for developing a pigging and flushing plan ta be submitted ta the Engineer for appraval prior to pigging and flushing. The Contractor shall dispose of all water used for pigging and flushing without causing a nuisance or property damage. Any permits required for the disposal of flushing water shall be the responsibility af the Contractor. B. Flushing water used by the Contractor shall be taken from an approved metered source. The water utility will provide the meter and designate the source. Flushing water shall be at the Cantractor's expense. Flushing water shall be potable water for potable water mains. RCW mains may be flushed with potable ar reclaimed water. C. The cleaning of the new piping system shall be accamplished by the controlled and pr�ssurized passage of a series of hydraulic or pneumatic polyurethane plugs of varying dimensions coatings, and densities; which shall be selected by the pipe cl�aning Contractor. The Contractor shall provid� a means to enter the pig into #he system, control and regulate flow, monitor flows and pressures, and to remove the pig from the system. The Contractor shall maintain a constant surveillance of the system and immediately report to the proper authority any in- line problems encountered ar any malfunctions discover�d in the piping system. A r�cord of pig models, sizes, styles, and other pertinent information shall be kept by the Contractor and tumed over to the Owner. PRESSURE AND L�AKAGE TESTS A. Pressure Testing: Th� Contractor shall backfill all pipe and restraints before pressure testing unless the Project Representative directs certain joints or connections left uncovered. 2. All n�wly laid pipe, including fittings and valves shall be pressure tested in accordance with AVWVA C-600. The duratian of each such test will be at least two haurs. The Contractor shall furnish all gauges, meters, pressure pumps and other equipment needed to test the line. 5kycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section lVa 0992-0292 Ductile lron Pipe and Fiitings 15062-6 � � 3. Each section of pipe shall be slowly filled with water and a pump shall be ' hooked t� the pipe in a manner satisfactary to the Project Representative to supply the minimum test pressure of 150 psi. The pump, pipe - connection and all necessary apparatus shall be furnished by the Contractor. The gauges used shall be furnished by the Contractar. The , Cont�actor shall, upon request of the Project Representative, furnish to the Utilities Department certified test data for pressure gauges used far pressure testing. ' 4. Before applying the specified test pressure, all air shall b� expelled from the pipe. Permanent air relief valves shall be located as shown on the ' plans. If air relief valves are not furnished the Contractar shall install corporation cocks for this purpose. 5. All exposed pipe, fittings, valves, joints and appurtenances shall be � carefully examined during the open-trench test. Any cracked or defective pipe, fittings, valves or appurtenances discovered in consequence of this test shall be removed and replaced with acceptable material and the test ,� shall be repeated to the satisfaction af the Project Representative. B. Leakage Test: A leakage test may be conducted at the same time as the pressure test. The Contractor shall, as before, furnish all pumps, pipe, connections and other items required to satisfactorily complete the leakage test. The leakage test shall have a duration of two hours at the pressure specified for the pressure test. No pipe installatian will be accepted if the I�akage is greater than that determined by the formula for mechanical and push-on joints: SDP'�2 L= Allowable leakage [gph] L= ---------- S= Length of pipe tested [feet] 133,200 D= Nominal diameter of pipe [inches] P= Average pressure during test [psig] � 2. The Project Representative, or his duly authorized representative, shall witness these tests. The Contractor shall be responsible for finding and repairing leaks. No additional cost may be incurred by the Owner due to ' repairs because of failure of either test. The Project Representative has the authority to determine the number of repairs that will be made within a - given length of pipe and has the right to request the Contractor to remove and relay a section of pipe if such does not comply with the established ' � leakage rates. C. Notice of Test: The Contractor shall give the Owner 4$ haurs advance notice af the time when the installation is ready for hydrostatic testing. 3.7 DISINFECTION A. Reclaimed water mains shall not be disinfected. See Section IV Article 41.5 for disinfection requirements for water mains. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0292 Ductile Iron Plpe and Fit#ings 15062-7 3.8 SURFACE PREPARA710N AND PAINTING A. All piping and fittings exposed to vi�w shall have its surtace prepared and be painted with a prime coat as specified above. Surtace preparation and shop priming is a part of the work of this Section. It shall be part af the work of this Sectian to assist as required by the Owner in identifying pipe contents, direction of flow and all �Ise required for proper marking of pipe. All exposed pipe shall be given a finish coat of paint as specified in Sections 09900 and 09902. END OF SECTION Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 15062-$ SECTION 150fi6 - TRACER WIRE AND ALARMING TAPE PART 1 — GENERAL 1.1 TRACER WIRE 1.2 A. All pipe (MDPE, PVC or DI) shall have (2) 10-gauge extra high-carban steel inner core reinforcement directional drilling tracer wires taped to the top of pipe at intervals no greater than 4-feet. The wire shall have a minimum tensile strength/break load of 1,150 Ibs. B C D E F. The locator wires shall have colored insulation matching the type of service pravided in the main and be acceptable for direct burial. The wire is to b� tied to all valves, tees and elbows. The locator wires shall be brought up to the surtace through a 2-inch PVC pipe. Th� wires shall each be continuous throughout the project, with splices made anly by methods approved by the Owner's Project Representative. All splices af the wires shall be made with watertight connections, utilizing Direct Bury Splice Kits as manufactured by 3M or approved equal. Bury Splice Kits shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. G. Contractor shall pertorm a 12 volt DC electrical continuity test on the wires. No more than one volt of loss per 1000 feet of mainline pipe will be acceptable. At least one wire of the locator wire system shall pass the 12 volt DC electrical continuity test priar to final acceptance of the pipeline. Any cuts or breaks in the wire shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense. H. The locator wir� shall be tested by the Owner at the time of pressure testing. If this test fails, the Contractor is responsible for repairing the locator wire and the pressure test will be reschedule when the wire will pass. Contractor shall install tracer wire on all services to be installed from a main under the roadway within a cul-de-sac. The tracer wire should be tied into the wire on the main as per the specs and loaped into the RCW meter box. ALARMING TAP� A. Provide underground warning tape constructed of heavy gage O.OQ4-inch polyethylene film to identify all buried utitities except 3-inch and smaller irrigation pipe. Provide 6-inch wide tape as follows: Film l.ec,�end Film Calor Electric line below Red Telephone line below Orange Water line below Blue Sewer line below Green Nonpotable water below Brown Skycrest RCW System C5X � Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Se�ction /Va 0992-0292 Tracer Wire and A/arming Tape 15066-1 1 Reclaimed water below Purple (Pantone 522C) ' Install tape directly above each buried utility at a depth of 18-inches below ' final grade. PART 2 — PRODUCTS (NOT US�D) PART 3 — EXECUtION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 5kycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack & Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Tracer Wire and Alarming Tape 15066-2 1 ' , 1 1 SECTION 15100 - VALVES AND APPURTENANCES PART 1 - G�NERAL 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK 1.2 1.3 1.4 A. � C. u Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and install complete and ready for operation all valves and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. All valves and appurtenances shall be of the size shown on the Drawings and to the extent possible, all equipment of the same type shall be from ane manufacturer. All valves and appurtenances shall have the name af the maker and the working pressure for which they are designed cast in raised letters upon some appropriate part of the body. The equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the fallowing: 1. Resilient Seated Gate Valves 2. Valve Boxes 3. Service Saddles 4. Ductile Iron Solid Sleeves 5. Restraining Clamps DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEMS A. All of the equipment and materials specified herein are intended to be standard for use in controlling the flow of potable water, reclaimed water, chemicals, wastewater, etc., depending on the applications. QUALI�ICATIONS A. All �f the types of valves and appurtenances shall be praducts of well established reputable firms who are fully experienced, reputable and qualified in the manufacture of the particular equipment to be furnished. The equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the best practices and methods and shall comply with these Specifications as applicabl�. SUBMI7TALS A. Submit to the Engineer within 30 days after execution of the contract a list of materials to be furnished, the names af the suppliers and the date of delivery of materials to the site. B. Complete shop drawings of all valves and appurtenances shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval in accordance with the requirements of Section 01300 and th� General Conditions. Skycrest RCW System CSX 8 Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section /Va 0992-0212 Valves and Appurtenances 1510p-1 1.5 TOOLS ' 1 A. Special tools, if required far narmal operation and maintenance shall be supplied ' with the equipment. PARi' 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 R�SILIENT SEATED GA7E VALVES f+#+� 2.3 2.4 A. See Section IV, Article 41.2.3 VALVE BOXES A. All buried valves shall have cast-iron three piece valv� boxes. Valve boxes shall be provided with suitable heavy bonnets and to extend to such elevation at or slightly above the finished grade surtace as directed by the Engineer. The barrel shall be two-piece, sliding type, having 5 1/4-inch shaft. The upper section shall have a flange at the bottom having sufficient bearing area to prevent settling and shall be complete with cast iron covers. Covers shall have "WATER", "SEWER", or "RECLAIM", as applicable, cast into the top. All valves shall have actuating nuts extended to top of valve boxes. Valve boxes shall be provided with concrete base. All valve boxes and lids shall be produced from grey cast iron conforming to the latest revision at the specificatian for grey iran castings, ASTM designation A 48, Class 20A-25A. �' C Load bearing of valve box shall be suitable for location of installation. All valve baxes within Pinellas County Right-Of-Way shall have heavy duty load rating meeting highway traffic loads (16,OD0 Ib wheel loads). Acceptable Manufacturers: Russco, Opelika, Tyl�r SERVICE SADDLES A. See S�ction IV Article 41.2.6 and City standard detail. DUCTILE IRON SOLID SLEEVES A. Ductile Iran Solid Sleeves shall be provided with mechanical joints with ductile iron retainer glands. Ductile Iron Solid Sleeves shall be used with both above ground and buried piping. The sleeves shall be of ductile iron and shall be U.S. Pipe Fitting No. U514 or U528, as shown on the Drawings, or equal. The coupling shall be provided with hot dipped galvanized steel bolts and nuts unless indicated otherwise. 