SIDEWALK WAIVER APPLICATION-REVIEW AND DENIAL r1- ,,:IF'l"""~"'" . ~ h OffHEt"::'. ;. .."...:;//";''':., . \ I.t:"~ ,.'~ r- '':.. .,\ j/n\ti';o(~\ ~ ~ _..._.....~~;{,.I'.' .'; .1. <. .~ .....~!I,ll::':I~ .. "l:..! :--.. ~ .t>.... f~~ '". ____ ' '-l \~ ~rIPtrl\ \",11 ~".I11 '[ 't\~ ",- .,-'.~/~...I,/,/Ji/ I c I T Y CI__EAR'rATER OF POST OFFICE eOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33516 CITV MANAGER April 10, 1986 Mr. Paul Gorney 850 Bay Esplanade Clear~ater, FL 33515 CERTIFIED MA.IL RETURNRECEIPTREQUESTE~ Reference: parts of Lots 1. 2. 3. 4 and Lot 41 Mandalay In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Or4inances of the City of Clearwater. I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installa- tion ~aiver. Dear Mr. Gorney: The above_referenced property does not meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code. paragraph Ce). because an existing sidewalk is located within 200 feet of the property. Therefore. I cannot grant a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement on the above- referenced property' and your request is _(lid;e, cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Edward V. Bethel. Building Department Director Keith Cra~ford, Traffic Engineering Director ~ynthia Goude~, City ClerK TrademarK Homes 12945 seminole Boulevard, Bldg. #1 Largo, Florida 33540 ., Equal Employment and A fIi,mat; ve A,,; an E mp lay"" " .....,:,_.,ioY~; '-"'-'1' --- .,- r. 'P'" --- -",~t,~~ I.' - P' I' ~, : ~;~ ,pi oor !:J I CITY 'OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet FROM: Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director TO: COPIES: Ed Bethel, Building Dept. Director SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver: 850 Bay Esplanade AfR 9 1001) DATE: April 9, 1986 I have reviewed the request fora Sidewalk Wa iver", at 850 Bay Esplanade on the site and found that it does not meet the requirements in the ordinance fOX"granting of a Sidewalk Waiver. This project is the second house north of (3ardenla Street and there is a sidewalk on the same side of Bay Esplanade south of Gardenia Street, a distance of 140'. Although there is not a sidewalk on either lot adjacent to this property, the Code requirement of 200' disqualifies this site for, a waiver. 1{~ Attachment (Original) ....,.-.-. I APPLICATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVER CITY OF CLEARWATER I Fee - $ ~5.00 Date Paid :3 J 1'1 ( ~ Receipt N:J. ~ n - ~ - / \..f I.... ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) 85'0 BAt E: S r>CA !'"^ p~ pAi1 ~ :, ,.."', / '. /....1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, o P L 01'"5 (I Z J "S I '-i Lf:J T '/1 Block, Subdivision) /'1A;.j ~ LA ( PHONE 7e c.f 0'3':':/ ~ 1 ~ 1 J OWNER' S NAME P A I.J C Ca 0 ~ ,..,j e 'J: ADDRESS g~D t..A.,:l.r CS'F-..'-.~) I\(UC REPRESENTATIVE (If any) (eAPt.::-/YIlk'K' I (o,41&- ~ ADDRESS 12 it./S SL~,,;'H fUO'-E: t1:L vD L-AC~ 0 l1(Dc,~ I REASO,N FOR REQUEST N 0 ~ ( .pC' l V f\(' t< S c..' X CSI .s T ON 1fl/S SID€.. OF ~1lc-~CT, 1 Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The Owner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of ifewalks. \ ,,' .$.l-- Representative 3/1'1/8& Date ( Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ day of --LfJQ4rC~ . " 19 ~(P. My Commission Expires: NotifY Public, State of Rorid. A4v '(Anlliuisll h,li,!s Na~. 19, 19&1 londed Thru Troy Fein -In.urane., 'nco .. .. ., -a, -.. ___.fAA ~ary p#i1 1910-62 Rev.6/83