COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - ANNUAL REPORT FY 2008-2009community redevelopment agency
Prepared for:
Pinellas County Board of Commissioners
March 2010
Prepared by:
ERA Staff/ Economic Developments Housing Department
Annual ReDorf
FY 2008-2009
_° Clearwater
A. Introduction
The Florida Community Redevelopment Act of 1969 (Florida Statutes: Title
XI, Chapter 163, Part 111) provides a vehicle for local communities to form a
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and create a Redevelopment Trust
Fund through Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for financing improvements within a
target area. The City of Clearwater established its CRA in FY 81-82. The CRA was
expanded in 2004 and a new redevelopment plan was approved in February 2004.
Pursuant to Chapter 163.356(3)(c) of the Florida Statutes, a progress report of the
year's redevelopment activities, including a complete financial statement of assets,
liabilities, income and expenses, is due March 31 of each year. This annual report
briefly summarizes the redevelopment activities conducted by the CRA in FY 08-09
and includes the year's financial statements.
In FY 08-09, the CRA concentrated on the completion of Station Square Park and
the planning of the Cleveland Street Streetscape Phase 11 project. The Downtown
Manager continued to spearhead retail recruitment efforts and oversaw the creation
of a district website. The first year of the East Gateway District Five-Year Action
Program was completed and an Annual Progress Report highlighting progress
and accomplishments was completed. The East Gateway Fagade Improvement
Program was initiated. A review of Downtown parking was completed and a
Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) was issued, with no restrictions to
residential development, on the Clearwater Automotive Salvage Yard site.
The CRA worked closely with developers, the DDB, property owners, the
Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce, and other stakeholders to coordinate
projects that impact Downtown and spur catalytic development within the CRA
district. The CRA's budget for FY 08-09 was $2,210,110.
B. New Activity
Rule LLP (Bellini's Casanova Restaurant] Development Agreement
On June 1, 2009, a Development Agreement was approved between the CRA and
Rule LLP concerning Bellini's Casanova Restaurant located on Cleveland Street.
The project is a full renovation and expansion of the existing structure to create a
full-service, 5,835 square foot fine dining restaurant with valet parking and outdoor
dining. This project is the second phase of a planned, coordinated redevelopment
of the block, with the first phase including Cafe Supreme and Avis Rent-a-Car.
The Development Agreement outlines the general terms and incentives for this
project. The CRA is assisting with a five-year forgivable loan, with 20% forgiven per
year as long as the property continues to be used as a full-service, white tablecloth
restaurant. If it ceases to be so operated during the five-year period, the owner
would have to reimburse the CRA for the outstanding balance.
The CRA has also agreed to reimburse $85,000 for restaurant build-out and/or
permanent fixtures; $43,500 for utility undergrounding across Myrtle Avenue and
the Site, by Progress Energy/Verizon/Developer, as a site redevelopment preparation
cost; $15,000 for fagade improvements; $3,500 for building permit fees; and $3,000
for an outdoor furniture grant.
The CRA allocated $150,000 from its Redevelopment line item.
Royalty Theatre/Capitol Theatre
Built in 1921, the Capitol Theatre has enjoyed enormous popularity as a vaudeville
and opera house. The theatre's classic structure, complete with a large mezzanine
and furnishings reminiscent of a Hollywood theatre, is one of the oldest operating
theatres in the state of Florida. For decades, many of the country's biggest stars
graced the stage including Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Clark Gable. In the
1940's, the theatre hosted Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bob Hope and Sammy Davis,
Jr. By the 1950's, the theatre had become one of Americas premier movie palaces,
but continued to be a favorite venue for many world-renowned performers. In the
1960's and 1970's, concerts by Elvis Presley and Liza Minnelli helped further the
theatre's reputation as a great "little opera house" The musical heritage continued as
dozens of classic theatrical productions were presented over the next two decades.
The theatre will be a small, but modern hub, for performing arts venues where film,
live performances, jazz, classical and pop entertainment are performed on a smaller
scale, but similar to the type of performances scheduled at Ruth Eckerd Hall.
The City of Clearwater purchased the property as a public service performing
arts center. The City, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, recently
joined forces through a License Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding
with Ruth Eckerd Hall, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation to occupy, renovate,
and revitalize the historic theatre. The theatre property is located in the core of
Clearwater's Downtown District located at 401 and 403 Cleveland Street. This
project is part of an overall plan to reenergize downtown Clearwater and expand
programming for Ruth Eckerd Hall.
Bellini's Casanova Restaurant Rendering
Ruth Eckerd Hall, Inc. applied for sponsorship under the Enterprise Zone
Community Contribution Tax Credit Program (CCTCP) pursuant to Florida
Statutes sections 220.03, 220.183 (2)(c) and Rule 12C-1.0188 Florida Administrative
Code. To become an eligible sponsor, a resolution from the local government was
required. The Capitol Theatre is located within the City of Clearwater Enterprise
Zone 5202 as established by Resolution 98-28 on Aug. 20, 1998. On Jan. 1, 2006,
this area was re-designated an Enterprise Zone by Resolution 05-46, dated Nov 16,
2005 and will be in effect until Dec. 31, 2015.
The CCTCP allows any business in Florida to receive a 50% credit on their Florida
corporate income tax, insurance premium tax or sales tax refund for donations
made to local community development projects. Donations must be made to an
eligible sponsor conducting an approved community development project. A
business may receive no more than $200,000 in community contribution tax credits
annually. Once the donation has been approved by the Office of Tourism, Trade and
Economic Development, a copy of the approval letter must be submitted with the
state tax return.
The qualifying proposed project for this sponsorship is to seek in-kind, service, and
cash contributions towards restoration, renovation, programming and operation of
the Capitol Theatre.
The City adopted Resolution 09-36 at their Sept. 28, 2009 Council meeting and
certified that Ruth Eckerd Hall,
Inc. is consistent with local
plans and regulations including
comprehensive plans for the
Capitol Theatre proposed
project and that Ruth Eckerd
Hall, Inc. qualifies under the
State's CCTCP for public
resources and facilities affiliated
with economic/community
development efforts.
The CRA committed
$1,000,000 over two years for
the historic renovation of the
theatre. Funds will be allocated
beginning in FY 11-12.
