EAST WTF DEWATERING PUMP STATION REHABILITATION - 10-0031-UT� � � 1� � � � i 1 � � � � a � EAST WRF DEWATERING PUMP STATI�N REHABILITATION (#1Q-0031-UT) CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS � � � � C� Pxepared for BID DOCUMENTS Prepared by; ]�NES EDMUNDS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3Z4 South Hyde Park Avenue, Suite 250 Tampa, Florida 33606 Jones Edmunds Project No. 03720-040-01 Certificate of Authorization # 1841 May Z011 ��aR°T CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DO/YYYY) ��- 08/18l11 TWI$ CERTIFICAiE IS ISSUED A5 A MATTER DF INFORMA?IDN ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CEFiTIFIGATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE �OES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENCS, EXTEND OR ALTER THE C�V�RAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. TH15 CEFtTIFIGAT� OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRAC7 BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AU7HORIZED REPR�SENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSUitED, the palicy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may requir� an endprsement A statement on this certi�cate does not conter rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endors�ment s. CONTACT PRODUCER 727-522-777y NAME: Wallace Welch & Willingham Inc 7�7.521-2902 P,v"r°.�",N .e��: __ FAx AIC No : 300 First Avenue South, 5th FI �-""a� _ AD�RHSS: P.o. sox sso2o PROD CER RTbCO-1 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 cus a ERID#: INSURER 5 AFFORpING COVERAGE NAIC # INSl1REP R7� Constructian, Inc. 5344 9th Street Zephyrhills, FL 33542 iNSUReRa;Amerisure Ins. Go. 19488 iNSURERB:Bituminous Fire & Marine Ins. 20109 iNSURERC:American Guarantee � Liabilit 26247 iNSURER o: Mt. Hawley Ins. Ca. �NSURERe:AGCS Marine Ins. Ca. COVERAG�S CERTIFICA7'E NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 7HE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE IN$URED NAME� ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOp IN�ICATED. NOTWITHSTAN�ING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDI710N OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICM THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE IN$URANCE AFFORDED BY 7HE POLICIES �ESCRIBED M�REIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMI7S SHOWN MAY MAVE BEEN RE�UCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR OLIGY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS � LTR TYPE OF INSl1RANCE A B P�LICY.NUMBER � MM/DD/YYYY MMlOD/YYYY � .GENERAL LIABILI7Y . ' EACN OCCURRENCE $ . � 'I,OOO�OO � DA E TO RE iEB �� � X COMMERCIAL GENFRAL LIA61LITV CLP327�4167 06/30111 OBI3OI'I7 FREMISES Ea Dccurrence $ � ����� ClAIMS-MAOE� � OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) S 5,00 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ �I �OOO,OU GENERALAGGREGATE $ Z,OOO�OO GEN'L AGGREGA7E LIMIT APPUES PER: PRODUC75 - COMP/OP AGG $ Z,OOO,OO POLIGY X PR� LOC $ AU70MOBILE UABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ ��OOO,DO O6/30/11 O6/3D/12 (�� a�ldent) B X ANY AUTO CAP3538857 BO�IL.Y INJl1RY (Pef person) 8 ALL OWNED AUTOS BOpILY INJURY (Pe� sccldent) $ SCHEDULED AUTpS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ X HIREDAU70S (Peraccident) $ X NON-OWN��AUTOS S UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EAGH OCCURRENCE $ �O�OOO�OOO EXCESS LIAB � CLAIMS-MAPE p��3p�� � 06�3p�1 z AGGREGA7E $ � �r���,�� � AUC926fi28800 $ DEDUCTIBLE X RETENTION S $ WORKERS COMPENSATION X WC S7ATU- O7H- Y I I AND EMPLQYERS' WABILITY 06/30/11 �6�3��') � E,L. EACH ACCI�ENT $ �,D04���� A ANY PROPRIETORlPAR7NER/EXECUTIVE Y� WC2070309 OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDE�? N� p' E.L. DISFASE - EA EMPLOYEE 8 'I �OOO�OO (Mandatory In NH) 1 Ooo,00 If ye9, describe under �.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT S r DESCf21PTIQN OF OPERATIONS below p Pollutian EGLD001350 01/01/11 07/01/12 Pollution �,OOO,DO � Leased &Rented MXI93019402 06/30/11 06/3p/12 Equipment 250,00 DESCIi1PT10N OF OPERATIONS ! LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORP 101, Adtlltional Remarks Schedule, fl more space Is repufred) Project•East WRF Dewat�ring Pump Station Rehabilitation (10-0031-UT) Gity of Clearwater is added as Add�tional Insured with respects to G�neral Liability Auto and Umbrella. Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Clearwater with respects to General Liability , Auto, Workers Compensation and Umbrella Fallow Fo . Cance ation er olic hed o in . �+�^e�T��IA ATC .,r.� .,�o GANCELIATION _ GITCL-1 SHOUI.p ANY OF THE A80VE DESCRIBED POLIGIES BE CANGELLEb BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DA7E THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Glearwater ACCORDANCE WITH TH� PQLICY PROVISIONS. 10D South Myrtle Avenue 3rd FL Clearwater, FL 3.3%rJB�SS�LO AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATNE �� � 1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All righffi reserved. ACORD 25 (2009/09) 7he ACORD name and Iogo are registered marks of ACORD 'r'HIS FNDQRSEMENT CHANGES TM� POLICY. PLF.A►5� REAQ R CAE�EFUL.LY. GONTRACTORS AaDITIQNA►L IN5lJRED ENDaRSEMENT - COMPLETED QPERATIaNS This endarsement modifies insurance prvvided wndsr the following: COMMERCIAi. ��NERAL LIAgIL17Y CDVERAGE FOFiM 5�C'Y'ION !I - WHD t5 �N WSllR�D is �mended ta inck�: Any "owne�, `coniractor", "cnnstru�tion managar', "engineer" or "ar�hitect" if it is required in your written cantract or written agrasm�nt exscuted hY you and ail other pariies to the cantraci or agreamant priar to any IosS thal such person(s) or organization(s) be added as an additional insured on your paficy for completed operations but anly for the proj��t designated in your written contrac�t or writtan agreement and only with respecl to "bodly injury' or 'pCoperry damag�' ir�cluded in the "products-c�mpleted operatio�s hazard" and caused, at least in part, by your negiigence and with res�►ecC to Eiability rasulting from: d. `Your work" perforrned ior the add'rfiona! insured(s), or 8. AcLs vr omissiorts vf ihe addit�qnal insured(s) in cannection with their general supervisi�n a( `your wark°_ VVith raspect to the insurance afiorded such.ad�itianaf insureds in �onnec5on uuith ihis endarsement and the above referenced Cammercial General. �iahility Farm. tt�e fal}owing additianal prnvisions apply to limit tYiat co�erage: 1. We wilf have no du#y to deiend ihe additional insured againsi any `suit" seaking damages far "bodily injury' or `property damage' un1i1 we receive written notice from the a�tional insured requesting that wa defend it in the 'suit.' 2. The Limits ni lnsuranc� a�plicable to the additional insureds und�r this endorsement are the minimurn limits specifed in the writte� canuact ar agresment requiring this coverage, or as stated in SECTIDN 111- LIMFiS OF IId.fiURAMCE of ihe C�MAA�RC114L GENEFIAL LIAB1L�iY COVEi�tAG� F�RM, whichever is less. l'hese Irmits oi Insurance are indusive of and not in addtion lo fhe Umits of Insurance described in SECTIDHi pl ofi that form. 3. As additional canditior� at coverage under this iorm, an additional insured under ihis endorsement wil{ as saon as praclicable: a. Give written notice to us of an "nccurr�nce' which may result in a claim. 1'his shall include: (1) Haw, when and where the 'occurrence" tovk place; (2) The names and addresses of any injured persons and wit�esses; and (� The nature and locaiion of any inj�ry or damage arising aut oi the'occurr�nce'. b. Give written natice to us of a claim or 'suit" brought �gainst the addiiional insured inciuding specifics ai the claim or "suii" and the date it was received_ c. Give wriiten notics of such cEaim or •suit' induding a demand ior defensa and indemnity, to sny othar insurer who had caverage ior t[�e daim or 'suit" under its policy(ies), either at the t9me oi, or at any time subsequent to the oxurrence af the 'bodily injury' or `properly damage" which is the basis tar such claims or "suit." (t) Such notification must demand the full coverage available under ihat pol+cy; and {2) The additianal insured shadl not take arry action to waive or frmlt sucfs other r.overage avaiiable to iL GL-4382 (1?_/04) -1- 4. This insurance does not apply to: I a. 'Bpoly injury' or'pra�erty damage' resulting fFOm any act ar omissian of fhe additionai insured(s) or ' � any. of their employees, olher than the genera! suparvision oi work perfarmed tor the addltional ' insured(sj by you; 1�. 'Bodiiy injury" or 'prpparry damage' resu�ing from your work" periarmed or� a project where other ' valid and collectible insurance is avaiiabl� to the additional insured undar an �wner Controllsd Insurance Program or Consolidated (wrap-up) Insurance Program; , c. 'Bodily injury" or'praper[y damage` , (i) ln connection with a projact where "your work' on the pra}ect was cvmpleled prior ta the effective date af th�s policy, unless the wrliten contract or written agreement incjudes a specific time requirement for compleied operations coverage to ba provEded by you for the additional insured far "bodily injury' or "proper'ty damage" accurring during th.e policy period. {2� In connectian with a project where 'your work' on the projecl was complefed and where the , duration of the additional insurad coverage requirement in the writlen contract o� wrirten agreement goveming "your .work' on ihat projecl itad expired by the time thal 1he in�ury �r � datnage firsl accurred. {3) In connection w'rth a project wfier� "your work" on the projeat was complei�d more than thirty " s�c (3s) months prior,to th� effective daie of thEs poficy. For Ehe purpose af this endorsement, "yaur wark' nrill be deerned completed as set farth in t�a � 'products-completed operatioe�s hazard" deiinition. d. "Bodily injury" or `property damag�": (i) Arising out af tha rendering pr failure fo render any prafessional services by any insured, or on their behalt, but ar�{y with respect to either ar both o1 the falfowing operations; (�) Providing engineering, architectural or surveying servic2s to others in the insured's capaciiy as an engineer, archifectorsurveyor, and (b) �roviding, ar hiring independent proiessionals ta provide, engineering, architectural or sunreying sarvic�s in conneetian with work the insured performs. (�) 5ubject to paragraph (3) below, prafessional services include: {a) The preparing, approving ar failing to prepare or apprave r�taps, shop drawings, opinions, raparls, surveys, iield orders, change orders, or drawings and spacifications; and (b) Supervisnry or inspecfi4n activities performed as part oi any related architectural ar engineering activfY�es, but does not i�dude ihe general supervision of your operaiians on such praject. (3� Professional services do not include servlces wiihin construction means, methods, iechniques, sequences and praoedures employed by ynu in connection v�rith your apecation5 as a construction coniracfor. For ihe purpose ol this endorsement, the folfowing definitions are added: "Owner means a parson ar organizatian w1'io has ownership in the project premises clesignated in your written contract or rvrftten agreemant, at which you are performing or perlormed verork. GL-0382 (12/04j -2- "Contractor` maans a per�on ar orgenization with whom you have agreed in a written contract ar wrttten agreement tv perfarm work tor at the project designated in the written contra�t ar wriiten agrc�ement. `Construction Mana�er' means a person or organizatinr� designated as'consiruction manager" in yaur written contraci or writt�� agreement, and has management or supervisary respnnsibilities over "your worlc' 1or the project designatad in the wrltten cnntract or written egreement. "Engineer° means a persan o€ arganization wha has been engaged by the 'cwvner�, °cor+tractfl� or 'cons'huction manager' to perform engineering services for the pr.oject designat�d in your written cantract or writlen agraemanl and has a contractual responsibiliiy for supervising, directing or controlfing 'your wor1c° an such projact. 'ArchitecY means a persan or arganization who has been en�aged by the bwnef, °contractor" or "consiructian manager' to perform architecturaE serviCes ior the praject designated in your written cantract or written agreament and has a contrackual respnnsibilrty for supervising, directing or controlfing 'your work` on such project. Any coverage provided herein will be excess over any oiher valid and coilectable insurance available ta the addifional insu�d{s) wheiher primary, excess, eontingenl or o� any other basis unless you have agreed in a written eantract or vvritten agreement axecutad p�ior to any lass that this insurance will he pnmary. However, any insurance speci�cally purchased for a desigrsaTed prn�ect(s), induding but not limited t� additianal insured coverage, owners contractvrs prate�tive caverage, etc., will be prirnaty with.the insurance proyided.by th'ss: ,,,. endorsement being �xcess. It th'ts insuranc� is det�rmined ta be prirnary, we agree not to seek con#ribution from.; . such other insuranca only rf yau h�ve so agreed in the v�rritten contract or written a�reement. Iro no event will any coverage provided untier this endarsament extend beyond the expiration date af this policy. GL-4382 (1�/�4j -3- C. •Construction Manager° means a person or organization designated as "construciian manager" in your' writlen coni�act ar writtan agreement, and has rraanagemenf or superviso�y responsibilitfes over your operations ior the project designated in your written contract or written agreement_ "Engineer" means a per�on ar organization who has been engaged by the bwner', 'contractor° ar 'constrvciion manager' to perform engineering services fvr the project designated in your written contract or written agreement and has a contractual responsibility ior supervisiRg, directing ar controlling your operati�ns an such praject. 'Architect' mean5 a person or arganization who has been engaged by the 'owner', 'contractor' or 'construction ma�agsr' to perform architectural sexvices for the project designated in yaur written contract � or written agreement �nd has a contractual responsibiliry for supervising, directing ar contr�olling your ap�rations an such praject. Any coverage pmvidsd herein will be excess aver any oiher valid and callectable insurance available to the addilianal insured(s) whether primary, excess, contingent or on any olhsr basis unless you have agreed in a written coniract nr wrrittan agreement executed prior to any loss that th;s insurance will be prirnary. However, any other insurance specliically purchased for a designated project(s), including but not limited to additional insured coverage, own�rs conFraCtors proteciive caverage, etc., wilf be primary with the insurance pravldad by this endatsem�nt being excess. tf this insurance is deterrnined tq be primary, we agree not to seek contrihution trom such ather insurance nnry if you have sa agreed in the written contract ar written agreement. AUTOIYfAi1C WAi1iER QF St1gRaGAT1(�N ' � ' , � �tem 6, of S�.CTiON 11i - COMM�RGIAL C�NEAAl. LIAB�Ll71f C�NDR1aNS, is deleted and replaced with !he fallowing: e. Tr�nsfar Qf Rights a! Reaorrery Aga�insi Others to lls and Auboma�ic 1N�er oi Subrc►gation. a, if the insured has rights ta recdver all or pa�t ot any paymens we have made und�r this Coverage Form, thosa righis are tr&�+sferred ta us. 7kte insured must do nQShing afier loss to impairthose rights. Ai our request, ihe insured will bring'suit' or transferthose rights ta us and help us enforce them. i�. If required by a writt�rl cantract executed prior 10 loss, �ve waive any r�ght of recovery we may have agairrs°t any person ar orgar�izaiion heca+�se af payments we rnake tor ir�jury or damage arising aut of'your work' for that person ar vlx�anization. D. E,aCiENQE[� FIOTICE dF CAMCELLA?'ION� N�NRENE1AfAL 1t�m A.2.b. ot th� C�M�4�1 P+�k.ICY C�E3NaffIDMS, is delaied and replaced with the fallowErrg_ A2�. 6� days b�fore the effecii�e date of the canceflation if vue cancel tor any other reason. Item 9. of SEGTION IV - C0�11IIERCG�►l. �F�F#�!L LIABILRY CANDCilONS, is deleted and replaced with the foHawring: g. WHF�1 YV� DO Nd7 RE�IEW a. If we choose io nonrenew tF�is poliry, we will mail ar deEivar io the first Named Insured shown in the Dec{araiions wriften ttotice af 'the nonrenewa( not less �tan 60 days before the expiration date. 6. ti we da not give natl�e oi our lntent lo nonrenew as prescribed in a_ abave, ii is agreed that you may axtend the period of this policy for a m�imum additional siocty{60) da►rs from its scheduled expiration daEe. Whera nai nthenvise prohibited by law, the existing terms, conditions and rates will remain in effect during that extension period. it is further agreed that so lang as it is not GL-3084 (01I06) -�- WdRKERS GOMPENSATIQN AAI� EMPLOYERS IJABILITY IhtSUitANCE P�LICY WAIVEFi OF DUR RIGH7 TD RECOVER FROM �THERS ElilDORS�MENT wc ao a3 � � iEd. 4-$4j We have the right to recover our payments �rom anyane liable for an injury cvvered by this policy_ We will not enfarce our right against the person ar organization named in the Schedule. fThis ag�eernent appfies only to the extent that you perform wark under a+nrritten c�ntract that requires you to abtain this agreement frvm us.? This agreement shall not operate direCtly ar indirectfy to benefit anyone not named in tt�e Schedule. Schedule °As needed by contraGt and shourn an certi�icate of insurance on file with cornpany" "This endorsement is not appiicable in California, Kentueky, fdew Hampshire, New Jersey, Texas and Utah_" "This endorsernent daes nat apply to policies in Missouri where the employer is in lha cortstruacion group af c.�de c{assifi,canons. Accordng ta Seceon Z87.ib0(61 af the Missouri Stat�es, a contrectuel provision purporting io waiva subrogativn rights is against public poficy end void where mne party to thB contrsct is an employer in the construCtion group of code dassificetiorts.' This endorsernent changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the data issued unless otherwiss stated. IThe intovmakion befow is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparati�n of the paliey.y Endprsement Effective PalTcy fdo. Endorsement IVo. tnsured Premium S � Insurance Campany Countetsigned hy WC 00 03 93 ��� s�= {Ed_ 4-84) Capyrrg►rt 1983 Nativnal Cnunal on Compe�at7on �nsurance• �ee� �o• �4�sse IL D� 55 �9 qs THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE P��LICY. PLEASE REA� IT CARE�ULLY. FL�4RIDA CHA[�GES - CQNGELL�4TIa� AlVD N�NREl�E1I�aL This endorsement modifies insuran�e provided under 1he following: CAPITAL ASS�TS PRQGRAM (�UT�U7 POLICY) COVEAAG� PART CaMM�RCIAI. INLAND MARIiVE COVERAGE PAAT COMMEi�CIAL PRaPERiY G�VERAG� PART CRIM� AND FI�EI.IIY CDV�RAGE PART EQUIPMENT BREAKDOVYN GOVEFiAGE PAFtI' FARM CdVERAGE PAR7 S7ANDARD PROPER7Y POLICY J�. Paragraph 2. oi the Cenaellatioe Common Folicy Conditian is reptaced by the fiollawing; , �. Cancellation Far Pollcies In Effe�i 9Q R�r�►s Or Less a. If this policy has been in effect far 90 days or Iess, we may cancel Ihis policy ay mall- ing ar deiivering lo the iirst. Nam�d Insured written natice af cancellation, accamPanied by tha speaific reasons ior cancellation, at ieast: (1} 10 days befora the eflective date o1 canceAation ii we cancel far nonpay- ment af premium; or (2j 20 days befare the efiective date ot cancellation ii ws cancel for any oth�r reasan, except we may cancel immedi- ately if there has bear: (a) A material misstaterr�ent or misrep- resentaiion; af {b} A failure ta comply with underwrittng requirem�nts estak�flshed by the in- surer. b, liowever, F'aragraph 2.a.{Z) does nat apply ta e first Named Insured whvse residentfaf struclure has been ir�sure�i by us or an af- fifiated insurer for at ieasi a iive year period immediataly priar to the date of written no- tice. Instead, refer ta Paragraph C.7.b.(4j oi this endorsement. c. We may nat cancel: (1y pr� the basis ot prpperfy insurance , claims t�at„are th6 result of an act af God, unless we can demnnstraia, by claims Freques►cy ar othet'vvise, that yau have failed ta iake actlon reasonably neCessary as requested by us to pre- vent recurrenca af damage to the in- sured property; ar (2) On the basis of fling af claims for partial loss caus�d by sinkhole damage or clay shrinkage, regardless oi whether this �aalicy has been the subject of a sinkhole or clay shrinkage claim, or on tha basis nf tha risk associated wi#h the occur- rence of such a olaim. However, we may cancel this policy if: (�} 7he total� o( such property insurance claim payments tor ihis p�licy ex- ceeds the current poficy Eimits of co�erage for. property damage; or (bj Yau have failed to repair the stCUG- turs In accordance with the engineer- ing fecommendations up�n v,rhich any loss �ayment or policy proceeds were �ased. (S� Solely an the basis of a Single properiy insurance claim which is the resul1 of water damage, un.less we can deman- strate tf�at you have failed to take actinn reasonably requested by us to prevent a future simifar accurrence ofi damage ta tha insured pcoperty. �� pa Sy pg pg � Insurance 5ervices Office� Inc., 2Q08 P89� 1�# 4 B. Paragraph �, of t�e Cancelletion Common Policy Gandition is replaced by ihe following: 6. If this policy is cancelled, we will send the first hiamed Insured any prerriium refand due. ]f we cance[, the rafund will be pro rata. If the first Idamed lnsured canc�ls, the refund may be less than pro rata. tf the reiurn prefnium is nai refunded writh the notice of cancellatinn or when this policy is returned to us, wa will mail tne refund within 15 wor�ing ciaps afier the date cancellation takes efFect, unless this is an audit policy. If this is an audit policy, then, subject to yaur ful! cooperation with t�s or our a�ent in securing the necessary data tor audit, we will rEturn any premiurn re(und due within 9� days oi Ihe cEate cancsllatian takes etfect_ If aur su�iit is not completed wiihin this time lirnitation, thsn we . shall acc�pt your own audit, and a�y premium ' refund due shall be mailed uviihin 10 wnrkirag , days of receipt of Your audit. The cance.11a�on wI1F be effec�iv� even if we have not made or oftered a r�fur�d. C, The following is added to the CancelletPon Com- mon Policy Condltian: 7. Canceflation For Poiicies In �ffect Fvr More Tha�n 90 �ays a. Ef this policy has been in effect for more ihan �0 days, we may CShGeI thls policy only for ane or more of the fol{awing rea- sons: (f) Nonpayment oI premium; (2) The policy was obtained by a material i' misstatemant; 9 {8) There has been a iail�re to comply with � underwriting requiremenfs established � by us wlthin 9Q days of the etfective date o1 coverage; (dj Thece has been a su6slaniiaf change in ihe rlsk covered by the policy; (5� The cancellation is ior all insureds under such palicies fior a given cJass af insur- eds; (� On ihe basls o3 properry ins�rance claEms that are the result of an act of God, ii we can demonstrate, by claims irequency or otherwise, ti�at y�u have failed to taka actinn reasonably neces- sary as requested by us to preve�t re- currence o( damaga to the insured prvperly; p�ge 2 oi 4 . �7j �n the basis oi iiling ofi claims for partial foss caused by sinkhale damage or ciay shrinkage, �r on lhe basis of the risk as- sociaied wiih ths occurrence a( such a clairrm, if: (a) The total.of such properiy insurance claim payments for this policy ex� cesds the current policy limits of coverage for property damage; or (b) You have failed ta repair the struc- iure in accordance with ihe engineer- ing r�commendations upon �nrhich any loss payment or policy proc�eds were based; or {B) On the basis of a single properry insur- ance claim which is ihe result of water damage, if we can demanstrale that yau have failed io take aciion reasonably re- quested by us to prevent a future similar occe�rrence of damage to. Ihe insured praperty_ b. If we cancel ihis policy far aiiy of these reasons, we wilf mai! or deliver to the first t�amed Insured written natice of cancella- tion, accampanied by the specifiG reasons for cancellation, at least: (1) 10 days beiore the efiec�ive date of cancetlation if cancellation is for non- payment of premium; ar (2) 45 days befor� the effecti�e date of cancallatian ii: �aj� Cance�lation is for one or more of the reasons stated in Paragraphs 7.a.(2) thraugh 7.a.(8) above; and (b) Th6s poliry does not cover a residen- tial structure or its contents; or {$) 1 DQ days befare 1he eifeCiive date of cancellation if: (aj Cancel[atiori is ior one ar more oi the reasans stated in Paragraphs 7.a.(2) thraugh 7.a(8) above, and (b) This policy cavers a residential struc- ture or its contents, unless Para- qraph 7.b.(4j applies. � Insurance 5arvices Oifice, Inc., 2DDB lL 02 55 �9 p8 �lowevar, if cancells[ion is #o become ef- fective between June 1 and M1fovember 30, we w+fl mail or de[iver Iv the fiirst �lamed insured written notice ot cancel- Eailan at leasi fo0 days prior to the ef- fective date of cancellation or by June 1, whichever is earliec. Therafore, whert canceliation is to become eiiective be- tween 5eptember 9 an� November 30. we will mail or deliver ta the �rst Named Ir�sured written notica of cancel(afion by June 1. (4j i BO days before ihe effeative c�ate oi cancellatian if: (a� Cancsllation is for one or more ofi ihe reasons stated in Paragraphs 7.a.(2) through 7.a.(9) above; ar�d �bj The first Named Insured's resider�tial StCUCture has baen insufed �y uS vr an aftillated insurer #ar at least a f�ve- year period immediaiely prior ia the date of the wriiten noiice_ D. The fn(lowing is added: NDNREN��NAL. 1. If we daade nat to renew this PDIkCy YY8 will mail or deliver to the first Named insure� writ- ten notice of nanrenewal, accompanied by the spacific reason far nonrenewal, at least: a. a5 days prior tv fhe expiration at the paliuy if this policy does not cnver e rasidantiaf structure or its contents; or b. 100 days prior to the expiration o( Che policy if this policy covers a resid�ntia{ st�ucturs or its contents, unless Suhsection a. or d. ap- plies. c. !f this pollcy covers a residenli�i structure qr its contents and nonrenewal is 10 become effective Isetwaen June 7 and Nov�mber 30, we �a►ill mail or deliver to the tirst lVamed Insured writlen notice of nonrenewai at teast 100 days priar to th� eflective date of nanrenewa� or by June i, whichaver is ear- {ier. Thereiare, when nonrenewal is to be- come effecti+►e between September 9 and November 30, we wiil mail nr deliv�r to the first Named Ins�red wriCten notice of nonre- newal by June t. !f nonrenewal is due to a re�isian ta this poticy's cove�age ior sink- hoie losses or catastraphic graund cover collapse pursuan# ta the 20U7 changes in tne Florida Insurance Laws concerning such coverage, then this subsection, e., does not apply. Therefore, in such a case, Subsection b. ar d. app(iss. d. 180 days privr to the efieetiva dste of non- renewal if the first Named {nsured's resi- dentlll Stntcfure has baan insured by us ar an affiliated inswer 1ar at least a iive-year perlod immediately prior lo the date of the written notice. 2. Rny notice of nonrenewral will be mailed or cfelivered to ihe iirst Named Insured's last maii- ing address known #o us. If natice is mailed, proof of mailir�g will ba sufficient praof oi no- tic�. 9. We may not refuse to renew tfiis policy: a. Qn the basis of property insuranGe claims that are the result of an act of God, u�less we can demnnstrate, by claims frequency ar vtherwise, that you have falled to take action r.easanably necessary as requested by us to prevent recurrenc� oi damage to tite insured property; or 6. On the basis oi filing ai claims for partial loss caused by sinkhole damgge o� clay shrinkage, regardless af whether this palicy ; has been tF�e subject af a sinkhafe or clsy shrinkage �laim. or on the basis of the risk assdclatad with tha occurrence afi such a daim. Wowever, we may refuse to renew this poEicy if: (1) ihe total of such property insurance ctaim paymenis tor ihis policy exceeds the current p�nlicy limits ot caverage for property damage; or (2) Yau have faiied to repair fhe strucfur� in accordanGe with the engineering rec- ammendatipns upan uvhich any loss payment or poiicy proceeds were based. c. 5olely an the basis af a single ' praperry insuranc9 claim wi�ich is the result of water damage, unless we can cfamonstrate that you ha�e failed to Cake ac�ion raasonably requested by us to preverlt a iuture simlla� occurrence of damage to th� insur�d prap- erty. �� pg � Qg � � Insurance Servlces Offce, Inc., 2008 P�ge 3 0� 4 ,I E. 4imitaiiaris On Gancellatlon And Nonrenswel In The Ever�t Of Hur�iaane Qr Wind �oss— FlssidentEal Property 1. The follawing provisions apply ta a policy cov- ering a residentiat structure ar its contenis, if such R�QPerty has sustained damage as a re- su�t af a hurricane or windstorm that is the sub- ject oi a declaration o( emergency �y the Gov- amar and �ling of an order by ihe Cammis- sioner of Insuranc� Regulxt'ian: e. �xcept as provided in Paragraph E1.b., we may not cancel or nanrenew fhe po[icy unti[ at least 90 days afler repairs ta the rasiden- tial structure or its con#ents have been sub- stantialiy cornpleted so that it is restored 1a the extent that it is insurable by another in- surer writing policies i� �lorida. If we elect to not renew the policy, +�ve will provide at ieast 100 days' natice ihat we �ntend ta non� renew 90 days aiier the substantial cnmpls- tion of repalrs. b, 1Ne may cancel or nanrenew tite paficy pFior to resiaratian of the structure ar its can- . tents, ior any oi the following reasons: i {'i) Nanpayment nf premium; � (�) Material misstaiemenl ar fraud related io � the claim; � (9) We determine that you hava unrea- , sana6ly caused a deiay in the repair oi � the structure; or �4) We have paid the poiicy Gmils. If we cancel or nonrenew for nonpayment af premium, we will gNe you 10 days' natice. li rve cancel or nonr�new tor a reason listed in Paragreph. b.(2), 6.(S� or 6.�4)r �� WiI� giv� yau 4� days' nolice. page 4 af 4 I F� 3. . With respect to a policy covering a residential sfructure or its contents, any cancellation or nonreneuval that would otherwise take effiect during ihe duration of a hurricane will not take effect until the end oi the cluration of such hur- rican�, unless a replacernant policy has bsen obtained anci is in e1(ect tor a cEaim occurring during tha duration of fhe hurricane_ We may collact premium tor the period ot tirne for which the policy perioc� is extendetf. �th respect to Paragraph �.2., a hurricane is a storm system that has been declared tn be a hurricane by the National Hurricane Center af the National Weather Sen+ice {hereaftec re- ferred to as NHC). The hurricane occurrenca begins al the tirr�e a hurricane watch or hurri- cane warning is issued for any part of Flarida by the NHC, and ends 72 hours after the ter- minatian af the last hurricane watch or hurri- cane warning issued 1ar any part of Florida by the NHC.- � Insurance Services Office, Ins., 2DQ8 IL 02 55 c#9 a8 CQMMER�tAL AIFi�] CA R2 67 01 D�B THIS ENDQRSEMENT CHAI�GES THE P�LICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFLILLY. FL�RIDA ��IANGES - GANCELLATI�N ,AND N�NRENEWAL This endorsemen3 mod�ties insurance pravided under the lollawing: BIJSIN�SS AUTD COVERAG� FORA� BUSENESS AUTO PHY5ICAL DAMAGE G�VERAG� FORM GARAG� COVERAGE FORiJ! MaTaR CARRIER COVERAGE FORM 7RL�CKERS C�VEIaAGE �DRM With respect to ihe coverage provided by this endarsemant, the provisions of the Gaverage Fvrm apply unless mudiiied by the en�arsement. A. Paragraph A2.b. of the Common Poficy Conditions, C�cel�tiare, is changed to read as follows: b. 4� days before the effective date ofi c�ncella- fion if we cancel for any ather reason. The no- tice oT canceliatian. will state the reason(sj for the cancaflatian_ B. Parag�ph A.5. of titie Cammon Polioy Conditions, Can�1l�+tion� is replaced by the fnllowing: 5, tf this policy is cancell�d, we will send ths firsl Named Insured any pr�mium refund due. If we cancel, the refund will be pr� rata. If the first Namad Insured cancels, the refund may be less ti�an pro ra1a. !f the ratum premium is ndt r� funded with the �o�Ce oi cancellatian or when this policy is retumed ta us, we will mail the sE: iund within 1� working days afterthe data cancel- latlon takes effect, unless this is an audit policy. If this is an audit policy, thsr�, su6ject to yaur fuN caoperation with ►3s or our agent in securing the nacessary da'ta for audit, we will return any pre- mium refund due within 9D days of the date can- • cellatian iakes effect_ If aur audit is not compieted within this �[TIB i(IT�1�8f1Dfly ihen we shaf! accept your own audrt, and any premium retund dua shall be mailed wHhin 10 wor'fcing days �# receipt af yflur audit. The cancellation will be sffective even. if we have nat made or offered a rewnd. C. The inllowing is added to Paragraph A. oi the Com- mon Policy Gonaitions, Catu�ll�tiot�.; 7. If ihis policy p�ovides P�ersonal lnjury Protection, Praperty Damaga Liability Coverage or both and: a It is a navw ar renewai poficy, it may not b� cancalled by the first Named lnsured during the 6rst 6o days toiloWing the date of issuanc� or renewal, except ior one of the followir�g reasans: (1) The covered 'auto' is complet�ly de- stroy�d such thai it is no longer operabEe; {2j Uwnership oi ihe covered 'auto' is trans- ierred; or (8) The Named Insured has purchased an- other polfcy cavering tt�e motflr vehicle in- sured undarthis policy. 6. It is a new pol�cy, we may not cancel for nan- payment ot premium during the first 6D days foliovving the daie oE policy issuance unfess a check us�d to pay us is d�shanared for any reasvn. CA 02 fi7 R1 OB � ISO Properties, Enc_, 2DR7 � 1�� p, 'The folfowing Condiiian is �dded: Nonrens�rel 1. !I we decide not to renew or continue this pr�licy, wa will mail you notice at least 45 days betore the end of the policy period_ {fi we offer to renew or continue and you do not accept, this policy will terrrtinate ai the end af the current poficy period_ Fai�ure ta pay th$ required renewal ar continua- tion premiurr� when due shall mean that yau haue not accepted our oifer, Page 2 of 2 2. If we fail to mail propet notice af nonranewal and you obtain other insurance, this policy will end o� ti�e etfective date af that insurance. 3. Nolice af nonr�newal will sfate the reason(s} for the nanrenewal anr4 the eifective date of nonre- newal_ The policy period will end on that date. � ISO Properties, Inc_, 20�7 CA 02 67 fl7 48 1 1 , � ' 1 1 1 JonrFs Eon�v�vos ENGINEER$ � AIiCHITECTS I yC;1EN71Siti , ADDENDUM NO. 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIQNS FOR EAST WRF DEWATERING PUMP STATION REHABILI7A710N (#10-0031-UT) Date: June 29, 2011 This addendum #�, i5 issued to provide additional information and clarification to question$ received during the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting held on June 22, 2011 at the Municipal Service Building, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater FI. SPECIFICATION CLARIFICATIONS: F_� 2. u�stion: Regarding GC-6-$, permits, "states" contractar shall obtain and pay far all constructian permits". Additionally, cantractar shall pay all charge5 of utility owners far connettions to the work". Please summarite all known c�sts that the cantractor will be responsible for on this particular proje�t. Answer 1: Th� Contractar applies for �nd obt�ins a City Building Permit, if it is needed, the cost of the permit is waived by the City. There are no outside utilities to be connected to this project. uestion Regarding technical specs, scape of work, page 1 of 128 and applicable plan sheet D-01, scope calls out to "strip PVC liner from interior of wet well". Stripping ' PVC liner, particularly liner that has been cast in place during the precast process can be problematic and cause further damage to the precast and joints and add additional cast -- to the project. Since a new FRP liner is being installed and the annular space is being 1 grouted, qlease confirm whether or not this task could be eliminated. Answer 2: Contracto�s shall prepare Bids as specified in the Contract Documents and on the Contract Drawings � � � � 3. uestian: Regarding sectian b12pU-5, Item 4, Wet Well Restoration, contractor "shall inspect the wet well for leaks and other structural damage and shall restare the wet well before the installatian of the liner'. If the contractor is required to strip the existing liner, please confirm if this work that is concealed at this time is eligible for reimbursement under the 10% owner contingency. Answer 3: Payment for this item shall be Lump 5um per Bid Item 4. Wet Well Restoration. No other payment will be made for the wet well restoration 324 S. Hyde Park Ave_, Suite 250 • Tampa, F/orida 33606 - Telephone (813) 258-Oi03 • FAX (813) 254-6860 f ONES EDMUIVDS ENGINEERS � ARCMITECTS I SCIENTI5TS ; , ,. ADDENDUM NO. 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIQNS FOR EAST WRF QEWATERING PUMP STATION REHABILITATION (#10-0031-UT) 4. Question: Regarding 01200-5, Flow diversion and dewatering, please confirm that Che design of the flow diversion, bypass pumping, and dewatering systems shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in FL Answer 4: Contractors shall prepare Bids as specified in the Cantract Dacuments and on the Contract Drawings. 5. Question: Regarding s�ction 01450, Testing and Testing Lab Services, please summarize Minimum te5ting requirements on this contract. Answer 5: iesting and iesting Laboratary Services shall be according ta #he Contract Documents. Frequency of Testing is a result of the Contractor's means and methods. 6. Question: Regarding Section 01830-3, watertightness test for hydraulic structures, please confirm if thi5 test will be required for the dewatering pump station and the manhole discharging into the dewatering pump station Answer 6: Contractors shall prepare Bids as specified in the Cantract Documents and on the Contract Drawings. 7. Question: Regarding section 11515-11, submersible non-clog cenCrifugal pumps, please confirm if there are any manufacturer appraved equal5 to Flyght Model NP-3127-185 Answer 7: Contrattars shall prepare Bids as specified in the Contract Documents and on the Contract Drawings. Acceptable Pump Manufacturer/ Model Flygt Model NP-37.27.185 or Approved Equal 8. Question: Regarding seCtion 15535-11, Bolts, please confirm "contractar" shall provide carbon steel ASTM A 307, grade A hex head bolts in lieu of stainless steel Answer 8: Contractors shall prepare Bids as specified in the Contract Documents and on the Cantratt Drawings. - 9. Question: Regarding plan sheet M-01, please confirm the type of material protection required on the underside af the S-0 precast top slab. Answer 9: The underside of the PS Precast Top Slab shall be lined in accordance with the Liner Manufacturer's recommendation and shall be paid for in Bid Item # 4 2�Page ' 1. 1 1 1 � � , 1 1 ' ' 1 � 1 1 1 � � f� 1 1 1 ' � 1 , LJ , ' f ONES EDM UNDS ENGINEERS I ARCHITECTS � SCIENTI5T5 ADDENDUM NO. 1 C�NTRACT DOCUMENTS ANb SPECIFICATIONS FOR EAST WRF QEWATERIIVG PUMP STATION REHABILITATION (#10-OU31-UT) 10. Question: Regarding sewage flows, please confirm flow data, (i.e. 24 hr flow charts and / or electronic data) to indicate low, average, and peak sewage flows that can be expected at the three (3) by-pass locations. Answer 10: There are three regular discharges to the wetwell. The first discharge is from the sludge thitken�r which is operated 24 hours/day. The second discharge is from the headworks grit campaetor which is intermittent. The thi�d discharge is from the Administration Building which is intermittent. Flow Data is available from the City of Clearwater East WRF. 11. Please canfirm whether or not metered electrical costs for primary bypass pumps will be paid for by the City of the cantractor elects to use electrical pumps, Answer 11: The Contractor shall arrange for and pay for all temporary power and facilities required ta execute the WORK. ' ' ' , ' � , 3 Pa e � 9 � END OF ADDENDUM � � � � � � r � � i � � � � � � � � � City of Clearwater, Florida East WRF Dewatering Pump Station Rehabilitation (#10-0031-UT) SECTION I SECTION TI TABLE OF C�NTENTS ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS & NOTlCE TO CONTRACTORS INSTRUCTlONS TO BIDDERS SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS SECT�ON IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION IVa SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION V CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Cover.doc Prepared in the Office of the City �nginecr Fage 11 10/10/2008 � �� � � � � r �� � �� � � � �� i SECTION I ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS & NOTICE TO CONTRAGTORS EAST WRF DEWATERING PUMP STATION REHABILITATION CONTRACT #10-0031-UT CLEARWATER, FLURIDA Copies of the Contract Documents and Plans for this Project are available for inspection and/or purchase by prospective bidders at the City of Clearwater's Plan Room - website address: www.mvClearwater.com/cityprgjects, ON MONDAY, JiJNE 6, 2011, until no later than close of business three (3) days preceding the bid opening. Price of Contract Documents and Plans, as indicated an the website, reflects reproduction cost only. The work for which proposals are invited consists of wetwell rehabilitation including but not limited to removal of wetwell lid, pumps, pipe, valves, and associated equipment; removal af existing liner and repairing leaks; installation of a n�w FRP liner and wetwell lid; installation of new submersible pumps, pipe, valves, floats, and associated equipment; leak repair and coatin� in the associated manhole indicated on the plans; provide bypass pumping/flow diversion and/or dewatering (if needed) during the work, and al1 related works. MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference for all praspective bidders will be held on WEDNESDAY JUNE 22 2011 at 10:00 am in Room #�30 Munici al Services buildin 100 S. Myrtle Ave., Clearwater, Florida. Representatives of the Owner and Consulting Engineer will be present ta discuss this Praject. Sealed proposals will be received by the Purehasing Manager, at the Purchasing Office, located at the Municipal Seirvices Sldg., 100 S. Myrtle Ave., 3'� Floor, Clearwater, Florida 33756-5520, until 1:30 P.M. on THURSDAY JULY 7, 2011, and publicly opened and read at thaC hour and place for EAST WRF DEWATERING PUMP STATION REHABYLYTATION #10-0031- �• A complete bidders package containing plans, specifications, bond forms, contract form, affidavits and proposal form is available to th� general public (Contractars, Sub-contractors, suppliers, vendors, etc.) for review and purchase. However, sealed proposals will only be accepted fram those Contractars that are eurrently City pre-qualified Contractors in the constructian category af WASTEWATER FACILITIES with a minimum pre-quali�eatian amount of 50� o,000. Cantractors wanting to pre-qualify to bid this project must do so twa (2) weeks/ten (10) workdays prior ta the bid opening date. A 10% bid bond is required for all City of Clearwater prajects. The right is reserved by the City Manager of the City of Clearwater, Florida to reject any or all bids. � Sectionl.doc Page 1 of 2 8/27/2008 � 1'he City of Clearwater, .Florid� George McKibben, Purchasing Manager (727)Sb2-4634 Sectionl.doc Page 2 of 2 8/27/2008 � � � � � ' � � � � ,� � � � � � �. SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TD BIDDERS Table o� Contents: SECT�ON II ................................................................................................••--•--. ......... i .................. 1 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS ..........................................................................1 2 QUALIFICATION �F S�DDERS .....................................•-•--------..................................1 3 EXAMINATIUN OF CONTRACT D�CUMENTS AND SITE .................................1 4 INTERPRETATCONS AND ADDENDA ..........--•• ......................................................... 2 5 SID SECURITY OR BID S�ND ...................:..................................••--•--....................... 3 G CONTRACT TIME ...................................................•------•------..................................-•----- 3 7 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ............................................••--••-----...................................... 3 8 SUSSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT ......................................................... 3 9 SUBCONTRACTORS ......................•--------.........................................--•---------..................3 10 S�D/PROPOSAL FORM ....................................................................•-------•--.................. 4 l l SUBMISSION OF SIDS .................................................................................................. 4 12 MODIFICATTON AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS .................................................... 5 13 REJECTION OF BIDS .................................•-•------------••--•------•------.................................. 5 14 DISQUALIFICATION OF SIDDER .............................................................................. 5 l5OPENING OF SIDS ..............................................................•--•---•---................................ 5 16 LICENSES, PERMITS, R�YALTY FEES AND TAXES ........................................... 5 17 IDENTICA.L TIE BIDS/VENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLACE ............................. 6 18 AWARD nr CONTRACT ..................•---.............................................-•-•---..................... 7 19 BID PROTEST ......................•------........................................--••-------.................................. 7 20 TRENCH SAFETY ACT ............................•----•---•---...........................................--•-•--••---- � 2a CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CUNTROL MANAGEMENT MEASURES .................................................................••-------•--.......... 9 Sectionli.doc i 3/14/2011 LJ � �1 I � � � � � � � � � � Seetion ll — Instructions to 13idders �i ��I �] , I �� � ] � = 3 I �] �7 I ► [rl � Z� Ifl � � . � t+� l.l Complete sets af the Bidding [)ocumenCs are available at lhe City of Clearwater's Plan Room — website address: www.mvclearwater.c�m/citypraiects. Price of Contract Documcnts and Plans, as indicated on the City's Website, ref]ects reproduction costs only, which is non-refundable. A complete bidder's package containing plans, specifications, band forms, contract form, affidavits and bid/proposal form is available only to pre-qualified bidders. Contractors, supplicrs, or others who are not pre-qualitied but who may be a possible subcontractor, supplier, or other interested person may purchase a"Subcontractor" package consisting of plans, specitications, and list of pay items. 1.2 Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing bids. N�ither the City nor the Engineer shall be liable for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding DocumenCs, by Bidders, sub-bidders or others. 1.3 The City, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the abov� terms, does so only for the purpose of obtaining Sids on the Work and does not canfer a license or grant any other permission to use the documents for any other purpose. 2 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 2.1. Each prospective Bidder must pr�-qualify to demonstrate, to the complete satisfaction of the City af Clearwater, that the Bidder has the necessary facilities, equipment, ability, financial resaurc�s and experience ta perform the work in a satisfactory manner before obtaining drawings, specifications and contract documents. An application package for pre- qualification may be obtained by contacting the City af Clearwater, Engineering Department, Engineering Services Division at P.O. .Box 474$, Clearwater, F'lorida 3375$- 4748 (mailing address); l00 South Myrile Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756-SS20 (street address only) or by phone at (727) 562-4750. All yualification data must be completed and delivered to the Director of Engineering at the above address nat later than fourteen (14) days prior to the time set for the receipt of bids. Bidders currently pre-qualifed by the City do not have ta make reapplication. 3 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 3.1 It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly; (b) visit the site to become familiar with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the work; (c) consider and abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; and (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 3.2 In reference to the Technical Specifications and/or the Scope of the Work for identification of those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site which have been utilized by the Engineer in the preparation of the Contract Documents, bidder may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such reports but not upon non-technical data, interpretations or opinions cantained therein or for the completeness thereof far the purposes of bidding or construction. In reference to those drawings relating to physical conditions of existing surface and subsurface conditions (except LJnderground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site and which have been utilized by the Engineer in � Sectionll.doc � Page 1 of 9 3/14/2011 Section 1] —lrastructions to Bidders preparation of the Contract Documents, bidder may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such drawings but nat upon the completeness thereof for the purposes of bidding or construction. 3.3 Infonnation and data reflected in the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site are based upon information and data fiirnished to the City and Engineer by owners of such Underground Facilities or others, and the City does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof unless expressly provided in the Contract Documents. 3.4 Provisians concerning responsibilities for the adequacy oF datl furnished to prospective Bidders on subsurface conditions, Underground �acilities, other physical conditians, possible conditions, and possible changes in the Contract Dacuments due to differing conditions appear in the General Conditions. 3.5 Before submitting a Sid, each Bidder shall, at Bidder's own expense, make or obtain any additional examinatians, investigations, explorations, tests and studies and obtain any additional information and data which pertain to the physical conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, pro�ress, performance or fiirnishing the wo.rk in accordance with tkae time, price and other terms and conditions ot the Contract Documents. 3.6 On request in advance, City will provide each Bidder acccss to the site to conduct such explorations and tests at Bidder's own expense as each Bidder deems necessary for submission af a Bid. Bidder shall fill all holes and clean up and restore the site to its former condition upon completion ofsuch explorations and tests. 3.7 The lands upon which the Work is to be perforrxaed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by the Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required %r temporary construction facilities or starage ofmaterials and equipment are to be provided by the Contractor. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing structures are to be obtained and paid for by the City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 3.8 The submission of a Bid will constitute an unequivocal representation by the Bidder that the Bidder has complied with every requirement of these Instructions to Bidders and that, without exception, the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents by such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions of performance and furnishing of the work. r�i����:��:��r=ti��•����_��i•���•�•l��vs� 4.1 All questions as to the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed to the Engineer. Interpretations ar clarifications considered necessary by the Engineer in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda, by the City's planroom to all parties recorded by the City's planroom as planholder's having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than ten the time frame speci�ed at the pre-bid meeting prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Only information provided by formal written SectionII.doc Page 2 of 9 3/14/2011 � �� � � � r � � � � � � � E�a �.� � Section II — Instructiuns to Bidders Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations of clarifications will be without legal effect. Addenda tnay also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by the City or Engineer. BID SECURITY OR BID BOND 5.1 Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to the City of Clearwater in an amount equal to ten percent (l0%) of th� Bidder's maximum �3id price and in the form of a certified or cashiers check or a Sid Bond (on f'orm attached) issued by a surety meeting the reyuirements of the General Conditions. A cash bid bond wi11 not be accepted. 5.2 The Sid Security of the Successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the flgreement and furnished the required Payment and Performance bonds, whereupon the Bid Security will be retumed. lf the Successful Bidder fails to execute, deliver the �lgreement and furnish the required Bonds within ten (l0) days after the award of contract by the City Council, the City may annul the bid and the Bid Security of�the Bidder will be forfeited. Th� Bid Security of any Bidder whom the City believes ta have a reasonable chance of receiving the award may be retained by the City until the successful execution of the agreement with the successful Bidder or for a period up to ninety (90) days following bid opening. Security of other Bidders will be returned approximately fourteen (14) days after the Bid opening. S.3 6 6.1 7 7. l S The Bid Bond shall be issued in the favor of the City of Clearwater by a surety company qualified to do business in, and having a re�istered agent in the Stace of Florida. CONTRACT TIME The number of consecutive calendar days within which the work is to be completed is set forth in the Technical Specifications. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Provisians for liquidated damages are set forth in the Contract Agreement. SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 8.1 The contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described in the � Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in the Urawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item may be furnished or used, application for its acceptance will not be considered by the Engineer until after the ef�ective date af the Contract � Agreement. The procedure for submittal of any such application is described in the General Conditions and as supplemented in the Technical Specifications. � 9 SUBCONTRACTORS 9.1 If requested by the City or Engineer, the Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so � requested, shall, within seven (7) days af�er the date of the reyuest, submit to the Engineer an experience statement with pertinent information as to similar projects and other evidence of qualification for each Subcontractor, supplier, person and organization to be used by the � sectionll.aoc � Page 3 of 9 3/14/2011 9.2 �[�7 Section Tl -- instructions to Bidders Contractor in the completion of the Work. The amount of subcontract work shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) o�the Work except as may be specifically approved by the Engineer. If the Engineer, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any proposcd Subcontractor, supplier, other person or organization, he may, before recommending award of the Contract to the City Council, request the Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Contract Price or ContracC Time. If the Successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, the City may award the contract to the next lowest and most responsive Bidder that proposes to use acceptable Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations. Declining to make requested substitutions will not constitute grounds for sacrificing the Bid security ta the City of any Bidder. Any Subcontractor, supplier, other person or organization listed by the Contractor and to whom the Engineer does nat make writCen objection prior to the recommendation of award to the City Council will be deemed acceptable to the City subject to revocation of such acceptance after the Effective Date ofthe Contract Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, supplier, person or organization against whom he has reasonable objection. BID/PROP05AL FORM 10.1 The Bid/Proposal Form is included with the Contract Documents and shall be completed in ink or by typewriter. All b,lanks on the Bid/Proposal Forms must be completed. Unit Prices shall be to no more than two decimal points in dollars and cents. The Bidder must state in the Sid/Proposal Form in words and numerals without delineation's, alterations or erasures, the price for which he will perfarm the war.k as required by the Contract Documents. Bidders are required to bid on all items in the Bid/Proposal farm. The lump sum for each section or item shall be for furnishing all equipment, materials, and labor far completing the section or item as per the plans and contract speci�►cations. Should it be found that quantities or amounts shown on the plans or in the proposal, for any part of the work, are exceeded ar should they be found to be less af�er the actual construction of the work, the a►xaount bid for each sectian or item will be increased or decreased in direct proportion to the unit prices bid for the listed individual items. 10.2 Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice- president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the Signature. If requested, the person signing a Bid for a corporation or partnership shall produce evidence satisfactary to the City of the person's authority to bind the corporation or partnership. 10.3 Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership name and signed by a general partner, whose title shall appear under the signature and the ofticial address of the partnership shall be shown below the signature. 10.4 11 All names shall be typed or printed below the signature. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 11.1 Sealed Bids shall be submitted at or before the time and at the place indicated in the Advertisement for Bids and shall be submitted in a 8.5"xl l" manila envelope with the project name and number on the bottam left hand corner. If forwarded by mail, the Bid shall be enclosed in another envelope with the notation "Bid Enclosed" on the face thereof and SectionII.doc Page 4 of 9 3/ 14/2Q11 Section I1— lnstn�ctians to 13idders addressed to the Ciry of Clearwater, ariention Purchasing Manager. Bids will be received at the office indicated in the Advertisert�ent until the time and date specified. Telegr'aphic or facsimile bids received by the Purchasing Manager will not be accepted. 12 M�DIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 12.1 Sids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly ex�cuted (in the manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered as described in the Advertisement of Bids. A request for withdrawal or a modification shall be in writing and signed by a person duly authorized to da so. Withdrawal of a Bid will not prejudice the rights of a Bidder to submit a new Bid prior to the Bid Date and Time. After expiration of the period for receiving Sids, no Bid may be withdrawn or modified. 12.2 After a bid is received by the City, the bidder may request to madify the bid for typographical or scrivener's errors only. The bidder must state in writing to the City that a typographical or scrivener's error has been made by the bidder, the nature of the error, the requested correction of the error, and what the adjusted bid amount will be if the corr�ction is accepted by the City. The City rescrves the right al iCs sole discretion to accept, reject, or modify any bid. 13 REJECTION �F BIDS 13.] To the extent permitted by applicable State and Federal laws and re�ulations, the City reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any and all informalities. Grounds for the rejection of a bid include but are not limited to a material omission, unauthorized alteration of form, unauthorized alternate bids, incomplete or unbalanced unit prices, or irregularities of� any kind. Also, the City reserves the right to reject any Bid if the City believes that it would not be in the best interest of the public to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Sid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial abiliTy or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by the City. The City reserves the right to decide which bid is deemed to be the lowesC and best in the interest of the public. 14 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER 14.1 �ny or all bids will be rejected if there is any reason for believing that collusion exists among the bidders, the participants in such collusion will not be considered in future proposals for the same work. Each bidder shall execute the Non-Collusion Af�idavit contained in the Contract Documents. 15 OPENING OF BIDS 15.1 16 Sids will be opened and read publicly at the location and time stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids. LICENSES, PERMITS, R�YALTY FEES AND TAXES 16.1 The Contractor shall secure all licenses and permits (and shall pay all permit fees) except as specifically stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State Laws, County and Municipal Ordinances and regulations, which in any manner effect the prasecution of the work. City of Clearwater building permit fees Sectionil.doc Page 5 of9 3/14/2011 Section I] — ]nstructions to Bidders and impact fees will be waived except as specifcally stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. ] 6.2 The Contractor shall assume all liability for the payment of royalty fees due to the use of any construction or operation process, which is protected by patent rights except as specifically stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. The amount of royalty fee, if any, shall be stated by the Contractor. 163 The Cantractor shall pay all applicable sales, consumer, use and other taxes required by law. The Contractor is responsible for reviewing the pertincnt State Statutes involving the sales tax and sales tax exemptions and complying with all requiretnents. 16.4 The City of Clearwater is exempt from state sales tax on materials incorporated into the WORK. The City of Clearwater reserves the right to implement the Owner Direct Purchase (ODP) Option, if indicaCed in the Scope of Work Description in Section N— Technical Specifications and as defined in Section III — General Conditions. 17 IDENTICAL TIE BIDSNENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLACE ] 7.1 In accordance with ihe requirements of Section 2�7.087 Florida Statutes regarding a Vendor Drug Free Workplace, in the event of identical tie bids, preference shall be given to bidders with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are ec�ual with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the City for the procurement of comrnodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established pracedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none or all of the tied bidders have a drug-free workplace program. In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a contractor shall supply the City witla a certificate containing the following six statements and the accompanying certi�cation statement: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a contralled subsCance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken againsC employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) Inform employees as to the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintainin� a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties tl�at may be imposed upon employees �or drug abuse violations. (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a capy of the statement specified in subsection (1). (4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the erraployees that, as a condition of working on th� commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893, or of any controlled substance law, of the United States, or of any state, for a violation accurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. (5) Lnpose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participaCion in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. Sectionll.doc Page 6 of 9 3/14/2011 � � Section Il — [nstructions to Bidders (6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation ofthis section. I certify that this firm does/does not (select only one) fully comply with the above requ irements. �iF.'�_\�i�L•1:� �I�]��] � � �:L�� � 18.1 Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of words. Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of� any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 18.2 In evaluating the Bids, the City will consider the qualifications ofthe Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirernents, unit prices, and other data as may be requested in the Bid/Proposal form. The City may consider the qualif7cations and experience of Subcontractors, suppliers and other persans and organizations praposed by the Contractor for the Work. The City may conduct such investigatians as the City deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and ta establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons, and arganizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Cantract Documents to the City's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 18.3 If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive Bidder whose evaluation by the City indicates to the City that the award wil] be in the best interest of the City. l 8.4 Award of contract will be made for that combination of base bid and alternate bid items in the best interest ofthe City, however, unless otherwise specified all work awarded will be awarded to only one Contractor. 19 BID PROTEST 19.1 RIGHT TO PROTEST: Any actual bidder wha is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may seek resolution of his/her complaints initially with the Purchasin� Manager, and if not satisfed, with the City Manager, in accordance with pratest procedures set forth in this section. 19.2 PROTEST PROCEDURE: A. A pmtest with respect to the specifications af an invitation for bid or request for proposal shall be submitted in writing a minimum of fve (5) work days priar to the opening of the bid or due date of the request for proposals, unless the aggrieved person could not have been reasonably expected to have knawledge of the facts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid opening or the closing date for proposals. Opening dates for bids or due dates for requests for proposal will be printed on the bid/request document itselF B. Protests in respect to award of contract shall be submitted in writing a maximum of five (5) work days after natice of intent to award is posted, or is mailed ta each bidder, which ever is earlier. Notice of intent to award will be forwarded to bidders upon telephonic or written request. Protests of recommended award should cite � $ectianll.doc � Page 7 of 9 3/14/201 I Section Il — Instructions to I3idders specific portions of the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances that have allegedly been violated. C. Exceptions to the tive (5) day requirements noted in both A and .B above may be �ranted if the aggrieved person could have not becn reasonably expected to have knowl�dge of the facts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid opening, posting of intent to award, or due date for requests for proposals. Request for exceptions should be made in writing, stating reasons for the exception. D. The Purchasing Manager shall respond to ihe formal written protest within five (5) work days of receipt. The Purchasing Manager's response will be fully coordinated with the appropriate Department Director and the Assistant City Manager. E. If the protestor is not satisfied with the response from the Purchasing Manager, he/she may Chen submit in writing within five (5) work days of receipt of that response his/her reason for dissatisfaction, along with copies of his/her original formal protest letter and the response from the Purchasing Manager, to the City Manager. F. The City Manager as Purchasing Agent for the City has the final authority in the matter of protests. The City Manager will respond to the protestor within ten (10) work days of receipt of the appeal. 19.3 PROTEST FEE: When .Fling a formal protest, the protesting vendor must include a fee in the amount of 5% of the selected vendor's total bid to offset the City's additional expenses related to the protest. This fee shall not exceed $2,500 nor be less than $50. lf either the Purchasing Mana�er or the City Manager upholds the protest, the City will refiand ] 00% of the fee paid. 19.4 STAY OF PRUCUREMENT DURING PROTEST: ln the event of a timely protest, the Purchasing Manager shall not proceed with the solicitation or award of contract until all administrative remedies have been exhausted or until the City Manager makes written determination that the award of contract without delay is necessary to protect the best interest o�'the City. SeC[i0n 11,dOC Page S of 9 3l14/2011 � � � � � � Section II — Instruc[ians to Bidders 20 TRENCH SAFETY ACT 20.1 Thc Sidder shall comply with the provisians of the City af Clearwater's Ordinance related to trench digging (Ordinance No. 7918-08) along with the Florida Trench Safety Act (Sectians 553.60-553.64, Florida Statutes) and the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSH.A) excavation safety standards, 29 C.F.R.s l 926.650 Subparagraph P, or current revisions of these laws. � 21 CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENT MEASURES �� � � � � � 1 _� � � � LJ 'J � 2l .l The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit and implement stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP's) or stormwater management programs (both using best management practices (BMPs) that effectively reduce or prevent the discharge of pollutants into receiving waters. A. "C'he control of construction-related sediment loadings is critical to maintaining water quality. The implernentation of proper erosion and sediment control practices during the constructian stage can significantly reduce sediment loadings to surface waters. B. Prior to land disturbance, prepare and implement an approved erosion and sediment control plan or similar administrative document that contains erosion and sediment control provisions. NPDE5 Management Measures available at City of Clearwater En rineering Environmental Division and EPA websites to help address construction-related Best Management Practices. References EAA website � Sectionll.doc � Page 9 of 9 3/14/2011 [� � � � Table of Contents: 1 DEFINITIUNS � �� �� � � LJ � � � � � � �. Z 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.�1 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.2 4 4. l 4.2 4.3 4.4 SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................... 1 PRELIMINARY MATTERS .........................................................................................., DELIVERY OF SONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ........................... CC)PIES OF DOCUMENTS ..............................•-�------..................................------............ COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME/NOTICE TO PROCEED; STARTI.NG THEPROJECT ............................................................................................................... BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION .................................................................... PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE ....................................................................... PROGRESS MEETINGS ............................................................�---............................... 5 5 5 5 6 6 CONTRACT l)OCUMENTS, INTENT .....--• ....................................................•----•--..... 7 INTENT.........-• ..............................................��--�-�-----•--................................................... 7 R.F.,PORTING AND RESOLVING DISCREPANCIES .................................................. 7 AVAYLABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFEI2ENCE POINTS ...........................•--••---...................................-•---•-•---•------............ 8 AVA]1.�ABILITY OF LANDS .........................•--••--......................................................... $ 1NVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS .--•--� ...........................................................•......... 8 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, LTNDERGROUND FACILITIES ..................................... $ REFERENCEPO1NT5 .....................................�---�------.................................................... 9 5 S.1 $PERFORMAN SURANCE ...........................................•------•--•------................................ 9 CE AND PAYMENT BOND/CON"C'RACT' BOND ............................... 9 5.2 INSURANCE ...........................�---................................................----...--•--........................ 9 5.2.1 WORKER :S' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ......................................................... 10 5.2.2 PUBLIC LIABILITYAND PROPERTYDAMAGE COVERAGE ............................ 10 5.2.3 COMPREHENSIVEAUTOMOBILELIABCLI.T'.Y ....................................................11 5.3 WAIVER OF R[GHTS .................................................................................................. 12 6 CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES .....................................................................12 6.1 SUPERVISION AND SUPERINTENDENCE .............•--•----•....................................... 12 6.2 LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................... 13 6.3 SUSSTITUTES AND "OR EQUAL" ITEMS .............................................................. 14 6.4 RESPONS�SILiTY FOR SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLiERS AND OTHERS........ l4 6.5 US.� OF PREMISES ...................................................................................................... 1S 6. 5.1 STAGING AREAS .................................................................................................... 15 6. 5.2 RESTORATION TIME LIMITS ................................................................................ 1 S 6.6 LICENSE AND PATENT FE.ES, ROYALTIES AND TAXES ................................... 16 6.7 LAWS AND REGULATIONS-• ..............................................................•----•--.............. 16 b.$ PERMITS ..............................................................................................................�--......16 6.9 SAFETY AND PROTECTION .................................................................................•--. 17 6.10 EMERGENCIES .....................................................�--•.........._........................................18 6.11 DRAWINGS .......................................................................•-�-----...................................18 Sectionlll.doc i 4/ 1 I/2011 6.11.1 SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFIs, and SUBMITTAL REVIEW....... 6.11.2 AS-13U.lI.TDRAWINGS ........................................................................... CAD S�TANDARDS .................................................................................. 6.11.4 DELIVERAI3LES :................................................................................... 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARRANTY AND GUAR�NTEE.......... 6.13 CONTINUING THE WORK ....................................................................... 6.14 1NDEMNIFICATION ............................................�------......_........................, 6.1 S CHANGES IN COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION ........................ 7 OTHER WORK ..................... 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE 7.2 COORDINATION ................ 8 � 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 ............. 18 ............. 19 ............. 21 .............. 23 .............. 23 .............. 23 .............. 23 .............. 24 � �L � � •----•-----•-•----• ..........................•----............ 24 � .............................................................. 24 .............................................................. 25 i OWNERS RESPONS[.BXL�TY ...........................•-----•-----•---•---....................................... 25 OWNER REPRESENTATIV.E'S STATUS DURING CONSTRIICTION .............. 25 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE ..--�----�-��-• .........................................�---�--�-�-��---�--�------- 2S CLARI� ICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS ........................................................ 25 REJECTiNG OF DEFECTIVE WORK ........................................................................ 26 SHOP DRAWINGS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS .................................. 26 DECISIONS ON DISPUTES .--•--� ..................................................��----�-�--�---�---............ 26 LIMITATIONS ON OWNER J2FPRESENTATIVE'S RESPONSIBIL1TlES .............27 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK ............. 11 12 13 14 -••--•---•---•--•-•• ............................... 27 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE ......................................•--•---•--...-------......... 28 11.1 CHANCiES JN THE CONTRACT PRICE .................................................................... 28 1 l.2 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENT ....................... 3� 11.3 UNIT PRICE WORK .................................................................................................... 30 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT TIME ----•• .............................................................. 30 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS, CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECT�VE WORK ..............................•---•--•---••-----•--............................................ 31 13.1 TES'l'S AND 1NSPECTION ..................•-�----�-�------�-��--------�........................................... 31 13.2 UNCOV�RING THE WORK .............................................................�-��-�----�............... 32 13.3 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MAY STOP THE WORK ....................................... 32 13.4 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK ........................................ 33 13.5 WARRANTY/CORRECTION PER�OD ....................................................•---.-•-------.-•. 33 13.6 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTNE WORK ................................................................... 33 13.7 OWNER MAY CORRECT DE�'ECTiVE WOFtK ................................ ...... 34 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION .........................................34 14.1 APPLICATIQN FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT ........................................................... 34 14.2 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF T�TLE ................................................. ..----��--�•-- 35 14.3 REVIEW OF APPLJCATIONS FOR FROGRESS PAYMENTS ................................ 35 14.4 PARTIAL UTILIZATiON ................................................................•----•--------�----��--�.... 36 14.5 FINAL INSPECTION .....................................................................................�-------...... 35 14.6 FINAL APPLiCATJON FOR PAYMENT ................................................................... 37 14.7 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE----..---•-• ....................................................... 37 14.8 WAIVER OF CLAIMS ................................................................................................. 38 SectionIII.doc � air ri2oi � � � lS SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION .................................................... 3$ 15.1 �WNER MAY 5USPEND TH� WOAK ...................................................................... 38 15.2 OWNER MAY TERMINATE .......................................................................�--��--��---... 38 15.3 CONTRA,C"I'OR MAY STOP WURK OR TERMINATE ........................................... 39 16 DYSPUTE RESOLUTION..--• ...............................................•---•--.......---......................... 40 17 MISCELLANEOUS ..................•--.............................................---•------........................... 40 17.1 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT FORMS ................................................................. 40 17.2 GIV.ING NO"1,ICE .............................��-�---•--........................................--•-�-�--�--...............40 17.3 NOTICE OF CLAIM .....................�------.....................................----................................ 40 17.4 PROFESSIONAL FEES AND COURT COSTS INCLUDED ..................................... 41 17.5 ASSiGNMENT OF CONTRf1CT......-----� ......................................................�--............ 41 17.6 RENEWAL OPTION ............................�---................................................---................. 41 17.7 ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS AND/OR DUMPSTERS ................................................. �1 18 �RDFR AND LOCATION �F THE WORK .............................................•---•---•---..... �1 19 MA,TERXAL, USED ................................•------...--•----•--...............................--••--••--------•--•-- 41 20 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATTONS ..................................... 41 21 OWNEK DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION ....................................................... 41 22 RESIDENT N�TIFICATION OF START OF C�NSTRUCTION .......................... 42 22.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................•-�-�-�--•-•--....42 22.2 EXAMPLE ..........................................•-----......-�---�--.......................................................42 23 PRO.IECT �NFORMATION SIGNS ...................•-•--•---•............................................... 43 23.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE.........-•-• .................................................................................. 43 23.2 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, �'IXED OR PORTABLE ............................ ....... 43 23.3 FIXED SIGN ..........................�---�---._...................................................----�---.................. 43 23.4 PORTABLE SIGNS ........................................................................................��-�---...---. 44 23.5 SIGN COLORING---�--�•--� ............................................................�---•--...........................44 23.6 SIGN PLACEMENT .......................................................................................�•---------... 44 23.7 SIGN MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................ 44 23.8 TYPICAL PROJECT S1GN .------� .........................................................•-.......--�--........... 45 24 AWARD OF C�NTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE .................. 45 SectionllI.doc iii 4/11/2011 Section I11— Cieneral Conditions 1 DEFINITIONS Addenda Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the apening of Bids which clarify, correcC or change the Bidding Requirements or the contract documents. Agent Architect, engineer or other outside agency, consultant or person acting on behalf af the City. Agreemerrt The written contract between �wner and Contractor covering the Work to be performed; other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof as pravided therein. Application for Payment The form accepted by Engineer which is to be used by Contractor in requestin� progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. Approve The word apprave is defined to mean satisfactory review of the material, equipment or methods for general compliance with the design concepts and with the information givera in the Contract Documents. lt does not imply a responsibility on the part of the Engineer to verify in every detail conformance with the Drawings and Specifications. Bid The offer or proposal of the bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting farth the prices for the work to be performed. Bidding Documents The advertisement or invitation to �id, instructions to bidders, the Bid form, and the proposed Contact Documents (including a11 Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). Bonds Performance and payment bonds and other instruments of security. Change Order A written order to Contractor signed by Owner and Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time issued on or after the effective date of Che Agreement. City The City af Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. Construction Inspector A person who is the authorized representative of the Construction Manager and inspects City construction projects in arder to insure the Cantractor's work complies with the intent of the Contract Documents. Construction Manager The person who is typically in responsible charge of City construction projects. The Construction Manager assumes responsibility for the management of construction contracts at the Preconstruction Conference. The Construction Manager chairs the Preconstruction Conference and is the authority on any disputes or decisions regarding Sectionlil.doc Page 1 of46 4/11/2011 Section lll — Gcneral Conditions contract administration and performance. The Construction Manager typically acts as the Owner's Representative during construction. Contruct Documents The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents), Contractor's Bid (includin� documentaCion accompanying th� bid and any post-Bid documentation submitted prior to the execution of the Agreement) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement, the Bonds, lnstructions to Bidders, these General Conditions, any Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings, any other exhibits identif ed in the Agreezaaent, together with all Modifrcatians issued after the execution of the Agreement. Contract Price The Contract price constitutes the total compensaCron (subject to authorized adjustments) payable by Owner to Contractor for performing the Work. Contract Time The number of days ar the date stated in the Agreennent for the completion of the Work. Contractor The Person with whom the Owner has entered into the Agreement. k'or the purposes of this contract, the person, .frrm or corporation with whom this contract or agreement has been made by the City of Clearwater or its duly authorized representative. Critical Path Method Construction Schedule—CPM A graphic format construction schedule tYaat displays construction activities as they relate to one anather for the purpasE of identiiying ihe most efficient way to perform the work in a timely manner. The critical path identifres which activity is critical to the execution of the schedule. Day A calendar day oftwenty-four (24) hours measured from midnight to the next rnidnight. Defective An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is urtsatisfactory, faulty or deficient, ar does not conform to the Contract Documents or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, test or approval referred to in t.he Contract Dacuments, or has been damaged prior to Engineers recotx�tnendation of fnal payment. Drawings The drawings, which will be identified in Technical Specifications or the Agreement, which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by Engineer and are referred to in the contract documents. Shop drawings are not Drawings as so defined. Engineer The duly appointed representative of the City Manager of the City of Clearwater. For the purposes of this contract, the City Engineer of the City o� Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, or his authorized representative. For certain projects, the Engineer may serve as the �wraer's Representative during construction_ Engineer's Consultant A Person having a contract with Engineer to furnish services as Engineer's independent Sectionlll.doc Page 2 of 46 4/11/2011 � � �� � � Section lIl — Cieneral Conditions professional associate or consultant with respect to the Project and who is identi�ed as such in the Supplementary Conditions. P. D. �. T Specificat ions The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as issued by the Florida Department of Transportation (latest �;nglish edition). Furnish The words "furnish", "furnish and install", "install", and "provide" or words of similar meaning shall be interpreted, unless otherwise specifically stated, to mean "furnish and install complete in place and ready for service". � Inspection The term "inspection" and the act of inspecting means examination of construction to ensure that it conforms to the design concept expressed in the Drawings and � Specifications. These terms shall not be construed to mean supervision, superintending or overseeing. Laws and Regulations � Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and orders of any kind of �overnmental bodies, agencies, authorities and courts having jurisdiction. Lrens � Liens, charges, security interests or encumbrances upon real property or personal property. � Milestone A principal event specifed in the contract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to the final completion date. � u �� � � � � �_� Notice ta Prr�ceed (NTP) A written notice given by the Owner to the Contractor fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform his obligations under the Contract Documents_ Owner The City of Clearwater, Flarida. For the purposes of this contract, the person who is the City's authorized representative from the City's Department with whom will be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Work once the Work is completed. For certain projects, a designee of the Owner may serve as the Owner's Representative during construction. Owner's Representative Designee of the Owner with authority to act on behalf of the Owner during construction_ Person A natural person, or a corporation, partnership, firm, organization, or other artifrcial entity. Project The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. SectionIII.doc Page 3 of 46 4/11/2011 Section Ill — General Conditions Pcrrt ial Iltil ization Use by Owner of a substantially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which is intended (or a related purpose) prior to Final Completion of all the Work. Representative of Contractor The Coniractor shall assign a responsible person or persons, one of whom shall be at the construction site at all times that work is progressing. The names and positions of these persons shall be submitted Co ihe City Engineer at the time of the prc-construction conference. This person or persons shall not be changed without written approval of City Engineer. Re�uesl. for Informatiort (RFI) An official written request for clarif.rcation of the intent of the contract documents from the Contractor to the Engineer. Sl�np Drawing All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifcally prepared by or for Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other informatian prepared by a supplier and submitted by Contractor to illustrate rnaterial or equipnnent for some portion of Che Work. Specifications Those portions af the Contract Documents consisting oi written technical descriptions of materials, ec�uipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor A person having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the perfor�x�ance of a part of the Work at the site. ,Substantial Completion The Work (or a specified part thereofl which has progressed to the paint where, in the opinion of Engineer, as evidenced by Engineer's de�nitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is suffciently complete, in accordance with the Contract documents, so that the Work (ar specifed part) can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended; or if no such certi�cate is issued, when the Work is complete and ready for final payment as evidenced by the Engineer's recommendation of firtal payment. The terms "substantially complete" and "substantially completed" as applied to all or part of the Wark refer to Substantial Completion thereof. Supplementary Conditions The part of the Contract which amends or suppletnents these General Conditions. Supplier A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, material man or vendor having a direct cantract with Contractor or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by the Contractor. Surety Any person, firm or corporation which is bound with Contractor and which engages to be respansible for Contractor and his acceptable performance af the Work by a Bid, Perfarmance or Payment Band. Sectionlll.doc Page 4 of46 4/11/2011 � � Section 111— General Conditions Underground Facilities � All pipelines, conduits; ducts, cables, wires manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following servic�s or materials: electriciCy, � gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal or treatment, traffic or other control systems or water. � Unit Price Work Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. Work � The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts ther�of required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or furnishing labor and incorporating materials and equipment inlo the � construction, and performing or furnishing services and furnishin� documents, all as required by the Contract Documents. � Work Change Directive A written directive to Contractor, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by the Engineer, ordering an addition, delecion, ar revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is to be � performed or emergencies. Work Change Directive will not chan�e the Cantract i'rice or Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequenrly issued � Change Order following negatiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Times. � � � � �i 2.1 ' : 11 ►TG�:��� 1�1 ��� i� i�+� DELIVERY OF BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE When Contractar delivers the executed Agr�ements to the Owner, Contractor shall also deliver to the Owner such Bonds and Certificates of Insurance as Contractor may be required to furnish by this contract. 2.2 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS Engineer shall furnish to Contractor ane (1) copy of Contract Documents for execution. Additional copies will be furnished, upon reyuest, at the cost of reproduction. 2.3 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME/N�TICE TO PR�CEED; STARTING THE PROJECT The Contract Time will commence on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. Cantractor � shall start to perform the wark an the date the Contract Time commences to run. No work shall be done at the site prior to the date that the Contract Time commences to run. � �J � 2.4 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION Before undertaking each part of the Work, Cantractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable Sectionlll.doc Page 5 of 46 4/11/2011 Section Ill — General Conditions field measurements. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy which Contractor may discover; and shall obtain a written interpretation or claritication from Engineer before proceeding with any work effected thereby; however, Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner for failurc to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the C�rawings or Specif.7cations, unless Contractor had actual knowled�e thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. No verbal agreement or conversation wiCh any officer, Agent or employee of the Owner ar Engineer's Consultant, either before or after the executaon of this Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Cantractor shall not commence any work at any time without approved insurance required by these General Conditions. Failure to obtain this insurance will be the solE responsibility of the Cantractor. 2.5 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Within twenty (20) days of Award of Contract and before the start of the Work, the Owner's Representative shall schedule a pr�construction conference to be attended by Contractor, Engineer, Owner and others as appropriate t� establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedule of the Work and general ConCract procedures. "r'ypically, oversight of the project officially passes frorn th� Engineering Department to the Construction Department at the preconstruction confer�nce. ln these cases, the preconstruction conference is run by the Construction Department and chaired by the City's Construction Manager. The Contractor shall deliver ta the Owner's Representative at the Preconstr��ction Confere►ace a color Critical I'ath Method (CPM) Construction Schedule. This is to be a sequence of events including submittal review and procurement. Notice to Proceed is usually established at this conference and such date can be inserted into the schedule at that tirne. The Cantractor shall also bring a Submittal Schedule for review by the Engineer. This is to make sure that the list is complete and this schedule shal] be the basis of a Submittal Log. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative at the preconstruction conference a completed Emergency Call List and a completed Authorized Signature l,ist. The Owner's Representative shall deliver to the Coniractor at the preconstruction conferenc� a project disk that has all of the necessary data and survey control points for the purpose of construction stakeout and as-built survey. The Owner's Representative shall deliver to the Contractor at the preconstruction con�erence a Contractor evaluation package. This is far the purpase of rating the Contractor's p�rformance for reference when considering future contracCs attd bid prequalification. 2.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS The Contractor is required to attend Progress Meetings. Tkaese meetings will be scheduled on a weekly, bi-weekly, or manthly basis depending on the needs of the project. The Contractor shall bring to each meeting an updated submittal lo�, an updated request for information (RFI) log, a laok-ahead schedule to caver the project activity from the current r�aeeting to the next meeting, and all material test reports generated in the same time period. SectionIIl.doc Page 6 of 4b 4/11/2011 � � � � � � � � � � � ' � � l_� �.J � � � Section I11— General Conditions 3 CQNTRACT DOCUMENTS, INTENT 3.1 INTENT The Contract Docum�nts comprise the entire Agreement between Owner and the Contractor concerning the Work. They may be altered only by written agreement. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. lt is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereo fl to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work, materials or equipment which may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or from trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words or phrases, which have a well- known technical or construction industry or trade meaning, are used to describe Work, materials or e9uipment, such words or phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals ar codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code, Laws or Regulation of any govert�mental authority, whether such reference be specific or by itnplication, shall mean the latest standard specitication, manual or code, or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids except as may be otherwise specitically stated in the Contract Documents. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code, whether or not specially incorporated by reference in the responsibilities of Owner or Contractor as set forth in the Contract DocumenCs, shall change the duties and responsibilities af Own�r, Contractor, Engineer or Owner's Representative, or any of their Agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in these Contract documents shall be deemed to be inserted herein, and they shall be read and enforced as through it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or if not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party, the Contract Documents shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion. 3.2 REPORTING AND RES�LVING DISCREPANCIES If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Docurnents or between the Contract Documents and any provision of any such Law or Regulation applicable to the performance of the Work or of any such standard, specification, manual or code or of any instruction of any Supplier, Contractor shall report it to the Owner's Representative in writing at once, and Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby (except in an emergency) until an amendment or supplement to Contract Documents has been issued by one of the rraethods provided in these General Specifcations, provided hawever, that Contractor shall not be liable to Owner, or Owner's Representative for failure to report any such conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy unless Contractor knew or reasonably should have known thereof. SectionIIl.doc Page 7 of46 4/11/201'I C! Section Ill — General Conditions AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.1 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS The Owner shall fumish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the ]ands upon which the Work is Ca be Performed, rights-of-way, easements for access thereto, and such other lands which ar� designated for the use of contractor. The Owner shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specitically related to use of lands so furnished with which contractor will have to comply in performing the Work. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilitics will be obtained and paid for by thc Owner, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 4.2 INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditians and Technical Specifications for identi .fication of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress ar performance of the Work which have been relied upon by Engineer in preparation of the Drawings and Specifications. Such reports are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness and are not part of the Contract Documents. Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative in writing of any subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site, or rn an exisCing structure, differin� materially from those indicated or referred to in the Contract Documents. Engineer will promptly review those conditions and advise if further investigation or tests are necessary. Owner or En�ineer shall obtain the necessary additional investigations and tests and furnish copies to the Engineer and Contractor. If En�ineer finds that the results or such investigations or tests indicate that there are subsurface or latent physical conditions, which differ materially from those, indicated in the contract Documents, and which could not reasonably have been anticipated by Contractor, a work change or Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions. 4.3 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, UNDERGROUND FACILITIES The infort7aation and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Under�round Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to Owner or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Contract Documents, Owner and Engineer shall not be responsible far the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and the cost of all the following will be included in the Contract Price and contractor shall have full responsib,ility for: (i) reviewing and checkin� all such information and data, (ii) locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract ,Documents, (iii) coordination of the Work with the owr�ers of such Underground Facilities during construction, and (iv) the safety and protectian of all such Underground Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. The Contractor is required to call the LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITY N�TIFICATI�N CENTER prior to any excavation per State regulations and to notify any utility awners who are not a member of the LQCAL PUSLIC UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER prior to any excavation. The LOCAL PUSLIC UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER is an agency for the protection and location of utilities prior to any excavation and contact number is available in local telephone directory. Sectio►aiii.doc Page 8 of46 4/11/2011 � � Section Iil — General Conditions 4.4 REFERENCE POINTS � Engineer shall provide engineering surveys to establish refer�nce points for construction, which in Engineer's judgm�nt are necessary to enable Cantractor to proceed with the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for laying out the Work, shall protect and preserve the established reference , points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of the Owner and Engineer. Contractor shall report to Engineer whenever any reference point is Jost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be � responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference points by a surveyor licensed in the State of Florida. The Contractor is referred to the Technical Specifications for more specit7c inforrrtation regarding the provision of construction surveys. If a City surv�y crew � is assi�ned to the praject and there is excessive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's forces after initial line and grade have been set, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor wil] be charged at the rate of $100.00 per hour. Time shall be computed for actual time on the project. All time shall be computed in one-hour increments with a minimum charge � of one hour. � ' � � � � � � � � ' � 5 B�NDS AND INSURANCE 5.1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND/CONTRACT BOND Cantractor shall furnish a Performance and Payment Rond in an amount at l�ast equal to the Contract Price as security for thc faithful performance and payment of all Contractor's obligations under the Contract Uocuments. This bond shall remain in effect at least one year after the date when final payrraent becomes due, unless a longer period of time is prescribed by laws and regulations or by the Contract ,Documents. Contractor shall also furnish such other Bonds as are required by the Supplemcntary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the current list of "Co�rx�panies Holding Certifcates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff, Bureau of Government Financial Operations, U.S. Treasury Department. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agents' authority to act. All bonds shall be deemed to contain all of the Conditions of Sectian 255.05, Florida Statutes, even if such language is not directly contained within the bond and the Surety shall be licensed and yualified to do business in the State of Florida. Owner reserves the right to reject any surety. if the Surety on any Bond furnished by the Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent ar its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet the requirements of these Contract Documents, the Contractor shall within five days after notice thereof substitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to Owner. F��l`E•��1:7_\►L�]� Contractor shall purchase and maintain such liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from clairns set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractar's performance and furnishing of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed or furnished by Contractor, and Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perfarm or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable for the following: (i) Claims under worker's compensation, disability benefits and ather similar employee benefit acts; (ii) Claims for damages because of bodily SectionIIl.doc Page 9 oF46 4/11/2011 Scction I11 — General Conditions injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of� Contractor's employees; (iii) Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than Contractor's employees; (iv) Claims far dama�es insured by customary personal injury liability coverage which are sustained by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by Contractor, or by any ofher person for any other reason; (v) Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resultin� therefrom; and (vi) Claims for damages because of badily injury or death af any person or property damage arising out orthe ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The Contractor shal) deliver to the Owner, with copies to each additional insured identi�ed in the SupplemenCary Conditions, certi�cates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by ihe Owner or any other additional insured) which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with this paragraph. The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph to be purchased and maintained shall: (i) include as additianal insured (subject to any customary exclusion in respect af professional liability) Owner of Clearwater and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Canditions, all of whom shall be listed as additional insured, and include coverage for the respective of`ficers and employees of all such additional insures; (ii) include completed operatians insurance; (iii) include contractual liability insurance covering Contractor's indemnity obligations in Article for Contractor's Responsibilities; (iv) contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days prior written notice has been given to the Owner, and Contractor and to each other additional insured identified in the Supplemental Conditions to whom a cErtificate of insurance has been issued (and the certificates of insurance furnished by the Cantractor as described in this paragraph); (v) remain in effect at least until �nal payment and at all times thereafter when Contractor may be correcting, removing or replacing defective Work in accordance with Article for Correction of Defective Work; (vi) with respect to completed operations insurance, and any insurance coveragc written on a claims-made basis, shall remain in effect for at least two years after final payment. Contractor shall furnish the Owner and each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certifcate of insurance has been issued evidence satisfactory to the Owner and any such additional insured, of continuation of such insurance at .final payment and one year thereafter and (vii) Nam� and telephone number af the authorized insurance agent for the Insurer. The limits of liability for the insurance required shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by laws and regulations: 5.2.1 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $I,000,000. and Over (1) Workers' Compensation Statutory Statutory (2) Employer's Liability $500,000. $1,000,000. 5.2.2 PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE Comprehensive General Liability including Premise/Operations; Explosion, Collapse and Underground Aroperty Dama�e; Products/Completed Operations, Broad Form Contractual, Independent Contractors; Broad Form Property Damage; and Personal Injury liabilities: Sectionlll.doc Page 10of46 4/11/2011 i � L� �� , � 1 � � l .� r � � Section 111— General Conditions Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $1,000,000. and Over (1) Bodily Injury: $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual Aggregate Aggregate (2) PropErty Damage: $500,0�0. �:ach $I,000,000. Each Uccurrence Occurrence $1,0U0,�00. Annual $1,000,000. Annual Aggregate Aggregate (3) Personal lnjury, with $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual employment exclusion deleted Aggregate Aggregate r5.2.3 COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY � � � �-��-- ' l� � r � ' � including all owned (private and others), hired and non-owned vehicles: Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $1,0�0,0�0. $1,000,000. and Over (l) Bodily lnjury $500,000. Each Person $1,000,000. Each Person $500,000. Each Accident $1,000,000. �ach Accident (2) Property Damage $500,000_ Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence Receipt and acceptance by Owner of the Contractor's Certifcate of Insurance, or other similar document does not constitute acceptance or approval o� amounts or types of coverages, which may be less than required by thes� Contract Documents. The Owner shall not be responsible for purchasing and main2aining any property insurance to protect the interests of Contractor, Subcontractors or others in the Work. Owner may at its option require a copy of the Contractor's Insurance Policy(s). All insurance policies required within this Contract Document shall provide full coverage from the first dollar of exposure unless otherwise stipulated. No deductibles will be accepted without prior approval from Owner. Lon shore and Harbor Worker's Com ensation Act: Section 32 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 932, requires an employer, with employees in maritime employment, to secure the payment of benefits under the Act either by insuring with an insurance carrier authorized by the U.S. Department of Labor, or to be authorized by the U.S. Department of Labor as a self-insurer. For General Contractors: Section 4(a) of the Act provides that every employer shall be liable for and shall secure the payment to his employees of the compensation payable under Sections 7, S, and 9 of the Act. In the case of an employer who is a subcontractor, only if such subcontractor fails to secure the payment af compensation shall the contractor be liable for and be required to secure the payment of compensation. Sectioniii.doc Page 11 of46 4/11/2011 Section 111— General Cqnditions 5.3 WAIVER OF RIGHTS The Owner and Contractar intend that all policies purchased in accordance with Article on lnsurance will protec2 the Owner, Contractor, Subcontractors, Enginecr, Engineer's Consultants and all other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insured or additional insured in such policies and will provide primary caverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby. All such policies shall contain provisions to the effect that in the event af payment of any loss or damage the insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of the insured or additional insured thereunder, the Owner and Contractor waive all rigl�ts against each other and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents for all losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from any of the perils covered by such policies and any other property insurance applicable to the work; and, in addition, waive all such rights against Sub-contractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and all other persons or �ntities identified in the Supplementary Conditions to be lisCed as insured or additional insured under such policies for lasses and darnages so caused. None of the above waivers shal I extend to the rights that any party mak►ng such waiver may have to the proceeds of� insurance otherwise payable under any policy so issued. In addition, the Owner waives all rights agai.nst Contractor, Subcontractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultant and the ofticers, directors, employees and agents of any of them for: (i) lass due to business interruption, lass of use or other consequential loss extending beyond direct physical loss or damage to the 4wner property or the Work caused by, arising out of or resulting from �re or other peril, whether or not insured by the Owner and; (ii) loss ar damage to th� completed Project or part thereof causEd by, arising out of or resulting from fire or other insured peril cavered by any property insurance maintained on the completed Project or part thereof by the Owner during partial utilization, after substantial completion or aiier final payment. S CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 SUPERVISION AND SUPERINTENDENCE Contractor shal] supervise, inspect and dir�ct the Work competently and effcienily, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perfor►n the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the mearas, methods, techniques, sequences and pracedures of constructian. Contractor shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or specifcation of a speci�c means, metlaod, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. Contraetor shall be responsible to see that the completed work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall keep on the work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without notice to the Owner's Representative except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the siCe and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communications to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to Contractor. The Contractor's superintendent shall keep a mobile cell phone on his persan so he can be contacted whenever necessary. Contractor shall employ only competent persons to do the work and whenever the Owt�er's Representative shall notify Contractor, in writing, that any persan on the work appears to be incompetent, unfaithful, disorderly, or otherwise unsatisfactory, such persan shall be removed SectionIII.doc Page 12 of 4G 4/1 I/2011 1 ' � YI ' � Section ltl — Cieneral Conditions from the project and shall not again be employed on it except with the written consent of the Owner's Representative. Contractor shall reimburse Owner for additional engineering and inspection costs incurred as a result of overtime work in excess af the regular working hours or an the Owner normally approved holidays. At such times when Inspector overtime is required, the Contractor shall sign an overtime slip documenting such hours and the Contractar shall be provided a copy for his recards. At the end of the project and prior to payment of withheld retainage funds, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a check made out to the Owner of Clearwater for fu11 reimbursement ofall Inspector overtime hours. Withheld retainage shall not be released until the Owner has received this check. Minimum number of chargeable hours for inspection costs on weekends or holidays shall be four hours. The cost of overtime inspection per hour shall be $60.00 per hour. Contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat and sanitary condition, such sanitary � accommodations for the use of Contractor's employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements of Laws and Regulations and the Engineer. ' L_1 � �� � � , 6.2 LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Cantractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey, lay out and construct the work as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the sitc. Except as otherwise required for the safety ar protection of persons or the work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours and Contractor will not permit overtime work or the performance �f work on Saturday, Sunday, or any legal holiday without the Owner consent given after prior notice ta Engineer. Unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements, Contractor shall furnish and assume full responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, trartsportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities, and all ather facilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, testing, start-up and completion of the Work. All materials and equipment installed in the Work shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by Engineer, Contractors shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the quality of materials and equipment. The Contractor shall provide suitable and secure storage for all materials to be used in the Work so that their quality shall not be impaired or injured. Materials that are improperly stored, may be rejected by the Engineer without testin�. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and � conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or distributor, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. The City of Clearwater, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to purchase major equipment to � be incorporated into the WORK under the Owner Direct Furchase (ODP) Uption, if indicated in the Contract DocumenCs. In such event, the Contractor shall cooperate and assist the Owner of Clearwater, at no additional cost, ta implement the ODP documents and procedures. ' � Sectionlll.doc Page 13 of 46 4/1 ]/2011 � Section iii — General Conditions 6.3 SUBSTITUTES AND "OR EQUAL" ITEMS Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the specifcation or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or "or equal" item or na substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment or material or equipment of oCher Suppliers may be accepted by Engineer. If in Engineer's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractar is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar sa that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by Engineer for approval. If in the Engineer's sole discretion an itetn of material or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an "or equal" item, it may be considered as a proposed substitute item. Contractor shall submit suf�cient information as required by the Engineer to allow the Engineer to determine that the itezn� of material or equipment proposed is essentially eyuivalent to that named and is an acceptable substitute therefore. Request �or review of proposed substitute and "or equal" will be not be accepted by En�ineer frvm anyone other than Contractor. Request for substitute and "or equal" items by Contractor musC be submitted in writing to Owner's .Representative and will contain all information as Engineer deems necessary to make a determination. All data provided by Contractor in support of any proposed substitute or "or equal" item will be at Contractor's expense. Engineer will be allowed a reasonable time to evaluate each proposal or submittal made per this paragraph. �ngineer wiJ] be sole _judge of acceptability. fi.4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS Contractor shall be fully responsible ta Owner and En�ineer for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractars, Suppliers and other persons performing or furnishing any of the work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor just as Contractor is responsible far Contractor's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person any contractual relationship between Owner or Engineer and any Subcantractor, Supplier or other person, ztor shall it create any obligation on the part of Owner ar Engineer to pay or to see to the payment o� any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other persan. Contractor shall be solely responsible far scheduling and coordinating the work of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons performing or furnishing any of the work under a direct or indirect contract with Cotttractar. Contractor shall require all Subcontractors, Suppliers arad such other persons performing or furnishing any of the work to cammunicate with the Engineer through Contractor. The divisions and sections of the Specifcations and the identifications ofany Drawings shall not control Contractor in dividing the work among Subcontractors or Suppliers or delineating the work to be performed by any specific trade. All work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of Owner and Engineer. SectionlIl,doc �'age 14 of 46 4/11/2011 , ' �J � 1 �l � � � � Section I11 •- Gcneral Conditions Contractor shall not pay or employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization whether initially or as a substitute, against whom Owner or Engineer may have reasonable objection. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to iurnish or perform any of the work against whom Contractor has reasonable objection. Owner or Fngineer will not undertake to settle any differcnces between Contractor and his Subcontractors or between Subcontractors. 6.5 USE OF PREMISES Contractar shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of works to the site and land areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents on other land areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, right-of way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of� any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any claim be made by any such owner or occupant because af the performance of the Work, Contractor shall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute resdlutiott proceed in or at law. Contractar shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultant and their otficials, directors, employees and agents from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting from any claim or action, legal ar equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against Owner, Engineer or any other party indemnified hereunder to the extent caused by or based upon Contractor's performance of the Work. During the progress of the Work, Cantractor shall keep the premises free from accumulations of , waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work or at intervals established by the Engineer, Contractor shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction � equipm�nt and machinery and surplus materials. Contractar shall restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. ' , � 6.5.1 STAGING AREAS The Contactor shall obtain and deliver to the City written permissian for the use of all staging and storage areas outside of the Limits of Construction. 6.5.2 RESTORATION TIME LIMITS The tirnely restoration of all impacted areas, especially right-of-ways, is very important to the Citizens of Clearwater; therefore these time limits are imposed: • Debris piles shall be removed within five (S) consecutive calendar days. , • Concrete driveways and sidewalks shall be replaced within ten (10) consecutive calendar days of removal. Resident access shall be maintained at all times. • All arterial and collector roadways shall be restored ASAP. � � Local streets and asphalt driveways shall be restared as soon as a sufficient quantity is generated, however, this is never to exceed fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days. Local and resident access shall be maintained at all times. ' Sectionlll.doc � Page ] 5 of 46 4/11 /201 I Section I.11 — General Conditions • Sod must be restored with ten (10) consecutive calendar days of a successful pipe pressure test. It must be watered for a period of thirty (30) days after it is placed. Erosion control and dust control of denuded areas must be maintained at all times. ]f the pr�ject or a portion of it does not involve right-af ways, then a different schedule of sod restoration may b� considered. 6.6 LICENSE AND PATENT FEES, ROYALTIES AND TAXES Contractor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the work and if to the actual knowledge of Owner or Engineer its use is subject Co patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by Owner or Engineer in the Contract Documents. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulatians, Contractor shall indetnnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the officers, directors, ernployees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all clairns, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting fram any infringement ofpatent rights ar copyrights incident to the use in the performance ofi the Work or resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device not specitied in the Contract Docuinents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alle�ed infringement oFsuch rights. Contractor shal] pay all sales, consumer, use and ocher taxes required to be paid by Contractor in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the State af Florida and other governmental agencies, which are applicable during the performance ofth� work. fi.7 LAWS AND REGULATIONS ContracCor shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither Owner nor Owner's Representative shall be respansible for manitoring Contractor's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. 1f Contractor performs any work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or .Regulations, Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or arising out af such work: however, it shall not be Contractor's primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulatio�s, but this shall not relieve Contractor of Contractor's obligations to the Owner to report and resolve discrepancies as described above. When City prajects include Federal or State funding, the requirements of Executive Order 11-02 shall be adhered to utilizing the Homeland Security E-Verify System to verify employment eligibility. L�:�,�:�►'il�f•� Unless otherwise pravided in the Supplementary Conditians, Contractor shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses. The Owner shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, which are applicable at the time of 5ectionili.doc Page 16 of 46 4/11/2011 I� ' ' �� , � � � � � LJ ' � � ' ' � ' , ' Section lIl — General Conditions opening of Bids. Contractor shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the work, and the Owner shall pay all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment fees. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, Owner of Clearwater Building Permit Fees will be waived. fi.9 SAFETY AND PROTECTION Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and prograrns in connection with the Work. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: (i) all persons on the work site or who may be affected by the work, (ii) all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; and (iii) ather property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Underground �'acilities nat designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. ln the event of temporary suspension of the work, or during inclement weather, or whenever Owner's Representative may direct; Contractor shall, and shall cause Subcontractors, to protect carefully the Work and materials against damage ar injury from the weather. lf, in the opinian of the Owner's Representative, any portion of Work or materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure on the part of the Contractor or any Subcontractors ta so protect the Work, such Work and materials shall be removed and replaced at the expense of Contractor. The Contractor shall initiate and maintain an accident prevention program which shall include, but shall not be limited to the establishment and supervision of programs for the education and training of employees in the recognitian, avoidance and prevention of unsafe conditions and acts. Cantractor shall provide first aid services and medical care to his employees. The Contractor shall develop and maintain an effective fire protection and prevention program and good housekeeping practices at the site of contract performance throughout all phases of construction, repair, alteration or demolition. Contractor shall require appropriate personal protective equipment in all operatians where there is exposure to hazardous conditions. The Engineer may order that the work stop if a condition of immediate danger to the Owner's employees, equipment or if property damage exists. This provision shall not shift responsibility or risk of loss for injuries of damage sustained from the Contractor to Owner, and the Contractor shall remain solely responsible far compliance with all safety requirements and for the safety of all persans and property at the site of Contract performance. The Contractor shall instruct his employees required to handle or use toxic materials or other harmful substances regarding their safe handling and use. The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to protect pedestrians and motorists from harm, and to prevent disruptions of such traffic due to construction activity. Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction far safety of persons or property and to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utility owners when prosecution of the work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss ta any property caused, directly or indirectly, in whole ar part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other persan or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any af the work ar anyone for whose acts any af them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor. Cantractor's duties and responsibilities far safety and for protection of the Wark shall Sectionlll.doc 1'age 17 of 46 4/11/2011 Scction 111— Gcneral Conditions continue until such time as all the Work is coir�pleted and Engineer has issued a notice to Owner and Contractor that the Work is acceptable. 6.10 EMERGENCIES ln emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site: or adjacent thereto, Contractor, with or without special instruction or authorization from Owner or the Owner's Representative, is obligated ta act to prevent damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall give F�ngineer prompt written notice if Contractor believes that any significant changes in the 'Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If the Owner's Representative determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by Contractor in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued ta document the consequences of such action. 6.11 DRAWINGS 6.11.1 SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFIs, and SUBMITTAL REVIEW Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings ta Engineer for review and apprava] as called for in the Technical Specificatians or required by the Engineer. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specifed performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to show Engineer the materials 1nd equipment Contractor proposES to provide and to enlble Engineer to review the infonnation. Contractor shall also submit Samples to Engineer for review and approval. Before submitting each Shop Urawing or Sample, Contractor shall have determined and veri�ed: (i) all t7eld measurements, quantities, dimensions, speci .fied performance criteria, installation requirements, mat�rials, catalog numbers and similar informatiort with respect thereto, (ii) all materials with respect to intended use, fabrication, shipping, handling, storage, assembly and installation pertaining ta the performance of the Work, and (iii) all information relative to Contractor's sole responsibilities in respect to means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor shall also have reviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawang or Sarnple with other Shop Drawings and Samples with the requirements of the Wark and the Contract Uocuments. Each submittal will bear a stamp or specific written indication that Contractor has satisfied Contractor's obligatians under the Contract Documents with resp�ct to Contractor's review and approval of that submittal. At tlae time of submission, Contractor shall give En�ineer specific written notice of such variations, if any, that the Shop Drawing or Sample submitted may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, such notice to be in a written communication separate from the submittal; and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to Engineer for review and approval af each such variation. The Contractor shall maintain a submittal log as ttaentioned in Article 2.5. The Engineer and Construction Services Department shall receive updated copies at each progress meeting, and the Engineer shall respond to each submittal within twenty-one (2 ]) consecutive calendar days. The Contractor shall maintain a request for information (RF�) log as mentioned in Article 2.5. The Engineer and Construction Services Department shall receive updated copies at each progress meeting, and the Engineer shall respond to each RFI within twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days. The untimely submission of Submittal or R.F[s shall nat be grounds for a delay clairn fram the Contractor. SectionIIl.doc Nage 18 of46 4/11/2011 , ' �l , 1 1 i ' � , ' 1 ' Section Ill — General Conditions Engineer's review and approval of Shop Drawings and Samples will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, afier installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whale as indicated the Contract .Documents. Engineer's review and approval will not �xtend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (except where a particular means method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is speci.fically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and approval of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. Contractor shall make correctivns reyuired by Engineer, and shall retum the required number of corrected copi�s of Shop llrawings and submit as required new Samples for review and approval. Cantractor shall direct specific attentian in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by Engineer on previous submittals. Engineer's review and approval of Shap Drawings or Sarnples shall nat relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractor has in writing called Engineer's attention ta each such variation at the time of submission and Engineer has given written approval of each such variatian by specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or Sample approval; nor will any approval by the Engineer relieve the Contractor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of paragraph above discussing field measurements by the Contractor. Contractor shall furnish required submittals with complete information and accuracy in order to achieve required approval of an item within two (2) submitCals. Owner's Representative reserves the right ta backcharge Contractar, for En�ineer's costs for resubmittals that account for a number greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of frrst time submittals. Owner's Representative reserves the right to backcharge Cantractor for all third submittals. The number of first time submittals shall be equal to the number of submittals agreed to by Engineer a►�d Contractor. All costs to Engineer invalved with subsequent submittal of Shop Drawings, Samples or other items requiring approval will be backcharged to Contractor at the rate of 3_0 times direct technical labor cost by deducting such costs from payments due Cantractor for Work completed. In the event that Contractor requests a substitution for a previously approved item, all of Engineer's costs in the reviewing and approval of the substitution will be backcharged to Cantractor, unless the need for such substitution is beyond the control of Cantractor. 6.11.2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS � The Contractor shall keep and maintain one set of blueprints, As-Built Drawings, in good order and legible candition ta be continuously marked-up at the job site. The Contractor shall mark and annotate neatly and clearly all project conditions, locations, configurations and any other changes or deviations which may vary fram the details represented on the original Contract Plans, ' including revisions made necessary by Addenda, Shop Drawings, and Change �rders during the construction process. The Contractor shall record the horizontal and vertical locations, in the plan and profile, of all buried utilities that differ from the locations indicated or which were not ' indicated on the Contract Plans and buried (or concealed), construction and utility features which are revealed during the construction period. , 1 1 The As-Built Drawings shall be available for inspection by the Engineer, Engineer's Consultant, and the Owner's Representative at all times during the progress of the Project. SectionIlI.doc Page 19 of 46 4/11/2011 Section 111— General Conditions The As-Built Drawings shall be reviewed by the Owner's Representative, or his designee, for accuracy and compliance with the reqtrirements of "As-Built Drawings" prior to submittal of the monthly pay requests. The pay rec�uests shall be rejectcd if the marked-up blueline prints do not conform to the "As-Built .Drawings" requirements. As-Built Drawings shall be submitted to the Ow.ner lnspector for approval upan cdmpletion of the project and prior to acceptance of final pay request. Final pay request shall not be processed until As-Built Drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer or the Engineer's Consultant for accuracy and cornpleteness. Prior ta placing new potable water mains in service, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer intersection drawings, as specitied for the water mains. The Owner's acceptance of the "As-Built Drawings" does not relieve the Contractor of the sole responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the As-Built Drawings. 6.11.Z.1 General The Cantractor shall prepare an "AS-BU1LT SURVEY" per chapter 61 G 17-6, �'lorida Administrative Code (see definition below), signed and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor. The contractor will deliver to the Owner two hard copies of signed and sealcd As-Built Drawings and an AutoCAD file. 61G17-h.002 Definition: (10)(a) As-Built Survey: a survey performed to obtairr horizontal and/or vertical dimensiona! data so that construc[ed in�provements may be located and delirreated: adso know as Record Survey. This survey shall be clearly titled "As-Built Survey" and shall be signed and sealed by a}�lorida registered land surveyor. The survey must be delivered to the Owner of Clearwater Construction Division upon substantial completion of the project. If this condition is not met, the Owner will procure the services of a Professianal Surveyor and Mapper registered in the State of Florida and will back charge the contractor a fee af $1,800 per day or any portion thereof to provide the �wner with the required As-}3uilt Survey. Sanitary and Starm Sewer Piping Systems 1. Manholes and inlets shall be located by survey caordinates (northing, easting and elevation) based on the approved horizontal and vertical datum or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction plans. New sanitary service connections and replaced sanitary service connections shall be dimensioned to the raearest dawnstream manhole. All manholes, cleanouts and catch basin invert and rim elevations, manhole and catch basin dimensions, pipe sizes, and pipe material shall also be noted on the plan view and also on the prafile if one exists. 2. Pipe materials and areas of special construction shall be noted. Pressure Pipe construction (Water, Reclaimed Water, Farcemain) All pipes shall be located by survey coordinates (northing, easting and elevation) based on the approved horizontal and vertical datum or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction plans. Coordinates shall be at all pipe bends, tees, valves, reducers, and deflections. Also all new and replaced service connections for potable and reclaimed water will be located as described above. Additionally there must be survey coordinates no further than 100 feet apart on linear type construction and shall denote top of pipe elevation at those points. SectionlII.doc Page 20 of 46 4/11/2011 1 , , 1 r- L�I Section Ill — General Conditions fi.11.2.4 Electrical and Control Wiring The as-built drawings shall include all changes to the original Contract Plans. The as-built drawings shall also include the size, color, and number of wires and conduit. For prajects where this information is too voluminous to be contained on the blueline prints, the Contractor shall prepare supplemental drawings, on same size sheets as the blueline prints, showing the additional conduit runs, l-line diagrams, ladder diagrams, and other information_ The wiring schematic diagrams shall show termination location and wiring identification at each point on the ladder diagram. Horizontal and Vertical Control ' The As-Built survey shall be based an the original datum used for the construction design plans or if required by the Owner the datum shall be referenced to the North American Datum of 1983/9� (horizontal) and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. The unit of ineasurement ' shall be the United States Foot. Any deviation or use of any other datum, (horizontal and or vertical), must be approved by the Owner of Clearwater Engineering Department. � � ' ' , ' 1 `-1 ' ' 1 ' Standards The As-Built survey shall meet the Minimum Technical Standards per Chapter 61G17 and the Clearwater CAD ST�NDARDS set forth below. In addition to locating all improvements that pertain to the as-built survey it is the requirement of the Owner to have minimum locatian points at every change in direction and no more than ] 00 feet apart on all pressure pipes. Other The As-Bui1C drawings shall reflect any differences from the original Contract Plans, in the same level of detail and units of dimensions as the Plans. 6.11.3 CAD STANDARDS l.ayer Naming Prefixes and SufFixes DI prefix denotes digitized or scanned entities EP prefix denates existing points - field collected EX prefix denotes existing entities - line wark and symbols PR prefix denotes proposed entities - line work and symbols FU prefix denotes future entities (proposed but not part of this contract) - line work and symbols TX suffx denotes text — use for all text, no matter the prefix GAS ELEC PHONE SectionIiI.doc �r Namin Definitions: gas lines and appurtenances power lines and appurtenances telephone lines and appurtenances Page 21 of 46 air�i2orr Section 111— General Conditions CABLE cable 7�'V lines and appurtenances BOC curbs W.ALK sidewalk WATER water lines and appurtenances, sprinklers STORM storm lines and appurtenances TRE.�S trees, bushes, planters SANITARY sanitary lines and appurtenances FENCE all fences BLDG buildings, sheds, finished floor elevation DRIVE driveways E�P edge o�pavement without curbs TRf1FFIC signal poles, control boxes TOP�ANK top of bank TOESLOPE toe of slope TOPSERM top of berm TOEBERM toe af berm SEAWALL seawall C�NCSLAB concrete slabs WALL walls, except seawall SHORE shoreline, water elevation CL centerline of road CLD centerline of ditch CLS centerline of swale CORNER property corners, monumentation BENCH bettchmark, temporary benchmarks Other layers may be created as required, using above format. Layer Properties All layers will use standard AutoCAD linetypes, bylayer. All layers will use standard AutoCAD colors, bylayer. All text will use standard AutoCAD fonts. Text Styles Text style for EX layers will use the simplex font, oblique angle of 0°, and a text height of .008 times the plot scale. Sectionl]I.doc Page 22 of 46 4/11/2011 � , � Section Ill -� (.;cneral Conditions Text style for PR and FU layers will use the simplex font, oblique anglc of 22.5°, and a text height of .O J O times the plot scale. 6.11.4 DELIVERABLES: ' The as-built survey shall be produced on vellum or bond material, 24" x 3b" at a scale of 1"=20' unless approved otherwise. The cor�sultant shall deliver all drawing .files in di�ital format. Acceptable file formats include: DWG, DXF of a shape file. 1 ' 1 � 1 ' � 1 ' ' ' � ' 1 ' Please address any questions regarding format ta Mr. Tom Mahony, at (727) 562-4762 or e-mail address Thomas.IVlahon a m clearwater.com. 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE Contractor warrants and guarantees to Owner, Engineer and Engineer's Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. Contractar's warranty and guarantee hereunder includes defects or damage caused by abuse, vandalism, modification or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors or Suppliers. iJntil the acceptance of the Work by the Owner, the Work shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every necessary precaution against injury or damage to any part thereof by action of the elements, or from any other cause whatsoever, arising from the execution or non-execution of the Work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair and make good, at his own expense, all injuries or damages ta any portion of the Work occasioned by any cause before its completion and final acceptance by the Owner. In addition, "the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work at his own expense and pay far any damage to other wark resulting therefrom which appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance". Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes improper maintenance and operation by Owner's employees and normal wear and tear under norrnal usage for any portion of the Work, which has been partially accepted by the Owner for operation prior to final acceptance by the Owner. Contractor's obligation ta perform and complete the Work in accordance wiCh the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the follawing will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perfornn the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: (i) observations by Owner's Representative, (ii) recommendation of any progress or final payment by Owner's Representative, (iii) the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by the Owner to contractor under the Contract Documents, (iv) use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by Owner, (v) any acceptance by Owner or any failure to do so, (vi) any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal or the issuance of a notice of Acceptance by the Engineer. 6.13 C�NTINUING THE WORK Contractor shall carry on the work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with the Owner. No work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes ar disagreements, except as the Owner or Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. 6.14 INDEMNIFICATION Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of SectionlII.doc Page 23 of 46 4/11/2011 Section 111— General Conditions engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court ar arbitratian or other dispute resolution costs) caused by, arising aut of or resultin� from the performance of the Wark, provided that any such clairn, cost, loss or damage: (i) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangil�le property (other than the work itsel�, including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perfarm or iurnish any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not caused in part by any negligence or omission of a person or entity indemnified hereunder or whether liability is .imposed upon such indemnif ed party by Laws and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such person. If, through acts of neglect on the part of Contractor, any other Contractor or any Subcontractor shall suffer loss or damage on the work, Contractor shall settle with such other Contractor or Subcontractor by agreement or arbitration if such other Contractor or Subcontractor will so settle. If such other Contractor or Subcontractor shall assert any claim against the Owner on such account of any darxzage alleged to have been sustained, the Owner shall notify Contractor, who shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any such claim. in any and all claims against Owner or Engineer or any of their respective consultants, agents, officers, directors, or employees by any emplayee (or the survivor or personal representative of such employee) of Contractor, any Subcantractor, any Supplier, any person directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or iurnish any of the work, or anyona for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this paragraph shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for Contractor or any such Sub-contractor, Supplier or other person or organization under workers' compensation acts, disability bene .fit acts or other employee benefit acts. The indemnification obligations of Contractor under this paragraph shall not extend to the liability of Engineer and Engineer's Consultants, officers, directors, employees, or agents caused by the professional negligence, errors or omissions of any of them. 6.15 CHANGES IN COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION Contractor shall notify Owner by US mail addressed to the City Engineer of any changes in company contact information. This includes: contact phone, address, project manager, email addresses, etc. 7 OTHER WORK 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE The City reserves the right to have its own ,forces enter the construction site at any time and perform work as necessary in order to perform infrastructure repair or maintenance, whether related to the project or not. The Contractor will allow complete access to all utility owners for tlaese purposes. The City may have its own forces perform new work related ta the project, however, this work will be identified in the Contract Scope of Work and coordinatian will be such that this activity is denoted in the Contractar's CPM Sc}aedule so as not to cause any delays or interference with the Contractor's work or schedule. SectionIIl.doc Page 24 of 46 4/11/ZO11 ' ' � � � Section Ill — Gcncral Conditions 7.2 C04RDINATION lf the Owner contracts with others far the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the following will be set forth in the Scope of Work: (i) the person who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among ihe various prime contractors will be identitied; (ii) the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and (iii) the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. i,Jnless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, the Owner shall have sole authority and responsibility in respect of such coordination. 8 OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, the Owner shall issue all cammunications from the Owner to the Contractor through Owner's Representative. The Owner shall furnish the data required of the �wner under the Contract Documents promptly �. and shall make payrnents to Contractor promptly when they are due as provided in these General Conditions. � � � The Owner is obligated to execute Change Orders as indicated in the Article on Changes In The Work. The Owner's responsibility in respect af certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in the Article on Tests and Inspections. In connection with the Owner's right to stop work or suspend work, see the Article on Engineer may Stop the Work. The Article on Suspension of Work and Termination deals with the Owner's right to terminate services of Contractor under certain circumstances. Owner shall not supervise, direct or have cantrol or authority over, nor be responsible for, � Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and pragrams incident thereto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. The Owner will not be � responsible for Cantractor's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. � 9 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTI�N � � � � � 1 9.1 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE Dependant of the project type, the Owner's Representative during the construction period will either be the Canstruction Manager, the Engineer, or a designee of the Project's Owner. The duties, responsibilities and the limitations of authority of Owner's Representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended withaut written consent of Owner and Engineer. 9.2 CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Engineer will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents regarding design issues only, in the form of Submittal respanses, RFI responses, Drawings or otherwise, as Engineer may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from Contract Sectionli.i.doc Page 25 of 46 4/11/2011 Section III — Ceneral Conditions Documents. All other clarifcations and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued form the Owner's Representative. Such written clarifications and interpretations will be binding on the Owner and Contractor. If Cotttrlctor believes that a written clarification or interpretation justi#iES an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof, if any, Contractar may make a written claitxa therefore as provided in the Articles for Change af Work and Change of Cantract Time. 9.3 REJECTING OF DEFECTIVE WORK The Owner's .Representative or the Engineer will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which Owner's Representative or the .Engineer believes to be defective, or that Owner's Representative or the Engineer believes will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. The Owner's Representative or the Engineer will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. 9.4 SHOP DRAWINGS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS In connection with Engineer's authority as to Sk�op .Drawings and Samples, see articles on Shop Drawings and Samples. In connection with Owner's Representative authority as to Change Orders, see the articles on Changes of Work, Contract Nrice and Cantract Time. In connection with Owner's Representative authority as to Applications for Payment, see the articJes on Payments to Contractor and Cornpletian. 9.5 DECISIONS QN DISPUTES The Owner's Representative will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of Che Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the performanc� ar►d furnishing of the work and Claims under the Articles for Changes of Work, Changes of Contract Time and Changes of Contract Price will be referred initially to Owner's Representative in writing with a request for 1 formal decision in accordance with this paragraph. Written notice of each such claim, dispute or other matter will be delivered by the clai.mant to Owner's Representative and the other parly ta the Agreement promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the start of the occurr�nce or event giving rise thereto, and written support.ing data will be submitted to Uwner's Representative and the other party within sixty (60) days after the start of such occurrence or event unless Owner's Representative allows an additional period of time %r the submission of additional or more accurate data in support of such claim, dispute or other matter. The opposing party shall submit atty response to Owner's Representative and the claimant within thirty (30) days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal, unless Owner's Representative allows additianal time. Owner's Representative will render a formal decision in writing within thirCy (30) days after receipt of the opposing party's submittal, if any, in accordance with this paragraph. Owner Representative's written decision on such claim, dispute or other matter will be final and binding upon the Owner and Contractor unless (i) an appeal frotxa Owner Representative's decision is taken within thirty (30) days of the Owner Representative's decision, or the appeal time which may be stated in a Dispute Resolution Agreement between Owner and Contractor for the settlement of disputes or (ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreerraent has been entered inta, a written notice of intention to appeal from Owner Representative's written decision is delivered by the Owner or Contractar SectionCll,doc Page 26 of 46 4/11/2011 � 1 LJ � , �, r� � � � � � r � � i Section Ill — General Conditions to the other and to �wner's Representative within thirty (30) days after the date of such decision and a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing parCy in a forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such claim, dispute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations within sixty (60) days of the date of such decision, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Owner and Contractor. When functioning as interpreter and judge, Owner's Representative will not show partiality to the Owner ar Contractar and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a d�cision by Owner's Representative with respect to any such claim, dispute or ather matter will be a condition precedent to any exercise by the Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter pursuant the Article on Dispute Resolutian. 9.6 LIMITATIONS ON OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S RESPONSIBILITIES Neither Owner Representative's authority or responsibility under this paragraph or under any other provision of the Contract Documents nor any decision made by Owner's Representative in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority or responsibility or the undertaking, exercise or performance of any authority or responsibility by �wner's RepresenCative shall create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by Owner's Representative to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other persan or organizatian or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of them. Owner's Representative will not supervise, direct, contral or have authority over or be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the work. Owner's Representative will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform or furnish the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Owner's Representative will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of Contractor ar of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization perfarming or furnishing any of the work. Owner Representative's review of the final Applicatian for Fayment and accompanying docurraentatian and all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds and certificates of inspection, tests and approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by the Contractar will only be to determine generally that their content complies with the requirements af the Contract Documents and, in the case of certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents. The limitations upon authority and responsibility set farth in this paragraph shall also apply co Owner Representative's CEI, the Engineer's Consultants, and assistants. 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK Without invalidating the Agreement and without notice to any surety, the Owner may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Wark. Such additions, deletions or revisions will be authorized by a Written Amendment, a Change Order, or a Work SectionlIi.doc Page 27 of 46 4/I1/2011 Section 111— Gener�l Conditions Chan�e Directive. Upon receipt of any such document, Contractor shall promptly praceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Cantract Documents (except as may otherwise be specifically provided). If the Owner and Contractor are unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjustment in the Contract Price or an adjustment of the Contract Time that should be allowed as a result af a Work Chang� Directive, a claim may be mad� therefare as provided in these General Conditions. Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase rn the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any Work perfarmed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified and supplemented as provided in these General Conditions except in the case of an emer�ency as provided or in the case of uncovering work as provided in article for Uncovering Work. The Owner and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Orders or Written Amendments recommended by Owner's Representative covering: changes in the work which are (i) ordered by tlae Owner (ii) required because of acceptance of defective work under the article for Acceptance of Defective Work or correcting defective Work under the article for Owner May Correct Defective Work or (iii) agreed to by the parties; changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties; and changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which embody the substance of any written decision rendered by Owner's Representative pursuant to the article for Decisions on Disputes; provided that, in lieu of executing any such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Docunnents and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any such appeal, Contractor shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in the article for Continuing the Work. If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time) is required by the provisions of any Band to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be Contractor's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be aajusted accordingly. 11 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE 11.1 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE The Contract Price constitutes the total campensation (subject to authori2ed adjustments) payable to Contractor For performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by Contractor shall be at Contractor's expense without change in the Contract Price. The Contract Price may only be adjusted by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment in the ContracC ,Price shall be based on a written notice of claim stating the general nature ofthe claim, to be delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to Owner's Representative or promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the claim. Notice of the amount of the claitn with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (60) days after the start of such occurrence or event, unless Owner's Representative allows additional tinne for claimant to submit additional or more accurate data in support of the claim, and shall be accornpanied by 5ectionlII.doc Page 28 of46 4/11/2011 � ' Section lil — General Conditions claimant's written sCatement that the claimed adjustment cavers all known amounts to which the claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event. No claim for an adjustment in the � Contract Price will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this paragraph. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be determined as follows: (i) where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the � Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items invalved (ii) where the Work invalved is not covered by unit prices contained in the ConCract Documents, by a tnutually agreed lump sum (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit), (iii) � where the Work is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement is reached to establish unit prices for the Work. � �� � � � � � � � Where the work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and where the Owner's Representative, the Owner, the .Engineer, the Engineer's Consultant, and Contractor cannot mutually agree on a lump sum price, the City of Clearwater shall pay for directed changes in the WORK, on "COST REIMSURSEMENT" basis. The Cantractor shall apply for compensation, detailing Cantractors forces, materials, equipment, subcontractors, and other items of direct costs required for the directed work. The applicatian for Cost Reimbursement shall be limited to the following items: Labor, including foremen, for those hours assaciatcd with the direct work (actual payroll cosC, including wages, fringe bene�ts� labor insurance and labor taxes estiablished by law). Expressly excluded from this item are all costs associated with negotiating the subject charage. 2. Materials associated with the change, including sales tax. The costs of materials shall be substantiated thraugh vendors' invoices. 3. Rental or equivalent rental costs of equipment, including necessary transportation costs if specifically used for the WORK. The rental rates shall not exceed the current rental rates prevailing in the locality or as defined in the r�ntal Rate Blue Book for Construction Equipment (a.k.a. DataQuest Blue Book). The rental rate is defined as the full-unadjusted base rental rate for the appropriate item of canstruction equipm�nt and shall cover the casts of all fuel, supplies, repairs, insurance, and other costs associated with supplying the equipment for work ardered. Contractor-owned equipment will be paid far the duration of time required to complete the work. Utilize lowest cost combination of hourly, daily, weEkly, or monthly rates. Do not exceed estimated operating costs given in Blue Sook. Operating costs will not be allowed for equipment on stand-by. 4 SectionIII.doc Additional costs for Sonds, Insurance if required by the City of Clearwater. The following fixed fees shall be added to the costs of the directed work performed by the Cantractor or Subcontractor. A. A fixed fee of fifteen percent (15%) shall be added to the casts of Item 1 above. If work is performed by a subcontractor, the Contractor's fee shall not exceed �ve percent (5%), and the subcontractar's fee shall not exceed ten percent (l0%). B. A fixed fee of ten percent (10%) shall be added to the costs of Item 2 above. C. No markup shall be added to the costs of Items 3 and 4. The frxed fees shall be considered the full compensatian for all cost of general supervision, averhead, profit, and other general expense. Page 29 of 46 4/11/2011 $ection I11— General Conditions 11.2 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENT It is understood that Contrlctor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be furnished and perfarmed for such sums as may be acceptable to Owner and Engineer. Contractor agrees that: (i) the allowances include the cost to Contractor (less any applicable trade discounts) of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and (ii) Contractor's costs for unloading and handling an the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, prafrt and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included in the Contract Price and not in the allowances and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the for�going will be valid. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order wiJl be issued as recommended by Owner's Representative to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on accaunt of Work covered by allowances and all the Work actually performed by the Contractor, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjustEd. 11.3 UNIT PRICE WORK Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed ta include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to ihe sum of the established unit price for each separately identified item of unit price work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estinriated quantities af items of Unit �'rice Wark are not guaranteed and are salely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Detenninations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor will be made by Owner's Representative. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. The Owner or Contractor may make a claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price if: (i) the quantity of any itern of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor differs materially and si�nificantly from the estimated quantity of such itezn indicated in the Contract Documents; and (ii) there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work; and (iii) if Contractor believes that Contractor is entitled to an increase in Contract Price as a result of having incurred additional expense or the Owner believes that the Owner is entitled to a decrease in Contract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such inerease or d�crease. On unit price contracts, Owner endeavors to provide adequate unit quantities to satisfactorily complete the construction of the project. It is expected that in the normal course of project construction and completion that not all unit quantities will be used in their entirety and ihat a finalizing change order which adjusts contract unit quantities to those unit quantities actually used in the construction of the project will result in a net decrease from the original Contract Price. Such reasonable deduction of final Contract Price should be anticipated by the Contractor in his original bid. 12 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT TIME The Cantract Tixne (or Milestones) may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustrnent of the Contract Time (or Milestones) shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the ather party and to Owner's Representative promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the extent of SectionIll.doc Page 30 of 46 4/11/201 ] � � Section lll — General Conditions the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (60) days after such occurrence, unless Owner's Representative allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim, and sha11 be accompanied by the claimant's written statement that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has reason Co believe it is entitled as a result af� the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time (ar Milestones) shall be determined by Owner's Representative. Na claim for an adjustment in the Contract Time (or Milestones) will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. All time lirnits stated in the Contract Dacuments are of the essence of the Agreement. Where Contractor is prevented from campleting any part of the work within the Contract Time � (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the contral of Contractor, the Contract Time (or Milestones) may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a claim is made therefore as provided in the article for Changes in the � Work. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, acts by the Uwner, acts of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by the article for Other Work, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions or acts of God. � Delays attributable to and within the cantrol of a Subcontractor or Suppli�r shall be deemed to be delays within the control af Contractor. � r �� � Where Contractor is prevented from cotnpl�ting any part of the Work within the Cantract Times (or Milestanes) due to delay beyond the control of both the Owrter and Contractor, an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones) in an amaunt equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy For such delay. In no event shall the Owner be liable to Contractor, any Subcantractor, any Supplier, any other person, or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of them, for damages arising out of or resulting from (i) delays caused by or within the control of Contractor, or (ii) delays beyond the control of both parties including but not limited to fires, �loads, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, acts of God or acts by utility owners ar other contractors performing other work as contemplated by paragraph far Other Work. 13 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS, CORRECTION, REM�VAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE W�RK 13.1 TESTS AND INSPECTION Contractor shall give Owner's Representative and Engineer titnely notice of readiness of the � Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. � � L-- � � Contractor shall employ and pay for the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform all inspections, tests, or approvals required by the Contract Documents. The costs for these inspections, tests or approvals shall be borne by the Contractor except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If Laws or Regulatians of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work (or part thereo� specifically ta be inspected, tested or approved by an employee or other representative of such public body including all Owner Building Departments and �wner Utility Departments, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish Owner's Representative the required 5ectionlll.doc Page31 of46 4/11/2011 Section Ili — General Conditions certificates of inspection or approval. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, Owner permit and impact fees will be waived. Contractor shall also be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests or approvals required for Owner's and Engineer's acceptance af materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractar's purchase ihereof for incorporation of the Work. If any Work (or the work of others) that is to be insp�eted tested or approved is covered by Contractor without writCen concurrence of Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered for observation. Uncovering Work as provided in this paragraph shall be aY Contractor's expense unless Contractor has given Owner's Representative and Engineer timely notice of Contractor's intentian to cover the same and Owner's Representative has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. 13.2 UNCOVERING THE WORK If any Work is cover�d contrary to the written request of Qwner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered for O�vner Representative's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. If Owner's Representative considers it necessary or advisable that covered Wark be observed by Owner's Representative or inspected or tested by �thers, Contractor, at Owner Representative's request, shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for abservation, inspection or testing as Engineer or Uwner's Rcpresentative may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary ]abor, material and equipment. IPit is found that such Work is defective, Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, lasses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory replacement or r�construction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacernent of work of others); and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price for the costs of thc investigation, and, if the parties are uzaable to agree as Co the amount thereof, may make a claim therefore as provided in the article for Change in Contract Price. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an inerease in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones), or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement and reconstruction; and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, Contractor may make a claim therefore as provided the article for Chan�e in Contract Price and Change of Contract Time. 13.3 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MAY STOP THE WORK lf the Work is defective, or Coniractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipmerat, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Dacuments, Engineer or Owner's Representative may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been elirninated; however, this right of Owner's Representative to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of Owner's Representative or Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor ar any surety or other party. If the Owner's Representative stops Work under this paragraph, Contractar shall be entitled to no extension af Contract Time ar increase in Contract Price. SectionIII.doc Page 32 of 46 q/1 �/Zp� � tJ � � � � � � �� � �� � �� ,� � �� � � Seetion lli - General Conditions 13.4 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK If required by Engineer or Owner's Representative, Contractor shall pramptly, as directed, either correct all defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by Engineer or Owner's Representative, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting fram such correctian or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of�others). 13.5 WARRANTY/C4RRECTION PERIOD If within one year after the date af Substantial Completion or such longer period af tim� as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, Contractor shall promptly, without cost to the Owner and in accordance with the Owner's written instructions; (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the Owner, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work af others resulting therefrom. lf Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, the Owner may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected. Work remaved and replaced, and all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work oTothers) will be paid by Contractor. In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service befare Final Completion of all the Work, the correction period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if specifically and expressly so provided in th� Specifcations or by Written Amendment. Where defective Work (and damage to other Wark resulting therefrom) has been carrected, removed or replaced under this paragraph the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended for an additional period of ane year a$er such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily completed. 13.6 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK If, instead af requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, the Owner prefers to accept it, the �wner may do so. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages attributable to the Owner's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work such costs to be approved by Owner's Representative as to reasonableness. If any such acceptance occurs prior Co Owner Representative's recommendation of final payment, a Change Order will be issued incarporating the necessary revisions in the C�ntract Documents with respect to the Work; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, the Owner may make a claim therefore as provided in article for Chan�e of Contract Price. If the acceptance occurs after the Owner Representative's recommendation for fnal paytnent an appropriate amount will be paid by Contractor to the Owner. Sectionlll.doc Page 33 of 46 4/11/2011 Section 111— Gcneral Condilions 13.7 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK lf Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice from Owner's Representative to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by Owner's Representative itt accordance with the article for Correction and Removal of Defective Work or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, the Owner may, after seven days' written notice to Contractor, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph the Owner shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such correcCive and remedial action, the Owner may exclude Contractor from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of che Work, and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all inaterials and equipment stored at the site or for which the Owner has paid Contractor but whicl� are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow Owner, Owner's Representatives, Agents and employees, the Owner's other contractors, and Owner's Representative, .Engineer, and Engineer's Consultants access to the site ta enable the Owner to exercise the rights and remedies under this paragraph. All claims, costs, losses and damages incurred or sustained by the Qwner in exercising such rights and rernedies will be charged against Contractor and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to a�ree as to the amount thereof, the Owner may make a claim thereTore as provided in the article for Change of Contract Price. Such claims, costs, losses and damages will inc]ude but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by conrection, removal or replacement of Contractor's defective Work. Contractor shal I not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestanes) because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by the Owner of the Owner's rights and remedies hereundcr. 14 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION Requests far payment shall be processed in accordance with F.S. 218.735 and as described herein. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the nwnber of units completed. 14.1 APPLICATION FQR PROGRESS PAYMENT Contractor shall subinit (not more olien than once a►nonth) to Owner's Representative for review an Application for Payment filled aut and si�r►ed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the 25th of eac.h month and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Owner's Representative and the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, payment will not be made for materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work. Payment will anly be made for that portion of the Work, which is fully installed including all materials, labor and equipment. A retainage of not less than five (5%) of the amount of each Application for Payment for the total of all Wark, including as-built survey and Inspector overtime reimbursement, completed to date will be held until final completion and aceeptance of the Work covered in the Contract Documents. No progress payment shall be construed to be acceptance of any portion of the Work under contract. The Contractor shall review with the Engineer or the Construction Inspector all quantities and work for which payment is being applied for and reach agreement prior to submittal of an Of�cial Pay Request. The Engineer or the Constructioan lnspector w,ill verify that the an-site Sectionlil.doc Page 34 of 46 airvzoii � � Section Ill — General Conditions marked up as-built drawings are up to date with the work and are in compliance with the ContracC Documents. In addition to all other paymeni provisions set out in this contract, the Owner's Representative anay require the Contractor to produce for Owner, within fifteen (15) days of the approval of any progress payment, evidence and/or payment affidavit that all subcantractors and suppliers have been paid any sum or sums then due. �1 failure on the part of the contractor to provide the report as required h�rein shall result in further progress or partial payments being withheld until the report is provided. 14.2 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITLE Contractar warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to the Owner no later than the time of payment, free and clear of liens. No materials or supplies for the Wark shall be purchased by Contractor or Subcontractor subject to any chattel rnartgage or under a conditional sale contact ar other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. Contractor warrants that he has good title to all materials and supplies used by him in ih� Work, free trom all liens, claims ar encumbrances. Cantractor shall indemnify and save the Owner harmless from all claims growing out of the lawful demands of Subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen, and furnisher's of machinery and parts Chereof, equipment, power tools, and all supplies incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this Contract. Contractar shall at the Owner's request, furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged, or waived. If Cantractor fails to do so, then the Owner may, after having served written notice on said Contractor either pay unpaid bills, of which the Owner has written notice, or withhold from the Contractor's unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to pay any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities hav� been fully discharged, whereupon payment to Contractor shall be resumed in accordance with the terms of this Contract, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be construed to impose any obligations upon the Owner ta the Contractor or the Surety. In paying any unpaid bills of the Contractor, the Owner shall be deemed the agent of Contractor and any payment so made by the Owner shall be considered as payment made under the Contract by the Owner to Contractor, and the Owner shall not be liable to Contractor for any such payment made in good faith. 14.3 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS The Owner's Representative will within twenty (20) business days after receipt authorize and process payment by the Owner a properly submitted and documented Application for payment, unless the application requires review by an Agent. If the Application for payment requires review and approval by an Agent, properly submitted and documented Applications for payment will be paid by the Owner within twenty-five (25} business days. If an Application for payment is rejected, notice shall be given within twenty (20) business days of receipt indicating the reasons for refusing payment. The reasons for rejecting an Application will be submitted in writin�, specifying deficiencies and identifying actions that would make the Applicatian proper. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary carrections and resubmit the Application. The Owner's Representative or Agent may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment to Owner. Owner's Representative or Agent may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subseyuent inspections or test, nullify any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be SectionIII.doc Page 35 of46 4/11/2011 Section I[i — General Conditions necessary in Owner Representative's or Agent's opinion to protect the Owner from loss because: (i) the Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring corr'ection or replacement, (ii) the Contract �?rice has been reduced by amendment or Change Order, (iii) the Owner has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work, or (iv) Owraer's Representative or Agent has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in the article on Suspension of Work and Termination. The Owner may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by the Owner's Representative or Agent because: (i) claims have been made against the Owner on account of Contractor's performance or furnishin� of the Work, (ii) Liens have been tiled in connection with the Work, except where Contractor has delivered a specifrc Bond satisfactory to the Qwner to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, (iii) there are other items entitling the Owner to a set-off against the amount recommended, or (iv) the Owner has actual knowledge of any of the events described in this paragraph. The Owner shall �ive Contractor notice of refiasal to pay in accordance with the time constraints of this section with a copy to the Owner's Representative or Agent, stating the reasons for such actions, and Owner shall promptly pay Cantractor the amount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto agreed to by the Owner and Contractar, when Contractor corrects to the Owner's satisfaction the reasons for such action. 14.4 PARTIAL UTILIZATION Use by the Owner at the Owner's option of any substantially completed part of the Work which (i) has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or (ii) Owner, Lngineer, Owner's Representative, and Contractor agree constiCutes a separately functioning and usable part or the Work that can be used by the Own�r for its intended purpose wiChout signiticant interference with Cantractor's performance ofthe remainder oithe Work, may be accomplished prior to Final ComplEtion of all the Work subject to the following: The Owner at any time may request Contractor in writing to permit the Owner to use any such part of the Work which the Owner believes to be ready for its intettded use and substantially complete. If Contractor agrees that such part of the Work is substantially complete, Contractor will certify to Owner, Owner's Representative, and Engineer that such part of the Work is substantially complete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Contractor at any time may notify Owner, Uwner's Representative, and Engineer in writing that Contractor considers any such part of the Wark ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certificate o� Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, Owner, Contractar, �wner's Representative, and Engineer shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. If Engineer does not cansider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, Engineer will natify Owner, Owner's Representative, and Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefore. If Engineer considers that part of the Work to be substantially cornplete, the provisions of the articles for Substantial Completion and �artial Utilization will apply with respect to certification of Substantial Completion of that part of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and access thereto. 14.5 FINAL INSPECTION Upon written notice from Contractor that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, Qwner's Representative will make a final inspection with Engineer, Owner and Contractar and will within tk�irty (30) days notiiy Contractor in writing of particulars in which SectionlII.doc Page 36 of 46 4/'i l/2011 [� � � � � � � � � � � � �..� � �� � � Section Ill — General Conditions this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. The Owner's Representative will produce a final punch list, deliver it to the Contractor within five (5) days of completion and assign a date far this work to be completed not less than thirty (30) days �rom delivery ofthe list. Failure ta include any corrective work or pending items does not alter thc responsibility of the contractor to complete all the construction services purchased pursuani to the contract. Contractar shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deticiencies. 14.fi FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT After Contractor has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of Owner's Representative and has delivered in accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating instructions, As-built/Record Drawings, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates or ather evidence of insurance r�quired by the paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, certif cates of inspection, Inspector overtime reimbursement as required in the Contract Documents and other documents, Contractor may make application for final payment following the procedure for pragress payments. 7"he final Application for Payment shal] be accompanied (�xcept as previously delivered) by: (i) all documentation called for in the Contract Uocuments, including but not limited ta the evidence of insurance required by paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, (ii) consent of the surety, if any or if necessary, to final payment, and (iii) complete and legally efitective releases or waivers (satisfactory to the �wner) of all Liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or waivers of Liens and as approved by the Owner, Contractor may furnish receipts or releases in full and an at�idavit of Contractor that: (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be filed, and (ii) all payrolls, material and equipment bills and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the �wner or the Owner's property might in any way be responsible have been paid or otherwise satisfied. If any Subcontractor or Supplier fails to furnish such a release or receipt in full, Contractor may furnish a P,ond or oCher collateral satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify the Owner against any Lien. Prior ta application for final payment, Contractor shall clean and remove fram the premises all surplus and discarded materials, rubbish, and temporary structures, and shall restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been damaged during the prosecution of the Work, and shall leave the Work in a neat and presentable condition. 14.7 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE Tf through no fault af Contractor, final completian of the Work is significantly delayed and if Owner's R.epresentative so confirms, the Owner shall, upan receipt of Contractor's final Application for payment and recommendation of Owner's Representative, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by the Owner far Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been fumished as required in paragraph for Bonds and lnsurance, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that partion af the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to Owner's Representative with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that such payment shall not constitute a waiver of claims. If on the basis of Owner Representative's observation of the Work during canstruction and final inspection, and Owner Representative's review of the final Application for Payment and $ectionlll.doc Page 37 oF46 h/11/2�11 Section lIi — General Conditions accompanying documentation, all as required by the Contract Documents, Owner's Representative is satis .fied that the Work has been completed and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, Qwner's Representative will indicate in writing his recommendation of paymertt and present the Application to Owner for payment. Thereupon, Owner's Representative will give written notice to Owner and Cantractor that the Work is acceptable subject ta the provisions of this article. Otherwise, Owner's Representative will return the Application to Contractor, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment, in which case Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. If the Application and accompanying documentation are appropriate as to form and substance, the Owner shall, within twenty (20) days after receipt thereof pay contractor the amount recommended by Owner's Representative. 14.8 WAIVER OF CLAIMS The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: a waiver of all claims by the Owner against Contractar, except claims arising from unsettled L,iens, from defective Work appearing after final inspection, from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any special guarantees speci .fied therein, or from Contractor's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and a waiver of all claitns by Contractor against the Owner other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. 15 SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.1 OWNER MAY SUSPEND THE WORK At any time and without caus�, Owner's Representative may suspend the Work or any portion ihereof for a period of not more than ninety (9Q) days by notice in writing to Contractor, which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. Cotttractor shall be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Cantract Times, or both, directly attributable ta any such suspet�sion if Contractor makes an approved claim therefore as provided in the articles for Change oF Contract Pric� and C.hange of Contract Time. 15.2 OWNER MAY TERMINATE Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events; if Contractor persistently fails to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Docuznents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply suf�cient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhEre ta the progress schedule as adjusted frorn time to tirne); if Contractor disregards Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; if Cantractor disregards the authority of Owner's Representative; if Contractor atherwise violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents; or if the Work to be done under this Contract is abandoned, or if this Contract or any part thereof is sublet, without the previous written consent of the Owner, or if the Contract or any claim thereunder is assigned by Contractor atherwrse than as herein specified, or at any time Owner's Representative certifies in writing to the Owner that the rate of progress of the Work or any part thereof is unsatisfactory or that the wark or any part thereof is unnecessarily or unreasonably delayed. SectionIIl.doc Page 38 of 46 4/ f 1 /2011 � � Section 111— General Conditions The Owner may, after giving Contractor (and the surety, if any), seven days' written notice and, to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of Contractor, exclude Contractor from the site and take possession of the Work and af all Contractor's tools, appliances, construction equiprnent and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by Contractor (without liability to Contractor for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as the Owner may dee►n expedient. ln such case Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by the Owner arising out of or resulting from completing the Work such excess will be paid to Contractor. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. Such claims, costs, losses and damages incurred by the Owner will be reviewed by Owner's .Representative as to their reasonableness and when so appraved by Owner's Representative incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or reanedies under this paragraph the Uwner shall not be required to abtain the lowest price for the Work performed. Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by the Owner, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of the Owner against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. �ny ret�ntion or payment of moneys due Contractor by the Owner will not release Contractor from liability. Upon seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor and Owner's Representative, the Owner may, � without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy ofthe Owner, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such case, Contractor shall be paid (without duplication of any items): for completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract � Documents prior to the effective date af termination, including fair and reasonabl� sums far overhead and profit on such Work; � � lJ � �_ f � � for expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profrt on such expenses; for all claims, costs, lasses and damages incurred in settlement of ternninated contracts with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others; and for reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. Contractor shall not be paid on account af loss ot anticipated prafits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination. 15.3 CONTRACTOR MAY STOP WORK OR TERMINATE If, through, no act or fault of Contractor, the Work is suspended for a periad of more than ninety (90) days by the Owner or under an order of court or other public authority, or the Owner's Representative fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty (30) days af�er it is submitted or the Owner fails for thirty (30) days to pay Contractor any sum finally determined to be due, then Contractar may, upon seven (7) days' written notice ta the Owner and Owner's Representative, and provided the Owner or Owner's Representative does not remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from the Owner 5ectionlii.doc Fage 39 of 46 4�1 ��2�11 Section 111— General Conditions payment on the sarne terms as provided in the article for the Owner May Terminate. However, if the Work is suspended under an order of court through no fault of Owner, the Contractor shall not be entitled to payment except as the Court may direct. In lieu of terminaCing the Agreernent and without prejudice ta any other right or remedy, if Owner's Representative has failed to act on an Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or the Owner has failed for thirty (30) days to pay Cantractor any sum finally determined to be due, Contractor may upon seven (7) day's written notice to the Owner and Owner's Representative stop the Wark until payment of all such amounts due Contractor. The provisions of this article are not intended to preclude Contractor from making claim under paragraphs for Change of Contract Price or Chan�e of Contract Time or otherwise for expenses or damage directly attributable to Contractor's stopping Work as pennitted by this article. 1 S DISPUTE RESOLUTION If and to the extcnt that the Owner and Contractor have agreed on the method and procedure for resolving disputes between them that may arise under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method and procedure will proceed. If no such agreement on the methad and procedure for resalving such disputes has been reached, subject to the provisions of the article for Decisions on Disputes, the Owner and Contractar may exercise such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents ar by Laws or Regulations in respect of any dispute provided, however, that nothing hexein shall require a dispute to be submitted to binding arbitration. 17 MISCELLANEOUS 17.1 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT F�RMS The form of all submittals, notices, change orders, pay applications, logs, schedules and other documents permitted or required to be used or transmitted under the Contract Documents shall be determined by the Owner's Representative subject to the approval of Owner. 17.2 GIVING NOTICE Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, noCice will be deemed to have been validly �iven if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. 17.3 NOTICE OF CLAIM Should the Owner or Contractor suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omissian or any act of the other party or of any of the other party's officers, employees or agents or others for whose acts the ather party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute oi limitations or repose. Sectionill.doc Page 40 of46 4/11/2011 � �� Section III — General Conditions 17.4 PROFESSIDNAL FEES AND COURT COSTS INCLUDED � Whenever reference is made to "claims, costs, lasses and damages," the phrase shall include in each case, but nat be limited to, all fees and charges of engineers, architccts, attorneys and other professic�nals and all court or other dispute resolution costs. � 17.5 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any rights thereunder without the approval of Owner, nor without the consent of surety unless the surety has waived its rights - to notice of assignment. � � � � C� �� � �� � � �� � � 17.6 RENEWAL OPTION Annual Contracts issued through the Engineering Department may be renewed for up to two (2) years, upon mutual consent of both the Owner and the Contractor/Vendor. All terms, conditions and unit prices shall remain constant unless otherwise specified in the contract specifcations or in the Invitation to bid. Renewals shall be made at the sole discretion of the Owner, and must be agreed to in writing by both parties. All renewals are contingent upon the availability of funds, and the satisfactory performance of the Contractor as determined by the Construction Department. 17.7 ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS AND/OR DUMPSTERS All City construction projects shall utilize City of Clearwater Solid Waste roll-off containers and/or dumpsters for their disposal needs. For availability or pricing contact Tom Glenn at the City of Clearwater, Solid Waste Department, phone: (727) 562-4923 or email: tom.glenn@myclearwater.com. 18 �RDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK The City reserves the right to accept and use any portion af the work whenever it is considered to the public interest to do so. The Engineer shall have the power to direct on what line or street the ConCractor shal I work and order thereof. 19 MATERIAL USED Al] material incorparated into the final work shall be new material unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. lf requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish purchase receipts of all materials. 20 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The various Contract Documents shall be given precedence, in case of conflict, error or discrepancy, as follows: Modifications, Contract Agreement, Addenda, Supplementary General Conditians, General Conditians, Supplementary Technical Specifications, Technical Specifications, Drawings. In a series of Modifications or Addenda the latest will govern. 21 OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION The Owner reserves the right, when identi�ed during the bidding process as part of the project's docurnents, to contract with the Contractor to purchase certain portions of materials identified in 5ectionlll.doc Page 41 of 46 4/11/2011 Section lll — General Conditions the project as a sales tax savings option in compliance with Florida Law since the Owner is exempt from payment of sales tax. The Contract price includes Florida sales and other applicab]e Caxes for materials, supplies, and equipment, which wiJl be a part of the Contractor's work. The Owner, being exempt from salcs tax, reserves the right to make direct purchases of various construction materials included in the Contractor's contract. The Owner purchasing af construction materials, if selected, will be administered on a deductive Change Order basis. Additionally, Purchase Qrders will include Owner's Certificate of Exemption number. See SECTION 1V, ARTICLE 1.1 - SCOP.E DESCRIP'T"lON for ODP items included in the Contract Documents and the APP.ENDIX for Q.DP Documents. 22 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION 22.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall notify all residents along the construction route or within a 500-foot radius, unless stated atherwise in the Contract .Documents, with a printed door hanger notice indicating the following informatian about the proposed construction work and the Contractor performing the work: City seal or la�o; the scheduled date for the start of construction; the type of construction; general sequence and scheduling af construction events; possibility of water service disruption and/or colored water due to construction efforts; Coratractor's naroe, the Superintendent's name, Contractor address and telephonc number; Contractor's company logo (optional); requirement for residents to remove landscaping and/or other private appurtenances which are in conflict with the proposed construction; and other language as appropriate to the scope of Contract work. Sample door hanger including proposed language shall be approved by the City prior to the start of construction. Notification shall be printed on brightly colored and durable card stock and shall be a minimum of 4-'/4 by i l inches in size. Notification (door hanger} shall be posted to residences and businesses directly affected by the Contractor's activities no later than seven (7) days prior to the start af construction activity, llirectly affected by the Contractor's activities shall mean all Contractor operations including staging areas, equipment and material storage, principal access routes across private property, etc. Contractor cannot start without proper seven (7) day notice period to residents. Contractor is required to maintain su��cient staffto answer citizen inquiries during normal business hours and to maintain appropriate message recording eguipment to receive citizen inquires after business hours. Resident notification by the Contractor is a non-specifac pay item to be included in the bid items provided in the contract proposal. 22.2 EXAMPLE CITY SEAL Of CITY OF CLEARWATER NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION TODAY'S DATE: / / PLEASE EXCUSE US FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE We are the construction contractor performin� (state type of contract) for the City of Clearwater in your area. The work wil] be performed in the public right-of-way adjacent to your property_ This notice is placed a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of construction to notify property owners of the endin start of construction. Sectionlll.doc Page 42 oF46 4/Il/2011 � � Section 11I — (aeneral Conditions (13rief description of�the construction process to be expectc�d by the property owners) The construction process may necessitate the removal of certain items from the right-of-way. 'fypical items such as sprinklers, grass, and postal approved mailboxes will be replaced by the c�ntractor within a reasonably short period of time. The replacement of driveways and sidewalks will be made using standard asphalt or concrete materials. The proper�y owner is respansible for the expense and coordination to replace driveways and sidewalks which have customized colors, textures and/or materials. Small trees, 5hrubs, landscaping materials, unauthorized mailboxes or structures within the right-of-way which nnust be removed due to the construction process will not be replaced. The property awner is responsible to relocate any such items which the property owner wishes to save prior to the start of construction. Vehicles parked on the streets or within the right-of-way may be required to be placed elsewhere. We are available to answer any questions you may have regarding the construction process or any particular item that must be relocated. Please contact our Construction Manager at (727) . We will be more than happy to assist you. �Constructian is anticipated to begin on: Company Name Company Address Contractar Phone Number 23 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS 23.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE The Owner desires to inform the general public on the Owner's use and expenditure of public funding for general capital improvement and maintenance projects. To help accomplish this purpose, the Contractar is required ta prepare and display public project information si�ns during the full course of the contract period. These signs will be displayed at all location(s) of active work. Payment to Cantractor for the preparation, installation and mana�ement of project sign(s) shall be included in the cost of the work. The number of and type oi signs will be stated in SECTION IV, ARTICLE ].1 — SCOPE DESCRIPTION. 23.2 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, FIXED OR PORTABLE Sign type shall be "fixed" an stationary projects and "portable" on projects which have extended locations or various lacations. The particular wording to be used on the signs will be determined after contract award has been approved. Contractor will be provided the wording to be used on sign at the preconstruction conference. 23.3 FIXED SIGN Fixed sign shall be 4-foot by b-foot (4'x6') in size and painted on a sheet of exterior grade plywood of the same size and a minimum thickness of 1/2-inches. Sign shall be attached to a minimum of two (2) 4-inch by 4-inch (4"x4") below grade pressure treated (P.T.) wooden posts and braced as necessary for high winds. Posts shall be long enough to provide secure anchoring in the ground. Bottom of sign must be a minimum of 24-inches above the �round. Alternate mounting system or attachment to fencing or other fixed structure can be considered for approval_ Sign shall be painted white on both sides with exterior rated paint. � Sectionlll.doc � Nage 43 of 46 4/11/2011 Scction 111— Genersl Conditions 23.4 PORTABLE SIGNS Portable sign shall be a minimum of 24-inches by 30-inches (24"x30") in size and will be attached to a standard sized portable traffic barricade. Sign material shall be aluminum, 0.080- inches or thicker, background of white reflective sheeiing, and shall be silkscreen or vinyl lettering. Portable sign shall be two signs located and attached ta each side af the traffic barricade. 23.5 SIGN COL�RING Background shall be white. Project Descriptivc Name shall be in blue letterin�. All other lettering shall be black. Basic lettering on sign shall be in aJl capital letters, of size proportional to the sign itsel�: Each sign shall depict the City's sun and waves logo. The color ofthe sun shall be pantone yellow; the wave shall be process blue; and the text shall be black. 23.6 SIGN PLACEMENT Signs shall be placed where they are readily visible by the genera] public which pass by the project site. Signs are nat to be placed where ihey may become a hazard or impediment to either pedestrian or vehicular traft7c. Far construction projects autside of thc Owner's right-of-way, the srgns will be placed on the project site. .For projects constructed insrde of the Owner's right-of- way, the signs will be placed in the right-of-way. Portable signs are to be moved to the locations of active work on the project. MulCiple portable signs wil] be necessary where work is ongoing in several locations at the same time. Fixed signs are to be placed at the start of construction and wi I I remain in place unti I the request for f nal payment. 23.7 51GN MAINTENANCE The Contractor is responsible for preparation, installation, movement, maintenance, replacement, removal and disposal of all project signs during the full course of the contract period. The Contractor will place and secure portable signs from dislocation by wind or other actions. Signs are to be cleaned as necessary to maintain legibility and immediately replaced if defaced. Sec[ionTll.doc Page 44 of a6 aillizoi � � Y � 5ection 111— Gencral Cunditions 23.8 TYPICAL PROJECT SIGN �- � PROJECT NAME , (CONTRACT NUMBER) (DEPARTMENT NAME) PROJECT ' CONTRACTOR: -. — , _�.._. COMPLETION DATE: FLTNDING: . OWNER'S REPR�SEN7'ATIVE: �__..__.. _ ° Clearwate� U 1 -- ,. . - �, _1 ...■ �� -�-- ------------- --- - — —. --� •------- - --, --- %' 24 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE lt will be required that the work will commence not later than fve (5) calendar days after the Engineer gives written notice to proceed (NTP), which natice shall be given as outlined in Article 2 of these General Conditions. It is further required that all work within this contract be completed within the indicated number of consecutive calendar da s as determined in SECT"ION IV, ARTICLE 1.1 - SCOPE DESCRIPTION. Contract date to commence at issuance of notice to proceed. If the Cantractor fails to complete the wark within the stipulated time, the City will retain Che amount stated in the Contract, per calendar day, for each day that the contract remains incomplete. The work shall be discontinued on Saturdays, Sundays, and approved Holidays. Tf it becomes necessary for the Cantractor to perform wark on Saturdays, Sundays, and approved City af Clearwater Employee Holidays, that in the opinion of the Engineer, will require the presence of Inspectors, the SectionlIl.doc Page 45 of46 4/I ll2011 � Section 111— General Conditions � Contractor shall pay the City of Clearwater, Florida, the amount of Four I�undred Eighty Uol]ars ($480.00) per each eight-hour (8) day for each Inspector given such assi�nment. The Contractor shall rcmedy any defects in the work at his own expense and pay for any dama�e � to other work resulting therefrom which appear within a period of one (1) year from tlae date of final acceptance. � � r � � � �� � �� r � �� � SectionIll.doc Page 46 of 46 4/11 /2011 � � � � SECTION IV � TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Table of Cantents: 1 SCOYE OF WORK ....................................•--............---...........---.............-•---............----..... 1 l.l SC�PE DESCRII'TION ................................................................................................. 1 1.2 SCOP� OF WORK CHECKLIST .................................................................................. 2 2 FIELD ENGINEERING ...................................................................•--..........------.........--- 3 2.1 L1NE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR ............... 3 2.1.1 GRADES, L.INESAND LEVELS ............................................................................. 3 2.1.2 LAYOUT DATA ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2 L1NE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY ................................. 4 3 UEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................... 4 3.1 RE�ERENCE STANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4 3.2 ASBREVIATfONS AND SYMSOLS ........................................................................... 4 � ORDER AND LOCATION �F THE WORK ................................................................ G 5 EXCAVATIUN FOR UNDERGROUND WORK .......................................................... 6 6 CONCRETE .........................................................•----...........-----.........----..............---..........7 7 EXCAVATION AND F�RMS FOR CONCRETE WORK .......................................... 7 7.1 EXCAVATION ..................................•---..............---.........................................................7 7.2 FORMS ........................................................................................................................... 7 8 REINFORCEMENT .........................................................................................................8 8.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 8 9 OBSTRUCTIONS ...................................•----...........-----............--•--...........................---......8 10 RESTORATION OR REPLACEMENT OF DRIVEWAYS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS ANDSTREET PAVEMENT ..........................................................................................•- g 11 WORK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS .................................................................. 9 12 DEWATERING .................................................................................................................9 12.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................9 12.2 PERMIT RtiQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 10 12.2.1 DEW.4TERING C�NTRUL ................................................................................... 1 D ]2.2.2 GENEWC PERMIT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROMANYNON-CONT.4MINATED SITEACTIVITY ........................... 1 D 13 SANTTARY MANHOLES ..............................................................................................12 13.1 SU1LT UP TYPE .......................................................................................................... 12 13.2 PRECAST TYPE ...-• .................................•--...........--�--............---...............................--- 13 13. 2.1 MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) ......... ............................... 13 13.3 DROP MANHOLES ..................................................................................................... 13 13.4 FRAMES AND COVERS ............................................................................................ l 3 SectionlV.doc i 4/1 I/201 ] 13.5 MANHOLE COATINGS ..................�--...........--�---�..............---...................................... l4 13.6 CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES ...............�--.........---.............................--��----.......... 14 14 BACKFILL......----• ................•............----.............--•--•............................---•-......................14 15 STREET CROSS�NGS, ETC . ............................................••-........---•---•...........----•-.......14 16 RAISING OR LQWERING OF SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAXNAGE STRUCTURES....................................................•--.........................................----• •-......... 14 16.1 BAS1S OF PAYMENT .............................�-...............----...........---�-............------............. 1 S 17 UNSUITABLE MATER[ALREMOVAL.---• ................................................................15 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... l 5 17.2 SASIS OF PAYMENT ..........................�-................................................................-•--- 15 18 UNDERDRAINS .........................................................•.........------..........--•-----...........------- l 5 18.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ...........................................................�---............-----...... 16 1$.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ..................................�--.............................................-�----......... 16 19 ST�RM SEWERS ................•...............................------•..........-•---•--.........--•----................. l 6 19.1 AS BU1LT 1NPORMATION ...............................................................�--....................... 16 19.2 TES'�"I.NG .............................................................��---..........-�---..............-----..................16 19.3 BASiS OF PAYMENT .......................................�...........................----�......................... l 7 20 SANITARY SEWERS AND FORCE MAINS .............................................................. Z7 20.] MATERIALS ................�-�--................................................................_....._.................... 17 20.1.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 17 ,Z0.1.2 FORCE MAINPIPE ........................................................................... ...... 17 ............ 20.2 1NSTALLATiON .......................................................................................................... 17 20.2.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 17 20.2.2 F�RCE M�4W PIPE ............................................................................................. 18 2�.3 AS SUILT DRAWINGS .........................................................�............-----.............---.... 18 20.4 TESTING ......................................................................................................................1.$ 24.a.1 TEST.ING OFGRAVITYSEWERS ........................................................................ 18 20.4.2 TESTING OF FORCE MAINS .............................................................................. 19 20.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT ....................................................................�................---......... 19 20.5.1 GRAVxTYSEWERPIPE ........................................................................................19 20. S. 2 FORCE MAIN PIPE ............................................................ ......... .... 19 21 DRAINAG� .....................................................................................................................19 22 ROADWAY SASE AND SUBGRADE .......................................................................... 19 22.1 BASE ............................................................................................................................ 19 22.1.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REWQRKED BASE ................... 21 22.1.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED EASE ............. .................. 21 22.2 SUBGRADE .........................................................•---�................................................... 21 22.2.1 BASZS OF MEASUREMENT ................................................................................ 22 22.2.2 BASIS OFPAYMENT ............................................................................................ 22 23 ASPHALTYC CONCRETE MATERIALS .............................................•--................... 22 23.1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ........................................................................................... 22 SectionlV.doc ii 4/ I ] /2011 23.1.1 AGGREGATE ........................................................................................................22 23.1.2 I3CTUMINOUS MATERIALS ................................................................................. 22 23.2 HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURES — P.I..ANT, METHODS, EQUIPMENT & QUALITYf1SSURANCE ............................................................................................ 22 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES .................................................................... 23 23.4 ASI'HALT PAVEMFNT DLSIGNS �1ND LAY�R THICKNESS ............................... 23 23.5 GENECtAL CONSTRL]CTION REQUIREMEN"1'S .................................................... 24 23.6 CRACKS AND PUTHOLE PREPAR�TION --..--..--• ................................................... 24 23.6.1 CRACKS ................................................................................................................2�1 23.6.2 POTHOLES ...........................................................................................................24 23.7 ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOI�ES .........................................................................•--... 25 23.8 ADDI"�"I�NAL ASPHALT R�QUIREMENTS ............................................................ 25 23.9 SUPERPAVEASPHALTIC CONCRETE ....................................................................26 23.10 SAS1S OF MEASUREM�NT--� ................................................................................... 26 23.11 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 26 24 ADJUSTMENT TO THE iTNIT S,TD PRICE FOR ASYHALT .................................. 27 25 GENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATXONS ............................•-------.......................... 27 25.1 iRRIGATION ..............................................�---.......................-�--�--�--.............................27 25.1.1 DESCRIPTI(�N ..................................................................................................... 27 25.1.2 PRODUCTS .......................................................................................................... �9 25.1.3 EXECUTIUN .........................................................................................................33 25.2 LANDSCAPE..........-�-• ............................�-�--..............................----..............................36 25. 2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 36 25. 2. 2 PROD UC�TS . .... ............... ........ .. .............................. .... . .... ......................... ......... .. . 41 25.2.3 F.,YECUTI()N .........................................................................................................44 26 HDPE DEFORMED - REFORMED PIPE LINING ................................................... 51 26.1 II�ITENT ......................•--�--......................----...--�--..............................---�-�---................... 5 ] 26.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEP"I'ABILITY ........................ 51 26.3 MATERIALS .................................................................�--...........................----�-��----•--.. 51 26.4 CLEANING/SURFAC� PREPARATION ................................................................... 52 26.5 "T'�LEVISION INSPECTION .....................�---�--..............................-•--•--�---.................. 52 26.6 L1NER INSTALI�ATION ....................................................................•-....................... 53 26.7 LATERAL R.ECONNECTIDN ..............•._................................--�--�--............................ 53 2b.8 TIME O�' CONSTRUCTION..........-• ........................................................................... 53 26.9 PAYMENT .........................................................................�-•--.........................---..........53 27 PLANT MCX DRIVEWAYS ......................................................•--•---.......................---•--- 53 27.1 SASIS �F MEASUREMEN�f ...................................................................................... 54 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ...-• ................................•........................................................... 54 28 REPORTING OF TONNAGE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS ................................ 54 29 CONCRETE CURSS ..................................................................................................... 54 29.1 SASIS OF MEASUREMENT ........................................................................•------�---... 54 29.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................�•---..............................._ 54 30 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS ......................................................... 54 SectionlV.doc iii 4/1 ]/201'I 30.1 CONCRET�, SID�WALKS ................��---•---�-----��-.................................-�-�------.-........... 54 30.2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS ..--�---��--� .........................................�--��-............................. 55 30.3 BAS.IS OF MEASUREMENT ...................................................................................... SS 30.4 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................... ..... SS 3lSODDING--••-• ...............................................•----•-•--...............:..............--••------•................55 32 SEEDING.........-•-----...----• ..........................................•---••----..................................--•----••-- 56 33 STORM MANHQLES, �NLETS, CATCH BASINS OR OTH�R STORM STRUCTURES-• ...............................................•-----------•.............................-•-----•-----........ 56 33.1 BUILTUPTYPE STRUCTURES.--�---•--� ...................................................�.................56 33.2 PRECAST TYl'E .....................................................................�--��--------�....................... 57 33.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT ...............•-�-........................................... ... 57 34 MATERXAL USED .............•---........................................................................................ 57 35 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECT,FXCATIONS ...................................... 57 3bSTREET SIGNS.-----••--• ....................................••-------•-----•...........................-•-------------••--• 57 37 AUDIO/VX:DEO RECORDING OF WORK AREAS .................................................. 57 37.1 CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUD10/VIDEO RECORDING ................................ 57 37.2 SCHEDULING OP AUDiO/VTDEO ItECORDING ................................................... S7 37.3 PROFESSIONALVYDEOGRAPHERS .......................................................................58 37.4 EQUIPMENT ..--�--� ....................................•----•---�--�--��---............................----�-��---�--..... S8 37.5 REC�RDED 1NFOitMA.TION, �UDIO ...................................................................... S8 37.6 RECORDED 1NFOR.MATION VIDEO.....----• ............................................................. 58 37.7 VIEWER ORI�NTATiON ..................................��----�---�...........................---...--�--�---..... 5$ 37.8 LIGHTING .....----�--�� ............................................�------�--�----................................-----..... 59 37.9 SPEED OF TRAVEL ................................................................... .............. 59 --�--��--�......... 37.10 VIDEO LOG/I.NDEX ..................................�--------..................................-----�---�---......... 59 37.11 AREA OF COVERAGE ......................................:....•......................................-----��------ S9 37.12 COSTS OF VIDEO SERVZCES ...............................•--------..............................-•---...----- 59 38 EROSION AND SILTATTON CONTROL ................................................................... 59 3$.l STABILIZATION OF DENU.DEDAREAS ................................................................. 59 3$.2 PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION OF SOIL STOCKPILES ............................. 60 3$3 PROTECTION OF EXIST�NG STORM SEWER SYSTEMS .................................... 60 38.4 SED]MENT TRAPPING MEASURES ........................................................................ 60 38.5 SEDIMENTATION BASINS ........--��--� ........................................�------��-...................... 60 38.6 WORKING IN OR CROSSING WATERWAYS OR WATERBODIES ...................... 60 3$.7 SWALES, DITCHES AND CHANNELS ...............................................•---..----..--....... 61 38.8 llNDERGROUND UTILiTY CONSTRUCTION ....................................................... 61 38.9 MAINTENANCE --�-•--� ................................................................................................. 61 3$.10 COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................................. bl 39 UTILITY TIE XN LOCATION MARKING ................................................................. 64 40 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE .................... G4 41 POTABLE WATERMAINS, RECLAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES.................................................................................•------............... 64 SectionlV.doc iv 4/11/2p11 � r � � C] L.J � � �� � � � � � [_ ' J � 41.1 SCOP� -• .............................•---........................-----................--�-�---...----........................... 64 41.2 MATERIALS ..........................................................................................................:..... 65 41.2..X GENERAC ............................................................................................................. 65 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALS AND FITTINGS ..................................................................... 65 41.2.3 GATE YALVES ...................................................................................................... 67 41.2.4 YALVE BUXES ...................................................................................................... G7 41.2.5 HYDRANTS ...........................................................................................................68 41.2.6 SERVICE SADDLES ............................................................................................. 69 41.2.7 TESTS, INSPECTIONAND REPA.IRS .................................................................. 69 41.2.8 BACKFLOGt� PREVENTERS ................................................................................ 69 41.2.9 TAPPING SLEEVES .......................................................................................... ... 70 41.2.10 BLOWOFFHYDRANTS ......................................................................................70 41.3 CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................70 41.3.1 MATERIAL HANDLING ....................................................................................... 7� 41.3. 2 PIPE LAYING ....................................................................................................... 70 41.3.3 SETTING OF YALVES, HYDRANTSAND FITTINGS ......................................... 72 41.3. 4 CONNECTIONS T� EXISTING LINES ............................................................... 72 4.I .4 1'ESTS .............................................................•---........................-----............................. 73 41.4.1 HYDROSTATIC TESTS ......................................................................................... 73 41. 4.2 NOTICE OT TEST .............................. ... ........ .... .. ................... . ......... . ......... ...... .... 73 41.5 STERILIZA"['lON ......................................................................................................... 73 41. 5.1 STERILIZING AGENT .......................................................................................... 73 41. 5.2 FL USITING SY.STEM ...........................................................................................: 73 41. 5. 3 STERILIZATION PROCED URE .......................................................................... 73 41. S. 4 RESID UAL CHL ORINE TESTS . . . ..... . ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ...... . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 74 41.5.5 BACTERI'AL TEST�S .............................................................................................. 74 41.6 MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT ........................................................................... 74 41. 6.1 GENERf1L ............................................................................................................. 74 41.6.2 FURNISHAND INSTALL W.4TER .MAINS' ........................................................... 75 41.6.3 FURNX.SHAND INSTALL FITTINGS ................................................................... 75 41. 6.4 FURNISHAND INSTALL GATE YAL [�ES COMPLETE WITH BOXES AND COVERS . ... . .. .... ... . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .... . . .. .. ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . 75 �1X.6.5 FURNISHAND INSTALL FIRE HYDRANTS ....................................................... 75 42 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................•--............ 76 43 TENI�TIS COURTS .........................................................................•---............................. 7G 43.1 PAVED TENNIS COURTS .................................•-....................................................... 76 43.1.1 SOIL TREATMENTS ............................................................................................. 76 43.1.2 BASE C�URSE ..................................................................................................... 76 43.1.3 PRIME COAT ....................................................................................................... �6 43.1.4 LEVELING COURSE ............................................................................................ 76 43.1.5 SURFACE COURSE ............................................................................................. 76 43.1.6 CO.LOR C�AT ...................................................................................................... 77 43.2 CLAY TENNIS COURTS ............................................................................................ 78 43. 2.1 GENERA� . .................. ................. ................. ...... ................... ........... ....... . ............. 78 43_2.2 SITEPREPARATI�N ............................................................................................79 43. 2. 3 .SL OPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 43.2.4 13ASE CONSTRUCTI'�N ....................................................................................... 80 SectionN.doc v 4/11 /2011 44 4 4 �13. 2. S PER/M .F.1 ER C URBING ............................................. ....... .. .... .. .. ..... .. ............. ..... 80 43.2.G SURFAC/�; COURSE ............................................................................................. 80 �13.2. 7 RO(�T BARRIER ................................................................................................... 80 43. 2. 8 � ENCING . .. .. .... ................................................ . .... .. . .. .......................................... 81 43.2.9 WINDSCREENS........-� ..........................................................................................81 43.Z.10 COURTEQUIPMENT ..........................................................................................81 43.2.11 SIIADL STRUCTURE ........................................................................................... 83 �t3.2.12 WATER SOURCE (Potable) .................................................................................. 83 43. 2.13 C.'ONCRL'TL . .... .. .. .... ......... ........................... ..... ...... ........ ...................................... 83 43.2.74 EXLSTING .SPORT TENNIS COURT I,1'G.F�TING ................................................. 83 43. 2.1 S W,4TER CUOLER .................................................................................................. 84 43.2.16 DEMONSTRATION ..............................................................................................84 43.2.17 WARRANTY ...........................................................................................................84 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ........................•-----•--•-----.................................. 85 44.1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ......... 85 44.2 WORK ZONE ".C'RAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ..................•.---•.--.-..---............................ SS 44.2. ] WORK ZQNE SAFETY ......................................................................................... 85 44.3 RO.ADWAY CLOSURE GUIDELINES ....................................................................... SG 44.3.1 ALL ROADWAYS ................................................................................................... 86 44.3.2 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTEk1ALS, L(�CAL COLLECTORS ................. 86 44.3.3 MA.IQR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS ......................................................... 86 �4.3.4 MA.IOR ARTERIALS ...................................................................................... ....... 8Fi 4�1.4 APPROVAL OF WORK ZONE TRAF�'IC CONTROL PLAN ................................... 8G 44.5 INS.PEC"T'JON OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATION .................... 87 44.6 PAYMENT FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CON�":ROL ............................................. $7 4�.7 CERTIFICA�1"ION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CON'r"ROL SUPERVISOR............ $7 5 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING....--------•--------•-----•• ................................................. 87 45.1 INTENT..--��---� ...................................................................�-�---..................................... $7 45.2 PRUDUC'I' AND CONTRACTOR/INSTA�LER ACCEPTABILITY ........................ 88 45.3 MATERIALS ....................................•---•-�---��--•--........................................................... 88 45.4 CLEANING/SURFACE .['REPARATION ................................................................... 88 45.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION ................��---�---�-----...----•--.............................................. 89 45.6 LINER 1NSTALLATION ...............�---�---•--.........................................................--•--�.... $9 45.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION..........-• ......................................................................... 89 45.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION ................................................................�--••--�---............ 89 45.9 PAYMENT .............�----•----�--..............................................................-�---�--....................89 6 SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYETHYLENE SLTPLTNING ..................................... 9� 46.1 MATERIALS ........................................................�--•---...._.........................................._. 90 46.1..1 PIPE AND FI7TINGS ........................................................................................... 90 46.1.2 QUALI7YCONTROL .............................................•----.........................................90 46.1.3 SAMPLES ..............................................................................................................90 46.1.4 REJECTI�N.--� ................................•--•�---..............................................................90 46.2 PIPE DIMENSIONS.--•-----�--•• ....................................................................................... 90 46.3 CONSTRUCTION FRACTtCES ...........-•---• ................................................................ 91 46.3.1 HANDLINC; OFPIPE ....................�--.........................................._......................... 91 46.3.2 REPAIR OF DAMAGED SECTIONS .................................................................... 91 s��t,onrv.ao� �� airri2orl � � 4 � 4 46.3.3 P.IPF JOINING ..................................................................................................... 91 46. 3.4 HAND�rNG OF FU.S'ED PIPE ............................................................................. 91 4G.4 SLiPLINING PROCEDURE ..............��---�--..........................................................---..... 91 46.4.1 PIPE RE�UIREMEN"lSAND DIMEN.SIQNS ...................................................... 91 46. �1.2 CLEANING AND INSPECTION ........................................................................... 91 46_ 4. 3 INSERTION SHAFT A.ND EXCAYATIDNS .......................................................... 92 46.4.4 INSERTION OF THE LIIVE'R ................................................................................ 92 46. 4. S CC)NFIRMATI�N OF PIPE SIZES ...................................................................... 92 46.4.6 UNDERDRAIN CONNECTIONS IF REQUIRED ................................................ 92 46.4.7 BACKFILLING .....................................................................................................93 46.4.8 P�INT REPAIR ..................................................................................................... 93 46.4.9 C.LEAN UP OPERATIUNS ................................................................................... 93 7 SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RI$BED PIPE ...................... 93 47.1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 93 47.2 MATERIALS .........................................................................................�-----................. 93 47.3 PIPE ..............................................��---...................................................-�-----�--��-----....... 93 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM ..................................................................��--��---�---.......................94 47.5 FITTINGS .....................................................................................................................9� 8 GUNITE SPEC�F.CCAT�ONS ..............................................••---••--•--•------....................... 94 48.1 PRESSLJRE INJECTED GROUT ................................................................................ 94 48.2 REHABILiTATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH GUNITE ................. 94 48.3 COMPOSITION ........................................................................................................... 94 48.4 STR�NGTH REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 95 4$.5 MATERIALS ......................................�----....................................................._. ......... ..... 5 4$.6 WATER .....................................................................................................•-�--�--�--.........95 48.7 REINFORCEM.�NT .................................................................•--�---��---•--.....................95 48.8 STORAGE �F MATERIALS ....................................................................................... 95 48.9 Sl1RFAC.� PREPARATION ......................................................................................... 96 48.10 YROPORTIONING ..............................•---.....................................................................96 48.11 MIXING ........................................................................................................... 48.12 APPLICATION ..............................................................................................•---��--��--��- 96 48.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS ...................•---.................................................................. 97 4$.14 SURFACE FINISH ....................................................................................................... 97 48.15 CURING ....................................................................................................................... 97 48.16 ADJACENT SURFACE PROTECTION ..................................................................... 97 48.17 INSPECTION .......---•-• ..........................................................�•-------��------..._................... 98 48.18 EQUIPMENT .....................................................�----..................................................... 98 9 SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLE LINER RESTORATIUN ........................... 99 49.1 SCOPE AND INTENT ........................•-•----�--......_........................................................ 99 49.2 PAYMENT ........................................................�---�----�----..............................................99 49.3 FIBERGLASS LINER PRODUCTS..........--•--•-•--..---• .................................................. 99 49.3.1 MATERIALS .....................................................�---.................................................99 49. 3.2 INSTALLATION AND EXEC UTION ..................... ............................ ................. 100 49.4 STRONG SEAL MS-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM .............................................. 100 49. 4.1 MATERIALS ........... ............................................................................................. 101 49.5 INFILTRATTON CONTROL ..............................................�-------�--�-----•--.................... 101 SectionlV.doc vi i 4/ 11 /2011 49.6 GROUTING MIX......-� ...................................................................................�........... l0] 49.7 �.,1NER MIX .........................................................................................��---.................. IU1 49.8 WATER ............................................��--��--------�---.....................................................---. 102 49.9 OTHER MAT.E.RIA,LS ...................................................�-........................................... l02 49.10 EQUiPMENT ...............................................�----.........--�--........................................... l02 49.11 INS1'ALLATION AND EXECUTION ....................................................................... 102 49.11.1 PREPARATION ......................................... .......................................................... 102 49.11.2 MIXING ...............................................................................................................103 49.11.3 SPl�AY1NG .......................................................................................................... 103 49.11.4 PRODUCT TESTING ......................................................................................... 103 49..1.1.5 CURING ..............................................................................................................103 49. I1. 6 MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE ...................................................... 104 49.12 TNNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVIC�S LINER PRODI]CT SYSTEM ....... 104 49. I 2.1 SCOPE ........... .. ........... .... .... . ........ ............. .......................................... ................ 104 49.12.2 MATERI�ILS ........................................................................................................104 49.12.3 INST,4LLATIONAND TXECUTION . ........ ......................................................... 106 50 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS ..--•--...---•--...---• ...................................................108 51 IN-LINE SKATING SUI2FACYNG SYSTEM ............................................................ 108 sr. r SC�PE ---� .........................................................................................��---�-----��--------�----- 10$ 5].2 SURFAC� PR� PARATION 5 ..................................................................................... l 09 51.2.1 ASPHAC7' ............................................................................................................109 51.2.2 CONCRETL' ........................................................................................................109 51. 2.3 CO URT PATCH BINDER MIX . ...... .... ...... . .... .... .... . . ....................................... .... 109 51.3 APPLiCAT:CON O}� ACRYLIC FILLER COAT ......................................................... 109 51.4 APP1,iC.AT10N OF FORTIFIED PLEXIPAVE ...........................................................110 51 _5 PL�XiFLOR A.P�'L1CAT.l�N ............................................................�-----.............------110 51.6 PLAYING L1NES..._....--�---.....--��-�--��--��--�--�� ................................................................110 51.7 GENERAL..........-• ..........................�---��----��---------�----��--•---...........................................110 51.8 LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................•--�•----•]10 52 RESIDENT NOTIFCCATION �F START OF CONSTRUCTION ..........................111 53 GASIONS AND MATTRESSES......--••----••---••-•--•---• ....................................................111 53.1 MATERIAL ..........................................................................................................•--....11 I 53.1.1 GABI�NAND RENO MAT'lRESS MA.TERIAL ...................................................111 53.1.2 GABIDNAND MATTRESS FILLER MATERIAL : ...............................................113 53.1.3 MATTRESS WIRE ..................................�--�---.......................................................114 53.1.4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ........................................................................................114 53.2 PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................X14 54 LAWN MA�NTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................1.15 54.1 SCOPE ...................................................�--------�--•-�---�-..................................................115 54.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK--�----�---�--��---�-��---��---��---• ....................................................115 54.3 WORK METHODS ............................�-----��-----�--.........................................................116 54.3.1 MAINTENANCESCHEDULING ........................................................................116 54.3.2 DUTIES PER SERVICE VISIT ............................................................................11 d 54.4 LITTER .......................................................................................................�--•-•-•..-•----•1lb 54.5 VISUAL CHECK ............................................�•--••--�----��---..............._..........................116 Section'1V.doc viii 4/11/20l 1 5 5 54.6 PLANT TRIMMING AND Pt1LM PRUNING ...........................................................116 54.7 PNOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE, 1NDIA DATE,, PYGMY DATE, ETC.)......116 54.8 DEBRIS REMOVAL .........--�---� ...................................................................................116 54.9 TR�IFFIC CONTROL .................................................................................................117 54.10 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ...........-• ............................�----...............................................117 54.11 PLANT FER:I'ILIZATION ..........................................................................•--..............I l7 54.12 WE�D R.EMOVAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA ..........................................................117 54.13 MULC}�I CONDITION ................................................................................................117 54. ] 4 IRRIGATION SERViCE AND REPAiR .....................................................................117 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PEST CONTROL ......................................................117 54.16 PALM FERTILIZt1TION ............................................................�--..............................117 54. ] 7 FREEZE PROTECTION ...................................�---......................................................118 54.18 LEV�L OF SERVICE ..................................................................................................118 54.19 COMPLETION OF WOR.K .................................................................•--....................118 54.20 1NSPECTION AND APPROVAL ......................�---.....................................................118 54.21 SPECIAI., CONDITIONS ............................................................................................11 S 5 MILLING UPERATIONS .......................•--...........................-•--•--.........................--•----119 55.1 EQUIPMENT, CQNSTRUCTIDN & MILLED SURFACE� .......................................119 55.2 ADDITIONAL MTLLING REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................119 55.3 S/1LVAG�,ABLE MATERIALS ..............................�-�--..........................-------............. 120 55.4 D1S.POSABLE MATERIALS..---� ..............................�------.......................-�----............. 120 55.5 ADJUSTMENTAND LOCATION OF UNDERGROLTND UTILITIES .................. 120 55.6 ADJUSTMENT OF UTiLITY MANHOLES ............................................................ 120 55.7 TYPES OF MILLING ................................................................................................ 120 55.8 M1I.,LING OF INTERSF,CTIONS .......................................................�---................... 121 55.9 SASIS OF ME�SUR�MENT .................................................................................... 121 55.10 SASiS OF PAYMENT .....................................�---...................................................... 121 6 CLEARiNG AND GRUSSTNG .............................•-------.........................------............... 121 56.1 BAS1S OF MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 121 56.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ............................................................................................... 121 57 58 59 RIPRAP........----• .................................................................•---•--........ 57.1. BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ........................................................ 57.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................... TREATMENT PLANT SAFETY .............................................•---... 58.1 HAZARD POTENTIAL .................................�----........................... 5 $.2 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR TRAINING .................................... TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ............... 59.] BASIS OF MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT ........................... ..... .....................121 .......................... 121 .......................... 122 .........---•---.122 ................. 122 ................. 122 ...........-•---.....122 ..................... 123 60 SIGNING AND MARKING .........................................................................................123 60.1 SAS1S OF MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT ....................................................... 123 61 ROADWAY LxGHTING ..............................................................................................123 61.1 BASIS �F MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT ....................................................... 123 SectionlV.doc ix 4/11l2011 62 62. l 62.2 62.3 63 C3.1 63.2 63.3 63.4 63.5 63.6 63.7 64 64.1 64.2 TREE PROTECTION .............................••----------•................----•---••--••-.................----....124 TREEBARRIC�DES .-�-----� ..........................................�-�.......................................... 124 ROOTPRUNING ....................................��------.-........................---.............................. ] 24 PROPER TRCE PRUNING..........-�--��--� ..................................�--......................--�-��---. 125 PROJECTWES PAGES....-• .................................................................•------................ 126 WESPAGES DESIGN ............................................................................................... 126 WEB ACCESSiBIL1TY GUIDELINES ..................................................................... 126 THE SUN AND WAVES LOGO AND ITS USE ....................................................... l 26 MAPSAND G�tAFHICS .....----�---�� ................................•-�----��--................................. 127 1NTERACTIVEFORMS -�----....--� ........................................��--..............................._.. 127 POSTING..............��-----�---...................................--------�-.............................................. l 27 WE.B PAGES UPDATES .................................�--�--�----�........................---��----��-........... l27 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LIN� CLEARANCE ......................................................127 CLEARANCE OPTIONS ..............................•---�-----�--.............................--��---�-��--�---.. 127 REQUIRED MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCES ............................................. 127 SectionlV.doc x aii lizor i � , � �' � � � � �� � � L_] � � � � �_ J � � ..� Section ]V — Technical Specifications 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 SCOPE DESCRIPTION 1'roject Name: East WRF Dewaterin� Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Number: l 0-0031-UT Scope of Wark: The work at East WRF (see Section 01 ] 00) consists of wetwell rehabilitation including but not limited to removal of wetwell lid, pumps, pipe, valves, and associated eyuipment; removal of existing liner and repairing leaks; installation of a new FRP liner and wetwell lid; installation of new subm�rsible pumps, pipe, valves, floats, and associated equipment; leak repair and coating in the associated manhole indicated on the plans; pravide bypass pumping/flaw diversion and/or dewatering (if needed) during the work and all related works. The Contractor shall provide 1{ Fixed/Portable} project signs as described in SECTION 11T, ARTICLE 23 of the Contract Documents. The final number of project signs will be determined at the beginning of the project based on the Contractor's schedule of work submitted for approval. Additional project signs may be required abave the indicated amount due to the Contractor's schedule of wark, which will be provid� at no additional cost to the Owner. List ODP ltems to be included in the Contract Dacument: NA CONTRA,CT PERIOD: 120 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS � SectionIV.doc Page ] of 128 4/11/2011 � Section iV -- Technical Specifications 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST Project Name: East WRF Dewaterin Pum Station Rehabilitation ProjectNurnber: #10-0031-UT The following Articles of the Technical Specifications will apply to this cantract if marked "X" as shown below: 1 Sco e Of Work 2.1 � Line and Grade Shal I Be Performed By Th� Contractor 2.2 ❑ Line and Grade Shall Be �'erformed B The City 3 � Definition Of Terms 4 � Order And Location Of The Work 5 � Excavation For Underground Work 6 � Concrete 7 Excavation And Forms For Concrete Work 8 Reinforcement 9 Obstructions 10 � Restoration Or Re lacement Of Driveways, Curbs, Sidewalks And Street Pavement , 1 I Work In Easements Or Parkways 12 � Dewaterin 13 Sanitary Manholes 14 � Backfill 15 ❑ Street Crossings, Etc. 16 ❑ Raising Or Lowering Of Sanitary Sewer, Storm Draina e Structures 17 Unsuitable Material Removal 18 ❑ Underdrains 19 Storm Sewers 2U � Sanitary Sewers And Force Mains 21 ❑ Drainage 22 � Roadway Base And Sub rade 23 As haltic Concrete MaCerials 24 Adjustment To The Unit Brd Frice For As halt 25 ❑ General Planting S ecifications 26 Hd e Deformed - Reformed Pi e Linin 27 Plant Mix Drivewa s 28 ❑ Re ortit�g OfTonna e OfRecycled Materials 29 � Concrete Curbs 30 � Concrete Sidewalks And Driveways 31 � Sodding 32 ❑ Seeding 33 ❑ Storm Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins Or Other Storm Structures 34 � Material Used 35 � Conflict Between Plans And Specifications 36 n Street Si�ns SectionIV.doc Page 2 of' 128 4/11/2011 �� � � � � IJ �� �� � � � f� _� � � Section IV —7echnical Specifications 37 � AudioNideo Recordin Of Work Areas 38 � Erosion And Siltation Control 39 ❑ Utility Tie In l.,ocation Markin 40 � Award Of Contract, Work Schedule And Guarantee 41 ❑ Potable Water Mains, Reclaimed Water Mains and A urtenartces 42 ❑ Gas System S ecifications 43 ❑ "C'ennis Courts 44 Work Zone Traffic Control 45 Cured-In-Place Pi e Linin 46 Specifications for Pol ethy.lene Sliplining 47 Specifications for Pol inyl Chloride Ribbed Pi e 48 ❑ Gunite Specifications 49 Sanitary and Storm Manhole Liner Restoration 50 � Project Information Si ns 51 ln-Line Skating Surfacing System 52 ❑ Resident Notification of Start of Canstruction 53 ❑ Gabions and Mattresses 54 Lawn Maintenance S eci�cations SS ❑ Milling O erations 56 ❑ Clearin and Grubbing 5"7 ❑ Ri ra 58 � Treatment Plant Safety 59 ❑ Traffic Signal .E uipment and Materials 60 ❑ Signing And Marking 6l Roadway Lightin� 62 Tree Protection 63 ❑ Project Web Pa es 2 2.1 FIELD ENGINEERING LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall pravide and pay for field engineering service required for the project. Such work shall include survey work to establish lines and levels and to locate and lay out site improvements, structures, and controlling lines and levels required for the construction of the work. Also included are such Engineering services as are specified or required to execute the Contractor's construction methods. Engineers and Surveyors shall be licensed professionals under the laws of the state of Florida. The Contractor shall provide three (3) complete sets of As- built Survey to the Engineer prior to final payment being made as autlined in Section III (General Canditions), Article 6.11.2 of these Contract Documents. 2.1.1 GRADES, LINES AND LEVELS Existing basic horizontal and vertical control points for the project are those designated on the � Drawings or provided by the City. Control points (for alignment only) shall be established by the Engineer. The Contractor shall locate and protect control points prior to starting site work and shall preserve all permanent reference points during construction. ln working near any � SectionlV.doc Page 3 of 128 4/11/201 ] � Section IV — Technical Specifications permanent property corners or reference markers, the Contractor shall use care not to remove or disturb any such markets. In the event that markers must b� removed or are disturbed due to the proximity of construction work, the Contractor shall have them referenced and reset by a Land Surveyor qualified under the laws of the state of Florida. 