CLEARWATER BEACH PIER 60 RENOVATIONS - 08-0064-PR-CCLEARWATER BEACH — PIER GO RESTR+DOM/CONCESSi�N BUILDING REMOIJEL PROJECT NO.: 08-00G4-PR- (C) CONTRACT DOCUMENTS & SPEC�F�CATIUNS Prepa�red for * � � � � � � � �� � �.�_ � �►��� � � � * . � ]une Z011 OP ID: MH � OAiE�MMIODIYYYY) ���"�°'� CERTIFICATE OF �IABILITY INSURANCE o�ia�r� � THIS CERTIFICAT� IS 153UED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONI.Y AN� GONFERS NO ii1GWTS UPON 7H� CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CER7IFICATE DpES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY nR NEGATIVELY AMEND, �X7END OR ALTER THE COV6RAGE AFFORDE� BY THE POLICIES BELOW. tHIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOE5 NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER�S), AUTHORI2ED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLdER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSIIRED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subJect to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain pollcies may require an endorsement. A statement on this ceRificate does not confer rights to tha certificate holder in lieu of such endorsemen s. CONTACT PRODUCflR %Z7�.3%�'00.30 NAME: F� Roe Inaurance, 111C. PHONE 9857 State Raad 54 72T-3i6-2262 �*ia�°�F.�tl,. .. - --...... _..._.. i_.(ac,wo�_---..._........ ... . --- New PoR Richey� FL 346fi5 n�o�ss: . _. _._....- - .............. ....._...---.--.--.._-- _._ ... Greaorv G. Roe A224149 PR ceR ,VOELCON irisu�o -Willi.a...._...._.__ ........................ _... .... er Construction, Inc. m Voeller 4490 Alt 19 Ste# 101 Palm Harbor, FL 34683-1418 CUST9MER14 �•�--- • .. ........_..... �... _. .. ...... .... . ..__.. ... -- -. . ....._ ..- ---.._......_ INSURER(S)_AFFOR�ING.COYERAGE ...... ......................... ..._._.... _.........NAIC.# _. .. . . _ _....... ----- ...... .... .. .. . . ... .........._...__ ............. _......_.._..--._.._..._._......190 �,sus. . . . . ..._._�... ...._..�•- rs Insurance Co. _..........._ 70988 v IN5UR�R B; ALItO O nera Insurance Co. � 8 iNSUr�ac:Vinin�s Insurance Company_ ___.__ __ INSURERD: _.__...,..:._._,._ INSURER E : _ ,.,__. CqVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THff POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAV� BEEN ISSUEp TO THE INSURED NAMED A80VE FOR THE P�LICY PERIOq INDICATED. NOTWITHS'fANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITIpN OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER OOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICAYE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE IN5URANCE AFFORbEp BY TH� POLICIES �ESCRIBED H�REIN IS SUBJECT TO ALl 7HE TERMS, EXCLU510NS AND CONpITION5 OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMItS SHOW,N MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIM5. ___Wm_ N^__ .._..,__.___— Nra ...� --- . __ --• •i �F POUCY EXP ' LIMITS ----- -----.__-�---- �_ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBEk MMIO MMIDDlYYYY ' ....... ... ) ............. GENERALLIApIUTY I ��AF7fA'GET�REN7Elf—_�—._. 'OOO�d 1 , �._ i EACM OCCURRENCE S ___ °- % 05/05111 08/05H 2 5Qd _._. LUABILITY I X ZO%�9ss� I �..PREMI�ES„Ea_OCGUrance.......? ----- A X COMMERCIALGENERA i ..ME - _ _ s�a I CLAIMS-MADE I _X I OCCUR � � � ��II � PE .............A... .f � NJURY �.... .._� ....�......-----......._.......... GATE S ' GENEFiALLGGRV' .. ........ . �_..... .. ._. �, . rry one � _._.. s �,000,a , � --- -- - --- -- ------....__ _.---..._. ---.._ __.._._..._ __. - -- �, -- --�, , � z,000,a , � , �__.._.._--- _.._ _._.. ------- .....T__ GEN'LA ..-.— I p _Y------..._.. ..._ I � ---� GGREGATE LIMIT APPUES PER: � ! ; ��PRODUCTS _COMP/OP AGG 5 Z,�00�� _ -- Ra � ' , i � �mp Ben. $ - POLICY L� ' i C 5 , 00 �968�t667�G ,; ;p. �15�q9�a� o5ro9i�z '_(EaMB1�NEDSIN T------ I. _ 0'� AUTOMOBILE LIAHIUTV � N` ._ . � B X ANY AUTO 'S�F BODILY INJURY (Per person) S ,,,:�'.`-'�''r� J^� a � � .. , . . � ( ---�-�-`TYDAMAGE _ -- ��----�...._. .,...� ALLOWNEDAUTOS �\ i, BODILYINJURY(PerecGOBnI) 3 _ J T_ SCHEpULEO AUTOS j PROPER ! Peracddent X HIRE� AU70S �`� X NON-pWNEOAUTOS UMBRELLA LJAB X p(',CUR _....... ......_ excess uAe CtAIM5-MADE A _... DE�UCTIBLE I X RE7ENTION 5 � � 00� WORKERS COMPEN5Al10N ANO EMPLOYERS' LIABIW'fY C OFFICER/MF.MIB�XCLUDED? �CUTIVE Y� N I A (Mandatory In NH) IIye s. deacriha unaer OESCRIP7iON OF QPERATIONS below q Equipment Floater kNC���yV� I I AGGREGATE CE ; EACH OC_GURREN __ 857900 I 06/05/11 05/Ofi/12 -- • b 5 � 1 5�. .._...------- a_..._..._ 1 WC STA7U- OTH- � I � X I T.Q.Rv._l�L i�-- ...... _� -- '� 07/27/11 � 07/27112 I_ E.L. EACH ACCIOENT _ 5 I E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE i I I E.L DISEASE - POUCY LIMIT S osros►�� I 05/OS/12 I i CITY OF CLEARWATER IS ADDED AS AN ADDI7IQNAL�1 SURED TO THE GENER L"�Eei6�yu�rea� LIABILITY COVERAGE. CITY OF CLEARWA7ER BUILDING DEPARTMEN7 FAXB727-562�576 Po eox a�as CLEARWAT�R, FL 33756 ACORD 25 (2009/09) 1 7 1 CI7YCLE I SMOULD ANY OF 7HE ABOVE DESCRIBEO POLIGIES 6E CANCEL4ED BEFOR� TME EXPIRAI'lON pA7E THER�OF, NOTICE WILI BE DELIVERED IN ACCORPANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. pU7HOR12ED REPRESENTATIVE ����� m 1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Tha ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD � 'L-� , 1 1 ' 1. ' � I �a 1 ' ' � 1 � ADDENDUM NO. 3 DATED: June 30, ZOl l T� THE DRAWINGS AND PROJECT MAIVUAL FOR: CITY OF CLEARWATER PROJECT: CLEARWATER BEACH — PI�R 6U R�STROOM/CUNCESSION BUILDING REMUDEL PROJEGT NO. 0�0064-PR (C� DATED: .lune, ZOl l PREPARED $Y: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PLISKU ARCHITECTl1RE, P.A. 100 S. MYEtTLE AVE. SQO DIiEW STREET CLEARWAT�R, FLURIDA 3375 CLEARWATER. FWWDA 33755 PHONE: 727-5C2-4$Sd F'AX: 727.562-�5 THIS ADDEIVDUM NO. 23 — CONTRACTO'S QUCSTIUNS & ASW�RS CiY ARCHITEGT/OVIrNER FOR CLEARWATER BEACH — PIER 60 RFSTROQM/CONCES'3IQN BUILDING REMODEL - PROJECT 1V0. OS-0064-PR (L� UF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THIS W��K, �HIS ADDEW�UM CONSfITUTES A PAH'f UN' 'l'H� C(3LN'1'KAC"1' I)OC[JM�NTS. ACKIY�WLE�GE RECEIPT OF TH[S ADDEIYDUM ON THE PROPOSAL F'URM. PART I PROJECT MANUAL Iiem No. 1: C'nntractar's Questions aad A�nswers by Architect/Owner 1. Received from Jifiy Biueprint an announc�d ADDENDIJM 3 for the subject project. However, when opening tt�� dacumcnt and pri��ling il out it is lat�led as ADD�NDUM 2. What is correct?? I5 thi5 Jun� 24th, 2011 Addendum No. 2 or No. 37 A.nsvvcr: This 9hauld read as Addendun� No. 2 Nat 3 this wav a typca A little unclear haw many new soap dispensers will be r�quired. See reuse afcxisting in Mens but in Womens at the bank of 4 sinks is only one required and also would 1 each be required at private sinks in Womens Restroam area? A��swer: Provide soap dispensers iu botlr �var�en'� accessible toilet stalls, men's accesaibl� 6oii�t �t�lt :ind ut brrtk� eudb vtwomen and men vu�it%ea, l7emov� exixtin� saap dis�xnsers, return to ownct and ps�t�l� rv�lls �r r��quir�d. The contruetor ia ta provide new cari�n solid surfacin� cau��t�rs with intr�ral �i�cic� irr tlie w�tie�� u�►�1 wanaea restrooms see drawin�s. Room �nish schedule on A-2.�. R�m numh�srs dc� not match the room numhers qn the floor plan below. Answe.r: Room number on Cnish �ch�erlvle ahr�uld be 100A nut 101 A► �s indieatc� fpr .F oyer. 4, Exterior daors ta be replaced under Altemate 2 as shown an page A-3.3_ Where 'rs daor schedule far doors #6, #7, & #$? �'�ngwcr: Do�rs shall bc field verificci by (;G I�efare ordering (36'"W �, l3�1"'�:M. X 1'/."). I3ath frun��ti +�r��cl ilrr��rw Are to be replaced nxeeting Speci�catiaq �ectian OS10U Steel Dc�or� s�nrt Frarueti. 5. It appears Powerwash and paint exterior is part of basic bid. Don't see a finish schedule identifying product to be used to paint stucco. ��nswer: Stucca paint finish is sprcifia�l in Sperification Scr.tinn ()'19U0 F'�intinK. 6. Wpuld core drilling be an option fQr running the 2" PVC temporary water line in lieu of saw cutting the grade beams if it could be accomplished satisfactorily? ,�.nsw-er: 'Che 2" PVC line is not tempor��y but will remain tn nper.►te tk�r cuncey�iun �►nd restroum rcparutel�. Ycs curc drilling is an option sa lung �s llrc work is arca���plisl�ci! �alisfacluril�. 7. Wil! the owner aceept any door brand other than Steel craR? :�nswrr: �o, Steel craft doc�rs is a Citv nf C.'learwater standard ADDENDU]kI IYO. 3 .. 8. C�n CPVC be substituted for cvpper piping for the water lines? :ix�!;rr�er°: 1't°4 1uu iu�r sulrstilrNlc (,'l'ti'(:: r�i lii�ir rrf cup�►cr �iipiri�. 9, No acceptable alternat�es are listed for the Toto toilet fxtures. Are there any alternates that the owner woutd consider7 rintiw�r'; 'I"��tu tnilci fi�tu�°r*s a�•e ri C'itr �rf l`_Icsir�tiatcr rt�tnda�•d ��nci uii s�abrlrluti�r�9ti �ili !��* a�NlrYrnrrl. 1'Icas�; bi�l il�rrtr �iw �f.aled un fiti� �u��trart �r�a��i�xp;ti. 10. IVinterinl submittals fpr the projcct is rhere a dead li�ie whei� the material and sl�op da•awiugs n�cd tu be suUtN�itt�d? A�tsrr�r': 6h�e rr�t�lratet�ar ri�vs�rd�d the �.rr��je�t mn+l kazl�c .sll his matrrial and shu�� c1r�++i�N�� �withiiv �t� �lap±� from rratire rdr �ari.�cc���l. EMD OF AQD�NDUCV�[ r1p. 3 2 � 1 � , � � � L � � 1 1 ' , � � ' � ADDENDUM NO. 3 DATE�: June 30, 2011 TO THE DRAWINGS AIYD PROJECT MAN!UAL FOR: C1TY OF CLEARWATER PIdOJECT: CLEARWATER BEACH -- P1.ER 60 RESTROOM/CQ�C�SSIQN BUILDING REMOQEL PROJECT NO. 0�0064-PR (C} DATED: Jane, 2011 PREPAREO BY: PARKS AND RECREATIUN D�PARTMENT PL1SK� ARCHIT�CTURE, P.A. 100 S. MYRTLE AVE. 80D DREW STREET CL�ARWATER, FLORIDA 3375 CLEARWATER, FLaRIDA 33755 PHONE: '727-56Z-0SSfi FAJC_ 727-5d2-4825 THI5 ADDENDUM NO. 23 — CONTRACTO'S QUFSTIONS & ASW�RS [3Y ARCNIT�CT/OWNER F'O.R CL�ARWATER $EACH — PIER 60 RFSTROOM/CONCESSIOIY BUILDING REMODEL - PRO�lECT NO. �S-U1164-PR (C) OF' THE CONTRACT DOCL7MENTS FOR 1'HIS WORK, THIS ADDENDUM CONSTI'TUTES A PAlt'1' Ow' 'l'N� C:[1�V'1'NA(:'1' 1H]CUMEN7'S. ACKNUWGEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS ADDEIYDUM ON THE PROPOSAL'F'ORIWI. PART I PRQIECT MAI�TUAL Item No. 1: Cnntrr�ceor's Qpestioas and Answers by Architect/Uwner 1. Received from dii�'y Blueprint an announc�ci ADDENDUM 3 for the subject project, However, when vpening tk�e dacumcnt and priuling il nut it is labeled as ADQENDUM 2. What is correct?? [s this June 24ih, 2011 Addendum No_ 2 or No. 3? Anawer: This should read as AcNdcndu�n Nr�. 2 Not 3 this was a tvl��� 2. A little unclear haw many new soap dispens�rs will be required. See reusc of existin� in Mens but in W�omens at the bank of 4 sinks is only one require� and also would 1 each be required at private sinks in Womens Restraom area7 Amsw�r: Provide soap di�penaecs ia both women's accessible toilet s#alls, men'!� acee�ible toilet sta11 and s�t both enc�s of women and tn�en va�ities. Remove existing soap dispensers, return to o►+vner and p�t�h wallR as r�quired. '�"hc cuntractor is to provide new cnriHp sulid surfacin� cau�wlers witl� i�NlG�r�l sinks ipro tl�c men s�ncl wumeu re�tronms see drawin�s. 3. Room finish 5chedule on A-2.2. R�m numhers dn nc�t match the raom numhers an the tloor pl�n b�low_ Answer: Fioom number on finish �chedGle shnuld be IDOA �aat 101f+► as indicated 1'or• Faycr. �. Exterior daors to 6e replace� under Alternate 2 as shown on page A-3.3. Where is door schedule for doors #6, #7, 8c #8? Answer: Uoora shall be �eld veritirrl by CC' I�efore orcleri��� (.�b'"V�V h 8d'"F�. X!',G„). 13ath frs�m�s crncl dr►c�rc arc to ��c replacecl meeting S�ecification �eetion OS100 Steel Do�ors ��ad �rarr►es. 5. it appears Powerwash and paint exterior is part of basic bid. Dan't see a finish schedule identifying produ�t to be used to paint stuccn. Anbwer: Stucra paint tiniah is spcci�cd in 5pcci�cation �cctian U�l�)Oil F'�intiu�. 6. Wvuld core drilling be an optinn far running the 2" PVC temporary watcr line in lieu of sa.w cutting the grade beams if it could be accomplished satisfactorily? An�wer: '1't�c 2" PVC line is not tempc►rary hut will rcmrain ta �►per�te the cunces�ion ancl rc!�tr�.�ana scrtaratcl�. Ves cnrc drillin� is an option so Ioug a.� t4e work is acca�r�R�li.rhed xatisfa�lurily. 7. Will the owner accept any door brand other than Steel craft? Answcr: Vo, Steel crgft doors is g Citv nf C'learwater stUndard ' ADDENDUM NO. 3 8_ Can CPVC be subsNtuted for copper piping for the water lines? � AnswLr: 1'r.ti yo�M irw��' ���k�stituCrC'PV(: in licu of cu����rr ��i�iin�;. 9_ No acceptable altemat�es are lisced for the Toto toilet fixtures. Are there any altarnates that the owner wauld consider7 � rin:��wer: C'uta tr.a'ilcl' �xh�r�s �are a C'.it� af ('Icsir��r�ter �t;�.n�li�rd :��rd �'►u substilutii►t�v r�if1 lae �►Ili.rd�cd. F'ic�sc krid ile�tM� ��s rr:#fei! ��r� t�ic cF.rirdr5��t d�•.►,�i�a�:s. 10. lViaterial submittals Far the projecr is there a dead liaie when the material a�id sl�op d�•awiugs ueed ta be submitted? � A�rywer: t4ee rCrirylr'�t��'��r .�evsae-ded thc F�r[�j�ct �rtust Faa���. �sll lii:� muleri:�l and sl�r►�� drs�win�M Mr ithir+ J� �lay� irc►nt �ralice tc� �ar����rr�i, END OF ADb�IVDUM PTQ. 3 � � � � � � ' � 1 � � ' 2 , ' , , ' . � �_ �:11� J�. .J DAT�D: J�e 24. �11 TD 7^H� DRAWIIYGS AND I"�LOrIECI' MAI�i�l,�L �t: C1T1C OF CLBARWAT�R ' �RO�CI': CI.�WA'I'�R �F.AC�1— l'�iR 60 �'['�M/CUNC�RiON �UILDl1YG RBMODEL PRO�C� DIO. Y&Mi�!'R (C� DATED: J�w�c. T�11 � ' � 1 � ' C� ' � 1 1 � , 1 ' PREPARBD BY: PARK$ AND RB�THl�M Q�PARTM6P1'1' Pi.�Sletl ARCf�R�L'r'UR�, P.A 1M & MYRT� r!M�'1�. 8Y� D�EW �T C[BARWAT�, �A 3375 CL�AKWATBR, F7.OR[DA 33756 PFY[)P1�: 'T�'1� �AJC: 7E7-�d�r4� THI�f ADD�NDUM NO. 2— P�QV�i� �1�06 RBPORT, PHO'1�U'S Ql� Z• i PACK K!'STROU�MS TO �� OELVK1Li�BD� G`OPY OF Ml1�-�D �N 1i�T �T� �s MArIDr1�DRY t"�t�BID �ON�SNC� MgETI�YG MINU'i'�S I+i)R CLBAQWA'1'�R BSACH —!I�'A iY �l1WDWG RLMQGEL - PRWECI' N(� Ot!-006d�-PR (CI Ol7 TE� QO1VrRACT D[1GUM� �i�' 'PF� WARiC. T4� A.�iD13M COI�ITPUTES A PART QI� THE COl�i7'RACT DOCUM�I�i7S. A!�iO�.l��� �` O�' T�S ADD�NDIIM (1N "t'� �OBAL I�ORM'. PAQT i �OJFrCT MANUAI. i�em Na, l: Aabestae F�eport isr ���iidiog �i 'I�o — 9� Paak R�onms —18 pe�cs [iiem l�ia 2: Pwqbo� oi Si�c P�t ��i ��1. 4 tLe�lreont lacaled e�aelh of t�er �1 �rCane�a�n BnilAin�MaiN nf Prrv�ion Re�a+�we oat�c�+e�e ei�by be4our.� a�+r� � Npe W p�apo�t.y lirs t� ba�eath eaiating aoncreoe sida�ovaNc ar As dir� by tpe o�vmr tc+ p�ttg a�at�^y li�r� � el�l sawico to test�aam reawv� oan�roo� �idewalk bo wcistiag sw�ap og gar�e �e �cili�► of l�i�er 60. $�m pMr�. 2. l�lroam IooH6ed nc�h af B�ew� L�rd ,�ta�ia�► — rennore meh�oan ela:trical inE►�abnrctw+e �ad plug water lines and saailary be�low grad� and p�ovidm a�u� �� camoi�c/e x�faaa. Soe photo of nea�ao�n rs�mor�l. l/��n 1Yr. 3: �ra�� Meell�g $i�,s �p �t 1. 4 p�es of d�e ��.6id e� � ahe�t ibom Na 4:1N���ary Pra�ld Cor��r+ar�e 1� ll�irrles -7 Ns�es I�e� lYa 4: Sleqne�ce pf �ek 1. If tbe Oamer elcc� !o uc�de awa�d of We sECe�a�o i�ams (Aile�abes 21� 3) vwaric sh�ll be canpld�d prior w b�inni� l Bas� Bid wark �1eim. '11e avnq�c�ar sl�dl bo r�q�Pa�d ta aolled a saparu�e buirdia� i�nnit 6or this vrork far alt�e bid i� 2�3 thmre will be no bee for this pern�it. �i@ OF ADDEPFDUM NO. 2 �c�r�er� �F;,, ., Enviror �� rw�:�tal 1 , 1 1 REP�RT QF �FIE NE31-iAP REMC1VATiON/D�M�L1710N SURV�Y. SAMPL,IN(3 AND EV'AI.,UATION �iF ASB��iTOS-CONTAININO MAiER1ALS ' at. the ' F'+�R �6�C1 �ONCE�SICIN BUILD1fr(� AND 7HE ' iW� (2} �i,aC PACK RESTRO�MS �LEAF�1111,ATER, FLORIDA ' .!u[1q z1, 2p11 � C�E Pr�je�at Wumber 7 051-1046 Suk�m6tt�d #o: � City of C(eanrva�r � Mr. Leroy Chin P',�1ics and R�r��tiun i3apartrin�nt ' P.O. Box 47d8 C1�arMra�er, i�lorida 33758 Prep�ret� by: ' �resn�eld �nrirotrm�ntal, Inc. ' d32 3r° �tre�rt Nt�rth at, P'�t�r�btrrg, Flo�id� 33T09 � � � 432 3� Stteet Mqr�h, St. P'elersburg, FL 337Q1 • Phone: '127.�96.12b6 • Fax: 727.89a.1566 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' E]L��l171VE �U�A��IAFtY The sunrey �r�d �bv�^yr � aa�d�x:lad at the Pier 80 Cor�ssivn B�ding arrd the 1w�a (2) sa p�dt r�tr�aorir�s I+�ed �t Cle�uv�ier Beach, Flo�id� indl�aled th�t nort� c►f thie m� s�mpled v� �urrd � camfaiin asbe�io� in ar�ourMs gr�r th�n one (1) pea�enk As �uch, na sp�ed a�os hendM��g or d� 6ad�r�iques are rep�d prior to c�r during renov�d�rir�tlorr s�. 1 The Pier � Conce�sion Buil�ir� �s lorsled ju�t e�t af the Pier 60 entrca�ce ar�d on� (1) ' a( � sbt �u�c r+��bnoms is la�d io fhe nailh of the a�r�sian vwfh an �idress crF 10 � .-J L� 1 ' ��I LJ , � C� 1 1 C.a�ew�ay 8�oulevard. The o�r�n I� loaal�d b tlte rru� of the L.i�'e C�ard S�lon w�h an add�s of 18E} �+i+�► 8c�t�le�ard. K is GE ur�l�r�ltndit�g 1�t the I� 6� Conae�ivr� BuMd�g vw� � tenr�v�d and eo�rsnded antt �e iwo (2� � p�c�k r+e�hvorr� v� be demoli�hed. ��-��7���1.� _ =a.:�.d.�r,, F, .✓'° ,-.1 1.0 INTPiC]t)l�E�TI�N .......................................................-•----�--------....,...........................1 2.m FACILITY D�SCi�EP"fl�l .................................._....................................---•---..,........2 3.Q �URVEY N�ETHODS A�ND LABC�tATQRY AMALY5IS ..............•---.......-•------.........._3 4.t3 SU�PECTED ASB��TaS-CC�hl7'A►l�lil+lC� MATERI/h[.3 ...........................................4 5.0 []�.�.�+GRiPTI[3�►t OF MA,TERIALS .............................................................................5 S.0 CA�LIl3�C� ..........................�,..,---......---............................................................6 h �� _.:r1' . ��:« - Aw�En�c�x �- LAB4RA*ORY ANALYTIGAL RESUI.TS ptRFr►�tC�M17�C B- CE�FtC�4TIOt�S ' 1 1 1 1 ' c� ProJauMe. tosl-�oas 9A INl'R�OIJC7iC1N A survey Tar a�os-oatf�inirig m�ri� (ACMs) wa� �nd��d tay Gra�fiield E.nvironrr�ent�{� Inc„ (GE) � ihe Pier 60 Cano�sion Huilding and the Ma (2) �ix pack r�troams bca�d atCle� 8e�ch, Flaida. 'TI� �urv�yw�s perforrned on S�pt�mb� 9. 2010 eu'�d Jt�rte 10, 2011 by Ke�vin E. Klld�. ARxrer�iited EPA Asbes�a� Inspec�or. Gr�errAeld E►wir+�nmer�. Ir�c. i� a Flarida LJcenead A�b�ae Cor�uMing Flrm v� a aam�spor�dirq �i� �mla�r af �.'A-L10�OZ6B. 1 The �xvey w�s � lr� a�+�r � kier�i(y arr�► r��inln� rr�terf� which , may eodst prior to �d�s � in ac�ao�denae vri� the P1a�na1 E� S�rrcl�rd fvr H�ardous Air PoNutar+l� �N�SHAP) R�on. 1 ' 1 , u More spe��►. our �coi� c�f � for fhi� prQj�ct oana�ed of i!^� fh� ibNowiinng step�. 3�e Vll�qc Thnou�h and ah�erv�tian�. �r�C �ampling af Suspect ACIiAs, Pa�d l.ight �AkmsarPg► iPLMI Ar�at�is a�f 8�c Farn��l�, H�zaRl �nd Ev�on. ancl ��.�i'; �•.+�m.i �,�"�!'RR't,.�,� IThe findings ai thi� npart r�rM Gr�eenfleld Erwiramrr�e�l, Inc.'s ((3E� be� proFessbnal jwdpemeM �nd no alher �I � e��d or impli�d. This r+�port is ' NM�r�d�d a�r tar th� us� at tl� Cf1Y OF CLEARW�AT�R �nd itffi ag�r►!�. Th� aonte� shouid ne�t be �i�d up�orf by arry aN�er p�r1i� r�OUt tlte e�r�d wrill�n con�nt of 1 L � , f1 � � �--1-- 1 [� Prqe[� No. 1�1-10�i.5 7.Q F14ClLITY �3CRIPTION Thie �Car��ivrr Bu�k�g wa� ab�enred' � b� const�d +af c�n�newtg bbc�C and �t�eel. Irri�rbr wafls were fni�hed w�t�► pl�r and cec�mic til�. C�li� r�rr� T�h�d wi�h pl�r. drywaU and vw�ovdes� �ember°�. Fbors r�re �ir�h�d � cac�ncnete ar�cJ t��nic t�. T'he H'VAC dud wa� st�et m�al. `�e roofi c�vnsists � a m�efa) n�aH�g sy�tiem. The tvw (2) snc pack restnoams w�e�re v�n�d m be cvnstrvc�ed af w�od� members. Irrier%r wr��ls w� �ed w�h ��kim c=o,�t. waaden m�m�ers �n� 1�+a r�fsd pl�s�ic sFt�. Ceitlr�s we�e �hed w�tF� �w�cavden me�nbers. �loot� w�ere flrr�Fr�d wi�h b�r+a cvnar�te. The roaF� a�r�i�t vfi ��fi+�g sys�e�rts. � 1 C� 1 1 , ' 1 ' � � � ' � , 1 lJ 1 � � � � �. ,�,_,� 3.A �i;1R'V� M�TM�►I� � L,A�E)IRATOi�Y aM1AL.YBIS The �aFrrpfing c:ondude�d in th� �� sr�rv�y wa� perfo�ed in aa�rd�nae with Titi� 4�. Cod� af F�d�ral (CFR). Part 7�3 fvr ausp�d ACAA�. Th� �PA reguladons requi�'� tk� s�pl� 1� be r�rdotnt�► �eieated. All suspect a�abs�-o�r�t�irring �eri�t� �d PACM (me�te�'� p�umed �a co�ai� asb�slos undar Vte 0�► A�beslvs Rul�� 28 CFR 191 �) w�ne i�d �d �r�le� of each di�ar+ent n►�teiri�i werrs �ed. The bulk �ampW�g p�oe� wt�i�d for aaMectian vf su�p�d aaimpt� r�yuired the ee�bli�lxnerfito�hdmoge��awr��ng �rea�. A homag�teevus �arr�lir� �a � de�rte�d � an a�a vf inable or �� �1 vf sirt�ilar ty�pe that appeered io be applied or ir�taYed dur�ng � s�ne g�rre�af p� ai tMne. Aw �r�ple Ivc�lior� w� id�d wilh nt�mbers carr��cx�dir�l k� 1�� li�ed M Sec�On 5.0 " D�se�ip�c�n � NlMari�' c�f tfi� �t S�rr�ples v�fMc1� w�are ooM�c�d frorn ihe�e prr-delarrniried homa�en�ow� �rnpli�^�g � w�r�a laiseled and tr�nspor�d !� /�r Qw�lity Enviroru�r�nt�l. Mc. (h11�.1�P Mo. 200�S�i-0) f�nr ar►aly�i�• AM �pl� vw� a�d u8�ng EPA a�qro�ve�d Pb�riz�d lJq��t �PY (PU� aa�pl�d wilh �imn �wA• Propertia� �uch � re�e indiaas, bi�ae. si� af ela�� �ncl e�� �gle �r� ur�i4t�s � a�ela�Mir�e �os �orms and are u�e�d �a id�e�t tl�e 1y� of aebes� minera� � c.hr�o�. arrwsite, CroQldolile. erMhvpt�y�i�, tr�rr�vl� or �ir�oli�. P�g� vf �°�e idaMifieci types af asb�la� are dei�rmiro�d h� r�ua� e�Wrralion. /1�er� �r� rr�ad� 10 mix � sarr�pl� thorou�hly io p� a rnc� s�i� p�norr�fag�. Arry materia! oor� greal�r V►an � P�� (� °�i �!► v�ei�t �vf �ry 1Ype � asbealos � aa�sidered by d!� EWA �a be an AqW �rid if �urb�d mu�t 6� M�r�d aaco�ing to speaaic �. V � ae �roiectn�o. �ag�-�oas 4.p SIISPECTED ASBEi�TQ&CONTAININa MATERWL� T1t� � i� ��urnmary vT t�e rn�t�er{�F� s�mpled and test�l during ��wnrey �nd ��an c�i the Pier 64 Cor�sion �u��rr� arxl tFae tw� �2) ai�c p�c re�troorns: • F�'$�!N • �'r�1CG1D • HvAe � ��t;� • Dry�v�p. Tape �rid Com�aur�d . �� 4 1 ' ' ' 1 , ' ' � , 1 ' ' ' 1 1 1 ' ' GE Pn�Jeqt Mo. 70.'H-10+1� s.e o�� e� ra��s 7'I� � i� a� a� t� m�e�s s�r�d �t th� Pi�r ec� cmnc�Jon B�ri�rg arld �►e lwo (2j si�t padt r+�o�: �O' ��e ��� ��� FHabAity Condition ��Ox' A�r+�� Num6er Lo�tivri Ca��rt �ty S�MMMF'LED QN SEPT� 8� 2010 01 F"I��ter Loc�ted on the No 1 02 Interlor W�!!s and C�ilings A�ba�ia� Friahle Caavd 43 of tfte C� D�e�ted 04 St�ao L,vc�ed vn tl�e No a 05 Exterior Vllal� of the Asb�io�s Friable G�oad 08 Cor�vn DeteGtetld 07 ���� Na 3 08 Lvc�ed Abo!�r� the � Nar G� �- � C� ic� �the ��� Frla6le ��� SANI�'LED ON JUNE 1A. 2011 01 sklm Coa# Lo�d on the � 4 02 Fire Rated PFa�#fc W�Ms Asbesl� Fria6le [',a�d 03 af ihe 5ix P�dc ��� Restraams D4 Skim Co�t on the No 5 05 IIAa�sorry W�Ns aF th� Six Aabestas Fri�bie (',aod 06 Padc R+�raoms Detected �. T� � a7 C�omp��rl La��lad arr No � OB the Ce�p of tl'w k�e Aeb�eio� Fri�bie Good 09 Crearn Partor at 1he De�6�d � 5 [�E Pio�d F7n. 1051-1d45 6.0 CDNCLUSlONS 'f°he �esults ot vur o6�nr� � le��ry t�iing �t � F�ler � Cvnc��ivn 8tai�ng and � twa (2� �i�c p�ok t�aa� fa�rl�d at Cl�rvrat�r �t, Flori�d� i�di�ated lh�t � the �ight�en ('� A�) aamp� a�l�d. none of the materi�s eamptvd wrere faur�d to oQ�in asb�s in amounl� g�r �n orre (�) Per�ent. As �uch� no �1� a��6�tos h�dlhg or c�sp�a� t�ique� are r�rir�d prio� h� or d�uing renovatiar�demc�iori ��. B 1 ' ' ' P�SSION/11., CLliTIFl�/AT1aNS The di�siat� ar�d conclusivn� cwnta�ed �t t�s asb�lvs survey h�v�: b�n preQar�l and review�d by t� �� pno�r�i�.inal�. � iG�vin E. KNd► ' �� �� a-�a� � �oas�e2o ' 1 � � 1 ' 1 1 � 1 , ' � Micha�i W. Ro�henb�g; PE Fbrida Lic�e�ed A�h� Consul�nt �EAOa00049 � ar� � �r r ar a� � � � � � � a■� s � � � � � � � � �. 0 i� � OC � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Gfl�(li i�8111�: fie 11�9D9 11'8�70 1498'17 1 �9�'i2 1196�73 1199'T4 1198TB 716�78 119677 � �qR' � �1.q�1�1t'�' JE][11Y1�'�1[ll�]fl�filt�1�� �IRC. 1.alx,rur�,r�• 5rr�,•i.M.+ 9�i2i Striniq��lo liw�icva�d. S�-m�n�+lc. I�I�n'i�lq ?377� ��'713`)ft-�H�{lh FA\ �7?yl F�>%•IW9f• C�r�e1�fl�ld Emko�rrr�ltal Project NBme: 1�59 CNy of Cte�nveler d 432 3rd S�reati Narlh Pior 9C1 �ast 81d� of Br�ezway Sl PeEarsbuPg, Florida �3701 Da�e Analy�rl: $epfe�ber IS, 201G Bt Tmat I�AeMqd; PL'11A I OS -�'A M�od H001'R-94r11i M* S�rraple T 9b �tas 9� Oaher F��ers 96 BIN�ders �reeo ! gray [� 1�I17% C1u�r� and BindBrs 5lwcao ! gray NAO 1p7% qu� ancl8inders Stuoco I grs�r I'�A� 7fl096 QuerG[ and Bfiders / AaY � 1Q�'N+ Qua�tz and Bind�rs 9ewaoo yeNoW / y�r NAD 10a9fi Qu�rtr and B6xl4ra I gray MAd 10096 QuaM�ta and Bkide�s MAD i00M. �6nd�ra C�wpc FIAD 9Qp°16 �d�Cs (+IAD 1oDl6 Bk�c7era 1"M�1�1rsrN�l4+reraa�llTadby��es• $prmip�y�r Arewnpew�.e�tR�6�aN4+leanlr�rlslydW�,wedw�l�sw.eMa.r.w. '11.v�vu� cmqYldl���{ANII�MiNb6e �Aas�ioapl q�r N� �MMPn� ��PYr 111�Ih11d� �rs6q�q� 6p CAU6nA�11 M1is�M1lreW �aa�n CCV�IB�. @�oeyukNar�aM�ol�ainwMvlF�Wmt/Mape�lrtsR'��pl���i�rarofna��a�0ad�aaPow�Im. h� R1�YM�n iY M�M� �h �� U�felr wes llaan llr�. �ps�r� ah' GvY�e. wK aw� �+iArapr�Nd 1ArteIRy,�:����l�l��dnqs+rNMeid��qiNY�qup�MNlss'!�0luMlc+�rReOAwfG�O. Add�r.lhsse�s /1.�ilY4ddbr: 1�f��plG: �� N�i� � �1. � ll� �� � 19� �0 �' � F�M� (ij M1�CIW F18V� 6�'d19A MI� • ��61G�CI����1'I�dl�f �����.M�MIY�'��� � �IM4Y��� �at � �'1� rm�Ytloo�4'WM naYn�llqwr sr�4 � �ArM d�1�11 alqlh' arq �ia�ler. VY�+an a dprYnp� raeWt �a � Rctltti�n P0�ld.�a� �fIMN1�MrlIS�lOds��on. iA6�A0��:+raY�dwiaaqn �tec6p�Yieq�uny, M���l tab FII� Hu�I1Mar, t7"'� NlMI..AP Lab No,10lT�l•0 dW101ySis P�S 1 oi 1 � � � . d r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �i�° � ural�i�y �E�nvironm�nta�, I�nc. c� ��+�� 98125 $ar�loola 9or44vud� Sami�ek. Flerid� 11772 ('TZ7134�09dD I�AX (7,�7'139�U996 C11erR N�1n� C�1�81d R� F'roj�d I�rl�e: f a61-1048 Cfqr of (�1wre0er �l2 �d �v�aE IIptl1 �1oB�ita1 d P�cl�c � �t. F�eler�rg, �Imrld� �701 L1ape �alyzed: Ju+B 1S. �Q'11 A�e�. �G�It �8n1p1� � Test �Aaq�d: P411i / � - �PA AIMa#11l�tl 61,811�: 137�t8 1 1S�"!8 2 1�7V� 3 137�i91 4 13%692 137@� 6 13769�4 7' 13/&�5 � 137� 9 La�b1�1'�rq�e� �9"� • r- �^—r � 9��!► � IWAD hIAD I�iAD WAD NAIO hrAa 1�4'� 1� t�iAD A�leijrali Pe�prs 1 e1f 1 t�96 GuN�lcyae l�6 C�r� 6!L C.eMr�e 149CIXi Blntlers 4�pQ�'. 8k�de��6 1+0090 Bindars 10�°1L Cluarfz �riA ��ineler� 7O0% Querta and 9lndaiB �O11776/�t�rlt arrd Binders 0 gMi Cy�►andBN�de+ts 9HIr ��rp�pn and �qMdars� '� L�yp�rn �nd �ind4ra wewf+a� �r= � �� �� �dle�a�n li�l1.M lab 1io. 2�7"50�0 m � v � � � � � �r � � � � � r� r � � � � � r G i• f , }� T��TRA T�tA�l'���� ���eVIC�S� �� approv�r �ag-oaotQOS l 13 S Disstoa A�en�� T�rpon Springs, �1.34689 �••727-4�8-3�59 � �lt� �fC� 32� $W 74th Ar! ��fi �3t8 . . - �.. . .. �..14.i�'�ifji'Y�l}lS�ff:t'�'i! �ii E.:[�i-i�'Iit •IS.�:�3iI�� FI' �1i?7t:}�. . �!� .'�'t"�i!: �.,,{ ..._ ..._... �~ . ,�S � .1=� i+��rS S:5 .�.N. - �� i'iit• �{ .;G �'� �h ��' �S�estr7S ?�s`��D'i' �Z f �3'�i' 2��T � _ �. � ��� �� .� . . . . �U�� 31� 2@i0 . , . _ . . i� � � ; i ..r_ _-....,� -- - � . . ._ , �� ,�u! ,�s, �oso � : , . .�,, .. �___.�_—__.--�--.... '� �' ,����.�isc• . !;,,t.:. _�_�1��011 .��.___..._.e `�'JQ .� � x1. �'�)�i:�,, ! ��� :i�«�+ti - _---� ��------ - .�.�_ '�` T�'�`"� --�- • --�-�.�'_ ^=ii�..��.k�'_�'` '�T'.�� ..,.. ... .... ...w . . . _ .e �,_. �: — -- -- a� �3�382 Q .:'��li���.�:��u�a3 '"���i.,��: r. _.._ .. _ m . � .. . ���-.�: ��,�{,>,, .� , �.�! r /. f�.' _.._.._ __... __ `.��r'�C�_ �'�. . _ ._ . .. _. . _. ,r ('oiis:�: r�ni��t°:�t�ir� �.7� r �: w•: r � ■� � � �w � ■■f � � � � � r■� ■�■ � � � �. STATE OF FI.ORIi'�► DS8AAT11�1T O� BQ8D�888 �!� F�lOFZ88IOi1AL RSI�ILATIOiT 1940�� �C �Lri4 i�0AAA11 ($�0) 489-1395 ?�lLL�S8 ��a'J!9-d783 � `� ' D� B�, 33701 (� wilh M� �s � aa�a a[ a�e n�� F�p li�r�ed'b9r �4 aF e��' l��r� b � � � � ��i. K.I �'1�► � d th� �Ip�e� ts: l�sna� �p�l�� i�pu�a �. �M�Ps�6�wra b �+�, �qu $vYa�t' � arra !�a► ��x ycru tor dci�g � in �� on y�nw�r esw N�woat OETAiCM WEFiE .i .� .��u.� raa �p� , _ . �:� t. 1it�1A87. , ",p,1�/0�1.:1i'�'�$�6873: • �+� ' • . . ��'�. �irp ' �'. i�.. ,y' ': : . . ��,. ,��, ' . .. _�i:;.,�`.... , . +_'^•:�;-' • ' : �t�.. . .. i6 C�RZ . , . � d� .+�:468 �a � � �1Q96'J�r19'i719 . �_ � � 501788 � , -. . - ��r� rr� F�ar� : , . _ � . . . � � �� �� ' .� . _ . .. . . ,,.._ _ � �ezz�o������� �►e. �o �e - 1�• be�va I� �li�►� �� 9.a�n .�ss � �3, �Oi�er �� P�. , D �r.' ` � � � ���ai ��'[��i°�. r��_ �, a; •r _....y.,.� _ ' Addendum Na 2 Projcct No. 0&Up64-PR-(C� Rc�troom remo�al at Picr 6Q PAVilion �tc Stor-Age Garwge Buikling. Remove concrete sedewalk west of stoap of storage garage to left of phota. Remove all concrete wcst af stoop to and beneath restrvom. Remavc ull infra-shvcture either ta the propetty line, to adjacent hard surfaces or as directed by the owncr. Plug all ssu�i[ury, ws�ter line �t clectrical conduits belvw grade_ C)etnolish existing restroom and remove debris from the property and disposed of by thc contractor. � � Addendum No. Z Project No. 0&(1064-1'R-(C) � � � � � � � � � � Rcstroam remov�tl North otBewch Y.ffeguard Station C�emolish existing restroom, saw cut existing concrete slab �cc remove existing eloctrical, remave sanitary sewer, existing � water lines and plug below concrete slab pxtch cancretc slab flush with existin� surfACe. Ftemove and cut any existing bolts flush with surfar.e. Disposc of demulished t�eb�is off site by the gcneml contractor_ � � � � � Y� 9�n-�ie �h�et CLEARWATER �EACH - PIER 66 R�STRUt11Vi/CUNCE3SI�N BUILDING �tEMUDEL F�ddECT NO.: I.�RaY CHTN , PR�.iECT MAN;AG��`t BEACH Lfl�GiJi4RD ��71LD�TG - 3 FLOOR CQNFL�ICE RM. 1813 GULFVIE�V B�.VD�, CLEARWA'TLR, FLORIDA F�AY, d[TI�T� �4, 2911- 5:3� AM Sl�w�t�uore Co�npany dk PLo�e #: E-Meil Address Time In City at'Cl�warsr �,�Uy Chjn p�cs �t Rec. Dept. 727- Ieroy.chinC�mvcl�ar�v�f�t.ror�_ 8:30 AM 562-48456 �84� P�I��CO Plisito Arcl��tul�, P.A. 8:30 AM AIA '7�7-461-C1030 �+� �l° R .!�[ -- - ,�,�' �� .�,���� � �� � � � � . _ �� . ���ir�, ' � � , �. � o � Cd�(�.cl�s, . �,� �,\'w1l �,..��uW� t 1�"1'I11� �' P{"a5 ae�+�}CS MIF.G(�ii�''Z!'�►wr�wssw.alrr.! G�� .,r �,�- �5 M . �� � f N • /,i�ld�t111� ��'+�F}' t�R, _�4�� �' . �� ;.w� fw � a►t �'� �{►+ • �� es (�. • �.W �� } , �,�� ��1� ���� W � �I�Y►�Ohb�f� rY��IS .L� � � ,' "�- 1 � S,� la�.r ki� C�:��,�r�;.�i � � g 5��.( $�� r-�C t� 7.�"7 4��� -7� y y S�4c� � Sr l��rl�:��y��s�� �i �.� r��. c�c�rh -� `�� � C�vs T ( � �,e,C�. �'`d u-�..� c.�+ . z c� G _ �—�t�,w,„„i,a,r � � ��...��5', � - �� �,,.._ . a �'12'7 - � ' — SS 4 • �w.r.— . '� � �irdj�' �P���/"-v���U.'� �''''yd�' �G'��.rt� � �,�+....t �� ���.,,�.Me�a� �" 2s� �C � v� '�Is�S�/�'/ �J'77tr . c o.� .►� � : �d L ��� �� �� �s�r�'.�� � 1��� I���lt'r �-�,��.� ���� � r�►�t��,�. �o� �� fbc � r��,. f..�� w^ ,��;,,� 4��.. �� q• p 5������' �,2 �/fv. � � ��G � � I � � �?-�d �'dy s�� . �s F�"rea-!�d �Ca'vf 8igr�-in sl�t.x� 1 ' 1 1 1 ' , 1 , 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 � 1 ' ' 1 1 � ' 1 , � 1 � � ' ' 1 , � � � �—i11 �1�� CLEARWATER BEA� - P'iF� � R�$TR�A�ICUNCESS�UN BUILDING RL��D��L P�T Nn,:O�-OOb4-� I.,�it�A'Y G��IV , Fft(�JE[;'i' MANA�E�t �ACH �cu� �urr.�c . 3 �.vo� car�.� �. 18� GULF'�E�ll► H'�.'t� CL�RWATER, FLdR��► FRIDAY, JUi� �4, ?,�l l- 8:�9 AM Si�oAtr�e C� BG !'!r� !�: E-M�il Adi� Tip+c la - �-- lit � '�i"�.�d�ar �P•` � . ��. � �"��w,�rr• Grn� � � � �? � �t 7 ' �,��s C. N1,'l Pr.��, � �%�� /, (�� 5 Crr�l� IIP���11, ll�.�r. l��t, �-. 3 0� 7z7 � �.�.�d ����� �_ `� ��� ��rw �►-. o �r � � �� � ��r� - _.���� i�'. ,.a�.-�,�.. ...��. �,:k• 1��.�c'.�^t".�,c N` � , '^c'� �1 � ��_ ����� • .�- � -� �K� �" �U .S✓�.. �L�j L � �'N�i� 1'�VC�r `� /!� f �i�'�� � �V � � �� U.�r� 2a^i'�C./�„,�' ��'��1 L.` � � � rL�� Cn� �►f�C � li -b�ikis .�.�wi �' � m�=. ��- �33� I I Z z- �`"" � /�,qr� . �.�4r �•+� � ���-�/ � ' Pr�-bid Cvnf Sign-in she�t.xls ' FC W �i�a-in Sae�t CLEA►RWA'i'E�R �E�CH - PIER 60 R�'T'RQOM/CONCESSI4N BU�LDING ItEIVIODEL PRQJEGT NU.:AS-0@64-� �.ERUY CHIN , P"ROJECT MANAG�R SEACH �IFEGUARD BUI,W1►��'� - 3 FLOUR CONFL�irICE RM. W 1S� �UL�'VIEW BLVD, GLLARWA��R, �.URIDA FN3DA►Y, JU1�E �4, �!Q11- 5:3� AM 5'�stnre Cur��amp 8t P� �: �Nisil Addresss Time I� -., � I� �d w ..5� �S ��rd 1 � ►� �' ,����..- � . 7�7�- �- � M►� � �� � ' � � �v�c���c��.� -�n,��v��,� ��..--► �e� - �r�� ��� � ' �--� � ��ry�a� �.� ,�L�t�� q+tiG�►�C°��r��vr►��M1 S: 1�a Z7 - '�- �C.� W+�e-�cJ Cmnf �ign-i� �.� 1 1 � � 1 � � , 1 � 1 ' 1 1 1 ' , 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' , 1 ' � ' ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' Y OF �!►T Sigo-�n ��eet CLEARWATER BEACH - F�� �D RE4�TB�011�/CONCESSIqN BUILDING RE11��DEL F'RUJECT NU.:OS-0064-� LEROY G'HII+ri , PROJECT MANAGER BEACH LI�GUARD B(J�LTIING - 3 I�'LUOR CQNFERNCE RM. 1�0 GULFVIEW BLVp, CLEARWATER, FLU�DA FRIDAY, JUNE Z4, 7A11 - 8:30 AM Co�psqy � �eNe #: �Muil A�dreas Ti�e In fV'�L+F� � i ��Fo [� cde�i�� �;�� '�7S �1 10� C•�.�S��.vcTt.�.,. , Evr. G�.��"�wT� i�l�?1Lj?'�'.f �t�rn.. ��G�'r`fL1f J � � ��� !/f�-14 /v i� /Y1� [� � �1�'n' �'���� �'�"' � / �'rr . c:a lYJ � � ' PI'8-� Cqfl�.�1�11-N1 8�1B�X�8 1 k'R�:-f311] C"()NFF?ItANCE MEE"l'IP�C, M1Nl! 1�I�:ti ��,�:.��xw��r�;H H� Ac��� — t�iH.� �u ~ M/CQNCB�SION BUII.i!! �,.�+"„�ODEL PR 1Y0,• P Datc/Time: Jw�e 24, �AIX � �:30 a.m. MeeHn� Loeatic►�: Cl� Bea�h Lifegu�c+d St�tian 1�0 Gulfview B1vd. Cl�ruwa�r, Flori�a Cc►�t�cts: City af Clearwa►t�r Projvct Ma�m�gor: L�;my C�ti�, Tele: 727-562-�485b, E-m�ail: C.�roy,chit►�ay�l�+wratcr.com G�sa�tant�: Plia�co Architectune P'.A. — A��x Plisko Pzer b0 VeAdor Uperator — i�ve Ghandler Bz�i�ef 9uurwe�y Scope of W�rk: (D�le�l �cope of wnsic soe �tachment) The vvork can�'c�t of a�d nmt 1ia�i�: sitc vvorlt, cle�ring �r. �ubbin�, tr� pra�ati�n, insr�ll�tictn of si�t �acing, tr� barrica�s� te�►� af �ce�i� e:oncretie �1ab�, �id�w+alks, rou�gh 8c ti�e �di�, in�t�tEatiar� af pc�tsble wate� pipi�, 6" tJu� ca� sl�; rc��v�n ��d+dit�vn of existing ��d w►omwt �; a�tivn of t�w storage raiam, i�ov�t�ns Qf �ci:ting rno��g �d huilding fa�ade; r�e►�a�c+� anyd �t of vvooden har�dr�ails an�d �n� virvc�d �; cot�rete> �rY, �lu�nb�, �l�octric�l, T3'�ArC ey�m, �, t'!laoring sY�tem, roaffr�g �, r�ry'wall, �li�$s �d svft'ita, claars & handvv�+e, rnill� �Cing, d�oli� of twn existi�ng 6 p�ck c+�ro�rm� � re�ba�oa vf contr�a.�'� sCagit�g area end e11 ci�i�titbed sc�n�. The Project caa��st af B� Bid - r�ad�t ar�,i �an of t9ie me�► and wc��an �m T���ty; �►l�rn�a�s No. 1- Co�on ven�'s �a�age raa�; Altern�e N�. 2�mnv%d�e new roafi�g v� �irii� 1�i1�� �ci nepair d�%oz��i ba�c� ��; Al�atc AIo. 3 Ca�r�ctor t� reawve and r��: �ad� �g �7'�D s�lware Feet � bu�ldirig, 3'�x12�" �p �il 350 lis�l �eat, 3�i- 2"x�"x3' vwovd�r pick� �r 3 1a� wavct�rr cmtvr�; Uvv� wi11 pmv�de wav��: dee�Ci� �d t�rip �lic�, �s d� f�ni� �i�s; Al��a N�. 4 cic�nofi�lt t�na exci�ting 6 p�ck r�uar� r�e�la w�e id�tie�d at tis� �na�d�tory p�rre-l��d rrre�+ti�. T!� ir�t is die Ov�r ia s�ct b� i�Cl aed �[ierr�s id� i� aw�cii� this projeGt, Iwv�rvr b�aw� arf the a�ao�wmic cNxr�t�s a�td bwd�t � d�i�d,ian of it�as tv be awa�ded will be ba�e� vn tlse �ridr�t� pt�ac+�s and b�d�t ca�iEnt�. 1. 3ign-I� S�cts —lbis is a a�utdatar�r �. plc� complcte the si�n-Fn �t�ec�t la�ib�y� arnci ex�tr�pl�etely and t�gi'1+Iy. Copiea af the Pt�e-bid Canfe,�eiece si�-in sF�c�et will be �c�rod �nd pn� oa d�e g� rvom �. 2. C�'s � rovm - Ji�j► R�a�pr�rapi�ic� 411 5. G�n Avenu�c, Cl�er, Fi�vric� (727) 44�-�i?�4 — any e-� �Orn the plan bio�e wt� be �rgm _.' N�I' d�e Cit�► of Ctearvv�. It is �he r�6ili�y of f�,�xvep� b�t io �nc. �t ti�y 1��re r�aiv�d a�l ��. Fkaa�e ma,kc sure tl� Ji�y �hic� � 1i�e c�+rect co�t �+� �d cur�l a�s fru y�vt�r c�rnp�ny- �. I$ i� � F�� ��u� � p� ha�, �le� CEl�tic 6u1 OW1' v�,IfSitiC, www. � ��er tc� � ttee r�a�ip�C c� �y a�d� in��. 1 1 , ' � , ' ' � � 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 4. Pr�Q� - If �vet � p� cxa bi�din� an d�is �� You must b� pce-yuali�d in t� ��i� a� �em �rrsli�3o�u a��nt a� ftb' t�e� pc�ect. ' Pr�q� w+� d�te an 3 1 lwro wee� (t+e� lw�i�ees� a�ay�) b�v�es t!� bid c�p�ring. Bid �� � � C J�� . 1 ' 1 ' ' ' Cl 1 1 , ' � � � _� ' 1 � 1 I� I�_J 1 ' �yK�:-�t� 4'v�!�:I���►�c�, Mr,F.'r'irvc: nn��t�`�"��.� cr.���w��r��t �E.�c:H -. i>��:� �u S. � Prap�s�l Forss - must be co�pl�. AJi a:u��i�g�d cast�t m�t t� l�CI �r. Plea�e re-check your �gwe+es. b. rr�paeel Bend — must bc co�npie�ely fi11ed out witla i�he � bid ba��d �moun� �. Qaeeti�s — Submit in writit� via �il vrith S�jeat Titl� xtiated as ` N I E 1� G11 RE �7' IiC !U 1�1 C'()NC�:S�[ON l3U 1 L�)IN(: REM[)UF �,' to Le�noy Chin, last day for qu�stion� � to the proje.ct IZ:Op Na�, We�l■�adaY. Jrse �, �11 eo ��er d�+ And �irnc wa� be � er �rv�t�. All q�e�ions m�at �nclude Compst�y I�Iam�, �d narr�, and annail & p�or� t�tber of oo�tact per�on (in c�e cl�riiic�ian ia nee�de�j. Re�pa�e� �d will be answerod be�fvre arr r� the la�t a�Rkiend��an i�ae� dnte �:3A PM, '1'1��rrsday, J�oc 3�, ��11. 8. Conh�rct Aws�rd d�tc i�s ,T�ly 21, ��l l�r City Cau�cil. 9. Capdaabr award�d the projecst �l� �oil� �dr li�rw � DepL ea� l�ridq, ddy 8, ?�1A1 �d ha� tea d�s b retetrq ai�1�d �b�cls a�l � 6o�d 1�sr Qty Cl�k �o �eeiewpe the �cb. 10. Prc-�avt�truction lbfecting to be ", c,a�tor �warded cont�t wi11 be tro�dfie�i. 11. 5chedule & Saqu�ac� of Work: a- Mand�tn�y Fre��d � 6:3�Q A�wt, Friciay, ]t�e 24, 201 l, Clearvv�ar B�ch Lif�ward ��atian — 180 C,a�vi�w Blvd. - Cl�rvu�, F�. b. I.�t d�► fac qu�s c� !� tlrm �rt,�;t 12:A� Noa+, W�dne�day, ]une 29, 2011 c. Bid dus da� 1�r, !�r 7, �411 � 1:3� PM d. City Ct�ls� b Aw�nd 1�.1iM�1' 21, 2Q11 e. C�1 �' t� c+�l1�eR cca�e�ct oa ea�cub � d�c � lapud Friday, July 22, 20l l f. PNO-r,a�rrdu�ra ��rir�g d�e wamt ofl�ly25 — 29, 201 l �. Natice to Prmc�' ��ra r� t�A��■at �-1Z, 2011 h. Aq rwx�c �adn�d wilh�t 13? o�cufiv�v c�ImNd�r d�y� fivm na�ce ba► pe+�ooad i. �d co�npl�eic� dal� w�c a� Deoaw�er l9 - Z3� ZO l 1 j. The caeo�an �ildi�g wi� ba in finp a�etiou during � of Hris proj�ct smd t�s cc�nq�etor s$d1 M�ret his ��pd t1� � emplo�rees �r be aw� af this �ect aad mininaal d�n�ptio�s of d�e fscilicy a�pr�,in�. CONTRACT i'�RIOD: �Z G�QN�C1Ti'IVE CAIFNDAR DAYS 12. C.on�coor shtN odi�ct Brtild� �it �. � 20l I.ObOt2 fi+otn tie Bt��l� �p�t. rt the D�vela�nr�ent 5erv�es 2'� Fbar af t�e Muniaipal Sowioo �� -- t0� SaMM MyrtlO Ave. afler he l� �Iled 6e�porury construction t�c �ad sik Fa�co �the prnp�os�d I�its ofw�ael� armi 'I�e�+e is no f�ee fi� tlzc:� �. I3. Th� i� n�o SWFWMD P�rtnit far 1� p�oj�ct l 4. Pr+pepective Biciclers 4�ue�eion �it C�r�Dw�n�c �ees a. How will the can[ractor tae able to inslall Ihe trusscs if thc� �annc�t block rhe �lriv� aisle7 Anawer thc 1)«n4r will make arra�igements in closing uff the drivc: aisles, ii� nu casr will tlie cuntra�tcrr l�e able ta block Ihc drivc aisles will out authorizatian by the (hvner. b. Will the contractor he required ta providc Buildwr's Iti,l. lii,uri�ncr f'nr this prcrject? Answer, Ycs thc contractor will be rc�quircKi tn provide builder's risk insurancc. c. Will the cc�ntrnctcir 6e r�quired to re.sod thc area where thr rinpinrre �;rass par�in�t arc.�'? Answ�er, fhe wntractor shall photugraph the parking area pric�r t�� �itili�.in� the �irc��. '1'hr uwner c.1�x:s nc�t ��ntici����ic �h�� contra�tc�r tn reu�d this area unless Ite totally destr��y; the �rc�i 2 1 t'ltt:�;-�I3[1) (::()N1��:RANCE '1:"N'IN(; M1N[.'�1,I�� [,'LH:Ai�WATER HEAC:H —1'l�;R 6D ' IPi l�fb • cl. Iltw p���°kiii� lc�i tn�rtir7�^ �irilirc��l i.l�irirrxr lhre IrYOn Mar�a I,.v���tit in Nn��irthi°r.. ��laci°�� ���CI t17c ��.nat�•���°Ia�r 1,�� �rll����c^cl tt� �7r�r�'' :�4�ttiWr't:r, l'Irc (.1���a�.e ��ill ��ro�irlw taltrraa�t4i�r Ic?�:atiir�i t�Y� 4�,aik.iii� c:l�iri���; Ili�� a^v�ii1 i�rr�N titiill hi: �w��rkcil �.a�it <u �� l�itcr �1alr. �tit�� tla� �ur��r;tcic�r. I5. Cair�rr�ts: ' ' a) Coa�sult�t ' b) P1iai�o �►r��i�sat�re P.A. — Alex P�i�ko c) Own�r -�Parks 8t Recraati�n L�art�nt — I.�roy Chin l. 1'lac ()wnc;r x�ttcn►pccd tn ��rc��idc dr���vir�}� rcl�ttc:�! t�� th� btr5� bic! an�i ��lt�r���ec it�nt.ti i�� tl��, hic�ciwrti �yr���xisal wlte�t, lr.� ,�titiist ir� their ktii��. t.hc:� tt�tttr�t�;tnr is tc� rt��ie�ti th� cir�i��.�in�!. ��nd cn�r�r�: :�Nt ��►�I ��r4� , ini:l�id� i�.1 tlicir prc�potial ancl tlie f,iwtt��- sh�all nc�t he hcl�i respe�n�ihlc 1=�ar cn�t ti�is���i �a�r ll�e uc,�ntrttc:[��r �t�itl nci ��dtiiti��nal fiira�.ty wili hc prctividcci by thc �nvner af't�r ih�: c��iatr��+�t It�t� h��n <i��<�r�.l�c1 �tnc9 tl�e cnN�tiictur ��c�lrctc:d tc� iciclL�cic cc�st tit�� �ryv ���istird tor tlic I���:�e t,i�l rti�d alter'��al�ti. ' Ib. Tour of�i� �c�s—(:'.lcr�rw�rtci, I3��eclt C'ier (il') - R.cst�-��uni ('unc�;ti:�ic�r� i3uilcli�t� Ftrnt��cl41 1��°r��r5e:w<i} k31v�.. Cleaa�et, Flor�da ' t 7. Adjae�m M�eti�tg 5�: 3C.1 �°� M ' 1 1 1 ' ' , 1 ' � ' ' 1 1 i , ' CJ 1 ' ' � 1 ' 1 , ' 1 1 ' , PR�-F31UC'()IV1^'kaRr#NC : :[�:'N"IN(:1V11Nt'"t"k:ti CLEAIiWA`I'E.k� i���;�� — PIEK ►�Il F�'_�!C�t �M��-�(G� n�T��n scorE n��oN Pr�jeet Na�� Ckarwsl� Aa�c� -- Plsr 60 ii�astre�l'Cs�a�sala� B�idi■� RaNa�l — Ad�sd� Na. 1 PAQIF.CT NO.: �Y(C� 3�pe oi Werk: 1. 'llie wnelc consist caf aod hot limiroad: site wodc, clere�in� 8t �t�6bing, trre pro�adion, i�llativn vf silt fenciag, �ae b�urica�des, �al of �xi�ia�g coe�ete slahs, sidewalka, rough & Sne gr�di�g, in�alletion of pvtable w�r piping, 6" thick oon�c slabs; re�aav�an � addidon of eatisti� mmt �d � restruams; additian of new s,ora� roam. �wvaA�ops of existing rooflng �n�d build�in� f��rda; re�v�l a�nd �lac�mr►ent c�f w�ooden hmdra�}s �ad exia�n� wuod c�acki�; �. at�or�ry� Plumbiqg, ele:cirical, HVAC systern, �acco, flaoting sys�n� rou�nB �n, de'Ywa11, o�ilings and eoi�, doara dt �, rnel►wair�C, p�iaNnB, dettwlitian vf two cx� d�k � dt r�tiot� of ca�ciot•'s stag,�ng arc� and �1� clia�u�bed soddi�. 2. The projact coersi�t af Ha�e Bmd - r�d�l �cl e�c�wion of the m�n and vwmen � 6�ility; � No. 1- C.o�ao wee�dot^"� ��: �il�e No. 2 provid� tyew noo�'it�g of r�i� �, a�d �P� ��� ��kl� No. 3('.o�rEra�br tfl rcmo�c a�rd r�: � d�k�ng 2,70n � fr.�t �au�rd bu�. 3"xl�" tap r�il 3� lina�l f�t, 3�- 2"xZ'�C3' vv�ooden pi�ic� c�ir 3 Ivo�e v�noden aolan�; �r � pe+�v�d� vMao�a: d�ng and � r�ilin� �ir�ats d� "�s; Alt�c No. 4 d�lisit L� � 6 pe�k r�+oarn wl�h w�e ide�rtit��d stt t6e �+ pe�-bid mee�ng. T1� i� is t}�e O�ve�r t�► �I�t baao bid �ad �e i1� ia an� t{� �, ho�evec l�u�e of tlre aco�dmi�c � aoebd i�dg�t o��a d�rni�oa of i� �a� b� arva�d �n►i11 be b�sed an the bididi�g pnvo� auld 6�dt �. Shuuld the C)wner elect tn s�lect alt�ri�ate items ?& 3 the contra�cwr sh�ll be required t� pcx�orm and c��mpletc khese two wark itean prinr tn he�i��nin� I k�ase hid wc�rk itenro. "Che al�crnatc � 8c 3 will f�e on a�parate buildi��; p�nnit and tl�c cu��tractvr will bc ��cq�irc�l tu callect khis pc;rn�it trum the Buildin� Depariment. "1-here will tae not r�e ti�r this pennit. 3. 'L�e catrtr�c�ur sl�l! � iu fl� !� bid �d � bid �� s�d�s s�el t�d�ne and Ea�re�rs whea+e avar pae�b�s �d ��n�ity. If ewt a�tl�bl�e ia � s�l flr� metsl c�o�nts �11 have h�vy d�tY 8slvat�ti� appl�d tcr � ooa�aaeuts �0 6e utilimed ar� dtie C�rwater Be�h — Pie� 60 � �1. 4. Cont�cbor ahell avlbet Bu�klio� P�renit �. BCP-2011-06�082 %+vcn t� B�l�dd�g D�pt. st d�c D�velopment Services Z"� Flax of' the �p� �r�e Buil�ing — 100 5awt1� 11�ytti� Avcs. �t�er be hss in�talled t�mpar�c� cnn�tnwdau �e a�nd �� of t� w+np�a�ed lim� of work e�e�. 5. Pier CA ' H�ldi� �i �e 6o qamra�e durie�,r tbe �n of t�e e9cpec�ian Jt re+�ovaa�iosaE af builiiiag �rni dr� g�l c�e�ac �d Id� w�b eoeqtaolo�s �hsll p�viyd� a�13a�ety M�es to F.�e �e�eh► � 1�►elf�are vf M� Pu� �rAd dre f�vili�jr a�peralor �nd hi� �fi a�d n4t tv �t tl�e apa�rtion oF1h� Ge�aiiity. b. '!"f� ���+c i� iec�d is �v dsewhe�t aai mt � was dismsvr�red i� 1�c arer� vf dtic �del af dre I�i�iir� er i� �� aiac pad� �a�1e+�ems tn �a d�i�xi. C'+opiee of ffie r�poiis �re imled�+d iw ��t�. 7�r c�teea�r wriq bm �rmd �� F�reli�s Cve�Ey, Air Qu�lity Divi� — 300 S. �e A�a� -- C�ear►w1er, FI. 337Sb, F�nae 7Z7�� Fax 'Ta7-46444Z0. The Gen�tcrro�r w�l b� roqtired 10 �avi�e 11rie �spona�e �r Pinalta� Cau�ty, Air Quality Diviswa� in ord�er to aolled N�e �1� Penr�it 1�CP �1 l-0�i�t2. 4 !'I��:-i31U C()NF�tt�NC'E ML;I_I_INC: M1Nlr'I'[�:4 �'LEARWA`fER i3�.�#C"1-I -- PI� R bU B G , N • , P�t-(C� 7. Tlt� is na SvVFWMD pe��tttiC fcyr t�tis prnject. �. �1ny it� n�ot includ�i in tire li�ted in b�il� af q�titi� a� th,e c�t�et dvc�n�t� for the �l��r Beach — Fi�r 60 R+estroarn/Ca�nces�ion &ti�ditag lt�vdel ait�ll �ve been inclu�d c� fot thoae it+e� �xr�ere in ti�e pri� of tlie Ceneral C�mr's b�c�Cii� proposs�l ta cae�ct thi� f�cility. N�► additia� funds v�ll be p�vut�d by tha O� �'ar m���acl i�ns by th� C�en+or�l Curt�actat � hi� sub-contract�o�s to � �. 9. A�1 dxacr�ci� between tl� c�a�stnaction p�a� a�d the t,�chnical �cifi�tions sha1L b�e �ht tc� the al�tio� af the Archit�ect and tl�e Uwner tiar cMri�ucation in writi�g p:%�r to tl�e Gcr�ral Car�mr�ct�r in submitt� �is l�d for thi� pmj�t. Ai`6� avwatd of fhe contrac# di�i� brought to th� a�ra� �o the Own@r or Arc�it�ct the mo�t �t of t�e di�arc�aancy shall be utili�ed in t�e imple�ticrn oi the Clean�r �� — Piec dti �aom/Conr�ssi�n Huilding R�1 a►�d n� additivr�al o�n will b� providcd by tt� Uw�r. , ' � 1 , � ' 10. The co�trac�or w�ill be rcqcrir�ed to �re a�y di�nap�d a�reas ai dye wi�hin ti� limit� oi w�k e�a a�d any ' di�sEurbed m+ea$ a� o� � lita�� of w�ork �r�s bg► dbe fiene� C.aer�z' a� t�is praj�t. �id�o annd ��it�re �aci� vu�rdi�o�s �s �xior to ti� aon�actc�r r�rvbili� a� �o � sit�. 11. Thc ow�er will prornici� �city � wr�r �or �i�on of thi� p�aject, 12. Thra U�vr�t wifi prov�de t� ��%r t� Pier 60 p� krt �r �� c�tr�cbor d�ri� t� �� v� thc C� F�h -- Fier 6� ' ��,e�ud�l. The �ontractor �ri1 �+e hi� cc�t�c�va � and ov�t� e�qwipr� in tl� �� a� � cu� t� Site Pla� si�t C3 of S. E�p�e p�rlCis� +,vili b� �in tl� � ar� aarc�ss fi� � Cl�rw�r.r H�h �,iiae�uard �ta�� aod r�i11 !� cleacly i�tiff�l st ti� �-co�br�cteon rt�tiu�, C�'s �mploy�e a�d hi� sulr c� ��o3►ees � not ta �rar�Ci�, � t�re P'� 64 p�Ce� la�t � k� l� p�ic� to �rkir�g in the P�� � of Ci�e pe�icing lot. A►rty ���t�ns will b� m� t�re o�' the �r, the t7iv�rr�er �vlTt �t r� w�iver uf tt�rre ci�as ii� ita�e Parkiag DiWisi�. ae 13. T�re C�r sh�1 schedule h�is a�tteri�al cki�v+eri�s betw�een tl�c bo�� of ?:0� — t 0:30 AM for the Clearwat�ar B� — Pier 60 B�tilding Remod�l prvj�at ar�d s1�e11 n+nt b�ck c&i^v� a�sles �f � Pi�' dU p�rking lot or tbe e��^arr.c.� of t� � lat. 14. Tir� oor�tr�Aot vivil! t� � b}�avi�e �af► for his err�l�� arrd � co�ta�r dt�ring the co�u�a� p�r�od of i#t� p�,� a�d a+�iii rmt b� ��C►w ut�d� Ow�r i��. iS. '� � si�i b� t�tit�rod In pr�d� a�iied ��f r� �'a�r t� �va�Ct ��atmt s�� at t� � �. "�s ��F �� e� i� t�i�d �s Ihe � af his � P� '�" � �e�cr. T'k�� �ta�r �1[ +�� d�v � �J.A �c�mr in e�g l�is � P� +� �' p�' �o ��5'�' aa� en�y a�a�th. Ti� s�t 1ae �d � d�e �� �t ��r a� a� peiat � a�n tia t� ��r �. `I'he p�r�tt ra+q�st �ii b+� t� a��v�mt r�h e� pe�aer�t. Upc� i� '� �t ci�s c�r s�i P� � 11i� �!h� a�� vf ��. The o�r � p� ti� n�e `T��u� I� Upon �''� � l�� ��. 16. 'I'� �r s�lt 6e c�q�t+ed bv �� `As-Hai�t davi�o� 6ra�► I�e aoa�bra�ct eka�vi�a. %ese deviat'to�s �im f� Cv�traCt �^aw� �hal1 be re�d a�n a set of c�n pl�ns and ttl�rk in t�d ittk as this 1 1 ' 1 1 ' ' 1 ' , ' � 1 ' ' ' ���tH.-� �c�NFr c�a : ,:'I'INt: h11N1!�rr.� �EARW�TEIt K�,AC'H - PiER 6U 9T � uccur durit�g t!� proj�ct. A li�t � lae dev�ela�d in cvnja»ctian w►rrth tla� r�ctionded it�f'ormation an d�e drawiag, shsll be rnunb�eed �ily � tT�ey occur, a d�e when tt►e c�viati�n acca�c7r�d. The `As- b�ilt c�wrings will be revi�aied �t the �te � the reqae�t fix pa��u# i� �tb�tted far pnyment. 'ft�e co�ac�vr s�all be raqui�sed t� pro�vide ai�o�d se�l�d site civil sur�ay of th�e �%� c�tructecl for this p�ojed which includos und�d p�oie�. ca�du�ts, psvod a� wit� � af depth of Piping, conduits �d �imah gra�i� aF pav�d �ra�c� by a li�d larid swrvcy� a�d sh�ll be �ubmitt�d W tltc c:or�ulting civil engineer srt tl�r� and a�'t�e p�d far a�p�oval- 1 17_ Thc ootws�ctar �sll be e+�quirad � p�rwie#� a d�d A�rty geo�esenB Iab hx �r� oF �ls �nd ori�inal r�ott s1�ll be p�a�vid�ci �o thc Q�eor, ao� v� �+ePvrt Provided tio the arclri6�ct/�i�sr. Number of capies wiq be d�ra�ned a# me �ebi�g. li � _J 18. The su�ooessfW biddcr sh�U b� r�q�re+d io pe+owitle a d�alvd �rt�Aion �ul� c�e�tl� a�l w�arlr af �inor and ��ajvr milesta�es far tl� ��r k�eg le�d i� ayf �r�ial.� ddiw�ry+. This �du�e shail be upde�d � erach pc+�ea+� �. "L'� ��e s�ll ai�o !ae �r�sidir�g �t th�c p�n��on � as v�11 ses a list of �ut�-caMrac�vre vv� ot�t p�4 �dr�. t�l�elr.�li/faac a�►1�, a�rd v-mail �. 19. The suoa�ssfW bitldc�rr s�il b� �d 1� pe�� a lisc oi �p drav� as we�l �s li�C �f ma�r'sal �i� ' far rcvi�ew by► the Ae�b�t. t� �t sl�t �c p��cn►ici�d at dae pre-oaostnadia� � t�vr ap}�rva� ti�► t�e Arv�ed as the r�inad s�bmi� !�t � tl�r pt+�j�c�t ., 20. T�c uwvr�er will nec�ic�e 3 c�ie� �E t1w� +� eirop �swirrg, �l aubroite�l aqcl �uail be �i�red 6y ti� a�r in s�e fire bo� by ��tior�s in file �olde� cieauiy �d � vr��d in tcre file �. Tlr� do�a� �all 6� t�cn vy+or !� � ovmer at ti�e � aF t� pt�d s�s p�t af �e c1o�e out ' t�ials. Al�o �d�e a lisf v� ��'� m�l v�n�da`s ae�d dl�ly i�sr�ii�► as t+� disciplune with. �on�c� imfnc�iaa �elt � ca� �e, a�dd�, �elepiNo�elceW�c ewir�rs; �ti e�l adc�s. 1 1 , � 21. The c�rac�or is �u �r sp� P� � l�led b�1vw: a�i�tn aae g�11oa of p�int of � c�kx ar type un�n �kaane�s, PWs lc8 aver apen p,aint co�sinas; oQCrtr�vr b pre�idc �erivr �, dmraw cbwn of ca�ch ooiv� 1� t�rpe; oalar de�gn mix f�ar e�ch colora in each of th� O& M�eu�als pnaviddd to t]ye Uw�r b. HV/AC �an� �. reuuv dact fl� 1 am�ct� For each grill and a/c w� c. 1 ep�re li�irt l��ta for eo�h typc of fixlure d Spe�+e laanp�s i�oe each typ� af Ligbt 6x�ne minimum of 41smp� e. Ra�fu�,r til� aod �amuci�d campQO� af t�e �ne�l b�el iil� syst�m, a ar� of one percent af d�e rooiieg tile and e�g a�a�er� ar tbe nen�inipg roafing sy�n d�li`►�er�ed r�u the site sit�all ba �tnm�d o�►c�r 1n th� Q�r. 2�.. 5�rbm�q� �iwll b� sm�t �r t�o 1M� ��ac � e�evi�aw and oa� ac�y ae,�rt � the ow�rer prol� � � f� n�riew at t1� �rv dmc tl+�y ��eat k►16e a�chil4ct. Tal�l aumb�ar of � wid be deiermined at tMe pt��aae�e�aa a�fing 1 1 ' 23. Pr�a� � wrtil6e ►�u�ad irrie� � dt�abiori of tl�e p�ro,j�ct sad si�ll be �rery tw�o w�eics �d da�es sball b� dc�a�d �t d�c �r�e�trreaiies m�e�i■�. 24. 5clt�le .� Sequr�ce of Wat: 6 1''N21�:-1�1�:) (.'()N ' :,R,A[VC:1; M�k�`I'INC., MrNli'i'I+:.y C'I_.�AR� T�.� F3E:AC' I— k'11+,R 6� I� Y,, � • ' . ��� a- M�d�tary Pre-Bid M�,tin� 8:30 A,I�I, Freti�y, Jer�e 24�, 2011, C}e�awate� Be�h 1,i%�rd Statian — 1 �UU (�alfviesw B�vd. - Gl�avma�r, FL b. L�t day fc,r qu��tioe►s re�rda �i t� prmject 12:� t�ioor►, Wedtae�d�y, lua�e 29, 2011 c. Bid d� d�e 712.ur�cl��r, Jtily 7, 2011 (� 1:3fl Pl�u[ ci. City► eo�cil t�o Ar�ad Pr�rjeci.)uiy 21, 2�b11 e. Ce�e�r�l C� to coll�esct c��at � e�e�t� contr�ct 8s perfor�nce ba� Fd�lay, Juty 22, 2D11 f Pr�-can�ct�r► meetin� durin� tl�e v�lc of Ju�r25 — 29, 2011 g. No�ic� w Praceed c�rin� t�e w�eelc of A�uat 8- 12, 2011 h. AIi w�rk �wt�rgler�d witt►in 137 ��t1we ca�dar daya from t�ot�ve to prrncecd i. Lst� oarn�eiiian d�te vvv�ic Qf �nb�r 19 - 23, 20l 1 j. 'i� ca�e�sivn building will b� in rull opvca�on during cor�structicm vf this prc��t a�d the c�ntt�ctor �li h�ve his ernp�oye�s �d t�e �ub�contr�ctor cmplayees ta be avva� of t�tis %uct a9nd rnir�emal disatqrtic�ns of tF�e f�itity o�f�ons. CUNTR�+CT pERIOD: 137 CC)NS�CUTIVE CAI�EI�DAR DAYS f►1 1 ' 1 , , 1 ' ' ' L� LJ 1 ' � � �J 1 1 LJ 1 ADDENDUM NO. ] ' DATED: .lune 16, 2011 TO THk: DAAWINGS AND PROJECT MANUAL F'OR: ' C1TY OF CLEARWATER PROJEGT: CLEARWATER BEACH — FIER 61i 'RESTRaOM/CONCESSI�N BUILDiNG REMODEL PROdECT NO. OS-OOG�I-PR (C� ' DATED: June, 2p11 PREPARED BY: PA1tKS AND RECREATION DEPARTM�NT PWSKO ARCHITECTURE, F.A. t00 S. MYRTLE AVE. 800 DR�W STRE�T ' CLEARWATER, FL.ORIDA 3375 CI.EARWAT�R, FLORIDA 33755 PHONE: 727-562-4856 FAX: 727-56Z-482S ' TH1S ADDENDUM N�.1 ISSUED TO CLARIFY, DRAWING SHEETS, SECTION IV TECHNICAL SPECYFICATIONS FOR CLEARWATER BEACH — PIFR 60 RESTROOM/CONC�SSION SUILDING REMODEL - PROJECI' NU. 08-0064-PR (C� UF THE CONTRAGT DUCUMENTS FOR THIS WORK, THIS ADDENDUM CUNSTI7'UTES A PART OF THE ' CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM ON THE PROPOSAL F[]RM. PART I PR�JEGT MAMJAL ' Item No. 1: Hardware Group In[ormation-1 page Item No. 2: Exterior Paint Schedule-1 page ' Xtem Na. 3_ $idder's PropoSal - l page 1. Revisions ua Red — bidders sha11 use bidder's propnss�l sheet in submiuing their bid � Item No. 4. Scope oi Work -- 3 pag�es ] . Revisions in Red � END OF ADD�NDUM NO. l �� 1 1 1 C� i � 1 1 Pier 60 Restroom Concession Building Remodel - Addendum No. 1 June 16, 2011 Hardware Group No. 01 - 01, 02, Provide each SGL door(s) with the fallowing: Quantibjr Description Model Numb�r 3 EA HINGE 3CB1 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 1 �A C4ASSRaOM DEADLQCK 83T7S 1 EA Pl1LL PLATE 8303 4 X 16 1 EA PUSH PL.AI"E 8Z00 4 X 16 1 EA SURFACE GLOSER 4411 EDA 1 EA KICKPI,.P,TES $400 10" X 2" LDW 1 EA WALL STOP WS�307�CCV 1 SET WEATH�RSTRIP 50506 1 EA THR�SH�LD $96V Hardware Group No. 02 - �3, b5 Provide each SGL door(s) with the following: Quantity Description Madel Number 3 �A HINGE 3P6'1 4.5 X 4.5 1 EA STDREROOM LOCK . 45H7D15M 1 EA WALL STOP' W5407CCV 3 EA SILENCEF2$ SR64 Hardware Group No. 03 - 04 Provide each PR door(s) with the follqwing� Quantity Description Model Number 6 FA HINGE 3C61 4.5 X 4.5 NRP 2 E4 SURFACE BOLTS S6360 1 E4 STORERODM LOCK 4�H7D15W 2 EA $URFACE C��SER 4111 EDp 1 EA KICKPLAT�S $4Q� 1Q" X 2 1 EA WALL STOP WS407CCV 1 SET WEAiHERSTRIP 50506 1 EA THRESHOLD 896V Hardware Group No. 03 -� O7, 08 Provtde each SGL door(s) with the following: Quantity Description Model Number 3 EA HINGE 3CB1 4.5 X 4.b NRP 1 EA CLASSROOM LOCK 4aH7R15H 1 EA SURFACE CLOSER 4111 EDA 1 EA KICKPLATES 8400 1d" X 2" LdW 1 EA WALL STOP WS407CCV 'f SET WEATHER5TRiP 5050B 1 �A TMRESHOLD 896V Finish s�a 626 fi30 s�o 689 630 BLK AL Finish 630 626 630 GRY Finish 630 626 689 630 BI.K AL Finish �T30 626 689 630 BLK AL Mfr ivE B�S IVE NE LCN IVE NGP NGP Mfr IVE B�S IVE IV� Mfir IVE' 8ES LCN lVE NGP NGP Mfr IVE BES LCN IVE NGP NGP ' APA 12.09 — Addendum No. 1- June 16, 2011 r r 1 ' ' �� � r Pier 60 Restroom Addition l.l EXTERIOR PAlN7' SC:HEDULE (revised Crl6-ll) A. Sand Float Stucco and repainting of existing building- l. Pirst Coat: "'PorterLock" #6010 Yigmented Sealer 2. Intermediate Coat: "3939 Yortersept" k:xterior Satin Acrylic 3. Top Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic B. Hardie Fiber Cement Trim and Soffits: 1. First Coat: #515 Series Primer 2. Intermediate Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exteripr Satin Acrylic 3. 1'op Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic C. � P.T. Wood: Painted: l . First Coat: 2. Intermediate Coat: 3. Top Coat: Doors and Trames: 1. First Caat: 2_ Intermediate CoE�t: 3. Top Coat: #515 Series Prirner "3939 Portersept" Extcrior Satin Acrylic "3939 Portersept" Exteriar Satin Acrylic "Porter Guard" #215/212 series, UTM Primer "Porber Guard" #2905 series, D'TM Gloss Enamel "Parter Guard" #2905 series, DTM Gloss Ena�n�l E. Roof truss plates and steel support angles and bolts: 1. Pretreatment: Hand Tool / Puwer Tcx�l (SSPC SP2/SP3} 2. Pretr�eatment: Solvent Wipe all areas � 3. First Coat: PPG # 95-245 @ 6.b-1 0.0 Wet Mils = Minimurn 4.0-7.0 DF"1' 4. Se�ond Caat: PPG #95-245 @ 6.U-lb.� Wet Mils = Minimurn 4.Q-7.0 DFT' , 1Z A. � , , ' , ' �� 1 � � � INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE Interior Masanry Walls: 1 _ First Coat: 2. Sccbnd Caat: 3. Third Coat: 4. Top Coat: lnterior Ceilings: First Coat: 1. Intermediate Coat: 2. Top Coat: Concrete Floor Sealer : 1. First Coat: 2. Top Coat: END OF 5ECTI�N 09900 PAINTING Porter #R9fi Rlock Filler Porter #896 Slock Filler Porter #9370 Duraglaze Ep�xy Porter #9370 �uraglaxe Epoxy #515 Series Primer "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic. Cantol 227 Water-based Seal & Finish for Concrete Cantal 227 Wttter-based Seal & Finish for Concrete 099�0 - l of 1 PROJECT BIDDER'SPROPQ AL—:\u17t:�V'L)lii�1 NU. 1 CLEA.RWATER BEACH— PIER 60 R�S'CROOM/CONC�SSION BUILDIIVG REMODEL PROJ�CT 1v0.: 0$-0064-PR- (C) BID IT�MS Contractor shall confirm and review base bid and alternate bid drawings and �lt scope otwork is included in his lump sum values, EST. UNIT no additional fuqds will be provided by the Owner fur tnissed ���� QTY. PRICE items not include in the bidders tokAl line item aricing. Architectural (Base Bid) Remodel & expansion uf inen and wamen restroom see drawing package Forbnse bidding information (shcets A-1,1, � C1, G2, C3,C4, C5, A-2.1, A-2.2, A-2.4, A-2.4.2, A-2.5, A- g�d 2.5.2, A-3.1, A-3.2, A-4.1, A-5.1, A-5.4, A-6, 5-1, 5-2.1,5-2,2, S-3, Ml.l, M2.1, M2_2, .E1.1, E2.1, E2.2, E2.3, E3_I, FA_l, Pl.l, .PZ.1, P2.2, P2.3, P3.1, P4.1, P5.1 Alternat� Bid Item LS Concessian vendor's storage room and associated wark see A� �, drawing package (sheets A-1.1, C1, C2, C3,C4, C5, A-2.1, A- � 2.3, A-2..4, A-2.4.2, A-2.5, A-2.5.2, A-3.1, A-3.2, A-4.2, A-5.2, LS i $ � A-5.4, S-1, 52.2, S-3, M1.1, M2.2, E1.1, E2.2A, E23A, E3.1, E:�l.l, P1.1, P2.1, P2.3, P3.1, P4.1, P5.1 A�� Repair detertorated 6uilding faqade, rooting and associated � work se� drawing pacl�age (sheets A-2.4.2, A-2.S.2, A-3_2, A- I.S t $ � 5.3, S-1, E1.1; E�.4,,E3_ l, F4.1 C:nnCr�ctor tn re�nove and rapl�ce: woade►i decking 2,7q1) sc�ua�re fcet around building. 3"xi2" tC7�l Pe.II �SQ It1laAl �@El, 3U- ALT �"�c2'"x3" waode�� piekets; O�vner• �vill provi.de �vncrdc►i: LS 1 $ $ 3 ciccking and top railing, pickets & fii5iC17117� 111�1LL1"IEIiS; r�;pair 3 Ioase wouden calumns by securing tl�e cc�Lumns �rs necessary and all Asaociated n�atcrials to secure loosc wooden calumns ALT �emo and all associated cost in demalishing twa exisxing b LS 1 S $ 4 ack restrooms identified at the re-bid meetin on sitc 5 SUB-TOTAL ITEMS 1 Base $id & Alternates: l, 2, 3, & 4 � 6 10% CONTINGENCY UH L[NE 5 LS 1 $ $ � TQTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS (TTEMS, 1 Base Bid, & Altemates: l, 2, 3, & 4 and includes 10% Contin enc $ CONTRACTQR: BIDDER'S TOTAL BIDDF..R'S T�TAL $ ' �� �� T�OTAL I , '�J 1 1 ' C� ' C� ' ' ' 10% contingency shall 6e utilized anly upon written request by the contractor for additional scope af work not included in � the bill vf quantities to the Owner, written approval by the Owner far the additional scope af work in the utilization of the 10% contingency, any funds not utiliaed shall be returned to tha owner upon close aut of the purchase order short. THE BIDDCR'S TOTAL ABOVE IS HIS TOTAL BID SASF,D ON HIS i1NIT PRICES AND LUMP SUM PRYCES AND THE FSTIMATED QUANTITIE5 REQUIRED. THIS FIGURE IS FOR INFORMATIOM ONLY AT THE TIME OF O.PENTNG BYDS. THE CITY WII,L MAKE THE TASULATION FR�M THE UN1T PRICLS AND LUMP SUM PRICE SID. IF THERE IS AN ERROR IN THE TQTAL 13Y THE BiDDER, IT SHALL BE CHANGED AS ONLY THE UNIT PRICES AND LUMP SUM PRICE SHALL GOVERN, THE QWNER RESERVES THE WGHT TO SELECT AIVY Ai,TFRNATE 1.TEMS AND OR RF..I�;CT ALL BIDS THE TOTAL PRICE SHALL BE BASED ON ITEMS SELEGTED BY THE aWNER TU CONSTRUCT THIS PROJEC'T, � � ' �- 1 1 1 I� 1 ' 1 � 1 1 Project Nanne: Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroom/Concession Building Remodel -- ,1�ldendum No. l PROJECT NO.: 08-0Ob4PR-(C) 5cope of Work: 1_ Project is located 10 Causeway Blvd., Clrarwatcr, Florida 2. The Owner's Representative: Leruy Chin, Park Planning & Project Manager, Parks & Recreation Dept. 100 5. Myrtle Ave., Rm. 120, Clcarwater, FL 33756 3. Architect- PGsko Architecture, P.A., 80U Drew Street, Clearwater, FL 33755 4. The work cansist of and not limited: sit� wark, clearing & grubbing, tree protection, installation of silt fencing, tree barricades, removal of existing concrete slabs, sidewalks> rough & t►ne grading, installation of potable water piping, 6" thick concrete slabs; renovation & additian of existing men and women restrooms; addition of new starage roam, renvvations of cxisting roofing and building fa�ade; removal and replacement ofwooden handrails and existing wood decking; cancrete, masonry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC system, stucco, flooring systcm, roofing system, drywall, ceilings and soffits, doors & hardware, millwork, painting demolition of twa existing 6 pack restroams & restoratian of Contractor's staging area and all disturbed sadding. The project consist of Base Bid - remodel and expansion of the men and wamcn restroom facility; Alternate No. 1- Cuncessi�n vendor's storage raom; Alternate No. 2 provide new roofing of remaining building and repair deteriorated building fa�ade; remove of lattice, signage, power wash surfaces, repair screw holes by £lling and patching as required, re-pointing masonry mortar joints, repair stucco suc�'aces in preparation for applying primer and exterior painting; Alternatc Na, 3 C'nntracwr to re�rtovc and replace: w�oden dccking 2,700 square feet around buildin�„ 3"xl�" top rail 350 lineal feet, 30- 2"x2"x3' woutlen pickets; bwner wil! provide wooden: decking .,nd tnp r�iling, pickets � I'nstening n,c�terinls: repair 3 Ippse waoden enlumns by securing the columns as necessary :�nd all assnciatecl materi�ls to secure loase wooc�en �ot��n►,5; Altcrnatc No. 4- D��nol�sh two axi�ting 6 pack restroom which will identified at the mandatvry pre-bid meeting. The intent is the �wner ta select base bid and all alternate items in awarding this project contract, however hecause of the economic climate and budget constraints determination of alternate items selected and awarded will be bascd on the bidding process and budget constraints. 6. The Contra�tor shall include in his base bid and alternate bid itcros utilizing stainiess steet hardware and fasteners , where ever possible and availabiliry. If not available in stainless steel the metal components sha{l have heavy duty galvanization applied to the components to be utili�.ed on the Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroom/Concession Building Remodel. ' "7. Contractar shall cnllect Building Permit na_ BCP-2011-06082 fram the Build'ing Dept. at Development Serviccs 2"d Floor of the Municipal Service Building -- 100 $outh Myrtle Ave. after lae has installed tempc�rary construction fence and silt fence of the propos�d lrmits of wark area. �---� J C�� � ' 1 �' '. 8. Pier 6U lZestroom/Concession Building will cantinue to operate during the construction of the expansion & renovation of building ttnd the ContracWr a.nd his sub contiractors shall provide all Safety Measures to Ensure Saf�ty and Welfare of the Yublic, and the tacility operator and his staff and not to disrupt the operation of the facility. 9. The geote�hnical investigation report by Driggers Engineering Services [nc. is included in the contract documents. The ContractQr shall review the repart and implement ti�e project based on the georechnical repart. 10. The asbestos survey repart is includ�i in this contract document and nv asbcstos was discovered in the areas of the re�adel of the building. Copies af the report are included in these documents. The Contractor will be required ta contact Pinellas Caunty, Air Quality Division — 300 S. Gat�den Avenue �- Clearwater, FL 33756, �'hon� 727-464-4422, Fax 727�64-4420. The Cantractor will be required to pravide the response for Pinellas County, Air Quality Division in order to collect the Building Permit BCP-2011-06082. 11. There is na SWFWMD permit far this project_ 12. The bidder's propasal bid items ident�fy the drawings associated with the base bid and a]ternate bid items to assist the bidd�r in developing his bid_ The bidder shall carefully rcvicw tl�e drawing and insure all items are i�cluded to construct the base bid and alternate items and shall not be construed the drawing associated with the bid items are nat related to other base bid and alternate items. Any items nat included in the listed in bill vf quantities far the contract documents of the Clearwater Beach — Fier 60 Restroom/Concession Building Rerttodel shall included a11 cost to consttuct the facility somewhere in the pricing of the CUIIII"dCipT's bid propasal to consriuct the facility according, to the construction documents. No additional funds will be provided by the Owner far xnissed items not priced by the General Contractor or his sub- cantractors to irnplement Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restraom/Concession Suilding Remoclel. l3. Discrepancies between tha construction plans and the techr�ical specifications shall be braught to the attention of the Architect and the Qwncr for clari�cation in wrnti�zg privr to the Ge�ieral C�ntr�ctc�r in submitting his bid f�r this projeet prior to ar on the last day for questions and answers. After award of the contract discrepancies brought to the a.ttention to the Owner or Architect the mast stringent of the discrepancy shall be utilized in the implementatian of the Ciearwater Beach — Pier 60 Resiroom/Conc;ession Building Remodel and no additional campensation wil.l be provided by the tUwner. �� CJ 1 , 1 , 14. The Contraclur vWill be required to restot9e disrupted areas within the limits �f work area, ar disturbed areas outside of the limits of work areas by the Cantrackar of this project. Videa and photographs af the existing condirions is r�equired priar , to the CQntractor mobilizing an to the sit�e for fiuture reference tutd a copy of the video recording and phatographs shall bo pn�vide ta the owner at the �rst progress meeting. 15. The owner will provide el�tricity and watcr for construction of this project. ' 16. The Contractor will be required to proWide sanitation facilities for his employees and sub contractor durin� the ' construction period of this project and will not be allow utilize Owner sanitation facililias. l'7� The C)wner wil! provide three parking passes for the Pier 60 park.ing lot for the contractor during the canstruction of the Clearwater I3each -- Pier 60 R�straam/Concessivn Building Remodel. The contractor shall store his construction material and cansCcuction equip►txept in the staging area as shown on the Site Plan sheet C3 of S. Employee parking will be in the grass area across from the Clearwater Beach Lifegaard Sta.tion and will be clearly identified at the pre- constructian meeting. Contractor's employee and his sub-co►�tractors are nut to park in the Pier 60 parking Lot unless he has paid to park. iri the parkin� spaces ofthe parking lot. Parking citations will t�e responsihility nf the Contractor, the Owner will nat request waiver of the citations from the Purking Division. , L._J 18. The Contractor shall schedule his material deliveries between the hours of 7:00 — 10:30 AM for tk►e Clearwater Beach , — Pier 60 Restroom/Concessian Building Remodcl. The Contractor shal I not block drive aisles af the Pier 60 parking lot or the enCrance of the parking lot. 19. Tho successful biddcr shall be required to provid� a detailed schedule af values for his awarded cuntacl amaunt ancJ submitted at the pre-cor+struction meetin�. 5chedule of valuas shall be utiliz.ed as the basis of his application of payment for the project. The Contractar shail utilize the standard AIA form in makin� his application far payment on or prior to the 25`�' of every month. This appli�atio�� sk�all be submilted to Che Architect fvr his review and approval prior to forwarding on to the Owner for payment. "['he paycnent request shall be accompanied with a lean wavier for the prewious p�yment from the Contractor/Sub-cantractors/Material Vendors. Upon f nal payment request th� Contractnr sha11 provide with his invoice the ce�tifica� oI' fnal payment. The contractor shall place the note `Invoice Net Due upon Receipt' on his payment application. Ten (lU) percet�t retaina�ge shall be requireti far this proj�t, at substantial cc�m�letion and certificate of occ.upancy the Contractor may requesr payment of fve (5) percent af the retainage. The final �ve (5) percenG witl be paid upon close out of the project. 20. The Contractor shall be required to update "As-BuilY' dcviations fram thc contract drawings. These deviatians fram the contract drar�+ings shall be recorded on a set of clean plans and mark in red ink as this changes occur de�ring the project. A list sC�all be developed in conjunctiQn with rhe recorded information on the drawing, s}�all be numbered sequentially as they occur, a date when the deviation acaurred_ The "As-Built" drawings will be reviewed at the same tirrre Ch.e request for payment is submitted for payment. '1'he contractor shall be requir�d to provide signed sealed site civil survey of the exteriar items Constructed for #his project which includes underground piping, conduits, paved 1 , ' ' ' � 1 ' surfaces with grades uf depth of piping, conduits and finish grade of paved surfaces by a licensed land surveyor and , shall be submitted to the consulting civil engineer at the end af the pmject for approval. The "As-Built" drawings shall be scanned in color into a PDF file and place on to a CD and a hard copy and a CD's shall be included in the close out d�cuments. 1 ' ' ' C� 1 ' ' ' 1 i � 1 , �-1 ' 1 21. The Contractor shall be required to provide a licensed party gca-testing lab for testing of materials; original report shall be provided to the owner, capies af report provided to the architectlengineer. Number of copies required will be deternnined at the pre-canstruction meeting. 22. �Che successful bidder shall be required to provide a detailed construction schedule outlining all work of minor and major milestones for the project, show lang lead items of materials del.ivery. This schedule shall be updated at each progress meeting. This schcdule shall also be provided aC the pre-r.onstruclion meeling as well as a list of sub-contractors with contact person, addresses, telephone%elUfax numbers, and �mail addresses. 23. The successful bidder shall be required to provide a list of shop drawings as well as list of material submitt�als for review by the Architect, this list shall be pmvided at the pre-conshvction rneeting for approval by the Architect a.G the required submittal list for the project. 24. Submittals shall be sent directly to the Architect for.his ceviaw and one cdpy sent to thc Owner's project ma�nager far review at the same time by City's Building & Maintenance Dept. Total number of submittals will be determined at thc pre-conswction meeting. 25. The 4wner will require 3 copies of the each shop drawin�, material submittal and shall be maintained by the Contractdr in separate �le boxcs by speci�cation sections in file foldtrs clearly marked items co�itained in the file folder. These documents shall be turn ovcr to the Qvcmer at the catt►pletion of the proj�ct as part of the close out materials. Also include a list af sub-contractars, material vendors and clearly identify as to discipline with contact information such as cantact person, addresscs, telcphaneJceWfaac nu�iab�rs, ai�d e-rnail addn,-�. 26. The Cantractor is to supply spare parts as listed below: a. Minimum one gallon of paint af each color ar type un-open containers, plus left over open paint containers; contractor to provide color namc, draw down af each colors & type; color design mix for each colors in each of the O 8c M manuals provided to the Owner b. 1 spare light ballasts for each rype af fixture c. Spare lamps for each type of li�ht fixture minimum of 4 lamps per each type af fixture d. Roo�ng tites and associated camponents af the metal barrel tila system, a minimum of one percent of the roofing tile and rvofing components or ihe remaining roofing system delivered t� the site for installation shall be turned over to the �wner upon completion of the installation. 27. Progress roeeting will be required during the duration of the project and shall be every two weeks and dates shall b� determined at the pre-construction meeting. 28. Schedule & Sequcnce of Work: �t. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting 8:3� AM, Friday, June 24, 2011, Clearwater Beach Lifeguard 5tation — 180 Gulfview Blvd. - Cleatwater, FL b. CJast day for questions regArds to the project 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, June 29, 2011 c. Bid due date Thursday, July 7, 20l 1@ 1:30 PM d. City Council to Award Pr�ject July 2l, 2011 e. General Contxactor to collect contract to exccute contract & performa��cc band Friday, July 22, 2011 f. Pre-construction meeting during the week of July25 -- 29, 201 l g_ Notice ta Proceed during the week of August S- 12, 2011 h. All work completed within 137 consecutive calendar days fram natice tv proc:eed i. Estimated completian date week �f December 19 - 23, 2011 j. The Concession Building will be in full operation during construction of this project and thc Contractar shal l have his employees and the sub-contractor employees to be aware of this fact and minimal disruptions of the facility operations. CONTRACT PERIOD: 137 CUNSECUTiVE CALENDAR DAYS � � � � � , � � � � � � � � 1 � � � � SECTION I City of Clearwater, Florida CLEARWATER BEACH -� PYER GO RESTROOM/CONCESSYON BUILD�NG REMODEL PROJECT NO.: 08-OOG4-PR- (C) TABLE OF CONTENTS ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS & N�TICE TO C�NTRACTORS SECTI�N II INSTRUCTIDNS TQ BIDDERS SECTION ITI GENERAL C�NDITIQNS SECTION IV CITY OF CLEARWATER - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PLTSKO ARCHifECTURE SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS REPORT OF THE GEOTECHNTCAL INVESTIGATION ASBEST�S SURVEY AT PIER 60 CONCESSION AREA EAST SIDE OF BREEZEWAY LOCATD AT CLEARWATER BEACH, FLORIDA PRE-QUALIFICATlON APPLICATION SECTION V C�NTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 Cover Table of Contents .doc Page !I ioiloizoos � � � �� � �� 1 � � � SECTION I ADVERTISEMENT OF SIDS & NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CLEARWATER SEACH — PIER 60 RESTROOM/CONCESSION BUILDING REMODEL PROJECT NO.: 08-OU64-�PR-(C) CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Copies of the Contract Docwnents and Plans for this Project are available for inspection and/or purchase by prospective bidders at the Ciry of Clearwater's Plan Room - website address: www.mvClearwater.com/citvnra'iects, ON Mondav, ,)une 20� 20]], until no later than close a� business three (3) days preceding the bid opening. Price of Contract Documents and Plans, as indicated on the website, reflects reproduction cost only. The work consist of and not limited: site work, clearing & grubbing, tree protection, installation of silt �encing, tree barricades, removal of existing concrete slabs, sidewalks, rough & fine grading, installation of potable water piping, 6" thick concrete slabs; renovation & addition of existing men and women restrooms; addition of new storage room, renovatians of existing roofing and building fa�ade; removal and replacement of wooden handrails and existing wood decking; concrete, masonry, plurobing, electrical, HVAC system, stucco; flooring system, roofing system, drywall, ceil►ngs and so�ts, doors & hazdwaze, millwork, painting, demolition of two existing 6 pack restrooms & restoration of contractor's staging area and all disturbed sodding. A MANDATORX Pre-Bid Confer�nce for all prospective bidders will be held at 8:30 AM on FRTDAY, .TUNE 24, 2011 AT CL�ARWATER $EACH LIFEGUARD S'�'ATION — l8(1 GULFV7EW BLVD., CLEARWA'�'ER, FLORIDA 33756 — CONFER�NCE ROOM 3Rb FLOOR Representatives of the Owner and Consulting Architect/Engineer will be present to discuss this Project. � Sealed proposals will be received by the Pure6asing Manager, at the Purchasing Of'fice, located at the Municipal Services Bldg., 100 S. Myrtle Ave., 3�d FIODC� Clearwater, Florida 33756-SS20, until 1:30 P.M. on T'HCJRSDAY. JULY 07, zoi�, and publicty opened and read at that how and place for CLEARWATER BEACH RESTROOM/CONCESSION BUILDING REMODEL PR4JECT NO.: 08-0064-PR-(C). � � � � � �� ' � A complete bidders package containing plans, specificaports, bond foxms, contract foxm, afFdavits and proposa) form is available to the general public (Contractors, Su�contractors, suppliers, vendors, etc.) for raview and purchase. Nowever, sealed proposals will only be accepted from those Contractors that are curreqtty Ctity pre-qualified Contractors in the construction category of CUMMERICAL BUn..DING with a minimum pre-qualification amount of $500,000.00 Contractors wanting to pre-qualify to bid this project must do so two (2) weeks/ten (10) workdays prior to t1�e bid opening date. A 10% bid bond is required for all City of Clearwater projects. The right is reserved by the City Manager of the Ciry nf Clearwater, Florida to reject any or all bids. The City o�Clearwater, Flarida George McK�bben, Purchasing Manager (727) 562-a634 Sectionl.doc Page I of 1 sia�rzoos [-� �1 �' � L_� �' � LJ � � �l � � � � �J � SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TD BIDDERS Table of Contents: SECTIONII ...................................................................................................•---............................ i 1 COPIES OF SIDDING DOCUMENTS ..............................................................••-----•-•-- 1 2 QUALIF�CATION OF BIDDERS .........................................•--..........................-------•--..1 3 EXAMINATION OF CONTR.ACT DOCUMENTS AND S�TE ................................. 1 4 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA ..............................................................•--...... 2 5 SID SECURiTY OR BID BOND ............................•--•-.......------•...................---------......... 3 6 CONTRACT TIME .......................................................................................................... 3 7 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES .................................................................................•-------.... 3 S SUBSTITUTE MATERI.AL AND EQUIPMENT ....................•--------............................ 3 9 SUBCONTRACTORS..-• ......................................•---•----••----...............................--•--------•..3 10 BYD/PROPOSAL FURM ................................................................................................. 4 11 SUSMISSIDN OF SIDS .......................................•-...................---•---............................... 4 12 MODIF�CATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS .................................................... 5 13 REJECTIUN OF BiDS .............................•---•--...........................................-•-•--------•-----•.. S 14 DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER .............................................................................. S 15 OPENING OF SIDS........--••---•--• ...............................•--•................................................... 5 16 L�CENSES, PERM�TS, ROYALTY FEES AND TAXES ........................................... 5 17 IDENTICAL TIE SIDS/VEND�R DRUG FREE WORKPLACE ............................. 6 18 AWARD OF CONTR.ACT .............................................................................•-----------•--... 7 19 SID PROTEST .................................................................................................................. 7 20 TRENCH SAFETY ACT .................................................•----........................................... 8 21 CONSTRUCTION SiTE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MANAGEMENTMEASURES .........................••--------•............---------.............................. 8 SectionlI.doc i 9/27/2010 �I � � r� � Section II -- Inswctions to Bidders 1 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS l.l Complete sets af the Bidding Documents axe available at the City of Clearwater's Plan Roam — website address: www.myclearwatex.conn/cit�projects. Price of Contract Documents and Plans, as indicated on the City's Website, reflects reproduction costs only, which is non-refundable. A corxaplete bidder's package containing plans, specifications, bond forms, contract form, affidavits and bid/p:roposal form is available only to pre-qualified bidders. Contractors, suppliers, or others wha are not pre-qualified but who may be a possible subcontractor, supplier, or other interested person may purchase a"Subcontractor" package consisting of plans, specifications, and list of pay items. � 12 Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing bids. Neither the City nor the Engineer shall be liable for errors or misinterpretations resulting from ihe use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents, by Bidders, sub-bidders or others. � 1.3 The City, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, does so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and does nat confer a license pr grant any other pemussian to use the docurnents for any other purpose. , 2 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS � LJ � r � � r � � 2.1 Each prospective Bidde:r must pre-qualify to deznonstrate, to the complete satisfaction of tl�e City of Clear�water, that the Bidder has the necessary facilities, equipment, ability, financial resources and experience to perform the work in a satisfactory manner laefore obtaining drawings, specif cations and contract documenls. An application package for pre- qualification may be obtained by contacting the City of Clearwater, Engineering Department, Engineering Services Division at P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33758- 4748 (mailing address); 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756-5520 (street address orily) or by phone at (�27) 562-475�. All qualification data must be cornpleted and delivered to tlie Director of Engineering at tl�e above address not later than fourteen (1�4) days prior to the time set for the receipt of bids. Bidders current�y pre-qualiiied by the City do not have to make x�eapplication. 3 EXAMINATI�N OF C�NTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 3.1 It is the responsibility of each Biddez, before subznitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Docutnents thoroughly; (b) visit the site to become iamiliar with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the work; (c) consider and abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and xegulations; and (d) study and carefully conelate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and notify Engineer af all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 3.2 In reference to the Technica.l Specifications and/or the Scope of the Work for ident�fication of those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site which laave been utilized by the Engineer in the preparation of the Contract Docurnents, bidder may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such reports but not upon non-technical data, interpretations or opinions c�ntained therein or for the completeness thereof for the purposes of bidding or construction. In reference to those drawings relating to physical conditions of existing surface and subsurface conditions (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site and which have been utilized by the Engineer in � 5ectionIl.doc � Page I of 9 L'J%TI/i�Il) [I] 5ection II — Instructions ro Bidders preparation of the Contract Documents, bidder a-�ay rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained izz such drawings but not upon the conapleteness thereof for the purposes of bidding or construction. 3.3 Tnformation and data reflected in the Contract Documents with respect to Under�ound Facilities at or contiguous to the site are based upon information and data furnished to the City and Engineer by owners of such Und�rground �acilities or others, and the City does not assume xesponsibility for the accuracy or conapleieness thereof unless expressly provided in the Contract Documents. 3.4 Provisions concerning xespansibilities for the adequacy of data furnished to prospective Bidde:rs on subsurface conditions, Undexground Facilities, other physical conditians, possible conditions, and possible changes in the Contract Documents due to differing conditions appear in the General Conditions. - 3.5 Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall, at Bidder's own expense, rnake or obtain any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies an�d obtain any additional infarmation and data which pertain to thE physical conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing the work i.n accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3.6 On xequast in advance, City will pxovide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such explorations and tests at Bidder's own expense as each Sidder deerns necessary for submission of a Bid_ Bidder shall fill all holes and clean up and restore the site to its former condition upon completion of such explorations and tests. 3.7 The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-o%way and easements for access thereto and other ]ands designated fox use by t.lae Contractor iaa perfornung the Work are identi�ed in the Contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for temporary construction facilities ar storage ofmaterials and equipment aze to be provided by the Contractor. Easements far permanent structures or permanent changes in existing structures are to be abtained and paid for by the City unless ot�aezwise provided in the Contract Documents_ 3.8 The submission of a Bid will constitute an unequivocal :re�aresentation by the Bidder that the Sidder has eomplied w�ith every require:tnent of these Tnstructions to Sidders and that, without exception, the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Woxk xequared by the Cantzact Documents by such xneans, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of constnaction as may be indicated in or requixed by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understazxding of all terms and conditions of performance and fizrnishing of the work. 4 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA 4.1 All questions as to the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed to the Engineer. Interpretati�ns ar clarifications considered necessary by the Engineer in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda, either by mail or facsimile transmission, to al� parties recarded by the Purchasing Manager as having xeceived the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than ten (10) days prior to the date for opetung of Sids may not be answered. Only information provided by formal written Addenda w;ill be binding. �:ral and other :uxterpretations of clari�cations will be without legal effect. Sectionll_doc Page 2 of 9 9/272010 � � � � �� � �� � , � r � � �� 4.z 5 5ection II — Instructions to Bidders Addenda may also be issued to modiiy the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by the City or Engineer. = � : 1�7:�=3 TT�*7,T� 5.1 Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to the City of Clearwater in an arnount equal to ten percent (10%) of the Bidder's znaximum Bid price and in the form of a certified or cashiers check or a Bid Bond (on foxm attached) issued by a surety meeting the requirements of the Gerxeral Conditions. A cash bid bond will not be accepted. 5.2 The Bid Security of the Successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreeznent and fiunished the required Payment and Performance bonds, whereupon the Bid Security will be retumed. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute, deliver the Agreement and fiurnish the reyuired Bonds within ten (10) days after the award of contract by the City .�Council, the City may annul the bid and tl�e Bid Secwriiy of the Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security af any Bidder whom the Ciiy believes to have a reasonable chance of zeceiving the award may be rel.aineci by the City until the successful execution of the a@reement with the successful Bidder or for a period up to ninety (90) days following bid opening. Security of other Bidders will be returned approximately fourteen (14) days after th,e Bid opening. 5.3 6 6_] 7 7.1 8 The Bid Bond s}�all be issued in the favor of the City of Clearwater by a surety coxxxpany qualified to do business in, and having a registered agent in the 5tate of Florida. C�NTRACT TIME The nurxiber of consecutive calendar days w�ithin which the work is to be completed is set farth in the Technical Specifications. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Provisions for liqui�dated damages are set forth in the Contract Agree;naent. SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 8.1 The contract, if awaxded, will be on the basis of material ar�d equiprnent described in the Drawings or specified in the Specificatians without cansideration of possible substiRrte or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in the Drawings or specified iti the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item xnay be fumished ox used, application far its acceptance will not be considered by the Engineer until after the effective date of the Contract Agreement. The procedure for submittal of any such application is described in the General Conditions and as suppleme�nted in the Technical Specifications. r 9 SUBC�NTRACTORS � �� 9.1 If requested by the City or Engineer, tlae Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so requested, shall, within seven ('� days after the date of the request, submit to the Engineer an experience statement with pertinent information as to similar projects and other evidence of yualification for each Subcontractor, supplier, person and organization to be used by the Contractor in the completion of the Work. The amount of subcontract work shall not exceed fifly percent (50%) of the Work except as xnay be specifically appraved by the Engineer. If the Engine�r, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any proposed � Sectionll.doc I Page 3 of 9 9/27/2010 9.2 `n Section II — Instructions to Bidders Subcontractor, supplier, other persan or organization, he may, before recammending award of the Contract to the City Council, request the Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Contract �:�ce or Contract Time_ If the Successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, the City may awau-d the cantraci to the next lowest and most responsive Bidder that proposes to use acceptable Subcontractors, Suppliezs, and other persons and organizations. Declining to make requested substitutions will not constitute grounds fo:r sacx�ificing the Bid security to the City of any Bidder. Any Subcontractor, sup�lier, other person ar orgaxuization listed by the Contractor and to whom the Engineer does not make written abjection prioz to the recommendation of award to the City Council will be deemed acceptable to the City subject to revocation of such acceptance after the Effective Date of the Contract Agreement as provided i:n the Gcneral Conditions. No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, supplier, person or organization against whom he has reasonable objection. =31•71,:%� 1•�.'�-1 � �•l :� ►`i I 10.1 The Bid/Proposal Form is included with the Contract Doctuiaents and shall be completed in ink or by typewriter. All blanks on the Bid/Proposal Forms must be completed. The Bidder must state in the Bid/Propasal Form in words and nuxr�erals withaut delineation's, alterations or eraswes, the price for which he will perForm the woxk as required by the Contzact Documents. Bidders are required to bid on all items in the Bid/PrAposal form. The luirxp suir� for each section o:r item shall be for fi�xriuishing all equipment, materials, and labor for complEting the section or item as per the plans az�d contract specifications. Should it be found that quantities or ata�ounts shown on the plans or in the praposal, for any part of the work, a�re exceeded or should they be found to be less after the actual construction of the work, the amount bid for each section or item will be increased or decreased in direct proportion to the unit prices bid for the listed individual items_ 14_2 Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corpoxate name by the president or a vice- president (or other corporate o�cer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorparation shall be shown below the Signature. Tf requested, tt�e person sign.ing a Bid far a corporation. or partnership shall produce evidence satisfactory to the City of the person's authoriiy to bind the corpoxation or partnership. 10.3 10.4 11 Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership name and signed by a general partner, whose tit�e shall appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership shall be shown below the signature. All nannes shall be typed or printed below the signature. , = ►i �]�[�]�-�L�� 11.1 Sealed Bids shall be submitted at or before the time and at the place indicated in the Advertisement for Bids and shall be submitted in a 8.5"xll" manila envelope with the project name and number on the bottom left hand cox�ner. If forwarded by mail, the Bid shall be enclosed in another envelope with the noiation "Bid Enclosed" on th�e face ther�of and addressed to the City of Clearwater, attention �'urchasing Manager_ Bids will be received at the office i:ndicated in the Advertisement until the time arid date speci�ed. Telegraphic or facsimile bids received by ihe Purchasing Manager will not be accepted_ Sectionll.doc Page 4 of 9 9/27/2010 � � � L� � �� � � � � � � � Section II — Inswctions to Bidders 12 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 12.1 Bids may be nnodified or w�ithdrawz� by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Bid znust be executed) and delivered as described izx the Advertiserz�ent of Bids. A request for withdrawal or a rnadification shall be in writing and signed by a person duly authorized to do so. Withdrawal of a Bid wiill not prejudice the rights of a Bidder to submit a new Bid prior to the Bid Date and Time. Aft.er expiration of the period for receiving Bids, no Bid may be withdrawn or modified. l2_2 After a bid is received by the City, the bidder znay request to modify the bid for typographical or scrivener's ezrors oz�y. The bidder rnust state in writing to the City that a typographical or scrivener's error has been made by the bidder, the nature af the enor, the requested canection of the exxor, and what the adjusted bid amount will be if the correction is accepted by the City. The City reserves the right at its sole discretion to accept, reject, or modify any bid: 13 REJECTI�N OF BIDS 13.1 To the extent permitted by applicable State and Federal laws and regulat�ons, the City reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and ta waive any and all infarmalities. Grounds for th,e rejection of a bid include but are not limited to a material omission, unauthorized alteratian of fvrm, wnauthorized alternate bids, incomplete or unbalar�ced unit prices, or irregularities of any kind. Alsa, the City reserves the right to reject any Bid if the City believes that it would not be in the best interest of the public to zmake an award to that Biddex, whether because the Sid is not responsive or the Sidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any othEr pertinent standard or criteria established by the City. The City reserves the right to decide wluch bid is deemed to be the lowest and best in the interest of the public. 14 DISQUALIFICATI�N OF BIDDER 14.1 Any or al1 bids will be rejected if there is any reason for believing that collusion exists � among the bidders, ihe participants in such collusion will not be considered in future proposals for the same work. Each bidder sha11 execute the Non-Collusion Affidavit contained in the Contract Documents. � 15 OPENING OF BIDS ' � � � � 15.1 �s Bids will he opened and read publicly at the location and time stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Sidders are invited to be present at the opening of bids_ LICENSES, PERMITS, ROYALTY FEES AND TAXES 16.1 The Contractor shall secure all licenses and perinits (and shall pay a11 pennit fees) except as speciiically stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State Laws, County and Mtuucipal drdinances and regulations, wluch in any manner effect the prasecution of the work. City of Clearwater building permit fees and i.mpact fees will be waived except as specifically stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. 1 b.2 The Contractor shall assw�ne all liability for the payznent of myalty fees due to the use of any construction or operation process, which is protected by patent rights except as specifically Sectionll.doc Page 5 of 9 9/27/20]0 Section II — Instructions to Bidders stated otherwise in the Technical Specifications. The amount of royalty fee, if any, shall be stated by the Contractor. 16.3 The Gontractor shall pay all applicable sales, consuxner, use and other taxes required by law. The Contractor is responsible for reviewing the pertinent State Statutes involving the sales tax and sales tax exemptions and complying with a1] requirernents. 16.4 The City of Clearwater is exempt from state sales tax on materials incorporated into the WORK. The City of Clearwater reserves the right to implement the Owner Direct Purchase (ODP) �ption, if indicated in the Scope o� Work Description in Section IV -- Technical Specifications and as defined in Section III — General Conditions. 17 IDENTICAL TIE BIDSNENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLAGE 17.1 In accordance.with the requirements of Section 287.087 Florida Statutes regarding a Vendor Drug Free Workplace; in the event of identical tie bids, preference shall be given to bidders with drug-free workplace programs. WYienever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the City for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certi�es that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none or all of the tied bidders have a drug-free workplace prograrti. In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a contractor shall supply the City with a certificate containing the following six statements and the accornpanying certification staterxaent: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the urila�vFul manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled subsCance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) In#'orm employees as to the dangers of clrug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that rnay be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement speci�ed in subsection (] ). (4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the emplayer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty dr nolo contendere to, any violation of chaptex 893, oz of any controlled substance law, of the United States, or of any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (S) days after such conviction. (S) Tmpose a sanction on, or ret�uire the satisfactary participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee wha is sa convicted_ (6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. I certify that this ium does/does not (select only one) fitlly comply with the above requiremerits. SectionIl.doc Page 6 of 9 9iz�izo � o � � � 1 � � �� � � � LJ � � L_ J � � � � � � Section ll— lnsvuc[ions to Bidders '18 AWARD OF CONTRACT 1$.I Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of words. Discrepancies in the multiplication of units oi work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of iigures and the cox-t'ect sum thereof will be resolved in favor oithie correct sum_ 1$.2 In evaluating the Bids, the City will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, unit prices, and other data as may be requested in the Bid/Proposal fox�m. The City may considex the quali�cations and experience of Subcontractors, suppliers and other persons and organizations proposed by the Contractox for the Work. The City may conduct such investigations as the City deems necessary to assist in the evaluatian of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualiiications and �nancial ability of Bidders, proposed Subconiraciars, Suppliers and other persons, and oxganizations to perfornn and itunish the Work in accordance with the... Contract Documents to the City's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 18.3 �f the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to thc lowcst responsible, respansive Bidder whose evaluation by the City indicates to the City that the awaird will be in the best interest of the City_ 18.4 Awax'd of contract will be made for that combination of base bid and alternate bid items in the best interest of the City, however, unless otherwise specified all work awarded will be awarded to only one Contractor. 19 BID PR�TEST 19.1 RIGHT TO PROTEST: Any actual bidder who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or awazd of a contract may seek resolution of his/her camplaints anitially with the Purchasing Manager, and if not satisfied, with the City Manager, �a accordance with protest procedures set forth in this section. 19.2 PROTEST PROCEDURE: A. A protest with respect to the specifications of an invitation for bid or request for proposal shall be subz�nitted in writing a minimum of iive (S} work days prior to the opening of the bid ar due date of the request for proposals, unless the aggrieved person could nat have been reasonably expected to have lrnowledge of the �acts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid opening or the closing date for proposals. Opening dates for bids or due dates for requests for proposal will be printed on the bid/request document itself. B. Pxotests in respect to award of contract shall be subrnitted in writing a maximum of five (5) work days after notice of intent to award is posted, or is mailed to each bidder, which ever is earlier. Notice of intent to award will be forwarded to bidders upon telephonic ar written request. Pmtests of recom.mended award should cite specific portions of the City of Cleazwater Code of Ordinances that have allegedly been violated. C. Exceptions to the �ve (5) day requuements noted in both A and B above may be granted if the aggrieved person could have not been reasonably expected to have knawledge of the facts giving rise to such protest prior to the bid apening, posting of � 5ectionlI.doc r Page 7 of 9 9/27/20]0 � E. Sectian Il -- lnstructions to Sidders intent to award, or due date far requests for proposals. Request for exceptions should be made in writiaag, stating reasons for the exception. The Puzchasing Manager shall respond to the formal written protest within five (5) work days of receipt. The Purchasing Manager's zesponse will be fu11y coordinated with the appropriate Department Director and the Assistant City Manager. If the protestor is not satisfied with the response from the Puxchasing Manager, he/she rnay then submit in writing within five (5) work days of receipi of that response his/her reason for dissatisfaction, along with copies of his/her original formal pmtest letter and the response from the Purchasing Manager, to the City Manager. F. 11ze City Manager as Purchasing Agent for the City has the fmal authority in the matter of protests. The City Manager will respond to the protestor witYvx� ten (10) work days of receipt of the appeal. 19.3 �ROTEST �'EE: When f ling a%rtnal protest, the protesting vendor must include a fee in the amou.nt of 5% of the selected vendor's total bid to offset the City's additional expenses related to the protest. This fee shall not exceed $2,500 nor be less than $50. If either the �ur'chasing Managear or the Cxty Manager upholds the protest, the City will refund 100% of the fee paid. 19.�1 STAY OF �ROCUREMENT DURTNG PROTEST: In the event of a timely protest, the Puzchasing Manager shall not proceed with the solicitation or award of contract until all adrxainistrative remedies have been exhausted or until the Caty Managex makes written determination that the award of contract without delay is necessary to protect the best interest of the City. r�f���L�I; [•�_1 � � �'/�[� 20.1 The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of the City of Clearrvater's Ordinance related to trench digging (Ordinance No. 791 S-�8) alang with the Florida Trench Safety Act (Sections 553.60-553.64, Florida Statutes) and the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) excavation safety standards, 29 C.F.R.s 1926.650 Subparagraph P, or current revisions of these laws. 21 CONSTRUCTION SITE ER�SION AND SEDIMENT GONTRQL � MANAGEMENT MEASURES 21.1 The Sidder shall comply with the provisions of the Environmental Protectian Agency (E�A) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit and implement stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP's) or stormwater management programs (both using best management practices (BMPs} that effectively reduce or prevent the discharge of pollutants into receiving waters. A. The control of construction-related sediment loadings is cr�tical to maintaining water quality. The implementation of proper erosion and sediment control practices dur�ing the construction stage can significantly reduce sediment loadings to suxface waters. � � � � SectionII.doc Page 8 of 9 9/27/20]0 � � � � � r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5ection II — Instructions to Bidders B. Prior to land disturbance, prepare and implement an approved erosion� and sediment control plan or similar adtninistrative document that contains erosion and sediment control provisions. Nl'DES Ma��agement Measures available at City of Clearwater Engneezing Envirunmental Division and EPA websites to help address construction-related Best Management 1'ractices. References EPA website SectionIl.doc Page 9 of 9 9/27/2010 �J � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � � � � sEC-rioN ��� GENERAL C�NDITIONS Table of Contents: l. DEF�N�T�ONS ..................................................................................................................1 2 PRELTMINARY MATTERS ........................................................................................... 5 2.1 DELIVERY OF BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ............................ S 2.2 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS ................••---�....................................-------��----�-----------......... 5 2.3 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTR.ACT TIME/NOTICE TO PROCEED; STARTING THEPROJECT------------------•--.................._....._._........_.....................----�-----------------............ 5 2.4 _. BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION ------------------------•-.----.--•..........--•.---..-.-.-.-.-_---.- 5 2.5 PRECONSTRUCTION CON�ERENCE...-•---•-----• ................................::........•--.-_--•...... 6 2.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS ..................................•---•---�•-�-----�-••---•---..........................._...... 6 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INTENT ...............................:................................•---•---- � 3.1 iNTENT .............................................�--------�-�-�-��---�-----��----.......---._.................-•-•---�---....._ 7 3.2 REPORTING AND RESOLVING DISCREPANCIES .............................•-•----•-.-.-----.... 7 4 AVA�LAS�LITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL COND�TIONS; REFERENCE POINTS ..........................................................•--•...........-•--•----••---------------- $ 4.1 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS-----�.....----• ...........................................��---�-------�--------�._..... 8 4.2 INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS -•---�-------�----�--•--�-----------� ...............................�-�--�-- g 4.3 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, iJNDERGROUND FACILITIES ..................................... 8 4.4 REFERENCE POJI�ITS ................................................................... ................................. 9 5 BONDS AND INSURANCE ..........................................•-•-•--........................................... 9 5.1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND/CONTR.AC'T BOND ............................... 9 5.2 1NSURANCE ......................•-•----�-�------�-----...... ... 9 ............................... 5.2..1 WORKER'S COMPENSATIONINSURANCE ......................................................... 1 D 5.2.2 PUB.LIC LIABILITYAND PROPERTYDAMAGE COVERAGE ............................ 1 U 5.2.3 COMPREHENSIVE A UTOMOBILE LIABILI7'Y .................................................... .l.l 5.3 WAIVER OF RIGHTS ........--•--•�-� ..........................................................�--------�-----........ 12 6 CONTR.ACTURS RESPONSIRILITIES .............•----•-•--•---------....................................12 6.1 SUPERVISION AND SUPERiNTENDENCE .....................................................•-----.. 12 6.2 LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ................................ .. ........ 13 6.3 SUBSTITUTES AND "OR EQUAL" I'I`EMS .................................... ... .--.---.-14 6.4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS...._... 14 6.5 USE OF PREMISES......---•--�•-------••---••--• ...........................................�----�---------�--�-----.... 15 6.5.1 STAGINGAI2EAS .............................................................................................•......IS 6.5.2 RESTORAT.IONTIMELIMITS ...........................�---..............................._.................IS 6.6 LICENSE AND PATENT FEES, ROYALTIES AND TA.7�S ................................... 16 6.7 LAWS AND REGULA`I'IONS ..................•---•---...---�........._.................................------._.. l6 6.8 PERMITS .................................�-•--•----�---.........---............................---....----•-----•--�--------._.16 6.9 SAFETY AND PROTECTION .....................................................................................17 6.10 EMERGENCIES ............................................................................................................18 6.11 DRAWINGS.-�---� ....................................................•---•--•--�---••------•....._.._...----�-•-•�--------..18 5ectionlIl.doc i 11 /03/2010 6.11.1 SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFls, and SUBMI'TTAL REVIEW,........... 6.11.2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS ...................................�---......................................... b.11.3 CAD STANDARDS ................�•---..................----.._..............-�---.............--�----�- 6.11.4 DELIVERAB.L.F.S :..............................................................�---�-�-�---�--........... 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARKA.NTY AND GUARANTEE ............... 6.13 CONTIIVCTING THE WORK ..........................................................................., 6.14 INDEMNIFICATION ........................................�--�------�------...------....................., ....... rs ....... 19 ....... 21 ....... 23 ----._. 23 ....... 23 ....... 23 7 UTHER WORK...........-•----• ............................................................................................ 24 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE ........................................................................................ 24 7.2 COORDiNATION .........................................................................................................24 S 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 ]0 11 l 1.1 l 1.z 11.3 12 l.3 l.4 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 14.1 14.2 14.3 1 �.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY ...................................................................................... 25 �WNER REPRESENTATYVE'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION .............. 25 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE ................................................................................... 25 CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS ........................................................ 25 REJECTING OF DEFECTIVE WORK..--�--�------• ............................................•�-�----�---- 26 SHOP DRAWINGS, CHA.NGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS .................................. 26 DECISIONS ON DISPUTES .....................•-�--.....................-•- --...... ........_.... 26 LIMITATIONS �N OWNER REPRESENTATNE'S RESFONSIBILIT�ES ............. 27 CHANGES IN THE WORK ........................................................................•---.............. 27 CHANGES XN THE CONTRACT PRICE ................................................................... 28 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PRICE .................................................................... 28 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENT ....................... 29 UNITPRICE WORK -----�-��--� ........................................................................................ 30 CHANGES YN THE CONTRA,CT TIME .................................................................... 30 TESTS AND YNSPECTIONS, CORRECTI�N, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTYVE WORK ............................................................................................... 3l. TESTS AND INSPECTION..-------�--�---.....--�-------�------�-�--------�.._....-----�..-----�--------�----•-•... 31 UNCOVERING THE WORK._.....--••-•---�---�---�-�---��-�-----------�--�-�- ---- 32 OWNER'S REPRESENTATNE MAY STOP THE WQRK ....................................... 32 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK ........................................ 32 WARRANTY/CORRECTION PERIOD ...................................................................... 33 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK ............................................•---•---•-•----•.---•-- 33 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTNE WQRK ....................................................... 33 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION ......................................... 3�t A�PLICATION FOR PROGRESS PA'YMENT ........................................................... 34 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITLE ............................................................... 35 REVIEW OF APPLICATTONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS ................................ 3S PARTIAL UTILIZATI�N ..................................................................�---�---�--�---�------..._ 36 FINAL INSPECTION ........---•-------•• ...............................•--............................... .. 36 F1NAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT --• ................................................................ 37 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE ................................................................... 37 WAIVEROF CLAIMS ................•---.._..................._._..............--�--....-�---�---��-----�---�-�-�---- 38 SectionIII.doc � l ] /03/2010 � � � � �J , � r � � � � � � � IJ � i � � r 15 SUSPENSION OF WURK AND TERMINATION .........................:.......................... 38 15.1 OWNER MAY SUSPEND 'THE WORK ........................................•....-.-.-.-.---.----...------ 38 15.2 �WNER MAY TERMINATE ..................................................�-��-----...........---�---......... 38 l53 CONTRACTOR MAY ST�P WORK OR TERMINATE ........................................... 39 16 DISPUTE RESOLUTION .............................................................................................. 40 l.'1 MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................................................................... 40 17.1 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT FORMS ........................................•--...---------.-.------- 40 17.2 GNING NOTICE .....................................................................�-�-------..__......---.............. 40 17_3 N�TICE OF CLAIM ................................................................�-�-----�-----�---------------�-�---- 40 17.4 PROFESSIONAL FEES AND COURT C�STS INCLUDED ..................................... 40 17.5 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTR.ACT ............................................................................•---. 41 17.G RENEWAL OPTION .....................:......:...........:........................................................... 4l 17.7 ROLL-�F� CONTAiNERS AND/OR DUMPS'I"ERS ................................................. 41 ].8 URDER AND LUCATION OF THE W�RK .................................................•--•--------. 41 19 MATER.IAL USED ......................................................................................................... 41 20 CONFLICT SETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 4l 21 OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (UDP} OPTION ....................................................... 41 22 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION UF START OF CONSTRUCT�ON .......................... 42 22.1 GENER.AL ..................................................................................................................... �2 22.2 EXAMPLE .............................................................................................�-�-----�-�-��------�--- 42 23 PR�J�ECI' INFORMATIUN S�GNS ...................................................•---•-------•----••------ 43 23.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE ............................................................................................... 43 23.2 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, FIXED �R PORTABLE ......................................:.......... 43 233 FIXED SIGN ............................................................................�----------�•---•- -� 43 23.4 PORTABLE SIGNS ............................................................................•---�---�-------�---�----- 43 23.5 SIGN COLORING ....................................................................�---�---�-�-•---•--...--•------�--._. 44 23.d SIGN PLACEMENT .....................................................................................••-•----...----. 44 23.'7 SIGN MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................................� 44 23.8 TYPICAL PROJECT SIGN ..-� ...................................................................................... 44 24 AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUAR.ANTEE .................. 45 SectionIII.doc iii 11/03/2010 � � Section ]II — General Conditions 1 DEFINITI�NS � Addenda Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct or change ihe Bidding Requirements or the contract documents. ' Agent � i � IJ � � Architect, engineer or other outside agency, consultant or person acting on behal#� of the City. Agreement The wratten contract between �wner and Contractor covering the Work to be per%rnned; other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereo� as provided therein. Application for Payment � � The form accepted by Engineer which is to be used by Contractor in requesting progress or final payments atxd which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. Approve The word approve is def ned to mean satisfactory review of the material, equipment or methods for general connpliance with the design concepts and with the infarmation given in the Contract Documents. It does not imply a responsibility on the part of the Engineer to verify in every detail confozmance with the Drawings and Specifications. Bid The offer or proposal of the bidder submitted on the prescribed forna secting forth the prices for the work to be perfor�med. , Bidding Documents The advert►sement or invitation to Bid, instructians to bidders, the Bid form, and the proposed Contact Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). ' Bonds Performanc e and payment bonds and other instruments of security. � , �i � � � � Change Order A written order to Contractor signed by Owner and Contractar authorizing an addition, deletion or revisian in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time issued on or after the effective date of the Agreement. City "I`he City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. Construction Inspector A person who is the authorized representative of the Construction Manager and inspects City construction projects in order to insure the Contractor's work complies with the intent of the Contract Docwnents_ Construction Manager The person who is typically in responsible chazge of City construction projects. The Construction Manager assumes responsibility for the management of construction contracts at the Preconstruction Conference_ The Construction Manager chairs the Preconstruction Conference and is the authority on any disputes or decisions regarding 5ectionlll.doc Page ] of 45 1]!03/2010 Section III — General Conditions contract administration and performaz�ce. The Construction Mazaager typically acts as the �wner's Representative during construction. Contract Documents The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents), Contractor's Bid (izacluding docum�.e:ntation accompanying the bid and any post-Bid docurnentation submitted prior to the execution of the Agreement) when attached as an exhibit to 1he Agreement, the Bonds, Instructions to Bidders, these Gezaeral Conditions, any Suppleme;ntary Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings, any other exhibits identified in the Agreement, together with all Modifcations issued after the execution of the Agreeme:nt. Contract Price The Contract price constitutes the total corrapensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable 6y Owner to Contractor for performing the Work. Contract Time The number of days or the date stated in the Agreement for the completion of tk�e Work. Contractor 'The Person with whom the Owner has entered into the Agreement. �'or the purposes of this contract, the person, fix�m or corporation with whom this caz�tract or agreement h,as been made by the City of Clearwater or its duly authorized representative. Critical Path Method Constructzon Schedule--CPM A graphic forrnat construction schedule that displays cozastruction activities as they relate to one another for the purpose of identifying the most ef£cient way to perform the work in a timely rnanner. The critical path identifies which activity is critical to the execution of the schedule. Dcry A calendar day oitwenty-four (24) howrs zneasured from midnight to the next midnight. Defective An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or de�czent, or does not conform to the Contract Documents or does not meet the requirements of az�y iunspection, reference stazadard, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been datnaged prior to Engineers recommendation of final payment. Drawings The drawings, which will be identified in Technical Specifications or the Agreement, which show the character and scope of the Work to be perfvrmed az�d which have been prepared or approved by Engineer and are referred to in the contract documents_ Shap drawings are not Drawings as so defined. Engzneer The duly appointed representative of the City Manager of the City o�` Clearwater. For the purposes of this contract, the City Engineer of the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, or his authorized represe:ntative. �'or certain projects, th,e E:ngineer may serve as the Owner's Representative during construction. Engfneer's Consultant A Person having a contract with Engineer to furnish services as Engineer's independent SectionIII.doc Page 2 of 45 11/03/2010 �� ' � � � r I� � ' 5ection IIl -- General Conditions professional associate ar consultant with respect ta the Project and who is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions. F_ D.O. T Specifications The Standard Specifications for Road and Bz�idge Construction as issued by the Florida Department of'Transportation (latest English edition). Furnish T}ae words "furnish", "furnish and install", "install", and "provide" or words of similar meaning shall be interpxeted, unless otherwise spec►fically stated, to mean "furnish and install complete in place and ready for service". Inspection "1'he term "inspection" and the act of inspecting means examination of construction to ensure that it conforms to the design concept expressed in the Drawings and Specifications. These terms shall :not lie construed to mean supe�rvisian, superintending or overseeing. Laws and Regulatfons Any and all applicable laws, rules, xegulations, oxdinances, codes and oxders of any �ind of gavernmental bodies, agencies, authorities and courts having jwrisdictian. Liens Liens, charges, security intexests or encumbrances upon real property or personal property. Milestone � A pzincipal event specified in the contract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to the final completion date. Notice to Proceed (NTP) � A written notice given by the Ownez to the Contractor fxing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perfarm his obligations under the Contract Dacuments. � Owner I� � � I_� � � � The City of Clearwatex, Florida. For the purposes of this contract, the person who is the City's authorized representative from t�,e City's Department witlx whom will be responsible far the maintenance and operation of the Work once the Work is completed. �or certain projects, a designee of the Owner may serve as the Owner's Representative during construction. Owner's Representative llesignee of the Owner with autharity to act on behalf of the Owner during construction. Person A natural person, or a corporation, partners�ip, firm, organization, or other artiiicial entity. Project The total construction o� which t}ae Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contxact Documents. SectionllT.doc Page 3 of 45 11/032010 Section III — General Conditions Partial Utilization Use by Owner o� a substantially campleted part o� the Work fox the purpose for which is in,tended (or a related puxpose) prior to �'inal Comp�etion of al1 the Work. Representative of Contractor The Contractor shall assign a z'esponsible person or persons, one o� whom shall be at the construction site at all tiznes that work is progressing. The names ar�d positions of these persons shall be submitted to the City Engineer at the time of the pre-construction conference. This person or persons sha�l not be changed without written approval of City Engineer. Request for Information (RFI) An official written request for clarification o� the intent of the contract docurnents from the Contractor to the Engineer. Shop Drawing : . . . All drawings, dxagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a supplier and submitted by Contractor to illustrate �aterial or equipment for sozne portion. of the Work. Specificatinns Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptzons of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and wor�unanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor A person having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subconixactor for the performance o� a part of the Work at the site_ Substantral Completion The Work (or a specified part thereo� which has progressed to the point where, in the opinion of Engineer, as evidenced by Engineer's definitive certificate of Substantial Cozn�pletion, it is su�ficiently complete, in accordance with the C�ntract documents, so that the Work (or specified part) can be uti�ized £or the purposes for which it is intended; or if no such certificate is xssued, when the Work is complete and ready for final payment as evidenced by the Engineer's reco;mmendation of final payment. The terms "substantially complete" and "substantially completed" as applied to all or part of the Work refer to Substantial Completion thereof Supplementary Conditrons `The part of the Contract which az�aends or supplements these General Conditions. Supplfer A manufacturer, �abricatox, supplier, distributor, zxxaterial man or vendor having a direct contract with Contractor ar with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Wark by the Contractor. Surety Any person, frm or cozporation which is bound with Contractor and which engages to be responsible for Contractor and his acceptable performance a� the Work by a Bid, Performance or Payz�aent Bond. 5ectionIlI.doc Page 4 of 45 1]/03/2010 � ' � � �� .. ' i �� � J L � �J � � � � � �� i ' ' Section III — General Conditions Underground Facrlities All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or othex such � facilities or attackunents, and any encasements containing such facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials: electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other cotnmunications, cable , television, sewage ar�d drainage removal or treatment, traffic or other control systems or water. � i ' � � � , � ' � ' r � Unft Price Work Wark Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. The entixe completed construction or the variaus separately identifiable parts thereof required to be fumished under the Contxact Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or furnishing .labor and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction, and perfarming or furnislaing services and furnishing documents, all as required by the Contract Documents. Work Change Directive A written directive to Contractor, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreennent and signed by the Engineer, ordering an addition, deleiion, or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen physical canditions under which the Work is to be pe�rformed or emergencies_ Work Change Directive wil] not change the Contract Px�ce or Contract Time, but is evidenee that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incarporated in a subsequently issued Change O�rder following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Times. 2 PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.1 DELIVERY OF BONDS AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE When Contractor delivers the executed Agreements to the Owner, Contraetor shall also deliver to the Owner such Bonds and Certifcates of Insurance as Contractor may be required to fumish by this contract. 2.2 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS Engineex shall furnish to Contractor two (2) copies of Contract Dacuments for execution. Additianal copies will be fumished, upon request, at the cost of reproduction. 2.3 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME/NOTICE TO PR�CEED; STARTING THE PROJECT The Contract Time will commence on the day indicated in the Notice to Fraceed. Contractor shall start to pexform the work on the date th�e Contract Time commences to run. No work shall be done at the site prior to the date ihat the Contract Time commences to run. 2.4 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTI4N Before undertaking each part of the Work, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Docurnents and claeck and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable � Sectionlll.doc � Page S of 45 1 l/03/20] 0 Section III — General Conditions field measurements. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to Engineer any conflict, �rror or discrepancy which Contractor may discover; and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from Engineer before proceeding with any w�rk effected thereby; however, Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Drawings or Specifications, unless Contractor laad actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. Na verbal agreeznent or conversation with any of�cer, A�ent or employee of the Owner or Engineer's Consultant, either before or aftex the execution of this Contract, shall affect or rnodify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Contractor shall not commence aniy wazk at any time without approved insurance required by these General Conditions_ Failure to obtain this insurance will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor_ 2.5 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Within twenty (20) days of Award of Contract and before the start of the Work, the Owner's Representative shall schedule a preconstruction conference to be attended by Contractor, Engineer, Owiner and others as appropriate to establish a working understanding a�mong the parties as to tk�e Work and to discuss the schedule of the Work and general Contract procedures. Typically, oversight of the project officially passes from the Engineez-ing Department to the Construction Department at the preconstruction conference. In these cases, the preconstruction conference is run by the Construction Department and chaired by the City's Construction Manager. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative at the �reconstruction Canference a color Critical Path Method (CPM) Construction Schedule_ This is to be a sequence of events including submittal review and procurement. Notice to Proceed is usually established at this conference and such date cat� be inserted into the schedule at that time. The Contractor shall also bring a Submittal Schedule for review by the Engineer. This is to make sure that tlae list is complete and this schedule shall be the basis of a Subnnittal Log. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner's Representative at the preconstruction conference a completed Emergency Call List and a completed Authorized Signature List. The �wner's Representative shall deliver to the Contractor at the preconstructioz� conference a project disk that has all of the xzecessary data a.nd survey control points for the purpose of construction stakeout ar�d as-built swrvey. The �wner's Representative shall deliver to the Contractor at the preconstruction conference a Contractor evaluation package. This is for the purpose of rating the Contractor's performance for reference when considering future contracts and bid prequalification_ 2.6 PROGRESS MEETINGS The Contractor is required to attend Progress Meetings. These meetings will be scheduled on a weekly, bi-weekly, or znonthly basis depending an the needs of the project. The Contractor shall bring ta each� meeting an updated submxttal log, an updated request for infvrmation (R�I) log, a look-ahead schedule to cover the project activity from the cunent meeting to the next meeting, and all material test reports generated in the same time period. Sectionlll.doc Page 6 of 45 11/03/2010 r , L�J , � 1 �l � , � r � Section Il] — General Conditions 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INTENT 3.1 INTENT The Contract Documents comprise the entire Agreement between Owner and the Contractor concerning the Work. They may be altered only by written agreement. Th,e Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. It is the intent of the Contract Docurnents to describe a functionally complete praject (or part thereo fl to be constxucted in accordance with the Contract Documents. A.ny Work, rnaterials or equipxnent which may xeasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or from tt'ade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words or phrases, which have a well- kt�own technical or construction ix�dustry or trade meaning, are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such. words ar phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Clarif cations and interpxetations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Reference to stat�dards, specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code, Laws or Regulation of any gov�rnmental authonity, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, z�aanual or code, or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Sids except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. However, no provision of any referenced standa.rd speci�cation, manual or code, whether or not specially incorporated by z'eference in the responsibilities of Owner or Contractor as set forth in the Contxact Documents, shall chamge the duties and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor, Engineer or Owner's Representative, ar any of their Agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract shall be issued by the Owner's Representative. Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in these Contzact documents shall be deemed to be inserted herein, and they shall be read and enforced as through it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or if not correctly inserted, then upon th�: application af eithex' party, the Contract Documents shall fortlnwith be physically aznended to make such insertion. 3.2 REPORTING AND RESOLVING DISCREPANCIES If, during the pe�rformance of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity or � discrepancy within the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and any provision of any such Law or Regulation applicable to the performance of the Work or of any such standard, specification, manual or code oz of an�y instruction of any Supplier, Cantractor ' shall report it to the Owner's Representative in writing at once, and Contractor shall not pzoceed with the Wo;rk affected thereby (except in an emergency) until an amendrrxent or supplement to Contract Documents has been issued by one of the rnethods provided in tIaese General 1 Specifications, provided hawever, that Contractoz shall not be liable to Owner, or Owner's Representative for failwre to report any such canflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy unless Contractor knew or reasonably should have kaaown thereof. r �� � SectionIll.doc Page 7 of 45 11/03rL010 � 4 Section 111— General Conditions AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE P�INTS 4.1 AVAILABILITY QF LANDS The Owner shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be Perforzxied, rigkats-of-way, easements for access thereto, and such othex lands which are designated for the use of contxactor. The Own,ex shall identify any encumbrances ox restrictions not of general application but speciiically related to use of lands so fumished with whicla contractor will have to comply in performing the Work. Easements fo:r permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained ar►d paid for by the Owx�er, unless otherwise provided in the Cont:ract Documents. 4.2 INVESTFGATIONS AND REPORTS Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions and Technical Speciiications for identification of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which have been relied upon by Engineer in prepazation of the Drawings and Speci�cations. Such xeports aze not guaranteed as, to accuracy or completeness and axe not part oi the Cantract Docum�ents. Contractor sha11 promptly notify the Owzze:r's Representative in writing of any subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site, or in an existing structure, differing mate�ially from those indicated or referred to in the Contract Documents. Engineer will promptly review those conditions and advise if fitrther investigation or iests are necessary. Owner or Engineer shall obtain the necessary additional investigations and tests and fur�ish copies to the Engineer and Contractor. If Engineer imds that the results of such investigations or tests indicate that there are subsurface or latent physical conditions, which differ materially from those, indicated in the contract Documents, and which could not reasonably have been anticipated by Contaractor, a work change or Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions. 4.3 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS, UNDERGROUND FACILITIES The ix�formation and data showza or indicated in the Cont:ract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous ta the site is based on infoxmation and data furnished to Owner or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless otlxerwise expressly p:tovided in the Contxact Documents, Owzaer and Enginee:r shall nat be ;responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data.; and the cost of all the following will be included in the Contract Price and contractor shall have full responsibility for: (i) reviewing and checking all such infoz�mation and data, (ii) locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, (iii) coordination of the Work with the owners of such Undergxound Facilities duxing construction, and (iv) the safety and pxotection of all such Underg:round Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. The Contractor is required to call the LOCAL PUSLYC UTILTTY NOTIFICAT�UN CENTER prior to any excavation per State regulations and to notify any utility ow�ners who are not a member of the LOCAL PUSLTC UTILITY NOTYFYCATION CENTER pzior to any excavation. The LOCAL PUSLIC UTILITY NOTTFICATIQN CENTER is an agency for the protection and location of utilities prior to any excavation and contact number is available in local telephone di:rectory_ 3ectionlll.doc Page S of 45 11/0320)0 , � ' r u � 5ection II] — General Conditions 4.4 REFERENCE P�INTS Engineer shall provide engineering su�rveys to establish reference points for constructzon, which in Engineer's }udgment are necessary to enable Contractox to proceed with the Work. Contractor shall be responsible far laying out the Work, shall protect and prese�rve the established re£erence points and shall make no changes o:r ;relocations without the prio:t written approval of the Ownez and Engineer. Contracto:r shall report to Engineer whenever any refe;rence point is lost or destroyed or requires xelocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be zesponsible for the accuxate replacement or relocation of such xeference points by a surveyor licensed in the State of Florida. The Contractor is :referred to the Technical Specifications for mure specific information regarding the provision of construction surveys_ If a City survey crew is assigned to the pzoject and there is excessive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's foxces after initial line and grade have been set, as determined by the Engineer, Che Contr.a�tox. v.vilX, be . charged . at .the rate of $ l Q0.00 per hour.. Time shall be computed ..for actual time on the project. All time shall be coYaaputed in one-hour increments with a minimum charge af one houx. 5 � . . 5.1 � � � , , r ' r � , � BONDS AND INSURANCE PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT B�7ND/C�NTRACT BOND Contractor shall fumish a Pezformance and Payment Bond :ui an axxxaunt at least equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of all Contractox's obligations undex the Cont:ract Documents_ This bond shall remain in effect at least one year after the date when f�nal payment beconnes due, unless a longex period of time is prescribed by laws and regulations ox by the Contract Docurnents. Contractor shall also furnish such other Bonds as are :required by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents and shall be executed by such suzeties as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptahle Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Re:insuring Companies" as published in Cizcular 57U (amended) by the Audit Staff, Buzeau of Government Financial Operations, U.S. Treasury Department. All bonds signed by an agent niaust be accompanied by a certified copy of such agents' authority to act. All bonds shall be deezned to contain all of the Conditions of 5ection 255.OS, Florida Statutes, even af such language zs not directly contained within the bond and the Surety shall be licensed and quali�ed to do business in the State of Florida. Owner rese�rves the right to reject any surety. If the Surety on any Bond furnished by the Contraetor is decla�red bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in any state whexe any part of the Project is located or it ceases to meet the requirements of these Contract Documents, the Contxactoz shall wit}ain five days after notice thereof substitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to Owner. 5.2 INSURANCE Contractor shall purchase and maintain such liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide pxotection from claims set farth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance and furnishing of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whethex it is to be per%rmed or furnished by Contxactor, and Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perfortn or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone �'ox whose acts any of them may be liable for the following: (i) Claims under workex's compensation, disability benefits and other similar employee bene�t acts; (ii) Claims far dazxaages because of bodily Sectionlll.doc Page 9 of 45 l l/03/2010 Section III — General Conditions injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's eznployees; (iii) Claims for danr�ages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than Contractor's employees; (iv) Clairzas for damages insuzed by custoxaaary persanal injury liability coverage which are sustained by any pe:rson as a result of an offense di:rectly or indirectly :related to the employnaent of such pe:tson by Contractor, or by any othe:r person for any other reason; (v) Clai�zr�s for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherevex located, including loss of use resu�ting therefroxxx; and (vi) Claixx�s for damages because of bodily injury or death of any pexson or property damage arising out of the ownership, mazntenance or use of any znoto:r veb.icle. The Contractor shall delivex to the Owner, with copies to each additional insured identiiied in the Supple;naentary Conditions, certificates of insurance (and other evidence o� insurance requested by the Owzxer or any other additional insured) which Contractor is required to purchase and nnaintain in accordance with this paragraph. The policies of insurance so required by this parag:raph to be purchased and maintaaned shall: (i) include as additional ins�ed (subject to any customary exclusion in respect of prafessional liability) Owxxer of Clearwater and any other persons or entities identified in the Supple;trxentary Conditions, all of whoztx shall be listed as additional insured, and include coverage for the respective of�cers and employees of all such additional insures; (ii) include completed operations insurance; (iii) include contractual liability.insurance cove�ring Contractor's indemnity obligations in Article for Contractor's Responsibilities; (iv) contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage affoxded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days prior wx'ztten notice has been given to the Ow:ner, and Contractor and ta each othe:r additional insured identi�ed in the Suppleznental Conditions to whonn a certifieate of insurance has been issued (and the certificates of insurance furnished by the Contractor as descz�bed in this paragXaph); (v) remain zn effect at least until �na1 payment and at a11 times thereafter when Contractor z�nay be correcting, rexnoving or replacing de�ective Work in accordance with Article for Correction of Defective Work; (vi) with respect to completed aperations insurance, and any insurance coverage written on a claiz�ns-�nade basis, shall remain in effect for at least two years after final payxnent. Contractor shall furnish the Owxaer and each other additional insured identiiied in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued evidence satisfactory to the Owner and any such additional insured, of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one year thereafter and (vii) Name and telephone number of the authorized insurance agent for the Insurer. The litxaits o� liability for the znsurance requixed shall prov7ide coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where reyuired by laws and regulations: 5.2.1 W�RKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE Cont�ract Award Azn�ount Contract Award Amount Under $1,000,000. $1,000,000. and Over (1) Workers' Cozaapensation Statutory Statutory (2) Enaployer's Liability $500,000. $1,000,000. 5,2.2 PU6LIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE Comprehensive General Liability including Prerxaise/Ope:rations; Explosion, Collapse and Underg�round P:roperty Damage; Products/Campleted Operations, B:road Form Contractual, Independent Contractors; Broad Form �rope�-ty Damage; and Personal Injury liabilities: Sectionlll.doc Page 10 of 45 ] I/03/2010 , , � � I� � I� , ,, , ' � ' , ' , � � ' ' � ' Section lII -- Gcneral Conditions Contract Award Amo�at Contract Award Amount Under $ l ,000,000. $1,000,000. and Over (1) Bodily Injury: $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence Occurrence $1,000,000. Annual. $1,OOO,d00. Annual Aggregate Aggregate (2) Property Damage: $540,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurrence �ccurrence $1,000,000. Anr►ual $1,000,000. .Annual Aggregate Aggregate (3) Personal Injury, with $1,000,000. Annual $1,000,000. Annual ernployment exclusion deleted Aggregate Aggregate 5.2.3 COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY including all owned (private and others), hYred'and non-owned vehicles: Contract Award Amount Contract Award Amount Under $�,QOO,p00. $X,OOO,ODO. and Over (1) Bodily Injury $500,000. Each Person $1,000,000. Each Person $SOO,OQO. Each Accident $1,000,000. Each Accident (2) Property Damage $500,000. Each $1,000,000. Each Occurtence Occurrence Receipt and acceptance by �wner of the Con�actor's Certificate of Insurance, or other similar document does not constitute acceptance or approval of amounts or types of coverages, which may be less than required by these Contaract Documents. The Owner shall not be responsible foz purchasing and maintain.ing any property insurance t� protect the interests of Contxactor, Subcontractors or others in the Work. Owner may at its option require a copy of the Contractor's Insurance Policy(s). All insurance policies requ�red within this Cont:ract Document shall provide full coverage from the �irst dollar of exposure unless othe�rwise stipulated. No deductibles will be accepted without prior approval from Owner. Lon�share and Harbor Worker's Compensation Act: Section 32 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 932, ' requires an employer, with employees in miaritirne employment, to secu�re the payment of benefits under the Act either by insur,ing with an insurance carrier authorized by the U.S. Depart�nent of Labor, or to be autho�azed by the U.S. Department of Labor as a self-insurer. ' For General Contrartors: Section 4(a) of the Act provides that every ernployer shall be liable for and shall secure the payment to his employees of the coznpensation payable under Sections 7, 8, and 9 of the Act. In the case of an emplayer who is a subcontractor, nnly if such subcontractor , fails to secure the payment of campensation sha11 the contracto:r be liable for and be required to secure the payment of compensation. ' SectionllI_doc Page 11 af 45 11/03/2010 � Section III — General Conditions 5.3 WAIVER OF RIGHTS "fhe Ow�aer axid Contractor intend that all policies purchased in accordance with Article on Insurance will protect the Owner, Contractor, Subcontractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultaxrts and all other persons or entities identi�ed in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed as insured or additional insured in such policies and will provide primary coverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby. All such policaes shall contain provisions to the e�fect that in the event of paynnent of any loss or damage the insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of the insured or additional insured thereunder, the Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents for all losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from any of the perils covexed by such palicies and any other property insurance applicable to the work; and, in addition, waive all such rights against Sub-contractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and al�l other persons or entities identif ed .in the Supplementary Conditions to be listed .as insured az. additional insured, under such policies for losses and damages so caused. None of the above waivers shall extend to the rights that any party making such waiver may have to the proceeds of insurance otherwise payable under any policy so issued. �n addition, the Owner waives all rights against Contractor, Subcontractors, Engineer, Engineer's Consultant and the officers, directors, employees and agents of any o� them for: (i) loss due to business interruption, loss of use or other consequential loss extending $eyond direct physical loss or damage to the Ow�ner property or the Work caused by, arising out of or resulting from �re or other peril, whetlaer or not insured by the Owner and; (ii) loss or dannage to the completed Project or part thereof caused by, axasing out of or resulting fxom fire or othex insured peril covezed by any property insurance maintained on the completed Project or part thereof by the Owner duxing partial utilization, after substantial campletion or after final payment. S CONTRACT�RS RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 SUPERVISION AND Sl1PERINTENDENCE Contractor shall supervise, inspect and direct the Work campetently and e�ciently, devating such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perfornn the Woxk in accordance with the Contract Documents_ Contractor shall be solely responsible for the zneans, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. Contractor shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in ihe design ar specificatxan of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. Contractor slaall be responsible to see that the completed wozk complies accurately with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall keep on tlae work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be xeplaced without notice to the Owner's Representative except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be Contractor's repr�sentative at the site and shal] have authority to act on behalf of Contractor_ All commuriications to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to Contractor. The Contractor's superintendent shall keep a mobile cell phone on his person so he can be contacted whenever necessary. Contractor shall employ onIy campetent persons to do the work an�d whenever the Owzxer's Representative shall notify Contractor, in writing, that any person on the work appears to be incornpetent, unfaithful, disorderly, ar otherwise unsatisfactory, such person shall be xemoved Sectiontll.doc Page 12 of 45 11/03/ZO10 , , � � i 1 ' � C� �I , 1 ' , ' � 1 , � Section IIl — General Conditions from th� project and shall not agai;n be employed on it except with the written consent of the Owner's Representative. Contractor shall reimburse Owner for additional engineering and inspection costs incurred as a result of overtime work in excess of the regulax wozkang hours or on the Owner normally approved holidays. At such times when Inspector overtime is required, the Contractor shall sign an overtime slip documenting sucla hours and the Contractor shall be provided a copy for his records. At the end of the project and prior to payment of withheld retainage fi.uids, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a check made out to the Owner of Clearwater for full reimbu.rsement of all Inspector overtime hours. Withheld retainag� shall not be released until the O+vner has received this check. Minimum number of chargeable hours for inspection costs on weekends or holidays shall be four hours. The cost of overtime inspection per hour shall be $60.00 per hour. Gontractor shall..provide and...�aintain. in a neat.. and..sa�itary _condition, suc� sanitary_ _.. .. accommodations for t1�e use af Contractar's employees as may be necessary to comply with t�e requirements of Laws and Regulations and the Engineer. 6.2 LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Contractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey, lay out and construct the work as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain gpod discipline and order at the site. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protectzon of persons or the work or property at the szte or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all work at the site shall be perforzned during regular working houzs and Contractor will not pe�:zait overtzme work or the perfornaance of work on Saturday, Sunday, or any legal holiday without th�e Owner consent given after prior n�otice to Engineer. Unless otherwise specified in the General Aequirements, Contractor shall furnish and assume full responsibility for all mater,ials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction ec�uipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fue1, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facxlities, temporary facilities, and all other faeilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, testing, start-up and completion of the Work. All materials and equipment installed in the Work shall be of gaod quality and new, except as othe�rwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by Engineer, Contractors shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports af required tests) as to the quality of materia.ls and equipment_ The Contractor shall provide suitable and secure storage for all materials to be used in the Work so that their quality shall not be impaired or injured. Materials that are improperly stored, may be rejected by the Engineer without testing. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned atxd conditioned in accardance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or distributor, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 'The City of Clearwater, at its sole discretion, reserves t�e right to purchase major equipment to be incorporated into the WORK under the Owner Direct Purchase (�DP) Option, if indicated in the Contract Documents. In such event, the Contractor shall cooperate and assist the Owner of Clearwater, at no additiona.l cost, to implement the ODP documents and procedures. SectionIlI.doc Page 13 of 45 11/03/ZO10 Section III -- General Conditions 6.3 SUBSTITUTES AND "QR EQUAL" ITEMS Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the narxae of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specifcation or description is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the specification or description cotatains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or "or equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment or material or equipment of other Suppliers zxzay be accepted by Engineer. If in Engineer's sole discretion an item, of tnaterial oz equipment proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that nanned and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by Engineer for approvaI. If in the Engineer's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an"ar equal" item, it may be considered as a propased substitute item. Contractor shall submit sufficient infoxznation as required by the Engineer to allow the Engineer to determine that, tlae itez�a of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and is ari acceptable substitute the;refore. Request for review of proposed substitute and "or equal" will be not be accepted by Engineer from anyone other than Contractor. Request for substitute and "or equal" items by Contractor must be submitted in writing to Owner's Representative and will contain all info:rtnation as Engineer deems necessary to make a determination. All data provided by Contractoz' in su�port of any proposed substitute or "o;r equal" item will be at Contractor's expense. Engineer will be allowed a reasonable time to evaluate each, proposal or subnnittal made per this paragraph. Engineer wil,l be sole judge of acceptability. 6.4 RESPONSIBILITY F�R SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS Contractor shall be fully responsible to Owner and Engineer for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and othe:r persons perForming or furnishing any of the work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractoz' just as Contractor is responsible for Contractar's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contzact Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractoz, Supplier or other person any contractual relationship between Owner or Engineer and any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of Owner or Engineer to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person. Contractor sha11 be solely responsible far scheduling and coordinating the work of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons performing or furnishing any of the work under a direct or indirect contract with Cont:ractor_ Contractor shall require all Subcontractors, Suppliers and such other persons performing or furnishing any of the work to communicate with the Engineer through Contractor. The divisions and sectiqns of the Specifications and the identifications af any Drawings shall not control Contractor in dividing the work among Subcantractors or Suppliers or delineating the work to be perfozrned by any specific trade. All woxk performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor or Supplier wzll be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contxactor and the Subconta'actor or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontxactor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of Owner and Engineer. 5ectionlll.doc Page 14 of 45 11/03/2010 , 1 ' � , ' , � � ' ' ' � ' I.J , � ' � 1 Scction III — General Conditions Contractor shall not pay or employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization whether initially or as a substatute, against whom Owzaer ar Engineer may have reasonable objection. Contractor shall not be required to empldy any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to furnish or perform any of the work against whom ConVactor has reasonable abjection_ Owner or Engineer will not undertake ta settle any differences between Contractor and his Subcontractors or between Subcontractors_ 6.5 USE OF PREMISES Contractor shall confine conslxuction equipment, the storage of materials and equiprnent and the operations of works to the site and land areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents on other land areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, right-of-way, permits an�d easements, and shall not unreasonably encwmber the premises with constructio�n . equipment or other materials or equiprnent. ConVacior shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, rest�lting frorn t�e performance of the Work. Should any claim be rnade by any such owzaer ox occupant because of the performance of the Work, Contractor shall promptly settle with such other party by n�.egotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute resolution proceed in or at law. ConVactor shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indez�ivaify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultant and their o�cials, directors, employees and agents frorn and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting fram any claim or action, legal or equitable, broughi by any such owner or occupant against Owner, Engineer or any other party indemn,ified hereunder to the extent caused by or laased upon Contractor's performance of t}ae Wark. During the progress of the Wark, Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Wor�. At the completion of the Work or at intervals established by the Engineer, Contractoz shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and suxplus materials. Contractor shall restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. 6.5.1 STAGING AREAS The Contactor shall obtain and deliver to the City written perm�ssion for the use of all staging and storage areas outside of the Limits of Construction. �.5.2 RESTORATION TIME LIMITS The timely restoratioz� of all impacted areas, especially right-of-ways, is very important to the Citizens of Cleazwater; therefore these tirne limits axe irnposed: � Debris piles shall be removed within five (5) consecutive calendaz days. • Concrete driveways and sidewalks shall be replaced within, ten (10) consecutive calendar days of rernoval. Resident access sha]1 be maintained at all times. � All arterial and collector roadways shall be restored ASAP. • Local streets and asphalt driveways shall be restored as soon as a sufficient quantity is generated, however, this is never to exceed iifteen (15) consecutive calendar days. Local and resident access shall be maintained at all times. Sectionlll.doc Page 15 of 45 11l03/2010 Section III—Genera] Conditions • Sod must be resioxed with ten (10) consecutive calendar days o� a successful pipe pressure test. It must be wate:red for a period of thirty (30) days after it is placed. Erosion control and dust control of denuded areas must be xnaxntained at all tiznes_ If the project or a portion of it does not involve right-of ways, then a different schedule of sod restoration may be considered_ 6.6 LICENSE AND PATENT FEES, R4YALTIES AND TAXES Contxactor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the wox�C orr the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyzights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product or device is speci�ed in the Contract Docuzx�ents for use in the performance of the wor� and if to the actual knowledge of Owner or Engineex its use is sul�ject to patent rights .ox copyrights calling.fo:r the. _payment of any license fee or royalty. to others, the existerice of such �rights shall be disclosed by Owner or Engineer in the Contract Documents. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless �wner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees, agents and othe�r constiltants of each and any of them froz�n and against all clairns, costs, losses and datxxages arising out of or resulting from any infz-ingement of patent rights or capyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, pracess, product or device not speci�ed in the Contract Documents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringernent of such rights. Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other t�es zequixed to be paid by Contractor in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the State o£ Florida and other governmental agencies, which are applicable during the performance of the work. 6.7 LAWS AND REGULATIONS Contractox shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and perforrnance of the Work. Except where otherwise expxessly zequired by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither Owner nor �wner's Representative shall be xesponsible fox znonitoring Contxactor's cozxipliance with any Laws ox Regulations. Yf Contractor �erforms any woxk knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, Contractor shall bear all clairns, costs, losses and damages caused by or arising out of such work: however, it shall not be Contxacto:r's primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and D:rawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contractor of Contractor's obligations to the Owner to report and resolve discre�ancies as described above. 6.8 PERMITS iTnless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, Contractox shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses. The Owner shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all goverrunental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids. Contractor shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the work, and the Owner shall pay all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment fees. SectionllI.doc Page 16 of 45 ]]/D3/2010 ' ' � � LJ . . .' �J ' ' ' 1 � , � ' �I � � � 1 , ' 1 , � ' 1 ' 1 ' L�.� 1 ' , � � � ' � Section ]Il — Genera] Conditions Unless otherwise stated in the Contr'act Documents, Qwner of Clearwater Building Permit Fees will be waived. 6.9 SAFETY AND PROTECTION Contractor shall be respansible for initiating, maintaining an�d supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: (i) all persons on the work site or who zaaay be affected by the work, (ii) all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on ar off the siie; and (iii) other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Und�rground Facilities not designated for rennoval, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. In the event of ternporary suspension of the work, or, during inclement weather, or when�ver �wner's Representative xnay direci; Contractor shall, . and shall cause Subcontractors, to pxotect carefully the Work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If, in the opinion of the Owner's Representative, any portion of Work or materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of failure on the part of the Contractor or any Subcontractors to so protect the Work, such Work and mat�ials shall be removed and replaced at the expense of Contractor. The Conlxacior shall initiate and maintain an accident prevention program which shall include, but shall not be li�nnited to the establishment and supervision of programs %r the education and training of enaplayees in the recognition, avoidance and prevention af unsafe conditions and acts. Contractor shall provide first aid services and zxaedical care to his employees. The Contractor shall develop and maintain an effective fire protection and prevention program and good housekeeping practices at the site of contract performance throughout all phases of canstruction, repair, alteration or demolition. Contractor shall require appropr�ate personal protective equipment in all operations where there is exposure to hazardous conditions. The Engineer may order that the work stap if a condition of immediate danger to the Owner's employees, equipment or if property damage exists. This provision shall not shift responsibility or risk of loss for injuries of damage sustained from the Cantractor to Owner, and the Contractor shall remain solely responsible for compliance with all safety requirements and for the safety of all persons and property at the site of Contract performance. The Contractor shall instruct his employees requixed to handle or use toxic materials or other harmful substances regarding their safe handling and use. The Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to pratect pedestrians and motorists from ha�m, and to prevent disruptions of such traffic due to construction activity. Contractor shall conaply with a11 applicable Laws and Regulations af any public body having jurisdiction for safety of persons or property and to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall natify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utility owners when prosecution of the work may affect them, and shall coaperate with thexn in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss to any pxoperty caused, directly or indirectly, in who]e or part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the work or anyone for whose acts any af thezn may be liable, shall be rezx�edied by Contractor. Contractor's duties and responsibilities far safety and for protection af the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and Engineer has issued a notice to �wner a.nd Contractor that the Work is acceptable. Sectionill.doc Page 17 of 45 11/03/2010 Section III — General Conditions 6.10 EMERGENCIES In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persoaas or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, Contract�r, with or without special instntction or authozization from Owzier or the Owner's Representative, is obligated to act to prevent danaage, injury or loss. Contractor shall give Engineer prornpt written notice i� Contxactor believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If the Owner's Representative detex;mines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by Contractor in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action. 6.11 DRAWINGS 6.11.1 SHOP DRAWINGS, SAMPLES, RFIs, and SUBMITTAL REVIEW Contractor shal] submit Shop Drawings to Engineer for review and approval as called for in the Technical Speci�cations or required by the Engineer. The data shown on the Shap Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, diznensions, specified performance and design criteria, rx�aterials and similar data to show Engiz�eer the materials and equipment Contractor proposes to provide and to enable Engineer to xeview the info:r.mation. Contractor shall also submit Samples to Engineer for review and approval. Before subznitting each Shop Drawing ox Sample, Contractar shall have deterznined and vezi�ed: (i) all field measurements, quantities, dimensians, speci�ed performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog nunnbers and similar infoxmation with respect thexeto, (ii) all zalaterials with respect to intended use, fabrication, shipping, handling, storage, asseznbly and installation pertaining to the performance of the Work, and (iii) all information relative to Contractor's sole responsibilities in respect to means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction and safety pxecautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor shall also have reviewed and cooxdinated each Shop Drawing ox Sample with other Shop Drawings and Samples with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Docwments. Each submittal w:ill bear a stamp or speci�c written indication that Contractor has satisfied Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents with respect to Contractor's review and approval of ihat submittal. At the time of submissian, Contractor shall give Engineer speci�c wzitten notice of such variations, if any, that the Shop Drawang or Sample submitted xnay have frozxi the requirements of the Contract Documents, such notice to be in a written cornmunication separate frozn the submittal; and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to Engineer for review and approval �f each such variation. The Contractor shall maintain a submittal log as :nnentioned in Article 2.5. The En�gineer and Construction Services Department shall receive updated copies at each progress meeting, and the Engineer shall respond to each submittal within twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days. The Contractor shall maintain a request for information (R�'I) log as rnentioned in Article 2.5. The Engineer and Construction Services Departznent shall receive updated copies at each pr�gress meeting, and the Engineer shall respond to each RFT within twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days. The untinnely subxnission of Sub:mittal or RFTs sha11 not be grounds for a delay claim from the Contractor. Engineer's review and approval of Shop Drawings and Saz�ples wi11 be only to determine if the itezns covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Docuznents and be coznpatible with the design concept of the completed Pxoject as a functiuning whole as indicated the Contract Documents. Engineer's SectionlII.doc Page 18 of45 11/032010 ' � � ' � � ' Section If 1•-- General Conditions review arxd appz'oval will not extend to xnieans, methods, techniques, sequences or pzocedures of construction (except where a particular means method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called fo:r by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or pxograms incident thereto. The review and approval of a sepa�rate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. Contractor shall make corrections required by Engineer, and shall return the required nurnber of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as required new Samples for review and approval_ Cont:ractor shall direct specif c ariention in writing ta revisions other than the corrections called for by Engineer on previous submirials. Enginee:r's review and appraval of Shop Drawings or Samples shall not relieve Contractor from respansibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contiract Documents unless Contractor has in writing called Engineer's attention to each such variation at the time of submassion and Engineer has given written approval of each such variation by specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or Sample approval; nor will any approval by the Engineer relieve the Contractor from responsibility for complying with the requirements af paragraph above discussing field measurements by the Contractox. Cont;ractor shall fi�rnish :required submittals with complete information and accuracy in order to ' achieve required approval of an item within two (2) subrraittals. Owner's Representative reserves the right to backcharge Cont,ractor, for Engineer's costs for resubmittals that accour�t for a number g:reate;r than twenty percent (20%) of the iotal number of first time submittals. Ownex's � Representative reserves the right ta backcharge Contractor for all thud submittals. The number of first time submittals shall be equal to the number of submiitals agreed to by Engineer and Contractor. All costs to Engineer involved with subsequent submittal of Shop Drawings, � Samples or other items requiring approval will be backcharged to Contractor at the xate of 3.0 times direct technical labor cost by deducting such costs from payments due Contractor far Work completed. In the event that Contxactor requests a substitution for a previously approved item, all � of Engineer's costs in the reviewing and approval of the substitution will be backcharged to Contractor, uanless the need for such substitution is beyond the control of Contractor. 1 � � � 6.11.2 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS The Contractor shall keep and maintain one set af blueprints, As-Bualt Drawings, in good order and legible condition to be continuously marked-up at the job site. The Contractor shall mazk and annotate neatly and clearly all project conditions, ]ocations, configuxations and any other changes or deviations which may vary from the details represented on the oniginal Contract �lans, including revisions made necessary by Addenda, Shop Drawings, and Change Orders during the cnnstruction process. The Contractor shall record the horizontal and vertical lacations, in the plan and pro�ile, of all bu:r,ied utilities that differ from the locations indicated or which were not indicated an the Contract Plans and buried (or concealed), construction and utility features which aze revealed during the construction period. The As-Built Drawings shall be available for inspection by the Engineer, Engineer's Consultant, and the Owner's Representative at all times during the progress of the Project. � The As-Built Ihawings shall be :reviewed by the Owner's Representative, or his designee, for accuracy and compliance with the requirements of "As-Built Drawings" prior to submittal of the monthly pay requests. The pay reyuests shall be rejected if the mazked-up blueline prints do not � conform to the "As-Built Drawings" requirements. As-Suilt Dxawings shall be submitted to the �wner Inspector for approval upon complet�on of the project and prior to acceptance of imal pay � SectionIII.doc Page 19 of 45 11 /03/2010 � Section ITT — General Conditions request_ Fina] pay request shall not be processed until As-Built Drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer or the Engineer's Consultant for accuracy and completeness. Prior to placing new potable water mains in sezvice, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer intersection drawings, as specified for the water mains. The Owner's acceptance of the "As-Built Drawings" does not relieve the Contractor of the sole responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the As-Built Drawings. General The Contractor shal] prepare an "AS-SUTLT SURVEY" per chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code (see definition below), signed and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor. The contractor wzll deliver to the Owner two hard copies of signed and sealed As-Built Drawings and an AutoCAD file. 6l GI 9-b.002 Definition: (1 p) (a) As-.Built Survey: a survey perfarmed to obtain horizontal and/or vertical dimensional data sa that constructed irrrprovements may be located and delineated.• also know as Recard Survey. This survey shall be clearly titled "As-Built Survey" and shall be signed and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor. The survey must be delivered to the Owner of Clearwater Constz�uction Division upon substantial completion of the project. If this condition is not met, the �wner will procure the sezvices of a Professional Surveyor and Ma�per registered in the State of �lorida and will back charge the contractor a fee of $1,800 per day or any portion thereof to provide the Owner with the required As-Built Survey. Sanitary and Starm Sewer Piping Systems 1. Manholes and inlets shall be located by survey coordinates (northing, easting and elevation) based on the approved horizontal and vertical datum or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction plans. New sanitary service connections and replaced sanitary service connections shall be dimensioned to the nearest downstream znanhole. All manholes, cleanouts and catch basin invert and rirxx elevations, manhole and catch basin dimensions, pipe sizes, and pipe material shall also be noted on the plan view and also on the pxofile if one exists. 2. Pipe materials and areas of special const:ruction shall be noted. Pressure Pipe construction (Water, Reclaimed Water, Forcemain) All pipes sha]1 be located by survey coordir�ates (northing, easting and elevation) based on the approved horizontal and vertical datwn or utilize the stationing supplied on the construction plans. Coordinates shall be at all pipe bends, tees, valves, reducers, and deflections. Also all new and replaced service connections for potable and reclaimed water will be located as described above_ Additionally there must be survey caordinates no further than 100 feet apart on linear type construction and shall denote top of pipe elevation at those points. Electrical and Control Wiring The as-built drawings shall include all changes to the original Contract Plans. The as-built drawings shall also include the size, color, and number of wires and conduit. For projects where this information is too voluminous to be contained on the blueline prints, the Contractor shall prepare supplezxaental drawings, on same size sheets as the blueline prints, showing the additional SeetionllI.doc Page 20 of 45 11/03/2010 � � � � � ' ' � � ' � � � f � ' � � , � Section ITI — General Conditions conduit nu�s, l-line diagxams, ladder diagzams, and other inforrnation. "I'}�e wiz�ng schematic diagrams shall show te:nmination location and wir�ing identification at each point on the ladder diagram. Horizontal and Vertical Control The As-Built survey shall be based an the original datum used for the construction design plans or if ;required by the Owner the datum shall be referenced to the North American Datum of 1983/90 (horizontal) and the North American Vertical Datum of l 988. The uzait o� measurement shall be the United States Foot. Ariy deviation or use of any other datum, (horizontal and or vertical), must be approved by the Owner o� Clearwater Engineer�ng Department. � Standards The As-Built survey shall meet the Minimum Technical Standards per Chaptex', 61G17 and the ....> ..:.. ... ..:::.. ....._....._..: _ .-: ... . . : :. . . , . . g . . Clearwater CAD STANDARbS set forth below. In addition to locatin all improvemenfs that , pertain to the as-built survey it is the requirement of the Owner to have minimum location paints at every change in direction and no more than lOQ feet apart on all pressure pipes. � Other The As-Built drawings shall r�flect any differences from the original Contract Plans, zn the same level of detail and units of dimensions as the Plans. ' ' � , ' � ' � ' � ' 6.11.3 CAD STANDARDS Layer Naming Prefixes and Suffixes DI pre�x denotes digitized or scanned entities EP prefix denotes existing points - field collected EX prefix denotes existing entities - line work and symbols PR pref x denates proposed entaties - line wozk and symbols FU prefx denotes future entities (proposed but not part of this contract) - line work and syx�abols TX suifix denotes text — use for all text, no matter the prefix GAS ELEC PHONE CABLE BOC WALK WATER SectionllI.dac er Naming Definitions: gas lines and appurtenances power lines and appurtenances telephone lines and appurtenances cable TV lines and appurtenances curbs sidewalk water lines and appurtenances, sp�nklers Page 21 of 45 11/03/2010 Section III — General Conditions STORM storm lines and appurtenances TREES trees, bushes, planters SANITARY sanitary lines and appurtenances FENCE all fences BLDG buildings, sheds, finished floor elevation DRIVE driveways EOP edge of pavement without curbs TRAFFIC signal poles, control boxes TOPBANK tap of bank TOESLOPE toe of slope � TOFBERM top of bernn TOEBERM toe of bezzn SEFIWALL seawall CONCSLAB concrete slabs WALL walls, except seawall SH�RE shoreaine, watez elevation CL centezline of road CLD centezline of ditch CLS centerline of swale CORNER property corners, monumentatian BENCH benchmazk, temporary benchmarks Other layers rr�ay be created as requixed, using above format_ Layer Properties All layers will use standard AutoCAD linetypes, bylayex. All layers will use standard AutoCAD colors, bylayer. All text will use standazd AutoCAD %nts. Text Styles Text style for EX laye;rs will use the sunplex fant, oblique angle of �°, and a text height of .008 times the plot scale. Text style for PR and FU layers will use the simplex font, oblique angle of 22.5°, and a text height of A10 times the plot scale. SectionlIl.doc Page 22 of 45 11/03/2010 ' ' Section IIl — General Conditions 6.11.4 DELIVERABLES: The as-built survey shall be produced on vellum or hond xnaterial, 24" x 36" at a scale of 1"=20' ' unless approved otherwise. The consultant shall deliver all drawing �les in digital format. Acceptable file formats include: DWG, DXF of a shape file. � LJ ' � � � ' ' � �� � , Please address any questions regarding fo�tnat to Mr. Tom Mahony, at (727) 562-47'62 or e-mail address Thomas.Mahony_(a),mvclearwater.com. 6.12 CONTRACTOR'S GENERAL WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE Contractoz warrants and guarantees ta Owner, Engineer and Engineer's Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Cantract Documents and will not be defective. Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder includes defects or damage caused by abuse, vandalism, modification or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors or Suppliers. Until the acceptarice of the Work by the �wner, the Work shall be under the chazge and caze of the Convactar, and he shall take every nECessary precaution against injury or damage to any part thereof by action of the elements, or from any other cause whatsoeve:r, a�rising from the execution or non-execution of the Work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair and make good, at his own expense, all injuries or damages to any portion of the Work occasioned by anry cause before its completion and final acceptance by the Owner. In addition, "the Contracto:r shall remedy any defects in the work at his own expense and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which appear within a period of one year firom the date of final accept,ance". Contractor's warranty and guaran.tee hereunder excludes imp!roper maintenance and operation by Owner's employees and normal wear and tear under normal usage for any portion of the Work, which has been partially accepted by the Owner for operation prior to iinal acceptance by the Owner_ Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the fallowing will canstitute an acceptance o� Work that is not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Wark in accordance with the Contract Documents: (i) observations by Owner's Representative, (ii) recornmendation af any progress or final payrnent by Owner's Representative, (iii) the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by the Owner to contractor under the Cantract Documents, (iv) use or occupancy of the Work or any part ther�of by Owzier, (v) any acceptance by Owner or any failure to do so, (vi) any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Satnple submittal or the issuance of a notice of Acceptance by the Engineer. fi.13 CONTINUING THE WORK Contractor shall carry on the work and adhere to the progtess sch�edule during all disputes or disagreements with the Ovvner. No work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disag;reements, except as the Owner or Contractor may atherwise agree in writing. 6.14 INDEMNIFIC�►TION ' Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Engineer, Engineer's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees, agents and other consultants of each and any of thexxi from aiad against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of ' engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or arbitration o:r other dispute resolution costs) caused by, arising out of or :resulting from the performance of the Work, pzovided that any such claim, cost, loss or damage: (i) is attributable to bodily injuxy, sicltness, ' Sectionlli.doc Page 23 of 45 11/032010 ' Section 111— General Conditions disease or death, or to injury to ar dest�-uction of tangible property (other than the work itsel�, including the loss of use resulting therefrarn, and (ii) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act ar omission of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not caused in part by any negligence or amission of a person oz entity indemnified hereunder ar whether liability is imposed upon such indeminified party by Laws and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such person. If, through acts of neglect on the part of Contractor, any other Contractor or any Subcontractor shall su£fer loss or damage on the work, Contractor shall settle with such ather Contractor or Subcantractor by agreement or arbitration if such other Contractor or Subcontractor will so settle. If such other Contractor or Subcontractor shall assert any claim against the Qwner on such account af any damage alleged ta have been sustained, the Owner shall notify Contractor, who shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any such claim. In any and all claims against Owner or Engineer or any of the�r respective consultants, agents, officer5, directors, or employees by any employee (or the survivor or personal representative of such employee) of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person directly ox indirectly employed by any of them to perfarm or furnish any of the work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnificatian obligation under this paragraph shall not be limited in any way by any limitation an the amount ar type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for Contxactor or any such Sub-contractor, Supplier or other person or organization under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. The indemni�'ication obligations of Contractor under this paragraph shall not extend to the liability of Engineer and Enginecr's Consultants, officers, dixectors, eznployees, or agents caused by the professional negligence, errors or omissions of any of tlaem_ �5�� �:I �:iTiTl�L�7 7.1 RELATED WORK AT SITE The City reserves t1�e right to have its own forces enter the canstruction site at any ti:nne and perform work as necessary in order to perform in�:rastructure repair or maintenance, whether related to the project or not. Tkxe Contractor will allow cozxapleie access to all utility owners fox these purposes. The City may have its own farces perform new wark related to the praject, however, this wark will be identiiied in the Contract Scope af Work and coordination will be such that this activity is denoted in tlae Contractor's CPM Schedule so as not to cause any delays or interference with the Contractor's work ox schedule. 7.2 COORDINATION If the Qwner contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the following will be set forth in the Scope of Work: (i) the person who will have authority and responsibility for coordinatian of the activities among the various prime contractors will be identifed; (ii) the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be xtemized; and (iii) the extent of such authority and zesponsibilities will be provided. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementaxy Conditions, the Owner shall have sole authority and responsibility in respect of such coordination. Sectionlll.doc Page 24 of 45 11/03/20]0 1 � ' � , , ' � � � � ' , � � r 1 , ' 1 � ' , � � ' �:� � Section III — General Conditions 8 OWNERS RESPONSlBlLITY Except as otherwise provided in these General Canditions, the Owraer shall issue all comxiaunications from the Owner to the Contractor through Owner's Representative. The Owner shall fumish the data required of the Owner under the Contract Documents prarnptly and shall make payments to Contractor promptly when they aze due as provided in these General Canditions. Tlae Owner is obligated to execute Change �rders as indicated in the Article on Changes In The Work. The Owner's responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in the ,Article on Tests and Inspections. In connection with the �wner's right to stop work or suspend wark, see the Article on Engineer may Stop the Work. The Axkicle on Suspension of Wbrk and Termination deals with the Owner's �ight to tez�r�inate services of Contractor under certain circumstances. Owner shall not supervise, direct or h�ave control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or pracedures of construction or the sa%ty precautions and programs incident thereto, or £or any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicabl� to the furnishing or performance of the Work. The Ovvz�er will not be responsible for Contractor's failwre to perform or fumish the Wark in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9 OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S STATUS DURING ' C�NSTRUCTION 9.1 OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE � ' ' � 1 � � 1 ' Dependant of ihe project type, tl'�e Owner's Representative during the construction period will either be the ConsUuction Manager, the Engineer, or a designee of the Pxoject's Owner. The duties, responsibilities and the limitations of authority of Owner's Representative during coz�struction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written co;tasent of Owner and Engineer. 9.2 CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIDNS Ez�gineer will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications ar interpretations of the reyuirements of tk�e Contxact Documents regarding design issues only, in the form of Submittal responses, RFI xesponses, Drawings or otherwise, as Engineer r.nay determine necessazy, which shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from Contract Documents. All other clarifications and inte;rpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued fortn the Owner's Representative. Such written clarifications and interpretations will be binding on the Owzxer an,d Contractor. If Contractor believes that a written clarification or interpxetation justifies an adjusiment in the Conlxact Price or the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof, if any, Contxactor may make a written claim therefore as pravided in the Articles for Change of Work and Change of Contract Time. Sectionlll.doc Page 25 of 45 1 l/03/2010 5eccion IlI — General Condidons 9.3 REJECTING OF DEFECTIVE WORK The Owner's Representative or the Engzneer will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which Owner's Representative or the Engineez believes to be defective, or that Owner's Representative or the Engineer believes will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integzity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents_ Th� Owner's Representative or the Engineear will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work whether or not the Work is fabrieated, installed ox completed. 9.4 SH�P DRAWINGS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND PAYMENTS In connection with Engineer's authoraty as to Shop Drawings azad Samples, see articles on Shop Drawzngs azad Sa�mples. In connection with Owner's Representative authority as to Change Orders, see the articles on Changes of Work, Coi�tract Price and Contract Time. In connection with Owner's Representative authority as to Applications for Payment, see the articles on Payments to Contractor and Campletion. 9.5 DECISlONS QN DISPUTES The Owner's R�presex�tative will be the initial interpreter of the requirexnet�ts of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the work thereunder. Claims, disputes a�nd other matters relating to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the requirexner�ts af the Contract Documents pertaining to the performance an�d furnishing of the work and Claims under the Articles for Changes of Work, Changes of Contract Time and Changes of Cantract �rice w:ill be referred inutially to Owner's Representative in writin�g with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph. Written notice of each such claizn, dispute or other matter will be delivered by the claimant to Owaaer's Representative and the other party to the Agreement promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the start of the occurret�ce or event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to �wner's Represen�tative az�d the other party within sixty (60) days after the start of such occurrence or event unless Owner's Representative allows an additional period of time for the submission af additional ar more accurate data in support of such claim, dispute or other matter. The opposing party shall submit any respo;�se to �wner's Represet�tative and the claimant within thirty (30) days after receipt of the claixnant's last subrnittal, u.nless Owner's Representative allows additional time. Owner's Represex�tative will render a formal decision in wrating within thirty (30) days after receipt af the opposing party's submittal, if aiay, in accorda.tzce with this paragraph. Owner Represe�tative's written decision o� such claim, dispute ar other matter will be iinal and binding upon the Owner and Contractor unless (i) ari appeal from Owner Represe;�tative's decision is taken within thirty (30) days of the Owner Representative's decision, or the appeal time which may b� stated in a Dispute Resolution Agreezxlent between Owner and Contractor for the settlement of disputes or (ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been en�tered into, a written notice of intention to appeal from Owner Represe;�tative's written decision is delivered by the �wner or Contractor to the other and to Owner's Representative within thirty (30) days after the date of such decision and a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in a forum of competent jurisdictian to exercise such rights or reznedies as the appealing party may have with respect to such claim, dispute or other matter in accardance with applicable Laws an�d Regulations within sixty (60) days of the date of such decision, un�less atherwise agreed in writing by the �wner and Contractor. SectionIll.doc Page 26 of 45 ] 1/03/2010 ' � � � �J � ' i � � � ' 1 � � ' � Cl 1 1 1 ' � � ' LJ 5ection 111— General Conditions When functioning as interpreter and judge, Owner's Representative will not show partiality to the Owner or Contractor and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. "I"he rendering of a decision by Owner's Representative with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter will be a condition precedent to any exercise by the Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as either nnay otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respeci of any such claim, dispute or other matter pursuant the Article on Dispute Resolutioza. 9.6 LIMITAT{ONS �N OWNER REPRESENTATIVE'S RESPONSIBILITIES � Neither Owner Representative's authority or responsibility under this paragraph or under any other provision of the Co�tract Documents nor any decision made by Owner's Representative in good faith either ta exercise or not exez'cise such authority or responsibility or the undertaking, exercise or performance of any auth�rity or responsibility by Owner's Representative shall create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by Owner's Representative to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any ather person or organization or to any surety for or exnployee or agent of any of t}aem. � Owner's Representative will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of � Contractar to cvmply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the fuznishing or performance of the work. Owner's Representative will not be responsible for Contractor's fa.ilure to perform ar furnish the work in accordance with the Contract Docurnents_ ' � ' ' � Owner's Representative will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of Contractor or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization perforrning or furnishing any of the work. Owner Representative's review of the final Applicatiot� far Payment and accompanying documentation and all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds and certificates of inspection, tests and approvals and other documentation requized to be delivered by the Contractor will only be to determine generally that their content cornplies with 1he requirements of tlae Contract Documents and, in the case af certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents. The limitations upon authority and responsibility set forth in this pa�ragraph sha�l also apply to 4wner Representative's CEI, the Engineer's Cor�sultants, a�rxd assistants. 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK Without invalidating the Agreement and without notice to any surety, the �wner ta�ay, at any ' tirne or from tirne to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work. Such additions, deletiot�s or revisions will be autharized by a Written Amendment, a Change Order, ar a Work Change Directive. Upon receipt of any such document, Contractor shall promptly proceed with ' the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable canditions of tlae Contract Documents (except as may otherwise be speciiically provided). � If the Owner and Contractor are unable to agree as to tlae extent, if any, of an adjustment in the Co�tract Price or an adjustment of the Contract Time that should be allawed as a result of a Work Change Directive, a claim may be made therefore as provided in these General Conditions_ ' �l 5ectionIlI.doc Page 27 of 45 11/03rL010 Section IIl — General Conditions Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Pr�ce or an extensioza of the Contract Time w�ith respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Contract Doctunents as amended, modified and supplemented as provided in these General Conditions except in the case o� an emergency as provided or in the case of uncovering work as prpvided in article for Uncovering Work. The Owner and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Ord�rs or Written .Amendments recommended by Owner's Representative covering: changes in the work which are (i) ordered by the Owner (ii) required because of acceptance of defective work under the article for Acceptance o� Defective Work or coxzecting defective Work under the article �'or Owner May Correct De�ective Work or (iii) agr�ed to by the parties; changes in.the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties; and changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which embody the substance oi any written decision rendered by Owner's Representative pursuant to the article for Decisions on Disputes; provided that, in lieu of executing any such Change �rder, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any such appeal, Contractor shall carry on ihe Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in the article for Continuing the Work. �f notice of any chatxge affecting the general scope of the work or the pravisions of the Contract Docurnents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract T:tme) is required by the provisions of any Bpnd to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be Contractoz's responsibility, arxd the amvunt of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. 11 CHANGES IN THE GONTRACT PRICE 11.1 CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT PR10E The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to Contractor for performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by Contractor shall be at Contractar's expense without change in the Contract Price. The Contract Price may only be adjusted by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. A,ny claizn for an adjustment in the Contract Price shall be based on a written notice of claim stating the general nature o� the claim, to be delivered by the party rnaking the claim to the other party and to Owner's Representative or promptly (but in no eveant later than thirty days) after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the claim. Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (b0) days after the start of such occurrence or event, unless Owner's Representative allows additional time for claimant to submit additional or more accurate data in support of the clairn, and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that the claimed adjustment covers all known amounts to which the claimant is entitled as a result o� said occurrence or event. No claim for an adjustznent in the Contract Frice will be valid if not submitted in accordarace with this paragraph. The value of az�y Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be determined as follaws: (i) r�+here the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Docurnents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (ii) where the Wark involved is nat covered by unit prices contained in ihe Contract Docurnents, by 5ectionlll.doc Page 28 of 45 I 1/03/ZO10 ' 1 ' ' ' 1 � � ' � � � � Section 1]1— General Conditions a mutually agreed lump stam (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit), (iii) where the Work is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contraci Documents and agreement is reached to establish unit prices for the Work. Where the work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and where the Owner's Representative, the Owner, the Engineer, ihie Engineer's Consultant, and Contractor cannot mutually agree on a lump sum price, t�ae City of Clearwater shall pay for directed changes in the WOKK, on "COST REIMBURSEMENT" basis. The Contractor shall apply for compensation, detailing Co;ntractors forces, materials, eyuipment, subcontractors, and other items of direct costs required fox the directed work. The' application for Cost Reimbursement shall be limited to the followin� items: 1. Labor, including foremen, for those hou�rs associated with the direct work (actual payroll cost, including wages, fringe benefits, labor insurance . and labor taxes � established by law). Expressly excluded from thus item are all costs associated with negotiating the subject change. 2. Materials associated with the change, including sales ta�c. Th� costs of materials shall be substantiated through vendors' invoices_ 3. Rental or equivalent rental costs of equipment, including necessary transportation costs if specifically used for the WORK_ The rental rates shall not exceed the current rental rates prevailing in the locality or as de�ned in the rental Rate Blue Book for Construction Equipment (a.k.a. DataQuest Blue Eook). The rental rate is defined as the full-unadjusted base zental rate for tk�e appzopriate itern of construction equipment and shall cover the costs of all fuel, supplies, repairs, insurance, and other costs associated with supplying the equipment for work ordexed. Contractor-owned equipment will be pai�d for the duration of time required to complete the work. Utilize lowest cost combination of hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly rates. Do not exceed estimated operating costs given in Blue Book. Operating costs will not be allowed for equipment on stand-by. 4. Additional costs for Bonds, Insurance if reyuired by the City of Clearwater. The following fixed fees shall be added to the costs of the directed work performed by the Contractor or Subcontractor. ' A. A fixed fee of fifteen percent (15%) shall be added to the costs of Item 1 above. If work is perforrr�ed by a subcontractor, the Contractor's fee shall not exceed five percent (5%), and the subcontractor's fee shall not exceed ten percent (10%). � ' ' , ' � B. A fixed fee of ten percent (10%) shall be added to the costs of Item 2 above. C. No markup shall be added to the costs of Items 3 and 4. The fixed fees shall be considered the full compensation for all cost of general supervision, overhead, profit, and othex genexal expense. 11.2 ALLOWANCES AND FINAL CpNTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENT It is understood that Contractor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work sd covezed to be furnished and performed for such sums as may be acceptable to Owner and Engineer. Contractor agrees that: (i) the allowances include the cost to Contractor (less any applicable trade discounts) af materials and equipment 5ectionIll.doc Page 29 of 45 l 1/03/20] 0 Section III — General Conditions required by the allowances to be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and (ii) Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, pro�t and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included izz the Contract Price and not in the allowances and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid_ Prior to �nal payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued as recommended by Owner's Representative to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on account of Work covered by allowances and all the Work actually performed by the Contractox, and the Contract Price shall be cozzespondingly adjusted. 11.3 UNIT PRICE WORK Whe:re the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the C�ntract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an arnount equal to the sum of the established unit price for each separately identiiied item of ur►�it price work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Uzait Pxice Work are not guazanteed and are solely for the puipose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Deternainations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work perfornxed by Contractor will be made by Owner's Representative. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contz'actor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and pxofit for each separately identified item_ The Owner or Contractor may make a claim f�z an adjustment in the Contract Price if: (i) the quantity of any item o�Unit Price Work pe:rforzned by Contractor differs materially and significantly from the estimated guantity of such item indicated in the Contract Docurnents; and (ii) there is no conresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work; and (iii) if Cor�tracto:r believes that Contractor is entitled to an increase in Contract Price as a result of having incurred additional expense or the Owner believes that the Owner is entitled to a decrease in Contract Price and the partxes are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase or decrease. On unit price contracts, Owner endeavors to provide adequate unit quantities to satisfactorily complete the consiruction of the project. It is expected that in the norznal course of project construction and coznpletian that :�ot all unit quazxtities will be used in their entirety and that a finalizing change order which adjusts contract unit quantities to thpse unit quantities actually used in the construction of the project will result in a net decrease from the oxiginal Contract Price. Such reasonable deduction of final Cantract Price should be anticipated by the Contractor in his original bid. 12 CHANGES IN THE C�NTRACT TIME The Cantract Time (or Milestones) may only be ck�anged by a Change Order oz a Written Amendment. A�y claim for an adjustment of the Contract Time (or Milestanes) shall be based on w:ritten notice delivered by the party making the claim to the othe�r parCy and to �wner's Representative promptly, but in no event later than thirty (30) days, after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the extent of the cla�im with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (b0) days after such occurrence, unless �wner's Representative allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim, and shall be accompanied by the claimant's written statement that the adjustznent claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has a'eason to believe it is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time (or Milestones) shall be deternn,ined by Owner's Repxesentative, No claim for an SectionIll.doc Page 30 of 45 11/03/2010 ' C=l ' � Section III — General Conditions adjustment in tlae Contract Tinne (or Milestones) will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. Where Contzactor is prevented frorn completing any part of the work within the Cantract Time (or Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of Contractor, the Contract Time (or Milestones} may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a clainn is made therefore as provided in the article for Changes in the , Work. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, acts by the Owner, acts of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contetxiplated by the article for Otkaer Work, �res, floods, epidemics, abnormal weat}xer conditions or acts of God. ' Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontzactor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of Contractor. � � � ' , Where Contractor is prevented firom completing amy part of the Woxk within the Contract Times (or Milestones) due ta delay beyond the contxol of both the Ownex and Contractor, an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones) in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. In no event shall the Ownex be liable to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person, or to any s�u'ety for or employee or agent of any of thez», for damages arising out of oz resulting from (i) delays caused by or within the control of Contractox, or (ii) delays beyond the control of both parties including but not limited to fires, floads, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, acts of God or acts by u#ility owners or other contractors performang other work as contemplated by paragraph for Other Work. 13 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS, CORRECTI�N, REMOVAL OR AGCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.1 TESTS AND INSPECTION Contractor shall give Owner's Representative and Engineer timely notice of readiness of the ' Work for all required 'znspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate reyuired inspections or tests. ' � C_J C� � � CJ Contractor shall employ and pay fox the services of an independent testing labaratory to pe�rform all inspections, tests, or approvals required by tk�e Contract Docurr�eants. The costs foz' these i;nspections, tests or approvals shall be borne by the Contractor except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any Wark (or part ih,ezeo� specifically to be inspected, tested or approved by an emplayee o:r other ;representative of such public body including all Owner Btulding Departments and Owner Utility Departments, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furtzish Ownex's Representative the required certificates of inspection ar approval. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, Owner permit and impact fees will be waived. Contractor shall also be responsible far arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests or approvals required for Owner's and Engineer's acceptance of materials or eyuipment ta be incoiporated in the Work, or of materials, mix designs, ox equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation of the Wark. SectionIIT.doc Page 3l of 45 11/03/20]0 Section III — General Conditions If any Work (or the wark of otb.ers) that is to be inspected tested or approved is covered by Cantractor without written concurrence of Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Qwner's Representative, be uncovered for observation. Uncovering Work as provided in this paragraph shall be at Contractor's expense unless Contractor has givez� �wner's Representative and Engineer timely notice of Contractor's intention to cover the same and Owner's Representative has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. 13.2 UNCOVERING THE WORK If any Work is covered contrary to the wxitten request of �wner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uzacovered for Owner Representative's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. If Owner's Representative considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by Owner's Representative or inspected or tested by others, Contractor, at Ownez Representative's request, shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as Engineer or Owner's Representative may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment, li it is fouzad that such Work is defective, Contractor shall pay all clauns, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising aut of or resulting from such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection axzd testing and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to a11 costs uf repair or replacement of work of others); and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price for the costs of the investigation, aa1d, if the parties are uaaable to agree as to the amount thereof, may make a claim therefor� as provided in the article for Change in Contract Price. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed azx increase in the Contract P�-ice or an extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones), or both, directly attributable to sucl� uzacovering, exposure, obse�rvation, inspection, testing, replacement and reconstruction; and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, Contractor may make a claim therefore as provided the article foz Change in Contract Price and Change of Contract Time_ 13.3 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MAY STOP THE WORK If the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply su�'ficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to fumish or perforna the Work in such a way tl�at the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, Enginee;r or Owner's Representative xnay order Contractor to st�p the Wor�C, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been elirninated; however, this right of Owner's Representative to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the pairt of Owner's Representative or Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any surety or other party. If the Owner's Represe:ntative stops Wor�C under tla�is paragrapl�, Contractor shall be entitled to no extension of Contract Time or increase in Contract Pr.�ice. 13.4 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK If required by Engineer or Owner's Representative, Contractor shall prompt�y, as directed, either correct all defective Wor�, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Wor�C has been rejected by Engineer ox Owner's Rep:resentative, rernove it from the site and replace it with Work tl�at is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). SectionIII.doc Page 32 of 45 ] 1/03iL010 , ' , 1 r , , � 1 � r , ' , � ' ' 1 ' Section 111-- General Conditions 13.5 WARRANTY/CORRECTION PERIOD If within one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longex period of time as ;may be pxesc�bed by Laws ox Regulations or by the terms of axxy applicable special guarantee xeqtured by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, Contractor shall pzoxnptly, without cost to t]ne Ownex and in accardance with the Owner's written instructions; (i) correct such defective Woxk, or, if it has been xejected by the Owner, renr►ove it from the site an�d replace it with Work that is not defective and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom. If Contractor does not prornptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in axa emergency whez'e delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, the Ownez may have the defective Woxk corrected or the xejected. Work removed and replaced, and all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such rernoval and replacement (includin� �b�t..not linnited to all costs of repaiz or replacernent of wark of others) will be paid by Contractor. In special circumstances where a particular itezxx af equip:nnent is placed in continuous se�rvice before Final Completion of all the Work, the correction period for that item xnay start to run irom an earlier date if speciiically and expressly so provided in the Speci�cations or by Wxitten Amendment. Where defective Work (and. damage to other Work resulting therefironn) has been corr�cted, removed or xeplaced under this paragraph the correction periad hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended for an additional period of one year after such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily completed. '13.6 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Wark, the �wner prefers to accept it, the Owner rnay do so. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages attributable to the Owner's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work such costs to be approved by Owner's Representative as to xeasonableness_ If any such acceptance occurs prior ta Owner Representative's recommendataon of final payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessaxy revisions in the Contract Docwnnents with respect to the Woxk; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amaunt thereof, the Owner may make a claixn therefore as provided in article for Change of Contract Pri�ce. If the acceptance occurs after the Owner Representative's recommendation for final paynnent an appropriate amount will be paid by Contractox to the �wner. 13.7 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTIVE WORK If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice frotn Owner's Representative to correct defective Work or to zemove and replace rejected Work as required by �wnex's Rep:reseniative in accozdance with the article for Correction and Removal of Defective Work or if Contxactor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if C�ntractor fails to comply with any othe;r prpvision of the Contract Documents, the �wner nnay, after seven days' wiritten notice to Contractor, correct and remedy any such de�`iciency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragxaph the Owner shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective and rennedial action, the Owner may exclude Contractar from 5ectionlIl.doc Page 33 of45 11/Q3/2010 5ection II] — General Conditions all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Wpr�C, and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and xncorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or far which the Owner has paid Contractor but which are stozed elsewheze. Contractor shall allow Owner, Own.er's Representatives, Agents and employees, the Owner's athez contractors, and Owner's Representative, Engineer, and Engineer's Consultants access to the site to enable the Owzier to exercise the rights and rernedzes under this paragraph. All claims, costs, losses atxd damages incurred or sustained by the Owz�er in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against Contractor and a Change Order will be issued incorporating tkxe necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and the Owner shall be entitled to an appropriatc decrease in the Coniract Price, a�d, if the parties are unable to agxee as to the amount thereof, the Qwner may rnake a claim 1herefore as provided in the article for Change of Contract Price. Such claims, costs, losses azad damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacernent of work of others destrayed or damaged by correction, rernoval or replacement of Contractor's defective Work. Contractor shall not be allowed a�a extension of the Contract Time (or Milestones) because of any delay in the performaz�ce of the Work attributable to the exercise by the Owz�er of the Owner's rights and rexnedies hereunder. 14 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION Requests for payment shall be processed in accordazxce with F.S. 21$.735 and as described herein. Progress payrrxents on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units coznplet�d. '14.1 APPLICATION FOR PRQGRESS PAYMENT Contractor shall submit (not more o,ften than once a month) to Owrxer's Representative for review an Application fax Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the 25th of each month and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Qwraer's Representative and the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, paym�ent will not be made for materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work. Payrnent will only be made for that portion of the Work, which is �ully installed including a11 materials, labor and equipment. A retainage af not less thazx �v� (S%) of the amount of each Application for �ayment for the total of all Work, including as-built survey and Inspector overtime reimbursement, completed to date wi]I be held until final completion and acceptar�ce of the Work covered in the Cantract Documents. Na progress payxnent shall be construed to be acceptance of azxy portion of the Work under contract. The Contractor shall review with the Engineer or the Constnxction �nspector all quantities azxd work for which payrnent is being applied for and reach agreement prior to submittal af axi Official Pay Request. The Engineer or the Constructioxa Inspector wzll verify that the on-site maxked up as-built drawings are up to date with the work and are in complia.zxce with the Contract Documents. �n addition to all other payment provisions set out in this contract, the Owner's Representative rnay require the Contractor to produce for �wrxer, within iifteen (15) days ofthe approval of any progress payment, evidence and/or payrraent affidavit that all subcontractors and suppliers have been paid any sum or sums then due_ A failure on the part of the contractor to provide the report as required herein shall result in fiutt�er progress or partial paymen.ts being withheld until the report is provided_ Sectionlll.doc Page 34 of 45 11/03/2010 LJ ' Section 111— General Conditions 14.2 CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY OF TITLE � Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, znaterials and equipnnent covered by any Application for Payment, whether incarporated ir� the Project ar not, will pass to the Owner n� later than the time oi payment, free and clear of liens. No materials or supplies for the Work shall be purchased by Cantractor or Subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a Lconditional sale contact or other agree�x►ent by which an interest is retained by the seller. Contractor wartants that he has good title to all nnaterials and supplies used by him in the Work, free from all liens, claims ar encumbrances. Contractor sha11 indemnify and save the Owner � harmless frann all claims grawing out of the lawful detnands of Subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen, and �urnisher's of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power taols, and all supplies incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this Cantract. � Contractor shall at the Owner's request, fiunish satisfactary evidence that all abligatians of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, dischazged, or waived. If Contractor fails to do so, then the Owner rnay, after having served wr,itten notice on said Contractar either pay unpaid � bills, of which the Owner has w�-iitten notice, or withhold fram the Contractor's unpaid compensation a suzn of nnoney deemed reasonably sufficient ta pay any and all such law.ful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities have been fiilly discharged, ' whereupon paynnent to Cantractor shall be resumed in accordance with the terms of this Contract, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be construed to unpose any obligatians upon the Owner to the Contractor or the Surety. 7n paying any unpaid bills of the , Contractor, the Owner shall be deemed the agent of Contractor and any payment so made by the Owner shall be considered as payment made under the Cvntract by the Owner ta Contractor, and the Owner shaJl not be liable to Contractor for any such payment made in good faith. ' 14.3 REVIEW OF APPLICATIDNS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS The Owner's Representative will within twen.ty (20) business days after receipt authorize and ' process payment by the Owner a properly submitted and documented Application for payment, unless the application requires review by an Agent. Tf the Application for payment requires review and approval by an Agent, praperly submitted and docuznented Applications for paynnent , will be paid by the Owner within twenty-fve (25) business days. If an Application for payment is rejected, notice shall be given withiui twenty (20) business days o£ receipt indicating the reasons for refusing payment_ The reasons for rejecting an Application will be subzx�itted in ' writing, specifying de�ciencies and identifying actions that would make the Application proper. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. The Owner's Representative ar Agent may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any ' payment to Owner. Owner's Representative or Agent may also refiise to recomnnend any such payznent, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results af subsequent inspectians or test, nullify any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as nnay be ' necessary in Qwner Representative's or Agent's opinion tp protect th� Owner from loss because: (i) the Work is defective, ar completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replaceznent, (ii) the Contract Price has been reduced by amendment or Change Order, (iii) the ' Owner has been required to correct defective Wark or complete Work, or (iv) Owner's Representative or Agent has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in the article on Suspension of Work and Termination. ' The Owner may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by the Owner's Representative or Agent because: (i) clai�nns have been made against the Owner on account of Contractor's performance or ;Furriishing of the Work, (ii) Liens have been filed in connection with ' Sectionlll.doc Page 35 of 45 ] l/03/20] 0 �l Section 1II — General Conditions the Work, except where Contractor has delivered a speci�ic Bond satisfactory to the Owner to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, (iii) ther� are other items cntitling the Owner to a set-off against the amount recvmmended, or (iv) the Owner has actual knowledge of any of the events described in this paragraph. The Owner sh,all give Contractor notice of refusal to pay in accordance with the time constraizats of this section with a copy to the Owner's Representative or Agent, stating the reasons for such actions, and Owner shall prozx�ptly pay Contractor the amount sa withheld, or any adjustnaent thereto agreed to by the Owner and Contractor, when Contractor corrects to the Owner's satisfaction the reasons for such action. 14.4 PARTIAL UTILIZATI�N Us� by the Owner at the Owner's optian Qf any substantially completed part of the Work whieh (i) has speciiically been identiiied in the Contract Documents, or (ii) Owner, Engineer, Owner's Representative, and Contractor agree constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by the Owner for its intended pwrpose without signi�cant interference with Contractor's performance of the remainder of the Work, nnay be acconnplished prior to Final Cozxapletio:n of all the Work subject to the following: The Owner at any time may request Contractor in writing to perznit the Owner to use any such part of the Work which the Owner believes to be ready for its intended use and substantially complete. If Cantractor agrees that such part of the Work is substantially complete, Co:ntractor will certify 10 �vvner, Owner's Representative, and Engineer that such part of the Work is substantially connplete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certi�cate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. Contractor at any time may notify Owner, Owner's Representative, and Engineer in writing that Contractoz considers an�y such part of the Work ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request Owner's Representative to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Woxk. Withun a reasonable time after either such request, Owner, Contractoz, Owraer's Representative, and Engineex shall ma�e an inspection of that part of the Work to deterrnine its status of completion. Tf E;ngineer does not cansider that pari of the Work to be substantially complete, Engineer will notify �wner, Owner's Representative, and Contractor i:n writi;ng giving the reasons therefore. If Engineer considers that part of the Work to be substantially complete, the provisions of the articles for Substantia] Completion and Partial Utilization will apply with respect to certiiication of Substantial Completion of that part of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and accessthereto. 14.5 FINAL INSPECTION Upon writte;n notice from Contractor that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, Owner's Representative will make a final inspection with Engineer, Owner and Contractor an�d will within thirty (30) days notify Contractor in writing of particulars izx which this inspectio:n reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. The Owner's Represe:ntative will produce a�nal punch list, deliver it to the Contractor within �ve (S) days of eo�npletion ax►d assigz� a date for this work to be completed not less than thirty (30) days from delivery of the list. Failure to include any corrective work or pending items does not alter the responsibility of the contractor to complete all the construetion services purchased pursuant to the contract. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete sueh Work or remedy such deficiencies. SectionllI.doc Page 3fi of 45 11/03/2010 1 1 � �� � � � , 1 ' � � 1 ' l� ' ' 1 , LJ ' I� � ' �1 Ii �� � I L._ ' ' 1 ' , �l ' ' Section IIl — General Conditions 14,fi FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT After Contractor has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of Owner's Representative and has delivered in accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating instructions, As-built/Record Drawings, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates or ather evidence of insurance reyuired by the paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, certificates of inspection, Inspector overtime reimbursernent as required in the Contract Documents and other documents, Contractpr may make app�icatian far final payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered} by. (i) all docuznentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by paragraph for Bands and Insurance, (ii) consent of the surety, if any or if necessary, to final payment, and (iii) complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to the Owner) of all Liens arising aut of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or waivers of Liens and as approved by the Own�er, Contractor may furiush receipts or releases in full and an affidavit of Contractor that: (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be �led, and (ii) all payrolls, material and equipment bills and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owx�er or the Owner's property might in any way be responsible have been paid or othe�rwise satisfied. If any Subcontractor or Supplier faiils to furnish such a release or receipt in full, Contractor may furnish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to the Owner to [ndemnify t}ae Ovv�er against any Lien. Prior to application for final payment, Contractor shall clean and retnove from the premises all szuplus and discarded matenials, rubbish, and temporary structures, and shall restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been damaged during the prosecution of the Wor�, and shall leave the Work in a neat and presentable condition. 14.7 FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE If through no fault of Contractor, fiinal completion of the Work is significantly delayed and if Owner's Representative so confirms, the Owner shall, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for payment and recommendation of Ovvner's Representative, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for ihat portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by the Owner for Work not fixlly completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been furnished as required in paragraph for Bonds and Insurance, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to Owner's Representative with the Application for such payment_ Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final paym�nt, except that such payment shal] not constitute a waiver of claims. If on the basis of �wner Representative's observatian of the Wark during construction and final ' inspection, and �nxer Representative's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation, all as required by the Contract Documents, Owner's Representative is satisfied that the Work has been completed and Contractor's other obligations , under the Contract Doeuments have been fulfilled, Owz�er's Representative will indicate in writing his recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner for payment. Thereupon, Owner's Representative will give written natice to Owner and Contractor that the , Work is acceptable subject to the provisions of this article_ Qtherwise, Owner's Representative will return the Application to Contractor, iindicating in writing the reasons for refusing to r 1 SecdanIll.doc Page 37 of AS 11/03/2010 Seccion TII — General Conditions recommend iinal payment, in which case Contractor sha11 make the necessary co�ections and resubmit the Application. If tk�e Application and accompanying documentation are appropriate as to form and substance, the �wner shall, within twenty (20) days after receipt thereof pay contractor the amount recommended by Owner's Representative. 14.8 WAIVER OF CLAIMS The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: a waiver of all claims by the Owner against Contractor, except claims arising from unsettled Liens, from defective Work appearing after final inspection, from failure to cornply with the Contract Documents �r the terms of an�y special guarantees specified therein, or from Coniractor's continuing obligations under the Cantract Documents; and a waiver of all claims by Contracior against the Owner other thari those previously made in writing and still unsettled. 15 SUSPENSI�N OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.1 OWNER MAY SUSPEND THE WORK At any time and without cause, Owner's Representative may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety (9Q) days by notice ian wniting to Contractor, which will fix th,e date on which Work will be resumed. Contracior shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. Contractor shall be allowed an adjustrnent in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, directly attributable to any such suspension if Contractor makes an approved claim therefore as provided in the articles for Change of Contract Price and Change of Contract Time. 15.2 OWNER MAY TERMINATE L1pon the occurrence of any one or znoxe of the following events; if Cantractor persistently fails to perforna tkie work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failuxe to supply suf�cient slc�illed workers or suitable materials or equipmen,t or failure to adhere ta the progress schedule as adjusted fronn tizxxe to time); if Contractor disregards Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; if Contractor disregards the authority of Owner's Repzesentative; if Contractor otherwise violates in any substantial way any provisians of the Contract Documents; or if the Work to be done under this Contract is abandoned, or if this Cozttract or any part thereof is sublet, without the previous wxitten consent of the Owner, o:r if the Contract or any claim thereunder is assigned by Contractor otherwise than as herein specified, or at any time Owxaer's Representative certifies in writing to the �wner that the rate of progress of the Work or any part thereof is unsatisfactory or that the work or any part thereof is unnecessarily ar unreasonably delayed. The Owner rnay, after giving Contractor (and the surety, if any), seven days' wratten notice and, to the extent perxnitted by Laws and Regulations, ternr�inate the services of Contractor, exclude Contractor from the szte and take possession of the Work and of all Contractor's tools, appliazxces, construction equiprnent and machinery at the site and use the same to the fulJ extent they could be used by Contractor (without liability to Contractor for trespass or conversion), incozporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or far which the �wner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere, and fiaaisk� the Work as the �wner may deem SectionIlI.doc Page 38 of 45 ] 1/03/20l � ' ' 1 Section Ill — General Conditipns expedient. In such case Contractor shall zaot be entitled to receive any furthex pay�meni until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses a�nd damages sustained by the Qwner anising aut of or resulting from completing the Work such excess will be paid to Contractor. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the ' difference to the Owr�er. Such claims, costs, losses and damages incurred by the Owner will be reviewed by Owner's Representative as to their reasonableness and when so approved by Owner's Representative incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any ' rights or remedies unde►' this paragraph the Owner shall not be:required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. ' ' ' ' � �,I �� r-- I � Ij U , 1 I � L� f' U ' ' 1 Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by the Owner, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies oi the Owner against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of maneys due Co�atractor by the Owner will not release Contractor from liability. Upon seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor and Owner's Representative, ihe Owner may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Qwner, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such case, Contractar shall be paid (without duplication of any items): for completed and acceptable Wor�C executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and proiit on such Work; for expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labox, materials or equipment as required by the Cantract Documents in connection with uncompleted Wor�C, plus fair and reasonable sums far overhead and profit on such expenses; for all claims, costs, losses and damages incurred in settlement of temainated contracts with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others; and for reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. Contractor shall nat be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other ecanomic loss arising out of or resulting �rona such termination. 15.3 CONTRACT�R MAY STQP WORK OR TERMINATE If, through, no act or fault of Contractor, the Work is suspended fox a period of more than ninety (90) days by the Owx�er or under an order of court or other public authority, or the Owner's Representative fails to act on any Application far Payment within thirty (3Q) days after it is submitted or the Owner fails fox thirty (3Q) days to pay Contractor any sum iinally deternvned to be due, then Contractor may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to the Owner and �wraer's Representative, and provided t}xe Owner or Owner's Representative does not remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recaver from the Owner payment on the same terms as provided in the article for the Owner May Terminate. However, if the Work is suspended under an order of court th�rough no fault of Owr�er, the Contractor shall not be entitled to payment except as the Court may direct. In lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to atay other right or remedy, if Owner's Representative has failed to act on an Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or the Owner has failed for thirty (30) days ta pay Contractor any sum finally determined to be due, Contractor may upon seven (7) day's written notice to the Ovvn�er and Owner's Representative stap the Work 5ectionlll.doc Page 39 of 45 11/03/2010 Section IlI — General Conditions until payment of all such amounts due Contractor. The provisions ofthis article are not intended to preclude Contractor from making claim urzder paxagraphs for Change of Contract Price or Change af Contract Time or otherwase �or expenses or damage directly attributable to Contractor's stopping Work as pexxnitted by this article. 16 DISPUTE RESOLUTION If and to the extent that the Owaaer and Contractor have agreed on tk�e m.ethod and procedure �'or resolving disputes betweeza them that may arise under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method and proceduz�e vv�ll proceed. If no such agreement on thc xnethod and procedure for zesolving such disputes has been reached, subject to the proviszons of the article far Decisions on Disputes, the Ow:ner and Contractor :tn�ay exercise such rights or rem�.edies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Docum.ents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any dispute provided, however, that nothing herein shall require a dispute to be submitted to binding arbitratian. 17 MISCELLANEOUS <�17.1 SUBMITTAL AND DOCUMENT FORMS 'I�e �'orm of all submittals, notices, change orders, pay applications, lags, schedules and other docwnents pernnitted or requixed to be used or tratasmittecl under the Contract Docurr�ents shall be determined by the Owner's Representative subject to the approval of Owzxer. 17.2 GIVING NQTICE Whenever any provision o�the Contract Docuxxxents xeyuires the giving of written notice, notice will be deemed to have beex► validly �iven i�' delivered in pez-son to the individual ar to a member of the firzn or to azz off cer of the corporation �or wham it is intended, o;r i�' delivered o:r sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the givex of the notice. 11.3 NOTICE OF CLAIM Should the Owner or Contractor suffer inju.ry or damage to pezson or property because of any enor, omission or any act o� the other party or o� any o� the other party's ofizcers, em�loyees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time o� the first observance of such injury or damage_ The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed as a substitute �or or a waSver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose. 17.4 PROFESSI�NAL FEES AND COURT COSTS INCLUDED Whenever reference is made to "claims, costs, losses and damages," the phrase shall include in each case, but nat be litnited to, all �'ees and chaxges o� engineers, arclnitects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs. 5ectionITl,doc Page 40 of 45 11 /03/2010 � , � � ' , ' � L� � 1 , ' ' ' , � � � ' ' 5ection ]II — General Conditions 17.5 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT ' The Contractor shall nat assign this contxact or any part thereof or any rights thereunder without the approval of Owner, nor without the consent of surety uriless the surety has waived its riglats ta notice of assignment. � 17.fi RENEWAL OPTI�N Annual Contracts issued through the Engineering Department may be renewed for up ta two (2) � years, upon n;�utual consent of bath the Owner and the ContractorNendor. All terms, conditions and unit prices shall remain constant unless otherwise specified in the contract specifications or in the Invitation to bid_ Renewals shall he made at the sole discretian of the Owner, and nrxust be ' agreed to in writing by both parties. All renewals are cantingent upon the availability of fiuids, and the satisfactory performance of the Contractor as determined by the Constntction Department. , 17.7 R�LL-OFF CONTAINERS AND/OR DUMPSTERS All City construction projects shall utilize City of Clearwater Salid Waste xoll-off containers ' andlor dumpsters for their .disposal needs. For availability or pricing contact To�rxa Glenn at the City of Clearwater, Solid Waste Department, phone: (727) 562-4923 or ezxaail: IJ 1 ' �� 1 , 1 1 1 ' ' tom,. glenn@myclearwater. com. 18 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK The City reserves the right to accept and use any portion of the wazk whenever it is considered to the public interest to do so. The Engineer shall have the power to direct on what line or street the Convactor slaall work and order thereof. 19 MATERIAL USED All material incorporated into the fiixaal work shall be new material unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish purchase receipts of all materials. 2D CQNFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The various Contract Docuznents shall be given precedence, in case of conflict, error or discrepancy, as follows: Modi�cations, Contract Agree�rrient, Addenda, Supplenaentary General Conditions, General Conditions, Supplementary Technical Specifications, Technical Speci�cations, Drawings. In a series of Modi�ications or Addenda the latest will govern. 21 OWNER DIRECT PURCHASE (ODP) OPTION Tb,e Owner reserves the zight, when identified during thie bidding process as part of the project's dacuments, to contract with the Contractor to purchase certain portions of materials identi�ed in the project as a sales tax savings option in compliance with Florida Law since the Owner is exem�pt frozn paynaent of sales tax. The Contract price includes Florida sales and other applicable taxes for rx�aterials, supplies, and equipment, which will be a part of the Contractor's wark. Tkae �wner, being exempt fram sales tax, reserves the right to make direct purchases of various construction materials included in the Contractor's contract. The Owner purchasing of constxuction naateria�s, if selected, will be administered on a deductive Change Order basis. ScctionlII.doc Page 4I of 45 11/03R010 5ection 111— General Conditions Additionally, Purchase Orders will include Owner's Certificate of Exezx�ption number. See SECTION IV, ARTICLE I.l - SCOPE DESCRIPTION for ODP items included in the Contract Documents and the APPENDIX for ODP Documents. 22 RESIDENT NOTIFICATI�N OF START OF CONSTRUCTION 22.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall notify all residents along the construction route or within a 50�-foot radius, unless stated atherwise in the Contract Documents, with a printed door hanger natice indicating th,e following information ahout the proposed construction work and the Contractor performing the work: City seal or logo; the scheduled date for the start of construct�on; the type of construction; general sequence and scheduling of construction events; possibility of water service disruption and/or colored water due to construction efforts; Contractor's name, the Superintendent's name, Contractor address and telephane nurxaber; Contractor's company logo (optional); requirenaent for residents to remove landscaping and/or other private appurtenances which are in conflict with the proposed constxuction; and other language as appropriate to the scope of Contract work. Sarnple door hanger including proposed language shall be approved by the City prior to the start of construction. Notification shal] be printed on b�ightly colored and durable card stock and shall be a zxxinizz�um of 4-`/a by 11 inches in size. Notification (door hanger) shall be posted Co residences and businesses directly affected by the Contractor's activities no later than seven (7) days prior to the start of construction activity. Directly affected by the Contractor's activities shall mean all Contractor operations including staging areas, equipment and �rxaaterial storage, principal access routes across private property, etc. Cantractor cannot start without proper seven (7) day notice period to residents. Con.tractor is required to maintain suf�icient staff to answer citizen inquizies during normal business hours and to naaintain appropriate zaaessage recording equipnaent to receive citizen inquires after business }aours. Resident notification by the Contractor is a non-specific pay itczn to be inc�uded in the bid items provided in the contract proposal. 22.2 EXAMPLE CITY SEAL Of CITY OF CLEARWATER NUTICE OF CONSTRUCT'TON TODAY'S DATE: / / PLEASE EXCUSE US FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE We are the construction contractor performing (state type of contract) for the City of Clearwater in your area. The work will be performed in the public right-o%way adjacent to your property. This notice is placed a rninimum of seven (7) days in advance of constxuction to notify property owners of the pending start of construction_ (Brfef descrzption of the construction process to be expected by the property owners) The construction process may necessitate the removal of certain items frozxx the right-af-way_ Typical items such as sprinklers, grass, and postal approved mailboxes will be replaced by the contractor within a reasonably short peniod of time. The replacement of driveways and sidewalks will be made using standard asphalt or concrete zxaaterials. The property owner is responsible for the expense and coordination to replace driveways azzd sxdewalks which have custo�zaized colors, SectionlIl.doc Page 42 of 45 11/03/2010 ' ' ' ' � , , �1 � , ' , ' � 1 ' ' � ' � ' � � � 1 , � , 1 � �� �J � , ' � � , Section III—General Conditions textures and/or materials. Small trees, shrubs, landscaping matezials, unautharized mailboxes or structures within the r�ght-of-way which must be removed due t� the construction process wil] not be replaced. The property owner is responsible to relocate any such items which t}te property owner wishes to save prior to the start of constructian. Vehicles parked on ti�e streets or wiihin the righ�t-of way may he required to be placed elsewhere. We are available to answer any questions you may have regarding the construction pzocess or any particular item that must be relocated. Please contact our Construction Superintendez�t at (727) . We will be more than happy to assist you. Construction is anticipated to begin on: Company Name Company Address Contractor Phone Number 23 PROJECT INFORMATI�N SIGNS 23.'1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE The �wner desires to infarm the general public on the Owner's use and expenditure of public fur►ding for general capital improvement and maintenance projects. To help accomplish th�is purpase, the Contractor is required to prepare and display public project iz�fornaatian signs during the full course of the contract peniod. These signs wi11 be displayed at all location(s) of active work. Payment to Contractar for the prepaxation, installation and management of project sign(s) shal.l be included in the cost of the work. The ;number af and iype of signs will be stated in SECTION IV, ARTICLE 1.1 — SCOPE DESCRIPTION. 23.2 TYPE OF PROJECT SIGN, FIXED OR P�RTABLE Sign type shall be "fixed" on stationary projects and "portable" on projects whxch have extended locations or various locations. "Ihe particular wording ta lae used on the signs will be determined after contract award has been approved_ Cantractor will be provided the wording to be used on sign at the preco;nstruction conference. 23.3 FIXED SIGN Fixed sign shall be 4-foot by 6-foot (4'x6') in size and painted on a sheet of exterior grade plywood of the sarrae size and a minimum thickness of l/Z-inches. Sign shall be attached to a minimum of iwo (2) 4-inch by 4-inch (4"x4") below grade pressure treated (P.T.) waaden pasts and braced as necessary for high winds. Posts shall be long enoug�'► to provide secure anchoring in the ground. Bottorn of sigzl zr�ust be a minimum af 24-inches above the ground. Alternate r�nouniing system or attachment to fencing or otlxer fixed structure can be considered for approval. Sign shall be painted white on both sides wit1� exterior rated paint. 23.4 P�RTABLE S1GNS Portable sign shall be a rni:nirnum of 24-inches by 3�-inches (24"x34") in size and will be attached to a standard sized portable tra�c barricade_ Sign material shall be aluminum, 0.08p- inches or thicker, background of white reflective sheeting, and shall be silkscreen or vinyl lettering_ Portable sign shall be two sig:ns located and atlached to each side af the traffic barricade. 5ectionllI.doc Fage 43 of 45 1 l/03/2010 Section lIl — General Gonditions F � �' �� Lr7 ► [ �I �7 � �7 :7 I ► C �7 Background shall be white. Project Descriptive Name shall be in blue lettering. All other lette�ing shall be black. Basic lettering on sign shall be in all capital letters, of size proportional to the sign itsel£ Each sign shall depict the City's sun atxd waves logo. The color of the sun shall be par�tone yellow; the wave shall be process blue; az�d the text shall be black. 23.6 SIGN PLACEMENT Signs shall be placed where they are readily vxsible by the general public which pass by the project site_ Signs are not to be placed where they may become a hazaxd or impedxment to either pedestrian or vehicular taraffic. For construction projects outside of the Owner's right-of way, the signs will be placed on the project site_ For projects constructed inside o�'the Owner's iri.ght-of- way, the signs will be placed in the right-of-way. Portable signs are to be moved to the locations of active work on the project. Multiple portable signs w,ill be necessary where work is ongozng in several locations at the sarne tirne. Fixed sig;ns are to be placed at the start of construction and will remain in place ur�til the request for final payx�aent. i����-9C�7►�►`�/�11►���./�1.Cy� The Contractor is responsible for preparation, installation, zz�ovezx�ent, maintenance, replacement, removal and disposal of all project signs during the full cowse of the contract period. The Contractor will place and secure partable signs frozxa dislocation by wind or other actions. Signs are to be cleaned as necessary to maintain legibility and immediately replaced if defaced. 23.8 TYPICAL PRaJECT SIGN SectionllI.doc Page 44 of 45 � , � � � ' � � , � � � � , � ll/03/2010 ' , � � 1 � ' � ' 1 1 1 1 1 Section 11I — General Conditions � PROJECT NAME ► (CONTRACT NUMBER} (DEPARTMENT NAME) PROJECT r � CONTRACTOR: __._..___.. C�MPLETION DATE: FUNDING: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: 4 ° Clea�water � � I 24 AWARD OF C�NTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE ' 1 ' ' ► It will be required that the work will commence not later than five (5) calendar days after the Engineex gives written notice to proceEd (NTP), which notice shall be given as outlined in A rticle 2 of these General Conditions. It is further required that all work within this contxact be connpleted within the indicated number of consecutive calendar davs as determined in SECTION IV, ARTICLE 1.1 - SCOPE DESCRIPTI4N. Contract date to commence at issuance of notace to proceed. �f the Cont;ractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated time, the City will retain the amount stated in the Contract, per calendar day, for each day that the contract reznains incomplete. The work shall be discontinued on Saturdays, Sundays, and approved Holidays. If it becozxaes necessazy for the Contractor to perform wark on Saturdays, Sundays, and approved City of Clearwater Employee Holidays, that in the opinian of the Engin�er, will requixe tlae prese�ace of Inspectors; the � SectionllI.doc 1 Page 4S of 45 11/03/2010 � Section III — General Conditions � Contractor shall pay the City of Clearwater, Florida, the amount of Four Hundred Eighty llollars ($4$0.00} pez each eighi-hour (8) day �or each Inspectoz given such assignmeni. The Contractor shall rEmedy any defects in the work at his own expense and pay �oz any damage � to other work resultin� therefraraa which appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance. � SectionTll.doc Page 46 of 4S 11/03/201U � ' ' � �! fl L� � ' ' , � ' � � � � � ' 1 SECTION IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Table of Contents: ]. SCOPE OF WORK ...........................................................................................................1 1.1 SCOPEDESCRI�T�ON ..................................................•----�--�-�-••--••--•----•-------------�--�---� 1 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST ......................•--�---�---------...........................-•-•--•----�---- 5 2 FIELD ENGINEERING .................................................................................................. 6 2. l LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE C�NTR.ACTOR ............... 6 Z.1..1 GRADES, LINESAND LEVELS ......................................................�--�--�-----�-�-----�-. 6 2_1.2 LAYOUTDATA .......................�--.............................................................................7 2.2 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE �ERFOAMED BY THE CITY ................................. 7 3 4 �� DEFINYTIONOF TERMS .....................................................••-----................................--- � 3.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS ............................................•--�•--�-�---................................ 7 3.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ....................•-�---�--�---�---�----................................. 7 ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WURK .................•----•--•-•----•............................... 9 EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGR�UND WORK .......................................................... 9 6 CONCRETE ...............................................•-•----..............................................................10 7 EXCAVATION AND FURMS FOR CUNCRETE WORK ........................................10 7.1 EXCAVATION..-�-----• ........................................•---�----•-�----��--•-�-�•---...............................10 7.2 FORMS .............................................................•-•-------��-------...---•-•-----�------------�---�------�...11 8 REINFORCEMENT ........................................................................................................11 8.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT -• ........................................................•-----..............................----11 9 USSTRUCTIONS---• ........................................................................................................11 10 RESTORATIQN OR REPLACEMENT OF DRiVEWAYS, CURSS, SZDEWALKS AND STREET PAVEMENT ...........................................................................................l.l xl. W�RK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS ................................................................12 X2DEWATERING ...................................................•---------•-----•-•-••---..........................-•--•--.. l.2 l2.] GENER.AL...-----•---�----•--•----• ............................................................................•------------� 12 12.2 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ..........................................•------�---------............................. 13 I1.2.1 DEWATERING CONTROL ..................................................�---............................. 13 12.2.2 GENERIC PERM.IT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROMANYNON-CONTAMINATED SITEACTIVITY ........................... 13 13 SAI�TARY MANHOLES .....................................................•------••-•-.............................16 13.1 BUILT UP TYPE ......................................•------------•---------•----........................................ 16 13.2 PRECAST TYPE ....................................•--•---.._..._............._.......................................... 16 13.2.1 MANHOLE ADJUS?'MENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) ........................................ 17 13.3 DROP MANHOLES ..................................................................................................... 17 13.4 FRAIVIES AND COVERS .....................................................•--�---•--.....-•---................... 17 ' SectionlV.doc �� 0 ] 0/11/2010 13_S MANHOLE COATINGS ...............................�--�----�-----...................---��----........-------._.... 17 13.6 CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES------------------------------••--•------._.................................. l7 14 BACKF�LL .............•-----..................................-•------•---.....................................................17 �5 STREET CROSSINGS, ETC. ..-•-•-•--••--•-----•--•--•-••--• ......................................................1$ 1b RA�S�NG OR LOWERING OF SAN�TARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES.-•-• .....................................•-----•-------------•--............................................... l. S 16:1 BASIS O� �AYMENT .........................................................�-�-------�--......_._.................. 18 17 UNSiJITABLE MATER�AL REMOVAL .....................................................................18 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ..........................�--...------�--•------�-�--------�-�----�----�---........--- 18 17.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT .--�-�-�--�-------�-��--��-�-�---�---�-��-�--� .......................................•�----...... 18 1SUNDER.DRAZNS-------------------------------•--------•---------•----------..............................--------..........15 1$.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ..............................................�-----�-------��--�---�-----�-�-�----... 19 1$.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT _....--��------•--��---�-----�-----� ........................................•-�--��--�----------- 19 19 STO.RM SEWERS .....................................•-----•--•------------.........................---.........---------- l9 19.1 AS BUILT 1NFORMATION ..........................................�---�--------..........---�---�--.............. 20 19.2 TESTING---�-----------� ......................................................................�-�--...---..............----...20 19.3 BASIS OF PAYIv1ENT ......................�----�----------�--�--�-�---.............................- --- 20 -----------�-� 20 SANITARY SEWERS AND FORCE MAXNS .............................................................. 20 20.1 MATERIALS ......................................�--�---�-�-�-----•�--�------�---------.....20 � .............................. 20.1.1 GRAVITYSEWER P.IPE ..............�---........_......_...._........................................--�---... 2� 2D.1.2 F�RCE MA.INPIPE ..................................................................�--�--------------......... 2.l 2�.2 1NSTALLATION ...................................�------�-----�............................... 2l .......................... 2D.2.1 GRAVITYSEWER PIPE-------�--------�---.....-�------� ...................................................... 21 20.2.2 FORCEMAINPIPE ...............................................•-----.._......_................._............ Z.1 20_3 ASBUILTDR.AW11�1GS ....................................................�------------�----�-.......................22 20.4 TESTING----------•--• .......................................................................................•�---............22 20.4.1 TESTING QF GRAVITYSEWERS ........................................................................ 22 20.4.2 TESTING OFFORCEMA.INS....---�---� .................................................................. 22 20.5 SASIS OF PAYMENT -�---�-�--...--��---�-�-�--•�--•-•---� ........................................................... 22 20.5.1 GFAVITYSEWER PIPE ........................................................................................ 22 20.5.2 FORCE MAINPIPE ........................................................................................�---. 23 21 DRAINAGE ..................................................................................................................... 23 22 ROADWAY SASE AND SUBGRADE-•--• ..................................................................... 23 22.1 BASE ............................................................................................................... .. 23 22. .1. ,1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REW�RKED BASE ................... 25 Z2.1. Z BASIS �F PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REW�RKED BASE . .............................. 25 22.2 SUBGRADE .....................�---�-��-�----..........-----................................................._._...........25 22.2.1 BASIS OFMEASUREMENT ................................................................................ 25 22. 2.2 BAS.IS OF PAYMENT ............................................... ... 25 23 ASPHAL'TIC CONCRETE MATERiALS ...................................................................26 23.1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE .....................•-._............-�-�---............................................... 26 SectionIV.doc ii ] 0/11/2010 ' � � � ' � � , 1 r � 1 , � � L� ' 1 ' 2 2 2 23.1.1 AGGREGATE .................... .................................................................................... 26 23.1.2 BI'TUMI'NOLIS MATERIALS.-�-• ............................................................................ 26 23.2 HOT BITUMINOUS MIXTURES — PLANT, METHODS, EQUIPMENT & QUALITY ASSURANCE ...................................................................�-��---------........._.. 26 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES .................................................................... 27 23.4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGNS AND LAYER THICKNESS ............................... 27 23.5 GENERAL CONSTRUC'TION REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 28 23.fi CRACKS AND POTHOLE PREPARATION .............................................................. 28 23.d.1 CRACKS .......................��---.................................---.........---............_......_................28 23.6.2 POTHOLES ....:......................................................................................................28 23.7 ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOLES ..........................................................................•---• 28 23.8 ADDITIONAL ASPHALT REQUIREMENTS--.-.----• .................................................. 29 23.9 SUPERPAVEASPHALTIC CONCRETE .................................................................... 30 23.10 BASIS O�' MEASUREMENT ............................•-•-�--......----...._....._.............._............... 30 23.] I BASIS OF PAYMENT ........................................................•--�---•�-•--------�-•------•--.......... 30 4 ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNYT BYD PRICE FUR ASPHALT .................................. 30 5 GENER.AL PLANTYNG SPECYFICATYONS .............................................................. 3]. 25_l IR_RTGATI�N .....................�-�-�-••----............................................................................... 31 25.1.1 DESCRIPTI�N .....................................................................................................31 25.1.2 PRODUCTS ..........................................................................................................33 25.1.3 EXECUTX�N .........................................................................................................37 25.2 LANDSCAI'E-�-�--•--...--�---••---�-----�--------------•--._............................................................._ 40 25.2.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................40 25_2.2 PRODUCTS ....................................................................�---�--�---...........................45 25.2.3 F.YECUTION ...................................�---.........................................._....-�---..............49 6 HDPE DEFORMED - REFURMED PIPE LINING ................................................... 56 26.1 1NTENT ......................................•----••--�--............................... .................... 56 26.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACT�R/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY ........................ 56 26.3 MA'I'ERIALS ------------------------•---•----...----........................................................................ 56 26.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION -----------•---• ................................................... 57 26.5 TELEVISION INSPECTTON.-----•-----------•-•--•-...---•--� .................................................... 57 26.6 L1NER 1NSTALLATION .................................�-----------�--...................................------�--- 58 26.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION ..............................................�----�--........._..................... 58 26.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION ..............................................•------•---�-----�•--�•------•-.......... 58 26.9 PAYMEN'T-�-----� .........................................................��--�-•--•-----�---..._......._...........-�--•--._ 58 27 PLANT MIX DRIVEWAYS ................................................................•---•-----------........... 58 27.] SASIS OF MEASUREIVIENT .....................................•-•- -._.... 59 . . . .......................... 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ......................•-•----•---•----•--��--�---•---•---•-----�-•---..................._......._ 59 28 REPURTING OF TONNAGE OF RECYCLED MATERIALS ................................ S9 29 CONCRETE CURBS ..................................................................................................... 59 29.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ......................�------......................................................... 59 29.2 BASIS O�' PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 59 30 CONCRETE SYDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS ......................................................... 59 SectionlV.doc iii ] 0/11/2010 30.1 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS .............................................................��--�-�------�-�---��--�--•-- 59 30.2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS ...................�---•..._....._..._.........._.....--�---��--�-----------��-----�---.. 60 30.3 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT..-�-�------�--...-�---•--• ..................•._.......---...........---�-�-•----�--.. 6� 30_4 BASIS OF PAYMENT -------•----�---��-�---�-�---�-�----�-�-��-� .........................................�------�--.. 6� 31 SUDDING ...................•------•-�--••----•---...............................................................................60 32 SEEDING .........................................................................................................................61 33 STORM MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH SASINS OR QTHER STORM STRUCTURES.--•�-•-----• .................................•----•---•----•---•--..........---•..---•---.........-•----•-••--- 61 33.1 BUILT UP TYPE STRUCTURES-------�--�-------�-�--�-�-------� ........................................�---.. 61 33.2 PRECASTTYPE....--------�-�----...---�-------�--�-------...-�--------� ............................... .....62 333 BASIS OF PAYMENT ................................................................................................. 62 34 MATERiAL USED ......................................................................................................... 62 35 CUNFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ...................................... 62 36 STREET S�GNS ..........................................................•---••-•-•-------................................--- 62 37 AUDIO/VIDE� RECORDTNG OF WORK AREAS .................................................. 63 37.1 CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUDIQ/VIDEO RECORDING ................................ 63 37.2 SCHEDLTI.ING OF AUDIO/VIDEO RECORI7�NG ................................................... 63 37.3 PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHERS ....................................................................... 63 37.4 EQUIPMENT ....................................................•--------�--�--��-------................................... 63 37.5 RECORDED 1NFORMAT�ON, AUDIO ...................................................................... 63 37.6 RECORDED II�IFORMATION VIDEO...--•-••-•--•-•-•-•-.- ------------------------------------ 63 37.7 VIEWER ORIENTATION---�-----�-------------•---................_.............-�-----•-------�-------�-�---�----- 64 37.8 LIGHTING .........--•----• .............................................................. 64 37.9 SpEED OF TR.A.VEL .........................................................................�---------................. 64 37.10 VIDEO LOG/INDEX .....................................................................................�-----........ 64 37.11 AREA OF COVER.AGE ................................................................................•--•--......... 64 37.12 COSTS OF VIDEO SERVICES ........................................................•-••-�-�----.._............ 65 38 EROSION AND SILTATTON CDNTROL ................................................................... 65 38.1 STABILIZATION OF DENi7DED AAEAS.........--•• .................................................... 65 38.2 PROTECTI�N AND STABILIZATION OF SOTL ST�CKPILES ............................. 65 38.3 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEMS .................................... 65 38.4 SEDIMENT TRA.PP�IG MEASiIRES ........................................................................ 65 38.5 SEDIMENTATION BASINS .---------��-�--• .....................................�-�--------------�-------....---- 65 38.6 WORKIIVG IN OR CR05SiNG WATERWAYS OR WATERSODIES ...................... 66 38.7 SWALES, DTTCHES AND CHANNELS .................... ..._...._..._ ..... .... 66 38.8 UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ....................................................... 66 38.9 MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................... 66 38.]0 COMPLIANCE ...................................��-----�--�----��----�--•--�-�-�-------........................._.........66 39 UTTL�TY T�E �N LOCATION MARKING .........................................•....................... 70 40 AWARD UF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULF AND GUARANTEE .................... 74 41 POTABLE WATERMA�NS, RECLAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES..............•---.......:.......................................................------••---........... 70 SeciionIV,doc ;� 1on riao� o 41.1 SCOPE...-•---� .................�---...-•-•--�-�--..............-----�---..........---�----�-------�-�--•-�-�•---...............70 41.2 MATERIALS..--�-----�--��-�---.....--�-�-�--� ..............�---..........-------��-----�---�-�---�----��----�--------�.... "�l 41.2.1 GENERAL ................................................�---............-�------.......-----........................_ 71 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALS'AND FITT.INGS ..................................................................... 71 41.2.3 GATE YALVES-�-�-�-� .............................................................................................. 73 41.2.4 YALVEBOXES .................................................................��---�---�- --- -�--�--�---.......... 73 41.2.5 HYDRANTS ...........................................................................................................74 41.2.6 SERV.ICESADD.LES--�---� .......................................................................�---�--........75 41.2.7 TESTS, INSPECTIONAND REPAIRS .................................................................. 75 41. 2. 8 BACKFL�W PREVENTERS ................................................................................ 75 41.2.9 TAPPING SLEEVES ....................................................��------��------........----------------- 76 41.2.10 BLOWOFFHYDRANTS ...............................................�----.....-�------.....................76 41.3 CONSTRUCTION--•---• .......................................••----��--------...--�--�--�---�----.....---.....--••---..76 41.3.1 MATERIAL HAND.L.ING .....................................................................�--............._. 76 41.3.2 PIPELAYING ....................................................................................................... �6 41.3.3 SETTING OF YALVES ITYDRANTSAND FITTIIVGS ......................................... 78 41.3.4 CONNECTIONS TO EXI,STl'NG LINES ............................................................... 78 41.4 TESTS----�----------� ........................................�-•--�-�-•---..........................................--�--.......79 4.1.9..1 HYDR�STAT.ICTESTS .............�--��--------��-----�---�- ---------------�----............................. 79 41. 4. 2 NOTICE �F TEST ............. ...................... ... ............. .......... ... ................................ 79 41_5 S`TERILIZATION--�--��--�----��------�-----------------•-•----•�---.....------------....-�-�-�---�...---................79 41.5.1 STER.ILIZINGAGENT ................................................................................�-----�--- �9 41.5.2 FLUSHING SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 79 41.5.3 STERILIZATIONPROCEDURE ..........................................................................79 91.5.4 RES.IDUAL CHLORINE TESTS ......................................�--......._.......................... 8� BACTE.RIAL TESTS ..........................................................................................�--- 80 41.6 MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT .............................................•--.-............._........... 80 4.l.6..1 GENERAL ..................................................................�--�--...-------..............._...........80 41.6.2 FURNISI�AND INSTALL WATER MAIIVS ........................................................... 81 41.6.3 FURNISHAND INSTAL.L FITTINGS ................................................................... 8.1 41.6.4 FURNISHAND INSTALL GATE VALVES COMP.LETE WITH BOXESAND CUVERS.......................................................�----�-�----..._........................---......---...._ 81 41.6.5 FURNISHAND IIVSTALL FIRE HYDRANTS ....................................................... 81 42 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS .............•-----------•-•--................................................ 82 43 TENNTS CUURTS ....................................................•----•-------------................................... 82 43.] PAVED TENNIS COURTS ..................................................�-�---�.. ......... ............ 82 . ..... 43..1.1 S�.I.L TREATMENTS ........................................................................��-----�---�----..... $2 43..1.2 BASE COURSE...-------� .......................................................................................... 82 43.1.3 PRIMECOAT ..........................................................�----�----.....__...-�---....................82 43.1.4 .LEVELING COURSE ...................................................�-�--..................._................ 82 43.1.5 SURFACECOURSE ......................................................��--�---�-•----�•--�----�---�----------82 43.1.6 COL�R COAT ...................................................................................................... 83 43.2 CLAYTEIVIVI5 COURTS -----�-�---�•----�---�-� ................................................•-•- -••-------- 84 ----� 43.2.1 GENERAL......-�----�----...---�--•-•-•.........--�-� ................................................................8�4 43.2.2 SITE PREPARATION ........................................�-.................................................. 85 43.2.3 SLOPE ................................�--�-�---�--��--�-�-�-��-.._...........---.........................-�---�---�---�-- 85 43.2.4 BASE CONSTRUCTION .................................�--�.................................................. 86 ' SectionN.doc , u ]0/112010 44 4 4 43.2.5 PERIMETER CURBING.....---�--��-�-�-�-�--� ..........................�--.................................. $6 43.2.6 SURFACE C�URSE ...............................�--�----�---....__.._...............---.........---........... 86 43.2.7 R��TBARRIER ...................................................................................................86 43.2.8 �ENCING .............................................................................................................87 43.2.9 WINDSCREENS ....................................................................................................87 43.2..10 CDURTEQUIPMENT ..................................................................�-----._..._._..........87 43.2..1.1 SHADESTRUCTURE ...........................................................................................89 43.2.12 WATER S�URCE (Potable) ................��---...-�--�----................................................. 89 43.2..13 CONCRETE ..........................................................................................................89 �43.2.14 EXISTING SPQRT TENNIS COURTLIGHTING ................................................. 89 43.2..15 WATER C�OLER .................................................................................................. 90 43_2.16 DE1l�IONSTRATI�N ...............�-�-�---..._...............................................-�------�-....------ 90 43.2.17 WARkANTY ...........................................................................................................90 WORK ZONE TR.AFFIC CONTROL.....---•----------•-----• ............................................... 91 44.1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK 70NE TR.AFFIC CONTROL ._.._.... 91 44.2 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ------•.----------.• .......................................... 91 44.2_1 WORKZDNESAFE7Y .....................................��-----................................._...........9.1 44.3 ROADWAY CLOSURE GUIDELINES------------------------••---......................----•-...-.----.-.-- 92 4�4.3.1 ALLRDADWAY,S ..........................................................................�----...........-�---�-� 92 �4�4.3.2 MAJDR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS, LOCAL COLLECTORS ................. 92 44.3.3 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS ......................................................... 92 44_3.4 MAJ�R ARTERl'ALS ...............................�--.......---�------------------�-�---........................ 92 44.4 APPROVAL OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC C4NTROL �LAN ................................... 92 4�.5 INSPECTION OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATION .................... 93 44.6 PAYMENT FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL .................... ..... 93 �4.7 CERTIFICATI�N �F WORK ZONE TR�I.FFIC C�NTROL SUPERVISOR............ 93 5 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LTNING .............................................................•--•--........... 93 �5.1 iNTENT ................................................................................................•---. ... 93 �5.2 PRODUCTAND CONTRACTOR/INSTALLERACCEPTABILTTY ........................ 94 45.3 MATERIALS ............................................•-•--•--..............................._....--------�-•--........_.. 94 45.4 CLEANTNG/SURFACE PREPARATI�N ...............•-.------.........................--•--.-------...._ 9� 45.5 TELEVTSION �TSPECTION ............................................•-•-----�-�------.......................... 95 �5.6 L1NER INSTALLATION ..................................•-•-------------•-----�._.................................. 95 45.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION.........-•--�-=------�-�-�--�-�---�-�----�-------�-� .....................•---••----- 95 �5.8 TIME �F CONSTRUCTION--�--�-----•-----�•---�---•-••---�-----�---� ....................................��--�-• 95 �5.9 PAYMENT.._..-------�• ..............................................................................�--�---------...........95 6 SPECIFICATIDNS FOR P�LYETHYLENE SLIPLINING ..................................... 96 46.1 MATERIALS--�---�----...--��--� .................................................................................�--�-�---- 96 46.I.1 PIPEAND FI77'INGS .............................................................�- -.......................... 96 46.1.2 QUALI�'YC�NTROL ...............................................................�--.........................96 46.1.3 SAMPLES .....................................��-----..................................................................96 46.1.4 REJECTION ........................................•-�-------�--.....................--�-�-�-��-�-�---...............96 46.2 PIPE DIMENSIONS..--•�-• ....................................................................�--------._.............. 96 46.3 CONSTRUCTI�N PRACTICES ...........................�--�----........_....-•----......_._...----..._....... 97 46.3.1 FIANDLING OFPIPE ........................................................................................... 97 46.3.2 REPAIR DFDAMAGED SECTIONS .................................................................... 97 SectionIV.doc �; ioi�inoio � ' 47 4 4 46.3_3 PIPEJOINING .....................................................................................................97 46.3.4 HANDLING OFFUSED P,IPE ............................................................................. 97 46.4 SLII'LINING PR�CEDURE ........................................................................................ 97 46.4.1 1'IPE REQUIREMENTS AND D.IMENSI'ONS ...................................................... 97 46.4.2 CLEANINGAND INSPECTION ........................................................................... 97 46. 4. 3 INSERTION SHAFT AND EXCAYATI'ONS ....... ............. .... .................... .... .......... 98 46_ 4. 4 .INSERTI4N OF THE L INER ...................................................................... .......... 98 46.4.5 CONFIRM.4TIDNQFPIPESIZES ......................................................................98 46.4. 6 UNDERDRAIN C4NNECT.IQNS IF REQUIRED ........................ ........................ 98 46.4.7 B,4CKFILLI'NG .....................................................................................................99 46.4.8 PDINTREPAIR....---� .......................•--.....----._............._.............. -�--�-�-----............... 99 46.4.9 CLEAN UP.OPERATIONS---�--�-� ...............•--�-......._............._....._.................--��----- 99 SPECIFYCATI�NS FOR POLYVYNYL CHLORYDE RIBBED PIPE ...................... 99 47.1 SCOPE.--��--------•---�---� .............................................•----�----��---��----------..........--••--�--�•--�---- 99 47.2 MATERIALS ................................•-•-�--•---�---�---�----------------��--�•-�----.............-�----�-----------.99 47.3 PIPE .....................................................................•------------��--�--�...............----�----�-�--....... 99 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM ..............................................................�------�-�--........----�---......._.. l00 47.5 FITTINGS---•-� ................................................................•--•-----�----�-�--.....................--�-- ]00 $ GUNYTE SPECIFICATIONS --•----------•--•---• .................................................................100 A$.1 PKESSURE INJECTED GROUT .............................................................................. 100 48.2 REHABILITATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH GiTNITE ............... 100 483 COMPOSITION .......--•--�-�--�� ...................................................................................... 100 48.4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS--�----------�------•-----••---� ................................................1�1 48.5 MATERIALS .............................................................................................................. 101 48.6 WATER .............................•--�--•----�--............................................................................101 48.7 REINFORCEMENT.--•�---�-� .........................................................�---......................._._.101 48.8 STORAGE �F MATERIALS--�---•-------•---� ....................................................�............. 101 48.9 SURFACE PREPARATION..--� .................................................................................. ]02 A8.10 PR�P�RTIONING ...................................•---------.......----...................-�-•--------�.............102 48.11 MIXTNG-•----• .............................................................•-----._..._.......................-�--------�---� 1�2 48.12 APPLICATION...-•-----...-�---� ........................................................................................102 48.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS ..........................................................................•---------�-- 103 �$.14 SURFACE FINISH-•--� ..............................................•---�-�---...--�---�---........................... 103 48.15 CURING .........................•--••------...-----.........................................................................103 48_16 ADJACENT SUR�'ACE PROTECTION .......................... ........ ........... 103 ---�---------... . 48.17 II�TSPECTI�N .........................•--••-----�-------�-...._........_........................-----�------�-----------..104 �F8.18 EQUIPMENT ..........................................•--.. ...... 104 9 SANITARY AND STORM MANH�LE LINER RESTORATYON .........................105 49.1 SCOPEAND INTENT.........--�--��----••---• ...............................................�----................. 105 49.2 PAYMENT ..................................................................................................................105 49.3 FIBERGLASS LINER PRODUCTS.---• ..................................................................... 105 49. 3.1 MATER IALS ........................... ................. .............. ................... ....................... .... 145 49.3.2 INSTALLATIONAND EXECUT,ION .................................................................. .106 49.4 STRONG SEAL MS-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM .............................................. 106 49.4..1 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................ 107 49.5 iNFILTRATION CONTROL ..............�---........_...--•---�.....------.._.........----••--�---.............. 107 ' SectionlV.doc ' vii ion �no�o 5 S 49.6 GROUTING MIX-�--•� ......................................................................�-��-----.................. 107 49.'7 L1NER MIX ..............................•�---------.........................................._..-----•--�................. 107 49.8 WATER .............•-�-�-�-�-----.....----...-�-�-�---........_................._.....................--•-�-• -----.108 �9.9 OTHER MATERIALS-------------------�-�--�--............._........._........................-•--••-----•---•--... l08 �F9.10 EQUIPMENT .....................•--�--.................................................................................. 108 49.11 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION ....................................................................... 108 49.11_1 PREPARAT.ION .................��-----................._.......................-•--•�------------�----.._........108 49.11.2 MIXING ...........................................................�-�-------��---.....................................109 49.11.3 SPRAY.ING ..........................................................................................................109 49.11.4 PRODUCTTESTING ..............................�-�----........................................._._.........109 49..1.1.5 CUR.ING ..............................................................................................................109 49.11. 6 MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE ........ ........... ..... .... .. ......................... .l.l Q A9.12 INNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM ........110 49..12..1 SC�PE ......................................................................��-�-----..................................l.lp 49.12.Z MATERIALS .........................................�--.......................................................--.....110 49.12.3 INSTALLATI�NAND EXECUTION ....................................................................1.12 0 PRO.IECT INFORMATIDN SIGNS ........................................................••----•----........1.1.4 l IN-LINE SKA,T�NG SURFACING SYSTEM .............................................................1,] 4 51.1 SCOPE._------�----• ...........................................................................................................114 S 1.2 SURFACE PREPARATIONS .....................•----................................_._ .....115 51.2.1 ASPHALT........-�-� ..................................................�-�----�......................... ... ..1.15 51.2.2 CONCRETE ..............................................�--...................................._........_..........115 51.2.3 C�URTPATCHBINDERMIX .....................�--�--�-�---�-----�--.............._........---.........1.15 51.3 APl'LICATION �FACRYLIC FILLER COAT ..........................................................115 51.�} APl'LICATION OF FORTIFIED PLEXIPAVE ...........................................................116 51.5 PLEXIFLORAPPLICATION .......................................................•--...........................116 51.6 PLAYING L1NES ...............................•-•------•--.................................----------------------......116 S1_7 GENERAL ...............................................•-------�-�----------�---................--•�-•----�•---------......116 51.8 LIMITATIONS-----�------�•-----••--• .....................................................................................116 S2 RES�DENT NUT�F�CAT�QN �F START OF CONSTRUCTION ..........................1.1.7 S3 GABIONS AND MATTRESSES ..................................................................................1.17 53.1 MATERIAL .................................................................................................................117 53.1.1 GABIONAND REND MATTRESS MATERIAL ....................................................l.X 7 53.1.2 GASIQNAND MATTRESS FILLER MATERIAL :...............................................119 53.1.3 MATTRESS W.iRE ....................:...........�---�-�...................._.......--�---�---�-................ 120 53.1.4 GEOTF..Y7'ILE FABRIC ............................................................�._...-�-----------�--�--.. 120 53.2 PERF�RMANCE .....................................�._..................................----�-�......._..............120 S4 LAWN MAXNTENANCE SPEC�F�CATIONS ..........................................................121. 5a.1 SCOPE .........--�-----�-� .............................••---�-------�----�---........121 .. 54.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK ........................................................................................ 121 5�.3 WORK METHODS ..................................................................... ....... ..... 122 ----. .............. 54.3.1 MA.INTENANCE SCHEDUL.ING .................................................... ................... 122 54.3.2 DUTIES PER SERV.ICE VISIT ........................................................................... 122 54.4 LITTER ........................................................•----�--•-•-�----.....................-------�-------�-........122 S4.S VISUAL CHECK ..................�--------...---�---•--.............----�---�--------�---................_ .. 122 SectionIV.doc viii ]0/11/2Q1U 54.6 PLANTTRIMMTNGANDPALMPRLINING..-:••-• .........................•---......---.------__---]22 54.7 PHOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE,INDIA DATE, PYGMY DATE, ETC_)..... l 22 5�.8 DEBRTS REMOVAL ..............�--------��-�--�.........--�-��--�•-�----��-�-�-....._ 122 54.9 TR.AFk'IC CONTROL.---�--•--�-----�--------------��-�--�-•--•------��--•----••--�-�-�--�........_................. 123 S�F.10 kEDESTRIAN SAFETY.---�--.._....-�-•-----�� ..................................�----�------�-��--�-�---��---.... ]23 54.11 PLANT FERTILIZATTON.-�--��---��-�---�-�----��-----------•-� ...............•---......_.........-----�......... l23 54.12 WEED REMOVAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA ......................................................... 123 S�F.13 MULCH CONDITION ............................................................................................... l23 5�.14 IRI2IGATION SERVICEAND RE�AIR-.---•---..-• ....................•--.-._-.---..------..---.-_------- 123 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PES'I' CON'I'ROL ..................................................... l23 54.16 PALM FERTILIZATION--------------•-�•---.._....----------••--�---..._...-�-------�------------�---�----�------. 123 54.17 FREEZE PROTECTION ....................................•------�--�----�-------•-•--............................ 124 54.18 LEVEL OF SERVICE ..................................................•--.....--•------------•-------....----�--�---- 124 54.19 COMPLETION OF WORK ....................................................................................... 124 54.20 1NSPECTION AND APPROVAL ......................................•--•-----............................... 124 54.21 SPECIAL CONDITI�NS ........................................................................................... 124 S5 MILLING OPERATYONS ..................................•-----------•-------------...............................125 SS.1 EQUI�MENT, CONSTRUCTION & MILLED SURFACE ...................................... l25 55.2 ADDITIONAL MILLING REQUIREMENTS ----.• .................................................... 125 SS.3 SALUAGEABLE MATERIALS .......................................................................•-�-�----- 126 55.4 DISP�S.ABLE MATERiALS ..................................................................................... 126 55.5 ADNSTMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROLTND UTTLITTES .................. 126 55.6 ADJUSTMENT' O� UTILITY MANHOLES ............................................................ l26 55.7 TYPES O� MILLING -�----------�----��----•---• .................................................................... 126 55.8 MILLIIVG OF INTERSECTIDNS .........................•-•--................................................ ]27 55.9 BASIS O� MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 127 SS.1� SASIS OF PAYMENT .----�--•�----------�----•--�-• ................................................................ l27 5b CLEARYNG AND GRUBSYNG ...................................................................................127 56.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT ............................................•--...---•�--•�-•----------------------- 127 56.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ...................•--�--....................................._.........................._..... 127 57 RIPRAP .........................................................................................................................127 57_1 BASIS O� MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 127 57.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT ...........................................................................................�--- 128 S8 59 6Q TREA'TMENT PLANT SAFETY ................................................................................128 58.1 HAZARD POTENTIAL ............................................................................................. 128 58.2 REQUIRED CONTR.ACTOR TR.AINING .................................................••-•-•---...... 128 TRAFFYC SIGNAL EQUYPMENT AND MATERIALS ...........................................128 59.1 BASIS �F MEASUREMENTAND PAYMENT..--.•--------------------------------------------•.... 129 SIGNING AND MARKING ............................••--•----•-------•-.......................................... ] 29 - 6�.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENTAND PA'YMENT .............................................•-------._ 129 � 61 ROADWAY LIGHTING .......-•----••-------------•-•-------........................................................129 61.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENTAND �AYMENT ...............••--...---.-............................ 129 , ' SectionlV.dce ix 10/l i/2010 1 62 TREE PR�TECTIDN ..................................................................... 62.1 TREE BARRTCADES ........................�-�------�----...........-�--�----�-�-•-•-• 62.2 ROOTPRUNING.--• ...................................................................... 623 PROPER TREE PRUNING ........................................................... 63 PROJECT WEB PAGES ...........................................•--................... 63.1 WEB PAGES DESIGN ..................•�-�---�--�---•--............................... 63.2 WEB ACCESSIBIL�TY GUIDELINES ........................................ 63_3 THE SUNANll WAVES LOG�AND ITS USE .......................... 63.4 MAPS AND GRAPHICS .--•�---�----� .......................•--�--................... 63.5 1NTERACTIVE FORMS .........-�--�--� ............................................. 63.6 POST�*1G--� ....................•--•�---......._...................---------�................... 63.7 WEB �AGES UPDATES ............................................................... ..........................130 �--------� ................ l30 •---•---.......-�-----.... 130 .......................... 131 ..........................132 .......................... � 32 .......................... 132 .......................... l 32 .......................... ] 33 .......................... 133 .......................... ]33 .......................... 133 SectionIV.doc x 10/11/2010 1 1 � � ' 1 ' 1 �l � 1 , ' Section IV — Technical Specifications SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 SCQPE DESCRIPTION Projeet Name: Clcarrv�ter Beach — Pier 60 Restroom/Coacession Build�ng Remodel PROJECT NO.: 08-OOb4-�R-(C) Scope of Work: 1. Project is located 10 Causeway Blvd., Clearwater, Florida Z. The Owner's Representative: Leroy Chin, Park Planning & Project Manager, Parks & Recreation Dept. 100 S. Myrtle Ave., Rm. 120, Clearwater, FL 33756 3. Architect-1'lisko Architecture, P.A., 800 Ihew Street, Clearwater, FL 33755 4. 7'he work consist of and not linnited: site work, clearing & grubbing, tree protection, installation of silt fencing, tree barricades, removal of existing concrete slabs, sidewalks, rough & fne grading, installation of potable water piping, 6" thick concrete slabs; renovation & addition of existing men and women restraoms; addition of new storage raoraa, renovations of existing roo�ng and building fa�ade; removal and replacement of wooden handrails and existing wood decking; concrete, masonry, plurtabing, electrical, HVAC system, stucco, flooring system, roofing system, drywall, ceilings and soffiits, doors & hardwaze, millwork, painting, denaolition of two existing 6 pack restrooms & restoration of Contractor's staging area and all disturbed sodding. 5. The project consist of Base Bid - remodel and expansian of the men and women restroorra facility; Alternate No. 1- Concession vendar's storage room; Altemate No. 2 provide new roofing of remaining building and repair deteriorated building fa�ade, remove of lattice, signage, pawer wash surfaces, repair screw hales by filling and patching as required, re-pointing masonry mortar joints, repair stucco surfaces in preparation for applying primer and exterior painting; Alternate No. 3 Rernove and replace deteriorated wooden columns/hand rails/decking with same dimensions as existing by using Trex Decking Product and the product manufactures fasteners or equal and shall be submitted to the �wner for approval, the contractor shall save the existing cap and reinstall; Alternate No. 4- Demolish two existing 6 pack restroom which will ideptified at the mandatory pre-bid meeting. The intent is the Owner to select base bid and all alternate items in awarding this project contract, however because of the economic climate and budget constraints determination of alternate items selected and awarded will be based on the bidding process and budget constraints. 6. The Conpractor shall include in his base bid and altemate bid items utilizing stainless steel hardware ' and fasteners where ever possible and availability. If not available in stainless steel the ttnetal components shall have heavy duty galvanization applied to the components to be utilized on the Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restraam/Concession Building Remodel. 1 1 ' 1 �1 7. ConUractor shall collect Suilding Permit no. BCP-2011-06082 from the Building Dept. at Development Services 2'� Floor of the Muraicipal Service Building — 100 South Myrtle Ave. after he has installed temporary construction fence and silt fence of the proposed limits af work area. S_ Pier 60 Restxoom/Concession Building will continue to operate during the construction of the expansion & renovation of building and the Contractor and his sub contractors shall provide all Safety Measures to Ensure Safety and Welfare of the Public, and the facility operator and his staff and not to disrupt the operation ofthe facility. SectionN.doc Page 1 of 127 10/11/2010 Section IV — Technical Speci�cations 9. The geotecluaical investigation report by Driggers Engineering 5etvices Inc. is included in the contract documents. The Contractor shall review the report and implement the project based on the geotechnical report. 10. The asbestos survey report is included in this contract docurraent and no asbestos was discovered in the areas of the remodel af the building. Copies �f the report are included in these documents. 1fie Contractor will be required to contaet Pinellas County, Air Quality Division — 300 S. Garden Avenue — Clearwater, FL 3375b, Phone 727-464-4422, Fax 727-464-4420. The Contractor will be required to provide the response for Pinellas County, Air Quality Division in order to collect the Building Permit BCP-2011-06082. 11. There is no SWFWNID permit for Chis project. 12. The bidder's proposal bid items identify the drawings associated with the base bid and alternate bid items to assist the bidder in developing his bid. The bidder shall carefully review the drawing and insure all items are included to construct the base bid and alterinate itenns and shall not be construed the drawing associated with the bid items are not related to other base bid and alternate itenns. Any items not included in the listed in bill of yuantities for the contract docunnents of the Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroom/Concession Building Remodel shall included all cost to construct the facility sorzaewhere in the pricing of the Contractor's bid proposal to construct the facility according to the construction documents. No additional fi�nds will be provided by the Owner for nnissed itenns not priced by the General Contractor or his sub-contractors to implen�aent Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroom/Cancession Building Remodel. 13. Discrepancies between the construction plans and the technical specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Architect and the Owner for clarification i►a writing prior to the General Contractor in subnnitting his bid for this project prior to or on the last day for yuestions and answers. After award of the contract discrepancies brought to the attention to the Owner or Architect the most stringent of the discrepancy shall be utilized in the implementation af the Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroom/Concession Building Remodel and no additional compensation will be provided by the Owner. 14. The Contractor will be reyuired to restore disrupted areas within the linnits of work area, or disturbed areas outside of the limits of work areas by the Contractor of this project. Video and photographs of the existing conditions is required prior to the Contractor mobilizing on to the site for future reference and a copy of the video recording and photographs shall be provide ta the owner at the first progress meeting. 15. The owner will provide elecficity and water for construction of this project. 16. The Contractor will be required to provide sanitarion facilities for his employees and sub contractor during the construction period of this project and will not be allow utilize Owner sa.nitation facilities. I7, The Owner will provide three parking passes for the Pier 60 parking lot for the contractor during the eonstruction of the Clearwater Beach --- Pier 60 Restroom/Concession Building Remodel. The contractor shall store his construction material and construction eyuipment in the staging area as shown on the Site Plan sheet C3 of 5. Ernployee parking vvill be in the grass area across from the Clearwater Beach Lifeguard Station and will be clearly identified at the pre-construction meeting_ Contractor's employee and his sub-contractors are not to park in the Pier b0 parking lot unless he has paid to park in the parking spaces of the parking lot. Parking citations will be responsibility of the Contractor, the Owner will not request waiver of the citarions ;f'rom the Farking Divisian. SectionlV.doc Page 2 of 127 ]0/11/ZO10 , �1 ' � r , ' � , ' ' ' ' 1 ' � , 5ection IV — Technical Speci�cations 18. The Contractor shall schedule his material deliveries between the hours of 7:00 — 10:30 AM for the Ciearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroom�IConcession Building Remodel. The Contractor shall not block drive aisles af the Pier 60 parking lot or the entrance of the parking lot. 19. 'I'he successfi�l bidder shall be required to provide a detailed schedule of values for his awazded contact amount and submitted at the pre-construction meeting. Schedule of values shall be utilized as the basis of his application of payment for the project. The Contractor shall utilize the standard ATA form in making his application for payment on or prior to the 25'� of every month. This application shall be submitte� to the Architect for his review and approval prior to forwarding on to the �wner %r payment. The payment request shall be accompanied with a lean wavier for the previous payment from the Contractor/Sub-contractors/Material Vendors. Upon final payment request the Contractor shall provide with his invoice the certificate of �nal payment. The contractor shall place the note `Invoice Net Due upon ReceipY on his payment application. Ten (10) percent retainage shall be required for this project, at substantial completion and certificate of occupancy the Contractor may request payment of five (5) percent of the retainage. The final five (S) percent will be paid upon close out ofthe project. 20. The Contractor shall be required to update "As-BuilY' deviations from the contract drawings. These deviations fram the contract drawings sha116e recorded on a set of clean plans and mark in red ink as this changes occur during the project. A list shall be developed in cpnjunction with the recorded information on the drawing, shall be numbered sequentially as they occur, a date when the deviation occurred. The "As-Built" drawings will be reviewed at the same time the request for payment is submitted for payment. The contractor shall be required to pravide signed sealed site civil survey of the exterior items Constructed for this project which includes underg;r'ound piping, conduits, paved surfaces with grades of depth of piping, conduits and finish �ade of paved surfaces by a licensed land surveyor and shall be submitted to the consulting civil engineer at the end of the project for approval. The "As-Built" drawings shall be scanned in color into a PDF f le and place on to a CD and a hard copy and a CD's shall be included in the close out documents. 21. 'The Contractor shall be required to provide a licensed party geo-testing lab for testing of materials; original report shall be provided to the owner, copies of report provided to the architect/engineer. Number of capies required will be detemitined at the pre-constructian meeting. 22. The successful bidder shall be required to provide a detailed construction schedule outlining all work of minor and major milestones for the project, show long lead items of materials delivery. This schedule shall be updated at each progress meeting. This schedule shall also be provided at the pre-conshvction meeting as well as a list of sub-contractors with contact person, addresses, telephone%elUfax numbers, and �mail addresses. 23. The successful bidder shall be required to provide a list of shop drawings as well as list of material submittals for review by the Arehitect, this list shall be provided at the pre-construction meeting for approval by the Architect as the required subrnitta] list for the project. 24. Submittals shall be sent directly to the Architect for his review and one copy sent to the �wner's project manager for review at the same time by City's Building & Maintenance Dept. Total number of submittals will he detezmined at the pre-cons�t�rucrion meeting. ' 25. The Owner will require 3 copies of the each shop drawing, material submittal and shall be maintained by the Contractor in separate file boxes by specification sections in file folders clearly mazked items contained in the file folder. These documents shall be turn over to the Owner at the completian of the ' project as part of the close out materials. Also include a list of sub-contractors, rnaterial vendors and ' SectioNV.doc Page 3 of 127 10/11/ZO10 ' Section IV — Technical Specifications clearly identify as to discipline with contact information such as contact person, addresses, telephone/celUfax numbers, and a-mail addresses. 26. The Contractor is to supply spare parts as listed below: a. Minimum one gallon of paint of each color or type un-open containers, plus left over open paint containers; contractor to provide color name, draw down of each colors &. type; color design mix for each colors in each of the O& M manuals provided to the Owner b. 1 spare light ballasts for each type of fixture c. Spare lamps for each type of light �xture minirtaum of 4 lamps per each type of fixture d. RooFing tiles and associated components of the metal barrel tile system, a minimum of one percent of the roofing tile and roo�ng components or the remaining rooi►ng system delivered to the site for installation shall be turned over to the Owner upon coropletion of the ir�stallation. 27. Progress meeting will be required during the duration of the project and shall be every two weeks and dates shall be determined at the pre-construction meeting. 28. Schedule & Sequence of Work: a. Mandatory �re-Bid Meeting 8:30 AM, Friday, June 24, 2011, Clearwater geach Lifeguard Station —180 Gulfview Blvd. - Clearwater, FL b. Last day for yuestions regards to the project 12:00 Noar�, Wednesday, June 29, 2011 c. Bid due date Thursday, July 7, 2011 @ 1:30 PM d. City Council to Award Project July 21, 2011 e. General Contractor to collect contract to execute contract & performance bond Friday, July 22, 2011 f. Pre-construction meeting during the week of July25 — 29, 2011 g. Notice to Proceed during the week of August 8- 12, 201 I h. All work completed within 137 consecutive calendar days from notice to proceed i. Estimated completion date week of December 19 - 23, 2011 j. The Cor�cession Building will be in full operation during construction of this project and the Contcactor shall have his employees and the sub-contractor employees to be aware of this fact and minimal disruptions of the facility operations. CONTRACT PERIOD: 137 CONSECi7TxVE CALENDAR DAYS SectionlV.doc Page 4 of 127 �a1 irzo�o , ' � 1 Section ]V — Technical Specifications 1.2 SC�PE �F WORK CHECKLIST , Project Name: Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroam/Concession $uildiug Remodel PR�JECT NO.: 08-0064-PR-(C) � The following Articles of the Technical Specifications will apply to this contract if marked � as shown below: ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 0 Sco e Of Work 2.1 � Line and Grade Shall Be Performed By The Contractor 2.2 ❑ Line and Grade Shall Be Performed By The City 3 � De�znition Of Terms 4 0 Order And Location Of The Work S 0 Excavation For Under round Work 6 0 Concrete 7 0 Excavation And Forms For Concrete Work 8 CJ Reinforcement 9 0 Obstructions 10 0 Restorativn O:r Re lacement Of Driveways, Curbs, Sidewalks And Street Pavement 1 l. ❑ Wurk �n Easements Or Parkcwa s 12 � Dewaterin 13 ❑ San�i Manholes 14 � Backfill 15 Street Crossin s, Etc. 16 Raising �r Lowerin Of Samitary Sewer, Storm Draina e 5tructures 17 a Unsuitable Material Removal 18 ❑ Under Drains 19 ❑ Storm Sewers 20 Sanit Sewers And Force Mains 21 ❑ Draina e 22 Roadwa Base And Sub rade 23 ❑ As haltic Concrete Materials � W 24 ❑ Ad'ustment To The Unit Bid Price For As halt 25 ❑ General i'lantin S ci�cations 26 ❑ HDPE Defonmed - Reformed Pi Linin 27 ❑ Plant Mix Drivewa s 28 Re ortin �f Tonna e Of Rec cled Materials 29 0 Concrete Curbs 30 0 Concrete Sidewalks And Driveways 3 ] LI Soddin 32 Seedin 33 Storm Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins Or Other Storm Structures 34 0 Material Used 35 0 Conflict Between Plans And S eci�cations 36 Street Si ns 37 0 AudioNideo Recordin Qf Work Areas 38 0 Erosion And Siltation Control ' SectionlV.doc Page 5 of 127 10/11/201Q ' 39 4U �11 42 43 44 �5 46 47 48 49 50 S1 52 S3 S4 SS 56 57 58 S9 60 61 62 63 5ection ]V —Technlcal Specifications U Utilit Tie In Location Markin � Award Of Contract, Work Schedule And Guarantee ❑ Potable Water Mains, Reclaimed Water Mains and A Gas S stem S ecifications Tenuais Courts ❑ Wozk Zone Tra�c Control ❑ Cured-Tn-Place Pi e Lizaing ❑ S eciiications for Polyethylene Sli Linin n Sveciiications foz Polwinvl Chloride Ribbed Pipe U Gunite S ecifications ❑ Sanitary and Storm Manhale Linex Restoration Q Pro'ect Infoxx�aation Si ns ❑ In-Line Skating Surfacin S stem ❑ Resident Notification of Start of Constructian ❑ Gabions and Mattresses ❑ Lawn Maintenance S cifications � 0 Clearine and Grubbi Riprap Treatment Plant Safet� Tzaffic Signal Equip.ment and Materials Si�nin� And Ma�rkin� Raadway Lighti T:ree Protection �roiect Web Pae 2 FIELD ENGINEERING 2.1 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTDR The Contractor shall provide and pay foz �eld engineering service required for the project. Such vvoxk shall include survey work to establish lines aund levels and to locate and lay aut site i:mpxoveznents, structures, and controlling lines and levels reyuired for the constxuction of the work. Also included are such Engineering services as are specified oz required ta execute the Contractaz's construction :meth�ads. Engineers and Surveyors shall be licensed professionals under the laws o� the state of Flo:rida. The Contractor shall provide thtee (3) complete sets of As- built Survey to the Engineer p:rior to �nal payment being rnade as outlined in Section III (General Conditions), Article 6.11.2 of these Contxact Documents. 2.1.1 GRADES, LINES AND LEVELS Existing basic horizontal and vertical control points for the p:roject are those designated on the Drawings or provided by the City. Control points (for alignment only) shall be established by the Engineer. The Contzactor shall locate and protect control points prior to starting site work and shall preserve all pe:rmanent reference points during const�ruction. In woxking near any 5ectionlV.doc Page 6 of 127 ]0/112010 1 ' Section 1V —Technical Specifications p�rrnanent property corners or reference markers, the Contractor shall use care not to remove or ' disturb any such rxaa�rkets. �n the event that ma�rkers must be rexnoved or a�re disturbed due to the proxizxxity of constivction work, the Contractor shall have them referenced and reset by a Land Surveyor qualified under the laws of the state of Flor.ida. r2.1.2 LAYOUT DATA The Contractor shall layout the work at the location and to the lines and grades shawn on the ' Drawings. Swrvey notes indicating the information and xx�easurements used in establishing locations and g:rades shall be kept in notebooks and furnished to the Engineer with the record drawings for the project. I 2.2 LINE AND GRADE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY At the coxnpletion af all work the contractor shall be responsible to have furnished to the project ' inspector a replacement of the wooden lath and stakes used in the cvnstruction of this project. ExcESSive stake replacement caused by negligence of Contractor's forces, after initial ]ine and grade have been set, as determined by the City Engineer, will be charged to the Contracto:r at the , rate of $1p0.OQ per hour. Time slaall be corcxputed for actual tiz�r�e on the project. All time shall be corxaputed in one-hour increzaaents. Minimum charge is $1�0.00. The City will generate the project Record construction drawings. , ' 3 DEFINITiUN OF TERMS For the purpose of these Technical Specifications, the definition of temns from SECTION III, ARTICLE 1- DE�'INITIONS of these Contract Documents shall apply. F'or the purpose of the Estixnated Quantities, the Contractor's attention is called to the fact that the estimate of quantities as shown on the P;toposal Sheet is approximate and is given only as a ' basis of calculation upon which the award of tlae contract is to be made_ The City does not assume any responsibility ttaat the final quantities will remain in strict accordance with estimated t quantities nor shall the contractor plead misunderstandings or deception because of such estimate oi quantities or of the character or location of the wor�C or of oth�er conditions or situations pertaining thereto_ ' 3.1 REFERENCE STANDARDS Reference to the standards of any technical society, organizaiion, or associate, or to codes of , local or state authorities, slxall nxean the latest standard, code, specification, or tentative standard adopted and published at the date of receipt af bids, unless specifically stated atherwise. i ' 1 , 1 3.2 ABBREVIATI4NS AND SYMBOLS Abbreviations used in the Contract Documents aze defined as follows: SectionlV.doc .A.A AAMA AASHTO ACI Aluminum Association, Inc. Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers' Association American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials American Concrete Insritute Aage 7 of 127 1 0/1 1201 0 SectionlV.doc AISI AMA AMCA ANSI APA ASAE ASCE ASHRAE ASME ASSE A5TM AWG AWMA AWS AWWA CFR CTSPI CRS� CS DE� DOT EPA FAC �BC ��PC FGC FMC FPC FedSpec HI IBBM IEEE IPS MIL N,AAMM NB�U NEC NEMA NFPA NPT NWMA PCA FCI SBC SBCCI 5ection IV — Technical Specifications American Iron and Steel Institute Acoustical Materials Association Aiz Moving and Conditioning Association, Xnc. Azxa�rican National Standards Institute American Plywood Association American Society of Agricultural Engi:�eexs American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Heating Refrigexating and Air Conditiox�ing American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Sanitary Engineering American Society for Testing and Matezials American Wize Gauge Aluminum Window Manufacturer's Association American We�dzng Society Am�e:rican Watex Works Association Code of Federal Regulations Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Concrete Reinforcing Stee� Institute Commercial Standards and National Bureau of Standairds Department of Envirozxtx�ez�tal Pz'otection (Florida) Department of Transportation (Florida) Envirox�nnental Protection Agency k'lorida Administrative Code Flo:rida Building Code Florida Fire Prevention Code Florida Gas Code k'lorida Mechanical Code Florida Plumbing Code Federal Speciiications Standards of Hydraulic Institute Iron Body, Bronzed Mounted Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Iron Pipe Size Military Specification Natxonal Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers National Board of Fire Underwriters National ElectricaJ Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association Natiox�al Fire Protectioza Assoc�ation National Pipe Thread National Waodwork Manufacturers' Associatzon Portland Cement Association Prestressed Concrete Institute Standard Building Code (SBCCI) Southern Building Cade Congress International, Inc. Page 8 of 127 �on�i2o�o � ' 1 1 � � 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 , ' ' ' ' � ' ' Section 1V —Technical 5pecifications SDI Steel Door �nstitute SFPC Standard Fire Prevention Code (SBCC�) SGC Standard Gas Code (SBCC�) SJI Steel Joist Institute SMACCNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association SMC Standard Mechanical Code (SBCCI) SPC Standard Plumbing Code (SBCCI) SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau SSPC Steel Structwres Painting Council TCA Title Council ofAmerica UL Underwriters' Laboratories 4 �RDER AND LQCATION QF THE WORK This article deleted. See SECTION III, ART�CLE 18 — ORDER AND LOCATION OF THE WORK. 5 EXCAVATION F�R UNDERGR�UND WORK The contractar is responsible to take all necessary sieps to conduct all excavation in a matuaer which provides for the successful completion of the proposed work wlule at all times maintaining the safety of the workmen, the general public and both public and private property. The contractor's methods of work will be cansistent with the standard practices and requirements of all appropriate Safety Regulatory Agencies, particularly the �ccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements far excavation. Unless otherwise specifically stated in these plans and speci�cations, the methods of safety control and compliance with regulatory agency safety requirements are the full and complete responsibility of the contractor. For the puzposes of the Contractor's safety planning in tlae bidding process, the contractor is to consider all excavation to be done in the performance of this contract to be in soil classi�ed as OSHA "Type C". The Contractor's attention is called to speci�c requirements af OSHA �or excavation shoring, employee entry, location of excavated material adjacent to excavation, the removal of water from the excavation, surface encumbrances and in particular tkae requirement of a"Competent Person" to control sa�ety operations. The Contractor will identify his Competent Person to City staff at the start of construction. City staff are required from tizne to time to perform inspections, tests, survey location work, or other similar activity in an excavation prepared by the contractar. City staff in confarmance with the �SHA Excavatian Safety Requirements are to only enter an excavation in compliance with these OSHA standards. T'he City's staff reserve the aption to refuse entry into the Contractor's excavation if, in the opinion of the City's staff, the entry into the Contractor's excavation is unsafe or does not conform OSHA requirements. If tl�is circumstance occurs, t1�e contractor must either provide the n�cessary safety requirements or provide altemate means for t,he accomplishment of the City's wark at tl�e Contractor's expense. The restoration quantities, if any, contained in tlae bid proposal for tk�is contract to not contain sufficient quantities to allow the contractor to perform excavation work using strictly the "open cut" method whereby no shoring systems are used and trench side slopes are cut to conform to SectionIV.doc Page 9 of 127 10/] ]/20I0 Section IV — Technical Specifications OSHA safety zequizem,ents without a shoring system_ In addition to safety reasons, the Contractor is required to use excavation and trench-shoring methods in compliance with all safety :requireznez�ts which allow the Contractor to control the amount of restoration work necessaxy ta complete the project. Not more than one hundred (100) feet of trench shall be opened at one time in advance of the completed work unless written permission is z'eceived fronn the Engineer for the distance specified. Foz' pipe installation projects, tkae trench sha11 be six (6) inches wider on each side than the greatest external hoz�zontal width af the pipe or conduit, including hubs, intended to be laid in them. The bottom of the trench under each pipe joint shall be slightly hollowed, to allow the body of the pipe to rest thraughout its length. In case a t:rench is e�cavated at any place, excepting at joints, below the grade of its bottom as given, or directed by the Engineex, the �`illing and compaciion to gxade shall be done in such manner as the Engineer shall direct, without compensation. fi CONCRETE Unless othervv�se directed, all concrete work sha11 be performed in accordance with the latest editions of the Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures by the Portland Cement Association, the Axzze�rican Concrete Institute, and FDOT's Standa�rd Speci�ications. All appropriate testing shall be performed according to the American Society of Testing Materials. Unless otherwise specifed, all concrete shall have fiber mesh reinforcing and have a minimum compxessive strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. The cement type shall be Type T and shall conform to AASHTO M-85. 'The aggregate sha11 conform to ASTM C-33. All ready mix cancxete shall conform to ASTM C-94. The slump for all concrete sha11 be in the range of 3" ta 5", except when admixtures or special placement considerations are required. The Contracto:r shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all concrete placement. All concrete sha11 be tested in the following manner: Placement of less than 5 cubic yards (cy) shall be tested at the Enginee;r's discretion. Otherwise, for each class, for each day, fox evexy 50 cy or part thereof exceeding 5 cy, one set of 3 compressive st;rength cylinders will be required (1 at 7 days and 2 at 28 days). At the disc;retion of the Engineer, unacceptable test results may require the Contractor to provide further tests, as determined by the Enginee:r, to determine product acceptability, ar need for removal, and compensation oz� denial thezeof. � 7.1 EXCAVATION AND F�RMS F�R CONCRETE WORK EXCAVATION Excavating fo;r concrete work shall be made to the required depth of the subgrade or base upon which tl�e concrete is ta be placed. The base or subgrade shall be thoxoughly compacted to a point 6" outside said concrete work before the forms are placed. Conczete shall be paured "in the �ry�� SectionIV.doc Page 10 of 127 10/11/2010 ' , � � 1 L� ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' 1 � , ' ' ' � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications �+�7�]i7►'�E-`7 Forms for concrete work shall be either wood or metal (except curbs, metal only, unless by written permission from Fngineer). They shall be free from wa�ps or bends, shall have a d�pth equal to the dimensions required for the depth of the concrete deposited against them and shall be of suffcient strength when staked ta resist the pressure of concrete without mov:ing or springing. 8 REINFORCEMENT When required, reinfoxcernent shall be placed in the concrete work. Bar reinforcement shall be � deformed: ASTMA-A b1S, steel shall be billet Tntermediate a:r Hazd Grade: Rail Steel A.A.S.H.T.O. M42. Twisted Bars shall not be used, Fabric Reinforcement shall conforna to the requirements ofAA5HT0 MSS (ASTM A18S). Welded deformed steel wire fabric for Concrete , reinforcement shall meet the requ:irements of AASHTO M 221 (ASTM A497). Epoxy coated reinforcing Steel Bazs shall meet ASTM 775/A77 M-8G requirements. 1 � 8.7 BASIS OF PAYMENT ReinfoXcement shall not be paid for separately. The cost of such wox'k shall be included in the contract unit price for the item of work specified_ 9 OBSTRUCTIONS Any pipes, conduits, wires, mains, footings, dxiveways, or other structures encauntered shall be � carefiilly protected £�rom injury or displacement. Any damage thereto shall be fully, promptly, and properly repaired by the Contxa.ctor to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the awner thereof. 5hauld it become necessary to change the position of water or gas or other pipes, sewer drains, ' or poles, the Engineer shall be at once notified of the locality and circumstances, and no claims for dam�ages arising frozn the delay in adjusting the pipe, sewer drains or poles shall be made_ Fa�ilwre of the plans to show the location, nature or extent af any existing structures or � obstructions shall not be the basis of a claim for extra work. Any survey monument or benchmark wh�ich must be -disturbed shall be carefully referenced before removal, and unless otherwise provided for, shall be replaced upon completion of the work by a registered land � surveyor. Any concrete removed due to construction requixements shall be removed to the neazest expansion joint or by saw cut. Contractor shall consult Inspector far the approved means. � , 1 � � 1 10 RESTORATI�N OR REPLACEMENT OF DRIVEWAYS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND,STREET,PAVEMENT Driveways, sidewalks, and curbs destroyed or damaged during construction shall be replaced and shall be the same type of material as destroyed or damaged, or to existing City Standards, whichever provides the stronger repai�r. All street pavemerat destroyed or dar»aged shall be replaced with the same type of material, to existing City Standards, unless the existing base is unsuitable as determined by the Engineer, then the base shall be replaced with City approved material. All replaced base shall be a minimum 8" compacted thickness, or sanne thickness as base destroyed plus 2", if over 6", and compacted to 98% of maximum density per A.ASHTO T � so. Section]V.doc Page 11 of 127 10/11/2010 Section IV — Technical Specifications Unless called for in the proposal as separate bid items, cost of the above work including labar, materials and equipment required shall be included in the bid price per lineal foot of main or square yard of base. The bid price for street pavement, restoration or replacemeni when called for in the proposals, shall include all materials, labor and equipment required to complete the work, and shall be paid for on a square yard basis. When replacement is over a trench for utilities, the area of replacement shall be ]imited to twice the depth of the cut plus twice the inside diameier of the pipe. All over this will be at the Contractar's expense. The bid price for restoratian or placement of driveways, curbs and sidewalks, when called for in the proposals, shall include all materials, labor and equipment required to complete the work and shall be paid for o� the basis of the following units: Driveways, plant mix - per square yard: concrete - per square foot; curbs - per lineal foot; sidewalk 4" or 6" thick - per sc�uare foot. Concrete walks at drives shall be a minimum of 6" thick and be xeinfoxced with 6/6 X 10/10 welded wire mesh (also see Articles 8 and 30). The Contractar shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all driveway, curb, sidewalk ar�d street restoration and replacement work. 11 WORK IN EASEMENTS OR PARKWAYS Restoration is an important phase of construction, particularly to residents affected by the construction progress. The Contractor will be expected to complete restoration Activities within a reasonable time following primary construction activity. Failure by the Contractar to accomplish restoration within a reasonable time shall be justification for a temporary stop on primary constructian activity or a delay in approval af partial payment requests. Reasonable care shall be taken for existing shrubbery. Contractor shall replace all shrubbery removed or disturbed during constrnction. No separate payment shall bE made for this work. The contractor shall make provision and be responsible for the supply o� all water, if needed, on any and all phases of the contract work. The contractor shall not obtain water from local residents or businesses except as the contractor shall obtain written permission. Reuse water is available for the Contractor's use without charge frorn the City's wastewater treatment plants, provided the water is used on City af Clearwater contractual �work. Details for Contractor to obtain az�d reuse water from the treatment plazxts will be coordinated at the pre- const�ruction conference. The Contractor's use of reuse water must corifoxzri to all regulatory requirements. 12 DEWATERING 12.1 GENERAL Unless specifically authorized by the Engi;nee�r, all pipe, except subdrains, shall be laid "in the dry"_ 'The contractor shall dewater trench excavation as required for the proper execution of the work, using one or more of the following approved methods: well point system, trenched gravity underdrain system, or sumps with pumps. SectionlV.doc Page 12 of 127 10/11C2010 1 , ' � � 1 � ' � ' � 1 ' � � 1 ' ' � Section IV — Tcchnica! Specifcations Well point systems must be efficient enough to lower the water level in advance of the excavation and maintain it continuously in order that the trench bottom and sides shall remain firm and reasonably dry. The well paints sk�all be designed especially for this type of service, and the pumping ut�it used shall be capable of znaintaining a high vacuum, and at the same time, of handling lazge volumes of air as well as of water. The Contractor shall be responsib�e for disposing of all water resulting from trench dewatering operations, and shall dispose o� the water w�ithout damage or undue incanvenience to the work, the surrounding azea, or th.e genezal public. He shall not dam, divert, or cause water to flow in excess in existing gutters, pavenaents or other structures: and to do this he znay be required to conduct the water to a suitable place of discharge may be determined by the Engineer. The cost of dewatering shall be included in the unit price bid per lineal foot of pipe, or, in the case of ather underground structures, in the cost of such structures. 12.2 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS '12.2,1 DEWATERING C�NTR�L The City of Clearwater will hold the Contractor responsible for obtaining a Generic Permit for the Discharge of` P�`oduced Gzoundwater froiri Ax�y Non-Contaminated Site Activity prior to dewatering or discharging into the City's streets, storm sewers or waterways. Prior to discharging produced groundwater fro:tn any construction site, the contxactor nnust collect samples and analyze the gx'oundwater, which naust meet acceptable discharge limits. The %llowing document has been incorporated into this section for reference... 12.2.2 GENERIC PERMIT FOR THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY Ci Notificatian Procedure - Contractor must provide the City of Clearwater Environmental Department with the follawing in.formation prior to be�ixining dewatering activities: 1) A copy of all groundwater laboratory results 2) A copy of the FDEP Noti�cation It is recammended that the Contractor call or meet with the City Environmental staff if you have any questions. You rnay contact the City at 562-4750 for di:rection or further assistance. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GENERIC PERMIT�R THE DISCHARGE OF PRODUCED GROUND WATER FROM ANY NON-CONTAMINATED SITE ACTIVITY The facility is authorized to discharge praduced ground water frozaa any non-contaminated site activity which discharges by a point source to suxface waters of the State, as defined in Chapter 62- 620, F.A.C., only if the reported values for the parameters listed in Table 1 do not exceed any of the lzsted screening values. Before discharge of produced ground water can occur from such sites, SectionlV.doc Page 13 of 127 i0/11rLO1D Section TV --Technical Specifications analytical tests on sarx�ples of the proposed untreated dischazge water shall be per.formed to determine i� contamination exists. Minimum reporting requirements �or all produced ground water dischargers. The effluent shall be sampled before the commencement of discharge, again within thirty (30} days after commencement of dascharge, an�d then once every six (6) rnonths �or the life o� the project to maintain continued coverage under this generic permit_ Samples taken in compliance with the provisions of this permit shall be taken prior to actual discharge or mixing with the receiving waters_ The eff]uent shall be sampled for the parameters listed in Table 1. . 1:. Screening Values �or Dischazges into: Parameter Fresh Waters Coastal Waters Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 10.0 mg/1 10.0 mg/1 PH, standard units 6.0-8.5 6.5-8.5 �Total Recoverable Mercury -- by Method 1631 E 0.012 µg/� 0.025 µg/1 Total Recoverable Cadmiuzn 9.3 µg/1 9.3 µg/1 Total Recoverable Copper 2.9 µg/1 2_9 µg/1 Tota1 Recoverable Lead 0.03 mg/1 5.6 µg/1 Total Recoverable Zinc 86.0 µg/1 86.0 µg/1 Total Recoverable Chronnium (Hex.) ] 1.0 µg/1 50.0 µg/1 Benzene 1.� µg/1 1.0 µg/1 Naphthale:ne 100.0 µg/1 I 00.0 µg/1 If any of the analytical test results exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, except TOC, the discharge is not authorized by this permit or bv ihe Citv of Cdearwater. (a) For initial TOC values that exceed the screening values listed in Table 1, which may be caused by naturally occunring, high rnolecular weight organic compounds, the permittee may request to be exempted frorn the TOC requirement. To request this exemption, the permittee shall submit additional information with a Notice of Intent (NOI), described below, which describes the method used to determine that these compounds are naturally occur�ring. The Department shall grant the exemption if the permittee affirznatively demonstrates that the TOC values are caused by naturally occunring, high molecular vveight orgazzic compounds. SectionlV.doc Page 14 of ] 27 � � ' ' � � � ' � , � ' � � ' 1 iaia�rzoao � � , � � � fl � 1 ' � ' 1 �� �. � � 1 � � � ' 1 (b) Section IV — Technical Speci�cations The NDI shall be subrnitted to the appropriate Department district o�ce thirty (30) days prior to discharge, and contain the following information: 1_ the name azad address of the person that the pezmit coverage will be issued to; 2. the narne and address of the facility, including county location; 3_ a�ny applicable individual wastewater permit number(s); 4. a xnap showing the facility and discharge location (including latitude and langitude); S. the name of the receiving water; and 6. the additional information required by paragraph (3)(a) of this permit. (c) Discharge shall not comrnence until notification of coverage is received fram the Department_ For fresh waters and coasta.l waters, the pH of the effluent shall not be lowered to less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than b.5 units for coastal waters, or raised abave $.5 units, unless the pernnittee submits natural backgraund data confirming a natural background pH outside of this range. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be less than 6.0 units for fresh waters, or less than 6.5 units in eoastal waters, the pH shall not vary below natural backg�ound or vary more than one (1) unit abave natwral background for fresh and coastal waters. If natural background of the receiving water is determined to be higher than S.5 units, the pH shall not vary above natural background or vary more than one (1) unit below natuz'al back�round of fresh and coastal waters. The permittee shall include the natural background pH of the receiving waters with the results of the analyses required undex paragraph (2) of this permit. �'or purposes of this section only, fresh waters are those having a chloride concentration of less than 1500 mg/1, and coastal waters are those having a chloride concentration equal to or greater than 1500 xng/l. In accordance with Rule 62-302.500(1)(a-c), F.A.C., the discharge sha.11 at all times be free fram floating solids, visible foam, turbidity, or visible oil in such amounts as to form nuisances on surface waters. If contamination exists, as indicated by the results of the analytical tests required by paragraph (2), the discharge cannot be covered by this Generic Permit. 'The facility shall apply for an individual wastewater permit at least ninety (90) days prior to the date discharge to surface waters of the State is expected, or, if applicable, the facility may seek coverage urxder any other applicable Departnaent generic permit. No discharge is permissible without an effective permit. If the analytical tests requued by paragraph (2) reveal that no contamination exists frorn any saurce, the facility can begin discharge immediately and is covered by this permit without having to submit an NOT request for coverage to the Department. A short sutn;tn�ary of the proposed activity and copy of the analytical tests shall be sent to the applicable Depart�rraent districi office within one (1) week after discharge begins. 'I'k�ese analytical tests shall be kept on site during discharge and made available ta the Depart;naent if requested. Additionally, no Discharge Monitoring Report forms are required to be submitted to the Department. All of the general conditions listed in Rule 62-621.250, F.A_C., are applicable to this Generic Permit. T�ere are no annua.l fees associated with the use af this Generic 1'ermit. SectionlV.doc Page 15 of 127 10/11l2010 5ection IV —7'echnical Specifications 13 SANITARY MANHOLES 13.1 BUILT UP TYPE Manholes sha11 be constructed of brick with cast iron frames and covers as shown on the drawings. Invert channels shall be constructed srnooth and semicircular in shape conforming to inside of adjacent sewer section_ Changes in direction o�flow shall be made in a smooth curve of as large a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually az�d evenly. Tnvert channels shall be formed by one of the following methods: form directly into concrete rnanhole base, build up with brick and mortar, lay half tile in concrete, or lay full section of sewer pipe through manhole and break out top half of pipe. The manhole floor outside of channels slnall be made srnooth and sloped toward channels. Free drop in rnanholes from inlet pipe inve�t to top of floor outside the channels shall not exceed twenty four inches. Standard Drop Manholes shall be construated wherever free drop exceeds twenty four inches. Manhole steps shall not be provided. Joints shall be completely filled azad the mortaz shall be smoothed from inside of manholes. The entire exterior of brick manholes shall be plastered with one half inch of mortar. Brick used may be solid only. Brick shall be laid xadially with every sixth course being a stretcher course. 13.2 PRECAST TYPE Precast Sanitary Manholes shall conform to this speciiication unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. AASHTO M 85 Type II cement shall be used tlaroughout with a minimum wal} thickness of 5 inches. The precast sections shall conform to ASTM C�3781atest revision. Sectian jnints shall be a tongue and groove with "ram neck" gasket or "O" ring to provide a watertight joint. Minimum concrete strength shall be �000 psi at 28 days. Three sets af shop dxawings and location inventory sha11 be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Approval of shop drawings does not relieve contractor of responsibility for compliance to these specifications unless letter from contractor zequestxng speci�ic variance is approved by the City Engineer. Location inventory submitted with shap drawing shall detail parts of manhole per manhole as numbered on the construction plans. All manhole parts shall be nurnbered or lettered before being sent to the job site to permit proper const�ruction placement. A plan or list of the numbering system shall be present on the job site when manhole components are delivered. Precast manhole dimensians, drop entry, grout flow of channel, etc., s1na11 be as shown on City of Clearwater Engineering Detail #302 Sheet 2 of 3_ Manhale sections shall be rejected if abused during shipping or placement and if pipe openings are not properly aligned. The "break in" to precast man�kAOles for pipe entry will not be allowed. SectionlV.doc Page 16 of 127 10/11/2010 ' , , � r 1 ' � Section IV —Technical Specifications The manhole base shall be set on a pad of A 1 or A 2 Classi�catiQn soil approxxmately five (5) inches thick to secure proper seatang atad bearing. 13.2.1 MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS (GRADE RINGS) Between the top of the manhole cone au�d the xnanhole cover frame, a manhole adjustment ring shall be installed_ The intent of the manhale adjustment ring is to accomnnodate future grade changes wi.thout disturbing the manhole. See Section IV, Article 23."7 — Asphaltic Concrete — Adjustmeni af Manholes. 13.3 DR�P MANHOLES Standard drop inlets to manl�oles shall be constructed of commercial pipe, �ittings and specials as detailed on the drawings. 13.4 FRAMES AND COVERS Manhole frames and covers shall be set in a full bed of morta7r with the top pf the cover flush with ar higher than �nished grade as directed. Refer to Detai1301. 13.5 MANHOLE COATINGS ' The exterior and interior of all built up manholes shall be coated with two (2) coats of Type II Asphalt ennulsion, moisture and damp proof (Specification ASTM D 1227 Type II Class I) as manufactured by W.R. Meadows Sealtite or approved equal. Interior of built up manholes which ' have sewers entering with a free drop or which receive discharge from a force main shall have the inside plastered with U2-inch of grout and coated as precast manholes below_ The exterior and interior of all precast znanholes shall be coated with at least 1S mils dry 1 thickness of Type II Asphalt emulsion, nnoisture and damp proof (Speciiication ASTM D 1227 Type II Class I} as manufactured by W.R. Meadows Sealtite. � � ' ' � � 1 ' 13.6 CONNECTIONS TQ MANHOLES Connections to existing sanitary manholes using approved PVC sewer main shall be made with a man}tole adapter coupling by �'lo Control, Inc., or approved water stop coupling. 14 BACKFILL Material for backfill shall be carefully selected from the excavated rnaterial or frozn other sowrces as may be required by the Engineer. Such material shall be granular, free from orgaz�ic matter or debris, contain no rocks ar other hard fragments greater than 3" in the largest dimension and all �11 shall be similaz material. Backfill placed around pipes shall be carefully placed around the sides and top of pipe by hand shovels az�d thoroughly compacted to 12" abave the pipe by tamping or other suitable means. Backfill under all types of paving shall be compacted in layers not to exceed 12" in thickness unless alternate method is approved by the Engineer. Sack%11 shall be a minimum of 98% compaction as determined by the nnodi%ed Proctor Density Test to the bottom of pavement. SeciionlV.doc Page 17of 127 ]0/112010 Section 1V — Technical Speci�cations Backfill outside of pavernent areas shall be compacted the iull depth to the ground surface to a minimum of 95% compaction of AASHT� T 180 Standard Density Test. The cost of backfill shall be included in the unit price bid per �ineal foot of the pipe, or, in the case of other underground stnictures, in the cost of such structure. 15 STREET CROSSINGS, ETC. At such crossings, and�� other points as may be d'zrected by t.lae Engineex, the tr�nches shall be bridged in an open and secure manner, so as to prevent an�y serious i�aterruption of travel upon tlae roadway or sidewalk, and also to afford necessary access to public or przvate premises. The material used, and the made of constructing said bridges, and the approaches, thereto, riaust be satisfactory to the Engineer. The cost of all such work must be included in the cost of the trench excavatian. 1f► RA151NG OR LOWERING OF SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES � � � ._ rW�� Sanitary Sewer or Storm Drainage Structures shall be raised or lowered as indicated on the pla�as or as indicated by the Engazaeer. 1 fi.1 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payrnent, unless covered by a bzd item, shall be included in the cost of the work. 17 UNSUITABLE MATERIAL REMOVAL All unsuitable material, such as muck, clay, rock, etc., shall be excavated and removed from the site. All material removed is property of the Contractor, who shall dispose of said znaterial off- site at his expense. The limits of the excavation shall be dete�nm;uaed in the field by the Engineer. 17.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the amount of cubic yards of unsuitable material excavated and replaced with suitable material as detex�mined by either cross sections of th� excavation, truck measure, or lump sum as specified in the Scope of Work and Cantract Proposal. 17.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for the removal of unsuitable material shall include: all materials, equipment, tools, labor, disposal, hauling, excavating, dredging, placing, compaction, dressing surface and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Tf no pay item is given, the removal of unsuitable material shall be included in the znost appropriate bid item. � ► � : � : _11�� The Contractor shall const.ruct sub-surface drainage pipe as dixected in the Contract Scope of Work and detail drawings contained in the Project construction plans. Yn general, underdrain pipe shall be embedded in a bed of #6 FD�T c�rushed aggregate, located behind the back of curb and aggregate surf'ace covered with a non-degradable fibrous type filter material. A#S7 aggregate SectionlV.doc Page 18 of ]27 10/11/2010 ' ' Section IV -- Technical Specifications znay be used in lieu of #6 if it is washed and screened to remove fines. The aggregate may be � stone, slag or crushed gravel. Unless otherwise nated an the plans, underdrain pipe shall be 8" diameter, polyvinyl chloride pipe, in conformance with ASTM F-758 "Standard Specz�cation For Smooth Wall PVC Underdrain Systetns for Highways" latest revision, minxmum stiffiness of � 46 in conformance with ASTM D2412, perforations in coxaformance with AASHTO M-189 described in FDOT Section 948-4.5 or latest revision and in conformance with ASTM D3034 - SDR 35. Alteriaate acceptable underdrain pipe material is Contech A-2000 which is a rigid PVC pipe exceeds ASTM Specifications D1784, minimum cell classifcation of 12454B or 12454C, manufactwred per ASTM F949-93a, minamum pipe stiffness of 50 psi, with no evidence of ' splitting, cracking or breaking when pipe is tested in accordance with ASTM D2412 at 60% flatting and with a double gasket joint. Underdrain pipe placed beneath existing driveways and roadways shall be nan-perforated pipe with compacted backfill. All poly-chloride pipe which has become deteriorated due to exposure : to ultra violet radiatian sha11 be rejected_ Where ductile iron pipe is specified, pipe material shall be the same as speci�ed for potable water pipe in these technical specifications. All underdra�in ' aggregate shall be fully encased in a polyester iilter fabric "sock" (Mirafi 14Q-N or approved equal) per the construction detai] drawzngs. ' ' � ' 18.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be the number of lineal feet of 8" Sub-drain in place and accepted. 18.2 BASIS QF PAYMENT Payment shall be based upen the unit price per lineal foot for underdrain as measured above, which shall be full compensation for all work described in this section of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to construct the underdrain (specif cally utaderdrain pipe, aggregate and filter fabzic). Underdrain clean-outs, sod, driveway, road and sidewalk restoration sha11 be paid by a separate bid item. 19 STORM SEWERS � All storm drain pipe installed within the City of Clearwater shall be reinforced concrete uuxless otherwise speci�ed or approved by the City Engineer. Said pipe shall comply with Section 941 of the current FDOT Speci�cations. � All reinforced concrete pipe joints sha11 be wrapped with Mirafi 140N filter fabric or equivalent (as approved by the City Engineer). The cost for all pipe joint wraps shall be included in the ur�it price for the pipe. � r � , 1 All pipe, just before being lowered into a trench, is to be inspected and cleaned. If any difficulty is fouzxd im the fitting the pieces together, this fitting is to be done on the surface of the street before laying tlae pipe, and the tops plainly marked in the order in which they are to be laid. No pipe is to be trimmed or chipped to fit. Each piece of pipe is to be solidly and evenly bedded, and not simply wedged up. Before finishing each joint, soxne suitable device is to be used tv find that the inverts coincide and pipe is clear tluoughout. Seciion]V_doc Page 19 of I27 10/11/2010 5ection XV — Technical Speci�cations iE-�i�;F•'�=��Jl�il►1��7:�►'ii�C�7:1 The Contractor shall submit to the Ezagineer the statioz�s and left or right o,ff,sets af all manholes, inlet structures and terminals ends of subdrains, as zraeasured from the nearest downstream manhole along the centerline of the sewer along with the elevations of tlae north edge o� manholc cover, inverts of all pipe in structures, and the flow line of inlets. (Gurier) 19.2 TESTING The Contx'actor shall take all pzecautions to secure a perfectly watertight sewer under all conditions. At the disczetion of the City Engineer or his designee, the watertightness of a sewer which has a cxowza lying below groundwate;r level zxaay be tested by �rxaeasuring the iniiltzation. The watertightness of sewers having crowns Xying above groundwater level may be tested by filling the pipe with water so as ta produce a hydrostatic head of two feet or more above the crown of the sewez at the upper end of the test section of the water table outside of the sewex, whichever is higher, and tlaen measuring the exfiltration. �n no case shall the infiltration or exfiltz�afion exceed 150 gallon per inch of diarneter per mile per day. The Contzactor shal] furnish all labor, materials and equipzz�ent to test the amount of infiltzation or exfltzation under the Engineer's direction. Where the infiltration or exiiltration is excessive the Contractor at his own expense shall take the necessaxy steps to remedy such conditions by uncovering the sewer, zemaking the joints or by xeplacing the entire length of sewer as zequired by the Engineer. No trench made joints zn�ay be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable_ Care shall be taken to avoid flotation. The above tests shall be pexformed at the disczetion of the Engineer on any oz all sections o f the line. 19.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per lineal foot for storm sewer pipe in place and accepted, measured along the centerline of the storm sewer pipe to the inside face of exterior walls oi storm manholes or drainage structuxes and to the outside iace vf endwalls. Said unit price includes all work required to install the pipe (i.e. all xnatezials, equipment, filter fabric wrap, labox and incidentals, etc.). 20 SANITARY SEWERS AND F�RCE MAINS 2Q.1 MATERIALS 2p.1.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE GRAVITY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE OR DUCTILE IRON. Polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings shall conform with ASTM specification D 3d34 for S.D.R. 35. Sewer pipe with more than 10 feet of cover shall be SDR 26. The pipe shall be plainly znarked with the abave ASTM designation. The bell end of joints and fittings shall have a m.ibber sealing ring to provide a tight flexible seal in conformance with ASTM D 3212 7G. The laying length af pipe joints shall be a maxirnum� of 20-feet. Unless otherwise noted in these specifications or construction plans, Ductile Iron pipe and fittings for gravity sewex shall conform tv Section 41 of these Technical Specificatians for DIP SectionIV.doc Page 20 of 127 ]0/11rL010 , ' Sec�ion 1V —Technical Specifications water main except pipe shall be interior "polylined" in accordance with nnanufacturer's ' recommendations. Where sanitary sewer nnain is to be placed between building lots in a sideline easement, the sewer main shall, insofar as possible, be constxucied without manholes or lateral connections within the side easennent. The pipe material in the side easeme;nt between streets � shall be C 900, SDR 18 polyvinyl chloride water main pipe as described in Technical Section 4l . A two-way cleanout shall be installed on each lateral at the praperty line. �� � r ' , r � 20.1.2 FORCE MAIN PIPE FORCE MAIN P�PE SHALL BE PaLYVINYL CHLORIDE OR DUCTILE IRON. LTnless otherwise noted in the specifications or construction plans, both polyvinyl chloride and ductile iron force naain pipe and fittings shall cozxfo�rrn to Section 41 of these Technical Specifications for water rnain pipe except that DIP shall be "polylined" in accordance with rnanufactures recommendations. All polyvinyl chloride pipe which has become deterioraied due to exposure to ultra violet radiation shall be rejected: : ; :. ; ; ' ` `:::`: . 20.2 INSTALLATION 2U.2.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE Installation of gravity sewer pipe s1na11 be in coz�formance with recomnaended practices cantained in ASTM D 2321 and Unibell iJNI B 5. The bottom trench width in an unsupparted trench shall be limited to the minimurxa practicable width (typically pipe OD plus $ to l2-inch on each side) allowing working space to place and compact the hau�nching material. The use of trench boxes and movable sheeting shall be performed in such a rnanner that rer�aoval, backfill and compaction will not disturb compacted haunching material ar pipe alignment. Dewatering of the trench bottom shall be accomplished using adequate rneans to allow , preparation of bedding, placernent of the haunching material and pipe in the trench without standing water. Dewatering shall continue uzaiil su$icient backiill is placed above the pipe ta prevent flotation or misalignment. ' Where pipe bedding is insufficien,t to adequately support pipe, the cantractor will be reyuired to reznove unsuitable material and bed pipe in Class I rnaaterial (1/2" Dia. aggregate) to provide firrx�. support af pipe. � Connections to znanholes with sanitary pipe shall use a joint 2 feet in length and shall use an approved water stop around pipe joint entry. � The laterals shown on the plans do not necessarily reflect exact locations. The contractor is required to locaie all existing laterals for reconnection and to coordinate with the construction inspector ttxe location of all new laterals. , �I , r� 20.2.2 F�RCE MAIN PIPE Installation of force main pipe shall be in canformance with Section 4] of these Technical Speciiications for water main pipe. SectionlV.doc Page 21 of 127 1 p/11l2010 5ection 1V —Technical Specifcations 20.3 AS BUILT DRAWINGS The cantractaz shall submit to the Engineer a marked set af "As Built" construction drawings describing both the stations and left or right offset of all lateral tertninal ends as measured from the nea�rest downstream manhole along the centex line of the sewer main. The as built drawings will also describe elevations of the north edge of the rnarxhole cover rings and inverts of all main pipes in xnanholes. 20.4 TESTING 2Q.4.1 TESTING OF GRAVITY SEWERS The Contractor shall take all precautions to secure a perfectly water tight sewex uunder all conditions. The water tightness of a sewer which has a crown lying below groundwatex level may be tested by measuring infiltration. The water tightness of sewers having crowns lying above groundwater level may be tested by filling the pipe with water so as to praduce a h,ydrostatic head of two feet or more above the crown of the sewer at the upper end of the test section or the water table outside af the sewer, whichever is higher, and then measuring the exfiltra- tion. In no case shall the infiltration or exfiltzation �xceed 50 gallon pe:r inch of diameter per mile per day. The Contracto:r shal] furnish all labor, materials and equipment to test the amouu�t of infiltration or exfiltration undex the Enginee;r's direction. Where the infiltration or exfiltration is excessive, the Contractor at his own expense shall take the necessary steps to remedy such conditions by uncoveririg the sewer, remaking the joints or by replacing the entiz'e length of sewer as requi:red by the Engineer. No such repaired joints znay be backfilled until after they have been tested and found to be acceptable. Care shall be taken to avoid flotation. The Contaracto;r shall TV inspect all mains to verify the true and tuziform grade and the absence of bellies or drapped joints prior to acceptance. Any inizltration, dips or sags of more than 1/4- inches shall be cause for rejection. The above tests shall be pe:rformed at the discretion of the Engineer on any or all sections af the line. 20.4.2 TESTING OF FORCE MAINS Fo:rce mains shall be tested under a hydrostatic pressure of 150 P.S.I. for two (2) hours, as described in Section 41.Q4 of these Technical Specifications for the testing of watex mains. 20.5 BASIS �F PAYMENT 2Q.5.1 GRAVITY SEWER PIPE Payment for in place sanitary sewer gravity main pipe shall be the unit price per ]ineal foot per appropriate range of depth of cut as contained in the contract proposal. Measurement for payment shall be along the centerline of the sewer main fram center to center af m�anholes. Payment for laterals shall be the unit price pe:r lineal foot of pipe as measured from the centexline of the sewer main pipe to the terminal end of the lateral pipe including a two-way cleanout at the property line. SectionTV.doC Page 22 of ] 27 �on ai2o�o ' '`! ' , Section 1V — Technical Specifications Payment for sewer pipe shall include all labor, equipznent and mate�ials necessary to complete ' the installation. This shall include clearing azxd g�rubbing, excavation, shoring and dewatering, backfill and grading. � � ' � � 20.5.2 F�RCE MAIN PIPE Payrraent and measu�rezrxent of force main pipe shall be the same as described in Section 41 of these Technical Specificatians %r water main pipe. 2'I DRAINAGE The Contractor shall provide proper outlet for all water courses and drains interrupted during the progress of the work and replace them in as good condition as he found them. 22 R�ADWAY BASE AND SUBGRADE 22.1 BASE � This specification describes the const�ruction of roadway base and subgzade. The Contractor shall refer to Section IV, Article 1"Scope of Woxk" of the city's Cantract Specifications for additional :roadway base and subgrade iteztzs. ' Ttoadway base shall be 8" compacted miniznum thickness unless otherwise noted on the platxs or directed by the Engineer. Tkie subgxade shall be 12" coxnpacted x�ninizxzum thickness with a zninimum Limerock Searing Ratio (LBR) of 40 unless othezwise noted on the plans o;t directed ,' by the Engineer. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory a Proctor and an LBR for each type material. The Contzactor shal! also have an independent testing laboratory perform all required density testing. Where unsuitable x�nate�ial is found within the 1 limits of the base, Section IV, Axticle 17 (Unsuitable Material Removal) of the city's Cantract Specifications will apply. Once the roadway base is completed, it shall be primed that same day (unless otherwise directed � by the Engineer) per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Repaizs required to the base that result from a failwre to place the prinrxe in a timely manner shall be done to the City's satisfaction, and at the Contractor's expense. No paving of the exposed base can � commence until the City approves the repaired base. The cost for placement of prime material shall be included in the bid itezn for base. �, �I I� J ' � U r- �.�J 1 1 The Contractor shall natify the Project Inspector a ztxinimurr� of 24 hours in advance of all base and subgrade placement o:r xeworking. The following base materials axe acceptable: 1. SHELL BASE: Shell base shall be constructed in accordance with 5ections 200 and 913 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The shell shall be FDOT approved_ The cost of the prime caat shall be included in the bid itezn price for base. 2. LIMEROCK BASE: Lime:rock base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 20Q and 911 of FDOT's Standard Specif cations (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans_ The liaxxexock shall be frozn a SectionN.doc Page 23 of 127 lU/11l2010 5ection IV — Technical 5pecifications FDOT approved certified pit. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base_ 3. CRUSHED CONCRETE SASE: Crushed concrete base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 204 and 901 of �'DOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), and shall have a minimum compacted thickness as showr� on the plans. The crushed cancrete zxaaterial shall be FD�T approved. The Contractor sk�all provide certified laboratory tests on gradation to confirm that the crushed concrete base material conforms to the above specificatians. The LBR shall be a minimum of 185. LBR and gradation tests shall be provided to the city by the Contractor once a week for continuous operations, ar every 1000 tons of material, unless requested more frequently by the City Engineer ar designee. The cost of the prime coat shall be included in the bid item price for base_ 4. SO�L CEMENT SASE: Unless otherwise noted, soil cement base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 270 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications, and shall have a min�imwna conapacted thickness as shown on the plans_ An Asphalt Rubber Membrane In�terlayer (ARMI) shall be included in the pavement design per Section 341 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition) to minimize reflective cracking unless otherwise noted in the project plans and specifications. The ARMI layer shall be overlaid with asphalt ox� ilae same day it is placed for the Contractor to receive full compensatian for ttxe work. The soil cement base design shall be by a certified lot under the direction of a Registezed Florida Professional Engineer, and must be approved by the City Engineer. Said design shall provide for a minixnuxn of 30� P.S.I. in seven days. All plant zzaixed soil cement shall be certified by a registered laboratory that has been approved by the Engineer. T�e only appxoved method for spreading the cement is the use of a spreader box. Tl�e use of a spreader bar for spreading cement will aaot be allowed_ The applying of the cernent shall not be allowed when the wind velocity is sufficient to jeopardi2e naaterial i:nterests (i.e. vehicles, etc.) from airborne cernex�t particles_ The density testing freque;ncy shall be at tlxe discretion of the registered Florida Pro%ssional Engineer responsible for the soil cement design_ 5. ASPHALT BASE: Full depth asphalt base shall be constructed in accozdance with Section 280 af FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications, and shall have a xz�inimum compacted thickness as shown on the plans. The cost for preparation, placement and compaction shall be included in the per ton unit cosi for aspl�alt unless otk�erwise noted in the project scope and plans. The cost of the tac�C coat shall be included iz� the bid item price for asphalt or base. 6. REWORKED BASE: When the plans call for tlxe wor�ing of the existing base, the finished reworked base shall have a minimuxn compacted thickness of 8" unless otherwise shown on� th�e plans or directed by the Engineer, and be constructed in aceordance with the applicable FDOT requireznents for the type of material used. The density requirements (except for asphalt and soil ceme:�t base) shall be per Section 200 6 of FDOT's Standard Speciiications (latest edition). For asphalt, the density requirements are per Section 330-11, ar�d for soil ceziaen�t per Section 270-5 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 5ectionlV.doc Page 24 of 127 �oia ino�o ' 1 , ' Section IV — Technical 5pecifications 22.1.1 6ASIS OF MEASUREMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE , The basis of ineasurement shall be the nurxaber of square yards of base in place and accepted as called for on the plans. Tl�e ma�imuxm allowable defrciency shall be a half-inch (1/2"). Areas deiicient in thickness shall either be iixed by the Contractor to within acceptable tolerance, or if � so approved in writing by th�e City Engineer, may be left in place. No payment, however, will be made for such deficient areas that are left in place. ' 1 r ' � � �� �l E-1 �� ' 1 � ' � L�I 22:1.2 BASIS �F PAYMENT FOR BASE AND REWORKED BASE The unit price for base sk�all include: all materials, roadbed preparation, placement, spreadin�, compaction, finishing, prime, base, subgrade (unless the plans specify a separate pay item), stabilization, mixing, testing, equipment, tools, haulixxg, labor, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. Payment for asphalt base shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt unless otherw�ise noted in the project scope and plans. 22.2 SUBGRADE All subgrade shall be stabilized and constnacted in accordance with Sections 160 and 91� of FDOT's Standard Speciiications (latest edition) unless otherwise noted herein. All subgrade shall have a minimum compacted thickness of 12" unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. Tf limerock is used, it shall also meet the requirements of Section 911 of FDOT's Standard Speci�cations (latest edition). Where un�suitable material is found within the limits of the subgrade, Secti4n IV, Article 17 (I.Tnsuitable Material Removal) of the city's Contract Specifications will apply. The extent of said removal shall be determined by the Engineer in accordance with accepted construction practices. 1fie Contractor is responsible for clearing, grading, filling, and rernoving any trees or vegetation in the roadbed below the subgrade ta prepare it per the plans. The cost of this work shall be included in the unii price for base vr subgrade. The Contractor shall obtain from an independent testing laboratory the bearing value after the mixing of rnaterials for the stabilized subgrade. 22.2.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square yards of stabilized subgrade in place and accepted as called for on the plans. The maximum allowable deficiency for mixing depth shall be per Sectian 161-6.4 oFFDOT's 2000 Standard Speci�cations. Acceptable bearing values shall be per FDO'�' Section 160-7.2. Areas deficient in thickness or bearing values shall either be corrected by the Contractor to within acceptable tolerance, or if so approved in writing by the City Engineer, may be left in place. No payment, however, will be made for such deficient areas ihat are left in place (latest edition). 22.2.� BASIS OF PAYMENT The unit price for subgrade slxall include: roadbed preparation, placemeni, spreading, compaction, �nishing, testing, stabilizing, mixing, materials, hauling, labor, equipment and all incidentals necessary to complete the work_ If no pa.y item is given, subgrade shall be included in the bid item for base. SectionlV.doc Page 25 of 12'7 10/11/2010 Section IV — Technical Specifications 23 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE MATERIALS This specificatio;n is for the pzepaxation and application of all S-Type Marshall Mix Design asphaltic concrete materials on xoadway surfaces unless otherwise noted. 23.1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 23.1.1 AGGREGATE All aggregates shall be abtained frozra an approved FDOT source and shall canform to Sections 901 through 919 of FDUT's 2000 Standard 5pecifications. 23.1.2 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS All bitLUninous mate�ials shall canform to Section 916 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.2 H�T BITUMINOUS MIXTURES - PLANT, METH�DS, � EQUIPMENT�& C�UALITY ASSURANCE Tl�e plant and methods of operation used to prepare all asphaltic concrete and bituminous materials shall conform to the requi�rements of Section 320 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest editiv:n). Un�ess othe�rwise noted, all acceptance procedures and quality control/assurance procedures shall con�o:nm to the requirements of Section 330 of FDOT's 2�00 Standard Specx�ications_ The Contractor shall note that tk►e City sk�all have the right to have an independent testing laboratory select, test, and analyze, at the expense of the City, test specinnens of any or all � nnaterials to be used. Tests to be perfozxned by the independent testing laboratory every 1 UOU tons include, but are nat linnited to, Marshall stability and flow, extraction/gradation and cores to detez�tx�ine density and thickness. Tlae results of such tests and analyses shal� be considered, along � with the tests or analyses made by the Contractor, to determine compliance with the applicable specifications for the �rxaaterials so tested or analyzed. The Contractor hereby understands and accepts that wherever any portion of the work is discoveared, as a result of such independent ' testing or investigation by the City, which fails to �rxaeet the requirements of the Contract documents, all costs of such independent inspection and investigation as well as all costs of rexaaoval, coxxection, reconstruction, or repair of any such wark shall be bome solely by the � Contractor. Pa ent reductions for as halt related items shall be determined b the followin : 1. Density per Section 330-11 of �'DOT's 20�� Standard Specifications. 2. Final surface ar friction course tolerances per Section 33p-13 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. Thickness will be determined from co:re borings. Deficiencies of '/4" o:r greater shall be corrected by the Contractor, without com�pensation, by either'replacing the full thickness for a length extending at least 25' from each end of the deficient area, or when the Engineer allows for an overlay per Section 330-15.2.3 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (2000 edition). In addition, for excesses of'/a" or greater, the Engineer will detenmine if the excess area shall be removed and replaced at na cozxapensation, or if tlae SectionTV.doc Page 26 of 127 � � ' �� 10/I 1/2010 � , , , ' ' ' ' Section IV — Technical Specifications pavement in question can rennain with payment to be made based on the thickness specified in the contract. The Contractor shall notify tk�e Project Insuector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all asphalt. 23.3 ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS AND TYPES All asphalt mix designs shall conform to the requirements of Sections 33 � and 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. All asphalt mix designs shall be approved by the Engineer PRIOR to the commencement af the paving opexation. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) m�aterial may be substituted for aggregate in the asphaltic concrete mixes up to 25% by weight. 23.4 ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGNS AND LAYER THICKNESS , All asphalt pavement designs shall confoxm to the following requirements: Table 1: Layer Thickness for Asphalt {Layers Are Listed in Sequence of Consh-uction) 1 r u ' I� 1 , , ' ' � , COURSE LAYER THICKNESS (Inches) THICKNBSS (Inches) Type S—I Type S—I with Type S—III FC-3 Type S—III Type S--T Type S—III with FC-3 with FC-3 Top Layer Top Layer Top Layer 1 st 2nd 15t 2"d 1 st 2nd l st 2°d 1 st 2nd 1 st 2nd 1 l 1 l'/z 1 "/a 2 1'/4 3/� * 1 1 2'/z ]'/4 1'/4 1'/z 1 �'/2 1 3 1'/2 ]%z 2 1 2 � * At the Engineer's discretion, 2" of S-III is acceptable for use on residential streets Additional Notes: 1. Type S—III shall be lirnited to the final (top) structural layer (one layer only). 2. A11 asphalt pavement designs shall conform to the requuements af sections 331 and 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 3. All pavement designs shall include a minirnum of two inches of asphalt. 4. The Cantractar shall be responsible to review the praject plans for complete pavement design detail. 5. Unless otherwise specified on the plans, Typ� S—III per Section 331 of FD�T's 2000 Standard Specifications shall be used as final riding swrface on streets with the speed SectionlV,doc Page 27 of 127 10/1 ]l2010 5ection IV —Technical 5pecifications limit of less than 35 mph, streets witk� an average daily traffic (ADT) of less than 3Q00, and all residential streets. 6. An FC-3 fniction course per section 337 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Speci�cations shall be used on streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or greater, and streets with an ADT of 3000 or greater. 23.5 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The genera] constructio;n requirements for all hot bituminous pavements (including limitations of operations, preparation of mixture, preparation of suxface, placement and compaction of mixture, surface requirements, correction of unacceptable pavement, etc.) sha.11 be in accordance with Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. 23.6 CRACKS AND POTHOLE PREPARATION 23.6.1 CRA�KS Cracks in zoadway pavement shall be repai;red prior to the application of asphaltic concrete by the following steps: 1. All debris to be removed frozx� cracks by compressed air or other suitable znetlaod. 2. �lpply a multiple layerad application of bituminous binder and �:ne aggregate, as appropriate to the depth of the crack until the void o� the crack is completely filled to the level of the surrounding roadvvay surface. 3. If applicatian of asphaltic cancrete is not to begin immediately after crack repaix, cracks are to be saiaded to prevent vehicular txacking. 4. Payment foz crack filling shall be included in the unit price for asphaltic concrete. 23.6.2 POTHOLES Potholes shall be repaired prior to ttae application of asphaltic concrete by the fallowing steps: 1. All debris is to be removed from �otholes by hand, sweeping, or other suitable zxaethod. 2. A tack coat is to be applied to the interior surface of the pothole. 3. The pothole is to be completely �lled with asphaltic concrete, and thoroughly compacted_ 4. Paynnent for pothole preparation shall be included in the unit price for asphaltic concrete. 23.7 ADJUSTMENT �F MANHOLES The necessary adjustzxzents of sanitary sewer and storm drain manholes and appw�-tenances shall be accomplished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be paid on a per unit basis for each, item. The use of znanhole adjustment risers is acceptable under the following conditions: The riser shall meet or exceed all FDOT zxxaterial, weld, and construction requirements. The riser shall consist of an A-36 hot rolled steel z�aeetiz�g or exceeding the minim,um requirements of A.S.T.M. A-36. The riser shall be a single piece with a stainless steel 5ectionlV.doc Page 28 of ]27 ]0/] ]/20]0 � 1 Section IV --Technical 5peciFcations adjustment stud and shall have a rust resistant �nish. TZae use of cast iron, plastic, or ' fiberglass risers is not percnitted. Tn addition, the installatian of each r�ser shall be per manufacturer's specifications. Each manhole shall be individually measured, and each riser shall be physically marked to ensure that the proper riser is used. Also, the ring ' section shall be cleaned, and a bead of chemically resistant epoxy applied to the original casting; prior to installation of the riser. It is ihe Contractors responsibility ta ensure that the manholes are measured, the risers are physically marked, the rin�g sectians are ' thoroughly cleaned, and that the epaxy is properly applied prior to installation of each riser. If risers are not used, the adjustment of manholes shall be accomplished by the removal of ' pavement around manl�ole, grade adjustnaent of xing and cover, and acceptable rep�acement and compaction of roadway znaterials prior to paving_ A�'ull depth backfill using asphalt is acceptable. The use of Portland ceznent for backfill is not acceptable. ' i ' ' ' , 1 1 1 ' ' � All manhale and valve adjustments shall be accomplished prior to the application of iinal asphaltic concrete.. surface. Unless otherwise noted in the specs or on the plans, the paving operation shall occur within seven (7) calendar days from the completion of ihe adjustment. On arteria.l roadways, the rirrxs nrzanholes are to be ramped witt� asphalt during the time period between ixaitial adjustmer�t and fi�al reswfacing. Water and gas valves, sewer cleanauts, valve boxes, tree aeration vents, etc_ will be adjusted by the Contractar with the cost for this work to be iz�cluded in the uzxit cost of the asphalt. Care must be taken around sa.id appurtenances to ensure that they are not paved over. It is the Contractor's responsibility to inform the owners of all utilities of impending work aa�d coordinate their adjustments so ttaey are coxnpleted prior to the scheduled paving. 23.8 ADDITI�NAL ASPHALT REQUIREMENTS 1. All impacted radius returns within praject limits shall be paved unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or Project Tnspector, with payrnent to be included in the per ton bid item for asphalt. 2. All paveznent markings impacted by placement of asphalt shall be replaced prior to the road being open to trafFic unless otherwise noted in the contract scope and pla.r�s. 3. All project related debris shall be hauled off the job site by the Contractor in a tizxaely z�aanner and at theix awn expense in conformance with all regulatory requirements. 4. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to sweeping when paving. The Broom Tractor way of sweepiz�g will not be permitted. Prior to paving, all canstn.iction areas shall be swept with a Municipal type sweeper (eithex vacuurn or mechanical type) that picks up azad hauls off, dust and dirt. The sweeper must be equipped with its own water supply for pre-wetting to minimize dust. Moreover, the Contractor shall sweep debris off of sidewalks, driveways, curbs and roadways each day before leaving the jab site. 5. The application of tack and prime coats (either required or placed at the Engineer's discretion) shall be placed per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard $pecifications (latest edition). Tack shall also be applied to the face of all curbs and driveways. The cost (including heating, hauling a�ad applying) shall be included in the per ton bid item far asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scape and plans. SectionIV.doc �ag� a9 of �a� ioii iizoio Section IV -- Technical Specifications 6. Leveling course and spot patching shall be applied to sections of the road as noted on the plans, or as directed by the Engineez, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standard Specifications. The cost shall be ineluded in the per ton unit eost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in tk�e pxoject scope and plans. 7. If an asphalt rubber binder is required, it shall con£orm to the requirernents of Section 336 of FD�T's 20QQ Standard Speci�cations. 8. On all st:reets with curb and gutter, the final compacted asphalt shall be '/4" above the lip or face of said curb per City Index 101 _ 23.9 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE l. Unless otherwise noted in this section, all of the asphaltic concxete speci�cations i� `Sections A througla H above shall apply� to superpave asphaltic concrete. All asphaItic -' � concrete pavernent shall be designed and placed in accordance with the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (latest edition)_ 2. All aggregate shall be obtained froiii' ari approved FDOT source and shall conform to Sections 90l and 9�2 af �'DOT's Standard Speci�cations (latest editian). 3. All bituminous materials shall conform to Section 916 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edation). Asp}�altic binder slaall be Grade �G 67-22 unless otherwise speciiied in the Scope of Work. 4. All superpave mix designs sk�all conform to Sections 320 and 334 of �'DOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). S. All general construction requirements shall confoma ta Section 33Q of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition.). 23.10 BA51S OF MEASUREMENT Basis of ineasurement will be the nurnber of tons of asplaaltic concrete completed, in place and accepted. Truck scale weights will be requd:red for all asphaltic concrete used. f+��ifi■=�_E-'�F-'��]��s\Yul�►�� Payment shall be made at the cantract unit price for asphaltic concrete surface as speciiied and measured above. This price shall iuiclude all materials, preparation, hauling, placement, tack and/or pxime coat either required or placed at Engineer's discretian, leveling, spot patching, filling of cracks, pothole repair, sweeping, debris rernoval, labor, equiprnent, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the asphalt work xn acco:rdance with the plans and specifications. 24 ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNIT BID PRICE FOR ASPHALT When this Article applies to the contract, the unit bid price for asphalt will be adjusted in accordance wit}a the following provisians: 1. Price adjustment for asphalt shall only be made when the current FDOT Asphalt Price Index varies zxiore than 10% from the bid p�ice at the tizaze of the bid opening. SectionlV.doc Page 3Q of 127 ] 0/1 l/2010 � 1 ' , � 1 � � � � ' � , ' , 1 �=i 1 ' ' � ' � ' ' ' � ' 1 ' , � ' , ' ' Section IV —Technical Specifications 2. The Bituminous Materia] Payment Adjustment Tndex published monthly by the FDOT shall be used for the adjustment of unit prices. This report is available on FDOT's internet site.l'he address is: http://wwwl l.myflorida.com. It is undez' the section "Doing Business with FDOT" in the "Cantracts Administration" section under "Asphalt Index". For additional informatian, call FDOT @ 850-414-4000. 3. The FDOT Payznent Adjustment Index in effect at the time of the bid apening will be used for the initial determinatian af the asphalt price_ 4. The FDOT Payment Adjustrnent Index in effect at the time of placement af the asphalt will be used for payment calculation_ 5. The manthly bill�ing pe�iad for contract payment will be the same as the monthly period for the FDOT Payment Adjustment lndex. �� �. � No adjustment in bid prices will be rnade for eithei tack coat or pr'iriae coat. 7. No price adjustment �reflecting any further increases in the cost of asphalt will be made far any zxaonth after the expiration of the allowable caniract time. 8. The City reserves the right ta t�aake adjustnnents for d�creases in the cost of asphalt. 25 GENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATI�NS 25.1 IRRIGATION 25.1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The work specified in this Section consists of the installation of an autozx�atic underground ixxigation system as shown or nated in the plans. Pravide all labor, znaterials, equipznent, services and facilities required to perform all work in connection with the underground sprinkler inigation systenrx, cpmplete, as indicated on the drawings and/or speci�ied. Work noted as "NIC", "existizig", ar "by others" is not included in this pay item. B. `I�e irrigation plans are schematic in nature. Valves at�d pipes shall be located in the turf/landscape a�reas except at raad/paving crossings_ All piping under paving shall be sleeved. Changes in the i�rrigation system layout shall be modified with the appraval of the Engineer. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The irrigation work shall be installed by qualified persvnnel or a qualified irxigation subcontracting company that has experience in imigation systems of similar size, scope, mainline, system pressure, controls, etc. B. All applicable ANSI, ASTM, FED.SPEC. Standards and Specificatians, and all applicable building codes and other public agencies having jurisdictian upon the work shall apply. C. Workxnanship: All wark shall be installed in a neat, orderly and responsible manner with the recognized standards of workmanship. The Engineer reserves the ;right to reject � SectionIV.doc 1 Page 3] of 127 ] 0/112010 5ection TV — Technical $peciTications mate;rial or work which does not conforna to the cantract documents. Rejected work shall be removed or corrected at the earliest possible time at the contractor's expense. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: The contractor shall prepare and deliver to the Eng�neer within ten (10) calenda:r days prior to completion of construction a xninimum of three (3) hard cover binders with three rings containing the following information: 1. Index sheet stating the contractor's address and business telephone number, 24 hour e:txaergency phone number, person to contact, list of equipment with name(s) and address(es) of local manufacturer's representative(s) and local supplier where replacement equipment can be purchased. 2. Catalog and part sheet on every z�naterial and equipnnent installed under this contract. 3. Complete opez;ating.and nnaintenance i�structions on all major equipznent. 4_ Provide the Engineer and the City of Clearwater maintenance staff with written and "hands on" instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the Engineer at tlie conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. a. Four-hour instruction (minizx�um) for the Dxip Emitter equipment operation amd maintenance. b. Two-hour instruction (nainimum) for automatic control valve operation and nrzaintenance. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. The Ir,rigation Contractor shall cdordinate the work with all other trades, all underground improveznents, the location and planting of trees and all other platating. Verify planting requi�ing excavation 24 in. diameter and larger with the Engineer prior to installation of znain lines. B. Provzde temporary imgation at all ti:mes to maintain plant materials. C. Tl�e Irrigation Contractor is responsible to xxaaintain t1�e work area and equipnnent until final acceptance by the Engineer. Repairs and replacement of equipment broken, stolen, or zxxissing as well as regular zzaaintenance operations shall be the obligatian of the co;ntractor. D. The Irrigation Contractor shall submit a traiiic control plan (per FDOT specifications) to the Engineer prior to initiating construction on the site. The Contractar sha11 be responsible for the m,aintenance of traffic signs, barriers, and any additional equipznent to comply with the FDOT standatds and to enswre the safety of its employees and the public. WARRANTY A, The Manufacturer(s) shall warrant the irrigation systern components to give satisfactory service for one (1) year period from the date of acceptance by the Engineer and the City of Clearwatex. Should any problems develop within the warranTy period due to inferior or faulty :traatetials, they shall be corxected at no expense to the City of Clearwater or FDOT. SectionIV.doc Page 32 of 127 ]0/1 I/2010 , � ' �1 , ' ' Sectipn IV — Technical $pecifications 25.1.2 PRODUCTS GENERAL A. All materials throughout the system shall be new and in perfect condition. No deviations from the specifications shall be allowed except as noted. PIPING A. The irrigation system pipe shall be as stated herein and shall be furnished, i;nstalled and tested in accordance with these specifications. B. All pipe is herein specified to be Polyvinyl Chloride (PVG) Pipe, 1120, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM D2665 and D1785_ .. .. : , , : .. C. AlX nipples, pipe coiiziect�ons; �bushings, swing �oints,� corinecting equipment to the mainline is required to be threaded Polyvinyl Chlvride (PVC) Pipe, Schedule 80. PIPE FITTINGS � A. All pipe fttings for 5chedule 4Q PVC pipe shall be as follows: Fittings shall conform to the requirements�of::ASTM D2466, Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chlaride (1'VC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or , trademark, material designation, size, applicable IPS schedule and NSF seal of approval. The connection of mainline pipe to the automatic control valve shall be assembled with threaded Schedule SQ �ttings and threaded Schedule 80 nipples. ' , 1 '� � I , ' ' ' 1 PVC PIPE CEMENT AND PRIMER A. Provide solvent cement and pramer for PVC solvent weld pipe and iittings as recommended by the manufacturer. Pipe joints for salvent weld pipe to be belled end. B. Purple pr.imer shall be applied afler the pipe and fittings has been cut and cleaned_ The Primer shall be of contrasting colar and be easily recogrvizable against PVC pipe. THREADED CONNECTIONS A. Threaded PVC connections shall be made using Teflon tape or Teflon pipe sealant. Z5.1.2.6 GATE VALVES MANUAL GATE VALVES 2 IN. AND SMALLER A. Provide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: 1. 200-25U psi Ball Va1vE 2. PVC body - with Teflon Ball Seals 3. Threaded-Dual end Union Connectors 4. Non-Shock Safe-T Shear Stem 5. Safe-T Shear True Union Ball Valve as manufactured by Speazs Manufacturing Compazry , Sylrner, Califortxia, or approved equal. SectionlV_doc Page 33 of 127 ]0/l l/2010 Section IV — Technical Specifications GATE VALVES 2'/z" IN. AND LARGER A. Provide the following, unless otherwise noted on Drawings: 1. AWWA-C-509 2. 2001b. O.W.� 3. Cast Iron body - ASTM A 126 Class B 4. Deep socket jaints S. Rising stem 6. Bolted bonnet 7. Double disc S:� Eq"uipped with 2" square operating key with tee handle .� B. Provide two (2) ope:rating keys for gate valve 3" and larger. The "street key" s�all be 5' long with a 2" square operating nut. 25,1.2.7 SLEEVES A_ Sleeves: (Existing by City of Clearwater) 25.1.2.$ REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Tlae x�emote control valve shall be a solenoid actuated, balance-pressure acrpss-the diaphragm type capable of having a flow rate of 25-30 gallons per minute (GPNn with a pressure loss not to exceed 6.1 pounds per square inch (PSI). The valve pressure ratang shall not be less than 15Q psi. B_ The valve body and bo:nx�ent shall be constructed of high impact weather resistant plastic, stainless steel and other chemical/W resistant materials. The valve's one-piece diaphragm shall be of dztrable santoprene material with a clog resistant metering orifice. C. The valve body shall havE a 1" inch (FNPT) inlet and autlet or a one inch slip by slip inlet and outlet for salvent weld pipe connections. D. The valve construction shall be as such to provide fo:r all internal parts to be removable from the top af the valve withaut disturbing the valve installation. E. T.he valve shall be as manufactured by Rain Sird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp_, Glendora, California, or approved equal. F. Identify all control valves using metal I.D. tags numbered to match drawings. VALVE BOXES A. For remate conirol drip valve assembly and LTNIK control timer use a Brooks #36 concrete value box with #36-T cast iron traffic bearing cover, or approved equal. B. For flush valve assembly use an.Ametek #181014 (10") circular valve box with #181�15 cover comparable to Broaks, or approved equal. SectionlV.doc Page 34 of 127 ]0/11/2010 , ' � ' �' � 1 , � CJ ' ' ' ' �J 1 1 ' ' 1 Section IV --Technical Specifcations C. For air relief assembly use an Ametek #182001 (6") economy turf box cover comparable to Braoks, or approved equal. DRIP IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION with #182002 A. Techline shall consist af nominal sized one-half inch (1/2") low-density linear polyethylene tubing with intemal pressure compensating, continuously self-cleaning, integral drippers at a specified spacing, (12", 1 S", or 24" centers). The tubing shall be brown in color and conform to an outside diam�ter (O.D.) of 0.67 inches and an inside diameter (I.D.) af 0.57 inches. Individual pressure campensating drippers shall be welded to the inside wall of the tubing as an integral part of the tubing assembly. These drippers shall be constructed oi 'plastic with a hard plastic diaphragm retainer - and a self- flushing/cleaning elastomer diaphragm extending the full length of the dripper. OPERATIpN A. The drippers shall have the ability to independently regulate discharge rates, with an inlet pressure of seven to seventy (7-70) pounds per square inch (PSI), at a constant flow and with a manufacturer's coefficient of variability (Cv) of 0.03. Recomnnended operating pressure shall be between 15-45 PSI. The dripper discharge rate shall be 0.4, O.b, or 0.9 gallons per hour (GPH) utilizing a cambination turbulent flow/reduced pressure compensatian cell mechanisrYZ and a diaphragm to maintain uniform dischatge rates. The drippers shall continuously clean themselves while in operation. T1ae dripperline shall be available in l2", 18" aaad 24" spacing between drippers unless otherwise specified. Techline pipe depth sha11 be under m�ulch unless otherwise specified on Plans. Maximum system pressure shall be 45 PSC. Filtration shall be 120 mesh or fner. Bending radius shall be 7". B. For on-surface or under mulch installations, 6" metal wire staples (TLS6) shall be installed 3'-5' on center, and twa staples installed at every change of direction.�.3 LINE FLUSHING VALVES A_ The sub-surface system shall utilize Autoriaatic Line Flush Valves at the end of each independent zone area. This valve shall be capable of flushing one gallon at the beginning of each irrigation cycle. The valves shall m�atch the dripline rn�anufacturer and connect directly to the dripline. AIRNACUUM RELIEF VALVE A. Each independent irrigation zone shall utilize an Air/Vacuum Relief Va1ve at its higla point(s). The air and vacuum relief valve shall seal effectively from 2 to 110 psi. �±�i�±���.� ����1.� �:� ��IT1I�%7�� A. The pressure regulator shall be designed to handle steady inlet pressures over 150 pounds per square inch (psi) and nnaintain a constant outlet pressures of 25 psi_ Regulating accuracy shall be within =/-6%. The pressure regulator shall be manufactured from high- irnpact engineering grade thermoplastics. Regulation shall be accomplished by a fixed SesuonlV.doc Page 35 of 127 10/] 1/2010 Section N—Technical Specifications stainless steel cornpression spring which shall be enclosed in a chamber separate from the water passage. FILTERS A. The filter shall be a m,u�tiple disc type filter with notation indicating the min�i:muna partial si�e to travel through or the mesh size of the element being used_ The discs shall be constructed of chemical resistant thezaxxoplastic for cozxosion resistance. FITTINGS A. All connections shall be made with barb oz compression type fitting connections. Fittings and dripline shall be as manufactured by the rnanufactuzer of the dripline to ensure the integrity of the subsurface irrigation.systern. AUTOMATIC CONTROL TIMER A. The irrigation controller (control module) shall be programrnable by a separate transmitter device only_ The prograr�n shall be communicated to the Control Module from the Field Transmitter via an infrared connection. The controller shall be of a module type which may be installed in a valve box underground. The controller shall function no:rz�ally if submerged in water and the cornrnunicatioz� from the transmitter shall function if submerged in water. B. The control module shall be housed in an ABS plastic cabinet and shall be potted to insure waterproof operation. The control module shall have two mounting slots for screws allowing the module to be securely mounted inside a valve box. C. The controller shall operate on one nine volt alkaline battery faz one fiYll year regardless of the nw�aber of statidns utilized. T�e controller shall o�erate 1, 2, or 4 stations either sequentially or in�depender�tly. D. The controller shall have three independent programs with eight start tirnes each, statiox� run time capability from oxze minute to twelve hours in one minute incrernents, and a seven day calendax. The controller shall tunn on stations via latching solenoids installed on the valves. Manual operations shall be initiated by attaching the Field Txansmitter to the Control Module and progranuning a manual start. The cantroller shall be capable of manual single station or manual program operation. E. The controller shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendora, California USA. FIELD TRANSMITTER A. The irrigation controllar shall be programrnable by a separate transmitter device (Field Transmitter) only. The Field Traz�smitter shall communicate to the Control Module via an infrared connectio:n. The Field Transmitter sha11 be water resistazat at�d housed in ABS plastic and have a removable, reversible protective sheath. The Fie1d Transmitter shall operate on one 9V alkalizae battery. SectionIV.doc Page 36 of 127 10/11/2010 ' � ' � � � , Section IV — Technical Specifications B. The Field Transmitter shall have a large LCD screen and a seven-key progranazning pad. A beep sound shall conf'irm every key stroke. The screen shall automatically turn off after one minute whEn not in use. C. The Field Transmitter shall be capable of progranuning an unlimited number of UNIK Control Modules. D_ Tlae Field Transmitter shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp., Glendoxa, California USA. I,.ATCHING SOLENOID � A. The Latching Solenoid shall be supplied with an installed, filtered adapter allowing installation of the solenoid onto any Rain Bird DV, PGA, PEB, PES-B, GB, of EFB series . ....... _. va ve: :. . : : . L...� �� I� ' ' 1 � � � ' ' B. The Latching Solenoid shall be as manufactured by Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Co:rp_, Glendora, California USA. 25.1.3 EXECUTION GENERAL INSTA�LATI�N REQUIREMENTS A. Before work is commenced, hald a conference with the Engineer to discuss general details of the work. B. Verify dimensions and grades at job site before work is commenced. C. During the progress of the work, a competent superintend�nt and any assistants necessary shall be on site, all satisfactory to the Engin�er. This superintendent shall not be changed, except with the consent of the Engineer. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to the superintendent shall be as hinding as if given to the Cantractor. D_ Obtain and pay for all irxigatipn and plumbing permits and all inspections required by outside authorities. E. All work indicated or notes on the Drawings shall be pravided whether or not specifically mentioned in these Technical Special Provisions. F. If there axe azxxbiguities between the Drawings and Specifications, and specific interpretation or clarification is not issued prior to bidding, the interpretation or clarification will be made only by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall comply with the decisions. In event the installation contradicts the directions given, the installation shall be conected by the Contractor at no additianal cost. G. Layout af sprinkler lines shown on the Drawing is diagrammatic only. Location of sprinkler equipzxaent is contingent upon and subject to integration with all other underground utilities. Contzactor shall employ all data contained in the contract Documents and shall verify this information at the construction site to confirm the zxaanner by which it relates to the installation. H. Do not proceed with the installation of the sprinkler system when it is apparent that obstructions or grade differences exist ar if conflicts in const�ruction details, legend, or � SectionlV.doc , Page 37 of 127 ]0/] 1/2010 Section 7V —Technfcal Specifications speciiic zaotes are discovered. All such obst�ructions, conflicts, oz discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. I. The disturbance of existing pavzx�g will not be permitted. Install all required sleeving prior to roadway base. EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING 25.1.3.Z.1 TRENCHING - GENERAL A. Dig sides of trenches straight. Provide continuous support for pipe on bottom of trenches. Lay pipe to uniform gz'ade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on Drawings. B, Maintain 6 in., horiz�ntal and minimum� cleaz�ance between spxitxkler lines a.txd between all lines of other trades. C. Do not install sprinkler lines directly above another lxne of any kind. D. Mainta.in 6 in. vertical minimum between sprinkler lin�es which cross at angles of 45 degrees to 90 degrees. E. Exercise care when excavating, trenching and working near existing utilities. BACKFILLING A. All pressure supply li;nes (mainline) shall have 18" of fill placed over the pipe. B_ Tnitial backfill on all lines shall be of a fine granular material with no foreign matter ]arger than'/a in. C. Compact backfill according to Section 125 of FDOT Speciiication Book, 1996 Edition. D. Do not, under any circwnstances, use equipment or vehicle wheels for compacting soil. E. Restore grades and repair damages where settling occurs. F. Coznpact each layer af �ill w�th approved equipment to achieve a maxiimum density per AASHTO T 180 - latest edition. Under ]andscaped area, conapaction shall not exceed 9S°/a of maximum density. G. Coznpaction shall be obtained by the use of inechanical tampers or approved hand tampers. When hand tampers are used, the materials shall be deposited in layers not more than six (6") inches thzck_ The hand taxnpers shall be suitable for this purpose axxd shall have a face area of not more than 100 square inches. Special precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to the irrigation system piping and adjacent utilities. ROUTING OF PIPING: A. Routing o�' pressure and non-pressure piping lines are indicated diagrammatically on Drawings. B. Coordinate specimen trees and shrubs with routing of lines. 1. Planting locations shall take precedence over sprinikler a�nd piping locations. 2. Report to Owner any major deviation :Erom routing indicated. Section]V.doc Page 38 of ]27 � , � � . . .,.,� � � � � , , ' � ' 1 � �o/� �r�OlO � � � 1 1 ' � ' 1 ' ' ' � � ' ' 1 � 5ection IV — Technical Specifications C. Conform to Drawings layout without offsetting the vazious asseznblies from the pressure supply line. D. Layout drip tube and malce any minor adjustments required due to difFerences betweez� site and Drawings. Any such deviations in layout shall be wfthin the intent of the original Drawings, and without additional cost. E. Layout all systeaaas using an approved staking xnethod, and maintain the staking of approved layout. INSTALLATION WATER SUPPLY ... .... A. Coz�neetions to the wateF sources shall .be at the. approximate locations..in.dicated� on the Drawings. Make minor changes caused by actual site conditions without additional cost to the Owzxer_ ASSEMBLIES A. Routing or pressure supply lines as indicated on Drawings is diagrarrunatic only. Install lines and reyuared assemblies in accordance with details on Drawings. B. Do not install multiple assernablies on plastic lines. Provide each assernbly with its owzx outlet. When used, the pressure relief valve shall be the last assembly. C. Install all assemblies in accord with the respective detail Drawings and these Technical Special Provisipns. D_ Plastic pipe and threaded fittings shall be assembled using Teflon tape, applied to the male threads only. SLEEVES: (EXISTING BY CITY OF CLEARWATER) A_ The contractor shall verify the location of all existing sleeves as shown on the roadway, utility and/or irrigation plans and notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. PLASTIC PIPE A. Install plastic pipe in accord with nnanufacturer's recommendations. B. Prepare all welded joints with manufacturer's cleaner p�or to applying solvent. 1. Allaw welded joints as least 15 minutes setup/curing time before moving ar handling. 2. Partially center load pipe in trenches to prevent arching and shifting when water pressure is on. 3. Do not permit water in pipe until a period af at least four hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing, unless recommended atherwise by solvent manufacturer. C. Curing ' 1. When the temperature is above 80 degrees F., allow soluble weld joints at least 24 hours curing tirne before water is introduced under pressure. � SectionIV.doc 1 P�ge 39 of I27 10/112010 Section JV —Technical Speciiications D. Flushing the system: 1. Aftex all sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, open the control valves and flush out the system with a full head oi water_ E. Installing piping under existing pavement: 1. Pipi�n�g under existing pavement may be installed by jacking & boring. 2. Secure permission from the Engineer before cutting oz breaking any existing pavement. All repairs and replacements shall be appzoved by Engineer and sk�all be accomplished at no additional cost. � ' , � C� CONTROLLERS ' A_ Install .all automatic contxallers as shawn in� the plans. . . . � ......... .. . .... . .. ..... .. .: . . .. .:. _ ..�.. . ,.... ,.... . . ... 1. The location of all controllexs shall be approved by the Engineers representative prior ,, to installation. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES A. Install at suff cient depth to provide not more than 6 in., nor less than 4 in. cover from the top of the valve to f nish grade. B. Install valves in a plumb position with 24 in. r�ainimum maintenance clearance from other equipment, 3 feet minimum from edges of sidewalks, buildings, and walls, and no closer than 7 feet irom the back of curb or ed�e of pavement along xoadways. C. Contzactor shall adjust the valve to provide the proper flow rate or operating pressure for each sprinkler zone. 25.1.3,3.7 GATE VALVES A. Install whexe indicated and with suffcient cleazance fram other materials for proper maintenance. B. Check and tighten valve bonnet packing before backfill. 25.2 LANDSCAPE 25.2.1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Contract Documents shall include the Plans, Details, Specif cations, Bid Praposal, Contract Agreement, ancluding Installation Schedule, all Addenda, and Contractual arad Special Conditions when required. REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Comply with Fede:ral, State, Local, and other duly constituted authorities and regulatory agencies, without additional cost to the Owner in matters pertaining to codes, safety, and environnaental matters. SectionlV.doc Page 40 of 127 10/11/2010 ' ' Section iV — 7'echnical Specifications }3. Any perxniis for the i;nstallation or constr►xction of any of the work included under the � contract, which are required by any of the legally constituted authvrities having jurisdiction, shall be a�x'anged for by the Contractor and paid for directly by the Contractor, unless otherwise agreed upon in wniting. i25.2.1.3 SCOPE OF WORK A. All provisions of Contract, including General and Special Provisions and �lans, apply to 1 the work specified in this Section. The Scope of Work includes everything for and incidental to executing and completing all landscape work shown on the Plans, Schedules, Notes and as speci�ed herein. ' i� , � , ' � B. Furnish and provide all labor, plants and materials toals and equipment necessary to prepare tlne soil for plantings, to_inszall and,care .for_ all plant materials (including finish. grading if necessary); to remove and%or transplant existing plants if indicated; to furnish, plant, fertilize, guy and brace, water, mulch and p�rune all new plant materials; and to execute all otk�er Work as described herein or indicated on the �'lans. C. Work under this Section shall include labor and materials for final grading and raking to prepare the site for sodding, sprigging, or seeding, so �nished lawn or playing �eld will appear even and uni%rm, will drain adequately, and will comply with the intent of the landscape drawings. D. Initial maintenance of landscape materials as speci�ed in this document. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Landscape work shall be contracted to a single �rm specializing in landscape work, wha shall in tum subcontract no more than 4�% of the work specified. All subcontractors under the control of the Contractor involved in the completion of the landscape work, shall be made knowz� to the Owner and the Landscape Architect prior to their commencement of wo;rk on tl�e project. B. All work of this Section sh�all conform to the highest standard of landscape practices. G The Plant Material Sclaedule included with these Plans is pxovided only for the ' Contractor's convenience; it shall not be construed as to conflict or predominate over t}�e Plans. If conflict between the �lans and Speci�cations exists, the �lan shall predorninate and be considered the contxolling document. ' D. During this work, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining safety among persons in his employ in accordan�ce with the standards set by The Qccupational Safety and Health Act of ] 97p (and all subsequent arnendments). Ownex and LarAdscape � Aarchitect shall be held har�mless from any accident, injury or any other incident resulting from compliance or non-compliance with these standards. � 1 ' ' E. The Cpntxactor shall cooperate with and cooxdinate with all ather trades whose work is built into or affects the work in this Section. F. All appropriate utility companies and agencies shall be contacted 72 hours prior to excavation. Call "One Call" at 1-80()-432-4770. SectionN.doc Page 41 of 127 ]0/11/2010 Section IV — Technical Specificatians G. The Contractor sha11 carefully examine the site and all existing canditions affecting the work, such as: soil, obstructions, existing trees, utilities, etc. Report azxy conditions in conflict with the work to the Landscape Architect. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor is required to submit przar to the expiration of the required maintenance period, two copies of typewritten instructions recommending procedures to be established by the Owner for maintenance of landscape work %r a period of one year. B. Furt�.ish unit prices for all plant materials and inert materials, including labor for all specified work. ALTERNATES, ADDITIQNS,,DELETIDNS.,. SUBSTITUTIQNS �:.,: A. : If there are additions/alternates included in these Plans and Specifications, the Coz�tractor must propose prices to accomplish the work stated as additions/alternates at the tizaae of bidding. The Owner, through his Project Representative, reserves the right to add ar deduct any oi the work stated h�erein without rendering the Contract void_ C. The Cantractor must have wr.itten approval by the Project Representative for any substitutions not previously agreed to in the purchase agreement: insta�latian without approval is entirely at the Contractor's risk. D. All material acquired through additions or substitutions shall be subject to all conditions and waixanties stated herein. ABBREVIATI�NS/DEFINITIONS O.A. or HT.: T"he over-all height of the plant measured from the ground to the natural, untied state of the majority of the foliage, not including extreme leaves, branches or fronds. C. T.: C. W.: SPR.: ST. TR_: Clear trunk is rneasured from the ground to the bottom of the first leaf or frond stem with no foliage from ground to s�ecified height. For exarnple, on Canaxy Island Date Palms or similar, the clea�r trunk measurement includes the "nut" at the base of the froz�ds. Clear wood is axieasured from the ground to the bottom of tlae base of th�e lowest leaf sheath or boot, trimmed in a natural manner. For example, on Cana7ry Island Date Palms or similar, the clear wood measurement does not include the "nut" at the base of the fronds. Spread, branches measured in natural untied position to the average crown diameter, not including extreme leaves, branches or fronds. Straight trunk. SectionlV.doc Page �12 of 127 ioillnolo , 1 Section IV — Technical Specifications MIN.: Minirnum. GAL_ : Gallon container size, i.e., 1 gallon, 3 gallon, 7 gallon, etc. O.G: 4n center, distaiace between plant centers. DIA.: Diamete r. LVS.: Leaves. D.B.H.: . . ., . Diameter or caliper of main trunk of tree as measured at breast heiglat at 4-1/2 feet above grade. CAL.: Caliper, the outside diameter of up to a four inch tree is measured six inches above grade, larger trees a�re.measured at 12 inches above grade. B&B: Salled and burlapped in accordance with horticultuxal standards of the Amenicau� Association of Nurserymen. PPP: Plants per pot. FG: Field grown. STD.: Standazd, single, straight trunk. Owner: To be known as that entity which holds tit�e or control to the prernises on which the work is performed. Owner 's Represeniative: Owner's on-site representative shall be responsible far appraval of quantity and quality of materials specified and execudion of installation. Contr-actor: Shall re�er to that person or enterprise commonly known as the Landscape Contractor. Landscape Architect: `Ihis person or iirm is the responsible representative of the Owner who produces the landscape Plans and Specifications. SectionlV.doc Page 43 of 127 ]0/11/2010 Section IV —Technical Specifications PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING PLANT MATERlALS A. Provide container grown or, if appropriate, freshly dug trees and shrubs. Do not prune prior to delivery. Do not bend or bind trees or shrubs in such a manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy natural shape. Provide pratective covering during delivery. If plant delivery is made in open vehicles, the entire load shall be suitably covered. B. All plants are tp be handled at a11 times so that roots or root balls are adequately protected from sun, cold, or drying winds. No root balls fo:r trees and container plants that have been cracked or broken shall be planted except upor� special approval. Plants sha11 not be pulled by the tops or stertxs, nor handled in a rough or careless manner at aaxy tirne. C. Bailed and burlapped plants shall be rnoved with firm, natural, balls of soil, not less tharz _ 1 foot diameter of ball to every 1 inch caliper of trunk; root t�all depth shall not be less thari 2/3 of :root ball diameter, B'& B plants which cannot be planted upon delivery shall have thei r root balls covered with moist soil or rnulch. D. Trees shall be dug with adequate balls, buxlapped, and wire bound if needed. Root pruning to be done a minimum of 4 weeks before renaoval from the field and planting at the site. Root balls rnay not be encased in "grow bags" or other synthetic material, e�cept plastic shrink wrap for transport only. E. Remove all fzonds form sabal palms prior to planting, but leave a minirr►um of 1 Z inches of new frond growth above the bud_ Do not damage bud. On all other palms, only a minimwia of palrn fronds sha11 be removed from c�rown to facilitate moving and handling. Clear trunk shall be determined aftex rninimum fronds have been zernoved. Boots shall be removed from trunk unless otherwise specified. Palms shall be planted within 24 hours of delivery. F. Deliver trees and shrubs aftex preparations for plantizag have been completed and plant immediately. If planting is delayed m�ore than 6 hours after delivery, set trees and shrubs in shade, protect fzom weather and mechanical damage, and cover to keep the roots rnoist. G. Label at least one tree and one shrub of each variety with a secu.rely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and cpmnaon name. H. Sod: Time delivery so that sod will be placed within twenty-four (24) hours after stripping. Protect sod against drying and breaking by eovering palettes of sod or placing in a shaded area. JOB CONDITI�NS 25.2,1.9.1 ACCEPTANCE O� JOB CONDITIONS. A. The Contractor shall examine the sub-grade, verify elevations, observe the conditions under which work is to be perf'ormed and notify the Landscape Architect or Project Repzesentative in writing of unsatisfactory coz�ditions prior to beginning work_ Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been co�rxected irz a manner SectionIV.doc Page a4 of 127 ]0/11/2010 , ' r I� 1 � � � ' Section ]V — Teehnica] Specifications acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Start of work shall indicate acceptance of con,ditians and full responsibility for the completed work. B. Proceed with and complete the landscape work as rapidly as partions of the site become available, wor�Cing within the seasonal linnitations for each kind o� landscape work and following the approved schedule. If seasonal limitations apply, notify the Landscape Archztect for adjustments to the Schedule. C. Detertnine locations of all underground utilities and review for caziflicts with planting pxocedures. D. When adverse conditions to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, dxainage conditiozas or obstruction, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect in writing prior to planting. E. Plant txees and shrubs after final grades are established and prior to the planting of lawns, protecting lawn trees and promptly repairing damages from planting operations_ 25.2.1:9.2 SCHEDULING OF WORK A. T7�e work shall be carxied out to cornpletion with tlae utmost speed. Immed'aately upon aw�ard of contract, the Contractor shall prepare a construction schedule and furnish a copy to the Owner's Representative and/or the Landscape Architect for approval. The Contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the approved schedu]e. B. If the Contractor i:ncurs unforeseen casts, such as overtime hours, holidays, etc. in order � to complete the work within tkae time stated in the Contract, and/ar to maintain the progress schedule, all said costs shall be borne by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 1 1 1 � ' r , C. Tlae Owner's Representative's �ay request in writing work stoppage. Upon written request from the Owner's Representative, the Landscape Contractor shall suspend delivery of naaterial and stop all work far such a period as deemed necessary by the Ownez, the Owner's Representative, or the General Contractor with respect to any additional costs which may result from work stoppage. UTILITIES A. The Coniractar shall pe�r�'orm work in a manne7r wh�ich will avoid conflicts with utilities. Hand excavate, as required, ta minitnize possibility of damage to undergrvund utilities. Maintain grade stakes set by others until rennoval is mutually agreed upan by all parties concerned. 25.2.2 PR�DUCTS MATERIALS PLANT MATERIALS: NOMENCLATURE A. Plant species, sizes, etc. shall be per Plans and Specificatians on Plant Material Scheduled. Nomenclature is per Manual of Cultivated Plant, Standard Encyclopedia of Harticulture, L.H. Bailey, ox Standardized Plant Names Dictionary, American Joint � Sect;onlv.doc ' Fage 45 of 127 10/11/2010 Section 1V — Technical 5pecif catlons Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature (latest editions), or canfoxia�s with names accepted in the nu.rsery trade. PLANT MATERIALS: QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide healthy, vigorous stock grown under climatic conditions similar to conditions in the locality of the project. Plants shall have a habit of growth that is normal for the species and be sound, h�althy, vigozous and free frozn insect pests or their eggs, plant diseases, defects and injuries. Plants shall be well branched and densely foliated when in leaf and sha]� have healthy, well-developed root systems. S. Trees shall be heavily branched oz, in the case of palms, be heavily leafed. Some plant matexials may be collected stock with the approval of the Landscape Architect. Pzovided t;ree species that have a single main tnu�k �central leader), unless otk�erwise stated.. Trees that have the main t�vnk fornung a"Y" shape or parallel branching aa�e nvt acceptable. C: ` P1�int materials shall be specified and shall be Florida #1 or better as to shape and quality for the species as outlined in Gxades and Standards for Nursery Plants Part I and II, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumez Services (latest edition). D. The Owner or Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect plant materials either at the place of gzawth o:r at the project site prior to pla.nting for coznpliance with requirements for natx�e variety, size quality, or designated area. E. Landscape naate:rials shall be shipped with certificates of inspection as required by governmental authorities. The Contractor shall comply with all goverzxing zegulations that are applicable to landscape materials. F. Do not make substitutians_ X� specified landscape material is not available, subxnit Landscape Architect p;roof of it being z�on-available. In such event, if the Landscape Architect designates an available source, such shall be acquired from designated source. When authorized, a written ckzange order for substitute material will be made by adjustixzent to Cant;ract amount. G. Height and/or width of trees shall be measured frozn gxound up; width measurernent shall be nozmal cxown spread of branches with plants in the narma] position. This measurement sha11 not include immediate terrxainal gxowth. All tx�easurements shall be taken after pruning for specified sizes. All txees and shrubs shall confortxx to measurements specified in the plant :material schedule, except that plant material larger than specified xnay be used with the approval of the �wner or Landscape Architect; with no increase to the Contract price. Plant mate7rials shall nat be pzuned p�riox to delivery. H. Plant Matexial shall be syznxnetzical, typical for variety and species_ Plants used where symmetry is required shall be matched as nearly as possible. I. Balled azxd buxlapped plants shall have firm, natural balls of earth of su�cient diameter and depth to encompass the feeding root systez�a necessary for full development of the plant and to conform with the standards of the Ar�erican Association of Nursezymen. Root balls and txee tnanlcs shall not be damaged by improper binding and B& B procedures. SectionlV.doc Page 46 of 127 ] 0/I 1/2010 �l � Section IV —Technical 5pecificetions J. Container-grown plants may be substituted for balled arxd burlapped plants or vice-versa ' provided the quality is equal oz better thaz� speciiied and the Landscape Architect approves the substitution. � � ' C� , 1 � � � �I � 1 �! ' K. Contai�rxer grown stock shall have been grown in containers for at least four months, but not over two years. If requested, samples must be shown tv prove no root bound condition exists. GRASSES: 50D OR SEED A. Sod or seed (as/if speciiied) shall be a species as stated on the Plan. Solid sod shall be of even thickness and with a good root structure, 95% free of noxious week, fzeshly mowed before cutting, and in healthy conditaon when laid. It must not be stacked more than 24 hours before laying and it must be grown in. soil compatible to that in which it will be insta.11ed. Sod must be kept moist prior io and after installation. B.� Seecl shall be deliver�d to tlie �site in unopened bags with certi�cation tags iz� place. Purity, germination and weed cantent shall be as certi�catian requirements. MULCH A. Mulch shall be 100% Grade "B" shredded cypress bark mulch, thoroughly mixed with a pre-emergence weed killer according to the label directions as speci�ed on the plan. B. Install rnulch to an even depth of 3" before compaction. FERTILIZER A. Granular fertilizer shall be uniform in compasition; free flowing and suitable for application with approved equipment; received at the site in full, labeled, unopened bags bearing the name, trade name or trademark and warranty of the producer; fiilly confornung to State of Florida fertilizer laws. B. All fertilizer shall bear the manufacturer's statement of analysis and shall contain the appropriate minimum amounts oi elements for the type of use specified herein. C. Agriform 20-10-5 fertilizer tab�ets or approved equal, shall be placed in planting pit for all plant materials at tiime of installation and prior to completioza af pit backiilling_ D. Ground cover and annual areas shall r�ceive fertilization with �smocote Time Release Fertilizer acearding to product instructions and rate. E. For sod and seeded areas, fertilize with a complete granular fertilizer on Bahia and St. Augustine grass at the rate of one (1) pound af nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet. Fertilizer shall be commercial grade, mixed granules, with 3U% - 50% of the nitrogen being in slow or controlled release form. The ratio of nitrogen to potash will be l:l or 2:l for complete fertilizer formulations. Phosphorus shall be no more than '/a the nitrogen level_ They shall also contain magnesium and micronutrients (i.e. manganese, iron, z.inc, copper, etc.). ' SectionlV.doc ' Page 47 of 127 10l11/2010 Section IV — Technical Specifications STAKES AND GUYS A. For trees, approved plastic or ntbber guys shall be used between the stakes and the tree trunk. Galvanized steel guy wire shall not be used_ B. Stakes shall be cut irom 2" x 4" pressure txeated (p.t.) stock for trees over 2" caliper. Stakes shall be 2" x 2" pressure treated (p.t.) stock for trees 2" caliper and undex_ A minimum of 2 stakes per tree or an optio:�a13 stakes per tree shall be used. C. For single txunk palms, stakes shall be cut frona 2" x�" pressure treated (p.t.) stock, with a minimum of 3 stakes per palzrx. Satten consisting of 5 layers of buxlap and 5- 2" x 4" by 16" wood connected with two -'/a" steel bands shall be used around the palnn� trunk. D. �ther tree staking systems may be acceptable if approved. . . , . . .. .. ..... ............. . 25.2:2.1.7 PLANTING 501L A. Unless stated on the plans or in the specifications, install plarrt material in tilled and loosened native soil backfill. It is tlae respar�sibility of the Landscape Cox�tzactor to test; prior to planting and at no additiox�al cost to the Contract, any soils which may be unsuitable for the vigorous gx'owth of plants. Unsuitable conditions shall be reported to the Landscape Architect irnmediately in writing. B. When required, planting soil xaaedia shall be provided by the Contracto;r atad shal� consist of 1/3 peat and 2/3 sazzdy loam, with no luziaps over ]". C. Backfill and clean fill dirt provided by the Contractor shall be in a loose, friable soil. There r�aust be slight acid reaction to the soil (about 6.0 — 6.5 pH) with no excess of calcium or carboz�ate, and it shall be free fzom excess weeds, clay lurnps, stones, stumps, roots and toxic substances or any other materials that might be harmful to plant growth or a hindrance to grading, planting, and maintenance procedures arad operations. Na heavily organic soil, such as muck or peat shall be used as fill diu't. D. Bed preparation for atxnual beds under 1 gallon container size sha11 consist af 3" of Florida peat or other approved argaruc soil amendment spread over full length and width of planting area. Rototil organic layer 6 inches to 8 znches into native soil. SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Terra-Sorb AG or approved equal, soil amendrnent shall be znixed with native or planting soil for all trees, shrubs, ground cover, and annuals according to manufacturer's recommended application� rates and :taaethods, if specified on the Plans. TREE PROTECTION A. Wood fencing shall be 2" x 4" pressure treated (p.t.) stock with flagging on horizontal xner�zberrs. Space vertical members 6 feet to 8 feet on center. The barricade shall be placed sa as to protect the critical protection zone area, which is the area surrourxding a tree within a circle described by a radius af one foot for each inch of the tree's diameter at breast height DBH at 4-'/2 feet above grade. �ectionlV.doc Yage 48 of 127 10/] ]/2Q10 �_ 1 , � I ._ � � ' � � �� � � � ' � � r � ' � ' � �l r Section IV — Technical Specifications RO�T BARRIER SYSTEM A. Root barrier fabric shall be installed when specified in the plans and/or specifications for protection of adjacent paved surfaces according tv specific product name or equal. Install as directed by the manufacturer. PACKAGED MATERIALS A. Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis and name af � manufacturer. P;rotect materials frorn deterioxation duning delivery and while stored at the site. 1 � , ' 25.2,2.1.12 PESTICIDES - A. Pesticides � shall -be only apprc��+ed, � safe� brands applied � according to� manufacturex's directions_ 25.2.3 EXECUTION PREPARATION OBSTRUCTIONS BELOW GROUND A_ It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate and mark all underground utilities, irrigation lines and wiring priar to commencement of the work. ' B. If underground construction, utilities or other obstructions are encountered in excavation of planting areas ar pits, the Landscape Architect shal] be immediately notified to select a relocated position for any materials necessary. 1 ' GRADING AND PREPARATI�N FOR PLANT MATERIALS A. All proposed landscape areas containing existing turf grass or weeds shall be treated with Monsanto's "Round-Up" per manuf'acturer's specifications. All praposed larxdscape areas adjacent to water bodies shall be treated with "Radeo" per the manufacturer's speci�cations. ' B. New plant mater.ials will not be iuistalled until a 98% weed/turf eradication has been achieved. More than one application may be required to produce an acceptable planting bed. , C. Pre-emergent herbicides aze not a substitute �or spray treatment of "Round-Up" or "Rodeo", and may be used only with the wxitten approval o�'the Landscape Architect. D. Should any pla,nt material in the same, or adjacent beds be damaged by these chemicals, , the same size, quantity and quality of plants shall be immediately replaced by the Contractar at no cost ta the Owner. � ' ' � E. Any necessary corrections or repairs to the finish grades shall be accomplished by the Contractor. All planting areas shall be carefully graded and raked to smooth, even finish grade, free from depressions, lumps, stones, sticks or other debris and such that they will conform to the required iinish grades and provide taniform and satisfactory surface drainage without puddling. SectionIV.dce page 49 of ]27 1Dll 1/2010 Section IV — Technical Specifcations F. "Th,e Contractoar sha11 xemove debris (sticks, stones, rubbish) over 1-'/z inches in any dimension forim individual tree, shrub and hedge pits and dispose of the excavated material off the site. PREPARATION FOR ANNUAL BED PLANTING A. Prepare native subgzade by rototilling o:r loosening by hand methods. Spread 3 inches of Florida peat (1/3), sandy loam (1/3), or other approved organic soil amendment over the full length and width of planting area foz annuals. Rototill organic layer 6 inches to 8 inches into the native soil. Grade the planting bed by "crowning' to insure that surface drainage, percolation, and aeration occur at rapid rates. Add Qsmocote time release �ertilizer according to product instructions and rate. � PREPARATION FOR SEEDING �AND SOD AREAS � � � � - = A. All proposed sod areas contazning existing turf grass or vveeds shall be treated with Monsanto's "Round-[]p" per nrzanufacturer's specifications. All proposed sod areas adjacent to wate:r bodies shal� be treated with "Rodeo" per the Manufacturer's Speciiications. B. Limit preparation to areas wh�ich will be planted promptly after preparation. Loasen sub- grade of seed and sod areas to a minimum depth of 4 inches. C. I:nnnaediately prior to any turf work, the Contractor shall iinish grade the soil to a smooth, even surface assuring positive dzainage away from buildings and the subsequent turf flush to the tops of adjacent curbs and sidewalks. The surface shall be sloped to existing yard drains_ D. A complete fertilizer shall be applied to St. Augustine or Bahia grass at a rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Fertilizer shal] be commercial grade, rnixed granules, with 3p% - 505 of the nitrogen being in slow or controlled release form. Thoroughly wo rk fertilizer into the top 4 inches of soil. E. Moisten prepared seed and sod a.reas before �lanting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture to dry before planting lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition. I NSTALLATI ON BERM CONSTRUCTION (IF SPECIFIED) A. Install berms at location and design shown on Plans and at tlxe height and slope indicated. Height stated is for �nished berm with soil at z�atural compaction. B. Exact location and confguratioz� of berms may require modification to allow proper drainage; such chazxges will be coordinated with the Landscape Architect. C. If shown on the Plan, construct berms using clean sandy loam fill dirt which is vve11- drained, fzee of rocks, roots, or other debris, with a soil pH of an acid Nature (about 6.0 - 6.5). No heavily organic sozl, such as rnuck or peat shall be used in berm cozastruction. SectionIV.dpc Page 50 of 127 �onlrzolo ' � � , , , ' ' Sectfon IV — Technical Specifications LAYOUT OF PLANT MATERIALS A. Unless otlnerwise stipulated, plant z�naterials shall be approximately located per the plans by scale measurements using established building, columns, curbs, screen walls, etc. as the measuring reference point. Slight shifting may be required to clear wires, prevent blockage of signage, etc. B. Shrubs and ground covers shall be located and spaced as noted on the plant material schedule (if provided), otherwise plants will be placed in the planting beds at. the normally accepted spacing far each species. C_ Leave an 18 inch (450 millimeters) border of mulched space between outer leaves of installed plant rraaterial and the bed line, curb, or building foundation wall for all plant s�zes. D. Any necessary "minor" adjustments in � the layout of planting shall be made by the � Contractor with the approval of the Landscape Architect in order to conform as nearly as possible to the intent of the plans. , , 1 �-� ' , � [-_� �� 1 , ' PLANTING PROCEDURES A. All shrubs, trees and ground covers or vines shall be planted in pits having vertical sides and being circular in outline. �lanting pit shall be 3 to 5 times the w�idth of the root ball. B. Plants shall be set straight or plumb, in the locations shown, at such level that after settlement normal or natural relationship of the top of the root ball with the ground surface will be established. With regazds to proper nursery practices, plants under certain conditions (i.e. low and wet areas) will benefit from being planted "high" with the root ball about 1 inch higher than the surrounding grade_ C. All plant materials shall be fertilized with Agriform 20-] 0-5 planting tablets, or approved eyual, at time of installation and prior to completion of pit backfilling. Agriform planting tablets shall be placed uzaiformly around the root mass at a depth that is between the middle and the bottom of the root mass. Application rate: 1 gallon 3 gallon 5 gallon 7 gallon Trees Paltns 1 - 21 gram tablet 2 - 21 gram tablet 3 - 2] grana tablet 4 - 21 gram tablet 3 tablets each %z" (]2 millimeters) caliper 7- 21 gram tablets D_ Native soil shall be used in back-filling plant pits or as specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing additional soil for building tree saucers. E. When balled and burlapped plants are set, undisturbed native soil shall be left under the base of the root ball to prevent voids. Backfill tilled and loosened native soil around the sides of the root ball. Remove the top 4 inches (100 millimeters) of burlap wire, and all tie-down material from the root ball. Do not remove these materials from the bottom of the root ball. Thoroughly water-in before bringing the back-fill up to the proper grade SectionlV.doc Page 51 of 127 ]0/1 ]2010 Section 1V —Technical Spec�cations Roots of bare plants shall be properly spread out, and planting soil carefully worked in arnong them. Failure to comply is cause for rejectior�. F. Containerized plazats shall be installed with undisturbed native soil left uzader the base of the root ball to prevent vaids. Planting pit shall be 3 to 5 times the width of the root ball. Backfill tilled and loosened native soil around the sides oi the root bal1. Thoroughly water-in hefore bzinging the backfill up to the proper grade. G. Plant spacing shall be "on center" az�d varies with the different plant species. Space each variety of plant equally in the platating areas. Shrubs and ground covers adjacent to straight or curved edges shall be triangular - spaced in rows parallel to those edges. Plant a minimum of 18 inches from the back of the curb to the outside edge of the plazat. H. All azaleas shall be placed into a prepared bed of amended soil containing 50% weed-free Florida peat or appzoved equivalent_ Rootballs shall be scarifed vertically at 12Q degree - angles in a triangular pattern. I. Sabal �alms may be planted deeper thaxx normal if conditions warrant and if approved. SODDING A. lluring periods of drought, sod shall be watezed sufficiently at its origin to moisten the soil adequately to the depth to which it is to be cut. B. An application of 6-6-6, 4U% orgattic, slow oz controlled release fertilizer shall l�e made to al] lawn areas just prior to the laying of the sod at a rate of one (1) pound of nitrogen per 1,000 syuare feet. The groux�d shall be wet down before the sod is laid in place. C. 5olid sod shall be laid tightly with closely abutting staggered joints with an even surface edge and sod edge, in a neat and clean manner to the edge of all the paving and shrub areas. Cut down soil level to 1 inch to 1-1/2 inches below top of walks prior to laying sod. D. Within 2 hours after installing sod and prior to rolling, imgate the sod. Sufficient water shall be applied to wet the sod t]aozoughly au�d to wet the sod to a depth of 2 inches (50 millimeters). Watering shall be done in a manner that will avoid erosion due to the application of excessive quantities, and the watering equipment shall be a type that will prevent damage to the finished sod surface. Watez�ng shall be repeated as necessary to keep sod moist wntil rooted to subgrade. E. The sod shall be pressed firtnly into contact with the sod bed using a turf roller or other approved equipment so as to eliminate air pockets, provide a true and even surface and insure knitting without any displacement of the sod or deformation af the surfaces of sodded areas. After the sodding operation has been completed, the edges of the area shall be smooth and shall conform to the grades indicated. F. If, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, top dressing is necessary after rolling, clean silica sand shall be used to fill voids. Evenly apply sand over the entire surface to be leveled, filling-in dips az�d voids and thornughly washing into the sod areas. G. �n slopes steeper than 2:1 and as required, the sod shall be fasiened in place with suitable wooden pins or by other approved method. 5ectionlV.doc Page 52 of 127 ]0/11201U ' �� 1 1 l � 1 � �l ' ' , � �l � �J , ' � � Section IV — Technica] Specifications SEEDING A. Seed shall be installed per the specifications of the State of Florida Department of Transportation. See plan for type of seed. TREE GUYfNC� BRACING AND STAKING A. Tree guying, staking and bracing shall be the respansibility af the Contractor per sound nursery practices, and shall be done per details shown on the Plans. For trees, a minimum of 2 stakes per tree or an optional 3 stakes per tree at l20 degree spacing shall be used. Stakes shall be driven in at an angle, then tightened to vertical supported by approved plastic or nibbex guys. Trees shall be staked vv�th a minimum of 4 feet height of stake abave grade and a minimum of 30 inclaes of stake below grade. B. For single trunJc palms, a rnit�imum of 3 stakes per palm at. �120 degree spacin� shall be . ,_, used. Toenail the stakes to batten consisting of 5 layers of burlap and 5- 2 inch x�l inch x 16 inch wood connected with two '/, inch steel bands. Palnns shall be staked with a minimum of 5 feet of stake above grade. C. Contractor shall remove all tree guying, staking, and bracing from trees six (6) months after the date of �nal acceptancE of the landscape work. D. Stake only trees that require support to maintain a plumb position or are in potentially hazardous areas_ MULCHING A. All planting beds shall be weed-free prior to mulching. B. All curb, roadway, and bed line edges will be "trenched" to help contain the applied mulch. C. All plant beds and tree rings shall be mulched evenly with a 3 inch layer (be�ore compaction) of 100% Grade B recycled cypress bark mulch, or other mulch as speci�ed on the Plans or General Notes. D. Mulch shall not be placed against the trunks of plant materials ar foundations of buildings. Maintain a muumum 3 inch clearance for trees and shrub trunks and a minimum 6 inch clearance for the walls of buildings. E. For beds af annual flowers, a 12 inch vvide x 3 inch deep band oi mulch shall be installed in frant of the first row of az�uauals. Maintain a minimum 6 inches of non-mulched clearance from the outside edge of annuals. PRUNING A. Pruning shall be done by an experienced certified Arbarist to maintain the natural shape and form of the plant. B. Upon acceptance by the Owraer, prune any broken branches, remave crassed branches, and branches hanging below the clear trunk of the iree. SectionlV.doc Page 53 of 127 10l11/2010 Section IV — Technical Speci�cations CLEAN-UP A. During landscape work, store materials and equipment where directed by the Ow�ner. B. `Ihe Contractor shall promptly remove any materials and ec�uipment used on the job, keepang the axea neat at all times. Upan completion of all planting, dispose of all excess soil and debris leaving pavements amd work areas in safe and orderly condition. C. The clean-up of the site shall include the removal and proper disposal o�the tree guying, staking, and bracing materia]s as described in speci�cations. PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall provide safeguards for the proteetion of workmen and others on, about, or , adjacent to the work, as required under the parameters of the Occupational � � ' - Sa%ty and HealthAdministratipn (O.S:H.A.) standards.� - B. The Contractor shall protect the Owner's and adjacent property from damage. C. the Contractor shall protect the laz�dscape work and rnaterials from damage due to landscape operations. Maintain protection during installation az�d maintenance periods. D. The Contractor shall provide protectian (tree barricades) for all e�cisting trees and palms as specified. REPAIR OF DAMAGES E. The Contractor shall repair all damage caused by his operations to other materials, property, or trades ta a level equal in quality t� ihe existing condition prior to damage_ F. Tkie Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage done by his wark or employees to ather materials or trades' work. Patching and replacement of damaged work may be done by others, at the Owxxer's direction, but the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor wha is responsible for the damage. MAINTENANCE A. The Contractor shall maintain all plazat materials in a first class condition from the beginning of landscape construction until Final Acceptance. B. Operations: 1. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, watering of turf and planting beds, mowing, fertilizing, cultivation, weeding, pruning, disease and pest control, replacement of dead materials, straightening, twrf or planter settlement correctio;ns, replacement of rejected materials, staking and guying repair arid tightezung, wash-out repairs and regrading, and any other procedures consistent with the good horticultural practice necessary to insure normal, vigorous and healthy growth of all work under the Contract. Mowing sha11 be consistent with the recommended height per the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 2. Within the wartanty period, the Contractvr shall natify the Owz��r of any maintenance practices being follovved ar omitted which would be detrimental to the healthy, vigorous growth of the landscape. SectionlV.doc Page 54 of 127 ]0/1 I/201p 1 ' , ' Section IV —Technical Specifications 3. The Contractox shall be responsible for the final watering of not less than one inch of water for all planied materials before leaving the site. INSPECTION, REJECTION, AND ACCEPTANCE 25.2.3.a.1 INSPECTI�N A. Upon. completion af the installation, the Contractar will notify the Owner or the Owner's ' Representative that the job is ready for inspection. Within 15 days of notifications, the installation will be inspected by the Landscape A,rchitect. A vvritten and/or graphic inspection report will be sent to the Owner and/or Landscape Contractor. ' REJECTION AND REPLACEMENT A. The Landscape Architect shall be final judge as to the suitability and accepfability of any � part of the work. 1'larrt material will be rejected if it does nat meet the requirements set forth in Plans and Specif cations. ' � �I 1 � C� 1 ' B. Replace any rejected materials amrnediately or within 1 S days and notify the Landscape Architect that the correction has been made. ACCEPTANCE A. After replacement of rejected plant material (if any) have been made, and completion of all other correction items, the �wner ar Praject Representative will accept the project in writing. B. Upon Final Acceptance, the �wner assumes responsibility for maintenance w�ithxn the te�ns of the Contract. Acceptance will in no way invalidate the Contractor's warranty period. C. "The Contractor's warranty period will begin after final acceptance of the project by the Qwner. 1_ If evidence exists of any lien or claim arising out of or in connection with default in performance of this Contract, the Owner shall have thE right to retain any payment sufficient to discharge such claim and all costs in connection with discharging such claim. 2. Where the Specifications cal] for any stipulated item or an "approved equivalent", or in words to that effect, the Contractor shall ind'acate the price of the type and species specifed in the proposal, giving the price to be added or deducted from his Contract price. The �nal selection rests with the Owner or his representative. ' 3.. Where plants installed do not meet specifications, the Owner reserves the right to request plant replacernent or an appropriate deductio» from the Contract amount to compensate for the value not received from the under-specified plant materials. No ' addztional compensation will be made to the Contractor for plants installed that exceed speciiications. , , SectionlV.doc ' Page 55 of 127 10/112�10 Section 1V —Technical 5pecifications WARRANTY A. The Contractor shall warranty a1l palms and trees �urnished under this contract for a period of one (1) year and all shcubs for a period of six (6) nnonths. Material which is either dead or ir� poor health during this period or at corapletaon will be replaced at no charge to th� Owzxer. Should any of the plant materials show 50% or more defaliation during the warranty period, due to the Contractar's use of poor quality or improper materials or workmanship, the Contractor upon notice, shall replace without delay same with no additional cost to the Qwner. Should any plant require replacing, the new plant shall be given the equal amount of warranty. 2G HDPE DEF�RMED - REFORMED PIPE LINiNG 26.'I 1NTENT � . . It is the intention of this speci�cation to provide %r the trenchless restoration of &" to 12" sanitary sewers by the installation of a high density polyethylene, jointless, continuous, fold and form pipe liner which xs waterCight and chemically resistant to withstand exposure to domestic sewage including all labor, materials and equipment to pxovide for a complete, fully restored and functioning installation_ 26.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACT4R/INSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City requires that all contractors he prequali�ed. See General Conditions regarding contractor prequalification. Tn addition, the City requires a proven extensive tract record for the fold and form liner system to be used in this project. All contractors submitting for prequaliiication approval for this project must exhibit extensive satisfactory experience in the insta.11ation of the proposed liner system and satisfactory evidence that the proposed liner systez�n has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites States and tl�e State of �'lorida. The insta.11er must be certifed by the liner system znanufacturer for installation of the liner system_ The City xeserves full and coz�nplete authority to approve the satisfactory nature of the both the linez systenn and the installer. 26.3 MATERIALS Pipe shall be made from �. E. 3408 polyethylene resins coaaxplying with AST'M D 3350, cell classi�cation: P.E. 345434 D for High Density. Yt shall be Type 3, Grade 4, Class D, accazding to ASTM D 1248. The Contractor shall provide certified test results for review by the Engineer, from the nnanufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requizeznents. Material shall have a minimum thickness of SDR 32.5. Pipe specimens shall connply with the miniznum property values shown below with the applicable ASTM requirements: Material Property ASTM Methad Value HDPE Tensile Strength D 638 3,3�0 psi Elasticity Modulus E=113,000 psi 5ectionIV.doc Page 56 of 127 1D/11/2010 , ' 1 ' ' �J Section 1V —Technica] 5pecifications HllPE Ixx�pact Strength D 256 A 3.� ft-lb/in Flexure Modulus E=136,000 psi Expansion Coeff. c=0.009 in/in/deg � At the time of zn�anufacture, each lat of liner shall be reviewed for defects and tested in ' accordance w:ith ASTM D 2837 and D 1G93. At the time of delivery, the liner shall be homogeneous ihroughout, uniform in color, free of cracks, holes, foreign matezials, blisters, or deleterious faults. The Contractor shall provide, as requested, certi�ed test results for review by ' the Engineer, fzom the zxxanufacturer, that the material conforms with the applicable requirements. The Engineer may at any time request the Contractor provide test results frozn field samples to the abave requirements: ' Liner shall be marked at 5-foot intervals or less with a coded nuztaber, which identifies the manufacturer, SDR, size, material, date, and shift on which the liner was extruded. Lining rnanufacturer shall subrnit to the Engineer for approval as requested, corn�lete design , calculations for the liner thickness. The criteria for liner design sha11 be HS-20 traffic loading, water table to the graund surface, rninimum expected lifetime of 50 years, and no structural strength retained from the existing pipe. Liner materials shall meet manufactures specifications ' of Pipe Liners, Inc. 3421 N. Causeway, Suite 321, New Orleans, LA 70002, 1-800-344-3744 or approved equal. Any approved eyual liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal system prior to receiving bids. Request for contractor prequalification and/or equal liner system , approval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days prior to the date for receiving bids. 1 � , , ' ' , ' ' 26.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATI�N It shall be the responsibility of tYxe Contractor to clean and prepaze the existing pipes for rehabilitation. The Contractor will thoroughly clean the interiar of the sewers to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rock, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to liner insertion. Bypass punaping will be provided by the Contractor as part of t}ae unit cost of restoration. Bypass aperations are to be so anranged as to cause minimum disruptions to local traffic, residents and particulaxly to commercial facilities. Durin� the cleaning and preparation operations all necessary precautions shall be taken to protect ihe public, all property and the sewer frorn damage. All material rennoved from the sewers shall be the Contxactor's responsibility for pronapt disposal in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements_ T7xe Contractor may be required to control the rate of sewer cleaning in the sanitary systexxa to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatment plants. 26.5 TELEVISI�N INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work on each section of the project is completed, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by means af closed-circuit color television, and recorded on VHS format tapes provided to the project engineer. The television SectionIV.doc Page 57 of 127 10/11/2010 Section IV — Technica] Specifications system used shall be desigx�ed for the purpose and suitably lighted to provide a clea:r picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. 26.6 UNER INSTALLATION Liner shall be sized to field measurements obtained by the Contractor to provide a tight fit to tlae full interior circurx�ference of the existing sanitary sewez and shall be a continuous, jointless liner product fram inside of manhole to inside af manhole. Contractor shall use installation methods approved by the liner znanufacturer including liner placement, xeforming to iit existing pipe, pressure and heat requirements and reconnection of laterals. The Contractor sha11 irr�.mediately notify the Engineer of any construction delays taking place during the insertion operation. Contractor shall z►�aintain a reasonable backup system for bypass pumping should delays or problems with pumping systems develop. Liner entries at manholes shall be smooth, free of inegularifies, and watertight: No pinholes, tears, c:racks; thin spofs, or other defects in the lirier shall be permitted. Such defects shall be removed and replaced by the Contractox at his expense. OSHA requirements for installation procedures, in particular, confined spaces are to be met. 26.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION 5anitary latexals shall be reconnected as soon as possible ta renew service. Laterals are to be reconxiected by means of robotics, by internally cutting out the liner to 100% of the area of the or�ginal opening. All latexal reconnections are to be grouted to prevent leakage. G:routing method and zxaaterial is to be app:roved by the Engineer. Any reconnections to laterals and connections to manholes which are observed to leak shall be resealed by the Contractor. All laterals discovered during the lining process are to be reconnected uaaless speciiically directed otherwise by the City. The Contractor will be requested to reconnect any laterals discovered to not be reconnected at a latex date. Contractor shall notify all local system users wh,en the sanitary system will not be available for nozmal usage by the delivery of door hangers with approp�iate information regarding the construction project. 26.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTI�N Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contaractor and approved by the Engineer. At no tirne will any sanitary sewer service connection remain inoperative ;For mare than a eight hour period without a service bypass being operated by the Contractor. In the event that sewage backup occurs artd enters buildings, the Cantractox sk�all be responsible for cleanup, repair and property daanage costs and claims. 2fi.9 PAYMENT 1'ayment foz sanitary sewer restoratian shall be made per lineal foot includiz�g all preparation, bypass pumping, equipment, labor, materials, opexations, :restoration, etc, to provide a fully co:�x�pleted and operational sewer. Payzx�ent shall be measured from center of manhole to center of x�r�.anhole for the sanitary systems and frorn end of pipe to end of pipe for storm systems. 27 PLANT MIX DRIVEWAYS New driveways or existing black top driveways that must be broken back in widening the pavennent (remove only enough to allow adequate grade for access to the street) shall be SectionlV.doc Page 58 of 127 10/11/2010 , 1 Section IV — Technical Specificatians constructed or replaced in accordance with the specifications for paving the street with the , exception that the base sha11 be six (6) inches. Use Section 23 G Asphaltic Concrete as specified for the street paving. ' 1 � ' , ' � ' � 1 � When �nished surface of existing drive is gravel, replace ment shall be of like material. Payment shall be the same as Plant Mix Driveways. 27.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be the number of square yard of Plant Mix Driveways in place and accepied. 27.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment skiall be the unit price per square yaxd for Plant Mix Driveways as measured above, which` price shall be �ull cnmpe�is��ion for all wor� described in this section of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the woxk. 28 REPORTING OF TONNAGE �F RECYCLED MATERIALS This Article deleted. 29 CONCRETE CURBS Concrete Curbs shall be constructed to the line, grade and dimensions as shown an tl�e plans. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete curbs shall have fiber mesh reinforcement and have a minimum strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. Expansion joints shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 100 feet, and scored joints shall be placed at intervals not ta exceed 10 feet. In addition, all the requi.rements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply. The Contractor shall notzfy the Project Inspector a rz�ininnum af 24 hours in advance of tk�e placement of all cancrete curbs. 29.1 BA51S OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurennent shall be lineal feet af curb in place and accepted. 29.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment shall be the unit price per lineal foot of cw°b, which price shall be �Full compensation for all work described in this and other applicable parts of the specifications and shall include all materials, equipnaent, tools, labor and incidentals necessary to complete the work. ' 30 C�NCRETE SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS 1 ' , , 30.1 C�NCRETE SIDEWALKS Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed to the line, grade and dimensions as shown on the plans or herein specified. Unless otherwise noted, all concrete sidewalks shall k�ave fiber mesh reinforcement and have a minimum strength of 3000 p.s.i. at 28 days. Unless otherwise specified, all concrete sidewalks shall have a minimuzn width of four feet (4'). Concxete SectionlV.doc Page 59 of 127 10!] 1r20]0 Section IV —'T'echnical Speci�cations sidewalks shall have a minimum thickness of four inches (4"), except at driveway crossings where a rninim.um thzckness of six inches (6") is requi red. Also, 6/6 X 1 Q/ 1 Q welded wire mesh :reinforcement is required for all sidewalk that crosses driveways. The welded wize mesh shall be positioned in the nraiddle to upper third of the placement. No compensation shall be given if the welded wire rx�esh is not properly placed. Expansion joints shall be placed at intervals of not nnore than 100 hundred feet, and scoring zaaarks shall be made every 5 feet. Concrete shall be poured only on compacted subgrade. In addztion, all the zequizements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply_ 30.2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS Cnncrete driveways, whether new construction or replacement, shall be a mii�nimum of six (6) inches in thickness with 6/6 x 10/10 welded wire mesh reinforcement and a zxzinimum horizontal distance between expansiori joints� of rio less than four (4) feet measured in any direction. The welded wire xnesh shall be posationed in the r,�iddle to upper third of the placement. No corx�pensation shall be given if the welded wire mesh is not propezly placed. Concrete sha11 be poured only on cor�apacted subgrade. In addition, ali the requirements of City Articles 6, 7, and 8 shall also apply_ The Contractor shalI notify the Project Inspector a minirzaum of 24 hours in advance of the placement of all concrete sidewal�CS and driveways. 30.3 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement shall be the number of square feet of 4" concrete sidewalk, 6" concrete sidewalk, and 6" concrete driveways in place and accepted. 3U.4 BASIS QF PAYMENT Fayment shall be the unit price per square foot for each itezxA as measured above, which price sha.11 be full compensation foz all work described in this section and other applicable parts of the specifications and sl�all include all materials, equipznent, tools, welded wire rrxesh where required, labor and incidentals necessary to coznplete the wor�C. �i���] �] �� I � C�' Unless otherwise noted hexein, the contractor shall place all sod, eithe:r shown on the plans or at the direction of the Engineez, in conformance with Sections 575, 981, 982 and 983 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (]atest edition). The area for sod applicatipn shall be loosened and excavated to a suitable depth and finished to a grade campatible wath existing grass and structures. Sod shall be placed with edges in close contact and shall be compacted to uniform fizaished grade with a sod roller immediately after placement_ In sloped areas, the sod shall be graded and placed so as to prohibit erasion and undermining of the adjacent sidewalk. No sod that has been cut for more than 72 hours can be used unless authorized by the Engineer in advance. The sod shall be thoroughly watered immediately after placement_ The Contractor sha11 continue to water sod as needed and/or directed by the Engineer as indicated by sun exposure, soil, heat and rain conditions, to establish and assure growth, until termination of the contract. Dead sod, or sod not acceptable to the Engineer, shall be rex�noved and replaced by the Contractor SectionIV.doc Page 60 of 127 10/11/2Olp �� 1 � � � � �� � � � ' � ' � , ' � ' � Section 1V —Technical Specifications at no additional comp�nsation. Any questions concerning the type of existing sod shall be determined by the Engineer. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, payment for sod (including labor, equipment, materials, placement, rolling, watering, etc.) shall be included in other bid items. Payment for these associated bid items may be withheld until the Contractor provides the City a healthy, properly placed starnd of grass. When th�is work is given as a sepaxate bid item, it shall cover all labor, equipment and materials, (includiing water) required for this work and shall be paid for on the basis of each square foot in place and accepted. No payment for sod shall be made watil the Contractor p:rovides the City a healthy, properly placed stand of grass. .�'����71�L�7 Seed, or seed and mulch, shall only be used when specified for certain dennolition projects. The seed and/or mulch shall be placed as called far on the plans in the following manne:r. The axea ta be seeded shall be brought to the xequired line and grade, fertilized and seeded in basic con#'ormance with the latest edition o:f FDOT's Standard Specifications Sections 570, 981, 982 and 983. However, no wildflower seed shall be used, and Argentine Sahia Seed shall be used instead of Pensacola Bahia. No sprigging will be required. Also, ihe addition of 20 lb. of Rye Seed (to total 601b. of seed pe:r acre) will be requi�red during the stated periods. It is also required that the Contractor maantain said seed until growth is assured. When this work is given as a bid itern, the item shall cover all labo:r, material, equipment (including water), required for this work, and shall be paid for on the basis of each squaue yard in place and accepted. If called for on the plans, but not shown as a bid item, then the cost of such work as stated above shall be included in the cost af other wo;rk. 33 STORM MANHOLES INLETS CATCH BASINS OR OTHER STORM STRUCTURES For details on specific design of a type of storm structure refer to Part B I.ndex Ntxmbe:rs 20� to 235. When required, inlets, catch basins o:r other structures shall be constructed according to the plans and applicable parts of the specifacations, Section Nwx�bers 7, 8, & 9, and as approved by the Engineer. Said structures sha.11 be protected and saved from damage by the elernents or other causes until acceptance of the woxk. 33.1 BUILT UP TYPE STRUCTURES Manholes shall be constructed of brick with cast iron frames and covexs as shawn on the Tndex Numbers 20] and 202. Invert channels shall be constructed smooth and semi circular in shape conforming to inside of adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction af flow shall be made in a smooth cu�rve of as lat'ge a radius as possible. Changes in size and grade of channels shall be made gradually and evenly. Invert channels shall be built up with brick and mortar on top of concrete base_ The storm structure floor outside of channels shall be made smooth and sloped toward channels. SectionlV_doc Page61 of 127 ]0/11/2010 Section N — Technical Specifications Manhole steps shall z�at be provided. Joints shall be conapletely �lled and the zaaortar shall be snaoothed frotn� inside ofthe r�aanholes. The entire exterior ofbrick manholes shall be plastered with one half inch ofmartaz. Brick shall k�e laid radially with every sixth course being a stretcher course. In cases where a storm pipe extends izxside a structuxe, the excess pipe will be cut off with a concrete saw a.rzd shall not be removed with a sledge haxnmer. 33.2 PRECAST TYPE The n�aa:ntaole base shall be set on a pad of dry native sand approxinnate�y five inches thick to secure pzopex seating azxd bearing. Precast M�nholes . and Junctian .8oxes: The Contractor rzaay substitute pzecast manholes and junction boxes in lieu of cast in place units unless othenvise shown on the plans. Precast Inlets will not be acceptable. When p;recast units are substituted, the construction of such units must be in accordance with ASTM C 478, or the standard speci�cations at the manufacturers optian. Precast structures must also meet the requirement that on the lateral faces, either inside or outside, the dista.nce between precast openings far pipe or pxecast opening and top edge of precast structure be no less than wall thickness. A minimum of four courses of brick will be provided under manhole ring so that future adjustment of man}zole lid car� be accommodated. Manhole steps shall not be pravided. Manhole using O ring between precast sections will not be acceptable �ar storm structuxes. 33.3 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for 7unction Boxes, Manholes or other structures shall be on a unit basis. 34 MATERIAL USED This article deleted. See SECTIQN III, ARTICLE 19 — MATERIAL USED. 35 CONFLICT BETWEEN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIQNS "This article deleted_ See SECTION III, ARTICLE 20 — CONFLICT IIETWEEN PLANS AND SPECI�'ICATTONS. 3G STREET SIGNS The removal, covering or zeloeation of street signs by the Contraetor is PROHIBITED. All street signs shall be removed, covered oz relocated by the City's Traffic Engineering Division in acco;rdazxce with Sections 700, 994, 995, and 996 of FDOT's Standard Speci�cations (latest edition). The Contraeto;r shall notify the City's Traffic Engineering Division a minimum of 24 houxs in advance of the proposed sign relocation, covering or removal. SectionIV.doc Page 62 of 127 10/11/2010 ' � � � � ' � � ' � LJ � � ' � r ' �a � Section 1V —Technica] Specifcations 37 AUDIONIDE� RECORDING �F WORK AREAS 37.1 CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE AUDIONIDED RECpRDING Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall have a cantinuous color audio/video recording taken along the entire length of the Froject including all affected project areas. Streets, easements, rights-of-way, lots or construction sites withira the Project must be recorded to serve as a record of a pre-construction conditions. 37.2 SCHEDULING OF AUDIONIDEO RECORDING The video recordings shal] not be made more than twenty-one (21) days prior to construction in any area. 37.3 PROFESSIDNAL VIDEOGRAPHERS The Contractor shall engage the services of a professional videographer. The color audio videatapes shall be prepared by a responsible commercial firm known to be skilled and regularly engaged in the business of pre-construction color audio-videa recording documentation_ 37.4 EQUIPMENT All equipment, accessaries, materials and labor to perform this service shall be furnished by the Contractar. The total audio video system shall reproduce bright, sharp, clear pictures with accurate colors and shall be free from distortion, tearing, rolls or any other form af imper�'ection. The audio portion of the recording shall reproduce the commentary of the camera operator with proper volume, clarity and be free from distortion and interruptians. Tn some instances, audio video coverage may be requued in areas not accessible by conventianal wheeled vehicles. Such coverage sha11 be obtained by walking. 37.5 REC�RDED INFORMATI�N, AUDIO Each recording shall begin with the cwrrent date, project na�me and be followed by the general location, i.e., viewing side and direction of progress. Accompanying the video recording of each video shall be a corresponding and simultaneausly recorded audio recording_ This audio recording, exclusively containing the commentary of the camera operator or aide, sha11 assist in viewer orientation and in any needed identification, differentiation, clarification, or objective description of the features being shown in the video poztian of the recording. The audio recording shall alsa be free from any canversations. 37.G RECORDED INFORMATION VIDEO All video recordizags must continuously display transparent digital information to include the date and time of recording. The date information shall contain the month, day and year. The tirne information shall contain the haur, minutes and seconds. Additional infarmatian shall be displayed periodically. Such information shall include, but not be limited ta, project name, contract number, directian of travel and the viewing side. This transparent information shall appear on the extreme upper left hand third of the screen. Camera pan, tilt, z�om-in and zoom out rates shall be sufficiently controlled such that recorded objects will be clearly viewed during SectionlV.doc Page 63 of I27 ]0/11/2010 Section 1V —Technical Specifications vid�otape playback. �n addition, all other camera and xecording system controls, sucl� as lens focus and aperture, video level, pedestal, chrome, white balance, and electrical focus shall be properly controlled or adjusted to maximize pictuxe quality. The construction documentation shall be recorded in SP mode. 37.7 VIEWER ORIENTATION The audio and video portions of the recording shall maintain viewer orientation. To this end, overall establishing views of all visible house and business addxesses shall be utilized. In areas where the proposed construction location will not be readily apparent to the videotape viewer, highly visible yellow flags shall be placed, by the Contractor, in such a�ashion as to clearly indicate the proposed centerline of construction. When conventional wlaeeled vehicles are used as conveyances for the recording system, the vertical distance between the camera lens and the ground shall not e�tceed 10 feet: The carnera sha11 �be �rmly xnounted such that transport of tlie camera during the recording process will not cause an unsteady picture. 37.8 LIGHTING All recording shall be done during time af good visibility. No taping shall be done during precipitation, mist or fog. Tkxe reeording shall only be done when sufficient sunlzgl�t zs present to properly illuminate the subjects of reco:rding and to produce bright, sl�arp video recordings of those subjects. 37.9 SPEED OF TRAVEL Th� average rate of travel during a particular segment of coverage shall be directly proportional tp the number, size and value of the surface features within that construction areas zone of influence. Tlae rate of speed in the general direction of iravel of the velaicle used during taping shall not exceed �orty-four (44} feet per minute. 37.10 VIDEO LOG/INDEX All videotapes shall be pernnatxently labeled and shall be praperly identiized by videotape number and project title. Each videotape shall have a log of that videotape's contents_ The log shall describe the vazious segrnents of coverage contained an t}ae video tape in terms of the names af the streets or location of easements, coverage beginning and end, directions of coverage, video unit counter numbers, engineering survey or coordinate values (if reasonably available) az�d the date. 37.11 AREA OF COVERAGE Tape coverage shall include all surface features lacated within tk�e zone of influence of construction supported by appropriate audio coverage. Such coverage s}�all include, but not be limited to, existing dniveways, sidewalks, curbs, pavements, dxainage system� featwres, mailboxes, landscaping, culverts, fences, signs, Contractor staging azeas, adjacent structures, etc. within the area covered by the project. �f particular concern shall be the existence of any faults, fractures, or defects. Taped coverage shall be limited to one side of the Szte, street, easement or right of way at any one time. SectionIV_doc Page 64 of 127 10/11/2010 ' � ' L� � LJ � ' � 1 � r1 L_ 1 �� � � t ' , ' Section 1V -- 7"echnical Specifications 37.12 COSTS 4F VIDEO SERVICES The cost to complete the requirements under this section shall be included in the cantract items p:rovided in the proposal sheet. Tkxer� is zao separate pay item fo:r this work. 38 ER�Sf�N AND SILTATION CONTR�L 38.1 STABILIZATION OF DENUDED AREAS No disturbed area may be denuded for more than thirty (30) calendar days unless otherwise autho�rized by the City Engineer_ During canstruciion, denuded areas shall be covered by mulches such as straw, hay, �iltex fabric, seed and mulch, sod, or some other permanent vegetation. Within sixty (60) calendar days after �nal grade is established on any portion of a project site, that portion of the site shall be provided with established permazxent soil stabilization measures per the original site plan, whethex by impervious surface ar landscaping. 38.2 PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION OF SOIL STOCKPILES Fill material stockpiles shall be protected at all times by on-site drainage contxols which p;tevent erosion of the stockpiled material. Control of dust from such stockpiles may be required, depending upon their location and the expected length of time the stockpiles will be present. Tn no case shall aza unstabilized stockpile remain after thirty (30) calendar days. 38.3 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEMS During construction, all storm sewer inlets in the vicinity af the project shall be pzotected by sediment traps such as secured hay bales, sod, stone, etc., which shall be maintained and modafied as required by construction progress, and which must be appzoved by the City Engineer before installation. 38.4 SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES Sediment basins and traps, perimeter bezxns, filter fences, berms, sediment barriers, vegetative bufFers and other measures intended to trap sediment andlor prevent the Uransport of sediment onto adjacent properties, or into existing water bodies; must be installed, constructed, o:r, in the case of vegetative buffers, protected from disturbance, as a first step in the land altearation process. Such systems shall be fully operative and inspected by the City befare az�y other disturbance of the site begins. Eart�aen structures including but not limited to be�s, earth filters, dams or dikes shall be stabilized and protected from drainage damage or erosion within one week of installation. 38.5 SEDIMENTATION BASINS Areas of 3 acres oz more shall be required to have temporary sedimentation basins as a positive remedy against downstream siltation and will be shown and detailed on construction plans. During development, permanent detention areas may be used in place of silt basins, provided they are maintained to the satisfaction of the City. The Contractar will be required to prohibit discharge af silt through the outfall structure during construction of any detention area and will be required to clean out the detention area before SectionlV.doc Page 65 of 127 10l11/2010 Section 1V — Technical Specifications installing any permanent subdrain pipe_ In addition, permanent detention at'eas must be totally cleaned out and operating propexly at final inspection and at the end of the one yea.r warranty period. When temporary sedirnentation basins axe used, they shal,l be capable at all times of contain-ing at least ane (1) cubic foot of sediment for each one hundred (100) square feet of area tributary to the basin. Such capacity shall be maintained thzoughaut the project by regular removal of sediment frorn the basin. 38.fi WORKING IN OR CROSSING WATERWAYS OR WATERBODIES Lazxd alteration and construction shall be minimized in both permanent and intermittent waterways and the ixnnnediately adjacent buffer of 25 feet froxn top of bank af the waterways and the buffer area whenevez possible, and barriers shall be used to p:revent access. Where in chanz�el work cannot be avvided, precautions must be taken to stabilize the work area during land alteration, developrnent and/or construction to minimize erosion. If the channel and buffer axea are disturbed during land alteration, they znust be stabilized within thr�e (3) calendar days after the in channel work xs completed. Silt curtains oz' other �lter/siltation reduction devices zr►ust be installed on the dorXmstzeam side of the in channel alteration activity to eliminate impacts due to inc:teased turbidity. Wherever stz�am crossings are required, prope;rly sized temporary culverts shall be pravided by the contractor and rerzzoved when construction is completed. The azea of the czossing shall be restored to a condition as neaxly as possible equal to that which existed prior to any construction activity. 38.7 SWALES, DITCHES AND CHANNELS All swales, ditches and channels leading frozn the site shall be sodded within thzee (3) days of excavation. All other interior swales, etc., including detention areas will be sodded prior to issuance of a Certi�cate of Occupancy. 38.8 UNDERGROUND UTILITY GONSTRUCTION The construction of undergrou�d utility lines and other structuxes shall be done in accordance with the following standards: a. No more than 4�O lineal feet af trench shall be open at any one time; b. Wherever consistent with safety and space consideratian, excavated material shall be cast to the uphill side of trenches. Trench mate�ial shall nat be cast into or onto the slope of any st;ream, channel, road ditch or waterway. 38.9 MAINTENANCE All erosion and siltation control devices shall be checked regularly, especially after each rainfall and will be cleaned out andlor repaired as required. 