SANITARY SEWER (46) IllEGIBLE ORIGINAL - TO: FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: , F...1TY OF CLEARWATER _ ' Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet City Manager City Attorney City Clerk and City Engineer Agreement: Powell McWhirter and wife - Fairburn Subdivision 6/11/58 Attached are duplicate copies of an Agreement dated June 3, 1958, between Powell M6'Whirter and wife and the City, in connection with the City'S permission for him to make a sewer tap. The content of this Agreement has been appr~ved by the Engineer and the Commission has previously approved an agreement similar to this with a Mr. Thorsen on Druid Road. Mr.and Mrs. XcWhirter have signed the agreement and I have approved it. Please ask the appropriate City~ficials to sign both copies, after which one copy should be recorded by the Clerk and the other copy should be returned ~o mafor delivery to Mr. MCWhirter. City officials' signatures should be notarized and witnessed. I am sending a copy of this Agreement to the Engineer. If he finally approves it, he should notify the Building Inspector to allow Mr. McWhirter to tap on to the s~F.a ' . /7 ~.- 4- UL -c<," ) 1%;/1 L~ ~~~ .,/. ,- /,,;/';,/ .~ ,-- Att. V \~: /} cd ~7.a.:e.-o ~/~' , .' -t' {~/:~vt-1.."-'- .#-rr~~-"'" (r . _,_.__.._...M -----, . ., ,/1 / ,'!',' d ",.../' .I,(i~~""',...! '...., ' . . I ' ./:_.(.,,/1. . ..,.. .. ,4 ,/;) ( "'.....11 {'L, .) ( I 41~95?3A ~ .- I O,R, 369 PAGE218 /'7 I, 1/ /J~;'7 (77' A G R E E MEN T '~'..,JIi' t\I . C(:!C 0 ..Jo::; Lo.. Li.I .. :..J sa ou 0 (l)z ~ <;0 ..J(/) -fa:: w~ P'l Z..J 0:(; Cl . :j LLJ3IC ("-:l >- a:: 0:: ~ OLIJ ~~ a:: THIS AGREEMENT, Made this the 3rd day of June, . J, 1958, between POWELL McWHIRTER and LOUISE H. McWHIRTER,~-?,2,'-':>/ his wife, of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as OWNERS, and the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, herein- C:J~/t: after referred to as CITY: v' WHEREAS, Owners have fee simple title to the fol- lowing described real estate located in Pinellas County, Florida, on which there is constructed a building: Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Fairburn Subdivision. 7;~-/H' , ,/;J /,,' and, WHEREAS, said residence does not at this time have sanitary sewer service and in order to provide the same Owners have requested permission to tap the existing sewer main transmission line running along Engman Street in the vicinity of said property; and, WHEREAS, it is against City policy to aTIow trans- mission connections for building service directly to sewer transmission lines, and City is agreeable to allow- ing a temporary connection thereto under the terms and conditions hereinafter set out, to which Owners are also agreeable; In consideration thereof, it is mutually agreed and covenanted as follows: 1. Owners are hereby given theprivilege at their expense and upon payment of the required tapping fee in connection therewith of effecting a temporary connection to the existing Cfty sewer transmission line located on Engman Street in the vicinity of Owners' property. 2. In consideration thereof, Owners specifically waive any and all claims for damage or injury that XkKJ may hereafter arise by virtue of said connection to said sewer transmission line and Owners release City of any such claim or cause of action. 3. Owners specificaliy agree that at such time in the future as City may install a sewer collection system along Fairburn Street and ot!1.cr streets as sl-.all serve the above described property of Owners, that Owners will pay to City such proportionate part of the cost thereof as shall be assessed against said property provided only that such assessment shall be levied according to law. Owners specifically agree not to object to such assessment , \ ()(P-003 -corlf) .