SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (121) ,,,,. I .,1016113 I OR 3484 p.~GE657 'fi A G R E E MEN T TIUS AGREEHENT, made and entered into this 21st day of JAn11Ary , ~~ii, by and bet,,,cen the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "ti ty"; and Nationwide Land Coroora tion hereinafter referred to as "o."ner"; WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, the Owner o~vns the follm.,ring described real City of Clearwater, Pin~llas County~ Florida: Legal: Lot 6 BloCK Greenwood Park S~~di~ision ItjK/fj })d,3 ~~ property situated % in~~ ~.7. . o ~ ;r.' ~..... ,'''1 ?~C) ~?~~: -:: c -n L tn ;:o,.-,rn - "tJ t"'~ 0 :::r:: M_ ... J;~.' , _....;.;.., ~pubU.c - ~ at - and _. -____-----__.---__,__~--<r-------.-...---...,....~ ,,~- -"-~'-- - WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land that abuts right of ~vay, which is to have ne\\I construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the owner on, across or adjacent thereto; and WHEREAS, the Owner is erecting certain ne\" construction on said property and has requested the City at this time not to require the illU11ediate installation and construction of sideHalks in connection therewith; and >> (1)00 ~"1i . ;..; t- $"1i : -1-' 00 ,~~,-l I .'.c:; Uj : ~~H ~ ~~ .'~ ),J 0 ~ , ~ -.; r. . '-" 1--. " .....-l () r'""~ i..-l rl ~ 1--,_.. 0 :,.P ~ ~ ,..-.t ~; ; -) 'J fi.l :: ;:- ~ "~J :.: l: H ~;; ..B S ".-: '~ ~ ~ r:~ <.1) ~ H ...-~ ~ t:; [--i U oS ~ p.~ '+-4 ~ - r~ 0 u t1J. ~ "- '::: p:; -0 ....l:i:l ",-< E--i.p::o WHEREAS, the O.vner has agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole dis- cretion, determines that it is advisable and necessary to have such sidewalks installed, that the o.'lIler vlill, upon notification by the City, have side\"alks innnediately installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City may have said installation ulade and impose a.lien against the described real property for the cost thereof; NOh', THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable consideration between the parties, receipt of: vlhich is hereby ackno\vledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follO\"s: 1. The City will not at this time require the installation and construction of sic1eHalks as part of the erection of the building and improvements by the Owner on the above described real property. 2. The City may at: any time in the future notify the O\vner, his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and necessary to have sidewalks installed in connection Hith said aesciribed real property. 3. The o.~ner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns sha.ll" at his expense within ninety (90) days from tIle notification by the City have sidewalks installed for said described real property in accordance with City specifications and. standards as established. 4. If the O..;rner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to have sidc\valks installed for the describe,d real property in accordance vlith City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City may have the sidewalks installed and assess and impose a lien against the described real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant-running with the land, regardless of \.;l1ether it is speci:Hcally mentioned in any deeds or conveyances subsequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, their heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns. 6. All notices pursuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respective parties at the folloHing addres~es, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other pa~ty of a.different address; City: Hr. Nerrett R. Stierheim City H<lnagcr ' P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 Owner; Nationwide Land,Corporation 1852 Drew st. Clearwater, Florida -1- O(-oo'f~DoL~ "!", I L.R 3484 PAGE658 IN \HTNESS \'i11EI~EOF, the p:ll-tics !l('rcto have causcd tllCGC prcscntfi to be executed the (by :Iud ycnr Illf.t nbovc \-lrittcn. . By \~itnesscs : l> L~b/ -g///J A~o:f::r ~ , ~ ~ti~ ~ ~.mer' " ," '.~~ STATE OF FLm, IDA. ) COUNTY OF pmELLAS) /'I" 1<17/ ... I HEREBY CEH.TIFY, thilt on this ~2d_d<1y'of _Y..:--_ A.D. ~ beforc me p.:~rsollc111y ilppearcd l'lc~n:ett l~. Sticrheim, Herbe:.rt H. Bro- , R..G.Hl1itchead and JI.. Everc t t lIougen, respectively Ci ty l-l.:ll1.:lger, City Attorney) Ci ty Clerk and Hayor- Commissioner of the Ci-ty of C1CDrlvatc.r, a Ji'Ul'ticipal corp017ation exi~;ting under the l(H\'s of the StelLe of Zlorida, to me l~no,Jl1 to' he tl1C: individuc,ls and officers described. in and \,,110 (,}:cclltecl tllC fore(~o:ing f\['yccmcnt anrl '3<'_\7ora11y ackno"Jlcdg(>() thc. cxccut:ion thereof to be tl1eir frcc~ act imeJ deed as such officcr~; thereunto c1ulY'.:Jutl1Orizcd; and that the officj.21 senl of f;nid municipal corporation is duly.affi>:cd there.to). i1nd the said llgrccn~nt: is the act and deed of said corpoj~{ltjon. ,m;:~H~SS my signature nnd official !;cnl i1t Clcan!Cltcr in the County of Pincllas and S,tfltc, tI.:f"Flod_<.la, the day i1ncl year last: allovc ','TitLe,n., ~. .\ I, \ ~~.~-dL Notary Public Ny Commission; E):p ire s: Nolilry Public. 5.t;:);2\~! Florida at large MyCc~:.Li:,n b'::\C5 Od. 21, 1974. Donded' oy American tlfe Q. l..a~u.IJJ '1iJ.! STATE Of FLOIGn/>. ) COUNTY OF prr~ELL^S) Befo)'e me perse",,] ly "1'i"",,'od _.' ~Q _ ~____________.. to me \-lC 11 1."0',,,, a"d k"mm. to J"C to be the i nd i v id ud" d':" CJ: i, bed j" H"d \-lho ex'lf!i: d ' the foregoing .;101-ccmcnt.:ll1d .:1ckno\.!led{.:l'<.l h(~forc !ile that they executed the s,"JQf~.d~Qr the purpo~;es therein cY.pH~s"cd. \'-J ~:'jIL'~)< No'\. ,.,.n".:; " .;s; . ~ ~ " <:, -', . ~ WITNESS lilY hand. .md oHic.iol sc.}l this 02. 7 clay or' ~rP1~Jf?-;(:c /t2Jt;'rf'9,?t\ . __ ~::;'.~L,! ~.. ~~. J;?' i '_" .4 __ "_'.. ....,_ r;;; \.,,,. t" .;,; / d ,;' (;:;.~.ii",..,:; /J' J:.... \,;,l...' f~~..",""" No l ~Iry I'lllJ lie" .,J71j"f}\;"-"- 'I"$'tll~', ~ ~'i I . Hy COll1lllf!;r;lon Fi;pjf('~;:.