Capitol Theatre
Parking Agreement with Baldwin Connelly Group, LLC
In Jan. 2008, three highly respected and locally-based insurance agencies joined forces
to expand services available to their clients and to provide growth opportunities for
their colleagues. The combined agencies currently have seven offices. The companies
combined their four Pinellas County offices and located to Downtown Clearwater.
The company brought 55 jobs with an average wage of $56,500.
Baldwin Connelly is leasing space at the Bank of America building located at 600
Cleveland Street. Unfortunately, the Bank of America office building does not have
enough parking spaces to accommodate all the employees in the company. Baldwin
Connelly requested economic assistance from the CRA for additional parking
spaces needed for their employees. On Feb. 17, 2009, the CRA approved a grant to
pay the cost of 30 parking spaces in the Garden Avenue Garage for 36 months.
The CRA allocated $48,600 from its Economic Development Incentive line item.
East Gateway District Five-Year Action Program
The CRA concluded the first year of the East Gateway District Five-Year Action
Program in May 2009 and prepared the East Gateway District Annual Progress
Report highlighting progress and accomplishments to include:
• Regular and productive meetings of the East Gateway Task Force for
collaboration on neighborhood issues and opportunities
• Expanded community policing unit that is improving safety and security in the
neighborhood and building public trust
• Organization of the East Gateway Stakeholder Advisory Group and East
Gateway Business & Neighbors Association, providing greater opportunity for
community engagement and grassroots problem solving
• Planning and orchestration
of two community
celebrations: Sunday
Ciclovia street festival and
Ice Cream Social
• Improving the appearance
of the neighborhood by
addressing littering and
code violations
The report drew attention
to negative neighborhood
indicators, (declining
property values and
homeownership rate), and
listed implementation activities
planned for FY 09-10.
East Gateway Ice Cream Social
The CRA allocated $133,644 to fund a variety of activities including community
policing, multicultural events, advertising and supplies for public outreach
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Community Engagement
Community engagement and empowerment blossomed in the East Gateway
District with an active first year of stakeholder meetings and projects. The East
Gateway Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) met bi-monthly to provide guidance
on Action Program implementation (SAG meeting agenda and summaries are
posted at Recognizing the need for a
more defined redevelopment vision for the district, the SAG proposed a robust
community visioning and planning process that gained traction during the final
months of FY 08-09.
The East Gateway Business &
Neighbors Association, a grassroots
organization, met monthly in
partnership with the CRA and City
staff. The partnership resulted in
two neighborhood crime walks,
a neighborhood crime watch
organization, code violation
reporting training, hands-on
participation in two city-sponsored
community events, a neighborhood
bake sale, and identification of
sidewalk projects.
The CRA initiative to stabilize the
East Gateway District employs East Gateway B.N.A.
community events as opportunities
for community-building among area residents and businesses, many of which are
Hispanic. To this end, two events "Sunday Ciclovia" and East Gateway Ice Cream
Social were held to bring people together in a festive social environment with a
get involved message. As a street event, Sunday Ciclovia had the added benefit of
involving and promoting East Gateway businesses, which are an integral part to
neighborhood advancement. Sunday Ciclovia was publicized in a case study by the
Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center. The Ice Cream Social featured Mexican ice
cream made by an East Gateway business.
CRA staff was involved with other community partners in the establishment of the
Hispanic Business Council of the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Two events held focused on strengthening local Hispanic businesses.
East Gateway Community Policing Innovation
Community concerns regarding illegal drug activity, prostitution, and street crimes
in the CRA continue to be addressed through a CRA/Police Department interlocal
agreement that provides for increased police presence. The agreement enables two
additional police officers to patrol the East Gateway District, particularly during
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peak crime periods and at peak crime locations. The CRA approved the interlocal
agreement on Aug. 18, 2008. The term of the agreement was from Oct. 1, 2008
through Sept. 30, 2009.
The CRA allocated $134,023.46 from its East Gateway Project line.
East Gateway District Facade and Building Lot Improvement Program
In March 2009, the East Gateway District Facade & Building Lot Improvement
Program was approved. The program provides incentives for private reinvestment
within aging commercial corridors in the District. Program objectives are to:
1) stabilize existing businesses and stimulate new business activity by improving
the overall visual quality of existing buildings; 2) improve the view from the street
by focusing on improvements most visible to customers, neighboring merchants
and residents, and pass-by traffic; 3) establish a positive neighborhood image and a
"sense of place" that are vital to the economic revitalization of the area; 4) promote
green building and Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)
techniques applicable to building facade and site design; and 5) leverage City funds
for neighborhood revitalization and economic development by encouraging private
investment in facade and building lot improvements.
Design services up to $5,000 and construction funding up to $35,000 are available
to eligible commercial property owners. Funding for design services up to
$20,000 is allocated from the CRA East Gateway line item. A total of $180,000
in U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds is allocated for project construction. In
this reporting period, five program applications were accepted and two loan-to-
grant commitments were issued by the CRA.
East Gateway Downtown/Beach Gateway Intersection Improvements
The community continued to express concern about decreased traffic volumes and
business activity in the East Gateway associated with the relocation of SR 60 and
Gulf to Bay Boulevard. In an effort to mitigate this condition and address the lack
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of pedestrian walkways in this intersection, an attention grabbing entryway feature
at the intersection of Gulf to Bay Boulevard, Highland Avenue and Court Street is
proposed. The gateway feature intersection improvements would cue motorists,
pedestrians and cyclists that something special lays ahead. The gateway feature
intersection improvements would maximize views and vistas into the district from
SR 60, reinforce community identity, create beauty and increase safety at this large-
scale, five-legged intersection.
Preliminary design concepts of the project were prepared by the City and presented
to the East Gateway Stakeholder Advisory Group and East Gateway Business &
Neighbors Association for feedback. The community remains highly supportive of
the project.
The City Council allocated $1,000,000 in Penny for Pinellas II funds.
East Gateway Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA]
A Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy (NRS) was developed under the Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program that encouraged the coordination of resources to facilitate neighborhood
revitalization. A NRS was approved for the East Gateway District and a NRS area
was established in the District. With this designation, the City is able to offer more
intensive economic assistance for addressing the community's most pressing needs.
