CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (3) J A N - 0 =1' 02 (MO N I 14: 02 JI. . ALLIED SPECIALTY Tt-L: ILl jbJ 14UI [, UUl A~LIED SPECIALTY ~NBURANCE. INC. 10451 CU~f BOULEV~RD, TR ASURE ISLAND, FL. ~3706 Toll F~ee 1-aOO- ~7-3355 Nation.l 1-BOO-2a2-677b Fla~id~ Ce..tiilic:ate Number: 5 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ihi& cert1'ic_te ~.1ther a~ft~mativ~l~ no~ negatively amend~; ..tends OT' .lte~& the ~ov'raQ. ~rfo~d.d bU th. ~Qli~ij(i'l) de5c~ibed hB~.pn end i. i56U~d as a mG~t'r of Info~m.tiQn ~nd Conf8~. no right ~pdn the holq.~. Th8 poli~u(ies) 2dentifie~ below by . PQlic~ number i. in force on _he d.tw of '.rtlf1cate i5~uance. In5urance iti affOrded onlu with respect to thot. coveraQPI far Which a 9p.c~fic limit of liabilit~ h.s be.n ente~ed .nd is subjlct to ~ll t~T'm~ of thw policy ~aving Telerence thereto. Nothing herei~ contained ~hall modify ~nw pravi~ian of ~.id p01icW. In the event of t4ncellation of th. PQlic~. the company is.vine said ~Qli~y luill m.ke ~11 ~ee.sanabl. effort to lend Notice of C_n,el1.tlon to th. certj'i~at. hold~r at the ~ddr.a5 ;hp~n h.~~inl but the COMpanu assume. no raspon~ibilitiQ6 for an~ mi.t~ke Q~ failure to give such nati,e. An~ l1Hturanc:e m~d. a part of the polic~ inclLlde~ ali. per$on inSured usith ~espect to an occurrence taking place .t a Wate~spo~ts _it.. (1) the Foir or exhibition association. lipansarlng org~n1:atian or committ~. (2) the owner O~ le~5@e the~. of (~) . qunic~palitij gr.ntin~ th. N~med Insured p~rMission tp operate 8(n) Watersportl. b~t Qnl~ as respects bDdily inju~~ or py'op@rty damage c~LI.ed by or cantributed t~ by th. neiligence of tha N~med Insured while actlng in the CD"r~e ~nd 5CQpe of t~ei~ emp oijment. tW1E *c ADDRESS OF' INSURED; I\DDITIaNAL IN6URED~ National Wat~Tsport.1 tne, CITY OF' CLEARWATER 7 CT'itotie LanEP Lakll George NY 12G45 NNtE 81 ADDRESS OF CERTIFICI\TE tG-DEA: CITY or CLEARWATER 25 CAUSEWAY B~VD. CLEARWATER, rL ~37~7 DATES: ...--EIlln&RY ctOVl8"i~ Gpmp.-nll: '", H. E. IIHlu.,.afltlt C a mlum \I PQlicy Number: M1LF'SJ74 LIAnI~ITV LIMITS B I IPD AGG: ,,1, 09P, 000 oce: $t,OOO,OQ9 EX~E88 CDYEl'~ BodU" Injury ~ Prape1'ty Dacnage ~ ElCC.'~ of .0 .0 Bodily In.jury ~ PrQperty Oam<ilge to FQod P~odu~t~: $0 Pclicy periOd: r1'om: To: Ext.llili of 18 ~: ~ 00/00/00 00/00/00 LIMiT Ob/15/01 06/15/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 * - COMfiIN&O SINGLE CQver~g~ ~hnwn herein applie$ onl~ to those item. 5cheduled on Dr .ndo~~.d to ttls pollc~. This f.~tificat. is nat valid un!..s an OTitinel .iln.tb~. .pp..~. b.law. (Cople. Not Valid) ..Ja~ ,. ,ao, trA'l1: Of' nCA 95uMcE ~l;_(j&~ A ALLIED SPECIAL TV INSURANr.F I~r. DO -010 -ro