SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (127) G/ " . l\ECORri'~t~~\O~>>' JlillCL\..b":'~~ ~~C:\\l.CIJ\i COIJRi I CLERK . - ~,\1 '3 611 f~ 'n 72021081 I 'o,R, 3725 f>~tt 840 ~ ~ ~? 1\ G~' \) :)' . " , " '",:' , /I C; 1 \ r:1 : I'j J' II T 'l'ln:-) hCl<.rniUIT, ll1il<)(~ <1nd cntc'J'ccl into tllis 19th day or January ,197 2: I," and lwt",ccn the C1',':>: OF CLJ:!lI(\I;':),];R, F1;1f'i\" ,,-i',;;"',,;:: i.l'nl co'l'p',);::iiTi.:,)'", -, l);~ ):,e i)).: t J t (')--' 1"C f C l^')^' C d to il ~) 11 C .-i. t Y "; ':1.11 d ~fAtJ!i'~___Ldd... __(Jt~______.__..._--_. )ICpc:i.n,Lt'tel,--' ):,(d:(.~r):,(~d to d~-) "0\<lnCl,ll; 1:_ (A Florida Corporation) "HTN1~sscrll-: -- ")JlEJ<.E/\S ~ tJ1c O',.mey' O'\.nt~; .the follO\,i:i.1W de:;cribcd r'cal p:C'OpCl--.ty situated J_=- -l;he City of Clc':H'\-JatCl""', P:i.n(;ll<1~ County, FloL^'icla: . /J' .' . --r- '., $1 ;:;";;, ~cld ,L;.;II/, /i,vetlA5 ?.. .e....rA.cc: .' ~ '.' . I,".S . .' , 17~5J l~u~f} ~ :~L1J-<l.-)-' \-Jln:RE^S, Or--.din<1nce, no. 17.J.9 of the C:i.ty)^'equirc~> that all land that abut: a public 1:"'ight, of \',uy ~ \.J)1ich is to 11(lVC lW\J constr'uction on it ~ eit11C}'" fen' :ccsic1cnti.:\l, CO],~j:;s:ccicil) inc1u;;tria:L or o tlw r' purpo~;c;~, shall helve sidchla1ks construct c d by the oh1ncr.' on> acx'o::; r;: 01"' ad j <:cqnt thcr.(~to; ane~ and ',.JJIEl\E/\S, "L)1c O\.mcr is erecting certain nc\.} const-('uction on said pY'opcr't~.-' and lIas r'cques.tHl the City at thi~) timc not to rCCJuir'c the. ili1i:Jcc1iate inf3l:alL:" tion and construction of~~i(lc~\,}Cllb; in conncction t}lcrc\."ith; and \-nJEnEhS) the O~'ln(-;r' 1)(1~,; agr."ccd tl1at if in t11e futlu'e the City) ),n it~; sol( ,(1iscy'ction ~ dcte;~'rii.\j)c~~ that it is i'ldvisable (}nd nccccsr;ary to h:::J.vc r;uch ~;icle\}ctlks insta.1Jccl) -'c)1at the O\.me:c' \.611" \.lpon not;-lf::i_cc1ti.on by' the City) have sicle\'lalLs :LJf:meciatcly inr;talled at l1is e>:'pcn~3e) and if he should fail to db r~' -Chen 'the City may have s<o_:i.d in;3tall,l.tion Y;ktc!C ,-eWe] :Lmr,or;e a lic~n agaj:11~:~~~.th: descr'~__bcc1 real p:r'opcl^'ty fO)... the cost thereof.~-' '-'---.' .. NO\:J ~ THEnEl'O}~E) in considcn')c;ti:ion of t)w fOI'cgoingppemises and' ot11121" goc and v31uable CO}lc~:Ldcration bet\-!ccn thc pi'.,!1:'t:icr~ ~ Y'ccc:dpi: of \-lhich 1_S hC!l'cby .. acJ::no\Jle.c1f:;e.d) the pa.:eties )1Cy'eto covenant and' iJ2J'ec' liS follO\.!~,: .1. The City \.)ill not at this time l.~equiJ"'e tne in;;tallation and constr'uct ion 0 f s idc\-lalk.~~ as pa:ct of the. cr'ect ion of the building and improyemcn'l:s by the O\'J))CY' ~)Tl the, ctbove d"(~fj'cr'ibcd. ;~e.al pi:'operty. , 2.. The. Ci ty J~ay at any time in the future not ify the O\'n1Cr'~ his hciJ"s) )''--''''''';''OJ1~-'] ''";el)rr,C(>'l"--3.-''}'vr:.c' C\.1""0r>c~0':'''. or-' ",c'<;~-: ":'1C t)..-.t 'tno C-:i'y -:J1 )'i-s rot (~ _ C J. ';'. u. _ _ J, G ,) " L ( L- _ _ ..:. ..') " _ ~ ~ "., ), ,> (., '"' d _L !" j '" 1 Cl " \C. .L - ,t, .' ~,----- c1iBC1"'ction 11aS cletcI'mincd that it is advisable and nc:ccessary to have sidc\.!(3,}, in ~;i:a11 cel in connect,ion \-J ith said de scribed pea 1 property. 3. The O\-mer' or his llci):,s) })(~rc.onal :C'epr8Sen0.t:i.ves'~ Sl1CCC.:~SOi:--'S or ass~::c shall at his e>:pcnse "Jithin ninety (90) c1av~; fl:'o!n the notificut:ion b~J thc Ci~ have. sidc,')Zllks installed for' said desc):,ib(~d. r.cal pr:"OPC1:,ty in accQ)::,dance \.]i,t:1 City specifications <1ndstandards as establi~;hed,' , . II. If thc (h-mel' or his hcdr'~;) pc~rson~\l l--.cpresc=ntCltives) succeSS01:'S 01:' assigns shZtll fail to have ~;iclcua1k;:; i_nstcllluJ for the clesci-'il,Cc1 Y'c21 pr()~e;'l~: in aCCO:C02ncc \.: i th ci tv ~;DCC i f :l.ca t i011 sand s t e~ndal-'cJ S \7 i thi n ninc:tv (~! (J) da \f S f1"'om the notificctt:i.on l)y the City) then the City I'1ayLavc The S:i.d~\'li1lJ~;; . installed and _assess 2nd il:!pO~~c cl. 1:lr~n again:=;t the clc~;cpibed r'cal Pl~O!)(~l..ty f8 "thc cos-I; of the \-!o):,k. 5. This <1g1^'(>.cTilent is to be rq~t\rcJc~d (l;; a COVCJ),1J)t r.unning \-lith the - 1tH~c' 1...cg(l)....dJc:~~:) of \Jhcthcp it i;; spccificalJ'y I;,cntioncd :I_lI all:l clc.e'd~; Oi.~' convcvallc,: ~;uhr>c:q\.1e;ltly c;.:ccutcd ~ Clnd thi~j il?,y'ceI;:clIt r;Jl.:1J.J. .be binding on all paptie:;, <:: hc:il--'S ~ pcr~;on<1l r'(:i)r'c;.;cntat:i.~/es, succc:,;:;O{'[; en--' i1:;s:1f~n:;. " G. ^ll not:icc~; pur--':;\l,111t to this c1r:.r(~C;r~;(:nt :;11,111 1w f\lT'ni~;hccJ to the )"e~l)cct:i.vc pill^'tic:; at the [o1]O',...)ll;'. (lclc\rc~:.;:;r::;l until i~(~cc:i.pt o[ \'ll'ittcn l}l~;t)-'ucti()J1:;. ])otiryinf~ tIle oLlie!.' Pill--.ty of iJ.' (\:;ffcl-'(~nt (lcJc\l"'C:;;;: City: ' ,O\JJ1Cl': 11r'. I.lt,'l'lr'ctt g. S'tiCl~hciTf\ A/'/I;9R1V iv/cle City Hilll,ll'/'l~ . IJT~uJ P.O. no>: '1'/'10 //$2 CJ (' ,) 1'\.Jll t (~)' l 1')0 l' ,1 cl 1'\ :{ ~{!'IJ. [3 A L e.A Y w-;q..7e-r (..... ..J .LANd" ,5t, FLA. . ~ ~ e'e1' 'D7 - {Y?{) .,O() (5) @ :o.R.3725 .fAGE 841 " .' " 'I. 1.1 . \ i-I 'J')' ll' , -' (. .\ '1 ) I' ]' l' ,') I' .11' ( . 1',"" 'L' 'i r', t. )) (.' f' i,1 ".\ ) I '. '\ ""," . ~ \ ,;_ . ._. r... I I ..1 ' j.. \. 1\) I. _ f. J .. _. I - l'>:C(?lll.Cd' tll.c:d;IY cUld YCdl" .L\:;1; i\ho\'c \.Jl',il.t('ll. 1t':'::,C rjr\C'~:crlt.:: t,'.l ,I\J/..'...'!!.!\./.....'fJ:P. ~ rJ.,()]~!; ~[' ..,- ---( ;'.)~-i-.\7-r;j-.~;--J-l'~I-.I.;.(:-1.::.-.-_._--_._.- . ,~ . ..) ,1 l l. (_, I ..,. , . nil '" :ctncss :' witnesses: . . ~~~M(/~~ jr --T,-"~-----" ,-'4;f. -.... ~5-_ . V\'7nC~Y' ,_; . , ' . , ' , , _~~ H~~; -! ,l. '.P, ':: d~. 7) "Z' v i~s .t:~ Cl ty /'r./ _f ,~ -- ___ a.:.t..L As to O\-Jnc)." 'vlITNESS my signatm."c and official seal at C1CcH'\.iatei.... in 'the CO\.ll1ty,of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year ~ast above written. ~ . , -.-.......- '~. ---..-. --- l'Jy Commission Expir'es: ~ \, <: '(,;)' ,,"alar, MillC, 'Stilte J Fbm!a 2t tw~~ My Co.mmissioaJ.:;;:m; ~~pt 29, ,1973 _ ~l!d<ld. ~Y. 'bm~ic""n. fjr.!! iii j;asually. .C9-, , ';, ~ '. . '~ - .:: ...:.... ~'~.~ "J '. ", "..' " STATE or FLORIDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) ~~~:~/ ~/:- to me \-1811 Y-no\-ln 2nd };:no',,!n to r;'.c to be t11e 'indivic1u<ll~~ cJcscl"ibcd in and \i11() executed t~)(3 for(;;-;oinf, {!f:.i."ccr.~'2nt (lnq ilc;}:r:o';11e:cJf'-ccl ])C['Ol"C I:lC that they executed thc Suj:le for the purposes thc'r-'c;in expressed. ....., >', IH Tll C S S JOy hi) nd mid 0 f h ci ill sea 1 t his ft~ c1 il Y (, f f~~'J.. \:~i..~;.D;:; ~_ · -. ./J ,. --. '- ". ~ '-"" ,- . . ~:~~~2~~~~__. ::l~'l ,11":: ~ !':l~f.:fE~ .: . ~ - .-,. '.-1 ". ~...: ,Before Jn~' pepsonCl,lly appeared ,Ijy Co 1Il In i [~~3 ion r>: p i PC S : ..~ ..; ~-"". ~ / ..7/'-- I . 7' _:...L___ ""rm<< !mtrurneht Was preparecl oY1 R~ImER T M, ER G <vVN, City A tttn"tl@Y tMyof Clearwater, F, O. Box 4748 9,levwater, Florida 3351& ,