The East Gateway NRS is consistent with the East Gateway Five-Year Action
Program. During development of the East Gateway NRS, input from residents,
property owners, business interests, social services agencies and community groups
was solicited to fulfill HUD and the Action Program directives. The East Gateway
NRS was presented to the East Gateway Business and Neighbors Association, the
East Gateway Stakeholder Advisory Group and the Clearwater Neighborhood
Coalition in Dec. and Jan. of 2009. The Neighborhood and Affordable Housing
Advisory Board recommended approval of the East Gateway NRS in Feb. 2009 and
the CRA approved the NRS on March 2, 2009.
Country Club Townhomes
To increase the supply of owner-occupied, workforce-housing units in the East
Gateway District, the City provided a $700,000 loan through CDBG funds for the
purchase of property for a 36-unit townhouse project located at Drew Street and N.
Betty Lane.
The loan term is three-percent interest rate on the outstanding principal balance with
deferred payment of principal and interest for five years. If the developer failed to
reach certain timelines for site plan submittal and construction the Developer agreed,
upon written demand by the City, to convey the property to the City by Special
Warranty Deed in lieu of foreclosure. Given the current economic conditions and
the state of the housing market, the Developer was unable to meet the agreed upon
timelines and requested an extension.
Economic Development and Housing staff recommended a mortgage modification
to extend the timeframes for an additional five years. This extension will allow the
Developer time to complete the site plan approval, construct, and sell the affordable
townhomes in the East Gateway District.
It is anticipated the City Council will approve the loan modification in Dec. 2009.
Review and Update of 2002 Downtown Parking Study
In 2002, a detailed Clearwater Downtown Parking Needs Assessment and
Feasibility Study was completed. At that time, the 2002 findings suggested the
current available parking capacity during normal weekday conditions meets or
exceeds demand with the exception of one defined area and during special events at
Coachman Park.
Since completion of that assessment, 1) the CRA in 2008 adopted and is in the
process of implementing the recommendations of the Cleveland Street District
Retail Strategy, which projects increased retail/restaurant occupancies and use over
a 2, 5 and 10 year time horizon; 2) the City Council entered into a joint venture
with Ruth Eckerd Hall to acquire, renovate and re-open the Capitol Theater as a
665 seat performing arts venue; 3) the City Council has expressed their intent to
close, demolish and remove the surface parking at the Harborview Center in the
immediate future; 4) Temporary surface parking on the so-called "super block" is
likely to disappear as the economy improves and landowners again contemplate
redevelopment opportunities; and, 5) CRA/ED staff have increasingly focused on
recruitment of new tenants into Downtown office properties, thus reducing vacancy
rates and impacting parking capacity.
In light of these changes, all of which hold the potential of impacting the Downtown
parking system, the CRA and Parking staff felt an updated capacity analysis was
timely. The subject review was commissioned to evaluate the impact on the existing
parking system for 2, 5 & 10 year projections from the proposed Cleveland Street
District restaurant/retail strategy, future office space demand, the Royalty Theater
demand and office space occupancy impacts. The City's parking consultant, Haahs
and Associates, conducted the analysis in conjunction with staff from Parking and
Economic Development.
The Study suggests that the current
parking system can support the
anticipated future growth over
the 10-year study period of retail/
restaurant, theater and entertainment
categories during typical weekdays
and weekends.
The exception is in the office category,
where building parking limits and
competitive tenant recruitment
pressures on parking supply in the
immediate area surrounding the
"cluster" of offices near Cleveland
Street and Garden Avenue. In the
short term (over the next 5 years),
the City/CRA will need to continue
to provide incentives for additional Additional Parking Signs
parking spaces to meet demand as the buildings approach full occupancy
as currently provided under the parking assistance program by Economic
Development. Over the long-term (next 10 years), the study concludes that if full
occupancy of the office buildings is reached, there is a deficit of parking spaces to
meet the office demand.
It is also expected that availability in all categories would continue to be impacted
by large events at Coachman Park, but would remain manageable using ancillary
parking strategies already in place.
Additional directional/wayfinding signage was recommended and completed,
as well as implementation of an "ambassador" program to assist with parking
management during large demand periods in the future. An initiative to obtain
public use of private lots was also recommended as a cost effective means of
expanding availability.
Finally, the study did not consider the parking demand likely to be generated by
an Intermodal Beach Rapid Transit (BRT) initiative under consideration for the
Downtown. A parking component associated with such a center by definition requires
a directly proximate mode shift capability and would need to be serviced by its own
parking, not by dispersed lots competing with other use categories.
Economic Development allocated $15,010 and the Parking System allocated $790 from its
Professional Services line item.
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Authorize Issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) -
Parcel Bounded By Chestnut Street and Prospect Avenue
The City has received numerous inquiries over the years regarding the city-owned
parcels on Court Street and Prospect Avenue. The adjacent, privately-owned site at
915 Court Street, a former Texaco station, is under environmental remediation and
monitoring. Because of the environmental concerns, it has been the City's preference
to wait until the site was "clean" before pursuing any development options for the site.
However, staff has indicated to interested parties that should a desirable development
proposal for the City site come forward before the scheduled remediation is
completed, the City would consider disposition of the City-owned property.
Given the strategic location of the site where Court and Chestnut Streets merge,
this site is an ideal location for redevelopment because of its "Gateway" to the
Downtown Core and Clearwater Beach. With interest in the development of the
parcel, the CRA approved the issuance of a RFP at their Sept. 28, 2009 meeting.
C. Multi-year Projects 1i Commitments
Station Square Park Construction
The Station Square Park project
was initially part of the Cleveland
Street Streetscape Project Phase
I, but was removed from the
project due to budget constraints
and increased construction costs
at the time.
In the interim, the site was
used as a staging area for the
Station Square Condominiums
project located on the adjacent
property to the east. In March
2006, Station Square Park
demolition began with the Station Square Park Ribbon Gutting
removal of tables, seating and
trees deemed substandard by the City's Arborist. Two Station Square Park food vendors
were relocated to the western edge of the park and Biltmore Construction fenced in
the staging area. In early June 2008, Station Square Condominiums no longer required
the park site for construction staging and cleared the site of all their equipment and
The City advertised the plans
for Station Square Park and
received several bids. Angle &
Schmid, Inc. was selected as the
preferred contractor and the
CRA approved the selection at
their June 16, 2008 meeting.
The parks features include a
stage, moveable furniture, a
clock, new pavers and water
fountain. The park was
completed and a Ribbon Cutting
Ceremony held on
Feb. 26, 2009.
Station Square Park Entrance & Signs
Two signs, one with the parks rules and one that describes the site as the location of the
City's first train station, were installed at the entryway of the park.
The CRA allocated $800,000 from its Capital Improvement/Station Square line item.
The Clearwater Historical Society donated the sign describing the parks history.
treetscape Phase II Concept
Phase II is the next phase of the streetscape program that was developed by
Bellomo-Herbert and Company in Aug. 2002. With the development of The
Strand at Clearwater Centre, the Development Agreement with IMR/CGI, and
the availability of the Prospect Lake Redevelopment Site, Phase 11 of the Cleveland
Street Streetscape project is a critical infrastructure project that will continue to
encourage and facilitate the City and CRAS redevelopment goals.
The conceptual plan for Phase II contains the look and feel of the first phase of the
Cleveland Street Streetscape, but with a less intense, and therefore less expensive,
treatment. The features will include earthwork, grading, paving, underground
utilities, lighting, site furnishings, mast arms, and public art. The CRA approved
the conceptual plan at their Nov 3, 2008 meeting. Construction drawings are
underway with a request for bids anticipated for mid-2010.
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Cleveland Streetscape - Phase II
The CRA has allocated $1,574,000 from its Downtown Streetscape line item and will
allocate an additional $1,622,925 as the funds become available over the next one to
two fiscal years to assist in funding this project.
Downtown Boat Slips
The DDB and the CRA,
recognizing the economic
impact that boat slips would
bring to Clearwater, agreed
to contribute a total of $2
million (CRAB commitment
of $1.5 million and DDB's
commitment of $500,000),
over a ten year period, to
fund the capital expenses
necessary for construction and
maintenance of 126 boats slips,
docks, boardwalk, promenade
and related facilities on the
downtown waterfront near
Coachman Park.
Downtown Boat Slips Rendering
On March 13, 2007, Clearwater residents approved, by referendum, the boat slips
project. A RFP was released on Dec. 19, 2007 for design build services. On Feb. 8, 2008
bids were received, and on April 17, 2008 the City Council approved Misener Marine
Construction, Inc. as the preferred contractor. A Notice to Proceed was issued on May
23, 2008.
The environmental portion of the project was completed on June 30, 2009. A
Notice to Proceed was issued for the seawall on Aug. 3, 2009. The anticipated
project completion date is spring 2010.
Cleveland Street and Prospect Lake Park Site
On Feb. 19, 2008, a Development Agreement
was approved with Miles Development Partners
for the purchase and development of 200-249
residential multi-family dwelling units and up to
16,000 square feet of retail space. However, due to
the current market and economic circumstances,
Miles Development terminated the Development
Agreement with the CRA effective July 24, 2008.
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The CRA continues to discuss with interested parties
the goals for the site. The CRA will release a RFP
when market conditions improve.
Cleveland Street and Prospect Lake Park
Cleveland Street and Prospect Lake Park Site (Brownfields]
On March 7, 2002, the City Commission approved an interlocal agreement between
the City and the CRA regarding the Brownfields site initially known as Dimmitt
Chevrolet Property B to facilitate the proposed redevelopment of the site. The City
committed to certain environmental remediation on the property pursuant to the
Brownfields Site Rehabilitation Agreement (BSRA) entered into between the City
and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) on July 26, 2001. The
City completed the environmental remediation of the property in Aug. 2004.
In June 2004, FDEP approved a Groundwater Monitoring Plan (MOP). Wells were
installed and groundwater monitoring continued until four quarterly monitoring
events showed that Residential Groundwater Cleanup Target levels (GCTLs) were
On Aug. 15, 2005, the CRA accepted title to a 2,317.46-square-foot portion of the
former south half right-of-way of Park Street, vacated by the City on Aug. 4, 2005.
The City requested a letter from the FDEP confirming that the City had completed
rehabilitation of contaminated soils at the site and would address the site's remaining
groundwater contamination through an approved plan for natural attenuation with
monitoring. A memo dated May 25, 2005 stated that the FDEP Department Office
of Counsel had the Restrictive Covenant Agreement for groundwater under review.
However, the timeframe to obtain this document from FDEP involved many months
and involved the City's legal counsel. A Restrictive Covenant agreement was approved
by FDEP on Aug. 29, 2006 to prevent the use of groundwater at the site, to reduce or
eliminate the risk of exposure of the contaminants to the environment and to users
or occupants of the property, and to reduce or eliminate the threat of migration of the
contaminants. The City received the Comfort Letter on Sept. 6, 2006.
In Oct. 2008, a Groundwater Monitoring Report was submitted to FDEP that
presented the findings of groundwater monitoring for the first half of the first
year. The report included site background, a description of field activities, and an
evaluation of the data, conclusions and recommendations.
In Sept. 2009, monitoring activities were completed and indicated that soil and
groundwater contaminant concentrations were below the applicable Soil Cleanup
Target Levels and Maximum Concentration Limits or Groundwater Cleanup Target
Levels as adopted in Chapter 62-777, F.A.C., effective April 17, 2005. Therefore,
site rehabilitation requirements have been satisfied from any further obligations.
A request for a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO), without conditions,
was sent to FDEP Southwest District in Sept. 2009.
Clearwater Automotive Salvage Yard
Long an impediment to the future redevelopment around the Prospect Lake area,
an automotive junkyard was acquired by the City in Oct. 2003 through an exchange
of real property between the City and Clearwater Mall, LLC. The land value of the
exchange was $1.2 million. This exchange contract resulted in a remnant parcel
(Miller Property) that the CRA acquired, with a $48,000 loan from the DDB,
which consolidates the block into a potential redevelopment site. Given the prior
uses of the site as a foundry and an automotive scrap yard, the City hired Tampa
Bay Engineering (TBE) to assist with site demolition, environmental assessment
and remediation activities. TBE prepared the approved Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP) Brownfields Site Rehabilitation Agreement
In order to prepare the site for an official groundbreaking and cleanup, a fence was
installed and the property was cleared of vegetation. A Groundbreaking Demolition
Party was held March 1, 2006 celebrating the beginning of a new face for this
downtown eyesore. In attendance were residents, businesses, city, state, county and
federal government officials. The program covered the importance of Brownfields
redevelopment in downtown, acquisition of the property, the Brownfields process,
funding for remediation, and environmental issues. Site-wide delineation sampling
of exposed soils was completed and followed with a contract to demolish six
commercial structures awarded to Cross Environmental Services on Feb. 15, 2006.
