93-1493-14 ?- 3 VIA -? C I T Y O F C L E A g t W A T E IR P O S T O F F I C E B O X 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 34618-4748 Office of Parks and Recreation Mr. Dixie Walker Walker and Associates Architects PA 701 Enterprise Road East - Suite 910 Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Dear Dixie: I received and appreciated the information regarding the Open Space Assessment fee due for the "Drew St. Medical Office Building": Enclosed is the completed worksheet showing an open space fee payable of $20,806.41. This is based on the just value of the site which is greater than the most recent purchase contract. The earliest payment of this fee is appreciated and I'm available at 462-6531 in the event you have any questions. Again, thanks for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Sin rely, Ream Wilson Director RW/bgm Enclosure cc: LouiTton,_CentraT?Permttngl "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer' ASSESSMENT OZ' OPW SPACE/RECREATION HIPACT (New hon-residential 4v6l6Pm&hta of 1 gtt6 br MoW (To AE c0iou `9b 11 ENE bogtotw DATES 1` ?__- -- -- -- pROJEC) ?. . tOCAT.10 :! PARCEL MOSS LAUD AWES ._.)_??6 MET rtb HOST RECENT SAM QRiCE OR CONTRACT; t PIrICOION REQUIP8D) JUST VA ur ACCORDING TO CURRENT Y> Ah is wtnswkt. (VERIFICATION RCR(11ttCD) t ;\? a -? ?.:Vft"A VALUE PFR SgME Fom (SA.r E PRIZE UR ASSESSED VI-TJjr, - WiliNiEV s 1S GtAT k j bMbtb tY GROSS IAND AREA) Y ATTEST TtiAT THE INFOF:MA'TtON P? MENTEb ABOVE IS COMtTj COMpunj ANb tkog, PROPERTY U ER/AU Ifi EU PRtstNTATIVk StGNAT tkt I OPER SPACE ASS$SSME.NT_ P2tce Net L tiTV-e Open Space Factot open Spaco Aboassmeznt IMPACT M C.AtW.UTZONS UR OFFICE E 0 LY? R o ti tt?cnrtri?t?l?Tiot?S . LANb ? 3 ?y ` bO?'..?.AItS I OPEN SPACE FEE Sp ? p y TIMING OP PAYNENT II REGRF.ATION t'ACILITY I..AND PEP,,. NIA SF N/A N/A III RWR EATION PAcitiTY PEE . . . . . . N/A TOTAt?S . Recl?1 iXgon bft&etnrf barkg And kearnatilon Note! All Tees payAblc to "City qt (Aegt4gt:,t 0?«?l ce and necirea?joxi - -- FRCilfty Land k6?"R - slioul.d be 606144d tb the Pri k. and E.r.ereatinu -Pva -t:men4: ; Clty Hill-1 Alwex; 10 si)uth ?filsgo ?rx Ai4nue . - Ra_tteaLlvn VAcll gty TeeA nilolil(i be 8166.tt6d tai the bo l.ditlti bc?pa! hment 4,t tt<.« ?!tme address. ?ORM #0/4 4,