2.1.2 LAYOUT DATA The Contractor shall layout the work at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. Survey notes indicating the information and measurements us�d in establishing locations and grades shall be kept in notebooks and furnished to the Engineer with the record drawings far the project. 2.2 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY At tbe cornpletion of all work the contractor shall be responsible to have furnished to the project inspector a replacement of the wooden lath and stakes used in the construction of this project. Excessive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's forces, after initial line and grade have been set, as determined by the City Engineer, will be charged to the Contractor at the rate of $] 00.00 per hour. Time shall be computed for actual timc on the project. All time shall be computed in one-hour increments. Minimum char�e is $100.00. The CiCy will generate Che project Record canstruction drawings. ��]�I�I�Ii�[�]-►[� :1� For the purpose of these Technical Specifications, the definition of terms from SECTION III, ARTiCLE 1- DEFTN:[TIONS of these Contract Documents shall apply. For the purpose of the Estimated Quantities, the Contractor's attention is called to the fact that the estimate of quantities as shown on the Proposal Sheet is approximate and is given only as a basis of calculation upon which the award of the contract is to be made. The City does not assume any responsibility that the final quantities will remain in strict accordance with estimated guantities nor shall the contractor plead misunderstandings or deception because of such estimate of quantities or of the character or location of the work or of other canditions or situations pertaining thereto. 3.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference to the standards of any technical society, organization, or associate, or to codes of lacal or state authorities, shall mean the latest standard, cade, specification, or tentative standard adopted and published at the date of receipt of bids, unless specifcally stated otherwise. K�+�_1:.�=3:7 �►�ll�� � C�7 � ��_1 �I ���'1►��1=��7�? Abbreviations used in the Cantract Documents are defned as follows: SectionlV.doc AA Aluminum Association, inc. AAMA Architectural Alur�ainum Manufacturers' Association AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI American ConcreCe Yrastitute AISI Arnerican Iron and Steel lnstitute AMA Acoustical Materials Association Page 4 of 128 4/ 11 /2011 � � r � � � � � �� � � � � �� � r � , Section[V.doc , AMCA ANSI APA ASAE ASCE ASHRAE ASME ASSE �STM AW G AWMA AWS AW WA CFR CISPI CRSI CS DEA DOT EAA FAC FBC FFPC PGC FMC FPC FedSpec HI IBBM IEEE IPS MIL NAANIM NBFU NEC NEMA NFPA NPT NWMA PCA PCI SBC SSCCI SD[ SFPC SGC SJI Section 1V — Technical Specitications Air Moving and Conditioning Association, Inc. American National Standards Institute American Plywood Association American Society ofAgricultural Engineers American Sociefy of Civil Engineers American Society oiHeating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Sanitary Engineering American Society for Testing and Materials American Wire Gauge Aluminum Window Manufacturer's Associatian American Welding Society American Water Works Association Cade of Federal Regulations Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Commercial Standards and National Bureau of Standards Department of Environmental Protection (Florida) Department of `T'ransportation (Florida) Environmental Protection Agency Florida Administrative Code Florida Building Code Florida Fire Prevention Code Florida Gas Code Florida Mechanical Code Florida Plumbing Cade Federal Specitications Standards of Hydraulic Institute iron Body, Bronzed Mounted Institute ofElectrical and Flectranics �ngineers Iron Pipe Size Military Specification National Association ofArchitectural Metal Manufacturers National Board of Fire Underwriters National Electrical Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Fire Protection Associatian National Pipe Thread National Woodwork Manufacturers' Association Portland Cement Association Prestressed Concrete Institute Standard Building Code (SBCCI) Southern Building Code Congress lnternational, Inc. Steel Door Institute Standard Fire Prevention Code (SBCCI) Standard Gas Code (SBCCI) Steel Joist Institute Page 5 of 128 4/]]/2011 Section TV — I'echnical 3pecifications SMACC'NA ShEet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association SMC Standard Mechanical Code (SBCCC) SPC Standard Plumbing Code (SBCCI) SP1.B Southern Pine Inspection Bureau SSl'C Steel Structures Paintin� Counci1 TCA UL Title Council ofAmerica Underwriters' Laboratories 4 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK �' � � � � This arCicle deleted. See SECTTON lll, ARTICLE 18 — ORDER AND LOCATION OF TH.E WORK. � 5 EXCAVATIQN FOR UNDERGROUND WORK The contracCor is responsible to take al.l necessary steps to conduct all excavation in a manner which p�ovides for the successful completion of the proposed work while at all times maintaining the safety of the workmen, the general public and both public and private property. The contractor's methods of work will be consistent with the standard practices and requirements of all apprapriate Safety Regulatory Agencies, particularly the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for excavation. Unless otherwise specifically stated in these plans and specifications, the methods af safety control and compliance with regulatory agency safety requirements are the full and complete responsibility of the contractor. For the purposcs of Che Contractor's safety planning in the bidding process, the co�iractor is to consider all excavation to be done in the performance of this cantract to be in soil classified as OSHA "Type C". The Contractor's attention is called to specific requirem�nts of OSHA for excavation shoring, employee entry, location of excavated material adjacent to excavation, the removal of water from the excavation, surface encumbrances and in particular the requirement of a"Competent Person" to control safety operations. The Contractor will identify his Competent Person to City staff` at the start of constructian. City staff are required from time to time to perform inspections, tests, survey location work, or other similar activity in an excavation prepared by tlae coratractor. City staff in con�ormance with the OSHA Excavation Safety Requirements are ta only enter an excavation in compliar�ce with these OSHA standards. The City's staff reserve the option to refuse entry into the Contractor's excavation if, in the opinion o#' the City's staff, the entry into the Contractor's excavation is unsafe or does not conform OSHA reyuirements_ If this circu►nstance occurs, the contractor must either provide the necessary safety requirements or provide alternate means for the acco�taplishment of the City's work at the Contractor's expense. The restoration quantities, if any, contained in the bid propasal for this contract to not contain sufficient quantities to allow the contractor to perform excavation work using strictly the "open cut" method whereby na shoring systems are used and trench side slopes are cut to conform to OSHA safety requirements without a shoring system. in additian to safety reasons, the Contractor is required to use excavation and tr�nch-shoring methods in compliance with all safety requirements which allow the Contractor to control the amount of restoration work necessary to complete the project. Not more than one hundred (100) feet of trench shall be opened at one time in advance of the completed work unless written permission is received from the Engineer for the distance SectionN.doc Page 6 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications specified_ For pipe installation projects, the trench shall be six (b) inches wider on each side than the greatest extemal harizontal width of the pipe or conduit, including hubs, intended to be laid in them. The bottom of the trench under each pipe joint shall be slightly hollowed, to allow the body of the pipe to rest throughout its length. ln case a trench is excavated at any place, excepting at joints, below the grade of its bottom as given, or directed by the Engineer, the filling and compaction to grade shall be done in such manner as the Engineer shall direct, without compensation. 6 CONCRETE Unless otherwise directed, all concrete work shall be performed in accordance with the latest editions of the Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures by the Portland Cement Association, the American Concrete lnstitute, and FDOT's Standard Specifications. All appropriate testing shall be performed according to the American Society of Testing Materials. Unless otherwise speci�ed, all concrete shall have �ber mesh reinforcing and have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. The cement type shall be Type I and shall conform to AASHTO M-S5. The aggregate shall conform to ASTM C-33. All ready mix concrete shal] conform to ASTM C-94. The slump for all concrete shall be in the range of 3" to 5", except when admixtures or special placement considerations are required. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all concrete placement. All concrete shall be tested in the following manner: ' Placement of less than 5 cubic yards (cy) shall be tested at the Engineer's discretion. Otherwise, for each class, for each day, for every 50 cy or part thereof exceeding 5 cy, one set of 3 compressive strength cylinders will be required (1 at 7 days and 2 at 28 days). At the discretion � of the Engineer, unacceptable test results may require the Contractor to provide further tests, as determined by the Engineer, to determine product acceptability, or need for removal, and compensation or denial thereof. � � � � � � r� 7.1 EXCAVATION AND FORMS FOR CONCRETE WORK EXCAVATION Excavating for concrete work shall be made to the required depth of the subgrade or base upon which the concrete is to be placed. The base or subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted to a point 6" outside said concrete work before the forms are placed. Concrete shall be poured "in the dry". 7.2 FORMS �'orms for concrete work shall be either wood or metal (except curbs, metal only, unless by written permission from Engineer). They shall be free from warps or bends, shall have a depth equal to the dimensions required for the depth af the concrete depasited against them and shall be af sufficient strength when staked to resist the pressure of concrete without moving ar spr�ngmg. , SectionIV.doc � Page 7 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V �- Technic�l Specifications 8 REINFORCEMENT When required, reinforcement shall be placed in the concrete work. Bar rein%rcement shall be deformed: ASTMA-A 615, steel shall be billet lntermediate or Hard Grade: Rail Steel A.A.S.H.T.O. M42. Twisted Bars shall not be used, Fabric Reinforcement shall conform to the requirements ofAASH'1-'O M55 (AS1'.M A185). Welded deformed steel wire fabric for Concrete reinforcement shall meet the requirements of AASI-3T0 M 22l (ASTM A497). Epoxy coated reinforcing Steel Bars shall meetASTM 775/A77 M-86 requirements. 8.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT Reinforcement shall not be paid for separately. The cost of such work shall be included in the contract unit price for the item of work speci�ed. 9 oBSrRUCTioNs Any pipes, conduits, wires, mains, footings, driveways, or other structures encountered shall be carefully protected from injury or displacement. Any damage thereto shall be fully, promptly, and properly repaired by the Cantractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the owner thereof: Should it become necessary to change the positian of water or gas ar other pipes, sewer drains, or poles, the Engineer shall be at once notified of the locality and circumstances, and no claims for damages arising from the delay in adjusting the pipe, sewer drains or poles shall be made. Failure of the plans to show the location, nature or extent of any existing structures or obstructions shall not be the basis of a claim for extra work_ Any survey monument or benchmark which must be disturbed shall be carefully referenced before rer�aoval, and unless otherwise provided for, shall be replaced upon completion of the work by a re�istered land surveyor. Any concrete remaved due Co construction requirements shall be removed to the nearest expansion jaint or by saw cut. Contractor shall consult Inspector for thc appraved means. 10 RESTORATION OR REPLACEMENT OF DRIVEWAYS CURBS SIDEWALKS AND STREET PAVEMENT Driveways, sidewalks, and curbs destroyed ar damaged during construction shall be replaced and shall be the same type of material as destroyed ar damaged, or to existing City Standards, whichever provides the stronger repair. All street pavement destroyed or damaged shal] be replaced with the same type of material, to existing City Standards, unless the existing base is unsuitable as detenaained by the Engineer, then the base shall be replaced with City approved material. All replaced base shall be a minimum 8" compacted thickness, or same thickness as base destroyed plus 2", if over 6", and compacted to 98% of maximum density per AASHTO T 180. Unless called for in the proposal as separate bid items, cost of the above work including labor, anaterials and equipment required shall be included in the bid price per lineal foot of main or square yard af base. The bid price for street pavement, restoration or replacement when called for in the proposals, shall includ� all materials, labor and equipment required to complete the work, and shall be paid for on a square yard basis. When replacement is over a trench for utilities, the area of replacement shall be limited to rivice the depth of the cut plus twice the inside diameter of the pipe. All over this will be at the Contractor's expense. SectionlV.doc Page 8 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications The bid price for restoration or placement of driveways, curbs and sidewalks, when called for in the proposals, shall include all materials, labor and equipment required to complete the work and shall be paid for on the basis of the fallowing units: Driveways, plant mix - per square yard: concrete - per square foot; curbs - per lineal foot; sidewalk 4" or 6" thick - per square foot. Concrete walks at drives shall be a minimum of 6" thick and be reinforced with G/6 X] 0/10 welded wire mesh (also see Articles 8 and 30). The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all driveway, curb, sidewalk and streei restoration and replacement work. 11 WORK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS Restoration is an irnpartant phase of construction, particularly to residents affecCed by the construction progress. The Contractor will be expected to complete restoration Activities within a reasonable time following primary construction activity. Failure by the Contractor to accamplish restoration within a reasonable time shall be justification for a tennporary stap on primary construction activity or a delay in approval of partial payment requests. Reasonable care shall be taken for existing shrubbery. Contractor shall replace all shrubbery removed or disturbed during construction. No separate payment shall be made for this work. � The cantractor shall make provision and be responsible for the supply of all water, if needed, on any and all phases of the contract work. The contractor shall not obtain water from local residents or businesses except as the contractor shall obtain written permission. � R�use water is available for the Contractor's use withaut charge frorn the City's wastewater treatment plants, provided the water is used on City of Clearwater contractual work. Details for Contractor to abtain and reuse water from the treatment plants will be coordinated at the pre- � construction conference. The Contractor's use oi reuse water must conform to all regulatory requirements. �� � � � � V � C� 12 DEWATERING 12.1 GENERAL Unless specifically authorized by the Engineer, all pipe, except subdrains, shall be laid "in the dry". The contractor shall dewater trench excavation as required for the proper execution of the work, using one or mare of the following approved methads: well point system, trenched gravity underdrain system, or sumps with pumps. Well point systems rnust be effrcient enough to lower the water level in advance of the excavation and maintain it continuously in order that the trench bottom and sides shall remain firm and reasanably dry. The well points shall be designed especially for this type af service, and the punnping unit used shall be capable of maintaining a high vacuum, and at the same time, of handling large volumes of air as well as of water. The Cantractor shall be responsible for disposing of all water resulting from trench dewatering operations, and shall dispose of the water without damage or undue inconvenience to the work, the surrounding area, or the general public. He shall not dam, divert, or cause water to tlow in excess in existing gutters, pavennents or other structures: and to do this he may be required to canduct the water to a suitable place of discharge may be determined by the Engineer. SectionlV.doc Page 9 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Specitications The cost of dewatering shall be included in the unit price bid per lineal foot of pipe, or, in the case of other under�round structures, in the cost of such structures. 12.2 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 12.2.1 DEWATERING CQNTROL The City of Clearwater wil] hold the Contractor responsible for obtaining a Generic Permit for the Discharge of Produced Groundwater from Any Non-Contaminated Site Activity prior to dewatering or discharging into the CiCy's streets, storm sewers or waterways. Prior to dischar�ing produced �roundwater from any construction site, the contractor must callect samples and analyze the groundwater, which must meet acccptable discharge limits. The following document has been incorporated into this section for reference... 12.2.2 GENERIC PERMIT FQR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GR�UND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY Cit Notification Procedure - Contractor must provide the City of Clearwater Fnvironmental Department with the following information prior�to beginning dewatering activities: 1) A copy of all groundwater laboratory results 2) A copy of the FD� P Notification It is recommended that the Contractor call or meet with the City �nvironmental staff if you have any questions. You may contact the City at 562-4750 for direction or further assistance. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT 4F ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTI�N GENERIC PERMITOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY The facility is authorized to discharge produced ground water from any non-contaminated site activity which discharges by a point source to surface waters of the State, as defined in Chapter 62- 620, F.A.C., only if the reported values for the parameters listed in Table 1 do not exceed any of the listed screening values. Before discharge of produced ground water can occur from such sites, analytical tests on samples of the proposed untreated discharge water shall be performed to detertnine if contamination exists. Minimum reporting requirements for all produced ground water dischargers. The effluent shall be sampled before the commencement of discharge, again within thirty (30) days after commencement of discharge, and then once every six (6) months for the life of the project to maintain continued coverage under this generic permit. Samples taken in compliance with the provisions of this permit shall be taken prior to actual discharge or mixing with the receiving waters. The effluent shall be sarnpled for the parameters listed in Table 1. SectionlV.doc TABLE 1 Page I 0 of 128 Screening Values for Discharges into: 4/11/201 I � � � � � , C� � ' 1 � r ' , r � 1 , Section 1V — Technical Specircations Parameter Fresh Waters Coastal Waters Total Organic Carbon (TUC) 10.0 mg/1 10.0 mg/1 PI�, standard units 6.0-8.5 6.5-8.5 Total Recoverable Mercury — by Method 163 l E 0.012 µg/1 0.025 µg/1 Total Recoverable Cadmium 9.3 µg/l 9.3 µg/1 Total Recoverable Copper 2.9 µg/1 2.9 µg/1 Total Recoverable Lead 0.03 mg/1 5.6 µg/1 7'atal Recoverable Zinc 86.0 µg/I 86.0 µg/1 Total Recoverable Chromium (Hex.) l 1.0 µg/1 50.0 µg/I Benzene 1.0 µg/I 1.0 µg/1 Naphthalene 100.0 µg/1 100.0 µg/1 If any of the analytical test results exeeed the screening values listed in Table 1, except TOC, the discharge is not authorized by this permit or b the Ci o Clearwvater. (a) For initial TOC values that exceed the screening values listed in Table l, which may be caused by naturally occurring, high molecular weight organic compounds, the permittee may request to be exempted from the TOC requirement. To reyuest this exemption, the permittee shall submit additional information with a Notice of Intent (NOI), described below, which describes the method used to determine that these compounds are naturally occurring. The Department shall grant the exemption if the perrnittee affirmatively demonstrates that the TOC values are caused by naturally occurring, high molecular weight organic compounds. (b) The NOI shall be submitted to the appropriate DeparCment district office thirty (30) days prior to discharge, and contain the following information: 1. the name and address of the person that the permit coverage will be issued to; 2_ the name and address of the facility, including county lacation; 3. any applicable individual wastewater permit number(s); 4. a map showing the facility and discharge location (including latitude and longitude); 5. the name of the receiving water; and 6. the additianal information required by paragraph (3)(a) of this permit. � (c) Discharge shall not commence until natification of coverage is received from the Department. , SectionlV.doc Page 11 of 128 4/11/2011 r Section IV — 7'echnical Specifications For fresh waters and coastal waters, the pH of the effluent shall not be lowered to less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units for caastal waters, or raised above 8.5 units, unless the permittee submits natural background data confirmin� a natural back�round pH outside of this range. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units in coastal waters, the pH shall not vary below natural back�round or vary more than ane (l) unit above natural background for fresh and coastal waters. If natura] background of thc receiving water is determined to be higher than 8.5 units, the p:H shall not vary above natural background or vary more than one (1) unit below natural background of fresh and coastal waters. The permittee shall include the natural background pH of the receiving waters with the results of the analyses required under paragraph (2) of this permit. For purposes of this section only, fresh waters are those having a chloride concentration of less than 1500 mg/I, and coastal waters are those having a chloride concentration equal to or greater than 1500 mg/1. In accordance with Rule 62-3Q2.500(1)(a-c), F.A.C., the discharge shall at al] times be free from flaating solids, visible foam, turbidity, or visible oil in such amounts as to form nuisar�ces on surface waters. If contamination exists, as indicated by the results of the ana]ytical tests required by paragraph (2), the discharge cannot be covered by this Generic Permit. The facility shall apply for an individual wastewater permit at least ninety (90) days prior to the date discharge to surface waters of the State is expected, or, if applicable, the facility may seek coverage under any oth�r applicable Department gen�ric permit. No discharge is perrxaissible without an effective permit. If the analytical tests required by paragraph (2) reveal that no contamination exisCs from any source, the facility can begin discharge immediately and is covered by this pennit without having to submit an NOI request for cov�rage to the Department. A short summary af the proposed activity and copy of the analytical tests shall be sent to the applicable Department district ofTce within one (]) week after discharge begins. These analytical tests shall be kept on site during discharge and made available to the Department if requested. Additionally, no Discharge Monitoring ,Report forms are required to be submitted to the D�partment. All o� the general conditians listed in Rule 62-621.250, F.A.C., are applicable to this Generic Permit. 'There are no annual fees associated with the use ofthis Generic Pennit. 13 SANITARY MANHOLES 13.1 BUILT UP TYPE Manholes shall be constructed of brick with cast iron frames and covers as shown on the drawings. invert charmels shall be constructed srnooth and semicircular in shape conforming to inside of adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of flow shall be made in a smooth curve of as large a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. Invert channels shall be formed by one of the fallowing methods: form directly into conerete manhole base, build up with brick and mortar, lay half tile in concrete, or lay full section of sewer pipe through manhole and break out top half of pipe. The manhole flaor outside of channels shall be made smooth and sloped toward channcls. Free drop in manholes from inlet pipe invert to top of flaor outside the channels shall not exceed twenty four inches. Standard Drop Manholes shall be canstructed wherever free drap exceeds twenty four irtches. SectionIV.doc 1'age 12 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications Manhole steps shall not be provided. Joints shall be completely filled and the mortar shall be smaothed from inside of manholes. The entire exterior af brick manholes shall be plastered with one half inch of mortar. Brick used may be solid only. Brick shall bE laid radially with every sixth course being a str�tcher course. 13.2 PRECAST TYPE Precast Sanitary Manholes shall conform to this specitication unless otherwise appraved by the City Engineer. AASHTO M 85 Type Il cement shall be used throughout with a minimum wall thickness of S inches. The precast sections shall conform to ASTM C 47$ latest revision. Section joints shall be a tongue and groove with "ram neck" gasket or "O" ring to provide a watertight joint. Minimum concrete stren�th shall be 4000 psi at 28 days. Three sets of shop drawings and location inventory shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Approval of shop drawings does not relieve contractor of responsibility for corrapliance to these specifications unless letter from contractor requesting specific variance is approved by the City Engineer. Location inventory submitted with shop drawing shall detail parts of manhole per manhole as � numbered on the construction plans. All manhole parts shall be numbered ar lettered beforc being sent to the job site to permit proper construction placement. A plan or list of the numberin� system shall be present on the job site when manhole companents are delivered. tPrecast manhole dimensions, drop entry, grout flow af channel, etc., shall be as shown on City of Clearwater Engineering Detail #302 Sheet 2 of 3. � � , L� ' �� � � � Manhole sections shall be rejected if abused during shipping or placement and if pipe openings are not properly aligned. The "break in" to precast manholes for pipe entry will not be allowed. The manhole base shall be set on a pad of A 1 or A 2 Classification soil appraximately five (5) inches thick to secure proper seating and bearing. 13.2.1 MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) Between the top of the manhole cone and the manhole cover frame, a manhale adjustment ring shall be installed. The intent of the manhole adjustment ring is to accommodate future grade changes without disturbing the manhole. See Section IV, Article 23.7 — Asphaltic Cancrete �- Adjustrnent of Manholes. 13.3 DROP MANHOLES Standard drop inlets to manholes shall be constructed of commercial pipe, fittings and specials as detailed on the drawings. 13.4 FRAMES AND COVERS Manhole frames and covers shall be set in a full bed of mortar with the top of the cover flush with or higher than finished grade as directed. Refer to Detail 301. SectionIV.doc Yage 13 of 128 4/11/20l 1 Section 1V — 7'echnical Specilications 13.5 MANHOLE COATINGS The exterior and interior of all built up manholes shall be coated with two (2) coats of Type II Asphalt emulsion, moisture and damp proof (Specification ASTM D 1227 Type Ii Class I) as manufactured by W.R. Nleadows Sealtite or approved equal. Interior of built up manholes which have sewers entering with a free drop or which receive discharge from a farce main shall have the inside plastered with 1/2-inch of grout and coated as precast i�aanholes below. The exterior arad interior of all precast manholes shall bc coated with ar least 15 mils dry thickness of Type 11 Asphalt emulsion, moisture and damp proof (Specification ASTM D 1227 Type II Class I) as manufactured by W.R. Meadows Sealtite. 13.fi C�NNECTIONS TO MANHOLES Connections to existing sanitary manholes using approved PVC sewer main shall be made with a manhole adapter coupling by Flo Control, Inc., or approved water stop coupling. 14 BACKFILL Material far backfill shall be carefully selected from the excavated material or from other sources as may be required by the Engineer. Such rnaterial shall be granular, free from organic matter ar debris, contain no rocks or other hard fra�ments greater than 3" in the largest dirnension and all fill shall be similar maCerial. Backfill placed around pipes shall b� carefully placed araund the sides and top of pipe by hand shovels and thoroughly compacted to 12" above the pipe by tamping or other suitable means. Backfill under all types of paving shall be compacted in layers not to exceed 12" in thickness unless alternate method is approved by the Engineer. Backfill shall be a minimum of 98% compaction as determined by the rnadifed Proctor Density Test to the bottom ofpavement. Backfill outside of pavement areas shall be compacted the full depth to the ground surface to a minimurn of 95°/a carnpaction of AASHTO T 180 Standard Density Test. The cost of backfill shall be included in the unit price bid per lineal foot of tbe pipe, or, in the case of other underground structures, in the cost of such structure. 15 STREET CROSSINGS ETC. At such crossings, and other points as may be directed by the Engineer, the trenches shall be bridged in an apen and secure manner, so as to prevent any serious interruption of travel upon the roadway or sidewalk, and also to af�'ord necessary access to public or private premises. The material used, and the mode of constructing said bridges, and the approaches, thereto, must be satisfactory to the Engineer. The cost of all such work must be included in the cost of the trench excavation. 16 RAISING OR LQWERING OF SANITARY,SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES � Sanitary Sewer or Storm Draina�e Structures shall be raised or lowered as indicated on the plans or as indicated by the Engineer. SectionN.doc Page 14 oF 128 4/11/2011 C� � Section .iV — Technical Specitications 16.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT � Payment, unless covered by a bid item, shall be included in the cost of the work. � � 17 UNSUITABLE MATERIAL REMOVAL All unsuitable material, such as muck, clay, rock, ete., shall be excavated and removed frorra th� site. All material removed is praperty of the Contractor, who shall dispose of said material off- site at his expense. The limits of the excavation shall be determined in the field by the Engineer. 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ' The basis of ineasurement shall be the amount of cubic yards of unsuitable material excavated and replaced with suitable material as determined by either cross sections of the excavation, truck measure, or lump sum as specified in the Scope of Work and Contract Aropasal. ' 17.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for the removal of unsuitable material shall include: all materials, equipment, ' tools, labor, disposal, hauling, excavating, dredging, placing, compaction, dressing surface and incidentals necessary to complete the work. If no pay item is given, the removal of unsuitable material shall be included in the most appropriate bid item. � 18 UNDERDRAINS The Contractor shall construct sub-surface drainage pipe as directed in the Contract Scope of ' Work and detail drawings contained in the Project construction plans. In general, underdrain pipe shall be embedded in a bed of #6 FDOT crushed aggregate, located behind the back of curb and aggregate surface covered with a non-degradable fibrous type filter material. A#57 aggregate ' may be used in lieu of #6 if it is washed and screened to remove fines. The aggregate may be stone, slag or crushed gravel. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, underdrain pipe shall be 8" diameter, polyvinyl chloride pipe, in conformance with ASTM F-758 "Siandard Specif cation � For Smoath Wall PVC Underdrain Systems for Highways" latest revision, minimum stiffness of 46 in confonttance with ASTM D2412, perforatians in conformance with At�SHTO M-189 described in FDOT Section 948-4.5 ar latest revisian and in conformance with ASTNt D3034 - � � , , , � , SDR 35. Alternate acceptable underdrain pipe material is Contech A-2000 which is a rigid PVC pipe exceeds ASTM Specifications D1784, minimum cell classi�catian of 12454B ar 12454C, manufactured per ASTM F949-93a, minimum pipe stiffness of 50 psi, with no evidence of splitting, cracking or breaking when pipe is tested in accordance with ASTM D2412 aC 60% flatting and with a double gasket joint. Underdrain pipe placed beneath existing driveways and roadways shall be non-perforated pipe with compacted backfill. All poly-chlaride pipe which has become deteriarated due ta expasure to ultra vialet radiation shall be rejected. Where ductile iron pipe is specified, pipe material shall be the same as specified for potable water pipe in these technical specifications. All underdrain aggregate shall be fially encased in a polyester filter fabric "sock" (Mirafi 140-N or approved equal) per the construction detail drawings. SectionIV.doc Page 15 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V —Technical Specificatiuns 18.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be the number of lineal fEet oi 8" Sub-drain in place and accepted. 18.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be based upon the unit price per lineal foot for underdrain as measured above, which shall be full compensation for all work described in this section of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to construct thc underdrain (specifically underdrain pipe, aggregate and filter �abric). Underdrain clean-outs, sod, driveway, road and sidewalk restoration shall be paid by a separate bid item. 19 STQRM SEWERS All storm drain pipe installed within the City of Clearwater shall be reinforced concrete unless otherwise specified or approved by the City Engineer. Said pipe shall comply with Section 941 of the current �DOT Specifications. All reinforced concrete pipe joints shall be wrapped with Mirafi 140N filter fabric or equivalent (as approved by the City Engineer). The cost for all pipe joint wraps shall be included in the unit price for the pipe. All pipe, just before being lowered into a trench, is to be inspccted and cleaned. If any dif�iculty is found in the fitting the pieces together, this fitting is to be done on the surface of the street before laying the pipE, and the tops plainly marked in the order in which they are to be laid. No pipe is to be trimmed or chipped to fit. Each piece of pipe is to be solidly and evenly bedded, and not simply wedged up. Be�ore finishing each joint, some suitable device is to be used ta find that the inverts coincide and pipe is clear throughout. 19.1 AS BUILT INFORMATIDN "C'he Contractor shall subrnit to the Engineer the stations and left or right offsets of all manhol�s, inlet structures and terminals ends of subdrains, as measured from the nearest downstream manhole along the centerline of the sewer alon� with the elevations of the north ed�e of manhole cover, inverts of all pipe in structures, and the flow line of inlets. (Gutter) 19.2 TESTING The Contractor shall take all precautions to secure a perfectly watertigk�t sewer under all conditions. At the discretion of the City Engineer or his designee, the watertightness of a sewer which has a crown lyittg belaw groundwater level may be tested by measuring the infiltration. The watertightness of sewers having crowns lying above groundwater level may be tested by flling the pipe with water so as to produce a hydrostatic head of twa feet or more above the crown of the sewer at the upper end of the test section of the water table outside of the sewer, whichever is higher, and then measuring the exfiltration. ln no case shall the infiltration or ex�ltration exceed 150 gallon per inch of diameter per mile per day. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment to t�st the amount of infiltration or exfiltration under the Engineer's direction_ Where the infiltration or exfiltration is excessive the Contractor at his own expense shall take the necessary steps to remedy such conditions by uncovering the sewer, remaking the joints or by replacing the entire length of sewer as required by the Engineer. No trench made joints may be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable. Care shall be taken to avaid flotation. SectionIV.doc Page 16 of 128 4/11/201 I r � , Section 1V — Technical 5pecifications The above tests shall be performed at the discretion of the Fngineer on any or al l sections of the line. 19.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT , �'ayment shall be the unit price per lineal foot for storm sewer pipt in place and accepted, measured along the centerline of the storm sewer pipe to the inside face of exterior walls of storm manholes or draina�e structures and ta the outside face of endwalls. Said unit price includes all work required to install the pipe (i.e. all materials, equipment, filter fabric wrap, r labor and incidentals, etc.). , , ' 1 1 L.J ' �� 20.1 20.1.1 SANITARY SEWERS AND FORCE MAINS MATERIALS GRAVITY SEWER PIPE GRAVITY SEWER PIPE SHALL SE POLYVINYL CHLORI.DE OR DUCTILE IRON. Polyvirayl chloride pipe and �ttings shall conform with ASTM specification D 3034 for S.D.R. 35. Sewer pipe with more than l0 feet of cover shall be SDR 26. The pipe shall be plainly marked with the above ASTM designation. The bell end of joints and fittings shall have a rubber scaling ring to provide a tight flexible seal in conformance with ASTM D 3212 76. The laying length of pipe joints shall be a maximum of 20-feet. Unless otherwise noted in these specifications ar construction plans, Ductile lron pipe and fittin�s for gravity sewer shall canform to Section 41 of thes� Technical Specificatians for DIP water main except pipe shall be interior "polylined" in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Where sanitary sewer main is to be placed between building lots in a sideline easement, the sewer main shall, insofar as possible, be canstructed without manholes or lateral connections within the side easement. The pipe material in the side easement between streets shall be C 900, SDR l8 polyvinyl chloride water main pipe as described in Technical Section 41. A two-way cleanout shall be installed on each lateral at the property line. 2U.1.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE � FORCE MAIN PIPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE OR DUCTILE IRON. Unless otherwise noted in the specifications or construction plans, both palyvinyl chloride and ductile iron force main pipe and fittings shall conform to Section 41 of these Technical Specifications , for water main pipe except that D1P shall be "polylined" in accordance with manufactures recammendations. All polyvinyl chloride pipe which has become deteriorated due to exposure to ultra violet ' radiatian shall be rejected. ' f+���+' 20.2.1 INSTALLATI�N GRAVITY SEWER PIPE installation of gravity sewer pipe shall be in conformance with recommended practices contained ' in ASTM D 2321 and Unibell L1NI B 5. ' SectionlV.doc � Page 17 of 128 4/11/2011 Section TV — Technical Specifications �"he battom trench width in an unsupported trench shall be limited to the minimum practicable width (typically pipe OD plus $ to 12-inch on each side) allowing working space to place and compact the haunching �raaterial. The use of trench boxes and movable sheeting shall be perform�d in such a manner thaC removal, backfill and compaction will not disturb compacted haunching material or pipe alignment. Dewatering of` the trertch bottom shall be accomplished using adequaCe means ta allow preparatian of bedding, placement of the haunching material and pipe in the trench without standing water. Dewatering shall continue until sufficient backfill is placed above the pipe to prevent flotation or misalignment. Where pipe bedding is insuffcient to adequately support prpe, the contractor will be required to remave unsuitabl� material and bed pipe in Class T material (1/2" Dia. aggregate) co provide firm support of pipe. Connections to manholes with sanitary pipe shall use a joint 2 feet in length and shall use an approved water stap around pipe joint entry. The laterals shown on the plans do not necessarily ref]ect exact locations. The coniractor is required to locate all existing laterals for recannection and to coordinate witFa the constructiott inspector the location of all new laterals. 2Q.2.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE Installation of force main pipe shall be in conformance with S�ction 41 of these Technical Specifications for water main pipe. 20.3 A5 BUILT DRAWINGS The contractor shall submit to the Engineer a marked set of "As Built" construction drawings describing both the stations and left or right offset of all lateral terminal ends as measured from Che nearest downstream manhale along the center line af the sewer main. The as built drawings will also describe el�vations of the north edge of the manhole cover rings and inverts of all main pipes in manholes. 20.4 TESTING 20.4.1 TESTING OF GRAVITY SEWERS The Contractor shall take all precautions to secure a perfectly water tight sewer under all conditions. The water Cightness of a sewer which has a crown lying below groundwater level may be tested by measuring infiltration. The water ti�htness of sewers having crowns lying above groundwater level may be tested by filling the pipe with water so as to produce a hydrostatic head of two feet or more abave the crown of the sewer at the upper end of the test section or the water table outside af the sewer, whichever is higher, and then measuring the exfiltra- tion. In no case shall the infltration or ex .filtration exceed 50 gallon per inch of diameter per mile per day. The Contractor shall fumish all labor, materials and equipment to test the amount of infiltration or exfiltration under the Engineer's direction. Where the infiltration or exfiltration is excessive, the Contractar at his own expense shall take the necessary steps to ramedy such conditions by uncovering the sewer, remaking the joints or by replacing the entire length of sewer as required by the Engineer. No such repaired joints may be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable. Care shall be taken to avoid flotation. The SectionN.doc Page 18 of 128 4/11/201 ] 1 1 ' � � , �J J 1 1 , , � IJ 1 1 ' ' , Section 1V — Technical Specifications Contractor shall TV inspect all rnains to verify the true and uniform grade and the absence of bellies or dropped joints prior to acceptance. Any infiltration, dips or sags of' more than 1/4- inches shall be cause for rejection. The above tests shall be performed at the discretion of the Engineer on any or all sectians of the line. 20.4.2 TESTING OF F�RCE MAINS Force mains shall be tested under a hydrostatic pressure of 150 P.S.I. for two (2) hours, as described in Section 41.04 of these Technical Specifications for the testing of water mains. 20.5 BASIS OF PAYMENT 20.5.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE Payment for in place sanitary sewer gravity main pipe shall be the unit price per lineal foot per appropriate range of depth of cut as contained in the contract proposal. Measurement for payment shall be along the centerline oFthe sewer main from center to center of manholes. Payment for laterals shall be the unit price per lineal foot of pipe as measured from the centerline of the sewer main pipe to the terminal end of the lateral pipe includin� a two-way cleanout at the property line. Payment for sewer pipe shall include al) labor, equipment and materials necessary to complete the installation. This shall include clearing and grubbing, excavation, shoring and dewatering, backfill and grading. 20.5.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE Payment and measurement of force main pipe shall be the same as described in Section 41 oi these Technical Specifications for water main pipe. 21 DRAINAGE The Contractor shall provide proper outlet for all water courses and drains interrupted during the progress of the work and replace them in as good candition as he found them. 22 ROADWAY BASE AND SUBGRADE 22.1 BASE This specification describes the construction of roadway base and subgrade. The Contractor shall refer to Section IV, Article 1"Scope of Work" af the city's Cantract Specifications for additional roadway base and subgrade items. Roadway base shall be $" compacted minimum thickness unless atherwise noted on the plans or directed by the Engineer. The subgrade shall be 12" compacted minimum thickness with a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) of 40 unless othervvise noted on the plans or directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory a Proctor and an LBR for each type material. The Contractor shall alsa have an independent testing laboratory perform all required density testing. Where unsuitable material is found wiChin the SectionlV.doc Page 19 of 128 4/I l/2U11 Section IV—Technical Specitications limits of the base, Section 1V, Article .17 (Unsuitable Material Removal) of the city's Contract Specifications wi,ll apply. Once the roadway base is completed, it shall be primed that same day (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard Specit7cations (latest edition). Repairs required to the base that result from a failure to place the prime in a timely manner shall be done to the City's satisfaction, and at the Contractor's expcnse. No paving of the exposed base can commence until the City approves the repaired base. 'C'he cost for placement of prime material shall be included in the bid item for base. The Contractor shall notify ihe Project inspector a minrmum of 24 hours in advance of all base and subgrade placement or reworking. The following base materials are acceptabJe: 1. SHELL SASE: Shell base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 200 and 913 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The shell shall be FDOT approved. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base. 2_ LIMEROCK BASE: Limerock base shall be constructed in accordance with Sectians 20� and 91 ] of T�DOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickn� FDOT approved certified pit. price for base. ss as shown on the plans. The limerock shall be from a The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item CRUSHED CONCRETE 13ASE: Crushed concrete base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 204 and 901 of FIJOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), � and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The crushed concrete material shall be FDOT approved. The Contractor shall provide cerCifled laboratory tests on gradation to confirm that the crushed concrete base material conforms ' to the above speci�cations. The .LSR shall be a minimum of ]$5. LBR and gradation tests shall be provided to the city by the Contractor once a week for continuous operations, or every 1000 tons of material, unless requested more frequently by tlae City ' Engineer or designee. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid it�m price for base. 4. SOIL CEMENT SASE: Unless atherwise noted, soil cement base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 270 af FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications, and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. An Asphalt Rubber Membrane Interlayer (ARMI) shall be included in the pavement design per Section 341 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition) to minimize reflective cracking unless oCherwise noted in the project plans and specifcations. The ARMI layer shall be overlaid with asphalt on the same day it is placed for the Contractor to receive full compensation for t}ae work. The soil cement base design shall be by a certified lot under the direction of a Registered Florida Professional Engineer, and must be approved by the City Engineer. Said design shall provide for a minimum of 300 P.S.I. in seven days. All plant mixed soil cement shall be certified by a registered laboratory that has been approved by the Engineer. The only approved method for spreading the cement is the use of a spreader box. The use of a spreader bar for spreading cement will not be allowed. The applying of the cement shall not be allowed when the wind velocity is suf�icient to jeopardize material interests SectionIV.doc Page 2Q of 128 4/11/2011 ' IJ 1 ' , � ' 1 1 ' 1 , 1 � i� � Section 1V — "Cechnical Specitications (i.e. vehicles, etc.) from airborne cement particles. The density testing frequency shall be at the discretion of the registered Florida Professional Engineer responsible for the soil cement design. 5. ASPHALT BASE: Full depth asphalt base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 280 of �"llOT's 2000 Standard Specifications, and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The cost for preparation, placement and compaction shall b� included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt unless otherwise noted in the project scape and plans. The cost af the tack coat shall be included in the bid item price for asphalt or base. 6. REWORKED SASE: When the plans call for the working of the existing base, the finished reworked base shall have a minimum cornpacted thickness of 8" unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, and be constructed in accordance with the applicable FDOT requirements for the type of material used. The density requirements (except for asphalt and soil cement base) shall be per Section 200 6 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). For asphalt, the density requireanents are per Section 330-11, and for soil cement per Section 270-5 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specitications. 22.1.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE , The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square yards of base in place and accepted as called for on the plans. The rnaximum allowable deficiency shall be a half-inch (1/2"). Areas de�cient in thickness shall either be fixed by the Contractor to within acceptable tolerance, or if , so approved in writing by the City Engineer, may be left in place. No payment, however, will be made for such deficient areas that are left in place. 1 � ��i 1 , 1 � ' ' 1 22.1.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE The unit price for base shall include: all materials, roadbed preparation, placement, spreading, compaction, f nishing, prime, base, subgrade (unless the plans speciiy a separate pay item), stabilization, mixing, testing, equipment, tools, hauling, labor, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. Payment for asphalt base shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 22.2 SUBGRADE All subgrade shall be stabilized and constructed in accordance with Sections 160 and 914 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition) unless otherwise noted herein. All subgrade shall have a minimum compacted thickness of 12" unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. lf limerack is used, it shall also meet the requirements of Section 911 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Where unsuitable material is found within the limits of the subgrade, Section IV, Article ] 7(Unsuitable Material Removal) of ttae city's Contract Specifications will apply. The extent of said removal shall be determined by the Engineer in accordance with accepted construction practices. The Contractor is responsible for clearing, grading, filling, and removing any trees or vegetation in the roadbed below the subgrade to prepare it per the plans. The cost of this work shall be included in the unit price for base or subgrade. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory the bearing value after the mixing of materials for the stabilized subgrade. SectionlV.doc Page 21 of 128 4/1]/2011 Section lV — Technical Specilications 22.2.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square yards of stabilized subgrade in place and accepted as called for on the plans. The maximurn allowable deficiency for mixing depth shall be per Section 161-6.4 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. AccepTable bearing values shall be per FDOT Section 160-7.2. Areas deficient in thickness or bearing values shall either be corrected by the Contractor to within acceptable tolerance, or if so approved in writing by the CiCy Engineer, may be left in place. No payment, however, will be made for such defcient areas that are left in place (latest edition). 22.2.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for sub�rade shall include: roadbed preparation, placement, spreading, compaction, finishing, testing, stabilizin�, mixing, materials, hauling, labor, equipment and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. If no pay item is given, subgrade shall be included in the bid item for base. 23 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MATERIALS This specification is for the preparation and application of all S-Type Marshall Mix Design asphaltic concrete materials on roadway surfaces unless otherwise noted. 23.1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 23.1.1 AGGREGATE All aggregates shall be obtained from an approved FDOT source and shall conform to Sections 901 ihrough 919 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.1.2 BITUMINDUS MATERIALS All bituminous materials shall conform ta Section 916 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Speci�cations. 23.2 H4T BITUMINOUS MIXTURES -- PLANT, METHODS, EQUIPMENT & QUALITY ASSURANCE The plant and methods of operation used to prepare all asphaltic conerete and biturninous materials shall conforrn to the requirernents of Section 320 of FDOT's Standard Speci�cations (latest edition). Unless otherwise noted, all acceptance procedures and quality control/assurance procedures shall confortn to the requirements of Section 33O of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. The Contractor sha11 note that the City shall have the right to have an independent testing laboratory select, test, and analyze, at the expense of the City, test specimens of any or all materials to be used. Tests to be performed by the independent testing laboratory every 1000 tons include, but are not limited to, Marshall stability and flow, extraction/gradation and cores to determine density and thickness. The results of such tests and analyses shall be considered, along with the tests or analyses made by the Contractor, to determine compliance with the applicable specifications for the materials so tested or analyzed. The Contractor hereby understands and accepts that wherever any portion of the work is discovered, as a result of such independent testing or investigation by the City, which fails to meet the requirements of the Contract documents, all costs of such independent inspection and investigation as well as all costs of SectionlV.doc Page 22 of 128 4/11/20] 1 Section IV — "fechnical Specifications rem�val, correction, reconstruction, or repair of any such work shall be borne solely by the Contractor. Payment r�ductions for asphalt related items shall be determined by the followin : 1. Density per Section 330-11 ofFDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 2. �inal surface or friction course tolerances per Section 330-13 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 3. 'fhickness will be determined from core borings. Deficiencies of '/�" or greater shall be corr�cted by the Contractor, without compensation, by either replacing the full thickness f`or a length extending at least 25' from each end of the defrcient area, or when the Engineer allows for an overlay per Section 330-15.2.3 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (2000 edition). In addition, far excesses of'/4" or greater, the Engineer will determine if the excess area shall be removed and replaced at no compensation, or if the pavement in question can remain with payment to be made based on the thickness specified in the contract. The Contractor shall notif the Pro'ect Ins ector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of a11 asphalt, 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES � All asphalt mix designs shall conform to the requirements of Sections 33l and 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifrcations. All asphalt mix designs shall be approved by the Engineer PRIOR to the commencement af the paving operation. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) material may ' be substituted for aggregate in the asphaltic concrete mixes up to 2S% by weight. 23.4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGNS AND LAYER THICKNESS ' All asphalt pavement designs shall conform to the following requirements: � 'I 1 1 ' �� � � Table 1: Layer Thickness 1'or Asphalt (Layers Are Listed in Sequence of Construction) COURSE LAYER THICKNESS (Inches) THICKNESS (inches) Type S—I Type S—I with Type S—Ill FC-3 Type S--III Type S—I Type S—lll with FC-3 with FC-3 Top Layer Top Layer Top Layer 1 st 2nd 1 st 2"d 1 st 2nd 1 st 2"d 1 st 2nd 1 st Znd 1 1 1 1'/z 1'/z 2 1'/4 '/4 * 1 1 2'/z 1'/4 1'/4 l'/z l 1'/z 1 3 1%z 1'/z 2 l 2 1 * At the Engineer's discretion, 2" of S-III is acceptable for use on residential streets SectionIV.doc Page 23 of 128 4/11/201 I Section 1V — Technic�l Spccifications Additional Notes: ]. Type S-11I shall be limited to the fiinal (top) structural layer (one layer only). 2. All asphalt pavement designs shall conform to the requirements of sections 331 and 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 3. All pavement designs shall include a minimum of two inches of asphalt. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible to review the project plans for complete pavement desi�n dEtail. 5. Unless otherwise specified on the plans, Type S—Iii per Section 331 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications shall be used as final riding surface on streets with the speed limit of l�ss than 35 mph, streeCs with an average daily trat�ic (ADT) of less than 3000, and all residential streets. 6. An FC-3 friction course per section 337 of PDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications shall be used on streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or greater, and streets with an AT]T of 3000 or greater. 23.5 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The general construction requirements for all hot bituminous pavements (including limatations of operations, preparation of mixture, preparation of' surface, placcment and compaction of mixture, surface requirements, correction of unacceptable pavement, etc.) shall be in accordance with Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.fi CRACKS AND POTHOLE PREPARATIQN 23.6.1 CRACKS Cracks in roadway pavement shall be repaired prior to the application of asphaltic concrete by the following steps: l. All debris to be removed from cracks by compressed air ar other suitable method. 2. Apply a multiple layered application of bituminous binder and fine aggregate, as appropriate to the depth of the crack until the void of th� crack is completely filled to the level of the surrounding roadway surface. 3. If application of asphaltic concrete is not to begin immediately after crack repair, cracks are to be sanded to prevent vehicular tracking. 4. Payrnent for crack fillir►g shall be included in the unit price for asphaltic concrete. 23.6.2 POTHOLES Potholes shall be repaired prior to the application of asphaltic conerete by the following steps: 1. All debris is to be removed from potholes by hand, sweeping, or other suitable method. 2. A tack caat is to be applied to the interior surface of the pothole. 3. The pothole is to be completely filled with asphaltic concrete, and tharoughly compacted. 4. Payment for pothole preparation shall be included in tha unit price for asphaltic concrete. SectionlV.doc Page 24 of 128 4/11/2011 1 1 LJ � � � � � Section IV — Tcchnic�l Specifications 23.7 ADJUSTMENT OF MANH�LES The necessary adjustments of sanitary sewer and storm drain manholes and appurtenances shall be accomplished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be paid on a per unit basis for each item. The use of manhole adjustment risers is acc�ptable under the following conditions: The riser shall meet or exceed all FDOT material, weld, and construction requirements_ The riser shall consist of an A-36 hot rolled steel meeting ar exceeding the minimum requirements of A.S.T.M. A-36. The riser shall be a single piece with a stainless steel adjustment stud and shall have a rust resistant �nish. The use of cast iron, plastic, or fiberglass risers is not permitted. ln addition, the installation of each riser shall be per manufacturer's specifications. Each manhole shall be individually measured, and each riser shall be physically marked to ensure that the proper riser is used. Also, the ring section shall be cleaned, and a bead of chemically resistant epoxy applied ta the original casting, prior to installation of the riser. It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that the manholes are measured, the risers are physically marked, the rin� sections are thoroughly cleaned, and that the epoxy is properly applied prior to installation of each riser. lf ris�rs are not used, the adjustment of manhales shall be accomplished by the removal of � pavement around manhole, grade adjustment of ring and cover, and acceptable replacement and compactian of roadway materials prior to paving. A full depth backfill using asphalt is acceptable. The use of Portland cement for backfll is not acceptable. � � � � All manhole and valve adjustments shall be accomplished priar to the application of final asphaltic concrete surface. Unless otherwise noted in the specs or on the plans, the paving operatian shall occur within seven (7) calendar days from the completion of the adjustmeni. On arterial roadways, the rims manholes are to be ramped with asphalt during the time period between initial adjustment and final resurfacing. Water and gas valves, sewer cleanouts, valve baxes, tree aeration vents, etc. will be adjusted by the Contractor with the cost for this work to be included in the unit cost of the asphalt. Care must be taken around said appurtenances to ensure that they are nat paved over. It is the Contractor's responsibility to inform the owners of all utilities of impending work and coordinate their adjustments so they are completed prior to the scheduled paving. 23.8 ADDITIONAL ASPHALT REQUIREMENTS 1. All impacted radius returns within project limits shall be paved unless otherwise directed � by the Engineer or Project Inspector, with payment to be included in the per ton bid item for asphalt. � � 2. All pavement markings impacted by placement of asphalt shall be replaced prior to the road being open to traffic unless otherwise noted in the contract scope and plans. 3. All praject related debris shall be hauled off the job site by the Contractor in a timely manner and at their own expense in conformance with all regulatory requirements. 4. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to sweeping when pavin�. The Broom � Tractar way of sweeping will not be permitted. Prior to paving, all construction areas shall be swept with a Municipal type sweeper (either vacuum or mechanical type) that picks up and hauls off, dust and dirt. The sweeper must be equipped with its own water � Sectionlv.doc � Page 25 of ] 28 4/11/2011 Section 1V —`1'echnical Specificatio��s supply for pre-w�tting to minimize dust. Moreover, the Contractor shall sw�cp debris ot� of sidewalks, driveways, curbs and roadways each day bef`ore leaving the job site. 5. The application of tack and prime coats (either required or placed at the Engineer's discretion) shall be placed per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard Specif�cations (latest edition). Tack shall also be applied to ihe face of all curbs and driveways. The cost (including heating, hauling and applying) shall be included in the per ton bid item for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 6. Leveling course and spot patching shall be applied to sections ofthe road as noted on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. The cast shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 7. If an asphalt rubber binder is required, it shall conform to the requirements of S�ction 336 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifcations. S. On all streets with curb and gutter, the final compacted asphalt shall be '/a" above the lip or face of said curb per City lndex l 0]. 23.9 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 1. Unless otherwise nated an this section, all o:f the asphaltic conerete specifications in Sections A through H above shall apply ta superpave asphaltic concrete. All asphaltic concrete pavement shall be designed and placed in accordance with the FDO"1� Standard Speci�cations for Road and Bridge Constructian (latest edition). 2. All aggregate shall be obtained from an approved FDOT source and shall conform to Sections 901 and 902 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 3. All biturninous materials shall conform to Section 916 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest editior�). Asphaltic binder s�aall be Grade ,PG 67-22 unless otherwise specified in the Scope of Work. , 4. All superpave mix designs shall conform to Sections 320 and 334 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 5. All general construction rec�uirements shall conform to Scct,ion 330 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). 23.10 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Basis of ineasurement will be the number of tons of asphaltic concrete completed, in place and accepted. Truck scale weights will be required for all asphaltic concrete used. 23.11 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be made at the contract unit price for asphaltic concrete surface as specified and measured above. This price shall include all materials, preparation, haulixag, placement, tack and/or prime caat either required or placed at Engineer's discretion, leveling, spot patching, filling of cracks, pothole repair, sweEping, debris remaval, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete thE asphalt work in accordance with the plans and specifications. SectionlV.doc Page 26 of 128 4irlizo>> � � � � �I, � � � � � � LJ � �� i � Scction 1V — Technical 5pecifications 24 ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNIT BID PRICE FOR ASPHALT When this Article applies to the contract, the unit bid price for asphalt will be adjusted in accordance with the following provisions: l. Price adjustment for asphalt shall only be made when the current FDOT Asphalt Price Index varies more than 10% from the bid price at the time of the bid opening. 2. The Bituminous Material Payment Adjustment Index published manthly by the FDOT shall be used for the adjustment of unit prices. This re:port is available on FDOT's internet site. The address is: http://wwwl 1.myflarida.com. lt is under the section "Doing Business with FDOT" in the "Contracts Administration" section under "Asphalt ]ndex". For additional information, call FDOT @ $50-414-4000. 3. The �'DOT Payment Adjustment Index in effect at the time of the bid opening will be used for the initial determinatian of the asphalt price. 4. "C'he FDOT Payment Adjustment lndex in effect at the time of placement of the asphalt will be used for payment calculation. 5. The monthly billing period for contract payment will be the same as the monthly period for the FDOT Payment Adjustment ]ndex. 6. No adjustment in bid prices will be made for either tack coat or prime coat. 7. No price adjustment reflecting any further increases in the cost of asphalt will be made for any monCh after the expiration of the allowable contract time. 8. The City reserves the right to make adjustments for decreases in the cost of asphalt. 25 GENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 25.1 IRRIGATION 25.1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The work specified in this Sectian consists of the installation of an automatic underground irrigation system as shown or noted in the plans. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, services and facilities required to perform all work in cannection with the underground sprinkler irrigation system, complete, as indicated on the drawings and/or specified. Wark noted as "NIC", "existing", or "by others" is not included in this pay item. S. The irrigation plans are schematic in nature. Valves and pipes shall be located in the turf/landscape areas except at road/paving crossings. All piping under paving shall be sleeved. Changes in the irrigation system layout shall be modified with the approval of the Engineer. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The irrigatian work shall be installed by qualified personnel or a qualified irrigation subcontracting company that has experience in irrigation systems of similar size, scope, mainline, system pressure, controls, etc. 1 SectionIV.doc � Page 27 of 128 ai1 �izo� a Section 1V —Technical Specifca�ions B. All applicable ANSI, ASTM, FED.SPEC. Standards and Specifications, and all applicable building codes and other public agencies having jurisdiction upon the work shall apply. C. Workmanship: All work shall be installed in a neat, orderly and responsible manner with the recognized stattdards of workmanship. The Engineer reserves the right to reject material or work which does not conform to the contract documents. Rejected work shall be removed or corrected at the earliest possible time at the contractor's expense. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: The contractor shall prepare and deliver to the Engineer within ten (10) calendar days prior to completion af construction a minimum of� three (3) hard cover binders with three rings containing the following information: 1. Index sheet stating the contractor's address and business telephone number, 24 hour emergency phone number, person to contact, list of equipment with name(s) and address(es) of local manufacturer's representative(s) and local supplier where replacement equipment can be purchased. 2. Catalog and part sheet on every material and equipment installed under this contract. 3. Camplete operating and maintenance instructions on all major equipment. �}. Provide the Engineer and the City of Clearwater maintenance staff with written and "hands on" instructions for major equipment and shaw evidencE in writing to the Engineer at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. a. Four-hour instruction (minimum) for the Drip .Hmitter equipment operation and maintenance. b. Two-hour instruction (minimum) for automatic control valve operaCion and maintenance. PRQJECT CONDITIONS A. The ,lrrigation Contractor shall coordinate the work with all other trades, all underground improvements, the location and plantin� of trees and all other planting. Verify planting requiring excavation 24 in. diameter and larger with the Engineer prior ta installation of main lines. B. Provide temporary irrigation at all times to rnaintain plant materials. C. The Irrigation Contractar is responsible to maintain the work area and equipm�nt until fina1 acceptance by the Engineer. Repairs and replacement of equipment broken, stolen, or missing as well as re�ular maintenat�ce operations shall be the obligation of the contractor. D. The Irrigation Contractor shall submit a traffic control plan (per FDOT specifications) to the Engineer prior to initiating construction on the site. The Contractor shall be responsible for the rnaintenance of traffic signs, barriers, and any additional equipment to camply with the FDOT standards and to ensure the safety of its employees and the public. WARRANTY A. The Manufacturer(s) shall warrant the it-irigation system components to give satisfactory service for one (1) year period from the date of acceptance by the Engineer and the City SectionlV.dac Page 28 oF 128 4/11 /201 I � � � � � �� � � �� � �, � � I �� � � � ,� Section IV —7-echnical Specifications af Clearwater. Should any problems develop within the warranty period due to inferiar or faulty materials, they shall be corrected at no expense to the City of Clearwater or FDUT. 25.1.2 PRODUCTS GENERAL A. All materials throughout the system shall be new and in perfect condition. No deviatians from the specitications shall be allowed except as noted. PIPING A. The irrigation system pipe shall be as stated herein and shall b� furnished, installed and tested in accordance with these specitications. B. All pipe is herein specified to be Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, 1120, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM D2665 and D1785. C. All nipples, pipe connections, bu5hings, swing joints, connecting equipment to the mainline is r�quired to be threaded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, Schedule 80. PIPE FITTINGS A. �Il pipe fittings for Schedule 40 PVC pipe shall be as follows: Fittings shall conform to the requirements of'ASTM D2466, Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name ar trademark, material designation, size, applicable 1PS schedule and NSF seal of approval. The connection of mainline pipe to the automatic control valve shall be assembled with threaded Schedule 80 fittings and threaded Schedule 80 nipples. PVC PIPE CEMENT AND PRIMER A. Provide solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent weld pipe and ittings as recommended by the manufacturer. Pipe joints for solvent weld pipe to be belled end. B. Purple primer shall be applied after the pipe and fittin�s has been cut and cleaned. The Primer shall be of contrasting color and be easily recognizable against PVC pipe. THREADED CONNECTIONS A. Threaded PVC connections shall be made using Teflon tape or Teflon pipe s�alant. GATE VALVES MANUAL GATE VALVES 2 IN. AND SMALLER A. Provide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: l. 200-250 psi Ball Valve 2. PVC body - with Teflon Sall Seals 3. Threaded-Dual end Union Connectors 4. Nan-Shock Safe-T Shear Stem � SectionIV.doc � Page 29 of 128 4/I I/2011 Section IV — 7"echnict�l Specificatinns 5. Safe-T-Shear True Union Ball Valve as manufactured by Spears M.artufacturing Company , Sylmer, California, or approved equal. 25.1.2.fi.2 GATE VALVES 2'/Z" IN. AND LARGER A. Provide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: 1. AWWA-C-S09 2. 200 lb. O. W.G. 3. Cast Iron body - ASTM A 126 Class B 4. Deep socket joints 5. Rising stem 6. Bolted bonnet 7. Dauble disc 8. Equipped with 2" square operating key with tee handle B. Provide two (2) operating keys for gate valve 3" and larger. The "street key" shall be 5' long with a 2" square operating nut. SLEEVES �1. Sleeves: (Existing by City of Clearwater) REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. The remote control valve shall be a solenoid actuated, balance-pressure across-the diaphragm type capable of having a�low rate of 25-30 gallons per minute (GPM) with a pressure loss not to cxceed 6.1 pounds per square inch (PSI). The valve pressure rating shall not be less than 150 psi. B. The valve body and bonnent shall be constructed af high impact weather resistant plastic, stainless steel and other chemical/UV resistant materials. The valve's one-piece diaphragm shall be of durable santoprene material with a clog resistant rnetering orifice. C. The valve body shall have a 1" inch (FNPT) inlet and outlet or a one inch slip by slip inlet and outlet for solvent weld pipe connectians. D. The valve construction shall be as such to provide for al] internal parts to be removable from the top of the valve without disturbing the valve installation. E. The valve shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California, or approved equal. F. Identify all cantrol valves using metal I.D. tags numbered to match drawings. VALVE BOXES A. For remote control drip valve assembly and UN1K control timer use a Brooks #36 concrete value box with #36-T cast iron traffic bearing cover, or approved equal. S. For flush valve assembly use an Ametek #18101� (10") circular valve box with #1$1015 cover comparable to Brooks, or approved equal. SectionlV.doc Page 3U of 128 ai1 �izoi i � � � � � � � � �� � [[� �..1 � � � � � � ���� Section IV — Technical Specitications C. For air relief assembly use an Ametek #1820U1 (6") economy turf box cover comparable ta Brooks, or approved equal. DRIP IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION with # 1$2002 A. Techline shall consist of nominal sized one-half inch (]/2") law-density linear polyethylene tubing with internal pressure compensating, continuously self-cleanin�, integral drippers at a specified spacing, (12", I S", or 24" centers). The tubing shall be brown in color and confortn to an outside diameter (O.D.) of 0.67 inches and an inside diameter (I.D.) of 0.57 inches. Individual pressure compensating drippers shall be welded to the inside wall of the tubing as an integral part of the tubing assembly. These drippers shall be constructed of plastic with a hard plastic diaphragm retainer and a self flushing/cleaning elastomer diaphragm extending the full length of the dripper. OPERATION A. The drippers shall have the ability to ind�pendently regulate discharge rates, with an inlet pressure of seven to seventy (7-70) pounds per square inch (PSI), at a constant flow and with a manufacturer's coe�cient of variability (Cv) of 0.03. Recommended operating pressure shall be between 15-45 PSI. The dripper discharge rate shall be 0.4, O.b, or 0.9 gallons per hour (GPH) utilizing a combination turbulent flow/reduced pressurc compensation cell mechanism and a diaphragm to maintain uniform discharge rates. Th� drippers shall continuously clean th�mselves while in operation. The dripperline shall be available in 12", 18" and 24" spacin� between drippers unless otherwise specified. Techline pipe depth shall be under mulch unless otherwise specified on Plans. Maximum system pressure shall be 45 1'SC. Filtration shall be 120 mesh or finer. Bending radius shall be 7". B. For on-surface or under mulch installations, 6" metal wire staples (TLS6) shall be installed 3'-5' on center, and two staples installed at every change ofdirection. LINE �LUSHING VALVES A. The sub-surface system shall utilize Automatic Line Flush Valves at the end of each independent zone area. This valve shall be capable of flushing one gallon at the beginnin� of each irrigation cycle. The valves shall match the dripline manufacturer and connect directly to the dripline. AIRNACUUM RELIE� VALVE A. Each independent irrigation zone shall utilize an Air/Vacuum Relief Valve at its high point(s). The air and vacuum relief valve shall seal effectively from 2 to 110 psi. PRESSURE REGULATORS A. Th� pressure regulator shall be dESigned to handle steady inlet pressures over l50 pounds per square inch (psi) and maintain a constant outlet pressures of 25 psi. Regulating accuracy shall be within =/-6%. The pressure regulator shall be manufactured fram high- impact engineering grade thermoplastics. Regulation shall be accomplished by a fixed stainless steel compression spring which shall be enclosed in a chamber separate from the water passage. SectionlV.doc Page 31 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Speciiications �ILTERS A. The filter shall be a multiple disc typE filter with notation indicating the minimum partial size to travel through or the mesh size of the element being used. The dises shall be constructed of chemical resistant thermoplastic for corrosion resistance.,7 FITTINGS A. All connecCions shall be made with barb or compression type titting connectians. Fittings and dripline shall be as manufactured by the rnanufacturer of� the dripline to ensure the integrity of the subsurface irrigation system. AUTOMATIC CONTROL TIMER A. The irrigation controller (control module) shall be pragrammable by a separate transmitter device only. The program shall be communicaCed to the Control Module from the Field Transmitter via an infrared connection. The controller shall be of a module type which may be install�d in a valve box underground. 'I'he cantroller shall function normally if submerged in water and the communication from the transmitter shall function if submerged in water. B. The control module shall be housed in an ABS plastic cabinet and shall be potted to insure waterproof operation. The control module shall have twa ri�ounting slots for screws allowing the rnodule co be securely mounted inside a valve box. C. The controller shall operate on one nine volt alkaline battery for onE full year regardless of the number of stations utilized. The cantraller shall operate l, 2, or 4 stations either sequentially or independently. D. The controller shall have threc independent programs with eight stat-t Cirnes each, station run time capability from one minute to twelve hours in one minute increments, and a seven day calendar. The controller shall turn on stations via latching solenoids install�d on the valves. Manual operations shall be initiated by attaching the �ield Transmitter to the Control Module and programming a manual start. The controller shall be capable of manual single statian or manua} program operation. E. The controller shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California USA. FIELD TRANSMITTER A. The irrigation cantroller shall be programmable by a separate transmitter device (Field Transmitter) only. The Field Transmitter shall communicate to the Control Module via an infrared connection. The Field Transnnitter shall be water resistant and housed in ABS plastic and have a removable, reversible protective sheath. The Pield Transmitter shall operate on one 9V alkaline battery. B. The Field Transmitter shall have a large LCD screen and a seven-key programming pad. A beep sound shall confiirm every key stroke. The screen shall automatically turn off after one minute when not in use. C. The Field Transmitter shall be capable of programming an unlimited number of UNiK Control Modules. SectionlV.doc Page 32 of 128 4/11 /20l ] � � ' �� �J J � � �� C� � � u � �� � Section 1V —Technical Specific:�tinns D. The Field Transmitter shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California USA. LATCHING SOLENOID A. The Latching Solenoid shall be supplied with an installed, filtered adapter allowing installation of the solenoid onto any Rain Bird DV, PGA, PE.B, PES-B, GB, of EFB series valve. B. The Latching Solenoid shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Gl�ndora, California USA. 25.1.3 EXECUTION GENERAL INSTALI�ATION REQUIREMENTS A. Before work is commenced, hold a conference with the Engineer ta discuss general details of the work. B. Verify dimensions and grades at job site befare work is commenced. C. Uuring the progress of the work, a competent superintendent and any assistants necessary shall be on site, all satisfactory to the Engineer. This superintendent shall not be changed, except with the consent of the Engineer. The superintendent shall represent the Contractar in his absence and all directions given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given ta the Contractar. D. Obtain and pay for all irrigation and plumbing permits and all inspections required by outside authorities. E. All work indicated or notes on the Drawings shall be provided whether or not specifcal]y mentioned in these Technical Special 1'ravisions. F. If there are ambiguities between the Drawings and Specifications, and specific interpretation ar claci�cation is not issued prior to bidding, the interpretation or clarification will be made anly by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall comply with the decisions. In event the installatian contradicts the directians given, the installation shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost. G. Layout of sprinkler lines shown an the Drawing is diagrammatic only. Location of sprinkler equipment is contingent upon and subject to int�gration with all other underground utilities. Contractor shall employ all data contained in the contract Documents and shall verify this informatian at the construction site to confirm the manner by which it relates to the installatian. H. Do not proceed with the installation af the sprinkler system when it is apparent that obstructians or grade differences exist or if conflicts in construction details, legend, or specific notes are discovered. All such obstructions, conflicts, or discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. I. The disturbance of existing paving will not be permitted. Install all required sleeving prior to roadway base_ � SectionlV.doc � Page 33 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV —Technical Specilications EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING TRENCHING - GENERAL A. Dig sides of trenches straight. Provide continuous support for pipe on bottom of trenches. Lay pipe to uniform grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on Drawings. B. Maintain 6 in. horizontal and minimum clearance between sprinkler lines and between all lines of other trades. C_ Do not install sprinkler lines directly above another line af any kind. D. Maintain 6 in. vertical minimum bctween sprinkler lines which cross at angles of 45 degrees to 90 degrees. E. Exercise care wlaen excavating, trenching and working near existin� utilities. BACKFILLING A. All pressure supply lines (mainline) shall have 18" of fill placed over the pipe. B. Initial backfill on all lines shall be of a�ne granular material with no foreign matter larger than'/z in. C. Compact backfill according to Section 125 of FDOT 5pecification Book, 1996 Edition. D. Do not, under any circumstances, use equipment or velaicle wheels for compacting soil. E. Restore grades and repair damages where settling occurs. F. Compact each layer of fill with approved equipment to achieve a maximum density per AASHTO T 180 - latest edition. Under landscaped area, compaction shall not exceed 95% of maximum d�nsity. G. Compaction shal] be obtained by the use of inechanical tampers or approved hand tampers. When hand tampers are used, the materials shall be deposited in layers not more than six (6") i�ches thick. The hand tampers shall be suitable for this purpose and shall have a face area of raot rnore than 100 square inches. Special precautians shall be taken to prevent damage to the irrigation system piping and adjacent utilities. ROl1TING OF PIPING: A. Routing of pressure and non-pressure piping lines are indicated diagrammatically on Drawings. B. Coordinate specimen trees and shrubs with routing of lines. 1. Planting locations shall take precedence over sprinkler and piping locations. 2. ReporC to Owner any major deviation from routing indicated. C. Conform to Drawings layout without offsetting the various assemblies from the pressure supply ]ine. D. Layout drip tube and make any tninor adjustments required due to differences between site and Drawings. Any such deviations in layout shall be within the intent of the original Drawings, and without additional cost. SectionIV.doc Page 34 of 'I 28 ai� ri2or i � � Section 1V — Technical SpeciGcatiuns E. Layout all systems using an approved staking method, and maintain the staking o� approved layout. INSTAL.LATION WATER SUPP�Y A. Connections to the water sources shall be at the approximate locations indicated on the Drawings. Make minor changes caused by actual site conditions without additional cost to the Owner. ASSEMBLIES A. Routing or pressure supply lines as indicated on Drawings is diagrammatic only. Install Nnes and required assemblies in accordance with details an Drawings. B. Da not install multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. When used, the pressure relief valve shall be the last assembly. C. Install all assemblies in acc�rd with the respective detail Urawings and these Technical Special Provisions. D. Plastic pipe and threaded tittings shall be assembled using Teflon tape, applied to the inale threads only. SLEEVES: (EXISTING BY CITY OF CLEARWATER) A. The contractar shall verify the location of all existing sleeves as shown on the roadway, utility and/or irrigation plans and notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. PLASTIC PIPE A. Install plastic pipe in accord with manufacturer's recommcndations. B. Prepare all welded jornts with manufacturer's cleaner prior to applying solvent. 1. Allow welded joints as least 15 minutes setup/curing time before moving or handling. 2. Partially center load pipe in trenches to prevent arching and shifting when water pressure is on. 3. Do not permit water in pipe until a period of at least four hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing, unless recammended otherwise by solvent manufacturer. C. Curing � 1. When the temperature is above 80 degrees F., allow soluble weld joints at least 24 hours curing time before water is introduced under pressure. D. Flushing the system: � l. After all sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, open the control valves and flush out the systenn with a full head of water. � E. Installing piping under existing pavement: 1. Piping under existing pavement may be installed by jacking & boring. � SectionIV.doc 1 Page 35 of 128 4/11/2011 Section iV —Technical Specifications 2. Secure permission froY� the Ertgineer before cutting or breaking any existing pavement. All repairs and replacements shal] be approved by Engineer and shall be accomplished at na additional cost. CONTRQLLERS A. 1nsCa11 all automatic controllers as shown in the plans. 1. The location of all controllers shall be approved by the .Engineers representative prior to installation. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Install at sufticient depth to provide not more ihan 6 in., nor less than 4 in. caver from the top of the valve to finish grade. B. Install valves i.n a plumb position with 24 in. minirnum maintenance clearance from other equipment, 3 feet minimum from edges of sidewalks, buildings, and walls, and no closer than 7 feet from the back af curb or edge of pavement along roadways_ C. Contractor shal1 adjust the valve to provide the proper flow rate or operating pressure Tor each sprinkler zone. GATE VALVES A. .Install where indicated and with sufficient clearance from other materials for proper maintenance. B. Check and tighten valve bonnet packing before backfill. 25.2 LANDSCAPE 25.2.1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Contract Documents shall include the Plar�s, Details, Specifications, Bid Proposal, Contract Agreement, including Installation Schedule, all Addenda, and Contractual and Special Conditions when required. REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Comply with Federal, State, Local, and other duly canstituted authorities and regulatory agencies, withaut additional cost to the Owner in matters pertaining to codes, safety, and environmental matters. B. Any permits for the installation or construction of any of the work included under the contract, which are required by any of the legally constituted authorities having jurisdiction, shall be arranged for by the Contractor and paid for directly by the Contractor, unless otherwise agreed upon in wr,iting. SCOPE OF WORK A. All provisians of Contract, including General and Special Provisions and Plans, apply to the work specified in this Section. The Scope of Work includes everything for and SectionTV.doc Page 36 of 128 4/I I/2Q1 I � � � � � � � � r� � u � � � � � � 5cction 1V —Technical Specifications incidenta) to executing and completing all landscape work shown on the Plans, Schedules, Notes and as specifed herein. B. Furnish and provide all labor, plants and materials tools and equipment necessary to prepare the soil for plantings, to install and care for all plant materials (including finish grading if necessary); to remove and/or transplant existing plants if indicated; to furnish, plant, fertilize, guy and brace, water, mulch and prune all new plant materials; and to execute all other Work as described herein or indicated on the F'lans. C. Work under this Section shall include labor and materials for final grading and raking to prepare the site far sodding, spri�ging, or seeding, so finished lawn or playing field wil] appear even and uniform, will drain adequately, and will comply with the intent of the landscape drawings. D. Initial maintenance of landscape materials as specified in this document. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Landscape work shall be contracted to a single firm specializing in landscape work, who shall in turn subcontract no more than 40% of the work speci�ed. All subcontracCors under the control of the Contractor involved in the completion af the landscape wark, shall be made known to the Owner and the Landscape Architect prior to their commencement of work on the project. S. All work ofthis Section shall conform to the highest standard of landscape practices. C. The Plant Materia] Schedule included wirh these Plans is provided only for the Contractor's convenience; it shall not be construed as to conflict or predominate over the Plans. If conflict between the Plans and Specifications exists, the Plan shall predominate and be considered the cantrolling document. D. During this work, the Cantractor shall be responsible for maintaining safety among persons in his employ in accordance with the standards set by The Occupatianal Safety and Health Act of 1970 (and all subsequent amendments). Owner and Landscape Architect shall be held harmless from any accident, injury or any other incident resulting from compliance or non-compliance with these standards. E. The Contractar shall cooperate with and coordinate with all other trades whose work is built into or afFects the work in this Section. F. All appropriate utility companies and agencies shall be contacted 72 hours prior to excavatian. Call "One Call" at 1-800-432-4770. G. The Contractor shall carefully examine the site and all existing conditions affecting the work, such as: soil, obstructions, existing trees, utilities, etc. Report any conditions in conflict with the work to the Landscape Architect. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor is required ta submit prior to the expiration of the required maintenance period, two copies of typewritten instructions recommending procedures to be established by the Owner for maintenance of landscape work for a period of one year. B. Furnish unit prices for all plant materials and inert materials, including labor for all specified work. � SectionN.doc � Page 37 of 128 4/I 1 /2011 Section iV — Technical Specitications ALTERNATES, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, SUBSTITUTIONS A. If there are additions/alternates included in these Plans and Specificatians, the CantracCor must propose prices to accomplish the work stated as additions/alternates at the time of bidding. B, The Owner, through his Project Representative, reserves the right to add or deduct any of the work stated herein without rendering the Contract void. C. The Contractor must have written approval by the Project Representative for any substitutions not previously a�reed to in the purchase agreement: installation without approval is entirely at the Contractor's risk. D. All material acquired through additions ar substitutions shall be subject to all conditions and warranties stated herein. F�+�i��_1 3 �:7�1�11_�1ii�7`►L��IT��T.1��[�I►L+� O.A. or HT.: The over-all height of the plant measured from the ground to the natural, untied state of the majority of the foliage, not including extrez�ae ]eaves, branches or fronds. C. T.: C. YV: �y�:� Clear trunk is measured from the ground to the bottom of the first leaf or frond stem with no foliage from ground to specified height. For example, on Canary Island Date Palrns or similar, the clear trunk mcasurement includes the "nut" at the base ofthe fronds. Clear wood is measured from the ground to the bottom of the base of the lowest leaf sheath or boot, trimmed in a natural manner. For example, on Canary Island Date Palms or similar, the clear wood measurement does not include the "nut" at the base of the fronds. Spread, branches measured in natural untied position to the average crown diameter, not including extreme leaves, branches or fronds. ST. TR.: Straight trunk. MIN.: Minimum. GAL.: O. C.: DIA.: LYS.: Gallon container size, i.e., 1 gallon, 3 gallon, 7 gallon, etc. On center, distance between plant centers. Diameter. Leaves. se�c�oniv.ao� Nage 38 of 128 air ii2o� � � � � � � Scction IV — Tcchnical Specifications D. B. H.: Diameter or caliper ofmain trunk oftree as measured at breast height at 4-l/2 feet above grade. CAL.: � .l3&B: � PPP: � FU: � STD.: � � � �� � � � � � Caliper, the outside diameter of up to a four inch tree is measured six inches above �rade, larger trees are measured at 12 inches above grade. Balled and burlapped in accordance with horticultural standards af the American Associatian ofNurserymen. Plants per pot. Field grown. Qwner: Standard, single, straight trunk. To be known as that entity which holds title or control to the premises on which the work is performed. �wner's Represeratative: Owner's on-site representative shall be responsible for appraval ofquantity and quality of materials s�ecified and execution of'installation. Cnntractor: Shall refer to that person or enterprise cammonly known as the Landscape Contractor. Land.scape Arehitect: This person or firm is the responsible representative of the Owner who produces the landscape Plans and Specitications. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING PLANT MATERIALS A. Provide container grown or, if appropriate, freshly dug trees and shrubs. Do not prune prior to delivery. Do not bend or bind trees or shrubs in such a manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy natural shape. Provide protective cavering during delivery. If plant delivery is made in open vehicles, the entire load shall be suitably covered. I.3 C. All plants are ta be handled at all times so that roots or root balls are adequately protected from sun, cold, or drying winds. No root balls for trees and container plants that have been cracked or broken shal) be planted except upon special approval. Plants shall not be pulled by the tops or stems, nor handled in a rough or careless manner at any time. Balled and burlapped plants shall be moved with firm, natural, balls of soil, not less than l foot diameter of ball to �very 1 inch caliper oi trunk; root ball depth shall not be less than 2/3 of root ball diameter. B& B plants which cannot be planted upon delivery shall have their root balls covered with moist soil or mulch. � ScctionlV.doc LJ Page 39 of 128 4/] l/2011 Section iV — Technical Specitications D. Trees shall be du� with adequate balls, burlapped, and wire bound if needed. Root pruning to be done a minimum of 4 weeks before removal from the field and plarating at the site. Root balls may not be encased in "grow ba�s" or other synthetic material, except plastic shrink wrap for transport only. E. Remove all fronds form sabal palms prior to planting, but leave a minirnum of 12 inches of new frond grawth above the bud. Do not dama�e bud. On all other palms, only a minimum of palm fronds shall be removed from crown to facilitate moving and handling. Clear trunk sha11 be determir�ed after minimum fronds have been removed. Soots shall be removed from trunk unless otherwise speci.fied. Palms shall be planted within 24 hours of delivery. F. Deliver trees and shrubs after preparations for planting have been comp]eted and plant immediately. If planting is delayed r►aore than 6 hours after delivery, set trees and shrubs in shade, protect from weather and mechanical damage, and cover to keep the roots moist. G. Label at least one tree and one shrub of each variety with a securely attached waterprooi tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. H. Sod: Time delivery so that sod will be placed within twenty-four (24) hours after stripping. Protect sod against dryin� and breaking by covering palettes of sod or p]acin� in a shaded area. JOB CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE O� JOB CONDITIONS. A. The Contractor shall examine the sub-grade, verify elevations, observe the conditrons under which work is to be performed and notify the Landscape Architect or Project Representative in writing of unsatisfactory canditions prior to beginning work. Do not proceed with the work unCil unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Start of work shall indicate acceptance of conditions and full responsibility for the completed work. B. Proceed with and complete the landscape work as rapidly as portions af the site become available, working witbin the seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work and %llowing the approved schedule. If seasonal limitations apply, notify the Landscape Architect for adjustments to thE Schedule. C. Determine locations of all underground utilities and review for conflicts with planting procedures. D. When adverse conditions to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, drainage canditions or obstruction, the Contractor s}aall notify the Landscape Architect in writing prior to planting. E. Plant trees and shrubs after final �rades are established and priar to the plantin� of lawns, protecting lawn trees and promptly repairing damages ,from planting operations. SCHEDULING O� WORK A. The work shall be carried out to completion with the utmost speed. Immediately upon award of contract, the Contractor shall prepare a construction schedule and furnish a copy SectionlV.doc Page 40 of 128 4/11/2011 � 11 � �.J � , � u � � � � � �� � 5ection IV —Technic�l Speciticaticros to the Owner's Representative and/or the Landscape Architect far approval. The Contractar shall carry out the wark in accordance with the approved schedule. B. lf the Contractor incurs unforeseen costs, such as overtime hours, holidays, eCc. in order to complete the work within the time stated in the Contract, and/or to maintain the progress schedule, all said casts shall be borne by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. C. 'f'he Owner's Representative's may request in writing work stoppage. Upon written request from the �wner's Representative, the Landscapc Contractor shall suspend delivery of material and stop all work for such a period as deemed necessary by the Owner, the Owner's Representative, or the General Contractor with respect to any additional costs which may result from work stoppage. UTILITIES A. The Contractor shall perform work in a manner which will avoid conflicts with utilities. Hand excavate, as reyuired, to minimize possibility af damage to underground utiliCies. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by all parties concerned. Zs.z.z PRODUCTS MATERIALS PLANT MATERIALS: NOMENCI�ATURE A. Plant species, sizes, etc. shall be per Plans and Specifications on Plant Material Scheduled. Nomenclature is per Manual of Cultivated Plant, Standard Encyclopedia or Horticulture, L.H. Bailey, or Standardized Plant Names Dictionary, American Joint Committee on H.orticultural Nomenclature (latest editions), or conforms with names accepted in the nursery trade. PLANT MATERIALS: QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide healthy, vigorous stock grown under climatic canditions similar to canditions in the locality of the project. Plants shall have a habit of growth that is normal for the species and be sound, healthy, vi�orous and free from insect pests or their eggs, plant diseases, defects and injuries. Plants shall be well branched and densely foliated when in leaf and shall have healthy, well-develaped root systems. S. Trees shall be heavily branched or, in the case of palms, be heavily leafed. Some plant materials may be collected stock with the approval of the Landscape Architect. 1'rovided tree species that have a single main trunk (central leader), unless otherwise stated. Trees that have the main trunk farming a"Y" shape or parallel branching are not acceptable. C. Plant materials shall be specified and shall be Florida #1 or better as ta shape and quality � for the species as outlined in Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants Fart I and II, Florida Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services (latest edition). � D. The Owner or Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect plant materials either at the place of growth or at the project site prior to planting for compliance with reyuirements for name variety, s�ze quality, or destgnated area. � SectionlV.doc � Page 41 of 128 4/11l201 I Section 1V — Technical Specifications E. Landscape materials shall be shipped with certi�cates of inspection as required by governmental authorities. The Contractor shall comply with all governing regulations that are applicablc to landscape materials. F. Do not make substitutions. lf specified landscape material is not available, submit Landscape Architect proof of it being non-available. in such evettt, if the Landscape Architect designaCes an available saurce, such shall be acquired from designated source. When authorized, a written change order for substitute material will be made by adjustment to Contract amount. G. Height and/or width of trees shall be measured �rom ground up; width measurement shall be normal crown spread of branches with plants in the normal position. This measuremerat shall not include immediate terminal growth. All measurernents shall be taken after pruning for specif ed sizes. All trees and shrubs shall conform to rneasurements specified in the plant material schedule, except that plant nnaterial larger than specified may be used with the approval of the Owner or Landscape Architect; with no increase to the Contract price. Plant materials shall not be pruned prior to delivary. H. Plant Materia] shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species. Plants used where synnmetry is required shall be matched as nearly as possible. I. Balled and burlapped plants shall have firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the feeding root systeraa necessary for full development of the plant and to conform with the standards of the �lrnerican Associatian of Nurserymen. Root balls and tree trunks shall not be damaged by improper binding and B& B procedures. J. Container-grown plants may be substituted for balled and burlapped plants or vice-versa provided the quality is equal or better than speci�ed and the Landscape Architect approves the substitution. K. Container grown stock shall have been grown in containers for at least four monChs, but not over two years. If rec�uested, samples must be shown to prave no root bound condition exists. GRASSES: SOD OR SEED A. Sod or seed (as/if specified) shall be a species as stated on the Plan. Solid sod shall be of even thickness and with a good root structure, 95% free af noxious week, freshly mowed before cutting, and in healthy condition when laid. It must not be stacked more thara 24 hours before laying and it must be grown in soil compatible to that in which it will be installed. Sod must be kept moist prior to and after installation. B. Seed shall be delivered to the site in unopened bags with certification tags in place. Purity, germination and weed content shall be as certification requirernents. MULCH A. Mulch shall be 100% Grade "B" shredded cypress bark mulch, thoroughly rnixed with a pre-emergence weed killer according to the label directians as specified on ihe plan. B. lnstall mulch to an even depth of 3" before compactior�. SectiotiIV.doc Page 42 of 128 air ri�o> > � �' � � i � �1 � � � � � � �� Section IV — Technical Specitications FERTILIZER A. Granular fertiliz�r shall be uniform in composition; firee flowing and suitable for application with approved equipment; received at the site in full, labeled, unopened bags bearing the name, trade name or trademark and warranty of the producer; fully conforming to State of Florida fertilizer laws. S. All fertilizer shall bear the manufacturer's statement of analysis and shall contain the apprapriate minimum amounts of elements for the type of use specified herein. C. Agriform 20-10-5 fertilizer tablets ar approved equal, shall be placed in planting pit for all plant materials at time of installation and prior to completion of pit backtilling. D. Ground cover and annual areas shall receive fertilization with Osmocote Time Release Fe�tilizer according to praduct instructions and rate. E. ,For sod and seeded areas, fertilize with a complete granular fertilizer on Sahia and St. Augustine grass at the rate of one (1) pound of nitragen per one thousand (1,000) square feet. Fertilizer shall be cornmercial grade, mixed granules, with 30% - 50% of the nitrogen being in slow or controlled release form. The ratio of nitrogen to potash will be 1:1 or 2:1 for complete fertilizer formulations. Phosphorus shall be no more than '/� the nitrogen level. They shall also cantain magnesium and micronutrients (i.e. manganese, iron, zinc, copper, etc.). STAKES AND GUYS A. For trees, approved plastic or rubber guys shall be used between the stakes and the tree trunk. Galvanized steel guy wire shall not be used. B. Stakes shall be cut from 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock for trees over 2" caliper. Stakes shall be 2" x 2" pressure treated (p.t.) stock for trees 2" caliper and under. A minimum of 2 stakes per tree or an optional 3 stakes per tree shall be used. C. For single trunk palms, stakes shall be cut from 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock, with � a minimum of 3 stakes per palm. Batten consisting of 5 layers of burlap and 5- 2" x 4" by 16" wood connected with two - 3/4" steel bands shall be used around the palrra trunk. � � r-� L � �J D. Other tree staking systems may be acceptable if appraved. PLANTING SOIL A. Unless stated on the plans or in the specifications, install plant material in tilled and loosened native soil backfill. It is the respansibility of the Landscape Contractor to test, prior to planting and at na additional cost to the Contract, any soils which may be unsuitable for the vigorous growth of plants. Unsuitable conditions shall be reported to the Landscape Architect immediately in writing. B. When required, planting soil rnedia shall be provided by the Contractor and shall consist of 1/3 peat and 2/3 sandy loam, with no lumps aver 1". C. Backfill and clean fi11 dirt provided by the Contractor shall be in a loose, friable soil. There must be slight acid reaction ta the soil (about 6.0 — b.5 pH) with no excess o f calcium or carbonate, and it shall be free from excess weeds, clay lumps, stones, stumps, roots and toxic substances or any other materials that might be harmful to plant growth ar � SectionIV.doc �� Page 43 of 128 4/ I I/2U 11 5ection 1V — "1'echnical Specifications a hindrance to grading, planting, and maintenance procedures and operations. No heavily organic soil, such as muck or peat shall be used as fill dirt. D. Bed preparation for annual beds under l gallon container size shall consist of 3" of Florida peat or other appraved organic soil amendment spread over full length and width of planting area. Rototil arganic layer 6 inches to 8 inches into native soil. SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Terra-Sorb AG or approved equal, soil amendment shall be mixed with native or planting soil for all trees, shrubs, ground cover, and annuals accarding to manufacturer's recommended application rates and methods, if speci�ed on the �lans. TREE PROTECTION A. Wood fencing shall be 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock with flagging on horizontal members. Space vertical members 6 feet to 8 feet on center. The barricade shall be placed so as to protect the critical protection zone area, which is the area surrounding a tree within a circle described by a radius of one faot for each inch of the tree's diameter at breast height DBH at 4-'/z feet above grade. ROOT BARRIER SYSTEM A. RooC barrier fabric shall be installed when specifred in the plans and/or specifcations for protection of adjacent paved surfaces according to speci�c product name or equal. Install as directed by the manufacturer. PACKAGED MATERIALS A. Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration durin� delivery and while stored at the sit�. PESTICIDES A. Pesticides shall be only approved, safe brands applied according to manufacturer's directions. 25.2.3 EXECUTION PREPARATION OBSTRUCTIONS BELOW GROUND A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate and rnark all underground utilities, irrigation lines and wiring prior to commencement of the work. B. if underground construction, utilities or other obstructions are encountered in excavation of planting areas or pits, the Landscape Architect shall be immediately natified to select a relocated position for any materials necessary. GRADING AND PREPARATION FQR PLANT MATERIALS A. All proposed landscape areas containing existing turf grass ar weeds shall be treated with Monsanto's "Round-Up" per manufacturer's specifcations. All proposed landscape areas SectioniV.doc Page 44 of 128 4/11/2p11 LJ � �� � � � Section 1V — Technical Specifications adjacent ta water bodies shall be treated with "Rodeo" per the manufacturer's specifications. B. New plant materials will not be installed until a 98% weed/turf eradication has been achieved. More than ane application may be reyuired to produce an acceptable planting bed. C. Pre-emergent herbicides are not a substitute for spray treatment of "Round-Up" or "Rodeo", and may be used only with the written approval af the Landscape Architect. D. Should any plant material in the same, ar adjacent beds be damaged by these chemicals, the same siLe, quantity and quality of plants shall be immediately replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. E. Any necessary corrections ar repairs to the finish grades shall be accomplished by the Contractor. All planting areas shall be carefully graded and raked to smooth, even finish grade, free from depressions, lumps, stones, sticks or other debris and such that they will conform to the required finish grades and provide uniform and satisfactory surface drainage without puddling. � F. The Contractor shall remove debris (sticks, stones, rubbish) over 1-%s inches in any dimension form individual tree, shrub and hed�e pits and dispose of the excavated material offthe site. � � � �� � �� PREPARATION FOR ANNUAL BED PLANTING A. Prepare naCive sub�rade by rototilling or loosening by hand methods. Spread 3 inches of Florida peat (1/3), sandy loarn (1/3), ar other approved arganic soil amendment over the ful) length and width of planting area for annuals. Rototill organic layer 6 inches to 8 inches into the native soil. Grade the planting bed by "crownin�' to insure that surface drainage, percolation, and aeratian occur at rapid rates. Add Osmocate time release fertilizer accordin� to product instructions and rate. PREPARATION FOR SEEDING AND SOD AREAS A. All proposed sod areas containing existing turf grass or weeds shall be treated with Monsanta's "Raund-Up" per manufacturer's specifications. All proposed sod areas adjacent to water badies shall be treated with "Rodeo" per the Manufacturer's Specifications. B. Limit preparation to areas which will be planted promptly after preparatian. Loosen sub- grade of seed and sod areas to a minimum depth of 4 inches. C. Immediately prior to any turf work, the Contractor shall finish grade the soil to a smooth, � even surface assuring positive drainage away from buildings and the subseyuent turf flush to the tops of adjacent curbs and sidewalks. The surface shall be sloped to existing yard drains. � � D. A complete fertilizer shall be applied to St. Augustine or Bahia grass at a rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Fertilizer shall be commercial grade, mixed granules, with 30% - 505 of the nitrogen being in slow or controUed release form. Thoroughly wark fertilizer into the top 4 inches of soil. rSectionlV.doc � Page 45 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V �-• Teclmical Specilications E. Moisten prepared seed and sod areas before planting i� soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface rnoisture to dry before plantirag lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition. I NSTALLATI ON BERM CONSTRUCTION (IF SPECIFIED) A. Install berms aC location and design shown on l'lans and at the height and slope indicated. Height stated is for finished berm with soil at natural compaction. B. Exact location and configuration of berms may require modif7cation to allow proper drainage; such changes will be coordinated with the Landscape Architect. C. If shown on The Plan, construct berms using clean sandy loam fill dirt which is well- drained, free of rocks, roots,.or other debris, with a sail pH of an acid Nature (about 6.0 - 6.5). No heavily organic soil, such as muck or peat shall be used in berm constructian. 25.2.3.Z.2 LAYOUT OF P�ANT MATERIALS A. Unless otherwise stipulated, plant materials shall be approximately located per the plans by scale measurements using established building, columns, curbs, screen walls, etc. as the measuring reference point. Slight shifting rraay be required to clear wires, prevent blockage of signa�e, etc. B. Shrubs and ground covers shall be located and spaced as noted on the plant material schedule (if provided), otherwise plants will be placed in the planting beds at the normally accepted spacing for each species. C. Leave an 1$ inch (450 millimeters) border of mulched space between outer leaves of installed plant material and the bed line, curb, or building foundation wall for all plant sizes. D. Any necessary "minor" adjustments in the layout af planting shall be made by the Contractor with the approval of the Landscape Architect in order to conform as nearly as possible to the intent ofthe plans. PLANTING PROCEDURES A. All shrubs, trees and ground covers or vines shall be planted in pits having vertical sides and being circular in outline. Planting pit shall be 3 to 5 times the width of the root ball. B. Plants shall be set straight or plumb, in the locations shown, at such level that after settlement normal or natural relationship of the top of the root ball with the ground surface will be established. With regards to proper nursery practices, plants under certain conditions (i.e. low and wet areas) will benefit from being plartted "high" with the root ball about 1 inch higher than the surrounding grade. C. All plant materials shall be fertilized with Agriform 2Q- I Q-5 planting tablets, or approved equal, at time of installation and prior to completion of pit backflling. Agriform planting tablets shall be placed uniformly around the root mass at a depth that is between the middle and the bottom of the root mass. Application rate: SectionlV.doc Page 46 of ] 28 4/11/2011 � �J 1 gallon 3 gallon 5 gallon 7 gallon Trees Palms Section IV —7"echnical Specifications ] - 21 gram tablet 2 - 21 gram tablet 3 - 21 gram tablet 4 - 21 gram tablet 3 tablets each '/z" (l2 millimeters) caliper 7- 21 gram tablets [7. Native soil shall be used in back-filling plant pits or as specifed. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing additional soil for building tree saucers. E. When balled and burlapped plants are set, undisturbed native soil shall be left under the base of the root ball to prevent voids. Backfill tilled and laasened native soil around the sides of the root ball. Remove the top 4 inches (100 millimeters) of burlap wire, and all tie-down material from the root ball. Do not remove these materials from the bottom of the root ball. `Thoroughly water-in before brin�ing the back-fill up to the proper grade Itoots of bare plants shall be properly spread out, and planting soil carefully worked in among them. Failure to comply is cause for rejection. F. Containerized plants shall be installed with undisturbed native soil left under the base of the root ball to prevent voids. Planting pit shall be 3 ta 5 times the width of the root ball. �3ackfi1l tilled and loosened native soil around the sides of the root ball. Thoroughly water-in before bringing the backfill up to the proper grade. G. Plant spacing shall be "on center" and varies with the different plant species. Space each variety of plant equally in the planting areas. Shrubs and ground cavers adjacent to straight or curved edges shall be triangular - spaced in raws parallel to those edges. Plant a minimum of ] 8 inches from the back of the curb to the outside edge of the plant. H. All azaleas shall be placed into a prepared bed of amended soil cantaining 50% weed-free � �larida peat or approved equivalent. Root balls shall be scarifed v�rtically at 120 degree angles in a triangular pattern. r I. Sabal palms may be planted deeper than normal if conditions warrant and if approved. SODDING A. During periods of drought, sod shall be watered sufficiently at its origin to moisten the soil adequately to the depth to which it is to be cut. f3. An application of 6-6-6, 40% organic, slow or controlled release fertilizer shall be made to all lawn areas just prior to the laying of the sod at a rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. The ground shall be wet down before the sod is laid in place. C. Solid sod shall be laid tightly with closely abutting staggered joints with an even surface � edge and sod edge, in a neat and clean manner to the edge of all the paving and shrub areas. Cut down soil level to l inch to 1-1/2 inches below top of walks prior to laying sod. � � D. Within 2 hours after installing sod and prior to rolling, irrigate the sod. Sufficient water shall be applied to wet the sod thoroughly and to wet the sod to a depth of 2 inches (50 millimeters). Watering shall be done in a manner that will avoid erasion due to the application of excessive quantities, and the watering equipment shall be a type that will prevent damage to the finished sod surface. Watering shall be repeated as necessary to keep sod moist until rooted to subgrade. � Sec[ionlV.doc �� Page 47 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V—Technical Specifications E. The sod sha11 be pressed firmly into contact with the sod bed using a turf roller or other approved ec�uipment sa as to eliminate air pockets, provide a true and even surface and insure knitting without any displacement of the sod or deformation of the surfaces of sodded areas. After the soddirtg operation has been completed, the edges of the area shall be smooth and shall conform to the grades indicated. F. If, in the opinion ofi the Landscape Architect, top dressing is necessary after rolling, clean silica sand shall be used to fill voids. Evenly apply sand over the entire surface to be leveled, filling-in dips and voids and thoroughly washing into the sod areas. G. On slopes steeper than 2: ] and as required, the sod shall be fastened in place with suitable wooden pins or by other approved method. SEEDING A. Seed shall be installed per the specifications of the State of Florida Department of Transportation. See plan for type of seed. TREE GUYING, BRACING AND STAKING A. Tree guying, staking and bracing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor per saund nursery pracCices, and shall be done per details shown on the Plans. ,F�r trees, a minimum of 2 stakes per tree or an optiona] 3 stakes per tree at 12p degree spacing shall be used. Stakes shall be driven in at an angl�, then tightened to vertical supported by approved plastic or rubber guys. Trees shall be staked with a minimum of 4 feet height of stake abave grade and a minimum of 30 inches of stake below grade. B. For single trunk palms, a minimum of 3 stakes per palm at 120 degree spacin,g shall be used. Taenail the sCakes to batten consistin� of 5 layers of burlap and 5- 2 inch x 4 inch x 16 inch wood connected with two 3/4 inch steel bands. Palms shall be siaked with a mini�mum of 5 feet of stake above grade. C. Contractor shall remave all tree guying, staking, and bracing fr�m trees six (6) months after the date of fnal acceptance ofthe landscape work. D. Stake only trees that require support to maintain a plumb position or are in potentially hazardous areas. MULCHING A. All planting beds shall be weed-free prior to mulching. B. All curb, roadway, and bed line edges will be "trenched" to help contain the applied mulch. C. All plant beds and tree rings shall be mulched evenly with a 3 inch layer (before compaction) of 100% Grade B recycled cypress bark mulch, or other mulch as specified on the Plans or General Notes. D. Mulch shall not be placed against the trunks of plant materials or foundations of buildings. Maintain a minimurn 3 inch clearance far trees and shrub trunks and a minimum 6 inch clearance for the walls of buildings. E. For beds of annual flowers, a 12 inch wide x 3 inch deep band oimulch shall be installed in front of the first row of annuals. Maintain a minimum 6 inches of non-mulched clearance from the outside edge of annuals. SectioniV.doc Page 48 of 128 4/11/20] 1 � � �J � � LJ � � , L�.1 � � I �_ � �� Section 1V — Tcchnical Specifications PRUNING A. Pruning shall be done by an experienced certified Arborist to maintain the natural shape and form of the plant. B. Upon acceptance by the Owner, prune any broken branches, remove crossed branches, and branches hanging below the clear trunk of the tree. CLEAN-UP A. During landscape work, store materials and equipment where directed by the Owner. B. The Contractor shall promptly remove any materials and equipment used on the job, keeping the area neat at all times. Upon completion of all planting, dispose of all excess soil and debris leaving pavements and work areas in safe and orderly condition. C. The clean-up of the site shall include the removal and proper disposal of the tree guying, staking, and bracing materials as described in specifications. PROTECTIQN A. The Contractor shall provide safe�uards for the protection of' workmen and others an, about, or adjacent to the work, as required under the parameters of the Occupational Safety and }�Iealth Administration (U.S.H.A.) standards. B. The Contractor shall protect the Owner's and adjacent property from damage. C. the Contractor shall protect the landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. D. The Contractor shall provide protection (tree barricades) for all existing trees and palms as specified. REPAIR OF DAMAGES E. The Contractor shall repair all damage caused by his operations to other materials, property, or trades to a level equal in quality to the existing condition prior to damage. F. The Contractor shall be held respansible for all damage done by his work or employees to other materials or trades' work. Patching and replacement of damaged work may be done by others, at the Owner's direction, but the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor who is responsible for the damage. MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall maintain all plant materials in a first class condition from the beginning of landscape construction until Final Acceptance. B. Operations: 1. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, watering of turf and planting beds, � mowing, fertilizing, cultivation, weeding, pruning, disease and pest control, replacement of dead materials, straightening, turf or planter settlement corrections, replacement of rejected materials, staking and guying repair and tightening, wash-out � repairs and regrading, and any other procedures consistent with the goad horticultural practice necessary to insure normal, vigorous and healthy growth of all wark under � 5ectionlV.doc � Page 49 of 128 4/ 11 /2011 Section TV — Technical Specitications the Contract. Mowing shall be consistent with the recommended height per the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Within the warranty period, the Contractor shall notify the Owner of any maintenance practices being followed or omitted which would be detrimental to the healthy, vigorous growth of the landscape. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the final watering of not less than one inch of water for al1 planted materials before leaving the site. INSPECTION, REJECTION, AND ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION A. Upon completion of the installation, the Contractor will notify the Owner or the Owner's Representative that the job is ready for inspection. Within 15 days of notifications, the installation will be inspected by the Landscape Archrtect. A written and/or graphic inspection report will be sent to the Owner and/or Landscape Contractor. Z5. REJECTION AND REPLACEMENT A. The Landscape Architect shall be final judge as to the suitability and acceptability of any part of the work_ Plant material will be rejected if it does not meet the requirements set forth in Plans and Specifications. B. Replace any rejected materials immediately or within 15 days and notify the Landscape Architect that the correction has been mad�. 25.2.3.�.3 ACCEPTANCE A. Afier replacement of rejected plant material (if any) have been made, and completion of all other correction items, the Owner or Project Representative will accept the project in writing. B. Upon .Final �cceptance, the �wner assumes responsibility for maintenance within the terms of the Contract. Acceptance will in no way invalidate the Contractor's warranty period. C. The Contractor's warranty period will be�in after final acceptance of the project by the Owner. 1. If evidence exisCs of any lien or claim arising out of or in connection with default in performance of this Contract, the Owner shall have the right to retain any payment sufficient to discharge such claim and all costs in connection with dischargin� such claim. 2. Where the Specifications call for any stipulated item or an "approved equivalent", or in wards to that effect, the Contractor shall indicate the price of the type and species specified in the proposal, giving the price to be added or deducted from his Contract price. The final selection rests with the Owner or his representative. 3. Where plants installed da not meet specifications, the Owner reserves the right ta request plant replacement or an appropriate deduction from the Contract amount to compensate for the value not received from the under-specified plant materials. No SectionIV.doc Page 50 of 128 4/] 1/2011 � � �� � r � � � � Section IV —Technical Specifications additional compensation will be made to the Contractor for plants installed that exceed specifications. WARRANTY A. The Contractor shall warranty all palms and trces furnished under this contract for a period of one (1) year and all shrubs for a period of six (6) months. Material which is either dead or in poor health during this period ar at completion will be replaced at no charge to the Owner. Should any of the plant materials show SO% or more defoliation during the warranty period, due to the Contractor's use af poor yuality or improper materials or workmanship, the Contractor upon notice, shall replace without delay same with no additional cost to the Owner. Should any plant require replacing, the new plant shall be given the equal amaunt of warranty. 26 HDPE DEFORMED - REFORMED PIPE LINING i'�•'�i�1�1� � It is the intention of this specification to provide for the trenchless restoration of 8" to 12" sanitary sewers by the installation af a high density polyethylene, jointless, continuous, fold and form pipe liner which is watertight and chemically resistant to withstand exposure to domestic � sewa�e including all labor, materials and equipment to provide for a complete, fully restored and functianing installation. � � � � � � � � 26.2 PR�DUCT AND C4NTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City reyuires that all contractars be prequalified. See General Conditions regarding contractor prequalifcation. In addition, the City requires a proven extensive tract record for the fold and form liner systern to be used in this project. All contractors submitting for preyualification approval for this project must exhibit extensive satisfactory experience in the installation of the proposed liner syst�m and satisfactory evidence that the proposed liner system has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites States and the State ofFlorida. The installer must be certified by the liner system manufacturer for installation of the liner system. The City reserves full and complete authority ta approve the satisfactory nature of the both the liner system and the installer. 26.3 MATERIALS Aipe shall be made from P. E. 3408 polyethylene resins complying with ASTM D 3350, cell classification: P.E. 345434 D for High Density. It shall be Type 3, Grade 4, Class D, according to ASTM D 124$. The Contractor shall provide certified test results for review by the En�ineer, from the manufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requirements. Material shall have a minimum thickness of SD.R 32.5. Pipe specimens shall comply with the minimum property values shown below with the applicable ASTM requirements: Material Property ASTM Method Value HDPE Tensile Strength D 638 3,300 psi Elasticity Modulus E=113,000 psi � SectionlV.doc Page 51 of 128 4/11/2011 � Section IV — Technical Specifications HDPE ]�-,pact Strength D 256 A 3.Q ft-lb/in l�lexure Madulus E=136,000 psi Expansion Coeif. c=0.009 in/in/deg F At the time of manufacture, each lot of liner shall be reviewed for defects and tested in accordance with ASTM D 2837 and D 1693. At the time of delivery, the liner shall be homogeneous throughout, uni%rm in color, free of cracks, holes, foreign materials, blisters, or deleterious faults. The Contractor shall provide, as requested, certified test results for review by the Engineer, from the manufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requirements. The Engineer may at any time request th� Contractor provide test results from feld samples to the above requirements. Liner shall be marked at 5-foot intervals or less with a coded number, which identifies the maraufacturer, SDR, size, rnaterial, date, and shift on which the liner was extruded. Lining manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer for approval as requested, complete design calculations for the liner thickness. The criteria for liner design shall be HS-20 traffic loading, water table to the ground surface, minimum expected lifetime of 50 years, and no structural strength retained from the existin� pipe. Liner materials shall meet manufactures specifications of Pipe X.ainers, Inc. 3421 N. Causeway, Suite 321, New Orleans, LA 70p02, 1-800-344-3744 or approved equal. Any approved equal liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal syst�m prior to receiving bids. Request for contractor prequalification and/or �qual liner system approval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days prior to the date for receiving bids. 26.