SIDEWALK WAIVER (2) ...."r_ or' ,,'6""""~ .-." C)\..t., ""C---.. l~~~\. ~Il':i-, \ I, co \ a'" .......'... ...' -.- t sC""2 ,....'.', <~ ~ r-: . cc..C..c. c:::i ~ ...f'f'\.--... :0-.. ~ ,,~:,:.- $.ti~ \.~"': ,- ... "C::S I~ - 7~T \:""" . ~-""''' E9.'/II" .,,.,,,,,,, I , C I T Y o F CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 3351 B October 12, 1987 rl ~n}. .#.'" r.., ',: ~. ,.., 'l~: City Manager Gc;\ J. '.-;',: \:)31 Mr. Paul H. Corace, Pioneer Development P. O. Box 4608 Clearwater, FL Vice President Group, Inc. ..T..'.j C.:..l.... ,-\\ -r='c~')~~~~~ {~_./ .\..J.,1-J,.}.. 34620 Reference: Homestead Oaks McMullen-Booth Road CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dear Mr. Corace: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Confirming discussions you have had with Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director, it is agreed that sidewalks will be installed on all streets within Homestead Oaks Subdivision and along Abbey Lake Road. However, since the sidewalk at McMullen-Booth Road would be destroyed by the widening project which the County will soon begin, your request for a waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted on that portion of the above-referenced property until the completion of the McMullen-Booth Road widening project. At that time, if the sidewalk has not been installed by the County and you are unable to produce evidence of your obligation being transferred contractually to the County, you will be required to install the sidewalk. If no sidewalk has been installed, each lot affected will require a separate sidewalk waiver prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, Very truly yours, ~ Kn?",cz-7L ~o~e~~.'R. McFate II Interim City Manager cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director Cynthia Goudeau. City Clerk Andrew Onufer, Building Director "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" ,D7 () L( ~ (1) ...-"- TO: FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: I , CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Asst. City Manager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director A. Onufer, Building Director Sidewalk Waiver: McMullen-Booth Road September 30, 1987 We have received a request from Pioneer Development Group for a waiver of sidewalks in connection with the Homestead Oaks Subdivision. We previously discussed this with the developer and have determined that the following will be appropriate. Sidewalks will be installed on all streets within the subdivision and along Abbey Lake Road. The sidewalk at McMullen-Booth Road would be destroyed by the widening project which the County will soon begin. It is my recommendation that a waiver be granted for that sidewalk. The developer has a contract with the County to put the sidewalk in as part of the construction project. The waiver should state that the sidewalk will be waived until completion of the McMullen-Booth widening project. At that time if the sidewalk has not been installed by the County and the developer can not produce evidence of his obligation being transferred contractually to the County, then the developer will be required to install the sidewalk. ~ KC/sn -.. " j ~/ (" ;c' /L_____ /. ~----- ~.,. ~ ~-' J,J I.~<. !' :..... -~ .t..... . /~l ---" . / -t ./' ~ .c....._. -, i..... ...-.-' ..! ~ I I f-~) , t - I ~, ' OHlce - 5770 Roosevelt Boulevo'o. Ciecrv.'oter. F~ 3352: - Mailing - PO Box 4602. Cie:J'''/o~er, F~ 3352Cl :: 1:.} ::' ~.: :.:;': t:3J,..., E eEl V E ~, -~~ '~ -" JU~J 16 1987 ,..' (" ~- - June 16, 1987 TRAFFJC ENGiNEERING Mr. Keith Crawford City of Clearwater Traffic Engineer P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33516 Re: Homestead oaks Dear Mr. Crawford: Per our recent discussions, \ole are requesting a requirement to build a sidewalk along McMullen connection with the development of Homestead Oaks. waiver Booth of the Road in I have enclosed a copy of a letter dated June 11, 1987, from Delfin Fernandez, Pinellas County Engineering Services. The third paragraph of his letter indicates that the County has accepted the responsibility to build the sidewalk in conjunction with their widening of McMullen Booth Road. As you know, that phase of the widening proj ect adj acent to Homestead Oaks is scheduled to begin I ate this year and I understand that this phase of the project will take 18 to 24 months to complete. I would appreciate your prompt response to this request for waiver. Sfj;j ~ Paul H. Corace Vice President PHC/sd cc Bob Maran Keith Appenzeller .. . ~ I RECEIVED "'" , l ',);"J7 ".... hi! 1...1.1 OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONE~S . , PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA COMMISSIONERS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES ENGINEERING, OPER"TIONS . SOLID W"STE - W"TER . SEWER 315 COURT STREET CLEARWATER. FLORIDA 33516 Phone: (813) 462,3251 GEORGE GREER, CHAIRMAN JOHN CHESNUT, JR VICE-CHAIRMAN CHARLES E RAINEY BARBARA SHEEN TODD BRUCE TYNDALL '0_- June 11, 1987 Mr. Paul Corace, Vice President Pioneer Development Group, Inc. 5770 Roosevelt Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 33520 Re: 'Homestead Oaks Driveway Permit #87-400-0 (4-29-16) Dear Mr. Corace: Please be advised that the approval of the referenced project driveway permit, dated June 5, 1987, was only for the work to be done in McMullen Booth Road, in accordance with the letter dated March 26, 1987, from you to Mr. Fred Marquis, Pine11as County Administrator, The construction of Abbey Lake Road and the connection of said road to Main Street requires a separate review which was not incorporated into the driveway permit issued on June 5, 1987. Therefore in accordance with this letter the permttissued on June 5, 1987, is only good for the construction in McMullen Booth Road, We will be forwarding to you, in the next few days, comments concerning the connection of Abbey Lake Road to Main Street. The construction of the 8-foot sidewalk on ~1cMullen Booth Road tQ be done by the County in lieu of this work done presently by the Pioneer Development Group, Inc, has been accepted oy this Department. However, a check for the amount of sidewalk construction to be done by the County will be required. This amount should be figured on a per-foot basis of the cost of the sidewalk construction by the contractor for the Pioneer Development Group. Should you have any additional questions concerning this matter, please call tnis office at 462-3251. DelfO Fernandez Engineering Services DF/b PINELLAS COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER