CliMi:lLAS co, FLORID~
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TIn;; hCJZr:L!iUlT, miHlc~ nnd cntcl'cd into Llli~,; 19th clay or January ,197 2 ~
; )~' and )w b,.'c en the Cri'Y 0 F C Ll~!\ ]\II/o.'.I'1:J\, FLO l~ X )1i\) ~l--j'-;;,;-11'~(~'ipill c~:;-;~iic)j~ilT':i:(';~jl-) '--
)l{.;\'eindJtcl' rcfcr'l'cd to (l~; "City";' and .I/A..J- . It. j - d (! 'rD.
)lc):'cin,dter' ):'cd'c.;r'r'cd to (l~c~ "0\v)1Cl.,ll; (A Florida Corporation)
\'JJJE)'?E^S~' i:1)(; O',.mer' m'nlS ,the fo1101.ji))L~ dc;;cr:i.bcd :ceal pl'OpCl"'ty situated l--
'the City of Clc.:l.r'\-.'atel"')P:i.nclla~ County) FJ.c)J"'icla:
,L~f /~" "it~Lt,i5' '~?;..' AC...e-. 5(/'~ h~$l /lckl
d /7S~ (~"~iJ" x).L-L<.\.....-() .'
an .
"lIlERE^S, OJ:,chnClnce, 1.10. 1219 of the City' ):,cqU1.res that a1.1 lanel .that abut~
a p'-,lblic ,pight, of \',a:'(~. \' is ~o, have ))0\') constr'\lct,1on 0:1. it ~ cit))c}~ fen--
:r.--cSJ.c1ent2_al) CO];~;:;8I"C)_Cll) :Llldl.lstrlaJ. 0)"\ ot)WY' purpo~;eS, ~;hCl.L.L h~lve sidc\-:alks
constructed by t})C OInlcir on) acro::;~~ 01-- acljc:c(;nt tlJe):'c~to; an(~
\'nn=m~I\S, .the Omlcr is cr'ccting certain ncl'l con~~t'('uction on said p)"Or)(~r't:.'
2nd )1.-18 l'cque~~tc:d the City at thi~; timc not to I'couil'e the. ilnmediClte inr;tcdL:-
tion and construction ofsicl('.'/Ialb;. in connection thcrc\..'ith; and
VmEFEI\S) the Ol.,mc::r hi:l~:; agreed tl1clt if in t11(': ful:urc the City) in its sole:
,cJiscrc'l:ion~ dctc:;:'r,,:i,.nc~:; t}WL it is clClvisablc '-1nd neccc;;~~ary to hCJ,ve ;;uch
s:idc\]l:tJJ~s insta,l:Lccl) that the O\.mcj,~ \-.'il1,. upon not:i.fication by th8 City> have
s:t_(}(~\'la.}J:f3 5_Tf!Iflecj_atcly irls-ci-l11ed cl.t llis e>:'r)Crlf.;c, CJ.l)c) if }~}e s]10\.11(1 f:ail "lel db C,-
t:hcn .thc City mav have sa.:i.cj instalJat:Lon mac1cand il11Do~;e a lien agc.l.inst-~ t-;18
descr':~,bcc1 real p;_"'oper'ty fo).-- the 'cost thereof.;:-" . . --::"~o':2' .
NOH ~ TJJE1~ErO:zE) in considc~r'ai:ion o.f the foregoing prcrni~';8s '::1)1(1' ot1wJ:' goc~
{l)ld va}uable:: con~~:i_dcra.~:ion be 'tt,-.lCC:TI the p<p:,t5-cs ~ r'Gc_c:ipt ,of \-1hich l_S hereby
.- ackno\-Jlec1ge.d ~ the pcn"'tJ_c~:; hc:c(~to COVCJlclnt anc}' agr'ec as. J:ol101'lf.;:
.1. The City \.Jill not (3,t this time reqU:l.l..e the in~~tallation and
consb:'uctioll of sic1c\'Ja1b; as part of the e1:'cction of t})(~ building and
iJnp):'oyel~1C~nt:s by the O\-mer' ~>ri the::. above dcs'cr'ibed )~e(11 pj--operty.
. 2_, The City T:'.clY at any time in. the futur'-8 notify the O\mcr'~ his )wi:cs>
pe):'~39ni'),1 :r.'cpresentcd:ivcs ~ succef,SOl'S or assip;jls that the City in i 1:S SOl.e
discretion has clct8rmined that it 1.8 advisable and neccessary to hClve sidewal~
installed in cOJ)nect1on with said described real property.
3. The O\.mer- or hi~; heir"s ~ }wy'sona.l y'cpr0senatives') Sllccessors or assi.::-~
s hall at h i ~; ex pen ~; e \-J i t h i 11 n i n e ty (9 0) day:; f j"' 0 Tn t h c not i fie 0. t ion by t 11 e C i ~:
))c}ve ,sidei')Cllks installed foX' ~~aid dC~3Cr'ib(~c1 ,l~cal pl~OpCl-..ty in accopdancc \..Iit:l
City sp8cifications and stClndards as estdbli~;hed.'
II. If {he (lI-.'nel"' or llis he:ir'~; > pcrson~\i l"'cpre::;entatives ~ sllcceSS01~~3 01:'
'>o.:'S)'(11-"<~' eI)-'-'l r,,-",) ~-o 'I):'VC" "'1'(1(","1'-<' ';I'c~'-JJ "'~'I (0(',,-, -"j t' ],-,.,.. .....-;1.0' " ,,1 "'r"n.."'~--
c,..>. '-c. .,> ., L<.L .C"__, l- c<. ,J. -"d..,J,,) _. ,.:> loclo. _(_, ... ).. L 1__ (,---"CL.. ).-(1 1 Cc._ yn ,),,_. .
. , ' l C' "f'" 1 1 . ,. (.) - .
:Ul accoY'(lt"nce \.:lLl lty SpeCJ. .':Lcat1on5 and ~~tc)nc.'::lr( s \,ntlnn ~!O da'is
fr'om the notific,~tion by the City) 'then the City may have the~~:idc\-Jcl.l]~f; .
~_nstallcd and .assess 2nd :llIipOSe c1 1i:,,:n again:; t t}w clc:~;cribedl:'eLll- D}:'ODCJ:'t'l f::.~
the cost of the \iO)'}~. . .' -
f,. Thi~~ ugr'c:cTilcnt i:. to be rer~,::rc1ed (l~; Cl coven,-1l1"l: r'unninJ_~ \ the _1,::,,~'
)_"cgilL"'dJc~~:; of uhcU:cp it if; [;!)(~c.iric(lll'y ];,cnt:i.onccl in :'\n:1 clc(.;d~; or, CCH1\'CVZlncc,
~;uh[.;cqucliLly c:.:ccutcd ~ and thi~) l1gr'ccr::cnt ~;h<tJ,l .be binding on all pc!i"'tj(;~;) 'C:~
h(~ir"s, personal )"'c:j>:ce8cntati;;cs, succc:~~;oP:; (n."' c1:;s,ll~n:3. '
() . 1\ 11 not j c (~ ~; p tn"':~ \l <'I )) t tot 11 i s a r~ r C l; r~.r; n t ;, 11 ,l.11 be ftn" n i :'i II c d t 0 tll C
:f'esl) Pil1"'ti.C:, at the foJ.1o\.I.1lli'. c:clc\}:'c:.;:;c:; j until j,"'ccc:ipt of \-Ji'iti:(~n
:'i.n:;tr'\lctioll:;, ))otiryin[~ the otllCl" p,n"'ty of n.' c1iffc:r-'cnt (lcJdress:
City: OIIlW)':
11r', l'lcr'T"ci.:t }~. S"tiCl"")"tciJr\ . . .
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I fJEREBY CERT~rY, that ~n thiS:L~dilY Of,4:.- f.~~ < A. D. 19roZ.
b(~:For8 me pcpsonal1y, appeci:cec1 lk)_'Y'ctt R. Sticl'1w:~'lfc~-stM: l'1.. J3r'o\m,
leG. Uhitc))cac1 anel H. E\lel~ctt: Hour-en, rGspcctiv(~ly -City l-lanC:lgcr~ City
Al: t 0):' n c y) C i t Y C 1 e :c k c~ n c1 }-l C1 yo 1.' - Con r:t i s s ion c,r , 'o:f:' the C )' t Y 0 f C 1 C en",) d t C'. p ~
a municipal cor'Por'<ltion cx:i,sting under ti,e .;L-et...,'s of the State of fJ_O):,j",_d<l;---to
. me knc)'"J!j to be the indivicJucd.s and officcr'f;' clcscr':Lbed in, and \\'ho o:ccutcd t'h
'fQ):,cgoinr; I\gr'ec~mcnt 2nd ~;(;vc):'211y ackno'\.:led~cd the c:xccutiont))cct-:of to I)e
-their' -.r~e~ act and c~ecc1. as su<?h, of~icc):'~3 tl:e~~C:'.uli~o d\\~-y at~t}.lOrizcd; i:!ncl thc<
,'the off J_cJ_al see!_l or sc::':1.d JiiUnlclPaJ C01~':)O}:'cli::lcn1 J_:; duJy af:fl.xcd thc):"'c:;to~ 2nc
the said agreement is t)le act and deed.;f said copporcl:tion.
.. \'lITNESS my s:i.gnatul'c and official seal at C1CaY'\'latci-. in the County ,of
Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above WY'itten.
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Not~;Y Public, State _ of F!(lr:da, at tar~e '.
My (Qmmr,<ia:; F"~tre; :1('1':. :..), \973
-. Ilond.d b Am.rico" Firo & Co,uolly Co.
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,Bcfore m~' pcrsonally ilppcilrc~, if{'A'~fi<~;fl~
,to lne vlell b10\.Jn and t:liO'.-ln to r~,e to be t11C ':i.ndivic1uaJ.~~ c1escpillcc1 In and \'I11c.
cxccu t eel the for(~ 00 i nf, (l r~"f'ccr:'.'2n t and ac;bio':llc:c1 f'. cel be fOl~C J:1e tlw t thcv
c>: e cut e d t 11 e S cJ Hl C for the pUt'!) 0 S cst 11 c 1~ c i n c :< p 1--' C sse d , '1" i ~: ,
\-Jl'l'lll:SS my hund itlid official seal this.lif~y Of._~_.J\' D. . ~~:J1:;'\
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This instrume'ut was prep,wed by:
HERBERT J\I. B-n()Vn~, City AttorIley
City of Clearwater, P. 0, Box 4748
,Clearwater, Florida 33518
. ~ \ i ,
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