Agenda No. '1
Meeting Date: 1/21/82
The City Com missi,on of the City of Clearwater
RECOMMENDATION~ The attached proposal of Neighborly Senior Services to
conduct an energy conservation program be approved_
o And that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same.
BACKGROUN 0: As part of the 6th Year C.D.B.G. (1980-81) program, the Commission
budgeted $50,000 for energy conservation programs. A hot water heater insulation
project, approved on November 6, 1980, expended $6,508.44 of those funds.
Neighborly Senior Services (NSS) has proposed to conduct an energy conservation
proposal utilizing $40,000 of the funds remaining. That proposal meets the
criteria of the block grant program and is more fully described on the attachment.
Upon approval, the standard Agreement for Public Services funded
under the Community Development Block Grant Program contract will be executed
with NSS.
Commission Disposition:
Fol low-up Action:
Submitted by:
o Affected
of Meeting
City Manager
DateB Sequential
IJ Not Required fit Not Required
Originating Department 1ml
Community Development
Costs: $40.000 ~Attachments:
Funding Source:
1. Proposal
o Capital Improve-
ment Budget
o Operating Budget
Sf Other CTI'RG
Appropriation Code
181-1-9454 0 None
Energy Conservation Proposal
Submitted to:
The City of Clearwater
Community Development Department
10 South Missouri Avenue
Clearwater, Florida 33515
Submitted by:
Neighborly Senior Services, Inc.
440 Second Avenue, North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Fredric Buchholtz, EXecutive Director
Introduction............................................. .
Program Description.
A. G:>a 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Objective... .
C. Methodology.....
Bu dge t Na r rat i ve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. Introduction
Neighborly Senior Services, Inc. is requesting $40,000 in order to
implement an energy conservation program in conjunction and cooperation
with Florida Power Corporation's Home Energy Fix-up Program. This
project proposes a cooperative effort between a non profit, social ser-
vice agency and the private sector in order to provide home improvements
to a vulnerable population, the low income elderly residing in the City
of Clearwater. NSS will be able to extend its service dollars to twice
as many elderly clients with the proposed funding as it would if the
agency were to complete the project on its own. Florida Power will pay
for one half of each energy fix-up not to exceed a maximum of $50.00 per
household. NSS will pay for the remaining half of each energy fix-up
not to exceed a maximum of $50.00 per household. A cap of $100.00 will
be put on the energy modifications to be done on each participant's
residence. In addition to increasing the cost effectiveness of the pro-
gram, cooperation between NSS and Florida Power brings a wide variety of
expertise and technology to the project. Florida Power adds its
expertise in energy conservation techniques and energy auditing, and NSS
brings its expertise in the delivery of social services to the elderly
and ability to outreach the low income and homebound elderly that are
most in need of services. This program also allows for expertise in
workmanship as installation will be performed by professional con-
tractor s.
The main objective of th is service project is to administer a walk
through energy audit to approximately 582 elderly residents of
Clearwater and on the basis of this audit, implement a maximum of six
(6) energy conservation measures as needed in each individual
household. The following energy conservation measures will be installed
as determined by the energy audi t: a hot water heater insulation jacket
and insula- tion for pipes leading to waterheater, weatherstr ipping on
exterior doors, caulking of exterior windows and doors, adj ustmen t of
water heater thermostat, water flow restr ictors, and electr ical outlet
and switchplate gaskets.
II. Program Description
A. Coal
The goal of this energy conservation proposal is to administer a walk
through energy audit to approximately 582 elderly residents of
Clearwater, and on the basis of this audit, some or all of the
following low cost energy conservation items will be installed:
Caulking on windows and doors.
Weatherstripping of exterior doors.
Waterheater and hot water pipe insulation wrap.
Adjustment of water heater temperature.
Water flow restrictors.
Electrical outlet gaskets.
The above energy saving measures have been selected by the U. S.
Department of Energy as offering the greatest return in energy
savings for the least amount of effort and expense; and have been
endorsed by Florida Power Corporation as effective energy conserva-
tion measures. The implementation of the above energy saving
measures will help to conserve energy and significantly reduce
monthly electric bills for the low income elderly who are most
drastically affected by the inflationary costs of energy. In
addition, the energy audit will include many no cost energy saving
suggestions that will help the elderly resident conserve energy and
lower energy bills.
B. Cbj ecti ve
1. To administer a walk through energy audit to at least 582 low
income elderly residents of the City of Clearwater and on the
basis of this audit implement a maximum of the six above-mentioned
energy conservation measures.
The following action steps will be implemented in order to achieve
the stated objective:
a. Hire and train an Energy Coordinator.
b. Publicize the energy conservation program through local news-
papers, radio spots, presentations to local civic organiza-
tions, social agencies and mobile home parks, and through
announcements at all NSS locations in Clearwater.
c. All NSS Site/Program Managers in Clearwater will dis tribute,
collect and forward applications for the energy conservation
program to the NSS Energy Coordinator .
d. Application will be made available to the public (60 and over)
at key locations in Clearwater.
e. Energy Coordinator will screen all applicants based on eligi-
bility criteria.
f. Energy Coordinator will contact the Florida Power Home Energy
Fix-up Representative and arrange for energy audits to be
performed at each client's home.
g. Florida Power
request sheet
of materials
savings items
auditors will submit a cost estimate and work
to the Fix-up Representative detailing the amount
needed and the estimated cost of the energy
and their installation for each client household.
h. Florida Power will retain a list of outside contractors who
will provide and install energy conservation material according
to, the agreed price specifications on the cost estimate and
work request sheet.
i. Florida Power will draw up a contract between each NSS client
and the specified con tractor before work is to begin on any
j. Energy Coordinator will set op appointments for energy work to
be completed at each client's home.
k. Upon completion of each home f ix-up, the Energy Coordinator
will inspect the quality of installation of materials in each
client residence.