38.10 COMPLIANCE Failure to coznply with the afo:reznentioned requirements znay result in a fine andlor more stringent enforcement p:rocedures such as (but not limited to) issuance of a"Stap Work Order". SectionIV.doc Page 66 of 127 ]0/I 1/2010 Seetion N—Technical Specifications City af Clearwater Standard Detail D�rawings No. d01 and 607 are examples of accepted rnethods that may be used or required to control erosion and siltatian. Section]V.doc Page 67 of 127 ]0/11/2010 Section N — Technical Specifcations City of Clearwater -- Erosion Control This notice is to inform the prime contaractor that the City of Clearwater holds them responsible for soil erosion control on their site. The City of Clearwater Engineering Departznent has the responsibility to minimize the arxaount of soil erosian into the City's streets, storm sewers and waterways. The construction of a new residence or commercial site and major remodeling of an existing site creates a potential for soil erosion. These instances are usually the result of contractors and subcontractors accessing the property with equipment or construction materials. Then rain staxms redistribute the eroded soil into the adjacent streets, storm systems and watenvays. When erosion takes place, a City �nspector will place a cozxection notice at the site. The procedure will be as follows: 1 st occurrence - Warning 2nd occurrence - $32 Re-inspectian Fee 3rd occurrence - $80 Re-inspection Fee 4th occurrence - Stap Work Order Dependent on the severity of the erosion, the City's Engineering Department may elect ta rectify the erasion problem and charge the contractor accordingly. The attached drawings and details are recammendations for the contractor ta use as means to support the site from erading. T'k�e contractor may elect to shovel and sweep the street daily or on an as needed basis_ However, erosion, must be held in check_ If the contractor would like to meet with a City inspector on any particular site, please contact Construction Services at 562-4750 or Planning & Development Services at 562-4741. Erosion Control Required - City of Clearwater's Code of Ordinances requires erosion control on all land development projects. Erosion control must be in place and maintained throughout the job. Failure to do so may result in additional costs and time delays to the permit holder. Contact Engineering Department with specific questions at 562-4750. SectionlV.doc 1'age 6$ of 127 loi�lrzoao � t � � � � � � � � +�■t � ■� � � r w� � � ,�e � Section IV — Technical SpeciGcations CITY OF CLEAR'WATER NOTICE �F ER�SI�N VIDLATION UNDER SECTION 3-701 {DIVISION 7— EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL} OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER CODE OF ORDINANCES, THIS SITE HAS BEEN FOUND IN VI4LATION. THIS SITE MUST BE RESTORED TO AN EROSIQN CONTROLLED SITE PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER DEVELOPMENT T� CONTFNUE. Warning $32.�0 Re-inspection Fee $80.00 Re-inspectian Fee Stop Wark Order DATE POSTED: Inspector's Name: Inspector's Signature: CITY OF CLEARWATER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 727 5b2-4741 & ENGINEERINGICONSTRUCTION 727 562-4750 Received b y: (Signature indicates only a copy of this notice has been recei�ed and does not in any way indicate admission of guilt ar concurrence with findings of the inspector.) IT IS A VIOLATION TO REMOVE THIS NOTICE AIYY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON REMOVING THIS SIGN WILL BE PROSECUTED Section[V.doc Paga b9 of ]27 30I111201fl Section N — Technical Speci�cations 39 UTILITY TIE IN LOGATI�N MARKING Tkxe tie in locations for utility laterals of water, sanitary sevver, and gas shall be plainly marked on tl�ze back of the curb. Marking placed on the curb shall be perpendicular �vith respect to the curb of the tie in location on the utility lateral. Marks shall not be placed on the curb where laterals cross diagonally under the cutb. The tie in location shall be the end of the utility lateral prior to service connection. Markings shall be uniform in size and shape and colors in con�ormance with the code adopted by the American Public Works Associatian as follows: SAFETY RED Electric power, distributian & transmission Mu.nicipal Electric Systems HIGH VISIBZLTTY SAFETY YELLOW Gas Distribution and Trar�smission Dil Distribution and Transmission Dangerous Materials, Produce Lines, Steam Lines SAFETY ALERT �RANGE Telephone and Telegraph Systems Police and �'ire Communications Cable Television SAFETY PRECAUTIQN BLUE Water Systezns Sluxry Pipe Lines SAFETY GREEN Sewer Systems LAVENDER RECLAIMED WATER WHITE PRO�'OSED EXCAVATION Marks placed on curbs shall be rectangular in shape and placed with the long dimension perpendicular to the flow line of the curb_ Marks placed on valley gutter and modified curb shall be 6-inch x 3-inch an�d placed at the back of the curb. Marks placed an State Road and vertical curb shall be 4-inch X 2-inch and be placed on the curb face. 40 AWARD OF CONTRACT WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE This article not used_ See SECTION ITI, ARTICLE 24 — AWARD OF CONTRACT, WORK SCHEDULE AND GUARANTEE. 41 POTABLE WATERMAINS, RECLAIMED WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES �r 41.1 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all plant, labor, materials and equipment to perform all operations in connection with the construction of potable water n�ains, reclaimed water mains and appurtenances including clearing, excavation, trenching, backfilling and clean up. SectionlV_doc Page 70 of 127 ] 0/l l/2010 � , 1 �I � r � � � i ' Section IV — TechnicAl Specifications 41.2 MATERIALS 41.2.1 GENERAL Materials, equipznent and supplies furnished and pertzaanently incorporated into the project shall be of first quality in every respect and shall be constructed and finished to high standards of workmanship_ Materials sha11 be suitable for service intended, shall reflect modern design and engineering and shall be fabricated in a first class workmanlike manner. All materials, equipment and supplies shall be new and shall have not been in service at any time p:revious to installation, except as required in tests or incident to installation. Machined metal surfaces, exposed bearings and glands shall be protected against grit, dirt, claeznical corrosion and other daxnaging effects during shipnnent and construction. 41.2.2 PIPE MATERIALS AND FITTINGS 41.2.�.1 DUCTILE IRON PIPE Ductile Tron Pipe shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 81 or latest revision. Pipe tl�ickness class, wall thickness and working pressure shall conform to the following table: Size Class Thickness Rated Water Working Pressure (In.) (PSI) 4" 51 0.26 350 6" SO 0.25 350 8" 50 0.27 350 12" 50 0.31 350 The trench laying conditxon shall be Type Z, Flat bottozn trench backfill lightly cansolidated to � centerline of pipe. Pipe shall be zxianufactured in accordance with ANSUAWWA C151/A21.51 81 or latest revision. � Pipe shall be asphalt coated on the outside and standard cement lined and sealed coated with approved bituminous seal coat in accordance with ANST/AWWA C104/A21.� 80 or latest revision. � � � I� �-- I �� ' , 41.�.2.2 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 4-inch through S-inch shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C900 or latest revision and the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTN� Standard D 2241 and PVC Resin Compound con�fornung to ASTM Specification D 1i84. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe shall have the same O.D. as Cast and Ductile Iron Pipe and be compatible for use without special adapters with Cast Iron Fittings. Pipe dimension ratio, working pressure and layimg length shall conform to the following table: SectionlV.doc Page 71 of 12'7 1 U/l ]/20] 0 Section ,IV — Technical Specifacations Size Dimension Ratio Rated Water Working Pressare Laying Length (�D/Thick.) (PSI) (Ft) 4 18 15� 20 6 18 150 20 8 1$ 150 20 �ipe larger than 8-inch shall be ductile iron. The City Engineer reserves the right to require the use of ductile iron in sizes 4-inch through 8-inch when needed due to laying conditions or usage. The bell of 4-inch and larger PVC pipe shall consist of an integral wall section witl� a solid cross section elastomeric ring which meets the requireznents ofASTM D 1.869. Each length of pipe shall beax identification that will remain legible during normal handling, storage and installation and so designate the testing agency that verified the suitability of the pipe material for potable water service. All polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be laid with two (2) strands o� insulated 12 gauge A.W.G solid strand coppez wire taped to the top of each joint of pipe with about 18-inches between each piece of tape. It is to be installed at every valve box through a 2-inch PVC pipe to 12-inches mxnixanum above the top of the conerete slab. The 2-inch PVC pipe shall be the sarne length as the adjustable valve box, and the 2-inch PVC pipe shall be plugged with a 2-inch removable brass plug with recessed nut. This wixe is to be continuous with splices made only by direct bury 3M brand splice kit approved by the Engineer. This wire is to be secured to all valves, tees an�d elbows. FITTINGS AND JOINTS Fitting fxom 4-inch through 16-inch in size will be compact ductile iron cast in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C153/A 21.53 with mechanical joint bells_ Bolts, nuts and gaskets shall be in accordance witla rec�uirements of ANSI/AWWA C] 53/A 2] .53. The working presstirre rating shall be 350 P.S.I. Ductile iron fttings shall be coated and lined in accordance with require requirements o� ANSI/AVWVA C104/A21.4. Mechaniea.l joint glands shall be ductile iron in accardance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A 21.11. When reference is made to ANSI/AWWA Standards, the latest xevisions apply. Only those fittings and accessories that are of domestic (CJSA) manufacture will be acceptable. RESTRAINT Restraint of plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc_, shall be accomplished by the use of approved mechanical restraining xings or glands installed per xr�anufacturers recommendations. Hydrants shall be restrained by the use of swivel connectin� joints. Restraining mechanical joint glands on hydrants shall be used only where hydrant �unout length precludes the use of swivel joint connectors. 41.Z.2.5 PIPE WITHIN CASING All pipe placed within casings shall be slip joint ductile iron restrained by the use of restraining gaskets desig�ed for use with the particular joant being installed and have properly sized casing spacers (Cascade Series) installed on the pipe so that the pipe will be centered within the casing. SectionIV.doc Page 72 of 127 ]0/11/2010 � �� ��� Section lV — Technical Speci�ications Each end of the casing shall be praperly sealed to prevent the intrusion of soil, water, or debris within the casing itself. It shall be sealed by brick a.zad xnortar, cement or any approved nnethod by the Engineer. 41.2.3 GATE VALVES � Discs of valves shall be operated by methods which wi.11 allow operation in any position with respect to th�e vertical. Gate valves for interior piping or exposed above grade outside structures, shall be handwheel operated with rising stems. Valves 4-inches and larger, buried in earth shall � be equipped with 2-inch square operating nuts, valve boxes and covers. Valves shall be fitted with joints suitable for the pipe with r�vhich they are to be used. The direction o� opening for all valves shall be to the left (counter clockw:ise). � ' � J , � � � u II � � � ' ' ' Pressure Rating: Unless otherwise shown or speci�ed, valves for high pressure service shall be rated at not.less tlaan 150 psi cold water, nonshock. The manufactuxer's name and pressure rating shall be cast in raised letters on the valve body. Installation: Installation shall be in accordance with good standard practice. Exposed pipelines shall be so supported that their weight is not carried through valves. Two Inch Diameter and smaller: Not allowed. These should be approved ball valves_ Three xnch Diameter: Nat allowed. Four Inch to Sixteen Inch Diameter: Gate Valves, 4 to 16-inch diameter, inclusive, shall be resilient seated �ate valves encapsulated with EPDM Rubber in conformance with ANSI/A.W_W.A. Standard Speci�cation C509-515 latest revision. These valves shall include the follow:ing featwres consistent with C509-515, full opening unobstructed waterway, zero leakage at 200 p.s.i, differential prESSUre, all internal parts removable from bonnet without removing body fram pressure main, corrosion resistent bronze or stainless steel nonrising stem with O ring bonnet seal with epoxy coated inside and outside cast iron or ductile iron valve body._ Larger than Sixteen Inch Diameter: Gate valves larger than 16-inch shall be suitahle for the se�rvice intended and shall be resilient seated gate valves encapsulated with EPDM rubber in conformance with ANSI/AWWA. These valves shall include the following features consistent with C509-80, full opening unobst;ructed waterway, zero leakage at 200 psi differential pressure. All valves shall be equipped with steel cut bevel gears, eactended type gear case and rollers, bronze or babbitt tracks and scrapers and valved by-pass. 41.2.4 VALVE BOXES Valve boxes sh�all be of standard extension design and manufacture and shall be made of cast iron. No PVC Risers or Derisers are allowed as part of a valve box assembly. They are to be 3- piece valve box assembles. The lower part of the assembly can be ordered in various heights to accommodate different depths. Suitable sizes of valve boxes and extension pieces shall be provided where shown. The valve box cover shall be of cast iron. Valve boxes aa�d their installation shall be included in the bid price for valves. Refer to City Index No. 402; Sheet 1 of 5& Sheet 2 of 5 for potable water valve pad detail, and City Index No. 502; Sk�eet 1 of 2& Sheet 2 of 2 for reclaimed water valve boxes and pad detail. SectionlV.doc Page 73 of 127 10/11/2010 Section IV — Technical Specitications 41.2.5 HYDRANTS Na other }�ydrants, ather than those listed below, may be used in extension to or replacement of the City of Cleazwater potable water system: + Kenz�edy Guardian #K 81D Fire Hydrant, • Mueller Super Centurion 25 Fire Hydrant • AVK Nostalgic 2780. • American Darling B-84-B. No substiCutions shall be allowed without the approval of the City of Clearwater. Above }�ydrants shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the AWWA Specification C S02 and include the following madi�cations: ]_ All shipments to be palletized and tailgate delivery. 2. Hydrants shall conform to A.W.W.A. Standaxd G502 latest revision and must be UL/FM listed. 3. Hydrants shall be of the compression type, closing with line pressure. 4. The operating t�ureads will be contained in an operating chamber sealed at the top and bottom with an O-ring seal. The chamber will contain a lubricating grease or oil. 5. Hydrants shall be of the traffic model breakaway type, with the barrel made in two sections with the break flange located approximately 2-inch above the ground line. Breakaway bolts not allowed_ 6. Operating nut shall be of one-piece bronze oz ductile iron construction_ 7. A dirt shield shall be provided to protect the operating mechanism from grit buildup and corrasion due tv moisture. 8. A thrust washer shall be sup�lied between the operating nut amd stem lock nut to :facilitate operation. 9. Operating nut shall be a#7 (1-1/2-incl�) pentagon nut. l 0. Nozzles shall be o� t}�e tamper resistant, 1/4 tuzzA type with O-ring seals or threaded into upper barrel. Nozzles shall be retained with a stainless steel lacking device. I l. The main valve shall be of EPDM solid rubber. l2. T'he seat shall be of a bronze ring threaded to a branze insert in the hydxazxt shoe, with O- rings to seal the barrel from leakage of water in the shoe. l 3. T�e main valve stem will be 304 or higher grade stainless steel and rnade in two sections with a bzeakalale coupling. ] 4. Hydrant shall have a 6-inch Mechanical Joint epoxy lined elbow, less accessozies. l5. Hydrant shall have a 5-1/4-inch valve opening, and shall be a left hand operation to open. l G. Hydrant shall be without drains_ l7. Hydrant shall have two (2) 2-l/2-incli hose nozzles and one (1) 4-1/2-inch pumpe:r nozzle. Threads shall be in accordance with tiae National Standard Hose Coupling Thread Specifications. SectionIV.doc Page 74 of 127 ]0/11RO1Q 1 ' , � � ' 1 � � LJ � L__f ' Section IV -- Technical Specifications 18. Hydrant body shall have a factory finish of yellow paint. A11 paints shall comply with AWWA standard C-SQ2-85 or latest revision. All hydrants will be shop tested in accordance with the latest AWWA Speciiication C 502. Constrained joirat assemblies shall be used which have bolted mechanical and svvivel joints from the hydrant tee through to the hydrant. Constrained joints shall absorb a11 thrust and prevent movement of the hydrant. All hydrants shall be provided with an auxiliary gate valve so that the water to the hydrant zaaay be shut off without the necessity of closing any other valve :ux the distributio:n systern. No 1nyd;rants shall be installed ot� the reclaimed water system unless approved by the City of Clearwater's Engir�ee�ing Department. 41.2.6 SERVICE SADDLES Service saddles shall be used on all service taps to 4-inch P.V.C. water main. The largest service cannection allowable on 4-inch main shall be 1-1/2-inch_ Service saddles shall be used on all 2- inch service cozaxxections to 6-inch and lau'ger mains. Service saddles (JCM 406 series or Ford FC 202 series) shall be wide bodaed ductile iron with epaxy or nylon coating and shall have stainless steel straps. 41.2.7 TESTS, INSPECTION AND REPAIRS 1. All materials shall be tested in accordance w!ith the applicable �'ederal, ASTM or AWWA Specification and basis of z'ejection sha.11 be as specified therein. Certified copies of the tests shall be subrxxitted wiith each shipment of materials. 2. All materials will be subject to inspection and approved by the Engi�aeex after delivery; and no broken, cracked, misshapen, imperfectly coated or otherwise damaged or ur�satisfactory znaterial sha11 be used. 3. All materia.l found during the progress of the work to have cracks, flaws, or other defects shall be rejected and promptly reaxaoved from the site. 4. If damage occurs to any pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants or water main accessories in handlin�g, the damage shall be immediately brought to the Engineer's attention. The Engineer shall prescribe corrective repairs or rejection of the damaged iterns. 41.2.8 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS � The City of Clearwater owns and maintains all backflow prevention devices that are ins#alled within their system. Therefore, any and all devices must be purchased from the City and installed by City work forces. � � ' Bacl�low prevention devices installed on customer's service lines at the point of delivery (service cozu�ection) shall be vf a type in accordance with AWWA speci�cation C506 or latest revision_ Two (2) different types of backflow prevention devices are allowed. Type of device, when required, is determined by the degree of hazard presented to the nnunicipal water system fronn possible backflow of water within the customers private system. The types of devices allowed are: , SectionIV.doc �� Page 75 of l27 ] 0/I 1/2010 Section IV —Technical Speci�catinns 1. Double Check Valve Assembly a device composed of two single, independently acting, approved check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the asserxxbly and suitable connectians for testing the watertightness of each check valve. 2. Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device a device containing a zninimum of two independently acting, approved check valves, together with a.n autozx�atically operated pressure di�Ferential relief valve located between the two check valves. The unit must include tightly clasing shutoff valves located at each end o� the devace, and each device shall be �tted with properly located test cocks. 41.2.9 TAPPING SLEEVES Steel body tapping sleeves shall be JCM Industries Inc., JCM 412 or Smith-Blair 622. All steel body tapping sleeves shall have heavy welded ASTM A 285, Grade C steel body, stainless steel bolts, mazaufacturer's epoxy coated body, and 3/4-inch bronze test plug. . 41.2.10 BL�W OFF HYDRANTS Blow offs arE not allowed. 41.3 CONSTRUCTION 41.3.1 MATERIAL HANDLING 1. Pipe, iittings, valves, hydrants and accessories shall be loaded and unloaded by lifting with hoists or skidding so as to avoid shock or daznage. Under no cxrcunastances shall such zzaaterials be dropped. �ipe handled on skidways shall not be skidded zolled against pipe already on the ground. 2. Pipe shall be so handled that the coating and lining will not be damaged. If, however, any part of the coating or lining is damaged, the ;tepair shall be made by the Contractor at his expense in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 3_ In distributing the material at the site of the work, each piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where it is to be laid in the trench. 41.3.2 PIPE LAYING ALIGNMENT AND GRADE The pipe shall be laid and �rnaintained to the :required lines and grades with fittings, valves and hydrants at the required locations, spigots centered in bells; and all valves and hydrant stezns pluznb. All pipe installed shall be pigged and properly blown off before any pressure testing and sterili�ation of the pipe can be completed. The depth of caver over the water main shall be a minimunn of 30-inches and a maximum of 42- inches below finished grade, except where approved by the Engineer to avoid conflicts and obstructions. Whenever obstructions not shown on the plans are encountered during the pro�ress of the woxk and interfere to such an extent that an alteration of the plans is :required, t}ae Engineer shall have the authority to change the plans and order a deviation frona the line and grade or arrange with the Owners of the stxuctuxes for the removal, relocation, or reconstruction of the abstructions. SectionTV.doc Page 76 of 127 ]0/] 120]0 r , Section IV -- Technical Specifications I NSTALLATION Proper implements, tools, and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used � by the Contractor for the safe and convenient performance of the work. All pipe, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent datxaage to materials � and pratective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall materials be d;ropped or dumped in tlae trench. ' If damage occurs to any pipe, �ttings, valves, hydrants or acccssories in handling, the damage shall be immediately brought to the En.gineer's attention. The Engineer shall p;rescribe conective repairs or rejection of the damaged items. � All pipe and fittings shall be cat'efully examined for cracks and other defects while suspended abave the trench immediately hefore installation in final position. Spigot ends shall be examined �� � with particular care as this area is`the most vulnerable to damage from handling. Defective pipe � or fittings shall be laid aside for inspection by the Engineer who will prescribe corrective repairs or rejection_ All lumps, blisters, and excess coating shall be removed from the bell and spigot end of each � pipe, and the outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell sha11 be wire brushed and wiped clean and dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid. Pipe joints shall be made up in accoXdance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the line. If the pipe laying crew cannot put the pipe into the t�rench and in place withaut getting earth into it, the Engineer may require that, before lowering the pipe into the trench, a heavy, woven canvas bag of suitable size shall be placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be made tp the adjacent pipe. During laying operation, no debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe_ As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and tk�e pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade. 'Ihe pipe shall be secured in place with approved back#311 materia.l tamped under it except at the bells. Precautians shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint space. At times when pipe laying is nat in progress, tkae open ends of pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Engineer. The curiing of pipe for insertin� valves, iittings, or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner withaut damage to the pipe ar cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to ihe axis of the pipe. Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the darectian af laying unless directed otherwise by the EnginEer. Where pipe is laid on the grade of 10 per cent or greater, the laying shal] start at bottona and s�all proceed upward with the bell ends of tlae pipe upgrade. Whereve;r it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horiwntal plane to avoid obstructions or to plumb stems; or where long radius curves ax'e permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that allowed under the latest edition of ANSI/AWWA C600-82 and C900 81 or latest revisions. No pipe shall be laid when, in the opinion of the Engineer, trench conditions are unsuitable. 5ectionIV.doc Page 77 of 127 10/112010 5ection 1V -- Technical Specifications 41.3.3 SETTING �F VALVES, HYDRANTS AND FITTINGS GENERAL Valves, hydrants, fittings, plugs and caps shall be set and joined ta pipe in the manner specified above for installation of pipe. 41.3.3.Z VALVES Valves in water maans shall, where possible, be located on the street property lines extended unless shown otherwise on the plans. All valves shall be installed at the tee in all cases, not to exceed 18-inches from the main line_ The valve box shall not txansxnit any shock oz stzess to the valve and shall be centered and plumh over t1�e wrench nut of the valve, with the box cover flush with the surface of the finished pavement-oF such� other level as may be directed. R�fer to City Index No. 402; Sheet l of 5& Sheet 2 of 5 for potable water valve pad detail, and City Yndex No. 502; Sheet 1 of 2& S�eet 2 of 2 for reclaimed water valve box and pad detail. HYDRANTS Hydrants shall be located as shown or as directed so as to provade coxnplete accessibility and minunize the possibility of damage fro:txa vehicles or injury to pedestrians. All hydrants located 10-feet of mare fxom the zxaain shall have a gate valve at the main and another gate valve at the hydrant location. No valve can be located anywhere in the hydrant run to circumvent the use of two valves. Refer to City Index No_ 402; Sheet S of 5 for potable water hydrants. No hyd:rants shall be installed an the reclaimed water systerza unless approved by the City af Clearwater's Engineering Department. All hydrants shall stand plumb atad shall have their nozzles parallel with, or at right angles to, the curb, with the pumper nozzle facing the curb. Hydrants shall be set to the established grade, with nozzles as shown or as directed by the Engineer. Each hydrant shall be connected to the main with a 6-inch ductile iron branch controlled by an indeper►dent 6 inch gate va]ve. ANCH�RAGE Movement of a11 plugs, caps, tees, bends, etc., unless otherwise specified shall be prevented by attaching approved mechanical z'estraining z'ings or glands and installed per znanufacturers recommendations_ Hydrants shall be held in place with restxained swivel joints. Restraining zxxechanical joint glands on hydrants rxaay be used whexe hydrant runout length precludes the use of hydrant connecting swivel joints. Where special anchorage is required, such anchorage shall be in accordance with details showxx on the plans. 41.3.4 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING LINES Where shown �n the plans or dizected by the Engineer, the watez lines constructed under tlxis contract shall be connected to the existing lines now in place. No such connection shall be made until all xequizennents of the speci�cations as to tests, flushing, and sierilization have been m�t and the plan of the cut in to the existing line has been approved by the Enginee:r. 5ectionlV.doc Page 78 of 127 10/l 1/2010 � 1 � � r ' ' � C-1 � r � � ' ' � ' � � Section 1V — Technical Specifications Where connections are made between new work and existing work, the connections shall be made in a thorough a;nd wo;rkmanlike manner using proper rzaatezials and �ttings to suit the actual conditions. All �ttings shall be properly sterilized and pipe will be properly swabbed befare connectians to existing facilities. All cotuaections to existin� faciliUes will be completed urider the supervision of the City of Clearwater Water Division. 41.4 TESTS 41.4.1 HYDROSTATIC TESTS After installation of water ma.i�ns, complete with all associated appurtenances including service taps, all sections of newly laid main shall be subject to a hydrostaiic pressure test of 15U pounds per square inch foar a period of two (2) haurs and shall conform to AW WA C600 latest revision. �111 maxns shall be pigged and flushed to remove all satad aaad other foxeign matter before any hydrostatic test can or will be perforriied. The pressure test shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 7"he pump, pipe connection and all necessary apparatus, together with operating personnel, shall be furnished by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor shall make all necessary taps into the pipe line. `l�?te Owner will furnish the watex for the test. Before applying the test pressure, all air shall be expelled from the pipe line. 41.4.2 NOTICE OF TEST The Cantractor shall give the City of Clearwater's Owner Representative 48-�ours advance notice of the time when the installation is ready far hydrostatic testing. 41.5 STERILIZATION Before the system is put into operation, all water mains azad appurtena�nces and any item of new construction with which the water comes in contact, shall be thoxoughly sterilized in accordance with AWWA Cb51. 41.5.1 STERILIZING AGENT The sterilivng agent shal] be liquid chlorine, sodium hypochloxite solution conforming to Federal Specification Q S 6�2B, Gzade D, or dry hypochlorite, co:mmonly known as "HTH" or "Perchloron". 41.5.2 FLUSHING SYSTEM Prior to the application of the sterilization agent, all mains shall be thoroughly flushed. Flushin� shall continue until a clean, cleaz stream of water flows from the hydrants. Where hydrants are not available for flushing, such flushing shall be accomplished at the installed blow ofF devices generally at ihe ends of the lines. 41.5.3 STERILIZATION PROCEDURE All piping, valves, fittings and all other appurtenances sha11 be sterilized with water containing a minimum chlorine concentration of 75 ppm at any point in ihe system_ This solution shall then remain in the distribution system for a rninimum eontact periad of eight (8) hours and never more than 24 hours before it is flushed out. All valves in the lines being sterilized shall be opened and closed several tim�s during the cantact periad_ SectionlV.doc Page 79 of 127 10/11/2010 Section IV —Technicai Speci�cations 41.5.4 RESIDUAL CHLORINE TESTS After the sterilization outli:�ed above has been accomplished, flushing shall continue until free residual chlorine tests not less than� Q.2 pptn nox more t�axa 3.0 ppm. Residual chlorine test shall be in accordance with stan�dard methods using a standard DPD test set. 41.5.5 BACTERIAL TESTS After the water systenn has been sterilized arad thoroughly flushed as specified herein, City of Clearwater Water Division or the Owner's Representative persotuxel shall take samples of water from remote points o� the distribution system in suitable sterilized containers. The City shall foxward the sarnples to a laboratory certified by the Florada State Board of Health for bacterial examination in accordance with AWWA C651. If tests of such samples indicate the presence of coliform organisms, the sterilization as outlined above shall be repeated u�ntil tests indicate the absence of such pollution. The bacterial tests shall be satisfactorily completed before the system is placed in operation aa�d it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to perform the sterilization as outlined above. If inethods of sterilization differ materially from those outlined above, such methods shall be in accordatace with directives of the Florida State Board of Health atxd all methods employed shall have the approval of that agency. Definite instructions as to the collection and shipment of samples shall be securcd from the laboratory prior to sterilization azxd sha11 be followed in all respects. The City of Clearwater shall secure clearance of the water main from the Florida Department of Ex�vironmental Protectio:n befare the water distribution system is put into operatio;�_ 41.fi MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 41.6.1 GENERAL Bids must include all sections and items as specified herein axad as listed on the Sid Form_ Payment for the work of constructing the project will be tnade at the unit price or lwmp sum payment for the iterns of work as set forth in the Bid, which payment will constitute fiill compensation for all labor, equipment, and materials required to complete the work. No separate payment will be made for the following iterns and the cost of such work shall be included in the applicable pay items of work: • Clearing and grubbing • Excavation, including necessary pavernent removal • Shoring and/or dewatering • Structural fill � Backfill � Grading � Tracer wire • Refill materials • Jaints materials • Tests and sterilization • Appurten�azxt work as required for a complete and operable system. SectionIV.doc Page $0 of 127 �on��zo�o � � Section IV — Technical Speci£cativns 41.6.2 FURNISH AND INSTALL WATER MAINS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the actual number of feet of pipe of each size and type satisfactorily furnished and laid, as measured along the centerlizae of the completed pipe line, including the length of valves and fittings. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation fox fiirnishing all plant, labor, materials and equiprnent, and constructing the water mains complete and ready for operation. 41.G.3 FURNISH AND INSTALL FITTINGS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment w:ill be the number of tons, or decima] part thereof, of ductile iron fttings satisfactorily fiu�nished and installed. Fitting weights shall be based on weights stamped on the body of the fitting, provided such weights do not exceed the theoretical weights by more than the tolerances pernaitted in ANSI/AWWA C110/A 21_10 $2, latest revision, in which case, the weight will be based upon the theoretical weight plus the maximum tolerance. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensation for fiu�nishing all plant, labor, materials, arxd equipment required to furnish and install ductile iron fttiz�gs. 4'1.6.4 FURNISH AND INSTALL GATE VALVES COMPLETE WITH BOXES AND COVERS � MEASUREMENT The quantity �or payment shall be the number of gate valves of each size satisfactorily furnished and installed. PAYMENT 1'ayment of the applicable unit price for each size shall be full compensation for furnishing al1 plant, labor, material and equipment and installing the valve complEte with box and cover. 41.6.5 FURNISH AND INSTALL FIRE HYDRANTS MEASUREMENT The quantity for payment shall be the number of fire hydrants satisfactorily furn�ished and installed. The only hydrants allowed to be installed in the City of Clearwater utilities system are listed in Section 41.2.5. No exceptions. PAYMENT Payment of the applicable unit price shall be full compensatio;n foz furnishing all plant, labor, material azxd equipment a.nd installi�txg the fire hydrant complete izzcluding necessary thrust Section]V.doc Page 8] of 127 lU/11/2010 �ection 1V --Technical Speci$cations anchorage, 6-inch pipe between the nnain and the hydrant azxd gate valve azad valve b�x an the hydrant lead. 42 GAS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Thas article not applicable. 43 TENNIS C�URTS 43.1 PAVED TENNIS COURTS 43.1.1 SOIL TREATMENTS All soil u.nder courts sk�all be treated with DSMA 184 at the rate of 2 pounds active ingredient per 1,0�0 square foot. - Materials shall be brought to the job site in tagged containers. Tags shall ba retained and turned into the Engineer's Office. 43.1.2 BASE COLJRSE Base Caurse shall be Limerock 6" thick after cozx�pactxon. Specifications for the base shall be the same as those for Limerock in Section IV - Articic 22 of the City of Clearwater Technical Specifications. Subgrade stabilizing will not be required. Surface shall be cut to within 1/2" of true grade in preparation of 1" leveling course. Prior to applying prime coat, surface shall be approved by the Engineer_ 43.1.3 PRIME COAT The material used for prime coat shall be cut-back Asphalt Grade RC-70 or RC-250 and shall conform to Section 300 of the F�a�rida State Department of Tz'azxsportation's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction". 43.1.4 LEVELING COURSE A_Leveling Course shall be a minimutn of 1" of Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as speci,fied in Section 331 of FDOT's Standax'd Specification (latest edition)_ The Leveling Course shall be constructed running East and West_ Finish surface of leveling course shall not vary more th�an 1/4" when checked with a 10 foot straight edge. If a deficiency of moze than '/a" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such rennedial woz'k shall be without cornpensation. 43.1.5 SURFACE C�URSE Surface course shall be a minimum of 1" of Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete as speciiied in Section 33l of FDOT's Standard Specification (�atest edition). The Surface Course shall be constructed running North and South. Finish surfaces shall not vary more than 1/4" in 1� feet. Prior to application of color coat, surface shall be checked fo:r low areas by flooding t1�e surface with water. Low areas shall be patched as approved by the Engineer prior to application of the color coat. No areas whi�h retain water will SectionIV.dce Page 82 of ]27 10/11/2010 Section IV — Technical Specifications be approved_ If a deficiency of more than '/4" exists, the Engineer will determine if the suiface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such remedial work shall be without compensation. 43.1.6 C�LOR C4AT 43.'1.6.1 MATERIALS Materials used in the patching and color coating of Tennis Courts shall be manufactured specifically for Tennis Court Application. All materials must be approved by the Engineer prior to the start of canstruction_ Request for approval of coating materials may be submitted prior to the opening of bids. I:n requests fox approval, the Contractor shall present manufacturer's literature along with the name, address, and date of three previous Tezanis Court applications of the proposed mate�ial. CONSTRUCTIpN SURFACE PREPARATION The surface to be coated must be sound, smooth, atad free from loose dirt or aily materials. Pnior to the application of surfacing materials, the entire suiface should be checked for minor depressiazas or inregularities. If it is determined that minor corrections are necessary, the Contractor shall make repairs using approved tack coat and/or patching mix in accordance with ma�nufacturer's recommendations for use. After patching the surface sha11 not vary more than 1/8" in ten feet in any direction. If a ' deficiency of more than 1/8" exists, the Engineer will determine if the surface should be leveled or removed and replaced. Such aremedial work shall be without compensation. In order to provide a smooth, dense underlayment of the finish course, one or more applications of resurfacer or patcln mix sha.11 be applied to the underlaying sunface as deemed necessary by the Engineer. Asphaltic concrete Sur.f'ace Course with a smooth tight mix and no ponding, will not require the resurfacing or patching mix. Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course which is course axad raugh or is ponding water will require the use of the resur�acer ar patch mix. No applications shall be covered by a succeedixag application until thoroughly cured. FINISH COLOR CQURSE The finish course shall be applied to a clean, dry surface in accordance with the mazxufacturer's directions. A minimum of twa applications of color coat will be required. Texture of cured color coat is to be regulated in accordaxace with manu�'acturer's recommendations to provide a medium speed surface for ten�zais play. The color af application shall be dark green for the regulation double's playing azea and red for all other others. The finished surface shall have a uniform appearance and be free from ridges and tool marks. PLAYING LINES Forty-eight (48) hours minimum after completion of the resurfacing, 2 inch wide playing lines shall be accurately located, marked arzd painted with approved marking paint. SectionN.doc Page S3 of 127 10/11/2010 Section lV — Technical 5pecifications WEATHER LIMITATIONS No parts of the construction involving Tennis Court suxfacing or patchin�g products sh.all be conducted during rainfall, or when rainfall is imminent or unless the air temperature is at least 50 Degree's F and rising. NOTE: "Ihe Contractor shall notify the Project lnspector a minimunn or 24 hours in advance of all base and asphalt related work. 43.2 CLAY TENNIS COURTS 43.2.1 GENERAL SCOPE 'The� Contractor sl�all furnish all labor; materials and equipment ;necessary for the installation of clay tennis court(s) as set forth in these specificati.ons and /or the construction drawings. The scope of work is indicated on drawings and specified herein. Basis of design for clay courts with sub-surface inigation system is Hydrogrid Tennis, Ync. or prior approved equal. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS The �wner may make such investigation as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the Bidder to perform the work and the Bidder shall funnish to the Owner all such information atxd data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any Sad if the evidence submitted by, or in�vestigations of such Sidders fail to satisfy the owner that such Bidder is properly qualified ta carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated herein within the time limit agreed upon. Factors to be considered in awarding the Bid shall include the successiul completior� af similar sub-surface irrigation clay tennis court installations of li�Ce value, scope, size and quality as this project, with in the last five (5) years. Th.e Owner desixes to award this contract to firms that have been in business foz a minimum of five (5) years. Tl�e qualifications and experience of the personnel assigned to the pzoject will be a determining factor in the award of the Bid. _ STANDARDS The Contractor shall pe�orm all work in a thorough, workmanlil�e manner and conform to standards fox tennis court construction as prescribed or approved by the United States (Lawn) Tennis Association and the U�nuited States Tennis Court and Tract Builders Association. The Contractor shall construct the tennis courts wi�th laser guided equipment. BUILDING PERMITS AND TAXES The Contractor shall secure all construction permits required by law, the City of Clearwater will waive all permit fees. 43.2.'1.5 COURT LAYDUT T7�e �wner shall establish two horizontal control points and a construction bench mar�C. The Contractor shall locate the four corners of each battery and shall layout the courts in con�formance with the specifications and drawings. SectionlV.doc Page 84 of 127 lU/11/2010 ' 1 Section N — Technical Specifications BUILDING REQUIREMENTS The Owner shall provide and maintain reasonable access to the canstruction site, as well as an , area adjacent to the site for storage and prepazation of matenials. Adequate wate:r outlets withir� fifty (50) feet of the site shall be provided. ' 1 � ' � � � , ' ' 1 �� �� , ' SCHEDULE The Ownex desires to award the contract to firms who will complete this project in a reasonable time schedule. Consideration in awarding this bid will be given to firms who may commence and complete the project within a reasonable period of time after award of the bid. The Owner, in its sole discretion, will dete�rnine the reasonable schedule standard as it relates to the "Notice to Proceed." 43.2.2 SITE PREPARATIDN SUITABILITY The Contractor shall examine the site to determine its suitability for installation of the courts. C��+�+�'� �] �u C�1� �[�7i The contractor shall demo the existing tennis courts, remove the existing ten (10) foot high fence surrounding the tennis courts and all uxiderground utilities within tbe limits of the constructio:� azea. Utilities extending outside the constructian limits shall be capped and termix►ated. The existing tennis courts shall be pround into millings suitable to be mixed into the sub-grade at the proposed location of the new clay tennis courts. Aray sub-grade xnaterial beneath the existing tennis courts not suitable for planting beds shall be re�oved and also utilized as sub-grade material beneath the new courts. All demolition materials not utilized in construction� of th.e new courts shall be rennoved and disposed fronn the project site. 'T�e Contractor shal] provide documentation of any recycled materials. Sl1B-GRADE The sub-grade shall be graded to a tolerance of plus or minus one (1) inch of the fnal sub-grade elevatian. The sub-grade shall be graded level. A compaction to a density not less than 95% of the maxinnwn standard density as determined by AASHTO T-1 SO is required. The Contractor shall provide documentation af testing to the Owner. �INAL GRADE The final grades outside the tennis court areas and within the canstruction lixnits shall be graded to a tolerance of plus or :tx�inus one (1) inch of the final grade elevatians with positive drainage away from tennis courts and towards drait�age swales or outfall structut'es. A compaction to a density not less thata 95% of the maxizxxutxa standard density as determined by AA,SHTO T-1 SO is required. The contractor shall provide docunnentation of testing to the Owner. 43.2.3 SLOPE 5LOPE REQUIREMENTS Rate and direction of slape of the finished su�rfaces shall be one (1) inch in forty (q�0) feet, all in one plane, as indicated on the drawings. ' SectionlV.doc �_� Page 85 of 127 10/11/2010 Section ]V — Technical Specifications 43.2.4 BASE CONSTRUCTION LINER Two layers of 6 mil construction plastic shall be installed over the sub-grade suxface with a minimum overlap of five (5) feet where pieces are joined. Use only materials that are resistant to detenioration when tested in accordance with ASTM E 154, as follows: a_ Polyethylene sheet, Consttvction Grade_ BASE COURSE The base course shall consist of six (6) inches of porous base rnaterial as supplied by Quality Aggregate of Sarasota Florida. The surface of the base couzse shall be srnooth and even, and it shall be within one-quarter (1/4) inch of the established grade. IRRIGATION SYSTEM Perforated pipe shall be installed in trenches in the base course. These trenches shall be in on foux (4) foot centers and shall be tlui perpendicular to the slope of the couri. The pipe shall be two and one-quarter (2-I/4) inch diameter with a nylon needle pur�ched sock surrounding the pipe. Six (6) water co:�trol canisters shall be installed per court w�ith each canister controlling �ve (S) grid pipe trenches. Pxovide all required controls systems time clocks; float switches, control wiring and solenoids, etc. for a complete sub-surface irrigation systern. 43.2.5 PERIMETER CURBING CURB Brick curb shall be installed around the entire perimeter of the court area with an elevation of ozae-quarteX (1/4) to one-half (]/2) in,ch above the finished screening course elevation. 43.2.6 SURFACE C�URSE COURT SUR�ACE A suz�'ace course of TSP Type 7Y Aquablend or Lee Hyroblend tennis court r�aaterial shall be installed over the screening couz'se to a compacted depth of one (1) inch. The �1qua/Hyd;toblend material shall be watered to its full depth immediately after leveling az�d then cornpacted by z�lling with a tandem roller weighing 600 to 100� pounds. The finished surface shall not vary f;rom speciiied grade by zaaore than one-eighth (1/8) inch. 43.2.7 ROOT BARRIER Root barrier (geo-tech fabric) eighteen (18) inches height shall be placed ix� a trench on the outside edge of the perimeter curbing eighteen (18) inches in� depth with herbicide coating buttons to prevent plant roat systerns in Entering the sub-surface base course of the clay tennis courts. SectionTV.doc Page 86 of 127 l0/11/2010 Section 1V —Technical Specifications 43.2.8 FENCING DESIGN 'The contractor shall provide a total color coated fencing system as indicated on drawings and described herein. All components: frames, fabric and fittings shall be black. Basis of Design Ameristar HT-25 or prior approved equal subject to strict compliance with Ameristar published speciiication. POSTS All posts shall be a minimwia 2-1/2" Ameristar HT 25 pipe; tap rails 1-5/8" Ameristar HT 25 pipe with manufacturexs standard "Permacoat" color system_ FENCE FABRIC Fence �'abric shall be 1-3/4" #6 gauge mesh tk�uroughout, manufactures standard galvanized wire with PVC coating. All fabric to b� knuckled on both selvages. GATES Provide gates at locations indicated. At service gates, provide a keeper that automatically engages gate life and holds it in the open position wntil manually released. Provide gate stops for double gates consisting of a mushroam-type flush plate with anchors, set in concrete, and designed to engage a center drop rod or plunger-bar. Include a locking device and padlock eyes as an integral part of the latch, permitting both gate leaves to be locked with a single padlock. Provide latch, fork type or plunger-bar type ta percnit operation from eitheX side of gate, with padlock eye as an integral part of the latch. Gate Hinges — Size and rnaterial to suit gate size, nan-lift-off type, and offset to pe�ait 180-degree gate opening. Provide one and one-half (1-1/2) pair of hinges far each lea�' over six (6) foat nominal height. 43.2.9 WINDSCREENS T'he contractor shall pravide nine (9) foat high windscreens at all ten (1Q) foot high fencing. Basis af desigri is Durashade plus by Ball Products, Inc. or equal by Putte�an. Black high- density polyethylene, eight (8) �z, per square yard edges hemmed with grornmets at twelve (12) inch on center. Attach to chain link fencing at the top and bottom with 50 LBS plastic ties. 43.2.10 C�URT EQUIPMENT POST F�UNDATIONS Post foundations shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches in length, eighteen (18) inches in width and thirty (30) inches in depth. Foundations shall be placed to provide an exact distance between posts of forty-two (42) feet on a doubles court and thirty-three (33) �eet on a singles court. NET POSTS � SLEEVES Net posts shall be galvaruzed steel having an outside diameter of not less than two and seven- eighths (2 7/8) inches with electrastatically applied enamel fuush and shall be equipped with a reel type net tightening device. Post sleeves and posts shall be set plumb and true so as to support SectionlV.doc Page 87 of 127 10/11/201Q 5ection IV —Technical Specifications the net a height of forty-two (42) inch�es above the court surface at the posts_ Post sleeves shall be Schedule 40 PVC to be set in conc;rete per net post manufactures :recoiaamendation. CENTER STRAP ANCHOR A center strap anchar shall be �rmly set in accordax�,cE with the rules of the USTA. 43.2.10,4 N ET A teruus net conforming ta the USTA regulations shall be installed on each court_ The net shall have black synthetic netting, a headbazxd of white synthetic material in double thickness with the exterior treated for zesistance to mildew and sunlight, and battam and end tapes of back synthetic material treated to prevent deterioration fraraa the suzalight. A vinyl coated, impzegnated steel cable, having a diameter of one quarter ( l/4) inch and a length five (5) feet greater than length between the net post shall hold the net in suspension. The net shall have tie stzings of a synthetic mate:rial at each corner. Basis of Design -- Duranet DTS by Ball Products, Inc. CENTER STRAP Provide a centez strap of white heavy duty polyester webbing with black oxide coated brass slide buckles and nickel plated double end snap. Center strap shall be placed on the net and attached ta the cenier. stxap ancl�ox,. .., , .. .. . , .. . . - - . . a3.2.10.fi LINE TAPES Line tapes shall be 140% nylor� and shall be two (2) inches in width. The tapes shall be firmly secwred by aluminum nails with alumi;num length of two and o�e-half (2 — 1/2) inches. Positioning shall be in acco:rdance with regulations of the USTA. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Deliver the following equipment to the owner: I. Itide-on Tandem Ro11er - Brutus AR-I Rollez, automatic forward-neutral-reve:rse transmission; 2� inch wide drum; 3-horse power Briggs and Stratton engine. 2. Hazxd dzag bxoort�s (4 each) - 7' wide aluminum frame with 4-I/2" synthetic bristles; Proline. 3. Tow drag brooms (l each) - 7' wide aluminum frame 4-1/2" synthetic bristles; �roline. 4. Deluxe Proline Line Sweeper (4 each) - friction-dariven rubber sleeves; synihetic bristle brush; with fence hook cast aluminum. S_ Scarifier/Lutes (2 each) - 30" wide all aluminum; Proline. 6. Tennis Shoe Cleaners (2 each) - steel frame construction "Sc:rush,er" exact installation location by Ownex. 7. Tennis Two Step (2 each) - polyethylene construction with two :rubber panels. 8. Court Rake (1 each) — six-foot ]en�gth aluminum. 5ectionJV.doc Page 88 of lZ7 ]0/11/2010 ' ' 1 , 5ection 1V — Technical SpeciTications 43.2.11 SHADE STRUCTURE Provide shade structures as indicted an drawings. Basis of design: Suntrends, Inc. "Cabana ' Sench 8" — 8'long x G' wide gable design with standard canvas canopy, direct burial installation. Provide concrete footing, size and reinforcement as required by shade structure manufacture. ' � � �. J � ' 1 ' ' ' 1 , 1 43.2.12 WATER S�URCE (Po#able} The owner shall supply water line to within fifty (50) feet of the courts with SU pounds pex square inch running pressure at its te�r�tninus. This line shall have the capacity to supply 30 gallons of water per minute for each court. 43.2.13 CONCRETE Frovide concrete consisting of portland cez�nent per ASTM C 1 S0, aggregates per ASTM C 33, and� potable water. •Mix mat�rials to obtain concrete with a minimwn 2$-day cornpressive strength of 3,540 psi. Use at least four sacks of cement per cu. yd., 1-inch maximum size aggregate, 3-inch maximum slump. 43.2.14 EKISTING SP�RT TENNIS COURT LIGHTING SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall provide signed and sealed electrical shop drawings by a professional electrical engineer for approval of the relacation and re-aiming of the existin� tennis court sport lighting fixtuxes and electrical service to water coolers. The shop drawings shall include all necessary infoxnnatian according to local electrical cades in providing a complete operating system from the existing electrical panel. T'he shop draw;ings shall provide data showing the rnaximum foot candles the existing fixtures will provide at its new locations for toumament play. Shop drawings shall be subm�itted to the Parks and Recreation Department for approval. RE-LAMP Tl�e Contractor shall re-lamp and clean lens of all existing lighting fixtures after relocating the light pole and fxtures to its new location. The City will provide the new lamps. ELECTRICAL PERMIT T'he Contractor shall subznit electrical drawings to City of Clearwater Plazuiing and Development Services to obtain permits for installation of the electrical works_ POLES � FIXTURES The Contractor shall install three (3) new sixty foot (60') poles and fourteen (l4) new fixtures. ' The City will purchase and provide the new poles and fixtures far the Co:ntractor to install, any other miscellaneous items required to provide a complete operable syste�m shall be provided by the Contractor. ' 1 , ' Attached with ticus specification are the photometric lumination charts for the eight-(8) tcnnis courts. This information is provided by Musco Sport Lighting, 1$38 East Chester Drive, Suite #104, High Point, NC 27265, phone (336) 887-0770 fax (336) 887-U771. Contact Douglas A. Stewart. Contractor shall install the poles and fixtures based on the following informatian: 5ectionlV.doc Page 89 of 127 ]O/l1/2010 Section 1V — Technical Specifications Pole Tl existing S�xture po,le, zemove one fixture and place on pole TS Pole T2 existing 12 fixture pole, remove six fixtures and place on pole TS Pole T3 existing 5 iixtwre pole, reznove one �xture and place on pole TS Pole T4 new pole with new seven fixtures and two cizcuits Pole TS new pole w/existing sixteen fixtures (8 on one side and 8 on the other) and 2 circuits Pole T6 new pole with ne�v seven �xtures and two circuits Pole T7 existing 5 fixtuce pole, rernove two fixtures and place �n pole TS P�le TS existing 12 fixture pole, remove four fixtures and place on p�le TS Pole T9 existing 5 fixture pole, reznove tvvo �xtures and place on pole TS Light levels ended up at 58+ footcandles. Existing poles have concrete footing approximately one foot vvide on a11 sides Contractor shall plan relocat�on light poles accoxdingly. ELECTRICAL CONDUITS Existing electrical conduits are installed individually to the existing light pole, it is suggested the Contractor place electrical junction boxes at existing pole locations and utilize existing conduits. New conduits will be required for the three (3) new light poles and the Contractor s]nall include the cast �dr these electrical conduits in the relocating of the new light poles. 43.2.15 WATER CDOLER 43.2.15.'I SHQP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for the installation of water cooler in the cabana area of the tennis courts, electrical, water and drainage submitted to t�e Parks and Recxeation Depaxtment for approval. WATER FOUNTAIN Sasis far design: Halsey Taylor HOF Series — water cooler with sealed back panels, ox equal. 43.2.'IG DEMONSTRATION Instruct the Owner's personnel on proper operation and maint�nance of court and equipment. 43.2.'17 WARRANTY EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall supply warranty cards and operation and maintenance manuals for all equip:�x�ent to the Owner upon completion of construction of the praject. C��i F�T i T I 17 : 71► � � T� The Contractor shall warranty the courts, fencing, sidewalks and court accessories against defective materials and /or �torkmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion. SxtionIV.dac Page 90 of 127 ]0/11/2010 ' 1 ' � , ' �.J ' ' � SeCtion IV — TeChnical Specifications WARRANTY SUB-SURFACE IRRIGATIDN SYSTEM The Contractar shall warranty the sub-surface irrigation of the clay tennis courts for a period of two years from the day of completion. . . , • : :r�•�,i��:�_���r��•�.��:z•� 44.1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTR�L The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, operate, maintain and remove all work zone traffic control associated with the 1'roject, including detours, advance warnings, channelizatian, haza.rd waz'nings and any other necessary features, both at the immediate work site and as may be necessary at outlying points. . . .. 44.2 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The Contractor shall prepare a detailed traffic control plan designed to accomplish the leve] of performance outlined in the Scope of the Wark and/or as may be reyuired by construction pernaits issued by Pinellas County and/or the Florida Department of Transportation �or the 1'roject, incorporating the methods and criteria contained in Paxt VI, Standaxds and Guides for Traff"�c Cantrols for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility and Incident Management �perations in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the U.S. Department of Transportation and adopted as aznended by the Florida Department of Transportation, o:r most recent addition. 44.2.1 WORK Z�NE SAFETY The general objectives of a prograna af work zone safety is to protect warkers, pedestrians, ' bicyclists and matorists during construction and maintenance opea'ations. This gene;ral abjective may be achieved by meeting the following specific objectives: • Provide adequate advance warning and information regarding upconning work zones. ' • Provide the driver clear directions to understanding the situation he will be facing as he proceeds through or araund the wark zone_ • Reduce the consequences of an out of control vehicle. ' • Provide safe access and storage %r eyuipment and material. • Promote speedy completaon of projects (including thorough cleanup of the site). ' • Promote use of the appropriate traffic conVol and protection devices. • Provide safe passageways %r pedestrians through, in, and/or around construction or maintenance work zones. , 1 �� The 2004 Design Standards (DS), Index 600 "When an existing pedestrian way or bicycle way is located within a traffic control work zone, accommodation must be maintained and provision for the disabled must be px'ovided. Only app:roved temporary traffic control devices rnay be used to delineate a temparaxy traff'ic control zone pedestrian walkway. Advanced notification of sidewalk closures and detours marked shall be provided by approp;riate signs". 2004 Standard Specifications for Rpad and $ridge Construction ' SectionlV.doc t Page 91 of 127 ] 0/I ll2010 Section IV — Technical Specifications 102-5 Traffic Control: 102-5.1 Standards: FDOT Design Standards (DS) are the minimum standards for the use in the develapment of all traffic co�trol plans 44.3 ROADWAY CLOSURE GUIDELINES Roadway types: Major Arterials, Minor Arterials, Local Collectors, and Local Following a�re typical requirements to be accomplished prior ta closure. The nwnnber of requirements increase with traffic volume and the importance of access. Road closures affecting business or sole access routes will incxease in process requirements as appropriate_ For all but local streets, no road or lane closures aze allowed during the Christmas holiday season and the designated "Spring Break" season with prior approval by the City Engineear_ 44.3.1 ALL ROADWAYS 4btain permits for Pinellas County and Florida Department of Transportation roadways_ Trafiic control devises conforna to national and state standards. PUBLIC N�TIFICATIDN Standard property owner notification prior to start of constxuction for properties directly affected by the constxuctic�n process. 44.3.2 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MIN�R ARTERIALS, LOCAL COLLECTORS Consult with City Tra�c staff for preliminary traf�c control options. Develop Formal Tra�ic Control Plan for Permit Submittal to Regulatory Agency as necessary. PUBLIC N�TIFICATION Message Soard Display, Minimuna of 7-day notice period prior to road closure and maybe longer for larger highway. The message board is ta be pzovided by the Contractor. 44.3.3 MAJOR ARTERIALS, MINOR ARTERIALS 44.3,3.1 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION C-View Release 44.3.4 MAJOR ARTERIALS PUBLIC NOTIFICATION News Release The Message Board may need ta be displayed for a period longer than 7 days. 44.4 APPROVAL OF WORK Z�NE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN The Contractor is invited and encouraged to confer ir� advarice of bidding, and is required, as a specification of the work, to confer in advance of beginning any work on the Project, with the Tra�'ic Operatio:�s Division, Municipal Services Suilding, 100 South Myrtle Avenue, telephone 562-4750, for the purpose of app:roval of the Co�atractor's propased detailed traffic control plan_ SectionIV.doc Page 92 of 12"I 10/11/2010 1 � ' Section ]V — Technical Specifications All maintenance of traffic (M�T) plans shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer or an individual who is certified in the preparation of MOT plans in the State of Florida. 44.5 INSPECTI�N OF WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL �PERATION The Tra�ic �perations Division tnay inspect and monitor the traffc control plan and tra�c � control devices of the Contractor. The City's Construction Inspector assigned to the project, rnay make known requirements for any alterations or adjustments to the traffic control devices. The Contractor sha11 take directaon from the P�roject Engineer or Project Inspector. ' �l � � � � � � � � 1 � , i ' 44,f PAYMENT FOR WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Payment for work zone traffic control is a non-speci�c pay item to be included in the canstruction costs associated with other specific pay itenns unless specifically stated otherwise in the Scope of Work in these Technacal Specifications and a bid itenn(s) is included for Wark Zone Traffic Control in the proposal form. 44.7 CERTIFICATION OF W�RK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR The City zxiay require that the Supervisor ox Forennan controlling the work for the Contractor on the Project have a current International Municipal Signal Association, Work Zone Traffic Control Safety Certification or Worksite Tra�f c Supervisor Certiiication from the American Tr�c Safety Association w:ith additional current Certification from the Florida Department of Transportation. This reqwireznent for Certi�cation will be noted in the Scope of Work and/or sections of these Technical Speci�cations. When the certi�ed supervisor is required for the Project, the supervisor will be on the Project site at all times while work is being conducted. The Worksite TrafFic Supervisor shall be available an a 24-hour per day basis and shall review the pxoject on a day-to-day basis as well as being involved in all changes to tra£�ic control. The Worksite Traffic Supervisor shall have access to all equipz�nent and matenials needed to z�n,aantain txaff'ic control and handle tra�ic related situations. The Waxksite Tra£�ic Supe;rviso:r shall ensure that routine deficiencies aze carrected witivin a 24-hour period. The Worksite T:raffic Supervisor sha.11 be available on the site within 45 nni�ttutes after notificatian of an emergency situation, prepared to positively respond to repair the work zone taraffic control or to provide alternate tra�ic arrangenrzents. Failure of the Worksite Traffic Supervisor to connply with the provisions of this Subarticle �nnay be grounds for decertification or rezzaoval frozn the project or both. Failure to maintain a designated Worksite Traff'ic Supervisor or failure to comply with these provisions will result in temporary suspension of all activities except traffic and erosion control and such other activities deemed to be necessary for project z�naintenance and safety. 45 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING 45.1 INTENT Tt is the intention of this speci�cati�n to provide for the trenchless restoration o£ sanitary sewer and storm pipes by the installation if a cured in place jointless, continuous, thermosetting resin impregnated polyester flexible felt liner which is watertight and chEmically resistant to withstand SectionN.doc Page 93 of 127 10/11/2010 Section IV —Technical Specifications exposure to domestic sewage including a11 labor, materials and equipment to pxovide �or a complete, fully restored and functioning installation. 45.2 PRODUCT AND CONTRACTORIINSTALLER ACCEPTABILITY The City requires that all contractors be prequalifed. See General Conditions xegarding contractor prequalification. In addition, the City requires a proven extensive tract reco:rd foar the liner system to be used in this project. All contractoxs subznitting for prequalification approval for this project must exhibit extensive satisfactpry expezience in the installation of the proposed liner system(s) and satisfactory evidence that the praposed liner systezn has been extensively and successfully installed in the Unites States and the State of Flo:rida. The installer must be certif ed by the liner systenn manufacturer for installation of the liner system. The City reserves full and complete authority to approve the satisfactaxy nature of the both the linex system and the installer. 45.3 MATERIALS T'he liner shall be polyester fber felt tubing satuxated with a resin prior to insertion. Resin type and qualities shall be as speci�ed by the ananufactwrer to obtazn a cuxed liner with the following pr�perties: Tensile Strength Flexural Strength Flexural Modulus of Elasticity Long Term Modulus of Elasticity (SU Years) ASTM D638 3,000 psi ASTM D790 4,500 psi ASTM D790 300,000 psi ASTM D2290 l 50,000 psi Liner sh�all zneet strengths as shown in ASTM �1216 unlESS otherwise submitted and approved by the Engineer. Lining manufactwrer sha11 submit to the Engineer for approval as requested, complete design calculatians for the liner thickzxess. The criteria for liner design sl�all be HS-20 tra�c loading, water table to the ground surface, minirnum expected lifetime of 50 years, and no structural strength :retained from the existin� pipe. Liner materials shall meet manufactwres specifications of �nsituform of North America, Inc., 3315 Democrat Road, Post O:E�ice Sox 181071, Mempl�is, Tennessee 3$11$; or InLiner USA 1900 N.W. 44th St_, Poxnpano Beach Flo�ida 33064, 305-979-0802, or an approved equal_ Any approved equal liner system must be approved by the Engineer as an equal system prior to receiving bids. Request for contractor prequalification and/or equal liner system approval must be received by the Engineer no later than 14 days prior to the date for receiving bids. 45.4 CLEANING/SURFACE PREPARATION It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clean and prepare the existing pipes for re}�abilitation. The Contractor will thoroughly clean t�ae intez'ior of the sewe:rs to produce a clean interior surface free of all coatings, sand, rock, roots, sludge, or other deleterious materials prior to linez insertian. Bypass pumping will be provided by the Contractor as part of the unit cost of restaration. Bypass operations are to be so arranged as to cause miniznunn disruptions to lacal trafFc, zesidents and particulaxly to commercial facilities. During the cleaning and p:reparation operations all necessary pxecautions shall be taken to protect the public, all property and the sewer from damage. All materia] removed f�roz�a the sewers shall be the Contractor's responsibility for prompt disposal in accordance w�itla all regulatory agency ;requirements. The Contxactor may be required to control the rate of sewez cleaning in the sanitary system to avoid heavy pollution loads at the City's treatment plants. SectionIV.doc Page 94 of 127 10/I 1/2010 ' � ' � � � � � ' ' � , � � � Section IV — Technical Speci�cations 45.5 TELEVISION INSPECTION After cleaning, and again after the rehabilitation work on each section of tlae project is completed, all pipe sections shall be visually inspected by means of closed-circuit color television, and recorded on DVD, CD VHS forxnat tapes provided to the project engineer. The television systern used shall be designed for the purpase and suitably lighted to provide a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. 45.6 LINER INSTALLATION Liner shall be sized to field measurements obtained by tkae Contractor to provide foz a tight fit on the interior of the existing pipe to be lined. Contractoz shall use installation rnethods appxoved by the liner manufacturer including operations for inversion, heat curing and reconnection of latezals. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any const;ruction delays taking plac� during the insertion operation. Contractor shall maintain a reasonable backup systern for bypass pumping should delays or problems with pumping systems develop. Liner entries at manholes shal] be smooth, free of iz:regularities, and watertight. No pinholes, tears, cracks, thin spots, excessive wrinkling or other dEfects in the liner sha11 be permitted. Such defects shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at his expense. 45.7 LATERAL RECONNECTION Sanitary laterals shall be reconnected as soon as possible to renew service. Latezals are to be reconnected by rneans of robotics, by internally cutting ont the liner to 95% of the area of the original opening. All lateral recona�.ections are to be grouted to prevent leakage. Cnrouting method and material is to be approved by the Engin�er. Any recannections to laterals and connections to manholes whi.ch are observed to leak shall be resealed by the Contractor. �11 laterals discovered during the lining process aze to be reconnected unless specifically directed otherw:ise by the City. The Contractor will be requested to reconnect any laterals discovered to not be reconnected at a later date. Contractor shall noti�y all loca] system users w�en the sanitary system will not be available for normal usage by the delivery of door hangers with appropriate infornaation regarding the construction project. 45.8 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION Construction schedules will be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. At no tinne will any sanita�ry sewer service connection reznain inoperative far more than an eight-hour period witlaout a service bypass being operated by the Contractor. In the event that sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup, repair and property darnage costs and claims. 45.9 PAYMENT Payment for sanitary sewer restoration shall be made per lineal foot including all preparation, � bypass punnping, equipment, labor, materials, aperations, restoration, lateral reconnection, etc, to provide a fully completed and operational sewer. Payment shall be measured from center of nnanhale to center of manhole for the sanitary systems and from end of pipe to end of pipe for storm systems. 1 SectionlV.doc , Page 95 of 127 10/ 11 /2010 46 46.1 46.1.1 Section IV — i'echnical Specifications SPECIFICATIONS F�R P4LYETHYLENE SLIPLINING MATERIALS PIPE AND FITTINGS The pipe supplied under this speci�cation shall be high performance, high molecular weight, high density polyethylene pipe (Driscopipe 1000) as manufactured by Phillips Driscopipe, Inc., Dallas, Texas and shall conform to ASTM D 1248 (Type TIT, Class C, Category S, Grade P34) or approved equal. Minimum cell classification values shall be 34S434C as referenced in ASTM D 33501atest editio�.. Tf �ttings are required, they will be supplied under this specification and shall be molded ar n�aanufactured from a polyethylene compound having a cell classi�ication equal to or exceeding the conapound used in the pipe. To insure cotxzpatibility of polyethylene resins, all fittings supplied under this specification shall be of the sarae rnanufacture as the pipe being supplied. 46.1.2 QUALITY CONTROL The resin used for manufacturer of the pipe shall be manuiactured by the pipe manufacturer, thus maintaining complete control of the pipe quality. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound ex�e�it tfiat generated 'in the niaanufacturer's own plant �rom resin of the same specification from the same raw material. The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free o£ visible cracks, holes, �oreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects, and shal] be identical in color, deaasity, melt index, and other physical properties. The polyethylene resin used sha11 have all ingredients pre compound prior to extrusion of pipe, in plant blending is not acceptable. The Engineer may request, as part of the quality control records submittal, certification that the pipe produc�d is represented by the quality assurance testin�. Additionally, test results from znanufacturer's testing or randvn�a sampling by the Engineer that do not meet appropriate ASTM stand�ds or naanufacturer's representation, may be cause for rejection of pipe represented by the testing. These tests may include density and flow rate measurennents from samples taken at selected locations within the pipe wall and thermal stability determinations according to ASTM D 3350, 10.1.9. 46.1.3 SAMPLES The owner or the specifying engineer may request certified lab data ta verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification or may take random sannples and have them tested by an izadependent laboratory. 46.1.4 REJECTiON Polyethylene pipe aaad �ttings may be rejected for failure to meet any o£ the requirements of this specification. 46.2 PIPE DIMENSIONS Pipe supplied und�r this specification shall have a nominal IPS (Iron Pipe Size) O.D. unless otherwise specified. The SDR (Standard Dimension Ratio) of the pipe supplied shall be as specified by the Engineer, on the construction plans and/or the scope of work. SectionlV.doc Page 96 of 127 ]0/l 1/2010 ' � , � � � � � � � 1 � � � � ' 1 � 1 , ' 1 � � � r ' 1 � 5ectian IV — Technical Specifications 46.3 CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES 46.3.1 HANDLING OF PIPE Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to pxevent undue scratching or gouging of the pipe. If the pipe rnust be stacked for storage, such stacking should be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The handling of the pipe should be done in such a manner that it is not datnaged by dragging over sharp objects or cut by chokers oz lifting equipnnent. 4fi.3.2 REPAIR OF DAMAGED SECTIONS Segznents of pipe having cuts or gouges in. excess of l 0% of the wal� thickness of the pipe should be cut out and removed. The undamaged portions of the pipe shall be rejoined using the butt fusion joining method. 46.3.3 PIPE JOlNING Sections af polyethylene pipe should be joined into continuous lengths on the job site above ground. The joining method shall be the butt fusian methad and shall be pez'fo�ned by the rnanufaeturez's representative and.. .in . strici accordaxice with the pipe manufacturer's reconnmendations. The butt fusion equipment used in the joining procedures shauld be capable of rrxeeting all conditions recommended`=kiy the pipe rnanufacturer, including, but not limited to, ternperature requirernents, alignrnent, and fusion pzessures. 46.3.4 HANDLING OF FUSED PIPE Fused segrnents of pipe shall be handled so to avoid damage to the pipe. When lifting fused sections of pipe, chains ax cable type chokers should be avoid�d. Nylon slings are pxeferred. Spxeadex bars should be used when lifting long fused sections_ Care should be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. 46.4 SLIPLINING PROCEDURE ' 46.4.� PIPE REQUIREMENTS AND DIMENSIONS � � �� The liner(s) to be slip lined into the existing storm sewer shall have the following sizes: ] 2-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 15-inch existing sewez_ 16-inch diameter liner (SDR 26) into 18-inch existing sewer. 18-inch diametec liner (SDR 26) into 21-inch existing sewe:r. 21 �i-inch dia�meter lin�r (SDR 32.5) inta 24-inch existing sewer. 28-inch diaxx�eter liner (SDR 32.5) into 30-inch existing sewer. 34-inch diameter Iiner (SDR 32.5) into 36-inch existing sewer. 42-inch diameter liner (SDR 32.5) into 48-inch existing sewe:r. 4fi.4.2 CLEANING AND INSPECTIDN � The existing line shall be cleaned of debris and other obstructions prior to TV inspections or insertion of the polyethylene liner. Cleaning can be accomplished with a high velocity eleaner, a bucket and scrapper, root saws, corkscrews, and rodding or balling units. `The m�ethod used will � be deternvned by the condition of the existing line. Final cleaning may be required prior to inserting the liner. I� � SectionlV.doc Page 97 of 127 ] 0!] ]l2010 Section ]V — Technical Specifications 46.4.3 INSERTION SHAFT AND EXCAVATIONS All excavations shall conform to OSHA requirements and any additional requirements as set by the specifying engineer ar his representative. Insertion shaft excavations shall coincide with points requiring zenaoval of obstructions or shall be deternained by the engineer. An entry slope gxade of 2]/2:1 maximum shall be used to provide a safe bending radius fox the polyethylene_ T�ae bottom of the entz�y pit should provide a stzaight section for ease of entry of the liner into the existing pipe. The length of the level excavation should be at least twelve times the,di�meter of the.line:r being inserted. The width o�the shaft should be as nanrow as possible. �`��"Tlie`required width will depend on the location, type of soil, depth of the existing sewer line and the water table. 46.4.4 INSERTION OF THE LINER . After completion of the access shaft, the top half of the existing sewer shall be broken oz cut and removed for the full length of the access shaft. A fabricated pulling head shall be connected to the leading end of the liner pipe. A cable shall be cozazaected to the pulling head so that the liner pipe can be pulled into the existing sewer. Power winches used foz' pulling in� long lengths of polyethylene liner pipe sha11 be rated equa] to the pxoject requirements. Once started, the pulling operation should continue to completion. Insertion is normally done at about a slow walking speed. After insertion, a nainimum of 12 houxs shall be allowed %r the liner pipe to reach equilibziwrx� with the sewez tezaaperature and to allow the liner pipe to stress relieve itself. The polyethylene line;r pipe should protrude at least 6 inches into the manhole where it terminates. After the 12-hour equ�ilibritun period, the annular space between the original pipe and the liner shall be pressure gzouted. Said grouting must be froxn� the bottom up to prevent air pockets from forming. Also the grout must be xecommended for underwater application and have elastomeric p�roperties. Products used shall be approved by the engineer. The liner shall not be displaced when the annular space is being �lled. Spacers, inflatable plugs or other methods approved by the Engineer must be used to prevent displacement. The length �f fused p�pe that can be pulled will vary depending on �eld conditions, the ease of access to the area, and the warking space available. 46.4.5 CONFIRMATION OF PIPE SIZES The Contracto:r shall be solely :responsible to con�z-tt� all pipe sizes prior to ordering, fus:ing and installation of the liner. 46.4.6 UNDERDRAIN CONNECTIONS IF REQUIRED Afte�r the linex has been pulled into place, allowed to recover and sealed at the manholes, pipe connections okayed by the engineer shall be recona�ected to the liner pipe. SectionN.doc Page 98 of 127 10/11/2010 �i � � � � � � � ' � ' � � � � � � � L-, � ' � � � � �� Section ]V —Technical Specifications Pipe connections shall be cozznected by the use of a pre-fabricated polyethylene saddle. A neoprene gasket shall be installed between the saddle and the liner pipe so that a complete water seal is accamplished when the saddle is placed on the liner pipe and secured with stainless steel bands. 46.4.7 BACKFILLING All excavations shall be backfilled using on site materials or as specif ed by the engineer. Cost for backfilling of access shafts and underdrain cozu�ections shall be including in the unit price bid for sliplining and reconnection of service laterals. Before any excavation is done for any purpose, it will be the responsibility of the contractor to contact the various utility companies and to determine the locations of their facilities. It w�ill be the responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate protection fox utility facilities. Any temporary construction right of way and/or storage areas will be arranged for by the contractor. 46.4.8 POINT REPAIR The engineer or his representative will determine if a point repair is necessary only after it has been demonstrated that a liner pipe cannot be pulled through the existing pipe. Payment will be made for each repair. The contractor will be expected to remove the obstruction and clear the pipe. If removing the top of the existing pipe will accomplish the removal of the obstructian, the bottom of the existing pipe should remain in place ta form a cradle for the liner. 46.4.9 CLEAN UP OPERATI�NS All materials not �ased in the backfilling operation shall be disposed of off site by the contractor. Finish grading si�a11 be reyuued. In locations other than street right-of-ways, the su.rfaee shall be graded smooth and sodded with the sa�me kind of grass as the existing lawn. Excavation points in street right-of-ways shall be repaired as specified by the engineer_ 47 SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RIBBED PIPE a.�.� scoPE This speciiicatian designates general requirements fox unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic (spiral wound) pipe with integral wall bell and spigot joints for the cQZaveyance of stoxrn watex. 47.2 MATERIALS All pipe and iittings shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with speeification fox "Poly � (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large Dianneter Ribbed Gravity Storm Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter". � � � r The pipe and fittings shall be made of FVC plastic_ 47.3 PIPE The bell shall consist of an integral wall section. The solid cross section fiber ;ring shall be factory assembled on the spigot. Sizes and dimensions sha11 be as shown in this specif cation_ SectionlV.doc Page 99 of 127 1�/11/2010 Section IV — Technical Specifications Standard laying lengths shall be 13 fi. -� 1 inch. At manufacturer's option, xandom lengths of not more than 15% of total footage may be shipped in lieu of standard lengths. 47.4 JOINING SYSTEM 3oints shall be either an integral bell gasketed joint. When the joint is assembled accarding to manufactures recommendation it will prevent misalignment of adjacent pipes and form a silt tight jaint. 47.5 FITTINGS All fttings and accessories shall be as� manufactured arad furnished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with, that of the pipe. 48 GUNITE SPECIFICATIONS 48.1 PRESSURE INJECTED GRDUT �ressure injected grout sha11 be of cement and water and shall be proportioned generally in the ratio of 1.S (one and one hal fl cubic faot (one and one half bags} of cement to 1(one) cubic foot (7.50 gal.) of water. "Chis mix shall be varied as the grouting proceeds as is necessary to provide penetration in the operator's judgment. Ce;nnent shall be Portland Cement conforming to all of the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, latest edition senial designatior� C1S0 for Portland Cement, Type T. Portland Cement shall weigh not less than 94 pauzzds per cubic foat. Water used in the grout shall be fresh, clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, alkali, vegetable, sewage and/or organic matter. Water shall be considered as weighing 8.33 pounds per gallan. Grout pump shall be of the positive displacement type and shall be capable of praducing adequate pressure to penetrate the area. All pressure �-outing will be at the direction of the Engineer. 48.2 REHABILITATION OF CORRUGATED METAL PIPE WITH GUNITE Gunitin�g shall conform to all requirements of "Specifcations for Materials, Proportioning, aa�d Application of Shotcrete (ACI 50(.2 77)" published by the Amer�can Cancrete Tnstitute, Detroii, Michigan, except as modified by those specifications. Steel reinforcement shall be i�acorporated in the Guziite as required and shall be furnished, bent, set and placed in accordazzce with the provisions of these specifications. Tlae purpose of this specification is ta abtain a dense and durable concrete having the specified strength. 48.3 COMPOSITION Gunite sha.11 be com�posed of Portland Ceznent, aggregate and water so proportioned as to produce a concrete suitable for pneurnatic application. SectionlV.doc Page ]00 of 127 1D/112010 1 ' Section IV — Technical Specifications 48.4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS Concrete ingredients shall be selected, proportioned in such a manner as will produce concrete � which will be extremely strong, dense and resistant to weatheri:�g, and abrasion. Concrete shall have a nninimum 28-day strength of 4,000 psi. r � � �� r � � � 48.5 MATERIALS Portland Cenaent: Ccn;ient shall be Partland cement conforming to all af the requuexnents of the American Society for Testing Materials Standard Specifications, Latest Serial Designation C]SU for Portland Cennent, Type �. A bag of cement shall be deemed to weigh not less than 9� pounds per cubic`foof: Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate shall be natwral siliceous sand consisting of hard, clean, strong, durable and uncoated particles, conforming to the requirements of American Society for Testing �� Materials Standard Specifications; Latest �erial Designation C33 for Concrete.�ggregates. � Fine aggregate shall not contain less than 3% nor zaaore than 6% of moisture. Fine aggregate shall be evenly graded fronra fine to coarse and shall be within the following limits: Passing No. 3/8 Sieve Passing No. 4 Sieve Passing No. 8 Sieve Passing No_ ] 6 Sieve Passing Na. 30 Sieve Passing No. 50 Sieve Passing No. l00 Sieve 48.6 WATER 100% 95% to l 00% 80% to 100% so�io to ss�ro 25% to 60% 10% to 3U% 2% to 1 �% Water used in mixing, at the nozzle shall be fresh, clean, and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, vegetable, sewage, and/vr organic matter. Water shall be considered as weighing 8.33 paunds per gallon. 48.7 REINF�RCEMENT � Steel mesh reinfarcement shall be electrically welded, cold drawn, tnild steel fabric confarming to the latest requirements of ASTM Standa;rd Specifications, Serial Designation A 185 for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcexxaent_ Mesh can be fabricated froxx� cold drawn � steel wire canforming to the requirements of the latest ASTM Standard Specifications, Serial Designation A 82 and sized as shown on Plans Page 7 of 7. � � �� � 48.8 STORAGE �F MATERIALS Cenaent shall be stared with adequate provisions for the prevention o#� absorption of moisture. It shall be stored in a naanner that will permit easy access for inspection and identifcation of each shipment. Aggregate shall be stockpiled at points selected ta provide maximwna drainage and to prevent the inclusion of any foreign material during rehandling. SectionIV.doc Page ]Ol of 127 10/112010 5ection IV —Technical 5peci�cations 48.9 SURFACE PREPARATION Unsound materials of construction and all coated, scaly, or unsound concrete in rnanholes and inlets shall be removed by chipping with pneumatic harruners and chisels to sound surface, all cracks and cavities shal� be chipped to such formation that their sides form approxiznately a 45 degree arigle to the exposed surface for at least one (1) inch in depth. All areas to receiv� pneumatic concrete shall be cleaned by �]ushing or scouring with water and cozxipressed air jets to assure removal of all loose particics_ All areas of existing surfaces that do not require chipping sha11 be given a wet sandblasting with the gunite equipment and the air pressuz-e at the cement gun sha11 not be less than 5Q psi. SurFace prep�rati�n�of e�tisting meta] surface of a corrugated pipe shall be lightly sandblasted to rezz�ove loose material, All sandblasted areas shall then be cleaned by a aix/water blast to reznove all pa,rticles from the cleaning opearation. To insure perfect bond, the newly sandblasted surface shall be thoroug}�y moistened with water� prior to application of gunite. In no instance shall gunite be applied in an area where free running water exists. 4$.10 PR�P�RTIONING Prior to start of guniting the Contractor shall subrnit to the Owner the recommended mix as a ratio of cezxxent to aggregate. Recommended mix shall be on the basis of test data frozx� prior experience. Provided data submitted is adequate no further testing of recommended xnix will be required. If required, the Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary to control the actual amounts of all materials entering into the concrete. The types of ec�uipment and methods used for measuring materials shall be subject to approval. 48.11 MIXING Gunite shall be thorough�y znixed by xnachine and then passed through a sieve to reznove all large particles before placing in hopper of the cennent gun. The nnixture shall not be permitted to become damp. Each batch should be entirely discharged before recharging is begun. The :mixer should be cleaned thoroughly enough to re;txzove all adherent materials from the mixing vanes and frozn the drurn at regular inte�rvals. Water in any amount shall not be added to the mix before it enters the cement gun_ Quantities of water shall be controlaed by a valve at the nozzle af the gun. Water content shall be adjusted as required for proper placezxient, but shall in no case exceed four gallons of water per sack of cement, including the water contained in the aggregate. Remixing or tempering shall not be permitted. Mixed material that has stood 45 minutes without being used shall be discarded. Rebound materials shall not be reused. 48.12 APPLICATIDN Gunite shall not be placed on a froze;n surface nor during freezing weather. Gunite shall not be placed when it is anticipated that the temperature during the following 24 hours will drop below 32 degrees, Fahrenheit. Sequence of application may be from bottoxz� to top or vice versa if rebound is properly rexaaoved. Corners sha.11 be filled first. "Shooting" shall be from an angle as near perpendicular to the � ' � � � ' ��. � � � � � SectionlV.doc Page ]02 of 127 10/] 1/2010 � �I � � � ��. � I��- !� � LJ �� � � � � � � � � Section IV — Technical Specifications surface as practicable, with the nozzle held approximately 3 feet from the work (except in co�ned control). If the flow of matezial at the nozzle is not unifoma and slugs, sand spots, or wet sloughs result, the nozzleman shall direct the nozzle away fror» the work until the faulty conditions are corrected. Such defects shall be replaced as the woxk progresses. Guniting shall be suspended if: 1. Air velocity separates the cement from the sand at the nozzle. 2. Temperature approaches freezing and the newly placed gunite cannot be protected. Gunite shall be applied in one ox more layers to such total thickness as required to restare the area as detailed aver the o�iginal lines of the adjoining surface, unless other wise specified. All cavities, depressions, washouts and siznilar failures shall be rebuilt to original lines by use of gunite reinforced with wire mesh. VJhere the cavity exceeds 4 inches in depth a layer of rnesh shall be used for each 3 inches of depth of gunite. ln no case shall wire mesh be placed behind existing reinforcement. The time interval between successive layers in sloping vertical oz overhanging work must be suffcient to allow initial but not final set to develop. At the time the initial set is developing, the surface sha11 be cleaned to rernove the thin film of laitance in order to provide a perfect bond with succeeding applications. 48.13 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints or day's work joints shall be sloped off to a thin, clean, regular edge, preferably at a 45-degree slope. Before placing the adjoining work, the slope portian and adjacent gunite s}aall be thoroughly cleaned as necessary, then moistened and scaured with an air jet. 48.'14 SURFACE FINISH Nozzleman shall bxing the gunite to an even plane and to well formed corners by working vp to ground wires ar other guides, using lower placing velocity than normal. After the body coat has been placed, the surface shall be trued wi�th� a tlain edge screed to reznove high azeas and expose low areas. Low areas shall be properly filled with concrete to insure a t:rue, flat suxface. After the concrete surface has been trued, the entire surface shall be given a flashcoat finish except where a special type finish is specified on the drawings. 48.15 CURING Curing shall be in accardance with either paragraph 3.7.1(d) or paragraph 3.7.5. of ACI 506.2 77 depending upon atmosphexic condition. 48.16 ADJACENT SURFACE PROTECTION During progress of the work, where appearance is important, adjacent areas or grounds which may be pez�c�aanently discolared, stained, oz otherwise danaaged by dust and rebound, shall be adequately protected sensitive areas, when contacted, shall be cleaned by early scraping, brushing or washing, as the surroundings permit. SeCtionlV.doc Page l03 of 127 30/11R010 Section IV — Technical Specifications 48.17 INSPECTION Because of the importance of workmanship affecting the quality of the gunite, continual inspection duxing placing shall be maintained. Aray imperfections discovered shall be cut out and replaced with sound material. 48.18 EQUIPMENT Cement Gun: The mixing and delivering eyuipment shall be either the vertical double chamber type or rotary type. The upper chamber of the double chamber type sha11 receive and pressurize the dry mix and deliver it to the lower chamber. "�e lower chamber shall �orce the pressuriized mix into `tlie delivery �iose by means of a feed wheel. The type of feeder utiliz.�d should be of sufficient capacity tkaat t�e lower chamber may continuously furnish all required material to the delivery hose while the upper chamber receives the rechazge. The rotary type cement gun shall have an enla�ged hopper to feed material.into a rotatiz�g multiported cylinder. Mater�al sha11 fall by gravity into a port which shall then be rotated to a position in which the material is expelled by air into a moving stream of air. All equipment must be kept in good repair. The interior of drums, feed gearing and valves shall be cleaned as often as necessary (at least once every S hour s�ift) to pr.event material from caking on critical �arts. Nozzle: Nozzle shall be ihe premixing type wi�th perforated water feed ring inside the nozzle. The maximum length of znaterial hose for the application of gunite shall be approximately 150 feet although it shall be permissible to use as much as 800 feet of material hose if the supply air pressure measured at the cement gun is incr�ased to maintain proper velocity. The following table gives requirements for compressor size, hose size and air pressure using 150 feet of material hose: Comp. Cap Max. Hose Dia. Max. Size Nozzle Min. Air Press. (cfm) (In.) (In.) (psi) 36S 1 5/8 1 5/S 60 60U 2 2 80 750 2 1/2 2 1/2 90 For each 25 feet of material hose used in excess of 150 feet, the required air pressure shall be increased by S psi. Air Compressor: Any standard type of campxessoz shall be satisfactory if it is of sufficient capacity to provide, without interruption, the pressures and volume of air necessary for the longest hose delivery. The air compressor capacity determinations shall include allawances made for the air consumed in blowing rebound, cleaning, reinforcing and for incidental uses. Compressor equipment shall be of such capacity sa as to insure air pressures at the special mixer capable of producing the required material velocities. Water Supply: The water pressure at the discharge nozzle should be sufficiently greater than the operating air pressure to assure the water is intimately mixed with the other materials. If the line water pressure is inadequate, a water pump or pressurized tank shall be introduced into the line. '.lfie water pressure shall be uniformly steady (nonpulsating). $ectionlV.doc Page 104 of ]27 10/11/2010 r � � � � � � �� � � � � �� �I `� � � � C] � � �J � � � � � � � � �� � � f � LJ � Section IV — Technical Speci�cations 49 SANITARY AND STORM MANHOLE LINER RESTORATION 49.1 SCUPE AND INTENT It is th� intent of this portion of the speci�ication to provide for the struciural rehabilitation af manhole walls and bases with solid prefoxxned liners and znade-in.-place lin,er systezns used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and these speci� cations. In additior� to these speci�cations, the Contractar shall comply with manufacturer's instructions and :recommendations for work. Puzpose of work is to eliminate infiltration, provide corrosion protection, repair voids and to restore the structural integrity of the rraanhole. For any particular ,. .., ... _.,. ,., systenn the. Contra�tor. wi•ll. subrt�it,manufacturer.'s. technical data and application instructions. All OSHA regulations shall be met. 49.2 PAYMENT Fayment for liners shall be per vertical foot of liner installed from the base to the top of the installed liner. Liners will generally be installed to the top of existing or new corbels. No sepa�rate payment will be made for the following items and the cost of such work shall be included in the pay item per linear foot of liner: Bypass pumping; Traf�ic Cantrol; Debris Disposal; Excavatian; including necessary pavement removal; Shoring and/or dewatering; Structural �11; Back�"ill and compactio�t; Grout and mortar; Brick; Resetting of the manhole ring azid cove�r�, Pipe extensions and connecto;rs necessary to the installation; Replacement af unpaved roadway and grass or shz'ubbery plot; Replaceznent of roadway base and asphalt swrface; and Appurtenant work as required for a cornplete arad operable system. 49.3 FIBERGLASS LINER PRODUCTS 49.3.1 MATERIALS �.INERS Liners shall be fiberglass engineered to meet or exceed A.ASHTU H 2Oloading of 16,000 pound vertical wheel load. Manhole liners are to be of the integral corbel dESign unless otherwise stipulated_ Manhole liners are to be as large in diameter as will �t into the existing manhole. The contxactar shall rneasure the existing znanhale immediately prior ta ordexing matexials and 'as solely responsible for the �tting of the liner. Cantractor will be required to submit factory certi�cation for fiberglass liners. The znanhole liner shall meet all requirements of ASTM D 3753. MORTAR Mortar shall be cornposed of one part Portland Cement Type I a�ad between two and three parts clean, well graded sand, 100% of which shall pass a No. 8 sieve. GROUTING Grouting shall be a concrete slurry of fowr bags of Portland Ceznent Type II per cubic yaxd of clean, well graded sand. SectionIV.doc Page 105 of 127 ]0/11CLO1D Section IV — Technical Specifications 49.3.2 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTION Excavate an area around the top of the existing z�anhole sufficiently wide and deep for the xemoval of the manhole ring and corbel section. Remove the frame and cover and corbel section wit}zout damaging the existing manhole walls. Care is to be taken not to allow brick or soil to �all into the existing manhole. Remove or reinsert loose brick which protrude more than one inch �'ram the interaor wa�l of the manhole and which could interfexe with the insertion of the iiberglass lzner. If the shelf o� the manhole invert is not level azound the perimeter, forna a flat shelf with mortar. Cut the liner to the proper length. Cutouts in the manhole shall be made to accornmodate existing inlet and outlet pipes, drops and cleanouts. Lower the liner into the existang rnanhole and set the hattom o�the liner in�o qu�c�C setting grout. Obtain a good bottom seal to prevent the loss of grout froin the annular space between the outside of the liner and the inside wall of the existing manhole. Set the liner as nearly vertically as possible. Pour six inches of quick setting grout above the initial bottom seal in the annular void to insure an adequate bottom seal. Bridge the gap fram drops, ]aterals, force mains, cleanouts and all existing piping between the existing manhole wall and the new rnanhole liner with P.V.C. pipe. Use quick setting martar to seal the area around the manhole liner atad piping. Fill the annular space between the maxxtaole liner and the existing znanhole interior walls with grout. Care must be taken not to deflect the manhole liner due to head pressure. Set the existing manhole ring and cover using brick to make elevation adjustments as needed. Observe watertightness and repair any visib�e leakage. Back#'zll around the new liner and compact the back�ll. Sod the disturbed area. Match existing sad. Where manhales fall in paved areas, disturbed base shall be replaced twice the original thickness and compacted in 8" layers. Asphalt shall be replaced with 1 1/2" of Pinellas County Type TT surface. 49.4 STR�NG SEAL M5-2 LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM This speci�cation shall govem all work t� spray apply a mo;no�ithic fiber reinforced cementitious liner to the wall and bench surfaces of brick, concrete or any other construction znatenial; Strong Seal MS 2 product. Described are procedures for manhole preparation, cleaning, applicatioz� and testing. The applicator must be approved, tarained atad certi�ed as having successfitlly cornpleted factory tra�ining. The applicator/contractor shall �umish all labor, equipment and materials for applying the Strong Seal MS 2 product directly to the cozatour of the manhole to foa�rn a structural cementitious liner of a minimum 1/2" thickness using a machine specially designed for the application. All aspects of the installatian shall be in accordaxxce with the rnanufacturer's recommendations and with the following specifications which includes: 1. The elimination of active infiltration prior to rnaking the application. 2. The removal of any loose and unsound material. SectionIV.doc Page ] 06 of ] 27 10/112010 � � II L� � �� �� � � �' � � � � � � � � C� � , 5ection 1V — Technical Speciiications 3. The spray application of a pre blended cementitious mix to form a manolithic liner in a 2 coat application. , 49.4.1 MATERIALS � PATCHING MIX Strang Seal shall be used as a patching mix according to the rnanufacturer's recommendations azzd shal] have the following minimum reyuirernents: � 1. Compressive Strength (ASTM G109) 15 min., 200 psi b hrs., 1,400 psi , . - , ,. : -'2::;`�:�I�riiic� `�° �A�TA�I'G596 , 28 da s ] 50 si g ( ) . y> P � 3. Band (ASTM C-952) 28 days, l 50 psi 4. .Cernent � . Sulfate resistant � 5. Density, when applied 105 +/- 5 pcf � � � , � � � � � � � � 49.5 INFILTRATION C�NTROL Strong Plug shall be used ta stop minor water infi]Vation according to the manufacture's recommendations and shall have the following minimum requirements: 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C-1�9) - 600 psi, 1 hr.; 10Q0 psi 24 hrs. 2. Bond (ASTM C-952) - 30 psi, 1 hr.; 80 psi, 24 hrs. 49.6 GROUTING MIX Strong-Seal Grout shall be used for stapping very active infiltration and filling voids according ta the nnanufacture's recommendations. The grout shall be volume stable, and have a minimum 28 day compressive strengkh of 250 psi and a 1 day strength of 50 psi. 49.7 LINER MIX Stran� Seal MS 2 sha11 be used to form the monalithic liner covering all interior manhole surface� and �hall have the follnwing minimum requirernents at 28 days: 1. Compressive strength (ASTM C 109) 3,000 psi 2_ Tensile strength (ASTM C 496) 300 psi 3. Flexural strength (ASTM C 78) 600 psi 4. Shrinkage (ASTM C 596) 0% at 90% R.H. S_ Bond (ASTM C 952) 130 psi 6. Density, when applied 105 -+- pcf Product must be factory blended requiring only the addition af water at the Job site. Bag weight shall be SQ S1 pour�ds and contents shall have dry bulk density of 54 to 56 pounds per cubic foot. Fiberglass rods which are contained in the product shall be alkaline resistant and shall be 1/2" to S/8" long with a diameter of b3S to 640 microns. Products shall, in the un mixed state, have a lead content not greater than two percent (2%) by weight. SectionlV.doc Page ]07 of ]27 10/] 1R�10 Section IV — Technical Specifications Strong Seal MS 2C shall be made with Calcium Aluminate Cement and shall be used according to the manu�acturer's recornmendations in applications where there is evidence o� severe suliide canditians. Product rnust be �actory blended requiring only the addition o�water at job site. Bag weight shall be 50-51 pounds and contents must have a dry bulk density of 50 56 pounds per cubic �oat. Cement content must be 65%-75% of total weight of bag. One bag of product when mixed with cot�rect amount of water zttust have a wet density of 95 X 08 pounds per cubic �oot and .must. yie�d ,a: rc�ini�um of .67 cubic foot of volume. Fiberglass rods must be alkalxne resistant with rod lengths not less than 1/2" in length nor greater than 5/8" in height. 1':roduct shall not include any basic ingredient that exceeds maximum allowable EPA limit for any heavy metal. Manufacture:r must provide MSDS sheets for product(s) to be used in reconstruction process. A two coat application o� liner material will be required (no exceptions) with the first caat raugh troweled to force materials into cracks and crevices to set the bond. The second coat to be spray applied to assure minimum 1/2" thic�ness after troweling or brush finishing to a relatively smooth finish. 49.8 WATER Shall be cleaia and potable. 49.9 OTHER MATERIALS No othe;r material shall be used with tlae mixes previously desc�ibed without prior approval or recommendation from the manufacturez-. 49.10 EQUIPMENT A specially designed machine consisting of an optimized progressive cavity �ump capable of producing a minimum of 250 psi pumping pressure, contra blend mixe:r with twin ribbon paddles with discharge, and an air system for spray application of product. Equipment must be complete with water storage and metering system. Mixe:r and pump is to be hydraulically powered. Equipment is to be mounted to heavy duty construction taxadem axle road worthy trailer complete with electric brakes and running lights. Internal combustion engine must be included to pawer the hyd�raulic system and air compressor. 49.'11 INSTALLATI�N AND EXECUTION 49.11.1 PREPARATION 1. Place boatds over inverts to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewer lines and to prevent up stream line from flooding the man.hale. 2. All foreign material shall be removed from the manhole wall and bench using a high pressure water spxay (zninirraum 1,200 psi). Loose and protruding brick, mortar and SectionlV.doc Page ]08 of 127 10/] 1/20]0 fJ � � � � � � � � � C� � � � � � � � � LJ r , � �1 � � � � � � � � Section 1V -Technical Specifications concrete shall be removed using a nnasan's hainmer and chisel and/or scraper. Fill any large voids with quick setting patching tnix. 3. Active leaks shall be stopped using quick setting specially formulated mixes accarding to the manufacturer's recommendations. Sotne leaks may require weep holes to localize the infiltration during the application after which the weep holes shall be plugged with the quick setting nnix priar to the fina] liner application. When severe infltration is present, drilling may be required in order to pressure grout using a cementitious grout. Manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed when pressure grouting is required. 4. Any bench, invert or service line repairs shall be made at this tixzae using the quick setting _::-;: ::�mix and following the manufacturer's recommendations. 5. After all preparation has been completed, remove all loose material. 49.11.2 MIXING For each bag of product, use the amount of water specified by the manufacturer and mix using the Spray Mate Mode13SC ar 35D eyuipment for 30 seconds to a minute after all :nnaterials have been placed in the mixing hopper. P1ace the txxix into the holding hopper and pz'epare another batch with timing such that the nozzleman can spxay in a continuous manner without interruption wntil each application is coz�aplete. 49.11.3 SPRAYING The surface, prior to spraying, shall be damp without noticeable £ree water droplets or running water. Materials shall be sprayed, applied to a nainiznurn uniform thickness to insure that all cracks, cxevices and voids are filled and a somewhat snnooth surface remains after light troweling. The light troweling is performed to compact the �aaterial into voids and to set the bond. Not before the first application has begun to take an initial set (disappearance of surface sheen which could be 15 nainutes to 1 hour depending upon ambient conditions) is the second application xnade to assure a zninimum total finished thickness of 1/2 inch_ The surface is then troweled to a smooth finish being careful not to over trowel so as to bring additional water to the surface and weaken xt. A brush iu�ish may be applied to the finished coat to remove trowel marks. Manufacturer's recommendation shall be followed whenever naore than 24 hours have elapsed between applications. The woaden bench covers shall be rexz�oved and lhe bGiic}i is sprayed such that a gradual slope is produces from the walls to the invert with the thickness at the edge of the invert being no less than 1/2 inch. The wall bench intersection shall be rowr�ded to a unifor�m radius, the full circumference of the intersection. The final application shall have a mini:nr�um of faur (4) hours cure time before being subjected to active flow. 49.11.4 PRODUCT TESTING � At some point during the appl:ication, at least four (4) 2 inch cubes may be pzepared each day or from every 50 bags of product used, identified and sent, in accordance with the Owner's or Manufacturer's directions, for coznpression strength testing as described in ASTM C 104. � � 49.11.5 CURING Ambient maza�ole conditions are adequate for curing so long as the xnanhole is covered. It is imperative that the mantaole be covered as soon as possible after the application has been cotnpleted. � SectionIV.dce � Page ]09 of 127 10/112010 Section IV — Technical Speci�cations 49.11.6 MANH�LE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuuna tested from the top o� manhole frame io the manhole base. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely place the plug from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed and the seal inflated in accoz-dance with th,e manufacturers' recommendations. A vacuutn pump of ten (10) inches of inercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, tl�e time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine (9) inches_ The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than� sixty (60) seconds for forty eight (48) inch diameter, seventy five (75) seconds for sixty (6Q) xnches, and ninety (90) seconds for seventy two (72) inch diameter manl�oles. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Tests shall be pexfornied by the Contractor under the dizection of the Project Engineer. 49.12 INNERLINE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LINER PRODUCT SYSTEM 49.12.1 SCOPE Materials and application �procedures for manhole rehabilitatian for the purpose of restoring structura] integrity, praviding corrosion resistance, and stopping infiltration by means of: 1. Hydraul,ic groutzng, whexe required, as a preliminary measure to stop high volume infiltration 2_ Hydrophilic grouting (positive side waterprooiing), where required, as follows: a. Hydroph�ilic foam-injected through wall of manhole to iill voids and/or b. Hydrophilic gel-injected through wall of manhole to stop active leaks 3. Cementitious waterproo�ng with crystallization (negative side waterproofing) 4. Calcium aluminate cement lining, minimum of l/2 inch 5. Epoxy coating, minimum of 30 dry mils 49.12.2 MATERIALS REPAIRING CEMENT A quick setting hydraulic cement compound shall be used to plug all visible minor leaks and to instantly stop major leaks, so that further waterproo�ng processes may proceed unhindered. The xepairing cement shall be nonshrinking, nonmetallic, and noncorrosive. The compound shall have the follow�ing properties: Set Time Tensile Strength ASTM C 307 Compressive Strength ASTM -C 109 SectionlV.doc 1-3 minutes 1 day 510 psi 3 days 745 psi 28 days S55 psi 1 day 3,125 psi � days 7,80$ psi 2$ days 9,543 psi Page 110 of 127 �� � � � � � � � � � r � � � � � I� �on�rzo�o � � � , ' � , � Section IV -- Technical5pecifications Flexural Strength ASTM C 78 HYDROPHILIC GROUTING 1 day 410 psi 3 days S55 psi 28 days 1,245 psi Based on conditions found in and around t}xe znanhole, the applicator shall presswre inject either one ar both of the following materials: 1. A�ra expansive foam grout shall be used to stop major intrusion of watEr and iill cracks in and voids behind the structure's swrface. Physical properties are as follows: � Tensile 5trength 3$0 psi Elongation 400°10 Bonding Strength .250-300 psi A5TM D 3574-86 ASTM D 3574-86 2. A hydrophilic gel grout shall be used for soil stabilization behind th�e manhole-to preverit � seepage, to provide a darnming effect, and to place a hydrostatic barrier around exterior of zxzanhole. Physical properties are as follows: r � � � � � � � � � � � Density Tensile Strength Elon�gation Shrinkage Toxicity WATERPR�OFING 8.75-9.171bs/gal ASTM D-3S74 150 psi ASTM D- 412 250% ASTM D-3574 Less than 4% ASTM D-1 �42 Non Toxic A waterproo�ng component based on the crystallization process shall be applied_ The system coznbines ceznentitivus and silicate based znaterials that are applied to negative side swrfaces to seal and stop leakage caused by hydrostatic pressure. A cvmbination of �ve coats (using tluee coz�ponents-two powders and a special liquid) react with xnoisture and the constituents of the substrate to form the crystalline structure. It beconaes an integral part of the structure and blocks the passage of water. With moisture present, the crystallization process will continue for approximately six �xaonths. Upon connpletion th� color will be light grey. Physical properties are as follows: S1andShear bond Strength to Calcium Aluminate Cezxxent ASTM (to be given) 1,200 1,800 psi Tensile Strength (7 day cure) ASTM C 190 Permeability (3 day cute) CRD 48 SS a9.12.2.4 CEMENT LINING 380 psi (2.62 Ml'a) 325 psi (2.24 MPa) 8.1 x10 llcm/sec to 7.6x10 c�n/sec at 1 UO% RH at 50% RH A self bonding calciwn aluminate cement shall be appli�d to restare structural integrity and provide corrosion resistance qualities. The cement (before adding fibers) shall have the following properties: Calcium Aluminate Cement 12 Flrs 24 Hrs 7 Days 28 pays SectionlV.doc Page 111 of 127 10/11/2010 Section 1V —Technical Specifcat3ons Astm C 495 Compressive Strength, Psi 7000 ]] 000 12000 130G0 Astm C 293 Flexural Strength, Psi 1 Q00 ] S00 1800 2000 Astm G 596 5hrinlcage At 90%}iumidiry — �0.04 �0_06 �0.08 Astm C 666 Freeze-Thaw Aft 300 Cycle No Damage Astm C 990 Pull - Out Strength 200 - 230 Psi Tensile Astm C 457 Air Void Content (7 Days} 3% Astm C 497 Porosity/Adsorption Test 4- 5% Modules of:Elasticity: 7.l � X.l Q PST .after 2.4 Hrs. moist curing at 68 F. .. The calcium aluminate cement shall be reinforced with inert �bers which comply with ASTM C 1116 and ASTM C 1018, added at the rate of one pound per cubic yard of concrete_ The mixture �shall be applied to a thickness of at least one half inch, but na greater than two inches. h will have a dark grey color. EPDXY CQATING A h.:igh liuild; flexible waterpxoafing epoxy shall be applied to a minimum of 30 dry mils. This epoxy will seal structure f7rorn moisture and provide protective qualities ta the surface, including excelle:nt :resistance to cheznical attack and abrasion. The epoxy shall be 100% solzds, can be applied to damp surfaces, cures to a tile like finish, is easy to clean, and has no toxic fumes. Its uses include sewage tz�eatment plants and other sewer structures_ Tlae epoxy shall have the following p:roperties at 75 degrees �: Mixing Ratio (Parts A:B), by volume Calor (other colors available on :request) Pvt Life, hrs 'I'ensile Strength, psi, min Tezasile Elongation, % Watex Extractable Substances, mg./sq. in., max Bond Strength to Cernent (ASTM 882) psi 49_12.2.6 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE l:l Light Gray 1 Z,000 10 —20 5 1,800 Alcohols, Trichloxoethylene, Nitric Acid (3%), Jet Fuels, Water, Sulfuric Acid (3% l0%), MEK, Wine, Butyl Acetate, Beer, Lactic Acid (3%), Gasoline, Corn �il, Aluminum Sulfate, Paraffin Oil, Vegetable Juice, Sodium Chloride, Motor Oil, Hydrochlonic Aczd (3%), and many others. 49.'12.3 INSTALLATION AND EXECUTIQN PROCEDURAL �VERVIEW Wo:rk shall proceed as follows: 1. Remove rungs (steps), if desired by client. 2. Clean manhole and remove debris. SactionlV.doc a. Plug lines and/or screen out displaced debris. b. Apply acid wash, if necessary, to clean and degrease. c. Hydroblast and/or sand blast structure. Page ] 12 of 127 �oia�rzoio � � �� � , Scctipn IV — Technical Speci�calions d. Remove debxis from work area. 3. Repair minoz defecis in walls, benches, and inverts, as reywired, with repairing cement. ' (Note: Major structural repairs, such as z'ebuilding of benck�es, will also be made as xequixed by client_ �J r 4. Inject hydraphilic gzaut through all surfaces, as needed, to elizx�inate in�ltration. 5. Apply cementitious/crystallization waterproofing agents to all surfaces, repeating steps as needed. 6. Spray arad/or hand apply calcium aluminate cement lining to all surfaces. 7. Spzay apply epoxy coaiing ta all surfaces. � NOTE: Steps 1-5 shall be executed consecutively with minimal delays; calcium aluminate (Step 6) shall requ�re a cure titr�e of at least twenty-four hQUrs for needed adhesion of epoxy (Step 7) to cement lining. � � ' � PREPARATION An acid wash sh�all be used (if needed) to clean and degrease. Then, if the client desires, the nuigs shall be rexaaoved. Next, the entire structure is thoroughly water and/or sand blasted to reznove any loose or deteriorated naaterial. Cate shall be taken to prevent any loose mater:ial fironn entering lines and other areas by either plugging the lines ( where feasible) or inserting protective screens. STRUCTURAL REPAIR � Hand place or spray apply hydraul�c cerxxent rnaterial as necessary to prepared surface to f�ll cracks and voids in structiue. Allow twenty (20) xaainutes before applying waterproa�ng/crystallization. � � C� fJ � � � ' � INFILTRATION CONTROI. Pressure injection of hydrophilic gel and hydrophilic foam. 1. Drill S/8" holes through active leaking surface. 2. Install all zert fittings, as recornnraended by rnanufacturer. 3. Inject material until water flaw stops. 4_ Remove fittings (if necessary). a9.12.3.5 WATERPR�OFING/CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS 1. Apply a slurry coat of powder #1 to xnoist wall using a stiffbrush, forming an undercoat. 2. Apply dry powder #2 to slurry coat by hand. 3. Brush or spray on sealing liqu.id during the application to penetrate and initiate the crystal forming process. 4_ Repeat steps 2 and 3, until there are no visible leaks. 5. Apply powder #1 as an overcoat. 6. Allow one (1) �owr to cure before applying cezn,ent lining. SectionIV.doc Page ] ]3 qf 127 iaivzo�o Section IV — Technical Specifications 49.12.3.fi CEMENT LINING I. Dampen surface. 2_ Mix material in mixer as recommended for spray or hand trowel application. 3. Apply cement until required build up of at least one half inch (and no more than 2 inches) has been achieved. A�. Trowel to samooth �nish, restoring contours of znanhole. 5. Texture brush surface to prepare for epoxy finish_ 6. Allow for a 2�-hour cure time prior to epoxy coating. NOTE: Tf conditions of heavy humidity prevail, a dry air blower shall be used to facilitaie curing times. EPDXY COATING Spray apply epoxy coating using airless spraying equipment until surface is visibly covered and a thickness of at least 30 �mils has been achieved. Manhole may be safely entered after six (6) hours, as epoxy will be hardened. Full cure strength will be achieved at farty eight (48) hours. 49.12,3.$ CLEAN UP The work c:rew shall remove all debris and clean work area. MANHOLE TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE Manhole may be vacuum tested from the top of manhole frame to the manhole base. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely place the plug from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations_ A vacuum pump of ten (10) inches of inercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off With the valves closed, the time shall be measured %r the vacuum to drop to x�ine (9) inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than sixty (GD) seconds for forty eight (A�$) inch diameter, seventy �ve (75) seconds for sixty (6p) inches, and ninety (90) seconds �or seventy two (72) inch diameter manholes. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs sha11 be made. Retestin� shall praceed until a satisfactory test is obtained. Tests shall be perfornned by the Contn'actor under the direction of the Project Engineer. WARRANTY All materials and wo:rkt�aanship shall be warranted to the Owner for a period of five (5) years, provided that all tlae above mentioned :repair steps are used. 50 PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 23 — PROJECT INFORMATION SIGNS. 51 IN-LINE SKATING SURFACING SYSTEM 51.1 SCOPE l. These specifications pertain to the application of the Plexiflox Color Finish System over recreatianal ateas intended for In-Line Skating activities. The materials specified in the SectionN.doc Page l I4 of I27 ]0/11/2010 r � � , � � � �_l �l �� � � Section IV —Technical Specifications site plans sha11 be of colors indicated and for application over the Plexipave Acry�ic Latex System. 2. The work shall consist of suitable cleaning and preparation of the swrface ta assure a satisfactory bond of the system to the existing surface_ 3. All coverage rates are calculated prior to dilution. 4. Plexiflor In-line Skating Surfacing System • 1 Coat of Acrylic Resurfacer • 2 Coats of I'ortiiied Plexipave � • 2 Coats of Plexiflor • Plexicolor Line Paint 51:2 " SURFAC� PREPARATIDNS 51.2.1 ASPHALT Allow new asphalt to cure a minimum of 6 months. The surface must be checked for birdbaths, cracks and other irregularities and repaired with Court Patch Binder according to California Specification Section 10.1�. (Surfacing prior to six months may xnake the asphalt subject to indentatio;n). 51.2.2 CONCRETE Concrete shall have a wood float or broom finish. DO NOT PROVIDF STEEL TROWEL FINISH. DO NOT USE CURING AGENTS OR CUNCRETE HARDENERS. Allow the concrete to cure a minimum of 30 days_ Acid Etch the entire surface with Concrete Preparer according to California Specification Section 10.13. Check suzface for birdbaths, cracks and other irregularities and. repair with Court Patch Binder according to Califorxiia Specification Section 10_14. 51.2.3 COURT PATCH BINDER MIX Court Patch Binder Mix: 100 Lbs. #80-100 Mesh Silica Sand (dry) 3 gallons Couth Patch Binder 1 to 2 gallons Portland Cement. � 51.3 APPLICATIDN QF ACRYLIC FILLER COAT 1. Application of the Acrylic R�suriacer Mix shall be applied ta the clean, dry, level � surfaces to receive the Plexiflor Surfacing System. The zxaix shall be applied accoxding to Califomia Specification 5ection 10.8 using the following :rnix: � � � ' , Acrylic Resurfacer Water (Clean and Potable) Sand (GO-SO mesh) Liquid Yield SS gallons 20-40 gallons 600-900 pounds 112-13$ gallons 2. Over asphalt surfaces, apply the Acrylic Resurfacer Mix in one or two coats (depending on surface porosity) at a rate of .OS -.07 gallons per square yard per caat. 3. Non-coated concrete surfaces must be neuValized with concrete prepazer and prinaed with California Ti-Coat accordi;ng to Specification Section 10.17. The Acrylic Resurfacer Mix SectionlV.doc Page 115 of 127 10/112010 Section IV — Technical Speci�cations must be applied within 3 hours of the TiCoat application while the prizncr is dry but still tacky to the touch. Apply the Acrylzc Resurfacer Mix in one or twa applications at a rate of .p5-.07 gallons per square yard per coat_ 51.4 APPLIGATION OF FORTIFIED PLEXIPAVE �J � ' After the fller coat applxcation has dried, apply two coats of Fortified Plexipave at an undzluted ' rate of .OS-.07 gallons per square yard per coat using the following ziaix: Plexipave Color Base 30 gallons Plexichrome 20 gallons Water 2Q gallons 51.5 PLEXIFLOR APPLICATION 1. Plexiflor is factory pxennixed and ready to use from the container. 'The material xxaay be diluted with one (1 ) part water to six (6) parts Plexiflor to izxaprove flowability and provide uniform application. 2. Apply two coats of Plexiflor at a xate of .04-.OS gallons per square yard per coat. 3. Plexiflor is applied (in a sirrzilar zxatinner to Plexipave) in wzndrows on tk�e surface with su$"icient yuantity to cover as the squeegee is pulled over the surface. Apply only light pressure to the squeegee. Do not allow ridges to form between passes of the squeegee_ Ridges existing after nnaterial dries should requzre corrective action. 4. Plexiflor and its preliminary coatings should be allowed to thoroughly dry prior to application of subsequent coats_ 51.6 PLAYING LINES Four hours minimurr� after cozx�pletion of the color resurfacing, playing lines shall be accurately located, mazked and paznted with �lexicolor Line Paint as specified by The National �n-Line Hockey Association. 51,7 GENERAL 1. The contractor shall rexiaove all containers, surplus zxaaterials and debris upon completion of work leaving the site in a clean, orderly condi�ion that is acceptable to the ownex. Gates shall be secured and all containers shall be disposed of in accordar�,ce with Local, State and �'ederal regulations. 2. Materials specified for the Plexiflor Systet�a shall tee delivered to the site in sea�ed, property labeled arunxs with California Products Corporation labels that are stenciled with the proper batch code nurrzbers. Products packaged or labeled in arry other manner will not be accepted_ Mixing with caear, fresh water shall only be done at the job site_ Coverage rates are based upon znaterial prior to miacing with water as specified. 51.8 LIMITATIONS 1_ Do not apply i� surface temperature is less thatx 50°F or xnore than 1 40°F. 2. Do not apply when rain or high htutaidity is irnminent. 3. Do not apply when surface is damp or has starading water. SectionlV.doc Page 11b of ]27 �onuzo�o ' � ' 1 � � Section IV — Technical 5peci�cations 4_ Plexiflor will not hide surface imperfections of previous coatings. 5. Keep from freezing. Do not store in the hot sun. 6. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. 7. Plexifloz will not prevent substrate cracks from occurring. S. Plexiflor will mark slightly from normal use of some In-line Skates. 9. Coefficient of friction = 0.7$ � 10. Coating Application Drying Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour at 70°F with 60% relative ...,. .... ... ..�umidity., .. ... .. ... . ....... .. ..,._ . � � . . . - .� . . . � ...... .. ..._ � � �- �_ 1 I. Keep court clean. Excess dirt or foreign material can cause the surface to be slippery_ �n-Line hockey. is a:physical sport. Always wear NIHA recommended protective gear. 52 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF START �F CONSTRUCTION This article deleted. See SECTION III, ARTICLE 22 - RESIDENT NOTI�ICA?ION O� START OF C�NSTRUCTTON. ���_1:3L•���-�_���►��r;rii����-�:�� 53.1 MATERIAL 53.1.1 GABION AND RENO MATTRESS MATERIAL � PVC CDATED WIRE MESH GABIONS 8� MATTRESSES Gabion & mattress basket units shall be of noz�-raveling construction and fabricated from a � double twist by twisting each pair af wires through ttuee half tums developing the appearance of a triple twist. The galvanized wire core shall have a diameter of 0.1063 inches (approx. US gauge 12). All wire used in the fabrication of the gabion shall comply with or exceed Federal � Specifications QQ-W-461H, possess a maximum tensile strength of 70,OD0 p.s.i. with a Finish 5, Class 3 zinc c�ating in accordance with the current ASTM A-6A�1. The weight of zinc coating shall be determined by ASTM A-90. The grade of zinc used for coating shall be High Grade or ' Special High Grade, as prescribed in A57M B-6, Table 1. Uniformity of coating shall equal or exceed four 1-rninute d'zps by the Preece test, as determined by ASTM A-239. 1 The PVC coating shall be extruded and adheyre to the wire core prioz to weaving. The PVC coated wire shall be woven into a double twisted hexagonal mesh having uniform openings of 3 1/4 inches by 4'/z inches. The overall diameter of the mesh wire (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) shall be 0.1�6 inches. 5elvedge and reinforcing wire shall be of heavily galvanized wire ' core, 0_1338 inches in diameter (approx. US gauge 10), coated with PVC and having an overall diacneter (galvanized wire core plus PVC coating) of 0.173 inches. Lacing and connectin�; wire shall be of saft tensile strength (75,000 PSI rnax), heavily galvanized vvire core, �.087 inches in � diameter (approx. U5 gauge 13 '/z), coated with PVC and having an averall diameter (galvanized wixe core plus PVC coating) of 0_127 inches. The use of alternate wire fasteners shall be permitted in lieu af tie wire providi,ng the alternate fastener produces a four (4) wire selvedge ' joint with a strength of 120� lbs. per lineaz faot while remaining in a locked and closed condition. Properly formed interlocking fasteners shall be spaced from � to 6 inches ar�d have a minimum 3/4 square inch inside azea to praperly confine the required selvedge wires. Tiger-Tite , SectionlV.doc Page 117 of 127 ]0/11l101D �, Section IV — Technical Specifications xnterlocking Fasteners are an appraved alteraaate joint material. The Interlocking Wire Fastener shall meet stainless steel xnaterial specification ASTM A-3 ] 3, Type 302, Class 1, or equal. All of the above wue diazneters are subject to tolerance limit of �.004 inches in accordance with ASTM A-6� ] . PVC (POLYVINYL CHLORIDE) COATING The coating shall be gray in color and shall have a nominal thickness of 0.0216 inches but not less than 0.�15 inches in thickness. The protective PVC plastic sha�l be suitable to resist deleterious effects from exposure to light, immersion in salt or polluted water and shall z�ot show any material difference in its initial compound properties. The PVC coxnpound is alsa resistant to attack fronn acids and resistant to abrasion. 1. Specific Grayity: a. According to ASTM D-2287 and ASTM D- 792; in the range of l.30 to ] 3�_ 2. Tensile Strength: a. According to 11STM D-1�42; not less than 2980 �si. 3. Modulus of Elasticity: a. According to ASTM D-�F 12; not less than 2740 psi at 100% strain. �}. Resistance to Abrasion: a. According to ASTM 12�42; weight loss �12% (Method B). 5. Brittleness'Temperature_ a. According to ASTM D-7�6, Procedure A; shall be at least 8.3 degrees centigrade below the minimum temperature at which the gabions will be handled or placed but not lower than -9.4 degrees centigrade. 6. Hardness: a. According to ASTM D-2240; shall be between 50 azxd 60 Shore D when tested. 7. Creeping Corrosion: a. Maximum conosion penetration ta the wire co:re firom a square cut end section shall not be moz-e than 25za�rza when the specizxien has been immersed for 2000 howrs in a 50% SOLUTION HC 1(hydrochloric acid 12 Se). 53.'1.1.3 ACCELERATED AGiNG TESTS Uariation of the initial properties will be allowed, as specified below, when the specimen is submitted to the Following Accelerated Aging Tests: � . Salt Spray Test: a. According to ASTM B-1 l7 b. Period of test = 3000 howrs. 2. Exposure to ultraviolet rays: a. According to ASTM D-1499 and ASTM G-23 (Apparatus Type E). Period of test = 3040 hours at 63 degrees centigrade. SectionlV.doc Page 118 of 127 ]0/11/2D10 ' ' � Section IV -- Technical Specifications 3. Exposure to high temperature: a. Testing period: 240 hours at 105 degrees centigrade, when tested in accordance with ASTM D- 1203 and ASTM D-228'1. PROPERTIES AFTER AGING TESTS ' After the above Accelerated Aging Tests lnave been performed, the PVC compound shall exhibit the following properties: � �J �� ' ' ' ' � ' � � ' r� ' � 1. Appearance: a. The vinyl coating shall not crack,, blister or split and shall not show any remarkable change in color. 2_ Specific Gravity: a. Shall not show change higher th�an 6% of its izutiai value. 3. Duxometer Haxdness: a. Shall not show change higher than 10% of its initial value. 4. Tensile Strength: a. Shall not show change higlner than 25% of its initial value. 5_ Elongation_ a. Shall nat show change higher t}zan 25% of its initial value. 6. Modulus of Elasticity: a. Shall not show change higher than 25% of its initial value. 7. Resistance to Abrasion: a. Shall not slnow change lugher than 10% of its initial value. S. Brittleness Temperature: a. Cold Bend Temperatu.re - Shall not be lower than -20 degrees centigrade. b. Cold Flex Temperature - Shall not be highex than +18 degrees centigrade. 53.1.2 GABION AND MATTRESS FILLER MATERIAL: The iiller stone shall be limestone from a source approved by the Engineer before delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples af the stone shall be submitted by the contractor or supplier for examination and testing by the Engineer. The stone shall have a minimurn specific gravity of 2.3 and be of a quality and durability sufficient to insure permanency in the structure. The individual stones shall be free of cracks, seams, and other defects that would tend ta promote deteriaration from natural causes, o;r which might reduce the stones to sizes that could nat be retained in the gabion ar mattress baskets. The stone shall meet the following physical requi:rements: + Absorption, maximum 5% • Los Aarzgeles Abrasion (FM l OT096), maxirrxum loss 45% • 5oundness (Sodium Sulphate), (FM 1-T1�4), maximurn loss 12% SectionIV.doc Page ] 19 of 127 1�/11C2010 Sectio» IV —Technical Specifcations ��lat and elongated pieces, materials with least dimension less than one third of greatest dimension shall not exceed 5% by weight. All �ller material shall be uniformly graded bctween 4 inch and $ inch (equivalent spherical diameter) and shall be angular in form_ Rounded stones shall nat exceed 10% of the stane, by weight and 7Q% of the stone, by weight, shall exceed the largest dimension of the mesh opening. 53,1.3 MATTRESS WIRE Mariress wire shall conform to the same specifications as gabions except as follows: l. The nominal diameter of the wire used in the fabzication of the :�etting shall be 0.0866 inches rninimum, subject ta diameter tolerarrce in accordance with the cu�rrent ASTM A 641, Table 3 . 2. All w:ire shall be galvanized according to ASTM A 641, Table 1. The minimum weight of the zine coating shall be 0.70 ozs./sq. ft. for the U.0866 inch wi.re used �or mesh and lacing and 0.80 ozs./sq. ft. for the 0.106 wire used for selvedge. 3. Adhesion of the zinc coating to the wire shall be capable of being wrapped in a close helix at a rate not exceeding 15 tums per minute around a cylindrical steel maiadrel having a diameter 3 times the nominal wire diarneter being tested. After the wrap test is completed, the wire shall not exhibit any cracking ox flaking of the zinc coating to such an extent that any zinc can be removed by rubbing with bare �ngers. 53,1.4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC Fabric shall con�arna to �D�T Standard Index 199, Type D-2, and FDOT Standard Speci�cations, 1996 edition, Section 985. 53.2 PERFORMANCE Gabions and Reno Mattresses shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the Drawings. Fabrication of gabion baskets shall be in such a manner that the sides, ends, lid a.nd diaphragms can be assembled at the construction sit� into rectangular baskets o� the sizes specified and shown on the Drawi:ngs. Gabions and mattresses shall be of single unit construction; the base, lid ends arad sides shall be either �voveza into a single unit or one edge of these members connected to the base sectioza of the gabion in such a manner that the strength and flexibility at the connecting point is at least equal to that of the mesh. Where the length of the gabion and mattress exceeds one and one-half its hoxiwntal width, they shall be equally divided by diaphragms of the same mesh and gauge as the mattresses shall be fiunnished with tl�e necessary diaphragms secured in proper position on the base so that no additional tying is requi:red at this juncture. The wire mesh is to be fabricated so that it will nat ravel. This is defined as the ability to resist pulling apart at any of the twists or connections fonrning the mesh when a single wire stt'azad in a section of inesh is cut. Each gabion or nnatt:ress shall be assembled by tying all untied edges with binding wire. The binding wire shall be tightly looped araund every other mesh opening along seams so that single and double loops are altexn�ated_ A line of empty gabions shall be placed inta position according to the contract drawings and binding wixe shall be used to securely tie each unit to the adjoining one along the vertical reinforced edges and the top selvedges. The base of the empty gabions placed on top of a filled line of gabions shall be tightly wire ta the latter at front and back. 5ectionIV.dve Page ]20 of 127 ]0/] 1/2010 , ' 1 1 ' ' ' � ' , ' , , ' ' , i 1 ' 5ection 1V -- Technical Specifications To achieve better alignment and finish in retaining walls, gabion stretching is recommended. Connecting wires shall be inserted during the filling operation in the following manner: Gabions shall be flled to one third full and one connecting wire in each direction shall be tightly ti�d to opposite faces of each cell at one third height. The gabion shall then he flled to two thirds full and one connecting wire in each direction shall be tightly tied to opposite face of each cell at one two third height_ The cell shall then be filled to the top. Filler stone shall not be dropped more thaz� 12" into the gabions and mattresses. Geotextile fabric shall be installed at locations shown in the Drawings. The surface to receive the cloth shall be prepared to a relatively smooth condition free of obstructions which may tear or cut the cloth. The panel shall be overlapped a minimtun of 30 inches and secured against znoveznent. Cloth damaged or displaced during installation, gabion work, or backfill shall be replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the contractor's expense. The work Shal] be scheduled so that the fabric is not expased to ultraviolet light more thaza the manufacturer's recommendations or five days, whichever is less. 54 LAWN MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS 54.1 SCOPE To rexnove trash atad debris from ]andscape and paved area; maintenance at�d fertilization of plant beds and landscape materials; maintenance, repair, and operation of irrigation systems; ornamental pest control; palm pruning; maintenance of ixaffic; and the cleaning of hard surfaces at designated areas. The Contractor is to work with the City in coordinating maintenar�ce activities and reporting irregulanities in the work zone. The Contractor(s) will provide the labor and materials required to maintain the landscaped street medians including: • Tr�c safety and Maintenanc� of Traffic; • Trash and debris removal from the job site; � Removal of weeds in landscaped areas and hard surfaces; • Proper trimming and pruning of landscape planis and palms; • Proper fertilization and pest cantrol of landscape and palms (may be subcontracted); � Irrigation service and repair; • Mulch replacement; • Cleaning of hard surfaces; and the • Reporting of irregularities at the job site. 54.2 SCHEDUUNG OF WORK The Contractor(s) shall accomplish all landscape maiuitenance required under the contract between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:�0 p.m_ Monday through Saturday, excluding observed holidays. The City rnay grant, on an individual basis, pe:rz�nission to perform contract maintenance at other hours. All work shall be campleted in a continuous manner, that is the cleanup, weeding, trimming, etc., be completed before leaving the job site. SectionlV.doc Page 121 of 127 ]0/1]2010 Section IV —Technical Speci�cations 54.3 W�RK METHODS 54.3.1 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING The Contractor(s) will adhere to a vvork schedule provided by the City (see Level o� Service). Any var,iations to that schedule, requested by either party, must be appmved, either verbally or in writing by an authorized representative of the other pariy. 54.3.2 DUTIES PER SERVICE VISIT The contractor(s) shall provide the following service at each scheduled visit to the designated location: 54.4 LITTER Remave trash aii� debris from the area fo be maintained. Proper disposal of collected trash and debris is a requirement of the contractor. Extraardinary amounts of debris caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, vandalism, etc., would be the responsibility of the City to clean up. The contractor should report such accumulations of debris when they aze encountered. Bids for the extraordinary cleanup from the contractor would he considered. 54:5 VISUAL CHECK The site should be checked for irregulazities, such as i�rxigation leaks, vehicle damage, dead or damaged plant materia.l, vandalism, etc., which should be reported to the City within 24 hours after praviding the service. 54.6 PLANT TRIMMING AND PALM PRUNING All plant material should be trimmed in a manner that promotes the natura.l shape and mature size of the particular specie_ Tz7imming should be performed at intervals that will rnaintain plants in a neat appearance_ Trimming should be performed to promote fullness of the plants, while maintaining height restrictions in Clear Sight Zones as esta.blished on the landscape �lans. Plants shall be kept trimmed to the back of curb. Brown fnliage shall be removed from Liriope. Palm pruning to be perfoxrtxed at least once per year, �re�'erably in late June or July following tlower �'ormation, according to the following specifications_ 54.7 PHOENIX SPECIES (CANARY DATE, INDIA DATE, PYGMY DATE, ETC.) Remove all descending fronds, to the base of the frond; all pazallel and ascending fronds are to remain in order to leave a full, rounded head; seed heads may remain, but remove old faded heads that are encountered in the pruning process; remove loose frond boots; remove vegetation; such as strangler figs, Brazilian Pepper, Asparagus fern, etc., growing in the frond boots or an the trunk. Provide the rounded, classic eut on all Medjool palm boots. No climbing spikes allowed on palms. 54.8 DEBRIS REMOVAL All debris from pruning process is ta be removed from the job site at�d disposed of by the contractor. Work sites should be left in a clean and neat appearance upon completion. SectionIV.doc Page l22 of 127 ]0/11/2010 ' , � , LJ Section 1V — Teciu�ical Specifications 54.9 TRAFFiC C4NTROL Proper and safe work zones in velaiculaz traffic areas are to be set up and maintained by the contractor, according to the attached Maintenance of Traffic specifications. 54.1 � PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Contractvr is responsible for maintaining safe wark zones in areas where pedestrian and park users are present. The City reserves the right to limit the hours of operation in certain high pedestrian use areas. �i�`���_���i��:i�i�r��r��•��i All tree and plant material should be fertilized with tl�e appropriate amount of 20-6-12 sulfur . �.��p,�t�d; slow release, omamental fertilizer, three times per year. Applications should be made in .- .:::;:;,.;�::�,:;:��: ,-. : :.. . rnid-February, early 7une, and mid-September, for the first two years. Fertilizer types and ' amounts will cha�nge with requirements of maturing landscape materials. 54.12 WEED REM�VAL IN LANDSCAPED AREA � Weeds should be removed on a regular basis in order to keep them from being visibly noticeable. Weed control with the use of appropriate herbicides is allowable, given they are properly applied by a certiiied applicator. Herbicide damage to landscape xnaterial will be remedied by contractor � at his/her expense. ' ' 54.13 MULCH CUNDITIDN Shauld be maizatained at a thickness that will discourage weed growth as well as help retain soil moisture, usually 3 inches. 54.14 IRRIGATION SERVICE AND REPAIR Should be performed at each visit to assure the systems proper operation and timing. Drip tubing , should be kept covered with mulch. Timer should be c}�ec�Ced for proper time of day and operating schedule. Leaks or brealcs in the systern should be repaired before the next scheduled system running time. All repaixs which will be charged at $2p,p0 or more must be approved in ' advance by the city. Minor repairs, less than $2Q_Q0, should be billed to the City in addition to the monthly maintenance fee. u ' 1 � , ' 54.15 LAWN AND ORNAMENTAL PEST CONTROL Shauld be performed by a properly licensed and certi%ed applicator to keep pest populations at a ]ess than damaging level. Landscape materials lost to or extensively damaged by pests will be replaced by the contractor at tlxe contractor's expense. Diazinon products are not to be used on City properties. 54.1fi PALM FERTILIZATION Apply three pounds of Magnesium sulfate and ane pound of Potassiuria evenly, per tree, across the root zone (typically within the dripline), annually in early �'eb;ruary. SectionIV.doc Page 123 of 127 10/11/201Q Section IV — Technical 5pecifications 54.17 FREEZE PROTECTION The City will provide a freeze/frost protection fabric for the Contractor to install over freeze/frost sensitive plants (Lantana and Pentas). The covering material will be stored at a City facility (yet to be determined). Coz�tractor wall remove the covering xnaterial from storage and install over the sensitive plants, securely fastez�ing edges of the material to the ground per manufacturer's directions. The City will furnish metal pins needed for securing fabric to the ground. The City �uvill notify the Contractor one (1) day or twenty-fowr (24) haurs miniznum prior to the need to protect plant material. After uses, the Contractoz vvill prepare the fabric for storage and return it to the designated City facility_ Protective cave�ring shall be re�zaoved the �ollowing afterrxoon or remain iza placed as directed by the City. The City shall notify tlxe Contractor by l l:00 a.m. about rennoving the cover or keeping it in place due to continued freezing te:rx�peratures. The City naay cancel the freeze protection event at any tinae prior to the end of the scheduled installation day (5:00 p.m.) The Contractor will be campensated for the nuznber o� hours tnabilization or on�site work at the contracted rate per man-hour uz�it price. `The Contractor shall pravide a wnat pr�ce for the installation and remaval of the covering fabxic on a per event basis, as well as an hourly rate per emplayee required. The City and coz�tractor will coordinate appropriate iaxxgation apezations with weather conditions. Should freeze/frost damage occur, the Contractor shall per�orm remedial work as per unit basis, as directed by the City. 54.18 LEVEL OF SERVICE This loca�ion is to be serviced weekly. Repairs to damage or vandalism to be rnade within 7 working days of reported inregulazity. Weekly visits should occur no closer than six and no further than ten calendar days apart. 54.19 COMPLETION OF WORK Within 24 hours o� completing work the contractor shall notify the supervisor assigned to monitar the contract either in person or by phone of said completion_ It is acceptable to leave a phone rnessage. However, to ma�e certain tlae message is received, it is advisable to call between 6:30 a.m. -- 7:30 a.m. ar 2:30 p.m_ — 3_00 p.m. 54.20 INSPECTION AND APPR�VAL Upon receiving notiiication froxn. the Cantractar, the City shall inspect the serviced location the fallowing business day. If, upon inspection, the work specified has not been completed, the City shall contact the Contractor to indicate the necessary corrective measures. The Contractor will be given 48 haurs from this natiiication to make appropriate carrections. Tf the work has been completed successfully then the City will pay for services billed. 54.21 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1, This location will be newly installed and under warraz�ty by the installer for a six month periad an plants and 12 month warranty on palms. Landscape installer will coordinate irrigation operation with the Maintenazxce cantractor to assure adequate irrigation to the landscape materials. Installer will alsa be respansible �or the untying a� palm heads/fronds as he feels appropriate. 2. All listed acreage or square footage figures are estimates. SectionlV,doc Page ] 24 of 127 �o,>>,zo�o � 1 ' 1 5ectibn IV — Technieal Specif cations 3. All maintenance shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner, consistent with trade practices aiad standaxds which prevail in the industry. ' 4. 1fie Contractor shall be responsible for damage to any plant mate�ial or site feature caused by the Contractor or his/her employees. The Contractor shall be notified in writing of the specific natwe of the damage and cost of repair. The City shall, at its option, , invoice the Contractor for the payment, or reduce by the amount of the repairs the nexct regular payment to the Contractor. ' S. Occasionally circumstances (standing water, prolonged inclement weather, parked vehicles, etc.) may make all or portions of a location unserviceable during the regular schedule. The Contractor. shall notify the City Supervisor of such occurrences, and shall schedule to perform the required maintenance to the location as soon as the pertaining ' circumstances are relieved. .............:i:i:�.. . :::;:r::,;,,;r� =�:.- ::�,,. _ . � �����55 � Y�MILLING �PERATIONS ' 55.1 EQIJIPMENT, CDNSTRUCTION � MILLED SURFACE ' ' Unless otherwise noted in the specs, plans or this ArticlE, the milling operation shall be performed in accordance with Section 327 of FDOT's Standard Speciiications (latest edition). Tk►e Contractor shall notify the Project Inspector a minimum of 24 hours in advance of all milling. 55.2 ADDITIONAL MILLING REQUIREMENTS � 1. If the milling machine is equipped with preheating devices, the contractor is responsible to secure any necessary permits, and for complying with all local, state and federal environmental regulations goverzxing operation of this type of equipment. ' , 1 , 2. All milled surfaces must be repaved within seven days from the time it was milled, wnless otherwise noted in the contract documents. 3. Prioz to paving, all milled areas shall be swept with a Mur�icipal type sweeper either of the vacuum or the mechanical type, that picks up and hauls off, dust and dirt (ihe Broom Tractor way of sweeping is not be permitted). The sweeper must be equipped with its own water supply for pre-wetting to minimize dust. Moreover, the Contractor shall sweep debris off of sidewalks, driveways and curbs in addition to the roadways before leaving the job site. 4. In cases where concrete valley swales are presant, the adjaining pavement shall be milled to allow for the new asphalt grade to be flush with the contaract surface. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible far removing any asphalt that remains in the curb line ' and/or median curbs after the milling operation of a street is complete_ The cost of this removal shall be included in the bid item for milling. , , 6. All radius returns on streets to be milled shall also be milled unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, with payment to be included in the bid item for milling. 7. Any leveling or base replacement required after milling shall be applied to sections of the road as noted on the plans, or directed by the Engi�neer, per Section 330 of FDOT's 2000 Standazd Specifications for S-Type resurfacing projects or Section 330 (latest edition) :for ' SectionN.doc ' Page 125 of 127 10/112010 Section IV — Technical Specifications superpave resurfacing projects. 1'he cost shall be included in the per ton unit cost for asphalt, unless otherwise noted in the project scope ax�d plans. 8. Any roadway base ziaaterial exposed as a result of the �ailling operation shall be primed that same day (unless otherwise directed by the Engineer) per Section 300 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Repairs required to said base that result froxza a failure to place the prime in a timely manner shall be done to the City's satisfaction, and at the Contractor's expense. No paving of the exposed base can commence until the City approves the repaired base. The cost o� said prime shall be included in the bid item for milling. .9,= Pziar to the placement.of asphalt, the face of all curbs and driveways shall be tacked after the milling operation is complete. : 5�5:3. . SALVAGEABLE MATERIALS All surplus existing rnaaterials resulting frozza milling opezations shall remain the properiy of the City. The transporting and stockpiling of salvageable ziaaterials shall be performed by the Contractor. T�e Contracto:r shall contact the Public Services Division at (727) 562-4950 to � •schedule delivery of �material. 55.4 DISPOSABLE MATERIALS All surplus materials not claimed by the City shall become the property o� the Contractor. The Contractor shall dispose of tlxe naaterial in a tinaely mannex a.nd in accordance with all regulatory requirements in areas provided by the Contractor at na additional expense to the City. 55.5 ADJUSTMENT AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES All utilities and related structures requiring adjust�r►ent shall be located and adjusted by their owners at the owner's expense. The Contractor shall arrange his schedule to allaw utility owners the time xequired for such adjustments (minimurxz A�8 hours notice per State Statute). All utility adjustments shall be completed prior . to the commencernent of milling arxd zeswrfacing operataons. 55.6 ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITY MANHOLES T'he necessary adjustnnents of saz�itary sewer atxd stortnwater utility manholes and appurtenances shall be accomplished by tk�e Contractor in aecordance with Section IV, Article 23.7 ai the City's Tech�xiical Specificatians. 55.7 TYPES OF MILLING There are two types of znilling used by the City: A. Wedge — This will consist of milling a six �oot wide sta�ip along the curb line of the pavement adjacent to the curb so the new asphalt will align with the original curb height and pavement cross section. B. Full Width — This will consist of xnilling the entire roadway (i.e. curb line/edge of pavement to curb line/edge of paverzaent). All existing horizontal and vertical geaznetry shall remain unless otherwise indicated or approved by the Enginee:r. SectionIV.doc Page 126 of ] 27 ]0/11/2010 � ' , ' Section 1V —Technical Specifications 55.8 MILLING OF INTERSECTIONS � Intersectians, as well as other areas (including radius returns) are ta be milled and repaved to restore azid/or improve the original drainage characteristics. Said work should extend approxitnately 50 ta 100 feet in both directions from the low point af the existing swale. �1 � 1 � 1 � � � ' � 55.9 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT The quantity to be paid for will be the area milled, in square yards, completed and accepted. 55.1 U BASIS �F PAYMENT The unit pzice for milling shall include: all materials, preparation, hauling, transporting and stockpiling of salvageable materials, disposal of all surplus material, any required milling of radius returns and intersections; prime and/or tack coat either required or placed at Engineer's discretion, removal of aspha]t frozx� curbs, sweeping, labor, eyuipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the milling in accordance with the plans and specifications. 56 CLEARING AND GRUBBING The work included in this specification includes the removal and disposal of all structures, appurtenances, asphali, concrete, curbs, walls, trees, roots, vegetation, boulders, conduits, poles, posts, pipes, inlets, brush, stumps, debris and other obstructions resting on or protruding through the ground surface necessary to prepare the area for construction. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in accordance with Section 11 Q of �DOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition). Unl�ss otherwise speci�ed in the cont.ract documents, the Contractor shall take ownership of all removed :naate�al and dispose of them off site in accordance with all Lacal, State and Federal Requirements. 5fi.1 BASIS 4F MEASUREMENT The basis of zneasurenaent shall be either a lump sum quantity or the number of acres cleared an�d grubbed as speci�ied on the plans or directed by the Engineer. 56.2 BASIS �F PAYMENT ' The pay iteztx for clearing and grubbing shall include: all removal and disposal of n�aaterials and structures as well as all materials, hauling, equipment, tools, labor, leveling of texiraun, landscape trimrning and all incidentals necessary ta complete the work. I 57 RIPRAP ' The work included in this specif cation includes the construction of either sand-cement or rubble riprap as shown on the plans. The riprap shall be constructed per Section 530 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (lastest edition). � IJ ' 57.1 BASIS �F MEASUREMENT The basis of ineasurement for riprap shall be the volume of sand used in cubic yards for sand- cement, or the dry weight in tons for rubble. 1 SectionlV.doc 1 Page 127 of 127 10/11/2010 Section IV —Technical Specifications 57.2 BASIS OF PAYMENT The pay item for sand-cement riprap shall include: all materials, testing, labor, grout, hauling, equipment, excavation, backfill, dressing and shaping for placement of saz�d-ce:naent and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. The pay item for rubble riprap shall include: all materials, required bedding stone, dressing and shaping for placement of bedding stone, filter fabric, testing, hauling, excavating, backfill, dressing and shaping for placement of zubble, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. No payment will be granted if coricrete or �stone thaf exists on-site is used as rubble riprap. 58 TREATMENT PLANT SAFETY This article applies to all City projects loeated at one of the City's Wastewater Treatment Pla.n�ts (WWTP) or Potable Water Reservoirs. � 58.1 HAZARD PQTENTIAL The Contractor shall be aware that hazardous materials are used at the WWTP's and the water researvoirs. These xnay include sodium hypoch�lorite, gaseous chlorine, sulfiax daoxide and ammonia_ Potential safety hazards associated v✓ith these substances include: An accidental spill or release can impair respiratory functions and result in severc burns to the skin and eyes. At the pre-construction conference, the contractor will be provided with a copy of the City of Clearwater Public Utilities Department Emergency Response Plan, and a copy of the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets. All emplayees of the contractor and sub-contractor assigned to this job shall be familiar with the content of these documents. 58.2 REQUIRED CONTRACTOR TRAINING Prior to issuance of a notice to proceed, the contractor must submit docurnentation regarding employee safety training relating to the items in Section A above. The documentation must include: • Veri�cation that all employees assigned to this job have received and understood training in the proper work practices necessary to safely perform the job while working around gaseous chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas. • The date of the training, and �'Ihe means used to verify that the employee understood the training. 59 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS All tra�c signal work shall be performed per the latest edition of PDOT's Standard Specifications (Sections 603 through 699), unless otherwise specified in the contract dacuments and plans. This speciiication includes, but is not limited ta, the following items: all necessary equipment, materials, guaranties, acceptance procedures, sigrial tiznings, field tests, groux�ding, conduit, signal and interconnect cable, span wire assemblies, pull and junction boxes, electrical pawer service assemblies, poles, signal assemblies, pedestrian asseznblies, inductive loop detectors, SectionTV.doc Page 128 of 127 lp/11l20]0 1 ' ' , ' � ' 5ection IV — Technical 5pecitcations pedestrian detectors, traffic controller assemblies, controller cabinets and accessories, removal of existing traffic signal equipment, and internally illuminated signs. All traffic signal installations shall be mast arms and conform to th� requirements of FD�T's Mast Arim Assembly standard, and shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registezed in the state of Florida. All mast arm calculations, as well as the geotechnical report, shall also be signed and sealed by a professional engineex registered in the state of Florida. All nnast arm colors shall be determined and approved by the City prior to ordezing from the ;rn�ana�fa�t�rer. ..: . :. .. : : . .. : . All traffic signal indicatozs for veh.icles and pedest�ians shall be LED's and, appxoved by both the City and FDOT. In addition to this, all pedestrian signal indicators shall utilize countdown features. Contrac#qx changes to the operation of an existing signal is PROHIBITED unless directed by the City's Traffic Engineering Division. 59.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contract docuanents and/or plans � and shall include all equipment, prepazation, r�aaterials, testing and incidentals required to ' complete the work per tk►e plans. ' � ' 1 ' ' , , 60 SIGNING AND MARKING All signing and mazking woxk shall be performed per the latest edition of FDOT's Standard Specifications, unless otherwise specified in the contxact documents and plans. This specification includes the following work: RPM's (Section 706), painted traffic stripes and markings (Section 710), thennoplastzc strapes and markings (Section 711) and tubular delineators/flex posts (Sections 705 and 972). The Contractor is responsible to ensure that striping is correctly placed. Errozs in stz'iping or xraarkings sha11 be "blacked-out" with paint, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. No payment wi�ll be rnade foz these incorrect or "blacked-ouY' areas. Omissions in striping ox markings sh,all be corrected to the City's satisfaction prior to any payment being made. 60.1 BASIS OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Tlae baszs of ineasurement and payment shall be specified in the contract documents and/or plans and shall include all equipment, preparation, materials and incidentals required to complete the work per the plans. 