SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (89) ~ I m4~."o(j o.R.358.4 PAGE 221 ?/ 5/7 / TillS ^GJ~EH1ENT, 1ll;1t1e and cnte-red inLo this, /2- d.1Y or hi , 197 I by <Inti bC4W~~~ ll~ Cl'pu ~'I CLEI\l\\~i\':'J~R, FLORIDA". a 1I11lllicip.1l corpor.:Jli,on, hCl'cina[tct'-' re[encd t'ML J" lie"! l~", I'bnlJ _ Y,4~.IV Un de ~A'vcI &...,,0 hercina[t('r referred to as 1(}\"l1cr"; . / RECORDF.O I 4\ "Nl!llAl!.S co, :'lORIOA . .~ J~ m...u~ ClERK GIIK'JIT COURT 71078448 . ~ AGREEl-IJ:NT WITNESSETH: , ' \:nlERE^S, the- Oi'.'Ilcr O\vns the follO\-.'in~ described realyropcrty situated in City or Clcanv.1tcr, Pincllas County, Florida: ~'.,~ 32 .~. 3~ ~Cd>c:ft: 4:' ~.~ /Ide! 7&- ~~J /&- ~ r'd f'cf. itjK!IJ ;0'6/: <5, ftftJSf'Etr:' the and \\IUEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City l'cquires tllat all land th~t-abutf; a public right of '\'.1y, \-lhich is to h.1ve 1l('.".' construction on it, either for residcntiol, commercial, indus trial or ot11er pl1rposes, shall have sidcHalks cons truc ted by the owner on, across br adjacent thereto; and HHERE^S, the (\.mer is ci'ectin3 certain ne\v construction on said property and has requC'~;t('c1 the City at this time not to require the immediate installation ilnd construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the O.m(~r has agreed tl1at if: in the future the City, in its sole elis..., cretion, determines that it is advis3ble :1l1d nec(>ss,u~y to have such :,ic1c\'.'alks >. installed, that tlw O;.mer Hill, upon notific8tion by the City, have sic1e"'3lks Q)oO ~ E ~ immecliClte1y installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then tllC City ~2~ . ma)T 11Clve said installati.on made and impose a lien against the described real property '0 ....., 00". ~ < ~ ~for the cos t thereof; ell >.j:Q ~ ~ G 0: lWH ,TIIE!lEEOR]~. ,in.cons:i. d eLaLionu oJ~ t hgfgreJ:~gAT1g rtJ Z 0.; ~valuablc consideration bct\'lcen the parties, rc~c(dpt of ; ~ ~~the parties hereto covenant and agree as follo\-7s:' OQ)..... +>~~ . ~~?:~ c ........ S ~ ;3 ;of J-< .......... 't;; E-< U coon r=~ C) .- ~ "0 G .31 ~ >. ~&3.~ p:U Rrcmises and other good and uhich is hereby aclmo\.!lcc1ged, f.The sid CHi'll ks the ~lbove City 1-7i11 not at this time as part of the erection of described real property. require the installation Dnd construct.ion the building Lmd improvements by the O;.mer 2. The Ci.ty DWY at Llny ti.JllC~ in th'c future notify the O;mer, his heirs, personal . . representatives, SUCCCSSo)~S or assir,ns thC\tthe Ci.ty in its sole disc~etion has .determined that it i.s advisable and nccessory to h~ve side~alks in~talled in connection Hith said descril>ed real property. 3. '1'he Ov7l1cr or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at hjs expense Hithin ninety (90) days from t11e notification by the City have sidcHa1ks installed for said described real property in accordance \-lith City . s~ecifications and,standards as established. 4. If the (};,mcr or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assir,ns shall fail to .have- sicle\,.'alks installed for tllC describe,cl' real property in accordance \"ith City specifications and SUmdards "litllin ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City nay have the side,'].11ks installed and assess ancl impose a lien against t~e described real prope!ty for the cost of the work. 5. This ngreement is to' be regarded as a covenant runninG ,..'ith the lanel, regardless of ,..'hether it is specifically mentioned in any ,deedi;' or conveYDnces suT)sequcntly executed, and this agreement 511.111 be bin(linc on all parties, their heirs, pe1'50n31 representatives, succcss6rs or nssi~ns, 6. All notices pursuant to this a8rec~ment shall be furnis1wd to the rc'spcctivc parties at tIle following .1ddre5Ses, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a different auurc:f>s: City: o. '. Mr. Merrett R. Stierhcim Ci ty l,lall<lf,l'r P. O. Box ll7lj8 Clc:ln"ater, Florida 33518 O\mcr: #A--j;;.., U/ld"i /55 2 ~ vel.A-.1 C L e~ Y /A-//,I lir/ L Ap'C/ <' f ~T- (~rf' /:'LA, -1- O'lD\~ o?(b) - . I I ,O.R. 3584 PAGE '222 ~. IN \HTNESS \'i1IE1~EOF) the parties here to h<1vC caused executed the do)' i1nd year LIS t nbovc '']1'i ttcn. ~;:::cctocss: City Attorney 'CW iTfle-s s-c-s.----- .......----.. ^~C.~~ ~'~ As to City . "(,- ~, - ~..- ,~. : ,"'''". ~: ",':, ~.... n c]i'.... v .;,.r;..:':;;;' ";. ~ '.j' ,/ I. /~:'~-".>~""'7~' '0.." :i. .... ~ . .....,.1. .' r"", O' ..'., (1 g;:; f "... -< .' / >} ~.,: i,~' I = ........ ~ ..) ..... """-t.....,... ;. ~ :~ ~_~ \. .';~t>. ,~",_.;: "~"'-:': /~-"~ ' ~~/'. "':Jl.l(Jv ..'~ .~ ~ ~~,~/~~.~ -.- ..<~,~ ,~ ",.1 \,I !t-, 'W"';:'~r""'''''': \C'_\V ,.... I", 4-i:/V"J ~1'\\\~,,\'", \,,,, 'II I ~\,I ",. . }Iill ~ JJ H j ~ ~ \\\ \ . (l0>>;i X ~ ~d?<-)?~p~ As to, Oi,ll1Cr STNfE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF pn;ELLAS) I HEREllY CERTIFY, thot 00 this Iv d _day of 1h:<-~-, A.D. 197-L, before me person.Jlly appeared l-!crrett R. Stierheirn, 'Dc-rbert: - . Hroivn, R.G.'(~hiteheac: and H. .Everett Hougen, respectively City Man~ger) City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor- . COilnnTssio11ei' oCme.CTtytn~~TlC[if.\;jarer,-a~TnffYlicrp~,1nc:orp(jYatibn existing under-the lmvs of the Stote of Florida, to me knmm to be the individuals aJ1d officers c1escribed in and ,,,110 executed tlle foregoing Agreement <111c1 ~;cver[llly acknoi-lledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as suell officers thereunto duly,authorizcd; and that the officiol seal of soid municipal corporation is duly ,affixed thereto, and the said DgrccDcnt is the act "and deed of said corpor<1tion. WITNESS my signature and official seal at: Clcan:JCltcr in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and ye~r 1ast above Hrittcn. }~ Conmlission Expires: yr< 7/0-"/1 >"";",\111:" ,~,.' . \ c~h ."'j ~L ~~~~~ ,If ~:,. ~1i"r;;<"""4.,, .. ",,~ Notary ul .f~ _ <'. '0''". \ ; /. '"" 't.7..., "~\;A~. ! i"O C , '.' ,_,'~ ! /(/ \ '~~,- : ::' ~-= : ~. -..; ~,,:~}:l...l : UI ~-'uJ ':. () <oW,. 0;, \')' ~ -t' 01\1 ~. '\f., .". ,; ..J.. t \~ .~~ ...,~ c!J.'..... ',.:""',, .'~t',~~;....~'" tIl.", " .~.....,.",~,~,,''. ',\':'" "~, J ~ ': ~,":"" ;~"\ r I , , ; ; . 'f. l'~ , I t \ -, 'Notary P"hlic State of n "I ~- , '.' " , U/I( a a L Large My Co:nnddon2xpims Sept. 29 1973 . Bonuod a A . , ." 't ..-, m.~"C.I~:~.11 fic.g, :~ ~C~~~~JJ,y' $;..Q.s .~,..~.._,~..._, ---.'.-- . WITNESS my Iwnd ond offic,ial seal this 02 ,,:,.'~{ ~"lr~ '~1"A' j J _. dClY of /t: "'(~'i "nJ."A'{",1 97/ .. ','- ~~~~~.vt-~". '~i'" -, ," ~~~,. j' . ,'<:t' ..," ;~ ' _';: C)~,," ~; '_, ~ .,~'c;' 1~ ,. ,hi.;/ ,~'.' (L/ ',,_. . v.\ J..... ~ ~".: \'~~ N ",I U:!.,'I .~" ,.. ., ,,-.. ,. - 0" ~ 01.':1ry ~'~,,~C~" -R,. '.) \"'.' :::t .i:~ ~'j..;;tf. <;)(,t""',",<\~ ,,:If ""'/~~~~;(:' ,:;' '1\~' \::-",>~., By COllllfd.i;ljlon Expires: November 14, 1971 ----