2. Ductile iron solid sleeves shall be provided with gaskets of a composition suitable for exposure to the liquid within the pipe. Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Valves and Appurtenances 151 QQ-2 ' 1 1 , 1 ' �_J 1 , 2.5 RESTRAINING CLAMpS A. Restraining clamp assemblies as detailed in the drawings for use at hydrant connections to water mains, or at fittings where shown on the drawings, shall be Megalug as manufactured by EBAA Iron Sales, Inc., Eastland, TX. Retainer glands shall conform to AWWA C110 (ANSI A21.10) and AWWA C111 (ANSI A21.11). Restraint units shall be shear type torque design. All restraints shall b� UL listed and FM approved far fire service. Retainer glands shall be provided with Cor-Ten bolts and nuts. ' PART 3 - EX�CUTIDN 3.1 INSTALLATION ' 1 �� 1 ' A. All valv�s and appurtenances shall be installed in the location shown, true to alignment and rigidly supported. Any damage to the above items shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer before they are installed. B. After installation, all valves and appurtenanc�s shall be tested at least two hours at the working pressure corresponding to the class of pipe, unless a different test pressure is specified. If any joint proves ta be defective, it shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C. Install all floor boxes, brackets, extension rads, guides, the various types of operators and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings that are in masonry floors or walls, and install cancrete inserts for hangers and supports as soon as farms are erected and before cancrete is poured. Before setting th�se items, the Contractor shall check all plans and figures which have a direct bearing on their location and he shall be responsible for the proper location of these valves and appurtenances during the construction of the structures. D. Pipe for use with flexible couplings shall have plain ends as specified in the respective pipe sections in Division 15. ' E. Flanged joints shall be made with high strength, law alloy Corten bolts, nuts and washers. Mechanical joints shall be made with mild corrosion resistant alloy steel bolts and nuts. All exposed bolts shall be painted the same color as the ' pip�. All buried bolts and nuts shall be heavily coated with two (2) coats of bituminous paint comparable to Inertol No. 66 Special Heavy. F. Prior to the installation of sleeve-type couplings, the pipe ends shall be cleaned thoroughly far a distanc� of 8 inches. Soapy water may be used as a gasket lubricant. A follower and gasket, in that order, shall be slipped over each pipe to a distance of about 6 inches from the end, and the middle ring shall be placed on the substantial completion date unless otherwise requested by the Owner. G. Valve boxes with concrete bases shall be installed as shown on the Drawings. Mechanical joints shall be made in the standard manner. Valve stems shall be vertical in all cases. Place cast iron box over each stem with base bearing on compacted fill and top flush with final grade. Boxes shall have sufficient bracing Skycrest RCW System CSX & Keene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Valves and Appurtenances 15100-3 to maintain alignment during backfilling. Kna�s an cover shall be parallel to pipe Remove any sand or undesirable fill fram valve box. 3.2 RESTRAINING CLAMPS AND TIE RODS ON PIPE RUN A. Restraining clamps and tie rods shall be used on all pipe runs, as directed by the Engineer and/or shown on the Drawings. Restraining devices shall be JCM Industries, Inc. - Sur-Grip, Ebba Iron, Inc. - Megalug or approved equal. Other types shall be submitted to the �ngineer for approval. 3.3 SHOP PAINTING ' ' I._.� , , A. Ferrous surFaces of valves and appurtenances shall receive a coating of ' rust-inhibitive primer. All pipe cannection openings shall be capped to prevent the entry of foreign matter prior to installation. 3.4 FIELD PAINTING A. All metal valves and appurtenances specified herein and exposed to view will be painted per Sections 09900 and 09902. 3.5 INSPECTION AND TESTING 1 ' A. Completed pipe shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure test for two hours at , 150 psi. All leaks shall be repaired and lines retested as approved by the Owner's Project Representative. END OF SECTI�N Skycrest RCW System CSX & K�ene Rd. Jack 8 Bore Section IVa 0992-0212 Valves and Appurtenances 15100-4 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' APPENDIX QTHER PR�JECT DOCUMENTATIQN � Tabl� of Contents: I PROJECT PERMITS ' GEOTECHNICAL SOIL REPORT RCW ATLAS MAP ' ' 1 ' , � , ' ' Appendix.doc i ' 9/27/2010 PROJECT PERMYTS Appendix,doc 9/27/201 Q 1 ' BaARD OF COUNIY , COMMISSIONEAS Nanty Bostock ' Neil &rickfield CaEvin U, Harris Susan Latvala ' Jahn Morroni Karen �Iliams Seel Kenneth T. Welch McKim 8� Creed 1365 Hamlet Avenue Clearwater, FI. 33756 , Attn. David C. Wehner, PE Pinellas County [3UILD[NG £� D�LOPMENT R�VIEV✓ SERVICE5 Utilization Permit #10-�485U December 14, 2010 McKim & Creed ��. - ; ;. �3,�;� ,... ";„R�� ����I�.I�I� Re: Utilization Permit for City of Clearwater — Skycrest Reclaimed Water System (a7�0013-UT) Dear Mr. Wehner: We are enclosing your appraved Utilization Permit covering the prapvsed constructinn described below: Install a reclaimed water main an Keene Road (CR-1) per attached plans. This letter must be attached to and made part of the approv�d Utilization Permit, making the fallowing conditions hinding to the Permit: 1. z. 3. 4. 5. It is the responsibility of the engineer af record to procure all necessary permits that are required by the agencies that are affected by the proposed constructi�n. Pinellas County Operations (727-4�4-89D0) must be notified a minimum of 48 hours in advance of construction. Contact Pinellas Counry Project Manager Paul B�Ifhorn prior tQ beginning work. (Ph. #727-464-3657, 48 hour minimum notice) If this installation conflicts with the future Keene Rd. C.I.P., the applicant will be responsible for relocation or removal of their faciliti�s as needed to resolve the canflict_ Please provide 2 sets af as-built surveys to this office once the RCWM installation is complete. Before this Permit becomes effective, it will be necessary to contact the Utility Notification Center, "CaH Sunshine", (1-800-432-4770) not less than 48 hours or more than five (5) days prior to construction. . Palrick S. �o� Public Works Right-of-Way � Regulatory SE Encbsure/cc: �g Technician permits Departmen# PLFASE A�DR@SS REPLY T0: 310 Court S#re�t Clearwater, Florida 33756 Phone: (727) 464-3888 ,' i� �_J � ��,��s�o��,�,, ' Building & Development Review Servfces �J 1 1 1 � 1 RIGHT OF WAY UTILIZATlON PERMIT � PERMIT N�: �� � '—���� l � �� 7HE COUNTY OF PINELLAS, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinaRer called the Permitter, hereby grants to The City ofC2e�rwater af 100 South Myrtle Ave, Clearvvater, FL 33758-4748 (Name) (Slreet Address, City, Sts1e, ZIp) hereinafter called the Permittee, a Permit to construct x, operate ❑, maintain o, renew o and/or remove ❑ a 12" DI Reclaimed Water Main and/or property of Permitter at the following locat(on: Caunty Road No. CR � Name: Keene Road situated at the intersection of CSX Right-of-Way (Add�ss or 5treet Intersection) on atiached plan along, across, beneath, or over right of way Parcel fD No. , . Florida, subject to the fol�pwing provisions �nd conditi�ns: 1. Construction, operation and maintenance of such utility shall not interfere with property and rights of prior accupsnt. 2. The eonstruetion, operation and malntenance of suoh utiliry shall nat create obstruction or conditions whieh are or may become dangerous to the traveling publlc. 3. All work must be done in keeping with standards of the Florida Department ofTransportation Manual of Uniform Min�mum Standards far pasign, Construction and Maintenance for Streets and Highways, Roadway and Traffic Design Standards, Florlda DepartmenE of Transportation 5tandard Specifications for Road and Sridge Construction, AASHTO and by the County Director or his agent. a. All materials and equipment shall be subject to inspection by an Engineer of the Courtty ar his agent. 5. The Permittee shall and does hereby agree tv indemnify, pay the cost of defense, and save harmless the Permitter from and against payment of ' aif clalms, suits, actions, costs, attorneys' fees, expenses, demages, judgments, or decrees by reason of any person or persons or prqperty being damaged or injured by the Permittee, his employees, agents or sub-contractors or in any way attributable to the perFormance, prosecution, construction, operation, or malntenance of work herein permitted by Permitter and resulting frpm negligent acts or omissfons of said Parmittee in connection with the work herein permitted. � 6. The permittee shalf repair any damage or injury to the road or highway or other County properly by reason of the exercise of any of the privileges granted in this Permlt, and shal� repair the same promptly, w�thin seven (7) days of opening, restaring it to a candition at least equal to that which exfsted immediatety privr to the infliction of such damage or injury. (Plote: All porEion5 of the right of way other than paved ar�as ,, disturbed by the construction of thia utiEity wilE be compacted, grassad and mulched or sodtied as required.) 7. All overhead installations shall conform to clearance sEandards of the State Utilities Acwmmodation Guide and all underground crossing ' installaGons shall be laid at a minlmum depth of 36" below pavement, o� at such greater depth as Permitter may require. 