SIDEWALK WAIVER DENIED (2) '- :: ~ t, :,:. I I ~'t''' ;:I ~.- ~._..... \j~v~; " ,4 f.. , ,,' :~" .--....... '--:,' . ~-, \.,. _.", 1 .'~...."! CITY o F CLEAR'VATER 1'": -. .' or'~ POST OF,-ICE BOX 4-:'48 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33518 City Manager January 18, 1990 CERTI FI ED MAl L RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. James Seymour 807 Jefferson Avenue N. Clearwater, Florida 34615 REFERENCE: 1182 Brownell Street -New Zion M. B. Church Dear Mr. Seymour: In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clear - water, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver for the above-referenced property. The above-referenced property does not meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code. Since there is existing sidewalk within 200 feet of the subject property and no physical conditions which prevent its installation, the requirements for a waiver are not met. Therefore, I cannot grant a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement and your request is denied. ;p&~ ~HMa~~ge~ ~cc:J Vic Chodora, Building Official Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Cyn~hii1 ~()IJ(ipi1IJ City C]prk RECEl\TED JAN 4:;\. 1990 . _..~'''' 'f''' crrY CLEi"\h. "Equal EmDloyment and Affirmative Action Employer" 07- 6 ! cf;,.. 00 (tfO) <. - I I CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Manager/Operations FROM: Charles Hunsicker, Assistant City Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer '.'r;~~:-{0T;J~~V4':--".' TO: COPIES: VicChodora, Building Official DATE: January 18, 1990 . ,1 i : JAN ~ 2 /990 " ',' u ,:;:_~~~'-:::-;:.-::--~lL:- tJ, , , ;tfi.k~v-p,'~",~, ..,........_.............~_ .,"'c............4".1.l -_. SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver: 1182 Brownell Street We have reviewed the subject sidewalk waiver request and found that there is existing sidewalk along Brownell Street from Missouri Avenue to the east property line of 1182 Brownell. With existing sidewalk on the adjoining property and no physical conditions which prevent the installation of sidewalk along tile subject property, the requirements for a sidewalk waiver are not met. It is my recommendation that a waiver not be granted. ~ Attachment (copy) 7 \ \ ,1- '2. " (_ [t1 c f/l'</ I I ;J \'1~ t, ',/ f. t'l.- L rvf/ / 11f. . ~ )//,/ / ^ f/Y, 'I'; U I (/ / '0 " ;' /,;?,-/,Y' c::-:: C? C:..;:~..:"~:Z~,;;..:':::K I ....\~--P _c.....__ ~ - . ....: _.4. '" D ~ c:? S. ~ 0//01"9 c ~~~'. YCC;/C./ 3 ~' .~. /. ~ /", ,..~ \_/ f t7', ~35)1 ~ e-=: ;..ece:.:::.. ;'2 P =.. I C~!.':':: 0 N ?O;' ~:: D :::..~~.. .:.~~!~ ;.;;.~ I YI'E;: ~~8~SS (S~dewalk Loca~ion) 1/"'-:' ". / .<- /5rc'....,<' c 1/ .5 r LEG~.l., C.ESC:::::!:P'l'IO:--.l (Sice'..:alk Locatio::) (Lot f :Sleek, ~ ",jcivi.::ion) t- 0 -+ :, ~~ - (p T3 ! DC. lc. ) I)J ~ :':: ( ~ '1 ) /5 /4 I '" S'~ / 00 I IDe L~O Ohl'JE:\ 's Nl'..>:E tvCJ..J...) l, 0 (\ M, G ' U\ L-\..-' L'~ i+:ACi hew 'J J ' PHm;:;::: Lj L! {y - (/7 ) () 0-7 ,- L/ !-J b - 0" f 0:::> t'.DDRESS i \ &":z. b (b\,v V\e I I 5-+ I F..E? ?..ESENT~.'::'IVE (I:: any) f;07 . S ~-o '-1 V'v. (~ l,..L r Je fCc.~.-:>C5V\ .i\/lJ-.l fJ CI I..t..) ( t-L 3; l( ((- /S- 1'/0 SUye.wCL),/(5 ~l nC1cr}) bO(-~LOOci c.J OJ v~.( <:., .::.n D?..E S S ^-E;.SON FOR REQUEST Sec"tion l'5S. 09 of the Coc.e of O.:-c.in2.nces 0:: ~~e Ci~y ~2qui~es 1.....1 C. \... 2..11 land th2..~ a~u~s a pubIic right-ai-way, which is to have new cons~=uc~ion on ~~, eithe~ for ~esice~tial, cO~ue=cial,. ~~d~5~=i2~ 0= othe= pu=poses, shall neve sicewa:ks c8~s~ruc~ed by the O~~e= OD, cc=ass or ccjace~t the=eto.. The Owner ~~ce=s~a~cs .. .' -. . . ." a~c agrees ~na~ ~= ~ne wa~ve= lS sran~ec, t~e Ci -=~! !7:c.::r ins~all si~ewal}~s a~ a f~~u=e ~a~e ~~~ assess t~e o;~~er fer 01-......, ..... 1......;>;::; full ccs"t c:: S2.ic. side~v.~c..l}:s.. ,;;- /--:,~/:,-,,"~:J .j /.1 -~:'S--:r--,;:--:::- c~ O\...;~e= d::- / O'~';ne= IS 7~e?= e se:: ~c.. -:..:. "ve 1- 7-- 9L--' ",,-c, S'..:~sc=.:..bes. and swo~n to jefo~e ~e ~::is (",/ l- c.cy of .--\7,' ... '. , \./,1 -_ 19 crO "'.0;. ~ "~l .... .. . LC-::-~'"7I~ ~s.~i~9:'j'"';.: ;'.;;i;~:'? ~ ~..~~~ <;. . .' /' . (. ../<01.0.:: C\ff.' ~/~~'. ~. I...c._;: _......~_ -- v I / 'J ----' '-,_.JI ,.;1' '~'.::"..'I...-'::-:-:_"< : .~_.'_:'.', ....~:.. '~'.. .'~~~::':" : ~,~. ~; ::....'....::;:,~. 'Y.;' " ,.'4.. ,:oJ . l~lC-62 ?e"/ .. 5/ S 3 .A S'Z z;:-~C> (J -, ~ ,_./J~ "'-' ~, l ,fLL_C_::--<-I;:"~ ..::=. / r-Ir," CI/Cr/7 C Cee -r/::::: I I L--- I _/ _,.