Griffin, LloydAFFIDAVIT
We, Jessie Griffin Glackin and Lloyd Aubrey Griffin, the undersigned, do hereby attest
that we are the descendants of Lloyd Griffin, our father, who is buried in Block 1, Lot 2, Space 6.
Lloyd Griffin was the owner of Block 1, Lot 2, Spaces 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in the
Clearwater Municipal Cemetery. Lillian B. Griffin, our mother, is buried in space 7. Mildred I.
Griffin, our sister, is buried in space 8 and an infant named Barnes, our cousin, is buried in space
16. Spaces 5, 13, 14 and 15 remain vacant.
Please take this affidavit as your authority to note the right to property described below when the
need arises. We understand that the maximum capacity of a space is two burials provided at
least one person is cremated.
Block 1, Lot 2, Space 7: Lloyd Aubrey Griffin
Block 1, Lot 2, Spaces 13 or 14: Jessie Griffin Glackin
We agree to release, indemnify and hold the City of Clearwater harmless from liability in the event
of any claim arising from the use of the above described property as stated above.
/Jessie Griffin GI tin
Lloy ubrey Griffin I
SWORN TO and subscribed before
Jessie Griffin Glackin who produced identifi
and who did/did not take an oath.
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My commission expires:
SWORN TO and subscribed before me this d of 4
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Lloyd Aubrey Griffin who produced identific7`7,
and who did/did not take an oath. a
Notary P
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My commission expires:
s Debra E. Lemere
Coamission = DD406665
Expires: ,APR. 28, 2009
Bonded Thru Atlantic Bonding Co., Inc.
, 200 by
s Jebra E. Lemere
comalission mDD406665
_ Expires: . , 28, 2009
Bonded Thr. ?ndc 5onding Co., Inc.