The structures were removed and a Waste Disposal and Volume Summary Report
was sent to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
In order to continue to prepare the site for redevelopment, the CRA accepted title
from the City of Clearwater for the Clearwater Automotive Salvage Yard and the
former Miller property on July 18, 2006. On July 18, 2006, a partnership between
the City and the CRA was established through an Interlocal Agreement to jointly
complete the environmental remediation. A $350,000 intergovernmental loan to
the CRA was approved from the City's Brownfields Revolving Loan Cleanup Fund.
Repayment of the loan is required upon redevelopment/disposal of the property.
In Sept. 2006, Jamson Environmental was contracted for the excavation and offsite
disposal of building foundations and sub-grade structures (including tanks/
sumps), excavation, staging and offsite disposal of contaminated debris. Total costs
incurred were $218,491.26. Phase 1-I1-III delineation samples were collected from
November 2006 through Jan. 2007. In Jan. and Feb. 2007, more than 1,131 tons
of contaminated soil was excavated and disposed of. From March 2007 through
Oct. 2007 delineation continued of off-site soil impacts. Final soil excavation and
removal, both on-site and off-site, will be performed pending FDEP approval of the
Brownfields Site Assessment Report Addendum and Interim Source Removal Plan
to be submitted to FDEP.
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In order to obtain a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) from FDEP for
the Clearwater Auto site, the City was obligated to address off-site contamination
related to the Clearwater Auto site. The presence of foundry sands/slag material
at depths of between two and six feet below land surface was documented in soil
borings at the Ron's AAMCO site. This material historically ties Clearwater Auto
activities to the adjacent Ron's AAMCO property. As a result, this material must be
delineated and evaluated for potential remediation as part of the Clearwater Auto
site assessment.
On June 2, 2008 the CRA approved additional monies, in the form of a loan, in the
amount not to exceed $350,000 to complete the remediation of the Clearwater Auto
site and to address off-site environmental impacts (AAMCO site).
In Oct. 2008, Jamson completed soil excavation and confirmed sampling. An
Interim Source Removal Completion Report was completed and sent to FDEP on
Oct. 21, 2008. Contractors prepared final cleanup work at the site that included
additional fill material, grading, fence repairs, seeding and debris removal.
FDEP reviewed the Interim Source Removal Completion Report for a No Further
Action (NFA). A Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) was issued on July
1, 2009 with no restrictions to residential development.
Discussions will ensue in FY 09-10 to determine the direction the CRA would like
to take on this redevelopment site.
The Strand at Clearwater Centre Development Agreement
On Jan. 16, 2007, a
Development Agreement was
approved between the CRA
and Clearwater Centre, LLC
concerning the Strand at
Clearwater Centre located on
Cleveland Street. The Strand
at Clearwater Centre will have
71 tower residences, 17 city
homes and 21,000 square feet
of retail/restaurant space.
The Development Agreement
outlines the general terms and
incentives for this project. The
CRA will reimburse impact fees
The Strand At Clearwater Centre Rendering
not to exceed $425,000 as they become due and certain water and utility relocation
costs not to exceed $260,000. The CRA also agreed to make streetscape and landscape
improvements in a total amount not to exceed the lesser of $500,000, or the amount
of funds remaining in the project account after payment of the impact fees and
utility relocation upon completion. The total payments by the CRA shall not exceed
Construction is expected to be completed in late 2010.
Station Square Parking Lot Redevelopment Project
In order to spur catalytic redevelopment in the downtown core, the CRA made one
of its prime real estate sites, the Station Square Parking Lot site, available for mixed-
use redevelopment to include new urban housing and retail in the Downtown core.
The CRA owned the 35,968+/- square-foot site, which was used as a public surface
parking lot. The CRA issued a RFPQ in May 2003 for the redevelopment of the
Station Square Parking Lot Site on Cleveland Street as a retail/residential infill
development. In July 2003, the CRA selected Beck, LLC as the developer for the
project and authorized the negotiation of a Development Agreement.
The Development Agreement was approved in Feb. 2004. The project contains 126
residential condominiums, 12,000 square feet of restaurant/retail space and 326
parking spaces, of which 100 are public. The developer, once financing was obtained,
paid fair market value for the Station Square Parking Lot property for $720,000 plus
accrued interest at 4 percent.
The Developer agreed to sell to the City 100 parking spaces, $12,500 per space for a
total of $1,250,000. The CRA also agreed to pay for the developer's impact fees once the
building was completed. The CRA allocated $460,000 from the City's portion of the TIF
generated by the project to pay
for the impact fees over a two-
year period, one year after the
project receives its Certificate of
On May 2, 2005, the CRA
agreed to amendments to the
Development Agreement which:
changed the name to properly
reflect the new Owner/Developer;
revised the square footage of retail
required to 10,000 square feet;
amended the number of parking
spaces to 296; reflected the actual
closing date of Aug. 25, 2004;
Station Square Condos
04 16
requested an extension of time to commence construction; and requested an extension
of 540 days after closing before the CRA can exercise its option to repurchase the site, if
the Developer did not commence construction on time. The Development Agreement
allowed the use of Station Square Park, a passive urban park to the west of the project, as
a construction staging area.
Construction commenced on Dec. 11, 2006 and was completed on March 13, 2009.
Marriott Residence Inn Development Agreement
On May 15, 2007, a
Development Agreement was
approved between the CRA
and Clearwater Hospitality
Properties, LLC. The Marriott
Residence Inn has 115 hotel
units to include studios, one-
bedroom and two-bedroom
The Development Agreement
outlined the general terms and
incentives for this project. In
Nov 2008 the CRA reimbursed
the developer impact and
permit fees in the amount of
$178,000 when the Certificate
1"W.m--- o
Marriott Residence Inn
of Occupancy was issued. The CRA will also reimburse the City only portion of the
TIF to offset extraordinary costs associated with the amenity package required by
the Marriott Corporation, and to allow the project to meet minimum rates of return
necessary to construct the project. The total reimbursement under the City's portion
of TIF shall not exceed $400,000.