61 ROADWAY LIGHTING All roadway lighting shall be constructed per Sections 71 S and 992 of FDOT's Standard Specifications (latest edition), unless otherwise specified in the contract documents and plans. 61.1 BA51S OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The basis of ineasurernent and payment shall be specified in the contract documents and/or plans ' and sha11 include all eqt�ipment, materials, testing and incidentals required to complete the work per the plans. ' SectionIV_doc Page 129 of 127 ]0/11/2010 ' Section IV -- Technical Specifications C:��: ' : �i ���[�1,] 62.1 TREE BARRICADES A. A protective barrier shall be placed around all protected trees an.d palms prior ta land preparation or construction activities within or adjacent to the work zone, including all staging and/or lay down areas. P:rotective barriers shall be installed as follows= ]. At or greater than the full dripline of all species of Mangroves and Cabbage Palms. 2. At or gzeater than the full dripline or all protected native pine trees and other conifer species. 3. At or greater than two-thirds of the dripline of all other protected species 4. At or greatez than the full dripline of trees within a specimen tree stand. B. Protective barriers are to be constructed using no less than two-inch lumber for upright posts. Upright posts are to be at least four feet in length with a minitnum of one foot anchox'ed in the ground. Upright posts are to be placed at a maximum distance of eight feet apart. Horizontal rails are to be constructed using no less than one inch by four-inch lumber and shall be securely attached to the top of the upxight post. The p:roject City's representative nnust apprave any variation'�f`rom the above requirements. C. Whenever a pratective barrier is required, it shall be in place until all construction activity is terminated. The area within the banrie:r limits shall renrxain undisturbed by any activity duzing construction. Native ground covez and understory vegetation existing within the barriers shall remain throughout construction. Exotic plarzt species may only be zemoved by manual labor utilizing hand tools or by other means if authorized in writing by the City's xepresentative. D_ Prior to the erection of any tequired pzoCective barxier, all suxface fo:reign material, trash or debris shall be removed from the area enclosed by the barrier, and after erection of the barrier no such material or litter shall be permitted to remain within the protected area. No equipment, chemicals, soil deposits or construction materials shall be placed within such protective bamers. E. No signs, building pernaits, wu-es, or other attaclunents of any kind shall be attached to any protected tree or palm. F. At al] times, due caxe shall be taken to protect the critical root zone of trees protected by this section, and root pruning requirenc�ents shall apply to such trees. 62.2 ROOT PRUNING A. Where proposed construction improvements involve excavation and/or impacts to the critical root zone of protected trees, the Contractor shall be required to have an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certzfied arbo�rist perform, or directly supervise root prunang ta reduce the unpacts of consiruction. The critical root zone is equivalent to the tree's dripline. Prior to any clearing, grubbing ar excavation activities, the affected roots must be severed by clean pruning cuts at the point where grubbing or excavation impacts the root system. Roots can be pruned utzlizing specified root pruning equipment designed for that purpose or by hand digging a trench and pruning roots with a pruning saw, chain saw or other equipment designed for tree pruning. Root prunin� by trenching equipment or excavation equipment is strictly prohibited_ Roots located in the critical xoot zone that �will be impacted by 5ectionlV.dOc Page 130 of 127 �oi>>�zoio ' ' 1 1 � � � Section IV -- Technical Specifications construction activities shall be pruned ta a zninimum depth of 1$ inches below existing grade or to the depth of the praposed impact if less than 18 inclaes from existing grade. Tim Kurtz, Senior Landscape A.rchitect is the City's Representative on Public Works projects for root Pruning issues and can be reached at (727) 562-�737, or through the co:�struction inspectar assigned to the project. B. Root pruning shall ozily be pre�arzned by oz under the direct supervision of an Internatianal Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist. C. Any praposed root pruning trenches shall be identified on site (i.e, staked o:r painted) inspected and approved by the City's representative prrior to actual root prunin,g. D. Root pruning shall be preforzned as far in, advance o� other constructian activities as is ' feasible, but at a minimum shall be performed prior to ANY impacts to the soil. Assaciated tree protection measures should be implemented upon completion of said root pruning. ' � � E. If there is a likelihood of excessive wind and/or rain exceptional care shall be taken on aray root pruning activities. F. Root pruning shall be limited to a minirrzum of ten inches per one inch of the trunk diamet�r fram the tree base. Any exception must be approved by the Gity's representative prior to said root prtuning. , G. Raots shall be cut cleanly, as far from the trunk of the tree as possible. Roat pruning shall be done to a minimum depth of 18" fram existing grade, or to the depth o�'the disturbance if less than 18". H. Root pruning shall be performed using a Doscocil Root Cutting Machine ox equivalent. ' Altemate equipment or teclariiques must be approved by the City's representative, prior to any work adjacent ta trees to be prese;rved. I. Root pruning shall be completed, inspected ar�d accepted prior to the commencement of any ' excavation or other impacts to the criUcal root zones of trees to be protected. J. Excavations in an area whexe root axe present shall not cause the tearing or ripping of tree , roots. Roots must first be cleazaly severed prior to continuing with the excavation, or tunxaeled around to prevent damage to the root. ' � � �-1 �1 ' � K. Tree roots shall not be exposed to drying out. Root ends shall be covered with native soil or burlap and kept moist until final backfill or final grades has been established. L. When deemed appropr�ate (e.g., during periods of drought) the City representatzve may require a temporary irrigation system be utalized in the remaining critical root zones o� root pruned trees. M. When underground utility lines are to be installed within the critical root zone, the root pruning requirement may be waived if the lines are installed via tunneling or directional bozing as opposed to open trenching. fi2.3 PROPER TREE PRUNING �1. All tree pruni�g an�d/or root prunix�g an existing trees to remain shall only be preformed by or under the direct supervision of an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certif ed arborist. Furthermore, all tree work shall con�orm to the American National Standards Institute (,ANSI) 2001, American National Standard for tree care operations — Tree, Shrub and other Woody Plant Maintenance -- Standard practices (pruning) ANSI A-300. SectionlV.doc Page 131 of 127 10/11/ZO10 Section 1V —'Technical Specifications B. Proper pnu�ing techniques for al] lateral branches of protected trees are required. Flush cuts (pruning cuts that remove the branch collaz) and stub cuts (cuts that lcavc a stub on the tree) are iznproper techniques. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be zecognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will xequire replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Ordinanices. C. No protected tree shall have more than 30 percent of its foliage removed. D. No protected tree shall be topped, hat racked or lion-tailed. Any protected tree that has been improperly pruned will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the current City Codes and Oxdinances. E. Tree Trunks and limbs shall be protected. The use of tree spikes or other devices that damage trunk and bark tissue on protected trees shall be prohibited. Any protected tree that has been damaged in such a manner will not be recognized as a tree left on the project in a healthy growing condition, and will require replacement consistent with the curre;nt City Codes arad Ordinances. 63 PR�JECT WEB PAGES 63.1 WEB PAGES DES{GN If requested by the City, Engineex shall design the Project Web Site in accordance with the current City Web Site standards and styles. Pzoject Web Site should include general praject information as: Pzoject Name & Number, Scope description, Location, Schedule, and Projact Contacts. Note: Occasionally City modifies the general design of the City's Web Site, a.nd the Engineer shall consult the City Webmaster for the current ;tequirements, before designing or updating the l'rojECt Web Pages. 63.2 WEB ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES �raject Web �'ages should conform to the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines and US Section S�$ guidelines whenever passible: htt� //www.w3.or�JTRJ 1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-199905 OS/ http://www.section508.�ov/ In particular, use of variable-width tables, user-adjustable/relative font sizes, ALT text for images, CSS whenever possible, etc. Accessibility should be a priority over design/aesthetics. 63.3 THE SUN AND WAVES LOG4 AND ITS USE The City's Sun and Waves logo should be used �or everyday business, on all print and electronic material. It should be used on all internal co:rrespondence, brochures, advertising, vehicles, apparel and signage. It should be used anly in the mannez presented here, in the proportion shawzi hexe, with no alterations. It should not be condensed, lengthened, ox otherwise distorted to fit a space. The logo is app:roved for use by city departments, and is not to be used by outside vendors without the permission of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager or Public Corrununications office_ Electronic versians of the logo should be obtained from the Public Coz�unications. This is for internal use only. SectionlV.doc Page 132 of 127 10/11/2010 1 Section IV — Technical Speciiications I 63.4 MAPS AND GRAPHICS Use of maps and graphics is recommended to illustrate the project; only approved graphics � should be posted to the Project Web 1'ages. fi3.5 INTERACTIVE F4RMS � The site should also include ar� interactive form or other options to allow Public's input sent back to the City regarding the .Project. � 63.6 POSTING The site should be presented to the City's Webznaster for review and posting to the City's Web � Server. �'ostin� of the Project Web 1'ages to a different than City's Web server, if approved, should be coordinated with the City's Webmaster for resolving a11 accessibility and conformity issues. i 63.7 WEB PAGES UPDATES Unless otherwise specified and agreed Engineer is responsible for keeping the posted Web Pages � up-to-date, by sending revisions and updates through the City Project Manager to the City's Webmaster for posting. � i 1 1 1 � i 1 � � SectionlV.doc Page 133 of 127 ]0/11/20]0 � 1 APA 12.09 � � � Pier 60 Restroom Additaon Pier 6D Concession Luilding Restroom Addition Piex 60 Cleax-water Beach, Flo�rida SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATTONS � TABLE OF CONTEN TS May 16, 2011 � � � • Table of Contents • Schedule of Drawings Sectian Section Page Number Tide Number DIVISION ]. — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01100 ................ Swnmary.................................................... ..0110� — 1 of 2 ................................................. � 01322 ................ Photographic Documentation....................................._..._............._...............01322 —1 of 2 01330 ................ Submittal Procedures....................................................................................01330 —1 �f 6 01420 ................ References.....................................................................................................01420 —1 of 1 � �150� ................ Temparary FaciIities and Contro]s...............................................................01500 —1 of 3 O1S24 ................ Construction Waste Management ................................................................01524 — 1 of 1 01600 ................ Product Requirements ._................................................................................01600 —.1 of 4 01731 ................ CutUuxg and Patching ................................ ...01731— 1 of 3 ................................................. ' 01732 ................ Selective Demolition ....................................................................................01732 — 1 of 3 01770 ................ Closeout Procedures ....................................... ....... ..01770 — 1 of 4 ............. ........................ 01781 ................ Froject Record Dacuments......................... .................................................. — a � �J � � � I � DIVISION 2 — STTE CONSTRUCTION 02220,..........._... Site Preparation, Excavation, and Earthwork for Foundation ....................02220 —1 of 5 02360 ................ Timber Piling........................................................ ......02360 —1 of 6 .................................. 02361 ................ Temute Control ............_.......... .02361— 1 of 2 DIVLSION 3 — CONCRETE 03300 ................ Cast-in-Place Concrete.................................................................................03300 — 1 of 14 03320 ................ Precast Concrete U-Lintels and Sills .................................._.-------.----...........03320 —1 of 2 I ��►`�_�'i [�)�[L�►� /�Y�]�f:i 1 Q4200 ................ Unit Masonry...._.............................----.....-----•--- ---..........---�-�----....................04200 — 1 of 12 DIVISION 5 --- METALS OSS21 ................ Pipe R.ailings......................... ....... .... .............................................................05521--10 2 TOC 1 of 3 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition DIVISION 6— WOOD AND PLASTIC 06100 ................ Rough Carpentry..................................................................................._.......06100 — 1 of 2 Q6160................ Sheathing _.........._.............................--�-----�........................_.._........._..............06160— 1 of 1 06192 ................ Prefabricated Metal-Plate-Connected Wood Trusses._.._.........._____..............06192 — 1 of 5 06462 ................ Hardie Rustic Tz-isrn Soards ..................... .....................................................06462— 1 0' �4 06463 ................ Hardie Soffit Panels and Battens .................................................................Q6463 — 1 of 4 DIVISION 7-- THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07210 ................ Building Tnsulation.......................................................................................D7210 — 1 of 1 07411 ................ Metal Roof Panels ............................-�------....................................................07411— 1 of 4 07920......-�---•--•-JointSealants ..................................�----.........................................................07920-1of 5 DIVISION 8— DOORS AND WINDOWS 08100 ................ Steel Doors and Frames (Provided by the City of Clearwater)...................08100 — 1 of 5 0$710 ................ Finish Hardware (Provided by the City of Clearwater) ..........___.______._........08710 — 1 of 7 DIVISIQN 9 — FINISHES 09220 ................ Portland Cement Plast�r (Stucco) ................................................................09220 -- 1 af 3 09900 ................ Painting --.................... ..-•---• ....................................�-.....................................09900 — 1 0 7 0991 Q ................ Decorative Quartz Flooring.................... ...09910 — l of 7 DIVISION 10 — SPECIALTIES 10155 ................ Toilet Comparianents....---•-........................................................._..........._.....10155 — 1 of 3 10431 ................ Signage..................................... ...10431— 1 0� 4 ....................................................•�----._...... 10520 ................ �'ixe-Pmtection Specialties .............................................................------........10520 —1 of 3 10801 ................ Toilet and Bath Accessories.........................--.--.......... ...10801— 1 of 2 DIVISION 11— EQUIPMENT (not used) DIVISION 12 — FURNISHINGS (nat used) DIVISION 13 — SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (not used) DIVI$ION 14 — CONVEYING SYSTEMS (not used) DIVISION 15 — MECHANICAL TpC 2 of 3 , APA 12.09 � L� �� 19 � � �� � �.. i � �1 C� ' �J � Pier 60 Restraom Addition 15Q00 ................ Common Requirements for Mecharnical Work............_._.._....____.._.__............15000 — 1 of 15005 ................ Instructions and MainCenance Manuals ......................__.__..............._............15005 -- I of 15�07________________ Identification of Mechanical Systems..................................._...__..........._.__..15007 — 1 of 15010 ................ Flumbing Piping................._.. .15010 — 1 of ...................................................................... 15020 ................ Pipiu�g and Fittings: Soil, Waste Vent and Drain ...................._......._..........15020 --1 of 15050 ................ Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods...................................................15050 -- 1 of 150E0 ................ Hangers and Supports...................................................................................15060 — 1 of 15�75 ................ Mechanical Identi�cation..................................................................._.........15075 — 1 0£ 15080 ................ Plumbing Insulation.............._.......................................................................1508� — 1 of 15110 ................ Pipe, Valves, and Fittings: Potable Water..................................................15110 —1 of 1514�.........--•.... Domestic Water Piping ................... .............................................................1514� —1 0 1515p ................ Sarutary Waste and Vent Piping ...................._.............................................15150 —1 of 15190 ................ Hangers and Supports: Piping Systems ........................---............_...............15190 — 1 of 15200 ................ Plumbing............................................................._.._......................................15200 — 1 of 152UX ................ Plumbing Fixtures, Trim, and Specialties................._.......... ................15201-- 1 of ........ 15400 ................ Insulation Thernnal...............................................................--�---..................15400 —1 of � 15410 ................ Plumbing Fixtures ...._....._..........................__..............................__.................1541� -- 1 of 158�0 ................ Air Distribution._......._--.....................---......................................_..................15800 — 1 of 15830-----�------�--• Fans ............................................................................................�---�--- •......_..15830— 1 of 15950 ................ Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing.......-_--_--.................................................15�50 —1 of DIVISION 16 — ELECTRICAL 16050 ................ Basic Electrical Materials and Methods ......_...............................................1605D — 1 of 1606� ................ Grounding and Bonding................_....................................._...........-.--•........16060— 1 of 16Q70 ................ Electrical Hangers and Supports.................................._..............--�--............1607� —10£ 16075 ................ Electrical Identi�cation................................................................................16075 — 1 of 161�� ................ Wiring Methods......_...........................................__........................................16100 — l of 16123 ................ Building Wire and Cable...................---........................................................16123 -- 1 of 16130 ................ Racevvay and Boxes........_..............-�----.........._............._................................16130 -- 1 of 16131 ................ Cabinets and Enclosures...............................................................................1b131— 1 of 16150 ................ Wiring Connections.............................._..............---........._............................16150-1 of 16411 ................ Enclosed Switches......................----..........................._...._.. ...........................1 411-- o 16423._--•--......... Enclosed Contactors .....................................................................................16423 — 1 of 16442 ................ Panel Boards ............................_.............----........................._..............._.........16442 —1 of 16491 ................ Fuses .............................................................................................................16491— 1 0� 16510 ................Interior Luminaires.......---...................--•�--�--•....................._..........................16510— 1 of 16520 ................ Exterior Luminaires....._...........-•---...-�--�--....................._................................1652� — 1 of 16530 ................ Emergency Lighting............_....................-----........_......................................1b53Q — 1 of End of Table of Contents ' T4C � G] 2 9 3 3 2 6 4 2 3 4 2 3 6 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 of 3 � � APA 12.09 � Schedule of Drawings A-1 ..................Title Sheet and Schedule oiDrawings � Cxvil C-1 ..................Existing Conditions Plata " G2 ..................Demolitioza Plan � C-3 ...... . . . . ... . ....5ite Plan C-4 ..................Site Plan C -5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D etai 1 s � � � � � � rl � � � � r ' Pier 60 Restroom Addition Architectural A-1.1 ...............Building Key Plan A-2.1 ..............Floor and Reflected Ceiling Demolirion Plans A-2.2 ..............Restroom �'loor Plazx (Base Bid) Partitian Plan and Room Finish Schexiule A-2.3 ..............Restraom F1oorPlan (Alternate#1) A-2.4 ..............Reflected Ceiling Plan and Door Schedule A-2.4.2............Reflective Ceiling Plan (Alternate #2) A-2.5 ..............Roof Plan and Details A-2.5.2.........._.Roof �lan (Alternate #2) A-3.1 ..............1/4" ExteriorElevations A-3.2 ..............1/4" Exterior Elevations and Detail A-3.3 ...............1/4" Exterior Elevations (Atternate #2) A-4.1 ..............1/4" Building Sections (Base Bid) A-4.2 ..............1/4" Building Sections (Alternate #1) A-5.1 ..............3/4" Wall Sections (Base Bid) A-5.2 ..............3/4" Wa11 Sections (Alternate #1) A-5.3 ...............3/4" Wall Sections (Alternate #2) A-5.4 ...............3/4" Wall Sections (Alternate #2) A-6 .................Interior Elevations Stractural 5.1 ...................Structural Specifications 5.2.1 ................Foundation Plan and Details (Base Bid) 5.2.2 ................Foundation Plan and Details (Alternate #1) 5.3 ...................Roof Framing Plan and Details Mechanical M 1.1 ...............Mechanical Legend and Notes M2.1 ...............Mechanical Demolition and Renovation Plans M2.2 ................Alternate 1 Renovation Plan Electrical E1.1 ................Electrical Cover Sheet E2.1 ................Electrical Base Bid Demolition Plan E2.2 ................Electrical Base Bid Renovation Lighting Plan E2.2A .............Electrical Alternate #1 Renovation Lighting Plan E2.3 ................Electrical Base Bid Renavation Power Plan E2.3A .............Electrical Alternate #1 Renovation PowerPlan E2.4 .................Electrical Altemate #2 Soffit Lighting Plan E3.1 ................Electrica] Riser Diagram E4.1 ................Electrical Lighting k'ixture Schedule, Details and Panel Schedule SCHEDULE OF DR.AWIl�IGS 1 of 2 Al'A 12.09 Plumhing �' ] . l ..... ........ ...Plumbimg Cover Sheet P2.1 ................Plumbing Demolition Plan P22 ................Plumbing Base Bid Renovation Plan P2.3 .................Plumbing Altezxxate #1 Bid Renovation P1an P3.1 ................Plumbing R.isers �4. ] ................Plumbing Schedules P5.1 ................Pluznbing Details Pier 60 Restroom Addition SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS 2 of 2 L � �J �� � �� � „� ,. SECTION O110D — SLTMMARY PART 1 - GENERAT" Pier 60 Restroam Addition 1.1 SUNIlVIARY A. Section Includes: 1. Work covered by Contract Documents. 2. Access to site. 3. Coordination with occupants. 4. Work reslrictions. S. Specification and drawing conventions. B. Related Requirennents: 1. Division 1 Sec�on "Temporary Facilides and Controls" for limitations and procedures governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. � i.z � � �� ' � � ��i I� r � /:� I: C� PROJECT INFORMATION Project Identification: 1. �roject Location: Owner: 1. Owner's Representative Architect: �ier 60 Concession Building Restroom Addition. Pier 60 Clearwater Seach, Florida. City of Clearwater. Leroy Chin. Pliska Architecture, P.A. 800 Drew Street Clearwater, FL 33755 1.3 WORK CQVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. 'I'he Work of Project is defined by t.�e Contract Documents and Bidder's Proposal Form. B. Type of Contract. 1. Project will be consh�.�cted under a single prime contract. i.a cooR.�arrrATlorr wrrx occur�rrrs A. Full Owner Occupancy: Owner will occupy site and e�risting building during entire constructipn period. Cooperate with Owner duziin� conswction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to inter.fere with Owner's day- to-day operations. Maintain existin� exits unless ot}xerwise indicated. 1. Maintain access to existing walkways and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct walkways or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from Owner and approval of autharities having junisdiction. 2. Notify Qwner not less tlaan five days in advance of activities that will affect Owner's operations. 15 SPECIFICATION AND DRAWING CONVENTYONS A. Specification Content: T�e Specifications use certain convenUons for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. 'These conventions are as follows: 1. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence ar phrase. �. Specification requirements are to be performed by Con�actor unless specifically stated otherwise. � SUMMARY � 01100 - 1 of 2 APA 12_09 � Pier 60 Restrooz�n Addition � B. Division 1 General Requirements: Requirements of Sections in Division 1 apply to the Work of all Sections in the Specifications. C.. Drawing Coordination: Requirements for materials and products iden�i�ed on Drawings are described in detail in the Spec�cations. �ne or more of the following are used on Drawings to identiiy materials and products: 1. Terminology: Materials azxd products are identified by the typical generic terms used in the individual Specifications Sections. 2. Abbreviations: Materials and products are identi�ed by abbreviations publistaed as part of the U.S. National CAD Standard arxd scheduled on Drawings. 3. Keynoting: Materials and products are identified by reference keynotes referencing Specification Section numbers fouzzd in this Project Manual. PART 2 - �RQDUCTS (Not Used) �ART 3 - EXECiTTION (Not [7sed) END OF SECTION 0] Xpp �Yil�lu/l:�'1 01100-2of2 � � � � � e i�� � APA 12.09 SECTI�N 01322 - YHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 1'ART l - GENERAL �ier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements fvr the following: l . Preconstruction photographs. 2. Periodic constructaon photographs. B. Related Requirements: 1. Division 1 Section "Closeaut Procedures" for submitti.ng photagraphic documentation as Project Record Docunaents at Project closeout. , 1.2 u � �� � r I� � � � � � A � INFORMATIUNAL SUBMITTALS Key Plan: Submit key plan of Praject site and building with notation of vantage points marked for location and direction of each photograph. Digital Photographs: Submit unaltered, original, full-size image files within seven days of taking photographs. 1. Digital Camera: Minunum sensor resolutaan of 8 megapixels. 2. Identification: Provide the following information with each image description in file metadata tag: a. Name of Project. b. Name and cantact information for phatographer. c. Date photograph was taken. d. Description of vantage point, indicating location, direction (by campass point), and elevation or story of constructian. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PHOTOGRAPHIC MEDIA A. Digital Images: Provide 'vnages in JPG format, with minitnum sixe of 8 megapixels. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONSTRUCTION 1'HUTOGRAPHS A. General: Take photographs usi�ng the maximum range a£ depth of field, and that are in focus, to clearly show the Work, Photographs with blurry or out-of facus areas will not be accepted. 1. Maintain key plan with each set of construction photographs that identifies each photographic location. B. Digital Irnages: Submit digital images exactly as originally recorded in the digital camera, without alteration, manipulation, editing, or modifications using image-editing saftware. 1. Date and Time: Include date and time in file name for cach image. 2. Field Office Images: Maintain one set af images accessible in the field office at Project site, avai�lable at all times for reference. Identify images in the same manner as those submitted to Arckutect. C. Preconstruction Photographs: Before starting construction, take photographs of Froject site and surrounding properiies, including existing items to remain during construction, from dif�erent vantage points. 1. Flag construction limits befare taking construction photographs. 2. Take 20 photographs to show existing conditions adjacent to properiy before starpng the Work. � PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATI4N � 01322 - 1 of 2 �PA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 3. Take 20 photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining property to accurately record physical conditions at start afi const►uction. D. Periodic Constavction Photographs: Take 20 photographs weekly. Select vatztage points to show stalus of constxuction and progress since last photographs were taken. E. Final Completion Construction Photagraphs: Take 20 color photographs after date of Substantial Completion for submission as Project Record Documents. END OF SECTION 01322 PHOTQGR.APHIC DOCUM�N'I"ATION 0132�-2of2 � � � � � � L_J � � APA 12.09 SECTION 0�330 - SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART1-GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SLTMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requuements for submittin.g Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples, and other submittals. B. See Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for submitting schedules and reports, including Contractor's Construction Schedule. C. See Division 1 Section "Photographic Docwmentation" for submitting consUuction photographs. D. See Divisian 1 Section "Closeout Procedures" for submitting warranties. E. See Division 1 Section "Project Record Documents" for submitting Record Drawings, Recard Specifications, and Record Product Data. 1.2 DEFIMTXONS A. Action Submittals: Written and graphic information that requires Architect's responsive action. B. Informational Submittals: Written inforrnation that does not require Arohitect's responsive action. Submittals may be rejected for not complying with requirements. � 1.3 � � � r � �� Il L� C. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, pw-chasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. 2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrenfly for c�ordination. a. Architect reserves the right to withhold action on a subznittal requiring coordination with other submitrals until related subnnittals are received_ Processing Time: Allow enough time for submittal �review, including time far resubmittals, as follows. Time for review shall commence on Architect's receipt of submittal. No extension of the Contract Time will be autharized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing, including resubmittals. 1. Initial Review: Allaw 15 days for iniaal review of each submittal. Allow additional time if coordinat�on with subsequent submittals is required. Architect will advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. 2. Intermediate Review: If intermediate subm�ittal is necessary, pracess it in same man.ner as initial subraittal. 3. Resubmittal Review: Allow 1S days for review of each resubmittal. Identification: Place a permanent label or Utle block on each submittal for identification. 1. Indicate name oi fum or entity that prepared each submittal on label ar title block. 2. Provide a space approximately 6 by 8 inches on label or beside title block to record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect 3. Include the following information on laf�el for processing and recording action taken: a. Project name. b. Date. � c. Name and address of Architect. d. Name and address of Contractor. e. Name and address of snbcontractor. 1 f. Name and address of supplier. g. Name oimanufacturer. � SUEMITTAL PROCEDURES � 01330 - 1 of 6 APA 12.09 Pier 6D Restroom Addition h. Suhmittal number or other unique identi�er, including revision identifier. ]) Submittal number shall use Specitcation Section m�mber fallowed by a deciznal point and then a sequential ntunber (e.g_, 061 Q0.01 }. Resubmittals shall in�clude an alphabetic sut�ix after another decimal point (e.g,, 06100.O1.A). i, Number and title of appropniate Specification Section. j. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. k. Location(s) where product is to be installed, as appropriate. 1. Other necessary identi�cation. D. Deviations: Highlight, encircle, or otherwise specifically identify deviations from the Contract Documents on submittals. E. Additional Copies: Unless additional copies are required for fin,al subznittal, and unless Architect observes noncompliance with provisions in the Contract Documents, inipal submittal may serve as final submittal. 1. Additional copies submitted for maintenance manuals will not be marked with action taken and will be retw�ed. F. Transxnittal: Package each submittal individually and appropniately for transrnittal and handling. Transmit each submittal usiz�g a transmittal farm. Architect will discard submiitals received from sources other than Contractor. G. Resubmittals; Make resubmittals in sarne form and number of copies as initia� submittal. 1. Note date and content of previous submittal_ 2. Note date and content of revision in label or Citle block and clearly indicate extent o� revisi4n. 3. Resubmit submittals until they are marked "REVXEWED." H. Distribution: Furnish copies of fmal submittals to manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, authoz':ities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of cons�uction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. I. Use £or Construction: Use only final submittals with nnark indicating "REVIEWED" taken by Architect. PART2-PRUDUCTS 2.1 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. General: Fi-epare and submit Action Submittals required by individual Specit°ication Sections. B. Product Data: Collect in�formation into a single submiital for each element of construction and type of product or ec�uipnr�ent 1_ If information must be specially prepared for submittal becanse standard pr�nted data are not suitable £or use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data. 2. Mark each copy of each submittal to show wY►ich products and options are applicable. 3. Include the £ollowing information, as applicable: a. Manufacturer's written recom�mendations. b. Manufacturer's product speci�cations. c. Manufacturer's installation inistructions. d. Manufacturer's catalog cuts. e. Wiring diagrams showing factory-in.stalled wiring. £ Printed performance curves. g. Operataonal range diagrams. h. Compliance with specified referenced standards. i. Testing by recognized tesring agency. SUBIVI�TTAL PROCEDURES 01330-2of6 � �� � , APA 12_09 � C� � ' � � � ' � � � � � � � C�] � Pier 60 Restroom Addition 4. Number of Copies: Suhmit seven copies of Product Data, unless otherwise indicated. Archit.ect will return five copies. Mark up and retain one returned copy as a Project Record Documerat. Shop Drawings: Prepare Froject-specific information, drawn acciu-ately to scale. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data. 1. Preparation: Fully illustrate requirements in the Contract Documents. Include the fpllowing infonmatian, as applicable: a. Dimensions. b. Idenkificaiion of products. c. Fabrication and installation drawings. d. Roughing-in and setting diagram,s. e. Wiring diagrams showing field-installed wiring, including power, signal, and conlro] wiring. f. Shopwork rnanufacturing instructions. g. Templates and pattems. h. Schedules. i. Notation of coordination requirements. j. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. k. Relationship to adjoining construction clearly indicated. 1. Seal and signature of professional engineer if specified. m. Wiring Diagrams: Differentiate between xnanufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring- 2. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns, and sixnilar full-size drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches but no larger tlaan 24 by 36 inches. 3. Number of Copies: Submit two opaque (bond) copxes of each submittal. Architect will return one capy. Saznples: Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattez�n, ar►d texture for a check oithese characCeristics with other elernents and for a comparison of these characteristics between submittal and actual component as delivered and installed. 1. Transmit Samples that cantain multiple, related components such as accessories together in one subrnittal package. 2. Iden�fication: Attach label on unexposed side of Saix�ples that includes the following: a. Generic description of Sannple. b. Product name and name o£manufacturer. c. Sample source. d. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. 3. Disposition: Maintain sets of approved Samples at Project site, available for quality- control comparisons throughaut the course of construclion activity. Sample sets may be used to determine iinal acceptance of construction associated with each set. 4. Samples for Tuitial Selectaon: Submit manufactwrer's color charts consisting of units or sec�ons of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and patte�ms available. a. Nu►nber of Samples: Submit three full sets of available choices where color, pattern, texbure, or similar charact,eristics are required to be selected from manufacturer's product line. Architect will return submittal with oplions selected. 5. Samples for Verification: Submit full-size units or Samples of size indicated, prepared from sam�e material to be used for the Work, cured and fuushed in manner speci�ied, and physically identical with material or product proposed for use, and that show full range of color and texture vaniations expected. Samples include, but are not ]iunited to, the following: partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components; small cuts or containers of materials; complete units of repe�iively used materials; swatches showing � SUBNiITTAL PROCEDURES LJ 01330-3of6 APA I2.09 E. F. G. 2.2 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Pier 60 Restroom Addition color, textu.re, and pattem; color ranige sets; anid components used for independent tesring and inspection. a. Number o£ Samples: Submit three sets pf Samples. Architect will retain one Samplc set; remainder will be retumed. Ma�rk up and retain one returxied Saznple set as a Project Record Sample. Product Schedule or List: As requued in individual Speci�ication Sectaons, prepare a written sum�iary indicating types of products required for the Work and their intended location. ],. Number of Copies: Submit tlu'ee copies of product schedule or list, unless atherwise i�ndicated. Architect will return two copies. Subrnittals Schedule: Comply with rec�uirements speci�ed in Division 1 Section "Cor�struction Progress Documentation." Subcontract List: Prepa�re a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Woz'k, uicluding those who are to furnish products or equipmenC fabricated to a special design. 1. Number o£ Copies: Submit three copies of subcontractor list, unless othercvise indicated. Architect will retum two copies. INFQRMAT�ONAL SUBMITTALS General: Prepare and submit Informational Submittals required by other Specification Sections. 1. Number of Copies: Submit two copies of each subrnittal, unless oCherwise indicated. Architecc will not return copies. 2. Certi�cates and Certifications: Provide a notarized statement that includes signature of entity responsible £or prepazang certification. Certificates and cerhifications shall be signed by an ofFicer or other individual authorixed ta si� documents on behalf of that entity. 3. Test and Inspection Reports: Comply with requirements speciiied in Division 1 Section "Quality Requirements." Coordination Drawings: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Project Manageztxent and Coordination." Contractor's Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation." Quali�rcation Data: Prepare wrztten inforrnation that demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information speci�ied. Welding Certificates: Prepare wnitten certificatian that welding procedures and personnel comply with requirements in the Contract Documents. Submit record of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) on AWS forms. Include narr�es of �irms and personnel certified. Installer Certiiicates: Prepare written statexnents on manufacturer's letterhead csrtifying that Installer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents and, where required, is authorized by manufacturer for this specific Project. Manufacturer Cerhificates: Prepare written statements on rnanufacturer's letterhead certifying that manu�'acturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Include evidence of manufacturing experience where required. Product Certificates: Prepare wz-iitten statements on manuiacturer's letterhead eertifying that product cornplies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Material Certificates: Prepare written statements on manufacturer's letterhead cerafying that material complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Material Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qunlified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01330-4of6 � � , APA 12.U9 � � r �� �� � , � � � � t__� � r• �_ � � u K. L. M. N. O. P. Q- R. T U V Pier 60 Restroom Addition Product Test Reports: Prepare written reparts indicating current product produced by manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Base reports on evaluation of tests performed by manufacturer and witiaessed by a qualified testing agency, or on comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency. Research/Evaluation Reports: Prepare written evidence, from a znodel code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, that product complies with building code in effect for Project. Preconshuction Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualif'ied testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of tests performed before installation o£ product, for com�pliance with performance requirements in the Contract Documents. Compatibility Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, an testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of compatibility tests performed before installation of produet. Include written recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. Field Test Keports: Prepare reports written by a qualified testing agency, an testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its iinal location, for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. Maintenance Data: Prepare written and graphic instructions and procedures for operation and normal maintenance of products and equipment. Comply with reguirements specif'ied in Division 1 SecCion "Operation and Maintenance Data." Design Data: Prepare written and graphic infonmation, including, but not limited to, performance and design criteria, list of applicable codes and regularions, and calculations. Include list of assumpt,ions and other performance and design criteria and a summary of loads. Xnclude load diagrams if applicable. Provide name and version of software, if airy, used for calculations. Tnclude page numbers. Manufacturer's Instructions: Prepare written or published infarmation that documents manufacturer's recommendations, guidelines, and procedures for installing or operating a product or equipment. Include narne of product and name, address, and t�elephone number of manufacturer. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Prepare written uiformation documenting factory-authorized service representative's tests and inspectaons. Include the following, as applicable: 1. Statement on condition of substrates and their acceptability for instaYlaiaon o£ product. 2. Swmn�ary of installation procedures being followed, whether they comply with requirements and, if not, what corrective actxon was taken. 3. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether observed performance complies with reyuirements. �xsurance Cez-tificates and Bonds: Prepare written information indicati.ng current status of insurance or bonding coverage. Include name of entity covered by inswance or bond, limits of coverage, amounts of deductibles, if any, and term of the coverage. Construction Photographs: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Photographic Documentation." Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs): Submit informatian directly tv Owner; do not submit to Architect. 1. Architect will not review submittals that include MSDSs and will return them for resubmittal. 23 DELEGATED DESIGN A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where pr�fessional design services or certifications by a design professional are spec�i£�cally required of Contractor lry the Contract Documents, provide products and systems complying with specific perforn�ance and design criteria indicated. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES �133� - 5 of 6 APA } 2.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1. If criteria indicated are not sufficient to perform services or certification required, subrrcit a written request for additional information to Architect. S. Delegated-Design Submittal: In addition to Shop Drawings, Product Data, and other required submittals, subznit three copies of a statement, sigr�ed and sealed by the responsible desi�n professional, for each product and system specifically assigzaed to Contractoz to be designed vr certified by a design professional. 1. Indicate that products and systems connply with performance az�d design cnteria iz� the Contract Documents. Include list of codes, loads, and other factors used an performing these services. PART 3 - EXECUTXON 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S REV7EW A. Review each submittal and check for coordination with other Work of the Contract and for cornpliance with the Contract Documents. Note cozxection.s azxd field dimensions_ Mark with approval stamp before submitcing to Arctutect. B. Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a uni%rm, approval stamp. Include Project n.ame and location, submittal nwnber, Specification Section title and number, name of reviewer, date of Contractor's approval, and statement certifying that subrnittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Dacuments. 3.2 ARCHXTECT'S ACTION A. General: Architect will not review submittals that do nat bear Contractor's approval stamp az�d will return them withaut action. B. Action Subrnittals: Architect will review each submittal, make rnarks to indicate corrections or modifications required, and return it. Architect will stamp each submittal with an acrion stamp and will mark stamp appropriately to i:ndicate action talcen, as follows: 1. Reviewed. 2. Revise. 3. Rej ected. 4. Furnish as Corrected. C. Informational Submittals: Architect will review eaeh subrnittal and will not return it, or will retum it if it does nat cornply with requirements. Architect will forward each submittal to appropriate party_ D. Partial submittals are not acceptable, will be considered noziresponsive, and will be retumed without review. E. Submittals not required by the Coz�tract Documents rnay not be reviewed and may be discarded. �ND OF SECTION 0133U SUSMITTAL PROCEDUR�S �1330-6of6 � � � �� � APA 12.Q9 ��x I�YZ17►[�i[�iL���7�►C�� l;l\s7�=1i�li �1►1 �1:7\ 11 � 1.1 �� � I L. r � � � � � C� � � � � � L_� B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Pier 6� Restroom Addiaon DEFINITIONS General: Basic Con�act deimitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. "Approved": When used to convey Architect's action on Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, "approved" is limited to Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. "Directed": A command or instruction by Architect. Other terms including "requested," "authorized," "selected," "required," and "permitted" have the same meaning as "directed." "Indicated": Requixements expressed by graphic representations or in written form on �Drawings, in Specif'ications, and in other Contract Documents. Other terms including "shown," noted, scheduled, and specified have the same meaning as mdicated. "Regulations": Laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdictian, and rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction induslry that control performance of the Work. "Funnish": Supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, asse�bly, installation, and svnilar operations. "Install"; Operations at Project site including unloading, temparaz�ily storing, unpacking, assembling, erecting, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operarions. "Provide": Fwnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. "Project Site": Space available for performing construction activities. The extent of Project site is shown on Drawings and tzxay or may not be identical with the description of the land on wluch Project is to be built. ].2 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include tz�are sh-ingent requirements, applicable consiruction industry standards have the same force and ef%ct as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents W the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. B. Publica#ion Dates: Comply with standards in effect as of date of the Contract Docwxaents unless othexwise indicated. C. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on Project should be familiar with induslry standards applicable to its cons�truction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Wlxere copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, obtain copies direcdy from publicalion saurce. 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS AND AGRONYMS A. Indusiry Qrganizations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or ather Contract Docw�nents, they shall mean the recognized name of the e�ntities indacated in Thomson Gale's "Encyclopedia of Associations" or in Columbia Books' "National Trade & Prafessional Associations of the U.S." PART 2 - PRQDUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTIUN (Not Used) END OF SECI'IQN 01420 � REFERENCES � 01420 - 1 of 1 L__1 � � � � � � � ' �� � � � � � � APA 12.09 SECTIUN 015Dp - TEMPORARY FACILTTIES AND CONTROLS Pier 60 Res�oom Addition PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes requirements for tennporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. B. Related Requirements: 1. Division 1 Section "Sununary" for limitations on wark restrictions and utility interruptions. 1.2 USE CHARGES A. General: Installation and removal of and use charges for #emporary facilities shall be included in the Contract Sum unless otherwise indicated. Allow other eniii�es to use temporary servzces and facilities without cos� 1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMIT'I'ALS A. Sike Plan: Show temporary facilities, utility hookups, staging areas, and parking areas for construction personnel. S. Erosion- and Sedimentation-Control Plan: Show complianca with requirements of EPA Construction General Pex-imit o;r authorities having jurisdictian, whichever is more stringent. C. Fire-Safety Program: Show compliance with;requirements ofNFPA 241 and authorities having jurisdiction. lndicate Contractor perso�el responsible for management of iire pxevention program. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electric $ervice: Comply with NECA, NEMA, and UL standards an.d regulataons for temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA 70. S. Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and perznits. 1.5 PROJECT CONDTTIONS A. Temporary Use of Penmanent Facilities: Engage Installer of each pernnanent service to assume responsibility far operation, maintenance, and protec�ion of each permanent service during its use as a construction facility before Owner's acceptance, regardless of previously assigned responsibilities. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Chain-Link Fencing: Minimum 2-inch, 0.148-inch tluck, galvanized-steel, chain-link fabric fencing; minimurr� 6 feet high with galvanized-steel pipe posts; minimum 2-3/8-inch OD line posts and 2-7/S-inch OD comer and pull posts, with 1-S/S-inch OD tpp rails. 2Z TEMPORARY FACILITIES A_ Field Offices, General: Frefabricated ar mobile units with servicea6le finishes, temperature controls, and foundations adequate for normal loading. 2.3 EQ[TIPMENT A. Fire Extinguishers: Portable, UL. rated; with class and exringuishing agent as required by locations and classes of fire exppsures. TEMPORARY FACTLITIES AND CONTROLS OIS�p - 1 of 3 APA 12.09 , Pier 60 Restroom Addition � PART3-EXECUTTON 3.1 INSTA,LLATTON, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required by progress af the Work. 1. Locate faciliries to limit site distu.rbance as specified in Division 1 Section "Surnranary." B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Da not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 3.2 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION A_ General: Install temporary service or connect to existing service. 1. Arrange with utility company, Owner, and existing users for time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. B. Sewers and Drainage: Provide temporary utiliUes to remove effluent lawfully. 1, Connect temporary sewers to municipal system as directed by authonities having jurisdiction. C. Water Service: Install water service and distribution piping iz� sizes arnd pressures adequate for construction. D. Water Service: Connect to Owner's exist�ng water service facilities. Clean arnd rnaintain water service facilit�es in a condition acceptable to Owner, At Substantial Completion, restore these facilities to condition existing before initial use. E. Sanitary Facilities: Provide temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking water for use of constructian personnel. Cornply with requirements of authorities having jwnisdiction for type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. 1. Electric power Service: Connect ta Owner's existing Service. F. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting with local switching that provides adequate illuminatioz� for construction operarions, observations, inspections, and trafiic condiUons. 1. Install and operate ternporary lighting that fulfills security azid protection requirements without operating entire system. 3.3 SUPPORT FACIL�TIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: 1. Maintain support facilities until Architect schedules Substantial Cornpletion inspection. Remove befora Substantial Cornpletion. Persannel remaining after Substantial Campletion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. S. Parking: '[.Ise designated areas of OwYier's existing parking areas for construction persannel. C. Dewatering Facilitias and Drains: Comply with rec�uirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Maintain Project site, excavations, and construction free of water. 1. Dispose of rainwater in a lawful manner that will not result in flooding Project or adjoining properties or endanger permanent Work or temporary facilities. D. �roject Signs: Provide Project signs as indicated. Unauthorized signs are not permitted. 1. Identifica�ion Signs: Provide Project identi�cation signs as indicated in Project Manual. 2. Ternporary Signs: Provide other signs as indicated and as required to infonn public and individuals seeking entrance to Project. a. Provide teraporary, direclional signs for construction personnel and visitors. 3. Maintain and touchup signs so they are legible at all times. E. Waste Disposal Facilities: Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Sect�on "Conshuction Waste Management." TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROT.S 01500-2of3 � � ' � APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition F. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequaCe to handle ' waste from construction operations. Comply with requirements o£ authorities having jurisdiction. Comply with progress cleaning requirements in Division 1 Section "Execution Requirements." � 3.4 r__ I L , u � � � � � � � � � � �' � A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION Protection o£�xisting Facilities: Protect ex.isting vegetation, equipment, structures, ualities, and other improvements at Project site and on adjacent prope�rties, except those indicated to be removed or altered. Repair damage to e�.isting facilities. Temporary Erosion and Sedirnentation Cvntrol: Comply with authorities having jurisdiction_ Stormwater Control: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Provide harriers in and around excavations and subgrade construction to prevent flooding by runaff of stornawater from heavy rains. Tree and Plant Protection: Insfall tempozary fencing located as indicated or outside the drip line of trees to protect vegetation from damage from construction operations. Protect tree root systems from damage, flooding, and erosion. Site Enclosure Fence: Be%re construction operations begin, furnish and install site encloswe fence in a nnanzaer that will prevent people and animals from easily entering site except by entranCe gates. 1. Extent of Fence: As indicated on Drawings. 2. Maintain security hy liz�iting number of keys and restricbng distributian to authorizad personnel. Furnish one set of keys to Owner. Secuxity Enclosure and Lockup: Install temporary enclosure around partaally completed areas af construction. Provide lockable entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security. I.ock entrances at end of each work day. Bazricades, Warning Signs, and Lights: Comply withi requirerx►ents of authorities having jurisdiction for erecting structurally adequate barricades, including warning signs and light�ng. Temparary Egress: Maintain temporary egress from existing occupied faciliaes as indicated and as required by authorities having jurisdicdon. END OF SECTION 01500 T�MPORARY FACILITTES AND CON'I'ROLS 01500 - 3 0£ 3 � � � � C� APA 12.09 SECTION Ox524 - CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PART1-GENERAL X.X SUMMARY � 1.2 r � � � , � � � � , � �' r Pier 60 Restroorn Addilion A. 'I'his Section includes administrative an.d procedural requirements for the following: 1. Salvaging nonhazardous demolition and canslruction waste. 2. Disposing of nonhazardous demolitinn and canstruction waste. B. See Division 1 Section "Seleciive Demolition" for dispositian of waste resulting from partial demolirion of buildings, structures, and site improvements. A. B. C. D. llEFI1vITIONS Constnxction Waste: Building and site improvement materials and other solid waste resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Conslruction waste includes packaging. Demolition Waste: Building and site improvement mate�rials resulting from demoli�on or selective demolition operations. Disposal: Removal off site of demolition and consiruction waste and subsequent sale, recycling, reuse, or deposit in landfill or incinerator acceptable to authonities having jurisdiction. Salvage: Recovery of demolition or canstrucUon waste and subsequent sale or reuse in another facility. PART 2 � PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTIUN 3.1 SALVAGING DEMOLITION WASTE A. Salvaged Items for �wner's Use: 1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owraer_ 4. Transport items to Owner's storage area desig�ated by Qwner. 5. Protect items from damage during transport arxd storage. 3.2 D�SPOSAL OF WASTE A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or atherwise reused, remove waste materials from Project sit� and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. E�ccept as otherwise speci�ed, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of accumulate on-site. 2. Remove and transpart debris in a manr►er that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. B. Burning: Do not burn waste materials. C. Disposal: Transport waste materials off Dwner's property and legally dispose of them. END �F SECTION 01524 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT 0�524 - 1 of 1 r � � i � � L1 � � � l� , � � � �� � � � APA 12.09 SECTION 01600 - PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAi" Pier 60 Restroom Adclition �.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requiurements for selection of products far use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on pmducts; special warranties; and comparable products. 1.2 DE�'INITXONS A. Products: Items obtained for incorparating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similaz intent. 1. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or other designation shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature, that is current as of date of the Contract Documents. 2. New Products: Item s that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility. Products salva�ed or recycled from other projects are not considered new p�aducts. 3. Comparable Product: ProducC that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appeazance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of speciiied product. B. Basis-of-Design Product Speeification: A specification in wluch a specific manufacturer's product is nazx�ed and accompanied by the words "basis-of-design product," including make or model number or other designation, to establish the significant qualities related to type, iunction, dimension, in-service perforraaance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristacs for purposes of evaluating comparable products of additional manufacturers named in the specification. 1.3 ACTION SUSMITTALS A. Comparable Product Requests: Submit request %r consideration of each comparable product. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within ane week of receipt of a comparable product request. Architect will notify Contractor of approval or rejection of proposed comparable product request within 15 days of receipt of request, or seven days of receipt of additional infornnation or dceumentation, whichever is later. a Form ofApproval: As speci�ed in Division 1 Section "Submittal Procedures." b. Use product specified iiArchitect does not issue a decisian on use of a comparable product request within time allocated. B. Basis-o%Design Product Specification Submittal: Comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "$ubmittal Procedures." Show compliance with rec�uirements. 1.4 QUALiTY ASSURANCE A. CompaUbility of Qp�ons: If Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more praducts for use on Project, select product compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01600 - 1 of 4 ►:�7:�_[►a[it� Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, $TORAGE, AND HANDLrNG A. Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will �revent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft and vandalism. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. B. Delivery and Handling: 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of conspuctaon spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation tir►ae to ensuze minimurn holding time for iterrxs that are flammable, hazardaus, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. 3. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and inslructions for handling, storing, unpacking, pratecting, and installing. 4. Inspect products on delivery to determine compliance with the Contract Documents and to determine that products are undamaged and properly protected. C. Storage: l. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement oi quantity or counring of units. 2. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project siructure_ 3. Store products that are subject tA damage by the elements, under cover in a weathertight enclosure above ground, with ventilation adequate to prevent conder�sation_ 4. Protect foam plastic fxom exposure to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installataon and concealixzent. 5. Coxxaply with product nrianufacturer's written instructions for temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection requirements for storage. 6. Protect stored products fram damage and liquids from freezing. 1.6 PRODUCT WARRANTIES A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's disclaimers and lirnitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of ohligations under requirements of the Contract Documents. 1. Manufacturer's Warranty: Written warranty £urnished by individual rnanufacturer far a particular product and specifieally endorsed by manufacturer to Owner. 2. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by the Contract Docurnents to provide specific rights for Owner. B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms auid identification, ready for execution. 1. Manu#'acturer's Standard For�n: Modifxed to include Project-specific information and properly executed. 2. Speciiied Form: When speoified forms are included with the Speci�ications, prepare a written document using indi�ated form properly executed. 3. Refer to Divisions 2 through 16. Sections for specific content requirements and particular requirements for submitting special warranties. C. Submittal Time: Comply with requirernents in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT SELECTION �ROCEDURES A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, are undamaged and, unless otherwise indieated, are new at time of installation. PRODUCT REQUIREM�NTS 016�0-2of4 � � r � APA 12.09 ' �� � � r � � � � f� � � � � � � C� Pier 60 Restroom Adtiition 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect. 2. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are spe�ified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects_ 3. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties not in eonflict w►th requirements of the Contract Documents. 4. Where products are accotnpanied by the term "as selected," Architect will make selection. 5. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specifications establish salient characteristics of products. Product Selection Procedures: 1. Product: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer and product, provide t1�e named product that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's �onvenience will not be considered. 2. Manufacturer/Source; Where Spec�cations name a single manufacturer or source, provide a product by the named manufacturer or source that complies wittx requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. 3. Products: a. Restricted List: Where Specificarions include a list of names af both manufacturers and products, provide one of ttxe products listed that complies with requirernents. Comparable products or substitutions far Contractor's convenience will not be considered. b. Nonrestricted List: Where Speciffcations include a list of natnes of both available manufacturers and products, provide one of tlae products listed, or an unnamed product, ttaat complies with requuements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product. 4. Manufacturers: a. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the mianufacturers listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractar's convenience will not be considered. b. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of available manufacturers, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed, or a product by an unnamed manufacturer, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an iuu�amed manufacturer's product. 5. Basis-of-Design Product: Where Spec�cations narne a produc� or refer to a product indicated on Drawings, and include a list of manufacturers, provide the specified ar indicated product or a compazable product by one of the other narned manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based an the praduct named. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article far consideration of an unnamed product by one of the other named manufacturers_ Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range" or similar phrase, select a product that complies with requirements. Architect will select color, gloss, pattern, density, or texture from manufacture�r's product line that includes both standard and premium items. , PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS � 01600 - 3 of 4 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 2.2 COMPARABLE PRODUCTS A. Conditions for Consideration: Architect will consider Contractor's request for camparable product when the following conditions are satisfied. If the %llowrng condit�ons are not satisfied, Architect may returr� requests without action, except to recoard noncotnpliance with these requirernents: 1. Evidence that the proposed product does not require revisions to the C:ontract Documents, that it is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce the indicated results, and that it is cornpatible with other portions of the Work. 2. Detai�ed comparison of signi�cant qualities of proposed product with those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include am�ibutes such as performance, weight, size, durahility, visual effect, and specific features and rec�uirements indicated. 3. Evidence that praposed product provides specx�fied warranty. 4. �.ist of similar installations for cornpleted projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners, if reyuested. 5. Samples, if requested. PART 3 - EXECLJTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION OX600 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS O1b�0-4of4 � � � , � ' r � ' , � r � � � � ' � ' ' �l APA 12.09 SECTION 01731 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1- GENERA.I. Pier 60 Restroom AddiUon 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Sec�on includes procedural requirements for cutting and patching. B. See Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific requirements az►d limitations applicable to cutting and patckung individual parts of the Work. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Cutding and Patching Proposal: Submit a proposal describing procedures at least 10 days before the tame cutting and patching will be performed, requesting approval ta proceed. Include the following information: 1. Extent: Describe cutling and patching, shaw how they will be performed, and indicate why they canizot be avoided. 2. Changes to In-Place Constructian: Descnbe anticipated results. Include changes to structural elements and operating cornponents as well as changes in building's appearance and other significant visual elements. 3. Products: List products to be used and £�rms or entities that will perform the Work. 4. Dates: Indicate when cutting and patching will be performed_ 5. Utility Se�rvices and Mechanical/Electrical Systems: List services/systems that cutting a►xd patching pmcedures will disturb or affec� List services/systems that will be relocated and those that will be temporarily out of service. Indicate how long services/systems will be disrupted. 6. Structural Elements: Where cutting and patching involve adding reinforcement to structural elem�ents, submit details and engineering calculations showing integration of reinforcement with ariginal structure. 7. Architect's Approval: Obtain approval of cutting and patching proposal before cutting and patching. Approval does not waive right to later requue removal and replacement of unsatisfactory work. 1.3 Qi7ALITY ASSURANCE A. Structural Elements: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity or load-deflection ratio. B. Qperational Elements: Do not cut and patch operating elements and related components in a manner that results in reducing their capacity ta perform as intended or that results in increased maintenance or decreased operataonal life or safety. C. Miscellaneous Elements: Do not cut and patch miscellaneous elements or related components in a nnanner that could change their load-carrying capacity, that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended, or that results in increased maintenance or decreased aperational life or safety. D. Visual Requirements: Dp not cut and patch conskruction in a manner that results in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch consWction exposed on the exterior or in occupied spaces in a manner that would, in Architect's opinion, reduce the building's aesthedc qualities. Remove and replace canstruction that has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner, 1.4 WARRANTY A. E7cisting Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during cut�ng and patching operations, by methods and with m�aterials so as not to void existing wazranties. CUTTTNG AND PATCHING 01731 - 1 of 3 APA 12.D9 PART2-PRQDUCTS �l Pier 60 Aestroom Addition , 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Comply with requirements specified in other Sections. S. In-Place Materials: Use materials identical to in-place materials. For exposed surfaces, use rnaterials that visually rnatch in-place adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. 1. Zf identical materials are unavailable ar cannot be used, use materials that, when installed, will rnatch the visual and functional perfoxxxaanca o�in-place materials. 17���-��I -�[i��l 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which cutting and patchixig are to be performed. 1. Compatibility: Before patching, vezi�'y compatibility with and suita�ility of substrates, including compatibility with in-place finishes ox pz-imers. 2. Proceed with installation only after unsa% or unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Temporary Support= Provide temporary support of Wark to be cut. B. Protection: Protect in-place construction during cutting az�d patching to prevent damage. Provide protection frozn adverse weather conditions for portions of Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations. C. Adjoining Areas: Avoid interference with use of adjaining areas ar interruption of free passage to adjoining areas. D. Existing Utility Services and MechanicaVElectrical Systezns: Where existing services/systems are required to be rernovec� relocated, or abandoned, bypass such services/systerns before cutting to prevent interruption to occupied areas. 3.3 PERFORMANCE A. General: �xnploy skilled workers to perforzn cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting and patching at the earliest feasible time, and complete without delay. 1. Cnt i�a-place construction to provide for installation of other components or performance of other construction, and subsec�uently patch as required to restore surfaces to their original condition. B. Cutting: Cut in-place construction by sawing, drilling, breaking, ckuppin�g, grinding, and similar operations, including excavatian, using rnethods least likely to damage elements retained or adjoining construction. If possible, review proposed procedures with original Installer; comply with oniginal Tnstaller's written recommendations. 1. J.n general, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing and grinding, not hammering azad chopping. Cut holes and slots as small as possible, neatly Co size required, and with minimum dishu'bance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. 2. Finished Surfaces: Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side inta cancealed surFaces. 3. Concrete and Masonry: Cut using a cutting machine, such as an abrasive saw or a diamond-core drill. 4. Excavating and Backfilling: Comply with requirernents in applicable Division 2 Sections where required by cuttizag and patching operations. � CUTTTNG AND PATCHING 01731- 2 of 3 � � ' ' APA 12.09 �J 1 ' � ' 1 , ' � ' � � ' i 1 1 � C. � Pier 60 Restroom Addition 5. Mechani�al and �lectrical Services: Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance o�moisture or other foreign matter after cutting. 6. Proceed with patching after construction operations requiring cutting are complete. Patching: Patch construction by filling, repairing, reiinishing, closing up, and similar operations following; performance of other Work. Patch with durable seams that aze as invisible as possible. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections. 1. InspecCion: Where feasible, test and inspect patched areas after completion to demonstrate i.ntegrity of installation. 2. Exposed Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend �'mish restoration into retained adjoinung construction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of patching and refmishing. 3. Floors and Walls: Where walls or parhitions that are removed extend one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. Provide an even surface of uniform fuush, color, textu�re, and appearance. Remove in-place floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance. 4. Ceilings: Patch, repair, or rehang in-place ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface oi uniform appearance. 5. Exterior Suilding Enclosure: Patch components in a manner that restores enclosure to a weatherlight condition. Cleaauing: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Completely remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similaz xnaterials. END OF SECI'ION 01731 CUTTING AND PATCHING 01731-3af3 ' ' u r � APA 12.09 SECTION U1732 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Pier 60 Restroora Addihon PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SiTMMARY A. This Secrion includes the following: 1_ Demolition and removal of selected portions of building or structure. 2_ Salvage o1F existing items to be reused or recycled. B. See Division I Section "ConstrucUon Waste Management" for disposal of denaolished materials. i ��2 1 � ' 1 � ' ' � ' , � A. � � DEFINTTIONS Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site, unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing construction and deliver them to Owner. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare thera for reuse, and reinstall them where indicated. Existing to Remain: Existing iteras of conslruction that are not to be rernoved and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Predemolition Photographs: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site irnprovements, including finish sur�'aces, that might be misconstrued as damage caused by selective demolition operations. Comply with Division 1 Section "Photographic Documentation." Submit before Work begins. 1.4 �'ROJECT CONDITION$ A_ Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far as practical. B. Notify Architect af discrepancies between existing conditions and Drawings before proceeding with selective demolition. C. Hazardous Materials: Hazardous materials are present in conswction to be selectively der�aolished. A report on the presence of hazardous materials is on file far review and use. �xamine report to become aware of loeatians where hazardous materials are present. 1. Hazardous material remediation is specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 2. Do not disturb hazardous nnaterials or items suspected of containing hazardous materials except under procedures speci�ied elsewhere ini the Contract Documents. D. Storage ar sale af removed items or materials on-site is not permitted. E. Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect khem against damage during selective demolition operations. 1. Maintain iire-protection facilities in service during selective demolition operations. 1.5 WA�2RANTY A. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during selective demolition, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) ' SELECTNE DEMOLT'TION � 01732 - 1 of 3 /:�7 � • �7�I�i���i [�]�I ' Pier 60 Restroom Addition � 3.1 EXEIMINATIQN A. Veriiy that utilities have been disconnected and capped. B. Survey e�cisting condit�ons and correlate with rec�uirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. C. Itxventory and record the condition of items to be remaved and reinstalled and items to be removed and salvaged. D. When.unanticipated mechanieal, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and e7ctent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to Architect. �. Survey of Existing Conditions: Record existing canditions by use af preconstruction photographs. 1. Comply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Photngaphic Dacumentation." �. I'erForm surveys as the Work progesses ta detect hazards resul�ng from selecpve demolitian activities. 3.2 UTILITY SERVICES AND MECHANICAL/ELECTRXCAL SYSTEMS A. Existing Services/Systems_ Maintain services/systems indicated tv remain and protect them against damage during selective dernalition operations. B. Servfce/System Requirements: �.ocate, identify, disconnect, and seal vr cap off indicated utility services and mechanical/electrical systerns serving areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies. 2. I£ services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, before proceeding with selective demolition pravide temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain contiriuity of services/systems to other parts of building. 3. Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. 3.3 PREPA1tATiON A. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Comply with requirements for access and proteclion specified in Division 1 Section "Temporary k'acilities and Controls." B. Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and ather protection required to prevent injury to people and damage ta adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. 3.A SELECTIVE DEMOLITION A. General: Demolish and remove existing construction oz�ly to the extent required by new constructian and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governang regula�ons and as follows: 1. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construetion. Use hand taols or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping, to minimize disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. 2. Cut or drill from the exposect or finished side inta concealed surfaces ta avoid marring existing %nished surfaces. SE�.ECTIVE DEMOLITIQN 01732 - 2 of 3 ' � , , APA 12_09 �1 '^I � � , ' � , ' ' 1 � ' ' 1 ' f� C� Pier 60 Restroom Addition 3. Do not use cuiting torchas until work area is cleared of flanunable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiars, veri�y condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain fire watch and portable fire- suppression devices during flame-cutting operations. 4. I,ocate selective demolition equipment and x�emove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, f�oors, or framing. 5. Dispose of demolished itezxxs az�d materials promptly. Connply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Cons�uction Waste Managez�nent." Removed and Salvaged Ztems: 1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleanang. Identify contents of containers. 3. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. 4. Transport items to dwner's storage area designated by Owner. 5. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. Existin� Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soilin� during selective dezx�olii�on. When permitted by Architect, items may be re�moved to a suitable, protected storage location during selective dem�olition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are connplete. 3.5 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLYSHED MATERIALS A. General: Except for items or materials indicated tp be reused, salvaged, reinstalled, ar otherwise indicated to remain Dwner's properiy, remove demolished materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in an EPA-approved landfill. 1. Cornply with requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Construction Waste Management." B. Burning: Do not burn demolished matenials. C. Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Qwner's property and legally dispose of them. 3.6 CZEAIVING A. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Retum adjacent areas to condition existing Uefore selective demolition operations began. END OF SECTION 01732 , SELECTIVE DEM�LITION ' 01732 - 3 of 3 ' �, II � II �i AFA 12.09 SECTYON D1770 - CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES �ART]-GENERAL ' 1.1 1 1 ' � /1 � Pier 60 Restrootxz Addition SLTMMARY Section includes admiriistrative and procedural requirements for contract claseout, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Substantial Completion proceduzes. 2. Final completion procedures. 3. Warranties. 4. Final cleaning. 5. Repair of the Work. Related Requirements: 1. Division 1 Section "Photographic Documentation" for submitting fuaal completion consiruction photographic documentation. 2. Di�vision 1 Section "Project Record Documents" for submitting record Drawings, record Specifications, and record Froduct Data. 3. Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific closeout and special cleaning requirements for the Work in those Sections. 1.2 ACTION SUBMITTALS ' A. Conhractor's List of Tncomplete Iterns: Initial submittal at Substa�atial Cornpletion. B. Certified �.ist of Incomplete Items: Final submittal at �'inal Completion. 1.3 CLOSEOUT SiTSM1TTALS , A. Certificates of Release: From authorities having jurisdiction. , , 1 � 1 � I� ] .4 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBIVIITTALS A. Schedule of Maintenanca Matexial Items: For maintenance material submittal items specified in other Sections. 1.5 SLTBSTANTL��L C�MPLETION PRUCEDIIRES A. Conlractor's �,ist of Incomplete Items: Prepare and submit a list of items to be completed and corrected (Contractor's punch list), indicating the valus of each item on the list and reasons why the Work is incomplete. B. Submitials Prior to Substantial Completion: Camplete the following a minimum of seven days prior to requesring inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incornplete at time of request 1. Certificates of Release: �btain and submit releases from authorities having jurisdiction permitting Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include cecupancy permits, operating certificates, and sunilar releases. 2. Submit closeout submittals specified in other Division 1 Sections, including project record documents, operation and maintenance manuals, final completion construction photographic documentation, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. 3. Subrait claseout submittals specified in individual Divisions 2 thraugh 16 Sections, including specific warranties, workmanship bonds, mai�ntenance service a�eements, final ceiti%cations, and similar documents. 4_ Submit maintenance material subznittals specified in individual Divisions 2 through 16 Secdons, including tools, spare parts, eactra materials, and similar items, and deliver to location designated by Architect Label with manufacture�s nazne and rnodel number where applicable. ' CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES ' 01770 - 1 pf 4 APA 12.09 ,! I� Pier 60 Restroom Addition a. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: Prepare arad submit schedule o£ maintenance material submittal items, including name and quantity of each item and narne and number of related Specification Section. Obtaui Architect's signature for receipt of submittals. Proceduxes Prior to Substaritial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of 10 days prior to requestang inspection for detF;rmining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. Make fmal changeover of permanent locks and deliver keys to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. 2. Complete startup and testing of systems and equipment. 3. Perform preventive maintenance on equipznent used prior to Substantial Completion. 4. Instruct Owner's personnel in operataon, adjustznent, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. Submit demonstration and training video recordings specified in Division 1 Section "Demonstration and Training." 5. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 6_ Complete final cleaning requirements, including touchup painting. 7. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes to elirninate visual defects. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection to determine Substantial Completion a minirnum of 10 days prior to date the work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Cantractor of unfuliilled reyuirements. Architect will prepare the Cerhificate of Substantial Completion after izzspection or will not�iy Contractor of item�s, either on Contractor's list or additianal items identified by Architect, that must be completed or coxxected before certiiicate will be issued_ ]. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 2. Results of completed inspection will form the basis oirequirements for final completion. 1.6 FINAL COMPLETION PROCEDURES A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting fmal inspection for determinu�g final completion, complete the following: 1. Submit a final Application for Payment. 2. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Submit certified copy of Architect's Substantial Completion inspection list of items to be completed or corrected (punch list), endorsed and dated by Architec� Cerafied copy o�the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. 3. Submit pest-control final inspection report and warranty. 4. Instruct Owner's persannel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipxnent, and systems. B. Tnspection: Submit a written request for final inspection to determiuie acceptance. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare a final Certificate for Payment after inspection ar will notify Contractor oi construction that must be cozr�pleted or corrected befare certiiicate will be issued. 1. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incompletc is completed or co�rrected. 1.7 LIST QF INCOMPLETE �TEMS (PUNCH LIST) A. �rganization of List: Include name and identification of each space and area affected by construction operations for incomplete items and items needi�ng correction including, if necessary, areas dislurbed by Contractor that are outside the limits of construction. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES U 1770 - 2 of 4 ' ' APA 12.09 �, J � ' ' 1 , , 1 � ' � ' �I 1 ' � � , Pier 6Q Restroom Addition 1. Organize list of spaces in sequential order, staxting with exterior areas �rst and praceedixxg froxn lowest floor to highest floor. 2. Organize items applying to each space by major element, including categories for ceiling, individual walls, floors, equipment, and building systems. 3. Submit list of incamplete items iz� the following format: a. Three paper copies unless otherwise indicated. Architect will return iwo copies. 1.8 SUSMITTAL OF PROJECT WARRANTIES A. Time of Submittal: Submit written warranties on request of Architect for designated pvrtions of the Work where cammencement of warranties other than date of Substantial Completion is indicated, or when delay in submittal of warranties might limit Owne�s ri;�hts unEder warranty. B. Organize wax�-anty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project Manual. 1. Bind warranties and bands in heavy-duty, three-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accoxxxrnodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2-by-1l-inch paper. 2. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each separate warranry. Mark tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, includang the name of the product and the natne, address, and telephone number of Installer, 3. Idcntify each binder on the fzont and spine with the typed or printed title "WARR.ANTIES," Praject name, and narne of Contractor. 4. Warranty Elecironic File: Scan warranties and bonds and assemble complete warranty and bond submittal package into a single indexed electronic PDF file with links enabling navigation to each item. 1'rovide bookmarked table of contents at beginning of document. C. Pmvide additional copies of each warranty to include in operation and rraaintenance manuals. I_7:�c7� �i►�!' : �] �llt�i y 2.1 MA,TERiALS A. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning rnaterials and agents recoz�arnended by manufacturer or fabricator af the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that are potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces. 1. Use cleaning products that comply with Green Seal's GS-37, ox if GS-3'1 is not applicable, use products t]iat comply with the California Code of R�egulataans ma7cimum allowable VOC levels. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 F'INAL CLEANXNG A. General: Perform fmal cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-remaval operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and antipollution regulations. B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or prafessional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in an average caznmercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion for entire Project or for a designated portion af Project: a. Clean Project site, yard, and grounds, in areas disturbed by cons�uction activikies, including landscape development azeas, of rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES a1770 - 3 of 4 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Additian b. Sweep paved areas 6room clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits. c. Rake grounds that are neither planted nor paved to a smooth, even-textured surface. d. Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and suiplus material from Proj ect site. e_ Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced �zushes to a dirt-free condition, free of stains, �ilms, and similar foreign substances. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces. ResCore reflective surfaces to their origir�a] condition. f. Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including roofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, equipment vaults, manholes, attics, and similar spaces. g. Sweep concrete floors broorn clean in unoccupied spaces. h. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compounds and other noticeable, vision-obscuning materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. Polish mirrors and glass, taking care not to scratch surfaces. i. Remove labels that are not permanent. j. Wipe surfaces of inechanical and electrical equipment and similar equipment. Remove excess lu6rication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign substances. k. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition, free of stains, including stains resulting from water exposure. 1. Clean light fixtures, lamps, glohes, and reflectors to function with �ull efficiency. m. Leave Project clean and ready for occupancy. 3.2 REPAIR OF THE WORK A. Complete repair azzd restoration operations before requesting inspection for determination of Substantial Cvmpletion. B. Repair or remove and replace defective construction. Repairing includes replacing defect►ve parts, refinashing damaged suifaces, touching up with matching rnaterials, and properly adjusting operating equipment. Where damaged or worAx items cannot be repaired or restored, provide replacements. Remove azxd replace oparating components that cannot be repaired. Restore damaged construction and permanent facilities used during construction to speci�ied condition. 1. Remove and replace chipped, scratched, and broken glass, re�lective surfaces, and other damaged transparent rnaterials. 2, Touch up and otherwise repair and restoxe raarred or exposed finishes and surfaces. Replace finishes azxd surfaces that that already show evidence of repair or restoration. a. Do not paint over "UI." and other required labels and identification, including xnechanical and electrical nameplates. Remove paint applied to required labels and identification. 3. Replace parts subject to operating conditions during construction that may impede operation or reduce longevity. 4. Replace burned-out bulhs, bulbs noticeably dirnmed by hours af use, and defective and noisy starters in fluorescent and mercury vapor fixtures to comply with requirements for new fixtures. END OF SECI'ION D1770 CLOSEOUT PROC�DURES � 1770 - 4 of 4 � ' ' � , � � � ' i � � 1 � ' ' ' 1 � APA 12.Q9 SECTION 01781 - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 A I_:� Pier 60 Restroom Addition SUMMARY Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for project record docurnents, including the following: 1. Record Ih-awings. 2. Record Specifications. 3. Record Praduct Data. Related Requirements: 1. Divisions 2 through l 6 Sections for speci�ic requirements far project record documents of the Work in those Sections. ].2 CLOSEOi7T SLTSMITTALS A. Record Drawings: Comply with the following: 1, Number of Copies: 5ubmit copies of record Drawings as follows: a. Submittal: 1) Submit record digital data iiles and one set af plots. b. Final Submittal: ]) Submit one paper-copy set of marked-up record prints. 2) Submit record digital data files and three sets of record digital data file plots. 3) Plot each drawing file, whether or not changes and additional inforrnation were recorded. B. Record Speci�ications: Submit one paper copy of Project's Specifications, including addenda and contract modifications. PART 2 - PRUDUCTS 2.1 RECQRD DRAWINGS A. Record Prints: Maintain one set of marked-up paper copies of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings, incorporating new and revised Drawings as modifications are issued. 1. Preparation: Mark record prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to provide information far preparation of corresponding marked-up record prints. a. Give particular attentian to in�ormation on cancealed elements that would be difficult to identify or measure and recard later. b. Record data as soan as possible after obtaining it. c. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. 2. Mark the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings completely and accurately. Use personnel proficient at recording graphic information in production of miarked-up record P��- 3. Marlc record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for differ�nt categories of the Work at same location. 4. Note Construction Change Dixe�tive numbers, alternate nurnbers, Chan$e Order numbers, and sixuilar identi�ication, where applicable. B. Format: Iden�fy and date each record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWING" in a prominent loca�on. � PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS ' 01781-1nf2 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restraom Addition 1. Record Prints: Organize record p:rints and newly prepared record Drawin�s into manageable sets. Bizad each set with durable paper cover sheets. Include idenrification on cover sheets. 1.2 RECORD SPECIFICATTONS A. Preparation: Mark Specifications to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies from that indicated in Speci�cations, addenda, and contract rnodi�cations. 1. Give pardcular attention to infornaation on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. 2. Mark copy with the proprietary name and model number of products, materials, and equipment furnished, including substitutions and product optians selected. 3. Record the name of manufacturer, supplier, Installer, and other infortnation necessary to provide a record of selections made. 4. Note related Change Orders, record Product Data, and reaord Drawings where applicable. B. Format: Submit record Specifications as one paper copy. PART 2 - EXECUTION 2.1 RECORDING AND MAINTENANCE A, Recording: Maintain one copy of each subznittal during the conshuction period for project recard d�cument purposes. Post changes and revisions to project record documents as they occur; do not wait un�il end of Project� B. Maintenance of Record Documents and Samples: Store record docuxnents and Samples in the iield office apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use project record documents for construction purposes. Maintain record dacuments in good order and in a clean, dry, legible condition, protected from deterioration and loss. Provide access to project recard docuznents for Architect's and Construction Manager's reference during normal working hours. END OF 5ECTION �1781 PR07ECT RECORD DOCt7MENTS 01781-2of2 t � � � McCartlay and Associates 12.09 � � � ' � r � Pier 60 Restroom Addition SECTION U222U SITE PREPARATYON, EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORK FOR FOiINDATIONS ' : : -ei�l►1_�i:7sT�l 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. All requirements of Division Q and Division 1 fon�xis a part o£ this section. B. A subsuxface investigation and soils report have been completed for this project. All work in this section shall comply with the soils report. 1.02 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Comply with federal, sta.te, local, and other duly constituted authorities in matters pertaining to: 1. Permitting 2. Disposal of and hauling of vvaste material 3 , Safety precautions 4. Ba.rricades 5. Protection oi environmental matters 1.03 SCOPE OF WORK A. Perfomn all work specified herein as indicated within the grading area, i.e., that area within � which earth grades axe shown to be appraxirnately S feet outside building perimeter_ Remainder of praperty is to be left undisturbed, except as otherwise authorized for such purposes as spoil or stock pile areas, temporary ditches, swales and/or haul or access roacls, in � which case such autharized areas become part of the grading area. This work includes, but is not limited to, the following: � � � � � � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S Clearirig and grubbing of vegetation and debris of all kinds. Stripping. Excavating to gracie and subgrades. Excavating and backf'illing for foundations. Providing finish load-bearing subgrades for foundations. Disposal of removed rnaterials. Dewatering. Laboratory testing. B. Related work not specified under this subdivision. 1. Excavation af backfill for utilities. 2. Finish grading. f�ii�h��i�:7�� A. Contractor shall ohtain a copy of the sails report far use with this section. B. The Contractor shall examine a11 drawings and the specifications, consulted the records of adjacent construction and of any existing utilities, and the connections, if any, and noted all conditions and lunita.tions which may influence the work required by this Section. ' EARTHWORK 1 0222� - 1 of 5 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroonn Addition C. Where recommendations presented in the soils report conflict with this section, the soils report shall govern. 1.05 EXISTING STRUCTiJRES A. Care sha11 be exercised during excavation, backfilling, and compaction wprk to avoid damage to existing buildings or foundations. 1.06 PROTECTION A. Protect trees and dispose of all removed trees including stumps and roots. B. Protect bench mazks, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and curbs frorn equipment and vehicular traffic. C. Protect above and below grade utilities which aze tv remain. D. Protect excavations by shoring, bracing, sheet piling, underpinning, or other methods required to prevent cave in or loose soil from falling into excavation. �. Notify Architect/Engineer of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work. F. Control grades in vicinity o£ excavations to prevent surface water running into excavated areas. ' G. Conduct earthwork pperations und.er this division to insure against rainwash and silting of watercourses, ponds and adjoining property resulting therefrom. Should such silting occur, restore such areas to their original condition if outside the grading areas, or to lines, grades and conditions shown specified if within grading areas, all at no cost to the Owner. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 FILL MATERIALS A. Fill material shall be as specified in the soils report or at least clean fine sand, free of rubble, organics, clay, dehris and other unsuitable material. Fill should be tested and approved prior to acquisition. B_ Saurce of new zt�aterial and lengih of haul shall be the Contractor's responsibility. C. Drainage fill: Crushed stone or gravel so that ]00% passes 1-1/2" sieve with not more than 10% passing a No. 4 sieve. PART 3 EXECiJTION � ' : �.7��71�M.[�]►1 A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum. 1. Identify known underground utilities. Stake and flag locations. 2. Identify and flag surface and aerial utilities. 3. Notify companies to remove and relocate utiliUes as required. C� I�M.\.il�� 02220 - 2 of 5 ' ' � , McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 4, Maintain and protect existing utilities remaining which pass through work area. � �� � �� � � ' B. Tf required, perForm remedial de-watering prior to any earthwork operations. C. Clear and grub site as deiined in the soils repurt. D. Proof roll the sub-gxade in accordance with the soils report and under the observation of the testing laboratnry. Proof-rolling will help locate any zones of especially loose or soft soils not encoumered in the soil test bonings. Then undercut, or otherwise treat these zornes as recommended by the testing lab. E. Testing the sub-grade for compaction will be as directed hy the testing laboratory and as shown on the structural drawings. 3.02 FILL A. Fill in areas where required shall be placed in loose lifts as directed by the soils report. B. In load-bearing areas, fill shall be compacted as recommended in the soils report or at least to 95% of maximum modi�ed Proetor dry density. A rnoisture content within two percent (2%) points of optimum indicated by the modified Proctor test (ASTM D-1557) is recommended. C. Perform compliance tests within the fill as directed by the testing lab. 3.03 EXCAVATIQN � A. Excavation shall conform to the dimensions and elevations shown on the drawings, but excavation lines shall be such as to provic�e sufficient clearance for the proper execution of the work to be installed. Allowances shall be made far work and inspections. Bottom o� all excavations shall be trirnmed to Lhe levels indicated and sloping surfaces cut in steps shown ' on dra,wings. After cazrying the excavatian to the required depth, the Contractar shall await the inspection and t�sting of the bearing soil. � ' � � � B. Control of ground water, including all necessary equipment, to maintain a11 excavated areas in a dry condition shall be the responsibiliiy of the Contractor. C. Sides of temporary excavations can be cut to rnaximum slope of 1:1. However, no claim may be made by the Contractar for extra work for damages resulting from slope sCahility failure. D. The bottom of foundation excavatians shall be compacted a.�ter excavation to densify any soils loosened in the excavation process. Back�ill soils placed adjacent to footing or walls sha11 be carefully compacted with a light rubber tired roller or vibratory plate compactor to avoid darnaging the footings and walls. Approved sand iills placed in footing excavations above the bearing level, in trench excavations, and in other areas which are expected to provide slab support and foundation embedment aonstraint shall be placed in loose lifts not exceedix�g 6 inches and shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the rnaxirnum modified Proctor dry density. E. Test a11 footing cuts for compaction to a depth af 1 foot, as directed by the testing laboratory. 3.OA� DEWATERING A_ Kefer to the soils report �or an estimate of seasonal high ground water table. � EARTHWORK � 02220 - 3 of S McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addit�on B. The geotechnical testing laboratory shall determine the depth of ground water just prior to construction to determine what dewatering will be required. C. Water control will consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, well points, sumps, and pumps, in conjunetion with berms and any needed ditches. Deep wells will not be permitted. D. Approval by the Architect of data submitted shall not relieve the Contractor of fiull responsibility far adequacy of dewatering system. In the event that during the progress of the work it is determined that the dewatering system is inadequate, the Contractor shall install and operate such additional dewatering equipment and/or make such changes in the system or plan of operation as may be necessary to perform the dewatering system in an adequate manner. E. Groundwater shall be maintained at least 24 inches below all earthwork, foundations, and cornpacted surfaces, or as directed by the testing laboratory. 3.OS BACKFILL UNDER AND AROUND BUIT.DING AREA A. All debris shall be removed from excavai.ians prior ta backfilling and filling. B. Backiill under and around building area shall be placed in loose layers not exceeding 12" and shall be compacted as defined in the soils report or at least to a density equal to 95% of the modiiied Proctar maximuzn dry density as per ASTM D698-70. C. Backfill in electrical plumbing and mechanical trenches shall be compacted to previously specified density. 3 . � 6 GRADING A. Grade areas to lines and elevations indicated, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finish surface within specified tolerances. Compact and bring to uniform levels or slopes betvs+een points where elevations are shvwn or betvireen such points and exisUng grades. B. Unless shown on the drawings, slope the grade evenly to pmvide dra.inage away from the building. C. Complete the grading operations after the building has been finished, utilities installed, site improvements constructed, and all excavated materials, rubbish, and debris removed from the site. Leave grade for lawns and planted areas clean aiad at required grades. 3.07 TESTING A. A qualified licensed geotechnical testing laboratary shall be retained to perForm all necessary quaiity control testing for earthvcrork. B. All testing sha11 comply with the project soils report. C. See stxuctural drawings for a minimuzn testing program. D. Pravide samples af rnaterials proposed for �Ils as required. Cooperate wittx laboratory personnel in obtainireg sarnples, and during quality control testing. 3.08 SPECIAL NOTES I� .'.Ti �IM.�►:L���i.1 02220 - 4 of 5 � ' � ' McCarthy and Associates 12.09 � � % � '' 1� � � � r � �ier 60 Restroom Addition A. Fill material shall not be placed against wa11s until 7 days after groutixt� of masonry cells. Compaction of exterior fill and interior backfill shall not be perFormed until wall grout has cured 14 days. B. Do not use drum coznpactor within 6 feet of walls. Compackion within 6 feet of walls shall be accomplished with a hand operated vibratory compactor. � EARTHWORK �_� END OF SECTION 02220 02220 - 5 of 5 � � � McCarthy and Associates 12_09 SECTI�N 023b0 -TIMBER PILING PARTI-GENERAL Pier d0 Restroozn Addition 1.1 RELATED D�CUMENTS � A. All requirements of this Division 0 and i forms a part of this section. � r CJ � � � � � � r � �� �� 1.2 DESCRIPTIQN A. Scope of Work 1. Furnish and install 25 ton working load pressure treated round timber friction piles of number, circumferences, to depth and in loca.tions shown or directed. B. Related work not specified under this subdivision 1. Excavation and backfill for utilities 2. Excavatian and backfill for structures and site 3. Finish grading 4 _ Construction pile caps C. Data with bid 1 Submit with bid for review and evaluation coznplete details of the following items proposed for use: a. Timber piles including species and allowable wood stresses b. Preseirvative treatment including the net retention in weight per cubic foot c. Hammer and equipment 2. Furnish data and calculations indicating both static and dynamic stresses to be transmitted at head, midpoint and tip of piles. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicable Specifications, Codes and Reguladons 1. The applicable provisions of the following publications of the latest issue as of date of opeaing of bids, but referred ta by basic designation only, form a part of this specification except where the extent is limited by the reference thereto. a. Standard Building Code b. American Society for Testing a�nd Materials (ASTM) D25 Round timber piles D 1143 Method of test for load settlement relationship for individual piles under vertica] axial load D2555 Establishing clear wood strength values D2899 Establishing design stresses for round timber piles c. American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA) C1 All timber products - pressure treatment (general requirements) C3 Piles - pressure treatment M4 Care af pressure-treated wood products d. Federal Specification Board (FED.SPEC.) RR-S-�33 Shoes: for wood piles B. Foundation Data 1. Copies of a11 data. collected by owner concerning subsurface conditions are shown on the drawings 2. Such additional data, as may be required by prospective bidders prior to date of openmgs C. Pile Identification 1. Prior to installation of piles, submit for review and acceptance a each pile by a suitable identifying symbol. D. Refusal 1. To be determined by the owner's representative in conformance with `TIMBER PILING plan designating applicable codes 02360 - 1 0� 6 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Fier 60 Restro�m Addition and standards. �. Certification 1. Submit signed certifrcates containing the �ollowing: a. Preservative treatment conforms to these specifications b. Nam� and address of contractor and supplier c. Quality oi piles and date or dates of shipments covered by certi£'icate d. Name of preservative used and retention in pounds per cubic foot of wood treated �. Special Pxovisions 1. Where piles are shown within 15 feet of an existing structure, pre-drill holes therefor of diarneter equal to 1 inch smaller than least dimension of pile cross section at its midpoint for a depth of half its length or 15 feet, whichever is greater. 2. Where piles are shown within 15 feet of an existing sewer line, pre-drill holes as specified to a level 5 feet below the invert o� ttxe sewer. 3. As soon as ltoles are drilled, insert pile therein and drive to penetration specified below. 4. Take care to insure that dynamic pile stresses created durin� driving do not exceed the crushing strength of affected piles. 5. Provide hammer having capacity of not less than 15,000 foot pounds of energy per flow and weight of striking element not less than 1.5 times the weight of largest pile to be driven. 6. Use gravity, air or diesel hammer with leads extending to the lowest point the hammer must reach. 1'rovide acceptable undama�ed or uncharred cap hlocks at all times to protect heads while driving. 7. Should obstxuctions, e.g. boulders, concrete, piles or timbers be encountered which prevent securing adequate penetration or cause any pile to drift from its required location, cease driving and request instructions. PART II - PRODi1CT5 2.1 A � C� MATERIAL,S Timber 1'iles 1. ASTM D25, friction piles, clean peeled. 2. Fresh headed square headed and shaped to �iit the driving head, compute minimum circurnference as prescribed by ASTM D 2899 on the basis of the allowable stress for the species proposed across the critical section when subjected to the specified working load. Critical section is the computed area at a point one third of the distance above the tip, I'reservative Treatment 1. ASTM D 1760 to a retention as listed in Table 1 for the soil contact, or AWPA C1 and C3 for "Creosote Treatment". Treat sur£aced exposed by cutoffs and damaged surFaces as speci£'ied in AWPA M4. Shces 1. Fed. Spec. RR-S-00331 of size and type most suitable for tk►e atxticipated driving condxtions. 2.2 TEBT PrL,ES A. General 1. Fumish test piles for locations shown, circumference a.nd length if required by the geotechnical or structural engineer. 2. Fumish each pile tip with a driving shoe, if required. 3. The contractor shall provide an acceptable reaction assembly of two times the design load. The geotechnical engineer and laboratory shall provide the jack, instrumentation, rnonitoring and reports, TIMBER P�L1NG 02360 - 2 of 6 � � L9 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 ' �� � I�J �1 � � �� � � � i . 4 � Pier 60 Restroom Addition Have testing perfarmed by acceptable laboratory having demonstrated experience in such work axxd under the continuous on-site direction of a quali£'ied registered professional engineer. Drive each test pile in conformance with Section O5, driving piles to pc:netration shown for that location or penetration as directed. Dnive each test pile with the same type and size of hammer and operating under the same conditions as praposed for driving the pexmanent piles. Tests 1. Prior to ordering or initiating work of installing permanent piles, conduct and cornplete load bearing tests on each test pile in conformance with ASTM D 1143, except as follows: a. Should rebound measurements, after any loads specified in Paragraph 5.2.1 _, shaw net settlement greater than 1/2 inch, stap test and remove loading apparatus. b. Drive pile to an additional penetration of 5 feet or such other depth as may be directed. c. Repeat loading in 5.2.1. and additional pile driving as necessary until net settlement at 200 percent of working load is less than 1/2 inch, a.fter which complete balance of test in conformance with ASTM D 1143. d. 5ezvice pile lengt�s will be determined by the geotechnical engineer prior to ordering. C. Pile Capacity 1. �n the basis of the test results, the engineer will provide the cantractor with a list showing the length and circumference of the pile to be used at each location, together with the average penetration at that location expressed in inches per blow for the last five blows to reach specified penetration, provided that successive blor�vs have produced approximately equal net penetration for a zninimum distance of the last three feet using the same hammer operating under the same conditions as was used to drive the test pile in that vicinity. 2_ The right is reserved to require the dniving and testing of additional test piles of lengths and circwnn�.ferences as directed. 2.3 LQAD ON PILES A. Working Load 1. 25 tons per pile, but in no event greater tha►� one hali of maximum load per pile as determined by test piles and as specified below. B. Maximum Load 1. That concentric axial test load which causes a net seitlement on the test pile of 1/2 inch when tested in confarmance with ASTM D 1143. PART III - EXECUTION � 3.1 DRiVING PILES A. General r (_ �� i 1. Unless otherwise specified or directed, install piles in locations, of circumferences and to penetrations shown or directed in each order arnd spacing to insure against distortian or injury to the pile being driven azxd to piles already in place. Use approved haznmer of same type, size and under same operating conditions as ernployed for driving the test pile or piles pertinent to the locarion, including but not limited to cap-block arra�igement, weight and length of stroke of striking parts of hammer, number of operating blows per minute, piston area, a.nd effective piston pressure. 2. Handle piles in manner to avoid dropping, 6ruising or breaking of outer fibers. Do � TIMBER PILING � Qz360 - 3 of 6 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 I� � C E Pier 60 Restraom Addition not use sharp pointed tools in any manner whatsoever. Should any pile be damaged in handling, discard that pile or repair as directecl or approved_ 3. Drive each pile continuously at hammer's rated speed preliminary to �xnal seating. 4. Provide a proper anvil and cushion to prevent damage to pile butt. Use cap or cushion block consisting of a solid block of hardwood of proper shape and dirnension to fit hammer and with gzain of block parallel to axis or pile. Should laminated materials be proposed, provide material of strength not less than that o� hardwood. The continuous or frequent introduction of znaterials or the use af wood chips, small blocks shavings or similar materials to cushion hanuner blows is prohibited. Splicing ofpiles will not be permitted. 1fi� use of pre-drilling, spuddin� or jetting will not be permitted except in exceptional circumstances or as specified and then only with specific approval in writing by the engineer. In such cases, �inal 15 feet of penetration to be obtained with hamnner alone. Driving 1. Drive permanent piles of sizes and to penetrations and dxiving resistances directed. If directed, driving resistance is not obtained at directed penetrations, continue ta dxive pile for am additional 18 inches or untxl directed driving resistance is obtained, whichever comes first. In former event, stop driving and request instructions for either of the fullowing alternatives: a. Pile to be accepted as driven b. Pull pile and replace with one of same length but of a larger standard circumference, as directed. c. Pull pile and replace with one of larger directed length, but of same standard eircumference d. Let pile rest for 72 hours and then re-drive for an additional 18 inches or until directed resistance is obtained a£ter driving 6 inches, whichever coznes � rst 2. Penetration of piles in a group sha11 not vary more than 5 feet from the average penctration of that group. 3. Da not drive any pile within 50 feet of new concrete which has not attained a minunum compressive strength of 2,000 psi. Measurement l. Make measurements of penetration of resistance to penetration with minimuxn interruption of driving. Make no penetration measurements for detemnining resistance to driving when pile heads are damaged ta an extent that may affect the �validity of such measured resistance nor immediately after a fresh cushion block has been insulated under the striking part of hanuner. Heaving 1. If, during driving of any pile, a previously driven pile shows evidence of heaving, re- drive each such heaved pile to its oniginal driving resistance at no additional cost to owner. Remove soil that heaves during or after driving to maintain grades. Tolerances and Design Mvdifications 1. Permissible tolerances for piles in place are as follows: a. Location of center of wp at cutoff elevation within 3 inches of that shown. b. Plumbness o� top within �Crvo percent of length a Cutoff elevation within 1/2 inch o�'that shown 2. Should any pile fail to meet the above specified tolerances, submit the data to the engineer for analysis to determine whether such deviatiqn affects the capacity of the foundation. In such an event, the contractor, at his option, may elect to perform any of the following, subject ta approval of the engineer, all at no additional cost to the owner. a. Pull each improperly placed pile and replace with same pile, if in acceptable condition, or with new pile, driven to proper tolerances and driving resistance. TIMBER PILING 0236� - 4 of G � � McCarthy and Associates 12.09 � Ci� 3.2 I� Pier 6U Restroom Addition b. Drive new piles to proper tolerances and driving resistance in locations as directed. c. Request and pay engineer to redesign pile cap or other affected structural element and install such redesigned work. Dama�ed Piles 1. The engineer may direct the eontractor to pull any pile for inspection. Should such pile show evidence of damage as determined by the engineer, replace it with a new pile of same characteristics without additiona] cost to the owner. Should the pile prove to be undamaged, re-drive it in same location. Pile Cut Off 1. After all driving in an area is completed, saw off all tops of piles in a horizontal plane at elevations shown within tolerances speciiied above, unless lower cutoff is required to remove broomed or crushed material. Cutoffs to become property of contractor and be promptly removed from site. Where, fQr any reason whatsoever, a cutoff is below the pezmitted tolerance for the elevation shown, cutoff all other piles in the affected group to the same elevation. Where such group, increase the depth of the pile eap by the difference of the two elevations, all at no extra cast to the owner. RECORDS, SURVEYS AND REPORTS Records 1. Maintain, in approved fqrm, complete records for each pile including, but not limited to: a. b. d, e. Cutoff elevation material and preservative treatment Length below cutoff eleva�an Circurnfere�rices of butt, tip, 3 feet below butt, and at critical section as defined above Driving record listing resistance (blows per foot) for each foot of penetration, and calendar clock time for each measurement, times and duration of each interxuption in driving Plan showing actual and theoretical location and plunnbness B. Surveys 1. At completion of work under this subdivision in an area, have registered pzofessional engineer or registered professional land surveyor make field survey of such work and prepare drawing showing actual locations of eacla with respect to locations shown or directed and plumbness af that pile. C. RepoRs 1_ Prior to final payment, furnish in suitable format legible copies of records and survey plat to building officials having jurisdiction where so required by existing regulations, and in duplicate to engineer. PART IV - MEASUREMENT,1'AYMENT AND ADJUSTMENTS 4.1 A. 4.2 A. B. C. Measurement Piles will be measured to the nearest 1/10 linear foot in place in the work below cutoff eleva#ion, exclusive of pile show, for each standard pile circuxnference. Payment Contract price for piles is based upon linear footage of piles shown on drawings. In addition, the contract price includes all costs for test piles and test anchor piles and associated work. The total linear faotage of piles of each standard circumference showzx on the drawings is for working piles only, and does not include footage for test piles and test anchor piles. Payment for the total length of piles of the various standard circumferences and in the � TIMBER PILING �� 023b0 - S of 6 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition ]ocations shown, exc�usive of test piles, will be included in the contract lump sum price. D_ Payment for the speci�ed number of pile tests v�vill be included in the contract lurnp sum price. E. No payment will be made for withdrawn, broken or rejected piles, or for portion of pile remaining above cutofF point. 4.3 Adjustments A. Where the total lengt}a in place of piles of a standard circumference is different from that shov�rn, the contract price will be adjusted by the difference between the two totals rnultiplied by the applicable contract unit price per foot for addition or deletion of such pile length. B. Where a pile has been directed to be pulied for inspection and that same pile is re-driven, the re-driven length will be paid for at one half the applicable contract unit price per foot. C. Where a test pile is directed to be pulled, replaced with a new pile and re-tested, such retest will be considered as a new pile test. Where total nurnber of directed pile tests is different than the number specified or shown, ttxe contract pr�ce will be adjusted by the difference . between the two totals multiplied by the applicable contract unit price per each for addition or deletion of pile test. END OF SECTION U2360 TIMBER PILING 02360 - 6 of 6 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � L� � � � � APA 12.09 SECTION 02361- TERMITE C�NTROL PART 1 - GENERAI, 1.1 SiTMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Soil treafinent witb, termiticide. Pier 6� Restroom Addition 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Tnclude the EPA-Registered Label for termiticide products. B. Product cerfificates. C. Soil Trea�nent Application Report: Include the following: 1. Date and tinae of application. 2. Moisture content of soil before application. 3. Termiticide brand name and manufacturer. 4. Quantity of undiluted termiticide used. 5. Dilutions, rnethods, volumes used, and rates of application. 6. Areas of application. 7. Water source for application. D. Warranties: Sample af special warranties. 1.3 QUALITY AS5URANCE A. Installer Qualiiications: A specialist who is licensed according to regulations of authorities havzng jurisdiction to apply termite control treahnent and products in jurisdiction where Project is located and who employs workers trained and approved by manufacturer to install manufacturer's products. B. Regulatory Requrxements: Formulate and apply termiticides and terrniticide devices according w the EPA-Registered Label. 1.4 WARRANTY A. Soil Treatment Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, signed by Applicator and Contractor, certifyi�ng that termite control work, consisting of applied soil termiticide treatment, will prevent infestation of subterranean termites. Tf subterranean termite activity or darnage is discovered during warranty periad, re-treat sail and repair or replace dairsage caused by termite infestation. 1. Warranty Period: Five years frorn date of SubstanUal Completion. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL TREATMENT A. Termiticide: Provide an EPA-Registered termiticide, complying with requirernents of authorities having jurisdiction, in an aqueous solution formulated to prevent termite infestation. Provide quantity required for application at the label volume and rate for the maximurx� terraiticide eoncentration allowed for each speci�ic use, according to pmduct's EPA-Registered Label. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Wark include, but are nat limited to, the following: a. SASF Corporation, Agricultural Products; Termidor. b. Bayer Environmental Science; Premise 75. c. FMC Corporation, Agxicultural Products Group; Dragnet FT, Talstar, Prevail. � TERMITE CONTROL �� Q2361 - ] of 2 APA 12.d9 2. I'ier 6Q Restroom Addition d_ Syngenta; Demon TC, Prelude, Probuild �'C_ Service Life o£ �'reatrnent_ Soil treatment termiricide that is ef'£ective for not less than five years against infestation of subterranean termites, �ART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 APPLICATION, GENERAL A. General: Comply with the most slringent requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and with manufacturer's EPA-Registered Lahel for products. 3.2 /:� � 17 E. F. G. H. AP�LY[NG 50IL TREATMENT Examine suhstrates, areas, and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for moisture content of soil per termiticide label requirements, interfaces with earthwork, slab and foundation•work, landscaping, utility installation, and other conditions affecting performance of temute control. Proceed with application ozily after unsatisfactory cond�itions have been corrected. Soil Trea�ent Preparation: Remove £oreign rnaiter and impermeable soil materials that could decrease treatra�ent effectiveness on areas to be treated. Loosen, ralce, and level soil to be treated except previously compacted areas under slabs and footings. Termiticides may be applied before plaeing coznpacted fill under slabs if recoznmended in writing by termiticide manufacturer. 1. Fit �lling hose connected to water saurce at the site with a backflow preventer, complying with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Application: Mix sail treaqnent ternuticide solution to a uniform consistency. Provide quantity required for application at the label volume and rate for the m�aximum specified concentration of termiticide, according to manufacturer's EPA-Registered Label, to the following so that a continuous horizonta] and vert�ical termiti�ida] barriex or treated zone is established around and under building constructian. Disix-iibute treat7nent evenly. 1. Slabs-on-Grade: Under ground-supported slab construction, including footings, building slabs, and attached slabs as an overall treatment. Treat soil materials before concrete footings and slabs are placed. 2. Foundations: Adjacent soil, including soil along tiae entire inside perimeter of foundation walls; along both sides of interior partition walls; around plumbing pipes and electric conduit penetrating the slab; around interior coluxnn footers, piers, and chimney hases; aiad along the entire outside perimeter, from grade to bottom of footing. Avoid soil washout around footings. 3. Penetrations: At expansion joints, control joints, and areas where slabs will be penetrated_ Avoid disturbance of treated soil after application. Keep off treated areas until completely dry. Protect termiticide solution, dispe�rsed in treated soils and fills, from being diluted until ground- supported slabs are installed. Use waterproof barrier according to EpA-Regiseered Label instructions. Post waming signs in areas of application. Reapply soil treapnent solution to areas disturbed by subsequent excavation, grading, landscaping, or other construction activities following application. END OF SECTION 023b1 TERMITE CONTROL 02351 - 2 af 2 � � [� McCarthy and Associates 12.09 � � ,� r� � r� � � � � � �� �_-I �� � PART 1 1.01 A. 1.02 A. Q 1.U3 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the contract, including General and Supplem�entary Conditians, and Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section. DESCRIPTTON SCOPE OF WORK � 1 �� 3 Provide all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to complete all cast-in-place concrete work, including farmwork, reinforcing steel and ail related work as shown and specified, except as speciiically excluded hereinafter. In addition to construction of cast-in-place concrete work, the work includes the items listed below: a. Setting anchor bolts, frames, and other items indicated to be exnbedded in concrete b. Grouting of structural steel bearing on concxete c. Concrete curbs d. Dowels for masonry walls e. Concrete walks f. Concrete pavement g. Laboratory field testing services Cooperate with affected personnel or contractors in setting and/or fastening sleeves, piping, inserts, conduits, hangers, ties and similar items in the forms, where such iterns are to be fumished and xnstalled iuxder other subdivisions of these specifications. RELA'TED WORK N�T SPECIFIED UNDER THIS SUSDTVrSTON 1_ Foundations and pads not shown on architectural, civil or structural drawings. 2. Furn.ishing steel frames and grating. 3. Fumishin� miscellaneous steel shapes and plates embedded in concrete. 4. Furnishing anchor bolts for structural steel. S. Furnishing piping and conduit embedded in concrete. QUALITY ASSURANCE APPLZCAELE STANDARDS 1 2 Provide all materials and per£orm all work in accordance with the latest issue of ACI 301 "Standard Specifications faz- Structural Concrete A" and the reference specifica.Uons listed therein. Ti�e applicable provisions of the latest issue of the following ACI and CRSI Standards are made a part of these specificaxions. Where the provisions of any reference specification conflict with those of ACI 301, the more stringent provisions govem. 1 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE r� � 03300 - 1 of 14 McCarthy and Associates 12_09 1.04 A. f:3 C. r.�T z 2.01 ACI NUMBER 302.1R 304.R 304.2R 305R 306R 308 309R 315 318 347 70-56 75-18 Pier 60 Restraom Addition TITLE Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete Placing concrete by pumping xnethods. Hot Weather Concretrng Cold Weather Concreting Standard Practice for Curing Concrete Guide for Consolidation of Concrete Manual vf Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures Building code requirements for reinforced concrete Recommended Practice for Conc�ete Formwork Guide for Use of Epoxy Compounds with Concrete — Comrr�ittee 503 Report Concrete committee 503 report. Cold weather cvncreting. CRSINUMBER T TLE 63 Recoznmended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars SUBMTTTALS Subrnit, not less than 21 days prior to placing of concrete, the following proposed concrete mix design data: 1. Intended usage and location for each type 2. Mix design for each type 3. Cement content in pounds per cubic yard 4. Coarse and fiine aggregate in pounds per cubic yard 5. Water-cEment ratio by weight 6. Cement type and manufacturer 7. Slump range 8. Air content range 9. Admixture types and manufacturers 10. Percent of admixtures by weight 11. Strength test data required to establish mix design Submit complete detail and placing shop drawings for all reinforcing steel including accessaries that have been reviewed and stamped by the General Contractor. Refer to Section p1300 for a11 submittals. PRODUCTS CONCRETE MATERYALS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033�0 - 2 of 14 � � � � C � C� L� � � �� , � 11 � �J � � � � l_.� L__V � L. � McCarthy and Associates 12.09 A. B. C. D. E_ F. G. Pier 60 Restroorn Addition Portland Cement - ASTM C 150, Type I_ Type III rnay be used where authorized by the Engineer. Air-Entraining Admixtures - ASTM C 260, Darax A�A, W. R. Grace & Company, SIKA AEI� SIKA, MB-AE90, Master Builders, Air Mix, Euclid Chemical Corp. Water-Reducing Admixtures - ASTM C a94, Type D. WRDA-64, W.R. Grar.e & Company Plastiment, SIKA, Pozzolith N, Master Builders. No accelerators, retarders or admixtures containing chlorides will be permitted. Use fresh, clean and drinkable water for concrete. For normal weight concrete use coarse and fine aggregate to conform to ASTM C33. Super Plasticizer ASTM C494 Type F or G where authorized by the Engineer. H. Fly-ash AS'7'M C618 Type C618. Maximum loss on ignition sha11 not exceed 3% by weight. The combined weight of fly-ash shall not exceed 20 percent of the total weight of cementitious material. The fly-ash present in blended cement conforming to ASTM C595 shall be included in the calculated percentage. Do not use for architectural concrete. I. 2.02 A. B_ a.o� A � Graund granulated blast-fumish slag ASTM C9$9. the combined weight of GGB�S shall not exceed SO percent af the total weight of cementitious material. Slag used in blended hydraulic cement con�irming to ASTM C595 shall be included in the calculated percentage. I'ROPORTI�NING Concrete Strength — See structural drawings for minitnurn concrete coznpressive strength at 28 days. pROPERTIES 1. �'rovide concrete having the general properties specified for each class of concrete with the following tables to provide workability and consistency so concrete can be worked readily inta forms and around reinforcement without segregation or bleeding, and to prpvide an average compressive strength adequate to meet acceptance requirements of ACI 301. PRODUCTION QF CONCRETE Concrete must be batched, mixed and transported in accardance with specifications for ready-mixed concrete ASTM C 94. Concrete shall be batched to produce a sluznp of 4" plus/minus 1". Refer to 2.02B unless noted otherwise. C. Provide at the site, delivery tickets for each batch of concrete showing the following: 1. Batch number, volume and date 2. Time of loading 3. Design 2$-day compressive strength 4. Concrete type CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 3 of 14 McCarthy and Assvciates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition Cement content rn pounds per cubic yard Water content in pounds per cubic yard Admixtures in azxaount per cubic yard Maximuzn amount of water that may be added at the job site, D. Restrict the addition of mix water at the job site_ Do not add water without the approval of the general contractor and do not exceed slump lirnitations or total allowable water to cement ratio. Use cold water fi-om the truck tank and remix to achieve consistency. Tlxe reports shall indicate how much water was added at the job site. Note on delivery ticket am�unt of water added and name of person authorizing. E. During hot weather, conform to the detailed recommendations of ACT 305. F. When air temperatu.re is betv�en 85 and 90 degrees F., reduoe mixing and delivery time to 'IS minutes. When air temperature is higher than 90 degrees, reduve mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. G. Concrete shou]d be deposted as nearly as practicable to its final position to avoid segregation of materials due to re-handling or flowing. � �� �� � � H. Concreting should be carried on at such a rate that the conciete is at all times plastic � and flows read�y into spaces betwEen reinfbrcement. I. Thc use of the following is proh�ited: 1- Partially hardened conciete 2� Cont�ninated concrete 3. Re-te�r►pered concrete 4. Concrete that has been re-mi�ced after it has taken its initial set. K 2.04 n Afte�r conc�eting has been started, it should be carried an as a cont�uous operation until placing of a panel or section, as determined by its boundaries or jaints, is completed. All concrete should be thoroughly consolidated by suita.ble means during placernent and should be worked around reinforcement and eznbedded fixtures and into corners of �orms. PLACING CONCRE7'E GENERAL 1. Inner surfaces of conveying equipment must be free of hardened concrete and foreign materials. 2. All reinfo��cing bars are to be tied in proper position prior to placing conerete. 3. Provide suf�cient time for inspection oi all preparatory work befoze proceeding with the placing of concrete. �. Immediately priar to placing concrete, sprinkle semi-poxous sub-grades sufficiently to eliminate suction and seal porous sub-grades, except where a vapor ba:mer is used. S_ D.eposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers continuously, no deeper than 18 inches. Horizontal cold joints will not be permitted. Fill forms completely using methods to ensure even distribution of aggregate around reinforoement and into corners of farms. 6. When air temperature is between SS and 90 degrees F, reduce mixing arxd delivery time to 75 minutes. When air teznperature is higher than 9Q degrees CAST-�N-�LACE CONCRETE �I � �, L � � � � n, Y.� 03300 - � of 1� � � � � McCarthy and Associates 12.09 � I_ � � � C� � � � � � � � �� � � 7. 8. 9. 10 11 Pier 60 Restroom Addition F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. Concrete shall have a wet cure time of 7 days minimum at 50 degrees minimum temperature. Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable to its final pasition to avoid segregation of materials due to re-handling or flowing. Concreting shall be carried on at such a rate t}aat the concrete is at a11 times plastic and flows readily into spaces between reinforcement. The following conditions are pmhibited: a. Partially hardened concrete. b. Conta�minated concxete. c. Re-tempered concrete. d. Concrete that has been re-mixed after it has taken its initial set. After concreting has been started, it shall be carried on as a continuous operation until placing or a panel or section, as determined by its boundaries or joints, is completed. B. CONSOLIDATION 1. Consolidate concrete by vibration in accordance with the detailed recommendations of ACI 309. 2. Tnternal vibx�ators must be used in bearns, girders and fraxned slabs and along bulkheads or slabs-on-grade to thoroughly consolidate tlae cancrete. Do ❑ot use grossly aversized equipment. 3. Do nnt use vibrators to trar►sport concrete within forms. C. � I� ►I �`f�l�C� l. Finish concxete slabs in accordance with the finishes and tolerances as specified in ACI 301, and the detailed recommendations in ACI 3�2. Confirm all �nishes with Architect. 2. Dusting of slabs with c�ment or other materials to absorb excess bleed water is strictly prohibited. TOLERANCE ITEM C A �H Exterior Pavement B Broom or belt Exterior Walks/Curbs S Fine braorn Inte�ior Slabs A Troweled Exterior Steps A Nonslip 3. For fla� very flat and super flat floors, "F" numbers are required for de�ining flatness and levelness. Refer to ACI 3�1.1T� Fig., for minimurn required "F" numbers for type of slab use. NONSLIP FINISH 2 Give surface a dry shake application as specified in ACI 301 using crushed selected abrasive aggregate of aluminum oxide. The rate of application of blended mixture should not be less than 25 pounds per 100 square feet of surface. Acceptable products are: TYPE MANUFACTURER Grip-It L&M Construction Chemicals Frictex N.S. Sannebom Nonslip Euclid Chemical Co. � CAST-IN-PLACE CONCREI'E � a3300 » 5 of 14 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Emag 20 2.05 REINk'ORCBMENT A. GENERAL I_� C. C7 Pier 6p Restraorn Addition � I�ambert Corp. 1. DetaiIs of concrete reinforcernent and accessories shown on drawings to be in acwrdance with ACT 315. 2. Reinforcement is to he secured in proper position loose rust, scale, grease or other coatings. REINFORCTNG MATERTAT�S not cavered herein or and thoroughly clean of 1. Unless otherwise indicated, for all reinfarcing shown provide deforzned bars conforming to ASTM A 615, or a 616 Grade 60. 2. Smooth dowels - ASTM A 615 and A 616, plain bars having a minimum yield strength of bp,000 psi. 3. Welded wire fabric - ASTM A 185 plain wire fabric in flat sheets. 4. Plain wire to conForm to ASTM A 82. 5. Accessories tp conform to ACI 3I5. 6. Where reinforcing rods are used as supports, use rods no lighter than No. 5. 7. Where concrete surfaces are exposed, make those portions of all accessories in contact with the concrete surface or within 1/2 inch thereof, of plastic or stainless steel. 8. Reinforcing steel should be free of kirnks and non-shop bends. Field bends should be only as approved by the architect. FISROUS REINFORCING (Synthetic) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ttein�orcing fibers to be virgin 1 �0% polypropylene fibers, per ASTM C 1116, speci�cally manufactured for use in conerete, containin� no reprocessed olefin matexials, with the following minimum physical chara.cteristics: a. specific gravity: 0.91 b. modulus of elasticity: SOU-70Q KSX c. tensile strength: 70-110 KSZ d. fiber length: multi-design gradation, 3/4" maximum. Reinforcing fibers to be supplied by ihe following approved manufacturers: a. "FxBERSTRAND 1 UO", Euclid Chemical Company b. "FTBERM�SH TNFORCE e3 or STEAT.,TH e3�, SI Concrete Systerns c. "FORTA SUPER-NET", Forta Cozporation d. "NYCON FISERS", Nycon, Inc. Fibers to be added in manufacturcr's approved amount with a minimum of 1.5 pounds per cu�ic yard for poly and 1.0 pounds per cubic yard for nylon. Concrete ta be batched and mixed in accordance with fiber manufacturer's recommendations for uniform and complete dispersion of �ber bundles into single strands within concrete. Reinforcing �bers may be used in co:ncrete slabs-on-grade in lieu of WW�' with approval of the engineer. Submit product data for review and approval. Far a"non-hairy" surface use a rnonofilament fiber. Collated fibrillated fibers wear away in a short period of time. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE � 03300 - 6 of 14 � �.� � McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition � D. FIBRUUSREINFORCING(alternateta wwf"on composite metal decks) � � � � �� l� � i �, �� � � � LJ � � 2 3 4 5 PART 3 All �bers must zneet the criteria in the Steel Deck Institute design mantal (Publication No. 30). Cold drav� steel fibers meeting the criteria of ASI'M A820, at a minimum addition rate of 25 lb✓yd3 (1 �1.8 kg/m3) and pos�ssing an avezage residual straigth of at lea� 80 psi SSU kpavuhen tested ASI'M C1399, may be used as a suitable alternative to the v�lc�d wire fabric specified for texnperature and shr�kage reinforcement. lieinforcing fii�er to be supplied by the follawing approved suppliers: a_ "NOVOMESH 85D, or NOVOCON 1050" by 9 Concxete Systems b_ "DRAMIX 65/60" by Bekaert Stee� fibers do not rephce rebar over girt�rs, whic]� are used to control nega�ive e mom�t. Stee1 fibe�s are to be added ai the batch plarn and in accordance with the man�£acturer's recommendations forut�.iform andcomplete dispersion. �x�li�=[�]�1 3.01 PLACIIVG A . GENERAL 3.02 n � 3. 4_ 5. Place reinforcing in conformance with the requirements of CRSX 63_ Place reinforcement in proper position prior to placing concrete. Placing reinforcement during concrete placement will not be permitted. Unless atheruvise shown or indicated, provide minimum concrete protective covering for reinforcernent as follows: a. Concrete deposited against the ground, 3". b. Formed surfaces expased to weather or in conta.ct with� the ground, 2" %r reinforcing bars No. 6 or larger, and 1-1 /2" for reinforcing baas No. 5 or smaller. c. Interior surFaces, 1-1/2" for beams, girders and columns, 3/�" for slabs, walls and joists. d. See dra.wing for special conditions. Suppart reinforcing for slabs-on-grade on staggered concrete bricks or metal or plast3c bar chairs and spacers with metal plates. Unless specifically authorized, do not bend reinforcement partially ern�bedded in hardened concrete. Support and fasten a11 dowels in the formwork pripr to placing concrete. Do not place dowels after concrete is in place, JOINTS CONSTRllC'TION JOINTS 1_ Construction joints not shown in the contract documents must be located and made to least impair the strength of the structure. 2. No horizontal construction joints will be penmitted in beams, girders or slabs. 3. Location of any constructian joint not shown is subject to review a.nd acceptance by Engineer. 4. Reinforcixxg is continuous through all construction joints. Obtain bond by roughening surface of concrete in an accepta.ble manner which will expose � CAST�IN-PLACE CONCRETE � �3300 - 7 of 14 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 0 C� � Pier b0 Restroom Addition aggregate unifarmly and will not leave any latence, loosened �?articles or aggregate or damaged concrete at surface_ 5. Construction joints shall be cleaned, wetted, and standing water removed. 6. All concrete shall be thoroughly consalidated by suitable means during placement and should be worked around reinforcernent azid ernbedded fixtures and into corners of forms. 7. Concrete wet cure time to be 7 days minirnum at 50 degrees minimum temperature. EXPANSION JOINTS C] �^� � �, � l. Reinforcernent or other embedded metal items bonded to the concrete (except dovvels in floors bonded on only one side af joints) will not be � permitted to extend continuously through any expansion joint. D�WfiLED SLIP J�INTS 1. Use completely smooth round bars for dowels, 2. For construction joints, paint half of bar with red lead paint. When dry, coat painted end with satisfactory grease to insure against bond with concrete. 3. For control joints, paint and grease entire bar. 4. For expansion joints, paint, grease and provide a rnetal expansion cap �or one end. 5. Place in foz;ms to insure that bars are perpendicular to joint face. Stop reinforcement at doweled slip joints so that it will not extend through joiant. 701NT MATERIALS 1. Expansion joint filler non-biturninaus type - ASTM D 1752, resin impregnated fiberboazd Hornosote 300 ar 'Thetxnosetting Polyurethazie, W. R. Meadows' Rescor. Asphalt impregnated materials are unacceptable. 2. Polyethylene Filrn - ASTM D 21 �3 minimum 6 mil. 3. Horizontal Joint $ealer - 2-component self-leveling urethane conforming to Federal Specification TT-S-227E, Type 1, Class A. Color to match concrete. Acceptable products are : T�pE MANUFACTURER Darasea]-U A. C. Horn Sonolastic SL2 Sonneborn Pourthane W. R. Msadows 4. Vertical Joint Sealer - 1-cornponent Polyuretharxe conforming to Federal Specification TT-S-0023Q6, Type II, Class A, color to match concrete. Acceptable products are: T?� � MANUFACTU�ZER SIKAFL.�X IA s�p, SONOLASTTC NPI Sonneborn 5. Epoxy 7oint Sealer - semi-rigid epaxy, MM80 as rnanufactured by Metzger McGuire Co., rnaster fill 300 by Master Builders. 6. �poxy Bond - 2-component 100 percent solids epoxy resin, amine cured. Acceptable materials are Concresive Series by Master Builders, Sonnebom= s �pogrip and Epiweld 580 by Lannbert Corp. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 8 of 14 � � � � McCarthy and Associates 12,09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 7. Epoxy Grout - Epoxy bond flled with suita6le mineral �ller, l�q percent � passing the Na. 1p0 sieve, _in ratio to insure thixotropic action without impairment of adhesive properties. $. Coznpressive Joint Material expanded polystyrene having a compressive strength not less than 8 psi when the board is compressed to a deformation of � 5 percent of its original thicicness when tested in conformance with ASTM C 1d5, modified to change drywn� temperature to 150°F. 9. Felt - 3� pound asphalt or coal tar roafing felt ASTM D 226 or D 227. rE. PLACING DOWELS IN EXISTING CONCRETE 1. Use deformed reinforcing bars as dowels. Drill holes in existing concrete of � size 1/2" larger in diameter than the dowel using power-driven drill with tungsten-carbide t�pped bit ground to insure against oversize hole. Clean out holes with air Thoroughly swab surfaces of hole and embedded portion of dowel with epoxy � grout. Force dowel into place. Wipe off excess grout and let set for not less than 12 hours at a temperaxure above 60°F. C� � � � f �� � � 1__J � � 3.p3 FORMWORK A. GENERAL i:3 C. 1 2 3 4 Provide and construct formwork in accardance with ACI 3� 1 arxd 347. Form design by P.E. registered in the State of Florida. Observe arxd cheek formwork continuously while concrete is being placed to determine that there are na evidences of changes of elevatxons, plumbness, or camber and adjust forms as necessary. If, during construction, arzy such evidence or other defect appears, stop the work, reznove concrete placed, if necessary, and repair formwork or supports bafore proceeding. Earth cuts may be used as forms for footing vertical surf'aces increase size 2 inch. Forms and shoring is the responsibility of General Contra.cwr. FORMWORK MATERiALS 2 4 Make forms of lumbex, plywood, metal or other materials suita.ble to provide the strength and tolerances specified herein before and the surFace finishes speciiied hereinafter. Forming exposed surfaces use any of the following materials as suitable for the specified finish, and to produce smooth uniform surFaces, txue-to-line, in order that surfaces produced will require little finishing: a. New plastic-bonded natural plywood, American �lywood Association, HD Ovarlay Plyform Class I, Ext-APA, or equal. For forming exposed surfaces use plywood, or other nonmetallic surfaces free from knots, warps, bxeaks, or other defeets likely ta cause irregular surfaces. Provide commercial formulatian form coating coznpounds with maximum VOC af 350 mg/1 that will not bond with stain or adversely affect concrete surFaces and will not impair subsequent surFace treatments. REMOVAL OF FORMS 1_ Farms and shoring in the formwork supporting the weight of concrete, in beams, slabs and other structural elements are to remain in place until the � CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE � 03300 - 9 of 14 McC:arthy and Associates 12.09 � 3 .04 n � C Pier 60 Restroom Addition concrete has reached its specified 28�day compressive strength. 2. �'ormwork and facing forms for znembers such as grade beams, foundation walls and spread footings not supporting the weight of concrete may be removed as saon as the concrete has hardened su�ficiently tp resist darnage from the removal operations. 3. Arrange shores arxd other vertical supports so that the z�on-load carrying form-facing material may be removed without loosening or disturbing the shores and supports. 4. Whenever the farmwork is rernoved during the curing period, continue curing of bath the unexposed and exposed concrete by one of the methods specified in section "Curing and Protection". REMOVAL STRENGTH 1. Removal Strength - The concrete will be presumed to have reached its specified strength �+hen additional test cylinders (paid for by contractor) are field cured a.2ong with the concrete they represent and have reached the strength specified. �PATR OF SURFACE D�FECTS GENERAL 1. Patch all tie holes and repair all honeycombed and defective areas immediately after £orm removal. 2. For surfaces other than those to be backf lled against, use patching mortar. 3. For surFaces to be back�lled agai�st, use mastic damp-proofing compound, except that where reinforcing is exposed, use patching znortar. 4. Remove all tzoneycombed and defective concrete down to sound concrete prior to patching. Thoroughly clean the holes of dirt and debris. �'ATCHING MORTAR 1. Cut edges of honeycombed and defective concrete to form dove-tail (undercut) joints. No feather edges will be permitted. 2. Apply a chemical bonding agent to voided surface. An acceptable product is L&M Construction chemicals — Everbond or equivalent. 3. Patch the ceznent xnortar as specified in ACI 301, or with proprietary patching compounds, except that proprietary patching mixtures may be not used on exposed surfaces. 4. Acceptalale propr�etary patching mixtures are: a. Euclid Chemical Corporation - Poly Patch b. SIKA - Sikaset Mortar c. Emaco R Series - Master Builders d. Lambert Corp, Lambco Vinyl Patch e. Sonneborn - Sonopatch MASTTC DAMP-PROOFING COMPOUND 1. Patch full depth of hole and flush the surFace with emulsified asphalt mastic heavy viscosity for trowel application. Prepare and place in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Accepta.ble products aze: a. W. R. Meadows - Seaimastic Trowel Mastic b. Euclid Chemical Company - Damp-proofing Asphalt Coatings CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 10 of 14 � l� � ' McCarthy and Associates 12.09 � � � LJ � � � I � � LJ � , u � � � � 3.05 A. 3.Q6 c. Sonneborn - Hydrocide 70� Mastic d. Lambert Corp — Waterban 60M FrNISHING �F FORMED SURFACES - GENERAL Fier 60 Restroom Addition After removal of £orms, give suxfaces of concrete the following fmishes as specified in ACI 3Q1. S ACE Unexposed Exposed Exposed to Public View CURING AND PROTECTION A. GENERAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FINISH Raugh Form Smooth Form Smooth Rubbed Conform to the applicable detailed recommendations of ACI 301 ar�d 3�8. Hot vcreather curing to be in accordance with applicable ACI Standard 305. All cast-in-place concrete must be ma.intained with minfmal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for a minimum of 7 days fallovving the placing af the concrete by the use of a water spray, water saturated fabric, moisture retaining membrane or liquid curing compaund. Full curing days will be determined by the cumulative number af days or fractions thereof during which the terr►perature of the air in contact with the concrete is above 50°F. C�re slabs-on-grade for the first 72 hours by the use of: a. fag spraying b_ ponding c. sprinkling d, continuausly wet absorptive mats or fabric e. continue curing by use of moisture retaining cover until concrete has obtained its specified 28 day compressive strength f. or liquid curing compound after finishing process is completed. g. concrete wet cure tune tp be 7 days minimum at 50 degrees miuimum temperature. Submit materials and method of curing for review. Do not use moisNre retaining curing compounds for curing surf'aces to receive the follawing coverings, unless it has been demonstra.ted that such compounds will not prevent bond of: a. Carpet b. Flexible floorin� c. Ceramic tiled floors d. Other specified floor systems B. MATERIALS 1. Where moisture retaining membranes or curing compounds are used for curing, provide only materials conforming to the follawing requirements: a. P�lyethylene Film - ASTM C171, Type ZI b. Waterproof Paper - ASTM C 171, Type I c. Absarptive Cover - AASHTO M 182, Class 3, Burlap cloth made from Jute or Kenaf or ASTM C 440 cotton mats CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033Q0 - 11 of 14 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 d. ASTM C309 spray on at max_ C. T�MPERATURF,, W1ND AND H[JMIDTTY Pier 60 Restroom Addition Do not permit concrete not fu11y cured to be exposed to excessive temperature changes or high winds. 3.07 EMBEDDED ITEMS A. GENERAI, . 3.08 1. Prior to concreting, place all embedded items to be provided under this subdivision nr to be furnished undear other subdivisions for installation under this subdivisian. 2. Give all contractors whose work is related to the concrete or must be supported by it, ample notice and opportunity to introduce and/or furnish embedded iterns before the concrete is placed. 3. Make certain that all embedded items furnished and set in forms by them are secured in position, and exercise due care not to disturb or damage their work while placing concrete. 4. Set anchor bolts for st�el and equipment in accordance with setting drawings or templates which have been reviewed and found satisfactory. 5. Where holes in concrete for such purposes as recesses far railing posts, passageways for pipes, and the like are shown formed by sleeves, the contractor may, at his option, provide such holes by drilling with a acceptable diamond or tungstean carbide tipped drill bits, k'ill with epoxy sea] after railings are in place. EMBEDDED ITEMS TO BE PROVID�D UNDER THIS SUBDIVIS�ON 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dovetail anchor slots and dovetail brick anchors - DAS-G20 beehive dovetail anchor slot as manufactured by Gateway Building Products, together with DSA-G14 doveta.il brick anchors. provide masonry trades with one anchor for each 16" of anchor slot or fraction thereof plus one additional anchor for each vertical section_ Place anchor slots 1'-4" on center in beams and wa11s where tnasonry abuts and one slot in each face of each column faced with rnasonry. Fumish anchors to space 16" on center in slots. Plastic reglets for above and below grade counter flashing. Make of Type A rigid polyvinyl chloride, 0.060" thick, as manufactured by Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc. or equal. . Sleeves - galvanized steel pipe ASTM A 12p, or plastic pipe ASTM D 2661, ASTM D 2665 or ASTM D 2852, bituminized fiber pipe conforming to ASTM D 1861 or Wilson anchor bolt sleeve. Column Anchor Bolts - AS'TM �' 1554, Fumish with one leveling nut plus one nut and ana washer. Anchor Bolts — ASTM A 307, As shown ozt drawings. Cast Iron Frames and Grates - as manufactured by Neenah Poundry Company. Castings as manufactured by k'lockhart Foundry Company or McKinley Iron Works may be acceptable, provided the dizziensions and design are comparable in all respects. Water stops locations as shown on drawings. VAPOR RETARDER CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033Q0 - 12 of 14 � � � ' McCarthy and Associates 12.09 � � � � � C� � � � � � � �1,� L__J � � �a Pier 60 Restroom Addition Provide sub-grade under concrete slabs-on-grade with vapor barrier consisting of polyethylene �lm not thinner than 10 mils, confornxing to ASTM E 1745, or asphalt laminated reinforced Kraft paper with polyethylene coating on both sides. Moistop as manufactured by Forti�'iber Building Systems Group. Provide film in width and length not less than one foot larger than dimensions of slab sub-grade unless patently impracticable. Lap edges not less t}zan 6" and tape continuously. Take care to avoid puncturing film. Immediately privr to placing �oncrete, tape-seal all tears, cuts and holes. 