1 1 1 1 8. In the event of widening, repair or reconstruction of said road, the Permittee shall move or remove sald uti{iry Installation at no cast to the Perm itter. 9. This permit creates a permissive use anly and the placing af facilities upon County property pursuant hereto shall nat operate to create or to vest any property rights in said Permittee and is granted fn perpetuiry subject to termination by the Permiltor upon the giving of 30-days notice in writing to the Permittee. 10. The Permittee shall fumish the Permitter with a survey shnwing the exact locations of all facifities to be insta)�d.pursuant to this permit, said survey to b� sufflcienqy detailed to allow Iocation of said installatfon by reference thereto. �.�•. ��( �-• .lyfd{ �� �p The attached pian, cavering details of this instalfation, shail be a part of this permit. °€ �� ��� ���,, Y .J�lli��tl'c9 f��l (;;•a�:;� Upon completion of installatiqn, if field adjustments are made, an as-built drawing wiil have to be submiited. , �`Nrl7�jp` 11. Section comer manuments subject to displacement shall flrst be referenced and later reset by a Florida Reglste���an�l �u y.. � �r 12. A!1 activities in accordance with this permitwill require confnrmance to the "Manual on TraF�c Contrpl and Safe Practices for 5treet and Highway Cvnstrudion, Maintenance end Utiliry Operations.` (Chapter 316 Florida 5tatuies) 13. 7he Permiuee's attention is dlrected to the provisions of the Trench Safety Act (Florida Statutes, 5ection 5�3.60 et seq,) and the Occupationa! Safety ar►d Health Administratlon Excavation Safety Standards (29 C.F.R. Section 1926.650, Subpart P) which shall apply to constructio�, operation, and maintenance pursuant to this permlt 14. Campaction within right of way to meet Pinellas County Minimum Standards. 15. Regulatory Services is to be notified a minimum of 48 hours prior to beginning work at 464-3394, otherwfse the Permit will be voided. ' 18. If this permit is for a monitor well, copias of all testing reports are to 6e forvvarded to Pinellas Counry Regulatory Services. 17. The Permittee shall commanca constru�tion within 60 days fram the date of this permit and it shall be completed within 60 days. �' Permittee or Agen ` C Phone: �Z�,�42-7196 Date: rC� Da d C. Wehner, PE Rev 10M 5l2009 APPLICA'C10N SUBMI7TAL INSTRUCTIONS ❑escription and nature of the proposed installation sha(I be outlined in the two blanK lines on application. 2. Yhe bnttam of Application Sheet 1 shall be signed by applicant or his agent. 3. �n the attached plan, the following data shall be supplied: a. ihe plan shall show the right of way lines and the widths of right of way. The ofEset distance from the centerline of the proposed installation shall be shown and th� scope of the proposed project, with all the distances and sizes clearly indlcated. b. Typical crass section shail be ivrnished showing'width of pavement, wldth of right of way on each side, offset distance from centerline to propased installation and any pertinent data ta sidewalks, curbs and gutters, etc. c. indicate type a# irtstallation pn both typlcal crass section and plan view. d. AII pertinent drainage infarmation and calculations or justification for sixe of plpe and/or grading. 4. AN impravements within Counry maintained right pf way shall conform to Florida Department of Transporta#ion requirements and/or Pineilas County Subdivision requirements. 5. All applications for water and sewer lines must be separate applicatinns and countersigned by the utility involved prior to submittaf. B, This form is to �e made au# in QUADRLIPLICA7� with fpur {q) drawings; one fully executed copy will be retumed to you after approval. 7. i'here is a variable processing fee that must he received prior to the issuance nf the permit Pleas� make check payabla ta Board of Gounty Cammissioners. 8, Due to the extensive work being don� in Pinellas County right ofway, please provide proofthatyou meetthe following insurance requirements: "Comprehensive General Liahility Ins�rance including, but not limited to, fndependent Contractor, Contractual, Premises/Operations, Products/Completed aperation, Explosion, Collapse and Underground, and Personal Injury covering the Gability assumed under indemnification provlsians of this permit, with limits af liability #or persona! injury and/or 6odily injury, including death, of not less than $300,�00, each occurrence; and property damage of not less than $1 �0,000, each occurcence. {Combined Single Limits of not less than �300,QQ0, each occurrence, wlll be acceptable unless otherwise stated.) Cover�ge shall be qn an °accurrence" basis, and the policy shall include Broad Form Prooert�, Damaqe coverage, and Fire Leaal LlabilJi�t nf not less than $50,000 per occurrence, unless otherwise stated by exception herein." TNE UTILITY N�7'1FiCATION CEiVTER °`CALL SUNSWINE" (1-800-432�770) MLJST BE N�TIFIED 48 HOtJRS IN ADVANCE Of COMSTRLJCTION. Pinellas Caunty BDRS Regulatory Services 310 Court Street,ls! Flaor Cl�arwater, FL 33766 (727j 464-3404 OR 464�394 (727) 464-3394 for 4$ hr notice and lnspectlons U71LI7Y COUNTERSIGN (Name/Title) TO BE FlLLEb OIJT BY PINELLAS COUN7Y R�GL1LATt]RY SERVICES Sod requirecl �Y�e �❑ No Open cut �S'es ❑ IVo Jack and bore p Yes _.[� No pirectional bore � � No (Date) I � �PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA, Act g b Au h t he E3oar �f County Commissfoners Date: 1Z SEE ATf'ACHED LETTER FOR ADDITIONAL for Regul tory Servic �, ect' n _ CON�ITIONS TO TFtIS UTILI'TY P�RMIT, i � "i'R,�SPc�RT.11TI C�N ��'���°�7� � d.)I' , ... m.._...__m_...._..� ..........................................�_....._.�_�_.�_..�..�......................._. (.}t. 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" _ • _ _ _ �m ,_ - < �`�.��'�"'i'T-::�.:,su s�. r�= -- `--` - � `- - - .. -_ � GEOTECHNICAL SOIL REPORT ' Appendix,doc 9/27/2010 1 ' i , ' � � t � � ' � , , , ' ' 1 1 ' 1 R�PURT OF TH� GEOTECHNICAL WVESTIGATION PROPOSED Y6-INGH RECLAIM�D WAT�R JACK AND BORE CROSSING KE�NE ROA.D AT CSX RAII.�tOAD CLEARWATER, FLORIDA �riggers �ngineering 5ervices IncorporaCc�d _. a ..__... a _ __.._......�,..,, ..,..�.,.,o.o ,���,,,� June 9, 20I0 McKim & Creed 1365 Hamlet Avez�ue Clea.rwater, Florida 33i56 Attention: Mr. David C. Wehner, P.E. RE: Repox�t of the Geotechnacal Inv�stigation Proposed 16-inch Reclaimed Water Jack and Bore Crossing Keene Ro�d at CSX Railroad Clearwater, Florida pur File: DES 10654$ Dear David: Pursuant to your authorizatian, DRIGGERS ENGINEERIlVG SERVICES, �NC. has completed the requested geotechnical investigatio;n at the planned pipeline crossing beneatl� the CSX RaiIroad along the east side of Keene Rvad. Presented laerein are the results of our field and laboratory studzes together with a general discussion of subsur�aee soil and gxoundwatex conditions encountered. PLANNED CUNSTRUCTION Infarmationprovidedto us indicates thatthe subject projectwill involve the construction ofa 15- inch reclaimed water main along the east side of Keene Road. Jack and Sore methods will be utilized to construct a casing at a depth ofabout 14 feet belov�rpresent gxade where the pipeIine crosses beneath the existing CSX Railroad tracks. The railroad right-of-way is 100 feet wide at this location. We u.nderstand that Jack and Bore ca�zsiruction is �tk�e method preferred by CSX and directionaI boring is gezaexally not pezmitted. Saresota Ciearwatar Phone: 941.371,39a9 12220 49th Street North • Clearwater, Florida 337&2 Fax: 941.371,8962 Phone: 727.571,1313 ■ Fax: 727.572.4090 sarefficec�driggers�eng.com ciwoffice�drlggers-eng.com 7ampa ' Phone: 813,948.6027 Fax: $13.948.7645 tpaoffice�driggers-eng,com ' ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' �� ' 1 ' 1 �� 1 � � � 2 GED C INVESTIGA IO PROGRAM FIELD YNVESTxG.AT_I�N - Two (2} Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were requested and advanced to the requested nominal depths o�2S �eet beneath present grades. T�ae borings were positioned at about 130 feet apart and outside of the CSX right ofway. Locatians ofthe borings are illustrated on the app�nded Plate I. Logs ofthe SPT are px�.se�nted izi the report attachnients reflecGng visual descriptions and estimated Unified Soil Class�ifica�ions. G�rouzatiwater 1 evels encounte:red duzang the course of our boririg pro�ram are noted on each respective borixig log. Crround surface elevation informafiion at the boring lacatiaxas was not pro�vided ta us. Hawever, bori.ng B-2 was in an existing ditch and the ditch bottom was about 4 feet lower than the surrounding graund surface_ LAEURATORY CLASSIFICATIQN TESTS - A limited laboratory classification testing program was undertaken to aid in characterizing the engineering properties of the subsurf�ce soils. Our laboratory tests included grainsize analyses and orga�nic content detemainations. Results ofthe testing pmogram are presented onthe Si.urunary af Labora.tory Test Results in the appendix. Grainsize analyses are a.lso included in the report attachments reflecting the percent �ner {by weight) verstas the equivalent grain diameter or U. S. Standard Sieve sixe. GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE ONDITIONS The Standard Penetratian Test barings identified a subsurface profile consisting aifine sands with varying siit, clay aand organic fines content. These soils generally comprise the SP to SP-SM and occasionally the SM Unified Soil Classificatipns. Penetration resistances indicate that the sands are typically medium dense in relative density with a dense zone between about 12 and 18 feet at boring location B-1 and below 12 feet in boring B-2. The principatly sandy soils were penetrated to the campletion depth of boring B-1 and tp a depth of 23 feet at boring location B-2 where a stiff clay was evidenced. As previously mentioned, boring B-2 was conducted at the bottom of a ditch some 4 feet lower in elevatian tha.0 the surrounding grade. Driggers Engineering 5ervices Incarparat�d 3 Groundwater was measuxed at a degth af S.5 feet beIow grade at hnring lacation B-1 and at ].2 feet below the ditch bottom in boring B-2. The borings were condu�ted in mid-May prioz-to the norma] wet season. We would estimate tkiat zaornnal wet season growadwater levels may generally z�se to withan about 3:Feet of existing grade at boring location B-1. Confirn�ation o:Fpotentiai seasonal �uctuations would necessitate installing shallaw piezometers and mazaitoring groundwater levels during the wet season. GEUTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND RECOMMENllATIONS JA K-AND-BO CONSTRUC QN - As mentioned, we ur�dersiand that it is planned to canstruct tlze pipeline casing at about l�L feet be�ow ambient �rade, with the jacking and receiving pit excavations heing sorne 17 feet