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clean arid prepare the existing pipes for rehabilitation. The Contractor will thoroughly clean the interior of the sewers to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rock, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to liner insertion. Bypass pumping will be provided by the Contractor as part of the unit cost of restoration. Bypass operations are to be so arranged as to cause minimum disruptions to local tra�ic, residents and particularly to cammercial facilities. During the cleaning and preparation operations all necessary precautions shall be taken to protect the public, all property and the sewer from damage. Al1 material removed from the sewers shall be the Contractor's responsibility for prompt disposal in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements. The Contractor may be required to control the rate of sewer cleaning in the sanitary system to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatrnent plants. 26.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work on each section of the project is campleted, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by means of closed-circuit color television, and recorded on VHS format tapes provided to the project engineer. The television system used shall be designed for the purpose and suitably lighted ta provide a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. SectionlV.doc Page 52 of 128 4/I ]/2011 �� � LJ � � � � Section 1V —Technical 5pcciticativns 26.6 LINER INSTALLATION Liner shall be sized to field measurements obtained by the Contractor to providE a tight fit to the full interior circumference of the existing sanitary sewer and shall be a continuous, jointless liner product from inside of manhole to inside of manhole. Contractor shall use installation methods appraved by the liner manufacturer including liner placement, reforming to fit cxisting pipe, pressure and heat requirements and reconnection of laterals. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer oP any construction delays taking place during the insertion operation. Contractor sha11 maintain a reasonable backup system for bypass pumping should delays or problems with pumping systems develop. Liner entries at manholes shall be smooth, free of irregularities, and watertight. No pinholes, tears, cracks, thin spots, or ather defects in the liner shall be permitted. Such defects shall be removed and replaced by the Contractar at his expense. OSHA requirements for installation procedures, in particular, confned spaces are to be met. 26.7 LATERAL RECQNNECTION Sanitary laterals shall be reconnected as soon as possible to renew service. Laterals are to be reconnected by means of robotics, by internally cutting out the liner to l00% of the area of the original opening. All lateral reconnections are to be grouted to prevent leakage. Grouting method and material is to be approved by the Engineer. Any reconnections to laterals and connections to manholes which are observed to leak shall be � resealed by the Contractor. All laterals discovered during the lining process are to be recannected unless specifically directed otherwise by the City. The Contractor will be requested to recannect any laterals discov�red to not be reconnected at a later date. Contractor shall notify all ]ocal � system uscrs when the sanitary system will not be available for normal usage by the d�livery of door hangers with appropriate information regarding the construction pr�ject. � � � � � 26.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. At no time will any sanitary sewer service connection remain inoperative for more than a eight hour period without a service bypass being operated by the Contractor. In the event that sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup, repair and property damage costs and claims. 2fi.9 PAYMENT Payment for sanitary sewer restoration sha11 be made per lineal foot including all preparati�n, bypass pumping, equipment, labor, materials, aperations, restoration, etc, to pravide a fully completed and operational sewer. Payment shall be measured from center of manhole to center of manhole for the sanitary systems and from end of pipe to end of pipe for storm systems. 27 PLANT MIX DRIVEWAYS � New driveways or existing black top driveways that must be broken back in widening the pavement (remove only enough to allow adequate grade for access to the street) shall be constructed or replaced in accordance with the specifications for paving the street with the � exceptian that the base shall be six (6) inches. Use Section 23 G Asphaltic Concrete as specified for the street paving_ ' SectionIV.doc Page 53 of 128 4/I1/20] 1 �� Sectioa lV — Technical Specilications When tinished surface of existang drive is gravel, replace ment shall be of like material. Payment shal] be the same as Plant Mix Driveways. 27.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be the number of square yard of�Plant Mix Driveways in place and accepted. 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per square yard for Plant Mix Driveways as measured above, which price shall be full compensatian for all work described in this section of the specifications and shall includ� all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 28 REPORTING OF TONNAGE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS This Article deleted. 29 CONCRETE CURBS Concrete Curbs shall be canstructed to the line, �rade and dimensions as shown on the plans. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete curbs shall hav� fiber r�aesh reinforcement and have a minimum strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. Expansion joi.nts shall be placed at intervals not to exceed ] 00 feet, and scored joints shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 10 feet. In addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all concrete curbs. 29.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be lineal feet oFcurb in place and accepted. �'�'�+� =�_F-�Y�� � ]_��� 1�1 � � ► � � T'ayment shall be the unit price per lineal foot of curb, which price shall be full compensation for all work described in this and other applicable parts of the specifications and shall include all materials, equiprxiez�t, taols, labor and incidentals nccessary to complete the work. 30 30.1 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed to the line, grade and dimensions as shown on the plans or herein specified. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete sidewalks shall have fiber mesh reinforcement and have a minimum strength of 3�00 p.s.i. at 28 days. Unless otherwise speci�ed, all concrete sidewalks shall have a minimurn width af four feet (4'). Concrete sidewalks shall have a minimum thickness of four inches (4"), except at driveway crossings where a minimum thickness of six inches (6") is required. Also, 6/6 X 10/10 welded wire mesh rainforcement is reyuired for all sidewalk that crosses driveways. The welded wire mesh shall be positioned in the tniddle to upper third of the placement. No cornpensatian shall be given if the welded wire mesh is not properly placed. Expansion joittts shall be placed at intervals of not SectionlV.doc Page 54 of 128 4/1 ]/201 l r r � u � r� L� L� � l� � L__J � � � � � � ' ' Section IV — Technical Specitications more than 100 hundred feet, and scoring marks shall be made every 5 feet. Concrete shall be poured only on compacted subgrade. In addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall alsa apply. 30.2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS Concrete driveways, whether new construction or replacement, shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in thickness with 6/6 x 10/10 weld�d wire mesh reinfarcement and a minimum horizontal distance between expansion joints of no less than four (4) feet measured in any direction. The welded wire mesh shall be positioned in the middle to upper third of the placement. No compensation shall be given if the welded wire tnesh is not properly placed. Concrete shall be poured only an compacted subgrade. ln addition, all the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. The Coniractor shall notify the Project Inspectar a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all concrete sidewalks and driveways. 3U.3 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square feet of �}" concrete sidewalk, 6" concrete sidewalk, and 6" concrete driveways in place and accepted_ 30.4 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per square foot for each itern as measured above, which price shall be full compensation for all work described in this section and other applicable parts of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, tools, welded wire mesh where required, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 31 SODDING Unless otherwise noted herein, the contractor shall place all sod, either shown on the plans or at the direction of the Engineer, in conformance with Sectians 575, 981, 982 and 983 0� FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). The area for sod application shall be loosened and excavated to a suitable depth and finished to a grade compatible with existing grass and structures. Sod shall b� placed with edges in close contact and shall he compacted to uniform finished grade with a sod roller immediately after placement. in sloped areas, the sod shall be graded and placed so as to prohibit erosion and underrnining of the adjacent sidewalk. No sod that has been cut for more than 72 hours can be used unless authorized by the Engineer in advance. The sod shall be thoroughly watered immediately after placement. The Contractor shall continue to water sod as needed and/or directed by the Engineer as indicated by sun exposure, soil, heat and rain conditions, to establish and assure growth, until termination of the contract. Dead sod, or sod not acceptable ta the Engineer, shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional compensation. Any questians concerning the type of existing sod shall be determined by the Engineer. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, payment for sod (including labor, equipment, materials, placement, rolling, watering, etc.) shall be included in other bid items. Payment for these associated bid items may be withheld until the Contractor provides the City a healthy, properly placed stand of grass_ When this work is given as a separate bid item, it shall cover all labor, equipment and materials, (including water) required for this work and shall be paid for on the SectionTV.doc Page 55 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — I'echnical Specifications basis of each square faot in place and accepted. No payment for sod shall be nnade until the Contractor provides the City a healthy, properly placed stand of grass. 32 SEEDING Seed, or seed and mulch, shall only be used when specified for certain demolition projects. The seed and/or mulch shall be placed as called for on the plans in the following manner. The area to be seeded shall be brought to the required lin,e and grade, fertilized and seeded in basic conformance with the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications Sections 570, 9$1, 9$2 and 983. However, no wildflower seed shall be used, and Argentine Sahia Seed shal] be used instead of PensacoJa Bahia. No sprigging will be required. Also, the addition of 20 ]b. of Rye Seed (to total 60 lb. of seed per acre) will be required during the stated periods. It is also required that the Contractor maintain said seed until growth is assured. When this work is �iven as a bid item, the item shall cover all labor, material, equipm�nt (including water), required for this work, and shall be paid for on the basis of each square yard in place and accepted. If called for on the plans, but not shown as a bid item, then the cost of such work as stated above shall be included in the cost of other work. 33 STORM MANHOLES INLETS CATCH BASINS OR OTHER STORM STRUCTURES For details on specific design of a type of storm structure refer to Part B Index Numbers 200 to 235. When required, inlets, catch basins or other structures shall be constructed according to the plans and applicable parts of the specifications, Section Numbers 7, 8, & 9, and as approved by the Engineer. Said structures shall be protected and saved from damage by the elements or other causes until acceptance of the work. 33.1 BUILT UP TYPE STRUCTURES Manholes shall be constructed of brick with cast iron frames and covers as shown an the Index Numbers 201 and 202. invert channels shall be constructed smooth and semi circular in shape confarming to inside of adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of flow shall be made in a smooth curve of as large a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. Invert channels shall be built up with brick and mortar on top of concrete base. The storm structure �oor outside of channels shall be made smooth and sloped toward channels. M.anhale steps shall not be provided. ,loints shall be completely filled and the marCar shall be smoothed from inside of the manholes. The entire exterior of brick tiaanholes shall be plastered with one half inch of mortar. Brick shall be laid radially with every sixth course being a stretcher course. in cases where a storm pipe extends inside a structure, the excess pipe will be cut off with a concrete saw and shall not be removed with a sledge hammer. SectionlV.doc Page 56 0#' 128 4/] 1/2011 � ' � � LJ 1 ��! � ' � � � � , � � � , � Sectinn IV—Technical Specifications 33.2 PRECAST TYPE The manhole base shall be set on a pad of dry native sand approximately five inches thick to secure proper seating and bearing. Precast Manholes and Junction Boxes: The Contractor may substitute precast manholes and junction boxes in lieu of cast in place units unless otherwise shown on the plans. Precast Inlets wi11 not be acceptable. When precast units are substituted, the construction of such uraits must be in accordance with ASTM C 478, or the standard specifications at the manufacturers option. Precast structures must also meet the requirement that on the lateral faces, either inside or outside, the distance between precast openings for pipe or precast opening and top edge of precast structure be no less than wall thickness. A minimum of four courses of brick will be provided under manhole ring so that future adjustment of manhole lid can be accommodated. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Manhole using O ring between precast sections will not be acceptable for storm structures. 33.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for Junction Boxes, Manholes or other structures shall be on a unit basis. 34 MATERIAL USED This article deleted. See SECTION lll, ART1C1,� 19 — MATERIA� USED. 35 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 20 — CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECiFiCATiONS. 3S STREET SIGNS The removal, covering or relocation of street signs by the Contractor is PROH�BITED. All street signs shall be remaved, covered or relocated by the City's Traffic Engineering Division in accordance with Sections 70�, 994, 995, and 996 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). The Contractor shall notify the City's Traffic Engineering Division a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the proposed sign r�location, covering or removal. , � � r � � • : • : r ► rI�73T�L�7�.�1�?l�'? 37.'I CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUDIONIDEO RECORDING Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall have a cantinuous color audio/video recording taken along the entire length of the Project including all affected project areas. Streets, easements, rights-of-way, lots or construction sites within the Praject must be recorded to serve as a record of a pre-construction conditions. 37.2 SCHEDULING OF AUDIONIDEO RECORDING The video recordings shall not be made more than twenty-one (21) days prior to consCruction in any area. SectionlV.doc Page 57 of 128 4/11/2011 Section ]V—Technical Specifications 37.3 PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHERS "fhe Cantractor shall enga�e the services of a proFessional videographer. The color audio videotapes shall be prepared by a responsible commercial tirm known to be skilled and regularly engaged in the business ofpre-construction color audio-video recarding documentation. 37.4 EQUIPMENT All equipment, accessories, materials and labor to perform this service shall be furnished by the Contractor. The total audio video system shall reproduce bright, sharp, clear pictures with accurate colors and shall be free from distortion, tearing, rolls or any other fonm of irtaperfection. The audio portion of the recording shall reproduce the commentary of the camera operaCor with proper volume, clarity and be free trom distortion and interruptions. In some instances, audio videa coverage may be required in areas not accessible by conventional wheeled vehicles. Such coverage shall be obtained by walking. 37.5 RECORDED INFORMATION, AUDIO Each recording shall begin with the current date, project name and be followed by the general location, i.e., viewing side and direction of progress. Accompanying the video recording of each video shall be a corresponding and simultaneously recorded audio recording. This audio recording, exclusively containing the commentary of the camera operator or aide, shall assist in viewer orientation and in any needed identification, differentiation, clarification, or objective dcscription of the features bein� shown in the video portion of the recording. The audio recording shall also be free from any conversations. 37.6 RECORDED INFORMATION VIDEO All video recordings must continuously display transparent digital information to include the date and time af recording. The date information shall contain the month, day and year. The time infarmation shall contain the hour, minutes and seconds. Additional information sha11 be displayed periodically. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, project name, contract number, direction of travel and the viewing side. This transparent inFormation shall appear on the extreme upper left hand third of the screen. Camera pan, tilt, zoom-in and zoom out rates shall be suf�iciently controlled such that recorded objects will be clearly viewed during videotape playback. In addition, all other camera and recording system controls, such as lens focus and aperture, video level, pedestal, chrome, white balance, and electrical focus shall be properly controlled or adjusted to maximize picture quality. The cor�struction documentation shall be recorded in SF mode. �����JL. ��:��]:iL�►���1C�1►J The audio and videa portians af Che recording shall maintain viewer orientation. To this end, overall establishing views of all visible house and business addresses shall be utilized. In areas where the proposed construction location will not be readily apparent to the videotape viewer, highly visible yellow filags shall be placed, by the Contractor, in such a fashion as to clearly indicate the proposed centerline of construction. When conventional wheeled vehicles are used as conveyances for the recarding system, the vertical distance between the camera lens and the ground shall not exceed 10 feet. The camera shall be firmly mounted such that transport of the camera during the recording process will not cause an unsteady picture. SectionIV.doc Page 58 of 128 4/l l/2011 Section IV — 1'echnical 3pecitications 37.8 LIGHTING All recording shall be done during time af good visibility. No taping shall be done during precipitation, mist or fog. "T"he recarding shall only be done when sufficient sunlighC is present to properly illuminate the subjects of recording and ta produce bright, sharp video recordings of those subjects. 37.9 SPEED �F TRAVEL 1�he average rate of travel during a particular segment of coverage shall be directly proportional to the number, size and value of the surface features within that construction areas zone of influence. The rate of speed in the general direction of travel of the vehicle used during taping sha11 not exceed forty-four (44) feet per minute. 37.1U VIDEO LOG/INDEX All videotapes shall be permanently labeled and shall be properly identi�ed by videotape number and project title. Each videotape shall have a log of that videatape's contents. The log shall describe the various segments of coverage contained on the video tape in terms of the names of the streets or location of easements, coverage beginning and end, directions of coverage, video unit counter numbers, en�ineering survey or coordinate values (if reasonably available) and the date. 37.11 AREA 4F COVERAGE Tape coverage shall include all surface features located within the zone af influence of construction supported by appropriate audio coverage. Such coverage shall include, but not be limited to, existing driveways, sidewalks, curbs, pavements, drainage system features, mailboxes, landscaping, culverts, feraces, signs, Contractor staging areas, adjacent structures, etc. within the area covered by the project. Of particular concern shall be the existence of any faults, fractures, or defects. Taped coverage shall be limited to one side of the Site, street, easement or right of way at any one time. 37.12 COSTS OF VIDEO SERVICES The cost to complete the requirements under this section shall be included in the contract items provided in the proposal sheet. There is no separate pay item for this work. 38 EROSION AND SILTATION CONTR�L 38.1 STABILIZATION OF DENUDED AREAS , No disturbed area may be denuded for more than thirty (30) calendar days unl�ss otherwise authorized by the City Engineer. During construction, denuded areas shall be covered by mulches such as straw, hay, filter fabric, seed and mulch, sod, or some other permanent � vegetation. Within sixty (60) calendar days after final grade is established on any portion of a project site, that portion of the site shall be provided with established permanent soil stabilization measures per the ariginal site plan, whether by impervious surface or landscaping. � ' SectioniV.doc Page 59 of 128 4l11/2011 � Section 1V — Tcchnical Specifications 38.2 PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION OF SOIL STOCKPILES Fill material stockpiles shall be protECted at all times by on-sitc drainage controls which prevent �rosion of the stockpiled material. Control of dust from such stockpiles rnay be required, depending upon their location and the expected length of time the stockpiles will be present. In no case shall an unstabilized stockpile remain after thirty (30) calendar days. 38.3 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEMS During construction, a]] storm sewer inlets in the vicinity of the project shall be protected by sediment traps such as secured hay bales, sod, stone, etc., which shall be maintained and modified as required by construction pro�ress, and which must be approved by the City Engineer before installation. 38.4 SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES Sediment basins and traps, perimeter berms, filter fences, berms, sediment barriers, vegetative buffers and other measures intended t� trap sediment and/or prevent the transport oF sediment onto adjacent properties, or into existing water bodies; must be installed, constructed, or, in the case of vegetative buffers, protected from disturbance, as a first step in the land alteration process. Such systems shall be fully operative and inspected by the City before any other disturbance of the site begins. Earthen structures including but not ,limited to berms, earth filters, dams or dikes shall be stabilized and pratected from draina�e damage or erosion within one week of installation_ 38.5 SEDIMENTATION BASINS Areas of 3 acres or more shall be required ta have temporary sedimentation basins as a positive remedy against downstream siltation and will be shown and detailed on construction plans. During development, permanent detention areas may be used in place of silt basins, provided they are maintained to the satisfaction of the City. The Contractor will be required to prohibit discharge of silt through the outfall structure during canstruction of any detention area and will be required ta clean out the detention area before installing any permanent subdrain pipe. In addition, permanent detention areas must be totally cleaned out and operaTing properly at final inspection and at the cnd of the one year warranty periad. When temporary sedimentation basins are used, they shall be capable at all times of contain-ing at least one (l) cubic foot of sediment %r each one hundred (l OQ) square feet ofarea tributary to the basin. Such capacity shall be maintained throughout the project by regular removal of sediment from the basi». 38.fi WORKING IN OR CROSSING WATERWAYS OR WATERBODIES Land alteration and construction shall be minimized in both permanent and intermittent waterways and the immediately adjacent buffer of 25 feet from top of bank of the waterways and the buffer area whenever possible, arad barriers shall be used to prevent access. Where in channel work cannot be avoided, precautions must be taken to stabilize the work area during land alteration, development and/or construction to minimize erosion. If the channel and buifer area are disturbed during land alteration, they must be stabilized within three (3) calendar days after the in channel work is completed. SectionN.doc Page 60 of 128 4/11/2011 ' 1 , ' Section IV — Technical Specifications Silt curtains or other filter/siltation reduction devices must be installed on Che downstream side of the in channel alteration activity to eliminate impacts due to increased turbidity. Wherever stream crossings are required, properly sized temporary culverts shall be provided by the contractor and removed when construction is completed. The area of the crossing shall be restared to a condition as nearly as possible equal to that which existed priar to any construction activity. 38.7 SWALES, DITCHES AND CHANNELS ' All swales, ditches and channels leading from the site shall be sodded within three (3) days of excavation. All other interior swales, etc., including detention areas will b� sodded prior to issuance of a Certificate of �ecupancy. ' ' 38.8 UNDERGR�UND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION The construction of underground utility lines and other structures shall be done in accordance with the following standards: a. No more than 400 lineal feet of trench shall be open at any one time; , b. Wherever consistent with safety and space consideration, excavated material shall be cast to the uphill side of trenches. Trench material shall not be cast into or onto the slope of any stream, channel, road ditch or waterway. , � 38.9 MAINTENANCE All erosion and siltation control devices shall be checked regularly, especially after each rainfall and will be cleaned out and/or repaired as required. 38.10 COMPLIANCE ' Failure to comply with the aforementioned requirements may result in a fine and/or more stringent enforcement procedures such as (but not limited to) issuance of a"Stop Work Order". 1 City of Clearwater Standard Detail Drawings No_ 601 and 607 are examples of accepted methods that may be used or required to control erosion and siltation. � , , � � ' SectionlV.doc Page G1 of 128 4/11/201 ] 1 Section IV — Tcchnical Specifications City of Clearwater - Erosion Control This notice is to inforrn the prime contractor that the City of Clearwater holds them responsible for soil erosion control on their site. The City of Clearwater Engineering Department has the responsibility ta minimize the amount of soil erosion into the City's streets, storm sewers and waterways. The construction of a new residence or commercial site and majar remodeling of an existing site creates a potential for soil erosion. These instances are usually the result of contractors and subcontractors accessing the property with equipment or construction materials. Then rain storms redistribute the eroded soil inta the adjacent streets, storm systems and waterways. When �rosion takes place, a City Inspector will place a correction notice at the site. The procedure will be as �ollows: 1 st occu.rrence - Warning 2nd occurrence - $32 Re-inspection Fee 3rd occurrence - $80 Re-inspection Fee 4th occurrence - Stop Work Order Dependent on the severity ofthe erosion, the City's Engineering Department may elect to rectify the erosion problem and charge the contractor accordingly. The attached drawings and details are recommendations for the contractor to use as means to support the site from eroding. The contractor may elect to shovel and sweep the street daily or on an as needed basis. However, erosion must be held in check. If the contractor would like to meet with a City inspector on any particular site, please contact Construction Services at 562-4750 or �'lanning & Development Services at 562-4741.. Erosion Control Required - City of Clearwater's Code of 4rdinances requires erosion control on all land development projects. Eros.ion contral must be in place and maintained ihroughout the job. Failure to do so may result in additional costs and time delays to the permit holder. Contact Engineering Department with specific questions at 562-4750. SectionN.doc Page 62 of 128 4/]1/2011 , 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � i � i � � � � Section TV — Techni cal 5pecifications CITY aF CLEARWATER NOTICE OF EROSION VIOLATION UNDER SECTION 3-701 (DIVISION 7— EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL) OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER CODE OF ORDINANCES, THIS SITE HAS BEEN FOUND i1V V�OLATION. THIS SITE MUST BE RESTORED TO AN EROSION CONTROLLED S1TE PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER DEVEL�PMENT TO CONTINUE. Warning $32.00 Re-inspectian Fee $80.00 Re-inspection Fee Stap Work Orcier DATE POSTED: Inspector's Name: Inspector's Signature: CITY OF CLEARWATER PLANNING & DEVELOPIVIENT SERVICES 727 562-4741 & ENGINEERINGICONSTRUCTION 727 562-4750 Recei�ed by: (5ignature indicafes only a copy of lhis notice has been recei��ed and does not in an}� �4ay indicate admission of guilt or concurrence with fndings of the inspector.} IT IS A VIOLATION TO REMOVE THIS NOTICE ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON REMOVING THIS SIGN WILL BE PROSECUTED SectionN.doc Page 53 of 128 4J111201 l Section iV — Technical Specifications 39 UTILITY TIE IN LOCATION MARKING The tie in locations for utility laterals of water, sanitary sewer, and gas shall be plainly marked on the back of the curb. Marking placed on the curb shall be perpendicular wiCh respect to the curb of the tie in location on the utility lateral. Marks shall not be placed on the curb where laterals cross diagonally under the curb. The tie in location shall be the end of the utility lateral prior to service connection. Markings shall be uniform in size and shape and colors in confonnance with the code adopted by the American Public Works Association as follows: SAFETY RED Electric power, distribution & transmission Mu.nicipal Electric Systems HIGH VISIBILITY SA�ETY YELLOW Gas Distribution and Transmission Oil Distribution and Transmission Dangerous Materials, Froduce Lines, Steam Lines SAFETY ALERT ORANGE Telephone and Telegraph Systems Police and Fire Communications Cable Television SAFETY PRECAU"1'ION BLUE Water Systems Slurry I�ipe Lin�s SAFETY GREEN Sewer Systems LAVENDER RECLAIMED WATER WHITE PROPOSED EXCAVATION M.arks placed on curbs shall be rectangular in shape and placed with the long dirnension perpendicular Co the flow line of the curb. Marks placed on valley gutter and mod,ifi3ed curb shall be 6-inch x 3-inch and placed at the back of Che curb. Marks placed on State Road and vertical curb shall be 4-inch X 2-inch and be placed on the curb face. 40 AWARD OF CONTRACT WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE This article r�ot used. See SECTION TiJ., ARTICLE 24 -- AWARD QF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE. 41 POTABLE WATERMAINS RECLAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES 41.1 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all plant, labor, matearials and equipment to perform all operations in connectian with the construction of potable water mains, reclaimed water mains and appurtenances including clearing, excavation, trenching, back�lling and clean up. SectionlV.doc Page b4 of 12$ 4/11/2011 ' � ' �� �, ' Cl � � � 1 ' ' � � � 1 Cl , CJ 1 1 � ''L J , �1 ' ' ' , Section IV —Technical Specifications 41.2 MATERIALS 41.2.1 GENERAL Materials, equipment and supplies furnished and permanently incorporated into the project shall be of �rst quality in every respect and shall be constructed and finished to high standards of workmanship. Materials shall be suitable for service intended, shall reflect modern design and engineering and shall be iabricated in a first class workmanlike manner. All materials, equipment and supplies shall be new and shall have not been in service at any time previous to installation, except as required in tests or incident to installation. Machined metal surfaces, exposed bearings and glands shall be protected against �rit, dirt, chemical corrasion and other damaging eftects during shipment and construction. 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALS AND FITTINGS DUCTII.E IRON PIPE Ductile Tran Pipe shall be in accordance wiCh ANSUAW WA C 1 S 1/A21.S l 8l or latest revision. Pipe thickness class, wall thickness and working pressure shall conform to the follawing table: Size Class Thickness Rated Water Working Pressure (In.) (PSI) 4" 51 0.2b 350 6" 50 0.25 3S0 8" 50 0.27 350 12" 50 0.31 350 , The trench laying condition shall be Type 2, Flat bottom trench backfill lightly consolidated to centerline of pipe. Pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSUAWWA C151/A21.51 8] or latest revision. / Pipe shall be asphalt coated on the outside and standard cement lined and sealed coated with approved bituminous seal coat in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.�1 80 or latest � revision. POLYVINYL CH�.ORIDE (PVC) PIPE � Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 4-inch thraugh $-inch shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C900 or latest revision and the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Standard D 2241 and PVC Resin Compound conforming to ASTM Specification D 1784. ' ' L .J , Palyvinyl Chloride Pipe shall have the same �.D. as Cast and Ductile Iron Pipe and be compatible for use without special adapters with Cast Iron Fittings. Pipe dimension ratio, working pressure and laying length shall conform to the following table: SectinnIV.doc Page 65 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Specificatioxis Size Dimensian Ratio Rated Water Working Pressure Laying Length (OD/'T'hick.) (PSI) (Ft) 4 l8 150 20 6 18 lS� 20 8 ]S 150 20 Pipe larger than 8-inch shall be ductile iron. The City Engineer reserves the right to require the us� of ductile iron in sizes 4-inch thraugh 8-inch when needed due to laying conditions or usage. The bell of 4-inch and larger PVC pipe shall consist of an integral wall section with a solid cross section elastomeric ring which meets the requirements ofASTM D 1869. Each length of pipe shall bear identification that will remain legible during norimal handling, storage and installation and so designate the testing agency that verified the suitabiHty of the pipe material for potable water service. All polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be laid with two (2) strands of insulated 12 gauge A.W.G. solid strand copper wire Caped to the top of each joint of pipe with about 18-inches between each piece of tape. It is to be installed at every valve box through a 2-inch PVC pipe to 12-inches minimurn above the top of the concrete slab. The 2-inch PVC pipe shall be the same length as the adjustable valve box, and the 2-inch PVC pipe shall be plugged with a 2-inch removable brass plug with recessed nut. This wire is to be continuous with splices made only by direct bury 3M brand splice kit approved by the Engineer. This wire is to be secured to all valves, tees and elbows. FITTINGS AND JOINTS Fitting from 4-inch thraugh 16-inch in size will be compact ductile iron cast in accordance with ANSUAWWA C153/A 21.53 with mechanical joint bells. .Bolts, nuts and gaskets shall be in accordance with requirements ofANS1/AWWA C153/A 21.53. rl'he working pressure rating shall be 350 P.S.I. Ductile iron flttings shall be coated and lined in accordance with require requirements of ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. Mechanical joirat glands shall be ductile iron in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A 21.11. When ref�rence is made to ANSI/AWWA Standards, the latest revisions apply. Only those fittings and accessories that are of domestic (USA) manufacture will be acceptable. RESTRAINT Restraint of plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc., shall be accomplished by the use oi approved mechanical restraining rings or glarads installed per manufacturers recommendations. Hydrants shall be restrained by the use af swivel connecting joints. Restraining mechanical joint glands on hydrants shall be used only where hydrant runout length precludes the use of swivel joint connectars. PIPE WITHIN CASING All pipe placed within casings shall be slip joint ductile iron restrained by the use of restraining gaskets designed for use with the particular joint being installed and have properly sized casing spacers (Cascade Series) installed on the pipe so that the pipe will be centered within the casing. SectionlV.doc Page 66 of 128 4/11/2011 , 1 ' , ' ' , 1 ' ' ' Section IV — Technical Specifications Each end of the casing shall be properly sealed to prevent the intrusion of soil, wat�r, or debris within the casing itself. It shall be sealed by brick and mortar, cement or any approved method by the Engineer. 41.2.3 GATE VALVES Discs of valves shall be operated by methods which will allow aperation in any position with respect to the vertical. Gate valves for interior piping or exposed above grade outside structures, shall be handwheel operated with rising stems. Valves 4-inches and larger, buried in earth shall be equipped with 2-inch square aperating nuts, valve boxes and covers. Valves shall be fitted with joints suitable for the pipe with which they are to be used. The direction of opening for all valves shall be to the left (counter clockwise). Pressure Rating: Unless otherwise shown or specified, valves for high pressure service shall be rated at not less than 150 psi cold water, nonshack. The manufacturer's name and pressure rating shall be cast in raised letters on the valve body. Installation: lnstallation shall be in accordance with good standard practice. Exposed pipelines shall be so supparted that their weight is not carried through valves. Two Inch Diameter and smaller: Not allowed. These should be approved ball valves. Thr�e Inch Diameter: Not allowed. Four lnch to Sixteen lnch Diameter: Gate Valves, A to 1 b-inch diameter, inclusive, shall be resilienC seated gate valves encapsulated with EPDM Rubber irt confonnance with ANSI/A.W.W.A. Standard Specification C509-515 latest revision. These valves shall include the following features consistent with C5�9-515, full opening unobstructed waterway, zcro leakage at 200 p.s.i. differential pressure, all internal parts removable from bonnet without removing body from pressure main, corrosion resistent bronze or stainless steel nonrising st�m with O ring bonnet seal with epoxy coated inside and outside cast iran or ductile iron valve bady.. Larger than Sixteen Inch Diameter: Gate valves larger than 16-inch shall be suitable for the ' service intended and shall be resilient seated gate valves encapsulated with EPDM rubber in confarmance with ANSI/AWWA. These valves shall include the following features consistent with C509-80, full opening unobstructed waterway, zero leakage at 200 psi differential pressure. ' All valves shall be equipped with steel cut bevel gears, extended type gear case and rollers, bronze or babbitt tracks and scrapers and valved by-pass. ' ' Lll � ' ' 41.2.4 VALVE BOXES Valve boxes shall be of standard extension design and manufacture and shall be made of cast iron. No PVC Risers or Derisers are allowed as part of a valve bax assembly. They are to be 3- piece valve box assembles. The lower part of the assembly can be ordered in various heights to accommodate different depths. Suitable sizes of valve boxes and extension pieces shall be pravided where shown. The valve box cover shall be of cast iron. Valve boxes and their installation shall be included in the bid price for valves. Refer t� City Index No. 402; Sheet 1 of 5& Sheet 2 of 5 for potable water valve pad detail, and City Index No. 502; Sheet 1 of 2& Sheet 2 af 2 for reclaimed water valve boxes and pad detail. SectionIV.doc Page 67 of 128 4/11/201 ] Section 1V —'1'echnical Spccitications 41.2.5 HYDRANTS No other hydrants, othcr than those listed belaw, may be used in extension to or replacetiaent of the City of Clearwater potable water system: • Kennedy Guardian #K 81D Fire Hydrant, • Mueller Super Centurion 25 Fire }-Iydrant • AVK Nostalgic 2780. • American Darling B-84-B. No substitutions shall be allowed without the approval of the City of Clearwater. Above hydrants shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the AWWA Specification C 502 and include the following modi�cations: 1. All shipments to be palletized and tailgate delivery. 2. Hydrants shall con�orm to �.W.W.A. Standard C-502 latest revision and must be UL/FM listed. 3 Q 5. Hydrants shall be of th� compression type, closing with line pressure. The operating threads will be contained in an operatin� chamber sealed at the top and bottom with an O-ring seal. The chamber will contain a lubricating grease or oiL Hydrants shall be of the traff7c model breakaway type, with the barrel made in two sections with the break flange located approximately 2-inch abov� the graund line. Breakaway bolts not allowed. 6. Operating nut shall be oFone-piece bronze or ductile iron construction. 7. A dirt shie]d shall be provided to protect the operating mechanism from grit buildup and corrosion due to moisture. 8. A thrust washer shall be supplied beriveen the operating nut and stem lock nut to facilitate operation. 9. Operating nut shall be a#7 (]-1/2-inch) pentagon nut. 10. Nozzles shall be af the tamper resistant, 1/4 turn type with O-ring seals or threaded into upper barrel. Nozzles shall be retained with a stainless steel locking device. I 1. The main valve shall be of �PDM solid rubber. 12. The seat shall be af a bronze ring threaded to a bronxe insert in the hydrant shoe, with O- rings to seal the barrel from leakage ofwater in the shoe. 13. The main valve stem will be 304 or higher grade stainless steel and made in two sections with a breakable coupling. 14. Hydrant shall have a 6-inch Mechanical Joint epoxy lined elbow, less accessories. l5. Hydrant shall have a S-1/4-inch valve openin,g, and shall be a left hand operation to open. 16. Hydrant shall be without drains. 17. Hydrant shall have two (2) 2-1/2-inch hose nozzles and one (1) 4-1/2-inch pumper nozzle. Threads shall be in accordance with the National Standard Hose Coupling Thread Specifications. SectionlV.doc Page 68 oF 128 4/ 1 I /20'I 1 � ' , ' , ' �J Section IV — Technical Specifications 1$. Hydrant body shall have a factory finish of yellow paint. All paints shall comply with AWWA standard G502-85 or latest revision. All hydrants will be shop tested in accordance with the latest AWWA Speci�cation C 502. Constrained joint assemblies shall be used which have balted mechanical and swivel joints from the hydrant tee thraugh to the hydrant. Constrained joints shall absorb all thrust and prevenC movement of the hydrant. All hydrants shall be provided with an auxiliary gate valve so that the water to the hydrant may be shut off without the necessity of closing any other valve in the distribution system. No hydrants shall be installed on the reclaimed water system unless approved by the City of Clearwater's Engineering Department. 41.2.6 SERVICE SADDLES ' Service saddles shall be used on all service taps to 4-inch P.V.C. water main. The largest service connection allowable on 4-inch main shall be 1-1/2-inch. Service saddles shall be used on all 2- inch service connections to 6-inch and larger mains. Service saddles (JCM 406 series or Ford �C ' 202 series) shall be wide bodied ductile iron with epoxy ar nylon coating and shall have stainless steel straps. ' � ' � 1 ' ' � ' 1 1 41.2.7 i� 3 4 TESTS, INSPECTION AND REPAIRS All materials shall be tested in accordance with the applicable ��deral, ASTM or AWWA Specification and basis of rejection shall be as specified therein. Certified copies of the tests shall be submitCed with each shipment of materials. All materials will be subject ta inspection and approved by the Engineer after delivery; and no broken, cracked, misshapen, imperfectly coated or otherwise damaged or unsatisfactory material shall be used. All material found during the progress of the work to have cracks, flaws, or other defects shall be rejected and promptly removed from the site. If damage accurs to any pipe, tittings, valves, hydrants or water main accessories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to the Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall prescribe corrective repairs or rejection of the damaged items. 41.2.8 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS The City of Clearwater owns and maintains all backflow prevention devices that are installed within their system. Therefore, any and all devices must be purchased from the City and installed by City work farces. Backflow prevention devices installed on customer's service lines at the point of delivery (service connection) shall be of a type in accardance with AW WA specification C506 or latest revision. Two (2) dif�erent types of backflow prevention devices are allowed. Type of device, when required, is deterrnined by the degree of hazard presented ta the municipal water system from possible backflow of water within the customers private system. The types af devices allowed are: Section]V.doc Page 69 of 128 4/11/201 I 5ection 1V — Technical Speci�cations Double Check Valve Assembly a device composed oF two single, independently acting, approv�d check valves, including tightly closing shuloff valves located at cach end of the assembly and suitable connectivns for testing the watertightness of each check valve. Reduced pressure principle backflow pr�vention device a device containing a minimum of two independently acting, approved check valves, together with an automatically operated pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. The unit must include tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the device, and each device shall be fitted with properly located test cocks. 41.2.9 TAPPING SLEEVES Stee] body tapping sleeves shall be JCM lndustries lnc., JCM 412 or Smith-Blair 622. All sCeel body tapping sleeves shall have heavy welded ASTM A 2$5, Grade C steel body, stainless sCeel bolts, manufacturer's epoxy coated body, and 3/4-inch bronze test plug. 41.2.10 BLOW OFF HYDRANTS Blow offs are not allowed. ��I �3 41,3.1 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL HANDLING Pipe, fittin�s, valves, hydrants and accessories shall be loaded and unloaded by lifting with hoists or skidding so as to avoid shock or damage. Under no circumstances shall such materials be dropped. Pipe handled on skidways shall not be skidded rolled a�ainst pipe already on the ground. 2. Pipe shall be so handled that the coating and lining will not be damaged. If, however, any parC of the coating or lining is damaged, the repair shall be made by the Contractor at his expense in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 3. In distributing the material at the site of the work, each piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where it is to be laid in the trench. 41.3.2 PIPE LAYING ALIGNMENT AND GRADE The pipe shall be laid and maintained to the required lines and grades with fittings, valves and hydrants at the required locations, spigots centered in bells; and all valves and hydrant stems plumb. All pipe installed shall be pigged and properly blown off before any pressure testing and sterilization of the pipe can be completed. The depth of cover over the water main shall be a minimum of 30-inches and a maxiir�um of 42- inches below finished grade, except where approved by the Engineer to avoid conflicts and obstructions. Whenever obstructians not shown on the p]ans are encountered during the progress of the work and interfere to such an extent that an alteration of the plans is required, the Engineer shall have the authority to change the plans and order a deviation from the line and grade or arrange with the Owners of the structures for the rernaval, relocation, or reconstruction of the obstructions. SectioniV.doc Pagc 70 of 12R 4/1 I/201 ] ' � I NSTALLATI ON Section 1V — Technical Specifications ' Proper implements, tools, and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient performance of ihe work. All pipe, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered inta the trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, ' ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to materials and protective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall materials be dropped or dumped in the trench. 1 ' � � ' � � � � If' damage occurs to any pipe, fittings, valves, laydrants or accessories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to the Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall prescribe corrective repairs or rejection of the damaged items. All pipe and fittin�s shall be carefully examined for cracks and ather defects while suspended above the trench immediately before installation in �nal position. Spigot ends shall be examined with particular care as this area is the most vulnerable to damage from handling. Defective pipe ar fittings shall be laid aside for inspection by the Engineer who will prescribe corrective repairs or rejection. All lumps, blisters, and excess coating shall be removed from the bell and spigot end of each pipe, and the outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be wire brushed and wiped c1ean and dry and free from ail and grease before the pipe is laid. Pipe joints shall be made up in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the line. If the pipe laying crew cannot put the pipe into the trench and in place without getting earth into it, the Engineer may require that, before lowering the pipe into the trench, a heavy, woven canvas bag of suitable size shall be placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be made to the adjacent pipe. During laying operation, no debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material tamped under it except at the bells. Precautions shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint space. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other rneans approved by the Engineer. The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall be dona in a neat and � workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe or cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of laying unless directed otherwise by the � Engineer. Where pipe is laid on the grade of 10 per cent or greater, the laying shall start at bottom and shall proceed upward with the bell ends of the pipe upgrade. � ' � 1 Wherever it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane to avoid obstructions or to plumb stems; or where long radius curves are permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that allowed under the latest edition of ANSUAWWA C600-82 and C900 81 or latest revisions. No pipe shall be laid when, in the opinion of the Engineer, trench conditions are unsuitable. SectionlV.doc Page 71 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Tcchnical Spccifications 41.3.3 SETTING OF VALVES, HYDRANTS AND FITTINGS GENERAL Valves, hydrants, fittings, plugs and caps shall be set and joined to pipe in the manner specified above for installation of pipe. VALVES Valves in water mains shall, where possible, be lacated on the street property lines extended unless shown otherwise on the plans. �111 valves shall be installed at the tee in all cases, not to exceed I S-inches from the main line. The valve box shall not transmit any shock or stress to the valve and shall be centered and plumb over the wrench nut of the valve, with the box cover flush with the surfac� of the finished pavement or such other level as may be directed. Refer to City Index No. 402; Sheet 1 of 5& Sheet 2 o,f 5 for potabl� water valve pad detail, and City Index No. 502; Sheet 1 oF2 & Sheet 2 of 2 for reclaimed water valve box and pad detail. HYDRANTS Hydrants shall be located as shown or as directed so as to provide complet� accessibility and minimize the possibility of damage from vehicles or injury to pedestrians. All hydrants located 10-feet of more from the main shall have a gate valve at the main and another gate valve at the hydrant location. No valve can be located anywhere in the hydrant run to circumvent the use of two valves. Refer to City lndex No. 402; Sheet 5 of 5 for potable water hydrants. No hydrants shall be installed on the reclaimed water system unless approved by the City of Clearwater's Engineering Department. All hydrants shall stand plwnb and shall have their nozzles parallel with, or at right angles to, the curb, with the pumper nozzle facing the curb. �Iydrants shall be set to the established grade, with nozzles as shown or as directed by the Engineer. Each hydrant shall be connected ta the main with a 6-inch ductile iron branch controlled by an independent b inch gate valve. ANCHORAGE Movement of all plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc., unless otherwise specified shall be prevented by attaching approved mechanical resiraining rings or glands and installed per manufacturers recommendations. Hydrants shall be held in place with restrained swivel joints. Restraining mechanical joint glands on hydrants may be used where hydrant runout length precludes the use ofhydrant connecting swivel joints. Where special anchorage is required, such anchorage shall be in accordance with details shown an the plans. 41.3.4 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING LINES Where shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, the water lines constructed under this contract shall be connected to the existing lines now in place. No such connection shall be made until all requirements of the specifications as to tests, flushing, and sterilization have been met and the plan of the cut in to the existing line has been approved by the Engineer. SectionlV.doc Page 72 of 128 4/11/201I � � � � � 1 � � 1 � ' r � 1 Section 1V — Technical Specitications Where connections are made between new work and existing work, the connections sha11 be mad� in a thorough and workmanlike manner using proper materials and fittings to suit fhe actual canditions. All fiCiings shall be properly sterilized and pipe will be properly swabbed before connections to existing facilities. All connections to existing facilitics will be completed under the supervision of the City of C]earwater Water Uivision. 41.4 TESTS 41.4.1 HYDROSTATIC TESTS After installation of water mains, complete with all associated appurtenances including scrvice taps, all sections of newly laid main shall be subject to a hydrostatic pressure test of I 50 pounds per square inch for a period of two (2) hours and shall conform to AWWA C600 latest revision. All mains shall be pig�ed and flushed to remove all sand and ather foreign matter before any hydrostatic test can or will be performed. The pressure test shall be applied by means af a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The pump, pipe connection and all necessary apparatus, together with operating personnel, shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor shall make all necessary taps into the pipe line. The Owner will furnish the water for the test. Before applying the test pressure, all air shall be expelled from the pipe line. 41.4.2 NOTICE OF TEST The Contractor shall give the City of Clearwater's Owner Representative 4$-hours advance notice of the time when the installation is ready for hydrostatic testing. 41.5 STERILIZATION Before th� system is put into operation, all water mains and appurtenances and any item of new construction with which the water cotnes in contact, shall be thoroughly sterilized in accordance with AW WA Cb51. 41.5.1 STERILIZING AGENT The sterilizing agent shall be liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite solution conforming to Federal Specification 0 S 602B, Grade D, or dry hypochlarite, con�monly known as "HTH" or "Perchloron". 41.5.2 FLUSHING SYSTEM Prior to the application of the sterilization agent, a11 mains shall be thoroughly flushed. Flushing 1 shall continue until a clean, clear stream of water flows from the hydrants. Where hydrants are not available for flushing, such flushing shall be accomplished at the installed blow off devices generally at the ends ofthe lines. , 1 l� 1 41.5.3 STERILIZATION PROCEDURE All piping, valves, fittings and all other appurtenances shall be sterilized with water containing a minimum chlorine concentration of 75 ppm at any point in the system. This solution shall then remain in the distribution systetn for a minimum contact period af eight (8) hours and never more than 24 hours before it is flushed out. All valves in the lines being sterilized shall be opened and closed several times during the contact period. SectionIV.doc Page 73 of 128 4l11/2011 Scction IV — Tcchnical Specifications 41.5.4 RESIDUAL CHLORINE TESTS After the sterilization outlined above has been accamplished, t7ushing shall continue until free residual chlorine tests not less than 0.2 ppm nor more than 3.0 ppm. Residual chlorine test shall be in accordance with standard methods using a standard DPD test set. 41.5.5 BACTERIAL TESTS After the water systern has been sterilized and thoroughly �lushed as specified herein, City of Clearwater Water Division or the Owner's Representative personnel shall take samples of water from remote points of the distribution system in suitable sterilized containers. The City shall forward the samples to a laboratary certi�ed by the Florida State Board of Healt}� tor bacterial examination in accordance with AW WA C651. lf tests of such samples indicate the presence of coliform organisms, the sterilization as outlined above shall be repeated until tests indicate the absence of such pollution. The bacterial tests shall be satisfactorily completed before the system is placed in operation and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to perform the sterilization as outlined above. If inethods of sterilization differ materially from those outlined above, such methods shall be in accordance with directives of the Florida State Board of Health and all methods employed shall have the approval of that agency. Definite instructions as to the collection and shipment of samples shall be secured from the laboratory prior to sterilization and shall be followed in all respects. The City of Clearwater shall secure clearance of the water main from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection before the water distribution system is put into operation. 41.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 41.G.1 GENERAL Bids must include all sections and items as specified herein and as listed on the Bid Form. Payment for the work of constructing the project will be made at the unit price or lump sum payment for the items of work as set forth in the Bid, which payment will constitute full campensatiox� for all labor, equipment, and materials required to complete the work. No separate payment will be made for the fallowing items and the cost of such work shall be included in the applicable pay items of wark: + Clearing and grubbing • Excavation, including necessary pavement removal • Shoring and/or dewatering • Structural fill + Backfill • Grading • Tracer wire � Refill materials • Joints materials • Tests and sterilization • Appurtenant work as required for a complete and aperable system. SectionN.doc Page 74 of ] 2$ an ii2oi r � � ' 1 �I 1 1 ' � � � � � ' �l ' � Section 1V —'fechnical Specifications 41.6.2 FURNISH AND INSTALL WATER MAINS �L1.6.2.1 MEASUREMENT The quantiry for payment shall be the actual number of feet of pipe of each size and type satisfactorily furnished and laid, as measured along the centerline of the completed pipe ]ine, including the length of valves and fittings. PAYMENT Payment af the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, ]abor, materials and equipment, and constructing the water mains complete and ready for operation. 41.6.3 �URNISH AND INSTALL FITTINGS 41.G.3.1 MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment will be the number of tons, or decimal part thereoF, of ductile iran fittings satisfactorily furnished and installed. Fitting weights shal) be based on weights stamped on the body of the fitting, provided such weights do not exceed the theoretical weights by more than the Colerances pennitted in ANSI/�1WWA C110/A 21.10 82, latest revision, in which case, the weight will be hased upon the theoretical weight plus the maximum tolerance. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, materials, and eyuipment required to furnish and install ductile iron f7ttings. 41.6.4 FURNISH AND INSTALL GATE VALVES COMPLETE WITH BOXES AND COVERS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the number of gate valves of each size satisfactorily furnished and installed. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price for each size shall be full comp�nsation for furnishing all plant, labor, material and eyuiprnent and installing the valve complete with box and cover. C�i��� FURNISH AND INSTALL FIRE HYDRANTS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the number of fire hydrants satisfactorily furnished and installed. The only hydrants allowed to be installed in the City of Clearwater utilities system are listed in Section 41.2.5. No exceptions. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for furnishing all plant, labor, material and equipment and installing the fire hydrant complete including necessary thrust SectionlV.doc Page 75 of 128 4/1]/2011 Section iV —'T'echnical Specifications anchorage, 6-inch pipe between the main and the hydrant and �ate valve and valve box on the hydrant lead. 42 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS This article not applicable. 43 TENNIS COURTS 43.1 PAVED TENNIS COURTS 43.1.1 SOIL TREATMENTS All soil under courts shall be treated with DSMA 1$4 at the rate of 2 pounds active ingredient per 1,000 square foot. Materials siaall be brought to th� job site in tagged containers. Tags shall be retained and turned into the Engineer's Offrce. 43.1.2 BASE COURSE Base Caurse shall be Limerock 6" thick after compaction. Specifications for the base shall be the same as those for Limerock in Section N- Article 22 of the City of Clearwater 1�echnical Specifications. Subgrade stabilizing will not be required_ Surface shall be cut to within 1/2" af true grade in preparation of 1" leveling course. Prior to applying prime coat, surface shall be approved by the Engineer. 43.1.3 PRIME COAT The material used for prime coat shall be cut-back Asphalt Grade RC-70 or RG250 and shall conform to Section 300 of the Florida State Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction". 43.1.4 LEVELING COURSE �1,.LevEling Course shall be a minimum of 1" of Type S-III Aspk�altic Concrete as speci�ed in Section 331 of FDOT's Standard Speci�cation (latest edition). The Leveling Course shall be constructed running East and West. Finish surface of leveling course shall not vary rnore than 1/4" when checked with a 10 foot straight edge. if a def ciency of more than '/a" exists, the Engineer will deCermine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial work shall be without compensation. 43.1.5 SURFACE COURSE Surface course sha11 be a minimurn of 1" of Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as speci�ed in Section 331 of FDOT's Standard Specification (latest edition). The Surface Course shall be constructed running North and South. Finish surfaces shall not vary more than 1/4" in 10 �eet. Prior ta application of color coat, surface shall be checked for low areas by flooding the surface with water. Low areas shall be patched as approved by the Engineer prior to application of the color coat. No areas which retain water wil] SectionlV.doc Page 76 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical 5pecificatinns be approved. If a deficiency of more than '/4" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or remaved and replaced. Such remedia] work shall be without compensation. 43.1.6 COLOR COAT MATERIALS Materials used in the patching and color coating of Tennis Courts shall be manufactured specifically for Tennis Court Application. All materials must be approved by the Engineer prior to the start of construction. Request for approval of coating materials may be submitted prior to the opening of bids. In requests for approval, the Contractor shall present manufacturer's literature along with the name, address, and date of three previous Tennis Court applications of the proposed material. C�NSTRIlCTION SURFACE PREPARATION The surface to be coated must be sound, smooth, and free from loose dirt or oily materials. Prior to the application af surfacing materials, the entire surface shauld be checked for minor depressions or irregularities. If it is determined that minor correctians are necessary, the Contractor shall make repairs using approved tack coat and/or patching mix in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for use. After patching the surface shall not vary more than 1/8" in ten feet in any direction. IF a � deficiency of more than 1/S" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial work shall be without compensation. � In order to provide a smooth, dense underlayment of the finish course, one or mare applications of resurfacer or patch mix shall be applied to the underlaying surface as deemed necessary by th� Engineer. Asphaltic concrete Surface Course with a smoath tight mix and no ponding, will not � require the resurfacing or patching mix. Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course which is course and rough or is ponding water will require the use of the resurfacer or patch mix. � r � � � r No applications shall be covered by a succeeding application until thoroughly cured. FINISH COLOR COURSE The finish course shall be applied ta a clean, dry surface in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. A minimum oFtwo applications af color coat will be required. Texture af cured color coat is to be regulated in accardance with manufacturer's recommendatians to provide a medium speed surface for tennis play. The color of application shall be dark green for the regulation double's playing area and red for all other others. The finished surface shall have a uniform appearance and be free from ridges and tool marks. PLAYING LINES Forty-eight (48) hours minimum after completion of the resurfacing, 2 inch wide playing lines shall be accurately located, marked and painted with approved marking paint. SectionIV.doc Page 77 of 128 4/11/2011 Section iV — 7'echnical Specifications WEATHER LIMITATIONS No parts of the construction involving Tennis Court surfacing or patching products shall be conducted during rainfall, or when rainfall is imrninent or unless the air temperature is at least 50 Degree's F and rising. NOTE: The Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum or 24 hours in advance of all base and asphalt re]ated work. 43.2 CLAY TENNIS COURTS 43.2.1 GENERAL 43.2.1.'I SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the installatiott af clay tennis court(s) as set forth in Chese specifications and /or the construction drawings. The scope of work is indicated on drawings and specified herein. Basis of design for clay courts with sub-surface irrigation system is Hydrogrid Tennis, I.nc. or prior approved equal. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS The Owner may make such investigation as he deems necessary to deCerTnine the ability of the Bidder to perform the work and the Bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves thE right to reject any Sid if the evidence submitted by, or investigations of such Bidders fail to satisfy the owner that such Bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated herein within the time lirnit agreed upon. Factors to be considered in awarding the Bid shall include the successful completion of similar sub-surface irrigation clay tennis court installations of like value, scape, size and quality as this project, with in the last �ive (5) years. The Owner desires to award this contract to firms that have been in bustness for a minimum of five (5) years. The qualifications and experience of the persannel assigned to the praject will be a determining factar in the award of the Bid. STANDARDS The Contractor shal] perform all work in a thorough, workmanlike manner and conform to stattdards for tennis court construction as prescribed or approved by the United States (Lawn) Tennis Association and the United States Tennis Court and Tract Builders Association. The Contractor shall construct the tennis courts with laser guided equipment. BUILDING PERMITS AND TAXES The Contractor shall secure all construction permits required by law, the City of Clearwater will waive all pernait fees. COURT LAYDUT The Owner shall establish two horizontal control points and a construction bench mark. The Contractor shall locate the four corners of each battery and shall layout the courts in conformance with the speci�cations and drawings. SectionIV.doc Page 78 of 128 4/11/2011 1 � Sectiun 1V — Technical Specifications � BUILDING REQUIREMENTS � The Owner shall provide and maintain reasonable access to the construction site, as well as an area adjacent to the site for storage and preparation of materials. Adequate water outlets within Ffty (50) feet ofthe site shall be provided. � � � SCHEDULE The Uwner desires to award the contract to firms who will complete this project in a reasonable time schedule. Consideratian in awarding this bid will be given to firms who may commence and complete the project within a reasonable period of time after award of the bid. The Owner, in its sole discretion, will determine the reasonable schedule standard as it relates to the "Notice to Proceed." 43.2.2 SITE PREPARATION � SUITABILITY The Contractor shall examine the site to determine its suitability for installation of�the courts. � DEMOLITION � �� � � � � � � 1 � r The contractor shall demo the existing tennis courts, remove the existing ten (10) foot high fence surrounding the tennis courts and all underground utilities within the limits of the construction area. Utilities extending outside the construction limits shall be capped and Cerminated. Thc existing tennis courts shall be ground into millings suitable to be mixed into the sub-grade at the proposed lacation of the new clay tennis courts. Any sub-grade material ben�ath the existing tennis courts nat suitable for planting beds shall be removed and also utilized as sub-grade material beneath the new courts. All demolition materials not utilized in construction of the new courts shall be removed and disposed from the project site. The Contractor shall provide documentation of any recycled materials. 5UB-GRADE The sub-grade shall be graded to a tolerance of plus ar minus one (1) inch of the fnal sub-grade elevation. The sub-grade shall be graded level. A compaction to a density not less than 95% of the maximum standard density as determined by AASHTU T-180 is required. The Contractor shall provide documentation of testing to the Owner. 43.2.2.a FINAL GRADE The tinal grades outside the tennis court areas and within the construction limits shall be graded to a tolerance of plus or minus one (1) inch of the final grade elevations with positive drainage away from tennis courts and towards drainage swales or outfall structures. A compaction to a density not less than 95% of the maximum standard den5ity as determined by AAS�-ITO T-180 is required. The contractor shall provide documentatian of testing to the Owner. 43.2.3 SLOPE SL.OPE REQUIREMENTS Rate and direction of slope of the finished surfaces shall be one (] ) inch in farty (40) feet, all in one plane, as indicated on the drawings. SeciionlV.dce Page 79 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Technical Specifications 43.2.4 BASE CONSTRUCTION LINER Two layers of 6 mil construction plastic shall be installed over thc sub-grade surFace with a minimum overlap of five (5) feet where pieces are joined. Use only materials that are resistant to deterioration when tested in accordance with ASTM E 154, as follows: a. Polyethylene sheet, Construction Grade. BASE COURSE The base course shall consisC of six (6) inches of porous base material as supplied by Quality Aggregate of Sarasota Florida. The surface of the base course shall be smooth and even, and it shall be within one-quarter (1/4) inch ofthe established grade. IRRIGATION SYSTEM Per.forated pipe shall be installed in trenches in the base course. These trenches shall be in on four (4) foot centers and shall be run perpendicular to the slape of the court. The pipe shall be two and one-quarter (2-1/4) inch diameter with a nylon needle punched sock surroundin� the pipe. Six (6) water control canisters shall be installed per court with each canister controlling tive (5) grid pipe trenches. Provide all required controls systems time clocks; f7oat switches, control wiring and solenoids, ete. for a complete sub-surface irrigation system. 43.2.5 PERIMETER CURBING CURB Brick curb shall be installed around the entire perimeter of the court area with an elevation of one-quarter (1/4) to one-half (1/2) inch above the finished screening course elevation. 43.2.6 SURFACE COURSE COURT SURFACE A surface course of ISP Type II Aquablend or Lee Hyroblend Cennis court material shall be installed over the screening course to a compacted depth of one (1) inch. The Aqua/Hydroblend material shall be watered to its full depth immediately after leveling and then campacted by rolling with a tandem roller weighing 600 to 1000 pounds. The finished surface shall not vary from speci%ted grade by more than one-eighth (1/8) inch. 43.2.7 ROOT BARRIER Root barrier (geo-tech fabric) eighteen (18) inches height shall be placed in a trench on the outside edge of the perimeter curbing eighteen (18) inchES in depth with herbicide coating buttons to prevent plant root systems in entering the sub-sur�ace base course of the clay tennis courts. SectionIV.doc Page 80 of 128 4/] 1/2011 1 � ' 43.2.$ FENCING DESIGN Section IV —Technical Specifications The contractor shall provide a total calor coated fencing system as indicated on drawings and described herein. All components: frames, fabric and fittings shall be black. Basis of Design � Aar�eristar �-�T-25 or prior approved equal subject to strict compliance with Arneristar published specification. � � � � � � Cl �� r � POSTS All posis shall be a minimum 2-1/2" Ameristar HT25 pipe; top rails 1-5/8" �lmeristar HT25 pipe with manufacturers standard "Permacoat" color system. FENCE FABRIC Fence Fabric shall be 1-3/4" #6 gauge mesh throughout, manufactures standard galvanized wire with 1'VC coating. A11 fabric to be knuckled on both selvages. GATES Pravide gates at locations indicated. At service gates, provide a keeper that automatically engages gate life and holds it in the apen position until manually released. .Provide gate stops for double gates consisting of a mushroom-type flush plate with anchors, set in cancrete, and designed to enga�e a center drop rod or plunger-bar_ Include a locking device and padlock eyes as an integral part of the latch, permitting both gate leaves to be locked with a single padlock. Provide latch, fork type or plunger-bar type to permit operation iram either side of gate, with padlock eye as an integral part of the latch. Gate Hinges — Size and material to suit gate size, non-lift-offtype, and offset to permit 180-degree gate opening. Provide one and one-half (1-l./2) pair of hinges for each leaf over six (6) foat nominal height. 43.2.9 WINDSCREENS The contractor shall provide nine (9) faot high windscreens at all ten (10) foot high fencing. Basis of design is Durashade plus by Ball Products, Inc. or equal by Putterman. Black high- density polyethylene, eight (8) oz. per square yard edges hemmed with grommets at twelve (12) inch on center. Attach ta chain link fencing at the tap and bottom with 50 LBS plastic ties. 43.2.10 COURT EQUIPMENT POST FOUNDATIONS Post foundations shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches in length, eighteen (18) inches in � width and thirty (30) inches in depth. Foundations shall be placed to provide an exact distance between posts of forty-two (42) feet on a doubles court and thirty-three (33) feet on a singles court. � NET POSTS R SL.EEVES Net posts shall be galvanized steel having an outside diameter of not less than two and seven- 1 eighths (2 7/$) inches with electrostatically applied enarnel finish and shall be equipped with a reel type net tightening device. Post sleeves and posts shall be set plumb and true so as to support rSectionlV.doc Page 81 of 128 4/11/2011 � Section iV —Technical Specitications the net a height of forty-two (42) inches abave the court surface at the posts. Post sleeves shall be Schedule 40 PVC to be set in concrete per net post manufactures recommendation. CENTER STRAP ANCHOR A center strap anchor shall be tirmly set in accordance with the rules of the USTA. 43.2.1 Q.4 N ET A tennis net conforming to the USTA regulations shall be installed on each court. The net shall have black synthetic netting, a headband of white synthetic material in double thickn�ss with the exterior treated for resistartce to mildew and sunlight, and bottom and end tapes of back synthetic material treated to prevent deterioration from the sunlight. A vinyl coated, impregnated steel cable, having a diameter of one quarter (1/4) inch and a length �ve (5) feet greater than length between the net past shall hold the net in suspension. '1'he net shall have tie strings of a synthetic raaterial at each corner. Lasis of Design — Duranet DTS by 13a11 Products, Inc. CENTER STRAP Provide a center strap of white heavy duty polyester webbing with black oxide coated brass slide buckles and nickel plated double end snap. Center stxap shall be placed on the net and attached to the center strap anchor. LINE TAPES Line tapes sha11 be l00% nylon and shall be two (2) inches in width. The tapes shall be firmly secured by aluminum nails with aluminum length of two and one-half (2 — 1/2) inches. Positioning shall be in accordance with regulations ofthc USTA. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Deliver the follow,ing equipment to the owner: 1. Ride-on Tandem Roller - Srutus AR-I Roller, automatic forward-neutral-reverse transmission; 24 inch wide drum; 3-horse power Briggs and Stratton en�ine. 2. Hand drag brooms (4 each) - 7' wide aluminum frame with 4-1/2" synthetic bristles; Proline. 3. Tow drag brooms (1 each) - 7' wide aluminum frame 4-1 /2" synthetic bristles; Proline. 4. Deluxe Proline Line Sweeper (4 each) - friction-driven rubber sleeves; synthetic bristle brush; with fence hook cast aluminum. 5. Scarifier/Lutes (2 each) - 30" wide all aluminum; Froline. 6. Tennis Shoe Cleanecs (2 each) - steel framE construction "Scrusher" exact installation location by Owner. 7. Tennis Two Step (2 each) - polyethylene construcCion with two rubber panels. 8. Court Rake (1 each) — si�-%at length aluminum. s��c�oprv.ao� Page 82 of 128 aiilizoii ' �� � VI Section IV —'1'echnical Specifications 43.2.11 SHADE STRUCTURE � I'rovide shade structures as indicted on drawings. Basis of design: Suntrends, Inc. "Cabana Bench 8" — 8'long x 6' wide gable design with standard canvas canopy, direct burial installation. Provide concrete footing, size and reinforcement as required by shade structure manufacture. I43.2.12 WATER SOURCE (Potable) T`he awner shall supply water line to within fifty (50) feet of the courts with 50 pounds per �square inch running pressure at its terminus. This line shall have the capacity to supply 30 .- gallons ofwater per minute for each court. � , � � � � � � �� � r [� � � 43.2.13 CONCRETE Provide concrete consisting of portland cement per AS"I'M C 150, aggregates per ASTM C 33, and potable water. Mix materials to obtain concrete with a minimum 2$-day compressive strength of 3,500 psi. Use at least four sacks of cement per cu. yd., 1-inch maximum size aggregate, 3-inch maximum slump. 43.2.14 EXISTING SPORT TENNIS COURT LIGHTING SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall provide signed and sealed electrical shop drawings by a professional electrical engineer for approval of the relocation and re-aiming of the existing tennis court sport lighting fixtures and electrical service to water coolers. The shop drawings shall include all necessary information according to local electrical codes in providing a compleCe operating system from the existin� electrical panel. The shop drawings shall provide data showing the maximum foot candles the existing fixtures will provide at its new locations for tournament play. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department for approval. RE-LAMP The Contractor shall re-lamp and clean lens of all existing lighting fixtures after relocating the light pole and fixtures to its new location. The City will provide the new lamps. ELECTRICAL PERMIT The Contractor shall submit electrical drawings to City of Clearwater Planning and Dev�lopment Services to obtain permits for installation of the electrical works. 43.2.14.�L POLES 8� FIXTURES The Contractor shall install three (3) new sixty foot (60') poles and fourteen (l4) new fixtures. The City will purchase and provide the new poles and fixtures for the Contractor to install, any other miscellaneous items required to provide a complete operable system shall be provided by the Contractor. Attached with this specification are the photometric lumination charts for the eight-(8) tennis courts. This information is provided by Musco Sport Lighting, 1838 East Chester Drive, Suite #104, High Point, NC 27265, phone (336) $87-0770 fax (336) 887-0771. Contact Douglas A. Stewart_ Contractor shall install the poles and fixtures based on the following information: SeaionIV.doc Page 83 of 128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — Tccha�ical Specilications Pole T1 existing S fixture pole, remove one fixture and place on pole TS Pole T2 existing l2 fixture pole, remove six fixCures and place on pole TS Pole T3 existing 5 fixture pale, remove one fixture and place on pole T5 Pole T4 new pole with new seven fixtures and two circuics Pole TS new pole w/existing sixteen fixtures (8 on one side and 8 on the other) and 2 circuits Pole T6 new pole with new seven fixtures and two circuits Pale T7 existing 5 fixture pole, remove two fixtures and place an pole TS Pole T$ existin� 12 fiixture pole, remove four fixtures and place on pole TS Pole T9 existing 5 fixture po1e, retnove two fixtures and place on pole TS Light levels ended up at 58+ faotcandles. Existing poles have concrete footing approximately one foat wide an all sides Contractor shall plan relocation light poles accordingly. ELECTRICAL CONDUITS Existing electrical conduits are installed individually to thc existing light pole, it is suggested the Contractor place electrical junction box�s at existin� pole locations and utilize existing conduits. New conduits will be required For the three (3) rtew light poles and the Contractor shall include the cost for these electrical conduits in the relocating of the new light poles. 43.2.15 WATER COOLER SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for the installaCion of water cooler in the cabana area of the tennis courts, electrical, water and drainage submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department for approval. WATER FOUNTAIN Basis for design: Halsey Taylor HOF Series — water cooler with sealed back panels, or equal. 43.2.16 DEMONSTRATION Instruct the Owner's personnel on proper operation and rnaintenance of court and equipment. 43.2.17 WARRANTY EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall supply warranty cards and operation and maintenance manuals for all equipment to the Qwner upon completion of construction of the project. WARRANTY The Contractor shall warranty the courts, fencing, sidewalks and court accessories against defective materials and /or workmanship for a period o# one (1) year from the date of completion. SectionlV.doc Page 84 of 128 4/11/2011 r � � � � � �� � � Section 1V --I�echnical 5pccilications 43.2,17.3 WARRANTY SUB-SURFACE IRRIGATION SYSTEM The Contractor shall warranty the sub-surface irrigation of the clay tennis courts for a period of two years from the day of completion. 44 44.1 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTR�L The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, operate, maintain and remove all work zone tra�c control associated with the Project, including detours, advance warnings, channelization, hazard warnings and any other necessary features, both at the immediate work site and as rnay be necessary at outlying paints. 44.2 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTR�L PLAN "I'he Contractor shall prepare a detailed traffic control plan designed to accomplish th� level af performance outlined in the Scope of the Work and/or as may be required by constructian permits issucd by Pinellas County and/or the Florida Uepartment of Transportation for the Project, incorporating the methods and criteria contained in Part V I, Standards and Guides for Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility and lncident Management Operations in the Manual on Uniforrrt Traf�ic Control Devices published by the U.S. Department of Transportation and adopted as amended by ihe Florida Department of Transportation, or most recent addition. 44.2.1 WORK ZONE SAFETY ' The general objectives af a program of work zone safety is to protect workers, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists during constructian and maintenance operations. This general objective may be achieved by meeting the follow�ng specifc objectives: ll r � � � � • Provide adeyuate advance warning and information regarding upcoming work zones. • Provide the driver clear directions to understanding the situation he will be facing as he praceeds through or araund the work zone. • Reduce the consequences of an aut of contral vehicle. • Provide safe access and storage for equipment and material. • Pramote speedy completion of projects (including thorou�h cleanup of the site). • Promote use of the appropriate traf�c control and protection devices. • Provide safe passageways for pedestrians through, in, and/or around construction or maintenance work zones. The 2004 Design Standards (DS), Index bOQ "When an existing pedestrian way or bicycle way is located within a traffic control work zone, accommodation must be maintained and provision for the disabled must be provided. Only approved temporary traffic control devices may be used to delineate a temporary traffic control zone pedestrian walkway_ Advanced notification of sidewalk closures and detours marked shall be provided by appropriate signs". 2004 Standard Specifcations for Road and Bridge Construction � SectionlV.doc � Page 85 of 128 4/Il/2011 Scction TV — Technical Specifications 102-5 Traffic Control: 102-5.1 Standards: FDOT Design Standards (DS) arc the minimum standards for the use in the development of all trai�ic control plans 44.3 ROADWAY CLOSURE GUIDELINES Roadway types: Major ArCerials, Minor Arterials, Local Collectors, and Local Following are typical requirements to be accomplished prior to closure. The number of requirements increase with trafi�c volume and the importance of access. Road closures affecting business or sole access routes will increase in process requirements as appropriate. Far all but local streets, no road or lane closures are allowed during the Christmas holiday season and the designated "Spring Break" season with prior approval by the City Engineer. 44.3.1 ALL ROADWAYS Obtain permits for Pinellas County and Florida Department of Transportation roadways. Traf�ic control devises conform to national and state standards. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Standard property owner notitication prior to start of construction for properties directly affected by the construction process. 44.3.2 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS, LOCAL COLLECTORS Consult with City Traffic stafi�'for preliminary traffic control options. Develop Formal Trat�ic Control �'latt for Permit Submittal to Regulatory Agency as necessary. PUBLIC NOTI�'ICATION Message Board Display, Minimum of 7-day notice period prior to road closure and maybe longer for larger highway. The message board is to be provided by the Contractor. 44.3.3 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS � PUBLIC NOTIFICATION C-View Release 44.3.4 MAJOR ARTERIALS PUBLIC NOTIFICATION News Release The Message Board may need to be displayed for a period longer than 7 days. 44.4 APPROVAL OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The Contractor is invited and encouraged to confer in advance of bidding, and is required, as a specification of the work, to confer in advance of beginning any work on the Project, with the Traf�ic Operations Division, Municipal Services Building, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, telephone 562-�1750, for the purpose of approval of the Cantractor's proposed detailed traffic control plan. SectionlV.doc Page 86 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical 5pecitications All maintenance of traf�ic (M07') plans shall be signed and sealed by a Professional En�ineer or an individual who is certified in the preparation of MOT plans in the State of I=lorida. 44.5 INSPECTI�N OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATION Th� Traffic Operations Division may inspect and monitor thE traffic control plan and traf�ic control devices of the Contractor. The City's Construction Inspector assigned to the project, may make known requirements for any alterations or adjustments to the traftic control devices. The Contractar shall take direction from the Project Engineer or Project lnspector. 44.6 PAYMENT FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Payment for work zone traf�ic control is a nan-specific pay item to be included in the construction costs assaciated with other specific pay items unless speci�cally stated otherwise in the Scope of Work in these Technical Specifications and a bid item(s) is included for Work Zone Traffic Contral in the proposal form. 44.7 CERTIFICATI4N OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR The City may require that the Supervisor or Foreman controlling the work for the Contractor on the Project have a current International Municipal Signal Association, Work Zone Traffic Control Safety Certification or Worksite Tra�c Supervisor Certification from the American Traffic Safety Association with additional current Certification from the Florida Department of Transportation. This requirement for Certification will be noted in the Scope of VVork and/or sections of these Technical Specifications. When the certified supervisor is required for the Project, the supervisor will be on the Project site at all times while work is being conducted. The Worksite Trafi�ic Supervisor shall be available on a 24-hour per day basis and shall review the project on a day-to-day basis as well as being involved in all changes to traffic control. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall have access to all equipment and materials needed to maintain traffrc control and handle traffic related situations. The Worksite Trafi�c Supervisar shall ensure that routine deficiencies are corrected within a 24-hour period. The Worksite Tra�c Supervisor shall be available on the site within �5 minutes after notification of an emergency situation, prepared to positively respond to repair the work zane traf�ic control ar to provide alternate traffic arrangements. Failure of the Worksite Traffic Supervisor to comply with the provisions of this Subarticle may be grounds for decertification or removal from the project or both. Failure to maintain a designated Worksite Traffrc Supervisor or failure to comply with these provisions wi11 result in temporary suspension of all activities except traffic and erosion control and such other activities deemed to be necessary for project maintenance and safety. 45 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING 45.'I INTENT lt is the intention of this speci�cation to provide far the trenchless restoration of sanitary sewer � and storm pipes by the installation if a cured in place jointless, cantinuous, thermosetting resin impregnated polyester flexible felt liner which is watertight and chemically resistant to withstand � SectioniV.doc Page 87 of 128 4/11/2011 � Section 1V — Technical Spccifications exposure to domestic sewage including all labor, materials and equipment to provide far a complete, fully restored and functioning installation. 45.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City requires that all contractors be prequalified. See General Conditions regarding contractor prequalifcation, ln addition, the City requires a proven extensive tract record for the liner system to be used in this project. All coratractors submitting for prequalification approval for this project must exhibit extensive satisfactory experience in the installatian of the proposed liner system(s) and satis�actory evidence that the proposed liner system has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites Stat�s attd the State of Florida. The installer must be certified by the liner system manufacturer for installation of the liner system. The City reserves full and complete authority to approve the satisfactory nature of the both the liner sysCem and the installer. 45.3 MATERIALS The liner shall be polyester fiber felt tubing saturated with a resin prior to insertion. Resin type and qualities shall be as speci..fied by the manufacturer to obtain a cured liner with the following properties: Tensile Stren�th 11STM D638 Flexural Strength ASTIVI D790 Flexural Modulus of Elasticity AS"1'M D790 Long Term Modulus of Elasticity (50 Years) ASTM D2290 3,000 psi 4,500 psi 300,000 psi I 50,000 psi Liner shall meet strengths as shown in ASTM F1216 unless otherwise submitted and approved by the Engineer. Lining manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer for approval as requested, complete design calculations for the liner thickness. The criteria for liner design shall be HS-20 traffic loading, water table ta the ground surface, minimum expected lifetime af 50 years, and no structural strength retained from the existing pipe. Liner materials shall meet manufactures specifications of Insituform of North America, lnc., 3315 Democrat Road, Post Offce Box 181071, Memphis, Tennessee 38118; or InLiner USA 1900 N.W. 44th St., Pompano Beach Florida 33064, 305-979-0802, or an approved equal. Any approved equal liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal system prior to r�ceiving bids. Request for contractor prequalification and/or equal (iner system approval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days prior to the date for receiving bids. 45.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clean and prepare the existing pipes for rehabilitation. The Contractar will thoroughly clean the interior of the sewers to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rack, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to liner insertion. Bypass pumping will be provided by the Contractor as part of the unit cost of restoration. Bypass operations are to be so arranged as to cause minimum disruptians to local traffic, residents and particularly to commercial facilities. During the cleaning and preparation operations all necessary precautions shall be taken to protect the public, all property and the sewer from damage. All material rernoved from the sewers shall be the Cantractor's responsibility for prompt disposal in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements. The Contractor may be required to control the rate of sewer cleaning in the sanitary system to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatment plants. SectioniV.doc Page 88 of 128 4/11/2011 , r ' � u r � � � Section IV — Technical Specificatinns 45.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work on each section of the project is completed, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by means of closed-circuit colar television, and recorded on DVD, CD VHS format tapes provided to the project engineer. The television system used shall be designed for the purpose and suitably lighted to provide a clear picture of the entire periphery af the pip�. 45.fi LINER INSTALLATION Liner shall be sized to field measurements obtained by the Contractar to provide for a tight fit on the interior ofthe existing pipe to be lined. Contractor shall use installation methods appraved by the liner manufacturer including operations for inversion, heat curing and reconnection of laterals. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any construction delays taking place during the insertion operation. Contractor shall maintain a reasonablc backup system for bypass pumping should delays or problems with pumping systems develop. Liner entries at manholes shall be smooth, free of irregularities, and watertight. No pinhales, tears, cracks, thin spots, excessive wrinkling or other defects in the liner shall be pertnitted. Such defects shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at his expense. 45.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION Sanitary laterals shall be reconnected as soon as possible to renew service. Laterals are to be � reconnected by means of robotics, by internally cutting out the liner to 95% of the area of the original opening. All lateral reconnections are to be grouted to prevent leakage. Grouting method and material is to be approved by the Engineer. Any reconnections to laterals and connections to � manholes which are observed to leak shall be resealed by the Contractor. All laterals discovered during the lining process are to be reconnected unless specif7cally directed otherwise by the City. The Contractor w�ll be requested to reconnect any laterals discovered to not be reconnected at a later date. Contractor shall notify all local system users when the sanitary system will not be / available for normal usage by the delivery of door hangers with appropriate information regarding the construction project. L�J � � , � 45.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contractor and appraved by the Engineer. At no time will any sanitary sewer service connection remain inoperative for more than an eight-hour period without a service bypass being operated by the Contractor. In the event that sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup, repair and property damage costs and claims. 45.9 PAYMENT Payment for sanitary sewer restoration shall be made per lineal faot including all preparation, bypass pumping, equipment, labor, materia�s, operations, restoration, lateral reconnection, etc, to provide a fully completed and operational sewer. Payment shall be measured from center of manhole to center of manhole for the sanitary systems and from end of pipe to end of pipe for storm systems. � SectionIV.doc � Page 89 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications 46 SPECIFICATIONS FOR P�LYETHYLENE SLIPLINING 46.1 MATERIALS 46.1.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS The pipe supplied under this specification shall be high performance, high molecular weight, high density polyethylene pipe (Driscopipe 1000) as manufactured by Phillips Driscopipe, Inc., Dallas, T�xas and shall conform to ASTM D 124$ (Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34) or approved equal. Minimum cell classification values shall be 345434C as referenced it� ASTM D 3350 latest edition. lf .fittings are required, they will be supplied under this specification and shall be molded or manufactured frorn a polyethylene compound having a cell classification equal to or exceeding the compound used an the pipe. To insure compatibility of polyethylene resins, all fittings supplied under this specification shall be of the same manufacture as the pipe being supplied. 46.1.2 QUALITY CONTROL The resin used for manufacturer of the pipe shall be manufactured by the pipe manufacturer, thus maintaining complete control of the pipe quality. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that �enerated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specification from the same raw material. The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defecCs, and shall be identical in color, density, melt index, and ot.her physical properties. The polyethylene resin used shall have all ingredients pre compound prior to extrusion of pipe, in plant blending is not acceptable. The .Engineer may request, as part of the quality control records submittal, certification that the pipe produced is represented by the quality assurance testing. Additionally, test results from manufacturer's testing or random sampling by the Engineer that do not meet appropriate ASTM standards or manu:facturer's repres�ntation, may be cause for rejection of pipe represented by the testing. These tests may include density and flow rate measurernents from sarraples taken at selected locations within the pipe wall and thermal stability determinations accarding to ASTM D 3350, ] 0.1.9. 46.1.3 SAMPLES The awner or the specifying engineer may request certified lab data to veri�Fy the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification or may take random samples and hav� thern tested by an independent laboratory. 46.1.4 REJECTION Polyethylene pipe and fittings may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements af this specifcation. 4fi.2 PIPE DIMENSIONS Pipe supplied under this specification shall have a nomina1 IPS (Iron Pipe Size) O.D. unless otherwise specified. The SDR (Standard Dimension Ratio) of the pipe supplied shall be as specified by the Engineer, on the construction plans and/or the scope of work. SectionlV.doc Page 90 of 128 4/11/2011 � � � , �� Section 1V — Technical Specifications 46.3 CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES 46.3.1 HANDLING OF PIPE Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe. If � the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking should be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The handling of the pipe should be done in such a manner that it is not damaged by dragging over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment. � 46.3.2 REPAIR OF DAMAGED SECTIONS Segments of pipe having cuts or gouges in excess of 10% of the wall thickness of the pipe should � be cut out and removed. The undamaged portions of the pipe shall be rejoined using the bult fusion joining method. � � � r � 46.3.3 PIPE JOINING Sections of polyethylene pipe should be joined into continuous lengths on the job site above ground. The joining method shall be the butt fusion method and shall be performed by the manufacturer's representative and in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The butt fusion equipment used in the joining procedures should be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, including, but not limited to, temperature requirements, alignment, and fusion pressures. 46.3.4 HANDLING OF FUSED PIPE Fused segments of pipe shall be handled so to avoid damage to the pipe. When lif�ing fused sections of pipe, chains or cable type chokers should be avoided. Nylon slings are preferred. Spreader bars should be used when lifting long fused sections. Care should be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. 46.4 SLIPLINING PROCEDURE � 46.4.1 PIPE REQUIREMENTS AND DIMENSIONS � � ' �� � � r The liner(s) to be slip lined into the existing storm sewer shall have the following sizes: 12-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 15-inch existing sewer. 16-inch diamet�r liner (SDR 26) into 18-inch existing sewer. 18-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 2l-inch existing sewer. 21'/z-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 24-inch existing sewer. 28-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 30-inch existing sewer. 34-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 36-inch existing sewer. 42-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 48-inch existing sewer. 46.4.2 CLEANING AND INSPECTION The existing line shall be cleaned of debris and other obstructions prior to TV inspections or insertion of the polyethylene liner. Cleaning can be accamplished with a high velocity cleaner, a bucket and scrapper, root saws, carkscrews, and rodding or ball�ng units. The method used will be determined by the condition of the existing line. Final cleaning may be required prior to inserting the liner. SectionlV.doc Page 91 uF128 4/11/2011 Section 1V — 7 echnical Specitications 46.4.3 INSERTION SHAFT AND EXCAVATIONS AlJ excavations shall conform to OSHA requirerraenis and any additional requirements as set by the specifying engineer or his representative. Insertion shaft excavations shall coincide with points rec�uiring removal of obstructians or shall be determined by the engineer. An entry slope grade of 2 1/2:l maximum shall be used to provide a safe bending radius for the polyethylene. The bottom o:f the entry pit should provide a straighl sectian for ease of entry of the liner into the existing pipe. The length of the level excavation should be at least twelve times the diameter of the liner being inserted. The width of the shaft should be as narrow as possible. The required width will depend an the location, type of soil, depth of the existing sewer line and the water table. 46.4.4 INSERTION OF THE LINER After completion of the access shaft, the top half of the existing sewer shall be broken or cut and removed for the full length of the access shaft. A fabricated pulling head shall be connect�d to the leading end of the liner pipe. A cable shall be connected to the pulling head so that the liner pipe can be pulled into the existing sewer. Power winches used for pulling in long lengths of polyethylene liner pipe shall be rated equal to the project requirements. Once started, the pulling operation should continue to completian. Insertion is normally done at abouC a slow walking speed. After insertion, a minimurra of ] 2 hours shall be allowed for the liner pipe to reach equilibrium with the sewer temperature and to allow the liner pipe to stress relieve itself. The polyethylene liner pipe should pratrude at least 6 inches into the manhale where it terminates. After the 12-hour equilibrium period, the annular space between the original pipe and the liner shall be pressure grouted. Said �routing must be from the bottorn up to prevent air pockets from forming. Also the grout must be recommended for underwater application and have elastomeric properties. Praducts used shall be approved by the engineer. "I�he liner shall not be displaced when the annular space is being filled. Spacers, inflatable plugs ar ather methods approved by the Engineer must be used to prevent displacement. The length af fused pipe that can be pulled will vary depending on field conditians, the ease of access to the area, and the working space available. 46.4.5 CONFIRMATION OF PIPE SIZES The Contractor shall be solely responsible to confrm all pipe sizes prior to ordering, fusing and installation of the liner. 46.4.6 UNDERDRAIN CONNECTIONS IF REQUIRED After the liner has been pulled into place, allowed to recover and sealed at the manholes, pipe connections okayed by the engineer shall be reconnected to the liner pipe. SectioniV.doc Page 92 of 128 4/1 I/2011 � , � � Sec�ion IV—Technical Specifications Pipe connections shall be connected by the use of a pre-fabricated polyethylene saddle. A ne�prene gasket shall be installed between the saddle and the liner pipe sa that a complete water seal is accomplished when the saddle is placed on the liner pipe and secured with stainless steel bands. 46.4.7 BACKFILLING All excavations shall be backfilled using on site materials or as specif.red by the en�ineer. Cost � for backfilling ofaccess shafts and underdrain connections shall be including in the unit price bid for sliplining and reconnection ofservice laterals. Before any excavation is done for any purpose, it wi11 be the responsibility of the contractor to contact the various utility companies and to , determine the locations of their facilities. It will be the respansibility of the contractor to provide adequate protection for utility facilities. Any temporary construction right of way and/or storage areas will be arranged for by the contractor. � �, 46.4.8 POINT REPAIR "l�he engineer or his representative will determine if a point repair is necessary only after it has been demonstrated that a liner pipe cannat be pulled thraugh the existing pipe. Payment will be made for each repair. The contractar will be expected to remove the obstruction and clear the pipe. if removing the top ' of the existing pip� will accomplish the removal of the obstruction, the bottom of the existing pipe should remain in place to form a cradle for the liner. � � 4G.4.9 CLEAN UP OPERATIONS All materials not used in the backfilling operation shall be disposed of off site by the cantractor. Finish grading shall be required. In locations other than street right-of.-ways, the surface shall be graded smooth and sodded with the same kind of grass as the existing lawn. Excavation points in street right-of-ways shall be repaired as specified by the engineer. � 47 SPECIFICATIONS FOR P�LYVINYL CHLORIDE RIBBED PIPE �1 �J ' l� 1 ' � 47.1 SCOPE This specification designates general requirements for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic (spiral wound) pipe with integral wall bell and spigat joints for the conveyance of storm water. 47.2 MATERIALS All pipe and fittings shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with specification for "Paly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large Diameter Ribbed Gravity Storm Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter". "I'he pipe and tittings shall be made of PVC plastic. 47.3 PIPE The bell shall consist of an integral wall section. The solid cross section fiber ring shall be factory assembled on the spigot. Sizes and dimensions shall be as shown in this specification. SectionIV.doc Page 93 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV —Tcchnical Specitications Standard laying lengths shall be 13 ft. +] inch. At manufacturer's option, randorn lengths of not more than I 5% of total footage may be shipped in lieu of standard lengths. 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM Joints shall be eiCher an integral bell gasketed joint. When the joint is assembled according to manufactures recommendation it will prevent misalignment of adjacent pipes and form a silt tight joinC. 47.5 FITTINGS All frttings and accessories shall be as manufactured and furnished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. 48 GUNITE SPECIFICATIONS 48.1 PRESSURE INJECTED GROUT Pressure injected grout shall be of cement and water and shall be proportioned generally in the ratio of 1.5 (one and one hal� cubic foot (one and one half bags) of cement to 1(one) cubic foat (7.50 gal.) of water. This mix shall be varied as the grouting proceeds as is necessary to provide penetration in the operator's judgment. Cement shall be Portland Cement conforming to all of thc requirements of the �lmerican Society �or Testing Materials Standard Specifications, latest edition serial designation C150 for Portland Cement, Type I. Portland Cement shall weigh not less than 94 pounds per cubic foot. Water used in the grout shall be f'resh, clean and free �rom injurious amounts of oil, alkali, vegetable, sewage and/or organic matter. Water shall be considered as weighing 8.33 pounds per gallon. Grout pump shall be of the positive displacement type and shall be capable of producing adequate pressure to penetrate the area. All pressure grouting will be at the direction of the Engineer. 48.2 REHABILITATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH GUNITE Gunitin� shall conform to all requirements of "Specifications for Materials, Proportioning, and Application of Shotcrete (ACI 506.2 77)" published by the American Concrete lnstitute, Detroit, Michigan, except as modified by t�aose specifications. Steel reinforcement shall be incorporated in the Gunite as required and shall be furnished, bent, set and placed in accordance with the provisions of these specifications. The purpose of this specification is to obtain a dense and durable concrete having the specified strength. 48.3 COMPOSITION Gunite shall be camposed of Portland Cement, aggregate and water so proportioned as to produce a concrete suitable for pneumatic application. SectionlV.doc Page 94 of ]28 4/11/2011 r � 5cction IV — Technical Specifications 48.4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS � Concrete ingredients shall be selected, proportioned in such a manner as will produce concrete which will be extremely strong, dense and resistant to weathering, and abrasion. Concrete shall have a minimum 2$-day strength of 4,000 psi. �J 1 II r � 48.5 MATERIALS Portland Cement: Cement shall be Aortland cement confiarming to all of the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, Latest Serial Designation C1S0 for Portland Cement, Type .I. A bag of cement shall be deenned to weigh not less than 94 paunds per cubic foot. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall be natural siliceous sand consisting of hard, clean, strong, durable and uncoated particles, conforming ta the requirements of American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, Latest Serial Designation C33 for Concrete Aggregates. Fine aggregate shall not contain less than 3% nor more than 6% of moisture. Fine aggregate shall be evenly graded from fine to coarse and shall be within the following limits: Passing No. 3/8 Sieve ' Passing No. 4 Sieve Passing No. 8 Sieve Passing No. I 6 Sieve � Passing No. 30 Sieve Passing No. 50 Sieve Fassing No. 100 Sieve ' � � � r 48.6 WATER l00% 95% to l 00% 80% to 100% 50% to 85% 25% to 60% � o�io co 3o�ro 2% to 10% Water used in mixing, at the nozzle shall be fresh, clean, and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, vegetable, sewage, and/or organic matter. Water shall be considered as weighing $.33 paunds per gallon. 48.7 REINFORCEMENT Steel mesh reinforcement shall be electrically welded, cold drawn, mild steel fabric conforming to the latest requirements of ASTM Standard Specifications, Serial Designatian A 185 for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Canerete Reinfarcement. Mesh can be fabricated from cold drawn steel wire conforming to the requirements of the latest ASTM Standard Specifications, Serial Designation A 82 and sized as shown on Plans Page 7 of 7. 48.8 STORAGE OF MATERIALS Cement shall be stored with adequate provisions for the prevention of absorption of moisture. �t � shall be stored in a manner that will permit easy access for inspection and identification of each shipment. i ' 1 Aggregate shall be stockpiled at points selected to provide rnaximum drainage and to prevent the inclusian of any Foreign material during rehandling. SectionlV.doc Page 9S of 128 4/1]/201] Section 1V -- Technical Specitications 48.9 SURFACE PREPARATION Unsound materials of construction and all coated, scaly, or unsound conerete in manholes and inlets shall be removed by chipping with pneumatic hammers and chisels to sound surface, all cracks and cavities shall be chipped to such formation thaC iheir sides form approximately a 45 degree angle to the exposed surface for at ]east one (1) inch in depth. All arEas ta receive pneumatic concxete shall be cleaned by flushin� or scouring with water and compressed air jets to assure removal of all loose particles. All areas of existin� surfaces that do not require chippin� shall be given a wet sandblasting with the gunite equipment and the air pressure at the cement gun shall not be less than 50 psi. Surface preparation of existing metal surface of a corrugated pipe shall be lightly sandblasted to remove loose material. All sandblasted areas shall then be cleaned by a air/water blast to r�move all particles from the cleaning operation. To i�tsure perfect bond, the newly sandblasted surface shall be thoroughly moistened wiCh water prior to application of gunite. in no instance shall gunite be applied in an area where free running water exists. 48.10 PR�PORTIONING Priar to start of guniting the Contractor shall sabmit to the Ow►ter the recommended mix as a ratio of cement to aggregate. Recommended mix shall be on the basis of test data frorra prior experience. Provided data submitted is adequate no further testing of recommended mix will be required. Tf required, the Contractor shall provide all equiprnent necessary to control the actual amounts oF all materials entering into the concrete. The types of equipment and methods used for measuring materials shall be subject to approval. 48,11 MIXING Gunite shall be thoroughly mixed by machine and then passed through a sieve to remove all large particles befor� placing in hopper of the cement gun. The mixCure shall not be permitCed to become damp. Each batch should be entirely discharged before recharging is begun. The mixer should be cleaned thoroughly enough to remove all adherent materials from the mixing vanes and from the drum at regular intervals. Water in any amount shall not be added to the mix before it enters the cement gun. Quantities of water shall be contralled by a valve at the nozzle of the gun_ Water content shall be adjusted as required for praper placement, but shall in no case exceed four gallons of water per sack of cement, including the water contained in the aggregate. Rerxaixing or tempering shall not be permitted. Mixed material that has staod 45 minutes without being used shall be discarded. Rebound materials shall not be reused. 48.12 APPLICATIQN Gunite shall not be placed on a frozen surface nor during freezing weather. Gunite shall not be placed when it is anticipated that the temperature during the following 24 hours will drop below 32 degrees, Fahrenheit. Sequence of application rnay be from bottom to top ar vice versa if rebound is properly removed. Corners shall be filled first. "Shooting" shall be from an angle as near perpendicular to the SectionTV.doc Page 96 of 128 4/1l/2011 � ' ' � r � ' � 1 �� {i � ' , ' r � 1 � Section 1V —Technical 5pccitications surface as practicable, with the nozzle held approximately 3 feet from the work (except in confined control). If the flow of material at the nozzle is not uniform and slugs, sand spots, or wet sloughs result, the no�zleman shall direct the nozzle away from the work until the faulty conditions are corrected. Such defects shall be replaced as the work progresses. Guniting shall be suspended if: Air velocity separates the cement from the sand at the nozzle. 2. Temperature approaches freezing and the newly placed �unite cannot be protected. Gunite shall be applied in one or more layers to such total thickness as required to restore the area as detailed over the original lines of the adjoining surface, unless other wise specified. All cavities, depressions, washouts and similar failures shall be rebuilt to original lines by use of gunite reinforced with wire mesh. V'Vhere the cavity exceeds 4 inches in depth a layer o� mesh shall be used for each 3 inches of depth of gunite. ln no case shall wire mesh be placed behind existing reinforcement. The time interval between successive layers in sloping vertical or overhanging work must be sui�icient to allow initial but not final set to develop. At the time the initial set is developing, the surface shall be cleaned to remove the thin film of laitance in order to provide a perfect bond with succeeding applications. 48.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints or day's work joints shall b� sloped off to a thin, clean, regular edge, preferably at a 45-degree slope. �3efore placing the adjoining work, the slope partion and adjacent gunite shall be thoroughly cleaned as necessary, then moistened and scoured with an air jet. 48.14 SURFACE FINISH Nozzleman shall brin� the gunite to an even plane and to well formed corners by working up to ground wires ar other guides, using lower placing velocity than normal. After the body coat has been placed, the surface shall be trued with a thin edge screed to remove high areas and expose low areas. Low areas shall be properly frlled with concrete to insure a true, flat surface. After the concrete surface has been trued, the entire surface shall be given a flashcoat finish except where a special type finish is specified on the drawings. 48.15 CURING Curing shall be in accordance with either paragraph 3.7.1(d) or paragraph 3.7.5. of ACI 506.2 77 depending upon atmospheric condition. 48.16 ADJACENT SURFACE PROTECTION During progress of the work, where appearance is important, adjacent areas or grounds which may be permanently discolored, stained, or otherwise damaged by dust and rebound, shall be adequately protected sensitive areas, when contacted, shall be cleaned by early scraping, brushing or washing, as the surroundings permit. SectionlV.doc Page 97 of 128 4/11/2011 Section N — Technical Specifications 48.17 INSPECTION Because of the importance of workmanship affecting the quality of the �unite, continual inspection during placing shall be maintained. Any imperfections discovered shall be cut out and replaced with sound material. 48.18 EQUIPMENT Cement Gun: The mixing and delivering equipment shall be either the vertical double chamber type or rotary type. The upper chamber of the double chamber type shall receive and pressurize tFae dry mix and deliver it to the lower chamber. The lower chamber shall force the pressurized mix into the delivery hose by means of a feed wheel. The type of feeder utilized should be of su�icient capacity that the lower chamber may continuously iurnish all re�uired material to the delivery hose while the upper chamber receives the recharge. The rotary type cement gun shall have an enlarged hopper to feed material into a rotating multiported cylinder. Material shall fall by gravity into a port which shall then be rotated to a position in which the material is expelled by air into a nnoving stream of air. All equipment must be kept in �ood repair. The interior of drums, feed gearing and valves shall be cleaned as often as necessary (at least once every 8 hour shift) to prevent material from caking on critical parts. Nozzle: Nozzle shall be the premixing type with perforated water feed ring inside the nozzle. The maximum len�th of material hose for the application of gunite shall be approximately 150 feet although it shall be permissible to use as much as 800 feet of material hose if the supply air pressure measured at the cement gun is increased to maintain proper velocity. The following table gives requirements for compressor size, hose size and air pressure using 150 Feet of material hose: Comp. Cap Max. Hase Dia. Max. Size Nozzle Min. Air Press. (cfm) �In-) (�n.) �ps�) 365 I 5/8 1 5/8 60 600 2 2 gp 750 2 1/2 2 I/2 90 For each 25 feet of material hose used in excess of 150 feet, the required air pressure shall be increased by 5 psi. Air Compressor: Any standard type of compressor shall be satisfactory if it is of suffcient capacity to provide, without interruption, the pressures and volume of air necessary for the langest hase delivery. The air corr►pressor capacity determinations shall include allowances made for the air consumed in blowing rebound, cleaning, reinforcing and for incidental uses. Compressor equipment shall be of such capacity so as to insure air pressures at the special mixer capable of producing the required rnaterial velocities. Water Supply: The water pressure at the discharge nozzle should be sufficiently greater than the operating air pressure to assure the water is intimately mixed with the other materials. If the line water pressure is inadequate, a water pump or pressurized tank shall be introduced into the line. The water pressure shall be uniformly steady (nonpulsating). SectioniV.doc Page 98 of 128 4/11/2011 1 � 1 1 � ' Section IV — Technical Specifications 49 SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLE LINER RESTqRATION 49.1 SCOPE AND INTENT [t is the intent of this portion of the specificatian to provide far the structural rehabilitation of` manhole walls and bases with solid preformed liners and made-in-place liner systems used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and these specifications. ln addition to these specifications, the Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's instructions and recammendations for work. Purpose of work is to eliminate infiltration, provide corrosion protection, repair voids and to restore the structural integrity of the manhole. �'or any particular system the Contractor will submit manufacturer's technical data and application instructions. All OSHA regulations shall he met. 49.2 PAYMENT , Payment for liners shall be per vertical foot of liner installed from the base to the top of the installed liner. Liners will generally be installed to the top ofexisting or new corbels. No separate paymenC will be made for the following items and the cost of such work shall be included in the ' pay item per linear foot of liner: Bypass pumping; Traffic Contral; Debris Disposal; �xcavati��n, including necessary pavement removal; Shoring and/or dewatering; Structural fill; Sackfill and compactian; Grout and mortar; Brick; Resetting af the manhole ring and cover; Pipe extensions 1 and connectors necessary ta the installation; Replacement of unpaved roadway and grass or shrubbery plot; Replacement of roadway base and asphalt surface; and Appurtenant work as required for a complete and operable system. � ' ' ' � ' � ' 1 ' 49.3 FIBERGLASS LINER PRODUCTS 49.3.1 MATERIALS LINERS Liners shall be fiberglass engineered to meet or exceed AASH'TO H 20 loading of 16,�00 pound vertical wheel load. Manhole liners are to be of the integral corbel design unless otherwise stipulated. Manhole liners are to be as large in diameter as will fit into the existing manhole. The contractor shall measure the existing manhole immediately prior to ordering materials and is solely responsible for the fitting of the liner. Contractor will be required to submit factory certification for fiberglass liners. The manhole liner shall meet all requirements of ASTM D 3753. MORTAR Mortar shall be composed of one part Portland Cement Type I and beriveen two and three parts clean, well graded sand, 100% of which shall pass a Na. 8 sieve. GROUTING Grouting shall be a concrete slurry of four ba�s of Portland Cement Type II per cubic yard of clean, well graded sand. SectionlV.doc Page 99 of 128 4/1 ]/2011 Scction 1V — Technical Specifications 49.3.2 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION Excavate an area around the top of the existing manhole sufficiently wide and deep for the removal of the manhole ring and corbel section. Remove the frame and cover and corbel section without damaging the existing manhole walls. Care is to be taken not to allow brick or soil to fall into the existing manhole. Remove or reinsert loose brick which protrude txaore than ane inch fram the iraterior wall of the manhole and which could interfere with the insertion of the fiberglass liner. If the shelf of the manhole invert is not level around the perimeter, form a f1at shelf with mortar. Cut the liner to the proper length. Cutouts in the manhole shall be made to accommodate existing inlet and outlet pipes, drops and cleanouts. Lower the liner inCo the existing manhole and set the bottom of the liner into quick setting grout. Obtain a good bottom seal to prevent the loss of grout from the annular space between the outside of the liner and the inside wall of the existing znanhole. Set the liner as nearly vertically as possible. Pour six inches of quick setting grout above the initial battom seal in the annular void to insure an adequate bottom seal. Sridge the gap from drops, laterals, force mains, cleanouts and all existing piping between the existing manhole wall and the raew rnanhole liner with P.V.C. pipe. Use quick setting mortar to seal the area around the manhale liner and piping. Fill the annular space between the manhole liner and the existing manhole interior walis with grout. Care must be taken not to deflect the manhole liner due to head pressure. Set the existing manhole rin� and cover using brick to make elevation adjustmEnts as needed. Observe watertightness and repair any visible leakage. Backftll around the new liner and compact the back�ll. Sod the disturbed area. Match ex.ist.ing sod. Where manholes ,fall in paved areas, disturbed base shall be replaced twice the original thickness and compacted in 8" layers. Asphalt shall be replaced with 1 1/2" of Pinellas County Type JT surface. 49.4 STRONG SEAL MS-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM This specification shall govern all work to spray apply a monolithic fiber reinforced cementitious liner to the wall and bench surfaces of brick, concrete or any other construction material; Strong Seal MS 2 product. Described are procedures for manhole preparation, cleaning, application and testing. The applicator must be approved, trained and certified as having successfully completed factory training. The applicator/contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials for applying the Strong Seal MS 2 product directly to the contour of the manhole to form a structural cementitious liner of a minimum 1/2" thickness using a machine specially designed for the application. All aspects of the installation shall be in accordance with the manu:facturer's recommendations and with the following specifications which includes: 1. The elimination af active infiltratian prior to making the application. 2. The remaval ofany loose and unsound material. sectionlv.aoo Page 100 of 128 airii2o� i , 1 r � , Section IV — Technical Specifications 3. 'I'he spray application of a pre blended cementitious mix to form a monolithic liner in a 2 coat application. 49.4.1 MATERIALS ' PATCHING MIX Strong Seal shall be used as a patching mix according to the manufacturer's recommendations , and shall have the following minimum requirements: l. Compressive Strength (ASTM G109) 15 min., 200 psi 6 hrs., ],400 psi 2. Sht'inkage (ASTM G596) 28 days, l 50 psi , 3. Bond (ASTM C-9S2) 28 days, ] 50 psi �F. Cement Sulfate resistant , 5. Density, when applied 105 +/- 5 pcf 49.5 INFILTRATION CONTROL ' Strong Plug shall be used to stop minor water infiltration according to the manufacture's recommendations and shall have the following minimum requirements: , 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C-] 09) - 600 psi, 1 hr.; 1000 psi 24 hrs. 2. Bond (ASTM C-952) - 30 psi, 1 hr.; 80 psi, 24 hrs. � 49.6 GRDUTING MIX Strong-Seal Grout shall be used for stopping very active infiltration and filling voids according � to the manufacture's recommendations. The grout shall be volume stable, and have a minimum 2$ day compressive strength of 250 psi and a 1 day strength of 50 psi. ' 49.7 LINER MIX Strong Seal MS 2 shall be used to form the monolithic liner covering all interior manhole surfaces and shall have the following minimum requirements at 2$ days: , 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C 109) 3,00� psi 2. Tensile strength (ASTM C 496) 300 psi � 3. Flexural strength (ASTM C 78) 600 psi 4. Shrinkage (ASTM C 59b) 0% at 90% R.H. , 5. Bond (ASTM C 952) 130 psi 6. Density, when applied l OS + pcf � Product must be factory hlended requiring only the addition of water at the Job site. Bag weight shall be 50 51 pounds and contents shall have dry bulk density of 54 to 56 pounds per cubic foot. Fiberglass rods which are contained in the product shall be alkaline resistant and shall be 1/2" to ' S/8" long with a diameter of 635 to 640 microns. Products shall, in the un mixed state, have a lead content not greater than twa percent (2%) by weight. ' SectionIV.doc Page ]01 of 128 4/11/2011 � Section IV — Technical Specifications Strong Seal MS 2C shall be made with Calcium Aluminatc Cement and shall be used according to the manufacturer's recommendations in applications where there is evidence of severe sulfde conditions. Product must be factory blended requiring only thc addition of water at job site. Bag weighC shall be 50-51 pounds and contents must have a dry bulk density of 50 56 pounds per cubic �oat. Cement content must be 65%-75% af total weight of bag. One bag of product when mixed with correct amount af water must have a wet density of 95 ] 08 pounds per cubic foot and must yield a minimum of .67 cubic foot of volume. Fiberglass rods must bc alkaline resistant with rod lengths not less than 1/2" in length nor greater than 5/8" in height. Product shall not include any basic ingredient that exceeds maximum allowable EPA ,limit for any heavy metal. Manufacturer must provide MSDS sheets for product(s) to be used in reconstruction process. A two coat application of liner material wil] be required (no excepCions) with the tirst coat rough troweled to force materials into cracks arad crevices to set the bond. The second coat to be spray applied to assure minimum 1/2" thickness after troweling or brush finishing to a relatively smooth finish. 49.$ WATER Shall be clean and potablc. 49.9 OTHER MATERIALS No other material shal] be used with the mixes previously describ�d without prior approval or recommcndation from the manufacturer. 49.10 EQUIPMENT A specially design�d machine consisting of an optimized pragressive cavity pump capable of producing a minimum of 250 psi pu►nping pressure, contra blend mixer with twin ribbon paddles with discharge, and an air system for spray application of product. Equipment must be complete with water storage and metering system. Mixer and pump is to be hydrauHcally powered. Equipment is to be mounted to heavy duty construction tandem axle road worthy trailer complete with electric brakes and running lights. Internal combustion engi,ne r�aust be included to power the hydraulic system and air compressor. 49.11 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION 49.11.1 PREPARATION 1. Place boards over inverts to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewer lines and to prevent up stream line from flooding the manhole. 2. All foreign material shall be removed from the manhole wall and bench usin� a high pressure water spray (minimum 1,200 psi). Loose and protruding brick, mortar and SectioniV.doc Page ] 02 of 128 4/11/2011 1 , , ' 1 , � 1 ' ' � , , � ' , Seciion IV —'1"echnical Specifications concrete shall be removed using a mason's hammer and chisel and/or scraper. Fill any large voids with quick setting patching mix_ 3. Active leaks shall be stopped using quick setting specially formulated mixes according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Some leaks may reyuire weep hales to localize the infiltration during the applicatian after which the weep holes shall be plugged with the yuick setting mix prior to the fnal liner application. When severe infiltration is present, drilling may be required in order to pressure grout using a cementitious grout. Manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed when pressure grouting is required. 