3.09 GROUTTNG OF BASE PLA'TES 1. Nonferrous grout acceptable pmducts are: TYPE MA.,I�L, �FACTURER Crystex L&M Construction Chernicals �ive Star U.S. Grout Sonogrout Sonnebarn Euco N.S. Euclid Chemical Cornpany Construction Grout Master Builders Vibroprv:f #11 Lam�bert Corp. 2. Mix and place in conformance wxth printed instructions of the manufacturer. 3.10 'TESTING A. GENE].tAL l. The services of an independent testing laboratory shall be retained for obtaining test specimens and performing quality control wark, routine testing of znaterials or proposed mix designs and of resulting concrete for compliance with tec}�aical requirements of specifications. 2. Testing of field-cured test cylinders, ar testing required because of changes requested by contractor in materials or proporaons of the mix, as well as any extra testing of concrete or materials occasioned by failure to meet speciiication requirements, to be at corrtractor's expense. 3. Failure af the testing laboratory to detect any defective work or materials is not in any way to prevent larker rejection when such defect is discovered, nor is it tv obligate the owner far final acceptance. a. The testing agency and/or its representatives are not authorized to revoke, alter, relax, ex�arge or release any requireraent of the specifications, not to approve or accept any portion of the work, not to act as foreman or perform other duties for contractor. B. SERVICES PRDVIDED BY THE TESTING AGENCY 2 �ield Sampling - Secure from different batches, on a truly random basis, composite samples for all field testing required below in accordance with ASTM C 172 where applicable. Take all samples at dischazge end of conveying system. Clearly mark each test specimen master as to exact part of the structure represented, class of concrete cuxing conditions, temperature of concrete, and time and date af sarnple. Carnpressive Strength Test - mold and cure test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C 31 and test each cylinder for strength in accordance with ASTM C 39. Take one "test set" consisting of four cylinders for each day's pouz- of 5 � tCAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE r Q3300 - 13 of 14 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 3.11 A 3. 4. 5_ 6. 7. 8. , Pier 60 Restroom Addition r cubic yards, or fraction thereof. Test cylinders one at 7 and two 28 days, one hald. Slump Tests - determine slump range for each "test set" in confo�ance with ASTM C 143. Air Content Test - determine air content for each "test set" for air-entrained concrete in accordance with ASTM C 231. Submit two copies o� tlxe results ir� each of the above tests and inspection to ihe contractor and the owner's representative and Engineer. Shauld any of the test results fail to meet the requirements speci�ied, rnake an irnrnediate telephone report to the contractor and the owner's representative. Furnish evaluation reports of compression tests as recomznended by ACI 214 when any compression test fails to meet the specified strength. Critez�a for acceptance af concrete cylind�r tests: a) Every arithmetic average of any consecutive three tests equals or exceed fc, and b) No individual strength test (average of two cylinders) cfe by more thar► 500 psi. GIK��11►:�►t�x�] Ycil 1:�il�l.lTif:i� GENERAL l. Acceptance of structttre wzll be made in conformance with ACI 30 ]., except that contractor must pay all costs incurred for providing anq additional testing or analysis required when strength of structure is considered potentially de�cient. B. CRACKS 1 � The contractor will be required to restore without cost to the owner any concrete whicl� develops cracks within a period of one year after placement which has not been caused by action of the owner or others in over stressing the concrete. Repair the cracks by means that will restore the cracked members to their designed strength and appearance by acceptable methods which will not impaar Che appearance of the affected surf'aces, i£ exposed. Such repairs must be performed by use of suitable epoxy cements ernployed by an organization having satisfactorily demonstrated ability in the techniques necessary to effect such repairs, or by ather acceptable methods. END OF SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-�LACE CONCRETE �33�0 - 14 of 14 � � � , McCarthy and Associates 12.09 � � � �� � �� � � � , 1_� � � � f -� PART 1 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. B. C. D. 1.03 A. B. i.oa A. S. 1.05 A. SECTION 03320 PRECAST CONCRETE U-LINTELS ANll SZLLS GENERar" SUMMARY Pier 60 Restroom Addition Section includes: precast concrete U-lintels and sills Related Sections: 1. Concrete Masonry Units 2. Concrete Reinfarcement 3. Cast-in-Placc Concrete REFERENCES A.rmerican Society for Testing and Materials(AST1Vn 1. C33 — Specification for Concrete Aggregates 2. C 15� -- Specification for Partland Cement Precast/Pre-Stressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Standards: Manual fox Quality Control for Precast and Pre-Stressed Concrete MNL-116. Aaxierican Concrete Institute: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318) American Concrete Institute: Building Code Re�uirements for Masonry Structures (ACI 530) SUBMITTAL5 Provide manufacturer's catalog engineering data. Manufacturer sha11 rate U-lintel units for gravity, uplift, and lateral loads in units of pounds per linear foot. QUALITY ASSURANCE Fabricato�'s Qual�cations: Uui.ts shall be fabricated by a firm engaged in the manufacturing of precast and pre-stressed concrete U-lintels and sills for a rninimum of 5 years. Fabricator shall have a quality assurance program that complies with the procedures of Manual 11 b by the PrecasdPre-Stressed Concrete Institute (PCI). Plant records of production and quality control shall be kept in accordance with PCI recommendations and made available upun request far the Architect DELNERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING If storage is required prior to erection, take all necessary precautions to provide protection to prevent damage prior to installaaon. Maintain units free of dirt and airbome pollutants until immediately prior to erection. ` PRECAST CONCRETE U-LINTELS AND SILLS � 03320- 1 of 2 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addi�Qn B. Replace all units that are damaged due to mishandling at the job site_ r�ttT z 2.01 A. 2.U2 A. B. C. D E. F. G. PART 3 3.01 A. 3.02 A. B. �RODUCTS MATERIALS Concrete Matezials 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 15Q Type � or ��I, gray color 2. Aggregates: ASTM C33 3. Water: Pot�ble 4. Admixtures: Shall not contain calcium chloride or chloz7ide ions k'ASRICATION LTnless specified otherwise, conform to PCI NINL-116. A11 U-lintel waits 14 feet in overall length and shorter shall be made of concrete with a minimum strength af 3500 psi at 28 days. All U-lintel units exceeding 14 feet in overall length shall be made of concrete with a minimum strength of 6000 psi at 28 days and shall be pre-stressed concrete. All sill wnits shall be made o£ concrete with a miniznum strength of 3000 psi at 2S days. All units shall be sand block finish except pre-stressed, 6" wide, and 12" wide U-lintels shall be smooth form finished. Tolerances shall be per PCI MNL-116. Minor patching in plant is acceptable provided structural adequacy of units is not impaired. EXECUTION FURNTSHING Furnish to the concrete rnasonry unit installer, all units that will be installed as part of the work of that section. PROT�CTTON Protect all stored and installed units from job site debris and impact. Units damaged during storage shall be replaced if beyond repair to restore its structwal adequacy, END OF SECTION 03320 PRECAST CONCRETE U-LINTE�,S AND SILLS 03320- 2 of 2 � , McCarthy and Associates 12.09 SECT��N Oa200 UN�T MASONRY Pier 60 Restroorn Addition PARTI. GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUM�NTS A. Drawin�s and general provisions vf Contract, including General and Supplexnentary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply this Section. 1.�2 SCOPE OF WORK A. Provide labor, material, equipment and perform operat�ons necessary for, and incidentaI to, erection of nnasonry work. B. Related sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this section: 1. Division 3 section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" C. Products instal]ed but not £urnished under this Section include the following: 1. Steel lintels in unit masonry are speci�ed in Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrication". 2. Wood nailers and blocking built into unit masonry are specified in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry". 3. Reglets in masonry joints far meial £lashing are specified in Division 7 Section Flashing and Sheet Metal". 4. Hollow metal frames in wn.it masonry openings are specified in Division 8 Section "Steel Doors and Frames". 5. Hollow metal frames in unit masonry openings are specified in Division $ Section "Custom Hollow Metal Work". 6. Sealants 1.03 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Pravide unit masonry that develops the following installed compressive strengths (Fm): 1. Fm = 15Q0 psi on net area. 1.D4 SUBMITTA�,S A. Submit for review, manufacturers literature and/or drawings of material that is pre- fabricated or pre-assembled. 1. Product data for each different masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured product indicated. 2. Shop drawings for reinforcing detailing fabrication, bending, and placement of unit rnasonry rein%rcing bars. Comply with ACI 315 "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcing" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, diagrams of bent bars, and arrangement of masonry reinforcement. 3. Submitted shop drawi�gs must be checked and signed by the General Contractor. � UNIT MASONRY � 04200-1 of 12 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 1.05 � � Pier 60 Resiroom Addition � 4_ Matenial certificates signed by manufacturer and Contzactor certifying that each type o� masonry unit complies with requirements speci�ied in referenced unit masonry starxdard, including fire perFormance characteristics. 5_ Hot weather construction procedures evidencing compliance with rec�uirements specified in referenced unit masonry standard. 6. Results from tests and inspections performed by �wner's representatives will be reported promptly and in wa�ting to Architect atxd Contractor. QUALZTY ASSURANCE Unit masonry standard: ACI 530.1/ASC� 6"Specifications for Masonry Structures". B. Fire performance characteristics: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to those of assemblies whose firc resistar�ces has been determined per ASTM E 119 by a testing and inspecting organization, by equivalent concrete masonry thickness, or by other means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. D, E 1,06 n Single source responsibility for masonry units: Obtain mortar ingredients of uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, �rora the manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source and producer for each aggregate. The contra.ctor sliall retain a qualified testing laboratary to perform the following tests: 1 ►.1 Sample and test grout in accordance with ASTM C1019 for each 5000 square foot of masonry. Slump tests - ASTM C 143. When requested by the Architect/Engineer, a quali�ed testing laboratory shall be retained to perforzn masonry prism test in accordance with ASTM E447, Method B, modified as follows: 1. Prisms shall be stack bond, one unit long and thick with a full mortar bed. 2. Limit height/thickness ratio from 1.33 - S.pO 3. Provide a minimum of one joint. One set of three (3) prisms prior to construction and duz�ing construction for each 5000 square feet of wall. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND �-IANDLING Deliver masonry material to project in undamaged condition. B. Store and handle masonry units off the graund, under cover, and in a dry location to prevent their deteriorativn or dama�e due to moisture, temperaxure changes, � contaminants, corrosion, and other causes. If units become wet, do not place uutil units are in an air-dried condition. C. Store cementitious materials off the ground, under cover, an�d in dry location. D. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. UNIT MASONRY 04200-2 af 12 � � C� r C� ' McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition E. 5tore znasonry accessories including metal items to prevent corrosion and � accumulation of dirt and oil. 1.�7 PROJECT CONDITIONS � � ' � � � i ' � � , � � � A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. PART 2 z.oi Protection of masonry: During erection, cover tops of �+alls, projecdons, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. �actend cover ta minimum af 24 inches down both sides and hold cover securely in place. Where one wytlie of multi-wythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other vc�ythes, secure cover a minimum of 24 inches down face next to unconstructed wythe and hold cover in place. Do not apply uniform �loor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or columns. Stain prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil fram staining the face af masonry to be left exposed or painted. Remove immediately any grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such masonry. Protect base of walls from rain splashed mud and morta.r splatter by means of covering spread on ground and over wall surFace. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. Protect surFaces of window and daor frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finish from mortax droppings. Hot weather consWcti�n: Cornply with referenced unit masonry standard. GENERAL MATERIALS - GENERAL A. Comply with referenced unit rnasonry standard and other requirements specified in this Section applicable to each materia] indicated. 2_02 CONCRETE MASQNRY UNITS A. General: Comply with requirements indicated below applicable to each form of concrete masonry required. B. Masonry Units for Fire-Rated Wa11s 1. Provide fire-rated units which are rated product af manufacturer listed in latest revision of buildung materials list, puhlished by UL. Zn lieu of above rating, tumish fire resistive units on basis of examination, tests and report by nataonally recognized testing agency acceptable to goveming authorities and codes having jurisdiction. Report must state that units proposed to be fiunished are equivalent in fire rating to those products furnished by producers in above UL buildiz�g materials list. , UNIT MASONRY ' 04200-3 aF 12 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier b0 Restroom Addition C. Size_ Provide concrete masonry units coxnplying with requirements indicated below for size that are manu:Factured to specified face dimensions within tolerances specified in the applicable referenced ASTM specification for concrete masonry units. D. Concrete masonry units: Manufactured to speci�ed dimensions of 3/8 inch less than nominal widths by nominal heights by nominal lengths indicated on drawings. E. F. G H. 2.03 A. B. C. D_ E. F. G. H. 2.04 Provide Type II, non-moisture controlled units. Exposed faces: Manufacturer's standard color and texture, ur�less otherwise indicated. Hollow load-bearing concrete masonry units� ASTM C 90, Grade N and as £ollows: 1. Unit compressive strength: �rovide units with minimum average net area compressive strength indicated below. Not less than the unit compressive strengths required to produce concrete unit masonry construction of compressive strengtl� indicated. 2. Use inspection and cleanout holes at bottom of wall reinforced vertical cells for grouting lifts over S feet high. Cleanout holes should be 3" minimum, see ACI 530.1-02, Section 3.2F. See grout space requirexnents for various grout pour laeights in ACI 530.1-02, Sectzon 3.SC with Table 7. See Florida Building Code page 35.1 Weight classification: Normal weight MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS Mortat - Type M or S Grout - 25QU psi at 28 days Portland cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II. Provide natural color. Ready-zt�ixed mortaz: Cementitious znaterials, water, and aggregate complying with requirements specified in this article, combined with set control�ing adrnixtures to produce a ready-rnixed mortar complying with ASTM C 27�. Hydrated lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. Aggregate for mortar: ASTM C 144, except for joints less tharx 1/4 inch use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing the No. 16 sieve. Aggregate for grout: ASTM C 4�4. Water: Clean and potable. REINFORCING ST'�EL A. Genera.l: Provide reinforcing steel complying with requirements of referenced unit masonry standard and this article, formed from the following: 1. Galvanized carbon steel wir�, coating class as required by referenced unit masonry standard for application indicated. UNIT MASONRY 04200-4 of 12 u ' McCarthy and Associates 12.�9 �'ier 60 Restroom Addition B. Descriptapn: Welded wire units prefabricated with deformed continuous side rods and � plain cross rods into straight lengths of not less than 1 Q feet, with prefabricated corner an tee units, �nd complying with t-equirements indicated below: 1. Wire diameter fpr side rods: 0.1483 inch (9 gage). ' � , � � � � i� �, � � � � � r ' C� ��, J �'or single wythe masonry provide type as follows with single pair of side rods: Ladder design with perpendicular cross rods spaced not more than 16 inches O.C. For multi-wythe masonry provide type as follows: 1_ Ladder design with perpendicular cross spaced not moze than 16 inches O.C. 2. Number o£ side rods for multi wyChe concrete masonry: One side rod for each face shell of hollow mason�ry units more than 4 inches or less in nominal width. E. Tab design with single pair of side rods and rectangular box-type cross ties spaced not rnore than 16 inches O.C., with side rods spaced for embedment within each face shell of backup wythe and ties extended to en�a�e the outer wythe by at least 1-1/2" inches. � � 2.05 A. B. C. Use units with adjustable two piece rectangular ties where horizontal joints of fa.cing wythe do not align with those of backup by more tharx and where indicated. Available manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering joint reinforcement that may be incorporated in the work inelude, but are not limited to, the following: 1. AA Wixe Products/Hohmann & Baznard, Inc. 2. Dur-O-WaI, Inc. 3. Masonry Reinforcing Corporation of America 'T.[ES AND ANCHORS General: 1'rovide ties and anchors specified in subsequent articles that comply with requirements far metal and size of reference unit masvnry standaxd and this article. Galvanized carbon steel wire: ASTM A 82, coating class as required by referenced ur�it masonry standard for application indicated. Wire diazneter: 0.1875 inch. � D. Gralvanized heavy thickness steel sheet: ASTM A 63S (comrnercial quality) hot-rolled carbon steel sheet hot-dip galvanized after fabrication to comply with ASTM A 525, Class S3, far rigid anchors fabricated from steel sheet or strip with a thickness of 0.180 inch and greater. �. Steel plates and bars: ASTM A 36, hot dipped galvanized to comply with ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153, Class B3, as applicable to size and form indicated. U1VIT MA.SONRY 04200-5 of 12 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroorn Addition F. Available znanufacturers: Subject to compliance witla requireznents, znanufacturers offering products that zttay be incorporated in the work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Dur-O-WaI, Inc. 2. Heclanan Building Products, Inc_ 3. Hohmann &. Bamard, Xnc. 2.06 A. B. C. 2.07 WORK A. B. 2.08 A. I 3���J/ _ I.�� l l I l I�•� Individual units prefabricated frozn bent wire to cornply wfth requirernents indicated below: 1. Tie shape for hollow masonry unfts laid with cells vertical: Rectangular with closed ends and not less than 4 inches wide. T}+pe for masonry where coursing between wythes align: Unit ties bent from one piece of wire. Type for nnasonry where coursing between wythes does not align: Adjustable ties composed of two parts, one with pintles, the ather with eyes, maxiznum rnisalignment 1-1/4 inches. ADJU5TABLE ANCHORS FOR CONNECTING MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL General: Twv piece assemblies as descnibed below allowing vertical or honizontal difFerential znovernent between wa11 and framework parallel to plana of wal1, but resisting tension and compression forces perpendicular to it. For anchorage to concrete fiamework, provide manufacturer's standard with dovetail anchor section fornned from sheet metal and triangular shaped w:ire ties section seized to extend within 1 rnch of masonry facc and as follows: 1. Wire diameter: 0.1875 inch MISCELLANEOUS ANCHORS Unit type masonry inserts in concrete: Cast iron ox malleable iron inserts of type and sized indicated_ B. Dovetail slots: Fumished dovetail slots, with filler strips, or slot size indicated, fabricated from 0.0336 inch (22 gage) sheet metal. 2.09 PQST-INSTALLED ANCHORS A. A.nchors as described below, with capacity to sustain, witlxout failure, load amposed within factors of safety indicated, as determined by testing per ASTM E 488, cvnducted by a quali�ied independent testing laboratory. 1. Type: Chemical anchors Z. Type: Expansion anchors UNIT MA.SONRY 04200-6 0� 12 ' , McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition � B, Corrosion protection: Carbon steel components zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn S(5 microns) for Class SC 1 service condition (mild). r � , � � �J ' � 1 � ' � CJ ' 1 r C. � 2.10 For cast-in-place and post-installed anchors in concrete: Capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 4 times loads imposed by masonry. For post-installed anchors in grouted concrete masonry uraits: Capability ta sustain, without failure, a laad equal to 6 times loads imposed by masonry. MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESS�RIES A. Non-metallic expansion joint strips: Pre-molded filler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Type 2(closed cell), Class A(cellular rubber and rubber-like materials with specific resistance to petroleum base oils), Grade 1(compression deflection xange of 2-5 psi), compressible up to 35 percent, of width and thickness indicated, formulated from the following material: I� C. 2.11 A. B. 1, Neoprene 2. Urethane 3. polyvinyl chlaride Pre-fornned cantrol jpint gaskets: Materials as indicated below, designed to fit staixdard sash hlock and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall; size and configuration as indicated. 1. Styrene-Buta.diene rubber compound: ASTM D 2000, Designation 2AA-8Q5 2. I'olyvinyl Chloride: ASTM D 2287, General Purpose Grade, Type PVC- 65406 Bond breaker strips: Asphalt saturated organic roo�ing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I(No. 1 S aspbalt felt). MASONRY CLEANERS Job mixed detergent solution: Solution of trisodium phosphate (1/2 cup dry measure) dissolved in one gallan of water. Job mixed muriatic solution: Solutian of 1 part muriatic acid and 10 parts clean water, mixed in a non-metallic container with acid added to water. C. Proprietary acidic cleaner: Manufacturer's sta.ndard strength, general purpose cleaner designed for removing mortar/grout stains, efflorescence, and other new construction stains frorn new masonry surfaces of type indicated below without discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces; expressly approved for intended use by manufacturer of masonry units being cleaned. D. For masonry not subject to metallic oxidation stains, use formulation cansisting of a concentrated blend of surface acting acids, cheating, and wetting agents. E. For masonry subject to metallic axidation stains, use fqrmulation consisting of a liquid blend of org,anic and rnorganic acids and special inhibitors. UNIT MASONRY 04200-7 of 12 McCarthy and Associates 12_D9 Pier 60 Restroom Addition F. Available products: Subject to compliance with rec�uirements, a product that may be used to clean until masonry surfaces includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. "Sure Klean. No_ 600 Detergent", ProSaCo, Inc. 2. "Sure Klean No. 101 Lime Solvent", ProSoCo, Inc. 3. "Sure Klean Vana Trol", PraSoCo, Inc. 2_12 A. S. C. f7 2.13 A. PART 3 3.OI A_ I� C. 3.02 A. � C. MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES General: Do not add admixtures including coloring pigrnents, air-entraining agents, antifreeze compounds, or admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. Do not use calcium chloride in martar or grout. Procedures of ASTM C780 is to be used to test and evaluate mortar and establish pre- construction datum and quality control testing for types of xnortar indicated below: 1_ Type M or S Grout for unit masonry: Comply with ASTM C 476 and referenced unit masonry standard. SOURCE QUALITY CONTR�L Concrete masonry unit tests: For each type, class, and �rade of concrete masonry unit indicated, units will be tested by qualified independent testing laboratory for strength, absorption, and moisture content per ASTM C 140, if required by Architect. EXECUTXON EXAMINATION �xamine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements �or installation tolerances and other specific conditions, and other conditions affecting performance of unit masonry. Examine rough-in and built-in construction to verify actual locations of piping connections prior to installation. Do not praceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATJON - GENERAL Mix mortar and grout in power dziven, druzn type mixers. Operate mixer a minimum of 5 xninutes after addition of all materials_ Comply with referenced unit masonry standard an.d other rnasonry construction to the full thiclrness showcx. Suild single vvythe walls to the actual thiekness of the masonry units, usin$ units of nozninal thickness indicated. Build chases and recesses as shovem or required to accommodate items specified in this and other sections of the specifications. Provide not less than 8 inches of masonry between chase or recess and jamb of openings and between adjacent chases and recesses. Coordinate masonry with a11 adjacent work of otl�er trades. UNIT MASONRY 0�200-8 of 12 ' � C� ' McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition � D. Leave openings for equipment to be installed before completion of masonry. After installation of equipment, complete masonry to match construction immediately adjacent to the opening. � II L� ' ' � ' 1 ' I� � �i � C JI � �J � �. F G. 3.03 A. 3.04 Cut masonry units with motor driven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Cut units as required to provide continuous pattern and to fit adjoining constructions. Use full size units without cutting where possible. Matching existing masonry: Where applicable, match coursing, bonding, color, and texture of new masanry with existing masonry. Do not use masonry units with chips, cracks, voids, discalorations or other defects. CONSTRUCTI�N T�LER.ANCES Comply with constructian tolerances of ACI 530 or N.C.M.A. LAYING MASONRY WALLS A. Layout wa.11s in advance for accurate spacfng of surface bond patterns with uniform joi�t widths and for accurate locating of openings, movement type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid the use of less-than-half-size units at corners, jambs, and where passible at other locations. � C� Lay up wa11s ta comply with specified construction tolerances, with courses accurately spaced and coordinated with other construction. Bond pattem for exposed masonry: Lay exposed masonry in the following bond pattern; do not use units with less than norninal 4 inch horizontal face dimensions at comers or jambs. 1. One half runnin� bond with vertical joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below. D. Lay concealed masonry with a11 units in a vaythe in running bond or bounded by lapping not less than 2 inches. Sond and interlock each course of each wythe at comers. Do not use units with less than nominal 4 inch horizontal fa.ce dimensions at � corners or jambs. E. Stopping and resuming work: In each course, rack back 1/2 unit length for one-half running bond or 1/3 unit length for one -third running bond; do not toath. Clean exposed suriaces of set masonry, wet clay masonry units lightly (if required), and remove loose masonry units an.d mortar pzior to laying fresh masonry. F C� Re-temper mortaz as necessary to keep plastic. Use no mortar after setting has begun or after 2 1/2 hours of initial mixing. Built-in work: As canstruction progresses, built-in items specified under this and other sections of the specifications. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. H. Fill space between hollow metal frames and rnasonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. UNIT MASONRY 0�2QQ-9 of 12 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 K. 3.05 ' Pier 60 Restroom Addition , Wtxere built-in items are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of inetal lath in the joint below and rod mortar or grout into core. Fill cores in hollow concrete masonry units with grout 3 courses (24 inches) under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. Reinforced vertical concrete blocks cells, grouting solid where indicated on plan. MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING A. Lay hollow concrete masonry units as follows: With full mortar coverage on horizontal and vertical face shells_ Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and in all courses of piers, columns, and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be filled with gmut. For starting course on footings where cells aze not grouted, spread out full mortar bed including areas under cells. 3.06 HORIZ�NTAL JOINT REINFQRCEMENT � � � � , A. General; Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcement as indicated. Install longitudinal side rods in mortar for their entire length with a minimum cover of 5/8 � inch of exterior side of vvalls, 1/2 inch elsewhere. Lap reinforcing a minimuun of 6 inches, B. Cut or interrupt joint reinforcemenC at control and expansion joints, unless otherwise , indicated. C. Provide continuity at comers and wall intersections by use of prefabricated "L" and ' "T" sections. Cut and bed reinforcement units as directed by rnanufacturer for continuity at returns, offsets, column fireproofing, pipe enclosures, and other special conditions. � 3.07 /� 3.08 Provide horiwntal joint reinforcement at doors and windows for iirst and second block course above and below apertures. Run reinforcing cantinuous or extend two feet from aperture edge. ANCHORING MASONRY TQ STRUCTURAL MEMBERS Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural membexs to comply with the following: 1. Provide an open space not less than 1 inch in width between masonry and structural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar or other rigid materials. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members with flexible anchors eznbedded in masonry joints and attached to structure. 3. Space anchors as indicated, but not more than 24 inches o.c. vertically and 26 inches o.c. horizontally. MOVEMENT (CONTROL AND EXPANSION) JOINTS A. General: Install control and expansion joints in unit masonry where indicated. Build in related items as masonry progresses. Do not forna a continuaus span through moveraent joints urxless pmvisions are rnade to prevent in-plane restraint o£ wall or partition movement. UNIT MASONRY 04200-10 of 12 1 1 ' � ' , � ' , ' ' �l 1 ' ' C� , McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition B. Form control joints in concrete masonry as follows: 1. Fit bond breaker strips on in ends of block units on one side of control joint. Fill the joint with mortar and rake joints in exposed faces. 3.09 /:1 LINTELS Install steel lintels vvhere indicated. B. Provide masonry lintels where shown and wherever openin�s of mare than 1'-0" for brick size uraits and 2'-0" for block size units aze shown without structural steel or other supporting lintels. Provide reinforced precast concrete lintels. Cure precast lintels before handling and installation. C� 3.10 Pravide minirnurn bearing of S inches at each jamb, unless otheruvise indicated. INSTALLATION OF RETNFORCED IJNIT MASQNRY A. General: Install reinforced unit masonry to comply wlth requirements or referenced unit masonry standazd. B. Temporary formworlc: Construct formwork and shores to support rein£orced masonry eleznents during constrc►ction. Contractor is completely zespansible for the proper design and construction of all temporary %rrns and bracit�g. C. Construct formvvork to conform to shape, line, and dimensions shown. Malre sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of morkar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to maintain positivn and shape during construction and curing of reinforced masonry. D. E. 3.11 A. B. C. Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained suf�icient strength to resist grout pressure. Do not remove forms and shares until reinforced masonry members have hardened sufficiently to carry th�eir own eveight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction. REPAIRING, POINTING, AND CLEANING Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or othe�rvvise damaged or if units do not match adjoining units. Install nevc� units to rnatch adjoining units and in fresh mortar or grput, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacernent. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge any voids or holes, except weep holes, and campletely fill with mortar. Point up all joints including corners, openings, and adjacent construction to pmvide a neat, uniform appearance, prepared for application of sealants. Final cleaning: After rnortax is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: , UNIT MAS�NRY 1 042�0-11 of 12 McCarthy and Associates 12.04 Ir7 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1_ Remove large mortar particles by hand with vvooden paddles and non-metallic scrape h�es or chisels. 2, Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave 1/2 panel uncleaned fox comparison purposes. Obtain Architect's approval of sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. 3. Protect adjacent stone and non-masonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyethylene #�ilm, or waterproof masking tape. 4_ Wet all surfaces �rith water prior to application of cleaners; remove cleaners prornptly by rinsing thoroughly with clear water. S. Clean concrete masonry by means of cleaning methad indicated in N.C.M.A. TEK 45 applicable to type of stain present on exposed surfaces. Protection: Provide final protection and maintain conditions, iaa a manner acceptable to Installer, that ensure un�it xnasonry is vvithout damage and deteriora.tion at time oi substantial completion. END OF SECT14N D4200 UNIT MASONRY 04200-12 of 12 ' 1 ' I� ' ' � , ' 1 , I� 1 , 1 ' , APA 12.09 SECTXON OSS21 - P��E RAILINGS f7�t��tl �U �1:7:\ 11 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Aluminunn pipe railings. Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.2 PERFORMANCE REQU�REMENTS A. Structural Performance: Provide railings capable of withstanding the effects o£ gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under canditions indicated: 1. Top Rails of Guards: a Uniform load of SQ lbf/ ft. applied in any direction. b. Concentrated load of 2001bf applied in any direction. c. Uniform and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. 2. Infill af Guards: a. Concentrated load of SO lbf applied horizontally an an area o� 1 sq. ft.. b. Uniform load of 25 lbf/sq. ft. applied horizontally. c. Infill load and other loads need not be assumed tn act concurrently. B. Control of Coxrosion: Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by i:nsulating nrietals and other materials fram direct contact with incompatible materials. 1.3 SUSMITTALS A. Product Data: For grout and anchoring cement. B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. 1. For installed products indicated to comply with design loads, include siructural analysis data signed and sealed by the quali�ied professional en�neer responsible for their preparation. C. Samples: For each exposed finish required. D. Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency, according to ASTM E 894 and ASTM E 935. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MAN-[TFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to comxpliance with requirenn�nts, zzianufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Aluminum l�ipe Railings: a. AlumaGuard Corp. b. ATR Technologies, Inc. c. Blum, Julius & Co., Inc. d. Braun, J. G., Company; a division of the Wagner Cornpanies. e. CraneVeyor Corp. f. Hollaender Manufacturing Company. g. Moultrie Manufacturing Comparry. h. Pisor IndusGries, Inc. i. Sterling Dula Architectwal Products, Inc. j. Superior Aluminum Products, Inc. k. Thompson Fabnicating, LLC. 1. Tubular Specialties Manufacturing, Inc. m. Tuttle Alurninum & Bronze. , PIPE RAILINGS [J U5521 - 1 df 2 APA 1a.o� Pier 60 Restroom Addition n. Wagner, R& B, Inc.; a division of thc Wagner Companies. 2.2 METALS A. Brackets, Flanges, and Anchors: Cast or formed metal o� same type of material and finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated. B. Aluminum: Provide alloy and temper recammended by alutninum producer and finisher for type of use and finish indicated, and with not less than the strength and durability properties of alloy and temper designated below for each aluminum form xequired. 1. E�a-uded Struciural Pipe: ASTM S 429, Alloy 6063-T6. 2.3 MISC'ELLANEOUS MATER�ALS A. Welding Rods and Sare Electrodes: Select according to AWS specifications for metal alloy welded. B. Grout and Anchoring Cement: Factory-packaged, nonshrink, nonnaetallic graut complying with ASTM C l 107; or water-resistant, nonshrink anchoring cement; recommended by manufactwer for extex�or use. 2.4 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate railings to comply with design, dirnensions, and details indicated, but not less than that requu-ed to support structwal laads. B. Welded Connections: Cope components at conneci�ons to provide close fit, or use fittings designed for this purpose. Weld all around at connecCions, including at fittings. C. Foma changes in direction by bending. D. Forna cuirves by bending in jigs to produce uniform curvature; maintain cross section of rnernber throughout bend without cracking or otherrvise defonning exposed surfaces. E. Close exposed ends of railing memhers with pxefabricated end fittings_ 2.5 F'IIVISHES A. Aluminum: 1. Class I, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A41 conzplying with AAMA 611. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Perform cuttang, drilling, and fitting required for installing railings. Set railings accurat�:ly in loeation, aligx�ment, and elevation. l. Set posts plumb within a tolerance of 1/16 inch in 3�'eet. 2. Align rails so variatians frozn level for hor�zontal members and variations from parallel with rake of steps and ramps for sloping membezs do not exceed 1/4 inch in 12 feet. B. Coat concealed suxfaces of aluminwnn that will be in contact with grout, concrete, masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals, with a heavy coat of bituminous paint. C. Anchor posts in concrete by inserting into formed or core-drilled holes and grouting annular space. D. Adjusting and Cleaning: 1. Immediately afler erection, clean £'ield welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop painting. 2. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean #'ield welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas and repair galvanizing to cornply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION 05521 PIPE RAILTNGS OS521 - 2 of 2 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' , ' ' � ' 1 � �� ' , APA 12.09 SECTION U6100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Incl�des: 1. Framing with dimension lumber. 2. Framing with engineered wood products. 3. Wood blocking and nailers. PART 2 - PIiODUCTS Pier b0 Restroom Addition 2.1 WOOD PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of gading agencies indicated. If no grading agency is indicated, provide lumber that complies with the applicable rules of any rules-writing agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review. Provide lumber gaded by an agency certified by the AX.SC Board of Review to inspect and grade lumber under the niles indicated. 1. Factory mark each piece o£ lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. 2. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. 2.2 WOOD-PRESERVATIVE-TREATED LUMBER A. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: Use Category UC3b for exterior constructio n not in contact with the ground. 1. Prese�rvative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and contain�ing no arsenic or chromium. B. Kiln�ry lumber after trea�nent to a maarimurn moisture content of l9 pexcent. Do not use rnaterial that is warped or that does not comply with requirements for untreated material. C. Mark lumber with treatrnent quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the ALSC Baard of Review. D_ Application: Treat all rough carpentry unless otherwise indicated. 1. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equi�xnent support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. 2. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking and similar concealed members iva contact with masonry or concrete. 2.3 DIMENSION LUMBER FRAMING A. Fra�m�in� Other 'I'lnan Non-Load-Bearing Interior Paxtitians: Construction or No_ 2 grade. 1. Application: Fra�xaing other than interior pac�tions. 2. Species: a. Southern pine; SPIS. b. Douglas fir-south; WWPA. c. Hem-fir; WCLTB ar WWPA. B. Exposed Framing: Provide material hand-selected for uniformity of appearance and freedom from chazacteristics, on exposed surfaces and edges, that would impair finish appearance, including decay, honeycomb, la�ot-holes, shake, splits, torn grain, and wane. 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER A. General: Provide miscellaneous lwnber indicated and lumber for support or attachment of other construction, including the following: 1. Slocking. 2. Nailers. ' ROUGH CARPENTRY , 061 �0 - 1 of 2 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 3. Crrounds. B_ For iCems of dimension lumber size, provide Standard, Stud, or No_ 3 grade lumber of any species. z.s A. S. 2.6 A. B. C. D. FASTEN�RS General: Provide fasteners of sixe and type indicated that comply with requizements specified in this article for material and manufacture. Power-Driven Fasteners: NES NER-272. METAL FRAMING ANCHORS Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide product indicated on Drawings or comparable product by one of the following: 1. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. 2. USP Structural Connectors. Allowable Design Loads: Provide products with allowable design loads, as published by manufacturer, that meet or exceed those indicated. Manufacturer's published values shall be deternuned from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing agency. Metal &aming anchors sk�all be stainless steel. Galvanized-Steel Sheet: Hot-dip, zino-coated steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M, G60 (Z180) coating designation. 1. iJse for interior locations unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTIQN 3.1 YNSTALLATI�N, GENERAL A. Set rough caspentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. Fit rough caipentry to other construction; scribe and cope as neaded for accurate #"it. Locate nailers, blockiz�g, grounds, and similar supports to comply with requirements for attachin.g other construcaon. B. Framing Standard: Comply with AFBcPA's WCD 1, "Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction," unless otherwise indicated. C. Metal Fratninig Anchors: Install metal framing anchors to comply �vith manufacturer's w�tten instxuctions. Install fasteners through ea�h fastener hole. D. Comply with AWPA M4 for applying �ield treatment to cut surfaces of preservative-treated lumber. E. Where wood-preservative-treated luznber is installed adjacent to metal deckin�g, install continuous tlexible flashing separator between wood and metal decking. END OF SECTYON Q6100 1-3�llt�i�[�1:�'�' � �1 0610� - 2 of 2 ' ' ' ' APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition SECTXON UG160 — SHEATHING , PART1-GENERAL � 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Roof sheathing. 2. Sheathing joint and penetration treahnent. � PART 2 - PRODiJCTS � 2.1 WOOD PANEL �RODUCTS A. Plywood: DFPA CD r�vith ��cterior glue. ' 2.2 ROO�' SHEATHXNG A. Plywoal Roof Sheathing: DFPA CD with exterior glue. , z.3 �'ASTENERS A. General: Provide fasteners of size and iype indicated that �oznply with requirements specified in this azticle for rnaterial and manu#'acture. ' 1. For roof sheathing, provide fasteners of Type 304 stainless steel. PART 3 - ERECUTION � 3.1 INSTALLATI�N, GENERAL A. Do not use rnatcrials with defects that impair quality of sheathing or pieces thak are too small to use with minimu�m number of joints or optimum joint arrangement. Arrange joints so that � pieces do not span between �ewer than three support members. B. Cut pauels at penetrations, edges, and other obstructions of work; fit tightly against abutting construction unless otherwise indicated. C. Securely attach to substrate by fastening as indicated in Structura� Specifications. , D. Coordinate roof sheathing installation with flashing and joint-sealant installation so these materials are installed �i.r� sequence and manner that prevent extez�ior moisture :f.rom passi.tag through completed assembly. ' END OF SECTION 06160 ' ' ' � � SHEATHING 06160 - 1 of 1 , ' ' McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition SECTION 06192 �REFABRICATED METAL-PLATE-CONNECTED WU�D TRUSSES PART 1 GENERAI� 1.0 ] RELAT'�D DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of contract, including general and supplementary conditions and Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A. SCQPE OF WORK 1. Provide all labor, materials, equipment and services for fabrication, delivery, unload and store in locations directed and erect all wood trusses shov�rn and specified to include the following: a. Gahle-sha.ped trussas. b. Hip and girder trusses at hip ends of roof. c. Scissors trusses. d. Monopitch trusses. e. Parallel chord a x 2�wood trusses. f. Piggy back trusses. B. Related work not specified under this subdivision: 1. Roof sheathing is specified in Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry" or on the structural drawings. 2. Setting anchor bolts, cast-in-concrete or masonry. 3. Pressure treated lumber. 1.03 DEFINITIQNS A. Prefabricated metal-plate-conneeted wood trusses include planar structural units consisting of rnetal-plate-connected members that axe fabricated frozn dimension lumber and that have been cut and assernbled prior to delivery to the project site. 1.04 QUALITY ASSUR.ANCE A. Applicable Publication 1. Western Wood Products Association Publication: Standard Grading Rules Far Western Lumber. 2. National Forest Products Association Publication: National Design Specifrcation for Stress Graded Lumber and its Fastenings 3. West Coast Lumber Inspec�ion Eureau Standards: Standard Grading and Dressing Rules for pouglas Fir, West Coast Hemlock, Sitlur Spruce, White Fir, and Western Red Cedar Lumber, No. 16 4. Southem Pine Inspection Bureau: Standard Gradrng Rules for Southern Pine Lumber 5. Southem Forest Products Association. PRE-FAS METAL PLATE C�NNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-1 of 5 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition B. TPI Standards: Camply with applicable requirements and recommendations of the following Truss Plate Institute (TPI) publicatians: 1_ "Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses." 2. "Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Parallel Chord Wood Trusses." 3. "Co�nmentary and Recornrnendations for Handling and Erecting Wood Trusses." 4. "Commentary and Recommendations for Bracing Wood Trusses." 5, "Quality Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses." C. Connector Plate Manufacturer's Qualifications: A rnanufacturer that is a member of TPI and that complies with TPI quality control procedures for manufacture of connectpr plates published in TPI "Quality Standard for Metal Connector Plate Manufacture." D. Wood Structural Design Standard: Comply with applicable �quirements of N.F.P.A. "Natianal Design Specification for Wood Construction." E. Single-Souarce Engineexing Responsibility_ Provide trusses engineered by the metal plate connector manufacturer to support superimposed dead and live loads indicated, with design approved and certified by a qualified professional engineer. F. Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer legally authorized to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and experienced in providing engineering services oF the kind indicated that have resulted in the installation of znetal-plate-connected wood trusses siznilar to those of this Project a.nd with a record of successful in-service perFormance. G. Fabricator's Qualifications: A firm that complies with the following requirernents for quality control and is experienced in prefabricating metal-plate-connected wood trusses similar to those of this �'roject that have a record of successful in-service perfozxnance: H. 1.05 I�] Fabricator participates in a recognized quality assurance program that involves inspection by SPIB; Timber Products Inspectiozx, Inc.; Truss Plate Institute; or other independent inspection and testing agency acc�ptable to Architect and authorities having jurisdiction. Single Source Responsibility for Canaaector Plates: Provide metal connector plates fram a single manufacturer. SUBMITTALS Product data for leunber, metal connector plates, hardware, fabrication pxocess, and fasteners. B. Shop drawings indicating species, species group, sizes, and stress grades of lumber to be used; pitch, span, camber, configuration, and spacing for each type of truss required; type, size, material, finish, design values, and location oi metal connector plates; and bearing details. To the extent engineering design considerations are indicated as fabricator's responsibility, include design analysis indicating loading, assumed allowable stress, stress diagrams and calculations, shop drawings and ather information PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-2 of 5 ' ' ' ' McCa.rthy and Associates 12.09 � LJ � CJ r � � � ' ' � � C. D. 1.06 A. 1.07 A. PART 2 Z.O1 A. 2.02 Pier 60 Restroom Addition needed for review thaz have been signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. Product certificate, signed by of�cer of fabricating firm, certifying that metal- plate-connected wood trusses supplied for Project cornply with specified requirements. Submitted shop drawings must be checked and signed by the General Contractor, DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Handle and store trusses with care and comply with rnanufacturer's instructions and TPT recommendations to avoid damage from bending, overturning, or other cause which trusses are not designed to resist or endure. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING Time delivery and erection o£ trusses to avoid extended on-site storage and to avoid delaying work of other trades whose work must follow erection of trusses. PRODUCTS CONNECTOR PLATE MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, rnanufacturers o£fering metal connector plates that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Simpson Strong-Tie Connectors 2. Hughes Manufacturing. 3, Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. 4. Bemax of Florida, Inc. 1�1�►� I :� �I.i A. Factory mark each piece of lumber with type, grade, rnill, and grading agency. B. Lumber Standard: Manufacture lumber to comply with PS 20 "American Soflwood Lumber Standard" and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. C. � D. � � 1. SPTB - Southern Pine Inspection Bureau. Norninal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, manufactured to actual sizes required by PS 20 to comply with requirements indic�ted below: 1. Moisture Content: Seasoned, with 19 percent maximuxn moisturc content at tune of dressing and shipment for sizes 2 inches or less in nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Any species and grade that cornplies with the follawing requirements for species group as defined in Table 8.1a of N.F.P.A National Design Specificatian, for extreme fiber stress in bending "Fb" %r single and repetitive rnembers, and for modulus of elasticity "E": � PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WO�D TRUSSES � 06192-3 of 5 McCarthy and Associates 12.09 2.03 A. B. Z.oa A. � 1'ier 60 Restroom Addition � a. Group II species, "Fb" of 1200 psi for single member use and o� 1400 psi for repetitive member use, and "E" oi 1,600,000 psi. METAL CONNECT�R PLATES General: Fabricate connector plates irom metal complying with requirements indicated in this article_ E�rterior Coastal Areas: Stainless steel, Typa 316Y.. k'ASTENERS General: Provide fasteners o� size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this article £or material and manufacture. 1. With stainless steel connector plates, provide fasteners per AISI Type 304 stainless steel. B, Nails, Wire, Brads, and Staples: �'S FF-N-105. C. Power Driven Fasteners: National Evaluation Report NER-272. D. Wood Screws: ANSI B 18.6.1. E. La� Bolts: ANSZ B18.2.1. F_ Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A; vvith ASTM A 563 hex nuts and where indicated, flat washers. 2.05 n METAL FRAMING ANCHORS General: Provide metal framing anchors of type, size, metal, and finish indicated that comply with requirernents specified including the following: 2. Current Evaluation/Research Reports: Provide products for which reports exist from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that evidence compliance of inetal framing anchors for application indicated with the building code in effect for this Project. 3. Allovvable Design Loads: Provide products for which manufacturer publishes allowable design loads that axe determined from ernpirical data or by rational engineering analysis and that are demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a quali�xed independent testing laboratory. B. Galvanized Steel Sheet_ Steel sheet zinc-coated by hot-dip pracess on continuous lines prior to fabrication to comply with ASTM A 525 for Coating Designation � G60 and with ASTM A 446, Grade A(structural quality); ASTM A 653 (commercial quality); or ASTM A 52'7 (lock-forming quality); as standard with manufactYU-er for type of anchor indicated. 2.06 FAERICATION A. Fabricate metal connector plates ta size, configuration, thickness, and anchorage details required to withstand design loadings for types of joint designs indicated. B. Assemble truss members in design configuration indicated using jigs or other means to ensure uniformity and accuracy of assembly with fiill-bearing joints closely fitted, particularly at peak heel joints, to comply with tolerances specified in TPI "Quality Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses." Position members to produce desigxx camber indicated. C. Connect truss members by means of inetal connector plates accurately located and securely fastened to each side of wood members by means indicated or approved. PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES � i � 06192-4 0� 5 � � McCarthy and Associates 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition PART 3 EXECUTION 3 _ O 1 INSTALLATIQN A. General: Erect and brace trusses to comply with applicable requirements of referenced TPI standards. B. Where trusses do not �t, return them to fabricator and replace with trusses of correct size; do not alter trusses in the �eld. C. Erect trusses with plane of truss webs vertical (plumb) and parallel to each other, located accurately at design spacings indicated. D. Joist trusses in place by means of lifting equipment suited to sizes and types of trusses required, exercising care not to damage truss meznbers or joints by out-of-plane bending or other causes. E_ Anchor trusses securely at all bearing paints to comply with znethods and details indicated. F. Install pezxnanent bracing and related components to enable trusses to maintain design spacing, withstand live and dead loads including lateral loads, and to comply with other indicated requirements. G. Do not cut or remove truss members. END OF SECTION 06192 PRE-FAB METAL PLATE CONNBCTED WOOD TRUSSES 06192-5 of 5 ' I ,. A� � ' � � � � I__1 � � � �� , � r � APA 12.09 SECTI�N 06462 -- HARDIE Ri75TIC TRIM BOARDS PART 1 - GENERAi, 1.1 SiTMMARY A. Section Includes: Pier 60 Aestroorn Addition ].. Fiber cement panels, single,lrim, fascia, moulding and aocessozies, dames Hardie HZ10 Engineered for Climate Siding. 2. Factory-finished fiber cement panels, single, trim, fascia, moulding and accessories, James Hardie HZ10 Engineered for Climate Siding. �.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM D3359 - Standard Test Methad for Measuring Adhesian by Tape Test, Tool and Tape. B. ASTM E136 - Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 degrees C. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01330. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, includi.ng: 1. Prepazation instructiv�ns and recommendations. 2. Storage and hazxdling requirements and recommendations. 3. Installation methods. C. Shop Drawings: Provide detailed drawings of atypical non-standard applications of cementitious siding materials which are outside the scope of the standard details and specifications provided by the manufacturer. D. Selection Samples: For each fin�ish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range af available colors and patterns. E. Verificataon Sanuples: For ea�h finish product spec�ed, iwo sam�ples, minimum size 4 by 6 inches (100 by 150 mm), representing actual product, color, and patterns. 1.4 QUALI'TY ASSURANCE A. Preinstallatian Con.ference: Conduct conference at Project site. B. Installer Qualif�ications: Minimum of 2 years experience with installatian of similar products. C. Mock-Up: Provide a mack-up for evaluation of surface preparation teohniques and application workmanship. , 1. Finish areas designated by Architect 2. Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship, color, and sheen are approved by Architect 3. Refinish mock-up area as �required ta produce acceptable work. ].5 DELIVERY, STORA,GE AND HANDLING A. Store products in manufacture�s unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Store siding flat on a smooth level surt'ace. Protect edges and corners from chippi�z�g. Store sheets under cover and kecp dry prior to installing. C. Store and dispose of salvent-based materials, and materials used with solvent-based materials, in accordance with requirements of lacal authorities having jurisdiction. � HA,RDIE RUSTIC TRIM BOARDS � 06462 - 1 af 4 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restraom Addition 1.6 PROJECT COND�TIONS A. Maintain environunental condi�ions (tezrtperature, humidity, and ventilation) withi.n liz�its recommended by manufacturer for optizz�um results. Do not install products under environ�txzental condirions outside natlnufacturer's absolute limits. 1.7 W A,RRANTY A. Product Wananty: Limited, non-pro-rated product warranty. 1. HardieTrim HZ10 boards for 15 years. B. Finish Wanra�nty: Limited product warranty against manufacturing iinish defects. 1. When used £or its intended pwrpose, properly installed and maintained according to Hardie's published installation insrivctions, 7ames Hardie's ColorPlus fuxish with ColorPlus Technology, for a period of 15 years from the date of purchase: will not peel; will not crack; and will not ckup. �'inrsh warranty includes the coverage for labor and material. C. Workxnanship Warranty: Application limited warranty for 2 years. �ART 2 - PRQDUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER: A. James Hardie Building Products, Inc., La Alameda Suite 400 ; Missian Vieja, CA 92691 Toll �'ree Tel: 866-274-3464; Tel: 949-367-4980 Email: request info (info@jameshardie.com) Web: www.jameshardiecommercial.com B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 TRIM � A. HardieTrim HZ10 5/4 Rustic boards as manufactwed by rames Hardie Building Prac�ucts, Inc. 2.3 FASTEIV�RS A. Wood Framing Fasteners: 1. 4d comrnon corrosion resistant naiIs. 2. Wood Framing: 6d common corrosion resistant nails. 3. Wood �'raming: $d box ring common corrosion resistant nails. 4. Woad Frazz�,ing: 0.089 inch (22 mrn) shank by 0.221 inch (5.6 rnrn) head by 2 inches (51 mrn) corrosion resistant siding nails. 5. Wood �'raming: 0.093 inch (2.4 m�m) shank by 0.222 inch (5.6 rnm) head by 2 inches (51 mm) carrosion resistant siding nails. 6. Wood Framing: 0.093 inch (2.4 mm) shank by 0.222 inch (5.6 mm) head by 2-1/2 inches (64 mrn) corrosion resistant siding nails. 7. Wood Franning: 0.091 inch (2.3 mrn) shanlc by 0.221 inch (5.6 mzn) head by 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) corrosion resistant siding nails. 8. Woad Fratni.txg: 0.091 inch (2.3 rnrn) shank by 0.225 inch (5.7 znm) head by 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) carrosion resistant siding nails. 9. Wood Framing: 0.121 inch (3 mm) shanJc by 0.371 inch (9.4 rnrn) head by 1-1/4 inches (32 mm) carrosion resistant roofing nails. 10. Wood Framing: No. I 1 gauge 1-1/4 inches (32 mm) corrosion resistant roofing nails. 11. Wood Framing: No. 11 gauge 1-1/2 inches (38 mrn) corrasion resistant roofmg nails. 12. Wood Framing: No. X X gauge 1-3/4 inches (44 mm) corrosion resistant roofing nails. LJ � � u � � � HARDIE RUSTIC TRIM BOARDS 06462 - 2 of 4 , � 1 1 APA 12.09 � � � li � � � � � � � � � � Pier 60 R�stroom Addition 2.4 FIlVISHES A_ Factory Primer: Provide factory applied universal pruner. 1. Primer: Factory applied sealer/primer by James Hardie. 2. Topcoat: R.efer to Section 09900 and Exterivr Finish Schedule. B. Factory Finish: Refer to �xt�rior Finish Schedule. 1. Product: ColorPlus Technology by James Hardie. 2. Definition: Factory applied fmish; defined as a�irush applied in the same facility and company that manufactures the siding substrate. 3. Process: a. Factory applied fmish by fiber cement manufacturer in a controlled envixonment within the fiber cement manufacturer's own facility utilizing a rnulti-coat, heat cured finish within one manufacturing process. b. Each finish color nnust have docurnented color match ta delta E of 0.5 or better betweez� product lines, manufacturing lots or production runs as measured by photospectrometer and verified by third party. 4. Protection: Factory applied finish p�rotection such as plastic laminate that is removed once siding is installed. 5. Accessories: Complete fmishing system includes pre-packaged wuch-up kit provided by fiber cement manufacturer. Provide quantities as recommended by manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.] EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. B. If framing preparation is the respoxasibility of another installer, noCify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. C. Norninal2 inch by 4 inch (51 m hy 102 mm) wood framing selected for minimal shrinkage and caznplying with local building codes, including the use of water-resistive barriers or vapor barriers where required. Minimtun 1-1/2 izxches (38 mm) face an.d straight, true, of uniform dimensions and properly aligned. 1. Install water-resislive barriers and claddings to dry sw-�'aces. 2. Repair any punctures or tears in the water-resistive barrier prior ta the installation of the siding. 3. Protect siding from other trades. D. Minimum ZO gauge 3-5/8 inch (92 mm) C-Stud 16 i�nches maximum on center or 16 gauge 3- 5/$ inches (92 mm) GStud 24 inches (610 rnm) maximum on center metal framing complying with local building codes, including the use of water-resistive barriers and/or vapor barriers where required. Minimum 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) face and straight, txue, of uniform dimensions and properly aligned. 1. Install water-resistive barriers and claddings to dry surfaces. 2. Repair any punctures or tears in the water-resistive barrier prior to the installation of the siding. 3. Protect siding from other trades. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean sur�'aces thoroughly prior to installation. B. Prepare surfaces using the metl�ods recommended lry the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. C. Install a water-resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building cade reyuirements. D. The water-resistive barrier must be appropriately installed with penetratron and junctian flashi�ng in accordance with local building cade requirements. � HARDIE RUSTIC TRIM SOARDS � 06462 - 3 oi 4 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restxoom Addition E. Tnstall Engineered £or ClimateTM Hard�ieWrapTM weather barrier in accordance with� local buildang code requirernents. F. Use HardieWrapTM Seam `I'ape and joiz�t and laps. G. Install and HardieWrapTM �lashing, HardieWrapTM Flex �'lashing. 3.3 A. B. C. D. �. F. G, H. I. J. K. � INSTALLATION — HARDIE TRIM HZ� 0 SQARUS Install materials in strict accordance with manu£acturer's installation instructions. Install flashing around all wall openings_ Fasten through trim into structuxal framing or code complying sheathing. Fasteners must penetrate minimum 3/4 inch (19 mm) or full tluclrness of sheathing. Additional fasteners may be required to ensure adequate security. Place �asteners no closer than 3/4 inch (19 mm) and no further than 2 inches (51 mm) from side edge of trim board and no closer than 1 inch (25 mm) from end. Fasten maximum 16 inches (406 mm) on center. Maintain clearance between trim and adjacent finished g�rade. Trim inside corner with a single board trim both side o� corner, Outside Comer Boa.rd Attach Trim on both sides of corner with� 16 gage corrosion resistant finish nail 1/2 inch (13 trim) from edge spaeed 16 inches (406 mm) apatt, weather cut each end spaced minimum 12 inches (305 mm) apart. Allow 1/8 inch gap between trim and siding. Seal gap with hi� quality, paint-able caulk. Shim frieze board as requized to align with corner trim.. Fasten through overlappirng boards. Do not nail between lap joints. Overlay siding with single board of outside cprner board then align second corner board to outside edge of £�irst corner board. Do not fasten HardieTrim boards to HardieTrim boards. Shim fi-ieze board as required to �lign with corner trim. Install Hardiexnim Fascia boards to raiier tails or to sub fascia. 3.4 FIlVISHING A. Finish unprimed siding with a mininnum one eoat high quality, alkali resistant primer and one coat of either, 100 percent acrylic or latex or oil based, exterior grade topcoats or two coats high qualiry alkali resistant 100 percent acrylic or latex, exterior grade topcoat within 90 days of installaiion. Follow paint manu�'acturer's written praduct:recommendation and wnitten application instructions. B. Finish factory primed siding with a minimum of one coat of high quality 100 percent acrylic or latex or oil based exteriar grade paint wikhin 180 days of installation. Follow paint manufacture�s written product recomrnendation and written application instructions. 3.5 PRDTECTIQN A. Protect installed products until completion of project. B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion_ END Ok' SECTIQN 0646z HARDIE RUSTIC TRIM BOARDS 06462 - 4 of 4 � I! � � , � 1 � ApA 12.09 SECTION U6463 — HARDIE SOFFIT �ANELS AND BATTENS PARTI-GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition ]..1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: ]. Artisan Matrix Panel, a cementitious express/reveal jointed panel with accessories. l.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM C834 - Standard Specification for Latex Sealants. B. ASTM C920 - Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. C. ASTM Cl 186 - Standard Specifica�on for Flat Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Sheets. D. ASTM E 8A - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteriskics of Suilding Materials. B. ASTM E119 - Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. F. ASTM E136 - Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at '75� degrees C. G. ASTM E330 - 5tandard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior W indows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure. H. A$TM E331 - Standard '�est Method �or Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls lxy Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. � ]..3 ..-- � � �� � r L� � �� A. B. C. D. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Ma�nufactur�r's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 1. Preparation inshuctions and recommendations. 2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 3. Best Practices Building Guide. 4. Technical data sheet. Shop Drawings: Provide detailed drawings of atypical non-standard applications of cemenlitious siding znaterials which are outside the scope of the standard details and specifications provided by the mauufacturer. Selection Samples: For each fin.ish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colars and patterns. VeriScation Samples: For each fnnish product specified, t�r�o samples, minimum size 4 by 6 inches (lU0 by 150 rnm), representing actual product, color, and patterns. �.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. B. Installer Qualifications: Minimum of 2 years experience with installation of similar products and listed by James Hardie as a JH Preferred Installation Company. C. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluation of sur£ace preparation techniques and application workmanship. 1. Finish areas designated by Architect. 2. Do not proceed with remaining work until worlananship, color, and sheen are approved by Architect. 3. Refinish mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work. � HARDIE SOQFIT PANELS AND BATTENS � Od463 - 1 of 4 APA 12.09 Pier 60 'Restroom Addipon 1.S DELIVERIES, STORAGE AND FTANDLING A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. E. Store siding flat on a smooth level surface. Protect edges and carners from chipping. Store sheets under cover and keep dry prior to installing. C. Store and dispose of solvent-based materials, and materials used with solvent-based materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within liznits recommended by manufacturer for optim�nn results. Do nat install praducts under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Artisan Matrix Panel Lir,nited Product Warranty: 30-year limiCed product warranty against �matxufacturing defects. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Mt�NLTFACTURER: A. James Hardie Building Products, Inc., La Alameda Suite 400 ; Mission Viejo, CA 92b91 Toll Free Tel: 866-274-346�; Tel: 949-367-4980 Email: request info (info@jameshardie.com) Web: www.jameshardiecommercial.cozn B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 Suffits A. Hardie 1/4" non vented in Cedanmill F'inish B. Hardie 1/4" vented in Cedarmill Finish C. Hardie Rustic Battens D. Sealant: .Toint Sealant complying with ASTM C920 Grade NS, Class 25 or higher or a Latex Joint Sealant compying with ASTM C834. 2.3 r•� I: I� FASTENERS Fasteners for Attaching James Hardie Batten Boards: 1. Wood Framiug: Siding nail, 0.092 inch shank by 0.z22 inch HD by 2.5 inches long. 2. Steel Framing: No, 8 by 1-5/8 inch long by 0.323 inch HD ribbed buglehead screw. Fasteners for Attaching Artisan Matrix Panel to Artisan Fumng Strips: Stainless steel 1 inch 16 �auge finish nails. Siding nail, 0_082 inch shank by 0.21 inch HD by 1 inch long. 2.4 FI1vISHES A. Factory Primer: Provide factory applied universal primer. 1. Prizner: Factory applied sealer/primer by James Hardie. 2. Topcoat: Refer to Section 0990p and Exterror Finish Schedule. PART 3 - EXECUTIOIV 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. HARDIE SOOFIT PANELS AND BATTENS 06463 - 2 of 4 � i� , ' APA 12.Q9 � � L.� � � � � �1 � l� �� �� �� I� C � Pier 60 Restroom Addirion If framing preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding. Naminal2 inch by 4 inch (51 m lay 102 mm) wood framing selected for minimal shrinkage and complyi�ng with local building codes, including the use of vvater-resistive barniers or vapor barriers where requized. Minimum 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) face and straight, true, of uniform dimensions and properly aligned. ].. �stall water-resistive barriexs and claddings to dry surfaces. 2. Repair arry punctures or tears in the water-resistive barnier priar to the installation o£ the siding. 3. Protect siding from� other trades. Minimum 20 gauge 3-5/8 inch (92 mnx) C-Stud 16 inches maximurn rnetal framing cornplying with local building codes, including the use of water-resistive barriers and/or vapor barriers vvhere required. Minimurn 1-1/2 inches (38 mm,) face and straight, true, of uniform dimensions and properly aligned. l. Install water-resistive barriers and claddings to dry surfaces- 2. Repair azry pu�zctures or tears in the water-resistive barrier prior to the installation of the siding. 3. Protect srdin� frorn other trades. 3.� �RE�A1tATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly priar to installation. B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manuiacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions. 3.3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. r. K. L. M. INSTALLATION Install materials in strict accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Place fasteners no closer than 3/8 ineh (9.5 mm) from panel edges and 2 inches (51 mm) from panel corners. Install cavity vent strips along the bottom edge of framin$ or sheathirig. Install fiuxing over sheathing attaching to framing members. Apply caulking aver furring. Only apply enough caulking for one panel at a time. Install first panel at t.lae bottom comer working across and up. Ensure panels are square and level_ Fasten bottom half af panel. Apply caulking to horizontal "T" backing ship and insert over top of panel just installed. Install second panel using 1/2 inch (13 mm) spacers at vertical joints. Fasten bottom half of second panel and fuush atta.ching first panel. Install a kacicout flas}vng to deflect water away from the siding at the roof intersection. Tnstall a self-adhering membrane on the wall before the subfascia and trim boards are nailed in place, atxd then install the kickout. Allow minimurn vertical clearance between the bottom edge of siding and any otlaer material in strict accordance with the manufacture�s installation instructions. Maintain clearance between siding and adjacent finished grade. All �ield cut edges shall be pruned or sealed during the installation process using an exterior grade primer or sealer which is compatible with the type of paint to be used. Specific framing and fastener requirernents refer to the applicable building code compliance reports. 3.4 FITTISHING A. Finish unprimed siding with a minimum one coat high quality, alkali resistant primer and one coat of 100 percent acrylic, exterior grade topcoats within 90 days of installation. Follow paint raanufacturer's written product recommendation and written application instructions. � HARDIE SOOFIT PANEI.,S AND BATTENS u 06463 - 3 of 4 APA ],2.Q9 � Pier 60 Restroom Addition ' S. Finish factory pnimed siding with a minimum vf one coat of high quality 100 percent acrylic exterior grade paint within � 80 days of installation. Follow paint manufacturer's written product recommendation and written application instructions. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect installed products tuatil cornpletion of project. S. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial CompleUon. END OF SECTION 06463 HA.RDIE SOOFIT' PANELS AND BATTENS � � �- 06463 - 4 of 4 � f... , � � � � 1 � I� � � � LJ � � L_ l � � APA 12.09 SECTION 072]0 - BUILDING INSULATION PART 1- GENERAI, 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Glass-�ber blanket insulation. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. �ART2-PRODUCTS Pier 60 Restroom Addition 2.1 GLASS-FIBER BLANKET �NSULATION A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. CertainTaed CorporaUan. 2. Guardian Building Praducts, Inc. 3. Johns Manville. 4. Knauf Insulation. 5. Owens Coming. B. Faced, R-30 Glass-Fiber Blanket Insulation: ASTM C bb5, Type I; with ma�murn flame- spread and smoke-developed indexes of 25 and 50, respectively, per ASTM E 84; passing ASTM E 136 for combusdon characteristics. PART 3 - EXECi1TYON 3.1 TNSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Comply with insulation manufacturer's wriuen inshuctions applicable to products and applications indicated. B. InstaU insulation that is undamaged, dry, and unsoiled and that has not been left exposed to rain ak any time. C. Extend insularion to envelop entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with iu�sulation. Remove projections that interfere with placement. D. Provide sizes to itt applications iu�dicated and selected fram maztufacturer's standard thicknesses, widths, and lengths. Apply single layer of insulation units to produce thickness indicated urxless multiple layers are ath�nvise shown or required to make up total thickness_ 3.2 INSTALLATION �F �NSULATION FUR FRA,MED CONSTRUCTION A. Apply insulation units to substrates by method indieated, complying with manufacturer's written instructions. B. R-30 Glass-Fiber Blanket Insulation: Install in cavities formed by framing members according to the follawing requirernents: 1. Use insulatian widths and lengths that fill the cavities farrr�ed by framing membez-s. If more than one length is required to fill the cavities, provide lengths that will produce a snug fit between ends. 2. Place insulation in cavities formed by framing members to produce a friction fit between edges of insulation and adjoining framing members. 3. Maintain 3-inch (76-mm) clearance of insulation azound recessed lighting fixtures not rated for or protected frrnm contact with insulation. END OF SECTION 07210 � BUILDING 1NSULATION r 07210 - 1 of 1 � � � � � � , � � _l � � �� � LJ L� � r � APA 12.09 SECT�ON 07411- METAL ROOF PANELS PART1-GENERAL Pier 6U Restroom Additian ]..1 S[JMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Formed metal'roofing panels with colored stone c}up finish. (Me�o ROMAN Tile). 2. Battens used ozily on Hip, Ridge and Rake azeas. . 3. Associated metal flashings. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 5 Section "Sheatl�ing" for custom-fabr�cated and on-site, rall-formed sheet metal roofing. 1.2 RE�'ERENCES A. ASTM A797JA792M - Sheet Steel, Aluminum - Zinc alloy coated by the Hot-Dip Process, shuctural (physical) quality. B. ASTM E 109 - Test for Fire Resastance of Roof Covering Material. C. LJL1897 Tests for wind uplift resistance of roof asseznblies. D. ASTM C 920-86 - Specification for Electromelric Joint $ealant. 1.3 A. B. D. B. F_ G. H. I. 7. 1.4 A. B. C. D. SUSMT]'TALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. $hop Drawings: Shaw fabricatian and installation layouts o�znetal x-aof panels; details o�edge conditi.ons, side-seam and endlap joints, pa�n,el profiles, corners, anchorages, trim, flashings, closures, and accessories; and special details. Distinguish between factory- a�ad field-assembled work. Samples: Far eack� type of exposed finish requixed. Delegated-Design Submittal: For metal roof panel assembly indicated to comply with per£ormance requirements and design criteria, inciuding analysis data and calculations signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for theu preparation. Coardination Drawings: Roof plans, drawn to scale, based on input from installers of the items involved. Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by manufaeturer cerkifying tlaat raof panels comply with energy perFoxmance requirements specii'ied in "Per�ormance Requirements" Article. 1. Submit evidence of ineeting performance requirements. Product test reports. �ield quality-control reporis. � Maintenance data. Warram�ies: Samples of special warranties. QUALITY ASSURANCE Preixxstallation Conference: Conduct conferez�ce at Project site. Perform work in accordance with guidelines as set out by Metro Roof Products installataon IIIS�l1Ct16I1S. Maintain one copy of each document on site. Tnstaller - Compazry specialixxing in perfonrt�ing the work of tbis Section shall be experienced in the installarion of the roofing system or trained in its applicaaon by a manufacturer's representative. 1.S REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable codes. METAL R�OF PANELS 07411-1af4 APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addirion ]..6 DELIVERIES, STORAGE AND PROTECTIQN A. During shipmen� finished surfaces shall be protected from abra�ion. B. Accept metal roofing on site in packaging. Inspect for darnage, C. Job site storage shall be in a cleau, dry area out of direct contact with the ground, under co�er or sloped for drainage, protected from.traffic, cantaminarion by corrosion and staining materi.als. 1..7 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Provide owner with a fifly (50) year written fully transferable, limited warranty for defects from Metro Roof Products as the roof7ng material manufacturer. B. A written guarantee on labor and worlamanship will be supplied by t}�e installer in cozuneci�on with this contract. PART 2 - PRUDUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER: Metro Roof Products 3093 `A' Iudustry Street Oceanside CA 9205�F Phone: (760) �35-9$A�2 Fax: (760) 435-1162 �Mail: info@metroroofproducts.com Iuternet' www.smarlxoofs.com or vvvvw_me�or�ofs.com 2.2 P,ANEL MATERYAL,S A. Metal Panels: Metro ROMAN Tile Pressuure formed aluminuua-zinc alloy coated sheet steel ASTM A792/A792M; 26 gauge thick stee152 1/a inches long X 16 inches wide nominal size with five (5) individual concave tile under-pans aud �ive (5) convex tile over-pans. Acrylic resin coated, colored stone chip �mish. Architect shall select color from manufacturer's standard colors. B. Hips, Ridges and Rakes: Barrel Trira o£ same color and surface finish as Metro panels. C. Flashing - Stone-Coated_ V-Bat `Bird-Stop' Profiled Riser Flashing, Fascia �lashing, Head- Wall Flashing, Z-Bar Flashing, Tile-Rake Metal Flashing, Valle}+ Cover Flaslung and Top- Couxse Flashing of same color and surface finish matching roof panels. D. Flashing - Painted: Provide as necessary for specific job various shaped metal flashing sections for transition azeas with construction & Stone-Coated steel roof �. Nails: Corrosion resistant full round headed flathead, Ring Shank nails, 8d, 2-3/8-inch long X .131-izzch diameter as approved by manufacturer with minim�n 1,000 hours salt spray resistance to ASTM B l 17. F. Serews: #-10 X 2" iueh (Back heel of panel) 8c #-10 X 2-1/2" inch (F'ront downtum nose of panel) loz�g corrosion resistant steel, moulded hex head screws or as approved by manufacturer_ Color coat to match panel color. Minimum 1,000 hours salt spray resistance to ASTM B 117. G. Vallcy and other Flashings: Alumrnum zine alloy coated sheet ASTM=A792/A792M or G-90 Galvanized. NOTE: Copper and lead flashings sha11 not be used due to metal incompatibility. 2.3 ACCESSORTES A. Battens: Nominal2-inch X 2-inch standard grade Douglas Fir (or equal) or better along Hips, Ridges and Rakes. B. Batten Nails: Conn�mon szn�ooth 16d, 3 1/2-inches lon�. C. Alternate Battens: Galvanuized steel hat section; 25 gauge. D. Screws: Hot Dip galvanized steel; No. 10 by 2-inch long corrosion resistant steel screws or as approved by manufacb�uer. METAL ROOF PANELS 07411 - 2 of a � � I_J � APA 12.09 ' � � z.4 � �� �_� C� � � � � � � � � � � Pier 60 Restroom Addirian �. Sealant: In accordance with ASTM C 920-$6. F. Pipe Jack Flashings: Metro SMART-Jack 3-in-1 (Fit pipes from 1-1/4" — 3") or 3-in-4 (�'it pipes from 3" — 4") rubber gasket pipe jacks stone coated to match the Metro panel finish. 26 gauge galvanized or alum�i�nUm/zinc alloy steel. Clean, prime axid pai:ut to match roof color_ NOTE: L,ead pipe flashing slxall not b� used. G. Pipe Sleeve Covers: Metrd SMART-Sleeves (For pipes frorn 1/2" up to and including 4" diazneter) and are designed to be used in conjunction with a Metro SMA.RT-Jack pipe flashin�. A. � UNDERLAYMENT MATERXAI.S Self-Adhering, High-Temperature Sheet: 40 mils tlrick miniinum, consistiz�g of slip-resisting, polyethylene-film top surface laminated to layer of butyl or SBS-modified asphalt adhesive, with release-paper backizxg; cold applied. Frovide primer wk�en recommended by underlayment manufacturer. 1. Tlnermal Stability: Stable after testing at 240 deg F; ASTM D 1970. 2. Low-Temperature �'lexibility: Passes after testing at minus 20 deg �'; ASTM D 1970. 3. Products: Subject to compliance with rec�uirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a Carlis�e Coatings & Waterproofing Inc., Diiv. of Carlisle Coznpanies Inc.; CCW WIP 3�OHT. b. Grace Conswction Products; a uniit of Grace, W. R& Co.; Ultra. c. Henry Co�mpany; Slueskin PE200 HT. d. Metal-�'ab Manufacturing, LLC; MetShield. e. Owens Corning; WeatherLock Metal High Temperature Underlayment. Felts: ASTM D 226, Type IT (No. 30), asphalt-saturated organic felts. Slip Sheet Manufacturer's recommended slip sheet, of type required for application. 2.5 SUSSTRA,TE BOARDS A. 1'lywood: 5/8" thick. Refer to Division 5, "Sheathixxg." �ART 3 - EXECUTTON 3.1 PREPAR.ATXON A_ T.nsulat�on and Plywood Sheathing: Install substrate boards over metal roof deck on entize roof surface. Attach with fasteners as required by signed and sealed engin,eered drawings. B. Verify roof structure for correct framing priar to placing battens and Metro roofpanels. C. Verify roof penetrataons and plumbing vent stacks are in place and flash to roof s�u�'ace. D. ��erior stucco accessible from mof is to be completed prior to roofing panel installation. E. It is the responsibility of the Creneral Contractor that roof access by other trades be lirmited during installation_ 31 INSTALLATION — PER�METER METALS A. Install Drip-Edge (or Metro FL-Fascia Stone-Coated) metal araund roof perimeter, with end laps of a minimuna of 4-inches, fasteziing per code. B. Install Metro Stone-Coated metal V-Bat Riser Metal on top of the drip edge metal maldng sure the Metro `Locator-Lip' detail is fitted together tightly. Fastez� per code. Stagger end joints. C. �'asten in place with screws or nails as speci£ted per manu#'acturer's inswction. METAL ROOF PANELS 07411 - 3 of 4 A.PA 12.09 Pier b0 Restroom Addition 3.3 INSTALLATIQN - VALLEY A_ Valleys shall be instal.led with minimwn. 6-inches overlap in the direction of flo�r. B_ Fasten in place minimwn 24inches centers through outer flange section of valley flashing or use hold tabs. Fasteners shall be either sealed or have a rubber-washered head to prevent leaking. C. Metro Roof Products roof panels shall be cut and accurately bent down into valley. Panels on opposing sides of valley shall form a straiglrt and even line over the valley. 3.4 INSTALLATION — Metro RUMAN TILE A. Install Metro ROMAN Tile with alternating courses staggered. B. Fastened at not less than eight (8) points (four across the nose & four across the back flange) for regular conditions and twelve (1.2) points (six across the nose and six across the back flange) for High Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) areas. C. Fastener points shall be, along the back flange and across the front downturn nose of each panel at the overlap, and at two other intermediate positians. 3.5 INSTALLATIQN --- Metro Tri� A. Place flashing and trim over locations as specified �or their use by the ma�nufacturer. B. Fold exposed ends of ridges and hips neady and cap with similar roof material. C. Seal folds with sealant as required by znanufacturer and secure with addztional approved fasteners. END OF SEGTIQN 07411 METAL ROOF PANELS 07�111 - 4 of 4 � � J � LJ � � � � APA 12_09 SECI'ION 07920 - JOINT SEALANTS �ART 1 - GENERAl , Pier 60 Reslxooxx� Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes joint sealants for the following applications, including those specified by reference tp this Section: 1. Exterior joints in vertical surfaces and horizontal nontraff'i� surfaces. 2. Exterior joints in horizontal traffic surfaces. 3. Tnterior joints in verpcal surfaces and horiwntal nontraffic surfaces. 4. lnterior joints in horizontal traffic surf'aces. 1.2 PERFORMANCE REQUlltEMENTS A. Provide elastomeric joint sealants that establish �nd maintain watertight and airtight continuous joint seals withouk staining or deteriorating j�i�zt subsirates. S. Provide joint sealants for interior applications that establish and maintain airtight and water- resistant continuous joint seals without staining or deteriorating joint substrates. � �.3 SUBMYTTALS A. Product Data: For each joint-sealant product indicated. � � � � � L� � � � PART2-PRODUCT5 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products listed in other Part 2 articles. 2.2 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backings, and other reIated materials that are compatible with one another and with joint subsirates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by sealant manufacturer, based on testing and field experience. B. VOC Content of Interior Sealants: Provide interior sealants and sealan.t primers that comply wiith the following limits for VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 2�}): 1. Sealants: 250 g/L. 2. Sealant Primers for Nonparous Substrates: 250 g/L. 3. Sealant �rimers for Porous Substrates: 775 g/L. C. Colors of Exposed Joint Sealants: As selected by Architect from manufactu�ner's full range. 2.3 ELASTOMERIC JOX1vT SEALANTS A. Elastomeric Sealants: Comply with ASTM C 920 and other requirennents indicated for each liquid-applied cheznically curing sealant speciiied, including those referencing ASTM C 920 classifications for type, grade, class, and uses related to exposure and joint substrates. B. Stain-Test-Respoxase Characteristics: Where elastomeric sealants are specified to be nonstairung to porous substrates, provide products that have undergone testing according to ASTM C 1248 and have not stained porous joint subsVates indicated for Prdject. C. Suitability for Immersipn in Liquids. Where elastomeric sealants are iuxdicated for Use I for joints that will be continuously immersed in liquids, provide products that have undergone testing according to ASTM C 12G7 and qualify for the lengt]�, of expasure indicated by reference � JOINT SEALANTS � 07920 - 1 of 4 APA 12.09 � Pier 6U Restroom Addition � to AS'�M C 920 �or Class 1 or 2. Liquid used for testing sealants is deionized water, unless otherwise indicated. D_ Suitability for Contact with Food: Where elastomeric sealants are indicated :for joints that will come in re�eated contact with food, provide products that comply with 21 CFR 17726�0. E. Single-Coznponent Mildew-Resistant Acid-Curing Silicone Sealant: 1. Available Products: a. Dow Corning Cozporation; 786 Mildew Resistan.t. b. GE Silicones; Sanitary SCS 170�. c. Tremco; Tremsi1200 2. Type and Grade: S(single component) and NS (nonsag). 3. Class: 25. 4. Use Related to Exposure: NT (nontraffic). S. Uses Related to Joint Substrates: G, A, and, as applicable to joizat substrates indicated, D. F. Single-Comppnent Nonsag Urethane Sealant: 1. Available Products: a Sika Corporation, Inc.; Sikaflex - la_ b. Sonnebom, Division of ChemRex Inc.; Ultra. c. Sonnebom, Division oi ChemRex Inc.; NP 1. d. Tremco; Vulkem 116. 2. Type axxd Grade: S(single component) and NS (nonsag). 3. Class: 25. 4_ Uses Relared to Exposure: T(traffic) azid NT (nontraffic). 5. Uses Related to Joint Substrates: M, G, A, and, as applicable to joint substrates iu�dicated, �. 2.4 JOINT-SEALANT BACKING A. General: Provide sealant backings of material and type that are nonstaining; are cornpatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and other joint fillers; and are approved %r applications indicated by sealant znanufacturer based on ixeld experience and ]aboratory testiang. B. Cylindrical Sealant Sackings: ASTM C 133�, Type C(closed-cell material with a surface slcin), �(open-cell material), B(bicellular material with a surface skin), or any of the preceding types, as approved in writing by joint-sealant manufacturer for joint applioation indicated, and of size and density to contrvl sealant depth and otherwise cantribute to producin� optimiun sealant performance: C. �lastorneric Tubing Sealant Backings: Neoprene, butyl, �PDM, or silicone tubing complying with ASTM D 1056, nonabsorbent to water azid gas, and capable of remaining resilient at temperatures down to minus 26 deg F. Provide products with low compression set and of size and shape to provide a secondary seal, to control sealant depth, and to otherwise contribute to optirnum sealant performance. . D. Bond-Bxeaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape recornmended by sealant znanuiacturer for preventing sealant firom adhering to rigid, inflexible joink-�iller materials or joint surfaces at back of joint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure. Provide self- adhesive tape where applicable. 2.S MISCELLANEDUS MATERIALS A. Primer: Material recornmended by joint-sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests and field tests. B. Cleaners for Nonporous Surfaees: Chemical cleaners acceptable to manufact�u-ers of sealants and sealant baoking rnaterials, free of oily residues or other substances capable of staining or J��IVT SEALANTS 07920 - 2 of 4 � � APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addztion harming joint su6strates and adjacent nonporous surfaces in any way, and formulated ta � promote optim�un adhesion of sealants to joint su6strates. C. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material compatible with joint sealants and surfaces adjacent to joints. � � � � � � � PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 �REPARATION A. Surface Cleaniz�.g of 7oints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants. 1. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with ad}aesion of joint sealant a. Clean porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound subs�'ate capable of developing optirnum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining after cleaning operations above by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. 2. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. a. Clean �uonporous surfaces with chemical cleaners ar other means thak do not stain, hArm substrates, or leave residues capable of intez-�eriing with adhesion of joint sealants. B. ]oint Priming: Prime joint substrates where recommended in writing by joint-sealant manu�£acturer, based an preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests or priar ex.pe�ience. Apply primer to cornply with joint-sealant manu.facturer's written instructions. Conf�ine primers to areas of joint-sealant bond; do not allow spillage ar migration onto adjoining surfaces. G. Masldng Tape: Use maslQng tape where required to prevent contact of sealant with adjoining surfaces that otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove sealant smears. Rernove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. � 3.2 � � , � � � A. � C� � E. INSTALLATION Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations in ASTM C 1193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. Acoustical Sealant Applieation Standard: Comply with recammendatians in ASTM C 919 for use of joint sealants in acoustical applieapons as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. In,stall sealant baeldngs of type indicated to support sealants during application and at position required ta produce cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. 1. Do not leave gaps between ends of sealant backings. 2. Do not slxetch, twis� puncture, ar tear sealant backings. 3. Remove absorbent sealant backings that have become wet before sealant application and replace them with dry materials. Tnstall bond-breaker tape behind sealants where sealant backings are not used between sealants and backs of joints. Install sealants using proven techniques that cornply with the following and at the same tune backings are installed: l. Flace sealants so they directly contact and �ully wet joint substrates. 2. Completely fill recesses in each joint configuration. 3. Produce uniform, cross-seciional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow �ptimum sealant movement capability. � 70INT SEALANTS ' 07920 - 3 of 4 APA 12.09 F G H. 3.3 A. B. C_ � Pier 60 Restroom Addition ' Tooling of Nonsag Sealants: Jmmediately after sealant application and before skinning or curing begins, tool sealants according to requirements specified below to form smooth, uniform beads of con�'iguration indicated; to eliminate air pockets; and ta ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of jaint. 1. Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joints. 2. Use tooling agents that are approved ic� writing by sealant manu�'acturer and that do not discolor sealants or adjacent surfaces. 3. Provide concave joint configuration per �'igure SA in ASTM C 1.193, unless otherwise indicated. InstallaUon of Prefoxrned Silicone-Sealant System: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Installation of Preformed Foam Sealants: Install each length of sealant innmediately after removing protective wrapping, taking caze not to pull or slretch material, producing seal eontinuity at ends, turns, and intersections of joints. For applications at low ambient temperatures where �tpansion of sealant requires acceleration to produce seal, apply heat to sealant in campliance with sealant manu#'acturer's written instructions. Clean oif excess sealant or sealant smears adjacent to joints as the Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved in writing by manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in which j oints occur. JOINT-SEALANT SCHEDULE Joint-Sealant Application: Interiar and exterior perimeter joints between frames of doors. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component nonsag urethane sealant. 2. Joint-Sealant Color: Color as selecteci by Architect. 7oint-Sealant Application: Interior and e�cterior joints to masonry and expansion joints in ceilings and other overhead surfaces. l.. Joint Sealant: Single-componezit nonsag urethane sealant. 2. Joint-Sealazxt Color: Colar as selected by Architect. Joint-Sealant Application: Interior joints between plumbing fixtur�s and adjovung walls, floors, and counters. 1. Joint Sealant: Single-component mildew-resistant neutral-cw-izxg silicone sealant. 2. Joint-Sealant Color: Match color of plwnnbing fixtures. END OF SECTION 07920 JOINT S�ALANTS 07920 - 4 of 4 � r � � � r_���v�r�z� SECTION OS100 - STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL Pier 60 Restraom Addition , 1.], WORK INCLUDED A. The work under this section shall include the furnishing of all items shovvn on the drawings and as specified, but not limited to, the following. � 1. Steel Daors 2. Steel Door Frames 3, Louvers Installed in Steel Doors � 1.2 RELATED WORK A. The work under this Section shall include the furnishing of door assemblies required to comply with the Florida Building code Approval System. � � u � � � � � � L� � � � 1.3 R.F'F'F=RENCE,S A. Steel Doors and Frames in this section must meet a11 standards as established by the following listing. 1. Door and Hardware Preparation ANSI 115.1. 2. Life Saf'ety Codes NFPA-101 (Latest edition). 3. Fire Daors and Windows NFPA-$U (Latest edition). 4. Steel Door Institute .ANSUSDT-100 (Latest edition) 1.4 A. B. C. D. E_ SUBMCTTAL Coordinate approved shop drawings with atl ather trades and manufacturers whose products are used in conjuncrion with the Steel Doors and Frames under section 08100. �'inish hazdware supplier is to furnish templates, template �reeference number and/or physical hardware to the steel door and frame supplier in order ta prepaze the doors and fi-ames to receive the finish hazdware items. The steel door and firame supplier will furnish to the architect (6) complete copies of the proposed steel door and frames schedule and/or shop drawings. Using the same reference number for details and openings as those on the contra.ct drawings. After receipt of the approved door schedule the steel door and frame supplier will make any correcUons submit to the architect (6) sets of corrected schedules, for file and field use. Include details on the following list of items: 1. Frame elevations 2. Door design elevations 3. �'rame sections 4. Details of constructian 5. Anchorage 6. Opening conditions 7. 7oints and connections $. Hardware locatians Upon request of the architect or for any substitution to this specification, (4) copies af the door manufacturers catalog cut sheets are to be submitted to the architect before any matexial is placed on the jab site. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide Steel Doors and Franxes complying with the Steel Door Institute recommended specifications for Standard Steel Doors and k'rames ANSUSDI 100 ST'EEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08100 - 1 of 5 APA 12.09 ]..6 A. B. C. D. � Pier 60 Restroam Addition , DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDL�NG All steel doors and frames must be properly marked with door opening mark number to correspond with the schedule. Deliver all the steel doors in cartons and palletized to provide protection during transit and job storage. Tnspect doors and frames upon delivery for damage. Minor damage is to be repaired, provided they are equal in all respects to new work and acceptable to the architect. Store doors and frames at the building site under cover. Place units on wood sills or on the floor in a manner that will prevent rust and damage. Avoid the use of non-vented plastic or canvas shelters, which could create a humidity chamber. If the wrapper on the door becomes wet, remove the carton immediately. Provide a 1/4 inch space between stacked doors to promote air circnlation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1. MANUk'ACTU1tER A. Steelcraft Manufacturing Company — Series H with Gra.inTech �nish. S. Door assexnblies sha11 resist the cyclic pressures, static pressures, and missile impact loads as detailed in Florida Building Code Test Protocols TAS 201, TAS 202, and TAS 203. 2.2 HARDWARE LOCATIONS AND GENERAL REINFORCEMENTS A. Locate hardware on doors and frames in accordance with the manufactures standard location. B. Hardware reinforcements are to be in accordance with the minimwn standard gages as listed in SDI-100. C. Doors sha11 be mortised, rein�forced and function holes provided at the factory in accordance with the hardware schedule and templates provided by the hardware supplier. Through bolt holes, attachment holes, drilling and ta.pping for suzface hardware, shall be done by others. 2.3 STEEL DU�RS A. Material - Doors and as indicted on the schedules and in this section, 1. Face Sheets to be made of commercial quality hot dipped zinc coated steel that complies with ASTM A924 A60. Grade III - 14ga. 2. Vcrtical edges are to have continuous vertical rnechanical interlocking }oints at lock and hi�nge edges with visible edge seams. 'ihe intemal portion ofthe seam shall be sealed with epoxy. 3. Hinge reinforcement shall be not less than 7gage (3/16") plate 1-1/4" X 9". Approved equal is a 12 gage continuous channel with formed holes drilled and tapped. The manufacture to provide test information that this type reinforcement is equal to a 3/16" or 7 gage plaie reinforcement. �. Rein£orca tops and bottoms of all doars with a continuous steel channel not less than 14 gage galvanized A60, extending the full width of the door and welded to the face sheet. Doors with an inverted top channel shall have a steel closure channel flush with the face sheets and screwed i�xtp the door. Plastic fillers are not acceptable. 5. Doors shall be reinforced, stiffened, sound deadened and insulated with impregnated kraft honeycomb core completely filling the inside of the doors and laminated to inside faces of both panels using contact adhesive applied to both panels and honeycomb core. 6. Doors shall be laminated full-flush design with GrainTech; color will be selected from six standard �nishes. STEEL DOQRS AND FRAMES 08100-2ofS � 1 � � APA 12.09 ' ' ' ' � � �' i r � � 1 � �J ' 2. �4 A � C�7 I�a 1'ier 60 Restroorn Additaon STEEL FRAMCS Materials - Doorsas indicted on the schedules and in this section. 1. Are to be hot dipped zinc coated steel that complies with ASTM designations A924 A60, 16ga. 2. All frames are to have back welded fa.ce seams only of the frame corner or intersection. Grind and dress smooth the weld area. Apply a factory baked on zinc rich primer over the grinding area, and finish with a matching prizne paint. Materials all other frarnes as indicted on the schedule. 1. Will comply with ASTM A366-68 or ASTM A569-66T, 16ga. 2_ All frames are to have back welded face seanns only of the frame corner or intersection. Grind and dress smooth the weld area. Apply a factory baked on zxnc rich primer over the grinding azea, and finish with a matching prime paint. 3. Acceptable Manufacturer: a. Steelcraft Manufacturing - F series Fabrication 1. General design and construction a. Provide steel frames for doois ta the size and design as shown on the at'chitectura.l drawings. b. All finished work to he strong and rigid, neat in appearance, syuare, true and free of defects. c. Jamb depths, trim, profile and backbends to be as scheduled and shown on approved shop drawings. d. When shipping limita�ons sa dictate, frames for large openings shall be fabricated in sections designed for splicing in the field by others. e. Hardware reinforcernents are to be in accordance with the minimum standard gages as listed in SDI-100. f. Fra.mes sha11 be mortised, reinforced, drilled and tapped at the factory for template rnortised hardware only, in accordance with approved hardware schedule and te�mplate provided by the hardware contractor. Where surFace mounted hardware is to be applied, frarnes shall have reinforcing plates only; all drilling, and tapping sha]1 be done by others. g. Hinge reinforcennents, to be 'l�a steel. Anchors 1. Floor anchors sha11 be provided at each jamb. 2. Anchors for in masonry are to be of the wire type. 3. Dust boxes/mortar �uards to be no less than 26 gage. 4. All frames tlaa# are welded, to be provided with a steel spreader temporarily attached to the bottorn of both jambs to serve as a brace during shipping and handling. Spreader bars are for bracing only not to be used to size the frame opening. 5. Loose glazing stops are to be of 18 gage galvanized at labeled openings and 20 gage galvanized on non-labeled openings, butted at the corner joints and secured to the frame with couratersunk cadmium or zinc-plated screws. 6. Provide 3 silencers on single door. 2.S STEEL LOUVERS A. Materials 1. Materials to be galvanized hat-dipped coated steel that complies with ASTM designations A942, A60, 16 gauge. 2. The blades of the louver are welded to a fabricated sub-frame. 3. Louver is held in place by auxiliary frame, 16 gauge anchored with phillips screws fi-om inside requirin�g no drilling through door. �. Acceptable Manufacturer � S`1°EEL DOORS AND FRAMES � 08100 - 3 of 5 APA 12.p9 Pier 6� Restroom Addition a. Anemosta.t Door Products AFDL Inverted Y Non-Vision Louver with gray prxmer. 2.6 LABELED DOORS, FRAMES, AND LOWERS A. Construct arad install doors and frames to comply witl� current issue of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard Number 80, as scheduled. B. Doors and/or frames for labeled openings are to bear either a stamped or applied label from Wamock Heisey or Underwriters Laboratory z.� A 2.8 A, B. C. PRIME FXNZSH: Doors and frames are to be cleaned, and chemically treated to insure xnaximum �nish paint adhesion. All surfaces of the door and frame exposed to view shall receive a coat o£ arust inhibiting baked on primer applied at the factory. The finish shall meet the requirements for acceptance stated in ANSI A250.10 "Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Prime Paint�d Steel Surfaces." The baked on prime fmish is not intended to be the #'mal layer of protection from the elements. �'ield painting using a good grade of paints are to be used in accordance with the reconnmendations of the door and fi-ame manufacturer. For specialty types of �nished coatings, the paint supplier shvuld also be consulted ALTERNATE 2 DOOR AND FRAME REPLACEMENT: Replace doors and fratx�es as noted as 6, 7 an 8 shown on Exterior Elevation Sheet A-3.3. Haxdware shall he new and match existing. Verify size of opening before ordering doors and frarnes. Part 3-EXECUTI�N 3.1 A I:� 3.3 A I� XNSPECTiON It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to make sure that all dimensions for existing opening or e�sting frarnes (strike height, hinge spacing, hinge back set, etc.) given to the steel manufacturer are accurate. It is the responsibility of the General Contra.ctor to see that any scratches or dis�igurements caused in shipping or handling aze properly cleaned and touched up with a rust inhibiling primer. INSTALLATION Frames 1. Prior to installation, all frames must be checked for rack, twist and out of square conditions. 2. Place frames prior to enclosing walls and ceilings_ Set frames accurately in position, plumbed and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. 3. Fill fiames in masonry walls with mortar. 4. When temperature conditions necessitate an additive to be used in the plaster or rnortar to prevent freezing, the contractor installing the frames will coat th� inside of the frames, in the f eld, with a corrosion inhibiting bituminous material. 5. SDX-105, "Recommended Erection Instructions %r Steel Frames" and SDI-110 "Standa.rd Steel Doors and Frames for Modular Masonry Construction" shall indicate the proper installation procedures. Doors 1. Install doors plurnb and in true alignment in a prepared opening and fasten them to achieve the ma�cimuxn ogerational effectiveness and appearance. 2. 1'roper door clearance must be rnaintained in accordance with SDI-110. 3. Where necessary, only metal hinge shizns are acceptable to rnaintain clearances. �Y�����iZ�z�];�y��ir ; :�T��� usloo_4ofs , � r ' ' r ' , r � �r � � � � � r � � � r APA 12.09 C 3.3 A B 3.4 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition 4. "Installation Guide for poors and Hardware" published by DHI is recommended for further details. Hardware must be applied in accordance with hardware manufacturer's teznplates and instructions. ADJUST AND CLEAN Check and re-adjust operating finish hardwaze items in hollow metal work just prior to final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper condition. Immediately after erecUon, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply to touch-up or cornpatible air-drying primer. SCHEDULES After installation, copies of the door schedules will be tumed over to the owner when the building is accepted. STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08100 - S of 5 ' , , , L.J ' � � � � , , � , 1 � ' ' , City o£ Clearwater ]2.09 FINISH HARDWARE Section 08710 ' ' ' rL�l ►�L1C7� Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. The work in this section shall include furnishin� af a11 items of finish hardware as hereinafter specified or obviously necessary to complete the building, except those items that are specifically excluded fram this sectivn of the specification. 1.p2 REI.ATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWI�RE A. Steel Doors and Frames 1.03 A : C DESCRIPTI�N QF W ORK Furnish labor and material to camplete hardware work indicated, as speci�ed herein, or as may be required by actual conditions at building. Tnclude all necessary screws, bolts, expansion shields, other devices, if necessary, as required for proper hardware application. The hardware supplier shall assume all responsibility for correct quantities. All hardware sha11 meet the requirements of Federa.l, State and Local cades having jurisdiction over this project, notwithstandin� any real or apparent conflict therewith in these specifxcatians. D. FASTEI�ERS.; 1. 2. 3. 4. Hardware as fumished shall conform to published templates generally prepared for macltine screw installation. Furnish each item complete with all screws required for installatian. Typically, all exposed screws installation. Insofar as practical, furnished concealed type fasteners fvr hardware units that ha,ve exposed screws shall be iurnished with Phillips flat head screws, finished to match adjacent hardware. Daor closers and exit devices to be installed with closed head through balts (sex bolts). E. HURRICANE OPENII�TG,$: 1. Provide hardware for humcane openings in compliance with lacal jurxsdictian. FINiSH HARDWARE 08710 - 1 of 7 City of Clearwater 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition This requirement takes precedence over other requirements for such hardware. Provide only hardware that has been tested and listed by local autlaority for the types and sizes of doors required, and complies with the requirements af the door and door frame. 1.04 QUAL�I'Y ASSURANCE A. The supplier to be a directly franchised distributor of the praducts to be funrzished and have in their employ an AHC (Architectural Hardware Consultant). This person is to be available for consultation to the architect, owner and the general : C. u] E. contractor at rea.sonable times during the course of work. The finish hardware supplier shall prepare and submit to the architect six (6) copies of a complete schedule identifying each door and each set number, following the numbering system and not creating any separate system hirziself. He shall submit the schedule for review, make correctians as directed and resubmit the corrected schedule for final approval. Approval of schedule �w�ill not relieve Contractor of the responsibility for furnishing all necessary hardware, including the responsibility for fumishing cor�-ect quantities. No manufacturing orders sha11 be placed until detailed schedule has been submitted to the architect and written approval received. After hardware schedule has been appraved, furnish templates required by maraufacturing contractors for making proper provisions in their work for accurate fitting, finishing hardware setting. �'urnish templates in ample time to facilitate progress o�' work. Hardware supplier shall have an office and warehouse facilities to accommodate the :materials used on ttus project. The supplier must be an authorized distributor of the products specified. �'. The hardware manufactures are to supply both a pre-installation class as well as a post-installation walk-thru. This is to insure pz'oper installation and provide for any adjustments or replaceznents of hardware as required. 1.05 DELIVERY, STQRAGE, AND HANDLING A. Wrap, protect finishing hardware items for shipment. Deliver to manufacturing contractors hardware items required by them for their application; deliver balance aihardware to job; store in designated location. Each item shall be clearly marked with its intended locatian. 1.06 WARRANTY A. The material furnished shall be warranted �or one year after insta.11ation or lon�er as the individual manufacturer's warranty permits. B. Overhead door clasers shall be wairanted in writing by the manufacturer against failure due to defective materials and workmanship for a period of ten (10) years FINISH HARUWARE 08710-2of7 , ' , ' City of Clearwater 12.p9 Pier 60 Restroom Addition comrnencing on the Date of Final Completaon and Acceptance, and in the event of ' failure, the manufacture is to promptly repair or replace the defective with no additianal cdst to the Owner. 1 , 1 � � PA.14T_ II - PROI]�7� 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACT'CJRERS A. To the greatest exterat possible, obtain each kind oihardware from only one manufacturer. B. All numbers and syrnbols us�d herein have been taken from the current catalogues oithe followin� manufacturers. PRUDUCT ACCF�'TASLE MANUFACTURER � 1) Hinges Hager 2) Locks & Latches Best 3) Cylinders, Keys, Keying Best , 4) ExitDevices VonDuprin 5) Door Closers LCN 6) OH Stops�Holders Glynn Johnson � '� Push Button Access Best 8) Magnetic Locks Locknetics 9) Wa11 Stops/Floor IVES , Stops, Flushbolts 10)Kick Plates Ives 11) Threshold/Weather-strip National Guard � 12) Silencers Ives 13)Key Cabinet Lund �J � , � ' �� ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE Stanley, Bommer Schlage None (No Substitution) None (No Substitution) Nane (No Substitution) Rixson None (No Substitution) Sentronics Rockwoad, Trimco Rockwood, Quality Pemko, Zero Rockwood, Trimco Key Cantral C. If material manufactured by other than that speci�ed or listed herewith as an eyual, is to be bid upon, permission must be requested from the architect seven (7) days prior to biddin�. If substitution is allowed, it will be sa noted by addendum. 2.02 FINISH O�' HARDWARE: A. Exteriar Hinges to be Stainless Steel (32D). Door Closers to be Aluminum. Locks to be Satin Chrome (26D). Overhead Holders to be Satin Chrome (26D), Flat Goods to be Stainless Steel (32D) and the Thresholds to be Mill Finish Aluminum. FiNISH HARDWARR 0$710 - 3 0£ 7 City o£ Clearwater 12.�9 2.03 HIl�TGES AND PIVOTS: ' Pier 60 Restraom Addition � A. Exterior butts shall be Stainless Steel. Butts on all out swingin� doors shall be �urnished with non-rernovable pins (NRP). B. Doors 5' or less in height shall have two (2) butts. Furnish one (I) additional butt for each 2'6" in height or fraction �ereof. 2.0�} KEYIlVG: A. All locks and cylinders to be keyed to the owner's existing BEST system. B. Combinated to Owner's instructions. (�ermanent cores need to be ordered at least 5 weeks prior to turning over to the City of Clearwater.) C. Provide Two (2) each change keys per lock and Six. Owner to provide additional keys needed. D. Hardware supplier to provide teznporary cores during the canstruction phase. The city will change out the temporary cores for the permanent cores. All cores become the property of the city upon completion vf the work. 2.05 LOCKSETS: A. Locksets shall be Heavy Duty Cylindrical type, unless specified otherwise, in "35H" series, 15H Design as manufaciured by BEST on New Construction "93K" series, 15D Design as manufactured by BEST only where scheduled. 2.06 DQOR CLOSERS: A. All closers shall he LCN ��l 1 or 4111 Series having z�on-ferrous covers, forged steel arms separate valves for adjusting backchecl� closing and latching cycles and adjustable spring to provide up to 50°/a increase in spring power. Closers sha11 be furnished with parallel arm mounted on all doors opening into comdors ar other public spaces and shall be maunted to permit 180 degrees door s�r�ing wherever wall conditions permit. Furnish with non-hold open arms unless otherwise indicated. B. Door closer cylinders shall be of high strength cast iron construction to provide low wear operating capabilities of internal parts throughout the life of the installation. All daor clasers sha11 be tested to ANSUBHMA A156.4 test requirements by a BHMA certified testing labvratory. A written certif�cation showing successful coznpletion of a minimum of 10,00�,000 cycles must be provided. C. Door clvsers shall utilize temperature stable fluid capable of withstanding temperature ranges of 120 degrees Fahrenheit to -30 degrees Fahrenheit, vvithout reyuiring seasvnal adjustment of closer speed to properly close the door. Clasers for £'ire-rated doors 1 FINISH HARDWARE 08710 - 4 of 7 � , [� , , � L.J ' � , City of Clearwater 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition shall be provided with temperature stabilizing fluid that complies with the standards UBC 7-2 (1997) and UL l OC. D. Door closers shall incorporate tamper resistant non-critical screw valves of V-slot design to reduce possible clogging from particles within the closer. Closers shall have separate and independent screw valve adjustments for latch speed, general speed, and hydraulic backcheck. Backcheck sha11 be p:roperly located so as ta effectively slow the swing af the daor at a minimum of 10 degrees in advance of the dead stop location to pratect the door frame and hardware from damage. Pressure relief valves (PR� are not acceptable. 1. Acceptable substitutions: A. None (No Substitutian) 2.07 TRIM AND PLATES: A. Kick plates, mop plates, and armor plates, shall be .OSO gauge with 32D finish. ' Kick plates to be 8" high All plates shall be two (2) inches less full width of door. B. Push plates, pull plates, door pulls, and miscellaneous door trim shall be shown in the hardware schedule. � 2.0$ DQOR STOPS: � A. Doorstops sha11 be fux-nished for all doors to prevent damage to doors or hardware from striking adjacent walls or fixtures. Wall bumpers equal to Ives WS407 Series are preferred, but where not practical furnish floor stops equal to Ives FS436 or , FS438 series. Where conditions prohibit the use of either wall or floor type stops, furnish su:rface m�unted overhead stops equal to Glynn Johnson, 450 Series. � � ' , ' ' � 2.09 THRESHOLDS ANll WEATHERSTRIP: A. Thresholds and weather-strip shall be as listed in the hardware schedule. 2.10 D�OR SII.ENCERS: A. Furnish (3) rubber door silencers equa� to Tves SR64 for hollow metal frames. I�ll�l�y0.�01:\��,�.`/�;7�! 08710 - 5 of 7 City oi Clearwater 12.�9 PART .IZI - I;'XF'�'U7.lON Pier 60 Restroorn Addition 3.01 TNSTALLATION: A. All hardware shall be applied and installed in accordance with the Finish Hardware schedule. Care shall be exercised not to mar or damage adjacent work. B. Contractor to provide a secure lock�up for hardware delivered to the project but not yet installed. Control the handling and installation of hardware items that are not ixnmediately replaceable, so that the completion of the work will not be delayed by hardware losses both before and after installation. C. No hardware is to be installed until the hardware manufactures have provided a pre-installation class. This is to insure proper installatian of the specified products. 3.02 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Contractor shall adjust all hardware in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions. Prior to turning project to owner, contractor shall clean and make any final adjustments to the finish hardware. 3.03 A 1.3 PROTECTI�N: Contractor shall protect the hardware, as it is stored on construction site in a covered and dry place. Contractor shall protect exposed hardware installed an doors during the construction phase. 1 � � ' � - ' 1 • ' : i 1 _ _�. Daors #1 & #2 each to have: 1 1/2 pr. Butt Hinges #BB 1191 - 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 - NRP US32D 1 — Deadbolt #83T7LSTK626CS 626 1 -- Closer & 5top #4111TB 689 1-- Push/Pull Set 73CL12 US32D 1—'Ihbular Pull RM301-1 1/4" diameter l2 CTC 1— Kick Plate 34" x 12" LDW US32D 1 — Threshold #158 A1um 1-- Door Shoe #216 U Alum Hagar S est LCN Rockwood Rockwood Rockwood Pemko Pemko FINISH HARDWARE 08710 - 6 of 7 ' ' 1 � � 1 , , r 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 � � 1 ' City of Clearwater 12.p9 Door #3 to have: 3 -- Hinges 1 — Lock ] — Closer I -- Stop 3 — Silencers BB 1279 4.5 x�. 5 US2bD ND70PD RHO US2bD 4011 TB AL (DR. 14) 409 US32D 33 � � � � : • � r • � � _��� r_. • Hagar Best LCN LCN LCN �'ier 60 Restroom Addition Door #4 to have: 6— Hinges BB 1 I91 4.5 x 4. 5 NRP US32D Hagar 1— Lack ND80PD RHD US26D Best 2— Flush Bolts 555-12 US26D Rockwell 2-- OH Stop GJ904F US32D LCN 2— Kick Plate 3�1" x 12" LDW US32D Rockwood 1 — Threshold 2005AV Pemka 1 — Weatherstrip 303AV Pemko Door #5 to have: 3— Hinges BB 1279 4.5 x 4. 5 US26D 1—Lack ND70PD RHO U526D 1— Closer 401 I TB AL (DR. 14) 1- Kick Plate 24" x 12" LDW US32D 1 — Stop 409 US32D 3 -� Silencers 33 Hagar Best LCN Rockwoad LCN LCN DD�R __ W � SE� ALTERNATE #2: Daors under Alternate #2 6, 7 and 8 provide new hardware to znatch existing. END OF SECTION FINISH HARDWARE 08710 - 7 of 7 , , , � � 1 ' ' , ' ' � , 1 , ' � APA 12_09 SECTION 09220 - PQRTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCU) ! J:\ ;31 I[i �e�i►1_ �'� Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Exterior portland cement plasterwork (stucco) on metal lath solid-plaster bases. B. See Division 5. Section "Cold-Fazmed Metal Framing" for structural, load-bearing (transverse and axial) steel studs and joists that support lath and portland cem�ent plaster. 1.2 SLTBMITTALS A. Product Data_ For each type of product indicated. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mcekups: Before stuccoing, install m�oekups of at least 100 sq. ft. (9 sq. m) in surface area to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Install rnockups for each type of fmish indicated. 2_ For interivr plasterwork, simulate frnished lighting condiaons for review of mockups. 3_ Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undistxubed at time of Substantial Completion. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A_ Comply with ASTM C 926 requirements. B. Exterior Plasterwork: Apply plaster when ambient temperature is greater than 40 de� F(4.a deg C). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANLTFACTUR�RS A. In other Part 2 articles where tides below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to product seleetion: 1. Available Products: Subject to camplianee with requirements, products that rnay be incozporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products speci�ed. 2.2 LATH A. PermaLath 10�0 by BASF: Fiber reinforcing lath with open weave, three-dimensional, self- furring, nominal 1/4" thick glass fiber reinforcing. 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. General: Comply with ASTM C 1063 and coordinate depth of trim and accessories with thicknesses and number of plaster coats required. B. Plastic Trim: Fabricated frqm high-impact PVC. 1. Cornerbeads: With perforated flanges. a. Small-nose style; use unless otherwise indicated. 2. Casing Seads: With perfarated flanges in depth requued to suit plaster bases indicated and flange length required to suit applications indicated. a. Sull-nase style; use unless otherwise indicated. 3. Control Joints: One-piece-type, falded pair of unperfarated screeds in M-shaped co�guration; with perforated �langes and removable pratective tape an plaster face of control joint, � PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER 1 09220 - 1 of 3 APA 12.09 Picr 60 Restroom Addition 2.4 MISCELLANEOU5 MATERYALS A. Water for Mixing; Potable and free of substances capable of affecting plaster set or of damaging plaster, lath, or accessories. B. Fiber for Base Coat: Allcaline-resistazat glass or polypropylene fibers, 1/2 inch (13 mm) long, free of contaminancs, manufactured £or use in portland cement plaster. C. Bonding Connpound: ASTM C 932. 2.5 PLASTER MATERIAi�S A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type [I] [II�. 1. Color for Finish Coats: Gray. B. Lime: ASTM C 206, Type S; or ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Sand Aggregate: ASTM C 897. 2.6 PLASTER MIXES A. General: Comply with ASTM C 926 for applications indicated. 1. Fiber Content: Add fiber to base-coat mixes after ingred.ients have mixed at least two min�.utes. Comply with iiber manufacturer's written instructions for fiber quantities in mixes, but do not exceed l lb o£fiber/cu. yd. (0.6 kg of frber/cu. rn) o£cernentirious materials. Reduce aggregate quantities accord�i:ngly to maintain workability. B. Portland Cernent Base-Coat Mixes: 1, Over Concrete Unit Masonry: Single base eoats for two-coat plasterwork as follows: a. For cementitious xnaterial, mix I part partland cernent and 3/4 to 1-1/2 parts lime. Y7se 2-1/2 to 4 parts aggregate per part of cementitious material (sum of separate volumes o£ each cornponent rnaterial). C. Portland Cement Job-Mixed Finish-Coat Mixes: For cementitious materials, znix 1 part portland cement and 3/4 to 1-1/2 parts lime. Use 1-1/2 to 3 parts aggregate per part of cementitious material (sum of separate volurnes of each component rnaterial). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATIQN A. Protect adjacent work from soiling, spattering, moistuxe deterioration, and other harmful effects caused by plastering. B. Prepare solid-plaster bases that are smooth or that do z�ot have the suction capability required to bond with plaster according to ASTM C 926. 3.2 INSTALLING LATH A. Install PermaLath 1000 rnanufactuzed by BASF iui strict accordance with manufactuz-er's recommendations. 1. Apply Permalath 1�OD over substrate with minunurn 3" overlap at vertical and horizontal edges and overlap on flange oitrim accessories. Pezrnalath 1000 can be applied horizontally or vertically and should be applied sueh that it is flat and free of ripples, 'vvrinkles, ete. 2. Fasteners: ULP-302 (1-3/4'� or Lath Plate (1-1/4") Mechanical Fastening Systems by Wind-Loak Corp. a. Masozxry: Masoxuy type [M] expansion £astener with ULP 302 diameter washer; pr Lath Plate 25mm (1") penetration into rnasonry. Fastener spacing 6" o.c. verkically and 16" o.c. horizontally. b. Light Gauge Steel Frarning/�'urring (20 Gauge): Light metal type [LM] bugle head screws with ULP 302 (1,-3/4"} diatneter washer or Lath Plate 16 mm (5/8") minimum pene�ation into framing 6" o.c. vertically and 16" o.c. horizontally. P4RTLAND CEMENT 1'LASTER 09220 - 2 of 3 , ' 1 � APA 12.09 , 1 ' ' , � , r- � � ' , � � � ' ' c. �� e. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Heavy Gauge Steel Framing (18 to 12 Gauge maximum): Metal type [S] bugle head screws with ULP 302 (1-3/4") diameter washer or Lath Plate or 32 mm (1- 1/4") long x 2.5 mm (1/8'� diameter VersaPin Gripshank fasteners by Aerosmith Fastening Systems with Lath Plates; 16 mm (5/S") minimum penetration ta framing 6" o.c. vertically and 16" o.c. horizontally. Wood Framing: Wood type [W] bugle head screws with U�.P 302 (1-3/4" diameter washer or Lath Plate; 16 mm (5/8") minimum penetration into framing or minimum 16 gauge wire staples with minimum 3/a" crown azxd minimum 3/4" penelratian iuxto framing, 6" o.c. vertically and 16" o.c. ho�-izontally. Note_ Supplemental fasteners, into the framing or the sheathing, can be used to secure ttae PerczaaLath 10�0 prior to application of cement plaster stucco. Fastening systems/tools for staples are available through Senco and other manufacturers. 3.3 INSTALLING ACCES$QRIES A. Tnstall according to ASTM C 1063 and at locations indicated on Drawings. B. Reinforcement for External Corners: 1_ Install cornerbead at extsrior locations. C. Control Joints: Install control joints at locations indicated on Drawings. 3.4 PLASTER APPLICATION A. General: Comply with ASTM C 926. B. Bonding Compound: Apply on unit masonry and concrete plaster bases. C. Plaster Fi nish Coats: Apply to provide float sand finish to match Architect's sample. 3.5 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cut, patch, replace, and repair plaster as neCessary to accommodate other work and to restore cracks, dents, and imperfections. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, cra�ing (check cracking), dry outs, efflarescence, sweat outs, and sinnilar defects and where bond to substrate has failed. END OF SECTION �9220 ' PDRTI.AND CEMENT PLASTEA 1 09220 - 3 of 3 � L ..I 1 � APA 12.09 SECTYDN 09900 - PAINTXNG PART 1 - GENERAL Pier 6� Restroom Addition � 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A_ Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Speci�ication Sections, apply W this Section. � 1.2 ' � � � A. I� C� SUMMARY This Section includes surface preparation and field painting of the fallowing: 1. Exposed exterior items and surfaces. 2. Exposed interior items and surfaces. 3. Surface preparation, prirning, and finish coats specified in tJ�is Section are in addition to shop priming and surface treatment specified in other Sections. Paint exposed surfaces, except where the paint schedules indicate that a surface or material is not to be painted or is Co remain natural. If the paint schedules do not specifically mention an item or a surface, paint the item or surface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces whether or not schedules indicate colors. If the schedules do not indicate color or fuush, the Owner will select from standard colors and �inishes available. 1. Painting includes field painting of exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), hangers, exposed steel and iron work, and primed metal surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, fmished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels. ' 1. Prefiruished items inelude the following factory-fizushed components: a Toilet partifions. b. Fixaished mechanical and electrical equipment. ' a Light fixtures. d. Dislribution cabinets. 2. Concealed suxfaces include walls or ceilings in the following generally inaccessible spaces: ' a. Furred areas. b. Ceiling plenwns. 3. Finished metal surfaces iwclude the following: ' a. Anodized aluzninum. b. Stainless steel. 4. Operating parts include moving parts of operating equipment and the following: a. Valve and daznper operators. � b. �,intcages. c. Sensixig devices. d. Motor and fan shafts. ' S. Labels: Do not paint over Underwriters Laboratories (LJL), Factory Mutual (Flvp, or other code-required labels or equipment name, identification, pezfornnance rating,.or nomenclature plates. � L� � J 1.3 SUSMITTALS A. Product Data: For each paint system specified. Include block fillers and primers. 1. Material List: Provide an inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross-reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identify each material by manufacturer's catalog number and general classificataon. ' FAINTZNG 1 �9900 - 1 of 7 /�7� �} ].4 � n I:� Pier 60 Restroom Addirion 2. Manufacturer's Tnformation: Provide manufaciurer's techrxical information, :including label analysis and inslxuctions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material proposed for use. 3. Certification by the manufacturer that products supplied comply with local regulataons controlling use of volatile organic cornpounds (VOCs). Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors available for each type of fuxish-coat naaterial indicated. 1, After color selection, the Owner will fur.nish color chips for surfaces to be coated. DELIVERY, STORA,GE, AND HANDLING Deliver materials to the Project Site in manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing nnanufacturer's name and label, and the following iz�fornnation: 1. Product name or title of material. 2. Product descrip�on (gezieric elassification or binder type). 3. Manufactiu-er's stock numher and date of maziufacture. 4. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle constituents. 5. Thinruing iunsiructions. 6. Application instrucUons. 7. Golor name and number. 8. VOC conten� Store materials not in use in tighdy covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F(7 deg C). Maintai.n containers used zn storage in a clean condition, free of foreign rnaterials and residue. 1. Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and arderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to ensure that workers and work areas are protected from fire and health hazards resulting fron�a harxdling, mixing, and application. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITZONS A_ Apply water-based paints only when the temperahue of surfaees to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 50 and 90 deg F(10 and 32 deg C). B. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air temperatures are between 4S and 95 deg F(7.2 and 35 deg C). C. Do not apply paint in rain, fog, or mist; or when the relative humiciity exceeds &5 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F(3 deg C) above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. l. Pain�ng may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature lirnits specif ed by manufacturer during application and drying periods. ]..6 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra paint nnaUerials from tbe same production nui as the material.s applied in the quantities described below. Package paint materials in unopened, factory-sealed containers for storage and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver exlxa materials to the Owner. 1. Quantity: Furnish the Owner with an additional 5 percent, but not less than 1 gal. (3.785 L) or 1 case, as appropriate, o#' each :naaterial and color applied. 1'ART Z - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers Nanaes: following: Subject to coxnpliance with requirements, provide products of one of the PAINTING 0990� - 2 of 7 � 1 APA 12.09 L� I _! � � � ' � , � ' ' � � 1 , Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1. Porter Paint Company (Paint Schedule is based on Porter Paint. If ar�other manufacturer is submit�ed, subtnit both Porter Data Sheets along wit}x Data Shaets for paint proposed to be used. All products must be equivalent or exoeed quality o£Porter Praiucts scheduIed for Architect's approval.) 2. ICI Dulux Paints. 2.2 PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAJ., A. Material Campatihility: Provide block fllers, primers, undarcoats, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with ane another and the substrates indicated under conditions of service and applica�on, as demonstrated by manufacturer 6ased on testing and field e�cperience. PART 3 - EXECLITION 3.1 EXAMINATXON A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with the Applicator present, wnder which pain�ng will be performed far compliance with paint application requirements. 1. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces receiving paint are thoroughly dry. 2. Start of painting will be construed as the Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditions within a particular area. B. Caordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to enstue compatibility of tlie tatal system for various substrates. On reques� fiirrush information on characteristics of £�inish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. Notify the Architect about anticipated problezns using the materials specified over substrates primed hy others. 3.2 PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of the size or weip�t of the item, provide stu-face-applied protecUon before surface preparation and painting. 1. After campleting pain�ng operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean the substrates of substances that could impair the bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. 1. Sch�dule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fa11 on wet, newly painted surfaces C. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particular subsirate condition and as specified. 1. Provide barrier caats over incampatible primers or remove and reprime. 2. Cennentitious Materials: Prepare concrete, concrete masonry block, cement plaster, and mineral-fiber-reinforced cement panel surfaces to be paintecl. Remave e£florescence, chalk, dust, dir� gease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve cw7i.ng, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. a� Use abrasive blast-cleaning methods if recommended by paint manufacturer. P�wer spray exterior of existing building to be repainted. b. Determine allcalinity and moisture content of surfaces by performing apprapriate tests. If surfaces are suff�ciently alkaline to cause the fuush paint to blister and ' PATNTING 1 09900 - 3 of 7 APA 12.09 I�� � Pier 60 Rest�-oom Addition � burn, cprrect this condition before application. Do not paint surfaces where moisture content exceeds ttaat permitted in ma�nufacturer's written instructions. 3. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil, and ather foreign substances with scrapers, rnineral spirits, and sandpaper, as requued. Sand surfaces exposed to view smoot}a amd dust off. a. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned laiots, and apply a thin coat of white shellac or other re�ommended knot sealer before applying primer. After prinning, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth wlaen dnied. 4. Ferrous Metals: Clean ux�galvanized ferrous-naetal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove ail, grease, d'urt, loose mill scale, and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with the Steel Structtu-es Painting Council's (SSPC) recommendations. a. Blast steel surfaces clean as recornmended by paint system manufacturer and according to requirements of SSPC-SP 10. b. Treat bare and sandblasted or pickted clean rnetal with a metal trea�r►ent wash coat before priming. c. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wue- brush, clean with solvents recommended by paint manufacturer, and touch up with the same primer as the shop coat. 5. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces with nonpetroleum-based solvents so surface is frae of oil and surface contaminants. �temove pretrea�nent from galvanized sheet nnetal £abricated from coil stoek by mechanical nnethods. Materials Preparation: Mix and prepare paint mater�als according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Maintain containers used in xnixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of fareign materials and residue. 2. Stir material before applicati.on to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir sw-�ace film into nnaterial. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. 3. Use only thinners approved by paint manufactw-er and only within recommended limits. E. Tinting: Tint eaeh undercoat a lighter shade to simplify identification oi each coat when multiple coats of the sanne material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finish coat, but provide sufficient differences iu� shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat, 3.3 AP�LZCATZON A. General: Apply paint according to nnamufacturer's written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of maCerial being applied. 1. Paint colors, surface trea�nents, and finishes are indicated in the sehedules. 2. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or canditions detrirnental to formation o�' a durable paint fil.m_ 3. Provide finish coats that a.ra connpatible with primers used. 4. The tercn "e7cposed surfaces" includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, convector �overs, covers for finned-tube radiatio� grilles, and sirnilar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, as required, to maintain the systenrt integx-ity and pro�vide desired protection. 5. Paint surfaces behind znovable equiprnent and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before the �mal installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanenfly fixed equipment or fiuniture with prime coat only. 6. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, nonspecular black paint where visible tlu-ough registers or grilles. PAIIVTING 09900 - 4 of 7 � 1 � APA 12_09 � � � � � ' � � � � ' � � � � � � r I� C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Pier 60 ResUnam Addition 7. Paint back sides of access panels and removable or hin�ged covers to rnatch exposed surfaces. 8. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges the same as exterior faces. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surFaces thac have been claan�ed, pretreated, or othezwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subseyuent surface deterioration. 1. The number of coats and the filna thickness required are the same regardless of application method. Do not apply succeeding �coats until the previous coat has cured as recammended by the rnanufacturer. If sanciing is requixed to produce a smooth, even surface according to manufacttuer's written instructions, sand between applications. 2. Omit primer on metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. 3. If undercoats, stains, or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additaonal coats until paint film is of uniform finish, calor, and appearance. Give special attenpon to ensure edges, corne�rs, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a c�y film thickness equivalent to that oi flat surfaces. 4. Allow sufficient tune between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat surfaces until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thuzaah pressure, and where application of another coat ofpaint does not cause the undercoat to lift or lose adhesion. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatixigs by brus� roller, spray, or other applicators according to manu�'acturer's written instructions. 1. Bx-ushes: Use brushes best suited for the type ofmaterial applied. Use hrush of appropriate size for the surface or item being painted. 2. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet back, or high-pile sheep's wool as recommended by the manufacturer £or the material and texture required. 3. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as reCOmmended by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. Minimum Coatizzg Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufactuzer's recornmended spreading rate. Provide the total dry film thiclrness of the entire system as recommended by the manufacturer. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting of inechanical and electrical work is limited to items exposed in equipment rooms and in occupied spaces. Mecbanical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Piping, pipe hangers, and supports- 2. Ductwork. 3. Insulation. 4. Acccssory items. Electrical items to be painted include, bat are not lirnited to, the following: 1. Conduit and �ittittgs. 2. Switchgear. 3. Panelboards. Block Fillers: Apply block fillers to concrete rnasonry block at a rate to ensure complete coverage with pores �illed. Prime Coats: Before applyiing iinish coats, apply a prime coat of material, as recommended by the manufacturer, to material that is requaired to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat prirned and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in ffrst coat appeazs, to ensure a finish coat with no hurn through or other defects due to insufficiemt sealing. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform imish, color, appeerance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, PAINTTNG 09900 - 5 of 7 APA 12.09 � Pier 60 Restroam Addit�on � holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. K. Stipple Enamel Finish: Roll and redistribute paint to an even and fine texture. Leave no evidence of rolling, such as laps, irregularity in texture, skid marks, or other surface imperfections, L. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not complying with requirements. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTRQL A. The Owner reserves the right to invoke the following test procedure at any time and as often as the Owner deems necessary during the period when paint is being applied: 1. The Owner will engage the services of an independent tesring agency to sample the paint material being used. Sarnples of material delivered to the I'roject will be taken, identified, sealed, and certifed in the presence of the Contractor. 2. T'he testing agency will perFozm appropriate tests for the following characteristics as required iry the Ow�aer: a. Quantitative material analysis. b. Abrasion resistance. c. Apparent reflectivity. d. Flexibility. e. Washability. f. Absorption. g. Accelerated weatlaering. h. Dry opacity. i. Accelerated yellowness. 3. j. Recoaring. k. Skinning. 1. Color retention. m. Alkali and mildew resistanae. The Owner may direct the Contractor to stop painting if tesC results show material being used does not comply with specifred requirements. 'The Contractor shall rernove noncomplying paint £ram the site, pay for testing, and repaint surfaces previously coated with the rejected paint. If necessary, the Contractor may be required to remove rejected paint from previously painted surfaces if, pn repairnting with specified paint, the 2 cnatings are incorapatible. 3.S CLEANING A. Cleanup: At the end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materiaLs from the site. l. After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paink by washing and scraping. Be careful not to scratch or damage adj acent finished surfaces. 3.6 PROTECTION A. Protsct work of other trades, whet}xer being painted or not, against damage by painting. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved lry Architect. B. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted iuushes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their wark after completing painting operations. 1. At aompletion of conslruction activities of other trades, touch up and restore darnaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedtues specified in PDCA P1. PAINTING 09904 - 6 of 7 � I � i , APA 12_09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 3.7 EXTERIOTt PAINT SCHEDULE A. S and Float Stucco and repainting of existing building: 1_ First Coat: "PorterLock" #b010 Pigmented Sealer 2_ Intermediate Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic 3. Top Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic B. ��Tardie Fiber Cement Trizn and Soffits: 1. First Coat: #515 Series Primer 2. Xantermediate Coat: "3939 Portersep�' Exterior Satin Acrylic 3. Top Coat: "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic C. P.T. Wood: Painted: 1. Fvrst Coat: 2. Intermediate Coat: 3. Top Coat: D. Doors and Frames: 1. First Coat: 2. Interttxediate Coat: 3. Tap Coat: 3.8 1NTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE A. Intezior Masonry Walls: 1. Fi�st Coat: 2_ Second Coat: 3. Third Coat: 4. Top Coat: B. Intenior Ceilings: 1. First Coat: 2. Intermediate Coat: 3. Top Coat: C. Concrete Floor Sealer : 1. First Coat: 2. Top Coat: END OF SECTION d990p #S 15 Series Primer "3939 Portersept" Ea�erior Satizx Acrylic "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic "Porter Guard" #21S/212 series, DTM Primer "Poa-ter Guard" #2905 series, DTM Gloss Enarnel "Porter Guard" #2905 series, DTM Gloss Enamel Porter #896 Block Filler Porter #896 Block Filler Porter #9370 Dnraglaze Epoxy P�ter #9370 Duraglaze Epoxy #S 15 Series Primer "3939 Portersept" Exterior Satin Acrylic "3939 PorGersep�' Exterior Satin Acrylic Canto1227 Water-based Seal & Finish for Concrete Canto1227 Water-based Seal & Finish fpr Concrete PAINTTNG 09900 - 7 of 7 ' � � 1 L_ 9 � l� �� � � � l� � � r � l� APA 12.09 SECTION 09910 -- DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING PART1-GENERAL Pier 60 Restroonn Addition 1.1 W ORK INCLUDED A. Work described in tt�is sectivn includes surface preparation and installatian af Silikal reactive resin industrial floor system. B. See drawings for locations and quantities. 1.2 RELATEll W�RK - SPECrFIED �LSEWHERE A. Cast-in-plaoe concrete (Section 03300) 1. See Paragraph 1.8 - Requirernents for New Concrete. B. 1'ainting (Section 09900) 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRZPTION A. The Silika161 CQ is a 4-6mm (3/16"-1/4'� thick troweled surfacing cornposite of Silikal l0U% reactive binder resin and Silikal calared quartz aggregate with speci�ed Silikal primer and topcoat. B. The Silikal coating system shall cure completely and be available to normal operations in no more than 90 minutes at temperatures as low as 0°C. after application pf the final coak C_ The fmished Silikal floor coating systezn shall be uni�'onm in color combinations, textur�, and appeazance. All edges that tezminate at walls, floor discontinuities, and other embedded items shall be sharp, unifoz:m, and cosmetically acceptable with no thick or ragged edges. The Con�actor shall work out an acceptable rnaslcing technique to ensure the acceptable finish of all edges. D. See i'aragraph 3,04 and/or 3_07 fnr number and thicknesses of each coatllayer in each system. E. Al1 resins must be manufactured and tested under an ISO 9001 re�istered quality system and IS� 14001 ecology management system. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualificatipns: 1. Acceptable manufacturer: Sili.kal GmbH, Germany. B, Applicator Qualifications: 1. Pre-qualif'ication requirements: Only approved applicators, licensed by Silikal shall be considered for qualrfication. In ano case will Silikal permit the application of any of its materials by untrained, non-approv�d Contractvr or personnel. 2. Each approved applicator shall have been qual�ad by the Manufacturer as la�owledgeable in all phases of surface preparation. 3. Each approved applicator must have three (3) years experience of installing resinous flvoring systems and submit a list of five projects/references as a prequalification requirement. At least one of the Five projects/ references must be of equal size, quantity, ax►d magnitude to this project as a prequalification requirement Owner has the option ta personally inspect the projects/references to accept or reject any of the Cantractors prior to bid tinae as a prequalification requirement. C. Subcontractor Qual�cations: 1. The only approved and specifiied subcontractors for khis resurfacing work shall he for shot-blast cleaning of the concrete substrate. D. Acceptance Sample: ' DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLQ�RING � 09910 - 1 of 7 APA 12.09 E. F 1 Pier 60 Restraom Addition � 1. Representative sarzxple of the specified flooring system shall be submitted to the Owner prior to the bidding phase of the project. All .bidders shall inspect the "acceptance sample" before submitting ttteir bids. 2. The installed flooring system sla�all be similar to the acceptance sample in t}ucknesses of respective faImlayers, color, texture, overall appearance and fuush. Bond �'esting: 1. Sw#�ace preparation efforts shall be evaluated by canducting Bond Tests at the site prior to application of the flooring system(s). 2. See Paragraph 3.3 - B or consult with Material Manufacturer for specific procednre. Pre-7ob Meeting 1, Owner requires a Pre-Job Meeting with representatives of Owner, Contractor/Applicator, and Material Manufacturer in attendance. 'I"he agenda shall include a review and clarification of this specification, application procedures, quality control, inspection and acceptance criteria, and production schedules. Applicator is not authorized to proceed until this meeting is held or waived by Owner. 1.S REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curi�ng Concrete B. ACI 302.1R-80 - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction C. United States Deparbment of Agniculture (USDA) and (Food and Drug Adminisixation (FDA) authorization) for incide:ntal contact with foodstuffs. �.6 SUSMYTTALS A. Acceptance Sample: As requued by owner, one foot sc�uare (1 ft. by 1 ft.) sample of the specified acrylic flaoring system applied to hardhoard or similar backing for rigidity and ease af handling. B. Manufacturer's Literature_ Descriptive data and specific recommendations far surface preparation, mixing, and application of raaterials. C. Manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) far each respective product to he used. D. Cleaning and Maintenance. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. All mate�ial shall be delivered in original Manufacturer's sealed containers with all perdnent labels intact and legible. B. Store materials in dry protected area between 25° and 8D° Fahrenheit. Keep out of direct sunlight. Proteet from open flame; keep all containers grounded. C. Follow all Manu�acturer's specific label instructions and pz�udent safety practices for storage and handling. 1.8 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Material, air, and surface temperatures shall be in th�e range of 32° to 85° Fahrenheit during application and cure, unless a special fo�rnnulatian is being used and Manufacturer has been consulted. B. Relative hurnidity in the specific loeation of the ap�lication shall be less than 85 percent and the surface temperature shall be at least 5 degrees above the dew paint C. Canditions required of new concrete to be coated: 1. Concrete shall be moisture cured for a minimum of 7 days at 70° F. The concrete must be fully cured for a minimurn of 28 days prior to application of the coating system pending moisture testing. DECOR.ATNE QUARTZ FLOORING p991 p- 2 of 7 ' � ' , APA 12.09 �1 �� � � � � , 7 E. F Pier 60 Restroom Addition 2. Swface contaminants such as cunng agents, membranes, or other bond breakers should not be used. 3. Concrete shall have a"rubbed" finish; float or darby �nish the concrete (a hard steel browel is neither necessary nor desi.rable). 4. Drains should be set to the concrete grade rather than raised to the finished grade of the �PA��- Concrete shall have a moisture emission rate af no more than 51bs. pear 1000 sq. ft. per 24 hour period as determined hy proper Calcium Chloride Testing. Concrete R/H must be 8S°/a or less as measured by protimeter. Readings greater than 5 by the Calcium Chloride method or 85% by protimeter, may require a preliminary treatment with Silikal RE4U. Foodstu.ffs are the responsibility of the Owner and shall have been removed from the area of application by the Owner or his representatives. Vapor bamers and/or suitable means shall have been installed beneath grade slabs to prevent vapor transmission. Consult rechnical Departrnent. 1.9 WARRANTY A. Silikal warrarits that matexials shipped to buyers are at the time of shipment substantially free from material defects and will perform substantially according to Silikal published literature ii used strictly in accordance with Silikal's prescribed procedures and prior to expiration date. B. Silika]'s liability with respect to this warranty is strictly limited to the value of the material purchased. C. Silikal has no responsibility for the applicaiion and processing of products and is under no circumstances liable to any third party whatsoever. PART 2 - PRODUCTS � 2.1 ACCE�'I'ABLE MANLIFACI'URER,S A. Silikal GimbH, Ge:rmany r � l� � � � l� � � 2.2 MATERIALS A. $ili.ka161 CQ Decorative Quarkz Flooring 1. 1. Moisture V apor Treatment (if required) a Silikal RE40 2. Sahuating Pri.rn�er/SIlikal Coat: a. Silikal RA 1 with Additive I 3. Patching/Sloping (if required) a Silikal R17 Polynaer Concrete �. Coving (if required): � � 8. a. S�lilcal HK20 with Sililcal filler CQ Topping: a Silikal R61 Quarkz, consistrn� of Silikal R61 resin and Silikal Filler Topcoat(s): a. Silikal R81 Colorless Silikal Topcoat Resin. Silikal CQ for broadcasling: Color/s to be chosen by owner. Aluzninium O�dde (if required) 2.3 PRODUCT INSTALLATION & APPLICATIDN CRITERIA A. All Silikal Material Systems Excepting Moisture Vapor Treatment: 1. Pot Life at 68° F .................................... 10-15 minutes 2. Cure Time at 68° F ............................... 60 minutes DECORATNE QUARTZ FLOORING 09910-3 of7 APA 12.09 Pier 6Q Restroom Addition 3. Recoat Time at 6$° F ............................ 60-90 minutes Z.a MIXES A. Follow manufacturer's prescribed procedures and recomnrxendations. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREWORK INSPECTXON A. Examine all sur�aces to be coated with Silikal material systems and report to the Contractor and/or Engineer any canditions that will adversely affect the appearance or perforrr�ance oi these coating systems and that cannot be put into acceptable condition by the preparatory work spacii'ied in Paragraph 3.3. B. Do not proceed with application until the surface is acceptable or authorization to proceed is given by the Engineer. 3.2 GENERA.X.. A. Material starage area must be selected and approved by Applicator and the Contractor. B. If existing ventilation is inadequate, Applicator �c�vill provide sufficient venplation to allow complete air exchange every five (5) minutes. C. Applicator will protect adjacent surfaces not to be coated with masking and/or covers. Owner's e.c�uipment shall be protected froxn dust, cleaning solutions, and flooring materials. 3.3 A. I:� PREPARATION Surface Preparation - General 1. Concrete substrate must be clean and dry. Dislodge dirt, znortar spatter, paint overspray, and other dry surface accwnulations and contaminadon by scraping, brushing, sweeping, vacuuming, and/or compressed air blowdown. 3. New concrete: Sea 1.8 - C for requirements. 4. Surfaces that are heavily contaminated shall be cleaned with the appxopriate degreaser, detergent, or other appropriate cleaner/surFactant fallowed by thoroughly rinsing with fresh water to remove the accumulation prior to mechanical cleaning efforks. Mechturical cleaning will not remove such deposits, but oz�ly drive them deeper. 5. Concrete shall have a moisture emission rate of no znore than S lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. per 24 hour period asdeteaxxzined by proper Calcium Chloride Testing and no more thar� 85% R/H as measured by Protimeter Bond Testing 1. The applicator shall evaluate all surface preparation by conducting bond tests at strategic locations. 2. Mix six (6) ounces of the primer to be used in the application with 5% by volurne Silikal Powder Hardener. Add #10-#12 mesh, dry quartz sand until an easily trowelable mixture is obtained. Apply palmsized patties 1/8" to 1/4" thick. 3. Af%r one (1) hour at (b8° F.), patties must be cured tack-free and cooled to ambient temperature of concrete. Remove patties with hauimer and chisel and examine fracture/delamination plane. Concrete with fractured aggregate must be attached to the entire underside of the patty. 4. If only laitanee or a small amount af conerete is attached or if interface hetween patty and substrate is tacky, fiutlaer substrate preparation is required. 5. If further surface preparation is rec�uired, bond tests shall be conducted again when this has been completed. DECOR.ATNE QUARTZ FLOORIlVG 09910 - 4 of 7 � � � ' APA 12_09 � � � � � �� � r � � �� � � � Fier 60 Restroom Addition 6. Tf no amount or kind of surface preparation produces satisfactory bond tests, the applicator shall repart that to the Owner, Engineer, and Ma�nufacturer. C. Mecharzical Suxface Preparakion and Cleaning l. All accessible concrete floor surFaces shall be mechanically blast cleaned using a mobile steel shot, dust recycling machine such as BLASTRAC�, or approved equivalent. All surFace and embedded accumulations of paint, toppings, hardened concrete layers, laitance, power trowel finishes, and other similar surf'ace characteristics shall be completely removed leaving a bare cancrete surface having a profile similar to 40 grit sandpaper and exposing the upper fascia of concrete aggregate. 2. Floor areas rnaccessible to the rnobile blast clea.ning machines shall be mechanically abraded to the same degree of cleanliness, soundness, and profile using vertical disc scarifiers, starwheel scarifiers, needle guns, seabblers, or other suitably effective equipment. 3. After blasting, traces or accurr►ulations of spent abrasive, laitance, remov�d toppings, axid other debris shall be removed with brush or vacuum. 4. Conduct Bond Tests to check adequacy of surface preparation. See Paragraph 3.3 - B (Bond Testing). 5_ Application of the respective specified material system(s) must be completed before any water or other contamisiation of the surface occurs. 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Application of Silika161 CQ flooring systern consists of: 1. Applying raoisture vapor trealrnent (if required) 2. Applying the primer, 3. Applying caving (if required), 4. Perforniuig patching and sloping with polymer cancrete (i£required), 5. Re-priming polymer con�rete areas 6. Applying the topping, broadcasting the quartz 7. Applying the topcoat(s), a. Time for curing (45 - 60 minutes) shall be allowed between each coat. b. Thicla�esses are specified below and/or in Paragraph 3.7. B. Qpen only the containers of component matezials ta be use in each speci�ic application as needed. Refer w Manufacturer's daCa sheeCs for pot-life/temperature relations}vp to detexxnir►e size of batches to mix and mix ratios for each respective coat of the system. C. Measure, add, and mix the Silikal Bl'-Powder Hardener into the respective resin components in the prpportions recomznended by the Material Manufacturer. Pot life is shor� so mix only as rnuch material at a Ume as can be easily and efficiently applied. 3.5 MOISTURE VAPOR TREATMENT A. Mix moisture vapor treatment products as recommended by manufacturer. B. Pour out all resin onto the concrete surface and spread it with a squeegee. After a short operating time (appr. 10 minutes) the excess must be removed with the squeegee. 'The remaining resin can be rolled out with a lint free resin proof raller. 1. Resin films as well as the building of puddles have ta be avoided! 2. The waiting time between the coats depends on the absorbency of the substrate and is normally between one and tlxree hours. Before applying the secand coat if required, the impregnation of the fust coat into the substrate should be evident. C. If required, repeat the above process. 1. During application of the treatment take care that there is no film building at the surface. 2. The surface text�u-e has to be maintained after every.step. iDECO�TrvE Qu�xTZ r�.00RnvG L�J 09910 - 5 of 7 APA 12.09 3.6 � C. D. � �ier 60 Restroom Addition � PRIME CUAT Mix primer components according to manufacturers instructions. Pour the mixture batches onto the floor surface and use a 9" or 18" wide, 1/2" - 3/4" thick- napped, solvent resistant paint roller to roll out the mAterial at a rate oF 100 sq. £t./ gal. to form a unifarm, continuous film, ensuring that all crevices, cracks, other surface discontinuities have been saturated and coated. Use a paint brush to reach areas inaccessible w the roller. Work quickly and deliberately; the pot life is short (10 —15 minutes). Do not leave any "puddles"; roll out any such accumulations. Allow the primer coat to cure. If any of the cvncrete has absorbed all pf the primer or if the concrete still has a dry laok, reprime these areas before applying the next layer. 3.7 COVxNG (IF REQUIRED) A. Surface Preparation 1. If concrete walls are to be painted prior to installation of cove base, the bottom portion o.f the walls shall remain uncoated to the height of the cove base to insure a proper bond lo the conczete wall. 2. If walls are constructed of a non-compatible material or if a coating exists, a backer board of 1/2" cement board cut to the desired height of the cove base needs to be installed. The top of the backer board should be cut at a 45° angle to create a"beveled" edge. 3. If a backer board needs to be installed it shall be fastened using a kaigh grade construction adhesive as well as counter sunk screws or concrete masonry anchors. B. System Description 1. Cove base shall be installed aecording to manufacturer's recommendations and shall be: C. Application area requires prime coat according to 3.(k�.02 D. Trowel-On Cove Base consisting of a trowel applied radius/base mix with a termination strip installed at the top vf the base. 1. Cove base will receive a broadcast and top coat consistent with floox-i.ng system. 3.8 PATCHING/SLOPING (IF REQUIRED) A. Mix polymer concrete camponents as reco;n�ua�ended by the Material Manufacturer, B. Use mixture to repair any damaged concrete, or to slope any areas as needed. C. Once cured, material must be re-primed before next layer is applied. 3.9 TOPPING A. Size the batches, and mix according to Ma�uufacturer's instructions. The entire batch should be pou�red and spread at once, i.e., do not let material set in pail. E. Spread the topping material with a gauge rake set to a depth of 1/8". Lightly trowel to a uniform thickness of 1/8" as necessary. C. If necessary, roll with a porcupine roller ta release trapped air. D. Braadcast colored quartz into the fresh material before it begins to cure. Broadcast by hand, or use a backpack type blower or sand blast pot to achieve an even broadcast. The quartz must `rain' down and not be thrown into the wet base coat. E. Allow the topping to cure. F. Remove excess quartz by sweeping, "blow-down", and/or vacuuming. 3.10 TOP COAT A. Apply with clean rollers at a rate of 80 - 90 sq, ft./gal. in the same way as the Si�ikal Primer was applied as described in Paragaph 3.04.02. DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING 09910-dof7 � �� ' � APA 12.09 Pi er 60 Restraam Additi on B. (�£ Required) Broadcast aIuzxiinum axide, or other suitable nnatenal into wet topcoat resin, size � And rate as determined by owner. C. Allow topcoat to cure. Floors without alwnn.inum oxide broadcast may be lightly sanded if required. Vacuum all dust, paying particular attention to edges and corners. � ' ' � �1 � � �� ' � C� 1 � 3.11 SECOND TOP COAT A. Apply with clean rollers at a rate of 1 �0 - 125 sq. ft./gal. in the same way as the Silikal Primer was applied as described in Paragraph 3.6. B. Allow topcoat to cure. 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL/INSPECT�ON A. Applicator shall request acceptance oi surface preparation from the Engineer befare application of the prime/seal coat. B. Applicator shall request acceptance of ttae prime coat frvm the Engineer before applicatian of subsequent specified matenials. 3.13 CLEA1�iING A. Applicator shall remove any material spatters and other material that is not where it should be. Remove masking and covers taking care not to contaminate surroundi.zzg area. B. Applieator shall repair any damage that should arise from either the application or clean-up effort. 3.14 COATING SCHEDULE A. Moisture vapor treatment shall be Silikal RE40 application rate shall be appro�znately 220 sq. ft. per gallon (approx. 7 mils) B. Primer shall be Silikal R41 with Additave I Application rate shall be approx. 100 sq.ft. per gallon (approx. 16 rnils). C. Patching/Sloping material shall be R17 D. Coving s}xall be Silikal HK 20 per manufaeturers recommendations. E. Body coat shall be Silikal R61CQ, applied with a gauge rake set at 1/8" for a rate o£ 40 sq. ft. per batch. Calored quartz to be broadcast into the uncured topping (optional). Broadcast the quartz at the rate of 0.5 — 0.75 pounds per sq. ft. F. Clear topcoat shall be Silikal R81; apply at the rate of 80 - 90 sq. ft, per gallon %r the %rst coat and 90 — 120 sq. ft. per gallon for the second application. � DECORATIVE QUARTZ FLOORING � 09910 - 7 of 7 � � I _� � � r u ' � ' � � � � I�� � � APA 12.09 SECTION 10155 - TOILET COMPARTMENTS PARTI-GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Tncludes: l. Solid-polyxtxer toi�let compartu�ents con�f gured as detailed on drawings. ]..2 SUBM7"t'TALS A. Product Data: For each type of praduct indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For toilet compartnnents. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. C. Samples for each exposed product and for each color and texture specified. D. Product certificates. E. Maintenance data. l.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Surface-Buming Characteristics: As determined by testizag identical products according to ASTM E$4, or another standard acceptable to authorities havi.ng jurisdictian, by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 1. Flame-Spread Index: 25 or less. 2. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with applicable provisions in the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Eoard's "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Architectural Sarriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Cruidelines for Buildings and Facilities". f7�:Tj��.' : �j��iC 1�7�i.9 2.Z SOLID-POLYMER iT1�TITS A. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requ�rements, provide Santana Products, Inc., or comparable product by one of the following: 1. Accurate Partitions Corporation. 2. Ampco, Inc. 3. Bradley Corporatipn; Mills Par6itions. 4. Comtec Industnies/Capitol Partitions. 5. General Partitions Mfg. Corp. 6. Global Steel Products Corp. 7. Hadrian Ma�nufact►uing Inc. 8. Knickerbocker Partition Corparatian. 9_ Metpar Cozp. 10. Partition Systems Incorporated of South Carolina. 11. Rockville Pariitions �ncorporated. 12. Sanymetal; a Crane Plumbing company. 13. Weis-Robart Parptions, Inc. B. Toilet-Enclosure Style: �verhead braced. C. Entrance-Screen Style: �verhead braced. D. Urinal-Screen Style: Wall hung. �. Door, Panel, Screen, and Pilaster Constructipn: Solid, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) panel material, not less than 1 inch thick, seamless, with eased edges, and with homogenous color and pattern throughaut thiclaiess of material. 1. Integral Hinges: Configure doors and pilasters to receive integral hanges. � TOIL�T COMPARTMENTS � 10155-1of3 APA 12.09 F. G � � Pier 60 Restroom Additaon � 2. Heat-Sink Strip: Manufacturer's standard continuous, extruded-aluminum orstainless- steel strip fastened to exposed bottom edges of salid-polymer components to preverit buming. 3. Polymer Panel Finish� One color and patte� in eacka room. a. Color and Pattern: As selected by Axchitect from manufacturer's full range. Pilaster Shoes and Sleeves (Caps): Manufacturer's standard design; stainless steel, Urinal-Screen Post: Manufacturer's standard post design of znaterial matching the thickness and construction of pilasters. Brackets (Fittings): l. Full-Height (Continuous) 'I'ype: Manufacturer's standard design; stainless steel. 2.2 ACCESSORiES A Hardware and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard design, heavy-duty operating hardware and accessories. 1. Material: Stainless steel. 2. Hinges: Manufacturer's standard. 3. Latch and Keeper: Manufacturer's standard surface-mouzited latch unit designed for emergency access and with combination rubber-faced door strike and keeper. Provide units that camply with regulatory requirements for accessibility at compartments designated as accessible. 4. Coat Hook: Manufacturer's star�dard cornbinataon hook and rubber-tipped bumper, sized to prevent in-swinging door from hitting compartnrxent-rnounted accessories. 5. Door Bumper: Manufacturer's stan�dard rubber-tipped bumper at out-swinging daors. 6. Door Pull: Manufacturer's standard unit at out-swinging doors that complies with regulatory requirements foar accessibility. Provide units on both sides of doors at compartments designaCed as accessible. B. Overhead Bracing: Manu£acturer's standard continuous, extruded-aluminum head rail with antigrip profile and in manufacture�s standard £'inish. C. Anchorages and Fasteners: Manufacturer's standard exposed fasteners of stainless steel, fzushed to match the items they are securing, with theft-resistant-type h�ads. Provide sex-type bolts for through-bolt applications. For concealed anchors, use stainless steel, hot-dip galvanized steel, or other rust-resistant, protective-coated steel. 2.3 FABRICAT�ON A. Overhead-Braced Units: Provide manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant supports, leveling mechariisrn, and anchors at pilasters to suit floor conditions. Provide shoes at pilasters to conceal supports and leveling mechanism. B. Door Size and Swings: Unless otherwise indicated, provide 24-inch wide, in-swinging doors for standard tailet compartments and 36-inch wide, out-swinging doors with a minimum 32- inch wide, clear opening for cornpartnnents designated as accessible. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with manu#'acturer's written installation instxuctians. InsCall units rigid, straight, level, and plumb. Secure units in position with rnanufacturer's recommended anchoring devices. B. Clearances: Maximum 1/2 inch between pilasters and panels; 1 inch between panels and walls. C. Stimip Brackets: Secure panels to walls atzd to pilasters with no fewer than three brackets attached at midpoint and near top and bottom af panel. Locate wall brackets so holes %r wall anchors occur in masonry or tile joints. Align brackets at pilasters with brackets at walls. TOILET COMPARTMENTS 10155-2of3 � r 1 � � � � ' ' � � r � � � � � � � � ' AS�A 12.09 Pier 50 Restroom Addit�on 3.2. AD.NSTING A. Hardware Adjusm�ent: Adjust and lubricate hardware according to hardware manufacturer's written :instructions for proper operation. Set hinges on in-swinging doors to hold doors open approxaxnately 30 degrees frorn closed position wlnen unlatched. END OF SECTION 1U155 TOTLET COMPARTMENTS 10155-30�3 r , � � APA ] 2.09 SECTION ] 0431 - SIGNAGE PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes: 1. Panel Signs � 1.2 � ' i � u � i � u � L__l � n : C� Pier 60 Restroonn Addition SUBMITTALS Manufacturer's Product Data: 1_ Submit five (5) copies af manufacturer's technical information, installation instructions and maintenance recommendations. Shop Drawings: ]_ Submit five (5) copies of shop drawings cleazly indicaUng: a. Size, type, layout, colors and wording of signs, letters, plaques and d"uectories. b. Fabrication, construction and installation details of anchors, grounds, reizxforcements and accessories. Provide setting drawings, templates and d"u-ections P�r insrallation of alI anchors to be installed, as a unit of work in other sections, for all signs, letters, plaques and directaries anchored to permanent construction. c. Plans and elevations which indicate the locations of all signs, letters, plaques and directories as specified for th.is projeck d. Large scale secCions of typical members and other compdnents. e. Message list fvr each sign required. f. Proof copy of inetal plaques. Samples: 1.. General: a. The Architect shall rnake all selections from the samples of standard colors, patterns and surface textures submitted by the manufacturer. 2. Signs and Letters: a Submit ane (1) "full - size" sample, representalive of each type af sign and letter specified. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.] PERMANENT ROOM DESiGNATIONS A. General: 1. Permanent Room Designations shall include Room Names and/oz- Numbers and shall conform to the Americans with� Disabilities Act of 1991 (ADA) including any subsequent revisions. 2. Permanent Ro�m Designations shall be considered "Panel Signs". 3. Letters and numbers shall be considered "Tactile Text". B. Character Proportion: 1. J etters and numbers on signs shall have a width to height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke-width to height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10. C. Character Height: 1. Chazacters and numbers on signs shall be sized accordieg to the viewing distance from which they are to be read. The minimum height is measured using an upper case X. Use upper case characters only. D. Raised and Brailled Characters &. Pictorial Symbol Signs: 1. Letters and nunnbers (tactile text) on signs shall be raised 1/32", upper case, sans serif or simple serif type and shall be accoxnpanied with Grade II Sraille, raised 1/32", on the ' SIGNAG� � 10431 - 1 of 3 APA 12.04 1 Pier 60 Restroom Addition � bottom of the sign. Raised Cactale text shall be at least 5/8" lugh, but no higher chan 2". Pictograms, in a munimum 6" x 6" area, may be reverse engraved/subsurface and shall be ac�onnpanied by the equivalent verbal description placed direcdy below the pictogram. E. Finish and Contrast: 1. The characters and background of signs shall be eggshell, matte ar other non-glare �inish. 2. Characters and sy7mbols shall contrast wittz their hackg,xound - either light characters on a dark background or dark characters on a light background. 3. Colors: See 1.2 SUBMITTALS, C.l.a., page 10431-1. F. Sign Materials and Product Manufacturers: 1. The signs shall be fabricated frozn modi�ed acrylic polymers, (MAP) suitable for indoor use. Approved Modif'ied Acrylic Polyzmer PRODUCT MANiTFACTURERS: Rowxn.ark "Ultra Mattes" Rowland, Inc. l S Massirio Drive Kensington, Cannecticut 0G037 (800) 243-3339 2. "2Plex" New Hermes, Inc. 22�0 Northxnont Pky. Duluth, Georgia 30136 (800)843-7637 3. "Crystals" Innovative Plastics, Inc. P. O. Box 7065 Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (815)477-0778 G. Sign Fabrication: 1. Signs shall be a minimum of 1/8" thick, not including raised characters, non-glare (matte) finished surface with straight edges free of saw marks or arry ather imperfections. 2. Signs shall be fabricated by applying a thin layer of ink to th,e back af the clear base sheet and a clear protective coating over the ink. Ink colors shall be as speci�ed in 1.2 SUBMITTALS, C.l.a., page 10431-1 3. Raised "Tactile Text" shall be achieved by chemically welding 1/16" thick computer cut, colorfast MAP text characters into the 1/32" computer recessed area of tt�e �'ace af the base sheet. The text sl�all be chemically welded to the recessed surface of the base sheet using methylene chloride and shall, after fabrication, remain raised 1/32" above t}�e face of the �ase sheet. 4. Grade II Sraille shall be achieved by pressing optically correct acrylic raster balls into .p03 in. computer drilled holes in tt�e base sheet surface. The acrylic raster baUs shall be U.V. protected and shall be guaranteed against fading. Bordered, depressed Braille is NOT acceptable. 5. Sign edges shall be square and the corners shall have a 1/2" radius. 6. Text style shall be HELVEfICA upper case letters. Text height shall be 3/4" and Number height shall be 3/4". 7. Approved Modified Acrylic Polynner sign manufacturers: SIGNAGE 10431 - 2 of 3 � � ' ' APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition a. All sign manufacturers shall comply with the specified product and fabrication � requirements. S. Sign Names, Type, arad Size: a. Pictogram Sign an�d Roam Name 9" x 6" ' � � �� � , ' � , 1� �J ' 1 � �ART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAi. A. Panel Wall Signs shall be located where shown an the drawings and as called out in these speciiications. B. Panel Wall Signs shall be installed level and plumb with sign surfaces free from dastortion or other defects of appearance. C. Mounting Heights: 1. Signs mounted flat against the wall: a. Panel Wall Signs shall be mounted b0" above the fnish floor to the centerline of the sign b. Conform to ADAAG 4.4 Protruding Objects for all flat wall mounted signage. 3.2 �'ERMANENT RQQM DESXGNATIONS: A. Signs shall be located as shawn on the drawings and as directed by the Architect. 1. Signs shall be mounted on the door. 2. Signs shall be installed as follows: a. Signs shall be installed into a bed of silicone sealant which shall be screeded even with the outside square edge of the signs. b. Should shim plates be necessary to obtain a aue and level secure attachmen� they shall be aluminum with pre-drilled aad counter sunk hales, silicone filled. 3.3 S�GN SCHEDULE A. Men's and Wornen's with handicapped symbol and Braille. END OF SECI'IQN 10431 ' SiGNAGE r IOq�31 - 3 of 3 , ' � , � � , ' 1 1 � � ' ' � � , APA 12.09 SECTION 10520 - FIRE-PROTEGTION SPECIALTIES I' :7�:�fi Qe��a ►1 �_�7:\ � 1'ier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Secdon includes the following: l. Portable fire extinguishers. 2. Fire-protecbion cabinets. 3_ Mounting brackets for fire extinguishers. B. See Division 9 painting Sections for field painting fire-protection cabinets. C. See Division 13 Section "Fire-Suppression Piping" for hose systems, racks, and valves. 1,2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For eaoh type of product indicated. I. Fire Extinguishers: Include rating and classificarion. 2. Fue-Protection Cabinets: Include door hardware, cabinet type, trim style, panel style, and details of installation. 3. Show location of knockouts for hose valves. B. Maintenance data. 1.3 QLTALITY ASSURANCE A. NFPA Compliance: Fabricate and label fue extinguishers to comply with NFPA 10, "Portable Fire Extinguishers." B. Fire Extinguishers: I.isted and labeled for type, raUng, and classificadon by an independent testing agency acceptable ta authorities having jurisdiction. C. Fire-Rated Fire-Protection Cabiuxets: Listed and labeled to comply with requirements of ASTM � 81� for fire-resistance rating of walls where they are installed. 1.4 COORDINATI�N A. Coordinate size of fire-protection cabinets to ensure that type and capacity of fire extinguishers indicated are accommodated. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANU�'ACI'URERS A. Tn other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply to product selectian: 1. Available Manufaoturers: Subject to compliance with requrrements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited ta, manufacturers specified. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet: AS"I'M A 10�8/A 1QU8M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B. B. Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by alurninum producer and manu#'acturer for type of use and finish indicate� and as follows: 1. Sheet: ASTM B 209 (ASTM B 2091Vn. 2. Extruded Shapes: ASTM B 221 (ASTM B 221M). C. Stainless-Steel Sheet: ASTM A 666, Type 304. D. Copper-Alloy Brass Sheet: ASTM B 36/S 36M, alloy UNS No. C26000 (cartridge brass, 70 percent copper). ' FIR�-PROTECTION SPECIALT'iES r 10520 - 1 of 3 APA 12.09 E. F. 2.3 A. � C� r Pier 60 Restroom Addirion � Tempered Float Glass: ASTM C 1048, Kind FT, Condition A, Type I, Quality q3, 3 zziz� thick, Class 1 (clear). Acrylic Bubble: One piece. �ORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUI$HERS Available Manufacturers: 1. AtxAerex Corporation. 2. AnsulIncor�wrated. 3. Badger Fire Prorection. 4. Suckeye Fire Equ�iprnent Company. 5. Fire �nd & Croker Corporation. 6. General Fire Extingwisher Corporation. 7. JL Industries, Inc. S. Kidde Fyrnetics. 9. Larsen's Manufacturizig Compatxy. 10. Modern Metal Products; Div. of Technica. 11. Moon American. 12. Potter Roemer; Div. of Smith Tndust�es, Inc. 13. Watrous; Div. ofAmerican Specialties, Inc_ General: Provide fire extinguishers o£type, size, and capacity for each iire-protection cabznet and mounting bracket indicated. 1. Instruction Labels: Include pictorial marking system complying with NFPA 10, Appendix B and bar coding for documenting %re extinguisher location, inspections, rnaintenance, and recharging. Multipurpose Dry-Chemical Type in Steel Container: LTL-rated 2-A:10-B:C, 5-lb (2.3-kg) nominal capacity, with monoammonium phosphate-based dry chemical in enameled-steel container. 2.4 FIRE-PROTECTION CABINET A. Available Manufacturers: 1. Fire End & Croker Corporation. 2. General Accessory Mfg. Co. 3. JL Indusiries, Inc. 4. Kidde Fyrnetics. 5. Larsen's Manufacturing Company. 6. Modern Metal Products; Div. af'�echnico. 7. Moon American. 8. Potter Roemer; Div. of Smith Induskries, Inc. 9. Watrous; Div. ofAmerican Specialties, Inc. B. Cabinet Type: Suitable for �ire ex�nguisher. C. Cabinet Consiruction: Nonrated. D. Cabinet Material: Alunainuna. E. Semirecessed Cabinet: Cabinet box pa�rtially recessed in walls of sb.allow depth to suit style of dim indicated; with one-piece combination trim and perimeter door frame overlapping surrounding wall surface with exposed trim face and wall return at outsr edge (backbend). 1. Rolled-Edge Trim: 2 21/2 inch backbend depth. F. Door Material: Alumumm sheet. G. Door Style: Fully glazed panel with frame. H. Door Glazing: Tempered float glass (clear). L Door Hardware: Manufacturer's standard door-operating hardware of proper type for cabinet type, trirn style, and door rnaterial and style indicated. FIRE-PROTECTION SPECIALTTES � , � � � � � ' � � ' u , � � 10520 - 2 of 3 � � LJ � APA 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition J. Finishes: � 1. Aluzninum: Saked enamel. a. Color and Texture: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. , z.S FABRICATION A. Fire-Protection Cabinets: Provide manufacturer's standard box (tub), with trim, frame, door, and hardware to suit cabinet type, trim style, and door style indicated_ Weld joints and grind , ' C� �I � � i � i ' � ' , : C. smooth. 1. Constxuct fire-rated cabinets with dauble walls fabricated from O.Q428-inch- (1.1-mm-) thick, cold-rolled steel sheet lined with minimum 5/8-inch- (16-mm-) thick, fire-barrier material. Provide factory-drilled mounting holes. Cahinet Doors: Fahricate doors according to manufactiuer's standards, from materials iradicated and coordinated with cabinet types and trim styles selected. 1. Fabricate door frames with tubular stiles and rails and hollow-metal design, aninimum 1/2 inch (13 mm) thick. 2. Miter and weld perimeter daor frames. Cabinet Trim: Fabricate cabi.net trim in one piece with corners mitered, welded, and ground smooth. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.� INSTALLATION A. Examine walls and partitions for suitable framing depth and blocking where semirecessed cabinets will be installed. B. Examine fire extinguishers for proper charging and ta�ing. Remove and replace damaged, defective, or undercharged units. C. Prepare recesses for semirecessed fire-protection cabinets as required by type and size of cabinet and tnim style. D. Iristall fire-protection specialties in locations and at mounting heights rndicated or, rf not indicated, at heights acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. �. Fire-�rotection Cabinets: Fasten fire-protection cabinets to structtiue, square and plumb. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, provide recessed fire-protectian cabinets. If wall thickness is not adequate for recessed eabinets, provide semirecessed fire-protection cahinets. 2. Provide inside latch and lock for break-glass panels. 3. �'asteu mounting hrackets to inside surface of �ire�protection cabinets, square and plumb. F. Identificati.on: Apply decals at locations indicated. G. Adjust fixe-protaction cabinat doors to operate easily without binding. Verify that integral locking devices operate properly. H. Replace fire-protection cabinets that have been danaaged or have deteriorated beyond successful repair. END OF SECTION 10520 ' FIRE-PRO'�'ECTION SPECIALTTES ' 10520 - 3 of 3 ' �-1 � 1 ' ' LJ ' � �l ' � � , � ' ' APA 12.09 SECTION 108U1 - TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES ' : � ITIQ!'J31►1 � :7:\!J 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Public-use washroom accessories. 2. Childcare accessories. 3. Underlavatory guazds. B. Orvner-Furnished Material: 1. Multi-roll tailet paper dispenser. 2. Sanitary napkin disposal unit. 3, Soap dispensex. Pier 60 Restroom Addipon 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Product Schedule: Indicating types, quan�ties, sizes, and installation locations by room of each accessory required. 1. Identify locations using room designations indicated. 2. Identify products using designations indicated. C. Maintenance data. D. Warranty: Sample of special warranty. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in N�'PA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked foz- irntended lacation and application. 1.4 WARRANTY A. Special Mirror Warranty: Manufacturer's st�andard form in which mAnufacturer agrees to replace minors that develop visihle silver spoilage defects and that fail in materials or workrnanship within specified waxxanty period. 1. Warranty Period: 10 yeazs from date of Substantial Coa�pletion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PUBLIC-USE WASHRUOM ACCESSORIES A. Manufacturers: Subject to complianca r�vith reqturements, provide products by one of the following: 1. American Specialties, Iuc. 2. Bobrick Washroom �quipment, Inc. 3. Bradley Corporadon. B. Cxrab Bar: 1_ Mounting: Flanges with concealed fasteners. 2. Ma#erial: Stainless steel, 0.05 inch thick. a Finish: Smooth, Na. 4 fuush satin on ends and slip-resistant texture in grip area. 3. Qatside Diameter: l.-1/2 inches. 4. Confgura�on and Length: As indicated on Drawings. C. Mirror Unit: 1. Frame: Stainless-steel channel. a. Corners: Welded and ground smooth. � , TOILET AND BATH ACCESSOAiES �� 10$O1-1o�2 APA 12.09 2.2 A ' Pier 60 Restroom Addition ' 2. T]angers: Produce rigid, tamper- and theft-resistant installation, using meChod indicated below. a. Wall bracket of galvanized steel, equipped with concealed locking devices requiring a special tool to remove. 3. Size_ As indicated on Drawings. HAND DRYERS Manufacturer: Excel Dryer, Inc., Xlerator Hand Dryer, Model XL-SB surface-mounted, . automatic, brushed stainless steel cover. 2.3 BASY CHANGING STATION A. Manufacturer: Sobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., KoalaKaze Products Model KB 20�-�0 Cr�am. 2.4 UNl)ERLAVATORY GUA,RDS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliaoce with requirements, provide products by one of the fallowing: 1. Plumberex Specialty Products, ln,c. 2. Truebro by IPS Carporation. B. Underlavatary Guard: 1. Description: Insulating pipe covering for supply and drain piping assemblies that prevent direct contact with and burns from piping; a11ow se�rt+ice access without removing coverings. 2. Material and Finish: Antimicrobial, molded plashc, white. 2.S FABRICATION A. Keys: Provide universal keys for intemal access to accesso�ies for servicing and resupplying. Provide minimum� of six keys to �wner's representarive. �ART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install accessories according to manufacturers' written instructions, using fasteners appropriate to substrate indicated and recommended by unit manufacturer. .Install units level, plunr�b, and firm.ly anchored in locaiions and at heights indicated. B. Grab Bars: Install to withstand a downward load of at least 2501bf, when tested according to ASTM F 446. END OF SECTION 1080] TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10801 - 2 oi 2 � ' � 1 ' 1 , , ' , � �l ' � � � � , 1 GEI 12.09 1SUOU - COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHAIVICAL WORK ' :�Qe'�7�-1�7:� Piez 60 Restroom �.ddit%on 1.1 SCOPE OF DIVISION A. Work shall include all materials, equipment, and Iabor necessary for a complete and properly functioning mechanical installation in accorda.nce with requirements of the Florida Building Code 2007 - Mechanical & Plumbing Codes wit1� latest amendments and to other pertinent codes made a part of such code by reference and applicable NFPA codes, and contract drawings ar�d speci�ications. Work shall be understood to include all work speci�ied in Division ] 5, Mechanical, Secrion numbe�rss 15000 through 15999, inclusive, of the speci�cations. 1.2 DRAWINGS A. Arcluteckural and structural drawings take precedence over mechaxucal drawings with refe;rence to the building construction. Mechanical drawings are diagrammatio and indicate the general arrangement and extent of work. Architectural drawings indicate more exactly the desired relationship between diffusers, registers, lighting fixtures, equipment, electric panels and devices, plumbing fi�.ures, and other items which remain exposed in the complet�d buildings. Exact locations and arrangements of rnaterials and equipment shall be determined, with the approval of the Engineer, as work pro�esses to canform in the best possible manner with the surroundings and with the adjoining work of other trades. Where locations of equipment, devices or fixtures are eontrolled by architectural features, establish such locations by referring to dimensions on Arctaitectural (A-series) drawings and not by scaling drawings. 1.3 COORDINAT�ON OF WORK A. C.00rdinate all wark, prior to installation, with work of other trades and with architectural and structural features to preclude intert'erence's between the works of diiferent trades and to insure necessary clearances at cz-ossovers and equipment. Work requiring necessary fixed locations (e.g., piping with required slopes, lighting fixtures, and diffusers in ceilings, etc.) takes precedence over work not requiring such fixed locaiions and shall establish permissihle routing of services associated with the latter. Should work be perx'ormed without adequate coordination so khat interference's occur between works of different trades, the Contractor shall eliminate such interference's by requiring necessary rework by ttae trades involved. 5uch rework shall meet express approval of the Engineer and shall be performed at no addition to the contract amount. l.a SHOP DRAWINGS A. Refer to "General Conditions". Submit to Engineer for approval, before comumencing work, shop drawings for all mechanical materials and equipment to be pxovided. In addition, submit other drawings or diagrams, dimensioned and in correct scale, requested by Engineer to clarify the work intended or to show its relationship ta adjacent work or work of other trades. Contractor is respansible for any delays in j�b progress accruing directly or indirectly frorn late submission of sb.op drawings. $hop drawings shall clearly show the following: � COMM�N REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL WORK ' 15000-1-9 GEZ 12.09 � Pier 60 Restroom Addition Technical and descr�ptive data in detail eyual to or greater than the date �iven in the item specification. Indicate all characteristics, special modifications and %atures. Where performance and characteristic data is shown on the drawings or speci�ed, submitted data shall be provided in a degree which is both quantitatively and qualitatively equal to that speci�ied and shown so that comparison can be made. Present data izx detail egual to or greater than that given in iCem specifications and include all weights, deflections, speeds, velociiies, pressure drops, operating temperatures, operating curves, temperature ranges, sound rati:ngs, dimensions, sixes, maz►ufacturers' names, model numbers, types of material used, operating pressures, full load amperages, starting amperages, fouling factors, capacities, set-points, chemical compositions, certi�ications and endocsements, operating voltages, thickness, gauges and all other related infoznaation as ap�licable to particular item. Exceptions to ar deviations frorr� the contract documents. Should Engineez- approve any items having such deviations which are not clearlv brought to Enginee�s attention, in writing, on item submittal, then Contractor is responsible for correction of such deviations regardless of when such deviations are discovered. 1.S RECORD DRAWZNGS A. Maintain ane extra set of black-line, white print drawings for use as Record drawings. Reeords shall be kept daily, using colored pencil. As tlxe work is completed, relevant information shall be transferred to a reproducible set, and copies miade shall be given to the Engineer. B. As-built information shall be shown to scale, using standard symibols listed in the legend. As a rxa;�nimum, show the following: 1. Locacion of stub-outs, dimensioned fromi pexrnanent builduxg lizxes. 2. �,ocation and depth af under-slab and in-slab piping. 3. All routing of pipu�g systezxx. 4. Correct all equipment schedules. 5. Corrected numbers as they appear on the schedules. 6. Corrected motor horsepower electrical data. 1.6 FEES AND PERMIT A. All work done under this Contract shall comply with all State and �.ocal Codes having jurisdiction and with the requirements of the Utility Coizapanies whase service may be used. All modi�cations required by these codes shall be made by this Contractor without additional charge. Where code requirements are less than those shown on the Plans or in the Specifica�ions; the Plans and Speeifications shall be followed. Where applicable, N.F.P.A. requirements shall be met B. The Contractor shall obtain all pexmits, inspections, and appxovals as required by all authorities having jurisdiction. All fees and costs of any nature what-so-ever incidental to these permits, irnspections, and approvals must be assumed and paid by this Contractor. C. The Contractor sha11 comply with all applicable provisions oi the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL WORK 150�� _ 2 _ 9 � � � ' 1 1 ' i � ' � C_� ' �� � IJ , ' ' GEI 12.09 PART 2 - PRODUCT'S z.i A. P. C. � E. F Pier 60 Restroom Addikion GENERAL All materials and equipment shall be new and without blernish or defect. Equipment and materials shall be products which will meet with the acceptance o£ the agency inspecting the work. Where acceptance is contingent upon having the products examined, tested, and certi�ied by Underwriters or oth.er recognized testing laboratory, the product shall be so examined, tested, and certified. Substitutions: The following paraga'aphs shall govern should any conflict exist between these "substitution" paragraphs and any other paragraphs of Division 15. l. Substituted equipment or optional equipment where permitted and approved, must conform to space requirements. Any substituted equipraent that cannot meet space requiremients, whether approved or not, shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Any modifications of related systems as a result of substitutions shall be made at the Contractor's expense. 2. Note that the approval of shop drawings, or other information submitted in accordance with the requirements herein before speci�ed, does not assure that the Engineer, or any other Owner's representative, attests to the dimensional accuracy ar dimensional suitability of the material or equipment involved or the ability of the material or equipment involved or the mechanical performance af the equipment. Approval of shop drawings does not invalidate the plans and specifications if in canfliet, unless a letter requesting such change is submitted by the Contractor and approved in writing by the Engineer. 3. Substitutions of inechanical equipment for that shown on the schedules or designated by model number in the specifications will not be considered if the item is not a regular catalogued item shown in the current catalog of the manu�'acturer. 4. If bidder proposes to substitute materials and/or manufacturer's equipment in lieu of those specified, he shall submit written request to the Engineer for approval no later than ten (10) days prior to thc receipt of bids. 5. Requests submitted directly to the Owner or to the Engineer's consultants and/or verbal requests will not be evaluated. 6. Shauld the proposed substitution be accepted, it will be incorporated into the Contract Dacuments by form of addendum. 7. All substitutions proposed later than ten (10) days prior ta the date for receipt of bids shall not be considered. Any substitution not accepted and any substitubion request proposed later than ten (10) days prior to the date for receipt of bids shall not be used as either the basis for bidding or submittal after award of rhe contract. Operating condirions and capacities must be as %llows: 1_ No overloading. 2. No operation at conditians outside of maxiraum and minimum limits recommended by the manufactucer and approved by the engineer. 3. Compatible with all systems. Uriless otherwise specified, a11 equipment and materials furnished must be as £ollows: 1. Recommended by the manufacturer for the application. 2. Installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the application except where specificarions and drawings clearly indicate otherwise. Ownership of existing equipment and handling thereof, demolition: 1. Comply with the requirements set forth in Section entitled "Special Requirements", for the removal, transportation and delivery of special equipmentlmaterial set fortlx to be delivered on a pre-arranged schedule. , COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL WORK ' 15000-3-9 GEI 12.09 , Pier 60 Restroarn Addition , 2. Such equipment/material is owned by Project Owner is not to be taken or othea-wise disposed of by the Contractor (or Subcontractors), unless athenvise indicated on the Drawings or in the Spe�ifications. If such unautlaorized removal or disposal is done, this Cantraetor will be back charged a sum representing fair market retail value of such items. �f the owner does not wish Co retain� the equipment or materials, it is the responsibility of the contractar to remove these items from the site and dispose of them as required by law. 3, Provide demolition of existing mechanical work in remodeled areas. Demolition includes but is noC lim�ited ta removal of all equipment, controls, piping, ducts, supports, etc. and filling, patching and painting to match exasti.ng surfaces. 2.2 SLEEVES A. General: Lay out work and set sleeves in new or existing construction so there shall be a rninimum of cutting, drilling and patching. All sleeves not used during construction pexiod sha11 be sealed using grout. Unused penetrations or sleeves through iire rated barriers shall be sealed to prevent passage of smoke or heat using an Underwriters' Laboratories approved method rated at least equal to the barrier being penetrated. Method submitted must show praof of UL label. B. Pipe sleeves: 1. Walls and partitions: a. Sleeves S inch Diameter and Smaller (above grade): Sleeves shall be 18 gauge steel pipe or plastic sleeves built into wall, partition vr beam, sized to pass pipe and coverir�g, leaving a clear space of 1/4 inch nninimum between covering and sleeve. Penetxations of fire rated barriers shall have 1 S gauge steel sleeves. b. Floors (above grade): Sleeves shall be Schedule 40 galvanized pipe or plastic, set before floor is poured, sized to pass pipe and covering, leaving a clear space of 1/4 inch between cavering and sleeve, ar►d shall extend 1/2 inch above finished floor. c. Duct $leeves: Sleeves or openings sized to pass mechanical ducts and covering shall be of framed construction in roof, wall, or partitions. d. Sealizxg of sleeves: 1) Sleeves Above Grade: Openings around pipes, duct, etc., passing through sleeves shall be made draft free and vermin-proof by packing solidly with xnineral wool or fiberglass. 2) Sealing Material: Where applicable and recommended by manufactvrer, other ceiling materia]s znay be acceptable as options to above specified methods. Submit for Engineer approval prior to procurement. 2.3 FLOOR, WALL, AND CEILING PLATES OR ESCUTCHEONS, IN EXPOSED AREAS: A, Provide eseutchsans or fabricated plates or collars at each location where pipe or exposed duct passes through a finished suxface. Escutcheons for flush sleeves shall be chromium plated brass and sleeves extendimg above floor shall be chrome plated brass. Collars or plates for ducts and large diameter insulated pipe shall be fabxicated of 18 gauge galvanxxed copper bearing sheet steel, secured to structure and neatly fitted around duct or pipe. 2.4 MOTORS: Unless specifically speci�ed otherwise in the section covering the driven equipment (or the equipment drives), motors shall camply with the following: A. Three Phase: NEMA design B, three-phase, squirrel cage induction type designed for 1800 rpm synchronous speed for operation in 40 degree C ambien�t at 1.15 service factor at constant speed on the scheduled voltage. Motors shall be insulated with Class B insulatian material and shall be cast iron, drip proof, horizontal foot rnounted type with ball bearings. Two speed motors shall be provided as scheduled and shall be two winding type. COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL WORK 15000-�4-9 � � CJ , GEI 12.09 ' � ' ' � ' �I �I � � ' 1 1 1 1 Pier 60 Restroom Addition B. Single Phase: Squirrel cage induction type designed for 1800 rpm synchronous speed for operation in 40 degree C ambient at 1.15 service factor at constant speed on the scheduled voltage. Motars shall be insulated with Class B insulation materials and shall be two winding capacitor start type with steel enclosure, drip proof, horizontal foot mount and ball bearings. C. Scheduled Horsepower: The horsepawer scheduled or specified are those nominal sizes estimated to be required by the equipment when oparating at specified duties and efficiencies. In the case of pumps, these horsepower are non-overlaading and may also include provisions for future .planned impeller changes. If the actual horsepower for the equipment furnished differs from that specified or shown on the drawings, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to insure that proper size feeders, breakers, starters, etc. are pravided at no change in contract price. 2.5 SLBSTITUTIONS �NVOLVING ELECTRICAL CHANGES A. If the Con�actor praposes items which have different electr�cal and/or control characteristics (such as larger amperage requirements, etc.) than those specifred and provided for and/or which otherwise change the electrical and/or cantrol system(s), then (even if the Engineer approves such items) the Contractor must correlate all sizes, voltages, amperages and wiring for applicable items so that applicable electrical and/or control changes can be made. Contractor is responsible for all related additional costs. Other coordinatian is as specified elsewhere. 2.6 BELT DRYVES A. Equip each motor driven rnach�ine not directly connected with V-belt drive. Belts shall be of correct cross section to fit properly in sheave grooves and shall be oarefully matched for each drive. Sheaves shall be cast iron or steel, bored to fit properly on shaits and secwed with keys of proper size. The rating of each drive shall be as recommended by rnanufacturer for service but shall be at least 1.5 tinaes nameplate rating of motor. 1. Fan Belt Drivas: Fixed pitch sheaves shall be provided. 2. Speed Adjustments: Adjust £an speed by change(s) in sheave size as necessary to obtain proper design air flow with fan in its installed location. Fans may be first fitted with variable pitch drive unril prpper �xed pitch drive size, or alternate sizes of fixed pitch drives may be used until proper fan speed is obtained. Provide all drives necessary to obtain proper fan speed needed to deliver necessary air quantity. 2.7 VIBRATION OF AIR HANDLING EQUI�MENT AND FAN U1riITS A. For air handling equipment and fans driven by motors 5-hp or greater, �ield vibration levels will not be acceptable if the maximuru vibration velocity or displacement measurement exceeds the following values (when measurements are taken at the bearing supports using a vibration analyzer with the �ilter set at the operating fan speed). Fan Speed Maxinxum (RPM) Vibration Level __ __ $00 or Iess 5 mils (0.127 mm) max displacement SO 1 and greater 0.2Q in/sec (5 mm/s) max velacity 2.8 BEARINGS A. All bearings shall be rated for 200,000 hour operaUng life unless indicated. ' COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL WORK , 15000-5 -9 GEI 12.09 1 Pier 60 Restroam Addition � 2.9 BELT AND C�UPLING GUARDS A. �ach belt drive shall be equipped with an OSHA approved guard. Guards slaall be constructed of #I2 U.S. Standard gauges 3/4 inch diamond mesh wire screen, or equivalent, welded to one izxch steel angle frames, and shall enclose all belts and sheaves. Tops and bottoms of guards shall be of substantial sheet metal or not less than # 18 U.S. Standard gauge. Braces or supports must not "bridge" sound and vibration isolators. Guards shall be designed with adequate provision for movement of motor required to permit oiling, use of speed counters, and other maintenance and testing operatrons with guard in place. All direct drive equipment shall have coupling guards in accordance with Florida Departrnent of Business Regulation safety regulations and OSHA. 2.10 PAINTING AND MARKING: A. Painting: Painting of equipment, pipe, and ducts (insulated or uninsulated is specified under the "Painting" Division of these speciiications. Touch-up of shop coai shall be performed under Division funtxishing equipme�a.t. B. Marking: Refer to Section entided "Mechanical Identification". 2.11 ACCESS DOORS A. Provide as necessary �or access to concealed valves, cleanouts, uxxions, dampers, coils, junction boxes, etc., where no other means of access is shown or specified. Doors shall be manufactured by the Milcvr Division of Inland-Ryerson, or an acceptable equal, type as follows: Article I. D A rti c 1 e I I. Door oor Locah� Tvne I?rywall Style "DW' Masonry or Tile Style "M-Stainless" Acoustical Tile Style "AT" Plaster Style "K" Fire-rated Walls Style "Fire-rated" B. Each door shall be equipped with two flush, screwdriver operated, cam latches and, other than Style "M", shall be �nished to match adjacent surface. Door sizes shall be applicable to the access required for normal service. See sections entitled "Ductwork" for access doors related to duct systems. 2.12 EXCAVATION & BACKFILL A. Each suboontractor shall do trench and pit excavating and backfilling inside and outside the building, as required by his work, including shoring and bracing, pumping and protection for safety of persons and property. B. Bac�ll shall be cornpacted in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in depth. Com leted ackfill shall eonfo_rm to su�xoundin� �round and #'inish �rade and with compactian, re uireq ments of Division Two of these Specifications: 1. Concrete encasement: Piping passing under footings, foundations and other locations as shown on Drawings shall be encases by eight (8) inches (m�inaiznum) concrete on all sides. Concrete shall conform to Division Three requuements. 2. �xtend concrete encasement eight (8) inches around piping and twelve (12) each side o� footings or foundations. C. Remove non-usable excavated material from the site. Deposit any usable surplus material on site where directed by the Project Architect/Engineer. Do not remove usable material from site. D. Provide and maintain bracing, shoring or sheathing as required ta safely support sides of excavations. The Contractor doing the excavation and the Contractor using the excavation are responsible for safety in excavations. COMMON REQUIREMENTS F�R MECHANICAL WORK 1500�-6-9 � ' 1 � G�I 12.09 ' 1 1 1 ' � � ' ' 1 ' � ' j LJ , E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q� Fier 60 Restroom Addition This Contractor shall provide and operate pumping equipment to keep excavations free of water, This Contractor is responsible for repaz�ring and restoring paving streets, curbs, walks and other work in the area where excavat�ons are made. Provide additional excavation and backf'ill where reqtured to resolve conflicts in buried lines. Coordinate timirzg of excavations in advance with other trades. �xcavation shall be open cut fram the surface. Hold irench width to a minimum. Do not excavate utility trenches parallel to building footings closer than four (4) feet from the foolings except by approval of the Px-oject Architect/�ngineer. When parallel trenches require cuts deeper than the building footings, the horizontal distance from the footing shall be equal to, or greater t]ian one and one-half (1-1/2) times the vertical distance below the footing, but in no case shall the horizontal distance be less than four (4) feet except by the approval of the Project Architect/Engineer. Mechanical excavacion shall be held to faur (4) inches above £inal grade o f the bottom of trench. The remainder shall be shaped by rnanual excavation, so that piping is fully supported on undisturbed soil. Shoring of piping in trench will not be allowed. Piping must be suspended fi-om above. Bell joint holes shall be carefully excavated so that nane of the load is supported by the bells or joints. Whenever, in the opinion of the Project Architect/Engineer, the soil is unsuitable for supporting piping and appurtenances, provisions for proper foundations slxall be made at no addi�ional cost to the �wner. Soil test reports are bound in khe Speci�ications Book. The drawings for this project show the anticipated underground utilities. Locations oi utili�ies which will interfere with propased construction shall be assumed to be a lrnown factor to each subcontractor unless such locations on drawings are in error. Wherever trenching or excavating, assume utilities may exist in area without such being shown on the drawings. Exercise extreme caution. Should e�cisting facilities be darnaged, repair such to Project ArchitectlEngineer's satisfaction at no additional cost to the Owner. Special care shall be taken with excavation in limited distance from existing trees. Manual excavation shall be required. PART 3 - EXEC[1TXON 3.1 ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL WURK COORDZNATZ�N A. De�nitions: De�nitions for the purpose of inechanical/electrical control and power coordinatian are as follows. (Note: The use of the wards, "Provide", "Furnish" and "Install" are intended only for use in describing the coordination indicated by this paragraph 3.01, and do na necessarily have the same definitions when used outside of the context of this paragraph 3.01). Any items which do not fall within the scope of tt►is paragraph 3.01 shall be coordinated as individually speci�ied. 1. "Furnish" rneans to procure an item and ta deliver it to the project for installation. 2. "Install" means to determ,ine (in coordination with others as necessary) the appropriate intended locatian af an itern to set and connect it in place. 3. "Provide" means to both �urnish and install. 4. Power Circuit: Circuit which carries main electric power to apparatus to which the power circtut is connected. 5. Control Circuit: Circuit which carries eleclrical signals directing the performance of a controller but which does not carry the rnain electric power. (See NEC, Section 430-71). Such circuits shall also include those which serve a dual control and power function (e.g., a line voltage thermostat circuit which both activates and powers a small fan motar). ' COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL WORK 1 15000-7-9 GEI 12.09 � C. � ' Pier 60 Kestroom Addition � 6. Contraller: A device or group of devices, which serves to govern, in some predetezmined rnanner, electric powar delivered to apparatus ta which the controller is connected and includes any switch or device normally used to start and stop a motor. (See NEC, Article 100, Deimitions, "Controller", and Section 430-51(a).) 7. Control Device: A device which reacts to an operating conditian (pressure, temperahue, flow, humidity, etc.) and which initaiates transmission of an electrical control signal wltich causes operation of a controller or which causes operation o�pressure switches, etc. Au7ciliary Control Device: A device (such as a low voltage control transformer, electric relay, etc.) which is located in a control circuit and which, oarries or responds to (but does not initiate) an electrical control signal initiated by a control device. Work of Division 15: includes (but is not necessarily limited to): 1. Provide: a. All controllers which are generally manufactured or shipped as integral with Division 15 equipment (for exam.ple, such as starters packaged with packaged equipment, etc.). b. All electric motors and other alectrical power cansuming equipment (sueh as electric air heating coils, electric hot water heaters, etc.) which are specified in Division 15. c. All controls specif ed in Division 15 "HVAC Controls". d. All control circuits (including condnit and boxes) fram any Division 16 panels to power utilizing equipnnent provided by Division 15 and including the necessary circuit breakers. e. All control cozxnectaans to equipment provided by Division 15_ f All control circuits, including conduit and boxes. g. All control connections to controllers, switches, motors and other mechanical systems electrical power consumirng equipment (such as electric air heating coils, electric hot water heaters, etc.). h. Auxiliary contral devices. i. All control devices (thermostats, pressure switches, flow switches, humidistat, etc.) and make control circuit connections thereto. j. Any and all electronic and electric control devices and electric or pneurnatic connections thereto. k. Provide all starters for all mechanical equipment 1) Provide all disco:nnects for all mechanical equipment. 2) Furnish: All controllers. Controllers shall comply with the requirements of applicable sections of Division 16. - Work of Division 16 includes (but is not necessarily limited to): 1. Provide: a. All power circuits, including conduit and boxes. b. All power connecCians to controllers, switches, motors and ather mechanical systems, electrical power consuming equipment (such as electric air heating coi�s, electric hot water heaters, etc.). c. All remote motor disconnects (remote from the related controller) at all locations required by NEC and cannections thereto excegt those disconnects which are specified in Division 15 t� be provided as part of the equipment itsel£ 2. Tnstall: All controllers furnished by Division X5. E. Qther Requirements: 1. Interface Coordination: Contractor which supplres the power consurning equipment shall coordinate with actual contraet document control and sequencing requirements regarding interface of the equipment with the control system specified in Division 15 and shall provide equiprnent wiring diagrams for final coordination for aatual installation. COMMQN REQUIREM�NTS FOIZ MECHANICAL WORK 15000-8-9 ' ' , � GEI 12.09 � � � L� ' Pier 6D Restroom AddiUon 3.2 TESTS A. General: All systems shall be insgected, tested, given a trial run, and demonstrated to Engineer's and Qwner's satisfaction that they are complete and ready for operation. B. Plumbing Soil, Waste and Vent Piping: Test in accord with standard plumbing code and as othezwise specified. C. All Other Piping: Unless required otherwise by code or other d�ivisions of specifications, piping shall be tested at one hundred fifty percent (150%) of normal operating pressure for a continuous 24-hour period without leaking. D. Systems - Air Conditioning: Refer to section describing test and balance of system. E. Observation of Tests: Contractor shall notify Engineer in writing at least two weeks prior to scheduled test(s) and demanstration(s) to allow Engineer time ta schedule his ohservataon of Contractor's test(s) and demonstration(s). 3.3 INSTRUCTION: Refer to "Instruction and Maintenance Manuals" Section. � 3.4 ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to requesting final inspection: 1. Complete all work required by drawings and specifications. , 2. Acceptance will be made by Engineer on the basis of tests and inspection of project. Contractor shall furnish necessary rnechanics to operate system, furnish test inswments and equipment as requixed, make necessary adjustments and assist with fmal inspection. ' ' � , � 1 � � LJ 3.5 PROTECTTON OF WQRK UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Contractor shall protect all materials and equipment from damage, the entrance of dirt and construction debris from the tirne of installation until fmal acceptance. Any znaterials and equipment that has been danaaged shall be repaired to "as new" condipon a� replacad at the direction of the Engineer. Where factory �inishes occur and damage is minor, finishes may be touched-up. If, in the opinion of the �ngineer, the damage is excessive, factory finish shall be replaced to "new" condition. END OF SECTION 1500U ' C�MMON REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL WORK � 15000-9-9 � � � GEI 12.09 SECI'ION 150D5 - INSTRUG°rIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS PART 1 - GENERAL � 1.1 � � � � � ' ' Pier b0 Resbroom Addition Provide complet� written and verbal operaTang and maintenance instruction to the Owner for all rnecbanical systeras. PART 2 - DOCUMENTATION 2.1 Prpvide two (2) instructions and maintenance manuals each complete as follows: A. Hardback three ring loose leaf hinders. S. Title sheet with job name, contractors, snb-contractors, controls sub-contractor and related contractors or material suppliers' names, addressed and phone numbers. C. Tndex of contents. D. A signed copy of aclrnowledgement of instructions to the Owner or his authorized representative. Two additional copies of the signed acknowledgment shall be sent directly to the Engineer as soon as possible after receipt. E. Approved shop drawings and submittal data and parts and rnaintenance booklet for each item of material and equipment furnished under this division, (but not limited to) the following. 1. 5pare parts list and source of supply for each equipment item. 2. List of valves with location, service, size, rnodel axid operating position. F. Copies of certificates of inspecpon. G. Guarantees PART 3 - EXECUTTON , 3.1 VERBAL IN5TRUCTIUN A. Provide verbal, hands-on, operating and maintenance instruction to Owner's Authorized Personnel fqr each equipment item and system. Instructians shall be given by cvmpetent � personnel. END OF SEGTION 15005 � � � � ' INSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCB MANUALS � 15005-1 -1 1 , ' � � , � � ' ' � � � r � GEI 12.09 SECTION � SD07 - IDENTIFICATION O�' MECHAIVICAL SYSTEMS PART1 GENERAL l ..1 f7�1�► Pier d0 Restroom Addition Provide cornplete identificataon af the znechanical systems including piping and valves as noted herein, shall conform to ANSI and OSHA standards :for pipe identification. PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. W.H. Brady Co. 2223 West Camden Raad Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 B. Seton Name Plate Carporatian 592 Boulevard New Haven, Connecticut 06505 2.2 MARKERS, TAGS AND LABELS: A. Markers: Must have calor aoded background, proper color of legend in relation to background color, approved legend size, approved length and �ow arrow indicator. B. Valve tags: each tag sha11 designate appropriate se�rvice and valve number - l_" brass. PART 3 EXECUTIQN 3.1 GENERAL: A. I.ocate rnarking and banding where practical such that goups of pipe are identified at similar location for ease of visual tracking. For exarnple, mark and band parallel runs of pipe which are side-by-side at the same general place. B. Small Pipes: Less that _ diameter may be identiffed with tags similar to those specified for vaIves. C. Adhere ar affix all identificarion items permanently except wh,ere removal may be necessary for maintenance or service. 3.2 Markers: Provide on piping exposed in equipment raoms. 3.3 Valve Tags: V alve tags shall be installed on the following items: A. Small piping where markers are impractical. B. Small but critical equipment iterns on which it is imprac�cal ta install labels. END OF SECTIUN 15007 IDENTIFICATION Ok' MECHANICAI, SYS'TEMS 15007-1-1 � { -� ' � � ' � r � 1 � � � r � � GEI 12.09 SECI'ION 15010 - PLLTMBING YIPING PART 1 - GENERAL X.]. WORK INCLUDED A. Pipe and pipe fittings. B. Valves. C. Sanitary sewer piping system. D. Domesiic water piping system. ]..2 RELATED WORK: A. Section 15020 - Pipe and Pipe Fitdng. B. Section 15110 - Pipe, Valves & Fittings: Potable Water C. Section 15190 - Hangers and Supports D. Secrion 15007 - Meohanical Identi�icarion E. Section 15210 - Plurnbing Fixtures, Trim & Specialties 1.3 A B. C. D, E. F. G. H. I. J. Pier 60 Restroom Addition REFERENCES ANSI/ASME B16.23 - Wrought and Copper and Wrought Salder Joint Drainage Fittings - DWV_ ANSI/ASME SEC. 9- Welding and Brazing Qualifications. ANSI/ASME B32 - Solder Metal. ANSI/AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code. ASTM A7�} - Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings. ASTM B88 - Seamless Copper Water Tube. ASTM CS64 - Rubber caskets for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings. AWS A5.8 - Brazing Filler Metal. AWWA C601- Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. CISPI 301 - Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings %r Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary Systems. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Valves: Manufacturer's name and pressure rating marked on valve body. 1.5 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit product data under provisions of Section 15000. B. Include manufacturer's product data on pipe materials, pipe fittings, valves and accessories 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to site under provisions of Section 15000. B. Store and protect products under provisions of Sec�on 15000. C. Deliver and store valves in shipping containers with labeling in place. � PI.UMBING AND PIPING � 15010 - 1 - 3 GEI 12.09 1 Pier 60 Restzoom Additian � PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SAIVITARY SEWER PIPING, ABOVE GRA.DE: A. Cast Tron Pipe: ASTM A74, service weight. Fittings; Cast Tmn. Joints: Hub-and-spigot, CISPS HSN cornpression type with ASTM CSb4 neoprene gaskets or lead and oakum. B. Cast Iron Pipe: CTSPT 301, hubless, service weight. Fittings: Cast 1ron. Joints: Neoprene gaskets and stainless steel clamp-and shield assemblies. 2.2 FLANGES, UN�ONS, AND COUPLZNGS: A. Pipe size 2 inches and under: 150 PSIG malleable iron unions for threaded ferrous piping; bronze unions for copper pipe, soldered joints. B. Dielectric connectians: union with galvanized or plated steel threaded end, copper solder end, water impervious isolation bar.nier. 2.3 ACCEPTASLE MANUFACTURERS - BALL VALVES A. Screwed, NTBCO, 2" azxd smaller. S. Salder, NISCO, 2" and smaller. 2.4 BALL VALVES A. Up to 2 inches: Three piece bronze body, full port IPS, stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and stuffmg box ring, lever handle solder or threaded ends. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove Burrs. B. Rernovc scale and dirt on inside and outside before assembly. C. Prepare piping connections to equipment with flanges or unions. 3,2 IN5TALLATION A. Provide non-conducting dielectric connections wherever jointing dissimilar metals. B. Route piping in orderly maxxz�er and maintain gradient. C. Install piping to conserve building space and not interfere with use of space. D. Group piping whenever practical at cornrnon elevations �. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or cozxzxected equipment. F. Provide clearance for installation of insulation and access to valves and fittings. G. Provide access where valves and fittings are not exposad. H. Slope water piping aaad arrange to drain at low points. �. Install bell and spigot pipe with bill end up streazr�. J. Install valves with stezns upright or horizontal, not inverted. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Install uxuons downstreann of valves and equipment of apparatus connections. B. Install brass znake adapters each side of valves in copper piped systezxi. Sweat solder adapters to pipe. C. Install ball valves for shut-of� and tn isolate equipment, part of systems, or vertical risers. PLLJMBING AND PIPING 15010 - 2- 3 � ' GET 12.09 ' r� ' � , � ' ' � � � � � �� � Pier 60 Restroom Addition 3.4 DISINFECTIONS OF DOMESTIC WATER PIPING SYSTEM A. Prior to start of work; verify system is complete, flushed and clean. B. Ensure PH of water to be treated is between 7,4 and 7.6 by adding alkali (caustic soda or soda ash) or acid (hydrochloric). C. Inject disinfectant, free chlorine in liquid, powder, tablet or gas form, throughout system to obtain SQ to $Q MG/L residual. D. Bleed water £rom outlets to ensure distribution and test for disinfectant residual at zzxini.mum 15 percent of oudets. E. Maintain disinfectant in system for 24 hours. k'. If fmal disinfectant residual tests less than 25 MG/L, Repeat treatment. G. k'lush disinfectant from systetn� until residual equal to that of incoming water of 1.Q MG/L. H. Take samples no sooner than 24 hours after flushing, from 10 percent of outlets and from water eniry, and azialyze in accordance with AWWA C601. 3.5 SERVICE CONNECTIONS A. Provide new sanitary sewer cannections to existing systern. END OF SECTIQN 15010 � PLUMBING AND PIPING � 25010-3 -3 � GEI ].2_09 � � � � � r �� [J �� � � � � �' �� � � 1'ier 60 Restroorn Addition SECTION 15D20 - PIPING AND FITTINGS: SOIL, WASTE, VENT AND DRAIN PART 1 - GENERAI� 1.1 SCOPE: A. Provide waste, vent and drain piping systems complete as indioated on drawings. llrawing scales prohibit the indication of all offsets, fittings, sleeves, and similar items; however, these deviations shall be provided as work of this section at no additional cost to owner (no change in contract price). 1.2 SHOP DRAWINGS: Refer To Section Entitled "Common Requireznents For Mechanical Work". PART2-PRODUCTS 2.] PIPE: A. Schedule 40 pVC with approved PVC solvent welded fittings. B. PVC piping shall not be run in retum air plenums. C. Any piping located in plenum spaces shall be service weight cast iron, no hub, with stainless steel clamps and shields with neoprene sealing sleeves. PART 3 - EXECLI"TION 3.1 GENERAL: A. Refex To Sectiori Entitled "Common Requirements For Mechanical Work", Paragraph Entitled "Drawings". 3.2 JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS: A. General: joints and connections shall be made permanendy air, gas, and water tight. B. Connections: provide fixture and equipment connections in coznpliance with requirements of lacal codes_ 3.3 Cleanouts: A. Provide as indicated and as required by local code. Provida access covers as specified for concealed locations. ' END OF SECTION ] 5020 1'IPTNG AND FITTINGS 15020 - 1- 1 GEI 12.09 SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHAIVICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1- GENERAI, 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Mechanical identification. 2. Sleeves. Pier 60 Restroam Addirion 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit far rnechanical identification list of wording, symbols, letter size, and color coding for mechanical identification and valve chart and schedule, including valve tag number, locatian, function, and valve manufacturer's name and model number. S. Product Data: Mechanical Identiiication: Submit for mechanical identification manufacturers catalog literature for each product required, 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work ix� accordance with State of Florida standard. B. Maintain one copy of each docu�ment on site. PART 2 - PRODUCTS � 2.1 � � � L.J � � A. B. C. D. E. F MECHAMCAL IDENTIFICATION Manufactwers: 1. Seton Identi�tcation Products. 2. Substitutions: Permitted. Plastic Nameplates: Laminated three-layer plastic with engraved black letters on light background color. Plastic Tags: Laitxinated three-layer plastic with engraved black letters on light background color, minimurn 1-1/2 inches diameter. Plastic Pipe Markers: Factory fabricated, flexible, semi-nigid plastic, preformed to fit around pipe or pipe covering. Larger sizes may have maximum sheet size with spning fastener. Color and L,cttering: Conform to ASM� A13.1. Plastic Tape Pipe Markers: Flexible, vinyl film tape with pressure sensitive adhesive hacking and printed markings. Color and Lettering: Conform to ASME A 13.1. Plastic Underground Pipe Markers: Bright colored continuously tpp�ted minimum 6 i�ches wide by 4 mil thick, xnanufactured fpr direct burial service. 2.2 SI..EEVES A. Sleeves for Pipes through Non-fire Rated Floors: 18 gage thick galvanized steel. �. Sleeves for Pipes through Non-fire Rated Beams, Walls, Footings, and Poten�ally Wet Floors: Steel pipe or 18 gage thiek galvanizsd steel. C. Sleeves far Round Ductwork: Galvanized steel. D. Sleeves for Rectangular Ductwark: Galvanized steel. E. Sealant: Acrylic. BASIC MECHA,N�CAL MATERIALS AND METHODS � � 15050 - 1 - 2 plastic GEI 12.09 PART 3 - EXECUTION Pier 60 Restroom Addi�on 3.X EXAMINATION A. Veri£y apenings az'e ready to receive sleeves. 3.2 INSTALLATION - MECHAIVXCAL IDENTIFICATIQN A. Install plasti.c nameplates with adhesive. B. Install plastic tags with corrosion resistant metal chain. 3.3 INSTALLATION - SLEEVES A. Set sleeves in position in fornxs. Provide reinforcing around sleeves. S. Size sleeves large enough to allow for movement due to expansion and contraction. Provide for continuous insulation wrapping- C. Extend sleeves through floors 1 inch above furished floor level. Caulk sleeves. D. Where piping or ductwoxk penetrate floor, ceiling, or wall, close off space between pipe or duct and adjacent work with insulation and caulk. Provide close fitting metal colla�r or escutcheon eavers at both sides oipenetration. E. Install chrome plated steel eseutcheons at iuiished surfaces. END OF SECTION 15050 BASIC MECHAIVICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 15Q50 - 2- 2 � � � � �� �� , � � � � u �� �� �� � � GET 12.09 SECT�ON 15060 - HANGERS AND SUPP�RTS PART 1- GENERAX. Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.l SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Pipe hangers and supports. 2. Hanger rods. 3. lnserts. 4. Flashing. 5. Formed steel channel. 6. Firestopping relating to mechanical work. 7. Firestopping accessories. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 03300 - Concrete Foxms and Accessories: Execukion requirements for placement of sleeves in concrete forms specified by this section. 2. Section �3300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete: Execution requirements for placement of concrete housekeeping pads specified by this section. 3. Section 07920 - Joint Sealers: Product requirements for sealant materials for placement by this section. 4. Section 09900 - Paints and Coatings: Praduct and executaon requirements for painting specified by this section. 5. Section 15140 - Domestic Water Piping: Execution requirements for placement o� hangers and supports specified by t}us section. 6. Section 15150 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping: Execution requirements fox placement oihangers and supports specified by this section. 1.2 A. B. C. D. E. REFERENCES American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME B31.1 - Power Piping. 2. ASIVIE B31.S - Refrigeration Piping. 3. ASME B31.9 - Building 5eroices Piping. ASTM International: 1. ASTM E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Bwlding Materials. 2. AS'r'M E119 - Method for Fire Tests of Building Constructian and Materials. 3. ASTM ES 14 - Test Method of Fire Tests of T'hrough Penetration Firestops. 4. ASTM F708 - Standard Praetice for Design and Installation of Rigid Pipe Hangers. 5. ASTM �1966 - Standard Test Methal for Fire-Resistive Joint Systems. American Welding Society_ 1. AWS Dl.l - Struetural Welding Code - Steel. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry: 1. MSS SP 58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacturer. 2. MSS SP 69 - Pipe Hangers and Supparts - Selection and Applicativn. 3. MSS SP 89 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Tnstallat�on Pracrices. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. LTL 263 - Fire Tests of Building ConstrucUan and Materials. 2. UL 723 - Tests for Surfaee Buming Characteristics of Building Materials. 3. L]L 1479 - Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops. 4. UL 2079 - Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems. 5. UL - Fire Resistance Directory. � HANGERS AND SUPPORTS �i � u SECTION 15060 - 1 of 9 GEI 12.09 � Pier 6D Restrnom Addition ' 1.3 DEFIIVITIONS A. Firestopping (Through-T'enetration Protection System): Sealing or stuffing material or assembly placed in spaces between and penetratians through building materials to arrest moveznent oi fire, smoke, heat, and hot gases through faxe rated construction. l.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTZON A. Firestopping Materials: Achieve �re ratings as noted on Drawings for adjacent conslruction, but not less thani 1 how fue rating. S. Surface Burning: [ASTM �84] [UL 723] with maximum flanie spread / smoke developed rating of 25/450. C. Firestop interruptions tn fire rated assemblies, matexials, and components. 1.5 PERFORMANCE REQLTYREMENTS A. Firestopping: Conform to UT. for fire resistance ratings a►�d surface burning characteristics. S. �'irestopping: Provide certi�cate of compliance from authority having jurisdiction indicating approval of matenials used. 1.6 SIIRMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate system layout with location including critical dimensions, sizes, and pipe hanger and support locations and detail of trapeze hangers. B. �roduct Data: 1. Hangers and Supports: Submit manufacturers catalog data including load capacity. 2. �'irestopping: Submit data on product characteristics, performance and limitation cr.iteria. C. Firestopping Schedule: Subrnit schedule of opening locations and sizes, penetrating items, and required listed design numbers to seal openings to maintain fire resistance rating of adjacent assembly. D. Design Data: Indicate load carrying capacity of trapeze, multiple pipe, and riser support hangers. Indicate calculations used to determine load carrying capacity of trapeze, multiple pipe, and riser support hangers. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: 1. Hangers and Supports: Subrnit special procedures and assembly of coznponents. 2. Firestppping: Submit preparation an�d installation instructions. F. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Through Penetration Firestopping of Fire Rated Assemblies: UL 1479 or ASTM E814 with 0.10 inch water gage minirntina positive pressure differential to achieve fire F-Ratings and temperature T-Ratings as indicated on Drawings, buC not less than 1-hour. 1. Wall Penetrations: Fire F-Ratings as indicated on Drawings, but not less than 1-hour. 2. Flo4r 1'enetrations: Fire F-Ratings and te;aaperature T-Ratings as indicated on Drawings, but not less than 1-hour. a. Floor Penetrations within Wall Cavities: T-Rating is nat required. B. Surf'ace Burning Characteristics: 25/450 flanne spread/smoke developed index when tested in accordance with ASTM E84. C. Perform Work in accordance with AWS D1.1 for welding hanger and support attachments to building structure. D. Maintain one copy of each document on site. 1.8 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specialixang in manufact�uing products specified in this section with minimum three years experien�e. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS SECTION 15060 - 2 of 9 L_� ' ��L � �� �.� J � � GEI 1Z.09 B. 1.9 A. 1.10 A. Pfer GO Restroom Addirion Installer: Company specializing in perfonxaizxg work of this section with minimum three years experience_ PRE-INSTALLATION MEETZNGS Convene minimum one week prior ta commencing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND kiANDLING Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labcled with manufacturer's identification. B. Protect fram weakher and construction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, aud raechanical damage, by storing in original pacicaging. 1.11 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not apply firestopping materials when temperature of substrate material and ambient air is below 60 degrees �. B_ Maintain this minimum temperature before, during, and for rx�inimum 3 days after installation of firestopping ;r�naterials. 1.12 A. ] .13 A. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Verify field measureznents prior to fabrication. WARRANTY Fumish five year znanufacturer warranty for pipe hangers and supports. � PART2PRODUCTS � C_� �� u � [J � � �� 2.1 A I� C� �IPE HANGERS AND SUPPQRTS Manu#'acturers: 1. Carpenter & Paterson Inc. 2. Creative Systez�rzs Inc. 3, Flex-Weld, Tnc. 4. Glope Pipe Hanger Products Inc. 5. Michigan Hanger Co. 6. 5uperior Valve Co. Plumbing Piping - DWV: 1. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 to 1-1/2 inch: Carbon steel, adjustable swivel, split ring. 2. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 2 inches and Larger: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 3. Multiple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods. 4. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 3 inches and Smaller: Cast iron hook. S. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 inches and Larger: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel �a�p. 6. Vertical Support: Stee1 riser clamp. 7. Floor Support: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor #lange, and concrete pier or steel support. 8. Copper Pipe Suppart: Copper-plated, carbon-steel adjustable, ring. Plumbing Piping - Water: 1. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 to 1-1/2 inch: Carbon steel, adjustable swivel, split rin�g. 2. Hangers for Cold Pipe Sizes 2 inches and Larger: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. 3. Hangers for Hot Pipe Sizes 2 to 4 inches: Carbon steel, adjustable, clevis. � HANGERS AND SLTPPORTS � SECTION 15060 - 3 of 9 GEI 12.09 I�7 2.2 A. 2.3 A. B. C. D_ E. Pier 6Q Restroom Addition 4. Miiltiple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods: 5. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 3 inches and Smaller: Cast iron hook. 6. Wall Support for Pipe Sizes 4 inches and Larger: Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. 7. Vertical Support: Steel riser claizip. 8. Floar Support for Cold Pipe' Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor £lange, and concrete �ier oar steel suppart. 9. Floor Support for Hot Pipe Sizes 4 inches and Smaller: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 1 �. Copper Pipe Support: Copper-plated, Carbon-steel ring. Refrigerant Piping: 1. Conform to [ASM� B31.5] [AS'�M F7�8] [MSS SP58] [MSS SP69] [MSS SP89]. 2. Hangers for Pipe Sizes 1/2 to 1-1/2 inch: [Malleable iron] [Carbon steel,] adjustable swivel, split ring. 3. Mul�ple or Trapeze Hangers: Steel channels with welded spacers and hanger rods. 4. Wall Support �or Pipe Sizes 3 inehes and Smaller: Cast iron hook. 5. Vertical Support: Steel riser clamp. 6. Floor Suppart: Cast iron adjustable pipe saddle, lock nut, nipple, floor flange, and concrete pier or steel support. 7. Copper Pipe Support: Copper-plated carbon-steel ring. ACCESSORIES Hanger Rods: Mild steel threaded both ends, threaded on one end, or continuous threaded. FLASHING Metal Flashing: 26 gage thick galvanized steel_ Metal Counterflashing: 22 gage thick galvanized steel. Lead Flashing: . 1. Waterproofmg: 51b./sq. ft sheet lead. 2. Saundproofing: l, lb./sq. ft sheet lead. �'lexible �'lashing: 47 mil thick sheet buty compatible with rooiu�g. Caps: Steel, 22 gage minimum; 16 gage at iire resistant elements. 2.4 FORMED STEEL CHANNEL A. Manufacturers: 1. A11ied Tube & Conduit Corp. 2. S-Line Systems. 3. Unistrut Corp. B. Product Description: Galvanized 12 gage thick steel. With holes 1-1/2 inches on center. 2.5 FIRESTOPPING A. Manufacturers: 1. Dow Coming Corp. 2. Hilti Corp. 3. 3M fire Protection Products 4. Specified Technology, Inc_ B. Prpduct Description: Different types of products by multiple manufacturers are acceptable as requized to meet specified system description and performance requirements; provide only one type for each similar application_ 1. Silicone �'irestopping Elastomeric Firestopping: Single component silicone elastomeric comppurxd and compatible silicane sealant. HANGERS AND SL]PPORTS SEC'�I�N 15060 - 4 of 9 � � GEI 12.09 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. 2.6 A. B. C. D. E. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Foann Firestopping Componnds: Single component %am compound. Formulated Firestopping Compound of Incombustible Fibers: Foznnulated compound mixed with incombusUble non-asbestos fibers. Fiber Stuffing and Sealaiat Firestopping: Composite of mineral iiber stuffing insulation with silicone elastomer for smoke stopping, Mechanical Firestopping Device with Fillers: Mechanical device with incombustible fillers and silicone elastomer, covered with sheet stainless steel jacket, joined with collars, penetration sealed with flanged stops. Intumescent Firsstopping: Intuxnescent putty compound which expands on exposure to surface heat gain. '7. Firestop Pillows: Formed mineral fiber pillows. Color: As selected from manufactwer's fiill range of colors. FIRESTOPPING ACCESSORIES Primer: 'I'ype recommended by firestopping manufacturer for specific subslrate swrfaces and suitable for required iu'e ratings. Daiz� Material: Permanent: 1. Mineral fiberbdard. 2. Mineral fiber matting. 3. Sheet rnetal. Installation Accessories: Provide clips, collars, fasteners, temporary stops or dazzis, and other devices required to position and retain materials in place. General: 1. rurnish UL listed products. 2. Select products with rating not less than rating of wall or floor being penetrated. Non-Rated Surfaces; 1. Stamped steel, chrome pl�ted, hinged, split ring escutcheons or floor plates or ceiling plates for covering openings in occupied areas where piping is exposed. 2. Far exterior wall openings below grade, furnish mechanical sealing device to continuously �ill annWar space between piping and cored opening or water-stop type wall sleeve. � PART 3 EXECUTION � � � � � 3.1 EXAMINATI�N A. Verify openings are ready to receive sleeves. B. Verify openings are ready w receive %restopping. 3.2 PREPARATIUN A. Clean substrate surfaces of dirt, dus� grease, oil, loose riaaterial, or other xnatter affectiug bond of firestopping znaterial. B. Remove incom�patible materials affecting bond. C. Install backing dam�zz�ing materials to arrest liquid material leakage. D. Obtain permissivn from Architect/Engineer before using powder-actuated anchors. E. Do not drill or cut structural members. iHANGERS AND SUPPORTS ' SECTION 15060 - 5 of 9 �Ei lz.o9 Pier 60 Restroom Addition �.� �NSTALLATION - P1PE HANGERS AND SUPpORTS A. Support horizont�l piping as scheduled. B. Tnstall hangers with minimuna 1/2 inch space between �'inished covering and adjacent work. C. Place hangers with�in 12 inches of cach horizontal elbow. D. Use hangers with 1-1/2 inch minimum vertical adjustrnent. E. Support horiwntal cast iron pipe adjacent to each hub, with 5 feet maximum spacing between hangers. F. Support verpical piping at every other floar. Support vertical cast iron pipe at each floor at hub. G. Where piping is installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple pipe or trapeze hangers. H. Support xiser piping independently of con.nected horiwntal piping. I. Provide copper plated hangers and supports for copper piping. J. Design hangers for pipe movement without disengagement of supported pipe. K. Prime coat exposed steel hangers and supports. Hangers and supports located in crawl spaces, pipe shafts, and suspended ceiling spaces are not considered exposed. I.. Provide clearance in hangers and from structure and other equipment for installation of insulation. Refer to Section 15080. 3.4 INSTALLATION - EQUIPMENT BASES AND SUPPORTS A. Provide housekeeping pads.of concrete, minrmuzn 3-1/2 inches thick and extending 6 inches beyond supported equipment. B- Using templat�s fumished with equipment, install anchor bolts, and accessories for mounting and anchoring equipment. C. Construct supports. Brace and fasten with flanges bolted to structure. D. Provide rigid anchars for pipes afZer vibration isolation components are installed. 3.S XNSTALLATZON - FLASHING A. Provide flexible flashing and metal counter flashing where piping and ductwork penetrate weathex or watezproofed walls, floors, and roofs. B. Flash vent and soil pipes projecting 3 inches minimum above �nished roof surface with lead worked 1 inch xninimum into hub, 8 inches tnininnum clear on sides with 24 x 24 inches sheet size. For pipes through outside walls, turn flanges bac�C into wall and caulk, metal counter- flash, and seal. C. Flash floor drains in floors with topping over finished areas with lead, 1� inches clear on sides with minimum 36 x 36 inch sheet size. Fasten flasb.ing to drain clamp device. D. Seal floor drains watertight to adjacent materials. E. Provide acoustical lead flashing araund ducts and pipes penetrating equipment rooms for sound control. - F. Provide curbs for mechanical roof installations 14 inches minimum high above roo�ng surface. Flash and counter-flash with sheet metal; seal watertight. Attach counter flashing mechanical equipment and lap base flashing on roof curbs. Flatten and solder joints_ G. Adjust storm collars tight to pipe with bolts; caulk around top edge. Use starnn collars above roof jacks. Screw vertical flange section to face of curb. 3.6 INSTALLATION - SLEEVES A. Exterior watertight entries: Seal with meehanical sleeve seals. S. Set sleeves in positian in forms. Provide reinforcing around sleeves. C. Size sleeves large enough to allow for movement due to expansion and contraction. Provide for continuous insulation wrapping. D. Extend sleeves through floors 1 inch above �nished #loar level. Caulk sleeves. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS � SECTI�N 15060 - 6 of 9 � � � � GEI 12.09 r ' � � � � �� � r� � � � r � � � Pier 60 Restroom Addition E. Where piping or ductwork penetrates floor, ceiling, or wall, close off space between pipe or duct and adjacent work with stuffing firestopping insulation and caulk airtight. Provide close fitting metal collar or escutcheon covers at both sides of pene�ation. F. Install chrome plated steel esautcheons at fin.ished sw�'aces. 3.7 INSTALLATION - FIItESTOPPING A. install material at fire rated construction perimeters and opanings containing penetrating sleeves, piping, ductwork, and other items, requiring firestopping. B, Apply primer where recomm�nded by manufacturer for type of firestopping material and substrate involved, and as required for compliance with requued fire ratings. C. Apply firestopping material in sufficient thiclmess to achieve required fire and smoke rating. D. Compress fibered material to maximum 40 percent of its uncompressed size. E. �'ire Rated Surface: 1. Seal opening at floor, wall, partition, ceiling, and roof as follows: a. Install sleeve through apening and extending beyond minunum of 1 inch on both sides of building element. b. Size sleeve allowing minimum of 1 inch void between sleeve and building element. c. Pack void with backing material. d. Seal ends of sleeve with UL listed fire resistive silicone compound to meet fire rating of structure penelrated. F. Non-Rated Surfaces: 1. Seal opening through non-fire rafed wall, partition, floor, ceiling, and roof opening as follows: 3.8 A. 3.9 A. 3.10 A. 2. 3. a. Install sleeve through opening and extending beyond minimum of 1 inck� on both sides of building element. b. Size sleeve allowing minimum of 1 inch void between sleeve and building element. c. Install type of firestopping material recommended by manufacturer. Install escutcheons floor plates or ceiling plates wher� conduit, penetrates non-fire rated surfaces in occupied spaces. Occupied spaces include rooms with fizushed ceilings and where penetration occurs below finished ceiling. �xterior wall apenings below grade: Assernble rubber links of inechanical sealing device to size of piping and tighten in place, in accordance with manufaciurer's instructions. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspect i�nstalled �irestopping for compliance with spec�cations and submitted schedule. CLEAIVING Clean adjacent surfaces of firestopping materials. �ROTEGTION O�' FINISHED WORK Protect adjacent surfaces from damage by material installation. rHANGERS AND SUPPORTS ' SECTION 15060 - 7 of 9 GEI 12.09 3.11 SCHEDLILES Pier 60 Restroom Addition PIPE HANGER SPACiNG PIPE SIZE COPPER STEEX., PIPE COPPER STEEL PIPE Inches �g�JG MAXIMUM TUBING HANGER MAXIMUM HANGER HANC��R ROD HANGER SPACING ROD DIAMETER SPACING Feet DIAMETER Inches Feet InChes 1/2 5 7 3/S 3/8 3/4 5 7 3/8 3/S 1 6 7 3/8 3/8 1-1/4 7 7 3/8 3/8 1-1/2 S 9 3/8 3/8 2 8 10 3/8 3/S 2-1/2 (Note 2) 9 11 1/2 1/2 3 10 12 I/2 1/2 4 12 14 1/2 5/8 5 13 16 1/2 S/8 6 14 17 5/8 3/4 PIPE HANG�R SPACING PIPE MATERIAL ��� HANGER ROD HANGER SPACING DIAMETER �'eet Inches ABS (All sizes) a 3/8 FRP (All Sizes) 4 3/8 Ductile Iron (Note 2) PVC (All Sizes) 4 3/8 Note l: Refer t� manufacturer's recommendations for grooved end piping systems. Note 2: 20 feet maximum spacing, minimum of one hanger for each pipe section close to joint behind bell. Provide hanger at each change of direction and each hranch connection. For pipe sizes 6 inches and smaUer, subjected t� loadings other than weight of pipe and contents, limit span to maximum spacing for water service steel pipe. HANGERS AND SLJPPORTS SECTIDN ]5060 - 8 of 9 , GET ] 2.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition , �J C� , � � � u L_.I � � � [J �� ! r i , PIPE HANG�R SPACING PIPE MATERIAL �,��JM HANGER ROD HANGER SPACING DIAMETER Feet Inches ABS (All si7es) 4 3/8 Cast Iron (All Sizes) 5 5/8 Cast I�on (All Sizes) with 10 1Q 5/R foot length af pipe Copper 'I'ube, 1-1/4 inches and 6 ��� smaller Copper Tube, 1-1/2 inches and 10 1/2 larger PVC (All Sizes) � 3�8 END O�' SECTIDN 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS SECTION 15060 - 9 of 9 � � `� J , � � �J r r � � r �-_J � � � � GEI 12_09 SECTION 15075 - MECHAIVICAL IDENTIFICATION pART 1 GENERAL 1.1 A. 1.2 A. 1.3 A, B. C. D. 1.4 A. 1.5 A. B. 1.6 A. B. 1.'7 A. 1.8 A. Pier 6� Restroorn Addition SiTMMARY Section Includes: 1. Nanneplates. 2. Tags. 3. Stencils. 4. Pipe markers. 5. Labels. REFERENCES American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1_ ASME A13.1 - Scheme forthe Iden�ifxcation of Piping Systems. 5UBMITTAL5 Product Data: Submit rnanufacturers catalog literature £or each product required. Shop Drawings: Submit list of wording, symbols, letter size, and color coding for mechaziical identification and valve chart and schedule, including valve tag number, location, function, and valve manufacturer's name and model number. Manufacturer's Installation �nstructions: Indicate installation instructions, special procedures, �a �S�1ra�o�. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certi£y products rneet or exceed specified requirements. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of tagged valves; include valve tag numbers. QUALITY ASSURANCE Conform to ASME A 13.1 for color scheme for identification of piping systeras and accessories. Maintain one copy of each document on site. QUALiFICATIQNS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufaciuring products specified in this section with rninimum ttu'ee years experience. Installer: Company specializing in perfonning work of this section with minimum three years experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this secrion. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. rMECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION � SEC'Z'ION 15475 - 1 of 3 GEI 12_09 PART 2 PRUDUCTS Pier 60 Restroom Addition 2.1 NAMEPLATES A. Manufacturers: 1. Craf�nark Identification Systerns. 2. Safety Sigta Co. 3. Seton Identi�cation Products. B. Product Description: S�aminated three-layer plastic with engraved black letters on light contrastiuxg background color. 2.2 TAGS A, Metal Tags: 1. Maniufacturers: a. Seton. 2. Brass with stamped letters; tag size minim�um 1-1/2 inches diameter with finished edges_ B. Tag Chart: Typewritten letter size list of applied tags and location in anaclized aluxz�.inum frame or plastic laminated. 2.3 PIPE MARKERS A. Colar and Lettering: Conform to ASME A 13.1. B. Plastic 1'ipe Markers: 1. Manufacturers: a. Seton. 2. Factory fabricated, flexible, semi-rigid plastic, preformed to fit around pipe or pipe covering. Larger sizes may have maxunurn sheet size with spring fastener. C. Plastic Underground Pipe Markers: 1. Manufacturers: a. Seton. 2. Bright colored contixAUOUSIy printed plastic �bbon tape, minimum 6 inches wide by 4 mil thick, manufactured for direct burial service. 2.4 LABELS A, Manufacturers: 1. Seton. B. Description: Lam�inated Mylar size 1.9 x 0.75 inches, adhesive backed with printed identification. MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATiON SECTIQN 15075 - 2 of 3 � � GEI 12.U9 C� � � � f� � � � � r �� � � � r �ier 60 Restroora Addipon PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPAR.ATION A. Degrease and cleazx s�ufaces to receive adhesive for identification materials. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install identifying devices after completion of coverings and pain,ting. B. Install plastic nameplates with corrosive-resistant mechanical fasteners, or adhesive. C. Install labels with sufficient adhesive for permanent adhesion and seal with cleaz lacquer. For unimished canvas covering, apply paint primer before applying labels. D. Tnstall tags using corrosion resistaut chain. Number tags consecutively by location. �. Install undergound plastic pipe markers 6 to 8 inches below finished grade, directly abave buried pipe. F. Identify ai.r handling units, heat trans£er equipment and fans with plastic naxx�eplates. G. Tdentify valves in rnain and branch piping with tags. H. Identiiy piping, concealed or exposed, with plastic pipe markers. Use tags on piping 3/4 inch diameter and smaller. Identiiy service, flow duection, and pressure. Install in clear view and align with axis o� piping. Lpcate identi�icataon not to exceed 2� feet on straight runs including risers and dxops, adjacent to each valve and tee, at each side of penetration of structwe or enclosure, and at each obstrucrian. END UF SECTION 15075 , M�CHANICAL IDENTTFICATIQN ' SECTTON 15075 - 3 af 3 � � LJ Ce��l�i���7 SECTION 1508Q - PLUMBING TNSULATION PART 1 GENERAL , ].1 � � � , � � � r � I:1 : Pier 60 Restroora Add�ition SUMMARY Section Includes: 1. Pipi.ng system insulation. Related Sections: l. Section 1506� - Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment: Product and Execution requirernents for inserts at hanger locations. 2. Section 15075 - Tdentification for Plumbing Piping and Equipnnent: Product requirements for plumbing piping and equipment identificatian. 1.2 REFEREI�CES A. ASTM Intemational: 1. ASTM C 19S - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulating Cement. 2. ASTM C�49/C449M - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Fiu�iskiing Cement. 3. ASTM C547 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Pipe Insulatian. 4. ASTM C921 - Standard Practice for Determining the Properties of Jacketing Materials for Thermal Insulation. 5. AS"I'M E84 - Standard Test Metlxod for Surface Burning Characte�istics of Building Matenials. 1.3 SUSMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit product description, thermal characteristics and list of materials and thickness for each service, and locati4n. B. Manufacturei's Installation Instructions: Submit manufacturers published literature indicating proper installation procedures. 1.4 Q[TALIFICATIONS A. Manufachtrer: Company specializing in nnanufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. B. Applicator: Company specializing in perforiming wark of this sectian with minirnum three years experience. 1.5 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETXNGS � A. Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. ' � ' � � 1.6 DELXVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer's identification, including product density and thicl�ess. B. Protect insulalion from weather and conslruction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, and damage, by storing in original wrapping. 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Install insulation only when ambient temperature and hurnidity conditions are within range recommended by manufacturer. B. Maintain temperature during and after installation for minimum period of 24 hours. P�,UMBING INSUI.ATION 15080 - 1 of 3 GEI 12.09 1.8 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabricaiion. 1.9 WARRANTY A. �'umish one year manufacturer warranty for man made �'ibec. PART 2 PRODUCTS � Pier 60 Restroom Addition � 2.1 MAN MADE MINERAL FIBER A. Manuf'acturers: 1. Johns Manville. 2. awens Corning. 3. Knauf. 4. Substitutions: Section 01600 — Material and �quipment. B. Insulation: ASTM C547 Mineral Fiber Pipe Insularion, Type I, 850 degees �'. C. Tnsulat�on: ASTM C795; semi-rigid, noncombushble, end grain adhered to jacket. 1. `K' factor: ASTM C 177, 0.24 at 75 degrees �'. 2. Maximum service temperature: 650 degrees F. 3. Maximum moisture absorption: D.2 percent by valume. D. Vapor Retarder Jacket: 1. White Kraft paper with glass fiber yarn, bonded to aluminized film. 2. Moisture vapor transmission: AST'M E96; 0.02 perm-inches. E. Tie Wire: 0.048 inch stainless steel with twisted ends on maximum 12 inch centers. PART 3 EXEC'UTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify piping and equipnnent has been tested before applying insulation materials. S. Verify surfaces are clean and dry, with foreign material removed. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Exposed Piping: Locate insulation and cover seams in least visible locations. B. Man made mineral fiber insulated pipes conveying fluids above ambient temperature: 1. Furnish factory-applicd or field-applied standard jackets. Secure with outward clinch expanding staples or pressure sensitive adhesive system on standard factory-applied jacket arxd butt strips or both. 2. Insulate fittings, joints, and valves with insulation of like material and thickness as adjoining pipe. �'inish with glass cloth and adhesive or PVC fitting covers. C. Tnserts and Shields: 1. Application: Piping or Equipment 1-1/2 inches diameter or larger. 2. Shields: Galvanized steel between pipe hangers or pipe hanger rolls azad inserts. 3. Insert location: Between support shield and piping and under ffnish jacket. 4. Insert configuration: Minimum 6 inches long, of thiekness and contour rnatching adjoi.ning insulation; may be factory fabricated 5. Insert material: Compression resistant insulating material suitable for planned temperature range and service. � �. I�' � PLUMBING INSiTLATION 15080 - 2 of 3 � � � , , 1 , r ' 1 ' � � 1 � ' , , ' ' � GEI 12.09 D. E. F. G_ H. T. I. 3.3 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Continue insulation through penetrations of building asse:mblies or portians of assemblies having fire resistance rating of one hour or less. Provide intumescent firestopp►ng when continuing insulation through assembly. Finish at supports, protrusions, and interruptions. Pipe Expased in Mechanical Equipment Rooms or Finished Spaces: 1. All service jacket (ASJ). Factory Insulated Equipment: Do not insulate. Apply insulation close to equipm�nt by gxooving, scoring, and beveling insulation. Fasten insulation to equipment with studs, pins, clips, adhesive, wues, or bands. F'ill joints, cracks, seams, and depressions with bedding compound to form smooth surface. Finish insulation at supports, prowsions, and interruptions. Nameplates and ASME Stamps: Bevel and seal insulation around; do not insulate over. SCHEDULES Plumbing Systems: 1. Domestic Hot Water Supply: a. Glass Fiber, Rigid: 1) Pipe Size Range: 1/2 to 2 inches. 2) Thiclrness- One inch. END OF SECTION 15080 PLUMSING INSULATION 15080 - 3 of 3 � , r � 1 ' GEI 12.09 SECTION 15ll� - P�PE, VALV'ES & FITTINGS: POTA,BLE WATER PART 1 - GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SCOPE: A. Provide potable water systems complete as indicated on the drawings. Drawing scales prohibit the indication of all offsets, fittings, sleeves, and similar items; however, ihese deviations shall be provided as work of this section, at no additional cost to the owner. (no change in contract price). 1.2 SHOP DRAWINGS: Refer to Section 15000 "Cornman Requuements for Mech�anical Work". ' PART 2- PRODUCTS: Refer alsa to Section 15210 "Domestic Water System". ' 2.1 PIPE: Type L Copper conforming to ASTM B-88 iui the building. � � � r � , ' 1 ' ' � 2.2 FITTINGS: wrought copper, solder joint, pressure type conforming to ANSI B 16.22. 2.3 SOLDER JOINTS: "Federal Frye" - Aqua-Clean, Lead �z-ee Solder and "No Korode" Flux for all Domestic Water Piping. 2.4 DIELECTRIC ISOLATORS: (If Applicable) A. Unions: for pipe sizes two inches (2'� azid smaller; Epco or Rockford-eclipse insulated unions with joint connection to suit pipe and equipment. 2.5 VALVES: A. All valves shall have the name or trademark of the manufacturer and the guaranteed working pressure cast or stannp on the body. Adapters shall be provided for all valves on copper lines. B. All stop valves used on this work, unless otb�erwise specified or required, shall be of the gata patiern, suitable for 125 pound working pressure. C. Ball valves 2" and smaller shall be three piece bronze, full port IPS, with solder joint connections rated at �100 pounds WOG. Stem extensions shall be fumished for use in in�sulated lines where insulation axceeds 1/2". Ball valves in sizes 2" aud smaller shall be 1VIBC0 S-SSS- 70. PiI�E, VALVES & FITTINGS: POTASLE WAT�R 15110 - 1 - 2 GEI 12.09 �A,RT 3 - EXECUTION i Pier 60 Restroom Addition � 3.1 JUYNTS AND C�NNECTXONS: A. General: Joints and connections shall be rnade permanently air, gas, and water tight. 3.2 VALVES: A. All valves, stops and similaz- itezns shall be installed in an easily accessible location. Yrovide access panels (Refer to Section 15000 "Cornrnon Requirements for Mechanical Work") for all concealed valves. 3.3 TEST: Upon completion of the water supply systenn it shall be tested a praved tight under water pressttre not less then 25 psi above the working pressure under which it is to be operated. Tests shall be observed by a representative of the architect before it is removed. 3.a STERILIZATXON: A. All potable water piping shall be disinfected with a mixture containing not less than 0.6 pounds of high-test (70% available chlorine) calcium hypo chlorite, or 2 pounds of chlorinated lune to each 1000 gallons of water to provide nat less than 50 PPM of available chlorine. '.fhe mixture shall be injected into the systern and retained for not less than 12 hours. The systern shall then be drained, flushed with potable Water and placed in service. END OF SECTIpN 151 ].Q PIPE, VALVES & FITTINGS: POTABLE WATER 15110 - 2- 2 , ' � , � ' , ' � L� 1 ' 1 , ' , �J 1 GEI 12.09 SECTION 15140 - DOMESTIC WATER PIPING �A,RT 1 GENEKAI� Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A_ Section Includes: 1. Domestic water piping, buried beyond S feet of building. 2. Domestic water piping, within S feet af building. 3. Dornestic water piping, above grade. 4. Unions and flanges. 5. Valves. 6. Relief valves. 7_ Hose bibs. 8. Hydrants. 9. Water hanuner arrestors. ] 0. Bedding and cover rnaterials. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 15060 - Hangers and Supports: Product requirernents for pipe hangers and supports, firestopping for placement by this section. 2. Section 15075 - Mechanical Identification: Product requirements for pipe identification and valve ta�s for placement by this sectian. 3. 5ection 15080 - Mechanical Insulation: Product and execution requirements for pipe insulation. 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Na�onal Standards Institute: 1. ANSI Z21.22 - Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems. B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME B16.18 - Cast Copper Alloy Solder ]oirn Pressure Fittings. 2_ ASME B 16.22 - Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings. 3. ASME B 16.26 - Cast Copper Alloy �'ittings for Flared Copper Tubes. 4. ASME B31.9 - Building Services Piping. 5. ASME Section VIII - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Pressure Vessels. C. American Society of Sanitary Engineering: 1. ASSE 1010 - Perfornaance Requirements for Water Hammer Arresters. 2. ASSE 1011 - Perfarmance Requirements for Hose Connection Vacuum Breakers. 3. ASSE 1019 - Performance Requirements for Vacuum Breaker Wall Hydrants, �'reeze Resistant, Automatic Draining Type. D. ASTM Intemational: 1. ASTM B32 - Standard Specification for Solder Metal. 2. ASTM B42 - Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes. 3. ASTM B8$ - Standard Spec�cation for Seaanless Copper Water Tube. 4. ASTM D1784 - Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Coitzpounds. S. ASTM D1785 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120. 6_ ASTM D2466 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40. ' DOMESTIC WATER PIPTNG � 15140-1-6 GEI 12.09 E. � �� � , Pier 60 Restroom Addirion , 7. ASTM D2564 - Standard Speciiication for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems. 8. ASTM D2665 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and �'ilt�ings. 9. ASTM D2855 - Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with PoIy (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and �'itbings. 10. ASTM �'708 - Standard Pracrice for Design and Tnstallation of Rigid Pipe Hangers. American Welding 5ociety: 1. AWS A5.8 - Specification £or Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding. A.zxaerican Water Works Association: 1. AWWA CG51 - Disinfecting Water Mains. Manufacturers Standardization Society oithe Valve azxd Fittings Induslry: 1. MSS SP 58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacturer. 2. MSS SP 69 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selecrion and Application. 3_ MSS SP 80 - Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves. �1_ MSS SP 89 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installarion Practices. 5. MSS SP 110 - Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared �nds. Plumbing and Drainage Institute: 1. PDI WH2O1 - Water Hamrner Arrester Standard. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: 1. Piping: Submit data on pipe materials, iyttings, and accessories. Submit manufacturer's catalag information. 2. Valves: Submit manufacturers catalog informalion with valve data and ratings for each service. 3. Hangers and Supports: Submit z�nanufachuers catalog information including load capacity. 4. Domestic Water Specialties: Submit manufacturers catalag information, com�anent sizes, rough-in requirernents, service sizes, and finishes. B. Manufacturer's Installation InsUuctions: Submit installation instructions for pumps, valves and aacessones. C. Manu#'acturer's Certificate: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.4 CLOSEOUT S[TBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Record actual lpcarions of valves and equipznent. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit spare parts list, exploded assembly views and recornrnended maintenance intervals. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Maintain one copy of each document on site. 1.6 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufactuxer: Campany specializin�g in manufacturing produets specified in this section with minimum tlu-ee years experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in perfomiing work of this sectian with minimum three years experience. 1.7 �RE-INSTALLATIQN MEETINGS A. Convene min�rnum one week prior to carnmencing work of this section. DOMESTTC WATER PIFING ' ' � ' ' � ' � ' 1 � � ' � , 15140-2-6 ' � r , �Er a�.o9 ' ' � r� ' 1.$ A. B. C. 1.9 A. �.�o A. 1.11 A. 1'ier 60 Restroom Addition DELIVERY, STORA.GE, AND HANDLING Accept valves and equipment on site in shipping containers with labeling in place. Inspect for damage. Provide temporary end caps and closures on piping and fittings. Maintain in place until installation. Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by teznporary covers, completing secUons of the work, and isolating parts of completed systenn. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Do not install underground piping when bedding is wet. FIELD MEASUItEMENT5 Verify �eld measurements prior to fabrication. WARRANTY Fwnish five year manufacturer warranty for domestic water piping. � PART2-PRODUCTS , � ' � , ' � LJ ' � � , 2.1 A. 2.2 A_ 2.3 A. Z.a A. DOMESTIC WATER PIPING, BURTED SEYOND 5 FEET OF BiJILDING Water piping, buried beyond 5 feet af building: See civil engineez�ing specifications. DOMESTIC WATER PIPING, BURIED WITH�N 5 FEET OF BUILDING Water piping, buried within 5 feet of huilding: Copper type "K" pipe and iittizxgs. DOMESTIC WATER PIPING, ABOVE GRA.UE Copper Tubing: ASTM B88-B-89 Type L, hard drawn seamless. i1NION5 AND FLANGES Unions for Pipe 2 inches and Smaller: 1. Dielectrio Connections: Union with galvanized or plated steel threaded end, copper solder end, water impervious isolation barrier. 25 BALL VALVES A. Manuiacturers: 1. Screwec� Crane, 2" and smaller 2. Solder, Crane, 2" and sxnaller 3. Watts or approved equals 4, Undergraund ball valves 5. Substitutions: under provisions appropriate seclions of this specification 2.6 CHECK VALVES A. Harizontal Swing Check Valves Manufactu�rers: 1. Crane Valve, North America. 2. Hammond Valve. 3. Atilwaukee Valve Company. 4. 1VIBC0, I:uc. Model. DOMESTIC WATER PIPING 15140 - 3 - 6 GET 12.09 �.7 A. B. C. 2.8 A. B. 2.9 A. B. 2.10 A. B. C. 2.11 A. B. Pier 6U Restroom Addition RELIEk' VALVES Manufacturers: 1. Watts. 2_ Bell & Gossett, 3. Armstrong. Pressure Relief: 1. ANSI Z21.22 certified, bronze body, teflon seat, steel stern and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated. Temperature and Pressure I�elief: 1. ANSI Z21.22 certified, bronze body, teflon seat, stainless steel stem and springs, automabic, direct pressure actuated, temperature relief maximum 210 degrees F, capacity ASME certified and labeled. HUSE BIBBS Manufacturers: 1. Woodford. Bronze or brass with integral mounting �lange, replaceable hexagonal disc, hose thread spout, with han�d wheel, integral vacuutn breaker in conforniance with ASS� 101 l. HYDRANTS Manufacturers: I. Zurn. 2. Josam. 3. r.R. s��n. Wall Hydrant: ASSE 1019; non-freeze, self-draining type with polished bronze hose thread spout, locks shield and removable key, and integral vacuum breaker. WATER HAMMER ARRESTURS Manufacturers: 1. Zurn. 2. Josarn. 3. J.R. Smith. ASSE 101�; stainless steel cons�uction, piston type sized in accordance witl� PDI WH-201. Pre-charged suitable for operation in temperature range 34 to 250 degrees F and rnaximum 150 psi working pressure. [TNDERGROUND �IPE MARKF�S Manufacturers: I. Seton. 2. Substitutions: Section 0160� - Product Requirements. Plastic Ribbon Tape: Bright colored, continuously printed, minimum 6 inches wide by 4 mil thick, maz�uFactured for direct burial service. DOMESTTC WATER PIPING 15140-4-6 � � ' 1 � ' ' , �l ' ' ' ' ' � _J � , �J t GEI 12.09 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify excavations are to required grade, dry, and not over-excavated. 3,2 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remave buixs. Bevel plain end ferrous pipe. B. Aemove scale and di�rt, �n inside and outside, before assembly 3.3 B. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 3.4 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. N. Pier 60 Restroom Addition INSTALLATION - BURIED PIPING SYSTEMS Verify connection to exisl�ng piping. Establish elevations of bwried piping with not less than two ft o� cover. Remove scale and dirt on inside of piping before assembly. Place bedding rnaterial at trench bottom to provide uni#'arm bedding for piping, level bedding materials in one con�nuous layer not exceeding 4 inches compacted depth; compact to 95 percent maximum density. Install pipe on prepared beddutg. Route pipe in straip,ht line. Install pipe to allow for expansian and contraciion without stressing pipe or joints. Install shutoff valves at locations indicated on Drawings in accordance with this Section Install plastic ribbon tape continuous wer top of pipe. Refer to Section 15q75. Pipe Cover and Backfilling: 1. Maintain optimum moisture content of �ill rnaterial t,o aitain required compaction density. 2. After hydrostatic test, evenly backfill entire trench width by hand placing backfill material and hand taznping in 6 inches compacted layers to 12 inches minimuna caver over top of jacket. Cornpact to 95 percent maximum density. 3. Evenly and continuausly backfill remaining trench depth in uni£arm layers with backfill material. 4. Do not use wheeled or tracked vehicles for tamping_ INSTALLATION - ABOVE GR�UND PIPING Install non�onducting dielectric connections wherever jointing dissimilar metals. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain grradient. Raute parallel and perpendicular to walls. Install piping to maintain }�eadroom without interfering with use of space or taking more space thau necessary. Group piping whenever practical at common elevations. Slope piping and arrange systems to drain at low points. Install piping to allow for expansion and contrac�on without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment. Provide clearance in hangers and from structure and other equipment for installation of insulation and access to valves and fittings. Pravide access where valves and �ittings are not accessible. Tnstall domestic water piping in aceordance with ASME B31.9. Sleeve pipes passing through partitions, walls and floors. Tnstall firestopping at fire rated construction perimeters and openings containing penetrating sleeves and piping. Install unions downstream of valves and at equipment or apparatus connections. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal, not inverted. Install brass male adapters each side of valves in copper piped system. Solder adapters tio pipe. ' DOMESTIC WATER PIPING , 151�10-5 -6 G�I 12.09 �� Pier 60 Restroom Addi�ion 1 O. Install ball valves for shut-off and to isolate equipment, part of systems, or vertical r�sers. P. Install potable water protection devices on plumbing lines where contamination of domestic water may occur; on boiler feed water lines, janitor rooms, fire sprinkler systems, premise isolataon, inrigation systems, flush valves, interzar and exterior hose bibs. Q. Pipe relief from valves to nearest �]oor drain. R. Install water hammer arrestors complete with accessible isolation valve on cold water supply piping to lavatories sinks_ 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Test domestic water piping system in accordance with applicable code and local authority having jurisdiction. 3.6 CLEANING A. Disinfect water distribution system. �. Verify pH of water to be treated is between 7.4 and 7.6 by adding alkali (caustic soda or soda ash) or acid (hydrochloric). C. Inject disit�fectan� free chlorine in ]iquid, powder and tablet or gas form, throughout system to obtain residual from 50 to 80 mg/I_,. D. Bleed water from outlets to obtain distribution and test for disinfectant residual at minimum 15 percent of autlets. E. Maintain disi�nfectant in system %r 24 hours. �'. When �nal disinfectant residual tests less than 25 mg/L,, repeat treatrnent. G. Flush disinfectant from system until residual concentratian is equal to incarriin� water or 1.0 mg/L. H. Take samples no sooner than 24 hours after £lushing, from 10 percent of outlets and from water eniry, and analyze in accordance with AWWA C651. END OF SECTION 15140 DOMESTIC WATER PIPING 15 140-6-6 ' L� [] IJ � J' Pier 60 Restroom Addition GEI 12_09 SECT�ON 1515D - SA1vITARY WASTE AND VEN'I' PIPING PART 1- GENERAL , 1.1 , 1 , ' ' SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Sanitary sewer piping buried beYond 5 feet of building. 2 g�itary, sewer piping buried within 5 feet of building. 3. Sanitary sev�'er piping above grade. 4. Floor drains. 5. Cleanouts. 6_ gedding and cover rnaterials. B, Related Sections: e hangers and 1. Section 15060 - Hangers and Supports: Product requirements for pip supports, firestopping for placement by this section. 2. Section 15075 - Mechanical Identification: Product requirernents %r pipe identification for pl�ement by this section. 3. Section 15080 - Mechanical Insulation: Praduct and execution requirements for pipe insularion. 1,2 REFERENC�S , p, American Saciety of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME A11221.1 - Floor Drains_ ' 1 ' ' 1 1 ' E. ASTM International: VC Com unds 1_ ASTM D1784 - Standard Specif'ication for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chl.oride) (P ) Po �d Cblorinated Poly (V�nyl Chlaride) (CPVC) Compounds. 2, ASTM D1785 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules a0, 80, and 120. pVC Plastic Pi e 3. ASTM D2�66 - Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) ( ) P Fittings, Schedule 40. 4. ASTM D2564 - Standard Speeification for Solvent Cernents for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems. 5. ASTM D2665 - 5tandard Specifieation for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) 1'lastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings. 6. ASTM D2729 - Standard Speci�ication for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings. '1. ASTM D2855 - Standard 1'rac�ce far Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Cliloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings. 1.3 SUBMTTTALS A. Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures: Submittal procedures. B. 5hop Drawings: Indicate dimensions, weights, and placement of openings and holes for sewage- ejectors, and manholes. C. Product Data: 1. Piping: Submit data on pipe materials, �ttings, and accessaries. Submit manufacturers catalog infornaatian. ' SANITARY WASTE AND VENT pIPING , SECTION 15150 - 1 of 4 G�I 1z.o9 D. 1.� A. 1.S A. 1.6 A. B. 1.7 A. 1.8 A. 1.9 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition 2. Sanitary Drainage Specialties: Submit manufacturers catalog information, component sizes, rough-in requirements, service sizes, and fizushes. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions; Submit installation instructions for rnaterial and equipment. CLOSEOUT SUBMXTTALS Project Recard Documents: Record actual locations of equipment and clean-outs, QUALITY ASSURA,NCE Maintaizx one copy of each document on site. QUALTFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializizag in znanufacturing products specified in this section with mintimum tl�'ee years experience. Installer: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with minimum three years documented experience. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS Canvene rninunum one week prior to commencing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HAIVDLI1�jG Protect piping systems from entry of foreign materials by temporary cavers, coznpleting sections o:f t1�e Work, and isolating parts of completed system. ENV.IRONMENTAi, REQUIREMENTS Do not install underground piping when bedding is wet. 1.10 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurernents prior to fab�ication. 1.11 VVARRANTy A- Furnish �ve yeaz manufacturer warranty for piping and specialties. PART2-PRODUCTS 2•1 SAN[TARY SEWER PIpING BURIED BEYQND 5 FEET OF BUILDING. A. Sanitary Sewer Piping buried beyond 5 feet (150Q MM) of building: By site contractor. See civil engineering specifications 2•2 SA1vITARY SEWER PZPING, SURIED WZ'THIN S FEET OF B[T.[LDXNG A. Sanitary Sewer piping, buried within 5 feet (1500 MM) of building: PVC schedule 40 pipe and ftttings. 2•3 SANITARY SEWER PZPING, ASQVE GRADE A. PVC Pipe: ASTM D2729. Fittings: PVC. Joints: ASTM D2855, solvent weld. SANITARY WASTE AND VENT PIPING SECTION 15150 - 2 of 4 ' ' � 1 � � � � ' � � , , ' � 1 � � ' GEI 12.09 2.4 �LOOR DRAINS A. Manufaciurers: 1. Zurn. 2. Josam. 3. J.R. Smith. Pier 60 Restroom Addition B. Floor Drain: ASME A112.21.1; galvani�ed cast iron twv piece body with double drainage flange, weep holes, reversible clamping collar, and round, adjustable nickel-bronze strainer. 2.5 CLEANOUTS A. Manufacturers: 1. Zurn_ 2. Josam. 3. J.R Smith. B. Exterior Surfaced Areas: Round cast nickel bronze access &ame and non-skid cover. C. Exterior Unsurfaced Areas: Line type with lacyuered cast iron body and round epo7cy coated cover wit gasket. D. Interior Finished Floor Areas: Galvanized cast iron bady with anchor flange, reversible clamping collar, threaded top assembly, and raund scored cover with gasket in service areas and round square depressed cover with gasket to accept floor finish in finished floor areas. �. Interior Finished Wall Areas: Line type with lacquered cast iron body and round epo�cy coated cover with gasket, and round stainless steel access cover secured with machine screw. 2.G SEDDING AND COVER MATERIALS A. �xcavate in accordance with site work specifications B. Backfill in accordance with site work specification FART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify excavations are to required grade, dry, and not over-excavated. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. Bevel plain end ferrous pipe_ B. Remove scale and dirt, on inside and outside, before assembly. C. Prepare piping connections to equipment with flanges or unions. D. Keep open ends of pipe free from scale and diri. Protect open ends with temporary plugs or caps. 3.3 INSTALLATION - BURIED PIPING SYSTEMS A. Verify cannection to existing piping system. B. Establish elevations of buried piping with not less than two ft. oi cover. C. �stablish minimum separation af five from water piping in accordance with plumbing code. D. Remove scale and dirt on inside af piping before assembly. E. Place bedding material at trench bottom to provide uniform bedding for piping, level bedding m$terials in one continuous layer not exceeding 4 inches compacted depth; compact to 95 percent maxirnum density. F. Install pipe on prepared bedding. G. Route pipe in straight line. H. Install plastic ribbon tape conpnuous over top of. Re:fer to Section 15075. , SANITARY WASTE AND VENT PIPING � SECTION 15150 - 3 of 4 GEI 12.09 �l Pier 60 Restroom Addition ' I. Pipe Cover and Sackfilling: l. Backfill trench. 2. Maintain optimum moisiure content of �ill material to attain required compaction density. 3. After hydrostatic test, evenly backfill entire trench width by hand placing backfill material and hand tamping in 46 inches compaeted layers to l2 inches minimum cover over top of jacket_ Compact to 9S percent maximum density. 4. Eaenly and continuously backfill remaining trench depth in uniform layers with hackf�ill material. S. Do not use wheeled or tracked vehicles for tamping. 3.4 INSTALLATION - ABOVE GR�UND PIP�NG A. Establish invert elevations, slopes for drainage to 1/8 inch per foot rainimum. Maintain gradients. B. �xtend cleanouts to finished floor or wall surface. Lubricate threaded cleanout plugs with mixture of graphite and linseed oil. Provide clearances at cleanout for snakin� drainage system. C. Encase exterior cleanouts in concrete flush with grade. D. Install floor cleanouts at elevation to aceommodate fmished floor. E. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain gradient. Route parallel and perpendioular to walls. F. Install piping ta maintain headroom. Do not spread piping, conserve space. G. Group piping whenever practical at common elevations. H. Install piping to allow for expaz�sion and co�ntraction without stressing pipe, jaints, or connected equipment. I. Provide clearance in hangers and from stzucture and other equipment for installation of insulation. Refer to Section 15080. J. Install piping penetrating roofed areas to maintain integrity of roof assembly. K. Install bell and spigot pipe with bell end upstxeam. L. Sleeve pipes passing tlu-ough partitions, walls and iloors. M. Install firestopping at fire rated construction perimeters and openings containing penetrating sleeves and piping. Refer W Section 15060. 3.5 FIEX,D QUALITY CONTR�L A. Test samitary waste and vent piping system in accordance with applicable code, local authority ' having jurisdictiox►. END Qk' SEGTION XS1S0 SANITARY WASTE AND VENT PIPING � 1 � ' SECTION 1S1S0-4of4 ' � i ' � � �� � 1 ' � CJ � t , 1 � ' GEI 12.09 SECT�ON ].5] 90 - HANGERS & SUPPORT5: PYPING SYSTEMS PART 1 -- GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SCOPE A. Provide all angles, brackets, clamps, anchors, inserts, rods, braces, frames, hangers, nuts and bolts, and otl�er miscellaneous steel and hazdware items as may be required for the proper support of equipment and all piping systems. 1,2 RELATION TO OTHER WURK A. Contractor shall coordinate: shop drawings; placement; structural framing and overall building construction; and the work of all trades ta insure an orderly and timely progress of the work. Refer to other sections for special requirements relating to speci�ic equipment and systems. ]..3 NIANUFACTURER A. Hangers and supports shall be as manufactured by Grinnell, Division Itt, F8c5 Manufacturing Corp.; Fee and Mason Manufacturing Co., or an approved equal. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 USE THE FOLLOWING (or approved eyuals thereofl if and as applicable to this project: A. Hangers: 1. Hangers in contact with copper piping: shall be copper plated or teflon coated. Grinnell Fig. 97 or 97c. 2. Hangers (other than in contact with copper piping): shall have manufacturer's standard fuush. Pipe 3" and larger: Grizzz�ell Fig. 260. Pipe 2-1/2" and smaller: Grinnell Fig. 104. B. Pipe Riser Clanr�ps: Grinnell Fig. 261. C. Insulation Shields: Grinnell Fig. 292 with Links, D. Rod: Sized with safety factor of five (5). Grinnell Fig. 14� or 146. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Refer To 5ection 15000 "Cotnmon Requirements For Mechanical Work." All inserts, £asteners, hangers and supports shall be installed in slrict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.2 �'XPE A. Hangers shall be spaced to prevent sag and ta permit proper drainage. All piping shall be xun parallel with the lines of building, unless atherwise indicated an drawings. the hanger spacing and plaeement shall be such that after the covering (insulation and finish) is applied there will be not less than 1/2" clear space between fmished covering and ather surfaces, including the fmished covering of parallel adj acent pipes. Hangers for insulated pipes shall be sized w encompass the insulating, finish and metal insulation shield (a metal insulation shield shall be ' HANGERS & SUPPORTS: PIPING SYS'TEMS , 1519Q - 1 - 2 G�I 12.09 � k�ier GO Restroorn Addztion � provided for each hanger and support). Vertical piping shall be suppoz�ted with pipe riser clamps at every floor penetration, unless specifically indicated otherwise on tlae drawings, � HANGERS & SLTPPQRTS: PIPING SYSTEMS � � � i 1 1 1 1 i- 1 � � 1 1 15190-2-2 1 ' ' 1 � � � � � 1 � � ' � � � � � ' � � GEI 12.�9 SECTION 1520U - PLUMBING PART 1 - GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 Refer to Section 15000 Entitled "Common Requirements For Mechanical Work". 1.2 DESCRY�TION OF WORK: A. The e�ctent of plumbing is indicated on the drawings and specifications. B. In general, the work consists o% but is not limited to the following: 1. Hot and cold water supply piping, and all necessary valves, �ittings, etc. 2. A system of waste and vent piping. 3. �'lumbing �ixtures and trim. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Refer to Individual Technical Sections. PART 3 - EXECU�'ION 3.1 The plumbing materials, fixtures and installation shall coxnply with all requixements of the latest edition of the Florida Building Code - Plumbing 2004 with 2007. END OF SECT�ON 152QD PLUMSING 1520Q-1-1 � ' � �l �' �� � � i�J ' GEI 12.09 SECTiON 15201- PLUMBING FIXTURES, TRIM & SPECIALTIES PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 1.2 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Refer to section 15000 "Co�xunon Requirements for Mechanical Work". ENERGY CONSERVATiON REQUTREMENTS: Hand washing facilities which are provided by others shall have the following feature- outlet devices which li.mit the flow of water to a maxirnwn of 0.5 GPM. PART 2 - PRQDUCTS 2.], PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM: A. Provide all brackets, plates, anchors and fastening devices necessary for rigidly mounting fixtures in place. Unless noted otherwise, each wall hun� plumbing fixture shall be supported on appropriate type af chair carriers. B. Use chrame-plated brass piping where exposed to view between fixture and imished wall face and jacketed where fixture is designated for handicapped use. Provide tight fitting escutcheans of chrome plated brass wherever piping passes through walls. Supply piping to all fixtur�s shall be anchored to prevent movement. C. Approved manufacturers: 1. All plumbing iixtures by shall be as directed by the owner/architect and installed by the plumbing contractor. � 2.2 PLUM�3ING FIXTURES AND TRIM: A. General: 1. Acid resisting enamel for enameled east iron and stainless steel fixtures. � 2. Cast brass p-trap with cleanout for each lavatory and sink unless otherwise indicated. 3. Renewable seats and disks for supply valves. 4. Stops for fixture hot and cold water supplies. 2.3 PLiTMBYNG SPECIALTIES: A. Cleanouts: L Interiar wa11 type: cast uon cleanout tee with countersunk plug and square, smooth nickel bronze access cover and frame. � 2. Plugs: cast iron ferrule with screw plug. 3. Josam, J. R Smith, W ade, or Mifab approved equal. Refer to schedule on drawings. � �_� � � �� S. Traps: 1. Exposed and/or in cabinets: chxorne plated cast brass with cleanouts. C. Water hammer arresters: 1. Shall be in accord with plumbing and drainage institute standard. 2. Josam as shown on the drawings. PLUMBING FIXTtJRES, TRIM & SPECIALTIES 15201-1-2 GEI 12.09 PART 3 - EXECUTION � Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1 3.1 GENERAL: A. Protect chrome-plated items from damage by wrenches and other hazards. B. lnstall fixtures having flush valves so that supplies to valves for all identical �xtures in each raorn are at same height far tlxat iixture type_ Seat valve in place so tlaat valve discharge centerline is directly abave £�i�cture spud centerline; do not connect by bending nipple between valve spud. C. Install cold water on right (f�cing applicable fixtures). D. Verify, coardinate, adjust, align and secu;re rough-in piping to provide neaC appearances and serviceable operation. Correlate with fixriue manufacturer's data and recommendaiions and with required dimensians. 3.2 CLEANOUTS: A. Install at or near foot af each soil or waste stack and at each change in direction of building drain greater than �5 degrees. B. Shall be accessible; install flush with finished wall, floor or finished grade. 3.3 TRAPS: A. Trap each iixture (except those with integral traps) with water sealed trap located as close as possible to fixture and never greater than 24" from fixture. 3.4 WATER HAMMER ARRESTERS; Size And Locate In Accord With �DI Standard PDI-WH-20 � . END OF SEC1'TON l S2Q1 PLLTMBiNG FIXTURES, TRIM & SP�CIALTIES 15201-2-2 � � � l� �' � GEI 12.09 SECTiON 15400 - INSULATION, THERMAL PART 1 - GENERAL Z.1 � A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition SC�PE Provide plant, labor, and materials to insulate equipment, piping and miscellaneous items in the piping and duct systenns as indicated on khe drawings and spec�ed herein. 1.2 RELATION TO OTHER WURK � A. Refer to Sectian Entitled "Common Requirements For Mechazrical Work". No insulation adhesives, materials or finist�es sha11 be applied untal the itezn to be insulated has been completely installed and tested and proved tight. � 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Refer To Section 15000 "Comrnon Requirements for Mechanical Work". rPART 2 - PRODUCTS � 2.1 1 /•� � INSULATION MATERIALS, GENERAL Insulation materials shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: Type I-4: praformed glass fiber pipe insulation. Johns-Manville flame safe with Vapor Barrier Jacket (VBC). PART 3 - EXECUTIONS � 3.1 DOMESTIC COLD AND HOT WATER PIPING A. Insulate all pipes with one (1) inch thick, tkuee and one-half (3-1/2) pound density fiberglass insulation (i-4) at starbuck area. Insulate �ttings, valves and sirnilar items; insulate completely. � ' �� � � � 3Z SANXTARY DRAXN AND STACKS A. Insulate back of floor drains receiving discharge from cold drain piping with 1-1/2 inch thick flexible insulation (i-5) �vith vapor barrier. Adhere insulation to floor drain. lnsulate piping from floor drain, "p" traps horizantal run and vertical stack whether exposed ar concealed inside the building. Provide a vapor harrier using Foster's 30-3b far all joints and laps. 3.3 7NSULATION FIT A. Where insulation is applied to pipe or equipment, it shall be installed with all joints fitted to eliminate voids. Voids shall not be iilled with joint sealant, but shall be eliminated by re�itting or replacing insulation. END OF SECTION 15400 1NSULATION, THERMAL 15400-1 -1 � � � �l r � � � I� � �� � L� GEI 12.09 SECTI�N 15410 - PLUMBING FIXTURES PART 1- GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Lncludes: 1. Water closets 2. Lavatories 3. Urinals B. Related Sections: 1. Section 15140 - Domestic Water Piping: Supply connections to plumbing fixtures. 2. Section 15150 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping: Waste connections to plumbing fixtures. 1.2 REFERENCES A_ American National Standards Institute: 1. ANSI A117.1 - Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities. B. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute: 1. 1010 - Self-Contained, Mechanically Refrigerated Drinldng-Water Coolers. C. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 1. ASME A 112.18.1 - Plumbing Fixture Fittings. 2. ASME A112.19.2M - Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures. 3. ASME A112.19.3 - Stainless Steel Plumbing Fixtures (Designed for Residential Use). �l. ASME A112.19.5 - Trim for Water-Closet Bowls, Tanks and Urinals. 1.3 SUSMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit catalog illustrations of fixtures, sizes, rough-in d'unensions, utility sizes, trim, and �inishes, B. Manufackurer's Installation Instruetions: Submit installation methods and procedures. � Y.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Operatian and Maintenance Data: Subznit fixture, trim, exploded view and replacement parts lists. �� � r r '�l � 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide products requiring electrical connections listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., as suitable for purpose specified and indiaated. B. Maintain one copy of each dacument on site. 1.6 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years. B. Installer: Company specializing in perForming work of this section with minimum three years experience. 1.7 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Canvene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. PLUMBING FIX'I'LTRES 15410 - 1 - 3 GEI 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept fixtures on site in factory packaging. Inspect for damage. S. Protect installed fixtures from damage by securing areas and by leaving factory packaging in place to protect fixtures and prevent use. 1.9 WARRANTY A. Furnish five year manufacturer warranty for plumbing fixtures. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 A. B. C. D. 2.2 A. S. C. D. E. 2.3 A. FLUSH VALVE WATER CLOSETS Manufacturers: 1. Toto Bowl: ASME A112.19.2M; floor mounted, siphon jet 17 inch bowl height, ADA accessible vi�eous china closet bowl, with elongated rirn, 1-1/2 inch top spud, china bolt caps. Exposed Flush Valve: ASME A112_18.1; exposed chrome plated, diaphragm type with oscillating handle, escutcheon, seat bumper, integral screwdriver stop and vacuum breaker; maximum 1.6 gallon flush volume. Seat: Salid white plastic, open front, extended back, self-sustaining hinge, brass bolts, with cover. LAVATQRIES Manufacturers: 1. Tato Vitreous China Wall Hung Basin: ASME, A 112.19.2M; vitreous china wall hung lavatnry inch mizumum, with 4 inch high back, dxillings �n 4 inch centers, rectangular basin with splash lip, frant overflow, and soap depression. Supply Fitting: ASME A112.18.1; chrome plated combination supply iitting with water economy, single lever handle. Accessories: 1. Chrome plated 17 gage brass P-trap with clean-out plug and ann with escutcheon. 2. Offset waste with perforated open strainer_ 3. Screwdriv�r stops. �F. Rigid supplies. 5. Trap and waste insulated and offset to meet ADA corapliance. Wall Maunted Carrier: ASME A112.6.1; cast iran and steel frame with tubular legs, lugs for floor and wall attachment, [threaded studs for fixture hanger,] [concealed a:rnr� supports,] bearing plate and studs. URINALS Manufacturers: 1. Toto PLUMEING FIXTURES 15410-2-3 � � � � GEI 12.09 LJ � � � r Pier 6� Restroom Addition 2.4 LAVATQRY INSULATION HIT A. Manufacturers: 1. Truebro. B. Product Description: Where Lavatones a�re noted to be insulated for ADA compliance, furnish the following: Sa�'ety Covers conforming to ANSI A177.1 and consisting of insulation kit of molded closed cell vinyl constructior� 3/16 inch thick, white color, for insulating tailpiece, P- trap, valves, and supply piping. Furnish with weep hole and angle valve access covers. �'A,RT 3 - EXECUTION 3.� EXAMINATION A. Verify walls and floor �inishes are prepared and ready for installation of fixtures. B. Verify electric power is available and of correct characteristics. C. Confirm millwork is constructed with adequate provision for installation of counter top lavatories and sinks. � 3.2 PREPARATION A. Rough-in fixture piping connections in accordance with minimum sizes indicated in fixtw-e rough-in schedule for particular fixtures. r � �� � � l.� 1 � � 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install each fixture with trap, easily rernovable for servicing and cleaning. S. Provide chrome plated rigid or flexible supplies to fixtures with screwdriver sCops, reducers, and escutcheons. C. Install components level and plumb. D. Install and secure iixtures in place with wall cazriers and bolts_ �. Seal fixtures to wall and floor surfaces with sealant color to match fixture. F. Solidly attach water closets to floor with lag screws. Lead flashing is not intended hold fixture in place. G. �'or ADA accessible water closets, install ilush valve with handle to wide side of stall. 3.4 A 3.5 A. 3.6 A. 3.7 A. INTERFACE WITH UTHER PRODUCTS Review millwork shop-drawings. Confirm location and size af fixtures and openings before rough in and installation. ADJUSTING Adjust stops or valves for intended water �low rate to fixtures without splashing, noise, or overflow. CLEANING Clean plumbing �ixtures and equipment. PRQTECTION UF INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION Do not permit us� of fixtures before final acceptance. END OF SECTION 15410 PLUMBING FIXTLTRES 15410 - 3 - 3 � ' � � � �.l � � � � r � � � � � ' GEI 12.09 SECTION 15t34(1= AIR DISTRIBUTXON PART 1 GENERAT, 1.1 SITMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Ductwork. 2. Ductwork accessaries. 3. Au Qutlets. �ART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 DUCTW�RK Pier 60 Restroom Addition A. Duct: 1. Galvanized Steel Ducts: ASTM A653/A653M galvanized steel sheet, lock-forming quality, having G90 zinc coating of in conformance with ASTM A90/A9UM. 2. Fasteners: Rivets, bolts, or sheet metal screws. 3. Hanger Rod: ASTM A36/A36M; steel, galvaniaed; threaded both ends, ttu'eaded ane end, or continuously ttucaded. B. Ductwork Fabrication: 1. �'abricate and support rectangular ducts in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible and as indicated on Drawings. Provide duct material, gages, reinforcing, and sealing for operating pressures indicated. 2. Fabricate mnd support round ducts with longitudinal seams in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible (Ronnd Duct Canstruction Standards), and as indicated on Drawings. Provida duct material, gages, reinforcing, and sealing for operating pressures indicated. 3. Construct Ts, bends, and elhows with riainimum radius 1-1/2 times centerline duct width. Where not possible aud where rectangular elbaws are used, provide airfoil turning vanes. Where acoustical lining is indicated, furnish turning vanes of perforated rnetal with glass fiber insulation. 4. Increase duct sizes gradually, not exceeding 15 degrees divergence wherever passible; maximum 30 degrees divergence upstream af equiprnent and 45 degrees convergence downstream. 5. Fabricate continuously r�velded round and oval duct iittings twa gages heavier than duct gages indicated in SMACNA Standard. Min►mum 4 inch cerr►ented slip joint, brazed or electric welded_ Prime cdat welded joints. 6. Arovide standard 45-degree lateral wye takeoffs. When space does not allow 45-degree lateral wye takeoff, use 9�-degree conical tee connections. 2.2 DUCT ACCESSORIES A. Volume Contral Dampers: 1. Fabricate in accardance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and �'lexible, and as indicated on I?rawings. 2. Fabricate single blade dampers for duct sizes ta 12 x 30 inch. 3_ Fabricate multi-blade damper of opposed blade pattern with maximum blade sizes S x 72 inch. Assernble center and edge crimped blades in prime coated or galvanized channel frame with suitable hardware. � HVAC AIR DISTRIBUTION L 15800 - 1 of 2 GET 1Z.09 � C. �ier 60 Restroom Addition 4. Except in round ductwork 12 inches and smaller, furnish end bearings_ S. Furnish locking, indicating quadrant regulators on single and multi-blade dampers. Where width exceeds 30 inches, furnish regulator at both ends. Tuming Devices and Extractors: 1_ Multi-blade device with blades aligned in short dirnension; steel or aluminurn construction; with individually adjustable blades, rnounting straps. 2. Multi-blade device with radius blades attached to pivoting frame and bracket, steel or aluminum canstruction, with push-pull operator strap. �'lexible Duct Cannections: 1. UL listed fire-retardant neoprene coated woven glass iiber fabric to NFPA 90A, approximately 3 inches wide, crimped into rnetal edging strip. 2.3 A�R OUTLETS ANll INLETS A. Manufacturers: 1. Titus. 2. Metal-Aire 3. Price 4. Substitutions: Permitted B. Registers/Crrilles: Streamlined and individually adjustable blades, one-way two-way deflectivn, damper; with factory clear lacquer prime coat finish. C. Louvers: 4 inches deep with blades on 45 degree slope, channel frame, birds-screen with 1/2 in�ch square mesh for exhaust and 3/4 inch for intake. 1. Material: 16 gage thick galvanized steel. 12 gage thick extruded aluminum. 2. Finish: Factory prime coat baked enamel anodized fluoropolymer spray �nish color as selected. 3. Installation: Interior Exterior flat flange angle flange Screw holes in jambs Masonry strap anchors. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINAT�ON A. Verify sizes of equipment connections hefore fabxicatin�g tramsitions. B_ Verify ducts and equipment installation is ready for accessories. C. Check location pf air oudets and inlets and make necessary adjustrnents in position to conform to architectural features, symmetry, and lighting arrangement. 3.2 XN'STALLATION A. Metal Ducts: Install i:n accordance with SMACNA Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexihle. B. Insta�l �lexible cotaxaections immediately adjacent to fans and motorized equipment. Install flexible connections speci�ed between fan inlet and discharge ductwork. Prevent flexible connectoars being izx tension while running. C. Iustall balancing dampers on duct take-off to diffusers and grilles and registers, regardless of whether dampers are specified as part of diffuser, or grille and register assemb]y. D. Paint ductwork visible behind air outlets and inlets rnatte black. E. Do not operate fans until bearings are lubricated, and fan has been test run under observation. END OF SECTYQN 15800 HVAC AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800-2of2 � �� � LJ �� � � r � � �� � � L, � ��� � � ' GEI 12.09 SECTION 15$30 - FANS Pier 60 Restrooix� Addition PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SLTMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Centrifugal Square In-Line Fans B. Related Sections: 1. Section 16150 - Wiring Connections: Executian and product requirements for connecting equipment speci$ed by this section. 1.2 RE�ERENCES A. American Searing Manufacturers Association: 1. ABMA 9- Load Ratuags and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. 2. ABMA 11 - Load Ratings and Fa�gue Life for Roller Bearings. B. Air Movement and Control Association Intemational, Inc.: 1. AMCA 99 - Standards Handbook. 2. AMCA 204 - Salance Quality and Vibration Levels for Fans. " 3. AMCA 210 - Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating. 4. AMCA 300 - Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans. 5. AMCA 301 - Methads for Calculating Fan Sound Rabings from Laboratory Test Data. C. National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA MG 1- Motors and Generators. 2. NEMA 250 - Enclosures fvr Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maxunum). D. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. UL 705 - Power Ventilators. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate size and con�guration of fan assembly, mountings, weights, ductwork and accessory connections. B. Product Data: Submit data on each type of fan and include accessories, fan curves with speci�ied operating paint plotted, power, RPM, saund power levels for both fan inlet and outlet at rated capacity, electrical characteristacs and connection requirements. C. Manufacturer's Tnstallation Instructions: Submit fan manufacturers' instructions. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBM�I'TALS A. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit instructions for lubrication, motor and drive replacemen� spare parts list, and wirin�g diagrams. 1.S QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Performance Ratings: Conform to AMCA 210 and bear AMCA Certi�f'ied Rating Seal. B. Sound Ratings: AMCA 301, tested to AMCA 300, and bear AMCA Certified Sound Rating Seal. C. LJL Compliance: UL listed and laheled, designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with iIL 705. D. Balance Quality: Conform to AMCA 204. � FANS �, � SECTION 15830 - 1 of 3 GEI 12.Q9 � Pier 50 Restroom Addition � 1.6 QUA.LIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Cornpany specializing in rnanufacturing products speci�ed in this section with minizxxum th�.ree years experience. B. Installer_ Company specializing in performing Work o� this section with minimum three years experience. 1.7 A. 1.S A. 1.9 A. 1.10 A. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS Cozavene minimum one week prior to co�encing work of this section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Protect motors, shafts, and bearings frorn weather and construction dust. FIELD MEASUR.EMENTS Verify field measurements prior to fabrication_ WARRANTY Furnish one year manu#'acturer's warranty for fans. 1.11 MAiNTENANCE SERVICE A. Include systematic examinaUon, adjustment, and lubrication of fans, and conirols checkout and adjustments. Repair or replace parts in accordance vvith manufacturer's operating and maintenance data. Use parts produced by manufacturer of original equipment. B. Perform work wikhout removing fans from service during building normal occupied hours. �ART2�RODUCTS 2.1 CENTRIFUGAL SQUARE xNLINE F.ANS A. Manufacturers: 1. Greenheck Corp 2. Loren Cook Company 3. PennBarry B. Product Description: V-belt drive with galvanized steel housing, integral inlet cone, removable access dooz-s on 3 sides, inlet and oudet duct coIlar, gravity back draft damper in discharge, horizonfal hanging brackets. C. Fan Wheel: Backward inclined centrifugal type, aluminum construction. D. Sheaves: Gast iron or steel, dynamically balanced, bored to fit shafts and keyed; variable and adjustable pitch motor sheaves selected so required rpm is obtained with sheaves set at mid- position; fan shaft with self-aligning pre-lubricated ball bearings. E. Motor and Drive Mounting: �ut of air stream. F. Motor: Open drip proof. G. Bearings: ABMA 91ife at 200,00� hours. H. Accessories: 1. Belt guard. 2. Motor cover. 3. Flexable duct connector. 4. Inlet Outlet ductwork corn�anion flange. FANS SECTION 1.5830 - 2 of 3 � � � � � � � � � � � � i t � 1 � � i 1 � GEI 12.09 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 A. 3.2 A. B. D. �. 3.3 A. 3.4 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addirion EXAMINATION Verify roof cuurbs are installed and dimensions are as shawn on shop drawings. INSTALLATION Secure roof fans, wall fans and gravity venkilators with stainless steel lag screws to roof curb or structure Provide back draft dannpers on oudet from cabinet and ceiling fans and as indicated on Drawings. Install safety screen where inlet or outlet is exposed. Install back draft dampers on discharge of exhaust fans and as indicated on Drawings. Provide sheaves required for final air balance. DEMONSTRATION Deznonstrate fan operation and maint�nance procedwes_ PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK Do not operate fans for until ductwork is clean, bearings lubricated, and fan has been test run under observation. END OF SECTION 15830 FANS SECTTON 15830 - 3 of 3 Ll 1 ' � � � � L1 �� � � �1 � GEI 12.09 SECTIQN 1S9S0 - TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING PART X GENERAi, 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Testing adjusting and bala�ncing o:F air systems. 2. Measurement of final operating condition of HVAC systems. Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.2 REFERENCES A, Associated Air Salance Council: 1. AABC MN-1 - Naiaonal Standards for Testing and Balancing Heating, Ventilating, and Air Condi�oning Systems. B. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: 1. ASHRAE 111 - Practices for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Systezns. C. Natural Environmental Balancing Bureau: 1. NEBB - Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to commencing Work, submit prnof of latest calibration date of each ia�strument. B. Test Reports: Indicate data on AABC MN-1 National Standards for Total System .Balance forms. C. Fie1d Reports: Indicate de�ciencies preventing proper testing, adjusting, and balancing of systems and equipment to achaeve specified performance. D. Prior to cornmencing Work, submit report forms or outlines indicating adjusting, balancing, and equipment data required. Include detailed procedures, agenda, sarnple report forms and copy of A.ABC National �roject Perfarmance Guaranty E. Submit draft copies of report for review priar to final acceptance of Project. �'. Furnish reports in hard cover, letter size, 3-ring binder manuals, complete with table of contents page and indexia�g tabs, with cover identification at front and side. Include set of reduced drawings with air outlets and equipment identified to correspond with data sheets, and indicating thermostat locations. X.4 CLOSEOUT SUSMTTTALS A. Project Record Documents: Record actual lQCations of flow measuring stations balancing valves and rough setting. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Furnish final copy of testing, adjusting, and balancing report inclusion in operatang and tnaintenance manuals. � 1.5 QUALITY ASSURA,NCE A. �erform Work in accordance with AABC MN-1 National Standards for Field Measurement and Inslrumentation, Total System Balance. � S. Maintain one copy of each document on site. C. �rior to comznencing Work, calibrate each instrument to be used. Upon completing Work, recalibrate each instrument to assure reliability. � , TESTTNG, ADNSTING, AND BALANCING �l � SEC'TION 15950 - 1 of 4 GEI 12.09 Pier 6� Restroom Addition 1.6 QUALTFYCATIONS A. Agency: Company spe�ializing in testing, adjusting, and balancing of systems specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience certified by AABC Certified by NEBB. 1.7 A. 1.8 A. PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS Convene minimum one week prior to commencing work of this section. SEQUENCING Sequence halancing between completion of systems cested and Date of Substantial Completion. L'7.•.\_:�_�► . �;�f111�_Ml1]►1 2.1 EXAII�ZNATION A. Verify systems are complete and operable before commencing work. Verify the follorving: 1. Systems axe started and operating in safe and normal condition. 2. Proper therimal overload protection is in place for electrical eyuipment. 3. Duct systems are clean of debris. 4. Fans are rotating conectly_ 5. Air outlets are installed and connected. b. Duct system lealcage is minimized. 2.2 PREPARATION A. Furnish ins�ents required for testing, adjusiing, and balancing operations. S. Make instruments available to Architect/Engineer to facilitate spot checks during testing. 2.3 INSTALLATION TOLERANCES A. Air Handling Systems: Adjust ta within plus or rainus l.0 percent of design. B. Air Qutlets and Inlets: Adjust total to within plus 10 percent and minus 5 percent of design to space. Adjust oudets and inlets in space to within plus or minus 10 percent of design. 2.4 ADJUSTING A. Verify recorded data represents achial measured or observed condiiians. B. Permanently mark settings of valves, dampers, and other adjustment devices allowing settings to be restored. Set and lock memory stops. C. After adjustment, take measurements to verify balance has not been disrupted. If disrupted, verify correcting adjustments have been made. D. Report defects and deficiencies noted during performance of services, preventing system balance. E. Leave systems in proper working order, replacing belt guards, closi�ag access doors, closing doors to electrical svvitch boxes, and restoring thermostats to speci�ied settings. F. At final inspection, recheck randoxn selections of data recorded in report. Recheck points or areas as selected and witnessed by �wner. G. Check a�nd adjust systems approximately six months after final acceptance and submit report. TESTING, ADNSTING, AND BALANCING S�CTXON 15950 - 2 of 4 � � � � GEI 12.09 � � � �� � � u � � � � � � r ' 1'ier 60 Restroom Addition 2.S AIR SYSTEM �ROCEDURE A. Adjust air handling and distribution systems to obtain required or desigrz supply, return, and exhaust air quantities [at site altitude]. S. Make air quantity measurements in main ducts by Pitot tube traverse of entire cross sectional area of duct. C. Measure aiur quantities at air inlets and outlets. D. Adjust distribution system to obtain uniform space temperatures free from objectionable drafts. �. Use valume conirol devices to regulate air quantities only to extent adjustments do not create abjectionable air motion or sound levels. Effect voluma cantrol by using volw�rxe dampers located in ducts. F. Vary total system air quantities by adjustment of fan speeds. Provide sheave drive changes to vary fan speed. V ary branch air quantities by damper regulation. 2.6 SCHEDULES A. Equipment Requiring Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing; 1. Fans. 2. Air Inlets and �utlets. B. Repvrt Forn�s 1. Tide Page: a. Name of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency b. Address of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency c. Telephone and £acsimile numbers of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Agency d Project name e. Project lceation f. Project Arckutect g. Project Engineer h. Project Contractor i. Project altitude j. Report date 2. Summary Comments: a. Design versus final performance b. Notable characteristics of system c. Description of systems operation sequence d. Summary of outdoor and exhaust flows to indicate building pressurizatian e. Nomenclahue used throughout report f. Test conditions 3. Instrument List: a. Tnshvment b. Manufacturer c. Model number d Serial number e. Range f. Calibrakion date 4. Electric Motors: a. Manufacturer b. Madel/Frame c. HP/BHP and kW d. Phase, voltage, amperage; nameplate, actual, no load e. RPM f. Service factor g. Starter size, rating, heater elements � TESTING, ADNSTING, AND BALANCING �I SECTION 15950 - 3 of 4 GEI 12.�9 Pier 60 ResUroom Addition h. Sheave Make/SizeBare 5, V-Belt Drive: a. Identification/location b. Required driven RPM c. Driven sheave, diameter and RPM d. Selt, size and quantity e. Motor sheave diameter and RPM f Center to center distance, maximum, minimum, and actual 6. Exhaust Fan Data: a_ Location b. Manufacturer c. Model number d. Serial number e. Air flow, specified and actual f. Total static pressure (total external), speci�'ied and actual g. Inlet pressure h. Discharge pressure i. Sheave Make/SizeBore j. Number of Belts/Make/Size k. Fan RPM 7. Duct Traverse: a. System zone/branch b_ Duct size c. Area d. Design velocity e. Design air flow f. Test velociry g. Test air flow h_ Duct static pressure i. Air ternperature j _ Air conection factor 8. Air Distribution Test Sheet: a. Air termin�l number b. Room number/loca�ion c. Terminal type d. TerAninal size e. Area factor f. Design velocity g. Design air flaw h. Test (final) velocity i. Test (final) air flow j. Percent of design air flow END QF SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING SECTIQN 15950 - 4 of 4 � � , u � � r � � � , � � � � �, � , !� GEI 12.09 SECTIQN 16050 - BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METH�DS Pier 60 Restroom Addition PART 1 GENERAI, 1.1 S[TMMARY A. Section includes bonding methods and materials; conduit and eyuipment supports, anchors and fasteners; and nameplates and wire markers. 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRXPTXON A. Select materials, sizes, and types of anchors, iasteners, aud supports to carry loads of equipment and raceway, �including weight of wire and cable in raceway. Anchor and fasten electrical products t4 building elements and finishes as follows: 1. Concrete Structural Elements: Expansion anchors and preset inserts. 2. Steel Structural Elements: Beam clamps, spring steel clips and welded fasteners. 3. Conarete Surfaces: Self-drilling anchors 1/4"minimum and expansion anchors 3/8"minimum or as requ:�ed by manufacturer. 4. Hollow Masonry, Plaster, and Crypsum Board Partitions: Toggle bolts 1/4" minimum. S. Solid Masonry Walls: Expansion anchors and preset inserts. 6. Sheet Metal: Sheet metal screws # 10 minimum. 7. Wood Elements: Wood screws #10 minimum. B. Tdentify Electrical components as follows: 1. Nameplate for each elecirical distribution and contral equipment enclosure. 2. Wire marker for each conductor at panelboards, gutters, pull boxes, outlet and junction boxes. Label each outlet and junction box with circwits contained wittun. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data for grounding electrodes and cozxneclions; for fastening components; and nameplates, labels, and ztxazkers. PART2�RODUCTS 2.1 NAMEPLATES A. Pmduct Description: Engraved three-layer laminated plastic nameplate, black letters on whiie back�round. B. Letter Size: 1. 1/8" letters for identifying individual equipment and loads. 2. 1/4" inch letters for identifying grvuped equipment and loads. 2.2 WIRE MARKERS A. Product Description: Cloth tape type wire markers with circuit or control wire number permanently stannped or printed PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Tnstall rod electrodes at locations indicated. B. Fabricaze supports frorn structural steel or formed steel members. � BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHQDS � 16�SD-1 of 2 GEI 12.09 Pier 60 Restroo:nn Addidon C. Install sheet nnetal channel to bridge studs above and below cabinets and panelboards recessed in hollow paztitions. D. Install nameplate parallel to equipment lines. Secure nameplate to equipment front using screws or rivets, END OF SECTIQN 16�5� BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIA�S AND METHODS 16050-2 of 2 ��� , � ' �l L� ' � ' GEI 12.09 SECTI�N ]6060 - GRUUND�NG AND BONDING PART ] GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Wire. 2. Mechanical connectors. 3. Exotlaez�mic connections. Pier fi0 Restroom Addition 1Z REFERENCES A. Insritute of Electrical and Electrozucs �ngineers: 1. IEEE 142 - Recommended Fractice for Grounding of Industnial and Commercial Power Systems. 2. IEEE 1100 - Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equiprnent. B. Internatianal Electrical Testing Association: l_ NETA ATS - Accaptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Distribution Equipment and Systems. C. NaUanal Fire Protection Association: 1. NFPA 70 - Nadonal Electrical Code. , 1.3 PERFORM.ANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Grounding System Resistance: 5 ohrr�s maximwm. l� � ' � , � , � � u 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit data on grounding connections. B. Test Reports: Indicate overall resistazxce to ground and resistance o� each electrode. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit for actave electrodes. D. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify Products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.5 B. 1.G A. CLOSEDUT SUBMITTALS Section 01700 - Execution Requirements: Requirements for submittals. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of components and grounding electrodes. QUALITY ASSURANCE Provide grounding materials confarming to requirements of NEC, IEEE 142, and UL labeled. 1.7 QUALIF�CA'TTONS A. Manu£acturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this section witia minimun� three years dacutnented experienee. B. Installer: Company specializing iz� performing work of this section with m�n�mum three years documented experience. 