deep. Based upon results ofthe borings, this wouId place the casing and bottom ofthe pits within medium dense ta dense sands. With azrzeasurer� depth to gzoundwater ofabout 5�'eet below the ambient grouzad sutface at the time ofour inves#igation, appropriate e�tca�vation shoring and dewatering will be required. Excavatian Shurin� - Sheet piling would li�ely be needed to support the excavation side walls of the j acking and receiving pits, Special care must be exercised to limit the development of any significant vibrations associated withthe construction activities whic� could result in settlennents ofthe adjacent roadway, utilities ar�d rail line. With respectto the design ofan excavationbracing system, we recammen;d consideration of the #'ollowing soil parametexs which would be applicable for the principally sandy soils evidenc�d within the anticipated jacking and raceiving pit excavation depths: M�ist Soil Unit Weight: 1 I O pcf Saturated Soil Unit Weight: 120 pcf Buoyant Soi� Unit Weight: 6Q pcf Coefficzent of Active Earth Pressure: Ka = 0.33 At Rest Earth Pressure Coefficient: Ko � Q.S Passive Earth Pressure Coefficzent; Kp = 3.0 The at rest latezal eaxtki pressure cae�ficient is reeommended if the shoring will essentially be restrained against lateral defortnation of the top which woald be needed to approach the active earth pressure state. The effect af any surcharge loads during construction, such as stockpiled soil, musi be superimposed. Naturally, ihe design znust ir�clude an appropriate factor af safety with respect to the design loads. The contractar must comply with applicable OSHA requirements with respect ta excavation safety. Driggers Engineering Services Incorporat�d 1 1 ' , ' 1 1 1 �J �j 1 ' ' 1 ' � ' 1 1 4 Dewaterin� - With a nneasured groundwater level of abaut 5.S feet below grac3e at the time of our investigation and an excavatian depth of some 17 feet, it wil l be very important ta maintain groundwater leveIs below the jacking and re:ceiving pit bottom elevations as well as belowthe casing elevation. As with all dewatering progxams, it is impartant ta maintain careful observations ofthe effectiveness ofthe system prior ta initiating excavation and constructioza activities. it would, therefore, be impQrtant to install piezometers both nEar the jacking and receiving pits and at points along the pipeline alignment to eonfirm the effectiveness ofth� dewaterin�. The dewatering system must considerpotential settlement effecis in the vicizuty of #he road, zaii lzne or neighboring structures. Therefore, it is recommended that the contractor retain a competent dewatering consultant to assist in pzaperly designing the dewatering systenn. SUITABILITY OF CAVATED SOILS F�R USE AS �3 C ILL - The fine sands typically indicate� in oux geot�chnical studies witlain the anticipated excavatian dept�s will certair�y r�present suitable materials for replacement and campaction as backfill in the j acking and receiving pits. These �ne sands comprising the SP to SP-SM Unifed Soil Classification should respand effectively to conventianal vibratory campaction. Sands with increased £ines content, such as the silty sands penetrated between about S and 10 feet at boring location B-1 could be blended with the cIeaner sands to enhance their workability. It is important ta recagruze that the soils may Exist at high moisture contents when excavated belaw the water table. Accordingly, these soiI types may require some adj ustrnent in moisture content to achieve efficient and effective campactian. In general, iC is hene�cial to adjust moisture contents to within t2% of the aptimu�m znoistune as established by the approp�riate 1'roctar moistuxe-density relationship as required by project specifications. LINIITATiONS -'Tl�e geotechnical investigation program was undertaken to provide general in.fozmation to assist in the design and cvnstn�ction of the plataned casin� beneath the CSX railroad tracks. �ur investigation may not have included all information that the prospective contractor may require in the preparation ofhis bid praposal. The contractor is certaarily encouraged ta canduct such additional studies as he may deem necessary to qualify his proposal. Our geotechnical investagation was limited to an examinatian af gezxexal subsurface soil and graundwater conditions so as to addres� geotechz�ical design and construction issues. Studies relative to environmental issues or impacts was not within the authorized scope of services of vur firm. ❑riggers �ngineering 5ervices Incorparated 1 5 ' ' DRIGGERS ENGINEER%NG SER'V�CE, INC. appreciates the opportunity to serve you. ' Should ypu have az�y questions concez'nuag otxr findings, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at your convenience. NTK-REP\14654$ Copies submitted: (3) ' RespectfulIy submitted, DRIGGERS ENG�NEER�NG SERVICES INC. ' o�?�� r��`� �� , - ki G�D�� � �U`�;'.•'��c�N� ��A�;�, r ' ichalas T. Korecki, P.E. +�' No. 45S2g �:���% Senior Geotechnical Engir�eer � * ; � � *�d : � � FL Registration No. 45529 e'�' STqTE p� ' S 1 r � •• �;'�-S ��j �'�' •�� ORiD p` ���i�S r��' °,'o ie* �+`G��� I s, P.E. ident ' FL Registration No. 169$9 ❑riggers Engineering �ervices Incorporeted � �� C� 1 1 1 C� 1 ' APPENDIX PLATE I- TEST �30RING L�CATION PLAN STANDARD PENE�RA,TION TEST BORING LOGS SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS GRAYNSIZE ANALYSTS METT-iOD OF TESTING Driggers �ngin�ering 5ervices IncdrparaCeB PLATE I- TEST SORiNG LQCATION PLAN Driggers Engineering Services Incorpar��ed �4,' _ �}'; _ - � y�'T�`;,'' � �;.c!.�f; i ..�. - i�G'..�,_ 1..rI'. '' \? _ .. - ��� ^ .i�y�; _�t. �`: �;i.�i�.' ,';b"� . .�y� ' _ ' �r�;'.^, � �`' 5" ,i' - _ ' - :.�,. 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STANDARD PENETRATI�N TEST BORING L�GS 1 I� , ' , ' ' , �_. �. �� ' , , ' �� 1 1 1 Driggers Engineering Services Incorporated ' _ DRIGGERS ENGiNEERING SERVICES INCL7RP�RATED Project Na. ❑E51DB548 B�RING NO. B-1 Project Propased Jack & Bore Crossin�, C5X ROW, Keene Raad, Clearwat�r, FL � Location See I'late I � Foreman M.J. Camptetion Depth Ta Depth 26.5' Dat� 5/18/10 Water 5.5' Time Date 5/98/10 z w F SiANDARD � w o °' `n PENETRAI'ION TEST �� -� SOIL DESCRlPTION v� � z .� m a �� w BLOWS/FT. DN 2 O.D. a g� p a a SAMPL�R-140 �B. p � vQi m a p WAMMER, 30" DROP SURF. �L: �'� 1 D 20 40 60 80 `a;� Brown Fine SAND with surficial roots (SP) �� �� � Grayish-brown Fine SAND with trac� of gravel :qi 5p Light gray �ine SAND (SP) 5 Gra ish-brown Fine SAND SP Medium dense brown Fine SAND (SP) ��5�� Medium dense dark brown silty Fine SAND 719�9 with trace of roots (SM) �p ,..� Medium dense dark brown slightly organic "�"': Fine SAND (SP) 6/1D/95 Dense brown Fine SAND (SP) 7��,��� =y =�= Dense dark brown Fine SAND '15 f;t� with finely divided orgenic materfal (SP� 11/4 i/33 C;�C= :at: Medium dense light brown to brawn Flne SAND (SP) 20 6/8/11 25 7/11/15 30 Remarks Gasing Length � DRIGGERS ERIGiiVEERfNG SERVICES if\1CC7RP�RATE❑ Project No. DES 1Q6548 BORING N�. B-2 Project Pra ased Jack & Bore Crossin CSX ROW, Keene Road Clearwater, FL LoCation See Plate i �nreman M.J. Cample#ion Depth To Depfih 26.5' Date 5/18/10 Water 1.2' Time Date 5/18/1p � � Z � � S7ANDARD s m° � SO1L ❑ESCRIPTI�N °� z P�NETRATIQN TEST � a � W W s�owsiFr. on► z�� o.a. Q � y O�� SAMPLER-140 LB. m Q o HAMMER, 30�' DROP SURF. �L: �� 1b 2� 40 60 80 `' Qark grayish-brown slightfy silty Fi�te SAND � �� `'` with roots SP-SM �: ��•� l.ight brown Fine SAND with trace of roots (5P) :ti: :;� Brawn Fine SAND with trace of roots (SP) 5 '�' : �:. ,���:� Medium der�se dark brown Fin� SAiVD g�$�� � _�� ; with tineiy divided organic material and trace af roots SP Medium dense dark gr�yish-brown Fine SANb (SP) 8�8�12 �a 3l8/8 }�h' Dense to very dense dark brown Fine SAND g/q3/20 i:� �.� with finely divided organic material (SP) 15 t�� �:� = 21/34/32 ��;.�` ... -- Dense light grayish-brown Fine SAND (SP) 20 1 GI17I22 Stiff brownish-green CLAY (GH) 25 4/4/9 30 Remarks Borehole Grouted Casing Length SUMMARY OF LASORATORY TEST RESULTS Driggers Engineering 5ervices Incorporated SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST ftESULTS ATTERBERC 80RiNG DE,pTy pESCRipry�ON W� Y a C � LiM1T5 P.P. LI.C. CON. C$. qRG, pN CF. 50 q RF.S. ��• {n] (A�i {tsfl {Y,} {ppm} {ppm} (Ohm-cm) LL PL SL &1 8.R9.5 Dark brown silry Fine SATdD w+th trace of rooss « & k 18.0.] l.5 Dark Lrown s3ightly organic Fiae SATFD 4 A B-2 6.U-7.5 Dark brown Fine SAMA z,$ with fineEy dit�ided orgertic matesiel snd trace ofroots B-2 15.Q-16.5 Dark brown Fmo SAND 1,8 wiEti findy �Vided org3nic maDerial W °fo = Ya�P�� _ GS = Li = PL = SL = P.P. (tst} _ U.C. _ Water Content pry Density SpeciFio Gra�ity Liquid Limit Pl�stic Limit Shrinkage Limif Pocket Penetrometer Unconfsnerl Crnupressian Con. — G.S. (+l ) — ORG. {%} _ Cl. {pPm) _ SO� {ygm} _ RES_ {ohm-cm) _ s = as = COf154E1 d8[l Ofk 'TC54 Grainsixe Analysis (f-fydrometer) Organic Content To[a3 Chloride TotalSolPate Lab Resisirvity Sae Test Curves Percent Passing A?o. 24U Sieve CLYENT: McFCim & Creed PROJECi: Proposed Iack & Bare Crossing, CSX Right-of-Way, Kcene Road, Clearwater, FI. FILE: DES IOG548 � � � � � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � 1 1 1 ' , 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 C e� :7 fi ► T.� Y � ��\ � l • ��•. � Origgers �nginsering 5�rvices Incorparated DRIGGERS ENGINEERlNG SERVICES, INC. r�� �a . . , ��.��,: ,�.,:..�..�5' =S.'=t:' „ f���i�������r���i�,��.���������������«����ir � ., i��l��t�Oi111�����1111l�\��Ii�1�����Ili1����� , 1��1�■���liil�■��� 11�IU� ��li�lf�����l11�■t�� illt����'1li1���i�11�1��r7'1i11�����1111����� . � t1�1lt���1�11��t��1��1���1��1�i1�����I1f1����� illl�����illl�■���i�l1� r��1�i1�����1�11����� ' 1�l1����'1��1�����1!l1���[1�Ii�1�>i�����1����r �� f i11��S���i1I�����li�l����l�ilil��ls��1�1����� . � 1lII�■���!!l1�����l111��■tl�l�f1�����i111����� ' . - � r���� i���������������i����������■���������■� , ' � ������ ��r�������i�����■���«�i�����i�����i�i � ��I������111������1lI����l�l�ll�����If�1����� , �� li�1����l�I�11�■����l�I����1�11�1�����11�1����� . , �I�ii����fi11�H��l�1�1�����'�1111�����l�Ii����r i���������������■����n�������������■����������� ' ii������■��������� �i���� �v� ���■�■r���i������■ : , ' �if1�����t111�����1�11������11�����i��t����i 1�1t�����1111���t�I111������QI������l�1!l��� . , ,11i������l111�����1111�����l1�����l111��� ,. f 1 i 1 1 1 I I I I � 1 � ! � '� � r �m�� � . � ' ��.■ ' 1 •' '', ■ �i�■ - ' : .. ' � ■..�■.� , ,. � : � � � � ■. � � .� � � � .. � � �. � ■. � .. 1 � ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' � 1 1 1 ' � ' 1 METHOD OF TESTING priggers Engineering Services IncorparaCed F�Q LB. 1��VI�NE�R �-(?