~ '. .' I I n.R. 369 PAGE219 project and to pay the cost of such assessment promptly upon the same having been duly and regularly made. 4. Owners further agree that upon such sewage col- lection system being installed, that they will at their expense disconnect from said sewer transmission li.ne and will connect to such sewage collection system, in which event the City agrees to waive any sewer connection fee relating to the connection to the sewage collection system to be installed. The parties hereto~specifically agree that the terms and.. condi tions of this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns and shall be binding upon the aforesaid property of Owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals in person and by and through proper officials. Witnesses: G~);;J~ Powell McWhirter /Y1ftJ~ ~ /3. ~~ ~ tl;~.~-l.. vtJ. 7h a uj~ Louise H. McWhirter, his wife Approved as to form and cor- rectness: CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, / Jh(~~ ".,----city Attorn . q~d;~/ it Clerk SEAL x:~~ tf), ~~'-~ 0-J~/~~\, . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS oiL I hereby certify that on this ~ day of June, 1958, before me personally appeared Jack Tallent, R. G. Whitehead, and Lewis Homer, respectively City Manager, City Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner of the City of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowled~ed the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of said Municipal Corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said agreement is the act and deed ~... ... .' I I O.R, 369 PAGE220 of said Oorporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clear- wa.t'er in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year above written. .. \:, i \ ,'I 'J" J't I';! i~ \\'~ "'" 1":'\,. '!ll \\\.\ . \ i'" . ......1 I (~ " ;1.1/ ~ .:,,\.\ ("0','" 4 .'~I: . h.',",,\ ".;." ;-:-::'":-c':'~'''.~'"..' r"'t"r_:'~;"ll-::;;; ; "::' , 0 '( A INtA~".Y P~!ic, State of Florida at Large : \. _..._My C;:mmE;sion Expires Dec. 27, 1961, : I~ B<eld~cj.Q~Arnerican Surety Co, ofN, '1... VjJ'l..t\ ,':t.~ .:,: i!4 'I \;111 '\r ,:;.' :~. <:.. _.. .~I!t "-, .j'''' '/". ~"'/'- . '!ll fti*, t,.\ ,,~ ~(II(I" r I.. a F t'~) 't., ..S\~> ~J.r,'.. ~(i.I1I~\\\~\~\ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS Witness "'''''''11'/ of Pinellas, ..,.,,\ v s C. ';'il.958,.. ..~' ':~"""".""~-:':' 'r',,, /' .::'" G j" A', " .~......::\.,', .: : \ . I I}" .. ~ ::~~ : ... ~.. -- I hereby certify, That on this day personally appear- ed before me, an officer, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, Powell McWhirter and Louise H. McWhirter, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who acknowledged before me that they exe- ctited the above Agreement freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed. my hand and official seal at Clearwater, County and State of Florida, this ~ day of June, :. .'.. r\ ." 1",-: <;'.: (' i_' f ," (j ,~~, t '. G .' ,I ~~ ~'. ,''','.',. l..,<.. ".. . ..... ......, :" <""'~'":' /':':".' .. , \,\ \\.... ./ ~ ..... ' II!"". . ::\""'''~ot~ry PU.blic;:. State of Florida at large ~O:r~lIsslon ~xpires March 25. 1962 e ,vlI''''mcan SUrety Co. of N. Y. ~ /3~~~ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large bO, n'" (. " -- ... . I 482687A I O.R. 376 PAGE561 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 3~ day of ~LlJOle.- , 1958, between POWELL McWHIRTER and LOUISE H. McWHIRTER, his wife, of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as OWNERS, and the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corpora- tion, hereinafter referred to as CITY: WHEREAS, owners have fee simple title to the following described real estate located in Pinellas County, Florida, on which there is constructed a building: LOT S I and 2, BLOCK II Cn, FAIRBURN SUBDIVISION, C- ~': ~ c:: ":' r- 0 0-: : - ,- f\;; J 'N , t.O f_, ..-.. ~ L.i- () 0 r 0 Tn ..., t2!' ;tJ r- ~ ;0; > and WHEREAS, said building does not at this time have sanitary sewer service and in order to provide the same owners have requested permission to tap the existing sewer main transmission line running along Engman Street in the Vicinity of said property: and, WHEREAS, it is against City policy to allow transmission con- nections for building service directly to sewer transmission lines, and City is agreeable to allowing a temporary connection thereto under the terms and conditions hereinafter set out, to which owners are also agreeable: In consideration thereof, it is mutually agreed and covenanted as follows: 1. owners are hereby given the privilege at their expense and upon payment of the required tapping fee in connection therewith of effecting a temporary connection to the existing City sewer trans- mission line located on Engman Street in the vicity of owners' property. 