The construction of the Marriott Residence Inn was completed in Sept. 2008.
i/ \?%
Water's Edge Development Agreement
On Dec. 12, 2006, a Development Agreement was approved between the CRA and
OPUS South Development, LLC concerning Water's Edge located on Cleveland
Street. Water's Edge has 157
condominium units and 10,000 square
feet of retail space.
the general terms and incentives for
this project. The CRA will reimburse
impact fees not to exceed $535,000
and reimburse sidewalk and site
improvements following the Osceola
Streetscape Conceptual Design not
to exceed $500,000. Starting in the
fiscal year in which tax increments
are expected to be generated (2009),
the CRA budgeted for the anticipated
reimbursement to the developer until
the reimbursement is paid in full. The
total payments by the CRA shall not
exceed $1,035,000.
The construction of Water's Edge was
completed in Sept. 2008.
Water's Edge Condos
Cleveland Street District Facade Improvement Program
The CRA approved the Scope of Work for the team of Wallis Murphey Boyington
Architects, Wilson Miller, and Swan Development Advisors in response to a Request
For Proposals (RFP) for the Cleveland Street Fagade Design Analysis at their April 18,
2005 CRA meeting. The three goals outlined were: 1) identify opportunities for facade
improvements along Cleveland Street, from Osceola to Myrtle Avenues in downtown
Clearwater; 2) prepare illustrative concepts of facade improvements to selected
buildings; and 3) establish a vision for building design, reflective of Clearwater's unique
character. The team proposed that the City provide grants and loans to property owners
whose intended renovations and improvements contributed to the Cafe Society or
Sidewalk Cafe District.
On Feb. 2, 2007, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the development of the
Facade Improvement Program guidelines was sent out and Swan Development
Advisors, Inc. along with Market Knowledge were selected. The program developed
several tools to include architectural design assistance to be provided by the CRA
and funded by the DDB via contracts with local architects and two financial
incentives. The financial incentives are a $10,000 matching grant and a $25,000
zero interest loan. On Sept. 4, 2007,
the CRA approved the Cleveland
Street District Facade Improvement
The Cleveland Street District Facade
Improvement Program guidelines
were sent to the property and business
owners on Cleveland Street. Follow-up
phone calls were made and meetings
were held with eight property owners
to further discuss the elements of the
program. In this reporting period
two property owners with buildings
located at 410-418,420-428 and 645
Cleveland Street took advantage of
architectural design services for a total
of $7,717. Three property owners Uivino's III] I)rovelll Pill IS
with buildings located at 415 and 635
Cleveland Street and 22 N. Fort Harrison Avenue enhanced their storefronts with
grant assistance in the amount of $25,077.98.
As new business owners relocate to downtown, staff informs them of the program and
meetings are held with those who express an interest. Marketing of the program is
ongoing and will continue throughout the next fiscal year.
Sidewalk Cafe Furniture Grant Program
In April 2005, the CRA initiated a Facade Design Analysis for Cleveland Street within
the Cleveland Street District. Recommendations from the analysis called for changes
to the CRAB existing Fagade
Improvement Program and
pursuit of a unifying concept
whereby efforts and resources
could be prioritized and
allocated. The unifying concept
chosen was the Cleveland Street
Cafe District, which promotes a
sidewalk cafe environment.
On Jan. 14, 2008, the CRA
approved the Sidewalk Cafe
Furniture Grant Program.
The grant provides financial
assistance to eligible applicants
seeking to furnish an approved
Tony's Pizzeria Sidewalk Furniture
sidewalk cafe area within the Cleveland Street District. This one-time grant funds
up to 75 percent of the total project cost, to a maximum of $2,500 per grant award.
This project is funded by the DDB and administered by the CRA.
An applicant must meet certain standards set forth by the CRA. Funds are
disbursed as a reimbursement upon final CRA staff inspection of the furniture
installation. During this reporting period Tony's Pizzeria located at 530 Cleveland
Street received $2,332.80 and Dunkin Donuts located at 534 Cleveland Street
received $2,500 in reimbursement for their sidewalk cafe furniture.
Downtown Marketing and Implementation Plan
The public relations and marketing firm of Vaughn Wedeen Creative submitted their
report that included a strategy to establish a clear identity for downtown Clearwater
and the DDB. The DDB allocated $20,000 for professional services to undertake
this project. A draft report was developed outlining a preliminary strategy, message,
budget, implementation plan and timeline and was presented to the DDB at a special
meeting on Aug. 30, 2006. In late Sept. 2006, Vaughn Wedeen Creative, Inc., with
direction from the board, finalized the report including draft designs of proposed
materials, budget for material development, printing and fabrication.
Vaughn Wedeen recommended the City create a communications and promotion
plan that focused on Cleveland Street. The plan would help to better define potential
development and create a positive image for Downtown. The report was the basis
for the CRA's strategy for branding and promoting the "Cleveland Street District"
The report also included specific recommendations and a budget for implementing
the branding program. Upon review of the report,
the DDB retained Vaughn Wedeen to develop
several logos for consideration. The DDB chose a
logo to forward to the CRA for their review and
To ensure that the new logo was consistent with the
image of a revitalized downtown Clearwater, the
CRA requested several additional logos in April
2007 from Vaughn Wedeen that could be market
tested. Those that participated in the testing were
likely users of new downtown amenities. Vaughn
Wedeen developed a total of four logos that
represented a range of options from traditional to
modern/edgy. The options were intended to help
reposition downtown Clearwater and brand the
"Cleveland Street District" as the new up-and-
coming destination. The Cleveland Street District
is defined as the area from Osceola to Myrtle Avenues
Cleveland Street District Logo
and Pierce to Drew Streets. Geographically, this corresponds with the Downtown
Fagade Improvement Program and Sidewalk Cafe District approved by the CRA on
Sept. 4, 2007.