�� FAl�L WA7ER 7ABL�� F I NE SAiVD � ' MLlCK i �LAYEY F I NE SQND SiLTY FINE SAND � SH�LBY iUB�--- � SANDY CLAY � G E�AY rLAYEY L I MESTQNE STANDARD PENETRATION TEST A.I�II? S�IL �LASSI�'I�ATI�N 6" �F@R�L ':�:�(���' - :_ 4�--��N'� VALU� OR 6 BLOW CQt1NT 7 21 STANDARU PENETRATION TEST (ASTM D-,1586� In the Standard Penetration Test borings, a rotary driiling rig ia used to advanoe t[ie borehoie to the dcsired test depth, A viacous driliing fluid is circulated through the dril( rods and bit to stabiliz�c the borehole and to essist in removal of soil and rack auttings up and out of the borehole. Upon teaching fhe desired teat dopth, the 2 inch O.D. apli�barrel sampler or "aptit spoon", as it is socr�etimes r,alle�i, as a#ached to an N siae drill rod st�d lowered to the bottpm of the borehale, A 1AA pound hammer, attached to the drill sh�irag at the ground surfaee, is then used to driva the sampler into thc Formation, �'he hammer is successivefy raised and dropped for a distanoe of 30 inchcs using a rope end "cathead" assembly. T'he n�unber of blows is recorded for each 6 inah intervel of penelra6on ar untiI virtual refusal is achieved. In 1he above � manner, the samples are idr.a�ly advanced a tota[ of 18 innhes. The sum of the b(ows required to effevt the fina! 12 inches o£ pe�rietration is called the blvwcount, penetrafion resistance of'"N" value ofthe panc�ular malerSat at the sample depth, Aftcr penetration, the rods snd sampler are retracte� to the ground surface whexe tlae core sample is removed, sealed in a g[ass jar and transpor6�d to the labvratory for verificatiqn bf ficId classification and storage. SOIL SYMBQLS AND C`LASSZFiCATIQN Soil and rock samples escured in the �ield ssmpling operation were risual(y alassifed as to texture, color and cansis6ency. Soi! classifioations are presented descriptively and symbolicrilly far ea5e af interExetation. T'he s�ratum ideintif`icalion litxes represcnt the approximate boundary beEween sa� types. In m�ny aases, lhis txansition may be gradual, Consestcnoy of the sail as W reiative density or undrained shear STRA7 UM s�trength, unlees otherwise not�d, ia base� upon Standard Pen�e'ation CHANG� resistance values of'N" values and indushy-acceptcd standarda. 'N" values, or bIowconnta, are preserttec( in both tabuiar and graphical forrn on eaoh rospective boring log at each samplc interval, The gtaphical plot of 6lowcount v�irsus depth is for illustration purposes only and does not warrani eonGnuity in sail cansistency or Iineac variation bctween sarrtple �tervels. ' The borings repres�nt subsvzface conditions at reapective borin� S A N D Y L t M E S TO N E , locations and s,ample intervals only, Variations uc aubstirface condi6ons CO R� R 11(V 50/0.3 may occur betwe�n boriag (ooationa. C�naumdwater dcpths shown represeret water depths at the datas and time shown oaly, The absence L! M ES 7 0 N� p E N Q7 E 5 oFw�ter tablc ir►�oxxnation does not necessscily imp]y thet gmundwater 5� B�OWS .FQR ' �'�'�notaneountered. 0.3' p�IVE7RAfi I ON RCW Atlas Map Appendix.doc 9/27/2010 a m N 251t3 253A t1 � � � - � � �� � � ° �lea�ate� , ___ _ � � � ; � _ _ _ � _ _ _' _ _ _ _ � _ � _ _ _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �i U � K I Z w 0 wa v i° �� o� C na i� - - 261A - - -- 2&48 - ��.�, ; — ,, �� —. ° : � _� �,,,"-� { � I ' $��_ o! 4 �� r � ;: � I_1.-__ �__ I� g � I il � ` - — -�i +- - � — I — - �j - �� - ` — i- = l- l = , - � _; � ' < <� '>- ' � -� � � � ; ; -- 1 - - ;TI � _ lI i - _ so.. ar � —'__J __ ' _ �_� L� �___1 __ 3 __ __ __ ---- - , -- - � -- � , I -- � � _ � - � - _� �-- -- � - � _, _ � _ f I _ _ __ '� - I— . 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(727�526�753 .— www.MyClearvnter.cam-- --- Dbohu�: PeBYr kfmm9on 6�4 b Ivalad0l'M LNl ol ❑P�nwlsEr�nsYV �.W mwrda scepeimR rmd 6Ydw �iaH �M dr ua3aal/dipd�Mdf��aoawdw�ewle�ed � rw nw r�m� uie.wcav. amR sr.am�m.a i�N�l'-Famrll NerGq'alChuw�hrmWsifo were�es.e�eaeRVbpled.cmtwtiqe+e � �.���a��d ��.�.��.����., AeLO'olthn�werrwvuivmY�D� - xMmev�aocletl �YS � a �vnre o1 cchd�c Hj, ; W4 �E " ,r I b N _ y ---- D 1 uidi e9uals 300 4eet . 0 1� ' Feef Leaend RCC�31ff1Bd FIMUfES � Air Release Val�e ] $jpyfOff .� es cross o Flaw Meter 0 Gate Va1ve � Hydrant � �3; Mast� RCW Meter 5[afien �?� Fllonitoring Well • Plug ■ Reducer N Redaimed Water �"v' Eflluen[ !'-.i Raw , _ Outside Clearwai� City Leniis RECLAIMED WATER : Jun 18, 2fl68 _ - NE 4I4 a! }}-2g-45 Z7flB � U K� Z � N � oa Z° � lV a°p � �� :� � -� i � i , i I II I ! � s I S "s � � I z Clea�vate� ��:�.. Prepared by: Engiraering Orpartrnent . Geagraphic 7echna{ogy Oe�r¢ion 50Q S. Myrtle Ave: CEaiwaOet, FL 33756 i PB: (72TJ562d730. Fac: Z72TJ526-4755 PWE'c Hormtim �b a hriufd bY P�e Lil' of Lkaxelc Enuneeninpqv�bmvl. utlmn! b #e1 aN used 6yDp m�ipwk v�Lh Ne WdalaNiRLrafR�nd3ar¢v drvasmfa�d Fufle papmv o(derebpviy a payHc irbaYn�lve mmlM'-A�srde VnGtl' o1CAVwYnmaRmm xm+v8fs e�m�d a imyded- cvcc/+�4tln azvcl'. �'++�. rariab�lt wa+dabillol Ra dYalrcanl'�arW�Swhrva Fvehsmora Px �ll'W CknnwM aasixrx no Aah�Iry x/mlaanva�aNd x�iA Ne iae amsem d �chdYn p 1 inch eq�ls 300 leet W�E � 0 1�0 21)0 ]00 5 Feet Leaend Reclaimed Fixlures � ,Adr Release Valve � BlowaFf • Cap ff Cross a Flow Meter 0 Gate Valve •� HydraM :,�; AAaster RCW Me[er Statian :�'� Moni[oring UVell • Piug ■ Reducer /�/ Redaimed Water i � Eflluent !'.,i� Raw Oulside Clearwater City Limits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � a ` N U� � � � `" a 0 i� ��� 00 aa �_ �� � _� _�J� .1! i � i �i7��;�_� T - - i - --- - - -- - - - _ _� �� _1 -_ � � I 1 _T - n1l ��[ T .E� ; �, � `�i � I -� � � , - —�- � � 1 ��1 \_ - � _ I 1 . i -�_� ;_�_I- _ - , _- - � �_ �s � ; _:_ _ ___ __-�_; � _ ` , ! ���. - - : � -- - - ---- _L- I-�'- —� -- .�� � �,� - �— l�l- ', : � ,� + � _ i i �� � �� �� o� '. _ � _ i i �-_� _� � -1�1 —�--- � - --� ,--- � _ " � � � � - _' —i � --- � ----- � � �.- � , j i � '_�=I ls � � i � i � nI ! � � i��:-.- � -� : �6l � �I � ;;� - � �� 1;� � _ _a ii - I I it -- � � a ;e,� ii� �•: � L -� ' - =, +s- � / � �� I, 1 �� f I a r i I i �-- � II ! ;-- � i i �a i ; I ' � �31� E I � �a ; � -- � �� ' ii a� i i i + '� ,I � nu� � I ' '- - � � i �n� r' � �_J `' — -- �'� I` iiiili� II _ I: i --- - -- - ---- ---- ------ �---�-- ` -�—�� I--�.I�iii�I � �-- l i � 1 ` � � I' � ; � � __; — -- - ;-- -- ' I i II41Ifi i 1F _ - _ � i , �{ — - �J ; _ i � -�— • - � I-- — � �-- �t1�k� ; � f � ;,� �--; � �� I�I���� I'�, ''ti 4.^ � !�_� l I !I ' - j_ i a�� � i i� t i i i �� � — - __L_ _� � _ � 'll�l1" � I ! 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MyRle Ara, Claarwster, FL ]9756 � Ph: j727�fi2dTi0, Fex: {727y526d755 j w�v�v.HyClearrvaler.cam � � RtlfcHVn�F d�b'sMUMA6yObeGryol Ci�xY/ E+O�+x'v6�+r�. u�malLe ����.����. ��n���.�.��..� i�w WFnfeolGwebprV � T+F��JraCVqve mlr. k.�e�e a� c+r � c�weY�,a ��a,.. em��d ���a, .�wro eb y. �e,�. r t.nr�ry. o.�aabm Cue�.for.^YoNn.A�.ua FuAa�,�. �,����,ao.,�� � �,ve���,�.�.�,�.�. �„�n - K 1 inch eq�k 300 teet W�E � �� o �oo zno �oo S �eec Leaend ! ReGs6ned Fixlures � Air Release 11aNe N ; I pp B�OWOff i D • Cep a , � c�s � m Row Meter � e GaSe Vaive f 5 F�Qrant ; � f [: Master RCW Meter Sistion � �P+i� � Monitoring Well €'lug � ■ Reducer /�/ Reclaimed Water r'�� Effluent !'.� Raw � Outside Clearwater Cily Limits � i I ; RECLAIMED WATER ; _ Jun 48. 2QOB - _ - NE 414 af f4-29-f5 � 288B j 1 1 � ' r 1 � , � 1 '. � 1 � 1 ' ' 1 ' SECTION V CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Table of Contents: CONTRACTBOND ..................................................................................................................... l CONTR.ACT .................................................................................................................................. 3 CONTR.ACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT FOR FINAL PAYMENT ..................................................... 6 PROPOSALBOND ...................................................................•.................................................. 7 AFFIDAVIT.................................................................................................................................. 8 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVTT ............................................................................................... 9 PROPOSAL.................................................................................................................................10 CYTY OF CLEARWATER ADDENDUM SHEET .................................................................13 SIDDER'S PROPOSAL .............................................................................................................14 SectionV.doc Page i 927/2010 ' 1 1 ' ' CONTRACT SOND STATE OF FLORIDA C�UNTY OF PINELLAS BOND NUMBER: B0336275 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we GREGORY ELECTRIC CO.s INC. Contractar and THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY (Surety) whose home address is P. O. BOX 14596 CINCINNATI �HIO 42520. HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "Surety", aze held and finmly bound into the City of Clearwater, ' Florida (hereinafter called the "Owr�er") in the penal sum of: TWO HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR DOLLARS AND NINETY CENTS ($206,754.90) for the paynn�nt af which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns for ' the faithful performance of a certa.in written contract, dated the� 1 day of , 2011, entered into between the Contractor and the City of Clearwater for: 1 1 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 1 ' ' 1 SKYCREST RCW SYSTEM -- CSX & KEENE ROAD — JACK & SORE PROJECT 1U-0026-UT a copy of which said contract is incorporated herein by reference and is made a part hereof as if fully copied herein. NOW THEREFORE, THE CONDITIONS UF THIS OSLIGATION ARE SUCH, that if the Contractor shall in all respects comply with the terms and conditions of said contract, including the one-year guarantee o� rnaterial and labor, and his obligations thereunder, including the contract documents (which include the Advertisement for Bids, Form of Propasal, Form af Contract, �'orm of Surety Bond, Instructions to Sidders, General Conditions and Technical Specifications) and the Plans and Specifications therein referred to arid made a part thereof, auxd such alterations as may be made in said Plans and Specifications as therein provided for, and shall indemnify and save harmless the said Owner against and from all costs, expenses, damages, injury or conduct, want of care or skill, negligence or default, including patent infringements an the part of the said Contractor agents or exnployees, in the execution or perfarmance of said contract, including errars in the plans furnished by the Contractar, and further, if such "Cantractor" ar "Contractors" shall promptly make payrnents to all persons supplying him, thern or it, labor, material, and supplies used directly or indirectly by said Contractor, Cantz�actors, Sub-Contractor, or Sub-Cantractars, in the prosecution of the work provided far in said Contract, this abligation shall be void, otherwise, the Contractor and Surety jointly and severally agree to pay to the Owner any difference between the sum to which the said Contractor would b� entitled on the completion af the Contract, and that which the Owner rnay be abliged to pay for the completion of said work by contract or otherwise, & any damages, direct or indirect, or consequential, which said Owner rnay sustain on account af such work, or on account of the failure a� the said Cantractor to properly and in all things, keep and execute all the pravisions af said contract. Page L �- 'T 1� co Racr BoN �z� And the said Cantractor and Surety hereby fiuther bind themselves, their successors, executors, '� admini�rators, azid assigns, jointly and severally, that they wilt amply and fully pmtect the said Owner against, and will �.y any a�d al1 amounts, damages, casts and judgments which may be re�overed against ar which the pwner may be called upon to pay to any �erson ar corporation by '^ reasan of any damages arising fi,om the per�ormance of said work, or of the rcpair or maintenance ther�f, or the manner of doing #he same ar the negiect of the said Contractor or his agents or � servants or the improp�r performance af the said w4rk by the Contractor or his agents or servants, or the infringements of arxy patent �ights by reasan of the use of any material fumished or woxk done; as aforesaid, or othetwise. r r And the said Can�ractor and Surety hereby fu�rther bind themseives, their successors, heirs, executors, administratvrs, amd assigns, jointly and severalty, to repay the owner any sum which the nwner may be comp�ll�d to pay because of any lien for labor material fiirnished for the work, ernbraced by said Cvntract. � An,d #he said S�urety, for the value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of tune, alteration or addition to the terims of the contract or to �e work to be pe�onned thet,eund�r or tlae specificahons accampa.nying the same shall in arxy way affect its abligations on this bond, and it � daes 1�eireby waive n�tice of any such cha,age, extension of time, altexation or addition ta the terms of the contract ar to the work or to the specifications. � IN TESTIMUNY Vi�IEREUF, witness the haunds and seals of tlie parties hexeta t�is 2nc7 day of September , �Q� � � ATTEST: i r L� � L� W�TNESS: r,. �: ,J covrl�RSxGrr�n: i'8ge 2 � GRE QRY LECTRiC C . � , � � , " CONTRACT -�,.• ,y� °� ;, a �,, � By: .. ;�: ;.1�( , �'°eY� ��fr. . .�� .� ` `. �' The Cincinnati InsuzanF� �bmpany SURETY ',,;�,G . , �.Y; ,' .. .� . � � B � ATTORNEY-IIV-FA� ; ' �: - Susan R. Huf�stetrer �".�;;� ` `� . � '�Jrr��y ���,�' 1 ' ' �'� �Il�T�'d1�TA7�I IN3�fJ�4I�T� ��1R�I�AI� Fai�eld, Ohio �0�+� ��' A��IdPd.�Y � �OW A'%.L MEN BY THES� 1'RESENTS: That THL CII�CTNNA'I`I INSURANGB COMPANY, a coaporation organized under the laws of 'th.a State of Ohio, and having its pzincipal o�Hce i��tSie Gi�y of Faix£�e1d, Ohia, does hereby constitute and appaiut , ' ' Rol�ert E. Livings'�on; Ray'e H.' L�vingsi.on and%or Susan. �� Huxfs�e�l�x . �� Wes-c Columbia, 5ou�h Caro7.ina its truc and Iawzul Aitouiey(s)-i�-Fact to sign., execLte, seal �d deliver o�, ifa behalf as Svrety, and as its act and daed,•anq and all bonds, policies, unde�.-taldngs, or ather like ins�uman�s, as follows: Anp such obl�gat�?ons ia �he T7�.�fied Sta�•es, up �o Twenxy Mil�ion and Nof100 Dollars ($2�,000,OOO.QO). This appoinim�n4 is made undex and by autlzority af the folIowang resolution passed by the Boazd of Directnrs o£ said Company �t a meetin� held in t71a principal o�ca of �.a Campany, a quorum being present and voting, on the 6tU. day of Aecember, 1958, wluch esolution is sti11 in effec� , "RLSOLYED, tlzai the President oz any Vca 1'rasidaui be heze6y az�thorized, and �mpowerad to appoint,Attarneys-iu Fact of tha Company to execute any and aIl bonds, policias, und�rtalanga, or other lilce iash-urnents on behalf of the ' Coxporation, ax�d inay authorize auy o�.ce� or any such Attomey-in-�'act to a� t1�e aorporate seaI; and may with or without causa modify or revoka any such appoini�,nent or autho�ity. Any such. writimgs so executed by su.ch Attorneys-in- �act shall be bindiug upan tha Company as i�'they had beea duly executed and aclalowledg�d by tha ragularly Elected � ' oiacers of the Cor�pany.°' xbis Power of Attomey is signed and sealed by facsimila �der and Uy the authority of tha follawing Resolutian adapt�d �y the Board of Dixectors of tlia Compauy ai a xneeiia� duly called and held on the 7� day of Dacember, I973. ' "RES�LVF?D, that tha signatLre of the Pzesident or a V'ica PresidenE and the saal o� �ha Company may be affixed by facsimzle o� any powex of atfomey o anted, and tb.a signa��iyxa ox tha Secreta�y or,Assistani Secretary and t11a seal of ilia Cnn�pany may be a£fixed by facsunile to any cestiticata of any such power and any such power of ceatificata beaing such facsimile signature aud sea'l shall be va]id and binding on the Comnpany. Any such power so executed and sealed ' aud certified by c�ea-laficate so executad aud sealed shall, with xespect to any bond or undestaking to w}zieh it is attaehed, coniiuue io ba valid aud binding au ihe Compav.y." IN VTITNES 3�1HEREOF, TS�E CINCINNA'I'I INSURANCB COMPANY has caused these presents to be sealed wi�h i�s coi-�oratz 's�al, duly a�estsd l�y ita Se�i.or Vice �'resident tbis 1st day of August, 2004. �p�s`[�tFlBWIgqCb , irL? CINNATZ INSiJR.ANC$ COMPANY � PSRF'�[?�iTB � . � � � $���. � . ` �o ���� 1 ' t • �Nt6 . Senior V�ice Presideast STATL OF OHID ) ss: ' CQUNTY OF BTJTT�ER ) On this lst day of Av.p st, 20Q4, before me came the above-named Sentior Yce President of T`HE CIN�f1�1NATi INSUR�NC� COMPANY, to me personally known to be the o�n�er descn-bcd herain, and aclmowledged'Yhat t11e seal: affi.:ed to the praceding inslrumznt is t1�a cor�orate seal of said Comgany and iha coxporate seal aud the signature of the o�aer wera duly a�xad and suUscribed to said insi�-ment '�y the authority and direction of said corporation. � .���zeaeee�a_ ���� ��� � k �°°��� 6� � 1 b������ ���p�� � � `p u . �� : a � � '� ��' ' a„�'� . � � t�t�4�K d. Fi LLEF�, P�.ttarn�y s� �atn� NOTARY P(13L.1C - STATE DF OHiO '�¢, �° ��� �� . My commission has no expiration a�i''� ;� �,....,,`' �,'•.i cf�ie.Section547.030.R.C. �BF����a��t�r .,�•�. �•. ��ti�'•.. � I, the un.ders�d'Seczetaryv o{�i�4s�s �.Secrei:ary of THE CINCLNNA'�'I IN5U12.A.NG'S C�MPANY, bereby eextify �t the above �is a tna.e and cerrect dopy oF.t�e Poyr��EAttarney issued by said Company, and do hereby futhe� certify that the said Por�rex of A��omey is still in £u�i �brce a�°¢�fe.+�,�, . -;; __ • � ; , ; � y„�.. ""' � ::. .. GNEN unc�'�i�t;f�gnd and seak,.d =� Compa�y at Fa.irfield, Ohio. � 2nd ,.w, ,bf��� �'�'` ' �y �ptP,nhber, 2011 � � F��� f alnskr ' �``' '� L ;�; a Z d . �'���:s:i.t,�.»...__�._. . 4 // ' �a p�?�T� � � Secretary , ' . � � �� 1 � � 1 � � � ������������ ������ ��������� r������� ������� Your pol[cy (or the pallcy proposed to you) contains coverage for cerEa�n losses caused by ferrarism. E�remium• We are Cequired to notify you of the portion of the premium, if any, atfri�utahle to the coverage for tei'rorist acts certitied under the Terrorisrn Risk Insurance Acf of 2002. � The port(on of your, premium that (s atEributahle fa coverage for terrorist acfs certif(ed under the Act fs $ ��� . �ederal �ar�icioatlon: ' -- The Act also requires us to pravide disclosure of federal participation in payment of terrorism lossas. ° Et'fective hlavember 2G, 2�02, under your policy (or the policy proposed fo you), any losses caused by � . certified acfs of terrorism would 6e part(ally reimhursed 6y the United States Government, pepartment p� ireas.ury, under a formula esfa6lished 6y federal law. Under this farmufa, tha United Sfates pays 9�% of � covered terrorism losses exceeding the stazutorily established deductible paid by the insurance company pr�viding the coverage. 1 . Act of ierrosism: ' As defined in Section 102(1) of the Act, the ierm act of terrorism means any act that is certified by the Sec- p 11 refary of the 7reasury, (n concurrence with the 5ecretary of Sfate and the Atkomey General of the United � Stafes, to be an act ofterrorism; to 6e a violent acf or an aet that is dangerous to human Iife, propErty or infra- structure; t� have resulted in damage within the United 5tates, or outside the United States in the case of an � air carri�r or vessel or the premises of a Unifed Sfates mission; and to have heen committed 6y an indivldual or individuals acting on behalf of any foreign person or foreign interest, as pert of an effori to coeros the civil- � ian popufaiion of the United Sfates or ta influence d�e poli�y or afFect the conduct of the United States Gov- ernment 6y coercion. � _._...�w�. . �..,_ , 1 CONTRACT ' This CONTRACT m�d� �nd entered inta this � day of �PtG�'`�r2.�. by and between the City af Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, herein�fter designated a� the "City", and ' GREGORY ELECTRIC CU.. I1�IC. nf the City of COLUM�IA, County af RICHLAND and State of SOUTH CAROLINA hereinafter designated as the "Contr�tar". ' WITNESSETH: That the parties to tl�is contract ea,ch in cor�ideration of the undertakin�s, promises and agteements an the part of the other herein contained, do hereby undertake, pmrnise and agree as follows: , The Cantractor, and his or its succe�sors, aissigns, executor� or adminis#r�wrs, in considexation of the surns of rnaney as herein after set forth to be paid by the City and to the Contraotor, shall and will at ' their awn cost az�d expense perform all labor, furnish a11 materi�ls, toals and eyaipmen►t for the fallowing: ' SKYCREST RCW SYSTEM — CSX �$ KEENE RUAD — JACK &�ORE PRQJECT 10-Op26- UT FOR THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED S�IX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY F�UR DOLLARS AND NINETY CEIVTS (5206,754.90). ' In accarci�nce with such propasa�l and techzucal supplemental specifications and such other speci�al ' pmvisians and drawings, if any, which will be submittEd by the City, together with any advertisement, instructions to bidders, genc�ral conditions, proposal and boad, which may be hereto attached, and any drawings if any, which may be herein referned to, are hereby made a paR of this ' cantzact, and all of said wark to be pexformed �nd completed by the contractor and its successors and assigns shall be fully completed in a gaod and workmacilike manner to the sa.tisfa,ction of the Gity. ' If the Contractor shauld fail to comply with any af the terms, condi,tians, provisions pr stipulations as cantain�d herein within the time spacified fo�r campletion of the work to b� performed by the Cvntractor, then the City, may at its option, avail it�elf of any or all remedies pnovided an its behalf ' and sha11 have th� right to proceed to complete su�ch work as Contr�ctor is abligated to perform in accordance with the �xovisions ms co;nta.ined hercin. ' THE CONTRACTOR A�,1�IA HI3 OR ITS SUCCESSORS AND AS$IG1�TS DOES HEREBY AGREE TQ AS3UME THE DEFENSE OF ANY LEGAL ACTION WHICH MAY BE �ROUGHT AGAINST THE CITY AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRA.CTOR'S ACTIVITIES ' A►I�SING OUT OF THIS CONTRACT AND FURTI�RMORE, IN CONSIDERATiON OF THE TERMS, STIPULATYONS AND CO1�iDITIONS AS CO1vTA�PTED HEREIN, AGREES TO HULD THE CITY FREE AND HARIVILESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FUR ' DAMAGES, CUST3 OF SUITS, NDGMENTS OR DECREES RESULTING FROM ANY CLAIMS MADE UNDER THIS CUNTRACT AGA,�NST THE CTfY OR THE CONTR.A,CTOR UR THE CONTRACTOR'S SUB-CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, SERVANTS 1 OR EMPLOYEES RESULTIIIIG FROM ACTIV�'TIES BY THE AFOREMENT�ONED CONTRACTQR, SUB�-CONTRACTOR, AGENT SERVANTS OR EMPLDYEES. ' 1 Pa�e 3 , ' , 1 1 , , 1 I� 1 � 1 1 1 ' 1 ' l ' C�N�'RACT (2) In sdditian to the foregoing pmvisions, the Contxactor agrees ta conform to the following requirements: In connection with the performance af work under this contr�ct, the Contt�ctor a�rees not to discrirninate against any employee nr applic�nt for employment because af race, se�, religion, colar, or natianal origin. The aforesaid provision shall include, but not be limited to, the follawing: emplaym�nt, upgradir�, demotion, or tr�nsf�er; recruitment or recxuitment aduertising; lay-off or tem�ination; rates of pay or other forms of campensation; and selection for trainin�, including app�+enticeship. The Contractnr agrees ta post �r in conspicuous pla�ces, available for �mployees or applicaa�ts for employment, notices to be pxovided by the contracting offiaer settir�g farth the provisions of tbe non-discrinnic�ation clsuse. The Contra�ctor furiher agree� to insext the foregaing provisians in all contracts hereunder, including con�acts or agreements with labor unians and/or worker's representatives, except sub-cant�ractors for standard commerci�l supplies or raw ma�erials. Tt is mutually �greed b�ween tbe puties �aereto that tirne is of the es�nce of this cont�ract, and in the event that the w�ork to b� performed by the Contractor is not completed within th� time stipulated herein, it is ther► further agc�ed that th�e City may deduct from such sums or compensatian as �nay be due to the Contractor the sum af �1,0�.00,_per,dav for cach day that the work to be performed by the Conha�cwr remains incampl�te beyo�ci the time limit specified hearein, which sum of S1,OQO,�QO per dav shall only and �olely represet�t dau�es which the City has sustained by reason ai the failure of thc Cont�ractor to camplete the �w�nrl� �cvithin the time stipulat,�d, it being further agneed that this sum is not ta be conshued as a penalty but is only to be cot�stru�ed as liquidat�ed darc�ages far fai.lure of the Contractar to complete and perform a11 w�ork wi�thin th� time period as sp�cified in this contract. It is further mutually agreed betw�ee�a the City and. the Con�actor that if, amy timc after the ex�utaon of this co�ra�ct and the surety band which is attached hereta far th� faithfW perform�rree of th�e terms and conditions as contained herein by t1�e Contractor, that the City shall at any time d�em the sur�ty or sureties uI�on such PerFormance bond to bB unsa�isfactary or if, for any reason, the �aid bond ceases to be adequate in aznount to cover the perfarmance af the work the Contr�ctor s,haU, at his or its own expense, within t�n (l0) d�}+s �fter re�eipt cyf written notice from th� City to do so, fiuni�h an additional bond or bonds im strch teim and �naunts and with such surety or sureties as st�[I be satisfactory ta the City. If such an everrt occurs, no fiarther �yment �all be made to the Contractnr under the terms and provisions af i'his cantract until s�ch new or additional security band �uaranteein� tt� faithfiil perFotmance of the work under the terms her�of Shall be completed and furnished to the City in a fonna satisfactory ta it. Pa�c 4 ' , � ' � ' , �� co�vT�cT c�) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa�ties to the a�greement have hereu�nto set their h�ands and seals and hav� executed this Agreement, in duplicate, the d�y and yeaz fi�rst above writtez�_ CZT'Y OF CLEARWATER IN PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORYDA By� .� � � �1Villiam B. Home, II City Man�ger Countersign�d: , // • � �v, Y• ' Fratt�c Hibbard, Mayor-Councilmember ' 1 �� 1 1 , r �� 1 (Cantractor must indicate whether Carpoca�ion, ParFnership, Company ar Individual.) (The per�an signing shall, in his awn handwriting, si�n the Principal'� name, his own name, and }us title; whcre thc person is signing foz a Corporation, he m�ust, by Aff'idavit, show his authority ta bi�d the Corporation). Pa�e 5 �..�'�2f�tl�'�_� �a�-� Rosemarie Ca11 City Clerk C�milo Soto Assist�nt City Attorney f� ,�,� y,l � // . ��' . � � s . : ., . : ► �f;y� - —: � .,-. �::° �;' � . , y4� ; ,r. . � `? � � y ' .% ; ,.� , � '. [� 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 C.1 1 r J 1 r CUNTRACTUR'S �MFFIDA'VYT FOR �+',INAL PAYMENT �CURPURATIOri FQ� S'PATE OF COUNTY OF On this day personally appe�ured befone me, the undetsigned �,uthozity, duly authorized to administer oatb�s and take acknowle�ments, who after being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the (TTIT,E) of GREGORY ELEGTRIC CO.. IIVC. x Florida Corporation, with its principal pl�ce of busir►ess located �124 COLLEGE STREET, COLUM�L�i. SOUTH CARULINA �92�5 (hersin,lt�e "Co�atxactor"). T�t the Contr�ctor was th�e �ra1 contractor under a contr�ct executed on the day of 20�, with the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLURIDA, a municipal corporation, as Owner, and that the Conir�ctar was t� �rm the constiwctioti of SKYCREST RCW SYSTEM — C�X & KEENE ROAD -- �'ACK � �ORE PRUdECT 10-002G-UT That said work has now been compl�et�d and th� ContiracDnr has p�id an�d dischar�ed all sub-contractors, laborers and material men in conn�ccti�o� with s�id work and there are no liens outstauuding of any nature nor any debts ar oblig�tions tklat mi�ht became a lien ar encvmbrance ict connection with said work ag�inst tt►e descnibed �roP�Y- That 1� is making this affidar�it purs�uant to the r�quirements af Chapter 713, Florida� Statutes, and upon consideration of the p�ymern of �11 Amount af Contract in fiill satisf�ction a�i dischar�e of said cvntract. That the dwn.er is hereby relea�d fi�om any claim which might �rise out of said Contract. The word "liens" as used in this �ffid�.vit aha11 mean any and all arising wtdex the op�ration of the Florida Mechanic's Lien �w as �e't forth in Chapt�er 713, Florida Statu�tes. Swoxn �nd sub�cribed to befare me This da.y af _ . 20 rroTaiaY pusLrc My Commissian Expires: Pa�e 6 G�ORY ELECT.�C CO.. INC. AFFIAIV'T BY: PRESIDENT 1 1 , P�,QP�„�QND (Nat to be filled dut if a aeztifi�d ahack is subruitt�d) KNOWN ALL MBN �Y `I'HES� P'RT�$F�NTB: 'Ihat we, the �ig�i, , 6re�o7 Electric Competry, Ir�. ,...... ........_.1g ���> � Thc Clncinnati Insuraaxe Cam any as Suroty, who'� addr+e�s �� p n a� i qsss, cl�:�,nau, OH 45250 L� 1 1 �1 1 , , � . are held and firmly bound unW the City of Clearwa�r, Florid�., in 1�e sutn of 1096 of t�mount Bid Doll�ra i� )(being � minimum of 1Q°/. of Corrtr�uctoa'� Wtal bid amount) for the paymerrt of which, well and truty to be m�d�, vve her�by jointly and aeverally bind oursel'ves, our l�irs, executors, s�ninistr,ators, sucaes�or� and a�sign�. The ovt�ciitio� of the �bo've obli� is �uch th�t if ��ohed P�opose►1 of ���Y gl�ctric Company, Inc. �S PtiillC�pal, snd The Cincinr�ati Insuranee Company as Sur�tY, �a1� wak Spe�Cifi�d as: 5- kycrest I�W S em - CS,X � Keene Road - Jack �t Bare Project # 10-U026-UT all �s stipul�ted in aaid Propv�al, by' dc►in� a11 wor1c incidental t}yereto, in accordarice with the pians �nd spxificatians provid�d h�rre:ffor, �11 wittzin Pi�ratlau� Co�riy� is acceptod �nd the co�rct �w�rded to the abovc �med bidder, �nd tt� �;id biclder s1uI1 within tcn days aft�err ratice of said �w�r�d e�r into a contract, in writing, and fiunish th� roqufir�d Feifo�m�ncc Bond witi� suiroty ar su�+etie� to be approved by the City Ma�, this obli�.tion �11 be void, ad�erwise the same �11 be in fi�ll fonoe and virtue by law and the full amount of this Proposal Bor�d wrll be paid to the City as stipulat�d or liquidat�cl �• Sigied this z 1 sc day oi July . 2D 11 (Princip�l must indic�te wh�the�r • corporatton► p�rtnersh�P, con�iy or �tdivic�ual) ' 'Ti� pe�on signing sh�ll, in his awn t�„a.�. �i�► r�� �t�;�rg n�me, his own n�rr�e �d his title; , the Pec�vn signing �or a corpor�tiare must, try affidavit, show hia authority ta bind tt�e corporation. ' r ' ' ���� Pr�a 7 af 14 Cregory Electric Compaxry, Inc. -. f �r � // . ,: Hy: 1��� Pr�s ���- Title The Cineinnati Insur�ce Comp�[y , � � , . Sur�tY � . . Suear► R. Huf�atet,ler : - �►ttorne�y--in—facC .. .._� , ` � : ^ �: ..� • - . , ._�� �1�,4�.-r 9i27/2010 , 1 � 'I'H� CII�IC[�T.�iA�'i II�Bi]REL1�L'li CD��IP'ANY Fei�etd, Ohio . pOWl3� O� AT�'OANSY ' O'W .�,S.L D�Pi BY Z�SB PRB.4BI+i'f S: 'Tha# THB C4�C�dAT� Ii�St]RANC'.B (:4MPANY, a ocspac�ation � vndo� tha laws of e 5`�e oP O�io, eac� l�avin� its pxincip�l o�ce m.�tho C�ty of T+a�r!'usld, Ohfo, doee h�reby eonstft�te ga�d apguiat • - �tobert �. Li.'v�.ugston; Rayg H.' L�aings'�on aad/o� Suasa �. gu�fetetlex _ �f Weet Caiunsbia, South Carol�n�. ib tnbe and 1�wiial Attom�y�e)-in Pact tio si�'a, ez�cat�, seal aad deliva aa� ite bebalS es Snxe�ty� and as itc act and dmed, •�¢y opd all boads, licsea �de�aldnBa, or ati�Gr ]�7ce in�trumeuts, es folloava: ¢Y � � Anp such ob].�gat�.oae in the Un �ed b�ta�ee, up to • 1�ven�q �.9.1�.0� ai�d No/100 Dollaxs ($�0,000�000.00). '� ��c►eni ie mada vmder aud 6y �iEq of ffi� fblIow�ng xeeah�Oa peesed b'Y tha Board of DirecDore of said CorspanY at � xsae� he�rl � t'he prina�el o�ice o� �s Ca�peu5', a 4�an�► be�ag Pc�at �d voLmg, on 6an dttt day of Deoernbar, 1958, which �e�ohztioa�. is �4311 i� e�bc� °`RBSOiV�b. tl�at the Presictca�t ax ea5► Yco Fr�si�eat be �r antb�zed, e�d anpaweQOd to a�point.Attvr.oey�ia Fe,d of the Cot�tpany to acecu#a guy snd all Tx�de. AaliGiea. v��dac�iaga, or othec l�ae fn�xvmemts om. 6�1i a� the ' �O�pOxa�ion. ar�d may �arisa aay offioes a� �� A�mmy-i�Fact to a�x 45a ca�por� s�l; e�d rriaSr witb or wi�hou# tsuse �q ar r�anloa aay �uch �inimeut � aaz�a�ity..4ny each writings so exqctttsd by auch Atl�neys-in- Fec� �e11, be bimdimg upoa d� Ccu�a�Y as if �sep had bee� etuly �ed eaci edmowledg,ed by �e xagalariy alectsd affi.c�re of �la Cm�eny." 'S�ia Po�es nf Atbmeq is ei�ed and eeal�d hy :4.as�ile tmdcr and by tha s�ority of the £ollowing Rceoh� edopt�,d by the �oard o£ i)irectc�re oi the Ccmip�y ai a meeting ciniy caltad and �eld � t�c+ 7� dsy of Dac�brr,19'13. 1 ' "RBSO�,VED� ti�at fl� eignatsse of tbe Pxesident oc a Vxce Freside�t eun�. 8�a seal cf tbe ComPanY m85' ba sf�ixed lry ��le on aay pawsr of attnmay g�a,ut$d, �d the �a of 9�a Sacr�y ar,Asgisiant 8axe#ary end the seal af tha G.'n�au.y naaY be a�ed by fac.s�il� to �r aaia�asi� af �ay enah power and a�y such paw�r oY oert�'icete beaiing suc�t Faca'rmile at�e �d seal shsll be valid emd b�di�g a� �o (",a�p�aq� AnY sach power so e�ecuted and sealed a� c�ed by cen�Bcate so �� mid sea�ad eha�ll, with re�pece ta any bar�d or �g to w}aich it is a2tar.h�, aaQ#'mi�e to b� qalid e�d binding oxi th� Campany." IN �VI�,%Tffi8 WH�I�AT�� THB G'I�iGiNNATI INRiTRANC6 GOMPANY bss cauaed these pre�ttta to be sealad �ith its coaporate se�l, dt�► �1 by i� 3gafor vice Paeaiaeut fhia !sk aay af Augast, 2ooa. 1� CINNAT! JNS'URANC,B COMPANY � ' � B F� A !. � • � G . / � n�e ' Senior Yus Presidaut OF OHIO ) sa: UIrITY OI� AiJ'I'�.i. ) Qso. daae 1 st day of Augu�t, 2004, be�ore ine c�ne �e abave-n�d r,.,raqor vioa Presid�ut of 'THB QN�ATx ]NSURANCB �MPANY, io me pa�raonally ]oxo'an to be i�ae offioer de�sca'bmd �, and ac,lmo�vl�dged tkret tha s�al:, affiaed to t�►n praa�g iASlrumenx is e �asrporsd� seal oi savd Company end 8�e coaporaf� scal aad �e ei�►n.�e oitha officer wese cirnly affqced �ad evb�an.'bmd to said ��e�t bY ��axity anci d'aee6an of s�id caepaiaticm. 1 1 './ a iTl1� A�.ca'r � ��l�k ,� � ��� ,ra� Q�Y .� . �� r � a MARK J. H U.EFI, AttOrtsey et LBw 1� � NOTARY Plt9LIC • siAT� OP OHIo ,�' IIY r�mmieslon hes ne� �on • dams. Beetlon 147.17 O.I�.C. I� �e �.4eCd.'mt8:j/ a� AB&iYl�mt S�► �TAH C�i(�1�lATI � C�MPANY� hersby c�fY ti18i the 9bD'vm apd oan+a�t oopr a� �e Orie��' s] Fovrer o�Ali�uney isaned bY s�aid C�penR sud do �by �e� certify tba# �.e said Po'�r of i� �till fn full f�Oe �nd :9�Ce. . QIV� �na�d,� �y 3t�d and ceal of seid Ca�pany at Pe�e1d, Obda. '� � � s�A�. g 21�t �Y og July, 2011 � %� � � � ���.�.., 1 1 1 LJ A�FIDAVI'� (Ta be filled in a�nd exe�cutrad if the bidder is a carpomt�on) S�C.Qra;n�. STaTE oF � coux�r o i .�t"1 � i � _ � � , Secretauy of � corporation orga�z it� princip�l of�ice at: � ��� � Street 1� Number � [ JI C� 1 1 1 1 �� , ' LJ ' being duly sworn, deposes and �ays that he/she is u�der ami by vi laws of the Stace of Florida, and having � City County State fiuther says that he i fmimmidi�r with the c+ecords, minute books and by-laws af rr,,,, , � I�o��.,`� . �nn n.� �-r-..�..e _ Affiant further says that �5�. _�"1 •,� i � l i�_ is �,� �S' ��h��,��..` (Ofi'�cer's Nwme) (Title) of the corporation, is duly �uttw�i�ed t4 acgn the Proposal for far said corporation by virtue of '� .. (state wtaetiher � provision of b ws or a Resalution of the Board of DirecWrs. If by Resolutinn give date of adoption). �a.nt Sworn to before me this �_ day of , 20�. Notaiy Public �; �� ���- Type/prindstamp of Notary , �t'.�x�►� �oe�' '. . .. - . . Title or ran , y � _ � , , Sac4ionV.doc � PBge S Of 14 4R7/2010 1 1 , � N��1(-COL�i]SION AFFIDAV�T STATE UF � ,� � ' couN� o�,AP�,1nl cr�, � �- `� being, first duly sworn, depo$es and says that he is � �` -� � af � � ' the party m�lcing the foregaing �'ropasal or Bid; that such Bid is genuine and nat collusive or sham: that s�aid bidder is not fin�ncislly interesbed in or otherwise affili�ted in a business way with any other bidd�r on the same contract; that said bidder h�s nat collwded, conspired, connived, or agrced, directly or , indirectly, with any bidd�rs or pei�on, to �t in a sham bid or that such other person shall refrain from bidding, end has not in any mant�er, directly or indic++�ctly, sought by agreerncMt or collusion, or communication or conference, with any p�rson, ta fix the bid price or affiant or any other hidder, or ta ' iuc any overhead, prafit or cost element of s�id bid price, ar that of any other bidder, vc tn s�cure �ny a�lvantage �gainst the City af Clsarw�ter, Floxi�la, or any person or persons interest�ed in the propo�ed contrect; and that all statements contained in s�id propos�l or bid au+e true; �nd further, that such bidder , has not directly or indirectly submitt�d this bid, w the contents thereof, or divulged i�nforrn�tion or data relative thereto to �ny associativn or ta any mernber or agent thereof. , lJ ' 1 � 1 1 1 / �� /� 4 ��� � . i 1 ? � Sworn to snd sub9cribed before me thie � day oi�t.l�Q.t.tr. _ __ , 20� ' s�c��v.a� � Pa�e 9 of 14 . Notary Public Mv r.orrmM�ion �,p�q � � 9/27/2010 C:J 1 ' PROPOSAL ��) ' TO THE CITY OF CLEARWATEIt, FLORIDA, for Skycrest RGW Sy�tem -- CSX dE Keene Roaid J�ck & Bore (Project # 10-0026-UT) , and doing such ather work inciden�l theretn, all in ac�ord�nce with the contract dacuments, marked ' Skycrest RCW Syste�n �- CSX �4 KeeQe Ro�d J�ck &�ore (Projcct � 10-0026-UT) , Every bidder must take notice of th� f�et that even though his proposal br accepted �nd the documents si�ned by the bidder to whorn an aw�rd is m�e and by those officials authori�d to do so an behalf of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that na such award or signin� s}►all be considered a binding cantract ' without a certificate from the Finan�ce Dirrccctor that funds are available oo caver the cost of th� wo�ic to he done, or without the appraval of the City Attorncy as to thc form and legality of th� contract and all the pertinent documents relatin� �ereto h�ving been appmved try ssid City Attorney; and such bidder is ' hereby charged with this r►otice. The signer of the Froposal, as bidder, alsa declares th�.t the only person, person�, company ar parties ' interested in this Propos�l, are named in this Proposal, that he has carefully examined thc Advcrtisement, Instruction� to Hidders, Contract Specificatinns, Plar►s, Sup{�lemental Speaifications, General Conditions, Special Pc�visians, aa�d CaMr�et Bond, that he or his repres�ntative has made such , investi�ation as is necessary to det�tmine the ch�racter and extent of ihe work and he proposes and agrees that if the Proposal be accepte�d, h� will contr�ct with the City of Clearwat�r, Florida, in the form of contract; hereto armexed, to provide the necessary I�bor, materia�ls, machinery, equipm�nt, tools or ' apparatus, do alt the work required to complete the coc►tract within the time mentioned in the Genere,l Conditians and according to the r�equirem�ts of the City of Clearwater, Flarid�, as herein and h�reinafter set forth, and furnish the raquired surety bonds fpr the following prices to wit: ' ' � �� IJ ' ' �aationV.doc p�$e 10 af 14 9/27/2010 � � 1 1 1 ' � ' � ' ' ' ' � � � 1 1 , FROP05AL ��) If the foregoing Propasal shall be �ccepted by the City of Clearwater, �loricia, and thc undersigned shall iail to execute a satisfactory cvntract as ststsd in the Advertisement hec+cin at�ched, then the City may, at its option detemiine that the undersigned has abe�rtcbned the contract, and thereupan this Froposal sh�ll be null snd void, and the certified cl�k or bond accompanying this Proposal, shall be forfeited to become the property of the City of Clearw�ter, Florida, and the full amount of ssid check shall be re�tained by the City, ar if the Propo�l Bond be giver� the full annount nf such bond sh�ll be p�id to the City as stipulated or liquidated darna�es; otherwise, the bond or certifed check accompanying this Proposal, or the amount of said check, shall be returned W the undersigned �s spe�ified her�in. Attached hec�to is bond certified che�cic on Bank, far the sum of 1�� i�( l�Ot�(..��Q.�iiQ► � � �t1V�. llM�t� �11 ' c$ ����0� 5 , �5 � (being a minirnum of 10% f Contrsctor's tatal bid amount . The full names and residences of all pecscros and parties interested in the foregoing bid are as follaws: ([f corporation, give the naines and addresses af the President and Secretary. If firm or parq�ershi�, the rtames and addresses of the members or p�ncrs. The Bidder shall list� not only his name but alsa the nam� of �rty person with whom bidder has any type of agreement whereby such person's improvements, enrichment, employment or pos�ibie ben�fit, whether sub-c�ntra�ctor, matrarialman, agent, supplier, or employer is contingent upon the award of the contract to the bidder). NAMES: ��E L�',� �. �. �il�� 1��t,_ �.\.�•,.b.►-- - v�,� -? ADDRt:SSES: ��,�,� �o_�x�,�� a� ��. ;�n�- ,� os ��c�ir��'.,� . �2�ti � .. r"11 �,� ].� ,..,ln l � a..'D .1 1).:..L 'T 4��1 . • . SignaAae of Bidder: ('i'he bidder must indica.te whett►er Corporatian, A�ershiP, CompanY or In� �� , �ctie►nV.doc � Ppge 11 of 14 - �� - ., x �;-i�� � 9/�7/2010 �a sc.a�� ' � .a►!:�._ The person sig�nin� shall, in his own h�ndvvritin�, sign thc Principal's name, his own r�ne and his title. Where the person signing for a corporation is other than the President or Vice-Pc+esident, he must, by af�idavit, show his authority, to bind the ccxpor�tion. Princip�l: �tS0._�. ���� ,_ By: � ~ Title: ������ Business Address of Bidder: ��a'� �1�e,A� � �k- c�� a„a s��: � � 2�p coa� 02��0 5 Dated at ��:�rY'� � , thi� �""` day of , A.D., 20 l 1. ScctionV.doc Pase 12 of 14 9/27R010 � L__J ' � _J �] �1 ' �J ' ' ' � ► �. � '�;�!',LT!7�.!�� �i ' � - � �.� ��:...:,;_ h�,_.d.. .:. .�.�.:.._. ' �c �.. �� � CONTRACTOR_ ��c��.�'��� iG.. �7_ '��. � , . .._ _— BIDDER•S GRA.ND T�TAI. � - - �C!1 _o_: � �-i ' � (Numbers) �IDDER'S GRAND TOT�`�""�� � �.ti `' � (Wards) ' THE B�DDER'$ GRAND TUTAL �iSU'VL� �8 ffi3 T�OTAL BID B�SED UN H�3 UN1T PR10E3 AND LUMP �UM PRICES A1�%�11 TS� F�'r[�rw� QUANTITIFS REQUIRED FOR EACH SEGTION. TFIiS FIGURE iS 1�QR 1��AT[ON pNLY AT THE TiM� QF OPEN]NG ! HmS�. THE CITY WIT,,L MAKE 'i'k�E TA�IJLATYON FRQM TH.E UN�'I' PR[CES AND LUMP S[l� PRYCE BID. IF THH�RE. L�i AI�T ERROR IN THE TUTAi �Y THE BIDDER, .IT SHALL BE CI�ANGED A3 ql�l'L�l THE UNIT PRIC�S AND LUMP 3i1M F'RICE SAAi,L � GOVERN. ' ' 1 ' �v.a� r�e ie ot �a 9rz�rzo�o � �. 1 ' � ' � 1 1 � 1 1 1 ' ' 1 � ' ' � C�TY UF CLEARWATER ADDENDU'M SAEET PRQJECI': S erest RCW S�t — CSX dc e Rosd Jauck � Bore ec 6�U Ackrwwledgtnent is hereby m�ecle of th� following addenda received since issuance of Plans and Spe.cifiostions. s�;onv.a� Addendum No. ( Date: "1— 8-11 Adal�cu�um No. 8� Date: `'1--1 S--�1 Addcndurn Na. Date: Addendum Irlo. Date: Addendum No. Date: Addenclum No. 17�te: Addendum No. D�tie: Acidendum No. Date: Addendum No. D�te: Adden�m No. D�te: Acid�ensium No. Ds�: �G of Biddcr) � -- + -�����+dA (Si�ature af Officer) �l - - ��!!r-`!�".. (Title of Offi�) �ui�, 20�"'" �,li --- (t�ce�,._ . Page 13 of 14 �z�no�o