4. Any bench, invert or service line repairs shall be made at this time using the quick setting mix and following the manufacturer's recommendations. 5. After all preparation has been completed, remove all loose material. 49.11.2 MIXING For each bag of product, use the amount of water specified by the manufacturer and mix using the Spray Mate Model 35C or 35D equipment for 30 seconds t� a minute after all materials have been placed in the mixing hopper. �'lace the mix into the holding hopper and prepare another batch with timing such that the nozzleman can spray in a continuaus manner without interruption until each applicatian is complete. 49.11.3 SPRAYING The surface, prior to spraying, shall be damp without noticeable free water droplets or running water. Materials shall be sprayed, applied to a minimum uniform thickness to insure that all cracks, crevices and voids are filled and a somewhat smooth surface remains after light troweling. The light troweling is performed to compact the material into voids and to sct the bond. Not befare the first application has begun to take an initial set (disappearance of surface sheen which could be 15 minutes to 1 hour depending upon ambient conditions) is the second application made to assure a minimum total finished thickness of 1/2 inch. The surface is then troweled to a smaoth finish being careful not to aver trowel so as to bring additional water to the surface and weaken it. A brush �nish may be applied to the finished coat to remove trowel marks. Manufacturer's recommendation shall be followed whenever more than 24 hours have elapsed between applications. The wooden bench covers shall be removed and the bench is sprayed such that a gradual slope is produces from the walls to the invert with the thickness at the edge of the invert being no less than 1/2 inch. The wall bench intersection shall be rounded to a uniform radius, the full circumference of the intersection. The �nal application shall have a minimum of four (4) hours cure time before being subjected to active flow. 49.11.4 PRQDUCT TESTING At some point during the application, at least four (4) 2 inch cubes may be prepared each day or from every 50 bags of product used, identified and sent, in accordance with the Owner's or Manufacturer's directions, for compression strength testing as described in ASTM C 109. 49.11.5 CURING � Ambient rnanhole canditions are adequate for curing so long as the manhole is covered. It is imperative that the manhole be covered as soon as possible after the application has been completed. ' SectionlV.doc Page 103 of 128 4/] 1/2011 �' Section IV—Technical Spccifications 49.11.6 MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuum tested from the top of manhole frame to the inanhole base. All pipes enterin� th� manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely place the plug from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. A vacuum pump of ten (l0) inches of inercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off: With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine (9) inches. The manhole shall pass ii'the time is greater than sixty (60) seconds for forty eight (4$) inch diameter, seventy five (75) seconds for sixty (60) inches, and ninety (90) seconds for seventy two (72) inch diameter manholes. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Tests shall be performed by the Contractor under the direction of the Project Engineer. 49.12 INNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LINER PR�DUCT SYSTEM 49.12.1 SCOPE Materials and application procedures for manhole rehabilitation for the purpose of restorin� structural integrity, providing corrosion resistance, and stopping infiltration by means of: 1. Hydraulic grouting, where required, as a preliminary measure to stop high volume infiltration 2. Hydrophilic grouting (positive side waterproofing), where required, as follows: a. Hydrophilic foam-injected through wall of manhole to till voids and/or b. Hydrophilic gel-injecCed through wall of manhole to stop active leaks 3. Cementitious waterproo�ng with crystallization (negative side waterproofing) 4. Calcium aluminate cement lining, minimum of l/2 inch S. Epoxy coating, minimum of 30 dry mils 49.12.2 MATERIALS REPAIRING CEMENT A quick setting hydraulic cement compound shall be used to plug all visible minor leaks and to instantly stop major leaks, so that further waterproo�ng processes may proceed unhindered. The repairing cement shall be nonshrinkin�, nonmetallic, and noncorrosive. The compound shall have the following properties: Set Time Tensile Strength ASTM C 307 Compressive Strength ASTM -C 109 SectionIV.doc J -3 minutes 1 day 510 psi 3 days 745 psi 28 days $55 psi 1 day 3,125 psi 7 days 7,808 psi 28 days 9,543 psi Page 104 of 128 4/I1/2U11 � �.� ' ' ' ' , Section IV —Technical Specifications Flexural Strength AST.M C 78 HYDROPHILIC GROUTING l day 410 psi 3 days 8S5 psi 28 days l ,245 psi Based on conditions found in and around the manhole, the applicator shall pressure inject either one or both of the following rnaterials: 1. An expansive foam grout shall be used to stop major intrusion of water and fill cracks in and vaids behind the structure's surface. Physical properties are as follows: ' Tensile Strength Elongation Bonding Strength 380 psi AS"TM D 3574-86 400% ASTM D 3574-86 25Q-300 psi , 2. � hydraphilic gel grout shall be used for soil stabilization behind the manhole-to prevent seepage, to provide a damming effect, and ta place a hydrostatic barrier araund exterior of manhole. Physical properties are as follows: ' Density � Tensile Strength Elongation ' Shrinkage Toxicity 1 , � � ' ' ' 1 �� ' WATERPR��FING 8.75-9.17 lbs/gal ASTM D-3S74 l 50 psi ASTM D- 412 250% ASTM D-3S74 Less than 4% ASTM D-1042 Non �oxic A waterproofing component based on the crystallization process shall be applied. The systern cornbines cementitious and silicate based materials that are applied to negative side surfaces to seal and stop leakage caused by hydrostatic pressure. A combination of five coats (using three components-two powders and a specia! liquid) react with moisture and the constituents of the substrate to form the crystalline structure. It becomes an integral part of the structure and blocks the passage of water. With moisture present, the crystallization process will continue for approximately six months. Upon completion the color will be light grey. Physical praperties are as f�llows: Slant/Shear bond Strength to Calcium Aluminate Cement ASTM (to be given) 1,200 1,800 psi Tensile Strength (7 day cure) ASTM C 190 Permeability (3 day cure) CRD 48 55 CEMENT LINING 380 psi (2.b2 MPa) 325 psi (2.24 MFa) 8.1 x10 I Icm/sec to 7.dx10 cm/sec at 100% RH at 50% RH A self banding calcium aluminate cement shall be applied to restore structural integrity and provide corrosion resistance qualities. The cement (before adding fibers) shall have the following properties: Caleium Aluminate Cement 12 �Irs 24 Hrs 7'Days 28 Days SectionlV.doc Page 105 of 128 4/11/2011 Scclion 1V —'I"echnical Specifications Astm C 495 Coinpressive Strength, Psi 7000 11 UOU ] 2000 13000 Astm C 293 Ple?cural Strength, Psi 1000 ] S00 1800 2000 Astm C 596 Shrinkage At 90%Ilumidity -- �p.Oq �0_pb r0.08 Astm C 666 Precze-Thaw Afi 30U Cycle No Demagc Astm C 990 Pull - �ut Stren�nh 200 - 23U Psi Tensile Astm C 457 Air Void Content (7 ]�ays) 3% Astm C 497 Porosity/Adsorption Test q_ 5�/„ Modules of ElasCicity: 7.l 0 X] 0 PS1. after 24 Hrs moist curing at 68 P. The calcium aluminate cement shall be reinforced with inert fibers which comply with ASTM C 1116 and ASTM C 1018, added at the rate of one pound per cubic yard of concrete. The mixture shall be applied to a thickness of at least one half inch, but no greater than two inches. lt will have a dark grey color. EPDXY COATING A high build, flexible waterproofing epoxy shall be applied to a minimuit� of 30 dry mils_ This epoxy will seal structure trom moisture and pravide protective qualities t� the surface, including excellent resistance to chemical attack and abrasion. The epoxy shall be 100% solids, can be applied to daTx�p surfaces, cures to a tile like finish, is easy to clean, and has no toxic firmes. its uses include sewage treat�nent plants and other sewer structures. The epoxy shall have the following properties at 75 degrees F: Mixing Ratio (Parts A:B), by volume ]:] Color (other colors available on request) I�ight Gray Pot Lif�, hrs 1 Tensile StrengCh, psi, min 2,000 Tensile Elongation, % 10 —20 Water Extractable Substances, mg./sq. in., max 5 Bond Strength to Cement (ASTM 882) psi 1,800 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Alcohols, Trichloroethylene, Nitric Acid (3%), Jet Fuels, Water, Sulfuric Acid (3% 1 Q%), MEK, Wine, Butyl Acetate, Beer, Lactic Acid (3%), Gasoline, Corn Oil, Aluminum Sulfate, Para#�in Oil, Vegetable Juice, Sodium Chloride, Motor Oil, Hydrochloric Acid (3%), and many others. 49.12.3 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW Work shall proceed as follows: 1. Rernove rungs (steps), if desired by client. 2. Clean manhole and remove debris. SectioniV.doc a. Plug lines and/or screen out displaced debris. b. Apply acid wash, if necessary, to clean and degrease. c. Hydroblast and/or sand blast structure. Page 106 of ] 28 4/11/2011 ' 1 Section IV — Technical 5pecifications d. Ftemove debris from work area. 3. Repair minor defects in walls, benches, and inverts, as required, with repairing cement. (Note: Major structura] repairs, such as rebuilding of benches, will also be made as required by client. 4. ]nject hydrophilic grout through all surfaces, as needed, ta eliminate infiltration. 5. Apply cementitious/crystallization waterproofng agents to all surfaces, repeating steps as needed. 6. Spray and/or hand apply calcium aluminate cement lining to all surfaces. 7. Spray apply epoxy coating to al( surfaces. NOTE: Steps 1-5 shal) be executed consecutively with minimal delays; calcium aluminate (Step 6) shall require a cure time of at least twenty-four hours for needed adhesion of epoxy (Step 7) to cement lining. PREPARATION An acid wash shall be used (if needed) to clean and degrease. Then, if the client desires, the rungs shall be removed. Next, the entire structure is thoroughly water and/or sand blasted to remove any loose or d�teriorated material. Care shall be taken to prevent any loose material from entering lines and other areas by either plugging the lines ( where feasible) or inserting protective screens. STRUCTURAL REPAIR Hand place or spray apply hydraulic cement material as necessary to prepared surface to fill cracks and voids in structure. Allow twenty (20) minutes before applying waterproofing/crystal l izati on. INFILTRATION CONTRQL Pressure injection ofhydrophilic gel and hydrophilic foam. 1. Drill 5/$" holes through activE leaking surface. 2. Install all zert fittings, as recommended by manufacturer. 3. Inject material until water flow stops. 4. Remove fittings (if necessary). WATERPROOFING/CRYSTAL.LIZATION PROCESS 1. Apply a slurry coat of powder #1 to moist wall using a stiffbrush, farming an undercoat. 2. Apply dry powder #2 to slurry coat by hand. 3. Srush or spray on sealing liquid during the application to penetrate and initiate the crystal forming process. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, until there are no visible leaks. 5_ Apply powder #I as an overcoat. 6. Allow one (1) hour to cure before applying cement lining. SectionIV.doc Page 1Q7 of 128 4/11/201 I Scction 1V — Tecl�nical Specifications CEMENT LINING 1. Dampen surface. 2. Mix material in mixer as recommended for spray or hand trowel application. 3. Apply cement until required build up ofat least one half inch (and na more than 2 inches) has beett achieved. 4. Trowel to smooth finish, restorin� contours of manhole. 5. Texture brush surface to prepare for epoxy �nish. 6. Allow for a 24-hour cure time prior to epoxy coating. NOTE: If conditions of heavy humidity prevail, a dry air blower shall be used to facilitate curing times. EPQXY COATING Spray apply epoxy coating using airless spraying equipment until surface is visibly covered and a thickness of at least 30 mils has been achieved. Manhole may be safely entered after six (6) hours, as epoxy will be hardened. Full cure strength wi11 be achieved at forty eight (48) hours. CLEAN UP The work crew shall remove all debris and clean work area. MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuum tested from the top of manhole frame to the manhole base. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, laking care to sccurely place the plug from being drawn inta the manhole. "I'he test head shall be placed and the seal inf]ated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. A vacuum pump of ten (10) ittches of inercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine (9) inches. The manholc shall pass if the time is greater than s'rxty (60) seconds �or Forty eight (48) inch diameter, seventy five (75) seconds for sixty (60) inches, and ninety (90) seconds for seventy two (72) inch diameter manholes. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is abtained. Tests shall be performed by the Contractar under the direcCion of the ProjecC Engineer. WARRANTY All materials and workmanship shall be warrartted to the Owner for a period of five (5) years, provided that all the above mentioned repair steps are used. 50 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS This article deleted. See SECTION lil, ARTICLE 23 — PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS. 51 IN-LINE SKATING SURFACING SYSTEM 51.1 SCOPE 1. These specifications pertain to the appl.ication of the Plexiflor Color Finish System over recreational areas intended for In-Line Skating activities. The materials specified in the SectionIV.doc Page 108 of 128 4/1]/2011 , ' ' , � � 1 ' � � ' i Section 1V —'Iechnical Specitications site plans shall be of colors indicated and for application over the Plexipave Acrylic Latex System. 2. The work shall consist of suitable cleaning and preparation of the surface to assure a satisfactory bond of the system to the existing surface. 3. All coverage rat�s are calculated prior to dilution. 4. Plexiflor In-line Skating Surfacing System • 1 Coat ofAcrylic Resurfacer + 2 Coats oiFortified Plexipave • 2 Caats oiPlexiflor • Plexicolor Line Paint 51.2 SURFACE PREPARATIONS 51.2.1 ASPHALT Allow new asphalt to cure a minimu�n of 6 months. The surface must be checked for birdbaths, cracks and other irre�ularities and repaired with Court Patch Binder according to California Specification Section ] 0.14. (Surfacing prior to six months may make the asphalt subject to indentation). 51.2.2 CONCRETE Concrete shall have a woad float or broam finish. DO NOT PROVIDk STEEL TROWE.L ' FINISH. DO NOT USE CURING AGENTS OR CONCRETE I�-I�RUENERS. Allow the concrete to cure a minimum of 30 days. Acid Etch the entire surface with Concrete Preparer according to California Specification Section 10.13. Check surface for birdbaths, cracks and ' other irregularities and repair with Court Patch Binder according to California 5pecification Section ] 0.14. � 1 51.2.3 COURT PATCH BINDER MIX Court Patch Sinder Mix: 100 Lbs. #80-100 Mesh Silica Sand (dry) 3 gallons Couth Patch Binder 1 to 2 gallons Portland Cement. 51.3 APPLICATION OF ACRYLIC FILLER COAT � I. Applicatian of the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix shall be applied to the clean, dry, level surfaces to receive the Plexiflor Surfacing System. The xnix shall be applied according to California Specification Section 1 U.8 using the following mix: , 1 � Acrylic Resurfacer Water (Clean and Potable) Sand (60-80 mesh) Liquid Yield 55 gallons 20-40 �allons 600-900 pounds 112-138 gallons 2. Over asphalt surfaces, apply the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix in one or two coats (depending on surface porosity) at a rate af .OS -.07 gallons per syuare yard per coat. 3. Nan-coated concrete surfaces must be neutralized with concrete preparer and primed with California Ti-Coat according to Specification Section 10.17. The Acrylic Resurfacer Mix ' SeclionN.doc � Page 109 of 128 4/I 1 /2011 Section IV — Tech�aical Specitications must be applied within 3 hours of the TiCoat application while the primer is dry but still tacky to the touch. Apply the Acrylic Resuriacer Mix in one or two applications at a rate of .OS-.07 gallons per square yard per coat. 51.4 APPLICATION OF FORTIFIED PLEXIPAVE After the tiller coat application has dried, apply two coats af Fortifed Plexipave at an undiluted rate of .OS-.07 gallons per square yard per coat using the following mix: Plexipave Color Base 30 gallons Plexichrorne 20 gallons Water 20 gallons 51.5 PLEXIFLQR APPLICATIQN 1. Plexiflor is factory premixed and ready to use from the container. The material may be diluted with one (1 ) part water to six (6) parts Plexiflor to improve flowability and provide uniform application. 2. Apply two coats of Plexiflor at a raCe of .04-.OS gallons per square yard per coat. 3. Plexiflor is applied (in a similar manner to Plexipave) in windrows on the surface with su�icient quantity to cover as the squeegee is pulled over the surface. App]y only light pressure to the squeegee. Do nat allow ridges to form between passes of the squeegee. Ridges existing a#�er material dries should require corrective action. 4. Plexiflor and its pteliminary coatings should be allowed to thoroughly dry prior to application of subsequent coats. 51.6 PLAYING LINES Four hours minimurn after completion of the color resurfacing, playin� lines shall be accurately located, marked and painted with Plexicolor Line Faint as speci�ed by The National In-LinE Hockey Association. 51.7 GENERAL 1. The contractor shall remove all containers, surplus materials and debris upon completion of work leaving the site in a clean, orderly condition that is acceptable to the owner. Gates shall be secured and all containers shall be disposed of in accordance with Local, State and Federal regulations. 2. Materials specified for the Plexiflor System shall tee delivered to ihe site in sealed, property labeled arums with California Products Corporation labels that are stenciled with the proper batch code numbers. Pxoducts packaged or labeled in any other manner will not be accepted. Mixing with clear, firesh water shall only be done at the job site. Coverage rates are based upan material prior to mixing with water as specified. 51.8 LIMITATIONS 1. Do not apply if surface temperature is less than 50°F or more than 1 40°F. 2. Do not apply when rain or high humidity is irnminent. 3. Do not apply when surface is damp or has standing water. SectionlV.doc Page '110 of 128 4/11/201] ' I� ' ' � � � � 1' Scction 1V — Technical Specifications 4. Plexiflor will not hide surface imperfiections of previous coatings. 5. Keep from freezing. Da not store in the hot sun. _6. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. 7. Plexiflor will not prevent substrate cracks from occurring. 8. F'lexiflar will mark slightly rrom normal use of some In-line Skates. 9. Caefficient of friction = 0.78 ]0. Coating Application Dryin� Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour at 70°F with �0% relative humidity. I 1. Keep court clean. Excess dirt or foreign material can cause the surface to be slippery. In-Line hockey is a physical spart. Always wear NIHA recommended protective gear. 52 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START OF CONSTRUCTION This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 22 - RESIDENT NOTIFICATION �F START OF CONSTRUCTION. 53 GABIONS AND MATTRESSES � 53.1 MATERIAL , 1 � � � � 1 � ' , 53.1.1 GABION AND RENO MATTRESS MATERIAL PVC COATED WIRE MESH GABIONS &� MATTRESSES Gabion & mattress basket units shall be of non-raveling constructian and fabricated from a double twist by twisting each pair of wires through three halfturns developing the appearance of a triple rivist. The galvanized wire core shall have a diameter of 0.1063 inches (approx. US gauge 12). All wirE used in the fabrication of the gabion shall comply with or exceed Federal Specifications QQ-W-461H, possess a maximum tensile strength of 70,000 p.s_i. with a Finish 5, Class 3 zinc coating in accordance with the current ASTM A-641. The weight of zinc coating shall be determined by ASTM A-90. The grade of zinc used far coating shall be High Grade or Special High Grade, as prescribed in ASTM B-6, Table 1. Uniformity of coating shall equal or exceed four 1-minute dips by the Preece test, as determined by ASTM A-239. The PVC coating shall be extruded and adhere to the wire core prior to weaving. The PVC coated wire shall be woven into a dauble twisted hexagonal mesh having uniform openings of 3 1/4 inches by 4'/z inches. The overall diameter of the mesh wire (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) shall be 0.146 inches. Selvedge and reinforcing wire shall be of heavily galvanized wire core, 0.1338 inches in diameter (approx. US gauge 10), coated with PVC and having an overall diameter (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) of 0.173 inches. Lacing and connecting wire shall be of soft tensile strength (75,000 PSI max), heavily galvanized wire core, �.087 inches in diameter (approx. US gauge 13 '/s), coated with PVC and having an overall diameter (galvanized wire care plus PVC coating) of �_127 inches. The use of alternate wire fasteners shall be permitted in lieu of tie wire providing the alternate fastener produces a four (4) wire selvedge joint with a strength of 1200 lbs. per linear foot while remaining in a locked and closed condition. Properly formed interlocking fasteners shall be spaced from 4 to 6 inches and have a minimum 3/4 square inch inside area to properly confine the required selvedge wires. Tiger-Tite SectionTV.dac Page 111 of 128 4/1]/201 I Section IV — Technical Specifications lnterlocking Fasteners are an approved alternate joint material. The Interlocking Wire Fastener shall meet stainless steel material specification ASTM A-313, Type 302, Class 1, or equ�l. All of the above wire diameters are subject to tolerance limit of 0.004 inches in accordance with ASTM A-641. PVC (POLYVINYL CHLORIDE) COATING The coating shall be gray in color and shall have a nominal thickness of 0.0216 inches but not less than 0.015 inches in thickness. The protective PVC plastic shall be suitable to resist deleterious effects from exposure to li�ht, immersion in salt or polluted water and shall not show any material dif�erence in its initial compound properties. The PVC compound is also resistant to attack from acids and resistant to abrasion. 1. Specific Gravity: a. According to ASTM D-22$7 and ASTM D- 792; in the range of 1.3Q to 1.34. 2. Tensile Strength: a. According to ASTM D- I 42; not less than 2980 psi. 3. Modulus of Elasticity: a. According to ASTM D-412; not less than 2700 psi at 100% strain. 4. Resistance to Abrasian: a. According to ASTM 1242; weight loss �12% (Method B). S. Brittleness Temperature: a. According to ASTM D-746, Procedure A; shall be at least 8.3 degrees centigrade below the minimum temperature at which the gabions will be handled or placed but nat lower than -9.4 degrees centigrade. 6. Hardness: a. According ta ASTM D-2240; shall be between 50 and 60 S.hore D when tested. 7. Creeping Corrosion: a. Maximum corrosion penetrarion to the wire core from a square cut end section shall not be more than 25mm when the specimen has been immersed for 2000 hours in a 50% SOLUTION HC1 (hydrochloric acid 12 Be). ACCELERATED AGING TESTS Variation of the initial properties will be allowed, as specified below, when the specirnen is submitted to the following Accelerated Aging Tests: 1. Salt Spray Test: a. According to ASTM B-117 b. Period of test = 300Q hours. 2. Exposure to ultraviolet rays: a. According to ASTM D-1499 and ASTM G-23 (Apparatus Type E). Period of test = 3000 hours at 63 degrees centigrade. SectionlV.doc Page ] 12 of 128 4/11/2011 1 ' , � Section IV —Technical Specitications 3. Exposure to high temperature: � a. Testing periad: 240 hours at 105 degrees centigrade, when testcd in accordance with ASTM D- 1203 and ASTM D-22$7. LJ � � � � � '' � � � 1 � � ' PROPERTIES AFTER AGING TESTS After the above Accelerated Aging Tests have been performed, the PVC compound shall exhibit the following properties: 1. Appearance: a. The vinyl coating shall not crack, blister or split and shall not show any remarkable change in colar. 2. Specific Gravity: a. Shall not shaw change higher than 6% of its initial value. 3. Durometer Hardness: a. Shall not show change h igher than ] 0% of its initial value. 4. Tensile Strength: a. Shall nat show change higher than 25% of its initial value. 5. Elongation: a. Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. 6. Modulus of Elasticity: a. Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. 7. Resistance to Abrasion: a. Shall not show change hi�her than 10% of its initial value. 8. Srittleness Temperature: a. Cold Bend Temperature - Shall not be lower than -20 degrees centigrade. b. Cold Flex Temperature - Shall not be higher than +18 degrees centigrade. 53.1.2 GABION AND MATTRESS FILLER MATERIAL: The �ller stone shall be limestone from a saurce approved by Che Engineer before delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples of the stone shall be submitted by the contractor or supplier for examination and testing by the Engineer. The stone shall have a minimum specific gravity of 2.3 and be of a yuality and durability su�icient to insure permanency in the structure. The individual stones shall be free of cracks, seams, and other defects that would tend to promote deterioration from natural causes, or which might reduce the stones ta sizes that could not be retained in the gabian or mattress baskets. The stone shall meet the following physical requirements: • Absorption, maximum 5% • Los Angeles Abrasion (FM 1 pT096), maximum loss 45% • Soundness (Sodium Sulphate), (FM 1-T104), maximum loss 1Z% SectionN.doc Page 113 of 128 4/11/2011 Section IV — Technical Specifications � Flat and elon�ated pieces, rraaterials with least dimensian less than one third of greatest dimensian shal] not exceed 5% by weight. All f Iler material shall be unifarmly �raded between 4 inch and 8 inch (equivalcnt spherical diameter) and shal I be angular in fonn. Rounded stones shal I not exceed l 0% oF ihe stone, by weight and 70% of the stone, by weighC, shall exceed the largest dimension of the mesh opening. 53.1.3 MATTRESS WIRE Mattress wire shall conform to the same specifications as �abions except as follows: 1. 7�he nominal diameter of the wire us�d in the fabrication of the netting shall be 0.0$66 inches minimum, subject to diameter tolerance in accordance with the current ASrI"M A 641, Table 3. 2. All wire shall be galvanized according to ASTM A 641, Table 1. The minimurta weight af the zinc coaCing shall be 0.70 ozs./sq. ft. for the 0.0866 inch wire used for nnesh and lacing and 0.80 azs./sq. ft. for the 0.106 wire used for selvedge. 3. Adhesion of the cinc coating to the wire shall be capable of being wrapped in a close helix at a rate not exceeding 15 turns per minute around a cylindrical steel rnandrel having a diameter 3 times the nominal wire diameter being tested. After the wrap test is completed, the wire shall not exhibit any cracking or flaking of the zinc coating to such an extent that any zinc can be removed by rubbin� with bare �ngers. 53.1.4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC Fabric shall conform to 1�DOT Standard Index 199, Type D-2, and FDOT Standard Specificatians, 1996 edition, Section 985. 53.2 PERFORMANCE Gabions and Reno Mattresses shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendatians and as shown on the Drawings. Fabrication of gabion baskets shall be in such a manner that the sides, ends, lid and diaphragms can be assembled at the construction site into rectangular baskets of the sizes specified and shown on the Drawings. Gabions and mattresses shall be of single unit construction; the base, lid ends and sides shall be either woven into a single unit or one edge of these members connected to the base section of the gabian in such a manner that the strength and flexibility at the connectin� point is at least equal to that of the rnesh. Where the length af the gabion and mattress exceeds one and one-half its horizontal width, they shall be equally divided by diaphragms of the same rrtesh and gauge as the mattresses shall be fiarnished with the necessary diaphragms secured in proper position on the base so that no additional tying is required at this juncture. The wire mesh is to be fabricated so that it will not ravel. This is defined as the ability to resist pulling apart at any of the twists or connections forming the mesh when a single wire strand in a section of inesh is cut_ Each gabion or tnattress shall be assernbled by tying all untied ed�es with binding wire. The binding wire shall be tightly looped around every other mesh opening along seattas so that single and double loops are alternated. A line of empty gabions shall be placed into position according to the contract drawings and binding wire shall be used to securely tie each unit to the adjoining one along the vertical reinforced edges and the top selvedges. The base of the empty �abions placed on top of a filled line of gabions shall be tightly wire ta the latter at front and back. SectionlV.doc Paga 114 of 128 4/11/201 I 1 , Section iV — Technical Specifications 'Co achievc better alignment and f nish in retaining walls, gabion stretching is recommended. � Connecting wires shall be inserted during the filling operation in the following manner: Gabions shall be filled to one third full and one connecting wire in each direction shall be tightly tied to apposite faces of each cell at one third height. The gabion shall then be filled to two thirds ful] ' and one connecting wire in each direction shall be tightly tied to opposite face of each cell at one two third hei�ht. The cell shall then be filled to the top. � � Filler stone shall not be dropped more than 12" into the gabions and mattresses. Geotextile fabric shall be installed at lacations shown in the Drawings. The surface ta receive the cloth shall be prepared to a relatively smoath condition free of' obstructions which may tear or cut the clath. The panel shall be overlapped a minimurn af 30 inches and secured agai►isC movement. Cloth damaged or displaced during installatian, gabion work, or backfill shall be replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the contractor's expense. The work shall be scheduled so that the fabric is nat exposed to ultraviolet light more than the manufacturer's recommendations or five days, whichever is less. 54 LAWN MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS 54.1 SCOPE � To remove trash and debris from landscape and paved area; maintenance and fertilization of plant beds and landscape materials; maintenance, repair, and operation of irrigation systems; ornamental pest contral; palm prunin�; maintenance of traf�ic; and the cleaning of hard surfaces � at designated areas. The Contractor is to . work with the City in coordinating maintenance activities and reporting irregularities in the work zane. � r L� � � � � � The Contractor(s) will provide the labor and materials required to maintain the landscaped street medians including: • Traf�ic safety and Maintenance of Traffic; • Trash and debris removal from the job site; • Remaval of weeds in landscaped areas and hard surfaces; • Proper trimming and pruning of landscape plants and palms; • Proper fertilization and pest control of landscape and palms (may be subcontracted); • Irrigation service and repair; • Mulch replacement; • Cleaning of hard surfaces; and the • Reporting of irregularities at the job site. 54.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK The Cantractor(s) shall accomplish all landscape maintenance required under the contract between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.nn. Monday through Saturday, excluding observed holidays. The City may grant, on an individual basis, permission to perfarm contract maintenance at other hours. All work shall be campleted in a continuous manner, that is the cleanup, weeding, trimming, etc., be completed before leaving the job site. SecdonlV.doc Page I 15 of 128 4/1 I/201 I 5ection 1V —'I�echnictil SpeciGcations 54.3 WORK METH4DS 54.3.1 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING The Contractor(s) will adhere to a work schedule provided by the City (see Level of Service). 11ny variations to that schedule, requestEd by either party, must be appraved, either verbally or in writin� by an authorized representative of the other party. 54.3.2 Dl1TIES PER SERVICE VISIT The contractor(s) shall provide the following service at each scheduled visit to the designated location: 54.4 LITTER Remove trash and debris from the area to be maintained. Proper disposal of collected trash and debris is a requirement of the contractor. Extraordinary amounts of debris caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, vandalism, ete., would be the responsibility af the City to clean up. The contractor should report such accumulations of debris when they are encountered. Bids for the extraordinary cleanup from the contractor would be considered. 54.5 VISUAL CHECK The site should be checked for irregularities, such as irrigation leaks, vehicle damage, dead or damaged plant nnaterial, vandalism, etc., which should be reported to the City within 24 hours a�'ier providing the service. 54.5 PLANT TRIMMING AND PALM PRUNING All plant material should be trimmed in a manner that promotes the natural shape and mature size of the particular specie. Trimming should be perfarmed at intervals that will maintain plants in a neat appearance. Trimming should be performed to promote fullness of the plar�Ts, while maintaining height restrictions in Clear Sight Zones as established on the landscape plans. Plants shall be kept trimmed ta the back of curb. Srown foliage shall be removed from Liriope. Palm pruning to be performed at least once per year, preferably in late June ar July following filower formation, according to the following specifications: 54.7 PHOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE, INDIA DATE, PYGMY DATE, ETC.) Remove all descending fronds, to the base of the frond; all parallel and ascending fronds are to remain in order to leave a full, rounded head; seed heads may remain, but remove old faded heads that are encountered in the pruning process; remove loose frond boots; remove vegetation; such as strangler figs, Brazilian Pepper, Asparagus fern, etc., growing in the frond boots or on the trunk. Provide the rounded, classic cut on all Medjool palm boots. No climbing spikes allowed on palms. �'il�:� �] � 3:� E-'�:� � ►�i [��%1 � All debris from pruning process is to be removed from the job site and disposed of by the contractor. Wark sites should be le� ir� a clean ar�d neat appearance upon completion. SectionlV.doc Page I 16 oF 128 4/] 1/2011 �� � I_J , � � � � � � � r L� � �' L� � � � Section IV — Technical Specitications 54.9 TRAFFIC CONTROL Proper and safe work zones in vehicular traftic areas are to be set up and maintained by the contractor, according to the attached Maintenance of Trafi�ic specifications. 54.10 PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Contractor is respansible for maintainin� safe work zones in areas where pedestrian and park users are present. The City reserves the right to limit the hours of operation in certain high pedestrian use areas. 54.11 PLANT FERTILIZATION All tree and plant material should be fertilized with the appropriate amount of 20-b-12 sulfur caated, slaw release, ornamental fertilizer, three times per year. Applications should be made in mid-February, early June, and mid-September, for the first two years. Fertilizer types and amounts will change with requirements of maturing landscape mater,ials. 54.12 WEED REMOVAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA Weeds should be removed on a regular basis in order to keep thern from being visibly noticeable. Weed control with the use of appropriate herbicides is allowable, given they are properly applied by a certified applicator. Herbicide damage ta landscape material will be remedied by contractor at his/her expense. 54.13 MULCH CONDITION Should be maintained at a thickness that will discourage weed growth as well as help retain soil moisture, usually 3 inches. 54.14 IRRIGATION SERVICE AND REPAIR Should be performed at each visit to assure the systems proper operation and timing. Drip tubing should be kept covered with mulch. Timer should be checked for proper time of day and operating schedule. Leaks or breaks in the system should be repaired before the next scheduled system running time. All repairs which will be charged at $20.00 or more must be approved in advance by the city. Minor repairs, less than $20.00, shauld be billed ta the City in addition to the monthly maintenance fee. 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PEST CONTROL Should be performed by a properly licensed and certified applicator to keep pest populations at a less than damaging level. Landscape materials lost to or extensively damaged by pests will be replaced by the contractor at the contractar's expense. Diazinon products are not to be used on City properties. 54.1fi PALM FERTILIZATION Apply three pounds of Magnesium sulfate and ane pound of Potassium evenly, per tree, across the root zone (typically within the dripline), annually in early February. SectionlV.doc Page 117 of 128 4/11/2011 Seclion 1V — Tcchnical Specitications 54.17 FREEZE PROTECTION The City will provide a freeze/fiost protection fabric for the ConCractor to insta]] over freeze/frost sensitive plants (Lantana and Pentas). The covering material wi11 be stored at a City facility (yet to be determined). Contractor will remove the cavering materia] from storage and install over fhe sensitive plants, securely fastening edges of the material to the ground per manufacturer's directions. The City will furnish metal pins needed for securin� fabric to the ground. The City will notify the Contractor one (l) day or twenty-four (24) hours minimum prior to the need to protect plant i�aterial. After uses, the Contractor will prepare the fabric for storage and return it to the designated City facility. Prot�ctive covering shall be removed the following afternoon or remain in placed as directed by the City. The City shall notify the Contractor by l 1:00 a.m, about removing the eQVer or keeping it in place due to continued freezing temperatures. The City may cancel the f`reeze protection event at any time prior to the end of the scheduled installation day (5:00 p.m.) The Contractor will be compensated for the number of hours mobilization or an-site work at the contracted rate per man-hour unit price. The Contractor shall provide a unit price for the installation and removal of the covering fabric on a per event basis, as well as an hourly rate per employee required. The City and contractor will coordinate apprapriate irrigation operations with weather conditions. Should freeze/frost damage occur, the Contractor shall perform rem�dia] work as per unit basis, as directed by the City. 54.18 LEVEL OF SERVICE This location is to be serviced weekly. Repairs to damage or vandalism to be made within 7 working days ot reporCed irregularity. Weekly visits should occur no closer than six and no further than ten calendar days apart. 54.19 CQMPLETION OF WORK Within 24 hours o� completing work the contractor shall notify the supervisor assigned to monitor the contract either in person or by phone of said campletion. It is acceptable to leave a phone message. However, to make certain the message is received, it is advisable ta call between 6:30 a.m. — 7:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 54.20 INSPECTION AND APPROVAL Upon receiving noti�cation from the Contractor, the City shall inspect the serviced location the following business day. If, upon inspection, the work specified has nat been completed, the City shall contact the Contractor to indicate the necessary corrective measures. The Contractor will be given 48 hours from this notitication to make appropriate corrections. If the work has been completed successFully then the City will pay for services billed. 54.21 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. This lacation will be newly installed and under warranty by the installer for a six monCh period on plants and 12 month warranty on palms. Landscape installer will coordinate irrigatian operation with the Maintenance contractor to assure adequate irrigation to the landscape materials. Installer will also be responsible for the untying of palm heads/fronds as he feels appropriate. 2. All listed acreage or square footage figures are estimates. SectionlV.doc Page 118 of 12$ ai� iizo i l � ' � w � � Section 1V — Tcchnical Specitic�tions 3. All maintenance shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner, consistent with trade practices and standards which prevail in the indusTry. 4. 'I'he Contractor shall be responsible for damage to any plant material or site feature caused by the Contractor or his/her employees. The Contractor shall be notified in writing of the specific nature of the damage and cost af repair. The City shall, at its aption, invoice the Contractor far the payment, or reduce by the amount of the repairs the next regular payment to the Contractar. � 5. Occasionally circumstances (standing water, prolonged inclement weather, parked vehicles, etc.) may make al1 or portions of a location unserviceable during thc regular schedule. The Contractor shall notify the City Supervisor of such occurrences, and shall � schedule to perform the reyuired maintenance ta the location as soon as the pertaining circumstances are relieved. � 55 MILLING OPERATIONS � � � � � � 55.1 EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION & MILLED SURFACE Unless otherwise noted in the specs, plans or this Article, the milling operation shall be performed in accordance with Section 327 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Th� Contractor shall notify the 1'roject ]nspector a minirnum of 24 hours in advance af all milling. 55.2 ADDITIONAL MILLING REQUIREMENTS ]. If the milling machine is equipped with preheating devices, the contractor is responsible to secure any necessary permits, and far complying with all local, state and federal environmental regulations governing operation of this type of equipment. 2. All milled surfaces must be repaved within seven days from the time it was milled, unless otherwise noted in the contract documents. 3. Prior to paving, all milled areas shall be swept with a Municipal type sweeper either of the vacuum or the mechanical type, that picks up and hauls off, dust and dirt (the Sroam Tractor way of sweeping is not be permitted). The sweeper must be equipped with its own water supply for pre-wetting to minimize dust. Moreover, the Contractor shall sweep debris off of sidewalks, driveways and curbs in addition to the raadways before leaving the job site. 4. In cases where concrete valley swales are present, the adjoining pavement shall be milled to allow for the new asphalt grade to be flusta with the contract surface. � 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing any asphalt that remains in the curb line and/or median curbs after the milling operation of a street is complete. The cost of this removal shall be included in the bid item for milling. � 6. All radius returns on streets to be milled shall also be milled unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, with payment to be included in the bid item far milling. 7. Any leveling or base replacement required after milling shall be applied to sections of the � road as noted on the plans, or directed by the Engineer, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications for S-Type resurfacing projects or Section 330 (latest edition) for �' SectionlV.doc � Page 119 of 128 4/I1/2011 Scction 1V •- Technical Specifications superpave resurfacing projects. The cost shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope and plans. 8. Any roadway base material exposed as a result of the milling operatian shall be primed that same day (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) per Section 300 of FDUT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Repairs required to said base that result from a failure to place the prime in a timely manner shall be done to the City's satisfaction, and at the Contractor's expense. No paving of the exposed base can commence until the City approves the repaired base. The cost of said prime shall be included in the bid item for milling. 9. Prior to the placement of asphalt, the face of all curbs and driveways shall be tacked after the milling operation is complete. 55.3 SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS All surplus existing materials resulting from milling operations shall remain the property of the City. The transporting and stockpiling of salvageable materials shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall contact the Public Services Division at (727) 562-495� to schedule delivery of material. 55.4 DISPQSABLE MATERIALS All surplus materials not claimed by the City shall become the property af the Contractor. The Contractor shall dispose of Che material in a timely manner and in accordance with all regulatory requirements in areas provided by the Contractor at no additional expense to the City. 55.5 ADJUSTMENT AND L�CATION �F UNDERGROUND UTILITIES All utilities and related structures requiring adjustment shall be located and adjusted by their owners at the owner's expense. The Contractar shall arrange his schedule to allow utility owners the time required for such adjustments (minimum 48 hours notice per State Statute). All utility adjustments shall be campleted prior to the commencement af milling and resurfacing operations. 55.6 ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITY MANHOLES The necessary adjustments of sanitary sewer and stormwater utility manholes and appurtenances shall be accomplished by the Contractor in accordance with Section IV, Article 23.7 of th� City's Technical Specifications. 55.7 TYPES OF MILLING There are two types of milling used by the City: A. Wedge — This will consist of milling a six foot wide strip along the curb ]ine of the pavement adjacent to the curb so Che new asphalt will align with the original curb height and pavement cross section. B. Full Width — This will cansist of milling the entire roadway (i.e. curb line/edge of pavement to curb line/edge o,f pavetnent). All existing horizontal and vertical geometry shall remain unless otherwise indicated or approved by the Engineer. SectioniV,doc Page 120 of 128 4/11/20'I1 � � ' r Section 1V -- Technical Specificatii�ns 55.8 MILLING �F INTERSECTIONS ' ]ntersections, as well as other areas (including radius returns) are to be milled and repaved to restore and/or improve the original drainage characteristics. Said work should extend approximatcly 50 to 100 feet in both directions from the low point ofthe existing swale. � 55.9 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT � The quantity to be paid far will be the area milled, in square yards, completcd and accepted. 55.10 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for milling shall include: all materials, preparatian, hauling, transporting and � stockpiling of salvageable materials, disposal of all surplus material, any required milling of` radius returns and intersections, prime and/or tack coat either required or placed at Engineer's � discretion, removal of asphalt fram curbs, sweeping, labor, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the milling in accordance with the plans and specifications. r � � �_ � � �i � � �� � � 56 CLEARING AND GRUBBING The work included in this specificatian includes the removal and disposal of all structures, appurtenances, asphalt, concrete, curbs, walls, trees, roots, vegetation, boulders, conduits, poles, posts, pipes, inlets, brush, stumps, d�bris and other obstructions resting on or protruding through the ground surface necessary to prepare the area for construction. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in accordance with Section 1l0 of F.UUT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Unless otherwise specitied in the contracC documents, the Contractor shall take ownership of all removed material and dispose of them off=site in accordance with all Local, State and Federal Requirements. 56.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be either a lump sum quantity or the number of acres cleared and grubbed as specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer. 56.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The pay item for clearing and �rubbing shall include: all removal and disposal of materials and structures as well as all materials, hauling, equipment, tools, labor, leveling of terrain, landscape trimmin� and all incidentals necessary ta complete the work. ^�=i� ��i�s,� The wark included in this specification includes the construction of either sand-cement or rubble riprap as shown on the plans. The riprap shall be constructed per Section 530 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (lastest edition). 57.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement for riprap shall be the volume of sand used in cubic yards for sand- cement, or the dry weight in tons for rubble. SectionlV.doc Page 121 of 128 4/11/2Q11 Section JV — Technical Specificatioa�s E•f�►�=�_E-�E•�+7���\'1J11���� The pay item for sand-cement riprap shall include: all materials, testing, labor, grout, hauling, equipment, excavation, backfll, dressing and shaping for placement of sand-cement and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. The pay item for rubble riprap shall include: all materials, required bedding stone, dressing and shaping for placement of bedding stone, filter fabric, testing, hauling, excavating, backfill, dressing and shapin� for placement of rubble, and all incid�ntals necessary to cottaplete the work. No payment will be granted if concrete or stone that exists on-site is used as rubble riprap. 58 TREATMENT PLANT SAFETY This article applies Co all City projects located at one of the City's Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) or Potable Water Reservoirs. N�:��:I_f�,1:�1����=1►��/_1� The Contractor shall be aware that hazardous materials are used at the WWTP's and the water reservoirs. These may include sadium hypochlorite, gaseous chlorine, sulfur dioxide and ammonia. Potential safety hazards associated with these substances include: • An accidental spill or r�lease cara impair respiratory functions and result in severe burns to the skin and eyes. At the pre-construction con%rence, the contractor will be provided with a copy of the City of Clearwater Public Utilities Department Emergency Respanse Plan, and a copy o� the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets. All employees of the cantractor and sub-contractor assigned to this job shall be familiar with the content of these documents. 58.2 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR TRAINING Prior to issuance of a notice to praceed, the contractor must submit documentation regardin� employee safety training relating to the items in Section A above. The documentation must include: • Veri�cation tlaat all employees assigned to this job have received and understood trainin� in the proper work practices necessary to safely perform the job while working around gaseous chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas. • The date of the training, and • The means used to verify that the employee understood the training. 59 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS All traffic signal work shall be performed per the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications (Sections 603 through 699), unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. This specification includes, but is not lirnited to, the following items: all necessary equipment, materials, guaranties, acceptance procedures, signal timings, field tests, graunding, conduit, signal and interconnect cable, span wire assemblies, pull and junctian boxes, electrical power service assemblies, poles, signal assemblies, pedestrian assemblies, inductive loop detectors, SectionIV.doc Page 122 of 128 4/1 ]/2011 � � � I_ � � �' Section 1V — Technical Specifications pedestrian detectors, traffic controller assemblies, controller cabinets and accessories, removal of existing traffic signal equipment, and internally illuminated signs. All traffre signal installations shall be mast arms and conform to the requirements of �DOT's Mast Arm Assembly standard, and shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state of .Florida. All mast arm calculations, as well as the geotechnical report, shall alsa be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida. All rnast arm colors shall be determined and approved by the City prior to ordering from the manufacturer. All traffic signal indicators for vehicles and pedestrians shall be LED's and, approved by both the City and FDO"1'. In addition to this, all pedestrian signal indicators shall utilize countdown features. Contractor changes to the operation of an existing signal is PROHI.BITED unless directed by the City's Traffrc Engineering Division. 59.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contract documents and/or plans � and shall include all equipment, preparation, materials, testing and incidentals required to complete the work per the plans. L__I � �.l �! � SQ SIGNING AND MARKING All signing and marking work shall be performed per the latest edition of FDO�,'s Standard Specifications, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. This specification includes the following wark: RPM's (Section 706), painted traffic stripes and markings (Section 710), thermoplastic stripes and markings (Section 7l1) and tubular delineators/flex posts (Sections 705 and 972). The Contractor is responsible ta ensure that striping is correctly placed. Errors in striping or markings shall be "blacked-out" with paint, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Na payment will be made for thESe incorrect or "blacked-out" areas. Omissions in striping or markings shall be corrected to the City's satisfaction prior to any payment being made. 60.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be speci�ed in the contract documents and/ar plans � and shall include all equipment, preparation, materials and incidentals required to complete the work per the plans. � � 61 ROADWAY LIGHTING All roadway ]ighting shall be constructed per Sections 715 and 992 of FDOT's 5tandard Specifications (latest edition), unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. 61.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT � The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contract documents and/or plans and shall include all equipment, materials, testing and incidentals required ta complete the work per the plans. � SectionN.doc Page 123 of 128 A/I1/2011 � Section IV -� T'echnical Specifications 62 TREE PROTECTION 62.1 TREE BARRICADES A. A protective barrier shall be placed around all protected trees and palms prior to land preparation or construction activities within or adjacent to the work zone, ir�cluding all staging and/or lay down areas. Protective barriers shall be installed as follows: 1.. At or greater than the full dripline of all species of Mangroves and Cabbage Palms. 2. At or greater than the full dripline ar all protected native pine trees and other conifer species. 3. At or greater than two-thirds of the dripline of all other protected species 4. At or greater than the full dripline of trees within a specimen tree stand. B. Protective barriers are to be cot�structed using no less than two-inch lumber for upright posts. Upright posts are to be at least four feet in length with a minimum of one foot anchored in the ground. Upright posts are to be placed at a�maximum distance of eight feet apart. Horizontal rails are to be constructed using no less than one inch by four-inch lumber and shall be securely attached to the top of the upright post. The project City's representative must approve any variation from the above requirements. C. Whenever a protective barrier is required, it shall be in place until all construction activity is terminated. The area within the barrier limits shall remain undisturbed by any activity durin� construction. Native ground cover and understory vegetation existing within the barriers shall remain throughout construction. Exotic plant species may only be removed by manual labor utilizing hand tools or by other means if authorized in writing by the City's representative. D. Prior to the erection of any required protective barrier, all surface foreign material, trash or debris shall be re�noved from the area enclased by the barrier, and after erectiora of the barrier no such material or litter shall be permitted to remain within the protecCed area. No equipment, chemicals, soil deposits or construction materials shall be placed within such protective barriers. E. No signs, buildin� permits, wires, or other attachmettts af any kind shall be attached to any protected Cree ar palm. F. At all times, due care shall be taken to protect the critical root zone of trees protected by this sectian, and root pruning requirements shall apply to such tre�s. 62.2 ROOT PRUNING A. Where proposed construction improvements involve excavation and/or impacts to the critical root zone of protected trees, the Contractor shall be required to have an International Society ofArboriculture (ISA) certified arborist perform, or directly supervise root pruning to reduce the impacts of construction. The critical root zone is equivalent to the tree's dripline. 1'rior to any clearing, grubbing or excavation activities, the affected ro�ts rnust be severed by clean pruning cuts at the point where grubbing or excavation impacts the root system. Roots can be pruned utilizing specified root pruning equipment designed for that purpose or by hand digging a trench and pruning roots with a pruning saw, chain saw or other equipment designed for tree pruning. Raot pruning by trenching equipment or excavation equipment is strictly prohibited. Roots located in the critical root zone that will be impacted by SectionIV.doc Page 124 of 128 4n � i2or 1 � � I_ J � � �' Section IV — Technical Specifications construction activities shall be pruned to a minimum depth of 18 inches below existing grade or to the depth of the proposed impact if less than 18 inches from existing grade. Tim Kurtz, Seniar Landscape Architect is the City's Representative on Public Works projects for root Pruning issues and can be reached at (727) 562-4737, or through the construction inspector assigned to the project. B. Root pruning shall only be preformed by or under the direct supervisian of an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist. C. flny proposed root prunin� trenches shall be identitied on site (i.e. staked or painted) inspected and approved by the City's representative prior to actual root pruning. � D. Root pruning shall be preformed as Far in advance of other construction activities as is feasible, but at a rninimum shall be performed prior to ANY impacts to the soil. Associated tree protection measures should be implemented upon completion of said root pruning. � E. If there is a likelihood of excessive wind and/or rain exceptional care shall be taken on any root pruning activities. F. Root pruning shall be limited to a minimum af ten inches per one inch of the trunk diameter �� from the tree base. Any exception must be approved by the City's representative prior to said root pruning. � G. Roots shall be cut cleanly, as far from the trunk of the tree as possible. Root pruning shall be done to a minimum depth of 18" from existing grade, or to the depth of the disturbance if less than I S". � H. Root pruning shall be performed using a Doscocil Root Cutting Machine or equivalent. Alternate eyuipment or techniques must be approved by the City's representative, prior to any work adjacent to trees to be preserved. � I. Root pruning shall be completed, inspected and accepted prior to the commencement of any excavation or other impacts to the critical root zones of trees to be protected. � J. Excavations in an area where root are present shall not cause the tearing or ripping of tree roots. Roots must first be cleanly severed prior to continuing with the excavation, or tunneled around to prevent damage to the root. K. Tree roots shall not be exposed to drying out_ Root ends shall be covered with native soil or burlap and kept moist until final backfill or final grades has been established. L. When deemed appropriate (e.g., during periods of drought) the City representative may � require a temporary irrigation system be utilized in the remaining critical root zones of root pruned trees. � M. When underground utility lines are to be installed within the critical root zone, the root pruning requirement may be waived if the lines are installed via tunneling or directional boring as opposed to open trenching. �� �� � I.� r: ��r r• r-r� i� c rx ��: i i I� I l` L� 3 A. All tree pruning and/or root pruning on existing trees to remain shall only be preformed by or under the direct supervision of an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist. Furthermore, all tree work shall conform to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2001, American National Standard for tree care operations — Tree, Shrub and other Woody Flant Maintenance — Standard practices (pruning) ANST A-300. SectionN.doc Page 12S of 128 4/] 1 /2011 Section IV — Technical Specitications B. Froper pruning techniques for all lateral branches af protected trees are required. rlush cuts (pruning cuts that remove the branch collar) and stub cuts (cuts that leave a stub on the tree) are improper techniques. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be recognized as a tree lefit on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. C. No protected tree shall have more: than 30 percent of its foliage removed. D. No protected tree shall be topped, hat racked or lion-tailed. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. E. Tree Trunks and limbs shall be protected. The use of tree spikes or other devices that damage trunk and bark tissue on protected trees shall be prohibited. Any protected tree that has been datnaged in such a manner will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinances. S3 PROJECT WEB PAGES 63.1 WEB PAGES DESIGN If requested by Che City, Engineer shall design the Project Web Site in accordance with the current City Web Site standards and styles. Project Web Site should include general project information as: Project Name & Number, Scope description, Location, Schedule, and Project Contacts. Note: Occasionally City modifies the general design of the City's Web Site, and the Engineer shall consult the City Webmaster for the cut-rent requirem�nts, before designing or updating the Project Web Pages. 63.2 WEB ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES Project Web Pages should conform to the W3C Web flccessibility Guidelines and US Section 508 guidelines whenever possible: http://www.w3.or�/T'.W 1.999/WAi-WEB_C_QNTENT ] 9990505/ http://www.section50$.� ln particular, use of variable-width tables, user-adjustable/relative font sizes, ALT text for images, CSS whenever possible, etc. Accessibility should be a priority over design/aesthetics. 63.3 THE SUN AND WAVES LOGO AND ITS USE The City's Sun and Waves logo should be used for everyday business, on all print and electronic material. It should be used on all intemal correspondence, brochures, advertisin�, vehicles, apparel and signage. It should be used otaly in the manner presented here, in the proportion shown here, with no alterations. It shauld not be condensed, lengthened, or otherwise distorted to fit a space. The logo is approved for use by city departments, and is not to be used by outside vendors without the permission of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager or Public Communications office. Electronic versions of the �OgO should be obtained from the Public Communications. This is for internal use only. SectionlV.doc Page 126 of 128 4/11/2011 � � �� I_� � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications 63.4 MAPS AND GRAPHICS LJse of maps and graphics is recommended to illustrate Che project; only approved graphics should be posted to the Project Web I'ages. 63.5 INTERACTIVE FORMS The site should also include an interactive form or other options to allow Public's input sent back to the City regarding the i'roject. 63.6 POSTING The site should be presented to the City's Webmaster for review and posting to the City's Web Server. Posting of the Project Web .Pages to a different than City's Web server, if approved, should be coordinated with the City's Webmaster for resolving all accessibility and conformity issues. fi3.7 WEB PAGES UPDATES � Unless otherwise specified and agreed Engineer is responsible for keeping the posted Web Pages up-to-date, by sending revisions and updates through the City Pr�ject Manager to the City's Webmaster for postin�. � � � � l� � �, � � S4 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE CLEARANCE 64.1 CLEARANCE OPTIONS When working in the vicinity of overhead power lines the Contractor shall utilize ane of the following options: Option l- Having the power litaes de-energized and visibly grounded. Option 2- Maintaining a minimum distance of 20 feet of clearance for voltages up ta 350 kV an 50 feet ofclearance for voltages more than 350 kV. Option 3- Determine the line valtage and provide clearance in accordance with the table included in Section 64.2. 64.2 REQUIRED MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCES VOLTAGE MINIMUM CLEARANCE DISTANCE (nominal, kV, alternating current) (feet) Up to 50 10 Over 50 to 200 l5 Over 20 to 350 20 Over 350 to 500 25 Over 500 to 750 35 � SectionlV.doc Page 127 of 128 4/11l2011 � Section 1V — Technical Specil.ications Over 750 to 1,000 45 Over 1000 (as established by the utility owner/operator or registered professional engineer who is a qualified person with respect to electric power transmission and distribution) � � � � Note: The value that follows "to" is up to and includes that value. For example, over 50 to 200 means up to and including 200kV. � SectionlV.doc Page 128 of 128 � � �.7 � ��� �__. �' � [� 4/11/2011 � � � � � � � � �� � � � � , � �.. _I � � � � 01000 UI100 O1200 01290 01310 01330 01355 01400 O1450 01500 O1b00 01650 or��o O1740 01770 01780 O1785 01810 O]8lS 01830 03480 03600 03930 09900 SECTION IVA SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISI�N 1---GENERAL RE UIREMENTS PROJECT REQUIREMENTS SLIMMARY OF WORK MEAStIREM�NT AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE OF VALUES CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION SUBMITTALS AND ACCEPTANCE SPECIAL PROVISIONS QUALITY RE�QUIREMENTS T�STING AND'TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES TEMPORARY FACiLITIES AND CONTROLS MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT DELIVF.RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING CUTTING, CORING, AND PATCHING FINAL CLEANING PROJECT CLOSEOUT WARRANTIES AND BONDS RECORD DOCUMENTS WATER7'.IGHT'NESS "CEST FOR HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES MAINTENANC� OF PLANT �PERATION AND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS �ND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DIVISiON 3--CONCRETE PRE,CAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES GROUT MODIFICATIONS AND REPAIR TO CONCRETE DIVISION 9—FINISH.�S PAINTING AND COATING Bid Documents � � 03720-040-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION �VA SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNiCAL SPECIFiCATIONS DIVISIQN l 1-E UIPM.ENT ] 1535 SUBMERSIBI�E NON-CLOG CENTRIFUGAL i'UMPS 15055 151I0 15144 15155 15&40 DIVISION 15--MECHANTCAL PiPJNG SYSTEMS-GENERAL MANUAL, Ci-TECK, AND PROCESS VALVES PRESSURE TESTiNG OF PIPING DUCTILE iRON PIPE AND FiTTINGS WET W:ELL REI-IABILJTATION Bid Documents ii TABLE OF C�NTENTS 03720-040-01 [_ J � � C� � � � L�J � r1 L-- �1 � �1 � � � � SECTION 0 ] 000 PROJECT REQUIREM�NTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Work to be done cansists of the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment and the performance of all Work included in this Contract. The summary ofthe Work is presented in Section O1100, Summary of Work. 1:3 C. Work Included: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, superintendence, materials, plant power, light, heat, fuel, water, tools, appliances, equipment, supplies, and means of construction necessary for proper performance and completion of the Work. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary local building permits. The Contractor shall perform and camplete the Work in the manner best calculated to pramote rapid construction consistenC with safety of life and property and to the satisfaction ofthe Engineer and in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall clean up the Work and maintain it during and after construction, until accepted, and shall do all Work and pay all costs incidental thereto. ��e shall repair ar restore all structures and property that may be damaged or disturbed during performance of the Work. 2. The cost of incidental work described in these Project Requirements for which there are no specific Contract Items shall be considered as part of the general cost of doing the Work and shall be included in the prices for the various Contract Items. No additional payment will be mad� therefore. 3. The Contractor shall provide and maintain such modern plant, tools, and equipment as may be necessary, in the opinion oFthe Engineer, to perform in a satisfactory and acceptable manner all the Work required by this Contract. On1y eyuipment of established reputatian and proven efficiency shall be used. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of his workmanship, materials, and equipment, prior approval of the Engineer notwithstanding. Public Utility Installations and Structures: Aublic utility installations and structures shall be understood to include all poles, tracks, pipes, wires, conduits, vaults, manholes, and all other appurtenances and facilities pertaining thereto whether owned or controlled by the Owner, ather Bid Documents OI000-1 � 03720-040-01 PROJECT AEQUIREMENTS gavernmental bodies, or privately owned by individuals, firms, or corporations used to serve the public with transportaCion, traffc control, gas, electricity, telephane, sewerage, drainage, water, or other public or private property which may be affected by the Work shall be deemed included hereunder. "C'he Contract Documents contain data relative to existing public utility installations and structures above and below the ground surface. These data are not guaranteed as to their completeness ar accuracy and it is the responsibility of the Contractor to make his own investigations to inform himself fully of the character, condition, and extent of all such installations and structures as may be encountered and as may affect the canstruction operations. The Contractor shall protect all public utility installations and strucCures from damage during the Work. Access acrass any buried public utility installation or structure shall be made to avoid any damage ta these facilities. All required protective devices and construction shall be provided by the Contractor at his expense. All existing public utilities damaged by the ContracCor shall be repaired by the Contractor, at his expense. No separate payment shall be made for such protection or repairs to public utility installations or strucCures. Public utility installations or structures owned or controlled by the Owner or oCher governmental body which are shown on the Drawings to be removed, relocated, replaced, or rebuilt by the Contractor shall be considered as a part of the gerteral. cost of doing the Work and shall be included in the prices bid for the various Contract Items. No separate payment shall be made therefor. 4. Where public utility installations af structures owned or controlled by the Owner or other governmental body are encountered during the Work and are not indicated on the Drawings or in the Specifications, and when, in the opinion of the Engineer, removal, relocation, replacement, or rebuildir�g is necessary to complete the Work under this Contract, such Work shall be accomplished by the utility having jurisdiction, or such Work may be ordered, in writing by the Engineer, for the Contractor ta accomplish. ]:f such work is accomplished by the utility having jurisdiction it will be carried out expeditiously, and the Contractor shall give full cooperation to permit the utility to complete the removal, relocation, replacernent, or rebuilding as required, if such work is accomplished by the Contractor, it will be paid for as extra work as provided in the Section III. At al I times in performance of the Work the Contractor shall employ acceptable methods and exercise reasonable care and skill so as to avoid 13id Documents 01000-2 PROJECT REQUIREM�NTS 03720-04q-0] ' IJ � � � LJ �l �� � � � r � � � u � unnecessary delay, injury, dama�e, or destruction of`public utility installations and structures and shall at all times in the performance of the Work avoid unnecessary interference with or interruption of public uCility services and cooperate fully with the owners thereofto that end. 6. The Contractor shall give written notice to the Owner and other governmental utility departments and other owners of public utilities of the location af his proposed construction operations at least 48-hours in advance of breaking graund in any area or on any unit of the Work. 7. "rhe rnaintenance, repair, removal, relocation, or rebuilding of public utility installations and structures, when accomplished by the Contractar as herein provided, shall be done by methods approved by the owners of such utilities. ] .02 RELATED WORK (NOT [1SED) 1.03 StJS.MITTAI�S (NOT USED) 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) I.OS REFERENCE S"1"ANDARDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) 1..Q8 DELIVERY, HANDLlNG, AND STORAGE (N�T USED) 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 DI2AWINGS AND PROJECT MANUAL A. Drawings: When obtaining data and information from the Drawings, frgures shall be used in preference to scaled dimensions and large-scale drawings in pre,ference to small-scale drawings. : Supplementary Drawings: 1. When, in the opinion of the Engineer, it becomes necessary to explain more fully the Work ta be done or to illustrate the Work further or to show any changes which may be required, the Engineer will prepare drawings known as Supplementary .Drawings, with specificatians pertaining to such Drawings, and the Cantractor will be furnished one complete set of Bid Documents 01000-3 PRU]ECT REQUIKEMENTS � 03720-q40-U1 :�] reproducible black line prints (24 inches by 36 inches) and one reproducible copy of the specifications. 2. The Supplementary Drawings shall be binding upon the Contractor with the same force as the Contract Drawings. Where such Supplementary Drawings require either less ar more than the estimated quantities of Work, credit to the Owner or compensation therefor to the Contractor shall be subject to the terms o�'the SecCion IfI. Contractar to Check Drawings and Data: The Cantractor shall verify all dimensions, quantities, and details shown on the Drawings, Supplementary Drawin�s, Schedules, Specifications, or other data received from the Engineer, and shal l notify the Engineer of all errors, omissions, conflicts, and discrepancies found therein. Failure to discover or correct errors, conflicts, or discrepancics shall not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for unsatisfactory work, faulty construction, or improper operation resulting therefrom, nor from rectifying such conditions at his own expense. He will not be allowed to take advantage of any errors or omissions, as full instructions will be furnished by the Engineer shauld such errors or omissions be discovered. All schedules are given for the convenience of the Engineer and the Contractor and are not guaranteed ta be complete. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility or the making of estimates of the size, kind, and quality of rnaterials and equipment included in Work to be done under the Contract. D. Specifications: The Technical Specifications generally consist of three parts: General, Froducts, and Execution. The General part of a Speci�catio;� contains General Requirements which govern the Work. The Products and Execution parts modify and supplement the General Rec�uirements by detailed requirements for the Work and shall always govern whenever there appears to be a conflict. E. Sid Documents 03720-040-01 Intent: 1. All Work called for in the Specifcations applicable to this Contract, but raot shown on the Drawings in their present form, or vice versa, shall be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in both. Work not speci�ed i» either the Drawings or in the Specifications but involved in carrying out their intent or in the complete and proper execution of the Work is required and shall be performed by the Contractor as though it were specifrcally delineated or described. 01000-4 PR07ECT REQUIREMENTS � � � � � � � � �� � � r � � � � � 2. The apparent silence af the Specificatians as to any detail or Che apparent omission from them of a detailed description concernin� any work to be done and materials to be furnished shall be regarded as meaning that only the best general practice is to prevail and that only material and workmanship of the best quality is to be used. The interpretation of these Specifications shall be made upon that basis. 1.11 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Manufacturer: 1. All transactions with the manufacturers or subcontractors shall be through the Cantractor. Any such transactions shall not in any way release the Contractor from his full responsibility under this Contract. 2. Any two or more pieces of material ar equiprnent of the same kind, type, or classit7cation, and being used for identical types ot service, shall be made by th� same manufacturer. B. Delivery: 1. The Contractor shall deliver materials in ample quantities to ensure the most speedy and uninterrupted progr�ss of the Work so as to complete the Work within the allotted time. �a 3 The Contractor shall also coordinate deliveries in order to avoid delay in or impediment of the progress of the work of any related Contractor. The Cotatractor shall be solely responsible for receiving material delivered to the site and signing the shipping documents. 1.12 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. General: Bid Documents � 03720-040-01 1. For tests specified ta be made by the Contractor, the testing personnel shall make the necessary inspections and tests, and the reports thereof shall be in such form as will facilitate checking to determine compliance with the Cantract Documents. Five copies of the reports shall be submitted and authoritative certificatian thereof must be furnished to the Engineer as a prerequisite for the acceptance of any material or equipment. 01000-5 PROJECT REQUIREMENT5 It� C�J 2. If; in the making o:f any test of any material or equipment, the .Engineer ascertains that the material or equipment does not comply with the Contract Documents, the Contractor will be notitied thereof and hc will be directed to refrain from deliverin� said material or equipment, or to remove it promptly from the site or from the Work and replace it with acceptable matErial without cost to the Owner. 3. Tests of electrical and rxzechanical equipment and appliances shall be conducted in accordance with the recognized test codes of the ANSI, ASME, or the lEEE, except as may otherwise be stated herein. 4. The Cantractor shall be fully responsible for the proper operation of equipment during testing and instruction periods and shall neither have nor make any claim far damage which may occur to equipment before the time when the Owner formally takes over the operation thereof. Costs: The Contractor shall provide all inspection and testing of materials furnished under this Contract, unless otherwise expressly specified. 2. The Contractor shall bear the cost of shop and field tests of equipment and of certain other tests specifically call�d for in the Contract Documents, and such costs shall be deemed to be included ,in the Contract Price. 3. The Owner may test materials and equipment subrnitted by the Contractor as the equivalent to those specifically named in the Contract for compliance. The Contractor shall reirnburse the Owner far the expenditures incurred in making such tests of materials and equipment which are rejected for non-compliance. Start-up Tests: As soon as conditions permit, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and instruments and shall perform start-up tests of equipment. 2. If the start-up tests disclose any equipment furnished under this Contract which does not comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, before demonstration tests, make all changes, adjustments, and replacements required. The furnishing contractor shall assist in the start-up tests as applicable. Bid Documents 01000-6 PR07ECT REQUIREMENTS 03720-040-01 � � � D. Demonstration Tests: 1. Before the Contractor's request for a Substantial Completion inspection, all equipment and piping installed under this Contract shall be subjected to i demorastration tests as specified or required to prave compliance with the Contract Documents. � � � � , � � � � � ' 2. The Contractor shall furnish labar, fuel, energy, water, and all other materials, equipment, and instruments necessary for all demonstration tests at no additional cast to the Owner. The manufacturer's engineer shall assist in the demonstration tests as applicable. 1.13 LINES AND GRADES � r:� Grade: All work under this Contract shall be canstructed in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the Drawings or as given by the Engineer. 'I�he full responsibility for keeping alignment and grade shall rest upon the Contractor. 2. The Engineer will establish bench marks and baseline controlling points. Reference marks for lines and grades as the Work progress�s will be located by the Contractor to cause as little inconvenience to the prosecution of the Work as possible. The Contractor shall place excavation and other materials so as to cause no inconvenience in Che use of the reference marks provided. F�e shall remove any obstructions he places contrary to this provision. Surveys: At his own expense the Contractar shall furnish and maintain stakes and other such materials. 2. The Contractor shall check such reference marks by such means as he may deem necessary and, before using them, shall call the Engineer's attention to any inaccuracies. � 3. At his own expense the Contractor shall establish all working ar construction lines and grades as required from the reference marks set by the Engineer and shall be solely responsible far the accuracy of these lines � and grades. He shall, however, be subject to check and review by the Engineer. � Bid Documents ' 03720-040-01 01000-7 PROIECT AEQUTAEMENTS C. Safeguarding Marks= The Contractor shall safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks, monuments, and bench marks made or established on the Work, bear the cost of re-establishing them if disturbed, and bear the entire expense of rectifying work improperly installed due to not maintaining or protecting or to removing without authorization such established points, stakes, and marks. 2. The Contractor shall safeguard all existing and known property corners, monuments, and marks adjacent to but not related to the Work and shall bear the cost of re-establishing them if they are disturbed or destroyed. PART 2 PRODUCTS A. In accordance with the provisions of Section 21 of the General Conditions, the City of Clearwater reserves the right ta implement an Owner Uirect Furchase/Sales "�'ax Savings Program. At the time the Contract Frice is established, but not later than concurrently with submission of the required values, the City of Clearwater and the Engineer shall identify the speci:frc items and the estimated costs of the potential ODP. B. The Contractor shall submit a separate line item cost for each ODP item. The Contractor must clearly and separately idcntify any contingency or allowance amount associated with any ODP iterns. The Contract Price must include the total cast of the Work, including the cost of the OD�' item and associated sales tax. After the City of Clearwater and the Engineer have identi�ed ODP items, the Contractor shall follow the procedures set out in the contract documents. 17�.711�c3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Bid Documents 01000-8 PR07ECT REQUIREMENTS 03720-040-01 � �� � , � � � � � � 1 � ._ � � � SECTION 01100 SUMMARY OF WORK PART1 GENERAL ] .0.1 SCOPE OF WORK Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Contract Documents, the Work must be performed in accordance with best modern practice, with materials and workmanship of the hi�hest quality to the satisfaction of the Owner. Im1 I:� The Project title is "East WRF Dewatering Pump Station Rehabilitation" The Work of this project is defined in Section I and generally consists of the fallowing: l. Repair leaks in the dewatering pump station wetwell and one associated manhole. 2. Rehabilitate existing dewatering pump station wetwell to include replacing the submersible pumps with associated piping, flaat switches, discharge valves and wetwell liner, and coating of the manhole. 3 4 Provide temporary flow diversion/bypass pumping and dewatering as reyuired while wetwell and manhole are being repaired. Loading, transparting, and proper disposal of all the contents removed from the wetwell and manhole in accordance with applicable regulations. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing any required flow diversion/bypass pumping to maintain operation of the treatment facility as specified in Section 01815, Maintenance of Plant Operation and Sequence of Construction. � D. The Specification divisians and Drawings are an integrated part of the Contract Documents and, as such, will not stand alone if used independently as individual sections, divisions, or drawing sheets. The Drawings and Specifications establish � minimum standards of quality for this project. They do nat purport to cover all details entering into the design and construction of materials and eyuipment. � 1.02 RELATED WORK � A Section 01815, Maintenance af Plant Operation and Sequence of Construction. Bid Documents �� ��-1 � 0372U-U40-01 SUMMARY OF WOAK 1.03 SUBMITTALS (NOT USED) 1.04 WORK SEQUkNCE See Section 018] 5, Maintenance of Plant Operation and Sequence of Construction. 1.05 REFFRENCE STANDA.RDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSUR.ANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES (NOT USEn) 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND H.ANDLING (NOT USED) 1.Q9 QUALIFICA"f10NS (NOT USED) 1.10 G.ENERt1L REQiJIREM�NTS A. Unless otherwise specifed an the Construction Drawings or Specifications, all work and the quality oimaterials shall confonn to the applicable referenced standards. Sasis of payment shall conform to Section 01200, Measurement and Payment, of the General Requirements. The Contractor must maintain the operation of the Creatment plant during the construction. B. The Contractor is responsible for taking all appropriated safety precautions during the performance of the work. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all safety procedures and maintaining a safe work place and comply with City of Clearwater Emergency Action Plan and all safety procedures. Compliance with the above shall not relieve the Contractor of his sol� responsibility for ensuring a safe work site and work enviranment. 1.11 WORKING HOURS V1WOrkdays shall consist often (10) hours maximum, between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm. Monday through Friday excluding holidays. Owner inspection services are between 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, excluding weekends and holidays. The Contractor shall pay for any inspection services required outside normal work hours. I .12 REIMBURSEMENT FEES The following rates shall be applied as the Owner's reimbursement of the En�ineer's fee to be paid by the Contractor for expenses incurred such as: working outside normal wark hours, evaluation af subsCitutions, submittals requiring more than 2 shop drawing reviews for one Bid Dncuments 01100-2 SLTNIMARY OF WORK 03720-040-0] � � � product, additional field observations and analysis or other work due to non-complying or defective equipment. � A. Senior Construction Administrator: $ 100.00/haur B. Engineering Consultant (Senior Project Manager): $ 195.00/hour C. Administrative Assistant: $ 65.00/hour � 1.13 ORDINANC.ES, R�GULATIONS, STANDARUS, AND CODES � ' � �� � ' � � � 1 � � Reference in the Specifications to known standards, codes, speci�cations, etc., promulgated by professional or technical associations, institutions, and societies, is intended to mean the latest edition of each such standard adopted and published as of the date of the Advertisement for Bid on this project except where otherwise specifically indicated. E.ach such standard referred to shall be considered a part of the specif.tcations to the same extent as if reproduced herein in full. The fallowing is a list of applicable documents that apply to this coniract. �i� F3. C. D. E. r. G. H. I. K. L. N. O. P. R. S. U, V. W. X. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Farmerly (AASHO) American Concrete Institute (ACI) American lnstitute of Steel Construction (AISC) American lron and Steel institute (AISI) American National Standards lnstitute (ANSI) American Standards Association (AS�1) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Society of Testing and Material (ASTM) American Water Works Association (A W WA) American Welding Society (AWS) Anti-Friction Searirag Manufacturer's Association (AF.BM.A) Building Officials and Code Administrators lnternational, Inc. (BOCA) Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Federal Specification (FS) Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Standard Speci�cations for Road and Bridge Construction, �atest English Edition (Standard Specifications) FDOT Roadway and Traffic Design Standards Latest English Edition (FDOT Index) Geasynthetics Institute (GSI) National Sureau of Standards (NBS) National Electrical Manufacturer's Associatian (NEMA) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Portland Cement Association (PCA) Occupational Safety and Health Act (Public Law 91-596), U.S. Department of Labor (�SHA) Steel Structures Painting Cauncil (SSPC) Southern Standard Building Code (SSBC) Bid Documents Ol 100-3 , 03720-040-01 SUMMARY QF WORK Y. Underwriters' Laboratories, inc. (UL) Z. United States of America Standards Institute (USASl) AA. Regulations of Florida Industrial Commission Regardin� Safety SB. All local, state, county, or municipal buildin� codes rcquirements of ihe Owner's Insurance PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTI�N (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Bid Documents 01100-4 SiIMMARY OF WORK 03720-040-�] �L J IJ � 1 �J � ' � � � ' ' � � � ' _� � �' S�CTION 01200 MEASUREMENT ANU PAYMFN'T PART' 1 GENFRAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This section covers methods af ineasurement and payment for items of work under this Contract. B. The total Contract Price shall cover all work required by the Contract Documents. All cost in connection with the praper and successful completion of the work, including furnishing all materials, equipment, and tools and performing all necessary labor and supervision to fully complete the work, shall be included in the unit price and lump-sum Bid prices. All work not specifically set forth as a pay item in the Bidder's Proposal shall be considered a subsidiary/ancillary obligation of the Contractor and all costs in connectian with these subsidiary/ancillary obligations shall be included in the Bid(s) to provide a complete and functional Project. 1.02 REL�IT�.D WORK (NOT USEll) 1.03 SUBMITTALS (NOT USEU) 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFER�NCE STANDARDS (NOT US�D) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) 1.08 DELIV�RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 EXCAVATI�N, TRENCHING, AND CLEARING A. Except where otherwise specified, the unit price or lump-sum price bid for each item of work which involves excavatian, trenching, clearing, grubbing, or disposal of cleared and grubbed materials shall include all casts for such work. No direct payment shall be made for clearing, grubbing, dispasal of cleared or grubbed materials, excavatian, trenching, disposal of surplus excavated material, handling Bid Dceuments 01200-1 MEASUREMENT AND PAYM�:NT � 03720-040-01 water (and groundwater) and purchasing and hauling of required till material. All excavation and trenching shall be unclassified as to materials which may be encountered; in addition, trenches shalJ be unclassi�ed as to depth, unlcsti otherwise stated. l .l 1 LUMP SUM A. For 1ump-sum items, payments shall be made to the Contractor in accordance with an accepCed .Progress Schedule of Values on the basis of accual work completed and accepted by the Owner at the final completion of�the Project. 1.12 UNIT PRiCE A. For unit price items, payment shall be made based on the actual amount of work accepted by the Owner and for the actual amount of materials in place at the fnal completion of the Project, as confirmed by Che final measurements. B. After the work is completed and before :final payment is madc, the Enginecr wil] make final measurements, with all required assistance from the Contractor, to determine the quantities of various items of work accepted as the basis for the final unit price payment. 1.13 PAYMENT FOR iIVCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES (NOT USED) 1.14 DELETED ITEMS f1. Should any items contained in the Bidder's Proposal be found unnecessary for the proper completion of th� work contracted, the Engineer may eliminate such items from the Contract. This action shall in no way invalidate the Contract and no financial allowance or compensating payment for anticipated profit, overhead, etc. will be rnade for items so eliminated in making final payment to the Contractor. 1.15 PARTIAL P�IYMENTS A. Partial payments shall be rnade monthly as the work progresses. Partial payment shall be naade subject Co the provisions of the General Conditions. 1.16 PAYM.ENT FOR STORED MATERIAL DEI,[VERED 'CQ THE PROJECT A. Wheta requested by the Contractor and at the discretion o.f the Owner, payment rnay be tnade for all or part af the value of acceptable materials and equipment to be incorporated into bid items, which have not been used, and which have been delivered to the construct.ion site or placed in storage places acceptable to the Owner. The Contractor shall provide receipts for all stored material items Bid Documents 01200-2 MEASUREM�NT AND PAYMENT 03720-040-01 � r , 1 , � � lJ r � , � ' 1 � , � � requested for reimbursement which clearly identify the stored material item, where it is to be constructed, the unit cost of the item, as well as the total cost of the delivered item(s), the quantity of the item, the brand name of the item, and the supplier. Note that there are additional documentation requiremenis and storage requirements within the Contract Documents that must also be met before the Contractor can be reimbursed for these stored materials. B. No payment shall be made for fuels, supplies, installation or connection hardware, lumber, false work, or ather similar materials or on temporary structures or other work (items) of any kind which are not a permanent part of the Contract. Items having a value of less than $2,500 shall not be campensated for as a stored material item. 1.17 F1NAL PAYMENT A. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall field verify all quantities in dispute by using visual observation, taped measurements, or other methods designated by the Engineer. The field verification shall be made in the presence of the Engineer and agreed to by both the Engineer and the ContracCor. The Engineer will prepare a final adjusting Change Order which will adjust the final quantities of the proj�ct Bidder's Proposal to reflect the actual work accepted by the Owner and for which the Contractor will be compensated. r. r g SCHEDU LE OF VALUES A. A schedule of values for the lump-sum bid items and some of the unit price bid items as required by the Engineer shall be submitted and accepted before the first pay request is approved by the Engineer. The schedule of values shall be based on the prices bid in the Bidder's Proposal. Prices bid in the Bidder's Proposal cannot be changed in the schedule of values; they can only be braken down into more detail so that the Engineer can more accurately pay the Contractor for the completed work. 1.19 MISCELLANEDUS CONSTRUCTION ITEMS A : L The Contractar shall take all precautions necessary to protect existing utilities, roads, and miscellaneous items from damage during construction. The Contractor shall repair, relocate, or replace existing utilities, roadways, and miscellaneous items to pre-construction conditions. All repairs, relocations, and replacements necessary are considered incidental to the work and will be at the Contractar's cost, with no cost to the Owner. E3id bvcuments 01200-3 , 03720-040-01 MEASUREMENT AND PAYM�NI' PART 2 PAY ITEM DESCRIPTIONS 2.01 BID The descriptions provided in the following Paragraphs are to be used by the Bidder in preparing the Bidder's Proposal. They generally indicate how the rnajor workscope items and their respective costs are to be separated into the line items listed in the Bidder's Proposal. '7'hese descriptions are not fully representative nor all inclusive of the work required to complete the project in accordance with the Contract Documents. It is the Bidder's responsibility to include all required costs within the most appropriate line item(s). Item 1. Mob.ilization/Demobilizatian—This item shall include and cover the costs for performance ofconstruction, preparatory, and overhead operations, including but not limited to items required in the Section Ill – General Conditioras; movement of personnel and equipment to and from the site, san.itary facilities, project administration and management, insurance, bonds, Owner and Engineer indemnification, temporary utilities, permits related to construction, and all other similar activities arad facilities nec�ssary for executing this praject. This item shall not exceed 8% of the bid amount. The Contractor will be paid 40% of this item upon campletion of mobilization and 10% upon demobilization; the remainder will be prorated equally over the construction period. Item 2. Demolition of Mechanical E ui ment in Dewaterin Pum Station — This item is to include all costs for the removal of equipment in the dewatering pump station and the associated valve box including but not limited Co submersible pumps, guide rails, lift chains, piping, fittings, associated electrical cables and connections, PVC wetwell liner, valves, and appurtenances as shown on the drawings and related work. This item also includes loading, transporting, and disposal oidemolished materials, including all the contents in the wetwell, in an approved disposal facility in according to applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. Payment for this item shall be on a lump-sunn basis in accardance with a percentage af completion, in accordance with the Contractor's approved schedule of bid-item breakdown, and upon Engineer verif cation. Item 3a. Furnish and Deliver Submersible Pumbs—Under this item the Contractor shall furnish, deliver to site, unload, arid maintain proper storage prior ta installation of two new submersible pumps, piping and fittings, and related equipment for a complete operational pump station as specified in the Contract Documents and shown in the Contract Drawings. Payment for this item shall be on a lump-sum basis in accordance with a percentage of completion, in accordance with the Contractor's approved schedule of bid-item breakdown, and upon Engineer verification. Item 3b. Tnstallation Testin and Warran of Submersible Pum s—i]nder this item the Contractar shall install the submersible pumps, piping and fittings, interconnecting piping to the tie-in points of discharge, pump testing, warranty and all related work for a complete operatianal pump station as speci�ed and shown in the Coniract Drawings. During the Work, Bid bocuments 01200� M EASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 03720-040-01 , , � ' no interruption of the plant operations is allawed. The Contractor shall be responsible for any permit violation related to the Work. Payment for this item shall be on a lump-sum basis in accordance with a percentage of campletion, in accardance with the Contractor's approved schedule of bid-item breakdown, and upon Engineer verification. ItEm 4. Wet Well Restoration-- tJnder this item the Cantractor shall restore the wet well ' which includes but is not limited to furnishin� and installing a new concrete lid with access cover (access cover to be provided by the submersible pump manufacturer and installed by the Contractor), furnishing and installing a FRP liner for the wet wel) including labor, � materials, and all equipment necessary to perform the work. The Contractor shall inspect the wet well for leaks or other structural damage and shall restore the wet well before the installation of the liner. This item includes all earthwork, removal and restoration of ' r r r 1 ' ' 1 , ' � , � pavement, if reyuired, testing and other incidentals required to complete the work. Payment for this item shall be on a lump-sum basis in accordance with a percentage of completion, in accordance with the Contractor's approved schedule of bid-item breakdown, and upon Engineer verification. ltem 5. Furnish and Install Pum Station Dischar e Valves—This item shall include but not be limited to all costs for installation of two 6-inch check valves and two 6-inch plu� valves, including necessary spool pieces and connection to pump discharge piping. Payment for this item shall be on a lump-sum basis in accardance with a percentage of cornpletion, in accordance with the Contractor's approved schedule af bid-item breakdown, and upon Engineer verifcation. Item 6. Re air of Existin Manhole—This item is to include all costs for the repair and internal surface coating af the manhole as shown on the drawings including labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the repair. This item also includes any necessary earthwork, removal and restoration of pavemetat, if required, removal, transport and proper disposal of all contents removed from the manhole, coating of the manhale, and testing and other incidentals reyuired to complete the work. Payment for this item shall be on a lump-sum basis in accordance with a percentage of completion, in accordance with the Contractor's approved schedule of bid-item breakdown, and upon Engineer verification. Item 7. Flow diversion and Dewaterin� – The Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment, and services to pravide flow diversion, bypass pumping, and dewatering as needed. This items also included the design of the tlow diversion, bypass pumping and dewatering systems signed and sealed by a prafessional engineer registered in Florida, permitting, installation, operation, and removal of the system(s), and praper disposal of the water , and related work. Payment for this item shall be on a lump-sum basis in accordance with a percentage of completion, in accordance with Contractor's approved schedule of bid- item breakdown, and upon Engineer verification. Item 8. Owner's 10% Contin e� ncy—The Cantractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services to perform unforeseen work not included in the other bid items that Bid bocuments 01200-5 MEASUREMENT ANb PAYMENT 03720-040-01 �1 1 may be requested and approved by the En�incer. The scope of work and cost of this additional work shall be agreed upon in writing and approved by the Engineer prior to ' commencement of the work. The ConCractor shall be paid based on the percet�t completian of approved work. � END OF SECTION Bid Documents 01200-6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 03720-040-01 SECTION 01290 SCHEDULE OF VALUES PART1 GENERAL I.O1 SCOPE OF WORK (NOT USED) 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section III, General Conditians 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall subrnit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. To the Engineer, a proposed Schedule of Values allocated to the various portions of the Work, in accordance with Section O 1000, Project Requirements, and Section 01200, Measurement and Payment. I� C � E. Upon request of the Engineer, supporting data which wil] substantiate the values' correctness. The accepted Schedule of Values shall be used only as the basis for the Contractor's Applications for Payment. An update and resubxnittal of the Schedule of Values when Change Orders affect the listing or when the actual performance of the Work involves necessary changes of substance to values previously listed and approved. Schedule of Values 1. The Contractor shall submit a typed schedule or electronic media printout. 2. Submit Schedule of Values in duplicate within 10 days after the date of Owner-Contractor Agreement. 3. Format — Use the schedule of prices in the Bidder's Proposal. Show cost breakdown for each lump-sum item. The lump-sum breakdown shall, at a minimum, use the Table of Contents of this manual outline. Identify each line item with number and title of the major Specification Section. Identify site mobilization and demobilization, bonds and insurance, record drawings, photagraphs, operatians and maintenance manuals, etc. Bid I7ocuments 01290-1 SCHEDULE OF VAL.UES 03720-040-01 4 �►7 G'� Hor unit cost allowances, identify quantities taken fram the Contract Documents multiplied by the unit cost to achieve the total for the item. Include within each line item a direct proportional amount of the Contractor's overhead and profit. Revise schedule to list approved Change Orders with each Application for Payment. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT US�'D) l .OS REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) l .07 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) 1.08 DELIVERY, STORIIGE, AND HANDLING (NOT US.�D) l .09 QUAL]1�1CATIONS (NO'T USED) 1.I0 CASH ALLOWANCES A_ Costs Included in Allowances — The cost oithe product to the Contractor or subcontractor, less applicable trade discounts and applicable taxes. B. Costs Not Included in the Allowance, But included in the Contract Price — Product handling at the site, includin� unloading, uncrating, and storage; protection of Products from elements and from damage and labor for installation and finishing. C. Contractor Responsibilities: Ir7 1. Execute purchase agreement with designated supplier. 2. Arrange for and process shop drawings, product data, and samples. Arrange for delivery. 3. Promptly inspect products upon delivery for completeness, damage, and defects. Submit claims for transportation damage. Differences between allowance amounts and actual costs will be adjusted by Change Order before final payment. Bid Documents 01290-2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 03720-040-0] E. Cash Allowances Schedule l. None. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) $id Documents U3720-040-01 END OF SECTiON 01290-3 SCHEDULE OF' VALUES SECTION O]310 CONSTRUCTION CO�RDINATION P�1RT I GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WURK A. The Contractor shall coordinate Work with that of other construction projects as needed. B. Before starting Work and from time to time as the Work progresses, the Contractor and each subcontractor shall examine the work and materials installed by athers as it applies to its own work and shall notify the Engineer imrr►ediately in writing if any canditians exist which will prevent satisfactory results in the installation of the system. Should the Contractor or subcontractor start work without such notification, it shall be construed as an acceptance of all claims or questions as to the suitability of the work of athers to receive its Work. The Contractor shall remove and/or replace, at its own expense, all work under this Contract which may have to be removed on account of such defects or omissions. l .02 RFLATED WORK A. Section 01000, Project Reyuirernents. B. Section 017'10, Project Closeout. 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit shap drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: 1:1 : C�] 0 The Contractor shall ensure that all drawing, product data, and samples comply with Contract Documents and field dimensians arad clearances. The Contractor shall submit requests for interpretation of Contract Documents in a timely fashion ta ensure there are no disruptions with the Work as scheduled. Obtain instructions through the Engineer to resolve all yueries. Process requests for substitutions and Change Orders through the Engineer. Deliver close-out submittals to the Engineer. Bid Dceuments 01310-1 CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION 03720-040-01 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT US.ED) l .O6 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTI�S (NOT USED) 1.U8 DE��IVERY, HANDLING, AND STORAGE (NOT USED) 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 CONSTRUCTION MOBJLIZATION The Contractor shall do Che following: F1. Caoperate with the Owrter in allocating mobilization areas on srte for tield offices and sheds, ifnecessary, access, traffic, and parking facilities. During construction, the Contractor shall coordinate the use ofthe site and facilities through the Engineer. B. Comply with the Engineer's procedures for intra-project communications: submittals, reparts and records, schedules, coordination drawings, recomtnendations, and resolution of ambiguities/conflicts. G Comply with the Engineer's instructions for us� of temporary utilities and constructian facilities. D. Coordinate field Engin�ering and layout work under instructions of the Engineer. E. Coordirtate scheduling, submittals, and work of the various Sections of Contract Documents to ensure the efficient and arderly sequence of installation o� construction elements, with provisions for accommodating items to be installed later. F. Coordinate the sequence of Work to accommodate the Owner occupancy as specified in the ContracC Documents. G. Contractar shall hold pre-construction conferences with personnel and Subcontractors to ensure coordination of Work. The Engineer shall be informed of such meetings and shall be allowed to attend. Bid Dacuments 03720-040-01 01310-2 CONSTRlJCT10N COORDINATION ' , , 1 ' , ' 1 ' 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 � 1 H. Coordinate the Work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing equipment, connecting equipment, and placing such equipment in service. 1. Coordinate the use of praject space and the sequence of installing civil, architectural, mechanical, structural, instrumentation, systems, and electrical work. Follow practicable routings for pipes, ducts, and conduits, with due allowance for available physical space; make runs parallel with lines af building. Use space efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, maintenance, and repairs. J I:� Coordinate Wark at existing facilities to minimize disruption of the Owner's operations. Assemble and coordinate close-out submittals specified in Section O1770, Project Closeout. l.l 1 COORD[NATION DRA.WINGS A. The Contractor shall provid� information rcquired by lhe Engineer for preparing coordination drawings. B. The Contractor shall review drawings before submitting them to the Engineer. 1.12 CLOSE-OU".f PROCEDUR�S 'The Contractor shall do the following: A. Notify the Owner when Work is considered ready for Substantial Completion. � � Comply with the Owner's instructions to correct items of Work listed in executed Certificates of Substantial Completian. Notiiy the Owner when Work has reached �inal Completion. D. Comply with the Owner's instructions for completing items of Work found incomplete in the Engineer's final inspection. E. Camply with Section 01770, Project Closeout. PART 2 ARODUCTS (NOT USED) Bid Documents 03720-04D-Ol 01310-3 CONSTAUC710N C40RDINATION 1 ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL � A. All vehicles on the property or easement must be operative. ' S. All personnel on the property or the easement are to be informed of line voltage , and necessary changes. 3.02 UTILITIES ' A. The Cantractor shall coordinate the activiCies of all utility companies with equipment in the construction area with the Contractor's and Subcontractor's , Work. 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING ' A. No cutting and patching of new Work will be acceptcd. A11 Work must be new and continuous in its final form. 1 END OF SECTiON ' ' � ' , ' 1 1 � Bid Documents 013 ] 0� CONS7'RUCTION COORDINATIQN 03720-040-01 � � � � 1 � 1 � �I � � L. . ' SECTIUN 01330 SUBMITTALS AND ACC�{'"I'ANCE PARTI GENERAL l .Ol SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall submit documentation that describes the Work to be performed under the Contract as required in this Section. This dc�cumentation will be for the Engineer and �wner's review and use. The docunnentation furnished by the Contractor must enable the �ngineer and Owner to verif`y the Contractor's performance and compliance with Contract requirements. rl,he documentation shall cover all services and deliverables required and secured by the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK The Contractor shall prepare documentatian and submittals required by other sections of the Contract. The format of documents and submittals required by other sections shall canform to the requirements of this Section. A. Section III, General Conditions. � B. Sect.ion 017$S, Record Documents. C. Section 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals. D. All Sections and Divisions that require submittal of documents. ' I.�3 SUBMITTALS ' ' � � � � A General—The Contractor shall submit the following: Project documentation: Far the Engineer and Owner's internal use and shall include all information that will be essential for the facility's operations, maintenance, training, and repair of equipment and facilities supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit all documentation necessary to ascertain compliance with technical/contractual provisions. 2. Shop drawings: Drawings, schedules, diagrams, warrant, and other data prepared specifically for this Contract by the Contractor or through the Contractor by way of subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier, distributor, or other lower-tier contractor to illustrate a portion of the Work. 3. Product data: Preprinted materials such as illustrations, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, brochures, diagrams, manufacturer's E3id Documents 01330-1 � 03720-040-01 SUBMITT'ALS AND ACCEPTAtdCE � L n descriptive literature, catalog data, and other data to illustrate a portion of the Work, but not prepared exclusively for this Contract. 4. Adrninistrative submittals: Data presented for reviews and acceptance to ensure that adminisirative requirements ofth� project are adequately met but not to ensure directly that work is in accordance with the design concept and in compliance with Contract Documents. Coordination SubmiCtals and schedules shall be checked and coordinated with the Work of all trades involved before they are submitted and shall bear the Contractor's stamp of approval as evidence of such checking and coordination. Drawings or schedules submitted without this stamp of approval shall be returned to the Contractor for resubmission. Start of Work Within 30 calendar days after ihe notice to proceed for the project, the Contractor shall submit Co the Engineer a Contract Data Requirements List that defines all data to be submitted under this Contract. Included in this list shall be the names of all proposed manufacturers furnishing speci�ed items to the extent known. Review of this list by the Engineer shall in no way relieve the Contractor from providing materials, equipment, systems, and structures fully in accordance with the Specifications. General Requir�ments The Contractor shall prepare, assemble, and submit all documents as described herein. The Contractor shall submit certi.fication that the documents prepared conform to the Contract requirements and will result in a complete and operable project. The Engineer and Owner shall review the Contractor's documents for conformance to ihe Contract requirements and may camment an the documents. 2. The Contractor shall approve and certify all project documents. The Contractor's failure to certify the documents or failure to provide dacuments that demonstrate conformance to the Cantract requirements are grounds for rejection. The Contractor shall be responsible for and bear all costs for proceeding with any part of the Work that fails to meet the Contract requirements. 3. Submittal of documents for the Engineer's review shall in no way relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for praviding a complete, safe, Bid Documents 01330-2 SUBMITTALS AND ACCEPTANCE 03720-04�-01 1 1 � reliabl�, operating, and coordinated Work (system/equipment/facilities) that is in compliance with these Contract documents. E. Requests for Substitution: All requests for substitution shall clearly and i specifically indicate any and all differences or omissions between the products specified as basis of design and the praduct proposed far substitution. Data shall �, include but not be limited to differences as follows for both the specified and substituted products: � ,� � � � � F 1. principle of operation. 2. Materials of construction or finishes. 3. Thickness or gauge of materials. 4. Weight of item. 5. Deleted features or items. 6. Added features ar items. 7. Changes in other work caused by the substitution. 8. If the substitution contains differences or omissions not specifically called to the attention of the Engineer, the Engineer reserves the right to require equal or similar features to be added to the substituted product at the Cantractor's expense. Submittal Requirements and .Procedures 1. Drawing Formats and Requirements a. Drawings—All Drawings and Shop Drawings shall be prepared on � 22-x-34-inch paper and shall have a blank area of 3 x 4 inches in the lower right hand carner above the title black. �ach Drawing shall indicate the following informatian in the title block: � � � � �r� �2) ��) (4) (5) (6) Title and Drawing Number. Date of Drawing or Revisian. Name of Suilding or Facility. Name of Contractor or subcontractor. Drawing contents and locations. Specification Sectian and Subsection Numbers. b. Required Copies—All drawings submitted shall have a minimum of eight copies distributed in the following way: (1) 2--Owner. (2) 4--Jones Edmunds. (3) 2�Returned. Bid Documents �1330-3 SLTBMITTAt..S AND ACCEPI'ANCE � 03720-040-01 2 3 4. Product Data a. Requirements—Praduct data shall include all catalo� cuts, performance surveys, test reports, equipment lists, material lists, diagrams, pictures, and descriptive rnaterial. All product data shall be submitted on either 8.5 x 11 inches or folded 11 x 17 inches size paper of 20 ]b. (9.072 kg) weight. The submittal information shall show the standard and optional product features, as well as all performance data and specifications. The manufacturer's recommendation for special tools shall be supplied. Submittal Information Requirements a. When used in the Contract Documents, the term "Submittal Information" shall be considered to mean the following information at a minimum: (1) ContractName. (2) Contract Number. (3) Location within Facility. (4) Date Submitted. b. Drawings—The Contractor shall mark submittal informaiion on all Drawings in the left half of the 4-x-3-inch block as described above. � Product Data and Manufacturer's Literature The Contractor shall mark all product data and manuFacturer's literature with submittal information and note which item is being furnished. The Contractor shall mark the option and supplies to be furnished with the item. At least one original manufacturer product data sheet must be submitted; the balance can be copied. Do not submit the manufacturer's general catalog: submit only items being installed or delivered. When manuals are being submitted, the Contractor shall mark submittal information on botla the cover and title page. If manuals being submitted contain rnore than just one item, each item must be marked and only Contract name and nurnber is to be marked on the cover and title page. Operation and Maintenance Manuals Bid pocuments 01330-4 SUBMITTALS AND ACCEPTANCE 03720-040-0] � � � � G �J � ' � � � � � � The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer far revi�w and acceptancc of manufacturer's installation, operations, lubrication, and maintenance manuals for all equipment installed or delivered under this Contract. All manuals shall have submittal information marked on the front cover, title page, and three places inside the manual. If the manual bein� submitted is for different components, mark the front cover and title page only. �ach component section must be marked with the Specification Secti�n and subsection numbers. Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall conform to requirements defined in Sections O1830, Op�rations and Maintenance Manuals. Required Subrnittals Architectural and Structural Submittals T'his Section specifes general procedural requirements for contractual submittals for the fallowing architectural and structural schedules, product data, samples, and manufacturer's certificates. a. Product Data — The Contractor shall provide product data for al I architectural and structural items, options, and other data and provide supplementa] manufacturer's standard data for information unique to the Work and installation. The submittals shall reflect all items delivered or installed under this Contract. [:� c. Samples — The Contractor shall provide all samples required under this Specification including calor charts and product samples. Material, equipment, and installation and demolition Specifcations. 2. Mechanical and Electrical System Submittals This Section specifies general procedural requirements for mechanical schedules, performance data, control diagrams, and other submittal data. The Contractor shall submit the following: a. � Ferformance Data. Power and Riser Diagrams — Single line riser, power diagrams, and all conduit runs shall be pravided for all equipment and facilities. Bid Documents 01330-5 � 03720-040-01 SUBM1TTAi.S AND ACCEIyTANCE c. Wiring Diagrams — Elementary controls diagrams and separate wiring diagrams for mechanical and electrical unit/subsystem. Drawing for starting and shutdown oFequipment including controls shall be provided, including a comprehertsive description of operation. d. Finished Data — Complete surface preparation and finished data for all mechanical and electrica] unit/subsystems shall be provided, including a complete list o;f cleanin� instructions. e. Factory Testin� — Detailed description of factory testing procedures, reporting procedures and criteria for test passing or failing shall be provided for al] mechanical and electrical units/subsystems. Testing shall comply with the General Requirements and Technical Requirements Sections. f. Site (Field) Testing and Acceptance — Detailed description of site testing and acceptance tests including descriptions of procedures, testing equipment, reporting procedures, and criteria for passing or failing tests shall be provided for all mechanical and electrical units/subsystems. TesCing shall comply with Gcneral Requirements and Technica] Requirements. g. Factory Test Report — After fabrication and testing, the Contractor shall submit ihe results of tests. No shipment of any mechanical and electrical unit/subsystem shall bc allowed without the written certification from the Contractor that the equipment conforms to the Cantract requirements. h. Sit� Test and Acceptance Report — Site test and acceptance reports shall be submitted to the Owner and Engineer. i. Operations and Maintenance Manuals — The Contractor shall furnish manuals for all mechanical and electrical equipment specified under this Contract. Each manual shall include the following at a minimum: Sid Documents 01330-6 SUBMITTALS AND ACCFPTANCE 03720-040-0] � 1' �� � �. � � r �� � � � � � - C� � � �� �3 Bfd Dceuments D3720-040-01 ��) �2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ��) Description of equipment. Record shop drawing. Operation and maintenance instructions. Part lists. Equipment ratings. Valve list. Lubrication instructions. Compliance with this Section does nat relieve the Contractor from compliance with the requirements of Section O183Q, Operations and Maintenance Manuals. Submittal Review 1. The �ngineer's review of the Contractor's documents shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for meeting all ofthe reyuirements of the Contract nor of the responsibility for correcting the documents furnished. The Contraetor shall have no claim fior additianal cost ar extension in time because af delays due to revisions af the documents that may be necessary for ensuring compliance with the Contract. 2. The E�gineer will review a submittal or re-submittal ance, after which the cost of review shall be borne by the Contractor. The cost of Engineering shall be equal to the Engineer's full cost. 3. No partial submittals will be reviewed. A subrtaittal or re-submittal not complete will be returned to the Contractor for completing and re-submittal. 4. Documents submitted by the Contractor for approval by the Engineer will be retumed bearing a praject-specif c stamp bearing the dated signature of the reviewer and ane of four boxes checked: a. NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED--This indicates that the submittal appears to be in compliance with the requirements of the performance specifications and that the Work may proceed. b. MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED---This indicates that the reviewer has added a minor correction to the submission and that the Work (modified in accordance with the correction comment) may proceed. The Contractor shall accept the responsibility ofthe modified document and resulting Work with no additional compensation. 01330-7 SUBMITTALS AND ACCEP'fANCE c. AMEND AND RESUBMIT—This indicates that the submittal will require Contractor modifcations based on the rev.iewer's comments that accompanied the returned submittal. The Contractor will be cautionEd that work may not proceed under this review status. d. REJECTED—This indicates that the submittal is not in conformance with the requirem�nts of the performance Specifications and cannot be modified to gain cornp]iance. A new submittal will be required in the instance of a"reject" status and the Contractor will be cautioned Chat work may not praceed under this condition. ] .04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANC� (NOT USED) ] .07 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) I.08 DELIV�;RY, STORAGE, AND HAND.LING (NOT USEll) 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EX.ECUTION 3.01 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Befare submiCting documents for the Engineer's review, the Contractor shall review the documentation for confarmance to the Contract requirements. Submittals shall be complete and comprise a lagical division of the Contract Work. B. All documentation submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal and shall be submitted in a sequence that allows the Engineer to have all of the information necessary for checking and accepting a particular document at the time of submittal. C. Each document shall be identified by a documenC number, Contract number, Contract name, location, Specification Section, subsection numbers, and submittal date. Where a manual/drawing is revised to ref7ect a change in design or a change Bid Documents 03720-040-01 01330-8 SUBMITTALS AND ACCEPTANCE 1 � for any other reason, each such revision shall be shown by a revision number, � date, and subject in a revision block. Indication of official approval by the � Contractor's Project Manager shall also be included. To permit rapid location of � the revision, additional notatian shall be made in the manual opposite the line or area where the change was made and identified by the corresponding revision number. � �� � �1 � �� 3.02 DOCUMENTATION CONTROL AND SUBMITTAL SEQUENCiNG A. The Contract Data Requirements List shall be updated and resubmitted to the Engineer monthly, throughout the duration of the Contract. This list shall identify the Contractor's submittal number, proposed and actual submittal date, Contract : Specification Section Number, Paragraph, Item of the Work, and type of document. The Contractor shall work with the �ngineer to provide a regulated flow of submittals that allows the Engineer to review the submittals in the defined time frame without undue delays. Monthly the Contractor shall provide the Engineer a schedule of the appraximate quantities and delivery dates for all subrraittals due for the next 120 days. 3.03 AS-BUILT DkAW1NGS A. The Contractor shall submit the As-Built Drawing Packa�e to the Engineer for review 30 days before Final Completion. "X'he Contractor shall be provided with CADU files, AutaCAD Version 2008. As-Built Drawings shall be printed on 22 x 34 inch sheets and on CDs, AutoCAD Version 2008. The Contractor may request to use a later AutoCAD version, but it must be approved by the Engineer. 3.04 REQUIREM�NTS FOR SUBMITTAL 1 � C� � � �� A. Additional documents, drawings, interface data, and other pertinent project submittal data are listed in specific sections of this Cantract. 3.05 RECORD PRINTS A. The Contractar shall submit one set of all record prints before final completion. The record print or project records shall include submittals, catalog cuts, drawings, calculations, test reparts, manufacturer's data, maintenance manuals, installatian instructions, and operating manuals. All "record prints" shall be delivered to the Engineer in three-ring binders with dividers and shall be placed in arder by Specification Section. END OF SECT[ON Bid l?ocuments 01330-9 SUBMITTALS AND ACC�PTANCE � 03720-040-01 1 ! � � r � � SECTION U1355 SI}ECIAL PROVISIONS PART] GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK (NOT USED) 1.02 RELATED WURK This Section specifies general work requirements related to the products and execution services included elsewhere in the Contract Documents: A. Section 01600, Materials and Equipment. � 1.03 SUBMITTA.LS � � � �� � � � � � � A. 'rhe Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. 1.0� WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.OS R�FERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USED) 1.�6 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT US�D) J .07 WA:RRANTIES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditions and Specification Section 01780, Warranties and Bonds. B. Unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, all equipment supplied under these Specifications shall be warranted by the Contractor and the equiprnent manufacturers for 1 year. The warranty period shall begin on the date of Owner acceptance. C. The equipment shall be warranted to be free from defects in workmanship, design, and materials. If any part of the equipment should fail during the warranty period, it shall be replaced in the machine(s) and the unit(s) restored to service at no expense to the Owner. D. The manufacturer's warranry period shall run concurrently with the Contractor's warranty or guarantee period. No exception to this provision shall be allowed. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining equipment warranties in accordance Bid Documents 03720-040At 01355-1 SPECIAL YROVISIONS 1.0$ 1.09 I�[I] with Section 01780, Warranties and Bonds, from each of the respective suppliers or manufacturers for all the equipment specified under Divisions 11 and 15. E. If the znanufacturer is unwilling to provide a 1-year warranty beginning at the tirne of Owner acceptarace, the Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer a 2-year warranty starting at the time of equipment deJivery to the job site. '1'his 2-year warranty shall not relieve the Contractor of the 1-year warranty starting aC the time of Owner acceptance of the equipment. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements specified in Section �1650, Delivery, Storage, and Handling, for storing and pratectin� the items specified in this Section. QUALIFiCATIONS (NOT USED) 1NSTALLATiON OF EQUiPMENT A. The Contractor shall take special care to ensure proper alignment of all equipment with particular rePerence to the pump and electric drives. The units shall be carefully aligned on their foundations by qualified millwrights a�ter the units' sole plates have been shimmed to true alignment at the anchor bolts. The anchor bolts shall b� set in place and the nuts tightened against the shims. After the Engineer has approved the foundation alignments, the bedplates or wing feet of the equipment shall be securely bolted in place. The Contractor shall further check the alignmenC of the equipment after it is secured to the foundations arad, after conformation of all alignments, the sole plates shall be finally grouted in place. The Contractor shall be responsible for the exact alignment of the equipment. B. The Cantractor shall furnish all wedges, shims, filling pieces, keys, packing, grout, or other materials necessary to properly align, level, and secure apparatus in place. All parts intended to be plumb or level must be proven to be exactly so The Contractar shall perform all grinding necessary to bring parts to pXOper bearing after erection. 1.11 SLEEVES AND OPENINGS A. The Contractor shall provide all openings, channels, chases, etc, in new constructian and furnish and install anchor bolts and other items to be embedded in concrete, as required to complete the Work under this Contract. The Contractor shall per�orm all cutting, coring, and rough and finish patching required in existing construction far the work of all trades. Bid Documents 01355-2 SPECIAL PROV1S10N5 03720-040-01 � � �� B. Contractors shall furnish all sleeves, inserts, hangers, anchor bolts, etc, required for the execution of their work. In no case shall beams, lintels, or other structural members be cut without the approval of the Engineer. � ].12 GREAS�., OIL, AND FUEL � � � � � � A. 7'he Contractor shall furnish all grease, oil, and fuel required far testing of equipment with the respective equipment. The Owner shall be furnished with a year's supply of required lubricants including grease and oil of the type recommended by the manufacturer with each item of equipment supplied under Divisions 11 and 15. 