1.$ PRE-XNSTALLATXON MEETXNGS A. Administrative Requirements: Pre-installation mee�ng. B. Convene minunum one week prior to commencing work of this section. 1.9 DELIVERY, STORA,GE, AND HANDLING A. Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer's identification. GROUNDING AND BQNDING 16060-1 of 3 GEI 12.Q9 � Pxer b0 Aestroom Addition � S. �rotect from weather and construction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, and mechanical damage, by storing in original packaging. � C. Do not deliver items to project before tizne of installation. I,imit shiprnent of bulk and rnultiple-use materials to quar►tities needed for unmediate installation. 1.10 COURDINATION A. Complete grounding and honding of building reinforcing steel prior concrete placement. 17�: 117�f�� �Z�7 �liL�1I K`] 2.1 WIRE A. MateriaX: Stranded copper. S. Foundation Electrodes: #6 AWG. C. Grounding Electrode Conductor: Copper conductox insulated. D. Bonding Conductor: Copper conductor insulated. 2.2 MECHAIVICAL CONNECTORS A. Furnish materials in accordance with State of Florida standards. B. Description: Bronxe connectors, suitable for grounding and bonding applications, in conSigurations required for particular installation. 2.3 EXOTHERMIC CONNECTIONS A. Manufacturers: 1. Cadweld, Erico, Inc. Model. B. Product Description: Exothermic materials, accessories, and topls for preparing and making permanent field connections between grounding system coznponents. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify of existing conditions before starking work. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Rernove paint, rust, mill oils, surface contaminants at connectiou points. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with T�EE 142, 1100. B. Install grounding and bonding conductors concealed from view. C. Install grounding eleclrode conductor and connect to reinforcing steel in foundation footing elecirically hond steel together. D. Bond kogether metal siding not attached Co grounded structure; bond to ground. E. Equiprnent Grounding Conductor: Install separate, insulated conductor within each feeder and branch circuit raceway. Terminate each end on suitable Zug, hus, ar bushing. F. Install continuous grounding using underground cold water system and building steel as graunding electrode. Where water piping is not available, install artificial station ground by means of driven rods or buried electrodes. GROUNDING AND SONDING 1b060-2 of 3 , �� LJ � GEI 12.09 , � ' ' ' � � � � r � � � � � �ier b0 Restroom Addition G. Pezx�nanently ground entire light and power system in accordance with NEC, including service equipment, distribution panel, switches, motor frames, grounding type receptacles, and other exposed nvn-current cazrying metal parts of electrical equipment. H. Accomplish grounding of electrical systezn by using insulated grounding conductor installed with feeders and branch circuit conductors in conduits. Size grounding conductors in accordance with NEC. Install fmrn gxounding bus of serving pane! to ground bus of served panel, grounding screw of receptacles, lighting fixture housing, light switch outJet boxes or metal enclosures of service equipment. Ground conduits by means of grounding bushings on terminations at panelboards with installed conductor to grounding bus. I. Permanently attach equipment and grounding conductors prior to energizing equipment. 3.4 �ELD QUAL�TY CONTROL A. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. B. Grounding and Banding: Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.13. C. Perform ground resistance testing irn accordance with IEEE 142. D. Perform continuity testing in accordance with IEEE 142. E. Wt�en improper gxouz�ding is found on receptacles, check receptacles in entire project and correct Perform retest. END O�' SECTXON 16060 , GROUNnING AND BONDING ' 16060-3 of 3 J 1 1 i 1 ' � � , ' � r 1 ' � ' � GEI 12.09 SEGTION 16070 - ELECTRICAL HANGERS AND SUPPORTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SiTMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Conduit supports. 2. Formed steel channel. 3. Spring steel clips. 4. Sleeves. 5. Mechanical sleeve seals. 6. Firestopping reladng to elec�ical work. 7. �'irestopping accessories. 8. Equipment bases and supports. 11 � f:3 C. 0 Pier 60 Restroom Addition REFERENCES ASTM International: 1. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 2. ASTM �119 - Standard Test Methods �'or �'ire Tests of Building Construction Materials. 3. ASTM E814 - Standard Test Method f�r Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. 4. ASTM E1966 - Standard Test Method for Fire-Resistive Joint Systezns. FM Global: 1. FM - Approval Guide, A Guide to Equipment, Materials & Seirvices Approved Factory Mutual Research For Praperty Conservatian. National F'ire Protection Association: 1. NFPA 70 - National �lectrical Code. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. UL 263 - F'ire Tests of Building Construction and Materials_ 2. UL 723 - Tests for Surface Burning Characteristics of Bu:ildiuig Materials. 3. UL 1479 - Fize Tests of'Through-Penetration Firestops. 4. LTL 2079 - Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems. S. UL - Fire ResisCauce Directory. and '-Q�l 1.3 DEFINITIQNS A. �'irestopping Tk�.rou�-Penetrativn Protection System: Sea.ling or stuf�ng material or assembly placed in spaces between and penetrations through building materials to arrest nnovement of fire, smoke, heat, and hot gases tbrough fire rated construction. 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRiP'TION A. Firestopping Materials: ASTM �119 ASTM E814 LTL 263 CTL 1479 to ac}ueve fire ratings as noted on Drawings for adjacent construclion, but not less than 1 how fire ratiu�g. 1_ Ratings may be 3-hours for firestopping in through-penetrations of 4-hour fire rated assemblies unless otherwise required by applicable codes. B. Surface Burning: ASTM E84 UL 723 with maximum #lame spread / smoke developed rating of 25/450_ C. Firestnp intexxuptions to fire rated assemblies, m�aterials, and components. , EL,ECTRICAL HANGERS AND SUPPORTS � 16070-1 of 7 GEI 12_09 C1 Pier 60 Restroom Addition � ]..5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. F�restopping: Conform to Florida Building Code FM UL for fire resistance ratings and sw£ace burning characterist�cs. B. Firestopping: Provide certificate o£ compliance from autlaority having jurisdiction indicating approval of materials used. �..6 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate system layout with location and detail of trapeze hangers. B. Product Data: 1. Hangers and Supports: Submit manufacturers catalog data including load capacity. 2. Fi,�restopping: Submit data on product characteristics, performance and litrxitation criteria. C. Firestopping Schedule: Submit schedule of opening locations and sizes, penetrating items, and required listed design numbers to seal openings to maintain f►re resistarsce rating af adjacent assembly, D. Design Data: Indicate load carrying capacity of trapeze hangers and hangers and supports. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instruciions: 1. Hangers and Supports: Submit special procedures and assembly of �omponents. 2. Fixestopping: Submit preparation and instal.lation inshuctions. F. Manufacturer's Certificate= Ceztify products meet or exceed speciiied requirements. G. Engineering Judgements: For conditions not covered by UL designs, submit judgments by licensed pro:fessional engineer suitable for presentatian to authority having jurisdiction for acceptance as meeting code fire protection requiremcnts. ]..7 QUALTTY AS$URANCE A. Through Penetration Fi:restopping of Fire Rated Assemblies: LTL 1479 or ASTM E814 with 0_ 10 inch water gage minimum positive pressure differential to achieve fire F-Ratings and ternperature T-Ratings as rndicated on Drawings, but not less than 1-how. 1. Wall Penetrations: Fire F-Rarings as indicated on I7rawings, but not less than 1-k�our. 2. Floor and Rooi Penetrations: Fire F-Ratings and temperature T-Ratings as indicated on Drawings, but not less than 1-hour. a. Floor Penetrations wit}xin Wall Cavities: T-Rating zs not required. B. Through Penetration Firestopping of Non-Fire Rated Floor and Roof Assemblies: Materials to resist free passage of flame an�d products of combustion. 1. Noncombustible Penetrating Items: Noncombustible materials for penetrating items connecting maximum of three stories. 2. Penetrating Iterns: Matez�ials approved by autho�ities having jurisdietion for penetrating iterns connecting maximwn of two stories. C. Fire Resistant Joints in Fire Rated Floor, Roof, and Wall Assemblies: UL 2079 to achieve fire resistant rating as indicated on Drawings for assembly in which joint is installed. D. Fire Resistant Joinis between Floor Slabs and Exterior Walls: ASTM E119 with 0.10 inch water gage minimum positive pressure differential to achieve �re resistant rating as indicated on Draw:ings for floor assembly. E. Surface Burzaing Characteristics: 25/a50 flame spread/smoke developed index when tested in accordance with ASTM E$4. F. Per�orna Work in accordance with State of Flonida standard. 1.8 QUALxFICATIONS A. Manuiacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products spec�ed in this sectian with minimum three years docunnented experience. B. Installer: Company specializing in performing work of this section with m�inimum three years experience. ELECTRTCAL HANGERS AND SUPPORTS i�o�o_z of� r � � 1 1 � � , ' � II � � , ' � � ' r GEI 12.09 1.9 �'-� Pier 60 Restroom Addition PRE-INSTALLATION MEETINGS Administrative Requirements: P;re-installation ttxeeting. Convene minixnum ane week pzior to com�mencing work of this section. 1.1D DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept materials on site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer's identification. B. Protect from weather and construction iraffic, dirt, water, chemical, and mechayucal damage, by storing in original packagring. 1.11 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not apply firestopping materials when temperature of substrate raaterial and ambient air is below 60 degrees F. B. Maintain this m;,,;,,,um temperature befare, during, and for minimum 3 days aftex installation of firestopping materials. C. Provide ventilation in areas to receive solvent cured materials. PART2�RODUCTS 2.1 CONDUIT SUP.PORTS A. Marxufacturers: l . Electroline Manufacturing Company. 2. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Hanger Kods: Threaded h.igh tensile streng�th galvanized carbon steel with free running threads " minimurn. C. Seam Clamps: Malleable Tron, with tapered hole in base and back to aocept either bolt or hanger rod. Set screw; hardened steel. D. Conduit clamps for trapeze hangers: Galvanized steel, notched to fit trapeze with single bolt to tighten. E. Conduit claznps - general purpose: One hole malleable iron for surface mounted conduits. 2.2 FORMED STEEL CIiANNEL A. Manufacturers: 1. Undstrut Corp. 2. $ubstitutions: Pemutted. B. Product Descriptaon: stainl.ass stee1302 12 gages thick. With holes 1-J./2 inches on center. 2.3 SLEEVES A. Furnish materials in accordance with Puzellas County standards. B. Sleeves for through Non-fire Rated Floors: 18 gage thick galvanixed steel. C. Sleeves for Through Non-fire Rated Beams, Walls, Footings, and Potentially Wet Floors: PVC coated Steel pipe. D. 5leeves for Through Fire Rated and �'ire Resistive Floors and Walls, and Fire Proofmg: Prefabricated fire rated sleeves iuxcluding seals, iTL listed. �. Fire-stopping Insulation: Glass fiber type, non-combustible. ! EL�CTRICAL HANGERS AND SUPPORTS � 16070-3 of 7 GET 12.09 2.4 A. B. C. Pier 60 Restroom Addiiion FIRESTOP�ING Manu£acturers: 1. Specified `�'echnology, Inc 2. Substitutions: Permitted. Froduct Description: Different types of products by multiple manufa�Curers are acceptable as required to meet specified systern description and pez£ornnance requirements; provide only one type for each similaz application. 1. Silicone Firestopping Elastomeric Firestopping: Single companent siliCOne elastomeri� compound and compatible silioone sealant. 2. Foazn �'irestapping Compounds: Single component foam compound. 3. Formulated Firestopping Compound of Incombustible Fibers: Formulated compound mixed with incombustible non-asbestos fibers. �4. Fiber Stuffing and Sealant �'irestopping: Composite of mineral ceramic fiber stuf�ing insulation with silicone elastomer for smoke stopping. 5. Mechanical �'irestopping Device with Fillers: Mechanical device wit}x incombustible fillers and silicone elastomer, covered with sheet stainless steel jacket, joined with collars, penetration sealed with flanged stops_ 6. Intumescent Firestopping: Intumescent putty compound which expands on exposure to surface heat gain. 7. Firestop Pillows; Fornned mineral fiber pillows. Color: As selected from manufacturer's full range of colors. 2.5 FIRESTOPPING ACCESSORIES A. Primer: Type recommended by fuestopping manu�acturer for speciiic substrate surfaces and suitable for required fire rakings. B. Dam Material: Permanent: 1. Mir►eral fiberboard. 2. Mineral fiber matting 3. Sheet metal. �. Alurnina silicate fire board. C. Installation Acoessories: Provide clips, collars, fasteners, temparary stops or dams, and other devices required to position and retain materials in place. D. General: 1. Furnish UL listed products or producls tested by independent testing laboratory. 2. Select products with rating not less than rating of wall or floor being penetrated. E. Non-Rated Surfaoes: 1. Stamped steel, ohrame plated, hinged, split ring escutcheons or floor plates or ceiling plates £�r covering openings in occupied areas where �onduit is exposed. 2. For exterior wall openings below grade, fumish rnodular meohanical iype seal consisting of interlocldng synthetic rubber links shaped to oontinuously fill annular space between conduit a.nd cored opening or water-stop type wall sleeve. �ART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A, Verify of existing conditions before starUng work. B. Verify apenings are ready to reoeive sleeves. C. Verify openings are ready to receive firestopping_ ELECTRICAL HANGERS AND SUPPORTS 16070-4 of 7 ! r , , � � � �i ' � ' 1 � 1 � r � , 1 G�I 12.09 3.2 A. B, D. Pier 60 Restroom Addilion PREPARATTON Clean substrate surfaces of dirt, dust, grease, oil, loase material, or other matter affecting bond of firestopping material. Remove incompatible znaterials affecting bond. Install backing damming materials to arrest liquid material leakage. Do not drill or cut structural members. 3.3 INSTALLATION - HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A_ Anchars and Fasteners: 1. Anchors and fasteners shall be stainless steel 2. Cnncrete Structural Elements: Provide pre-cast inserts, expansion anchors, and preset � D. E. F. ir►serts. 3. Steel Structural Elements: Provide beam clamps, spning steel clips, and welded fasteners. 4. Concrete Surfaces: Provide self-drilling anchors and expansion anchors. 5. Hollow Masonry, Plaster, and Gypsum Soard i'artitions: Provide toggle bolts. 6. Solid Masonry Walls: Provide expansion anchors and preset inserts. 7. Sheet Metal: Pmvide sheet metal screws. 8_ Wood �lements: Provide wood screws. Inserts: 1. lnstall inserts for placement in concrete farms. 2. Install inserts for suspending hangers from reinforced concrete slabs and sides of reinforced concrete beams. 3. Provide hooked rod to concrete reinfarcemant section for inserts carrying pipe over 4 inches. 4. Where concrete slabs form finished ceiling, locate inserts flush with slab surface. 5. Where inserts are ornitted, drill through concrete slab from below and px�ovide through- Uolt with recessed square steel plate and nut above recessed into and grouted flush with slab. Tnstall canduit and raceway support and spacing in accardance with N�C. Do not fasten supports to pipes, ducts, mechanical equiprment, or conduit. Install mulkiple conduit runs on common hangers. Supports: 1. Fabricate supports from structural steel or forrn�ed steel channel. Install hexagon head holts to present neat appearance with adequate strength and rigidity. Install spring lock washers under nuts. 2. lnstall surface mounted cabinets and panelboards with minimum of fo� anchors. 3. In wet and damp locations install steel ohannel supports to stand cabinets and panelboards 1 inch offwall. 4. Support vertical conduit at every floor. 3.4 YNSTALLATION - FlltESTQPPING A. Install material at fire rated construction perimeters and openings containing penetrating sleeves, piping, ductwork, canduit and other items, requiring firestopping. B. Apply primer where recommended by manufacturer for type of firestopping material and substrate involved, and as required for compliance with required Fire ratings. C. Apply firestopping material in sufficient thiclrness to achieve required fu�e and smake raUng, to unifozm density and texture. D. Compress fibered material to maxiunum 40 percent of its uncornpressed size E. Place inhunescent coating in sufficient coats to achieve rating required F. Remove dam material after firestopping material has cwed_ , ELECTRICAL HANGERS AND SUPPORTS ' 1b070-5 of 7 GEI 12.09 C� � Pier 60 Restroom Addition Fire Rated Surface: 1_ Seal opening at floor, wall, partition, ceiling, and z-oof as follows: a_ Install sleeve through opening and extendi�g beyond minimum of 1 iz�ch on both sides of building element. b. Size sleeve allowing zninimnm of 1 inch void between sleeve and building element. c. Pack void with backing material. d. Seal ends o£ sleeve with UL listed fire resistiva silicone compouzxd to meet �re rating of structure penetrated. 2. Where cable tray, bus, conduit, wireway, trough, and penetrates �re rated surface, install firestopping product in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Non-Rated Surfaces: 1. Seal opening through non-fire rated wall, partition floor, ceiling, and roof opening] as follows: a. Install sleeve through opening and extending beyond nninimum of 1 inch on both sides of building elemezit. b. Size sleeve allowing minimum of 1 inch void between sleeve and building element. c. Install type of firestopping material recammended by manufacturer. 2. Install escutcheons where conduit, penetrates non-fire rated suxfaces in accupied spaces. Occupied spaces include roor►�s with finished ceilings and where penetration occurs below finished ceiling. 3. �xterior wall openings below grade: Assemble rubber links of inechanical seal to size of conduit and tighten in place, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 4. Interior partitions: Seal pipe penetrations at clean rooms, laboratories, hospital spaces] computer rooms, telecommunication roorns dnta room and. Apply sealant to both sides of penetratio:n to completely �ill annular space between sleeve and conduit. 3.5 �NSTALLATION - EQUIPMENT BASES AND SUPPORTS A. Using templates furnished with equiprnent, install anchor bolts, and accessories for rnounting and anchoring equipment_ B. Construct supports o� steel mernbers, or formed stainless steel channel. Brace and fasten with flanges bolted to structwe. 3.b INSTALLATION - SLEEVES A, Exterior watertight entries= Seal with adjustable interlocking rubber links. B. Conduit penetrations not required to be watertight: Sleeve and fill with silicon foarn. C. Set sleeves in position in forms. Provide reinforcing around sleeves. D. Size sleeves large enough to allow far movernent due to expansion and contraction. Provide for continuous insulation wrapping. E. Extend sleeves through floars 1 ixich above finished floor level. Caulk sleeves. F. Where conduit or raceway penetrates floor, ceiling, or wall, close off space between conduit or raceway and adjacent work with stuffing, fire stopping insulation and cauIk airtight. Provide close fitCing rnetal collar or escutcheon covers at both sides of penetration. G. Install stainless steel escutcheons at finished surfaces. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect installed firestopping for compliance with specifications and submitted schedule. ELECTRICAL HANGERS AND SUPI'ORTS 1607U-6 of 7 � , ' ' � , , � , , � , � , 1 , ' ' � GEI 12.09 3.8 CLEAIVING A. Clean pdjacent surfaces of firestopping materials. 3,9 PROTECI'ZON OF FINISHk.D WORK A, Protect adjacent surfaces from damage by material installation. END OF SECI'ION 16070 ELECTRICAL HANGERS AND SUpPORTS Pier 60 Restroom Addition 16a70.7 of 7 , 1 , ' 1 , ' � � GEI 12.09 SECTION 16075 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICAT�ON PART1-GENERAL 1.1 Si]MMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Nameplates. 2. Labels. 3. Wvre mazkers. 4. Conduit markers. S. Stencils. 6. Underground Warning Tape. 7. Lockout Devices. Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1,2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: 1. Submit rnanufacturer's catalog literature for each product required. 2. Submit electrical identification schedule including list of wording, symbols, letter size, color coding, tag nurnber, location, and function. B. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate installation instructions, special prooedures, and installation. �.3 CZOSEOUT SUBMITTALS ' A. Project Record Docurnents: Reaord actual locations of tagged devices; include tag numbers. ' ' � �I I � ' 1 � 1.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with State of Florida standard. 1.S QUALIFICATIDNS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this section with 1ntIIimum three years experience. B, installer: Com�pany specializing in perfoa-ming Wark of this section with mizurnum three years experience. 1.6 DEL�VERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Accept identi�ication products on site in original containers. Inspect for darnage. B. Accept materials an site in original factory packaging, labeled with manufacturer's identificatian, including product density and thickness. C. Protect insulation from weather and construction traffic, dirt, water, chemical, and mechanical damage, by storing in original wrapping. 1.7 A. 1,8 A. S. ENVIRONMENT,AL REQUIREMENTS Install labels and nameplates only when annbient temperature and humidity conditions for adhesive aze within range recommended by manufaaturer. EXTRA, MATERiALS Furnish two containers of spray-on adhesive. Furnish two blank nameplates for panels. ' ELECTRICAL IDENTTFICATION 1 16075-1 OF 4 GEI 12.09 PART 2 PRODUCTS ' Pier 60 Restroom Addition ' ' 2.1 NAMEPLATES A. Manufacturers: 1. Thamas and Betts. 2. Substitutions: Pertuitted. B. Product Description: Laminated three-layer plastic witla engraved black letters on white contrasting background color. C. Letter Size: 1. 1/8 inch high letters for identifying individual equipment and loads. 2. 1/4" inch high letters for identifying grouped equipnnent and loads. D. Minimurn nameplate thickness: 1/$ inch. 2.2 LABELS A. Manufacturers: 1. Thomas and Setts. 2. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Labels: Embossed adhesive tape, with 3/16 inch white letters on black background. 2.3 WIRE MARKFRS A. Manufacturers: 1. Tlaomas and Setts. 2. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Description: Cloth tape type wire markers. C. Legend: 1. Power and Lighting Circuits: Branch circuit or feeder number as indicated on Drawings. 2. Control Circuits: Control wire nuxnber as indicated on shop drawings. 2.4 CONDUIT AND RACEWAY MARKERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Thomas and Betts 2. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Furnish mate�ials in accordanca with 5tate of Florida standards. C. Description: Labels fastened with adhesive. D. Color: 1. 2Q8 Volt System: Black lettering an white background. E. Legend: 1. 208 Volt System: 208 VOLTS. 2.S UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE A. Manu#'acturers: 1. Brady. 2. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Deseription: 4 inch wide plastic tape, detectable type, colored yellow with suitable warning legend describing buried electrical lines. ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 16075-2 OF 4 ' ' 1 1 ' ' 1 � � ' 1 � , 1 , , � -� ��i ' GEI 12.�9 Pier 60 Restroorn Addition 2,6 LOCKOUT DEVICES A. Lockout Hasps: 1. Manufaotuxers: a Square D b. Substitutions: Permitted. 2. Anodized aluminum hasp with erasable label surface; size minimum 7-1/4 x 3 inches. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 A. B. 3.2 A. B. C. f�7 E. F PREPARATION Degrease and clean surfaces to receive adhesive for identification materials. Prepare surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for stencil paindng. INSTALLAT�ON Install idenUfying devices after completion of painting. Nameplate Installation: L Install nameplate parallel to equipment lines. 2. Install nameplate for each electrical distribution and contral equipment enclosure with corrosive-resistant mechanical fasteners, or adhesive. 3. Install nameplates for each control panel and major control components located outside panel with corrosive-resistant mechanical fasteners, or adhesive. 4. Secure narneplate to equipment front using screws, rivets. 5. Secure nameplate to inside surface of door on recessed panelboards in finished locations. 6. Install nameplates for the following: a. Switchboards. b. pauelboards. c. Service Disconnects. Label Installarian: 1. Tnstall label parallel to equipment lines. 2. Install label for identification of individual control device stations. 3. Install labels for permanent adhesion and seal witt� clear lacquer. Wire Marker Installation: 1. Install wire nr►arker foz each conductor at panelboards, gutters, pull boxes, oudet and junction boxes and each load connec�on. 2. Mark data cabling at each end. Install additaonal rnarking at accessible locations along the cable run. 3. Install labels at data outlets identifying patch panel and port designation. Conduit and Raceway Marker Installation: 1. Install �onduit and raceway marker for each conduit or raceway longer than 6 feet. 2. Conduit, Raceway Markex Spacing: 10 f�t on center. 3. Raceway Painting: Identify conduit using field painting a Paint colored band on each conduit longer than 6 feet. b. Paint bands 10 feet on center. c. Color: 1) 208 Volt System: Yellow Stenail Installation: 1. Apply stencil painting. ' ELECTRICAL IDENTI�'ICA'�I�N 1 16�75-3 OF 4 ' GEI 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition � G. Underground Warning Tape Installation: 1. Tnstall underground warning tape along length of each underground conduit, raceway, or � cable 6 to 8 inches below finished grade, directly above buried conduit, raceway, or cable_ END OF SEC°i'ZON 16D75 � � � � ' ' � r i 1 1 � I 1 �LECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 16075-�4 OF 4 , i � , � � � 1 � , ;I � �-1 G�I 12.09 SECTION 1610D - WIRING METHODS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 A. 1.2 A. S. C. D. Pier 60 Restroom Addition SUMMARY Section includes building wire and cable, oonduit and tubing, surface raceway, boxes, wiring devices, wiring connectors, and cannectians. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Wiring Products: 1. Solid conductor for feeders and branch circuits 10 AWG and smaller. 2. Stranded conductars for control cir�uits. 3. Conductor not smaller than 12 AWG for power and lighting circuits. 4. Conductor not smaller than 16 AWG for control circuits. 5. 10 AWG conductars for 20 ampere, I20 volt branch circuits longer than 75 feet Wiring Methods: 1. Concealed Dry Interior Locations: Building wire, Type THHN/THWN insulation, in raceway. 2. Exposed Dry Interior Locations: Building wire, Type THHN/THWN insulation, in raceway 3. Above Accessible Ceilings: Suilding wire, Type 'THHN/THWN insula�on, in raceway 4. Wet or Damp Interior Locations: Building wire, Type THHN/THWN insulation, in raceway. 5. Exterior Locations: Building wire, 'Type XHHW insulation, in raceway. 6. Undergraund Loca�ons: Building wire, Type XHHW insulation, in raceway Conductor shall be copper. Raceway and hoxes aze located as indicated on Drawings, and at other locations where required for splices, taps, wire pulling, equipment connections, and compliance with regulatory requirements. ' 1.3 SUSMTi'TALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog information for each wiruxg device. � PART 2 PRODUCI'S � e � e � � 2.1 SiJRFACE METAL RACEWAY A. Manufacturers: 1. Walker. 2. Substitutaons: Penmitted. S. Product Description: Sheet metal channel with fitted cover, suitable for use as surface raetal raceway, with manufacturer's standard enamel finish. Fumish manufacturer's standard accessories; match finish on raceway. 2.2 WIREWAY A. Manufacturers: 1. walker. 2. Substitutions: Pemnitted. WIRING M�THODS 16100-1 of 3 GEI 12.09 B. 2.3 A. B. 2.4 A. � 2.5 A. : C. D. E. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Product Descz�ption: General purpose Rain tight type wireway with hinged screw cover and manufacturer's stainless steel finish. RECEPTACLES Duplex Convenience Receptacle: 1. Leviton Model. 5341-2W 2. Hubbell 3. Slater 4. Substitutions: Not Permitted. S. Coordinate iuiish with architect. GFCI Receptacle: 1. Leviton Model. 8898-W 2. Hubbell 3. Slater 4. Substitutions: Not Permitted. S. Coordinate finish with architect. WALL PLATES Manufacturers: 1. Geviton 2. Hubbell 3. Slater 4. Substitutions: Not Permitted. Medium Cover Plate. Srnooth stainless steel. Weatherproof Cover Plate: Gasketed cast metal in use sryle plate with hinged threaded and gasketed device cover. MULTIOUTLET ASSEMBLY Marxufacturers: 1. Leviton 2. Hubbell 3. Slater 4. Wiremold 5. Substitutions: Not Permitted. Multi-outlet Assembly: Sheet metal channel with fitted cover, with pre-wired receptacles, suitable for use as multi-outlet assembly. Furnish manufachu-er's standard enamel finish. Receptacles: NEMA WD 6, type 5-15R, singIe receptacle. Receptacle Spacing: 12 inch�s an cente�r. Fittings: Furnish manufacturer's standard couplings, elbows, oudet and device boxes, and connectors. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Route raceway and cable to rneet Project condations. B. Set wall mounted boxes at elevations to accommodate mounting heights ind.icated. C. Adjust box lacation up to 10 feet prior to rough-in when required to accommodate intended purpose. WIRING METHODS 16100-2 of 3 ' � , � � � � � � , , ' , ' ' ' � � � 1 � GEI 12.09 Q Pier 6Q Restraom Additian Do not install flush mounting box back-to-back in walls; install boxes with minirnum 24 inches separation_ END OF SECTXUN 16100 WIRING METHODS 16100-3 of 3 , ' � � � �! r � 1 � , ' � 1 � 1 GEI 12.09 SECTION 16123 - BUILDING WYRE AND CASLE PART 1 GENERAL Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes building wize and cable; wiring connectors and cozu�ections. 1.2 REFERENCES A. International �lectrical Testing Association: 1. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Speci�cations for Electrical Power Distribution �quipment and Systems. 1.3 SYSTEM DESCR�PTYON A. Product Requirements: Provide products as follows: l. Solid conductor for feeders and branch circuits 10 AWG and smaller. 2. Stranded conductors for control circuits. 3. Conductar not smaller than 12 AWG for power and lighting cu-cuits. �1. Conductor not smaller than ] 6 AWG for control circuits. 5_ 10 AWG conductors for 2Q ampere, 120 volt branch circuits longer than '75 feet. B, Wiring Methods: Provide the following wiring met}aods: 1. Concealed Dry Interior Locations: Use only building wire, Type THHN/THWN insulation, in raceway. 2_ Exposed Dry Interiar Locations: Use only building wire Type THHN/THWN insulation, in raceway. 3. Above Accessible Ceilings: Use only building wire, Type THHNrI'HWN insulation, in raceway. 4. Wet ar Daznp Interior Locations: Use only building wire, T'ype THHN/THWN in raceway. 5. Exterior Locations: Use only building wi�e XHHW in raceway. 6. Underground Locations: Use only building wire, Type XHHW in raceway. 1.4 DESYGN REQi7I1tEMENT5 A. Conductor shall be copper. B. Aluminum conductars shall not be installed. 1.S SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit for building wire. 1.6 A. 1.7 A. 1.8 A. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of components and circuits. QUALIFiCATIONS Manufacturer: Compariy speciaiizing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years experience. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Verify �ield measurements are as indicated on Drawings. � BUILDING WIRE AND CAB�E 1 I6123-1 of 3 GET 12.09 Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.9 COQRDINATION A. Where wire and cable destination is indicated and routing is not shown, determine rovting and lengths required. B. Wixe and cable routing indicated is approximate unless dimensioned. P.ART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1. BUILDZNG WIRE A. Manufacturers: 1. Essex Group Inc. 2. Substitut�ons: Permitted. B. Product Description: Single conductor insulated wire. C. Conduciaz: Copper. D. Insulation: 600 yoltrating; macerial rated 90 degrees C. 2.z WIRING CONNECTORS A. Split Bolt Connectors: 1. Erico. 2. Substitutions Permitted. B. 5olderless Pressure Connectors: l. Ilsco PTA style. 2. Substitutions Permitted. C. Spring Wire Connectors: 1. Ideal. 2. Substitutions: Permitted. D. Compression Connectors: 1. Burndy. 2. Substitutions Pernaitted PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify interior of building has been protected from weather. S. Veri£y mechanical work likely to damage wixe and cable has been completed. C. Verify raceway installation is complete and supported. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Completely and thoroughly swab raceway before installing wire. 3.3 YNSTALLATION A. Route wire and cable to meet Project conditions. B. Neatly train and lace wiring inside boxes, equipment, and panelboards. C. Identify and color code wire and cables. Idantify each conductor with its circuit number or other designation indicated. D. Special Techniques--Building Wire in Raceway: BUILDING WIRE AND CASLE 16123-2 of 3 � � � � � � r � � � � � � GE7 12.09 E. F G. H. Pier 60 Restroam Addit�an 1, Pull conductors into raceway at same time. 2. Install building wire 4 AWG and ]arger with pulling equipment. Special Techniques - Cable: l. Protect exposed cable from damage. 2, Support cables above accessible ceiling, using spring znetal clips. Do not rest cable on ceiling panels. 3. Use suitable cable fxttings and connectors. Special Techniques - Wiring Connections: 1. Clean conductar surfaces before installing lugs and connectors. 2. Make splices, taps, and terminations ta carry full arnpacity of conductors with no perceptible temperature rise. 3. Tape uninsulated conductars and connectors with electrical tape to 150 percent of insulation rating af condnctor. 4. Tnstall split bolt connectors for capper conductor sp�ices and taps, 6 AWG and larger. 5. Install solderless pressure connectaors with insulating covers for copper conductor splices and taps, 8 AWG and smaller. 6. I;nstall insulated spring wire connectors with plastic caps for oopper conductor splices and taps, l0 AWG and smaller. 7. Install suitable reducing eonnectors vr mechanical connector adaptors for connecting copper conductors to mechanical lugs where required. Install solid conductor for feeders and branch circuits 10 AWG and smaller. Install stranded conductors for braneh circuits 1Q AWG and smaller, However, when stranded conductors are used in lieu of solid, and then install crirap on fork terminals for device terminations. Do not place bare stranded conductors directly under screws. 3.4 WIRE COLOR A. General l. For wire sizes 10 AWG and smalle�r, install wire colors in accordance with the following: a. Black, red, and blue for circuits at 120/20$ volts single or tlaree phase. 2. For wire sizes 8 AWG and larger, identify wire with colored tape at terminals, splices and boxes. Colors are as follows: a. Black, red, and blue for circuits at 120/208 volts sin.gle or three phase. B. Neutral Conductors: White. When two or more neutrals are located in one conduit, iundividually identify each with proper circuit number. C. Branch Circuit Conductors: Install three or four wire home runs with each phase uniquely color coded. D. Feeder Circuit Conductors: Uniquely color code each phase. E. Ground Conductors: 1. For 6 AWG and smaller: Cnreen. 2. For 4 AWG and larger: Identify with green tape at both ends and visible points including junction boxes. � 3.5 F�ELD QUALXTY CONTROL A. Inspect and test in accordance with NBTA ATS, except Section 4. B. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.3.1. 1 END OF SECTION ], 6123 � rBUILDING WIRE AND CABLE � 16123-3 0�3 � � � r � � , GEI 12_09 SECTION 16130 - RACEWAY AND SOXES PART 1 GENERAI. 1.1 SUMM,A.RY A. Section includes conduit afad junction hoxes, and handholes. Pier 60 Restxoom Addition tubing, surface raceways, wireways, outlet boxes, pull and 1.2 U1VIT PRXCE - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Raceway: 1. Basis of Measurement: Sy linear foot. 2. Basis of Payment: Includes materials, delivery, handling, and installing. B. Boxes: 1. Basis of Measurement: By cubic foot. 2. Basis of Payment: Includes materials, delivery, handling, and installing. ' 1.3 � LJ � , � � ' /� � REFERENCES Atx�erican NaTional Standards Institute: 1. ANSI C$0.1 - Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated. 2. ANSI C80.3 - Specificalion for Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc Coated. 3. ANSI C80.5 - Aluminum Rigid Conduit -(ARC). National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA 250 -�nclosures for �lectrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). 2. NEMA �'B 1- Fittings, Cast Meta1 Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. 3. NEMA OS 1- Sheet Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Cavers, and Box Supports. 4. NEMA RN 1- Polyvirnyl Chloride (PVC) �xterrxally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit. C. Raceway Products: 1. Undergxound More than S Feet outside Foundation Wall: Use PVC coated rigid steel conduit, corrosion praof. Use composite nonmetallic handhole. 2. Underground within 5 Feet outside Foundation Wall: LTse PVC coated rigid steel conduit, corrosion proof. Use cast metal boxes. 3. Tn or Under Slab on Grade: Use PVC coated rigid steel conduit, corrosion prodf. Use cast metal boxes. 4. Outdoor I,ocations, Above Crrade: Use PVC coated rigid steel conduit, corrosion proof. Use cast metal nutlet, pull, and junction boxes. 5_ In Slab above Grade: Use Use PVC coated rigid steel conduit, corrosion proof Use cast Uoxes. 6. Wet and Damp Loca�ons: Use FVC coated rigid steel conduit, corrosion proof. Use cast metal, junction, and pull boxes. Use flush mounting outlet bax in finished areas. 7. Concealed Dry Locations: Use PVC coated rigid steel canduit Use sheet-metal baxes. Use flush xnounting outlet box in �inished areas. Use hinged enclosure for large pull boxes. 8. Exposed Dry Locations: Use PVC coated rigid steel condui� corrosion proof Use sheet- metal boxes. Use flush mounting outlet box in friushed areas. Use hinged enclosure for large pull boxes. Minimum Raceway Size: w' inch unless otherwise specified rR.AC�WAY AND BOXES , 16130-1 of 6 GET 12.�9 1.4 DES�GN REQUIREMENTS A. Minimurn Raceway Size: _". � Pier 60 Aestroozn Addition , 1.5 SiTBMZTTALS A. Product Data: Submit for the following: 1. �'lexible metal conduit. 2. Liquid tight flexible metal conduit. 3. Raceway fitkings. 4. Conduit bodies. S. Surface raceway. 6. Wireway. 7. Pull and junction boxes. B. Manu£acturer's Tnstallation Insiructions: Subnnit application conditions and limitations oi use stipulated by Product testing agen.cy specified under Regulatory Requirements. Tnclude instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of Product. 1.G CLOSEOUT SUBMZ'TTALS A. Project Recoard Documents: 1. Record actual routing of conduits larger than 1 inch trade size 2. Record actual locations and mounting heights of oudet, pull, and junction boxes. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Section 01600 - Product Requirements: Product storage and handling requirernenCs. B. Protect conduit from corrosion and entrance of debris by storing above grade. Provide appropriate covering. C. Protect PVC conduit from sunlight. 1.8 COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of outlet boxes £ar equipment connected under Section 16150. B. Coordinate nnottnting heights, orientation and locatians of outlets nnounted above counters, benches, and backsplashes. PART2PRODUCTS 2.1 PVC C�ATED METAL CONDUIT A. Manufacturers: 1. Cazlon Electrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiring Devices. 3. Thomas & Betts Carp. 4. Walker Systerns Inc. 5. The Wiremold Co. 6. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Product Description: NEMA RN 1; rigid steel conduit with external corrosion proof PVC coating �0 mil thick. C. �'ittings and Conduit Bodies: NEMA FS 1; steel fittings with external PVC coating to match conduit. �i RACEWAY AND BOXES 16130-2 of 6 � � � � � � � � r � LJ GEI 12.09 2.2 A. : FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT Manufacturers: 1, Carlon �lectrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiring Devices. 3. Thomas & Betts Corp. 4. Walker Systems Inc. 5. The Wirernold Ca. b. Substitutions: Permitted. PraducC Description: Interlocked steel construction. Fittings: NEMA �B 1. 2.3 LIQUID TIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT A. Manufacturers: 1. Carlon Electrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiring Devices. 3. Thomas & Betts Corp. 4. Walker Systems Inc. 5. The Wiremold Co. 6. Substitutions: Permitted. H. Product Description: Interlocked steel construction with PVC jacket. C. Fittings: NEMA FB 1. 2.4 n a.s B. C. D. E. G. H. I:l : Pier 60 Restroom Addition WIREWAY Manufacturers: 1. Carlan Electrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiring Devices. 3. Thomas & Betts Corp. 4. Walker Systems Tnc. 5. The Wiremold Co. 6. Substitutions: Permitted• Product Description: Rain tight type wireway. Knockouts None. Size: 12 x 12 inch; length as indicated on Dravvings. Cover: Hinged caver witln full gaskets. Connector: Slip-in Flanged. Fittings: Lay-in type with removable top, bottom, and side; captive screws drip shield. Finish: Stainless Steel. otrrLET soxEs Manufacturers: 1. Carlon Electrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiriuig Devices. 3. Thomas & Betts Corp. 4. Walker Systems Inc. 5. Tkae Wiremold Co. 6. Substitutions: Pemnitted. Sheet Metal Outlet Soxes: NEMA OS 1, galvanizerl steel. 1. I.uminaire ax�d Equipment Supparting Boxes: Rated %r weight of equipment supparted; fiirnish 1/2 inch male fixture studs where required. 2. Concrete Ceiling Soxes: Concrete type. � RACEWAY AND BOXES � 16130-3 of 6 GEI 12.09 C_ D. E. F. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Nozunetallic Outlet Boxes: NEMA OS 2. Cast Boxes: N�MA FB 1, Type FD, cast feralloy. Furnish gasketed cover by box manufacturer. Furnish threaded hubs. Wall Plates for Finished Areas: As specified in Section 16140. Wall Plates for Unfinished Areas: Furnish gasketed cover. 2.6 �ULL AND JLINCTIQN B�XES A. Manufacturers: 1. Carlon Electrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiring Devices. 3. Thoax►as & Betts Co�rp. 4. Walker Sqstems Tnc. 5. The Wiremold Co. 6. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Sheet Metal Boxes: NEMA OS 1., galvanized steel. C. Hinged Enclosures: As specified in Section 16131. D. Surface Mounted Cast Metal Box: NEMA 25D, Type 4 4X 6; flat-fla�aged, surface nnounted junction box: 1. Materzal: Galvanized cast iron Cast aluzninum. 2. Cover: Fuzzxish with ground flange, neoprene gasket, and stainless steel cover screws. �'ART 3 EXECUTION 3.1. EXAMINATION A. Verify outlet locations and rauting and termination locations of raceway prior to rough-in. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Ground and bond raceway and boxes in accordance with Section 16060. B. �'asten raceway and box supports to siructure and fuushes in accordance with Section 16070. G. Identify raceway and boxes in accordance with Secrion 16075, D. Arrange raceway and boxes to maintain headroom and present neat appearance. 3.3 INSTALLAT�QN - RACEWAY A. Raceway routing is shown in approxiznate loca�ions unless dinnensioned. RouCe to complete wiring sy5tem. B. Arrange raceway supports to prevent misalignment dwring wiring installation. C. Support raceway using coated steel or malleable iron straps, lay-in adjustable hangers, clevis hangers, and split hangers. D. Group related raceway; support using conduit rack. Construct rack using steel channel specified in Section 16�70; provide space on each for 2S percent additional raceways. E. Do not support raceway with wire or perforated pipe svaps. Remove wire used for te:nnporary F. G. FT. I. J. K. L. supports Do not atC�h raceway to ceiling support wires or other piping systenns. Construct wir�way supports from steel channel speci#"�ed in Section 16070. Route all raceway parallel and perpendicular to walls. Route raceway installed above accessible ceilings parallel and perpendicular to walls. Route conduit in and under slab from point-to-point. Maximum size eonduit in slab above grade: 3/4 inch. Do not cross conduits in slab Maintain clearance between raceway and piping for maintenance purposes. RACEWAY AND BOXES 16130-4 of 6 � � � � � � L_ ' � � � r , C� � �l � � I._J � ' GEI 12.U9 M. N. O. P. Q� R. S. T. U. V. W. 3.4 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. I... M. O. 3.5 A. B. C. D. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Maintain 12 inch clearance between raceway and surfaces with temperatures exceeding 104 de�'ees F Cut conduit square using saw or pipe cutter; de-burr cut ends. Bring conduit to shoulder o£ fittings; fasten securely. Install conduit hubs to fasten conduit to sheet metal boxes in damp and wet locations and to cast boxes_ Install no more than equivalent of three 90 degree bends between boxes. Install conduit l�odies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. Install hydraulic one-shot bender to fabricate, factory elhows for bends in metal conduit large�r than 2 inch size. Avoid moisture traps; install junction box with drain fitting at low points in conduit system. Install fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where raceway crosses, control and expatxsion joints. Install suitable pull string or cord in each empty raceway except sleeves and ndpples. Label each end of pull s�ing with desi�ation of opposite end Install suitable caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture. Surface Raceway: Install flat-head screws, clips, and straps to Fasten raceway channel to surfaces; mount plumb and level. Install insulating bushings and inserts at cannections to oudets and corner fiti�ngs. Close ends and unused openings izi wireway. INSTALLATION - BOXES Install wall mounted boxes at elevations to accommodate mounting heights as indicated on Drawings. Or as speeified in sec�on for oudet device. Adjust box location up to 10 feet prior to rough-in to accommodate intended purpose. Orient boxes to accommodate wiring devices oriented as speciiied in Section 161�10. Install pull boxes and junction boxes above accessihle ceilings anid � unfinished areas only. In Accessible Ceiling Areas: Install outlet and junction boxes no more than 6 inches from ceiling access panel or from� rennovable reeessed luminaire. Locate flush mounting box in masonry wall to require cutting of masonry unit comer only. Coordinate masaury cutting to achieve neat opening. Do not install flush mounting box back-to-back in walls; install with minimuru 6 inches separation. Install with minimum 24 inches separation in acoustic rated walis. Secure flush mounting box to interior wall and partition studs. Accurately position to allow for surface finish tbickness. Install stamped steel bridges to fasten flush mounting ourlet box between studs. Install flush mounting box without damaging wall insulation ar reducing its effectiveness. Install adjustable stsel channel fasteners for hung ceiling outlet box. Do not fasten boxes ta ceiling support wires or other piping systems. Support boxes independendy of conduit. Install gang box where more than one device is mounted together. Do not use sectional box Install gang bpx with plaster ring for single device outlets. INTERFACE WTI'H OTHER PRODUCTS Install conduit to preserve fire resistance rating of partitions and other elements, using nnaterials and methods. Raute conduit through roof openings for pipixxg and duciwork or through suitable roof jack with pitch pocket. Coordinate lceation with roofing installation. Locate outlet boxes to allow luminaires positioned as indicated on Drawings reflected ceiling plan. Align adjacent wall maunted oudet boxes far switches, thermostats, and similar devices. � R.AC�WAY AND BOXES � 1613U-5 of 6 GEI 12.09 3.6 A. B. 3.7 A. B. Pier 6Q Restroom Addition ADJUSTING Adjust flush-mounting oudets to make front flush with finished wall material. Install knockout clasures in unused openings in boxes. CLEAMNG Clean interior of boxes to remove dust, debx�s, atxd other material. Clean exposed surfaces and restore iinish. END OF SEGTION 16130 RAC�WAY AND BOXES 16130-6 of 6 i ' C� � � ' � � r � � � �l 1.� 1 ' � GEI 12.09 SECTION 16131 - CABXNETS AND ENCLOSURES Pier 60 Restroom Addition PAR.T 1- GENERAL �.1 SLTMMARY A. Section includes hinged cover enclosures, cabinets, terminal blocks, and accessories. 1.2 REFERENCES A. National Electrical Manufactu�rers Association: 1. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Elecbrical Equipment (1000 Valts Maximum). 2. NEMA ICS 4- Industrial Control and 5y�tems: Terminal Blocks. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's standard data for enclosures, cabinets, and terminal blocks. B. ManuFacturer's Installation Instruc�ions: Submit application cvnditians and limitations af use stipulated by product testing agency specified uxider Regulatory Requirements. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. 1.4 QUALIFICATION5 A. Manufachuer: Company specializing in manufacturing Pmducts specified in this section with minimunn thzee years expexience. ].5 EXTRA MATERIALS A_ Furnish two of each key. f' : : ' : �J11L�1�1 � 2.1 HXNGED C�VER ENCLO5URES A. Manufacturers: 1. Carlon Electrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiriwg Devices. 3. H�ffinann Enclosures. 4. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Constniction: NEMA 25Q, Type 4x stainless steel enclosure. C. Covers: Canrinuous hinge, held closed by flush latch operable by key or hasp and staple for padlock. D. Furnish interior metal panel for maunting terminal blocks and electrical components; finish with white enamel. E. Enclosure Finish: stainless steel. 2.2 CABiNET5 A. Manufacturers: 1. Carlon Electrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiring Devices. 3. Hoffmann Enclosures �4. Substitutions: Permitted. � CABINETS AND ENCLOSURES � 16131-1 of 2 GET 12.09 ' B. C. D. E. F. G. H. � Pier 60 Restroom Addition � Boxes: Stainless steel. Box Size: 24 inches wide x 24 inches high x 6 inches deep. Backboard: Fiuxxish 3/�1 inch thick plywood backboard for mounting terminal blocks. Paint matte white. Fronts: Steel, surface type with concealed trim clamps, door with concealed hinge, and flush lock keyed to match branch circuit panelboard. Finish with gray baked enamel. Knockouts: none. Furnish metal barriers ta form separate compartments wiring of dif%rent systems and voltages. Furnish accessory feet for free-standing equipment. 2.3 TERMINAL BLQCKS A. Manufacturers: 1. Carlon �lectrical Products. 2. Hubbell Wiring Devices 3. Panduit. 4. Substitutions: Permitted. B. Terminal Blocks: NEMA ICS 4. C. Fower Terminals: Unit conswction type with closed back and tubular pressure screw connectors, rated 600 vplts. D. Signal and Control Terminals: Modular construction type, suitable for chaiaz�.el mounting, with tubular pressure screw connectars, rated 30p volts. E. Furnish ground hus terminal block, with each connector bonded to enclosure. F. Furnish suitable end caps for terminal block strips. G. `I'ermuial blocks shall he finger touch safe. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install enclosures axid boxes plumb. Anchor securely to wall and structural supports at each comer in accordance with Section 16070. B. Install cabinet fronts plumb. 3.2 CLEAIVING A. Clean electrical parts to remove conductive and harmful materials. B. R�move dirt and debris from encloswe. C. Clean finishes and touch up daxnage. END UF SECTZ�N 16131 CABINETS AND ENCL�SURES 16131-2 of 2 � � r � � , ' � � GEi 12.09 SECTION 16150 - WIRING CONNECTIONS PART 1 GENERA.L 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes electrical cannections to equipment. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 16123 - Building Wire and Cable. 2. Section 16130 - Raceway and Boxes. 1.2 REFERENCES A. National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA, WD 1- General Requirements for Wiring Devices. 2. NEMA WD 6- Wiring Devices-Dixxaensional Requirennents. Pier 60 Restrootxx Addition 1.3 SUBMiTTALS ' A. Product Data: Submit wiring device manufacturer's catalog information showing dimensions, configurations, and construction. B, Manufacturer's installation instrUCtions. � �1 l__J � � r , ' 1 ' 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMTTTALS A. Project Record Documents: R.ecord actual locations, siz.�s, and configurations oi equipment connections. 1.S COORDINATION A. Obtain and review shop drawings, product data, manufacturer's wiring diagrarns, and manufacturer's instructions for equipment furnished under other sections. B. Determine connectian locations and requiremcnts. C. Sequence rough-in of electrical connections to coordinate with installation af equipment. D. Sequence electrica� cannections to coardinate with start-up of equrpment. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CORD AND PLUGS A. Manufacturers: 1. Hubbell. 2. Daniel Woodhead. 3. Arrow-Hazt. 4. Substitutions: Pernutted. B. Attachment Plug Conshuction: Conform to NEMA WD 1. C. Configuration: NEMA WD 6; match receptacle configuration at outlet fitrnished for equipment. D. Cord Construction: Type SO multi conductor flexible card with identified equipment grounding conductor, suitable for use in dazr�p locatians. E. Size: Suitable for connected load of equipment, length of cord, and rating of branch circuit overcurrent pr�tection. ' WIRING CONNECTTONS � 16150-1 of 2 GEI 12.09 ' Pier b0 Restroom Addition � 1'A,RT 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATXON A. Veri�Fy equipment is ready for electrical connection, for wiring, and to be energized. 3.2 INSTALLATXON A. Make �lectx-ical cannections. B. Make canduit connections to equipment using flexible conduit. Use liquid tight flexible conduit with wateriight connectors in damp or wet locations. C. Coruaect heat producing equipment using wire and cable with insulation suitable for temperatures encountered. D. Ynstall receptacle outlet to accommodate connection with attachment plug. E. lnstall cord and cap for field-supplied aitachment plug. F. Install suitable strain-relief clamps and �ttings for cord connections at outlet boxes and equipment connection boxes. G. Install disconnect switches, controllers, control stations, and control devices to complete equipment wiring re�uirements. H. Tnstall termizxal block jumpers ta complete equipment wiring requirements. I. Install interconnecting conduit azid wiring between devices and equipment to coznplete equipment wiring requirements. J. Coolers and Freezers: Cut and seal conduit openings in freezer and cooler walls, floor, and ceilings. Install connections to cooler and freezer solenoids, ther�tiostats and time clocks. 3.3 ADJUSTING A. CooperaCe with utilization equipment installers and �eld service personnel during checkout and starting of equipment to allow testing and balancing and other startup operations. Provide personnel to operate elect�ical system and ck�eckout wiring connection components and coz�figurations. END OF SEC i'XON 16150 WIRING CONNECTIONS 16150-2 of 2 � � r � L GEI 12.09 SECTION 16411- ENCLOSED SWITCHES PART 1 GENERAL � 1.1 SUMM�►RY A. Section includes fusible and non-fusible switches. � B. Related Sections: 1. Section 16491 - Fuses_ � � � , � , Pier 6Q Kestroom Addition 1.2 REFERENCES A. National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA FU 1- Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses. 2. NEMA KS 1- Enclosed and Miscellaneous Distribution Equipment Switches (600 Volts Maximum). g. International Electrical Testing Association: 1. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Distribution �quipment and Systems. 1.3 A. 1.4 A. 1.5 A. SUBMITTALS Product Data: 5ubmit switch ratings and enclosure dimensions. CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of enclosed switches and ratings of installed fuses. QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products speciixed in this section with minimum three years documented experience. rPART 2 PRODUCTS � ' � � � 2.1 A_ l=3 D. E. FUSIBLE SWITCH ASSEMBLIES Manuiacturers: 1. Square D 2. Substitutions: Not Permitted. Product Description: NEMA KS 1, Type HD with externally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in ON posidoxy enclosed load interrupter knifc switch. Handle lpckable in �FF position. Fuse clips: Designed to accomrnodate NEMA FU 1, Class R and ] fuses. �nclosure: NEMA KS 1, to meet conditions. Fabricate enclosure irom stainless steel. 1. Interior Air Condi�aned Dry Loca�ons: Type 1. 2. Exterior Lacatiozxs: Type 4X. Furnish switches with entirely copper current carrying parts. ' ENCLOSED SWITCHES � 16411-1 of2 GE� 12.�9 � Pier b0 Restroom Addition � 2.2 NQN FUSIBLE SWITCH ASSEMBLIES A. Man.ufacturers: 1. Square D 2. SubsCitutions: Not Permitted. B. Product Description: NEMA KS 1, Type HD with exCernally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in ON position enclosed laad interrupter kni% switch. Handle lockable in OFF position. C. Enclosure: NEMA KS 1, to meet condiiions. Fabricate.enclosure from stainless steel. 1. Interior Air Conditioned Dry Locations: Type 1. 2. Exterior Locations: Type 4k. D. Furnish switches with entau�ely copper current carrying parts. 2.3 SWITCH RATINGS A. Switch Rating: Horsepower rated for AC or DC as indicated on Drawings. B. Short Circuit Cunrent Ratang: UL listed for 10,0U0 rms symmetrical amperes when used with ar protected by Class H or K fuses (30-60Q ampere) 20U,00� rms symmetrical amperes when used with or proteeted by Class R or Class J fuses (30-600 ampere switches employing appropriate fuse rejection schemes). PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATYQN A. Install enclosed switches plumb. Provide supports in ac�ordance with Secqon 16o70. B. Height: 5 feet t� operating handle. C. Install fuses for fusible disconnect switches. Refer to Seetion 16491 £or product requirements. D. Install engraved plastic nameplates in accordance with Section 16075. E. Apply adhesive tag an inside door of eacla fused s�vitch indicaring NEMA fuse class and sixe installed. 3.2 F+'IELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect atxd test in accordance with N�TA ATS, except Section 4. B. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.5. END OF SECTYON 16411 ENCLOSED SWITCHES 1b411-� of 2 ' � ' � � r GEI 12.09 SECTIQN 16423 - ENCLOSED CONTACTORS PART 1- GENERAi, Pier 60 Restroom Addition � 1.1 SITMMARY A. Section includes enclosed contactors for lighring and general purposes. - B. Related Sections: 1. Section 16491 - Fuses. � � � � 1 , ' ' 1 , � � 1.2 A 1.3 I:� A. REFERENCES National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA AB 1- Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Molded Case Switches_ 2. NEMA. F'U 1- Low Voltage Car�idge Fuses. 3. NEMA ICS 2- Industrial Control and Systems: Cantrollers, Contactors, and Overload Relays, Rated Not More Than 2000 Volts AC or 75� Vplts DC. 4. NEMA ICS 5- Industrial Control and Systems: Cantrol Circuit and Pilot Devices. 5. NEMA ICS 6- Industrial Control and Systems: �nclosures. 6. NEMA KS 1- Enclosed and Miscellaneous Distribution Equipment Switches (600 Volts Maxin�aw�a)- International Electrical Testing Association: 1. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specificatians for Electrical Power Distribution �quipment and Systems. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Submit dimensions, size, voltage ratings and current ratings. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents: Record actuallocatians and ratings of enclosed contactors. S. Qperation and Maintenance Data: Submit instructions for replacing and maintaining coil and contacts. 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in rnanufacturing products speci�"ied in this section with minimum three years documented experience. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL PURPOSE CONTACTORS A. Manufacturers: 1. Square D 2. Substitutions: Not Permitted. B. Product Description: NEMA ICS 2, AC general purpose magnetic contactor. C. Coil operating voltage: 120volts, 60 Hertz. D. Poles: To match circuit con�iguration and control funclion. � ENCLOSED CONTACTORS � 16423-1 of 3 GEI 12.09 E F. G. 2.2 A. S. C. D. E. F. Cs7 H. I. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Product Features: 1. Cover Mounted Pilot Devices: NEMA ICS 5, heavy-duty type with Form G contacts, rated A15� 2. Pushbutton: ON/Ok'F function, with shrouded lockable configuration. 3_ Selector Switch: ON/OFF/AUTQMATIC function, with rotary acrion. 4. Indicating Light: GREEN lens, led lamp. S. Auxiliary Contacts: One, noz�xxally open nornxally closed field convertible in addition to seal-in contact. 6. Relays: NEMA ZCS 2. 7. Control Power Trans£ormers: 120 volt secondary, 100VA minimurn, in each enclosed contactor. Furnish fused p�mary and secondary, and bond unfused leg of secondary to enclosure. Combinatian Contactors: Combine contactors with enclosed knife switch conforming to NEMA KS 1, with e7cternally operable handle and �use clips designed to accornmodate NEMA, FU 1, Class R J fuses. �nclosure: NEMA ICS 6, to naeet conditivns. Fabricate enclosure from steel finished with rnanufacturer's standard gray enamel alumiuum gray plastic. 1. Tnterior Air Conditioned Dry Locations: Type 1. 2. Exterior Locations: Type 4x LIGHTING CONTAGTORS Manufacturers: 1. Square D 2. Substitutians: Not Pemxitted. �raduct Descriplion: NEMA ICS 2, magnetic lighring contactor. Canfiguration: Mechanically held, 3 wire controls. Coil operating voltage: 120 volts, 60 Herta. Poles: To match circuit configuration and control function. Contact Rating: Match branch circuit overcurrent protection, considering derating for continuous loads. Accessories: 1. Cover Mounted Pilot Devices: NEMA xCS 5, heavy-duty type with Form Z contacts, rated A150. 2. Pushbutton: ON/OFF function, with shrouded lockahle configuration. 3. Selector Switch: ON/OF�'/AUTOMATIC function, with rotary action. 4, Indicating Light: GREEN lens, led lamp_ 5. Auxiliary Contacts: One, normally open normally closed �eld convertible in addition to seal-in contact. 6. Relays: NEMA YCS 2. 7. Control Power Trax►sformers: 12Q yolt secondary, 100VA minirnum, in eackt enclosed contactor. Furnish fused primary and secondary, and bond unfused leg of secondary to enclosure. Combination Contactors: Cozn.bine contactors with ezxclosed knife switch conforming to NEMA KS 1, with externally d�erable handle and fuse clips designed to accon�az�odate NEMA FU 1, Class R J fuses. Enclosure: N�MA ICS 6, to meet conditions. Fabricate enclosure frorn steel finished with mmnu.facturer's standard gray enannel aluminum gray plastic. 1. Intsrior Dry Locations: Type 1. 2. Exterinr Locations: Type 4x. ENCLOSED CONTACI'ORS 16423-2 of 3 � � � 1 ' � � � � � � � ' � , , ' ' � � � G�I 12.09 .�ART 3 - EXECUTION Pier 60 Restroom Addition 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install enclosed contactors as indicated on Drawings, in accordance with NECA "Standard of Installation." B. Install enclosed contaciors plumb. Pravide supports in accordance with Section 16070. C. Height: S ft to operating handle. D. Install fuses for fusible switches. Refer to Section 16491 for product requ�rements. E. Install engraved plastic nameplates. Refer to $ection 16075 For product requirements and location. 3.2 �'IELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. B. Perfarm inspections and tests listed in NETA A'I'S, Section 7.16.1. END OF SEGTION ].6423 ENCLOSED CONTACTORS 16423-3 of 3 , , , � ' �� GEI 12.09 SECTION 16442 - PANELSOARDS PART ] GENERAI. Pier 60 Restroom Additiaxz 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes distribution and branch circuit panelboards, electronic grade branch circuit panelboards, and load centers. B. Related Seetions: 1. Section 16060 - Grounding and Bonding. 2. Section 16075 - Electrical Identification 3. Section 16491 - Fuses. ' 1.2 A , ' 1 � � , �� � �� � , ' � C�J I� E. REFERENCES Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: l. IEEE C62.41 - Recomumended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits. National Electrical Manufacturers Assceiation: 1. NEMA AB 1- Molded Case Cizcuit Breakers and Molded Case Switches. 2. NEMA FLT 1- Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses. 3. NEMA ICS 2- Industrial Contral and Systems: Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays, Rated Not More Than 2000 Volts AC ar 750 Volts DC. 4. NEMA ICS S- Industrial Control and Systems: Control Circuit aud Pilot Devices. 5. NEMA KS 1- Enclosed and Miscellaneous Distr�bution Equipment Switches (6U0 Volts Maximum). 6. NEMA PB 1- Panelboards. 7. NEMA PB 1.1 - General Ins�uotions for Proper Installation, Opera�on, and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 6�0 Volts or Less. International Electrical Testing Association: 1. NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications %r Electrical Power Distribution Equipment and Systems. Na�onal Fire Protection Association: 1. NFPA 7U - National Electxical Code. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. UL 67 - Safety for Panelboards. 2. UL 1283 - Electromagnetic interference Filters. 3. UL 1449 - Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. 1.3 SUSMITTAIS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate outline and suppox-t point dimensions, voltage, main bus ampacity, integrated short circuit ampere rating, circuit breaker and fusible switch arrangement and sizes. S. Product Data: Subznit catalog data showing specif�ied features of standard products. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Dacuznents: Record actual lacations of panelbaards and record actual circuiting arrangements. B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit spare parts listung; source and current prices of replacement parts and supplies; and recommended maintenance procedures and intervals. PANELBOARDS 16442-1 of 3 GEI 12.09 1.s A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition QUALIFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. 1.6 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Fumish two of each panelboard key. Panelboards keyed alike to Owner's current keying system. PART2PRODUCT5 2.1 SRANCH CIRCUIT PANELSUARDS A. Manu£acturers: 1. Square D 2. Substitutions: Not Pernutted. B. Product Desc�iption: NEMA PB 1, panelbooard_ C. Panelboard Bus: Copper, current carrying components, ratings as indicated on Drawings. Fun�ish copper ground bus in eaah panelboard; fiuYZish insulated ground bus as indicated on Dx'awings. D. For non-linear load applications subject to harmonics furnish 200 peroent rated, plated copper, solid neutral. E_ Minimum Tntegrated Short Circuit Rating: As ixidicated on Drawings_ F_ Molded Case Circtut Breakers: NEMA AB 1, bolt-on plug-on type t.�,ermal magnetic trip circuit breakers, with common trip handle for all poles, listed as Type SWD for lighting oircuits, Type HACR for air conditianing equipment circuits, Class A�pund fault interrupter circuit breakers as indi�ated on Drawings. Do not use tandem circuit breakers. G. Current Limiting Molded Case Circuit Breakers: NEMA AB 1, circuit breakers with integral thermal and instantaneous magnetic trip in each pole, coordinated with automatically resetting current limiCing elements in eaoh pole. Interrupting rating 100,000 symmetrical ar�aperes, let- through cuxrent and energy level less than permitted for same size NEMA FU 1, Class RK-S fuse. H. Enclosure: Stainless steel NEMA PB 1, Type 4X. I. Cabinet IIox: 6 inches deep, 20 inches wide for 240 volt and less panelboards. J. Cabinet Front: Flush or Surface (refer to elecbrical drawings) oabinet front with concealed trim clamps, concealed hinge, metal directory frame, and flush lock keyed alilce. Finish in manufacturer's stainless steel PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install panelboards and load centers in accordance with NEMA PB 1.1. B. install panelboa�rds plumb. C. Install recessed panelboards and load centers flush with wall finishes. D. Height: 6 feet to top of panelboard and load center; install panelboards taller than 6 feet with bottom no more than 4 inches above f�oor. E. Install filler plates for unused spaces in panelboards. F. Provide typed circuit directory for each branch circuit panelboard and load center. Revise directory to reflect oircuiting changes to balance phase loads. PANELBOARDS 16442-2 of 3 � � , , ' � � � � , i � 1 1 1 1 i � t � ' GEI 12_09 G, H. I. 3.2 A. S. C. D. 3.3 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition Tnstall engraved plasdc nameplates in accordance with Section 16075. Tnstall spare conduits out of each recessed panelboard to accessible locat�on above ceiling and below �1oor in raised floor areas. Minimuxn spare conduits: S empty 1 inch. Identify each as $PARE. Ground and bond panelboard enclosure accarding ta Section ] 6060. Cannect equipment ground bars of panels in accardance with NFPA 70. FIEI.D QUALITY CONTROL In�spect and test in accordance witb NETA ATS, except Section 4. Perform circuit breaker inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Secbion 7.6. Perform switch inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Secdon 7.5. Perform coniloller inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.16.1. ADJUSTING Measwe steady state load currents at each panelboard feeder; rearrange circuits in panelboard to balance phase loads ta within 10 percent of each other. Maintain proper phasing for mult�- wire branch circuits. END OF SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS 164�12-3 of 3 , ' ' � � � 1 , ' , ' ' ' � � ' 1 ' ' GEI 12.09 SECI'ION 16491 - �'USES PART 1 - GENER.AL 1.] A. 1.2 A. 1.3 A. B. 1.4 A. B. 1.S A. 1.6 A. 1.7 A. 1.8 A. 1.9 A. Pier 60 Restroom Addition SUMMARY Sectian includes fuses and spare fuse cabinet. REFERENCES National Elecirical Manufactiu'ers Assaciation: 1. NEMA FU 1- T.,ow Voltage Cartridge Fuses. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Select fuses to provide appropriate levels of shart circuiC and avercurrent protection for the following components: wire, cable, bus struciures, and other equipment. Design system to maintain component damage within acceptable levels during faults. Select fuses to coordinate wit�a time current charactenistias of other overcurrent protective elements, including other fuses, circuit breakers, and protective relays. Design system to maintain operation of device closest to fault operates. F[7SE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS �.ighting Load Feeder Switches: Class RK 1 time delay. Motor Sranch Circuits: Class RK1 time delay. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Subxnit data sheets showing electrical characteristics, including time-current curves. CLOSEOY7T SUSMITTALS Project Recard Documents: Recard actual sizes, ratings, and locations of fuses. QUALXFICATIONS Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minirnum three years documented experience. MAiNTENANCE MATERIALS Fwnish two fuse pullers. EXTRA MATERIALS �'wnish three spare fuses of each Class, size, and rating installed. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FIISES A. Manufacturers: 1. Littlefuse. FUSES 16491-1 of 2 GEI 12.09 � 2.2 A. : r Pier 60 Restroom Addition 2. Bussnnan. 3. Shawmut. 4. Substitutions: Perznitted. Dimensions and Perforrnance: NEMA FU 1, Class as specified or as indicated on Drawings. Voltage: Rating suitable for circuit phase-to-phase voltage. SPARE FUSE CASINET Manufacturers: 1. Littlefuse, 2. Bussman. 3. Shawmut. 4. Substitutions: Pennitted. Product Descniption: Wall-mounted sheet metal cabinet with shelves, suitably sized to stare spare fuses and fuse pullers speci�ed. Doors: Hinged, with hasp £or Owner's padlock. Finish: Prinaed for field painting. Gray enamel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATIQN A, Install fuse with label oz�ented so manufacturer, type, and size are easily read. B. Tnstall spare fuse cabinet as indicated on Drawings. END OF SECTION 16491 FUSES 16491-2 of 2 , 1 � , r-� L�' , ' LJ , 1 � � GEI 12.09 SECTION 1651U - INTERIOR LUMINAIRES f7�i:7� Iiile�l �1;7:\ 1! 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes interior luminaires, Iamps, ballasts, and accessories. pier 60 Restroora Addition 1Z RE�ERENCES A. American National Standards Tnstitute: 1. ANSI C82.1 - American Nativnal Standard for I..arap Ballast-�.ine �requency Fluorescent Lanap Ballast. 2. ANSI C82.4 - American Nat�anal Standard for Sallasts-for High-Intensity-Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps (Multiple-Supply Type). 1.3 SUBM�TTALS A. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions and components for eaeh luminaire. B. Product Data: Submit dimensions, ratings, and performance data. C. Sa:n�ples: Subnrxit two color chips 3 x 3 inch in sixe illustrating lnminaire finish color where indicated iui luminaire schedule or as directed by the architect. 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufaciuring products specif'ied in this section with minimmtt three years experience. 1.5 MOCK-UP A. Provide luminaires in ceiling assembly. B. Locate where directed by Architect/Engineer. Or where indicated on Drawings. C. Incorporate accepted mockup as part of Work. D. Remave mockup when directed by Architect/Engineer. ! 1.6 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements prior to fabrication. 1 ' 1 1.7 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Furnish twa of each plastic lens type. B. Furnish one replacement laz�xps for eaeh lamp installed. C. Furnish two of e�h ballast type. f7 : ' : 171]It�1C�y 2.1 INTERIOR LUM�NAIRES � A. Product Description: Complete interior luminaire assemblies, with features, oppons, and accessaries as scheduled. S. Substitutions are not permitted. , ' INT'ERIOR LUMINAIRES 16510-1 of 3 ' GEI 12.09 ' Pier 60 Restroom Addition , 2.2 FLUORESCENT BALLASTS A. Manufacturers: 1. Magnetek Inc 2. Philips Electronic North America 3. Sylvania 4. Universal 5. Substitutions: Not Permitted. B. Product Description: Electronic ballast less than 20 percent THD High-power-factor type certified by Certified Ballast Manufacturers, Inc. to comply with ANSI C82.1, suitable for lamps speci�ied, with voltage to match luminaire voltage. 2.3 FLUORESCENT LAM�S A. Manufacturers: 1. GE 2. Philips 3. Sylvania 4. Subskitutions: Not Permitted. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 A. C. D. E, F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. INSTALLATION Install suspended luminaires using pendants supported frorn swivel hangers. Install pendant length required to suspend luminaire at indicated heiglit. Support lu�►inaires independent of ceiling framing. Locate recessed ceiling lumina�ires as indicated on Drawings. Install surface mounted luminaires plumb and adjust to align with building lines and with each other. Secure to prevent rnovement. Exposed Crrid Ceilings: Suppvrt surface-mounted luminaires on grid ceiling directly from huilding structure install auxiliary rnembers spanning ceiling grid members to support surface mounted luminaires Fasten surface mounted lunninaires to ceiling grid members using bolts, or suitable clips. Install recessed luixa.inaires to permit remaval from below. Install recessed luminaires using accessories and £�irestnpping materials to meet regulatory re9uirements for iue rating. Install clips to secure recessed grid-support,ed lumuiaires in place. Install wall-maunted luminaires at height as indicated on Drawings. Install accessories furnished with each luminaire. Connect luminaires to branch circuit outlets provided under Section 16�30 using flexible conduit as indicated on Drawings. Make wiring connections to braneh circuit using building wire with insulation suitable for temperature conditions witlun luminaire. Install specified laznps in each lumniaire. Ground and bond interior luminaires in accordance with Section 16060. 3.2 �'IELD QUALTTY CQNTROL A. �perate each luminaire after installation and cozuxection. Inspect for proper connection and operation. nv��uoRLUlvm�ai�s issio-z o�� � � � ' ' ' � � ' ' � � 1 ' 1 ' �l , GET 12.09 3.3 ADJUSTING A. Aim and adjust luminaires as indicated on Drawings. 3.4 CLEAIVING A. Remove dirt and debris from enclasures. B. Clean photometric control surfaces as recommended by manufacturer. C. Glean finishes and touch up damage. 3.5 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Relamp luminaires having failed lamps at Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 16510 Pier b� Restroom Addition IIVTERI�R LUMINATRES 16510-3 of 3 ' 1 � � f_ � 1 � L_� ' � IL� � GEI 12.09 SEGTION 16520 - EXTERIOR LUMINAIRES f7\;TI1�[!�l�7\� 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes e7cteriar luminaries, poles, and accessories. Pier 60 Restroom Addil�on 1Z U1VIT PRICE - MEASUREMI+:NT AND PAYMENT A. Exterior Luminaire: 1. Basis of Measurernent: Each. 2. Basis af Payment: Includes luminaire with lamps and accessories and connection to power source. 1.3 REFERENCES A. American National Standards Institute: 1. ANSI C82.1 - American Narional Standard for Lamp Ballast-Line Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballast. 2. ANSI C82.4 - American Nataonal Standard for Ballasts-for High-Intensity-Discharge and Low-Pressure Sadium Larnps (Multiple-Supply Type). 1.4 SiTBMXTTALS A. Shap Drawings: Indicate dimensions and components %r each luminaire. B. Product Data: Submit ditnensions, ratings, and performance data. C. Sannples: Submit two color chips 3 x 3 inch in size illustrating lumina�re �inish oolor where indicated in luminaire schedule or as directed by the architect. 1.5 QUALIFICATXONS A. Manufacturer: Company speciali�ing in manufactwring products specified in this section with minimum three years documentEd experience. 1.6 MOCK-UP A. Consiruct mock-up of ta measure luminaire perfarmance. Include 4luminaries. B. Locate where directed l�y Azchitect/Engineer. Or where indicated on Drawings. C. Incorparate accepted mockup as part of Work. D. Remove mockup when directed by Architectl�ngineer. ' 1.7 COORDINATION A. �urnish holt templates and pole mounting accessories to installer of pole foundations. ' ' � ' � 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIA,I,S A. �wnish two of each lamp installed. B. Furnish two gallons of tvuch-up paint for each different painted iinish and colar. C. Furnish two ballasts of each lamp type installed. EXTERTOR LUMIlVATRES 16520-1 of 3 GEI 12.09 �ART 2 PRODUCTS ' Pier 60 Restroom Addition � � 2.1 LUMINARIES A. Product Description: Complete exteriar luminaire assemblies, with £eatures, options, and accessories as scheduled. S. Substitutions are not perrnitted. 2.2 �'LUORESCENT BALLASTS A. Manufacturers: 1, Magnetek Inc 2. Philips Electrozxic North. America 3, Sylvania 4. Universal 5. Substitutions: Not Pernaitted_ B. Product Description: Electronic ballast certified by Certified Ballast Manufacturers, Inc. to comply with ANST C$2.1, suitable for lamps specified, with voltage to match luzninaire voltage. 2.3 FL7C70RESCENT LAMPS A. Manufacturers: 1. GE 2. Philips 3. Sylvania 4. Substitutions: Not Permitted. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 YNSTALLATxON A. Install lamps in each luminaire. B. Bond and ground luminaries, metal accessories and metal poles in accordance �vith Section 16060_ Tnstall supplernentary grouz�ding electrode at each pole. 3.2 T+'IELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Qperate each luminaire aftea' installation and connection. Inspect for improper connections and operation. B. Measure illumination le'vels to verify conformance with performance requirements. C. Take measurernents during night sky, without moon or with heavy overcast clouds effectively obscuring moon_ 3.3 A,DJUSTING A. Aim and adjust luminaries to provide illumination levels and distribution as indicated on Dirawings. 3.4 CLEANING A. Clean photomelric contral surfaces as recommended by manufacturer. B. Clean imishes and touch up damage. �XT�RiOR LiTMINAIRES 16520-2 of 3 � � GEY Iz.o9 3.5 PROTECTION OF FiNISHED WORK A. Relamp luminaries having failed lamps at Substantial Campletion. END OF SECTION 16520 Pier 60 Restroom Addition EXTERIOR LUMINAIRES 15520-3 of 3 r �� r� � � ' ' 1 � r�.� � � ' � � GEI 12.09 SECTION 16530 - EMERGENCY LIGHTING PART 1 GENERAI, 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section in�ludes emergency lighting units and eacit signs. 1.2 A. 1.3 A. 1.� A. REFERENCES National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA WD 6- Wizing Devices-Dimensional Requirements. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Emergency lighting to comply with requirements. SUSMYTTALS Product Data: Submit dimensions, ratings, and performance data. Pier 60 Restroom Addition 1.S QiTALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in mauufacturing praducts specified in this secUon with minimum three years documented experience. 1.6 MAiNTENANCE MATERIALS A. Furnish ox►a replacement lamps far each lamp installed. B. Furnish one replacement battery for each battery type and size. PART2PRODUCTS 2.1 A � E. F. G. H. I. EMERGENCY LrGHTING UNiTS Manufacturers: 1. As noted on lighting �ixture schednles 2. Substitutions: Not Permitted Product Description: Self-contained ennergency lighting unit. Battery: 12 volt, ruckel-cadmiuin, with 1.5 hour capacity. Battery Charger: Dual-rate type, with suf�icient capacity to recharge discharged battery to full charge within twelve hours. Lamps: 12 watt minimum, sealed beam type in nickel or chrome plated steel housix�g. Indicators: Lamps to indicate AC ON and RECHARGING. Self diagnostic function. 'TEST switch: Transfers unit from external power supply to integral battery supply. Electcical Connection: Conduit con.nection. Ynput Valtage: 120 volts. � EMERGENCY �.IGHTING � 16530-1 of 2 GEI 12.09 2.2 n B. C_ D. E. F. G. H. I. r. K 1'ier 60 Restroom Addition EXIT S�GNS Manufactur�rs: 1_ As noted on lighting fixture schedules 2. Substitutions: Not Permitted. Product Description: Exit sign fixtt�'e with integral battery power supply. Face: Translucent face with red letters on white background. Input Voltage: 120 volts. Directional Arrows: Universal type for field adjustment. Mounting: Universal, for field selection. Battery: 12 vol� nickel-cad�r�ium type, with 1.5 hour capacity. Battery Charger: Dual-rate type, with sufficient capacity to recharge discharged battery to full charge within twelve hours. �.amps: LED. Input Voltage: 120 volts. Accessories. Self Diagnostic Functions PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 3.2 A. 3.3 A. B. INSTALLATION Install suspended exit signs using pendants supported from swivel hangers. Install pendant length required to suspend sign at indicated height. Install surface-mounted emergency lighting units and exit signs plumb and adjust to alig,n with building lines and with each other. Secure to prevent movement. Install wall-mounted emergency lighting units and exit signs at height as indicated on Drawings. Install accessories furnished with each emergency lighting unit and exit sign. Connect emergency lighting units and exit signs to branch circuit as indicated on Drawings. Make wiring cannections to branch circuit using building wire with insulation suitable for temperaw�re conditions within unit. Install specified lamps in each emergency lighting unit and exit sign. Ground and bond emergency lighting units and exit signs in accordance with Section 16060. FIELD QUALITY C�NTROL Operate each unit after installation and connection. Inspect for proper connection and operation. ADJ[JSTING Aim and adjust lamp f'vctaues as indicated on Drawings. Position exit sign directional arrows as indicated on Drawings. 3.4 �ROTECTION �F FINISHED WORK A. Relamp emergency lighting units and exit signs having failed la�x�ps at Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 16530 EMERGENCY LIGHT:fNG 16530-2 of 2 ' . I� � � � � C-1 r� � � r� �� � � r � REPORT OF THE G�OTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES PT�R 60 & MANDALAY PARK CLE.A.RWA'rER SEACH, FLORIDA Driggers Engineering Services Inc�rporated D R I G G E R S E N G I N E E R I N G 5 E R V I G E S I N C 0 R p D R A 7 E D Geotechnical Engineering & Construction Materiels 7esting City of Clearwater Parks and Recreation Department 100 S. Myrtle Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33756 Attention: Mr. Leroy Chin, Project Manager RE: Report of the Geoteehnical Xnvestigation Proposed Restroom Facilities Pier 60 & Mandalay Park Clearwater Beach, Florida . Purchase Order No. SR 505397 Our File: DES 096391 Dear Mr. Chin: June 18, 2009 ' Pursuant ta your request and authorization, DRIGGERS ENG�NEERING SERVYCES, INC., has completed the geotechnical investigation for the subject projects. The following pages present the results of our studies along with foundation recomtzxendations_ F�ELD INVESTTGATION To check subsurface soil arxd groundwater conditions within the propused restroom areas, a single boring was conducted at each of±he two (2) restroom structure/addition areas. One structure is actually and addition to the existing Pier 60 cancession area and the second structure is a stand alone restroom facility ofMandalay Park. T:�e Standard Penetratian Test (SPT) method of sampling and testing was utilized. The SPT borings were advanced to a nominal depth of 25 fe�t below present gxade. Please refer to Plate I-A (Pier 60) and I-B (Mandalay Park) of the report attachments for the approximate boring locations. Sarasuta Clea�wate� Tampa Phone: 941.371.3949 12220 49th 9treet North • Glearwater, Florida 33762 Phone: 813.948.6027 Fax: 941.371.8962 Phone: 727.571.1313 • Fax: 727.572.409D Fax: 813.948.7645 saroffice�driggers-eng_com clwoffice�drigger5-eng.com tpaoffice�driggers eng.com 2 The Standard Penetration methad of sampling and testing was used to provide.soil samples for classification by the project engineer. The method also provides Standard Penetration resistance data reflective of the str'ength and consistency af the soil types encountered_ Due to the potential presence of utilities within the upper soils, the upper 6 feet of the SPT borings was sampled urilizing hand auger equipment. To provide relative density information within these upper soils, a hand cone sounding was conducted at each boring within the uppex 6 feet. Also, since very loose soils were noted at the B-1 hand cone sounding, five (S) additional hand cones were perfarmed within the general a�rea of the boring to check whether the candition was isolated. The results of the borings and hand cone soundings are included in the report attachments. INDICATED SUBSURFACE C�NDITIONS SOXL CONDITI�NS - Our exploratory borings iden.ti�ed similar conditions at both boring locations. Tn general, the borings penetrated gray and brovvxz fine sands with variable shell content to the completion depth of the borin�s. However, boring B-2 did encounte:r a calcareous clayey, silty sand zone or weathered limestone near the termination depth of Che boring at that location. Penetration resistazice revealed predominantly a medium dense relative density throughout the soil boring profile. However, the deeper calcazeous xraaterial at B-2 was considered loase. Also, very loose soils were noted within the upper 4 to 6 feet within the vicinity of boring B-1 as identified by the hand cone soundings conducted within this area_ Your attention is directed to the fact that underground utilities are noted within this area of very loose soils. GROUNDWATER CONDITYONS - Groundwaterwas encountered during the course af our �eld investigation at a depth of S.7 feet below grade at B-1 and 4.8 feet below grade at B-2_ �t shauld be recognized that groundwater levels will be affected by rainfall intensity. Driggers Engineering Services Incorporated ' ' � � � � I� r � I� � � � � ' ri �' � GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION DESIGN CONCEPT - It is oux understanding that the proposed construction will be pile supported restraom facilities. We were informed that the addition to the Pier 60 concession area will also likely incorporate a structural slah as opposetl to a slab supported on grade so as to match the floor system for the existi;ng building. The proposed stand-alone rest�room building in Mandalay Park may or may not incorporate a structural slab. We were further infort�aed that the desired £aundation type is a wood (timber) piling system. FOUNDATI�N RECOMMENDATTONS - Both of the sites investigated revealed very similar subsurface conditions within the depth explored as it relates ta pile foundation recoznzz�endations. Treated timber piling having a rnixxirnum tip diameter of 8 inches and a butt diameter of not less than 10 inches should be capable of developing an a7cial compressive resistance of 12 to 15 tons when penetrated to depths on the order of 2Q to 25 feet below present grad�, respectively. The timber piles should be capable of achieving an uplift or tension resistance of up to 3 tons when penetrated to the above depths. Dynamic pile driving formulae wi]1 be utilized to control pile penetration. However, a minimum penetration of 15 feet below grade is recommended. Based upon the above capacities, we would not anticipate the need for load testing provided the piling is dxiven to the proper resistance. Higher capacities could be achieved with greater peneixation or lazger pile section. In fact, a sigufcant irnprovement in pile capacity would be expected when penetrating the piles into the underlying limestone fornaation which, based on boxings conducted at nearby sites, is expected to occur about 30 to 35 feet below grade_ However, investigating this alternative would necessitate deepening the borings conducted ta date_ The response of the piles to lateral loads will be dependent on the several factors includit�g the pile fixity, center to center pile spacing, scaur and combined loading conditions. We would be pleased to provide analyses of the pile response ta lateral loads, if desired, once these conditions are better defined. Our investigation also noted the presence of manholes and underground piping within the footprint of the addition at t�ae Pier 601ocation. We are not awa�re of pttrpose of the underground conduits and manholes. However, it will be necessary to relocate, at a minimum, the manholes to permit fitCuure inspection and maintenance and, ifpossible, relocate the piping outside ofthe structure addition area. Driggers Engineering 5ervices Incnrporated � � � � SLAS-ON-GXL4DE - As discussed previously, we would anticipate that the restroom �acility at the Mandalay Park location may incorporate a slab-on-grade. Based on the x�esults o�'the boring xn this � area, new slabs �rzxay be supported on a coxixpacted subgrade provided conventional subgrade preparation is incorporated. The subgrade atxd �ll soils require densification to not less than 95% af the Modiiied Proctor maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557. The fill soils should also consist i of fine sands caznprising the SP to SP-SM Unafied Soil Classif cation System. Utility trenches and ruts should be re-leveled and un:i�orax�ly compacted to avoid sharp discont7inuities in bearing � characteristics and slab thiclmess that could induce cracking. ... Also as mentioned previously, it is our understax�diung that the addition to the existing � concession area at 1'ier 60 will likely incorporate a structuxally suppozted slab to match the existing structu.re. However, if a slab-on-grade is incorpoxated, it will be importazxt to densify the very loose � materials identified w�ithin the upper 4 to 6 feet. This loosened zone may be the zesult of not sufficiently compactizxg ,the soils following installation of piping that is present iz� this area. - There�'ore, if the undergroundpiping is to remain, follovviz�g subgrade campaction activities, this area � should be probEd io check that sufficient compactian is obtained to support a slab-on-grade. � � .� � Driggers Engineering Services Incvrp�rated � � � � � � � � � � � f' � . � r r .� � �: � 5 DRIGGERS ENGXNEERXNG SERVXCES, INC. appreciates the opportunity to lie o�" service to you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at your eaxliest canvenience. Respectfully submitted, DRIGGERS ENGINEER.�NG SERVxCES, INC. 4� g��9 W yn S. Dri rs, P_E. �'r ' t Engine r FL Registration o. 58013 F. riggers, P.E_ Presi t FL Registration No. 16989 WSD/wsd WSD-REP\096391 Copies submitted: (2) City of Clearwater; Attn: Mr. Leroy Chin (1) Plisko Architecture, P.A.; Attn: l�. Alex Plisko (1) McCarthy & Associates, Inc.; Athi: Mr. Michael McCarthy, P.E. Driggers �ngineering Services Incorporated � � � � � � � � � � , � � � � 1 I_����I►1��►:1 � PLATE I-A - SORlNG LO�A'TYUN PLAN (PIER 60) PLATE I-S - BORING LOCATION PLAN (MAN7)ALAY PARK) STANDARD PENETRATIUN TEST BORING LOGS l: ;. ►11 � �� _ � J�I1 .I� . : �11 ; _ : � 1 : 1► 1 �IETHOD OF TESTING Qriggers Engineering 5ervices Incorporated � � � � � � � i � � � � � � � � � � � � PLATE I-A - BORING LOCATIUN PLAN (P�ER b0) Driggers Engineering 5ervices Incarporated i � 1 u ' 2 o' � 1 ' ' ' 1 � i? 'iZ W°°a�� Bdio.as .�m oa�woc;.e cops �TM.--�� F a 5 Q � B' s Disa � 7.55 � ---._ ,o, SCALE: 1" = 20' � 9•r ` e •_-� � _��"� I.D] � ' -� �24' - �-?� O � '�_ ` _ � 7.06 _ _ - - - �2<' i•�''z0' 736 �' -._"__'�-� 6.97 �,I � 2' 7.15 -- -� /�'�28• ❑ . --4`.N. - Conoete 9 r �"� --_ � � 7.25 N ' 6.56 �. " � _ � � _ ! * 6.53 Conc. _ � .� � - ).22 I � � _".-- � Sfa'rcs � '-_ � JO'-S• 7.20 �; ��'�-�_�_ __ t "� � � • - -� � '� -� � 6'-8' Gy�u le . 7.I2 : � -� __ / 2J'-11' ' o . � YC°�e^ R IM o -� �� 722 � i�i ].�5 _ , - - �- ���oi�s � �'tilEW;iYAMP. - -' - � - _ 2�i J.ie 6.92 �„oec� e &73 f7� Oroins 5 - - ' c ��- � n��a<�Man 6.76 � � 87] � � -._. � U'� � - ` /.� $ . - .� _ • -. . � � � � 6.59 3° --- coao.-.�. 'F�dEw CONG:'. I� �.i6 6� zoa � e.in , e.io - Sfn�r..: t Y1DUC.• � . / � IA.C.! ` _ ..Y:� -.B.BS' - Floor Oraim • RoJ � SSB - - I• � a.�, � HC- � ' � � 4� He^g ^ 3 `� -,i - � EXISTING �� le. �"� �, / % . � CONCESSION m" jz ^ �a^c.ete . �.n e.ser-. ( � 6UILDING top 6•0� W 6.OI �� ���kn ^��. J 6.6] + LT� 5[anOhone i.[ �� EXISTING ��iE2 I = �� � -� j:` ;A.-�; .!3> >.� �, 6.69 . 8 (� .�S - RELOCA7E � � � . 1 GREASETRAP /"/ v,>< B� dc9 � - 6'p � I IV-� 6.<1 ryi_/) - ' - - _ __ a.,z €� / � � ' >. " � - - - � ` ° /� �- �- '.1� &�3 - ' /6.51 - _ �� u o .. e.n _ Fra� � '�"We � rs:sA"� �_ � snayne c ��-'.�gc-, # . .- ' ' �z.nn��ctn� inTn � " / �_ �" 6.]6 1' HeGge C I � 8.72 - ' 6.67 6.73 . 0.79 IZ' e Ng B.J6 83-�_ st.oynt c�ro 12• 12� 6.66 �2 0- _ ___ _ , coo�. ��[,�/ No� / " "2" .�L�..••6.6i [•3F] LEGEND: � HAND CONE SOUNDiNG LOCATION � STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING/ HAND CONE SOUNDING LOCATION CAD / ENGINEER R.D.B. / W.S.D. PREPARED BY - ..� � DRIGGERS ENGINEERING 6.OB AsPndl 5.95 5.86 SHEET TITLE BORING LOCATION PLAN � �� � � �t`4"�c:. �A� •', � � ��� S66 PROJECT NAME PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES CLEARWATER BEACH, FLORIDA S�n mh yt �.�6 �� 6'p�+c 3.76 (9reose��^ � - PROPOSED A„„,:. 5.65RESTROOM FACILITY ' S.St PROJECT N0. DES 096391 CAD FILE NAME N: \ACLTWIN� PLATEI \096391 P1 !H41 s.sc -� 6.4b SMlwp14 � 1'9 � O O �\\ 0 O �5.57 � 5.33 `i �O^«�te o. £ i 5.44 C ' 6 G��� / !7 5.19 0 Concr<te � 5.02 DATE 6/9/09 SHEET N0. PLATE I-A ' �� � u � � � L! � , � 1 � 1 t 1 t � PLATE I-B - BORING LOCATION PLAN (MANDALAY PARK) Driggers Engineering Services Incorporated u \ - � � \ � \ \ \ \ co�R«< �� —"�`�r —� _._ $6e dk m 4.64 ' Inv 15"rcv ^ 0.5] 1n 3.02 v 1B'rc0 e 0.�6 �. 15�rcp s O.g5 AaDAyt uw 12'rw sW 054 v 1Sr w 0.86 Y��' • : b. \� �\ S \ D 6 \ f \ g a \ / \\ o �r --1af..-� .� T5� v.. � � L � � .� 1 � QB ��� � � � , � S� �' 1 � � f �t � �. �.."�:i�_-.._.. D % � .� �� ,� '/� � � — _ — � —_ 8 � __ ' � ' "' 8 � ._ _ _ �QC � Aybalt ^� e � � h f� i(—�-.- �� �J _ ' �'b.�� i � �',�+� 'a�� Y�� � � �G` CoFc. � °HaaRail �°'�• _ .e ..� . .. �?> I ( . � °. � lonrt Rol �.� / � i GOV� Q –`�"a ^ 3–,� O! ConC. N 0 R A tl ROd ',+.,L J.,� �.�-y _ . , � . r _ _ : - ----�„f- � - � � � _ - - - —fos-- _ 6,� � : �- � c - - - ~ i a - - - � z e r <� � � i � �_ - �..r ---- i � ' '' � , �� J � 1I ' 'l. f .�_p- I I I _� _ " � � � l �'a i�{ _' I .� I �.i. C. _ 1 I X � I I' � 1 „ I �., � 1 � - ,� `� � _ ^ I �f !Y �� � � �v� � ��� � // t`� �''..�- _ _ _ � �e f •2 � . � 1 I I 1 J'� �1�' ��cJ� �¢i, Ft Rc�,// 1 I'� ?_"1 I I �q � ��% a � S'' � �' i a X rv` � _ � � � � " j _ � _ _ I / HC 1 �.FQ b� N -� \ f � �� � : nY'- r----- n ' r / ^ +�,,� \ � / . '�' � _ �"`•a �`'`� , .Q , � � :� . . �, � *, � �y.� , � , � � ,� . .�'�►�► .. v�.s� �.. � �� x5.� � ° ° � �tL b �. i . � � � /� i ; =—. �► , — � � y �' a / �' e_ =`° �` o , , ��i �' Wa(k y �o � }� � � ^ � f _, � ilY �Y _____ � � _ ' �,,; � -�3 , ..� : �� ,' \ . _ — ` �� =�, l `�'+r� --r�--� Q° �.. . .. _. . � � � ,o � .so, ., ` �. i � '.: � { .. � . _ k. . " i�Jo � , � I 1`'' � ='e ,� e ; . �. r� `, _ �: � \ � � � < \ ` � "<_ r� / \/ I�Fa � ��9 �� . �� � � �� �� � - � ;� LEGEND: � STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING/ HAND CONE SOUNDING LOCATION CAD / ENGINEER R.D.B. / W.S.D. PREPARED BY ■� '� � DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SHEET TITLE 'S� �' 2 ^� - e� } _ �� O 3 � _ BORI N G LOCATI ON PLAN PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITY PROJECT NAME PROPOSED RESTROOM FACILITIES CLEARWATER BEACH, FL�RlDA Vkirg�Nlr_ L�� O �TY9.) .e� '� J '^o`j � c ' < `3C 'Pg O 6 e g -i° �4 ` � G `! ys��`�� � / PROJECT N0. DES 096391 CAD FILE NAME N: �ACLTWIN\ PLATE1 \096391 P2 � SCALE: 1 " = 20' DATE 6 /9 /09 SHEET N0. PLATE I-B � � � � L J) � � �� �� � � � � � � r � ' STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORXNG LOGS Driggers Engineering Services lncorparated ! � � DRIGGERS � , r� � � � � � � � � � � �.� �� � .. ENGINEERING SERVlCES INCORP�RATED Project No. DES 096391 BORING NO. B-1 Project Praposed Restroam Facilities, Glearwater Beach, Florida � __ ^ l.ocation See Plate I Foreman M.B. Completion Depth 70 Depth 26.5' Date 6/3/o9 Water 5.7' Time Date 6/3/09 � z w � S7ANDARD � � 0 °` N PENE7RATION 7EST ° � SOIL DESCRIPTION � w w ��ows�Fr, oN 2" o.o. F in a w � a o a� SAMPLER-14p LB. � � y m a O HAMMER, 30" DROP SURF. EL: y� 10 20 40 BO 80 � q; Light gray Fine SANb with shell (SP) �'•'-' Li ht ra and brown Fine SAND with shell SP �:b: : .�:�: Grayish-brawn Fine SAND with shell (SP) �_o.. kY='v= .a:v.' � 5 ':�:�: �=�._ Medium dense light brown to light grayish-brown 4�°� Fine SAND with shell (SP) �°:4 ' S/6/9 : �:d: .v:D_ . . q.°. xz:o; $/9/10 ..4_ R: 7� ����' v:v: .�:°_• 3/5/6 �A v. ' �b: v: :v:cr..' 6/12/13 :R:� 4'�" Medium dense to dense light gray Fine SAND 15 :q�r With shell (SP) v:gr. .- 6/7/8 .o-o: a:� ' .. q.S+'_ .a:v: �: �: �7: a=b=� •xY: S�: ZD 9:9- : :.�: °: 3/11/25 �:v_ � :�: $: —• -a�a: � :a:s�; :@_p . . �C%: fY. V,�% . -C:tY z�J a:7 ':'q � �: 10/$/3 .a:v: 30 Remarks Borehole Grouted Casing Length � DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES INC�RPDRATED Project No. DES 096391 BORING NO. B-2 Project Propased Restroam Facilities, Clearwater Beach,_Florida � � ` Locatian See Plate l Foreman M.B. Campletion Depth 70 Depth 26.5' Date 6/3l09 Water 4.8' 7ime Date 6/3/09 z w � S7ANDARD � � w o°' N PEN�7RA710N TEST y m� SOIL f�ESCRIPTION �� a BLOWS/FT. �N 2" O.D. � y� O a SAMPLER-140 LB. p `� N pJq a p HAMMER, 3D" DROP SURF. EL: N� 10 20 �l0 60 80 Ve li ht ra Fine SAND SP =-- Brown and ra Fine SAND 5P 'd-°- Light brown Fine SAND with sheN (SP) . q_ p: 'C1:C7: �_4: a: r,7-O: � v: b: � .Q'p. '.17:�'. ��=�=-� Loose to medium dense light grayish-brown v.v: 4/413 �_� : Fine SAIVD wiih shell (SP) -�:n: _o:v: � •. q. �: 3/10112 � xi:n� . 7 0 .4: �: �'�•°' 5/9/7 � v:b: .� :o : _ � b: � -�' �P• 4/6/11 . .�: �_ :d.b: . :P: Y: �rJ :a���-. V:4: :v,:P. � 0�%��J : t7:b: -¢:v: � . p: q: C2:C7: .4: v: di : �i: V-O- 2� •a-�: • �' •°' 6/7/6 -g:v. •:b_o: :a.'o'. - ,R:P. Loose light gray calcareous, silty, clayey Fine SAND with shefl (SM-SC) 25 (Weathered LIMES7QNE) 2/3/2 3Q Rematks Borehole Grouted Casing Length � � � � � r � � � � � '� HAND CONE SOUNDIl�iG / HAND AUGER BORING LOGS � , � � L� � � 1 priggers Enginesring Servioes Incorparated � � � DRIGGERS � � r � � � � � � ' � , � 1 � � � ENGINEERING SERVICES INCORPORATED HAND AUGER �URiNG/HAND CONE SOUNDING LOG PRPJECT: CLIENT: Proposed Restroom Facilities Ci of Clearwater Parks & Recreation De artment Clearwater Beach, Florida WATER TABLE: DATE: Pro'ect No.: DES 096391 5.7' 6/3/09 TECHNICIAN: �ATE: CQMPL�TION DEPTH: M, g. 6/3I09 6.0' LOCATION: TEST NUMBER: See Flate I g'� � HAND GONE 71P ��y pEPTH m RE515TANCE (TSF) (� DESCRIPTIpN (� � '� 0 10 20 3D 40 50 fi0 7D Light gray Fine SAND with shell (SP) d -�`.'= b� -v.:p: ���:�. :v:o: Light gray and brown Fine SAND 9=°� • with shell SP �'' -°• Gra ish-brown Fine SAND with shell '`�' � Y 2 ' �':b_ (SP) .._.__ " :v�: �� -n�-� - :o: cr. v:�:. 4 •� o .v : b: .�t:v �:�:. Light brown Fine SAND with shell (SP) '"-' '�:�. � -�: �. 6 8 10 - 12 1A DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES � � INCORPORATED HAND AUGER BQRING/HAND CONE SOUNDING LUG paor�cr: cu�NT: Propased Restroom Facilities Gi of Clearwater Parks & Recreation be rt ent Clearwater Beach, Florida WATER TABLE: DA7E� Pro' ct No.: DES 096391 4.8' 6/3/09 TECHNICIAN: DATE; COMPLETION p�piFl; M_ B. 6/3/p9 6.0' LOCATION: TES7 NUMBLR: See late 1 B_2 -+ HANb CONE TIP ELEV_ pEgCRIPTION DEP7H m RESISTANCE (TSF) (F� (F-� � � 0 10 20 30 4D 50 60 7p Ve li ht ra Fine SAND SP 0 ' Br�wn ana gray Fine SAN� (SP) Light brown Fine SANp wi#h shell (SF') •�=b; _ 2 :er : D. :� _ v: :.-V:t� .v, : pi •9•4 :C� : T7: -4= � 4 t�;�': . �. zi a �o - :� : �: �?:4_ ° : :C�: p: �d _ O: 6 '�: p: 8 • 10 12 14 r t� � � L__J i � I � ' � � � I � � ' � � � _ DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES INCORPOF�ATED HAND AUGER BORING/AAND CONE SOUNDING LOG PROJEGT: CLIENT: Proposed Restroom Facilities i of CI arwater Parks 8� Recreation De artment Clearwater Beach, Florida WATER TASLE_ DAT�: Pro'ect No.: DES D96391 7ECHNICIAN: bATE: CpMPLE71dN DEP7H: p/►,g, 613l09 4_0' LOCA710N: TEST NUMBER: See te I HC-1 O HAND CONE 71P RESIS7ANCE (7SF) �F�' DESCRIPTION �( n � N o � 0 20 3o ao 5o so �a 0 2 _ 4 6 8 10 12 1a � �, � ,_, ... DR{GGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES � � INCORPORATED HAND AUGER BQRING/HAND CONE SOUNDIlVG LOG PROJEC7_ CLIENT: I'roposed Restroom Facilities Ci of Clearwater Parks & Recreation De artment Clearwater Beach, Florida WA7ER TA�LE: pqT�; Pro'ect No_: DES 09E391 TECHNICIAN: pA7E: GOMPLETION DEPTH: M.B- 6/3/09 q p• LOCATION: TEST NUMBER= See Plale I C_2 � HANb CONE ilp �� � DESCRIP7101Y �( nH � RE5ISTANGE (iSF) F } � 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 - , ' �I � � � � � ' � r � r � ' ' � � , � DRlGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES INC�RPORATED HAND ALIGER SORl1�TG/HAND CONE SOUNDING LOG PROJECT: CLIENT: Proposed Restroom Facilities Ci of Clearwater Parks 8� Re reation De artment Clearwater Beach, Florida WATER TA�LE: DATE: Pro"ect No.: DES 096391 TECHNICIAN: DATE: COMPLETIDN PEPTH: �.g. 6/3/D9 8.0' LOCATION: TE.S7 NUMBER: Plate I HC-3 � HANf7 CONE TIP Q RESISTANCE (7SF) ��F�' DESGRIPTION �(� � � 0 10 2D 30 AO 60 60 7D z 4 6 8 10 12 14 r --.� � r DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES INC�RPORATED AANx) AUG�R BUR�NGJAAND CONE S�UNDIiVG LOG PFtOJECT: CLIENT: Proposed Restroom Facilities Ci of Ctearwater Parks & Recreation De artment Clearwater Beach, Florida WATER TABLE: pAT�: Pro-ect No.: DES 096391 TECHNICIAN: DATE: CQMPLETION pEpi}{: M. B_ 6/3/09 6.0' LOCATIpN: 7EST NUMBER: See late i ry � HAND C�NE TIP ELEV. DEI'TH � REStSTANCE (T5F) (FT) DESCRIPTIpN (F� � � 0 1Q 2D 30 4U 50 60 70 0 2 --� 4 6 - 8 10 12 14 , � � ' � � � � r � � � � � � � ' � , � DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES INCC�RPORATED HAND AUGER B�RING/HAND CONE SOUNDING LOG PROJEC7: CLIENT: Proposed Restroom Faciiities Ci of Clearwater Parks & Recreation De artm nt Clearvvaler Beach, Florida WA'CER TABLE: bA7E: Pro ect No_: pES 096391 TECHNICIAN: DATE: COMPLETIDN DEPTH: M.B. 6/3/D9 6.0' L�CATION: TEST NUMB�R: See Plate I HC-5 .� HAND CbNE TIP ELEV. DEPTH � RESISTANCE (TSF) (� pESCRIPTION (F� � � � 0 10 20 30 q0 50 60 70 0 2 � 6 8 � ,o 12 14 , � ' � � � 1 � ' � �� � �� I 1 � � , , ' , METHOD UF TESTING �riggers Engineering Services IncorpQrated � ' , � � , , � , � � I� , ' �J � ' ' � S'�'A.�A� ]P��TE'1C'�.'�'ZOl� 'TE�'I' AIVD SO�. CL.A��xFICATr�I`i WATER TABLE� F I NE SAND� MUCK c�a��v � � NE sRNa SIL7Y FINE SAND SHELBY 7UBE— SANDY CLAY G L C►Y CLAYEY L I MESTONE SANDY L I MES7QIVE CORE RUIV--- LIMESTONE --:':= 4� —"N�' VALUE OR ��. g BLOW COUNT ,' 7 : c\ 2 I STAN1).A.RD PENETR.ATION TEST (ASTM D-1S86) In the Standard Penetration Test borings, a rotary drilling rig is use� to advance the boreholc to the desircd test depth_ A viscous drilling L'uid is circulated through the drill rods and bii to stabilize thc borehole and to assist in removal of soil and rcek cuttings up and out of the borehole. Upon reaching the desued test depih, the 2 it�ch O.D. split-barrel samplcr or "splrt-spoon", as it is sometimes called, is vttached to an N- size drill rod and lowered to the bottom of ihe borehole. A 14Q pound hammer, attached to the drill stririg at the ground sur£ace, is then uscd to drive the sarr►pler into the foirnation. The harruner is successively raised and dropped for a distance of 30 inches using a rope und "cathead" assembly. The number of blows is recorded for each 6 inch interval oCpeneA'ation or until vurtual refusal is achieved. In the above manncr, the samplts are �deally advanced a total of 18 uiches_ xhe sum of the btows required to ef%et the final ] 2 inehes of penetration is called the blowcount, penetration resistance of "N" value of the pazticular material at the sample depth. A.fter peneUation, the rods and sampler are retracted to the ground surface where ihe core samplc is removed, sealad in a glass jar and Vansported to the lahorawry for verification of field classificalion and storage. SQIL SYM�3QLS AlVD CLASSIFICATI�N Soil and roek samples sscured in the field sampling operat�on were visually cl�sified as to texture, eolor and cons�stency. Soil elassifications are presented descriptively and symbolicaily for ease of interpretation. The stratum identifieation lines represent the appro ;imate bo�ndary bctween s�il types_ Ir: r:sr.ny cases, this'.rsnsition may be gradual. Consisteney oFfhe so�7 as to relative density or undrained shear STRA7UM svength, unless otherwise noted, is based upon Standard Penetration CHANG� resistance values of'N" values and industry-aceepted standards_ "N" values, pr blowcounls, aro presenlod in both tabular and graphical forn� on each respective boring log at each sample interval_ The graphical plot of blowcount versus depth is for illustration purposes only and does not warrant continuity in soil consistency or lintar vanr�tion between samplc intervals. The borings represent subsurface eonditions at respective boring lacations and sample intervals only. Variations in subsurface conditions 50/0.3� may occur beiween boring locat�ons. Groundwater dcpihs shown represent water depths at the dates and iime shown only. The absence ` DE M QT � S of wa.ter table �ni'nrmation does not necessarily unply that ground�*�ater 50 6LOWS FOR N'�notencountucd. 0.3� P�NE7RA7 I ON September 20, 201 � City of Clearwater Mr. l.eroy Chin Parks and Recreation Department P_O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Flarida 33758 Greenfield Environmental � 1 � ' RE: ASB�STOS SURV�Y A7 THE PFER 60 CONCESSION AREA EAST SIDE OF BRE�ZWAY LQCATED A7 CLEARWATER BEACH, FLROIDA ' Dear Mr. Chin: A survey for asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) was conducted on September 9, 2010 by EPA accredited inspector Kevin Kitch of Greenfiefd Environmental, Inc. (GE) at the above mentioned area. The purpose of the asbestos survey was to identify asbestos containing maferials on the east section of the Pier 6b concession area prior to a planned renovation. The sampling was conducted for EPA NESHAP compliance prior to renovation activities. Greenfield Environmental, Inc. is a Florida Licensed Asbestos Consulting Firm with a corresponding license number of ZA- OODQ268. 7he sampling was perFormed in accordance with the requiremen�s of Titl� 40, Code of �ederal Regulations (CFR), Part 763 for suspect ACMs. The EPA regulatians require that sample tocations be randomly selected. All suspect asbestos-containing materials and PACM (materials presumed to contain asbestos under the OSFIA Asbestos Rule, 29 CFR 1910) were identified. The samples collected from the above mentioned area w�re labeled and transported to Air G2uality Environmental, Inc. for analysis. Air Quality Environm�ntal, Inc. is a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program �NVLAP) accredited laboratory (NVIAP No. 200759-0). The concession stand was observed to be constructed of concrete block and steel. Interior walls were finish�d with plaster and ceramic tiles. Ceilings were finished with plaster. Floors were finished with concrete and ceramic tiles. ihe HVAC duct was sheet metal. The roof was finished with a metal roofing system_ A total of the nine (9) samples were collected from the east section of the concession stand. The laboratory analytical results indicated that the materials sampled did not contain asbestos in amounts great�r than one percent (1 %). Please s�e the attached Summary of Laboratory Analysis for analytical results and sample locatians. GE is pleased td have been of assistance to you on this project and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further service, please do not hesitate ta cail us at (727) 8g6-1266. Sincerely, GREENFI�LD ENVIRONMENTAL, INC � �� Kevin Kitch EPAAccredited Inspector 1051-1040RASLetter Michael W. Rothenburg, pE �lorida Licensed Asbestos Ca ul nt #E4-0000041 432 3�d Street North, 5t. Petersburg, FL 33701 • Phone: 727.896.1266 • Fax: 727.896.166b �� ' ' ' 1 � � ' ' �� � �1 1 1 �� 1 1 1 1 SUMMARY �F LABORAT�RY ANAI.YSIS PIER 60 CQNCESSION STAND EAST SIDE OF BREEZEWAY CLEARWATER BEACH, FLORIDA Homo. Sample Description/ Asbestos Approx. Area Number Location Content �riability Condition Quantity 01 Plaster Located on the N° 1 Q2 Asbestos Friable Gaod ------ p3 Interior Walls and Ceilings Detected �� Stucco l.acated on the NO 2 05 Asbestas Friable Good -----_ �� Exterior Walls Detected 07 White HVAC Duct Mastic Np Non- 3 0$ Located Above the Ceiling Asbestos Good ------ 09 Area Detected �riable �l �� 1 1 � 1 1 1 . . i 1. � �� 1 ' �J 1 1 1 1 1 LABQRATORY AfdALYTICAL RESULTS ,��i��� � �w�,a�lli�it� ���rn�iu��o>>rn7nrn�e�m��,aill� ](7rn�cA l�abr» •alc»�� 5e�-i�ic�.r 9'32� $eminolc L3oul�vsu•J. Scminol�. Pl�n-id:i ±377� f727) 391+-�19DU I�AX 1727) 398-U99G Client Name: Greenfield Environmental Project Name� 1051 City of Clearwater 432 3rd Street North Pier 60 East Side Of Breezway St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Date Analyzed: September 15, 2010 Asbestas, Bulk Sam le Anal sis T'est Method: PLM ! pS - EPA Method 600/R-93/116 l.ab # Client # 5ample 7ype �escription % Asbestos % pther Fibers % Binders 119869 1 5tucco tan / gray NAD 100% Quartz and Binders 119B7Q 2 Stucco tan / gray NAD 100% 4uartz and Binders 119871 3 5tucco tan I gray NAD 100°h Quartz and Binders 119872 4 Stucco yellow / gray NAD 100% Quartz and Binders 119873 5 5tucco yellow / gray NAD 100% Quartz and Binders 119874 6 Stucco yellow! gray NAD 100°� Quartz and Binders 119875 7 Caulk white NAD 100% Binders 119876 8 Caulk white NAD 100% Binders 119$77 9 Caulk white NAD 100% Binders tTneae samples were Analyzed by layers. SpeciFc laysr w Component asbesWs Cantanl is indicaled when relevanL 7he [PA COnsiders a malerial to be asbestos cont8ining only if il conlNinS more lhAn 1'7, asbeslas by Galibraled Visual Aree E5limalion (GVAE). EPA regulalions alsq indiCata lhat Regulated Asbeslas Conlaining Malerials which aro kia6le or m�y 4ecome fnahlo. be furtheranalyzed by polnt counting whan �he results indlcale less than �0 % asbesws by GVAE. Air puality Envlronmental n���`Y�� �� b utilizes CVAE on a rouline basis and dves not include pant tounting unless specifically requcasted. A[Wilionally. Ehese resW ls Y� may not be reproduced excepl in 1un. Thts report data �5 to be inlerpretad anly dy Ihe person (s) whom have coqeeled lhe 5amples. Furthermore, lh{s reporl may not be used as a claim lo producl ceAiC�cation. approval or endorsemenl by NVLAP, � i1 GZ,,•L NI57 or any olheregency o1 the Federdl Governmenl. tFbor Tile and olher resinously bound malerials. wnen anaryzed by �PA method, may yield lalse negatWe .esu4s because o1 �Volfgang Paltian limilativns In separaHng cbsely bound fiber' and in dalec[ing fibers of small length and diameler. When a definitive rasuft is Nlicro5copixt required,AqE recontimends utllizing atternetive me�hodso� idenlificatlon, inch�ding7ransmfssion Eleclron Microscopy_ Lab File Number: 17782 NVL.AP Lab No. 200759-0 Analysis Pages 1 of 1 N Z O H Q V � H � w v � � � � � � a� w w � � � � � � � � i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � - � . y� :� � �_ _ �w .•������� �°W �:; - � ::=., - - -�- - � _.�._ _ -,.� ��:.,;�✓_ _ - - -.� _=� l , � .� _ - _, . _ _ y:� ' � / - �. /.. - - - _ .� - _ -' ' _ � .. 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B� � _ ,; ;��; �qi`:!f'f�^7[:i�;i- - �:ii3i� �i. _. ;p .,aY���:°;�z� ' . . . .. .:... _ .. . . ;:Iq�S y.,, �; ,�F'�? - _.' �='�'' i5i' �fif'� _ _ ;.kkY�!T��: _ _ �'�.i�. �:�YS�. - `.7i1`:h� .. . �? � `�tii� 1�' - •r'RS,�i"� : �:'."r : .'r:: ��� :; �. � I.:r in,Y:� j.'.[.:.;u ,"'ri�;::1:7.:�rs:.' _- _ i=�� _ _ _ - _ _ - _ '` � � 5 I A 1 t uF r Lc3F�iuq h -- -�r�� DEPARTMENT O�' BUSiNESS AND PROFESSTONAL REGULATIQN _ � ASBES'Z'OS LICENSiNG TJNIT ($5a) 487-1395 '. 19�40 NOR'I'H MONROE STREET "��K� TALI,AHASSEE �'L 32399-0783 GREENFTELD ENVTRONMENTAL iNC MICHAEL ROTFIENBUi2G �32 3RD STREET NORTH S'T . PE'Z'ERSBURG FL 3 3'7 01 Congratulations! With this �icense you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. �ur professionals and businesses range from architects to yacht brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better For information about our services, please.log onto www.myfloridalicense.com. There you can find mor� information about our divisions and the regulations that impact you, subscribe to department newsletters and learn more about the Department's initiatives. �ur mission at the Department is: License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly. We constantly strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new licensel DE7ACH HERE � ' � � C� STA7� OF FLORIDA AC# �{ 6 B��. [� w` AEP'P;:RTME�TT OF SUSINE55 AND PRO&'E:SS:IONAL REGULFiTION •ZAOOOD.268 1.0.%2.3./09 U9U2D0393 AS.BES'T.OS: SjI.S,�;NESS,' OR.GANSZATION � GRi�ENFI,E�D::''.;�1VVI:RC2NM�NTAL INC ' I�I��FIAEI; RQTIi�NB'VRG, . , � IS LICENSED under �the provi�lone af Cx.469 B5. �.hc�treei'nn aaked. NOV 3`O� ,a'd11 L0914 23 02 307 � � � ,� r� AC# :�`r, ?-� ,��� �; � � � STATE O'� FLORIDA_. � H'ES:�'aS`: :.�,.��EN_S•ZNC TII�TiT '. ' N DEPARTMENT aF 'CTS;INES�.S:�� ;' : P.;ROF��SS:IONAI, REG[T'IiAT20 ' A� I,� :: , uc�Q# L0910230230'7' , . . .. L'�CEN�E.. �TSR : 10/23/20.09 D90.2.00.343 .. ZA.0.0002:6.8. T13 .�r - ' e SBEST.OS.BUSINESS.ORGANI.ZATTON Named below I.S LI.CENSEI] Under t,he provi.�'icns o:f ..Chap.ter 4 69.. �':S : Expiratiori date: NQV 30, 2011 GREENFIES,D ..EN"UI,R:O�NIETaTTAI, INC M.%CH�+,EL �:.1�O:��ENBURG.. : 432 3RD,�TRE.;ET NORTH ST. PET�RSBURG FT, 33701 •' . CiiF+$L�E CRiS'T G.OV�RNOR pfSPLAY:AS'.FZEQUIR�D: BY LAW CI�iAR�;E� ..W . .. ARAGO 3ECRETARY � � � � , � � �� � � � � � � r� � � � � ' QUALIFICATION APPLICATION OF PROSPECTIVE BTDDER CITY OE CLEARWATER CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS To: Ci�y of Clearwater Engineering Dept./Construction Division Attn: Alice Eckman, Construction Specialist 100 so. Myrtle Ave_, S�e #�20 Clearwater, Florida 33756 or (PO Box 4748, Clearwater, FL_ 33758-4748) 17ATE : PURPOSE: To provide the City with reasonable assurance that the prospec�ive bidder on C.ity of Clearwater �ormal construction contracts has the financial assets, resources, work forGe, and wark experience to successfully camplete contemplated construction cantrac� ag�eements with. �he City. CONTRACTOR FIRM NAM�: BUSINESS ADDRESS= CITY - STATE - ZIP CODE: PHONE NUMSER_ FAX NUMBER: E°MAIL ADDRESS: TYPE OF ORGANIZATION: (individual, Corporatian, Partnership, etc_) LIST ALL FR�NCIPALS OF ORGANIZATZON: (President, Vice-Presi.dent, S�cretary-Treasurer, Partner, etc.) DATE ORGANIZAT�ON BEGAN UNDER PRESENT NAME: OT�iE12 NAMES AND DA'TES UNDER WHICH ORGANi�ATION EXISTED: REFERENCES: 1 CONTRAC'TOR'S LICENSE NUMBER: INDIVTDUAL HOLDTNG LICENSE: ISSUING AUTHORITY: CLASSIFICA'i'ION OF LICENSE: HAS YOUR FIRM EVER FAILED TO COMPLETE WORK AWARDED TO YQU? IF SO, WHERE AND WHY? NUMBER OF FULI, TIME EMPLQYEE'S DIRECTLY ON APPLICANTS PAYROI,L_ PRESENT VALUE OF AND GENERAI, TYPE OF ALL CONS'I.'RUCTXON AND OpERATIONAL EQUZPMENT DIRECTLY OWNED BX THE APPLICANT (ZNFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MOST RECENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT & INCLUDE LONG TERM LEASE/PURCHASE EQUZPMEN'I') : The pre-qualification to bid limitation is an amount of dallars equal ta the amount of the largest single cozz.struction praject which has beensuccessfully comple�ed by the Contractar. The pre-qualification amount is limited to the particular constructian categaries in which the Contractor is approved to p�rform work. This p�e-qualificatian amount may be adjusted as the Contractor may successfully complete larger construction prajec�s. '�he Contractor may exhibi� wher� two or more similar projects were substanrially accomplished by �he Contractor at the same time wh�re the aggregate amoun� of these projects in excess of the largest single project accamplished. This aggregate amaunt will be cansidered as �he pr�-qualification amount up �a an amount equal to �500 of the largest single project amount_ Pre-qualification amounts and ca�egaries may be limited as warrantied by the City'sexperience wi�h the Cantractor's constiructiion projects_ LARGES'Z' SINGLE PROJECT COMPLETED $Y THE CONTR.ACTOR: �. . AMOUNT : $ 2 . DATE �F COMPLE'I'ION : 3. TYPE OF WORK: 4. OWNER/REREPRESENTATIVE: Address: Phone Number Email Address Fax Number 2 � � I ..J � _� � I� � � � � � � � r u � r ALTERNATE PRE-QUAL�FxCAT�ON AMOUNT TS BASED ON THE AGGREGATE TOTAL AMOUNT OF C�NCURRENT I'ROJECTS COMPLETED BY CONTRAC'TOR WZTH A MAXIMUM AMOUN'!' QF 150% OF LARGEST SxNGLE PROJECT LTSTED ABQVE. LARGEST AGGREGATE AM�UNT COMFLETED BY C�NTRACTOR WHERE WORK WAS PERF'OI2MED AT 'T�TE SAME TZME : $ (Total aggregate amount determined from praject list below PROJECT 1 1. AMOUNT: $ 2. DATE OF START OF WORK: 3- DATE OF COMPLETION: 4 . TYPE O�' W�RIC : 5. OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE: Telephone Number: Address: Emai 1. . PROJECT 2 PROJECT 3 1. AMOUNT: $ 2. DATE OF START OF WORK: 3. DATE OF COMPLETTON: 4. TYPE OF WORK: � 5. �WNER/REPRESENTATIVE:_ Telephone Number: Address: Emai1 1. AMOLTNT - $ 2. DATE OF START OF WORK: 3. DATE OF COMPLETION:� 4_ TYPE OF WORK: 5. OWNER/REPRESENTAT�V�: Telephone Number: � Address: Email Fax Fax Fax THE FOLT,OWING THREE ADDI�I�NAL ITEMS ARE TO ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION: 1_ A current Financial Statement for your company which will be returned uncopied upon completion of revzew_ 2_ A list af major pr�jects completed (each project is ta i.r�clude type af w�rk, dallar volume, name and phone/fax number of praject represen�k.ative or awner w/email addressj. 3. Three letters of r�ference are requested from awners your campany has perfarmed work for. The ref�rence letters shall be on the awner's letterhead and contain the following information: A.) Lacation and type of work. B.) Do�7.ar valume with your comp�ny. C.) Project owner's name, address & phane numbex_ D.? Surety Company involved, if any. E.) Consulting Engineer or Architect, addres� and phane/fax number_ F.) Start and completion dates. Pre-qualification is limited to particular canstruction categories or construction activities in which the Contractor has successfully 3 completed construction prajects or ex�ensive work in the category in conjunction with larger prajec� wnrk. Fallowing are the general cat�gories of cQnstruction wark which are available for co�tractor pre-qualification approval by the Czty of Clearwater. Check thase categoriesfor which yaur firm is seeking pre-qualification approval. To receive approval in a particular constructian category, your application must contain documen�ation af successfully completed work experience in that category. This documenta�ion is to be included in your firm's completed praject l�st as described abave. In addition,. yaur appl�catian must exhibit that your firm has sufficient equipment, resouxces, and emp�oyees an yaur firm�s direct payroll to complete wark as a prim� contractox in each appraved canstruction work category_ Contractors with an insufficient work force or insufficient resources will not be approved for pre-qualification or will noti receive pre-qualificat�on in particular work categories_ ASPHALTIC CONCRETE RESURFACING ..................... BRIDGE CQNSTRUCTION AND MODIFI�ATION ............... COMMERCIAL BUTLDINGS .............................. COMMERCIAL SWIMMING POOLS .......................... CONCRETE �LAT WORK (CURBS, WALKS, COURTS, ETC.)._._ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES. . . . . . _ .__.. DEMOLITION ......................................... DESIGN BUILD_ _ . _ _ . . EXCAVATION/SITE WaRK. . . GUNITE RESTORATION ....................•...._.._..._ HORIZONTAL DIR�CTIONAL DRILLING_ . . . . . . . . . INDUSTRIAL PAINTING ................................ I�ANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION ............................ MARINE CaNSTRUCTION ................................ MARINE DREDGING-------• ...............••-------.... ROADWAY AND PARKING LQT CONSTRUCTION ............... SANITARY PUMP STATI�NS ............................. SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS---••---.••• .............. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION ................. TENNIS COURTS ...................................... 4 � � URBAN STREETSCAPE ................................ � WASTEWATER & WAT�R TREATMENT FACILITIES....._...._. WATER AND �'OI2CE MAINS ......................•----••- � WELL CpNSTRUCTION .................................. � ... . � � � � �l � � � � � � � 5 mHE F�LLOWING INFORMATION I5 TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST O� MY KNOWLEDGE. F'IRM : BY_ (Please 'I'ype) > ..:.:..:...:.... •. , 'SIGNA:.,.... . .. ...:.... .. :.:... ... .. .....: � -.. r.. , .., ...: ...,. . ...TURE : _ . .. .. . . 'I'ITLE : (Owner, President, e�c.) 1i7�4� 6 SECTION V CUNTRACT DOCUMENTS Table of Contents: CONTRACTBOND .....................................................................................................................1 CONTRACT.................................................................................................................................. 3 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT FOR FINAL PAYMENT ..................................................... 6 PROPOSALBOND ..................................................................................................................•--- � AFFIDAVIT.................................................................................................................................. 8 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ............................................................................................... 9 PRUPOSAL.................................................................................................................................10 CITY OF CLEARWATER ADDENDUM SHEET .................................................................13 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL-• .............................................................................................•-------�..... ].4 SectionV.doc _..,,�..�.�..,_ Pagei 9/27/2p10 1 1 1 ' STA'�'1�; 01� FL�R�D�i COUNTY OF ���LA�S �UNU NUMBER: 09031580 Issued in Duplicate Ct�NTRAGT BOND , KNOW ALL MEN SX '�'��5� �RESC+N7'S= 'i'hat we YOEI.LER CON�TRUCT'If)N IIvC. CO.l��TBC�Q[ S1�d Fideliry and Deposit Company of Maryland - Contract Surety Bond Claims c/o Zunch (Surety) wb�ose home addrass is 400 C 5CHAUMB i�EREllYAFTER ' C.ALL�D THE "5urety", are hEld and firiniy bownd intv tre City of Cl�a�water, Flarida (herei►Ya�%c cal]ed thc "Owt�er") in the �,ual sum of: FQUR S�TNA�A TWEN�'Y-FOUR 7130U5AN� FOUR HUIVURED PiINET"Y 1 W� DOLL�P►RS AND 7WENTY CENT3 (�424,49�.ZQj �bir the ' payment of which vwe bind auxselves, ouQ' heirs, cxecutocs, admin,is�tars, successors, aad assigns �o� thc fsathf.ul perfvrma�ce of a rxrt�ia writAmt� cantract, d�tcd the day of Z,Q , cntcrcd 'un.to bctween, the Contractar and thie City of C1�arwater #'or: , CL�A�VVATER SEACH �- PIER bQ �5'X`�OOM/CdNC�851�N BUILA�G �MODEL (08-0064-PR-C) , a copy oi' which said c�ntr�ct is incorpor�tcd hereic� by re%reuce and is madc a part hcxeof as if futly copied her��. ' NpW T�i�REFORE, �'HE CUND�UNS O� TH15 OBLIGATIUN A� �UC�., t�at �f t1�e Contractor sltall in aill reapects cos�aply with the terms aad conditions of said contrav� including the onc-y�a� �uarant�e a� mal�i�l ar�d I��bor, a�d his obligafions th�reur�der, includi.�g the conttact ' decwnents (which include �,Advert�sament fbr Sids, Fmrn v� Propasal, Form of Contract, Farm a� Stuety i3and, Iz�stivct�ons to Hidders, G�eral Crn�diri�ns aad Tec�ca] $peci�ications) and t�c Pl�ns an�d Spccifir,�tio�as ti�e�. ref�ned to �nd made � part thereof, �nd suc6 alt�tia�s as may b� ' made in s�id Plans and 3p�cificativras as therain pro'vided for, ar+d sk�a)1 i�ad�nnifY and save harimless Ihe said Owx�er againat aud fivm all casts, expensea, daa�es, injurY o= conduct, want of c�e ar skik�, negli,gcn�c� ar �iefault, inctc�ding gat�rat icrfringememts nn th� patt af tltie s�id Contractoz age�ts ' or employees, in the ex�cution ar performamce of said contract, includir�g exxvrs in rhe �l�ns �ttmished by the Contra�ctor, �o,d �tber, if such "Cot►t�sctor" or "Co�actors" shall prarnptly malce paymcmts to all persans su.PPlYing him, tb�em vr x� l�bot, m�terial, and supplies u�ed dircctly or ' ind.irectly by said �ontractor, Contractor9, Sub-Contractor, or Sub-Ca�tractors, iri the pirose�cutiaz� o� tl�� work ptavid�od for in s�id Ccmtr�ct, this obl'tg�rtivn shali bc vaid, otherwise, the Co�actor and � Surety jointly and. s�veraUy a�ee to pay tfl the Owner any di�ffeseece between the sum to which t�e ' said Contractot would be e�.tetle� on tbe camplctivn o�'tha Contra,c�, and that whuicb� the �wner sinay b� obliged tv pay far thc co�le�a.an o� said worlc by contra�ct or otherwise, � an�r damages, dizect or andirect, or conseyuential, vv�,�ch said �wn�r may sustain an accour�t o� such wark, ar on account of ' the f�ilure of the said Cornra�ctar to prc�perly a�+d ia all thin�, �ccc� and execute all tlae pravisians af sajld contract. THE PROVISIONS AND LIMI7ATIONS OF SECTION 255.05 FLORIDA S7ATUTE, INCLUDING BUT NOT ' LIMITED TO THE TIME LIMITATIONS IN SECTIONS 255.q5(2) ANb 255.p5(8), AR� INCORPORATED IN THIS BOND BY REFER�NC�. 1 1 Pa�Oa 1 �� 1 1 corM-�►cr $orin �) �! And the �d Contta�ctot and Swety hereby fu�t}�ac bind thcrosclv�s, their succcssors, exCCUtdrs, ' administrntors, attd assigt�s, Joimt�y a�d seve,rally, that th�y uvil! amply eur�ud fully pxotoct tbe said Ownet against, and will pay sr►�+ �nd all �motu�ts. darnage�, cosis and, judgmcnts which rnay 6e tecovEred agais�st vr whith 'the (?W►ner msy be aa]led upan to gay to any pexson ar corpc�ratipn by ' reason of. a�p damages arising from the+ p�fo�naacc o.f saa.d vv�rk, ar af the r�pair or �fnt�r��nce tbereof, ar thc m�e� o� doiag the saum� nr the negleCt nf the sai.d Cort�ractor ar his ag�nts or sen►ants a�t the imp�oper perForn�x►cc af the said wo�ic by the Contrg.ct�r or �is ager�ts oc servanta, ar ' th�e infriugem�nts af any pa�tent rigl�t� by zea.gon of the us� of any ms�crial �urnished ar vv�rlc dvne; ss afox�esaid, ar atherwise. 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 � LJ ' 1 �l 1 And tihc said Camtaractar and Surety hereby fluther biu�.d tt�emsel�es� their successo�s. heirs, executors, admi�aistrators, aad assigr�s, joint�y a�rd sevetally, ta repay the own�r aay sum whicb t•ha Owner may he cou�palled W pay bccausc o� erry lieo for lab�r matcrial fumiahsd for the ,�rork, etabrac:c� by said Co�ntra�t. hnd the said Suxcty, far the value received, hereby stipul�tes and ag�ees t�.ai: ao c,�►ataga, axteansian o�' time, alteradan ar �dditian ta tb:e t.erms of tt�e Gantract or to thc w�ork to be per�ormed therEt�,utder or thc sp�c'�i',xcations acc�mp�aying the same sh�il in any way a�ect its obligatioas an, this band, and it does hexeby waive rev4ce af any such charig�, cx�e�sian a�time, alter.�tian or addition ta the tcrm.s a� t?�e cpntr�Ct or to the woik o� �v t�1e specifiC�tioils. IN TT�S dNY WHERT�F, witncss ti�e hawds and seals oi thc parti�s hcr�to ", 1.�� day a 2�_(1 -_-�-! Vn1Ci.LC�R CON RU�'P�HN�1N( �1,�,"r'EST: Anett Cardinale, FL Licensed Residen# Agent ($13) 281-2095 Pa�e z Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland . $ir B�: ATTORrTEY-1N�Fb�C�' Anett Cardinale 1 LJ 'Bond No.: 09031580 Issued in Duplicate ' CONTRACTOR: PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND (Public Work) In compliance with F.S. Chapter 255.05(1)(a) Name: Voeller Construction, Tnc. ' Address: 4490 Alternate 19, Suite 101 Palm Harbar, FL 34683 ' SURETY: Phone No. (727) 785-9198 ' Name: Fidelity and Deposit Campany of Matyland Phone Na. (813) 354-2205 Address: Contract Surety Bond Claims ' c/o Zurich 1400 American Lane, Schaurnburg, IL 60196 ' UWNER: Name: City of Clearwater � 100 S. Myrtle Avenue Clearwater, FL 33756 ' OBLIGEE: (If contracting entity is different from the owner, the contracting public entity) ,Name: Address: 1 Phone No: (727) 562-45F7 Phone No. Sond Amount: $424,492.20 ' Descri tion of Work: Clearwater Beach — Pier 60 Restroom/Concession Buildin Rernodel P g (08�0064-PR-C) ' Project Location: Clearwater, Florida ' Legal Description: �� J 1 1 FRONT PAGE All other Bond page(s) are deemed suhsequent to this page regardless of any page number(s) that may be re-printed thereon. � � 1 , ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' � L� 1 1 ' CJ , Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY QF MARYLAND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the k'IDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation of the State of Maryland, by THEODORE G. MAR'�TN�Z, Vice President, and GREGORY E. MURRAY, Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article Vl, Section 2, nf the By-Law qfy� id Company, which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby cert�ed to be in full force and eff t �d t��reof, does hereby naminate, constitute and appoint David H. CARR, Carol H. HERMES L aret A. GINEM and Linda HORN, all of Tampa, Florida, EACH its true and la � rn �° , execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its ac p � n ertakmgs, and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance , hal e�. ' said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the � e ut a 1� by the regularly elected officexs of the Company at its office in Baltimo th � n � ' power of attorney revokes that issued on behalf of James W. DiJNN, David H. C ol �� CARDIN.AL�, Margaret A. GINEM, Linda HORN, Denise TAYLOR, dated March 3, 2008 �� 1j The said Assistant �r�y does hereby certify that the extract. set forth on the reverse side hereo£ is a izue copy o� Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Company, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOk', the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have h�reunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal of the sard �IDBLITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this lOCh day of June, A.D. 2010. ATTEST: '�Q 9fPOSrr � ��v n ti + 'a P .l tiw ; ro. w �� Y �'wPi State of Maryland 1 ss: City of Baltirnore f FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND -�—�--�� ''��'� � j f � [�-t.�,d. - �r� 4 � ��� Gr'egory E. Murray Assistant Secretary i�l�1 /- � y .. �:...�; c:ly� /si*���__�_ `:%kl� = ec1 ,� !7t �a ;i . `' / Theadare G. Martinez On this lOth day of June, A.D. 2010, before the subscriber, a Natary kublic of the State o� Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came THEODORE G. MART�N�Z, Vice President, and GREGORY E. MURKAY, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to zx�e personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they eac,h acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by rne duly sworn, severa,lly and each for himse.lf deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrutx�ent is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal and their signatures as such offcers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said iuxstrument by the autharity and directian of the said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Of�icial Seal the day and year first above written. ' POA-F 031-3190 . `;���u±� n;; ,�•,, i���'- A1��:1%��-. , �. .,,; : > �?. _ :�; . d� ��� /) ' ,:l'.�\��'�e ` �!l•M..�`� -�% ��!-. �_i�/...Afl"..ry.���r �f �., � � ...ti r�� +Cf� 1(,'...�,...,'.ai ///���/11,111111\\`\ • Canstance A. Dunn Notary Public My Commission Expires: July 14, 2011 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any �xecutive Vice-President, or any of the Senior Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Cotnpany thereto." CERTIFICATE CJ 1 ' ' , ' I, the undersigxzed, Assistant Secretary af the FIDELIT'Y AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing Pawer of Attorney is still in full force and effect an the date o� this certificate; and I do further certify that ' the Vice-President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice-Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attarney-in-Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. This Power ofAttorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors o£ the FIDELIT'Y AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a rneeting duly called and held on the l Oth day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "'That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attarney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as thougk� manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said Company, tbis day of � � /—�, ��.. Assis�aret Secretary f , 1 ' ' � � 1 1 ' 1 I� ] , 1 � 1 1 ' 1 1 eo�T�tacr This CONTRACT � and entet�eci into this �i''u`day of �� uS +, 20 � by and between the City of Cleazwater, Flozida., a municig�l corpvration, h�reinaft�r designated as the "City", and VQELLER COWSTRU ION INC. of thc City of PALM HA,RSOR, Cou�aty of PINELLAS and St�e of FLORIDA hereinaft:er desigr�ted as t� "Contractor". WITNE3SETH: That the parties ta this contract each in con�ideration oi the undertakings, promises and agreements on the part af the other herein contair�d, da hexeby undertake, promis� and agree as follnws: Th� Contractor, and his or its succ�sors, assigns, executors or administrators, in cansideration of the surns of money as herein after set forth to be p�id by the City and to the Contractar, shall and will at t_ h�ir own cost and expense perfar�n all l�bor, fumish all materials, tools and equipnnent for the foll�wing: 1 CLEARWATER BEACH - PIER 6Q RESTROOM/CONCESSION BUILDING REMODEL 0�-0064-PR-C FOR THE SUM OF FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-FUUR THOUSAND FOUR HIJNDRED NINETY TWU DULLARS ASiD TWEI�TY CENTS ($424,�493.20). 1 ' 1 ' � 1 ' 1 � � In accordance with such propos�l and tschnical supplemental sp�ifi�ations and such other special pravisiozas atxd drawings, if any, which will be submitted by the City, together with any advertiscrner�t, instructions to bidd�rs, general conditions, proposal and bond, which n�ay be hereto attached, and any drawings if any, which may be herein referred to, are hereby made a part of this contract, azid all o;f said work t�o be performed aund campleted by the contractor and its successors and assigns shall be fully cnmpleted in a gtwd �nd warkmanlike manner to the satisfactian of the City. If the Cantractor should fail ta comply with any of the terms, conditiotis, provisians ar stipulatians as cdz�tained herein within the time sp�cified for completion of the work to be perfarmed by the Contr�ctor, then the City, may at its optio�, av�.il it�elf of any ar all remedxes pzoviided on its behalf and shall have the right to proceed to complete su�ch work as Contractor is obligated to per%rm in accordance with the provisions �s cont�,it�d herein. THE CONTRACTUR AND HIS 0R TTS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS DOES HEREBY AGREE TO ASSUME THE DEFENSE �F ANY LEGAL ACTION WHICH MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST THE CITY AS A RESULT OF THE CON'I'RACTUR'S ACTYVITYES ARISING UUT OF THIS CONTRACT AND FURTHERMORE, IN CONSIDERATIUN UF THE TERMS, STIPULATIONS AND CONDiTIUNS AS CONTAINED HERE�1, AGREES TO HULD THE CITY FREE AriD HARMLESS FRQM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FUR DAMAGES, COSTS OF SUITS, dUDGMENTS OR DECREFS RESUiTII�TG FRUM ANY CLAIMS MADE UNDER TH�S CUNTRACT AGAII�IST THE CITY OR THE CUNTRAGTOR OR THE CONTRA,CTOR'S SUB-CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES RESULTING FROM ACTIVITIES BY` THE AFOREMENTIUNED CONTRACTOR, SUB-CONTRACTf)it, AGENT SERVANTS OB EMPLUYEES. 1'�ge 3 �J 1 � , ' 1 1 1 CONTRACT i2) In addition ta the foregoin� provisions, the Co�ntractar a�ces ta conform to the following raquirements: In connection with the perfomu�e of work under this contract, the Cantractor agrees not to discriminate against any employe.� or applic�ant for employment b�cause of race, sex, religioq color, or n,atianal arigin. The afaaresa.id provision shall includ�e, but not be limited to, the following: e�loyment, upgr�ding, demotion, or transfer; recnuhnent or recruitrnent advertising; lay-off or termination; rates af pay or o#her forms of compensatiot�; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractar agree� to pnst h,em�fter in canspicuous places, available for ernployees or applicants for employment, natices to b� provided by the contncting officer setting forth the p�ovisions of the non�iiscximinatian clause. 17�e Gora�ctor fiuther agrees W ins�t thc fo�+egoing provisians in all cantr�cts hereunder, including cn�tracts or agreeinents with labor unions �nd/ar wnrke�s representatives, except sub-contractors for st�ndard commercial st�lies or raw m�terials. it ig rnutually agreed betvveen the parties hereta t}�t time is of th�e essence af this contract, and in the ' ev�nt that the work ta be perfarined by the Con�actor is n�t campleted within the time stipulated herein, it is then furttter agt+eed tt�t tl�: City may dedwct from s�ch sums crr comp�nsation as may be du� to the Cant�actor the sum of 1 Op.08 er d far each day that the work to be perfomied by the � Ccmtr�ctor rema.ins incon�plete beyond the tim� limit specified herein, which sum of SX,QQQ.OQ_per d� sha11 only and solely represent damages which the City has sustsined by reason of the failure of the Contractor to complete the w+�rk within the time stipailated, it being further agraed that this sum is ' not to be constnued as a pe��a►lty but i� anly to be con�fi�d as liquidated damages far fai.lure of the Contractor to campl�te and perform �il wark within the time pe�tiad as specified in this cantr�ct ' 1 1 1 1 , u 1 It is further mutually �gre�d betwe�n 'tb+e Crty� �n�d the Canaactor that if, any tir� a.fter' the execution of this contr�ct and th� surcty bond which ia attached h�enebo for the faithful perfo��ce of the t,erms and conditions as contained }�.rein by tl�e Contra�ctor, that the City sb�all at any tirne deem the surety or sureties upon such performance bor�d to be ur�tisfactory or if, far any reasan, th� said bond ceases w be adequate in arnount to cover tt� parformance of the work the Contr�ctor shall, at his or its own expense, within ten (10) days af�er reaeipt af writtea ncytice Gom the City to da so, fiumish an additiona.l bond or bonds in �uch term �nd amuwat� au�d with �uch aurety ar sureties � she.11 be satisfactory tv the City. If su�ch an event aocurs, no further p�y�nt shall be n�de to th�e Contractor ur�der the tcrms and pmvisians of this cotrtr�ct u�Cil �uch new or additiana,l secua�ity band guaranteeing the faithful p�rfom�uice of th� work imder the te�rms hereaf shall be oompleted and fumi�hed to the City in a form sati�factory to it. P�ge 4 � � ' � �� � �� CONTRACT (3) IN WITNESS WHEREUF, the p�ti.es to the ag�eement h�vc hereunto set their hands and seals and have executed this Agreement, in duplic�te, the d�y aad year fic�t above wr►tten. CITY �F CLEARWATER YN PINELLAS COLTN'TY, FLORIDA gy: � . Williarn B. Home, II City Manager ' cauntersi�}►ea: 1 � �_� 1 1 , � ' 1 ' � r � � i3y: - F ibb�x'd, Mayor-Cowxcilmembe�r (Contr�ctor must indicate whether C�tion, Partnership, Company ar Individusl.) (The person si�ning sha11, it� lus awn handwriting, sign the Principal's name, his own �I�IIlB, ��115 t1i16; W�1� �]e �iSQf3 19 51gI11Ilg for a Corporation, he must, by Afl3davit, shaw his authority to bind the Corparatian). Pa�e 5 AtCesC: .� a.�--a�-<<-- C�a.-�C. Rosemazi� Call City C1erk (Contractor) ��_ _� ��� �� �xiw '--" :� -.l� �r��`J�� • �yW �p (f, + � " � a J ��i�. � i �''� R,+ �AL�. � ��-. V iI� �Y :��i�,• ���. ,��a � =- � � :� , 4 Y . . � ,:..� �. 4 , � _ �' : �i '' . 'yl��� � `�i+ ,^ � �.. : � � ` .:..x�y c:� ��,�", . ''/' r� ',` „ 1'`,��� _, ,:i�'. , ' � STATE OF COUNTY UF 1 ' CONTRAIrTO�'S AF�'IDAVIT FOR FINAi PAYMENT (CQRPORATION FORri�i) Q� this da�y personally appeared befo�e me, the undersigned authority, duly authorized to a;dministet oaths and take ack�owl�dgments, , who after being duly swarn, delaoses and says: , 'Ih�t ha is the (TITT,E) af VOELLER CONSTRUCI'YON INC. a Florida Corparatian, with its pri�txcip�l place of business loca.ted at 4490 ALTERNATE 19, SUITE 101. FALM HARBOR, Fi.ORIDA 346�3 (herein, the "Contr<tictor"). , , 1 Tha.t the Contractor was th� gen�ral oontrac.•tor under a contract execut�d on the day of 20 , wit1� the CYTY UF CLF.ARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal coxporation, as Owner, and that the Cantr�tErr vra$ to perform the construction of: CLEARWATEIi �EACH - PIER b� RESTRUOM/CUNCESSXON BXIILDTNG REMODEL OS-0Ob4-PR-C 'That said work has now bcen completed and the Con�a�ctor has paid �nnd discharged all �ub-contr�ctors, ' labarrers and rn�terial men in connection with said work and th�re are no liens �ut�5taa�ding of any natrare nor atry debts or obligations that rni�t b�come a lien or encumbrance in conne�ction with saiid wark agai�st the described p�o�perty. 1 , � �J 1 L� 1 1 1 1 That he is ma�;ing t� a�davit pursuaut tfl the req»;�:ts of Chapter 713, F�arida St�tutcs, a�nd upan consideration of the payment of i�l Full Am t of Contract in fixil s�tasfa�ction and discharge of said cot�tract. That the Owner is hereby rele�ed fran any cl�im which mnght arise out of said Contract. The wa+d "liens" as used in tl� �3d�.vit si�all mea�i any and all arising under the operatinn of the Florida Mechanic's Li�:n Law as �et fo�th in Chapter 713, Florida St�twtes. Sworn and subscribed to before me 'This day of , ao NQTARY PUBLIC My Commissian Expues: Pa�e 6 VOOFLL�t CUNSTRUCTI�N. IP�iC. AFF�AIVT � :. PRE$�DENT J �� 1 1 ' 1 �1 � � 1 LJ 1 � , 1 1 �J P (Not �n be i9lled cwt if a cccti5�d check i� su�mitled) KTlQWN A►LL A� �Y 'l"�5� PRB�&N�'S: T1ast we, 13ae undeasiB�, vaeper Car�vct�an inc. � Ai�ipai� ar�d Fide�v and oec�it �v,arHr ��r,d as �u�ty, wlwa's adc�cr� i� �� ���++s cJo zur�d, iaao arr�er►c�, �ane , IL fiD1�6 �'C bC� 811d �Y791jjI �LYId .U�11� tl� City► o�'Cl�, F'lorid�, i�t t� sum o;f '�b� -Al..r. S�� I�..�.cL�e.P -�W% .�:.r••�c_ . I�oUa� ($ `f �j � V�`J )(b� � na�n� of l a�f C,aaprectar'9 total bid a�nount) �ar the p�ymeat af vifiich. w�e11 �nd tculy .ta be_ r�►ad�, w� heaab�t 74itttiY a�d �ev�at!'Y bind ow�elve�, avr I�ears, . evc�s; •�ni�istralmcs, sacx�sora amd �: � . . . 7�1d CO1lL�i1i0�1 t?�'tbB ati0�►C Ob�i�t1U111� sl7Cb t]� �t�IC �13i1G114d O� Vaeller Copstructioni Inc. eS i:mC�, ep� ��Y �� �G��sil�ndr $4 $uc�ty, � 1N�[ SpBcl�ed �S: C1earW�Eer Be�iCh Pie�' fi0 aQ9-006�IfR{� .. . � Fleatraom�or� �iNdng Rernodel all � sdpulat�ed in a�id ProPo8�1,1�' de� al� wtu'k imcid�! th�O, in � rwida t6e pleqs and � - � �e$ca�oag �vv�d� h�er, �1} �•Pi�a��C.oqoaty. is scccp�.d �ti t�e ca�ct �vrarded to �he aboYe �ed biddea, �ud tbe �1 b9dder �11 witbnn t,�n days �ftec t�atice of s�id av�d e�er ;nto a c�et, ia writing abd �'armsh the �ad �rmamac Band with s�u�ety a� s� to be appravad by � cnr M�►�, � ��o�, �ri � .►o�a, oe�w;� � � s�u � �► � � aAa v�rcu� �yy �► �,a � � �t pr � � sa� w�u tie �ia � r� c�y � �r;��a � u�a�a �• si�acl this 1� de�y of �1� ,� , 20 11 {Priaci�pel m�c ir�c� w�th�r � P�"��P. �iP�Y ac ir�ivid+.�} -n� �, 8�� �u, m t� � ��dwrit�g. si� thc Prin�1': �ax�, hi� ov�n:�me e�d hi� title; tbe p�an sig�it�g tor a coupar�a�a � �' �. �i�O"w l� a�c�r�tY �o bi�d t1�e c+acparataan. ScedYMV.dee ' • 1 !'+�e7a[14' Voell� Constn�ction, Inc. �r .,_.� �y: 1 rc�� d.�►..� _ T T"ifle Fi�ty and Depasit Camp�ny aP Mlarykind ti S,x+ety Ga�rc,� H. - �exmes �►t�o�-�.n-r� e PT. Lsaee�ea iiessaent Ayenk Inguirie� 813-281�a095 917fl�10 1 LJ , Power of Attorn�y FIDELITY /�ND DEPO�IT COMMPANY �F AAARYLAND K1�iOW AI.L M�Id BY TNE9E PRESENTS: Tla�t the FIDELITY AND DEPOSiT COMPANY O�' MARYLAND, a ' corporation of the StatE of Marylatud, by THEOi]ORE G. MARTINEZ, Vicc Presiden� snd GR�GOAY E. MURRAY, Assistant Se+ct�etary, in pursuat►ce af aErthority gr�r►tedd by Article Vl, Section 2, af the By-lra id Cornpany, which are set forth on the reverse siu3� hereof and are here6y cert'�iad ta be in full f�ce and e f. does hereby nomi�nate, constitute and a�point Davki H. CARIi, Carol H. HE ret A. GXN�M aad ' Lind� HOAN. �tll of ?ampa�, Flotid�, �ACH its true and ° , execute, seal and deliver, far, and on its 6eh�lf as suraty, �►d �.s i� p akings, and che execution of such bonds or und��gs in pursua�tce , said Compeny, as ful ty and �mply, to all intents and purposcs, aa if fh u 1 by dt� re�ularly el��ed officers oithe Comp�ny at , its office in Baltim p power of alttirnc.y revokes thatt issuad on behalf of Jamcs W. DUNN, D�vid H. C 1, CARDINALE, M�rgaret A. GMEM, Linda HORN, Dcnise TAYLOR, dat�d March 3, 200�.—,n�� � �J ' ' �l ' ' , 1 ' 1 ' 1'he said Assis�nt �y docs 1�ereby �j+ thst �e exh�t act fath on the �veise side her�of is a true copy of ARicle VI, 5e�.•aon 2, of the B�Laws of s�id Cocnp�nY> xnd i� now in %�+ce. iN WITNESS WHERE,OF, the said Viee-President �nd Assistant Sacretary have hereunt,o subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal af the said FIDE[.1TY AND DEPDSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this lpth day of June, A.D. 20I0. ATTEST: .t° °�0�• � � � ..... _ W 7 ✓ � 1: St�te of Maryland 1 ��: City of Baltimare f �ID�LITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ��'� c / : �"V N' /� ( Gregory E �ray Asslstant Secreta�ry L�� �. _..C. =� J Ci'.f '�[��l "{.. :(fCJ : f% Thaodore C. Martinez an thie lOth d�y of June, A.D. 2010, be%re the st�6acriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryl�nd, duly aommiasior►�d and qus�lified, came TH�UDURE G. MAATINFZ� Vice President, and GR�GOFtY E. MURRAY, A�sist�nt Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to tne persan�ily known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preeed'mg in�n� and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, �d being by me duly svrom, sevarally anc! aacb far hunself deposeth and saith, that they �re the said officers of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to d�e precedin� instrument is the Corporate Seal of ssid Company, and that the s�aid CorparatB Se�l ar�d their si� s� such c�"icers werc duly affuced and subscribod to the said instnunent by the authoriry arui directian of the s�id C.orporativn_ IN TESTIMONY WHER�AF, I have �W set my hand anri affix�od my Offtcial Seal the day and year first above wrcitten. � �_��,.�,� �����`.,N,'.\,�� 4� . :'���NY `• 54 .J,��� ��.�i�. � ;;; , � :�,�_��';�." �,�,...�.,�..,�,e., �. . �C�.�a..r:-.�,__ :; �� ;. .; ,; : ''�-�: ;;;;;;:�•.- Constqnce A. Dunn Notery Public My Commisaion Expires: luly 14, 2011 , r 1 1 � �_ �_J 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 A$�HAYIT (To be filled f� a�d �xecu�d if the bidd�r is a oarporation) STATE UF FLURIDA } COUAi'fY UF �, v��R.+�rt l .......�1: I 1 � dr�• Vse�d � beang �► sw�o�rn, depos�es ana s�ys t�►t h elshe is . � of ;,,,�%:1�,t�r���r�..t�+'o� . � Iwc. . _ �� cmpor�on a� �nd existi� ta�cier and by virtue of d� l�ws of d�e St�te ofFlorida, and having iis p�inci�.offce at: �1 � q o � 9 �..; �.�. o � ��'��..r.� / � ' �� s�c a� x�t� cm► c��rny s�� �further o�iltr ('.+vr th�t l�e iva f�ili�r wi� the recor�, minute bvoks and by-�ws of ia� 1y+c. (Name of Ca�po�tian) A�ant fi�cther s�ys tha�t �e is �ns s� d.e�-� - -- . .. . . . (0►�er's Nau�e) . . . . . . (Tit�e). af the cotporation, is chily � ta �ign ths Prtt�aaaal �or �r sa� ca�poration by virtue of (st�e wh�t�er a prcnrisi�on of by lav� or � Re�ol ' of t}ye of Directors. �f'by Resol�h'on gi of ' n�p // . Swom �o befom me this �'" d� of � J 4►.. �•► , 20 L 1 1 ' r 1 ' ' $�tio�V.doe , rr����a�+ �� ���� �. �e; a� 14 �- Nots�y Public Typefprint/stamp n�me of Nota�r Titk ar iank. aad Sa�al No-, i� �nY �z�raoto �_� r N LLUBxU ' 3�'ATE U� FIARID�l, ) ' L'�OUNTY OF � � r�:l�.g _ ) ��11► • I 1 s �. �l��ll�-_. _ �„ � �h► �, � �a �ys r�t � � ' .. �r�4sdlw�.� . - -- o� ' 1 s r� �� /�+ �. ,.. ..-.. tY�e p�rtY ma�ang � foregaing Pro�v�l cn �id; th�t auch Bid i� �� end not aol�usiv�e oa sh�ux: tka�d s�id b�dd� i� n�ot fi� ip�d in oc othaxwi�e a�ili��6ed �n � busin� w�y r�vitb �nny oth�er bidder on tbe s�ne co�� thait s�asd � h� not colludad, c��ired, co�ni.v�, or a�reed, directlY � or indirectly, with a�► bidde�s ac pe.�, to put in a sk�aun b�d ar tb�at such ott�er pearaan a�ll �in fTO�II blt�lll� ��S 11Dt 111 �/ �ql�� �y O[ �1+��►a �01i� �j/ � OX CA�L�104 OI CQIDflllID1G�UA 0[ OO�OC, '1�1l�1 �11y pR�'�, ID f"17[ �E bld pt1.00 �' Sffi� OI �}► 0#�IeT b1�Y, OT tA ' �1�, 8A� aV�[�, �'O{� Ox CO�t 6�A8t1� � 9� �!!d p[1�C4y O! 1%i6d d.� �l OR�18i �1�, Or tO �CIII� �y �dr►� �►inst t�ie G"ity Of Cleanrw�er, Flarid�, ar �nY Pec�, o� pe�rsons i�ed in the propc�sed c�traat; a�d tbat al� � co�ed im �aad �o�l az bul �ne �; aund fia�the�r, that such hid� ' � n�t dyrectly oa imcliu�ectly �ub�mit� this bid, u�r tl�e ca�ieats t�reof, or diwlged in�'orn�tion or data re�rtiv�e there4o t� �ny a�oci�dio� vr �bv aany member ar �t t�r8of. [�i ' C� sw� � �a �t�a � � � �'" a�► of. J,.,.I.� �, ao ► i � � � 1 1 ' 4ectia�v.dcc ' F�c 9 of l4 �� N ���� �a� ��� ��,��,� ��x �e:.�un. Pa, Pa,4 � �iw��u�we� 927/2Q10 , LJ ' 1 ' �� 1 [_� ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 , 1 1 a PRO� t1) TO THE CITY OF CLEARWA'I'�R, Fi,ORIDA, #'pr CLEARWATER BEACH - Pffit iA RESTROpM/CO1�iCF.&�,YON HUYL,DII�iG REMODEL PRO�EGT NO.: 0�09i4PR (G7 �d doing such other wo�lc inc�l t}�o, �11 m scca�ce with the contr�t doc�nts, rnarlced CLEARWATER �EACl� -- pffit b� R��TRO�MlCONCE&SION BiTII,DING REMODEL TAOJECT NQa �-YAi4-pR- (Ci Every bidder must mke notice o�'the f�d that aven thuu�gh his p�vpos�l be accepted ar�d the docinments si�ned bY the bi�d�r tio who�n ���u�d is ms�de �ud lry thoec off cials � to do sa on behalf of tl^�e City of Cl�orwater, Florida, tt:�ri na �uch aiwand ar sig�ing �ll t�e cor�sid�d a bindir� contract vritha�c � ce�scate from ti�e F�oe n� th� r� at+e avai�ble to co�er the cosc of the .�rlC to be do�e, or withoui the apg�roval af tbs City At�mme�y as to the £arm and 1e�,lity of the co�act m�d all tbe ��rtirrent�docuc�nts rel�ti� th�re�o h�v�ii��•fi�n �app�rov�d by s�id City At�orneY; and such bidder is he,reby charged with this notiae. The si�zer of the Praposal, �,. bidd�r, �l�o doclares thst the on1Y P� P�� �Y ar parties inte�+est�ed in thi� Pxa�o�l, are named in this Propa�al, that he bas car�fully examined the Adv+ertisement, �on� to Bit�s, C.a�s4ract SpeciScatian�s, Plans, Si�ple�xntal Speci%cations, C�a�eral Conditions� 5pecial Provisivns, �d Ca�act Bo�d, tlmt h� or his �ive ha�ss made such in�i�tion as is n�oes�aty to deDermine ths � and ext�nt af the work �nd he pmposes and �es tb� if th� Propos�l be �c�, he will cant�ct with the City af Cl�aarw�er, Fbriid�, in tt� :frnm of coutract; l�+eto a�exed, to pre�vide tl�� nece�ry 1aba�, m�ial�, m�t�i�erY, er�uiPme�t, tools ar �ratu�, do all the w�k r�airod �a c�np�te the ca�act witlun the tune ineatiane�d in the Ce,neral �offi �nd �di� to the r�quir�m�nts of the City of Clearwater, Fbrida, � herein and �er set f� �d furni�h th�e r�i�ed su�ty bo�ds �ar tbre fvllowing prices to wit: �s�.� . � 10 et ta . 9fi7/2010 CJ �� 1 1 ��� C� � ����. c�) r�� �� � �i � a�a t�► � a�► �c�, �� �a � ��a �� fail � e,xacut� a� eor�.�t � st�d ia1 'the Adve�rqae�nea�t l�e,in att�cch�d, then the citY �Y, at i� op�iaa� d��nmine th�t th� u�sig�o�ed l�s �b�udaia�ad tbe ca�hr�ct, and t�renpon this Proaposal .. slaall be iwll aqd vo�id, �d tt�.� r�.�eCk.or bond accasnp�ayin�; this, Proposal, �ll be fiorfei'ted to becan;� � t�e prope�l,y of the Gi�y ot' �, F1uQida, a�d the fiil1� amuunt �o�' s�id ch�k s�li �� r�taix�ed try the City, ar if the Prup�l Bc�d be given, the full amount of such bond shall be paid to the Cit�r �s stipul�ted ar liqu�id�bed d�e�; a�vh�e, tb�e bond or aertifiad check aocompeqying this .. . . � �����, � ���c o��a � �aa n� ��a a �,��a � �;s�a �,. A��a � �g �� ��a �b� � �a�, � � s� a� ' ". . ($ ',19, b3 r, tl° ) (being a minimum oi 10��0 of C,am�r�ctor's tata� bid amowrt). ' The iull nar�es and resi�d�xce.s af �11 p� aa�l p�rtics inte�sbed in the foregoing bid are as follows: (I,f carpdratio�. Sive tl�e r�mes a�d a�dresscs of the � aud S�creiary. Tf firm ar paatnershiP, the ' n�mes at�d addr�es of the member� ar �. The Bidder shall list r�ot rnily his� name but also the n�me of �ry per� wit�, w�om bidd�r h�s anY t�+Pe of �t wh�reby such person's �impxaveme�ts, e�richment, �mgloym�nt or pos�ble beae�fi� whethez sulrcontr�ctor, mat�rialman, , �� �PPli�r, or �nployer is �t ttpo�i tha awasd ofthe co�atraat to the b�dd�r)- , ' �� 1 � I�1�TI . � ADDRESSFS: �I i 11 — s' el�.�,1- Lorw:w.. S� C�r s� �H�aa�: ("�re trick� m�c indic�e wbeti�er Cacpara�on, Pa�rs�ip, Camp�ny�r �adividual). �. ' �onv.doc ' �a�e 11 ot la 9Ryriol0 � r���.�.� . � � Sl�g 5�1, !II �3 011H� ]�i1L�1M7b�, $�!1 � p17nCl�'8 �, �f13 OW1111�1Y18 � �3 ht�e. Wh�ene the persa� si�ng Et�r � a�tpvration is � tl� die Pre�ide�t or Vice-Presidsnt, he must, bY �davi� show.•�au�a�ity, b� bind the corpa�tiop. , ���: �,I;1 I,��I�- . . . . � 1�I.�/0�.�/ � -�- - : ' ���,; • �.�i :.'ti ► i � �.� � � � w r ■ � : 1 � r 1- �• r ��- i/ �� � .�s this "7 '� day of A.D., 20 I 1. s�sioaV.doc �01� af 14 l/Z72010 �J ' ' PROJ�CT: ' ' ��� , , �� � ' , ,�r�. .M� '�.:.�...�.::: � � ,. CLEARWATBq �1RACH — pIBR f0 ��s neotunrconc�on �ruu.t►Urc ��oo��, �RO.i�CT NO.: Od-dOf�PA- ic3 C��ractor spal! co�fin� �od rervkMr �e �i� aNi �16er�t� b1d drawir�gs �nd aN eeope oirv�rl� ia iwalaaal ip bis I�wp � �dnes, ����r�gi rnaar ��r e� �w�e � tum a..■� �. M��a ��"r uo ite�s �uot i�rh�t i� tl�e bidders 6ofal li.e ilea �iei.�_ Archtlectural �ase 8Ed1 Remoclel & axpansian of �an a� wa+�t r�lnuam ,e�e � drswing packag� f�ar F+�e bidding i�omeatiaei �she�ks A-1.1. e� C 1, C2, C3.C4, CS. A-a. l. A-2.2. A-�.4. A�.4.2. A-2S. A- �� 2.5-2, A-3.1, A-3.2. A-4. t, A-5. {, A-$.4� A�, S-i, �-3.I,S-2.2, S-3, M1.1� MZ.1, IvtZ.2. �1.1,.�1.1, 82.�. B�.S. �s3.1, F.4.1, P 1.1 �2.1, F'a.2 P2.3 P3.1 P4.1 PS. f Altemate Bk! Iletn LR� FST. UNt7 QTY. P1tlCE T07'AC. i �35.�u�.7. Coric�ssion va+dor's stara� roo�n ar�d a�socialad wa�k aee AI.T ��"�' P°C� ��ets A-1.1. C!. C2. C3.C4, CS, A-2. I, A- � 23. A-2.4. A-2.4.2, A-2.5. A-2.5.2. A-�.1, A-3:a„ A..4,�, A-5.2, LS 1 S S(ot� ,��`j . A-5.4, &l. 52.2, 5-3, Ml..l. M2�, El.l, I�-ZA. C2.3A, E3.1. FA. I P l.1, P2.1 P2.3 P3.1 PQ.1 PS. l Repair dee�iat�le�d 6«il�ing PaGade, a�ld aa�ci�eed �►L't' work see dra ac �� � wing p k�e (shamra A-2.d.2. A-a.5.2, A-3.2, A- LS 1 S S 1 1 g,? 7 3. ._._. _.. a .�i.4� �.7� �' {.l . , 5-1, LI.1.......__..�...�...._ C'+�nlr�rctur tn rernnw- xnd repince� svooti�en [iecking 2,7(10 syuura fect araund lwilding. 3'°x 12°' Wp rail 35� line�l fccl, 3a AL'f 3..x2"x3' wooden pickets: Ownet wii! provisle waoden: �,g 1. S s 2�, o n� . 3 deckin� and top railin�, pickets &'ia�Gen��; m�riuls: ropair 3 Inosc wuncien columnc hy securing tl� columns a.s necessary and all associated mat�mrisla w soc�tt�s Woe� wvoadon co{urr�ns AL7' Demo �d all a�ieted co�t in d�li�hi� wra. �xi�t�g 6 LS l t s � Zap. 4 res�ooms ide+�ei�'ied � tha. ' n�t' cx� si�e _ .................. s suCi-"E'OTnL. Cr6�MS I��c Bia J� A�rn�a: l, �, 3, t 4 ��,l SI � L'11. d 104G COMINGBNCY OP GIN� 5 lS l t S � f S' ! L"T , � 'FOTAL CON$'I�i.1Cl'�N COSTi (TTEA�S� 1�asa Bid� dt AI�:.._�_.... 3,. �t a�a �we�s � o� �• a y 9G , 3 9g. � GQNN7IaACTOA: I Qr 6 C. WDD�It'� TOTAI. S 9$. p a �um�� rJ L� � L� ' ' 6lDD£R'S T�"1'Ai. � f a u�r L Ikhd rt.� A(._r�e� � S;�[ ��f.o.asa.wGi .��'L r� .!:���! t� �i ►'•d _...� : � c �L o� rS ...... (Words) 90�6 oontir�ncy s1�U b� utii¢ed aM� upvr� wr�qen reque�l �► Ihe �(w add�onal �oope af wo►k not induded in tl�e hii� af q�n�itl�s 14 tl�e Ow��, ��pprvv�al by tAe Owner �or � addi�or��l scope of woric in fhe ulNization af the 10X con�geeK,.y, a+y► a,�s npt ul�ed �A be r�ekwr�ed b tit� anner upan do�a out of ri� punctnase arder short. i'HS H[DDBA'� TOTAL ABOYE li HIS 'I�O�?AL a1D �I�SBD Di�i HIS UMl� �RiCE9 AND LUINr SUfN. T'RICgS AND '1'�i� �S7'1lllATSD QUA�?[TI�S RxQ�I�. TN�'i �URE 1� �Oi Q�If�'ORMA7'IOHi OP1LX AT THS '17M� OF OPBNING aln8. TM� Cl'T1f WII.L 111AIiB TH� TAWlL�►T10�1 �t0� TWB [1N1'1' lRI�CR$ MfD LUM! $[FM PRK.'f� HID. lF TNER� IS AN Bii�OR iN 'PHE Tdl'AL RY TN� �„ aT �iIALL � CIIAli1G�D A8 ONLY TN� U.NlT PRIC�S �11rD 1.UMP 9UlM� PR10E 9�#ALI. COVICR�1. 7'1� O'WA1RR R�CRYB�'�HIL �IGi�I' TD $BI.�CT MIY AL7��I'1ATB TI'BMS AND UR aF.dg(T Ai.�. �ib8 TE� T�Or[AL 1'R�ClL 8MU1.L !1� �LD dPl XCILMS SEL�C76D 87f � OWNBII TO CDPIS17lUCT TH� �t0►�SCC u ' �� �� 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � ..w�.. r•. . .� ... .... ........� ...«.....w. .w . ........ � r.......�..�.� ........ ...v.�.. . . . .. .� . .... . ..��. r ... . ���, OP ID: MFI �°�p� CERTIFICJ4"1'L O� L.i�IBlLITY INSURANCE �"�'"�'"""' ' �19 7N8 CER7TFICATE 1�9 188lIE!? A9 A IIArTE11 OP 111i0RMAtKlM OML1/ A110 tOMREA� 1!Q Ilf�fiTB W�pM 'TM� CEit'11�ICATE HOLOBR. TH19 CBA1iFICA'� D�B� NDT AFF�YAiN�I.r QR M6�A11MEi.Y A1�N61. RiLTGMO OR A4TFA TWE CQ'V6RJY�6e. AFFOIieB� �11 711� PCLIp�$ d�LC�W. 'Ph118 �1�111FICA'►C 01 IM�{IIAl1MCG bOEI! �bDT CONS7i7Y'!'1� A C4111R/1C7 �l7YY��11 THl� IS�NlM6 IM3111l�Rt$/� IWl?IOIi1ZHp ,R�11�MTA�IVIE OA P�100YCQ11. ANQ 711€ CEIltiF'�AiIE N�I.O�ER. aM�ca���r: fl !hn e�if{eal� h�r is � AOdlIG1lkAL qllibREf,11„ tlM peM��a) musl M�ndw��d. If StlBPIOLiAT10N IS WAA/EO. ■ub�.cr ro fM hrma and cem�[ons af Iha P�kY. ��� A�� ���rs an radrrx+w�aerf. A stat�w�anl an tlNs cartlN�eatr doag nst cenfar rlyhfs r4 fha oa1111�aH A�r (n Nau �f au�h a�riMra�Mfs1 � Ita� M�vanee, ine. liil 9�af� ��aid 3/ ww Por1 filalwr. F 34s5s l#pYii�r1� Q li�� A �f�� � VO�IYT CORS[PUCiion, (11C. WlNFBfl� 1/p�f 4/9C1 Ak 1� Stel! 101 . PaMa11 (�1'Qpr, FL �-141i 797-8i6-0930 s: V�DLLCON Cwnvrs Insu�anw Co. 1101 �G tCOV�RI�S C6RTFKATB �: fiEMSIDtI MLNYIB6R: T►NB 15 TO C�19TIFY TMA7 111E POLICIF.I OF NBIIqMIC� {,16YFp @ELOW HAW� BEiM 1�6UED TO 7ME MSUREO MA�M�O ABOVE f�GR TiE P01.1CV PfiRt00 INDICA'!'�q. M�TVW1H87ANWMti AMY I�OWIWEMEt1T. T�RM Oli CC111111'(10M OF AMV CCN7AACT OR OTMER POCUMEN7 Wf'fi1 RESPECT TO WMIGH THIS C�RTIFICATE MAY � IS�UBD ON AAAV pERTAMI, 7TIE MI$UWWC� Ai�'Q�CED dV TME rOL1C1E3 DE�CIi1BED MERE�1 1$ 9L1�J�'Gi TO All 7HL' 7ERM3. E%CL,U$i0N8 J�f CaM101Yfi9N9 OF �1CM POLICIE6. 4MAIT8 ��ON�/1M1� WAYE BEEN REaJCFD 6Y PAIb CLA�AB. ' �, t�r� oa �wCt �rwrs � i.+�Ae�mr s►rat oc�ou��c� � '1.000. A X ceu�wrercw. r�aa� �w�w.rrr 7198� OSA5117 �61a6.M 2 E...�,m. s 6p. p.,rw,�r�n,� a OCWW �a kYn oa. p..a.e s 5. aE�+� � �OV w.�/wY { 1.000. �v�.as����re s E.00n. CF.M6 /16�GAE�ATE LMR APPI.IEB PEW' �RtlDW �• C�MPRiP AGC 1 ��r GOLtCY � LOC IMp �A11. � �1 At/imMOaN.E6N9k11'Y . GOM191Mf�8p�LELp�117 ` . 1��. � x NiY Atlf C ��/� � /s/�/� $ �� �RddM) 9ppILY p4►dNV �rpwasl� S AI.L ovM�EO nfros �OtD14r MrJURr ��r �xiaw) i , BGED�XEDA4T08 PRQPEI@YV pAMA�6H p�r�aslldwt� i X MRdDNJTOB �as +�K MON-0LMI�AlJfOS : i WMppla.LwlN6 X oe4lii � EACMOGCLRIi�PK� i �.�. '� i710E0/LIAO a,y��µ�� �'� � AbC�fi£�ATE i �.�% ���� �„� DE1yUC%IBLE � X pET 10,000 i n� iwo a�.aV�' urauTv C p,Wrw�M ���c��e �❑ M/ A 7��07 07R7M � �7l27N 1 �.�. �+cn o�c�oewr t �. �. e.�. o�sE.�►�a,� � �,eoo. � . Nm a�awr�a+eeeiaw ex.o�ea�e-wxicr�urrr � 7.�. A �.� �ti • o sn1 �A1ant �OM Oi �PiaMllaNi ��OCAneMS�VlMCI� wC �b�W M �an � ao w�YS �ra�nce aF c,�c�w►� sx�"'e'�'r �e°pSa�r"� a�k�'�"c�wc�tu►noR°'F Y�� o� �� �e �v�+n� ucMrw6 aY�+aq suao-air.roe �ae bY. �T BRADQI7'Q1� FL , ' � acv�a as ��� � BAMKAME a�oul� ANV or rne �sovE ee�ptas�s ra��s se c_��! �o el+�at� u� ��nar� o�r� ��. Na�r�ci w�u � o��rv�re�o w � wm� TMs F*cxur rwow�awa � i � � ��, . • �ss�+�e �co�ro taRno�wrnN. w� .�nw ..s..Y�a- rn. �rcoAV �. a��e isg. ar� �M.�.rra n�anee er �ea�ao EMERGENCY CALL LIST �� � TO: Engineering; Police Communications; Traffic; Fire Department; Utilities Dispatch/Gas; Public Service/ Road & Drainage; Assistant Director Public Utilities; Public Utilities/Water; Public Utilities/Wastewater; Construction Praject Coordinator; Construction Inspector, �arks � I �1 ���J,�i'� ���a� Recreation Department Engineering CLEARWATER BEACH PIER b0 RESTROaM/ CONCESSION BUILDING REMODEL 08-0064-PR-C LOCATION: P�ER 60 CLEARWATER BEACH , FLORIDA The following Contractor has been avvarded the above project by the City Comm�ission action dated: THL7RSDAY JULY 21 2011 PROJECT IS TO BEGIN: 6 � �� b 1 CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS: NAME: VOELLER CUNSTRUCT�ON, INC. ADDRESS: 449Q .ALTERNATE 19, SU�TE 101 PALM HARBOR, FL�RIDA 34683 PHONE NO.: 727'-'185-91.98 FAX NO. 727-784-0387 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY - PLEASE NOTIFY: Please List 3 NAME: W�LL�RM �pEGL�� PH�NE N0.:7v� 7� l� ��f I�� NAME: 41'� � � h r� � � PHONENO.:�a7r � ����%� . �� �ri,c'� J t.U�it� .�`� NAME. �/ FHONE NO.: �a �" � ��� �7 � O TITLE: �� i� c��� TITLE: �/�� �� �'g�� � ���� � TITLE: `-' �pe r, � EMERGENCY TR.AFFIC MAINTENANCE PERSON NAME= �' � I'1. �''c� ����'�` � `� PHONE NO.: '�� 7� a7� �— �� Q� NOTE: IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING D�P�►,R'I;MENT & THE CLEARWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEN WORK COMMENCES AND WHEN STREET� ARE TO BE CL�SED TO TRAFF�C. TO: City of Clearwater ATTN: Public Warks Construction P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33758-4748 The follawing persor�nel are authorized by me to sign subznittals for CLEARWATER BEACH PIER 60 RESTROOM/ CONCESSION EUILDYNG REMODEL 08-0064-PR-C �--�� NAMES: u � ! �� COMPANY NAME: VOELLER CUNSTRUCTION, INC. SY: ( l,.L ! di'! '� DATE: a TITLE: P�S �^1'