On Dec. 3, 2007, the CRA approved, after a yearlong collaborative process with the
public, the DDB, Public Communications and Economic Development, a new brand
identity for downtown Clearwater. The "Cleveland Street District" brand and logo
reflects a new energy that captures the improvements accomplished in downtown and
the positive direction for the district.
As a follow-up to the approval, Economic Development and Public Communications
provided guidelines for the use and application of the new brand. On Feb. 19, 2008, the
CRA approved the Cleveland Street District Logo Guidelines entitled "Cleveland Street
Branding and Style Guide'
The new logo is used on various media to include the Cleveland Street District
Streetscene newsletter and bi-weekly update; a Cleveland Street District postcard
directing recipients to sign-up for the District newsletter; a DDB sponsored
eco-friendly reusable bag that is distributed at events; and in District event
Retail Recruitment and Marketing Services
On Jan. 14, 2008, the CRA released a RFP for Retail Recruitment and Marketing
Services with the objective being to support and enhance the existing retail base
within the Cleveland Street District.
On March 3, 2008, the CRA retained Economics Research Associates/Downtown
Works of Washington D.C. to evaluate retail conditions in the Cleveland Street
District and to create a Retail Strategy and Implementation Program.
The Retail Strategy and Implementation Program was adopted by the CRA in Aug.
2008. The program guides CRA staff in recruiting unique, destination retail and
restaurants. Program philosophy is if people are provided a unique merchandise
mix, with one-of-a-kind retailers and restaurants, they will visit the District because
of its interesting tenant mix. The consultant's approach to accomplishing this is
through a dedicated retail recruiter whose primary responsibility is generating retail
prospects. The Downtown Manager acts as the retail recruiter. The approach is
hands-on with more emphasis on action, on-the-ground retail recruitment. The
retail recruiter has been actively recruiting since adoption of the program. More
than 300 establishments have been visited with 150 qualified as potential prospects.
Continually managing a relationship with prospects and engaging them with
new information about the district is an ongoing process. Nine months into the
recruitment program, the first full-service restaurant was recruited to the District.
La Cachette, a fine dining restaurant serving French cuisine, is scheduled to open in
Nov 2009.
21 V
Though the retail consultant's
contract ended in the spring
of 2009, the recruitment
process continues to ensure
that qualified tenants establish
themselves in the district
to further the downtown
destination concept.
The CRA allocated $165,000
from its Retail Attraction/
Assistance and Downtown
Redevelopment line items.
IMR/CGI Landscaping Fund
La Cachette
According to the IMR/CGI Development Agreement, the CRA made a multi-year
commitment to allocate the TIF generated from this project in a fund to pay for
streetscape or landscaping improvements around the immediate site. The CRA made
its final commitment in FY 02-03.
The CRA approved the Cleveland Street Streetscape Phase II conceptual plan,
from Myrtle to Missouri Avenue, at their Nov 3, 2008 meeting. Once the plans are
completed and the bids received for the project, the $302,401 allocated from the IMR/
CGI Development Agreement will be used to assist in the financing of Phase II of
the Streetscape project. The monies allocated in this fund have been moved to the
Streetscape Phase II Capital Project.
Downtown Clearwater Farmer's Market
The Downtown Clearwater
Farmer's Market celebrated
their thirteenth year in
operation started the season
in front of City Hall. With the
completion of the Cleveland
Street streetscape project,
approval was granted to move
the market onto the 500 block
of Cleveland Street. This move
resulted in a successful year
that brought more pedestrian
traffic to the District on market
days and increased the number
of vendors that participated.
wntown Farmer's Market
* L/
The market operates on Wednesdays from Nov through April. The season was so
successful that market managers requested, and were approved, to run the market for
an additional month in May 2009.
The Farmer's Market continues to be known as a green market and holds several
special events during the season. It attracts weekly visitors to the area and creates a
unique place to visit for downtown workers, city residents and area tourists. This year,
volunteers assisted the market with their 13th Anniversary celebration.
The CRA allocated $6,000 and the DDB allocated $15,000 from its Downtown Market
line item.
CRA and DDB Intergovernmental Relationship
The CRA, the DDB and City of Clearwater Economic Development and Housing
Department staff work well together through an interlocal agreement, currently in its
ninth year. The CRAB administration fee for the fiscal year was $57,480.
Embracing the same mission and goals, the DDB and the CRA have provided for a
process that strengthens communication leading to many downtown development
projects, infrastructure improvements, merchant retail promotion and a redevelopment
plan that has enticed the private sector to invest.
In the spirit of cooperation with the CRA, the DDB has invested in the future
of downtown by providing funding for several research studies currently being
implemented to create the framework for a destination downtown.
The DDB supported the Boat Slip Referendum and agreed to a 10-year funding schedule
in the amount of $50,000 per year for construction and maintenance. The referendum
passed and construction is currently underway.
The DDB funded a Conference Center Feasibility Study, the inserts for the Streetscape
Directory Kiosks and continued
to promote the Merchant
Parking Validation Program.
The DDB is active in supporting
Clearwater's annual events in
Coachman Park and at the
Harborview Center. The Fun
`n Sun Festival, the Sea Blues
Festival, the world renowned
Clearwater Jazz Holiday Festival,
the yearly Festival of Trees
fundraiser for the Upper Pinellas
County Association for Retarded
Citizens, the Fourth of July
Clearwater Celebrates America
Pet Festival
CJ ???
event, and DDB events such as the Spring Pet Festival and Cleveland Street Poetry Walk.
This year, the DDB took on a leadership role by funding $25,000 to begin downtown
Clearwater's 4th Friday - Party on Cleveland Street, a monthly event coordinated by the
Clearwater Downtown Partnership. The DDB sponsored the inaugural DDB Wreath
Decorating Contest, Ciclovia - a multi-cultural, car-free bicycle event, Clearwater
Fashion Show 5-day event and Miles for Hope, a fund raiser for brain cancer survivors.
These events are just a few of the many events celebrated and enjoyed by our residents
and visitors from around the world.
Phasing Out of Main Street Program
The Economic Development and Housing Department administered the City's
Main Street Program
through a full-time Main
Street Coordinator and four
standing committees: the
Joint Venture Committee,
the Promotion Committee,
the Design Committee, and
the Economic Development
Committee. The Economic
Development Director, as
CRA Representative, chaired
the Joint Venture Committee
containing representatives
from each of the Main Street
committees, the DDB, and the Spring Clean-Up
CRA Board.
