ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE AND LESSORS CONSENT AND AGREEMENT -..... . r , J · . ..y"~- ,J tt ASSI~ OF ~SE AND LESSOR IS CONSENT AND AG&p:MENT IN CORSIDiBATlOI of.~ Beak of Clearwater (hereinafter referred to a8 .....It) ~ a loaD in the 81DOUnt of Twenty Thousand ($20.000) Dollara .... 'to 1.....' ehe Bank to disbur8e said amount to PDW1~'. ntMlCI. DIG. ... CLlAaWATIR. FAST FOODS, IRe.. fOl1D8x-ly kDawD .. 811C1fft.M18.._... :rlor1~Gorporat1ons, the und...:l.pllIdLa"~.ra .. be"".r_. COIWeyf .,...-an aDd .et. .__.~ to .....' 1C.>a1GGe8.... aad 8s.1..... all of tbelr right, title .. 1ntereacta.8Dd 811 -1:$881.. aIlCI addlt1.oul leases which. 11II7 be __tad On, the prem1_deHr1bed hereafter as fol1owal Thoae .certai. h'..C. of 18.. property of the Atlantic eoa.. Lt.. ....tt'jH GoapIlDy, at Cle.rtfatel:'. PUae1las eou.,., "ion.... ....ch are leased te. P1nal1.. Produce, Ine. aad . Cl.....~_'.. Foods, Inc. J forraerly l<D.ow:n as Saowf'lakU. x-. \IDdU' i...~ures dated .1une 7. 1966 aDd December '20, 196"114 .8\lPP11. ~r:~.l ~p'..lII8Iit. . dated the 9th clay .of Nova>er, 1966..._.... ~~r1y deaat'Mcl there1B. %0 HAVI .Ale M .... ehe ...frOBl the 4at:e hereof during the te~ of ..id 1..... "j~ 1:0 the tq11_.. t.... aad coadit1OD8: 1. The X..........l1 at 811t~ hold tile.... tte aue- e...or. aD4 ..~; ""ml... Ir_.ay IU9h obl1pJ:1G1l8 a. from say and 811 11abUlty Whtch ~...t .. dome .riM ,1r_ said 1e.M, 2. te..-:.:r Chat tRey aha11 sot have the power to and _,.1 GOt . '. ... 0Ir t~uce eM .bov. ....-ibed 1..... without tba pno.rwiteea c.-__ of. thabnk. 3. Iu t~ .___ Of .. 4efeult; 00. dHt part of the l.8.8es on the .ce tt~ thlr,,, .. .. ut_u. ... r....l t:behOt, or any other ob1t..UOIl or .p'8"PD81\t .... in coaaec~i_ witb the afor...iel 10Ma.1aak. 'Without notice. uy.. 8I1ter1tltO and take po....81. of ..:I..l~ pl:"'" for &he. 'puqtoae of carry.f.ns on 18....a' operoj_f tMl'tlUDCler. 4. ..... "'11~. except In the ..... that it take. pOI" . ..8100 of ..10'1....... praai... for ..datt purpose of ..n-y1ng on lA...... busi.... .....tion. b8..... any oI>11pt:l.OIl at any time to perf__ .. of .. ebllptlOM aDd cIutLes of t:be lA..... and aball BOt ~ bou.1iW. by Sa.J of ta.. t_. c~tiQD8. prov1a1.0Il8 and COV-.aDU wbiol'l..,. be bl"'aaup01'l tbet...eea under the SDove cieeoribed 1.....' " ".' s. 'Ibi.,..........:. ...l.~.~~rt~~aMl i....... .ffeet until pj;...t ~!ii'liIIl "Ottli.__.- ~o B_. 01' fty ... extension or r..-l t....eof. 9W\Pltll t. ~rat1oa ....of the ~.:, ,,,...~;. -. ~:~ LAW OFFICES BAKER8c BAKER 109 SMOYER BUII,DING CLEARWATER, FLotIlDA 05-00%..CO (~) - .~"",; . c .1 I · 0- .: ~';, ,"" V" af....". 1.....*eh ever t.....liM:. _..~.nl.. ..... alai- !(~ J~ of ~....,. 1967. '''rl_ ...vca, .118. If. (2~. ~/.~~L~c I!-; ,..~ (Ie.... L lotioh) .....~ fZ_. ~) a .. . "11'- A. Bodiah) W1..... 4..-~. ..,....<.kJ..~~... .,.- ., . , "", - ~ I . .' ~...~ k-. ~~~~y ." "~~'L:~T 1_" iii J.. ...... .. . ,MIl..... Dmi:.".__ly kMwa .. ......., IIC. ~ ~.)~ .~ . . ~ .. . ~~.~- //7 . --d.~ *11.r ,,_'~ ,.' I,~. ,f... 1. 1_.., '.,"" ' L "'i4~ (It*-J' 'I. 1eUCJh) ~"" ~.~-4~-<;'-'.'" . ..1 ...7~.....")d~ck .... -..... (.l~j~~) A. ~ e~ l ~.- ~' ~~' ~.... t:../ "/ .~.L-(........ _~'f' '2/~ '. .. (71& r.. ' , ,_ IDB . ..... ) ccalY ,.~~~. ) &.;-.. ......." the~ c~~ ~'. ~~- j . ' .' .' ..... .. .. '.' ~.,.,.,a...-...'.. /..(;.~~.- ..~~."o!_ Ial-'. J.. .. ....... to be the ' . __:......,~1ve17. 0' r~AS ,.... _.J......~- ......- ... .. ex1~1a& UDder tU 1.. d tM....,c'l.ua.... ..aucb of&.... eII8CUhd the f........ _....__, t"-_ ,.....u, .,..... Mf... .. ... ..~"............., ....,... the _ f_ .. enl:MtUlf of .... ~..:...' tlMac ... ....u...t :L. t_ ace_ .... of ....d ~~ _1 ~ ~~'.t=~g~i!:." .;-s.... offtcU1 , ....... l~~~- , .~.. .suc_ 0l71.. ., c.itP..... ~_' Kiotary ?u~.~:c, St~~'2 c: :-:t~rt~J t'lt Litr~~ ~\~y Cc.r;:r~i~~::~~,; E;C:::lf'~:; .<~.'-:r;. :-"), 19,~g ,Sanded by Tf,:r::';:"i,;;;('C~ lnsur..nce Co. ...>~ . I I . .- ,,- IU1B.~ ) eouwt. or PI.tel.AI ) x 1Mc_, '~.... .'.. .*'. ,Ufo .~;;;~';~7V /7; (.,/--4.)--'~-. ~:L'.<~~, ~,- .,~ r~<_~~,f loco" Lll ~ := ~_t1!j~~~:":l~. Ct~':;: ;:.;- J-0CINl. DIC..) fw~l,. ~.. ..........DC... . cOJrpOJrect_ cwa81d.-.l ... .. ~ ...... the l.,.ol the kace .f non. .. .. .... o.ff~ ,-...atM &he f...~ ~. tbla ..,. ,.....11' ........ Won . aDd ...wleda- tbat ..,. ~ the _ f. ...._ .....1' of ..t. ~.~l_ ad ea...1. 1nHZ'H~riRt 'e eM Me aDd .... of Nt. ......U-. la .~ -"-!, I ~__ ......0 .. .., land end off~.lal ~..... 4"~II"" of Jaaufty. 1967. / .~.-. ...'/ / , . . . ').. C ....'" -' /- . .. ..... . . <;:. _~~~-<~1i~~-<-(:-<"-:-.' < "" ~ I ~ ..1........... ~o:r:~} ~;u;~:;~, S't~,!C ef FI~,'L._d (~;_ ;.. - rg~ y Cc.. tll1,s.,ron l:,Xpires Aug_ 29, 1969 Bonded by Transamerica Insurance Co. " ~ ". LAW OFFICES BAKER & BAKER 109 SMOYER BUILDING CLEARVVA!!~, FLORIDA