1.13 TOOLS A. 7�he Contractor shall furnish any special tools (including grease guns or other lubricating devices) which may be necessary for the adjustment, aperation, and maintenance of any eyuipment with the respective equipment. B. Tools shall be furnished in heavy steel tool boxes complete with lock and duplicate keys. 1.14 POW.E'R SUPPLY A. Unless otherwise specified, all motors 1/2 Hp and larger shall be designed for a power supply of 460 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, and all motors ]/3 Hp and smaller shall be designed for a power supply of 120 Volts, single phase, GO Hz. � ] .15 POWER F'ACTOR CORRECTION CAPACITOkS � � �1 A. All single- and multi-speed three-phase inducCion mators 5 Hp and larger shall be furnished with factory-provided power factor correctian capacitors. B. Capacitors shall be sized by the manufacturers so that over volta�e due to self excitation will be prevented and transient torques limited to normal values. The full-load power factor shall be corrected to not less than 0.95 where such correction will not violate the provisians of NEC Article �F60. C. Capacitar enclosures shall be compatible with those specified for their respective � motors, i.e. dust-tight for indoor installation in non-hazardous areas and weatherproof for outdoor installations. � � � D. Capacitors shall be dry or oil insulated with integral fuse protection and discharge resistor. The insulating medium shall be non-flammable and meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Standards. Bid Documents 01355-3 SPECIAL PROV1510NS 03720-040-01 E. Capacitors shall be installed as shown on the Contract Drawin�s. 1. ] 6 COATINGS 1.17 1.18 Coatings shall be specified in Section 1VA, Supplemental Technical Specifications and Section 1V, Article 49.12 of the City's Technical Speci .ftcations. PIPE MARKiTIG (NO"[' USED) VALVE IDEN'TIFICATION A. The Contractor shall prepare a valve schedule for all valves required for the Work showing a number, the location, type, functian, and normal operating position for each valve. The schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval not less than 120 days before start-up. The Contractor shall coordinate valve identification with Section 15110, Manual, Check, and Process Valves. B. "The Contractor shall furnish and install tags for al I valves required for the Work. Valve tags shall be 2-inch diameter, 19-gauge, brass or plastic, with brass hooks suitable far attaching the tag to the valve operator. Tags shall be stamped or etched with the valve number and the information on the valve schedule coded in a system provided by the Owner. The Contractor shall submit two samples of the type af tag proposed and the manufacturer's standard color chart and letter styles to the Engineer for appraval. 1.19 NOISE LIMITATIONS A. All equipment to be fur-t�ished under this Contract, unless specified otherwise in the Technical Specifications, shall be designed to ensure that the sound pressure tevel does not exceed SS decibels over a frequency range of 37.8 to 9600 cycles per second at a distance of 3 R from any partion of the equipment, under any load condition, when tested using standard equipment and methods. Noise levels shall include the noise from the motor. Mufflers or exter-nal baftles shall not be acceptable for reducing noise. Data on noise levels shall be included with the shop drawing submittal. 1.20 SPARE PARTS A. Where spare parts are specified in the Specification Sections, the Contractor shall furnish all spare parts recomrnended by the �nanufacturer or system supplier for .l year of service. In addition, the Contractor shall furnish all spare parts itemized in each Section. Bid Documents 03720-�40-01 r � 01355� SPECIAL PROVISIONS � � �� � � � �J � � � � 1.21 1.22 B. The Contractor shall collect and store all spare parts in an area to be designated by the Engineer and shall furnish the Engineer with an inventory listin� all spare parts, the equipment they are associated with, th� name and address ofthe supplier, and the delivered cast af each item. Copies of actual invoices for each item shall be furnished with the inventory to substantiate the delivery cost. C. Spare parts shall be packed in cartons properly labeled with indelible markings with complete descriptive information, including manufacturer, part nurnber, part name, and equipment for which the part is ta be used and shall be properly treated for I year oi storage. HURRICANE PR:EPAREDNESS PLAN A. Within 30 calendar days of the date of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit a Hurricane Preparedness Plan to the Engineer and the Owner for approval. The Plan shall describe in detail the necessary measures that the Contractor will perform, at no additional costs to the Owner, in case of a hurricane warning. The Contractor shall revise the Plan as required by the Engineer and Owner. WEATHER PROTECTION A. In the event af inclement weather, the Cantractor shall protect the Work and � materials from damage or injury from the weather. It; in the opinion ot tt�e Engineer, any portion of the Work or materials has been damaged by reasan of failure on the part af the Contractor to pratect the Work, such Work and materials � shall be removed and replaced with new materials and Work to the satisfaction of the Engineer. � 1.23 PROVISIONS FOR. CONTROL OF EROSION � � �.J � � A. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions during construction to minimize the run-off of polluting substances such as silt, clay, fuels, oils, bitumens, calcium chloride, or other polluting materials harmful to humans, fish, ar other life, into the supplies and surface waters af the State. Control measures must be adeyuate to ensure that turbidity in the receiving water will not be increased more than 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), or as otherwise required by Che State ar other controlling body, in water used for public water supply or fish unless limits have been established for the particular water. In surface water used for other purposes, the turbidity must not exceed 25 NTU unless otherwise permitted. Special precautions shall be taken in the use of canstruction equipment to prevent operations that promote erosion. Bid Documents 01355-5 SPECIAL PROVIS10N5 � 03720-04U-Ol 1.24 1.25 I .26 l .27 1.2$ 1.29 PROVISIONS FOR THE CONTROL OF DUST AND LITTER A. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions during construction to minimize the amount of dust created: Wetting down the Site may be required or as directed by the Er�gineer to prevent dust as a result of vehicular traffic. Control of blawing litter caused by any regrading by the Contractor shal] be the respottsibility of thc Contractor. ON SITE STORI�G� A. The Corttractor's attention is invited to special storage requirements and possible charges for ttoncompliance of on-site storage requirements for materials and equipment as specified in Section 01600, Materials and Equipment. ELECTRICAL POWER AND TESTING EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish electric power and all equipment and tools required for testing of equipment. The cost of this electric power, equipment, and tools shall be included in the prices quoted .in thc Bid Forrr�. PROTECTION AGAINST EL,�CTROLYSIS A. Where dissimilar metals arc used in conjunction with each other, the Contractar shall provrde suitable insulation between adjoining surfaces to eliminate direct cotttact and any resulting electrolysis. The insulating material shall be bituminous impregnated felt, heavy bituminous coatings, nonmetallic separators or washers, or other approved materials. DAMAGE DUE TO HIGH WATER A. The Contractor will be responsible for all damage done to his work by heavy rains or floods and he shall take all reasonable precautions to provide against damages by building such temporary dikes, channels, or shoring to carry off stormwater as the nature o�the work may require. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS AND ACCIDENT REFORTS A. S. C. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Emergency phone numbers (fire, medical, police) shall be posted at the Contractor's phone and the phone's location be made known to all. Accidents shall be reported immediately to the Engineer by rnessenger or phone. The Contractar shall document all accidents and shall submit to the Engineer a fully detailed written report about the accident after each accident. 01355-6 SPECiAL PROVISIONS r� � � � �� � � � � �1 � � � �� LJ � � � 1.30 1.31 IT�MS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS �. Items of material, equipment, machinery, and the like may be specified on the Drawings and not in the Specifications. The Contractor shall provide such items in accordance with the Specification on the Drawings. DISINFECTION (NOT USED) 1.32 SALVAGE I .33 1.34 A. Any existing equipment or material, including but not limited to valves, pipes, pumps, electrical panels, fittings, couplings, etc., which is removed or replaced as a result of construction under this project may be designated as salvage by the Engineer ar Owner and, if so, shall be excavated, if necessary, and shall be cleaned and stored on or adjacent to the Site in a protected place specified by the Engineer or loaded onto trucks provided by the Uwner. Any equipment or material not worthy of salvaging, as directed by the Owner, shall be disposed of by the Contractar at a suitable location at the Contractor's expense. The City has chosen not to salvage any materials from the dewatering purnp station but has the right to change. The Contractor shall verify any salvagE materials with the Owner before demolition. WORKMANSHIP, MATERIAL, AND .EQUIPM�NT A. When a particular product or products are specified or called for, it is intended and shall be understood that the proposal tendered by the Contractor include those products in his bid. Should the Cantractor desire to substitute a product ar products equal to those specified, the Contractor shall furnish information as described in the Standard General Conditians. The alternate product or products submitted by the Contractor shall meet the reyuirements of the Specifications and shall, in all respects, be eyual to the praduct or products speci�ed by name in the Specificatians. B. All apparatus, mechanisms, equipment, machinery, and manufactured articles for incorporation into the Work sha11 be the new and unused standard products af recognized reputable manufacturers. SERVICES OF MANUFACTURERS' FIELD SERVICE TECHNICiAN A. Bid prices of eyuipment furnished under Divisions l 1 and 15 shall include the cost of a competent field service technician of the manufacturers af all equipment to supervise the installation, adjustment, and testing ofthe equipment and to instruct the Owner's operating personnel on operation and maintenance. The approved manufacturer's operation and maintenance data as specified in Section Bid Documen[s 01355-7 SPECIAI. PROVISTONS � 03720-040-0i 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals, shall be delivered to the Engineer before instructing the Owner's personnel. This supervision may be divided inio two or more periods as required by the installation program or as directed by the Fngineer. B. After the equipment has been installed and the equipment is presumably ready for operation, but befare it is operated by others, the manufacturer's field service technician shall inspect, operate, tcst, and adjust the equipment. The inspection shall include at least the following points where applicable: Saundness (without cracked or otherwise damaged parts). 2. Completeness in all details, as specified and required. 3. Correctness of setting, alignment, and relative arrang�ment of various parts. 4. Adequacy and correctness of packing, sealing, and lubricants. 5. Calibration and adjustment of all related instrumentation and controls. � fll 8. Energize equipment. Deficiency correction. Demonstratior� of compliance with application performince specification. G The operation, testing, and adjustment shall be as required to prove that the equipment has been left in proper condition for satisfactory operation under the conditions specified. D. Upon completion ofthis operation, testing, and adjustment, the manufacturer's field service technician shall submit ta the Engineer, in triplicate, a complete, signed report of the results of the inspection, operation, adjustments, and tests. The report shall include detailed descriptions ofthe points inspected, tests and adjustments made, quantitative results obtained if such are specified, and suggestions for precautions to be taken to ensure proper maintenance. E. Each equipment manufacturer shall provide instruction to the Owner's operating personnel. Training shall not be performed until the requirements of Paragraphs B, C, and D abave have been fully satisfied and any speci�ed performance testing completed. Training shall be provided for the nurnber af days specified in each Equipment Section ofthese Specifcations. Training shall be provided on an 8- hour-per-day basis. Partial days (less than 8 ful] working hours) shall not be Bid Documents 01355-8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 03720-040-01 � � � � � � � � � �J � �.� � � _J , � � I_ L_.J credited toward the specified durations. Training shall not be concurrent with on- goin� testing, debugging, or installation activities but shall be a separate activity devoted exclusively ta the instructian of the Owner's personnel in the operation and maintenance ofthe manufacturer's equipment. Trainitag shall be performed by qualif7ed representatives of each equipment manufacturer specifically skilled in providing instruction to operation personnel. Training shall provide an overview of operations and maintenance requirements and shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Description of unit and camponenC parts. Operating capabilities and performance criteria. Operating procedures. Maintenance procedures. Servicing and lubricatian schedules. Troubleshooting. 7. Electrical instrumentation and control requirements and interface as a minimum. The operating and maintenance data to be provided in accordance with Section 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals, shall be used as a basis for training. F. A certificate trom the manufacturer stating that the installation of the equipment is satisfactory, thaC the unit has been satisfactorily tested arad is ready for operatian, and that the operating personnel have been suitably instructed in the aperation, lubrication, and care of the unit shall be submitted before start-up and acceptance by the Owner. The certifrcate shall indicate date and time the instruction was given and names of the operating personnel in attendance. G. See the detailed Speci�cations for additional requirements for furnishing the services of the manufacturer's field service technician. H. For equipment furnished under Divisions other than 11., and 15, the Contractor, unless otherwise specified, shall furnish the services of accredited field service technicians of the manufacturer only when some evident malfunction or over- heating makes such services necessary in the opinion ofthe Engineer. Bid Uacuments 01355-9 SPECIAL PRQVISIONS � 03720-040-01 1.35 l .36 1.37 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE D11TA A. Operating and maintenance data covering all equipment furnished shall be delivered directly to the Engineer, for approval, within 60 days before the facility's start-up. No payment shall be made for equipment installed or stored on- site until the Engineer has approved the adequacy and compl�teness ofthe operating and maintenance data. Data shall be prepared and submitted in full conformance with Section Ol 830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals. Final approved copies of operating and maintenance data shall have been delivered to the Engineer on the Owner's behalf 2 weeks before scheduling the instruction period with the Owner. R.ESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRFICTOR A. The Contractar shall be respansible for che entire Work determined by the Drawings, Specifications, and Contract from the date of the starting of the Work until it is accepted as evidence of approval of the Completion Certificate by ihe Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible For removals, renewals, and replacemcnts due to action of the elements and all other causes except as otherwise provided in the Specifications. Thc Contractor shall keep thc Contract under his own control and it shall be his responsibility to see that the Work is properly supervised and carried on faithfully and efficiently. The Contractor shall supervise the work personally or shall have a competent Fnglish-speaking superintendent or representative, who shall be on the site of the project at all working hours and who shall be empowered with full authority by the Contractor to direct the performance of the Work and make arrangem�nt For all necessary materials, eyuipment, and labor without delay. B. Renewals or repairs required because of defective materials or workmanship or due to the action of the elements or oCher natural causes, including �re and flood, before the acceptance as determined by the Completion Certificate, shall be done in accordance with the Contract and Specifications at the expense of the Contractor. C�NSTRUCTION CONDITTONS AND SUBSURFACE 1NVESTIGATION A. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the speci�c reyuiremettts of the , governmental unit(s) or agency(ies) having jurisdiction over the work. Wherever there is a difference in the reyuirements of a jurisdictional body and these � Specifications, the more stringent shall apply. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for having determined to his satisfactron, before submitting his bid, the nature and location of the Work, the canformation af the graund, the character and quality of the substrata, the types and quantity of Bid T.7ocuments 03720-040-01 01355-10 SPEC1Al. PROVISIONS � � � � � � � � materials to be encountered, the nature of the groundwater conditions, the character of equipment and facilities needed before and during the execution of the Wark, the general and local conditions, and all other matters which can in any way affect the Work under this contract. The prices established for the work to be done will reflect all costs pertaining to the Wark. t�ny claims for extras based an substrata, groundwater table, and other such conditions will not be allowed. ■ 1.38 SUSPENSION OF WO.R.K DUE TO WEATI-�ER �J � �� � � �� L_� � � u � � � A. During inclement weather, all work which nnight be damaged ar rendered inferior by such weather conditions shall be suspended. The orders and decisions of the Engineer as to suspensions shall be final and binding. The ability to issue such an order shal l not be interpreted as a requirement to do so. During suspension of the work from any cause, the Work shall be suitably covered and protected so as to preserve it from injury by the weather or otherwise; and, if the Engineer shall so direct, the rubbish and surplus materials shall be removed. 1.39 PERMITS ra Upon rtotice of award, the Contractor shall immediately apply for all applicable permits not previously obtained by the Owner to do the Work from the appropriate governmental agency or agencies. No work shall begin until all applicable permits have been obtained and copies delivered to the Engineer. The Contractor shall bear all costs for obtaining all permits. 1.40 �'UMPING A. The Contractor with his own eyuipment shall da all pumping necessary to prevent flotation of any part of the structures during construction operations. B. F'or the duration of the Contract and with his own equipment, the Contractor shall pump out water and wastewater which may seep or leak into the excavations or structures. Galleries and other operating areas shall be kept dry at all times. The Engineer will deterrnine the extent of pumping required in the tanks, channels, and other non-operating areas. 1.41 OWNER �CCUPANCY AND OPERATION OF COMPLETED FACILITIES A. It is assumed that portions of the Work will be completed before the entire work is completed. Upon completion af construction in each individual facility, including testing, if the Owner, at its sole discretion, desires to accept the individual facility, the Contractar will be issued a dated certificate of completion and acceptance for each individual facility. The Owner will assume awnership and begin operation of the individual facility on that date and the l-year guaranty Bid Documents 01355-I 1 SPECIAL PROVTSIONS � 03720-040-01 period shall begin on that date. The Owner has the option of noC accepting any individual completed facility, but accepting the entire work as a whol� when it is completed and tested. 1.42 CLAiMS FUR PROPERTY DAMAG� A. Upon notification by the Owner or Engineer, the Contractor shall investigate each claim for property damage and shall file, within l0 days af such notification, a statement with the Owner or Engineer setting forth all facts and details relative to the claim. 1.43 DA1LY REPORTS I:1 : The Contractor shall submit daily reports of construction activities, including non- work days. The report shall include the following: 1. Manpower, number of workers by craft. 2. Equipment on the project. 3. Major deliveries. 4. Activities work with reference to the CPM schedule activity numbers. 5. New problems. 6. Other p�rCinent information. A similar report shall be submitted for/by each subcontractor. C. The reports shall be subraaitted to the Engineer's �'ield Office within 2 days ofthe respective report date. Each report shall be signed by the Contractor's Superintendent or Project Manager. 1.44 CONNECTIONS TO EX�STING SYSTEMS A. The Contractor shall perform all work necessary to locate, excavate, and prepare for cannections to the terminus of the existing systems all as shown an the Drawings or where directed by the Engineer. The cost of this work and for the actual connection of the existing mains shall be included in the bid for the project and shall not result in any additional cost to the Owner. 1.45 COORDINATION OF WORK A. Because of the nature of this project, the Contractor should expect other construction to occur in the vicinity ofthis project during the Contract. In such instances, the Contractor will be required to cooperate fu11y to eliminate or tninimize the creation of canflicts. AdjusCments from time to time rnay be Bid Documents 01355-12 SPfiClAL PROVISIONS 03720-040-01 r� � � ��l. � �J � � �� � � � � � � � � � r : required in the Contractor's work location and/or schedule provided a reasonable notice is given by the Owner or Fngineer. The Contractor shall afford other contractors and the Owner reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and eyuipment and the execution oftheir work and shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with such other work. The Contractor shall coordinate his Work with the Uwner and other contractors to store his apparatus, materials, supplies, and equipment in such orderly fashion at the site of the Wark so that it will not unduly interfere with the progress of the Work or the work af any other cantractors. C. lf the execution or result of any part of the Work depends upon any work of the Owner or of any separate contractor, the Contractor shall, before proceeding with the Work, inspect and promptly report to the Owner in writing any apparent discrepancies or defects in suc.h work of the Owner or of any separate contractor that render it unsuitable for the proper execution or result of any part of the Work. D. Failure of the Contractor to inspect and report any def7ciencies shall constitute an acceptance of the Owner's or separate contract��r's work as tit and proper to receive the Wark, except as to defects which may develop in the Owner's or separate contractar's work after completion of the Work and which the Contractor could not have discovered by his inspection before the Work was cotnpleted. E. If the Contractor damages the work or property of the Owner or of any separate contractor on the Project or other work on the Site, or delays or interferes with the Owner's work on ongoing operations or facilities or adjacent facilities or the separate contractor's work, the Contractor shall be liable for damage caused, and, in the case of another contractor, the Contractar shall attempt to settle the clairn with the other contractor before the other contractor institutes litigation or other proceedings against the Contractor. F. if a separate contractor sues the Owner on account of any damage, delay, or interference caused or alleged to have been caused by the Contractor, the Owner shall notify the Contractor, who shall defend the �wner in such proceedings at the Contractor's expense. If any judgment or award is entered against the Owner, the Contractor sha115atisfy the same and shall reimburse the Owner for all damages, expenses, attorneys' fees, and other costs which the �wner incurs as a result of the judgment or award G. If a separate contractor causes damage to the Work or to the praperty ofthe Cantractor or causes delay or interference with the Contractor's performance of the Work, the Contractor shall present directly to the separate contractor any claims it may have as a result of such damage, delay, or interference (with an information copy to the Owner) and shall attempt to settle its claim against the Bid Documents 01355-13 , 03720-040-01 SPECIAL PROVISJONS separate contractor before instituting litigation or other proceedings against the separate contractor. H. In no evenl shall the Contractor seek to recover from the Owner or the Engineer, and the Contractor hereby represents to the Owner and the Engineer that he will not seek to recover irom them, or either of them, any costs, expenses, (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees) or losses of profit incurred by the Contractor as a result of any damage to the Work or property of the Contraccor or any delay ar interference caused or allegedly caused by any separate contractor. The Engineer shall determine and adjust any difference or conflict which may arise between the Contractor and other conCractors who may be performing work on behalf of the Owner or between the Contractor and workrnen of the Owner in regard to their work. If the work of the Contractor is. delayed because of any acts of ornissions of any other contractor of the Owner, the Contractor sl�all on that account have no claim against the Owner other than for an extension of time. 1.46 F1NAL GUARANTEE A. The Contractor shall guaranCee all work and all equipment for 1 year from the date of acceptance of ihe Work by the Owner. B. If, within the guarantee period, repairs or changes are requir�d in connection with guaranteed work, which, in the opinion of the Engin�er, are rendered necessary as the result of the use of materials, equiprnent, or workmanship which are inferior, defective, or not in accordance with the terrx�s of the Contract, the Contractor shall, promptly upon receipt of notice from the Owner and without expense to the Owner, do the .follawing: Place in satisfactory condition in every way all such guaranteed wor,k and correct all defects in the guaranteed work. 2. Make good all dama�e to the building or site, or equipment or piping, or their contents, which, in the opir�ion af the Engineer, is the result of the use of materials, equipment, or workmanship which are in�'erior, defective, or not in accordance with the terms of the contract. 3. Make good any wark or material or the equipment and contents of the building, structure, or site disturbed in fu1611ing any such guarantee. C. If the Contractor, after notice, fails to proceed to comply with the ternas of this guarantee within 10 days, the Owner may have the defects corrected and the Contractor and his surety shall be liable for all expenses incurred provided, however, that in case of an emergency where, in the opinion of the Owner, delay Bid Documents 01355-14 5PECIAL PROVISIONS 03720-04Q-01 � r L.� � � �� �. � � � jf�I LJ � �J � � LJ would cause loss or damage, repairs may be started without notice being given to the Contractor and the Contractor shall pay thc cost of such repairs. D. All special guarantees or warranties applicable to specific parts of the Work as may be stipulated in the Contract Specifications or other papers forming a part of this Contract shall be subject to the terms of this Paragraph during the firsc year of life of each such guarantee. The Contractor shall assemble all special guarantees and manufacturers' warranties, along with a summary ]ist of the special guarantees and warranties, and deliver these to the Engineer before the Wark is accepted. l.47 AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLLED EQUIPMENT (NOT USED) ] .48 EQUIPMENT DATA FORMS A. The Contractor shall obtain, prepare, and submit a complete, detailed listing of equipment and motor data for all electrical items furnished under this Contract. This listing shall be submitted with the preliminary draft of Operations and Maintenance Data Manuals on Equipment Uata sheets and the Equipment Manuracturer's Certificate of Installation, Testing, and lnstruction. 1.49 RiGHTS ]N AND USE OF MATERIALS FOUND ON THE WORK A. With the approval of the Engineer, the Contractor may use on the project such stone, gravel, sand, or other material determined suitable by the Engineer as may be found in the excavatian and will be paid both for the excavation of such materials at the corresponding Contract unit price and for the pay item for which the excavated material is used. The Contractor shall replace at his own expense, with other acceptable material, al l of that portion of thE excavation materials so removed and used which were needed for use in the embanknraents, backfills, approaches, or otherwise. No charge for the materials used will be made against the Contractor. I.50 OWNER-FURNISHED MATERIAL A. The Contractor shall furnish all materials required to complete the Work. No materials will be furnished by the Owner. � 1.51 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATI�N SCHEDULES � �� A The Cantractor's attentian is directed to Section 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals, for requirements relative to the submission of operating and maintenance data for the mechanical equipment. For all mechanical and electrical equipment furnished, the Contractor shall provide a list including the Bid Documents 01355-15 � 03720-040-01 SPECIAL PROVISIONS equipment name, address, and telephone number of the manufacturer's representative and service company so that service and/or spare parts can be readi1y abtained. 1.52 INSTALLATION LISTS A. All manufacturers ar equipment suppliers who propose to furnish equipment or products under Division 1], and 1 S shall submit ara installation list to the Engineer along with the required Shop Drawings. S. The installation list shall include all installatian where identical equipment has been installed and has bee,n in operation for at least 1 year. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECU7�I.ON (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Bid Documents 01355-16 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 03720-040-01 r r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WURK A. General 1 2 SECTION 01400 QUnL1TY REQUIREMENTS The purpose of this Section is to defne minimum requirements for the Quality Assurance (QA) program to be provided by the Contractor. The deliverable documents are defined, alon� with the method of execution of the QA pragram. Testing and inspecting services are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve the Contractar of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 3. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions do not limit the Contractor's Quality Control procedures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Documents. B. Defnitions 1. Quality Assurance services: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work to guard against defects and de .ficiencies and ensure that proposed construction complies with Contract requirements. 2. Quality Control services: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions during and after execution of the Work to evaluate that completed construction comply with requirements. C. Payment Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Separate payment will not be made for providing and maintaining an effective Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program, and all costs associated with such a program shall be included in the applicable unit prices, lump-sum prices, or allowances contained in the Contract Price Sreakdown. 01400-1 Ql]AL1TY REQUIREMF,NTS 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Scction 01000, Project Requirements. B. Respective Specification Sections. 1.03 SUBMITTALS (NOT USED) 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE A. The Contractor shal I conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date for receiving bids, except where a specific date is established by code. � � , �� � � B. For products or workmanship specifed by association, trades, or other consensus � standards, the Contractor shall comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specifed or are required by applicable code. C. If specified reference standards conflict with Contract Documents, the Contractor � shall request clarification from the Engineer before proceeding. 1.05 REFERCNCE STIINDARDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QU�LITY ASSURANCE A. The Contractor shall install all mat�rials and equipment in a neat and first-class workman-like manner. B. The Contractor shall replace all existing paving, stabilized earth, curbs, driveways, sidewalks, fences, signs, and other improvements with the same type of material that was removed during construction or as directed by the Engineer without inerease in the Contract Price or Cantract Time. C. The Engineer reserves the right to direct the rernoval and replacement of any items which, in the Engineer's opinion, do not present an orderly and reasonably neat or workman-like appearance, pravided such an orderly installation can be made using customary trade methods. The removal and replacemenC shall be done when directed in writing by the Engineer at the Contractor's own expense and without additional expense to the Owner. 1.07 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUALTFICATIONS (NOT USED) Bid Documents O1 A00-2 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 03720-040-01 � � � � � � �J � � � � � � � � � � ' 1. ] 0 TOLERANCES A. S. C. Monitar tolerance control of products to praduce acceptable Work. Do not permit tolerances to accumulate. Comply with manufacturers' tolerances. if manufacturers' tolerances cont7ict with Contract Documents, request clarification from the Engineer before proceeding. Adjust products to appropriate dimensions; position before securing products in place. 1.11 FIELD SAMPLES A. I:? The Contractor shall furnish field samples at the site as required by individual Specifications Sections for review. Acceptable sarnples represent a quality level for the Work. C. Where .field sample is specified in individual Sections to be removed, the Contractor shall clear the area after the field sample had been accepted by the �,ngineer. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECiJTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The Contractor is responsible for quality control and shall establish and maintain an effective quality-control system in compliance with the Contract Documents. The quality-control systet�a shall consist of plans, procedures, and arganization necessary to produce an end praduct which camplies with the Contract reyuirements. The system shall cover all Work and shall be keyed to the proposed design and construction sequence. The project QC Officer will be held responsible for the quality of work an the job and is subject to removal by the Engineer for non-compliance with quality requirements specified in the Contract. The project QC Officer in this context shall mean the individual with the responsibility for the overall management ofthe project quality. F3id bocuments 01400-3 QUALITY REQUJR.EMENTS � 03720-040-01 3.02 QUAL]TY CONTROL PLAN A. General: L'. � Not later than 30 calendar days after receipt ofNotice to F'roceed, the Contractor shall furnish for review by the Engineer the Quality Control (QC) Plan proposed to implement the requirements ofthe Contract. The Plan shall identify personnel, procedures, control, instructions, test, records, and forms to be used. The Engineer will consider an interim plan for the first 30 calendar days of operation. ContcnC of the QC Plan: The QC Plan shall include, at a minimum, the following to cover all construction operations, both on-site and off-site, including work by subcontractors, fabricators, suppliers, and purchasing a�ents: A description of the quality control organization, including a chart showing lines of authority for all aspects of the Work speci.fied. The staff shall include a Quality Control Ufficer who shall report to the Project Manager or executive. 2. The name, qualit7cations (in resume format), duties, responsibilities, and authorities of each person assigned a QC function. 3. A copy of the letter to Che Quality Control Officer signed by an authorized official of the firm which describes the responsibilities and delegates suffrcient authorities to adequately perfarna the functions of the Quality Cantrol Officer, including authority to stop work which is not in compliance with the Corttract. 4. Procedures for scheduling, reviewing, certifying, and managing submittals, including those of subcontractars, off-sice fabricators, suppliers, and purchasin� agents. 5. Procedures for tracking construcCion deficiencies from identification through acceptable corrective action. These procedures will verify that identified deficiencies have been corrected. 6. Reporting procedures, including proposed reporting formats. Acceptance af Flan: Acceptance of the Contractor's plan is required before the start of Work. Acceptance is conditional and will be predicated on satisfactary performance I3id Documents 01400� QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 03720-Ok0-01 �� r � during the Work. The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to make changes in its QC Plan and operations including removal of personnel, as necessary, to obtain the quality specified. � D. Notifcation ofChanges: � After acceptance of the QC Plan, the Cantractor shal l notiiy the En�ineer in writing of any proposed change. Praposed changes are subject to acceptance by the Engineer. , � � ' 3.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be made as specified in Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. The QC organization shall be responsible for certifying that all submittals are in compliance with the Contract requirements. 3.04 TESTS A. Testing Services: � 1. All tests to determine compliance with the Contract Documents shall b� performed by an independent commercial testing frm acceptable to the Owner. The testing firm's laboratory shall be staf.fed w�th experienced ' technicians, properly equipped, and fully qualitied to perform the tests in accordance with the speci�ed standards. � jl i� � , � � � 1:3 2. Testing services provided by the Owner are for the sole benefit of the Owner; however, test results shall be available to the Contractor. Testing necessary to satisfy the Contractor's internal Quality Control Procedures shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractar. 3. When necessary, the Contractor shall interrupt its Work for Owner sampling and testing. The Contractor shall have no Claim for increase in Cantract Price or Contract Time due to such interruptian. The Contractar shall cooperate in these testing activities as needed. q. Testing, including sampling, will be performed by the testing firm's laboratory personnel in the general manner indicated in the Specifications. Transmittal of Test Reports: Written reparts of tests and engineering data furnished by the Contractor far the Engineer's review shall be submitted as specified for Shop Drawings. F3id Documents 01400-5 � 03720-040-01 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS C. Manufacturer's Field S ervices: The manufacturer's field services will be specified in the respective �quipment Sections. 2. An exp�rienced, competent, and authorized representative of the manufacturer of each item of equipment for which feld services are indicated shall visit the Site of the Work and inspect, check, adjust equipment if`necessary, provide trainin� and startup services, a��d approve the equipment installation. In each case the manufacturer's represenCative shall be present when the equipment is placed in operation. The manu�acturer's representative shall revisit the Site as often as necessary until any and all trouble is corrected and the equipment installation and operation are satisfactory in the opinion of the Engineer. 3. Fach manufacCurer's representative shall furnish to the Owner, through the Engineer, a written report certifying thac the equipment has been properly installed and lubricated, is in accurate alignment, is free from any undue stress imposed by connecting piping or anchor bolts, has been operated under full load conditions, and has operated satisfactorily. 3.05 COMPLETION INSPECTION A. Final Completion Punch List: Near the completion of all Work the QC Officer shall inspect the Wark and develop a"punch list" of items which do not conform to the approved Drawings and Specifications. Such a Iist of det7ciencies shall be included in the QC documentation and shall include the estimated date by which the d�fciencies will be corrected. The QC Officer or staf�shall make a second inspection to ascertain that all defici�ncies have been corrected. Once this is accomplished, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer that the Facility is ready for the Engineer's final inspection. B. Final l.nspection and Acceptance: The Contractor's Quality Control Officer and the Engineer will be in attendance at this inspection. Additional Engineer personnel may also be in attendance. The frnal acceptance inspection will be formally scheduled by the Engineer when all punch list deficiencies have been corrected. Notice will be given to the Engineer at least 14 days before the final inspection and must include the Contractor's assurance that al] punch list items will be complete and acceptable by the date scheduled for the fnal inspection. Failure of the Contractor to have all Contract Work acceptably complete for this inspection will be cause for noncertification of final payment by the Engineer. Bid Documents 01400-6 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 03720-040-01 � r , � � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � 3.06 NOTIFICATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE A. The �ngineer will notify the Contractor of any detected noncompliance with the foregoing requirements. The Contractor shall take immediate corrective action after receipt of such notice. Such notice, when delivered to the Contractor, shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of notification. if the Contractor fails or refuses to comply promptly, the Engineer may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. No part of the time lost due ta such stop orders shall be made the subject of claim for extension of time ar for excess casts or damages by the Contractor. 3.07 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. : C Bid Documents 03720-040-01 On completion of testing, inspection, samplang, and similar services, the Contractor shall repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. The Contractor shall protect all construction exposed by or for Quality Control service activities. The repair and protection are the Contractor's responsibilities, re�ardless ofthe assignment of responsibility for Quality Control services. END OF SECTION 01400-7 QUALITY REQUIiiEMENTS � r , � � � ' � � � � � � , ' � � � � SECTION 01450 'rFSTING AND TESTING LABQRATORY SERVIC�S PARTI GEN�RAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor will pay for the costs of all laboratory tests required to determine, where applicable, soil density and concrete compressive strength. All required soil and concrete, testin� shall be coordinated with and scheduled by the Contractor. 1 2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the laboratory to facilitate the execution of required services. The Owner shall approve the selection of the testing laboratory. 3. Employment of a testing laboratory sha11 in no way relieve the Contractor of the obligation to perform work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Conditions of the Cantract: Inspections and testing required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, or approvals of public authorities. S. Respective Sections: Certification of products. C. Each Section listed: Laboratary tests required and standards for testing. D. Testing Labaratory inspection, sampling, and testing are required as listed in Section IV, Technical Specifications. 1.03 SUSMITTALS A. B. C. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. Submit to the Engineer for review a list and schedule of all tests to be conducted. Describe test procedures along with duration of tests. 01450.1 TEST1NCi ANIa TESTING LABpRATORY SERVICES D. After each inspection and test, the Laboratory shall prompCly submit two copies of the laboratory report to the Engineer, one copy to the Contractor, and one copy to the Owner. E. Jnclude the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. l0 Date issued. Project Citle and number. Name of field testing technician or inspector. Date and time o�sampling or inspection. Identif.tcatian of product and Specitications Section. Location in the Project. Type of inspection or test. Date of test. Results of test. Conformance with Contract Documents. F. When requested by the Engineer, provide interpretation of test results. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.OS REFERENCE STANDt1RDS Reference standards and recommended practices ref�rred to in this Specification Section shall be the latest revision of any such document in effect at the bid time. The following documents are a part of this Section. W,here this Section differs from these documents, the requirements of this Section shall apply. A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l. ASTM E329—Standard Specifcation for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspectian and/or Testing. 2. ASTM D3740—Standard Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in Testing ar�d/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Laboratory is not authorized to da any of the following: 1. Release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirements of Contract Documents. 2. Apprave or accept any portion of the work. 3. Ferform any duties of the Engineer of Record or the Engineer. Bid Documents 01450-2 TESTING AND T"ESTING 03720-040-01 LA$ORATURY 5ERVICES u r � r � � � � ' , r u � u � � ' lJ S. The Contractor shall be responsible for the following: 1. Cooperating with laboratory personnel, providing access to wark and to manufacturer's operations. 2. Securing and delivering to the laboratory adequate quantities of representatianal samples of mat�rials proposed to be used and which require testing. 3. Providing to the labaratory the preliminary design mix proposed to be used for concrete and other materials mixes which require control by the testing laboratory. 4. Furnishing incidental labor and facilities: a. b. c. d, To provide access to work to be tested. To obtain and handle samples at the project site or at the source of the product to be tested. 7'o facilitate inspections and tests. Ta store and cure test samples. 5. Notifying the Engineer and laboratory sufficiently in advance of operations to allaw for the laboratory to assign personnel and schedule tests. 6. Employing and paying for the services of the same or a separate, equally qualified independent testing laboratary ta perform additional inspections, sampling, and testing required for the Equipment Supplier or Contractor's (as applicable) convenience. C. Materials and equipment used in the performance of Work under this Contract are subject to inspection and testing at the point of manufacture or fabrication. Standard requirements far quality and warkrnanship are indicated in the Contract Documents. The Engineer may require the equipment supplier ar Contractor (as applicable) to provide statements or certificates from the manufacturers and fabricators that the materials and equipment provided by them are manufactured or fabricated in full accordance with the standard specifications for quality and workmanship indicated in the Cantract Documents. All costs of this testing and providing statements and certificates shall be a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, and no extra charge to the Owner shall be allowed on account of such testing and certification. Bid Documents D1450.3 TES'r1NG AND TES7'ING � 03720-04�-01 LABORATORY SERVICES D. If the test and any subsequent retest results indicate that the materials or equipment fail to meet the requirements of the Contract Docuinents, the equipment supplier or Contractor (as applicabl�) shall pay far the laboratory costs directly to the testing firm and these will not be reimbursable to the equipment supplier or ContracCor (as applicable). 1.07 WARRANTiES (N07� USED) 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUAI,IFICATIONS A. Comply with requirements of ASTM E329 and ASTM D3740. B. I.,aboratory: Licensed to operate in Florida. C. Laboratory Staff: Maintain a full-time Professional Engineer registered in Florida on staffto review the services performed under this project. D. Testing Equipment: Calibrated at reasonable intervals with devices of accuracy traceable to either Nation Bureau of Standards (NBS) or acceptc:d values of natural physical constants. E. Provide qualified personnel at the site. Cooperate with the Engineer and Contractor in per%rming services. F_ Perform specified inspection, sampling, and testing of producCs in accordance with specified standards. G. Ascertain compliance of materials and rnixes with requirements af Contract Documents. H. Promptly notify the Engineer and Contractor of obs�rved irregularities or non- conformance of Work or Products. I. Perform additional inspections and tests required by Engineer. �'ART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Bid Documents 01450-4 TES77NG AND TESTING 03720.040-01 LABORATORY SERVICES � r ' , , � � ' r ' , � ' ' ' � ' ' � SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILI'I'IES AND CONTROLS PART1 GENERAL l.Ql SCOPE OF WORK (NOT USED) 1.02 RELATED WORK (NOT USED) 1.03 SUBMITTALS (NOT USED) 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.OS REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT llSED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1..Q7 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUA.LNFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 RESPONSISILITY A. This Section speci�es the minimum requirements for temporary facilities, utilities, and controls required to pravide an adeyuate and safe work site at every stage during construction of the Project. The Cantractor is solely responsible for the requirements s�t forth in this Section. 1.11 ONSITE TEMPORARY A. Except as otherwise indicated, the Contractor may, at his option, furnish stand- alone utility plants to provide needed services in lieu of connected services from available public utilities, provided such stand-alone plant facilities comply with all governing regulations. Before availability oftemporary utility services, the Contractor will provide trucked-in/trucked-out containerized ar unitized services for start-up of construction operations at the site. 1.12 COSTS A Bid Documents 03720.040-0] Except as otherwise indicated, the costs of providing and using temporary utility services are included in the contract sum. 01500-1 TEMPORARY FACILITIE5 AND CONTROLS l .l3 TEMPOR�RY FACILITIES A. The types of utility services required for temporary use at the project site include the following (other specific services may be required for speci�c construction methods of operations): 1. Electrical Power Service. 2. Water Service (potable for certain uses). 3. Sanitary. 4. Storm Sewer or Open Drainage/Run-off Contral. 5. Gas (fuel) Service. 6. Telephone Service. 7. Bypass Pumping, as described in Section Q 18 I 5, Maintenance ai Flant Operation and Sequence af Construction l .14 TEMPORA.RY ELECTRICITY A. The Contractor shall make the necessary applications and arrangements and pay all fees and charges for electrical energy for power and light necessary for proper completion of the Wark and during its entire progress up to time of flnal acceptance by the Owner. The Contractor shall provide and pay for all temporary switches, connections, and meters. I.15 T.FMPORA.RY WATER A. The Cantractor shall make all necessary application and arraangements and pay all fees and charges for water necessary for the proper completion of the Praject up to the time of final acceptance. The Contractor shall provide and pay for any temporary piping and connections. l .l6 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall provide adequate sanitary facilities for the use of those employed on the work. Such facilities shall be made available when the first employees arrive on the site of the work, shall be properly secluded from public abservation, and shall be constructed and maintained during the progress ofthe work in suitable numbers and at such points and in such manner as may be required or approved. 1.17 CLEANLTNESS OF FACIL1TlE5 I:1 Bid Documents 03720-040-01 The Contractor shall maintain the sanitary facilities in a satisfactory and sanitary ' condition at all times and shall enforce their use. He shall rigorausly prohibit the 01500-2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CQNTROLS �, ' , r � � 1.18 , �1 � ' ' � � 1 � committing of nuisances on the site of the Work, on the lands of the Owner, or on adjacent property. TEItMINATION AND REMOVAL A. The Contractar shall, at the time the need for a temporary utility service has ended or has been replaced by use of permanent services, or not later than the time of final completion, promptly remove the installation unless requested by the Engineer to retain it for a longer period. Any work which may have been delayed or affected by the installation and use ofthe temporary utility, including repairs ta construction and grades and restoration and cleaning of exposed surfaces, shal l bE completed at this time. The Contractor shall replace any wark damaged b�yond acceptable restoration. 1.19 NOISE CONTROL A. The Contractor shall provide adequate protection against objectionable noise levels caused by the operation ofconstruction equipment. 1.20 DUST CONTROL Is1 The Contractor shall provide for adequate protection against raising objectionable dust clouds caused by moving construction equipment, high winds, or any other cause. ] .21 WATER CONTROL A. The Contractor shall provide for satisfactory disposal of surplus water and shall submit a plan to the Engineer for his review before initiating and implementing the plan. Priar approval shal] be obtained from the proper authorities for the use of public or private lands or facilities for such disposal. � 1.22 POLLUTION CONTROL A. The Contractor shall provide for adequate protection againsC polluting any public ' or private lands, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, and other such areas by the disposal of surplus rnaterial in the form of solids, liquids, �ases, or from any other cause. � ' , � 1.23 ADVERSE IMPACT A. The Contractor shall evaluate and assess the impact of any adverse effects on the natural environment which may result from constructian operations and shall operate to minimize pollution of air, ground, or surface waters vegetation, and Bid Documents 01500-3 TEMPORARY FACILITIES 03720-D40-O] AND CGN'TROLS afford ihe neighboring community the maximum protection durin� and up to completion of the construction project. 1.24 STREAMS, LAKES, AND O"T'HER BOD]ES qF WATER A. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent pollution of streams, lakes, and reservoirs with fuels, oils, bitumens, calcium chloride, or other harmful materials. He shall conduct and schedule his operations so as Co avoid or otherwise prevent pollution of siltation of streams, lakes, and reservoirs and to avoid interference with the movements of migratory fish. 1.25 CHEMiCALS A. All chemicals used during project construction or Furnished .for proj�ct aperation, whether herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, reactant, or of other classification, must show approval of either EPA or t1SDA. Use oFall such chemicals and disposa] of residues shall be in strict canformance with instructians. 1.26 ERQSION CONTROL A. The ConCractor shall not expose by construction operations a larger area of erosive land at any one Cinne than the minimum necessary for efficient construction operations, and the duration of exposure of the uncompleted construction to the elements shall be as short as practicable. Erosion-control features shall be constructed concurrently with other work and at the earliest practicable time. 1.27 STORAGE FACILI'1'JES /� All products, materials, and equipment shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Products subject to damage by the elements shall be stored in weathertight enclosures. Temperature and humidity shall be maintained within the ranges required by the manufacturer's instructions. Fabricated products shall be stored above the ground on blocking ar skids. Products which are subject to deterioration shall be covered with impervious coatings with adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. Loose granular materials shall be stored in a well-drained area on solid surfaces to prevent mixing with foreign matter. Any products which will come in contact with water shall be stored off the ground to prevent contamination. Bid Documents 01500-4 TEMPOIiARY FACILITIES 03720.040-01 AND C�NTROLS u �I 1 ' 1.2$ IN5PECTION A. Storage shall be arranged in such a manner to provide easy access for inspection. Periodic inspections shall be made of all stored products to ensure that they are maintained under specified conditions and free from damage or deterioration. ' 1.29 TEMPURARY PROTECTfON , A. After installation, the Contractor shall provide substantial coverings as necessary to installed products to protect them from damage from traffic and subseyuent construction operations. Coverings shall be removed when no longer needed. � l .3� ADJACENT TO WORK A. The Contractor shall preserve from damage all property alang the line of the work ' or which is in the vicinity of or in any wise affected by the work, the removal or destruction of which is nat called for by the Plans. Wherever such property is damaged due to the activities of the Contractor, it shall be immediately restored to � its original condition by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. ' , f,l r 1 � 'J L 1 � I .31 REMEDY BY OWNER A. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore such praperty, or make gaod such damage or injury, the Owner may, after 48 hours' notice to the Contractor, proceed to repair, rebuild, or otherwise restore such property as may be deemed necessary and the cost thereof will be deducted from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor under this Contract. 1.32 PROTECTION FROM DAMAGE A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of property in the areas in the vicinity of the Project and for the protection of his equipment, supplies, materials, and work against any damage resulting fronn the elertaents, such as flooding, by rainstorm, wind darnage, or other precautions against any such damage occurrence, and shall be responsible for damage resulting from same. The Cantractor shall provide adequate drainage facilities, tie-downs, or other protection throughout the contract period for the protection af his, the Owner's, and other properties from such damage. 1.33 TRAFFIC REGULATION A. Signs, marking barricades, and procedures shall conform to the reyuirements of the Florida Department of Transportatian Manual on Traffic Controls and Safe Bid Documents O150a5 ' 03720-040-01 TEMPORAAY FACiL1TIE5 AND CONTKOLS � ' Practices far Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance, and Utility Operations. � 1.34 SIGNAGE 1 A. The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate barricades around apen excavations. � 1.35 REMOVAL OF SIGNAGE A. On completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove all debris, excess ' materials, barricades, and temporary work, leavin� walkways and roads clear of obstructions. � PART 2 PRODUC"I�S (NOT USED) PART 3 �XECUTION (NOT USED) � END OF StiCTION � , ' ' ' , � ' ' Bid Documents 03720-040-01 � 01500-6 f'F.,MPOAARY FAGLITIES AND CONTROLS � 1 1 I _J f-� , f1 SECTION 01600 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PARTI GENERAL 1.01 SC�PF OF WORK This section includes the minimum requirements far the furnished materials and equipment for this project. ^I"he more stringent requirements in the technical specification sections shall take precedence over these requirements for any conflicts. � A. Materials and equipment furnished by the Contractor shall be new and shall not have been in service at any other installation unless otherwise approved. They shall conform to applicable specifications approved in writing by the Engineer. , ' lJ �� r,� � ' ' .J 1J 1 ' B. Manufactured and fabricated products shall be designed, fabricated, and assembled in accordance with the best engineering and shop practices. Like parts of duplicate units shall be manufactured to standard sizes and gauges so as to be interchangeable. C 0 E. Quantities of items that are identical shall be by the same manufacturer, regardless of the Design Package breakdown. Equipment sizes, capacities, and dimensions shown or specified shall be adhered to unless variations are specifically approved in writin�. Materials and eyuipment shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they are desi�ned or specified. F. Where materials or equipment are specifically shown or specified ta be reused in the Work, special care shall be used in removal, handling, storage, and reinstallation, to ensure their proper function in the completed work. G. Bid Dceuments 03720-040-01 Material and equipment incorporated into the wark: 1 2 Shall conform to applicable specifications and standards. Shall comply with size, make, type, and qualiry specified, or as specifically approved in writing by the Engineer. 3. Manufactured and fabricated products: a. Rotating machinery shall be designed and fabricated to provide satisfactory aperation without excessive wear and without 01600-1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 1.02 RELATE:D WORK 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 excessive maintenance durin� its aperating life. Ratating parts shall be statically and dynamically balanced and shall operate wiYhout excessive vibration. A. Section III, General Conditions B. Section IV, Standard Specifications. C. Section 01000, Project Requirements. D. Section 01740, Final Cleaning. E. Section 017$0, Warranties and Sonds. F. Section 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals. SUBMITTA.LS (NOT USED) WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USED) QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) WARRANTIES (NOT USED) DELIVERY, STORAGE, �ND HANDLING A. The Contractor shall adhere ta the requirernents specified in Section 01650, Delivery, Storage, and Handling, for storage and protection of the items specified in this Section. B. Materials and equipment shall be loaded and unloaded by it�ethods affording adequate protection against damage. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent injury to the material or equipment during transportation and handling. Suitable power equipment shall be used and the material or equipment shall be under control at all times. Under na condition shall the tnaterial or equipment be dropped, bumped, or dragged. When a crane is used, a suitable hook or lift sling shall be used. The crane shall be so place� that all lifting is done in a vertical plane. Materials or equipment skid loaded, palletized, or handled on skidways shall not be skidded or ralled against material or equipment already unloaded. C. Material and equipment shall be delivered to the job site by m,eans that will ade[�uately support it and not subject it to undue stresses. Material and equipment damaged or injured in the process oftransportation unloading or handling shall be rejected and immediately removed from the site. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Ol 600-2 MATERIALS AN]a EQUIPMENT ' ' � D. The Contractor shall coordinate the delivery of all materials, including those furnished by the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsiblc for the proper transport, handling, and storage of all mater�als, and they shall be protected to , ensur� their expected p�rformance. I)elivery schedules shall be coordinated by the Contractor, in advance, so that the work will b� done in a timely manner. 1 ' 1 � 1 � � ' , ' 1 , , 1 E. The Contractor shall coordinate deliveries of products with construction schedules to avoid conf7ict with work and conditions at the site. The Contractor shall also do the following: Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible. 2. lmmediately on delivery, inspect shipments ta ensure campGance with requirements of Contract Documents and approved submittals and that the products are properly protected and undamaged. F. The Contractor shall provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. G. All rnaterials and equipment shall be stored an-site in complete compliance with the rtaanufacturer's recommendations. Sefore storing equipment on the site, the Contractor shall provide written instructions for storage from the manufacturer. F�I. Storage af equipment shall be in strict accordance with the "instructions for storage" of each equipment supplier and manufacturer including connection of heaters, placing of storage lubricants in equipment, etc. Corroded, damaged, or deteriorated equipment and parts shall be replaced before they are accepted for the Project. .Equipment and materials not properly sCored will not be included in a payment estimate. I. The Contractor shall store products in accordance with manuFacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store products subject to damage by the elements in weather-tight enclosures. 2. Maintain temperature and humidity within the ranges required by the manufacturer's instructions. 3. Store fabricated products above the ground, on blacking or skids to prevent sailing or staining. Cover products that are subject to deterioration with impervious sheet coverings, and provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. Bid Documents 01600-3 , 03720-040-01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 1.09 1_10 I:� 4. Store loose granular materials in a well-drained area on solid surfaces to prevent mixing with foreign matter. All materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work shal] be handlcd and stored by the Contractor before, during, and after shipment in a manner to prevent warping, twisting, bending, breaking, chipping, rusting, and any injury, theft, or damage ofany kind to the material or equipment. All materials which, in the opinion ofthE Engineer, have become so d�imaged as to be unfit for the use intended or specified shall be prompCly removed from thc site of the work, a�d the Contractor shall receive no compensation for the damaged material or its removal. L. The Contractor shall arrange storage in a rzaanner to provide easy access for inspectian and make periodic inspections of stored products to ensure that products are txaaintained under specified conditions, free from damage or deterioration. lu� N. The Contractor shall provide substantial coverings as necessary to protect installed praducts from traffic damage and subsequent construction operations and shall remove these coverings when they are no longer needed. Should the Contractor fail to take proper action on storage and handling of equipment supplied under this Contract, within seven days after written notice to do so has been given, the Owner retains the right to correct all deficiencies noted in the previausly transmitted written notice and deduct the cost associated with these corrections �rom the Contractor's Contract. These costs may include expenditur�s far labor, equipment usage, administrative, clerical, engineering, and any otl�er costs associated with making the necessary corrections. QUALIF.I.CATIONS (NOT USED) ACCEPTANCE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT A. Only new materials and equipment slaall be incorporated in the Work. All materials and equipment furnished by the Contractor shall be subject to the inspection and acceptance of the Engineer. No material shall be delivered to the site that does not meet the Contract specifications. B. The Contractor shall submit data and samples suff.tciently early to permit consideratiott and acceptance b�fore materials are necessary for incorporating in the work. Any delay of acceptance resulting from the Contractor's failure to submit samples or data promptly shall not be used as a basis of claim against the Owner. Bid Documents 01600� MATERIALS ANb EQUIPMGNT 03720-040-0] -.� � � � 1 , , C. The materials and equipment used in the work shall correspond ta the approved samples ar other data. D. If requested, the Contractor shall be required to submit to the Engineer ample evidence that each and every part of the materials, machinery, and equipment ta be furnished is of a reliable make and of a type that has been in successful operation within the continental United States. No equipment will be considered unless the manufacturer has designed and manufactured equipment of a comparable type and size for at least three years. Installation of any experimental or untried type of material or machinery will not be allowed by the Engineer, and Owner. ' E. The equipment specified herein shall be carefully designed and installed to ensure that it adequately perfarms all required functions within the specified degree of precision. Each unit shall op�rate with each of the other parts of the equipment to ' provide a completely integrated system that shall operate to Che satisfaction of the Engineer and Owner. � F. All equipment, machinery, parts, and assemblies of equipinent, machinery, or parts entering inta the work shall be tested as specified. l]nless waived in writing _ by the Engineer, all field and operating tests shall be made in the presence of the � En�ineer or the Engineer's authorized representative. When such a waiver is issued, swarn statements in duplicate of the tests made and the resulCs thereof 1 ' , � , 1 , , shall be furnished to the Engineer by the Contractor or manufacturer. G. The Contractor shall submit copies of welding procedures for all welding. Welders and welding operators shall be selected in accordance with the qualification requirernents ofthe AWS Code. Welders and welding operators for stainless steel shall pass qualification tests using stainless steel filler metal and procedures developed for stainless steel. Procedures, welder, and operator qualifications shall be certified by an independent testing laboratory retain�d and paid by the Contractor. H. The Contractor shall not start fabrication of the work until the Contractor receives written acceptance of the proof af welding procedures from the Engineer for each type of weld. I. The Contractor shall submit copies of mill certificate for each type of rolled steel and as required in the Specifications. The Contractor shall not start fabricatian of the work until the Contractor receives written acceptance of all mill certificates from the Engineer. Bid Dceuments 01600-5 MATFRIALS AND EQUIPMENT , 03720-040-01 �.r� 1.12 MANUFACTURER'S 1NSTRUCTIONS FOR 1NSTALLATION A. The equipment installation details shall suit the existing and furnished equipment and are subject to acceptance by the Engineer. B. Any changes or revisions made necessary by the type and dimensions of the equipment furnished shal I be rnade at the expense of the Contractor who shall furnish detailed drawings showing such chan�es or revision for the acceptancc of the Engineer. C. The installation of all work shall cottaply with the manufacturer's printed instructions. "I'he Contractor shall obtain and distribute copies af such instructions to parties involved in the installation including six copies to the Engineer for disCribution. One complete set of instructions shall be maintained at the job site during installation and until the project is complete. D. All products and equipmEnt shall be handled, installed, connected, cleancd, conditioned, and adjusted in accordance wiCi� the manufacturer's instrucCions and specified requirements. Should job co.nditions or specified requirements conflict with the manufacturer's instructions, such conflicts shall be called to the Engineer's attention for resolution and revised instructions. E. The Contractor shal I perform wark accordin� to the manufacturer's instructions and not omit any preparatory step or installation procedure unless the instructions are speci�cally modi .fied or the step or procedure exempted by Contract Documents. INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT A. The cost of the Work shall include tlae cost of competent manufacturers' representatives of all equipment to supervise the installation, adjustment, and testing of the equipment and to instruct the Owner's operating personnel on operation and maintenance. S. A certificate from the manufacturer stating that the installation of the equipment is satisfactary, that the unit has been satisfactorily tested, is ready for operation, and that the operating personnel have been suitably instructed in the operation, lubricaCion, and care of the unit shall be submitted before Substantial Completion. C. The Contractor shall furnish the service of co:mpetent manufacturers' representatives for Contractor- or Owner-furnished equipment when evident malfunction or over-heating makes such services necessary or as determined by the Engineer. All such e�uiprnent shall be installed by skilled mechanics and in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. Bid Documents 01600-6 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMEN7' 03720-040-01 1 1 � � � ' � 1 � � � � ' � � � � � U. Special care shall be taken to ensure proper alignment of all equipment with particular reterence to mechanical equipment such as pumps and electric drives. These units shall be carefully aligned on their foundations by qualified millwrights after their sole or base plates have been shimmed to true alignment at the anchor bolts. The anchor bolts shall be set in place and the nuts tightcned against the shims. After the manufacturer has approved the faundation alignments, the bedplates or wing feet of the equipment shall be securely bolted in place. The alignment of equipment shall be further checked after securing to the foundations. After all alignments are confirmed, the sale or base plates shall be finally �routed in place. The Cdntractor shall be respansible for the exact ali�nment af equipment with associated piping, and under no circumstanc�s, will "pipe springing" be allowed. Special installation requirements in technical specifications shall take precedence over the requirements of this section. E. The Contractor shall furnish all wedges, shims, filling pieces, keys, packing, grout, or other materials necessary ta properly align, level, and secure an apparatus in place. All parts intended to be plumb or level must be proven exactly so. Any grinding necessary to bring parts to proper alignment after erection shall be done at the expense of the Contractor. F The Contractor shall furnish the necessary materials and construct suitablc concrete foundations or pads for all equipment installed by the Contractor, even though such foundations or pads may not be indicated on the Drawings. The tops of foundatians shall be at such elevations as will permit grouting. G. In setting pumps, motors, and other items of equipment customarily grouted, the Contractor shall make an allowance of at least 1 inch (2.5� cm) for grout under the equipment bases. Shims used to level and adjust the bases shal I be steal. Shims may be left embedded in the grout, in which case they shall be installed neatly and so as to be as inconspicuous as possible in the completed work. Unless otherwise permitted, all grout shall be a suitable non-shrinking grout_ Bid Dceuments � 03720-OAO-Ol 1. Grout shall be mixed and placed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Where practicable, the grout shall be placed through the grout holes in the base and worked outward and under the edges of the base and across the rough top of the concrete foundation to a peripheral farm so constructed as to pravide a suitable chamber around the top edge of the finished foundation. 2. Where such procedure is impracticable, the method of placing grout shall be as permitted. After the grout has hardened sufficiently, all forms, hoppers, and excess grout shall be removed, and all exposed grout surfaces shall be patched in an appraved manner and, if necessary, as required by the Engineer, given burlap-rubbed finish and painted with at least two coats of an acceptable paint. 01600-7 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT l .13 SPECIAL TOOLS A. Manufacturers of equipment and rnachinery shall furnish two sets of any special tools (including grease guns ar other lubricating devices) required for normal adjustment, operations and maintenance, and disassembly, together with instructions for their use. The Contractor shall preserve and deliver to the Owner these tools and instructions in good order before completion of the Contract. Tools shall be high-grade, smooth, forged, alloy tool steel. Grease guns shall be lever-type. B. Special toals are considered to be those tools which because of their limited use are not normal ly available, but which are necessary for the particular equipment. C. Special tools shall be delivered at the same time as the equipment to which they pertain. The Contractor shall properly store and safeguard such special tools until completion ofthe work, at which time they shall be delivered to the Owner. 1.14 LUBRICATION SYSTEM A. The minimum design criteria for lubrication of moving parts of the equipment shal I include one week of continuous operation during which no lubricants shall be added to the system. B. The system shall be designed to receive lubricants whether in operation or shut down and shall not leak or waste lubricants under �ither condition. The manufacturer's recommendations of grade and quality and a supply of the lubricants sa recommended in quantities sufficient to conduct start up and testing operations shall be furnished with the equipment. 1.15 TESTS AND TEST REPORTS A. When used in the Contract Documents, "Factory/Fabricating Shop Performance, Evaluation, Certifcation, and/or Acceptance Tests and Test Reports" shall be considered ta mean the corresponding manufacturer's, fabricator's, and/or other builder's official test and tests reports of�same. Included in these test reports shall be appropriate substantiating documentation/data ascertaining the correct and complete manufacturE, fabrication, and "shop performance" (to the greatest extent normally practicable) of the particular material, equipment, system, and/or facilities proposed for eventual delivery. These are subdivided into three significant tests and test repart types: l) Certificatian Tests and Test Reports, Z) Factory Tests and Test Reports, and 3) Shop Performance/Evaluation Tests and Test Reports. Minimal requirements are described below: Bid Documents 01600-8 MA'C�it1ALS A'ND �QUIPMENT 03720-040-01 � 1 � r � B. Certification Tests and Test Reparts Standard specifications, code references, etc. for minimum quality and workmanship levels are indicated in the Cantract Documents and Construction Documents. Statements, certi�cates, and ather substantiatin� reporting data, hereinafter called "Certificatian "['est Reports," of tests conducted on previously manufactured materials or equipment identical to that proposed for use shall be compiled by the Contractor. 2. At a minimutn, all Certification Test Reports shall cantain an affrcial analysis of sufficient material composition or show evidence of ineeting or exceeding the specified material standard(s) referenced, e.g., ASTM, � �SME, or other designations. All rEports shall also indicate from whom the material was/will be purchased. � C � i �� I� � � �� 1 � 3. The Cantractor shall pay all costs of certification tests and test reports. Factory Tests and Test Reports Additional tests and reparts performed on material or equipment by the manufacturer or fabricator to ascertain quality or workmanship are referr�d to herein as "Factory Tests and Test Reparts." 2. Before the delivery of any Factory Test Report, the Cantractar shall first submit for review and approval a detailed description of the proposed testing including reporting procedure and criteria. Such descriptians shall also be delivered to the Engineer for review as part of the f rst submission of the technical submittal. 3. Materials and equipment used in the performance of the Work under this Contract are subject to inspection and testing at the point af manufacture or fabrication. If Work to be accomplished away from the construction site is to be inspected on behalf of the Owner during its fabrication or manufacture, the Contractor shall give prior notice to the Engineer of the place and time where such fabrication or manufacture is to be done. Such notice shall be in writing and delivered to the Engineer not less than 30 days before such event so that the necessary arrangements for the particular factory inspection tests can be made. 4. Upon completion of the factory inspection tests and immediately following manufacture or fabricatian, the Cantractor shall compile a complete Factory Test Report following the approved format above. All such reports shall be delivered to the Engineer for review as part of the technical submittal corresponding to such tested material ar equipment. Bid Aocuments 01600-9 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ' 0372�-040-01 0 E Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Shop Perfonnance/.Evaluation Tests and Tests Reports Material and equipment used in the performance ofthe Work of this Contract are also subject to evaluaCion and t�sting after the complete fi�ll-scale assembly into major equipment and/or systems. Shap Performance/Evaluation Tests, i.e., tesis of simulaCed startup, steady-state, variable loading, and other normal operating conditions, for such assembled equipment/systems shall be accomplished in strict accardance with the standard testing practices speci fied or otherwise accepted by the En�ineer. 2. Before the delivery of any Shop Performance/Evaluation Test Report, the Contractor shall submit for review a detailed description of the proposed perfarmance/evaluation tests, including anticipated reporting procedures, data reduction, and criteria used. Where appropriate, such descriptions shall also be delivered to the Engineer for review as part of a first or subsequent submission of the technica] submittal. 3. Should such perFarmance/evaluation tests be accamplished away from the construction site, the Contrlctor shall give prior notice to the Engineer of the places and times where such tests will be accomplished. Such prior notice shall bc in writing and delivered not less than 30 days before such events so that necessary arrangements f`or the particular tests can be made. 4. The requirements above pertaining to Factory Tests and Test Reports shall be incorporated herein for shop �'erformance/�valuation Tests and Test Reports. Unless factory tests are coincident with shop performancE tests and vice versa for the same materia] or equipment, a minimum of 15 days shall be scheduled between such multiple equipment tests, where extended travel is required. Cost of Performance Shop Tests The Contractor shall, if applicable, canduct shop performance full-scale tests at its expensc on all ec�uipment as specified. Each piece of equipment shall be tested completely assembled and the shop tests performed by the equipment manufacturer utttil successful tests are achieved. 2. Jf the performance tests are conducted outside the continental United States, the Contractor shall pay all transportation expenses incurred by the Owner's representatives in witnessing the tests at no additional cast to the Owner. 01600-10 MATERlAL5 AND EQUIPMENT � ' � � � �� � �� r� � � � r r � 1.16 FIELD TESTING A. Field-testing shall be conducted when called for in the Technical SpecificaCion Sections and an all completed systems in general. The Contractor shall provide services of a factory-authorized service representative to perform, approve, and certify the tield testing specified in this Section. Field testing shall generally consist of performing the pre-startup and startup tests as specified in the Division 1 l The Contract Documents may require the Contractor to perform factory testing on equipment items before the Engineer approves their use for this project. The Contractor shall refer to the Division 11 Specifications regarding equipment shop testing requirements B. After completion of the installation, the Contractor, in the presence of the Engineer, under actual operating conditians, shall test the system. Tests shall be perfonned according to manufacturer's recammendations. C. The Contractor shall include with its bid the services of the equipment manufacturer's field service technician for a period necessary to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the Owner. D. This service shal I be for the purposes of checkout, initial starC-up, certifcation, and instruction of facilities personnel. E. A written report covering the technician's findings and installation approval shall be submitted to the Engineer covering all inspections and outlining in detail any deficiencies noted. 1.17 ACCEPTANCE OF INSTALLATION A. The Engineer may accept an equipment system installation as ready for Substantial Completion when: The Engineer has accepted all factory tests and all other component testing. 2. The Engineer has accepted all performance shop tests. � 3. All components of the system are installed and tested, including without limitation hydrostatic tests, leak tests, continuity tests, insulation resistance tests, phase rotatian tests, bump tests, stroke testing, calibration, � adjustment for praper operation, and all other component tests as appropriate. � F3id Documents 01600-11 MAT@RIALS AND EQUIPMENT � 03720-040-01 4. f.7 6. �ield start-up activities have beera completed and approved by the Engineer. The appropriate certificates have been submitted. All equipment has met the performance requirements. 7. The Engineer has accepted integrated system tests and adjustments performed by the Contractor to demonstrate that the system as a whole functions reliably and meets the performance requirements, in manual and automatic modes, without failure, fault, or defect of any component or of` the system as a whole. 8. The Engineer has accepted integrated facilities tests performed by the Contractor to demonstrate that the entire Construction funetions together reliably as an integrated facility, and meets the perfonnance requirements, in manual and automatic modes, without failure, fault, or defect of any component. 9. The Engineer has accepted facilities performance tests which demonstrate that the design criteria and perfonnance criteria are met. 10. The Engineer has accepted the O&M Manuals. l l. All required Owner personnel have been trained. 12. All other Contract requirements for Substantial Completion have been satisfied. ] .18 GREASE, OIL, AND .FUEL A. All grease, oil, and fuel required for start-up and testing of equipment shall be furnished with the respective equipment. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for chan�in� the oil in all drives and intermediate drives ofall mechanical equipment from after initial break-in ofthe equipment, which shall be no greater than 30 days. 1.19 ELECTRICAL EQUiPMENT ENCLOSURES I_� Bid Documents 03720-040-01 All items of Electrical equipment that are furnished with process, heating, ventilating, or other equipment shall conform to the requirements specified under 01600-12 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT � 1 � the appropriate electrical sections of the specifications. Enclosures for electrical equipment, such as switches and starters, shall confarm to the requirements specified under the appropriate electrical sections of the Specifications. � 1.20 EQUIPMENT DRIVE GUARDS �� � ' i � �J � � r � � 1 � � A. Screens, guards, or cages shall be provided for all exposed rotating or moving parts in accordance with accepted practices of applicable governmental agencies. Unless specified otherwise in the technical sections, guards shall be constructed of galvanized sheet steel or �alvanized waven wires or expanded metal set in a frame of galvanized steel members. Guards shall be secured in position by steel braces or sCraps, which will permit easy removal for servicing the equipment. 1.2] PRQTECTION AGAINST ELF.CTROLYSIS A. Where dissimilar metals are used in canjunction with each other, suitable insulation shall be provided between adjoining surfaces so as to eliminate direct contact and any resultant electrolysis. The insulation shall be bituminous impregnated felt, heavy bituminous coatings, nonmetallic separators or washers; or other acceptable materials. 1.22 CONCRETE 1NSERTS A. Concrete inserts for hangers shall be designed to support safely, in the concrete that is used, the maximum laad that can be imposed by the hangers used in the inserts. Inserts for hangers shall be of a type which will permit adjustment of the hangers both horizontally (in one plane) and vertically and lockin� of the hanger head or nut. All inserts shall be galvanized_ 1.23 SLEEVES A. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or specified, openings far the passage of pipes through floors and walls shall be formed of sleeves of standard-weight, �alvanized-steel pipe. Each sleeve shall be of ample diameter to pass the pipe and its insulation, if any, and to penmit such expansion as may occur. Sleeves shall be of sufficient len�th to be flush at the walls and the bottom of the slabs and ta project 2 inches above the finished floor surface. Threaded nipples shall not be used as sleeves. S. Sleeves in exteriar walls below ground or in walls to have liquids an one or both sides shall have a 2-inch annular fin of 1/4-inch plate weldEd with a continuous weld completely around the sleeve at about mid-length. Sleeves shall be galvanized after the fins are attached. Bid Documents 01600-13 MAT�RIALS AND EQUIPMENT 03720-040-01 � � ' All sleeves shall be set accurately before the conerete is placed or shall be built-in accurately as the masonry is being built. � 1..24 SERVICES OF M.ANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVL A I.� The Contractor shall arrange for a qualified service representative from each company manufacturing or supplying certain equipment as listed in this Section (or in the respective Technical Specification sections) to perform the duties herein described. After the listed equipmettt has been installed and the equipment is presumably ready for operation, but before it is operated by others, the representative shall inspect, operate, test, and adjust the equipment. The inspection shall include, but not be limited to, the following points as applicable: 1. Soundness (without cracked, abraded, or otherwise damaged parts). 2. Completeness in all details, as specified. 3. Correctness of setting, alignment, and relative arrangement of various parts. Adequacy and correctness of packittg, sealing, and lubricants. C. The operation, testing, and adjustment shal] be as required to prove that the equipment is left in proper condition for satisfactory operation under the conditions specifred. D. On completion of his or her work, the manufacturer's or supplier's representative shall submit in triplicate to the Engineer a complete, signed report ofthe result of the inspection, operation, adjustments, and t�sts. The report shall include detailed descriptions of the points inspected, tests and adjustment made, quantitative results obtained if such are specified, and suggestions for precautions to be taken ta ensure proper maintenance. The report also shall include a certificate that the E. equipment confonms to the requirements of the Contract and is ready for permanent operation and that nothing in the installation will render the manufacturer's warranty null and void. After the Engineer has reviewed the reports from the manufacturer's representatives, the Contractor shall make arrangements to have the manufacturer's representatives present when the field acceptance tests are made. F. The Contractor, at a minimum, shall arrange for the service of qualified service representatives from the companies manufacturing or supplying the following equiprnent and as required in the Technical Speci .fications: Submersible Pumps Qid Documents 01600-14 MA'1'ERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 03720-040-01 � r � PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) FART 3 EXECUTION (N�T USEU) END OF SECTION �� r� r � r � � � r�� � r E3id Dceuments 01600-15 MATERIALS AND EQl]IPMENT � 03720-040-01 � � r � ' � � r � r � � � � � � � � � sECTioN o r 6so D�LIVERY, STORAGE, AND I-�ANDLING PART1 GENERAL I � 1 I �Y � � ] � � [ �] � �. �L �] t� :� A. This Section specifies the general requirements for the delivery, handling, storage, and pratection of all items required in the construction of the work. Specific requirements, if any, are specified with the related item. 1.02 REI.,ATED WORK (NOT USED) l .p3 SiJBMITTALS (NOT USED) 1.04 WURK SEQiJENCL (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE S"f�ANDARDS (NOT USED) 1.Ob QUALITY ASSURANC:E (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES (NO�' �1S�D) 1.Q8 UELIVERY, STORAGE, AND Ht1NDLING The Contractor shall also do the following: A. Transport and handle items in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. B. Schedule delivery to reduce long-term ansite storage before installation and/or operation. Under na circurnstances shall equipment be delivered to the site more than 1 month before installation without written authorization from the Engineer. C. Coordinate delivery with installation to ensure minimum holding time for items that are hazardous, flammable, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration. D. Deliver praducts to the site in the manufacturer's ariginal sealed containers or other packing systems, cornplete with instructions for handling, staring, unpacking, protecting, and installing. E_ Unload and place all items delivered to the site in a manner which will not hamper narmal canstruction operation nor that of subcontractors and other contractors and will not interfere with the flow of necessary traffc. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 01650-1 17E1.IVERY, STpRAGE, AND HANDLING �'. Provide necessary ec�uipment and personnel to unload all items delivered to the sitE. � � � G. Prornptly inspect shipment to ensure that products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and items are undama�ed. Inspect items furnis.hed by others � (i.e., Owner, other Contractors in the presence of the Engineer). Notify the Engineer verbally, and in writing, of any problems. � I:I 1. K. The Contractor shall store and protect products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, witk� seals and labels intact and legible. Follow storage instructions, review them with the Engineer, and keep a written record of this. Arrange storage to permit access for inspection. Store laose granular materials on solid flat surfaces in a well-drained area. Prevent mixing with foreign matter. Store cement and lime under a roof and aff the ground and keep it completely dry at all times. All structural, miscellaneous, and reinforcing steel shall be stored off the ground or otherwise to prevent accumulations of dirt or grease and in a pasition to prevent accumulations of standing water and to minimize rusting. Beams shall be stored with the webs vertical. ]'recast concrete shall be handled and stored in a manner to prevent accumulations of dirt, standing water, stainin�, chipping, or crackin�. Handle and store brick, block, and similar masonry products in a manner to keep breaking, cracking, and spilling to a txain►nnum. All mechanical and electrical equiprnent and instruments subject to corrosive dama�e by the atmosphere if stored outdoors (even though covered by canvas) in a weathertight building to prevent damage. The building may be a temporary structure on the site or elsewhere, but it tnust be satisfactary to the Engineer. The building shall be provided with adequate ventilation to prevent condensation. The Contractor shall ensure that temperature and humidity are maintained within the range required by the manufacturer. All equipment shall be stored fully lubricated with oil, grease, and other lubricants unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer. 2. Moving parts shall be rotated a minimum of once weekly to ensure proper lubrication and to avoid metal-to-metal "welding." llpon installation of the �quipment, the Contractor shall start the equipment, at least at half load, once weekly for an adequate period to ensure that the equipment does not deteriorate from lack of use. Lubricants sha11 be changed when installation is cornplete and as frequently as required thereafter during the period between installation and Bid Documents 01650-2 DEI.IVERY, STORAGE, 03720-040-0] AND HANDLIIVG ' , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � acceptance. The Contractar shall put new lubricants into the equipment at the time of acceptance. 4. Sefore accepting eyuipment that has been stored for some time, the Contractor shall have the manufacturer inspect the equipment and certiiy that its condition has not been detrimentally affected by the long storage period. Such certifications by the manufacturer shall be deemed to mean that the equipment is judged by the manufacturcr to be in a conditian equal to that of equipment that has been shipped, installed, tested, and accepted in a minimum time period. As such, the manufacturer will guarantee the equipment equally in both instances. If such a certification is not given, the equipment shall be judged to be defective. It shall be remaved and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 1.09 QUALIFICA".I'IONS (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NO'I' USED) Bid Documents 03720-040-01 END OF SECTION 01650-3 DELIVERY, STORAG�, ANl7 HANDLING SECTION 01730 CUTTING, CORING, AND PATCHING PARTI GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall provide all cutting, coring, fitting, and patching, including attendant excavation and backfill, required to complete the Work or to accomplish the following: �1. Make the Work's several parts fit to�ether properly. B. Uncover portions of the Work to provide for installation of ill-timed work. C I�a Remove and replace defective work. Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Subcontract Documents. E. Remove sarnples of installed work as specified for testing. F. Provide routine penetrations of non-structural surfaces for installation of piping and electrical conduit. 1.02 RE�A"fED WORK A. Section 01100, Summary of Work. B. Section 03600, Grouting. ���x����:��i��r.��y A. B. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. The Contractor shall submit a written reyuest well in advance af executing any cutting or alteration which affects the following: 1. Work of the Owner or any other Cantractar. 2. Structural value or integrity of any element ofthe Project. 3. 'C'he integrity or effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements or systems. Bid Documents 01730-1 CUTTING, COR]NG, ANb PA'("CHiNG 03720.040-01 4 S The efficiency, aperational life, maintenance, or safety of operationa] elements. Visual qualities o�elements e�posed co view. C. "fhe written request shall include the following: l. identi�catian of the Project. 2. Description of affected Work_ C 3. The necessity for cutting, altering, or excavating. 4. The effect on the wark of Owner or any other Contractor or on the structural or weatherproof integrity o:f the Project. 5. C� Description oFproposed Work: a. Scope of cutting, patching, alteration, or excavation. b. Trades which will execute the Work. c. Products proposed to be used. d. Extent of refinishing to be done. Alternatives to cutting and patching. 7. Cost proposal, when applicable. 8. Written permission of any other Contractor whose work will be affected. The Contractor shall submit written notice to the Engineer designating the date and the time the Work will be uncovered. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) 1_0$ DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUALiFICATIONS (NOT USED) F3id Documents 01730-2 CUTTING, CORTNG, AND PATCHING 03720-040-01 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete and grout for rough patching shall be as specifed in Section 03600, Grouting. B. Materials for finish patching shall be equal to those of adjacent constructian. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.0] INSPECTIQN A � The Contractor shall inspect existing conditions of project, including elements subject to damage or to movement during cutting and patching. After uncovering Work, the Contractor shall inspect conditions affecting installation of products or performance of the Work. G 'The Contractor shall report unsatisfactory or questionable conditions to the Engineer in writing and shall not proceed with work until the Engineer has provided further instructions. 0 �'. F All cuttin� and coring shall be performed in such a manner as to limit the extent af patching. All holes cut through concrete and masonry walls, slabs, or arches shall be core- drilled unless otherwise approved. No structural members shall be cut without approval of the Engineer, and all such cutting shall be done in a manner directed by the Engineer. No holes may be drilled in bearns or other structural members without obtaining prior approval. All work shall be performed by mechanics skilled in this type of work. If holes are cored through floor slabs, they shall be drilled from below. G. Rough patching shall be such as to bring the cut or cared areas flush with existing construction unless otherwise shown. Finish patching shall match existing surfaces as approved. 3.02 PREPARATION I:� Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to ensure the structural value or integrity of the affected portion of the Work. 0173a3 CU7TING, CORING, AND PATCHING : C�J Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of the Project from damage. Provide protection from elcments for that portion of the }'roject which may be exposed by cutting and patching work and maintain excavations free fram water D. Perform caring with an approved non-impact rotary tools with diamond core drills. The size of the holes shall be suitable for pipe, cond�yit, sleeves, and equipment or mechanical seals to be installed. E. F Ensure that all equipment conforms to OSHA standards and speci�cations pertainin� to plugs, noise and fume pollution, wiring, and maintenance. Provide protection for existing equipment, utilities, and critical areas against water or other damage cause by drilling operation. G. Following drilling, vacuum or otherwise removc from che area all slurry or tailings resulting from coring operations. 3.03 PERFORMANCE I1 : ExecuCe cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage to other work and will provide proper surfaces to receive instal lation of repairs. Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which will prevent settlement or damage to other work. C. Emp1oy the original irastaller or fabricator to perform cutting and patching For the fol lowing: 1. Weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements. 2. Si�ht-exposed finished surfaces. D. Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide a finished installation to comply with specified products, functions, tolerances, and finishes. E_ Per�orm cutting with a concrete wall saw and diamond saw blades of proper size. F. Provide for control of slurry generated by sawing operatian on both sides of wall G. When cutting a reinforced concrete wall, perform the cutting so as not to damage the bond between the concrete and reinforcing steel left in structure. Make the cut so that steel neither protrudes nor is recessed from the face of the cut. Bid DoCuments 01730-4 CUTTING, CORING, AND PATCHING 03720-040-01 , 1 � � � r � � � � � � � � r � � � � H. Install adequate bracing of the area to be cut before cutting starts. Check the area during sawing operation for partial cracking and provide additional bracing as required to prevent a partial release of the cut area during sawing operations. I. Provide equipment of adequate size to remove cut panel. J. K. L Restore work which has been cut or removed; install new products to provide completed work in accordance with requirements of Subcontract Documents. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit, and other penetrations throu�h surfaces. Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to provide an even tinish to match adjacent finishes: 1. For continuous surfaces, re .finish to the nearest intersection. 2. For an assembly, refinish the entire unit. M. Provide for Proper Pavement Restoration: The Contractor shall restore existin� paving, including under drains ifany are encountered and broken into, and shall replace or rebuild the paving using the same type of construction as was in the original. The Contractor shall be responsible for restoring all such work, including subgrade and base courses where present. The Contractor shall obtain and bear the expense of such local or other governmental permits as may be necessary. 13id Documents 03720-040-01 END OF SECTIUN 01730-5 CUTTING, CORING, AND PATCHING SECTION 01740 FINAL CLEANING PA.RT] GENERAL 1.01 SCO�'� UF WORK A. The Contractor shall execute cleaning during progress of the VJork and at the completion of the Work as required by this Section. 1.02 RELATED WORK (NUT USE.D) 1.03 SUBMITTALS (NOT USED) 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES (NOT 11SED) ].OS DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS A. Cleaning and disposal operations shall comply with codes, ordinances, regulations, and anti-pollution laws. PART 2 PRODUCTS A. The Contractor shall do the following: 1. Use only those cleaning materials which will not create ha�ards to health or property and which will not damage surfaces. 2. Use only those cleaning materials and methods recommended by the manufacturer of the surface material to be cleaned. 3. Use cleaning materials only on surfaces recommended by the cleaning material manufacturer. Bid Documents 01740-1 FINAL CLEANING 03720-040-01 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PERIODIC CLEANING A. The Contractor shall do the following: 1. Execute periodic cleaning to keep the work, the site, and adjacent properties free fronra accurnulations ofwaste materials, rubbish, and windblown debris. 2. Provide onsite containers for the collection of wasCe materials, dEbris, and rubbish. 3. Remove waste materials, debris, and rubbish from the site periadica]]y and dispose of at legal areas away from the site. 3.02 DUST CONTROL A. The Contractor shall do the following: 1 2 Clean interior spaces before the start of finish paintin�g and continue cleaning on an as-needed basis until painting is finished. Schedule operations so that dust and other contaminants resulting fram cleaning process will not fall on wet or newly coated surfaces. 3.03 FINAL CLEANING A. The Contractor shall do the fol1owing: 1. Employ skilled workers for final cleaning. 2. Remove grease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fngerprints, labels, and other foreign materials from interior and exterior surfaces exposed to view. 3. Broorn clean exterior paved surfaces; rake clean other surfaces of the grounds. 4. Before fnal campletion or Owner occupancy, inspect interior and exterior surfaces exposed to view and all work areas to verify that the entire Work is clean. END OF SECTION Bid Documents 01740-2 F1NAL CL�ANING 03720-040-01 � � � � r � � � ' � � � � � � � � � , SECTION 01770 PROJECT CL�SEOUT I�a�:��tel�l�l�l.7_\� l.Ol SCOPE OF WORK (NOT USED) 1.02 RELATED WORK A. B. D. �.. F. Section III, General Conditions. Section IV, Standard Specifications Section 01000, Project Requirements. Section �1740, Final Cleaning. Sectian O1785, Record Documents. Section 01830, Operatrons and Maintenance Manuals. 1.Q3 SUBM[TTA.LS (NOT USED) 1.04 WORK SEQU�.NCE (NOT USED) 1.DS REF.ERENC.E STAND�IRDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.�7 WARRANTIES (NOT USED) 1.08 DEL,IV.ERY, STORFIGE, �ND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NQT US�D) 1.10 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. When the Contractor considers that the Wark or designated portion of the Work is Substantially Complete, the Contractor shall submit written notice to the Engineer with a list of items to be completed or corrected. B. If the Engineer's inspection finds that the Work is not substantially complete, the Engineer will promptly notify the Contractar in writing, listing observed deficiencies. � Bid-Documents 03720-040-01 The Contractor shall remedy deficiencies and send a second written notice of Substantial Completion. 01770-I PRdJECT CLOSEOUT D. When the Engineer frnds the Work is Substantially Complete the Engineer will prepare a Certif7cate of Substantial Completion. ] .11 FINAL COMPLETION A. When the Contractor considers that the Work or designated period of the Work is complete, the Contractor shall submit written certification to the Engineer indicating the following: 1. 'The Contract Documents have been reviewed. 2. The Work has been inspected for compliance with the Contract Documents. 3. The Work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents and deficiencies listed with Certificates of Substantial Completion have been corrected. 4. The Work is complete and ready for final inspection. 5. All required shop drawin�s, catalog cuts, maintenance manuals, instruction manuals, test reports, samples, operational manuals, and all other submittals have been submitted and reviewed by the Engineer. 6. All deliverables have been delivered or placed as accepted by the Engineer. B. If the Engineer's inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete, the Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor in writing listing observed deficiencies. C. The Contractor shall remedy defaciencies and send a second certification of Final Completion. D. When the Engineer finds that the Work is complete, the Engineer will consider closeout submittals. 1.12 REINSPECTI.ON �'EES A. If the status of Completion of Work requires more than one re-inspection by the Engineer due to failure ofthe Work to comply with the Contractor's claims on initial inspection, the Owner will deduct from the final payme.nt to the Contractor the amount of the Engineer's compensation for additional re-inspection services. Bid-bocuments 01770-2 PAOJECT ClOSEOUT 03720-040-01 ] .13 CLUSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Evidence of Compliance with Requirements of Governing Authorities: 1. Certificate of Occupancy. 2. All required Certificates of Inspection. S. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Under provisions of Section O] 830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals. C. Record Documents: Under provisions of Section � 1785, Record Documents_ D. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens: In accordance with Conditions of the Contract. E. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. l.14 STATEMENT OF ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS A. Submit final statement reflecting adjustments co cotal Contract Price, indicating the following: 1. Original total Contract Price. 2. �'revious change orders. 3. Changes under allowances. 4. Changes under unit prices. 5. Deductions for uncorrected Work. 6. Penalcies and banuses. 7. Deductions for liquidated dama�es. 8. Deductions for re-inspection fe�s. 9. Other adjustments to total Contract Price. 10. Total Contract Price as adjusted. 11. Previous payments. 12. Sum remaining due. B. The Engineer will issue a final Change Order reflecting approved adjustments to the total Contract Price not previously made by change orders. ] .15 APPLICATION FOR .F1NAL .�'AYMENT Submit application for final payrnent in accardance wich provisions of Conditions af the Contract. Bid-Documents 01770-3 PRQJECT CLQSEQUT 03720-040-01 PART 2 PRUDUCTS (NOT USED) �'ART' 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) EN.D OF SECTION Bid-Documents 01770� PROJECT CL�S�:OUT 03720-D40-Ol SECTION Ol7$0 WARRANTiES AND SONDS PART1 G�NERAL ] .O 1 SCOFE OF WORK The Contractor shall do the following: A. Compile specified warranties and bonds. B. Co-execute submittals when so specified. C. Review submittals to verify compliance with Contract Documents. D. Submit submittals to the Engineer for review. f� 1 y.� ,7 � 111_r �� I�� 4�L �].7 C� . Section 1[1, General Conditions. Section IV, Standard Specifications Section 01600, Materials and Equipment. 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. Assemble warranties, bonds, and service and maintenance contracts executed by each ofthe respective manufacturers, suppliers, and subcontractors. B. Number of original signed copies required: two (2) each. C. Table of Contents: Neatly typed, in sequence of the Specifications. Provide completion information for each item as follows: 1. Product or work item. 2. Firm, address, telephone, fax and E-mail number, and name of principal. 3. Scope. 4. Date of beginning of warranty, bond, or service and maintenance contract. 5. Duration of warranty, bond, or service and maintenance contract. Bid-Documents 01780-1 WAItRAN'I'IES ANU BONAS 0372D-040-01 1.04 1.05 1.06 6 7 Provide information for Owner's personnel: a. b. Proper procedure in case of failure. In.stances that might affect the validity of warranty or bond. Contractor, with address, telephone, faxes and E-mail numbers, and Che name of responsible principal. D. Submittal of warranties, bonds, and service and maintenance contracts shal1 be included in submittals for review and before T'inal Completion with actual dates included. E. The Contractor's obligation to correct defective or nonconforming Work shall run for a period of l year (ar such longer period oftime as may otherwise be specitied in the Contract Documents) beginning from the date Owner Acceptance is achieved. WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USCD) QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with Section I1 I, General Conditions and this Specification. B. All mechanical and electrical equipment together with devices of whatever nature and all components which are furnished and/or installed by the Contractor shall be guaranteed. G The guarantee shall be against the manufacturing and/or design inadequacies, materials, and workmanship not in conformity, improper asseraably, hidden damage, failure of devices and/or components, excessive leakage, or other circumstances which would cause the equipment to fail under normal design and/or speciirc operating conditians for a period of 1 year or such longer period as rnay be shown and/or speci�ed from and after the date of Substantial Completion. D. The Contractor shall replace and install each piece of equipment, device, or component which shall fail within the above specified term af the guarantee with reasonable promptness withaut increase in the Contract Price. lf the Contractor fails to provide timely repairs as specified in this Section, the Owner shall issue a Bid-Documents 01780-2 WARRANTI�S AND BONDS 03720-040-01 claim a�ainst the Contractor's Sond. ln some instances, if approved by the Owner, the Contractor may be allowed to repair the equipment. 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) l .09 QUALIFICATIQNS (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 FX�CUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Bid-Documents 01780-3 WARRANTIES AND BONDS 0372�-040-U1 SECTION 01785 RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 G�'NERAL l.pl SCOPE OF WORK A. This Section details the minimum requirements for the Contractor for maintenance and recording of Record Documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 01000, Project Requirements. 1.Q3 SUSMITTALS The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section O1330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. The Contractor shall store documents and samples in the Contractor's field aFfice apart from documents used for construction and shall do the following: 1. Provide files and racks for storage of documents. 2. Provide cabinet or secure storage space for storage of samples. B. The Contractor shall institute a computeriz�d record control program. C. The Contractor shall make documents and samples available at all times far inspection by the Engineer. D. At Contract closeout, the Contractor shali transmit Record Documents and samples with caver letter to the Engineer, listing the following: E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Date Project title and number Cantractor's name and addresses Number and title of each Record Document Signature of Contractor or its authorized representative Contract Section and Subsection numbers Location Before assembling and submitting records, the Contractor shall review for completeness the records maintained by its subcontractors. Bid-Documents 01785-1 AECORD DOCUMENTS 03720-040-01 F. Tracings of all Construction Documents and Shop Drawings made by the Contractor, Subcontractors, and suppliers of materials or equipment shall be corrected to show the Work as actually completed or installed_ 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE ST.ANDA.RDS (NOT USED) 1.06 QUALiTY ASSURANC.E (NO"� USED) 1.07 WARItANTIES (NOT USED) 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT t1SED) ]..09 QUAI�IFI.CATIONS (NO"T' USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PROJECT RECORD A. The Contractor shall label and tile Record Documents and samples in accordance with the corresponding Specification Section number. Each document shall be labeled "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed l�tters. Record Documents shall be maintained in a clean, dry, and legible condition. Record documents shall not be used for canstructian purposes. 3.02 RECORDING The Contractor shall record construction information as follows: A : C. u] Record and update daily Record information from field notes on a set of opaque drawings and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Provide felt tip marking pens, maintaining separate colors for each major system, for recording information. Record information concurrently (daily) with constructian progress. Work shall not be concealed until required information is recorded. CAD Requirements for Recard Drawings: The Contractor shall provide t}ae Engineer with a complete set of Record Drawings in the latest version of Bid-Documents 017A5-2 RECQRD DQCUMHN7'S 03720-040-01 ' ' , AutaCAD fonnat upon completion ofthe Work. No additional compensation will be allowed for the Cantractor to provide the Record Drawings. The Contractor shall use the AutoCAU drawings furnished by the Engine�r for this purpose. ' Record Drawings must be submitted in the AutoCAD format ofthe contract drawings. No other CAD software or format will be accepted. It is Cantractor's 1 sole responsibility to ensure that the Record Urawings conform to the following CAD requirements: I. Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer on CD-ROM. Each Cll shall ' be clearly labeled with the appropriate project number, client name, date, and file names included on each CD. If files are compressed, a description ' ' ' 1 ' af the compression soflware must be included along with a copy of the appropriate uncornpressing software. All changes to drawings must be done in accordance with tl�e appropriate scale of the drawing revised and shall be delineated by placing a"cloud" around the areas revised and adding a revision triangle indicating the appropriate revision number. Each drawing must have the revision block completed to indicate the revision number, date, and initials of the person revising the drawing. The description af the revision must say "Record Drawing." This procedure must be followed for every drawing �ven when no changes are made to the drawing. 4. All revisions to drawings must be put on separate layers with the layer ' names prefixed Record followed by the appropriate existing layer name. The colors and line types of the appropriate existing layers shall be adhered to when creating new layers. 1 �J ' �� , ' E The Contractor shall supply ane full set of Record Drawangs on reproducible black line prints and five full sets of opaque capies. Mark As-Built Drawings to reflect the following: 1. Measured harizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. 2. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of construction. 3. Field changes of dimension and detail. 4. Chan�es made by modifications. Bid-Documents 01785-3 ' 03720-040-0] RECOFtD DOCUMENTS 5. Details not on original construction drawings. F. Specifications and Addenda—The Contractor shall legibly mark each Section to record the following: G 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes made by Change Order. The Contractor shall have the Licensed Land Surveyor certiiy the Record Drawings as being correct and complete. END OF SECT]ON Bid-Documents 01785-4 R.ECORD DpCUMENTS 03720-040-01 ' ' ' ' ' 1 , � ' , r , ' � ' ' , 1 ' SECTION 01810 WATERTIGHTNESS TEST FQR 1-IYDRAULIC STRUCTURES 17�:71�tel�l�l�lc7_�11 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and incidentals required and perform tightness testing af water-containing structures as listed in this Specification Section and all retesting until the structures meet the requirements as specified in this Section. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Division 3, Concrete. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section O1330, Submittals and Acceptance. B. Submit to the Engineer the results of each watertightness test of each structure. The subtnittal format shall be similar to that shown in Figure A attached to the end of this Section. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference standards and recommended practices referred to in this SpecificaCion Section shall be the latest revision of any such document in effect at the bid time. The follawing documents are a part of this Section. Where this Section differs from these documents, the requirements ofthis Section shall apply. A. The testing of prestressed concrete and reinforced cancrete tanks or water containment structures shall confarm to the following standards and as madified in this Section: Bid Dceuments 03720-040-01 1. Wire-waund prestressed tanks—AWWAD 110 or AC1344R-W. 2. Prestressed tendon tanks--ACI-344R-T. 3. Reinforced concrete water-retaining structures—ACI 350. 1 R and as specified. o�a�a� WATERTIGHTNE55 TEST FOA HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A B Coordinate timing and proccdures for obtaining testing water and structure testin� with the Owner well in advance of the actual testing. Water Source and Disposal: 1 ra Water for testing shall be provided by the Owner and paid for by the Contractor. Water shall be plant reuse water. The Contractor shall supply all labor, equipment, and materials. 3. Test water shall be disposed of by the Contractor in an approved manner. Water shall not be disposed of by discharging it onto the ground surface of public or private land. 1.07 WARR�INTIES (NOT USED) l.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND H.ANDLING (N07" USED) 1.U9 QUALI:FICAT�ONS (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION ��Iltef�l►l�l:7_\11 n The Contractor shall prepare structures for testing as follows: 1. Inspect the structure to be tested for potential leakage paths such as cracks, voids, etc. and repair any leaka�e paths in compliance with the provisions specifed in this Section or as approved by the Engineer. 2. Tharoughly clean the structure ta be tested of dirt, rnud, and construction debris before beginning watertightness tests. The floor and sumps shall be flushEd with water to provide a clean surface ready for testing. 3. Inlet and outlet pipes not required to be operational for the tests may be temporarily sEaled or bulkheaded before testing. Bid Documents 01810-2 WATERTIGHTNESS TEST POR 03720-040-01 HYDRAULIC STRUCTUIZES 1 ' ' ' , ' 1 1 1 � ' � � ' ' J ' � ' 4. Confirna the adequacy of seals around valves and reset or seal as approved by the Engineer. Estimates of valve leakage will not be allowed as adjustments to the measured tank or structure leakage. B. The Contractor shall perform watertightness tests beforc backfilling around structures to allow observing and detecting leakage points. Walls may be backfilled before testing only when approved in writing by the Engineer. The request to backfill before testing shall include a description of the method proposed to detect leakage points after the backtill is in place. Approval to place backfill before testing shall not relieve the Cantractor of the responsibility ofi conducting watertightness tests. 3.02 T�STING PROCEDURES Is� I:� Bid Documents 03720.040.01 Conditions of Testing The Contractor shall not begin initial filling of concrete structures until all concrete elements of the structure have attained the designed compressive strength ofthe concrete not less tha�� 14 days af�er all concrete walls or base slabs have been placed. 2. Initial filling of reinforced concrete structures shall not exceed a rate of 4 ft in 24 hours. 3. The Contractor shall fill unlined or partially lined concrete structures to the maximum operating water surface level and maintain the water at that level for at least 72 hours before beginning watertightness tests ta minimize water absorption into the concrete during testing. The testing of fially lined concrete structures may be started as soan as the structure is f 1led. Testing Procedures 1. The duration of the test shall not be less than that required for a drop in the water surface af 1/2-inch based on the calculated maximum allowable leakage rate for 3 days. 2. Loss-of-volume measurements shall be taken at 24-hour intervals. The loss of volume is usually determined by measuring the drop in water surface elevation and camputing the change in valume of the contained water. Measure water surface elevatian at not less than two locations at 1$p° apart and preferably at four locations 90° apart. Record water temperature 18 inches below the water surface when taking the first and last sets of ineasurements. 01810.3 WATERTIGHTNESS'T'@5T FQR HYDRAULIC 5TKUCTURE5 C. Reports 1. Submit to the Engineer watertightness test results for each structure tested on the form shown in Figure f1 or a form with a similar format. 2. Notify the 4wner and Engineer of the scheduling of tests 3 working days before the tests. The Engineer and Owner may monitor any watertightness testing perfarmed on the structures. 3.03 ACCEPTANCE A. 1:3 The following conditions shall be considered as NOT meeting Che criteria for acceptance regardless ofthe actual loss ofwater volume from the structure: l. 2. Groundwater leakage into the structure through floors, walls, or wall-flaor joints. Structures which exhibit flowing water from joints, cracks, or from beneath the foundation (except for underdrain systems). 3. Lined concrete structures or prestressed concrete structures on which moisture can be picked up by a dry hand from the exterior surface ofthe walls. The watertightness of concrete tanks and structures shall be considered acceptable when lass of water volume is within the criteria listed below: 1. I�or unlined tanks with a sidewater depth af 25 ft or less, loss of volume nat exceeding 0.1 % in 24 hours. 2. For tanlcs with lined walls and a sidewater depth of 3� Ft or less, loss of volume not exceeding 0.06% in 24 hours. Steel diaphragrns in concrete walls shall be considered the same as a wall liner. 3. For completely lined tanks, loss of volume not exceeding 0.025% in 24 hours. 3.04 REPAIRS AND RETESTING A. The Contractar may retest structures failing the watertightness test and not exhibiting visible leakage after an additional stabilization period of 7 days. Tanks failing this second test shall be repaired before further testing. Bid Documents 0181�-4 WATERTIGHTNESS TEST FOR 03720-040-01 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES B. The Contractor shall repair structures which fail the watertightness test and structures showing visible leakage in compliance with thc provisions speciFed in this Section or as approved by the Engineer. C. Repairs and r�testing of tanks shall be accomplished at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.05 SCHEDULE A. The %llowing structures, where applicable, shall be tested for watertightness: Bid Documents 03720-040.01 ��.ri . a�-��ticr�wa 1. Dewatering Pump Station Wet Well 2. Manhole dischargin� into Dewatering Pump Station Wet Well (see contract drawings for lacation). I � I � I �Z � ] Y.9 � I f 711 [ � ) � I 01810-5 WATERTIGFITNESS TEST FOR HYDRAULIC STAUCTUAES FIGURE A WATERTIGHTNL-,SS TEST REPORT PROJECT STRUCTURE* Allowable loss of water volume Measured loss of water volwne _ TEST READ.INGS Water temperature at start Location Date Time 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SUBMITTED BY �'ES`T" UA�r'ES percent in 24 hr. percent in 24 hr. degrees F Water temperature at end � Location Location Location 2 3 4 Change in level Average change in level Correction for precipitation/evaporation Corrected change in level = CL = (CD x(surface area) x(100)_ = measured percent water loss in 24 hr. (initial water volume) x(number of test days) Notes and field observations** degrees F Initials * Attach a sketch showing a plan of the structure and measurement locations. ** Place date and initials at the beginning of each entry. Bid Documents O] S 10-6 WATERTIGH7NES5 TEST FOA 03720.040-01 HYDRAULIC STRUCTUAES � J 1 � � � , � 1 �J � � 1 1 ' 1 ' ' ' SECTION 01815 MAINTENANCE UF PLANT OPERATiQN AND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTTON PART 1 GF,N�RAL I .0 ] SCOI'k OF WORK A. The existing water reclamation facility will be maintained in continuous operation by the Owner at all times during the entire construction period. The Contractor shall schedule and conduct his work such that it will not impede any treatment process, create potential hazards to operating equipment and/or personnel, reduce the quality of the plant eff7uent, or cause odor or other nuisance. B. The Contractor shall schedule his operations to conform to the requirements specified herein and shall include in his construction schedule all events which will impact operation of the existing treatment facilities. C. "I'he Owner will continue to operate the treatment facility during the construction period and will be responsible for maintaining effluent quality. The Contractor shall fully cooperate with the Owner, coordinate the construction schedule with the Owner and E�ngineer, and provide the necessary labor, equipment, and materials to prevent interruption to tlow and treatment. 'The Owner and Engineer reserve the right to modify or expand the schedule during constructian to meet prevailing canditions. D. The Contractor shall nat make any alterations to affect operation of the treatment facility without giving two weeks prior written natice to the Owner and Engineer requesting authorization to proceed. Except as noCed herein, the Owner will perform all operation of existing valves or eyuipment. E. Operation of valves or equipment by the Owner may be limited on sp�cific accasions because of process limitations or unavailability of personnel. Delays caused by such limitations sha11 be expected and shall not be the basis for claim of extra costs by the Contractor. F. The work specified in this Section shall be accomplished at such times that will be convenient to the Owner. Night work or overtime work by the Contractor to conform to these requirements shall be considered as normal procedure under this c Contract, and the Contractor shall make no claim for extra compensation as a result of this night work or overtime work. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a detailed sequence of construction to complete the work while maintaining plant operation. Bid Documents 01815-1 � 03720-040-D] MAINTENANCE OF PLANT OPERATION AND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTI�N H. The Contraclor shall furnish all temporary materials and equipment, such as for flow diversion, and/or bypass pumping that may be required to complete the work of this Contract. 1.02 RELAT�D WOR.K A. Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit shop drawings ira accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. Submit a complete description of procedures to maintain plant operation to supplement the construcCron schedule developed. The description shall include step-by-step procedures, required duration, and specific procedures required to be performed by the Owner's personnel. B. Submit complete plans of temporary systems required to bypass th� dewatering pump station as part of this contract to maintain plant operations. 'I'he plans shall clearly delineate the intended location of these items, basis of design, and the Contractor's proposed method for phasing from existing to temporary to completed facilities. The design of the bypass plan shall be signed and sealed by a registered Pro�essional Engineer in the State of Florida. 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS (NQT USED) 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.06 WA .R_RA.NTIES (NOT USED) 1.07 DELIVE.RY, STORAGE, AND HANDL,TNG (NOT USED) 1..08 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The following constraints shall be applied to all equipment, treatment units, and appurtenances and utility systems on the plant site. Bid Documents O1515-2 MAINTENANCE OF P1.AN'� OPERATION 03720-040-01 AND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION � � � � � r � � ' � � � 2. 3. 4. 5. Vehicular access for the Owner's personnel to the plant site and to all operating treatment units shall be maintained at all times. Plant operating personnel shall have access to all areas that remain in operation. Potable water supply to the plant shall remain operational at all times. Sanitary facilities shall re.main operatianal at all tit7aes. Electric power and lighting service shall be uninterrupted. 6. If underground piping or utilities not shown on the Drawings are encountered, such piping or utilities shall nc�t be disturbed without prior approval of the �ngineer. 7. Before making a change in existing piping, electrical, or control systems, the Contractor shall inform the Uwner and Engineer of such change and assist in instructing operations and maintenance personnel in any new operating procedures. 8. Portions of some pipelines must remain in service while alterations are being made on other portions. Piping systems that must remain in service shall be isolated by placing blind t7anges, plugs, or caps on all open ends. 9. Flow to and through the treatment plant shall not be interrupted. 10. Before shutting down a piece of equipment to allow for rebuilding or re- � pipin�, the Contractor shall have an hand all materials required to reconstruct the piping system in its new arrangemEnt. [.� ' � i Bid Documents � 0372D-040-01 1 I. All temporary facilities provided by the Contractor must be demonstrated to be operatianal to the satisfaction of the Engineer before any existing systems can be removed from use. 7'he temporary facilities are critical to the operation of the wastewater treatment facilities. Availability of these facilities must be maintained at all times. The Contractor must respond to reyuests from the Engineer for repair and maintenance immediately (7 days per week, 24 hours per day, including holidays). lf the Contractar fails to immediately respond to request for repair and maintenance, such repair and maintenance may be performed by the Owner. All costs associated with such repair and maintenance performed by the Owner shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Ol S 15-3 MAINTENANCE OF PLAN7' OPERATION AND SEQUENCE OF CQNSTRUCTION � � 1.2. The Contractor shall be responsible to operate and maintain all temporary systems during construction. � 13. Before taking any manholes or pipe out of service, all temporary systems shall be installed and operational, all flaw diversion valves sha11 be � checked and operable, and apprapriate f7ow channel cleaned. 14. The Contractor shall coordinate with the En�ineer and Owner beforc r taking any manholes or pipes out of service. � END OF SEC"TI.ON �. � � � � � � I � ! � 1 Bid Documents 01815-4 MAINTENANCE OF PLANT OPERATION 03720-040-0] AND SkQUENCE OF CdNSTRUCTION � 1 , � � � � � � � ,� � � � � � � � � � SECTION Ol 83U OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS PART] GENERAL ] .O1 SCOI'E OF WORK The Contractor shall do the following: /�l : Compile product data and related information appropriate for the Owner's maintenance and operation ofproducts furnished under the Contract. 1. Prepare operating and maintenance data as specified in this Section and as referenced in other pertinent sections of the Specif7cations. The data presented in the O&M Manuals shall be specifcally related to this Contract and application. 2. lncorporate maintenance and aperation data furnished by the Owner, if any. Furnish all labor, equipment, materials, and all ��ther items to supply and deliver to the En�ineer O&M Manuals for the Work in accordance with the requirements of this Section. C. Provide O&M Manuals for all equipment, including instrumentation, elecCrical, and process control system equipment and soflware for the entire Facility. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 01000, Project Requirements. B. Section 01785, Record Documents. 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Subrnittals and Acceptance: A. Manuals which, in general, shall have two levels: a facility-wide systems level and an individual-component level. 1. The facility-wide systems level shall do the following: a. Describe the facility-wide systems, including diagrams. Bid Dncuments 01830-1 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANlJALS 03720-040-01 b. c. d. e. Explain start-up, shutdown, normal operations, and malfunctions ofthe facility-wide systems. Tabulate a lubrication schedule for the facility-wide systems. Describe preventive mai�atenance checking procedures for the facility-wide systems. include a cross-reference to all individual component manuals. 2. The individual-component level shall contain the following: a. Storage requirements. b. Installation instructions. c. Alignment instructions and tolerances. d. Operating instructions. e. Troubleshooting instructions. �: Lubrication requirements. g. Maintenance instructions. h. Parts list. i. Recommended spare parts list and how to obtain same. B. I'armat: 1. Size: 8 1/2 x 11. inch (21.59 x 27.94 cm). 2. White paper: 20-Ib (9.072 kg) minimum. 3. Text: Manufacturer's printed data or neatly word-processed. 4. Drawings: �7 a. b. c. Provide reinforc�d, punched binder tab, bind in with text. Reduce larger drawings and fold to size of text pages but not larger than 11 x 17 inch (27.94 x 43.1$ cm). Place all drawings at the end of each Section and drawing shall be printed on one side only. Provide a blank page for each separate product or each piece of operation equipment_ Bid Documents 01830-2 UPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS 03720-040-01 ' � � ,� � � � � � r � � � � � � � � � 6. a. Provide a word-processed description of the product and major component parts of equipment. b. Provide indexed tabs. Cover. Identify each volume with typed ar printed title, "UPERAT]ON AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS," listing the following: a. b: C. Media 1 2 3 Title of Project. Identity of separate structure as applicable. Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual. Original word-processed CD shall be delivered to the Engineer. All word processing must be done using the latest version oFMicrosoft Word or as directed by the En�ineer. All drawings except control system configuration drawings must be submitted an CD using AutoCAD. D. Binders 1. Filled to not more than 75-percent capacity. 2. When multiple binders are used, arrange the data into related consistent graupings. E. The Contractor shall submit the following: Bid Documents 03720-040-01 1. Equipment Manuals. Five copies of the O&M Instruction Manual for each piece of equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer with delivery of the equipment. O&M manuals will not include the manufacturer's test results and Record specifications. 2. Final O&M Manuals. Five copies of the Final Equipment O&M Manuals, bound and indexed and submitted ta the Engineer befare the Substantial Completion under this Contract. 3 The cost ofthese Manuals submitted shall be included in the total Contract Price. Copies supplied under ltem "1" will not be included under Item "2." 01830-3 OPERAT10N5 AND MAINTENANC� MANUALS F. Any modifcatians required after final O&M submission shall be made to the manuals by issuance of addenda in the form of change pages to the manual. The addenda will identify where the new data are to be insert�d, what data are to be removed, and new index sheets as necessary and list of shop drawings and submittals. I .Q4 WORK SEQU.ENCE (NOT USE:D) 1.05 REFERENC� STANDARDS A. Florida Administrative Code, 62-555.350, "Operation and Maintenance of Public Water Systems." J .O6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Data shall be prepared by personnel: 1 2 3 4 Trained and experienced in maintaining and operatin� the described products. Familiar with requirements of this Section. Skilled as a technical writer to the extent required to cominunicate essential data. Skilled as a draftsman competent to prepare required drawings. 1.07 WARRANTIES (NUT USED) 1.08 DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) I .09 QUALIFICAT�ONS (NOT USED) 1.10 CONTENTS, EACH VOLUME A Neatly word-processed table of contents for each volume, arranged in systematic order, to include the following: 1. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address, fax number, and telephone number. 2_ A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the volume. Bid Documents 01830-4 OPETZATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS 03720-040-01 � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � �. � � � 3. A list with each product, name, address, fax number, and telephone number of the following: a. Subcontractor or installer. b. A list of each product to be included, indexed to content of the valume. c. ldentify area of responsibility aFeach subcontractor or installer, if more than one. d. Local source of supply for parts and replacement. e. Manufacturer. 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in the Contract Documents. B. Product .Data 1. Include only those sheets that are pertinent to the specific product. 2. Annotate each sheet to achieve the following: a. Clearly identify the specific product or part installed. b. Clearly identify data applicable information. c. Delete references to inapplicable information. C. Drawings 1. Supplement product data with drawin�s as necessary to illustrate the following clearly: a. Relations of component parts of equipment and systems. b. Control and flow diagrams. c. Owner Tag Numbers. 2. Coordinate drawings with information in Record Documents to ensure correct illustration of completed installation. 3. Do not use Record Documents as maintenance drawings. Bid Dceuments 03720-040-01 01830-5 OPERA7'IONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS D. Written text as required to supplement product data for the particular installation: 1. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 2. Provide a]ogical sequence of instructions for eac;h procedure. 3. Describe how ihe complete system is to operate. E. Copy of pertincnt int`armation related to warranty, bond, and service Contract issued. 1. Provide information sheet for Owner's personnel with the following information: a. Proper procedures in event of failure. b. Instances that might affect the validity of war-ranties or bonds. F. Training manuals used in training courses will became part ofthis Manual. 1.11 MANUAL FOR MATERIALS AND FINISHES A. Content, for architectural products, applied materials, and finishes: 1. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products. a. Catalog number, size, composition. b. CoIor and texture desi�nations. c. Information required for re-ordering special-manufactured products. 2. Instructions for care and maintenance. a. Manufacturer's recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methads. b. Cautions against cleaning agents and methods that are detrimental to product. c. Recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. B. Content, for moisture-protected and weather-exposed products: 1. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products. f3id Documents 01830-G OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAI,S 03720-040-01 � , � � � � �. � � � � � � � � � � � � a. b. c. Applicable standards. Chemical composition. Details of installation. 2. Instructions for inspection, maintenance, and repair. C. Additional requirements for maintenance data as required by other Sections of the Specifications. 1.12 M1�NUAL .FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS A. Content, for each electrical, mechanical, instrumentation, and communication system, as appropriate: ]. A table identifying each piece of equipment, each assaciated cantrol or instrument, the location of the control or instrument, and the function of the control or instrument. F3id Documents 03720-040-01 2. A description of the system and its component parts. a. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions for the system, the sub-system, and the component parts. �� c Performance curves, engineering data, and tests. Co►nplete nomenclature and commercial numbers of replaceable parts. 3. Circuit directories of panel boards. a. Electrical service. b. Controls. c. Communications. 4. As-installed color-coded wiring dia�rams. 5. lnstrument loop diagrams shawing the path that a control or instrumentation signal takes from its origin to the action it takes. a. An electrical schematic for each item. L:� A chart listing the controls/instruments in a loop identifying the equipment's abbreviated symbol, a description af the symbol, 01830-7 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS : C� 7 8 9. 10 design criteria, process flow, quantity supplied, and manufacturer's model and serial number. Operating procedures. a. b. c. Routine and normal operating instructions. Sequences rec�uired. Special operating instructians. Maintenance pracedures. a. Routine aperations. b. Guide to "trouble-shaoting." c. Disassembly, repair, and re-assembly. d. Alignment, adjustment, and checking. The manufacturer's printed operating and rnaintenance instructions. �1 list of the ori�inal manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. Other data as required under pertinent sections of the Specifications. 1 l. Abnormal and emergency operations. a. Potential overloads. b. Frocedures for equipment brEakdown. c. �lction to be taken in a power outage. d. Identity of alarms by equiprnent locatian and action to correct. e. Equipment safeCy 1'eatures, rec�uirements, and potential hazards. 12. Pro�ramrning manuals for programmable devices including list of standard programming. Content, for each unit of equiprnent and system, as appropriate: 1. Description of unit and component parts. a. b. c. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions Performance curves, engineering data, and tests. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. Bid Documents Ol 830-8 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS 03720-040-01 r � � � � � � � � ' r � � � � � � � � 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. Bid Documents 03720-040-�1 d. Model number and name plate data for each piece of equipment. e. Assembly drawings. f List of all special tools required to service equipment and/or systems including where the taols are stored. Operating procedures. a. Start-up, break-in, routine, and normal operating instructions. b. Regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions. c. Summer and winter operating instructions. d. Special operating instructions. e. Control settings and ranges. Maintenance Procedures. a. Type and frequency of preventive maintenance activities required for each piece of equipment. b. Guide to "trouble-shooting." c. Disassembly, repair, and re-assembly. d. Alignment, adjusting, and checking. Servicing and lubrication schedule. a. List of lubricants required. b. Period between lubricatians. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. (This is not to be a generalized catalog of the entire praduct line.) Description of sequence of operation. The original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams required for maintenance. 01830.9 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS Ci I� '3 G� a. Predicted life of parls subject to wear. b. Items recommended to be stocked as spare parts. �1s-installed control diagrams. Each Contractor's coordination drawings. 10. List of the original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recommended quaratities to be maintained in storage. 11. Other data as required under pertinent sections af the Specifications. 12. Charts of equipment, instrument, and valve tag numbers with location and function. a. Reference drawin� which shows equipment, instrument, or valve location. b. Manufacturer's model and serial number. c. Valve actuator typ� (manual, hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic). 13. Local services (process water and air, drains, HVAC, rtatural gas and steam). The Contractor shall prepare and include additional data when the necd for such data becomes apparent during instructian of the Owner's personnel. Additiortal Requirements for O&M Data required by Sections of Specitications. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 O&M MANUALS A. Sinders: The manuals shall be supplied in binders that are the same as those provided in Paragraph l.03D. above. B. Electronic Version: Word-processed portions of the manuals shall also be provided on word-processor diskettes. The electronic version manuals musC be capable of being read, edited, and printed with Microsoft Word or �wner approved file format at the time of ihe transmittal of documents. The format will be pravided to the Contractor upon request_ All drawings shall be �enerated using personal computer and plotter with the soflware package program from AutoCAD. Bid Documents 0183�-] 0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANLIALS 03720-040-01 � ' � � � � � � � � � � PAR"]" 3 EXECUT[ON (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Bid Documents 01830-11 OPEftAT10NS AND MAiNTENANCE MANUALS � 03720-040-01 � ' � � � � � � � � � , .�- � � � � � � SECTION 03480 PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTUR.ES PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment required to instal] precast concrete structures as shown on the Drawings and as specified in this Section. The work shall include the required wet well inlet and outlet pipe connections; frames and covers; concrete; precast units; and all other materials, tools, and equipment necessary to produce complete structures. 1.02 RELATE.D WORK A. Section 0360U, Grout. B. Section 11535, Submersible Non-Cl�g Centrifugal Pumps. 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit shap drawin�s in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: /1 : Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Submittals shall include at least the following: 1. Base sections, riser sections, eccentric and cancentric conical top sections, flat slab tops, and grade rings with notarized certificate indicating compliance with ASTM C478. 7 3 4 Location and elevation of all penetrations_ Applicable lifting and installation details or instructions. Frames and covers with notarized certificate indicating compliance with specified standards (ASTM A4$, Class 30; etc.). 5. Method ofrepair far minor damage to precast concrete sections. 6. Delivery, unloading, and receiving instructians. Design Data 0348a l PRFCAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES 1. �111 precast structures shall be designed by an engineer re�istered in Florida. Calculations and design drawings shall be signed, sealed, and submitted for review before fabrication. Design drawings shall demonstrate that the applicable industry design standards listed in this Section have been met. 2. Frecast cancrete structures: a. b. c. C. Test Reports Sectional plans and elevations showing dirnensians and reinforcing steel placement. Structural calculations including assumptians. Concrete design mix. 1. Precast concrete structures: a. Concrete test cylind�r reports from an approved testing laboratory certifying conformance with this Section. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference standards and recommended practices referred to in this Specification Section shall be the latest revision oiany such document in effect at the bid time. The following documents are a part of this Section. Where this Section differs from these documents, the requirements of this Section shall apply. A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A48—Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings. 2. ASTM A536—Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. 3. ASTM A615—Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon- Steel Sars for Concrete Reinforcement. 4. ASTM C14---Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe. 5. ASTM C33—Standard Specification far Concrete Aggregates. 6. ASTM C I 50—Standard Specification for Portland Cement. 7. ASTM C207--Standard Specif7cation ,for Hydrated Lime for 1Vlasanry Purposes. Bid Documents 03480-2 PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES 03720-040-01 � ' � � � � �. � �� � C� � .� � � � � � � $. 9. 10 ]1 12 13 ASTM C443—Standard Specification for JointS for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets. ASTM C478—Standard Specificatian for precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. ASTM C497—Standard Test Methods for Cancrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile. ASTM C923—Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinfarced Conerete Manhole Structures, Pipes, and Laterals. ASTM C 1244—Standard 'Test Method for Conerete Sewer Manholes by the Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum) Test Prior to Backfill. ASTM D4101—Standard Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extrusion Materials. B. American Concrete Institute (ACl) 1. ACI 318—Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. 2. ACl 350—Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures. C. Federal Specifications (FS) 1. FS RR-F-621 E—Frames, Covers, Gratings, Steps, Sump and Catch Basin, Manhole. 2. FS SS-S-210—Sealing Campound, Preformed Flastic, for �xpansion Joints and Fipe Joints. D. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 1. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. E. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1.06 QUAI,ITY ASSURANCE A. All material shall be new and unused. B. The quality, manufacturing process, and frnished sections of the materials are subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer or ather representative of the Owner. Tnspection may be at the place of manufacture, at the wark site following delivery, or both. C. Materials may be examined for compliance with ASTM standards, this Section, and approved manufacturer's drawings. Additional inspection criteria shall Bid Documents 03720-040.01 03480.3 PRECA5T CONCRETE STRL7CTi7RES include appearance, dimensions, blisters, cracks, and soundness. The surface shall be dense and close textured. [). Materials shall be rejected for failure to meet any requirements specified in this Section. Materials may be rejected at the place of rnanufacture, at the work site, or following installatian. Mark rejected materials for identifcation and remove them from the work site immediately. Rejected materials shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner. E. Tf the Engineer authorizes repair, repair minor damage to precast concrete sections by the approved method. Epoxy rnortar may be used for minor repairs subject to the appraval af the Engineer. 1.07 WARRANTIES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Specification Section 01780, Warranties and Bonds. 1.08 DELI.VERY, ST�.RAG.�, AND HANDLING A. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements specifed in Section �:1650, Delivery, Storage, and ��andling, for storing and protecting the items specified in this Section. 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 TESTING REQUIREMENTS (NOT USED) 1.11 WEATHER CONSTRAINTS (NOT USED) PART 2 PRO.nUCTS fi�i�teT�►1�f:7_�� A. B. C. Bid Documenu 03720-040-0] Precast reinforced cancrete structures shall be produced in a plant approved by the Engineer. To provide standardization far appearance, operation, maintenance, spare parts, and manufacturer's service, like items of xnaterials/equipment shall be the end products of one manufacturer. Provide lifting lugs or holes in each precast section for proper handling. 03480-4 PAECAST CUNCA�TE STRUC7'URES � , �_� � L. J � �� C� �� � � LJ L1 � , �� I��-- 2.02 CONCRETE A. Concrete and aggregate shall conform to the requirements ofthis Section. Portland cement shall be ASTM C150, Type II. Compressive strength shall b� not less than 4,000 psi at 28 days. Maximum size ofaggregate shall confora� to ASTM C33 and shall not exceed one-fifth the narrowest dimension between sides of forms, nor three-quarters the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or wires. Water-to-cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45. Slump shall be between 2 and 4 inches, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The concrete proportions shall be developed using the same type and brand of cement, the same type and brand of pozzolan, the same type and gradation of aggregates, and the same type and brand of admixture that will be used in the manufacture of precast concrete units for this project_ Accelerators containing calcium chloride shall not be used in precast concrete. 2.03 PRECAST C�NCRET� MANHOLES (NOT USED) 2.04 PRECAST WET WELLS 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.U9 A. Sections shall be cured as and shall not be shipped until at least 10 days aft�r casting. The date of manufacture and the name or trademark af the manufacturer shall be clearly marked on the outside of each precast section. : C All pipe openings and access accessories shall be cast in at the precast plant. Drilled openings shall not be permitted. Wet well Access Covers 1. Wet well access covers shall be furnished by the pump supplier and all embedded items shall be shipped to the precast manufacturer to be cast into the structures. All coordination shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Access covers, access hatches, and accessories shall be as specified in Section 1 l 535, Submersible Non-Clog Centrifugal Pumps. 1'RECAST VALVE VAULTS (NOT USED) GRADE RINGS (NOT USED) JOINTING PRECAST SECTIONS (NOT USED) 1'IPE C�NNECTTONS TO MANHOLES (NOT l]SED) DROP SECT�ONS (NOT USED) � Bid Documents 03720-Oh0-Ol � 03480-5 PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES 2.10 DAlV1PPROOFING A. Apply two coats ofbituminous waterproofing inaterial to the exterior surfaces of precast concrete structures by brush or spray and an accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Dampprooting shall be Hydrocide 64$ by Sonneborn Building Products, Dehydratine 4 by A.C. Horn Inc, RIW Marine Liquid by Toch Brothers, or equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PRECAST STRUCTURE INSTALLATION A. Precast section ends shall be clean of foreign materials and carefully inspected for chips or cracks. Any sections with damaged joint tongue shall not be used. Preformcd piasCic gaskets and joint sealant sha]] be installed in strict conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Only primer furnished by the gasket manufacturer will be approved. I: C Access door framing shal] be cast in top slabs in methods approved by the Engineer and shall be flush and level with the top of conerete. All structures shall be installed plumb. D. Dampproofing 1. Paint outer surfaces of precast structures with two coats of bituminous dampproo�rag at the rate of 30 to 60 sq ft per gallon, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 3.02 MANHOLE INSTALL�ITION (NOT USED) 3.03 LEAKAGE TESTS A. Test each sewer manhole and wet well for leakage by one of the methods described below. The Engineer shall observe each test. B. Exfltration Test Bid Documents 03720-040-01 1. Assemble precast structure in place; fill and point all lifting holes and exterior joints within b feet of the ground surface with an approved non- shrinking rnortar. Test before placing the shelf and invert and befare filling and pointing the horizontal joints below 6 feet of depth. Lower the groundwater table below the bottom of the structure for the duratiort of the 03480-6 rxecas'r• cotvcxr.'r� s�rr�ucTUR�s � � � � �J � �� �� % _ _I � � UJ � �. � � � � � �� �I � test. Plug all pipes and other openings into the precast structures and brace to prevent blaw out. 2. Fill the manhole ar wetwell with water to the top of the structure. If the excavation has not been backfilled and no water is observed maving down the surface of the structure, the manhole or wetwell is satisfactorily watertight. If the test as described above is unsatisfactory as determined by the Engineer or if the excavation has been backfilled, continue the test. A period of time may be permitted to allow for absorption. �^ollowing this period, refill the manhole or wetwell to the top of the structure, if necessary, and wait at least 8 hours. At the end of the test period, refill the manhole or wetwell to the top of the structure again, measurin� the volume of water added. Extrapolate the refill amount to a 24-hour leakage rate. The leakage for each manhole or wetwell shall not exceed 1 gallon per vertical foot for a 24-hour period. If the manhole or wetwell fails this requirement, but the leakage does not exceed 3 gallons per vertical foot per day, the Contractor may make repairs by approved methods as directed by the Engineer. If leaka�e due to a defective section of joint exceeds 3 gallans p�r vertica] foot per day, the structure shall be rejected. Uncover the rejected structure as necessary to disassemble, reconstruct, or replace it as directed by the Engineer. Retest the manhole or wetwell and, if satisfactory, fill and paint the interior joints. 3. No adjustment in the leakage allowance will be made for unknown causes such as leaking plugs, absorptions, etc. It will be assumed that all loss of water during the test is a result of leaks through the joints or through the concrete. C. An infiltration test may be substituted for an exfiltration test if the groundwater table is above the highest joint in the manhole. IfthE Engineer determines there is no leakage into the manhole, the manhole will be cansidered watertight. If the Engineer is not satisfied, the Contractor shall perform an exfiltration or air testin�. D. Vacuum Test Bid Documents 03720-040-01 1. Vacuum testing shal I conform to ASTM C 1244. 2. If the pressure drop exceeds the acceptable limits, the Contractor will be allowed to make necessary repairs, as appraved by the Engineer. The manhole shall then be re-tested. 3 When a successful vacuum test has been completed, fill and point the interior and exterior joints. 03480.7 PRFCAST CONCRETE STILUCTURES E. Leakage 7'ests for Drain Manholes il 2 3.04 CI�EANING The Engineer will visually inspect drain manholes for passible leaks before backfilling is allowed. All joints shall be sealed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Engineer xnay require an exfiltration tesC as described for sewer manholes on any structure for which he/she deems such a test appropriate. A. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean all precast structures of all silt, debris, and foreign matter of any kind before final inspections. END OI' SECTION Bid Documents 0348�-8 PRECAST CONCRETE STAUCTURES U3720-040-01 � � � � � ,� � � � � � � � � � � � � � SECTION 03600 GROUT PARTI GEN�RAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WOR.K A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and install grout complete as shown on the Drawings and as specified in this Section. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Sectian �3930, Modifications and Repair to Concrete 1.03 SU.BMI"I°f ALS A. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section �1330, Submittals and Acceptance: l. Commercially manufactured nonshrink cementitious graut. 'T'he submittal shall include catalog cuts, technical data, storage requirements, praduct life, working time after mixing, temperature considerations, conformity to required ASTM standards, and Material Safety Data Sheet. 2. Commercially manufactured nonshrink epoxy grout. The submittal shall include catalog cuts, technical data, storage r�quirements, product life, working time after mixing, temperature considerations, conformity to required ASTM standards, and Material Safety Data Sheet. 3 4. 5. Cement grout. The submittal shall include the type and brand ofthe cement, the gradation of the fine aggregate, product data on any proposed admixtures, and the proposed mix of the grout. Concrete grout. The submittal shall include data as required for concrete and for fiber reinforcement. This includes the mix design, constituent quantities per cubic yard, and the water/cement ratio. Laboratory Test Reports_ Submit laboratory test data as rec�uired for concrete to be used as concrete grout. [�3�I1�:�3 GROUT S. Certifications: CerCiFy that commercially manufactured grout products and concrete grout admixtures are suitable for use in concact with potable water after 30 days curing. C. Qualifications: Grout manufacturers shall submit docwnentation ihat they have at least l 0 years experience in the production and use of the proposed grouts which they will supply. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference standards and recommended practices referred to in this Specification Section shall be the latest revision of any such document in effect at the bid time. The following documents are a part ofthis Section. Where this Section differs from these dacuments, the requirements ofthis Section shall apply. A. Arnerican Society for Testing and Materials (AS"1�M) r 2 3 4 5 6 7 AS"TM C33—Standard Specitication for Conerete Aggregates. ASTM C150—Standard Specification for I'ortland Cement. ASTM C531—Standard Test Method for Linear Shrinkage and Coef�cient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical Resistant Mortars, Grouts and Monolithic Surfacings and Polyrner Concretes. ASTM C579—Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Chemical Resistant Mortars, Grouts and Manolithic Surfacings and Polymer Concretes. ASTM C827—Standard Test Method for Change in H�ight at Early Ages of Cylindrical Specimens from Cementitious Mixtures. ASTM C1107--Standard Specifcatian for Packaged Dry, I-Iydraulic Cement Grout (Nonshrink). ASTM D695—Standard Test Method for Compressive 1'roperties of Rigid Plastics. B. U.S. Ar►ny Corps of Engineers Standard (CRD) 1. CRD C-621—Corps of Engineers Specification for Nonshrink Graut. 1.06 QUALiTY ASSURANCE I_� Pre-installation Conference 1. Well in advance af grouting, the Contractor slaall hold a pre-installation meeting to review the requirements for surface preparation, mixing, Bid Documents 03600-2 GROUT 03720-040-01 C-� t � placing and curing procedures for each product proposed for use. Parties concerned with grouting shall be notified ofthe meeting at least ]0 days befare its scheduled date. � B. Services of Manufacturer's Representative � 1. A qualified field technician of the nonshrink grout manufacturer, specifically trained in installing the products shall attend the pre- installation conference and shall be present for the initial installation of � each type of nonshrink grout. Additional services shall also be provided, as required, to correct installation problems. � � L� � C. Field Testing 1. All Feld testing and inspection services required shall be provided by the Owner. The Cantractor shall assist in the sampling of materials and shall provide any ladders, platfarms, etc, for access to the work. The methods of testing shall comply in detail with the applicable ASTM Standards. 1.07 Wf1RRANTIES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditions and Speci�cation Section Ol7$�, Warranties and Bonds. � 1.08 DELIVE.RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING � � � � � � I� � A. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements specified in Section 01650 For storing and protecting the items specified in this Section. B. Deliver materials to the jobsite in original, unopened packages, clearly labeled with the manufacturer's name, product identification, batch numbers, and printed instructions. C. Stare materials in full compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Total storage time from the date of manufacture to the date of installation shall be limited to 6 months or the manufacturer's recommended storage time, whichever is less. D. Material which becomes damp or otherwise unacceptable shall be immediately removed from the site and replaced with acceptable material at no additional expense to the Owner. E. Nonshrink-cement-based grouts shall be delivered as preblended, prepackaged mixes requiring only the addition of water. Bid Dpcuments 03600-3 GROUT 03720-040-01 F. Nonshrink epoxy �routs shall be delivered as premeasured, prepackaged, three- component systems requiring only blending as directed by the manufacturer. 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS A. The graut manufacturer shall have a minimum of 1 q years experience in the production and use of the type of grout proposed for the work. 1.10 TESTING REQUIREMENTS (NOT USED) 1.11 WEATHER CONSTRAINTS (NOT USED) 1.12 DEFINITIONS A. Nonshrink Grout: A commercially manufactured product that does not shrink in either the plastic or hardened sCate, is di��ensionally stable in the hardened state, and bonds to a clean base plate. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. The use of a manufacturer's name and product or catalog number is for the purpose oiestablishing the standard of c�uality desired. B. Like materials shall be the products of one manufacturer or supplier in order to provide standardization of appearance. 2.02 MATERIALS A. . Nonshrink Cementitious Grout l. Nonshrink cementitious grouts shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM C1107, Grades B or C and CRD C-521. Grauts shall be Portland- cement based, contain a pre-proportioned blend of selected aggregates and shrinkage compensating agents, and shall require on1y the addition of water. Nonshrink cementitious grouts shall not contain expansive cement or metallic particles. The grouts shall exhibit no shrinkage when Cested in conformity with ASTM C827. a. General purpose nonshrink cementitious grout shall conform to the standards stated above and shall be SikaGrout 212 by Sika Corp.; Set Grout by Master Builders, Inc.; Gilco Construction Grout by Bid Documents 0360U-4 CROUT 03720-040-01 � ' L�J� r � Gifford Hill & Co.; Euco NS by The Euclid Chemical Co.; NBEC Grout by U. S. Grout Corp. or equal. Flowable (Precision) nonshrink cementitious grout shall conform to the standards stated above and shall be Masterflow 928 by Master Builders, Inc.; Hi Flow Grout by the Euclid Chemical Co.; � SikaGrout 212 by Sika Corp.; Supreme C�rout by Gifford Hill & Co.; Five Star Grout by U. S. Grout Corp. or equal. � � � � � � � lJ � � � fJ � I_.3 C�1 0 Nonshrink Epoxy Grout ]. Nonshrink epoxy based grout shall be a pre-proporCioned, three- component, 100% solids system consisting of epoxy resin, hardener, and blended aggregate. It shall have a compressive strength of 14,000 psi in " days when tested in conformity with ASTM D695 and have a maximum thermal expansion of 30 x 10 6 when tested in conformity with ASTM C531. The grout shall be Ceilcote 648 CP by Master Builders Inc.; Five Star �poxy Grout by U.S. Grout Corp.; Sikadur 42 Grout Pak by Sika Corp.; .High Strength Epoxy Grout by the Euclid Chemical Co. or equal. Cement Grout 1. Cement grouts shall be a mixture of one part Portland cement conforming to ASTM C150, Types I, II, or III and ]. to 2 parts sand conforming to ASTM C33 with sufficient water to place the grout. The water content shall be sufficient ta impart workability to the grout but nat to the degree that it will allow the grout to flow. Concrete Grout Cancrete grout shall canfarm to the requirements of this Section. It shal1 be proportioned with cement, coarse and fine aggregates, water, water reducer, and an air-entraining agent to produce a mix having an average strength of2900 psi at 28 days, or 2500 psi nominal strength. Coarse aggregate size shall be 3/8-inch maximum. Slump should not exceed 5 inches and should be as low as practical yet still retain sufficient workability. 2_ Synthetic reinforcing fibers shall be added to the concrete grout mix at the rate of 1.5 lb of fbers per cubic yard of grout. Fibers shall be added from the manufacturer's premeasured bags and according to the manufacturer's recommendations in a manner which will ensure complete dispersion of the fiber bundles as single monofilaments within the concrete grout. Bid Documents 03600-5 � U3720.040-01 GKOUT E. Water 1. Potable water, free from injurious amounCs of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter, or other deleterious substances. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.0.1 PREPARATION A. Grout shall be placed over cured concrete which has attained its full design strength unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. B. Concrete surfaces to receive grout shall be clean and sound; tree of ice, frost, dirt, grease, oil, curing co.mpounds, laitance and paints, and free of all loose material or foreign matter which may affect the bond ar performance of the �rout. C. Roughen concrete surfaces by chipping, sandblasting, or other mechanical means to ensur� bond o�the grout to the concrete. Remove loose or broken concrete. l.rregular voids or projecting coarse aggregate need not be removed if they are sound, free of laitance, and firmly embedded into the parent concrete. Air compressors used to clean surfaces in contact with graut shall be the oilless type or equipped with an oil trap in the air line to prevent oil from being blown onto the surface. D. Remove all loose rust, oil, or other deleterious substances from metal embedments or bottonn of baseplates before installing the grout. E. Concrete surfaces shall be washed clean and then kept moist for at least 24 hours before the placing of cementitious or cement grout. Saturation may be achieved by covering the concrete with saturated burlap bags, use of a soaker hose, flooding the surface, or other xnethod acceptable to the Engineer. Upon completion of the 24-hour period, visible water shall be removed from the surface before grouting. An adhesive bonding agent should only be used in lieu of surface saturation when approved by the Engineer for each specific location of grout installation. F. Epoxy-based grouts do not require tl�e saturation of the concrete substrate. Surfaces in contact with epoxy grout shall be completely dry be�ore grouting. G. Construct grout forms or other leak-proof containment as required. Forms shall be lined or coated with release agents recomrnended by the grout manufacturer. Forms shall be of adequate strength, securely anchored in place, and shored to resist the forces imposed by the grout and its placement. Bid Docwnents 03600-6 GROU'I' 03720-D40-01 � � � � W Forms for epoxy grout shall be designed to allow the formation of a hydraulic head and shall have chamfer strips built into forms. Level and align the structural or equipment bearing plates in accordance with the structural requirements and the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. � I. Equipment shall be supported during alignment and installation of grout by shims, wedges, blocks, or other approved means. The shims, wedges, and blockin� devices shall be prevented from bonding to the grout by appropriate bond � breaking caatings and removed after grouting unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. � 3.02 iNSTALLATION—GENERAL � I_J � � � l�.J r � l� I� 1 , A. The Contractor shall mix, apply, and cure products in strict compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations and this Section. S. Have sufficient manpower and equipment available for rapid and continuous mixing and placing. Keep all necessary tools and materials ready and close at hand. C. M.aintain temperatures of the foundation plate, supporting concrete, and grout between 40 and 90°F durin� grouting and far at least 24 hours after or as recommended by the grout manufacturer, whichever is longer. Take precautions to minimize differential heating or cooling of baseplates and graut durin� the curing period. D. Take special precautions for hot weather ar cold weather grouting as recommended by the manufacturer when ambient temperatures and/or the temperature af the materials in contact with the grout are outside ofthe 60 and 90°F range. E. Install grout in a manrter which will preserve the isolation between the elements on either side of the joint where grout is placed in the vicinity of an expansion or contractian joint. F. Reflect all existing underlying expansion, contraction, and construction jaints through the grout. 3.03 INSTALLATION—CEMENT GROUTS AND NONSHRINK C.EMENTITIOUS GROUTS A. Mix in accordance with the manufacturer's recammendations. Do not add cement, sand, pea gravel, or admixtures without priar approval by the Engineer. Bid Documents 03600-7 GROUT 03720-040-01 B. Avoid mixing by hand. Mixing in a mortar mixer (with moving blades) is recommended. Pre-wet the mixer and empty excess water. Add premeasured amount of water for mixing, followed by the grout. Begin with the minimum amount of water rECOi�mended by the manufacturer and then add the minimum additional water required to obtain workability. Do not exceed the manufacturer's maximwn recommended water content. C 0 E Placements greater than 3 in deep shall include the addition of clean, washed pea gravel to the grout mix when approved by the manufacturer. Comply with the manufacturer's recommendatians for the size and amount af aggregate to be added. Place grout into the desi�nated areas in a manner which will avoid segregation or entrapment of air. Do not vibrate grout to release air or to cansolidate the material. T'Jacement should proceed in a manner which will ensure the f Iling of all spaces and provide full corttact between the grout and adjoining surfaces. Provide graut holes as necessary. Place graut rapidly and continuously to avoid cold joints. Do not place cement grouts in layers. Do not add additional water to the mix (retemper) after initial stiffening. F. Just beforE the grout reaches its final set, cut back the grout to the substrate at a 45° angle from the lower edge of bearin� plate unless oCherwise approved by the Engineer. Finish this surface with a wood float (brush) finish. G. Begin curing immediately after form removal, cutback, and finishing. Keep grout moist and within its recommended placement temperature range for at least 24 hours after placement or lo►ager if recommended by the manu�acturer. Saturate the grout surface by use of wet burlap, soak�r hoses, ponding, or other approved means. Provide sunshades as necessary. If drying winds inhibit the ability of a �iven curing method to keep grout moist, erect wind breaks until wind is no longer a problem or curing is finished. 3.04 INSTALLATION—NONSHRINK EPQXY GROUTS A. Mix in accardance with the procedures recommended by the manufacturer. Da not vary the ratio of components or add solvent to change the consistency of the grout mix. Do not overmix. Mix full batches anly to maintain proper proportions of resin, hardener, and aggregate. I_� Bid Documents 03720.040-01 Monitor ambient weather conditions and contact the grout manufacturer for special placement procedures to be used for temperatures below 60 or above 90°F. 03600-8 GROUT ��� � 1 , � , �. � � � � � � � � � , � ,� � C. Place graut into th� designated areas in a manner which will avoid trapping air. Alacement methods shall ensure the filling of all spaces and provide full contact between the grout and adjoining surfaces. Provide grout holes as necessary. D. Minimize "shoulder" length (extension of grout horizontally beyond base plate). In no case shall the shoulder length of the grout be greater than the grout thickness. E. Finish grout by puddling to cover all aggregate and pravide a smooth finish. Break bubbles and s�nooth the top surface afthe grout in con%rmity with the manufacturer's recommendations. F. Epoxy grouts are self curing and do not require the application of water. Maintain the formed graut within its recommended placement temperature range for at l�ast 24 hours after placing, or longer if recommended by the manufacturer. 3.05 [NSTALLATION—CONCRETE GROUT A. Screed underlying concrete to the grade shown on the Drawings. Provide the surface with a broomed finish, ali�ned to drain. Arotect and keep the surface clean until placement of concrete grout. B. Remove the debris and clean the surface by sweeping and vacuuming of all dirt and other fareign rnaterials. Wash the tank slab using a strong jet of water. Flushing of debris into tank drain lines will not be permitted. C. Saturate the concrete surface for at least 24 hours before placing the concrete grout. Saturation may be rraaintained by ponding, by the use or soaker hoses, or by other methods acceptable to the Engineer. Remove excess water just before placing the concrete grout. Place a cement slurry immediately ahead of the concrete grout so that the slurry is moist when the grout is placed. Work the slurry over the surface with a broom until it is coated with approximately 1/16- to l /8-inch-thick cement paste. D. Place concrete grout to final grade using the scraper mechanism as a guide for surface elevation and to ensure that high and low spots are eliminated. Unless specifrcally approved by the equipment manufacturer, mechanical scraper mechanisms sha11 not be used as a finishing machine or screed. E. F Provide grout contraction joints as indicated an the Drawings. Finish and cure the concrete grout as specified for cast-in-place concrete. Bid Documents 03600-9 ' 03720.040-01 GAOUT ��r.�YUei��1���m� A_ The following list indicatcs where the particular types of grout are to be used: I. General purpose nonshrink cementitious grout: Use at all locations where nanshrink grout is called for on the plans except for base plates greater than 3 feet wide by 3 feet long and, except for the setting of anchor rods, anchor bolts or reinforcing steel in concrete. 2. Flowable nonshrank cementitious grout: Use under all base plates greater in area than 3 feet by 3 feet. Use at all locations indicated to receive flowable nonshrink grout by the Drawings_ The Contractor, at his/her option and convenience, may also substitute flowable nonshrink grout for general purpose nonshrink cementitious grout. 3. Nonshrink epoxy grout: Use for the setting of anchor rods, anchor bolts, and reinforcing steel in conerete and for all locations specifrcally indicated to receive epo�y grout. 4. Cement grout: Cement grout may be used for groutin� of incidenCal base plates for structural and miscellaneous stee] such as post base plates J�or platforms, base plates for beams, etc. It shall not be used when nonshrink grout is specif cally called for on the Drawings or for grouting of primary structural steel members such as columns and gird�rs. 5. Concrete grout: Use for overlaying the base concrete under scraper mechanisms of clarifiers to allow more control in placing the suriace grade. END OF SECTION Bid Documents 03600-10 GAOUT 03720-040-01 � � , r � � � r � � � , ' � r � � � � SECTION 03930 MODIFICA7�IONS AND REPAIR TO CONCRETE PART 1 GEN E.RAL l.Ol SCC)PE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and cut, remove, repair, or otherwise modiFy parts of existing concrcte structures or appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and as specified in this Section. Work under this Section shall also include bonding new concrete to existing concrete. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 03600, Grout. 1.03 SUSMITTALS A. B. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with Section 01330, a Schedule of Demolition and the detailed methods of demolition to be used at each location. C. Submit the manufacturer's technical literature on al1 product brands proposed for use to the En�ineer for review. The submittal shall include the manufacturer's installation and/or application instructions. D. When substitutions for acceptable brands of materials specified in this Section are proposed, submit brochures and technical data of the proposed substitutions ta the Engineer for approval before delivery to the project. 1 _04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) I.OS REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference standards and recommended practices referred to in this Specificatian Section shall be the latest revision of any such document in effect at the bid time. The fallowing documents are a part of this Section. Where this Section differs from these documenCs, the requirements of this Section shall apply. A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Bid Documents 03930-1 MODIFICATIONS AND REPAIR TO CONCRETE 03720-040-01 1. Z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ASTM C8$1—Standard SpecificaCion for Epoxy Resin Base Bonding Systems for Conerete. ASTM C$82—Standard Test MeChod for Bond Strength of Epoxy Rcsin Systems Used with Concrete by Slant Sheer. ASTM D570—Standard Test Method for WaterAbsorption of:C'Jastics. ASTM D63$—Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. ASTM D695—Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics_ ASTM D732—Standard 1'est Method for Shear Strength of Plastics by Punch Tool. ASTM D790—Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Marerials. ASTM. G3--Standard Practice for Conventions Applicable to Electrochemical Measurements in Corrosion Testing. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. No existing structure or concrete shall be shifted, cut, removed, or otherwise altered until the En�ineer so authorizes. B. When removing materials or portions of existing structures and when making openings in existing structures, alt precautions shall be taken and all necessary barriers, shorrng and bracing, and other protective devices shall be erected to prEVent damage to the structures beyond the limits necessary for the new work, protect personnel, control dust, and prevent damage to the structures or contents by falling or flying debris. Unless otherwise permitted, shown, or specified, line drilling will be required in cutting existing concrete. C. Manufacturer Qualifications: The manufacturer of the specified products shal I have a minimum of 10 years experience in the manufacture of such products and shall have an on�oing program of training, certifying, and technically supporting the Contractor's personnel. D. Contractor Qualifications: The Contractor shall complete a program of instruction in the application of the approved manufiacturer's material specified in this Section and provide certificatian from the manufacturer attesting to their training and status as an approved applicator. E. Furnish a notarized certificate stating that the materials meet the requirements of this Section and have the manufacturer's current printed literature on a specified product. Bid Documents 03720-040-0] 03930-2 MUDIFICATIONS AND REPNR TO CONCRETE ' � ' 1 � � � � � , , � ' � ' � � , , � � 1.07 WARRANTIE,S A. Warranties shal] be in accordance with General Conditions and Specification Section 017$0, Warranties and Bonds. l.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING �1,. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements specified in Section 01650 for storing and protecting the items specif.ted in this Section. S. Deliver the specified products in original, unopened corttainers with the manufacturer's name, labels, product identification, and batch numbers. C. Store and condition the specified product as recommended by the manufacturer. 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 TESTING REQUIREMENTS (NOT USED) l.l 1 WEATHER CONSTRAINTS (NOT USED) PART2 FRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL5 A. General ]. Materials shall comply with this Section and any state or local regulatians. B. Epoxy Bonding Agent l. General I3id bocumerns 03720-040-01 a. The epoxy bonding agent shall be a two-component, solvent-free, asbestos-free moisture-insensitive epoxy-resin material used to bond plastic concrete to hardened concrete complying with the reyuirements ofASTM C88I, Type II and the additional requirements specified in this Section. 2. Material �a Propertias of the cured material: 0393U-3 M�DIFICATIONS AND REPAIK TO CONCRETE C (1) Compressive Strength (ASTM D6)5): 8500 psi minimum at 28 days. (2) Tensile Strength (ASTM D638): 4000 psi minimum at 14 days. (3) Flexural Strength (ASTM D790 Modulus of Rupture): 6,300 psi minimum at 14 days. (4) Shear Strength (ASTM D732): 5000 psi minimum at 14 days. (5) Water Absorption (ASTM D570 2-hour boil): ].0% ma�imum at 14 days. (6) Bond Strength (ASTM C882) Hardened to Plastic: 1500 psi minimum at 14 days moist cure. (7) Effective Shrinka�e: Passes Test. (8) Calor: Gray. 3. Approved manufacturers include Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, NJ Sikadur 32, Hi Mod; Master Builder's, Cleveland, OH Concresive Liquid (LPL); or equal. Epoxy Paste 1. General a. Epoxy Paste shall be a two-component, solvent-free, asbestos-free, moisture-insensitive epoxy-resin material used to bond dissimilar materials to concrete such as setting railing posts, dowels, anchor bolts, and all threads into haz-dened concrete and shall comply with the requirements ofASTM C881, Type I, Grade 3 and the additional reyuirements specified in this Section. It may also be used to patch existing surfaces where the glue line is 1/$ inch or less. 2. Material a. Properties of the cured material: Bid Documents 03930� MODIFiCAT10NS AND REPAIR TO CONCRETE 03720-040-01 � 1 , � ' , � � � ' ' , ' � , � ' � � ��) ��) Campressive Properties (ASTM D695): ] 0,000 psi minimum at 2$ days. Tensile Strength (AS"fM D638): 3,000 psi xninirnum at 14 days. Elongation at Break 0.3% minimum. (3) Flexural Strength (ASTM D790 Modulus of Rupture): 3,700 psi minimum at 14 days. (4) Shear Strength (�STM U732): 2,800 psi minimum at 14 days. (5) (6) Water Absorption (ASTM .D570): 1.0°/a maximum at 7 days. Bond Strength (ASTM C882): 2,000 psi at 14 days moist cure. (7) Color: Concrete �rey. 3. Approved manufacturers include: a. Overhead applications: Sika Corparation, Lyndhurst, NJ Sikadur Hi mod LV 3l ; Master Builders, Inc., Cleveland, OH Concresive 1438; or equal. b. Sika Carporation, Lyndhurst, N.J. Sikadur Hi mod LV 32; MasCer Suilders, Inc., Cleveland, OH Concresive 1438; or eyual. D. Non-Shrink Precision Cement Grout, Non-Shrink Cement Grout, Non-Shrink Epoxy Grout and Polymer Modified mortar are included in Section 03600. �. Adhesive-capsule-type anchor system shall be eyual ta the HVA adhesive Anchoring System by Hilti Fastening Systems, Tulsa, OK. The capsule shall consist of a s�aled glass capsule containing premeasured amounts of a polyester or vinylester resin, quartz sand aggregate, and a hardener contained in a separate vial in the capsule. F. Acrylic Latex Banding Agent G. Crack Repair Epoxy Adhesive 1. General Bid Documents 03720-OQO-01 03930-5 MODIFICATIQNS AND REPAIR TO CONCRET� F3id bocuments 0372�-040-01 a. Crack Repair Epoxy Adhesive shall be a two-component, solvent- free, rzaoisture-insensitive epoxy-resin material suitable for crack grouting by injection or gravity feed. lt shall be for�nulated for the specific size of openin� or crack being injected. b. All concrete surfaces containing potable water or water to be treated for potable use that are repaired by the epoxy adhesive injection system shall be coated with an acceptable epoxy coating approved by the FDA for use in contact with potable water. 2. Material a. Properties of the cured rnaterial �r� ��) Compressive Properties (ASTM Dfi95): 1 Q,Q00 psi minimum at 28 days. Tensile Strength (ASTM D638): 5,300 psi minimum at ]4 days. Elon�ation at Break 2 to 5%. (3) Flexural Stren�th (ASTM D79� Modu.lus of Rupture): 12,000 psi minimum at 14 days (gravity); 4,600 psi minimum at 1� days (injection) (�3) Shear Strength (ASTM D732): 3,700 psi minimum at 14 days. (5) Water Absorption (ASTM D570 2-hour boil): 1.5% maximum at 7 days. (6) Band Strength (ASTM C$$2): 2,400 psi at 2 days dry; 2,000 psi at l4 days dry plus 12 days moist. (7) Effective Shrinkage: Passes Test. 3. Approved manufacturers include: a. For standard applications: Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, NJ Sikadur Hi Mod; Master Builders Inc., Cleveland, OH Concresive 1380 or equal. b. For very thin applications: Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, NJ Sikadur Hi Mod LV; Master Builders lnc., Cleveland, OH Concresive 1468 or equal. 03930-6 MODIFICATIONS AND R�PAIA Td CONCRETE ' 1 � H. Polymer-Modified Portland Cement Mortar (Vertical and Overhead Surfaces) ' 1. The polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be a two-component, polymer-modified, Portland cement fast-setting, non-sag mortar wiih a migrating corrosion inhibitor. u ' ' 1 Ll I. _�I ' 2. Component A shall be a liquid polymer emulsion of an acrylic copolymcr base and additives. lt shall have a particle size of less than 0.1 micron. 3. Component A shall contain an organic, migrating corrosion inhibitor, which has been independently proven to reduce carrosion in concrete via ASTM G3 (half�cell potential tests). The corrosion inhibitor shall not be calcium nitrate and shall have a minimum of l years of independent field testing to document performance on actual construction projects. 4. Component S shall be a blend of selected Portland cements, specially graded aggregates, admixtures for controlling setting time, water reducers for workability, and accelerators. 5. 0 The ratio of Component A: Component B shal l be 1:5:2 by wei�ht. 7'he polymer-modified I'ortland cement mortar shall be placeable from 1/8-inch to 1-1/2 inches depth per lift. 7. Aggregate to extend the polymer-modified Porcland cement mortar shall � be a minus'/2- or 3/8-inch clean, well-graded, saturated surface dry material having low absorption and high density in conforrnance with the manufacturer's requirements. 1 ' , i � � , ] i3id Documents 03720-040-01 8. Approved manufacturers include Sika Corporation, .L,yndhurst, NJ — Sikatop 123 plus. Polymer-Modified Portland Cement Mortar (Horizontal Surfaces) 1. The polymer-modified Portland cement martar shall be a two-component, polymer-modified, Portland cement fast-setting, non-sag mortar with a migrating conrosion inhibitor. �a 3 Component A shall be a liquid polymer emulsion of an acrylic copolymer base and additives. It shall have a particle size of less than 0.1 micron. Component A shall contain an organic, migrating corrosion inhibitor, which has been independently proven to reduce carrasion in concrete via 03930-7 MODIFICAT10N5 AN[] REPAIR TO CONCRETE ASTM G3 (half-cell potential tests). The corrosion inhibitor shall not be calcium nitrate and shall have a minimum of seven tests. The corrosion inhibitor shall not be calcium nitrate and shal I have a minimum of l years of independent field testing to document performance on actual construction projects. 4. Component B shall be a blend of selected Portland cements, specially graded aggregates, adm�xtures for cantrolling setting tirne, water reducers for workability, and accelerators. 5 � The ratio of Component A: Compon�nC B shall be 1:7:2 by weight. The polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be placeable from a 1/8-inch to 1-inch depth per li$. 7. Aggregate to eactend the polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be a minus'/Z- or 3/8-inch clean, well-graded, saturated surface dry material having low absorption and high density in conformance with the manufacturer's requirements. 8. Approved manufacturers include Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, NJ — Sikatop 122 plus. U7�\ ti r t��: �� Lf 1 � J I Y[�] � I 3.01 GENERAL A. In all cases where concrete is repaired in the vicinity of an expansion joint or contraction joint the repairs shall be made to preserve the isolation between components on either side af the joint. B. When drilling holes for dowels/bolts at new or existing co.ncrete, drilling shall stop if rebar is encountered. As approved by the Engineer, the hole location shall be relocated to avoid rebar. Rebar shall not be cut without prior approval by the Engineer. Where possible, rebar locations shall be identifed before drilling using "rebar locators" so that drilled hole locations may be adjusted to avaid rebar interference. 3.02 CONCRETE REMOVAL A. Concrete designated to be removed to specific limits as shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer shall be done by line drilling at limits follawed by chipping or jack hammering as appropriate in areas where concrete is to be taken out. Remove concrete in such a manner that surrounding concrete or existing Bid DoCuments 03930-8 MODIFICATIONS AND REPAIR TQ CONCRET'E 03720-040-01 �i 1 ' , , 1 ' ' , 1 , � , ' � � ' , ' reinforcing to be left in place and existing in-place equipment is not damaged. Sawcutting at limits of concrete to be remaved shall only be done if indicated on the Drawings or after obtaining written approval from the Engineer. B. Where existing reinforcing is exposed due to saw cutting/core drilling and no new material is to be placed on the sawcut surface, a coating or surface treatment of epoxy paste shall be applied to the entire cut surface to a thickness of l/4 inch. C. In all cases where the joint between new concrete or grout and existing concret� will be exposed in the finished work, except as otherwise shown or specified, the edge of conerete removal shall be a 1-inch-deep saw cut on each exposed surface of the existing concrete. D_ Concrete specified ta be left in place which is damaged shall be repaired by approved means to the satisfaction of the �ngineer. E. The Engineer may from time to time direct the Contractor to make additiona] repairs to existing concrete. These repairs shall be made as specified or by such other methods as may be appropriate. 3.03 CONNECTION SURFACE PREPARATION A. Connection surfaces shall be prepared as specified below for concrete areas reyuiring patching, repairs, or modifications as shown on the Drawin�s, speci�ed in this Section, or as directed by the Engineer. B. Remove al1 deteriorated materials, dirt, oil, grease, and all other bond-inhibiting materials from the surface by dry mechanical means, i.e. sandblasting, grinding, etc, as approved by the Engineer. Se sure the areas are not less than l/2 inch deep. Irregular voids ar surface stones need not be removed if they are saund, free of laitance, and firmly embedded into parent concrete, subject to the .Engineer's final inspection. G If reinforcing st�el is exposed, it must be mechanically cleaned to remove all contaminants, rust, etc, as approved by the Engineer. If half of the diameter of the reinforcing steel is expased, chip out behind the steel. The distance chipped behind the steel shall be a minimum of l/2 inch. Reinforcing to be saved shall not be damaged during the demolition operation. D. Reinfarcing from existing demalished concrete which is shown to be incorporated in new concrete shall be cleaned by mechanical means to remove all loose material and products of corrosion before proceeding with the repair. It shall be cut, bent, or lapped to new reinforcing as shown on the Drawings and provided with 1-inch minimum cover all around. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 03930.9 MODIFICATIONS AN1] REPAIR TO CONCKETE E `l�he following are specific concrete surface preparation "methods" to be used where called for on the Drawings, specified in this Section, or as directed by thc Engineer. 1. Method A: AfCer the existing concrete surface at connection has been roughened and cleaned, thoroughly moisten the existing surface with water. Brush on a�/16-inch layer of cement and water mixed to the consistency of a heavy paste. Immediately after applying the cement paste, place new concrete or grout mixturc as detailed on the Drawings. 2. Method B: After the concrete surfac� has been raughened and cleaned, apply an epoxy bonding agent at connection surface. The field preparation and application of the epoxy bonding agent shall cornply strictly with the rnanufacturer's recommendations. Place new concrete or grout mixture to limits shown on the .Drawings within time constraints r�commended by the manufacturer to ensure bond. 3. Method C: Drill a hole ]/4 inch lar�er than the diameter of the dowel. The hole shall be blown clear of loose particles and dust just before installing epoxy. The drilled hole shall tirst be filled with epoxy past�, then dowels/bolis shall be buttered with paste.and inserted by tapping. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, deformed bars shall be drilled and set to a depth of 10 bar diameters and smooth bars shall be drilled and set to a depth of 15 bar diameters. If not noted on the Drawings, the Engineer will provide details regarding the size and spacing of dowels. 4. Method D: Combination of Methods B and C. 5. Method E: The capsule anchor system shall be set in existing concrete by drilling holes to the required depth to develop the full tensile and shear strengths of the anchor material being used. The anchor bolts system shall be install�d according to the manufacturer's recommendation in holes sized as required. The anchor stud bolt, rebar, or other embedment item shall be tipped with a double 45° chamfered point, securely faster�ed into the chuck of all rotary percussion hammer drill and drilled inta the capsule-filled hole. The anchor may be installed in horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions. 3.04 GROUTING I:1 Bid Documents 03720-040-0] Grouting shall be as specifed in Section 03600. 03930-10 MODIFICATIQNS AND R.FPAIR TO CONCRETE 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 , ' 1 , ' ' , ' 1 1 ' 1 ' � , 3.05 CRACK .REPAIR A. Cracks on horizontal surfaces shall be repaired by gravity feeding crack sealant into cracks according to the manufacturer's recammendations. If cracks arc less than 1/16-inch thick they shall be pressure injected. B. Cracks ota vertical surfaces shall be repaired by pressure injecting crack sealant through valves sealed to the surface with crack repair epoxy adhesive according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.Ofi CONCRET.E SURFACE REPAIR AND/OR EXPOSED REINFORCING REPAIR �. All loose, unsound (delaminated), and deteriorated concrete shall be removed by mechanical means. S. Saw cut the perimeter of unsound (delaminated) concrete to form a rectangle wi�h straight edges to a depth of'/4-inch or to the top of the reinforcing, whichever is shallower. Da not cut reinforcing unless otherwise noted. C D E. F_ Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Chip conerete substrate to obtain a surface protile with new fractured-aggregate surface. The depth of repair shall be not less than the performance criteria of the specific product used. Where reinforcing steel with active corrosion is encountered, the procedure shall be as follows: 1. Remove all contaminants and rust from exposed reinforcing steel. 2. When half af the diameter of the rebar is exposed, chip out behind the reinforcing steel, 1-inch minimum. 3. The distance chipped behind the rebar shall be equal to or exceed the minimum placement depth of the material to be used or as indicated on the Drawings. �}. Bars shown to remain in place which are found to have lost more than 15% class sectional area due to corrosion or which are damaged by the concrete removal process sa that their cross-sectional area has been reduced by more than 15% shall be replaced with new bars. Cracks encountered in the substrate in the area of the patch area shall be treated as approved by the Engineer. 03930-11 MQDIFICATIONS AND REPAIR TO CONCAET�, G H Substrate may be dry or darnp but free of standing water. Remove dust, laitance, and any foreign particles. I. Spray apply mixed epoxy resin adhesive on the prepared area to receive the Portland cement mo�tar or concrete in strict corrap1iance with the manufacturer's recommendations. J I:� While the adhesive coat is still wet (before it is tack-free ta the touch} apply polymer-modified ce►nent. The edges shall be vertical and straight. For applications greater than 1 inch in depth, apply polymer-modified cement in lifts. Score the top lifts of each lift to produce a roughenEd surface before applying the nexC lift. Allow the lift to reach final set before proceeding with the next lift. Adhesive coat shall be applied between each lift. 3.07 INSPECTION A. At the completion of all repairs, the Contractor, Engineer, and Installers oithe material used on the repairs shall inspect the work. END OF SECTION Bid I7ocuments 03930-12 MODIF]CATIQNS AND AEPAIR TU CONCRETE 03720-040-01 ' ' 1 � 1 1 1 � , ' ' 1 ' ' 1 1 ' 1 1 SECTION 09900 PAINTING AND C�ATING PAR°C 1 GENERAL 1.0] SC�PE OF WORK A. This sectian includes materials for and application af painting and coating systems for the following surfaces: l . Submerged metal. 2. Exposed metal. 3. Suried metal. 4. Concrete 5. PVC 6. Metal in contact with concrete. B. It does nat include coatin� steel water tanks and reservoirs. 1.02 RELATED WORK (NOT US.E.D) 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. B. Submit manufacturer's data sheets showing the following information: 1. Percent solids by volume. 2. Minimum arad maximum recommended dry-film thickness per coat for prime, interm�diate, and finish coats. 3_ Recommended surface preparation. 4. Recommended thinners. 5. Statement verifying that the specified prime coat is recomrnended by the manufacturer for use with the specified intermediate and �nish coats. 6. Application instructions including recommended equipment and temperature limitations. F3id Documents 03720-040-01 09900-1 PAINTING ANi) COATING 7. Curing requirements and instruclions. C. SubmiC color swatches. D. Submit certificate id�ntifying the type and gradation of abrasives used for surface preparation. E. Submit material safety data sheets for each coatin�. l .04 WORK SEQU.ENCE (N�T USED) 1.05 REFER�NCE STANDARDS (NOT i1SED) 1 _Ob QUALITY ASSURANCE (NUT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with Specification Section 01780, Warranties and Bonds. 1.08 DELiVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED) 1.09 QUALIFICA'1"IONS (NOT USED) 1.10 "TESTING REQUIREMENTS (N�'T USED) 1. r r MOCK-UP (NOT USED} 1.12 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS (NOT USED) �'ART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 PAINTING AND COATING SYSTEMS The following index lists the various painting and coating systems by service and generic type: PA1NT COATINGS SYSTEM 1NDEX No. Title Generic Coating Submerged Metal Coating S stems 2. Submerged Metal, Raw Water (Nonpotable), Raw Sewage, Tnemec Series N69 & or Chemical Waste lmmersion 435 Ex osed or Subrnerged Metal Caating Systems NOT USED Ex osed Metal Coatin S stems Bid Documents 09900-2 PA1N"f'ING AND C�A'PING 03720-040-01 ' ' 1 � � � ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 , � , ' 1 PAINT COATINGS SYSTEM 1NDEX No. Title Gcneric Coating 15. Exposed Metal, Atmospheric Weathering Environment Alk d/Acrylic] 18. Exposed Metal, Organic Zine Primer for Shop Coating and Organic zinc Field Touch-U Buried Metal Coating Systems 21. Buried Metal E ox 24. Buried Metal Corrosion-resisting rease 25. Suried Metal Piping and Tubing Coal-tar, wax, and polyethylene tape wrap or extruded ol eth lene Concrete and Mason Coating Systams 31. Ex osed Concrete and Masonr , Corrosive Environment E oxy PVC, CPVC, and FRP Coating S stems 41. PVC for Ultraviolet Ex osure and Color Codin Polyurethane Coating Systems for Nonferraus Metals 51. Aluminum insulation from Concrete and Carbon Steel Bituminous Plaster, Wood, Masonry, and D wall Coating Systems NOT USED Coatin System for Fusion E ox -Coated Steel Surfaces NO"l' USED Exterior Architectural Coatin s and �'inishes 72. Semi-Gloss Finish on Exterior Metal Acr lic latex Interior Architectural Coatin s and Finishes NOT USED High-Tem erature Coatings NOT IJSE.D These systems are speci�ed in detail in the following Paragraphs. For each coating, the required surface preparation, prime coat, intermediate coat (if required), topcoat, and coating thicknesses are described. Mil thicknesses shown are minimum dry-film thicknesses. A. Submerged Metal Coating Systems 1. Systern No. 2—Submerged Metal, Raw Water (Nonpotable) Raw Sewage, or Chemical Waste Itnmersion: Bid bocuments 03720-040-01 a. Type: Polyamide-cured epaxy prime, intermediate, and finish coats. Primer - Tnemec N69 Hi-Build Epoxyline ll at 6.�--18.0 mi Is per coat and with a minimum 71 % sbv. Topcoat – Tnemec Series 435 Perma-Glaze ( l 00% Solid Polyamine Epaxy) at 15.0-20.0 mils DFT. Or Equal 09900-3 PAINTING AND COATING L�'•_. b. Service Conditions: For use with metal pipes or structures (such as tanks, clarifier mechanisms, scum trotyghs, slide gates) immersed in raw water (nonpotable), raw sewage, or alkaline wastes or acidic wastes having a pH range of 5 to 11. c. Surface Preparation: SoJvent clean per SSPC-SP61 to remove cantaminants from thE surface. Abrasive blast per SSPC SI'-6, Near White Metal Slast Cleaning. d. Prime Coat: Arneron 400, 7 mils; Devoe Bar-Rust 233H, 7 mils; Tnemec Series 446 Penna-Shield MCU Modif7ed Aromatic Polyurethane at $.0-10.0 mils per coat at 6.0-8.0 mils; International Interline 785HS, 5 mils; Carboline $9�, 5 mils; PPG PITT-GUARD� Direct-to-Rust Epoxy Mastic Coating 97-145 Series, 5 mils; or equal. Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 B58- 600 Series/B58VX6�� at 5.0-10.0 mils DFT. e. lntermediate/Finish Coats: One coat of Ameron �400, 8 mils; Devo� Bar-Rust 233H, $ rnils; Tnemec Series 446 Perma-Shield MCU Modified Aromatic Polyurethane at 8.0-10.0 mils per coat; two coats of International lnterline 7$SHS, 5 mils per coat; two coats oF Carboline 890LT, 5 mils per coat; two coats of PPG PITT- GUARD� Direct-to-Rust �poxy Mastic Coating 97-145 Series, S mils dry-film thickness per coat; Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 B58-600 Series/BS8VX600 at 5.0-10.0 mils DFT; or equaL f. Total system thicicness of prime, intermediate, and �nish caats shall be l 5 mils minimum. Exposed Metal Coating Systems 1. System No. ] S---Exposed Metal, Atmospheric Weathering Environment: a. 17 Type: Gloss alkyd enamel having a t�ainimum volume solids content of �6% with alkyd primer. Service Conditions: For use on exterior rnetal and piping subject to sunlight and weathering. c. Surface Preparation: SolvenC clean per SSPC-SP1 to remove contaminants from the surface. Abrasive blast per SSPC-SP-6, Commercial Slast Cleaning. Bid Documents 09900-4 PATNTING AND COATING 03720-040-01 '. � �� � � �� � 1 � � � � � � L�J � � � ra d. Prime Coat: Carboline Shop Primer No. 1; ]CI Devoe 4140; Ameron S105; lnternational Interlac 2601-�5; Sherwin-Williams Kem-Bond }-�S B50NZ Series at 2.U�4.� mils DFT; PPG SPEEDHID�� int/Ext Rust Inhibitive Steel Primer 6-20$ Series; or equal, applied to minimum dry-film thickness of 2 mils. Tnemec Series l0 primer at 2.0-3.5 mils DFT with 56% sbv. e. Finish Coat: Two coats of Carbalinc Carbocoat 139; two coats of ICl Devoe 434$; two coats of 'i�nemec Series 2H; two coats of Ameron 540] HS; two coats of International .Interlac 820; two coats of Sherwin-Williams ]ndustrial Enamel B54Z Series at 2.0— 3.0 mils DFT/coat; two coats of PPG MetalMax Int/Ext Gloss Alkyd 7-914 Series, ar equal. Apply ta a minimum dry-film thickness of 1.5-3.5 mils DFT/coat. System No. 18---�xpased Metal Organic 7inc Primer for Shop Coating and �ield Touch-Up: a. 'I'ype: Or�anic zinc primer having a miniinum rinc content of 14 pounds per gallon. b. Service Conditions: For use as a shop-applied primer ar field touch-up prirner over inorganic zinc prime coatings on exposed metal. c. Surface Preparation: Solvent clean per SSPC-SP] to remove contaminants from the surface. Abrasive blast per SSPC-SP-10, Near White Metal Blast Cleaning. d. Coating: Coating shall be of the two- or three-component converted epoxy, epoxy phenolic, or urethane type. Products: Tnemec 90-97; International Interzinc 308; Ameron 68HS; ICI Devoe 313; Carboline 859; Sherwin-Williams Zinc-Clad III HS B69A100B69D11/B69D11 at 3.0-5.0 mils D:FT; PPG DurethaneT'" MCZ 97-679; or equal. Applied to a minimum dry- film thickness of 3 mils. Organic zinc primer shall be manufactured by the prime coat manufacturer. Bid Dceuments 09900-5 PAINTING AND COA'fING 03720-040-0] � C. Buried Metal Coating Systems l. System No. 21—Buried Metal: �a 3 a. Type: High, solids Cycloaliphatic Amine epoxy or phenolic epoxy having minimum volume solids of 80% (ASTM D2697). b. Service Cor�ditions: Buried metal, such as valves, flanges, bolts, nuts, structural steel, and fittings. c. Surface Preparation: Solvent clean per SSPC-SP1 to remove contaminants from the surface. Abrasive blast per SSI'C-SP-IU, Near White Metal Blast Cleaning. d_ Coating Systern: Apply three or more coats of Ameron �00; Tnemec 104 HS (6.0-8.0 mils per coat); 1CI Devoe Bar-Rust 233H; Carboline $90LT; Sherwin-Williains Tank Clad HS �362-8U Series/B60V80 Series at 5.�$.� mils/coat or equal; 30 mils total. Maximum thickness of an individual coatin� shall not exceed Che manufiacturer's recommendation. System No. 24—Buried Metal: a. Type: Corrosion-resistin� grease. b. Service Conditions: Buried metal, such as balts, bolt threads, tie rods, and nuts. c. Surface Preparation: Solvent clean per SSPC-SP1 to remove contaminants from the surface. Power Tool Clean per SSPC-SP3 as a minimum. Abrasive blasting per SSPC-SP-6, Cammercial Blast Cleaning is preferred. d. Coating: NO-OX-ID GG-2 as manufiactured by Sanchem, Inc. Apply to a minimum thickness of l/4 inch. System No. 25—Buried Metal Piping and Tubing: a. Type: Cold-applied coal-tar tape or hot-applied coal-tar tape. b. Service Conditions: Buried ,ferrous and nonferrous piping and tubing. Bid Documents U99U0-b PAINTTNG AND COATING 03720-040-01 1� 1 � � � � � ' � � � � �. � � c r:� Coat with one of the following systems: (1) Wrap with cold-applied coal-tar tapc: conforming to AWWA C209. Minimum thickness oftape shall be 35 mils. Apply tape with manufacturer's prime coat. Tape shall be Tapecoat CT, Pratecto-Wrap 200, or equal. (2) Wrap with hot-applied coal-tar tape conForming to AWWt1 C203, Section 4.6. Minimum thickness of tape shall be 50 mils. Apply tape with manufacturer's recommended prime coat. Tape shall be Tapecoat 20, Protecto-Wrap 110, or eyual. Use chloride-free primers with the above coatings when applying to stainless steel pipin� or tubing. e_ Coat f eld joints of buried piping that has a shop-applied coating with primer and tape conform ing to A W WA C209. Use Type 1 tape of 35-mil thickness. Products: Protection Engineering Co. Protectowrap 200 GT, Tapecoat CTIU/4UW, Polyken 930-35, or equal. % Perform electrical inspection of shop and Feld coating in accordance with Section 5 of A W W A C209. g. �nstall buried pipes with wrapped coatings by extending the wrapping to the first joint after entering a building, penetrating a slab, or 6 inches above finished grade. Wrap joints spirally with a minimum overlap of 50% of the tape width. D. Concrete and Masonry Caating Systems ]. System No. 31---�-Exposed Concrete and Masonry, Corrosive Environment (For Immersion Service): a. Type: Hydrophobic Aromatic Polyurethane having a minimum volume solids of 7�%. ' b. Service Conditions: Concrete and masonry immersed in water or exposed to corrosive atmospheres, such as hydrogen sulfide gas, chlorine gas, or chlorinated effluent sprays in wastewater treatment �, plants. � Bid Documents 09900-7 PATNTiNG AND COATING � 03�2o-0ao-o � c. Surface �'reparation: In accordance with Part 3.04. Clean to an ICRI CSP 5 standard. d. T'rime Coat: Epoxy modified cementitious filler cornpound or epoxy masonry filler having a rninimum solids volume of l 00%. Apply one coat to t711 voids, pores, and cracks. �'roducts: Tnemec Series 21$ Mortarclad applied to 1/4-inch, or equal. e. Intermediate Coat: One coat ofTnemec Series 446 Perma-Shield MCU for immersion service (6-$ mils per coaC); or equal. f. Finish Coat: One caat of Tnemec Series 446 Perma-Shield M.CU for immersion service (use 6.Q-8.0 mils per coat); or equal. E. PVC Coatin� System 1. System No. 41—PVC for Ultraviolet Exposure and Color Coding: F a. Type: Cpoxy primer with minimum volutr�e solids of 54% and a pigmented polyurethane enamel having a minimum volume solids of 66%. b. Service Conditions: Color coding ofPVC exposed to sunlight. c. Surface Preparation: Clean the surface per SSPC SP-1, Solvent Cleaning. Then, lightly abrade the surface with medium-grain sandpaper. d. Prime Coat: One coat of Tnemec Series N69 Epox�line; Internationa17510; Ameron� 385; ICI Devoe Devran 224 HS; Sherw,in-Williams Macropoxy 646 B58 Series/B58V600 at 5.0-8.0 mils DFT; Carbaline 888 or 890; PPG PITT-GU�RD� Direct-to- Rust Epaxy Mastic Coating 97-145 Series; or eyual. Apply to a minimum dry-film thickness of 4 mils. e. Finish Coat: One coat of Tner�nec Series 1075; Internatioraal Interthane 990HS; Ameron �50 HS; ICI Devoe Devran 379; Carboline 134 HG; Sherwin-Williams Hi-Solids Polyuretharae B65-300 SeriesB60V30 at 3.0�3.0 mils DFT; PPG PITTH�INE� Ultra-Gloss Urethane Ename195-812 Series; or equal. Apply to a minimum dry-�lm thickness of 3 mils Coating Systems far Nonferrous Metals Bid Documents 09900-8 PAINTING AND COATING 03720-040-D1 1. System No. 51—Aluminum Insulation fram Concrete and Carbon Steel: a. Type: Bituminous paint having a minimum volume solids of 68% caal-tar pitch based. b. Service Conditions: Coat areas of aluminum grating, stairs, structural members or aluminum fabrications, in contact with concrete or carbon steel with this system. c. Surface Preparation: Solvent or steam clean in accardance with SSPC SP-1; do not use alkali cleaning. Then dust blast. d. Prime Coat: Apply synthetic resin or epoxy prirrter to metal surface before finish coats. Products: International Intervinux VTA52$/529, or equal. No primer required for Carboline or Tnemec. e. Finish Coat: Carbaline Super Service Black; Tnemec 4C-4fi5; lnternational Intertuf 100; or equal. Apply two coats to a minimum dry-film thickness of 8.0--]2.0 mils/coat. G. Exterior Architectural Coatings and Finishes 1. System No. 72—Semi-Gloss Finish on .�.xt�rior Metal: a. Type: Acrylic-latex semi-gloss enamel with minimum volume solids of 35% with an alkyd metal primer. b. Surface Preparation: Clean the substrate per SSI'C SP-1, Solvent Cleaning, to remove contaminants. Prepare the substrate per SSPC SP-3, Power Tool Cleaning. Acid-etch glazed surfaces. c. Prime Caat: Dunn-Edwards 43-5, Frazee 664 (ferrous) or 661 (galvanized steel or aluminum); lnternational Intercryl 51 �WB; ICI Devoe 4020; Tnemec Series 18; Sherwin-Williams Kem Bond HS BSONZ (ferrous) at 2.5--4.0 mils DFT; and Galvite HS BSOWZ30 (nonferrous) at 2.�3.0 mils DFT; or equal; 3 mils. d. Finish Coat: Two coats, 1.5 mils dry each, of Dunn-Edwards W- 901, Frazee 351; International Intercryl 530WB; ICI Devoe 2406; Tnemec Series 1029; Sherwin-Williams Metalatex B42-100 Series at 2.�3.0 mils DFT; or equal. Bid Documents 09900-9 PAINTING AND COATING 03720-040-01 � H. Abrasives for Surface Preparation ] 2 �j Abrasives used for preparation of ferrous (excluding stainless steel) surfaces s)�all be one of the following: a. 16- to 30- or 16- to 40-mcsh silica sand or mineral grit. b_ 20- to 40-mesh garnet. c. Crushed iron slag, 100% retained on No. SO mesh. d. SAE Grade G-40 or G-50 iron or steel grit. Abrasives used for preparation of copper and aluminum surfaces sha11 be one of the following: a. Crushed slag, $0 to 100 mesh. b. Very fne silica sand, 80 to 100 mesh. Abrasives used for preparation of concrete and masonry surfaces shall be 16- to 30- or 1 G- to 40-mesh silica sand. 4. In the above gradations, 100% of the material shall pass through the first stated sieve size and 100% shall be retained on the secand stated sieve size. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.0] WEATHER CONDiTIONS A : C Do not paint in the rain, wind, snow, mist, or fog or when steel or metal surface temperatures are less than 5°F above the dew point. Do not apply painC when the relative humidity is above 85%. Do not paint when temperature o�metal ta be painted is abave 120°�'. D. Do not apply alkyd, inorganic zinc, silicone aluminum, or silicone acrylic paints if air or surface temperature is below 40°F or expected ta be below 40°F withi� 24 hours. �. Do not apply epoxy, acrylic laCex, and polyurethane paints on an exterior or interior surface if air or surface temperature is belaw 60°F or expected to drop below 60°F in 24 hours. Bid Documents 09900-10 PAINTING AND CQATING U3720-040-01 � � � 3.02 SURFACE PREPARATION PROCEDURES A. Remove oil and grease from metal surfaces in accordance with SSPC SF-1. Use clean cloths and cleaning solvents and wipe dry with clean cloths. Do not ]eave a � film or greasy residue on the cleaned surfaces before abrasive blasting. Pawerwashittg with a biodegradable degreaser is also acceptable. LJ � �� r � � � � B. Remove weld spatter and weld slag from metal surfaces and grind smoothly rough welds, beads, peaked corners, and sharp ed�es including erection lugs in accordance with SSPC SP-2 and SSPC SP-3. Grind 0.020 inch (minimum) off the weld caps on pipe weld seams. Grind outside sharp corners, such as the outside edges of flanges, to a rninirr►um radius of 1/4 inch. C. Do not abrasive blast or prepare mare surface area in one day than can be coated in one day; prepare surfaces and apply coatings the same day. Remove sharp edges, burrs, and weld spatter. Prime all areas before rust bloom forms and within the same day. D. Do not abrasive blast PVC, CPVC, or PF2P piping or equiprnent. Do not abrasive blast epoxy- or enamel-coated pipe that has already been factory coated, except to repair scratched or damaged coatings. �. For carbon steel, do nat touch the surface between the time of abrasive blasting and the time the coating is applied. Apply coatings within 2 hours of blasting or before any rust bloom forms. F. Surface preparation shall conform ta the SSPC specifications as follows: Solvent Cleaning SP-1 Hand Tool Cleaning SP-2 Power Tool Cleaning SP-3 White Metal Blast Cleaning SP-5 Commercial Blast Cleaning SP-6 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning SP-7 �ickling SP-g Near-White Blast Cleaning SP-] 0 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal SP-1 1 Surface Freparation and Cleaning af Steel and Other SP-12 Hard Materials by High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting Before Recoating Surface Preparation of Concrete SA-1 3 Bid Documents 09900-I 1 PAINTING AND CUATING � 03720-04U-Ol G. Wherever the wc�rds "solvent cleaning," "hand tool cleaning," "wire brushing," or "blast cleaning" or similar words are used in these Specifications or in the paint manuPacturer's specifications, they shall be understood to refer to the applicable SSPC (Steel Structure Fainting Co�mcil), surface preparation speci�cations listed above. H. I. Dust blastrng is defined as cleaning the surface through the use of very fine abrasives, such as siliceous or mineral abrasives, 80 to ] 00 mesh. Apply a�ne etch to the metal surface to clean the surface of any contamination or oxide and Co provide a surface profile for the coating. 13rush-off blastrng of concrete and masonry surfaces is defined as apenin� subsurface holes and voids and etching the surface for a coating to bond. I'or carbon steel surfaces, after abrasive blast cleaning, the h�ight o�the surface profile shall be 2-3 mils. Verify the surface profile by measuring with an impresser tape acceptable to the Owner's RepresentaCive. Perform a minimum �f one test per ] 00 square feet of surface area. Testing shall b� witnessed by the �wner's Representative. The impresser tape used in the test shall be permanently marked with the date, time, and locations where the test was made. Test results shal I be promptly presented to the Owner's Representative. K. Do not apply any part of a coating system before the Owner's Representative has reviewed the surface preparation. If coating has been applied without this review, if directed by the Owner's Representative, remove the applied coating by abrasive blasting and reapply the coat in accordance with this Specifrcation. 3.03 ABRAS.IVE BLAST CLEANING /� Use dry abrasive blast cleaning far metal surfaces. Do nat use abrasives in automatic equipment that have become contaminated. When shop or field blast cleaning with handheld nozzles, do not recycle or reuse blast particles. B. After abrasive blast cleaning and before coating is applied, dry-clean surfaces to be coated by dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming to remove residue from blasting. Apply the specified primer or touch-up coating within an $-hour working day. Do not apply coatin� over damp or moist surfaces. Reclean any blast-cleaned surface not coated within the 8-hour period before applying primer or touch-up coating. C. Keep the area of the work in a clean condition and do not permit blasting particles ta accumulate and constitute a nuisance o.r hazard. Bid Documents D9900-12 PAINTING AND COATING 03720-040-01 � � � D. During abrasive blast cleaning, prevent damage ta adjacent coatings. Schedule blast cleaning and coating so that dust, dirt, blast particles, old coatings, rust, mill scale, etc., will not damage or fall upon wet or newly coated surfaces. � 3.04 PREPARATION OF CONCRETE AND MASONRY SURFACES TO BE COATED I�I �� � � � � i � � � � � A : Surface preparation of concrete and masonry suriaces shall be in accordance with SSPC SP-13/NACE 6 and the following. Do not apply coating until concrete has cured at least 30 days at 75°F and a minimurn 50%. Finish concrete surfaces in accordance with Section 03350, Concrete Finishes. Da not use curing compound on surfaces that are to be coated. C. Concrete and masonry surfaces on which coatings are to be applied shall be of even color, gray or gray-white. The surface shall have no pits, pockets, holes, or sharp changes of surface elevation. Scrubbing with a stiff-bristle f ber brush shall produce no dusting or dislodging ofcement or sand. Sprinklin� water on the surface shall produce no water beads or standing droplets. Concrete and masonry shall be free of laitance and slick surfaces. D. Detergent clean the concrete or masonry surface with trisodium phosphate in accordance with ASTM D4258. Then sandblast surfaces (brush-offblast). Floor slabs may be acid etched as specified in ASTM D4260 in lieu of sandblasting. After sandblasting, wash surfaces with water ta remove dust and salts in accardance with ASTM D4258 or D4261. The grain of the concrete surface to touch shall not be rou�her than that of No. 10 mesh sand. Use International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) standards for concrete and masonry surface preparation. E. Before coating concrete, plaster, and masonry with System Na 33 determine the presence of capillary moisture in accordance with ASTM D4263, except as tnodified below. Tape a 4-foot-by-4-foot sheet of polyethylene plastic to the concrete surface to be coated_ Allow the plastic sheet to remain in place at least 24 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the plastic sheet and visually examine both the underside of the plastic sheet and the concrete surface beneath it. There shall be no indication af moisture on either surface. If moisture is F indicated, allow additional curing time for the concrete and then retest. Provide one test sheet for every 300 square feet of concrete surface to be coated. For walls, provide one test sheet for each l 0 feet (or fraction thereo fl of vertical rise in all elevations starting within 12 inches of the floor or base slab. Acceptance criteria for concrete surfaces shall be in accordance with SSPC SP-13, Table 1, "Severe Service." Bid Documents �9�-� 3 � 03720-040-01 PAINTING ANP CUATING 3.05 G. Do not apply coatings to concrete when the concretc is outgassin�. Apply coatings only when the conerete surface temperature is stable, not rising. Apply concrete caatings when the temperature is falling ca reduce the potential of outgassing. PROCCDURES FOR ITEMS HAV[NG SHOP-APPLIE;D PRIME COA'I�S A : C After applying primer ta surfaces, allow coating to cure for a minimum of 2 hours before handGng to minimize damage. When loading for shipment to the project site, use spacers and other protective devices to s�parate items to prevent damaging the shop-primed sur�aces during transit and unloading. If wood spacers are used, remove wood splinters and particles from the shop-primed surfaces after s�paration. Use padded chains or ribbon binders to secure the loaded items and minimize damage to the shop- primed surfaces. Cover shop-primed items 100% with protectiv� coverings or tarpaulins to prevent deposition of road salts, fuel residue, and other contaminants in transit. D. Handle shop-primed items with care during unloading, installation, and erection operations to minimize damage. Do not place or store shop-primed items on fhe ground or on top of other work unless the ground or work is covered with a protective covering or tarpaulin. Place shop-primed iteins above the �round upon platforms, skids, or other supports. 3.06 FIELD TOUCH-UP OF SHOP-APPLIED PR1ME COATS A Remove oil and grease surface contaminants on metal surfaces in accordance with SSPC SP-1. Use clean rags wetted with a degreasing solutian, rinse with clean water, and wipe dry. B. Remove dust, dirt, salts, moisture, chalking primers, or other surface contaminants that will affect the adhesion or durability of the coating system. Use a high- pressure water blaster or scrub surfaces with a broom or brush wetted with a solution of tri-sodium phosphate, detergent, and water. Before applying intermediate or finish coats to inorganic zinc primers, remove any soluble zinc salts that have formed by scrubbing with a stiff bristle brush. Rinse scrubbed surfaces with clean water. C. Remove loose or peeling primer and other surface contaminants not easily rernoved by the previous cleaning methods in accordance with SSPC SP-7. Take care that the remaining primers are not damaged by the blast cleaning operation. The remaining primers shall be firmly bonded to the steel surfaces with blast- cleaned edges feathered. Bid Documents 09900-14 PAINTTNC AND COATING 03720-040-q1 � � � � 1�� � � � �� � � � � �` � � � Remove rust, scaling, or primer damaged by welding or during shipment, storage, and erectian in accordance with SSPC S3'-10. Take care that the remainin� primers are not damaged by the blast cleaning operation. Areas smaller than 1 square inch may be prepared in accordance with SSPC SP-1 1. The remaining primers shall be frmly banded to the steel surfaces with cleaned edges feathered. E. Use repair procedures on damaged primer that pratect adjacent primer. Blast cleaning may require the use of lower air pressure, smaller nozzles and abrasive particle sizes, short blast nozzle distance from surface, shielding, and/or masking. F. After abrasive blast cleaning af damaged and defective areas, remove dust, blast particles, and ather debris by dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming; then apply th� specified touch-up coating. G. Surfaces that are shop primed with inorganic zinc primers shall receive a field touch-up of organic zinc primer as specified in System No. 18 to cover scratches or abraded areas. H. Other surfaces that are shop primed shall receive a field touch-up of the same primer used in the ori�ina) prime coat. 3.07 PAINTING SYS"T'EMS �1. All materials of a specified painting system, including primer, intermediate, and finish coats, shall be produced by the same manufacturer. Thinners, cleaners, driers, and other additives shall be as recommended by the paint rnanufacturer for the particular coating system. B. Deliver paints to the jabsite in the original, unopened containers. 3.�8 PAINT STORAGE AND MIXING A. Store and mix materials only in areas designated for that purpose by the Owner's Representative. The area shal) be well venCilated, with precautionary measures taken to prevent fire hazards. Post "No Smoking" signs. Stdrage and mixing areas shall be clean and free of rags, waste, and scrapings. Tightly close containers after each use. Store paint at an ambient temperature from 50°F to 100°F. B. Prepare multiple-component coatings using all of the contents of the container for each component as packaged by the paint manufacturer. Do not use partial batches. Da not use multiple-component coatings that have been mixed beyond their pat life. Provide small quantity kits for touch-up painting and for painting other small areas. Mix only the components specified and furnished by the paint E3id Documents �9�-� S PAINTING AND COATING 03720-D40-Ol manufacturer. Do not intermix additional components %r reasons of�color or otherwise, even within the same generic type of coating. 3.Q9 PROCEDURES �O.R TH.E APPLICATION 4F C0�ITINGS A_ Conform to the requirements of SSPC PA-1. Follow the recommendations afthe coating manufacCurer, including the selection of spray equipment, brushes, rollers, cleaners, thinners, mixing, drying time, temperature and humidity of application, and safety precautions. B. Stir, strain, and keep coating materials at a uniform consistency during application. Power mix components. For multiple component materials, premix each component before coraabining. Apply each coating evenly, free of brush marks, sags, runs, and other evidence of poor workmanship. Use a different shade or tint on succeeding coatin� applications to indicate coverage where possible. I�inished surfaces shall be free froro defects or blemishes. C. Do not use thinners unless recommended by the coating manufacturer. If t;hinning is allowed, do not execed the maxim�Xm allowable amount o�thinner per �allon of coating material. Stir coating materials at all times when adding thinner. Do not flood the coating material surface with thinner beFore mixin�. Do not reduce coating materials more than is absolutely necessary to obtain the proper application characteristics and to obtain the specified dry-tilm thicknesses. D. Remove dust, blast particles, and other debris from blast cleaned surfaces by dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming. Allow ventilator fans to clean airborne dust to provide good visibility in working area before applying coating. .Renaove dust from coated surfaces by dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming before applying succeeding coats. E. Apply coatin� systems to the specified minimum dry-film thicknesses as determined in accordance with SSPC PA-2. F. Apply primer immediately after blast cleaning and before any surface rusting occurs, or any dust, dirt, or any foreign matter has accumulated. Before applying coating, re-clean surfaces that have surface colored or became moist by blast cleaning. G. Apply a brush coat of primer on welds, sharp edges, nuts, bolts, and irregular surfaces before applying the primer and finish coat. Apply the brush coat before and in conjunction with the spray coat application. Apply the spray coat over the brush coat. Bid Documents 09900-16 PAINTING AND COATTNG 03720-040-01 � � f_� r � I� � �� � �� � � � � � � C_� � H. Before applying subsequent coats, allow the primer and intermediate coats to dry for the minimum curin� time recommended by the manufacturer. ln no case shall the time between coats exceed the manufacturer's rec�mmendation. Each coat shall cover the surface of the preceding coat completely and there shall be a visually perceptible difference in applied shade or tint of colors. J. Applied coating systems shall be cured at 75°F or higher for 48 hours. If temperature is lower than 75°F, curing time shall be in accordance with printed recommendations of the manufacturer, unless otherwise allowed by the Owner's Representative. K. Assembled parts shall be disassembled sufficiently before painting or coating to ensure complete coverage by the required coating. 3.10 SURFACES NOT TO BE COATED A. Do not paint the surfaces listed below unless otherwise noted in the drawings or in other Specification sectians. Protect the follawing surfaces during the painting of adjacent areas: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. b: $. 9. ro 11 12 13 14 15 16 Concrete walkways. Mortar-coated pipe and fittings. Stainless steel. Metal letters. Glass. Roofing. Fencing. Copper tubing, red brass piping, and 1'VC pipin� except where such piping occurs in rooms where the walls are painted, or required for color coding. Electrical fixtures except for factory coatings. Nameplates. Grease fittings. Brass and copper, submerged. Buried pipe, unless specifically required in the piping specifications. Fiberglass items, unless specifically required in the FR.P specifications. Aluminum handrail, stairs, and grating. Insulated pipe. 3.1 1 PROTECTION OF SURFACES NOT TO BE PAINTED A. Remove, mask, or otherwise protect hardware, lighting fixtures, switch plates, aluminum surfaces, machined surfaces, couplings, shafts, bearings, nameplates on machinery, and other surfaces not intended to be painted. Provide drop cloths to F3id Aocuments ��-» PAINTING AND COATING � 03720-040-01 prevent paint materials from fallin� on or marrin� adjacent surfaces. Protect working parts of inechanical and electrical equipment from dama�e during surface preparation and painting process. Mask openings in moCors to prevent paint and other materials from entering the motors. 3.12 SUR'FACES TO SE COATED A. The exact coating to be applied in any location is not designated by the descriptive phrases in the coating system titles such as "corrosive environment," "buried metal," or "submerged m�tal." Coat surfaces with the speci�c coating systems as described below: I. 2. 3. 4. Coat mechanical equipment, such as pumps as described below. The color of the finish coat shall selected by the Owner during submittal review. Coat concrete surfaces where shown in the drawings. Caat aluminum surfaces in contact with conerete as specified in System No. 51. Coating Schedule: Coating SurFace ar Ttem System No. Pumps 2 Riser Pipe in Wetwell 2 Exposed Pipe, Fittings, and Valves 15 Buried Pipe, Fittings, and Valves 21 or 25 Junctian Sox 31 PVC Drain Pipe 4l Doors and Exterior Architectural Metal Finishes 72 3.13 DRY-FILM THICKNESS TESTING A. Measure coating thickness specified for carbon steel surfaces wiCh a magnetic- type dry-film thickness gauge in accordance with SSPC PA-2. Provide cartification that the gauge has beera calibrated by a certified laboratory within the past 6 months. Provide dry-film thickness gauge as manufactured by Mikrotest or Elcometer. Bid Documents 09900-18 PAINTINQ AND COATING 03720-Q40-01 � � i� � � B. Test the finish caat of inetal surfaces (except zinc primer and galvanizing) for � holidays and discontinuities with an electrical holiday detector, low-voltage, wet- sponge type. Provide measuring equipment. Provide certification that the gauge � has been calibrated by a certified labaratory within the past 6 months. Provide detector as manufactured by Tinker and Rasor ar K-D Bird Dog. �' � I_ � � � � � ,.� � L_i � r � C�J u Measure coatin� thickness specified for concrete or masonry surfaces in accordance with ASTM D413$. Test the finish coat of concrete and masonry surfaces in accordance with NACE R.F-018&90 or ASTM .D4787. Patch coatings at the points of thickness rneasurement or haliday detection. Check each coat for the correct dry-film thickness. Da not measure within 8 hours after application af the coating. E. For lnetal surfac�s, make fve separate spot measurements (avera�e of three readings) spaced evenly over each pump to be measured. Make three readings for each spot measurement of either the substrate or the painti. Move the probe or detector a distance af 1 to 3 inches for each new gauge reading. Uiscard any unusually high or low reading that cannot be repeated consistently. Take the average (mean) of the three readings as the spot measurement. The average of five spot measurements for each pump shall not be less than the specified thickness. No sin�le spot measur�ment on any pump shall be less than 80% nor more than 120% of the specified thickness. One of three readings which are averaged to produce each spot measurement may underrun by a greater amount as defned by SSPC PA-2. F. For concrete surfaces, make .five separate spot measurements spaced evenly over each 100 square feet of area (or fraction th�reofl to be measured. The average of five spot measurements for each such l 00-square-foot area shall not be less than the specified thickness. No single spot measurem�nt in any 100-square-faot area shall be less than 80% nor more than 120% af the specified thickness. G. Perform tests in the presence of the Owner's Representaiive. 3.14 REPAIR ��' I.MPROPERLY COATED SURFACES A. lf the iCem has an improper finish color or insufficient film thickness, clean and topcoat the surface with the specified paint material to obtain the specified color and coverage. Sandblast or power-sand visible areas of chipped, peeled, or abraded paint, feathering the edges. Then prime and frnish the coat in accordance with the Specifications. The work shall be free of runs, bridges, shiners, laps, ar other imperfectians. Bid Documents ���-�9 PAINTING AND COATING � 03720-040-01 3.15 CLEANING A. B. C. During the work, remove discarded materials, rubbish, cans, and r�tgs at the end of each day's work. Thoroughly clean brushes and oiher application equipment at t.he end of each period of use and when changing to another paint or calor. Upon completion of painting work, remove masking tape, tarps, and other protective rnaterials, using care not to darnage finished surfaces. END �P SECTION Bid Documents 09900-20 PAINTING AND COATING 03720-040-01 LJ � � 1. _) �� �� � � � � SECTION 11535 SUBMERSISLE NON-CLOG CENTRIFUGAI. PUMPS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, new materials, eyuipment, and incidentals necessary for the complete installation of two submersible non-clog centrifugal pumps, including but not limited to pumps, pump bases, and guide rail as shown on the Drawings and specified in this Section. S. The pumps, motors, base elbow, and guide rails, and access cover shall be furnished by a single supplier. The pump supplier shall be responsible for overall supply and yuality of these items and shall be responsible for testing, start-up, troubleshooting, and personnel training for the submersible nan-clo� centrifugal pumps and lift station. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Related Specifcations for work required for this Section: � 1. Section 01330, Subrtaittals and Acceptance. 2. Section 01600, Materials and Equipment. 3. Sectian 01780, Warranties and Bonds. � 4. Section 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manual. 5. Section 09900, Painting and Coating. �� � � �� � 1.03 SUBMITTAI,S The Cantractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section O1330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. The Contractor shall submit written certification from the pump supplier that the wet well size and layout are acceptable for the pump installation. B. Shop Drawings: The Cantractor shall submit integrated shap drawings for the pumping system illustrating the mechanical and electrical equipment and companents specified in this Section and including the following: 1. 1'roduct Data: Far each mechanical, structural, and electrical component include the manufacturer's descriptive literature, praduct specifications, published details, technical bulletins, performance, and capacity-rating Bid Documents I 1535-1 5LJF3MERSiBLE NON-CLOG � 03720-040-01 CENTR]FUGAL PUMPS 2 curves with primary and secondary design conditions clearly noted, charts, and sctaedules, catalog data sheets, and other subtnittal materials as required to verify that the proposed products conform to the quality and function of the specif7ed products. a. ldenti�cation: Clearly indicaCe by an arrow on submissions cavering more than one praduct type or style exactly which product is being submitted for approval. b. Equipment Characteristics: Provide bearing ratings, corraplete motor data, service Factors, shaft diamEters, coupling type, and weights of principal parts and asserrabled equipment. c. Manufacturer: Include the catalog name, company name, address, and telephone number for the manufacturer of each product submitted. Equip�nent Drawings: Submit completely dimensioned plan, elevations, and cross-sections of system equipment and sub-assemblies. 3. Layout Drawing: Submit completely dimensioned drawing of pump, pump base, anchor bolt size and patterns, complete guide rails system, installation notes, recommended grout conliguration of`wetwell bottom, discharge elbow mounting instructions, and other pertinent setti.ng details. 4. Product List: Pr�vide a list of equipment and components on each drawing with each product identified by legend reference. Include product name, manufacturer, and model number. 5. Wiring Diagrams: Submit compJete interconnecting wiring diagrams and schedules for electrical apparatus showing numbered wirin� terminals in the pump control panel conforming to NEMA ICS-1-101. Identify field device terminals, wire number, wire sizes, control and power wire types, and interfaced elements_ C. Pump Test Report: Submit certified capies of factory-run punnp performance test curves. The pump performance shall meet the design requirements in Article 2.01 P. Factory-certified performance test curves shall indicate the following: 1. � Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Flow in gallons per minute at maximum speed. Total head in feet of water at maximum speed. 11535-2 SUBM�RSIBI.E NON-CLUG CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS � � ' � � �- � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 3. Flow in gallons per minute at minimum speed. 4. Total head in feet of water at minimum speed. 5. 6. 7. 8 Horsepower. Pump efficiency in percent of input shaft horsepower. Pump data: a. Model number. b. Serial number. c. Impeller diameter and type. d. Impeller speed. Test condition data: a. Date of test. b. Mean water temperature. l .04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference standards and recommended practices referred to in this Specification Section shall be the latest revision of any such document in effect at the bid time. The following documents are a part of this Section. Where this Section differs from these documents, the requirements of this Section shall apply. A. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 1. ACI 318/318R Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete B. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A36/A36M—Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel. 2. ASTM A48—Standard Speci�cation for Gray Iron Castings. 3. ASTM A105/AlOSM—Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications. 4. ASTM A123—Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 11535-3 SUBMERSIBLE N�N-CL�G CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 5. ASTM C478—Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections. D. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) l. ASME B] 6.]---Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. E. American Waterworks Association (AWWA) 1. AWWA C207—Standard for Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service- Sizes 4 In. through 144 In. F. American National Standards Institute/Hydraulic Institute (ANSI/Hl) 1. ANSI/I-li 1.1-1.2—Centrifugal Nomenclature. 2. ANSI/I-II1.4�entrifugalOperations. G. International Standards Organization (ISO) 1. ISO 2858—End Suction Centrifugal Pump (Rating 16 Bar) llesignation, Nominal Duty Point and Dirnensions. 2. 1S0 5199—Technical Specifications for Centrifugal Pumps, Class 11. 3. I50 7005-2—Metallic Flanges Part 2: Cast lron Flanges. H. National Electrical Manufacturer's 1lssociation (NEMA) 1. NEMA 250—Enclosures for Electric Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) I. Y7nderwriters Laboratory (UL) 1. UL 50$—Industrial Control Equipmcnt. J. Natianal Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1. NFPA 70 —National Electrical Code 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 'I�he pumps shall be shipped to the jobsite complete with the motor, local wiring, equipment base, and anchor bolts and other appurtenances as specified pr�- installed. Spare parts shall be shipped loose and ready for installation at the location shown on the Drawings. Bid Documents 11535-4 SUBM�RSIBLE NON-CLOC 03720-040-0) CENTIZIFUGAI. PUMPS r r � � l_� L._� �� � � � l� � � � �� � � B. Modificatians to the manufacturer's standard design may be required to meet these Specifcations. Equipment not complying with the mechanical, electrical, and matcrial integrity established by these Specifications shall be identi�ed by the Cantractor and submitted to the Engineer for review. 1.07 WARRANTIES f1. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditions and Specifcation Section 01780, Warranties and Sonds. l.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HAND1.�iNG A. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements specified in Section O1650, Delivery, Storage, and Handling, for storing and protecting the items specified in this Section. 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS A. The manufacturer(s) of the equipment specified shall meet the following requirements: 1. Shall have been in business for at least the 10 years before the Bid Date. 2. Shall have a recard of operating, manufacturing, and servicing the types of items specified for a minimum of 10 years before the Sid Date. 3. Shall have a minimum of five installations of equipment similar to and meeting the requirements speci�ed in this Section at municipal wastewater treatment facilities in �'lorida before the bid date. 1.10 TESTING REQU.IREMENTS (NOT USED) 1.11 MAINTENANCE (NOT USED) ] .12 SYSTEM DESCRII'TION A. The pump station shall pump drainage from the dewatering pump station ta the internal recycle (screw pump) pump station. The pump statian shall have two (2) submersible centrifugal non-clog pumps as specified in this Section with controls capable of operating the pumps either individually, alternately, and/or simultaneously, depending an the load condition. Flaat switches will provide the level signal with lead, lag, high, and low/offpositions. : The pump station shall be complete units with necessary appurtenances installed within the wetwell. Iiid bocuments 11535-5 � 03720-040-01 SUBMERSIBLE NON-CLQG CENTR1FllGAL PUMPS 1.13 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUALS Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be in accordance with Ceneral Coraditions and Speci .i►cation Section 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals, and shall include, at a minimum, the following: A. Installation instructions. B. Functional description of the pumping control system for each rnode of operation of equipment. C. Automatic and manual operation. D. Alarms and fail-safe features. E. Interlocked and/ar interfaced equipment operation and control. F. Exploded view drawings and illustrations with descriptions for assernbly and disassembly of equipment. G. Comprehensive parts and materials maintenance and repair list f`or each equipment element indicating the manufacturer and the manufacturer's identifcation nurnber. Include the name, address, and telephone number of local sales and servicc office far major equipznent items. H. Schedules of recommended spare parts to be stocked, including part nuTnber, inventory quantity, and ordering infarmation. I. Performance rating and nameplate data for each major system component. J IC� L. Procedures for starting, operating, adjusting, calibrating, testing, and shutting down system equipment. Emergency operating instructions and trouble-shooting guide. Schedule of routine maintenance requirements and procedures and preventative maintenance instructions required to ensure satisfactory performance and equipment longevity. M. Maintenance instructions for extended out-of-service periods. N. Schedule of lubrication requirements, including lubricant type, service int�rval, and lubrication paints. F3id bocuments 11535-6 SUI3MERSTBLE NON-CL(x 03720-040-01 CENTRIFIJGAL PLJMPS 1 C� � � � � � � � O. Field-verified pawer and control wiring schematics. Submit the approved schematics in each manual. After initial start-up and operation, correct these schematics to reflect any required field changes and submit the required copies for inclusion in the manuals. F' L� Four preliminary copies of the O&M manuals shall be submitted before the equipment arrives at the site. The Contractar shall not be compensated for the pumping equipment until the preliminary O&M manuals are received. Four copies of the final O&M Manuals shall incorporate the Engineer's comments and be submitted with copies of the approved shop drawings and test reports. lnstallation Certificate: Submit a certificate from the manufacturer or from the manufacturer's qualified, factory-authorized representative for each pump furnished and installed and specified in this Section stating that Che equipment has been installed, inspectEd, and adjusted as required in accordance with the manufacturer's written installation procedures and operating instructions and is ready for acceptance by the Owner. 1.14 PATENTS AND LICE�NSES (NOT USED) � ] ..I S SPCCIAL CONSIDERATIONS � � L� � � � � l� I� A11 of the equipment, accessories, and controls specified in this Section shall be furnished by a single manufacturer and shall be standard units of proven ability as manufactured by a competent organization that is fully experienced, reputable, and qualified in the manufacture of the equipment to be furnished. PART 2 PRODUCTS Materials and equipment shall conform to the referenced publications or as specified and indicated and shall be the products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the manufacture of such products. 2.01 SUBMERSIBL.E CENTRIFUGAL NON-CLOG .PUMI'S 11 Major pump components shall be of grey cast iran, ASTM A48, Class 355, with smooth surfaces devoid of blow holes or other irregularities. All exposed nuts or bolts shall be AI.SI type 316 stainless stee) constructian. All metal surfaces coming into contact with the pumpage, other than stainless steel or brass, shall be protected by a factory applied spray coating of acrylic dispersion zinc phosphate primer with a polyester resin paint finish on the exterior of the purnp. Bid Documents 11535-7 � 03720-040-01 SUBMERSIBIE NON-CLOG CENTAIFUGAL PUMPS : C�J Sealing design shall incorporate meta]-to-metal contact between machined surfaces. Critical matin� surfaces wher� watertight sealing is required shall be machined and fitted with Viton rubber O-rings. Fittings will be the result of controlled compression of rubber O-rin�s in two planes and O-ring contact of four sides without the requirement of a speci�c torque limit. Rectangular crass-sectioned gaskets requiring specific torque limits ta achieve cornpression shall not be considered as adequate or equal. No secondary sealing compounds, elliptical O-rings, grease or other devices shall be used. D. Each unit shall be provided with an integral motor cooling system. �1 motor cooling jacket shal l encircle the stator housing, providing for dissipation of motor heat regardless of the type of pump installation_ An impeller, integral to the cooling system and driven by the pump shaft, shall providc the necessary circulation of the cooling liquid through the jacket. The cooling liquid shall pass about the stator housing in the closed loop system in turbulent t7ow providin� for superior heat transfer. The cooling system shall have one fill port and one drain port integral to the caoling jacket. The cooling system shall provide for cantinuous pump operation in liquid or ambient temperatures of up to l 04°F. (40°C.). Operational restrictions at temperatures below 104°F are not acceptable. Fans, blowers or auxiliary coolirag systems that are mounted external to the pump motor are not acceptable. E. The cable entry seal design shall preclude specitic toryue requirements to insure a waterti�ht and submersible seal. The cable entry shall consist of dual cylindrical elastomer gromtraets, flanked by washers, all having a close talerance frt against the cable outside diameter and the entry inside diameter. The grotnrraets shall be compressed by the cable entry unit, thus providing a strain relief function. The assembly shall provide ease of changing the cable when necessary using the same entry seal. The cable entry junetion chamber and motor shall be sealed from each other, which shall isolate the stator housing from foreign material gaining access through the purx�p tap. Epoxies, silicones, or other secondary sealing systems shall not be considered equal. F. The impeller shall be of gray cast iron, ASTM A48 Class 35�3, dynamically balanced, semi-open, muIti-vane, back swept, screw-shaped, non-clog design. The impeller leading edges shall be mechanically self-cleaned automatically upon each rotation as they pass across a spiral groove located on the volute suction. The screw-shaped leading edges of the impel ler shall be hardened to Rc 45 and shall be capable of handling solids, .fibrous materials, heavy sludge, and other rnatter normally found in wastewater. The screw shape of the impeller inlet shall provide an inducing effect for the handling of up to 6% sludge and rag-laden wastewater. The impeller to volute clearance shall be readily adjustable by the �3id 1)ocuments 1] 535-$ SUBMERSIBLE NON-CLOG 03720-040-01 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS � � L� means of a single trim screw. The lmpeller shall be locked to the shaft and held by an impeller bolt. � G. The pump and motor shaft shall be a single piece unit. The purnp shaft is an extension of the motor shaft. Shafts using mechanical couplings shall not be acceptable. The shaft sha11 be stainless steel, ASTM A479 543100-T. Shaft LJ L � � �� � � � � � sleeves will not be acceptable. H. The pump volute shall be a single piece gray cast iron, ASTM A48, Class 35B, non-concentric design with smooth passages of sufficient size to pass any solids that may enter the impeller. Minimum inlet and discharge size shall be as specified. The volute shall have a replaceable volut� insert ring containing spiral- shaped, sharp-edged groove(s). The spiral �roove(s) shall provide the relief path and sharp edge(s) across which each impeller vane leading edge shall cross during rotation so to remain unobstructed. The internal volute bottom shall pravide effective sealing between the multi-vane semi-open impeller and the volute. The insert ring shall be cast of (ASTM A48 Class 35B cast iron or AS"C'M A532 (Alloy II.I A), 25% chrome cast iron) Each pump shall be provided with a positively driven dual, tandem mechanical shaft seal system consisting of two seal sets, each having an independent spring. The lower primary seal, located between the pump and seal chamber, shall contain one stationary and one positively driven ratating corrosion resistant tungsten-carbide ring. The upper secondary seal, located between the seal chamber and the seal inspection chamber, shall contain one stationary and one positively driven rotatin� corrosion resistant tungsten-carbide seal ring. All seal rings shall be individual solid sintered rings. Each seal interface shall be hcld in place by its own spring system. The seals shall not depend upon direction of rotation for sealing. Mounting of the lower seal on the impeller hub is not acceptable. Shaft seals withvut positively driven rotating tnernbers or convetttional dauble mechanical seals containing either a common single or double spring acting between the upper and lower seal faces are not acceptable. The seal springs shall be isolated from the pumped media to prev�nt materials from packing around thern, limiting their performance. � l. Each pump shall be provided with a lubricant chamber for the shaft sealin� system. The lubricant chamber shall be designed to prevent overf lling and shall provide capacity for lubricant expansion. The seal lubricant chamber shall have � one drain and one inspection plug that are accessible from the exterior of the tnotor unit. The seal system shall not rely upon the pumped media for lubrication. � � The area about the exterior of the lower mechanical seal in the cast iron housing shall have cast in an integral concentric spiral groove. This groove shall protect Bid 1]ocuments 11535-9 � 03720-040-01 SUBMEASIHIE NON-CLQG CF.NY ItI FUGAL PUMPS the seals by causing abrasive particulate entering the seal cavity to be forced out away frorn the seal due to centrifugal action. L. Each pump m,otar stator shall incorporate three thermal switches, one per statar phase winding and be connected in series, to monitor the temperature of the motor. Should the thermal switches open, the motor shall stop and activate an alarm. A float switch shall be installed in the seal leakage chamber and will activate if ]eakage into the chamber reaches 50% chamber capacity, signaling the need to schedule an inspection. M. The pumps shall be automatically and firmly connected to the discharge connection, guided by no less than twa guide bars extending from the top of the basin wall to the discharge connection. There shall be no need for personnel to enter the basin. No portion of the pump shall bear directly on the sump floor. 1►1 �❑ I','� Bid Documents 03720-040-01 Coatings: All metal surfaces in cor�tact with the pumped media, other that stainless steel, shall be coated in the factory with a zinc primer and polyester resin or high solids epoxy finish. Discharge Base: The manufacturer shall furnish a discharge base and discharge elbow for each pumping unit. The base shall be suf`ficiently rigid to firmly support the guiderails, discl�arge piping, and pumpin� unit under all operating conditians. The base shall be provided with one or more integral support legs or pads suitable for bolting to the floor o�the pump intake basin. The face of the dischar�e elbow inlet flange shall be perpendicular to the floor and shall make cantact with the face of the putnp dischar�;e nozzle flange. The diatneter and drilling of the elbow outlet flange shall con form to ANST B16.1, Class 125. 2. The pump and motor assembly shall be automatically connected to and supported by the discharge base and guiderails so that the unit can be removed from the wet well and replaced without the need fpr aperating personnel to enter tlae pump intake basin. Pump Characteristics: Unit designation Full Speed Conditions Number of Units 2 Capacity (GPM) 600 Total Dynamic Head TDH) 38.0 Maximum NPSHre (ft) 18.5 Maximurn Pump Speed (RP1VI) 1,750 11535-10 ,� I_J �� SUBMERSIBLE NON-CLOG CENTAIFUGAL PUMPS � � � �� LJ L_.i � u �� � u r l,� L�1 � � � C� Unit designation F'ull Speed Conditions Minimum Efficiency (%) 58 Shut-off Head (ft) 50 Maximum Brake HP 9.9 Maximum Motor HP l0 Volts, Phases, Hertz 460V, 3 ph, 60 Hz Dischar�e Connection 6-inch Solid Handling NA Minimum Hydrostatic Test 1.5 time Pressure shutoff head 1. Pump performance shall be stable and free from cavitation and noise through the specified operating head range at minimum suction submergences. 2. Each pumping unit shall be designed so that reverse rotation at rated head will not cause damage to any component. Q. Acceptable Pump Manu.facturer/Madel: 1. Dewatering Pump Station a. Flygt Model N P-3127.1$5 b. Approved equal. 2.02 ELEC"T'R1C MOTORS Electric motors shall be in accordance with this Section: A. The putnp motar shall be a NEMA B design, induction type with a squirrel cage rotor, shell type design, housed in an air filled, watertight chamber. The stator windings shall be insulated with moisture resistant Class H insulation rated for 1$0°C (356°F). The stator shall be insulated by the trickle impregnation method using Class H monomer-free polyester resin resulting in a winding fill factor of at least 95%. The motor shall be inverter duty rated in accordance with NEMA MGI, Part 31. The stator shall be heat-shrink fitted into the cast iron stator housing. The use of multiple step dip and bake-type scator insulation process is not acceptable. The use ofpins, bolts, screws or other fastening devices used ta locate or hold the stator and that penetrate the stator housing are not acceptable. The motor shall be designed for continuous duty while handling pumped media of up to l04°F. The motor shall be capable of withstanding at least 15 evenly spaced starts per hour. The rotor bars and short circuit rings shall be made of aluminutn. Three thermal switches shall be embedded in the stator end coils, ane Bid Documents 11535-1 I SUBMERSIBLE NON-CLU(i � 03720-040-01 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 1:3 per phase winding, to monitor the stator temperature. These thermal swiCches shall be used in conjunetion w.ith and supplemental to external motor overload. The junction chamber shall be sealed off from the stator housing and shall contain a terminal board for connection of power and pilot sensor cables using threaded compression type terminals. The use of wire nuts or crimp-type cannectors is not acceptable. The motor and the punrap shall be produced by the same manufacturer. C. 1'he motor service factor (combined effect of voltage, frequency, and specific gravity) shall be 1.15. The motor shall have a voltage tolerance of +/- 10%. The motar shall be designed for contitiuous operation in up to a 40° C ambient and shall have a NEMA Class B maximum operating temperature rise af 80° C. A motor performance chart shall be provided upon request exhibiting curves for motor torque, current, power factor, input/ol�tput kW, and efficiency. The chart shall also include data on motor starting and no-load characteristics. D. Motor horsepower shall be sufficient so that th� pump is non-overloading throughout its entire performance curve, from shut-off to run-out. Th� motor and cable shall be capable of continuous submergence underwater without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of 65 feet or �reater. E. The integral pump/motor shaft shall rotate on two bearings. The motor bearings shall be sealed and permanently grease lubricated with high terr�perature grease. The upper motor bearing shall be a single ball type bearing to handle radial loads The lower bearing shall be a two-row angular contact ball bearin� to handle the thrust and radial forces. The minimum :L� � bearing life shall be 50,00� hours at any usable portion af the pump curve. F. The pump and motor shaft shall be a single piece unit. The pump shaft is an extension of the rnotor shaft. Shafts usin� mechanical couplings shall not be acceptable. The shaft shall be stainless steel — ASTM A479 543100-T. Shaii � sleeves will not be acceptable. Each motor shall be capable of cantinuous operation in air (unsubmerged) for at least 24 hours under pump full load conditions without exceeding the tetxaperature � rise limits for the motor insulation system. H. Each pump shall be equipped with one ox zxaore multiconductor cable assembHes for power and control. Each multiconductor ass�mbly containing power cables shall be provided with a separate grounding conductor. Each cable assernbly shall bear a permanently embossed code or legend indicating that the cable is suitable for submerged use. Cable sizing shall conform ta NEC and ICEA requirements. All cables shall be of suf�icient length to terminate at the control panel or as Bid Documents 03720-040-01 11535-12 SUBMEASIBLE NON-CLOG CFNTRIFUGAL PUMPS �� � , � r � � otherwise indicated in the Drawings, with ] 0 feet of slack, which will be coiled in the pump intake basin. Each cable shall be supported by AISI Series 300 corrosion-resistant stainless steel Kellems or woven grips to prevent damage to 1 the cable insulation. Mounting af cable supports in the basin shall be coordinated by the supplier to prevent damage to the cable. No splicing of cables shall be allowed. � � � � � � � l_1 C� �� The cable entry shall be watertight; designed to incorporate both a seal and a strain relief function. 2.03 C�NTROLS A. There will be two submersible pumps in the dewatering pump station that will transfer drainage to the internal recycle pump station. The existing pump station contral panel will be reused and provides the following functionality: Float switches will provide the level signal with lead, lag, high, and low/affpositions. The high level float switch shall sound an alarm if reached. The low level flaat switch shall shutdown all pumps and alternate pumps for the following cycle. A common alarm shall indicate motor overload, high motor temperature, high water level, and low water level. The operator shall be able to manually select pumps to operate. Aump run times shall be recorded. SCADA shall display the pump run status. SCADA shall display the following alanns: motor overload, high motor temperature, high water level, and low water level. B. The existing float switches will not be reused. The pump manufacturer shall supply four new float switches as specified. 2.04 FLOAT SWTTCHES A. Float switches shall be of the suspended type with polypropylene or PVC body. Units shall have an integral electrical cable with two #19 AWG stranded conductors. Switches shall be pilot duty, normally open or normally closed, as required for the application. B. Float switches shall be a direct-acting float switch, which contains a mercury � switch. Float switches shall be as specified below. The R10 panel shall have adjustable time delay switches (0 seconds to 300 seconds) so that the pump does nat "chatter." No splicing of the float switch cable shall be allowed. An extra 6 � feet of looped float switch cable shall be looped and neatly tied in the basin with plastic ties. � � Bid TJocumenis 11535-13 SUBMEKSI$LE NON-CLOG 1 03720-040-01 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 2.�5 PIPES, FITTINGS, AND VAC,V�S A. Piping, fittings, and valves shall be provided where indicated on the Drawit�gs and conform to the requirements of relevant sections. 2.06 Gl1IDE RAIL AND L]FTING SYSTEM A. Sliding Bracket: Each pumping unit shall be provided with an integral non- sparking, self-aligning guiderail sliding bracket. The bracket shall be designed to obtain a wedging action between flange faces as final alignment af the puznp occurs in the connected position. The entire weight of the puzaap unit shall be wedged tightly against the inlet flange, making metal-to-metal contact with the purrap discharge forming a seal without Che use af bolts, gaskets, or o-r.ings. The bracket shall maintain proper contact and a suitably sealed connection between flange faces under all aperating conditions. B. Guide Rails: Each pumping unit shall be equipped with two 316 stainless-steel guide rails. Guide rails shall be sized by the pump manufacturer to fit the discharge base and the sliding bracket and shall extend upwards from the dischar�e base to the access open at the top of the pump basin. An upper guide rail bracket of A1Sl Type 3] 6 stainless steel shall be provided. C. Lifting Chain. The purnp maraufacturer shall select and provide a 316 stainless� steel lifting chain suitable for removing and installing each pump. The lifting chain shall be connected to a 316 SS lifting bail that is an integral part of the pump. A suitable 316 stainless-steel chain hook shall be provided at the top of the wetwell. 2.0'7 ACCESS I3ATCH COVER A. The pump manufacturer shall furnish new access hatch covers with protective �rating panels. All coordination shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Access covers and accessories shall be as specified in this Section and on the drawings. The cover shall be of all-aluminum construction and suitable far a live load of 300 pounds per square foot with a maximum deflection of L/240. The cover shall be a reinforced diamond pattern checkered plate. Structural shapes and plates shall be at least'/4-inch thick. Each leaf shall be provided with two hinges, torsion bars, or other devices to help open an automatic hold-open arm, a retractabl� handle, and a padlock hasp. The frame shall be provided with strap anchors bolted or welded ta the exterior and shall be provided with a lifting chain hook and a guiderail support bracket. All aluminum surfaces to be in contact with concrete or mortar shall be coated in accordance with Section 09900, Painting, and Coating. Bid Documents 11535-14 SUBMETtSIRL� N�N-CLOG 03720-040-0] CEN7'T�IPUGAL PUMPS r � � B. Acceptable Manufacturer: 1. USF Fabrication; Halliday Products or approved equal. � 2.08 MISCELLANEOUS � � � � � � � � LJ � � � � r A. All metal fabrications, hangers, and hardware in the lift station shall be 316 SS. 2.09 JOIN1 S AND PENETRATIONS A. Joints and lift station penetrations shall be as specified and detailed on the Drawings. 2.10 ANCHOR BOLTS A. Discharge cannection anchor bolts shall be 316 stainless-steel epoxy anchors, not less than 3/4-inch diameter, designed for embedment in the concrete wet well floor. The anchor bolts and pasitioning templates shall be furnished by the pump manufacturer. All other anchor bolts shall be 316 SS epoxy anchors. PART 3 EX�CUTION 3.O1 GENERAL �1. Pumps, guide rails, and appurtenances shall be installed as indicated, in accordance with the Drawings and the manufacturer's instructians. 'I'he Contractor shall provide services required ta install the pumps, piping, and accessories and perform wiring to connect pumps, level sensors, etc., and the existing control panel with power as required to place the pumping system in service in accordance with requirements of the Contract Documents, all local codes, and NFPA 70. B. Each discharge base shall be leveled, plumbed, aligned, and wedged into position to fit connecting piping. Installation procedures shall be as recommended by the pump manufacturer and Hydraulic Institute Standards_ 3.02 PAINTING /� A11 painting and associated work shall be performed in accordance with the paint manufacturer's recommendations for the particular application. Bid Documents 11535-I S � 03720-OAO-01 SUBMERSIBLE NUN-CLOG CENTAIFUGAL PUMPS 3.03 TES"T'S Commercial testing shall be required and include the following: I_1 . C. The pump shall be visually inspected to confirm that it is built in accordance with the specification as to HP, voltage, phasc, and hertz. The motor and seal housing chambers shall be hi-potted to test for rnoisture content and/or insulation defects. The pump shall be allowed to run dry to check for proper rotation. D. Discharge piping shall be attached, the pump submerged in water, and amp readings shall be taken in each leg to check for an imbalanced stator winding. If there is a signiticant difference in readings, the stator windings shall be checked with a bridge to determine if an unbalanced resistance exists. Ifso, the stator will be replaced. 3.04 I�IE1�D REPRESENTATIVE A. A representative of the submersible centrifugal non-clog pump manufacturer hired by the Contractor shall inspect the pump installation and direct the startup of the station and shall instruct representatives of the Owner in startup and operation procedures. The Contractar shall procure the services of a represerttative of the submersible centrifugal non-clog pump manufacturer for the following: 1 2 A minirnum of 1 ful) day on site to inspect, adjust, and test the pump station installations and provide c�rtificatian as specified. A minimum of 1 full day on site to place the pump station in operation to demonstrate compliance with requirements ofthe Contract Documents. 3. A minimum of ] full day on site to train representatives of the Owner in the operation, maintenance, and repair of the pumps, and related appurtenances. B. The manufacturer's services specified represent an absolute minimum acceptable level of service and are not intended ta limit the responsibilities of the Contractor to comply with all requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall procure, at no additional cost to the Own�r, all services required, including additional or extended trips to the job site by the manufacturer's representative to comply with these requirements. END OF SECTION Bid Documents ] 1535-1 b SUBMkK51 BLE NON-CLOG 03720-040-01 CEN'T"RIPUGAI. PUMPS � � � � � � � � � r � � � r � � � � � SECTION 15055 PIPING SYSTEMS--GENERAL PAR'1' 1 GENERAL I.O1 SCOPE OF WORK A. This Specification describes responsibilities and reyuirements for Piping Systems including the following: 1. Labor, materials, tools, eyuipment, and services to be furnished in accordance with the Contract Documents and as shown in the Drawings. 2. Coordination of work with other trades. 3. The furnishing and installatian of all supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances, and devices incidental to or necessary for a sound, secure, and complete installation, although such work is not specifically indicated. 4. The furnishing of Record Drawings and documents for piping systems. 1.02 RELATED WOCtK 1. Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. 2. Section 09900, Painting and Coating. 3. Section 15155, Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings. 1.p3 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit the following in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals, and Acceptance: A. lf the Contractor deviates from the piping layout as shown on the Contract Drawings, then the Contractor shall submit scaled piping drawings showing locations and dimensions to and fram fittings, valves, tanks, equipment, structures, and related appurtenances_ Provide scaled drawings to a minimum scale of 1/8 inch equals 1 foot. Provide details to minimum scale of 1/8 inch equals 1 foot. Elevations shall correspond to reference vertical elevation datum shown or provided for this project. B. Copies of any manufacturer's written directions regarding rnaterial handling, delivery, storage, and installation. Bid Documents 03720-040-01 15055-1 PIPING SYSTEMS—{'ENERAL C. Record piping drawings shall meet the requirements of Section 017$5 Record Documents. During the progress of the work and when the work is finally completed and accepted by the Owner and the Engineer, Record Drawings of insCalled piping systems in project including pre-existin� piping discovered, relocated, or aC locations other than as originally shown in the Drawings_ The ConTractor shall identify complEte location, elevations, and d�scription of piping systems. Piping systems and fittings are to be identified from three points on sCructures and/or stationary appur�enances. 0 E Submit copies of forms documenting required field pressure t�sting work and results. Submit welding certificate copies. ��� � � � � L� F. Submit certified copies of mill test reports far bolts and nuts, includin� coatings if , specified. Provide recertifcation by an independent domestic testing laboratory for materials originating outside of the United Statcs. G. Submit manufacturer's data sheet for gaskets supplied showing dimensions and bolting recommendations. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) l .OS R.�FERENCE STANDARDS Reference standards and recommended practices referred to in this Specification Section shall be the latest revision of any such document in e..ffect at the bid time. The following documents are a part of this Section. Wh�re this Section differs from these documents, the requirements of this Section shall apply. A. Arnerican National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7. 8. ANSI A21.11—Rubber Gasket Joints for Cast Iron and Ductile Pressure C'ipe and Fittings. ANSI B].1—Unif ed Inch Screw Threads. ANSI B2.1—Pipe Threads. ANSI B16.21—Nonmetallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges. ANSI B18.2.1--Square and Hex Bolts and Screws, Including Askew I��ead Balts, Hex Cap Screws, and Lag Screws. ANSI B] 8.2.2 —Square and Hex Nuts. E1NSI B31.1—Power Piping (Pressure Piping). ANSI B31.3—Process Piping. Bid Documents 15055-2 PIPING SYSTEMS--�GENERAL 03720-040-01 � C American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ASTM A183—Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts. ASTM A 193—Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel; and Stainless Steel Boltin� Materials for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and other Special Purpose Applications. ASTM A 194--Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service. ASTM A307—Specification for Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. ASTM D1330—Standard Specificaiion far Rubber Sheet Gaskets. ASTM F467-5tandard Specification for Nonferrous Nuts for General Use. American Water Works Association (AWWA) AWWA C207—Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service-Sizes 4 inch throu�h l44 inch. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE (NQT USED) � 1.07 WARRAN`riES � � � � u � � � l� A. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditians and Speciflcation Section 01780, Warranties and Bonds. l.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements specified in Section 01650, Delivery, Storage, and Handling, for storage and protection �f the items specified in this Section. B. The Contractor shall take care to protect the pipe from kinks, cuts, end damage, and ather defects when transporting all pipe. Binding and tie-down methods shall not damage or deflect the pipes in any way_ Pipe damaged during shipment shall be rejected. C. The joined pipe shall be handled in such a manner that the pipe is noC damaged by dragging it over sharp and cutting objects. Ropes, fabric, or rubber-protected slings and straps shall be used when handling pipe. Chains, cables, or hooks inserted into the pipe ends shall not be used. Two slings spread apart shall be used far lifting each length of pipe. Pipe or fittings shall not be dropped. Slings for handling joined pipe shall not be positioned at socket-welded jaints. Sections of the pipes with cuts and gouges shall be removed and the ends af the pipe Bid Documents ] 5055-3 PIPING SYSTEMS--GENERAL � 0372U-U40-01 0 rejoined. . The Contractor shal] repair all pipe coatings, which have been damaged before the pipe is installed. The Contractar shall cover all pipe stored on the site with canvas or other opaque material to protect it from sunlight. Provide air circulation under the covering. E. The Contractor shall inspect all pipe, fittings, and other accessories upon delivery and during the work. Any defective or damaged materials found during field inspection or during tests shall be removed from the site and replaced by, and at the expense of, the Contractor. F. The interior of all pipe, fittings, and other accessories shall be kept free from dirt and foreign matter at all times. Fittings shall be drained and stored in a manner that will protect them from damage by freezing. G. Gaskets shall be placed in a cool ]ocation out of direct sunlight. Gaskets shall not come in contact with petroleum products. Gaskets shall be used on a first- deliv�red-to-site and first-to-be-installed rotatian basis. Mechanical joint glands, bolts, and washers shall be handled and stored in a manner that will ensure proper use with respect to types and sizes. 1.09 QUALIF:fCATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 TESTING REQUIREMENTS (NOT USED) 1..11 MAINTENANCE (NOT USED) 1.12 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUALS (NOT USED) 1.13 DEFINITIONS OF BURIED, EXPOSED, AND SUBMERGED PIPING A. Buried piping is piping buried in the soil beginning at the wall or beneath the slab of a structure. Where a coating is specified, the Contractor shall provide the coating up to the structure wall. Piping encased in concrete is considered to be buried. Do not coat encased pipe. B. Exposed piping is piping in any of the following conditions or locations: C 1. Above ground. 2. Inside buildin�s, vaults, or other structures. 3. In underground concrete trenches or galleries. Submerged piping is considered to be all piping inside a wet well or tank. Bid Documents ] 5055-4 PIPING SYSTEMS—GENERAL 03720-�40-01 � � , � C� , � � � � 1� � � ' � 1� � � ' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING SYSTEM GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SCHEnULE A. Unless noted otherwise in the Drawings, piping system materials, fittings, and appurtenances are subject to requirements ofthe individual Specifications for the piping systems. 2.02 PIPING SCHEDULE (.NOT USED) 2.03 THREAD FORMING FOR STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS A. Form threads for stainless steel bolts by rollin�, not by cutting or grinding. 2.04 BOLTS AND NLJTS FOR FLANGES FOR DUCTILE IRON P1PE A. Bolts and nuts for Class l50 flanges (includin� AWWA C207, Class D) located indoors, outdoors above and below ground, and in vaults and structures shall be carban steel, ASTM A307, Grade B. B. Solts and nuts for submerged Class I 50 flanges shall be Type 304 stainless steel conforming to ASTM A193 (Grade B8) for bolts and ASTM A194 (Grade $) for nuts. Fit shall be Classes 2A conforming to ANSI Bl.l when connecting to cast- iron valves having body bolt hales. 2.05 B�LTS AND NUTS FOR FLANGES FOR STAINLESS STEEL PIPE (NOT USED) 2.06 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FLANG�S FOR PVC, CPVC AN.D FVUF PIPE (NOT USE,D) 2.07 BOLTS AND NUTS FOR FLANGES FOR STEEL PIPE (NOT USED) 2.�8 LUBRICANT FOR STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS AND NUTS A. Anti-Seize Lubricant shall be chloride free and shall be nangalling NSF approved. 2.09 GASKETS FOR FLANGES FOR STEEL, DUCTILE IRON, AND STAINLESS STEEL PIPE A. Flange gaskets shall be in accordance with AWWA C207, except as modified herein. Gaskets shall be ring type. All gasket material shall be suitable for the fluid being conveyed and shall be resistant ta free chlorine concentrations up to 10 mg/L. All gasket material shall be rated to the surge pressures listed in the pipe schedule. Gaskets shall be EPDM, Viton, or an approved equal. Bid Documents 15055-5 PIPING SYSTEMS---GENERAL 03720-040-01 2.10 GASKETS FOR .FLANGES FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS IN RAW SE WAGE A. Gaskets shall be full face, 1/S inch thick, Buna-N having a Brinell Hardness of 55 to fi5 durorneter. Gaskets shall be suitable for a water pressure of 200 psi at a temperature of 250°F. Gaskets shall have "rao�ninal" pipe size inside diameters, not the inside diameters per ANSI B 16.21. Provide Garlock Style 9122 or equal. Contractar shall verify gaskets are compatible with all chemicals being used. 2.1 ] GASKETS FOR FLANGES FOR PVC AND CPVC PIPE (NOT USED) 2.12 GASKETS FOR FLANGES FOR PVDF PIPE (NOT USED) 2.13 GASKETS FOR FLANGES FOR STAINLESS STEEL PiPE 1N CHEMICAL SERVICE (NOT USED) 2.14 POTABLE WATER PIPING SYSTEMS (NOT USED) 2.15 LUC.ATOR WIRE OR DETECTABLE PIPELINE MARKING TAPF (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Field AHgnment: 1. The piping shown on the Contract Drawings is generally indicative of the work, with symbols and notations provided for clarity. However, the Contract Drawings are not ari exact representation of all conditions involved; therefore, irtstall piping to suit actual field conditions and rneasurements as approved by the Engineer. No extra compensation will be made far work due to dif�erences between indicated and actual dimensions. 2. The Contractor shall install all adapters, fittings, flanged connections, closures, etc. not specified but nec�ssary for a complete installation acceptable to the Engineer. 3. The Contract Drawings do not indicate all adapters, fittings, spaol pieces, bushings, unians, supports, hangers, and other items required to accommodate the installation and connection of pipe, fittings, valves, and Bid Documents 15055-6 PIPING SYSTEMS—GENERAL 03720-040-01 r � ' � � � � 4. equipment of various joint designs and sizes. Provide such rcquired items of appropriate designs, materials, caatings, and linings. An extensive network af underground pipin�, duct, conduit, direct-buried conductors, and related structures ofvarious sizes, materials, alignments, age, and functian may exist within the project site. Conclusive information concerning these facilities is not available. Consequently, the design of new piping indicated on the Contract Drawings is approximate. Adjust alignment, fitting, valve, and joint locations as required and as approved by the Engineer to accommodate and protect existing facilities and provide the intended functionality of new piping. � 3.02 FIELD LAYOUT AND MODIFICATIONS � � � � � � � � � � � I_� : The Contractor, unless directed otherwise, shall be responsible far setting construction layaut stakes and/or offsets required to complete the designated work. The Contractor shall ensure that those stakes and/or offsets are protected and any re-staking required for any reason including work stoppage shall be included in the bid price and no additianal compensation to the Contractor will be made. The �ngineer has the right to make any moditications the Engineer deems necessary due to field conditions, conflicts with other utilities, or to protect other properties. 3.03 PIPE PRODUCTS 1NSPECTION A. The Cantractor shall obtain from the pipe manufacturer a certificate of inspection to the effect that the pipe, fittings, gaskets, glands, bolts, and nuts supplied for this Contract have been inspected at the plant and that they meet the reyuirements of these specifications. The Contractor shall submit these certificates to the Engineer before installing the pipe materials. The Contractar shall visually inspect all pipe and fittings at delivery before they are installed. Pipe or fittings that do not conform to these specifications or have been damaged in any manner will be rejected and the Contractor must remove them immediately. The entire product of any plant may be rejected when, in the opinion of the En�ineer, the methods or quality assurance and unifarmity of manufacturer fail to secure acceptable and uniform pipe products or where the materials used produce inferior pipe products. 3.04 REMOVAL OF EXISTING PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Pipe that is to be removed or replaced from service will have to be physically taken out of the structure. The lirnits of pipe to be removed shall be specifically Bid Documents 15055-7 ' 03720-040-01 PIPING SYSTEMS—GENERAL called for in the plans or shall be approved in writing by the Engineer. �ny other removal not speciFcally called for shall be considered incidental to construction of other items in the contract and the Contractor will not receive compensation for such work. B. The removed pipc, f tting, and appurtenances will become the Contractor's property and the Contractor shall be responsible for proper disposal and any required permits thereo% C. Regarding pip� remaining in the structure subsequent to removal of connected pipe or pipe fittings, the remaining pipes and .fittings shall be plugged ar capped as approved by the Engineer. 3.05 FLANGED JOINTS FOR EXPOSED PIPE AND �'XTTiNGS A. When bolting flanged joints, the Contractor shall take care to avoid restraint on the opposite end of the pipe or fitting, which would prevent uniforna gasket compressian or which would cause unnecessary stress in the flanges. One flange shall be free to move in any direction while the flange bolts are being ti�htened_ Bolts shall be tightened gradually and at a uniform rate to ensure uniform compressian of the gasket, in accordance with pipe and .fitting manufacturer's recommendations. B. Coat threaded portions of stainless steel bolts and nuCs with lubricant before assembly. C. Connecting to Pumping Equipment: The Contractor shall take special care when connecting to pumping equiptnent to ensure that piping stresses are not transmitted to the pump flanges. All connecting pipe shall be permanently supported so that accurate matching of bolt holes and uniform contact over the entire surface o� flanges are obtained before any bolts are installed in the flanges. In addition, pump connection piping shall be free to move parallel ta its longitudinal centerline while the bolts are being tightened. l. Each pump shall be leveled, aligned, and wedged into a position, which will fit the correcting pipe, but shall not be grouted until the initial fitting and alignment of the pipe so that the pump may be shifted on its foundation if necessary to properly install the connecting pipe. Each pump shall, however, be grouted before final bolting of the connecting piping. 2. After final alignment and bolting, th� pump connections shall be tested far applied piping stresses by loosening the flange bolts, which, ifthe piping is properly installed, should result in no movement of the piping relative Bid Documents 15055-8 PIPING SYSTEMS—GkNERAL 03720-040-0] � � ' ' ' ' � � { � r� � i � � ' � ' � 3 to the pump or opening of the pump connection joints. If any movement is observed, the piping shall be loosened and re-aligned as required and then the flan�es bolted back tagether. The flange bolts then shall be loosened and the process repeated until no movement is observed. All carbon steel bolts and nuts shall be coated with the same coating as the piping system they are used on. 3.06 FLUSHING, CLEANING, TESTING AND INSPECTION OF PI.PING A. See Section 15144, Pressure Testing of Piping, for the requirements of pipe flushing, cleaning, pressure testing and inspection requirements. 3.07 DISINFECTION (NOT USED) 3.08 SPECIAL REQUIREM.ENTS AND PIPING SPECIALTIES A. Welding: 1. Use only certified welders meeting procedures and performance outlined in Section 9 of the ASME and other codes and requirements in accordance with local building and utility requirements. Submit Welder's certifcates to the .Engineer for review before beginning any welding an the project. Welder must be certified for all positions (flat, vertical, and averhead). 2. Have all welds conform to highest industrial practice in accordance with ANSI B31.3 and ANSI B31.1 or other codes and r�quirements in accordance with local building and utility requirements. 3.09 PIPE COLOR CODING A. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer and the Owner to generate a list of acceptable pipe colors for exposed piping systems. Where color-coding is achieved by painting exterior surfaces of the piping systems, painting shall be provided in accardance with Section 09900, Painting, and Coating. END OF SECTiON Bid Documents 15055-9 PIPING SYSTEMS�ENE1tAL � 03720-040-01 1 ' � � � , � ' r ' � 1 � ' � � � � � SECTION 15110 MANUAL, CHECK, AND PRQCESS VALVES PAR"1' 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and install complete and ready for operation all valves as shown in the Drawings and as specified in this Section. All valves shall be complete with all necessary manual actuators, valve boxes, extension stems, and floor stands, which are reyuired for proper valve aperation and completion of the work. 1. All valves shall be of the sizes shown in the Drawings. All equipment of the same type shall be from one manufacturer, unless authorized in writing by the Engineer. 2. The valves shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Check valves b. Plug valves 1.02 RELATED WORK A C Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. Section 09900, Painting and Coating. Section 15055, Piping Systems�eneral. 1.03 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit the following in accordance with the requirements of Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. Product technical submittal data shall contain the fallowing information and data: Bid 17ocuments 03720-040-0] 1. Acknowledgment that products submitted meet reyuirements of standards referenced. 2. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 3. Manufacturer's operation and maintenance manuals. 4. Data of valves, actuators, and accessories: 15110-1 MANUAL, CHECK, ANU P�i(�ESS VALVES b. c. d. e. f. g• Pressure and temperature rating. Materials of construction, with ASTM reference and �rade. Linings and coatings. Dimensions and weight. T�low coeffcient. Actuatars and accessories details. Manufacturer's product brochure, cut-sheets, and parts diagrams. B. Dimensions and arientation of valve actuators as insCalled on the valves. Shaw location of internal stops for gelr actuators. State differential pressure and fluid velocity used to size actuators. For worm-gear actuators, state the radius of the gear sector in contact with the worm and state the handwheel diameter. , ' � ' ��L I � �7 C. The following tesC reports: Performance Tests; Leakagc 7'ests; Hydrostatic Tests; and Proof-of-Design Tests as applicable or r�quired. , I .04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USE.D) 1.06 QUAL]TY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) 1.07 WARRANTIES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditions and Specification Section 0178p, Warranties and Bonds. 1.08 DELIVE.RY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. The Contractor shall adhere to the requirements specified in Section 0165�, Delivery, Storage, and Handling, for storage and protection ofthe items specified in this Section. B. All valves, unless otherwise directed, shall be loaded and unlaaded by lifting, and under no circumstances shall valves be dropped, skidded, or rolled. Valves shall not be stacked or placed under pipe, fittings, or other valves in such a manner that damage could result. C. Slings, hooks, or tongs used for lifting shall be padded in such a manner as to prevent damage to exterior surface ar interior linings and valve components. If any part ofthe coating, lining, or camponents is damaged, the repairs ar replacernent shall be made by the Contractor at his expense and in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer before attempting installation of such valves. Bid Documents 15110-2 MANUAL, CHECK, AND PROCESS VALVES 03720-040-01 1 ' 1 1 ' � � � 1 1 ' ' � 1 , � � 1 � D. Only new valves will be allowed far installation and shall be stored in a manner to prevent damage and be kept free of dirt, mud, or other debris. 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS A. All of the valves shall be products of well-established frrms which are fully experienced, reputable, have been selling this product for a minimum of 10 years, and are qualified in the manufacture of the particular product furnished. The valves shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the requirements and procedures of applicable AWWA standards and shall connply with thes� Specifications as applicable. 1.10 M�INTFNANCE (NOT USED) l.l 1 OP�RATIONS AND MAINTE,NANCE (O&M) MANUALS A. Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be in accordance with General Conditions and Specifcation Section 01830, Operations and Maintenance Manuals. 1..12 VALVE TYPE CLASSIFICATIONS A. Check Valves (Type 400 series): 1. Type 420: Cast Iron Swing Check Valves, 4 inches and Larger B. Plug Valves (Type 900 series): 1. Type 920: Cast-lro►a Non-lubricated Eccentric Plug Valves, 4 Inches and Larger. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. B. Bid Documents �3720-040-01 Valves are identified in the Drawings by size and type number. For example, a callout of 36V300 refers to a 36-in-diameter Type 300 valve. A Type 300 valve is a flanged, rubber-seated butterfly valve that is 4 inches through �2 inches for exposed service. All valves shall be complete with all necessary geared actuators, chainwheels and chains, handwheels, levers, valve bannets, valve boxes, extensian stems, operating nuts, and T-handl� wrenches, which are required for proper valve 15110-3 MANUA.L, CHECK, AND PROCESS VALVES C� operating and completing of the work included under this Section. Renewable parts including discs, packing, and seats shall be of types speci�ed in this Section and acceptable by valve manufacturer for the intended service. All units shall have the name of the manufacturer and the size of the valve cast on the body or bonnct or shown on a permanently attached stainless steel plate in raised embossed letters. All isolation valves shall be suitable for the intended service with bubble-tight shutoff to flow in either direction. Bronze or brass components in contact with water shall comply with the following requirements: Constituent Content Zinc 7% maximum A]uminum 2% maximum Lead 8% maximum Co er + Nickel + Silicon 83% minimum D. Valves and valve operators shall be factory prepared and primed and field finish coated in accordance with Section U9900, Painting and Coating. 2.02 VALVE ACTUATORS A. The valve actuator shall be an integra] part ofa valve. The valve actuator shall be provided, installed, and adjusted by the valve manufacturer. Actuator rx�ounting arrangements shall facilitate operation and maintenance and shall be determined by the valve manufacturer unless indicated oCherwise on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. B. All valves shall open counter clockwise as viewed from the top. Unless otherwise required by the Owner, the direction of rotation of the wheel or wrench nut to apen each valve shall be to the left (counterclockwise). Each valve body or actuator shall have the word "Open" cast on it and an arrow indicating che direction to open. C. Actuators shall clearly indicate valve position and an adjustable stop shall be provided to set closing torque. All exposed nuts, bolts, and washers shall be AISI Type 304 stainless steel. Unless noted ot}aerwise, valves shall be equipped with the following manual actuators_ 1. 2. Exposed valves 6 inches and smaller: rertaovable lever or handwheel actuators. Exposed valves 8 inches and larger: geared actuators with handwheels. Bid Documents ]5110-4 MANUAL, CHECK, AND PROCESS VALVFS 03720-040-01 1 , � 3. f3uried or Submerged Valves 6 inches and smaller: 2-inch-square operating nuts (with valve bonnets, valve boxes, and extension stems as required) and T-handle wrench. , 1 1�7 ' 4. Buried or Submerged Valves $ inches and larger: Geared actuators with 2- inch-syuare operating nuts (with valve bonnets, valve boxes, and extension stems as required) and wrench. Levers or handwheels shall be provided to actuate the valves where the valves are located within 6 feet and 7 inches from finished grade or the operating floor. Handwheels shall be constructed of ductile iron. Levers and handwheels shall be coated in accordance with Section 09900, Painting and Coating. Handwheel ' diameters far traveling nut actuators shall not exceed 8 inches for valves 12 inches and smaller and shall not exceed 12 inches for valves 20 inches and � ' , ' � i , 1 ' �J �' smaller. �. Chainwheel and guide actuators shall be provided far all exposed valves installed with their centerlines more than 6 feet and 9 inches abave finished grade. Chainwheels shall be cast iron with stainless steel stem, clip, and pins. The actuating c hain s ha l l be A 1 S i Type 304 SS. Stainless steel chain baskets shall also be provided with these units. Chainwheels shall be coated in accordance with Section 09900, Painting and Coating. Chainwheels and guides shall be Clow Figure F-5680, DeZurik Series W or LWG, Stockham, or equal. F. Gear actuators for valves 8 inches through 20 inches shal l be of the worm-and- gear or of the traveling-nut type. Gear actuators for valves 24 inches and larger shall be of the worm-and-gear type. Gear actuators for motorized valves shall be oithe worm-and-�ear type, regardless of size. 3. Gear actuators should be designed assuming that the differential pressure across the valves is equal to the test pressure of the connectin� piping and assuming a line �luid temperature range of 33°F to 125°F unless otherwise required in the detailed valve specifications. Gear actuatars shall be enclosed and oil lubricated with seals provided on shafts to prevent entry of dirt and water into the actuator. Gear actuators for valves located aboveground or in vaults and structures shall have handwheels. The actuators for valves in exposed service shall contain a dial indicating the position of the valve disc or plug. Traveling nut and worm-and-gear actuators shall be of the totally enclosed design and propartioned to permit operation ofthe valve under full Bid Documents 15110-5 MANUAI., CHECK, AND PRUCE55 VALVES � 03720-040-01 differential pressure rating of the valve with a maximum pull of 80 paunds on the handwlaeel or crank. Stop-limiting devices shall be provided in the actuators in the open and closcd positions. Actuators shall be ofthe self locking type to prevent the disc or plug from creeping. Design actuator components between the input and thc stop-limiting devices to withstand withaut damage a pull of 200 pounds i'or handwheel or chainwheel actuators and an input tarque of 300 foot-pounds :For operating nuts when operatin� against the stops. 4. Self-lockin� worm �ear shall be a one-piece design of gear bronze material (ASTM B427; or ASTM B584, Alloy C8b200) that is accurately machine cut. Actuators for eccentric and lubricated plug valves may use ductile-iron gears provided the gearing is totally enclosed with spring- loaded rubber lip seals on the shafts. The worm shall b� hardened alloy steel (ASTM A322, Grade G41500 or G41400; or AS"�"M Al4$, Grade 105-$S) with thread ground and polished. Support worm-gear sha$s at each end by ball or tapered rol ler bearings. The reduction gearing shall run in a proper lubricant. The handwheel diameter shall be no rr�ore than twice the radius of the gear sector in contact with the worm. Worm-gear actuators shall be Limitarque Model HBC, EIM Series W, or equal. G. �or buried or submerged service, provide watertight shaft seals and watertight valve and actuator cover gaskets. Provide totally enclosed actuators designed for buried or submerged service. H. All buried valves shall have non-rising stems. All buried valves located 3 fect below grade or deeper as measured at the valve centerline shall be furnish�d with an operator stem extension to extend the operating nut within fi inches from the top of th� valve box cover. 2.03 VALVE END CONNECTIONS A. Provide valve end connections confarming to connected piping and as shown in the Drawings. Generally, al.l buried valves shall be mechanical joint type end connectors. Exposed valves shall be screwed-end, socket-weld end, or flanged to conform to adjacent exposed connected piping system. B. Comply with the following standards: 1. Threaded: ANSI B1.20.1 2. Flanged: ANSI B16.1 Class 125 ur�less otherwise noted or AWWA C2Q7. 3. Mechanical (gland) Type: AWWA C111. 4. Soldered: ANSI B16.1$. Bid Documents 15110-6 MANUAL, CIiECK, AND PROCE55 VALVES 03720-040-01 , �I , , ' , ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' 1 �� , , C. Nuts, Bolts, and Washers: Wetted or internal to be bronze or stainless steel. �xposed to be zinc or cadmium-plated. D. Epoxy Interior Coating: Provide epoxy coating for all interiors of ferrous valve body surfaces in accordance with AWWA C550. Coatings shall be NS}-�-approved for valves .in aU potable water piping services. Caatings shall not be required for stainless steel valve interiors. 2.04 VA1�VE BOXES A. All buried valves, 2-inch size and larger, shall be equipped with a standard cast iron roadway valve box. Valve boxes shall be ofthe slip or sliding type with a round lid marked "Water" for potable water valves or "Sewer" for wastewater and a square lid marked "Reclaimed Water" for reclaimed water valves. The box shall be designed to prevent transfer af the surface loads directly to the valve or piping. Valve boxes must have a minimum adjustable range of 12 inches and a minimum inner diameter of 6 inches. All valve boxes and lids shall be produced from grey cast iron conforming to the latest revision of specifcatiott for grey iron castings, ASTM designation A�B, Class 20A-25A. A11 castings shall be true and free of holes and shall be cleaned according to good foundry praccice, chipped and graund as needed to remove fins and rough places on castings. Valve boxes have ta be rated to sustain FDOT H-20 loadings and have a minimum depth of 8 I:� C�J 1�7 inches. The valve box lid shall fit flush in the top of the box without forcing and shall not rock, tip, or rattle. Provide debris cap as required in the Drawings. Coat buried cast-iron pieces as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating, System No. 2l or with fusion-bonded epaxy. Valve boxes shall be as manufactured by Tyler Pipe, Geneco, Star Pipe Products, or equal. 2.05 EXTENSIQN STEMS A. Where the depth of the valve is such that its centerline is more than 4 feet below grade, provide operating extension stems to bring the operating nut to a point 6 inches below the surface of the ground and/or box cover. Where the valve is submerged, provide operating extension stems to bring the operating nut to 6 inches above the water surface. Extension sterns shall be Type 316 stainless steel, solid core, and shall be complete with 2-inch-square operating nut. The connections of the extension stems to the operating nuts and to the valves shall withstand without damage a pull of 300 foot-paunds. Bid Documents 15110-7 MANUAL, C}SECK, AND PROCESS VALVES ' 03720-040-01 B. Extension stern diameters shall be as tahulated beJow: C�l Minimum Extension Valve Size Stem Diameter (inches (inches 2 '/4 3, 4 7/8 6 1 8 ]-1/8 10, 12 1-1/4 14 1-3/8 16, 1$ 1-ri2 20, 24, 30, 36 1-3/4 42, 48, 54 2 Provide buried valves or valves located inside manholes or vaults with valve boxes cast in the manhole or vault roof with a valve position indicator designed to fit standard S-1/4-inch valve boxes. The indicators shall show valve position and the direction and number of turns required to fiully open (or close). All internal gearing shall be sealed. Ship each unit ready for field installation complete with valve box cast-iron adapter, capscrews, �uide bushing, position indicator, flexible washer, centering plate, and 2-inch AWWA nut. Valve box and indicator shall be provided by the valve manufacturer. Indicators shall be Westran �'asition ]ndicator, Pratt Diviner, or equal. 2.06 FLOOR STANDS A. When required by the installatians, provide floor stands for the operation of valves. Floor stands shall be of the nonrising stem, indicating type, complete with steel extension stems, couplings, handwheels, stem guide brackets, and special yoke attachments as required by the valves and recommended and supplied by the stand manufacturer. �'loor stands shall be cast-iron base type: Clow, Figure F- 5515; Bingham and Taylor; Stockham; or equal_ :Handwheels shall turn counterclockwise to open the valves. � � I �; Provide Type 316 stainless steel anchor bolts. Prov�de Type 316 stamless steel extension stems for valves in exposed service. Provide Type 316 stainless steel stems for valves in submerged service. Provide adjustable stem guide brackets for extension stems. The bracket shall allow valve stems to be set over a range of 2 to 36 inches from walls. Provide bushings drilled to accept up to 2-inch-diameter stems. Base, arm, and clamp shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Bushing shall be bronze (ASTM B584, Alloy C86400 or C8360�). Bolts, nuts, screws, and washers (including wall anchor balts) shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Provide slots in the bracket to accept 3/4-inch bolts Bid Doc:uments 15110-8 MANUAL, CT-IECK, AND PROCESS VALVES 03720-040-01 1 1 , 1 � � 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 IL] � ' 1 ' �� ' for mounting the bracket to the wall. Products: Trumbull Industries, Inc., Adjustable Stem Guide or equal. 2.07 B�LTS, NUTS, AND GASKETS FOR FLANGED VALVES A. Bolts, nuts, and gaskets for f7anged valves shall be as described in Section 15055, Piping Systems—General. 2.08 PAINTING AND COATING A. Coat metal valves located aboveground or in vaults and structures the same as the adjacent piping. If the adjacent piping is not coated, then coat valves as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating, 5ystem N�. 15. Apply the specified prime and finish coat at the place of manufacture. The Fnish coat shall match the color of the adjacent piping. Coat handwheels the same as the valves. S. Coat buried metal valves at the place of manu.facture as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating, System No. 2l . G Coat submerged metal valves, stem guides, extension sterns, and bonnets at the place of manufacture as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating, System No. 2. D. Line the interior rnetal parts af inetal valves 4 inches and larger, excluding seating areas and bronze and stainless steel pieces, as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating, System No. 2. Apply lining at the place of manufacture. E. Coat floor stands as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating, System No. 15. F. Test the valve interior linings and exterior caatings at the factory with a low- voltage (22.5 to 80 volts, with approximately 80,000-ohm resistance) holiday detector, using a sponge saturated with a 0.5% sodium chloride solution. The lining shall be holiday free. G. Measure the thickness of the valve interiar linings as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating. Repair areas having insufficient film thickness as speci�ed in Section 09900, Painting and Coating. 2.09 CHECK VALVES (TYPE 400 SERIES) Check valves for the dewatering pump station shall be Type 420 as specified belaw. Bid Documents 15110-9 Mr1NUAL, CHECK, AND PROCESS VALVES 03720-040-01 A. Type 420—Cast-7ron Swing Check Valves with Outside .Lever and Weight, 4 ]nches and larger: Check valves 4 inches and larger shall be swing-check type with outside lever and weight and shall permit free flow of sewage forward and provide a positive check against backflow. Check valves shall be designed for a minimum warking pressure of 150 psi. The manufacturer's name, initials, or trademark and also the size of the valve, working pressure, and direction of flow shall be directly cast on the body. Swing check valves shall exceed the roinimum requirements of AWWA C50$ with a heavy- duty body of cast-iran conforming to ASTM A126 Class B with integral flanges, faced and drilled in accordance with ASME B16.1 Class 125. Bolts, nuts, washers, etc., shall be 316 stainless-steel. The valve body shall bc the full waterway type, designed to provide a net filow not less than the nominal inlet pipe size when swung open no more than 25°. The valve shall have a rEplaceable stainless-steel body seat, a cast-iron disc faced with a renewable resilient seat rin� of rubber and held in place by stainless-steel screws. The disk arm shall be ductile-iron�or steel, suspended from and keyed to a stainless-steel shaft, which is completely above the waterway and supported at each end by heavy bronze bushings. The sbarC shall rotate freely without the need for external lubrication. The shaft shall be sealed where it passes through the body by means of a stuffing box and adjustable packing. Simple O-ring shaft seals are not acceptable. The valve interior shall be painted with epoxy coating by the valve manufacturer in accordance with AWWA CS50. The check valve shall be GA Industries, l.nc. Figure 220 Lever and Weight or approved equal. 2.10 PLUG (TYPE 900 SERIES) Plug valves for the dewatering pump station shall be Type 920 as specified below. A. Plug and Seating Design for Eccentric Plug Valves (Types 900, 910, 915, 920, and 925): Eccentric plug valves shall comply with MSS SP-108 and the following. Provide a rectangular or circular plug design, with an associated rectangular or round seat. Provide bidirectional seating design. The valve shall seat with the rated pressure both upstream and downstream of the closed plug. Provide geared actuators sized for bidirectional operation. B. For Types 900, 910, 915, 920, and 92S eccentric plug valves, the metallic portion of the plug shall be one-piece design and shall be without external reinfbrcing ribs which result in a space between the rib and the main body of the plug through which water can pass. Valves shall be repackable without any disassembly of valve or actuator. The valve shall be capable of being repacked while under the Bid Documents ] 5110-10 MANUAL, CHECK, AND PROCESS VALVES 03720-U40-01 � � design pressure in the open position_ Nawhere in the valve or actuators shall the i valve shaft be exposed ta iron on iron contact. Sleeve bearings shall be stainless steel in valve sizes 20 inches and smaller and bronze or stainless steel in valve 1 i 1 � , � ' , � � � , � , 1 � sizes 24 inches and larger. Provide enclosed worm-gear actuators for valves 6 inches and larger. Rubber cornpounds shall have less than 2% volume increase when tested in accordanc� with ASTM D471 after being immersed in distilled water at a temperature of 73.4°F f2°F for 70 hours. D. Lubricated Plug Valves (Types 930, 935, 940, 945, 950, 955, 970, and 980): .Plug coating shall be Teflon or nylon, permanently bonded to the plug. Sody, gland, and cover capscrews and bolts and nuts shall be Type 316 stainless steel high- strength alloy steel (ASTM A193, Grade B7). Provide operating and sealant extensions for buried valves. E. Type 920—Cast-Iron Non-Lubricated Eccentric Plug Valve 4 Inches and Larger: 1. Flug valves 4 inches and larger shall be of the non-lubricated eccentric type with resilient faced plugs and shall be furnished with flanges or mechanical joint end connections.to match connecting piping and as shown in the Drawings. Flanged valves shall be 125-1b flanges and faced and drilled to the ANSI B16.1, 125-1h standard. Mechanical joint ends shall conform to AWWA Standard C 111. Valve bodies shall be of ASTM A126 Class S cast iron. Valves shall be furnished with a welded overlay seat of not less than 90% pure nickel. Seat area shall be raised, with raised surface completely covered with weld to ensure that the plug face contacts only nickel. Screwed-in seats shall nat be acceptable. The plug shall have a cylindrical seating surface eccentrically offset from the center of the plug shaft. The interference between the plug face and body seat, with the plug in the closed position, shall be externally adjustable in the field with the valve in the line under pressure. Plugs shall be resilient faced with Hycar (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene) or Buna N, formulated and constructed to be suitable far use with wastewater. Minimum port areas shall be 8�% of full pipe flow area. Valves shall have sleeve-type metal bearings and shall be of sintered, oil-impregnated, permanently lubricated Type 3l6 ASTM. Nonmetallic bearings shall not be acceptable. Valve shaft seals shall be of the multiple V-ring type or U-cup type and shall be externally adjustable and replaceable without removing the bonnet or actuator from the valve under pressure. Valves using O-ring seals or non-adjustable packing shall not be acceptable. All expased nuts, bolts, springs, washers, and other fasteners shall be 300-series stainless steel. Valve working pressure ratings shall be a minimum of 150 psi. Each valve shall be given a hydrostatic and s�at test with certifred copies of proof-of-design test reports as outlined in Bid Documents 15110-11 MANUAL, CHECK, AND PROCESS VALVES , 03720-040-01 AWWA C 504, Section 5.5. Plug valves shall be manufactured by DeZurik Water Controls, PEC Series; Bulletin 12.0�-1 D; Henry Pratt Company, Bal lcentric Series; or approved equal. PART 3 LXECU"1'.ION 3.01 JOINTS A. Bolt holes of f7anged valves shall straddle ihe horizontal and vertical centerlines ofthe pipe run to which the valves are attached. Clean flanges by wire brushing befare installing flan�ed valves. Clean Ilange bolts and nuts by wire brushing, lubricate threads with oil and graphite, and tighten nuts uniformly and progressively. lf fi]anges leak under pressure testing, loosen or remove the nuts and bolts, reseat or replace the gasket, reinstall or retighten the bolts and nuts, and retest the joints. Joints shall be watertight. B. Clean threaded joints by wire brushing or swabbing. Apply Tef7on joint compound or Teflon tape to pipc thrEads before installing threaded valves. Joints shall be watertight. C � Install ]ug-type valves with separate hex head machine bolts at each bolt hole and each flange (two bolts per valve bolt hole). Install grooved-end couplings for valves in accordance with Section ].5�55, Piping Systems—General. 3.02 1NSTALLING EXPOS�,D VALVES A. Unless otherwise indicated in the drawings, anstall valves in horizontal runs of pipe having centerline elevations 4 feet 6 inches or less above the floar wiCh their. operating stems vertical. Install valves in horizontal runs of pipe having centerline elevations between 4 feet 6 inches and 6 feet 9 inches above the floor with their operating stems horizantal. B. rnstall valves on vertical runs of pipe that are next to walls with their stems horizontal, away from the wall. Valves on vertical runs of pipe that are not located next to walls shall be installed with their stems horizontal, oriented to facilitate valve operation. 3.03 1NSTALLING BURIED VALVES A. Connect the valve, coat the flanges, apply tape wrapping or polyethylene encasement as required on the Drawings, and place and compact the back�ll to the height of the valve stem. Bid Documents 15110-12 MANLTAL, CHECK, ANI7 PROCESS VALVES 03720-00.0-01 1 � � � � � � � ' � � � � � � � , � B. Place black pads under the extension pipe to maintain the valve box vertical during backfilling and repaving and to prevent the extension pipe fiom cantacting the valve bannet. C. Mount the upper slip pipe of the extensian in midposition and secure with backfill around the extension pipe. Pour the concrete ring allowing a depression so the valve box cap will be flush with the pavement surface. D. ln streets without concrete curbs and in apen areas, install the valve box as for a paved area with concrete curb except include a marker post. Cut the marker post from 4-inch-by-4-inch dense structural grade Douglas tir No. 2 or Southern Pine No. 2 surfaced on four sides to a length of 5 feet. Chamfer the top. Set the post in cancrete, 2 feet into the ground, away from traffic, and to the side of the pipeline. Coat with a seal and finish coat of white alkyd exterior paint. On the side f`acing the valve, letter in black the word "VALVE" and the distance in feet from the marker post to the valve box cap. E. Install d�bris cap as close as possible under the cast-iron cover without interfering with the cover operation. Trim flexible skirt to provide a smooth contact with the interior or the extension pipe. 3.04 INSTALLING EXTENSION STEM GUIDE BRACKETS A. Install extension stem guide brackets at 6- to $-foot centers. Provide at least two support brackets for stems longer than 10 feet, with one support near the bottom of the sCem and one near the top. 3.05 F1ELD COATING BURI�D VALVES A. Coat flanges of buried valves and the flanges af the adjacent piping and the bolts and nuts of flanges and mechanical joints, as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating, System No. 24. B_ Wrap buried metal valves 6 inches and larger with polyethylene sheet as specified in Section 15 ] 55, Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings. 3.06 VALVE LEAKAGE AND FIELD TESTING A. Test valves for leakage at the same time that the connecting pipelines are tested. See Section 15144, Pressure Testing of Piping, for pressure testing requirements. Protect or isolate any parts of valves, actuatars, or control and instrumentation systems whose pressure rating is less than the pressure test. Valves shall show zero leakage. Repair or replace any leaking valves and retest. Bid Documents 15110-13 MANUAL, CHECK, AND PAOCESS VALVES 03720-040-01 B. Operate manual valves through three full cycles of opening and closing. Valves shall operate from full open to full close without sticking or bindang. Do not backfill buried valves until after verifying that valves operate from full open to full closed. If valves stick or bind, or do not operate trom full open to full closed, repair or replace the valve and repeat the tests. G Test gear actuators through Chree from full-open to full-close cycles without binding or sticking. The pull required to operate handwhee]- or chainwheel- operated valves shall not exceed 80 pounds. The torque required to operate valves having 2-inch AWWA nuts shall not exceed 150 foot-pounds. lf actuators stick or bind or if pulling forces and torques exceed the values stated previously, repair or replace the actuators and repeat the tests. Operators shall be lubricatcd in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations before operating. END OF SECTION Bid 1]ocuments 151 ]0-]4 MANUAL, CHECK, AND PROC�SS VALVES 03720-040-01 t � � ' � � ' � � ' � � ' � ' � � � � SECTI�N 15144 PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING PART1 GENERAL 1.O1 SCOP� OF WORK A. This Section specifies the hydrostatic, pneumatic, and leakage testing of pressure piping fox purnping stations. 1.02 REL,A`T'ED WORK A. Section O1500, "t'emporary Facilities and Controls. 1.03 SUI3MITTALS The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. Test bulkhead locations and desi�n calculations, pipe attachment details, and methods to prevent excessive pipe wall stresses. S. Six copies af the test records to the Engineer upon completion of the testing. 1.0� WORK SEQUENCE (NOT LJSED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference standards and recommended practices referred to in this Specification Section shall be the latest revision of any such document in effect at the bid time. The following documents are a part of this Section. Where this Section differs from these documents, the requirements of this Section shall apply. A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards: 1. AWWA C600—Standard for Installation of Ductile iron Water Mains. 2. AWWA C605—Standard for Underground Installation ofPalyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Water. 1.06 QUAL.ITY ASSURANCE (NOT USED) Bid Documents 03720-040-01 fFiC!II. PKESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 1.07 WARRANTIES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditions and Specifcation Section 01780, Warranties and Bonds. 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLJNG A. The Contractor shall adhere to the requircments specif ed in Section O1(50, Delivery, Storage, and Handlin�, for storing and pratectin� the items speci :ired in this Section. 1.09 QUALIFICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 TEST PRESSURCS A. Test pressures for the various services and types of piping are shown in the table below. At a minimunn the Cantractor shall perform pressure and leakage test at l.5 times the maximum system pressure or 1 QQ psi, whichever is greater (based on the elevation or the lowest point af the section under test and corrected for gage location) unless othErwise indicated in the table below_ Description Location Pipe Pipe Type of VVorking Test Pressure Size Material Service Pressure si si � Pump Dewatering Pump 6" DIP Pressure 30 psi ] 00 psi dischar e Station 1.11 TESTING RECORDS A. : C The Contractor shall provide records of each piping installation during the testing. These records shall include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date and times of test. Identifcation of process, pipeline, or pipeline section tested or retested. Identification of pipeline material. Tdentification of pipe specification. Test fluid. Test duration. Test pressure at low point in process, pipeline, or pipeline section. Remarks: Leaks identifed (type and location), types of repairs, or corrections made. Bid Documents 15144-2 PRESSUKE TESTING OF PIPING 03720-040-01 , � � r � r� L� � � �_ � 1.12 f��j D. Certification by Contractar that the leakage rate measured conformed to the Specifications. MAINTENANCE (NUT USED) OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANC� (O&M) MANUALS (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 VENTS AND DRA.iNS FOR ABOVEGROUND PIPING A. The Contractor shall install vents an the high points of aboveground piping, whether shown in the Drawings ar not. Install drains on low points of abovegraund piping, whether shown in the Urawings or not. Provide a valve at each vent or drain point. Valves shall be 3/4 inch for piping 3 inches and larger and 1/2 inch for piping smal ler than 3 inches. Valves shall be ball or �ate valves unless otherwise shown on the Urawings. Valves shall be rated for the pressure of the adjacent piping and shall be suitable for use with the adjacent pipe material. � 2.02 MANUAI.� AIR-RELEASE VALVFS FOR BURIED PIPING A. The Contractor shall provide temporary manual air-re]ease valves at test � bulkheads for pipeline test. Construct the pipe autlet in the same manner as for a permanent air valve and, after use, seal with a blind flange, pipe cap, or plug and coat the same as the adjacent pipe. � � �� � � � � 2.03 TEST SULKHEADS A. The Contractor shall design and fabricate test bulkheads in accordance with Section VIII of the ASME Soiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Materials shall comply with Part UCS of the code. Design pressure shall be at least 2.0 tim�s the specified test pressure for the section of pipe containing the bulkhead. Limit stresses ta 70% of yield strength af the bulkhead material at the bulkhead design pressure. lnclude air-release and water drainage connectians. 2.04 TESTING FLUID A. The �wner will provide a source ofsupply from the existing treated water distribution system for the Contractor's use in filNng the lines. An air break shall be maintained at all times between the Owner's distribution system and the Contractor's eyuipment to prevent cross-connection. The line shall be slowly filled with water and the specified test pressure shall be maintained in the pipe for the entire test period by means of a pump fumished by the Contractor. Provide Bid Documents 15144-3 PRESSURE TE5TING OF PIPING , 03720-040-01 S. C. D. E. F. accurate means for measuring th� quantiCy of water required to maintain this pressure. The amount of water required is a measure of the leakage. Testing fluid shall bc reclaimed water unless a pneumatic test is indacated an the Drawings. For fuel oil piping, use poCable water for hydrostatic testing and �ushing. For potable water pipelines, obtain and use only potable watcr for hydrostatic testing. Submit request for use of water fram waterlines of Uwner 48 hours in advance. The Contractar shall provide back flow prevention control for temporary connections to existing water mains. 2.05 TESTING EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor shall provide calibratcd pressure gauges, pipes, bulkheads, pumps, compressors, chart recorder, and meters to perform the hydrostatic testing. The Contractor shall provide any necessary assistance required far testing. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TESTING PREPARATION A. Pipes shall be in place, backfilled, and anchor�d before beginning pressure tesCing. B. The Contractor shall conduct pressure tests on exposed and aboveground piping after the piping has been installed and attached to the pipe supports, hangers, anchors, expansion joints, valves, and meters. C. For buried piping, the pipe may be partially backftlled and the joints left exposed for inspection during an initial leakage test. .H.owever, perform the final pressure test after completely back�lling and compacting the trench. D. Provide any temporary piping needed to carry the test fluid to the pipittg Chat is to be tested. After the test has been completed and demonstrated to comply with the Specifications, disconnect and remove temporary piping. Da not remove exposed vent and drain valves at the high and low points in the tested pipin�; remove any temporary buried valves and cap the associated outlets. Plug taps or connections to the existing pipittg from which the test fluid was obtained. Bid Documents 15144-4 PRESSURE TEST'1NG OF P1F'ING 03720-040-01 ! l-� ' E. Provide temporary drain lines needed to carry testing fluid away from the pipe being tested. Remove such temporary drain lines after completing the pressure testing. � � r r� 1 � �� � r�� ' � r r � � F. Before starting the test, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the Owner's Representative. 3.02 CLEANING A. Before conducting hydrostatic tests, the Contractor shall f7ush pipes with water to remove dirt and debris. For pneumatic tests, blow air through the pipes. Maintain a flushin� velocity of at least 3 fps for water testing and at least 2,000 fpm for pneumatic testin�. Flush pipes for the period given by the formula 21, T= 3 in which: T T flushing time (seconds) L = pipe length (feet). B. For pipelines 24 inches or larger in diameter, acceptable alternatives to flushing are use of high-pressure water jet, sweeping, or scrubbing_ Water, sediment, dirt, and foreign material accumulated during this cleaning operation shall be discharged, vacuumed, or otherwise removed from the pipe. 3.03 TESTING ANU DISINFECTION SEQUENCE FOR POTABLE WATER PiP1NG (NOT USED) 3.Q4 LENGTH OF TEST SECTION FOR BURIED PIPING A. The maximum length of test section for buried pipe of 12 inches or smaller in diameter is 3,500 Feet; for buried pipe larger than 12 inches, l mile. Provide intermediate test bulkheads where the pipeline length exceeds these limits. 3.05 INITIAL P]PELINE FI1,LING FOR HYDROSTATIC TESTING A. The maximum rate of f Iling shall not cause the water velocity in the pipeline to exceed 1 fps. Filling may be facilitated by removing automatic air valves and releasing air manually. Bid Documents 15144-5 PRES3URE TESTING OF PI{'(NG , 03720-040-01 3.06 TESTING NEW PIPE WHICH CONN:ECTS TO �XISTING PIP� A. [3efore testing new pipelines that are to be connected to existing pipelines, thc Contractor shall isolate the new line from the existing line by test bulkheads, spectacle flanges, or blind flanges. After the new line has been successfully tested, remove test bulkheads or flanges and connect ta the existing piping. 3.07 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF ABOVEGROUND OR EX}�OSED PIPING A. Open vents at high points of the piping system to purge air while the pipe is being f lled with water. Venting during system filling may also be provided by temporarily loosening flanges. S. Subject the piping system to the test pressure indicated in this Section. Maintain the test pressure for a minimum of 2 hours. Examine joints, �ttings, valves, and connections for leaks. The piping system shall show zero leaka�e or weeping. Correct leaks and retest until zero leakage is obtained. 3.08 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF BURIED PIPING A. Where any section of the piping contains coa�crete thrust blocks or encasement, the Contractor shall not make the pressure test until at least 10 days after the concrete has been placed. When testing mortar-lined or PVC piping, fill the pipe to be tested with water and allow it to soak for at ]east 2a hours to absorb water be�'ore conducting the pressure test. : C� Apply and tnaintain the test pressure by a positive displacement hydraulic :force puanp. Maintain the test pressure for the 2 hours by restoring the pressure whenever it falls 5 psi_ D. Aft�r the test pressure is reached, use a meter to measure the additional water added to maintain the pressure. This amount of water is the loss due to leakage in the piping system. The allowable leakage for this pipe installation shall be zero. E. The leakage test shall be a separate test following the pressure test and shall not be less than 2 hours long. All leaks evident at the surface shall be repaired and leakage eliminated regardless of the total1eakage as shown by test. Lines that fail to meet tests shall be repaired and retested as necessary until test reyuirements are complied with. Defective materials, pipes, valves, and accessories shall be rernoved and replaced. F. The allowable leakage for buried piping having threaded, brazed, or welded (including solvent welded) joints shall be zero. Bid Documents ] 5144-6 PItG55URE TESTING OF PIPING 03720-040-01 i i � ' � , � ' , � � � I � � r � � � G. Submit plan for testing to the Engineer for review at least 10 days before starting the test. H. Peening shall nat be used to repair pinhole leaks in welded pipes. Any leakage in welded pipes shall be repaired by appropriate welding techniques. I. Repair and retest any pipes showing leakage rates greater than that allowed in the criteria above. 3.09 HYDROSTATIC FLUSHING AND TESTING OF FUEL O1L PJPING (NOT USED) 3.10 PRESSURE TESTING OF DOUBLE-WALLED CONTAINMENT PIPING (NOT USED) 3.1 1 REPETITION OF TEST A. If the actual leakage exceeds the allowable leakage, locate and correct the faulty work and repeat the test. Restore the work and all damage resulting from the leak and its repair. Eliminate visible leakage. 3.12 Bl]IaKHEAD AND T�ST FACILITY REMOVAL I1 Bid Documents 03720-040-01 After a satisfactory test, the Contractor shall remove the testing fluid, remave test bulkheads and other test facilities, and restore the pipe coatings/linings. END OP SECTION 15141-7 PRE55URF TESTING OF PIPING i 1 � � � � � ' � � � � r � � � � � � SECTION 15155 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS PART1 GENERAL 1Al SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall provide all materials and incidentals including piping, fittings, flanged joints, for ductile iron piping, frttings, valves, and appurtenances far the ductile iron piping systems required for the work, as shown an the Drawings. 1.02 RE.LATED WORK A. B. Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance. Sectian 09900, Painting and Coating. Section 15055, Piping Systems—General. 1.03 SUSIv1ITTALS The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01330, Submittals and Acceptance: A. All ductile iron pipe and fittings to be installed under this Contract shall be inspected and tested at the foundry where the material for this project is manufactured. The Contractor shall submit sworn certificates of such tests and their results. B. Shop Drawings including layout drawings shall be submitted as specified in Section 15055, Piping Systems--�General. C. The Contractar shall submit the pipe manufacturer's certification afcompliance with the applicable sections of the Specifications. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE (NOT USED) 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS (NOT USED) Bid bocumencs 03720-040-01 15155-1 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS 1.06 QIJALI'1�Y ASSURANC� A. Source Quality Control: I 2 The ductilc iron pipe manufacturer shall submit certification that the pipe and �tting products meet all tests required by AWWA C151-76. All materials shall be new and have a manufacturer's certificate verifying compliance to all tests and inspections as required in lhis Section. The weight, class, and casting period shall be shown on each piece of pipe. The manufacturer's "mark," the year produced, and the word "Ductile" or the letters "Dl" shall be cast or stamped on all pipe. 1.07 WARRANT'lES A. Warranties shall be in accordance with General Conditions and Specif.rcation Section 01780, Warranties and Bonds. ].08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. The Contractar shall adhere to the requirements specifi�d in Section 01650, Delivcry, Starage, and Handling, for storing and protecting the items specified in this Section. 1.09 QUALII'ICATIONS (NOT USED) 1.10 TES'1'I.NG REQUIREMENTS (NOT USED) 1.11 MAINTENANCE (NOT USE:D) 1.12 OPERATIONS A,ND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUAI.�S (NOT USED) PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All ductile iron piping shall be designed and manufaetured in accordance with �1WWA C150 and AWWA C151 for the following mininnurn operating conditions: 1. The minimum internal design pressure shall be 150 psi with a] 00-psi surge allowance, with a safety factor of 2, for a total internal design pressure of 500 psi. Bid Documents ] 5155-2 Dl7CTl�,� 1RON PIPE AND FITTINGS 03720-040-01 2. The external loads design criteria shal I be for the minimum cover indicated on the Drawings at 1201b per cubic feet soil weight and live load based an one AASHTO H-20 truck load. The thickness design of ductile iron pipe shall be in accordance with AWWA C150. 3 2.02 JOINTS Pressure Class: All ductile iron piping shall meet the following minimum pressure classes: (a) 4 inch through 12 inch: 350 psi (b) pipe greater than ] 2 inch: 250 psi A. Ductile iron fittings shall be furnished with flanged joint ends as shown on the Drawings and specified in this Section: 1. Flanged Joints: Pipe for threaded flange fabrication shall be Special "�'hickness Class 53 in accordance with AWW11 C1 10, AWWA C11 l, and AW WF1 C I 15. Solt circle and bolt holes shall match those of AN Sl S] 6.1 Class 125 flanges. The flanges shall be rated for a maximum working pressure af2S0 psi. Threaded flanges shall be individually fitted and machine tightened on the pipe ends. Flange facing shall be smooth or wich shallow serrations in accordance with AWWA C115. 2.03 FTTTINGS A. General: Gray ar ductile iron, cement lined and seal coated, ceramic epoxy lined. Lining of fitting shall conform to lining specified for piping and service as specified in the Drawings and herein. Fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110. Where taps are shown on fittings, tapping bosses shall be provided. l. Flanged: ANSI/AWWA C110/21.10 and ANSI B16.1, faced and drilled 125-pound ANSI standard. .� Provide gaskets of material recommended by the manufacturer for the specific service. Bid Documents 15155-3 DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS � 03720-040-0] 2.04 LINING AND COATING !1. The Contractor shall provide Protecto 40] ceramic epoxy lined ductile iron pipe and fittings in accordance with the Drawings and specified herein. The Contractor shall perform all �eld measurements confirming the accuracy ofthe piping sizes and lengths shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall notiFy the Engineer immediately before deviating from or alterin� thc lining of ductile iron piping shown on the approved layout schedule. B. Lined Pipe and Fittings: `Z he Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately before cutting the epoxy-lined ductile iron pipin� in the ficld. The Cantractor shall repair the cut end in accordance with the manufacturer's written procedures. General: The lining shall be an amine-cured novalac epoxy containing at least 20% by volume of ceramic quartz pigment. The ]ining material shall be as manufactured by the Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy. The lining shall be appli�d by a competent firm with a successful history of lpplying linings to the interior of ductile iron pipe and fittings. All lining application must be performed at the pipe manufacturer's faciliry. Linrngs applied by individuals other than the pipe manufacturer shall not be acceptable. 2. Lining Materials: Lining material shall meet the following requirements on the properties: a � A perrxaeability rating of 0.00 when tested according to Method A af ASTM E96-66, Pracedure �1 with a test duration of 30 days. The following test shall bc run on coupons from factory-lined ductile pipe: Test Parameter ASTM Test Typical Value Method Salt S ra B 117 0.0 undercuttin after 2 ears Cathodic disbondment I.5 volts G95 No more than 0.5 mm ,�,�o �, undercutting aft�r 30 days No effect after 2 years for Immersion D714-87 20% sulfuric acid, 14�°F 25% sodium hydroxide, 160°F distilled water Tmmersion D714-$7 0�0 undercutting after 2 years for 120°F ta water Bid Documents ] 5155� DUCTILE IRON P1PE AND FITTINGS 03720-040-01 � � �. ' � � � � i � C� 3. Application: The lining applicator shall apply lining according ta the requirements of Protecto 401 Specification and shall be applied by an 150-9002 certified firm with a successful history of applying linings to the interior of ductile iron pipe and tittings. C. Exterior Pipe and Fittings Coating: All pipe and fittings, nuts and bolts shall be coated with a pritner: Tnemec Series N69 Hi-Build Epoxoline 11 (or N140 Pota- Pox Plus and top coat: Tnemec Series 435 Perma-Glaze (100% Solid Polyamine Epoxy} all as specified in Section 09900, Painting and Coating. 2.05 SULTS A. General: The Contractor shall provide carbon steel, ASTM A307, Grade A hex � head bolts and ASTM A563, Grade A hex head nuts. Threads shall be as specifed in ANSI 81.1 caarse thread series, Class 2A external and Class 2B internal. Nuts, � bolts, and gaskets for flanged fittings and blind flanges shall be designed to withstand the design and test pressure ratings for the pipe. lJ u � � r u � � � 2.06 GASKETS A. Gaskets for mechanical jaints shall be compatible with sewage and reclaimed water pipe service. Unless noted otherwise, gaskets shall be Styrene Butadiene (SSR) rubber, canforming to ANSI A21.11, AWWA C111. B. Gaskets for flanged joints shall be 1/8-inch-thick, cloth-inserted rubber conforming to applicable parts of ANSI B 165.21 and AWWA C207. Gasket material shall be free from corrosive alkali or acid ingredients and suitable far use in sewage and reclaimed water lines. Gaskets shall be full-face type for 125- pound flanges. 2.p7 itE:TAINER GLANDS A. Retainer glands shall be provided for all buried mechanical joints. Retainer glands shall be designed for joint retaining through the use of a follower gland and set screw-anchoring devices which impart multiple wedging actian against the pipe. The mechanical jaint restraint device shall be UL listed and shall have a working pressure of at least 250 psi with a minimum safety factor of 2. Gland: Manufactured of ductile iron conforming ta ASTM A536. Gland dimensions shall match ANSI A21.11 and A2].53. Bid Documents I5155-5 DUC7IL� IRON P.IPE AND F1TTiNGS � 03720-040-01 2. Restraining Devices: Manufacturcd ofductile iron heat treated to a minimum hardness of 370 SHN. Restraining devices shall incorporate a set screw/twist-off nut bolt to ensure the proper actuating of the restraining device. The twist-off nut shall be designed to come off at the torque limit desired to anchor the restraining device in place on the pipe. 3. Joint Deflection: Retainer gland joint deflection shall be limited to manu:facturer's recommended maximum deflection angle. Joint deFlection shall be applied befor� the set screws are torqued. 4. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. FART 3 EXECUTION EBAA Iron, :Inc.; Megalug 1100 Series. Or approved equal. 3.01 HANDl�1.NG PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Car� shall be taken in loading, transportin�, and unloading to prevent injury to the pip� or coatings. Pipe or fittings shall not be dropped. .Al] pipe or fittin�s shall be examined before installation, and no piece shall be installed which is found to be defective. Any damage to the pipe coatings shall be repaired as directed by the Engineer. If the Engineer determines that the coating cannot be repaired, the Contractor shall replace the pipe at no additional compensation. B. All pipe and fittings shall be subjected to a careful inspection and hammer test just before being installed. C. lf any defective pipe is discovered af�er it has been installed, it shall be removed and replaced with a sound pipe in a satisfactory manner at no additional expense to the Owner. D. Protecto 401 lined pipe and fittings shall be handled only from the outside of the pipe and fittings. No forks, chains, straps, hooks, etc, shall be placed inside the pipe and fittings for lifting, positioning, or installing. 3.02 PIPE TNSTALLATION A. Proper implements, tools, and facilities shall be pravided and used for the safe and convenient performance of the work. All pipe, �ttings, valves, and appurtenances shall be lowered with a hoist, carefully into the structures, so as to prevent damage to pipeline rnaterial and protective coatings, and linings. Under Bid Documents 15155-6 DUCT7L�. IRON P1PF ANp FITTINGS 03720-040-01 � 1 �� � LJ � no circumstances shal] pipeline materials be dropped off or dumped into the structures. All pipe �ttings, valves, and other appurtenances shall be examined carefully for dama�e and other defects immediately befare installation. The Contractar shall mark and hold defective materials for inspection by the En�ineer who may prescribe corrective repairs or reject the materials. C. All lumps, blisters, and excess coating shall be removed from the pipe, fittings, � valves and other appurtenances and shall be wiped clean and dry and be free from dirt, sand, grit, or any foreign material before installation. Repairs shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction. , � l.' � � � � r � u � � l� D The Contractor shall prevent fareign material from entering the pipe while the pipe is being placed in the structure. Joint Assembly: Pipe joints shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the requireinents of ANSI/AWWA C600. Flanged Joint: Before connecting flanged pipe the Contractor shall thoroughly clean all faces ofthe flanges ofall oil, grease, and foreign material. The rubber gaskets shall be checked for proper fit and thoroughly cleaned. Care shall be taken to ensure proper sealing of the flange gasket. Solts shall be tightened so that the pressure on the gasket is uniform. Torque-limiting wrenches shall be used to ensure uniform bearing insofar as possible. If joints leak when th� hydrostatic test is applied, the gaskets shall be removed and reset and bolts retightened. 2. Push-On, Restrained Joint, or Mechanical Joint: The Contractor shall joint piping in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Provide all special tools and devices, such as special jacks, chokers, and similar items required for proper installaCion. Lubricant for the pipe gaskets shall be furnished by the pipe manufacturer, and no substitutes will be permitted under any circumstance. 3.�3 SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING A. All new pipe and tittings shall receive surface preparation: Abrasive blast clean per SSPC-SP (Commercial Blast) and shall be painted as specified in this Section and Section �9900, Painting and Coating. Bid Documents I5155-7 DUCTILE IRON PIPF AND FITTINGS � 03720-040-0] 3.04 INSPECTION, TESTING, AND DISINFECTION I-1 See Section 15055, Piping Systems—General; and Sec:tion 15144, Pressure Testing of Piping. END OF SECTION Bid Dacuments 15] 55-8 DUCTIL� IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS 03720-040-01 , ' � � i � , � � � 1 r ' � � � � � � SECTION 15840 WETWELL R�HABILITATION PART 1 GENERAL ] .Ol WORK 1NCLUDED A. The work includes th� furnishing of all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary For the proper rehabilitation of the dewatering pump station wetwell. Ct is the intent of these specifications to provide an explanation and description which will allow for proper understanding as to the various methods reyuired far rehabilitation and repairs to the werivell at the l�catian indicated in the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED SECTiONS n I:� The provisians of ather sections of the General Conditions are fully applicable to this section as if incorparated herein. Other related or referenc�d sections cantained herein are as listed below: ]. Section IV, Technical Specifications, Article 49 2. Sectian 03480, Precast Concrete Structures 1.03 REFER.ENCE STANDARDS A 13id Documents 03720-040-01 The work will conform to applicable provisions of the following standards, except as madified herein: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards: ASTM D3753 Standard Specification for Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyester Manholes and Wetwells. ASTM CS81 Practice for Determining Chemical Resistance of Chemical Thermosetting Resins Used in Glass-�'iber Reinforced Structures ASTM D2412 Test Method for Determination of Extemal .Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel Plate Loading. ASTM D695 Test Methods for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics ASTM D2584 Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins. 15840-1 W�TWELL REHABILITATION ASTM U790 ASTM D2583 1.04 SUBMITTALS Test Method for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and electrical Insulating Materials Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by means of a Sarcol lmpressor A. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings of proposed construction for approval with catalog cut sheets, manufacturer's descriptive literature and other necessary information to the Engi�eer. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FIBERGLASS WETWELL LINER. A. Fiberglass reinforced polyester wetwell liner shall be manufactured from commercial grade polyester resin or vinyl ester resin with fiberglass reinforcements. The resin system shall be suitable for atmospheres containing hydrogen sulfide and dilute sulfuric acid as well as other gases associated with Che wastewater collection systems. The wetwell shall be a one piece unit manufacCured by L. F. Manufacturing, Inc., Giddings, Texas; Containment Solutians, Inc., Conroe, Texas; or an approved equal. 2.02 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Dimensions: The wetwells shall be a circular cylinder, sized per the plans for the applicable stations. Wetwells shall be produced per the length in the plans +/- y2". Nominal inside diameters shall be 36", 42", 48", 54", 60", 66", 72", 92", 120", 132", 168", 1 S6", 192", 216", and 240". Tolerance on the inside diameter shal I be +/- 1%. Other diameters as agreed upon between purchaser and the manufacturer are covered by this specification. : C I�a Wetwells shall meet all requirements for pipe stiffness as required in ASTM D3753. The wetwells shall be suitable for use in typical environments including starm and sanitary sewers with a temperature range of -40° �. to 150° F. Cylinders shall be designed and fabricated to provide sufficient strength for the following loading conditions: 1. Resistant to buckling when empty and when the groundwater elevation is at grade. Bid Documents 15840-2 WETWELL REHABILI'fATIQN D3720-040-01 CJ � � � � 2. The anchoring wall structure at the embankment within the r�inforced concrete base zone shall be desi�ned to resist external hydrostatic water forces of an empty or full cylinder with the groundwater at grade elevation. 3. Load Bearing Capacity: Properly installed wetwell shall be capable of withstanding AAS.HTO HS-20 dynamic loading (16,000 lbs.) applied vertically. , �. The FRP wetwells shall be manufactured to the diameters and heights as shown in the plans and specifications. They shall be designed by the manufacturer to perform as under�round structures at the depths required. The FRP structures , shall be capable of supporting the top slab covers, frames, soil overburdens plus a live Ioad equivalent to AASHTO HS-20 Loading. [J �� 1 �' � 1 � r � � � I_J F Ci� All cutauts shown in the plans and details for each FRP weiwell shall be capable of maintaining the unit's structural integrity. Marking and Identification: All wetwells shall be marked with the following infarmation: l. 2. 3. A�. 2.03 MATERIALS Manufacturers Identification Manufacturers Serial Number Wetwell Diameter & Length ASTM Designation A. Resin: The resins used shall be unsaturated, supplier certitied, commercial grade polyester resins. Mixing lots of resin from different manufacturers or "odd- lotting" oiresins shall not be permitted. Quality-assurance records on the resin shall be maintained. Non-pigmented Resin is required to allow for light or "sand" color of manhole surface in order to facilitate easy from grade interior inspection. UV Inhibitors shall be added directly to resins to prevent photodegradation. B. Reinforcing Materials: The reinforcing materials shall be c4mmercial grade "E" type glass in the form of mat, continuous roving, chopped raving, roving fabric, or both, having a coupling agent that will provide a suitable bond between the glass reinforcement and the resin. C. Surfacing Material: �freinforcing material is used on the surface exposed to the contained substance, it shall be a commercial grade chemical-resistant glass or organic surfacing mat having a caupling agent that will provide a suitable bond with the resin. Bid Dncuments 15840-3 WETWF:4L REHAB]LITATION 03720-040-01 2.04 D. Fillers and Additives: Fillers, when used, shall be inert to the environment and manhole construction. AdditivES, such as thixatropic agents, catalysts, promoters, etc., may be added as required by the specific manufacturing process to be used to meet the requirements of this standard. However, calcium carbonate mixed by the fabricator shall not be permitted. The resulting reinforced plastic material must meet the requirement of this specification. E. Laminate: The laminate shall consist of multiple layers of glass matting and resin. The surface exposed to the sewer/chemical environment shall be resin rich and shall have no exposed fibers. PHYSICAL REQUIREM.�NTS A. Exterior Surface: The exterior surface shall be relatively smaath with no sharp projections. Hand-work �nish is acceptable if enough resin is present to elirrzrnate fiber show. The exterior surface shall be free of blisters larger than 0.5" in diameter, delamination and f ber show. Gel-coat or paint or other coatings arc not al lowed. B. Interior Surface: Tkae interior surfaces shall be resin rich with no exposed fibers. Interior surface shall be smooth for improved corrosion resistance and reduced sludge build-up. The surface shall be free of crazing, delamination, blisters larger than 0.5" in diameter, and wrinkles of 0.125" or greater in depth. Surface pits shall be permitted up to 6/ft2 if they are less than 0.75" in diameter and less than 0.0625" deep. Voids that cannot be broken with finger pressure and that are entirely below the resir� surface shall be pennitted up to 4/ftZ if they are less than 0.5" in diameter and less than 0.0625" thick. Gel-coat ar paint or other coatings are not allowed. C � Repairs: Any wetwell repair is required to meet all requirements of this specification. Wetwell Lengths: Wetwell lengths shall be per plan requiremeztts �/-'/z". E. Stiffness: The cylindrical portian of the wetwEll is to be tested in accordance with ASTM Method D 2412. The wetwell cyli,nder shall have the minimum pipe- stiffness values shown in the table below, when tested in accardance with ASTM 3753, Section 8.5, (note 1). Wetwell Len�th (ft) PSI 3 - 6 0.72 7 - 12 1.26 3 - 20 2.Q1 Bid Documents ]5840-4 WET'WELL REHABILITATIUN 03720-040-0] , � � � � � ' ' ' r , � [_l �� �l L� � ' � 21 - 25 3.�2 26 - 35 5.24 F. Chemical Resistance: Per ASTM C 581; (see ASTM 3753, Section 8.7), Flexural strength, flexural modulus, and barcol hardness are platted versus time on log-log coordinates. The line defined by these points is extrapolated to ] 00,000 hours. The minimum extrapolatian retention allowed far any of these properties is 50%. Test sarnples used are actual pieces of wetwell or samples manufactured in a manner consistent in every way with the wetwell component construction. G. Physical Properties: Flexural Strength (pipe) Compressive Strength: 2.05 TEST METHODS Hoop: 22.5 x 103 psi Axial: 14.3 x 103 psi 8.9 x 103 psi A. All tests shall be performed as specified in ASTM 3753, Section 8, Titled "Test Methods". See ASTM 3753, Section 8, Note 5, for Test method D-790 and test method D-695. 2.p6 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALiTY CONTROL A. Examination: Each FRP cylinder component part shall b� examined for dimensional requirements, hardness and workmanship. B. Composition Control: Contrals on glass and resin content shall be maintained for all manufacturing processes and far each portion of the FItF' cylinder fabricati�n. Records shall be maintained of these control checks. Proper glass contenc my be shown by glass usage checks, by glass and resin application rate checks, in accordance with the material composition test in ASTM D 3753, Section 8.8.1. C. All required ASTM D-3753 testing shall be completed and records af all testing shall be kept and copies of test results shall be presented to customer upon written request within a reasonable time period. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 HANDLING AND STORAGE REQUIREMENTS A. FRP wetwells shall be lifted by the installation of lifting lugs as specified by the manufacturer an the outside surface near the top of the wetwell. Wetwells may also be lifted in the horizontal position with two slings on a spread�r bar. Bid Documents 15840.5 WETWELL REHABiL]TATION 03720-040-01 �r3 ;� FRP wetwells may be stored upright or horizontally, however, the wetwell vertical deflection shall not exceed 4% of the diameter. The wetwell shall not be dropped or impacted. Additional handling and installation instructions shall be in accordance with the FRP manufacturer's rnstructions. D. Each FRP section manufactured in accordance with the drawings shall be clearly marked to indicate the intended purnp station installation location. The contractor shall be responsible for the installation of the correct FRP sections in their designated pump station locations. 3.02 INSPECTION A. The quality of all materials, the process of manufacture, and the finished sections shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer, or other representative o�the owner. Such inspections shall be made at the place ofmanufacture, or at site of delivery, and the sections shall be subject to rejectian on account of failure to meet any of the speciFcation requirements as specified herein. Sections rejected after delivery to the job site shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the job at once. All sections which have been damaged after delivery will be rejected, and if already installed shall be acc�ptable if repaired or removed and replaced at the contractor's expense. B. At the time of inspectian the material will be examined for compliance with the r�quirements of this speci�cation and the approved drawings. 3.03 1NSTALLATION METHODS A. Remove top slab, pumps, and equipment needed to permit insertion of fiberglass liner inta the existing wetwell. Lower fiberglass liner into the old wetwell and mark contour of the bench area at the bottom onto the inside wall of the fiberglass wetwell liner. Remove fiber�lass liner and cut away the marked area at tkae bottom of the fiberglass liner. In the old wetwell measure depth and size of all incoming sewer lanes. Measure and mark the fiberglass liner for cutouts to be rr�ade for incoming sewer lines. Make the cutouts 1/2 inch larger than the outside diameter of the incoming sewer pipe. After the cutouts have been made, line up the cutouts with the incoming sewer lines and lower the fiberglass liner into place. Center the f berglass liner up and chock into place. Seal the inside bottom of the fiberglass liner using a non-shrinking epoxy grout. Take a piece of PVC pipe the same size of your incoming sewer lines and cutout about a one inch wide strip horizontally. Band the PVC pipe together and insert them into the incoming Bid Documents 15840-6 WETWELL REHABILITATION 03720-040-0] 1 ' � L_J � ' � ' � � � � � ' � � � , sewer lines. "i'ake the bands offthe PVC pipe and let it expand against the incoming sewer line walls. B. Backfill: Brace the fiberglass liner walls at the bottom before beginning back�ll. Pour two vertical feet of concrete grout in one foot lifts between the walls of the old wetwell and the new fiberglass liner. Let the concrete grout set-up before continuing backfill procedure. Pour about faur vertical feet of concrete grout in one faat lifts and let the concrete set-up. Pour the remainder of thc concrete grout backfill in one foot lifts. G Completion of Installation: Remove the cut PVC from all incoming lines. Use a non-shrinking grout to seal area between the wall of the old wetwell and the new fiberglass liner. �2eplace all the pumps and equipment that had to be removed and set concrete tap slab back an top of wetwell. D. Cutouts: Wetwell cutouts may be made in the FRP wetwell, using a circular saw, saber saw, hole saw, or similar equipment with a masonry typ� blade. Axes, hammers, chisels, or similar impact type toals may nof be used. E. Top Slab Support: Fiberglass wetwell liner without a fberglass top should have a reinforced concrete slab support around the outside of fiberglass wetwell wall. The slab shall be specified and designed by project �ngineer. I�1�1�i�]Oi.9�I�I�[�]�I Bid Documents 15840-7 WF.TWELL REHAC31L17'A770N ' 03720-040-01 1 ' � � ' ' 1 1 , ' , ' � ' � � � ' � SECTION V CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Tab1e of Cantents: CONTRACTSOND --•• ..................................•-----......................................-•----••---........................1 CONTRACT..........................•-------...........................--•----•-•----...........................-•--• •---------............. 3 CONTRACT�R'S AFFIDAVIT FOR FINAL PAYMENT ..................................................... 6 NROPOSALBOND .........-•---•-• ................................•------••---...............................--•-------................ 7 AFFXDAVIT---• ..................................................................................................................•----....... S NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT .......................•--------.............................--•-----•------•---............... 9 PROPOSAL ..............................•------..........................---------------................................---•-• •---•----....10 CYTY OF CLEARWATER ADDENDUM SHEET ................................................................. 13 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL.----• ..............................................................................•-•--••---............... 14 SectionV.doc Page i �iz�i2olo � • 620 N. Wymore Road, Suite 200 FL4R�DA SURETY BiONDS, �NC. � Mait1407�786-i770 1 � � � � �� L Fax 407-786-77b6 1326 S. Ridgewoad Avenue, Suite �'15 ' l7aytona Beach, FL 32114 386-$98-0507 Fax 386-898-0510 ' 888-786-BOND (2663) Fax 888-718-BOND (2663) AUgUSt 19, 2�11 www.Florida5urety6onds.com 1 ' Ciry of Clearwater, Florida lOp South Myrtl� Avenue Clearwater, FL 33756 1 ' Re: Auahority to Date Bonds and Powers of Attorney P���xP�� RTD Construction, Inc. ' Bond No.: 6066274 Project: East WRF pewatering Pump Station Rehabilitation (10-0031-L1T), 3141 SR 60, Clearwater, Florida ' - Deaz Sir or Madam; ' Please be advised t}xat as 5urety on the above referenced bond, executed on your behalf : for this project, we hereby authorize you to date the bonds and tYie powers of attomey ' concurrent with the date of the eontract agreement. Once dated, please fax a copy of the bonds to our office. ' Sincerely, Westfield Insurance Company '_.. � ��• Teresa L. Durham �ttorney-in-Fact arid Florida Licensed Resident Agent 1 : ' 1 � Public Work Executed in 4 Counterparts ' � F.S. Chapter ZSS.OS (1)(a) Cov�r Page ' THIS BOND IS GIVEN TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 255.OS OR S�GTION 713.23 FLORIDA STATU7E5, AND ANY ACTION IN571TU7ED 8Y A CLAIMANi IJNDER THIS BOND FQR PAYMENT MUST B� IN ACGORDANC� WITH THE N�TIGE AND TIME LIMITATION PROVISIONS IN SECTION 255.05(2) OR SEC710N 713.23 ' FLORIpA STATUTES. soN� rra: 6066Z7� L_J ' ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 � CONTRACTOR NAME: RTD Construction Inc. CONTRACTOR ADDR�SS: 5344 9th Street Ze h rhills F1.33542 CONTRACTOR PHONE NO: 813 783-9119 SURETY COMPANY: We5tField Insurance Com an PO Box 5001 Wesifield Center, OH 44251-SQ01 (330) $87-0101 OWNER NAM�: Ci of Clearwater Florida OWNER ADI7RESS: 100 South Myrtle AVenUe Glearwater, FL 33756. _ _ ,__ OWNER PHONE N�.: 27 562-4750 OSLICrEE NAME: (if conlracting entity is different from the owner, tha contracting public entiry) OBLTGEE ADDRESS: �BLIGEE PH�1VE NO.: BOND AMOUNT: CONTRACT NO,: (If applicable) ❑�SCRIPTION OF WORK: PROJECT LOCATION: I.EGAL DESCRIPTIQN: (If applicable) $162,118.00 . . �, _ iQ-0031-UT East WRF Dewaterin Pum Station Rehabilitation 10-0031-UT 3141 SR 60, Glearwater, Florida , __ FRONT PAGE All other bond page(s) are deemed subsequent to this page regardless of any page number(s) that may ba printed therson. ' � 1 4 ' , ' ' 1 ' I� J ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' �J THE ATTACHED S7A7UTORY COVER PAGE FORMS AND BECOMES A PART OF 7HIS BOND. BOND NUMBER: 6066274 CONTRACT BOND STATE OF FLQRIDA CUUNTY OF PINELLAS �xecuted in 4 Counterparts ICNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRF,SENTS: That we RTD CUNSTRUCTION. INC. Contractor and WESTFIELD YNSURANCE �QMPANY (Surety) whose home address is P.,�; BOX SQQI, W�STFIF,LD, CENTFR. OHIQ 4a2sY�ooi HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "Surety", are held and firmly bound into the City of Clearwater, Florida (hereinafter called the "Owner") in the penal sum of 4NE HUNDRED SIXTY TWO THUUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN DOLLAKS AND NO CENTS ($162,11$.QO) for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administratars, successors, and assigns far the faithful performance of a certain written contract, dated the�_ day of �e��l-c�-1�e-� 20 ll , entered. into between the Contractor and the City of Clearwater foc: EAST WR� DEWATERING PUMP STA'I7UN REHABILITATIUN (10-0031-U'I� a copy of which said contract is incorporated herein by reference and is made a part her�of as if fWly copied hcrein. NOW THEREFURE, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATYON ARE $UCH, that if the Contractor shall in all respects camply with the ternas and conditions of sa�d cantract, including the one-year guarantee oF znaterial and labar, and his obligations thereunder, including the contract documcnts (which includc the Advertisement for Bids, Form of Fmposal, Form of Contract, Form of Surety Bond, Instructions to Bidder�, General Conditions and Technical Specifications) and the Plans and Speci�cations therein referred to and made a part thereof, and such alterations as may be made in said Plans and Specifications as therein provided for, and shall indemnify and save harrnless thc said Ownar against and fram all costs, expenses, damages, injury ar conduct, want of carc ar skill, negligence or default, including patent infringements an the part at' the said Contractor agents or employees, in the execudon or performance of said contract, including errors in the plans furnished by the Contractor, and further, if such "Contractor" ar "Contractors" shall prompdy make payments to all persons supplying him, them or it, labor, material> and supplies us�ed directly or indirectly by said Contractor, Contractors, Sub-Contractor, or Sub-Con�actors, in the prosecution of the work provided for in said Contract, this obligation shall be void, otherwise, the Contractor and Surety jointly and severally agree to pay to the Owner �ny dif%rence between the sum to which the said Contractor would be entitled on the completian of the Contract, and that which the Owner may be obliged to pay for the completion af said work by cantract or otherwise, & any damages, direct or indirect, or consequential, which sa.id Owner may sustain on account af such work, or on �ccount of the failure of the said Contractor to properly and in all things, keep and execute all the provisions of said contract. Page 1 � ' �. ' ' ' ' ' � C RA BOND ��) And the said Contractor and Surety hereby further bind themselves, their successors, executors, administrators, and assigns, jaindy and severally, that they will amply and fully pmtect the said Owner against, and will pay any and all amounts, damages, eosts and judgments which may be recovered against or which the Owner may be called upon to pay to any person vr corporation by reason af any damages arising fram the performance of said work, or of the repair ar maintenance thereof, or the manner of doing the same or the neglect of the said Contractor or his agents or servants or the improper perfarinance af the said work by the Contractor or his agents or servants, or the infri.ngements nf any patent rig�ts by reason of the use of any material furnished or work done; as aforesa.id, ar otherwise. And the sa.id Contractor and Surety hereby further bind themselves, their successors, heirs, executors, administrators, and assi�ns, j�intly and severally, to repay the owner any sum which the Owner may be compelled to pay becausa of any lien for labor material furnished for the vnork, cmbraced by said Contract. ' And the said Surcty, Far the v�lue received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, exten�ion of time, alteradon or addition to the terms of the con�act or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the sama shall in any way affect its oblagatians on lhis bond, and it , does hereby waive notice of any such chang�, extension of time� alteration or addition to the tern�s of . the cantract or to the work or to the specificadons. , IN TESTIMON'Y WHEREQF, witness the hands and seals of ihe parties hereto this day of _ . 20 ' � � ' 1 � � .� !� �� i�� � � ��� w ��: ��- � ►.��� is Roseland eourrrERSrcNEn: N/A Page 2 RTD C 'TRU TI IN . � �:%� W NT CTOR r By: n� . ,�a�a , . �; �- a. `' � �._.��.. �. Wes�eld Insurance Company '',, ��� �� �Vi�l I �` � � �' � ,�y:_ � �.-t�-d� • �d-�''�-.:�,-. f.. { ATTURNEY-YN-FACT & FL Licensed. * �' Resident Agent, Teresa L. Durham (407)`786-7770. �- � THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY Sl1PERCEDES ANY PREVIdUS POWER BEARING THIS SAME pOWER # AND ISSUED PRIOR TO 04/13/1D, FOR ANY PERSDN qR PER50NS NAMEO BELOW. �� General r Power of Attorney � � ' , � J C� �J � � ' C� � CERTIFIED COPY P�WER N0. 099U992 00 Westf eld Insurance Co. Westfield National Insurance Co. 4hio Farmers Insurance Co. Westfield Center, Ohio KnOw AU Men by These Presen[s, That WESTFIELO INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELO NATIONAI. INSURANCE COMPANY and DHIO FARMERS IN5URANCE COMPANY, corporations, hereinafter referred to individually as a"Company" and collectively as 'Companies," duly organized and existing under the laws of the Sta[e of Ohio, and having its principal pffice in Westfisld Center, Medina Gounry, Ohio, do by tnese presents make, constituce and appoint UON BRAMLAGE, JEFFREY W. REICH, LESLIE M. DONAHUE, 5115AN L. REICH, PATRICIA l.. SLAUGHTER, �LORIA A. RICNARDS, TER�SA L. DU12HA1�1, LISA A. ROSELAN�, CHERYL FOLEY, J. GREGpRY MACKENZIE, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY of MAI7LAN� and Sta[e ot FI. its true and lawful Attorney(s►-in-Fac[, with full powEr and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to axecute, acknowledge and deliver ary and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, or otMer instruments or Cantracts of suretyship---------•----• -------------•--------• -•-------• -------•--•---• LIMITATION: TF11S pOWER OF ATTORNEY CANNO7 BE USED TO EXECUTE N�T� GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENGY, MORTGAGE GUA�RA �, OR BANK DEP051TPRY 80ND3. and to bind any oP the Companles thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate seal of the applicable Company and duly attested by its Secretary, herepy ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in tne premises. Said appointment is made under and by authority of the fo�lowing res�lution adoptad hy the eoard of Directors of each of the WFSTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WES7FIELf7 NATIpNAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OFilO FARMERS IN5URANCE GOMPANY: "Be It Resalved, that the Presldent, any Senior Executive, any Secr�ary or any Fidelity & Sure[y Oparations Executive or other Executive shall he and is hereby vested with full power and autllority ta appoint any one or more suit8ble persons as Attorney(s�-in-Fact to reprasant and act for and on behalf of the Company subject to tha following provisions: The Attorney-in-Fac[. may be given full power and authority for �nC in the name of and on behalf af the Company, to execute, acknowledge and deliver, any and all bonds, recognizances, conCracts, agreements of indexnnity and other conditional or obligatOry undertakings and any and atl notices and documents canceling or terminating the Compan�/s lisbility thereunder, and any such instruments s0 executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be as bindfng upon the Company as If signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate 5ecretary." "6e it Further Resolved, that the signature of any such designated persan and the seal of the Company heretofare or hereatter aftixed to any power of at[orney qr any certitiCate relating thereto py fecsimfle, and any power of attwney or certiflCate bearing facsimile signatures or facsimile seat shall he valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking [o which it is attached' (�ach adopted at a meeting held on February B, 200D). M Witness Whereof, WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIEI.D NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIp FARMERS INSURANGE COMPANY have caused these presents to be signed by thelr 5enior Execu6ve and their corporats seals to Ce hereto affixed this 13th day qf APRIL A.D., 2010 . . CorPorate Sy�p � ,,•���pNq�,'� ••,,, •""""""""'� WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY sea�s Q�.»--•..,,i`d r•`�.,�;.•••••• ••.!�sG.: �f �� WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE CQMPANY AfTlxad ra. � � o: •�P ,�� + OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY � � �� � 4�' r ••� ' � {�; Y��v��? � ���'•���? �'n'• SEA.I.� :m ° �e: �_ �,Q ` . � ,,�.�.�,, � =, ,:,. ,:p : .�� . I64e: ��'�' z f %j , � State O� Oh10 M ��� ���� yn""'��•""�� �Y• 4r County ot Medina ss.; Richard L. Kinnaird, Jr., Senior Executive On this 13th day of ApRIL A.D., 2010 , betore me persdnally came Rithard L. Klqnaird, Jr. to me knawn, who, being Gy me duly swern, did depose and say, that he resides in Medina, �hio; that he is Senior Executive of WESTFIELD IN5URANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE CpMPANY, the Companies described in and which executed the abvve fnstrument; that he knows the sealS of said Companias; that tlle sea15 afTixed to said Instrument are such corporate seals; that they Were so affixad by order of the Boards af DirecKOrs of said Gompanies; and that he signeq his name thereto by Ilke order. Nata ri al . Seal � A f� � ' Afilxed �(pp:......... �i' � -��i�������r •' ~ . Wllllam J. Kahelin, A rney at Law, Notary Public State oT Ohio � N ��p My Commission poes Not Expire (Sec. 147.03 Ohio Revised Code) County of Medina ss.: 'q +�� �..T� O C �Nj°' . I, F�ank A. Carrino, Secretary of WESTFIELD INSURANGE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIp FARMERS � INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certliy that tha aoave and foregoing is a true and carect copy of a power oi Attorney, executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and etFect: and furthermore, the resalutians ei the 9oards of Directors, set out in the Power oT Attorney are in full TorCe and effect. !n Wliness Whereof, I have hareunto set my hand and aPfi�ced the seals of said Companies at Westfield Center, Ohio, [his day oi A.D., . , � � ,,o�r"' ,,,�.���.,..,, , Y �N��. ����C� : o �S� _ iNSG� ; ��'� :,,;; :.�: ��►�.� : �;.. SEAL :m; � �..� � : y :•� _� •:Cj a , ����rl����...�� � BPpAC2 (combined) (a6-02) '•�p, N ��L6 ���� N��,r_� :..�= 4�a�"'�9' �� ip� ° �k�': �648 .'�f �y~r��+M/wN��� �: �� � Frank A. Carrino", 5ecret SP�� 1 1 � �J CONTRA.CT This CONTRA.CT made and entered into this � day of C���1 , 20 � by and between the City of Clearwater, �'lorida, a rnunicipal corporatian, hereinafter designated as the "City", and RTD CONSTRUCTION, INC. of the City of ZEPHYRHILLS, County of PASCO and State of FLURIDA hereinafter designated as the "Contractor". WITNESSETH: , That the parties to this contract each in consideration of the undertakings, prornises and agreements on the part of the ather herein contained, do hereby undertake, pramise and agzee as f�llows: 1 1 The Contractor, and his or its successors, assigns, executars or administrators, in consideration of the sums of m�aney as herein after set forth to be paid by the City and to the Contractor, shall and will at their own cost and expense perform all labor, furnish all materials, tools az�d equipment for the following: EAST WRF DEWATERING PUMP STATION REHABILITATION (10-0031-UT) � FOR THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED SIXTY TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN DOLLARS AND NO CENTS (�162,118.00) , 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 � Tn accordance with such proposal and technical supplemental specifications and such other special provisions and drawings, if any, which will be submitted by the City, together with any advertisernent, instructions to bidders, general canditians, proposal and bond, which may be hereto attached, and any drawings if any, which may be herein referred to, are hereby made a part af this contract, and all of said work to be performed and completed by the contractor and its successors and assigns shall be fully completed in a good and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the City. If the Contractor should fail to comply with any of the terms, conditions, provisions �r stipulations as contained herein within the time specified for completion af the work to be performed by the Contractor, then the City, may at its option, avail itself af any ar all remedies provided on its behalf and shall have the right ta proceed to camplete such work as Contractor is obligated to perfartn in accordance with the provisions as contained herein. THE CONTRACTOR AND HIS OR TTS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS DOES HERESY AGREE TO ASSUME THE DEFENSE OF ANY LEGAL ACTION WHICH MAY SE BROUGHT AGAINST THE CITY AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S ACTIVITIES ARiSING OUT OF THIS CONTRACT AND FURTHERMORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE TERMS, STIPULATIONS AND CONDITIONS AS CONTAINED HEREIN, AGREES TO HOLD THE CITY FREE AND HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES, COSTS OF SUITS, JUDGMENTS UR DECREES RESULTING FROM ANY CLAIMS MADE UNDER TH�S CONTRACT AGAINST THE CITY OR THE CONTRACTOR OR THE CONTRACTOR'S SUB-CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR EMPL�YEES RESULTING FROM ACTIVITIES BY THE AFOREMENTIpNED CONTRACTOR, SUB-CONTRACTOR, AGENT SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES. Page 3 � � 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 , 1 ' ' J � � CONTRACT �z> In addition to the foreg�ing provisions, the Contractor agrees to canform to the followin.g requirements: In connectian with the performance of work under this contract, the Cantractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee ar applicant for emplayment because o� race, sex, religion, color, ar national origin. The aforesaid provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; lay-off or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; atid selection for trainin�, including apprenticeship. The Contractar agrees to post hereafter in conspicuaus places, available far emplayees or applicants far employment, natices to be provided by the contracting afficer setting forth the provisians of the non-discrimination clause. The Contractor further agrees to insert the foregoing provisions in all contracts her�under, including contracts or agreements with labor unions and/or worker's representatives, except sub-contractors for standard cornmercial supplies or raw materials. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto that time is of the essence of this contract, and in the event that the work to be perfarmed by the Contractor is not completed within the time stipulated herein, it is then further agreed that the City may deduct from such sums or compensation as may be due to the Contractor the sum of $1000.00 er da for each day that the work ta be performed by the Contractor remains incomplete beyond the tiume limit specified herein, wluch sum af $1,000.00 uer da� shall only and solely represent damages which the City has sustained by reason af the failure of the Contractar to complete the work within the time stipulated, it being further agreed that thds sum is nat to be construed as a penalty but is anly to be construed as liquidated damages for failure of the Contractor to complete and �erform all work within the time period as specified in this cantract. It is further mutually agxeed between the City and the Contractor that if, any time after the e�ecution of this contract and tlxe surety bond which is attached hereto far the faithful perfarmance of the terms and conditions as contained herein by the Contractor, that the City shall at any time deem the surety or sureties upon such performance bond to be unsatisfactory or if, for any reason, the said bond ceases to be adequate in arnount to cover the performance of the work the Contxactor shall, at his or its own expense, within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice from the City to do so, furnish an additional bond or bonds in such term and amounts and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactozy ta the City. If such an event occurs, no further payment sha11 be rnade to the Contractar under the terms ax�d pravisions of this cantract until such new or additional security bond guaranteeing the faithful performance of the work under the terms hereof shall be completed and fi�rnished to the City in a form satisfactory to it. Page 4 , , ' ' 1 1 ' 1 CONTRACT (3) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th� parties to the agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals and have executed this Agreement, in duplicate, the day and year first above written. CITY OF CLEARWATER IN PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA By. ' � ��-� William S. Horne, I� City Manager Cauntersigned: 1 B : �� Y ' Frank Hibbard, Mayor-Councilmember 1 ' (Contractor must indicate whether Corporation, Partnership, Cornpany or Individual.) ' 1 (The person signing shall, in his own ' handwriting, sign the Principal's name, his own name, and his title; where the person is signing ' for a Cozporation, he must, by Afiidavit, shaw his authority to bind the Corporation). 1 1 Page 5 � ��oFryF� '�� ��►i v ���li, � � - - o t� (seal> . . �ITCQ .�t�' r 0.� •'L.�' � R.osemarie Call City Clerk Assistanti City Attorney � �, �'��,-�„'/ . ' �" rf �� ;,. - _ ( on ctor) � ;,�'"' '. C By: �Ja.�nu �. �crd , �.es�o�u�- 1 1 , STATE OF _ COUNTY OF 1 ' 1 1 , ' �r� � CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT FOR FINAL PAYMENT (CORPORATION FORM) On this day persanally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, , who after being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the (TITLE) of RTD CONSTRUCT�ON, INC. a Florida Corporation, with its principal place of business located at 5344 9T� STREET ZEPHYRHILLS FLORIDA 33542 (herein, the "Contractor"). That the Contractor was the general contractor under a contract executed on the day of 20 _, with the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, as Owner, and that the Cantractor was to perform the conshuction of EAST WRF DEWATERING PUMP STATION REHABILITATION (10-0031-UT) That said work has now been campleted and the Contractor has paid and dischazged all sub-contractars, laborers and material men in connection with said work and there are no liens outstanding of any nature nor any debts or obligations that might become a lien or encumbrance in connection with said work against the described property. , That he is making this �davit pursuant to the requirernents of Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, and upon consideration of the payment of (Final Full Amount of Contract) in full satisfaction and dischazge of said contract. 1 1 That the Owner is hereby released from any claim which migl�t arise out of said Contract. The word "liens" as used in this at�idavit shall mean any and all arising under the operation of the Florida Mechanic's Lien Law as set forth in Chapter 713, Florida Statutes. ' Sworn and subscribed to before me �115 ' 1 1 1 day of 20 NQTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Page 6 r RTD CONSTRUCTION, INC. AFFIANT BY: PRESIDENT ' LJ 1 1 1 '`1 r 1 �xecuted in 2 Counterparts PR�POSAL BOND (Not to be filled out if a certificd check is submitted} KIVOWN ALL MEN BY TH�SE P.RESENTS: That we, the undersigneci, RTD Construction, Inc. as Principal, and Westfield Insurance Company as Surety, who's address is PO Box 5001, Westfield Center, OM 44251-5001 , are held and firmly bound unto the City oFClearwater, Florid�, in the sum of � Dollars (� I(p,Q�► Sa )(being a minimum o 10% o Contractqr's total bid amount) for the payment of which,. welt and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind nurselves, aur heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assi�;ns. The candition of the above obligatior� is sueh thai iFthe atwched Proposa! of RTD Construction, Inc. as Principal, and _ Westfield Insurance Compan�[ as Surety, farworlc speci�ed as: Bid No. 10-0031-UT; East WRF Dewaterin Pum Station 'rW�rW Rehabilitation all as sCipulaped in said Proposal, by daing all work incidental thereto, in mccordance with the plAns and ' specificatipns pravided herefor, all within Pinell� County, is accepCed and the contract awarded to thc above named bidder, and the said bidder shall within ten days aRer notice of said award enter into a contract, in writing, and furnish th� required Performance Bond with surety or sureties to be approved � by the City Manager, this obligatipn shall be void, otherwise the same shall be in futl fprce and virtue by law and the full amount af this Proposal Bond wi11 be paid ta the City as stipulated or liquidated damages. ' 1 1 ' 1 � .J ' 1 ' Signed this 7th d$y o� July , 2p 11 (hrincipal must indicate whcther corporation, partnarship, company or individua]) "fhe person signing shall, in his own handwriting. sign the Prit�cipal's name, his own name and his titl�; thc person signing for a cc�rporatian must, by afficiavit, shaw his authority to bind the corparation. SecliaiV.dac Pagc 7 af 14 �t`� . �y. �` . Km C�an I�c. '' � �� '`-� � � - - Km - : ;:.� `-^ ._ �, _ Se; � � � ;~.J Prin pal - `�� :`�,... .r /� _ (� . .:;,�„ . Title� �. � Wes�eld Insurance Company ' '::� � "'� : � �., -- - - - • � --- - � - '� ": �� .. _. � � • _- Surety Patricia L. Slaught r, Attomey-in-Fact � & FL Licensed Residen# Agent � � ,� VIr�YIiZ�I[+7 � ., .,:. ' TFIIS P�N/ER OF ATTORWEY SUPERCEpES ANY PREVIOUS POWER BEARING THIS SAME •POWER ,� AND ISSUED PRIOR TO 04113170, FOR ANY PERSON QR PERSdNS NQMEQ BELOW. General ' Power of Attorney ' CERTIFIED COPY POWER N�. 0990992 00 Westfield Insurance Co. Westfield Nationa! Insurance Co. Ohio Farmers Insurance Co. West�eld Center, Ohio Know AU Mert Dy Tnese Presents, 7hat WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANGE GOMPANY and ONIO ' FARMER5 INSURANCE GOMPANY, corporations, hereinafter referred to individually as a'Company' and Collectivaly as "Companies," duly organized and existing under the laws oT the State of Ohio, and having it5 prinCfpal oTPice in Westfield Genter, Medina COUnty, Onio, do by these prasents make, constitute and appoint DdN BRAMLAGE, JEFFREY W. REtCH, LESLIE M. DONAHUE, 5USAH L REICH, PATRICIA L. SLAUGH7ER, G�QRIA A. RICHARDS, TERESA L DURHAAA, LJSA A. ROSELANU, CHERYL FOLEY, J. GREGQRY MACKENZIE, JOIN7LY OR SEl/ERALLY C� , � 1 � ' �..J 1 ' , 1 � ' ' n � 1 of MAITI,AND and 5tate of FL its trua and lawful Attorney�s►-in-Fact, with Full power and authqrlty hereby conferred in its name, place anq stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, recognfzances, Undertakings, or other irntrwnents or contracts of s�ehrshiP------------------------------------------------------------- • LJMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTdRNEY CAHN47 6� USED 70 EXECl1TE NOTE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE �EFlGIENCY, MORTGAGE QUA A�, OR BANK DEPOSITORY BQNDS. and to bind any of the Companies thereby ss fully and to the same e�dent as if such bonds Were signed qy the President, sealee with the corporata seal of the applicable Company and duly attested by Yts Secr�ary, here6y ratifying and confirming ali .that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may da in the premises. Said appofntment is made under and by authorlty of tha tollnwing resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of each ot the WESTFIELD IN5URANCE COMPANY, WES7FIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE CbMPANY and OMIO FARMERS IN5URANCE GOMPANY: "Be IL Resolved, that the Fresident, any Seniar EXeCUtive, any Secretary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executive or other Executive shall be and is hereby vested with iull power and authorlty to eppoint any one or more suitable persons as Attorney�s�-in-Fact ta represent and act tor and on behalf of the Company subject to the following provisions: The Attorney-ln-FaCt. may he given full powar and auChority for antl in the name af and an behalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and dellver, any and all bonds, rerognizances, contracts, agreements of indemnity and ather canditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices and dOCuments canceling or terminating the Compan�/s Ilability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Atterney-In-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate Secretary: "8e !t Furfher ResolveC, ttlat the signature af any such designated person and the seal of the Company heretafore or hereafter aFfixed to any power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by �aCSlmlle, and any power oT attafney or certifiCate bearing facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company wlth respect to any bond w undertaking tn whicn it i5 attached "(Each adopted at a meeting held on February 8, 2pD0). !n Witness Whereof, WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WHSTFIELD NATIONAL IN5URANC6 COMPANY antl OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY have caused these presents to be signed dy thelr Sertior Execifive and their corpprate seals to be hereto atflxed thls 13th day pf APRIL A.D., 2010 . . Corporate Sy�'"'a� seals 4�.—��..�C�,a� AfTlxedl rv � rqr ��o; .¢ � �� ��'�' '� �.�'���.�Y� State of Ohlo -"`� County oT Medlna ss.: ..�„�����,,.,. O���tinN!IC /�,SGP : ' N:. SEAL ��: :y�. •:o= .��„�.�� �� r ; 1948 ; ; •' '-�._. •f WESTFIELQ INSURANCE C�MPANY WESTFIELD NATIpNAI INSURANCE COMPANY OHId FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY � � � � By: Richard L. Kinnaird, Jr., 5enior Executive On this 13fh dey of APRIL A.�., 2010 , befora me personally came RiCherd 1.. Klnnalyd, Jr. to me known, who, being by me duly swom, did depOSe and say, that he resldes in Medlna, Ohio; that he is Senior EXeCUt1Ve of WESTFIELD INSURANCE CdMPANY, WES7FIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, the companles described in and WhlCh executed the above Instrument; that he knows the seals of sald Companies; th8t thE seals affixed ta ssid instrument are such cOrpOrate seals; that they were so a�ixed by order of the Boards of Dlrectors pt said Companies; and that he sfqned his name thereto by Ilke order. Notarial � Affixed �Pp4` A L S • � ������i/�� Fr William J. Kahelin, A rney at Law, Notary Aublic State of oniv $ w� ,��o My Commisslon Does Not Explra (Sec. 147.03 Ohio Revlsed Code) Gounty of Medina ss.: % q .r �..j� Q � � {, Frank A. Carrinv, Secretary of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WE5TFIELD NATIONAL IN5URANCE COMPANY and OH10 FARMERS INSURANCE C4MPANY, do hereby certliy that the above and foregoing is a true ana carrect copy of a Power of Attorney, executed oy said Companies, which is still in full foros and effect; and furthermore, the resdutions of the Baards of Directors, set out in the Power of Attorney are In iull force and effect. !n Wltness Whereo% I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies at Westfiela Center, Ohlo, tnls 71� day of ]uly A.D., 2011 . ,,���,,�'�''�'4c�' ,'o p,i`c�N�c'H-G; ��,�".�.�� �} n r�y. •.s�,_ ���• � � � ��� � ��� _LL- :y(�'�- ^yj����� �� ,�{ ��� � _ �-.: +.SE' �.. • m _ .m : 'a�: s` �/ ' "'"` ` ' � Sca-crQ,y • ,� � % ��• '� � ��r• 1848 ��� Frank A. Carrino", 5ecret �..�� s? '. .•'�O a � �•• � : �! ',���'•h�r k ���••••'�' �,a�'��..iw�M•w��``'•� BPOAGZ (combined) (06-02j �� [-� i , AFFIDAVIT (To tx tilted in and executed if the bidder is a corpnration) STATE O�' FLORIDA ) CQUNTY QF Pa$GO ) , Marjorie Jordan heing duly sworn. dep��ses and says that' he/she is Secretaryol RTD Construction, Inc. a curpuration organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida, and having , its principal affice at: 5344 9th Street Zephyrhills Pasco FL ----- ----- �T ._ .............................. Strr.et & Number City Cauntr State LJ [� r1 , a , ' 1 1 1 ' ' 1 rlt�iant turther says �ha� he is familiar with the records, minute hni�hs and h��-la�ti� c�f- RTD Constructian, Inc. ( Namc c�t C�rpc�ratinn ) .'��tiant futlher tiays lh�it _ rdan is President , Dannie E� Jo ..._...._�.. ---.....�............--- -- -._....---.._._ ......... ............. _..._. IOtlirer's Name) (Titlr) uf the cc�rp��ratian. is cluly a�ulhoriz.ed to �i�yn thc Prc�pasal tor RTD Construction, Inc. �.'�;~��:,����,;,,„. yS t.,� . �".�����y'E'� : � Resalution of the Board of Directors ��� "° •�,`- � �_ ti�r suicl ���rporatian by ��irtuc i►1�_ _ .� _ -._ -., �. �r. . (state whether a provisian of by law s ur �� Kesoluticm uf the Boar� uf ."' -� Aug. lst, i99a ___ Directors. Cf hy R solution give date ot�adaptivn). �,� � �r`'' -� - A I�fl� arj or:�;::�cTan ' �y _ - yn�waV[.���.�,��� �. ' . .��.e _� __ ' ...��'��3:^ .'•' ,,'.. �,4.h,FA`�uL.,�,,`I' Sworn ta hefore me this �th day af July �0 ii ,. .s�,�. _.. .. Notarv blic f��� MEL�A LINDSAY ' ;,, :,� MY COMMISSION � DU 755819 �,(� �� " EXPIR�S: June 6, 2012 �1�\�. l� R�- I—�n�,Sw! _... ���� . �wu�adTltruN�Pu�I�cUndetwiite� Type/prinUstamp na� e �f Notary D�755g�q Title or rank, and Serial No., i}�any [� 1 , ' ' �� , , �. � 1 ' 1 ' , ' 1 ' NON«COLLUS ON A�'FXDAVZT STATE UF FLQRIDA CUUNTY OF �asco � Dannie E. Jordan President �� bei�g, fur�t duly sworn, deposes and says that he is RTD Constzuc�ion, Inc. the party making the foregaing Praposal or Bid; that sur� Bid i� ger�uin� and not collusive or sham: that said bidder is not financiail�r intar�sted i� ar oth�rwi� �ffili�t�d ir� a b�ir�e�s w�,y with any other biddcr on the sanne contract; that said badd�r �►� c�ot c�llu�iaci, c��.�pixedA ednniv�d, or agreed, directly or indirecdy, with any bidd�rs or person, to put i� a sk�n bid car tk�t �uak� otl��r person shall refrain fram bidding, and has not in any maz�ner, c�ir�cily or in��i���ly, ���,�� by ��r��rai�nt or collusion, or com�mwr�ication or con�%rence, with �y per�on, ta fix the bid pr��e ox �f"��t �r any oth�r bidder, or to fix any overhead, pro�t or cost element of said hid pri�e, or t��t Qf a,�y ofihe�r bidder, or to s�cure any advantage against the City a� Clearw�.Cer, Florici�, ar a�y pat�ot� or pe�rsoc� �nt��rested in the proposed co;n�xact; axxd that all statez�ents cvnt,�in�d in said propc�sal or bid ar� tzue; auid �'iirCher, that such bidder has not dir�ctly or indir�etly subrn�tt�d tk�is bid, or th� co�t�nt� ther�a% or dxvulged i,�formation or data relative thereto to any association or to any anex�be� or �,gent th�reo� Swom to and subscribed be�ore z�ne this ��h day of �ulY ,�01i �`� �������1.II�A LMIDSAY � � ° �a�v°�:f;� ,� MY CA�AMISSION # pD 755819 �j"'j � �,.: � ; : A A v • af,x �..�� �XPIR�S:June6,zo��?� NOta.ry PubliC � °';;rr„'°''t' �a��drnm�v� ' ScctionV.doc � Page 9 of 14 9/27/?O 10 1 � � ' ' � � � ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 , ' FR�PUSIA.L (1 j . TO THE CTTY OF CLEARWATER, FLQRZDA, far EAST WRF DEWATERiNG �UMP STATION REHA,BXLXTATXON 10-0031-UT and doing such ather work incidentaJ tk�ereto, al.l in accordance with the canbract documents, marked EAST WRF DEWATER[NG PUMP STATIUN REHAB�L�TATION 10-0031-UT Every bidder znust take n.otice of the fact that even though his praposal bE acc�pted and the docwmcnts sign.ed by the bidder to whom an award is made and by those officials authori,zed to do so on behalf of the City of Clearwater, �'lorida, that no such award or signing shall be e.onsider�d a binding contract without a certificate frazn the Finance Director that fuc�ds axe available ta cover the cost of the work to be done, or without the approval of the City Attarney as to the fornn and legality af the contract and all the pertinent documents r�lating thereto having b�n approved by said City At�ozney; and such bidder is hereby charged with this notice. The signer of the Proposal, as bidder, also d�clares th,at the oz�y p�san, persans, company or parties interested in this Proposal, are named in this Pmposal, that he has c.�refully examined the Advertisement, Tnstructiozas to Bidders, Can�act Specifications, Plans, Supplerr►ental Specifications, General Conditions, Special Pravisions, an,d Contract Bond, that he or his representative has made such investigation as is necessary to determi�a tk�e charactez and extent of th� vvork and he proposes and agrees that if the Proposal be accepted, he will contract with the City af Clearwater, �'lorida, in the form of contract; hereto annexed, to provide the n�eESSary labor, nnaterials, �zaachinery, equipment, tools or apparatus, do a11 the work required to complete the contz�act within the time mention�d in the General Conditions and according ta the requirements oi the City of Clearwater, Florida, as herein and hereinafter set farth, and furnish the required s�urety bands for the following prices to wit: ' SectionV,doc ' Aage 10 of la 9/27/2010 L JI �� � ' , �J 1 � ' ' , 1 ' ' r �ROPUSAL i2) If the foregoing Proposal shall be accepted by the City of Clear�water, Florida, a,nd the undersigned shall fail to execute a satisfactory contract as stated in the Advertisememt herein attached, then the City may, at its option detenmine that the undersig�ned has abandoned the contract, azad thereupon this Proposal shall be null and void, and the certified check or bond accompanying this Proposal, shall b� foz�eited to become the property of the City oi Clearwater, Floricl� and tk►e full amount of saad check shall be retained by the City, or iithe Proposal Bor�d be given, th�: full amount of such bond shall be paid ta th� City as stipulated or liquidated damages; otherwise, the bond or certified check accompanying this Froposal, or the amoux�t of said check, shall be returned to the u�ndersigned as specified herein. �ttached hereto is a bond or certified check on Bidders Bond BBriIC, for.the sum of Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred Eleven Dollars and 80 Cents (bein.g a:nninimum of 10% of Contractor's total bid amount). �� 16,211.80 � The full names and residences af ail pe�sons and parti�s interested in the foregoing bid are as follows: (I� corporation, give the names ar�d addresses of the President and Secre�ry. Zf fma or partn�rship, the names azxd addresses of the members or partners. The Bidder sha111ist not only his name but also the name of any person with whom bidder has any type of agreemetat whereby such person's innprovements, enrichznent, employrnent or possible beneixt, whether sub-con,tractor, materialman, agent, supplier, or employer is contingent upon the aw�rd of �he contract to the bidder). M�/_��I�.� ]7annie E. Jordan- President Maxjorie Jordan- Secretary & Treasurer � t !'i 1 �f / � • �/1/Ji,_�l�)_�71 27646 �Tohnston Rd., Dade City,F1. 33523 10240 Newsome Rd., D.ade City, F1. 33523 Signature oiSidder: (The bidder must indicate whether Corporatian, Partnsrship, Company or Individual). , � 1 5�ctionV.doc 1 Page I 1 of 14 9/27/201 � PROPOSAL ��) The person signing skiall, in his own h�r►dwriting, sigr� the Frincipa�'s narne, his own name and his title. Where the pez�son signing for a corporation is other than the t'r�sident or Vice-President, he must, by aff davit, show his autho�.ty, to bind t�� cozparatioM. P� By DU.ti'1i1G^.iJ Kl1UICJu Ul DILLUGL: Zephyrhills, FL. City and State: Datedat 9�0o A.M. 33542 Zip Code t11is 7th �y af July A.D., 20 �1 SectionV.doc Page 12 of 14 9/27/?O10 CITY OF CLEAKWATER ADDENDUM SHEET PR�JECT: EAST WR�' DEWATERI.NG I'[JMP STATION REHABILITAITON (#10-Qp31- UT) Acknowlzdgmeric is hereby made af'the followin ; addenda receiv�d since issuance af Plans and Specitications. Adciendum No. __�___ Date: .� � Addendum Na. Uate: ��ddendum Na. Date: :�dde�idum No. C)ate: A�ciendum Nc�. Uate: Addendum No. Datc:: .Addendum Nc�. Date: Addendum No. Date: Addendum No. Date: Addendum No_ Date: Addendum Na_ Date: Tb Construction,Inc. ( me of Bidc�er) �� (Signature of fiicer) Dannie E. Jordan, President (Title oF(7FTicer) Ju].y 7th, 2011 _�_ (p�te) , , .,,�.. � . . � ' 1 ' BIDDER'S PR�POSAL PRO.JECT: EAS�I' WRF DEWATERING PUMP STA�'ION REHASILITAITON (#10-0031- ' �-�T) CONTRACTUR: �T� Conatruction, Inc _ ' BIDDER'S GRAND TOTAL $�2+ ��S � _ (Nu►nhers) ' ' 'THE [3lDDER'S GRAND 'I'O"I'AL AS�VE IS H[S "1'd'CAL B[U BASE❑ �N HIS LlNIT PRKCES A1YIl L[IMP SUM PRICES ANP THE EST[NIATED QUANT1TlES REQUIREI) FUR EAC'�# SEC'TION. TH14 FfGt�RE 1� FOFL INFUItMf�#'i'1�N ONL�` AT THE TiN1E ()F OF'F:NIN(: BII)S. THF. CITY �'VILL NiAKE TIiE T�F3ULATION FROM TI�1� UNIT PR10E5 ' AND L[1MP SIJM F'FLICI'; t3lU. IF "I'HE12E IS r�N ERRUR [N THE TOTAL F31' THE BI:DDFR. IT SHALL BF Ck1ANf;ED .4S ONLY THE �►NIT PRICCfi ,�►ND LUNI�' SI�YI Pi21CF. SHALL. GOVERN. 1 1 1 ' �1 �- � 1 1 1 1 ,.., ,. , . . . r