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iertificate of Insurance '...' IHIS CUn!FICI\TE IS ISSUED . A MATTER OF INF(lf<MI\T'CJI~ UN!_'! Mil; fLHS NG I, If;:,: fHIS CFi-nIFICATE DOES NOi__MEND EXfEN,) OR !\LTEfl THF CO\/[lII\(" M'OR[)FO b', k',~ -' '''' - ~ F^''' i~~:i;~~:~~~m ~~~:::: ~~PA~B~S~:; J~:~~G ;::;:::~__~__ ~~__~__ ~" .. ~iH NAME MD ADI'ij0:7-:;:'---;:s:----------- _~-_.-~-------_"-u---,---'-----n _non_u ----,-- i"i: PRIORITY ONE, INC . EVELYN L. HURLEY OSBORNE I C ~,: ~m~~~:N:' Q:~:~~Y ~R::E THEIR INTEREST MAY ~_~I? Wi; ST. PETERSBURG FLORIDA, 33702 I -.- E t;;:': ' -.---- - _____,______._______._~__.l.______ ~~,-~: This is to c:ertify that of inslF::\nc8 liste(j helen...' r-':3',i(; rH~en issued '.:', tnl; i1S,_.~f-;lj r',,}nF':~ <:<.r)(y...', ~ ,:r":c 'I - of .:-my contract or document \Nith re3pt:.=:t to this C8r1:ifica1r; 'llar' '~:l~:;u(~d c-" rYla'i O~-d",i!' d- terms t:x(;:w~ions and conditiCin~:; polici(~:;, ,_'____'_________u_---y______'n'_____mm_.___m_________u'mr'----, ('!::r-~-'!f:lC.ll,~-'~-: >-~C'l.~_lt:H I.i:; r-f,LJ HEL',~'V"; t ~ll k,aiJ thE: r", JLv':~' ':,~:li'!:: I I ,; f r r EI1 I I '11'" -----t---r-; T {:-' I G-ENERAL LIABILITY ~" r ---I :t: '~.--=-j i , I ~_ul I f---1 : :~ ' AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY --1 X, ~ IWNf" BINDER 1;: K1' UON-I)\\'r-Jl:1J ~i,[---m-, EXCE~;sUAB-iLITY- ~t': \ 1------1 IIMiJF:II_L..A ~rf:: ~ 1-~-'1 I'';: r--J It;:,:~i__.~_----.----.-.-_---~--.-_~--_---+---- 1[::1: I WORKER'S C3~~PENSATIOl'_ . Ii '.li.-I~~'P~-~~~~2:/;-~~~i-l-~ _____._______m_ },I I it:,,' I I 'li1,.:...I,. ;' ~;<, t-! t~~ f.;DESCRIPTION OF: OF-'~.:RATI()~-J(; OCA': iii, 't::::t. b~i,: ;: ~_:; Wi; irrlH fl';; Ii Ii" ~,! fr': 1-;" --------~~.:-'--_.=:;.;,-....-_...:.....;----~, _.._,,~. -~---'~-- ! ' [imj-fsZifi::-a}"-!lly'j,'--if1-C=;i:;san-(f;;-\lYMTu,--- , ., -.--.-,.. -~'--".'r~ -" ,. .,..----..-~-,.-.--'T----'-'----~--'_...."~..,--- ::; i:, ~L: r: ~ ~: 1 '----T- --- I , 1 '. ,II A 5/2/86 l' i i ! , ____u________t__'ummmun .___mu_ -- --f--- I i uu_.__~_m_ , I ALL--ANY OWNED, HIRED OR LEASED VEHICLES Cancellation: Should any I)' the above descr~d poliCies bt' ':d'!'::"!!"; ~:cklf' :Il~ OiJ"loiC (Ln, , th;':!"OI, ern" I:,:;U<llq pan,! w,:1 ~'ldeavol' to 1l1dil___clays ''''ritter, not v: to I: OV '::I'lC<_' c:c:ll:icak 'loi<;p" [H:t;,!ll", ma,1 suer' notice shall impose IlO obllgJtion 01 !Iabllt,y l)f c " ""::: ,:I,e", ;.1,' ill::,l!ly_ I '!"'~'~TY O~' CL~~RW~TE(R,~DDITIONAL POBOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, 33518 INSURED ''I \ \ ~'i.~\C.\.t.S ~1l1&\.\t t\l\\~t'l,,\\tt 0 l" €..- \.r \ v'Y' 0 ~[' \b~\ \, ~ O-V,r'L~ \\1'1 \\N'>t fp q, 0-'1:, yY' 1 ~t>-.~'{t>-.'Vf)Rt.SS .1y0C. ?;7y7DL- . S\~\<- {)V' ...rO eTC h ~ \ I' \ \ , x. ~~ 'tt\\\c,\.t ~t>.'f; ___ {:J v..~'Vt\. \ () vJ t~~ \ C\ "0 '-\ q, 'I _ v d"- 1 "1 'b b 1 ~\l\.\l~ S' l- SilQ.t: [Co J.- ",oo{r vi t. ~ Si'l\.t ' -S 1-" \0 ' _ 'O\l\l'l \\1l'!lJ>t~ \ v ^ (-d. ,o<\lR ~t\l\t\.t b-F e 8rf~"~') ~ ~ 0 Ie ::, f\ ,-, v-' (J' . i ~I; lI'J\\'O\. ~ _ ~ \l~ i ~I; ,0 <'- \ q, 0 0 \ L \ '\ t~~\.. '\ i ~'#. lI'J~~ ~t'l fI,\\tt \\11A'Ot~ ~\l\.. \ ~t ~1l'O\. \ \:, t\lll , ex 'b t.--\ Cf\f \..-- \ l'l <-- c'\r ~ _ ,^\ C fl J~ ~ \ () \).J 1 '" \ \ \ , \ \ \ ~ fI,\.\. \l~\~t~S~ ~\I\l\\t \\1l'!lJ>t~S \l fI,'J'JRtSStS fI,\\'J - - .. < ~< IIf1,I'ItS. - - . ~ \.\S, V' - lfl,~~;;l ~. .' ---- .- . .' "e 0(\0 Q(L D "'v '-\ () to f .oJ ",,\ ' ~e ff> ~.,.\ ) ----. ,. .,.---- _.- ,. .;, ~,