1. NSS will pay
tracted work
household) .
its portion of the contractor's bill after con-
is inspected and approved by the Energy
(Up to', but not exceeding a cost of $50.00jclient
m. Energy Coordinator will survey client satisfaction and
effectiveness of program in 15% of ~~e residences where energy
conservation materials have been installed.
n. The Energy Coordinator will keep all necessary files, and com-
plete and forward all records and reports to the City of
Clearwater Community Development Department as required.
C. Methodology
Upon notification of the grant award, Neighborly Senior Services,
Inc. will designate a Project Director wi thin its staff who will in
turn, hire and train a Special Project Energy Coordinator who will be
responsible to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the pro-
posed project with the Florida Power Corporations' Home Energy Fix-up
Program~ The availability of this energy conservation service
program will be publicized in local newspapers, radio stations, and
through other appropriate means wi th a special effort to reach the
elderly with the greatest economic need. Where possible, NSS will
cooperate with Florida Power Corporation in publicizing the program.
Applications for participation in this program will be available at
the following addresses wib~in the city limits of Clearwater:
1. Jewish Community Center, 302 S. Jupiter Avenue, Clearwater,
Florida 33516.
2. Mount Carmel Baptist Church, 1014 Pennsylvania, Clearwater,
Florida 33515.
3. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 407 South Saturn, Clearwater, Florida
4. Channel Markers for the Blind, 1610 N. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater,
Florida 33515.
5. Ci ty of Clearwater Community Development Department, City Hall
Annex Building, Clearwater, Florida 33518.
Al though all Clearwater residents 60 years of age or older will be
welcome to complete an application, the following criteria will be
used to determine the eligibility of each applicant:
;.. .~
1. Residents of the City of Clearwater (and)
2. Sixty (60) years of age or older (and)
3. Household income at or below limits set by the Ci ty of Clearwater
Community Development Department (and)
4. Applicant directly responsible for paying monthly electric bills.
The Energy Coordinator will screen all applications for eligibility
requirements, and will then arrange wi th the f ix-up representative
for energy audits to be performed by Florida Power auditors. Upon
completion of the audit, the Florida Power auditor will submit a cost
estimate and work request sheet to the Fix-up Representative
detailing the amount of materials needed and the estimated cost of
each energy fix-up. The energy fix-up (materials and labor) ,will be
a minimum $20.00 and will not exceed a maximum of $100.00 per client
household. Florida Power will pay for one half of each energy fix-up
not to exceed a maximum of $50.00 per household. NSS will pay for
the remaining half of each energy fix-up not to exceed a maximum of
$50.00 per household. Florida Power will retain a list of preferable
outside contractors who will provide and install energy conservation
materials according to the specifications on the cost estimate and
work request sheet. The Energy Coordinator will coordinate appoint-
ments for energy work to be completed between each client and con-
tractor. A representative from Florida Power will train the Energy
Coordinator to perform on-site inspections of installation of
materials after the contractor's work is completed at each client
household. When the contractor completes the work required, he will
then submit a bill to Florida Power for half of the total amount (not
to exceed $50~00), and submit a second bill to NSS for the other half
of the total amount (not to exceed $50.00). NSS I bill will be paid
after the contracted work passes satisfactory inspection by the
Energy Coordinator.
It is estimated that each energy -fix-up will take a maximum of 2-3
hours per household. It is expected that all energy conservation
items will not have to be installed in each applicant's home.
Therefore, it is most probable that more than the estimated 582
elderly low income residents will actually benefit from this program.
The Energy Coordinator will be responsible for surveying client
satisfaction and cost effectiveness of the program in 15% of the
residences where energy conservation materials have been installed.
Energy Conservation Project
Budget Narrative
III. Budget Narrative
A. Personnel
1. Project Director .0271 x 14,560
2. Energy Cbordina~or
4.27 HR x 6 hrs/day x 184 days
Total salaries
3. Fringe Benefits
a. FICA - 6.65% x $5,109
$ 340
b. Work Compo - 4% x 1st $5,200 204
.04 x $5,109
c. Unemp. Compo - .9% x 1st $6,000
.009 x $5,109
Total Personnel
B. Travel
Energy Coordinator
20 mi./day x 184 days x .20/mi
c. Communication and Utili ties .
1. TeleFhone
a. Installation
b. 9 mon ths @ 35/mo.
2. Electric, Water, Sewer, etc.
75/mo. x 9 months
Total Communications and Utilities
D. Other Cbsts
1. Contracted Services
a. Energy Cbnservation Installations
$50/house x 582 houses
Total Direct Cost
E. Indirect Cbst
9.14% x 36,650
Total Budgeted Cost
$ 4,714
j 5A.1Q2