In the fall of 2007, a reorganization of the Economic Development and Housing
Department and the CRA took place to better serve the needs of a revitalizing
downtown. As part of this process, a Downtown Manager was hired to spearhead the
downtown efforts full-time. A decision was made to put the Main Street Design and
Economic Development Committees on hold until after the Downtown Manager was
hired. The Main Street Promotion Committee was active and coordinated the Third
Annual Spring Pet Fair and the Cleveland Street Poetry Walk.
As the DDB has supported the Main Street Program and its functions since its
inception, staff recommended that the DDB be the umbrella organization that
oversees business visitation and downtown promotions functions. These functions are
"traditional" functions of the DDB. The DDB created two committees:
• Business Visitation Committee - to visit new and existing businesses to solicit
information on needs and issues for input to the DDB and staff
• Promotions Committee - to support downtown events
\/? L i
Staff recommended the DDB establish "lead" members for the two committees. The
"lead member" would co-chair the committee with a co-chair volunteer and report
on committee activities at the DDB meetings. The volunteers that are currently
participating in the committees could be retained and expanded. This would provide
a streamlined coordination, enhance the participatory role of the DDB, improve the
effectiveness of our Downtown/Cleveland Street District efforts, ensure better allocation
of responsibilities among the stakeholder groups and reduce staff support requirements
for duplicative efforts. The DDB accepted staff recommendation and agreed to a more
active role with the two committees. The City has withdrawn as a Main Street Program
As a result of the phasing out of the Main Street Program, the DDB desired a
mechanism to enhance coordination among downtown stakeholders during this
timeframe. The Downtown Coordination Committee was created specifically for this
function and is made up of the Executive Director of the CRA, the President/CEO of
the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Chair of the DDB, and the Chair
of the Clearwater Downtown Partnership. This committee meets on a monthly basis
to discuss current and future activities and programs and their impact to downtown
and how best for each of the stakeholders to address the issues.
The Promotions Committee members were involved in a host of activities during this
reporting year to include: coordinating the fall and spring cleanups in conjunction with
Keep Pinellas Beautiful, the holiday lighting of the buildings and landscaping and the
holiday lighting ceremony, the 4th Annual Spring Pet Festival and the Cleveland Street
Poetry Walk. The Downtown Programs Coordinator attended the Florida Main Street
Annual Conference held in Sept. 2009.
The Downtown Programs Coordinator
alerted downtown merchants about
marketing opportunities through the
Clearwater City Employees Vendor
Discount Program and Healthy
Choices for a Healthy Clearwater
Program and assisted merchants with
various issues, questions and concerns.
Holiday Lighting
The DDB financially supports the labor
and materials to light the trees and
building rooftops on Cleveland Street
from Osceola to Myrtle Avenues. The
official lighting ceremony is one of the
festive events sponsored, in part, by
Holiday Lighting 5 Wreath Contest
the DDB in cooperation with the City of Clearwater. A lighting ceremony, with elected
officials, will be held as part of the Clearwater Downtown Partnership's Miracle on
Cleveland Street event. Attendees at this year's holiday light-up will enjoy participating in
the People's Choice portion of the inaugural DDB Wreath Decorating Contest, hearing live
music, refreshments, 20 tons of snow on a toboggan run and visiting with Santa Claus.
Facade Improvement Grant
The CRA continues to offer a Fagade/Storefront Improvement Grant to new and
existing businesses that are located outside of the Cleveland Street District boundaries,
but within the existing CRA boundaries. The Fagade Improvement Grant encourages
aesthetic improvements and retention of character in the urban design district.
The grant currently offers a maximum of $5,000 per building owner or tenant. The
funding formula is a 50/50 split between the applicant and CRA.
During this reporting period, one property owner was approved and received a $5,000
Cleveland Street Maintenance
The CRA provided for the general maintenance of planters, bricks, street furniture,
and updating the planter flowers twice a year. Parks and Beautification staff
handled daily trash removal on the sidewalks. The CRA funded the pressure
washing of the sidewalks in March 2009.
The DDB and CRA allocated $10,000 from their Cleveland Street Maintenance line items.
01 26
City of Clearwater, Florida
Community Redevelopment Agency
Governmental Balance Sheet
for the year ended September 30, 2009
General Capital Total
Projects Govemnmental
Cash on Hand and in Banks $ 743,097
Interest Receivable 6,741
Other Receivables 39,241
Land Held for Resale 1,914,050
$ 5,686,767 $ 6,429,864
42,778 49,519
- 39,241
- 1,914,050
Wtal $ 2,703,129 $ 5,729,545 $ 8,432,674
Accounts and Contracts Payable $ 1,838 $ 763 $ 2,601
Due to Other Government Entities 48,000 - 48,000
Advances from Other Funds 700,000 - 700,000
Deferred Revenue 39,241 - 39,241
Total Liabilities $ 789,079 $ 763 $ 789,842
Fund Balances
Reserved for Land Held for Resale
Unreserved, Reported in Capital
Projects Fund
Total Fund Balances
$ 1,914,050 - 1,914,050
- 5,728,782 5,728,782
$ 1,914,050 $ 5,728,782 $ 7,642,832
ZO \'?
City of Clearwater, Florida
Community Redevelopment Agency
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -
Budgetary Comparison Schedule - General Fund
for the year ended September 30, 2009
Original Final GAAP Variance with
Basis Actual Final Budget
Amounts Positive
Current - Economic
Excess of Revenues of
Other Financing Sources [Uses]
Transfers In
Transfers Out
Total Other Financing
Sources (Uses)
Net Change in Fund Balances
$ 286,846 $ 286,585 $ 174,591 $ 111,994
Fund Balance, End of Year $ 1,914, 050 $ 1,914, 050 $ 1,914, 050 $ -
194 28
I I Ae
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Frank Hibbard, Mayor
George N. Cretekos, Councilmember
John Doran, Councilmember
Paul F. Gibson, Councilmember
Bill Jonson, Councilmember
Executive Director of the Community Redevelopment Agency
and Assistant City Manager
?kod Irwin
Director of Economic Development and Housing
Geraldine Campos Lopez