2. In consideration thereof, owners specifically waive any and all claims for damage or injury that may hereafter arise by virtue of said connection to said sewer transmission line and OWners release City of any such claim or cause of action. 3. owners specifically agree that at such time in the future as City may install a sewer collection system along Fairburn Street and other streets as shall serve the above described property of owners, that owners will pay to City such proportionate part of the cost thereof as shall be assessed against said property provided only that such assessment shall be levied according to law. owners specifically agree not to object to such assessment project and to pay the cost of such assessment promptly upon the same having been duly and regularly made. 4. owners further agree that upon such sewage collection system being installed, that they will at their expense disconnect (j .C/"l '7..,/,\ ,,of ~,Ii, ,,'.)"\ . .,,(:;? ", (,/;../ LA, C "1 1<~ ~ \0'." ~ I I O.R. 376 PAGE5B2 from said sewage collection system, in which event the City agrees to waive any sewer connection fee relating to the connection to the sewage collection system to be installed. The parties hereto specifically agree that the terms and con- ditions of this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns and shall be binding upon the aforesaid property of OWners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their and seals in person and by and through proper officials. Q~m hands Wit,nes~" ~ . Powell McWhirter ~"a~"" 9 '1 oll,iJ~) x ~(. ,tJ, '!!l1~<<J~ Louise H. McWhirter, his wife. Approved as to form and correctness: CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA BY:~~ ~ City Manager ~ ~i~~;'rney <~ ::'~ ~~~l~~ ':<', \.J : :~: Countersigned: .,.." ",/ .', j'"f~, "" ~~ .i/!://./ ~'f'//./ . <t-'.. ;;:t .. ~ " SEAt,." " .: " --~ :,~,;~,.,~~,_ft (:\,\ F n Jl (~V P ~~y' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) befor;~:r;~~s~~~i~~f;;::"~~ ;~i:. tit!., d:~ ~~ ~~n~9~:':'is Homer, respectively, ICi~y Manager, City Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner of the City of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorizedr and that the official seal of said Municipal Corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said ~ , . " I I.R. - 376 PAGE563 ::,'. ~ agr~exnent is the act and deed of said corporation. \,.\.\ut :':.~r'! :,1 {, ,,\.\:\~,'~ W~,~S my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the .:/<.eou~~y ,~~;:'fnellas and state of Florida, the day and year above Z "'. wr'1 tten. :, :::: ,! ,'-' . '; 1"" \ (o,.'~ ,\....! ~ ~:? ;, ,"~~ \. \ t: . ." \~ "', ~,' ... , ,- \, /~~... " ~\ /'. \ .", """'1".'0' Notary Public, State of Florida at Large. N olary Public, State of Florida at Large M~o Commissiofl Expires May 8, 1960 ndud by Amurican. fire & .,ICasualty. Co~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) I hereby certify, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer- duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, POWELL McWHIRTER and LOUISE H. McWHIRTER, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who acknowledged before me that they executed the above Agreement freely and voluntarily and for the purposes t,q~+;~!n expressed. _.;.:""'" ''"-. t:, ~!.' ; ,"'-;'. ':',< .,' \ \~ \;. 1.1, J, 1;_ :' ,,"", /'>J>'" wt~ess my hand and official seal at Clearwater, County of Pinellas, /~... ,Cl8cj,'S't~.t:Er'Qf Florida, this ~D~ day of Q\W'<'\e , 1958. '.\ .(;: .. ill -. ,..I- ')7 . ....i".., J.'~' ,.~, ~,,:" i.:lJl.\ ;;;::,. " /'''' g",\u:~P T(I )~CU\'l.) Notary Publi , state of Florida at Large. . ,'", ;1..... .:) \ ~"~.. , ~ ')' \ 'J "._" ."..., Notary Publk State of Florida at laftll Mv (',Fr" ..'....:.. ','-',itw'" ";" lQ, :q~~: